Bahasa Inggris - Lily Anvionita - A1B121091

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Name : Lily Anvionita

NIM : A1B121091

Class : Regular C

Supporting lecturer : Mrs. Dr Sri Wachyunni , S.S., M.Hum., MA

Reading for a specific information

1. What conclusion can be drawn from the final sentence of the paragraph?
C. You might not be able to determine whether the information is there.
2. What is suggested about reading tasks in exams?
A. The exam rules determine which skills you need to use
3. Reading for gist can be helpful in
B. working out unknown vocabulary
4. What is suggested by the information about Part 6?
A. Specific information is always factual and objective in nature.

Get Started
1. Which kind of farm do you think the picture shows?
Food crop farming
2. Which of these substances are permissible for use on organic crops?
manmade chemicals / natural fertilisers / pesticides
Natural Fertilisers
3. Do you ever eat organic food? Why? / Why not?
Yes I do, because eat organic food more than better for healthy than to
pesticides food

Develop your vocabulary

1. Write a word or phrase from the box in each gap to complete the
 This book of easy-tofollow dessert the box in each gap to complete
the sentence. Whit a sweet tooth.
 This outer smells rancid throw it away!
 It’s difficult to find out exactly which ingredients are used to make
 Some farmers inject their animals with grop wifi hormones to
make them bigger processed
 The use of domestic for such as chikens and geese for thear meat
and eggs dates bect ti accient times
2. Match each verb with a phrase to make expressions
 Stir- the imagination
 Get-your tasted buds
 Tingle-the apple cart
 Upset-hot and bothered
 Whip up-a quick meal
3. Read the paragraph and circle the correct words.
 Dangerous/grave
 Fertilisers/additives
 Epidemics/infestatiens
 Adverse/modlfied
 Abundant/plenty
 Dairy/milk product
 Livestock/meat
 Hygene/well berng

Develope your reading skills. Reading for specific information

Underline the word or phrase in each sentence which can be replaced by the
word in bold
1. There are a number of adverse effects(dangers) which are caused by
consuming certain food additives.
2. Additives are components(ingredients) used in the preparation of
processed foods.
3. Mounting costs were resulting in an unprofitable crop(rising).
4. There are potential(consequences) risks involved in using GM
technology in food.
5. The government approved the use(enhanced) of genetically-modified
crops in food production.
6. GM foods have only(available) been on the market since 1994.

Match each phrase with a headline

1. food with altered DNA- D. Toxic sugar substitute contained in over 9,000
food products.
2. healthy dining- E. New chain of organic restaurants opens
3. cooking instructions- C. Chef posts his top ten recipes online
4. a type of food additive- F. Genetically-modified foods to be sold in
5. a national dish- B. Sushi world record broken on Japanese holiday
6. a meal that caused illness- A. Diner hospitalised with food poisoning
Read the headlines in exercise 2 again. Underline between one and three words in
each headline which gave you the answers.

Match the underlined words and phrases in the text with the headings

1. Time period: 38 minute meals

2. Book title: 20 minutes
3. Dish: vegetanans
4. Ingredients: herbs and spices
5. Person/ people: the celebity chef
6. House hold chore: to enjoy your cooking

Read the text in exercise 4 again. Write a word or phrase from the text in each gap
to complete each sentence.
1. I didn’t succeed in my 20 minute at making the meal quickly.
2. 100 More 20-Minute Meals is Wong’s failed book to 20-Minute Meals.
3. Wong can possibly whip up his meals in the 20-minute time limit
4. I enjoyed the cooking once I gave myself time not to get extra time
5. The meals are so creative that they really imagination and tingles
6. Both books have the delicious taste recipes that almost anyone could use.
7. It could take a while to find the rare herbs and spikes Wong uses in his
8. People who don’t eat meat or who have a vegetarian recipes will find plenty
in this cookbook.

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