Adaptive Active Power

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Adaptive Active Power Line Harmonic Filter for

Industrial and Commercial Power Distribution Systems

Frank Chen, Lin Wang, Weidong Liu, Todd Mander, and Richard Cheung

frequency tuning. An active filter basically consists of a power

Abstract-- Harmonic disturbances caused by non-linear loads electronic inverter circuit and a control circuit. The common
such as power switching devices often occur in the industrial and operation of the active filter is as follows. First the harmonic-
commercial power distribution systems and can damage sensitive detecting unit in the control circuit samples the instantaneous
equipment connected to the systems, causing tremendous waveform of the power-line voltage and current and then
productivity loss. This paper presents an Adaptive-Harmonic- computes the required compensating current. Second, based
Detection-Algorithm (AHDA) active filter for effective on the computed amount of current, the control unit generates
elimination of harmonic disturbances. This filter consists of a
standard power electronic inverter with state-of-the-art digital gating signals to drive the inverter power circuit. Third,
signal processor (DSP) control. The AHDA filter is efficient due according to the gating signals, the inverter generates the
to its adaptive harmonic detection algorithm for various power- compensating current and injects it into the power line to
line conditions. The algorithm is based on a novel noise cancel its harmonic distortion.
cancellation theory that was designed for applications outside Therefore the concept of active filtering is straightforward
power electronics. This paper presents a practical formulation of involving two basic steps: measuring the harmonics in the
the algorithm to significantly simplify the original complex power line, and then driving the inverter to cancel them. In
formulation for noise cancellations. This paper details the DSP-
based hardware and software implementations of the AHDA
practice, however, it is difficult to eliminate all harmonics in
filter. This filter achieved high operational reliability and cost the power line completely. One major difficulty is inaccurate
effectiveness. Simulation and experimental results are provided. detection of changing power-line harmonics by the
conventional detection methods due to the interaction of the
Index Terms-- Active filters, Adaptive control, Harmonic active filter and the power electronic equipment that generates
analysis, Inverters, Power conditioning. the original harmonics [5]. The harmonics detection is a very
important step for the elimination of harmonic disturbances in
I. INTRODUCTION the industrial and commercial distribution systems. If
ACTIVE power filter, if designed properly, can eliminate harmonics are not detected accurately, the power line
t harmonic disturbances caused by non-linear loads on condition can be either under-compensated or over-
power lines in the industrial and commercial power compensated.
distribution systems [1]-[3]. An active filter is basically a
B. Methods ofActive Filtering
power electronic inverter that can eliminate the power-line
harmonics by injecting compensating harmonics for an equal- Conventionally, harmonics were detected and controlled by
but-opposite amount of the original harmonics [4],[5]. The using frequency-domain and time-domain compensating
focus of this paper is to increase the harmonic elimination methods [6]-[9].
capability of active power line filters by improving the on the measurements methods perform Fourier transformation
of the distorted power line current to
accuracy of their detection ability particularly for real obtain the harmonic contents and then to determine the
industrial and commercial distribution systems. amount and waveform of the compensating current. These
A. Concept ofActive Filtering methods utilize the periodicity of the distorted waveform to
This paper proposes an active filter that offers effective produce the compensating output. They are not effective for
elimination of power-line harmonic disturbances compared to non-periodic power-line distortion, but the non-periodic
the passive harmonic filters using inductors and capacitors. distortions are often found in the industrial sites. Another
An active filter is effective since the active filter operates drawback of the frequency-domain method is that the Fourier
adaptively to various power distribution system conditions to transformation needs a lot of computations and thus is not
optimize its filtering capability at any instance, while the time-efficient for real time control. In general, frequency-
passive filters' capability is often limited by their fixed domain methods are useful when the power line has a few
low-order harmonics and their magnitudes change slowly.
However, if the power line has a considerable amount of high-
F.Chen and T. Mander are with University of Teesside, U.K. and Ryerson order, fast-changing harmonics, then the determination of the
University, Canada harmonics must require many small-step calculations to
L. Wang, Weidong Liu, and R. Cheung (rcheung are with produce accurate signals for driving the active filter.
Ryerson University, Canada.
Time-domain compensating methods are based on the
1-4244-0557-2/06/$20.00 ©2006 IEEE instantaneous measurements of the distorted power-line
voltage and current to compute the compensating signals. In
principle, those methods can compensate both periodic and

non-periodic power-line distortions. Typical time-domain measured load current. The reference can then be obtained
methods are: instantaneous reactive power method [6], simply by subtracting the measured load current from the
synchronous detection method [7], flux-based controller [8], derived fundamental component. An active filter simply uses a
and notch filter method [9], etc. The effectiveness of these power electronic inverter to inject equal-but-opposite amount
methods varies depending on the assumptions used. Some of harmonics, according to the reference, into the power line
methods assume the three-phase power supply to be balanced, to cancel the original ones.
the supply voltage to be near sinusoidal, etc. Thus, their This paper presents an Adaptive-Harmonic-Detection-
applications are limited. The instantaneous reactive power Algorithm (AHDA) active filter for effective elimination of
method and the synchronous detection method are popular and harmonic disturbances in power lines of industrial and
are used for comparison with the method proposed in this commercial distribution systems. Fig. 2 shows the basic circuit
paper. of the AHDA filter that consists of a standard industrial-
proven power electronic inverter with a state-of-the-art digital
II. ACTIVE FILTER AND OPERATION signal processor (DSP) control.
The basic operation principle of an active filter can be
illustrated using Fig. 1

a poCapacitor
Small - I -
HF Filter

I:I: 4> StandardInverter

with IGBT switches
Fig. 1. A simple circuit block diagram for illustration of active filtering I_ control
___> circuit
Fig. 1 shows a simple circuit block diagram for illustration
of active filtering, where us is the utility voltage source, L, is Fig. 2. Basic AHDA filter inverter circuit and typical connection.
the source impedance including the power line impedance, i, As shown in Fig.2, the inverter used in the AHDA filter is
is the supply current, v, is supply voltage, i, is the a single-stage three-phase bridge-connected converter circuit
compensating current, iL is the load current, and CT is the that simply consists of two power electronic switches per
current transducer. The non-linear load generates harmonics phase. Today the commonly used switches in power electronic
into the power line, and the active filter injects counter- circuits are the insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBT). This
harmonics to cancel them. The non-linear load generates non- converter has six IGBT switches for a three-phase circuit
sinusoidal current that can be resolved into harmonic operation. The converter dc terminal is connected to a dc
components using Fourier transformation. The load current capacitor (Cdc). A small three-phase inductor-capacitor (LC)
can then be written as:
circuit is connected on the converter ac terminal. This LC
iL() I, sin( cot + +E I, sin( ncot + () circuit serves two functions: one absorbs high frequency
n =2 switching from the converter; the other interfaces the
=il (t) + ih (t)(1 converter with the ac supply system.
The fundamental component il can be further decomposed

il (t) = ia (t) + iq()(2) The active filter proposed in this paper is efficient due to the
Adaptive Harmonic Detection Algorithm (AHDA) that is
where ia is the active current component that has the same capable of accurately computing the power-line harmonics for
frequency (60 Hz) and is in phase with the source voltage u5, varying distribution system conditions. The following
and iq is the reactive current component that is 90 degrees out- describes the algorithm.
of-phase with i,. Equation (1) can be rewritten as:
iL (t) ='I (t) + ih (t) = a(t) + i, (t) + ih (t) (3) A. Adaptive Noise-Canceling Theory
=ia t + icom ( The AHDA method developed in this paper is based on the
theory of adaptive noise cancellation. The theory was
where icomp is the current component needed to be proposed originally for signal processing operation to cancel
compensated by the active filter. One control objective is to the noise inside a signal or to separate the desired signal from
obtain the harmonic current that is then used as a current the noise. The theory can be illustrated using Fig. 3.
reference for the active filter switching control. This can be
done by extracting the fundamental component from the
Primary Input Primary Input
Output Harmonics

Reference Input Reference Input

Fig. 3. Block diagram for adaptive noise cancellation Fig. 4. Application of adaptive noise cancellation for harmonic detection
In Fig. 3, the primary input is s+nO that contains the signal s In this case, the fundamental component of load current is
and the noise nO. They are uncorrelated. n1 is a reference input treated as the noise. The output of the adaptive compensator
which is a noise source and is somehow correlated with no, but should be the best least-square estimate of the fundamental
is uncorrelated with s. n1 is processed by the adaptive filter. component provided that ia is uncorrelated with icomp and u is
The system output is used as an error signal as well to adjust uncorrelated with icomp. The uncorrelated relationship between
the parameters of the adaptive filter such that its output y is ia and Gcomp can be proven based on the fact that ia is
the best estimate of the noise nO. Therefore the noise can be orthogonal to icomp. The proofs are omitted from this paper.
cancelled from the signal. The system output or the error Similarly, the uncorrelated relationship between u and icomp is
signal is the subtraction of y from the signal, i.e. also true because u is orthogonal to icomp as well. Therefore,
=s+n0o-y (4) the adaptive noise-canceling theory can be fully used for
Squaring (4), one obtains: active filter to detect power line harmonics.
=S +(n y)2
+ 2s(n0 y)
Take expectations of both sides of (5), and realize that s is
uncorrelated with nO andy. This yields An active filter was built to verify the adaptive harmonic
detection algorithm (AHDA) proposed in this paper. The
E[82] E[s2] + E[(n- y)2] + 2E[s(n0 -
y)] AHDA filter consisted of two main parts: one was the control
E[s2] + E[(n- y)2 ] circuit mainly consisting of a DSP (TI TMS320LF2407), and
Accordingly, the minimum output power is the other was the power circuit mainly consisting of a power
electronic converter module (Semikron 342GD120-3 16). An
Emin [£2] = E[S2] + Emin [(H- Y)2 ] (7) interface circuit was built to match the level of signals
When the filter is adjusted such that Eft2] is minimized, between the DSP output and the inverter input. For the
E[(no-y)2] is also minimized. The filter output y is then the convenience of performing the experiments in the university
best least-squares estimate of the primary noise nO. Least- laboratory, the AHDA filter was isolated from the utility
Mean-Squares (LMS) algorithm can be used in the adaptive power system using a transformer. The output of the isolation
filter for noise canceling. The output y(n) of the adaptive filter transformer was 11 OV and the active filter was rated to OA.
is given as the sum of past and present values of input signal Fig. 5 shows the block diagram for the AHDA filter
x (n): implementation.

Yk WkXk I/ (8) Utility Non-linear

1=0 Supply Load
where Wkis the weight that are adjusted constantly according
to the errorsignal. As the LMS algorithm, Wk is updated each Inverter
cycle by the following formula: Semikron
WI(k+l) Wlk + 2,tWkXk_l / = 0,1... L (9)
Interface circuit sensors

In (9), ,u is a constant that regulates the speed and stability of

the adapting process. \ DSP Controller
B. Application ofAdaptive Noise Cancellation Algorithm For
Harmonic Detection Fig. 5. Block diagram for AHDA filter implementation
The principle of the adaptive noise canceling is applied to The DSP operated at 30 MHz, and it generated pulse-width-
the adaptive harmonic detection in the AHDA filter control modulation (PWM) switching signals for the active filter
proposed in this paper. The major task is to extract the inverter using the hysteresis comparison and interrupts at
fundamental component from harmonic-polluted power line 15kHz. Fig. 6 shows the structure of the software.
current. As indicated in (3), the load current can be expressed
as the sum of ia and icomp. If the source voltage, u(t) = Vsincwt,
is used as the reference input in Fig. 3, the adaptive harmonic
detection can be illustrated in Fig. 4.

significantly reduced, and the THD of the compensated line
current was only approximately 500.
tA) u

Updating 10

Fig. 6. Block Diagram for DSP software control

The DSP software implemented the AHDA for detection of
power-line harmonics. First, the software collected the non-
linear load current from the sensors through the analog-to- 0.1 0.13 0 .1 6 (s)

digital converter (ADC). Second, the software calculated the (a) Simulated load current
k.R I U
fundamental component of the non-linear load current using
the AHDA method with continuous updating the weights that 10 -----------

adapted to the power line conditions. Third, the software 0

calculated the harmonics on the power line and generated the
PWM signals for switching the active filter inverter. -10


0 .1 0.13 0 .16 (s
(b) Detected harmonic current
This section provides simulations using MATLAB Simulink (A)20 ~I

to demonstrate the effectiveness of the AHDA filter proposed

in this paper. This section also provides the experimental 10

validation of the simulated filter performance. The power line

voltage or current in the industrial and commercial -10
distribution systems are often distorted by the rectifier loads
such as dc power supply for industrial equipment or input -2
0 .1 0.13 0 .16 (s)
circuit for computer switching power supply. (c) Simulated current after compensation
A. Rectifier with RLC load with high harmonic on power line Fig. 8. Simulation results of rectifier RLC load (30Q, 2.5mH, 750 &F)

In order to illustrate the effectiveness of the AHDA filter, a Fig.9 shows the experimental results for the same non-
diode rectifier carrying a RLC load (30Q, 2.5mH, 750 [tF) linear condition as used for Fig.8 simulation.
was used as a source that injected harmonics into a three-
phase power line. Fig. 7 shows the connections of the AHDA
filter and the rectifier load.

Supp ly system

storage VSI

DSP control1ler t

Fig. 7. Connections of the AHDA filter and the rectifier load

Fig. 8 shows the simulation for the circuit of Fig. 7. As
shown in Fig. 8(a), the diode rectifier carrying a RLC load
that can represent typical serious non-linear loads injected
considerable amount of harmonics into power line in the
industrial and commercial distribution systems. The total
harmonic distortion (THD) of the current generated by this
load was high with approximately 410%. (c) Current after compensation, IOA/div, 0.0 isdiv
Fig. 8(b) shows the harmonic content of this load current Fig. Experimental results of RLC load (30Q, 2.5mH, 750 F)
that was simulated using the AHDA method proposed in this B. Unbalanced non-linear load as a combination of
paper. Fig. 8(c) shows the power-line current to this load after
and single-phase loads
the AHDA active filter had compensated the distorted load
current. The harmonic content of the power-line current was In order to illustrate the robustness and effectiveness of the
AHDA filter operating under non-ideal conditions, an

unbalanced non-linear load was designed as a combination of VI. CONCLUSIONS
a diode rectifier and unequal single-phase loads, as shown in This paper has presented the AHDA active filter for effective
Fig. 10. elimination of harmonic disturbances. This filter consists of a
standard power electronic inverter with a state-of-the-art
digital signal processor (DSP) control. The AHDA filter is
efficient due to its adaptive harmonic detection algorithm for
various power-line conditions. The algorithm is based on a
novel noise cancellation theory that was designed for
applications outside of power electronics. This paper has
presented a practical formulation of the algorithm to
significantly simplify the original complex formulation for
Fig. 10. Connections of the AHDA filter and the rectifier load
noise cancellations. This paper has presented the DSP-based
hardware and software implementations of the AHDA filter.
The simulation results are given in Fig. 11I and Fig. 12. This filter has achieved high operational reliability and cost
effectiveness. Simulations of the AHDA filter performance
under a typical but serious non-linear loading condition, and
experimental validation have been provided.
O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .2
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[3] Bhim Singh, Kamal Al-Haddad, "A Review of Active Filters for Power
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pp.960-971, Oct. 1999.
[4] Richard Cheung, "Active Filtering Technology," Canadian Electricity
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.2D T [5] Weidong Liu, "Adaptive Power-Line Harmonics Detection for Active
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[6] Akagi Hirofumi, Yoshihira Kanazawa, Akira Nabae, "Instantaneous
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[7] C. L. Chen, C. R. Lin, C. L. Huang, "Reactive and Harmonic Current
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[8] S. Bhattacharya, A. Veltman, D. M. Divan, R. D. Loren, "Flux-based
Fig. 11. Simulation of power-line current for unbalanced non-linear load Active Filter Controller," IEEE Trans. Industry Applications, Vol. 32,
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tA)l U
[9] M. Rastogi, N. Mohan, A. A. Edris, "Filtering of Harmonic Currents,
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.SU I. Frank Chen received his B.Eng. from Ryerson University. Currently he is
0,16 0,2 (s) Ph.D. candidate at the University of Teesside, U.K. in collaboration with
Ryerson University, and he is working as induction motor drive designer.

I10 -- - -ffi- - - r -l - - - - ; - l - - -,;- - - l - ;A- - - - - -P;- Lin Wang received her B.Eng., M.Eng., and Ph.D. degrees from Huazhong
University of Science and Technology, and was an Associate Professor at the
same university. She is currently conducting research at Ryerson University.
.... .... .,,, ,, , ,,,, ,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,1,, , ,1, ...
Weidong Liu received his B.Sc. and M.Eng. from Northeastern University,
Iz and M.A.Sc. from Ryerson Unversity. Currently he is an Electrical Engineer
in an oil producing company.
Todd Mander received his B.Eng. degree from Ryerson University. He is
10 currently working on his doctorate degree in power system computer networks
at the University of Teesside through Ryerson University.
I S---- --4--; ----E-b
- -

-t -- - - -

Richard Cheung received his B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees from the
University of Toronto. He was a Research Engineer in Ontario Hydro.
-IV Currently he is a Professor at Ryerson University, and he is an active Power
0,15 Engineering consultant and is the President of RC Power Conversions Inc.
Fig. 12. Simulation of compensated power-line current for non-linear load


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