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Electrical Power and Energy Systems 98 (2018) 133–146

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Electrical Power and Energy Systems

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Complete cell-level lithium-ion electrical ECM model for different T

chemistries (NMC, LFP, LTO) and temperatures (−5 °C to 45 °C) –
Optimized modelling techniques

Alexandros Nikoliana, , Joris Jaguemonta, Joris de Hooga, Shovon Goutama, Noshin Omara,
Peter Van Den Bosschea,b, Joeri Van Mierloa
Mobility, Logistic and Automotive Technology Research Center (MOBI), Department of Electrical Engineering and Energy Technology (ETEC), Vrije Universiteit Brussel,
Pleinlaan 2, Brussel 1050, Belgium
Department of Industrial Engineering (INDI), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Nijverheidskaai 170, Anderlecht 1070, Belgium


Keywords: In this study a complete cell-level electrical equivalent circuit model (ECM) of energy and power lithium-ion
Lithium-ion batteries cells with 3 different chemistries and multiple temperatures (−5 °C to 45 °C) is developed and validated under
Electric modelling different dynamic load profiles. The chemistries under investigation are Nickel Manganese Cobalt 20 Ah (high
Equivalent circuit models energy), Lithium Iron Phosphate 14 Ah (high power) and Lithium Titanate Oxide 5 Ah (high power), providing a
Dynamic load profiles
range of different cell characteristics and capacities. An updated workflow for the development of the ECM
ECM parameterization
Simulation platform
model is presented which includes extended versions of previous characterization and parameterization pro-
cedures used to populate a 2nd Order Thévenin ECM topology. The model is able to use two types of charge
estimations, the extended coulomb counting and the extended Kalman filter techniques. The accuracy of the
simulation in all three chemistries is increased through this improved characterization and optimization pro-
cedures. The “Initial State of Charge value”, “Capacity Value”, “Internal Resistance value” and the “Open Circuit
Voltage” are included inside the complete model and have shown to affect greatly the accuracy of the simula-
tions, specifically when the extended coulomb counting technique is implemented. The State of Health (SoH)
level the validation profile was characterize in combination with the total time the simulation is performed have
shown to affect also the accuracy of the simulation. The complete developed model is able to be combined with
thermal and ageing models of lithium-ion cells. Combining this with the extended database of validated simu-
lations for the different chemistries and temperatures, provides a suitable model to be extended to pack-level
models of battery packs.

1. Introduction and the plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs). The PEVs includes the battery
electric vehicle (BEVs), extended range electric vehicles (EREVs) and
Global concerns following current energy crises [1–5] and en- plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEVs) [16–21].
vironmental changes [6,7] have push our society to consider other The development of multiple rechargeable energy storage systems
means of energy production and storage. This has translated in multiple (RESS) have played a major role in the development of these vehicle
developments and integrations of electric systems, ranging from elec- applications [8,22,23]. While different energy systems have been de-
tronic appliances to vehicle applications into our production and veloped and implemented it is apparent that each of the available en-
transportation chains [8–10]. Examining the automotive industry more ergy storage technologies have different energy and power character-
closely a huge increase can be observed in the development of different istics, as observed in the Ragone plot in Fig. 1 [15]. Lithium-ion cells
types of vehicle applications based on electric powertrains. An industry have the characteristic to encompass a wide range of energy and power
trend can be witnessed where automotive manufacturers are transi- capabilities and it is define with the type of chemical combination the
tioning from internal combustion engines (ICE) to more efficient and battery cell will have between the anodes, cathodes and electrolytes
environmental electrical motors [11–15]. These vehicles can be cate- [22]. Not all chemical combinations in lithium-ion cells can deliver the
gorized into two main categories, the hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) same energy and power rates but combinations of these can provide the

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: alexandros.nikolian@vub.ac.be (A. Nikolian).

Received 8 June 2017; Received in revised form 17 November 2017; Accepted 25 November 2017
Available online 14 December 2017
0142-0615/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Nikolian et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 98 (2018) 133–146

Fig. 1. Ragone chart of different cell-level energy

storage systems [49].

desired characteristics [24–27]. different issues related to the electrical modelling of the lithium-ion
Typically, any vehicle application integrated with lithium-ion cells cells [34–40] with better estimations of the SoC, investigating the
includes a battery pack of multiple cells. To control the pack during the ageing performance of the cell or implementing new techniques for
use (driving, breaking, charging and parking) a battery management parameterization of the ECM models. Therefore, this research is fo-
system (BMS) in charge of the electric and thermal supervision of each cussed to have a holistic approach in the modelling of the lithium-ion
activity of the pack is included. All basic BMSs have a role in keeping cells under investigation. A closer look will is given regarding the
the different cells inside the pack into a balance state of charge (SoC) characterization tests, electrical ECM parameter creation and para-
while driving and charging [16,28]. More advanced BMSs have the meterization of the model while also create a model that can be com-
ability to maintain the thermal equilibrium and keep the pack in safe bined with thermal and ageing models in future iterations. Moreover,
and optimal operating area while maintaining a stable communication different calculations of the SoC and error reporting techniques are
with the different vehicle systems. To perform these a BMS includes implemented for having a comprehensive overview on how the simu-
internal devices for temperature, voltage control and communication lations performs under different conditions and SoC calculation
but these have to be combined with accurate, low computational cost methods. This provides the platform to create an electrical ECM model
models that will monitor the cells in the pack and communicate fun- that can be directly implemented in a simulative battery pack in which
damental operating instructions to the battery pack [29–31]. The series, parallel or combined topologies of the cells are under in-
creation of such accurate models is a very important aspect. While the vestigation.
automotive industry is mainly concentrated in the 90–10% SoC window Following these observations, the goal of this study is the develop-
due to ageing and performance considerations the proper character- ment of a highly accurate ECM battery model for a wide range of
ization and monitoring of the whole SoC window (minimum to max- chemical and nominal capacities characteristics at different tempera-
imum voltage) can help in having a holistic view of the performance of tures and load profiles. The developed model is based on an Electric
the lithium-ion cells. ECM 2nd Order Thévenin Topology (Fig. 2). The lithium-ion chemis-
Adding to this, it is apparent that when performing lithium-ion tries identified for this analysis was the Nickel Manganese Cobalt
equivalent circuit model (ECM) simulations on a cell level, different (NMC) 20 Ah [32,41–43]. The Lithium Ion Phosphate (LFP) 14 Ah
parameters and conditions affects the total accuracy of the model [32]. [44–46,38] and the Lithium Ion Titanate (LTO) 5 Ah [47]. The char-
While all the inputs of the ECM model will affect the result of the si- acteristics of these cells are discussed in Section 2 and can be observed
mulations to some extent, some inputs will have a greater effect in the in Table 1. To have a holistic approach of the behaviour of the cells a
accuracy of the model. Thus, the optimization of these aspects provides wide range of temperatures were identified ranging from −5 °C, 5 °C,
an avenue to reach greater accuracy for the whole SoC window of the
battery. Subsequently combined the above observations, the develop-
ment of battery packs based on accurate modelling techniques for en-
ergy and power lithium-ion cells topologies could be beneficial in de-
veloping further the lifetime and driving range of current vehicle
The simulation of lithium-ion cells is a vast issue and different
routes can be implemented to model the performance and behaviour of
the cells. An overview of the different techniques to model the cell
electrochemically, thermally and electrically is already performed in a
previous study [33]. In this study a closer look is taken on the different
electrical ECM topologies that exist and can model the cells in time and
frequency domain. Multiple studies have been performed covering the
Fig. 2. Second order Thévenin equivalent circuit topology to model a lithium-ion battery.

A. Nikolian et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 98 (2018) 133–146

Table 1 behaviours of the cells under investigation. In this research, the NMC is
Cell characteristics of the lithium-ion cells of three chemistries (+ve/−ve). categorized as an energy cell with a specific energy of 174 W h/kg
which is the highest value compared to the other two chemistries.
Graphite/NMC Graphite/LFP LTO/NMC
Moreover the NMC cell has the capability to provide reasonable power
Model C020 P014 TO05 output of 2300 W/kg. The NMC chemistry has been reported to have
Length [mm] 217 216 276 the capability to provide either high energy or high power character-
Width [mm] 130 130 173
istics but not both at the same time. This is due to the characteristics of
Thickness [mm] 7.1 7.1 4
Weight [g] 428 380 262 the high voltage nickel-manganese-cobalt material included in the
Nominal voltage [V] 3.65 3.2 2.2 cathode material of the cell [50]. The LFP cell has lower voltage limits
Nominal capacity [Ah] 20 14 5 than the NMC and a flatter open circuit voltage (OCV) behaviour. De-
Specific energy [W h/kg] 174 120 42 veloped with lithium-ion phosphate for its cathode material it can
Energy density [W h/L] 370 230 90
provide adequate electrochemical and life cycle performances. The
Specific power [W/kg] 2300 2500 2250
Power density [W/L] 4600 4500 4400 flatter OCV behaviour of the LFP chemistry provides a flatter power
output to respect to the NMC chemistry [51]. With a specific energy of
120 W h/kg and a specific power of 2500 W/kg, the LFP-based chem-
15 °C, 25 °C, 35 °C, 45 °C. The model is validated at these temperatures istry represents a middle range cell in energy terms but has a higher
under dynamic profiles such as the Dynamic Discharge Pulse test (DDP) power output than the NMC chemistry. It should be noted that the LFP
and Worldwide harmonized Light duty Test Cycle (WLTC). For accuracy has lower capacity value than the NMC. On the contrary the LTO (5 Ah)
reasons the model has been developed based on two SoC estimation cell have the lowest capacity value and voltage limits and can deliver a
techniques the extended coulomb counting (ECC) and the extended specific power of 2250 W/kg and a specific energy of 42 W h/kg. The
Kalman filter (EKF) techniques and has been combined with an ECM advantage of the LTO chemistry is that the titanate material is the
thermal model developed by Jaguemont et al. [48]. The thermal model anode material which replaces the graphite present in the other two
attached to the electrical model was not used in this study to simulate chemistries. This reduces lithium plating on the anodes even when the
the dynamic temperature behaviour of the cells but rather providing a cells is charged at high It-rates. The added value of this is the low in-
constant temperature profile depending on the chosen simulation ternal resistance that the cell inherently has and exhibits also
temperature. Information on the SoC estimations techniques are in- throughout its life time. The cell can provide excellent pulse power
cluded in Section 3. Developing the models for all three chemistries characteristics and very long lifecycles. The LTO in this research ex-
based on the characterization protocols described in [32], it was con- hibits a low capacity value but high total power output thus re-
cluded that the accuracy was not appropriate if these models will have presenting a power cell. The manufacturer reports that the LTO cell
to be used later on, in simulating battery packs. The main issues en- reaches 80% SoH at 25 °C after 9000 cycles of CC CV charging with a
countered were related with the simulation of the nonlinear behaviours current of 20 A. The high It-rate of 20 A shows the robustness of the cell
at very high (100–95%) and low (5–0%) SoC regions and inaccurate in giving high power throughout its lifetime with small decrease of its
OCV output of the model due to different OCV behaviours of the cell capacity.
chemistries. Other issue also identified in the previous publication, was The infrastructure providing the platform to perform all the char-
that the ECM parameters introduced in the models had dynamic acterization tests consist of different systems. The temperature was
changes throughout the whole SoC window. For these multiple reasons, controlled with a CTS-Climate Test Chamber (series C-40/350 L) having
an improved Extended Advanced Characterization (EAC) technique is the possibility to provide temperatures from −40 °C to 180 °C.
implemented, which incorporates additional characterization steps to Choosing the characterization temperatures between −5 °C and 45 °C,
provide more accurate results at the nonlinear regions of the cells. the selected chamber can provide a constant and stable temperature
Moreover, to provide additional accuracy during the simulations, the during the experiments, as these levels are far away from its highest and
parameters extracted for parameterization are introduced in the lowest limits. The load profiles were applied to the cells through an ACT
smoothing and adaptation methods developed in this study. Informa- 0550 Tester with 80 channels, manufactured by Project Engineering
tion about the EAC and optimization methods can be found also in and Contracting (PEC) that has the capability to provide a total power
Section 3 and supplementary material Section A. Last but not least, of 35 kW and current of 50 A per channel. The cells were directly
different State of Health (SoH) of the different cells is identified and the connected to the channel cable through a custom-made connector block
creation of parameters at these points was calculated. An overview of setup built from copper.
the aged parameters is provided in Section 4 providing the first step All analysis and model development performed in this study was
towards the combination of the electrical model to an ageing model The performed with Matlab® and Simulink® software packages. The back-
extended range of temperatures and dynamic profiles, which the model bone of the model was already developed for the NMC lithium-ion cell
is validated combined with the simulation of the whole SoC range of the chemistry in a previous publication [32,33]. This model was already
cells provides a unique approach in developing lithium-ion ECM incorporated with the Coulomb Counting technique and the extended
models. Kalman filter. While this model was based on previous advanced
characterization techniques described in that journal, the new model
2. Material & experimental setup developed for the NMC, LFP and LTO chemistry in this study, is based
on a new Extended Advanced Characterization (EAC) procedure de-
Three different lithium-ion chemistries were identified to represent scribed in the next Section 3. The values extracted from the EAC pro-
energy and power cell characteristics as described in Section 1. The cedure were combined to provide a mean value behaviour of 6 cells of
different information provided by the manufacturer for each cell can be each chemistry and then where forwarded to the different parameter
found in Table 1. In Fig. 3 the different capacity values of all three adjustment methods that were developed. These methods are also de-
chemistries under different It-load profiles can be observed followed by scribed in more detail in the next Section.
Fig. 4 in which the three discharge quasi-open circuit voltage (QOCV) Extending the analysis to the simulation results, new error handling
are demonstrated. The current It-rates are the applied current rates and reporting techniques were also developed. Carrying over from
when charging and discharging the lithium-ion batteries, also known as previous publications, the instantaneous error which calculates the in-
“C-rate”. The QOCV test consist of performing very slow discharge and stantaneous difference between the measured and simulated results for
charge with a current of It/25 to extract the voltage behaviour of the each time step of the simulation was the only error calculation method
cells against time. This illustrates the nonlinear and differences voltage implemented. It was apparent that this technique didn’t take into

A. Nikolian et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 98 (2018) 133–146

Fig. 3. Capacity behaviour of the three cell chemistries under different It-rates and temperatures. (a) NMC, (b) LFP, (c) LTO.

found in [32]. The workflow can be separated in the following steps: (i)
Optimal Cell Identification, (ii) Extended Advanced Characterization,
(iii) Parameter Development & Optimization, (iv) ECM Parameteriza-
tion to finally arrive to the final step (v) Complete ECM Battery Model.
The different inputs that are needed by the ECM model are presented in
Table 2.

3.1. Extended advanced characterization

The EAC testing techniques performed on the cells included the

advanced capacity, hybrid pulse power characterization (HPPC), open
Fig. 4. Discharge Quasi-Open Circuit Voltage (QOCV) behaviour of the three cell che- circuit voltage (OCV), Dynamic Discharge pulse (DDP) and World
mistries. harmonized Light vehicle Test Cycle (WLTC) at the temperatures of
−5 °C, 5 °C, 15 °C, 25 °C, 35 °C, 45 °C. The non-linear behaviour of all
consideration the dynamic behaviour of the simulation and it didn’t three chemistries with comparatively more pronounced nonlinearities
provide a holistic overview of the accuracy of the model. For these for the LFP and LTO chemistry at high and low SoC regions, combined
reasons the total Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of the simulation with the linear OCV behaviour during the mid-SoC levels of 90–10%,
from start to end of the validation profile was also incorporated while were some key issues to develop this new EAC testing technique. The
also the Moving Root Mean Square Error (MRMSE) of specific SoC steps technique was mainly implemented on the OCV and HPPC test. The
was introduced. Additional information about these techniques are in- OCV was constructed by performing very small steps of charge or dis-
cluded in the next Section. Based on these, the models could be run with charge pulses with very small It-rates of 0.1% of the cell capacity be-
different parameters, capacities values and validation profiles and have tween the 100–98% and 2–0% SoC region while steps of 5% of the cell
a clear overview of the accuracy of the simulation including the in- capacity were performed between the SoC region of 98% and 2%
stantaneous differences while also the dynamic behaviour of the si- (Fig. 6b). The relaxation times after each of the current pulses remained
mulation in terms of MRMSE and total RMSE. at 3 h. While we had the chance to increase the relaxation time to ac-
quire a considerably more accurate relaxed behaviour during the high
and low SoC regions, the total time needed to perform the test was in
3. Methods & model development the range of 15 days. Making this test a very time consuming char-
acterization procedure but resulting in interesting and accurate results.
As described in Section 1 the main objective of this study is to de- For the HPPC tests only steps of 0.5% were implemented during the
velop an accurate ECM model for the whole SoC window for different high and low SoC regions while having the same steps as the OCV for
lithium-ion cell chemistries. The complete ECM battery model which the mid SoC regions. This was done due to time constraints as both tests
was incorporated with a range of energy to power lithium-ion cell has duration increased substantially. This also effects the total time needed
the possibility to be attached with other type of models (e.g. thermal, for the development of the complete electrical ECM Battery model. The
ageing) and can assist in further development of experimental topolo- difference in the results between the Advanced Characterization and
gies of energy and power battery packs combinations. To achieve this, the EAC techniques can be seen in Fig. 6. It is evident that the voltage
an optimized workflow has been created for the development of the behaviour that can be extracted from the OCV of the EAC method can
ECM models and can be observed in Fig. 5. This modelling workflow is provide a more accurate voltage performance at the highly non-linear
an extension and updated version of the ECM modelling workflow regions of high and low SoCs, as multiple points can be derived for very

A. Nikolian et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 98 (2018) 133–146

Fig. 5. Complete workflow for the development and validation of a lithium ion ECM model.

Table 2 parameter estimation method. The calculated parameters are then

Second order Thévenin model inputs. forwarded to the 2nd Order Thévenin ECM topology equations which
calculates the total voltage output Vbat of the cell based on a specific
Model parameters Units
current load profile Ibat. The underlying equations followed by the 2nd
Cell capacity C [Ah] Order Thévenin ECM topology can be observed in Eq. (1) and are ex-
Open Circuit Voltage (OCV) [V] plained in detailed in previous completed studies [32,33] and in other
Initial state of charge [%]
publications [52–56]. In comparison to the normal least square method,
Internal resistance Ro [mOhms]
Activation resistance Rpa [mOhms] the RLS method considers the different input signals (time, voltage,
Concentration resistance Rpc [mOhms] current, SoC) as stochastic and not deterministic. Thus making it an
Activation time-constant τpa [sec] appropriate method when trying to analyse a huge amount of different
Concentration time constant τpc [sec] characterization results at multiple temperature levels. The output of
the RLS method is individual coefficients that are directly translated to
the ECM electrical parameters. In Fig. 7 the results of the RLS method of
small SoC intervals. On the other hand when observing the HPPC re-
a HPPC pulse at 73.55% SoC level at 1 It-current is observed which is
sults of the EAC technique (Fig. 6c & d), some weaknesses could be
superpose on top of the measured HPPC pulse result. The results ex-
identified. Charge HPPC pulses during high SoC levels and discharge
tracted through the HPPC test and the RLS method are the first raw
HPPC pulses during low SoC levels are intrinsically get affected by the
parameters collected for the three chemistries. Previously, all models
high and low cut off voltage limits of the cell under investigation which
were always performed with the direct results taken from this analysis.
can be observed in Fig. 6c to some extent and much more pronounced
While for the NMC cell these results gave acceptable accuracies, the
in Fig. 6d. This voltage behaviour is not the one intended by the cell at
initial parameters developed for the LFP and LTO chemistries were not
this high and low SoC levels as the voltage is stopped by the safety
optimized, providing high inaccuracies when performing the different
voltage limits set by the cell manufacturer. On the contrary if we ob-
simulations. Thus, two adjustment methods were developed to review
serve the discharge pulses at high SoC levels and charge pulses at low
the different parameters and try to optimize the inputs provided to the
SoC, which are the opposite pulses to the ones that cannot be performed
electrical ECM model. The first method called “Parameter Smoothing”
correctly, we can clearly see that they are unaffected and have the
outputs, a more smoothed parameter behaviour (Fig. 8a & b), which has
possibility to perform the whole 10 s pulse intended by the HPPC pro-
been found to help and translate into smoother simulation results
file. These opposite pulses could be used to acquire the general trend of
during the dynamic changes of the simulations. The second method
the pulses. This aspect are directly implemented in the parameter de-
called “Parameter Adaptation” was develop to fix all the identified
velopment & optimization module of the optimize workflow.
dynamic changes of the parameters due to the high and low SoC issues
pointed out in the previous section. In Fig. 8b & c the difference be-
3.2. Analysis of parameters
tween the parameters before and after these modules can be observed.
Additional information about the development methods of the two
A list of the different parameters which must be provided to a 2nd parameter adjustment methods can be also found in Section A as sup-
Order Thévenin electrical ECM model was presented in Table 1. The
plementary material.
internal resistance (Ro), activation resistance (Rpa), concentration re-
sistance (Rpc) and time constants (τpa & τpc) for charge and discharge
are all calculated through the HPPC characterization test approx-
imating the different parameters using the recursive least square (RLS)

A. Nikolian et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 98 (2018) 133–146

Fig. 6. The OCV and HPPC test under the Advanced and the Extended Advanced Characterization, (a) OCV AC, (b) OCV EAC, (c) HPPC AC, (d) HPPC EAC.

⎧Vpȧ =− Vpa I
+ Cbat characterization results of each individual cell at all different tem-
Rpa Cpa pa
⎪ peratures, additional tests were performed on these cells in terms of
V ̇ = − Vpc + Ibat ageing and calendar testing. Following these results an ageing model
⎨ pc Rpc Cpc Cpc
⎪ has been developed and was presented in the following publication
Vbat = Voc − V pa− V pc−Ibat R o (1)
⎩ [57] for the NMC cell. Ultimately combining this complete electrical
where ECM lithium-ion model to the aforementioned ageing model, the model
should have the capability to predict the cell ECM parameter behaviour
Ro = internal ohmic resistance (Ω) at different State of Health (SoH) levels of its lifetime. For this purpose
Rpa = the activation resistance (Ω) parameters of the internal resistance of the NMC chemistry at 95% and
Rpc = the concentration resistance (Ω) 90% SoH at 25 °C and for the LFP chemistry at 98% and 95% SoH at
Cpa = capacitor in RC setup with the Rpa resistance and time con- 25 °C were developed. These parameters have not been incorporated in
stant τpa (F) the electrical model or passed through the parameter adjustment
Cpc = capacitor in RC setup with the Rpc resistance and time con- methods but will be performed in the future during next advancement
stant τpc (F) of the ECM model. For the LTO chemistry no aged parameters were
Ibat = total battery current (A) calculated due to the long lifetime these cells exhibited. With a capacity
Voc = battery voltage source to compute the open circuit voltage (V) of 4.5 Ah during it’s initial stage of life (Begin of Life – BoL) the cells
Vpa = voltage across the capacitor Cpa (V) still have a SoH level of 103% providing a capacity of 4.6 Ah after
Vpc = voltage across the capacitor Cpc (V) 21.000 cycles of 90% Depth of Discharge.
Vbat = voltage across the terminals of the battery when a load Ibat is
applied on the ECM circuit (V). 3.4. SoC estimations

3.3. Parameterization at different state of health levels The SoC estimation techniques deployed for the calculation of the
SoC levels during the simulations are the Extended Coulomb Counting
In combination to the extended analysis performed to acquire the (ECC) and the extended Kalman filter (EKF). Based on our previous SoC

Fig. 7. Measured vs Simulated HPPC 1 It Pulse at 73.55% SoC through the RLS method (left) discharge pulse, (right) charge pulse.

A. Nikolian et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 98 (2018) 133–146

Fig. 8. (a) Raw Internal Resistance Ro extracted parameter from HPPC, (b) Smoothed Parameter, (c) Adapted Parameter.

estimation techniques only the Coulomb Counting (CC) was trans- Vmeasured−Vsimulated
Inst. err% = 100 ×
formed to the extended version of the module. The difference with the Vmeasured (3)
previous work of the CC technique is that now the module has the
capability to be incorporated with all the capacity values at different end
∑tstart (Vmeasured−Vsimulated )2
temperatures. Thus giving the possibility to extrapolate or interpolate Total RMSE = 100 ×
ttotal (4)
to the different capacity values at different temperatures at which the
simulation is performed. The equation of the ECC is note in Eq. (2). The (Vmeasured−Vsimulated )2
EKF technique was not updated with any new iteration as the results of Moving RMSE = 100 ×
(t2−t1) (5)
this technique have shown to provide accurate results at the state it is.
Additional information about the parameters and development of the
EKF technique can be found in Section B as supplementary material. 3.6. Cell-level to pack-level

1 t
z (t ) = z (t0)−
3600C (T )
I (t )dt
Taking a closer look at the different functionalities of a battery pack
and the use of a BMS, a short summery is included in the following

z(t): The SoC at time t; • Monitoring and Control – Battery Energy Balancing (SoC based) &
Temperature Control;
z(t0): Initial SoC (at time t = t0);
C(T): Estimated battery cell available capacity; • Diagnosing and Assigning – State of Charge, State of Heath, State of
Function tracking;
I(t): Battery current (A) assumed positive when discharging.
• Communication – Receive and send instructions from the vehicle
peripherals and devices to the battery pack.
3.5. Simulation error reporting
The BMS incorporated with a battery pack is in charge to keep the
Different techniques have been deployed to compare the end result pack and cells in Safe Operating Area (SOA) and Optimal Operating
of the ECM model and compared, which load profile has been more Area (OOA) in terms of electrical but also thermal characteristics.
accurately simulated. The most straightforward technique employed is Moreover, it is in charge to follow the lifetime characteristics of the
the calculation of the instantaneous error which calculates the differ- cells for a proper use of the pack until the End of Life (EoL) of the cells.
ence of the simulated and measured voltage outputs of the simulation. The EoL of a battery pack in the current automotive industry is con-
The equation used to calculate the instantaneous error can be seen in sidered to be around 80% SoH. Finally, the pack has to have the cap-
Eq. (3). While this method gives a good representation of the in- ability to communicate to the vehicle all previous information while be
stantaneous accuracy of the simulation it doesn’t provide the total ef- able to manage the multiple current rates instructions coming from the
ficiency of the model and the dynamic efficiency to simulate dynamic vehicle. All this must be performed as accurately as possible in the
behaviours observed during the DDP and WLTC load profiles. Thus the defined SoC working range of the battery pack. The key aspect of this is
RMSE of the total simulation and the MRMSE for a specific SoC window to create a platform, which has low computational burden with the
were included in the analysis. Enabling us to compare in more details highest accuracy possible. This will have as an effect to increase sim-
the end results of the simulations. The RMSE and MRMSE equations can plicity of the incorporated models and BMS instructions with reduced
be observed in Eqs. (4) and (5), respectively. CPU power usage while striving to decrease the amount of data points

A. Nikolian et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 98 (2018) 133–146

stored in the on-board computer. desired SoH levels. This reaffirms the robustness of the LTO in keeping
Based on the cells characteristics different topologies of energy- its total capacity to high values for longer period.
power combinations battery packs can be created. This was has not Having performed such analysis provides the possibility to get an
been performed in this study but a summary of three different scenarios overview of the ageing effect on the parameter behaviour of each
of different sizing and topologies of battery packs can be found in the chemistry included in the electrical ECM model. While this analysis
following points: provides the basis in initializing the incorporation of an ageing model
with the developed electrical ECM model, it also contributes in having a
• Homogeneous cell-level characteristics – One type of lithium-ion holistic overview of the parameter rate of change to respect to ageing.
chemistry is used, having the same capacity and OCV characteristics Moreover these defined rates of changes due to ageing can be further
throughout all the cells included in the battery pack; correlated with the rate of change observed in the parameters due to the
• Semi-Homogenous cell-level characteristics – Two different types of change of temperature to provide a complete view on the behaviour of
lithium-ion chemistries are implemented probably in series thus the parameters.
developing two branches for each chemistry which each one has its
own voltage limits (e.g. NMC in series with LTO having kept the 4.1. Models results for ECC and EKF at different capacities
second branch of the topology to the LTO voltage limits);
• Inhomogeneous cell level characteristics – Multiple lithium-ion che- In the following section all the simulation results performed in this
mistries and topologies are used in combination to provide hybrid study are presented and discussed. In Table 3, all the capacity values
topologies of high power and energy battery pack combinations. that were implemented inside the final ECM models are noted. The
difference between the It/2 and It/5 capacity values can be observed
The completed cell-level electrical ECM model completed in this followed by the value of the optimized capacity for each characteriza-
study with the three different lithium-ion chemistries parameters have tion temperature. As expected the total capacity extracted at slow It-
the ability to be combined with other type of models simulating the rates is higher than higher It-rates and this is observed in all tempera-
thermal and ageing behaviour of the cells. For these reasons combined tures and chemistries presented. At this stage it should be noted that the
with the extended range of temperatures and chemistry characteriza- optimized capacity value established through this study for the dif-
tion lookup tables, this developed electric ECM model is a suitable ferent simulations is based on the simulations performed for the DDP
model when considering pack-level topologies and sizing strategies of (Dynamic Discharge Performance) validations tests. The DDP test is
battery packs. performed from 100% to 0% SoC level of the cells while the WLTC test
is performed from 90% to 70% or 70% to 50% depending on the initial
4. Results & discussions SoC condition introduce in the model. The capacity required during the
DDP validation should be higher than the capacity used during the
Following from the analysis performed in [32] on the effect of WLTC validation. Combine with the fact that the DDP test is clearly a
ageing on the different ECM parameters implemented for the NMC more dynamic test than an advanced capacity test the total capacity
chemistry, the same type of analysis was conducted for the LFP that the model expects to perform the simulation correctly should be
chemistry. The results from the NMC study can be found in [32]. In this higher than the capacity values extracted from the capacity tests. In that
study each individual ECM parameter (Ro, Rpa, Rpc, τpa & τpc) was regard looking only at the capacity values, the optimized capacities
considered and for each parameter the Begin of Life (BoL), the 95% SoH have a higher value than the two extracted advanced capacity values
and, 90% SoH were presented. As observed in [32] the different values extracted for It/5 and It/2. There are some exceptions with the −5 °C,
of the ECM parameters are getting increased as the State of Health of 5 °C and 15 °C temperatures where the optimized capacity had to be
the cell is reaching lower levels, combined this with the degradation of lower than the It/5 value to acquire an acceptable simulation result.
the capacity value the rate of age of the cell can be identified. Taking a look at the different simulation results these low temperatures
Extending this initial ageing analysis to the LFP chemistry in Fig. 9 were the most controversial, having difficulty in providing very accu-
the total internal resistances for charge and discharge at the Begin of rate results under the ECC SoC estimation technique. Ultimately a lower
Life, 98% and 95% SoH of the cell lifetime are provided. The values capacity than the It/5 value was found to provide more accurate si-
presented in this figure are the total resistance of the cell including the mulation results at these temperatures. Some of the inaccuracies at
internal, polarization and activation resistances. The difference in the these temperatures were also translated in the simulations under the
SoH levels chosen for the LFP chemistry is due to missing ageing data of EKF SoC estimation technique.
this chemistry. The LFP cells didn’t have enough time to reduce their Before going into more detail in the simulation results (Tables 4–6)
capacity to a lower SoH level during the period of the experimental an example of a notable simulation is presented in the Figs. 10 and 11.
phase. This type of analysis was not performed on the LTO chemistry, as In Fig. 10a–c. We observed the LFP cell at 35 °C under the ECC tech-
the cells under investigation didn’t have the time to reach any of the nique which has a total RMSE 1.545%. The total RMSE of the LFP

Fig. 9. BoL, 98% and 95% SoH total internal resistance of the LFP chemistry.

A. Nikolian et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 98 (2018) 133–146

Table 3
Discharge and charge capacity values for It/2, It/5 and It optimized for the NMC, LFP and LTO chemistry at different temperatures.

Temp. (°C) Current rate NMC LFP LTO

Charge (Ah) Discharge (Ah) Charge (Ah) Discharge (Ah) Charge (Ah) Discharge (Ah)

−5 °C It/2 13,569 13,589 12,855 12,875 4023 4043

It/5 15,275 15,295 13,034 13,054 4075 4095
It optimize 15,245 15,265 12,586 12,606 4244 4264

5 °C It/2 17,046 17,066 13,409 13,429 4301 4321

It/5 18,556 18,576 13,445 13,465 4579 4599
It optimize 17,856 17,876 13,168 13,188 5120 5140

15 °C It/2 19,199 19,219 13,537 13,557 4658 4678

It/5 20,653 20,673 13,576 13,596 5026 5046
It optimize 19,853 19,873 13,404 13,424 5144 5164

25 °C It/2 20,603 20,623 13,668 13,688 4992 5012

It/5 21,170 21,190 13,702 13,722 5306 5326
It optimize 21,320 21,340 13,723 13,743 5866 5886

35 °C It/2 21,374 21,394 13,737 13,757 5451 5471

It/5 21,511 21,531 13,759 13,779 5676 5696
It optimize 22,021 22,041 13,921 13,941 5902 5922

45 °C It/2 21,534 21,554 13,635 13,655 5642 5662

It/5 21,551 21,571 13,622 13,642 5774 5794
It optimize 22,051 22,071 13,866 13,886 5724 5744

model at 35 °C when developed with the advanced characterization adaptation adjustment methods a decrease in error can be observed at
techniques rather than the EAC technique and without the parameter the high and low SoC regions. In the contrary the errors during the mid
smoothing and adaptation adjustment methods was in the range of SoC regions have remained almost identical in both versions of the
6.7%. This shows that the different optimization steps taken (EAC, model. The results observed in Fig. 10c shows that the model simulation
parameter smoothing, parameter adaptation) for the development of was accurate between the 100% to the 8% SoC window while it in-
more accurate simulation results decreases the simulation errors ob- creased its inaccuracies under the 8% SoC level. This behaviour can be
served. The same can be observed when comparing the MRMSE of the also observed with the instantaneous error, which is between +3% and
simulation. In Fig. 10c the MRMSE for each 2% steps of the SoC is −6% to the very end (10–0% SoC) of the simulation. While at the same
presented. We observed a 2% to 0.5% MRMSE value between the 100% time only an instantaneous error of ± 1% is observed between the 90%
and 90% SoC window, 0.5% to 1% value between 90% and 8% SoC to the 10% SoC level. This re-affirms that the simulations under ECC
window and a value increasing to 6% between the 8% to the 0% SoC SoC estimation technique will always result in higher errors at the
level. The MRMSE of the LFP model at 35 °C without the EAC technique nonlinear behaviours of 100–90% and 10–0% SoC windows of lithium-
and parameter smoothing and adaptation adjustment methods was in ion cells. This behaviour has been observed for all chemistries and si-
the range of 2.7–0.6% for the 100–90% SoC window, 0.5–1% values mulation temperatures investigated in this work. Not illustrated in the
between the 90–8% and an increase to 14.5% between 8% and 0% SoC figure it should be noted that total RMSE of the WLTC validation profile
level. The higher MRMSE at high and low SoC levels shows that by at 35 °C of the LFP chemistry is of the level of 1.508% and was per-
implementing the EAC technique and the parameter smoothing and formed under the It/2 capacity value and not the optimized capacity

Table 4
NMC chemistry simulation results for different temperatures, SoC estimation techniques and capacity values.

SoC estimation Extended coulomb counting Extended Kalman filter

Current rate It/5 It/2 It optimize It optimize It optimize


NMC −5 °C Total RMSE 5.410 4.5156 6.9612 4.2819 5.4093 4.51 1.2679 2.0957
Inst. Error % (Max/Min) 7/−5 2/−6 10/−5 2/−6 7/−5 2/−6 3/−3 2/−3
Inst. Error % (90–10% SoC) 3.5/−3.5 3.5/−3.5 3.5/−3.5 3/−3
5 °C Total RMSE 3.2117 3.4931 3.6757 3.1805 2.8452 3.3514 0.8905 0.2916
Inst. Error % (Max/Min) 2/−4 2/−4 8/−4 2/−4 3/−3 2/−4 1/−3.5 2/−2
Inst. Error % (90–10% SoC) 2/−3 2/−3 2/−3 1/-2
15 °C Total RMSE 2.6806 N/A 3.2504 N/A 1.7947 N/A 0.3529 N/A
Inst. Error % (Max/Min) 6/−7 6/−2 3/−4 1/−1
Inst. Error % (90–10% SoC) 1/−2 1/−2 1/−2 1/−1
25 °C Total RMSE 1.7482 2.0139 4.1162 1.9155 1.5986 2.0396 0.228 0.1361
Inst. Error % (Max/Min) 2.5/−1.5 0/−2 8/−1.5 0/−2 1.5/−2 0/−2 2/−1 0.5/−0.5
Inst. Error % (90–10% SoC) 1/−1.5 1/−1.5 1/−1.5 1/−1
35 °C Total RMSE 3.1848 1.9365 4.2311 1.9179 1.1568 2.007 0.1906 0.1106
Inst. Error % (Max/Min) 5/−1 0/−1 5/2 0/−1 1.5/−3 0/−1 2/−2 0.5/−0.5
Inst. Error % (90–10% SoC) 0.5/−1 0.5/−1 0.5/−1 1/−1
45 °C Total RMSE 3.097 N/A 3.1914 N/A 0.9806 N/A 0.3762 N/A
Inst. Error % (Max/Min) 6/4 7/4 0.5/−2 0.5/−0.5
Inst. Error % (90–10% SoC) 0.2/−1 0.2/−1 0.2/−1 0.5/−0.5

A. Nikolian et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 98 (2018) 133–146

Table 5
LFP chemistry simulation results for different temperatures, SoC estimation techniques and capacity values.

SoC estimation Extended coulomb counting Extended Kalman filter

Current rate It/5 It/2 It optimize It optimize It optimize


LFP −5 °C Total RMSE 8.396 4.8916 6.8912 4.8915 5.3407 4.8914 1.5115 1.2699
Inst. Error % (Max/Min) 5/−14 2/−6 5/−12 2/−6 5/7 2/−6 5/−2 3/−2
Inst. Error % (90–10% SoC) 4−/4 4/−4 4/−4 5/−2
5 °C Total RMSE 5.5392 2.1457 5.1615 2.1456 3.3752 2.1452 1.6857 0.7463
Inst. Error % (Max/Min) 2/−4 1/−3 2/−3 1/−3 2/−2 1/−3 5/−3 1/−1
Inst. Error % (90–10% SoC) 2/−2 2/−2 1.5/−1.5 3/−3
15 °C Total RMSE 5.2773 1.5603 4.6922 1.5602 3.2297 1.5598 2.8332 1.1396
Inst. Error % (Max/Min) 1/−3 1/−2 1/−3 1/−2 1/−1 1/−2 3/−3 4/−0.5
Inst. Error % (90–10% SoC) 1/−1 1/−1 1/−1 1/−1
25 °C Total RMSE 1.8428 1.0623 2.4175 1.0627 1.7118 1.062 0.8355 0.2539
Inst. Error % (Max/Min) 4/−5 1/−1 5/−1 1/−1 3/−3 1/−1 4/−5 0.5/−0.5
Inst. Error % (90–10% SoC) 1/−1 1/−1 0.2/−1 1/−1
35 °C Total RMSE 4.242 1.5081 4.6309 1.508 1.5457 1.5093 1.1933 0.4538
Inst. Error % (Max/Min) 14/−1 2/−2 14/−1 2/−2 3/−6 2/−2 4/−4 1.2/−0.5
Inst. Error % (90–10% SoC) 1/−1 1/−1 1/−1 0.5/−1
45 °C Total RMSE 5.1809 N/A 4.9654 N/A 1.5878 N/A 1.1934 N/A
Inst. Error % (Max/Min) 13/−16 13/−16 3/−3 2/−3
Inst. Error % (90–10% SoC) 1/−1 1/−1 1/−1 0.5/−1

develop for the DDP validation test. DDP validation profile. An explanation to this is that the SoC window of
Following the simulation activity for the 35 °C LFP chemistry in the WLTC simulation started at 70% and finished around the 50% of the
Fig. 11a–d the simulation results under the EKF SoC estimation tech- cell SoC. This SoC region is part of the 90–10% SoC regions which is
nique for the DDP and the WLTC validations profiles are presented. The identified as the region where lithium-ion cells behaves linearly. As the
total RMSE of the DDP test is at 1.193% and for the WLTC test is at ECM models have better efficiency in simulating linear behaviours the
0.453%. It can be clearly noticed that the total RMSE of these simula- error observed during these validation profile at these SoC levels
tions are lower than total RMSE of the ECC SoC estimation technique, showed greater accuracy even with a very dynamic profile like the
showing that these models have better simulated the dynamic and WLTC. This effect can be observed with all the three capacity values,
linear parts of the validations profiles. Taking a closer look to the DDP which the simulations are performed having insignificant difference in
test, we observe errors at the non-linear regions of the SoC window but their total RMSE values.
the levels reached are much lower than what was observed with the Included in Tables 4–6 the total RMSE and general observations of
ECC SoC estimation technique. The max instantaneous errors reached the instantaneous error during each of the simulations performed in this
are of the levels of ± 4% with an error of +0.5/−1% between the 90% study is presented. In each table dedicated for each chemistry the re-
and 10% SoC window of the simulation. sults is shown for the different temperatures and the technique im-
The WLTC simulation provided an instantaneous error of +1.2/ plemented for the calculation of the SoC. For each section the results
−0.5% throughout the SoC window. While the errors under the EKF under the different capacity values implemented during each simula-
was much lower than the ECC for the WLTC validation profile, the error tion is included.
in both SoC techniques was much lower than the errors observed for the It is apparent that when observing the overall simulation results, a

Table 6
LTO chemistry simulation results for different temperatures, SoC estimation techniques and capacity values.

SoC estimation Extended coulomb counting Extended Kalman filter

Current rate It/5 It/2 It optimize It optimize It optimize


LTO −5 °C Total RMSE 2.2462 1.1107 2.6557 1.0998 1.6968 1.1468 0.2689 0.1164
Inst. Error % (Max/Min) 8/−4 0.5/−2 8/−4 0.5/−2 3/−10 0.5/−2 1.5/−1 0.5/−0.5
Inst. Error % (90–10% SoC) 1/−1 1/−1 1/−1.5 1.5/−1
5 °C Total RMSE 5.0685 0.8985 8.8233 0.8499 1.9425 1.0085 0.6428 0.0776
Inst. Error % (Max/Min) 16/−6 0.5/−1.5 21/−6 0.5/−1.5 6/−6 0.5/−1.5 0.5/−2 0.5/−0.5
Inst. Error % (90–10% SoC) 16/−3 21/−3 6/−3 0.5/−2
15 °C Total RMSE 2.0026 0.9487 4.2955 0.8764 1.7631 0.981 1.2672 0.00777
Inst. Error % (Max/Min) 5/−13 1/−1 15/−15 1/−1 3/−15 1/−1 6/−7 0.5/−0.5
Inst. Error % (90–10% SoC) 4/−1 14/−1 2/−1 0.5/−0.5
25 °C Total RMSE 4.2963 0.9434 9.3166 0.903 1.5143 1.0378 0.3799 0.132
Inst. Error % (Max/Min) 18/−4 0/−2 2/−4 0/−2 4/−4 0/−2 2/−5 0.8/−0.8
Inst. Error % (90–10% SoC) 2/−2 2/−2 1/−1 1/−1
35 °C Total RMSE 2.5409 1.2067 6.1917 1.1668 2.0573 1.2479 0.8361 0.1318
Inst. Error % (Max/Min) 6/−11 0/−1.5 25/−6 0/−1.5 4/−13 0/−1.5 1.5/−4 1/−1
Inst. Error % (90–10% SoC) 6/−1 8/−1 3/−1 1/−4
45 °C Total RMSE 1.2817 N/A 1.5279 N/A 1.1265 N/A 0.3119 N/A
Inst. Error % (Max/Min) 3/−10 5/−7 3/−8 1/−2
Inst. Error % (90–10% SoC) 2./−0.5 2/−0.5 2/−0.5 1/−1

A. Nikolian et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 98 (2018) 133–146

Fig. 10. DDP test simulation with a 2nd

Order Thévenin Model for the LFP chemistry
at 35 °C under the ECC SoC technique. (a)
Measure vs Simulated Voltage, (b)
Simulation Instantaneous (Errorc) MRMSE.

clear pattern is noticeable at higher simulation temperature the accu- the accuracy of these low temperatures models.
racy of the model is also increased. This observation was also noted in Out of the three chemistries, the LFP model was the one that dis-
previous research work where only the NMC chemistry was under in- played the highest difficulty in providing accurate results with its most
vestigation and none of the EAC and parameter adjustment methods accurate model being at the 35 °C described previously. While the NMC
were developed. In all three chemistries the simulations performed at and LTO models exhibited greater accuracies throughout the SoC
low temperatures of −5 °C, 5 °C and 15 °C had higher difficulty to window and temperature ranges. Different reasons can be identified for
provide accurate results under the DDP validation profile. The reason this behaviour. As mentioned in the section Materials and Experimental
for this, is related with the fact that the voltage behaviour of the cells at Setup the difference in OCV behaviour provides dynamic difficulties to
these temperatures are affected by the lower capacity value provided by the SoC estimation modules of the ECM model. The very flat behaviour
the cell, higher non-linear effects during the high and low SoC levels of the OCV of the LFP chemistry between the 90% and 10% SoC
combined with slow dynamics of the electrical and chemical internal window while the high dynamic changes in OCV values during the
phenomena inside the cell. Based on these observations we can con- 100–90% and 10–0% SoC window makes it more difficult to model this
clude that the simulations at these low temperatures have to be opti- chemistry accurately. In contrast with the NMC chemistry, where the
mized further to have very accurate results. To tackle some of these changes during the non-linear SOC windows is less pronounced than
issues the optimized capacity value was implemented which increased the LFP chemistry provided results that are better in terms of total

Fig. 11. WLTC and DDP test simulation with a 2nd Order Thévenin Model for the LFP chemistry at 35 °C under the EKF SoC technique, (a) DDP Measure vs Simulated Voltage, (b) DDP
Instantaneous Error, (c) WLTC Measured vs Simulated Voltage, (d) WLTC Instantaneous Error.

A. Nikolian et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 98 (2018) 133–146

RMSE and instantaneous error. Additionally while the LTO chemistry parameters, 1 initial condition and 2 state observers are affecting di-
also has high changes in the non-linear parts of the SoC windows the rectly the accuracy of the model. These variables have a greater effect
changes are less pronounced than the LFP chemistry providing more when trying to model the whole SoC window rather when trying to
accurate results. model just a part of the SoC window and are listed below:
Taking a closer look at the ECC simulations, during the nonlinear
high and low SoC regions of 100–90% and 10–0% we observed the – Initial SoC value (Initial Condition): Especially for the ECC the initial
higher inaccuracies. Implementing the different optimization modules SoC value is very important if the simulation has to be performed
(EAC, parameter smoothing, parameter adaptation) combined with the correctly. In contrast with the EKF where this variable doesn’t really
different optimized capacity values the errors at these regions could be has a significant effect as the EKF will have the capability to bring
minimized to a lower level. While the 100–90% region was easily fixed the simulation to the correct SoC level based on its Kalman Gain;
the 10–0% region was more challenging. Inspecting more closely this – Capacity value (ECM Parameter): As for the “Initial SoC value” the
region it was identified that the errors are increased from the moment capacity value introduce inside the model under the ECC technique
that the simulation enters in these low SoC regions and reaching even plays a major role in having an accurate result;
greater errors after the 3% SoC level. The difference between the errors – Internal Resistance value (ECM Parameter): Having introduced all
of the 10–3% SoC window with respect to the 3–0% SoC window is so parameters inside the parameter adjustment methods the Internal
high that ultimately when implementing these models for the simula- Resistance was the parameter that needed to be adjust the most.
tion of individual cells inside a battery pack these very low SoC regions With the adaptation of this parameter the accuracy of the simula-
could be omitted and not be taken into consideration by the BMS. tions showed immediate improvement. This was observe for all
Examining the results of the ECC WLTC validation profile a com- three chemistries and at all temperatures;
pletely different behaviour can be identified. As for the DDP test we – OCV (ECM parameter): The relation of the OCV to respect to the SoC
have seen an increase in accuracy in terms of total RMSE and in- of the cell showed to affect scientifically the accuracy of each model.
stantaneous error as the temperature is increased, we can observe that The ECM OCV calculations should follow the different OCV beha-
all three capacity values implemented provides an accurate result under viours observed for each chemistry. Proper characterization of the
the WLTC profile. There exist differences in accuracies between the OCV behaviour, combined with a proper input of the initial SoC
capacities but those are less pronounced than the differences we see value should provide simulation results with acceptable accuracies;
under the DDP profile. As explained previously the WLTC profile is – Validation Timeframe and Lifetime point (State observers): The total
performed during 90–70% or 70–50% SoC window depending of the simulation time and at which SoH the validation profile was ex-
initial SoC condition of the simulation. These regions are part of the tracted affects greatly the accuracy of the simulations performed. If
linear regime of the cells which are easily modelled with the simulation the validation profile was extracted in a different SoH than the ECM
platform develop in this study providing high accuracies under the parameters the simulation results will not be accurate. Additionally
WLTC profile. Taking into consideration this and the problems en- it was found that the total time that simulation is to set to be per-
countered at low SoC regions during the DDP profile it can be con- formed would increase or decrease the inaccuracies. Thus a set total
cluded that the Extended Coulomb Counting SoC technique combined time frame should be introduce for each simulation for comparison
with a 2nd Order Thévenin ECM model can simulates accurately the reasons.
SoC regions 100–10% with an instantaneous error between 0% and 5%
value, under the EAC test techniques and the parameter adjustment The extended range of validated conditions, the different lithium-
methods. While increased inaccuracies at the low region of 10–0% are ion battery chemistries investigated combined with the possibility to
emerging even after the different optimization steps. merge the Electric ECM model with a Thermal and Ageing model makes
These issues can be tackled with the implementation of the this model an excellent candidate to implement it when going from cell
Extended Kalman Filter SoC estimation technique which inherently level to pack-level topologies. In combination with the two SoC esti-
capable of simulating the SoC behaviour of the cells more accurately. It mation techniques the Extended Coulomb Counting and the extended
is apparent that when implementing the EKF method the error of the Kalman filter and with the validated profiles for all three chemistries
simulation in terms of total RMSE are immediately decreased. This the electrical ECM model provides a platform in which different com-
decrease in total RMSE can also be observed in terms of instantaneous binations can be implemented by the user. Different topologies can be
errors but the differences are less pronounced than the total RMSE. envisaged where energy or power cells are attached in series, parallel or
Moreover, as the temperature increases the difference in instantaneous combinations of energy to power cells merge together. This type of
error between the ECC and EKF is also minimized while keeping the low research will be performed in a later stage but the study performed in
value of total RMSE. It can be concluded that the EKF method is well this research will be use directly in creating such simulative battery
suited to provide further assistance in simulating correctly the dynamic packs.
changes of the validations profiles rather than the linear parts of the
profile, which is easily dealt by its calculations. As observed in Fig. 11 5. Conclusion
for the LFP 35 °C EKF model while the inaccuracies at very low SoC
regions of 10–0% are decreased some errors still remains. This was During the creation of this lithium-ion electrical ECM for the dif-
observed in all chemistries and temperatures. Different methods have ferent chemistries and operating conditions, multiple challenges were
been identified to deal in the future with this region which encompasses encountered during each step of it’s development. Based on already
the development of electrical nonlinear state space models which have established modelling workflows, the new method was extended at
shown their strength in dealing with the non-linear behaviour of the almost each step. Significant differences emerge when attempted to
cells at these regions [58]. simulate the whole SoC region from 100% to 0% rather than a part of it.
Following all these observations and having performed the full ex- The non-linear electrical behaviour of the cell at the high (100–90%)
tent of the intended simulations some specific conclusions on simu- and low (10–0%) SoC regions really increases the challenge of simu-
lating a lithium-ion cell level batteries can be drawn. Having performed lating the cells correctly. For this reason, a new EAC technique, para-
a complete review of the ECM parameters through the parameter de- meter techniques (smoothing and adaptation adjustment methods) for
velopment & optimization module combined with the analysis per- the electrical ECM parameters, different SoC estimation techniques
formed on finding the optimum capacity values, an overview of which (Extended Coulomb Counting & Extended Kalman Filter) and a com-
ECM parameter affects predominately the accuracy of the models plete overview of the dynamic and instantaneous response of the si-
emerged. Out of this analysis it was concluded that mainly 3 ECM mulation results is presented. With these new methods established, the

A. Nikolian et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 98 (2018) 133–146

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