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The Hunger Games begins in District 12 on the day of the reaping. Katniss Everdeen, goes off to meet
her buddy Gale so they can go hunt and trying to collect before the reaping that afternoon. We learn
about Katniss' life in the impoverished area of her district, the Seam, and her family as she makes
her journey from her house to the Meadow and, finally, to the woods, where people from the
district are forbidden to go. Katniss considers her 4-year-younger sister Prim and her mother, both of
whom have relied on Katniss for survival since her father perished in a mine explosion when she was
11. The reaping is tense because it chooses which boy and girl, aged 12 to 18, will be the district's
tributes in the Hunger Games. In each of the 12 districts, two tributes are chosen, and they are taken
to an arena to battle until only one is alive. The victor is allowed to return home, and his district is
showered with gifts, primarily food. The Capitol's Games are intended to punish Panem's 12 districts
while also reminding them of the Dark Days, when the 13th district was decimated for rebelling
against the oppressive and cruel Capitol.Prim's name is drawn at the reaping, despite all odds.
Katniss decides to help out in any way she can. Katniss volunteers to take her younger sister's place
as the girl tribute for District 12 in the 74th Hunger Games. The other tribute is Peeta Mellark, a
young kid Katniss' age and the son of the baker. She recalls Peeta's kindness to her as a youngster,
when he gave her a burnt piece of bread so she wouldn't go hungry. Peeta's selection does not bode
well for Katniss, who believes she owes Peeta a debt of gratitude for saving her life when they were
children, which is awkward given that she is now expected to murder him in the Hunger Games.
Katniss and Peeta face their stylists when they arrive at the Training Center. When Katniss meets
Cinna, a young guy who dresses casually and uses very little makeup compared to the other stylists,
she is pleasantly delighted. Katniss and Peeta are introduced as a pair at the opening ceremonies, a
method that has never been done before. Their entry becomes the highlight of the opening
festivities as they race through the Capitol in a chariot holding hands, their clothes glowing in false
flames, gaining Katniss the nickname "girl on fire." The tributes' training begins. According to Katniss
and Peeta's request, Haymitch coaches them together and tells them to keep their greatest abilities
hidden from the other tributes. For Katniss, this entails avoiding archery. Her bow and arrow skills
are unsurpassed after many years of hunting wildlife in the woods. During her private session with
the Gamemakers, they award her an 11 out of 12 for her abilities and tenacity. Peeta's strength is his
most valuable asset, thus he avoids weight lifting when he's around the other tributes. Haymitch
also advises them to stick together at all times. Peeta begs Haymitch to coach him privately just
before their interviews. Katniss is enraged by this and feels betrayed, but she concludes that she and
Peeta aren't friends and that the sooner they stop trying to be, the better. Peeta, on the other hand,
declares his love for Katniss during the interview, and the audience believes they are star-crossed
lovers locked in an arena where their love will perish. Katniss is enraged at Peeta for making her
appear weak in front of the tributes and the crowd. Katniss, on the other hand, is assured by
Haymitch and Cinna that Peeta has given her an advantage by making her appear desirable. The
tributes rise up from below ground to begin the 74th Hunger Games. They form a ring around the
metal Cornucopia, a massive golden horn that stores supplies and weapons and is used to entice the
tributes in for a bloodbath. Katniss has been told by Haymitch to flee as far away as she can from the
Cornucopia and locate water as soon as can. Katniss, however, questions Haymitch's instructions and
prepares to grab the bow and quiver of arrows from the Cornucopia, but she is distracted long
enough by Peeta shaking his head at her, causing her to miss the opening gong that releases the
tributes. She dashes in just long enough to collect a single backpack before disappearing into the
woods, where she feels most at ease. She runs all day, trying to put as much distance between
herself and the other tributes as possible while absorbing in her surroundings.


The trees soothe her, but she can't find any water. Katniss gets pinned in a tree by the
Careers and Peeta one night. Katniss is softly pointed out a tracker jacker nest by Rue, a
young tribute from District 11 hidden in a nearby tree. Katniss rips the nest apart and tosses
it on Peeta and the Careers the next morning. The tracker jackers assassinate the District 4
girl and Glimmer, the lovely tribute from District 1. Katniss is stung a few times but manages
to get away. While she's running, she recalls Glimmer's bow and arrows. She returns to get
them before the hovercraft arrives to carry Glimmer's body away. Katniss is having trouble
concentrating due to the tracker jacker venom, and she can hear the Careers' footsteps
approaching. Peeta is the one who finds her and tells her to flee. He remains to fend off
Cato, the aggressive young tribute from District 2, and saves Katniss' life, prompting Katniss
to question Peeta's motives and wonder if his love for her are genuine or just a show for the
audience. Rue, who reminds Katniss of her younger sister Prim, makes an alliance with
Katniss. Because of Katniss' mockingjay pin, Rue claims she knew she could trust her. Rue
adores mockingjays and their melodies, so Katniss and Rue decide to utilize the mockingjays
in the arena to communicate while carrying out their plot to destroy the Cornucopia's food
supply. Katniss sets off the Careers' own booby traps, burning most of their food and leaving
Katniss deaf in her left ear, but she can't find Rue when she returns. Katniss appears just in
time to watch the boy from District 1 spear Rue to death as a result of Rue's screaming.
Katniss assassinates him. She then sings to Rue till she dies, after which she flowers her
friend's body. The Capitol views this memorial to Rue as a form of defiance; tributes from
opposite districts are supposed to murder each other during the Games, never form true
friendships. Claudius Templesmith, the Games' announcer, announces a new rule to the
Games, which includes Katniss and Peeta. Two tributes can win this year if they are from the
same district. Katniss rushes off right away to find Peeta, who she knows has been gravely
injured by Cato. He's hidden in the mud and in horrible shape when she finds him. Peeta's
leg has become dangerously infected from the wound caused by Cato's attack. Katniss takes
him to a cave where he may mend in peace, and while she's there, she works hard to give
the audience what they want, which is romance, knowing that pleasing them will earn them
gifts. She also understands that if she plays the audience correctly, she will be successful.

In the cave, they continue to cuddle, but Peeta develops blood poisoning, and Katniss
realizes that he won't live much longer without medication. Claudius declares that a "feast"
will be held at the Cornucopia at daybreak, and that each district will receive a rucksack
containing something that the tributes sorely require. Katniss is certain that her bag will
contain medicine for Peeta, who has stated that he will not allow Katniss to put her life on
the line for him. Katniss receives sleeping syrup from Haymitch, which she uses to put Peeta
to sleep as she travels to the Cornucopia.Peeta's infection is treated by the medicine in his
bag, and he gradually regains his strength. In the woods, Katniss and Peeta hunt and gather,
and Katniss can't stop thinking about Gale and how much she misses him. She wonders
what Gale thinks of Peeta and how she kisses him, but she prefers not to think of both Peeta
and Gale at the same time because her thoughts are so complex. When Katniss, Peeta, and
Cato are the only remaining tributes, Katniss knows the Gamemakers will soon gather them
for their final combat. The streams and ponds do indeed dry up, forcing the remaining
tributes to seek water near the Cornupia's lake. Katniss and Peeta decide to wait for Cato at
the Cornucopia. Cato emerges from the woods, pursued by muttations, Capitol-created
beasts. These creatures resemble wolves and can balance on their hind legs. They also each
have the eyes and hair color of one of the deceased tributes. Peeta, Katniss, and Cato scale
the Cornucopia in an attempt to escape the beasts' grasp. Cato snatches Peeta, who has a
deep bite and is dripping blood. Katniss shoots Cato in the hand, causing him to fall to the
ground and be attacked by the muttations. Cato is gnawed on by the animals all night, and
Katniss shoots him with an arrow the next day to put a stop to his (and their) suffering. The
Games appear to be finished for Katniss and Peeta, but Claudius Templesmith's voice
reveals that the previously established new rule concerning two tributes winning has been
repealed. Only one tribute has a chance to win. Katniss learns that this has always been the
Gamemakers' design, to finish with the starcrossed lovers and have one of them sacrifice his
or her life for the other. Katniss, on the other hand, devises a strategy. Claudius retracts his
most recent proclamation, claiming that two tributes can actually win, declaring Katniss and
Peeta the winners of this year's Hunger Games. Katniss and Peeta are rehomed in the
Capitol, with their scars and burns polished smooth, albeit Peeta loses his leg. They'll be
reunited in front of an audience, but Haymitch tells Katniss that the Capitol isn't happy with
her before they hit the stage.


They thought she made them appear like fools with her berry stunt. Haymitch claims she must
persuade them that she is so enamored with Peeta that she cannot be held accountable for
her deeds. Katniss realizes that the most hazardous aspect of the Games has only just begun
as she takes the stage alongside Peeta to view a video replay of the Games. Katniss is
incredibly convincing throughout the video presentation and her interview with Caesar
Flickerman. Peeta is, too, but he doesn't need any training. So far, Katniss has preferred to
pretend that Peeta is just a better actor. She does worry, however, if he actually loves her.
The novel finishes with Katniss and Peeta heading back to District 12 on the train as heroes.
Katniss becomes increasingly perplexed about her love for Peeta and her true identity as she
approaches closer to home. She understands that pretending to love Peeta has spared her
life, and that she must continue to do so in order for the Capitol not to punish her for her
final deed in the arena. Her thoughts are still on Gale, and she can't wait to see him again.
Peeta feels deceived when he learns that Haymitch was still instructing Katniss after they
returned. He's curious about what's been going on between them and how they will be once
they arrive to their home. Katniss senses him pulling away from her and realizes she's losing
him. Katniss isn't sure who she is now that she's won the Hunger Games at the end of the
book. She also has no idea whether she loves Gale or Peeta, or where her life will go from
here with the Capitol's watchful eye.



-BE STRONG that you should stand up for what you believe in no matter what your
circumstances are.

-BE SELFLESS even though she knows that the games is very dangerous but she
sacrifice her life for the sake of her sister.



1. She is the girl who volunteered to take her younger sister's place as a girl tribute.
 Katniss Everdeen/ Katniss

2. He is Katniss's hunting partner.

 Gale 

3. He is the son of Baker, who gave Katniss a burnt piece of bread. He is also a boy
tribute from District 12. 
 Peeta Mellarck/ Peeta

4. Term for the day that the Tributes selected from each district.
 Reaping Day

5. The nickname for District 12 is

 the Seam/ seam

6. He is a young guy who dresses casually and designs Katniss's "Girl on Fire" outfit.
 Cinna

7. A massive golden horn that stores supplies and weapons which also used to entice
the tributes.
 Cornucopia

8. The aggressive young tribute from District 1

 Cato 

9. She is the little girl who reminds Katniss of her younger sister.
 Rue

10. He is the announcer of the Game.

 Claudius Templesmith

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