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Dear Sir,

I wish to apply and state my motivation for entrance to the Msc in Accounting and Controlling at
your university through this letter. With a major in Human Resource Management and a
bachelor's degree in Management from the University of Chittagong, I am currently looking for a
suitable master's program where I could specialize in the Accounting and Controlling

I have been familiar with Hochschule fur WirtsChaft und Recht Berlin as I have some friends
currently studying there, but while searching for a master's degree, it has caught my attention by
being an institution with an excellent reputation and with a faculty that meets exactly my
expectations. I have chosen this specific master as it represents a program that offers multiple
opportunities like International Auditing, Special Issues of International Accounting, Project
Management, IT Security and Privacy, The Role of Europe in a Multipolar World, Corporate
Transactions, Corporate Social Responsibility, International Strategic Management etc. and
internship, a very educated and challenging environment, international approach and last but not
least, an opportunity to deepen my understanding of the global language of business through
both theoretical and fundamental life aspects. Finally, my goal is to get my life as much
international experience as possible. That is why Hochschule fur WirtsChaft und Recht Berlin
and the city that hosts it, Berlin, are my first and perfect choice from educational and social

When I completed my graduation in Management, I got the best score in all the subjects related
to Accounting. That's what inspired me to pursue another master's degree in Accounting.
The Controller profession is so appealing to me primarily since it is Accounting combined with
management aspects; reading numbers and making decisions, transforming data into information,
and feeling the pulse of everything a business does. It is an environment with so much activity
and challenges, with growth prospects and well-paid salaries, and of course, it is a very
demanding yet satisfying field, where you are the link between the leaders of the company and
all the relevant information for the strategy of a business.

Moreover, besides the analytical skills required for this sort of career, one has to have
organizational and people skills, high responsibility and dedication, the ability to communicate
and work within a group, be able to understand both the details and the big picture, and last but
not least, ambition and confidence. I can proudly say that I have acquired the abilities to study
and work in international environments, be able to adapt to all of the group activities, work under
pressure, manage my organizational skills, and always strive for the desired result. All the other
needed skills I intend to enhance during my master's.
I am well aware of the fact that within a European working environment, during the present
economic development, one has to stay competitive. A master’s Hochschule fur WirtsChaft und
Recht Berlin will give me exactly that. Two year opportunity to refine my knowledge in this
particular field and consequently join the professional environment and start doing what I love.
That is what I aim for.
I am familiar with the fact that the competition is fierce at Hochschule fur WirtsChaft und Recht
Berlin, but I am confident that I will prove to be a great addition to your master program as I am
a hard-working and ambitious person, ready to take the next step towards a successful career. I
know what I want and plan to do my best to achieve it. Therefore, I really hope that Hochschule
fur WirtsChaft und Recht Berlin will help me with that by giving me the unique opportunity to
follow a master's degree in Accounting and Controlling to pursue my goals.

Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to your acceptance.

Sincerely yours,

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