Materi Minggu III Pronouns

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Materi Minggu III

Pronoun adalah kata ganti, baik untuk orang (person) maupun benda
(object, thing). Ada beberapa macam pronoun diantaranya:
A. Definite Pronoun (Kata ganti tentu)
1. Personal Pronoun (Kata ganti personal/perorangan)
Number Grade Subject Object
First person I me
Singular Second person You you
Third person he/she/it him/her/it
First person We us
Plural Second person You you
Third person They them

1. I see it.
2. He knows you.
3. They live there.
4. That’s him over there.
5. I saw her.
6. Tom likes them.
7. Bill found me a job, etc.
a. Degree (Tingkatan)
 The first (Pertama) : I, we
 The second (Kedua) : You
 The third (Ketiga) : He, she, it, they
b. Number (Jumlah)
 Singular (Tunggal) : I, you, he, she, it
 Plural (Jamak) : We, you, they
c. Gender (Jenis kelamin)
 Male (Pria) : He
 Female (Wanita) : She
 Neutral (Netral) : I, you, we, they, it
2. Possessive Pronoun (Kata ganti posesif/empunya)
Dependent Independent Dependent Independent
My Mine Its Its
Your Yours Our Ours
His His Their Theirs
Her Hers Your Yours

1. That is my book. That is mine.
2. I found your car in the park. Now yours is over there.
3. This is his house. This is his.
4. I gave her dolls. I gave hers last week.
5. I have a new bike. Its color is blue. Its is blue.
6. We have finished our programs. We did ours well.
7. They keep their children nicely. They keep theirs well.
3. Reflexive Pronoun (Kata ganti refleksif)
Possessive Reflexive Possessive Reflexive
My Myself Its itself
Your Yourself Our ourselves
Him Himself Them themselves
Her Herself Your yourselves

Catatan: ada kata ganti refleksif tak tentu (Indefinite Reflexive Pronoun) yaitu
oneself. One does his/her homework oneself (=Seseorang selalu mengerjakan
PR-nya sendiri). Refleksif ini bermakna ……. Sendiri (tanpa bantuan orang
1. I always do my homework myself.
(Saya selalu mengerjakan PR sendiri)
2. Do you often wash your clothes yourself?
(Apakah Anda sering mencuci pakaian sendiri?)
3. I told him not to lift the heavy box himself.
(Saya katakan padanya untuk tidak mengangkat sendiri kotak berat itu.)
4. I asked her to come herself.
(Saya meminta did datang sendiri.)
5. The cat carried out the fish itself.
(Kucing itu membawa ikan sendiri.)
6. We painted our houses ourselves.
(Kami mengecat sendiri rumah kami.) dan lain-lain.
4. Demonstrative Pronoun (Kata ganti tunjuk)
Singular Plural Singular Plural
This These That Those

1. This hat is Tom’s.
2. These hats are for sale.
3. That is a horse.
4. Those horses are in the green field.

B. Indefinite Pronoun (Kata ganti tak tentu)

a. Each = setiap, diikuti kata kerja tunggal:
1) Each knows what to do.
2) Each comes on time.
b. Both = kedua-duanya, diikuti kata kerja jamak:
1) Both are open all day.
2) Both play in the school yard.
c. None = tak satupun/tak ada, bisa sebaga subyek atau obyek, diikuti kata
kerja tunggal:
1) We expected the letters, but none came.
2) I had some last year but I have none this year.
d. Another = yang lainnya (tunggal); others = yang lainnya (jamak):
1) Have you met David’s sisters? I’ve met one. I didn’t know he had
2) Oh, he has two others.
e. Everything = segala sesuatu (sesuatu), diikuti kata kerja tunggal:
1) Everything has been wasted.
2) Everything comes true in my life.
f. Everybody/everyone = setiap orang (orang), diikuti kata kerja tunggal:
1) Everyone is ready.
2) Everybody recognizes him well.
g. Anything = sesuatu, digunakan dalam kalimat negatif atau bertanya:
1) There is not anything in the refrigerator.
2) Is there anything in your bag?
h. Anyone/anybody = seseorang, digunakan dalam kalimat negatif atau
1) I didn’t tell anyone/anybody about that.
2) Did anyone/anybody come to your house yesterday?
i. No one/nobody = tak seorang pun, diikuti kata kerja tunggal, digunakan
dalam kalimat positif:
1) No one can go to the wild jungle.
2) Nobody comes on time.
j. Nothing = tak ada (sesuatu), digunakan dalam kalimat positif:
1) I can do nothing.
2) There is nothing in the box.
k. Someone = seseorang, diikuti kata kerja tunggal, digunakan dalam kalimat
1) I met someone who knows me well.
2) Someone is knocking the door.
Latihan Pilihan Ganda
1. I can’t understand Carol when … speaks Spanish. It sounds weird. She should
study more.
A. they
B. she
C. he
D. yout
2. If you see my family next week, please give my best regards to .…
A. him
B. her
C. them
D. us
3. We can find various books in the library ..... is very complete.
A. It
B. Its
C. He
D. His
4. I can’t find … pencil. Can I borrow … George?
A. my, their
B. me, your
C. my, your
D. my, yours
5. This refrigerator is too expensive for … to buy. We need to think again.
A. them
B. her
C. us
D. it
6. James should control … words so that he wouldn’t say something bad.
A. her
B. his
C. their
D. our
7. The students were talking among … while Prof Jones was lecturing.
A. themselves
B. ourselves
C. yourselves
D. yourself
8. Frankly speaking, a woman often makes difficult of ….
A. myself
B. yourself
C. himself
D. herself
9. Hi, Brian! … are Michael and Tom, my nephews.
A. Those
B. These
C. That
D. This
10. Look at … man over there. Isn’t he familiar to you?
A. those
B. these
C. that
D. this

Latihan Melengkapi
1. Anita is my best friend. I know … very well.
2. Anita has a cat. … likes playing with ….
3. This is your pen, but I can’t find …. Do you see …?
4. Anton made this t-shirt ….
5. You can’t buy … with money.
6. … books belong to Raffa.
7. Somebody left … socks in the washing machine.
8. We helped … to some cola at the party.
9. They can invite … they want to their party.
10. Please listen to … Song. It’s very interesting.
Latihan Error Recognition

1. We wanted to arrive before dinner, but us flight was delayed. A B

2. This dictionary is you, and that one is mine. A
3. My father is an architect. Him designed my house. A
4. You should go to Jakarta youself to meet the client.
5. The students are discussing the lesson. Tell him that the time is over. A B
6. I have finished my project alone. I worked all night by meself.
7. This sandals are no longer fit for my feet. A
8. Trademarks enable a company to distinguish its products from that of A B
another company.
9. As larvae, barnacles are free-swimming, but as adults they attach
theirselves to stones, docks, and hulls of ships.
10. Is there everyone who agrees with feminism?

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