Quiz Water Chemistry 10 Nov 2021 Choose The Right Answer

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10 Nov 2021
Choose the right answer

1 Eutrophication of water bodies leading to killing of fishes is mainly due to nonavailability of.
A. Food
B. Light
C. Essential oil
D. Oxygen
2 A new golf course is built next to a river. Over the past several months, the nitrate levels of
the water in the river have been increasing. Which best explains the cause of the increasing
nitrate levels?
a. increased growth of algae
b. decreased biodiversity
c. runoff from fertilizer
3 Which will most likely happen to a biological indicator species if there is a sudden increase
in pollution?
a. There will be a significant increase in the population numbers and the quality of the
b. There will be a significant decrease in the population numbers and the quality of the
c. The biological indicator species will reproduce at lower rates, which will maintain
population numbers.
d. The biological indicator species will reproduce at higher rates, which will maintain
population numbers
4 Why does a cloudy river produce less plant life than a clear river?
a. A cloudy river flows freely, while a clear river does not.
b. A cloudy river has few dissolved nutrients, while a clear river has many.
c. A cloudy river absorbs little heat, while a clear river absorbs much heat.
d. A cloudy river blocks sunlight from reaching plants, while a clear river allows sunlight to
be absorbed by plants.
5 . Which would be the most likely cause of large numbers of fish dying in a stream?
a. a lack of nitrogen
b. high levels of mercury
c. decreased carbon dioxide
d. low dissolved oxygen concentration
6 Which is an accurate prediction of the pH of a lake that receives large amounts of acid rain?
a. 4-5
b. 6-7
c. 8-9
d. 10-11
7 Which is the most likely effect of too much nitrogen and phosphorus flowing into a lake?
a. algal blooms
b. greater salinity
c. decreased turbidity
d. lower temperature
8 Which water quality indicator can be determined by measuring how light travels through
a. turbidity
b. temperature
c. nutrient level
d. dissolved oxygen
9 Which would most likely happen if too many nutrients entered an estuary?
a. Nutrients would be used up by the fish and plants, keeping the estuary in balance.
b. Algal blooms would lower dissolved oxygen levels, causing fish to suffocate.
c. Algal blooms would decrease, leaving few food resources for fish.
d. Nutrients would sink to the bottom, increasing soil deposition.
10 If a body of water has high turbidity levels, what can most likely be concluded?
a. It has a low pH.
b. It is unsafe to drink.
c. It is too hot to drink
d. It contains a lot of chemicals.
11 A new golf course is built next to a river. Over the past several months, the nitrate levels of
the water in the river have been increasing. Which best explains the cause of the increasing
nitrate levels?
a. increased growth of algae
b. decreased biodiversity
c. runoff from fertilizer
12 What does pH measure?
a. acidity/alkalinity
b. dissolved oxygent
c. nutrient level
d. turbidity
13 Which is the most likely result of an increase in the level of nitrates in a body of water?
a. increase in turbidity
b. increase in plant growth
c. increase in fish population
d. increase in water temperature

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