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NAME: Crestyl Faye Rodrigo Cagatan DATE: September 9, 2021


Seventh-day Adventist

The history of Seventh-day Adventist Church is discussed in this chapter. You may see
how the church has grown after the great disappointment of October 22, 1844. The Millerite
movement of the 1830s to 1840s, during the Second Great Awakening, gave birth to the Church,
which was officially constituted in 1863. Hiram Edson, Ellen G. White, her husband James
Springer White, Joseph Bates, and J. N. White were all prominent figures in the early church.

After the Great Disappointment of 1844, Adventists intensified their Bible study and
related Daniel 8's 2,300-day prophesy to the cleansing of the Most Holy Place in the heavenly
sanctuary, rather than the earth itself. As a result, the Sanctuary doctrine and the Investigative
Judgment were born. Following this concept lead them to a better appreciation of the seventh-
day Sabbath's significance. Even beyond modern-day Sabbatarian worship, a study of Daniel and
Revelation predictions revealed the Sabbath's importance in the earth's latter days, particularly in
the context of Revelation 14:6-12's "Three Angels Messages."

One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit that God bestows on humanity is prophecy. The
writings of Ellen G. White have prophetic authority and provide the church with consolation,
guidance, instruction, and correction. She also made clear that the Bible is the standard by which
all teaching and experience must be tested. Her job was directing people back to the Bible. She
wasn't there to take its place or to succeed it.

The history of the church is the most important contribution of this chapter. In our lesson
on Denominational History and Prophetic Heritage (Lesson 1 Introduction and the Root of the
SDA Church), I learned that studying the history of the church is important for knowing or
clarifying our identity, learning from the past, unfolding the scripture, and understanding the
great controversy.Adventists are an active, dedicated global religion group with a strong history
of dedicated Bible study and a dedication to implementing biblical teachings to daily life. We all
cling to Jesus as our only hope and look forward to His Second Coming.

I agree with the concept of immortality. Jesus Christ, the Immortal One, became mortal
by dying on the cross for us. It was, however, merely a momentary death. By His resurrection
from death and the grave to immortality, the Son of God ensures the same for all who are His.
Death and mortality were brought by the first Adam, but life and immortality were brought by
the last Adam. We have this comfortable belief that the grave is only a gateway to glory in the
hour of death and separation from our loved ones.

Despite our disappointments, I agree that the Lord will not abandon us. He is always
there for us, providing clarity in the face of our disappointment. Life does not always go
according to plan. There are ups and downs along the way. Many of us desire to put our faith in
God. When things are going well, it's a lot easier. When circumstances are tough, it's even more
important to trust God. When things appear shaky and unclear, God's constant character can
serve as a firm foundation.

It taught me that you can never stop the spread of God's word. God is light, and we are
light because He sent His Holy Spirit to live inside believers. Our circumstances provide us with
an opportunity to shine brightly for the Lord and share God's overcoming truth with those who
are around us. All things work together for the good of those who are converted by God's call
and love Him. We can boast, "We are more than conquerors," despite all of their tribulations on
the road to glory.

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