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SAGADRATA DATE: 21/11/2021



People under the age of 21 or over the age of 60 could not leave the nation
under the most stringent blockade, known as Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ).
A curfew was enforced between 10 p.m. and 1 a.m. At five a.m., just one character in
line with family with a quarantine bypass became capable to cross-purchase
necessities. Way back March 12, 2020, President Rodrigo Duterte imposed a citywide
embargo to combat the spread of COVID 19. Cities, states, and islands in the
Philippines have been isolated to varying degrees for the rest of the year. The police are
strict following the protocols which the higher government given. Therefore, People
remained at home. And they read books, listened to music, relaxed, exercised, created
art, played games, learned new ways to be, and were still. And I paid closer attention.
Some people prayed, some people meditated, and some people danced. Some of them
came face to face with their shadows. People began to change their minds. The people
recovered. And, without humans who were stupid, dangerous, thoughtless, and
ruthless, the world began to recover. And as the threat passed and the people
reconnected, they mourned their losses, made new choices, dreamt new pictures, and
devised new ways to live and heal the world entirely, just as they had been healed. As
of today, all we can do are follow protocols, do some physical activities in home, stay
hydrated, keep ourselves healthy, eat foods on time and obey what your parents
wanted you to do.
During my quarantine days, isn’t easy because a lot of adjustments should imply
to use students in terms of school. I also experienced low grades because of lack of
focus and lack of knowledge since it needs to have a self-study to all your modules
during my shs life starting from lockdown. A lot of mental breakdown happened to me
and even experienced anxiety, depression and because of these I admitted to the
hospital assisted by my med relatives. I’m quite lucky to have them because without
them I would rather suffer suffocating. I missed my friends, other cousins, relatives,
teachers and co dancers that time because I can’t able to hang with them, make fun
and have some sleep over at our friend’s house. They really worried about me and my
sick gets worst but few months I got healed because of the medication. As of today,
where the quarantine and protocols are lessened, me and my family had a family trip
and bonding together. They love me so much because they did not let me feel lonely
including my friends who never judge me in the beginning.
Adjusting is not easy, but we can do it because there’s God whom will guide us
and never leave us. It is just a trial on how strong we can hold and how faithful we are to
him that this would end. Some human beings may additionally moreover find
themselves in survival mode, gathering facts and reasserts needed to carry out at
school, job, as a person, and in our interactions with others. Others may be striving to
settle into their new habits. For some, this includes looking to warfare social isolation.
For many, it consists of learning the manner to live with friends, very own own family
members, lovers, or housemates, which is not constantly simple. I apprehend plenty of
human beings battle to discover a distraction-loose location at home that is conducive to
doing inexperienced and a success work. For myself, I feel locate it impossible to resist
takes instances as loads time, effort, and energy to complete even smooth things,
which may be exhausting. I've had been given to be quite careful. I’ve simply needed to
be very compassionate and affected person with myself lately. Others can be suffering
with the fatigue, frustration, sadness, anger, grief, and tension amongst different matters
of adjusting. Some humans and I desire there are loads of you out there, have long
gone thru the adjustment manner and are locating consolation to your new norm. In all
of this, right here are some vital matters to remember.

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