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The first versions of the Apple iPhone included Google Maps as a default app—a logical choice, given
that people often use their mobile devices to get directions and Google Maps was the most popular
mapping software. However, Google became more of a competitor after it financially backed and later
purchased the Android operating system for smart phones. That created a tough decision for Apple
when it prepared to launch iOS 6, its operating system for mobile phones. Apple terminated its
agreement with Google and replaced Google Maps with its own Apple Maps. Unfortunately, Apple Maps
was far from ready for the big time. Information was missing and incorrect. For example, Apple Maps
users posted photos of places such as the Washington Monument tagged blocks from the satellite image
of it and creepy 3D images of roads surging into the air or bridges dipping into the river. The Australian
government even warned people not to use Apple Maps after police were called to rescue people
misdirected into arid wilderness. Consumers also complained about the lack of directions for public
transit systems. Why did Apple release its mapping application? Managers evidently concluded that
competing with Google outweighed the technical problems. Some believe that Google was unwilling to
share data needed for the app to offer turn-by-turn directions, a feature Apple considered essential. Yet
state-of-the-art mapping software requires so much data, so many functions, and so many licensing
agreements on a global scale that creating a fully functional product would have taken years longer. In
the end, Apple added Google Maps to its App Store.

• Where and how did Apple fail in its decision-making processes in this example?

1. According to me, firstly, Apple did not have sufficient and correct information which results in
2. Secondly they were trying to be overconfident that they can do it they were taking risk which is
good but not having proper information, study and sufficient time and they were so in hurry to
launch and compete with Google that leads to loss of resources (financial, human resource,
capital and raw material). Rather than if they would have done joint venture or agreement so it
would have been beneficial for Apple.
3. Lastly, hindsight bias was also there that they give preference to their choice or decision but did
not focus or look into the consequences they have to bear.

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