Exam 2 Study Guide Fall 2021

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MISM 2301 Fall 2021

Exam 2 Study Guide

General thoughts:

Exam 2 will consist of four questions (plus extra credit question) that will in turn focus on one or more course
sessions and a particular case study as listed below. You may use your study materials and notes but note that we
will be using Respondus LockDown Browser for the online exam. You will have seventy-five (75) minutes to
complete the test and no more.

Some specific guidance:

 When preparing for the test, reread each case study with care, outline the distinctives of the case
company, its business problem, key stakeholders, the information technologies involved in the solution, and
the solution’s business outcomes. You have more material from which to work so more will be expected of
you for Exam 2 (vs. Exam 1).
 Next review all of the material on the Canvas site, the session slides, and your class notes, and
general comments from Exam 1. Be ready to ask yourself “if it were my decision, what would I recommend
and why?” Also, if you can explain the capability, costs, and benefits of each technology component on the
IT checklist then you have a good level of understanding. You will need to have a deeper working
knowledge of the MIS Integrative Framework as well.
 Also consider the types of questions that the exam will pose. These questions will focus on using
information processing capabilities to solve business problems. Some, but not all the case questions are like
this as are the types of questions covered in class.
 Manage your time since I cannot give you credit for blank answers. When taking the exam, first
quickly read over all the questions and come up with a general plan of action for answering each question.
 In responding to a question:
 Do not repeat/paraphrase the question in your response. This wastes time and space. Do not
exceed the space provided in the exam template without checking in.
 Remember, case details matter (especially the distinctives of case companies)
 Your answers will be assessed based upon the same criteria as case studies - accessibility,
representation, accuracy, and relevancy/completeness. You will be assessed based upon the
degree to which you demonstrated your understanding of the concept.
o For accessibility, I cannot grade what I cannot read.
o Representation-wise, do not answer in paragraphs/narratives.
o For accuracy, pay close attention to the wording of questions to ensure your answer
applies to the problem presented.
o Use frameworks from class to improve the completeness of your answer.

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What ground is to be covered in the Exam?
Topic Covered Case Questions to Consider
MIS Integrative Zappos with How does the MIS integrative framework help us to
Framework PWC as a understand the relationships between business demands,
process information requirements, and MIS capabilities?
improvement How do we assess the potential return of our MIS
client investment choices/alternatives?
What process-improvement approaches are available to
firms and what information technologies can help enable
those improvements?
Enterprise PepsiAmeric What are the four IT architectures and the business
Information as scenarios that could produce each IT architecture?
Systems How do enterprise information systems help align
employees, design, and execute seamless processes?
What is the role of an ERP/CRM/SCM in addressing
information problems? Why might we choose each
solution for our firm?
What are key factors for increasing the likelihood for
success (use and user satisfaction) in implementing
enterprise systems?
What benefits (tangible/intangible) might result from
implementing enterprise-wide information systems? What
are the timing considerations for these benefits?
Web and Partners What three tiers must be considered for eCommerce? What
Ecommerce Healthcare are the main technologies used at each tier and how do
and Staples they interact with each other (flow of information)?
Under what circumstances does an online provider have
the advantage…an on-ground provider have the
What are different types of web sites and why do
businesses employ these different types of sites? How do
these different types enable different types of information
processing (including internal and external transactions)?
What are three main design elements of a web site and
what is the role of each in producing a better user
Business Volkswagen What types of problems are meant to be solved by
Intelligence DSS/KMS?
Why are these systems classified as “business
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What are the differences between DSS and KMS
information technology components?
What are the challenges in implementing these business
intelligence capabilities in organizations?

MIS Integrative Framework: Zappos with PWC as a process improvement client

How does the MIS integrative framework help us to understand the
relationships between business demands, information requirements, and
MIS capabilities?

How do we assess the potential return of our MIS investment


 System use and satisfaction: Degree and manner in which staff and customers use the IS. Are
they using in a way that is satisfiable to them?
 Net benefits: Extent to which IS are contributing to the success of
o Has it improved decision-making or given a competitive advantage
o Cost, speed, quality, risk improvements (factor in TCO)
o Profit = revenue generated – expenses incurred

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 Cost/benefit analysis: The more robust the data being collected and depending on its volume
and transmission time, your costs may go up

What process-improvement approaches are available to firms and what

information technologies can help enable those improvements?
Getting “RID” of Processes
● Relegate: dismiss/terminate bad outputs (ex: getting rid of hard copy when data
digitized or get rid of paper checks when there is ETF)
● Improve/Innovate: need to have to output to complete the process
● Delegate: still need output but move data to another business unit for processing
(ex: bumping up the customer call to a manager if a front line associate cannot
fulfill the request)
Methodologies to Improve Processes
● Lean Processes: Reduce Waste. Six Sigma: Reduce Error.
● Total Quality Management: based on the principle that every staff member must be
to maintaining high standards of work in every aspect of a company's operations.
● Straight through Processing: process that financial companies use to speed up their
transaction processing time; allow companies to have same info streamlined
through a process
● Robotic Process Automation: moving human beings from process to AI (automation)
● Business Process Management: overarching approach; operations management that
methods to discover, model, analyze, measure, improve, optimize & automate
business processes
● Business Process Reengineering: completely redesigning the process
Enabling Technologies
● Software: ERP, SCM, CRM, Application Specific/Functional Software (Sales, HR,
Finance, Accounting), General Purpose Software (Word Processing, Spreadsheets,
● Data Warehouse: Functional IS (Accounting, Inventory Control, Logistics, Shipping,
CRM) then
ETL or Standardize, Synchronize, Centralize into Data Warehouse to create
Finance, Marketing,
Sales, Accounting Data Marts. Then, analyze!
● Enterprise Info Systems: aligned people, seamless processes, integrated technology
● Workflow Automation
○ Event management (triggers in, audits, alerts out, MIS reporting)
○ Document management (creation, personalization, handoffs)
○ Rules management (work item prioritization, configuration)
○ People management (work assignment, MIS reporting on performance)
○ Customer relationship management (customer service notes, audit trail)
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Enterprise Information Systems: PepsiAmericas
What are the four IT architectures and the business scenarios that could
produce each IT architecture?

1. Legacy System
 Old and separate
 Managing data flow is challenging
 Organizations are still sitting on these systems because it affects so many branches of the
business-switching costs are too higher to match any benefits and people/processes will have to
 A business scenario: Usually legacy systems are a barrier to digital transformation.
i. Exploration vs. Exploitation – we would rather expand on the resources we have
than start over
ii. Preserve and Protect (if it isn’t broke don’t fix it)
iii. Technology trap – sometimes in a business its so hard to remove the legacy
system that the company just cannot change.

2. Stovepipe/Silo
 Separate but not necessarily old
 Ex] people getting separate licenses because they cannot wait for the HQ to approve
 Security reasons to have their own applications/frameworks
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 Want a tailored solution for your specific division
 Series of mergers and acquisitions
 Too many views of the single customer and lack of integration across enterprise units
 Pepsi had their customers getting different prices because of a lack of singular customer view

3. Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)

 Goal: singular view of customers products and operations
 Integration solution that uses middle ware to connect disparate existing systems
 Separate but communication across systems.

4. Enterprise Wide Information System (ERP)

 This is where Pepsi America needs to be because it needs ONE view of their customer with so
many different types of customers and the increase in their products. Different departments need
to all be able to configure their view of the data as needed to carry out their tasks.
 One enterprise system that has many views, each function specific UI for that divisions business
needs and is CONFIGURABLE

How do enterprise information systems help align employees, design, and

execute seamless processes?
 In the Pepsi America case, the different views of the customers had to be aligned
somehow and this was achieved with an ERP
 Eliminated multiple technologies and data repetition so that time is not wasted converting
data from one division to another
 Facilitates better integration between divisions so that process flows make more sense
and the company goals are better aligned

What is the role of an ERP/CRM/SCM in addressing information problems?

Why might we choose each solution for our firm?

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 In the Pepsi America case, the different views of the customers had to be aligned
somehow and this was achieved with an ERP
 Eliminated multiple technologies and data repetition so that time is not wasted converting
data from one division to another
 Facilitates better integration between divisions so that process flows make more sense
and the company goals are better aligned.

What is the role of an ERP/CRM/SCM in addressing information problems?

Why might we choose each solution for our firm?
- ERP: reduce information inconsistency across the enterprise (great deal of information and orders and
inventory to keep track of)

- SCM: inventory, best routes for delivery (4-day delivery window), store in which warehouses

- CRM: “Ask Zappos” twitter, get feedback from customers, use a platform they already use (twitter),
maintain customer relations, if done well, the messages are typically be public so act as reviews for the


In the context of Pepsi America

o Eliminated the multiple technologies and data repetition that each division had using their own
o Created a singular view of the customer to better understand that customer’s data and reduce the
processing time of transactions
o Increased productivity between divisions by reducing the need to translate between technologies

o Better tracking of procurement process, step-by-step
o Reduced inventory tracking and management issues
o Checked inventory levels were in accordance to the needs of the company’s transactions
o Increases productivity and transparency between suppliers and end consumers


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o Provided a system to compile the increased volume of customer data in an organized manner
o Provided valuable business insights about customers so that service can be better tailored to
deliver value and service
o Increased the lifetime value of the customer relationship
o Helped to gain insights about other companies and drive data based solutions to increase
company market share

What are key factors for increasing the likelihood for success (use and user
satisfaction) in implementing enterprise systems?
- Trying to shift to a more data-driven decision making culture

- Maintaining a dedicated staff

- Social media and webpage presence

- Convivence of being able to send photos to be sent via text, email, and Instagram

- Large array of products with reliable services

What benefits (tangible/intangible) might result from implementing

enterprise-wide information systems? What are the timing considerations for
these benefits?

○ Increase speed of analyzing

○ Consistent time frame for prediction
○ Increase customer intimacy
■ Satisfy customers’ demand
○ Increase operational excellence
■ Price adjustment
■ Reduce cost of production by supervising supply chain
*Time considerations:
● Training
● People adapt to the new system
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● Fix bug
● Reengineer business process
Pepsi Info Problems
● Increase in product lines
● Forecast customer demand
● Consistency in pricing
● Change in consumer preference-give drivers historical and external data to understand
customer preference; communication with upper management

- Increased productivity

- Reducing costs

- Improving quality

Web and Ecommerce- Partners Healthcare and Staples

What three tiers must be considered for eCommerce? What are the main
technologies used at each tier and how do they interact with each other (flow
of information)?
○ Tier 1: employed by the end user of a website(user tiers)
■ Browsers
○ Tier 2: servers that deliver web pages/functionality to the end user(web tier)
■ Web servers, e-commerce application servers
○ Tier 3: business applications and content tier(backend/DB tier)
■ Existing business apps servers and databases and SQL(structured query
language, used to communicate with a database)

Under what circumstances does an online provider have the advantage…an

on-ground provider has the advantage?
○ Online provider:
-Selection & value:

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● Diminish barriers to entry for new products and services thus provide greater variety
● Automate sales process and customer experience
- Performance & service:
● Less dependent on the physical salesperson
● Gain insight into customer behavior and preferences

- Advertising & incentives:

● Easier to create tailored ads to customers
- Community relationships:
● Customers can get connected on the Internet and share ideas
● Firm can also interact with customers online
● Enhance customer loyalty
○ On-ground provider
- Look & feel:
● Gives more physical perceptions to customers
- Personal attention:
● Easier to grab personal attention because there is always too much info online
● When customers don’t know how to express what the problem is, salesperson can help
- Security & reliability:
● Storage of the physical product is more secure than online data

What are different types of web sites and why do businesses employ these
different types of sites? How do these different types enable different types of
information processing (including internal and external transactions)?
○ E-brochure
● Info only
● No transactions(contact info)
● Show room(no price)
● Convince customers to come to physical store
● No info leak to competitor

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○ Intranet E-business
● Internal transaction/inventory
● Just informational transactions
● E.g. booking a room, vacation
○ E-commerce(Staples)
● External transaction
● Getting paid
● Functionality more expensive

What are three main design elements of a web site and what is the role of
each in producing a better user experience?

○ Content: provide information of the business

- Be specific: specificity signals competency
- Content is always overused(bad)
● Document(product leadership)
● Different pictures
● Videos/audios: pay more for graphic design and video/audio production
- Staples: inventory management
○ Layout: where content shows up on website
- Clean and smooth: beautiful, usable, minimal
- Avoid info overload
- Keep selection limited
○ Functionality: ease with which a viewer can navigate your site and obtain the
information they are seeking
- Website management tools
● Content management systems
● Banner(Ads) system
● Survey / poll wizard
● Email / e-newsletter marketing tool

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● FAQ manager
● News manager
- Pay more to be able to “do it yourself” without a web/mobile app

Business Intelligence- Volkswagen

What types of problems are meant to be solved by DSS/KMS?

Category DSS KMS

 Building and maintaining a
 Long term forecasting corporate culture
 Scenario Analysis  Facilitating product or
Strategy and
 Performance management process innovation
 Decision support for the medical  Onboarding process for the
practitioners new employees at Partners

 Accelerating improvements
 Near term forecasting in existing product or process
 Asset optimization  Facilitating employee
Tactical  Employee performance development
Management and monitoring  Derives the best practices for
Control  Keeping track of hospital different types of medical
performance and medical therapies based on the past
practitioner recommendations information stored in the
 Disseminating/using best
 Exception Processing practices
Operations /  Identifying which patients need  Reuse and repurposing of
Transaction special care given their specific intellectual property
circumstances  Delivery of the best possible
outcomes to customer

■ What-if analysis
■ Sensitivity analysis(pricing)
■ Goal-seeking analysis
■ Optimization analysis
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■ Knowledge problem
● Uncertainty: not have enough info
● Complexity: have more and varied info than one can easily process
● Ambiguity: not have a conceptual framework(theory, model) for interpreting information
● Equivocality: having several competing or contradictory conceptual framework


Types of Business Decisions: By Levels

Strategic: Affect the long-term direction of the firm
● Unstructured problems and solutions (“wicked problems”)
● Exploring and exploiting value in opportunities and threats
● Involve external sources of data and multiple decision-makers
● Are we doing the right things?
Tactical: Medium-term outcomes about implementation of strategy
● Either structured or unstructured
● Discovering methods to optimize resource utilization / value
● Are we doing things right?
Operational: Daily, routine, administrative in nature
● Generally structured/highly structured
● Identifying best means of delivering value (best depends on value discipline)
● Is this transaction an exception and what do I if so?

Why are these systems classified as “business intelligence?”

● Business Intelligence: set of methodologies, processes, architectures & technologies that
transform raw data into meaningful & useful information used to enable more effective
insights &
decision making
○ Ability to apprehend interrelationships of presented facts in such a way as to guide

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towards a desired goal; important as business environment is becoming more complex
(intuition not enough)
● DSS & KMS do exactly what is described above

What are the differences between DSS and KMS information technology
Data sources that are either created, located,
Data elements and meta data
or acquired
Storage database indexed properly with
Queries performances and metrics
metadata for knowledge organization
Quantitative Reports and Digital Dashboards Search/query capability
Output: Docs, files, other “knowledge
Data Analysis Software
Data Mining Technology real time document sharing and editing
OLAP Learning Management Systems

What are the challenges in implementing these business intelligence

capabilities in organizations?
○ High cost
○ People’s resistance
○ Reengineer business process(time, money)
○ Security
○ High volume of data
○ Access appropriate data
○ People unwilling to adopt to new system bc they are skilled with using the old one
○ People don’t want to share info with colleagues

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