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The responses from the comment

section of my post are like mixed –
emotions, given that they are from
different people. Some responses
came from my friends, and some from
my past teachers. They both stated all
their hardships all throughout this
pandemic, may it be work – related or
school – related, but they didn’t forget
that “there is a rainbow after the
rain”, even though this pandemic
really took a lot of lives and gave many
challenges, let’s look at the bright side,
we are almost winning this war. We
are almost on the “New Normal”
phase of our lives.
COVID 19: A Goldilocks

This pandemic really took a lot of lives, and it hurts so much

to see my social media friends having black or a candle as their
profile picture. And this pandemic also stopped the dream of some
aspiring healthcare workers because of the risk brought by the
virus. We have been challenged by this pandemic in lots of ways,
but it’s fascinating to see how we cope up with it, how to adapt in
this new type of living where we are locked into our homes. But
even after all those events, we are still trying our best to fight off
this virus. And as Filipinos, we always overcome every problem
together, "We Heal as One". Look at our country now, it’s almost
looking as normal as before. We can hear kids screaming inside
malls now, which is good because they are being allowed to go in
those type of establishments after almost two years. Schools are
planning to conduct face-to-face classes again, which helps
students to focus more in learning, because nothing beats face – to
– face classes, some are complaining that they aren’t learning as
much in this set-up of Online Learning, they say that they’re just
doing tasks for the sake of passing, they don’t retain any knowledge
anymore. Establishments and public utility vehicles are accepting
almost full capacities of clients now. The number of vaccinated
citizens are increasing day by day, which is really good for every
individual because it will serve as one of their protections against
the virus. The use of face shields is no longer required in some
places, which is another good thing because some researches
found out that they don’t provide that much protection to those
who are wearing it. After almost 2 years in this pandemic, we are
starting to hear some really good news. Let’s just pray and hope
that this will go continuously. Let’s overcome this pandemic

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