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Analytical Modelling
Tutorial 5: Second order non-homogenous linear
By: Reham Elsawah

School of Engineering and Computing

Homogeneous Equations

School of Engineering and Computing

Non-Homogeneous Equations

School of Engineering and Computing

Non-Homogeneous particular integral

School of Engineering and Computing

Question set 1
Determine the general solutions for the following DEs

School of Engineering and Computing

Question set 1- Solution
Determine the general solutions for the following DEs

School of Engineering and Computing

Question set 1-Solution
Determine the general solutions for the following DEs

School of Engineering and Computing

Question set 1- Solution
Determine the general solutions for the following DEs

School of Engineering and Computing

Question set 1- Solution
Determine the general solutions for the following DEs

School of Engineering and Computing

Question set 2
Solve the following ODEs subject to given boundary conditions:

School of Engineering and Computing

Question set 2- Solution
Solve the following DE subject to given boundary conditions:

School of Engineering and Computing

Question set 2- Solution
Solve the following ODEs subject to given boundary conditions:

School of Engineering and Computing

Question set 2- Solution
Solve the following ODEs subject to given boundary conditions:

School of Engineering and Computing

Question 3
Solve the following DE :

School of Engineering and Computing

Question 3- Solution
Solve the following DE subject to given boundary conditions:

School of Engineering and Computing

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