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Physiological Control of Mammary Growth,

Lactogenesis, and Lactation 1

Department of Animal Science
Michigan State University
East Lansing 48824

ABST RACT mary gland and commercial application

of this knowledge should proceed rapidly
Research since 1955 that contributed
in an exciting future!
to understanding mammary function was*
reviewed. Technical breakthroughs in-
cluded methods: 1) to quantify mam-
mary growth; 2) to visualize organelles in Function of the mammary gland undergrids
cells; 3) to grow and maintain mammary the entire dairy industry, and hormones are the
tissue in vitro; 4) to quantify hormones in primary physiological factors that stimulate
blood; and 5) to determine binding affini- mammary growth and initiate and maintain
ties and numbers of binding sites for hor- lactation. This topic is of importance because
mones. Physiological discoveries included manipulation of the endocrine system is a
1) mammary cells accumulate through- potential method to improve efficiency of milk
out pregnancy and early lactation; 2) high production.
doses of estradiol-17/3 and progesterone Twenty-five years ago Reece (146) sum-
induce substantial milk production in a marized research contributions of m a m m a r y
majority of cattle; 3) estradiol-17/3, pro- physiology to the dairy industry. Since then,
gesterone, prolactin, growth hormone, progress has continued to be substantial in our
and placental lactogen synergize to stimu- understanding of physiological control of the
late mammary growth; 4) prolactin and mammary gland, but practical application of
glucocorticoids induce and progesterone some of this new knowledge is just now in for-
blocks lactogenesis; 5) milking induces mative stages. Thus, greater use of new phy-
release of prolactin, glucocorticoids, and siological information to solve farm problems
oxytocin into blood; 6 ) g r o w t h hormone associated with the mammary gland and milk
is galactopoietic in ruminants; 7) proges- production may be anticipated in the future.
terone concentrations in milk may be This review is to summarize progress in phys-
used to diagnose pregnancy; and 8) recep- iology and endocrinology of the mammary
tors for estrogens, progesterone, gluco- gland and to forecast areas of research that
corticoids, prolactin, placental lactogen, might provide information for dairymen to
insulin, and oxytocin are in mammary produce milk more efficiently.
tissue. Areas that seem likely to provide
new methods for regulation of milk pro- TECHNICAL ADVANCES
duction efficiency are molecular biology,
Quantification of Mammary Development
hormone receptors, harvesting milk,
endocrine-nutrient metabolism, genetic Before 1953, methods of measuring growth
and environmental basis of hormonal of the mammary gland were primarily tedious
control of lactation. With continued sup- histometric procedures. A major breakthrough
port of research, generation of informa- occurred in 1953 when Kirkham and Turner
tion on physiological control of the m a r e - (97) introduced use of deoxyribonucleic acid
(DNA), which could be used as a quantitative
measure of total mammary cell numbers. This
technique greatly facilitated investigation of
Received September 4, 1980. factors that regulate mammary development (6,
1Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station Journal 130, 187). Measurements of mammary DNA,
Article No. 9623. however, do not permit quantification of

1981 J Dairy Sci 64:1403-1421 1403


individual classes of cells in the mammary recent development which may be an excel-
gland. Thus, changes in total mammary DNA lent technique to study hormonal control of
do not reflect necessarily changes in numbers of mammary epithelium for prolonged time (55).
secretory cells. Another promising approach for study of
Another technical advance was measure- mammary tissue involves use of athymic nude
ment of incorporation of [a H] thymidine into mice. Athymic nude mice are immunologically
DNA of mammary cells. These methods provide incompetent, and thus transplants of tissue
an index of rates of mitotic activity of the vari- from heterospecies will not be rejected. Indeed,
ous cell types in mammary gland (185). Appli- transplantation of cow mammary tissue into
cation of these techniques has been limited to athymic nude mice has been accomplished
studies in common laboratory species or in (204). These xenographs grew and synthesized
vitro experiments. a-lactalbumin in response to hormone treat-
Electron Microscope
Until 1959, histological observations of Radioimmunoassay
mammary glands were confined to studies by Much information concerning hormonal
light microscopy, but in that year Bargmann regulation of mammary glands before 1956 was
and Knopp (11) and Hollmann ( 8 9 ) p u b l i s h e d gained by classical experimental approaches of
papers describing electron microscopy of mam- endocrine gland ablation followed by appro-
mary glands. This powerful technique revealed priate hormone replacement therapy (146).
the basic organization of organelles within Measurement of hormone concentrations in
mammary epithelial cells and contributed sig- various endocrine glands also contributed to
nificantly to our current understanding of our knowledge of endocrine control of the
effects of hormones on differentiation of mammary gland. Most of these measures were
mammary epithelium (90). Although ultra- based on bioassay techniques. It was not until
structural evaluation does not provide a direct 1960, when Yalow and Berson (205) developed
measure of total mammary cells or of cellular radioimmunoassay techniques, that concentra-
organdies, it offers advantages over methods tion of hormones in blood could be measured
based on total DNA content. Namely, cell reliably. This technique led to an explosion of
types within the tissue can be distinguished and information concerning hormonal regulation of
cytological characteristics per cell quantified. the mammary gland. Radioimmunoassays have
Perhaps the best way to estimate mammary been developed for most hormones affecting
development is to combine DNA and quantita- the mammary gland, and measurements of hor-
tive histometric measures (130). mones were in blood collected in a wide variety
of physiological and experimental conditions.
Tissue Culture As a note of precaution, however, quantifica-
In 1957, Elias (53) described a procedure tion of a hormone in blood is a reflection of the
which permitted cultivation of mammary tissue balance between its secretion and clearance
explants in serum-free medium. This technique rates. Therefore, concentration of a hormone in
was applied to mammary tissues of a number of blood does not represent necessarily utilization
species including cattle (33). By these in vitro by target tissue. In addition, immunological
techniques, specific direct effects of a hormone measurements of hormones do not represent
on mammary gland tissue can be elucidated, necessarily biological activity. Thus, concentra-
uncomplicated by other hormones or extra- tions of hormones in blood should be inter-
mammary factors as with in vivo models (61). preted in relation to the functional state of the
A disadvantage of these in vitro techniques is animal.
that the useful life of an explant usually does
not persist beyond 5 days. Nevertheless, in vitro Hormone Binding
techniques are valuable tools for elucidating For hormones to exert their action, they
hormonal control of mammary gland, especially usually bind to specific high affinity receptors
during lactogenesis. Cultivation of dissociated in the mammary cell. As a consequence of
epithelial cells on floating collagen gels is a binding, a casade of events is set in motion that

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 64, No. 6, 1981


eventually causes physiological response. Devel- puberty reduce subsequent mammary develop-
opment of methods to radioactively label hor- ment, but high energy rations after puberty
mones with high specific activity permitted have no effect on subsequent mammary de-
initiation of investigation in this area. A num- velopment (159). Hormonal implications be-
ber of studies in a variety of tissues, including tween energy intake and mammary develop-
mammary tissue, suggest that steroid hormones ment need to be established.
readily pass through plasma membrane and In 1949, Cowie (39) showed that mammary
bind to cytoplasmic receptors (73). Thereafter glands begin to grow allometrically before
the steroid hormone-receptor complexes move puberty. Subsequently, allometric growth con-
to the nucleus where they interact with specific tinues for several estrous cycles, then returns
nuclear acceptor sites to alter transcription of to isometric rates until conception (187). Be-
specific genes (73). In contrast to steroids, pep- fore mammary DNA measurements, it was
tide hormones bind to specific receptors on believed that mammary development was com-
plasma membrane, thereby activating adenyl pleted by mid-pregnancy. But when DNA was
cyclase and decreasing cyclic adenosine mono- quantified in mammary glands, it was observed
phosphate (cAMP)-phosphodiesterase (73). This that mammary cell numbers accumulate lin-
leads to increased cAMP, activation of cAMP- early throughout gestation (175, 187). Mam-
dependent kinases, and phosphorylation of mary growth continues into early lactation in
many proteins. There is little evidence, how- many species, including goats (8), but not sheep
ever, that these processes directly increase (7). Moreover, increasing the milking stimulus
ribonucleic acid or protein synthesis. Details during early lactation in rats increases mam-
of hormone binding to mammary tissue and mary development to the point where the total
subsequent amplification steps are understood amount of mammary development produced
only sketchily, but these studies could lead to during lactation may exceed that of pregnancy
development of additional methods for regu- (186). Mammary ceils formed during lactation
lation of the mammary cell. acquire their fully functional enzymatic com-
plement shortly after formation (10). Early
PHYSIOLOGICAL DISCOVERIES phases of concurrent pregnancy and lactation
do not alter mammary development, but later
Mammary Growth
marked reductions occur in mammary develop-
The number of cells available for synthesis ment and lactational performance (138). Causes
of milk is one of the primary determinants of of pregnancy-induced reductions in milk yield
milk production. Within the past 25 yr simple are not clear, although enhanced secretion of
correlations measured between total mammary estrogens and progesterone and increased fetal
DNA and milk yield ranged from .50 to .85 competition for nutrients have been suggested.
(186). Thus, studies of control of mammary Just before parturition mammary alveolar
growth may lead to new methods of enhancing epithelial cells are characterized by irregularly
amount and efficiency of milk production. For shaped nuclei, scant rough endoplasmic retic-
example, most often dairy c o w s are selected to ulum, ill-defined Golgi membranes, few mito-
become parents after initial production records chrondria, and a high nuclear to cytoplasmic
become available. Selection could be early if ratio (84). During the periparturient period,
criteria existed for accurately predicting subse- hormonal signals caused marked differentiation
quent milk production. Neither subjective pal- of these cells such that the rough endoplasmic
pation scores (177) nor quantitative measures reticulum proliferates; Golgi membranes hyper-
of DNA content of mammary glands (190) have trophy, orient towards the cell apex, and con-
sufficiently high correlation coefficients with tain many protein-filled vesicles; mitochondria
subsequent milk yield to be reliable means of increase in number; and fat globules ~nd casein
predicting future milk production. This remains micelles proliferate within the cytoplasm;
a problem. nuclear to cytoplasmic ratios are reduced; and
Prepubertal heifers fed large or restricted nucleus and ergastoplasm assume a basal
quantities of energy produce substantially Iess orientation in cells (90). Volume of the cells in-
milk than heifers fed recommended allowances creases markedly. Moreover, prepartum re-
(147, 158, 172). High energy rations fed before moval of milk from udder halves hastens differ-

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 64, No. 6, 1981


entiation of mammary epithelial cells (4) and (197), and these endeavors were culminated by
explains, in part, why prepartum milking initia- Lyons (115) in a series of classical experiments
tes lactation. Presumably stimulatory effects of that showed that in ovariectomized-adrenalec-
prepartum milking would not be exerted with- tomized-hypophysectomized rats, estrogens and
out involvement of the endocrine system. Half- growth hormone promote mammary duct
udders not milked prepartum were much less growth, whereas progestins and prolactin stim-
differentiated than half-udders milked prepar- ulate lobule-alveolar development. Maximal
turn (4), but mechanism of this local effect on mammary development was achieved with these
mammary gland is unknown. four hormones plus glucocorticoids (115).
Involution of the mammary gland quickly A number of studies were published (6,124,
follows failure to remove milk at regular inter- 171) in which the goal was to obtain maximal
vals. For example, following cessation of milk- mammary development following administra-
ing, mammary cells become engorged with secre- tion of estrogens and progestins. In 1957,
tory products, and engorgement is followed Benson et al. (14) observed that absolute quan-
by resorption of accumulated milk (91, 106). tities of progesterone and estrogen are of
Involution is characterized by decreased meta- greater importance than ratios of these hor-
bolic activity, size of alveoli, and number of mones in stimulating lobule-alveolar develop-
alveoli and alveolar epithelial cells (91). En- ment of the gland. But to my knowledge, only
zymes in lysosomes are released, and they in rats has a combination of exogenous estrogen
digest epithelial cells (86). Connective tissues and progesterone produced total mammary
become more obvious histologically, but development equivalent to that during a normal
absolute amounts decrease (137). Myoepithe- pregnancy (127). Numerous investigators have
lial cells are not lost during involution and ap- tried to cause mammary development and
pear to hold surviving epithelial cells together initiate lactation in dairy cows with hormones.
(91). In most experiments estrogens have been tested
It has been known for many years that a alone or in combination with progesterone,
period of nonlactation (dry period) between but variability in total mammary development
successive lactations is essential for maximal and in subsequent milk yield was great (124).
production of milk. During the past quarter Frequently milk yields were substantially lower
century information was obtained on cellular than quantities expected following a normal
changes during the dry period. For example, pregnancy. The most exciting breakthrough in
concurrent pregnancy during this interval re- this research occurred in 1973 when Smith and
tards, but does not completely prevent, cell Schanbacher (165) initiated lactation in 60 to
losses during this interval (138). If the dry 70% of barren cows with a combination of .025
period is too short, mammary growth is re- mg/kg body weight of estradiol-17/3 and .063
stricted during early phases of subsequent mg/kg body weight of progesterone injected at
lactation and milk yields are reduced (138, 12-h intervals for only 7 days. More recently,
174). the success rate (daily yield greater than 9 kg)
Changes in hormone secretion and binding was increased to 100% when reserpine (a tran-
of hormones cause changes in total mammary quilizing drug that stimulates prolactin secre-
cell numbers, differentiation, and involution of tion) was added to the steroid combination
mammary cells during various physiological (32).
epochs of an animal. Before 1956, many of the Other approaches to study hormonal regula-
basic hormonal requirements for mammary tion of mammary growth related changes in
development were established (146). For exam- concentrations of hormones in blood to
ple, estrogens caused mammary duct growth changes in mammary development. Generally
whereas progestins, especially when combined estradiol and progesterone secretion is asyn-
with estrogens, promoted lobule-alveolar de- chronous during the estrous cycle, whereas
velopment. However, these steroids were com- during pregnancy both hormones increased
pletely ineffective in stimulating mammary simultaneously (25). These differences in secre-
development in hypophysectomized animals. A tion pattern may account, at least partially, for
number of studies implicated anterior pituitary failure of the mammary gland to maintain allo-
hormones in control of mammary growth metric growth before conception, whereas

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 64, No. 6, 1981


during pregnancy continuous allometric growth During the past 25 yr the important role of
Occurs. hypothalamic hormones in regulation of
Great strides were made in elucidation of anterior pituitary function was established
mechanisms whereby ovarian steroids affect firmly (35). Prolactin secretion is inhibited
mammary growth. For example, estrogen and tonically as a result of a factor(s) secreted from
progesterone reduce time for mammary DNA the hypothalamus into portal vessels of the
synthesis (23). Moreover, estradiol-17/~ and pituitary stalk and delivered to the anterior
progesterone stimulate incorporation of [3H] pituitary (117, 170). When the anterior pitui-
thymidine into DNA in terminal end buds of tary is transplanted to a site remote from the
mammary gland, whereas only progesterone hypothalamus, prolactin secretion from the
induces DNA synthesis along ductular walls transplant is stin~ulated markedly (125). When
(24). Later Puca and Bresciani (144) found this was done in intact virgin rats, mammary
specific estrogen receptors in mammary tissue. development was stimulated markedly, but if
Muldoon (129) showed that estrogen receptors the transplants were in ovariectomized rats,
first appear in mouse mammary tissue near enhancement of mammary development was re-
puberty and that these receptors increase pro- duced (164). The conclusion is that under nor-
portionately to increasing weight of the tissue. mal physiological conditions ovarian hormones
Moreover, estradiol-17/3 induced synthesis of synergize with pituitary hormones to produce
estrogen receptors in mature but not in im- mammary development.
mature animals (129). As gestation advances, Before 1955 researchers demonstrated that
estrogen receptors are converted progressively hypophysectomy during pregnancy does not
from 4S to 8S form so that during lactation 8S affect mammary cell numbers (108, 141). This
form predominates (129). Prolactin induces this raised the possibility that the placenta is an
shift from 4S to 8S form. Both forms of the important source of mammogenic hormones.
receptor bind estradiol with equal affinity, and Indeed, a hormone unique to placenta that pos-
each form is translocated to the nucleus of the sesses structural and immunological homologies
mammary cell (129). It remains to be deter- with prolactin and growth hormone has been
mined how these changes in physicochemical identified in a variety o f species (96). Injection
properties of receptor alter function of mam- of saline extracts of rat placentas into hypo-
mary gland. physectomized, ovariectomized rats stimulates
As might be expected, progesterone is bound considerable lobule-alveolar development (145).
to its receptor in mammary tissue of virgins and In most species, secretion of placental lacto-
during pregnancy, but the receptor disappears gen commences about midpregnancy and re-
during lactation and reappears during involu- mains elevated until parturition. Thus, it is
tion (81). Thus, steroid receptors in mammary likely that placental lactogen synergizes with
tissue coincide with mammary growth respon- estrogens, progestins, prolactin, and growth
ses. Absence of progesterone receptor during hormone to cause mammary development
lactation also could explain why administration during normal gestation. Increased secretion of
of progesterone during this physiological state placental lactogen may account for greater
does not affect synthesis of milk (87). mammary development as number and weights
As previously implied, pituitary hormones of placentas increase in several species, inclu-
are also critically important for mammary ding goats (82). However, there is controversy
development. For example, Talwalker and as to whether placental lactogen exists in signif-
Meites (178) restored mammary development icant amounts in cattle. For example, based on
in hypophysectomized rats with exogenous pro- radioreceptor assays cows did not possess pla-
lactin and growth hormone. Steroid replace- cental lactogen (96), but others purified and
ment therapy alone was ineffective in hypo- characterized a bovine placental lactogen in sera
physectomized animals. Cowie et al. (43) of cattle after midpregnancy (18, 20).
showed in hypophysectomized, ovariectomized In addition to providing placental lactogen,
goats that a combination of estrogen, proges- the placenta is an important source of estrogens
terone, prolactin, growth hormone, and adreno- and in some species, but not cattle, of proges-
corticotropin was required for alveolar develop- terone (58, 181). There is evidence to suggest
ment comparable to mid-pregnancy. that fetal placentas are primary sources of

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 64, No. 6, 1981


mammotrophic hormones after mid-gestation tigate whether thyroid hormones are rate-
(48). Subsequently, Adkinson et al. (1) showed limiting to maximal mammary development in
that sire of fetus affects subsequent milk yields. dairy animals.
Presumably this effect is transmitted through The role of insulin in control of mammo-
placental hormones. genesis received considerable study. Insulin is
Although administration of prolactin and required to maintain mammary tissue cultured
growth hormone will stimulate mammary in vitro (61). Mammary cells are resistant (in
growth, these hormones do not function neces- terms of DNA synthesis and a variety of other
sarily in this role endogenously. Sharp increases characteristics) to insulin before conception,
in serum prolactin concentrations during pro- become sensitive to insulin during gestation and
estrus precede increased mammary growth lactation, then revert to insulin insensitivity
during estrus in rats (5), but the homologous again during involution (134). Although insulin
rise in prolactin at estrus in heifers is much less stimulates mitosis of mammary gland in vitro,
(152). Thus, it has not been demonstrated con- it is not absolutely essential for mammary
elusively that prolactin is the agent that causes growth in vivo. For example, severely diabetic
development of mammary epithelium during mice treated with estrogen and progesterone
the estrous cycle of heifers. Moreover, prolac- develop extensive mammary lobule-alveolar
tin secretion in many species is not elevated structures (182). Nonetheless, insulin syner-
during the greater portion of gestation (5,136). gized with exogenous estrogen and progester-
In addition, the number of prolactin receptors one to promote increased mammary develop-
per mammary cell is suppressed during gesta- ment (104). Since insulin decreases in serum
tion in rats and mice (88,154), whereas Djiane during gestation, it seems unlikely that insulin
et al. (51) showed that prolactin binding to is rate-limiting to normal mammary develop-
mammary tissue increases three- to fourfold ment in cattle (70).
during pregnancy in rabbits. These species dif- Relaxin is another hormone that by itself
ferences may be associated with differences in has little mammogenic activity but is capable of
secretion rates of placental lactogen; i.e., synergizing with anterior pituitary and ovarian
rabbits have no placental lactogen, but rats and steroid hormones to stimulate mammogenesis
mice have large quantities. Therefore, occu- in laboratory species (78). However, the exact
pancy of the prolactin receptor by placental role of relaxin in normal mammary develop-
lactogen in rats and mice may mask measure- ment is yet to be established.
ment of prolactin binding (132). In any event,
roles that prolactin and prolactin binding play
in normal mammary growth of gestation, espe- Lactogenesis consists of a series of events in
cially in dairy cattle remain to be established. the differentiation process whereby mammary
Although growth hormone may increase in cells are converted from a nonsecretory to a
some species during the proestrus-estrus phase secretory state. The process has been defined,
of the estrous cycle, it does not change during for convenience, as a two-stage mechanism
the greater portion of gestation (136). Perhaps (59, 80). The first stage consists of cytologic
the best theory concerning roles of prolactin and enzymatic differentiation of alveolar cells
and growth hormone in normal mammary gland and coincides with limited milk secretion
development is that both hormones are re- before parturition. The second stage consists
quired, but it is improbable that their concen- of copious secretion of all products of milk and
trations limit the process. begins approximately 0 to 4 days before
Recently, data were published that strongly parturition and extends through a few days
suggest that hypothyroidism in rats retards postpartum.
ductal and lobule-alveolar growth of the mam- Before 1956 it was established that prolac-
mary gland whereas supplemental thyroid hor- tin, adrenocorticotropin (via stimulation of
mone administration restores growth (202). secretion of glucocorticoids), and estrogens
Other investigators also observed that thyroid initiated lactation and that progesterone inhib-
hormones are essential for maximum prolifera- ited lactogenesis (146). During the past 25 yr
tion of mammary gland in laboratory species many papers have filled in details of lacto-
(6). It would seem prudent, therefore, to inves- genesis (56,189).

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 64, No. 6, 1981


Perhaps one of the most dramatic pieces of in ergot-treated animals and may be responsible
evidence demonstrating that prolactin plays a for substantial secretion of milk postpartum.
major role in lactogenesis came from a study by Failure of ergot alkaloids to suppress com-
Cowie (40) in a hypophysectomized goat. pletely postpartum secretion of milk appears to
Hypophysectomy caused a rapid decline in be limited to ruminants because treatment of
daily milk yield in this goat. Administration of nonruminants with these drugs has led invari-
a glucocorticoid, triiodothyronine, and growth ably to complete inhibition of lactogenesis
hormone restored lactation to approximately (189).
28% of normal, but when prolactin was added The role of growth hormone in lactogenesis
to the combination, milk yields were restored appears to be one of synergism with prolactin
completely. and adrenocorticotropin. Although a surge in
With the advent of radioimmunoassays, it secretion of growth hormone occurs coincident
has been observed that secretion of prolactin in- with parturition (94), the importance of this
creases sharply just prior to parturition, and release during lactogenesis remains to be
blockage of this surge with ergot alkaloid drugs elucidated.
reduces but does not prevent completely sub- The precise role of placental lactogen in
sequent lactation (155). If cows are given the lactogenesis is not known, but it has been sug-
ergot drug plus exogenous prolactin in quanti- gested that it may function in the initial phase
ties to mimic the periparturient surge of pro- of lactogenesis (52).
lactin, subsequent lactation is not reduced (2). In the past quarter century the role of
These data, therefore, support the concept that adrenal glucocorticoids in lactogenesis has
prolactin is essential for full lactogenesis in become more nearly clear. For example, glu-
cattle. cocorticoids given to cattle with well-developed
Many discoveries in the past quarter century mammary glands quickly initiate copious secre-
of effects of prolactin on the mammary cell tion of milk (191). In the alveolar cell cortisol
suggest that this hormone regulates milk pro- induces differentiation of the rough endo-
tein synthesis. For example, prolactin enhances plasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus (126).
rates of casein and 0z-lactalbumin synthesis in Moreover, adrenalectomy blocks synthesis of
rabbit and bovine mammary tissue explants casein-like proteins and RNA, which normally
(49, 66). In addition prolactin induces a 10 occurs during lactogenesis (45). Adrenalectomy
times increase in accumulation of casein mes- markedly inhibits, whereas cortisol stimulates,
senger ribonucleic acid (mRNA), a 2 to 4 times synthesis of casein mRNA (65). These observa-
increase in rate of casein mRNA transcription tions support the concept that adrenal gluco-
and a 17 to 25 times increase in the half life of corticoids are essential for full lactogenesis.
casein m R N A in mammary tissue explants from Similar to other hormones, glucocorticoids
mid-pregnant rats (72, 123, 151). Moreover, bind to specific receptors within the mammary
prolactin and glucocorticoids stabilize casein cell. In mice there is a 3 time increase in num-
mRNA in mammary tissue from rabbits (93). ber of cortisol receptors in mammary gland
Prolactin receptors in mammary gland increase during the second half of pregnancy (31). More-
in parallel with increased secretion of prolactin over, progesterone blocks binding of cortisol
in the periparturient period coincident with effectively at the glucocorticoid binding site
secretion of copious quantities of milk (51). (27). This may explain, at least in part, how
Collectively, the above data support the con- progesterone is able to inhibit lactogenesis.
cept that prolactin plays a major role in the Data in cattle (168) show that glucocorti-
second stage of lactogenesis. Prolactin, how- cold secretion increases markedly just prior to
ever, is by no means the only hormone in- or coincident with parturition. Whether this
volved. For example, inhibition of prolactin surge is essential for lactogenesis or merely is
secretion to practically undetectable levels with associated with stress of parturition is un-
an ergot alkaloid only suppresses milk yield known.
approximately 11 kg per day (2). Thus, other Another factor associated with glucocorti-
hormones, such as adrenocorticotropin, growth colds is corticoid binding globulin (CBG), a
hormone, placental lactogen, or thyroid hor- blood protein that binds glucocorticoids and
mones, may synergize with the low prolactin renders them biologically inactive. This pro-

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 64, No. 6, 1981


tein decreases during the periparturient period tor in mammary tissue (120), but it also com-
of rats, thereby effectively increasing concen- petes with glucocorticoids for binding on the
tration of free corticosteroids (64). Whether a glucocorticoid receptor (34). Perhaps the high
similar phenomenon occurs in dairy animals progesterone normally secreted during gestation
remains unknown. occupies glucocorticoid binding sites and pre-
Of all the hormones measured in blood of vents glucocorticoids from initiating lactation
periparturient cattle the first detectable changes during the greater part of gestation. Progester-
prior to parturition are increased secretion of one also blocks the ability of prolactin to in-
estrone and estradiol-17/3 (168). Concentrations duce synthesis of prolactin receptors (50),
of these estrogens begin to increase about 1 another anti-lactogenic effect.
mo before expected parturition, reach their ProstagIandin F2ct is luteolytic in several
zenith within 2 days of parturition, then species, including cattle (25). In addition, exo-
rapidly decline. The precise role of estrogens genous prostaglandin F2a initiates lactation in
in lactogenesis has not been determined, but several species (105). Moreover, prostaglandin
exogenous estrogens induce secretion of milk in F2a stimulates rapid release of several lacto-
a variety of species, including cattle, provided genie hormones, including prolactin, growth
the animals possess well-developed mammary hormone, and glucocorticoids (111). Therefore,
glands (124). Until recently there was no evi- prostaglandin F2a should be considered as a
dence to suggest that estrogens directly affect factor in the complex which initiates lactation.
mammary gland. However, estradiol-173 in-
duced secretion of casein in mouse mammary
tissue cultured in vitro (19). Furthermore, we By 1956, it was well-established that oxyto-
observed similar effects on induction of a- cin facilitated milk removal; that hypophysec-
lactalbumin secretion in bovine mammary tis- tomy reduced milk production; that prolactin,
sue cultured in vitro (66). Although induced adrenal glucocorticoids, and thyroid hormones
secretion of ~-lactalbumin was only 31% of that were essential for lactation; that exogenous
obtained with prolactin alone, the two hor- insulin inhibited milk production; and that
mones readily synergized to induce secretion removal of the ovaries did not affect concurrent
of aqactalbumin. Estrogens and glucocorticoids milk secretion. Folley and Young (60) correct-
increase the numbers of prolactin receptors ly proposed that lactation was controlled by a
(153, 162). Perhaps these mechanisms explain hormonal complex.
synergistic effects among prolactin, glucocorti- Within the past quarter century much addi-
coids, and estrogens on stimulating lactogenesis. tional information was generated concerning
Among hormones studied during the peri- the role of prolactin in maintenance of lacta-
parturient period, the role of progesterone is tion. For example, in rabbits, but not other
best understood; it inhibits lactogenesis. Based species, prolactin alone will restore milk yields
on histological examination of the tissue before to normal following hypophysectomy (41).
1956, exogenous progesterone was known to Exogenous prolactin shortens the time required
inhibit mammary secretion. Since that time, for the mammary gland to refill in rats (71). In
several specific sites of inhibition were estab- addition, milking causes a sharp increase _in_
lished. For example, progesterone suppresses concentrations of prolactin in serum (188);
normal periparturient onset of synthesis of lac- however, as stage of lactation progresses quanti-
tose, a-lactalbumin, and casein ( 1 0 3 , 1 5 1 , 1 9 5 ) ties of prolactin released during milking grad-
as well as prolactin-induced synthesis of these ually diminish (98). Prolactin concentrations in
milk constituents (66, 151). Conversely, if blood are positively correlated with yield of
progesterone concentrations in serum are re- milk in cattle, although coefficients are low
duced during the periparturient period, there (98). Moreover, increased clearance and secre-
is a sharp increase in synthesis of mammary tion rates of prolactin are greater in early than
enzymes and milk proteins (114, 131). Further- late lactation and are associated positively with
more, there is a marked decrease in progester- increased milk production in dairy cattle (3).
one secretion 1 to 2 days before parturition, Conversely, administration of prolactin to
which coincides with onset of lactation (168). sheep does not enhance lactational performance
Progesterone binds to a progesterone recep- (47). Sufficient amounts of highly purified pro-

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 64, No. 6, 1981


lactin have not been available to test prolactin's commonly tested compounds are dopamine and
ability to stimulate milk yield in dairy cows. various ergot alkaloids, which are dopamine
Recently, we observed that increasing dura- agonists. Surprisingly, in ruminants suppression
tion of light from 8 to 16 h daily increases of prolactin secretion during an established
prolactin secretion markedly (107) and also en- lactation does not affect milk production
hances milk production approximately 10% (166). Thus, prolactin may be important but
(142). However, it is not clear if photoperiod- perhaps not normally rate limiting for mainten-
enhanced secretion of prolactin is responsible ance of lactation in these species. However, the
for increased production of milk, because am- role of prolactin in maintenance of secretion of
bient temperatures below freezing block the milk in ruminants is still not determined; per-
ability of light to stimulate prolactin secretion haps in the next quarter century this problem
(143), but milk production still was increased will be resolved.
by 16 h of light despite many days when tem- Growth hormone is galactopoietic in rumi-
peratures were below freezing. nants. For example, Machlin (116) found that
Mammary uptake of prolactin from blood is growth hormone injected three times per week
greatest just after it is released from the anter- markedly enhanced milk production of dairy
ior pituitary. Moreover, uptake of prolactin is cows. Concentrations of growth hormone do
greater in early lactation when milk yields are not change during milking in cows (188), al-
largest (13). Specific, high affinity receptors though it is released in goats during milking
of prolactin are detectable in mammary tissue (79). Concentrations of growth hormone in
from lactating animals (62), and binding of pro- serum following administration of TRH are sub-
lactin to these receptors follows its uptake from stantially greater in early than late lactation
blood. Numbers of prolactin receptors increase (199), which coincides with the highest rate of
markedly following parturition (88) coincident secretion of milk. It seems likely that develop-
with increased lactational performance. More- ment of methods to stimulate secretion of
over, administration of antisera to the prolactin growth hormone will increase yields of milk.
receptor inhibits casein synthesis (163). Thus, Relatively little research effort is directed
binding of prolactin to its receptor is important toward control of growth hormone secretion.
for biological function of the mammary gland In the past 25 yr it was established that
at the cellular level. Prolactin probably is incor- adrenalectomy reduces milk yields, enzymatic
porated into the mammary cell (133) and is function, and casein m R N A synthesis of mam-
secreted into milk approximately in proportion mary glands of laboratory species (9, 100,
to its concentration in blood (118). 179) and that supplementation with glucocorti-
A variety of drugs and natural biological fac- coids retards the normal decline in milk yield
tors increase secretion of prolactin, but to my over time (180). The role of glucocorticoids is
knowledge only reserpine and thyrotropin re- less clear in ruminants, however. For example,
leasing hormone (TRH) have been tested for exogenous adrenocorticotropin or glucocorti-
galactopoietic activity in cattle (32, 37). As coids given in therapeutic doses markedly sup-
previously described, reserpine combined with pressed milk yields (22, 160). More recently,
lactogenic doses of estradiol-17/~ and proges- however, when smaller doses of glucocorticoids
terone increases milk yields in barren cattle. were tested, effects on milk production were
The increments in milk yield are small in lacta- conflicting; in one study milk yields were not
ting cows given TRH, and other galactopoietic affected (83) whereas in another yields were
hormones [i.e., growth hormone and thyro- increased (176). Glucocorticoids are released
tropin (and thyroxine)] in addition to prolactin in response to milking stimuli (167), and stage
are released by TRH (38). To summarize, it has of lactation does not affect the quantity re-
not been possible to associate enhanced secre- leased (99). Also, glucocorticoids are taken up
tion of prolactin during lactation specifically from the blood at milking (139), and they be-
with increased milk yield. come bound to specific receptors in mammary
Several drugs and naturally occurring bio- tissue (68). The number of binding sites in
logical compounds reduce secretion of prolac- mammary tissue from lactating cows is about
tin. In nonruminant species these compounds four times greater than the number in nonlactat-
also suppress lactational performance. The most ing cows, and glucocorticoid binding is correlat-

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 64, No. 6, 1981


ed with glucose uptake into mammary tissue administration of parathyroid hormone stimu-
(69). Thus, glucocorticoids are associated with lates lactation and increases concentrations of
lactation, but there is little evidence they nor- calcium in serum (17, 200). The bulk of the
mally limit milk production in ruminants. evidence suggests that parathyroid hormone is
Thyroid active compounds were used com- not involved in the parturient paresis syndrome
mercially to stimulate lactation before 1956. (121). Hypocalcemia induces secretion of para-
Many of the advantages and limitations of this thyroid hormone, which in turn stimulates pro-
practice were elucidated (16). Thyroprotein duction of 1,25,dihydroxyvitamin D3, a potent
administered throughout lactation did not stim- calcium (and phosphorus) mobilizing hormone
ulate overall milk production (128, 157). (46). This has been a new major area of re-
Several methods were developed to measure search that likely will yield much valuable in-
thyroxine secretion rates (196). But questions formation on regulation of calcium and phos-
of reliability were noted, especially in situations phorus metabolism in normal mammary gland.
where iodine may be in limited supply, for Although exogenous insulin has been known
example, during lactation (148, 173). Use of a for many years to suppress lactation, paradoxi-
"direct o u t p u t " method, which is applicable to cally, relative insufficiency of this hormone also
conditions where iodine may be in limited sup- decreases milk yield (122). When extra glucose
ply, suggested that rates of thyroid secretion in is given, then exogenous insulin stimulates
rats were reduced during lactation (110). Sup- lactation (101). Serum insulin concentrations
plemental dietary iodine does not affect con- are related negatively to milk production (99),
centrations of serum thyroxine or tri-iodo- although insulin uptake from blood occurs (12)
thyronine in cattle (36), and these indices of and receptors are in mammary tissue (135).
thyroid function also are related inversely to Although insulin is essential for maintenance of
the quantities of milk produced (110, 198). mammary cells of mice in vitro (61), a recent
Mechanisms whereby thyroid hormones affect report (49) suggests that prolactin, even in the
mammary function during lactation have re- absence of insulin, is capable of stimulating
ceived relatively little attention, although it secretion of large amounts of casein in vitro.
appears that thyroprotein feeding, which in- Removal of ovaries has little affect on post-
creases serum thyroxine, has no effect on con- partum mammary growth or on synthesis of
centrations of prolactin, growth hormone, or milk (192). However, exogenous estrogens in-
total glucocorticoids in serum (161). Few hibit milk secretion. Indeed, estrogens have
studies have reported direct effects of thyroid been used clinically to inhibit unwanted lacta-
hormones on mammary secretory cells, al- tion (109). Although progesterone inhibits
though there is evidence that thyroid hor- onset of lactation, it does not affect lactation
mones may affect DNA synthesis and differen- during the postpartum period (87). This may be
tiation of mouse mammary tissues (201). associated with the fact that progesterone has a
Calcitonin, another hormone from the thy- greater affinity for milk fat than for glucocorti-
roid gland, which was discovered in the past 25 coid receptors. Thus, milk fat may sequester
yr, plays an important role in prevention of progesterone and thereby nullify its biological
increases in calcium and phosphorus of blood activity. Alternatively, progesterone receptors
serum during lactation (184). Calcitonin con- may disappear during lactation (81). Without
centrations in blood serum of lactating rats are receptors, biological action of progesterone
greater than concentrations in nonlactating would not occur.
animals (183), and suppression of calcium and Many of the hormones discussed are secreted
phosphorus concentrations in serum are into milk (57, 118, 194). Progesterone concen-
achieved more easily in lactating than in non- trations in milk paralleled their concentrations
lactating rats (184). Concentrations of calci- in blood. This has been used to practical advan-
tonin in blood of cows at parturition have tage to diagnose pregnancy in cattle (21).
increased (26), but whether this hormone im-
portantly limits production of milk is unclear.
Milk Ejection
Parathyroidectomy reduces milk produc-
tion (200) and concentrations of calcium in The basic mechanism of the milk ejection
blood serum during lactation (63). Conversely, reflex was described by Ely and Peterson in

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 64, No. 6, 1981


1941 (54). During the last quarter century the efferent nervous system directly affects mam-
neural pathway of this reflex was traced from mary function. In fact, alveolar epithelial cells
mammary gland to brain (42). It was estab- of mammary gland do not receive innervation
lished that supraoptic and paraventricular (85). Indeed, in 1963 Linzell (113) showed that
nuclei in the hypothalamus synthesized oxyto- complete denervation and transplantation of
cin (206). In addition, oxytocin binds specifi- the mammary gland to the neck of a goat did
cally to a protein, neurophysin I, to form not reduce milk yield provided the blood sup-
granules (92). The granules are transported ply was reestablished. However, the nervous
from their site of synthesis in neurons of the system has major indirect effects on mammary
supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei to their function. For example, milking initiates a
site of storage in the posterior pituitary. Al- neural reflex that causes release of prolactin,
though there are several reports of measure- thyrotropin, adrenocorticotropin, and oxyto-
ments of oxytocin in blood, progress has been cin. These hormones in turn either directly
relatively slow because of lack of a suitable assay. affect the mammary gland or do so through
Several radioimmunoassays for oxytocin that respective target endocrine glands (189).
required extraction of blood plasma were de- Secretion rates of milk are greatest and rela-
veloped (15, 29, 30), and recently Gorewit tively constant for 8 to 10 h after milking and
(67) developed a radioimmunoassay for oxyto- lowest just before milking (156, 193). In the
cin in unextracted sera of cattle that appears to interval between milkings, intramammary pres-
be useful for studies of oxytocin release. sure and accumulated milk within the alveolar
Oxytocin binding to receptors in mammary tis- lumen increase and inhibit high milk yields
sue has been observed (169), but elucidation of (193). Indeed, omission of milkings in early
factors that regulate oxytocin release in blood lactation in cows reduces milk production for
and binding to myoepithelial cells has just the entire lactation (203). Contrarily, increasing
begun to be investigated. milking frequency from twice to three times
Ely and Petersen (54) reported in 1942 that daily increases milk production 10 to 25%,
stressful stimuli inhibited milk ejection. In and milking four times per day increases yield
intervening years much additional understand- another 5 to 15%. Greater frequencies of milk-
ing of this phenomenon has been gained (28). ing probably will become more common with
For example, some stressful stimuli induce re- the advent of more automation in the milking
lease of epinephrine and norepinephrine, which process. This will have the added advantage of
cause vasoconstriction and reduce the amount more frequent stimulation of release of several
of oxytocin reaching the myoepithelial cells. galactopoietic hormones as previously de-
Moreover, epinephrine blocks oxytocin binding scribed.
to myoepithelial cells. Exogenous oxytocin Ovarian function has been associated with
does not overcome this peripheral inhibition of milk production. For example, dairymen fre-
milk ejection. The most common cause of fail- quently complain that milk yield is reduced
ure of the milk ejection reflex is associated with during estrus, and cows with ovarian follicular
stress of milking in early postpartum. This cysts produce more milk than normal cows. In
stress sometimes inhibits release of oxytocin 1966 Johnson et al. (95) showed that cows pro-
from the posterior pituitary gland (44). Primi- duced more milk only after the cystic condition
parous heifers, in early postpartum frequently developed. Thus, events associated with cystic
exhibit symptoms of central inhibition of milk ovaries cause increased milk yield rather than
ejection. In these situations exogenous oxyto- increased milk production causing follicular
cin causes milk ejection. In afflicted heifers, it cysts.
is recommended that oxytocin be injected and Blood flow is another physiological factor
heifers milked because failure to remove milk, that markedly affects production of milk.
especially in early lactation, may reduce milk Before 1956 it was established that the ratio of
yield for duration of that lactation (203). blood flow to milk yield was approximately
500:1. Subsequent studies measured mammary
Other Physiological Factors blood flow and cardiac output in conscious
Affecting Lactation
lactating animals (74, 112). Mammary blood
There is no conclusive evidence that the flow is related linearly to milk secretion (149).

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 64, No. 6, 1981


The equation Y = 1.0 + .42 X, where Y = blood compounds should become commercially avail-
flow in ml/min and X = milk yield in kg/day, able. A problem likely to be encountered is a
closely describes mammary blood flow in lacta- system to deliver proteins and peptides to dairy
ting cows (102). Mammary blood flow begins animals. Perhaps researchers in dairy science
to increase 2 to 3 days before parturition and should begin now to consider development of
coincides with decreased uterine blood flow methods to administer proteins and peptides.
associated with parturition (150). As milk Of all the peptides known to affect mam-
yield increases during early lactation, cardiac mary function, growth hormone is one that
output and blood flow to mammary gland, gut, might be most promising commercially, because
and liver markedly increase (76). As lactation it already is known that growth hormone stim-
continues cardiac output becomes steady, but ulates milk yield as well as b o d y growth in
there is an increased proportion of blood cattle. It may be anticipated that the precise
directed toward mammary gland, gut, and liver role of prolactin in regulation of milk yields of
(76). Blood flow is associated closely with suck- ruminants may become more clearly defined.
ling intensity and may be a mechanism whereby
milk yields are adjusted rapidly to demands of Hormone Receptors
the young. In addition, there is some evidence
Much has been learned about receptors for
that prolactin and growth hormone may in-
hormones in a variety of tissues in laboratory
crease cardiac output of lactating animals
species, but relatively little has been done on
(75). Although there is evidence to the con-
hormone receptors associated with lactation,
trary in cows (119, 140), Hanwell and Linzell
especially in domestic farm animal species.
(77) determined that accumulation of milk in
Numbers of receptor sites can be manipulated,
the mammary gland of the rat does not reduce
but we know practically nothing about the
mammary blood flow; however, maintenance of
possibility of managing or selecting animals on
milk secretion and blood flow depends upon
receptor sites to increase efficiency or pro-
intense suckling stimuli.
duction of milk. Theoretically, manipulation of
amplification steps subsequent to binding is
UNSOLVED PROBLEMS another possibility whereby milk production
FOR FUTURE RESEARCH may be controlled. Before these possibilities
Although an abundance of information has can be tested adequately, however, substantial
been published on physiological control of increases in information of these biochemical
mammary gland, we barely have begun to processes must be gained.
understand how the mammary gland functions.
Thus, it seems prudent to predict that addi- Harvesting of Milk
tional studies will be directed toward this end. Methods of harvesting milk have not
How this will be accomplished is much more changed much since Ely and Petersen's classi-
hazardous to predict. Nonetheless, investigators cal research published in 1941. Scarcely an-
in the future probably will direct their atten- other area of dairy science has been so stagnant.
tion to at least some of the following problems. There is a major deficiency in our knowledge of
factors that control oxytocin synthesis, storage,
Molecular Biology and release. In addition, at a normal milking 15
Recently, molecular studies of biology have to 25% of milk is not removed at that milking,
erupted onto the research scene. Based on but there are no practical methods available to
studies of microbes, it is now theoretically pos- reduce this complementary milk. This area
sible to produce a variety of peptides and pro- needs much additional research.
teins in practically unlimited quantities. Thus,
for the first time physiologists will have large Endocrine-Nutrient Metabolism
quantities of peptide hormones available to Hormones and nutrients interact to affect
answer definitively which hormones stimulate secretion of milk, but research activity in this
mammary development, lactogenesis, and main- area is woefully inadequate. Many of the tools
tenance of lactation in large domestic animals. of research needed to study nutrient metabo-
Shortly after this information is available, such lism and endocrinology are available. In fact,

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 64, No. 6, 1981


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Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 64, No. 6, 1981

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