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Sound for Film and Television

Professor Bridges
Final Project: Developing a Soundtrack

A collection of student films is available for download on Blackboard, choose one of them (or
another film if you have one that you would like to work on), and develop the soundtrack for
the film.

Make markers in the Pro Tools timeline to create a layout of when settings change and when
major events happen that will need elements of sound. Use the sound effects and music library
resources available to you to develop sound effects and music cues for the film. Once all of your
editing is completed, pan each track to position based on the panning conventions covered in
class. Once your tracks are panned, level each track to best support the narrative and create a
good mix. Utilize signal processing such as EQ and reverb to create perspective within your mix.

Delivery: The final project will be due by the end of Unit 9, May 24th. Submit your project by
placing it in a folder labeled: YourName_FinalProject, compress the folder to a .zip file by right-
clicking on the folder and clicking “Compress” on Mac, or "Send to -> Compressed (zipped
folder)" on Windows. Upload the zipped folder to the dropbox using MyFile. MySCAD >
Workspace Tab > MyFile > Savannah > Dropbox > SNDS…

If you are editing your project using Pro Tools you may upload the complete session folder and
a bounced version. If you are using other software to complete your project, please upload an
exported version and screenshots showing the work in your session.

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