Wealth Activation Workshop Action Guide Lesson 1

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Scarcity Feeders Action Guide

In this action guide, you can find three of the most prominent scarcity mindset feeders. Scarcity
mindset feeders are thought patterns which create and support lack of fulfillment. By being aware
of them, you know what to disidentify with. Further, you can help reverse them by using the relevant
affirmation if they should arise. In this way, what was previously a negative thought pattern can be-
come a catalyst that reorients your mind to abundance.

Understanding these feeders may seem basic, but it is a vital first step to creating the foundation for
abundance to grow.

Below are three of the most prominent feeders, how to counteract them, and practice guidelines.

Scarcity Mindset Feeders & Affirmations

1. Being a Victim

Victim thought patterns try to convince you that reality is happening to you, and not the other way
around. When you pretend to be a victim, you are willingly giving your power away. Whenever you
notice victim thought patterns, disidentify with them and affirm with conviction: “I am not a victim.” ,
“I am powerful”.

2. Attachment to the Past

Only when you let go of your past, can you create a fabulous future. Whenever you notice attach-
ment to the past thought patterns, disidentify with them and affirm with conviction: “Every moment
is new.”

3. Self-Worth

Low self-worth creates a low-value reality. These are thoughts like I am not good enough, I can’t do it,
I do not need nice things, etc. Whenever you notice low self-worth thought patterns, disidentify with
them and affirm with conviction: “I LOVE myself.”

Practice Guidelines

Be Consistent

The key to reaping the rewards from this practice is consistency. Study these feeders and affirma-
tions until they are memorized. You want to make sure you are armed with the necessary tools to
stop the scarcity mindset in its tracks, whenever or however it tries to manifest.

Stay Vigilant

Whenever you notice a negative thought-pattern, immediately counteract it with one of these affir-
mations. You have to both become aware of how your thought-patterns are sabotaging you, and
then confront them aggressively by reversing them right away. Remember, you are thinking over
50,000 thoughts per day, so you have to stay vigilant. It may take a little effort at first, but eventually,
once you train yourself, it will become natural to observe and counteract them.

Commit to Success

Results will be different for everyone. The best orientation, especially in the beginning, is to keep
taking steps in the right direction. Rather than focusing on the duration of time, simply commit to
success, and that you will do the practice as many times and as long as needed to succeed. Typically,
those who are only committed to doing it a certain number of times or for a certain amount of time,
end up creating a scenario of disappointment and give up. The takeaway, keep your eyes on the
prize and persevere.

You May Be Surprised

Preliminary signs of success include an increased awareness of your scarcity mindset feeders and
counter-affirming them without having to think about it. The more consistent you are, the more you
will have an opportunity to accelerate the process until scarcity thoughts themselves become scarce.
You may be surprised just how fast you can do this if you really put your mind to it!


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