Present Simple - Exercises Choose The Right Answer

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Choose the right answer:

1. She [thinks/does think/think] Manuel is crazy.
2. They [not know/doesn't know/don't know/] what to say.
3. [Does she feel/She does feel/She feels/] ok?
4. He [aren't/isn't/doesn't be] a relative of mine.
5. I [not know/don't know/doesn't know] (not know) who she [are/does/is].
6. She [washes/washs/washies] her car every week.
7. Paul [sleep/sleepes/sleeps] seven hours a day.
8. Mary and John [be/is/are] my cousins.
9. She always [win/wines/wins/]
10. James [crys/cries/does cry] very easily.
11. She [prays/prayes/praies] in church every Sunday.
12. Sarah [doesn't likes/don't like/doesn't like/] pop music.
13. [Does John plays/Does John play/John does play/] football everyday?
14. [Are/Is/Am/] she a friend of yours?
15. [Are/Be/Do/] they in love?
16. [Does Mary believe/Mary does believe/Does Mary believes/] in God?
17. Who [is/are/am] your favourite football player?

Turn the following sentences into negative and interrogative using present simple tense:
1. She ________ (send) many messages with her mobile everyday (Affirmative)
______________________________________________________ (Negative)
________________________________________________________? (Question)
2. I ________ (go) shopping on Mondays. (Affirmative)
__________________________________. (Negative)
_________________________________? (Question)
3. She ________ (like) wearing sunglasses. (Affirmative)
_______________________________________ (Negative)
____________________________________? (Question)

Complete the following sentences using present simple tense:

1. Alonso ________ (want) a new car for next year.
2. I ___________ (declare) you: man and wife.
3. Susan ___________ (expect) you to visit her.
4. Alice ________ (read) a newspaper article everyday.
5. I ______________ (not know) what you mean (mean).
6. How often ________ she ________ (go) to the cinema?
7. He ________ (play) volleyball twice a week.
8. She _________________ (not paint) very well.
9. Rafa Nadal ________ (be) one of the best tennis players in the world.
10. Mancherter United always ________ (win) difficult matches.

Write questions for the following answers:

1. How _____________________? It costs 20 €.
2. Which _____________________ on? We live on the 4th floor.
3. When __________________? It finishes at 7.15
4. Where _________________? She works in an office in the city centre.
5. How long ________________? It lasts about two hours.
6. Who _______________? I know everyone in here.
7. What time ________________? They open at 8.30
1. Alice [washes/washing /is washing] her hair twice a week.
2. She [wants/is wanting/want ] a reply right now.
3. He [every day/often/now] visits his grandparents.
4. They go to judo lessons [always/twice a week/never] .
5. [When/Who/What] do you go to the dentist?
6. Sarah is [always/seldom/often] late for class. She usually arrives on time.
7. [Does /Do/Is] you go to the theatre every month?
8. Does Tom [not like/likes/like/] chocolate ice-cream?
9. [Do/Who/What] you want an answer?
10. He usually [try/do try/tries] to solve problems by himself.
11. I [doesn't take/never takes/don't take/] books from the library.
12. When [does she wash/does wash/he washes] her car?
13. The train [doesn't always/not always/never] arrive on time.
14. [What/Who/Where] shows the children some pictures?
15. Tom writes a letter to his parents [once in a while/for the summer/usually] .

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