Group Assignment (Review Matery Marxist Literary Theory)

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Group member:

1. Aditya Ahmad Farizqi (190511100054)

2. Regina Magdalena Karepu (190511100063)
3. Nur Laila Fathan (190511100071)
4. Dina Putri Ramadani (190511100092)

1. Marxist Critical
Marxist criticism is formed from several concepts of social theory from Karl Marx, the
German philosopher who is famous for Das Kapital (1867), the seminal work of the
communist movement. Marx was also the first Marxist literary critic, writing critical essays
in the 1830s. The premise of Marxist criticism is that literature can be viewed as ideological,
which can be analyzed within the framework of the Base/Superstructure model. Marx argued
that the means of economic production in society are responsible for its basis. Marxist
criticism is prioritized when analyzing literature I.e. economic power, class conflict, Art,
Literature, and Ideology.
2. Economic Power
In Marxist phrasing, monetary conditions are refered to as material conditions, and the
social/political/philosophical athmosphere created by material conditions is known as the
authentic situtions. According to a Marxist viewpoint, contrasts in financial classs devide
individuals in manners that are muchmore critical than contrasts in religion, race, nationality
or sex. There are Two classes that to be the principle classes of society, those are:
The bourgeoisie: (the people who control the world's normal, economis, and human
The working class: (most of the worldwide populace who live in inadequate conditions and
consistently played out the physical work).
3. Marxist Literary Criticism
Its sociological approach to literature that viewed works as the product of historical forces. It
can be analysed by looking the material condition in which they were formed.
4. Marxist Literary Theory
A theory by Karl Marx that used to analysed the literary works as:
 The product of dominant class
 Focuses on the clash between the dominant and repressed class
 Literature is a reflection of culture, that culture can be influenced by literature.
 Marxist believes literature can instigate revolution.
5. Class conflict
 The bourgeoisie show their political, financial, and social structures as the as it
were sensible ones. The proletariat, indoctrinated from birth to have pride in their
station, are prevented from needing to topple their oppressors (incidentally, the
smaller and really less-powerful bunch).
 Conflict between socioeconomic classes will always arise in a capitalist society.
 The owners and the employees will have opposing views on how the money created
should be distributed, and the owners will ultimately make the choice.
 Change is sparked by the continual fight.
6. Art, Literature and Ideology
The bourgeoisie uses art and literature as vehicles to impose its value system on the
proletariat. The arts have the ability to make the present system appear appealing and
reasonable, lulling employees into accepting it. Because works of art and literature are
entertaining, the audience is unaware that they are being duped. Most creative output is
controlled by the bourgeoisie through patronage or sponsorship. Any artist who intends to
make a nuanced critique of the bourgeoisie must do so (satire, irony, etc.).
7. Review of Marxist Literary Theory’s application
Marxist literary theory considers the text to be linked to the economic situation of the
moment. The state of the economy is linked to economic power, class struggle, and art,
literature, and ideology. As well as the article entitled MARXIST CRITICISM ON DISNEY’S MOVIE
CINDERELLA by Muhammad Faizal Hira, a movie with such heavy Marx ideologies, lies beneath
all these characters. Cinderella told us about the social class and how they struggle in order to
achieve their goal of life, how the social system was established in the movie, even by seeing
the interaction between the animal we could see how the interaction and conflict between two
opposing sides, proletariat and bourgoisie. How people and Cinderella was blinded by their
own false conciousness. Most importantly after analizing Marx ideologies within Cinderella,
we could say this movie shows us we must free ourself from the chains of class and live a life
like we wanted.
Class system:
The bourgeoisie always The proletariat
manage the proletariat The bourgeoisie

Economic Power
Class Conflict
Art, Literature, and

Ideology: Marxist Critical

Rugged individualism Key term:
Consumerism Capitalism, Labor, Capital,
base, Superstructure,
Reification, Alienation,
The product of the dominant class
Hegemony, Exploitation.
Focuses on the clash between the
dominant and repressed class
Literature is a reflection of culture,
and that culture can be influenced by
Marxist literary criticism does not
espouse communism.
Marxists believe literature can
instigate revolution.

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