Bahan Ulangan Akhir Semester 1

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Bahan tes sem 1 : Offering help, Application letter, Caption dan News item.

Examples :
1. Woman : You look so gloomy. What’s wrong? I wonder if there is something I can do for you.
Man : Well, I forgot to bring my book.
Woman : You can borrow mine if you want?
Man : Thank you, I’d love to.
What is the dialogue about?
A. The man’s book
B. The woman’s book
C. The man’s gloomy day
D. The woman’s sympathy to the man
E. The woman’s offer of help to the man
2. Man : Oh my god, I think I dropped my pen.
Woman : Do you want to use this? I have two.
Man : If you wouldn’t mind.
Woman : Sure
What does the woman do?
A. Use a pen
B. Drop a pen
C. Offer a help
D. Ask the man
E. Bring two pens

Examples :

.......... More than 97 Senior High Schools –at least 291 students of Central Java join the five –day
bright and fun camping -in Bandungan November 2015. Every participant must practice English to
converse to each other to promote English Litterature. This annual exciting and challenging event
does strengthen students’ solidarity and unity among Central Java students.
1. What is the most appropriate attention getter for the caption above ?
A. Bright and Fun camping
B. The five –day Camping in Bandungan
C. Annual Students Camp
D. English Literaturre Camp
E. English camp


Jakarta: A trans Jakarta driver’s assistant, Risma felt from a bus and broke his arm at the ASMI bus way stop in East
Jakarta on Wednesday morning.
“The driver was responsible for the accident, “said Rene Nunumete, manager of Trans Jakarta operator, as
quoted by detik com.
He added the operator was mulling a suitable penalty for the driver.
A passenger who witnessed the accident, Ira, said the bus was at the bus stop and Risma was standing in the
open doorway. The driver moved the bus forward without waiting for the doors to close. Risma was caught between
the door and the gap breaking his arm. The passenger screamed and warned the driver, who immediately stopped the
bus. He got off to check on Risma who was later taken to a hospital nearby.
The driver told the passenger to get off take another Trans Jakarta bus behind his. JP

1. Why did the accident happen? Because......

A. The bus was trapped in the traffic jam.
B. The passenger was very crowded.
C. The driver drove the bus in high speed.
D. The driver was in a hurry to reach the destination.
E. The bus moved when Risma was standing in the open doorway.

2. The purpose of the writer in writing the text is .......

A. To describe the Trans Jakarta.
B. To entertain the passenger.
C. To inform about the accident in Trans Jakarta.
D. To persuade the reader to get in Trans Jakarta.
E. To tell the writer’s experience in driving Trans Jakarta.

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