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Six Step Sequencing Stories
Materials Made by The Speech Zone

Print a page and cut off the 6 pictures at the bottom of the page. Read the story with your student and
have them find the picture that goes with each step of the story. Have your student glue the pictures in
the correct order on the numbered boxes below the story. Students can use the pictures to retell the
story. You can also use the story to work on answering wh questions and articulation.

Thank you for your purchase! These materials were created and are copyrighted by Amy Federer, MA. CCC-SLP
and are sold in my TpT store The Speech Zone.

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©The Speech Zone

©The Speech Zone

Making an Apple Pie

Paul baked an apple pie. First he peeled the apples and cut them into slices.
Next he put the apple slices in a bowl and mixed them with the other
ingredients to make the apple filling. Then he poured the filling into a pie crust.
Then he put the pie into the hot oven to bake. After that Paul took the pie out of
the oven when it was fully cooked and set it on the counter to cool. Last when
the pie was completely cool Paul cut a slice of pie, put it on his plate, and tasted
it. It was delicious!

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©The Speech Zone

Getting Dressed for the Snow

Cole wanted to go outside to play in the snow. First he put his snow pants on
over his clothes. Next he sat on the floor and put on his winter boots. Then he
stood up and put on his warm winter coat . Then he put on his stocking cap that
had flaps that would keep his ears warm. After that he wrapped his scarf around
his neck and put his fuzzy mittens on his hands. Last he went outside and played
in the snow.

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©The Speech Zone

Making a Caramel Apple

Lyla made a caramel apple. First she poked a stick into the top of an apple. Next
she put caramels and milk into a bowl. Then she put the bowl into a microwave
to melt the caramels. Then she took the bowl out of the microwave and stirred
the melted caramel with a spoon. After that she held onto the apple by the stick
and dipped the apple into the melted caramel. Last when the caramel had
cooled Lyla took a bite of the caramel apple. It was delicious!

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©The Speech Zone

Getting Ready for School

Cora gets ready for school everyday. First she changes out of her pajamas and
puts her school clothes on. Next she brushes her hair. Then she goes to the
kitchen and eats a big breakfast. Then she goes to the bathroom to brush her
teeth. After that she puts on her socks and shoes. Last she puts on her backpack
and heads out the door to walk to school.

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©The Speech Zone

Making Spaghetti

The kids are making a spaghetti dinner for their family. First the boy heats the
spaghetti sauce and boils the spaghetti noodles in pots on top of the stove.
Next, when the noodles are fully cooked, his sister pours the noodles into a
strainer to remove the water. Then she scoops a cup of noodles onto a plate.
Then she covers the noodles with hot spaghetti sauce. After that she adds
three hot meatballs on top of the sauce. Last their sister tries the spaghetti and
announces it is the best spaghetti she has ever eaten!

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©The Speech Zone

Building a Sand Castle

Brady built a sand castle at the beach. First he took his sand buckets and a
shovel to the beach and sat by the water. Next he scooped wet sand into the
the buckets. Then he turned a bucket over and slowly lifted it up to make the
first tower. Then he turned over the second bucket to make another sand tower.
After that he made a third tower out of sand. Last he stuck a flag into the top of
the middle tower and his sand castle was complete!

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©The Speech Zone

Fishing at the Pond

Rory went fishing. First he got his fishing pole and tackle box out of storage.
Next he walked to the neighborhood pond. Then he took a container of worm
bait out of his tackle box and wrapped a worm around his hook. Then Rory cast
his line into the water and waited for a fish to bite the bait. After that the fishing
pole began to bend and Rory could feel a fish pulling on the fishing line. Last
Rory reeled the fish in and took it off the hook so that he could take the fish
home and cook it for dinner.

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©The Speech Zone

Planting Seeds

Polly grew a plant in her flower pot. First she poured soil into the pot. Next she
planted seeds into the soil. Then she watered the soil and seeds with her
watering can. Then after a couple of days a sprout popped out of the soil. After
that Polly watered the plant everyday so the plant would continue to grow. Last
the plant grew big and sprouted many leaves.

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©The Speech Zone

Making a Banana Split

Tessa made a banana split for dessert. First she scooped three scoops of
vanilla ice cream into a long bowl. Next she sliced a banana and put the slices
on either side of the ice cream. Then she squirted chocolate sauce on top of
each ice cream scoop. Then she put three dollops of whipped cream on top of
the chocolate sauce. After that she topped each dollop of whipped cream with
a bright red cherry. Last she ate the banana split and it was the best dessert
she had ever ate!

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©The Speech Zone

Making Lemonade

Lola made lemonade. First she squeezed the juice from three lemons into a
pitcher. Next she added a big scoop of sugar to the pitcher. Then she filled the
pitcher up with water. Then she stirred the lemonade with a wooden spoon to
mix up all of the ingredients. After that she filled a glass with ice and poured the
lemonade into the glass. Last she drank the sweet, cold lemonade and it tasted

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Carving a Jack-O-Lantern

Joy carved a jack-o-lantern. First Joy visited a pumpkin patch and picked out the
perfect pumpkin. Next she took the pumpkin home, put it on a table, and cut off
the top. Then Joy used a wooden spoon to scoop the stringy guts and seeds out
of the pumpkin. Then she used a knife to cut out two triangle eyes. After that she
cut out a triangle nose and a mouth. Last Joy put the top back on the pumpkin
and her jack-o-lantern was complete!

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Raking Leaves

Jenny raked the leaves in her yard. First she carried her rake to the backyard
where the leaves were all over the ground. Next she raked the leaves into a big
pile. Then she loaded the leaves into a wheelbarrow. Then she dumped the
leaves from the wheelbarrow into a bigger pile made up of all the leaves that she
had already raked up. After that she had a huge pile of leaves so she started to
bag them up into a trash bag. Last all of the leaves were in bags to go to the
garbage dump. There were so many leaves that it took three trash bags to hold
all of them.

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The Goldfish

Tommy got a new pet goldfish. First he bought a big fishbowl for the goldfish to
live in. Next he got the fishbowl ready for the fish by putting gravel and plants in
the bottom of it. Then he used a big cup to fill the bowl full of lukewarm water.
Then he brought his goldfish home from the pet store in a plastic bag and
showed the goldfish its new home. After that he put the goldfish in the fishbowl
and gave it fish food. Last he made sure the fish bowl stayed clean by using a
net to scoop out the dirt floating in the water.

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The Bakery

The pastry chefs at the bakery make cakes everyday. First a chef mixes all the
cake ingredients in a big bowl. Next a chef pours the cake batter into a round
cake pan. Then a chef puts the cake pan into a hot oven so the cake can bake.
Then when the cake is done baking and has cooled off a chef decorates the
cake with icing. After that the chef puts the cake on a cake stand. Last a chef
sets the cake in the window display so people will see it when they walk by the

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Joel went camping in his backyard. First he packed his backpack and sleeping
bag to take outside. Next he set up the tent in his backyard. Then he roasted
marshmallows on a stick over a campfire. Then he ate the marshmallows while
they were still warm and gooey. After that he crawled into his tent and used the
light from his flashlight to read his book. Last he climbed inside his cozy sleeping
bag and fell asleep.

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Picking Apples

Kyle went apple picking at an apple orchard. First he carried an empty basket
to a tree full of apples. Next he started picking the apples off of the tree. Then
he continued to pick apples until his basket was completely full. Then he picked
an apple from his basket to eat for a snack. After that he took a big bite out of
the juicy apple. Last the apple was so delicious that Kyle ate the whole thing
until there was only a core left.

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Cleaning the House

The kids helped clean the house. First a girl put away all of the toys that were
on the floor. Next a boy watered the plant with a watering can. Then a girl
washed the dirty dishes in the kitchen sink. Then a boy wiped off the kitchen
table. After that a girl vacuumed the living room carpet. Last a boy took the
trash out to the garbage can. Now the house was tidy and clean!

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Snow Ice Cream

Eleanor loves to make snow ice cream in the winter time. First she goes
outside and fills a bowl full of clean snow. Next she brings the snow inside and
pours milk into the bowl of snow. Then she adds a couple drops of vanilla to
the snow. Then she uses a spoon to add two tablespoons of sugar to the
snow. After that she stirs all of the ingredients together. Last she eats the snow
ice cream. It is her favorite winter time treat.

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Washing the Dog

Alexander gave his dog, Charlie, a bath. First Alexander got out a tub, a bottle
of dog shampoo, and a towel. Next he used a hose to fill the tub with water.
Then Charlie got into the tub. Then Alexander scrubbed Charlie with shampoo
and rinsed him off. After that Alexander dried Charlie off with the towel. Last
Charlie was happy because he was clean and ready to play again.

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Helping on the Farm

The kids helped take care of the animals on their uncle’s farm. First a girl fed the
horse a bucket of carrots. Next a boy milked the dairy cow. Then a boy
brushed the goat’s fur. Then a girl collected a dozen eggs from the chicken
coop. After that she fed the hens corn meal. Last the kids each took turns
learning how to drive the tractor.

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Six Step Sequencing Stories
Materials Made by The Speech Zone

The graphics and fonts found in this product were created by:

©The Speech Zone

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