Special Edition 1

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Fundamentals of condenser Oliver Haerdi
Pluggable bushings COLUMN:
RIF® bushings Bushings market
Explosion prevention
Condenser bushings condition
Effective bushing monitoring
Monitoring sensors
Advanced diagnostic methods
Bushing insulation diagnostics
Bushing oil analysis
Oil leaks

ISSN 1849-7268 (Digital)

▪ CEDASPE - Bushings and accessories ▪ Adaptive Response Technology ▪ YASH bushing innovations ▪
▪ H-J epoxy resin portfolio ▪ Transport monitoring ▪ Hubbell bushing technologies ▪
▪ Double-Reference Monitoring Method ▪ Higher monitoring accuracy ▪ Value of on-line monitoring ▪
The latest
latest generation
generation of
of innovative
The latest
latest generation
generation of
of innovative
bushings: Resin
Resin Impregnated
Impregnated Synthetic
bushings: Resin Impregnated Synthetic
bushings: Resin
Impregnated Synthetic
The new RIS technology is an improvement of our RIP
The new RIS technology is an improvement of our RIP
newnew suitable
technology for all
technology types
is an
is an of bushings.
improvement of of
technology suitable for all types of bushings.
The new
technology RIS
technology technology
suitable is
all an
types improvement
types of paper,
bushings. of
bushings. our RIP
Using a synthetic media instead of the active
Using a synthetic
technology suitablemedia instead
for all types of of paper,
bushings.the active
Using will
a accumulate
a synthetic mediadrastically
media instead
of humidity
paper, over
thethe time,
part will accumulate drastically less humidity over time,
accumulate media
accumulate insteadless
drastically ofless
humiditythe over
humidity active
offering numerous advantages.
part will
numerous drastically
advantages. less humidity over time,
Our product
offering range isadvantages.
numerous as diverse as your requirements, we
Our product range is as diverse as your requirements, we
Our driving forward-looking innovations together with we
driving range
is as
is as
forward-looking diverse
diverse as as
innovations your
together with ourwe
Our product
driving range is as diverse
forward-looking as your requirements,
innovations together
togetherwith we
are driving
customers. forward-looking innovations together with our
‘HSP and Trench Bushing Group’ has been supplying high-
‘HSP and Trench Bushing Group’ has been supplying high-
‘HSP equipment
Trench for theGroup’
Bushing energy
been for
been more than
voltage equipment for the energy sector for more than 100
voltage We Trench
make Bushing
the Group’
performance, hasquality
been supplying
and high-
reliability of100
years. We make the performance, quality and reliability100
equipment forfor
energy sector
than of
our equipment
We We as well
make the for
the ourenergy
performance, sector
quality for
and than 100
of of
our products as well as our innovative
ourour We
products the performance,
priority. quality and reliability of
power our topaspriority.
as as
power topas
ourour topwell as our innovative
power our top priority.
Learn more on our website: www.bushing-group.com
Learn more on our website: www.bushing-group.com
on on
website: www.bushing-group.com
website: www.bushing-group.com
Learn more on our website: www.bushing-group.com

HSP Hochspannungsgeräte GmbH • Camp-Spich-Str. 18 • 53842 Troisdorf-Spich • Germany

Trench® Group: Trench® France S.A., France • Trench®HSP Hochspannungsgeräte
Limited, GmbH
Canada Sales Office • Camp-Spich-Str.
• Trench® High Voltage18Products
• 53842 Troisdorf-Spich
Ltd., Shenyang,• P.R.
Trench® Group: Trench® France S.A., France • Trench®HSP
Limited, Canada Sales Office
HSP Hochspannungsgeräte • Trench
GmbH GmbH
® High Voltage Products Ltd., Shenyang, P.R. China
• Camp-Spich-Str.
• Camp-Spich-Str.
18 • 53842
18 • 53842
• Germany
• Germany
Trench ®
Trench ®
S.A., S.A.,
• Trench
• Trench
Hochspannungsgeräte Office
• Trench
GmbH • •Camp-Spich-Str.
• 53842 Ltd., Ltd.,
Troisdorf-Spich • P.R. China
P.R. China
Trench® Group: Trench® France S.A., France • Trench® Limited, Canada Sales Office • Trench® High Voltage Products Ltd., Shenyang, P.R. China

10 14
Moser Glaser, a member of PFIFFNER Group, is an inde- The market for transformer bushings comprises two elements:
pendent producer of instrument transformers, transformer new products supplied for new transformers, and replacement
bush­ings and busbars. Having invented the RIP technology, bushings. The market for new bushings in any given country
we now continue the progress in RIS technology, which is ex- is dependent on the transformer manufacturing base in that
pected to replace older bushing technologies, and we are country, whereas the replacement market is dependent on the
ready for the future of bushings with paper-free insulation. transformer market in that country.


Bushings market can behave completely differently from
the transformer market due to different replacement rates
and lead times. Globally, replacements of old infrastructure
in developed markets and addition of new substations
20 are driving the bushings market. The affinity for online
monitoring systems is expected to grow in some markets
and for some applications.

26 Hubbell offers one of the most extensive bushing
product portfolios, with bushings available in three
technologies: Paper-Oil-Capacitor, Paper-Resin-Capacitor
and Solid-Dielectric-Capacitor, while providing customers
with world-class service. PCORE is the world-only bushing
26 manufacturer to offer a 500 kV oil-filled porcelain bushings
certified to the seismic standard.


This article focuses on the concept of condenser bushings –
both oil-impregnated paper bushings and resin-impregnated
paper bushings – for extra-high voltage transformers.
Following a description of the dielectric loss, the article

describes their selection, testing, transportation, storage,
and installation.

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 3


CEDASPE, today a member of the REINHAUSEN Group, has
grown into an international company, with three plants in Italy
and an expansive product range that includes transformer
bushings, which make the core business of the company,
instruments and protection devices, and tank accessories.
38 This year CEDASPE celebrates its 50th anniversary.


Facing the energy transition, dry pluggable bushings offer
much more flexibility for the future use of transformers than
conventional bushings. And with the same performance
characteristics, they are much easier to handle. Their
installation time is reduced by up to 75 percent when a
42 transformer is first installed.


The H-J Family of Companies is a global leader in the
manufacture and supply of components to the transformer
and switchgear OEM and utility markets, utilizing state-of-
the-art product development services, employing state-
of-the-art manufacturing technology, and continually
expanding the use of epoxy resin systems as a base insulation
50 in the components.


YASH has emerged as a one-stop shop for OIP, RIP, high cur-
rent bushings, retrofit bushings and for FRP cylinders. With a
vast experience brought on board by our technology experts,
and state-of-the-art design tools and software, we are pre-
pared to comply with stringent customer specifications. Our

54 bushings have been proven at reputed labs such as KEMA.

This article discusses the evolution of the resin-impregnat­
ed fibre bushing and the technology of producing dry-type
paperless bushings since the early 2000s. The resin-im­
pregnated fiberglass technology with its large safety margins
and simpler manufacturing processes enables producing a
bushing that is ultra-reliable, explosion-resistant and main-
58 tenance-free.


Anne GOJ, Ashwin Padmanaban IYER, Omar AHMED
When flammable liquid insulation in power transformers
breaks down, there is a high risk of tank rupture and fire,
endangering the environment, plant assets and personnel.
We use numerical simulations to model a transformer
equipped with fast depressurization system protections
64 localized in the bushing turrets, to ensure that the tank is
robust to internal arcs.

4 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017



Bushing monitoring is of prime importance since about
17 % of transformer failures are attributed to bushing faults,
which can result in fire and explosion of the transformer with
colossal consequences. With the online monitoring, the tan
70 δ of the bushing is being monitored at the system voltage
level and at actual temperature, i.e. at real conditions.


The majority of the grid’s critical assets were not
designed to withstand the stressful dynamic loading
patterns imposed by greater energy demands. Combining
Sensei’s intelligent software and thermal imaging cameras,
impending equipment failures can be detected earlier and
more economically, with greater reliability than has been
82 possible before.


Bushings play an important background role in the smooth
operation of the power grid and when they fail, the residual
consequences could be catastrophic. This paper outlines
the key contributors to bushing failure and the steps teams
should take to avoid deterioration and make sure their

condition monitoring practices are up to par.


Dr.-Ing. Junliang WU, M.Sc. Tobias GRUBER
A new concept of a monitoring system for three-phase
bushings, which takes into account signals from the
voltage transformer as well as neighbouring bushings,
nearly compensates the influence of temperature; the
results are distributed in a smaller range and correspond
94 well to a normal distribution, so that failures can be better


The safety and reliability of an on-line bushing monitor­
ing program is only as good as the quality of the bushing
sensor design and the installation procedure. Overlooking
these important elements can be the difference between
102 successful use of this technology and false alarms. This ar-
ticle discusses proper selection and installation of bushing


108 The cost of bushing failures could be several hundred
times higher than the price of a bushing. Monitoring power
factor and partial discharge enables uncovering most of the
incipient failures. Monitoring systems with higher acquisition
accuracy and a better faults detection, achievable when
108 using reference signals, are recommended.

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 5


116 Until recently, bushing testing has been limited to
a capacitance and power factor measurement off-line.
However, off-line testing under static conditions is not
likely to detect incipient faults evident under operational
conditions. On-line monitoring provides accurate and early
indication of bushing condition continuously and under all

116 conditions.


The Cargolog® is an independent tool which helps to detect
damage during transportation and determine who is liable
for it, but also, as a quality tool, to identify best transport
methods, routes, packaging and storage alternatives. GPS
positions provide information on expected delays and
deviations from the transport plan.
Bushings are prone to different problems, depending on
their insulation type. The combination of conventional and
advanced diagnostic methods allows a comprehensive
condition assessment and helps to avoid outages and loss
of assets.
High voltage and extra-high voltage bushings for power
transformers, shunt reactors and circuit breakers are one
of the most sensitive components in the system, whose
failure may evolve into a catastrophic event. In this article,
authors describe the use of Dielectric Frequency Response

134 techniques to identify potential risk of failure of OIP bushings.


Riccardo ACTIS, Riccardo MAINA, Vander TUMIATTI
Bushings are highly stressed parts of power transformers
and their failures can lead to a transformer breakdown. The
diagnostics and predictive surveillance of bushings is es-
sential for uninterrupted operation. This paper gives a short
overview of bushing types and related applications, inclu-
142 ding procedures for in-field inspection and oil sampling.


148 Steven H. WICKMANN
This article presents a cost-effective method to repair oil
leaks in large power transformers and bushings, outlining
the techniques that can be used on leaks in the main tank
and components. Many repairs can often be made with the
transformer in service, which is illustrated on the example
148 of a company that has been fixing leaks in electric utility
substations since 1988.

6 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

ISSN 1849-3319 (Print) ISSN 1849-7268 (Digital)

Mladen Banovic, PhD, Merit Services Int., Croatia

Jean Sanchez, PhD, Utility, France

Antun Mikulecky, PhD, KONČAR - Electrical Dear Readers,

Engineering Institute, Inc., Croatia
Raka Levi, PhD, DV-Power, Sweden t is my pleasure to present you with er bushings for a certain voltage level,
Pedro Henrique Aquino Barra, MSc, the special edition of Transformers it wouldn‘t be possible to build a grid of
EESC/USP - University of São Paulo, Brazil
Magazine dedicated to bushings. that voltage level, despite the fact that
Glenn George, MSEE, P.E., LEED AP, Baltimore
Gas and Electric and Exelon Company, USA
these bushings probably have the same
Following the collection and prepara­ or very similar functionalities as well as
tion of the materials for this edition, handling, maintenance and other pro­
Art Director: Momir Blazek I set fourth to create a summary that cedures as the transformer bushings of
Photo: Shutterstock.com would highlight in brief the most im­ a lower voltage level. New materials can
Cover image by Moser Glaser Ltd. portant points on the subject of bush­ simplify the usage of a product, requir­
Language Editor: Marina C. Williams ings. While doing so, I spoke to a ing less maintenance, while new moni­
number of experts, among them an toring and diagnostic methods can
experienced transformer designer from s­ignificantly enhance failure prevention
Marin A. Dugandzic
a well-known transformer company, and help improve asset management.
+44 20 373 474 69
who attracted my attention with an in­
teresting claim that in the past few de­
TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE cades we haven‘t seen a single significant In relation to the trans-
Transformers Magazine is published quarterly leap in the bushings technology. And by former, the bushing is
by Merit Media Int. d.o.o., Setaliste 150. brigade the leap he didn‘t only refer to natural
10, 10 090 Zagreb, Croatia. Published art­ movements in the evolution of such a a relatively simple and
icles don‘t represent official position of Merit
Media Int. d.o.o. Merit Media Int. d.o.o. is not
product, such as the advancement in cheap component,
the material technology wher­e better
xisting but its impact on the
responsible for the content. The responsibil­
ity for articles rests upon the authors, and the materials would replace the e­
re­sponsibility for ads rests upon advertisers. ones, or expanding the voltage level of trans­ former life and
Man­uscripts, photos and other submitted the product, but he also referred to a
docu­ments are not returned. more comprehensive, quantum leap in reliability is enormous,
Subscription rates: the bushings technology. which calls for a great-
Print edition: $96 (1 year, 4 issues) Nevertheless, I still find it impressive er emphasis on the de-
Digital edition: $54 (1 year, 4 issues)
Online edition - full access: $19 (1 year, 4 issues)
to see bushings for 1100 kV and 1200
kV voltage levels. If we think about the
velopment of the tech-
Online edition - free access: free of charge for scale of the impact of the development nology
r­egistered users of such advanced products on the
www.transformers-magazine.com industry as a whole, it is probably true Still, if I had to single out one solution
to say that only a small number of us that I expect to have the greatest impact
will ever come to encounter and work on the industry, I wouldn‘t choose any
Libraries are permitted to photocopy for the of the mentioned ones. In my humble
private use of patrons. Abstracting is permited
with these solutions, either directly
or indirectly, so the real impact of opinion, among the developments we
with credit to the source. A per-copy fee must
be paid to the Publisher, contact Subscription. this development may be expected to have recently witnessed in the realm
For other copying or republication permis­sions, remain quite limited. of bushings, the “pluggable bushing“
contact Subscription. All rights reserved. concept is most potent to influence
We have, however, seen significant not only the future of the bushings, but
Publisher: Merit Media Int. d.o.o. advancements in the RIP and RIS also the future of the transformer and
Setaliste 150. brigade 10, technologies, and particularly in the the way it is used. Our regular editions
10 090 Zagreb, Croatia fields of monitoring and diagnostics, have dealt quite extensively with this
Contact: +385 1 7899 507 and these advances are more likely to concept, and beside everything that has
Contact: +44 20 373 474 69 UK have a wider impact on the industry. been published about it, I still think that
VAT number: HR09122628912
www.transformers-magazine.com there are more benefits of this concept
Regardless of their scale of impact, all yet to be identified.
Bank name: Zagrebacka banka these advancements are important and
Bank identifier code: ZABAHR2X
worthy of attention. Without transform­ Just the fact that a bushing can now
Bank IBAN: HR8023600001102375121
Director: Ana Jelcic


be replaced without needing to open

the transformer‘s active part is enough Foreward to the Special Edition

to excite interest of any inquisitive or
innovative mind. ushings are a very important part for a listed in standards,
great deal of HV equipment. Without so HV bushings for
I would like to point to one more issue bushings, actual large power transformers higher temperatures
that has been raised by almost every are unthinkable. Throughout history they have should be developed.
author in this edition, each from his or shared their development with transformers
Bushings are among
her own perspective – a high share of and other representatives of HV technology.
the most frequent
transformer failures that are caused by Initially, bushings were a kind of solid type transformer failure
bushing faults, especially those ending in bushings often made from porcelain with an cause. According to
explosions and fire. The mere fact that a inserted conductor. Similar bushings are still data from various research studies and electric
relatively simple and cheap component in frequently used in distribution networks for power utilities, they cause from 5 to 50 %
relation to the complexity and price of the system voltages up to 52 kV due to their simplic­ of the total number of transformer failures.
transformer can have such an enormous ity, reliability and low price. However, for only aBushing failures are the most common cause of
impact on its reliability and life span is slightly higher voltage they become impractical transformer fires that can lead to huge collateral
a motive in itself for all stakeholders, because of a very steep increase in size. Instead, and ecological damages at the switchyard.
from utility companies through bushing for higher voltages a condenser bushing type Bushings are a transformer’s crucial part and one
manufacturers to material producers is used today. Inside condenser type bushings, transformer can have more than 10 bushings. A
etc., to place a greater emphasis on the there are conductive electrodes that are used failure of any of them has a transformer failure
development of the technology. The for radial and axial electrical field grading. One as a consequence. A bushing explosion can
important role of the bushings in ensuring of the oldest descriptions of the condenser type damage the transformer in many ways. Upper
physical security only strengthens that bushing dates back to 1906. What was then de­ porcelain envelope burst launches fragments of
motive. scribed as an “innovation” was in fact a 200 kV it at an enormous speed with destructive power.
We open this special edition of the condenser type bushing used as part of an HV The burst of the bushing’s lower part damages a
magazine with an interview with one of test transformer. Soon after, in 1908, the produc­ transformer in such a way that the conductive
the innovators in the bushings industry, tion of capacitive graded bushings started: first and burned debris of the condenser body
and continue with a wide range of articles the coarse graded and afterwards fine graded pollutes its active part. Cleaning transformer’s
on a number of relevant topics related bushings in RBP technology. This solution was active part from bushing fragments is a difficult
to bushings, including market reviews, limited because of a relatively high level of par­ job with doubtful results.
discussions on monitoring and diagnostic tial discharge (PD) generated in small air pockets,
Bushings are normally mounted on the hottest
methods, risk mitigation, maintenance, which was inevitable for this technology.
part of the transformer and they are exposed to
technology, and more. All this should both the highest and the lowest temperatures
provide a deeper insight into the current HV bushings for higher as well as the atmospheric conditions. Animal
issues in the bushings technology and the temperatures should attacks (rodents, birds, monkeys, etc.) to the
relevance of the future developments in silicone shed can seriously affect bushing
this industry. be developed properties. This, combined with mechanical
forces, results in huge demands on the bushing
Last but not least, I would like to take this
OIP bushings were introduced around 1944 to insulation and sealing system. It should also
occasion to extend my heartfelt gratitude
fulfil the needs for higher voltages and lower PD be mentioned that the electrical field strength
to our Guest Editors for their thorough
level. Then around 1950, the first RIP bushing in the bushings HV condenser body is among
and quality peer review of a large amount
was produced. Today, OIP and RIP bushings are the highest in HV technology. HV bushings
of materials in quite a limited space of
produced up to the highest AC and DC voltages are thin and long and therefore a fragile
– approximately up to 1200 kV and 35 kA. structure, sensitive to mechanical forces due
Equally, my wholehearted thanks go to all to switchyard connection, short circuits,
Some time around 1990, a silicone rubber
authors who recognized the importance earthquakes or vandalism.
on a glass fibre epoxy tube was introduced
of taking part in this special edition, as as a bushing upper envelope with an aim to In terms of preventing bushings as well as
well as all partners for their support in the eliminate some disadvantages of a porcelain transformer failure, bushings are subjected to
realization of this project. upper envelope that had been in use until then. periodic (off-line) and continuous (on-line)
condition diagnostics. A lot of methods, tradi­
Enjoy reading this special edition of Recent bushing developments include applying
tional or recently developed, are used with var­
Transformers Magazine! silicone sheds directly on the RIP body (around
ious effectiveness. Nowadays, with expansion
2005) and replacement of paper with inorganic
Mladen Banovic, Editor-in-Chief of bushing monitoring systems (continuous di­
material (RIS bushings, around 2012).
agnostics), new possibilities emerge to improve
Looking into the future, it should be stated that transformer service reliability and availability.
actual power transformers with solid and liquid However, new challenges appear as well, as can
high temperature materials have allowable be seen from the papers in this edition.
top oil temperature greater than the highest
temperature allowed for all HV bushing types Antun Mikulecky, PhD, Guest Editor


Antun Mikulecky
Antun Mikulecky has 37 years of power transformers research and development
experience. His fields of expertise are research and development of insulating systems
of HV and HVDC transformers, diagnostic, maintenance and failure analysis of power
transformers, including ageing and life expectance and their bushings in particular. He
is Convener of the CIGRÉ WG A2.43: Transformer bushings reliability, and a lecturer
in the Postgraduate Specialist Study – Transformers at the University of Zagreb. He has
written more than 100 research reports, various studies and technical instructions made
at request of manufacturers and buyers of transformers, and authored 50 published
papers in his fields of expertise.

Raka Levi
Raka Levi, Dr.Eng., is an application expert at DV-Power Sweden and Convener of the
AMforum association. He has 30 years of asset performance and condition assessment
experience, specializing in apparatus testing, monitoring and diagnostics. Six years ago he
started within the AMforum organization a working group on DRM test methodology
for tap changers. For 20 years he has been running committees that assemble asset
managers and operations specialists of major European utilities, organizing AMforum
conferences in Europe, TC Universities in USA, and TC Colleges in Asia. He has written
over 25 technical papers on the subject of electrical testing, transformers, OLTCs, and
breaker diagnostics and condition monitoring. His education includes a PhD in the field
of HV diagnostics for circuit breakers and a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering,
both from the University of Belgrade, Serbia, and ME in electric power from the RPI,
New York.

Pedro Henrique Aquino Barra

Pedro Henrique Aquino Barra received his BSc and MSc degrees in electrical engineering
from the Federal University of Uberlândia MG, Brazil in 2015 and 2017, respectively.
Currently, he is working towards a PhD degree at the University of São Paulo, São
Carlos, SP, Brazil. His current research interests are power quality, systems protection
and transformers, in particular electromechanical stress in transformers. Pedro is
an active member of IEEE (Graduate Student Member) and Cigre, both in Brazil and
internationally. In Brazil, he participates in the transformers working group (CE-A2).

Glenn George
Glenn George has a bachelor’s degree in applied science and technology; a master’s
degree in electrical engineering; and a master’s degree in management. He has over 35
years of experience that includes: engineering, project management, operations, and
maintenance in the following industries: power utility, steel making, telecommunication,
and railroad transportation. Mr. George is a License Professional Power Engineer in
the Commonwealth of Virginia; and is currently a senior project manager at Baltimore
Gas and Electric and Exelon Company, managing the construction of transmission and
distribution systems.


CEO of Moser Glaser
Growing with We have produced some 4000 - 5000 units Moser Glaser developed and patented
of bushings of all types, for both power the insulation material for high voltage
PFIFFNER Group and distribution transformers, but the equipment and branded it under the name
Moser Glaser is an independent producer power transformer market remains our Duresca. Based on Duresca, we developed
of transformers, wall bushings and bus­ main market. busbar systems, wall bushings and some
bars. We are a Swiss-based company with transformer bushings, but quite limited
128 employees, and a part of PFIFFNER at that time. This technology became later
Group, the company mainly focused on
Product range the reputed RIP. So, our experience with
current transformers (CTs) and voltage Our product line includes oil-to-air bush­ RIP technology and dry-type bushings is
transformers (VTs) with its headquarters ings (with resin-impregnated paper very long and extensive.
in Switzerland and employing 550 peopl­e (RIP) and silicon housing), oil-to-oil
globally. PFIFFNER is also present in bushings, and oil-to-SF6 bushings, For the past 14-15 years, we have been
B­razil, Turkey and Germany. manufactured according to IEC and very active in developing a new range of
IEEE standards. In terms of voltage transformer bushings. We have standar­
The PFIFFNER companies, including class, we currently produce up to a dized RIP insulation and silicon insula­
Moser Glaser, share their resources in maximum of 300 kV, but we have plans tors, having decided to completely aban­
Research and Development under a com­ to increase the capacity of our factory to don using the porcelain application.
mon platform to develop new products. reach 550 kV next year.
Direct molded silicon
The group is family-owned. The owner, We also have some DIN type bushings,
who is the chairman of the group, has which are more for the low voltage side. Moser Glaser was the first transformer
more than 40 years of experience in oper­ This is a non-capacitive type bushing of bushing manufacturer to make the direct
ating business. We are entirely indepen­ 12, 24 and 36 kV with silicon housing. molding of the silicon on the RIP body. It
dent and operate with our own financial Although the market today is still is possible to mold silicon directly on the
capital, investing back into the company. more porcelain-oriented for this type bushing’s active part because it is solid. So,
This also gives us full power to move for­ of bushing, we now have a solution for instead of buying the insulator as a compo­
ward in the direction that we want to go. customers who require a full set of power nent, we bought the machine for making the
So, we can proudly say that both Moser transformer bushings with silicon. silicon housing at our factory, but instead of
Glaser and PFIFFNER have been an ex­ molding the silicon on fibre glass tube, we
ample of very successful companies, with mold it directly on the active part.
the entire team working together and
Moser Glaser inventions
standing behind this success. When we introduced this solution, many
RIP technology
were against us, arguing this was not a
PFIFFNER’s major product is the instru­ From the technology point of view, Moser correct way to produce a bushing, and that
ment transformer. However, today, the Glaser experience with RIP technology the bushing needed a fibre glass tube and
bushing business is becoming more and goes back to 1958. This is when we silicon sheds. So, we performed several
more important for Moser Glaser, but also developed our first cast-resin instrument tests on our bushings and active parts, and
for the group. Over the past ten years or transformer. At that time, the company according to all mechanical tests we can
so, we have recorded a growth of ten times was also producing CTs, VTs and medium guarantee that the requirements of IEC
in the turnover for transformer bushings. power transformers. standard are fulfilled. In fact, not only are
they fulfilled, but, as there is some reserve
in the design, we can even go above the re­
Moser Glaser’s experience with RIP technol- quirement. So, from the mechanical point
of view, this proved that our bushing was
ogy dates back to 1958, when we invented it strong enough for any kind of application.

10 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

We are entirely independent
and operate with our own
financial capital, investing
back into the company,
which gives us full power to
develop further
w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 11

Moser Glaser was the first transformer type of bushing by deviating from our
standard and developing a bushing with
bushing manufacturer to make direct mold special dimensions. This has also enabled
of silicon on the RIP surface us to enter into several utilities by offering
an interchangeable solution against aban­
doned standards such as the British stan­
Then, some competitors molding solution. This was one of the dard, old IEEE designs or specific designs
argued that the fibre glass first utilities outside Europe to qualify our from manufacturers who are not present
tube is a good barrier against solution at the time when our competitors on the market anymore. For them, we are
humidity between the active still provided a different design with fibre offering modern RIP or RIS silicon bush­
part and the silicon. How­ glass tube. ings but with dimensions and design ac­
ever, a spec­ial feature in our cording to our 50-year-old specification.
design is a strong barrier Today, most of our customers, more than This is all possible because we have the
between the active part and 90 % of them, order our solution with di­ machines in house, but it is also our strat­
the silicon, which is part of rect mold of silicon on active part. But the egy to develop the production that allows
the active part. We have a customers are also able to order from us us to create such solutions.
solution to block humidity the traditional hollow core solution, if this
contamination entirely at is their requirement. Some of our compe­
the air side of the bushing, titors will offer bushings either with porce­
Supporting the move
which has been qualified by lain or silicon housing. But we decided to to dry-type bushings
tests performed in a climatic standardize and use only silicon. Today, when most power transformers are
chamber with high humi­ still equipped with OIP bushings, our task
dity in order to monitor the Although at first many of our competitors is to convince the utilities to use bushings
p­ower factor of the bushing. argued against this solution, today they all with dry-type insulation.
This enables us to present a seek to provide the direct molded type.
solution with strong proper­ Dry-type bushings can provide the same
ties against humidity. With direct molding everything is opti­ performance as oil bushings, but a critical
mized and we don’t need to fit our bushings point about oil bushings is that they are
Our factory gives us great to an insulator that comes from a supplier. sensitive to leakage. Considering they are
flex­ibility, with the design and In terms of the cost, this is a cost-effective composed of many components, if any of
the engineers available to us everything solution. In terms of time, everything runs them is faulty, like a gasket leaking, then
can be done quickly, and this is reflected in quicker when done in our own factory. bushings can start losing some oil that is
our bushings. It means that we can adapt So, Moser Glaser has started and promot­ used for insulation. This leads to partial
the design to many types of applications. ed this solution, which has now become discharge in the bushing, which in turn
worldwide accepted as standard in compa­ creates gas and pressure, and in the worst
Direct molded silicon design also enabled nies such as ABB and Siemens.  case scenarios, the bushing may not only
us to enter new markets outside of Europe. leak but explode, resulting in damage to
One of our export markets is South One of our strong markets is also retrofit the entire transformer. Today, the bush­
Africa, where Eskom qualified our direct market. We are able to replace almost any ing is considered the main weak point in

12 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

a transformer. It forms only 1-2 % of the RIS technology is expected to replace the
cost of a transformer, but poses one of the
highest risks to the transformer. RIP technology and we are ready for the fu-
ture of bushings with paper-free insulation
Therefore, our job is to visit customers and
present the point that it is worth investing
a bit more in the purchase of a dry-type can see problems with the active part So, we are ready for the future of bushings
bushing, which will eliminate all the risks being contaminated with humidity. So, the with paper-free insulation.
mentioned above. Simply, the dry-type solution was to remove paper and replace
bushing can make a transformer more re­ it with a material which does not absorb Presently, Moser Glaser is running its
liable. humidity. Different materials have been highest investment project ever done,
tried, and some use fibre glass, some use which will almost double our production
In Europe, dry-type bushings occupy a textile, but we have found our own solution, area. One major step forward is a new set of
share of some 50-60 % in new transform­ which is very promising. equipment which will allow Moser Glaser
ers. In the North and South America, to offer 550 kV bushings. In addition, new
they probably hold some 10-15 % share Synthetic materials have better properties fully automatic winding machine, ovens,
of the market. In Asia, most of utilities are when it comes to protection from humi­ silicon injection machine and machining
nowadays turning to RIP bushings, such dity and the production is much easier tools will support the growth in production
as Malaysia, Thailand, Australia and India. than with paper. The drying time of RIS and help offer better lead-time.
bushings can be reduced by 50 % in com­
To support this trend, especially in parison to RIP bushings. These are the Oliver Haerdi is the CEO of Moser
India, Moser Glaser is working together main advantages over the paper, and RIS Glaser Ltd. His background is in
with YASH Highvoltage to develop RIP technology is expected to replace the RIP mechanical engineering. For the past 14
bushings within the “Make in India” technology in the future. years he has been interested in the middle
programme. and high voltage area. His management
Our first RIS bushing was presented at style is working very closely with his team
Cwieme fair in Berlin in 2016 and it came nurturing a very open structure, where he
RIS technology on the market at the beginning of this year. is always directly available to his team.
Three years ago we started a project on resin-
impregnated synthetic (RIS) technology
for bushings. This is a technology that we
believe has a great future. The main idea
around it is to remove the sensitive part
from the bushing – which is the paper.
Paper absorbs humidity, so this is a critical
issue of the RIP technology when it comes
to transportation and storage of bushings.
With customers who don’t have experience
in the management of RIP bush­ings, we

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 13

14 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017


market trends
Global market development

1. Introduction products supplied for new transformers,

and replacement bushings sold either to
We estimate that the global market upgrade an existing installation or as a re­
for transformer bushings was worth a placement for a bushing that has suf­fered
little under US$1.4 billion in 2016. The damage during the working life of the
market is estimated to grow at an overall transformer.
rate of 5.5 % CAGR through to 2026,
by which time it will be worth US$2.4 The new bushings for new transformers
billion at 2016 dollar values. These are generally purchased by the trans­
estimates include all types of bushings former manufacturer for delivery to the
used in the production and operation place of manufacture, no matter where the
of power and distribution transformers; transformer will ultimately be installed.
from very simple primary solid or A transformer ordered by a utility com­
bulk bushings on pole top distribution pany in Country A from a transformer
transformers through to the extremely manufacturer based in Country B may
complex power transformer primary rightly be considered a part of the trans­
bushings that may operate at voltages in former market in Country A; whereas the
excess of 1 MV. bushings for that transformer are consid­
ered to be a part of the bushings market
The market development by geographical in Country B. Replacement bushings are
region is shown in Table 1. generally ordered by, and are for delivery
to, the transformer owner where the unit
The global market is dominated by Asia is operating.
with a 48 % share of the market in 2016,
rising to a 54 % share in 2026. Before The market for new bushings in any given
delving deeper into this data set, it is im­ country is therefore dependent on the
portant to provide a little detail on the transformer manufacturing base in that
methodology and definitions of this mar­ country, whereas the replacement market is
ket segment. The market for transformer dependent on the past and present trans­
bushings comprises two elements; new former market in that country.

We estimate that the global market for

transformer bushings was worth a little under
US$1.4 billion in 2016

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 15

Table 1. The global market for transformer bushings 2016 to 2026

Overall market $ million 2016 2026 CARG

Western Europe 216.6 348.8 4.88 %

Eastern Europe 39.8 54.8 3.26 %
Former Soviet Union 53.5 67 2.28 %
Africa 41.6 61.6 3.99 %
Middle East 55.3 71.7 2.64 %
Indian Subcontinent 60.8 112.9 6.39 %
Asia 659 1,264.80 6.74 %
South & Central America 65.6 95.3 3.80 %
North America 177.3 262.9 4.02 %
Australasia 5.1 7.7 4.26 %
World total 1,374.60 2,347.60 5.50 %

For this reason, the Western European • housing material and shed – ceramic vs. hence bushings) in the fleet in each country
market for bushings is nearly 16 % of composite and any utility organisation policy with re­
the global market whilst the transformer • insulating methodology – OIP, RIP, RIS gards to re-bushing of the fleet. The market
market is only 12 %; and similarly the • filling material – oil, gel, gas, etc. can also be further subdivided into three
North American bushings market is 13 • transformer function generic types of transformers depending on
% and the transformer market is 15 %; their function within the electricity supply
the Asian bushing market is 48 % and the The ratio of power transformer bushings network. The first stage in the network is
transform­er market is 46 % of the global to distribution transformer bushings varies the function of stepping up the voltage level
total. from region to region. The variation is the from the gen­erator output levels to the level
result of the constitution of production base at which electricity is transmitted in the grid;
in each region, the age of transformers (and typically these generator step-up (GSU)
2. Power vs. distribution
There are a number of ways in which
the bushings market can be segmented,
includ­ing but not limited to: The market is estimated to grow at an over-
• working voltage
all rate of 5.5 % CAGR through to 2026, by
• capacitance graded/non graded which time it will be worth US$2.4 billion

Table 2. The global bushings market and transformer market 2016

% of global % of global % of bushings market
2016 Statistics
bushings market transformer market that is replacement

Western Europe 15.80 % 12.10 % 7.00 %

Eastern Europe 2.90 % 2.40 % 9.90 %
Former Soviet Union 3.90 % 3.80 % 31.30 %
Africa 3.00 % 4.80 % 59.50 %
Middle East 4.00 % 5.20 % 22.30 %
Indian Subcontinent 4.40 % 4.50 % 1.60 %
Asia 47.90 % 46.40 % 2.70 %
South & Central America 4.80 % 4.90 % 38.90 %
North America 12.90 % 15.20 % 7.10 %
Australasia 0.40 % 0.80 % 17.60 %

World total 100 % 100 % 9.50 %

16 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

Figure 1. Transformer bushing market 2016 by transformer function

transformers increase voltage from less than

20 kV up to higher voltages in the order of
There is greater dynamics in technology at
400 kV or higher. higher voltage levels where bushings are
The second stage incorporates many types of
critical components, while at lower voltage
transformer products which are groupe­d spectrum the bushings will be fitted for life
under the heading of system transform­
ers. These are used to transmit electricity
throughout a country and eventually to short term trends are smoothed out. Re­ en country the transformer fleet could
step down to a voltage level that is appro­ gional spending variations caused by re- well have units that were built in the early
priate prior to distribution throughout enforcing work of either the transmission 1970s still in service. It necessarily follows
a town/city/village at distribution level. or the distribution network do exist, but that these were built with the technology
Typically these transformers will have pri­ have only a marginal effect on the overall that existed at that time.
mary voltage levels in the hundreds of kV market. There are other drivers at work
and secondary levels less than 100 kV. that impact positively and negatively on There will be greater dynamics at the
the market which impact directly on the higher end of the voltage range because
Finally, distribution transformers are powe­r transformer bushings market. The bushings are a critical component that is
used to further reduce the voltage to that ever continuing global trend to higher monitored and if necessary upgraded as
used by end consumers. Sometimes this and higher voltage levels and more expen­ and when better technology comes along;
is achieved in one step, more often in sive bushings has a positive effect which however, at the lower end of the voltage
two steps of primary and secondary dis­ is mostly counteracted by the depressing spectrum the bushings will be fitted for
tribution. Furthermore, in a complicated effects of less expensive manufacturing life. This inevitably means that ceramic
grid network multiple distribution trans­ techniques and price competition in gen­ solid or bulk will still be in service at the
formers are utilised to ensure security of eral as technology matures and the pro­ lower end and resin bonded paper (RBP)
supply by differing supply route options duction base expands. bushings at the upper end will still be in
within a conurbation. service. Both technologies that remain
virtually unchanged for a century.
The market for transformer bushings by
3. Technology trends
type of transformer is illustrated in Figure 1. The first point to note is that transform­
ers are usually designed with a working
4. Distribution transformer
Overall, the market composition vari­ life of up to 30 years and it is not unusual bushing trends
es only marginally by 2026. Over a ten to find units that are at least 40 years old 40 years ago distribution transformers
year period it might be expected that any still in service. This means that in any giv­ will have had almost 100 % ceramic bush­

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 17

Figure 2. Distribution transformer bushings by type 2016

The market share of composite technology

in bushings is likely to mirror that experi-
enced in other insulator markets 0 % to 40 %
share in 40 years

ings, certainly on the secondary side and However, this does not mean that market more years it will be, although it is difficult
almost certainly on the primary side up to trends will be anything but glacial. OIP to see a future that is not dominated by
30 kV; and as stated above, RBP will have technology has become the mainstay as RIP given the production and storage
ruled the condenser bushing demand. a logical improvement on RBP bushings, advantages alone, and we will reserve our
Cast resin alternatives were just starting but this has taken some time. The next position on this debate.
to gain market share as that technology generation “new technology” is resin
matured and now more recently within impregnated paper (RIP); however, this The issue of ceramic versus composite
the last 15 years composite bushings have was developed in the 1960s, had achieved housing is also topical at the moment.
become popular in some parts of the a share in the order of 10 % in the 1990s The pros and cons of this argument have
world. Condenser bushing technology for and currently has a share in the order been well aired in technical journals
distribution transformers will now have of 30 % – not exactly a meteoric rate. and throughout the industry; suffice it
migrated mostly to oil-impregnated paper The industry has now developed resin to say that the leading global producers
(OIP) technology. impregnated synthetic (RIS) technology, of bushings offer both; but in the
with no filling material, hybrid types medium to long term the market share
Market shares by type of bushing in the and SF6 bushings at higher and higher of composite technology in bushings is
distribution transformer sector vary great­ voltages. The total market size estimate for likely to mirror that experienced in other
ly from region to region, and there is not 2026 is shown earlier in the article – the insulator markets 0 % to 40 % share in 40
space here to go into the shares by region, breakdown by technology is not; in a few years.
but globally the shares by value are in the
order of: condenser bushings 10 %, com­
posite 15 %, ceramic 55 % and cast resin
20 %. Author
Steve Aubertin is the Managing Director of Goulden
5. Power transformer Reports and following a first career in electrical
bushing trends engineering has spent the last 30 years researching and
There is greater diversity of bushing type in reporting on the global market for electrical products in
the power transformer sector, principally
because of the large range of voltages and both published and in the form of tailored research for
applications and the necessity to respond specific clients.
to advancements in T&D grid systems.

18 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

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Globally, replacements of old in-

frastructure in developed markets
and addition of new substations
are driving the bushings market

Bushings are critical for the safety Power
of power networks. With the power
transformer collective market ex-
pected to reach around 3.1 billion
USD in the European Union over the

bushings –
next ten years, the market for trans-
former bushings is also developing
in parallel. It is expected that the HV
bushings market in the EU will reach

market trends
close to 60 million USD in the same
period. Within the EU, Germany is
going to be the largest market for
the next ten years. Globally, Western
Europe remains one of the key mar-
kets for bushings, driven by replace- A shift towards online monitoring and
ments, along with the USA, China,
India and Australia. composite housings
1. Introduction developing countries, aging substation
KEYWORDS infrastructure in mature markets, and in­
All generated electricity is channeled creased renewable penetration are all factors
transformer bushings, market over- through power transformers, and every that are causing significantly more stress
view, future trends, online condition piece of this equipment is critical for its on grid transformers. This stress leads to
monitoring, porcelain, composite continuous supply. Overloaded grids in failures, which in turn not only cause cas­

20 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017


Figure 1. Leading causes of transformer failure [1], [2]

tors indicate a high risk of bushing failure impregnated paper (OIP) type bushings
and its impact on the grid through trans­ add another layer of complexity to the
formers. market. All these factors combined need
to be translated into the market sizing and
Any equipment playing such a vital role in accessibility of transformer bushings.
the electricity infrastructure is expected to
be one of the key components stimulating
the power equipment market. Globally, an
2. Transformer bushings
increase in replacement rates of bushings market assessment
to ensure safety of power transformers is
2.1 European market to be driven
driving the market growth. Many HV and
primarily by replacements
caded blackouts, but also may result in EHV bushings installed in the transmis­
catastrophic events like transformer ex­ sion networks worldwide (especially Eu­ In order to analyze the European trans­
plosions and fires that can cause casualties. rope and North America) are more than former bushings market, it is important to
20 years old, which acts as a catalyst for the understand long-term grid development
After windings and tap changers, bushings replacement market. Transformer bush­ plan by Transmission System Operators
are the third major point of transformer ings market variations can be completely (TSO) in each country. A TSO-based as­
failure [1, 2]. Nearly 20 % of all power trans­ different from the transformer markets sessment in ten EU countries reveals that
former failures located in transmission owing to various factors, including the re­ the EHV transformer bushings market
substations and generator step-up (GSU) placement rates as discussed, but also due is driven by replacements in the 400 kV
applications are caused by bushings. In the to different lead times. In terms of sup­ cat­egory, while 220 kV market is primar­
transmission grid, transformer bushing ply and demand, the lead time for power ily driven by new additions and then re­
failures dominate in high voltage (HV) and transformers can extend up to 20 months. placements. The estimated annual market
extra-high voltage (EHV) transformers Since the design of bushings has to be volume (in million USD) in the next ten
(220 kV to 400 kV), as compared to GSU tailored according to specific transformer years for 400 kV transformer bushings is
and distribution transformers. The statis­ requirements, bushing lead time can take depicted in Figure 2. Germany is expected
tics in Europe shows that bushing failures up to five months [3]. Additionally, trends to be the largest market in Europe at more
occur between 12 and 20 years after the and transition between composite and than 8 million USD, followed by Sweden,
installation (midlife of a transformer). In porcelain bushings, and solid type and oil- Belgium and France.
2012, CIGRE conducted a survey (A2.37
Transformer Reliability Survey) [1] which
included 56 utilities from 21 countries. The
survey concluded that almost 17 % of sub­
Bushings market can behave complete-
station transformers failures are caused by ly differently from the transformer market,
bushings. Additionally, more than 40 % of
the total bushings failures resulted in either
owing to various factors such as different
a fire or explosion incident. All these fac­ replacement rates and lead times
w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 21

number of outages per transformer has

gradually decreased from 0.059 in 2012
to 0.034 in 2016. This annual decline in
outages is good news for grid reliability;
however, it can result in low replacement
market for HV bushings.

A deeper analysis of grid expansion plans

from major TFOs reveals that green field
additions will still be enough to keep the
transformer bushings market at a positive
growth rate. Compared to other voltage
levels, 500 kV and 345 kV networks are
expected to experience most growth in
next five years. The annual HV bushings
Figure 2. 400 kV bushing market volume 2016-2025 [4]
market is expected to be 16 million USD
in 2018, with new additions as the main
driver of the market [4].
European EHV transformer bushings 2.3 Australian bushings market
market is driven by replacements in the
In Australia, around 6 % of the total dis­
400 kV category, while 220 kV market is tribution transformer failures are caused
primarily driven by new additions, followed by bushing failures, while in the case of
power transformers, the failure rate due to
by replacements faulty bushings creeps up to 17 %. A­usNet,
an Australian electricity transmission
operator in Victoria, conducted system re­
In 2015, the Swedish TSO Svenska kraft­ 2.2 North American bushings market liability studies which revealed that trans­
nät published its ten-year development former bushings installed in Victoria’s
plan which focused on the reinvestment The transmission grid in North America high voltage network may be a weak link.
in its 65-year-old EHV network. This in­ is divided into several regional entities, In last ten years, AusNet has replaced
vestment is expected to influence EHV called reliability councils, which are de­ more than 70 transformer bushings and
bushings with the estimated collective fined by North American Electric Reli­ plans to continue the replacement plan
market volume of about 5.5 million USD. ability Corporation (NERC). Reliability in the future as well. From 2004 to 2015,
Poland is another interesting market councils make sure that adequate reliabili­ the market volume grew from 0.8 million
in Europe as its TSO, PSE S.A, has an­ ty studies are performed by Transmission USD to 1.8 million USD.
nounced plans to replace the 25-year-old Facility Owners (TFOs) to add or replace
bushings, which is in accordance with its substation infrastructure for consistent Between 2016 and 2021, AusNet plans
plans to enhance network reliability. The grid operation. NERC’s state of reliability to replace 220 kV and 500 kV bushings,
expected collective market volume for report 2017 [5] demonstrates a decrease which will boost the market volume to
Poland is at 1.8 million USD for 400 kV in outages caused by transformer fail­ures. 2.1 Million USD. From the design point
transformers bushings. For 200 kV+ transformers, an average of view, the future market could be in­
fluenced by advancements in exterior
housing of the bushings and online health
monitoring systems.

3. Design and technology

trends and impact on the

Composite housing is to see an increase in

the market share in the coming years.

The exterior housing material is an es­

sential design criterion which is influ­
enced by ambient conditions. Porcelain
and composite are two key material types
utilized in the design. Silicon-based com­
Figure 3. Australia (Victoria State Network) 220 kV bushings replacement [4, 6] posite material is becoming more popular

22 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017


due to some key advantages over porce­

lain-based housing. The flexibility and the
reduced weight of composite housings is
very valuable for safety and ease of han­
dling. Increasing cases of vandalism and
terrorism have resulted in a higher use of
composite-based exterior for the bushings
in order to reduce the risk of exploding

In addition, the hydrophobic nature of

composite materials, which allows them to
withstand harsh environment conditions
including heavy rain and dust, has given
rise to their popularity over the last ten
years as this reduces maintenance costs.
Composite housings have also proven
to be ideal for bushings under seismic
conditions. However, with all these
Figure 4. AusNet investment plan for EHV and HV bushings replacement 2016-2021 (000‘
advan­tages, one strong disadvantage of
USD) [4, 6]
composite bushings is their higher cost in
comparison to porcelain-based housing.
At lower voltages, composite housings
can cost up to 80 % more than porcelain- market analysts expect the market share of equipment, for bushings, periodic offline
based housings, while at higher voltages, composite materials to reach 30 % in five testing is still the most practiced approach.
the costs are more comparable, with the years.
difference coming up to 20 % based on the Techniques for online condition moni­
design. 4. Online condition toring of bushings have existed for more
monitoring system than 25 years now; however, we are yet to
Still, because of the advantages of com­ see its large-scale implementation. Condi­
posite housings, specific regions are in­ As discussed earlier, high voltage bushings tion monitoring systems for T&D equip­
creasingly preferring composite hous­ are one of the major causes of failures in ment were first developed for critical high
ings. The European market has shifted power transformers, therefore bushings voltage systems, with the implementation
from porcelain towards composite at a maintenance is of extreme importance. focus then moving towards less critical
steady pace and the trend is expected to Online condition monitoring for pre­ systems such as circuit breakers. Trans­
continue. At present, the market share of dictive maintenance of critical equip­ former bushings market is experiencing
composite-based bushings in the Euro­ ment such as power transformers and a similar trend as the success of condi­
pean market is around 50 % as compared gas-insulated switchgears (GIS) has con­ tion monitoring systems on the bushings
to porcelain. All urban substations have siderably reduced the network failures. installed in multi-megawatt high voltage
composite-based bushings in Western Eu­ However, although recent advancements direct current (HVDC) projects has start­
ropean countries. A similar market shift is in online condition monitoring systems ed to influence the bushings installed on
happening in North America as well, and have resulted in enhanced performance of power transformers. The U.S. market is
expected to develop an affinity for online
monitoring systems for bushings as more
utilities are opting for turnkey asset man­
Composite housing is to see an increase in agement systems for power trans­formers.
the market share in the coming years Additionally, special applications such as
wind power step-up transformers require

Table 1. Porcelain vs. composite bushing housing comparison

Feature Porcelain Composite

Weight heavy 90 % lighter

Fragility highly fragile flexible
Vandalism more susceptible resistant
Hydrophobicity non-hydrophobic hydrophobic
Lead time long short

Source: Power Technology Research [4]

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 23

It is expected that in some markets and in [2] J. Marks, et al. An analysis of

Australian power transformer failure
some applications the affinity for online modes, and comparison with inter-
national Surveys,  Power Engineering
monitoring systems will grow Conference (AUPEC), 2016 Australasian
Universities. IEEE, 2016

installation of online health monitoring as nowadays more utilities are opting for [3] P. Hoffman and B. William, Large
for bushings. Some typical ex­amples can turnkey management solutions for HV power transformers and the US electric
be found in Northern German­y, where transformers than in the past. This incli­ grid, U.S. Department of Energy Report,
bushings installed on wind GSU trans­ nation towards automated data logging/ 2012
formers went through multiple failure monitoring system can be even steeper
and replacement iterations. This forced as stricter grid safety standards are intro­ [4] Power Technolog y R esearch,
the equipment manufacturer to install duced by central authorities such as Eu­ Power Transformers Global Market
online bushing monitoring system which ropean Network of Transmission System Analysis
helped identify the root cause of bushing Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) and
failures. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). [5] North American Electric Reliabil­
ity Corporation,  State of Reliability
Conclusion References 2017 Report

The European market outlook for HV bush­ [1] S. Tenbohlen, Transformer Reliability [6] Ausnet Services Program of Works
ings looks strong, experiencing stead­ y Survey Tutorial of CIGRE WG A2.37, 2017 – 2022 Transformer Bushings
growth driven by reinforcements planned 2011 R­eplacement
by network operators. More specifically,
400 kV bushings market is driven by end-
of-life (EOL) replacements, whereas 220
kV market growth is a combination of Author
new additions and replacements. North Saqib Saeed is an expert in power system design and
American market is expected to be driven power electronics components. He has prior experience in
by green field additions in the network, commissioning and maintenance of power systems. Since
mainly in 500 kV and 354 kV grid infra­ 2015, he has been involved in consulting projects with
structure. Western European countries transmission and distribution (T&D) OEMs and utilities
have the highest affinity for composite- conducting online and offline market research to identify
based bushings; however, this preference business opportunities for equipment manufacturers like
for composite material over porcelain is HVDC, FACTS, power transformers and gas insulated
also being emulated in the North Ameri­ substations. His current role of a Principal Analyst at Power Technology
can markets. Research is to lead critical market research topics and develop coherent
methodologies for substation equipment sizing and power electronics areas.
Currently, there is a rigid mindset in the Saqib has a Master of Sciences in Power Engineering from Technical University
industry regarding the application of as­ of Munich and a Bachelor of Sciences in Electrical Engineering from University
set management systems on bushings; of Engineering and Technology Lahore.
however, this trend is expected to change

24 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

World’s unique manufacturer
of paper for bushings

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Photo courtesy of Trench

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From the 1st of April


Hubbell offers one of the most

extensive bushing product port-
folios while providing customers
with world-class service

Natural evolution
Hubbell Power Systems focuses on traditional and modern
bushing technologies
One Hubbell Composites were united within Hubbell Composites in 2008, adding composite
resulting in the most comprehensive bushing technology to the product
What happens when two of the industry’s combination of bushing technologies, offering.
leading North American capacitance solutions, and technical knowledge, all
graded bushing manufacturers are joined with a combined 80 years of bushing
into one under the Hubbell Power Systems design and manufacturing experience.
Bushing technologies
brand? The resulting Hubbell Power PCORE Electric Company was formerly There are three bushing technologies
Systems Bushing Business Unit offers one known as the Lapp Insulator Company, available to both Original Equipment Ma­
of the most extensive bushing product Bushing Division until 2004, when it nufacturers and Electric Utilities: POC®,
portfolios while providing customers was transformed into PCORE Electric. PRC® and SDC™, as shown in Fig.1.
with world-class service all within a One The business was acquired in 2007 to
Hubbell directive. further strengthen Hubbell’s position Two of the technologies have been around
in the substation market. To complete for some time and are proven industry
What began as two separate independ­ the bushing products portfolio with a champion technologies, including the
t ly owned bushing businesses, focus on newer bushing technologies, POC® (Paper-Oil-Capacitor) and PRC®
PCORE Electric Company and Electro Hubbell subsequently acquired Electro (Paper-Resin-Capacitor) types designed

26 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017


Hubbell bushings are available in three technol-

ogies: Paper-Oil-Capacitor, Paper-Resin-Capa­
citor and Solid-Dielectric-Capacitor

the SDC™ (Solid-Dielectric-Capacitor) world to offer a 500 kV oil-filled, porcelain

type technology fabricated by Electro bushing to meet the high-performance
Composites, is made of cast electrical level of this standard.
grade epoxy resin, which provides
different benefits and range of use. All Convenience type products such as
three technologies are capacitance graded; Quick-Link type bushings and PCORE
meaning that the internal electrical stress Seismically Enhanced Test (SET) Termi­
within the insulating core is controlled nals have been developed to provide safer,
or graded using series capacitors faster and more cost-effective substation
imbedded within the insulation. The maintenance and testing practices.
bushing products offered by Hubbell are
summarized in Table 1. Most recently, PCORE enhanced the
PRC® bushing product line. PCORE
The range of applications for each of the introduced an oil-free option for electric
three bushing types offered by Hubbell is utilities that appreciate the proven long-
summarized in Fig. 2. term performance of PRC®s which were
first introduced in the 1960s combined
with the benefits of an oil-free bushing
Moving forward technology, Fig. 4.
In more recent years, the Bushing Business
Unit has launched new products based on Some of the great features of the bushings
customer feedback and solutions needed produced by PCORE Electric and Electro
for the industry. Electro Composite’s Composites are:
generator and generator-step-up trans­
former type bushings for power gen­ • All bushings are IEEE 693 seismically
eration applications provide reliable certified
high-current bushings for new and aging • Most designs are suitable for TBI –
in-service generators and large power Transformer/Breaker Interchangeability
transformers, Figure 3. • Users have the choice between oil-filled
and manufactured by PCORE Electric, or oil-free bushing technologies for 15
that combine traditionally used materials Both businesses provide bushings certi­ kV through 138 kV voltage classes
with electrical grade porcelain insulators, fied to the IEEE-693 seismic standard to • Availability of high-creep and high-
which are well known and widely address utilities’ concerns for earthquakes altitude bushings as a standard offer­ing
accepted by the electrical industry. The and other major natural disasters. PCORE • All bushings are fabricated in ISO-9001
third more recent technology, known as is the only bushing manufacturer in the (2008) certified factories

• Oil-impregnated paper wound
• Oil-impregnated paper wound
• Oil-impregnated paper wound • Resin-impregnated paper wound
• Resin-impregnated paper wound
• Resin-impregnated paper wound • Solid cast epoxy composite bushing
• Solid cast epoxy composite bushing
• Solid cast epoxy composite bushing
core with internal/external
core with internal/external
core with internal/external core with external porcelain
core with external porcelain
core with external porcelain technology with integral epoxy sheds and
technology with integral epoxy sheds and
technology with integral epoxy sheds and
porcelain insulators.
porcelain insulators.
porcelain insulators. insulator.
insulator. condenser core, providing all the advantages
condenser core, providing all the advantages
condenser core, providing all the advantages
• Tried and proven bushing
• Tried and proven bushing
• Tried and proven bushing • Available in both oil-filled and oil-
• Available in both oil-filled and oil-
• Available in both oil-filled and oil- of oil-free technology
of oil-free technology
of oil-free technology
technology with +60 years track
technology with +60 years track
technology with +60 years track free designs.
free designs.
free designs. • Modern bushing technology with 20 years
• Modern bushing technology with 20 years
• Modern bushing technology with 20 years
record. • Transformer-Breaker
• Transformer-Breaker
• Transformer-Breaker proven field service
proven field service
proven field service
• Transformer-Breaker
• Transformer-Breaker
• Transformer-Breaker Interchangeable (TBI) bushing
Interchangeable (TBI) bushing
Interchangeable (TBI) bushing • Transformer-Breaker Interchangeable (TBI)
• Transformer-Breaker Interchangeable (TBI)
• Transformer-Breaker Interchangeable (TBI)
Interchangeable (TBI) bushing
Interchangeable (TBI) bushing
Interchangeable (TBI) bushing combined with high performance
combined with high performance
combined with high performance bushing combined with high performance
bushing combined with high performance
bushing combined with high performance
combined with high performance
combined with high performance
combined with high performance seismic capabilities.
seismic capabilities.
seismic capabilities. seismic capabilities
seismic capabilities
seismic capabilities
seismic capabilities.
seismic capabilities.
seismic capabilities. • Available per IEEE C57.19.01 and
• Available per IEEE C57.19.01 and
• Available per IEEE C57.19.01 and • Custom designs to meet difficult dimensional
• Custom designs to meet difficult dimensional
• Custom designs to meet difficult dimensional
• Available per IEEE C57.19.01 and
• Available per IEEE C57.19.01 and
• Available per IEEE C57.19.01 and CSA C88.1 bushing standards
CSA C88.1 bushing standards
CSA C88.1 bushing standards requirements
CSA C88.1 bushing standards.
CSA C88.1 bushing standards.
CSA C88.1 bushing standards. • Available per IEEE C57.19.01, CSA C88.1, IEC
• Available per IEEE C57.19.01, CSA C88.1, IEC
• Available per IEEE C57.19.01, CSA C88.1, IEC
60137 and DIN 48124 bushing standards
60137 and DIN 48124 bushing standards
60137 and DIN 48124 bushing standards

Figure 1. Available bushing technologies

® ® ® ® TM TM

Air - Oil
Air - Oil
Air - Oil 25kV - 500kV
25kV - 500kV
25kV - 500kV15kV - 72.5 kV
15kV - 72.5 kV
15kV - 72.5 kV 15kV - 145kV
15kV - 145kV
15kV - 145kV
Power Transformer
Power Transformer
Power Transformer
w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s Oil - Oil
- mOil - Oil
a g aOil - Oil
z i n e . co m - - - - - - 15kV - 145kV
15kV - 145kV
15kV - 145kV Electro Composites (2008) ULC
Electro Composites (2008) ULC
Electro Composites (2008) ULC
325 Scott Street, St-Jerome, QC J7Z 1H3 Canada
325 Scott Street, St-Jerome, QC J7Z 1H3 Canada
325 Scott Street, St-Jerome, QC J7Z 1H3 Canada
GSU Transformer
GSU Transformer
GSU Transformer Air - Oil
Air - Oil
Air - Oil 25kV - 500kV
25kV - 500kV
25kV - 500kV15kV - 72.5 kV
15kV - 72.5 kV
15kV - 72.5 kV 15kV - 35kV
15kV - 35kV
15kV - 35kV T 450-431-2777 / F 450-431-2717
T 450-431-2777 / F 450-431-2717
T 450-431-2777 / F 450-431-2717
Oil Circuit Breaker
Oil Circuit Breaker
Oil Circuit Breaker Air - Oil
Air - Oil
Air - Oil 25kV - 230kV
25kV - 230kV
25kV - 230kV15kV - 72.5 kV
15kV - 72.5 kV
15kV - 72.5 kV 15kV - 145kV
15kV - 145kV
15kV - 145kV ISO 9001:2008 Certified
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
ISO 9001:2008 Certified

Table 1. Bushing products offered by Hubbell

• Bushing designs are available for IEEE PCORE is the only bushing manufacturer in
C57.19.00/01, CSA C88.1 and IEC
60137 standards the world to offer a 500 kV oil-filled, porce-
• Standard configurations and “Eng­
ineered to Order” replacement bushing
lain bushings certified to the IEEE-693 seis-
options are available for critical applica­ mic standard

process, the type of bushing to use is not perature (ambient and temperature of the
Selection process always obvious. Parameters such as volt­ transformer), environment (enclosed or
When it comes to selecting a bushing age, current, strike distance, creep dis­ exposed), seismic requirements, angle of
for a transformer or similar equipment, tance and CT pock­et length are the usual installation, and many other application
there are many factors and considera­ selection criteria; however, consideration specifics play a determining role in selec­
tions involved in the choice of the type of for transformer overloading conditions ting the right bushing. Adding to this are
bushing to use, and within the selection (both overload ratio and duration), tem­ the complexities revolving around choos­

Figure 2. The range of applications for each of the three bushing types offered by Hubbell

28 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

Table 2. Insulating technologies for condenser type bushings
Condenser Type Internal Insulation External Insulation

• Porcelain or
• Oil Impregnated Paper • Oil & Paper
• Composite (Silicone)
• Porcelain or
• Resin-Impregnated Paper • Epoxy & Paper
• Composite (Silicone)
• Epoxy or
• Solid Cast Epoxy • Epoxy
• Silicone

Apart from usual selection criteria, over-

loading conditions, environment, seismic
requirements, angle of installation, etc. play
a determining role in selecting the bushing

ing within the myriad of bushing technol­ “A bushing in which metallic or nonmetallic
ogies now available in the market, where conducting layers are arranged within
there is a wide range and mix of tradition­al the insulating material for the purpose of
and new insulating technologies not limited controlling the distribution of the electric
to those summarized in Table 2, each pro­ field of the bushing, both axially and radi­
viding its own set of features and benefits. ally”. There are now many different types
of insulating materials used to make capa­
citance graded bushings available on the
Not all bushings are equal
The most common types of bushing used
Figure 3. 25 kV SDC™ GSU bushing on power transformers are capacitance How may we serve you?
graded bushings such as the PCORE Elec­
tric and Electro Composites PRC®, POC® PCORE Electric and Electro Composites
and SDC™ technologies. Bulk type or solid are one of the leaders when it comes to
type bushings can also be used in instan­ not only providing a diverse, high quality,
ces. A bulk type or solid type bushing is the evolving bushing offering but also has the
most basic type of bushing manufactured ability to offer the technical support to its
and is defined by the IEEEE C57.19.00 customers to help select the correct product
as: “A non-capacitance graded bushing in for the application. It is this ability that
which the major insulation is provided by PCORE Electric and Electro Composites’
a ceramic or analogous material placed customers have come to expect.
around the energized conductor”. This type
of bushing is usually limited to 34.5 kV. Please visit Hubbell’s new website www.
Due to no capacitance grading, partial dis­ hubbell.com/hubbellpowersystems/en
charge can be an issue with these designs. for more information on bushing pro­
To withstand higher voltages, the bushing ducts and the wide range of other
must be physically larger which then cause distribution, transmission and sub­
a challenge in meeting the maximum dia­ station products offered by Hubbell
meters specified in the IEEE standard. Power Systems.

When considerations are being made for CONTACT:

high voltage bushings, a capacitance grad­
ed bushing is the current industry’s pre­ PCORE Electric - Electro Composites
ferred bushing design. Capacitance grad­ Product Support Team
ed bushings are defined by the IEEE as bushings@hubbell.com

Figure 4. 25 kV PRC® oil-free bushing

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 29

of condenser

Bushing is a device
that enables one or
several conductors to
pass through a parti-
tion such as a wall or
a tank, insulating the
conductor from it

ABSTRACT 1. Introduction • Oil-to-air type – used for installations

in outdoor substations, i.e. air-insulated
This article focuses on the concept
The bushing is a device enabling one or substations (AIS),
several conductors to pass through a par­
of capacitance-graded, i.e. condenser
tition such as a wall or a tank, insulating • Oil-to-SF6 gas type – used in gas-insu­
bushings – both oil-impregnated and
the conductor from it. In this case the tank lated indoor substations (GIS) and in
resin-impregnated paper bushings –
refers to the tank of the EHV transformer hybrid substations1,
for extra-high voltage transformers. Af-
ter a description of the dielectric loss,
• Oil-to-oil type – used for oil-filled cable
the article goes on to describe the se-
Various type of bushings for different ap­ boxes to receive cables.
lection, testing, transportation, storage plications are defined in IEC-60137 [1]
and installation of these bushings, so and IS: 2099 [9]. However, for extra-high The condenser-type bushings include oil-
as to avoid a bushing failure which may voltage (EHV) power transformer appli­ impregnated paper (OIP) bushings and
lead to a catastrophic failure of trans- cations (66 kV and above), different types resin-impregnated paper (RIP) bushings.
formers. of external media matter are used with the They have proved their superiority over
lower end dipped in oil inside the trans­ the synthetic resin-bonded paper (SRBP
KEYWORDS former main tank. 1
A hybrid substation is a substation having both an
indoor portion containing EHV equipment in SF6 gas
oil-impregnated paper bushings, There are three types of bushings gener­ enclosures, and an outdoor portion. This type of sub-
resin-impregnated paper bushings, ally used in EHV transformer applica­ station is constructed where space is a constraint for
dielectric loss tions: further expansion of the substation.

30 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017


or RBP) bushings by meeting stringent There are three types of bushings generally
partial discharge (PD) requirement as
stip­ulated in IEC-60137 for the bushings used in EHV transformer applications: oil-
for EHV transformers [1]. to-air, oil-to-SF6, and oil-to-oil type
2. Conceptualizing degree of vacuum (0.005 mm) and then The concept of the equipotential gradient
capacitance-graded impregnated with degassed transformer from the live conductor to flange at the
(condenser) bushings oil in case of OIP bushings, or with epoxy earth potential through cylindrical con­
resin in case of RIP bushings. They are densers formed as condensers in series, as
Equipotential gradient is illustrated by finally assembled by being encapsulated explained above, is shown in Figure 2(a)
considering an example of five capaci- under pressure in hollow cylindrical glazed [3], along with the formula expressing the
tors C1, C2, C3, C4, and C5, each of 20 nF, porcelain bushings having appropriate calculation of the potential gradient Ex at
connected in series to a 250 V supply creepage distance through the rain sheds/ any distance x from the centre of the cen­
with reference to the earth, Fig. 1, and petty-coats and other necessary fittings and tral tube, shown in Figure 2(b) [4].
by applying the equation (1): accessories.

1=1+1+1+1+1 (1)
Ct C1 C2 C3 C4 C5

Therefore, Ct = 20 = 4 nF. (2)

In turn, the voltage developed against
each capacitor is as follows:
250 = 50 V (3)
The equipotential of 50 volts is maintained
in the descending order from 250 volts to
0 volts (earth potential).

2.1 The concept of condenser

Figure 1. A specimen circuit of capacitors, each of 20 nF, connected in series

The condenser bushing is conceptualized

applying the principle of a uniform poten­
tial gradient/grading of the electric field
from the live EHV conductor to the fixing
flange of the transformer which is at the
earth potential, through series capacitors.

The OIP/RIP bushings are manufactured

with great precision maintaining equal
capacitances between each cylindrical
condenser, formed between two co-axial
aluminium-foil cylinders encircling the
bush­ing central pipe/rod over the layers
of cellulose paper (superior grade kraft
paper) wrappings. The kraft paper is
dried by heated cylinders until the water
content is reduced to a maximum of 1 %.
The condensers thus formed are in series.
The number of series condensers of equal
capacitances is decided using computer-
aided design, maintaining an equal po­
tential gradient from the central tube/rod
at high voltage to the bushing flange at the
earth potential. The condenser core is built
by wrapping the superior grade kraft paper Figure 2. (a) The concept of potential graded condenser bushings [3]; (b) calculation of
between aluminium foils, and this is perform­ the potential gradient Ex at a distance x from the centre of the cylindrical tube/rod of the
ed in a dust-free chamber sub­ject­ed to a high bushing [4]

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 31

The graded bushing has a more uniform dis- 2.3 Effects of a series capacitor
tribution of potential as compared to that of
the ungraded bushing If assumed that C1, C2, C3, C4 have capaci­
tances of 100 pF each, as shown in Figure 5,
by applying the equation (1) the follow­ing
is obtained:
2.2 Definitions and significance of
C1, C2 and tan δ 1= 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4
Ct 100 100 100 100 100 (4)
Locations of C1 and C2 in a condenser
bushing are illustrated in Figure 4. The
sig­nificance of measurements of tan δ and Therefore, the total capacitance is:
capacitances is mentioned hereunder:
Ct = 100 = 25 μF (5)
• C1 is the total capacitance of all the
capacitors formed from the central If one of the capacitors is shorted, for ex­
conductor to the test tap ample C3, based on the equation (4) the
• tan δ (the dissipation factor) is the following can be obtained:
measure from the central tube/
conductor of the condenser bushing to 1 = 1+ 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 (6)
the test tap Ct C1 C2 x C4 100
• C2 is the capacitance between the test
Figure 3. Comparison of potential distribution tap and the flange of the bushing (at Therefore: Ct = 100 = 33.33 pF (7)
in graded and ungraded bushings [5] 3
earth potential)
So, it can be established that total capaci­
The voltage distribution of graded and un­ The abovementioned two measures of C1 tance will increase if one or more of the
graded bushings is illustrated in Figure 3. and tan δ are benchmark measurements capacitors in series get shorted.
The distribution of potential in the graded for assessing the quality of insulation of
bushing from 100 % voltage to 0 % voltage the condenser bushing.
is uniform as compared to that of the un­ 3. Dissipation factor tan δ
graded bushing. The graded bushings con­ When the test tap cover is closed, C 2 is
trol the field longitudinally (axially), result­ connected in series with C1 to form the The measurement of the dissipation fac­
ing in ultimate reduction in diameter of total capacitance of the bushing from tor signifies the quality of the insulating
the bushing, unlike that of the ungraded the central conductor to the fixing material. It is defined as the ratio of the
bushing, which needs larger diameter (i.e. flange on the turret. The flange, in current through the impurity seen as the
increase in volume to accommodate more turn, is earthed on the top cover of the resistance to the current through the orig­
insulating material) and becomes bulky transformer which is kept at the earth inal capacitance of the condenser bush­
for the same voltage class. potential. ing. In other words, any increase in the
dissipation factor tan δ is an indication
of deterioration of its original insulating
quality. The significance and the phasor
representation of tan δ in reference to the
construction of condenser bushings, see
section 2.1 and Figures 2(a) and 4, is ex­
plained as follows.

The angle δ is the loss angle and the tan δ is

the loss factor (dissipation factor).

In an AC voltage circuit, when a sinusoidal

voltage is applied across an ideal capacitor,
the capacitive current leads the applied
voltage by 90° (i.e. IC = ωCV). Impurities,
if any, developed in the capacitor act as a
resistor in parallel. The current I gets di­
vided into two parallel paths, one through
the capacitor and the other through the
resistor (impurity). They are indicated as
IC and IR, respectively, Fig. 6.
Figure 4. C1 is the total value of the capacitors in series from the central rod/tube to test
tap and C2 is the total value of capacitors from test tap to the bushing flange As per the phasor diagram, the current

32 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

C1 and tan δ are benchmark measurements In other words, tan δ is directly proportion­
al to the power factor, and if PF increases,
for assessing the quality of insulation of the tan δ shall also increase. It can be observed
condenser bushing that there is a very minor difference between
the values of tan δ and the power factor.

5. Selection of bushings
5.1 Main parts of an OIP bushing
The main parts of an OIP bushing are
illustrated in Figure 7a.

Figure 5. Equal capacitors in series

Figure 6. The loss angle δ = 90 - Φ is the angle between the phasors IC and I

phasor I no longer leads the voltage pha­ or some of the condensers get shorted.
sor V by 90°, but rather by ϕ o = 90°– δ. • Dielectric loss is directly proportional
to tan δ, C and square of the voltage as
Therefore: IC = I∙cos δ, ωCV = I∙cos δ ω = 2πf, where f (frequency of a power
(as IC = ωCV) system) normally does not vary sharp­
ly; therefore, ω is considered to be con­
Thus, I = ωCV
cos δ (8) stant.

Dielectric loss = V∙I∙cos ϕ = V∙I∙sin δ =

V∙ ωCV
4. Dissipation factor vs.
cos δ sin δ (9)
power factor
Dielectric loss = ωCV 2 ∙ tan δ (10) Dissipation factor tan δ is used in European
and Asian countries, including India, whe­
where, reas in the U.S., Canada and some other
countries power factor cos ϕ is used to spe­
tan δ = IR cify the power losses in the insulation [6].
In view of (8), (9) and (10), the following tan δ = PF 2 and PF = tan δ2 (11)
√1+tan δ

can be inferred: √1+PF
A sample comparative calculation using
• Increase in tan δ value is an indication the formula tan δ = PF 2 is:
of deterioration of the insulation. √1+PF
• Increase in C takes place when either a) for PF = 0.4; tan δ = 0.371
moisture ingresses into the insulation b) for PF = 0.5; tan δ = 0.447 Figure 7a. Components of a condenser bushing [7]

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 33

The total capacitance will increase if one or sheds of such bushings for use in an EHV
transformer, as illustrated in Figure 10a
more of the capacitors in series get shorted and 10b.

It is essential that the customers (OEMs)

5.2 Voltage ratings atmosphere with a creepage distance of indicate the type of the sheds required for
25 mm/kV, unless a different specific the bushings for EHV transformers they
Bushings are manufactured with voltage pollution level is specified by the customer. propose to manufacture.
ratings equivalent to the highest system
voltages. For example, HV bushings of 5.4 Arcing distance 5.6 Ambient temperature
420 kV are used on the HV side and the
bushings of 245 kV on the 220 kV side of Arcing distance is the shortest distance in Transformer manufacturer should also be
400/220/33  kV transformers. The other the air external to the insulator between informed about the minimum and maxi­
voltage ratings of bushings used include metallic parts which normally have the mum ranges of the ambient temperature
145  kV for 132  kV systems, 36  kV for operating voltage between them, Fig. 9. where the transformer will be located.
33  kV systems, etc. When selecting HV According to the standards, these tem­
bushings, it is also important that they The arcing distance depends on the p­erature ranges are as follows:
have a higher basic insulation level (BIL) altitude. If the altitude where the
than that of the transformer winding. BIL transformer is to be installed exceeds • – 40 °C to + 40 °C for cold countries, as
is the highest lightning impulse voltage 1,000 m, then the arcing distance needs to per IEC 60137 [1]
expressed in kVp (kilovolts peak) which be increased. Considering that air density • – 5 °C to + 50 °C for tropical countries
power equipment can withstand without at high altitudes is lower than that at the like India, as per IS: 2099 [9]
any damage. For example, 400/220  kV sea level, the dielectric strength of the
class transformers are equipped with HV atmospheric air at high altitudes will also 5.7 Angle of inclination for
bushings rated for 420  kV with the BIL be lower. The arcing distance needs to mounting
of 1,425 kVp, while the BIL rating of the be increased by 1 % for each 100 meters
transformer winding is 1,300 kVp [8]. This exceeding 1,000 m [1, 9]. The types of bushings are also designated
is essentially required for maintaining as per angle of inclination [1, 9]:
insulation coordination between the 5.5 Type of sheds of the bushings
insulation of the windings and that of the for AIS applications • Vertical bushings are designed and
bushings against the ill-effects of peak constructed to be installed up to and
lightning impulse voltages. The shapes of porcelain sheds are also includ­ing 30° from the vertical.
important while selecting the porcelain • Horizontal bushings are designed and
As per the phenomenon of the lightning bush­
ings for AIS applications, which constructed to be installed at an angle
impulse voltage wave, it rises from zero va­ depend on ambient conditions such as equal to or greater than 70° from the
lue to its peak value (in kVp) in 1.2 μs and snow, fog, etc. There are two types of vertical.
then falls to 50 % of the peak value in 50 μs.
This is denoted as 1.2/50 μs, Fig. 8 [1, 9].

5.3 Minimum nominal creepage


Minimum nominal creepage distance is

the shortest distance along the surface
of an insulator between two conductive
parts. In the case of bushings, this is the
distance between the bushing top metallic
dome/terminal and the flange, which is
referred to in terms of mm/kV, Fig. 9 [1, 9].

The requirement for the creepage distance

may be specified by the customer based on Oil Filled
the pollution level of the location w­here
the power transformers are to be installed,
as shown below [1, 9]:

• Heavily polluted – 25 mm/kV

• Very heavily polluted – 31 mm/kV

The manufacturers generally install

ings suitable for heavily-polluted Figure 7b. Oil-to-oil type bushing used for cable connection through an oil-filled cable box

34 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

The requirement for
the creepage distance
is specified based on
the pollution level of
the location where the
power transformers
are to be installed

Figure 8. Lightning impulse voltage profile

6. Factory tests • Type tests. Type tests are performed on 4. Measurement of partial discharge
a few selected bushings out of the lot to quantity*
As stipulated in IEC 60137 [1] and prove that the design adopted by the 5. Tests on tap insulation
IS: 2099 [9], the bushings are subjected to manufacturers satisfies the specification 6. Pressure test on liquid-filled and
the following tests: and GTP of the customer. These tests are liquid-insulated bushings
invariably witnessed by the customer’s
representative. * The maximum discharge quantity at Um
• Routine tests. Routine tests are per­ should be <10 pC in case of OIP & RIP
formed on each and every unit of the bushings, as prescribed by IEC: 60137
bush­ing. This is mandatory on the part
of the manufacturer. 6.2 Acceptance tests
• Acceptance tests. Acceptance tests are
performed on a few randomly selected Acceptance tests are the same set of tests
bushings, and they are generally wit­ as routine tests.
nessed by the representative of the cus­
tomer. These tests are also called FAT 6.3 Type tests
(Factory Acceptance Tests).
1. Wet power frequency voltage with­
6.1 Routine tests stand test
2. Dry lightning impulse voltage with­
1. Measurement of dielectric dissipation stand test
factor tan δ and capacitance at ambient 3. Dry or wet switching impulse voltage
temperature withstand test
2. Dry power frequency voltage with- 4. Thermal stability test
stand test 5. Temperature rise test
Figure 9. Arcing distance and creepage distance 3. Dry lightning impulse voltage with- 6. Thermal short time current withstand
of the bushing stand test (for Um >72.5 kV) test

Figure 10a. Anti-fog shapes of porcelain sheds Figure 10b. Alternate shapes of porcelain sheds

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 35

The shapes of porcelain sheds are also im- not be allowed to climb over the bush­
ings for any work such as connecting
portant while selecting the porcelain bush- the leads and overhead jumpers, etc.
ings for AIS applications Instead, a proper bucket truck/bucket
crane should be used for the workmen
to stand and pull the lead in order to
7. Dynamic current withstand test 7.2 Storage make lead connections in the draw-lead
8. Cantilever load withstand test type bushings as well as the draw-rod
9. Tightness test on liquid-filled and li­ Bushings can be stored outdoors with tar­ connection type bushings. Similarly,
quid-insulated bushings paulin covering, maintaining the 6 to 8 the jumpers from the overhead gantry
degree inclination to the horizontal plane to the bushing terminals should also be
Before and after the thermal and dielec­ and keeping the oil end at the lower level. connected through this arrangement.
tric tests, measurements of tan  δ, capa­ • Before it is energised, the bushing
citance and partial discharge are carried 7.3 Unpacking and handling must be kept in an upright position or
out to check and verify whether a punc­ mounted on the transformer for a peri­
ture or any other significant damage has • While unpacking the bushings, care od of minimum 24 hours [10].
occurred during the course of the above should be taken such that the bushings • For lifting and installing the bushings,
listed tests. do not experience any kind of jerks. non-metallic ropes, preferably nylon
• Steel rope and chain pulley block should ropes should be used, Figure 11 [10].
not be used for lifting, instead, manila
7. Transportation, storage or nylon ropes should be used for lifting
and installation of the the bushing from the crate, ensuring
8. Bushings dos and don’ts
bushing that the ropes hold the bushing at its top
and bottom ends, for lifting it horizon­
The following points need to be strictly tally or in some angle of inclination. 1. Check and verify if the bushing has
followed during the transportation, stor­ • Never rest the bottom stress shield on been transported in a crate so that
age, unpacking, handling and erection of the ground (in the case of non-detach­ the oil end is at the lower level and the
the EHV bushings [10]. able stress shields). bushing is inclined making an angle of
6-8° with the horizon.
7.1 Transportation 7.4 Erection 2. Check and verify if there is any
damage to the crate externally before
Bushings can be transported in a wooden • The bushing should be carefully unpacking the bushing.
crate maintaining an angle of 6 to 8 de­ c­hecked physically for any damages, 3. Unpack the bushing with care so as to
grees to the horizontal plane, so that the cracks, etc. avoid any kind of damage to the bush­
oil end is at the lower level. The transpor­ • The insulation resistance (IR) should ing or the porcelain of the bushing.
tation should be jerk-free. also be measured. Workmen should 4. Verify the name plate details.
5. Handle the bushings with non-metal­
lic nylon ropes while removing from
the crate, hoisting and assembling
onto the transformer.
6. While storing the bushing in a crate,
make sure that the bushing is inclined
making an angle of 6-8° with the
horizontal plane, with its oil end at the
7. The bushing should be covered with
tarpaulin and stored in a shed to safe­
guard it against rain and atmospheric
8. Clean the bushing insulator thor­
oughly before testing it for tan δ and
9. Check for oil level and oil leakages in
a bushing.
10. If spare bushing is to be tested, it
should be fitted in the upright positi­
on in an oil chamber filled with trans­
former oil and then tested.
11. Before installation of the bushing, the
unit should be kept in the upright po­
Figure 11. Installation/erection of a bushing (draw-lead type) [10] sition for more than 24 hours.

36 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

12. Verify that the terminal clamps are Tan δ, capacitance and partial discharge are
Cu-Al bimetallic clamps.
13. Verify that the terminal clamps are suit­ measurements before and after the thermal
able for particular ACSR (Aluminum and dielectric tests to verify whether any
Conductor Steel Reinforced) or AAA
(All Aluminum Alloy) conductor significant damages have occurred
used for jumpering.
14. Verify that the test tap cover is electri­
cally connected to the bushing flange. distribution of potential as compared to [4] E. W. Golding, Electrical measure-
15. Verify that the test tap cover is proper­ that of the ungraded bushing. ments and measuring instruments, 4th
ly fixed on to the test tap. edition, 1955 (reprinted in 1962)
16. Proper safety measures are to be taken C1 and tan δ are benchmark measure­
so as to safeguard the life of men, ma­ ments for assessing the quality of insula­ [5] NPTEL lecture notes, retrieved from
terial and instruments from high volt­ tion of the condenser bushing. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/108104048/lec­
age induction. ture3/slide3.htm
17. Proper record of the bushings should The requirement for the creepage distance
be maintained for routine mainte­ is specified based on the pollution level of [6] HAEFLEY TEST AG’s Midas 228x,
nance, such as IR value, tan δ and ca­ the location where the power transform­ operating instructions
pacitance measurements and thermo­ ers are to be installed.
vision survey reports. [7] THVS OIP Condenser Bushing
18. Care should be taken while testing for High-voltage Transformers, Type
for tan δ and capacitance of C2 that is
References OTA72.5 kV to 1200 kV up to 5000  A,
test tap to flange, the test voltage range [1] IEC – 60137, Edition 7.0 2017- 06, In- Trench High Voltage Products Ltd, Shen­
should be 500 V to 2 kV only. ternational Electro-technical Commis­ yang, China
19. Immediately replace the bushing sion Standard for Insulated bushings for
whose tan δ and capacitance values are Alternating Voltages Above 1000 V [8] Central Board of Irrigation and Power,
de­teriorating from the standard values. Manual on Transformers, No. 317, April
[2] S.Tenbohlen,J Jagers et al. Development 2013
and results of a worldwide transformer
reliability survey, CIGRE A2 Colloquium [9] IS: 2099 - 1986 (Reaffirmed 2003),
1. Do not accept the bushings without 2015,China, 20-25 Sept 2015, on behalf of Indian Standard Specification for Bush­
test certificates of the tests witnessed CIGRE WG A2.37, CIGRE, Formation of ings for Alternating Voltage Above 1000
by the authorized representative of the WG A2-37 Document DTD, 14.01.2008 Volts
2. Do not unpack the bushing from the [3] Marcos E.G Alves, J. C. da Silva, S.A. [10] Alstom T&D, Instruction manual
crate unless required for erection/as­ Cemig, Online Capacitance & Tangent for installation and O&M of OIP con-
sembling. Delta Monitoring for Condensive Bush­ings, denser bushings (Oil to Air) (24kV…
3. Do not at any case or circumstances CIGRE Conference, Brasil, 20-24 Dec 2007 420kV):
use any metallic rope for lifting,
hoisting and mounting the unit on the
4. Do not test the bushing if the weather
is very moist and rainy. K.K. Murty holds a Bachelor’s degree (Hons) in
5. Care should be taken not to test the Electrical Engineering obtained from the University of
Jabalpur, India. He was a former Chief Engineer and
tan δ and capacitance of C2 that is test
Head of Department at M.P. Power Transmission Co. Ltd.
tap to flange with any voltage beyond
Jabalpur (India), he was a member of the panel of expert
2 kV
professionals at the Central Power Research Institute
6. Do not try to dismantle the bushing at
(CPRI), Bangalore, from 2008 to 2012. Previous to this, he
the site without approval of the com­
worked as an Advisor (Testing) at SOUTHCO, a discom
petent authorities/manufacturers.
in the state of Odisha, a Metering Consultant to M. P. Electricity Regulatory
7. Do not climb on the bushing for
Commission and a Course Director for the graduate electrical engineering
cleaning, making connecting terminal
trainees at the Training Institute of MPPTCL, Jabalpur. He has published a few
clamps, etc.
technical articles in national and international journals and presented some
technical papers at various national and international conferences pertaining
Conclusion to power transformers, other power equipment and power systems, etc. Mr.
Murty is a Member of India’s Society of Power Engineers (MSPE), a Fellow
There are three types of bushings generally of Institution of Engineers, India (FIE) and is a Chartered Engineer (CE). In
used in EHV transformer applications: October 2015 he was awarded a plaque in recognition of his eminence and
oil-to-air, oil-to-SF6, and oil-to-oil type. contribution to the profession of electrical engineering at the national level by
the Institution of Engineers (India).
The graded bushing has a more uniform

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 37

CEDASPE – Bushings
and accessories for
distribution and power
ounded in 1967, CEDASPE cele­ it to CEDASPE in 1994 after acquiring machining centers and turning machines.
brates its 50th company anniversary ASPE. There were bigger changes in the 1990s:
this year. Based in Italy, CEDASPE European Trafo Products (ETP) was
has grown from a small workshop The company started growing in 1976 found­ed with a local partner in Singapore
with three employees and one product when Gian Franco Giorgi, the current in 1997 in order to serve the Southeast
line into an international company with man­aging director, joined the company. Asian market better. After taking over the
three plants in Italy and an expansive He immediately spearheaded the develop­ companies ASPE (1994) and Fornasari
product range. Today, CEDASPE is part ment of new products for transformers, (1998), CEDASPE moved to its current
of the REINHAUSEN Group, working such as butterfly valves and bushings in headquarters in San Giliano Milanese, Italy.
closely with other members of the group a voltage range up to 52 kV. Export busi­ The product offerings were also updated,
and sharing expertise and experience to ness picked up speed and new customers beginning with low-voltage bushings for
improve customer services. continued to flock to them from all over distribution transformers. CEDASPE was
Europe and around the world. the first company to develop a new de­
sign in accordance with EN 50386. The
The History of CEDASPE In 1986, Andrea Giorgi joined the compa­ ED bushing series was a revolution on the
In 1967, Giorgio Giorgi founded CED ny as a plant manager and established new market, forcing the competition to keep
Elettromeccanica S.r.I. in Milan, renaming production lines, including modern CNC pace. The innovations continued over the

38 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017


CEDASPE, today a member of the REINHAUSEN Group, has grown into

an international company with three plants in Italy and an expansive
product range
years with a new Buchholz relay, a new de­ and EN 50216 standards. Moreover, the silicone insulators not just for overhead
sign for the oil level indicator (including expert team supports customers by deter­ lines or condenser-type high voltage
an electronic version with value transmis­ mining the best possible design for special bushings.
sion), new butterfly valves (zero leakage), and extreme applications.
new dehydrating breathers and new ter­ “It was a highlight for our develop­
minal boxes. In 2014, the decision was reached to ment team and we are very proud of the
invest in a new product line: the Silicone product’s success. But we are not resting
Internationalization continued: In 2007, Bushing Composite (SBC) series for on our laurels – we are currently working
CEDASPE concluded a joint venture power transformers. Following the latest on a new product that will hopefully be
with Sukrut Electric Company Private market trends, the next logical step was successful,” explained Gian Franco Giorgi,
Limited for the Indian market. In 2009, to upgrade substation technology using managing director of CEDASPE.
British Transformer Components Ltd.
(BTRAC) was founded. Today, BTRAC
is also a member of the REINHAUSEN
Group. ETP also began producing
bushings for distribution transformers
as well as assembling bushings for power
transformers in Singapore, supervised by

The product portfolio

CEDASPE has always invested in new
technologies to create the best product
range for its customers. The product
portfolio includes the key CEDASPE
products; bushings for distribution
and power transformers, instruments
and protection devices such as oil level
gauges and Buchholz relays, as well as
tank accessories, e.g. butterfly valves and
terminal boxes.

All products have been designed in order

to meet and exceed minimum standard re­
quirements in accordance with IEC 60137

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 39

The product portfolio includes transformer Advantages of distribution

bushings, instruments and protection bushings — ED series:
devices, as well as tank accessories | Optimal tightening solution
| Smart assembly, packaging and
delivery process
CEDASPE SBC—Silicone response to the ever-increasing demand | Best value-price guarantee
Bushing Composite for a safe, efficient and reliable product
that can help both OEMs and utility com­ | Rated voltage = 1 kV max.
The Silicone Bushing Composite (SBC) panies optimize the total operational costs | From 250 A to 4500 A
range, the new family of bushings, is the of the transformer.
| Copper and brass versions
The CEDASPE SBC is a hollow-core oil- | Multiple connection styles
filled composite bushing featuring a wide | Nylon bottom-insulating body
operational range: from 12 kV to 52 kV | Tin-plating treatment available upon
rated voltage and from 630 A to 4500 A request
rated current. | Customized/special solutions available
upon request
The insulation body is made of a fiberglass
tube with an integrated aluminum flange
that improves the bushing strength, re­
ducing the risk of oil leakage. The silicone
insulator is molded directly onto the fiber­
glass tube by a modern, state-of-the-art
injection system based on liquid silicone
technology (LSR).

This use of silicone technology ensures

that the bushing is safe and maintenance-
free, and it has a longer service life as a

SBC 36-M42-RSA:
Test passed at KIPTS
(@ ESKOM - South Africa)

The most recent goal achieved by

C­EDASPE: the SBC bushings have been
positively tested at Koeberg Insulator
P­ollution Test Station (KIPTS); the official
test certificate has been issued by ESKOM
Advantages of CEDASPE SBC: on 31/07/2017. Bushings for power and
distribution transformers
| Guaranteed safety Tests started more than one year ago
| Improved total cost of ownership according to ESKOM specifications: the Bushings for power and distribution
| High level of technical perforance SBC 36-M42-RSA bushing successfully transformers are the core business of
and reliability passed both light-to-medium and CEDASPE. With two series of porcelain
heavy-to-very heavy test cycles: thus bushings for power transformers (HV,
| Resistant to extreme environmental certifying this product is fit for use in HC) and three series of porcelain
conditions both an inland non-coastal and coastal bushings for distribution transformers
environment. (ED, LV, MV), as well as flags and bushing
| Simple design as well as long service
connections in almost every size and
The innovative CEDASPE SBC design design, the company can find the best
| Integrated flange — improved strength has the same overall dimensions of the solution for every customer in accordance
| Low weight—simplified handling and corresponding porcelain-type bushing, with their specifications.
mounting in accordance with either DIN 42533 and
| Can be retrofitted — interchangeability 4 or EN 50180, allowing for replacement CEDASPE also manufactures highly spe­
between DIN/EN standards on-site during normal transformer cialized parts, such as busbars for rectifiers
maintenance operations. and furnace transformers.

40 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

Instruments and protection Tank accessories This year CEDASPE
CEDASPE also supplies a variety of
celebrated its 50th
“Some of the first products in the products for the tank of a transformer, anniversar y under
CEDASPE portfolio included oil level such as butterfly valves, terminal boxes or
gauges. We are currently producing three conventional breathers. They round out a the motto “Full steam
different types of gauges in different sizes,” large range of offerings meeting customer ahead”
said Giorgi. Well-versed in transformer needs for their transformers.
operation, CEDASPE used its expertise
to develop a new oil level indicator with our CEDASPE SBC silicone bushings is
inclined flange mounting and a large dial
50 years of CEDASPE especially motivating.
indicator, new pressure relief devices and This year, CEDASPE celebrated an im­
special oil flow indicators. portant company anniversary: 50 years of The silicone bushings are the stars of
CEDASPE. The official birthday celebrati­ your product portfolio. What are the
CEDASPE Buchholz relays are designed on was held in Milan under the motto “Full special features of this product?
to detect faults and prevent damage steam ahead.” In mid-June, the company ce­
from spreading in oil-filled transformers. lebrated its anniversary with over 90 guests We designed our SBC bushing because we
The main series are the EB and EE lines. in the Leonardo da Vinci National Muse­ believe it is the answer to future market
Offering various other series, including um of Science and Technology. The three requirements: safety, cost-effectiveness
several adaptation solutions, CEDASPE brothers Enrico, Gian Franco and Andrea and reliability. A smart design, featuring
makes any replacement possible. Giorgi took the opportunity to thank all a high quality fiber glass tube and an in­
their loyal customers, suppliers and emplo­ novative flange, makes the product strong,
yees. “It is impressive today, look­ing back at ex­tremely flexible and easy to use.
the years. 50 years ago, nobody expected
such successful development. Now, we are What are the targets for the company
looking forward to experiencing the next in the next few years?
stage of our company history as a member
of the REINHAUSEN family,” said Gian We intend to expand our portfolio with new
Franco Giorgi. products in order to increase our presence
on the market. Thanks to the worldwide
presence of the REINHAUSEN Group, we
Three questions for Gian are able to reach every corner of the world
Franco Giorgi, managing and definitively become recognized as the
director and son of the market leader in transformer hollow-core
founder of CEDASPE bushings and components.

CEDASPE is a fast growing company

– as part of Reinhausen Group, you
are in a good position for the next 50 Cedaspe Power S.r.l.
years of company history. What were Via Colombara, 1 – Franz. Pedriano
Advantages of Buchholz relays: your highlights from the last 50 years? I-20098 S. Giuliano Milanese (MI) – ITALY
Tel. +39 02 9820 4411
| Waterproof (IP 65) Looking back on this fantastic half century, cedsale@cedaspe.com
| Large inspection window we still remember the late eighties, when www.cedaspe.com
| Flexible replacement of existing CEDASPE was already exporting almost
and old solutions 80% of its product around the world
(to South East Asia, Arabia and South
| Inlet pipe diameter: America). We also remember our big
25 mm / 50 mm / 80 mm success on the market when we launched
| Round flange, 4- or 8-hole version the ED LV bushing series at the beginning
of the millennium. In addition to high-
| Body in aluminum alloy casting
current bushings for generator step-up
| Environmental conditions from -60 °C transformers (GSU), the recent success of
up to +70 °C
| Finishing for extreme/high corrosive
| Several wiring diagram options
| Trip up to 2 m/s
| RG3.2/RG3.3 gas collecting device

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 41

Pluggable bushings up to 550 kV

are quick and easy to install, re-
quiring no oil work – time require-
ments are reduced by up to 75 per-
cent when transformers are first

Pluggable bushings:
More flexibility for existing
and new grid facilities
developed around twenty years ago 1. Introduction
mainly for testing and measurement
In the years ahead, increasing decentral­
Pluggable bushings offer numerous purposes, has been steadily growing in
isation of power generation will require
advantages over conventional bushings, recent years – together with their scope continuous adjustments to the grid
but with the same performance of applications. Given the changing struc­ture. Transformers need to be
characteristics: simple and much faster grid structure and rising challenges quick to install, interchangeable, and
to install, they do not require any oil or associated with the energy transition, permit a variety of uses in the long term.
gas work on site in the substation; they grid operators worldwide recognise the Meanwhile, increasing urbanisation is
are solid-insulated, explosion-proof, and advantages of pluggable bushings in placing increasing demands on existing
can be replaced and used over again terms of greater planning flexibility and substations. Within space constraints and
at any time. Plus they are significantly the future flexible use of transformers. with interruptions kept to a minimum,
shorter, requiring considerably less they need to be modified for higher
space inside a transformer. Of course, capacities. Connection components
the same is true for use in gas-
KEYWORDS such as bushings play a key role. For
insulated switchgear (GIS). Demand pluggable bushings, flexible trans-
example, pluggable bushings enable
rapid installation of equipment for
for pluggable bushings, which were formers, future-proof grid structure
temporarily bypassing a transformer, or
for its permanent operation – both for

42 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017


Pluggable bushings also enable reconfigura-

tion of the grid structure, and due to increasing
decentralisation of power generation, this need
will increase in the years ahead

bubbles formed during the procedure to 3. Challenge: Combining

escape. The procedure is much simpler capacitive with geometric
and, as such, much cheaper with a control
transformer equipped with a universally
pluggable interface. After switching off, With pluggable cable connectors, termina­
the old bushing is simply unplugged and tions, surge arresters and bushings, a com­
the new one plugged in. This only takes prehensive product portfolio is available
1.5 hours to complete, after which the for pluggable connection systems from
grid operator can restore the redundancy 6 kV to 550 kV. There is one crucial feature
within the substation. For the Total Cost in the development of pluggable bushings,
of Ownership (TCO) calculation, this however: while pluggable cable connec­
means minimal costs for personnel and tors join together geometric field controls
system downtime. on each side, a pluggable bushing has to
combine the socket’s geometric control
Apart from easy installation when build­ with the capacitive bushing. The compact
ing new facilities, during replacement, design offering the advantages both of the
and for flexible reconfiguration of station­ pluggable bushing and the space-saving,
ary systems, pluggable bushings are also standardised connector in the trans­
advantageous in temporary applications. former is possible only by combining the
Thanks to their solid insulation, there is two field control types.
absolutely no environmental risk when
temporarily replacing overhead power The composition of pluggable bushings
lines with cables. Moreover, they simplify is illustrated here using the example of
and speed up the construction of tem­ an HV-CONNEX Gr. 7-S bushing for
porary systems. voltages up to 362 kV. Numerous product
variants of different sizes for voltage levels
from 123 kV to 362 kV are now available –
2. One interface – many and a pluggable bushing for up to 550 kV
connection possibilities is currently in development.
The basic requirement for being able to use
pluggable bushings is to have a univer­­sal
pluggable interface in the transformer. This
4. High current-carrying
offers far more flexible application options capacity up to 2,600 amps
than conventional, fixed connection The actual conductor is located inside
new installations and for modifications to systems. For example, both bushings and the bushing, Fig. 2. Usually it is made of
gas-insulated or conventional switchgear. cable connections can be used via the same copper, though aluminium is possible
What is more, the ability to simply replace socket, without having to intervene in the in some cases. To counteract the strong
the pluggable components increases sensitive inner workings of the systems, Fig. warming of the conductor and hence the
the reliability of the overall system. 1. The dry, solid-insulated and pluggable danger of overheating, which is amplified
The outage times during maintenance socket is also more compact, so it takes up by the insulation, the bushing uses “heat
or during midlife refurbishment are less space. As a result, transform­er designs pipe” technology: the conductor consists
reduced significantly, meaning that the can be more compact. With regard to their of a copper tube containing a liquid which
redundancy within the substation is future uses, transformers or GIS equipped sublimates into a gaseous state as the tem­
restored in less time. With the standard with a pluggable interface are much more perature rises. The hot gas circulates in­
design, the midlife refurbishment requires flexible and capable of operating for decades side the conductor and condenses, thus
a substantial amount of work. The oil- even under changing requirements. To continually transporting the heat/energy
filled transformer is disconnected from ensure future expandability, it is even upwards. This type of circulation cooling
the grid, the oil level lowered, the bushing possible to close a socket using a voltage is also found in other technical applica­
replaced and subsequently the entire proof dummy plug, and then use it tions, such as for processor cooling in su­
connection technology reconnected. It when needed as an additional pluggable percomputers – but on a far smaller scale.
may sometimes be necessary afterwards to connection. Changing from pluggable Using heat pipe technology in the plug­
draw a new vacuum under oil. This leads bushings to HV cables and vice versa is gable bushing enables maximum currents
to a three-day downtime to allow any air easily possible at any time. up to 2,600 amps in a minimum of space.

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 43

Figure 1. A universal pluggable socket makes it easy to change between bushings, cable connectors or surge arresters, without intervention in the system

Pluggable solutions are significantly shorter, only permits the use of high purity, very
low viscosity epoxy resin. By contrast,
requiring roughly one third less space inside RIS insulation is more permeable, so
fillers can be used, e.g. to enhance thermal
a transformer, and enabling more compact conductivity.
transformer design
6. Electrical field control:
Copper-beryllium lamellas on the contact leads to only five percent of the total over­ Capacitive and geometric
part of the bushing, Fig. 3, no. 4, ensure op­ lap surface. This argument lead to a para­ The electrical field in the bushing is con­
timal contact for the plug connection, even digm change in contact technology: the trolled capacitively. When the bushing is
under different ambient temperatures in removal of large contact surfaces towards manufactured, conductive foils are ap­
summer and winter. Making electrical con­ smaller but defined contact points with plied to the conductor alternately with the
tacts by means of contact lamellas is based high contact pressure. RIP or the paper-free synthetic fabric RIS
on the line contact principle, offering high­ insulation, similar to conventional foil ca­
er current-carrying capacities com­pared to pacitors. This arrangement generates a se­
planar contacts. At first sight, a planar con­
5. RIP or RIS insulation ries circuit of capacitances. The individual
tact surface seems an ideal contact point: Various options are available for the foils are not at any defined potential. Only
two smooth surfaces lie flat on one another, insulation of the conductor, Fig. 2, the first and last foil are connected to the
electrical energy can flow over the entire which is the central core of the bushing. high-voltage and earth potential, Fig. 4,
overlapping surface. Under the microscope As with conventional bushings, Resin to achieve a high degree of homogeneity.
the visual appearance turns out deceptive. Impregnated Paper (RIP) or Resin The same voltage drops across each of
A rugged landscape is revealed, full of peaks Impregnated Synthetics (RIS) insulation these capacitors and forms a homogeneous
and valleys. These irregularities in the sur­ is commonly used; these consist of paper field in the insulating material. The length,
face of the material, which are called sur­ or synthetic fabric impregnated with spacing and number of foils are chosen
face roughness, have consequences for the epoxy resin under vacuum. The insulation ac­cordingly to generate the desired integ­
contact quality. As a result of numerous is wrapped around the central conductor rated capacitances. In Figures 5 and 6, the
measurements, a hundred percent contact in the bush­ing. Both materials – RIP and capacitive field control is pictured primary
area effectively shrinks to a few metallic RIS – are available for pluggable bushings. as a scheme and secondary as a field density
and thus electrical contact points, which Because paper is very dense, however, it plot. The lines are showing the equipoten­

44 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

A paradigm change in
contact technol­o gy
was deployed: the re-
moval of large con-
tact surfaces towards
smaller but defined
contact points with
high contact pressure
Figure 2. Composition of a pluggable HV-CONNEX Gr. 7-S bushing up to 362 kV. Heat pipe
tial areas. As it can be seen, the distances technology for cooling the conductor enables maximum currents in a minimum of space
between the lines are made homogenous
due to the different length of the foils.

The crucial innovation consists in com­

bining the bushing’s capacitive control
with the socket’s geometric control. With
conventional bushings, capacitive control
continues directly in the transformer or
GIS, compare also Fig. 3 on the right side
– with the result that the system-side end
of the bushing inside the transformer is
significantly longer. When operated with
a cable plugged in, the cable connector and
the sock­et in the transformer are both con­
trolled geometrically, not capacitively. In
this case, the homogenisation of the field
is achieved via the shape of the electrodes,
which means that the end of the screen,
black part in Figure 7, has to be modified
in such a way as to produce an optimal field
distribution, Figs. 7 and 8. It can be seen in
both pictures that the distances between
the equipotential lines are as good as con­ Figure 3. Contact and flange region of a pluggable bushing
stant, which is desired for the field control.
The crucial innovation consists in combin-
Although geometric control is thicker in
diameter, it is substantially shorter. When ing the bushing’s capacitive control with the
a capacitive bushing is used together with
a geometrically controlled socket, both
socket’s geometric control of electric field
types of control have to be matched to
each other. It is important that the field
exposure limit is not exceeded, both in the
insulation of the two individual compo­
nents and in all adjoining insulating m­edia.
Combining both control types in the
pluggable bushing and the socket has suc­
ceeded in enabling maximum power in a
minimum of space, compare also Fig 3.

7. Reduced installation depth

enables new generation of
grid facilities

The combination of capacitive and geo­

metric field control in pluggable bushings Figure 4. Structure of capacitive control and layers

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 45

Figure 5. Capacitive control in the bushing at the upper and bottom ends Figure 6. Electrical field simulation, capacitive control
of the foils

Figure 7. Geometric control which can be found inside the pluggable con- Figure 8. Electrical field simulation, geometric control
nection area in the connector and the socket

reduces the installation depth in the trans­

former or GIS by about a third compared
Current transformers integrating into the
to a conventional bushing, Fig. 9. This al­ socket or bushing itself was another ad-
lows significantly more compact designs
for new grid facilities, and more flexible vanced idea deployed here
applications. Based on the pluggable HV­
CONNEX Gr. 7-S bushing and the plug­
gable CONNEX socket, Siemens have vantage, it also means that a change is an enclosed unit. This solution would not
developed compactly designed resilience necessary with regard to the positioning only be the most compact, but also the
transformers that are easy to transport by of current transformers. Because the most economical connection option for
lorry, can be moved within a few days, and contact element and socket are geomet­ the transformer. Consequently, it repre­
are operational within a few hours. This rically controlled, a current transformer sents the next innovation step in plug­
was made possible because the socket, cannot be positioned directly at the bush­ gable connection technology.
thanks to its short length, could be built ing connection in the transformer, as was
into the top of the transformer, thereby previously usual. While this is easily pos­
saving space, and because the pluggable sible in the case of a conventional bush­
9. Maximum mechanical
bushing guarantees rapid assembly. Other ing with capacitive control, owing to the stability
compact systems and installations are field control resulting from the foils, the To achieve high mechanical stability, the
conceivable. shorter geometrically controlled socket bushing’s RIP or RIS insulation core is
does not offer any field-free space outside surrounded by a silicone-shielded glass-
the socket connection that is suitable for fibre reinforced plastic (GFRP) tube,
8. Special feature regarding placing a current transformer around the Fig. 2. The gap between the insulation core
the positioning of current conductor. This would only be possible by and tube is then filled with an insulating
transformers enlarging the current transformer, but this polyurethane foam to further increase the
is cost-intensive. An advanced idea is to dielectric strength on the exposed side.
Although the shorter installation length integrate the current transformer into the The GFRP tube also forms a diffusion
of the pluggable socket is clearly an ad­ socket or bushing itself, so that both form barrier and protects the insulation core

46 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

against moisture absorption. The shields been mastered. Pluggable bushings thus is just as easy. If a connection from an
applied to the outside of the GFRP tube offer many advantages over conven­ overhead power line to an underground
serve to lengthen the creep­age distance tional bush­ings in respect of handling cable is desired, the bushing can simply
and prevent leakage currents on the and installation, installation length, and be unplugged, and the equipment con­
bushing’s exposed side. Silicone is ideally the future viability of the technical instal­ nected to the underground cable using a
suited to this purpose owing to its good lation as a whole. Since they are oil-free, suitable cable connector. The socket stays
ageing resistance and lower adhesion of gas-free and solid-insulated, they are also in the equipment and the pluggable bush­
dust and contaminants (self-cleaning maintenance-free, explosion-proof, and ings can be reused at any future point in
effect, hydrophobic) [2]. readily storable without oil. The bushings time. In principle, the universal socket
are 100 percent factory pre-tested, and offers maximum flexibility for the future
The flange region, Fig. 3, no. 2, in the can be fitted and put into service imme­ use and reconfiguration of grid facilities.
connection to the bushing connects the diately at the site of operation. Thanks to Today, the proven product range covers
bush­ing to the pluggable contact part. Test their dry pluggable connection capabili­ the complete voltage range from 123 kV to
taps integrated into the side of the flange ty, installation is easier and considerably 362 kV – and will soon extend up to 550 kV.
provide measurement and control cap­ quicker – the installation time for bush­ Thus a few variants of the pluggable bush­
abilities, and are always available in a ver­ ings is reduced by up to 75 percent when ing are sufficient for the entire application
sion conforming to the IEC standard [3] a transformer is first installed. On-site oil spectrum, since different voltage levels
up to 2 kV dielectric strength, and also for and gas works are completely eliminated. can always be implemented within one
the U.S. market up to 20 kV in accordance Replacing the connection components component family.
with the ANSI standard [4], [5]. The test
connections are used to measure the loss
factor (tan δ) or partial discharges, and
hence to detect ageing-related damage to
the bushing, e.g. as a result of moisture
ingress. However, since the pluggable
connection between bushing and socket
seals hermetically, moisture ingress is

Both the contact part of the bushing

and the socket, which is installed in
the transformer, are solid-insulated.
The connection between the bushing
and socket is critical for the faultless
dielectric function. It is important to
ensure that the contact pressure between
the components always has a defined
value, and that a homogeneous pressure
pattern is formed. The solution consists of
a silicone insulator for the expansion gap,
which is firmly bonded onto the surface
of the insulation core. To absorb the
differences in expansion between the two
components when the conductor heats
up, a special spring mechanism provides
constantly high and uniform contact
pressure, thereby ensuring electrical
insulation within the plug connection.
Numerous digital simulations and
prototypes were produced in the early
development stages to find the optimal
electrical dimensioning of the insulation
core and silicone element.

As the successful use of pluggable bush­
ings for two decades shows, the me­
chanical, electrical and manufacturing Figure 9. Length comparison showing a conventional bushing alongside a pluggable bushing.
challenges of interfacing capacitive with With the pluggable bushing, the installation depth in the transformer is reduced by about a third.
geometric control in the socket have (Example for 245 kV: pluggable system 470 mm inside transformer, conventional 620 mm [1])

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 47

Table 1.1. Specifications
Specifications for HV-CONNEX
for HV-CONNEX size 7/7-S atsize 7/ 7-S
a glance [4] at a glance [4]

HV-CONNEX Bushing Size 7 (RIS) Size 7 (RIP) Size 7-S (RIS) Size 7-S (RIP)
Voltage Um up to 145 kV up to 245 kV up to 362 KV up to 362 kV
Art.-No. 828 193 005 828 193 002 828 193 004 828 193 003
Applicable standards IEC 60137:2008 / IEEE C57.19.00-2004
Length 2370 mm 3464 mm 4280 mm 4280 mm
Environment Conditions
Max. installation altitude 1000 m MSL
Environment temperature from -25 to +50 °C
Installation Conditions
Pollution Class acc. to IEC 60815 Class IV 31 mm/kV
Flash over distance 1330 mm 2434 mm 3250 mm 3250 mm
Max. operating load 2500 N
Mounting position vertical, +/- 30°
Electrical levels
Rated frequency 50-60 Hz
Rated voltage 132-138 kV 220-230 kV 330-345 kV 330-345 kV
Highest voltage (IEC/IEEE) 145 / 138 kV 245 / 230 kV 362 / 345 kV 362 / 345 kV
Voltage tap 2 kV
IEEE Voltage tap 20 kV
Max. current rating up to 2600 A up to 2600 A up to 2000 A up to 2000 A
Stress control
Field control method capacitive/geometrical capacitive capacitive capacitive
Type RIS technology RIP technology RIS technology RIP technology

[1] H. Köln, retrieved from http://www. Carmen Mertens worked with PFISTERER since 2014
hspkoeln.de in the Engineering of Power Transmission Systems (PTS)
Department. She obtained her master’s degree in electrical
[2] A. Küchler, Hochspannungstechnik:
Grundlagen — Technologie — Anwen- engineering, information technology and computer
dungen, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidel- engineering from RWTH Aachen, Germany, specialising
berg, 2009 in electrical power engineering.

[3] International Electrotechnical Com­ Thomas Friedel has been working in the Development
mission, IEC 60137 Insulated bushings of Power Distribution Systems (PTS) Department
for alternating voltages, 2008-07
since 2014. He holds a bachelor’s degree in engineering
[4] IEEE Power Engineering Society, IEEE obtained from the Esslingen University of Applied
C57.19.00T General Requirements and Sciences, Germany.
Test Procedure for Power Apparatus
Bushings, 2004 Dr. Markus Sulzberger started at PFISTERER in 2015
as Senior Product Manager Power Distribution Systems.
[5] IEEE Power Engineering Society, IEEE
Now he is Head of R&D and Engineering responsible
STD C57.19.01 Standard Performance
Chracteristics and DImensions for Out- for contact systems and safety. He studied physics at the
door Apparatus Bushings, 2000 TUM in Munich, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen
and RWTH Aachen where he received his PhD in physics
[6] P. K. GmbH, Datasheet HV-CONNEX
in 2003.
pluggable Bushing size 7-S up to 362 kV

48 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017


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The H-J Family of Companies is a global leader in the manufacture

and supply of components to the transformer and switchgear OEM and
utility markets

The H-J Family of Companies

and epoxy resin portfolio
he H-J Family of Companies is a locations in Brazil, Canada, China, products designed and manufactured to
global leader in the manufacture Colombia, India, Mexico, the Philippines, customer specifications.
and supply of components to the Spain, and throughout the United States
transformer and switchgear OEM serve our domestic and international H-J is a market leader in expanding the
and utility markets. H-J was founded in customers. H-J employs state of the art application and use of epoxy resin sys­
1969 and is headquartered outside of St. manufacturing technology, producing tems as a base insulation in the global
Louis, Missouri, USA. Today we continue a wide range of insulating components components market. While epoxies have
to be the leading supplier of distribution and non-ferrous castings such as brass, been used throughout Europe and North
transformer bushings, connectors and bronze, copper, and aluminum. As an America since the 1960s, significant im­
associated components in North, Central engineered solutions company, we have provements in development of new epoxy
and South America. Our commercial vast expertise in custom engineered formulations and continued improve­

50 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017


ments in manufacturing technology have

allowed H-J to provide greater value to
customers. Epoxy based components of­
fer excellent performance and durability
in all applications and — together with
H-J’s vertical integration — provide cost-
competitive solutions.

There are several advantages that an

Epoxy Insulation System can offer:

• Lightweight – Cast epoxy is lighter than

ceramic material, thus allowing easier
handling, lower structural loading and
lower shipping costs.

• Homogenous material – Chips or

scratch­es on the surface of the material
will not cause degradation of the insula­
tion quality.

• High impact strength – Cast epoxy will

withstand much higher impact forces
than ceramic insulation.

• High electrical strength – Cast epoxies

display excellent anti-tracking and hyd­
rophobic qualities. The epoxy material
is a self-extinguishing, non-propagating

• Superior partial discharge characteris­

tics – The casting process used by H-J
allows placement of integrally-cast HV
and ground shields within the insula­
tion cross section to control the electri­
cal field and minimize discharge.

• Flexibility of design – The casting process

allows versatility of complicated shapes
and designs, encapsulation of m­ etal
inserts, conductors and stress grading
parts, exact dimensional repeatability.

• Customization of materials to applica­

tion – Epoxies can be modified to spe­
cific application requirements.

Our casting process

allows placement of
integrally-cast shields
within the insulation
cross section to control
the electrical field and
minimize discharge
w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 51

veloped by H-J, and independently veri­

fied at third-party test labs such as UL™.

• Bisphenol-A: Indoor or enclosed out­

door applications (non-UV exposed)
եե Typical applications are transformer
LV secondary bushings, bus insula­
tors for enclosed switchgear applica­
tions, through-wall bushings for en­
closed switchgear applications.

• Cycloaliphatic: Outdoor applications

(UV exposed)
եե Typical applications are roof- or
cover-mounted bushings, LV sec­
ondary bushings, larger and more
complex moldings with internal
electrical stress grading, designs with
challenging geometries where slower
We utilize state of the art product devel- processing may be required.
opment services such as 3D parametric Our in-house test lab then verifies all
modeling, electrical and mechanical design mechanical, electrical, thermal, and
chemical properties and performance of
analysis tools, and mold flow analysis soft- the manufactured part as required by the
ware customer. Routine tests of raw materials
are performed on every batch to verify
characteristics such as: density, viscosity vs
The manufacturing process of epoxy has state of the art product development ser­ temperature, gel time, Tg (Glass Transition
three basic steps: vices such as 3D parametric modeling, Temperature), and moisture content.
electrical and mechanical design analysis
1. Formulation and mixing tools, and mold flow analysis software. All of these factors together with our ex­
2. Molding This allows us to greatly reduce the tool­ cellent employees are what allow H-J to
3. Curing ing fabrication time, which is done in- offer our customers quality products of
house in H-J’s dedicated tool room. This international reputation.
H-J performs all three steps in-house in-house collaboration allows us to find
through sophisticated vertical integra­ modern solutions to new and retrofit ap­ Markets served:
tion in order to ensure the highest quality plications, and to cut weeks or months
stand­ards. from typical industry lead-times. • Distribution transformers
• Instrument transformers
H-J’s expertise begins before any epoxy is H-J produces several different proprietary • Dry-type transformers
ever molded with the part design, simu­ epoxy blends based in two epoxy techno­ • Power transformers
lation, and tooling fabrication. We utilize logies. These epoxy formulations are de­ • Specialty transformers
• MV circuit breaker – Vacuum, Oil,
SF6 / Repair / Retrofit
• MV switchgear
• Isolated phase bus ducts

For more information please contact our


H-J General Contact

The H-J Family of Companies
3010 High Ridge Blvd.
High Ridge, Mo. 63049-2214
Phone: +1-636-677-3421
Fax: +1-636-376-1624

52 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

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YASH has emerged as a one-stop

shop for OIP, RIP, high current
bushings, retrofit bushings and for
FRP cylinders

Transformer bushings
– Performance powered by
ash Highvoltage Insulators Pvt. Realizing the dream of a • High voltage oil-to-air dry type RIP
Ltd., an ISO 9001 certified com­ “one-stop shop” condenser bushings up to 145 kV
pany, is an independent, Indian • Fibre glass cylinders up to 1.8-meter
manufacturer of transformer The comprehensive product range of diameter for power transformer wind­
bushings and fibre glass cylinders, located YASH consists of: ing formers
in the state of Gujarat, India. Since incep­
tion in 2002, YASH has emerged today as • High current bushings up to 36 kV, An interesting business vertical of YASH
one of the preferred solution providers in 20,000 amperes for generator step-up is also the spares/services segment, where
a short span of 15 years, catering to the transformers special bushings are offered as retrofit and
power transformer industry in India and • High voltage oil-to-air and air-to-air type replacement for existing and old trans­
abroad. OIP condenser bushings up to 170 kV former bushings.

54 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017


We have now an established localized manu-

facturing of innovative dry type RIP bushings
in collaboration with Swiss MGC-Moser Glaser

fac­turing field for more than four to five technology experts, and state-of-the-art
decades. YASH not being part of a larger design tools and software, YASH is pre­
group has gone through its own set of pared to comply with special and stringent
stringent entry barriers for establishing customer specifications.
them as a reliable brand. Whether it is
swift product development, type testing
of multiple products as per IEC standards,
Excellence in quality and
expeditious end user approvals, con­ performance
tinuous investment in infrastructure and The critical operation requirements for
supply chain development, establishment transformer bushings also warrant an ut­
of a competent team, YASH has flour­ most attention to detail towards quality
ish­ed under the visionary leadership and management system. At YASH active part
aggressiveness of Managing Director / condenser core winding is a highly-con­
Mr. Keyur Shah. trolled process in clean-dust free winding
bay, where each winding step for every
YASH offers to its customers highly effec­
tive yet flexible solutions in record turn-
around time at very competitive costs.
YASH is on the approved vendor list of
most utilities, power producers, EPCs
and OEMs in India and abroad, and has
supplied more than 7,000 bushings which
have been successfully installed in India
and 28 other countries.

Flexible solutions for critical

The owner and Managing Director Mr.
Keyur Shah says: “A bushing to a power
transformer is comparable in criticality
YASH has now an established localized to a landing gear for an aircraft. A landing
manufacturing of innovative dry type gear would normally cost negligible com­
RIP bushings for the Indian market in pared to the entire aircraft, yet if it fails
Mr. Keyur Shah - Managing Director,
collaboration with Swiss Giant MGC- to perform, the ensuing catastrophe may
Yash Highvoltage Insulators Pvt. Ltd.
Moser Glaser, started in 2016. The Swiss cause major commercial and human loss.
technology backed by Indian reliability The risk ratio is similar for a transformer
has augmented the YASH product basket, bushing and power transformer. We hold
making available the best of both worlds this idea at the core of our product and
to esteemed customers. Equipped with process design and control over manufac­
comprehensive product range, YASH turing processes”.
has quickly emerged as a one-stop shop
for OIP, RIP, high current bushings, YASH takes pride in their design exper­
retrofit bushings and for FRP cylinders. tise to offer appropriate solutions to meet
YASH has recently announced successful various critical demands on products. A
development of OIP bushings with true technology team at YASH compris­es
silicon/polymeric insulators. of Mr. Hartmuth Fethke (Germany) and
Mr. Pramod Rao (India). YASH bush­
ings have proven their mettle during var­
Overcoming the odds ious short circuit and other type tests and
Though limited in numbers, most con­ special tests of power transformers at
denser bushing manufacturers in the internationally reputed test laboratories
world are part of large multinational such as KEMA, the Netherlands. With the 36 kV 20,000 A LV high current bushing for
com­panies and have been in the manu­ vast experience brought on board by our GSU transformer

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 55

Our bushings have been proven during core is monitored and recorded. The oil
processing and filling of bushings is con­
various short circuit and other type tests trolled through a series of tests and checks
and special tests of power transformers at before active part impregnation and flood­
ing in bushing.
reputed labs such as KEMA
The HV test lab is electromagnetically
shielded and hence ensures a fault free
partial discharge (PD) testing for all
products, which is a key parameter for
assessing the insulation health and quality
of each bushing. The strength of quality
management and quality assurance is
reflected in less than 1 % test bed rejection
(TBR) for products in final electrical
testing. The credentials of YASH bushings
is further established by the various field
performance reports from end users
over past 10 years. The high voltage test
capability is soon being upgraded to 550
kV by end of year 2017.

Catering to the retrofit/

replacement market
An impending need has emerged for ret­
rofit/replacement solutions for bushings
which are in service for more than 30-40
years and are either reaching the end of
their life, or are deviating from standard
parameters. YASH has made its niche in
this retrofit/replacement field by provid­
ing wide range of solutions for any make
of bushing. A recent example is the supply
of YASH OIP bushings to successfully
replace 145 kV RBP insulation bushings
170 kV, 145 kV and 72.5 kV YASH bushings on a Hyundai Heavy Industries Bulgaria (more than 50-year-old designs) for a re­
80 MVA transformer. The bushings satisfactorily cleared all routine and special tests and nowned transmission utility in Central
were dispatched to end user.

RIP bushings launch – Shri Piyush Goyal (Forme­r

Shielded HV test lab capable of all routine tests as per IEC ‘137 Minister of Energy, Coal, New & Renewabl­e Energy)

56 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

We now envisage to ex- BEFORE AFTER
pand the product range
and manufacturing
capacity up to 400 kV
and up to 31,500 A by

India. This solution has supported the uti­

lity in mitigating costs by avoiding outage
of power transformers.

Strategic initiative
It indeed has been a historic moment for
YASH when locally manufactured dry
type RIP bushings were flagged off by the 50 year old 145 kV SRBP bushings replaced with ditto OIP solution, including special
then Minister of Power, Coal, New and mounting and 600 mm BCT provision
Renewable Energy, Mr. Piyush Goyal at
the Switch Global Expo in 2016. The first
of its kind 52 kV 6300 A dry RIP bushings
specially developed for the prestigious
STATCOM (Static Compensator) pro­
jects of POWERGRID, India have
been supplied to Toshiba-India and
CG Power & Industrial Solutions - India
in 2017. Since launch, YASH has already
executed more than 500 RIP bushings
for POWERGRID and GETCO through
various transformer manufacturers.

YASH now envisions to expand this prod­

uct range as well as manufacturing capa­
city - in the high voltage ratings up to 400
kV and in the high current ratings up to
31,500 A by 2020 to cater to the Indian
and International market requirement.
State-of-the-art dust-free assembly bay – RIP bushings
In line with Honourable Prime Minister’s
“Make in India” initiative, YASH is duty-
bound to imbibe new technologies which
possess the longevity and robustness to
support the huge upcoming demand for
power infrastructure. With a commit­
ment to offer appropriate solutions to
customers, while ensuring best value for
money and a goal to provide competitive
products and services on-time, YASH is
set to serve their customers for years to

Mr. Nirav Patel, Head Operations
Phone: +91 90990 82368
www.yashhighvoltage.co.in Automatic helium tightness test facility

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 57

The resin-impregnated fiberglass tech­

nology with its large safety margins and
simpler manufacturing processes enables
producing a bushing that is ultra-reliable,
explosion-resistant and maintenance-free

Paper-insulated bushings (OIP and
RIF® bushings
RIP) have been the dominant bush-
ing type for the power transformer
The paperless, dry-type bushing
industry for many years. However, as technology
our transformer assets age, bushing
failures can become more frequent. 1. Introduction the market since the early 2000s while
the RIS technology is a relative newcomer
Resin-impregnated fibre bushings of-
The main purpose of a transformer to the market. These technologies now
fer the user a paperless and dry-type
bushing is to safely transfer power through provide the user with better levels of
alternative for MV, HV and EHV con-
the earthed transformer tank. OIP and RIP safety and reliability for their expensive
denser transformer bushings. Two
type bushings have for many years been the transformer assets, thereby contributing
technologies are currently offered:
industry standard for transformers, and to reduced lifecycle costs.
resin-impregnated fiberglass (a pro-
in general have performed satisfactorily.
prietary technology trademarked However, as our transformer assets age, This article discusses the design, construc­
RIF®) and resin-impregnated syn- paper deterioration in these bushings can tion, validation and self-monitoring fea­
thetic (RIS). This article will discuss eventually cause these bushings to fail, tures of the RIF® dry-type bushing, which
the RIF® bushing technology, which some even catastrophically. is the older and more established resin-
offers an extended range of capa- impregnated fibre bushing technology.
bilities including an optional line of The purpose of this article is to introduce
smart bushings that use integrated a new dry-type paperless bushing
monitoring components. technology that is currently on the market
2. Design and construction
– the resin-impregnated fibre bushing. of the RIF® bushing
Currently, there are two technologies on RIF® transformer bushings have been
KEYWORDS the market: resin-impregnated fiberglass manufactured for voltage levels ranging
resin-impregnated fibre bushing, (a proprietary technology trademarked from 15 kV to 500 kV and for currents
RIF® transformer bushing, smart RIF®) and resin-impregnated synthetic up to 6000 A since 2006, with over 19,000
RIF®, partial discharge (RIS). The RIF® technology has been on units currently in-service worldwide.

58 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017


These bushings have proven to be ultra-

reliable under all types of operating and
The RIF® bushing utilizes a finely graded
environmental conditions. To date the condenser design and a core insulation that
only reported failure occurred when a
customer left the test tap ungrounded.
is composed of fiberglass impregnated with
Field related issues have been minor, epoxy resin wrapped between capacitive
restricted primarily to silicone rubber
damage from rough handling or shipping screens

The RIF® bushing utilizes a finely graded measured and recorded (see Table 1, was raised to ambient temperature and a
condenser design and a core insulation that Row 1). The test bushing was then placed power frequency withstand test was done,
is composed of fiberglass impregnated with in the environmental chamber and the with the partial discharge and dissipation
epoxy resin wrapped between capacitive temperature raised and held for 17 hours factor measured (see Table 1, Row 4). The
screens. The outer insulation for the RIF® at 140 °C. After the 17 hours at 140 °C, partial discharge values still remained less
bushing are silicone rubber sheds that are the temperature was returned to ambient than or equal to the pre-test values, while
adhered directly to the condenser core. This temperature and the test bushing sub­ the dissipation factor had reduced to
ensures there is no gap or opening in the mersed in water for four hours, Fig. 2. 0.32 % but still remained marginally higher
overall bushing structure and eliminates Upon removal from the water bath, than the pre-test value of 0.31 %.
the need for filler fluid or material. As partial discharge and dissipation factor
mentioned previously, the electrical field were measured with the partial discharge The next part of the endurance test cycle
is controlled by a finely graded capacitive values showing less than or equal to the raised the temperature to 105 °C. After
core which ensures a linear surface pre-test values, and the dissipation factor 15 hours at 105 °C, a one-minute 1450 N
potential profile from the conductor to remaining unchanged (see Table 1, Row 2). cantilever load test was done, followed
the grounded flange (100 % to 0 %), which by a power frequency withstand test and
greatly improves its flashover resistance. In Next, a low temperature cycle test was measurement of the partial discharge and
addition, the thermal insulation strength done, where the test bushing was subjec­ dissipation factor (see Table 1, Row 5). The
of the resin-impregnated fiberglass is IEC ted to -50 °C for 17 hours. After 17 hours partial discharge values still remained less
Class B (temperature limit rating of 130 at -50 °C, the temperature was raised than or equal to the pre-test values, while
°C) which gives the RIF® bushing a larger to ambient temperature and a power the dissipation factor remained at 0.32 %,
thermal margin than other bushing types. frequency withstand test was done, with marginally higher than the pre-test value of
Finally, the simpler manufacturing process, the partial discharge and dissipation factor 0.31 %.
which is primarily a wrapping and heat measured (see Table 1, Row 3). The partial
curing process, introduces minimum discharge values remained less than or The temperature was returned to ambient
internal stresses in the capacitive core that equal to the pre-test values, while the and then raised again to 105 °C for a
can affect the long term operational life of dissipation factor increased marginally second high temperature test. After 16
the bushing [1]. from 0.31 % to 0.33 %. hours at 105 °C, a one-minute 3450 N
cantilever load test was done. After the
The RIF® technology also has the design A second 17-hour low temperature (-50 °C) one-minute 3450 N cantilever test, a fixed
flexibility to provide “like for like” replace­ cycle test was done, where 788 A was load of 3300 N was maintained for the
ments for vintage oil-filled bushings with injected through the test bushing during duration of the endurance test cycle, Fig.
non-standard dimensions, including the the last two hours, Fig. 3, 4 and 7. After 5. which involved a third low temperature
narrower style of some older bushings. the current injection, the temperature (-50 °C) cycle test for 16 hours before raising

RIF® bushings have a proven record of

operational reliability at very low and high
temperatures. All the required industry
standard temperature cycling tests have
been performed and passed, but to really
stress this bushing technology a combined
mechanical and thermal endurance stress
test was carried out on a 110 kV RIF®
bushing, Fig.1.

Figures 2 to 7 show the various set-ups that

were used for the combined endurance test.

Prior to the start of the combined en­

du­rance test, power frequency voltage
with­stand, dielectric dissipation factor,
partial discharge and capacitance were Figure 1. Thermo-mechanical endurance test cycle

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 59

Figure 2. Thermal shock test Figure 3. Low temperature test with current injection

Figure 4. Low temperature test with current injection Figure 5. Cantilever load test at low temperature

Figure 6. Heavy cantilever load test at 105 °C Figure 7. Low temperature test with current injected

60 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

Table 1. Test results from thermo-mechanical test

Dry Power Frequency Volta- PD (pC) @ tan δ Capacitance

ge Withstand Test 126 kV 110 kV 77 kV (%) (pF)
230 kV/1 min
Preparation before test 3-4 3-4 2-3 0.31 434.7

After hot temperature and water Background

Not tested 3-4 2 0.31 438.9
submersion cycle noise

After first low temperature cycle 230 kV/1 min Background

3-4 2-3 0.33 434.5
test (-50 °C) (Passed) noise

After second low temperature 230 kV/1 min Background

3-4 1-2 0.32 433.3
cycle test (-50 °C and 788 A) (Passed) noise

230 kV/1 min Background

After cantilever load test (105 °C) 3-4 2-3 0.32 437.1
(Passed) noise

After 66 hours cantilever load 230 kV/1 min Background

test (16 hrs. @ -50 °C and 3-4 2-3 0.32 431.9
(Passed) noise
50 hrs. @ ambient)

the temperature to ambient and maintain­ The thermal insulation strength of the resin-
ing the 3300 N load for another 50 hours.
Upon completion of the combined end­ impregnated fiberglass is class 130 °C,
urance test, a final power fre­quency with­
stand test was done, and the final partial
which gives the RIF® bushing a larger
discharge and dissipation factor values thermal margin than other bushing types
recorded (see Table 1, Row 6). The partial
discharge values still remained less than
or equal to the pre-test values, while the after the combined thermal-mechanical and ground. In such a configuration, the
dissipation factor remained at 0.32 %, endurance test remained less than or equal process of insulation breakdown initiated
mar­ginally higher than the pre-test value of to the pre-test values, while the dissipation by a defect is sequential; the insulation of
0.31 %. factor remained marginally higher (3.2 %) one of the capacitive screens is damaged
than the pre-test value, thereby showing a leading to the failure of other screens and
The test results in Table 1 confirm the larg­e consistent performance under extremely eventually the breakdown of the entire in­
margins built in the RIF® bushing and harsh operating conditions. sulation. As screens fail, the reduction of
show that the stability and integrity of the series connected capacitors causes a grad­
bushing remained unaffected, even when ual increase in capacitance and capaci­
subjected to stresses greater than what is
3. The self-monitoring smart tive current. This variation in capacitance
seen in traditional type tests. RIF® bushing and capacitive current can be measured
The main insulation of a condenser grad­ to provide an indication of the degree of
As can be clearly seen from Table 1, the ed bushing can be thought of as a series damage. This is the principle that is used
test results for the partial discharge values of capacitors separating the conductor in the smart RIF® bushing.

Figure 8. Smart RIF® bushing schematic representation Figure 9. Pre-alarm sensor circuit diagram

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 61

Figure 10. Test data for 126 kV RIF® bushing with artificially damaged insulation

The smart RIF® bushing is manufactured Cs out to a smart measurement terminal It should be noted that the receipt of a
with a large signalling capacitance Cs where a sensor is installed to collect and pre-alarm signal is a very preliminary
that is connected in series with the last process the signal, Fig. 9. The processed indication of the onset of a fault within
capacitive screen of the high voltage signal is then compared to a benchmark the capacitive layers. The safety margins
C1 capacitance (Cs >> C1) to form an voltage that is set at the factory, so no that are designed into the bushing provide
integrated system where Cs and C1 are field calibration is required. The sensor a long latency period from a pre-alarm
sealed together within the primary core, is calibrated to provide a pre-alarm of a signal to when the bushing becomes unfit
Fig. 8. The resulting capacitive divider deteriorating insulation condition and is for oper­ation. To validate this, lab tests
provides an accurate way of measuring provided with two signalling options: an were conducted on bushings that had up
capacitance (and capacitive current) of LED lamp for local visual indication or a to 25 % of their condenser core insulation
the condenser core insulation. This is signalling cable when remote monitoring damaged using an elevated lightning
accomplished by bringing the two ends of is required [2]. impulse withstand voltage. Figure 10

Figure 11. PD detection system architecture

62 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

shows the data from one such test on a The test results showed a consistent per-
126 kV bushing.
formance of RIF® bushings under extremely
The bushing which initially had 13 % harsh operating conditions
of its condenser core insulation thick­
ness damaged was energized at 77 kV
for one month. After Month 1, the in­ easy integration into present and future References
sulation damage was increased to 25 % digital substations.
which can be seen by a sharp change [1] T. Tu, E. Euvrard, R. Wang, Development
in capacitance, Fig. 10, and left ener­ and Application of Resin Impregnated
gized at 77 kV for another month. After
Conclusion Fiberglass Transformer Bushing, INMR
Month 2, the energized voltage was in­ The objective of this article was to make World Congress, Seoul, Korea, April 2011
creased to 126 kV and the damaged bush­ing the reader aware of the reliability and safe­
left energized for another three months. ty benefits of the resin-impregnated fibre [2] R. Middleton, E. Euvrard, J. Zhuo, A
The test was stopped after five months bushing. Even in case of failure, the impact Novel Built-In Insulation Condition
with no sign of an imminent failure. to the transformer would be dra­matically Monitoring System Enabled by Dry
reduced, if not avoided altogether. Type by Dry Type Technologies, CIGRE
These lab tests showed that an insulation Canada Conference, Vancouver, BC,
fault in a RIF® bushing propagates slowly Since the early 2000s, the RIF® bushing has Canada, October 2016
and that even if an initial insulation fault pioneered what is now the state-of-the-art
triggers a pre-alarm, there is enough time in dry-type bushings with the specific fea­ [3] T. Tu, E. Euvrard, Z. Liu, Combining
for inspection, maintenance or replace­ ture of being a paperless insulated technol­ Dry Type Resin Impregnated Fiberglass
ment (at least three months). ogy, impervious to tough climates. Over Paperless Transformer Bushings with
19,000 units are safely in service world­ Built-In Novel Insulation Monitoring
wide; they have demonstrated great relia­ Function, IEEE PES Conference, Chicago,
4. Using the smart RIF® bility, but perhaps more importantly have USA, 2014
bushing to detect partial become a way to consistently shield trans­
discharge activity within the formers from the impact of catas­trophic [4] T. Zhuo, X. Zho, H. Wang, R. Wang, R.
power transformer bushing failures. In addition to being a tru­ Middleton, E. Euvrard, The Development
ly maintenance-free technology by design, and Operation of Novel Built-In
Finally, an inexpensive system has been this is a bushing technology option that Insulation Monitoring Functions in the
developed for capturing and processing today’s users and OEMs can turn to to pro­ Management of HV Bushings, INMR
high frequency transient current pulse vide a value of safety not previously avail­ World Congress, Munich, Germany,
signals (100 kHz – 500 kHz) running able for their personnel and equipment. October 2015
through the smart RIF® bushing, which
are generated from partial discharge
activity inside the power transformer. The
system requires the smart RIF® bushing Authors
to be equipped with a special PD sensor Eric Euvrard has an extensive international engineering
(that plugs into the bushing’s smart mea­ background having held different technical and
sure­ment terminal). Depending on the managerial functions in Europe, USA and China
number of smart RIF® bushings installed in commodities, automotive, aerospace, advanced
on the transformer, more accurate the nanomaterials and fiber optics networks industries, before
locating of the PD activity will be. The PD creating RHM International in 2005 where he presently
sensors are hardwired to either an online serves as President. Eric obtained his BSc in chemical
or portable PD detection device for col­ engineering from Toulouse National Engineering School
lecting and processing the PD signals – ENSCT in France, an MSc in engineering from Georgia Tech in Atlanta,
from the transformer [3]. Figure 11 shows USA, and EMBA from IMD in Lausanne.
a typical connection configuration for the Robert L. Middleton was born in 1948 in Winnipeg,
smart RIF® transformer partial discharge Canada. He received his degree in electrical engineering
detection system. from the University of Manitoba in 1971. He is a registered
professional engineer in the Province of British Columbia.
For field use, a portable PD detecting He has an extensive background in generation and
device can be used [4]. The device does transmission engineering including quality assurance.
not need an external power source as it He has served on several CSA, CIGRE and IEC working
is battery powered and site operation is groups and co-authored numerous technical papers. He
very straightforward. The portable de­ is presently the Chief of Technology and Engineering for RHM International,
vice is connected to a laptop via WIFI a manufacturer of high voltage dry type current transformers and bushings.
or Ethernet cable to upload data. Finally, Prior to joining RHM International he worked over 40 years at two western
all monitoring data complies with the Canadian provincial electrical utilities.
IEC 61850 communication standard for

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 63

Study of transformer
explosion prevention with
bushing turret protection
1. Introduction breaks down, the resulting short circuit the transformer tank beyond its withstand
triggers a chain of chemical reactions that capacity to conditions where catastrophic
Liquid-filled power transformers typically produce a mixture of combustible gases structural failure is imminent. The explo­
contain thousands of liters of flammable such as acetylene and hydrogen. The sud­ sion of a transformer not only costs the
dielectric insulation. When this insulation den gas formation can quickly pressurize power industry substantial financial los­
ses, but also can endanger human life and
environmental safety.
ABSTRACT A 2015 survey report on transformer reli­
Liquid-filled power transformers typically contain thousands of liters of ability by CIGRE found that annual trans­
flammable insulation. When this insulation breaks down, there is a high former failure rates are on average about 1 %,
risk of transformer failure that would endanger human life, generate envi- with rates over 1.3 % per year for high risk
ronmental hazards, and destroy valuable assets. Because live tests involv- classes of power transformers [1].
ing arcing are expensive and potentially dangerous, numerical simulations
are a useful alternative to study faults over a wide range of transformers.
Among the various root causes reported,
failures related to bushings are frequent
Since bushings are common sources of transformer failure, we examine
sources of transformer fire and explosion.
the role of deploying a transformer fast depressurization system on two
The same 2015 CIGRE document conclu­
simulated transformer designs, with protections localized in the bushing
ded from a survey of 675 major failures
turret region, to ensure that the transformer is robust to internal arcs.
of transformers with voltage classes of at
least 100 kV that bushings were the sourc­e
KEYWORDS of failure for 48.5 % of cases resulting in
explosion or fire, for which the failure
transformer explosion, explosion prevention, NFPA 850 o­rigin is known.

64 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

Anne GOJ, Ashwin Padmanaban IYER, Omar AHMED

2. The transformer fast The explosion not only

depressurization system
costs the utility sub-
The studied protection technology, the
stantial financial los­
shown in Figure 1. This technology is con­ ses, but also can en-
sistent with the NFPA 850 Recommenda­
tion published in 2015 [2] on transformer
danger human life and
fast depressurization systems, whose aim the environment
is to mitigate transformer failures due to
internal arcing.
ge to the transformer tank during internal
The transformer fast depressurization sys­ arcs. Two separate transformer designs
tem includes: are stud­ied to ensure that the presented
results are sufficiently general.
1. Tank depressurization set (DS), includ­
ing a decompression chamber;
2. Transformer turret or bushing depres­
3. Studied transformer
surization set; models
3. Oil and explosive gases separation tank We use two large power transformers as
and explosive gases evacuation to a re­ models to understand the typical behavi­
mote area; our associated with depressurization of the
4. Nitrogen injection to evacuate all explo­ tanks. The first transformer is a 166.7 MVA
sive gases contained in the transformer three-phase core-type transformer – which
tank before tank opening for transform­ we will call Model A, and the second
Short circuit in a er repairs. is a 363 MVA three-phase core-type
transformer leads to An installed transformer fast depres­
transformer – which we will call Model B.
The Computer-Aided Drawing (CAD)
a sudden gas forma- surization system is shown in Figure 2. geometry and tetrahedral mesh are shown
tion, which can quick- The bushing turret depressurization set,
marked as part 2 in Figure 1, is encircled
in Figure 3 for Model A, and in Figure 4
for Model B. Locations of simulated arcs
ly pressurize the tank in green in Figure 2. are highlighted in the same images.

beyond its withstand Because bushings are common sources Model A has a protection configuration of
capacity to the con- of transformer failure, and considering one 250 mm diameter vertical depressur­
that bushing turrets include high voltage ization sets (VDS) on the main tank and
ditions where catas­ elements in a constrained geometric re­ three 200 mm diameter bushing turret
trophic structural fail­ gion, we examine the role of deploying
depressurization sets strategically located
depressurization sets (BTDS) for each high
voltage bushing turret. Due to the higher
ure is imminent on the bushing turrets to mitigate dama­ power rating, Model B has a protection

Figure 1. Transformer fast depressurization system includ- Figure 2. Installation of a transformer fast depressurization system, including bush-
ing bushing turret protection ing turret protection

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 65

Figure 3. Model A transformer geometry, 166.7 MVA

We have examined how to prevent damage to the transformer tank during

internal arcs by deploying depressurization sets strategically located on
the bushing turrets

Figure 4. Model B transformer geometry, 363 MVA

66 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

The TP operates within 9 ms of the arc 5.1 Results: Average tank pressures

initiation, depressurizing the transformers

rapid­ly and keeping the pressure safely
below the tank withstand limit of 1 to 2 bar

configuration of two 300 mm VDS on the the bushing turrets are shown in Figures 7
main tank and three 250 mm diameter and 8; and the three-dimensional pressure
BTDS for each high voltage bushing turret. contours are shown in Figures 9 and 10.
Figure 5. Average tank pressure, 166.7 MVA
We observe that due to the early operatio­n
4. Numerical method of the TP, within 9 ms of the initiation
Model A transformer, 10 MJ Arc

Using software defined and validated in of the arc conditions, the transformers
[3] and [4], post short-circuit fluid pres­ rapid­ly depressurize, and are safely below
sures are studied in these model trans­ the tank’s static withstand limit within a
formers. time scale of approximately 200 ms. In
contrast, the unprotected transformers
This simulation software solves the reach steady pressures far in excessive of
Navier-Stokes equations of a two-phase 1 bar, the approximate static limit trans­
compressible fluid system using a finite former tanks are typically designed to with­
volume methodology with a Godunov stand. This 1 bar static withstand limit for Figure 6. Average tank pressure, 363 MVA
solver to calculate the solutions to the transformer tanks is based on the CIGRE Model B Transformer, 10 MJ Arc
Riemann problems. The solutions are A2.33 Guide for Transformer Fire Safety
based on a reduced set of five equations, Practices [9], which notes that, “the tank’s 5.2 Results: Bushing turret
representing the advection of the static pressure withstand limits [...] are pressures
gas phase fraction, and conservation typ­ically within the 1.0 – 2.0 bar (at base of
equations for the densities of both phases, tank) unless special higher strength tank
the momentum of the liquid-gas mixture, design has been specified.” For transform­
and the total energy of the mixture [5]. er A, the steady pressures were approxi­
mately 45 bars, and for transformer B, the
Within this model, both gas and liquid steady pressures reached nearly 70 bars.
phases within a tetrahedral cell relax These pressures are sufficiently large to
infinitely quickly to a local pressure and rupture the transformer tank.
velocity equilibrium [6]. The thermo­
dynamic relationships between internal Based on anecdotal evidence observed
energy, density and pressure are calculated in the field, we consider that a protection Bushing turret 1
assuming the ideal gas equation holds technology that depressurizes a transform­
for the vapor phase and the stiffened er within this 200 ms time scale will prevent
gas equation holds for the liquid phase. catastrophic tank rupture, and subsequent
The stiffened gas equation of state is an fires. Therefore, using this criterion the
equation of state often used in explosion protection solutions simulated would be
research to account for the compressibility sufficient to ensure that the transformer
of liquids at extreme pressures [7]. will not experience an explosion and fire.

A 10 MJ arc was simulated in both tanks, As pressures in the bushing turrets reach
as it is generally considered to be an arc even higher values – approximately 50 bars
Bushing turret 2
energy sufficient to rupture a transformer for transformer A and around 80 bars for
tank, in the absence of a fast depressuri­ transformer B, these locations are at high
zation system [9]. The duration of the arc risk of tank failure. This can be attributed to
is set at five cycles, a typical time scale for the constrained geometric region, allowing
circuit breakers to act within, which is ap­ pressures to localize. Although the arcs
proximately 83 ms for transformer A and were simulated to be relatively distant from
100 ms for transformer B. the bushing turret depressurization sets,
the proximity of the high voltage conduc­
tors to ground in these regions make them
5. Results high probability arcing locations. Further­
Bushing turret 3
The spatially averaged pressures calculated more, failure in the bushing turret region is
in these transformer tanks are shown in highly likely to lead to a subsequent failure Figure 7. Pressure in bushing turrets for
F­igures 5 and 6; the pressures localized in in the bushings. 166.7 MVA Model A transformer, 10 MJ Arc

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 67

5.3 Results: 3D tank pressure Due to much lower oil outflow and slower
tank depressurization, PRD is not as effec-
tive as TP in preventing rupture, given a 10
MJ arc

measurements to a liquid filled transform­ The final steady state pressures calculated
er, we multiply the specified speeds with for the tank without explosion preventi­
the ratio of the square root of air density, on devices were much greater than 10 bar,
at a temperature of 298 K and a pressure pressures sufficiently high to lead to tank
of 1.01 bars, to the oil density, 850 kg/m3. rupture since transformer tanks are de­
Bushing turret 1
Because these measurements are made for signed to withstand steady pressures of
limited pressure differences, this should only 1 bar. Pressures were higher for the
be considered only a preliminary analysis. bushing turret region than the main tank,
indicating possible bushing failure.
The results in Figures 11 and 12 show that
the outflow associated with the TP is at For the same arc models, the transformer
least several times larger than the outflow tanks simulated with the fast depressuri­
associated with all PRDs for each trans­ zation system showed that all depressuri­
former tank. We note that for the largest zation sets activated by 9 ms, far earlier
transformer, only the first 50 ms of flow is than the arc duration. Over the course
Bushing turret 2
depicted, since the subsequent time evo­ of the depressurization, the maximum
lution may not account for flow back into transi­ent pressures within the tank de­
the tank. The lower performance can be creased by at least a factor of two. Finally,
attributed to the inertia associated with the fast depressurization system depressu­
PRD spring, and the smaller flow area. rized the tanks to safe levels within appro­
ximately 200 ms, a time scale consistent
We conclude that because the much lower with preventing tank rupture based on
oil outflow would not lead to a fast depres­ manufacturer experience.
surization of the transformer tank, the
PRD is not sufficient to prevent rupture in In summary, the transformer fast depres­
these transformer tanks, given a 10 MJ arc. surization system, including depressuri­
zation sets appropriately sized and placed
Bushing turret 3 in proximity to high voltage bushing tur­
Conclusion rets, is an effective tool for reducing risk of
Figure 8. Pressure in bushing turrets for
363 MVA Model B transformer, 10 MJ Arc Simulations of pressure rise within a transformer tank explosion and fires.
three-phase 166.7 MVA transformer, and
a three-phase 363 MVA transformer have
5.4 Results: Comparison with the been used to evaluate effective tank rup­
pressure relief device (PRD) ture mitigation strategies, given a typical [1] CIGRE A2.37, Transformer Reliability
high energy arc of magnitude 10 MJ. As Survey, 2015
Because there are no standards for the li­ these simulations are limited in scope,
quid depressurization performance for a i.e. they do not model all possible arcing [2] National Fire Protection Association,
PRD in a power transformer, the gas per­ scenarios nor do they consider the energy NFPA 850, 2015
formance is used as a proxy. Specifically, a absorbed by the transformer tank struc­
conservation of energy argument can be ture through wall deformations and vib­ [3] S. Muller, R. Brady, G. de Bressy, P.
made relating the change in kinetic energy rations, these conclusions should be con­ Magnier and G. Pergaud, “Prevention of
of the oil to the pressure difference across sidered a representative guide of a typical Transformer Tank Explosion, Part 1: Ex­
the PRD, as viscous forces are negligible arcing situation and a qualitative demon­ perimental Tests on Large Transformers,”
compared to the pressure gradient and in­ stration of the marked differences between in ASME PVP, Chicago, USA, 2008
ertial forces in this parameter space. This a sealed tank without transformer explo­
implies that the speed of outflow scales in­ sion protection and the same tank equip­ [4] B. Landis, O. Ahmed, S. Yoon, A. Goj
versely proportionally to the square root p­ed with a fast depressurization system. and G. Perigaud, “Development of a Two-
of the density. Way Fluid Structure Coupling for Study­
Based on the simulations, we may con­ ing Power Transformers Subjected to In­
The IEEE C57.156 standard [8] has mea­ clude that the transformers without the ternal Dynamic Overpressures,” in ASME
sured speeds for the outflow of gas that we fast depressurization system showed a PVP, Paris, France, 2013
will consider as upper and lower bounds sustained increase in tank pressures well
of PRD performance. To translate these over the expected safety threshold of 1 bar. [5] H. Guillard and A. Murrone, “A five

68 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

Time No protection Transformer protector No protection Transformer protector




Figure 9. 3D tank pressure contours, 166.7 MVA Figure 10. 3D tank pressure contours, 363 MVA
Model A transformer, 10 MJ arc Model B transformer, 10 MJ arc

equation reduced Model for compressib­ hing flows,” J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 607, pp. [8] IEEE C57.156, Guide for Tank
le two phase flow problems,” INRIA, Vol. 313-350, 2008 Rupture Mitigation of Liquid-Immersed
4778, 2003 Power Transformers and Reactors,
[7] R. Menikoff, “Empirical EOS for So­ 2016
[6] R. Saurel, F. Petitpas and R. Abgrall, lids,” in Shock Wave Science and Tech-
“Modelling phase transition in metastable nology Reference Library Vol. 2, Berlin, [9] CIGRE A2.33, Guide for Transformer
liquids: Application to cavitating and flas­ Springer-Verlag, 2007, pp. 143-188 Fire Safety Practices, 2013

Anne Goj has been involved in multi-disciplinary
computational research since completing a PhD in
Theoretical and Physical Chemistry in 2007. She is
currently a Research Engineer at Transformer Protector
Corp. She is spending so much time calculating quantities
with physics that she occasionally wonders how her
degrees all have “chemistry” written on them.

Figure 11. Oil outflow, 166.7 MVA Model A Ashwin Padmanaban Iyer has been involved in
transformer, 10 MJ arc performing Finite Element Analysis to evaluate structural
integrity for various applications after completing an
MS in Mechanical Engineering in 2011. He is currently
a Research Engineer at Transformer Protector Corp. His
other interests include trekking and traveling.
All TP Depressurization Sets
Outflow rate [L/s]

Estimated Lower Bound PRD
Omar Ahmed has been involved in scientific computa­
Estimated Upper Bound PRD
Performance tion with a focus on Computational Fluid Dynamics
950 L/s since completing a MS in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics in
250 L/s
0 10 20 30
Time [ms]
40 50
2010. He is currently the Research Department Manager
at Transformer Protector Corp. In his free time, he enjoys
Figure 12. Oil outflow, 363 MVA Model B cooking and biking.
transformer, 10 MJ arc

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 69

Bearing in mind that

about 17 % of trans-
former failures are at-
tributed to bushing
faults, it is of prime
importance to monitor
and observe the bush-

This article focuses on condenser
bushings monitoring, of both oil-im-
pregnated and resin-impregnated
paper bushings, for extra high-
voltage class transformers in order
to avoid a catastrophic transform-
er failure that might result from a
failed bushing. A brief description
of the online monitoring system is
presented, highlighting its superior-
ity over conventional offline moni-
toring practices. This is followed by
a true case study and a specimen
cost-benefit analysis related to the
failure of a 160 MVA, 220/132/33 kV
transformer and its assumed down
time of 72 hours at a substation in
India, caused by a failure of a 245 kV
oil-impregnated paper bushing.

bushing, tan δ, capacitance, infrared

70 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017


Condenser bushings
condition monitoring
1. Introduction distances shorten and a flash over occurs 2.2 Offline bushing monitoring
between the live extra-high voltage (EHV)
Bushing condition monitoring is impor­ conductor and the transformer body, Offline bushing monitoring is conducted
tant in order to detect incipient faults. resulting in a hazardous fire/explosion at different intervals depending on the
Some of the causes of a bushing failures in the transformer and also damaging customer or a country. However, it is a
include: the nearby outdoor equipment. This is general practice to monitor bushings on
generally observed in 220 kV, 400 kV a six-monthly basis, or annually where
• high dielectric stress due to switching and 765 kV voltage class transformers. shutdowns pose constraints.
surges and lightening surges The losses incurred by such failure and its
• ingress of moisture and other contami­ consequences are colossal and they ensue
nants through deteriorated, aged gas­ from: 3. Tan δ and capacitance
kets and hairline cracks in the porcelain measurements
• oil leakage • the cost of the bushings; Tan δ is measured offline with a 10 kV tan
• high atmospheric temperature, humidi­ • the cost of the transformer (in case there δ testing kit in UST mode (Ungrounded
ty, etc. was a subsequent transformer failure) Specimen Test mode), Fig. 1. The limiting
• deterioration of dielectric properties and associated activities; and value of tan δ for condenser bushings is
due to: (a) an increased oil temperature • the losses due to power system distur­ 0.007 or 0.7 % as per IEC-60137 [3].
caused by transformer overloading, or bances and/or blackouts affecting large
(b) loose joint connections in the leads number of consumers. Note: (a) The limiting value of 0.7 % is
of the draw-lead type bushings/draw- also applicable to the bushings in ser-
rod type bushings, giving rise to an ex­ All this may lead to a huge revenue loss for vice; (b) Test results of new condenser
cess temperature in the bushings the generation, transmission and distribu­ bushings show that the factory value of
• failure due to improper earth connec­ tion utilities. tan δ is as low as 0.3 % to 0.4 %.
tion of the test tap
• improper re-fixing of the test tap cap
after dissipation factor (tan δ) and capa­
citance measurements

2. Bushing condition
2.1 Online bushing monitoring

Bearing in mind the research results

presented at the beginning of the
article Fundamentals of condenser
bushings [1], which show that about
17 % of transformer failures are attributed
to bushing faults [2], it is of prime
importance to monitor and observe the
bushings, identifying defective bushings
whose tan δ values are increasing. If the
tan δ begins to exceed the value of 0.007,
then the arrangements to replace the unit
must be made.
Figure 1. Offline testing arrangement/schematic diagram for the tan δ measurement of a
Due to a bushing failure, the dielectric power transformer bushing in UST mode

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 71

Bushing failures can result in hazardous The value of dissipation factor of modern
condenser bushings is generally of the
fire and explosion of the transformer, which order of 0.5  % after correction to 20 °C.
could also damage the nearby outdoor However, as specified in IEC: 60137 [3]
and IS:2099 [6], the limiting value is 0.7 %.
equipment The limiting value of the power factor,
according to IEEE C57.19.01-2000 [7] is
0.5 % (+0.02/-0.04) for OIP bushings, and
3.1 Bushing tan δ and capacitance - • 800 kV, 2500 A, OIP bushing, C1 = 463 0.85 % (±0.04) for RIP bushings.
present trends and practices pF & tan δ = 0.351 %; C2 = 1774 pF &
tan δ = 0.353 % Capacitances should be +/-5…+/-10 % of
Contrary to what is defined by IEC-60137 the name plate value, depending on the
[3], the present practice followed by some Since the capacitance of C2 is much higher total number of condenser layers.
manufacturers is that the tan δ of the than that of C1, if higher voltage (>2.5 kV)
bushing central conductor to the test tap, is applied, it will get charged to a very high The significance of condenser bushing tan
that is C1, should not increase by 50  % in charge Q, as C = Q/V, and may be harmful δ and capacitance test values with the ana­
relation to the pre-commissioning value, to the insulation as well as to human life. lysis of test results is outlined in Table 1.
and the bushing should be replaced if the
value increases up to 75 % and >0.4 % [4]. This tan δ value does not need to be con­
verted to 20 °C base for assessment com­ 5. Conversion of tan δ values
The present practice by Indian utilities is parison. The tan δ of the bushings test tap to the base temperature of
to specify the tan δ of C1 as less than 0.4 % to flange insulation (C2) generally varies 20 °C
at the time of procurement of the transfor­ between 0.4 – 3 % [5].
mer/condenser bushings. Since the value of tan δ varies with tem­
If the value of capacitance C1 is found to perature, the tan δ recorded at different
3.2 Tan δ and capacitance (C2) mea­ be low in comparison to the factory value, oil temperatures needs to be converted to
surement between test tap and flange this indicates a disruption due to transport a common base temperature for compa­
damage; therefore, the bushing should not rison purposes. The base temperature of
The tan δ measurement is done in GSTg be installed [4]. While in service, if the va­ 20 °C is taken for the comparison of tan
mode (Grounded Specimen Test with lue of C1 exceeds the factory value by 3 %, δ measured at different temperatures, as
g­uarding) only. Guarding lead is connected this points to the partial puncture of the presented in Table 2 [4].
to the reference voltage point, in this case condenser of the bushing and the bushing
the ground, so that any stray capacitances should be replaced immediately. The value of tan δ increases with temper­
between the tan δ tap and the ground can ature. The main tank oil temperature is
be avoided. The test voltage should be bet­ measured while testing the tan  δ of the
ween 500 V and 2.5 kV only. 4. Interpretation of tan δ and bushings. In order to compare the tan δ
capacitance values values taken at different oil tempera­tures,
To illustrate, we may consider the typical The dissipation factor and capacitance a correction factor is applied to the read­
values of 420 kV and 800 kV oil-impregnated values should be compared with one or ing in order to bring the values to a com­
paper (OIP) bushings of one manufacturer: more of the following: mon reference temperature which is uni­
versally accepted as 20 °C (the correction
• 420 kV, 1600 A, OIP bushing, C1 = 489 • rating plate/name plate data factor table is shown in Table 2) [4].
pF & tan δ = 0.33 %; C2 = 1057 pF & tan • results of the prior tests of the same bushing
δ = 0.64 % • results of similar tests on similar bush­ings The temperature correction factors for tan

Table 1. Significance of condenser bushing tan δ and capacitance test values – analysis and interpretation of results [5, 8]
Tan δ and capacitance - trend of test results Analysis
Increase in tan δ (between 0.7 % and 1 %) accompanied by Points to excessive moisture in the insulation
marked increase of capacitance
Very high increase in tan δ alone (over 1 %) Points to thermal deterioration, aging or contamination
other than moisture
Low tan δ Points to weak potential connections
Increased capacitance Points to possible short-circuited condenser layers
Decreased capacitance Points to possible floating ground sleeve, or open or poor
test tap connection
Very large variation in tan δ and capacitance values Points to no oil in the bushing
Negative tan δ accompanied with small reduction in capa- May result from external surface leakages or internal
citance leakages resulting from carbon tracking, etc.

72 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

δ or power factor (PF) are dependent on The losses incurred by a transformer failure
the insulating material, material structure,
the moisture contents, etc. The following caused by a bushing and its consequences
relationship holds good: are colossal
PF20 = PF tan δmt
K or tan δ20 = K
Table 2. Tan δ and power factor correction factors for OIP & RIP bushings to 20 °C
Temperature Correction factor to 20 °C
PF20 = power factor at 20 °C range in °C OIP bushing RIP bushing
PFmt = power factor at the measured test 0-2 0.80 0.76
object temperature
tan δ20 = tan δ at 20 °C 3-7 0.85 0.81
tan δmt = tan δ measured at test object tem­ 8-12 0.90 0.87
perature 13-17 0.95 0.93
K = correction factor 18-22 1.00 1.0
5.1 A specimen calculation 23-27 1.05 1.07
28-32 1.10 1.14
Let us assume the tan δ measured was 33-37 1.15 1.21
0.0075 at the oil temperature of 45 °C for 38-42 1.20 1.27
the OIP type bushing:
43-47 1.25 1.33
• from Table 2 it follows that the con- 48-52 1.30 1.37
version factor K equals 1.25 (for the 53-57 1.34 1.41
temperature range 43-47 °C)
58-62 1.35 1.43
• applying the equation (1), the fol-
lowing is obtained: 63-67 1.35 1.43
68-72 1.30 1.42
tanδ20 = tanK δmt = 0.0075
1.25 = 0.006 (2) 73-77 1.25 1.39
78-82 1.20 1.35
83-87 1.10 1.29
6. Variation in power factor
with temperature and
voltage • Curve 2 refers to the response at 25 °C indicates that PF varies with tempera­
Considering that the values of tan δ and and 70 kV voltage applied on the same ture. It may be observed that the voltage
power factor of insulation vary with tem­ bushing, with the temperature remai­ applied is same as in the case of curve 1,
perature, the bushing tan δ or PF mea­ ning constant, which indicates that PF 10 kV.
sured in offline condition will not paint varies with voltage. • Curve 4 presents the response at 70 °C
a true picture of the bushing, correspon­ • Curve 3 refers to the response at 70 °C and the applied voltage of 70 kV, with
ding to the dynamic operating conditions. and the applied voltage of 10 kV, which both temperature and voltage raised.

Thus, the researchers have studied the

influence of the variation in temperature
and voltages on the power factor of the
bushings, reaching the conclusion that
the bushings power factor varies not only
with temperature but also with voltage
changes, Fig. 2 [9].

Based on these studies, Figure 2 illustrates

four curves which were drawn for dif­
ferent temperature and voltage conditions
over a period of 210 hours versus power

• Curve 1 depicts the response at 25 °C at

the applied voltage of 10 kV, i.e. during
offline monitoring. It can be seen that
the PF is quite stable. Figure 2. Curves indicating variation of % power factor with voltage and temperature over
a period of 210 hours
w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 73

at 90 °C. Curve 1 shows that the tan δ at

20 °C is as high as 2.8 %, but then abruptly
rises to 9 % at 50 °C.

Based on this interpretation, if the tan δ

is continuously monitored and its values
show that at different temperatures they
follow the trend of any of the mentioned
curves, the bushing moisture content can
be easily established as well as a faulty
OIP bushing. In this case, the faulty unit
should be immediately replaced.

8. Monitoring of hot spots

in the bushings through
infrared thermography
Figure 3. Tan δ as a function of temperature and moisture for OIP bushings [4]
The hot spots in the bushings can only be de­
tected by infrared thermography scanning
The curve shows that the PF increases lationship between the dissipation factor carried out remotely with thermovision
with the increase in temperature and and rising temperature and moisture con­ cam­eras while the transformers are on load.
voltage on the bushing insulation. tents in the OIP bushings, which are pre­
sented by the following curves in Figure 3: The hot spots in the bushings develop due
Since the power factor increases with to the following reasons, which cannot be
higher voltage and higher temperature, • Curve 1 for the moisture content of 4 % detected in off-load conditions:
the need for online tan δ measurement is • Curve 2 for the moisture content of 1 %
essential. In this way, any abnormality ob­ • Curve 3 for the moisture content of 0.4 • loose terminal clamps
served can be addressed timely by the uti­ to 0.6 % • improper fixing of draw lead at the ad­
lity, preventing enormous revenue losses • Curve 4 for the moisture content of 0.1 to 0.3 % opter (also known as thimble) with top
due to down time or transformer outage terminal
caused by a bushing failure. It can be observed from Curves 3 and 4 • improper soldering of lead with cable
that the tan δ remains almost constant adopter (thimble)
at temperatures from 20 °C to 90 °C. For
7. Tan δ vs. temperature and Curve 2, the tan δ is 0.7 % at 50 °C and Such hot spots are attended to by tigh­
moisture of OIP bushings – with a further rise in temperature the tan tening the identified loose connections
interpretation of curves δ shows a rising trend from 0.7 % to 3 % while the transformer is offline.

As discussed in the previous section, the

tan δ (PF) of condenser bushings varies The bushings power factor varies not only
with temperature and voltage. Based on
the curves plotted in Figure 2, further
with temperature but also with voltage
conclusions may be drawn about the re­ changes

Figure 4a. Hot spot at the top of the extreme right bushing Figure 4b. Hot spot on the terminal clamp of the middle bushing

74 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

The specimen scanned images of hot spots Since the power factor increases with high-
are shown in Figures 4a and 4b [10], along
with vertical temperature scales. The er voltage and higher temperature, the need
white colour on top of the far right bush­ for online tan δ measurement is essential
ing in Figure 4a indicates that its hot spot
temperature is 54 °C to 55 °C, while the
stud and the clamp of the middle-phase Table 3. Tan δ and capacitance values of the failed bushing measured and recorded with
bushing indicated in white in Figure 4b a 5 kV kit
show that the temperature at these points Ambient Capacitance
ranges from 46 °C to 48 °C. Date of testing Tan δ [%]
temperature [oC] [pF]
12.09.05 30 396.5 0.35
9. Case study of a 245 kV 29.11.07 32 394.1 0.42
bushing failure at the 220 kV 01.10.08 45 352.6 0.53
substation 07.03.09 43 392.1 0.50
25.05.09 40 391.2 0.45
Transformer and bushing details:
05.12.09 39 392.5 0.40
• Transformer rating: 220/132 kV, 19.05.11 38 394.2 0.49
160 MVA 29.09.11 40 390.6 0.51
• OIP bushing, manufactured in 1993
05.06.12 40 393.9 0.56
• Period of offline monitoring: one year
• Period elapsed after last monitoring of
tan δ prior to failure: five months
• Tan δ and capacitance values last mea­ nostic tests were performed by using the • magnetic balance test with LV supply
sured with a 5 kV kit, tan δ: 0.52 %; ca­ naked bare lead of the failed bushing: • measurement of winding resistance
pacitance: 393.9 pF (Table 3) • ratio test
• Load at the time of failure: 20 MW • IR (Insulation Resistance) test with a
• Season/weather conditions and date: 5 kV megger The test results revealed that the trans­
rainy season, cloudy conditions, 14 Au­ • magnetizing current test with LV supply form­er was in a healthy condition.
gust 2013
• Relay indications: differential relay,
ABC, instantaneous; differential, instan­
taneous over-current, PRV (Pressure
Release Valve) and Buchholz Trip
• Thermovision survey (in service and in Moisture entered through the
loaded condition) was also carried out deteriorated gasket of the oil
about four months prior to the failure. level indicator
No hot points were observed in any of
the bushings.
• Condition of the transformer: the trans­
former was tested and found healthy. It
was successfully re-energized after the
replacement of the failed bushing with 1. Ingress of moisture through the crack­
a new one. ed cementing between the porcelain and
metallic dome
The tan δ and capacitance values of the 2. Separation due to building of excess
failed bushing taken periodically are pre­ pressure inside the bushing
sented in Table 3. Figure 5a. The failed 245 kV, 1250 A OIP bushing showing cracked and separated oil
expansion metallic chamber/dome from the porcelain insulator
9.1 Analysis

Based on the details presented in Table 3

and the photographs of the failed bushing,
Fig. 5a and 5b, it can be inferred that the
bushing failed between the successive pe­
riods of offline monitoring.
Burst due to building up of excess
pressure inside the bushing
To assess the condition of the 160 MVA
transformer after the failure of the 245 kV Figure 5b. The failed 245 kV, 1250 A, OIP bushing showing bursting of lower oil end
bushing of ‘1U’ phase, the following diag­ insulator

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 75

The hot spots in the

bushings can only be
detected by infrared
thermography carried
out remotely while the
transformers are on

some of capacitances caused by ingress of

moisture, increase in tan δ value and also
Figure 6. A phasor diagram showing drifted location of the current vector with reference occurrence of low intensity partial dis­
to the voltage vector of the A phase, indicating deterioration of insulation of the A phase charge over the five-month period after
bushing in (B) the last offline tan δ and capacitance mea­
surements were performed.

Although the recorded load was only 20 the bushing core at low load periods and Since neither the transformer nor any of
MW, the transformer had met the load de­ at cool night hours. Location of ingress the other bushings or auxiliaries/compo­
mand to the extent of 85-87 MW during of moisture is encircled in white, Fig. 5a. nents were adversely affected, it was obvi­
irrigation season (the irrigation season is Non-bursting and non-shattering of the ous that the fault was not of a violent and
between November and February of the splinters of the outer porcelain of the OIP serious nature. It was confined to the fail­
following year). bushing at the air end indicate that the ure of one 245 kV bushing only.
failure did not take place due to any vio­
Ingress of moisture must have taken place lent conditions, such as heavy lightning
through: impulse stroke/switching surges, etc., but
10. Remedial measures
resulted from the pressure that had devel­ The practical remedial measure is to
a. the cracked cementing which couples oped inside it at a very slow pace – which switch to the online monitoring system
the porcelain portion of the bushing to is also confirmed by the bursting at the of the bushing tan δ for high value trans­
the metallic dome, and/or lower oil end side, Fig. 5b. formers (power utilities may weigh the
b. the deteriorated gasket of the oil level advantages/gains of this in relation to the
indicator, Fig. 5a The development of excessive pressure in­ cost investment, Table 5).
side the ill-fated bushing appears to have
This phenomenon is due to contraction of taken place due to a failure/shorting of It has already been mentioned that the tan
δ value of the insulation (in this case, the
bushings) increases with a rise in temper­
ature and moisture contents.

The online monitoring system of tan δ will

not only record the tan δ value on a real-
time basis on actual voltage, at different
loading conditions, different oil tempera­
tures and different winding temperatures,
but also it will identify the bushing getting
red-hot consequent to loose lead connec­
tions, loose terminal clamp connections,
etc. The heat generated by the loose lead
connections and terminal clamp connec­
tions can be verified further with the ther­
movision infrared scanning.

In addition, with the online monitoring

system, the tan δ of the bushing is being
monitored at the system voltage level and
Figure 7. The loss angle shown (δ = 90 - ø∅) developed as the angle between the phasors at actual temperature of the bushing (i.e.
IC and I: (a) current leading voltage in a capacitor; (b) moisture and other impurities offer at dynamic real-time conditions), whereas
parallel resistance and I gets two parallel paths, being divided into IC and Ir; (c) vector in case of offline tan δ monitoring the
diagram of the circuit in (b) wherein δ = 90 – ø ϕis called loss angle; (d) tan δ = Ir / IC applied voltage is typically 10 kV only.

76 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

11. Online monitoring of The change in sum of the currents can ap­ • Monitoring of bushings/CTs at a time:
the bushings tan δ and proximately be estimated using the equa­ 2x3 bushings/CTs can be monitored
capacitances: Theories and tion (3), with the assumption that only • Monitoring of 1-phase units: it is possi­
methodologies one bushing (A phase) has developed a ble to monitor 4x1-phase transformers
fault [10]: with three units in service and one spare
The methods used in the online moni- unit; the spare unit gets automatically
toring of the bushings tan δ and capa- ∑I = ∆I ≈ √ (∆tan δ)2 + (∆C/Co)2 (3) grounded through its sensor in a kiosk

citance values include the following: provided
where • Defective bushings: a specific software
• Sum-of-currents method depicts the imbalance of the current
• Absolute measurement – voltage trans­ ∑I = sum of currents vector position on a polar plot, which in
former reference method ∆tanδ = small change in tan δ turns affects the power factor and capa­
• Dual transformer comparison method ∆C/Co = relative change in bushing capa­ citances of the defective bushing
citance • Effect of temperature/voltage: changes
11.1 Sum-of-currents method Co = initial capacitance reading in tan δ and capacitance can be identi­
Io = Initial sum of current value fied in relation to the temperature and
The voltages in a three-phase transfor­ voltage, as well as the deteriorating con­
mer are assumed to be almost equal and Following the concept outlined above, dition of such bushings
to have a phase displacement of 120° many manufacturers have developed • False alerts: special algorithms elimi­
between them sequentially. The bushings their online monitoring system. The basic nate false alert due to noise and other
of these transformers are considered to block diagram of the bushing monitoring atmospheric conditions
have almost equal insulation level. Since scheme is shown in Figure 8. • Communication protocol: it can be lo­
insulation is capacitive in nature, with the cally accessed through RS 232 and re­
application of the three-phase balanced In this scheme the sum of the bushing motely for SCADA, etc. through Ether­
voltage the leakage capacitive currents currents is considered. In practice, the ca­ net /RS 485 or similar
will flow between the respective phase pacitances of the bushings might not be • Data storage period: five years on an
and the ground through capacitances C1, exactly the same. During commissioning hourly basis
leading the applied driving voltage by litt­ the null meter is balanced to zero. • Self-diagnostic feature
le less than 90°, but maintaining the phase • Change in PF and capacitances: change
displacement of three phase balanced vol­ The purpose of balancing is to take into in A phase can be detected, as shown in
tage. The vector sum of all three capacitive account the system voltage, phase fluctua­ yellow on polar diagrams in Fig. 9
leakage currents should be zero ideally, tions and bushing characteristics and thus
considering them equal in magnitude fix an initial reference mark. With the de­ 11.2 Absolute measurement –
and angle of displacement (which is 120° velopment of a fault, the current and the voltage transformers reference
between them sequentially). However, in phase angle change and the null meter will method
practice, the vector sum of the leakage ca­ no longer show the null position.
pacitive current will not be zero, but a very To overcome the variation in the tan δ
small value making a very small angle, for With the change in amplitude and phase values due to imbalance of system volt­
example with the A phase voltage phasor, angle, the bushing losing its dielectric pro­ ages, the absolute measurement (voltage
Fig. 6 (a red coloured phasor). perty can be identified. transformer reference method) has been
introduced [9, 11]. Imbalance voltages in
The deterioration of insulation means an 11.1.1 Features of the online tan δ the system occur due to unequal load­
increase in the resistive component (i.e. monitoring ing of the phases, system faults or due to
contaminant/impurity) in the bushing, asymmetric induction from high currents
making the resistive current flow in paral­ The online tan δ monitoring devices are in the nearby overhead lines. It has been
lel to the capacitive current, Fig. 7. presently manufactured by reputed ma­ observed that the tan δ value of the oil-im­
nufactures. They are supplied to transfor­ pregnated bushing with the original tan δ
The resistive current component is in mer OEMs to be incorporated as per the of 0.25 % increases to 0.5 %.This could be
phase with the driving voltage, while requirement of customers. alarming, but misleading too.
the total resultant current through the
capacitance of the bushing is leading the Online tan δ monitoring using the sum- In the absolute measurement method,
driving voltage by the angle ø less than of-currents method includes the fol­ absolute values are taken from the volt­
90° (i.e. the resultant current is lagging the lowing features [7]: age transformers of respective phases.
original capacitive current vector by the
angle δ). Thus, the tan δ is the dielectric
dissipation factor of the A phase bushing, With the online monitoring, the tan δ of the
which means that the vector sum of the
capacitive currents of all three phases will bushing is being monitored at the system
deviate from the original value having
a slightly increased value, Fig. 6(b) (red
voltage level and at actual temperature of the
coloured increased vector). bushing, i.e. at dynamic real-time conditions
w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 77

Online monitoring of the bushings tan δ and - maintains galvanic isolation eliminat­
ing interference and ensures personal
capacitance includes the following meth- safety
ods: sum-of-currents, absolute measure- • Central computer with compatible user
friendly monitoring software:
ment, and dual transformer comparison - state-of-the-art data base system en­sures
long term data storage and retrieval
- processing of the data is performed
intelligently to provide useful informa­
tion of status/condition of the bush­ings
- parameters are monitored to give sig­
nal, alarm and warning of limiting
levels/defined thresholds
- accessible via web browser interface
- specimen graphs/curves of dissipation
factor and capacitance of the bushings
in this system, Fig. 12

11.3 Dual transformer comparison


In the dual transformer comparison

meth­od [11], the concept of comparison
is similar to the absolute measurement
method. Instead of three voltage trans­
Figure 8. A schematic diagram of the sum-of-currents method [10] formers, the respective phase bushings of
a transformer with similar rating connec­
ted in parallel are used for reference. The
The schematic diagram of connections is the bushing tap adopters and UHF test setup is similar to that in the absolute
shown in Fig. 10. sensors measurement method.
- advanced signal processing system for
The equipment and set-up for the absolute capacitance, dissipation/power factor,
measurement – voltage transformer refer­ transient overvoltages and partial dis­
12. A sample cost-benefits
ence method is presented in Fig. 11. charge, etc. analysis of an online tan
• Acquisition unit/VT reference: δ monitoring system for
The most important features and duties of - synchronously acquires reference sig­ bushings
the main equipment in the absolute mea­ nals from the VTs for absolute capa­
surement method are as follows [11]: citance and dissipation/power factor The following analysis aims to show the
measurements benefits of installing an online tan δ moni­
• UHF sensor: - It can be used with three voltage trans­ toring system for power transformer bush­
- highly sensitive PD measurements in formers reference scheme or three ings. The online tan δ monitoring system
the winding insulation power transformer bushings reference monitors the condition of the condenser
- wide frequency response scheme of a similar power transformer bushings while the transformer is in ser­
- results can be correlated to the PD sig­ on the same bus vice. The analysis is based on a sample case
nals detected at the bushing • MCU fiber optic bus controller: of the failure of the 245 kV OIP bushing of
• Acquisition unit/transformer: - It is used for connecting each acquisi­ the 220/132 kV, 160 MVA power transfor­
- synchronous acquisition of data from tion unit to the central computer mer presented in section 9.

Figure 9. Phasor diagrams showing change in PF and capacitance

78 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

12.1 Assumptions bushings after the incident; acquisition of 12.3 Loss of revenue
a new 245 kV bushing, pre-commission­
• Season: peak irrigation season for the ing tests and energization of the trans­ The loss of revenue due to the outage of
agricultural fields (Nov 2015) former: 150,000 INR (2,266.14 USD) the transformer can be calculated based
• Date of failure: 15 November 2015 d. Travel costs for testing engineers and on the assumed outage of 50 MW during
• Load: 164 MW fed by two 160 MVA, staff for two journeys from the head­ the assumed down time of 72 hours. With
220/132 kV power transformers of quarters to the site (150 km away) and the price of the unit at 132 kV level equal­
equal impedances and tap position va­ back: 15 INR per km multiplied by two ling 5.29 INR (0.0799 USD), according to
riations e. Light motor vehicles and transportation the prevailing tariff for 2015-16 in M.P.
• Load on the affected transformer prior of testing staff: 2∙2∙2∙150∙15=18,000 INR (India), and assuming the load factor of
to failure: 82 MW (271.92 USD) 85 %, the following calculation ensues:
• Location of the site: the 220 kV substa­ f. Cost of the 245 kV, 1250 Amp OIP
tion is 150 km away from the headquart­ bush­ing: 600,000 INR (9,064.57 USD) 50,000∙0.85∙72∙5.29 INR=16,187,400 INR
ers of the executive engineer, testing g. Inventory and other miscellaneous (244,552.95 USD)
division and the utility’s material and charges towards storing the bushing
equipment stores (charged as 25 % of the cost of the bush­ Note:
• Extent of failure: a failure of one 245 kV ing): 2,266.14 USD
1250 A OIP bushing h. Expenditure towards transportation of Since there was a similar transformer run­
• Parameter values recorded at the last the bushing: ning in parallel on the common bus, the
offline bushing testing prior to its fail­ • By road (truck) – freight: 18,000 INR outage of 50 MW is considered for the
ure: tan δ = 0.0053; capacitance = 394 pF (271.94 USD) calculation of the revenue loss. The other
• Period elapsed between the failure and • Transit insurance, charged at 5 % of portion of the load was shared by nearby
the last offline tan δ measurement: five the cost of the bushing: 453.23 USD 132 kV substations.
months after the last tan δ measurement • Loading/unloading charges: 8,000
with a portable 10 kV kit INR (120.86 USD) 12.4 The cost-benefit analysis
• Intervals of tan δ and capacitance test­ Summing up the above, the total trans­
ing: six-monthly portation costs came to: 846.03 USD The cost-benefit analysis for the
• Duration of down time after failure: 72 replacement of the 245 kV OIP bushing
hours (assumed) The costs incurred by replacing the failed including the loss of revenue to the utility
245 kV OIP bushing with a new one, tak­ resulting from the failure is shown in
12.2 Activities required and costs ing into account the realistic assumptions Table 5.
listed above, is shown in Table 4. The
a. Availability of heavy duty crane at site: amounts in USD have been calculated ap­ From this analysis it can be concluded that
not available. Therefore, the works were plying the exchange rate of 15 November the cost of replacement of one 245 kV OIP
carried out manually 2015: 1 USD = 66.1918 INR.
b. Personnel required:
• for removal of the failed bushing and
transformer testing Sum-of-currents method is based on the
• for testing and energizing the trans­
former at the time of installation
fact that the vector sum of all three capaci-
c. Testing of the transformer, HV and LV tive leakage currents should ideally be zero

Figure 10. A schematic diagram of the absolute measurement – voltage Figure 11. Absolute measurement – voltage transformer reference
transformer reference method method

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 79

To overcome the variation in the tan δ val- mately 5.13 crores INR, i.e. 775,020.47
USD according to the exchange rate at the
ues due to imbalance of system voltages, time of the incident.
the absolute measurement method has
been introduced Conclusions
This article has explored the condition
monitoring of the capacitive graded bush­
ings with particular emphasis on the on­
line monitoring systems for the condenser
bushings, designating them as superior
methodologies for monitoring of conden­
ser bushings at dynamic conditions on a
real-time basis, when compared to the off­
line monitoring system.

These online monitoring systems are

cost effective and able to give a caution
signal well before the utility might
suffer a catastrophic failure of the

In view of the above discussion and con­

sidering the sample cost benefit analysis,
utilities can resort to the online tan δ mo­
nitoring system for condenser bushings of
their 220 kV, 400 kV and 765 kV power
transformers and the 420 kV and 800 kV

Figure 12. Specimen curves of the tan δ and capacitances of all three-phase bushings
The author expresses his gratitude and
sincere thanks to the Managing Director
bushing, together with the loss of revenue OIP bushing. Had this incident led to a of M.P. Power Transmission Co. Ltd.
incurred by the failure, is: catastrophic failure of the transformer, an Jabalpur (India) for permitting him to
enormous loss would have been incurred use the relevant data and photographs of
• more than 8.28 times higher than the to the power utility and the down time the 220 kV substation in Narsinghpur.
approximate cost of the online tan δ would be approximately four to six weeks. He would also like to express his
monitoring system based on the sum- gratitude to Chief Engineer (Testing
of- currents method, including its com­ The cost of a new 220/132/33 kV, 160 MVA & Communication) and other testing
missioning at site transformer would have been approxi­ engineers in the department whose help
• more than 3.21 times higher than the
approximate cost of the online tan δ
monitoring system based on the abso­ In the dual transformer comparison method,
lute measurement method, including its
commissioning at site the respective phase bushings of a trans-
former with similar rating connected in par-
The above example has been cited as a
sample case of a failure of one 245 kV allel are used for reference

Table 4. Expenditure towards the engineers, and skilled and unskilled personnel carrying out the works at the substation
Personnel Number of engineers/ Rate per engineer / Amount in USD*
man-days man-days in USD
Maintenance and testing engineers 3∙3=9 67.98 611.86
Skilled maintenance technicians 5∙3=15
37.77 566.54
and testing personnel
Unskilled personnel 8∙3=24 7.55 181.29
Total 1,359.68

80 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

Table 5. The cost-benefits analysis
Cost incurred
Particulars Investment (USD) to the utility
Cost of the online tan δ monitoring equipment based on the sum- 30,215.22
of-currents method at site after loading, all taxes, duties, export-
import formalities, shipment and transit insurance, including
erection and commissioning at site (approximately)
Cost of the online tan δ monitoring equipment and accesso-
ries based on the absolute measurement method at site after
loading, all taxes, duties, export-import formalities, shipment 77,909.09
and transit insurance, including erection and commissioning
charges at site (approximately)
Cost of the OIP bushing 9,064.57
Costs towards inventory and other miscellaneous charges to-
wards storing the bushing etc.
Transportation of the bushing to the site 846.03
Charges towards testing of the transformer, HV and LV bushings
after the incident and costs of the new 245 kV bushing and pre- 2,266.14
commissioning tests prior to re-energization of the transformer
Cost of the journeys to and from the site for the testing and
commissioning engineers and testing team
Charges towards works on site by engineers, testing technicians
and the maintenance staff
Estimated loss of revenue due to down time 244,552.95
Total (in USD) 30,215.22 77,909.09 250,429.43

and support made the writing of this [7] IEEE C57.19.01-2000 (R2005), IEEE nitoring methods, presented at PdMSA
article possible. Standard Performance Characteristics conference, Sept 2010
& Dimensions for Outdoor Apparatus
Bushings [10] http://www.irinfo.org/articleof-
References month/images/2_1_2009_james_16.gif
[1] Er.K.K. Murty, Fundamentals of [8] HAEFLEY TEST AG’s Midas 228x, of IRINFO.ORG, Burlington NJ08016
condenser bushings, Transformers Ma­ Operating instructions
gazine, Special Edition Bushings, Nov. [11] C. Kane, Online bushing monitoring
2017 [9] C. Kane and A.Golubev, Bushing mo- and comparison of offline testing

[2] S.Tenbohlen, J Jagers et al., Development

and results of a worldwide transform­er
reliability survey, presented at CIGRE A2
Colloquium 2015, China, 20-25 Sept 2015, K.K. Murty holds a Bachelor’s degree (Hons) in
Electrical Engineering obtained from the University of
on behalf of CIGRE WG A2.37
Jabalpur, India. He was a former Chief Engineer and
Head of Department at M.P. Power Transmission Co. Ltd.
[3] IEC – 60137, Edition 6.0 2008-07, In-
Jabalpur (India), he was a member of the panel of expert
ternational Electrotechnical Commis­
professionals at the Central Power Research Institute
sion Standard for Insulated bushings for
(CPRI), Bangalore, from 2008 to 2012. Previous to this, he
Alternating Voltages Above 1000 V
worked as an Advisor (Testing) at SOUTHCO, a discom
in the state of Odisha, a Metering Consultant to M. P. Electricity Regulatory
[4] ABB, Publication No. 2750 515-142
Commission and a Course Director for the graduate electrical engineering
en, Rev. 3 on bushing diagnostics and
trainees at the Training Institute of MPPTCL, Jabalpur. He has published a few
technical articles in national and international journals and presented some
technical papers at various national and international conferences pertaining
[5] BHEL’s Presentation on Bushings – to power transformers, other power equipment and power systems, etc. Mr.
6645329 Murty is a Member of India’s Society of Power Engineers (MSPE), a Fellow
of Institution of Engineers, India (FIE) and is a Chartered Engineer (CE). In
[6] IS: 2099 - 1986 (Reaffirmed 2003), October 2015 he was awarded a plaque in recognition of his eminence and
India­n Standard Specification for Bushings contribution to the profession of electrical engineering at the national level by
for Alternating Voltage Above 1000 Volts the Institution of Engineers (India).

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 81

The majority of the electric grid’s critical

assets were not designed to withstand
the stressful dynamic loading patterns
imposed by greater energy demands

Adaptive Response
Increasing profitability and avoiding failures

hat do the Tennessee Valley Since its inception, electrical demand has and transformer seals are two of the most
Authority, Chicago Mercantile been fairly predictable. For most of its his­ concerning elements that we find regu­
Exchange, Gerdau AmeriSteel, tory, fluctuations in ambient temperature larly under siege in this new paradigm. A
and Mitsubishi Electric have were the largest drivers of demand. After compromised seal allows moisture intro­
in common? They all have a critical need all, ambient temperature is a predictable duction, leading to degraded dielectric oil
for reliable power systems and, to ensure variable; electrical generation was thus insulating capability, breakdown, and ulti­
that reliability, Sensei’s MasterMind understood as a relatively steady-state mately, partial discharge.
Adaptive Response Technology (ART and proposition.
SMART). In response, many utilities are imple­
menting continuous monitoring of these
For these and other Sensei customers,
Until today’s utility energy assets, such as dissolved gas analysis
MasterMind provides an essential tool environment (DGA) and installation of bushing
to increase power system reliability and Today, renewable energy sources present a monitors deeper within medium-voltage
to minimize or eliminate unplanned ser­ new, more dynamic problem: matching de­ transformers and switchgear distribution
vice interruptions and potential adverse mand to supply and vice versa. The majority networks. Individually, these methods
effects. of the grid’s critical, high-voltage legacy as­ provide only a sliver of insight into the
sets were simply not designed to withstand true condition of the equipment. In order
the stressful dynamic loading patterns im­ to gain a more reliable understanding of
A stressed out electrical grid posed by renewable energy sources. real-time conditions, it is now possible to
The overworked electrical grid isn’t a new consider the factors in context and then
concern, but it does source from a devel­ Although transformers can operate for correlate them with one another.
oping problem that has created new chal­ decades at 100 % of nameplate with load
lenges. The combined effects of an aging at a steady state, when they are subjected The solution for bushings, in particular,
fleet and the introduction of renewable to dramatic, repetitive load changes, ther­ has been an imperfect one. Instrumen­
energy sources to the grid place unantici­ mal expansions can eventually compro­ tation is impossible without an outage,
pated demands on legacy equipment. mise the life of the unit. Critical bushing making it inconvenient and costly, and

82 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017


risking damage to the very equipment it into the national grid, which grows more an obvious require­ment for the financial
seeks to protect. The information gleaned and more hazardous to legacy equipment giant. This initial project resulted in the
must then be manually correlated and every day. development of SMART, which employs
interpreted by costly subject matter ex­ multiple inputs, systems, and analytic pro­
perts. Thankfully, another, more effective bes to provide dynamic monitoring for
approach to condition monitoring exists.
Get SMART power system components.
Sensei MasterMind Adaptive
In the case of CME, radiometric samples
Averting disaster – with Response Technology
from eight FLIR thermal cameras were
science and technology To help protect themselves and their cus­ collected every 20 minutes, recording
For the Chicago Mercantile Exchange tomers from these uncertainties, CME high, low, mean, and median tempera­
(CME), power system failure could result contracted with Sensei Solutions, an in­ tures for dozens of measurement points
in global chaos. In addition to commodi­ novative, experienced leader in Smart on eight transformer/breaker pairs, and
ties exchange, derivatives trading for all Grid solutions, to develop a monitor­ increasing the thermographic sampling
primary shares on the major exchanges ing system for their most critical and rate from four times per year to over
pass through the CME infrastructure. For vulnerable components. Armed with 26,000 times per year.
every share of a company listed on an ex­ FLIR thermal imaging cameras, Sensei
change such as NASDAQ, NYSE, or FTSE, developed a solution that didn’t require Not only did the exchange increase its
dozens or even hundreds more derivatives a single outage to implement, which was power-system reliability, it also receives a
flow through the CME data center around
the clock. This means that the CME needs
to be 100 % operational 24 hours a day,
every day of the year. Even the epony­
mous five-nines of reliability (99.999  %)
isn’t good enough: an outage of as few as
four hours could precipitate global finan­
cial panic or collapse of the markets.

Therefore, the CME constructed a private

power station to keep the data center up
and running and completely in their con­
trol regardless of what happens elsewhere
in the grid. Every component critical to
operation is made “triple redundant”, and
nearly everything is automated. Never­
theless, for routine operation they still tap

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 83

station serving them, Mitsubishi installed

MasterMind to monitor FLIR thermal
imaging cameras over each of the critical
test hall transformers, as well as the 161 kV
utility breakers with disconnect switches,
connecting bus, GIS breakers, step-down
transformers, and 15 kV cable termina­
tions located in the substation yard.

Now, in addition to having greater confi­

dence in the reliability of their power sys­
tem, Mitsubishi Electric can record and
analyze the impact of their tests on the test­
ing equipment by monitoring the thermal
load effects on the test transformers.

Thermonuclear protection
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) safe­
ty and engineering personnel, who had
gathered in Savannah, Georgia, for an
EPRI condition-based maintenance
(CBM) user group meeting in July 2015,
attended a session in which Sensei pre­
sented “Persistent Radiometric Analysis
of Bushings, Breakers and High Voltage
Apparatus.” The TVA thought the session
was interesting, but they had bigger fish to
Using strategically placed FLIR cameras fry: in just two months, they were taking
carrying the AVR and selective optics, a the Watts Bar Two nuclear generation sta­
tion online after 40 years of construction.
substation can be outfitted with dozens of Once that was behind them, they could
think more critically about the ideas pre­
measurement points in a single day, without sented at the conference.
an outage
TVA Watts Bar 2 was finally ready to go
online August 30, 2016. Power ascension
significant insurance premium discount Reliable power supply for testing had proceeded normally through­
because of this increased capability. transformer manufacturing out the day and the final objective was
in sight: 100  % continuous output and
Many electrical apparatus and compo­ Power system integrity is also critically commercial certification. It was 9 o’clock at
nents will heat up before they break down, important to Mitsubishi Electric, who night and the order was given to take Unit 2
which is why FLIR thermal imaging installed MasterMind Analytic Video to 100 %.
cameras are used to detect the rise in Recorder (AVR) analytics at their
temperature at an early stage. Memphis transformer factory where they Moments later, alarm systems indicated
produce the massive shell-form power a fire in one of the main bank step-up
Building on the solutions initially designed transformers used by generation facilities transformers, triggering an automatic
for the CME, Sensei Solutions developed worldwide. Reliable power is essential for shutdown of the Unit 2 reactor and ge­
a set of proprietary analytics that make it day-to-day operation of the factory and nerator unit. TVA emergency response
possible to detect degrading condition of during the testing of the transformers they teams extinguished the fire by 11:20 pm,
bushings, LTCs, and switchgear at a much produce for their customers. Mitsubishi’s but the damage was already done and the
earlier stage and with greater reliability Memphis factory includes a giant test hall, transformer was completely destroyed.
than previously available through periodic where newly made transformers are put Replacement cost and lost revenue ex­
manual inspection. The same results are through a rigorous regimen of extreme ceeded $66 mil­lion for the 27 days the
achieved for processing, correlating, and conditions. These tests include wide o­utage continued.
interpreting data from DGA, PD, and PF fluctuations in voltage, frequency, and
sensors. temperature which places unusual loads In the aftermath of the explosion, the
on the factory’s power systems. NRC and TVA personnel who attended
With Sensei’s MasterMind platform, it is the EPRI conference a month earlier con­
possible to plan maintenance more effec­ To ensure reliability of critical components tacted FLIR in search of a thermal moni­
tively and prevent costly outages. both in their factory and the utility sub­ toring solution to help prevent a recur­

84 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

rence when the replacement transformer Such was the case for the large East Coast and probably had to replace the vacuum
was brought online. FLIR referred TVA steel manufacturer Gerdau Long Steel, switch,” recounted Reginald Epps, Routine
to Sensei and a rapid response plan was who hired Sensei to monitor the melt Facilitator in Maintenance for Gerdau.
implemented to provide coverage of all six room and the high-voltage equipment “We would have been down for at least
main transformer units at the Watts Bar powering the massive smelter. Sensei fo­ 3.5-4 hours to have the work done, which
facility. In less than a week, Sensei con­ cused their attention on a melt container would be an additional expense and loss
figured and deployed the MasterMind and corresponding transformers with a of productivity. Thousands of dollars were
AVR Solution to monitor the thermal con­ live feed of current temperature to prevent saved all because of the FLIR cameras and
dition of critical transformer components catastrophic failure of the furnace walls, as MasterMind AVR.”
for both reactors and generator units. well as persistent analytics comparing per­
formance and condition of critical power-
system components including bus work,
The ART of Analytics
State of the Union: Current breakers, and disconnects. By employing
challenges in substation About MasterMind’s Adaptive
the Sensei program, Gerdau was able
monitoring Response Technology
to identify and remediate three critical
switchgear defects on the very first day of One of the major factors driving Sensei’s
Solving the problems of periodic moni­ its use. MasterMind prompted the main­ success with MasterMind analytics is that
toring: Episodic and incomplete data tenance team to resolve the issues imme­ no outage is required to implement the
diately, preventing imminent failure of the system. Deployment is amazingly simple,
Sensei’s MasterMind AVR Solution pro­ bus work and breaker connections. Two considering the complex, sophisticated
vides a dramatic improvement to tradi­ years later the same issue was detected on measurement that the program performs.
tional periodic handheld thermography a separate phase, and corrective actions Using strategically placed FLIR cameras
methods employed by electric utilities for were taken prior to any operational failure. carrying the AVR application module and
many years. selective optics, a substation can be outfit­
“If we hadn’t known about it until the ted with dozens of measurement points in
Periodic manual sampling has serious next week, we would have started up a single day. Then, Sensei’s MasterMind
shortcomings with potentially drastic
implications. Infrequent handheld ins­
pections are inherently more limited in
scope, resource intensive, less repeat­able,
In three days, the MasterMind AVR was
and dramatically more expensive per configured and deployed in a nuclear power
sample than are automated solutions. The
practition­er may be exposed to potentially
plant to monitor the thermal condition of
hazardous circumstances when taking critical transformer components
measurements on energized equipment
and is­sues that happen during the majo­
rity of the time when nobody is watching
are simply not caught. Even the quality of
analysis for the inspections that are per­
formed manually are subject to errors by
the humans doing them. Finally, manual
data collection and tabulation are far more
difficult to integrate into a CBM regimen.

These blind spots have a huge price-tag

since outages due to transformer failures
can cost companies up to $100,000 an
hour. However, if utilities use intelligent
and configurable automated monitoring
solutions, they will not only be able to
monitor in real-time, but also be able to
predict conditions with far greater accura­
cy and reliability than can be obtained by
manual radiometric inspection methods.

By combining Sensei’s intelligent automa­

tion software and thermal imaging FLIR
cameras, impending equipment failures
can be detected earlier, more economical­
ly, and with greater reliability than has
been possible before.

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 85

variables to achieve a truer indication of

condition and performance than can be
obtained using discrete threshold mea­

Together, these two calculations – Sigma

and Delta Tau, respectively – track the in­
stantaneous vs. long term stability of the
thermal signature of a given asset. Mul­
tiple measurements may be grouped and
compared providing detection and alert­
ing of both instantaneous anomalies and
worrisome longer-term trends.

What color is your rainbow?

Re-envisioning thermographic

Combining Sensei’s intelligent software and Conventional approaches to thermo­

FLIR cameras, impending equipment fail- graphic imagery produce a color-coded
image, which renders the naturally gray­
ures can be detected earlier, more econom- scale radiometric image in “technicolor.” It
ically, and with greater reliability seems intuitive, and it’s something so ubi­
quitous that it’s shorthand in movies and
TV for “advanced” tracking. But there’s a
catch: far more temperatures exist than
analytics platform gets to work provid­ Sigma Delta Tau: Calculation there are colors to represent them. As a
ing real-time and retrospective analysis. of anomalies result, software engineers have to subjec­
Third-party sensors or analytic mod­ tively interpolate a range of temperatures
ules can be added as required, making Another key innovation of Sensei’s across a range of colors. Sometimes this
MasterMind a truly adaptable – and cost- MasterMind AVR Solution is its patent­­ process produces dazzling visual effects,
effective – tool for utilities or anyone man­ -­
pending Sigma Delta Tau (SDT) al­ but it frequently fails to provide a true
aging complex power systems. gorithm, an adaptive com­p­arative ana­ r­epresentation of temperatures.
lytics application that measures relational
temperature. The underlying principle Improving on these methods, Sensei’s
“After years of waiting for IT to rests on a relatively simple proposition: AVR employs a patent-pending Poly­
provide communications access to because similar devices oper­ating under Therm function that allows for user-speci­
our remote DGA monitors, Sensei identical conditions produce similar fic assignments of colors to temperatures
had us online in under two weeks.” thermal profiles, variances in these painted against a grayscale background.
relationships can quickly identify outliers Users, at a glance, can tell the temperature
Mark Cheatham, Duke Energy and indicate further investigative action. of each scene element based on their own
specified parameters.
“From initial risk assessment all Sensei’s SDT algorithm tracks the stan­
the way to deployment and sus­ dard deviation and the stability of those Sensei’s Virtual Probe Editor is another
tainment, Sensei’s team of experts relationships over time among a group of important improvement over existing
related measurements. The SDT algorithm Spot or Area measurement tools that
help­ed guide us through the pro-
can be applied to transformer and breaker frequently measure either too few or
cess to a successful solution.” bushings, tap-changers, disconnects, and too many pixels. Multiple measurement
James Streznetsky, UGI Utilities capacitor banks. In addition, MasterMind points (or “virtual probes” in Sensei par­
automatically integrates environmental lance) may be defined by the user. The

86 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

With MasterMind, Sensei
has revolutionized the
traditional approaches to
condition-based mainte-

Probe Editor allows for pixel-by-pixel About FLIR

definition of measurement points or re­
gions of interest by painting directly onto FLIR Systems, Inc. designs, develops,
the radiometric image. Advanced probe manu­ factures, markets, and distributes
features allow for the averaging of multi­ of substation automation users. Sensei technologies that enhance perception and
ple scene elements such as sky, shadows, Solutions is a licensee and reseller of awareness. FLIR brings innovative sensing
and ground surface to determine a truer the MasterMind remote sensing and solutions into daily life through our ther­
a­mbient baseline. And complex shapes analytics platform. This platform includes mal imaging systems, visible-light imaging
and contours pose no problem given the application-specific solution modules for systems, locator systems, measurement and
simple and intuitive painting tools. thermal video analytics (Analytic Video diagnostic systems, and advanced threat de­
Recorder or AVR); TransforMetrics, a tection systems. FLIR products improve the
With MasterMind, Sensei has revolu­ modular multi-sensor multi-algorithm way people interact with the world around
tionized the traditional approaches to analytics suite that integrates time-series them, enhance public safety and well-being,
condition-based maintenance available data produced by dissolved gas, load, increase energy efficiency, and enable
to electric utilities and power-system temperature, and partial discharge data healthy and entertained communities.
users. To see how Sensei can make your from transformers on other substation
grid smarter and your power delivery apparatus; and Geospatial Event
system more reliable, visit our website at Processing for interpretation of security Contact
www.sensei-solutions.com, or email us at system sensors like cameras and ground Robin Thompson
mysolution@sensei-solutions.com. surveillance radars. Sensei is a US-based Chief Technology Officer
FLIR Solution Partner and distributor Sensei Solutions LLC
whose thermal imaging cameras are 13775 Highway 50
About Sensei Solutions a critical primary sensor input for the Suite 107
Sensei Solutions LLC is a North Carolina- MasterMind platform. Holly Ridge, NC 28445
based provider of MasterMind, an end-to-
end solution that captures, aggregates, and
analyzes data from all types of devices.
With these data, MasterMind presents
visualizations and alerts to SCADA and MASTERING THE SMART GRID

other enterprise systems. Engineering,

asset management, and security staff
are then able to organize their response, Author
Robin Thompson has been a prime mover in the devel­
according to business processes and rules,
opment of automation technologies and systems for over
before failures result in high economic
thirty years, is a prolific inventor, an avid aviator, and was
loss. Sensei Solutions’ MasterMind
a founder of several innovative high-tech start-up com­
software has already been deployed at data
panies dating back to the early 1980s, including Cypher
centers, steel mills, plastics manufacturing,
Systems, EntraNet Communications, Cortex Advanced
electrical substations, and nuclear power
Research, and ePic International. Mr. Thompson is pre­
sently engaged as Chief Executive Officer of North Caro­
lina-based Sensei Solutions LLC., and provides advisory services to industry
Sensei was founded in 2008 to meet and select emerging technology companies.
the evolving needs of a new generation

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 87

Bushings play an important role in the

smooth operation of the power grid
and when they fail, the residual conse-
quences could be catastrophic

Bushing monitoring is an important
Effective bushing
component of an effective condition
monitoring program. Bushings play
an important background role in the
smooth operation of the power grid,
but they are not perfect, and allow for
some current to reach the ground:
A technical guide to avoiding failure
this is called the bushing leakage
current. The right monitoring tools
and making critical decisions
and strategy can help record the
magnitude and phase of the bushing
leakage current and capture informa-
1. Introduction Bushings have an insulating medium that
must be sustained to prevent the passage of
tion about the state of bushing insu-
Bushings, devices that allow conductors excess current to the ground, but just like
lation. This article will address why
to pass through a barrier, may seem any other part of the power grid, bush­­­ings
and how bushing failure occurs and like simple and minor components of are not perfect insulators. Bushing leakage
the steps companies can take to pro- the power grid, but they are vital parts current is the current that flows through
tect their systems against bushing of the electric supply system – without the bushing insulation to the ground. The
deterioration. them, power transformers and circuit right monitoring tools can help measure
breakers would not operate effectively or and record the bushing leakage current,
KEYWORDS efficiently, see Figure 1. Bushing failure including magnitude, harmonic content
can cause residual effects that could lead and relative phase of the leakage currents
bushings, failure, condition monitor- to catastrophic impacts on the entire grid in a set of three bushings, which provides
ing, asset health, maintenance structure [1]. information about the state of the bushing

88 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017


insulation. Ongoing monitoring is incred­ Bushing leakage current may be consid­ example, in Figure 2. This is a recording of
ibly important for ensuring bushings ered to consist of two components: bulk the three individual waveforms for leak­
e­ffectively do their job. insulation and surface components. The age currents measured by a Bushing Data
path to the ground through the bulk insula­ Module (BDM). The data is not sinusoi­
tion is of interest here - monitoring sur­ dal, and the resulting sum current is not
2. Leakage currents: The face leakage currents is usually related to necessarily zero: but this is normal for this
cornerstone of bushing pollution monitoring and not necessarily location. Variation in sum current may
monitoring related to bushing deterioration.

Bushing monitoring relies on the leakage Ideally, each leakage current in a set of
current to indicate the status of bushing three would be a sine wave, all three of
insulation. However, the current itself is also identical magnitude, and be separate by
dependent on the voltage of the bushing, 120° phase difference. This would mean
which may vary phase by phase, with load their sum is zero, but this is rarely the case
and system configuration. Such variations in practice. For real bushings, the sum of
are benign and expected, but could lead currents is often non-zero, but may be
to false positives if not considered when normal for a particular set of bushings
setting alerts and alarm levels. in certain circumstances, as shown, for

Bushing failures often happen too rapidly for

the time-based testing to detect them, be-
cause the timescale of these tests is much Figure 1. Cross-section of a typical Oil-impregnated
larger than most bushing failure modes Paper (OIP) bushing

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 89

ded or risks reduced. Understanding failure

modes, their likely causes and how they can
be detected is critical, as well as evaluating
the return on investment – how much is
the system and what are the chances of de­
tecting deterioration before failure. Over
the years two types of failure modes have
been observed: ‘graceful’ and ‘rapid onset’.

In Figure 3, the derived power factor

Figure 2. Typical raw bushing leakage current sinusoids value for a bushing is shown with values
trended over three time scales: daily,
weekly and monthly via a moving average.
The right monitoring tools and strategy can Daily variations due to system voltage and
load effects show up most severely in the
help capture information about the state of daily trend, but are smoothed more in
bushings the weekly and monthly – all three trends
would come back ‘in line’ if the bushing
was stable and operational conditions
be caused by system voltage variation on a scalar, and must be treated as such by the constant for a month. Data prior to
each phase, by thermal effects, and be the analysis tools. May 5th is not included.
capacitance difference between non-iden­
tical bushings [2]. Over the past few decades, the overall design • Slow developing failures, as shown
and manufacture of bushings has improved, in Figure 3, are slower in deterioration
Measurement of the leakage current but there are still hundreds of thousands of and offer clear indications from a
should be based on a sample of the actual bushings in service that are in questionable monitored parameter, allowing for
sinusoid waveform at the bushing tap – condition. In an analysis of a database in one several weeks to months of preparation
this allows for a visualization of that wave­ year, over 1.5 percent of more than 60,000 for replacement. Replacement bushings
form and analysis of harmonic content. bushing test results were in a condition such can be identified and strategically used
Figure 2 shows three typical waveforms that they needed to be replaced: a C1 power at an opportune moment before failure
recorded by a bushing monitor on a trans­ factor either above 1 percent or twice the occurs. Capacitance measurements
former in service. The individual phase original nameplate [3]. Some are bushings and sum currents may miss this type of
currents are similar in magnitude, but not of known ‘suspect’ design, but many are deterioration and can be subsequently
pure sinusoids, containing harmonic con­ not and it is important that teams know confirmed by off line tests and bushing
tent which distorts the waveform. how to manage a deteriorating bushing tear down. The variation in power
without more offline testing. The addition factor had little corresponding variation
It is not uncommon on HV networks of more frequent partial discharge (PD) and in capacitance.
to have bushing waveforms which are InfraRed (IR) surveys is one intermittent • Rapid onset relates to failure modes
imbalanced; the causes include variations approach which may provide value. These that occur over a very short amount of
in the system voltage, bushings which surveys provide occasional data – once time, giving minutes to hours of warn­
are not necessarily equal capacitance, about every six months depending on your ing. Rapid rise in leakage current over a
temperature imbalance between bushings, testing schedule. few hours is a strong indication of im­
the presence of harmonics, or possibly minent failure.
deterioration in a bushing. The presence While this is not as good as monitoring,
of imbalance, by itself, is not necessarily these tests provide more frequent data than Condition monitoring should be able to
an indication of a bushing problem. time-based tests which may be scheduled handle either type of failure mode. Tech­
years apart – a timescale much larger than nical papers [5] and presentations given
most bushing failure modes. The increase at industry conferences give examples of
3. Failure: Why and how it in available data from surveys reduces the both types of failure being detected and
happens chance of a failure catching you off guard. acted upon to avoid catastrophic failure.
As the insulation in a bushing degrades, The application of a more substantive In applying monitoring, we have to set
the leakage current changes, possibly in approach to condition monitoring also expectations for what values we will get
either magnitude or phase, depending provides tremendous results which for the monitored parameters: in simple
on the individual failure mode. It may in­ can detect and prevent deterioration terms, if we don’t know what to expect,
crease in magnitude and it may change in developing into catastrophic failure. how can we know it’s unacceptable? To
power factor. When measuring current, it set expectations we need to have an idea
is important to look at both the resistive of the relevant failure modes and the effect
and capacitive, or reactive, components of
4. Condition monitoring in they will have on measured parameters.
the current, for which we require the in­ the real world
dividual current magnitudes and relative Widespread application of condition mo­ We also have to consider the differentiation
phases. The leakage current is a vector, not nitoring pays for itself, either in losses avoi­ between offline test results and similar

90 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

online test results. An offline bushing
power factor test will be performed using
a very well controlled voltage reference
applied at the bushing, but usually at
less than rated voltage for the bushing.
An online test is at rated voltage and the
power factor response may differ due to
‘tip-up’ and temperature effects. Tip-up is
the increase in measured bushing power
factor when the applied voltage for the test
is increased. This is a common test, used to
show the effects of insulation deterioration
and contamination. A reference voltage
Figure 3. Daily, weekly, and monthly power factor trends for a bushing known to be
may be available to provide an indication deteriorating
of operational variation – it provides a
useful reference in the form of a Root of
Mean Square (RMS) value to apply to Contextual information about ambient and
capacitance calculations – removing some
of the variations for each phase. In theory, system operating conditions can improve
the reference voltage for each phase would
also be useful in determining the power
factor of each individual bushing, but
this is dependent on the accuracy of the understanding the measurement context, shown variation in online power factor
voltage measurement and the relationship we can draw three reasonable conclusions: and capacitance for many units. Early
between the location of the voltage one morning, the monitoring system gave
reference and the bushing in question. • Poorly controlled or loose measure­ a high-level alarm notification, and as
Where a reference voltage is available, it ments will provide data which cannot planned and agreed, the unit was rapidly
is now also a measured parameter rather be relied upon and may lead to inappro­ switched out of service so offline tests
than a highly controlled value applied priate decisions. could be performed. The data showed a
in offline tests. There are now sources of • Understanding the context, whether large increase in leakage current over just a
error in the voltage measurement which operation load and voltage or the few hours for one bushing in a set of three,
add to the overall measurement errors presence of nearby sources of reactive as shown in Figure 4. The leakage current
– including the accuracy of the voltage power, can alter analyses of bushing magnitude rose from ~7 mA to >10.5 mA
transformer, the phase angle offset due leakage current considerably. in a space of two hours. In accordance
to transformer tap position – and can • Conclusions need to be actionable and with the agreed plan, the transformer was
lead to online measurements being quite timed. We apply condition monitoring deenergized to allow for offline tests to
different to offline measurements. to support decisions and when an alert confirm the online results.
or alarm is raised, we should have an
So, we must ask the question: what result appropriate action plan in place to Offline testing confirmed the online
are we expecting? If we know what to respond – an action and a timescale, results and the bushing was removed from
expect, we can set alert and alarm levels with personnel to carry out the action. service. Power factor had risen by a factor
accordingly – and appropriate response of more than three and capacitance by
plans for those notifications. almost 50 percent. A subsequent forensic
6. Bushing deterioration tear down showed puncture marks and
detected: Rapid onset failure burning close to the edge of many of
5. The three C’s of condition averted the foils. Given the insulation status,
monitoring the time taken for the leakage current
Effective monitoring will track parame­ To highlight the importance of agreed- to increase and historic background on
ters associated with suspected failure upon action plans, let’s look at one case these bushings, it was concluded this
modes. If the failure mode is fast, the at a transmission utility with suspicions bushing had just a few hours before
monitor may not respond in time to about several bushings that were moni­ catastrophic failure. That situation was
give appropriate warning and allow for tored [5]. When the monitoring system avoided through acting on a pre-arranged
intervention. The nature of bushing was installed, it was to detect rapid dete­ mitigation strategy.
failures is that they are often very rapid rioration. An action plan was developed
and teams need to have an agreed upon and agreed upon by relevant parties. If a This case shows successful condition
response plan established ahead of time high-level alert was generated, the trans­ monitoring that relies on a few critical
so they are ready to respond. former would be switched out within two things (the three C’s):
minutes and a local offline test performed
Condition monitoring requires the three to confirm the online measurements. • An understanding of the need to con-
C’s: control, context, conclusion [4]. By trol the measurement to produce valid
controlling the measurements made and Over time, the monitoring system had results

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 91

12 bushing, at about 8 a.m. and again at about

10 10:30 a.m. However, as load is brought up
tap4 Tap1 mA
on the generator – something which has
tap5 Tap2 mA
little effect on the system voltage – there is
a substantial rise in PD activity at 1 p.m. the
2 tap6 Tap3 mA
PAPR value rises to about 45 dB, or about
1000 times the power level expected in





1/29/12 12:00

1/29/12 14:24

1/29/12 16:48

1/29/12 19:12

1/29/12 21:36

‘normal’ operation.





The data shown in Figure 5 is a significant
Figure 4. Detecting rapid onset failure mode rise in PD levels associated with the ener­
gization of the transformer and ramp up
of load: highest level alerts were generated
Having an agreed upon plan of action based and texted to the engineers. This is a clear
indication of a possible issue – so what’s
on data and failure modes can help teams the plan?

get the most from monitoring This is the time to act on the plan, and to
respond to the situation. As can be seen in
Figure 5, the generator was ‘run down’ and
• A context for the data so results can be and relative phase and an expert system taken offline – the leakage current drops to
analyzed considering all impacting pa­ analysis, which uncovers what is ‘normal’ zero and the PD levels return to ‘normal’.
rameters at an individual location. A subsequent investigation considered
• Actionable conclusions which permit both monitoring data and contextual data
intervention using prearranged and ag­ In Figure 5, the level of PD detected from the transformer and the generator.
reed upon plans through a bushing is trended and overlaid The source of the PD was, in fact, in the
with the bushing leakage current for generator itself and was addressed through
There must also be a mechanism for the same bushing. The bushing leakage maintenance; subsequent reenergization
implementing change, which could be current is plotted in yellow, and scaled and ramp up of the generator yielded no
a target group of bushings identified for in mA on the left hand vertical axis; the PD signals via the bushing.
monitoring based on measured offline PD level is given in dB values on the
test parameters and industry knowledge. right hand vertical axis for the “Peak to This case raises some interesting points
Average Power Ratio” (PAPR) for each about monitoring in general, and bush­
PD recording; a measure of the severity ing PD monitoring in particular: does
7. Good data yields good of the PD signal, normally expected to the data relate to a failure mode, and what
decision-making be between about 10 and 15 dB. The could cause the data to change? In the case
When applied properly, the benefits bushing is on a Generator Step-up (GSU) summarized in Figure 5, the bushing PD
of condition monitoring outweigh the transformer, which had recently been detection was ‘valid’ but the contextual
challenges of implementation, but to make maintained, along with the associated information, associated and synchronous
good decisions, there needs to be a solid unit transformer and generator set. As the temperature rises in the generator, indi­
foundation of the most comprehensive generator is brought back online, and ‘run cates a source likely to be outside of the
data possible [6]. It is important when up and down’, the bushing leakage current bushing, and even outside of the trans­
taking bushing measurements to have rises and falls as the voltage on the bushing former itself. With more contextual in­
the raw sinusoidal waveforms available, changes with the generator. There is some formation available to make a decision, a
the magnitude of individual currents minor PD activity, mea­sured through the better decision is likely to be made.

Leakage current

PD severity increases
rapidly as load is raised

Figure 5. Bushing leakage current and PD levels on energization of a GSU transformer

92 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

The response plan must include the interest tee, International Conference of Doble
Clients, Spring 2015
of all stakeholders in the asset, including
engineering, operations and asset manage- [4] Condition Monitoring: Data Driven
& Knowledge Based Analyses, CIGRE
ment A2 Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 2016

[5] T. McGrail, K. Wyper and G. MacKay,

Conclusion nal Conference of Doble Clients, Fall 2014 Condition Monitoring in the Real
World, 80th Annual International Doble
Bushing failure often happens very [2] Bushing Monitoring – more than just Client Conference, Doble Engineering
rapidly, often so quickly that offline sum current, Doble Engineering Compa­ Company, 2013 (print)
testing will not detect the deterioration in ny, 2014 (print)
time for intervention. Online monitoring [6] Asset Management Starts with the
provides a means for filling in the gap [3] ISO 55000 & Asset Life Cycle Deci- Assets, Angell, Gavin, McGrail, 75th In­
between offline testing and gives the asset sion Making, tutorial hosted by the Asset ternational Conference of Doble Clients,
owner more information for making and Maintenance Management Commit­ Spring 2008
informed and important decisions.
Contextual information about ambient
and system operating conditions can
improve analyses. Having an agreed upon Author
plan of action, and one that is based on Tony McGrail is Doble Engineering Company’s
data and failure modes, can help teams Solutions Director for Asset Management & Monitoring
get the most from a monitoring system. Technology, providing condition, criticality and risk
It is imperative for any owner or operator analysis for utility companies. Previously Tony had spent
to plan for whatever situation the system over 10 years with National Grid in the UK and the US;
may be reporting, and have a strategy in he has been both a substation equipment specialist,
place around how to respond – and this with a focus on power transformers, circuit breakers
response plan must include the interest of and integrated condition monitoring, and has also taken
all partners that have a stake in the asset, on the role of substation asset manager and distribution asset manager,
including engineering, operations and identifying risks and opportunities for investment in an ageing infrastructure.
asset management. Tony is a Fellow of the IET, a member of the IEEE and the IAM, is currently
chair of the Doble Client Committee on Asset and Maintenance Management
and a contributor to SFRA and other standards at IEEE, IEC and CIGRE. His
initial degree was in Physics, supplemented by an MS and a PhD in EE and an
[1] RIP & Composite Bushings, tutorial MBA. Tony is an Adjunct Professor at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA,
hosted by the ‘Bushings Insulators & Instru­ leading courses in power systems analysis.
ment Transformers Committee’, Internatio­

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 93

Bushings are usually

subjected to stress
factors such as heat
and transient over-
voltage in service

the changes in capacitance and dissi- are taken into account. So, this meth-
pation factor in a three-phase system od ensures that the influence of tem-
Standard online monitoring systems so that the temperature dependence perature and voltage fluctuations on
for bushings must, in particular, con- is eliminated, since the algorithm a bushing monitoring system is effec-
sider the dissipation factor and the continuously incorporates all three tively limited by the cross checking of
main capacity (C1) of the bushing. Typ- bushings into the mutual monitoring. values.
ically, the known principles have prob- Furthermore, the signals of the respec-
lems due to network imbalances and tive voltage transformers are used as
temperature influences caused by the a reference for detecting the symme-
environment and load. try of the three-phase mains voltage. online monitoring, power transform-
A new method, described in this article, Only if the grid symmetry is within a ers, high-voltage bushings, condition
Double-Reference Method, monitors defined bandwidth, the measurements monitoring

94 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017


A new method for

online condition monitoring
of high voltage bushings
Elimination of temperature dependences
(Double-Reference Method)
1. Introduction
the insulation system of the bushings dissolved gas analysis (DGA) and partial
According to the Transformer Reliability (≥123 kV) incorporates a number of discharge (PD) measurement, the main
Survey conducted by Cigré working graded capacitive control layers. They are capacitance (C) of the bushings is regarded
group A2.37, 17  % of all transformer usually subjected to a few stress factors, as a key indicator for finding possible
failures worldwide can be traced to such as heat and transient overvoltage partial breakdowns in their insulation
defective bushings – and they are also in service. At occurrence of a failure e.g. systems, while the dissipation factor (DF:
one of the main causes of transformer breakdown in the insulation, the bushings tan δ) delivers the information about the
fires and explosions. A particular problem are damaged by an earth fault, with a fire material deterioration of bushing systems
associated with failures of high-voltage or explosion of the whole transformer [3-4].
bushings is that, in a significant number as a severe consequence [1]. According
of cases, such failures are catastrophic – a to a statistics of some European utilities There are a variety of online monitoring
failed bushing explodes and starts a fire [2], nearly 45 percent of combustion methods available to calculate the bushing
which spreads over the transformer. or explosion of power transformers main capacitance and dissipation factor
result from bushing failures, especially [5-7]. With respect to their physical
Therefore, it is of increasing interest for from serious accidents of MV and HV principles, the algorithms of the online
transformer operators to evaluate the transformer bushings, Fig. 1. bushing monitoring are generally divided
online conditions of the transformer into two categories:
bushings, especially the conditions of A regular inspection or offline
their insulation systems. measurement reduces the danger, • methods using the own bushing set as
but cannot respond to a sudden error reference e.g. “sum-of-three-currents
immediately. Hence, it is of increasing method”
2. Bushing monitoring interest to transformer operators to
The bushings are important high voltage evaluate the online condition of the • methods with an external reference
components of power transformers. bushings, especially the condition of such as a voltage transformer or a
In order to avoid the E-field distortion their insulation in operation. Apart from second transformer bushing operating
in parallel

Compared to the offline measurements

by means of a Schering-bridge, more
attention must be paid to the external
influences on the reference components
and the bushings monitored during an

Different external in-

fluences can affect the
online monitoring data
and sometimes even
Figure 1. Failure location of substation transformers where fire and explosion occurred [2] lead to a false alarm
w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 95

Partial breakdown of foils increases the If U1a´=U1a then

main capacitance of the bushing and the U1a´. Ub
C0a´= C1a. Ua
voltage measured at the tap adapter rises U1b .C1b +U -U ´ . Ub
=C0a (4)
( C0b )1b 1a ( )
The equations 5 and 6 can be derived for
the other two phases, respectively:
online measurement [8]. This is required 3. Applied algorithm and
because different external influences can diagnostics U1b.Uc
affect the measuring data and sometimes C0b = C1b. Ub (5)
U1c .C1c +U -U . Uc
even lead to a false alarm. For example,
the imbalance of mains voltage should
The applied algorithm is based on a three-
phase ac system. In respect of the setup, ( C0c ) 1c 1b( )
be taken into consideration when using Fig. 2, the voltage transformer is connected
the sum current method. Otherwise, the to the bus to detect the imbalance of the U1c. Ua
environmental factors like temperature mains voltage at each phase. C0c = C1c. Uc (6)
U1a .C1a +U -U . Ua
change are supposed to be compensated
if a separate voltage transformer serves If the voltage transformer is inaccessible,
( C0a ) 1a 1c( )
as an external reference [9]. In addition, the bushings of a second power
the observed bushings and the reference transformer operating in parallel are It should be noted that the voltage
voltage source like voltage transformer applicable instead. The measuring adapter transformer is not regarded as a normal
(VT) may be exposed to different surface of the bushing, equipped with a coupling reference like that in the second category
contamination which has an impact on unit, sends a voltage signal according to of bushing monitoring methods. When
the results of diagnoses as well. the ratio of the capacitive voltage divider. investigating the ratio between every
two phase voltages, the imbalance of the
In practice, smoothing algorithms are 3.1. Capacitance monitoring mains voltage is allowed for determining
widely applied to the data of online bush­ the bushing capacitances. At the same
ing monitoring, too [10]. However, this The calculation of the bushing capacitance time, the influence of temperature, surface
affects the sensitivity of the monitoring is carried out as follows, Fig. 3: contamination, etc. is also limited when
systems. As a consequence, the warning the components are stressed with the
threshold must be selected very carefully same severity at three phases. In order to
U1a = C0a , U1b = C0b (1)
and is still incomparable with the criterion Ua C1a+ C0a Ub C1b+ C0b achieve this, a comparison is carried out
of an offline bushing measurement. between high voltage equipment of the
same type at different phases. As for the
A new improvement of the bushing moni­ C0a = U1a compensation of environmental factors,
where k = Ub (2)
toring is the application of multiple analysis C1a U1b .(C1b+C0b) -U Ua the applied algorithm thus also shows the
k . C0b
methods. Since the effect of external advantages of the first category of bushing
factors is significant for some analysis monitoring.
methods and unremarkable for others, it
U1a. Ub
is reasonable to combine the advantages Ua The online diagnoses are conducted
C0a = C1a. (3)
U1b .C1b +U -U . Ub
of different algorithms, so far available, for
online bushing monitoring [11-12]. (C0b ) 1b 1a
Ua ( ) on the basis of the measured data from
bushings and voltage transformers.
The access of data is synchronized by a
measuring module. On the one hand, it
is clear that either a defective bushing or
a defective voltage transformer can cause
a variation in the calculated value. Hence,
it is necessary to distinguish the source of
failure during the online diagnosis. On
the other hand, most of the failures are
single phase faults. According to statistics,
the probability of a multiple failure in a
bushing set or in a voltage transformer
set is relatively low, if the installation of
components is done properly.

The failure detection of partial break­

downs in the bushing insulation is
principally performed by comparing
the calculated and specified value of
Figure 2. Bushing monitoring setup at each of three phases bushing capacitances. Once a partial

96 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

Dissipation factor can be monitored by
measuring the phase shift between the
voltage signals at the bushing taps, pro­
vided that the phase angles of the mains
Figure 3. Equivalent circuit of bushings on
voltages remain symmetrical
phase A and B

breakdown takes place in a condenser material aging. Compared to the bushing factor is based on an algorithm which has
bushing, for instance, at phase A, the main capacitance monitoring method, the the following characteristics:
capacitance of the bushing increases and change in dissipation factor can be
the voltage measured at the tap adapter observed by measuring the phase shift • The symmetry of the mains voltage
U1a´ rises accordingly. The change of the between the voltage signals at the bushing is examined by using the voltage
measured voltage (U1a´ ≠ U1a) then results taps, provided that the phase shift between transformers
in a variation of the calculated values the mains voltages of the power supply is • The change in dissipation factor is
of bushing capacitances at phase A and identical, that is, the phase angles of the calculated by the angle shift between
phase C: mains voltages remain symmetrical. In the voltage vectors from the voltage
contrast to the double reference system transformers and bushings
If U1a´ ≠ U1a then method for capacitance monitoring,
the inconsistency in the amplitude of First, only the phase shift is considered for

U1a´. Ub
Ua( ) ≠C0a (7)
phase voltage makes no difference in
the calculation of the variation of the
judging the symmetry, regardless of the
amplitude of voltage at each phase. The
U1b .C1b +U -U ´ . Ub
(C0b ) 1b 1a
Ua ( ) dissipation factor. reason is that the calculation of the tan δ
depends only on the phase shift, while
For a one-phase fault, a defective the amplitude of voltage determines the
U1c . Ua
Uc( ) ≠C0c (8)
bush­ ing is detectable by identifying capacitance calculated.
U1a´ .C1a +U ´-U . Ua the two healthy phases with respect
(C0a ) 1a 1c
Uc ( ) to their phase shift. However, one For a technical application, it is necessary
of the technical challenges is the to detect a possible change of tan δ at 0.1 %.
Only one of the bushing capacitances precise measurement of zero-crossing. According to the international standard
(phase B) remains unaffected, because the Considering a variation of dissipation IEC-60137, a RIP (resin-impregnated
value is calculated by the voltage values factor (∆tan  δ) of 0.1 %, the resolution paper) bushing must have a tan  δ value
measured at two healthy bushings at of the hardware equipment must allow lower than 0.7 % at 1.05 Um/√3 and 20 °C,
phase B and C. for the detection of a phase angle change while new RIP bushings usually have a
lower than 0.057°. value of 0.3 to 0.4 %. Since the change
If U1b´ = U1b and U1c´ = U1c then Δtan  δ is very close to zero, its value is
Our online monitoring of the dissipation approximately equal to Δδ in radians.

U1b . Uc
Ub( ) =C0b (9)
U1c .C1c +U -U . Uc
(C0c ) 1c 1b
Ub ( ) Table 1. Relevant criteria for single phase fault in a three-phase bushing system
Bushing at three phases Capacitance at three phases
The failure (e.g. partial breakdown in Ph. A Ph. B Ph. C Ph. A Ph. B Ph. C
the capacitive divider) of the reference Ok Ok Ok C0a=C0a´ C0b=C0b´ C0c=C0c´
component (e.g. phase A) gives rise to
fault Ok Ok C0a<C0a´ C0b=C0b´ C0c>C0c´
variation of the calculated values, too.
But the sign of the capacitance change Ok fault Ok C0a>C0a´ C0b<C0b´ C0c=C0c´
(at phase A and phase C) differs from Ok Ok fault C0a=C0a´ C0b>C0b´ C0c<C0c´
that caused by a single phase failure in
the bushing. Some failure types and the
Table 2. Relevant criteria for a single-phase failure of reference or the same failure of bushings
related inequations are summarized in
at two phases
Tables 1 and 2.
Bushing at three phases Capacitance at three phases
3.2. Dissipation factor monitoring Ph. A Ph. B Ph. C Ph. A Ph. B Ph. C
fault= fault= Ok C0a=C0a´ C0b<C0b´ C0c>C0c´
Similar to the main bushing capacitance,
the dissipation factor (tan  δ) delivers Ok fault= fault= C0a>C0a´ C0b=C0b´ C0c<C0c´
information about the condition of fault= Ok fault= C0a<C0a´ C0b>C0b´ C0c=C0c´
lation systems, especially about Note: “fault=” means same defects

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 97

Figure 4. Cabling of the online bushing monitoring at three phases without showing the details in control box

4. Requirement for the a successful assessment of capacitance 5. Field test

realisation of the monitoring change. If the values of the measured volt­
method ages are obtained from different sampling Field tests of the bushing monitoring
periods, this can cause a runaway of the method were carried out in a substation
First of all, the measuring equipment has data with a false warning for the bushings of a German utility, Fig. 4. A power
a significant effect on the function of the consequently. Considering the possible transformer (HV/LV: 123/24  kV) was
bush­ing monitoring system. Due to the switching operations or else, a mechanism selected as the test object. The 123  kV
relative measurement between phases, the is required for distinguishing an irrevers­ AC bushing set was equipped with the
requirement on the precision of the mains ible change of bushing parameters from a monitoring system.
voltage measurement can be fulfilled more transient overvoltage.
easily than using a separate reference sys­ The tap adapters had a safe connection
tem. In other words, instrument transform­ To ensure that the bushings are in pro­ with outermost capacitive layer of the
ers with lower precision for protection pur­ per condition, it is recommended to take bushings. The bushing coupling unit
poses are also sufficient, provided that they an initial measurement on new bushings incorporated a measuring capacitor of
are of the same type at each phase. when commissioning the bushing moni­ 330 nF and a surge protection component
toring. If a bushing monitoring system is to protect the device against possible
Secondly, the synchronization of the volt­ retrofitted on bushings already in opera­ overvoltage in operation. Allowing for
age measurement at the bushing taps and tion, an initial measurement is absolutely the mains voltage and the bushing main
instrument transformers is required for essential. capacitance in range of several hundred
pF, the voltage input for the measuring
modules was approximately 70 volt.
Instrument transformers with lower preci-
During the tests, the measured data of the
sion for protection purposes are sufficient instrument transformer were accessible.
for monitoring, provided that they are of the The interval of the data access can be
defined from some seconds to hours
same type at each phase by users. For our field tests of the new

98 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

algorithm, an interval of five minutes was The new algorithm, which takes into ac-
set for the power transformers of 123 kV,
depending on the available memory count signals from the voltage transformer
capacity of the monitoring system. The as well as the neighbouring bushings, nearly
algorithm of monitoring and diagnoses
were run by a CPU connected with the compensates the influence of temperature
measuring modules using a bus. The
measured data was collected and saved
locally, so that the history of data can be
examined later if desired.

6. Discussion
The field test was carried out on a
123/24  kV transformer. The voltage
measurement was synchronized by using
a bus system for bushings and voltage
transformers. In order to achieve the
real capacitance of the test objects as
nominal value, an on-site measurement
was performed in advance. The bushings
of same type at the three phases showed
lower but very close values of capacitance
compared with their specified values in
the routine test report.

After commissioning the monitoring

system, the deviation of the 123  kV
bushing capacitance was constantly Figure 5. Change of the bushing capacitance at phase A (L1), phase B (L2) and phase C (L3) from
monitored at each phase in service. Based 23 February 2015 to 25 March 2015 (measuring interval of time points: 5 min)
on the absolute value of the difference
to the nominal capacitance, the change
of the bushing main capacitance was transformer connected to the phase of the in service. The histogram of the calculated
calculated in percentage, as displayed in monitored bushing. Because the bushing bushing parameter over an approximately
Figure 5. The fluctuation of the results parameters are calculated separately at one-month period with an interval of ten
did not exceed half percent. Neither the every phase, the monitoring system at minutes is shown in Figure 7.
voltage fluctuation nor the imbalance of three phases works independently for each
power supply had a significant impact on phase. But the software part does not allow As a result, the pattern of the values has
the results of bushing monitoring. for a compensation of the external impacts two significant characteristics: first, the

A comparison of the algorithms using

single and double references was then
carried out. The service temperature
was measured for a test period of one
month. As can clearly be seen, the change
in bushing capacitance correlates with
the temperature if the capacitance value
is calculated using only the voltage
transformer as a reference, Fig. 6.

As can be seen from Figures 5 and 6,

the influence of temperature is nearly
compensated by the new algorithm
applied, which takes the voltage
transformer as well as the neighbouring
set of the bushings into account.

6.1 Probability distribution

An algorithm known for bushing moni­ Figure 6. Service temperature in a month and change of the bushing capacitance calculated using
toring is based on a reference of voltage only the VT as reference (measuring interval of time points: 10 min)

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 99

much like that of a normal distribution.

The results of the new algorithm are distrib-
uted in a smaller range and correspond well In order to demonstrate the value distri­
bution precisely, the results of the both
to a normal distribution algorithms are plotted in a normal pro­
bability diagram using Matlab, Fig. 9. It is
clear that the result of the double reference
collected values lie in a certain range of ring system was developed according to method algorithm, on the right, corres­
axis and nearly no values can be found the double reference method described ponds well to a normal distribution. On
outside it. Second, the pattern of distribu­ above. The advantage of this algorithm is the left, the first algorithm shows a much
tion within the range is heavily contami­ the inherent compensation caused by the greater deviation of values in contrast and
nated (“overlapped”) and hence cannot be phase-to-phase calculation. The histo­ therefore the result differs from a normal
identified. The reason of the contaminati­ gram of the calculated values over about distribution.
on is assumed to be some variable external a month with an interval of five minutes
influences, for example the fluctuation of is displayed in Figure 8. Unlike the results Obviously, without an effective compen­
the ambient temperature. determined by using the first algorithm, sation method, data distribution of the
the values are distributed in a far smaller calculated bushing parameter is not regar­
The next algorithm used in our monito­ range of axis and the pattern of data is ded as a normal distribution, even if the
external impact itself is limited to a lowest
physical level, i.e. in an indoor substati­
on. This difficulty is partly due to e.g. dif­
ferent temperature coefficients of the de­
vices (transformer bushings and potential
transformers) in practice.

6.2 Correlation analysis

It is an essential task of a monitoring

system to define a criterion for failure
Figure 7. Probability distribution of the bushing capacitance change in % without temperature detection. The determination can be sig­
compensation nificantly affected by the statistical charac­
teristics of the measured data. In this res­
pect, the correlation of the data is regarded
as an important feature for evaluation.

In a test, the data collected are divided into

two test series with a sequence of even and
odd numbers (X2n and X2n+1), respec­
tively. The correlation coefficient between
the two test series is then calculated.

Figure 8. Probability distribution of the bushing capacitance change in % with temperature For the first algorithm, the two test se­
compensation ries demonstrate a high correlation with
a correlation coefficient ρx,y exceeding a
value of 0.9. On the contrary, the value of
the test series, calculated using the double
reference method algorithm, indicates a
very low correlation (correlation coeffici­
ent ρx,y ≈0.1). Hence, according to the clas­
sification of correlation, the results using
the first algorithm are regarded as strongly
correlated while the result calculated by
the algorithm “double reference method”
is nearly uncorrelated.

Based on the evaluation above, it is clear

that the double reference method algo­
rithm differs from the first algorithm in
the aspect outlined in Table 3. Hence, the
Figure 9. Normal probability plot of the bushing capacitance change in % without a temperature external influence factors have no signifi­
compensation (left) and with a temperature compensation using double reference method (right) cant effect on the calculation of the bush­

100 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

ing parameters, if the double reference The external influence factors have no
method algorithm is used.
significant effect on the results of the new
Furthermore, the distribution of the va­ algorithm, so the probability of a wrong
lues agrees with a normal distribution and
the values are nearly accepted as uncorre­ warning is reduced significantly
lated in comparison, so that results of the
double reference method algorithm have a
distinctive feature in the view of statistics. Table 3. Correlation coefficient ρ of the bushing capacitance change between X2n and X2n+1
As a competitive advantage, the detection
of a failure in the bushing system can thus
be realized by using a criterion under re­ bushing capacitance without compensation 0.99
peated excess of a threshold, so that the bushing capacitance with compensation
probability of issuing a wrong warning is 0.14
(double reference method)
reduced significantly. Otherwise, the se­
lection of a criterion is affected by the fact
that the result has a strong relationship.
[4] J. Watson, V. Prykhodko, J. Buchacz in service, diagnostics and modeling of
and S. Skinner, Interpretation of Data oil-type bushings, paper A2-104, Cigré,
Conclusions from On-line Bushing Monitoring Sys- Paris, 2010
In this paper, a concept of a monitoring tems, paper A2-111, Cigré, Paris, 2014.
system for three-phase AC bushing [11] J. Wu, K. Viereck, A novel algorithm
system is described. The setup for a field [5] M. Koch, M. Krüger, M. Lukas, Ein of online monitoring for three-phase ac
test is presented, after introducing the neues Verfahren zum Online-Monitor­ bushing system concerning its dielectric
algorithm. The fault diagnostics and the ing von Durchführungen, Transienten properties, ETG-Tagung „Diagnostik
technical requirement on the measuring und Teilentladungen an Transforma- Elektrischer Betriebsmittel“,Berlin, 25-26
equipment are discussed additionally. The toren, ETG-Tagung “Diagnostik Elekt­ November 2014
field experience and test results show that rischer Betriebsmittel“, Fulda, 15-16 No­
the suggested monitoring system is able to vember 2012 [12] J. Wu, K. Viereck, U. Sundermann,
work under the condition of imbalanced Method and apparatus for monitoring
mains voltage. The temperature effect on [6] U. Sundermann, Erfahrungen aus capacitor bushings for a three-phase AC
the different measuring equipment is also dem Betrieb und der Überwachung von system”, Patent US 9759761B2
well compensated. This leads to a reliable Leistungstransformatoren, ETG-Fach­
operation of the monitoring system. tagung “Grenzflächen in elektrischen Iso­
Subsequently, a statistic evaluation of liersystemen“, Dresden, 12-13 November
the field data is conducted for testing the 2013
detectability of the monitoring system.
A comparison of the performance [7] A. Setayeshmehr, A. Akbari, H. Borsi
demonstrates the advantages of the and E. Gockenbach, On-line monitoring
new bushing monitoring algorithm and diagnoses of power transformer
for identifying possible failures in a bushings, IEEE Transactions on Dielec­
three-phase bushing set, while the trics and Electrical Insulation, Volume 13,
conventional method is usually subject to Issue 3, pp. 608 – 615, 2006
a contaminated probability distribution Tobias Gruber, M. Sc.
with a high correlation of the data. [8] A. Küchler, F. Hüllmandel, K. Böhm, C. Portfolio Manager Electronics
Neumann, N. Koch, K. Loppach, C. Kraus­e Phone: +49 941 4090 7032
and J.-J. Alff, Condition Assessment of Email: t.gruber@reinhausen.com
References Aged Transformer Bushing Insulations,
[1] P. Picher, C. Rajotte and V.N. Nguyen, paper A2-104, Cigré, Paris, 2006
Field Experience with On-line Bushing
Diagnostic to Improve Transformer Re- [9] M. Liebschner, K. Boehm, A. Reumann,
liability, paper A2-217, Cigré, Paris, 2008 A. Kuechler, R. Krump and J. Titze, On-
line Monitoring of Capacitance and
[2] F. Vahidi, S. Tenbohlen, Statistical Dissipation Factor of High Voltage
Failure Analysis of European Substation Bush­ings at Service Temperature, 15th
Transformers, ETG-Tagung “Diagnostik International Symposium on High Volt­
Elektrischer Betriebsmittel”, Berlin, 25-26 age Engineering (ISH), Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dr. -Ing. Junliang Wu
November 2014 27-31 August 2007 Development Engineer
Phone: +49 941 4090 4218
[3] A. Küchler, Hochspannungstechnik, [10] J. Wańkowicz, J. Bielecki, M. Szrot, J. Email: J.wu@reinhausen.com
3rd edition, Springer, 2009. Subocz, R. Malewski, HV bushing failure

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 101

The difference between safe and

reliable on-line bushing monitor-
ing and false alarms often lays in
the quality of the sensor design
and the installation procedure

On-line monitoring has proven to be
an effective technology to detect
deteriorating high voltage bushings
and prevent failures. While there is
much focus placed on the monitor
and the data it provides, the sensors
used to transmit the signals are of-
ten overlooked. An on-line bushing
monitoring program is only as good
as the quality and reliability of the
sensors used to provide the signals.
Many problems and false alarms
can be avoided by using a properly
designed sensor and making sure it
is correctly installed. This article will
discuss what to consider when se-
lecting a bushing sensor and how to
install the sensor properly.

open circuit protection, transient
surge protection, moisture ingress,
power factor

102 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

sensors and their
role in reliable
on-line bushing
1. Introduction the sensors can improve the reliability of
the on-line monitoring system.
Although bushing manufacturers con­
tinue to improve the quality and relia­ This article will discuss the different styles
bility of their product, the 2015 CIGRE of bushing sensors available on the mar­
Transformer Reliability Study shows that ket today, the protection the sensors must
bushing failures continue to be one of provide to prevent equipment damage
the leading causes of transformer failures and protect utility personnel, and the in­
around the globe. The study also shows stallation procedures that can help to pre­
that bushing failures were the cause of vent false alarms.
over one third of the transformer failures
involving fires or explosions. Due to the fi­
nancial impact a catastrophic transformer
2. Sensor design
failure can have, many utilities are turning IEEE Standard C57.19.100, IEEE Guide
to on-line bushing monitoring to identify for Application of Power Apparatus Bush­
deteriorated bushings earlier and prevent ings offers the following guidance when
transformer failures [1]. selecting a bushing monitoring system/
sensor: “Bushing monitors are installed
On-line bushing monitoring systems have on bushing cap taps to allow for on-line
been successfully used by the utility in­ testing and monitoring. These [devices]
dustry for over 20 years. They have a pro­ allow for continuous monitoring or peri­
ven track record for being able to identify odic testing of bushings without removing
degrading bushings early in the failure the bushing from service. Since the moni­
process. By providing early warning, users tors replace the existing cap tap cover, the
have additional time to plan and schedule user should insure proper fit of the moni­
an outage to replace the bushings. While tor to prevent moisture ingress into the
there are many users that have successful cap tap. A voltage is then brought from
on-line bushing monitoring programs, the monitor to an accessible area of the
some users cite problems with false transformer to perform the monitoring.
alarms from the monitor. While there can The user should consult with the manu­
be multiple reasons for a false alarm, sen­ facturer of the monitor to determine the
sor related problems are one of the more voltage levels that are normally expected
common complaints. The use of properly and the maximums that could be reached
designed sensors and correctly installing should the device fail. Operational guide­

When installing a bushing monitor, maintaining

the ground connection is of utmost importance
w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 103

4. Sensor protection
4.1 Open circuit protection

The ANSI type test taps used on bushings

require the tap to always be grounded
during operation. The loss of the ground
connection will result in high voltage at the
tap. To prevent generating high voltage,
the tap cover grounds the test tap to the
flange of the bushing. When installing
a bushing monitor, it is extremely
important that the monitor maintain
Figure 1. Resistive style bushing sensor this ground connection. Without proper
protection, failure to maintain this ground
connection will result in high voltage
The sensor must provide redundant over- not only at the test tap, but also in the
transformer cabinet and at the monitoring
voltage and overcurrent surge protection equipment. The maximum voltage present
from damaging the bushing and monitoring in an ungrounded test tap is dependent on
the ratio of the C1/C2 capacitances of the
system bushing (cable capacitance and system
burden effects are assumed to be minimal)
as shown in equation (1). Let us consider
lines can then be developed by the user to extra high voltage systems (EHV) where a high voltage bushing applied on a 500 kV
determine the level of safety requirements additional protection elements are often system with a C1 capacitance of 300 pF
and experience of personnel who should required [2, 3, 4, 5]. and a C2 capacitance of 3000 pF:
have access to the devices.” [2]
3.2 Capacitive C1
Open circuit voltage = VOC =VØ-G =
3. Sensor types Capacitive style sensors, Fig. 2, utilize a
500 kV . 300
= 26.2 kV (1)
= √3 (300+3000)
capacitor, CS, in parallel with the C2 capa­
3.1 Resistive
citance of the bushing. The sensor capaci­ In the worst case for a bushing where
Resistive style sensors, Fig. 1, utilize tor (CS) forms a voltage divider with the C1 = C2, an ungrounded test tap could float
resistors connected between the bushing C1 capacitance of the bushing. The capa­ to ½ the line to ground voltage of the sys­
tap and ground as the primary method to citor is sized to limit the voltage present tem. To prevent high voltage at the tap and
limit the voltage from the test tap. Should in the tap. If the capacitor CS is located in to prevent overstressing the C1 insulation
the resistors fail, metal oxide varistors the sensor body, the size of the capacitor system of the bushing, the sensors con­
(MOVs) or similar overvoltage protective must be considered in addition to the type nected to the test tap must:
devices, limit the voltage output from the of test tap adapter when ordering the bush­
tap to acceptable levels. Current limiting ing sensor. Should the capacitor CS fail, • have open circuit protection to protect
resistors in series with the MOVs can help MOVs or similar overvoltage protection operating personnel from electric shock
to prevent MOV failures. Since the test tap is provided to limit the voltage level to ac­ and to maintain a safe operating voltage
of the bushing is solidly grounded through ceptable levels [2, 4, 6]. at the monitor;
resistors, this type of sensor closely
matches the original bushing design Some capacitive style sensor manufac­ • protect the bushing insulation system
where the C2 capacitance is grounded turers rely on active electronic circuits to and the test tap from overvoltage in case
when in service through the tap cover. To provide an alternative ground path should of an open circuit between the sensor
protect against overcurrent, gas discharge the voltage in the tap rise to unacceptable and the monitor; and
tubes or similar surge protection devices levels. The use of passive electronic com­
are used. The resistor (RS) is used to ponents is generally recommended due to • provide a reliable current output with
limit the test tap voltage. The resistor(s) their high reliability and the simplicity of minimal phase shift from the test tap for
may be located in the bushing monitor the design. the monitoring system.
or in the bushing sensor. Locating the
resistor(s) in the bushing monitor allows 3.3 MOV All bushing monitor manufacturers pro­
for standardization of the bushing sensor vide some form of open circuit protec­
design. Since the sensor design is not MOV style sensors, Fig. 3, rely solely on tion in their sensors. However, the maxi­
dependent on the size of the resistor arrestors to limit the voltage level from the mum voltage output under open circuit
required, the same sensor can be used for tap to acceptable levels. Since this type of conditions will vary. At a minimum, the
almost all system voltages and bushing C1 sensor provides only one layer of protec­ bushing sensor should limit the open
capacitance values; the exception being tion, it is not commonly found today. circuit voltages to the lower of the manu­

104 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

facturers specified test tap voltage or to a
low voltage (50-300 VAC) as defined by
OSHA 1910.303. Voltages in this range
are commonly found in transformer con­
trol cabinets and hence will allow electri­
cal personnel to follow their general safe
work practice of avoiding contact with the
electrical parts operating at this voltage
when working in the cabinet. Maintaining
an extra low voltage (<50 VAC) during an
open circuit can further reduce the haz­
ards to utility personnel.

If subject to long duration overvoltage Figure 2. Capacitive style bushing sensor

conditions which exceed the design spe­
cifications, overvoltage protective devices
can fail. Current limiting resistors can
help to prevent the failure of MOVs. Back The use of passive electronic components
up protection or redundant overvolt­ for protection is recommended due to their
age protection devices are recommended
since the sensors must maintain a ground high reliability and simple design
connection at the test tap to prevent haz­
ardous overvoltage from occurring. While
maintaining this ground connection is be designed for lightning stroke currents define the surge withstand capabilities
necessary for all bushing types, manufac­ of at least 10 kA. Using a larger stroke that are required for relays and relay sys­
turers may not recommend on-line bush­ current capability will increase the life ex­ tems. While these standards do not apply
ing monitoring due to the concern that pectancy of the surge protective devices directly to bushing monitors and sensors,
the sensor may not maintain this ground (SPD). the fast transient and oscillatory wave­
connection. However, a properly designed form tests described in these standards are
sensor that utilizes redundant protective Lightning related surges will have higher typical of the disturbances that bushing
devices and failsafe protection can mini­ voltage with a shorter duration rise time, monitoring systems are exposed to [10,
mize these concerns [2, 3, 7, 8, 9]. while switching related surges will have 11, 12]. Hence, bushing monitor manu­
lower voltages and longer duration. Both facturers should design their equipment
4.2 Transient surge protection need to be considered when designing the to meet the surge withstand capabilities
transient surge protection of the sensor. specified in these standards.
In addition to overvoltage protection, the While the maximum expected current
bushing sensor should also provide over­ surge is only a few thousand amps, high­
current protection against lightning and er levels of protection are achievable and
5. Sensor installation
switching surges. The overcurrent protec­ should be considered [7, 8, 9]. Moisture ingress through to the test tap
tion required is dependent on the rate of has always been a concern with high volt­
voltage rise. Using the standard 1.2/50 μsec IEEE C37.90.1 and IEC 60255-26 provide age bushings. Changes in C2 power factor
pulse, commonly specified for surge guidance on transients and other electri­ due to moisture ingress is often listed as
withstand protection, would result in a cal disturbances that are commonly found one of the leading reasons why utilities
surge current of 125 amps for an indirect in high voltage substations. The standards replace bushings on transformers. With
500 kV lightning strike as shown in equa­
tion (2).
I = C1 dV = 300 . 10-12 . =
dt 1.2 . 10-6
= 125 amps (2)

Designing for surges with a shorter rise

time than the typical 1.2x50 μsec wave­
form will result in a more robust sensor
design and help to eliminate premature
sensor failures. The same 500 kV lightning
strike with a 0.1 μsec rise time would re­
sult in 1500 amps of surge current.

IEEE 62.41 recommends that surge sup­

pressors (applicable for sensing circuits) Figure 3. MOV style bushing sensor

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 105

Figure 4. Bushing test tap with moisture ingress due to an improper sealing gasket

Since the sensor replaces the existing test Improper installation can have a signifi­
cant impact on the readings from the bush­
tap cover, the user should insure proper fit ing monitor and trigger false alarms. Fig­
ure 5 shows data from an online bushing
of the sensor to prevent moisture ingress monitor before and after repair of mois­
into the test tap ture ingress/contamination in the test
tap of the X2 bushing. The figure shows
the change in the phase angle of the X2
an on-line monitor, moisture problems in 4. A compatible O-ring lubricant to im­ bushing leakage current compared to the
the test tap can impact the magnitude and prove the seal and prevent damage to reference bushing X1. Under ideal con­
phase angle of the leakage current making the gasket during installation ditions, a 120-degree phase angle would
it appear that the problem is in the bush­ 5. Filling the test tap with oil or a dielectric be expected. If the system voltages are
ing C1 insulation. Preventing moisture in­ grease to provide additional protection stable, an increase in the angle indicates
gress, like that shown in Figure 4, re­quires from moisture ingress an in­crease in the power factor of the X2
the following elements: bushing. In this example, the phase angle
Most bushing manufacturers recommend of the bushing leakage current often ex­
1. A properly designed cover or sensor filling the test tap with oil or a dielectric ceeded 124 degrees and at times exceed­ed
that fits snug and firm to the test tap grease to help prevent moisture ingress. 125 degrees. Had this been an actual prob­
2. A conductive thread lubricant to pre­ Hence, the sensor design must be compa­ lem in the C1 insulation of the bush­ing,
vent damage to the thread during in­ tible with mineral oil and capable of being this would have been equivalent to an in­
stallation operated with a wet or dry test tap. Fol­ crease in the C1 power factor of the bush­
3. A properly sized O-ring or similar gas­ lowing these simple and effective means ing from 0.35 % to over 7 %. The prob­
ket material which allows for the correct of preventing moisture ingress can lead to lem resulted in frequent alarms from the
seal and gasket crush years of trouble-free operation [3, 5]. bushing monitor whenever the imbalance

Figure 5. Data from a bushing monitor before and after repair of corrosion due to moisture ingress

106 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

Improper installation can have a significant
impact on the readings from the bushing
monitor and trigger false alarms

current exceeded 4 %. The utility down­ overcurrent protection are recommend­

loaded the data from the monitor and ed. The failsafe protection, as the name
noticed the erratic signals in the X2 bush­ implies, will short the test tap to ground at
ing leakage current. After discussing the the test tap should the primary protection
problem with the monitor manufacturer, fail.
a physical inspection of the test tap was
performed. Proper installation procedures are also re­
quired to prevent false alarms. Installation
Figure 6 shows the corrosion in the test tap procedures should consider the fit of the Figure 6. Corrosion found in the test tap after
and on the spring connection due to im­ sensor adapter to the test tap; the size and removing the transformer from service
proper installation. The contractor failed type of gasket material used; the lubrica­
to follow the instructions for the bushing tion of the gasket(s); and filling the test tap
and monitor during the installation. The with mineral oil or a dielectric grease to [7] IEEE Standard C62.41.1-2002, IEEE
moisture and corrosion in the test tap had prevent moisture ingress. Guide on the Surge Environment in
a significant impact on the power factor Low-Voltage (1000 V and less) AC
readings of the X2 bushing and resulted in P­ower Circuits
alarms from the monitor.
[1] Cigre Bulletin 642, Transformer Re- [8] IEEE Standard C62.41.2-2002, IEEE
liability Survey, Working Group A2.37, Recommended Practice on Characteri-
Conclusion December 2015 zation of Surges in Low-Voltage (1000
On-line bushing monitoring can be an ef­ V and less) AC Power Circuits
fective tool to help utilities prevent trans­ [2] IEEE Standard C57.19.100-2012,
former and bushing failures, and better IEEE Guide for Application of Power [9] IEEE Standard C62.45-2002, IEEE
manage their aging infrastructure. To be Apparatus Bushings Recommended Practice on Surge Test­
successful in the use of on-line bushing ing for Equipment Connected to Low-
monitoring, the design of the bushing [3] Type BAU Bushing Sensor Manual, Voltage (1000 V and less) AC Power
sensors and the installation procedures Dynamic Ratings Circuits
should not be overlooked.
[4] Testing Power Factor and Capaci- [10] IEEE Standard C37.90.1, IEEE Stan-
The sensor must provide redundant tance on Energized Bushings, Free Stand­ dard for Surge Withstand Capability
open circuit (overvoltage) and transient ing CT and CCVTs, Weideman Solutions (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Sys-
(overcurrent) surge protective elements Seminar, San Antonio, TX, 2005 tems Associated with Electrical Power
to protect the bushing and monitoring Apparatus
system from damage. The level of [5] Doble IDD Bushing Users Guide,
overvoltage protection, along with the Doble Engineering Company [11] IEC Standard 60255-26, Measuring
design of the circuit, should be considered. relays and protection equipment – Part
Overvoltage protection which uses [6] User Manual for TBS Sensors, Eaton 26: Electromagnetic compatibility re-
current limiting resistors in series with Electrical Predictive Diagnostics quirements
the protective device(s) can help to ensure
long term safe and reliable operation.
Overcurrent protection of at least 10
kA per IEEE 62.41 should be provided.
Bushing monitoring systems should be Mark Tostrud is the Technology Officer for Dynamic
designed to meet the surge withstand Ratings, Inc.  Prior to his present position, Mark was
capabilities per C37.91.1 and IEC 60255-2­6. a Construction & Maintenance Supervisor at We
Most bushings require that the test tap Energies.  During his 19 years at We Energies, Mark led
remain grounded when in service. Since the implementation of many of the condition based
these circuits also protect utility personnel monitoring programs for We Energies’ substation
from hazardous overvoltage conditions equipment. Mark is a past officer of the Doble Oil
being present in the transformer cabinet, Committee, and was an active member on various
the reliability of these circuits is of utmost Doble  Committees and Subcommittees including the Transformers, Insu­
importance. Due to the critical nature of lating Materials, DGA of LTCs and others.  Mark is a registered professional
this protection, sensors that offer failsafe engineer in the State of Wisconsin. 
protection, in addition to overvoltage and

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 107

The cost of damages caused by bushing

failures and the lost opportunity to deliv-
er energy could be several hundred times
higher than the price of a bushing

Transformer bushings are one of the
most critical components of a trans-
former. Up to 20 % of major failures
on high voltage transformers today
can be tracked back to bushings.

Almost half of these failures result
in catastrophic failures like explo-
sions, fires or oil spillages. The cost
of these damages and the lost op-
portunity to deliver energy could be
several hundred times higher than Higher accuracy leads to better faults
the price of a bushing. Even a fail-
ing bushing which will not lead to a
catastrophic failure can harm people
due to burst porcelain insulators and 1. Introduction within the lifetime of the bushings. One:
broken fragments that can be cata- when the bushings reach an age of 10 to 13
pulted through the air by the force of Today, the experience is that a transformer years, failure is possible due to production
the breakdown arc. will have two sets of bushings during its and quality related issues. The second
entire lifetime. Transformers are expected wave of bushing failures can happen
to last 50 years, while bushings have an between 20 to 30 years of age, which is
KEYWORDS expected lifetime of 25 years. Experience considered as the normal life time. It is
bushing, monitoring, accuracy
suggests there are two points of failure also true that bushings can fail younger

108 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

In order to have a reliable monitoring system,

the accuracy of the acquisition of the moni-
tored parameters needs to be very high

loss angle will only show a slight change at and cannot, once one fails, be exchanged
ambient temperature. Common bushing easily by a new one. Often transformer fail­
monitoring systems today are not able ures cause the inability to deliver energy,
to capture these slight, but important and have high potential to harm people in
changes. The bushings from different addition to causing environmental disas­
phases are being cross-referenced to ters. Due to these factors, a high financial
each other. The sister bushings are used impact is often connected to transformer
as a reference source to assess the relative failures.
condition of a bushing. Voltage and angle
differences between phases, as well as Old economies such as Europe, North
different temperatures and aging rates are America and Japan are facing aged key
not considered with these methods. network components. Continuous moni­
toring solutions were not used extensively
Newer approaches are using stable voltage in the past, due to n-1 availability of the
sources as reference signals, preferable main equipment. Furthermore, moni­
from the same phase as the monitored toring solutions were less reliable or not
bushing. The phase shift between the available 10 to 20 years ago. The condi­
leakage current signal from the bushing tion assessment in the utilities of the old
and the voltage from the voltage economies was typically carried out using
transformer will be measured, corrected comprehensive periodic measurements
by the phase shift offset, and the loss factor and maintenance programs. Nowadays
can be calculated directly. For example, these utilities are seeking more and more
by using a voltage transformer (VT) for solutions to operate their costly com­
as reference source, small, but relevant ponents until their real end of life. Fur­
changes can be detected. thermore, asset exchange programs will
have to be based on the condition of the
The two main health indicators for a equipment. Condition monitoring (CM)
bushing are the loss factor (tan δ / power and condition based maintenance (CBM)
than 10 years as is also true that there are factor) and the capacitance. While the loss are an important factor to achieve these
bushings installed on transformers with factor is sensitive to almost all bushing goals. Transformers and transformer bush­
an age of more than 50 years. faults, the capacitance is an important ings are important components to look at
factor to detect partial breakdowns in these regards.
Bushing monitoring is designed to detect between capacitive layers and to detect, in
incipient faults and give an early warning, combination with the loss factor, contact The CIGRE WG A2.37 released in 2012
as well as using the bushings until their problems inside the bushing such as bad an interim report [1] which shows the
real end of life. In order to have a reliable contacts inside the bushing taps. newest statistics on transformer failures,
monitoring system, the accuracy of the see Table 1.
acquisition of the monitored parameters
needs to be very high. For example,
2. Failure statistic It can be seen that over all voltage classes,
even if a relevant amount of moisture is Transformers are one of the most critical transformer failure rate is 0.44 %, which
impregnated into the bushing core, the components within the electrical network means, out of approximately 230

Table 1. Transformer failure statistics [1]

Highest system voltage

FAILURES & POPULATION 69 kV <100 100 kV <200 200 kV <300 300 kV <500 700 kV All

Failures 145 212 163 154 11 685

Transformer - Years 15220 48994 47473 41569 959 156186
FAILURE RATE / YEAR 0.95 % 0.43 % 0.34 % 0.37 % 1.15 % 0.44 %

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 109

Figure 1. Failed component statistics [1]

Power factor and partial discharge meas­ure­ of a bushing can lead to catastrophic
failures and can be going along with
ments are the most powerful parameters environmental disasters or fatal accidents
of personnel. According to a transformer
which can uncover most of the incipient reliability study published in [2], the
bushing failures majority of transformer fires are caused
by bushing failures.

transformers, one will fail per year. transformer and its main components The causes of bushing failures are
Besides the preventions of failures or needs to be gathered. Besides other varying from normal aging, moisture,
early detection of upcoming faults, components and accessories, bushings quality issues during manufacturing,
the assessment of the remaining life are one of the main causes of transformer repeated thermal and mechanical cycling,
and the health of equipment is of failures. The contribution to transformer transients and external influences like
immense interest, especially for aged failures is around 20 % of the overall external flashovers. As result, a high
equipment. To assess the asset condition, transformer major failures, depending number of bushing failures develop from
a comprehensive set of data from the on the type of transformer, Fig. 1. Failing partial breakdowns, thermal instabilities

Table 2. Detectability of different bushing failures (plus – it can be detected, minus – it cannot be detected)

Defect Tan δ Capacitance Partial discharge

Insulation aging + - Detectable if discharges are the
cause of the degradation/ aging

Moisture + - -

Void / Delamination After a certain time once the - +
dielectric material starts to corrode
Surface contamination + - If the surface contaminations
are creating surface discharges

Surface discharges Surface discharges with a high intensity - +
can be seen by a unstable tan δ
Partial breakdowns If it is combined with erosion of + +/-
insulating material
+ +
Contact problems Shows up as an increased Shows up as decreased +
or unstable tan δ or unstable capacitance

110 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

Figure 2. Leakage current and power factor / dissipation factor

or degradations of longitudinal insulation 3.1 Power factor / dissipation factor between capacitive and resistive current,
interfaces. which are presenting in their summation
The power factor reflects, as property of the leakage current.
The average lifetime of bushings is esti­ the insulation material, the condition of
mated in general as half of the life of a the insulation itself. It represents the ratio The capacitive current is the result of the
transformer (25 years). In reality, there are
bushings still working properly which are
older than 40 years as well as there are bush­
ings which are failing after 10 to 12 years
The advantage of online power factor moni­
of operation. To improve the transformer toring is that the power factor of a bushing
reliability the demand of reliable bushing
monitoring is increasing throughout the can be seen at different temperatures

3. Bushing monitoring
The main bushing parameters used
today for bushing health assessment are
the power factor in the IEEE world or
dissipation factor in the IEC world, the
main bushing capacitance and the partial
discharge activity. Table 2 provides
reference to the different bushing
parameters and their ability to be used to
detect different failures in an early stage
of development.

It can be seen that power factor and Figure 3. Power factor behavior over temperature due to increased moisture
partial discharge measurements are the
most powerful parameters which can
uncover most of the incipient bushing
failures. The capacitance monitoring is
a good indicator for partial breakdowns
(breakdown between two or more layers
with the result of a short circuit between
them) and contact problems (capacitance
decreases or is fluctuating heavily). Each
parameter will be discussed further
regarding the best usage for online
assessment of the condition of capacitor
core bushings. Figure 4. Bushing series capacitances

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 111

Figure 5. Challenges for online bushing PD monitoring

capacitive layer design and therewith

given by design. The resistive current is
Detection of bushing related partial dis-
caused by the resistivity of the insula­ charge under online conditions is facing
tion material and is a direct parameter of
the quality of the insulation system. Each major problems
healthy solid and liquid insulation mate­
rial has its typical relative resistive current
component. An increasing resistive cur­ detect the power factor difference at 20 °C 3.2 Capacitance
rent will indicate a degradation of the in­ for a “wet” and “dry” insulation. With the
sulation system and will increase the angle δ current online methods, this accuracy As described above, the capacitive
and decrease the angle φ and will result can hardly be achieved. The difference current resulted by the capacitance is a
in an increase in power factor, Fig. 2. The between a dry and a wet bushing could parameter which represents the design
power factor measurement under online be 0.2 % at 40 °C, which still needs a high of the capacitive layers of a bushing.
conditions requires a high accuracy in accuracy to detect moisture or insulation It will increase if two or more layers
order to detect already small changes and aging early enough. of the electrical field control foils are
to guarantee the detection of increasing electrically shorted, Fig. 4. If only two
moisture content in the insulation system, The advantage of online power factor moni­ layers are shorted, the capacitance will
which is difficult to achieve under online toring is that the power factor of a bushing increase by a percentage equivalent to
condition. External influences like low can be seen at different temperatures. the total number of layers. For example,
frequency magnetic fields, external noise Depending on the load of the transformer, if 2 out of total 50 foils (layers) will be
and harmonics as well as the lack of sta­ the temperature of the bushing will vary. short-circuited, the capacitance will
ble reference signal sources are the factors Figure 3 shows that the power factor increase by 2 %.
which influence these measurements. gradient of “wet” bushings is much higher
at higher temperatures than for “dry” Although pure capacitance monitoring
Figure 3 shows the behavior of an bush­ings at the same temperature. Offline is easy to apply for online purposes
insulation system with increased moisture measurements at ambient temperature by simply using a defined secondary
contamination. The accuracy of the power and low accuracy online monitoring are capacitor (C3), the number of detectable
factor monitoring needs to be very high to not able to detect this kind of defects. defects are limited, see Table 2.

112 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

Common methods, give limited information about the monitored for bushings specifically by
health of a bushing. Mainly the partial using different methods, which will be
e.g. balanced current discharge from a bushing will be hidden discussed in the next chapter more in
method, have limita- by ‘external’ discharges/disturbances. detail.
Furthermore, the sensitivity is limited
tions due to the influ- and it is difficult to allocate detected
4. Overview of today’s used
ences of the natural discharges to a certain component or
even to distinguish between internal and bushing monitoring methods
load imbalance external discharges. The newest method used today for bush­
ing monitoring is the reference signal
More promising is to use capacitance m­ethod, where the phase shift of the
3.3 Partial discharge and the power factor. They can be leakage current of a bushing and its stable

As per Table 2, a high number of different

bushing defects can be detected by partial
discharge monitoring but not moisture.
Therefore, partial discharge (PD) mea­
surements are very important for routine
and re-testing at factory or onsite. Never­
theless, the detection of the bushing re­
lated partial discharge under online con­
ditions is facing major problems.

The measuring principle for online PD

bushing monitoring used today is based on
the IEC 60270 method. The bushing capa­
citance will be used as coupling capacitor.
Mainly this PD monitoring principle is ap­
plied to monitor PD in transformers but in
some cases also to monitor the bushings.

The PD magnitudes of incipient bush­

ing faults are between 5 pC up to 100
pC. Higher values are possible in case of
contact issues. Typical values are usu­
ally below 50 pC. Comparing that with
the allowed and possible PD activity on
overhead lines (some nC) and inside the
Figure 6. Principle overview of the balanced current method
transformer (typically 500 pC up to 1 nC
allowed – see Figure 5), most likely the
bushing PD will be hided due to the high­
er ‘external’ signals. Furthermore, due to
the high capacitance of the test object and
the typical onsite background noise, the
sensitivity of such a PD monitoring using
the bushing as coupling capacitor is quite
limited. Additional to that, if a PD signal
is detected, it is difficult or even in some
cases impossible to find the origin of the
detected PD without any additional mea­
surements, which might require an outage
of the transformer. It could come from the
overhead lines, line connectors, trans­for­m­
er, high current duct or maybe even the
bushing itself.

3.4 Proposed parameter for online


It can be concluded that partial discharge

online monitoring for bushings will Figure 7. Principle of the reference signal method

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 113

load happen mostly more gradually and

are not permanent.

Another challenge for that method is the

phase asymmetry regarding the phase
angle. If the phase angle unbalance is only
0.2 degree, it would result in a deviation of
the power factor of about 0.35 %, which
is more than 100 % assuming the power
factor of a healthy OIP (Oil-impregnated
Paper) bushing will be around 0.25 %! The
small power factor changes, caused by
moisture (compare Figure 4), cannot be
detected or being detected in a late stage
of degradation.

Modern systems are using self-learning

methods, which are recording the typi­
cal daily and seasonal behavior of the
bushings to predict the load conditions.
Nevertheless, the achievable accuracy re­
garding the measured power factor is lim­
ited and is mostly displayed as a relative
change to the sister bushings.

Using this method for single phase trans­

former is even more challenging.

4.2 Reference method

Today the biggest drawback to increase

the accuracy and stability in power factor
and capacitance monitoring is that bush­
ings will be compared across phases.
Figure 8. Example for effective noise elimination
The only approach to overcome this
drawback is to find a load independent
reference signal is measured. This method imbalanced load. Phase asymmetries re­ ref­erence signal source within the same
will be discussed further below in more garding voltage magnitude of 1 to 1.5 % phase of the monitored bushing.
detail, but first the most common method and 0.2 degree in phase angle variations
and its advantages and disadvantages will are very common for stable networks The installation of a standard capacitor
be described. known from the ‘old economies’. Much (gas filled) as used for offline measure­
higher asymmetries can be seen in more ment and during routine testing in high
4.1 Balanced current method unstable networks in other parts of the voltage laboratories is far too expensive.
world. Another possibility is the usage of a volt­
The balanced current method, also age transformer. A voltage transformer
known as sum of currents method, Fig. 6, The asymmetries are changing with the (VT) always has a stable load on its sec­
is today’s most used method for bushing load conditions in a daily, seasonal and ondary winding (not load depended).
monitoring. The assumption is that under unpredictable manner. Changes in capa­ Furthermore, the VTs are not changing
perfect circumstances the summation of citance of a bushing (partial breakdowns) their transfer behavior with varying load
the leakage currents of the three bushings can be detected more easily because the of the network. The principle of this meth­
of the different phases under considerati­ general fluctuations of the voltage mag­ od is to measure the phase shift between
on of its phase angles is zero. The perfect nitude across all the three phase is lower the bushing leakage current and reference
circumstances mean that for all phases, compared to the expected change because signal. While existing equipment can be
the magnitude of the voltage amplitudes of a critical partial breakdown. But still, the used, it reduces the needed hardware to
are absolutely the same, and the phase clear detection of a partial breakdown for a minimum. Figure 7 illustrates the prin­
shift between the phases is exactly 120 voltage levels 500 kV and above remains ciple of the reference signal method using
degrees. Further, the bushings are con­ a challenge, even if the voltage magnitude VTs (CVTs) from the same phase.
sidered to behave the same. asymmetry is only 1.5 %. Nevertheless, a
partial breakdown shows up rather as a The reference signal is taken from the
Real electrical networks are carrying an permanent step change, while changes in same phase which increases the achieve­

114 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

a­ble accuracy. It is then not depending on By using a reference signal from the same
phase asymmetries any more. After digiti­
zing both input signals, all signal proces­ phase, a higher accuracy and a better de-
sing will be done by software algorithms.
Existing phase constant shifts from VT,
tection of incipient faults can be achieved
cables, etc. must be compensated.

The major challenges are the elimination

or limitation of noise, and the availability
of a stable reference source. Especially the
second is not always given. Sometimes
there are no VTs/ CVTs at the high volt­
age side or they are far away in a separate
switchyard (especially in power plants)
or VTs/ CVTs existing only for one phase
(mostly the middle phase). A comparative
monitoring in these cases can be applied,
where another bushing from the same
phase but a different transformer can be
used as reference and vice versa. Other
alternative methods are under develop­
Figure 9. Raw data example from site
The elimination or limitation of noise is
one of the major requirements to achiev­e
the necessary accuracy in the phase interest by utilities and power producers. References
shift measurement of 0.0057 degree (or Common methods, e.g. those based on
0.1 mrad). Fig. 8 is showing a noisy signal bal­anced current principles, are having 1. A2.37, CIGRE WG, Transformer Reli-
before and after signal processing, which limitations due to the influences of the na­ ability Survey: Interim Report, No. 261,
can be described as follows: tural unbalance of the network load. ELECTRA. 2012

• Noise and harmonics need to be elimi­ By using a reference from the same phase, 2. H.-P. Berg and N. Fritze, Reliability
nated by advanced software algorithms a higher accuracy and a better detection of of main transformers, Bundesamt für
incipient faults can be achieved. Further, Strahlenschutz, Salzgitter, Germany,
• The accuracy of the phase measurement this method will deliver direct power 2011
is better than 0.1 mrad (0.0057 degree) factor readings instead of the percentage
read­ings being shown today.
• The accuracy enables to detect changes
in tan δ form, e.g. 0.325 % to 0.340 % Further developments will be done to Thomas Linn
provide a reliable reference voltage source Phone: +1 585 643 3625
• This enables to detect moisture increa­ more easily and lesser efforts in cabling. E-mail: tlinn@qualitrolcorp.com
se, insulation system aging and degrad­
ation early enough

• Temperature compensation will be Author

necessary to achieve this accuracy Thomas Linn graduated from the Technical University
of Dresden with a degree in Electrical Engineering,
Furthermore, Fig. 9 shows another ex­ specializing in High Voltage Techniques. In 1998 he joined
ample for recorded raw data. Due to the ABB in Switzerland and was responsible for high voltage
relatively high amplitude, the signal from onsite testing for GIS and cables, PD measurements onsite
the reference source (blue curve) is almost and PD monitoring of gas insulated switchgear. Afterwards
not disturbed, while the signal coming he worked for 10 years with high voltage transformer
from the bushing tap has a noise compo­ bushings and became a senior technical expert for high
nent of about 15 to 20 %. voltage techniques and equipment. In March 2013 Thomas joined Qualitrol as
Technical Application Specialist. As a TAS, Thomas is able to leverage 20+ years
of experience in high voltage equipment such as GIS, high voltage bushings,
Conclusions cables, transformers, high voltage testing, partial discharge measurement and
Bushings are critical parts on transform­ monitoring, and high voltage test equipment. Thomas is a member of CIGRE
ers and having the potential to lead to and IEC TC42 in Switzerland and is contributing as an expert to different
trophic transformer failures. The CIGRE Working Groups internationally.
bushing online monitoring is gaining high

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 115

Industry experts project increasing

numbers of failures of the aging
assets over the next two decades

116 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017


The value of on-line

bushing monitoring

ushing test standards for off-line Facts and projections on 2 years to 7 years and, in some instances,
bushing testing are defined by the transformers and bushings to 12 years;
IEEE and IEC [IEEE C57.19.00-
1997 & IEC 60137/2003-08]. • Transformers are a key capital intensive • Problems resulting from outages re­
Until recently, bushing testing has been element in the transmission and distri­ quired for standard transformer main­
limited to a capacitance and power factor bution network. tenance;
measurement off-line. This limits bushing
tests to capacitance and power factor mea­ • The installed base of transformers is • Exposed transformer accessories like
surement off-line, during an outage, and aging. bushings are more vulnerable than
on a day with moderate temperature and ruggedized transformers and will have
low humidity. This test is also performed • The bushing is one of the leading causes a higher incidence of failures.
at a much lower voltage than the system of catastrophic failures in power
voltage. Off-line testing under static con­ transformers.
ditions is not likely to detect incipient
Outwitting the projections
faults evident under operational condi­ • Time-based testing is insufficient and Continuous bushing monitoring addres­
tions. On the other hand, on-line moni­ inadequate due to the increasing dura­ ses all of the concerns raised by the indus­
toring provides accurate and early indi­ tion between off-line tests. try projections, allowing testing:
cation of bushing condition continuously
and under all conditions. • On-line trending with data collected at • Without an outage
a high frequency is the best method to
In addition, several factors can influence prevent catastrophic failure. • At rated voltage
off-line measurement, including voltage
fluctuations, sediments on the bushings, • Successful predictive maintenance • In true operating conditions
moisture ingress, oil level, and damaged and smart grid asset management pro­
porcelain. grams require smart IEDs. • With trending based on data acquired every
5 minutes instead of every year or more
The obvious alternative is continuous Based on investigations of the installed base
monitoring of high voltage bushings, of transformers, industry experts project: • With diagnostics based on statistical
which PC57.143 the IEEE Guide for analysis providing bushing condition
Application of Monitoring Liquid- • Increasing numbers of failures of the
Immersed Transformers and Com­ aging assets over the next two decades; • With immediate communications of
ponents recommends. Such a condition alarms and warnings 24/7
based, on-line monitoring system pro­ • Increasing periods between time-based
vides confidence in bushing insulation testing due to cost pressures;
quality between off-line tests and helps
The methodology of on-line
pre-empt threats to valuable transformer • Scheduled maintenance cycles of large bushing monitoring
assets, Fig. 1. power transformers moving from 1 to According to an Electric Power Research
Institute (EPRI) study on accelerated
transformer aging, relative power factor
Off-line testing under static conditions tests provided the earliest indication of
is not likely to detect incipient faults incipient faults that could lead to failure.
The voltage measurement technique used
evident under operational conditions to derive relative power factor is far more

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 117

• Relative power factor – measured on

each bushing monitored

• Power factor – calculated in relation to

each bushing monitored

• Condition value – the result of a statisti­

cal analysis technique that indicates the
condition of the bushing

Bushing failure mode

High voltage bushings are essentailly a
large paper/foil capacitor. The bushing
insulation is constructed by wrapping the
draw lead with 8 to 10 layers of oil impreg­
nated kraft paper followed by alternating
Figure 1. InsuLogix B sensor in a transformer bushing tap
layers of aluminium foil.The foil is not
directly connected to the draw lead, but
creates an induced voltage into the many
On-line monitoring provides accurate and layers of foil and paper creating many
early indication of bushing condition con- small capacitors that add up to 400 pF on
a typical HV bushing.
tinuously and under all conditions
Figure 4 shows how this construction
appears after failure of an HV bushing.
sensitive than the technique used by the a Schering bridge method to measure You can see the paper layers and some of
standard current sum method. the voltage from the bushing C1 test tap, the shiny aluminum foil along the edges.
Fig. 3. The voltage divider is used to create This failure occurs slowly over time due
A bushing can be represented by several a low voltage output for the measuring cir­ to either a manufacturing defect or a
small capacitance values in series and in cuit, which is a ratio of the power system through fault that disturbs the paper
parallel, Fig. 2. As a fault occurs, some of operating voltage, the C1 capacitance of insulation and allows the foil layers to
these very small capacitors become resis­ the bushing, and an appropriate value of make contact and create a hot spot. This
tive. The leakage current from deep inside capacitance in the bushing tap coupler. hot spot eventually drys out the paper and
the bushing is miniscule when measured begins to burn. Burning oil impregnated
to ground. However, a capacitive voltage The critical values that on-line monitoring paper creates explosive gases (methane,
divider can sense and measure the voltage provide include: hydrogen sulfide, ethane, hydrogen,
drop due to these resistive components. ethylene, acytelene); eventually these
• Test tap voltage – relationship to the gases find an ignition source resulting at
The relative power factor technique uses p­ower system operating voltage the minimum a bushing explosion which
leads to transformer fires.

In the early stages of the failure there will

be little to no changes in leakage current.
These changes can be more easily detected
through a voltage detection device as you
will see small changes in the magnitude
and angle of the voltage at the bushing tap.
This also results in a change in bushing
power factor, which also can be detected
by an on-line bushing power factor

The millivolt level phasor changes result­

ing from early stage failure are too small
for current probes to detect. The Schering
Bridge technique, however, detects these
small changes in phasor voltages which
are small changes in bushing capacitance
and power factor/tan delta.
Figure 2. Bushing represented by small capacitance values in series and parallel

118 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

Testing protocols
Power factor is the only test that provides
a definitive clue to the integrity and health
of bushing insulation. As mentioned, off-
line power factor measurement is usually
performed on a moderate day with low
humidity. The bushing, however, oper­
ates under all environmental and loading
conditions. These conditions impact the
p­ower factor readings and should be in­
cluded when testing.

On-line monitoring systems provide the

most accurate and the earliest indication
of bushing condition and insulation integ­
rity because they operate 24/7 and acquire
Figure 3. Illustration of the Schering bridge technique
data under all weather and environmental
conditions. On-line power factor values
can also be used to verify off-line test data.
Power factor is the only test that provides a
Condition value is a proprietary statistical
analysis algorithm used to calculate indi­ definitive clue to the integrity and health of
vidual bushing condition values. bushing insulation
The statistical tests that create the condi­
tion value compare characteristics of the last third of these records and applies of such trends. We have chosen to express
the acquired data for each sample with a Mann-Whitney and a Kendall Slope test this magnitude as a slope (but this does
that of a reference window, which is to measure recent changes in the data. not imply that the trend takes the form of
created for each bushing at the start of a linear function in the process).
the installation. Every day, the data from Swing Indicator Test – The standard
every bushing monitored undergoes a deviation of the recent data is compared Mann-Whitney Test – Strictly speak­
4-step statistical analysis. That data is then with the standard deviation of the ref­ ing, this is a test of the equality of two
compared to similar bushings under test erence window to predict trends in the distributions. This is the most impor­
on the same or nearby transformers. The magnitude of the variations in the data. tant test of the four and should give a
result determines the reference window. clear indication of a relative shift in the
Seasonal Slope Estimator (Kendall data. For this test, the array containing
Power factor  /  tan  δ statistical tests are Slope) – Essentially, a non-parametric all of the data is sorted (current data
performed specific to each bushing and test for randomness against trend. In ad­ and reference data is mixed) and the
its reference window. The process can be dition to identifying trends in the data, it sorted array is then tested for distribu­
summarized as follows: is also desirable to estimate the magnitude tion.

• The data is selected for a specific bush­

ing pair from the reference window;

• The data for the latest acquisition of the

specific bushing pair is acquired;

• The values from both the reference window

and the latest data is added to an array;

• Power factor / tan δ statistical tests are

performed on the data in the array.

The 4 statistical analysis tools used in the

4-step statistical analysis to generate the
condition value are:

Recent Changes (RC) Test – While

other tests look at several data records of
the reference window, the RC test looks at Figure 4. Failed 400 kV bushing

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 119

Figure 5. Graph of actual data taken on six high voltage transformer bushings over a one year period showing a 3 % drift in the Phase B bushing (red and
green lines) power factor due to high ambient temperature

Data analysis the summer months, bushing B’s power analysis monitors. When combined with
factor value drifts 3 % higher than in Weidmann’s Insulogix Vault it becomes a
Naturally, every test has a weighting fac­ cooler months. complete transforomer monitor.
tor, based on the importance of the test,
which is a part of the algorithm for cal­
culating the condition values. Condition
Communications Sales contact
thresholds calculated for every unit range Anywhere/anytime access to information Rob Begin
from 0 (good) to 100 (bad). InsuLogix B is essential. Similarly, network communi­ Director of Sales - Power & End User NA
uses a simple “green, yellow, red” code to cations are essential to the smart grid TD +1 802 751 3511
indicate the condition of each bushing efficiencies that will help utilities meet
FD +1 802 748 8630
under test. 21st century demands on 20th century man­
M +1 802 535 9757
power and budgets. To that end, InsuLogix B
supports DNP3 and IEC 61850 protocols rob.begin@wicor.com
Analyzing the data with on wired or wireless networks, and can
on-line graphs interrace with SCADA systems. The Weidmann Electrical Technology Inc.
Relative condition values show changes system also interfaces with other IED’s like One Gordon Mills Way
in pairs of data samples based on the temperature sensors and dissolved gas St. Johnsbury, VT 05819, USA
“butterfly phenomena.” Figure 5 pro­vides
an example: if the data from bushing A
referenced to bushing B (red line and green
line) show a power factor trend, and the Jeff Benach is the Director of Engineering for Monitoring
data from bushing B referencing bushing Products at Weidmann Electrical Technology Inc. Jeff
C (yellow and blue lines) also show a graduated from the Ohio Institute of Technology in
power factor trend (the mirror image of 1982 with A BS in Electronics Engineering Technology,
the first trend), then the unit causing these and earned an MBA in Technology Management
trends must be unit B. Bushing B is being from the University of Phoenix in 2003. Jeff has over
affected by high temperature. 25 years of experience in the power industry working
with GE, Megger, On-Line Monitoring, GridSense, and
The graph in Figure 5 illustrates actual Weidmann. He is a Senior IEEE member and active in the Power Engineering
data taken on six high voltage transformer Society Substation and Transformer Committees.
bushings over a one year period. During

120 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017


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tors or bushings, it is important to
know when the damage occurred. In
this scenario, the Cargolog® Impact
Recorder System is an excellent in- Cargolog® Impact Recorder System
dependent tool, which helps you
detect these types of damage at an Introduction easily export all data to PDF or direct­
early phase. The system helps you ly into Excel for further analysis. With
to review the events and determine The Cargolog® Impact Recorder System the Cargolog® Impact Recorder System,
who has the responsibility for reme- is a high-tech, data logger that provides it is easy to distribute information to
dying the damage. you with independent data throughout your colleagues and customers. By com­
the whole logistics chain, data that could bining the measurement results from the
be crucial in a guarantee or insurance C­argolog® Impact Recorder System with
KEYWORDS case. You can see all the impacts and vi­ other tests, such as Factory Acceptance
brations that have occurred, analyse all Test (FAT) and Site Acceptance Test
bushing, transformer, transport,
the data second by second and specify (SAT), you can decide if further inspec­
when the product was damaged. You can tions are needed, on site or in the factory,

122 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017


prior to commissioning the transformer of the company‘s quality and environmen­ customer can review the measurement re­
– „to measure is to know“. tal work. This is a long term and reusable sults, both in graphical and tabular form,
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Free On-Board (FOB) is a common condi­
The smart supervision of data from unauthorised individuals. You
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touches upon questions about who will nities for monitoring your goods. A mes­ the entire transport route. The GPS posi­
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port insurance. The C­ argolog® I­
mpact System, equipped with GSM/GPRS com­ the transport is not going to plan.
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The information can be crucial when it you can gain access to data wherever you accelerations and impacts (0.3-10 G,
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w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 123

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124 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

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Preventing bushing failures is very important,

not just in order to avoid unplanned outages
but also to avoid the loss of assets in dramatic

Bushing diagnosis can include var-
Dispersing the clouds:
Gain clear insight into
ious methods, from a simple visual
inspection or a conventional power/
dissipation factor measurement,

your bushings using

to the latest high-tech broadband
dielectric frequency response mea-
surements. This article explains the

advanced diagnostic
different bushing insulation types
and shows which problems can oc-
cur in bushings and which diagnos-
tic methods can be used to detect

them. Each measurement has its
advantages and disadvantages and
some are more suitable for onsite
measurements, others for quali-
ty control of new bushings. Case 1. Introduction that condition diagnosis of bushings is not
economical as they can just be replaced
studies show the effectiveness of
Bushings are a vital part of power trans­ when any failure occurs.
advanced dielectric measurement
formers and other assets as they act as
principles in detecting moisture and
insulators and transmit electrical power However, such a conclusion would be
aging problems. in or out of a power transformer. No very short-sighted. About 41 % of all
active action or mechanical movement is bushing failures on high-voltage power
KEYWORDS required, and maintenance measures like transformers lead to a fire or explosion of
the changing of worn parts are also not the transformer, Fig. 1 – this corresponds
b u sh i n g , d i s s i pati o n factor, needed. Compared to the rest of the power to a complete loss of the transformer [1].
moisture, aging, power trans- transformer they are quite low-priced. All Also, about 37 % of all fires or explosions of
former of these facts could lead to the conclusion power transformers are caused by bushing

126 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

About 41 % of all bushing failures on high-

voltage power transformers lead to a fire or
explosion, corresponding to a complete loss of
the transformer

failures [1]. This shows how important it • Resin-impregnated Fiber/Synthetic storage and mounting positions and
is to prevent bushing failures, not just in (RIF/RIS) shows a higher risk of fire in the event of
order to avoid unplanned outages but a failure [2].
also to avoid the loss of assets in dramatic Oil-impregnated Paper (OIP) bushings
circumstances. are the most common type with a very Resin-bonded Paper (RBP) bushings are
long history and considerable experience. made of wound paper which is glued to­
This paper shows which problems can Their insulation consists of tightly wound gether by a resin. Trapped air and gaps
lead to the failure of bushings and how paper layers impregnated with oil, in the insulation increase the partial dis­
diagnostic methods can be used to detect making them sensitive to oil leakage. This charge (PD) levels during service and
those problems at an early stage. bushing type requires special transport, limit the maximum voltage level for this

2. Bushing types and typical

2.1 Modern types of bushings

Over the last few decades, bushings

have been manufactured using different
types of technology as manufacturing
techniques, as well as the available
materials, have improved. At present,
the following types of bushings are

• Oil-impregnated Paper (OIP)

• Resin-bonded Paper (RBP) Figure 1. Failure locations of fires and explosions of power transformer failures (left) and external
• Resin-impregnated Paper (RIP) effects of bushing failures (right) [1]

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 127

Table 1. Potential problems for different bushing types

Some problems are typical for a specific Resin-impregnated Fiber/Synthetic

(RIF/RIS) bushings are a further
bushing type; other problems can occur in improvement of the RIP technology.
all bushings types Here, synthetic fiber (RIF) or synthetic
fabric (RIS) is used instead of paper and
is impregnated with epoxy resin. This
bushing type. In addition, RBP bushings impregnated with resin. This eliminates makes their insulation very robust against
are very sensitive to moisture ingress. De­ the problem of partial discharges, which moisture ingress. Like RIP bushings, RIF
spite the low costs of this bushing, most typically occurs during service, and thus and RIS bushings have a very low PD
utilities and manufacturers have disconti­ allows higher voltage levels. Another ad­ level and low dielectric losses and can be
nued this type [2]. vantage of RIP bushings is their low di­ used and transported in any position [3].
electric losses. Despite the impregnation, As the RIF/RIS technology is relatively
The Resin-impregnated Paper (RIP) bush­ moisture can ingress during transport­ new and not common practice, it is not
ings are an improvement of the RBP ation and storage and this must, therefore, yet considered in many standards and
technology as the paper is completely also be considered [2]. testing guides.

Table 2. Effectiveness of different methods to detect specific bushing problems

128 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

Moisture is critical as it increases the di- corrosion of the grounding spring;
electric losses, which can lead to a thermal • Bad or open contact of the grounding
spring which can lead to discharges
runaway and reduce the dielectric strength, and arcs;
• Bad or insufficient contact of the tap to
causing partial discharges and breakdown the last grading layer. As transient volt­
ages cause very high capacitive currents
in this path, this can lead to partial de­
2.2 Typical bushing problems or damage the insulation which, in turn, fects and discharges. This is a particular
can lead to a thermal breakdown of the problem near gas insulated switchgear
As already mentioned, the different bush­ insulation. (GIS) where transients occur frequently.
ing technologies show advantages and
disadvantages. It should also be taken into The bushing design, with its capacitive Moisture ingress is a problem for all con­
account that some problems are typical for layers, creates a homogeneous electrical ventional types of bushings (OIP, RBP, and
a specific bushing type. For example, some field within the insulation and prevents RIP) as they are based on cellulose which
problems just occur in OIP bushings but high local fields. Defects, voids and cracks absorbs water. Moisture ingress is a typ­
are not applicable to RIP bushings. Other within the insulation, for example in ical problem for “spare” bushings which
problems occur in all bushings types. This RBP bushings, can cause local high fields have been inadequately stored for a long
has to be considered during the establish­ which cause, in turn, partial discharges. time. Moisture is, in general, critical as it
ment of a smart testing and maintenance Those discharges do have further impacts, in­creases the dielectric losses. This can
strategy for bushings and transformers. such as local damages and carbonizations, lead to a thermal runaway and reduce the
which can lead to a breakdown between dielec­tric strength, which in turn can lead
Table 1 gives an overview of the most adjacent capacitive layers. One effect of to partial discharges and breakdown.
common bushing problems and shows such a breakdown is the increased field
which problem is applicable for which between the other layers. Another effect
type of bushing. is the progressive damage which doesn’t
3. Methods for diagnostic
stop at one layer but advances towards the testing
Oil leakage and low oil levels only occur next layers. Both effects lead to a higher A set of different methods can be carried
in OIP bushings. They are critical for two electrical stress at the remaining insula­ out for assessing the condition of bushings.
reasons: first of all, if the oil loss is large tion which, especially in cases of transient As well as periodic diagnostic measure­
enough, the insulating medium is at least over-voltages, can lead to a breakdown of ments, visual inspections can be performed
partially missing which can lead to partial the insulation. on a regular basis and – in some cases – on-
discharges and finally to a breakdown of line systems can be installed for continuous
the whole insulation. Secondly, when oil The measurement tap of a bushing is monitoring. Over the last few decades, new
leaves the bushing via a leak, moisture can connected to the outer grading layer approaches for periodic diagnostic mea­
enter, which threatens the bushing’s insu­ of the bushing. In service it has to be surements have been developed – accord­
lation. connected to ground potential. This is ingly, they are separated here in conven­­
often per­formed by a spring contact which t­ional and advanced diagnostic methods.
High contact resistances can occur due connects the pin of the tap to ground if no
to bad contacts on both sides of the measurement equipment is connected to 3.1. Conventional diagnostic
bushing conductor and this normally it. The tap is usually closed and sealed by methods
results in overheating. Overheating can a cap towards outer influences. Typical
also take place when the bushing current defects at the measurement tap are: For condition assessment of bushings,
is much higher than the specified value. various conventional diagnostic methods
In particular, overheating has further • Leaky seal at the cap (or loss of cap) exist which use visual, thermal, chemical
consequences: It can deteriorate contacts which can lead to moisture ingress and and dielectric methods. Table 2 shows

Table 3. Limits and typical dissipation factor (DF or tan(δ)) and power factor (PF) values at line frequency according to IEC 60137 and IEEE C57.19.01 at
1.05 Um√3 and 20 °C / 70 °F [3], [4]

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 129

Particularly for OIP bushings, the dissol­

ved gas analysis (DGA) is an alternative
conventional diagnostic method. It can
detect various problems such as dischar­
ges and overheating. The small oil volume
of the bushing requires special sampling
techniques and the results interpretation
also has to be adapted. Further informa­
tion about DGA, especially for bushings,
can be found in reference [6].

3.2 Advanced diagnosis methods

Based on the conventional diagnostic

methods, different advanced mea­ sure­
ment approaches have been developed.
Figure 2. Dielectric loss measurement performed on 123 kV RIP bushings Table 2 also shows their applicability and
effectiveness in relation to the different
bushing problems.

An improved version of the measurement

at line frequency is the measurement over
a frequency range including line frequency.
A typical frequency range is from 15 Hz
to 400 Hz. Due to the increased frequency
range, the frequency dependency of dielec­
tric properties can be analyzed. Moisture
ingress in particular influences lower fre­
quencies: for example, a mea­surement at
15 Hz is more sensitive to moisture ingress
than a measurement at line fre­quency.

Table 4 shows the indicative limits at dif­

ferent frequencies of the Cigre power
transformer maintenance guide [7].
Figure 3. Dielectric measurements and reference measurements of three RBP bushings
The commonly called “tip up test” is a
measurement at a single frequency wher­e
the voltage is increased and the dielec­
An increase of the power/dissipation factor tric parameters are measured in a voltage
can indicate problems such as water, aging, range, mostly at line frequency. Measure­
ments of bushings at different voltages can
carbonized parts, or bad contacts reveal problems like bad contacts of mea­
surement taps, PD or an emerging break­
down between capacitive layers. If a con­
their applicability and effectiveness in ment of the power/dissipation factor at tact problem exists, the power/dissipation
relation to the typical bushing problems room temperature as a routine test for factor usually decreases towards higher
listed in Table 1. new bushings and to set limits for the los­ voltages as at higher voltage level arcing
ses (Table 3). bridges paths. High PD activity which oc­
Dielectric capacitance and power/dissi­ curs only above the inception voltage can
pation factor measurements at a single Another common practice is performing increase the power/dissipation factor due
frequency are usually performed at the thermography inspections of bushings to ionization losses. Therefore, any change
line frequency of the system. This mea­ [5]. This procedure helps identify areas of the power/dissipation factor is a sign
surement has been a common procedure of the bushings which carry current and for a potential problem.
for many decades. Whereas a change in have a poor contact resistance – for ex­
capacitance indicates a breakdown bet­ ample, the connection of the bushing ter­ Broadband dielectric measurements are
ween capacitive layers, an increase of the minal to the busbars of the substation. An used to measure the dielectric property
power/dissipation factor can also indicate additional benefit of thermography for of an asset in a very wide frequency rang­e,
problems such as water, aging, carbonized OIP bushings is that low oil levels can also usually from the lower kHz region to a
parts or bad contacts. Both IEEE and IEC be detected. few mHz or even µHz. The big advantage
bushing standards require the measure­ of using a very broad frequency range is

130 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

the high sensitivity for different influence
factors, especially moisture [6]. This me­
thod is also capable of determining an ab­
solute amount of the water content in oil-
paper insulations, for example in p­ower
transformers and OIP bushings [8]. This
measurement detects small differ­ences in
water content and can, therefore, also be
used for quality control of new bushings.
As the database is only valid for pure oil-
cellulose insulations, the water content
determination is not possible for other
bushing types such as RBP and RIP [9].
However, as the water content also influ­
ences the dielectric properties of those
insulation systems, small changes can also
be detected by comparing different mea­ Figure 4. Tan(δ) measurements of two 123 kV RBP bushings at different voltage levels (data
surements. from [8])

Another advanced diagnostic method is measurements were performed using was recommended replacing this bushing
partial discharge measurements on bush­ OMICRON’s CPC 100 combined with before putting the transformer into ser­
ings. A high-voltage source is required in the CP TD1 booster which can apply up vice. This example shows the advantage
order to provide the test voltage, which is to 12 kV at line frequency and up to 2 kV of a measurement at various frequencies
in the area of the nominal voltage. Due to from 15 Hz to 400 Hz. The measurements compared to a single measurement at line
the high effort of the test, partial dis­charge were done at 2  kV with the high-voltage frequency where the deviation is also vis­
measurements on bushings are main­ output at the conductor, the measurement ible but significantly smaller.
ly performed by the manufacturer or in at the tap and guarding the flange and
special cases. Alternatively, a monitoring tank (UST). All five measured bushings 4.2 Aged RBP bushings
system can be installed for on-line partial are of similar age and type. Dielectric
discharge measurements. capacitance and power/dissipation fac­ The second case study shows tan(δ) mea­
tor measurements were performed from surements using also OMICRON’s CPC
15  Hz to  400 Hz on all bushings, Fig. 2. 100 combined with the CP TD1 boost­
4. Case studies for bushing Particularly at low frequencies, which are er in a frequency range from 15  Hz to
condition diagnosis more sensitive to moisture influence, the 400  Hz of three 245  kV RBP bushings.
The following case studies are examples deviation of the losses of bushing 1N to The mea­ surements were performed at
how different failures might be detected the other bushings is quite significant. It 2  kV with the high-voltage output at the
using the advanced dielectric diagnosis was speculated that the bushing got wet conductor, the measurement at the tap
methods described in this publication. during storage, which is one of the typical and guarding the flange and tank (UST).
The data had to be anonymized so no problems of RIP bushings. Therefore, it Reference measurements were taken eight
details about the specific model or manu­
facturer can be shown here; for the same
reason, no photos can be shown. Measurements of bushings at different volt-
4.1 Wet RIP bushing ages can reveal problems like bad contacts
The first case study shows a set of mea­
of measurement taps, PD or an emerging
surements on 123 kV RIP bushings. The breakdown between capacitive layers
Table 4. Indicative values of tan(δ) limits for bushings at 20 °C [7]

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 131

years earlier using the same test system. other – most advanced methods even [4] IEEE Std C57.19.01, Performance
They allow the change of the losses to be include the traditionally measured Characteristics and Dimensions for
seen during this time, Fig. 3. Although values. Thus, users with experience in Outdoor Apparatus Bushings, 2000
none of the measured values exceeds the conventional methods can easily profit
limit according to the standards, Table 3, from the advantages which are possible [5] M. B. Goff, Substation Equipment
aging is indicated by an increased tan(δ), with current measurement and signal (Bushings), InfraMation, 2001
especially at lower frequencies – this is processing technologies.
clearly visible for all bushings. In particu­ [6] IEC, TS 61464:1998, Insulated bush­
lar, the bushing on phase V shows signifi­ The case studies presented in this contri­ ings - Guide for the interpretation of dis-
cant aging, whereas the worst bushing at bution illustrate the enhanced sensitive­ solved gas analysis (DGA) in bush­ings
the time of the reference measurement on ness of these advanced methods with re­ where oil is the impregating medium of
phase W shows the smallest changes. spect to the conventional capacitance and the main insulation (generally paper),
power/dissipation factor measurement at IEC, 1998
4.3 Contact problem at the single frequencies.
measurement tap [7] CIGRE, TB 445, Guide for Transform­
er Maintenance, 2011
Tan(δ) measurements of two 123 kV RBP
bushings of the same type were performed [1] CIGRE, TB 642 - Transformer Relia- [8] M. Krueger, A. Kraetge, M. Puetter and
with OMICRON’s CPC 100 combined bility Survey, 2015. L. Hulka, New diagnostic tools for high
with the CP TD1 using different voltages voltage bushings, CIGRE VI Workspot
at 50  Hz. The measurements were done [2] D. Egger, U. Krüsi, A. Dais, Z. Zic, W. – international workshop on power trans­
with the high-voltage output at the Odermatt, J. Czyzewski and J. Rocks, New formers, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, 2010
conductor, the measurement at the tap paper-free insulation technology for
and guarding the flange and tank (UST). dry high-voltage condenser bushings, [9] M. Krueger and M. Koch, A fast and
The result in Figure 4 shows a decreasing CIGRE, Paris, 2012 reliable dielectric diagnostic method to
tan(δ) at higher voltages for bushing C determine moisture in power transform­
(data from reference [8]). This could be [3] IEC, 60137, Insulated bushings for ers, IEEE International Conference on
associated with contact problems at the alternating voltages above 1000 V, IEC, Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis
measurement tap [8] which might be 2003 (CMD), 2008
caused by a defect sealing or a missing,
defect or not correctly placed cap. A
measurement at a single voltage level, for
example at 10 kV, would have shown only
a sight deviation of the values. Martin Anglhuber received his degree in electrical
engineering from TU München in 2007. From 2007 to
Conclusion 2011 he worked as a scientific assistant at the Institute for
High-Voltage Technology and Power Transmission for
Condition assessment of bushings is TU München in Germany where he performed research
an important task to be carried out by on polymer nanocomposites being used for insulation
operators of high-voltage assets with materials in high-voltage apparatuses. He received his
the aim of reducing the risks of bushing Dr.-Ing. (Ph.D.E.E.) degree in 2012. He’s been working
failures. The outcome of a comprehensive at OMICRON electronics in Klaus, Austria since 2012 as a product manager
condition assessment is that the most specializing in the area of dielectric transformer diagnostics.
critical bushings can be identified. This
is helpful for prioritizing maintenance Juan L. Velásquez Contreras was born in Venezuela.
and refurbishment measures, such He gained his BSc degree in Electrical Engineering from
as replacement of bushings with new the UNEXPO (National Experimental Polytechnic
ones, in a systematic and economically University) in Venezuela in 2002. He then joined CVG
attractive way. Venalum in Venezuela where he worked as a maintenance
and project engineer for high-voltage assets. In 2006 Juan
For a complete condition assessment, all joined CITCEA (Center of Technological Innovation)
possible problems need to be considered. in Spain. As a project engineer he worked on the
Therefore, a set of diagnostic methods implementation of condition-monitoring systems in power transformers.
can be applied. Conventional methods From 2008 until 2011 he worked as a product manager for diagnostic
have been successfully applied in the instruments at OMICRON electronics. In 2011 he completed his PhD in
past and are still the standard method the area of Asset Management of Power Transformers at the Polytechnic
for most network operators. Advanced University of Catalonia, in Barcelona, Spain. From 2011 until 2016 Juan
methods are mostly an improvement worked as HVDC technology engineer at Amprion GmbH. In August 2016
of the conventional methods and he started to work as a development and service engineer at Hubert Göbel
can detect specific problems more GmbH.
effectively. They do not exclude each

132 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

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paper bushing insulation
Special application of Dielectric Frequency Response measurements

impregnated paper; in fewer cases, analysis of the insulation condition

resin-bonded paper. Some of the of EHV bushings using dielectric fre­
As reported in CIGRE TB 642, windings, advantages of using oil-impregnated quency response measurements and
tap changers and bushing related paper bushings, listed in CIGRE TB dissolved gas analysis are carried out
failures are the major contributors 445, are the ability to be used at any at a major North American utility and
to transformer failure. About 17 % of voltage design level with minimum are described herein.
transformer breakdowns are caused by partial discharge activity, relative low
bushing failure which is often followed cost, the possibility to perform non-
by explosion, tank rupture, fire and intrusive dielectric diagnosis using KEYWORDS
potential human harm. To date, the dielectric response methods, as well
insulation system in high voltage and as the extraction of oil samples for high voltage bushing, oil-impreg-
extra-high voltage bushings is mainly dissolved gas analysis. Evidencing nated paper insulation, dielectric
oil-impregnated paper and resin- these advantages, a combined frequency response, DGA

134 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017


Transformer breakdowns caused by bush-

ing failure are often followed by explosion,
tank rupture, fire and potential human harm

1. Introduction by explosion, tank rupture, fire and Gas Analysis (DGA) are considered col­
potential human harm. It is of paramount lectively to establish potential correlation
The continuous growth in power demand importance, therefore, to dedicate suf­ and guidelines for end users.
and the need to maintain the highest levels ficient resources to find procedures and
of quality and reliability in the electrical methodologies to be applied as part of the
power network enforce asset manage­ asset management strategy.
2. Bushing insulation –
ment teams to examine and pursue testing Routine testing practices
strategies to minimize the risk of operati­ In this work, specialists investigated
onal down time. different dielectric diagnostic methods 2.1. Power factor / Dissipation
capable to provide significant information factor and capacitance test
Proper trending of the condition of high to warn of potential risk of failure of
voltage (HV) and extra-high voltage EHV oil-impregnated paper (OIP) The insulation design of HV and EHV
(EHV) bushings is a priority. CIGRE bushings. Data from power factor/ bushings is a series of concentric layers
TB 642 [1] reports approximately 17 % dissipation factor (PF/DF), capacitance made of conductive material with one lay­
of transformer breakdowns caused (C), HV Dielectric Frequency Response er made accessible for testing purposes at
by bushing failure are often followed (DFR) measurements and Dissolved an external tap referred to as the test tap.

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 135

a) b)

Figure 1. OIP EHV bushing, power factor / dissipation factor and Dielectric Frequency Response hook up diagram: a) Test on C1 capacitance (UST mode);
b) Test on C2 capacitance (GSTg mode)

Through this test tap, main core insulation the tank of the transformer, is tested un­ s­imilar electrical, thermal and mechanical
of the bushing is divided into two sub-ca­ der a GSTg (Grounded Specimen Test stresses are ideal for comparative analysis.
pacitances: C1 representing the insulation with guard) mode. Bushing insulation PF/ Any bushing with continued power factor
between the HV conductor and the test DF is typically a very low value because, increase should be further investigated
layer; and, C2 representing the insulation among other reasons, it is generally pro­ and is a candidate for removal from ser­
between the test layer and the flange or cessed to a greater degree of dryness than vice. A deficiency might be evolving in the
ground when mounted on the transform­ transformer insulation [3]. insulation system. As described in CIGRE
er [2]. The test tap facilitates the execution TB 642 [1], some of the deficiencies ob­
of tests such as DFR, including PF/DF and Bushing insulation PF/DF and capaci­ served in HV OIP bushings’ insulation in­
capacitance of C1 and C2 as presented in tance routine tests are carried out typically clude insulating fluid leaks and moisture
Figure 1. at 10 kV for C1 and at 500 - 2000  V for contamination. Moisture is not the only
C2 (or at those voltages suggested by the factor leading to (a) an increase of dielec­
In the field, the value of C1 capacitance manufacturer) and at approximately line tric losses, (b) accelerated aging of the
and PF/DF can be tested and compared frequency according to the application insulation, and (c) possible failure of the
against the information on the bushing’s (50/60 Hz). HV bushing. Excessive partial discharge
nameplate. C1 capacitance is tested un­ activity, accelerated thermal aging, con­
der a UST (Ungrounded Specimen Test) It is easier and better to visualize the PF/ tamination or degradation of the solid
mode. C2 capacitance, as it is the measure­ DF results as a function of time in a trend­ or liquid insulation may also result in
ment between the test and the flange in­ ing chart. Test results of HV bushings increased dielectric loss and thus in in­
trinsically connected to ground through with identical nameplates and exposed to creased PF/DF values.

Take into account that PF/DF testing is

Bushing insulation dissipation factor is typ- not only frequency dependent but also
temperature dependent. For factual trend­
ically very low because it is generally pro- ing analysis, the PF/DF factors obtained
cessed to a greater degree of dryness than in the field should be corrected or nor­
malized to 20 °C. Temperature correction
transformer insulation factors provided by bushing manufactur­

Table 1. International standards’ C1, PF/DF acceptance limits

Rated Temperature
Reference Test voltage acceptance PF/DF Factory Field
voltage range °C
value (%)
1.05 . Um
IEC 60137 ≥52 kV and Um 0,7 10 to 40 X
Corrected to
IEEE C57.19.01 ≥69 kV Typically 10 kV for C1 0,5 X
20 °C
Rate of increase
Corrected to
IEEE C57.152 ≥69 kV Typically 10 kV for C1 from 1.5 to 2 times X
20 °C
initial reading

136 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

ers and test equipment manufacturers are Moisture, partial discharge, accelerated
average at best and therefore may or may
not match the true dielectric thermal con­ thermal aging, contamination or degrada-
dition of the HV apparatus at the time of
testing. The use of Individual Temperature
tion of the solid or liquid insulation may re-
Correction (ITC) is advised for accurate sult in increased dielectric loss
PF/DF reference to 20 °C. Details of ITC
as applied to PF/DF correction can be re­
viewed in the literature [4, 5]. Table 2. OIP HV bushings DGA threshold
PF/DF and capacitance tests on HV Type of gas
bushings for factory acceptance, com­
H2 – Hydrogen 140
missioning and routine testing are re­
commended in technical brochures and CH4 – Methane 40
international standards. Table 1 summari­ C2H2 – Ethylene 30
zes the acceptance limits indicated in the C2H2 – Ethane 70
reference literature [6, 7, 8].
C2H2 – Acetylene 2
2.2. Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) CO – Carbon monoxide 1000
CO2 – Carbon dioxide 3400
Under normal operation condition, ther­
mal and electrical stress in OIP bushings Table 3. Correlation between key gases and possible fault conditions
produce low values of characteristic g­ases Key gas generated Characteristic fault
from the decomposition of solid and H2 Surface discharge
liquid insulation materials. The main
H2; CH4 Partial discharge
causes of abnormal gas generation (high
values of characteristic gases) in OIP HV C 2H 2; C 2H 4 Discharge of high energy
bushings in service are thermal and elec­ H 2; C 2H 2 Discharge of low energy
trical defects. C 2H 4; C 2H 6 Thermal fault in oil
CO; CO2 Thermal fault in paper
DGA has several methods used for inter­
pretation of the concentration of hydro­
Table 4. Correlation between gas ratios and possible fault conditions
carbon gases, including:
Ratio Value Characteristic fault
• Single gas analysis (Key gas method) H2 / CH4 >13 Partial discharge
• Two gases at a time (Rogers, IEC C2H4 / C2H6 >1 Thermal fault in oil
• Three gases (Duval Triangles) C2H2 / C2H4 >1 Discharges
• Most recent, five gases (Duval Pentagons) CO2 / CO > 20 or <1 Thermal fault in paper

The only reference found providing

threshold values for key gases in HV OIP Main causes of abnormal gas generation in
bushings is IEC TS 61464-1998 [9]. The
threshold values given for hydrocarbon OIP HV bushings in service are thermal and
gases are outlined in Table 2. electrical defects
If any of the gases exceeds the numbers
listed in Table 2, an active fault condition nusoidal excitation signal of low energy at sipation factor as a function of frequency
may have developed, with possible fault the electrode on one end of the insulation is obtained.
conditions presented in Table 3. system and measures the total current at
the electrode on the other end of the in­ In the field, testing of HV and especially
IEC 61464 [9] provides significant ratios sulation system under test, including the EHV bushings with DFR is not a simple
of gas concentrations and its relation to phase deviation between applied voltage task. The information gathered from [10]
characteristic faults encountered in HV and measured current. describes the effect of electro-magnetic
OIP bushings. interference on time domain and frequen­
The sinusoidal signal applied is of cy domain dielectric response measure­
140 Vrms and varies frequency in a wide ments. The data shows that the dielectric
3. Dielectric Frequency spectrum, typically from 1000  Hz down response in the frequency domain is less
Response to 1 mHz. As a result, a unique dielectric susceptible to the effect of electromag­
DFR is an advanced application of PF/ response curve displaying the correlation netic interference (EMI). Capacitance C1
DF testing. The DFR test set applies a si­ between capacitance, power factor or dis­ is typically very small (hundreds of pF)

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 137

10 The use of HV DFR

at 1.4 kVrms allowed
measurement of the
1 dielectric response of

EHV bushings in 735 kV

substations and it is
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
strongly recommend-
OIP 13 %DF @ 0.5 kV
Frequency [Hz]
OIP 13 %DF @ 1.4 kV
ed for this type of ap-
Figure 2. Dielectric response of an EHV OIP bushing measured in an operational 735 kV

and therefore, the current measured at higher voltages to increase the signal-to- sponse and useful information for
very low frequencies is very small and noise ratio (SNR) and be able to minimize analysis.
may be affected by DC or AC interference. the effect of noise on the dielectric re­
For example, the capacitive current of a sponse curves depicting the true condition As observed in Figure 2, the paper insula­
365 pF capacitor measured at 10 mHz and of the EHV OIP bushing. Therefore, in tion dominates the dielectric response and
100 V becomes: the field and under high EMI, the use therefore, on EHV OIP bushings, measure­
of a voltage booster is recommended. ments down to 10 mHz are sufficient for
Ic = 2πf .C .V = 2π .0,01 .365 .10-12 .100 = 2.29 nA (1) In Figure 2 the dielectric response of an evaluation. Moreover, changes at 1, 0.1
EHV OIP bushing is obtained using a and 0.01 Hz justify trending not just line
The only way to overcome such a 0.5 kVrms signal and a 1.4 kVrms signal. frequency values, as concluded from the
measuring challenge is to run DFR at The 1.4 kVrms provides a smooth re­ experimental work described next.

4. The experimental work

The asset management team embarked
on a planned investigation to identify the
root cause of failure in EHV OIP bushings
mounted on shunt reactors at 735 kV
p­ower yards. High EMI and temperatures
below 20 °C accompanied the testing pro­
cedure. A 735  kV shunt reactor with the
EHV OIP bushing mounted is presented
in Figure 3.

A total of 25 EHV OIP bushings were

investigated using the following testing

• 10 kV PF/DF and capacitance at line

• Dielectric Frequency Response (1 kHz
down to 10 mHz) at 1.4 kVrms

The data was carefully collected, threshold

values were set based on reference stan­
dards listed previously, and the units with
questionable values were singled out for
comparative analysis.

From the PF/DF test at 10 kV and at line

frequency, the numbers did not provide
relevant distinction nor deviation from
Figure 3. Shunt reactor with EHV OIP bushing acceptable limits, as presented in Figure 4.

138 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

As observed in Figure 4, there is almost no
deviation of field tested capacitance and 0.1
certainly no increase of PF/DF at 60  Hz
values properly corrected to 20 °C. It was
interesting to observe values of PF with

% Deviation from nameplate value

deviation below 20 % from the nameplate
data. The decrease in PF is under investi­ -0.1
To the contrary, the dielectric response
test provided clear differentiation bet­
ween tested units, as presented in Table 5. -0.3

The data analyzed identifies clear devia­ -0.4

tion of the dielectric response at lower fre­ 0 5 10 15 20 25
Specimen number
quencies, namely 10 Hz and 1 Hz. Based
Deviation C1 Deviation %PF
on this information, a chart with all re­
sults properly corrected to a normalized Figure 4. Percentage deviation from nameplate data; %PF and capacitance of C1 for 24
temperature (20 °C) can be observed and specimens
color-coded accordingly.

The values obtained from DFR testing at

different temperatures and at different The DFR data was converted into the DTR
frequencies were normalized to 20 °C following the ITC principles and it was pos-
using Individual Temperature Correction
(ITC) algorithm and summarized in sible to confirm the differences in the ther-
F­igure 5.
mal behavior of frequency PF/DF values at
Now, the data can be grouped in blocks of different temperatures
ideal, good and questionable condition.
The units in the chart outside of these
blocks are further investigated against vealed the presence of X-wax on the most Hz and 1 Hz PF/DF values obtained from
DGA values to identify potential correla­ inner layer of the insulation system. Unit DFR test.
tion. Table 6 summarizes the findings. OIP 17 did present abnormal concentra­
tion of C2H2 but no deviations in the DFR Based on these results, the dielectric fre­
From Table 6, two units were selected for tests. OIP 17 is under observation. quency response data was converted into
physical investigation (OIP 2 and OIP 19). the dielectric thermal response following
Four key gases showed abnormal values As presented here, a well-planned and the ITC principles and it was possible to
and the10dielectric response at 1 Hz was sig­ carefully executed investigation was able confirm the differences in the thermal be­
nificantly higher than the other 22 units. to distinguish units with potential risk of havior of line frequency PF/DF val­ues at
The units were carefully disassembled and failure and to determine the root cause of different temperatures. The analysis con­
their gradient capacitance of each layer excessive concentration of key gases in the firms the condition evaluation of the EHV

was tested. The bushing dissection re­ DGA results as well as deviation in the 10 bushings in the frequency domain or in

Table 5.0.1
Dielectric Frequency Response on EHV OIP bushings
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Frequency [Hz] %DF @ 20 °C
2 OIP 13 OIP 14 Specimen Condition
60 Hz 10 Hz 1 Hz 0.1 Hz

OIP 1 good 0,3 0,29 0,27 0,32

OIP 2 bad 0,31 0,61 1,58 3,57


OIP 13 good 0,32 0,29 0,28 0,57

0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Frequency [Hz]
OIP 1 OIP 2 OIP 13 OIP 14 OIP 14 good 0,28 0,26 0,25 0,73

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 139

Figure 5. Ranking values for %PF/DF values at different frequencies

The application of the ITC algorithm sup-

ports another approach for analysis of the Figure 6. X-wax found on the most-inner layer of
condition of the insulation, moving from the the EHV bushing disected

DFR to the DTR

the “temperature” domain, as pre­sented in
Table 6. DFR and DGA threshold correlation Figure 7.
Sample DFR threshold DGA Threshold The conversion from DFR into DTR using
1Hz 0.1Hz H2 CO CO2 C 2H 2 CH4 C 2H 6 C 2H 4 the individual temperature correction
OIP 2 X X X X X X (ITC) algorithm was previously published
in Transformers Magazine [4]. The Diele­c­
tric Thermal Response (DTR) becomes
OIP 6 X another tool for condition analysis of the
OIP 7 X insulation system based on the thermal
OIP 8 X response of PF/DF properly converted to
OIP 11 X
a wide range of temperatures between 5
and 60 °C. The data suggests establishing
OIP 17 X PF/DF temperature indicators at 40 and
OIP 19 X X X X X X 50 °C. Correlation with DGA analysis is
OIP 21 X carried out and summarized in Table 7.
OIP 22 X
3 The assessment of capacitance and DF/PF
Estimated Line Frequency %PF by ITC

measurements normalized to 20 °C and

2.5 at line frequency was not conclusive. The
2 analysis of the dielectric response corrected
to 40 and 50 °C differentiated the response
1.5 from other units in this project. Therefore,
the application of the Individual Tempera­
1 ture Correction (ITC) algorithm supports
another approach for analysis of the con­
dition of the insulation moving from the
0 Dielectric Frequency Response to the Diel­
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 ectric Thermal Response.
Temperature [°C]
Because of the low capacitance and
%PF OIP 2 %PF OIP 5 %PF OIP 14 %PF OIP 19 the low frequencies used to obtain the
Figure 7. Dielectric thermal response (DTR) of EHV OIP bushings dielectric response of the C1 capacitance

140 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

in the EHV OIP bushings, the low Table 7. Correlation between DTR and DGA
current measurement may be affected by Indicator
the EMI in the substation. The use of HV

Thermal Indicator DGA
DFR at 1.4 kVrms allowed measurement
of the dielectric response of EHV
bushings in 735 kV substations and it is 40 °C 50 °C H2 CO CO2 C 2H 2 CH4 C 2H 6 C 2H 4
strongly recommended for this type of OIP 2 X X X X X X
OIP 17 X
DGA, DFR and DTR identified OIP 2 and
OIP 19 X X X X X X
OIP 19 to be defective. The specific case
of OIP 17 is under observation. In OIP 2
and OIP 19, four key gases presented ab­
normal values and DFR observed elevated Field Testing of Fluid-Filled Power Trans- gas analysis (DGA) in bushings where oil
values at 1 Hz. In the analysis of OIP 17, formers, Regulators, and Reactors, 2013 is the impregnating medium of the main
only one key gas showed higher values of insulation
C2H2, but no other gas has indicated any [8] IEEE C57.19.00, Standard General
reason for concern, neither did DFR. OIP Requirements and Test Procedures for [10] P. Werelius, M. Ohlen, J. Skoldin,
17 is under observation. Power Apparatus Bushings, NY, 2005 Dielectric Frequency Response Mea­
surement Technology for Measurements
The experimental work and the dissec­ [9] IEC TS 61464:1998, Insulated bushings in High Interference AC and HVDC
tion carried out on the specimens deter­ - Guide for the interpretation of dissolved Substations, TechCon Asia Pacific, 2011
mined that DFR technique can be used
to detect the presence of solid particles
of carbon and hydrocarbon polymers
(X-wax). Authors
Diego Robalino currently works for Megger as
HV DFR in conjunction with DGA and Principal Engineer, where he specializes in the diagnosis
routine testing provide a strong support of complex electrical testing procedures. While doing
for asset managers, operations and main­ research in power system optimization with a focus on
tenance staff to decide if the EHV bushing aging equipment at Tennessee Technological University,
may be considered a potential risk to the Robalino received his electrical engineering Ph.D. from
operation. that institution. Robalino has over 20 years of involvement
in the electrical engineering profession with management
responsibilities in the power systems, oil and gas, and research arenas.
References Dr. Robalino is a Senior Member of the IEEE, member of the IEEE transformers
[1] CIGRE TB 642, Transformer Reliabi- main committee and a Certified Project Management Professional with the PMI.
lity Survey, WG A2.37. 2015
Ismail Güner received the B.E. degree in electrical
engineering from École Polytechnique de Montréal,
[2] CIGRE TB 445, Guide for Transfor-
Canada. He worked as an electrical design engineer in
mer Maintenance, WG A2.34. 2011
large power transformers industry. He currently holds
the position of transformer asset management engineer
[3] IEEE C57.19.100, Guide for the Appli-
at Hydro-Québec. He is an active member of IEEE
cation of Power Apparatus Bushings, 2012
transformers committee working groups.
[4] D. Robalino, Individual temperature Peter Werelius received his Ph.D. in electrical en­gi­n­­e­er­­
compensation – Benefits of dielectric res- ing from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden,
ponse measurements, Transformer Maga­ developing the Dielectric Frequency Response (DFR)
zine, Vol. 2, Issue 3. July 2015, pp. 42 – 47 technique for diagnosis of medium voltage XLPE cables.
Peter began his professional career starting up a spin-off
[5] D. Robalino, Accurate temperature company, WaBtech, in 1996, manufacturing the first field
Correction of Dissipation Factor data DFR test equipment. Peter improved and further developed
for Oil-impregnated Paper insulation DFR technology and its applications under WaBtech,
Bushings: Field Experience, Proceedings Programma, GE, Pax Diagnostics and now Megger. Peter works for Megger
of the IEEE CEIDP, 2011 Sweden as an applications and product specialist with responsibilities related
to research, product development, product sustainability and training for the
[6] IEC 60137, Insulated bushings for Megger Global organization. Dr. Werelius is a member of SEK TC14, IEEE and
alternating voltages above 1000 V, fifth CIGRE and actively participates in working groups and task forces, especially
edition, 2003-08 those related to FDS/DFR and SFRA. Throughout his career, he has participated
in relevant technical conferences, authored technical papers and patents.
[7] IEEE C57.152, Guide for Diagnostic

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 141

Bushings are
a critical part
of the transform-
er, and their failures
often have destructive
consequences for the
transformer, with a
high risk of fire

Bushings are highly stressed parts
of power transformers and their
Diagnostics of HV
failures can lead to a transformer
breakdown. The diagnostics and
predictive surveillance of bushings
bushings through
oil sampling and
is essential for uninterrupted oper-
ation of transformers. Diagnostic
tools applied include electrical tests,
thermography and, to a minor extent,

oil analysis for oil-impregnated bush-
ings. This paper gives a short review
of bushing types and related appli-
cations, including procedures for in
field inspection and oil sampling.
Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) issues Experience with GSU transformers
in bushings’ mineral oil are briefly
discussed and diagnostic criteria for 1. Introduction Bushings are extremely stressed equip­
DGA interpretation are given, com-
ment, subject to a strong electric field in­
paring the experience of the authors
Bushings are essential accessories of tensity with great difference of electrical
with the available literature and stan-
powe­r transformers, circuit breakers potential and close distances.
and other electrical equipment, making
the connection between high voltage A significant percentage of all transformer
KEYWORDS wind­ings and inlet or outlet conductors. failures is caused by defective bushings
They allow the high voltage conductor and such failures can destroy a transform­
mineral oil, SF6, bushings, transform- to pass through the tank walls, which are er. A recent survey by CIGRE [1] conclu­
er, DGA, diagnosis ground­ed. ded that 30 % of all bushing faults resulted

142 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

Riccardo ACTIS, Riccardo MAINA, Vander TUMIATTI

in transformer fire and 10 % in burst or er dissipation factors than OIP and RIP transformer tank, during outage periods,
explosion. bushings. Moreover, since RBP cores are when oil temperature is low, the oil com­
not gas tight, they cannot be used in appli­ partment may be at negative pressure. A
Making a systematic diagnostic surveil­ cations involving SF6 apparatus. loss of tightness of the sealing gaskets may
lance of HV bushing is essential for safe induce moisture and air entering from
operation of transformers. Therefore, For the above mentioned reasons, and the atmosphere. On the other hand, if the
even if it is complex and quite expensive, because of the relatively low acquisition sealing gaskets between SF6 compartment
many big utilities and power generation cost, OIP bushings still dominate today’s and filling oil are corrupted, an increas­
companies include monitoring of aging market. Here, the capacitor core is im­ ing amount of SF6 gas may enter into the
and degradation of bushing in their main­ pregnated with transformer grade min­ bushing’s oil. The insulation properties
tenance policy. eral oil and placed inside a housing made of the liquid insulation are not affected
of porcelain or a composite insulator to by the presence of SF6, but an excessive
The most widely applied diagnostic and avoid moisture ingress. compression of the bellow may occur,
predictive tools are thermography and resulting in an unexpected trip of the oil
electrical tests, such as measurement of Among the OIP bushing population, two maximum level switch.
capacity, dielectric losses, power factor categories of equipment may be identified:
(tan delta) and partial discharges. Other models of oil-SF6 bushings, from
• Oil-air type bushing, where the capaci­ different manufacturers, can be found in
Oil analysis is not a common practice; tor core impregnated with mineral oil is service, such as CTkg, CTg, CTzk, Fig. 3,
nevertheless, it has been recognized as a sealed but in contact with dry air or ni­ etc. They have expansion bellows of an­
reliable tool for detecting aging and bush­ trogen blanket, Fig. 1. The HV terminal cient technology, where the filling oil of
ing degradation at an early stage and, con­ is surrounded by open air the bushing core is always kept at positive
sequently, for driving the corrective and pressure, by the transformer oil hydro­
preventive maintenance actions in a very • Oil-SF6 type, where the capacitor core static pressure or by an inner spring.
effective way. is sealed, being completely filled with
mineral insulating oil, and the HV ter­
Since 1998, a big nuclear power gen­ minal is surrounded by SF6 gas
3. Visual inspection and oil
eration company in France has been sampling
performing a visual inspection and oil In both cases, the capacitor core remains A regular inspection of the external state
sampling and analysis of HV bushings of in a closed liquid environment throughout of bushings is the first method of collec­
their GSU power transformers: more than its lifetime and there may be occasional ting information about their health. Pre­
700 pieces of equipment are systematically problems of leakage around gaskets. sence of rust, oil leakages or bleedings,
controlled, with about 17 % of them being as shown in Fig. 4, as well as ruptures or
under enforced surveillance, and 5 % The oil-SF6 type may also be affected by t­races of discharges on the porcelain sur­
replaced before experiencing a failure. leakages of SF6 gas, which have a higher face, moisture or dust into the capacitive
pressure (up to 2 bar), into the oil com­ plug are all evidence of aging easy to ob­
partment, resulting in an excessive in­ serve and useful to initiate a condition
2. Technology of bushings crease of the internal pressure and the based maintenance action.
Bushings for systems having a voltage auto­
matic disconnection of the trans­
over 36 kV are capacitor type, designed former by electrical contact trip. Oil sampling from oil-air bushings is not a
to reduce maximum field stress and op­ critical or hard operation; it may be easily
timize field distribution in both axial and The SOT bushing, Fig. 2, is largely used in done from the top of the bushing using a
radial directions when passing through a the gas insulated terminal of GSU trans­ syringe and a plugging hose. Oil sampling
ground­ed transformer enclosure. formers in French nuclear power plants. from a sealed type bushing, such as oil-SF6
type bushings, can be done using the oil
HV bushings are typically composed of a The capacitor core of this bushing is filled filling and/or drainage valves. The temp­
core, made from a conductor wounded as with oil under vacuum and sealed to pre­ erature of the oil and the expansion quota
a fuse by several layers of paper, alternated vent air or moisture inlet. An expansion of the bellow should be measured before
with thin aluminium sheets, and of an ex­ bellow allows for changes in oil volume and after sampling. When necessary, a
ternal housing of porcelain or polymeric under temperature variations, with two top-up with pre-treated unused mineral
material. electrical switches operating an alarm if oil should be performed.
oil volume reaches the maximum or min­
Three main technologies for capacitor imum level. Being completely isolated Oil sampling from and topping-up of oil-
bushings have evolved over the years: the from the gas compartment and from the gas bushings are critical operations which
Resin-bonded Paper (RBP) type, the Oil-
impregnated Paper (OIP) type and the
Resin-impregnated Paper (RIP) type.
Even if not a common practice, oil analysis
Due to their manufacturing process, RBP
bushings are not guaranteed free from
has been recognized as a reliable tool for
partial discharges and tend to show high­ early detection of bushing degradation
w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 143

Figure 1. Oil-air bushing Figure 2. Oil-SF6 bushing SOT model Figure 3. View of a CTzk bushing model

require skilled and trained personnel who For oil-gas bushings the DGA shall in­ prove the sensitivity of quantifying CO
are equipped with proper tools and oper­ clude the measurement of SF6 dissolved in and CO2. SF6 can react with the nickel-
ating a reliable and proven technical prac­ the mineral oil. Other tests such as parti­ based catalyst of the methanizer and con­
tice, Fig. 5. The air entering the bushing cles, metals, furanic compounds or corro­ sequently be converted to nickel sulfide
core during sampling operation or during sive sulphur are considered complement­ and get trapped. This leads to a partial or
oil top-up after sampling may generate ary, addressed to specific investigation complete loss of SF6, and a progressive
partial discharges or insulation break­ purposes. reduction of the methanizer efficiency,
down, thus it should be strictly avoided. resulting in underestimated values of car­
4.1 DGA in bushing’s oil bon oxides, even in the following samples
which are not affected by the presence of
4. Oil analysis In the power transformer application, SF6. Moreover, SF6 cannot be easily sepa­
A typical monitoring plan, based on oil DGA is the main diagnostic tool which rated from other gases (i.e. ethylene and
analysis, generally includes a few basic provides information about oil and paper acetylene) with the commonly used chroma­
tests, which require low oil volume, but thermal degradation and presence of par­ tographic columns, e.g. PLOT Q type
provide key information about aging or tial discharges and other electrical faults. (Agilent) or similar. PLOT type column
degradation of the bushing core. The measurement of SF6 concentration (Porous Layer Open Tubular) belongs to
in the insulating liquid is a key parame­ the gas-solid GC (gas chromatographic)
The recommended tests are: ter for monitoring gasket tightness. SF6 is columns, and usually provides good sepa­
not among the gases detected by the IEC ration of very volatile solutes (gases — C1-
• Dissolved Gases Analysis (DGA), ac­ 60567 [2] analysis method. There are two C3 hydrocarbons). The Q-type stationary
cording to IEC 60567 [1] main problems which are encountered phase is a porous polymer.
when a traditional DGA method is ap­
• Water content, according to IEC 60814 [3] plied to SF6 detection. First, this method, Different approaches have been used
as well as ASTM D3612 [5], requires the to detect SF6 during the DGA test, with
• Dielectric Dissipation Factor (DDF) of use of an in-line methanizer to convert most of them requiring some modifica­
the oil, according to IEC 60247 [4] carbon oxides in methane in order to im­ tion to the ordinary DGA procedure. For
example, gas chromatographic columns
that allow a better separation of SF6 from
Bushings are sealed equipment where hydrocarbons have been tested, as well
as shin-carbon type columns (Restek —
gases accumulate during the life, and gas high surface area carbon molecular sieve)
concentrations and ratios are different from which allow a good separation of SF6, but
require longer analysis runtime. Alumina
those in transformers type columns are also used.

144 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

The presence of the methanizer remains
to be the main issue. SF6 should not pass
The authors’ experience suggests that some
through this device in order to avoid of the values, commonly used as a reference
irreversible retain. While this can be
resolved by eliminating the methanizer, for the diagnos-tics of faults in bushings,
Fig. 6, it also implies that CO and CO2 are not realistic and seem to require revision
sensitivity will be severely jeopardized. The
use of detectors different from FID (Flame
Ionization Detector) and TCD (Thermal
Conductivity Detector) is a possible many gases can be present in much higher consequence is that a healthy apparatus
solution to avoid the methanizer, such as concentrations, even in absence of faulty can easily show ethane levels up to
PDD (Pulsed Discharges Detector), Figs. conditions. 250-300 µl/l (ppm by volume). The same
7 and 8. can be said of hydrogen. This increasing
It must be considered that bushings are tendency of oils to form stray gassing is
Other approaches use a multiple-valve sealed equipment, and thus gases have no currently under investigation by CIGRE,
switching to bypass the methanizer dur­ way to escape from the oil (as happens in e.g. within the D1.70 WG.
ing the chromatographic run, while SF6 is transformers through the open conser­
being eluted. vator). Gases accumulation during the So, the normal values reported in the
life of the bushing may result in CO/CO2 currently available standards seem
However, the above mentioned ap­ ratios higher than those expected in power to require a revision, based on actual
proaches are not standardized and would transformer oils. Very often carbon monox­ values observed in the tested bushings
require an effort from normalization bo­ ide is present at a concentration of the same population. According to the experience
dies (IEC and others) to produce standard order of magnitude of carbon diox­ ide; of the authors, and relying on a
methods for SF6 detection. this behavior, which in power transform­ers population of 1,400 bushings regularly
leads to abnormal paper degradation con­ surveyed (which includes bushings
ditions, is quite typical in bushings. In fact, from other generation plants), 90 % of
5. Typical reference values CO is a very volatile gas which escapes the population values were estimated as
for diagnostic purposes quite rapidly from the oil in open systems reported in Table 2.
Typical DGA values in bushings are re­ (such as power transformers), lead­ing to
ported in two IEC documents: IEC 60599 a lower CO/CO2 ratio. The same carbon Finally, how to distinguish a problematic
[5] (table A.10) and IEC TR 61464 [6], oxides’ rate of generation in bush­ ings bushing from a healthy one? The answer
which is shown in Table 1. Both tables c­auses an apparent enrichment in CO. relies more on gas increase rates than on
converge giving the same reference values, This means that typical values of the two concentrations.
corresponding to the 90th percentile of the carbon oxides should be higher.
Other gases may accumulate in the
These values are commonly used as a ref­ bushing oil during the time. Ethane
erence for the diagnostics of faults in bush­ is one of them. Especially in the last
ings, but the experience of the authors decade when mineral oils with a relevant
suggests that some of them are not real­ stray gassing formation have entered
istic. More than 10 years of regular DGA the market, ethane is formed and
survey of HV bushings indicates that accumulated in the oil of bushings. The

Figure 4. Rusty and leaking valve on CTG bushing Figure 5. Oil sampling from SOT bushing

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 145

Table 1. Normal values for dissolved gases in

bushings (IEC TR 61464 [6])
Type of gas
µl gas/l oil
Hydrogen (H2) 140
Methane (CH4) 40
Ethylene (C2H4) 30
Ethane (C2H6) 70
Acetylene (C2H2) 2
Carbon monoxide (CO) 1,000
Carbon dioxide (CO2) 3,400

Table 2. Typical 90 % values for dissolved gases

(expressed in µl/l) in bushings (author’s enquiry)
GAS 90 % typical value
Figure 6. Example of SF6 detection in DGA, TCD detector, with a switching valve to exclude the H2 184
methanizer CH4 98
C 2H 6 104
C 2H 4 22
C 2H 2 0
CO 902
CO2 1,663

Gases accumulation along the time is

q­uite slow, and can be observed in the
trend analysis as a smooth-sloped curve.
Fault-related gassing (typically hydro­
gen increase) can be identified as a rapid
and sharp formation. To appreciate the
difference, regular DGA survey is strict­
ly necessary. Gas formation rates are not
easy to calculate from robust statistical
populations because of the relatively low
testing frequency. In the authors’ statis­
tical enquiry, it was possible to calculate
typical values, but calculating the increase
Figure 7. Example of SF6 detection in DGA, PDD detector
rate requires a larger amount of data. As a
rule of thumb, it is possible to consider a
gas formation rate as abnormal if the slope
of the gas evolution curve changes sharply
compared to the historical data.

In the absence of fault symptoms, regular

DGA testing frequency can be applied
(each 12 to 36 months), but in case of
evidence of abnormal gas formation, the
controls should be run more frequently,
even weekly or daily in worst cases.

DGA on bushings may

require some special
analytical solutions
when SF6 can contam-
Figure 8. Example of SF6 detection in DGA (separation from ethylene), PDD detector inate the oil
146 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017
As a rule of thumb, a gas formation rate can tric dissipation factor (tan d) and d.c.
resistivity, 2004
be considered as abnormal if the slope of
the gas evolution curve changes sharply [5] ASTM D3612 – 02, Standard Test
Method for Analysis of Gases Dissolved
compared to the historical data in Electrical Insulating Oil by Gas Chro-
matography, 2009

Once an abnormal condition is found ment - Sampling of gases and of oil for [6] IEC 60599, Mineral oil-filled electri-
(based on the increase rate of gases), key analysis of free and dissolved gases – cal equipment in service - Guidance on
ratios allow identification of the fault type. Guidance, 2011 the interpretation of dissolved and free
The key ratio criteria are very similar to gases analysis, 2015
the ones usually applied in power trans­ [3] IEC 60814, Insulating liquids - Oil-
former diagnostics. The main difference impregnated paper and pressboard - [7] IEC TR 61464:1998, Insulated
is that the H2/CH4 ratio linked to partial Determination of water by automatic bushings - Guide for the inter­ pre­
discharges is quite higher than the one coulometric Karl Fischer titration, 1997 tion of dissolved gas analysis (DGA)
applied to power transformers: 13 vs. 10. in bushings where oil is the
This is another consequence of the fact [4] IEC 60247, Insulating liquids - Mea- impregnating medium of the main
that bushings are sealed units, and hydro­ surement of relative permittivity, dielec- insulation, 1998
gen cannot escape once formed.

Partial discharges are the most frequent­

ly observed type of fault in bushings. Of Authors
course, strong stray gassing can simulate Riccardo Actis holds a degree in mechanical engineering
PD, and the hydrogen formation should obtained from Polytechnic University of Turin in 1995.
always be confirmed to be in positive Today he is the Head Manager of the On-Site Service
and fast evolution to link it with a real Department at Sea Marconi, with 15 years of experience
PD phenomenon; and electrical PD mea­ at the organization and follow-up on-site work activities
surement should be performed as a final gained in Italy, France, Spain and other EU countries.
Riccardo has a deep knowledge of condition based
confirmation. Localized overheating (that
maintenance, as well as treatment and decontamination
generates ethylene as the main gas) is quite
techniques for mineral insulating oils. He participates in standardization
rare. C2H2 formation above 2 µl/l is always
working groups of IEC TC10 , CEI TC14, and CIGRE.
an alarming symptom, and often leads to
the replacement of the unit. Riccardo Maina has been working for Sea Marconi
Technologies since 2001. As the Laboratory Manager at
Sea Marconi he has developed new analytical methods
Conclusions for oil analysis, diagnostics and decisional algorithms for
Bushings are a critical part of the trans­ test interpretation, software for data mining and LCA.
former, and their failures often have de­ Riccardo is a member of the Italian IEC TC10 National
structive consequences for the transform­ Committee since 2002, and is actively participating in
er, with a high risk of fire. Their regular several WGs and MTs of IEC TC10 and Cigre SC D1
inspection, by means of electrical on-line and A2, dealing with analytical methods (particles, DGA, acidity, additives,
testing (continuous) and oil sampling (an­ metals), maintenance guides, and guides for interpretation and diagnostics
nual), is of a paramount importance to (oil degradation, DGA, thermal life of cellulose). He is the author of many
ensure transformer reliability. DGA is a papers on diagnostics, transformers LCA, and corrosive sulphur. In 2008, he
powerful tool for predictive maintenance, was awarded the IEC 1906 Award.
but its interpretation requires certain ex­ Vander Tumiatti is the founder and owner of Sea
perience and a sufficient background in Marconi Technologies, established in 1968 in Torino,
real cases in order to correctly estimate Italy. Within the company, which is involved in research,
the typical values and, most of all, the gas technologies, products and services for energy & en-
rates of increase that can be associated to vironment, he has developed BAT & BEP Sustainable
a faulty condition. DGA on bushings may Solutions for Life Cycle Management (LCM) of insulting
require some special analytical solutions liquids and transformers focalized on inventory, control,
when SF6 can contaminate the oil. diagnosis, decontamination, depolarization (DBDS, TCS,
Polar Compounds) end dehalogenation /detoxification (PCBs/POPs). Vander
References has more than 40 international patents and is the author of many international
technical and scientific publications. He has been the Assistant Secretary of
[1] CIGRE Brochure 642, Transformer IEC TC10 since 2000. He is also a member of several international groups,
Reliability Survey, 2015 with major participation in technical normative activities (CEN, IEC, CIGRE,
IEEE). In 2009, he was awarded the IEC 1906 Award.
[2] IEC 60567, Oil-filled electrical equip-

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 147

Many oil-filled large power transform- Transformer
bushings and oil
ers have been in service for years.
One issue with aging transformers is
addressing oil leaks. This article de-
scribes a cost-effective technique for

repairing these oil leaks. Repairs can
be made without draining the oil, or
removing bushings. Often the repairs
can be made with the transformer
in service. This article presents the
techniques used by a company that A cost effective way to address oil and
has been performing leak repairs on
electric substation equipment since nitrogen leaks
1988, and works exclusively on elec-
tric substation equipment. 1. Introduction tried and true major component of the
transmission-type electric substation.
The oil-filled large power transformer is Additionally, the oil-filled transformer is
KEYWORDS still the workhorse of the electric power still the norm when it comes to subtrans­
industry. Even with the advances in the mission and distribution substations too.
transformer bushing, leak repair, technology of other insulating media, The opinion of this author is that many of
power transformer, SF6 the large oil-filled transformer is still the these transformers were built in the pre-

148 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017


leaks. Gaskets on bushings, radiator flan­

ges, pumps, piping etc. are deteriorat­ing
and leaking. If oil is leaking out, there is a
risk of moisture and air being drawn in via
capillary action, compromising the trans­
former oil insulating qualities.

The classic repair technique is to take the

transformer out of service, drain the oil
(usually thousands of gallons), remove
radiators, remove bushings, etc. Taking
equipment out of service for weeks at a
time, and utilizing large substation crews,
cranes, tankers, vacuum fill-oil processing
trailers, etc. can be a costly endeavor. Figure 1. Unsightly oil leaks running down the
Today’s electric utility management is side of a large power transformer
monitoring expenses closely. Trans­
mission operations are wheeling power
from far away generation sources to the
local utility distribution load centers.
Outages on transmission equipment are
closely scheduled, and lengthy outages are
not granted on short notice for emergent
repairs. The operations staff are coming
to the maintenance staff asking for other
solutions to address these oil leak repairs.
The US EPA SPCC Regulations [1] contain Figure 2. Oil leaks at the base flange of high
stringent requirements for electric utilities voltage bushing pockets
to monitor their equipment to prevent oil
discharges off their substation properties.
Even slight oil leaks, creating stains down
the sides of transformers and oil circuit
breakers, create a negative perception to
the general public that the utility is not
maintaining their equipment to a high
standard of reliability. Figure 1 illustrates
such an oil stain running down the side
of a large high voltage power transformer,
There are many older while oil leaks and stains at the base flange
of high voltage bushing pockets can be
oil-filled transformers seen in Figure 2. Oil leak quantities can
in service throughout be great enough to require the use of
Figure 3. Oil leaks running down the side of a
absorbent material in granular form, such
the world and despite as that applied in Figure 3, or in rectangular
large power transformer and contained with oil
absorbent material
being built to last, they oil absorbent pads [2] to contain an oil
release to keep it from running into the
have some aging is- substation drainage system and potentially
running off the station property into the
sues, one of the great- general environment outside the station.
est being oil leaks
2. Substation leak seal
computer era with margin factors based An alternative oil leak repair technique
upon manual calculations performed by entails a process of addressing the individ­
engineers with a built-to-last mentality. ual oil leaks by means of drilling and in­
Thus, there are many older oil-filled trans­ jecting sealant compound into the leaking
formers in service throughout the world. transformer gasket groove on the leaking Figure 4. Repair being made to a lower level
Even though they were built to last, they flange. This technique will work on ra­ radiator flange by injecting sealant into the
do have their share of old age issues com­ diator flanges, pump flanges, piping flan­ gasket groove with the transformer in normal
ing to bear. One of the greatest issues is oil ges, as well as injecting into flapper valve service

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 149

Figure 5a. Sketch depicting the drill and inject Figure 5b. Actual injection valve in place Figure 5c. An injection valve with the hose to
nozzle-valve placed to fill the gasket groove of the injection tool connected
the flange

If oil is leaking out, there is a risk of moisture groove or a bushing or bushing pocket
gasket groove. The common practice is to
and air being drawn in via capillary action, drill several holes and install several valves
around the flange and pump the sealant
compromising the transformer oil insulating until the gasket groove is filled, effectively
qualities stopping the leak.

stems. These repair techniques require an been doing repair work on piping at a
3. Techniques for addressing
initial inspection, usually performed with power plant in the western U.S, was asked bushing-related oil leaks
the transformer in service. Many repairs by the utility’s senior equipment specialist
on the lower end of transformer radiators, if it was possible to apply high pressure leak 3.1 Bushing pockets
and pumps and piping can be performed seal techniques to repairing transformer
with the transformer in service. Leaks on oil leaks. Following this inquiry, John Bushing pockets introduce another set of
the upper end of radiators and bushing Edmon worked with an equipment gasketed flanges requiring sealing. Figure
flanges usually require an outage for safe engineer and developed the low pressure 6 shows a common style of bushing pock­
work clearances, but can be performed in substation leak seal technique. et. The technique of drilling an access hole
one or two days. to the gasket groove and injecting under
Figure 4 depicts a technician injecting pressure the sealant compound into the
Similar leak seal techniques have been sealant into a gasket groove on a lower gasket groove, essentially creating a new
performed on piping and equipment flan­ level radiator (cooler) flange. This type of gasket without disassembly of the trans­
ges in refineries, paper mills, and petro­ leak repair can easily be performed with former to access the gasket groove. Then
chemical plants for years. These leak seal the transformer still in service. Thus the the drilled hole is threaded and a plug is
techniques are considered “high pressure” leak repair is completed in hours versus inserted to contain the sealant under pres­
leak repairs, as opposed to “low pressure” the days or weeks required to drain the sure.
leak repairs which are the approach to re­ transformer and remove the radiators to
pairing leaks in electric substation appa­ regasket the leaking flange. 3.2 Bushing flanges
ratus. The approaches to repairing a high
pressure leak and a low pressure leak can Figure 5a is a close up sketch of the valve Often the bushing flange is the leaking
be extremely different. Additionally, the used to inject the sealant compound into culprit. If the drill and inject technique
sealing compounds used in the various a gasket groove. Figures 5b and 5c are cannot be used, the next solution is to
high pressure repairs are many due to the actual photos of injection valves in place fabricate a precision clamp of machined
possible reactions between the sealant ready for pumping sealant into a gasket aluminum and utilize the existing bolts
and the materials being transported in groove. This can be a piping flange gasket to hold the clamp in place. This clamp
the high pressure piping systems. All leak
sealing work on electric substation appa­
ratus can be performed with just one va­
riety of leak sealing compound that does The oil leak repair entails a process of drill-
not react adversely with transformer oils,
nitrogen, or SF6 gas. ing and injecting sealant compound into the
leaking transformer gasket groove on the
In 1988, a leak sealing technician by the
name of John Edmon, who had regularly leaking flange
150 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017
Figure 6. High voltage bushing pocket with oil stains running from the transformer top down the side. Note the black material at the top of the pocket,
which is most likely an attempt by the utility to stop the leak with an externally applied material.

creates an additional cavity over the of the clamp. One can also see the rubber Fig­ure 11 shows a technician pumping
leaking flange that can contain the sealing gaskets on the aluminum clamp above the leak seal compound into the clamp.
compound under pressure and stop the and below the leak seal cavity. These gas­ These nozzle-looking valves are removed
leak. Figure 7 shows a bushing leaking at kets help hold the clamp in place and pre­ and threaded plugs are placed into the in­
the interface between the porcelain and vent damage to the bushing as the clamp is jection holes to contain the sealant in the
the steel base of the bushing. bolted into place. cavity.

Figure 8 shows the precision fabricated Figure 10 depicts one half of the alumi­ The repair specialists for performing this
aluminum clamp installed around the num clamp prior to mounting around the work have addressed enough flange leaks
leaking bushing at this porcelain and steel bushing. on bushing pockets and bushings that they
interface. This clamp becomes the cavity have a library over 100 clamp designs that
that is filled with the leak seal compound. After the clamp is bolted together in place can be utilized to create the clamp needed.
Figure 9 shows half of the aluminum around the leaking flange on the bushing, There is a finite number of bushing styles
clamp before the other section is bolted in injection valves, as depicted in Figure 5a, commonly found on current in-service
place, showing also the cavity in the center are used to fill the cavity in the clamp. transformers that they often have the di­

Figure 7. High voltage bushing leaking at the Figure 8. Close up of a precision fabricated Figure 9. Close up of the inside of a split style
interface between the porcelain and the steel aluminum clamp installed at the base of a high aluminum clamp in place on the bushing base
base voltage bushing

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 151

Some leaks can only

be addressed by us-
ing fabricated clamps
which are machined
to a smooth finish
with no sharp edges to
Figure 10. One half of a precision bolted aluminum clamp prior to mounting around a
bushing eliminate any possible
corona issues

finished to precise dimensions to fit the

specific component that is leaking. Alu­
minum is used because of its properties
to not corrode in an outdoor environ­
ment. This is the same reason aluminum
is commonly used in electrical substations
for bus bar and live connection details to
the apparatus. Occasionally, the leak re­
pair clamps are required in an area that
could compromise electrical insulation
clearances. These cases call for a clamp
made of non-conducting polyvinyl chlo­
ride [PVC] material. The PVC enclosures
are typically manufactured from four-
inch thick PVC plate sheets. Additionally,
some repairs could call for a combination
aluminum and PVC clamp to maintain
Figure 11. Technician pumping the leak seal compound into the clamp around the bushing
the electrical clearances. The reason car­
bon steel is not used in the fabrication of
these clamps is the fact that steel is much
heavier than aluminum, and it would take
longer to fabricate the components, run­
ning up labor costs, plus it rusts and cor­
rodes in the outdoor environment [3]. Fig­
ure 13 depicts a bushing with the typical
split-type aluminum clamp at the bottom,
the common style discussed earlier in this
article. Additionally, it shows the thread­
ed style one piece clamp at the top of the
bushing. This clamp is designed to fit and
thread on the top stud between the top of
the bushing and the lead connector pad.
All the aluminum clamps are machined
to a smooth finish with no sharp edges
Figure 12. Sample of a measurement diagram that the technicians use to document the
or points to eliminate any possible coro­
dimensions of a bushing for the precise fabrication of a clamp na issues that would be present in a high
voltage (138 kV and above) environment.

mensions of the clamp needed on file. to the machining fabricator and the clamp
Or, they can create a custom clamp based is airfreighted to the work site usually the
5. SF6 and GIS installations
upon their measurements that can be fab­ next day for installation. SF6 (sulfur hexafluoride) gas is commonly
ricated and express shipped to the work used as a dielectric medium in newer cir­
site in a day or two. Figure 12 is a sample cuit breakers as well as the compact design
of a measurement diagram that the tech­
4. Clamp material of substations in congested urban areas
nicians use to document the dimensions The clamps are usually fabricated from throughout the world, where space for
of a bushing for the precise fabrication of cast aluminum, where molten aluminum electric substations is at a premium. The
a clamp. The measurement diagram is sent is poured into a pattern and core box and GIS (gas insulated switchgear) will have

152 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

If the sealant does get into the transformer
tank or oil-filled cavity of a bushing, it will
not react adversely with transformer oil, ni-
trogen, or SF6

sealant is formulated with good dielectric and if the repaired component requires
and power factor qualities. If the sealant disassembly or removal, the cured sealing
does get into the transformer tank or oil- compound is always soft and pliable. It
filled cavity of a bushing, it will not react never hardens. The containment clamp
adversely with transformer oil, nitrogen, can be removed and the compound cut
or SF6. Thus all repairs can be made with out with a knife allowing the component
only one type of sealing compound as to be taken apart. Then upon the assembly
opposed to having to maintain a stock of the technicians can come back and rein­
multiple types of sealing compound. It stall the clamp or a new clamp and reseal
is considered to be “technician and cus­ the leak. The sealant does not stick to the
tomer friendly”, meaning it is of such a metal surfaces of the transformer, nor lea­
property for installation (injection) by ve a residue of any kind. Figures 15a, 15b
means of a hydraulic sealant injection gun and 15c show how the sealant compound
and cures to the necessary durometer to appears in place around a bushing with
replicate the gasket material it is replacing the clamp removed. Figure 15d shows
[4]. Additionally, the material remains soft the sealing compound cut away from the
Figure 13. High voltage bushing with a preci-
sion aluminum split style clamp at the base as
well as a threaded style clamp at the top of the

interconnections with flanges between the

switchgear and any transformer bushings
required as part of the substation design.
The overall view of a GIS to transformer
interconnection is depicted in Figure 14a,
with a close up image in Figure 14b. This
interconnection is essentially a transform­
er bushing with an SF6-filled environment
on the GIS bus side and an oil-immersed
bushing on the transformer side.

These leak sealing techniques can be ap­

plied to the flanges on the GIS SF6-filled
components just as well as on the tradi­
tional bushings on oil-filled transformers. Figure 14a. SF6 GIS bus connections to high voltage bushings on top of a transformer
The utilization of various custom de­signed
clamps is more prevalently used in the SF6
environment as opposed to the drill and
inject technique.

6. Properties of the sealant

The sealant used by the prevalent leak
sealing firm depicted in this article is de­
signed to be of the same durometer pro­
perties as the commonly used O-ring and
gasket materials used in the flanges on
today’s transformers and bushings. It has
the same ability to expand and contract to
facilitate a good seal under all conditions
between hot summer and cold winter. The Figure 14b. Close up of the GIS to transformer connections

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 153

This repair technique is extremely cost ef-

fective not only in controlling labor and ma-
terial costs, but also in minimizing outage
down time for the apparatus

bushing, depicting how soft and pliable it a clamp around a bushing base that is
is. The mesh material in this photo is what leaking oil. The processes described have
is commonly put in place around the por­ been in practice by just a few specialized
celain of a bushing to (a) keep the clamp repair firms in the USA. The techniques
from creeping up the bushing as the seal­ have been around long enough to have
ant is pumped into the cavity in the clamp, proven to be both effective in providing
and (b) to protect the porcelain from a successful repair as well as keeping your
being scratched or chipped. Note that maintenance budget under control.
the sealing compound is soft and does
not adhere to either the porcelain or the
steel. The sealant, having similar proper­
ties to the gasket material it is formulated [1] US EPA Spill Prevention, Control,
to replace, also has a similar life to that of and Countermeasure (SPCC) Regulation
the gasket materials. The potential bene­ (40CFR112)
fit of the sealant compound installations
is that when the sealant gasket begins to [2] Oil absorbent material in granular
leak again it can be potentially replaced by form or pads as manufactured by Oil-Dri
the same technique as the original repair. Corporation of America, Chicago, IL,
The holes drilled, providing access to the USA
gasket groove, can be opened again by re­
moving the threaded plugs, and utilizing [3] Information on clamp design and ma­
an injection valve and hydraulic sealant terial provided by John Edmon, Technical
injection gun to pump sealant in again to Director of TDS-Transmission & Dis­
stop the leak. tribution Services, Warrenville, IL, USA,
Conclusion [4] Information on the properties of the
This article describes a specialized tech­ sealant compound described in this ar­
nique for repairing oil leaks on bushings ticle provided by John Edmon, Technical
and the transformer tank flanges. This re­ Director of TDS-Transmission & Distri­
pair technique is extremely cost effective bution Services, Warrenville, IL, USA*
not only in controlling labor and material
Figures 15a, 15b and 15c. Three views of a costs, but also in minimizing outage down *The formulation of this compound
bushing with a portion of a previously installed time for the apparatus. The cost of and is proprietary and property of TDS-
bolted clamp removed effort to prepare a transformer for remov­ Transmission & Distribution Services.
ing and replacing a bushing is massive Further details of this formulation
compared to taking a brief outage primar­ may be provided upon request to TDS-
ily for safety clearance to inject leak seal Transmission & Distribution Services,
material into a gasket groove or to install www.tdsleakseal.com

Steven H. Wickman, PE is a technical consultant for TDS
– Transmission & Distribution Services. Following a 37-
year career with Commonwealth Edison, Co., Chicago, IL,
USA in various electrical engineering positions, primarily
in the substation, testing, engineering, construction and
operations areas of the company, Steve is now providing
his expertise to TDS as a technical consultant. Steve is a
Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Illinois,
has a BSEE from Iowa State University, Ames, IA, and an MBA from the Keller
Figure 15d. Sealing compound cut away from Graduate School of Management, Chicago, IL.
the bushing

154 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

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