Assignment #1 Kirsten Andrei C. Tabligan 11-ABM

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The first impression of the roommate would be that Holmes is just like any other
person because he mentioned that Holmes was not a difficult person to live in since he is
well organized with his time management as well as the things that he does in a daily
basis. I assume the roommate thought of Holmes as a well disciplined and workaholic
person because of his daily routines and as mentioned that it was rare for Holmes to be up
after ten at night as well as him being gone before his roommate awakens in the morning.
I think that Holmes’ roommate must be thinking that Holmes I an introverted person for
the reason that they barely talk and learn about each other’s lives.

As the roommate of Holmes observe his daily actions, I assume that he believes
that Holmes is a very busy person and could possibly be a scientist or a person who is
into science given that he sees Holmes spend his days in chemical laboratory or
dissecting rooms. The roommate was able to observe that Holmes is a busy person who
does various things every day in his life. I think that the first impressions of his roommate
can possibly Holmes being busy, introverted, anti- social, workaholic, diligent, and
disciplined but he was also concerned about how he’s doing because he saw that Holmes
changed as he doesn’t say a word nor move and has vacant expression in his eyes as he
thought that Holmes was experiencing a job burnout from working everyday but he also
assumed that Holmes was on drugs that’s why Holmes is acting up like that.

If I was in that situation, I wouldn’t want to be roommates with Holmes because

he is not an ideal roommate for he is a busy person who lacks communication skills. I am
the total opposite of Holmes’ personality because I am an extrovert and I like socializing
with the people around me like telling me about their day and such. Holmes is an
introvert and I would assume that we would not be getting along well if communication
is lacking. If I would be roommates with someone, I would prefer a person who is very
vocal about themselves because a roommate is someone you practically live with and I do
not want to guess about what’s happening in the life of my roommate, because you’ll
never know what they do in life and will be hard to trust as someone you are with
everyday even just for limited hours in a day. Aside from having a roommate that
communicates well, I also prefer that we respect each other’s personal things and
personal space.

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