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Unit 1

Introducing Yourself

A formal introduction is used when you introduce yourself in a formal room for example. Self in
front of class, workroom, meeting room and Official forums, such as seminars . Formal intakes are used
in formal situations.

Informal introduction is used when you introduce yourself to someone at about the same age
with you. Informal introduction id used in a non formal situation. Usually used on unofficial events or
forums, such as introductions when in public meet new friends or friends

Overview 1


FORMAL GREETING  Good morning  Good morning.
 Good afternoon  Good afternoon.
 How are you?  I’m fine, thank you.
 How’s your weekend?  It was really great.
 How do you do?  How do you do.
 How’s everything?  Nothing changes.
 Hello  Hello/hi
 What’s up!  Hi/hello
 How are you doing?  Hi/I’m OK/not too bad.

Overview 2


 My name is Mariah.  Pleased to meet you. I’m Riri.
 I’m Albert.  I’m Toni. Nice to meet you.
 Let me introduce myself, I’m Gery.  Rio has talked so much about you.
 I’d like to introduce myself. I’m Rita  Glad to meet you.
 Nice to meet you.
 Nabila, please meet Bahaqi.  Nice to meet you.
 Tania, this is Anthony, the one I told you  Pleased to meet you.
about.  How do you do?
 Maria, have you met Irene?
 Here, I’d like you to meet Surya.
 Rere, this is Birawa. Birawa, this is Rere.


1. Introducing self
Kartika : Excuse me. I don’t think we have met, I’m Kartika. (Permisi, sepertinya kita belum
pernah bertemu, saya Kartika)
Okki : Hello. I’m Okki. I am your new neighbor. (Halo, Saya Okki. Saya tetangga barumu)
Kartika : Oh really?. You moved to the house next to me, didn’t you?  (Oh benarkah? Kamu
pindah ke rumah disebelah saya kan?)
Okki : Yes I did. Please come to my house this afternoon. I baked some cookies. (Iya. Tolong
datang sore ini ke rumah saya. Saya sudah memanggang kue kering)
Kartika : Sure! Thanks. Nice to know you Okki.  (Tentu saja! Terima Kasih. Senang bisa
mengenalmu Okki)
Okki : Nice to know you too Kartika. (Senang bisa mengenalmu juga Kartika)

2. Introducing others
Reni : That’s Didit. Do you know him? (Itu Didit. Apakah kamu mengenalnya?)
Rita : No, I don’t. (Tidak, aku tidak mengenalnya)
Reni : Hello, Dodit. How are you? (Halo Dodit. Apa kabar?)
Dodit : Hello, Reni. I'm fine thanks. (Hai Reni, aku baik baik saja terima kasih)
Reni : Dodit, this is a friend of mine, Rita Aprianti. (Dodit ini temanku, Rita Aprianti)
Dodit : Hello Rita. Pleased to meet you. (Halo Rita, senang bertemu denganmu)
Rita : Hi Dodit, pleased to meet you too. (Hai Dodit, senang bertemu denganmu juga)
1. Verb to be
 Affirmative

I am
He is From Bali.
We are

 Questions

Who are you?

am I?
is Kiki?
What Is your last name?
Is his job?
Is here hobby?
Where is she from?
are you from?
Am I?
How old Is your mother?
are you?
Is he?

2. Simple Present Tense

a. Simple Present Tense expresses a fact which is always true or true for a long time.
- He comes from Lombok.
- He studies at SMKN 20 Jakarta.

b. It also expresses a habit.

- He likes jogging.
- She goes to her hometown every year.
3. Adverbials of Simple Present Tense

o Always : Selalu
o Usually : Biasanya
o Sometimes : Kadang-kadang
o Often : Sering
o Seldom : Jarang
o Never : Tidak pernah
o 3 times a day : 3 kali sehari
o 3 days a week : 3 hari per minggu
o Once a month : Sebulan sekali
o Everyday : Setiap hari

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