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Write a letter of invitation (80 – 90 words): (December 5, 2016) from Mike Downes, the PR
Manager in the Microsoft Company (34627, Bleeker Str., Redmond, WA, USA) to Mrs. Wilson,
Chief Executive in “The New York Times” (620, 8th Avenue, Manhattan, New York, 10018, U.S.)
inviting the top management staff to the annual party of shareholders. Include all details about the

Microsoft Company
34627, Bleeker Str., Redmond, WA, USA
Mike Downes, the PR Manager

“The New York Times”

620, 8th Avenue, Manhattan, New York, 10018, U.S
Mrs. Wilson, Chief Executive

December 5th, 2016

Dear Mrs. Wilson,

We would like to invite you to the Annual Party of shareholders on December 25th, 2016 at our
office at 2:00 p.m. As always we have a lot of information that every shareholder needs. Please
come early so that we can find a comfortable seat for you and so that you will be there as we
acknowledge our loyal customers and you are definitely in the list. Please let us know d you are
attending the said event or not by December 23d, 2016. Hoping for your presence on that day,
because your presence at our conference will be much appreciated. We are looking forward to more
fruitful business deals with you.
Our best regards,
Microsoft Company's representative
Mike Downes, the PR Manager

1. Mr. Brown had owned a lot of points of sales before he … this company two years ago.

A. had bought B. has bought C. bought

Short explanation: The Past Perfect Tense.

2. The administration said three days ago that it … a good idea to have a meeting the following

A. were B. had been C. would be

Short explanation: The Future in the Past

3. Usually subordinates …. instructions by their immediate bosses.

A. are given B. give C. are giving

Short explanation: The Present Simple Tense

4. If our firm doesn’t change strategy, we … our market position.

A. lost B. will lose C. would lose

Short explanation: The First Conditional

5. The design of the new product … several times this week.

A. was modify B. has been modified C. is modified

6. CEO supported this idea a month ago but this morning the board of directors … it.

A. has rejected B. was rejected C. had rejected

7. The new top manager … innovations to the policy of the company tomorrow

A. will offer B. offers C. would offer

Short explanation: The Future Simple Tense.

8. If we had a calculator, we … this problem a lot quicker.

A. worked out B. work out C. would work out

Short explanation: The Second Conditional

9. Sales reps have contacted six potential customers since last week and two of them … in
negotiations since that time.

A. participated B. have been participating C. were participating

Short explanation: The Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

10. Last week the most burning issues … by the CEO when this document was delivered.

A. were being discussed B. was discussed C. discussed

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