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Module 1
Class Code: zlakfns
The following are guidelines for online behavior and interaction “netiquette” for the conduct of
classes for the First Semester, 2021-2022 of this Academic Year:
When enrolled under the online courses, the following policies must be observed:
1. Punctuality must be observed online classes especially when there is an online class
2. Address your instructor to his proper title (i.e. Dr. Juan Dela Cruz) or if you are in
doubt you may use Mr. or Ms.
3. Respect your instructor and classmates in email or any other communication.
4. All higher education communication must observe proper grammar and correct
spelling including forums and discussions.
5. Avoid slang terms such as “wassup?” and texting abbreviations such as “u” instead of
6. Limit and possibly avoid the usage of emojis.
7. Use standard fonts such as Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman and use proper font
sizes 11 or 12pt.
8. Refrain from using the caps lock feature as it can be interpreted as yelling.
9. Be cautious when using humor or sarcasm as a tone is sometimes taken seriously or
sound offensive.
10. Be vigilant with personal information (both yours and others).
11. Intellectual Property Rights must be observed, thus usage of contents, materials and
media without the proper citation of the owner is strictly prohibited.


1. Do not disclose any confidential information such as passwords, class codes, or
learning materials to others.
2. Change your password regularly to avoid compromising of your account.
3. Remember to log out your account at the end of each online class session.


1. Use a descriptive subject line, it must convey the entire content of the email.
2. Be brief in composing your email.
3. Sign your email with your full name and a return email address.
4. Review your message prior to sending especially the email address.


When posting on the Discussion Board of the Google Classroom, you should:
1. Use clear and concise language.
2. Compose posts that are relevant to the topic and within the scope of the course
3. Review your posts prior to publishing and edit if when deemed necessary.
4. Read the entire conversation or thread prior to commenting or replying.
5. Be brief and as possible while still making a throughout comment.
6. Avoid generic replies such as “ok”, “I agree” etc., there should be a supporting
statement right after.
7. In an event of disagreement with someone in the classroom, you should express your
differing opinion in a respectful manner.
8. Refrain from making personal or insulting remarks.
a. Documentary Documents
1. The size of the document must be 8.5” x 13”.
2. The default orientation of the document is Portrait, is shall only be Landscape if
specified in the instructions)
3. The margins of the document must be set to default (1” –Top, 1” – Bottom, 1” – Left,
1” – Right)
4. The Font Face must be Arial, font size 12pt
5. Spacing throughout the document must be set to 1.5
6. The document must bear the name of the owner and must follow the format
(LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME, MIDDLE INITIAL) to the left, and must bear the date to
the right bearing the format (i.e December 25, 2020).
7. In the events that the document is group output, it shall follow the guidelines in #7,
but must be sorted alphabetically.
8. The document must bear a page number at the bottom right (i.e Page 1).
9. Citations must be observed throughout the document (i.e superscripts) to avoid
plagiarism and shall follow the APA format.
10. A “Reference(s)” section must be added at the end of the document as appendices
bearing all the citations of references.
11. All submissions must have channeled through the Learning Management System
utilized and must be in the Portable Document Format (PDF).

Students of this course are expected to:

1. Observe the governing academic rules and policies of Colegio de San Francisco
Javier of Rizal Incorporated as stipulated on the Student Handbook.
2. Be oriented with the basic skills and knowledge of Information Communications
Technology (i.e. Productivity Softwares & Telecommunications).
3. Punctuality in attending the schedule of online classes.
4. Regularly check and be up to date with the latest information and announcements in
the Learning Management System utilized for this course.
5. Actively participate in discussion forums and observe the proper language of
communication in a respectful manner.
6. Acknowledge original content material owners to avoid any violations of the
Intellectual Property Rights.
7. Comply all the academic requirements of this course in a neat and presentable
8. Actively share insights to improve Rubrics for each Requirement.
9. Exhibit the values and characteristics of a Javerian.

In order to pass this course, a student must be able to obtain a rating of at least 83% and must
comply all the academic prescribed.

 Attendance and Online/Remote Class Activity Participation

 Major Examinations
 Performance Tasks (T/L Activities)
 Problem- Based Learning / Project Based Learning

Written Works
Attendance 30%
Project Based Learning
Performance Tasks (T/L Activities) 40%

TOTAL 100%


“ In the midst of these hard times, it

is our good health and good sleep
that are enjoyable.
-Knute Nelson
Lesson 1 Physical Education: Its Origin

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this lesson the students must be able to:

(1) Study how physical education evolve.

(2) Determine the timeline of physical education.
(3) List the implication of physical education.


Browse the internet and study how physical education evolve.

Old PE Looks Like This New PE Looks Like This

 Small groups; adequate

equipment for active
 Large groups, limited participation
equipment  All students have
 Athletes are leaders opportunities for success
 Skill related  Health related
 Teacher directed  Teacher as coach/guide
 Emphasis on competition
 Emphasis on cooperation
 Grades based on attendance,
dress, skill, level, fitness  Grades based on self-
scores improvement, self-
evaluation; peer
assessment, skill rubrics

Make a timeline on the history of physical education.

Historical Events/People 1900's

Playground Association of America

1. The playground association was started to provide activities outdoors to kids in urban areas.
2. The number of playgrounds in America increased by 590%. 3.This promoted active play and
recreation within communities.
3. This later combined with other organizations to become the National Recreation and Park

Internation Federation of Sports Medicine


1. This was started to assist athletes in training and medical care.

2. This promoted the ideas of the importance of sports medicine and athletic medical care.
3. This organization provides research into the latest medical advancements for athletes.
4. This spread sports medicine practice to other countries.

PEP (Physical Education for Progress Act) bill is approved by congress


1. This was set up to improve physical education classes.

2. This provided funds and equipment for students participating in physical education classes.
3. This enhanced physical education standards in order to meet the nations goals.
4. The program authorized federal government to share the costs of initiating physical education.

Olympic and Amateur Sports Act


1. This act followed the Amateur Sports Act of 1978.

2. The act established the United States Olympic Committee.
3. The act gave power to the USOC to help protect athlete's rights.
4. This act established requirements for National Governing Bodies to join the USOC.

Historical Events/People 2000's

Healthy People 2010

1. This helps individuals make informed decisions about their health.

2. This encouraged communities to collaborate about informing Americans about healthy choices.
3. This was set up to measure how prevention activities impacted Americans.
4. This increased the public's awareness about disease, health, and disability.
5. This helped to provide research into what a healthy life is.

List down the implications of physical fitness. Write down your insights.

There are 5 Components of Physical Fitness

*Cardiovascular Endurance.

*Muscular Strength.

*Muscular endurance.


*Body Composition.

Gardening, such as digging or hoeing that causes your heart rate to go up and it's implication to
physical fitness level are muscular strength and body composition.

Walking, hiking, jogging, running and it's implication to physical fitness level are endurance and

Bicycling, skateboarding, rollerblading, and jumping rope. and it's implication to physical fitness
level are body composition, endurance, muscular strength and flexibility.

Lesson 2 Physical Fitness and Testing

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this lesson the students must be able to:

(4) Enumerate the two basic components of physical fitness.

(5) Discuss the specific components of the physical fitness.
(6) Demonstrate and determine the physical components does each activities fall under.

Complete the table below.


1. general fitness 2. specific fitness

 cardiovascular endurance  Accuracy

 muscular strength  Agility

 muscular endurance  Balance

 Flexibility composition  Coordination

 body composition  Endurance

 Flexibility


Discuss the specific components of the physical fitness.


Components of Physical Fitness Definition of Terms

 Accuracy The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given


 Agility The ability to minimise transition time from one movement pattern
to another

 Balance The ability to control the placement of the body’s centre of gravity
in relation to its support base

 Coordination The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a

singular distinct movement

 Endurance The ability of the body systems to gather, process and deliver

 Flexibility The ability to maximise the range of motion at a given joint

 Power The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to

apply maximum force in minimum time

 Speed The ability of the body systems to gather, process and deliver
 Stamina The ability of the body systems to process, deliver, store and
utilise energy

 Strength The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to

apply force


Execute the exercises listed in the table below. Record the result in centimeter. Film yourself upon
accomplishing the activity. Post your video through your Facebook account and tag me.

Physical Fitness Test Items First Attempt Second Attempt Final Result

1) Leg Strength and  Standing Long Jump 80 iches 90inches 95 inches

2) Abdominal Strength  Bent-Knee Curl-Ups 20 35 50
and Endurance
3) Speed  50 Meter Sprint 6 seconds 7 seconds 8 seconds

4) Arm Strength and  Male: Regular Push- 20 25 30

Endurance Ups
 Female: Knee Push-
5) Agility  Shuttle Run 15 seconds 12 seconds 10seconds

6) Trunk Flexibility  Sit and Reach 18 inches 18 inches 19 inches

7) Cardio-Respiratory  1000 Meter Run 2min. 25 3mn. 15seconds 4min.

Endurance seconds 33seconds
8) General Endurance  Three Minute Step 124 131 139

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