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There is the type of education we get in school

and there are life lessons we learn along the way.
Both are important.

The only problem is that life moves us far along

before we figure out what's going on and the
wisdom we hope to have gained is sometimes
late in coming.

To spare you some of the hard knocks and trial and error, here are
some life lessons to help you along.

1. J
 Much of the time we get stressed and
worked up over "stuff" that in the grand scheme of things really
doesn't matter. When we allow ourselves get too caught up in it
we ruin our perspective and don't take time to enjoy
the moment.

say "never" and see what happens! To avoid the jolt when life's
surprises come your way, be prepared by being open-minded and
maintain the positive mindsetthat welcomes the life lessons
! !!"" It's wonderful
to be self-confident and self-sufficient, however, it's not all about
you. There is nothing more monotonous than hearing someone
talk about themselves and their accomplishments endlessly.
Being self-centered is not the same as having self-confidence.

4. u

! Relationships are
more important than any material goods you may acquire on the
road to success. Without the love and support of family and
friends in life, material goods are not of much use. Setting
your values and priorities can help you establish what's

5. £ # 

  Your happiness and state
of mind are your responsibility. It's up to each of us to know
what it takes to bebalanced and happy. Our relationships
enhance our lives and make them richer, but they do not "make"
us happy. We do.

!  It's important to be a person of
honor. Your good word and deeds inspire trust and confidence
from family, friends and employers. Be the kind of person others
are proud to know.

7. ÿ!     We are all

only too human. All of us slip sometimes and make mistakes.
olding grudges and past hurts only serves to prevent us
from enjoying life to the fullest.

8. J!$#
  Take time to laugh
each day.umor really is good medicine.


 Never take your health for granted or
underestimate how much feeling good physically affects your

10. u  ! 

! Never give up. Keep your goals and dreams alive.


! Get
away from the TV and read, exercise, learn and stretch yourself.

12.  #  Everyone has failed at one time or

another. Failure is a great life teacher. It teaches us humility and
how to correct our course of action. Thomas Edison had a great
attitude towards failure. e said, "I have not failed. I've just
found 10,000 ways that won't work."
There's an old Zen
proverb that states: "It takes a wise man to learn from his
mistakes, but an even wiser man to learn from others."



 Life is short, so learn to give and receive love. Love and
be loved.


 Be the best spouse, parent, friend, boss, worker
that you can be and leave the world a better place than you
found it.

"The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a

lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that
teaches you a lesson." m  

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