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Expt. No. Page No.

uspus Reltuns
Cgecduu-do uriy that tn olatisns R_u
st h uns
Un aplinu lhinad uusKlab)'alb,a,b
Bymmtuiu nathe» ehLtoiue non tuansitiun
Matnualsuauirudlhil papen,Lomtuy lox, skuth pn
lethod Lanstuution 0 duke poun uhite papens
9Duaus slraietlnes n the haben
U ha n_the u LUy Hulh
und skth huns.
Pastt thesht
Demgnstyation '-04n_fugore () ne l,in nt punpundiiulan te
itelh_An the higwu l) thene no nr_who
Jen ta itsel
a,Ra, b,Rb C,KC ho on
Rrenduular f_lines donot yslos nofleoiu
An fugurs0,1 b,and bla,
iL e,Rb,>b,Ra,
Teacher's Signature:

Expt. No Page No.

Arnpunadiudan lines symmduu nluon

dn io a, Lh, b, le, -
but a. XC,
a,Rb,,b,RC, out a, Re,
parponcladan lines u not bunsitiue nelalisn

Disuatisn-0An hi we su thut uis a, iu not ln to

a, Ra
do, Jn linus is nst a nluacdiu utadlen
4n i4 4, nb,>b,Lna,
a,Rb, b,Ra,
tAyTmutruu utlatusn
hig 0 a,L, b, h, Lnc, ut a,Lr ,
a,Rb, b,RC, CL,Re,
i nst tnunsitue neladion

duion.ln of lunus n u blane n Aummtuu ul neithzn

Hllauue N traniluu.

Teacher's Signature:

Page No.
Expt. No.

quinuadnu Rulaliun

h al lnes
Ciudiuai le uenijy thut the ndladion R in the st handa,bEL3u
U plane, dehund l R-lla,b)..alub
un uqiualnu nalatuorn

aterials mguirud:- Uhul pupen, Lyumsty box,kulth pun, Iun,

lolun payhers
Mthod wnsdudiun:-Olu puh shugts d pupeE
Duu kuut lunes n the sha
Pas thu shuds
Omanstuutienen ligO lne a u lld te ilyAnlugD

alla, bllb ,C,lIc, mans ,Re ,b,Rb,c,RL,|

und n
ll lis n u Hloiue Hulutiore.

0n the iynt a , lb,b, la, lie) a,Rh, >bRa,

, d o linu u Ngmuii
4n tha lia a,llb, ,b,lIc,ale,(ia)a,Rb,bRe,aRC,
Teacher's Signature:

Expt. No. Page No.

DMnuatian-0uty uine is lll to iat

l l o lne in ahao nohluuuue

An lug ih a line a,lltt to b, than b, Cdso llt lo a,

QRb,>b, Ra,
l l lines symmibic

An Jug a,lletb, b,llelc,allel c,

nel of luinu is tuanitiue
Oll lues is ofaciue sypmmbuu and banutiue
a an tquuuialan nelatuon
onduawn- s llalunn n u plane s uhluouu symmitrun
und transiile
und uulation. be it i an tauuuclaa

Abpliutien ndstrd the unut an auuulnu sulatsn

and lso teuk it

Teacher's Signature:
Expt. No.
Page No.

duidy3 3
One-ne ut nte tuntion

cctiu Je dumunsteaute a lndion uhch u m-ne ut ondo

Nateal MLQLULud- Ndraiwrp Lsancd,a uuhie papen AMat, lcd

AuA, penuil_and nal
Mthed h (onsuudie
Dake th_ detuung Luxnd and bla t_on a talde and lun thu
whith bapn shut ont ulh the hth q
led _þuns.
ak tuo sth A:{i1,3 und hla,b, col3
3uk thHIL_puinth on_the _leht_hand ride_ the uhita þapun shust
and nnme_them_us1,2,3 4t epuwnts sat A_Juke u_þonts _on sugtt
hundbida M Ihe whito_ pupen stht ad nuTe thom 8 aLb and
u4in tho paunt 1 thu bt Ato þsunt a the set B, þout
thaAtA_to prunt_b e the BL Bund huint 3 o the Ba d
to paunt C the sat

Dmenstution, (eenuadion and ondusin

Dh umag the lemant 1t a hel Au tlmut a tte set B
he una_ tho lumunt 2 th nt A dmunt þ thu set B
Oh mup t h eclanett 3 h n sut BAtlrunt C tha B
hin damansbade that eauh tlemunt d Ahaonly one imge
n et B.Hna, un undlude hat the fundisni A wl sAe

Expt. No. Page No.

Lemunt à the xt B has pra- imae tlemunti ths set A

lumunt b t u xt B hus pra-Umae lemnt a lho Met h
lmunt C thu t Bhan pra-umag lumd 3 ho NL A
ond clemunt d the t B hus no pe umugein tha et
Uhis dumarnstnLtes hat all th olumub but oru dumunt the
6t B haA pu- inaye in set lA8o, ue
andude ha the
Hane tha_undion huam sat A-11,2,35te sat B:labads
dhinud as {1a),2,b)3hune-ov ut nat onte
hi autuudy _ianlo used ko erily whdhh u qiun undion
ne-on lud nd _onte

Teacher's Signature:

Page No.
Expt. No.

Adiuitp 4

One-One and nto husulisn

ectias dunansula a Auntdian uuhuh on ons and nto.

Matrial Buquad Adrauuny boad, Auhde pathon shat,bcoced þia

penaland Mals
Maihad tunsbuutin
Dake tuwe fundions A={1335 and B-{a,h,c{ u shun in fuigure
uku theL_prunts on lyt hund sde tha_uhte pafwn shet and
name hem_ 1,2,3 4t _muhuusents ut BA.
3Klak thH_þuints un suht_hund sida _he uhde ppen_shud and
um tham ab,c41 xopMOsunta_st B
4in_pount 1e t A te pait a e t B, punt a u t A
e þud b u t B and jn paint 3 et Ao puntc

Dumanaluudionsuatisn and wndusion

otspuue (unn fuune ha
Chemypate nt Ahun dmunt a sat Bcas ds inage
Glruat set Ahas mont b st B_as ib imaag
lament 3 f_set Ahaselmunt e st Bas ih imug
shgusthat un zdumynt Aet Ahas ynz irmaa_n Ret B.
Iam thu osuuutun, ue_Lndud Thut the urtan u Gu-a
Expt. No.
Page No.

)rusm the fuguru, l oleue that.

m t a q el B hus ts pra- imag 1 in the mt A
lemnt b t B hus ds pxa- umage 2 in st A.
lemant C qd has it pre-image 3 in sat A_
Ohi druation hous that auh elumurd s t
Ae-ima4 in set A
B has u a

Hom the eudemunalnaten and uatin uw Lordudt

Hrut the
thahundlunu onto Hna, the hundion uumt
A:1,3,3to etB={a,bc3 dhuud as 1a,%,b),(3,c){
B(on one nd onto

hs adudty tan lu sd to uuby uhalhn a_quen Aundiun
C-oni and nlo n nat

Teacher's Signature:

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