Concepts/Needs/Problems Proposed Solution Procedure

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Concepts/Needs/Problems Proposed Solution Procedure

1.Overuse injuries is any type In general, treatment for Price – stands for protection,
of muscle or joint injuries overuse injuries involves rest, ice, compression and
relative rest to allow that elevation
affected area the necessary Protection - put a first aid in
time to heal. the affected area to protect it
and avoid infection
Rest – avoid exercise and
reduce daily physical activity
Ice – apply an ice pack to the
affected area for 15-20
minutes, every 2-3 hours
Compression – use elastic
compression badges during
the day to limit swelling
Elevation – keep the injured
body part raised above the
level of the heart whenever
possible this may also help
reduce swelling furthermore
other treatment option may
include medical be sure to
consult the doctor
3. Bullying/Insulting and When you see someone Here the way to both prevent
unfair treatment getting bullied or insulting and stop bullying on your
someone you can either tell teams
those who have the authority 1.encourage players to report
or protect and defend them bullying
not to the point that you will 2. have open discussion
be dragged to the bullying 3. clearly state the
also if you are being bullied punishment for bullying
tell them to stop get away 4. identify the origin of the
from the situation and tell a bullying
trusted adult say your coach 5. protect all athletes equally
or teacher 6. don’t encourage harmful
7. encourage players to spent
4. Inequality in sports Creating awareness for Here the way to stop gender
(gender) gender equality to sport and inequality in sport
show men and women as women/girls' sports
equals as fan or player women
attend women's sports game
at all levels
2. develop gender equity
3. provide equal opportunities
for girls in sports
5. abusive coaches (bully, No excuse for the abuse Encourage players to report
hitting, etc.) don’t tolerate negative bullying
coaching, report it to law 1.creating a safe environment
enforcement as soon as to prevent abuse in sport
possible get an abusive 2. file a complaint against for
coach fired coach
3. take/taking action against
bully coaches or abusive

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