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Instructional Design Template

Lesson Date Unit/Lesson Instructional Strategies/ Description of Formative Describe Specific Integration*
Objectives Activities Assessment Adaptations/ T R C I C
(formal/informal) Differentiation S S T C R
All Focus
Students Students
1 11-1 Students will be able • Music Play Online Pre-assessment (formal)- Some Student A was X X X
to identify the lines of Using the staff white students becoming
Staff Lesson 1- needed help overwhelmed
a musical staff. https://musicplayonlin boards, students will getting from by outside practice labeling the lines “point A to factors in the
Students will be able lesson__trashed/?my_ of a musical staff and point B” with classroom, so
to draw a treble clef. access_code=F212368 drawing treble clefs. the different he was asked
steps of to just draw
• Students will practice Students will draw 3
treble clefs and label the drawing a one treble clef
labeling the lines of a treble clef. to be assessed
musical staff and lines of the staff. Student For those rather than
drawing treble clefs success will be measured students, I drawing the
using a line identification drew dots on same number
with staff white
rubric and treble clef the different as everyone
boards. else. This was
drawing checklist. starting and
• Students will look at stopping a more
each other’s treble points so manageable
clefs in an “art they connect goal for him
the dots. and allowed
gallery” setting. me to assess
students his treble clef
wrote the drawing.
line numbers
Student B did
not need any
so quick
for this
She was able
were given to
to complete
those the task under
students. the same
as her peers.
2 11-2 Students will be • Review staff and Formal assessment- If students Student A was X X X X
treble clef- Students will use the struggled to able to begin
able to read the come up with by copying
PowerPoint Slides provided EGBDF sheets
“line notes” in a phrase of one of the
• Music Play Online to write a phrase that their own, I example
treble clef. Note on Lines- begins with each letter to asked them to phrases that I
https://musicplayonlin create a mnemonic device copy one of provided for
to help them learn the line the example students. I phrases that I then asked
lesson__trashed/?my_ notes in treble clef. had provided him to change
access_code=F212368 Students will be assessed for them. one of the
• Students will create on their ability to create a Then, I would words to make
their own mnemonic word for each letter. ask them to it his own
change one phrase, which
devices to help them word of the frustrated him.
remember the line phrase in He was
notes in treble clef. order to create eventually
their own able to pull
phrase. Or back his
some students emotions and
benefited finish the task
from not that I gave
creating a him.
phrase, but
from just Student B had
choosing a a similar
word for each experience.
letter (i.e. Egg She copied
Granola Berry one of the
Danish Fries). example
phrases. I then
asked her to
change one of
the words to
make her own
phrase, which
she became
with. She was
given time to
cool off, but
was ultimately
unable to
complete the
3 11-3 Students will be able • Review staff, treble Formal assessment- Some Student A was X X X
to read the “space clef, and notes on lines Students will pick 5 students able to
found more complete the
notes” in treble clef. • Music Play Online questions from the “Name success if task without
Notes in Spaces- the Notes on the Staff” they any
https://musicplayonlin worksheet. They will then identified if adaptations. use the line note and space the note was With a bit of
lesson__trashed/?my_ note identification skills a line note or teacher help,
that they have learned to a space note he was able to
access_code=F212368 first, and complete the
• ‘Name the Notes on identify those notes. If then figured worksheet in
the Staff” worksheet- students can identify 5 out the note its entirety.
combining space note notes correctly, they will name. Other
continue the worksheet for students Student B
and line note began the
extra practice. wrote down
identification worksheet by
the line or
space writing the
number first, space/line
then number (1-5).
identified the She did this
note name. on her own
She was then
able to use
that as an aid
to correctly
identify the
note names
and completed
the worksheet
in its entirety.
4 11-4 When combined, • Review notes on lines Note Name Bingo- A note Some Both X X X
and spaces- on a staff will be shown students Students A
students will be chose to and B were on the Smart Board. work in able to
able to read line
om/watch?v=2lXF- Students will identify the partners to successfully
notes and space AcYbv0 note by marking the help them participate in
notes in treble • Note Name Bingo- A correct note name on their identify the this activity.
clef. note name will be bingo boards. note names. They both
My asked for
called. Students will cooperating help from
identify the note by teacher and I either a
also made teacher or
marking the correct ourselves from a
note name on their available to partner, but
bingo boards. help students were able to
work identify the
through the notes and
note play the
identification game.
process. The
note names
on the staff
displayed on
the Smart
Board to help
5 11-5 Students will • Staff Wars Formal assessment- Given Some students Both focus X X X
correctly apply their the note on the staff, were given students were
reminders by given
knowledge of treble students will identify the the teacher of reminders by
clef note note letter name. Student the strategies the teacher of
identification. scores will be collected. that we the strategies
For this assessment, learned to that we
grades are calculated by identify the learned to
note names. identify the
taking the correct number note names.
of answers and dividing it
by the correct answers +3
(# correct/correct+3).

*TS- Lesson integrates technology skills; RS- Lesson uses reading strategies; CT- Lesson demonstrates the use of critical thinking strategies; IC- Lesson demonstrates
integration of content across and within content fields; CR- Lesson utilizes community resources

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