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NAME 3120 HW#7 Fall 08 11-18-08 Due 11-25-08 1) Given a long narrow rectangular plate loaded by a concentrated line-load W, Ibs/in, over the length of its mid-width. ‘The plate is clamped along three edges and free along the forth, as shown above. Develop a formula for the maximum bending stress in the plate and identify where and in what direction it acts. 2) Given a continuous beam of the configuration below: a) Solve the following problem for the joint moments by the moment distribution method. Normalize the fixed-end moments on We. , b) Calculate and plot the moment distributions in each of the segments. ©) Calculate and plot the deflections in each of the segments. Moss WA a ote a = wee) ZOYRONCE®) ~ SWk aes ee ee ee eee oe as ship speech) where mae veeurs > ar He wall NSS 2h, BE Zz % ee qe AS ie 7 4 : wee y i 2B v pre Com ty cor -,O2FFS vm |o 00126 |-, 01852 102738 com |-,00463 pane fe DM r = 24680 “3 Yio 10) & s) S - Swe ~ Bw Baws 4 32OEL ao =C,20 steer Z i YA su ~B 3 We y + f ne rn P. ae 4 Ae 4, Oh Nay eZ Oo = Leto ®axe. 2d Rye -Re =ZMto 2A. 2 = Bw Bw “ee 12 Rs Bw , Tee in @ a manor hi i. te 4 hi > nee free ts, Vos DFO VGD= BR, 2qaw wo Tm =O _2wh gwe _ Mod so leo Mors BwWe swe “ue BO Wid = MOD _ Swe BW ES ~ “oer es WD? BWx* _ Swe Lo “320kE 120RL ° WDE Wr? _ BW Gx Oe | Mlowente Wey: ~ swt Bout SUNs BWR BWA 2 TRWK [oR L BOET 16o w'Qze)= awe Bee 2 OK jul eorr Seer Rs Detleet on Woes OS Cot wostlD WOR) _wWe We? Morr (60Er wR) © Cet pA 1a Teste ci etet U EMto We - ™L R, ow Rw z z = my C u i Pye eae is LFio VQS2 Wi yw = Bw Z W"OD= BW — Buy 4oer 2k wWiey= Bw _ ®t Fone SET Wd > BWLXT wx" Boer +E Wk 2EE Who 2EE ee WL +er reir toy Zw 40Rz w'(F)= Swe _ RWE WR > ~ PWR dort 4hE Zel toeLr wiC eye Bw Bwk 4, WL ees cia toEL 265 ZET sore De Cteehinn wi? & Cat pad W (HA) > BWR wer |. se (GOEL mo wer 260 = WO OP bat ged Rw Decection, Bwst es pacenoe wt hy pete ~ moment Us Hee me pe haat tifa lnk eee we te mle] | ~30e Caledere we Paes wat Aone oe Se PPX Cntectian y ber 5 mes 16 whemnel pumet beeanr beam fe cowhinars LAA oe AAA “= a7 en pte sak 22° Ne [7 o |.ots -0F#Ns| = 101342); 02383 .oFrs| Zou |-,00696 © |.c2oes ~orstis, am |o =,00618@3|-.0131/6% 21315 com_|-,008497 _ 10961595 ~ poststs| Z |-,o%2787 = DM 2 006 9st3) com f.oonstses OOS = owes igte pu | o ~ vonis992|~Co2sites , ont Genil ences sess © |omsasee -,oonss72| Bw | © 0003865783 | voeaas0s4_. 0015192] = f-oosaaze rapes [Taras ° Hote ols is S M -~ ok We woe ° 12667 oh os ~BWL Swe we B20 76° 160 Zi bronl fint a Ved+0 ZH20O Bs VG tan. 160 leo Lote IGS RSLs, RE sy" ow VoD Ww, Gwe o- 2 eo BWA _ Wx 166 7S _ W(x- 4) -Mde> _Zewe Coles ue caver FBR nek Meo at rshh ead ~ 722

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