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Ndlie al iYEfsly oi dlUoy ano kesearci in Law, Kancnl

Nationai university or druay ana nesearcn in Law, Kanci NaTionai Universily or DIUay ana kesSearcn in Law, Kancni
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Question wise Marks given by Examiner
Semester: Name o
Toal Marks the Candidate Madan o a af|
Q.No. Marks Marks
by Examiner Q.No.
Subject': Roll No. : 8 C9
2 2
Subject Code: Semester:
Subject: AH HIS To
Total Marks
|by Etaminer
Code: AuS
OO0 7
OO0 Signature of the Candidate
10 10
11 11
Total Marks in Words Read the Examination Hall
12 12
Protocol given on the
13 13
Total Marks in Words back of the Answer Booklet
Name of Re-Evaluator's 14 14
15 15 Signature of the Invigiator
Name of Evaluator's
16 16
Signature with Date
17 Signature with Date 17
18 18
Do not write/Mark on Bar Code 19 Do not write/Mark on Bar Code 19 Do not write/Mark on Bar Code
20 20
Total Total
Nationa Unvesily of 3tusy aol Reach
la onchi
Coe shed
Name Malan jepal J t
Rol NO. 269
Stw je ct Histo I
Swje ct Code A13
MlaV t
Si hatuve og Stuolant |
Date O1 eXaminatbn Og- - 2 0
I wiu
tyee Paups V. Martin Maritta
Aielo, clicttic O{,
Co, Yaoludoig
Uaaluloig ..v.
co.v. ilet Cayy.
Thheseceduave ofteminjsm
196os to H Luma lyolemancatod
lut rIeas. The men ttt
LtaNe men t d
wik pla c to join
ejenee ohces had
Pesition and r l om ttrtil
nqteA b tn
Th s t one way
Lenguy cencond
Slnasutte Stha R foE +e
Oe, t e second wwt
otused Mot on
both plic
Plie and Aiind
Aaidi njsGy
IS } ape, TLepLool
ano wouep lae udie rigAy demsti
lefat we bieuuk to cVirn

toteltent othe meemat and t

Une a s
ahot to
on tne mgatwe wiigDtn
omun n Popula cltn
met posittve ano ualistic 8n
Me, t
Cay oPhUPs V. MahA in Marita cotb.
In l96 >
Mavtin Masieteg cORp.
kwas hot a nfomdJda pilits Tt
h pl.s choe a2e
ceepting Jo
J b l catioD
ofpu Cation 4tem
hmen Aem
clulin. philUPS Sue a
allyed tne Sne had a
heen inief emploe
Act (64.,
75-8oV. o th cil Pigtg
tne bosition appicat s
uich Purs pplid
nene was nni c/ent we h n
O t itt Cdi asincol
Held 1n tac atienca o} eVTeLn CR hat a u Picsae
Cllolron 1s eleLeiytia6ty pots JelaHe

Pertoenane tan o a le Jot PertoLGNCe, flrjef

women wit pies C l u e s ( j chlelhen
VIates civil Piytt) Act I?64. TeACt
u i f ta{ Pesns with Simia
qnt Cations mal Rmploynut
PPOERuniie egaroltess fhevi SCX
The Caje 9uece In 2/vin}
eppoetanty inmp loyrment JAorwerad he
St y pical ha cArizatiors asliionaM
nole totas
Tnte Cae 7eclul olig Aiello APpelles Aieuo
anod SReral n e r women ka beCamee
PA ANt anof
SuereA emloynnut i s ai uties as

P Nn i Suuje
APpeey CA
TO C Manelatgi statu employment tay t0 fum
dioaAi Jn swance Pogiame, anel e
Suitn fedra distuick cout caimigtthat
Poamm violatr Xu AnenolK
be cae it PsLusla t meud o peudritt
for.amt olinaility seulting e n A guunie.
of OsA ll l tat t
Held The SAeme Cswrt
Cr Csion benlits due Ho dis ali Lit fton
mt in invioleuy
an in't
unoleh t h eAal pOtCuo laune
elis oimintu with uPe cA
T L8 t dtAminad
phettckin und fA P9iAM
Stl qP&okamm
had a i a t a q to ihgwr
atueuh ti
e etric co,v. igilbct In t Cane
El ruc CO
dnel its empleyee ai seli
lita pln fo non-
OClpattonal ickners an4 a ccio lent, b t te
laniel nt Cene i s ali tity fos Pinng. The
hyfonduuts, q clan
female emplo
oj. 0
genetal tic co. ,Shael
fo S oisoiounatie p eer
t vi
Rizwty A ct 116f. T d i i c t cswtt
elolthat h plan violacket ACt
Ccuut PPeaa t
A med
de lof with 62 a ) oi ty count eMd tuat emple
hae t e aigd &s Csle a enolition tom
aouyalUty p(an wih o L a j mae, bsis.
i i utflan w as hot wo{h mote to u
an was to mA lt dis Oiinata

6 7he h oliq) COUnl A ch.!/86

T ACd oz18s8we a (qnd maue
onJH nutional e e l o p mut i n Ihoiq, T e holiam
Coun ej At 1S mileSton
a map 0 un th
he clevreloneute z- co6tutional upluk of pnolia. But,
Son it was flt hat Smetins mofu
as mae
Changes n He home Joucinmmeut qne{
elicln'+ fouca adminshatire Set up in Ihoua

ACLeloling to Hèrlerf Couell -The eventj wsch imelictel-

ieo to tH PassinT t tta C ,(8 l, weA the eiifferne

Lwi anose hRture the supseme Povnment qn

The olarults wh u ha been ain ao te valiolit

oLa nto olu ce nto
a glolel
to tne
t e
n the
16l, n u mbvr
Tc aC7}
aer e Se tondlg,
v i c e o y ' s E L e t i t t e peogijon.
t i e may of- to
e ercrne

him o

Cukol h e
Sysem LotolCanning.
tolannug t s Petttoue
i Calel beucen
un re-luce hat
o9ovnm t
OT ujelasl tne Sepasatm
nee hne
f member tn Ceru L. T h urto c)
Unde inoivioi4 mum bers
depardmunt) h nales
fhein oun i n i t m o s t /nprttsnt shbje
an indepa4 t e l

Lcniel ertd b
Ceun Ceun Ce
leyistatby tne VicaheyS
alouhm af no3t
ecudn Cwuncl w a Pnla by t
anal o t mets tan twelne asl tima
be emnoted

b b9 H govehh r9eutal

o i cia Membe w ulok be Indians . Bus ho Siutu tory

po visi way ecomiss1M hoiq
Fohth The TCA,1861 Aeurered
te Pru y. o}
t e chnrulAct o (58. T A o9 |8 6/
Juytoaol Acaio latuna Pwes o maein9 anel qend'h
P e i n Ce o e s l a s and B mba T

aso Pavid fo Sin a Lezo lat ive

Ceun Cil Jn
Bungal, te uinitd PAovin ce avd the PUnjabd
o i n any neus
frovin te ttu. h i t be
Decutauat' hal heen Stasted Juia wes Tu
Lead Sta4+o Tnolia'S AF-tthn miut.
T e Th olia) COun el Act dq
Fo ful'31yas ih% Jean elid no
Convsielerit necessar to ive rwane îtallmet

Act o 196(

ICA o 18 92 2hla9 tLa

Agis Lachive com ls
n Craaiin te u mbez o qllomonal n ber în 6t
impeal nd PYoviu q'al Ceure ' . Cn h mpe al eu ne
hu ayinum hu m b e in ease A +o l6 m najo- and
IS n wnot Previncas A te Same PrDPrtim
0 hsn -OTCa n m beu wa in crasused T t al So
enlanA tm fun ctins o s - i CaV Counc
it Propiol enb
te oun C to hsutge n a twUPLe n w

i g ut to otetnm wes Sa lented unolUr Ctsiy

Fastm ctiar

SeC d ltheyh t pjn'pte e l e chm ueS uoT

h l n e Q ct 18 92
Cenceula u s nee a
evioL fot t e 07 non -ca e
nm , by.
b com maneiel elu Cotrmas qnd tevuTT
aso Liaim
SCh ao lgm bers g comUra,
uflns, Pisdmd boeU tC:
t o be ele R bg h e
* nan h i l menmbers o he to cal Loun a'l 7s
the nepren tatve e m ho t t ele c h e
Caut owly intooelu ud 2f S l d be
tnas bathin th
T e
vincialluo ntis) t e edcal
may du1 Cas stil JuAi nesl
n cipline qn e Punishmit
Liclia fo Ca.dt
a Aol beje0, ( Centuuy funishme o l 4tte
P u n u s h n a n t Wo
Before 8 Cntuu

gven in Patic anel on he bool or f e penjon

Comut Cu'ne
nasli in Puni Sh ment
dfte Catuy AAfEm)
Now Puu snmnt was o t t netou o te oi'mial

and t ead

Th today s hm t fu nishmant FhLoyh t

hanman Pacu ot olirirLing and
Swreil1a n e.
PIScrne md Swavel !auce sed in n e ishutim swuh a

ttituiov eheeut
h Ciivns Who Com
Sedal nwins, not
Sjmely un ler twuat
Cofoal fun smayt b a lt
o in behavio
Covstem t sdpra to d w
thy twu
il ne
omina ut eli and valuas.
Fou Canls i nw s fueg" Swvultqn Ce"
AA a dviance
C e etahla uisibk ant nis

Latns I787 fanvrhican to bi

m JorsBand tu
adrhe Survu
cinlal PhuS on

duijnad to fa t
nmetu ch
of a
et a t n few
Psitimu S tt indundal Lwbu ch
tansjoa atran at Cat, 7 PAisaeu
b wattad
In feti ulai foucat A
m a ulturt sPei de o
CasC Cdtwn. inie a n ti om
Punus jntuth as HReRA he brly n Phbe
ior'ouyr tottwrne, in 4he attUT Puihmet Cn

ol ciflin be com
O s t tutiom anol aba boiutetio So C
Swbye t)
aitin oteh in a altochalic qnal Capitwli ct
Ssu a t t t t e Pfule huds to i e t-at
CUul loe Sw ei lan ced t im
Th sydt-em od Contro nay hun aaloie in
onncltwr oy hw te caho LoN Ca{ dAJanceenb
fiat fel
to taa cC down
you e - U e m i u t benevfouun (te ihteTet
p h s Ce fho , So Cial se num b-ens, the
Censud, ATms anol euren Fet increa)
l u mben ot
Swa (lan ee Camuas tn uben a a
lisipline Sune (Ca nce
Pun sh Mnt ratne fan l and un u a

P i sm Aetomative ,

eitancc ino Ue prote Cente etc

Swne ran ce pivute as fe ets o i
info Canele)
dton So ciety
infonatim Al
AU Hhet
iA thoun
ola tq. Ieaot) to
cfanisatin qnd
Jansatm qnd
9to Prage 0 oPO Pu Shuat
-H who sub)e teo to q fetd oj Visi bi ity, qn Wh
P'oue HR LaIy tem
mP( smfaniosly
matT, He A) oibey in
Jn wh Ch h HimgelF e pruren Aelatim
Pen Alefatim
He he simantaneousty adell in o n Leltuu
tos ne Pin c'pte i s
is owm S
0wmS uleJe eh)
ehm 9)

dey.7 AU ihat) 0S0 CaA 9<cp and Cemny njtie
olict not Ieleeudry twith t e wyept

Th9teuf o halury's qntouhabte" te Fhn

(3orhet hejn to Coll henms hu
ela ut e t cprress of77h2 igutont atr tole o7, t+c
aleoteo heg fion he wiLUl
nert. AtO hatimalis
t , anal hw Ji o e
e m a cCe too wdowM PusuC a ces Gnd
es Sch te atT
Qnd Pesaslad feeple

un tou ehabi Uty, but t e alalit

e p the sin
u f t f u n t Peuti al sokim
aeY S

7 h lotis belunel not PoutiCal tmpou-tmeut

Cowlod ujo e Proplens, T ganA
then)rlues nol e m an e d
ducatim inJtiwts 4nol Seperste alecto
in Cua
l a l i t mmejn bers
i latire Coun cls Su ch lemaho qnal
olineti uiy +nwne fot Sa dte Adli
Partiu fotims ving tue r t usobioinc
The ARCline
o tue on
Co-opeeion khlatat

Leng purin mol (92-0s t
Censtes Hinu
Pau'os at'ona
Le inol mahaJa bh natoma listE
list 9eps
feln4 SusPi ci wrthr
fwthir Ceetc{
t nember 6 bo th oliSHust
A tehiom us l m
tsned la th Umnuu nT a d e l io
o caion w h mmu'tant
Violnt clashes anol feivouw), PrDvceing
Alots in vehiorwy tcit1<
e TLe
Cediti wo T
+t a h n be tw
Mws Um and Hinoly
Lottd b wes
hePri Os. o , t itell
Csso ciateel
r he
and Lonse as
enfuoo) Ano foi ti cal
4w u e t batWRen
me ment aseit iasdivjAd
natiónalt st
5. -
Te FHt Whu ,

Civi i s skei en e
feir inaki o) betwen
u4 hot Lemm He
Swataj» utif
uti fy wi
wi thth
ition in t w epphhen dnfe4
he Sot
Hind y andf
MaJrity d donnoctim
A 2 A MMnalla huolt
infthencial tibal olt n
ailiom Mun olas au
cuotanag pa
u belk
K cetznagtzna pu

AM tiba
a as
oelu etiv nein
no S st n c e
Chd fost Lan ds
huliio qnd Souo
Peuiti Ca And Conmy'e
ogani Senm TAbquj .

ae ayly elatc Lth Lend e l o t cs .
7te sfatef ue b tisetý
oine! e cClar-es, z nti d
(Cand loo)} awd ty R hauty). e a
t baf heuol t, l so
Otsiclers Lan -llesos, Ftaslss meAlras , etc,
Meto e Caustoey gut) tmbl Y
hcin n4 9 t s iotote-b buA
hiHsh pet'cte. Ten basncc
Souure o Ueihon tands qnd fost
t to
A n ders andloT ) T lahd lots
ex plei+H t e i b m
mawt was
Thy bruugA otur heeant nto fibal Leu4
harast e e t m b A A Fote, enUoa cus
ene and,on ciug heun to to
bejgih etc,
ploj Ans hae
uyot ensnt aennt) o tue
Land (ods
Fe 9iing. hent (y0 ts) t o e i n (hal tuoy, teR
b l pee pe fa
uba m tom Mo ,
T i im obitant
Te tie lane loo,nc anolid , g t odicisy
Bhcheu a Co-a ho hatao im ex Pleihhg
qn ol atiasi mbal Peope
qnol in tiolTy
cLoeui7 fhew, th e ft t t
nd by e vol{ ccu)* ften

honelut w Leol ba siiso undq

and Viclent Th ibal)

attacieeo t e Cutsiles Lanlloto, CUntra etors,
ieny lanol witm totitfanal apoms TL
oCCasim o te mo mint 'S CCwA n C Sym bou-
i hatid Peet'n the eyf l o i t s og tea

THUreb Con Clusivel e can say tout f

Petech Cus tmUy- a h t ) , So Cio -

e LO nom
hd aoli tlonal valLuey ey f i t aaist
t eplet+EA nd uhsn ernmentt
Yes Munolq moemut hoe ulu nc
helan Ps0m Sugle. AS we

his t o edlom
taieenbg on he in udevt itself. TheL
pnoian Pheslom Stmggte
t u o nuu cn nuvot, moemut goutnt
ishuu and therufore we Coh't iguie fileva c
hvelE nd n nk 9eyt

Cn nat mynola
eMut also hae elegn ce nIneiqn
fAeelom gig84e.
RA a9ainit tne
Blish hy n s
yplo'teire Po poitdeeg TT ene
Aeelom nattal sti ce
thaslitimal niut on ielentity
OnA land ,fore, wetUT e

nen to Cuultual Values. A r a t lLasl

herolt ageiwst
agent the T
Bith'Sh Fa, Lnol LOLS) boug t
o lCc. et La hdess,
LActe Stahteo( q meumut Callce
cUglan" e , 9iat tumulb H Stmyge
ainst ubal te i g . t against BidiSA
Jo in t e foM
Chotahagpw Tenan C AG
Paso in tgo8.
Pasi Lan om t ub People
non m b e l .

Tenfore Cemlwsiney
unda eo ( against
ao t

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