Notes - English - 22101

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Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s Polytechnic Dr Sandeep Patil

Marathwada Mitra Mandal's Polytechnic

Thergaon, Pune

First Year of Diploma in
Engineering & Technology

Name : _____________________________

Programme : _____________________________

Dept. of General Science and Humanities 1

Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s Polytechnic Dr Sandeep Patil


CO1: Formulate grammatically correct sentences.

Writing Skills
1a. Use relevant articles in constructing sentences.
1b. Apply prepositions to construct meaningful sentences.
1c. Identify conjunctions to connect phrases and clauses in the specified sentences.
1d. Use correct form of tenses in the given situation.
1e. Change the active and passive voice from the specified passage.
1f. Change the narration for the given situation.
Speaking Skills
1g. Formulate grammatically correct sentences for the specified situation.
1h. Use relevant Prepositions for the situation mentioned.
1i. Apply relevant conjunctions to use idiomatic language for the given situation.
1j. Apply the relevant voice in formal communication for the given passage.
1k. Use relevant narrations for the given situation.


1.1 Sample Exercises

Complete the following sentences by using the suitable articles ‘a,’ or ‘an’ and ‘the’:
1. Ram goes to a temple every day.
2. I bought a new mobile.
3. Goa is the paradise for all hippies.
4. No Article man is the highest form of creation.
5. Please open the window.
6. Gramophone is a devise for recording and reproducing sound and music.
7. the inspector of the prison was hated by the prisoners.
8. Suresh is a good painter.
9. Most of the people in this village are honest.
10. What a beautiful person she is!
11. Arjun returned after an hour.
12. Which is the longest river in India?
13. An umbrella is a useful thing during rainy season.
14. Not everyone gets an opportunity to become famous.
15. Life is like a concert to me.
16. the Science of life is not as complicated as rocket science.
17. My friend is an M.A. in Sanskrit.

Dept. of General Science and Humanities 2

Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s Polytechnic Dr Sandeep Patil

18. The time flies as fast as an eagle.

19. Sanskrit is a difficult language.
20. He is an efficient employee

1.2 Sample Exercises

1. 1.2.1 Exercise: The underlined prepositions are not correct. Rewrite the following
sentences using correct prepositions:
2. Education is a means for an end.
Education is a means of an end
3. Reenu has a great admiration of Wax Museum.
Reenu has a great admiration for Wax Museum
4. It is not good to be ashamed for one’s work.
It is not good to be ashamed of one’s work
5. Rajat spoke to me at the mobile.
Rajat spoke to me on / over the mobile
6. This machine has not been in use from 2000.
This machine has not been in use Since 2000
7. The factories in Pune remain closed for Thursdays.
The factories in Pune remain closed On Thursdays
8. I shall send you this CD latest on 10 February.
I shall send you this CD latest by 10 February
9. What are you looking for so fixedly?
What are you looking at so fixedly?
10. The farmers are tired from work.
The farmers are tired of work
11. Kunal is guilty for rudeness.
Kunal is guilty of rudeness
12. Kaveri is afraid with a dog.
Kaveri is afraid of a dog
13. People cannot abide to the new rules.
People cannot abide by the new rules
14. We have to listen for what our parents say.
We have to listen to what our parents say
15. There is no exception of this rule.
There is no exception to this rule
16. Tarun has an ambition to higher position.
Tarun has an ambition for higher position

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17. Our College is situated of Shivaji Road.

Our College is situated at/on Shivaji Road
18. I am younger from my brother.
I am younger to my brother
19. The cashier was not on the counter.
The cashier was not at the counter.
20. Prince fell in the well.
Prince fell into the well
21. Water flows on the bridge.
Water flows under the bridge

1.2.2 Exercise: Select correct prepositions to be filled in the given passage from the list
given here:(from, to, in, at, around, near, since)
Small river flows from the heart of Kashi. From one end to the other of the city, there are four
Bridges to it. Near the bridge, there is a swimming pool, where children get training in May and
June. The new trainees are generally seen practicing around the river bank. They are not allowed
to go near a certain point. Beside the bridge, there are small boats anchored and
one can enjoy boating in a very nominal payment.

1.2.3 Exercise: Select correct prepositions to be filled in the given passage from the list
given here:(since, to, from, through, By, on, for)
Mr. Srivastava received a letter from his daughter who had been living in Chennai for many years.
Now she was coming home by air from Chennai. Everybody except Mrs. Srivastava was standing
outside to receive their daughter. The girl had brought many presents for her brother, mother and
father. The family kept on chatting till midnight and went to bed very late.


Use the appropriate conjunction from the list given here: (Unless, if, when, because, as if, although, after,
before, as soon as)

a) The train had already departed When I reached the station.

b) Sachin scored more after getting tips from his coach.
c) I shall contact him as soon as he comes back.
d) You will not get success unless you work hard.
e) Seema didn’t come to college because she was out of station.
f) Ashok will get the job because he deserves it.
g) He was behaving in such a way as if he was a king.
h) Although he got enough time, he could not complete his assignment within time.

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i) You should finish your homework before I get back to home.

1.3.3 Sample Exercise for the usage of Co-ordinating conjunctions. (Either……or,

neither……. nor, not only…. but also, as……as, if…….then, whether…..or)

a) If my parents allow Then I’ll decide to come with you.

b) Dr. Kalam was Not only a scientist But also an author of many famous books.
c) The management will decide whether to install this machine or not.
d) Ritu is neither tall nor intelligent than Deepa.
e) Either you finish your work Or leave your job.
f) Your company offers not only a good salary but also an opportunity to grow.

1.4.1 Sample Exercises: Convert the following sentences into Assertive sentence.

a) How kind of him to help the poor man!

Ans: It is very kind of him to help the poor man.
b) Give me a cup of tea.
Ans: You are requested / ordered to give a cup of tea.
c) Are they wise enough to submit the proposal?
Ans: They are not wise enough to submit the proposal.
d) What a pleasant surprise!
Ans: It is a very pleasant surprise.
e) Does the manager discuss all the issues with you?
Ans: The manager does not discuss all the issues with you.

1.4.2 Sample Exercises: Convert the following imperative sentences to assertive.

a) Please be quiet in the library.
Ans: You be quiet in the library.
b) Close the door.
Ans: You are requested/ordered to close the door
c) Don’t be so rude to him.
Ans: Be nice to him
d) d) Go to office and start the work.
Ans: You should go to office and start the work

Sample Exercises: Convert the following assertive sentences into imperative.

a) You have to attend the seminar.

Ans: Attend the seminar.
b) You must keep quiet.
Ans: Keep Quiet.
c) You don’t go there.
Ans: Don’t go there.
d) You should come on time.

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Ans: You come on Time

e) You must complete the assigned work in time.
Ans: Complete the assigned work in time.

1.4.3 Sample Exercises: Transform the following interrogative sentences to assertive.

a) Did you pay the bill?

Ans: You did not pay the bill.
b) Are you ready to leave?
Ans: You are not ready to leave.
c) Are they not sure ?to lose the matter?
Ans: They are sure of losing the matter.
d) Who doesn’t know him?
Ans: Everyone knows him.

Sample Exercises: Convert the following assertive sentences to interrogative.

a) He will never learn manner.

Ans: When will he learn the manner?
b) The workers are not going on strike.
Ans: Are workers going on strike?
c) The production unit was equipped with latest machineries.
Ans: Wasn’t the production team equipped with the latest machineries?
d) The guest arrived late for the function.
Ans: Didn’t the guest arrived late for the function?
e) Ananya doesn’t refuse to talk with her friends.
Ans: Deos Ananya refuse to talk with her friends?

1.4.4 Sample Exercise: Transform the following exclamatory sentences to assertive.

a) How big that mango tree is!

Ans: That mango tree is very big.
b) What a beautiful picture it is!
Ans: It is a very beautiful Picture.
c) Hurrah! We have won the match.
Ans: It is matter of Joy we have won the match.
d) If only I were a king!
Ans: I wish I were a king.

Sample Exercise: Convert the following assertive sentences into exclamatory.

a) It is very fine weather today.

Ans: How fine today’s weather is!
b) It is a joyful that a won a lottery.

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Ans: Hurray! We won a lottery.

c) It is sad that I could not qualify the competition.
Ans: Alas! I could not qualify.
d) He is a very noble man.
Ans: What a noble man he is!
e) You seem to be much upset.
Ans: How upset you seem to be!


1.6 Sample Exercises

Rewrite the following sentences using correct form of verbs given in bracket.
1. When you arrive tonight, we Will go (go) out for dinner.
2. Whenever we meet, we plan (plan) a trip.
3. The sun is shining (shine) brightly.
4. Vijay was waiting (wait) for me when I arrived.
5. I promise I did not / will not (not/tell) him about the surprise party.
6. Shikhar Dhawan scored (score) a century in the last match.
7. I am getting (get) hungry. Let's go and have something to eat.
8. Have (have) you ever visited (visit) the U.S. before your trip in 2006?
9. Who invented (invent) the bicycle?
10. Yesterday evening the phone rang (ring) three times while were having (have) dinner.
11. When I met you last time, you were thinking (think) of moving to a new flat.
12. She only understood the movie because she had read (read) the book.
13. Can you help (help) me move this heavy table?
14. Hello Nitya, I have not seen (not/see) you for ages. How are you?
15. We can go out now. It is not raining (not/rain) any more.
16. He goes (go) to that place every year.
17. There I noticed (notice) how important it is (be) to speak English nowadays.
18. And I have already (already begin /) to read the novel.
19. If I pass (pass) my exams successfully, I will (start) an apprenticeship in September.
20. While I was doing (do) the language course, I met (meet) lots of young people from all
over the world.


1.7.4 Sample Exercise:

Q. Change the voice.

1) I sent the report yesterday.
Ans: The report was sent yesterday by me.

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2) The restaurant was renovated by me in 2004.

Ans: I renovated the restaurant in 2004.
3) The girls were singing songs when I went into the hall.
Ans: Songs were being sung by the girls when I went into the hall.
4) By whom was she taught French?
Ans: Who taught her French
5) I will clean the house every Saturday.
Ans: The house will be cleaned by me every Saturday.
6) Let the door be shut.
Ans: Shut the door.
7) Grammar is taught to us by Prof. Gokhale.
Ans: Prof. Gokhale teaches us Grammar.
8) The publisher had printed the book.
Ans: The book had been printed by the teacher.
9) He will be forgiven by the teacher.
Ans: Teacher will forgive him.
10) The fire destroyed the whole forest.
Ans: The whole forest was destroyed by the fire.
11) The two ministers are signing the treaty.
Ans: The treaty is being signed by two ministrate
12) Marry generously donated money to the homeless shelter.
Ans: Marry generously denoted money to the homeless shelter
13) Susan will bake two dozen cupcakes for the sale.
Ans: Two dozen cupcakes will be baked by Suman for the sale.
14) Who ate the last cookie?
Ans: By whom the last cookie was eaten?
15) Will your brother pay your fees today?
Ans: Will the fees be paid by your brother today?
16) The director will give you instructions.
Ans: The instructions will be given to you by the director.
17) Who did this?
Ans: By whom this was done
18) Let this post be advertised.
Ans: Advertise the post.
19) The kangaroo carried her baby in her pouch.
Ans: Her baby was carried in her pouch by the kangaroo.
20) The robber has been caught by the police.
Ans: Police has caught the robber.


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1.8.1 Sample Exercise:

Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech.

1. Geeta said, “I do yoga daily.”

Ans: Geeta said that she did Yoga daily.
2. She said to me, “What do you want now?”
Ans: She asked me what did I want then.
3. I said to him, “Are you going for the party?”
Ans: I asked him whether he was going for the party.
4. The monitor said, “Sir, some students were making noise yesterday.”
Ans: The monitor complained that some students had been making noise the day
5. The servant says, “The master is not at home.”
Ans: The servant says that the master is not at home.
6. Anju said, “I wrote a letter.”
Ans: Anju said that she had written a letter.
7. The Prime Minister said, “India became independent in 1947.”
Ans: The Prime minister said that India became independent in 1947.
8. He said to the policemen, “Please save me.”
Ans: He begged policeman to save him.
9. The old man said to her, “Obey your elders.”
Ans: The old man ordered her to obey her elders.
10. The girl said, “Hurrah! I have won a gold medal.”
Ans: The girl exclaimed in joy that she had won a gold medal.
11. Raju said, “Gautam must go tomorrow”.
Ans: Raju said that Gautam should go on the next day.
12. He said, “I have passed the physical test.”
Ans: He said that he had passed the physical test.
13. "Don't play on the grass, boys," she said.
Ans: She told boys not to play on the grass.
14. "You should revise your lessons," he said to me.
Ans: He advised me to revise my lessons.
15. "I shall appreciate it," he said.
Ans: He said that he would appreciate it.
16. Emma said "People in Africa are starving."
Ans: Emma said that people in Africa were starving.
17. "I brought you this book," she said to him
Ans: She told him that she had brought that book for him.
18. Param said to me, "He moved a year ago."
Ans: Param informed me that he had moved before the last year
19. He said to me "I have not done it today."

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Ans: He told me that he had not done it that day.

20. She said to him, “I don’t believe you”.
Ans: She told him that she did not believe him.


CO2: Summarise comprehension passages.

Writing Skills
2a. Answer the given questions of the specified passage.
2b. Formulate sentences using the given new words
2c. Use correct syntax to construct meaningful sentences for the given situation.
2d. Answer the questions on the given unseen passage.
Speaking Skills
2e. Pronounce the words correctly in the given passage.
2f. Give oral instructions with correct pronunciation and intonation for the given situation.
2g. Answer the questions orally on the given unseen passage with correct pronunciation.

2.1. SHIVA’S BLESSING by Aditya Sharma

Exercise 2.1 Give the contextual meanings of the following sample words using the dictionary.
i. Desperation – Worry, Fear, Anxiety
ii. Prompted – Encouraged, Provoked, Driven
iii. Reckoned – Counted, Calculated, Estimated
iv. Sparsely – Lightly, Thinly,
v. Clientele - Business, Customers
vi. Mock - Fake, Bogus
vii. Excursion - Trip, Tour
viii. Comprehend - Understand, Know, Realize
ix. Convocation - Award Ceremony
x. Substantially - Significantly, Noticeably,

Exercise 2.2: Answer the following Sample questions.

i. Write the meaning of the word: desperation
Ans: Worry, Anxiety.

ii. Write the full form of the acronyms: IIM

Ans: Indian Institute of Management

iii. Change the sentence into indirect speech:

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Shiva’s mother told Shiva firmly, "Enjoy yourself only when you can afford it."
Ans: Shiva’s mother asked told Shiva to enjoy himself only when he could afford it.

iv. Change the sentence into indirect speech:

Shiva’s father asked, "What's the salary of your new job Shiva?"
Ans: Shiva’s Father asked Shiva what was the salary of his new job.

Answer the following in 3 to 4 sentences

v. Express your views/ideas on: Helping the needy people.
Ans: We all should help needy people. Everyone has problems in his life. We live in society to
help each other. A good person always helps needy people. We can help people by many ways. We
can help poor people by giving them job. We can teach illiterate people. We can donate our clothes,
blankets and other things like old cycle, old books etc. ‘Sharing is Caring’. We should learn to share
the things. Instead of wasting money in superstitions and at religious places we should donate it to
poor and needy people.

vi. Express your views/ideas on: Gratitude for help received from someone.
Ans: Gratitude is the highest and noble feeling. When someone helps us we should not forget the
person. We should express our gratitude to that person. Mr. Krishna helped Shiva in the lesson
Shiva’s blessing. Shiva says that he wants to multiply the blessings received from Mr. Krishna. It is
not necessary to help back people who had helped you. To express gratitude we can help others
people as well who are in need of help.

Answer the following in 4 to 6 sentences

vii. State any four qualities of Shiva that has inspired you.
Ans: Shiva is a very intelligent boy. He is very hard working. He is also sincere. Shiva is
determined and goal oriented.

viii. Describe how Shiva prepared for CAT examination.

Ans: Mr. Krishna advised Shiva to prepare for CAT. Shiva joined a CAT coaching class. Mr Krishna
paid the fees of the class. Shiva could not attend the coaching class because of his job. So Shiva
collected notes of coaching class and the old papers of CAT. He studies at home. He practised
Group Discussions with Mr. Krishna.

ix. Summarize the struggle of Shiva.

Ans: Shiva is a talented and determined boy. He wants to study and support his family. His father
is an out of work Lorry Driver. His mother and his sister sell garlands at traffic signals. Shiva
delivers newspaper early in the morning. His father did not have the fees to pay. Mr. Krishna helps
him. Shiva does different jobs like working in an electronic shop and repairing computers. In spite
of his poor background and all the money problems he becomes Deputy Country Manager. He
faces a lot of struggle.

x. Describe the help given by Krishna Vedavyasa.

Ans: Mr. Krishna Vedavyasa is a kind man. He helps Shiva very much for education. Mr. Krishna
pays Rs. 15000/- the school fees of Shiva when comes to know that Shiva is a class topper. Later
Krishna advises Shiva to take Science subject for college. Krishna also guides Shiva for degree
education and advises to go for Mechanical Engineering or Computer Science. When Shiva gets job

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in Wipro Company Krishna encourages Shiva to take CAT exam and pays Rs. 25000/- for coaching
class. He helps Shiva as a guide and philosopher.

xi. Explain the statement in six sentences: ‘I want to multiply the blessings I have received.’
Ans: Shiva is an honest and hardworking boy. He requests Mr. Krishna for help and Mr. Krishna
helps him. Shiva knows that without Krishna’s help he could not have done anything. He wants to
help other poor students and multiply the blessings of Mr. Krishna. He is fully aware of the
importance of such help. He did not forget his bad days and the poverty. He wants to give away
more to need people than what he has received.

xii. State your short term and long term goals in six sentences.
Ans: Without goal we cannot do progress in our life. My short term goal is to complete the
diploma in engineering with good marks and develop necessary engineering skills. I want to
prepare myself for industry challenges. My long term goal is to set up my own company. I wish to
create job opportunities. I am ready to work on it and make it successful. For my both short term
and long term goal I will have to work hard.

2.2. GRIND By Sundareswaran C.

Exercise 2.3
Give the contextual meanings of the following sample words using the dictionary
i. Grind - Toil, Hard work
ii. Adversity - Difficulty, Hardship
iii. Dominant - Main, Leading, Prominent
iv. Gambled - Bet
v. Renowned - Famous, Well-known
vi. Penniless - Poor, Impoverished
vii. Accomplished - Talented, Skillful
viii. Legendary - Famous, Fabled
ix. Legends - Folklores
x. Uncertainty - Doubt, Vagueness

Exercise 2.4
Answer the following sample questions
i. Write the meaning of the word: Grind
Ans: Toil, Harwork
ii. Write the meaning of the word: Prodigy
Ans: Genius, Expert

Answer the following in 3 to 4 sentences

iii. Explain the term: Comfort Zone.

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Ans: Comfort zone is a place or area where we feel safe or comfortable. The place is known to us.
The things are in control of us. It is a feeling like being at home. In comfort zone we perform better
than other situation.

iv. Explain the term: Grind Mindset.

Ans: Grind mindset means a mindset which is ready to struggle and fight with problems. A
person with Grind-Mindset fights back. He believes himself and is fully determined. He is a strong
minded person. People with Grind mindset never give up like Usain Bolt, Mohammed Ali, Lionel
Messi, Walter Edward Dandy, and Cristiano Ronaldo.

Answer the following in 4 to 6 sentences

v. Express your views on: Christiano Ronaldo.
Ans: The Real Madrid star and Portugal football team's captain, Cristiano Ronaldo was born in a
very poor family. His mother was a cook and his father was a kit man in a local football club.
Inspite of his poor background decided to be world’s best football player. When academy offered
to train him he joined them. He left his house. He went away from home and family. He was
homesick. He used to cry everyday but did not change his mind. When he was playing in the world
cup, he received sad news of his father’s death. Still he played and won man of the match award.
Ronaldo is a player who is hardworking, dedicated, and sincere. He says that we should
believe in ourselves and fight with the problems.

vi. Express your views /ideas on: Easy Success.

Ans: There is no thing as Easy Success. Every success comes after hard work and dedication. We
see successful people but ignore their hard work. Some people call it luck but it their dedication.
For success we must believe in our dreams and work hard. We should not get disappointed by
failures and problems. Lionell Messi said that he worked 19 years for the day when he became
successful. Rolando worked hard for success. So there is no Easy Success.

vii. State any four qualities of Lionell Messi that has inspired you.
Ans: Lionell Messi is a world famous footballer. He became successful because he is a very hard
working player. He practiced for 19 years that shows his dedication. He is very humble and polite.
He very social and good hearted person as he has donated money to some NGOs.

viii. Describe the preparation stage of Ronaldo, the football legend.

Ans: The Real Madrid star and Portugal football team's captain, Cristiano Ronaldo was born in a
very poor family. His mother was a cook and his father was a kit man in a local football club. In an
interview his mother said “Ronnie used to practice daily from morning to night". He went away
from home for training. He would cry a lot but did not change his dream. He focused all his energy
in improving his game and improving as a person. He got selected for Portugal's most famous club
"Sporting Lisbon"

ix. Explain the given statement in your own words:

‘Having a dream is only half a battle won’.
Ans: ‘Having a dream is only half a battle won’ because it does not end there. The next half is the
most important and crucial one; that is 'radical action'. Everyone has big dreams and high hopes

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but when the time comes to act they fail or they quit. First we should have a dream. Then we
should work hard to complete the dream. We should not doubt and stop achieving our dream.

ix.Describe the initial struggle of Walter Edward Dandy, an American neurosurgeon.

Ans: Mr. Walter Edward Dandy was an American Neurosurgeon. He decided to perform a very
difficult operation and save people. No one at that time thought that this surgery is possible.
Walter Dandy had a dream, dream of giving people a second chance to live. But his first 13 patients
died. Everyone started blaming him and criticizing him. Walter Dandy did not get disappointed
and continued his research. After a lot of hard work he became successful. Now is known as ‘one of
the three founding fathers of Neurosurgery.

x. Summarize the success story of legend who inspired you.

Ans: The full name of Dr. APJ abdul Kalam was Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam. He is
popularly known as the Missile Man of India and People’s President. He was born in a poor Tamil
Muslim family on 15th of October in 1931 at Rameshwaram, Ramnad district of Madras presidency
under British India (currently in Ramanathapuram District, Tamil Nadu). He was a great scientist
who also served the country as the 11 th President of India from 2002 to 2007. After completing his
term of presidency, he returned to the civilian life of writing, education, and public service. He
worked at various chief positions at ISRO and DRDO then became a Principal Scientific Adviser to
the Government Of India as a Cabinet Minister.
He has been honored with the honorary doctorates by at least 30 universities as well as three
highest civilian awards of the country (Padma Bhushan 1981, Padma Vibhushan 1990 and Bharat
Ratna 1997). He was a great personality and inspiration to the youngsters of country who took his
last breath at IIM, Meghalaya on 27 th of July in 2015 because of the sudden cardiac arrest. He is not
present among us physically however his great works and contributions would be with us forever.
He has mentioned his dream of making India a developed country in his book “India 2020-A vision
for the New Millennium”.

xii. Write about your career dreams.

Ans: My desire is to become a software engineer. My interest in this field has been since my
primary school age. I have always had a fascination for computers. I love playing computer games
very much. It was this interest in computer games that sparked off my curiosity about how
software code is written, how graphics and animation are done. In engineering, you will find
yourself constantly finding new ways to solve problems. If you truly want to be an engineer, the
challenges you will face will just make things more interesting. Overcoming obstacles will help
sharpen your mind, helping you deal with problems not only in engineering but in life as well.


Exercise 2.5 Give the contextual meanings of the following sample words using the dictionary.
i. Philanthropist - Donor, Social Worker,
ii. Patron - Protector, Supporter
iii. Conglomerate - Cooperation, Company

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iv. Pomposity - Self-importance, Arrogance

v. Flourish - Develop / Improve / Display
vi. Entrepreneurs - Businessman
vii. Suppressing - Overpowering
viii. Vigorously - Energetically, Dynamically.
ix. Subsidiaries - Companies

Exercise 2.6 Answer the following sample questions.

i. Write the meaning of the word: hostility
Ans: Ager, Aggression

ii. State the date and place of birth of JRD Tata.

Ans: JRD Tata was born in Paris, France on July 29, 1904.

iii. Insert suitable prepositions in the blanks:

As an industrialist, JRD Tata is credited with placing the Tata Group On the international map.

iv. Insert suitable articles in the blanks:

Tata Steel became one of The earliest companies in India to have a dedicated human resources

Answer the following in 4 to 6 sentences

v. Express the views of JRD TATA about a leader.
Ans: Leadership, according to JRD meant motivating others. He believed in consensus style. It
means he would listen to opinions of all the members then take decision. He said that every
individual has a quality. Leader’s responsibility is to bring the best quality of his employees out.
He should motivate his employees and believe in them. Once JRD TATA was assured with
someone’s quality he would support him and give him freedom to take decision. He said as a
leader we have to deal with people with more affection and love. That’s why he is called
Chairman’s Chairman.

vi. Express your views/ideas on: JRD Tata.

Ans: JRD Tata was born on 29th July 1904 in Paris. In 1938 he was elected the chairman of
the board at Tata & Sons. Sometimes referred to as the 'chairmen's chairman,' JRD adopted a
management by consensus. Tata spotted talent easily. And once he was confident that a
manager would perform, he gave him Complete support. JRD Tata cared greatly for his
workers. He firmly believed in employee welfare and introduced the principles of an eight-
hour working day, free medical aid, workers' provident scheme, and workmen's accident
compensation schemes. He built the Tata Memorial Center for Cancer, Research and
Treatment in 1941 though the trust, which is the first Cancer research Hospital in Asia. He
also founded the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) in 1936.

vii. State any four diversified areas in which the Tata group entered in the last half of the
20th century.
Ans: During the last half of the twentieth century Tata entered several new businesses. Tata
started to produce a vast range of products -- from Airlines to Hotels, Trucks to Locomotives, Soda

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ash and other Heavy Chemicals to Pharmaceuticals and Financial Services, Tea and Air
Conditioning to Lipsticks and Scents (cologne).

viii. Name the scientists, lawyers and economists who flourished under the leadership of
JRD Tata.
Ans: People such as scientists of international repute such as Homi Bhabha, leading lawyers such
as J D Choksi and Nani Palkhivala, and economists such as John Matthai, A D Shroff, D R Pendse
and Freddie Mehta flourished under the patronage of JRD TATA.

x. Summarize the contribution of JRD Tata as a philanthropist.

Ans: JRD TATA is one of the famous industrialists. He helped TATA group to develop and become a
big company. JRD was a great art lover. He started many institutes for art. TATAs became the
biggest buyers, promoters and supporters of the art world in India. He supported many artists.
Today He established TATA Charitable Trust, which supports education, health, livelihood
generation and art and culture. This trust has 66% share in TATA group companies. He also
established TATA Memorial Cancer Institute.

xi. Describe the role of JRD Tata as a leader and motivator.

Ans: Leadership, according to JRD meant motivating others. He believed in consensus style. It
means he would listen to opinions of all the members then take decision. He said that every
individual has a quality. Leader’s responsibility is to bring the best quality of his employees out.
He should motivate his employees and believe in them. Once JRD TATA was assured with
someone’s quality he would support him and give him freedom to take decision. He said as a
leader we have to deal with people with more affection and love. That’s why he is called
Chairman’s Chairman.

xii. Elaborate the statement: ‘The Tata group is India’s biggest business empire.’
Ans: The Tata group comprises over a 100 operating companies spread across six continents. It
was founded in 1868 by Jamsetji Tata and gained international recognition after purchasing
several global companies. Tata Group is an Indian multinational conglomerate holding company
head quartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. It is India's largest conglomerate and is owned by
"Tata Sons", a charity registered with the Charity commissioner in India

xiii. State and explain any six qualities of a successful entrepreneur.

Ans: To become a successful entrepreneur one must have following qualities.

Having Goals and Dreams. You need to see your goals and success in your mind first if
you plan on making them a reality. Not only do you need to visualize the end result, but you also
need to visualize every step that it is going to take to get there.
Listening and communicating well. If you aren’t a good listener and communicator it will
result in miscommunications and wasted time, not to mention added work to correct the
Disciplined : Successful entrepreneurs are disciplined enough to take steps every day
toward the achievement of their objectives.

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Confidence : The entrepreneur does not ask questions about whether they can succeed or
whether they are worthy of success. They are confident with the knowledge that they will make
their businesses succeed. They exude that confidence in everything they do.
Determination : Entrepreneurs are not thwarted by their defeats. They look at defeat as
an opportunity for success. They are determined to make all of their endeavors succeed, so will try
and try again until it does. Successful entrepreneurs do not believe that something cannot be done
Open Minded: Entrepreneurs realize that every event and situation is a business
opportunity. Ideas are constantly being generated about workflows and efficiency, people skills
and potential new businesses


Exercise 2.7 Give the contextual meanings of the following sample words using the
i. Damp - Moist, Wet
ii. Grubby - Dirty
iii. Gurneys - Stretcher
iv. Fetid - Rotten, Bad Smell
v. Amputate - Cut, Remove
vi. Appalling - Terrible Gurmeet Singh
vii. Wolfing - Consuming
viii. Scalded - Burned
ix. Samaritan - Kind, Virtuous, Good Hearted

Exercise 2.8 Answer the following sample questions.

i. Write the meaning of the word: Underprivileged.
Ans: Poor, Needy

ii. Write out the meaning of the word: Abandoned.

Ans: Deserted, Alone, Forsaken

iii. Change the voice: He picks up some money to pay for medicines.
Ans: Some money is picked up to pay for the medicine by him.

iv. Change into indirect speech: "Can you find me a job?" he asks.
Ans: He asked If I could find a job for him.

Answer the following in 4 to 6 sentences

i. Express your views/ideas on: Service to humanity is service to Almighty.
Ans: The term “Service of mankind is service to God” means that selfless service for the cause of
humanity is as important as worshiping to God.
Love of mankind is, in Vivekananda’s opinion, the worship of God. This is the gist of all
worship is to be pure and to do well to others.
A person who devotes his life for the betterment of the human race is loved by God. If there is any
God, He would rather want us to live not only for ourselves but for our fellowmen too.

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Great men knew this truth. Life to them was action. This is the service of others. A life lived for
selfish gains, regardless of other’s needs, is worse than death. A bird or a beast collects food for
itself and its young ones. It is some kind of work no doubt, but it is not that kind of work that man
is expected to do. He is the roof and crown of creation and so he is supposed to live a larger life by
applying himself to the service of humanity.

ii. State any three words/adjectives to describe the patients in the Abandoned ward in
Ans: It is a damp and grubby facility with lime-green walls and stained tiled floors. Half a
dozen gurneys for sick patients are scattered all over the ill-lit place. A fetid smell of urine and
stale food fills the air. When night falls, rats slink out of a defunct fireplace and scurry for food.

iii. State any four personality traits of Gurmeet Singh that has impressed you.
Ans: Gurmeet Singh is a God for abandoned patients in ‘Lawaris Ward’. Singh is a Kind hearted
man. He is compassionate and dedicated. He is unselfish. He does not want anything in return of
his service. He is determined as he is doing the service for the last 22 years.

iv. Describe in four sentences the condition of hospital wards in Patna.

Ans: The condition of hospital in Patana is very pathetic. It is a damp and grubby facility with
lime-green walls and stained tiled floors. Half a dozen gurneys for sick patients are scattered all
over the ill-lit place. A fetid smell of urine and stale food fills the air. When night falls, rats slink
out of a defunct fireplace and scurry for food.

v. Summarize the contribution of Gurmeet Singh as a philanthropist.

Ans: 60 years old Gurmeet Singh daily goes to Patna Medical College and Hospital, a state-run
hospital in Bihar to feed the patients of abandoned ward. He is doing this good job since 2 decades.
In the morning, he works in his family owned cloth shop in a bustling city market. In the night, he
buys food from a local eatery to feed his patients.
Once Mr. Singh reaches the ward, he enquires about the patient’s condition. He goes
through their prescriptions and pays for their expensive test, medicines, and scans. He also
donates “a lot of” blood. Then he takes out the shining steel plates and caringly serves the food

vi. Describe the role of Gurmeet Singh as a nurse, doctor, provider and kin.
Ans: Gurmeet Singh is a God for abandoned patients in ‘Lawaris Ward’. Singh is a Kind hearted
man. He is everything for the patients. He is their family, their doctor and Nurse. He takes their
care like a relative and feeds them food like family member.
He goes through their prescriptions and pays for the more expensive medicines, tests, scans
and hemotherapy for cancer patients. He also donates ‘a lot of’ blood. Then he takes out the
shining steel plates, and caringly serves the food.

vii. Explain the meaning of the statement: ‘He [Gurmeet Singh] is like God.’
Ans: Gurmeet Singh is a God for abandoned patients in ‘Lawaris Ward’. Singh is a Kind hearted
man. He is everything for the patients. He is their family, their doctor and Nurse. He takes their
care like a relative and feeds them food like family member.
He goes through their prescriptions and pays for the more expensive medicines, tests, scans
and hemotherapy for cancer patients. He also donates ‘a lot of’ blood. Then he takes out the
shining steel plates, and caringly serves the food. That makes him the God of Abandoned.

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viii. State and explain any six qualities of a Good Samaritan.

Ans: Good Samaritan means Philanthropist. Philanthropic people work for the welfare of others
through the donation of money, property or services. Following are the qualities of a Good

1. Unselfish.
Truly philanthropic acts are done without expectation of compensation or recognition of one’s

2. Caring.
Philanthropists tend to be empathetic toward the struggles of others. They feel an obligation to do
what is in their power to combat these struggles because they view the problems and the hurt that
comes with them as their own.

3. Social awareness.
Philanthropic people have great awareness of their surroundings. Not only are they open to
opposing views and new ideas, but they also seek to understand the motivations and obstacles of
others in order to better understand their needs and how they can best be satisfied.

4. Dependable
Trust is key. Successful social workers earn their clients’ trust by being honest, open, and
dependable. In crisis, your clients will look to you for advice and guidance in personal, legal, and
other matters, and your opinion weighs more if they trust you

5. Dedication
A Good Samaritan is dedicated to his goal. He serves people with complete devotion.


Exercise 2.9 Give the contextual meanings of the following sample words using the
i. hazardous - Dangerous
ii. contaminating - Polluting
iii. toxic - Poisonous
iv. obsolete - Outdated
v. scavenging - Searching, Hunting
vi. designated - Chosen, Elected
vii. accomplishment - Achievement
viii. disposed - Get Rid
ix. landfills - Filled in Land

Exercise 2.10 Answer the following sample questions.

i. Write the meaning of the word: Electronic Waste
Ans: Electronic waste means forsaken electronic devices.

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ii. Write the full form of the abbreviation: BAN

Ans: BAN - Basel Action Network

iii. Change the voice: Many companies post a calendar on their website.
Ans: Calendar is posted on their websites by many companies.

iv. Change the voice: Criminals can purchase salvaged hard drives in an open market.
Ans: Salvaged hard drives can be purchased by criminals in an open market.

Answer the following in 4 to 6 sentences

i. State any three health hazards of improper disposal of e-waste.
Ans: Improper disposal of e-waste cam cause health risks like kidney disease and brain damage
to genetic mutations.

ii. State the additional tips for proper recycling of e-waste.

1. Check the condition of your electrical item. Does it still work? If so, think about donating
your item. Schools, for instance, can often use refurbished computers. If you run an office
and are upgrading, donation of your computers, printers, etc. can be especially helpful.
2. If you don’t want to donate your e-waste item, think about selling it.
3. If you don’t feel your item can be sold outright, you might be able to sell it to someone who
can refurbish the item and then sell it on.
4. Alternatively you can give your item away for free. You can advertise your item on various
websites, like Craigslist, to find someone interested in your item.
5. Not good enough to be donated/given away or sold? Then maybe recycling is the right
route for you.
6. If you are getting rid of an old phone, ensure that your first cancel any service plan and
remove the sim card (the sim card should be shredded or cut in half).
7. When possible, cell phones should be sent for refurbishment or recycling. “In 2009,
approximately 38 percent of mobile devices collected for end-of-life management were
reused or refurbished, and 62 percent were recycled for material recovery.” 1
8. For all laptops, desktops, netbooks, phones, tablets, etc. make sure that you remove all
personal data. Start by backing up all of your data onto an external hard drive to ensure
you don’t accidentally lose anything you will need later.
9. Ensure that you clear your internet browsing history.
10. Use a professional program to clear your device.

iii. Develop four meaningful sentences on the given topic: Save Environment.
1. Global warming is a serious environmental issue. The continuous emission of carbon dioxide
by thermal power generating units is the leading cause for the surge in greenhouse gases.
2. Natural resources are limited. If the natural resources such as oil, coal, etc. are used, one day
the world may fall short of these resources.
3. High-level of environmental pollution is detrimental for human and animal health.
4. Forests are fast depleting. It may cause soil erosion and drought situation.

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5. Excessive use of pesticides and contamination of soil have negatively affected soil output.
These fruits and vegetables are not very healthy for human health.

iv. Explain the terms: Recycle and Reuse.

Ans: Reuse: Reuse means you should reuse items as much as possible before replacing them.
For example, it generally makes more environmental sense to update your computer rather than
get rid of it and buy a new one.
Recycle: to treat or process (used or waste materials) soas to make suitable for reuse.

v. Explain the given statement in five sentences:

‘When you dispose off e-waste properly, you’ll make the Earth a better place.’
Ans: When the old electronic items are dumped off, their toxic waste is also thrown down in the
environment.  When you want to discard your computer or cell phone or any other electronic
goods, take them to your nearest e-waste recycling center. Never push off this idea thinking that a
small gadget doesn’t matter.
there are many materials that can be recovered from old electronics. These materials can be used
to make new products
Donating your old electronics plays an important role in the provision of refurbished products
such as computers and mobile phones, which can be of great help to low-income families
Reusing and recycling electronics safely helps in keeping the hazardous materials from harming
humans or the environment.

vi. Describe the role and responsibilities of the society in controlling e-waste hazards.
Ans: Disposal of e-wastes is a particular problem faced in many countries. The role and
responsibilities of the society in controlling e-waste hazards could be as follows:
 Reuse the electronic devices.
 Donating electronics for reuse 
 E-wastes should never be disposed with garbage and other household wastes
 Select devices with fewer toxic constituents
 Go for upgrading their computers

vii. Explain the positive steps that students can take to stop e-waste pollution.
 Students can create awareness and promote proper management of e-waste
 They can make some project based on e-waste.
 Can promote reuse and recycling of devices.
 Donate their electronic devices instead of throwing them.

viii. Assume that you are educating your friend about e-waste and its disposal. List six
statements/instructions that you will give him/her.
 We generate around 40 million tons of electronic waste every year, worldwide. That’s like
throwing 800 laptops every second.
 An average cellphone user replaces their unit once every 18 months.
 E-waste comprises 70% of our overall toxic waste.
 Only 12.5% of E-Waste is recycled.
 85% of our E-Waste are sent to landfills and incinerators are mostly burned, and release
harmful toxins in the air!
 Electronics contain lead which can damage our central nervous system and kidneys.

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 A child’s mental development can be affected by low level exposure to lead.

 The most common hazardous electronic items include LCD desktop monitors, LCD
televisions, Plasma Televisions, TVs and computers with Cathode Ray Tubes.

2.6. BE REMARKABLE By Naren Goidani

Exercise 2.11 Give the contextual meanings of the following sample words using the dictionary.
i. Scary - Frightening
ii. Terrific - Enormous, Huge
iii. Revealed - Opened, Exposed
iv. Interviewees - Applicants, Candidates
v. Recruited - Employed, Hired
vi. Turmoil - Chaos, Disorder
vii. Composure - Calm
viii. Vigorous - Energetic, vital
ix. Victorious - Winning
x. Hurdle - Obstacle, Difficulty

Exercise 2.12 Answer the following sample questions.

i. Write the meaning of the word: recruitment
Ans: Hiring, Employing

ii. Write the full form of the abbreviations: IQ,EQ, SQ.

Ans: IQ – Intelligence Quotient
EQ – Emotional Quotient
SQ – Situational Quotient

iii. Change into indirect speech:

Naren says, “Nurture the company of people whose presence, whose comments,
whose life style makes you believe you can be remarkable.”

Ans: Naren says that we should nurture the company of people whose comments, whose lifestyle
makes us believe that we can be remarkable.

iv. Change the voice: When faced with difficult situations, you must carry 'Self-Belief'.
Ans: Self Belief must be carried by us when faced with difficult situations.

Answer the following in 4 to 6 sentences

i. State the importance of situational intelligence.
Ans: “The ability to behave with wisdom and compassion in various situations is SQ.” The latest
development in this field is called SQ. This SQ stands for situational intelligence quotient. There
are times, when decisions must be taken on the spot. Even if you are not the decision maker, you
must take decisions. Even if you do not have enough data, you need to make your choices. These
choices can make or break so much.
SQ is important to:

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 Control the situation

 Take good decisions
 Important for leaders
 Saves from problems and other losses

ii. Express the views of author about the scoring marks for the career.
Ans: The author advises us to be ‘Re Mark Able’ He says that in the outer world marks of the
examinations help us to get interview call but IQ, EQ and SQ helps us solve the problems. Students
should study hard think beyond the syllabus. He says every student should develop Intelligence
Quotient, Emotional Quotient and Situational Quotient to be successful.

iii. State the realization of HR Department after selecting candidates with good marks
Ans: The HR department of organizations realized, when candidates came to them with 'good
marks', most of them were not qualified for 'work'. The surprising revelation was that some
candidates who scored good marks did so because of good 'memory' rather than intelligence.
These good candidates knew how to memorize the subjects better than others. In some cases, it
was just luck. What they studied was asked in the exams. These are the people who study in the
last moments and ‘manage’ to score.

iv. State the meaning of the word, ‘Remarkable’, according to the author.
Ans: Author says, 'remarkable' is more than 'mark'. It has R (Really) and E (Exceptional) in the
beginning. It includes 'able' (IQ, EQ and SQ) to complete it. Have Really Exceptional Marks and be
very Able (for takeoff - IQ EQ and SQ) too. Be ''R E MARK ABLE''. Live a R E Mark Able life. Read
great books that make you believe you can be ‘remarkable’.

v. Summarize the suggestions given by the author to make one’s life remarkable.
Ans: Author suggests: Read great books that make you believe you can be ‘remarkable’. Nurture
the company of people whose presence, whose comments, whose life style makes you believe you
can be ‘remarkable’. Meditate, exercise, and eat nourishing food that provides you vital energy to
live a remarkable life. Whatever happens, ‘believe in yourself’.

vi. List the qualities of emotionally stable people/describe the reaction of emotionally
stable people to stress and change.
Ans: I feel M. S. Dhoni Captain of Indian Cricket Team is the emotionally stable captain. He isn't
called Captain Cool without reason. No matter what the situation is, MSD is the coolest person you
could find on the cricket field. You'll never find him succumb to the pressure and the thing that
makes him special is his ability to take rational decisions in tough situations. In our life also, we
encounter numerous pressure situations and the only thing that matters is how we react to such
situations. You never see M S Dhoni getting depressed after a defeat or jumping with exhilaration
after a win.

vii. State the reasons of introducing IQ, EQ and SQ test by HR department.

Ans: The HR department introduced IQ, EQ and SQ test because the HR department of
organizations realized, that candidates with 'good marks', are not qualified for 'work'. It was
surprising that some candidates scored good marks in exam because of good 'memory' rather than
intelligence. These good candidates know how to memorize the subjects better than others. In

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some cases, it was just luck. What they studied was asked in the exams. These are the people study
in the last moments and ‘manage’ to score.


Exercise 2.13 Give the contextual meanings of the following sample words using the
i. Amputee - Disable
ii. Paramilitary - Army, Soldier
iii. Resist - Fight, Oppose
iv. Overpowered - Beaten
v. Immensely - Hugely
vi. Conquering - Winning
vii. Rigorous - Hard, Difficult
viii. Full-fledged - Complete
ix. Suffocate - Choke Arunima Sinha
x. Conquer - Win, Overcome

Exercise 2.14 Answer the following sample questions.

i. Write the meaning of the word: Expedition
Ans: Trip, Voyage

ii. Write the meaning of the word: Robber

Ans: Thief, Burglar

iii. Name the academy started by Arunima and state its motto.
Ans: Shahid Chandrashekhar Azad Viklang Khel Academy (Freedom Fighter Chandrashekahr Azad
Sports Academy for disabled children). The motto of this institute is to provide the very best sports
facility to handicap children, especially the poor ones

iv. Name the awards won by Arunima Sinha.

Ans: She has won Padma shri award. She also won Amazing Indian of the Year award as well.

v. Express your views/ideas on: Positive thinking.

Ans: Positive thinking is the belief that good things will happen and that one’s efforts will be crowned
with success. It is something diametrically opposed to negative thinking which is being fearful,
apprehensive and unsure of success in efforts positive thinking is based on optimism, hope and belief
that hard work is never wasted. The effects of positive thinking are magical. Psychologists believe that
nothing gears up people to make whole hearted efforts to perform some task as positive thinking.

vi. Express your views/ideas on: Reaction to criticism.

Ans: Dealing with criticism positively is an important life skill. At some point in your life you will be
criticised, perhaps in a professional way. Sometimes it will be difficult to accept – but that all depends
on your reaction. You can either use criticism in a positive way to improve, or in a negative way that can
lower your self-esteem and cause stress, anger or even aggression

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vii. Name the peaks climbed by Arunima Sinha.

Ans: 1. Mount Everest in Asia (May 2013)
2. Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa (May 2014)
3. Mount Elbrus in Europe (July 2014)
4. Mount Kosciuszko in Australia (April 2015)
5. Mount Aconcagua in South America (Dec 2015)
6. Mount Carstensz (July 2016)

viii. Describe the preparations of Arunima Sinha for the Everest Expedition.
Ans: The day she got discharged from the hospital, she went to meet Bachendri Pal, the first Indian
woman to reach the summit (highest point) of Mount Everest. After meeting Bachendri Pal, she didn’t
go home. Rather, she joined the Nehru Institute of Mountaineering for training. After completing a basic
course, she has undergone rigorous training for 18 months to prepare herself for the big day

ix. Describe the accident of Arunima Sinha.

Ans: On the night of 11th April, 2011, Arunima was travelling from Lucknow to Delhi by Padmavati
Express train. A group of local robbers attacked her. They tried to snatch her gold chain which was
gifted by her mother. She tried to resist them. she gave them a tough time. But, being a lonely girl, she
could not resist them for longer time. She was overpowered by them. Those robbers threw her out of the
running train. Another train coming on the parallel track run over her legs. By the time, she reached
hospital, the doctors were left with no option but to amputate her left leg below the knee.

x. Narrate the experience of Arunima during Mount Everest Expedition.

Ans: She started her expedition on 1st April, 2013 and reached the summit of Mount Everest on after
52 days. When she entered the death zone- of Mount Everest-she saw dead bodies of mountaineers all
around. A Bangladeshi mountaineer took his last breath in front of her eye. She was frightened but did
not change her mind. .She kept on moving anyhow. She told herself that neither she I can go back from
here nor she can die before reaching the summit. Seeing her struggle with the artificial leg, her Sherpa
advised her to return. But, she did not accept his advice. She told him that she just can’t die before
conquering this mountain.
Once she reached the top, she got a new life. She raised the Indian tricolor and placed some pictures of
her idol (Swami Vivekananda) next to it. Then, she took some pictures and videos of herself to produce
the visual proofs of her achievement in case she didn’t return alive.

xi. Summarize the success story of Arunima Sinha.

Ans: Arunima Sinha is the first Indian amputee to climb Mount Everest. She is also the first female
amputee to climb Mount Everest. She was a national level volleyball player who was pushed from a
running train by some robbers in 2011 while she was resisting them. As a result, one of her legs had to
be amputated below the knee. Her aim was to climb all the continents' highest peaks and put the national
flag of India. She was inspired by cricketer Yuvraj Singh and television shows, who had successfully
battled cancer. Climbing up the Mt. Everest was a challenging task. Her artificial leg was very unstable
on the ice and she had to be more careful with her wounds.  But her will power made her achieve her
dreams.Soon after Arunima had made her decision; she contacted Bachendri Pal, the first Indian woman
to climb Mount Everest, and received training under her at the camp of the Tata Steel Adventure

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2.8. SAVE YOURSELF by Sridhar R

Exercise 2.15 Give the contextual meanings of the following sample words using the
i. Panicky - Scared, Frightened, Worried
ii. Screaming - Shouting
iii. Console - Sooth, Comfort
iv. Revealed - Open , Exposed
v. Collapse - Fail, ruin
vi. Neurosurgeon - Surgeon of Brain
vii. Tracheostomy tube - Pipe inserted for breathing
viii. Irreplaceable - Unique
ix. Aroma - Smell

Exercise 2.16 Answer the following sample questions.

i. Write the meaning of the word: collapse
Ans: Fail, ruin

ii. Write the meaning of the word :panicky

Ans: Scared, Frightened

iii. Change the voice: We played his favourite music for him.
Ans: His favourite music was played for him by us.

iv. Change the voice: We shifted Anish to a leading hospital.

Ans: Anish was shifted to a leading hospital.

v. Express your views/ideas on: Road Safety.

Ans: Road safety is a safety measure to reduce the risk of road accidents and road side
injury because of the mistakes of people while driving on the road. We cannot count the
daily road side accidents and death of people because of the driving mistakes and lack of
road traffic rules followers. Every person going on the road has risk of injury or death. Such
as pedestrians, motorists, cyclists, passengers, etc.

vi. Express your views/ideas on: Save Yourself from Mobile Addiction.
Ans: Mobile phones are very important in our life but overuse of mobiles is dangerous. It
starts controlling us the result is:
 Wastage of time, Money and resources.
 Start of Health problems, specially eyes.
 Family relationships get weakened.
 Get lost in virtual world.
Hence mobile addiction is dangerous.

vii. State the importance and need of wearing helmets.

Ans: Helmet is the safety armour for the head. Like the skull protects the brain from
impacts, the Helmet protects your head from injuries when you fall down from a two

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Every time bikers get on the road without a helmet; they are putting their life in danger. It
saves our life and trouble of family. It costs very little as compared to our lives. The human
head is not made to face high shocks. Since it is delicate and crucial part of the body its
protection becomes important.

viii. State the reasons of youngsters’ reluctance to wearing helmets.

Ans: youngsters’ reluctance to wearing helmets because,
 It spoils their hair style.
 It sweats and spoils the hair.
 It covers their face.
 It is heavy
 They have to carry it everywhere.
 They are going a short distance.

ix. Summarize the views of Anish’s father on wearing of helmets.

Ans: Anish’s father always warned his son for wearing helmet. But Anish did not listened.
Anish’s father says that even if we go a short distance we should wear helmet. He also says
that when we don’t think it will happen with us it is likely to happen only with us. Time
does not warn you. It is our duty to take precautions.

x. Describe the tragedy of Anish after the accident.

Ans: The doctor revealed that Anish's brain had been severely injured and decided to go
for a surgery. After the surgery, the doctor said that there is little possibility of Anish’s
recovery. He was then shifted to a special room. Tubes were inserted into his body for
breathing, feeding and urination. The only movements in his body were that of his head,
which moved right and left, and his eye balls. Four years in bed and Anish's condition
remained unchanged. At the end he passed away.

xi. Explain the statement in six sentences: ‘Life is a precious, irreplaceable gift.’
Ans: If you take your life seriously then you truly understand each day is a gift. Sometimes
because our life is so busy we forget how life is so fragile. It is so ironic that we get a
glimpse of it when someone is dying, diagnosis with a chronic disease, or when we see or
hear something terrible happen around us but we tend to forget so soon and get into our
‘monkey march’ lifestyle.

xii. Describe any road accident you have seen

Ans: On Sunday last, I witnessed a tragic road accident. It took place near Our School. There
is a turning point there. It is a traffic point of five roads. Now and then there happens a
traffic jam. On that day, while I was going to School, I saw a car coming from the Western
direction. A rickshaw with a Schoolboy and his mother was coming from the opposite
direction at about 8:30 am. While crossing the point, the car hit the rickshaw. The rickshaw
puller jumped from his seat but the boy and his mother fell on the road. The boy and his
mother were seriously wounded. I rushed to them. Some other passers-by also came
forward to helping them. We led them to a nearby doctor’s chamber. I felt pity for the

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school boy. In fact, for having no traffic police at that place, such accidents frequently occur.
The authority should take Steps to stop road accidents.

2.9. DOER TO MENTOR by Guru Prasad Makkam

Exercise 2.17 Give the contextual meanings of the following Sample words using the dictionary
i. Counter - Opposite, Attack
ii. Humdrum - Dull, Boring
iii. Attire - Dress
iv. Entourage - Backup
v. Gratitude - Thankfulness.
vi. Realm - Kingdom
vii. Delegate - Agent, Representative
viii. Transition - Change
ix. Tremendous - Huge, Big
x. Compassion - Sympathy

Exercise 2.18 Answer the following sample questions

i. Write the meaning of the word: entrepreneur
Ans: Businessman
ii. Write the meaning of the word: visionary
Ans: Farsighted

Answer the following in 4 to 6 sentences

i. Explain the terms: Doer and Mentor
Ans: Doer – It is a limited role where person executes the orders.
Mentor- It is a wide role where person plays role of creating leaders and guiding them.

ii. Explain the terms : Delegator and Leader

Ans: Delegator - to delegate work and monitor the work progress
Leader - to lead the managers, inspire them to reach the goal of the organization.

iii. Express your views /ideas on: Planning for success.

Planning is must for success. Whenever you plan, you plan to succeed. Thus, it is not a surprise
that planning will eventually lead you to have better success. One of the most beneficial
aspects of planning is in creating goals to accomplish. Planning a direction for your project or
business involves creating a roadmap. You create your goals and identify your direction and
you become prepared for what is coming next. You come to know about the problems and
solve them in time. Planning your goals and your direction helps to give you a clear

iv. Express your views /ideas on: Entrepreneurship.

Ans: Entrepreneurship means starting own business. It usually creates the opportunities for
employment. Entrepreneurship boosts the development of the economy. Entrepreneurship
creates employment and the conditions for a society that is prosperous.

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v. State any four qualities of Mr. Lal that have inspired you.
Ans: Mr. Lal is a simple and down to earth person. He is very hard working. He is a good
manager. He motivates his colleagues. He is also a good leader. As a mentor he has been guiding
many leaders. He is farsighted man. He is also multitasker.

vi. Describe the various roles of Mr. Lal as a Manager.

Ans: As a manager he had to manage all the things. He had to adjust with his colleagues and their
egos. He had to teach work to colleagues. He had to undergo transition from a doer to a delegator
in this phase. He used to delegate work and monitor the work progress.

vii. Describe the role of Mr. Lal as a Doer of the organization.

Ans: Mr. Lal was a 'doer' when he started. He used to do everything. It was acting job. As a doer
you talk and do lot of things. He learnt various aspects of the job which helped him in the

viii. Summarize the success story of Mr. Lal.

Ans: Mr. Lal is the chairman of a global company SBM group. He is very hard working and
simple person. He started with a small group and later made it a big company. He actually
started as a doer and became mentor in the course of time. He worked day and night for the
success. Today his company has presence in many countries.

ix. Describe the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur.

Ans: Successful business people have many traits in common with one another. They are
confident and optimistic. They are
1. Disciplined: These individuals are focused on making their businesses work, and eliminate
any hindrances or distractions to their goals.
2. Confidence: The entrepreneur does not ask questions about whether they can succeed or
whether they are worthy of success.
3. Open Minded: Entrepreneurs realize that every event and situation is a business
opportunity. Ideas are constantly being generated about workflows and efficiency, people
skills and potential new businesses.
4. Self Starter: Entrepreneurs know that if something needs to be done, they should start it
5. Competitive: Many companies are formed because an entrepreneur knows that they can
do a job better than another. They are competitive.

x. State the names of any six young successful entrepreneurs of your region
1. Mr. Azim Premji : He is an Indian business tycoon and philanthropist who is the chairman
of Wipro Limited, informally known as the Czar of the Indian IT Industry. 
2. Niranjan Hiranandani: He is an Indian entrepreneur, Co-founder and Managing Director
of Hiranandani Group, engaged in real estate business.
3. Mr. Rajendra Singh Pawar: He is a Co-founder and the chairman of NIIT. A former IITian
from Delhi, he has been awarded Padma Bhushan by the President of India in 2011
4. Mr. Chandrasekhar Bhaskar Bhave: He was born in Nagpur, Maharashtra. He is an Indian
financial regulator.

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5. Mr. Vivek Ranadive: He is an Indian businessman, engineer, author, speaker and

philanthropist. Mr. Ranadive is the founder and former CEO of TIBCO, a multi-million dollar
real-time computing company.
6. Mr. Vikram Pandit: Born in Dhantoli locality of Nagpur in Maharashtra, he is an Indian-
born American banker. He is the Former Chief Executive of Citigroup in 2007 until he
resigned in 2012.
7. Late Mr. Narayan Parulekar: Also known as Nanasaheb Parulekar, was the founder and
editor of Sakal, a Marathi newspaper. 


CO2: Compose dialogues and paragraphs for different situations.

Writing Skills
3a. Differentiate the given types of paragraphs with justification.
3b. Formulate a paragraph in words with synchronized sentence structure on the given
3c. Explain the theme on given paragraph precisely..
Speaking Skills
3d. Summarize the given paragraph with correct pronunciation and intonation.
3e. Take part in debates with correct pronunciation, intonation and using verbal and nonverbal
gestures on the given themes.

Exercise 3.1 Develop a paragraph on the given topics in about 75 words.

i. Waiting Room at the Railway Station
Yes, the waiting room at a railway station is a place where we can observe the human behaviour. I
would like to describe such an experience when I was too early for the train and had to spend some
time in the waiting room of the railway station. So, as it was my first train journey I was a little
nervous. When I found that I was so early for the train and there's almost an hour for the arrival of the
train I couldn't know what I was going to do next. I went inside the waiting room and sat near the
window. I was feeling very strange there as nobody except me was present and it was very early
morning. Within a minute the quiet waiting room was filled with noise and hustle bustle when people
started entering. One family was a Punjabi family with there two cute daughters. Then there was also a
group of friends who were listening songs and absorbed with their mobile phones.They were all
strangers to me but yet I felt nice to look at them and to observe them. It was an another great
experience my journey.

ii. Microwave
A microwave oven (commonly called a microwave) is a machine that cooks food using microwaves, a
type of radio wave. The idea was invented when a scientist who was experimenting with radio waves
saw his chocolate bar, which he was holding at that time, melt. He then knew that radio waves could
cook food and invented the microwave oven. Food is placed inside the oven, and buttons on
the screen or on the outer surface of the appliances are pressed to set how long the food should be
cooked.These days a microwave oven is one of the fastest ways of cooking, it is in great trend.

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Metals tend to spark in microwaves, rather than heating. The reason why is that metals like to give away
electrons, so when the microwaves "push" at their magnet-like electrons, instead of turning, they just
give the electrons away. A bunch of electrons running off on metal is called electricity, and we see it in
the form of sparks.

iii. My Treasured Belonging

Have you ever had a photograph that you have always treasured? I have a photograph of my
grandparents that is a treasured belonging of mine. The photo is glossy and radiant with an antique finish
that gives a feel of a rare treasure. They are holding hands and standing by a delicious, sweet, savory
apple tree. The sun is beating down on a pleasantly windy day. My grandmother’s long coarse hair is
blowing in the air. She looks luminous as my grandfather looks affectionately at her. They are staring
intently into each other’s misty eyes. The feeling of the photo is shiny with a deep fondness for each
other. As I glance at the photo, I reminisce at how beautiful and wonderful my grandparents were. The
photograph will be a lasting memory of what wonderful grandparents I have been blessed

iv. Laptop
A laptop, often called a notebook or "notebook computer", is a small, portable personal computer with
an alphanumeric keyboard on the lower part of the "clamshell" and a thin LCD or LED computer
screen on the upper part, which is opened up to use the computer. Laptops are folded shut for
transportation, and thus are suitable for mobile use. Although originally there was a distinction between
laptops and notebooks, the former being bigger and heavier than the latter, as of 2014, there is often no
longer any difference.  Laptops are commonly used in a variety of settings, such as at work, in
education, in playing games, Internet surfing, for personal multimedia and general home computer use

v. My Favorite Restaurant
My favorite restaurant is Hotel Paradise, in this place serves South Indian food. It is a small and
comfortable place located in Pune downtown. In others words, it is safe, calm and relaxed place. I love
to eat Dosa, I really like Idali for this reason it is my best option to choose. However, in this place
served delicious food like Dal Rice, Sweets and others. After the university, when I get hungry,
immediately I think in this place to eat. Almost always, I eat supreme Dosa with a cold Ice tea. Is so
excited energetic to continuous my day. Also, It is my favorite place to eat because in others place I
don’t like the way that the waitress take the orders, when served the food long time after or they
are miserable, for me is so stressed out and irritable to go it again

vi. An Online Class compared to a Traditional Face-to-face Class

The traditional schooling experience requires you to attend classes in person and on campus. It makes
sense to attend classes in person if you decide to live in the dorms or are an incoming freshmen who
wants the real college experience. There are certainly more opportunities to join clubs, associations, or
fraternities/sororities while taking classes on campus. Online education is also known as distance
learning and consists of taking classes via the internet. More and more students are taking online classes
because of the flexibility and convenience it provides. You can attend class sessions from the comfort of
your home and complete assignments whenever it's convenient for you.

viii. LED TV
An LED display is a flat panel display, which uses an array of light-emitting diodes as pixels for a video
display. Their brightness allows them to be used outdoors where they are visible in the

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sun store signs and billboards, and in recent years they have also become commonly used in destination
signs on public transport vehicles. LED displays are capable of providing general illumination in
addition to visual display, as when used for stage lighting or other decorative (as opposed to
informational) purposes.

ix. Wi-Fi Technology

Wi-Fi is the trade name for the popular wireless technology used in home networks, mobile phones,
video games and other electronic devices that require some form of wireless networking capability. Wi-
Fi technologies are supported by nearly every modern personal computer operating system, most
advanced game consoles and laptops, and many printers and other peripherals. The purpose of Wi-Fi is
to provide wireless access to digital content. This content may include applications, audio and visual
media, internet connectivity, or other data. Wi-Fi generally makes access to information easier, as it can
eliminate some of the physical restraints of wiring.

x. Celebration of Cultural Event

Diwali (also Deepavali) is an important and popular festival of people belonging to Hindu religion.
Many people observe the Diwali Festival to celebrate the return of Lord Rama (along with Sita and
Lakshmana) back to Ayodhaya after fourteen years. On their return after fourteen years of exile, the
people of Ayodhya welcomed Rama by decorating the entire kingdom with lights (diyas, deep). Goddess
Sita is the wife of Lord Rama while Lakshmana is his younger brother. On the occasion of Diwali,
people worship Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha. Diwali is also known as the Festival of Lights. It
is a five day long festival. People decorate their homes, streets, and buildings with decorative lights. 

xi. My First Day in the Institute

Life is full of strange experiences—good and bad, happy and sad. Some of these experiences are just
unforgettable. I can never forget my first day at college. It was a day of thrill, joy and excitement. But it
turned out to be a real bad day indeed. Wearing new clothes, I entered the college gate. I was feeling
proud of being a college student. I came to know that the classes were to be held after the principal’s
address to the new students. I also learnt that the address was to be delivered in the Lecture Theatre. But
it did not know where the Lecture Theatre was. I asked a senior student the way to the Lecture Theatre.
He immediately pointed to a door. No sooner did I enter that room than I heard a guffaw of laughter. It
was not the Lecture Theatre but the girls common room. Soon a girl’s voice reached my ears: ‘Come in,
please.’ For a while I did not know what to do. I was feeling badly humiliated. I rushed out of that room.
Then I requested another gentleman to lead me to the Lecture Theatre. He took me towards the bath
rooms. I was befooled for the second time. It seemed to me that everybody was laughing at me. I could
not stay any longer in the college. I soon came back home. I little knew what was in store for me on my
very first day at college.

xii. An Accident
Life is a vale of tears. It is a drama of pain. In this age of high speed vehicles, accidents are very
common. It is the mad craze for speed which is generally responsible for all the accidents. Only last
week, I saw a very serious accident on the Ludhiana-Chandigarh road. I was scootering down from
Chandigarh.  As I was nearing  Mohali. I saw bus going at a high speed. A car was following it. The car
driver wanted to overtake the bus as he tried to do so, the vehicle collided against another car coming
from the opposite direction. Both the cars turned turtle. Four of the occupants of the car were killed on
the spot while another three were badly injured. People working in the nearby fields rushed to the scene
of the crash. A few passengers of the bus were also seriously injured as it had struck against a tree. I

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could not see the mutilated and blood-stained bodies. I rushed to a telephone booth and rang up the
police and the hospital authorities. Medical rescue party and the police reached the spot in a short time.
Some of the injured were provided first aid on the spot while others were sent to the PGI at Chandigarh.
The relatives of the dead were informed. It was a heart-rending spectacle. There were tears in every eye.
Such accidents can certainly be avoided if the drivers observe the rules of the road. Speed, no doubt
thrills, but it also kills. The golden rule to avoid accident is: ‘Safety first, speed afterwards.’


Exercise: Develop dialogues for the following situations

1. Office clerk and student about collecting scholarship cheque.

Student : Good Morning Sir..!

Office clerk : Good Morning Aditya, How are you?
Student : I’m fine sir, and how are you sir?
Office clerk : I’m fine. How can I help you?
Student : Sir I had applied for scholarship offered by Govt. of Maharashtra for students
belonging to economically backward class.
Office clerk : Yes, I remember, I had given you the form.
Student : Can I know whether the office has received the scholarship cheque?
Office clerk : Yes, you can. Give me a minute I will check.
Student : Sure sir.
Office clerk : Here it is, Take your cheque Aditya and deposit it in the bank.
Student : Ok Sir, Thank you sir for your help.
Office clerk : It’s my pleasure Aditya.
Student : Have a nice day sir.
Office clerk : Same to you. Bye.

2. Office clerk and student enquiring about EBC scholarship.

Student : Good Morning Sir..!

Office clerk : Good Morning, How can I help you?
Student : I’m a student of FY Mechanical. I wanted to know about EBC
Office clerk : Yes Maharashtra State government offers EBC scholarship.
Student : Who can avail this scholarship?
Office clerk : All the students who are resident of Maharashtra and whose parents’ annual
income is less than 800000/- per year.
Student : Ok sir?
Office clerk : But the condition is it should not be the third child to them.

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Student : I see, How to apply for this scholarship.

Office clerk : It is very simple; you can apply for this scholarship through our office or you
can submit the form individually as well.
Student : Ok Sir, Thank you sir for your help.
Office clerk : It’s my pleasure Aditya.
Student : Have a nice day sir.
Office clerk : Same to you. Bye.

c) Registrar and student regarding cancellation of admission.

d) Librarian and student about losing the borrowed book.

e) Student enquiring about the availability of the book ‘Wings of Fire’ by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul
Kalam in the library.

Student :  Hello ma’am, how are you?

Librarian :  Hello! I am perfectly fine. And how are you?
Student :  I am good ma’am. Actually I was searching a book.
Librarian :  What kind of book are you searching for?
Student :  Ma’am, I was looking for ‘Wings of Fire’ by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.
Librarian :  Oh..! that’s a lovely book, even it is my favorite book.
Student :  Yes, Today our class teacher Dr. Patil was teaching a lesson which is actually
an excerpt from the book ‘Wings of Fire’.
Librarian :  You can get that book in the Biography section.
Students :  Can I get that issued for a month?
Librarian :  Yes, you can.
Student :  Thank you Ma’am.
Librarian :  For that you need to get a membership card issued for yourself. That card
permit you can get 2-3 books simultaneously.
Student :  Ma’am, is it mandatory?
Librarian :  Yes for issuing more than 1 book at a time.
Student :  Do I have to pay something for that?
Librarian :  Yes Rs.500/- for 6 months. Subsequently, you can get your card reissued only
at Rs.100/- for 6 more months.
Student :  OK Ma’am, please issue me a membership card.
Librarian :  Sure. There you go.

f) Arjun and Amit discussing about the ways to improve their spoken English.

Arjin : Hello Amit. How are you?

Amit : I’m fine what about you?

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Arjun : I have become serious about improving my English. From today I will not
speak in Martahi with you.
Amit : It’s a good decision.
Arjun : Yes, If we want to improve our English, we have to speak in English.
Amit : It’s true, we should not think about other’s criticism.
Arjun : But, that’s not enough, we have to improve our reading and writing
Amit : Yes, My father yes listening to English news, and talks is very important.
Arjun : Yes, my mother also insists on listening to English news every day.
Amit : For reading we can use English literature and news-papers available in
our college Library.
Arjun : Good idea, it will improve our reading skills.
Amit : But I have problem in understanding English spoken by a British or an
Arjun : It’s a problem for me too. But, now I have started listening to BBC.
Amit : Do you know next week there is one workshop in our college on
Developing English Language Proficiency.
Arjun : Yes, I know, I am going to attend the same.
Amit : Me too..!
Arjun : ok, Lets go we are getting late for next lecture.
Amit : Oh.. yes, Lets go.

i) Friends about choosing engineering discipline for their career.

Student 1 Hello , Hansel . It’s been a long time since we’ve met . How are you ?
Student 2: Oh , I’ve been fine . Busy looking up the newspaper trying to decide on a career ! What
about you ?
Student 1 Well , I’ve been doing this and that . Oh , and yes , I too have been scouring the classified
section of the newspapers. What have you decided on ?
Student 2:  I’ve not decided on anything so far , but I’m considering Engineering .
Student 1: My father is a Mechanical Engineer and he wants me to go for that.
Student 2: But are you interested in Mechanical Engineer?
Student 1: No, not really. I am interested in IT and Computer. You know I love to be among
technological products. I have a handsome knowledge about internet and networking. I want to
become an IT engineer. But my father won't allow it.
Student 2: Oh, that's really sad. Have you talked to your father about it?
Student 1: No, not yet. Actually, I am afraid of talking to my father about it.
Student 2: Look, this is the matter of your future. You must talk to your father about it. Just try to
convince him to accept your point of view.
Student 1: I think engineers can create something new but doctors won't. So, that's why I want to
become an engineer.
Student 2: Ok But you should talk to your father.
Student 1: First of all let me talk to my father to know if he allows me to study IT and Computer

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Student 2: Yeah, sure.

Studnet 1: Thanks for your time and suggestions friend.
Student 2. It's my pleasure. Take care.
Student 1: Have a good day.


Exercise 4.1 : Choose the correctly spelt word and write.


a) i. noticable ii. noticeble iii. noticeable noticeable ……

b) i. begining ii. beginning iii. bigening beginning ……
c) i. skillfully ii. skilfully iii. skillfuly skilfully ………
d) i. childs ii. children iii. childrens children ………
e) i. happyness ii. happiness iii. happines happiness ……
f) i. courageous ii. corageous iii. courageus courageous ……
g) i. alltogether ii. altogethar iii. altogether altogether …….
h) i. completly ii. completely iii. completelly completely …….
i) i. definitely ii. definitly iii. definately definitely …….
j) i. greatful ii. gratefull iii. grateful grateful …….
k) i. unique ii. unic iii. uniqe unique ……….
l) i. leafs ii. leaffs iii. leaves leafs ……….
m) i. referred ii. refered iii. reffered referred ….
n) i. counsellor ii. counselar iii. counselor counsellor ….
o) i. ninth ii. nineth iii. nintth ninth ……….
p) i. vacancys ii. vacancies iii. vacancyes vacancies ….
q) i. angrily ii. angryly iii. angrilly angrily …….
r) i. beginer ii. beginner iii. begginer beginner …….
s) i. keys ii. keyes iii. keies keys ……….
t) i. beautyful ii. beautiful iii. beautifull beautiful …….


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