Burnout Among Teachers

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1 Issue: Teachers Burn out

To overcome this problem from happening, an individual must know the

reason why the problem occurred. There are many cause of burnout. Among the

causes of this arise in the management of the organization is inefficient of the

management system. Aspects of the management system in the organization plays

an important role in ensuring the quality of work performed. If the organization's

management practices are not efficient, this will results stress to employees. When

talking about the pressures of work, the employees will point fingers on the inefficient

of management of the organization as one contributor to work stress. However,

many do not know that stress is not only due to the organization's management

system only, but one should also assess self-management. In other words, it is

necessary for an individual to manage yourself.

Environment that is not conducive is also one of the contributors to the

problem of burn out. The example is workplace of work that is not conducive that

don’t have the basic equipment of an office, or other crucial equipment. In view of the

teaching profession, the workplace that is not conducive is the school that do not

have adequate equipment. This situation makes teachers feel pressured and will

eventually lead to burn out.

In addition, the inability to perform the task is one of the contributing factors to

this problem. For example, the work entrusted for the higher authorities, they just

handed over the responsibility to an employee with less skills and ability. This will

cause the person not committed to fulfil his job and finally results a gradual loss of

interest that followed by burn out.

Added with unhealthy lifestyle practiced by the individual, this will lead to

physical and emotional stress in a long period of time. A person with a healthy body

can increase performance and always maintain and even improve the quality of their

work. To have a healthy body and free from stress and burn out, one needs to adopt

a healthy lifestyle. To prevent yourself from any pressure, one should manage their

time efficiently. Do not postpone the work if you have the time. With efficient time

management, work can be done more efficiently and this may prevent the overload

of a lot of work and eventually lead to fatigue yourself. It should be noted that the

problem comes from the attitude of bad management of time that will lead to another

kind of problems.

Problem management skills are also among the factors contributing to the

problem of burn-out among teachers. For example, a new teacher who is appointed

into workloads of task will certainly create problems as they are not experienced

enough to cater all of the task given. If the teacher is not able to solve the problem

on his own, he can ask for help from teachers who have served and experienced

enough. Failure to manage the problem will eventually lead to severe stress.

In conclusion, a teacher must evaluate all factors and seeks to prevent the

occurrence of burn out. This is to ensure that the teacher is able to jointly maintain

the quality of service in furtherance of the National Education Philosophy.

2 Specify the implications of these issues for yourself as a teacher who will

face the current challenges.

Terms burn out can be defined as a feeling of failure, extreme fatigue and

exhaustion due to claims that are too burdensome on energy, strength or endurance

of a person. According to Farber (1991), burn out can mean as a last resort when

one attempts to deal with its negative pressure, failed to achieve its goal. The effect

of burn-out among teachers can be divided into three aspects: emotional exhaustion,

physical effects and the impact of the organization. For emotional exhaustion

teachers who experienced burn out will be too tired to entertain the children,

students, colleagues and family members. This situation will affect the interaction of

individuals with the environment because usually people who suffer burn out will

have a bad relationship. In addition, teachers who experience burn out will have an

unstable emotion. This is derived from the failure of the individual to manage

themselves. The next problem that will arise from depression is the person easy to

lose focus when doing things.

For the second aspect of the physical effects, the teacher who has this

problem will often sick. It stems from the first aspect of emotional exhaustion. This is

because when the emotions are not strong it will cause frequent pain, pain even just

a little. Then as a solution they will often take sick leave. Teachers who are

experiencing this problem will often isolate themselves from others and often

emotionally argued with people. It comes from the individual self as most individuals

who suffer from burn out they often have a negative perception of others. For

example if there are other individuals who were watching over them, they think the

person is condemning and gossiping about him.

The last aspect is the impact on the organization that is for the achievement in

the school. The effect is decreasing in productivity and ineffective teaching and

learning. This is because individuals who are facing these issues are not able to give

full concentration on the task that they have to do and always think of other things

that are not important. In addition, disciplinary cases involving delinquent teachers

will also be increasing. It is because they will be an individual who is grumpy, always

have negative view and cannot communicate well.

3 Suggestions how to resolve the issue.

Knowledge about how to deal with burn out should be delivered to teacher to

make sure teacher is always in a stable emotional and emotions and stress.

Learning about the psychology allows a teacher a better understanding in the human

self and others. The teaching profession is a profession that requires knowledge and

practice of psychology in the career because teachers job has direct contact with

humans. Watts and Short (1990), the state of prolonged depression can cause

withdrawal from their work in the form of either physical or psychological. Among the

measures to overcome this problem is to improve the general environment. This is

because the features of a conducive workplace can be a factor that can relieve

stress, or vice versa.

Thus, efforts to eliminate or minimize any negative effects such as noise,

odour, dust and others must be taken seriously in order to motivate teachers to work

efficiently. In addition, teachers also need to have the time management skills. This

is because there are many teachers who often spend time with things that are not
important and ultimately ignore their real responsibility. With these skills, a teacher

can do things according to their priority and can avoid a waste of time.

Other than that, teachers also need to have problem solving skills to ensure

they can control his emotions and thus be able to think rationally to solve problems.

This skill requires brainstorming with friends and listing all the possible solutions can

be a key to solve the problems faced by them. Next, the teacher must also have the

skills of relaxation. These skills can help individuals who are troubled because of

stress and burn-out will cause physical reactions such as muscle tension and heart

beat problems. For example, progressive muscle relaxation can relax muscle tension

while doing breathing control that will results in lower breathing rate and heart rate to

normal levels.

Teachers who have this problem should also be getting involved in the

religious matters. This is because each religion is taught how to manage stress

properly. From religious practice, teacher can seek their peace by having their own

time with himself and the creator. The final recommendations that can be

implemented by teachers to avoid burn out is by maintaining a healthy and balanced

lifestyle. This is because each individual must focus on a healthy lifestyle as well as

it can avoid the stress, it can also ensure that an individual has a healthy body and is

always ready to run tasks with ease despite the challenges faced. Among the

healthy lifestyle that should be practiced as exercising, eating a balanced diet,

enough sleep, not smoking and not drinking alcoholic beverages.

1.3 References

Freeman, A., Pretzer, J., Fleming, B. & Simon, K.M. (2004). Clinical Applications of

Cognitive Therapy. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.

Griffith, J., Steptoe, A., & Cropley, M. (1999). An investigation of coping strategies

associated with job stress in teachers. British Journal of Educational

Psychology, 69, 517-531.

Howard, S. & Johnson, B. (2004). Resilient teachers: Resisting stress and burnout.

Social Psychology of Education, 7, 399-420.

Huebner, E.S., Gilligan, T.D. & Cobb, H. (2002). Best practices in preventing and

managing stress and burnout. In A. Thomas & J. Grimes (Eds.) Best Practices

in School Psychology IV. Bethesda, MD: NASP Publications.

Beban Tugas Guru SekolahMasaKini? (2013, October 2013). Retrieved from


Retrieved from Luan, W. Y. September 2014. Bakal Guru Yang Sedang

Menyerlah :Bebanan Guru. Retrieved from

http://bakalguru2012.blogspot.com/2012/09/bebanan- guru.html

Retrieved from Bahagian pembangunan kurikulum September 2014,



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