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International Journal of Civil Engineering (0123456789().,-volV)(0123456789().
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Pre-Event Assessment of Seismic Resilience Index for Typical Iranian

Buildings via a Web-Based Tool
Abed Ekhlaspoor1 • Morteza Raissi Dehkordi2 • Mahdi Eghbali3 • Delbaz Samadian4

Received: 30 January 2021 / Revised: 22 June 2021 / Accepted: 17 July 2021

 Iran University of Science and Technology 2021

Rapid assessment of the resilience and vulnerability of critical structures and infrastructures is necessary to prepare
stakeholders and decision-makers for risk mitigation during future catastrophic events. The current study developed a web-
based software tool called a Resilience indicator (Ri) that can estimate the seismic resilience index of Iranian structures. Ri
can calculate seismic resilience index and draw functionality, IDA (Incremental Dynamic Analysis), fragility, and vul-
nerability curves. The approach includes rapid evaluation of the resilience index using vulnerability curves as well as
accurate evaluation of structural resilience through uploading the results of nonlinear dynamic analysis to the Ri software.
The current version of the software can be applied by civil engineers, stakeholders, and decision-makers. Meanwhile, the
on-going development of the software aims to expand its capabilities in the area of seismic risk assessment. Compared to
other similar tools, Ri is able to demonstrate the performance of structures right after the occurrence of an earthquake until
the considered control time. Having utilized a strong database of more than 300 existing fragility and vulnerability curves,
Ri will clearly show the vulnerability of structures by which the functionality curve can be attained as well.

Keywords Web-based software  Seismic resilience index  Vulnerability curves  Fragility curves

1 Introduction decision-makers and civil engineers. Researchers must find

effective and feasible methods of assessing the resilience
The extent to which societies can resist future catastrophic and robustness of communities and infrastructures, poten-
events, such as earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, hurricanes tial losses and the recovery of structures after experiencing
and terrorist attacks, is of great concern to governments, natural and human disasters. To properly plan for disaster
risk management, it can be useful for decision-makers to
quickly assess the risk and probable damage to the com-
& Morteza Raissi Dehkordi
munity and structures. Several studies have developed
computer and software applications for risk analysis,
Abed Ekhlaspoor
especially for earthquake loss estimation (ELE).
The main approaches in earthquake loss estimation
Mahdi Eghbali
(ELE) software are exposure models, hazard analysis,
vulnerability analysis, and loss estimation [1]. ELE pro-
Delbaz Samadian
grams can have one or more calculators, such as scenario
risk (SCN), scenario damage assessment (SDA), proba-
School of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and bilistic event-based risk (PEB), classic probabilistic seis-
Technology, Tehran, Iran mic hazard assessment (PSHA)-based risk (CPB), and the
School of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and benefit–cost ratio (BCR) [2]. The SCN calculator can
Technology, University St., Hengam St., Resalat Square, estimate losses caused by an earthquake scenario, while
P. O. Box. 1676512 163, 16846-13114 Tehran, Iran SDA is capable of estimating the damage distribution for
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, assets. PEB and CPB use probabilistic methods to compute
University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran losses based on PSHA. BCR can demonstrate the efficiency
Department of Structural Engineering, Faculty of Civil and appropriateness of different retrofitting strategies for a
Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

International Journal of Civil Engineering

collection of buildings. Most ELE softwares, such as earthquake loss estimation model using a web format using
SELENA [3], OpenQuake [4], ELER [5], CAPRA [6], both SCN and PEB calculators. FEMA-P58 methodology
LNECLOSS [7], EQRM [8], and MAEviz [9], use SCN [14] estimates the consequences of a probable seismic
and SDA tools. event for a structure in terms of performance measures,
The OpenQuake Engine uses the calculators described such as the number of casualties, repair cost, repair time,
above to conduct online seismic hazard and risk analysis. and unsafe placards. These consequences then are com-
This tool is an open-source program developed by the pared with the desired performance objectives as defined
Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development by stakeholders and decision-makers for acceptable levels
[4]. SELENA (Seismic Loss Estimation Using a Logic of damage or loss at a given earthquake intensity. The
Tree Approach) was developed at NORSAR, the Interna- FEMA-P58 methodology employs PACT (performance
tional Centre for Geohazards and the University of Ali- assessment calculation tool).
cante [3]. With SELENA, users can estimate structural The concept of resiliency has attracted the attention of
damage to buildings, direct economic losses and casualties engineers and researchers in recent years. The resilience
caused by the estimated structural damage. SELENA uses index has been discussed in many fields of science [15–19].
GIS software to display probable losses graphically. It also In earthquake engineering, in particular, seismic resilience
uses SCN, SDA and PEB calculators and the capacity- means the ability of structures and infrastructures to
spectrum method (HAZUS, ATC-55 [10, 11]) with logic grapple with the debilitating effects of an earthquake and
tree-based weighting of input parameters that allows for the their ability to recover as quickly as possible [20–30]. In
computation of confidence intervals. EarthQuake Risk addition to structural parameters, economic and social
Management (EQRM) is an open-source program having parameters also affect the evaluation of the resilience
SCN, SDA and PEB calculators developed by Geoscience index. Bruneau et al. [31] defined four technical, organi-
Australia for use with earthquake ground-motion and loss zational, social, and economic (TOSE) dimensions and
modeling [8]. The risk analysis framework is based on four properties of redundancy, rapidity, robustness, and
HAZUS with modifications for Australian conditions. This resourcefulness (4 R’s) which should be considered during
tool is able to connect with earthquake monitoring pro- the assessment of seismic resilience. The Multidisciplinary
grams to provide automatic loss estimates. ELER [5] uses Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (MCEER)
SCN and SDN calculators to carry out urban seismic suggested that the seismic performance of a structure can
damage analysis for a variety of pipelines and buildings be assessed through a unique decision variable (DV) called
and provide separate modules for handling intensity-based ‘‘resilience’’ that considers variables, such as economic
and spectrum-based loss assessment. The Laboratorio loss, casualties, and recovery time [32]. Given the impor-
Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) developed LNE- tance of seismic resilience, evaluating the resilience level
CLOSS [7] in Portuguese for earthquake loss assessment of communities to allow for proper planning for seismic
associated with a GIS which encompasses modules to risk management is on the agenda of seismic researchers.
estimate human and economic losses, earthquake scenario Kammouh et al. [33] developed a web application to
bedrock input, local soil properties and fragility analysis. compute community resilience based on the PEOPLE
LNECLOSS uses the same calculators used by ELER for framework. Although PEOPLE provides a useful software
loss estimation. MAEviz provides seismic risk assessment program for urban resilience calculation, it cannot calculate
that is commensurate with structural and non-structural the seismic resilience index of buildings and vital struc-
components in buildings, bridges and lifelines using a tures. A pressing need remains for developing software that
built-in library of fragility functions [9]. It also integrates can estimate the site-specific seismic resilience index of
spatial and visual information to conduct seismic risk buildings, especially for earthquake-prone areas such as
evaluation and analysis. Iran. In pursuit of this goal, a Resilience indicator (Ri)
MAEviz uses SCN and SDN as well as the CPB cal- software has been developed that uses SCN and SDA
culator. KOERILOSS is a scenario-based building loss and calculators to estimate economic losses caused by a given
casualty estimation model that estimates earthquake losses earthquake in terms of the replacement-to-repair cost ratio
for different cities in Turkey [12–14]. This software utilizes and draw functionality curves of the structures that con-
both deterministic and probabilistic scenario forecasting siders possible losses. To evaluate the resilience level of
methods. The fragility calculation relies on the use of buildings, Ri computes the seismic resilience index without
empirical results or a response-spectrum-based method. the need for dynamic analysis using its built-in library of
Loss estimation is in accordance with the Istanbul earth- vulnerability functions. It also can import the results of
quake rapid response system. CAPRA (Central American dynamic analysis into Ri and calculate the resilience index.
Probabilistic Risk Assessment), which is currently under Compared with other similar software such as HAZUS in
development [6], is developing a region-specific which only the loss estimation can be performed, Ri is

International Journal of Civil Engineering

capable of not only calculating economic losses but also on the drop-down menu. A button is available at the top left
quantifying the seismic resilience index of the designed to change the language of the site.
structures in line with their level of seismicity. Moreover, Figure 1 presents the workflow of resilience assessment.
functionality curves provided by Ri will enable users to Ri can estimate the resilience using two methods. When
monitor the performance of structures right after the calculating the resilience in the first method, structural
earthquake till the respective control time. Another merit of analysis is not required. Ri is capable of extracting the
Ri compared with HAZUS and other similar software is resilience and functionality curves after defining the
that the vulnerability of Iranian structures is adopted uti- structural, seismic, and resilience parameters associated
lizing a strong database consisting of more than 300 with the given structure or infrastructure. In this method,
existing fragility and vulnerability curves from different users should select the option of calculation using the
seismic codes and studies. existing building models.
In the second method, users must perform IDA before
using Ri and store the results in an Excel file having two
2 Ri Capabilities columns, one for the maximum inter-story drift ratio and
one for the pseudo acceleration in the fundamental period
Ri has been written in PHP programming language. The of the structure (Sa(T1); 5%). The outputs of IDA should be
graphic part uses HTML and CSS languages in combina- input into Ri and the resilience value can be estimated by
tion with PHP. PHP language is independent of its working defining the thresholds for the different damage states,
environment, is applicable to all computers and operating defining the properties of the building, and assigning resi-
systems, and runs easily on Linux, Windows and other lience parameters for the structure. Then, Ri will draw
operating systems. In the present project, the programming fragility and vulnerability curves using the results of IDA.
has been coded in the LARAVEL PHP framework. All The value of Sa(T1) can be estimated by either Ri or by the
sections of this software have been produced in both Farsi user. If the user intends to compute Sa(T1) using Ri,
and English. Ri currently features the following properties: eigenvalue analysis should be conducted to specify the
Eigen period of structure (T1) before using Ri. The Ri
• Rapid assessment of seismic resilience without requir-
software continuously checks the accuracy of the entries in
ing nonlinear analysis;
the input boxes to detect inaccuracies in the calculation of
• Accurate estimation of resilience after performing
the indexes and related graphs. When such a warning is
incremental dynamic analysis (IDA);
displayed, the software will not allow the user to continue
• Ability to draw fragility and vulnerability curves after
the process until the warning issue is resolved. At all stages
importing the results of IDA;
of calculation, clicking on the Previous button will take the
• Consideration of various economic and resilience
user back to the previous step to change the input param-
eters. This feature has been embedded to eliminate the need
• Depiction of functionality curves for structures and
to perform multiple computation steps. Clicking on the
infrastructures after a possible earthquake;
Submit button will send the user inputs to the server. The
• Ability to perform hazard analysis for Iranian structures
time interval between clicking the submit button and dis-
according to the national seismic code.
playing the results may require seconds or minutes,
To use Ri software, users should log in to www.elmooz. depending on the volume of computing, number of control
ir. The homepage is designed in a simple but practical way functions performed, speed of the internet and computation
and provides information on site functionality and com- time required by the server. All charts shown can be
puting features, as shown in Online Appendix A, downloaded as an Excel file or a chart photo file. Also, on
Fig. 1A(a). At the bottom of the first page, a video is all charts drawn, the exact coordinates will be displayed at
provided through which users can learn how to use Ri. any point on the chart as denoted with the mouse or touch
After clicking Start, the user will be redirected to the Ac- device. All of the input and output will be stored by Ri on
counts panel login page, as shown in Online Appendix A, the site database. This includes the input data from the user,
in Fig. 1A(b). On this page, the user can log into the all Excel files uploaded by the user and the fragility and
website with their email address (if not signed up) and vulnerability curves. These data will be used to improve
enter the computing environment with the email address and optimize the calculations as well as to validate the
and password they have chosen. After entering the com- resilience index according to the type of structure and the
puting environment, the first page shows the format for location of that structure. To avoid unnecessary traffic
seismic resilience calculations, as shown in Online growth, the data of each calculation are stored on the site
Appendix A, in Fig. 2A. The menu to the right allows the servers when the user goes through the final step of
user to select the type of calculation by clicking on the item calculation.

International Journal of Civil Engineering

Fig. 1 Workflow of Ri software to extract resilience index

3 Method 1: Rapid Resilience Analysis Using seismicity, time, and economic variables (Figs. 2 and
Vulnerability Curves Online Appendix A, Fig. 3A).
The parameters required for the model building type are
Ri can calculate the seismic resilience index using the the year of construction, hazard level, fundamental period
vulnerability curves associated with different structural of the structure, number of stories, and soil type. For
systems without requiring nonlinear analysis. In the current seismicity, the location of the structure in Iran and the level
version of Ri, these vulnerability curves are specific to the of damage relating to the reconstruction of the structure
properties of Iranian buildings, but the versions under must be defined. The required time and economic variables
development will assess seismic codes, such as ASCE-07, are the annual depreciation rate, annual discount rate, delay
NBC 2015, and Eurocode 8. To estimate the seismic resi- time threshold, recovery time threshold, control time, the
lience index directly from the vulnerability curves, users time between initial investment, and occurrence of an
should provide the properties of the structure as well as the extreme event. Generally, Ri will first extract the

International Journal of Civil Engineering

Fig. 2 Three steps in the first method of resiliency calculation by Ri

be used to extract the seismic resilience index and plot the

functionality curve. The work plot for resilience evaluation
using Method 1 is summarized below.

3.1 Seismic Hazard Analysis

To determine the spectral acceleration of the fundamental

period of structure (Sa(T1); 5%)), the user is provided with
two options. The first is a fast prediction of Sa(T1; 5%) by
means of Ri based on the Iranian Code of Practice for
Seismic Resistant Design of Buildings (standard 2800)
[34]. The second is the exact computation of Sa(T1; 5%) for
a probability of exceedance (PoE), such as 2% or 10% over
50 years using sources and tools such as the 2014 Earth-
quake Model for the Middle East (EMME14) project [35],
Fig. 3 Extracting damage percent from vulnerability curve and then importing the value of Sa(T1; 5%) into Ri. Before
using the first method, an eigenvalue analysis to specify T1
vulnerability curve based on the structural and seismic is required and will be used to determine Sa(T1; 5%) from
information entered by the user. Next, according to the the design spectrum. Standard 2800 does not necessarily
selected hazard level and the value of Sa(T1), Ri will provide a ‘‘10% in 50 years’’ design spectrum. It only
determine the level of structural damage from the vulner- provides the reference peak ground acceleration (PGA)
ability curve. In the next step, the information that has been map on bedrock, which is a key element for the generation
input about recovery times and economic parameters will of the design spectrum. Standard 2800 divides Iran into

International Journal of Civil Engineering

four seismic zones (very high, high, moderate, and low N ¼ ½0:4=ð4  TS Þ :ðT  TS Þ þ 1 TS \T\4:0 ð3Þ
seismicity) with reference PGA values for a rock of
N ¼ 1:4 T [ 4:0
A = 0.35, 0.30, 0.25, and 0.20 g, respectively. The site
classification criteria in this standard are based on the Ri uses the recommendations of the Iranian Guidelines
average shear wave velocity in the top 30 m of soil. In this for Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Structures (Issue
code, the site classes are rock, very dense soil and soft 360) [36] to set the design spectrum for a 2% hazard level
rock, stiff soil, and soft soil [sites types I (Vs30 [ 750 m/ over 50 years as being 1.5 times that for the 10% hazard
s), II (375 m/s \ Vs30 \ 750 m/s), III (175 m/s \ level over a 50-year elastic design spectrum. The user can
Vs30 \ 375 m/s), and IV (Vs30 \ 175 m/s), respectively]. choose either the 2% or 10% risk level because serious
To assign design spectra standard 2800, it is recommended structural damage can occur at these two levels of risk. In
that the value of A should be multiplied by B, which rep- the initial version of Ri, the seismic hazard analysis is
resents the building response to ground motion. The value based only on standard 2800. Future versions will be able
of B must be computed by determining the product of B1N to perform seismic hazard analysis based on the Canadian,
in which B1 is the spectral shape and N is the correction ASCE-07, and European regulations for hazard analysis. Ri
factor specific to each seismic zone. This is intended to provides users with another option for inputting their
account for the near-source effects that normally occur in estimated value of Sa(T1; 5%) at different PoE values, as
high and very high seismic zones. The values of B1 and N shown in Online Appendix A, in Fig. 4A(b). Since standard
can be calculated using Eqs. (1)–(3) for which the quan- 2800 cannot provide a uniform hazard spectrum and cannot
tities of S, S0, T0, and TS can be determined from Table 1. directly extract Sa(T1; 5%) for different PoE values, users
Ri creates product A.B to identify the design spectra cor- can employ a more exact method than the one provided in
responding to a 475-year return period and considers this to standard 2800 to import their estimated Sa(T1; 5%) to Ri.
be the spectral acceleration of the structure in the funda- For example, the EMME14 project provides a useful tool
mental period (Sa(T1)). for estimating Sa(T1; 5%) at different PoE values for ele-
  ven Middle Eastern countries [37–39]. After accessing
B1 ¼ S0 þ ðS  S0 þ 1Þ: 0\T\T0 EMME14 by clicking on the Help option shown in
Fig. 4A(b), users can extract the value of Sa(T1; 5%) and
B1 ¼ S þ 1 T0 \T\TS ð1Þ then import it into Ri. When the second method of hazard
  analysis (user-calculated Sa) is used, the name of the city in
B1 ¼ ðS þ 1Þ  T [ TS the Seismicity field and the soil type, fundamental period of
the structure, and hazard level in the Properties of the
High and very high seismicity zones Structure field will be hidden, as shown in Online
N¼1 T\TS Appendix A, in Fig. 4A(b) and 4A(c). The user should only
enter the value of Damage percent represents the recon-
N ¼ ½0:7=ð4  TS Þ :ðT  TS Þ þ 1 TS \T\4:0 ð2Þ
struction index of the structure for the Seismicity field, as
N ¼ 1:7 T [ 4:0 shown in Online Appendix A, in Fig. 4A(c).
Only structural damage has been considered when cal-
Moderate and low seismicity zones
culating damage in the initial version of Ri. Consequently,
N¼1 T\TS after hazard analysis, the software estimates the value of
Sa(T1; 5%) and uses it for the evaluation of the level of
damage in step 3.2.

Table 1 Parameters for extraction of design spectra in Standard no.

2800 code
Soil type Vs30 (m/s) T0 TS Low and High and very
moderate high
seismicity seismicity
S S0 S S0

I [ 750 0.10 0.40 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00

II 375–750 0.10 0.50 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00
III 175–375 0.15 0.70 1.75 1.10 1.75 1.10
IV \ 375 0.15 1.00 1.75 1.30 1.75 1.10

Fig. 4 Reduced price of initial investment due to the depreciation rate

International Journal of Civil Engineering

3.2 Extraction of Vulnerability Curve and properties of different soil types according to standard
Vulnerability curves, which can be estimated using Eq. (4), Bsoil type j
provide the cumulative probability of a given percentage of a¼ ð5Þ
Bsoil type i
damage by computing and combining the PoE of each
damage state as follows: Sadeghi et al. [41] developed vulnerability curves for
Iran using a database of fragility and vulnerability curves
X n
Vulnerabilityð%Þ ¼ fP½ds ¼ DS  MDFds g ð4Þ from Iran and other countries via the logic tree method.
ds¼1 First, they collected more than 300 existing fragility and
vulnerability curves from different seismic codes and
where MDFds is the mean damage factor, ds is the damage
studies and then converted the fragility curves to vulnera-
state at a given seismic intensity, and n is the number of
bility curves in accordance with the recommendations of
damage states. HAZUS [40] provides the values of MDFds
HAZUS using Eq. (4). Next, a weight factor was assigned
for all damage states, as presented in Table 2.
to each vulnerability curve based on engineering judgment
Ri software extracts the vulnerability curves for typical
and considering the compatibility criteria of the curve with
Iranian buildings as recommended by Sadeghi et al. [41]
the type of structure. When considering uncertainty in logic
according to the construction year and fundamental period
tree analysis, the vulnerability parameters were estimated
of the building and the total height of the stories. In their
at the 50th (median) and 84th percentiles (median plus one
study, however, the effect of infill panels on the perfor-
standard deviation) of all data. They then developed vul-
mance of a structure was not considered. They classified
nerability curves that provided the median and log standard
typical buildings in Iran as being either engineered, such as
deviation (b) for each type of Iranian building. Sadeghi
steel-braced, steel moment-resistant, and concrete moment-
et al. [41] compared the percentage of damage derived
resistant frames and concrete shear wall structures, or as
from their vulnerability curves with those of empirical and
non-engineered, which includes all types of masonry
observed damage for 14 earthquakes that occurred in Iran
buildings. These classifications are based on the statistical
in the past for a wide range of buildings. Their validation
data collected from all urban and rural areas of Iran. The
shows a good agreement between the losses predicted by
concrete and steel structures also were classified as low-
the vulnerability curves and the real losses from past
rise (1–3 stories), mid-rise (4–7 stories), or high-rise
earthquakes. Online Appendix A presents the vulnerability
(8 ? stories). Masonry buildings were classified as low-
parameters for typical Iranian buildings. Using the values
rise (1–2 stories) or mid-rise (3? stories). Different edi-
of Sa(T1; 5%) from Sect. 3.1 and the vulnerability curve
tions of the Iranian Seismic Code for the design of build-
extracted in this section, the percentage of structural
ings also classify them as ‘‘pre-code’’ for buildings
damage can be estimated and used to calculate the resi-
constructed before 1990, ‘‘moderate code’’ for those con-
lience index as shown in Fig. 3. It can be seen that if a
structed from 1990 to 2000, and ‘‘high code’’ for buildings
probable earthquake shakes a given structure with a Sa(T1)
constructed after 2000. Considering the significant effects
value of 1.0 g, its cumulative percentage of damage will be
of site and soil type on the seismic response of structures,
nearly 47%. Previous studies conducted in Iran have
Sadeghi et al. [41] obtained vulnerability curves for soil
defined the percentage of damage and vulnerability of
type I. Parameter a is used in Eq. (5) when converting the
structures during past earthquakes. For example, in the
vulnerability values for soil type i to the curve for soil type
Qayen, Borazjan, Manjil-Rudbar, and Lordegan earth-
j, owing to the linear relationship between soil types.
quakes, vulnerability and percentage of damage were
Online Appendix B presents the values of a for different
introduced as the ratio of the number of collapsed buildings
soil types, categories of Iranian buildings based on the year
to the total number of buildings [42–50].
of construction, structural frame type, number of stories,

Table 2 Probability of damage states and damage factor ranges Adapted from HAZUS-MH MR. 5 [40]
Probability of damage state Damage factor range (%) Mean damage factor (%)

P½ds ¼ Slight ¼ P½ds  Slight  P½ds  Moderate 0–4 [ 2

P½ds ¼ Moderate ¼ P½ds  Moderate  P½ds  Extensive 4–16 10
P½ds ¼ Extensive ¼ P½ds  Extensive  P½ds  Complete 16–84 50
P½ds ¼ Complete ¼ P½ds  Complete 100 100

International Journal of Civil Engineering

3.3 Loss Estimation The maximum damage (Cs/IS = 1) should also be

determined by users. If the structural damage exceeds a
The method proposed by Samadian et al. [51, 52] was used certain damage level, retrofitting will no longer be feasible
to calculate economic losses as: or economical. Consequently, the structure should be
" # reconstructed and the ratio of building repair costs to
CS Yti
ð1 þ di Þ
LDE;K ðI Þ ¼ :  Damageð%Þ ð6Þ replacement costs will equal 1. This level of damage can be
IS i¼1 ð1 þ ri Þ defined by engineering judgment or post-event field
observations. The value of Cs/IS for damage levels below
where the value of Damage (%) was determined by the
Cs/IS = 1 will be linearly interpolated (proportionally).
vulnerability curves in Sect. 3.2, Cs and IS are building
repair costs and building replacement costs, respectively, ri
3.4 Functionality Curve and Calculation
is the annual discount rate for time interval ti between the
of Resilience Index
initial investment and the extreme event (years), and di is
the annual depreciation rate. In Ri software, after assessing
Cimellaro et al. [57] believed that the functionality of a
the percentage of damage, the annual depreciation per-
structure should be considered to be a non-stationary
centage and annual discount rate must be determined by the
stochastic process defined as:
user. Users can determine the depreciation rate of buildings
using the straight-line method [53] as shown in Fig. 4, in QðtÞ ¼ ½1  LðI;TRE Þ  ½H ðt  tOE Þ  H ðt  ðtOE þ TRE ÞÞ
which the initial value of the building is assumed to  fREC ðt;tOE ;TRE Þ
depreciate annually over its lifespan. For example, assume ð9Þ
that the purchase price of a building, without considering
the portion allocated to land, is $100,000 and that the where tOE is the time of occurrence of event E, I is its
building will have a 30-year useful lifespan. The salvage intensity, TRE is the post-event recovery time, L(I, TRE) is
value is the amount of money paid for a building that is the loss function, fREC is the recovery function and H is the
past its useful lifespan. In this example, this amount is Heaviside step function. These values are less than one
assumed to be $50,000. The depreciation rate is calculated because the desired full functionality is 100% = 1. The
as in Eq. (7). The building value will depreciate $3800 goal of a resilient system is to restore the reduced func-
each year and will reach $5000 at the end of the 25-year tionality of the system to be similar to or better than the
period. Hence, the depreciation rate will be ($3800/ original functionality over the period denoted as the ‘‘re-
$100,000) = 3.8%. covery time’’. When assigning the value of TRE, it is
imperative to take into account the socio-economic aspects
ð100; 000$  5000$Þ  ð25 yearsÞ ¼ 3800 ð7Þ of a society, because TRE is a random variable with high
The social discount rate (SDR) is used to estimate the uncertainty. This means it is difficult to predict the
current value of future costs and benefits and is essential recovery time for resilience evaluation. Porter et al. [58]
for budget planning, government projects, and decision- quantified the repair time by making a distinction between
making. A very high SDR can result in under-investment in down time (recovery time) and repair time. They consid-
socio-economic activities. A very low SDR may widen the ered damage states with different probability distributions
social sector and cause over-investment in different eco- by combining the repair times for assembly estimation of
nomic activities. Every society has its own SDR, depend- recovery duration. In Ri, users should assign the recovery
ing on its economic parameters and economic growth time according to previous studies and databases on the
[54–56]. SDR determines how the present value (PV) will recovery process for a given type of building or estimated it
decline in the coming years. Equation (8) expresses the based on engineering judgment. The functionality curve
discounted PV in which the payment of X dollars in the after loss estimation can be easily calculated using Eq. (9).
middle of year t having an annual discount rate of r will The recovery function must be proportionate to the system
equal with the amount of PV in the middle of year 0 and society preparation response. Hence, the recovery
(present). function could be linear, exponential [59], or trigonometric
  [60]. Other states can be selected based on the system
PV ¼ X  ð8Þ properties. The recovery function denotes the treatment of
ð1 þ r Þt a damaged structure during the recovery process and can
For example, payment of $100 in the middle of year 5 at lead to a higher or lower level of pre-event functionality.
a 4% discount rate will have a PV of 100 9 1/ For example, in the Kobe earthquake in 1994, the Port of
1.045 = 100 9 0.822 = $82.20. Kobe was the sixth largest container port in the world in
terms of cargo throughput. However, after completion of

International Journal of Civil Engineering

the recovery process in 1997, it ranked seventeenth and had beginning of the recovery process, a delay time should be
declined to the lower pre-event functionality level [57]. In expected and should be provided in the Ri software by the
summary, different areas in the same community or state user. The level of damage, recovery time, and delay time
can have different recovery phases due to the complexity of are related to each other; thus, a higher level of damage
modeling the recovery process. In Ri, however, only the will result in longer recovery and delay times. Users should
linear recovery function has been considered as: determine the maximum recovery and delay times for the
   maximum level of damage as Cs/IS = 1. In other words,
t  tOE
fREC ðt; TOE ; TRE Þ ¼ 1  ð10Þ when the level of damage is lower than the maximum
damage represented by Cs/IS = 1, the recovery and delay
Cimellaro et al. [57] defined the seismic resilience index times should be interpolated.
as the ability of a structure to reach a desired level of The next step of the calculation is to draw the func-
functionality over a specified period of time when sub- tionality curve. It is assumed that, if the functionality
jected to seismic events. The resilience index can be esti- decreases more than 50%, a building must be evacuated
mated using Eq. (11). until the retrofitting is completed. This means that a
TOE building cannot be used before retrofitting is complete and
QðtÞ the functionality curve will be a straight line. The seismic
R¼ dt ð11Þ
TLC resilience index can be computed using Eq. (11) through
estimation the area below the functionality curve.
In which R is the resilience index, Q(t) is the function-
ality, and TLC is the control time set to evaluate resilience.
Generally, the seismic resilience index varies from 0 to 4 Method 2: Resilience Analysis After IDA
100%. While resiliency of 100% indicates the full func-
tionality of a structure after the recovery process, a resi- Five information boxes should be completed by users to
lience index of 0.0% refers to those structures which cannot perform resilience analysis using Method 2 as shown in
withstand a given earthquake and should be reconstructed. Online Appendix A, in Fig. 5A and Fig. 6.
Resilience is measured over the time period TLC, which is
usually decided by the owner and decision-makers. For 4.1 Uploading IDA Results to Ri
TLC, decision-makers should take into consideration the
long-term and short-term influences of their decisions Prior to completing the information required in Ri, the user
about the structures. For example, in general, seismic los- must perform IDA in software such as OpenSees [61] and
ses for vulnerable buildings will increase when longer upload the results of nonlinear analysis to Ri as an Excel
control times are considered. On the other hand, when file. The two columns of the file should provide the pseudo
retrofitting vulnerable buildings, decision-makers should acceleration in the fundamental period of a structure at 5%
use a long-term approach because, over a short time period, damping and the maximum inter-story drift ratio. It is
retrofitting can hardly be justified because of the low important that the first row of the Excel file should contain
probability of experiencing a destructive event such as an the names of each column as Sa and D (Fig. 7). The order
earthquake. Retrofitting process will be more cost-effective of the columns is not important because Ri can identify the
when a longer control time is selected because the proba- data in the columns. There is no limit to the number of
bility of an earthquake will strongly increase for a 50-year records used for nonlinear dynamic analysis, and the user is
period [57]. Figure 5 is a schematic of the functionality allowed to enter an unlimited number of IDA charts from
curve. Between the time of earthquake occurrence and the different earthquake records. The size of the uploaded
Excel file should not be more than 100 MB.

4.2 Extracting Fragility and Vulnerability Curves

The results of IDA can be used by Ri software to draw

fragility and vulnerability curves. The coefficient-based
method [62] is used to develop the fragility curves. In this
method, it is assumed that demand parameter D of a
structure is log-normally distributed, meaning that this
variable is associated with normally distributed variable X
by Ln(D). Parameter D can be predicted using a power
Fig. 5 Framework for extracting resilience index [51] model as follows [63, 64]:

International Journal of Civil Engineering

Fig. 6 Three steps in the first method of resiliency calculation by Ri

D ¼ aðIMÞb ð12Þ Pf  PðD i C jIMÞ ¼ 1  U
Ln ðCÞ  mx ðIMÞ
where a and b are unknown regression coefficients
extracted from regression analysis of the demand data After assigning parameters a and b using regression
derived by either IDA or using the proposed coefficient- analysis on the values of Sa and the maximum inter-story
based method in logarithmic form: drift ratio, Ri will obtain the value of mx(IM) and rx as
shown in Eqs. (14) and (15), respectively. To estimate the
X ¼ Ln ðDÞ ¼ Ln ðaÞ þ b Ln ðIMÞ ð13Þ
PoE [Eq. (16)], the user must assign a value for parameter
The mean (mx) and standard deviation of X (rx) are C. This value can be derived from contemporary interna-
estimated as [64]: tional seismic codes or from experimental and analytical
  calculation. For example, HAZUS-MH MR5 [40] proposes
mx ðIMÞ ¼ Ln aðIMÞb ð14Þ a drift threshold for the slight, moderate, extensive, and
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi complete damage states for different structures based on
u n   2
u 1 X di the year of construction, total height, and type of lateral
rX ¼ rLn ðDÞ ¼ t Ln ð15Þ
n  2 i¼1 a IMbi load-resistant system. To estimate the loss function in
Eq. (6), the level of damage (%) should be obtained from
where di is the demand value. For random variable D, the the vulnerability curves using Eq. (4) by combining the
PoE of demand D from a specific threshold or capacity C probabilities for all damage states [40, 65]. In Ri, the
subject to a given IM is:

International Journal of Civil Engineering

conditions in the selected country through the selection of

suitable vulnerability curves from the software database for
given case studies.

5 Software Validation

Given that few studies have evaluated the structural seis-

mic resilience index of Iranian buildings [51, 52, 65–70]
and that resilience index assessment using vulnerability
curves has been reported by Samadian [52], the results of
his study were used for validation of Ri. Therefore, after
gathering the IDA results of his research and his seismic
resilience index, the results of Ri software were compared
with those extracted from the methodology of Samadian
[52]. The structure studied by Samadian [52] was a three-
story reinforced concrete school built in Tehran in 1990
which was retrofitted with concrete shear walls about a
decade later (Fig. 8). The structural and resilience proper-
ties of the existing school are presented in Table 3.
The fundamental period of the school building was
0.495 s (T1) and the total height of the stories was 10 m.
According to Sadeghi et al., the school building was cat-
egorized as C-MRF low-rise at a = 1. The vulnerability
parameters were the median = 1.5 and log standard devi-
ation (b) = 0.8. The threshold recovery time, threshold
delay time, control time, annual depreciation rate, annual
discount rate, and time between initial construction and
extreme event are given in Table 4. These parameters are
input into the Ri software and the outputs were compared
to the results of Samadian [52].
Because the lifespan of more than 75% of Iranian
buildings is less than 30 years [71], Samadian used
20 years for the number of years between initial investment
and earthquake occurrence. Also, the Iranian direct tax law
recommends a depreciation rate of 7% [72]. Abdoli [73]
concluded that the annual social discount rate for Iran
Fig. 7 Correct form of uploading Excel file in Ri software should be considered as 7.02%. For the recovery time,
Samadian employed the information available in the
values of MDFds in all damage states are those given in Development, Renovation, and Equipping of Schools
HAZUS, as presented in Table 2. (DRES) organization of Iran and concluded that, if damage
to a school exceeds 35%, it should be reconstructed within
4.3 Loss and Resilience Estimation about 365 days of recovery time. The value of TLC was
and Extraction of Functionality Curve selected to be 510 days, which is equal to the maximum
recovery time for the non-retrofitted schools. Online
After the vulnerability curve has been drawn, the remaining Appendix A, Fig. 6A shows that the output of the Ri
steps are the same as in Method 1 as presented in Sects. 3.3 seismic resilience index (0.8430) from Method 1 was very
and 3.4. In the versions of Ri that are currently under close to the values calculated by Samadian (0.817). For
development, Methods 1 and 2 for extraction of the seismic further explanation and the calculation of Ri, the numerical
resilience index will be applied to all structures worldwide. procedure of extraction of the resilience index using Ri is
If the current methods are to be used for non-Iranian presented in Online Appendix C.
structures, they should be made proportional to local For Method 2, after uploading the output of IDA per-
formed by Samadian [52], the vulnerability and fragility

International Journal of Civil Engineering

Fig. 8 Case study reported in Samadian’s research a elevation view, b plan view [52]

Table 3 Structural parameters of the high school [52]

Type of frame Year of construction Number of story Hazard level Location Soil type Fundamental period of structure

Concrete frame structure 1990 3 10%/50 years Tehran II 0.495 (s)

Table 4 Resiliency parameters of the high school [52]

Depreciation Discount Threshold Threshold Threshold Control The year between initial investment Resilience
rate rate damage percent recovery time delay time time and earthquake occurrences index

7% 7.02% 35 365 days 30 days 510 days 20 years 0.817

curves were extracted by Ri software as shown in Online 0.0194, and 0.0500, respectively. Figures 9 and 10 show
Appendix A, in Fig. 7A and were compared with the results satisfactory agreement between the curves of the current
of Samadian [52]. It should be noted that the quantities in study and those from Samadian [52]. The seismic resilience
in Fig. 7A(d), in Online Appendix A were extracted from index calculated by Ri software (0.815) was very close to
the HAZUS code based on the properties of existing value of Samadian’s research (0.817) as shown in Online
schools. According to the HAZUS classification, the type Appendix A, in Fig. 8A. This confirms the acceptable and
of school studied was C1M (mid-rise concrete moment feasible performance of the Ri software when calculating
frame). Table 6.4b of HAZUS shows that the threshold the seismic resilience index and drawing the curves for
drift for the slight, moderate, extensive, and complete fragility, vulnerability, and functionality of the structures.
damage states for the C1M type are 0.0042, 0.0072,

International Journal of Civil Engineering

(a) (b)

1.0 1
0.9 0.9
Probability of exccedance

Probability of exccedance
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0.0 0
0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00
Sa (g) Sa (g)

(c) (d)

1.0 1.0
0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8
Probability of exccedance

Probability of exccedance

0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0.0 0.0
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00
Sa (g) Sa (g)
Ri outputs Samadian’s outputs

Fig. 9 Comparison of fragility curves with Samadian et al. research at four damage states a slight; b moderate; c extensive; d complete damage

1 6 Conclusion
Resilience indicator (Ri) software has been designed to
0.6 calculate the seismic resilience index of critical structures

0.5 and infrastructures. Ri can estimate resilience via two

0.4 methods: (1) Using existing vulnerability curves; (2)
importing the results of IDA to the software to be used in
the evaluation of the seismic resilience index. When
0 employing Ri, comprehensive information about the
0 1 2 3
Sa (g)
4 5 6 structural, seismic, geographical, economic, and resilience
Ri outputs Samadian’s outputs conditions of the selected structures must be entered to
perform vulnerability and resilience analyses. This soft-
Fig. 10 Comparison of vulnerability curve extracted from Ri software ware is open source and can be used on Windows, Linux,
and Samadian’s research
and other operating systems. In the upcoming versions of

International Journal of Civil Engineering

the software, hazard analysis capabilities using contem- 9. Maeviz, Mid-America Earthquake Center in University of Illi-
porary seismic codes, such as those from Eurocode, ASCE- nois,
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major parts, including retrofitting, reconstruction and standardization Management Agency, Washington
of schools in Iran. Also, authors would like to appreciate DRES’s 15. Klein RJT, Nicholls RJ, Thomalla F (2003) Resilience to natural
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16. Batabyal A (1998) The concept of resilience: retrospect and
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