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Your Task.

Study the first draft of his hastily written message, then revise it to create a concise, clear

To: Akbar Khan (

From: Rizvan (

Subject: Launching of MT Program

Hi Akbar,

Hope you are doing well. As you remember we had made a small discussion some days ago at
Sainsbury about MT Program so now the topic has come up again. As our organization is expanding so
we need MT Program but there are some queries which I am e-mailing you which we will discuss in our
upcoming management meeting.

The meeting will be on October 14’ 2021 art 9 AM, so kindly note it and mark on your calendar.
Points/queries need to be discuss:

 Firstly, we need to discuss whether this MT Program will be beneficial to us or our company
Sainsbury and its demerits too.
 Secondly, what are the legal policies and rules regulations of hosting the MT Program in our
 Thirdly, can this MT Program be offered to college students so they can get college support.
 Forth, what salary /stipend we should offer them and that must be more than our competitors
so to attract more students.
 Lastly, in Sainsbury, in which departments this MT Program would be launched for a pilot.

These above questions/points are in my mind and I hope you will give careful thought to these questions
and come prepared to discuss so we can execute or launch the MT Program effectively.

Hope to see you and have a fruitful discussion on October 14’2021 at 9am.



Manager of Human Resources.

Sainsbury. | Cell: +92 300 4576390.

Write Sam a goodwill message on this important event of his life!

Thanks SAM, for remembering and inviting me on your special day as its your son’s first birthday. I wish
your son “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” and world’s all goodness, happiness and success to him. As I had promised
my old aunt that I will be visiting her on this weekend because of this prior commitment I would not be
able to attend the birthday celebration. I am sending birthday gift for your son I hope he would like it
and make the most use of it. Lastly, again I like to appreciate and thankful to you that you remember
your co-worker in your happy and precious moments. Have fun and when we will meet in office after
weekend do tell me how you celebrated the event.

Thanks and good wishes,


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