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Analisis Keputusan

Conflicting Objectives
• The utility functions for money have embodied an important
fundamental trade-off: monetary return versus riskiness.
• Accomplishing high returns and minimizing exposure to risk are two
conflicting objectives.
• The risk-to-return trade-off is important, and in general we try hard
to manage our decisions in order to improve our chances of
achieving the best of something while limiting the risks that we
• What if more than one aspect of the potential outcome is
Conflicting Objectives
• In some problems, there are conflicting objectives within the
framework of the decision that had to be made.
• The available alternatives simply did not permit high achievement in
all directions at once.
• Compromises and trade-offs are almost always important.
Four Examples of Decisions Involving Complicated
Preference Trade-offs
Dealing with conflicting objectives
• Creating a preference model that is additive: calculating a utility
score for each objective and then add the scores, weighting them
appropriately according to the relative importance of the various
➢ Construct a value tree: a hierarchical representation of the
decision maker’s objectives and their corresponding
attributes (operational measures of the extent to which an
alternative accomplishes a corresponding objective).
➢ Understand trade-offs between objectives: Establish scores
on each attribute for the alternatives and trade-off weights
based on the relative importance of the objectives.
Building a Value Tree (1)
• An important aspect of structuring a decision problem is to
understand exactly what is important.
• The process of determining exactly what objectives need to be
considered: determine the important dimensions of our values.
The goal: to structure those values in a value tree.
• A value tree (Objectives hierarchy):
- It begins with several fundamental objectives as main branches.
- Each fundamental objective then is expanded and explained with
more specific objectives and values.
Building a Value Tree (2)
Identifying the fundamental objectives:
• Be sure to ask why something is important. This question will help to
understand fundamental objectives.
• A common mistake in constructing value trees is to make them too
- Be sure that the fundamental objectives actually do represent the
important dimensions of the decision.
- Be sure that the detail objectives indeed help to explain and
operationalize the fundamental objectives.
- The fundamental objectives can be thought of as the ends that we want
to accomplish, while the detail objectives are the means for
accomplishing the fundamental objectives.
Building a Value Tree (3)
Completing the value tree:
Requires identification of attributes that correspond to the detail
➢At the end of each branch there must be an operational way to
measure the extent to which an alternative or outcome
accomplishes the detail objective.
➢An attribute is operational if we can explain to someone else
what information we need and why, that person can provide it to
us, and we can pay for it and understand it.
Building a Value Tree (4)
Test whether an attribute is operational:
1. Can you explain to someone else what to measure and why?
2. Is obtaining the measurement a reasonable chore?
3. If you were given the measurement by someone else, would you
be able to tell how well the alternative in question achieved the
objective? (Or is there something else that you need to know?)
Building a Value Tree (5)
• Defining an attribute to measure achievement toward detail
objectives may be a difficult task.
• In many environmental analyses, judgements must be made, and
careful specification of the attributes is required to ensure that the
attributes will be both meaningfully related to the corresponding
objective and still obtainable without undue cost or effort.
Building a Value Tree (6)
A value tree should meet the following criteria:
1. A value tree should be complete; it should include all relevant aspects of a decision.
2. At the same time, the value tree should be as small as possible.
Keep in mind that the value tree is meant to be a useful representation or model of
objectives that are important to the decision maker.
Furthermore, the alternatives should rank differently on the objectives. If all of the
alternatives are equivalent in one dimension, then that dimension will not be helpful in
making the decision.
3. The attributes at the ends of the branches must be operational. They should provide an easy
way to measure the performance of the alternatives or the outcomes on the detail
objectives. You should be able to think of both good and bad scenarios for each detail
4. A value tree should not be redundant. That is, the same objectives should be repeated as
little as possible through the tree, and the objectives should not be closely related.
5. As far as possible, a value tree should be decomposable. The decision maker should be able
to think about one objective easily and without having to consider others.
Objectives Hierarchy for Evaluating Alternative –
Energy Technologies
Trading Off Conflicting Objectives: The Basics (1)
• The essential problem in multi-objective decision making is deciding how best to trade-off
increased value on one objective for lower value on another.
• Making these trade-offs is a subjective matter and requires the decision maker’s judgment.
• A systematic procedure that we can apply in any situation fairly easily is needed.
• To do this, we must find satisfactory ways to answer two questions:
- The first question has to do with comparing the attribute levels of the available alternatives.
- The second question asks how the attributes compare in terms of importance.
• Numerical weights must be assessed for each attribute.

• The task at hand, then, is to assess:

(1) scores for the alternatives on each of the detail attributes
(2) weights for the objectives in the value tree.
Example: Choosing an Automobile
Suppose you are buying a car, and you are interested in both price (P) and life span (L). You would
like a long expected life span and a low price.
Three alternatives: Portalo, Norushi, and Standard Motors.
Evaluation of the three cars on both attributes:

Portalo Norushi Standard Motors

Price ($1000) 17 10 8
Life Span (Years) 12 9 6

Occasionally alternatives may be ruled out immediately by means of a dominance argument.

For example consider a hypothetical car that costs $15,000 and has an expected life span of 7
years (point A). A would be dominated by the Norushi.
Portalo Norushi Standard Motors
Price ($1000) 17 10 8
Life Span (Years) 12 9 6

Graph of Three Cars, Comparing Price and Expected Life - Span

Portalo Norushi Standard Motors

Example Price ($1000)

Life Span (Years)

• How much are you willing to pay to increase the life span of your car?
• Start with the Standard and assume that you will purchase it if the others
are not better.
• Is it worthwhile to switch from the Standard to the Norushi?
• Note that the slope of the line connecting the Norushi and the Standard
is $666.67 per year.
• The switch would be worthwhile if you were willing to pay at least
$666.67 for each additional year of life span, or $2000 to increase the
expected life of your car by three years.
• Would you be willing to pay more than $2000 to increase the expected
life of your car by three years? This is a subjective assessment. If you
would, then then it is worthwhile to switch to the Norushi from the
Standard. If not, do not switch.
Portalo Norushi Standard Motors

Example Price ($1000)

Life Span (Years)

• Assume that you make the switch, and that you have decided that
the Norushi is better for you than the Standard; you would pay at
least $2000 for the additional three years of life span.
• Now, should you switch to the Portalo?
• Notice that the slope of the line connecting the Norushi and the
Portalo is $2333.33 per year, or $7000 for an additional three years.
• You were willing to pay at least $666.67 for an extra year. Now, what
about an extra $7000 for another three years? Are the extra years of
expected life span worth this much to you? If so, make the switch to
the Portalo. If not, stick with the Norushi.
Portalo Norushi Standard Motors

Example Price ($1000)

Life Span (Years)

• This simple procedure permits you to move systematically through the

• The idea is to start at one corner of the graph (for example, the Standard)
and then consider switching with each of the other alternatives, always
moving in the same direction.
• Once a switch is made, there is never a need to reconsider the previous
• If there were many cars to choose from, the procedure would be to plot
them all on a graph, eliminate the dominated alternatives, and then
systematically move through the non dominated set, beginning at the
lower left-hand side of the graph and considering the alternatives that
are to the upper right-hand side.
Portalo Norushi Standard Motors

Example Price ($1000) 17 10 8

Life Span (Years) 12 9 6

• This procedure works well in the context of two conflicting

objectives, and you can see how we are trading off the two.
• At each step we ask whether the additional benefit from switching
(the increase in expected life span) is worth the cost (the increase in
• The same kind of procedure can be used with three or more
• The trade-offs become more complicated, however, and graphical
interpretation is difficult.
Systematic Procedure
1. How do we compare the attribute levels of the available
→To get anywhere with the construction of a quantitative model of
preferences, we must assess numerical scores for each alternative
that reflect the comparisons.
2. How do the attributes compare in terms of importance?
→ Numerical weights must be assessed for each attributes.
The Additive Utility Function 1
• Assume that we have individual utility functions U1(x1), ……, Um(xm)
for m different attributes x1 through xm.
• Assume that each utility function assigns values of 0 and 1 to the
worst and best levels on a particular objective.
• The additive utility function is simply a weighted average of these
different utility functions.
The Additive Utility Function 2
• For an outcome that has levels x1, ……, xm on the m objectives we would
calculate the utility of this outcome as:

U(x1,.….., xm) = k1U1(x1) + …..+ kmUm(xm)

= ∑kiUi(xi) for i = 1,…., m
where the weights are k1, ……, km.
All the weights are positive.

• The additive utility function assigns values of 0 and 1 to the worst U(x*)and
best U(x*)conceivable outcomes, respectively.
Trading Off Conflicting Objectives: The Basics (2)
Proportional Scores
• Comparing alternatives on the individual attributes is a matter of finding
meaningful scores related to the attributes.
• We can scale the values so that the worst has a value of 0 and the best has a
value of 1.
• The scores, then, will be more directly comparable.
• As long as the attributes are numerical, it will be a straightforward matter to
scale those attributes so that the best is 1, the worst is 0, and the intermediate
alternatives have scores that reflect the relative distance between the best and
the worst.
Portalo Norushi Standard Motors
Price ($1000) 17 10 8
Example Life Span (Years) 12 9 6

• Utility functions range from 0 to 1

The Standard is best on price and worst on life span, so assign it a 1 for
price and 0 for life span:
UP(Standard) = 1 and UL (Standard) = 0
UP(Portalo) = 0 and UL(Portalo) = 1
UP(Norushi) = ? and UL(Norushi) = ?
Ui(x) = (x – Worst Value)/(Best Value – Worst Value)
= (x – x*)/(x* - x*)
Intermediate alternatives have scores that reflect the relative distance
between the best and worst.
Portalo Norushi Standard Motors

Example Price ($1000) 17 10 8

Life Span (Years) 12 9 6

For the Norushi’s price:

UP($10,000) = (10,000 – 17,000)/(8,000 – 17,000) = 0.78
Norushi’s utility for life span:
UL(9 years) = (9 – 6)/(12 – 6) = 0.50

Utilities for three cars on two attributes:

Portalo Norushi Standard Motors

Price (UP) 0.00 0.78 1.00
Life Span (UL) 1.00 0.50 0.00
Portalo Norushi Standard Motors
Price (UP) 0.00 0.78 1.00
Life Span (UL) 1.00 0.50 0.00

Proportional Scores for Prices of Three Cars

→Risk Neutrality
Trading Off Conflicting Objectives: The Basics (3)
Assessing Weights: Pricing Out the Attributes
We will use k to denote a trade-off weight, and a subscript will indicate the
corresponding attribute.
For convenience, we will have the weights sum to 1.
Suppose we must assess the weights for price (kP) and life-span (kL) of cars. Then
we might think that price and expected life span should be weighted equally, or
kP = 0.50 and kL = 0.50.
In general, we are going to calculate:
U(Price, Life Span) = kp Up(Price) + kL UL (Life Span)
Portalo Norushi Standard Motors

Example Price (UP)

Life Span (UL)

Thus, the weighted utilities would be:

U(Portalo) = 0.5 (0.00) + 0.5 (1.00) = 0.50
U (Norushi) = 0.5 (0.78) + 0.5 (0.50) = 0.64
U (Standard) = 0.5 (1.00) + 0.5 (0.00) = 0.50
The Standard and the Portalo come out with exactly the same overall utility because of the way
that price and life span are traded off against each other.
Because the difference between 1 and 0 amounts to $9000 in price versus six years in life span,
the equal weight in this case says that one additional year of life span is worth $1500.
The Norushi comes out on top because you pay less than $1500 per year for the three additional
year in expected life span as compared to the Standard.

Portalo Norushi Standard Motors

Price ($1000) 17 10 8
Life Span (Years) 12 9 6
Portalo Norushi Standard Motors
Example Price ($1000) 17 10 8
Life Span (Years) 12 9 6

• Suppose that you have little money to spend on a car.

• Then you might think that price should be twice as important as life span.
• To model this, let kp = 0.67 and kL = 0.33.
• Now the overall utilities for the cars are Portalo, 0.33; Norushi, 0.69; and
Standard 0.67.
• In this case, the weights that an increase in life span of one year is only
worth an increase in price of $750.
• Again the Norushi comes out as being preferred to the Standard, because
its three year increase in life span (relative to the Standard) is
accompanied by only a $2000 increase in price, whereas the weights
indicate that the additional three years would be worth $2250.
Portalo Norushi Standard Motors

Example Price ($1000)

Life Span (Years)

• You may not be happy with either scheme.

• Perhaps you have thought carefully about the relative importance of
expected life span and price, and you have decided that you would
be willing to pay up to $600 for an extra year of expected life span.
• You have thus priced out the value of an additional year of expected
life span.
• How can you translate this price into the appropriate weights?
• Take the Standard as your base case.
Portalo Norushi Standard Motors

Example Price ($1000) 17 10 8

Life Span (Years) 12 9 6

• Essentially, you are saying that you would be indifferent between paying $8000 for six years of
expected life span and $8600 for seven years of expected life span.
Ui(x) = (x – Worst Value)/(Best Value – Worst Value) = (x – x*)/(x* - x*)
• Using the previous equation, we an find that such a hypothetical car (Car B) would score 1/6 = 0.167
on expected life span (which is one- sixth of the way from the worst to the best case) and 0.933 on
price ($8600 is 0.933 of the way from the worst to the best case).
• Because you would be indifferent between the Standard and the hypothetical Car B, the weights
must satisfy:
U(Standard) = U(Car B)
kP(1.00) + kL(0) = kP(0.933) + kL(0.167)
kP(1.00 – 0.933) = kL(0.167)
kP = kL(0.167/0.067)
kP = 2.50kL
• Including the condition that the weights must sum to 1, we have
kP = 2.50(1 – kP)
or kP = 0.714 and kL = 0.286
Note that these weights are consistent with what we did above.
The weight kP = 0.667 implied a price of $750 per additional year of expected life span. With a still
lower price ($600), we obtained a higher weight for kP.

• The final objective, off course, is to compare the cars in terms of their overall utilities:
U(Portalo) = 0.714(0.00) + 0.286(1.00) = 0.286
U(Norushi) = 0.714(0.78) + 0.286(0.50) = 0.700
U(Standard) = 0.714(1.00) + 0.286(0.00) = 0.714
The Standard comes out only slightly better than the Norushi. This is consistent with the switching
approach described earlier.
The weights here, came from the assessment that one year of life span was worth only $600, not the
9666.67 or more required to switch from the standard to the Norushi.
Trading Off Conflicting Objectives: The Basics (4)
Indifference Curves
• Indifference curves can be thought of as a set of alternatives (some
perhaps being hypothetical) among which the decision maker is
• The slope of the indifference curves is related to the trade-off rate
that is assessed.
• This also is sometimes called the marginal rate of substitution, or
the rate at which one attribute can be used to replace another.
• Graphing indifference curves is a useful way to obtain insight into
one’s assessed trade-offs.
• For example, we already have established that you would be indifferent
between the Standard and the hypothetical Car B, which costs $8600 and
lasts seven years.
• Thus, we have a line that passes through the points for the Standard; all
would have the same utility, 0.714.
• Other indifference curves also are shown with their corresponding
• Note that the indifference curves have higher utilities as one moves
down and to the right, because you would rather pay less money and
have a longer life span.
• You can see that the Norushi and the Portalo are not preferred to the
Standard because they lie above the 0.714 indifference curve.
Indifference Curves for the Automobile Decision
Trading Off Conflicting Objectives: The Basics (5)
A Limitation: Proportional Scores Imply Risk Neutrality
• We have developed scores for the alternatives using the notion of proportionality.
• In fact, we have just taken the original values and scaled them so that they now range
from 0 to 1, 0 being worst and 1 being the best.
• In this case, the graph of proportional scores on a certain attribute for the alternatives
is a straight line.
• Straight lines in this context imply risk neutrality and all of the unusual behavior
associated with risk neutrality.
• In some cases, this risk neutral approach may be fine, but it may be appropriate to
consider the utility of money.
• There are other approaches to assess scores and alternative ways to assess trade-offs
other than proportional scores and some of these permit the decision maker to
incorporate his or her risk attitude into both scores and trade-off weights.
Alternative Methods for Assessing Scores and
Trade-off Weights (1)
Assessing Scores: Utility Functions
• A straightforward way to assess attribute scores is simply to assess a
utility function for each attribute.
• If you face a decision that is complicated by both uncertainty and
trade-offs, this is the best solution.
• The utility function, having been assessed in terms of your
preferences over uncertain situations, are models of your preferences
in which your attitude toward risk is built in.
• When we use a utility function for money that incorporates risk
aversion, the riskier alternative ends up with a lower expected utility.
Alternative Methods for Assessing Scores and
Trade-off Weights (2)
Assessing Scores: Ratios
• Another way to assess scores – and one that is particularly
appropriate for attributes that are not naturally quantitative – is to
assess them on the basis of some ratio comparison.
• The ratio approach can be used to compare virtually any set of
alternatives whether or not they are quantitatively measured.
A Career Decision
Graphically Scoring Alternatives
Scaled Scores for Colors
Alternative Methods for Assessing Scores and
Trade-off Weights (3)
Assessing Weights: Swing Weights
• When it is possible to price out attributes, careful thought can clarify
the rates at which you would trade off achievement toward one
objective against a decrease for another.
• This is not always possible, however, if only because dollars are not
always involved.
• There are two additional methods for assessing weights that are both
systematic and generally applicable.
• The first of which is called swing weighting.
Alternative Methods for Assessing Scores and
Trade-off Weights (4)
Assessing Weights: Swing Weights
• First, think of the “Worst Conceivable Alternative”, one that scores at the lowest level on all of the attributes.
• Look at your attributes and think about increasing one of them to its highest level.
• Identify the attribute that gives you the greatest increase in satisfaction (utility) when you swing it from low
to high while leaving the other attributes at their lowest levels.
• Mentally note the increase in utility that you experience in this case.
• Return to your “Worst Conceivable Alternative” and choose another attribute.
• Swing it through its range, from low to high, while leaving all other attributes at their lowest levels.
• Compare the improvement in your satisfaction obtained in the two cases.
• Is the improvement in the second case 50% of the improvement in the first? 75%?
• Your improvement should never be greater than 1 because the second case involves a less important
• Go through this swing-and-compare procedure for each attribute.
• The percentages that you assess in your comparisons can be used to determine weights for your multi-
attribute utility function.
Alternative Methods for Assessing Scores and
Trade-off Weights (5)
Assessing Weights: Swing Weights
• Swing weights have a built-in advantage in that they are sensitive to the range of values that an attribute
takes on.
• For example, suppose you are comparing two personal computers, and price is an attribute that is included
in your value tree.
• One computer costs $3500 and the other $3600.
• When you work through the swing-weight assessment procedure, you probably will conclude that the
increase in utility from swinging the price is pretty small.
• This would result, appropriately, in a small weight for price.
• But if the difference in price is $1000 rather than $100, the increase in utility experienced by swinging from
worst to best would be much larger, resulting in a larger weight for price.
• If you have a hard time thinking about the “Worst Conceivable Alternative” you might try reversing this
• That is, imagine the “Best Conceivable Alternative”, best on all attributes, and consider decreases in
satisfaction from swinging attributes from high to low.
• Assess relative decreases in satisfaction, and use those assessments in exactly the same way that we used
the relative utility increases.
Alternative Methods for Assessing Scores and
Trade-off Weights (6)
Assessing Weights: Lotteries
It should come as no surprise that we also can use lottery-comparison
techniques to assess weights.
In fact, the technique we will use is a version of the probability-
equivalent assessment technique.
The assessment of the probability p that makes you indifferent
between the lottery and the sure thing turns out to be the weight for
the one odd attribute in the sure thing.
Alternative Methods for Assessing Scores and
Trade-off Weights (7)
Assessing Weights: Lotteries
• In our discussion of utility theory and utility assessment, we found that to include
risk attitudes in our utility functions we needed to assess preferences by looking
at risky situations or lotteries.
• The lottery-based assessment of the weights for a multi-attribute utility function
is the same.
• If you want to include your risk attitude in your evaluation of multi-attribute
alternatives, then you should assess the weights for the attributes using the
lottery-based approach. (The individual scores also should be based on lottery-
based assessment; that is, those scores should come from assessed utility
• Why would you want to incorporate your risk attitude into your utility function?
• If you face a decision under uncertainty as well as trade-offs, then that risk
attitude may be important.
Assessing Weights Using a Lottery Technique
Alternative Methods for Assessing Scores and
Trade-off Weights (8)
Assessing Weights: Lotteries
• Finally, we may have wondered why we always scale our scores from 0 to 1.
• We need the values of 0 and 1 for best and worst cases in order to solve for the weights;
the idea that scores are scaled from 0 to 1 is built into the weight-assessment
• The result is that weights have very specific meanings.
• In particular, the swing-weight approach implies that we can interpret the weights in
terms of improvements in utility that result from changing one attribute from low to
high, and those low and high values are specific to the alternatives being considered.
• The lottery-assessment method suggests that the weights can be interpreted as an
indifference probability in a comparison of lotteries.
• The specific low and high values among the alternatives are important anchors for
interpreting these indifference probabilities.
Graphic Representation of Swing – Weighting
A Recap of Scoring and Weighting Techniques (1)
• Value trees are developed to specify the objectives for and attributes of a
decision problem.
• Then, we look at the issue of determining the trade-off rate between two
competing objectives.
• The approach of determining the trade-off rate between two competing
objectives lets us build an additive weighted score for a particular
alternative or outcome:
S = k1S1 + k2S2
• Firstly the weights are determined by a pricing-out procedure and secondly
the scores are determined by simply scaling the attribute values to be
between 0 and 1.
A Recap of Scoring and Weighting Techniques (2)
• Utility function assessments or ratio assessments are used to determine scores.
• Swing-weighting and lottery techniques are used for assessing the weights.
• Thus, we have three methods for assessing scores and three methods for
assessing weights.
• The relative advantages of the three scoring methods are straightforward.
• The proportional scores (the scaling method) is perhaps the easiest to use,
although it implies risk neutrality.
• If risk is a serious consideration, then assessing a utility function is more
appropriate, although more demanding.
• Using the ratio approach to assess scores is somewhere in the middle, providing
framework to capture important differences in value but not really dealing with
risk attitudes.
A Recap of Scoring and Weighting Techniques (3)
• For the weight-assessment methods, all three proposed methods (pricing out, swing
weights, and lottery weights) will work fairly well.
• If attributes are reduced easily to dollars, then the pricing-out method may be the
easiest to use.
• Swing weights are a bit more demanding, but once a decision maker gets the hang of
them the assessments are relatively easy.
• Finally, the lottery method is both the most demanding, and the only way to incorporate
a risk attitude into the trade-off weights in a systematic way.
• It is important to realize that simply specifying the relative importance of two attributes
is not enough.
• We must understand exactly what the relative importance means in terms of some kind
of trade-off rate.
• All three weight-assessment methods can determine the appropriate trade-off rates.
Value Tree for the Eugene Public Library
Site – Evaluation Study
Example: The Eugene Public Library Site Evaluation Study

Matrix of weights and utilities for four library sites

Attributes % Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4
Site Size (21%)
Initial 38 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
Expansion (Horizontal) 13 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
Mixed use 25 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Construction Staging 12 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
Public Open Space 12 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Subtotals 13.08 5.28 13.29 18.57

Example: The Eugene Public Library Site Evaluation Study (Cont.)
Matrix of weights and utilities for four library sites
Attributes % Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4
Access (20.6%)
Direct Parking 8 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00
Commercial Proximity 23 0.00 1.00 0.67 1.00
Employment Proximity 15 0.50 1.00 0.00 1.00
Heavy Traffic 23 0.33 0.33 1.00 0.00
Bus Route Proximity 15 0.00 0.50 0.50 1.00
Residential Proximity 16 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.50
Subtotals 6.40 12.58 12.75 12.57
Example: The Eugene Public Library Site Evaluation Study
Matrix of weights and utilities for four library sites
Attributes % Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4
Parking (5.3%)
Patron Parking 20 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
Off-Site Parking 60 0.00 1.00 0.33 0.33
Bookmobile Parking 20 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
Subtotals 2.12 3.18 3.17 3.17
Example: The Eugene Public Library Site Evaluation Study
Matrix of weights and utilities for four library sites
Attributes % Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4
Traffic Impacts (4.5%)
Auto Circulation 47 0.00 0.75 1.00 0.00
Adjacent Parking 29 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00
Bus Patterns 24 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00
Subtotals 1.08 2.67 4.50 0.00
Example: The Eugene Public Library Site Evaluation Study
Matrix of weights and utilities for four library sites
Attributes % Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4
Land Use/Design (8.4%)
Image/Scale/Visibility 13 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00
Enhance Adjacent Uses 13 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Adj. Uses Enhance Lib. 38 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00
Downtown Plan Fit 13 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
Lost Devel. Options 23 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Subtotals 3.02 5.38 5.38 2.18

Example: The Eugene Public Library Site Evaluation Study
Matrix of weights and utilities for four library sites
Attributes % Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4
Public Support (19.0%)
Patron Acceptance 25 1.00 0.33 0.67 0.00
DT/Community Support 25 1.00 0.67 0.33 0.00
Perceived Safety 25 1.00 0.33 1.00 0.00
Public Ownership 17 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00
Private Opportunity 8 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
Subtotals 15.77 9.55 14.25 1.52

Example: The Eugene Public Library Site Evaluation Study
Matrix of weights and utilities for four library sites
Attributes % Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4
Related Costs (21.1%)
Operating Costs 20 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Use of Existing Building 20 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
No General Fund $ 30 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Tax Roll Impact, Removal 10 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00
Tax Roll Impact, Added 20 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Subtotals 4.22 16.88 16.88 14.77
Weighted Score 45.70 55.51 70.22 52.78
Example: The Eugene Public Library Site Evaluation Study

Cost and overall utility for four library sites

Site Cost ($Million) Overall Utility

1 21.74 45.70
2 18.76 55.51
3 24.48 70.22
4 24.80 52.78
Example: The Eugene Public Library Site Evaluation Study

Subtotal (Parking1) = [(0.053 x 0.20 x 1.00) + (0.053 x 0.60 x 0.00)

+ (0.053 x 0.20 x 1.00)] x 100
= 2.12

U(Site 1) = 13.08 + 6.40 + 2.12 + 1.08 + 3.02 + 15.77 + 4.22

= 45.70
Example: The Eugene Public Library Site Evaluation Study

U(Site) = k1(k11U11 + k12U12 + k13U13 + … + k1m1U1m1)

+ k2(k21U21 + k22U22 + k23U23 + … + k2m2U2m2)
+ … + km(km1Um1 + km2Um2 + km3Um3 + … + kmmkUmmk)
= k1k11U11 + k1k12U12 + … + kmkmmkUmmk)

= ∑ki [∑kijUij] untuk i = 1 – m dan j = 1 - mi

You are a developer and are interested in constructing a building on a site that you own. You have
collected four bids from prospective contractors. The bids include both cost (millions of dollars)
and a time to completion (months):

Contractor Cost Time

A 100 20
B 80 25
C 79 28
D 82 26

The problem now is to decide which contractor to choose. B has indicated that for another $20
million he could do the job in 18 months, and you have said that you would be indifferent
between that and the original proposal. In talking with C, you have indicated that you would just
as soon pay her an extra $4 million if she could get the job done in 26 months. Who gets the job?
Explain your reasoning. (It may be convenient to plot the four alternatives on a graph).

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