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Name :.....................

Phys 431 Quantum Mechanics Q1

Final Exam
Last Name : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . January 29, 2021 (09:30-11:30) Q2

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q3

Q1. (25 pts) Q4

Consider a two component system, given that 1  4 and 2  1 .

a) Find the number of independent eigenstates in the uncoupled representation.
b) What are the values of total angular momentum quantum number ?
c) Fin the eigenvalues of the operator L1  L2 corresponding to each .
d) Find the minimum and maximum eigenvalues of the operator L1z  2 L2 z corresponding to the
values of i

Q2. (25 pts)

a) Determine the quantum numbers  and m  associated with the possible states of hydrogen
atom corresponding to the principle quantum number n  4 .
b) Assume that an electron is in Ψ  R 43 (r) Y3-2 (θ , φ)  state of hydrogen atom. Find the
expectation value of Ĵ z .
c) An electron in a hydrogen atom occupies the combined spin and position state
  100 (r,  ,  )  2i  321 (r,  ,  )- 31,-1 (r,  ,    z
where  z is the spin up state of the electron. If you measured the square of orbital angular
momentum L̂2 , what is the probability of obtaining the value 6 ?

d) If the potential energy of electron in the state Ψ432 (r,θ, ) of hydrogen atom is 1.7 eV ,
calculate its kinetic energy. Hint: E n  (13.6 eV ) 2

Q3. (25 pts)

Consider a system given by the quantum numbers  1 and s  1 / 2 .

a) Determine the quantum numbers j and m j .
b) Find the energy levels of Hamiltonian
2A 2B
H1  2 L  J  2 S  J
where A and B are constants having the dimension of energy. Write down your results in a
table (add rows if necessary)

State ............. Energy eigenvalue

C ˆ
c) If a term H 2  ( Lz  Sˆz ) is added to H1 , find the new energy levels of Hamiltonian
C ˆ
H  H1  ( Lz  Sˆz )
where C is a constant having the dimension of energy. Write down your results in a table
(add rows if necessary)

State ............. Energy eigenvalue

Q4. (25 pts)

Consider an electron of mass m in an infinite potential well shown in the figure. Suppose that the
bump at the bottom of the well can be considered as small perturbation, H ' . Here, a  108 cm and
V0  3.2 eV .
(Use 1 fm  1013 cm , 1eV  106 MeV , me c2  0.511 MeV and c  197.3 MeV  fm )

 2V0
 x for 0  x  a / 2

 2V0
H'  a  x  for a / 2  x  a
 a
 0 for x  0 and x  a

V0 Unperturbed solutions:
2 n x
x  n(0) ( x)  sin
0 a a a a
En(0)  2
n2 ; n  1, 2,3,....
a) Calculate numerically the unperturbed energy of the ground and first excited states.
b) Calculate numerically the correction to the ground state energy and first excited state energy due
to the perturbation.
Hint: You can use the following integrals
n x a
a /2
I1   dx sin 2 
a 4

n x a 2  1 (1) n  1 
a /2
I2   dx x sin 2
  
2  8 (2n ) 2 


n x a
I3   dx sin 

a /2
a 4

n x a 2  3 1  (1) n 
I4   dx x sin 2
  
2  8 (2n ) 2 

a /2

c) Find numerically the transition energy between the lowest and next upper allowed states of
this well.

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