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f FOUNDED: I-4-19A3 )
J yotMsha Marthaod

. K. S. KRISHNAMimxi
13, Brahniin Street, Saldapet

VOL.5 JANUARY 1 967 No. ]

Farewell Address to the Editor on 31-10-66 at New Delhi... 3.
Welcome to Sri K. S. Krishnamurti 5
Health 7
Span of Life 9
Improvement of Status—When? ]j
Readers to,Note jl
Transfer When? j2
Will I get Extension of Service? 13
. When Will I get into Service Again? 14 ,
Seniority 13
Timing of Events by Progression—{Contd.) 17
■ Profession 22
On the Way to a Correct Decision of "Ayanamsa Value"... 25
Necessity is the Mother of Invention ' 30
Sir C. P. Ramaswami Iyer 33
To Find out the Day and the Time of Birth 3g
Information to Readers 3g
Krishnamurthi Padhdhati—Vol. I 39
Vol. II 43
Daily Guide for January 1967 47
Position of Planets 51
January 1967—Ephemeris 53
Monthly Prediction for January, 1967 55
Sidereal Time 75
Venus 6° According to item (b) in page 5 of
Sun October 1966 issue. [When either the cusp
5° 45' IS0 20' Mercury
8° of the ascendant or the lord is not
16° 46' adversely aspected, good health] both the
ascendant and its lord are afflicted by
Saturn—evil by nature and also evil by
29—5—1928 owning 6th house.
11-53 A.M. I.S.T.
20° 2' N According to Krishnamurti Padbdbati
74° 30' E Asc.
6° 9' (a) the cusp of the ascendant is in
the constellation or the node connected
Saturn with 6th house and the sub is also ruled by
23" 40' Moon the node connected with 6th house by
Kethu 17° 22' aspect and 12th bouse by the lord of the
16° 46' constellation in which Rahu was.
As the 11th house is occupied by its
This person writes to say that from his lord Mercury one may expect cure and
childhood he is a victim practically to good health. So also one may expect that
all diseases. He wants to know remedical Jupiter forming trine aspect will prevent
measures. ■ any recurrence and for the maintenance of
good health.
That Health can be maintained or
health will fail has been explained in But Padfadbati shows that Mercury is in
page 5 of October 1966, issue of Astrology Rahu constellation and Rahu sub whereas
and Atbrishta. Jupiter is in Kethu star Rahu sub. There-
fore, no planet promises good health.
In this chart, the ascendant is in Ketbu's Mars is also in Saturn's constellation.
star, Rahu sub. It is clear that be cannot That is why, he has written in the most
enjoy robust health as pathetic tone.
(1) Kethu is conjoined with lord ot Look at the lords of the sub :—
6, Saturn. (Lagna indicates whether one
can maintain health or not; 6th bouse, its Moon, Mars and Rahu are in Saturn
lord and planets, in any manner connected sub. Mercury, Jupiter and Ascendant are
with 6th house causes disease.) Therefore in Rahu sub. The Dasas he' had been
Lagna is in the constellation of the evil running from his birth for 4 years,
node. The sub is governed by Rahu who, 5 months, 21 days was ruled by Moon
though conjoined with lord of Lagna and (lord of 12 in its own constellation and in
lord of 10, is aspected by lord of 6, the sub of lord of 6), then for 7 years
Saturn. Mars Dasa till 1939 November, followed
Hence, Ascendant does not show good by Rahu Dasa for 18 years. Now from
health. Lord of Lagna receives applying November 1957, he is running Jupiter
square aspect from the ascendant. Dasa. Till 1973, he will have such
Saturn, lord of 6 aspects Lagna. Lagna According to Krishnamurti" Padbdbati,
indicating disease. a planet ' A ' in its dasa offers the results
Lord of Lagna is conjoined with Rahu of the planet in which constellation it was
and aspected by Saturn- deposited-
11th house is occupied by and owned by Remedy:—
Mercury. Therefore planets in Ashlesha, As is mentioned above, he will have
Jyeshta and Revathi alone can cure. poor health and be will fall ill off and on
Saturn in Jyeshta will give the cure. till Jupiter Dasa ends.
Now, a doubt will arise in the minds of
the readers. What is it? Saturn is lord During Saturn Dasa, heVill pick up.
of 6. Saturn spoils Kethu, Rahu, ascen-
dant etc., by conjunction and aspect. So As Jupiter is in the 9th house and it
it is explained all along, that these nodes aspects Lagna, prayer will give mental
spoil the health. But how can Saturn in solace. As Saturn is to give the cure
its dasa give a cure. because of the lord of the constellation
Mercury in Mars sign, prayer to Hanu-
Clarity is needed. A planet offers the manji is the best; because Mercury shows
results of the lord of , the constellation in vaishnavite, Mars indicates courage, bold-
its period. Jupiter, Rahu, Mars and Moon ness and ability, Saturn denotes faithful
who had been ruling the dasas were in the servant. Hence I suggest prayer to
constellation of lords- of 6 or 8 or 12. Anjaneya by reading his Ashtothra to
But Saturn is in the constellation of lord give mental strength in the interim
of 11. period.
M. S. Mani, B. E.
Mars 25039' Venus (2) Occupants of the above bouses.
Mercury Kethul?40 42'
VII Cusp. 27° 48 Sun23*58' 15*02' Pluto 10 27' (3) Planets .in the constellation of the
vm (R)
Cusp.. Jupiter 0o17' X24*Cusp
19' lords of these houses.
18° DC Cusp 20' (4) Lords of these houses.
Uranus (5) Planets as peered by the signifi-
0o56' Saturn 4*23' cators.
Nirayana Chart, XI Neptune 110'
Cusp Cusp 28*
27°I9' Balance of Venus Death will occur in the conjoined
Dasa at Birth. period of the strongest significators.
3 years. 5 months, Moon
3 days. Date of Birth 24* 23'
V Cusp 28° 29—5—1917 xn Cusp 2nd Bhava extends to 18° LIBRA to
27* 20° Scorpio. No planet is placed in this
region. Lord of 2 is Venus. Rabu,
Moon and MERCURY occupy the cons-
Rahu I9e42' tellations of Venus. MARS is conjoined
IV Cusp H Cusp 20° II Cusp 18° Ascendant
21* 10' with Mercury, the lord of Lagna. Both
24° 19' Moon andMarsare in the sub of Mercury,
the lord of Lagna. Planets in the sub of
Given below is the horoscope of a native the Lord of Lagna cannot cause death in
whose longevity and manner of death their conjoined periods. But Rahu is in
is astrologically explained, in accordance its own sub., Rabu represents JUPITER,
with KRISHNAMOORTHY PADHDHA- ' because it is placed in JUPITER'S sign
THI. The Horoscope Sagittarius, JUPITER is bhathaka-
stbanatbi pathi and also subbakendra
Analysis atbipatbi. Rabu is a first rate significator
1. Badhakasthna, Marakastbana, 12th indicating death.
house and Subba Kendra Adbipatbi are to 2nd, 7tb& 12th bouses are vacant. Lord
be scrutinised. Stb bouse must be taken of 7 is JUPITER. No planet is found in its
into consideration for manner of death. . constellation. Lord of 12 is SUN. It
2. (a) Ascendant is Virgo—KANNI, a is also placed in Stb Bhava. JUPITER is
common sign. So bbatba' placed in Sun's constellation in the sub of
kastbana is the 7tb bouse, i.e. Rabu, which is a strong significator. So
Pisces-Meena. JUPITER is the strongest significator to
cause death.
(b) 2nd & 7th bouses are Maraka- The strongest significators are JUPI-
stbana, significatocs are as
follows;' TER and Rabu. The native was running
JUPITER Dasa from 2-11-1961. Jupiter
(1) Planets in the constellation of the is in sextile to Saturn the Karaka for
occupants bf"2,~7-&"t2,"—an"d~also" death. So "one is to select JUPITER
subhakendrathipathi. (JUPITER, buktbi itself. So death must occur during
lord of Dhanur). JUPITER Dasa JUPITER Buktbi Rahu
Anthra. Actually the native was shot at planet, it is placed Aries, a movable
during this period on 22nd November,. violent, fiery sign.,
1963. 1. The native was shot at because the
afilicting planet is Mars and is found in
Manner of Death :—8th house is from a violent fiery sign.
18° Aries to 20° Taurus. Mars, the violent
malefic is placed -there. Further it is 2. He was shot at bead because Aries
lord of 8 (Aries). It is conjoined with denotes bead.
lord of Lagna Mercury. So Lord of 3. He died of bloodshed because Mars
lagna is severely afflicted. This first rate [eighth house] is in a movable sign.
malefic, Mars is in trine to the Cuminary 4. Because of Neptune afflicting it was
Moon in 24° 23' Leo. So Moon is afflic- a treacherous plot. Neptune denotes secret
ted. Neptune (10° Cancer) semi-squares plot.
5. The death was on a Friday because
The same luminary attacked by two Venus is in the constellation and sub of
malefics Mars and Neptune.. Venus a Mars who occupies 8th IBhava and also
natural benefic does not help but squares lord of 8th Bhava. Venus is the lord of
Moon. 2 and hence a Maraka stbanadhipatbi.
The native was running Venus Sooksbama
Whenever -the. luminary is afflicted, un- in Rahu Anthra of Jupiter Bukthi in the
natural death occurs. Mars is a fiery Major period of JUPITER.
Horoscope is as under: ■ Aries as the lagna now has fallen in
Aswini star select Ketbu. (Saturn con-
Uranus Jupiter . Rahu Mars joined with Ketbu in the horoscope is
10-58 9-36 7-48 16-13 weaker than Ketbu). Therefore predict
that be will have improvement in status
during Jupiter Dasa Mercury Bbukti
Jupiter antbra and Ketbu Sbooksbma.
19—11—1928 Consider as per transit also. Jupiter
1-54 A.M. I.S.T. dasanatba will be in cancer just entering
29# 37' N 74" 40'E Mercury Constellation. Mercury will be in
Moon Mercury's sign Jupiter- star. Therefore
around 23-7-67 on a Punarvasu orRevatbi
Sat 25- 55 star day be will have the next higher
Venus yectDD# Mercury Asc. 1-33 rung of the ladder.
9-12 Kothn, 7-48 17-27 As per progression sun squared Uranus
Sun 3-31 at the age of 37. So til] that time, - one
cannot expect better status, whereas
Consider planets signifying the bouses adverse results ought to have been
2, 6, 10 and 11 and find out those occupy- experienced. There might be. some
ing favourable sub: Mercury is in 2 Mars is damage.
in 10; none in 6- Saturn is in the constel-
lation of Mercury. None in Macs star. But When Sun forms beneficial aspect with
Ketbu is in Mars' sign. So select the lord of .11, Moon shows improvement
planets in the constellation of Ketbu. at the age of 40 as the difference in longi-
Jupiter and Venus Occupy Asvini and, tude between Uranus 10° 58' and Moon
Moolam respectively. Hence Saturn, Mer- 13° 46' is roughly 63°. Sun has to move 3°.
cury, Ketbu, Jupiter and Venus are According to Udu Dasa, compensation
favourable. for the damage is to be expected during
Now at the time of writing (27-10-66) Jupiter Dasa Ketbu Bhukti Mercury antbra
it is Jupiters day—Thursday, Mercury Jupiter Sbooksbma in the end of
star Rcvathi and lagna in Ketbu star in November 1968-

Horoscope is as under; Appointment : Saturn Dasa Jupiter
Jup 0-43 Fortuna Bhukti Jupiter anthra Kethu Shookshma.
Ven 6-43 11-8 Promotion: Mercury Dasa Kethu
Ura 12-54 Sun 22-2 Rahu Bhukti Venus anthra and Jupiter
Mere 18-15
22-3! Shookshma.
Mars Again Promotion ; Budha Dasa Sukra
28-38 Bhukti Mars anthra.
5—5—1928 Next one: Mercury Dasa Jupiter Bhukti
6-53—20 P.M. I.S.T,
at 31.19 N& 75-55 E Venus anthra.
Nep 3-39 Now to expect promotion during Mer-
cury Dasa Saturn Bhukti Venus Anthra.
Sul 25-16 To confirm this, let us note the time of
Kethu judging the chart on'8-10-1966, Saturday
Lagna when Moon transits in Gemini and Lagna
3-19 is in Visakba star (Jupiter lord) in Libra-
(Venus lord). Therefore, one can boldly
Jupiter Dasa 4 years, 2 months, 12 days. declare this result in the conjoined period
For profession consider houses 2, . 6 of the planets Mercury Saturn Venus and
and 10. Jupiter. The date will be 12-4-67.
For promotion 2,6, 10 or 11. For change of place ; judge 3 or 9 or 12
For Transfer houses 3 or 9 or 12 is also Saturn is lord of 3. It is in the constella-
to be judged. tion of lord of 8 and 11. It is in the sub
of Rahu which is in the constellation of
Profession: Take houses 2, 6 and 10. lord of 9 Moon and is also represent
2nd house and 10th house vacant: 6th Venus who owns the bouses 7 and 12.
house occupied by Sun and Mercury as Therefore the planet or node which is
6th cusp-is at 10° 20' Aries- very strong to indicate change of place,
transfer etc., is Rahu (constellation lord
No planet in Sun's star Sani and Kethu owns 9th house ; the sign lord owns 12th
is in Jyeshta. Lord of 2 Jupiter; lord of house) Further Rahu is;m the sub of lord
6 Mars lord of 10 Sun Mars, is in Jupiter of 11 to fulfil one's desire.
star; but Kethu is in Mars' sign : so take Therefore this person can have both
promotion and transfer on 12-4-67 when
No planet in Mars starJupiter and Sun, lord of 10 transits in Jupiter's sign
Venus are in Kethu star. Mercury Star Saturn Sub on a Wednesday
Hence this person has Kethu, Sun, Bharani Star day when Moon conjoins
Mercury, Jupiter Venus nd Mars indica- lord of 10 Sun in 6, Jupiter is exalted. It
ting bis profession. will be in direct motion in its own star
and Rahu sub ; Mercury dasanatha will be
Nature of the job: Sun denotes Govern- in Jupiter's sign Jupiter's star Rahu sub
ment Jupiter, Finance Department; Mer- Saturn Bhukthinadha will be in Jupiter's
cury inspection of Accounts, Venus assess- sign, own star and the sub of lord of 9
ment: Mars authority. Hence one can Moon-
decid the nature of his profession in
Revenue or Finance Department. Saturn Hence he will be promoted'and trans-
gives position of Trust.' ferred on Wednesday 12-4-1967.
Chart is as under -; and Mercury in Jupiter's sign are the strong
Rahu significators.
3-37 Mars Actually you entered into service in
Saturn 3-31 Venus Dasa Mercury Bhukti Moon Anthra
20-40 as Venus is lord of 6. It is in the constel-
lation of lord of 10 and in its own sub.
Mercury is lord of 10 ; it is in the constel-
lation of node in 10 and sub of Jupiter who
16—1-.1912 aspects 6th house. Moon is in the constel-
58 O. 39 V. lation of lord of 10 and sub of Rahu. So,
Sun 1-50 the time of appointment is correct.
Regarding retirement, planets connected
with nouses 9 and 12 are to be judged.
Lagna • Jnp 14-48 Mars, the dasanatha is in the Saturn sub
22-48 Venus Kcthu
Mercury . 20-43 3-37 in the constellation of lord of 9. No doubt,
8-18 VIoon 25-9 Mars shows retirement; but Saturn sub
Mercury Dasa Balance 6 yrs., I months denotes that you must serve. Hence during
28 days. , Mars Dasa you will retire and you will be
reappointed. Throughout Mars Dasa, you
Now you are running Mars dasa Venus will serve. Rahu who denotes profeession
Bhukti from 8-2-66. Service is shown by as it is in Kethu's star, is also in the sub of
houses 2,6 and 10 : Retirement is indicated Sun, lord of 9; so it will give you retire-
by 9 and 12 houses. ment during Rahu Dasa Rahu Bhukti.
Houses 2 and 6 are unoccupied. Ketbu Hence in October 1969 you will retire.
is in 10. Therefore Rahu in Mars sign You will get extension.
Number given is 40- Ketu is strong.
The horoscope cast for the moment of Lords of the houses . 2, 6 and 10 are
answering the query is as follows; Mercury, Saturn and Venus respectively.
Mercury governs Ashlesha, Jyeshta and
Moon Rahu Revathi—No planet in any of the 3.
23-34 Saturn rules Pushya, Anuradha and Uthra-
Sat. 0-23 padra. Jupiter is in Pushya, Moon is in
Jup. 9-59 Venus governs Bharani, Poorvapalguni
and Foorvashada. Rahu and Mars are
26—10—$6 in Bharani and Poorvapalguni respectively.
11-30 A.M. Asc, As Rahu occupies . Mars sign, Rahu is
lOMS'-aO stronger.
14-40 Therefore Kethu, Rahu, Jupiter and
Moon are the significators.
Mercury Kct 23-34 So, wjien Sun transits in Jupiter's sign.
2-55 Sun 8-54
Vcn 5-30 Sagittariu's Kethu star Moolam and Rahu
sub, Moon sub sub i.e., on Friday (Kethu
iaThulam) Aswini star day (Ketu star in
For profession, judge the houses 2, 6 Mars or Rahu sign) you will be employed
and 10. If Rahu or Kethu were to occupy on 22-12-66.
either of the signs of significators, take the
node as stronger than the planet. At that time Jupiter will be in Saturn's
Those situated in the constellation of (lord of 6) star Venus sub (lord of 10 in
the Occupants of these houses, to . be 2). Rahu will be in' Venus star Jupiter
judged for any matter, are the strongest sub, Kethu will be in Jupiter star Jupiter
significators. sub. Moon Kethu constellation.
Then come the occupants. Therefore 22-12-66 wilj be the time
when you will enter into service.
Thirdly those posited in the constella-
tion of the lords of these houses. • As per progression, lord of 12 conjoined
with lord of 6,2, 3 months ago, when your
Next in strength will be. the lords of service in another concern ended.' Lord of
these houses. 12 will form evil aspect with Venus, lord
Also planets conjoined with or aspected of 10 and 3. So lyou will be interviewed
by any of the significators will be the and employed 1| months from today. You
significators. will take charge on 22-10-66.
Venus and Sun are in the 2nd house. [Good aspect and conjunction of lord
No planet is in 6 or 10. of 12 with the lords of 2, 6 and 10 will
Kethu is inLibra. So Kethu is stronger produce adverse results. But adverse
aspect from lord of 12 to the lords of 2,
than Venus and Sun. 6 and 10 is advantageous. This is what I
Kethu governs Aswini Makam and follow due to successful predictions. For
Moolam. No planet is in any of the commpn sense this will appeal. When used,
three asterisms. it will prove to be correct.]
- 14-
Seniority question—a headachfe! Horos- ted. Rabu, Moon, June 1960 regained
cope of a person facing such problems is Seniority Jupiter, Jupiter Rabu. June
as under; 1966—Juniors again promoted. Self
remaining in the same position. Jupiter,
Moon Sun Venus, Venus.
Kcthu 3.45 26.18
20.16 Lagna Venus
26° 29.48 Seniority and maintenance of the same
is similar to coming out successful in a
i Mercury competition.
12—7—1920 Jupiter Losing one's seniority is similar to
54 G 42 V 29-41
27° 28' N losing in a competition.
82° 1' E According to Krisbnamurti Padbdbati
Sat. 10.28 Victory, maintenance of one's position,'
rank and seniority etc., are offered by
Rahu (a) planets situated in the constella-
20.61 tion and sub of those occupying
Mars 8.41
the bouses 1,2, 3, 6, 10 or 11;
Sun Dasa at the time birth 2 years, (b) planets occupying these bouses
and not posited in the constella-
9 months and 22 days. tion and sub of the lords of the.
July 1944—Appointment Temporary houses 4, S, 7, 8, 9 and 12.
Rabu Dasa, Jupiter Bbukti, Venus Antbra. Then follow the- other rules,
' April 1948—Confirmed—Rabu, Mercury. similarly. Therefore note down
19S6 Seniority overlooked-Juniors promo- . as follows:—
Houses owned by Occupying
Planet - House
. Star lord Sub lord

Sun 8 and 11 7 and 12 • 2

Moon .4 9 and 10 12
Mars 1 and 6 8 and 11. S
Mercury . 9 and 10 1 and 6 2
Jupiter 2 and 5 9 and 10 3
Venus. Sand 11 3 2
Saturn 7 and 12 9 and 10 3
Rabu Sand 11 8 and 11 5
Kethu 1 and 6 8 and 11 11

Sun, Mercury and Venus are in 2. They constellation of the occupants of the
signify about one's appointment and the second bouse.
good or bad results depend on the sub
occupied by those planets [during their Suppose lagna indicates longevity, it
periods and sub periods] situated in the does not mean that. planets in Lagna.
should contribute for long span of life. and say that one half of the period will
Depending on the planet, one is to judge indicate either of the two Bhava results,
whether it is favourable for long life or whereas the other half of the period will
not. Occupation of the first house shows denote the other half of the results. This
that it has a strong say in the matter of method is not correct whomsoever may be
health and' longevity. Similarly planets the author who propounded this theory.
occupying any house has in its portfolio,
the matters signified by the house occupied The correct method would be to predict
by them. that during the sub and sub sub periods of
planets threatening undesirable results
Hence Sun, Mercury and Venus (which- will offer disadvantageous results whether
ever house they own as they are deposited their sub periods and sub sub periods
in the second house) indicate the matters operate in the first half or in the second
signified by second house—finance, family half of the dasa or in the middle.'
etc. How it is brought about is shown by
their ownership of a house or 2 houses. Moon is definitely evil. That is why
The ownership indicates the manner by seniority was overlooked during Moon
which one gains or loses. Occupation sub .period.
shows the nature of the result; is it about So also the planets in the sub of Moon
voyage, residence, finance, profession, are Venus and Saturn. Venus is to indi-
marriage etc. cate profession as it is in the second
Therefore, house. It is in the constellation of lord of
(a) Moon in Sun's star Karthik. Sand II. There is danger and also ultimate
success. Sub of Moon shows transfer,
(b) Jupiter in Mercury star Ashlesha. change of place, etc. (lord of 3 in 12tb
(c) Ketbu in. Venus star Bharani Bhava).
indicates about the profession. Hence there will be such difficulties,
They are very ' strong signifi- ultimate success can be expected only
cators. when Moon sub sub period is over and
Moon in the constellation of lord of 4, Mars sub sub period runs as Mars is in the
Sub of 9 and 10 occupying 12 is evil. constellation of Rahu in Libra owned by
Hence in 1956 during Moon Bhukthi, Venus who rules the houses I and 6.
seniority is lost. To-day Friday 28-10-1966: Star.
Consider that 7th house denotes juniors Aswini ruled by Ketbu in the sign Aries
and others. Then Moon is in the constel- owned by Mars. Lagna is Pisces governed
lation of lord of 10 (to 7th house) in the by Jupiter. Therefore during Jupiter Dasa
sub of 3 apd 4, occupying 6th house. So Venus Bhukthi, Mars Anthra, between
Moon has connection with 10, 3 and 6. 4-1-1967 and 2-3-1967 in these 56 days it
The 4th' house belonging to Saturn shows will be settled in your favour.
obstacles. 3, 6 and 10 denote success to As per transit. Moon will be in Bharani
them. star on a Thursday on 16-2-1967, when
Jupiter in 3, connected with 2 and S as Sun transits in Mars star, Venus sub,
well as 9 and 10. Jupiter in its own star Rahu sub, Venus in
A planet may own 2 houses, one evil Jupiter star Venus sub and Mars in Rahu
and the other a beneficial one.' When its star Rahu sub.
dasa is on, some used to cut the total Therefore the seniority will be declared
period of the dasa into two exact halves favourably on 16-2-1967.

The influence or a progressed aspect Thula Lagna native. Sun is lord of H
commences when within one degree of and Mars is lord of 2 and 7. Hence when
being exact. The more exact an aspect, the Sun by progressed motion touches the
the stronger it is to bring the events to 16th degree of Sagittarius he will be in '
fruition. The Moon's progressed aspects exact S4 degree aspect with Mars. This
bear an influence over a month, the Sun's is a good aspect. When the Sun appro-
over a period of one year while those of aches the 16th degree of Sagittarius it is
the slow moving bodies extend over an said to be applying to the S4 degree I spect
uncertain period. Some aspects are never with Mars. Even 1 year prior to the
actually completed, or not Tor many years, exact aspect date, that is when the Sun is
because of the slow motion of the planets in ISth degree of Sagittarius, the native
forming them. An orb of 1 degree Tor will have pleasurable pursuits, make
conjunction and major aspects should be friendship .with a girl and every day .till
allowed. the date of culmination of the exact
An applying- aspect is always strong. aspect, he will enjoy due to frequent con-
It brings new experiences in life. It be- tacts wi th that girl and dreams (Sth house).
comes more and more powerful as the Mars is in 5. This is an applying aspect.
aspect is nearing completion and wanes After that date when the Sun - progress-
off slowly as the aspect separates. Sepa- ing in 16 degrees Dhanus (Sagittarius)
rating bad aspect is advantageous, i.e., forms the exact aspect with radical Mars
evil will disappear. Separating aspect and then commences to t separate, then
after a good aspect, also indicates that the within a period of I year gradually, imagi-
jubilant spirit will fade away slowly. nation, dreams, etc., will end, frequent
There is no further cause to enhance the contacts with the girl will cease and the
pleasure. friendship forgotten. An applying aspect .
Illustration: keeps one either cheerful and buoyant if
the aspect is good or much frightened if
the aspect is bad. Similarly, a separating '
aspect after a good aspect shows that
one's benefits or pleasure is fading away.
Applying aspect is similar to ' Barat' or
Mars 'Mappillai Azhaippu ' night on the eve of
1000 the wedding; separating aspect, to 2 days,
after the marriage.
Separation of a planet from a malefic
and its application to a benefic gives
health, happifaess, expansion, etc., after a
Sun struggle. If, by progression, a planet
flfr-OOSun 28-00 Lagna (lord of 2 or 11) forms evil aspect with
lord of 10 and one is kept under suspen-
sion from service, then when the planet
In the above chart, the Sun is in quintile further progresses. and forms a good
(72 deg.) aspect with lord of 7 Mars to a aspect, reinstatement will take place.
When the planet applies and forms bad tern view that one day is proportionate to
aspect, one will be terribly afraid and one year of life. Of the effects of regres-
will be put to a lot of trouble, worry, ' sions, little has been said and so it is a
and disappointment. Once the exact subject which offers wide scope for study.
aspect is over, the native gains peace! Progression is one of the useful methods
of mind gradually and all matters tend to to time events. In India we mainly
take a favourable direction and when the
planet applies to a good aspect, encburagv follow the Vimshottari Dasa system which
offers astoundingly accurate results when
ing news will be received and at the time Krishnamurti Padhdhati is employed.
of the exact good aspect he will join duty. Progression can help supplement the Udu
But if a planet, by progression, separa- Dasa system. Transits also serve a very
tes after a good aspect and applies to an useful purpose in finding out the actual
evil aspect, misfortune will overtake the month and date when a certain event will
native. If a series of good directions are crystallize.
formed, one can definitely expect luck
after luck, one following the other so- that Transits
for a long period, without interruption, Transit, in Sanskrit, means ' Gocharam'
one profits and prospers. If a series of or motion of a planet. Gocharam is
bad aspects are in formation, then only understood and applied in the Hindu
sorrow is in store and a train of misfor- system in a very restricted way. No
tune follows. elaborate calculations are made. The
. If there is a good aspect, than a bad birth position of the Moon by sign js
one followed by a good one, then again. taken as the starting point to which the
transiting positions of the various planets
bad and so on,. the native's life will be
like day and night, alternately enjoying in the Zodiac are related- and the results
good and experiencing bad. read. It is not at all taken into considera-
tion whether the Moon was in the initial
If a planet separates from a malefic and or middle or end portion of a sign. Simi-
applies to another malefic aspect, the evil larly the positions of the transiting bodies
is augmented dgublefold and worst experi- are also noted from sign to sign and the
ences will be' undergone like a person on actual degree occupied in a sign is not
his way home from- office being pick- reckoned. If the Moon is in Simha (Leo)
pocketed and at home creditors pressing in the 29th degree and another planet is
him with bills. In the natal chart also also in Simha in the- 2nd degree, than that
judgment of the results of individual planet is considered to be in conjunction .
planets is to be made in this manner. with the Moon, i.e., the actual longitudinal
distance between the two is not measured
Regressions to find out whether they are. really in
. Some of the westerners feel that regres- conjunction or not. Jhe same planet
sions are .'as important and effective as when it passes on to the next sign. Kanni
progressions. This is not entirely new to (Virgo) and is over the 5th degree, then it
the Indian system. Ramadayulu in slokas is said to be in 2 to the Moon. Here it ie
10 and 11; sanketa VII, of his famous actually in conjunction as the distance is
work " Sanketanidhi" declares that if only 6 degrees. Similarly when the planet
three days prior to the day of birth the passes over the other signs. The Moon
Moon was conjoined with or aspected by sign is taken as the first house, the next
benefics and be also strong, then good sign is the 2nd house,' the third sign the
results should be predicted for the third third house and soon. Sages have declared
year of the native's life. If the planets that beneficial results- will be offered by
conjoining with or aspecting the Moon be various planets when they transit in certain
malefic and the .Moon also be weak, then positions to the Moon sign. These are :—■
adverse effects will only occur during that (1) Sun in 3, 6, 10 and 11 counted
period. This lends support to the wes- from the Moon sign.
(2) Moon in 1, 3, 6, 7 and 10 coun- position of a progressed planet or rea-
ted from its origipal sign. ches a degree wberefrom it is in some
(3) Mars in 3, 6 and 11. aspect to the place of the progressed pla-
net, it would be considered as being in
(4) Mercury in 2,' 4. 6, 8, 10 and 11. conjunction or aspect to the progressed
(5) Jupiter in 2, 5, 7, 9 and 11. planet. This is what we are' concerned
(6) Venus in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,' 8, 9,11 with.
and 12. For instance, Jupiter during its travel
(7) Saturn, Rabu and Ketbu in 3, 6 through the Zodiac by ephemeral motion
and 11. may. reach a certain degree in the Zodiac
which may be the place occupied by the
Td say that predictions based on these Sun at the birth time or a degree which is
principles have proved wrong would be in a certain aspect to the degree where the
making a gross understatement; Gocbara- Sun was at birth. Jupiter and the Sun
palan is a miserable failure because it fails may be somewhere in the heavens at that
to take into account various other impor- time and certain angular relationship may
tant factors. It is most incomplete. be formed between them. This does pot
interest us. i
It is very essential to. take the positions
of everyone of the transiting planets and Neither Jupiter nor the Sun are statio-
relate them to their own birth positions nary ; they ever move in the heavens. As
and to the radical positions of all the, Jupiter by its movement will form, certain
other planets, the cusps of the 12 bouses. aspects to the radical Sun, similarly the:
and the sensitive point Pars Fortuoa when Sun moving in the Zodiac will also cross
only a correct judgment can' be arrived at. over, or form aspect to, the position occu-
pied at birth by Jupitei*. In like manner,
A transit, in a literal sense, is the pass- ' . every"planet will come to a conjunction of,
age of a planet in the heavens by epheme- or aspect to, its birth place and tbeplaceof
ral motion as seen from the current year's the other planets. The actual movement of
epbemeris or pancbang. The planets con- the transiting planets is notedfrdm the
tinually travel through the Zodiac and current year's epbemeris to find out what
every day they change their relation one angular relationship they form to their
to another. In Astrology, the term ' tran- own birth positions or to the other planets
sit'is used in a wider sense. Thus when in the radix or to the cusps of the different
we talk of a planet's transit with reference bouses.
to the chart of an individual, we are not A planet 'A' may a certain aspect,
referring at all to the actual angular rela- favourable or otherwise, to another planet
. tionsbip that occurs between the planets 'B' at birth.1 Whenever, by ephemeral
in the heavens. A planet, moving in the motion, 'A' crosses B's natal position or B
heavens at a given tjme, may arrive at a crosses A's natal position or form aspects
degree which may happen to be the place of the same kind as that at birth, they
occupied by it in the birth chart or the tend to express what is implied in the
place of another pilanet at birth or the radix. As one author says "the. human
degree constituting the cusp of a bouse in being correlates with the planetary pattern
the horoscope. It would then be a con- at bis birth, and because of this correla-
junction by transit. Or, it may be loca- tion, he responds in the manner of his
ted in such a degree in the Zodiac wbere- pattern, to stimuli of a like nature, as they
from it will be in a certain aspect to the occur."
degree where a planet was at birth or to
the degree on the cusp of a bouse (bbava) The general effect produced by transit
in the birth chart. It would then be said ' is, in principle, little different from the
to be transiting in sextile, square, trine, same aspect by direction, the difference
etc. to the radical planet or the radical 1 being rather in time of duration. Then
cusp. When a planet passes over the again, it depends upon the planet.transit-
ing, the rate at which it moves. The unnecessary fear as such transits are not
speed at which each planet moves in the in accord with the birth chart.. In essence,
Zodiac is different. The Moon alone the transit will produce agreeable or dis-
moves very fast. The Sun moves forward agreeable results only when it coincides
uniformly about one degree each day. with the inter-relation between the planets
Mercury, Venus and Mars are sometimes concerned at birth. When the directional
slow, at other times apparently stationary aspect is'beneficial in quality, the potency
and at some other times fast. For accu- of a good transit is enhanced and adverse
rate work, the actual movements of these, transits diminished in influence. Like-
three planets, namely. Mercury, Venus and wise, at the time of evil directions the evil
Mars shou'd. be noted by reference to a transits augment the adverse influences
reliable epberaeris which gives the daily while good transits will be ineffective to-
positions of the planets. Jupiter, Saturn, do good.
Uranus and Neptune move so slowly that Transits serve to stimulate a directional
they will hold varying minutes of the same aspect in force at a particular time. Unless
degree for a number of days and, conse- the transits agree, the significant events
quently, the duration of their transit lasts indicated by the direction will not operate
longer and for a number of days. in due time. It will wait for supporting
The effect of a transit commences, say transits. This is why sometimes events
about 5 degrees prior to the exact aspect denoted by a .directional aspect fructify
or conjunction: either before or after the calculated time;
For instance, when a progressed aspect
Sometimes a transiting planet turns from Sun to the natal Jupiter is in the
retrograde before
1 it comes to an exact process of formation, the Sun or Jupiter
aspect with the planet in the radix or a by transit passing over the place of the
sensitive point therein. At some other progressed Sun or the radical Jupiter sets
times, a planet by direct motion crosses a the direction into force prematurely.
sensitive point, then retraces and recrosses Therefore, one should look in the current
the same point and later turns direct/in its epbemeris and watch whether the Sun or
course passing over the sensitive point for other major planets will pass over the
the third time in succession. The effect sensitive points in the radix and calculate
of transit in such a case will be very the date when the effect is overdue.
marked. Always, the influence of a The transits of Neptune, Uranus, Saturn
planet in transit is very significant when i t and Jupiter through the natal chart are
is stationary upon the place of a radical very significant as these seldom form any
planet or asensitive'point in the zodiac. aspect by progression. The transit of the
Just as progressed aspects work only in Sun through the different bouses of the
conformity with the radix, so do transits chart is also important as it aids us in
are effective only when tbey concur Jh determining the favourable and unfavour-
nature with the radix. What is not pro- able months - in a year. Transits of
mised by the radix cannot be' brought Mercury and Venus are Of little potency
about by transit or direction. Suppose but their effects should not be overlooked.
two planets by their inter-relation at birth The Moon's transit shows the favourable
- promise certain favourable results; when and unfavourable days. . It helps us in
these planets form harmonious aspects by determining the daily events and even
transit or one of them comes to a conjunc- minor details. As the Moon rules the
tion with the other or transit that degree mind, its daily or even hourly position is
of the zodiac jointly ruled by these pla- important to find out minor events in life,
nets according to Krisbnamurti Padbdbati, changing moods, on any particular day.
one can expect a period-of decidedly good' ~ Its favourable aspects by transit to a
fortune. During the period of inharmo- planet forebodes a good time for affairs
nious aspects by transit, no positive barm ruled by that planet. When the Moon
will accrue and one should not entertain passes in transit through the different
houses, the matters ruled by them will be helps in investigating its effect- Every
planet, whether it forms any aspect by
transit are not, will inSuence the affairs
At a time when a direction is in force, ruled by the house transited by it in some
transits of similar quality accentuate the way or the other.
vibrations of the direction, more so on the
days when the Moon also, by transit, With the help of the ' Guide to aspects'
forms good or bad aspects, as the case which is of permanent value in finding out
may be, to this combination. the progressed as well as the transit aspects
one will be able to investigate the transit
Transits over the radical chart of a- effects. Transits will greatly help in
native are of. great significance. They pinpointing the time of occurrence of an
exert a most powerful influence regardless event according to the Udu Dasa system.
of whether or not there may be any ■ direc- Astrology offers us help and hope in a
tional aspect in force at the lime. A con- manner unobtainable by no other method-
junction by transit with the place of a It is scientific from the time of ancients to
radical planet or the degree on the cusp of this day, but its use cannot be demonst-
a house or d sensitive point in the chart is rated by test tube methods. Yet, I prove
far more potent than any other aspect, them by minor events which can be tested,
major or minor. Conjunctionis exceedingly verified and astonished on the same day or
powerful to produce good- or bad effects in the same week or in the same month.
according to the strength or weakness of It is not intuition. It is rational, scientific,
the transiting and the radical planets by convincing even the non-believers and
occupation, ownership, nature, etc. The confirming that astrology is rendered
major aspects by transit such as square, scientific after strenuous and intelligent
textile, trine, quincunx and opposition are research spread over for long number of
also important. Pay more attention to years. Planetary force is all about us,
the major aspects by transit! minor hidden from our sight, and produce effects
aspects of slow moving planets should also which are decisive.
be considered but those of the faster
planets are very imperceptible and at best "Full often learn the art to know of
indicate minor details. No aspect -need future weal, -or future woe,' by word, or
however be ignored as each one of them sign or star." (Scott.)
M. S. MANI, B.E. '
Given below is the horoscope of a The next step is to note down exact
gentleman to whom the date of bis first positions of all cusps and also planet in
employment is to be predicted and there- different Bbavas. One should remember
after improvements to status, promotion, that a Bbava commences from the end of
etc. the previous cusp, and extends, to the
beginning of the next cusp. For example
Saturn (R) 2nd Bbava extends from 2nd cusp to 3rd
. 17° 52 X cusp cusp and so on.
Uranus (R) 26° 06
10° 18" Table of cusps
I Cusp. . 27° 23 Virgo.
II 27° 06 Libra.
Ke<hu"7? 21 Nirayana Rasi Chart Jupiter
2° 16' III 27° 06 Scorpio.
Balance of Jupiter IV 26° 06 Sagittarius.
Dasa at the time V 26° 06 Capricorn.
of Birth
7 years 2 Months and VI 27° 06 Aquarius.
17 days Rahu V 21* VII 27° 23 Pisces.
VIII 27° 06 Aries.
IX 27° 06 Taurus.
Mooa S 26° 06 Gemini.
Mnie 11*lO"SB'
AT Asc. 27° 23 XI 26° 06 Cancer.
Venna 21° 0508 Neptune XII 27° 06 Leo.
Fortnnft 8° 16' '
2® 16' 21' The following table gives the position
The methodical procedure would be to of the planets with reference to Bbavas :—
note down the planets in the chart with Bbava—Table
reference to the lord of the constellation
and sub, wbichis as below: Ascendant: 27° 23' Virgo—Kanni.
I Bbava Moon
Planet in the Lord of the Sub-lord 'v Sun ■
chart constellatioD Mars
1. Sun Jupiter Sa turn Mercury
2. Moon Jupiter Venus ■ Venus
3. Mars Ranu Saturn fortuna
4. Mercury Rahu Jupiter V Bbava Ketbu
S-, Jupiter,... . Jupiter Rahu VIII Bbava Saturn
6. Venus Jupiter Jupiter Uranus
7. Saturn Moon Mercury X Bhava Jupiter
8. Rahu (Node) Ketbu Jupiter XI Bbava Rahu
9. Kethu(Node) Rahu Rahu XII Bbava Neptune
10. Fortuna
(A sensitive Mars Method of Analysis:
degree of Mercury The aim of analysis is to find' out as to
the zodiac) when exactly the native will get employed
11. X Cusp „ Jupiter Ketbu and also the improvements which be could
have in bis profession. First of ail one t (Libra). Itisin Swakshetra. It is also in the
must decide the Bhavas to be scrutinised sub of Jupiter. Hence it is strong..
for analysis, for, each Bhava indicates Moon is in the sub of VENUS (lord of 2).
certain results. Moon is posited in LIBRA, which is kendra
2nd Bhava denotes self-aquisition and to its own sign Cancer Kataka. Hence
one's bank-position. Sixth Bhava along Moon is also strong. JUPITER in its own
with tenth Bhava denotes profession. Ilth constellation, is exalted and also occupies
Bhava denotes realisation of one's ambi- CANCER—Kataka in Navamsa also and
tions and higher income, promotion etc. therefore attained Vargothama. Exalted in
Since the question relates to profession Navamsa. X cusp also fails i n JUPITER'S
one has to analyse the Bhavas 2, 6, 10 and star. Therefore JUPITER is the strongest.
also 11. According to KRISHNA- Saturn is in Moon's star and in
MURTI PADHDHATI, note down the MERCURY'S sub. MERCURY is the
planets in the following order; lord of 1 and 10. Moon is the lord of
1. Planets in the constellation or sub U. The native is running Saturn Dasa,
of the occupants of the Bhavas 2, 6, 10. JUPITER Bukthi from, 14-7-66. Fur-
2. Occupants of the Bhavas 2, 6 & 10. ther Saturn is the lord of 6 (Aquarius),
3. Planets to the constellation of the v Lord of 6, in the constellation of lord of
lords of 2, 6 & 10. 11, in the sub of lord of 10, must contri-
bute to gains in profession, success in his
4. Lords of 2, 6 & 10. career. Saturn occupies Tdurus—Rishaba
5. Planets conjoined with, or aspected counted from its own signs Aquarius &
by the above. Capricorn, it occupies the Kendra or Kona
Lord of the house (Bhava) is the planet respectively. So Saturn is strong.
which owns the sign in which the MERCURY is in RAHU'S . constel-
cusp fails. Sub-lord needs serious atten- lation. RAHU occupies Ilth Bhava.
tion in determining the significators. Also, MERCURY is in the sub of JUPITER,
of ail the planets situated in a particular who is the strongest significator
constellation, those which situated in the for proportion. Mercury therefore a
own sub [lord of the constellation] or to significator^ by occupying LIBRA which
the sub of lords of houses relating to the is a KONA to its own house (10th house)
. matter under consideration, sub lord in GEMINI. It is equally strong as Saturn.
beneficial aspects with constellation lord, Why ? It is the lord of 1 and 10 in the
are to be treated as stronger than the rest. constellation of lord of 11, in the cons-
Also one must note that (a) the planet tellation of occupant of 10th Bhava.
is the source, constellation lord signifies It is also well posited therefore it is strong.
matters, to be experienced through the The strongest is JUPITER next come,
planet in the constellation, sub-lord Saturn and MERCURY and finally
decides whether the matter is. favourable VENUS and Moon.
or not. Of Venus and Mercury, which is to
(b) A planet, by transit aspecting well be selected? Saturn is the dasanatha.
its original position (natal chart) gains MERCURY forms 144° aspect0 with Saturn
strength to offer the results assigned to it. but Venus is more than ISO away from
- Adverse aspects enables the pianetweak to Saturn. 144° aspect is a powerful one to
offer the results. Therefore, aspect while do good. Hence MERCURY will give in
transit deserves serious attention. co-operation with Saturn the dasa lord
Now let us analyse the chart. The and both are significators for profession.
Bhavas 2 & 6 are unoccupied. JUPITER Therefore one is to select Saturn
alone occupies 10th Bhava. Moon, Sun, Dasa, JUPITER Bukthi, Saturn Antbra,
Venus & Jupiter are in its constellation. MERCURY Sookshma as the probable
Sun is in Libra-Thuiam. Hence is debili- period of employment. Decide the
tated. So reject Sun. Venus is lord of 2 date according to KRISHNAMURTI
PADHADHATI. Note the aspect' Both are in the constellation of Rahu,
formed by transiting planets while in which occupies 11th house (Realisation
transit and also, the star and sub in which of ambition). Saturn is also in the constel-
they transit. lation, Moon, lord of 11, in the sub of
On 29th December, 1966, Moon transits MERCURY lord of 10. ' Therefore,
in JUPITER'S star PUNARVASU. The Saturn's transit is extremely favourable.
.natal position of BUKTHINATHA JUPI- JUPITER transits: JUPITER tran-
TER is 2° 16 KATAKA. (Punarvasu 4th sits in Saturn's star Pushyam in the sub of
Pada). Moon transits in MERCURY VENUS. Occupant of 10th Bhava tran-
sign Gemini'Mithuna. Both MERCURY siting'in constellation of lord of 6th Bhava
and JUPITER rule the period the native in the sub of lord of 2nd Bhava, Houses 2,
runs. The day is Thursday .ruled by 6 and 10 operate. So it is also favourable.
JUPITER. Around 11 o'clock Ascendant Improvement in Profession; On 17th '
(29th December) forms trine aspect to X April, 1967, Moon transits in Punarvasu
cusp from 26° Aquarius. The lagna is constellation ruled by JUPITER, in the
ruled by Saturn. Star rising is JUPITER'S sign GEMINI—MITHUNA owned by
star Poorattathi. This will be the time, MERCURY. Moon is very close to the
the native gets into service. Also on this ■ natal position of bukthinatha JUPITER,
date the native runs, Saturn Dasa, and Ascendant conjoins at that time the
JUPITER Bukthi, 'Saturn Anthra natal 10th cusp around 10-30 A.M. The
MEP.CURY Sookshma. native runs JUPITER Bukthi, MERCURY
Transits: MERCURY forms 144° Anthra in Saturn Dasa. MERCURY
aspect with JUPITER. JUPITER aspects transits in JUPITER's sign Pisces—Meena
Saturn by its 9th aspect. in the star Uthirattathi ruled by Saturn,
forming trine aspect with JUPITER. '
Saturn transits in JUPITER'S star Saturn transits in Mercury, Star
Poorattathi, in MARS sub. Saturn is the REVATHI, in JUPITER'S sign Pisces—
lord 5 and 6. JUPITER, lord 4 and 7 but MEENA, aspecting JUPITER by 108°
occupies, 10th Bhava, MARS, lord of 3 aspect. JUPITER conjoins its natal
and 8. Now in the natal chart Saturn position andiis in direct motion. JUPITER
forms favourable aspect (36°) with X cusp, transits in RAHU sub in its own star
whereas the aspect with bukthi lord (as Punarvasu. So what ?.
well as theoccupantof lOthBhava) Jupiter The strongest significator .JUPITER
is unfavourable (45°). In Saturn Dasa (occupant of 10th house) transiting in its
JUPITER Bukthi, matters relating to 4 and own constellation, in the sub RAHU,
7 (Houses owned by. JUPITER) will not occupant of 11th Bhava. JUPITER is exal-
thrive. But X house matters improves. ted now and is :in Vargothama. Hence
Therefore Saturn, lord of 6, transiting in JUPITER gives him a lot in this period.
JUPITER'S star (10th house occupant).
In the sub of MARS, lord of 3, must give On 17th April, 1967, native gains in .
him an interview regarding employment profession, changes his job and gets a
Why ? 6 and 10 represent profession. 3rd better post.
house is for short journey; But MARS is Further 10th cusp falls in MERCURY'S
also lord of 8, disappointment and sign JUPITER'S star, KETHU sub. Kethu
Saturn in lord of 5 (speculative dealings). is in Aquarius—Saturn's sign. Hence the
Now what result will you predict? Will it significators are Saturn, MERCURY and
favour the native after keeping him insus-. JUPITER.- Jupiter is powerfully posited.
pense or disappoint him? The answer is Saturn and MERCURY are also well
favourable. Why? Look at Fortuna. It is posited. Hence during Saturn Dasa
in ' MARS's star MERCURY SUB. JUPITER Bukthi MEfeCURY Anthra, the
MERCURY and MARS are conjoined. native will gain through profession. It is
MERCURY is the lord of 1 and' 10. certain.
- 24
. S. M. Gadakar,
(■2) A correct tbongbt solving the ' Ayan- permit me to deal with other aspects of
amsa ' problem. consideration in solving the question.
A brief introduction may not be un- 1"
The present day believers of 50 -j (sec) as
wieldy as bow and wby I bad to takeuptbe
. problem in band. Abide by the proverb tbe annual rate of increase are under tbe
"Necessity is the mother of invention", wrong impression that this matter is rela-
one will have to attempt for things which ted in some way or other to the Moon.
are seemingly beyond one's reach. In a Hence they are adjusting 50" in a Moon
way my coming across the subject is quite year of 12 months and 51" in an Adbika
accidental, when I happened to check my year (once in every three (years) of thirteen
own horoscope, as to the accuracy of the months, in an average it is taken as SO — 1"
lagnas and the Dasa balance at birth. - A
stage was reached, as to the necessity of (sec) per year. There is no meaning in
finding a correct Ayanamsa deduction, giving undue importance to Moon in rela-
which can only give us a correct Moon's tion to tbe question.of Aynamsa and tbe I:
position and 'hence the precise Dasa Nirayana calculations, because we observe • -
balance at birth, leading to a accurate tbe luner months, years and her daily V
coincidence of life events and the predic- occupation of Naksbatra range. Moon '
tions according to the .birth chart, with being a dependent planet, is under
respect to Dasa Buktbi and Antara, etc. indirect control of the Sun and as such
To deal with a problem of this nature, she is nothing to do with the question of
at the very outset two things (1) the. com- Aynamsa and the Nirayana calculations.
mencing year and (2) the rate (Ayanagatbi) One must take into account, whatever
per year are of prime importance. Noth- be tbe valuation of Aynamsa according to
ing could be bad precisely from the books different belief, one thing stands of great
add it is there the question is made vexed significance that this valuation and tbe
- unnecessarily entering into the detail from deduction of it, is commonly applied to
within. In a way I bad to adhere to the all tbe planets alike of the solar system
decision taken by me with reference to a inclusive df the Sun.- This clearly shows
number of practical horoscopes, where the that there is a force acting behind and its
Moon's position is a matter, of considera- very placement is somewhere outside of
tion in deciding the coincidence, of tbe our solar system itself. With the imagi-
time events with the predictions. As per nation of tbe im-ending wastness of the
tbe rate books on Astronomy can only space around in view, the man on earth
give a clue to our thinking faculty, but needs a broad outlook,' when a relation
one will have to form his own opinion has to be taken between tbe space and -the
and they are not expected to deal things solar system regarding their existence.
in relation to Astrology, which has its Because of tbe attraction or force working
origin from Astronomy and not tbe somewhere outside in tbe space on tbe
reverse in order. Anyhow I • have ■ come Sun and through him on planets of bis
to a right conclusion regarding both tbe family, tbe solar system as a whole is
factors, but b fore revealing them please moving to the north with Sun at its centre
and thereby gaining higher altitude grad- positions of the planets of the solar system
ually. This fact is well explained in the taken as applied to the far distant fixed or
works of Astronomy which I remember the side real zodiac is the principle under-
having read that the 27 Nakshatras situa- lying the Nirayana calculations. The
ted roughly in a plane parallel to our Sun's fixed zodiac has an in its background the
equivator gives us a vision, as though they existence of the 27 Nakshatras the effect of
are placed at regular distances in a line of which on the occupying the planets have a
apparant Sun's path (Kranthi Vitta) which great significance, and that is why our
in reality'is the earth's orbit, through Ancient Rishis claimed it to be the right
which it goes round the Sun.' -My inten- one to adopt to the Hindu system of
sion in writing this is to prove that our Astrological science.. To explain in brief
solar system is lifted up to a higher alti- it is the planetary positions as seen from
tude keeping the internal planetary affairs the earth against the real fixed zodiac,
undisturbed. This is also explained in contrary to this the sayana positions Of
Astronomy books, the 27 Nakshatras the planets are as they are applied to the
which are seen now-a-days to some tropical zodiac (i.e., tropical belt on
extent lying to the north of Kranthi earth).
Vritta, were used to be seen to the south, As I have previously written that our
about five thousand years before. This solar system with Sun at its centre as a
clearly indicates, because of the great whole is moving upwards to the north
distance of the Nakshatras from our solar because of a force placed just above . the
system, it is seen as though they are Sun far away from him at a great altitude..
brought forward to the north in propor- The force releasing centre is no. other unit
tion of the lifting of our solar system as of power vested object then the Abhijit,
whole to the north thereby we can Nakshatra itself. Now I will straight-
come to a definite conclusion that our Sun away speak of an universal truth relating
with his family is moving upwards to the to the Hindu Astrological world, at this
north gaining higher altitude. If this is juncture of confusion, a well-known fact
well understood my work will be easy of to our Ancient rishis, the founders of the
course of which I will explain later about Hindu Astrological science, but totally
the central force acting behind, creating forgotten by the present generation con-
the above described effects. cerned in the. field, "AYNAMSA IS .
Let us come to our . present problems DIRECTLY HELD RESPONSIBLE TO.
keeping in background all the above facts THE SUN'S TRAVEL TOWARDS THE
in view, I take it for! granted the learned ABHIJIT NAKSHATRA WITH HIS
readers are having a clear picture about FAMILY OF PLANETS WITH A
the difference between.the two zodiacs to CERTAIN SPEED, GIVING RISE TO
' which our Sayana and Nirayana calcula- AYNAGATHI."
tions owe their existence without going This is a phenomena to be understood
much into the details. I will try to simplify very clearly and to make it more simpler.
the principles of both the Calculations. Aynamsa owes' its existence, because of
The Sayana system indicates the longitudi- this Sun's upward movement towards
nal positi pns. of - the . planets taken as Abhijit so to say in a ratio and proportion
applied to the tropical ~zodiac relating to to this movement lies the Aynagathi. .
the earth, where only the Sun and the I have given a detail description regarding
earth are a matter of consideration in the sun's other upward movement and the
comparison with the other planets of the effects created thereby previously. That is
solar system. So, it acts as though an why I have requested the readers to under-
internal family affair .without-disturbing stand the idea behind my belief, as it is to
the Sayana calculations as the tropical , be of worth consideration in solving so
zodiac itself goes on moving and there is many problems like the determination of
no comparison drawn with the far distant "BAHRSHPATYA" year which has a
fixed zodiac. Whereas the longitudinal great bearing on the seasons, leading to
give us a clear thought on the rains and Moon being a dependent planet on earth
crops. The reader is also expected to take in spite of her monthly rounds completes
an account, as why the importance is her axis round at the close of each
given to the Abhijit in the Hindu system monthly round. Youwillbe surprised if
. of Astrology, though it is not placed in a I am to speak of the other movement with
line of the 27 Nakshatras seen in the the Sun also. So, my belief of two types
Kranthi Vritta. It is paid importance as of movements with the planets stands
the 28th, Nakshatra and it is placed to correct, if I can well demonstrate the up-
the North somewhere in a line to Shravane ward movement of the Sun, automatically
Nakshatra belonging, to Makara Rasi. with his family of planets towards the
Hence we can trace some relation with it Abhijit. As far as the now-a-day believers
(Abhijit) to Makara Sankranthi and the of the Hindu Astrological science is con-
opposite to it the Karaka Sankranthi as cerned and the majority of them will not
the Punyakalas. One more thing is there, believe me if I say so, because they will
drawing our attention is the importance have to stretch their imagination to a
paid to the Abhijit Muhurtha at mid-day forgotten belief as it is neither made
causing it to be more auspicious, because known by the present day Astrological
of the direct influence of the Abhijit scientific world, nor it is commonly
being placed in the mid-heaven, in a line spoken of. The effect resulting with that
to the Sun to the north, (10th house) to upward movement of the Sun are very
the lagna prevailing at that time. These difficult to appreciate as you will know
are all matters of consideration requiring later. Anyway its reflection is there in
deep investigation and we should not mix our earth's annual movement i.e., in the
up with our present problem. Anyway it apparent Sun's daily movement, so also
shows the greatness of our Ancient Rishis with all the planets on equal basis, hence
of which they have taken note of, in the Aynamsa deduction is made possible
determining the principle underlying this with a common figure with all the planets,
phenomena of Aynamsa and its applica- that reflection itself is the Aynagathi. It
' tion to the Nirayana calculations, showing can be calculated per day and the sum
their unimaginable worth of knowledge. total of it is the rate of Aynamsa per year.
The principle is clearly understood by It is hidden and it can be traced in the
me and it may require a very lengtny daily forward movement of the earth and
it is the case with all the planets.
narration, if I go still deep and I am
afraid, it may divert the attention of the In support of my above thoughts I have
readers and hence it may be unwieldly in to write a few more lines about the work-
the way of achieving the aim of this article. ing in co-ordination to Aynagathi. This
So,'I will not deal at length in describing portion of my work invites a clear think-
the ratio and. proportion of Aynagathi ing faculty on the part of the readers also.
mathematically. I can dare say that it To be more particular, every planet of
can be worked by - simple mathematics by solar system including our earth is
one and all, with a clear knowledge of the influenced by two different types of forces
principle underlying. Presently it can be acting on each of them. They are
traced from this end, that is our earth in (1) from the Sun, being the head of the
its daily forward movement in making family with extra power vested in him and
the annual rounds in other words in the alongside by an acquired power because
apparent Sun's daily forward movement. of placing himself under still greater
At this stage we must discuss something power (Abhijit) than him, while he himself
about the movements of the planets ' rotating on his axis, makes the earth and
' including the Sun of our solar system. the other planets move on their axis by
There are two types of movements with which they are made to take the annual
all the planets, one the daily movement on rounds; (2) this power is also adminis-
its axis and the other second making the tered through him only because of the
annual rounds in going round the Sun. acquired power from a different source
that is from the Abbijit. The execution of with the internal working of the w'atch^
this acquired power or force is of a makes the watch go slow, fast or correct'
continuously Sowing nature depending on according to the adjustment with it. Thus-
the upward movement of the Sun towards the placement of a regulator is of great
that force releasing centre the Abbijit. significance in a way in our ■ present,
That force which is of a continuously problem " Aynagathi'' in the form of a'
Sowing nature is in an opposite direction regulator owes its existence to an outsidcl
to that of Sun's original force which is body from the solar.'system, the "Abbijit,
responsible for the daily and annual rounds " Nakshatra ". .' .
movements of the planets. I hope to
understand the above phenomena your In calculating . the present Aynamsfi,
thinking should be very clear not to mix value the Aynagathi is there per day, the
one with the other. To express the same sum total for month is the monthly rate
in brief the force that makes the planets and the sum total of 12 months is the
in functioning daily and annual rale per year. If you take 1' (of space) or
met with the Abbijit force in an opposite 60" per year as the rate, and it is the
direction to that of the Sun's original same in reality also of which 1 will explain
force, which comes through him only in a with facts and figures at the end, and the
continuous flow in proportion to his up- starting year to be 569 A.D. or 491 seke,
ward movement towards the Abbijit. which could be proved beyond doubt
This force is creating a resistance to their The present Aynamsa value can be taken'
onward movements in a continuous way thus. Deduct 569 from the desired year,
depending on its nature of origin, so to you will get as many minutes as the years
say a regulation is put on their movements are in advance, convert them for degrees,
with respect to time taken by them in minutes, etc.... The present Aynamsa
making the rounds. A calculation of the. value with this method for 1966 is 23° 17'.
resistance or the regulation shows the This is true to the beginning of a solar
moving planets will fall back with a year i.e., when Ravi enters Mesha rasi
certain space in the circumference at the about the 13th April and it goes on
close of each annual round, which remains increasing 5" every solar month and 60' or
constant and will be' added on depending 1' for a solar year.
on the number of annual rounds. This
falling in the traversing space per day and As is expressed in the very introduction.
the sum total of it at the end of each and at the very commencement of the
annual round will be the rate of resistance article in determining the Aynamsa value
or Aynagathi per year. A record of it, the question of the starting year to this
will have to be taken depending on the valuation is of equal consideration to that
number of years keeping in consideration of a decision regarding the Aynagathi.
the starting year and this is the " Aynamsa Starting year means' when the two zodiacs
Value", while considering the starting were at zero degree. As per this portion
year we have to note in what year the two of work the book references are all
zodiacs, the Gxed and the tropical were at contradictory, none of them agree with
zero degree.- each other. To ascertain this there is no
other go than to surrender to the predic-
I have tried thy level best in explaining tive side with respect to practical horos-
the phenomena, I will come to the end copes. The Vimsothari Dasa system, can
after quoting a simple example of working only withstand any test for the coinci-
of a watch, where the main spring stands dence of events in life with predictions
in the place of. Sun putting the whole depending on the correct Moon's position,
'inachanism into action. The balance giving dependable Dasa balance at birth
with hair spring with its to and pro move- with respect to Dasa Bhukthi Anthara and
ments represents the daily movements of shooshma etc. You will find it hard to
the planets. The regulator is there though believe me, if I do not mention the very
externally fixed having no connections instance which lead me to take a correct
'decision. Excuse me if I mentioned and maintain Moon in that position, it allowed
;bave to, my own case otherwise I would a deduction of 22° 27' Aynamsa value.
.'not have been so confident as I am now. With the observation of 63" or 1' as the
[ One can imagine how accurate it is with rate, the very conversion of the value
/the coincidence of the very commence- 22° 27' - in minutes and the deduction of it
ting day of a Dasa, proved to be so by from my birth year 1916 gave me the
'experience and as a test to the Dasa starting year to the 369 A.D. or 491 seke.
^'balance at birth and predictions as per This has been amply tested with a number
fRasi and Amsa charts, with this Amsa of practical horoscopes and proved to be
ikundali plays an important role. correct.
To be more sound it is supported by So, I request you all the learned and
• the " Nandi nadi" predictions of Mysore. students alike of this great science of
''It is like this, Moon's position has to. be Astrology to try your own horoscope
23° 18' in. Meena Rasi (it is actually with my method and be convinced, when
25° 18' 35" or so) giving exactly 6 years the aim of this article, will be fulfilled at
balance of Budha Dasa at birth. To its best.

Krisbnamoiti Padhdhati, aothor of Astronomy and Astrology
A few may claim that no word of a Risbi time should not the intelligent son dial
—is available now, could fail. It is true ' 174 ' and find out which is correct, also
that the Mabarisbis who lived thousands tune to the All-India Radio and say bow
of years ago were very great; much each watch is erratic, or at least say
My honest opinion is that what material which is correct
we have at present in different States in Can any consider that Sbri Adi-Sankar-
different languages is a part of the whole acbarya or Sri: Ramanujacbaria or Sri
and is not complete even.when we study Madbvacbarya lack wisdom ? Can we take
all the literature available in all States,- that every word of all three Acharyasmust
We must have lost here and there some be correct. ■ Why then, there is such a
portions, and explanations: difference of opinion?
' Therefore, it is our duty now, to do Suppose there are a few internal auditors
research collect statistics and find out and a chief auditor for a concern if each
which comes correct and which fails. produces different balance sheet - as well
Why? Many do not agree that every as Profit and Loss accounts, are we to
word of a Risbi must come correct. accept all ? It is not the duty of the Chair-
Because, the Mabarisbis themselves differ- man to verify and find out which is
red one from the other in various" points. correct?
They ask " Are there not dozens of
Siddbantas which we have learnt and Suppose, a person asks " What is the
publish' varieties of. Almanacs, each time now, Sir," Am I to give him a list,
differing from the other"? For one saying (a) watch number one shows this
birth bow many horoscopes are erected. - time, (b) number two shows this time and
They quote that "Even during the time of so on; or when 1 submit my accounts to.
Varaha-Mihira, each Court astrologer the Income Tax Officer, am 1 to furnish
presented different charts." Soalso, nowa- all the statements which differ one from
days also a person is presented with dozens the other to him ? .
of charts for the same time and place of So, Krisbnamurti-did research and bad
birth. So,"should not wefindout'
the correct method to find out the position been teaching (now also continuing to
of planets. Astronomy is the science teach to the students, spread all over
'Dhrishti'. But astrology is "A—drishti." India) hundreds of. students by delivering
So when our Mabarisbis have banded over lectures regularly: tfiey have,learnt; they
many Sidbdbantas, one must make use of apply and continue to apply Krisbnamurti
the-modern instruments to ascertain and Padbdbati unlearning whatever they learnt
judge which is correct. Better, we follow previously, and having clear and open
that almanac or epbemeris which is done mind without any confusion and contra-
by using such occular instruments and diction : there should be no false prestige
published. to stick on to any, knowing it is wrong.
What bad been happening, till Krisbna-
Suppose we buy a dozen watches— murti Padhdhati was introduced and used
different makes—shop may be the same or by them; they learnt all' the different
different—if no two watches showthe same Siddbantas through innumerable comment-
ators. That is all. No definite conclusion According to Hindu system of erecting
was arrived at. So they remained confused. a horoscope and dividing the bouses—
There was no further progress. It was Bbavas—it is impossible to have Mercury
static and stagnant like muddy water in a in the second bouse and Sunintbe4tb
tank. bouse. But according to Western system
Some . call Krisbnamurti as a new ' . for North Latitudes there cau be births
having Mercury in second bouse and Sun
entrant. He is aged 59 ; From 1927, he
was studying astrology, From 1935 he was ■ in the 4th bouse provided
doing research. From 1951, be is coaching (a) the longitude of the 3rd bouse is
up students after initiating them, Maba less than 28 and at the same time.
Ganapathi Mantbra. Most of them carry (b) Mercury is far behind the sun to
on the research, admire and follow on as the maximum of 28 and
this gives astoundingly accurate results.
Those, who do not know him call him in (c) Occupies the fag end of the
the manner in which it appeals to them, second bouse and close to the
are less in age and in experience. Expres- cusp of the third, as well as
sion to one's feeling is left to one's birth, (d) Sun is in the very beginning of
society, etc. • Men talk. Dogs bark. the 4th bouse i.e., next to 4tb
Donkeys kick and Caravan goes on. cusp
Krisbnamurti investigates Rajayogas and
Asbtaka Varga. He considers them as and the sidereal time at the time of birth
unscientific as they cannot be applied to is to be between 18 and 20 hours. Once
all horoscopes especially twins and they in thousands of years, such a'birtb can
are empberical. The exact degree, position take place, provided Western System of
of planets are not at all taken for calcula- house Division is followed.
tion. Otherwise, according to Hindu tradi-
1. Bribat Jataka—Chapter XI— tional method, it is an impossibility. If
Rajayoga Verse 18. If the Moon, any astrologer were to contradict, let him
Saturn and Jupiter occupy res- send to the editor, the horoscope of such
pectively the lOtb, 11th and the a king. The editor will thank him. (2)
first, Mercury and .Mars occupy Chapter XI sloka II. (Mercury in Kanya
the second, Venus and the Sun in Lagna Virgo Ascendant) Venus in I,
the 4th, - the person born is a Moon and Jupiter in 7, Saturn and Mars
king. in 5, the person will become a king. One
2. Let us take that the lagna is of the greatest mathematicians and astrono-
Taurus: Then the Chart will be mers worked out and published that this
as follows: combination can form if we wait till 14691
A. D. He has said " What is the use of
this as well as of many similar rules or
Sat. Lagna Mars. rather dates embedded fossilwise in Bribat-
Jupiter Mercu ry Jataka since the 6th Century A.D.
(3) Chapter XI sloka 20. If any of the
3 planets Jupiter, Mercury and Venus be
Moon in the Lagna and Saturn in 7, Sun in 10,
the Yoga denotes the birth of persons who
will spend money recklessly. Can Sun be
Sun. in 10 and Mercury in Lagna. Let the birth
Venus be in any latitude, bow can this happen ?
Translators, simply translate and conve-
niently avoid commenting on it.
Therefore, Krisbnamurti does, not want
to do research on imaginary horoscopes.
impossible horoscopes but carry oh the (2) One has passed examination. ' n
research on actual facts and figures. He that year the other failed in tlie
follows the advice of Swami Vivekananda examination.'
" Awake arise and stop not till the Goal is (3) One has got married. The other
reached." So Krishnamurti will mind his remains unmarried.
research. A great astronomer' has pub-
lished. " If we apply astronomical tests (4) One has his own house recently
to the thousands of the horoscopes which constructed, the other has so far1
are introduced as examples into text-books no fortune to save even .ten
of Astrology, we shall find that, although rupees. All these twins are in
the horoscopes with 5 or 6 or 7 planets Madras City itself.
were intended to represent types of more Therefore I am sure that all will agree
or less frequent occurrences, yet they in that it is necessary to do research find oiit
fact correspond to single dates and to not the truth and be useful to the public.
more than one date, each in several thous-
ands of years..: ;Astrology commits When can one use Krishnamurti Padh-
itself unwillingly to dates of an in- dhati 7
convenient kind." Krishnamurti wants us to take the time
of birth in standard time; the Latitude and'
Krishnamurti will take Ashtaka Varga Longitude of the place, use the Raphael \
and prove how it is not useful to one and Table of Houses and Raphael's Ephemeris'
all. No doubt it takes hours to calculate; of that year of birth i take Krishnamurti
different ashtal.a varga figures are given by Ayanamsa value (who follows new comb)
different astrologers using different siddh- erect the Nirayana Chart.
antas and pages after pages of calcula-
tion for the same birth as planets and Take Hindu System of 27 stars, Udu-
found in different signs in the horoscope. dasa, Bhadhaka Sthana and Marakash-
To Krishnamurti it appears that a few,, thana.
knowingfullylwell that there are differences Follow western system of houses;
as well as mistakes and also that it is aspects and.progression, Hindu aspects.
not applicable to all, especially those born
ih the same Lagna on the same date, work Stellar System'. Use invariably constel-
out Ashtaka varga. It is just like the lation and sub division of each constella-
■ father of a girl who is suffering from tion as propounded by Krishnamurti. This
Asthma, Hysteria, Leucoderma or Leprosy theory is original (to be tested by others
in initial stage gives her in marriage to a with open mind).
boy. Krishnamurti insists that either we This sub is. again subdivided. The
- should do research and make it perfect or finding will be found in Krishnamurti's
never advocate such theories. If any were masterpiece " Transit or Gochara pala
to support Ashtaka Varga, I shall first, Nirayan " which will be released after the
furnish with the charts of Tour twins, bom second volume of Krishnamurti Padhdhati
— in the same Lagna with the same' position is out." (Press is causing lot of delay.)
t: of planets—I shall' furnish their events
with dates. Let them explain how far, Krishnamurti's endeavour is to make
Ashtaka Varga is useful. Astrology, a pucca science. This neces-
sitated him to dp research, open the eyes
(1) One is yet alive—His brother died of others; propound his theory; and
already. welcome constructive criticism.

(K. S. K.)
f Born at 3-15 A.M. on 12-11-1879; Neptune
Passed away in September 1966, in a Saturn 1 18-21 Kethu
foreign place. Most pleasant, departure of 17-43 Mars 26-34
the noble soul; Just like Yalmiki said 28-22
that Rama can be compared only to Rania
Himself, so also people say late Sir Jupiter
C. P. Ramaswamy Iyer, can be com- 11-08
pared only to himself. In this one 12-11—1879
sentence, I also pay my bumble homage to Uranus
Sir C. P. Ramaswamy Iyer. , If newsprint 16-28
is available also to my desired extent, I can 27-11
publish one special issue on bis name ; he Venus
bad presented me a book, years ago, in Rahu 12-50
Mercury Sun 27-29 Lagna
which bis activities position and prosperity 26-34 17-23 27
were given in detail which I am banding Moon
over to Hon. Minister Shri C. R. Pattabhi-
raman, one of the gems given by God to
Sir C. P. Ramaswamy Iyer. ' I say, so, What can the beginners say 7 They can
because Hon. Mr. C. R. Pattabhiraman is quote.
so much God-fearing, true sincere, honest (a) Lord of 12 Sun is in 2; So, loss
and ever law-abiding holding the portfolio of property ; financial position
of law in the Indian Union Government. unsound.
Let me publish Sir C. P. Ramaswamy (b) Lord of 2 in 12th Bhava : The
Iyer's horoscope: what for ? To find but same results as mentioned above;
whether there are the so-called Rajayogas losing what little he had.
in this chart to make him so learned and (c) Lord of 2 and 9 Neecha, debili-
versatile, rich and generous; further to tated; Sun. debilitated: But
offer so much opportunity to posses many Asbtamadbipatbi . Swaksbetbra
cars, and mansions with beautiful gardens; and Strong ; So, No Bagya; No
also to enjoy them along with bis friends enjoyment; no pleasure I but
and those who approached him for help ; untold miseries.
what a handsome and charming figure!
Healthy sandalwood complexion; ever- (d) Lords of 6 in 7 and 7 in 6 denying
smiling, and never provoking; an able pleasant .life with wife or partner.
administrator, Diwan, Vice-Chancellor (e) Rabu in 4; cannot complete bis
etc. This chart is one of the many to be studies => obstacles = uneducated
studied by the traditional astrologers-who etc., insincere; .only outwardly
consider themselves as the sacred torch- honest.
bearers of this esoteric knowledge and find
out the truth. Is there any Rajayoga? (f) Rabu in 4: Lord of 4 in 6 : no
"How, then, be' has attained such a land, no building; or one in
status " is the problem. mortgage.
(g) Rabu in 4, aspected by lord of 6 studies and sub of lord of 10 (fulfilme
Saturn, showing that he cannot and satisfactory completion).
possess a car. Whereas not only
he owned cars but also used Next followed Jupiter Dasa from his
special saloon, state car etc. 23rd year of age. Jupiter was in thi
Even his dead body had a char- constellation of the node in 4 and sub' p
tered plane. lord of 5 and 6 which put an end to his
(h) Saturn in 7, late marriage,' no study. Fifth house'lordship gave children
marital happiness or if one takes and one of them is our Minister Mr.
Bhava, lord of 7 Jupiter in 5th C. R. Pattabhiraman born in 1906. Sixth"
Bhava; so either he has no wife' house lordship gave self acquisition iS
or no child ; Is any of the above Sir C. P.: Ramaswamy Iyer., From the
true? age of 39 to 58,' he had been running
Saturn Dasa. As Saturn Dasa was i
Those who take shelter under the. the constellation of lord of 10 and sub of
achievements of the Rishi's and freely lord of 10, he; shot-up in his life, came t
quote the Rajayogas may say as follows : the front of- the public, became very
popular and most prosperous. He held
(a) What is this? There is no many cbvetable positions.
Nipuna Yoga yet intellectually
he is never second to any. {In Madras Stale, the higher elementary
(b) No Sonappa Yoga, No Anappa school teachers used to take Sir
Yoga = No Gajakesari Yoga. No C.P. Ramaswamy Iyer as an example of '-
Subha Lagnadhi Yoga; no . one bom with silver spoon in his mouth.) ,
chandra adhiyoga, Lakshmi yoga,
etc. Then followed Mercury Dasa between,"
his age of 58 and 75. It was in the cons- i
(c) But; the pity is that there is tellation of lord of 10 and sub of lord of'
Sakata Yoga. 10. In these periods, he was mainly.
(d) Lagnadhipathi is in Shasha.- responsible to save the citizens of a few,-
ashtaina.with ashtamadhi pathi . districts in Tamil Nad by bringing Mettur
and so on. Lagnadhipathi does dam avoiding breaches and helped agri-
not receive aspect from any culturists by regulating the flow of water
benefic; nor Lagna; But Saturn for agriculture whenever ' needed. His
aspects Lagna. intellect and ability have no comparison.
All can talk sky-high. But he was a
Thus sthoola-study will never give clear pushful person of action with go-a-head
picture. That is what Krishnarmirti says. spirit, who was the first person allowing
But follow Krishnamiirti Padhdhaii. the Adi-Dravidas into a temple? If af all,
K - What were the dasas he had been every square inch in a.temple is kept clean
running? Consider the Lord of and the old traditional sanctum sanctorium
was very strictly maintained, it was only,
• the constellation in which these in Kerala Stale; especially Travancore
- dasa lords were posited. and more so in Sri Padmanabha temple.
At the time of birth he had Mars Dasa It is Sir C. P. Ramaswamy Iyer, who
for 4 years, 8 months and 21 days. boldly'did it. He is a person of action
and he believes only in action.
So his college course was during Rahu
Dasa. Rahu was in the constellation of Next followed Kethu Dasa. It is not
Lord of 9 indicating Higher studies conjoined with any, but is aspected by
-. (graduate and double graduate). The sub Jupiter; . It is in .the .constellation of-
was governed by the node in 10;' Hence Jupiter and, sub of lord of 9. In these
education was during the dasa of the node years, he was more philosophical than in
in the constellation of lord of 9 higher other years.
"'Finally Venus had to take him to the Krisbnamurti Fadbdbati and Sir C.F.
<bode of Sri Raina. Ramaswamy Iyer's chart.
f: Venus is not a Kendradhipathi. Venus
s not a Bbadbakastban-adbipatbi, Venus Lord of constel-' Lord of the Sub
snotaspected by Bbadbaka-Stbanadbi- lation
Jathi, Jupiter. pyfng ] a-'i-S wtag-1 Ruline
But be owns second bouse. He may be
called a Maraka-stbana-adbipatbi. Here Sun 5 4 ft? 12 2&9
also, JatakaCbandrika says that one is to Moon 8 3&8 5 ' 4&7
classify whether lord of 2 is to be consi- Mars 2 12 1 11
dered a benefic or a malefic considering Rabu 12 2 & 9 10 1 & 10
the other bouse which it owns. In that Jupiter 4 4&7 6 5&6
case, it becomes a benefic as it owns 9tb Saturn 2 1 & 10 2 1 & 10
bouse. Mercury 2 1 & 10 2 1 & 10
But how can Venus pilot the plane to Kethu ,5'' 4 & 7 2 1 & 10
Vaikuntam? Venus 1 11 4 4 &7
Venus is in the constellation of Lord of
11 and sub of the node in 4. Rabu is Thus it can be seen that, during Saturn,
in 41 it has to represent Bbadbaka-Stbadbi- : Mercury and Kethu Dasa's be realised bis
pathi Jupiter also; node is stronger than . ambition, fulfilled bis desire, satisfied the
owner. Further Rabu is in the sub of subjects, pleased the public, carried out
Kethu who has to give the results of lord bis mission and reached bis GOAL, as
of 7-Bhadhka Sthana 'as it was in they are connected with 1 to. 10.
Punarvasu star ruled by Jupiter.
Lord of 11, Moon alone is in the cons- HIS SOUL IS IN PEACE.
tellation of lord of 8 Mars which is strong From bis life, one can learn much to
in its own sign . and ' is in the sub of have success in one's career and especially
Bbadaka-Stbanadbipatbi, Jupiter. (8tb astrologers, to leara Krishnanlurti Padh-
house denotes Longevity; 7th house dbati so that they may be useful and
Bhadhaka-SthanaO That is why, during successful in their lives, and understand
Venus Dasa Moon Bbukti, be bad bis that without any Maha Purusha Yoga one
Moksha as Venus is in 12. can become Maba Furusba with Fourusba.

' (K. S. K.)
This person has a doubt He was said day is to be selected. Astrologers, can
that he was born on 23-8-1919 about a test this with all horoscopes, especially
couple of hours before Sunrise. He wants the first horoscope, taken for judgment on
to know whether his birth was after 22nd that day.
August (calendar date ended and the Sun "Ruling planets at the moment of
rose later on 23-8-1919 or he was born on taking a chart for judgment will be and
the completion of the (calendar date) 23rd must invariably be the ruling planets at
and before the Sunrise on 24th. Such the time of birth which is to be ascertain-
doubts are always found with majority of ed." This is my finding which is astoun-
the people who had not cast the horos- ding ly accurate in all cases.
copes, immediately after birth or whose
parents did not note down clearly without When the day is fixed, the next one is
giving room for any doubt.S the lagna. As it is said that he is born
To my knowledge, there is no convin- just prior to Sunrise, and since the ruling
,cing method given by any author to ascer- planets should be Saturn, Moon and Mars,
tain without any alternative and declare note in which sign. Sun was on that day.
which is correct. There is no literature. Then the sign, behind it, must be the
Yekshini can help- lagna. Sun should be in the second
But, according to me (which appeals to
common sense also) one is to note down Sun on 23/24-8-1919 was in Leo, Simha.
the ruling planets at the moment of judg- Can Saturn be the lord of lagna it can
ment. Also note down what should be Capricorn or Aquarius be the lagna ? No.
the ruling planets if he1, is bom on 22nd by Why ? Only in the evening hours these
23rd or 23rd by 24th either must agree in two signs will rise in the month of August.
full with those at the moment of judg- Can it be,Scorpio or Aries owned by
ment. Mars? No. Why? Scorpio will be, bet-
ween 11-15 A.M. and 1-15 P.M. or Aries
Now, at the time of judgment it is will be around 10 P.M. But it is said that
Saturday; The Star is Sravanam, Lagna he is born in the early hours. So take
is Scorpio. Therefore, Saturn, Moon and Cancer, which is ruled by Moon. In that.
Mars are the ruling planets. Mars and Saturn should have their stars
On ,22/23 August 1919—the' day was and sub. In Cancer, - (here is no Mars
Friday ruled by Venus, Pu'narvasu gover- star! but only Pushya, governed by
ned by Jupiter was the star and rasi Saturn is in Cancer. So you consider the
Gemini, owned .by Mercury. ■ area of Pushya and in that, calculate and
fix the sub of Mars.
On 23/24 August 1919—the day was
Saturday/Sunday (governed by Saturn) But, now, stop for a minute and note
Pushyami was the star governed by Saturn whether Rahu or Ketu is in Saturn sign or
and rasi, Cancer, is rnled by Moon. Mars sign. Nodes are stronger than the
According to the time of query, Saturn, planet. Yes; there is Rahu in Aries,
Mars and Moon are the ruling planets. owned by Mars at the time of judgment.
Therefore take Moon's sign, Saturn's star
22/23 ruling planets.are Venus, Jupiter and . Rahu sub. Mars sub sub may be
and Mercury. taken.
23/24 August 1919, Saturn and Moon Therefore 14° 13' in Cancer on 23/24
are the ruling planets. Therefore, which August 1919, (Nirayana system) should be
the lagna. The place of birth is 23° 20 N. The nirayana Chart is as follows ;
So find out the ayanamsa for that year of
birth, (it is 22° 38') add to Nirayana Kethu
position of 14° 13'. Then you get 6° 5T 6-39
Leo, Sayana system..
Refer to Table of Houses for Latitude Mots 12-0t
JaP, 7.50
23° 20'. Find out, for which Sidereal hra 7-05 Moon
Aac. 15-55
time 6° 51'of Leo will be the Ascendant. Mere. 24-00
NcP. 17-13
It will be found after Calculation that for Rasi
the Sidereal time of 7 hours 3 mts 54 sees, Sun
Leo 6° 51' will rise i calculate as follows 7-7
to find out the'birth time in I.S.T; 8-49
Hr. MF. Sec. Rahu Venus
Sidereal time at previous 6-39 4-35
noon on 23-8-1919 10 2 55
Correction for East Longitude Saturn Dasa balance at the time of birth
72° 38'deduct 0 0 48 1 year, 0-month, 25 days.
Add interval and correction. For readers to note:
The sum should be 2 hours
3 minutes, 54 seconds = 26 3 54 This person, it seems, wanted to find
So, deduct Sid. Time at noon 10 2 7 out and have this doubt, clarified. So he
wrote some months ago and I replied to
The interval plus correction = 16 47 him on 20-9-66. The following was
If for every. 6 mts. interval 1 sec. is
added, the interval plus correction comeS " To ascertain the correct time, follow
as 16-1-47. Therefore find the interval. K. P. Today it is 20-9-66. The ascendant
It will be 15-59-7 and the correction for now is 16° Scorpio - Nirayan with Moon
interval will be 2 mts., 40 sees. Vargothama rising in the East. The star
now is Anuradha on 20-9-66. Therefore,
Therefore after previous noon (not 12 the ruling planets are Moon, Mars and
noon I.S.T. but 12 noon L.M.T.) 15 Saturn and according to .me these must
hours 59 mts. 7 sees, have passed. be the ruling planet i.e. these planets
ought to have ruled the day, the Lagna,
As the locality of birth is 72° 38' E, one the rasi, the star etc" later it is worked
is to add 39 mts. 32 sees, to- L.M.T., to and the above chart, exactly the same, was
get the time in I.S.T. furnished to him, then- Readers may note,
that whenever there is the urge for the
Adding 39 mts., 32 sees, to 15-59-7, we same chart, the ruling planets will remain
get 16-38-39 after previous noon = 4 hrs. the same. This second attempt convinced
38 mts. 39 Sees after 23rd and 4-38-39 him and the other 3 astrologers who were
A.M. to on 24th August 1919. witnessing my working at Ahmedabad.


( Astb'okomt Made , East)

Jjothish Martfaand
13. Bralmiin Street. Ssldspet

;Vo,L. 5 . FEBRUARY 1967 No. 2

How to Judge a Horoscope .3
Marriage Prospects—Any! 10
Which period will be the best in my life 7 12
Horary Astrology 14
Will I take up any Agency? " 18
- Can 1.become a Partner in Business? 20
Whenrcan I start my career 7 ' 21
; Overseas 22
Where is my Ascendant7 Is it in Leo or Virgo? .24
To find out the Day and Time of Birth 23
Which is my. Ascendant 7 26
Krishnamurli Padhdhati—A Verification: Time of Marriage 27
Return of the son—Whereabouts not known 31
' Ran Away or Passed Away ' 33
Expected Promotion : But ended in Dismissal 36
Krishnamurti Padhdhati—Vol. I 37
Horoscope: Born on Saturday planet is in 11 : Its lord is Venus. Hence
24-10-1925 at20° 57' N and 77° 45' E. " planets in the constellation of Venus will
be one of the malefics. No planet is
found in Bharani or Foorvapalguni. But
- Jupiter is in Foorvashada: Jupiter and
Venus are strong evils. Jupiter- is in the
sub of lord of 8. Venus is in the sub of
Uranus Rahu 3° 7' Rahu; There is no malefic as Kendhra
29° 18' Lagna adhipathi.
- 2 and 7 are Marakasthanas. No planet
Moon is in 2. Kethu is in .7. No planet is
, go r situated in Aswini or Makam or Moolam.
Kethu , Ncp 1° 39'
rr Kethu is a strong maraka..
Sat 22° 16' As he is to live long, Saturn contributes
Mercury, Mars for long span of life, he will live through-
Jup230 00' Venus, 19° 13
22° .22' For .12" 115 TA" 6' out Saturn Dasa. Next follows Mercury :
Sun 8° 00' It is in the Constellation of Rahu. m
- Balance of Sun Dasa ten months two lagna and sub of Moon, lord of Lagna. 1
days. It rules the house of longevity (3rd house).
and also the houseof Moksha(12thhouse). '
i: Is Lagna strong or Moon sign strong ? Evils in Lagna are worse for health and
longevity. Hence Mercury in the Cons-
Lagna- is Cancer and the. ascending tellation of Rahu in Lagna is adverse.
node, Rahu is also in Cancer. Hence Therefore . one is to take that Mercury
Lagna is afflicted: Take Moon Sign: it Dasa, Kethu Bhukti, Jupiter anthra, Venus.
is in Capricorn and Kethu is conjoined Shookshma is the anxious time i.e. Septem-
with Moon. Moon sign, also, is equally ber 1999.
afflicted. If Moon sign is not afflicted^
but only the Lagna is spoiled by the At that time as per progression, Uranus
presence of a malefic, one has to take the comes back to its original radical position:
Moon Sign as the first house: As Moon Moon forms aspect with Neptune. Sun
Sign is also afflicted, take Lagna as the forms aspect with lord of 8. All planets
first house and therefrom, calculate and progressive, Venus Squares Saturn, Mer-
judge. cury Squares Uranus, Moon opposes
Uranus squaring Mercury.
. Q. 1. Longevity;— As per transit, Saturn will exactly
Lord of. Lagna, Moon, aspects the oppose its radical position; Jupiter
Lagna; Lord of 8 also aspects'. The latter opposes Sun; squares Moon. Hence till
appears to be not favourable. It will not September 1999, longevity is promised.
cause early end, as it is his strong ruling Health: 6th house denotes ill health :
planet. He is born on a Saturday, ruled Lagna shows whether one can maintain
by Saturn: The Moon was transitting in health or not. Benefics in Lagna (not
Saturn's Sign, Capricorn at the time of owning houses 6, 8 or 12) contribute for
birth. Saturn is a benefic, since it is in the good health: Malefics in Lagna by nature
Constellation of Jupiter who is a Bagya- or by owning 6 or 8 or 12 house cause
dhipathi. Therefore he will live long. disease. 8th house denotes danger. 12th
•As the birth is in a movable sign, note house indicates confinement, segregation,
the Bhadhaka-Sthana the 11th house. No isolation or hospitalisation.
Lagna is occupied by Rabu. Therefore Scooter and meet with accident, especiallyi
whenever you run the. period and sub by falling down if Saturn is conjoined
period of Rabu and the planets tenanted with or if it aspects lord of 4 or 6 or 8.
in the Constellation of Rabu expect ail- , But if the planets, to cause the accident
ment. .Sun and Mercury are in Rabu's .(Occupy a quadruped Sign, you will go
asterism Swathi, by car and meet with a dash. But if there
are such planets in multipede sign, when
Jupiter is lord of 6: It is'occupying its you travel in a train, you may meet with
own house and is in the 6th Bhava. danger due to derailment. If they are in
Therefore planets situated in the Constella- airy signs, during air travel, one may have
tion of Jupiter and Jupiter will also show the danger.. Our Sages and the Western -
the natureof the disease, and the time of Savants have not allotted any bouse for
ailment. Saturn and Rahu are in the birds. So, we have to take the airy signs,'.
Constellation of Jupiter. Therefore jlou Gemini—Twins,, so two wings Libra—
will have minor ailments, like fllud. Bron- human sign—biped—two legs and Aqua-
chitis etc. during Rabu, Saturn and Jupiter rius a human. and airy sign. The above
sub periods. Sun and Mercury denote rules appeal when one reads. But when
poor digestion, dull liver and vitamin ' B' we take the horoscopes of the people who
' 'deficiency.; met with accident and survive and those
who succumbed,to it, Iwe can understand
Dates of ailment that (a) one is to note in which Constella-
. Jupiter dasa. Mercury Bbukti, Saturn. tion the planet is. . .(b) Most important to
. Anthra 2nd week April. 1968 decide whether one will surrive or not is
to find out in which sub that. planet is.
Jupiter dasa, Sun Bbukti, Mercury Anthra If the sub lord is a maraka, the person
. 4th week September 1972 meets with'the accident and passes away.
Jupiter dasa, Rabu Bbukti,.Saturn Anthra This- Biped, quadruped, multipede are
' March 1976 * there. .Yet they do not come true in all
Saturn dasa, Budb Bbukti, Sun Anthra cases. It gives an idea. Scooters or
September 1981 auto-rickshaws have 3 legs. Lorries have
6, 8, 10 and so on. Research is to be
Saturn dasa, Sun Bbukti, Mercury anthra made to differentiate between solid wheels,
April 1988 like bullock bandy, rubber tyred like
. Saturn dasa, Rabu Bbukti, Saturn anthra coaches, under air pressure .in rubber tubes
February/March, 1992 and tyre or to _fly in,.,the air, or without
MiM-r»ry-n^a~'Kp.ttiii BhnVti SpptfVnK^r ' any wheel tcTgo by country boat, etc.
1999 One thing is certain- If Jupiter or Ibrd
The last two dates show that the period of 9 is conjoined with those ruling 6 or 8
of ailment will run' for a few weeks. The of 12, or if Jupiter or lord of 9 aspects 6
•: last but one i.e. February, March 1992 or 8 or 12, one escapes. Many may travel
portend rheumatic ! pains and 8u: The together. . Yet, that person or those
last item is^hervous debility, Beri Beri and . willpersons having the above combination
• poor digestion. After this, no. worry at have the Providential'Help and escape
. all. , unscathed.
In your chart, Jupiter is lord of 9. It
. •: Accidents' are'threatened, in various in 6: Lord of 8 is in the constellation
combinations. -If- "lord -of-4:is in. any ' of lord of 9. Rabu the node, in Lagna is
manner connected with lord of 6 or 8 _ in the constellation of Jupiter. Hence,
there_will be injury to the body-due to " Jupiter is a strong; benefic, prptectinglyou
^accident. Third house lord indicates.that 'from all evils;. i
it can take place, while One is on a short
tour.-. Planets in Biped signs denpte that ...Uranus in' the 8th bouse, threatens.
one may walk, or go by cycle or by Therefore whenever, planets by progression
or transit conjoin Uranus in the 8th gets into service if it is, in any manner,
house, you may be one in the group of connected with the significators. of the
passengers meeting with accident. But as house 2 or 6 or 10.
the constellation i Poorvapadra you will . That is why, when young, you joined
never suffer. '■ service, during Rahu Dasa Rahu Bhukti
Budh Anthra. Further Mercury was under
Finance and Fortnne: the sway of Rahu. (in the constellation of ■
Houses 2, 6 and 10 denote the profes- lord of 6 for service and self-earning) and
sion of a person. One is to bear in mind . sub of Moon, lord of lagna, in the
the lords of the dasas that rule one's constellation of lord of 2, Sun. But
time. Saturn was in the constellation of the
occupant and owner, of the 6th house. It
The strong significators are those who has to denote'about one's'job. Saturn
occupy the constellation of the occupants was in the Sub of lord of 8. Hence
of the houses 2, 6 or 10. Saturn throws obstacles and in the sub
Next in strength will be the planets sub period of Moon, in Saturn sub period,
situated in these three Bhavas. it forced you to leave the job.
Third in strength are those deposited Then Mercury stfb period had to follow:
in the constellation of the'lords of these 3 It gave a start in'life. During Mars sub
houses. subperiod, which aspects and owns the
Next only will be the owners of the 10th house gave independant business.
houses 2, .6 and 10. Mars shows, either greater authority,
power and .prestige or independant pro-
, Planets conjoined ' with any of the fession as Mars never relishes, subordina-
significators. or aspected by them will also tion, but gives the mind to risk. So, you
show the results concerned with one's . started the business on 22-12-52., Rahu
profession. Dasanatha has to :give it on a Thursday
No planet is in the second house. (lord of Constellation] or Monday, ruled
by Moon who aspects Rahu and. who
Jupiter Occupies the 6th house; none is owns Rahu's sign Cancer. So, it was a
deposited in 10: Jupiter's constellations Monday; Rahu gives the results on
are Punarvasu, Visaka, Poorvapadrapada. Arudhra, Swathi or Sathabhisha star.
Rahu is in Punarvasu. Saturn is in Actually it gave oii Sathabhisha star day.
Visaka: Uranus which is not allotted
any dasa is in Poorvapadra. Hence Rahu. Mercury, the Bhuktinatha, was in Mars
sign Saturn's star, Jupiter siib. Rahu
and Saturn are the strongest significators.' dasanatha, was in the constellation of
Jupiter is a beneficial significator. Moon who is lord of lagna and is in the
2nd house is owned by Sun. 6th is ruled constellation of lord of 2
by Jupiter. 10th is governed by Mars. But if we see, according to traditional
Moon and Kethii are in Uthrashada, method, Rahu, dasanatha is in Janma—
lord of which is Sun. In the other two evil—; Jupiter is in 4—bad—; Kethu in 7
stars, Karthik and Uthrapalguni there is . of —very bad ; etc. So, the usual method
no planet; Regarding Jupiter, it is already applying Gochara Systenj cannot throw
discussed. Mars rules Mrigasira, Chithra light.
and Dhanishta. No planet is in its star. Now regarding future, the prospects
Hence Moon, Kethu and Mars are also will be as unrlff :
those who indicate about one's profession. Now he is running Jupiter Dasa, Mercury
Mercury, lord of 3 and 12, showing Bhukti from 26-4-66. This is a period of
changes, is conjoined with Saturn. Planets contemplation—for what?—to have^ano- "
connected with 12 house bring out changes ther branch. Jupiter is for expansion and
in one's routine life. If one is idle, he improvement. Mercury is for plurality
of interests. Therefore, arrangements this show? This person will start another
will commence in April 1967 and it will be . separate business. Venus, lord of 11,' jiL
decided by July 1967 when Sun transits in the Constellation' of Mercury, gives a;
Mercury's sign Jupiter starduring Jupiter partner in business. Saturn, lord of 7 in1
Dasa, Mercury Bhukti, Mars Anthra.. 4 shows that he will'also reside in the'
Hence this person will have vort improve- same place. Jupiter, aspected by Mara
ment in the present one and he will open a and Saturn will make you Executive'
branch . in a place North of the existing Director. It . indicates (Saturn) daily
one as Jupiter denotes north East and attendance, personal exertion and execu-i
Mercury shows north. tion. Mars shows authority, organisation,'
Whenever dasanatha and Bhukti nadha' command and control. Jupiter is. to
are in 3 and 11 to each other forming manage and administer. This will be
applying Sextile aspect, one has to look connected with taking up agency of
for brilliant results. As Mercury is lord chemicals and drugs, as. Venus is in
of 12, it means that it is lord of. 10 to the' Scorpio (denoting chemical or medical),
3rd house. Therefore, the younger' bro- in Mercury Constellatioa (representative)
ther must have brighter days.. Mars is in in the Sub of. Moon, bringing a thorough
3. It is lord of 8 to 3rd house and is in change in'the nature of the daily routine.
the 3rd house itself. Therefore, for the Hence when Sun transits in Jupiter Sign,
benefit of the younger brother, this will Saturn star Venus Sub on 24-3-71 itself,
be started. It is. not exactly a'partition, such'an arrangement will be made and the
but the same business'which will be atten- new line of. business will function.
ded to independantly by the brothers. - All the above will go on till 1988 under
[Karako—Bhava—Nasaya fails here, as your charge.
this person has two brothers and two Marriage and married Life.
sisters.] •
Judge houses 2, 7 and 11. Venus the
During Jupiter dasa Kethu Bhukti bet- , Chief Governor for marriage, also, needs
ween 2-8-68 and 8-7-69, there will be'some J consideration. Lagna is Strong. It is in
worry through the Tax department: Ketu - 3" 7'. Hence all the planets are in the same
is in the Constellation of Sun denoting number of the Sign as the Bhavas are.
Government Jupiter is for finance and - 2nd house is unoccupied; 7th is occu-
revenue department: Kethu in 7 indicates
those, with whom this person will have pied by Kethu hnd Moon 11th"house also
transaction or' business. So peace of mind remains vacant.' Kethu's Stars are Aswihi,
'sjlenied It.cannot-be purchased; But Makam and Moolain. • No planet is depo-
ultimately the worry ends during Venus sited in any of the three constellations.
Bhukti Sun anthra in January 1970. One .Kethu is strong. It gives the results of
of the brilliant periods will be Jupiter Moon, lord of- Lagna with which it is
dasa, Venus Bhukti between 8-7-69 and conjoined and that of Saturn, as it is
8-3-72. The main reason, according to tenanted in Capricorn 'owned by Saturn.
me, is as follows : A'planet can either do Moon's Stars are Rohini, Hastham and
good or bad, to the maximum extent in Sravanam. No planet is in any of the 3
the Sub period of the planet in whose stars. Moon is Strong and a benefic. But
constellation,. the dasa lord was deposited. Moon's sign-is occupied by Rahu. .There-
Even in that Sub period of the lord of the fore one is to take Rahu and not Moon,
Constellation, the Sub-sub period of. the since a node is.stronger than the lord.—whosethe-dasa--lord—is— -Arudhra, Swath i and -Sathabisha are
situated at the time of birth'. 1 Therefore, governed^by Rahu. Sun, lord of 2 and
Climax in life, most smnntly, prn«!p<»rniit Mercu.ry, lord of 12 are in Rahu's Star,
profitable'and" ^pleasant period'will be Swathi. They are also the indicators.
during Jupiter dasa, Venus Bhukti (Venus, Therefore Rahu, Kethu, Sun and
lord of the Constellation]. Saturn anthra Mercury indicate 2nd, 7th and 11th which
■is between 24-3-71 and 26-8-71 ."What dues are owned b/l Sun, Saturn and Venus.
ko planet in Saturn's star. But Saturn is if the period is Governed by Dasanatha
iCxalted and is stronger than Mercury ' A' and Bhukthinadha ' B'.
with which it is inclose conjunction. Suppose you have two brothers. Your
Saturn aspects Rahu. Saturn is the owner dasa lord and Bhukthi lord show that you
of the sign occupied by Kethu. Hence . have to receive help from them. Then
Saturn is very strong as lord of 7 (aspect- during the conjoined period of that dasa
ing the 7th house counted from Moon lord (A) and Bhukthi lord (B) you will
also). Jupiter alone is in Venus Star. have gains through that brother' who is
When we take the strength,' Rahu, Kethu, born at a time when A and B jointly ruled,
Saturn and Moon are very strong. Jupi- i.e., one will be either the lord of the day
ter and Venus eome next. or star or rasi or Lagna and the other also
When there are many significators, note will be either the lord of the day or star
the lord of the day. Star, and Lagna when or rasi or Lagna. When you run ' C " dasa
this aspect is judged. It is'24-I0-I966, a and 'D' Bhukthi the brother born with C
Monday, Sathabhisba Star day and Lagna and D as ruling planets will help.
is Aquarius (2-10 P.M. at Delhi). Hence - Suppose a subordinate is teased by his
Moon, lord of the day, Saturn, lord of the or her officer. Then note which dasa and
Lagna and Rasi and Rahu, the lord of Bhukthi the subordinate is running. It is
Sathabhisba Star indicate the result. necessary to consider the Anthra also.
He entered into Rahudasa when he was These three planets will be the officer's
18 years of age. It runs up to 36 years ruling planets. If the officer is transfer-
of age. Therefore he can' get married red, another takes charge and he, not only
duringRahii dasa Saturn, Bhukthi or Rahu writes outstanding report about the
dasa. Moon Bhukthi. As Moon is in the subordinate, but also arranges to promote
7th house, it indicates early marriage. him, the Bhukthinada and anthranadha
Saturn Bhukthi comes . earlier. Moon will be the ruling planets of that person
Bhukthi will come late.✓ who has taken charge. If the same person
Hence take .Rahu dasa Saturn Bhukthi. is very bad for some months and then he
It may be Satum, Kethu; Rahu or Moon becomes good, then during the period of
anthra. Now we have to confirm by A dasa. B Bhukthi C anthra he tried the
taking transit and also progression. patience of the subordinate and during
' D' anthra, same person does good. In
Rahu will be passing in Aswini Star . that case. A, B, C and D will be his ruling
when Saturn anthra operated. Rahu will planets.' C will be your malefic and ' D'
pass on to Revathi, ruled by Mercury pn~ will be your benefic. Therefore, a person
10-6-1949. Rahu, tlie dasanatha, transit- is good or bad to you, according to your
ting in the constellation of the node in the time and fate.
cusp of the 7th house is proper. Saturn Again, 2 persons might have been born
also will be passing in Makam Star gover- on the same day—Say Saturday—both
ned by Kethu. Saturn is Bhukthinadha. might have the same rasi—say Rishaba—
It is good when it is in Makam. Taurus and both might be born in Rohini
Fortunately, thecommonbenefic Jupiter Star governed by Moon. One is helpful
will be in Moolam -'So to say, it was the and the other is harmful. Now, note the
time when Rahu, Saturn and Jupiter ire Lagna in which they are born. He who is
all in Aswini, Makam and Moolam a rare helpful would have been born in the Lagna
coincidence and transit. It happened in owned by the planet, which is advanta-
December, 1948 and be got married in geous and favourable to you whereas the
December, 1948. other person who thinks, speaks and does
- The ruling planets of his wife should be harm to you would have been born in that
Rahu and Saturn. Because, whenever we Lagna, the lord of which is unfavourable
receive beneficial results or adverse results, to you.
they are caused by the person or persons Thus one is to judge. Therefore when
born having the ruling planets A and B, you get married, Vou are jolly good. It
is contributed by: the , girl bom with such Chief Governor of -progeny. Either /'
ruling planets which are the planets who abortive tendency during first conception '
rule your dasa. Bhukthi and anthra at the or still born of short lived will be the first <
time- of marriage. Regarding span of - issue of Saturn, Rahu or Kethu occupies '■
married life, there are various methods to the Lagna or the Sth house. Saturn causes '«
judge. The best method to note would be delay also.
to ascertain the longevity of the partner, Your first child died in infancy.
taking her horoscope and confining from When ? At the time' you had been running
your own. ■ Rahu dasa, Satiirh Bhukti, Rahu anthra.
While judging the longevity of the part- Why 7 Because Rahu was in Lagna and its
ner one has to judge the Bhadhakasthana dasa also was running from ' the time of
to the 7 th cusp and the houses 2, 8 and 1. marriage.
- Bhadhakasthana, to the- 7th cusp is . Sun is lord of 2 : Mars is lord of 5 ;
Scorpio and. Venus is posited therein. No Venus is lord of 11 in S : Venus is the
planet'is in Venus Star except Jupiter.. strongest: Kethu and Moon are in Sun's
Lagna is occupied- by Rahu. Sun and constellation ; Jupiter is in the .constella-
Mercury are in Rahu's ' constellation. tion of Venus: Mars has none occupying
(Lagna is Maraka to partner.) its star. Therefore Venus, Ketu, Moon,
Jupiter apd Mars are auspicious. Rahu is
Second house is owned by Sun. Kethu deposited in' Moon's sign; Rahu dasa is'
and Moon are in the Star Uthrashada. on. (Moon dasa and Mars dasa passed
8th house to Cancer Lagna, which is away while young.) Rahu gave marriage
Maraka sthana—second house to the 7th in its dasa.: Btence the periods of child "
house is unoccupied. It is owned by birth are Rahu dasa, Kethu Bhukti Venus
Saturn. ' Saturn is strong. Therefore we Anthra, Rahu dasa Venus'. Bhukti Mars
have to judge which is the very stropg evil Anthra, Rahu dasa. Mars Bhukti-.Venus -
and causes bereavement. ; ■, ,. , ^Anthra and Jppiter dasa. Jupitef Bhukti
■ Saturn-dasa Moon' Bhukthi, Kethu or Moon Anthra.'
Rahu anthra or Saturn ddsa Rahu Bhukthi, If any child is '■born' having' Rahu or
Kethu or Moon anthra will prove to be Saturn as its ruling planet, it cannot live
evil. ■ . long. Fortunately these children have no
Saturn dasa Moon Bhukthi operates connection whatsoever with them.:
between 29-7-1988 and it runs up to That child .who is born during - your
.1-3-1990.—Saturn.dasa Rahu Bhukthi runs - Kethu Bhukti,-Vehus Anthra, will get mar-
between 84-91 and 14-2-94. ried during your Jupiter 'dasa, Venus
Considering progression and transit one Bhukti, Kethu Anthra in Febfuary T972.
is to select. , The planetary .configuration That child, bom during Venus Bhukti,
in the beginning of March 1992 is undesi- Mars Anthra - Will have.. self-acquisition
rable. Mars and Saturn conjoin together from Jupiter dasa, ' Rahii Bhukti, Venus
in the constellation of lord of one, Srava- Anthra Mars Shookshama, i.e., from'
na, in the 7th house. It is the so-called December 1976. / ' •.
Sade-Sati.- Jupiter will be in Kethu cons- That daughter whose1 birth was in the
tellation. Sun m 8th house in Saturn sign, conjoined period of Rahu dasa Mars
Rahu Star Moon sub. Hence around Bhukti, Venus Anthra, will be successful
1-3-1992, beailh of wife needs expert medi- in her studies during 1976, in their
cal ai,d;"TilIthen;her longevity ispromised; conjoined period and when Venus Bhukti
Therefore, you will survive your wife operates, she will get - married. The
from and after 1-3-1992.— ^ •- : ; youngest also will be married during the
same Venus Bhukti as Venusjs.in5,inlhs
Children constellation.of the dual planet - plurality,
.i Houses.2; 5 and .11 are to.hejudged . Mercury. Hence Venus sub period indK
regarding birth of children. Jupiter is the cates marriage to both these girls, in
whose birth chart, it could be seen that As Mars strongly aspects Dasanatba, it
Venus is their ruling planet. will be a pilgrimage. Venus in watery
In Jupiter dasa, Saturn Bbukti is on. sign suggests Holy Rivers and Ocean
It will automatically, naturally sterilise Saturn also aspecting Jupiter shows that
her generative system and no more addi- tbe pilgrimage will be to the higher attitude
tion is shown. on tbe bills. As Jupiter shows North
East-visit to Haridwar, Risbikesb, Badri-
Overseas natb, Ganges, etc. are shown in June-July
1970. Again during Jupiter dasa, Mars
Judge the houses 3, 9 and 12. Bbukti Venus Anthra Feb./March 1975.
3rd bouse is occupied by Mars. No When Saturn dasa starts, you will con-
planet in the constellation of Mars. centrate on business and put an end to
9tb bouse is vacant. It is owned by travels. Saturn in tbe 4tb bouse makes
Jupiter which occupies the constellation one steady, and hardworking. Plodding,
of the planet, Venus, ruling the 1 Itb preserving and patiently working in tbe
bouse and fulfilling the desire. It occupies same place, with less of travel is shown.
the 9th sign of the zodiac, a common sign. Even if it is in tbe constellation of lord of
It is aspected by Mars occupying 3rd bouse 9, it is in tbe sub of lord of 8 denying long
and aspecting the 9th bouse. travel.
Hence, to me it appears that' during
Mercury owns, the 12th and the 3td Jupiter dasa, in future, you will make two
bouse and Venus is occupying tbe star long trips on pilgrimage and you may
Jyesbta, governed by Mercury. Hence visit holy places, rivers etc.
Jupiter dasa, Venus Bbukti, Mars Antbra
Mercury Sbooksbama, .shows travel to a You will enjoy peace and pleasure.
far off place with'family and enjoying life. Good Luck!
.. The chart of the person who puts lltb bouse shows either legal or illegal
questions within himself., (a) though marriage or intimacy. Eleventh bouse
marriage is be made, in Heavens,, can play its role, before, - during and
yet the bride must be .only here, ;(b). after marriage if it denotes pleasure alone.
then where is she, (c) when can I come to But lltb house also indicates' permanent
■ know ' of her, (d) when will she be- tie of friendship, pleasure and partner in
come my Wife, (e) how long am I to wait,' life.
(f) to hasten the date what shall I dp, etc.;, As your ascendant. is Scorpio and its
is as under; ' ' lord is neither in the 6th or 8tb or 12th
Merc sign, and siuce Lagna sign is not afflicted
On 21*aia- I5fl 23' Jupiter by the occupation of any evil one, is to
Von, 13* 2O'
43 Sun 22° 2' 1 take that Lagna is strong. As regards
17' 27' Moon sign, its lord is in 6 to that sign.
Debilitation and exaltation need not be
Mars taken for consideration.
- I—5—1931 17° 54/ Cusp two is in Sagittarius, i It extends
' 10-2 P.M. > in Capricorn—rSaturn is only at 07,23' in
2\* W 'U Capricorn—Hence Saturn is the occupant-
..Saturn 22° 02°'E ■ - Neptune It governs the three NakshatHras—Pushya',
0° 23' 10'^ Anuradha and Utbrapadra. Venus alone
is in Uthrapadbra.. Neither Rahu, nor
Kethu is tenanted either - in TaurUs or in
Lagna Moon 1 Kethu Libra which signs are ruled by Venus—if '
21* 8' 10° 18' 20' 20' occupied the node is stronger. 7th bouse
remains unoccupied., ~
" Rahn dasa Balance 13 years 1 month lltb bouse commences at' the lltb cusp
^ nays from n-Tinofifr tie - is-running 24° 20'in Virgo _and ends by 24o,20' in
Libra—Thulami Only Mood V situated
. Saturndasa". From-7,7-3-1967 he enters' in II..and its Na.kshatbras. are Robini,
. into Venus sub period. Hastbam, Sravanatn. Ketbu is in Hastbam
For marriage, which bouses are to be in its own sub. ' .1 ■ ■ ■ ■ - •i.
judged 7 Are we to count from Lagna or Hence Venus, Kethu, Saturn and Moon
Moon sign ? are the strongest significators.
"■ Houses 2, 7 and 11 are to be considered As Saturn aspects Moon, it will create a
.and ..invariably Venus,,.in all cases as it is, .'chance during Saturn dasa Ketbu Bbukti
the Chief Governor for matrimony.' House Moon antbra and it has to be! dropped as
r two, indicates that , there will be either Saturn aspecting Moon causes Punarpboo,
ihcreasejn-the'number.o£. the.members ..of Saturn. tempts : ^.disappoints ; delays ' till
the family by marriage, birth of children one-gets dejected. But ultimately it blesses
reunion with.sueb'family members who with something more .pleasing than
'had beeTstaying' temporarily" or "perma- normal expectation. '
nently away, etc. or reduction by separa-
tion or bereavement. ■ The next period when Satmu wilt celeb- •
rate the marriage, will be during Saturn
7tb bouse indicates legal bondage and dasa, Venus Bbukti, Moon antbra, Ketbu,
partner in life—lawful. it Shookshrha.
Now let us find out whether the ruling Taurus. Saturn almost conjoins '' Venus.
planets at the moment of judgment agrees As per progression Sun forms semi sex-
with the significators. . tile radical Jupiter. :
What is today 7—Friday. Whorulesit?— Hence, 14-4-1967 will be the time of
Venus. What is the star now 7 Sravana—■. marriage. r
who governs it?—Moon. In which sign is
Mooa^transitting 7—Capricorn. Who is As Saturn has delayed so^long, one may
the owner 7 Saturn. Lagna also Capri- doubt why it should not be deferred to
corn.. So, one need not hesitate to select . Venus Bfaukti, Moon . antfara. It can-
the significator and to. fix the time—The But, one should decide and select either of
conjoined period of Saturn, Venus and the two considering the Gochara at thi
Moon will be the time of marriage. It latter, period. .Actually, the second
may be Venus, Venus, Moon also.. period is governed more by Moon (anthra-
nadha]! As Moon'is in II, i.'e. 5th to.7th
. Now go by progression and also. by houses, that will be the time .of conception
'transit. . Saturn, the dasanathh, will enter. by'the wife.
into Saturns's ' star on 2-2-67; It will be
in Venus sub between 17-3-67 and 4^4-67. ' 'It is advisable'to pray Lord Krishna
.Then in Moon sub between 9-4-67 and and Maha Lakshmi. It is . said that by
18.4-67. It will be 14-4-67—Friday when reading Lakshmi Hridhayam, one will get
Moon transits in Venus sign, Moon star, , married,' also one can have that bride or
Rohini. Venus will be in its own sign in bridegroom ..whom one wants.
Asks a lady bom on 8-4-1920 at 9-41 Also one should not omit to note that
A.M. LMT. Her horoscope is as under; Jupiter, in any manner, connected with the
houses 2 or 10 or< II will give one opti-
Sun 25-24 Lagna mism, jubilant and buoyont spirit, and
Yen. 2-33 • 29-55 satisfaction. . Whereas even in.'affluent
Mere. 0-11 circumstances, even though one has every-
thing to enjoy the fruits of life in this
Uranus Jup. 15-28 world, if Saturn is in any manner, con-
11-29 Neptune nected with these houses, one will be dis-
16-07 satisfied, depressed and be pessimistic
especially during Saturn periods-
Fortuna Sat. Second house' is occupied - by Jupiter;
23-24 12-52
Rabu, Mercury and Venus are in the cons-
Rahu tellation of Jupiter. Mercury and Venus
Moon 24-28 -are situated- in the 10th house and both
18-53 Mars the luminaries Sun and Moon are in
12-48 Mercury constdlation and no planet is - in
the constellation-of Venus.
2nd cusp 24° 10' Gemini
3rd cusp 19° 10' Cancer ' Therefore Rahu, Mercury, Venus, Sun,
4th cusp'17° Iff Leo Moon . and Jupiter are the planets. con-
nected. strongly with the houses 2, 10. and
5th cusp 20° Iff Virgo H.
A 6th cusp 26° .10' Libra. This lady had been running Venus' Dasa
By saying " The best period " in one's between 1941 and 1961. It is lord of
life, a- lady may mean happy family, Lagna in-10th-Bhava, in Pisces in exalta-
tion. So Venus Dasa went on'well. Next
success to. all. of them in their efforts, period is governed by Sun. It is in Labha
pleasure^ prosperity, ' piopularity, progress . Stbana. It is also auspicious.'Next follows'
plus peace to all.. What everybody wants the Moon - Dasa between 11-9-67 and
is peacebut most of the people do not .11-9-77. Age will be 47 to 57. A time
get it. They cannot even -purchase peace when husband is to reach his heights,
even at prohibitive price. children to come out successful in examin-
If one judges the houses 2, 10 and 11, ation, get married, get into service or take-
one can_find_out the beneficial significators up business and. also to have some, more-
contributing for such matters mentioned fiats constructed for the use of her
above, so that she can consider those children.
periods .as ..the.most. desirable.and agree--, Moon isTn the constellation of lord of
able one. - 2 and 3. It is in the sixth Bhava. It- is
Second, hbuse'denotes family.and finance - in -the sub of -Ketbu in the 11th Bhava.
10th house promises popularity and pros- Moon is aspected _by.. exalted—Jupiter.
perity'. ! Hth house indicates fulfilment of Therefore Moon Dasai will be' favourable.
one's desire and realisation of one's Moon will offer her only favourable^
^ambition.' - results- Moon, called Mathi, indicating
■ 12
mind, receiving beneficial aspect from Jupi- case of Moon Dasa, 8tb bouse is vacant.
ter gives ber hopes, offers ber desired results Only KetbU is in 6 to Moon. For Venus
and makes ber very happy. Being a and Sun, Mars, Rabu and Saturn were in 8
speedy planet, pleasant things will happen and 6. For Moon only Ketbu. Therefore
one after another with very little interval uniform good luck, happiness, jovial
in between. "spirit, brilliant life, peace and realisation
Further one should note whether strong of ambition are promised in Moon Dasa of.
benefics to the native are in 6 or 8 to dasa- 10 years running from 11-9-1967 to
natba and also malefics. During Venus 11-9-1977. excepting Ketbu Bbukti.
Dasa and Sun Dasa, Saturn was in 6 to In the whole period of 10 years, the sub
tbem (Saturn is a Rajayogadhipatbi to periods of Jupiter and,Venus will be the
Risbaba Lagna born. As it is in 6 to climax i.e., between 11-8-1970 and
dasanatha, they ndh-cooperate and hence 11-12-71 and then between 11-7-75 and
undesirable results are to be'given by 11-3-77. In the .Happy New 'Year, you
them in Saturn's sub period.) Mars and will march on to pleasant Moon Dasa.
Rabu are in 8 to Venus and Sun. So they
throw.obstacles in their sub periods in the Good Luck !
major dasa of Venus and Sun. But in the
horary astrology
Question (1):—' '■ Will I ever marry the Will she marry the same-person? As
boy whom I want?" ■■ asks a pretty girl lords of 2, 7 and 11 are in fixed sign, she
(who satisfies all qualifications for mar- . will marry him alone.
riage) on .7-12-66 .at 11-30 A.M. at Bom- When? From 7-12-66 the'date'of query '
bay. She gives the number '45' within to 7-1-67, Saturn sub period will operate.
108 before : asking for a number, just like Then Mercury shb period has to run for 17
a ^ell-trained child projects its tongue, months. .The sub sub period of Saturn
wide opening its- month' as soon as a will fulfil the desire.'-
physician' enters the bouse.
Why ? Houses 2,. 7 and M indicate :
The Horoscope for number, 45 for that marriage; the order in which the strength
time is as follows:—. of - the planets -is to be judged is as
follows:— s i ■
(a) As tenants are. stronger than >
owners, the sub tenants are more
powerful. The.'occupants of the •
bouses 2, 7 and 11' are stronger
29-44 Jup.. 10-46 ■ s than the lords.of the bouses 2, 7
and 11. Much stronger, are those
deposited in the constellation of
Lagna the occupants' 6f , 2 or -7 or 11. ,
26-40 to Hence -first of all, note whether
■ 30° there are planets situated in any
Ura- 0-54 of the three constellations of the-.,
Ven 28-17 Nop. 29-28 Mars 8-35 occupants of the bouses 2 pr 7
Sun 21-24 Kcthu Moon orll.' •
Merc 1-08 21-20 17-40 (b) Then give priority to the. occur .
pants! "
. Moon .dasa Balance 4 years 3, months.
Now running Mnnn Hnga '—Satnm ,.sub (c) :.Thirdly.,take those planets Which .
period. ■ are in -tbei constellation of the
I owners.
- Lagna, itsiLord aspect to Lagna and its , (d) Next follows the owncrs-of those
lord show whether the. matter will materi-.
alise or not. • !' bouses.; Having found out the
' significators do not bmit .to note
Moon and its position '.denotes the whether any planet is •
nature of the query. It must agree in full. (e) Conjoined with ahy-.of the signifi-
Then the prediction .based on. the .Lagna cators or. asp'ected by any' of
accofding .to.tbe number, igiven .will come -tbem.-
Moon is in Lagna Bbava. It is in its All these planets have something to do
own constellatiohr'There'fSfe'i't relates' to. -- with marriage.- In my, experience, I have
found that the above order works in .the
her. Also it shows.her life in another
place. - Girls have t6 change the residence ' majority of the cases. [This method does
not need the Shadbala or Asbtaka—varga.
and lead their lives in another ' place in- This depends "on the stellar system/J
cluding through change in surroundings
and ' environments,which. ..lord. -of_.12.- - - - Ketbu is in'2; Saturn is in 7 and Jupiter
denotes. ..., ' . . is in 11. Ketbii rules Aswini, ' Makam
and.Moolam stars; i.e., the 1st, lOtb and : given'is Three—3^—(8-30 a.m. • 8-12-1966
19tb Stars. No. planet is in any of the Thursday at Bombay).
three- ■
Saturn governs Pusbya, Anuradba and^ Rabu
Uthrapadrapad*. Jupiter is in Pusbya." 21-18
The other 2.stars are'unoccupied.
Jupiter is the lord of Punarvasu, Visaka Saturn 1 Jupiter
and Poorvapadrapada.. Kethu and Mercury 29-45 " 10-44
are in Visaka. Saturn is in Poorvapadra-
■ Hence Kethu, Jupiterr Saturp and Mer-
cury are the significators.
Today when the anxious girl visited me Venoa Neptune Uranus
it was Makara Lagba and Sravanam Star 29-25 f 29-30 . 0-55
ruled by Moon in Satum's sign Capricorn Sun 22-18 Kethu Mars
Mercury 21-18 . .8-54
was rising in the East. It is a Wednesday, 2-14 Moon O-l
lord of which is Mercury- The Moon is
transitting in Virgo (Rasi) owned by Mer- By new business,'' it means that be
■cury, the constellation in which Mooh continues- to have the original one and
transits belongs'to Moon itself, as the- desires, to take up another also, df one Hastha. Therefore, Moon, Mer-- wants to leave the present, business and
cury and Saturn rule this moment. r launch a new one, the' significator is to
This method of ascertaining the ruling rule the period and it has to occupy a
planets at the moment of query and taking movable sign) If one continues the same
them as those who will offer the results in' business and does not augment bis income
their conjoined, period coines true in all by doing" either a' side-business or by
having a fresh venture, the significator,
the 100% of the cases. ''This is a wonder-
ful method simple, convincing and correct. ' i.e., the lord of the period will occupy a
fixed sign'.. But if one takes up ..another
This method can be applied to any query.'
Vimsbotbari dasa has to be followed. If ' business' also, the significator may be
Mercury, which indicates plurality of
a child is born at that moment, do not.we, „ interests or the planet, i.e., lord of the
erect a chart for that time and calculate period will be in a common sign.'
the dasa-balance.. Similarly do. From
the number' given; switch on the' Lagna . Whether it is old business, or new busi-
according to that number fpr that pirticu-' ness, one has to judge the houses 2,- 6
lar question. Failure will be NIL. . ' ■ p and 10., As new. (business needs fresh
So, the girl is informed that she will- investment and it also increases one's
v income, one is to consider the bouses 12
marry the same person. whom she wants ^ for investment and 11,. for.furtber gains.
to, when Moon dasa Mercury Bbuktbi If it has connection with only 12 and not
Saturn antbra, Kethu sbooksbma operates connected with. 11, it shows, investment
i.e., between. 16-3-68 and 20-3-68. At that and loss. • .. '. '
time. Sun will transit in Jupiter's sign
Satufn Star, Mercury sub ; Saturn will be 2nd bouse is not occupied ; '6th bouse is
in Mercury Star, Mercury sub. Jupiter in. occupied by Mars and Moon. lOtb is
Kethu Star Moon sub. unoccupied; 11th is occupied by Saturn.
12tb bouse is vacant. Moon in 6, rules
Hence between 16-3-68 and 20-3-68 on the constellation (4)'Rohini (13) Hastbam
a Monday or Wednesday she will have and (22) Sravanam. No planet is posited
him as her busbiand. in any pf the .three constellations. Saturn
Qoestioa(2):—New businees or expan- in 11 is the lord of the constellation
ion of the present one-Any! 'If'so, Pushya, Anuradba and Utbrapadra.
when? What will be its future. Number ' Jupiter alone is in Pusbya. ,
- As Mars sign is occupied by. Rahu—a QaeStibn (3):—Will it be Farming of,
node—it is stronger than Mars. So note Mine - which is advantageous? As in the
the three constellations of Rahu. They 11th bouse, there is Saturn and it is in
are. Anuradba (6th star) Swatbi. (IStb) and sbooksbma Parivarthan Yoga with Jupiter,
Satbabisba (24th constellation). No planet ' whichever venture you undertake, it must
is in Rabu's constellation- take Rahu. prosper. As Saturn' denotes mine _and
Moon alone is in Mar's. Constellation.. mine products,- it will be a sound business
Moon is strong as it is in the 6th bouse. and the business will be in a new locality
Second bouse is' owned by Mercury. Sun away from your present premises as.Saturn
and Venus are in the constellation Jyeshta, is in the constellation of lord of 9 and 12.,'
lord of which is Mercury-lOtb bouse is. ' Mine' will come' up first. Then during
ruled by Saturn and Jupiter is in Pushya, Rahu Dasa, Rahu Bhukti, Venus Antbra,
Governed by Saturn. - . you will have Fanning also as Rahu is in
Mars sign, Venus star and' Jupiter sub.
Thus one can note that Rabn, Mars and Mars and Venus denote agriculture.
Moon are the' strongest significators,
indicating the matters of the bouses, 2, 6 Astrologer is not to give advice. He is
and lO. Next Jupiter follows. to predict that which is to happen. When
For-the investments lord of the 12, you are asked to give a number to guide
Jupiter, Mercury, Ketbu and Saturn in the. - me so that I can find out whether you can
constellation of Jupiter are the signifi- take up farming also, straightaway taking
cators. the number for indication you mention
For increase in income, etc. Jupiter ' number '3'. It means. Bbarani .first
quarter. As number 3 falls .in Mars sign
and Saturn are strong. Venus star, you will undertake Farming
Now' he has Mars Dasa, 'Mercury . also, ae Mars is Bboomi karaka, and
Bhukti. It is to. run for II months"24 ■ Venus is for agriculture.
days from 8-12-66 to 2-12-67. Mercury .is Saturn suggests that you will take up
the lord denoting plurality of interests. Mine and supply Mine Products to Indus-
So Moon,, in the constellation of Mars tries ; later you will add Farming also.
gives courage, in the sub of Mercury to
think of a fresh venture. Question (4):—Will I bny that property
As. in the constellation of which I-want to ? Number given is 9., It
lord of 12, Jupiter, it creates opportu- means 26° 40' to. 30° Aries ; 4 and 11 are
nities to invest. It is in the sub of Rahu,. the bouses to be judged and Mars also
-which-is the-Ghief-slgnificator for profes-- throws light on this matten - Here,
sion (Judging bouses 2, 6 and lO). ' There- not a gift. But you pay cash; hence 12th
fbre during Mercury sub period and Rahu bouse should show, issue of cheques; 4th
sub sub period, money will be invested bouse to acquire a property . and the 1 Itb
e., between 28-6-67 and 22-8-67. As the. bouse indicates the permanent gains.
period" which is ' running is governed by 4tb house is vacant, : 11th is oecupied by
Mars and Mercury, and since Rahu is a Saturn in direct motion. It is the lord of
strong representative of Mars, on the day 10 and 11 and it is in the constellation of
when Sun transits Mercury sign, Rahu lord of 12. "
'constellation and 'Mercury. sub, be will Lord of 4 is in the constellation of
■invest. It will happen on. 28-6-67. He Mars. Therefore, you will purchase the
will continue to spend till Ketbu sub same— and issue the cheque,
period-ends,-i.-e;7-29-4i68r-— . during Mars Dasa, Mercury Bhukti, Rabti
Only when Venus' (in the constellation Anthra as in the 12thBhava to
- of. lord, of 6 aspected by -10th -aspect by - the number ' 9'
lord of 10 and ll)'sub period operates be
will'gain. Mars in a common sign.and Qnestion (5);—Marriage When? Num-
the planet Mercury will surely , see-that he.. ber given is ' 7Houses 2, 7 and 11 are
- starts a new business also. to be judged.' No planet is in 2.' Kethu
and Mercury are in 7. Saturn is in 11. shows that he' has not met with people
ars Dasa, Kethu Bhukti, Jupiter Anthra; who mention less than 30; so his finding
(first the date of marriage will be fixed but is not correct.
Ht will be deferred to. Mars Dasa, Kethu
-Bbukti, Saturn Anthra, i.e., around If one is to erect for the moment of
21-3-68 when Sun transits in.Uthrapadra query, a horoscope, how can one predict
star and Moon in Aswini star. the queries; which are given below:—
Question (6):—Overseas When? ^um- (a) I have seen 3 girls named Daivam",
ber given is 17. Judge houses 3, 9 and' Tbilakam and K^malam. They
12.. Lagna falls between 23° 20' to 26° 40' . do not know even the date of
in Taurus. Moon is lord of 3 no planet is birth. Of the 3, whom will I
in 3. No planet is in 9-Satum is lord of marry ?
9. Mars is lord of 12 and there is none (b) I have to remit money to-morrow
in 12. Hence Mars, Moon and Saturn in the bank, to save my prestige.
denote the' results-Moon is in Mars I have requested 4 people; all
constellation ; Mars Dasa, Moon Bhukti, the 4 are private bankers. Who
Saturn Anthra will give the chance, i.e., ■ will oblige ?
nearly 3 years 2 months afterwards, i.e., (c) I want to sell any one of the 6
February. March, 1970. houses I own. Each is in a
(Readers are requested to note that this . street. Which will be sold ?
industrialist at Bombay put 5 questions^ and so on.
and all ace answered by horary' system.
The numbers -given by him are 3, 5, 9, 7 But jf one takes for each matter, one
and 17. If any has formed an idea that number, then he can pinpoint and give
below 30, nobody gives a number/.; it clear and correct prediction.
The horoscope, of the gentleman is as or speech or self-acquisition or bank posiV
follows: • tion and movable property. As Kethu ij,
in one of the two signs ruled by Mercury,'
Mars Kethu is stronger than Mercury in offering'
Rahji Lagna 19.28 . Venus the same results of Mercury but it gives?
3.7 • 4.37 • Saturn 19.26 to a greater extent [If during the period''
23.50 of Mercury one gains, say Sth prize in' k
JMcp. 4.13 lottery, during the period of Kethu he •
Mercury will get at least second prize. Because*
14.19 Kethu is in-Virgo belonging to Mercury,':
16—8—1923 Kethu does not rob away all the effects of '
Moon Mercury and leave it as an invalid. - In-
29.3 .- Sun cases of finance and fortune Mercury,
' Uranus 0.39
12.19. paves the way makes necessary arrange-.
■ • ■ i '" ments, arranges for negotiation 'to enter'
Jupiter Fortuna . Kethu .into an agreement and sign a contract; -
16.1 4.13 '3.7; but Kethu starts it, runs it and brings
fortune. Regarding purchase of a house,
during , Mercury period one purchases,
'Mars dasa Balance 3 years II months registers, pays, the money etc.,' during'
29 days—Whether one serves to • make Kethu one.takes possession.' As regards
money or does business independantly or marriage .during Mercury expect engage-
takes up agency or acts as' a representa- ment,, and during Kethu celebration: or,
tive, the astrologer is'to judge the houses during Mercury ' marriage'- and .during
2, 6 anH -in invafiaKlY.gnH thpn include Kethu real.pleasure in.the .married life.
wltTrlTTn'rfirlllffS the parti- For'overseas, during Mercury one applies,
cular nature of the business. arranges'iand obtains passport etc., during
Kethu, actually make the : joumey 'if
Mars and Satum are in the second Mercury denotes, journey and so on]
house, ah earthy, sign : Mars is termed as Ketbu-bccupies-dih- house.' (6th cusp is
'Rh nniK ajfalta1 -aHd-Saliirnii denotes imine • at 25'' 35'- Leilas the birth.was at 23° N.
piuducLsK'^'Tlie sigiriuled by.Venus" iudi- Latitude) Sun' alone is in Makam, one of
cates. chemicals. V Hence .planets in. the. the 3 consfellatiohs"governed by Kethu.
rcbnstellation" of 'the occupants as well as
the occupants portray that he will gain lOtb bouse extends from 26°* 35' Sagitta-
through mines yielding chemicals., rius to-23° 35':Capricorii.- No planet is
-in TO.
-- .San'ifrranfl'MrwTh arr in the COnstella-
of Mars. Mercury-is in'the star-governed ' Venus, Sun and Jupiter own the signs
.by, Saturn. ;-Therefore Mars—Mercury,. .. -where'-the ■ second—cusp-(6° 35' Taurus)
-R'n'tiir'i n TrTd Mjinifpimtc second house mat- -sixth cusp (25° 35', _LeoT~andTOth "cusp
ters whether it refers to family, or finance otherwise called meridian falls (26° 35'
or marriage.or.birth of children—or—vision -Sagittarius).
Jupiter is in Venus consteilatioD: Kethu -Venus occupies 3rd house; Mercury
Sf in Sun's; Rahu is in Jupiter's copstella- owns 3rd house.-' Hence planets in any
ujori. (As Rahu is in" Pisces oWiled by manner connected with Vends or . Mercury
Jupiter, Rahu is stronger than Jupiter, or both will - give -chances to take up
fits occupation bf the'12th house indicates agency and to have plurality, of interests
rfortune in a foreign place, away from as Venus is in a dual sign Gemini and
tone's native place. ' Mercury, by nature, offers such results.
F- .■
« Thus majority of the. planets and both Jupiter alone is in (he constellation of
v the. nodes are connected with self-acquisi- Venus. Bharani, Poorvapaiguni and.
l'[ tion and business. Poorvashada are the .3 constellations of
Venus. As Rahu a node is in Jupiter's
I' From Rahu dasa Mars Bhukti, it gave sign, .Rahu is stronger and whatever
i opportunity to start his career in 1934; Jupiter promise;, Rahu (though preceding
^ during Jupiter dasa, Jupiter sub period, Jupiter in Vimshothari dasa system) will
long journeys, to the district drhcre this give in its period and sub period. No
- person at present works and: has settled planet is in IVIercury's stars.
,, his life, would have been made. . From
Jupiter dasa Saturn Bukhti, he settled his Now this gentleman. is running Rahu
life far away from his birth place, i.e. from Bhukti from 27-3-65 and it will be over
23° Latitude to 11° Latitude North. by 3-2-196S. Mercury sub sub period will
Planets connected with houses 2, 6 and operate between 29-6-66 'and 24-11-66.
10 indicate that one will have the oppor- This period is. weak as Kethu' is in
tunity to make money. . Placets not Mercury's-sign. So between 24-11-1966
connected, in any manner with any of and 24-1-1967, proposal for agency will
these three houses, do not .contribute and be suggested and negotiation will go on
one may remain without any self-acquisi- slowly with steady progress. .'
tion at' all. '
From 24-1-1967 to, 15-7-1967, Venus
For agency one is to consider the third rules. Therefore when Saturn by transit
house and also the chief governor for' passes in its star, Uthrapadrapada, Rahu
agency. Mercury. is. in Venus star,' Sun id Saturn's sign,
Rahu star; Venus sub on 1-3-1967 when
The third house extends' from' 2° 35'' Venus is in Saturn's star Rahu sub, on a
Gemini to 26 II 35. Gemini; Hence Mer- Wednesday, Swathi star day (Rahu star,
cury becomes the lord of the third as well Venus sub) this gentleman will 'take up the
as the 4th house by owning' Gemini. As agency.
no cusp falls in Virgo, Mercury does nbt
become' the lord of the 6th house even As Venus is Vahana.karaka, it may refer
though 6th house 'extends from 25° .35' vehicles.' Mercury owning both the 3rd .
Leo to 4° .37' Libra, Therefore one has and 4th houses also indicate agency for
to scientifically.consider that Mercury is cars.1 So on 1-3-67 agency for cars will
lord of the 3rd and the 4th house and be taken and,. this! will be - one of the
should not take as lord of 3 and 6 (which many pleasant prosperous events in- the
is Hindu System). -(I-follow Western). - Happy New Year, 1967.

"Here is the horoscope so.saying, she -- labour and gains through the influence and
bands (over the following chart. She efforts of the person will be enjoined by
adds " -Will. the . partner be reliable and the partner who gains experience to cheat
just? him; the partner knows ho law; but he
will be unscrupulous, silly and swindling.
Luckily, there is neither Saturn nor tbe
Rahu Uranus dangerous Neptune.
17-09 8-21
Lord of 11 Mars is in the constellation
of lord of 7 and is also conjoined with
lord of '7. Therefore whomsoever you
6-^-2—1950 select as a partner or whomsoever takes
c6-45 A.M. you as a partner will have permanent tie
- Uag. 23-3€ n 39' N and with you and it will be profitable.
Sun, 23-36 78^ 12' E Saturcr
iup. 21-54 25-10 Planets in the constellation of lord of 6
Venn» 14-33
and sub of 2 or 6 or 10 or 11 will arrange
Nop. 24-11 to have the share of- profit in time.'
Mercury Moon 4-31 Because 7th house shows partner. There-
28-19 Marsl7-46 fore 6th house den'otes the issue of cheque
by the partner. 2, 6, 10 and ILhouses
Sun Dasa.. abre 2 years 4 months 3 denote-the receipt of cheques by the native
days. Luckily, you' will have such business in
-Rahu Dasa. Rahu is tenanted in Revathi
For business, one has to judge the star ruled by Mercury who is lord Of 6.
houses . 2, 6 and 10. .For--.partnership • The sub is. also governed by Mercury.
judge houses 7 :and 11. Hence you will earn as a partner in'busi-
■ . neSs and the partner will be reliable.
Rahuisin.the second house. No'pla-
net is in its star. So Rahu is very strong, 10th. house also may be judged whether
the partner in business will be reliable and
6th bouse is vacant: 10th remains un- sincere. Because in Jataka Tatwa, Maba-
occupied. Lord of 2 is Saturn : No pla- deva has said that malefics in 4 makes one
net is in its star. . Lord of 6 is Mercury? insincere. As 7th house denotes partner
Rahu is ' in Revathi ruled by Mercury. and the 4th therefrom is the lOtb house,
Lord of 10 is Venus: Saturn alone is the meridian denotes whether the partner
under the sway of Venus as it is in Poorva- will be reliable or not.
If there are more than one partner how
. Hence Rahu, Saturn and Mercury indi- to judge who will be reliable and who will
cate your business. During Rahu Dasa, misbehave?
Saturn Bhukthi, Mercury. Anthra, you will -
"be taken as a partner..i.e..—in -January- ■ -Only those who are connected, in any
nwr" ^ manner, with houses 7 and 11 can become
■ partners,. _If they have connection with ■
One ghniilH-neverJinlr-hts-rrrhff'rnrliine lord of 12, then there will be__undesirable-
with another in business, if Saturn is in partner also. If the ruling planets of .the
the 7th. Still worse, if Neptune is in the partners "are not connected with ' 12th
7th cusp. • If Saturn -or NeptUne-happen "'"house,, then those, partners are reliable.
to be in the 7th cusp, then'all the hard But if the ruling planets of the partners
are those planets connected with your 12tb and Jupiter and owned by Jupiter. There-
bouse, then they will be yout secret enemy fore . do not' join with people bom in
or those who bring about loss or those Amdhra star, Funarvasu star and Revatbi
who are unreliable. Hence, you. have to star.' Also avoid Gemini and Pisces
make a choice. Your 12tb bouse is Sagit- borns. The most favourable ones ate
tarius. It is occupied'by Mercury , Venus Dbanisbta and Anuradba.


Horoscope is as under: Moon is conjoined with Rabu. Venus
and Mercury are in Rabu's constellation,
Ura. 2-27 Arudbra. Ketbu is' in Swatbi. Hence
Moon 3-09 Mercury Mercury and Ketbu also indicate.
Rahu Sun 20-01 11-58
19-35 Venus
18-07 In Sun dasb, Sun, Bbuktbi Rabu antbra,
a new cycle of life' will; start; (a), dasa
Lag. 16-10 ^t. 24-39 changes,- (b) planets in the 12th sign to
dasanatba brings about a change in one's
3 routine life—if one is in service^ he will
4-6-1948 procaed on leave or retire; if one studies,
Mars be discontinues; or if one is.a student, be
eaters into service ,0r starts a business or
joins one which is already functioning.
A 'Kethu Neptune Sun, Moon, Saturn and Jupiter denote
Jap. 2-29 19-35' 17-16 that you will manage a mine wberefrom
chemicals may be obtained'. Since you
will be entering, the' period of sun : which
Ketbu dasa balance S years, 4 'months, is in the constellation of Moon, lord of 10
11 days. Consider bouses 2, 6 and 10, counted from the 9tb bouse, you will work
with your father' all. through the periods
Moon is in 2:J Saturn is .in 6, Jupiter is of Sun and Moon til) 1989.. As Mars is
in 10. in the' Bbadbakastbana. "(lltb) counted
. 'Moon's, constellations are Robini, from the 9tb .'bouse and Rabu is in 7 to
Hastbam and Sravanam. Sun s in the 9th bouse, Mars dasa, Mars Bbuktbi
Robini. '^ Rahu.antbra {in the end of 1989) indicates
that be will sever bis connection and you
' Saturn rules Fusbya, anuradba and will be at the' top as Managing Director
Utbrapadra. None in ny' of the three and carry on' the business with courage
stars. and confidence which will crown you with
Funarvasu, Visaka and' Foorvapadra - success.
are governed by Jupiter—None in any. Therefore you will start your life from
Therefore Sun is the strongest. Nest ctober 1973 (Diwali day).
comes Jupiter and then Saturn;

21 .
K. Ganapathi
" Any chance, Sir," asks an intelligent . Whenever a chart is to be judged, - '• ::
- gitl with silver spoon in her.mouth, born (a) Note whether lagna is strong-or
on 27-3-1946. The horoscope is as under: Moon sign is strong. ' If lagna is.un-
. Rahu It57 afflicted take lagna. Moon is-afflicted'as it
Ven 26.16 Uranus Sat 24:59 is in the sign in which Kethu was. Hence
Sun I3.03i 20.55 ' Mars ; cancer.will be first house and Moon is the
Merc 11.15 26.57... ;.'.lord of the ascendant.
Lagna' For overseas, judge the houses 3, 9 and
26.30 - ' 12. Jupiter is in tt|e 3rd house.. Venus is in
.9. Mars is in 12.
The planets situated in the constellation
of the occupants of the houses 3, 9 and 12
are' the strongest significators. Saturn and
Mars are in the constellation of Jupiter,
Moon- Punarvasu. Saturn is in the'sub of the
■ •28.5a Jup..i.32 Nep 16.09 planet in the 8th house. But Mars is in
Kethu 1.57
sub of lord of 11 in 9 which is to fulfil the
Balance - Sun Dasa 4 years, 10 months. ^sj5e 0[ ^ Pers°n f°; long journey and
2 jays higher studies. So; Mars is very strong
. and a benefic for overseas by air.
Beginners of astrology wonder . how • . . . „ ■ .
there could be a birth in such a rich Venus governs Bharam, Poorvapaigum
family having 3 evils Saturn, Mars and - and Poorvashada. No planet is in.any of
Rahu in VyayaSthana, the 12th house and the three stars. Hence Venus is to be
lord of lagna conjoined with Kethu in 6. taken as the strong significator of long
The majority of . the planets are, in 6 journey for fuller pereWution. f
aild.12. ,, > ■ ~ • Mars mips Mrigasira, ' PliiHira and
Some astrologers had predicted Jhat she ■ Dhanishta-
would suffer during. Moon Dasa. Actually . Rahu is in Mars star. It is in the same
she has. grown up nicely without, any ■ sj where Mars ;s. ■ Hellce Rahu is the
ailment during Moon Dasa. They, also ■ strongest."
added loss during- Mars -Dasa which
' commenced'..011:29-1-196:1. So far, there Jupiter is in Chitra and Kethu, is
Was' no loss' to her of to .any member, of stronger than Jupiter.
tie family. Kethii alone is in Kethu's constellation.
But wheh- one -applies, Krishnamiirti Hence we have Rahu, Kethu, Jupiter,
-Padhdhati one can ppdetstawLthat Mot.n,.„ venus and Mars as the significators.
was in the constellation of lord of :2 and . " ,
sub'.of lord of 5 and 10; Mars was'in the At the time when the chart is judged it
'constellation of 6 and, 9 and "Sub of''4 and is Mats Star Mrigasifa- It is Venus sign
-;11. So in their periods,' she had all Rishaba. It is Monday;—Hence-select
"comforts and came out successful in her ■ Mars Dasa, Moon Bhukti, Moon Anthra, .
-scholastic career. She desires'to-take mp-.- Venus Shookshma. Therefore around
journalism. 8-6-67, this person will go overseas. . i
' ■ •<
Foresees Overseas and Mars are the indicators. Today it is
Born on 17-10-1944 at 8-24 P.M. LMT Tuesday:. Lagna is id Satbabbisba; star is
at 23° 0' 72° 38' E Horoscope is furnished Mrigasira. Hence select Saturn Rabu, Mer.
. cury and Mars. So during Saturn . Bbukti, >
below: . • - Rabu Antbra Mercury 'Shooksbma,' Mars
Prafla he will leave India for..'further
Ura. 19-48 Satiirh.
17-46 studies. It will be around the last week
- Lag. 20-20 Rahu of June .1967. . „
- , For, 24-55 . 29-49 .
Will be tabes up father's business?'
- At the time when be attains age, quali-
fies himself, returns to India and tries; to
RASI " do some business, one is to judge the lord
Jupiter of the dasa and Bbukti. . Because, if they
14-40 are connected with lord of.10 counted from
the 9tb bouse denoting father, be; will take.
Mars 9-51 Nop. 11-45 up father's business, assist him abd even
Rcthu - Venus Moon Mercury become a partnerif 7th or lltb house also
. 29-49 0-49 5-44 . operates.', ' ...
Sun 1-9 28-54 .
9th cusp falls in Capricorn. . It's lord is
.. Mdrs dasa Balance 0 yr. 5 mtbs. 26 days Saturn. -1 Otb bouse' therefrom is Libra.
3rd bouse 9° 56' Cancer to 6° 56' Leo. Its' owner is Venus. Therefore planets in
the constellation of Veniis can give such a
.■.12thv house • 14° 56' .Aries to 20° 20' chance. Venus rules Bharani, Poorvapal-
Taunts Judge, bouses 3, 9 and 12: No guni and Pooryashada." Jupiter alone is
planet is in 3 or 9 or 12. Lord of 3 is in Poorvapalgimi Star. Venus' is lord of
• Moon: 9' is Saturn and 12 is Mars. 10.. Hence during Jupiter dasa, Venus
Saturn is conjoined with Rabu. Bbukti be can join father's business i.e.,
-- is in the constellation, of Moon ; None is after.25-2-1971 (Venus and Jupiter are. in
' in the constellation of Saturn... Mercury, Shooksbma .Parivartbada yoga: lords' of
. Sun and Moon are in the constellation of 1 and 11 also lords of 6 and 8; It is' aus-
picious as a partner.) .
Mars. Therefore Rabu, Sat urn, Moon, Sun
,and jn it sub is Kethu or Kethu sub add
Rahu siib sub.
• i
Moon ■> Saturn When one is in doubt whether the Lagna-
V 54' is in the fag end of Led or beginning of
Virgo,- one is take Virgo, according to
* ruling planets and then Rahu'sub in Sun's'
Rahu star and Kethu sub sub. Therefore your
■\\ lagna should be 0° 23' to O9 30" in Virgo:
' 23-24—12—1914
. RASI At the time of birth Jupiter dasa balance
/ Kethu would be 1 year 8 months 19 days. Now
• Jupiter , from 13-11-66 for 3 years, you will be
running Venus Dasa Rahu Bhukti.' From
13-9-65 till IS-H^de, you are running Mars
Sun . Asc. sub period. That is why your financial
Mars, Venus 0° 25' position is unsatisfactory. ' Your servant
collapsed. You had ailment. Your
employer closed, his'show' and he lost
heavily. - '
'At the time when I take your horoscope
to. ascertain whether yon are born in Leo' When can t expect better days ? Saturn,
or Virgo, I note down the ruling planets . after taking direct course, must pass the
>, for the moment . position of Labhadhipathi Moon in Pisces.
Venus, lord of 2, and Mercury, lord of 10
! Today it is Wed esday—governed by have to transit in the constellation and
.Mercury (12-10-1966). sub of Venus, Mercury, Moon or Rahu.
According to . dasa Bhukti system Venus
Moon is in Mars __Star Chitra _ and_r Dasa":Rahu~BIiiIHrrRahu
-^MercarysigirVifgo. Anthra Venus
Shookshma will ' operate, i.e., around
" Lagna is occupied by Sun and Venus. 1-3-67 to 20-3-67.'
As Rahu is in Mars sign and Kethu is in The exact date will be the day when
Venus sign, take Rahu and Kethu. . Moon transits in Venus star Rahu sub or
: Swatbi star. As Sun also will be similarly
Therefore i your lagiia should be Virgo posited, it will be on 1-3-67 that' yon get
ruled" by Mercury, Uthrapalguhi star into a good service,. Wednesday Swathi
governed by Sun and either Rahu star...
Birth on either 22Dd/23rd August, 1919 : a correct chart, to know some results,
or 23rd/24tb August, 1919 a couple of including tbe'request to verify whether the'
hours before Sunrise.' To ascertain the chart is correct, exactly are the same in
correct time follow K. Padhdbati. Today the chart.]
-it is 20-9-66. The Ascendant for this mo- . Therefore 22nd/23rd August, 1919, Fri-
ment Jails in 16° Scorpio nirayan with day, Saturday; Punarvasu star governed
Moon Vargothama rising in the Hast. The . by Jupiter cannot be the day.
star now is Anuradba on 20-9-66. There-
fore the ruling planets areMoon, Mars and But 23rd/24tb August, 1919 Saturday,
Saturn: and, according to' me, these must Sunday, Pusbyah star both governed by
>be the ruling planets, i.e.,1 these planets Saturn, and Cancer rasi owned by Moon
ought to have ruled the day , the lagna, the should be the day,' ' - ' ,
'rasi, the star, etc. [Further research .is
done, and simple method found out by me Ruling planets - at the moment of query
are taught to myobildren, aged 16 and'20. will be and, must invariably be the ruling
Many bad tested them. Of them, the'family planets at the time which is' to be ascer-
'members.of bis Excellency the Governor tained.. , '
of Mysore, at' Bangaloie, asked my child 1
To find. out the lagna, note in which
by Trunk phone and in S seconds, they part in Cancer, a particular degree is ruled
gave the Naksbatbra of the person. It by Mars, Saturn and Moon : ^ i'
was true. - This was beard by Mr. Mohan-
raj, patent expert in 2nd Cross. Ketnpe. (a) The Sigh is owned by Moon.
Gowde Extn—No. 2rand be'tested in the-' (b) Of.. Saturn and Mars (substitute
presence of the' Secretary of the Lawyer's Rah'u as Rabu is in Aries owned
association. It was also correct. Hence by Mars) only Saturn rules one
.1 have stated that, if a person has the urge Constellation in .Cancer, Pusb-
to know the position of 'Moon, rasi and yam.i
Naksbatbra, if one applies iny procedure,
failure is. nil. Success is 100%. Only (c) In Pushyam, select the sub of
those who tested me alone can vouch- Rabu. , v. -
safe.] ,
td) Then' apply the principle of
' If one is in possession of a horoscope mul tiplying by 4 and dividing by
doubt, an'd if the ruling planets at-the 9,'finding put the remainder and
moment of query does not agree with the judging whether it agrees with
ruling planets in the chart, the horoscope Pushyam. ■
is wrong. But if one has a correct map,
the ruling planets will, in total, agree. , By ' further procedure which will be
explained on later issues, it is found that
What made one to take the moment of the sub sub in Rabu,- should belong to
query, to ascertain one's birth. Because,. Mars. Therefore 14° 13' in'Cancer cn
there is a chapter in Bribat Jataka " Lost' 23fd/24th August, 1919, Nirayan must rise
Horoscopes." -All calculations are made at 23° 20'N. It means 6° 51' Leo (Shyana)
from the moment of query.' So T'did- must rise as Ayanamsa according to me
research on these lines. I always note the and New comb is 22° 38' - for the year
ruling planets at the moment one produces 1919.
Sidereal time will be (refer Raphael The chart i. 3 follows:
of houses] 2 hrs. 3 mts. 54 sees.
Sidereal Time at Noon^on 23-8-1919—
10-2-55 correction for ""East Longitude MMB 1.60
72° 38' minus 0—0—48. Add Interval Jup 12.04
and correction. The sum should be 2 hrs. lira 7.05 Mood 15.55
3 mts. 54 sees, i.e., 26 hrs. 3 mts. 54 sees. NeD 17.13
Mete 24.08
Deduct Sidereal time at noon at 72° 38' G Raai
i.e., 10—2—7. Then the interval plus Sun 7.7
correction will be 16—1—47. Then, one Sat 8.49
will find that interval should be 15 hrs.
59 mts. 7 sees, and the correction for the
interval at 10 sees/hours will be 2 mts.. Rahu 6.39
'40 sees. Venus 4.35

Therefore afternoon (not 12.00 I.S.T. Dasa Balance at the time of birth—
But 12-00 LMT) 15 hrs. 59mts..7 sees.have
passed. As it is 72° 38' E, to convert.into ■ Saturn Dasa '45
D00 >r 19
I.S.T add 39 m—32 s. Therefore correct = 1 year, 0 mth., 25 days. ■
■ time of birth should be 4-^38—39 A.M.
on 23rd/24th August, 1919. ' This is the correct horoscope.

Dear Guruji, When I take your chart for answering
I am an ardent reader of your esteemed on • 1-10-1966 at 7.05 P.M., if is, Mesha
magazine, l have received a copy .of your Lagna, ownedjiy Mats: ,in_Aswini star
jrtfly gnweT-he'n'hy tTprhii Mechg Pact oWned
ok—Kfishnanrurli'"Pa3hdhati> Vol. 1. by Mars and Saturday,-lord of which is
The mp rint y'nn -gHvnrafp ic imWH simple
and acc rate. I had been studying this Saturn: - Therefore your ascendant must
Science for the last. ten' years, but not -be' governed by Saturn, Mars and Kethu.
before I came- across your magazine, I In . Saturn's sign Mars star extends.from
could predict accurately. 23° 20' Capricorn to 6° 40' Aquarius..
Kethu, the third .ruling planet of today,
.V.I was,born at Ehamo—Upper Burma has, its sub in Mars star between 1° 53' 20*
near abou(f 9-3d p.M (Local Time). Some to Aquarius to' 2° 40' 00".. So,' with confi-
say Capricorn as Lagna and some say ■ dence, you take that 2° Aquarius is your
Aquarius, Can you fix it up ? lagna. "
'I .Js<J;)Mr,K- Pah, M._Tech._.

Kaviratna . .
■ The purpose of this article is to impress The method of analysis according to
upon the readers of this magazine and KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI is as
astrologers following various systems of under;—
prediction other than KRISHNAMURTI By Marriage it is meant the permanent
PADHDHATI, that KRISHNAMURTI legal bondage with the other sex, an' addi-
PADHDHATI guides to offer correct tion to the family and a New cycle of
LIFE to start.. Hence Bhayas (Houses) 2, 7
The problem is to find out the time of and 11 are to be considered..
Marriage of the Native born on 8-6-1935
at Madras. Time of Birth is 02-04 P.M." The planets signifying the Marriage ate
The Birth Chart is given below: selected according to the, -only Rule and
the order' of the strength of the planets is
Hcrschal Sun Mercury as follows:—
• 11* 34' 23- 47' 11" 12 1. The planets deposited in the
constellation of the occupants of
Kctbu the houses 2, 7 and 11 and also
Saturn Born on 8—6—1935 I* Venus as Venus is for pleasure—
17- 14' 2-04 P. M. aS.T.) . Venus Kama and the Chief governor for
Balance of Venus 7- 46'
Dasa 18 years, Moon Marriage.
Rahu 9 months and 14-g" 2i The occupants of houses 2, 7
r 22 days Noptuno and 11. . s
19° V 3. Planets in the .constellation o^
Jiigfter 15- the Lords of the house 2, 7 and
54' 11. ' ''
22- 11' 1-31'27' 4. Lords of 2, .7 and 11;
5. Those conjoined with or aspected
RASI CHART by any of the significators.
ASC. '21° 31''27" VIRGO It is important to note.that if one does
II Cusp: 21° 32' 24" LIBRA not get significators according-to the order
Ili 21° 32' 24" SCORPIO 1, then only should apply to RULE 2 and
IV „ 20° 32'24" SAGI stop at a stage when he gets enough signi-
V „" 20° 32'24" CAPRI ficators at least3. (But refer to DASA
VI- „ : 21° 32'24" AQUARIUS BUKTHI and ANTHRA' then running).
When one is to further proceed, one is to
VII „ 210,3r 27" PISCES apply the RULE 5.
VIII,, 21° 32 ,24" ARIES
IX „ 21° 32' 24" ' TAURUS Before analysing'the chart' one is to
X 20° 32' 24" GEMINI know whether the Lagna is strong or
Moon sign is strong. Here the Ascendant
XI : 20° 32' 24" ' CANCER is occupied by Mars who is the lord of 8th
XII 21° 32' 24" LEO house from VIRGO which is a Malefic
House to VIRGO. Hence Lagna becomes Now' one should consider w.
Weak. RAHUorKETHU occupies any,of;
As regards the. Moon sign, it is LEO- .signs. Then, the . planet;
SIMHA. Moon is not conjoined with Node will offer the resiilt.'
any Malefic nor Moon sign is occupied by Kethu is conjoined with Venus. l. The.
any malefic. The lord of the Moon sign fore Kethu represents' Venus.'- RAHjJ
•is SUN. 'It is in the Ninthjhoiise counted in Capricorn and is aspected by Ven-
from Moon sign.,' Therefore Moon.sign is the Chief Governor for Marriage. • He
• stronger than Lagna. , , ' ■ Rahu represents Venus. - '
' So we have to coimt from, the Moon'
sign LEO.- . When NODES become significators, th
NpW let us analyse the Chart; plane; posited in the constellations of an<
in the sub of the nodes are strong enoug3
Second 7th and-11 th signs counted from to give the effects of the NODES. -
the Moon sign are VlRGOj AQUARIUS
and GEMINI respectively. Saturn is placed in'the constellation f
Rahu and in the sub of Venus, the Karaka.'
1 & 2. (This is the Strongest Significator.) fqr Marriage. So Saturn is to be taken in
■ Mars is in' VIRGO. Mais governs place of RAHU.
DHANISHTA. SUN alone is posited in KETHU, MOON and SATURN. Tbe-
MRIGASIRISHA; Sq SUN is. a signifi- final is to judge ,the strength of the signi-
cator. There is no planet in Chitra and ficators.
Dhanishta. Saturn is in AQUARIUS.
Saturn governs, the hakshatras Pushya, 1. SUN is in the constellation of . 1
. Anuradha and Uthrapathrapada. Venus, . Bagyaphipathi Mars the lord of 9
alone is posited in PUSHYAM and there and also, in the sub.of Mars who
is hone in Anuradha and Uthrapathra- is placed in 2nd from Moon sign. -'
' pada. So VENUS is a significator. Besides SUN is placed in his own
Amsa. ■
Mercury is in GEMINI. No planet is
tenated in its stars Aslesha, Jyshta and 2. MOON is posited in the constel-
Revathi. lation and the sub of Venus who
is. the' Chief . Governor for
_ Moon_has_occupied - the constellation Marriage. "•
Yubba ruled by VENUS who is the chief 3. SATURN is placed in the Cons-
governor for, Marriage. So MOON is a tellation of Rahu who represents
significator.' ;. Venus: 'and in the sub of Venus
• .Therefore SUN, VENUS,.and MOON besides being the lord of 7.
. are the significators. One need not apply 4. KETHU is a Node. Nodes -are
rule 3.and rule 4 now. ever stronger than the planets.
5. PVanefs;; conjoined or aspeCled by . So the. SIGNIFICATORS are SUN,
- significators MOON, SATURN and KETHU who can
-Moon opposes Saturn according to contri butefor the Marriage of the Native.
JVesterners, is.Jaspected -by-Saturn
according to- Hindus and I also Saturn The ■ native.'got married when he was
s in Square aspeef'to SUN, the signifi- running SUN Dasa, SATURN Bukthi,
cator." MOON Anthra' and KETHU Sookshama.
This agrees well with'thesignificatofs. So
Therefore SUN, VENUS, MOON:and events can take place only when the native
SATURN have-concern-over-the Matri-- -runs the conjoined periods of the signifi-
.monial matter. cators bf the EVENT.
[Another important Rule enunciated by CHART). Hence SUN. SATURN,
ISHNAMURTI, is this: MOON and. KETHU ruled . the time of-
^Important events take , place only when event also..
e time of event is governed by the lords Nothing is left out of explanation
| Dasa, Bukthi, Anthra and Sookshama, by KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI.
e'native runs at. the time of event There is no other system to pinpoint-like
- Let us verify it. The Marriage took this. Through this article, I appeal to all
'lace on a Saturday, ruled by SATURN astrologers to appreciate the, truth;)
3.3S A.M. (approximately)])).e., before Sun Paddhathi is,an eyeopener. Let us, under-,
"se on 14-9-1957. Lagna was CANCER- stand what the Great and Wonderful
uled by MOON. The star rising was MAN of OUR TIME says, and get bene-
RCURY in the sub of SUN. MOON was fited by this PADHDHATI. Let us work
transitling MOON star, in the -sign for further improvement wherever needed.
TAURUS governed by VENUS (as
The horoscope of the boy is as under: an impulse. He is alive as Saturn; forms
• exact trine with the ascendant and it is a
Saturn benefic to . him. It is also rasinatha.
Mars r-17' 3 bad caused 'short journey'.
19-51 Jupiter
24-58 When will he return? It means, he
Moon leaves the' place where he is staying, all
27-31 along , and come to parent's place, i.e.,
Ketbu one is to judge again houses. .3, 9 and 12
26-12 9-47 A.M.
27—1J—1941 if parents go and join him,, one should
note the 11th and tbO 4th house as the
Lagna Rabu boy remains in his place and there ,is
r 2*-0' 26-12, reunion with parents So judge 3, 9
and 12., •
«OuS (a) Mars is in 3. No planet in its
8-03 Sun 11-07 Merwy
28-51 star.
(b)' Mercury is lord of 6. Mars is in
Jupiter dasa Balance 6 years 11 months Mercury star Reyathi.' •
23 days! (c) Venus in 22. Rahu is in Venys
This boy is not to be seen from 22-4-62. star Poorvashada. 3 and 12 are
owned by,Jupiter. Moon Kethu
The question is "when will he return?" and Mercury are in Jupiter's con-
It means (a) whether he is alive stellations.
(b) whether ; the . elders will Therefore Mars, Rahu, Venus, Mercury,
come to know of.his whereabouts'of Moon and Kethu are/the significators.
.(c) he will write or return Now on,7-12-66, the Lagna is 13"
home if so, (d) when ? ' . - Mesha Aries. •' Nakshatra is Hastha-Day
In the minds of the relatives, the doubt is Wednesday.' , Hence- Mercury, Mercury,
about his longevity, arises, as lord of Moon, Mars and( Kethii. are the ruling
Lagna and Maraka Sthana adhipathi planets. . ..
in' the - constellation of Ashtama-Sthana. ' Therefore. ' Mercury dasa, Mercury
Adhipathi rules' the dasa-accbrding to. Bhukti, Moon or Mars anthra must
bring him back'. \
Vimshodafi system, Saturn dasa of 19
years, commencing from •20-11-1948 and As Moon is in the constellation of lord
ending on 20-11-67. .• of 3, he will write then : during Mars sub
sub period, he will join after 3-2-1968.
But, one should note'.that lord of 8, This sub sub period will fun for.) month
Sun was in the constellation of Saturn in and 30 days'.
Anufadha star and he lived with him Hence on a .Tuesday or Wednesday,
during Saturn Dasa, Sun Bhukti. It is
only from the sub period of Mars, he is during Jyeshta star day, be himself will
missing. Why should be go then? return home.
Because lord of 4 is. in 12 to 4 .and is in As Moon is in 11 to 4 and it is lord of
the constellation of lord of 6 and .lord of 11 to 9th house, parents will be happy to
9. The sub lord occupies 12th Bhava. know that he is alright and he is coming
So, Mars gave change of place. Mars home,- from the Moon sub sub period i.e.,
gives courage ; makes one bold and act on Happy New Year 1968.
> Asks the father of a boy who could not Therefore Moon in the 4th house and
■ be seen after 11-30 . A.M. on 4-8-1959 also in the cotstellation' of lord of 4,
Tuesday, Pushyam star day. The number clearly confirms the nature of the query. '
given is 12. The horoscope is as follows
for 8-30 A.M on 2-1-67. ; Is he alive or dead'?" "•
(a), Lord of the Sth cusp which is the
Lagna ..lord of the Lagna of the. boy is
Saturn • Rahu 6° 40' to conjoined with" lord of 12.
CMS. 19-57 ; 10° .00' (b) Lord of, the Sth cusj) is'.'in the
■. constellation of Kethu in maraka
Jupiter sthana to S.
.8-29 (c) Rahu is in 8,- in the constellatioh
•f i - of lord of.2 marakasthan
Venus So, longevity is denied. " ' •,,
If a person . presents such a horoscope,
Moon we have to say that it belongs to one wno
Sun 17-38 Kethu - 3-42 is already dead. '. To such an extent, we
Mercury '/ . 19-57 r Mars must do researeb'and find out'the rulings.
8-17 21-31
Calculate Udu'Dasa.- As Modn was in
Number 12 is given. ' It means 6° 40'.to... thhrapalguni,Sun. Dasa was'' running at
10° 00'Tauriis rises. The ascendant is in ' the time of query and 3 years;-2 ibonths
Karthikai 4thpada: The query is about; had passed already. Retrace., Then Venus
his $bh. . Therefcretak'e the Sth cusp and Dasa ended ;3 years,~< 2.months'ago, i.e.,
■ Sth house. 1
" ■ • 2-11-1963. If Venus Dasa, Kethu Bbukti
ought to have. operated between 2-9-62
• Modn indicates the nature of the query : and 2-11-63. Mercury Bhukti between
;Moon is in the 4th Bhava as" from Uthra-' 2-11^59 and 2-9-62. ' Prior to that Saturn
palguni 4tb pada to Swathi Istpada Sth , Bhukti operated. •' ( ' -
bouse extends and Moon'is Uthram 3rd ' ■ 'H'"" . .. ■ ■'
pada beginning. . Therefore it'is in the 4th ' How could Venus Dasa,;Saturn. Bhukti
house:.'and • in. the star of lord of 4.; 4th cause such results as to run away or die.
house indicates many matters; ■ house, Sth cusp falls in Virgo. It is a common
building, land, car, vehicle, mother, etc., sign: For longevity,'. Bhadbaka'stbana
of the person- 4th hoiise is the second. to and planets ■ connected' with Bhadha-
the 3rd house, thereby it denotes younger kasthana are the Worst evils.
brother's bank position. As the 4th house
is to be taken as theiagna for mother, it 7th sign is the Bhadbakasthana to
indicates mother's health,' her success, or Virgo, i So,, it is Pisces. It is owned and
failure.' '4th house is the 12th to the Sth. aspected by Jupiter.' Jupiter is called
As 12th house .signifies separation, . Bhadbakasthana Adfaipathi. . It governs
estrangement, bereavement, moksha, loss, the 3 stars Punarvasii, Visakam and
etc., 12th to the Sth shows son's life Poorvapadrapada. Saturn . alone is in
away from the permanent place and in a Poorvapadrapada. Hence, Saturn is the
foreign place. strongest maraka.
• Houses 2 and 7 are Marakastbanas 12 as usual: go back, from tbe time
is Mokshasthana. Because, bouses 1, 8 judgment to tbe birth time given. Stili
and 3 are said to be tbe. bouses of tonge- and note down tbe past events both th
vity. 12th to l, '12tb to. 8 and 12tb to 3 nature and tbe date..
are negative to Longevity. ■ (c) From the'horoscope submitted
2nd bouse is occupied by Ketbu and tbe person; study: insert' tbe nature-o:
- Mercury is in Ketbu star. event' as judged ' from the horoscop
■: ^ 7tb is vacant". erected for the moment of working agains
the date (found as per ' b ') in the Das.
12th is occupied by Moon. Mars alone Bbukti ready reference table. Tbe origin '
is in Moon's constellation. , , horoscope indicates tbe same results. I
Lord of 2 Venus is- in tbe constellation is.mysterious and also correct.
of lord of 12. In 1931, I was given a horoscope by a
Lord of 7 is in Sbooksbma. Parivartha- ' American lady for judgment. Wheneve
nayoga. — I took tbe chart for working, there was ill
Lord of 12 is Sun. omen, like tbe light put off, 'or someone
sneezing, etc. Till that time. I bad been'
Thus, it can be seen that Saturn, Venus, . sending tbe results of many horoscopes to
Jupiter, are tbe three strohg significators America through that lady and tbe New
and Venus Dasa was on; then. Hence work Astrological group appreciated tbe
during;Venus.Dasa, Saturn Bbukti, Jupiter . analysis and tbe method of approach
Antbra, be ought to have been dead. and final decisive judgment., As, on this
As Bbadbakastbana adbipatbi, planet occasion, tbe omen discouraged me, I
in bis constellation-, are all in watery sign, went to Sri Vancbiyam where His Holiness
.the end would be due to;drOwning. Jagadguru Sri Kancbi Kamakoti Peetadbi-
patbi Sankaracbariar Swamigal was
. . So, be ran away.and also passed.away. . camping. I narrated the whole affair and
Can we go back like this, in tbe calcula- requested him to bless me, so that Icando
tion of tbe dasa system? What is tbe it with courage. . He did bless me. While
authority? returning, I bad to wait at ■ Mayuram
(1) If a person presents a chart, past Junction for a couple of hours. There, it
. , events are read taking tbe dasa at .; -struck me. Why should hot I erect a chart
that time. for tbe moment when there is the urge for
. . (2) If a person wants to know about me to write tbe Life Reading of a person,'
tbe result of .work backwards,- judge the nature of event
- a_particular. aspect,.
either By progression or by from this chart and note tbe time.- Tbe -
transit, he works and finds ' same-may be given to the person. I did
so. ' To my surprise I got the following
whether he-had previously, such
an" 'aspect and notes what appreciation from the group through that
happened then. . American Lady who is yet tbe Director of
a concern. " The New York Astrological
(3)1 have, done the following Group finds your reading most interesting
research and tbe finding is . . and surprisingly correct in all details. We
-laudable. are sorry that.we,bad given, by mistake,
. Suppose. a person want? to know his wrong time and date of birth. Can you
past from bis horoscope (a) work out bis enlighten us: how you came correct." I
birth chart; " ' • replied..". Hindus are wise. They say " Do
not use tbe Glass of others." So I erected
—Tabulate the 3asa and bbukti for ready a chart for the moment when 1 took the
reference keep it aside. - horoscope of tbe person and noted down
(b) Note the mumeut when' you have separately the nature"and'The time of
the urge to judge tbe chart. Erect a map event. These, I explained to tbe horoscope
for that time. Calculate tbe dasa balance,.. furnished by tbe person. It, invariably.
grees and comes correct. Later, I are in Saturn's star. Venus is in the
" ntinued the research and I found out the constellation of Mars. Jupiter and Mars
rmethod of mentioning the' nak'shtra and in Sun's star show to go far away, Saturn
rasi of a person, who puts this query. If and Rabu indicate that he leaves the house
e is the first consultant, it comes 100% and Venus denotes either separation or
correct. It'had been tested by many and life in a or Moksha.
by God's' Grace, it came, invariably
correct. Bhadhakasthana adhipathi is lord of
the 7lh house. No planet is in its star.
The horoscope of the person is as As Mercury is under the sway of the lord
^follows:—- of the rasi, it has to give the results of
Born at 7-14 A.M. on 8-11-1937. lord of the rasi when its period runs. A
planet may own the Lagna. Yet, if it is
in the constellation or sub of Bhadhakas-
■Saturn Uranus Kcthu thana adhipathi it will aSect the health
S.5g , 18-39 14-21 and longevity in its period. A' planet
may be very evil by lordship.. Yet, if it is
in the constellation of lord of. Lagna
(when Lagna is unafflicted) or rasi (when
rasi is stronger), it will indicate about the
health and longevity , and if it is in an
Mars Neptune" auspicious sub, it gives health and ddes
4-22 27-42 not affect the longevity. - But if it is in the
sub of Bhadhakasthana adhipathi or
Jupiter Rabu Mercury Maraka sthana" adhipathi, it has to afiect
29-8 14-21 28-12.* the longevity;
Moon Lagoa Sun 22-12
15-33 li012' Vco 1-10 Sun- is in the constellation of lord of
the rasi and in the sub of the lord or
, Maragasthana—2—Saturn.
Venus dasa Balance 16 years,.8 months,
3 days. From Sun dasa, Venus Bhukti, Venus is in the constellation of lord of
his whereabouts about him (from 4-8-39) 12 and sub of Bhadhakasthana adhipathi.
is not known. ^ Hence Sun and Venus are evil. There-
(a) ' Lagna is wedk as Rabu is in the fore from Sun dasa Venus Bhukti he was
sign in which the ascendant has not to be seen. ' As these - two .planets
fallen. denote end of life, be- would have been
(b) Take Moon sign as the stronger. dead, then.
- (c) To run away one is to consider While writing this article the newspapers,
.(the houses 3, 9 and 12 and the Indian Express and . the Hfndu were
especially 12. 3rd house is un- , delivered to me. First I saw the photo
occupied. 9th is. also'vacant. of Mr. T. M. Krishnaswami' Iyer who
'12th house is occupied by Rabu. ..died yesterday. ' Next, I had a phone call,
saying that a. person died yesternight.
3rd house is owned by Saturn ; 9 by These have given me confidence to declare
Sun and 12 by Mars. Saturn and Rabu that the boy s soul is in peace.

' ■ This'gentleman who held a decent posi- -Lord of Occupying Owning
tion in the Government was attracted 'by Planets. Constellation.' Bhava. houses!1
. a lucrative post in' a business concern and Jup. . ■ Sun ' , ., ■M'-
" hence, he-resigned the Government-job*, .1-1
- and joined the Industry. - He was, persua- Venus ■; . Merc. '2 '2and 11:
ded by his friend to demand, still, a higher Sat. Sun 1 . i : ..
- .salary and a share of profit. He was in- .Rahu1 Mars - ' 12 4 and 94
.. formed that Mars dasa Mercury Bhukthi :
-would be fortunate. He put in his de- Kethu Merc. 2 2 arid 11 •'
, mand expecting improvement in status
and increase in his emoluments. Alas! In the above table. Lord of the constel-
i'his service'was terminated in the same lation, the Bhava occupied by the lord Of
period. Now it is his'furniture and other- the constellation and Ihe houses owned by ^
possessions keep him going.1 Why 7 the lord of the constellation are given so
. that at first sight one can note that Sun, .'
- Horoscope, is as under Jupiter, Venus,- Saturn and Ketbu' are
.-advantageous: .Moon, Mars, Mercury
i' and Rahu are not favourable. .
Kethu Moon
26-27 . ■4-23 ■' . ■' Mar's dasa Rahu ■ Bhukthi ■ gave the-
change.During , Mars .dasa Mercury
Neptune Bhukthi lost the job. . Mars is in'the cons-. "
. M-n .. Venus'
21-3'. tellatiori of. Kethu in 8 and in the sub of
. ■ io—p—wii '29-56 ■■ Jupiter lord of 8 in !.' Mercury, is'in the
■ 5-20 A.M. constellation' of .'Mars, in 12 and sub of
• Mars Rahu which gave a change. .[Rahu 'was
-■ 7-4! "
Lagna . in- the constellation of Mars in 12 and snb'
23" 40' of Jupiter.] ' - i, > •'■r' -
Sun 3-20 - The honest fact is that a person presents
- Sat, 5-10 '
Jup. 6-4 a chart without' thpir ■' exact' position in
Mer. 24-14
Rathe 26-27 degrees and minutes.._5a..dne 'takes that
Mars is a Rajayogadhipathi, Eka kendbra,
' Koria, sthana' adhipathi owning, houses 4>
Kethu dasa Balance. 4 years 8 months and 9 and occupying .the Lagna—a fiery
and 11 days.- . On, 18th1
January '1966 he ■ planet in a fiery sign/.iri triplicity strong.
was requested to stop away. On 1-1-1966, Then, Mercury is lord ;of 2 and-11. , It is
Mars dasa Mercury Bhukthi started. in exaltation. It is'.in 2 :to dasanatha.
Therefore, one had-to' predict, fortune in
' r^V-jLord of .'Occupying OwnMg , .1 their conjoined, period.r But, if .one takes
' Planets.'X>o^ste)la.ti'ori.TBhava. . . . ..houses.
y .- the exact position of the planets and also
Sun ' " Sun ■ ' . 'r' '' -include the consteliation and sub Occupied
Moon ^ Kethu' .: . 8 5 and 8. ^ comeby the , planets,'then the predictiori will
correct. Brit one should not forget
* r . Mars— --"Ketbu~7—. , 8 i and 8. that one cannot .'aypid any event, even if
Merc. Mars / : 12 "4.and 9, one is given correct prediction.

, ( Astbonoky Made Easy)
Phone: 4 404 4 9

Jyothish Marthand
13, Brahmin Street, Saidapet

Vol. 5 M A R G H 19 6 7 No. 3

Prasna Gyana 3
Mabapuriisbadi Yogamulu 10
' Longevity 10
Marriage 12
Students Admire 14
Time of Birtb IS
Progeny: Causes Agony 16
Cinema Studio: Can I own? 19
' Letters to tbe Editor:
Higher Status—Any—If so when? 21
Competitive Examination 23
Tour Programme 23
Change in Profession 25
Loss by Theft or What? 26
Mister or Minister 28
Will ! have at least one Child? ' 29
Health? When will she be alright? 31
Marriage—When ? 33
Bluff Without Stuff 34
Sri K. S. Krisbnamurti and Sri B. V. Raman 39
Krisbnamurti Padbdhati—Vol. I 43
Vol. II 45
Daily Guide for March 1967 47
Position of Planets 53
March 1967—Hphemeris 54
Monthly Prediction for March* 1967 55
Introduction Some say that I thought a number;
Bhattotpala is the author of this work. wanted to mention a number; while
I mentioned, something else I tpld.
rHe had commented on Varaha Mihirar's Therefore the prediction depends on the
works and this text deals with one of the number given which may be a chance. No.
.branches of Astrology called Horary The number given forms the basis for
Astrology. Those who desire to learn prediction. Those who do not know the
.Hindu system of Horary Astrology can truth and those who had no experience
study. Prasna Gyana, Shat Panchasika, may scoff at this branch and may doubt
Jinendramaia, Yavana's works etc. I have that the prediction cannot come true; He
received innumerable, letters from readers may add that he could have mentioned
to-translate them and then to offer my some other number. He may have that
comments. I am taking' not only the
above said 4-texts but also for the benefit fueling. But he has not realised that it is
of the readers,- XJthrakalamritham, Sarvar- bis Karma and Fate which work all the
tha Chintamani, Jataka Chandrika etc., moments in his life, in every thought,
also. . speech and action and hence he cannot
give any other' number. It is the Divine
Horary Astrology is one of the branches Force that manupulates. Only on personal
which'is most useful. One who has experience, one can confirm the truth that
understood this subject correctly will be Horary Astrology is a genuine, divine and
able to offer accurate predictions and the useful branch of this science. Let bim
consultants will consider this method of put the following questions to himself.
prognostication as mysterious, wonderful^ Have I a choice to select antoment for my
amazing, and most satisfactory. If - one birth ? Have I the choice to select my
studies these books and apply Krisbna- parents,etc.? Experience will teach him
murtr Padhdhati (this branch of the science that he has no choice for giving a number
will be published under the title " Horary also.
Astrology by Sravana") one can'solve Horary astrology is most essential
any problem and offer precise and correct
predictions: (a) for those who have no horoscope
Some are under wrong impression that. as they do not know the time and place of
when an astrologer request the consultant birth;
to mention a number within 108, the (b) for those who doubt about the
astrologer follows Numerology and from correctness of the horoscope;
the numerical value of the number, the (c) if one wants precise answer while
astrologer predicts. No. The astrologer making a selection. (l)Supposeonewants
has a horoscope made for the moment of to invest on a building. The broker men-
the. query, taking the Latitude and the tions about 6 bouses in one area. The
Longitude of the place, just like a horo- consultant desires to know which of the
scope is cast for a child born at that six, he will buy. According to Progres-
moment, in that locality. The number sion, dasa bbukti system, Gocbara Tran-
given gives the position of the Ascendant sit, one can predict that he will acquire
for that query and the positidn of the a building. But one cannot say which
planets remains the same. Taking such building will be purchased; which buil-
houses and planets relevant for the nature ding will -land bim into trouble, if he
of the query, the astrologer predicts. It purchases, due to litigation ; which buil-
is genuine astrology. It is not numero- ding be cannot take possession etc. Only'
logy. Horary will be useful. (2) Similarly a
bridegroom has proposal for marriage her; whether one can or will specullt
from five different parties who have no when, how he will prosper, whether oSi
horoscope. Only names are known can will have a. child, if so what sex, help
■we go by names? No. We should not, through children, their prosperity,"
why ? Consider for a minute, you will whether a matter will go for litigation,'
realise that one who helps you, encourages end in arbitration, compromise, win or
you and supports you is called Rama lose, marriage, when, with whom; married
and one who brings ill-repute to you is life harmonious and happy or not;
another 'Rama'. One whom one marries divorce; reunion; span of married life,,
is called Lakshmi and another Lakshmi help through partner, father's health and
rejected him. One who has filed a suit longevity, his prosperity, mind to help the
against you is called Gopal and he who native etc., higher studies, overseas,
saves you by giving witness is another scholarship, profession, promotion, out-
Gopal. Therefore never predict, taking standing report or adverse, seniority,
' the name alone. Therefore note down the transfer, additional charge, allowance etc.,
name and address of all the brides. Give friends and elder brothers, reunion with
them the number I, 2, 3, 4 and S. Ask members of the family, secret enemical
the consultant to give each separate activities, loss by theft, in litigation pick-
numbers' for the five brides. Find out, pocketing, robbery, due to political rea-
whom he will marry.'. It is not uncommon sons, receipt of gifts or donation, impri-
that none of these he marries but one sonment, fine, spiritual uplift, realisation
whose proposal is to come, may get of ambition, etc. Any question can be
married. Horary helps (3) One has applied answered by Horary. Say, dress: which
for auditor's post in four different private colour will suit; which indicates that the
concerns. Which of these he will get or immediate future is fortunate : whatever
■ hashe to try elsewhere can be said by be the indication which will be had etc.,
Horary alone (4J One stands for election. «ay, travel; will I get a seat in the plane
Which locality may be selected can be or will I go by train or will I go by
predicted quickly and correctly by Horary. car. (One Gentleman at Coimbatore put
Thus one can find that Horary astrology this question. It was said that he would
is necessary even to those who are in go by train and that he could not get
possession of correct horoscopes.) ticket by air, nor he will take his car.
Therefore Horary astrology is very use- It need not be said that the prediction
ful. It is rational and scientific. It is true. It goes without saying.)
not a.bluff. It is not to dupe the gullible Thus for any question. Horary astro-
throng. logy has a correct answer.
Horary astrology is useful to predic' Books can give the fundamental prin-
one's longevity, health, disease, nature, ciples. It entirely depends on the intelli-
duration, time of admission to hospital' gent anticipation by proper application
time of operation, time of discharge, and interpretation by the astrologer with-
whether one will return home or will be out taking into consideration - one's
carried home, success or. failure in the desire. Wishful thoughts and guess will
examination,' in any attempt which, one prove to be useless.
makes, improvement or deterioration in
< one's financial, position, whether one can . /Prasna Gyana—Translation of the
. have overdraft facility or not, foreign Text.
collaboration or not, partner for one's
business or not,- when etc., whether.bne Sl..(l) Bhotlotpala bows . to all the
will have any younger..born, his.tealth, seven planets. Sun, Moon. Mars, Mer-
.. longevity financial position etc.," wither cury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn ; then he
one will buy land or building, car or prays to Lord Ganapathi He brings_out
. .other conveyance, health of mother, for the benefit of the readers—astro-
longevity, relationship with her, help from logers—this science Prasna Gyana.
SI. (2) He boldly declares that Horary It depends on tbe lord of tbe constellation
astrology will never fail. He expects tbe and tbe lord of tbe sub.]
astrologers to carefully judge tbe ten
conditions of tbe planets after casting (3) Framudhita ; Satisfied contented :
tbeir exact position. A planet is said to be be satisfied when it
[Tbe ten conditions of tbe planets are occupies its friend's quarters. One can
given in Jataka Parijata and tbeir results find out tbe friend's quarters by using tbe
are explained in Saravali. following:
Swa, Swantbya, Dbi, Dharma, Swoch-
(I) Tbeeptba; Jubilant, buoyant, cba, Ayu, Sukba, i.e., count from tbe
effulgent. A planet is in ' Tbeeptba' if it Moolatrikona sign of tbe planet whose
is in its exalted or moola trikona sign i.e. friendly sign is to be found. Tbe first,
it is very strong. second twelfth, fifth, ninth, exaltation sign
Exalted Moolatrikona eighth and fourth counted from tbe Moola-
trikona signs are tbe friendly signs. Tbe
Sun Aries Leo other signs are said to beenemical, i.e., 3,
Moon Taurus Taurus 6, 10, II and 7. One can easily remember
Mars Capricorn Aries that tbe seventh and the upacbaya Stbanas
Mercury Virgo Virgo counted from Moolatrikona signs are
Jupiter Cancer Sagittarius not friendly ones. Tbe lords of tbe
Venus Pisces friendly signs are called tbe friends of tbe
Libra planet! tbe lords of tbe signs 3, 6, 10, II
Saturn Libra Aquarius and 7 are said to be tbe enemy of that
This means that a planet in exaltation planet. It may happen that one of tbe
or in Moolatrikona sign promises that two signs owned by a planet is friendly
Goddess of Fortune favours tbe native, and tbe other is enemical.
offers courage and blesses with Victory Tbe authors say that such a planet
over enemies (It is not correct in all cases; owning both tbe friendly and enemical
many suffer during tbe period of tbe exal- signs should be considered as neutral, e.g.
ted planet) take Sun.
(2) Swastha: Pleasant, bappy:—A Its Moolatrikona sign is Leo. There-
planet is said to be in swastba if it occu- fore Mercury owning Gemini and Virgo
pies its own sign, i.e. when it is Swak- becomes tbe lord of the' Uth and the
sbetbra. second sign counted from Sun's Moola-
trikona sign. Iltb is enemical, 2nd is
own sign friendly. So Mercury is neutral to Sun
Sun Leo '3rd sign Libra is owned by Venus which
Moon Cancer also rules Taurus tbe lOtb sign from Leo,
tbe Moolatrikona of sign of Sun, Leo.
Mars Aries, Scorpio As tbe 3 and 10 are enemicals Venus is tbe
Mercury • Gemini, Virgo enemy of Sun. Take tbe 4tb sign Scorpio.
Jupiter Sagittarius, Pisces It is owned by Mars who also governs
Venus Taurus, Libra Aries, the 9tb sign. Therefore Mars is
Saturn Capricorn, Aquarius. friendly with Sun. Thus one is to find
out tbe friendship, enmity and neutral
Planets in tbeir own sign indicate plea- ■ condition of the planets.
sure happiness, wealth like Gold,' gems Such a planet causes contentment; it
etc. and one can have servants at offers peace; it is also said that one may
command. have damsels, riches like gems and pre-
[Planet in its own causes miseries and cious metals, enjoy one's, life and come
does barm also; it is not a guarantee that out successful in one's enterprise and
such a planet should invariably do good. victorious in tbe disputes.
(4) Santha: Calm, tranquil: If a (Saturn and Venus do not lose strength'
planet is in the Vargo of a benefic, it is even when eclipsed. Uthrakalamirtha,
said to be 'Santha' By benefics, one is to kbanda IV sloka-15), loss of wealth, sepa.
mean benefics by nature, i.e. Jupiter, ration from partner, mentally worried,'
Venus, Waxing Moon, and unafflicted enemy's strength much greater and enemy
Mercury. Such a planet in Santha becoming more powerful, agony, etc., are
condition shows that the person will be threatened. \
helpful. • He or she will do meritorious (10) "Bheedbi'', fear, threatening,
f deeds. They will be educated and learned. frightened. A planet attains the condition
They can become advisers and ministers. of " Bbeedb " in its Neecha, debilititated
Hence they can enjoy life with enough i.e„ depression sign. Such a planet makes
financial position and have peace. one diffident. There is no self-confidence.
(5) Saktha; Capable, competent, effi- He is afraid by anything and everything.
cient. A planet is in ' Saktha ' condition; Loss of all kinds are portended.
if it is not Moudya, Mooda or eclipsed Sloka 3; The astrologer should start
but is with bright rays. Such a planet will bis work only aftpr bowing to the planets.
bring one name fame, reputation, honour He must worship when alone truth will
etc. He will be liked by all. He or she dawn in bis mind. Then commence to
has enough friends of the opposite sex; so judge the query.
be or she.puts o.n good clothes, uses The querist has to sit facing east or
' Sower and fragrant scents. north or north east. He should avoid
(6) Prapeditha: Troubled tormented: taking such a seat, facing west, south-
A planet is said to be in Frapeeditha; west, north-west, south, and south-east
if it is defeated by another planet in the directions.
fight among themselves.' Such a planet Varabamibira in Bribat Sainbita has
causes separation from close relatives advised the astrologer to take seat in an .
and friends; be or she may wander from even ground under a tree with flowers or
one place to the other [frequent transfers, fruits; he has to avoid such trees where
keeping the family in any. one .place); owls and such-bad omen birds take rest;
suffer in the bands of the enemies or from the name of the tree • itself should be
' ill-health. Thus be or she will be mise- encouraging offering mental solace. Qr
, rable, even a king will suffer. one should prefer Deva, Rishi Twiya,
S ' ■ (7) " Dfaeena ": Unhappy timid wor- Siddba or Sadbu Nilayam with Sath
| ried, miserable. A planet is said to be in pusbyam, i.e, the temple, the ashram of
' Dbeena conditions if either in Rasi Mabarisbis, the residences of Brahmins,
-Kundali or in Navamsa Kundali, it occu- the places of Siddha Purusbas or good
pies its enemy's quarters; Such a planet Sadims where there, are planets with
threatens loss of one's position, prestige beautiful and sweet smelling flowers etc.
and honour. The person is defeated. He Why ? The sight itself should be pleasing:
, is ruined. He goes to foreign places ; to the eyes. Lawn is preferred.
[■ cannot keep .himself clean. ' Slokas 4; The consultant also should
(8) ' Kala'—cruel—wicked—A planet pray wi lh fruits, flowers,' gems and gold;
then only, come out.with bis problems
is in ' kala' condition when it occupies
either in Rasi kundali or Navamsa kundali, and put queries to the astrologer. ■
the sign belonging to , any of the natural Avoid taking seat under a tree which is
- malefics, Sun, Waning Moon, Mars, afflic- cut or which is thorny. Avoid grave-
ted .Mercury, or saturn. Such a planet yards, neglected temples, junction of the
[always contributes for one's miserable roads, dirty places, and dry barren
life. ground. Reject such places where persons
remain naked, or saloon, slaugber house_
L J9) ."Vikala"—unsteady, infirm. Such gambling den, hospitals,""prison "or" honey
1 a condition arises when a planet is eclipsed. store room.
i .Why? Because one can have favoura- find where Moon is deposited. Consider
ble results if the consultant faces east. If that sign as Lagna: for the third question,
he faces south or north, journey is indi- note the sign tenanted by Sun and take
cated. South west and north east show that sigu as Lagna. For the fourth, the
that there is long delay in achieving one's lagna should be the sign occupied by
aim- Northwest-and south-east threaten Jupiter ; the fifth question is to be answe-
failure, disappointment or temporary red by taking either of the signs occupied
pleasure- by the stronger of the two planets Mercury
or Venus and so on.
Regarding west, in Prasna Bairava it is
taken as auspicious whereas Varahamihira Slokas-S, 6 and 7: In these three slokas
advises to avoid west. the author says that the astrologer must
Both the astrologer and' the consultant observe the omen (I add Nimitham also)
must prefer the morning hours to the at the time of query and decide whether
afternoon the • Santhya kala, twilight he can give favourable answer or not. It
period and the nights. is advisable to read Brihat Samhita where
Varahamihira has elaborately dealt with
Neelakanta suggests that the astrologer ' omens '. (In this magazine it will appear
should check whether the consultant has separately in the succeeding issues.)
approached him with the sincere idea of Neat, he explains how one is to judge '
placing his problems and then requesting the various houses—bhavas—whether they
the astrologer to solve them or he. has are auspicious and strong to offer desirable
come to test him or put some questions results fulfilling one's desire or otherwise.
casually. This can be judged by. finding
out whether the lagna that is rising in the Sloka 8: If the benefics, Mercury,
east is occupied by Moon, squared or Jupiter or Venus or the lord of the house
opposed by Saturn, or opposed by Mercury is situated the particular house to be
or aspected by Mars and Mercury in judged, then the house or if they aspect
Moolara, i.e. eclipsed. If the ascendant, the house, the matters signified by the
at the moment of query, has such afilic- house will offer beneficial results.
tions,' the consultant is not sincere-
Benefics in the Lagna Bhava denotes that Sloka 9: A Bhava—bouse — becomes
be is true and he has the real urge. Male- favourable if benefics occupy the 2nd, 4th,
fics in the lagna indicates that he is not 7th, I Oth and 12th houses.
plain and open. If lord of the 7th cusp Sloka 10: If the lagna falls in a qua-
receives aspect from its enemy or Jupiter druped or a biped sign and if an evil
or Mercury he is crooked and not straight planet aspects the Lagna, then the matters
forward. But if the 7ib house as well as signified by Lagna Bhava fall through.
lagna receive aspects' from either Moon One can expect only unfavourable results.
of Mercury or Jupiter or by all of them
be is honest when he puts the query. Sloka 11: One can predict beneficial
Benefics aspecting the enemy of lord of 7 results if evils do not occupy 1, 4, 7, 8, 10
when he aspects the latter, then also, he is and 12 houses and in 1, 4, 7, 10 houses
honest. either lord of Lagna or its friend were to
be deposited.
Only when the consultant is serious and i '
sincere, then only. truth will come out: Sloka 12: Benefics Mercury, Jupiter
prediction will prove to be correct.' and Venus in the kona signs 5 or 9 and the
evils Sun, Mars and Saturn in 3 or 6 or 11
After satisfying himself, the astrologer contribute for the beneficial results. They
has to note down the various questions, are advantageous..
1, 2, 3 and so on, if the person wants to.
consult on more than one question. While Sloka 13: . There will be either disease
judging the first question, take lagna as or. dispute if evil planets are in lagna;
the first Bhava; for the second question, disagreement unhappiness and disharmony -
among relatives are to be predicted, if the house, immediate return of the member is
malefics are found in the 4th house. to be expected.
Sloka 14; There will be hindrance and Sloka 20 ; The person who had gone
difficulty for one to make a journey, if the out will return home shortly and the
7th house is afflicted by the occupation of person is alive if Mercury and Venus are
a malefic in the 7th house: One cannot in 2 and 12 to Lagna or Moon.
have success in his enterprises if evils are Sloka 21: Enemy will come with his
in the 10th house; but if they are conjoi-
ned with or aspected by any of the bene- forces if the Lagna, Navamsa Lagna are
fics, then the malefics do their job by in movable signs and Moon is in a fixed
throwing obstacles and threatening failure' .sign. If Moon is in a movable sign and the
but the benefics ultimately fulfil the Lagna and Navamsa Lagna are fixed signs,
querist's desire- the enemy will not come (will there be liti-
gation or opposition or competition can
Sloka 15: If the fixed sign Taurus, Leo, be found, similarly).
Scorpio or Aquarius be the ascendant, one Sloka 22: If Mercury, Jupiter or
cannot be defeated; there will be no loss ; Venus is in 6, Moon, in a common sign,
disease will continue and cannot be cured; and the lagna in a fixed one, th^ enemy
journey will not be madebut one can faces difficulties and feels sorry even
have the rank or position which he though he may have sufficient strength
(Even eye witness will fail in the litigation).
Sloka 16: If any of the movable signs Sloka 23: The enemy might have pro-
Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn be the ceeded a little: Yet he will retrace; if evil
ascendant, one will be defeated, things planets are in the Sth and the 6th houses
will be lost, disease will disappear, journey
will be made - but one cannot have the (withdrawal of the notice against the
rank or position or improvement in status. native—no further proceedings). The
enemy would.have come to the boundary,
If any of the common signs were to rise yet he will go back, if evil planets are
(Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces) found in the 4th Bhava (suit—in the court
divide the sign into two halves ; the first of law will be withdrawn).
half and the second half. One is to con-
sider the first half as tliough it is a fixed Sloka 24: The enemy will be defeated
sign and offer such predictions as is given if the watery signs Cancer, Scorpio and
for a fixed sign: the.second half is to be Pisces as well as Aquarius happen to be
considered as a movable sign and. predic- the 4th house and receive favourable
tions given for a movable sign is to be aspects from benefics. . (win the case.) If
_ applied for the second half of the dual or the 4th house is either Aries or Taurus and
common or Ubaya sign. evil planets are deposited there, the enemy
will come forward. i He will be marching
Sloka 17: One can have his desires on.
fulfilled if any of the benefics Is deposited Sloka 25: Houses 9, 10, 11, 12, 1 and-
in Lagna or if the Lagna falls in the
. -Varga of benefics. 2 indicate the offence 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
houses denote the defence. Benefics in
Sloka 18: Success in one's enterprise between 9th and second house promise
and the return . of those who had been victory whereas if the benefics are be-
away are to be expected if. benefics are ween 3rd and Sth house, they threaten
situated in 1, 4, 5, 7, 9 or 10th,houses and defeat (win or lose the case).
malefics are in 3 or 6 of 11- Sloka 26: Compromise or agreement
Sloka 19; People who had gone away or treaty is to be predicted if the benefics
will return if Jupiter or Venus is deposited are in Virgo or Libra or first half of
■ in the second or the third house. But if Sagittarius or Aquarius. There cannot
these benefics are tenanted in the fourth be any treaty-if "malefics-occupy these
'signs. It is said that these signs must be governed by a malefic, the pannci «...
either lagna or the 12th or the 11th house. less in rank : do not look bright and the
Sloka 27 ; Even a strong person can- complexion is not fair.
not keep good health if the lagna receives Sloka 32 : Benefics in 5 or 11 promise
aspect from evil planets. Moon is in 3 or birth of children. Male child is to be
6 'or 10 or 11 and the beneficial planets predicted if the luminaries Sun and Moon,
occupy 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10th houses. Jupiter and the lagna are in positive
Sloka 28; The' consultant will have signs.
the recovery from the disease if Jupiter Sloka 33: But if they are in negative
aspects the lagna occupied by strong signs, expect female child. If some are in
Moon or if Venus or Jupiter is deposited masculine signs and some in feminine
in 1 or 4 or 7 or 10. ' signs, find out the strongest of them note
Sloka 29; A person can have a the sign occupied by it and then declare
partner for marriage if Moon aspected by the results. A male child will be the
Jupiter occupies 3, 6, 7, 10 or 11th bhava : result if the houses 1,3, 5, 7, 9 or II is
but if malefics aspect such a Moon, time is occupied by Saturn.
not come to-have a partner for marriage. Sloka 34: Male child is to be expec-
Sloka 30: The person can get married ted if strong Jupiter and Venus are in
if Moon in 3, 5, 6, 7 or 11. receives aspect masculine signs; Jupiter, Moon and Mars
from Jupiter, Sun or Mercury. in even signs denote the delivery of a
Sloka 31 : If the benefics are in 1, 4, female child.
5, 7, 9 or 10 even then one will get [Comment and what other authors have
married. The rank, character, physical propounded will follow. There are 70
features, etc. will be good if the 7th house slokas in this text. In the next magazine,
is ruled by a benefic. If the 7th house is the remaining will appear.]
Divakaruni Venkata SUBBA RAO,
240. Vijayanagar Colony, HYDERBAD-28
Price Rs. S/-.
Shri D.V. Subba Rao has brought out a He is of opinion, that whatever be the
book in Telugu. We are happy to be enti- deposition of planets in the horoscope
tled ' Mahapurushadi Yogamulu. It is a such yogas are responsible for one to
compilation of the original slokas of vari- enjoy his life. . But I do not agree in full,
ous Maharishis whose works are now not as many leaders, learned men, and wealthy
easily available in the market. This book people are born and no such yoga is found
deals with 200 important yogas and it is in such charts. Sir C. F. Ramaswami
an addition to the existing ones. But, the Iyer's chart published by me in January
language is simple and lucid. issue confirms thy views.
He claims that he is successful in his People who know Telugu will find this
predictions offered to people holding high volume useful to them. The price is
positions and covetable posts by follow- moderate. The get-up is good.1
ing the principles enunciated in this book. (Sd.) K. Oanapathy.

Horoscope is furnished below: strong gives pretty long life. If it is in
Neptune the constellation of lord of 6, it threa-
. 3-00 tens poor health if it is in that of lord of
Kcthu 8. it portends danger ; if it is in that of
lord of 12, it' denotes life in a foreign
place or hospitalisation.
Mars, Lord of lagna Mercury in the ascen-
17—10-1898 ■1-37 dant gives long life ; yet the lord of the
— — 4—36 A.M. constellation Mars indicates ' that this
Calcutta. person ought to have met with dangerous,
bacillary dysentery when she ran Mercury
Dasa Mars Bhukti'.
Sat, 16.46 Moon Lag. 16-23 Which houses are to be judged for end,
Rahu' Ven. 14-34 19-46
20° 4' lira.9-00 Suo
Jup. 28-53
Mercury of life 7
1-11 29-18 (1) Note in . which sign one is born. .
Take the Lagna as the first' house, if it is
Balance of Rahu Dasa 0 yr 3 months 23 unafflicted. If Lagna is , afflicted and the
days. Now she is running Sukra Dasa Moon sign is free from affliction take
Rahu Bhukthi up' to 10—4—1968. Its Moon sign as the -jfirst-Bhava; it. Moon
total period is 3 years sign is also spoiled, take lagna. If the
Longevi ty is judged from the houses 1, Ascendant is a movable sign, the 11th
8. and 3. Lord of lagna well posited and ° therefrom is termed as Bhadhakasthana-
(Bbadbaka means to do barm. Tbe worst owns no bouse. It acts as an agent of
barm to anybody is to affect one's tbe lord of tbe sign, Jupiter. Therefore
longevity.) Tbe planet in tbat sign is whatever Jupiter is to give Rabu will give
said to be tbe occupant of tbe Bbadak- in its period itself, even though it precedes
stbana. Tbe lord of tbat sign is called Jupiter's period.
Bbadbakastbana Adbipatbi.
But tbe planet in Rabu's constellation
All planets govern eacb, three constel- will be worse. . Rabu governs Arudbra,
lations. Tbe occupant is stronger than Swatbi and Satbabisba (6tb, IStb and
tbe owners ; Tbe.planet ' A' situated in 24tb stars) stars. Moon alone is in
tbe constellation of a planet' B' or a node Swatbi —Moon is very bad.
'C ' is stronger than tbe planet 'B' or
node 'C. Also a node situated in either Rabu comes next.-
of tbe signs of a planet is stronger than Now tbe person is running Venus Dasa.
tbe owner of tbe signs. It has to run for another ten years. So,
Hence tbe worst planet affecting one's note whether Venus can prove to be a
longevity is tbe node occupying tbe sign Maraka or tbe next following period ruled
of tbe planet in tbe constellation of the by Sun or Moon. Venus is in tbe constel-
occupant of tbe' Bbadbakastbana ; tbe lation of lord of 6, Saturn, tbe chief
planet in tbe constellation of tbe occupant governor for longevity and in tbe sdb of
in Bbadbakastbana ; tbe occupant of tbe Rabu. Venus is a maraka stbana adbi-
Bbadbakastbana. patbi. Therefore Venus will prove to be
Next, will follow tbe node occupying evil.
tbe sign of tbe planet in tbe constellation Hence Venus Dasa Rabu Bbuktbi Moon
of tbe Bbadbakastbana atbipalbi; tbe Antbra will be evil. As per transit, Rabu
planet or node in tbe constellation of tbe and Ketbu will square Mars; Rabu will
lord of tbe Bbadbakastbana; lord of be in sesquiquadrate aspect with dasa-
Bbadbakastbana. ' natba Venus and Ketbu will form semi-
Then, judge tbe Marakastbanas which angular aspect. Sun will conjoin Rabu
are tbe second, seventh and twelfth bouses which was in Venus Star Rabu sub:
in tbe above manner. Venus will transit in tbe constellation of
For danger, accident, etc. consider tbe Saturn. Moon will transit in Satbabbisba.
bouses 8 and 6 also. Therefore on S-l-1968 at tbe time of Sun-
rise this person will leave behind her son
This person is born in Virgo unoccupied to bemoan her loss.
by male&cs. Hence take lagna. It is a
common sign. Hence 7tb sign Pisces is > Tbe fatal' disease will be pleurisy
tbe Bbadbakastbana. It is ruled by and there. will be urinary trouble also.
Jupiter who owns 2 bouses Sagittarius and She will pass away in her own place when
Pisces. Rabu is in Sagittarius. Rabu her relatives will be attending on her.


Jup. 6-52 indicated by the lord. So Kethu has to

Kethu Saturn Moon 11-2 Mer. 1-23 give both. But one should not forget the .
5-33 27-10 Sun 11-24 Lagna4-36 following. It is very important. What is:
Venus 21-8 thht? Suppose Mars is in i Scorpio. It"
will offer the results signified by Scorpio
Mars to a good extent. But regarding the
13-42 results denoted by Aries, it is incapable of
7-42 A.M. producing those results as it is occupying
Bombay the 8th sign counted from Aries, though'
it is in its own sign. But if Mars is in Aries,
as it has' a peculiar, special and strong
aspect to the 8th sign, thereby it is capable
of aspecting Sc'orpi.o, it will give the
Rahu 5-33 results of both Aries and Scorpio. Venus in
Taurus, improves the matters of Taurus,
whereas it is detrimental to those signified
Balance Moon Dasa at birth 9 years. 2 by Libra. Similarly Venus in Libra is
months, 21 days disadvantageous to Taurus results, where-
Lagna is stronger than Moon sign. ' as it is strong in offering the results of
Houses 2, 7 and 11 are to be Judged. Libra. Mercury and Jupiter in their own
No planet is in 2 or 7; Saturn is in 11. signs will bestow the results of both the
Its constellations are Pushya, Anuradha signs which they own. • Saturn in Capri-
and Uthrapadrapada. Kethu alone is corn improves the results of Capricorn
in Uthraparapada. whereas it' is not advantageous to those
indicated .by Aquarius, as it would be in
Lord of 2 Moon rules Rohini, Hastham the 12th sign to Aquarius and it is true
and Sravanam, Moon and sun are in that planets in 6 or 8 or 12 to a particular
Rohini: None is in Hastham or Sravanam: sign or House is disadvantageous to that
Lord of 7 is Jupiter: No planet occupies sign and'House. Therefore if Kethu is in
any of the three constellations of Jupiter. Aries, it is good for' Aries matters, but
So Jupiter is a significator: Lord of 11 is unfavourable for Scorpio. It will bring
Mars : None is situated in any of the 3 . out those results! but it will be disagreeable
stars of Mars i.e. Mrigasirisha, Chitfa and one. If Kethvi is in Libra, matters denoted
Dhanishta. (As Kethu is in Pisces ruled by. by Taurus come to pass but they suffer,
Jupiter, one has to take Ketu as a stronger whereas matters portrayed by Libra
one. No planet is in Aswini or Makam or are in full enjoyed, if Kethu by occupation
Mo'olam. If suppose, there is a planet in has to do good. If Kethu. is in Pisces, it
Kethu's constellation, we have to select has to bestow the results shown by both
that planet in ' Aswini or. Makam or Sagittarius and Pisces. Hence in this
Moolamr Why? Jupiter,is lord of 7. chart, Kethu in Pisces, has to offer the
Jupiter owns 2 signs Sagittarius and Pisces : results of Jupiter as the owners of Sagitta-
Kethu has no 'house of its own. It rius, the 7th house also. Therefore, select
offers the results of the planet with which , Kethu. Further Kethu is in the constel-
it is conjoined; next by which it is lation of Saturn in the Jlth.ho.use.
aspected and last by that of the lord of
the sign. The lord of the sign may own As explained above, one can note that
another sign " also. 'Both the results are" Rahu is to give "the results of Mars and
Jupiter as Mars by its 8th aspect and 1968 when Sun by transit is in conjunction
Jupiter by its Sth aspect, aspect Rahu, Mars with Jupiter.
is lord of 11. Jupiter is lord of 7. Hence [Rahu in the 4th house denotes that the
Rahu also gains strength to indicate about bridegroom, may be a co-tenant, living in
wedding. the same street or town. No journey
Note the period that is running. The need be made to reach his home. The
lord of the dasais.Rahu. Then calculate significators of the time of marriage are
when Kethu sub period will start. If the significators of his profession, his
starts on 16-2-1968. Select the sub of Sun ruling planets, etc.. As Rahu is in Sun's
which is stronger than Moon (both are in constellation in the exalted sign of Mer-.
Moon's constellation—Moon is lord of 2. cury, Kethu is in Jupiter's sign and Saturn
Sun is stronger with full rays during day star, he will be in the Engineering depart-
birth whereas it is New Moon, though ment as welfare officer, administrative side
exalted). Hence between 12-S-I968 and in a Chemical Engineering Industry.]
31-S-1968 mostly it will be on 22nd May,
(Approach—scientific, Argument Convincing, disposal quick-consultants satisfied.)
One of the students at Bombay attending your doubt is about the exact degree in
the daily series of lectures on Advanced Virgo which is owned by Mercury. Moon
Stellar Astrology—Krishnamurti Padh- rules Hastham in Virgo. It extends from
dhati-asked on Monday 23-1-1967 whether 10° to 23° 20' and it can be one of the four
the time of his birth noted by his elders Navamsa signs, Aries, Taurus, Gemini or
was Indian Standard Time or Local Mean Cancer. As today Mo'on is in Mars star
Time, because if he takes it as , Indian Mars is also a ruling planet which owns-
Standard Time the Lagna falls in 17° 20' Aries. Therefore lake Aries as Navamsa
Cancer. If the time is taken as Local Lagna. It cannot be in Pisces owned by
Mean Time near Armori the Ascendant Jupiter, nor in-Uthrapalguni star governed
will be 14° 53' in Cancer. by Sun as both Jupiter'and Sun have no
He desired to have bis doubt cleared. concern at thi^time.
I asked him " what is today ". On witnessing these, one Engineer said
" Monday " that his parents told him that his birth
Where is Moon now? was between 11-30 and 12-P.M. L.M.T.
" It is in Gemini." (Bengal year 4 Pausb 1342 equivalent to)'
Who rules Gemini 7 20-12-1935 Friday in Chitra star and he
" Mercury." wanted to know the correct time of birth.
Therefore Moon and Mercury are the His place of birth was Asanso] (23° 42' N
two ruling planets which ' constellation and 87° 0' E.)
covers 14° 53' in Cancer.' Time of question, day, Lagna and Rasi
" Pushyam from 3° 20' to 16° 40'" are to be noted first.- Tuesday ruled by
Who governs Pushyam? Mars Lagna at the time 8-28 P.M. was
'' Saturn." . Leo 18°, ruled by Sun in Venus star
Then in which constellation is 17° 20' Poorvapalguni, Moon was in Gemini in
Cancer.' Arudhra, governed by Mercury and Rabu.
"Ashlesha" Therefore Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury
Who is its Lord? and Rabu are the significators.
Mercury., On the day of birth at that time Moon
Lord of Cancer is Moon, lord of the was transitting in Chitra star ruled by
star must be Mercury as now the ruling Mars in Venus sign Libra. Hence of the
planets are Moon and Mercury. Saturn 5 significators the three more remaining
has no connection at this hour of the are Sun, Mercury and Rahu. In Sun's
night. So, take that 17° 20' as the Ascen- sign, there is neither Mercury constel-
dant and hence your parents have noted lation or Rabu constellation. But in
-down only the Standard Time and not Mercury sign Virgo there is Sun's con-
Local Mean Time. stellation Rabu has not any of bis constel-
. Another student asked " Sir, one latioa in Virgo. Hence the Ascendant
astrologer has cast my chart and he has must be in Virgo in Sun's constellation
mentioned that my Lagna in raSi is Virgo between 0° and 10'. As Rahu is left out,
and the Navamsa Lagna is in Pisces; select Rahu sub then the lagna should be
another astrologer has put Lagna in rasi between 0° Virgo and 1° 13' 20".
Kundali in Virgo and in Navamsa Kundali If this portion is to rise in the East, on
in Mesh a which shall I take, as my father 20-12-1935 at 23° 42' N, the sidereal time
says that I am born between 9-10 and ..should, be around 5 hrs. 30 mts. ..As
~9-l'5'P.'Mr and he is not able to give the sidereal time at noon on 20-12-1935 was
correct minute. 17 hrs. 52 mts. 35 sees, he ought to have
"■' All along, I had been saying that Moon* been born at 11-35-30 LMT. or 11-17-30
and Mercery are the ruling planets. - So I.S.T. or 11-36 PHLM- or-l 1-18-E,M.-I.S.T.

The horoscope is as under: Another method: Find out the Sunrise.

Note the time of.,birth: Calculate: the
number of vikaties that had passed before
i- Uranus Kethu birth. Divide by 225. If the remainder
8-53 20-40 is between 0 and 15 male IS to 45 female;
45 to 90 male; 90 to 150:female;,150
Fortune to 225 male.' As 17 hours have elapsed
Sat. 12-13 1-5 after Sunrise, the number of vikaties =
20-12—1935 2,350 vikaties divided by 225. The remain-
11-18 P.M. I.S.T. der is 75. As he is a male, take this time
23° 42' N
Mars 87° 0' E Neptune to be correct. 11.30 P.M. to 12 P.M.
17-43 23-56 L.M.T. or 11-12 P.M. to 11-42 P.M. I.S.T.
as given by him show's a range of 30 mts.
• Rahu ■ = 75 vikaties. It gives 3 different timings
2CM0 Venus Lagna as 0 to 15 remainder, 150 to 225 and 45 to
Mercury Jupiter 20-56
10-58 16-23 Moon 5-59 0-10 90 indicate male birth.' ...
Sun 5-4 If we takepre-nated epoch for 11-30P.M.,
As the person is doubtful about his 11-45 P.M. and 12 L.M.T. the lagna that
birth time and a range of 30 minutes is we can get.for all the three births will be
given; a few methods given by our sages we can have 1°-Virgo rising in the east:
cannot be applied and any single answer for 11-30 P.M. CP 40'; for 11-45 P.M.
can be had. 0° 47' and for 12 L.M.T. 1° virgo Nira-
yana. But suppose3 children are born in
For example, to multiply by 4 and the same town at 11-30, -11-45 and 12, if
divide by 9. The remainder will be the we apply pre-natel Epoch, the ascendant
trine star counted from Aswini. for :one will be 0° 40' Virgo! the second
0° 47', the third 1° Virgo. But actually
On 20-12-35 at 25,,42'N and 87° ff the ascendant of the first, second and third
East the Sun rose at 6-36 A.M.- L.M.T. = -should be at an interval of 3|: if the first
6-18 A.M. I.S.T. As birth time ranges birth has 1° Virgo, the second birth ascen-
for 30 minutes = 75 Vikaties and the above dant should be in 4|°, the ascendant of the
method will give 33 answers for every 2\ third should be 85° Virgo! Prenatal
Vikaties or if full vikaties alone are taken Epoch does not bring out the real diffe-
9 answers. So any of the nine timings is rence. Hence a convincing one is only the
to be taken. method advocated above.

I am born on Friday 13-14-1900 at KethuO-II
13° N and 8° 7' E at 7-30 P.M. Jup. 14-56 Mars 3-03
Ven. 5-48 Saturn
Moon 0-34 3-13
Lagna 29°0'
Marsl 1.44 Sun 0.43 VenKethu
Merc. 5.40 21,12 Merc. 6-36
Sun 28-il

Rahu 0-17
Sat. 12.33 21.12 Lagna Moon
Jap. 17-57 11.13 14.31 Jupiter Dasa 0 year, 8 months, 5 days.
She is an invalid. For anything and
Moon Dasa Balance 6 years, 7 months, everything some one, much interested in
■ 15 days. The following is the chart of her, well inclined towards her, must render
my daughter born on 16-12-1927 at; 18° 58' assistance. She cannot stand' erect; can-
N and 72° 49' E, not yet married. Is there not do anything herself—a pity—She is
marriage at all ? How many a time to also aged 27. What is her future is the
roam about, enquire, negotiate and be anxiety number one.
disappointed is Worry No. 2.
Second con: Both legs operated :
Jupiter Lagna Rahu Born on 11-53 P.M. I.S.T.
1-59 24* 50' 25-35 (war time 0-53) at li20 20' N and 76° 40" E.

Moon Sat. 19.28 Lagna9.06

23-16 Jup. 28.42

Kethu 9.25 Rahu
Sun. 0-37 Me.o. I7.4v)• Yen 15-42 Moon ■9.25
Ma. 5. l2-5» 5-26 Ven. 25.52

Sun Dasa Balance ^-years, 0 month, 22 Merc. 2-25 Sun 9.0

days. Mars 2.22
- -Daughter number two. Worry_ No. 1.
■.Born on Sunday .11-2-1940 at 12-f5 P.M. Mercury . Dasa, . . Balance 8 years.
at 18,-58 N and 72-49 E. 7 months, 0 day.
First.son : Disgust with present job; stronger—No planet in Rahu's constella-
Tries for another ; dejection due to delay tion ; No planet is in any of the 3 constel-
, and disappointment. Born on 28-4-32 ; lations of Jupiter also. Jupiter and Rahu
10-50 A.M. 18-35 N and 70° 20' E are the significators of the second house,
showing increase in the number of the
Mars members of the family bybirth of children.
Mer. 21-37 Sun 14-47 ' Vcn. 0-02
Lagna 5th house occupied by Mercury; Rahu
Rahu 1-06 23-01 and Jupiter alone are in the constellation
of Mercury. Jupiter and Rahu -are again
becoming prominent, llth house is
Jup. 20-17 unoccupied.
RASI . Second house is owned by Mars—No
planet is in its star. Saturn rules the Sth
Moon 22-0 house. Mercury and Mars are in the
Sat 11-38 constellation of Saturn; llth house is
owned by Sun. No planet in Sun's
Kethu 1-06
Hence Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury
afflicted and debilitated Mars and Sun are
Moon Dasa, Balance 1 year, 3 months, -the significators. Luckily Jupiter is a
0 day. benefic : all others are the natural malefics,
all malefics are the significators. There-
Another daughter: Born at 1-55 A.M. fore the house . denoting children are
(war time) 0-55 A.M. I.S.T. on Friday/ having maximum evil connection.
Saturday 9/10-2-1945 at 18° 35'N and Disease to children is to be judged
73°20'E. This girl is also aged enough
to lead a married life. There are elder from the 10th house. No planet is . in
sisters yet remaining unmarried. She has 10. Moon rules it. Moon, Kethu and Venus
her own problems. On looking at her, are in the constellation of Moon. Their
1 am reminded about her elders. periods and sub-periods indicate ailment
to them.
What is this ? Is there no remedy ?
Why should I be cursed? I have not Sth bouse to the Sth or 12th house is
thought of any evil to anybody: nor did I occupied by Moon. Again Venus, Kethu
do any harm to anybody but why I should and Moon threaten danger to .them. -
suffer. No planet is in 4 : It is ruled by Saturn.
[The simple answer is the past Karma Hence Mars and Mercury indicate the
and the present fate or otherwise called defect of the children, as Saturn is lord of
Destiny.] 5, it aspects Sth house and is also lord of
Sir, Destiny is well explained by Astro- 4. Mars sign is occupied by Rahu. There-
logy. It can never be altered or modified fore these planets indicate the defect -in
by the astrologer.- He can reason it out. children. Generally at least one invalid
That is all. " What is the explanation? " child is born to a parent, if the Sth cusp
asks he. " Let me console myself and is connected with Rahu, Kethu and Saturn
undergo the ordeal, if it is so." Further Jupiter should not be spoiled by
the aspect ofor conjunction with a malefic.
CAiWren ; Child birth is shown by the Here the Sth cusp falls in Sathabisha.
houses 2, 5 and 11 ; ill-health to children Jupiter is spoiled with the conjunction of
are judged from the 10(h house ; danger Rahu. Saturn aspects the Sth.- Therefore
to them from the 12ih house ; defect is he has such a family without a remedy as
judged from 4tb house; second house— Mercury Dasa is to run for 17 years from
occupied by Jupiter and Rahu—the latter 28-11-66 and all along the spoiled Jupiter
and Saturn (in Ketbu constellation) dasas As Mercury Dasa' is on, one can pray
were running from 28-11-31. to Lord Visbnu: Read Bagbavatbam
Will prayer do Good ? Mercury Dasa Gita etc.
has started Mercury is lord of 8 to the As I am writingtbis article on a Sunday,'
Sth bouse; Sun is lord of 7. Jupiter is lord when Moon is Leo, in Utbrapalguni star
of 2 to the 5th bouse. Hence the con- the lagna at this time in' the fag end of
joined period of Sun, Jupiter and Mercury Gemini,'with confidence, it may be decla-
will give relief to the attendants and offer red that Mercury Sun, and Jupiter are .the
absolute peace to that child whose ruling ruling planets for this moment and. the
planets would have been Jupiter, Sun and conjoined period will surely give relief in
Mercury. Most of the children have the only one inevitable manner.
Mercury as their ruling planet. Majority
have Jupiter. Only the invalid daughter [Pleasure or pain is had at a time
has sun also as ruiing planet as she is born through that relative whose ruling planet
on a Sunday. Hence ber longevity will be happen to be the planets which rule: the
questionable during Mercury Dasa dasa Bbukti and anthra of the person at
Mercury Bhukti, Sun Antbra, i.e., in that time.]
September, October 1967.
Sir, For question (b) judge the bouses 4, S and
I have a plot of land in the heart of the 11
city. I have the desire to construct a (c) 6 and 11 are to be judged
cinema theatre. Is it possible ? If so, when? (d) 4, 5, 6 and 11
The horoscope is herewith submitted:
(Sd) G.R. (a) 4th bouse denotes land and buil-
ding. 12th bouse shows invest-
Sun 24.13 Uraous ment. Utb bouse promises
Fortuna 7-45 Moon fulfilment of one's desire and
5.55 Venus 20-55 gains from the investment made.
Mere. 5.35 27-00
(b) 4th bouse is the possession of a
Saturn Kethu permanent building : Stb signifies
■ 13-U 4-15 cinema, opera drama, etc. Utb
2 A.M. I.S.T. is the returns from that enter- ■
17.20 N; 78.30 E prise.
Asc. 9-23 Neptune (c) If you have to be assisted by a
Rahu 4.15 19-29 financier, be has to give away
money. The person with whom
Jupiter Mars . you deal is indicated by the 7th
. 29-02 22-19 bouse: bis issuing the cheque is
shown by the 12th to the 7th, i.e.,
the 6th bouse. 1 Itb bouse shows
RASI CHART improvement in the bank position
ASC. 9° 23' CAPRICORN by realising the cheque.
II Cusp; 14° 22' AQUARIUS (d) 4th bouse denotes the building;
III 19° 22' PISCES 5th indicates utilising it for
IV 20° 22' ARIES pleasure, music, opera, etc. 6th
V . 17° 22' TAURUS includes money paid by the
VI 12° 22' GEMINI visitors and Utb denotes the
VII 9° 23' CANCER returns and the gains.
VIII 14° 22' LEO fa) Venus is in 4; No planet is in
IX 19° 22' VIRGO any of the constellations of
X 20° 22' LIBRA Venus, Bharani, Poorvapalguni
XI 17° 22' SCORPIO and Poorvashada. Therefore
XII 12° 22' SAGITTARIUS Venus indicates 4tb bouse matters
' Balance of Moon Dasa 1 year, 9 months, 12tb bouse is occupied by Rabu
22 days. and owned by Jupiter. Saturn is
Answer; Your questions are in one of the constellations of
(a) Will I be able to construct a Rahu. Jupiter alone is in its
building? constellation. Hence Jupiter and
(b) Can I use it as a cinema theatre? Rabu indicate investment; Utb
(c) Will I have financial aid? bouse is unoccupied. Lord of
the Utb cusp is Mars. No planet
(d) When can I complete? is in the constellation of Mars.
For question (a) consider bouses 4,12 and Mars denotes gains and realisa-
11 tion of ambition.
■ 19
Therefore investment and completion of 6th house whereas the' lord of the
the building will be during their conjoined 6th cusp, i.e. Gemini 12° 22'is the
period. It will be in Jupiter Dasa, Venus lord of the 6th house. Hence
Bhukti Mars Anthra, i.e., the period runs you will have aid in the period
between 30-9-1970 and 26-11-1970. As of the planets connected with
per transit Sun will be in the' 27th degree Kethu and Mercury. No planet
in Libra in Venus sign Jupiter star Vends . is in Ketbu's constellation. Sun
sub and Mars sub sub., i.e. 14-11-70. Jupiter is in the constellation of Mer-
will be in 204° in its own star! Venus cury., (Further Sun is lord of-2
conjoins Jupiter. to the 7tb house and is in' the
(b) As Venus is lord of 5 and also constellation of lord of 12 to 7.)
lord of 10 and as Venus is the Therefore during Mercury Bhukti,
Sun Anthra; Kethu Bhukti, Sun
Chief Governor for Cinema, it anthra 'and Kethu Bhukti Budha
will be used as a Theatre. As Anthra in 3 stages, you will have
Moon is in the Sth Bhava in its the loan needed. The first in-
own constellation, Mars is also stalment will be had between
in Moon's star, you may haie 29-7-1967 and 9-9-67, mostly on
trial during Moon sub sub period 14-8-67. The next occasion will
before 30-9-1970 and open the be in the. first fortnight April
Theatre in November 1970. 1969. The final aid will be in
(c) Financial aid: 6th house extends the first fortnight December 1969.
from 12° 22' Gemini to 9° 23' (d) Completion and putting into
Cancer. Therefore planets in commission will be in 1970 as
that area is said to occupy the mentioned above.
Bbusawal, planets are in some way or other connec-
21-1-67 ted with the bouses 2, 6, 10 and 11. Of
Sir, these bouses we have to give more impor-
tance to 10 and 11. Lord of 10 is in the
A person at Bbusawal asked me at constellation of lord of 11 and lord of 11
Bbusawal on 17-11-66 whether there was is in the constellation of lord of 10. In
any promotion for him and if it is so, Sbooksbma, they have mutual exchange.
when? Therefore promotion is promised.
1 asked him to give a number within The time when be can get it, is ascer-
108. tained in the following manner.
He mentioned 101. Sun Dasa is running. Rabu Bhukti is
I erected a chart for the moment, 101 also on. It will continue from the date of
meant that 26th star first quarter, i.e., query, the balance in its period, for only
Pisces 3° 20' to 6° 40'. The horoscope 12 days out of the total of 10 months and
for that time is as follows; 24 days.
When most of the planets indicate
Asc, 3-20 Rahu about bis profession, I jumped to your
to 6-40 22-26 quick and correct method of picking out
a few of them. I noted that the question
Saturn was on a Thursday : So select Jupiter:
29-44 Jup. 11-11 Moon was in Saturn's sign, and Sun's star
is on: Take saturn and sun I selected Sun
Dasa; Jupiter Bhukti, Saturn Antbra. I cal-
Moon Mars culated and found that Jupiter Bhukti
i • i r 49* 27-29 would start on 29-11-66. Then jupiter
Bhukti, Jupiter Antbra will run till 9-1-67.
Saturn will operate between 9-1-67 and
Von 8-6 4-3-67. According to transit by stellar
More 1-40 Kethu
22-26 system, I picked up Saturday governed by
j>un 1* 4'
Saturn and Kartbik star .day (Moon in
Sun Dasa Balance 3 years, 11 months, Kartbika star) ruled by Sun and Lagna in
24 days. Utbrapatbrapada, around 1 P.M. and
said that be' would be promoted on '
Is promotion promised ? Judge bouses 21-1-67.
2, 6,10 and 11: Rabu occupies second; Actually the order was tipped on Utbra-
Mars the 6tb; Moon the lOtb and lltb padrapada starday 17-1-67, despatched on
bouse is vacant. No planet is tenanted Jupiter's day, received on Saturday. This
in Rabu's constellation: None in any of person got disgusted as be continued in
the constellation of Mars: So also none the same grade and was drawing maximum
in the stars of Moon: Mars is lord of 2; of the grade since a few years. He was
Suit owns 6tb Jupiter lOtb and Saturn 11 tb
Mars sign is occupied by Rabu: Take' expecting promotion always. But luckily
be got the orders as predicted using
Rabu: Mats and Moon are in smi's con- Krisbnamurti Padbdbati.
stellation ; Sun and Mercury are in
Jupiter's constellation: Jupiter and Venus I request Guruji to be blessing me, so
is in Saturn's star. Ketbu is in Venus sign. that I can do some real service to the
Take Ketbii. "Hence mostly all the ^ people using Krisbnamurti Padbdbati.
Salem, For success in examination whether it
23-1-67. is the first attempt or the second or the
Respected Guniji, third one has to find out whether you will
Congratulations for your uncanny pre- sit for the examination and then whether
diction given' to me last year when I con- you will come out successful.
sulted youregarding my results—C.A.I.I.B. (For children, we see the Sth house for
examination. As predicted by you that I the first conception, 7tb house—being the
would fail in this attempt miserably, I 3rd counted from 5—for the second con-
have failed in all the six subjects. ception, 9tb house for the 3rd issue and so
You said that I would be happy from on. Similarly one should not see, for the
1-4-67. first attempt which house for the second
There is again examination in May, which and so on.) Ever we have to judge
1967. the houses 4, 9 and 11.
How do I stand? I give number 2... 9th house is vacant. It is owned by
(Sd.) R. Nathan. Jupiter. Its constellations are Punarvasu,
Lagna Visakam and Poorvapadrapada. Saturn
3'20'to alone is in Poorvapadrapada. Jupiter is in
Sat 3-03 6° 40' 4. It aspects Saturn. You will sit for
18-29 examination. Success is judged by Saturn
in llthBhava. It is lord of 11, in the
Vcn. Jup 4-51 fag end of 11th bouse. Jupiter, in exalta-
5-50 tion is in the constellation of Satum. It is
30—1—67 7-30 A.M. auspicious in 4.
Merc [It is only in Natal chart, one is to find.
24-34 Whether the lagna is afflicted and if it is
Sun 16-10 afflicted, consider the sign occupied by
Moon and judge—But for Horary astro-
Kethu logy, always take the lagna from the
18-29 Moon 8-10 number given.)
Mars 2-43
Therefore this person will surely sit for
I am answering this question at 7-30 the coming examination and come out
A.M. on Monday 30-1-67. successful satisfactorily.

The horoscope is as under: (Sun is lord of 9). Rahu was in Mercury

star and Mercury sub; therefore severing
connection' with the previous concern is
Saturn Ura 20-46 MOOn 4-0
Kethu clear and correct.
10-50 .17-52
Mercury did not. give the result on a
Wednesday or its star day. But he was
Venus 4-05 not entitled to the salary from Sunday
28—8—37 when Moon was transitting in Sun's sign
3-15 P.M. and the constellation of the node (in the
13—04 N
30—15 E Sun 11-05 12th to the 6th cusp). Kethu, (6th cusp is
Neptune 26° 37' Taurus.) Why ? Because the lord
25-18 of the Constellation in which Mercury was,
Rahu Sun the owner of.the 9th Cusp.
Jup 25-2 17-52 Merc 6-11
Lagna 23-0 ■ Mars Fortuca
15-15 Again entering into service should be
16-51 predicted considering houses 2, 6 and 10.
2nd house is vacant. Saturn rules the
Sim Dasa Balance 2 years, 8 months, 12 second bhava: 6th house is vacant. Its
days. lord is Venus, Jupiter alone is in Venus
In (his chart 4 planets Swakshethra: 2 constellation. 10th house is unoccupied
planets exalted. 3 'planets in kendhra. Venus owns the 10th cusp. Hence Jupiter
During the sub period of exalted planet,' and Venus are strong. Kethu has to give
the person remains without a job. the results of Moon with which it is
conjoined and in whose constellation it is.
He had to leave during Rahu Dasa, It has connection with 6th and 10th house
Mercury Bhukti, Rahu Anthra on 1-1-67. matters as these cusps fall in Taurus and
What next is the problem! The sub period Libra. Therefore expect the appointment,
is ruled by Rajayoga adhipathi Budha, during Rahu Dasa, Mercury Bhukti,
which is exalted in its own Moolatrikona Jupiter ' Anthra, Kethu Shookshma. It
sign. Why ? Rahu is in Libha sthana as will be on 3-4-1967 on Uthrashada star
lltb cusp is 0° 37' and 12th Cusp is in day. This article is written on Tuesday
26 37', both in Scorpio. Mercury is in -nightat 11 P.M. when the lagna is Virgo,
the 9th house as .9th cusp is6 28° 37' Leo star Punarvasu. Hence Mars, Jupiter and
1 and the meridian is in I 37' Libra. Mercury denote the time. As Rahu is in
Therefore Mercury as one in the 9th Bhava Mars sign, confirm the result from the
(12th to 10th) has to bring out a change. ruling planets at this moment have confi-
(Some go on leave ; some retire etc.) It was dence to declare that he will be appointed
in the star of lord of 9 and own sub. on 3-4-1967.

As you are running Mercury Dasa, Rahu gatnermg auu uu maw .v ,
Bhukti, on Arudhra star day, you will be he gave the whole story to a lady (a PH. D.
happy. According to the number also, qualified lady who attends the classes
Venus in lagna is auspicious. Its cons- _ regularly) and requested her to convey it
tellation Bharani is occupied by Rahu, to me. Next day, he came again -and
.Mercury is in Venus sub.' Hence let us personally informed.
wait till your wife returns and we can find
out. One should know that one can never
lose any property (Horary) if lord of 2 is
Actually on Tuesday she returned: it in the constellation of planet in 6; if
was an Arudhra star day. He was so planet in 2 is in the constellation of the
anxious that he put this question first, occupant of fith'house.
without even welcoming her by the pleasing In the natal chart, node in 2, in the
word "Come on". To bis pleasant sur- constellation of a planet in S (lord of 10
prise, she told that she had kept it in' the in the constellation of lord of 2) cannot
same safe more safely in another place cause loss.
under a cover.
He came to Bharatiya Vidhya Bhavim If houses 2 and 6 are connected—no loss.
to inform me. As I was in the midst of a If houses 2 and 11 are connected—gains.
. The horoscope of a person who approa-: Rabu is in the second cusp in the. cons-
ched me at 12 Koon on Saturday, 21-1-67 tellation of Jupiter in 8 who owns the
is as follows: also. 8tbbouse shows sudden
upset and danger. But Mars as lord of
11, being the sub lord, cannot bring in a
Ura 0-35 loss. Further dasanatba Mercury is in the
constellation of Moon in 5 : It is lord of
2. It does not portend theft.
tlahu 1-39 Number ' 35 ' means Catacer ascendant
6—2—1926 in the 3rd quarter Asblesba. So take the
4 A.M. 180tb degree for wife i.e., Dhanishta' 1st
Yen 26-22 22—59 N quarter. The horosqdpe for this moment
SUD 23-39 71— 31 E ,
Mer 16-20 Nep 0-52 will be as under:
Jup 14-32
Kethu 1-39
Mars 4-59 Saturn Rahu Moon
1-27 2-39 Moon 24-1' Fortuna
1-28 •
Sat 2-13 18-57 4-34
Jup 5-57
He said " Sir, I kept a costly article in 21—1—1967 Lagna
j 23'
the safe. Key is either with me or with Bombay 20'
to 26° 40'
my wife. But it is kept in a table drawer
which is never locked. This morning Vcn 25-3
when I wanted to take sometbingelse from Mere 9-22
the safe, casually I checked. This costly Suo 7-14
affair is not found. . I am scared. My
wife is not at home. Sbebas gone out. Ura 0-54
Can you tell me whether it is lost or some- Nep 0-44 Kethu
18-57 Mars
where else.' 29-33
" To whom does it belong? Is it yours
or your wife's?" asked I. Number 35 shows that 23° 20' to 26° 40'
"My wife's property." in Cancer is the ascendant for your number. .
So, Capricorn 23° 20' to 26° 40' should be
. "Alright give a number within 108. the ascendant for your wife. . As Venus is
If it is lost, it is a personal loss to your the lagna in the constellation of lord of
wife."- 11, it is not lost. Saturn in the second
Bbava indicates that it'is bidden or under-
"35" neath something. else. Her "possessions
At the time of birth you bad 11 years, are shown by 2 (movable) and 4 (immova-
2 months, 5 days of Jupiter. So it ended ble) ones. As Saturn, lord of 1 and 2 is in
on U-4-1937. Then Saturn Dasa ended 2nd Bhava, it is there and never lost.
on 11-4-56." Now you are running Mer- "Then when can I find it out?"
cury Dasa. The sub period from 8-10-1965
will be that of Rahu. It is in Jupiter's As Saturn is a benefic to ber, and it is in
constellation and Mars sub.. You have- the constellation of planet in 6 Jupiter
to take in your chart Gemini 1° 27' as the' and since the Lagna is "a" movable sign,
ascehdant of your wife'(7th Cusp). Then very shortly you will come to know..
: As you are running Mercury Dasa, Rahu gathering and be bad to return quickly,
Bhukti, on Arudbra star day, you will be he gave the whole story to a lady (a PH. D.
happy. According to the number also, qualified lady who' attends the classes
Venus in lagna is auspicious. Its cons- regularly) and requested her to convey it
tellation Bharani is occupied by Rahu. to me. Next day, be came again -and
.Mercury is in Venus sub. Hence let us personally informed.
wait till your wife returns and we can find
out. One should know that one can never
lose any property (Horary) if lord of 2 is
■ Actually oh Tuesday she returned: it in the constellation of planet in 6; if
was an Arudbra star day. He was so planet in 2 is in the constellation of the
anxious that be put this question first, occupant of 6th'house.
without even welcoming her by the pleasing
word "Come on". To his pleasant sur- In the natal chart, node in 2, in the
prise, she told that she bad kept it in' the constellation of a planet in 8 (lord of 10
same safe more safely in another place in the constellation of lord of 2) cannot
under a cover. cause loss.
. He came to Bharatiya Vidbya Bhavan ,If houses 2 and 6 are connected—no loss.
to inform me. As I was in the midst of a If houses 2 and 11 are connected—gains.

Nowadays' not only adults but even1

young boys, school-going children, and Mars Saturn Rahu
ambitious College girls put very casually 10.24 1° 21.23
such questions as to know whether there is Meictrry
a chance for them to enter into politics, Asc. 4.38
bold some high position and realise their 5.20 Sun
ambition. Therefore, in a democratic 28-7-1909 12.10
16-18 N Venus
country, it is necessary for the students of 80-29 E 6-41
astrology to thoroughly understand the Jupiter
various occupations, combinations, 21-43
aspects and sub lords of Dasanatha, Kethu
Bbuktinadba and Anthranadba by1 study- 21,23
ing the charts of the ministers who were 17.49
holding such a covetable, responsible and > Balance of Mercury Dasa IS years,
useful position, who are now in the Parlia- 6 Months, 12 days.
ment and Council, who aspire to bold such
a position and work for the same and Mars, M»zcntr> Sun,
those who are not desirous of holding Rahu Venus Saturn
such a position in the Government but yet,
they are born to be the Ministers in their .
lifetime for the benefit of the nation. Is 19-5-1913 -
it not true that some try and try for 9-50 P.M.
fortune; that some are favoured by for- 14° 41' N
tune which knocks at their doors; and IT 39' E
some enjoy fortune through fools (fortune
favours fools is not so correct as fortune
favours .through fools). Asc.," Moon Kethu
In March and April issues a number of
' horoscopes of the Ministers, masters and Balance—Jupiter Dasa 6 years,
mistress will be furnished. Readers may - months, 8 days.
revise the rules given under the title
"Politics" in 1966 issue and apply. I \ Asc. Kethu Jupiter
shall explain taking two charts of minis-
ters and two ambitious persons who can . Sun,
never become a politicianbut only have the Mars, Moon
right to vote for such people from May . Venus 9—39 14-2-1919
issue. To myi knowledge they are correct. . A.M.
15° 50' N
Name and address of_tbe ministers will Morctny 78® 5' E Saturn
not be given. Do,not speculate. But the
addresses of those who have no chance to
be "a .'politician may be given on their" " : Rahu .......
approval, individually to the readers for :
their- judgment.
Balance Mercury Dasa 10 years, 3 uaiam-o
months, 20 days. 6 days.

'Moon Kcthu Jupiter Kethu, Jupiter

U ranus 11-1-1919 Neptune Urajaus 13-1-1919. Nep.
9—38 P.M. 10—49 P.M.
17° 58' N 17° IC N
Mars, 79° 40' E Lagna, Vcnus» 78° 30'E Saturn
Venus Saturn Mars
M«rcnry, Rahu Sun, Rahu
Meionry Asc.


The following horoscopes belong to a Jupiter
couple who are anxious to have at least 7° 41'
one child. Let us judge from the charts:— Uranus Fortuna Rahu Mars
10° 4b' 8° 19; 5' 57' S* 47'
Ketbu Fortuna Moon
4° 26' 27° 52' 23° 33'
4-52 A.M. (L.M.T.)
on 24-12—1928
Latitude 14° 26' N
Uranus - Neptune .Longitude 74° 27' E
17° 3' 2-11 A.M. (L.M.T.) 25° 19- Venus Wife Neptune
on 10—11—1922 21° 28' 8° 32'
Latitude 14" 26' N
Longitude 74° 27' E
Mars Husband Lagna
14° 26' 28° 21' Mercury Lagna
12* 20' 18* 16'
Sun 9° 12' Kethu
Saturn 0° 1' 5° 57'
Sun 24° 02'
Jupiter Rabu 4° 26'
Venus Sun's Dasa balance at birth; 4 years,
10° 24' Saturn
16° 37'
Mercury 22° 19' 10 months and 3 days.
8° 47'
For ,birth of children, judge the houses
Jupiter Dasa; 11 years, 8 months and 2, S and 11 and also Jupiter, the chief
26 days. Governor for children, after ascertaining
8 29
whether lagna is unafflicted and strong or and Saturn in Virgo will be transitted by
Moon sign. As the sign Leo in which Sun and it shows that the intra-uterine
lagna has fallen is not occupied by either life will be less and it will be an immature
Saturn or Mars or Rahu or Kethu, Lagna pregnancy.
is unafflicted. As its lord is not tenanted Let us analyse his wife's chart It is
in the 6th or 8th or 12th sign counted always advisable to judge from the lady's
from lagna, lagna is strong. It need not. snap. Lagna is afflicted as the sign where-
be considered whether it is exalted, in Lagna has fallen is Scorpio and Kethu
Vargottamamsa, Swakshethra, in friendly occupied that sign. Further lord of lagna
quarters etc., or debilitated or in enemy's is in the gth sign. But Moon's sign is
camp. also owned by the Mars and yet it occupies
Second house is occupied by Mercury, the 3rd sign counted from Moon's sign
Jupiter and Sun. No planet i n Ashlesha, Aries; it is also occupied by Jupiter.
Jyeshta or Revathi governed by Mercury. Therefore judge the signs 2, 5. and 11
Moon is in Punarvasu and Sun in Visakha counted from Moon's sign:—Rahu who
and none in Poorvabhadra. No planet in is to act as an agent of Venus, owner of
Krithika, Uthrapalguni or Utharashadha the sign where Rahu is posited, Sun lord
■ ruled by Sun. Hence Mercury, Moon, of 5 and Saturn lord of 11 are to be
Sun and Jupiter are the significators. judged. No planet is in Rahu's constella-
This chart is worked out on Thursday tions. Moon is in Sun's star Krithika
during Mithuna Lagna and on Sravana and none in the stars. Kethu alone is in
star day. Mercury, Moon and Jupiter are Saturn star. Hence Moon and Rahu are
common in both the ruling planets and the strongest. Saturn in Kethu's star'
the significators. So take these .three and' Kethu's sub is to deny. I predict that she
. analyse furthur. Mercury is in Rahu's will become the mother of a child during
constellation and Jupiter sub. Moon is in Rahu Dasa, Moon Bhukti, Sun Anthara in
■ Jupiter's star and Saturn sub. It is no October 1967. :
good. Jupiter is in Rahu's star Jupiter As lord of 9 from Moon sign is Jupiter
sub. Therefore Mercury and Jupiter and it is conjoined with Moon, she has
favour. As Rahu is in Mercury's sign and done enough of nuritorious and in the
Kethu is in Jupiter's sign, find planets in previous birth, so that she can attribute
their stars. None in Kethu's stars Aswini, to her prayers to Santhanagopal Krishna
Makam and Moolam. But Mercury and that God has' blessed her with a child.
Jupiter are in Rahu's constellation. There- Rahu Dasanatha in the constellation of -
fore one has to predict that this will expect lord of 5 and a representative of Venus,
during Mercury Dasa, Jupiter Bhukli, owner of the second house will give her a
Rahu Anthara around 15-10-1967. Rahu child.

Horsecope is as under: Moon is in the 6th house. Neither
Rahu nor Kethu is in Moon's sign. Rohini,
Merc. 0.9 Hastham and Sravanam are ruled by
Vcn. 6.22 Lagna Moon. No planet is in any of the three
Sun 21-25 6.01
Kethu stars. Moon is a significator. It be-
22x5 comes worse Jby occupying the constel-
Tup. 10.57 lation of lord of 8.
Ura 11.31 Neptune
5—5—1920 15.10 Mars is lord of 6. It owns Aries and
9 A.M. Scorpio. Kethu occupies Aries. So take
Fortuna 12.58 N and 77.38 E Kethu. Find out the planets in the
7.59 Sat 11.10 constellation , of Kethu. Venus and
Mercury are in Kethu's star Aswini and
Saturn is in Makam. Hence the con-
Rahu joined period of these planets will cause
Moon 22.05
14.23 Mars disease.
Hindu astrologers have- said that Sun
Saturn Dasa balance 3 years, 3 months, conjoined with Venus in 5 or 7 or 9 will
2 days., • ■ cause defect in the organ. In my research
I have found that
Health will be robust if the ascendant
and the lord of the ascendant are not (a) Sun conjunction Venus, in any
afflicted by manner connected with Saturn shows
■ [a) malefic occupying Lagna, chronic ailment; •
(b) beneficial planets' forming evil (b) if Mars is connected it leads to
aspect with ascendant, operation;
(c) evil planets conjoining or forming (c) if Jupiter is connected, one is to
good aspect with lord of the Ascendant or expect Cancer;
ascendant- (d) Sun, Venus Mars and Rahu or
Health will be affected if planets are Kethu, Uterus removal;
connected with 6th house (a) either by (e) Sun, Venus, Saturn, Moon and
occupying the constellation of the occu- Mars, fibroid tumors and so on.
pant of the- 6th house or (6) by occu-
pying the 6th house or (c) by being Actually she was operated and.. Uterus
deposited in the constellation of lord of 6 was removed in July 1966. when she had;
or (d) by being the lord of the. 6th house, been running Venus Dasa~, Kethu Bhukti,
or («) by conjoining with or aspected by Venus Anthfa.
any of the significators. If Rahu or
Ketbu were to be conjoined with them or Now the question is whether she can be
if they occupy either of the sign of the .normal in the future.
significators the node will offer the result ' Here, once more, the rule is repeated to
as indicated by the significator- clear the doubts.
Sth bouse threatens danger. 12th house Planet A in its dasa gives more predo-
portends hospitalisation. minantly Jheresults indicated_by the lord
Lagna is not afflicted by the .occupation of the lytngfollafinn; b in which it is
of any malefic or by lords of 6 or 8 or .12. deposited.
Planet ' C' in the constellation of the Six years of Sun Dasa contributes for
anet' A ' offers tlie results signified by the health. Later when she enters. Moon
j.ouse occupied by A and not.the constel- Dasa, her health will be below normal and
lation, or lord of constellation, in which off and on she.will be having the aid from
it is deposited. Hence Sun in Venus cons- the medical attendants, (a) Majority of
tellation will offer the results of the 11 th planet^ are in 6 and 12 to dasanatha:
house. During Sun Dasa 11th house (6) Many are unfavourably posited to
matters will be enjoyed; 11th house contri- maintain good health, '(c) It is the owner
butes for cure and good health (if thelagna of the second house (12 to 3) aspected by
, is not a movable sign] as the lagna is a Bhadhakasthana adhipathi Jupiter 2 and
common sign, Uth house isto give thecure. ashtamasthana adhipathi constellation,
Now, one may ask, is not Kethu in 11 (d) Venus and Kethu who caused ope-
and in Venus constellation'Yes'. But Kethu ration are in 6 and 8 with Moon. So
has to'give the results of the houses 6 and by observing Hygiene" and following
U. Therefore it brings out the symptoms, medical advice, she can manage to main-
' the disease flares up and finally it gives the tain good health. Anyhow, Moon Dasa,
cure. At the time, when • she was dis- Venus Bhukti, Kethu Anthra' needs proper
.charged, she had been running Sukra Dasa, medical aid.
Kethu Bhukti, Sun Anthra.
1 visited thrice, it could not be taken. The
Venus Uranus Kethu crowd around me did not allow me to
11-34 12-58 28-32 touch the chart. But on 18-1-67 in the
afternoon at 3 P.M. they left me to
attend to this chart and they remained in
Saturn the adjoining room. I was able to do
27-49 quickly. What does this show? Yester-
7—2—1937 day it was Revathi. It continued till
4 A.M. noon today. Hence Mercury did not
Sun Neptune allow, even the astrologer to find her
24-45 25-19 fortunate time for marriage. But, now,
Aswini is on. It has given me the mind
Mere- 20-8
JttP. 20°
22.8 Rahu Mars to work at the chart and I was not at all
Abc. 28-32 23-21 disturbed. Aswini is ruled by Kethu.
Moon 2-1S Hence one has to reject Mercury, but take
Kethu Dasa Balance 3 years, 10 months,. (b) Let us note the occupants. Sun
1 day. and Mars are in 2 and 11. (Aswini star
Judge bouses 2, 7 and 11 and the planet is in Mars sign and Kethu governs.) There-
Venus which is the Chief Governor for fore take Sun and Mars. Now, one is to
marriage. find out whether Rahu or Kethu is in either
Planets occupying the constellation of a of the two signs owned by Mats. Rahu
node or a planet are stronger than the is in Scorpio. Its lord is Mars. Therefore
lord of the constellation. So also planets prefer and select Rahu instead of Mais.
situated in a house is stronger than the Therefore we have to take Kethu and
lord of the cusp of the house. Planets Rahu as the strongest. Note which dasa
conjoined with or aspected by a planet, is on. It is governed by Sun. Calculate.
gain strength to offer the results of the One will find that Mercury sub period will
planet with which they are connected in end on 2-8-1967. Then Kethu Bhukti in
the above manner. Sun Dasa will be on. It has to run for 4
Hence months, 6 days.
(a) Note the occupants of the houses Take the transit of dasanatha Sun. In
2,'7andll and find out the constella- these four months, it can pass the sign
tions ruled by them as well as the planets owned by dasanatha Sub ana the Constel-
deposited in those constellations. The lation governed by Kethu; Select Rahu
planets in the constellation of the occu- sub in that star called Makam (10th star).
pants are the strongest significators. Around 24-8-67, Sun will be there. As
Sun is in the second house. Karthik, per dasa Bhukti system, i t will b e Sun Dasa,
Uthrapalguni and Uthrashada are ruled Kethu Bhukti, Sukra Anthra, Rahu Shook-
by Sun. Mercury alone is in the star shma should be operating then.
governed by Sun. House 7 is vacant. 11th As Kethu Bhukti will give the marriage,
house is occupied by Mars. Mrigasira, when Sun transits in Kethu constellation
Chitra and Dhanishta are ruled by Mars. where Moon is at the time of answering
Kethu is in Mars star Mrigasira and Sun the query, negotiation will take place.
is in Dhanishta. When Sun transits in its own star and
Hence Sun, Mercury and Kethu are the Kethu sub on dr around 23-5-1967, it will
chief significators. be fixed. Hence negotiation starts on or
The chart is given on 16-1-67. Even around 15-4-67. On 23-5-67 decision will
though the person (father of this bride) betaken. Celebration will be on 24-8-67.
(Who is ingenious? Krishnamurti or tarious and Mercury was in
Satbabisba!) Who throws mud on the Cancer.
eyes of the readers ? Who opens the eyes 2. 9-7-1908 to 14-7-1908. Mars
of the readers? was with Jupiter in Cancer.
. Half knowledge does not serve any pur- 3. 30-10-1919 to 10-11-1919. Mars
pose : It is dangerous. in Leo. Mercury in Scorpio. .
One Satbabisa has written an article on 4. 1-10-1931 to 8-10-1931. Mercury
page 12, in January 1967 issue of the in Virgo, Mars in Libra.
Astrological Magazine, Bangalore . that It is impossible to enjoy Jnpiter Dasa if
Gajakesari Yoga does not fail to make one is born after 13th September,. 1943,
one popular, prosperous, etc., by quoting since Mars Dasa balance should be 6 years
a'sloka. Whereas I say, it is riot a 8 months according to him as Moon is
guarantee, all do not enjoy—many expe- shown in 24° in Capricorn ; Rabu Dasa
rience untold miseries). for 18 years is to follow. In 1943, when
'v, I had already said that if a person tries Jupiter was in Cancer 31.24°, Mars was in
•to criticise me indirectly, he should follow Taurus and Mercury in Virgo. " As he
my method and apply it properly ; better has written that the native is a business
one does not exhibit bis ignorance and nian " it means that the person is living.
make attempts to redicule others, in vain. In India, normally, people do not live
It is bad. . beyond 83. So I stopped with furnishing
What a pity!. Satbabisba does not the position of Jupiter, Mars and Mer-
appear to have understood my theory. cury in 1884. On 10-8-1884 Jupiter was in
But be tries to criticise and throw mud on 24° Cancer when Mars was in Virgo and
the eyes of the readers. Mercury in Leo. The following fable will
at the first' sight prove that Satbabisba
The example horoscope (reproduced in' ' has furnished an imaginary horoscope and
the next page in this magazine given by any layman can conclude- from the tone
him on page 12 of January issue Astrolo- of bis article and this fictitious that be' is
gical-Magazine) has led me to. take it as out and out to ridicule others and not to
an imaginary and fictitious chart as the teach correct method on a true chart. It
time and place of birth are not given and is not unlikely that a few readers of the
also all the planets are not shown in the Astrological Magazine,Bangalore who also
chart. I prove that there can be no birth in go through my magazine willagree with
the past 100 years having this chart and me and they may add that the article is
so it amounts to make clearly an attempt not ' based on a correct chart which
to speak ill of the really intelligent astro- amounts to bluff, when put in a mild tone.
loger. Let me explain and show the posi- (Now a very high official enters my room
tion of planets (Jupiter, Mars and Mer- and suggests to give the position for 100
cury in the past 100 years). Jupiter was years. So I furnish in a tabular form for
near about and also in 24°. Cancer on the easy grasp.)
following periods. One can .use any
ayanamsa between,.l° and_360°- Position Date Jupiter Mars at Mercury
of Mars and Mercury during those periods in 24° Cancer that time .at that time
when Jupiter was. in Cancer were.:—. _ 3- 9-1872 Cancer _Leo
1. 24-7-1896 to" 29-7-1896. Mars 10- 8-1884 Virgo Leo
...was in Aries and not, in Sagit- 26- 7-1896 Aries Cancer
12- 7-1908 Cancer Gemini in a cusp and ends in the next. Hence
9-11-19191 Leo Scorpio Jupiter goes to 12th Bbava; Mercury
to 1 comes to lltb bouse.
11- 1-1920 I Virgo
Sagittarius A planet situated in a constellation
& r" offers the results of that Bhava in which
27- 6-1920 J Libra Cancer
the lord of the constellation is posited.
11-10-1931 Libra Virgo This is very important and it is invariably
7- 2-1932 Capricorn Capricorn correct. Ever, 1 repeat this rule in each
5- 6-1932 Aries Taurus example. How this person omitted to
22- 9-1943 Taurus Tirgo note this ruling is not understood. So,
he is wrong, to start with. Mercury is in
March, April, Taurus Aquarium to the 11th house. Therefore planets in the
May 1944 to Cancer Aries and so constellation of those situated in the lltb
on. Mars was Bbava must necessarily oSer brilliant
not in Sagit- results and the native must realise bis
tarius. ambition. Therefore, Jupiter which gains
Anyhow let us take the example horos- strength because of exaltation—(I do not
cope as is furnished by Satbabisba; the say that a planet becomes a benefic being
following is claimed to bethe horoscope of exalted)—is in the constellation of
a businessman. Let me explain bow such an Mercury which is in the 11th Bbava. So
imaginary person has real Gajakesari it has to offer such results so that the
Yoga. The method that will be used by person who may be born on a later date ■
me is only Krisbnamurti Fadbdbati, I as will achieve bis aim and fulfil bis desire
the author, am sure that Satbabisba has to a good extent.
to learn more of Krisbnamurti Fadbdbati. Again look at the sub in which Jupiter
It is evident that be has not applied my is. It is in the sub of Mars which owns
method as be has not used the bouse divi- the lOtb bouse, which is in 5tb Bbava.
sion as advised by me or the sub. Krisb- lOtb bouse indicates name, fame, reputa-
namurti Fadbdbati demands that one must tions, honours, profession and prosperity.
use the sub to decide whether a planet will 5th house shows politics. Therefore,
prove to be beneficial or adverse and use Jupiter gives the results of Mercury in the
his advise to follow Western System of 11th house and sub of Mars (5 and 10). It
bouse division. promises a successful career.
Moon, the other planet which has to
Merc cause Gajakesari Yoga is in the constella-
24° tion of Mars and sub of Mars. There-
fore, when lord of lagna is in the cons-
Jup. 24° tellation of lord of 10 and sub of lord
Furnished by Lagna
2V. of 10, it has to give most desirable results.
Sathabisha Moon is in the 6th bouse. 6tb Bbava is
proved as, evil to the opponent. Hence, 6th house is
Moon fictitious
24' for victory over enemies, success in
election, etc. In the Dasa of Jupiter who
Mars is to give 11th house results during Moon's
IS" sub period what other results can one
have, except to be popular and prosperous.
■ Where is Lagna? It is in 27" Cancer. Similar situation will give exalted status
Where is Jupiter ? It is in 24" Cancer. whether there is Gajakesari yoga or not;
Moon' in Virgo or Taurus 24° can cause
Where is Mercury 7 It is 24" Gemini. similar effects when there is no Gajakesari
In which horoscope? In the imaginary yoga.
horoscope furnished by Satbabisba. Even According to Western system, planets
then; according to me a bouse commences near the cusp are very strong in producing
the results of that bouse. Nearness or " What is this Gajakesari Yoga, Sunapba
away from the cusp is considered only for Yoga etc.) " He adds " Krisbnamurti's
the strength. What Westerners call as finding is convincing because be differenti-
Cusp is Bhava - Madhya for Hindus. So ' ates between those who will enjoy (a very
both do not disagree in ascertaining the poor percentage) and those who will suffer
strength. But where a bouse begins and (majority) even though in all their horos-
where. it ends are not the same for the copes Gajakesari Yoga is present, follow-
Hindus and . the Westerners. Every ing bis Padhdhati."
scientist has formed bis own opinion on (It will be proper and advantageous to
the statistics collected by him. Mr. Bailey, the readers, if the editor of that magazine
Sathabisha etc., can follow Hindu method . sends such articles to me, have my re-
of division of a house. Who objects? joinder and publish both in the same issue,
But I say thai if one is to apply Krishna- side by side. Otherwise it will mislead.
muni Padhdhati he must follow the If my rejoinder is not published does it.
division of house according to the Western not amount to making attempts to ridicule
System, which is advised by me. . the correct theory without giving a chance
To the Readers :— to the author?. People may take that such
1. The moment one finds Gajakesari will be done only by those who have vested
Yoga do not predict that one will be interest. People with open mind, let them
popular and prosperous during Jupiter refer to me and publish both. I shall
Dasa or Moon Dasa or in their conjoined also publish. People should be educated
period. Why? • Most of the people who and given the truth.
have this Yoga have suffered. None can ' 3. Mr. Morarji Desai.
deny. Fact is a fact. Then what to do 7 I had said that Mr. Morarji Desai
How to differentiate ? ' Yes ! Look to the entered into a good period on 27-10-1966
lord of the constellation, find out where it ' and before elections are over he would be
is posited. Whether it is in a favourable in the cabinet. Where have I said that be
bhava or elsewhere. Then judge. Jupiter would become a Premier? Tnever men-
was exalted in that year of birth when this - tioned that be would become a Premier in
person was said to be born. In those October 1966. (Read the 'current paper-
12 months, at least 12 times Moon passed my rejoinder to an article.) His is an
in Makara, Kataka Lagna also would be incorrect - statement. Sathabisha puts in
the lagna for many. Same Gajakesari the brackets and says that he does not
Yoga operated to all. Same Jupiter Dasa, deserve congratulations. I agree with him.
they could have bad in between 25 and 41, He has not come out successful' in all bis
years of age. Have they all become Mem- predictions correct to the month. Also it
bers of Parliament? Have they all is not useful to mention that a girl will
prospered? No. Not at all. Then how not get married in a particular month as it
to find out to whom Gajakesari Yoga will was predicted by another astrologer. But
operate favourably so that they can have 'it ts useful to predict giving scientific
improvement and advancement and to explanation when one will get married or
whom it is unfavourable making one a whether one will ever remain unmarried.
beggar, growing one yard beard. What is the use of saying that something
I reiterate . will not happen as predicted by
I have the charts of people living who astrologer; but one should come out with
bad miserable life during Jupiter Dasa, bis prediction, offering scientific explana-
and in spite of having Gajakesari Yoga. tion whether it will happen at all; and if
What I say is this. On finding a Raja so, when. Then, I will be the first person
Yoga, simply to say that one will to congratulate him which is more
■ be lucky in their periods gives only valuable.
-enthusiasm and pleasure to the consultant " Learn more of Krishnamurti Padhdhati
at thai time. But actually, when that and then show your talentis my advice
period, runs, he suffers. So he...asks.- -to whomsoever tries to attack the theory."
Let' us turn to pages 97 to 99 of the same at the contradiction by the same author.
issue of the Astrological Magazine. If either of them own 6 or 8 or 12, if
Politicians' charts are given : they are mutually so posited they will do
good. If he is well off apply second rule.
Jupiter Venus 'If he suffers, apply first rule. That is how
it is used. There is no single procedure.
Asc. This person is running from his age of
Ketbu, 56 i.e. 1952. He had Saturn Dasa, Venus
. Sun, Bhukti as bis star was Uthrashada I
Saturn quarter.
Rahu Merenry
Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Mars
Mercury Saturn Kethu
Mood Mars

No degree is furnished. So Krishna-

murti Padhdhati cannot be applied.
There is no Gajakesari Yoga. Yet be was
a Politician without even one Swakshethra
planet. '
No ' exalted planet. But his position
was exalted. Further Sun is in 12 to his Asc.,
sign, Mercury in 12 to his sign Virgo, Moon
Mars in 6 to his sign Aries, Moon in 6 to
bis sign, Saturn in 6 to bis sign Aquarius.
General rule—planets lose their strength to Moon, Sun. Jupiter,
give the results of those houses they own Mercury. Venus.
Saturn Kethu Mars
and occupy 6 or 8 or 12 to them.

Rahu Jupiter

Sun. Kcthu Asc.,

Mercury Rahtt

These two charts are said to belong to 2

Moon, Venus Saturn Asc. cousin brothers. They are published in
Mars the Astrological Magazine January 1967
: issue page 98. If 'we apply the general
There is Sakata Yoga. No Gajakesari principle that exalted planet should confer
Yoga. Lord of 8 Mars is conjoined with beneficial results, in chart 5, there is exal-
Labhadhipathi Moon. Lord of 12 is con- ted Sun; lord of 10 is in 6 k there is Nee-
joined with lord of lagna. Yet he was chabanga Rajayoga etc. According to
in a high position. Again take general text-book rules, he shbuld enjoy in full.
rule. If Venus or Saturn has to cause After all, what is he? He is nothing; no
yoga and if either is exalted, in their education, no status, no' income. But
mutual period one will beg alms. . Look taking chart 4 now, Bagyasthanadhipatbi
Moon is Neecha (Mercury Neechabanga sari Yoga. Neecha Grahas are many in
Rajayoga). Mercury is neecha. Saturn is such politicians chart. Does this not
' neecha; yet this person having lord of 1 disprove the general rule ?
in 8 was the Prime Minister of a State. What I say is that people bom within 2
That is why, I prove that.the general rule- hours on the same day in the same sign as
that the exalted ones give you a lift, lagna and: the planets remaining in the
debilitated ones keep you obscure is not same sign, enjoy, different results. It is a
universally correct but it fails itimajority fact. So I did research. I have found
of the cases. I published Sir C.P. Rama- out the truth. .1 teach io the learned and
swami Iyer's chart to substantiate this educated people with open mind who have
truth in my magazine "Astrology jjnd the desire to search for the truth and who
Athrishta " in January issue. are not jealous. All of them carry the
research on the lines of Krishnamurti
Sun, Saturn. Padhdhati. I welcome constructive criti-
Mercury Venus,
Rabu cism applying my method correctly.
"Please hereafter do not commit mis-
takes" is my advice. What is the use of
giving vent to one's feeling, without
knowing Krishnamurti Padhdhati in correct
lines and applying the same as directed by
him.. To speak ill of another or other
Mars method without knowing, will reflect on
Asc. that person's shallow knowledge and
Moon, As I have already told, now also I
Venus; repeat " I will go on. I will establish
Kethu whatever I say 'following the only princi-
ple which I have propounded after decades
Obviously this horoscope is wrong due of successful research. Whereas I am
to printer's mistake; when Rahu is in always willing to well spend my time on -
Aries, Kethu cannot be in Scorpio. healthy and constructive criticisms or
I do not pass a remark. I point out the discussions I cannot waste my time, nor
mistake: Rahu and Kethu can never come down to that level in petty and un-
occupy the two signs belonging to the scientific discussions. I hope I will have
same planet as is shown here. They are no more occasion to' write rejoinders to
180° away. similar articles based on misleading, in-
AH the charts given, show the political complete, incorrect and fictitious horos-
power. All of them do not have Gajake- copes.

What Mr. Raman has written to the Editor of "Astrology and
Athrishta " and what he has done is to be known to the readers.
Reply to the Editor, "Astrology & Athrishta" as soon as the
rejoinder to Mr. N. S. Kalyanam was received by Sri B. V. Raman
of Bangalore from K. S. K. (Camp Delhi).
Bangalore, 7-10-66 murti .to acknowledge your letter of the
Dear Sir, 7th instant.
We are writing this letter at the instance Mr. Krishnamurti sincerely appreciates
of, Sri B. V. Raman, who conveys to you your sentiments and thanks you for the
bis compliments for the good work you compliments forthe notable work he is
have been doing for the propagation of engaged in, in propagating the real truth
astrology. in astrology. There is no doubt that you
Sri B. V. Raman was on tour when Mr. will - also have a share in his mission.
Kalyanam's and another article of a simi- When such is the case, he is a bit surprised
lar type were accepted for publication in how valuable space is being consumed in
the Astrological Magazine by the Sub- your magazine by articles which do not
Editors in charge of selection of material. lead the aspirant anywhere near the .truth...
Its publication has resulted in our getting He is glad you have taken steps to correct
a spate of letters both for and against for the position and that you have instructed
publication, including of course your re- to stop forthwith the publication of unin-
joinder. Sri B. V. Raman has instructed formed criticism about Krishnamurti
our editorial section to withhold publica- Padhdhati in your magazine.
tion of any correspondence on this sub- For your information, a large number
ject, excepting your rejoinder, until your of letters condemning in severe terms the
reply to this communication is received. articles of Mr. Kalyanam and 'Sathabhi-
Sri B. V. Raman has an open mind in sha' have been received by Ml. Krishna-
this matter. He is, however, of the view murti for publication in " Astrology and
that while healthy criticism may contri- Athrishta" and, reciprocating your gesture,
bute to stimulate interest in your methods, he has issued, by trunk phone, necessary
such criticism should not be a factor of instructions to. stop publication, of these
embarassment in your work. letters even though this has meant consi-
Hence, if you so desire, with the publi- derable monetary loss to him inasmuch as'
cation of your rejoinder in the December it was an actual withdrawal of the printed
issue,' the topic will be closed ,with the matter in an advanced stage of publi-
Editorial remark that further correspon- cation.
dence will not'be published, the matter Mr. Krishnamurti agrees with you that
being treated as closed 1 in the propagation of the science of astro-
(Sd.) logy one should have an open mind un-
Manager influenced by vested interests and fossili-
sed thinking.' No doubt, as you have
Reply from Sri K. S. Krishnamurthi to correctly pointed out, articles like those
Mr. B. V. Raman. written by Mr. Kalyanam and 'Sathabi-
New Delhi, sha' do cause embarrassment to him not
October 13, 1966. merely because they present a distorted
Dear Sir, version of Krishnamurti Padhdhati in the
minds of those readers of the Astrological
I am directed by Sri K. S. Krishna- Magazine who do not have access to
'* Astrology and Athrishta " but more be- signed by Sri Bala and thank you for the
cause they try to dissuade the other earnest same.
research workers who are groping in the As we wrote to you earlier, the Decem-
dark in finding out the truth of the science
of Astrology and attempt to damage the ber issue will carry your rejoinder with
reputation of the author of a new finding. an editorial note.
Don't you think that it would have been There' are a few points on which we
more proper and also useful to readers if wish to make ourselves clear.
such ill-informed and basically incorrect As a humble worker in the field of astro-
articles are referred to Mr. Krishnamurti logy for over three decades, Sri B.V. Raman
for clarification' and publish both the is interested only in propagating astro-
article and Mr. Krishnamurti's clarifica- logy on proper lines research work such
tion alongside, for the benefit of the as you and other scholars have been carry-
readers. To him this would mean having ing on indeed evokes his appreciation, not.
a really open mind in this matter and withstanding the fact he may or may not
engender healthy desirable development . agree with some of your methods or
and growth of research in the finding of approach.
If it is your interest to see' that the The circumstances under which the two
science Of Astrology is propagated on articles were published have been explained
correct lines, I am sure you would not to you in our previous letter. The Astro-
permit to be published in your magazine logical Magazine is not intended to run
the articles decrying Krishnamurti Padh- down research work or damage one's
dhati in future without giving an opport- reputation. One who is criticised is always
unity to Mr. Krishnamurti to have .his say given ample opportunity to explain the
in the matter. point of view and dislodge the critic from
his position.
Mr. Krishnamurti welcome healthy cri- Sri B. V. Raman's instructions to our
ticisms of his methods inasmuch as this Editorial department are clear: (I) not
would give him an opportunity to put to publish material which might create
doubting'Thomases wise. The need of embarassment to' you in your work and
the hour is to find out a method which (ii) to refer to you such articles as may
would yield similar results in all cases and deal critically with your methods, so that
not to harp on old traditional methods you could give your clarifications also.
which, to his mind, are still incomplete
and impracticable and Krishnamurti is the Sri B. 'V. Raman conveys to you his
only answer today. best wishes and appreciates the sentiments
Mr. Krishnamurti takes this opportunity expressed by you.
of thanking you once again for your con- (Sd.)
tinued interest in your work and send his Manager.
best wishes to you.
(Sd.) Bombay,
Branch Manager. 13-2-67
Dear Sri Raman,
Delhi. I take it that you had written letters to
•" To K. S. Krishnamurti from Mr. B. V. me so that I may not publish anything
. Raman. against you or Astrological Magazine.
Bangalore, 19-10-1966. But you or your staff publish articles
trying to damage my reputation by misre-
Dear Sir, presenting my theory deliberately. I am
never embrassed by healthy criticism.
We'bave your letter of 13th October Readers of my magazine and yours drew
my attention' at Madras, Hyderabad and ' tion of planets—None can escape by saying
Bombay and said that Sathabisha bad that in that page there was clerical error
written an article against me in 'January or printer's devil. Why? Because again
issue.' Because all these astrologersknow the same date of birth , for another
that I am the only person in this world who example was taken and printed in the same
gave such a meaning correctly to Gaja- book in another page and committed the
kesari Yoga (one yard growing beard). same mistakes. I do not have the book. Isaw
People who know our previous correspon- years ago in a library. These pages would
dence ask " Has he sent a copy of Satha- be near 45 and 80 in that book. It shows
bisha's article to you? Did he get your that it is no wonder that your editorial
rejoinder as he had written in his' letter?. staff (whom one expects to be more alert)
The fact is that I came to know of such have published Sathabisha's article,
an article only through those people. without verifying the charts just like in
(If you-would have sent to me in advance Bhavartha Ratnakara escaped them.
the fictitious Chart illustrated in Sathabi- Mr. Raman and Sathabisha with full
sha's article, I would have opened the liberty can publish anything against
eyes of your editorial staff which does not me, my method and my magazine.
exclude yourself. I would have said that Readers'eyes are being opened and they
the horoscope' taken by Sathabisha as will ever be kept open by my students
one of a living businessman is imaginary : hereafter. As mentioned in your letter, I
not real ; So it amounts to throwing dust request and expect you to publish my
in the eyes of the readers ; because all the rejoinder in your magazine for Satha-
readers will not take pains to verify the bisha' article in January issue. It may
. correctness of the chart and prove .that it so' happen that, you may^ go on tour and
is absurd, but take it as correct. God did your editorial staff may not publish mine.
not allow you to do. Why? If you I shall be .happy if you, please, instruct
would have sent Sathabisha's article and them. None can-prevent roe to pray for
I also .give my reply, on seeing my rejoin- anything. So praying God to have many
der, it is likely that you would have more such articles in your magazine, so
stopped publishing the article, of Satha- that hereafter my students can have a very
. bisha and my rejoinder. It appeals to me healthy discussion, and readers come to
from the past experience- that you would know both Sri Krishnamurthi and Shri
have personally written to me and ended Raman.
the matter. . My. precious time in inter-
preting and explosing the absurd chart Yours truly,
. would have gone to waste. The readers K. S. Krishnamurthi.
'would not have come to know what
Sathabhisha had written. . It . is Uchishta
Maha Ganapaihi whom I bow who does all One -more example of the efficiency of
these, giving an opportunity to' prove your editorial staff or proof reading staff:
that it is'not uncommon to. publish for Page 5—"January issue Asiroiogica
illustration imaginary horoscopes or wrong Magazine: Bangalore"—36-40 line.
horoscopes. Suppose one takes Bbavartba
Ratrakara of Ramahujachariar written in " As the commencement of the new
' English by you (recent edition] and the year, Jupiter is'in the 3fd degree of Cancer,
reader refers the horoscope of the person Rahu in 6ih. degree of Aries and Saturn
said to be born in 1928 or so. He will put in the 13th degree of Pisces.", Is this
question within himself.- "Is the horos- ,- correct? What is the relative position
scope' correct? Where are the planets between Jupiter, Rahu and Saturn in this
especially Jupiter. He should note the posi- year?

(FOUNDED: 1-4-1963)
( Astbonomy Made Easy)
Phone: 4 40 44 9

Jyothish Martha nd
13. Brahmin Street, Saidapet

Vol. 5 APRIL1967 No. 4

Promotion or Retirement! When? 5
High Court Judge—When? 7
Can I have at least one Child 9
Promotion—Any 10
Can I become a Sanyasi 9 12
Rectification of Girth-Time: An Application of
Kiishnamurti Padhdhati 13
Earnings through Writings 16
How to ascertain what a Dasa Lord Signifies in
its Major Period ! 17
Prasna Jnana 19
When can I receive back my Money? 21
Profession (Combination of Planets) 23
Horary 27
Letters to the Editor: 29
When can I have the next Child? 31
jcr- Mother's Death—Application of Krishnamurti
Padhdhati 33
Resigned—Release When ?—Any Trouble! 36
Krishnamurti Padhdhati—Vol. I 39
Vol. II 43
Daily Guide for April 1967 47
Position of Planets 53
April 1967—Ephemeris 55
Monthly Prediction for April, 1967 57
K. Ganapathi
Sir, enjoying Rahu Dasa, Ketbu Bhukti up to
lam sendiag the horoscope prepared 19-3-1967.
for my birth time 8-50 A.M. I.S.T. on For promotion judge the houses 2, 6,
31-12-1909. One has shown Pisces as 10 and 11th houses.
Ascendant and the other Capricorn, Posi- Houses 2, 6 and 10 are vacant: 11th
tion of the planets are also shown in house is occupied by Kethu which governs
different degrees. Which is correct 7 the 3 constellations, Aswini, Maka and
Which I am to use ? Moola. Only Moon is in Ketbu constella-
Then, let me know whether there is a tion. Take Moon. Houses 2, 6, IQ and 11
chance for any promotion or 1 have to are ruled by Saturn, Mercury, Venus and
retire. Mars respectively. Saturn governs Pushya,
Place of birth 12° 18 N:.76042' E. Anuradha and Uthrapadrapada. Kethu
Time of birth 8-50 A.M. I.S.T. alone is in Anuradha-Take Kethu.
Date of birth 31-12-1909. Mercury's sign is not occupied by Rahu
Day Friday or Kethu. So take Ashlesha, Jyeshta and
Revathi stars. Saturn and Mars are in the
MRUGENDRA of Bangalore at constellation of lord of 6: One of the two
Bombay. is lord of 2 and the other lord of 11. So
Sir, take both. As Mars sign is occupied by
Both the horoscopes do not belong to Kethu prefer Kethu.
you, even though tbey have taken the Venu is lord of 10; Rahu denotes Venus
same time and place of birth. The follow- and acts as its agent. Rahu's stars are
ing one, alone, is correct: Arudhra, Swathi and Sathabisha. No
planet is found in any of the 3 stars.
Mars Take Rahu. Venus also should be consi-
24-56 Rahu Neptune dered as it is in the constellation of lord
Sat. 24-0 13-19 25-41 of 11 and sub of lord of 2.
Hence Moon, Kethu, Rahu, Mars, Mer-
cury and Venus are the significators.
They had given you promotion so far, in
31-12—1909 their periods and sub periods. In the
Ven 29-43 future you have only Kethu, Venus, Sun
Lagna Moon 8-15 sub periods.
Merc. 1-56 First let us know when you will retire
and then judge about promotion. For
Ura 27-57 Kethu Jupiter retirement, judge houses 1, 5, 9 and 12
Sun 16-19 13-19 20-42 houses as they indicate the negation of
2, 6, 10 (service houses).
At the time of birth Kethu Dasa Balance Venus is in Lagna—Venus governs
2 years 8 months 1 day. You will actually Bharani, Poorvapalguni and Poorvashada
run the period of Rahu Dasa, Venus Bhukti Sun alone is in Poorvashada, Sun is a
from 19-3-1967. At present, you are strong significator.
Rahu occupies 5th house. No planet is Mars will be in Rahu's. constellatioiL
situated in Arudhra or Swathi or Satha- Sun will be in Mercury constellation.
bisha. So take Rahu. Therefore end of July 1970, you retire.
9th house is occupied by Jupiter. No Not, till then.
planet is in Punarvasu or Visakha or So, any promotion ! If so, when ? Rahu
Poorvapathrapada. So take Jupiter. Dasa, Venus Bhukti, Venus Anthra, Mars
Take the 12th house. Sun and Mercury Shookshma; Rahu dasa Venus Bhukti
are in 12. Mercury is in Sun's star, Mars Mars anthra.
and Saturn in Mercury's constellation. As the time of query suggests promo-
Hence Sun, Rahu, Jupiter, Mercury are tion on the earlier date. Rahu Dasa, Venus
the strong significators. Bhukti, Venus Anthra runs between
Therefore Rahu Dasa, Sun Bhukti, 19-3-1967 and 19-9-1967. Mars sub sub
Jupiter Anthra andMercury Shookshma or will be between 13-5-67 and 24-5-67, One
Mercury Anthra, Jupiter Shookshma is the can expect it on a Friday, during Poorva-
time of retirement. palguni star day in the forenoon,
Venus sub period continues upto 19-5-1967. When Saturn transits in its
19-3-1970. Therefore you can never own star and Jupiter sub (for change of
place and transfer), Jupiter transits in
retire before 19-3-1 970. Saturn star and Mercury sub (lord of 9 in
Sun's sub period will operate for 10 1 2for change of place, transfer, etc.,)
months and 24 days. Jupiter sub sub will Mars conjoins Jupiter ; Rahu will come
be in July 1970. to Aswini star ruled by Kethu which has
As per transit, at that time Saturn to fulfil your desire by giving the highest
(lord of 2) will be in the constellation of position then.
Sun (in 12) (lord of 8), Jupiter will be in Therefore on 19-5-67 promotion ;
the constellation of Mars in Mercury sub : Retirement July 1 970.
When can my friend become a High Jupiter is in the 9tb house. It is also
Court judge ? lord of 9. Jupiter indicates Law, religion,
Q: The horoscope furnished is as philosophy, banking, economics, etc.
follows:— Hence find out whether be could have had
higher education and completed Law
course successfully and satisfactorily. As
Asc. 27° Sat. 11-17 at his age of 22 years, he entered Jupiter
Dasa, Jupiter is beneficial to confer on him
B.L. or LLB. Jupiter gets exalted in
Navamsasign: Jupiter is in the constel'
Rabu lation of luminary Moon in the house six
11-17 which denotes service and Moon is the
21—9—1914 lord of the 4th house. Therefore Jupiter
offers professional study—Law is one of
Jup, 22-4 ICcthu them.
(3) To find out promotion, judge
houses 2, 6, 10 and 11.
Ven. Sun4-l4
18-18 i Mer. 17-24 2nd house is occupied by Saturn. No
Mars 0-16 Moon
28-34 planet is in any of the three constellations
of Saturn, Pushya, Anuradba or Uthra-
Mars Dasa Balance 4 yrs. 3 mths 2 days padrapada. Satum is a strong significator.
[As it is in the constellation of Rahu who
(Sd.) L.P.I. is occupying Saturn's sign and as the' sub
Mangral. is governed by Satum, lord of 10 and 11
Ans :— Saturn must give promotion in its period
and sub periods. As Rahu is in one of the
' (1) Is lagna strong and unafflicted- signs of Saturn, one is to consider that
Yes. There is no evil in the sign Aries in Rahu is stronger than Saturn; so one is to'
which the ascendant has fallen. Lagna find out the planets tenanted in the constel-
can get afflicted only when Aries is tenanted lation of Rahu. They are stronger than
with either Saturn or "Rahu or Kethu or Rahu and hence much stronger than
Mars. If the ascendant receives aspect Saturn. These planets in Rahu's constel-
from its own lord it becomes strong. An lation gain the strength to offer the results
afflicted Lagna cannot get modified and of Saturn since Rahu'translates the effect
become unafflicted when the lord of lagna of Saturn to those in Rahu's star. Satum
aspects. It can improve the strength and Venus are in Rahu constellation.
alone; it cannot ward off evil; if afflicted. 6th house is occupied by Moon, Mars
(2) If one is to become a High Court and Venus. It shows much about service.
Judge, be should have studied Law. For Mercury and Jupiter are in the constella-
education and higher education one is to tions Hastha and Sravana. Moon and Mars
judge the houses 4 and 9. Kethu is in 4th are not only in the 6th house but also they
Bhava. It alone is in one of its constella- are deposited in the constellation of the
t ions Makam ; none in Aswini brMoolam. planet. Mars which offers authority, gives
promotion and keeps one as a leader or Dasa completed on 23—12—1918: Rahu
ttie bead of the show. Mars is also strong. operated till 23—12—1936. Jupiter ran:
\ for 16 years. Saturn commenced on
ftp planet is in any of the 3 constella- 23—12—1952. Now from 5—8—1966,
tions\of Venus, Bharani, Poorvapalguni Saturn Dasa Rahu Bbukti is functioning.
and Poorvashada. Venus as lord of 2 is a Venus sub sub period must come i.e.,
benefactor. Summing up all these one can 2-6-1968. It runs for 5 months 21 days.
find that,Saturn (2nd bouse) Rabu(Iltb In that sub period select Jupiter's Sbook-
sign, lOtb bouse, represents Saturn in 2, sbama. One may even consider Saturn
lord of lO abd 11). Venus and Jupiter are Dasa Rahu Bbukti Jupiter Antbra and
the strongest; Moon and Mars come next. Venus sbooksbama. Then the period
(4) Consider the time when the chart should be now, shortly, after 17-3-67.
is taken for judgment. 28-1-67; 2-50 p.m.; When we have this alternative date,
Saturday Risbaba Lagna. Poorvapalguni consider the transit. Jupiter will be in its
star day. Hence Saturn and Venus are own constellation, Saturn in bis own and
indicated. These two are found to be in Rahu will be in Venus constellation in
the many significators. March 1967.' Therefore select the last
(5) Next note the period that is week of March 1967 for the promotion to
running {Birth date 21—9—1914. Mars the post of High'Court Judge.
The following horoscopes belong to a in the 6tb or Stb or 12tb sign counted
couple who are anxious to have at least from Lagua, Lagna is strong. It need
one child. Let us judge from the charts. not be considered whether it is exalted
Vargotbamamsa, Swaksbetbera in friendly
Ketbu Fortuna Moon quarters, etc. or debilitated or in enemy's
4-26 27-52 23-33 camp.
Second house is occupied by Mercury,
Neptune Jupiter and Sun. No planet in Asblesba,
Uranus 2-11 A.M. Jyesbta or Revatbi governed by Mercury.
17:03 25-29
10—11—3922 Moon is in Punarvasu and Sun in Visaka
14—26 N and none in Poorvapadbra. Noplanetin
74—27 E" Lagna Karthikai, Utbrapalguni or Utbrasbada
Mars Husband 28-21 ruled by Sun. Hence Mercury, Moon,
Sun and Jupiter are the significators.
Sun 24-02 Rahu
Venus Jup. This chart is worked out on Thursday,
16-37 Merc.10-24 4.26
8-47 Sat. 22-19 during Mithuna Lagna and Sravanam star
day. Mercury, Moon and Jupiter are com-
mon in both the ruling planets and
Jupiter Dasa 11 years 8 months 26 days. the significators. So take these three and
analyse further. Mercury is in Rabu's
Jup. 7-41 constellation and Jupiter sub. Moon is
Uranus Fortuna
8-19 Rahu 5-57 Mars 5-47 in Jupiter's star and Saturn stib. It is no
10-46 Moon good. Jupiter is in Rabu star Jupiter sub.
29-15 Therefore Mercury and Jupiter favour. As
Rabu is in Mercury's sign and Ketbu is
Wife in Jupiter's sign, find planets in their
4—52 A.M. stars: None in Kethu's stars Aswini
24—12—1928 Makara, Moolam: But Mercury and
14—26 N Neptune Jupiter are in Rabu's constellation.
Vcn. 21.28 74—27 E 8-32
Therefore, one has to predict that bis
wife will expect during Mercury Dasa,
Merc. Lagna .Jupiter Bhukti, Rabu Antbra around
12-20 18-16
Sun9.12 Kethu 15-10-1967. Rabu and Saturn in Virgo
Saturn 0-1 5-57 will be transitted by Sun and it shows that
the intra-uterine life will be less and hence
Sun's Dasa balance at birth 4 years 10 it will be an immature pregnancy.
months and 3 days.
Let us analyse bis wife's chart. It is
For birth of children, judge the houses always advisable to judge from the lady's
2, S, U and also Jupiter, the chief map.
Governor for children after ascertaining
whether Lagna is unafilicted and strong or Lagna is afflicted as the sign wbetein
Moon sign. As the sign Leo in which lagna has fallen is Scorpio and Ketbu
Lagna has fallen is not occupied by either occupies that ' sign. Further lord of
Saturn or Mars or Rabu or Ketbu, Lagna lagna ~is in the 8th sign. But -Moon's-
is unalllicted. As its lord is not tenanted sign is also owned by the same Mars and
yet it occupies the 3rd sign counted from during Rahu Dasa, Moon Ghukti, Sun J
Moon's sign, Aries; it is also occupied by Anthra in October 1967. ,?
Jupiter- Therefore judge the sign 2, 3 As lord of 9 from Moon sign is Jupiter
and 11 counted from Moon sign: Rahu and it is conjoined with Moon, she has
who is to act as an agent of Venus, owner done enough of meritorious deed done in ■ I
of the sign where Rahu is posited. Sun, the previous birth, so that she can attri- . i
lord of 5 and Saturn, lord of 11 are to be bute, to her prayers to Shanthana Gopala- 1
judged. No planet is in Rahu's constel- krishna, that God has blessed her with a
lation; Moon is in Sun's star Karthikai, child. '
and none in the other stars, Kethu alone
is in Saturn's star. Hence Moon and Rahu Rahu dasanatha in the constellation of
are the strongest Saturn in Kethu's star lord of 5 and a representative of Venus,
Kethu sub is to deny. So J predict that owner of the second house will give her a
she will become the mother of a child child.

Sir, the Lagna is afflicted and if so, judge the
Any chance of promotion? If so, Moon sign and select either lagna or
when? Number given is 72. Horoscope Moon sign.
is also furnished. Lagna falls between 26° 40' Scorpio to
SO" 0' Scorpio. It has 2 subs ruled by . '
Jupiter and Saturn in Mercury constella-
Sat 3-12 Rahu 18-24 tion Mars sign.
Moon called Mathi, the mind is in the
11th bhava and is in the constellation of
Yen. 7-39 Jup. 4-40 Mars in 11, owning houses 1 and 6. 11th
31-1-67 house is to gain; lagna indicates yourself
6-35 P.M. and 6th house shows your service. Mars
Mer. 27-09 by nature denotes higher status—^There-
Sun 17-38 fore the query is well explained by the
occupation of Moon in 11.
I 72 Kethu For promotion consider the houses 2, 6,
Lagna 18-24 Moon 10 and 11. Of these 6 and II are more
260-40' Mars 29-12
to 30° 3-14 important, as 6 refers to service and 11
promises realisation of one's ambition'
whether one has an increase in the income
Number 72 is to be divided by 9, as or one has to be fixed in the higher scale,
there are 12 rasis and the number is selec- in the next lower rung and show the diffe-
ted between 1 and. 108 considering that rence as personal pay till the due date for
ISsie me 21 constellations'and each is sub- the next increment comes.
divided into 4 equal parts and the number
;given indicates that part of the zodiac Sun is in the second house. It is also
-which is taken as the Lagna. In Horary lord of 10. No planet is in its constel-
astrology, one need not consider whether lation.
6th house is vacant; owned by Mars Let us take your horoseope. It is as
which is in 11 and in its own constellation. under:
But because Rahu is in Mars sign, one has
to consider Rahu and note that Kethu and Kethu For tuna Moon
Venus are in the constellation of Rahu. 4.26 27.51 23.33
Kethu is in 11 : Venus is in the 3rd
Ura 17.3 Neptune
Moon and Mercury are in the constella- 25.29
tion of Mars. 2-11 A.M.
Mars 14° 26' N and 74° 27' Lagna
10th. house is unoccupied. Sun is 14.26 28.21
Sun 24-02 Rahu
11th occupied by Moon Mars and Vcn. 16.37 lap. 10.24 4.26
'Kethu. Sun alone is in Moon's star Merc 8.47 Sat. 22.19
Sravana ; No planet is in Kethu star.
Jupiter Dasa balance 11 years 8
Hence the Nodes Rahu and Kethu, Sun, months 20 days now you are running
Mercury, Moon, Mars and Venus indicate Mercury Dasa, Jupiter Bhukti. Sun Anthra
the promotion. Of these which are we take runs between 21-2-67 and 2-4-67. Moon
and when? Consider to-day : It is Mars follows and operates upto 10-6-67. Then
day-—Tuesday Star is Chithra—lord of the the sub sub period of exalted Mars in the
constellation is Mars : Rasi is ruled by constellation of the luminary occupying
Mercury, i.e. hioon is in Mercury's 10th house will be enjoyed between 10-6-67
sign. Therefore Mercury and Mars and 27-7-67. As this period agrees with
promise. horary astrology, it is declared that on
1-8-67 you will draw the salary of a higher
post, you will be promoted.
When we work out dasa Bhakti, if
Moon is in 29° 12' it means Mars Dasa, [Number 72 given by you has two subs
Saturn Bhukti ends in S months 1 day, i.e. ruled by Jupiter and Saturn Look at this.
on 1-7-67. Then Mercury period starts in According to your chart, I have to select
Mars Dasa, Therefore the promotion Mercury Dasa, Jupiter Bhukti Mars anthra.
may be in Mars dasa Mercury Bhukti, The first sub, according to your number is
Mercury Anthra, Mars Shookshma = ruled by mars lord of the rasi, Mercury,
26-7-1967. lord of the star and Jupiter, lord of the
sub. It clearly shows that the combined
period of these 3 planets will satisfy you
On 12-7-67 during Moon Shookshma, and you will have your desire fulfilled.
contemplation and selection, when Mars Research is being carried out in these lines
again reaches today's position. Your to fix the lords of the dasa, bhukti and
number falls in Mars sign. It is lord of anthra in one's horoscope, from the
6. It is in 11. Now it has given you the number given for that query. • If this
urge to put the query. Again when it proves to be correct invariably in all
comes there, you will be selected you can cases, this simplifies the diScultyin solving
have good news. a problem.]

Bom at 6-50 P.M. on 26-9-1920 at officer who held one of the highest posi-
Calcutta, Horoscope is as follows; tions. They are leading a good family
life. Such instances are many. Further in
Asc. the actual Sanyasi horoscope, no 3 pla-
7® 18' nets ate found conjoined together!
Kethu People who want to live furthermore to
15° 25' enjoy family life have many planets in
one sign. Majority of sanyasis do not
Moon have. So this rule is not universally
22® 54' applicable.
Rasi In Jataka Tatva, Mahadeva says, the
Jupiter kind of the ascetic life which one can
13° 49' have, depends on the strength of the
Saturn planet. If Sun is strong, he or she will
24® 40' be a Tapaswi ; If Moon' is strong kapali-
ka; if Mars-Raktapata; i f Mercury-
Vcdus Sun Ajeevi; if Jupiter-Tridandee or Bikshu:
Mars ■ 3° 16' 10° 28' if Venus-chakradara; if Saturn, he will
21° 45' Rahu Mercury be Nagna-Nude, Digambara Sanyasi.
15° 25' 23° 47'
This is applicable, only when one has
become a Sanyasi.)
Judge whether Lagna is strong or
Moon sign is. Lagna is Aries ; Kethu is in According to mc, a Sanyasi will also be
Aries. It is afflicted. Further lord .of. a Samsari, and he cannot remain without
Lagna Mar's is in the 8th sign. It cannot being a Samsari, if Saturn and Venus are
aspect lagna. Hence lagna is afflicted in the constellation of Mars or Venus and
and is also weak. in their subs ; Because Venus causes pas-
Moon is in Aquarius. It is not conjoin- sion : Mars kindles it ; Saturn fulfils it
ed with any malefic. But it receives aspect following his own law. In this chart,
from Saturn, the lord of the sign in which Venus in Mars constellation and Saturn is
Moon was posited. Therefore Moon sign in Venus constellation : it aspects Venus
is stronger. Take Moon sign as the first and ' the mind' Moon which also receives
house and read the results. aspect from Mars. Hence this person will
Hindu sages believe think of animal life as much as divine
(a) "If 4 or more planets conjoin
together in any one single sign, the person Generally people lead family life for
will become an ascetic. Actually it is not some years and then become Sanyasis.
"so.-Persons born in 19th Century passed Hence one should note the dasas that are
away without either becoming a Sanyasi running, and those which are to follow.
or even respecting them. One of them As his birth was on 26-9-1920 Jupiter Dasa
was born on 19-11-1899 in Aries Lagna was running till 3-4-1933. Then till 3-4-52
having Sun (Uranus) Mars,. Mercury, Saturn Dasa was on : Mercury Dasa will
Jupiter. "Venus and Rahu in Scorpio. end on 3-4-69 ; Kethu runs for 7 years and
Two other gentlemen are now alive, one then the Kama Venus for 20 years. So by
having his lagna in Libra and another in 3-4-93 when he will be 73 years, such a life
-Aries born on 21-11-1899. One is a - is shown. Hetian't-become a sanyasi at
retired Engineer, Railways; another retired all.
As Moon is opposed. by Saturn in the Mars and Kethu are in 2: Venus, Saturn
constellation of Venus and sub of lord of S, and Moon are in 7 : Jupiter in 11. When
Mercury in the constellation of Mars who Majority denote (Rahu instead of Mars),
is in Shookshma Parivarthana yoga with then take the ruling planets at the moment
Mercury, his marriage is delayed so far. of judgment. Moon day ruled by Moon ;
But when Kethu Dasa, Venus Bhukti, Jupiter Pisces sign owned by Jupiter; Revathi
Anthra operates, this person will have his governed by Mercury: Lagna Leo owned by
marriage on 29-4-1970. Kethu called ' Gja' Sun. Therefore select the ruling planets.
gives wisdom after marriage especially (Mercury is in the constellation of Rahu
during Saturn Bhukti. Number given by who represents Mars occupant of second
the person is 43. Now the lagna that rises house) Mercury Dasa, Venus Bhukti, Venus
in the East is also Leo. (Monday 13-2-1967 Andhra, Moon Shookshma will give , the
Bombay). 43 means 20° to 23° 20' Leo. marriage when the Lagna will be in Punar-
Moon is in Revathi star ruled by lord of vasu third pada, when Gemini, is just to
2 and 11. Mercury is in Aquarius in the end, so that the sub also will be in that of
constellation of Rahu. Moon. The date will be 29-4-70.
Moon By transit, Saturn will conjoin dasa-
16* 57' Rahu natha Kethu in Aries in natal chart. Jupiter
Saturn 17- 43' will be in the 7th cusp to Lagna : Mars,
4° 35' lord of Lagna conjoins Ascendant. Venus
Venus will enter its own sign.
23^ 48' Jupiter
Mercury 3° 7'
18° 32' 13—2-67
Sun 0° 45' 8-40 P.M. Question (2) : What stone is best suited
18° 55' N to ward off evil : As Mercury Dasa ends
72° 54' E Lagna shortly and you are to run Kethu Dasa and
30° to Venus Dasa in the future, use red ruby (as
23' 40' Kethu denotes Venus and Mars) and white
stone. Set it in gold as Jupiter aspects.
Kethu In Kethu and Venus feel, dasas, you have
17° 43' to prosper. You can see and have pleasant
Mars experience of those you could not have
6° 57' had so far ; Kethu in Aries shows that you
need not entertain any fear. Jupiter aspec-
(a) Whether he will get married or not. ting Kethu denotes that. you will have
Judge houses 2, 7 and 11. everything lawfully.


(An intelligent Student who regularly attended the classes at B.V^ Bhawan, Bombay when
I delivered lectures daily.)
The question is to rectify birth-time and The particulars given about a male native
prepare the correct horoscope of the are the following : 13th January, 1939, 9-0
native. A concrete example is given here. A.M., Bombay.- This native is by nature
/ 13
tendentious towards intellectual researches to the ascendant cusp which is supposed to
in abstract subjects. He is a Government constitute one's personality which then
official in a high post. determines the course of events for one to
The time given is obviously approxi- a great extent. This gives a clue to the
mate. Further, if taken or assumed to be problem of rectification of the time of
accurate it gives the ascendant cusp on birth. The problem mainly involves the
about the end of Capricorn. -Of course, finding of the approximately accurate and
after knowing the native's interest in fairly restricted are in the zodiac as the
researches the - traditional astrologer cusp of the ascendant. In a great majority
will not hesitate to exercise his licentious of actual cases the doubt does not apply to
intuition and take the beginning of the ascertainment of the day, the Moon
Aquarius as the rising point. The present sign, and the Moon star. We have to have
question is whether there is a method by a practical solution. Then, the planets
which one can arrive at a clear rectified ruling these three must be our guide in
ascendant through sheer calculations with- rectification. Let us apply this ruling to
out having recourse to the so-called power the above case.
of intuition which is used in orthodox Venus rules the birth-day as the date of
astrology as a mere rationalizing bogey birth falls on Friday. Venus again rules
and as a ready source of excuses for the the Moon sign which isLibra inthepresent
falsification of even vague and ambiguous case. Mars rules the Moon star, which is
predictions; The first rest for any theory Chitra here. Saturn must rule the ascen-
to be scientific is that it is dearly verifiable dant because 9-0 A.M. gives the end of
and not that it is rigidly deterministic. Capricorn and the next sign Aquarius is
Then one has also to accept the dictate of also ruled by Saturn. But one is stranded
facts, however unpalatable they may be to here, not knowing what to do and which
even widely cherished values- This applies degree to take. Here is where Krishna-
in particular to astrology- If the study of murti Paddhati starts operating in the real
astrology as dictated by facts and verified practical sense. What we have to do is to
through scientific hypotheses is to be restrict and define an arc which must
recommended, Krishnamurti Padhdhati contain the rising point. The first step
must rate high among the existing theories towards this is ,1)16 determination of the
in the subject. Rectification of birth-time ascendant star.
is a crucial or even starting point in prac- Capricorn has .Sun, Moon and Mars
tical astrology. We shall apply Krishna- while Aquarius has Mars, Rahu, and
murti Paddhati in the above instance, and Jupiter to rule their stars. One's choice
see the extent to which it comes true. Of is restricted to these five planets. From
course, this is only illustrative but the the available ruling planets, that is, Venus,
point is that it is sufficiently indicative and Mars, and Saturn one must recur as the
as such recommends itself for an objective ascendant star. Since Rahu represents
and impartial study. Venus and Kethu represents Mars by being
For the above particulars we must first in their signs Libra and Aries at the time
i find out the ruling planets of the native so of the birth, Rahu, and Kethu should also
far as possible. According to the Krishna- be taken. It boils down to this. From
murti Paddhati the ruling planets are the Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu and Jupiter, that
^ones^ ruling the day, the Moon sign, the are available, we have to choose one
Moon star, and the Ascendant sign. Al) pertaining to Venus, Mars, Saturn, Rahu,
these planets are the significators of the and Kethu. Sun, Moon, and Jupiter are
major events in one's life. If .this is so, obviously rejected. Mars' and Rahu
the ascendant-point and the meridian both: remain. . Rahu represented Venus which
of which are the most sensitive points in has occurred twice among the ruling
"one's horoscopeTnust also have significant" planets as the day-lord and the sign-lord.
operative connection with the ' ruling So let Mars be given a chance. This also
planets. This should particularly apply tallies with 9-0 A.M., for it is exactly
around that time. So it is Mars. Tbeo 25. It gives Mercury's sign and Jupiter's
Ascendant ranges from 9 23° 20' to star. The extent of recurrence and verifi-
10 6° 40'. cation is the practical and ready proof.
Still, the sign itself remains uncertain. Jupiter emerges nowin Mercury's generality
The nest step according to Krishnamurti or background. There is absolute clarity.
Paddhati is to select the sub through the Jupiter is certain as the sub sub. This
same process of elimination and selection. gives the further restriction. Now the
All nine are available in this order/: Mars, ascendant's span will be 10-1° 20' IfiJ" to
Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Kethu, 10-1° 35' 23 j". Accordingly,- meridian's
Venus, Sun and Moon. Sun, Moon and span will be from about 7-10° 23' 48" to
Jupiter go out immediately for obvious about 7-10° 36' 8". This gives Saturn's
reasons. Venus has occurred twice as the star and Sun's sub. With the ascendant in
day-lord and the sign-lord. So Venus also Mercury's sub the meridian ranges from
goes, and it goes along with Rahu, its 7-9° 18' 17"to 7-10° 50' 49" with Saturn's
representative. Mars has also occurred star Venus' sub changing to Saturn's star
twice now as the Moon star lord and the Sun's sub at 7-10° 20' 0".
ascendant-star-lord. It also goes with its . Hence, the ascendant should be between
representative Kethu. Saturn and Mercury 10-1° 20' 16|» and 10-1° 35' 23|", and the
remain. Saturn has occurred only once meridian should be between 7-10° 23' 48"
as the ascendant sign lord. Mercury and 7-10° 36' 8°.
appears quite a stranger. But one should
be careful. At the time of the birth Saturn , No more fineness needs to be pursued.
is in Mercury's star Revathi. Lord of " The required Sidereal Time, calculated
ascendant in Mercury's star is no insigni- backwards, will be about 16 hours 5
ficant matter. But the decision seems to minutes, accordingly. Birth-time, similarly
have become involved here. In matters of recalculated, will be about 9-16 A.M.
doubt the number will decide, according Indian Standard Time. This is fairly
to the Paddhati. I give a number which accurate and quite workable for the most
happens to be 69. It gives Mars' sign and of the astrological calculations. One may
Mercury's star. This is amazing ; Mars' take the mean of the rectified range (about
star lordship is confirmed and in its back- 10-1° 20' to about 10 1° 35j, that is, 10-1°
ground or generality Mercury emerges. No 28' approximately. This may be useful in
doubt should remain. A method has to taking a fairly exact position for calcula-
be judged by application and verification ting the precise dasa balance. This way,
and not by airy theoretical fault-finding; this birth time would be about 9-16-35
hypothesis should follow experience and A.M. I.S.T.
not dictate it. So, Mercury's sub in Mars'
star is to be taken. Then the span of the The above confirms the'native's tendency
ascendant is restricted to KMP 0' 0" to towards research. Jupiter in Aquarius
10-1° 53' 20". ascendent is sufficient for this. Again, the
Government service is also confirmed by
The further step is still minute. It is to the meridian being jn the Sun's sub. All
decide the sub sub. Then it is also time this is acquired without recourse to either
to see if any planet is in the ascendant a wishful rationalization or an. intuitive
according to this fairly restriated point of exercise in retrospective " wisdom ".
ascendant. Jupiter is in the first house.
Take Jupiter as the sub sub. Or, throw a As already mentioned above the purpose
number also (—this has to be done in good of the above discussion is to recommend
faith and without prejudice either way: the Krishnamurti Paddhati as one which
sceptical cynicism does not, help the prob-. is workable enough apparently to deserve
lem at all, and one has at least to verify a a series attempt at scientific verification.
method which claims and promises actual Apart from the point of being scientific,
results as it seems to be the case with the objective, and impartial, the first premise
Krishnamurti Paddhati). I throw number of the human civilization dictates that a
normal human being shall not doubt the with for which, broadly, the toss of coin
bona fides of another just as his starting- will suffice and common sense will even be
point and without caring to verify it. Such more than sufficient. Then, a lack of
an attitude smacks of cynicism which intellectual adventurism is not conducive
does not care to base itself in reason or for great progress or startling discoveries.
even to offer an alternative. One must Let our judgment on Krishnamurti
also guard against another extreme. One Paddhati be governed by such same
does not need astrology iov fifty per cent standards.


" Sir, lord of the ascendant, the aspect which
I have written a ' Play' to enact a Moon will form- next are judged by
drama. Will any producer buy it? If westerners and a few other astrologers.
so. when?" asks a gentleman born at This is one method. Accordingly one will
9-45 A.M. on Friday 2-9-1932 who has predict that in 2$ months Moon will form
entered into Jupiter Dasa just now. scxtile aspect with Sun and in the third
week of April, you will have success. He
" Mention a number within 108 ". may add that Moon is separating from the
" 92 comes to my mind. I give the evil aspect from Rahu since a week.
same ". 2. Lagna is occupied by Mercury and
One asks to give a number within 108, Venus which indicate cinema and drama.
as he wants to take a particular part as Lord of Lagna and also Moon are aspected
Lagna, note down the planetary position by exalted Jupiter. Therefore you will be
for that moment of answering the consul- gaining through this ' Play' which you
tant and since he divides the zodiac into have on hand. Mars is in 8. When he
108 equal parts and takes that part leaves the 8th house, you will dispose and
represented by the number given by the make money.
consultant. Therefore 92 means Dhanishta 3. There is a neecha Graha in 10.
4th pada, i.e., 3° 20' in Aquarius to 6° 40' So, regarding your profession of story
in Aquarius. The chart for 8-30 A.M. on writing, etc., I feel that it is likely, you do
4-2-67 is as follows : (Place-Bombay.) not succeed. But Guru aspects. So it is
not unlikely also.
Saturn Rahu
3-34 18-13 4. Krishnamurti PadbdbatP; Lagna
shows whether you will succeed or not.
Ventra 12-29 Position of Moon indicates the nature of
Merc. 3-26 Jupiter your query. To find out "when" depends
Lagna 4-13
B'-IO' to on the intelligent application and antici-
68-AO- pation by the astrologer.
Mercury is in Lagna. It is in Mars
Sun 21-18 star and Venus sub. Mars is in 8 : it is the
ruler of 3rd and 10th houses. Venus is
in 1 ; ruler of 4 and 9. ' you will succeed'
Moon Kethu is the reply.
18-28 18-13
4" Moon is in 10: question is about one's
earnings through profession. It is in the
1- The Ascendant, aspects to the ascen- constellation of Mercu' 1. It relates
dant, lord of the ascendant, aspect to the only to him (I house) afidThis writings (by
nature) Mercury denotes writings. and Jupiter transits in Mercury star in
Therefore his question is indicated by Moon's sign on Tuesday (Rahu's day as
Moon. Rahu is in Aries) on 18-7-1967 you will
tV/ien ? Getting money by such writings have.
is a profit to him. Otherwise it has to be As Jupiter aspects lord of lagna and
thrown in the waste paper basket. Just Moon, your writings'will be appreciated
like whatever astrologer gets as fees is by all. It is an honest attempt so it means
100% profit to him, since he does not buy, that you earn by fair means.
store and sell so as to calculate the cost [There are also people who will be
price and selling price, in a way it is 100% writing undesirable ones. They, no doubt,
gains to the writer. Therefore take Uth make money for their living by such
house. There is no tenant; Jupiter rules writings. These are shown by Saturn and
the Uth house. No planet is found to be Rahu or Saturn and afflicted Mercury or
situated in Jupiter's constellations: There- Saturn and Ketbu.' That is my finding
fore take Jupiter. Money is to be paid by which others can verify: Tragedies are
another party. Therefore consider the written by those in whose horoscope.
7th house, as the purchaser. 7th house Saturn, Rahu or Kethu signify the 3rd
remains unoccupied. Lord of 7 is Sun. house matters: Jupiter for philosophy,
Mars is in the constellation of Sun. Rahu religion, law, banking, finance, commerce
is in Mars sign. Hence Sun and Rahu are etc.; Mars, always dispute, quarrel, duel,
the significators of the 7th house. As he machinery, tools. Industry etc: Mercury
has to issue the cheque, consider the 6th Engineering, Tamil, Mathematics, Electri-
house which is 12 to 7. Jupiter is posited city Engineering etc. Venus-comic, Sex,
there. No planet is situated in Jupiter's Photography, etc. Thus one is to judge
star. Therefore significators are Sun, what one will write. Nodes, Saturn and
Rahu, Jupiter and Moon, lord of 6. Mars in any manner connected with 3rd
Therefore, when Sun is in Jupiter's star house may either bluS or write due to
Rahu sub and Moon comes to the position jealousy or post anonymous letters if 12th
where it is now in Mars sign. Mercury star house also is connected.]


A Planet 'D' [in whichever Bhava it is (3) The sources are . -indicated by its
posited) offers the matters signified by the nature and lordship. How the matter is
Bhava—house occupied by the lord of the brought out; who is responsible to give,
Constellation. (Predominantly it gives who is the cause, etc. are the sources. So
those indicated by the lord of the constel- D gives the results indicated by its nature
lation only by. occupation.) and through such relatives and matters
(2) D offers the results of the house denoted by the house occupied by 'D'.
which it occupies to a good extent if (4) The matters signified by the houses
there is no planet in D's constellation. If owned by D will flourish or perish depen-
there is any planet, D gives to a negligible ding on D's situation counted from the
extent the results of the bhava occupied signs wtiiich D owns (if it is in 6 or 8 or
by D whereas the planet occupying its 12) to either of the signs, the results indi-
constellation offers the results of the house cated by that sign suffers. The other
occupied by D to a good extent. house to which it is not in 6 or 8 or 12
Will prosper. if Jupiter is exalted, which is neither exalted not Swafcett^'
matters signified by Pisces are favourable , then this planet in its period cannot giye-
whereas those indicated by Sagittarius get the results to one's desirable extent
destroyed. the exalted planet D is in the constellation
of another P. It is not the other planet'si
(5) A planet D offers the results deno- debilitated sign. Then the exalted planer-
ted by another planet D if it is conjoined will give the results to a very good extents
with or aspected by the other planet P. This rule applies to its, own sign—friends''
quarters or enemies'camp. j
(6) The strength to which it, can offer
these results depends on (A) the strength (7) If the planet D is in a particular-
of the lord of the constellation and (B) its constellation and is to offer various results,
own situation, i.e. if the lord of the con- due to its constellation lord C.L. .its own
stellation is either exalted or in its own lordship, conjunction and aspect (A)iit is
sign, then the planet in its constellation most desirable to note if the lord of the
will gain strength to offer • these results sub is the significator of the houses
which it indicates to a good extent even 1—2—3—6—10—U (B) if the sub lord,
though the planet, may occupy even a S.L. is the significator of the other houses
debilitated sign. So also a planet may be 4—5—7—8—9 and 12, then even though
exalted yet it may be in the constellation the planet has to arrange to give desirable
of a debilitated planet—then it can give results due to the lord of the constellation,
only its results to a little extent. If the yet in the sub sub period of S.L. there
Planet is debilitated and weak and is also will be failure, disappointment, denial,
in the constellation of another Planet delay, etc.
' (35, 36 and 37). Taste. (43, 44. 45 and 46). Rain.
'Note which planet is tenanted in a Predict good rain if Venus or Moon
' Kendhra counted from the Lagna occupies the Lagna which is either in
(Horary) and is strong, also those which Cancer—Kataka or Pisces—Meena or
occupy the Lagna of query or aspect the Capricorn-IVIakara. Plenty of rain is to be
Lagna. Those planets indicate which taste, portrayed if Venus or Moon occupies the
the person would relish and enjoy, is angular signs. Kendhra Sthana and
indicated by that strong planet. If these natural benefics aspect them. If evil
planets are situated in the sign belonging planets aspect, there will be rain but it
to natural benefics, one takes good dish. will be 'unsatisfactory. If Venus and
If they are in the signs owned by malefics, Saturn are in 7 to Moon or Sun or if they
one will prefer dry fruits, dry substances occupy the second, third, fourth or the
and fiat ones. Sun denotes pungent taste: 8th house counted from lagna, and if the
Moon Saltish; Mars bitter and hot. query is put during the period of monsoon
Mercury many tastes mingled together; predict that there will be rain. If Moon
Jupiter—Sweet (according to me-flat also). is in the Lagna—a watery sign—or if
Venus—Sour—Saturn cold; old; preser- benefics occupy watery signs, or if they are
ved ; etc. astringent. If the planet is in in 2,4,7 or 10 expect rain.
direct motion, one takes the food, if it is
retrograde, even though there is food, he (47) Theft.
does not take. The thief will be of short stature if the
Lagna at query is Aquarius, Pisces, Aries
(38, 39, 40, 41 and 42). Dreams. or Taurus. Germini, Cancer, Sagittarius
Note the Lagna at the query and the and Capricorn indicate one of middle
planet posited in the Lagna. If Sun is in statqre average height. The other four
Lagna, one would have dreamt the King signs denote tall fellows.
(Government), fire, red dress etc. Moon (48)
indicates Gems (white) pearls, dancing girl What is hidden in the hand ? If Sun
dress and white flowers. Mars shows red and Mars are situated in 1 or 4 or 7 or 10,
ones, corals, bleeding, uncooked meat, one will have some metal, in his hand.
gold, etc., Mercury denotes air flight; Some part of a planet or a tree or its root
Jupiter reunion with his kith and kin; may be in the hand if Saturn and Mercury
Venus, travel in the Sea or crossing the are posited in the Lagna of query or 4 or
river; Saturn, to walk up the hill. Many 7 or 10. If Moon or Jupiter or Venus
planets in the Lagna indicate that one occupy any of the Kendhra signs, one will
would have dreamt, all those indicated by have any living one.
those planets. If those planets happen to
be weak by occupying Neecha sign or (49) Colour.
enemy's camp, then the dream indicates
some adverse or undesirable results. If Sun denotes fed. Moon white Mars
Lagna is occupied by Sun and aspected by red, Mercury, green Jupiter yellow. Saturn
Moon or both Sun and Moon in 7, dark.
aspccting Lagna, show that the querist has (SO and 51). Shape.
actually dreamt. Note the number of
navamsas already risen. From this calcu- Sun indicates rectangle, square, paral-
late the time when one dreamt. lelogram, rhombus etc. Moon hallow
Mars round Mercury bigb, tall Jupiter locality. Erect a stick in the open ground
round, circular, Venus beautiful and good and let it stand for 12 inches. Measure
height. Saturn hallow and also tall the length of the shadow in inches. Same
(emaciated wiry). This shape can be used unit is to be taken. Convert the number
to find out the shape of the substance lost of degrees and minutes in the sign in
by theft. which the lagna has fallen. Ignore the
number of signs passed. Multiply these
(54 and 59). minutes with the number of inches of the
If the query ascendant or navamsa shadow. Divide by 7. Take the remainder
Lagna happens to be Taurus, Leo, Scorpio alone. (There is nothing as Zero. If the
or Aquarius or if the Lagna is Vargotama, product is completely divisible by 7, take
the theft would have been committed by (be remainder as 7.)
. one of the relatives. If the ascendant is Then Gunakara for Sun is 5; Moon 21 ;
a chara rasi—movable sign, the theft is Mars 14 ; Mercury 9 ; Jupiter 8 ; Venus 3 ;
committed by a stranger. If the lagna and Saturn 11. If one is the remainder,
falls in the first drekkana, the property take Sun; if 2 is the remainder take Moon
that is considered to be lost by theft will and so on.
be at the gate of the house. If the Lagna
is in the middle drekkana, that which is Now, take the product. Multiply by the
. said to be lost is inside the bouse if it is Gunakara of the planet obtained (by the
the third drekkana, the stolen property remainder), again divide by 7 (this pro-
will be in the back yard. The property duct). If the balance indicates the natural
will be recovered back. (1) if the Lagna is benefics the querist will be successful in
occupied by full Moon, (2) if the Lagna is his enterprises. If the remainder denotes
occupied by a benefic (3) if the Lagna falls a malefic, only adverse results are to be
in Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio or predicted.
Aquarius (Sirshodaya signs) and benefics Then to note the timing of event, follow
aspect the Lagna or (4) if benefics occupy the rule given below. Take the product
2, 4, 7, 3, 6, 10 or 11th bouse. obtained by multiplying the number of
Note the planets in tbekendbra. The minutes of the lagna the length of the
direction is determined from the planet Shadow and Gunakara. Then take the
occupying the Kendhra sign. If there is sum total of the Gunakaras which is 71.
no planet in any Kendhra, find out from Divide that product by 71. Take the
the ascendant itself. remainder. Take the Gunakara of the
planet obtained previously; in the cyclic
(52 and 53). order go on deducting. The remainder will
indicate a planet. If the remainder so
If Lagna falls in Leo or Aries or Scorpio easily obtained denote Sun, find the
owned by Sun and Mars and if these two remainder; in so many days, the matter
planets either occupy or aspect the Lagna, will materialise favourably : so also predict
then the query is about some mineral. for Mars. '
When Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn and
Aquarius happen to be the lagna and it is If the remainder indicates Moon, so'
occupied by or aspected by the owners manyPaksbas—fortnights have to pass
' Mercury and Saturn, the query is about for fruitful result^ as the remainder is, so
some root or wood. If Taurus, Libra, also presage for Venus. Mercury shows
• Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius or Pisces rises as that the matter is successful in double the
.lagna, and if the lagna is occupied by or number of months. If it is Jupiter in so
aspected by Venus, Moon and Jupiter, the many months. If it is Saturn, so many
-query-is about aiiving'person, years. This is applicable for pregnancy,
income, journey outward and return,
(60 to 69)._ success, failure, etc.
Note the lime of query. "Calculate the In the night hours, there- can be no
ascendant rising for that moment in that shadow. So carefully note the first Sylla le
of the word spoken by the quereist. If it on this subject and has produced in Arya
is ' Athe lord is Sun if it is ' Ya ' 'Sa,' metre seventy versus and called it as
lord in Moon. ' Ka' is signified by Mars. "Prasnajnana ".
'Ta' is ruled by Mercury 'Tha' by [Reproduced in one's own words and
Jupiter, ' Cha' by Venus, 'Pa' by Saturn. no research done and no original one
Each syllable . has 4 classes. The lagna added.]
will be owned by the planet which goverps
the first syllable. If the syllable belongs The editor of this magazine will publish
to planets other than Sun and Moon, the such writings as "Prasna Tantra",
second and 4th of the class of the " Neelakanti", " Chandeswara Prasna
syllable indicates the femine sign owned Vidhya", "Prasnasindu"Prasna
by the planet. But if the syllable belongs Vaishnava."
to the other class, the lagna will be in
the masculine sign of the. planet. In the "Bhuvana Dheepika" "Shat Pansa-
case of Sun and Moon all the four classes sika" " Prasna Bhushna " ".Prasna Chan-
indicate their only sign. ' drika Sinendhra mala, Panchapatchi by
Agasthya, etc., as most of them are out of
Thus taking the lagna, one has to pro- print, as most of them are found rarely in
ceed. If one puts many queries, take the oriental libraries, etc. Also relevant por-
first syllable for eaih query, when that tions from Brihat Samhita, Horasara,
query is put. Sanketanidbi, Phaladeepika, Uthrakalam-
70. The author wants to oblige his rita Jataka parijata. Treatise by yavanas,
pupils. . He has looked into all the works etc. will be published, one after another.


Mr. P. B. K. of Trivandrum was born litigation from 1960 and money is
at Trivandrum at 5-30 A.M. I.S.I1, on entangled in the Court."
10-8-1916. His horoscope is similar to
that of the Rajah of Ramgarh publised in I have great mind to enter into service "
January issue of Astrological Magazine, says' he.
Bangalore. But look at this gentleman's
experiences. First he was employed in a He is anxious to know when the money
planting company as .an accountant. due to him will "be received, so that he
After.putting 22 years service, he had to can have some relief.
leave the. job in November 1958. Then
taking a partner be did car business by (The difference between the Rajah of
buying and selling for one year and incur- Ramgarh and this gentleman will be
red much loss : partnership broke. Inde- explained .as soon as correct time of his
pendantly be did car business, both hiring birth is available. Further, the readers
taxis and also purchase and sales. This are also requested to offer their explana-
also resulted in heavy loss. So he discon- tion. Those who try to find fault with me
tinued in 1965. In the meanwhile from or my method are also welcome. Krishna- '
October 1962 he started doing some elec- murti may fail in any of his predictions
tric wiring business with a partner: This is which is due to lack of time, mind to apply
the only avocation now. Why Mars Dasa and practical application. But, Krishna- <
has proved to be the worst? There was murti Padhdhati will never fail.] ■
The horoscope of Mr. P. B. Krishnan and 12th houses are 11th, 2nd and 6th
is as follows; counted from the 7th house.)
(a) Planets situated in the constella-
Jup. 12-26 | Ven 14-45 tion of the tenants in 2 or 6 or 11.
Rahu is in ' 2: Arudhra, Swathi and
Sat 1-07 Sathabhisha are governed by Rahu. Venus
Ketu 5-23 alone is Arudhra. No planet is in the
Nep 10-22 6th or in the 11th house.
Lag 12-55
Sun 24-25 Second house is ruled by Saturn. A
node offers to a greater extent the results
Ura 25-09 of the lord of the house, if there is no
Rahu Merc 6-52 planet conjoined with it of if no planet
aspects it. Rahu is in Saturn's sign. It is
aspected by Saturn and Sun. It is in
Moon Fortuna Mars Saturn's sign and Sun's star. Therefore
5-36 24-06 18-15 Rahu will offer those results which Saturn
and Sun indicate. So also Kethu has to
"Is lagna strong and unafflicted" should represent Saturn and Sun as it is conjoined
be the first question to be answered. with Saturn and Sun. Therefore prefer
If afflicted, consider the Moon's sign. If Kethu instead of Saturn. Note the planets
the latter is not spoiled, select the Moon posited in the constellation of Kethu, i.e.
sign. Also note down when the horoscope Aswini, Makam and Moolam. Jupiter,
is taken for judgment, if a confirmation Mercury and Moon are respectively, each
■ is needed. It is only for the confidence to in one of the three constellations.
the astrologer to proceed on correct lines. 6 and 11 houses are governed by Venus.
Lagna has fallen in Cancer. In the No planet is in its constellation.
same sign, there are (a) the. malefic Hence take Rahu, Jupiter Venus, Kethu
node Kethu and (b) lord of 8 Saturn in Mercury and Moon. At the time of birth
the constellation of lord of 6. So lagna Kethu Dasa balance 4 years, 0 month and
is afflicted. Lord of Lagna, Moon, has 2 days. Hence from 2nd, this gentleman is
gone to the 6th sign counted from its own enjoying Rahu Dasa. Jupiter Bhukti which
sign Cancer. So lagna is weak. will run for 2 years 4 months and 24 days
Take Moon sign. It is in Sagittarius. from 24-4-66. I expect the refund during
No planet is in Sagittarius. But lord of. Venus Anthra, Kethu Sh'bokshma, around
lagna aspects its own sign (Jupiter). 17-11-1967 on the Friday, when Sun in
Therefore take Sagittarius as first house November 1967 will pass the position of
and proceed. Moon at the time of query to day (2-3-67).
Now it is 8-50 A.M on Thursday 2-3- On that day. Moon will transit in the
1967, Visaka star and Meena Lagna. All constellation in which Rahu is, at present.
these are governed by Jupiter. Moon Dasanatha .Rahu will just enter in Kethu
. transits in Scorpio ruled by Mars. In the star Venus sub, Jupiter transits in Kethu
horoscope. Mars aspects Moon. Today star, Saturn sub and Venus in Mercury
exalted Venus is in Lagna (Pisces). In the star Moon sub.
" horoscope, Venus also aspects Moon sign. As per progression, lord of 10 Mercury
-Sagittarius alone is aspected by Jupiter, applies trine aspect to Uranus in 2 and
Venus and Mars. So, take Sagittarius as Sextile'to Sun by {passing in the 10th house.
■ the first house and proceed. Hence you may be confident that you will
Enta'nglement of money is indicated by surely receive the amount on 17-11-67.
_ the houses 5, 8 and 12 whereas recovery is Good Luck!
. . promised by the houses 2, 6 and 11. (S, 8 k.s;k.

Tthe nature of profession has to be Agricultural implement—Mars, Venus,
judged of taking into consideration the Mercury, Saturn.
strongest signifies tor which promises Agricultural machinery—Venus, Mercury.
entry into service or indicate independent Air compressor—Saturn, Mars.
business or adding something more to the Air conditioner—Saturn, Mars, Venus.
existing business. Aircraft instruments—Saturn, Venus,
Extensive research has been conducted Mars.
by the intelligent students of the Modern Aluminium—Venus, Mars.
Astrological Research Institute, Madras Analytical chemist—Mercury, Venus.
and it has been found possible for us to lay Architects—Mars, Venus, Mercury.
down certain grouping or combination Asbestos—Sun, Moon, Mercury.
of planets to determine one's profession. Astrology—Mercury, Uranus.
The classification is given in brief: Atomic energy—Mercury, Uranus, Mars.
Auctioneers—Mercury, Jupiter.
Abrasives (to sharpen stones; grinding Automobile—Venus, Mars.
wheels etc.); Saturn, Mars, Mercury. Aviation—Venns, Mercury, Mars.
Accounts; Mercury, Jupiter. Ayurvedic medicine—Jupiter, Mars, Venus,
Accountant in Military, Police Depart- Sun.
ment or Industry ; Mars, Mercury, Jupiter. Bakelite—Mars, Venus, Saturn-
Accountant in Bank ; Jupiter, Mercury, Ball Bearings—Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury.
„ -• in Shipping; Jupiter, Mer- Barbed wire—Mars, Saturn, Venus, Sun.
cury, Venus, Moon. Batteries—Mars, Venus, Mercury, Moon.
„ . ■ in Hospital: Jupiter, Mer- Belt—Mars, Venus, Saturn, Moon.
cury, Sun. Blasting planets—Mars, Mercury, Saturn.
„ in Navy: Jupiter, Mercury Block makers—Venus, Sun, Moon, Mer-
Moon, Mars. cury.
„ in Mines: Jupiter, Mer- Boilers—Mars, Moon, Meraury.
cury, Saturn. Bolts and nuts—Mars, Saturn, Mercury.
„ . 'in Research ■ Department: Books—Mercury, Jupiter.
Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus. Boots & Shoes—Mars, ■ Venus, Saturn
i, in Jail: Jupiter, Mercury, (12th house).
Rahu. . (Purse—2nd house ; Handbag—3rd
Independent auditor—Mars very strong. house ; Belt—7th house). ,
Acetylene generator—Venus, Mars, Bofewell—Mars, Moon, Saturn: Saturn—
Moon. through the soil. Mars—making bore
Acid, Alkali resistant tiles—Venus, Saturn, using instrument. Moon—to tap liquid)
Jupiter, Mars. Brakes—Mars, Venus, Saturn. (Saturn-
Acid Jars—Venus, Mars, Saturn. Stops—throws "obstacle; Venus—Car;
Acid Manufacturer—Jupiter, Venus, Moon, Mars—-by operation, by applying).
Mars. Bricks & Tiles—Mars, Venus.
Adding machine—Jupiter, Mercury, Mars. Brushes—Venus, Saturn or Sun. (Sun and
Addressing machine—Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn indicate wool, hair and similar
' Mars. • products).
Adhesives—Venus, Moon. Builders and Contractors—Mercury, Mars,
Advertising—Jupiter, Mercury. (Mercury—both Engineering and agent
Agent—Mercury, Jupiter. or contractor—Mars—Building).
Cables—Mercury, Sun (Mercury—electri- Fire Extinguisher—Moon, Saturn, Mars:
city. Sun—Copper). '' . (Moon liquid; Saturn to put out, Mars-
Calculators—Mercury, Saturn., fire)'
Calendars—Mercury, Jupiter- (To set fire—Arson—Mars).
Car—Venus, Mars (quadruped sign). Flour mills—Saturn, Mars.
Carpet—Venus, Mars, Saturn. Furnace—Mars.
Casting—Mars, Saturn. Furniture—Mars, Venus.
Cement—Mars, Venus, Saturn. Glass—Venus.
Chairs—Venus (furniture). Gramphone—Venus, Mars.
Chemicals—Venus, Moon.
Cinema—Venus, Mercury, Jupiter. Hand loom—Moon, Mercury, Mars. '
Clearing agent—Mercury, Moon (Ship- Hardboard—Saturn, Mercury.
ping). Hardware—Saturn, Mars.
„ Mercury, Venus (Railways earthy, Heater—Mars, Mercury, Venus.
sign—airways airy sign). Hotels—Mars, Venus, Moon.
Coal—Saturn, Mars (Watery sign) Housing—Mars, Mercury.
(Anuradba Star). Industry—Mars.
Coal Tar—Moon, Mars, Saturn. Ink—Mars, Mercury, Moon or watery sign.
Cold Storage—Saturn, Venus. Insurance—Saturn, Mercury, 8th bouse.
Condensers—Saturn, Venus, Moon. Iron & Steel—Saturn, Mars.
Conduit pipes—Moon, Mars, Saturn* Jute—Saturn, Venus, Moon, Mars.
Confectionery—Mars, Venus.
Contractor—Mars, Mercury. Leather—Mars, Venus, Saturn. ,
Cooking—Mars, Venus, Moon. Lime—Verjus, Mercury.
Copper—Sun. Locks—Mars, Saturn, Mercury.
Cotton—Moon, Mercury. Locomotives—Mars, Venus.
Cycles—Saturn, Venus .(two legged-Biped Magician—Moon, Neptune.
sign). Margine engineer—Moon, Mercury, Mars.
Dairy farm—Venus, Moon, Mars. Mechanical Engineer—Mars, Mercury.,
Decorators—Venus, Mars, Mercury. Metal—Venus.
Diamond—Sun, Venus. Mica—Venus, Saturn, )
Disinfectants—Saturn, Venus, Mars. Microscope—Jupiter, Mercury, Mars.
Drawings—Mercury, Ventts. Milk—Venus, Moon. '
Dress—Mars, Venus. Minerals—Venus, Saturn,
Dyes and Chemicals—Venus. Mines—Saturn.
Electrical accessories—Mercury. Nurse—Sun, Moon, Mercury, Virgo.
Electric Engineer—Fans, Furnace, lamps, Nursery—Mars, Moon, Venus.
i Horns, Heater, Motors, Switch gear, Nuts—Venus, Mars, Sun.
Switch board, wire, cables, Oil—Unseed—Lubricants—Moon.
all are governed by Mercury. Optician—Sun or.Venus—Mars.
Mechanical Engineer: Mars, Mercury. Paintings—Venus, Moon.
Sanitary Engineer—Venus, Mercury. Paper—Mercury
Industrial Engineer—Mars, Mercury.
.Research Dept.—Mercury, Uranus, Mars. Pencils—Mercury, Saturn.
Mine Engineer—Saturn, Mercury, Mars. Perfumes—Venus, Moon.
Gold—Mine—Sun or Jupiter and Saturn, Pharmaceutical Specialists Sun.
Mercury—Mars. Photography—Sun, Venus, Moon..
'Engraving—Mars, Venus. Pipes—Moon, Mars, Mercury. :
Expanded metals—Mars, Saturn. Plywood—Mars, Venus.
Power House—Mars, Mercury, Venus
"Fan?—Marc Mrrmry VenUS. ,, ,, Water Supply—Moon
Farms—Mars, Venus, Moon-Jupiter. Mars, Mercury.
Fertiliser—Mars, Saturn, Venus. Press—Mars, Mercury.
Printer—Mars,'Mercury, Jupiter. Minister: Sun, Mars, Jupiter.
Pumpsets—Mars, Moon, Saturn. Member of. Parliament—Sun, Mercury,
Quarry—Mars, S aturn. ■ Jupiter.
Radio—Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Minister ") Atomic energy—Sun, Mars,
Railway—Venus, Mercury (common sign), or .k ■ Jupiter, Uranus.
Refrigation—S aturn. Ministry J Broad casting—Jupiter, Mer-
Ricemill—Mars, Venus, Mercury. ' cury, Venus.
Road—Highways—Road Roller—Mars, Commerce—S un,Mars, Jupiter,
Venus, S atirn. Mercury 3rd house, 7 and 9
Road—Transport—Mars, Venus, Mercury. houses.
Rubber—Venus. Moon, Mars. Communication—Sun, Mer-
Salesman—Mercury, Jupiter. cury, Jupiter, Mars 3rd
Salt—Moon, Mars, Sun house.
Sanitaryware—Venus, Mercury, Mars, „ Co-operation—Venus,
Sarees—Venus.. and. Hth house.
Scientific 'apparatus—Venus, Mercury, Defence—Mars, Sun, Saturn
Mars. and 7th house.
S ewing machine—Mars, Venus. Education—Jupiter, Mercury,
Shoes—Mars, Saturn,Venus. Sun and 4th house.
Silver—Moon, Venus. ,, External affairs—Moon, Mer-
S oap—Venus, Mars. cury, S un and 7 and 9
S oldier—Mars. houses.
Sporting goods—S un, Venus, Mars. Finance—Jupiter, Sun,; Mars,
S tainless steel—Mars, Venus ^ and 12th house.
S tationery—Mercury, Jupiter. „ Fisheries—Moon, Mars, Venus,
Steam engine—Mars, Moon, Venus. '■ Saturn.
Steel—Mars, S aturn. Food-Agriculture—Mars, Ven-
Stone—S aturn. Mars. us, Jupiter and 2nd house..
■ S igar—Venus. . „ . Health—Sun, Mars—Virgo-
Survey—Saturn, Venus. Scorpio.
Surgical—S uh, Mars, Mercury.. „ Home affairs—Mars', Sun,
Switchgear—Mercury, Mars. Jupiter—Aries—Lagna.
Tailor—Mars, Venus. „ . Industry—Mars, Mercury, Sat-
Tanning—Mars, Moon, Venus, Saturn turn, 10th house.
Taxi—Venus, Mercury, Mars, „ . .Information—Jupiter, Mercury,
Tea—Mars, Venus, Saturn. . Venus 3rd house.
Textile—Moon, Mercury. „ Iron and Steel—Mars, Saturn,
Timber—Venus (8th house) Mercury.
Tin—Jupiter. „ . ;• Irrigation—Moon, Mars, Venus
Tools—Mars, Mercury. 2nd house.
Tractors: " Labour—Saturn, Mars, Jupiter
Transports—Venus, Mercury, 6th house.
Trench—Mars, , Saturn; Tunnel—Mars, Law—Jupiter, Mars, Sun 2nd
■house. ■ ■
Saturn (Horizontal boring in tunnel). ,,Metals—Mars, Sun and any >
Typewriters—Mars, Mercury^ • ■ planet.
Typist—Marsi Mercury. Mines—Saturn,Mars, Sun.-
S tenographer—Saturn, Mars, Mercury. Petroleum—Saturn, Moon,
Wood—Mats, Venus. VenuS, Mars.
Workshop—Mars, Saturn. Post arid Telegraph—J upiter,
Yarn—Moon, Mercury. Mercury; Mars.
President: Mars,- Jupiter, Venus and. „ Railways—Venus, Mars, Mer-
Saturn. cury 3rd house.
Minister f Rehabilitation—Saturn, Sun, Revenue—Jupiter, Mercury, Marsjand Jnd
or > Jupiter. and 11th houses.
Ministry 3 Revenue—Jupiter, Mercury, DiETerence between Revenue Minister
Mars 2 and 11 houses. and Finance Minister is that the former
Social welfare—Venus, Jupiter, collects money from the public and the
11th house. latter spends them for the public.
Supplies—Mercury, Jupiter, Advocate—Mercury, Jupiter 2nd house.
12 th house. Judge—Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Sun 2, 6, 10
Technical Development—Jupi- houses.
ter, Mercury, Mars. Registrar—Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Sun 2,
Telephones—Jupiter, Mercury, 6,10 houses.
Mars. Public Prosecutor—Mercury, Jupiter, Sun
. Transport—Venus, Mercury 3rd 2nd house.
house. Advocate-General—Mars, Mercury, IJupi-
(Aviation)—Venus, Mercury, ter, Sun 2nd house.
Airy sign 9th house. Registrar for marriage—Mercury, Mars,
Shipping—Venus, Mercury, Venus, Sun.
Moon 9th house. Bank agent—Mars, Jupiter, Mercury 2nd
„ Works and housing—Mars, house.
Mercury, Venus and Jupiter Bank Accountant—Mercury, Jupiter 2nd
4th house. and 3rd houses.
Secretary—Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Sun. Bank Foreign Exchange—Jupiter, Mercury,
Statistics—Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter. 9 and 12 houses.
Technicians—Mars, Mercury. Bank Security Department—Jupiter,
Clerk—Mercury. Saturn, Mercury, Mars.
Typist—Mars, Mercury. Scientific research—Uranus, Venus, Mer-
Shorthand Typist Saturn, Mercury, Mars. cury.
Peon—Saturn. Physical education—Jupiter, Sun, Venus,
Camp clerk—Mercury, Venus 3 and 12 Drawing master—Saturn, Venus, Mercury,
houses. Jupiter.
Geology—Saturn, Mars. Draftsman—Saturn, Venus, Mercury and
so on

i started. It was over on 9-7-66. Moon
sub sub period operated between '9-7-66
Saturn and 14-10-66 which shows sudden sickness
5.36 Rahu to wife. Next, Rahu is running. In that
Venus 17.14 1
4.56 Moon sub will be between 10-3-67 and
Mercury 25-3-67. Her health will not be normal.
25.28 Jup. 2.16 Then Mercury sub sub will be between
Sun Moon 9.02 14-5-68 and 25-10-68. This is also an
9-52 22—2—67 unhealthy time to her. Then in May 1970
5-30 P.M. when Saturn Dasa, Moon Bhukthi, Rahu
Uranus Anthra operates ailment. Thus this num-
29.54 ber given by you shows that she is not
able to maintain good health.
Neptune Lao.17.14
Tour health; - No planet in 6 or in
f=?i 1.02 16.40 Bhadhakasthana. Jupiter owns the 6th
Mars 8.44 house. It alone is in its star—Hence you
will maintain good health as in the next
Qnestion: Next five years—How will five years you neither run Jupiter Dasa nor
it be to me and my family ? Jupiter Bhukthi.
Number given is 59: Therefore Libra Finance: Improvement and income are
13° 20' to '16° 40' rises as the ascendant. shown by houses 2, 6 and 10. Expenses
In horary astrology, always take Lagna by celebrating the marriage of daughter,
from the number given and do not consi- separation thereby are shown by houses
der whether it is afflicted or not. Even 12 (expenses) 6 (girl gains movable pro-
when it is afflicted, take lagna only. perty and 2 to her sign Sth). And also 4
As the query is about the next five as it shows 12 to her sign indicating sepa-
years, note the dasa that is running at ration.
present and that which will run in the 2nd house is not occupied by any.
next 5 years. Now you have 10 yrs. 10 Mars is lord of 2. No planet is in Mars
months and 16 days of Saturn Dasa left constellation. Rahu is in Mars sign.
over. So Venus Bhukthi will end on Rahu is to be taken in preference to Mars.
29-12-1968. Between 29-12-1968 and So Kethu and Sun happen to be in Rahu
11-12-69 Sun Bhukli in Saturn Dasa star.
11-12-69 to 11-7-71 Moon Bhukthi 6th house is unoccupied. Owned by
11-7-71 to 20-8-72 Mars Bhukthi and so Jupiter : none in Jupiter Star take
on. Jupiter.
Wife's health: Saturn is Bhadakas- 10th bniiSK^Viny-in IQ ; Moon OWUS I
thana adhipathi to Mesha which represents no planet in Moon's star : Take Moon.
wife. Mercury, Saturn and Venus are in Hence Kethu, Sun and Moon are very
the Ilth Bhava. No planet in Mercury strong. You have to run Sun Bhukthi
star. Moon, Saturn and Venus are in and Moon Bhukthi. Therefore finance
Saturn star. Rahu is in Venus star. definitely improves. Bank balance is
Therefore their conjoined period sliows satisfactorily increasing.
ailment to wife. Saturn Dasa, Venus
Bhukthi should be considered as though Expenses: Sun and Jupiter denote
it started on 2-11-1965. Then on 12-5-66 marriage to children as they signify 2, 7
Saturn Dasa, Venus Bhukthi, Sun Anthra and 11 counted from Sth house. Now
horary chart shows Saturn Dasa, Venus Fulfilment of your ambition:
Bbuktbi. Jupiter sub sub commences in dasa, Sun Bbuktbi. In these 11 months'
June 1967. It rims for 5 'months 2 days. and 12 days between February 1969 and
This shows withdrawal from bank. January 1970, you can. have your desires
Celebration of marriage to your daughter, fulfilled. One thing should, not be for-
presentation to her, etc. As Saturn is lord gotten. Saturn gives what one wants, but
of 1 and 12 to her, Venus is conjoined never to one's entire satisfaction.
withv it as lord, of 4, separation, herself Money doe to me; When will I get ?
leav ing your - bouse and living in hew
surrounding is shown again when you run Number given 63; During Satum Dasa,
Saturn Dasa Sun Bhuktbi, Jupiter Antbra, Sun-Bbuktbi, Rahu Antbra 24-3-1969.
second will be given in marriage in June Will I write them off: Number given
1969. 67: Jupiter, lord of 2 is in its constel-
lation. Mercury lord of 11 is in Jupiter's
Overseas; .Judge bouses 3, 9 and 12.. . constellation. Henee you stand to regain.'
Jupiter'and Moon are very strong. There-- -Ketbu is in 12. No planet is in Ketbu
fore Moon Bbuktbi, Jupiter Antbra you star. - Ketbu is the significator. Ketbu
will go. It will be in July 1971. Bbuktbi has already passed. So no more
House Construction: During Saturn; ".write off" is predicted.
Dasa, Mars Bbuktbi, Mercury, AntbraSun . When can I have the delivery of the
SbOoksbma, i.e., after 5 years you will . ; . car? Number given 78. End of July 1967,
have. ' you can have the car purchased by you. '
K. Ganapathi

Already this lady has a child. She Now, we have to judge the 7th bouse.
believes in limited family. Yet she desires Are we to count from Lagna or from
to have only one more child and wants to Moon sign?—Even though benefics may
know when she can expect. Her chart is be in the lagna, if there is one malefic by
given below: nature, consider bow the Moon sign is.
If Moon is unafflicted, take Moon's Sign
as the first house and then predict.
Kethu LagD a 4-&3
Sat 21-38 Ura. 3.2 Yen 12-27
20.50 Jup. 21-46 In Aries, there is the Ascendant; Jupiter
is posited there. Yet Saturn in Aries
Merc 6.5 afflicts ; So, consider Moon's sign. It is
Fortuna in Libra. No evil planet is in Libra. So
6-45 take Libra as the first bouse and Judge.
10-8—1940 Sue 24-59 Then the-7th bouse which is the 3rd from
10-9 P.M. L.M T the Stb bouse, is'Aries. Saturn and Jupiter
Mar 1-24 are in Aries. Saturn's constellation are
Fusbya, Anuradba and Uthrapadra. Mer-
cury is in Fusbya'; no planet is posited in
Mood Ncp 0-59 the other two constellations. Jupiter rules
26-46 Rahu Punarvasu, Visaka and Poorvapadra Moon
20-50 is in Visaka star. Hence Mercury and
Moon are the strongest significators of the
Jupiter Dasa balance 7 years, 9 months, 7th bouse. Therefore to expect the birth
17 days. of the child during Mercury Dasa (it is in
Saturn's star Lord of S in 7, and in Mer-
For the first conception, judge the Stb cury sub) Mercury Bhukti, Moon Anthra
bouse. For the second conception take i.e., around August 1968. At that time
the 7th bouse : for the 3rd conception Sun will be transitting in Moon' sign.
consider the 9th bouse and so on. Mercury star, mostly 4-8-68.

Prof. SATCHIDA NAND MiSHBA, B.A. (Hons.), M.A. (Triple). B.L.,
Head of the Department of English, J. J. Degree College, GAYA. •
In my view, Krishnamurti Padhdhati is V Cusp. Aries 8.35
a very scientific method for Astrological VI Taurus 4.35
analysis of all the events, big or small, VII Taurus 27.44
happening in our lives. This Padhdhati is VIII Gemini 29.35
an answer to the convictions of all those, Leo 4.35
who consider astrology as' merely a science IX
of probabilities. This is the best system X Virgo 8.35
in astrology according to which we can XI Libra 8.35
pinpoint the date and time of the occur- XII Scorpio 4.35
rence of an event.'
Moon Dasa Balance 0 year, 2 months,!
According to Mr. K. S. Krishnamurti, 8 days.
the chart of a native does not indicate
only the events happening in his life, but Now he is running Mercury Dasa'
also the events happening in the lives of Mercury Bhukti from 17-12-64, •
his near and dear ones. Here is an example According to Krishnamurti Padhdhati
in which we see how mother's death can the following are the significators oi
be predicted safely from the chart of a death:
(a) The planets posited in the cons
The following is the horoscope of the tellation of the occupants o<
native:— houses 2, 7 and Badhaka Asthan
(strongest to give death).
Jup. (R) (b) The Planets occupying the abov
3-59 said houses. |
(c) The Planets in the constellation
of the lords of the above-said
Ketbu houses.
(d) The lords of these houses.
Mars (e) Those which are conjoined with
Sat. 22-0 12-28 the significators ' or. aspected by
Rahu them.
Mcr. 8-12 As 3rd and 8tb houses are the bouses
Asc. Yen. 18-11 Mood of longevity, 12th, from these two houses j
27-44 23-5 i.e., 2nd and 7th, are considered to be thd
Sun 23-19 maraka asthanas. Badhaka asthana is d
stronger and sure maraka, without whose
I Cusp. ■ Scorpio 27.44 influence death cannot take place.
II Sagittarius 29,35 ■—As-we. Jiave. to. judge the death of thd
III Aquarius 4.35 native's mother, we must take 4th,' house"
IV Pisces 8.35 Pisces as Ascendant for her. As Pisces is
9 3.3
double-bodied sign, 7th house from this The following is the chart for the time :
place is Badhaka asthana. Thus the' 7th,
house is doubly evil for her death being
both'maraka-astbana and badhaka-asthana Sat.'(R) Rahu' Moon
Now let us consider houses 2 and 7.
The Second house is unoccupied by any
planet. Jupiter (R.) has absorbed the Jupiter
influence of 2nd house being within the
orb of five degrees from the cusp of the
2nd Bhava. No planet is in the constel'
lation of Mars, lord of 2. Asc. Mars'
The 7th house is occupied by Moon and
Sud. Saturn, Moon and Sun are in the
constellation of Moon. Mercury is lord Mtrcur
of 7 and has imbibed the influence of 7th y Vcou's
house being in rapt conjunction with the
cusp of the 7th Bhava. Moreover, Mer-
cury is in the constellation of Sun, occu- According to Krishnamurti Padhdbati,
pant of 7. Venus and Jupiter are in the the ruling planets at that time
sub of Moon, occupant of 7. No other 1. Lord of the day.
planet is in the sub of the occupants of 7
Moon and 7. Rahu is in the star of Venus 2. Lord of the star.
and sub of Mercury.' Moon and Sun both 3. Lord of the Rasi.
are in the constellation of Moon and sub
of Sun, lord of 6, thus indicating that death 4. Lord, of the Lagna are as
may be due to illness. .Jupiter is aspecting. follows:—
Mercury according to the degree position 1. The day iis ruled by Jupiter, as
within 5 degrees. 3rd November, 1966 is a Thursday.
Thus wie come to the' conclusion that 2. Moon transits in Arudra constel-
Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Rahu and Saturn lation, ruled by Rahu.
are the significators for the death of the . 3. The sign in which Moon' transits
native's mother. at that time is Gemini ruled by Mercury.
Really the mother of the native died of. 4. The Lord'of Lagna (Capricorn) is
illness, while the native .was running Saturn.
Mercury Dasa, Mercury Bhukti, Jupiter
Anthra and Venus Sookshama. Venus is At the time of death, Jupiter is aspec-
in the constellation of Rahu, hence giving ting Mercury, as it was so in the radical
both the effects of Venus and Rahu. chart.
Let us confirm it by taking into consi- . Thus it is proved that all thesignificators
deration the ruling planets at the moment have played their part either in the Dasa
of the death of the mother. The mother system or transit. Mr. K. S..KrishDamurti
died on Thursday 3rd November, 1966 at has rightly said that both are equally
Noon. important.

Birth at 8-33 P.M. on 28-4-1928. Will there be any trouble ?
Horoscope is as under: Now he is running Venus Bhukti,
Jup. 29-05 Mercury Jupiter Anthra. Generally troubles are
Venus 9-43 Rahu indicated by the houses 6, 8 and 12 and
28-05 Sun 18-37 especially the 8th house. Venus and
Uranus 15-19 Jupiter are in 8. They are in the cons-
tellation of Mercury in 9. The sub is-
Mars ruled by Saturn, lord of 6 and 7. There-
23-24 fore, there will be some trouble. But
Mercury owns the 11th house which
promises success; so this person will
Nep. 3-40 succeed and come out unscathed during
Moon Mercury sub sub period. Venus Bhukti,
5° 55'
Mercury Anthra will be between 1-5-1967
Saturn and 22-6-1967. The exact date will be
25-38 whenSun transits in Venus sign. Moon star.
18-37 Mercury sub i.e., around 2-6-1967 a Friday.
Lag. 17-30 What next?
Kethu Dasa Balance 3 years, 10 months, As Mercury and Kethu are in Shookshma
2 days. Parivarthana Yoga, Mercury is in 9 as lord
Resignation letter handed over on of 2 and U and in the constellation of
31-10-1966. Expecting release; due to Kethu in 4 to Moon sign, change of place,
undue delay, he is afraid of some trouble change of Institution and getting into
or other. service again is shown. He will not keep
. On 31-10-1966 he was running Moon idle.
Dasa, Venus Bhukti, Rabu Anthra. Number given is 7: I want to purchase
As lagna is occupied by Kethu and Tourist cars, etc., shall I buy? Will they
Sani, consider the sign occupied by Moon. bring fortune?
The latter is unafflicted. So take Moon 9-45 A.M. 5-1-1967 Thursday! Horos-
sign. Houses 3, 9 and 12 indicate one's cope for this moment is as follows:
resignation. Three and twelve are vacant. Rahu
9th is occupied by Sun and Mercury. 19-48
Saturn Lagna
; Saturn, Kethu, Venus and Jupiter are in 0-58 20° to
the constellation of Mercury. There is no 23° 20'
planet in the constellation of Sun. The
sign of Venus is occupied -by-Rahu.. -So Jupiter
Rabu is stronger than Venus owning the 8-07
-3rd house. So also Kethu is stronger
than Mars, lord of 9, counted from Moon Venus
sign. Moon owns 12th house and is in 4-36
the constellation of Kethu who acts as an -
agent of lord of 9.
Therefore Moon, in its Dasa-,- Venus Sun 20-48 Neptune Kethu Uranus
Mercury 0-21 19-48 1-06
Bhukti Rahu "Anthra he has given the 13-09 Moon Mars
resignation letter. 11-08 22-45
■Purchase of trucks means payment of Saturn is in 11 and is also lord of )).
Money and acquiring matters signified by Jupiter alone is in Saturn's star. Hence
Kb bouse and the 11th bouse. Making Sun and Jupiter promise profit.
Hrofit depends on the 2nd and Utb bouses. As the 11th cusp has fallen in Jupiter's
It is also correct to include bouse 9. constellation, it promises that this trans-
■V'yaya to the 4th counted from the 7th.) action is favourable and you will have a
I. Hence judge bouses 4 and 1) for getting good bargain.
■tucks, 12th bouse for payment, 2 and 11 Later, the profit or loss is to be judged
Bbr profit and 9tb for the banding over of by Dasa Bbukti system or .'transit or
Rhe vehicles by the seller, progression.
r'. 4th bouse is unoccupied. It is owned As per Dasa Bbukti system, 12 years of
Eby Moon. Robini, Hastbam and Srava- Saturn Dasa is to run. At present Rabu
Inam are ruled by Moon. Mars alone is in Dasa, Saturn Bbukti is on from 8-2-1966
'Hastbam. The sub lord is Sun who is in (as Moon is in 11° 8'). Il will be over by
''the constellation of lord of 2. 14-12-1968. Saturn promises investment,
11th bouse is occupied by Saturn. It expenses and ultimately profit as the sub
also owns Dtb bouse. It is in the' cons- is ruled by Mars.
tellation of lord of 9 and 12. Hence to As per transit, Saturn will be advan-
acquire by paying money is shown. If tageous after 21-2-1967. From July. 1967,
lord of ) 2is not connected, but only lord the gains will be satisfactory. Whenever
of 6 is connected, one will buy promising we judge Transit results, take lagna:
to pay the money on a later date. Never the sign occupied by Moon or Sun
Therefore purchase of these things, on unless tbey are in the lagna.
payment is indicated. . His question is to use the vehicle and
When will the transaction be over ? make money. It is bis profession. Con-
The significators are Mars, Saturn and sider bouses 10 and 11. Both are ruled by
Jupiter. As Rabuis in Mars sign, it will Saturn. So when Saturn transits in his
be finished when Moon transits in Saturn own star Utbrapadra, it is favourable to
sign, Rabu star, Jupiter sub on 14-1-1967, do good business and make large profit.
Saturday, Satbabisba star and it will be As per progression, lord of 6 Mercury
at the time when Jupiter sign Pisces, receives good aspect in March which is
constellation of Saturn, Utbrapadra and beneficial (Moon Sextile Mercury). In
sub of Rabu rises in the East, i.e., at September Moon conjoins Kethu. There
10 A.M. The transaction is to be done will be an accident and expenses. In
at Madras. So the- time is worked out October Moon forms favourable aspect
for 13° 04' N and 80° 15' East. with Sun (lord of 4 with lord of 5—it is
Will I make good profit? Consider again a loss). Then Moon forms semi-
bouses 2 and 11. Venus is lord of 2 and Sextile with Mars which is favourable. In
no planet is in the second bouse. Sun this manner, one. is to judge the future
alone is in the constellation of Venus. from the chart erected for the moment.
( FOUNDED;. 1-4-1963 )
( Astkonomy Made Easy )
Phone: 4 40 4 4 9

Jyothish Marthand
13. Brahmin Street, Saidapet

Vol. 5l MAY 1 9 67 No. 5

. Happy New Year and Our Results 3
Will I Master Astrology? ... ^ .12
Gajakesariyoga 13
Recovery of Money Lost 15
-Time of Birth! How to Decide? 16
Recovery from Paralysis—When? 17
Any Luck Through New Born ? 19
Will there be Litigation or Compromise? 21
Will My Son go Overseas? If so. When? 22
Marriage—When ? 23
Description of Partner 25
Next Higher Status—When? 27
Letters to the Editor 29.
° Krishoamurti Padbdbati—Vol. I 31
Vol. II 35
Daily Guide for May 1967 39
Position of Planets 45
May 1967—Ephemeris 47
Monthly Prediction for May, 1967 49
."(1) Whatisayear? When does it com- sign which is one-twelfth of the
mence ? What is the duration of a year time taken by Jupiter to go round
and when does it end ? (2) Does the whole ■ the zodiac once. It works out to
world observe a particular time as the 361 days.
beginning of a New Year? . Or how many (6). Calendar year is counted as 365
days are observed as New Year? (3) Can , days for 3-consecutive years and in
we take every New Year and offer the the leap year, 366 days.
prediction according to the position of (7) Equinoctial year is the interval
planets then? (4) Can any take a parti- • between successive transits of Sun
cular. time, erect a horoscope taking his over the vernal equinox (the inter-
place of residence and offer predictions to secting point of the celestial equator
; various countries, cities, Government and Sun's path]. It is 20 minutes
' etc ?" are the queries of the students. less than a Solar, year.
1. What is a year? According to
Mantreswara, author, of- Phaladeepika, Then we have Saka Era, Bengali San,
a year is reckoned as the time taken by Samvat Era, Kollam Era, Fusti Era,
the Sun to revolve exactly once in its during Divali in North India, new year
apparent path, the ecliptic. But the ancient commences
. astronomers followed various methods : (2) Astrologers are concerned only with
(1) Taking, the Sun and adopting the two eras, i.e., Sayanaand Nirayana. Sayana
Nirayana Zodiac,, it is sdid that a Era is the equinoctial day when Sun is in
year is the interval between the Vernal equinox and Nirayana era is the
time when Sun enters into Nirayana time when Sun is in Mesha or Nirayana
Mesha—Aries zero degree and after Aries 0° or when Sun leaves Revathi 27th
passing through the ecliptic again star and enter 1st star, Aswini.
entering into Nirayana Aries-Mesha.' . (3) Every new year may be taken and
This comes to nearly 365i days. It the' position of planets can be noted and
.is called Sour a man am. the prediction offered. If one takes
(2) One takes the other luminary Moon Sayana position of planets and equinoctial
and notes the time of the separation year, one must follow only western system
of Moon from Sun in the month of and use both Progression transit, house
Chaitra. The interval between division and aspects as advised by
Sukla Paksha Prathama thithi of westerners. One cannot and should not
Chaitrai month and the moment of apply stellar system having erected a
conjunction of Sun and Moon in Sayana Chart.
Chaitra month is 354 days and is If one' takes hiirayana position' of
.'called Chandra man am. planets at the moment when. Sun enters
(3) The third one is called Savana into Nirayana Mesha zero, one can use
Manam. It is the time taken by the (a) the method just like we do for annual
Sun to rise in the east for 360 horoscope, (b) the transit system, (c) stellar
successive days. system and (d) the advanOed system advo-
' (4) Nakshathra Mariam is the interval cated by Krishnamurti.'
Of time between successive occasion Will they agree? Why hot? Suppose a
of Moon's entry into Aswini person puts a query about the time of his
Nakshathra, on 12'occasions which marriage on a day and again on another
will work out to 324 days. day he. puts the same question, the answers
(5) Bharhaspathyam year is the average ' obtained, on both the occasions will be the
time taken by Jupiter to transit a same. It is mysterious. That is why, this
science is called a Divine Science. The Ayahamsa 23° 18'. '
prediction, so offered, for various dales Our sages and the savants of the
will be similar to Horary astrology.
Western countries have propounded
Suppose a person puts you the query, various theories and had been practising
how the world affairs would be at the Astrology since thousands of years. There
above moments; what are you to do? is no subject which they have left out
Greet a chart and offer the prediction. Is untouched by Astrology. This science can
' it not ? So also one can follow any of be classiSed into various branches and for
these and predict. The result will be the worldly predictions we take Mundane
same. Astrology and for individual persons we
(4) For queries about any individual follow natal astrology. Mundane astro-
town, one is to take the Latitude -and logy deals with various events on the earth
Longitude of the place and erect a chart as is shown by the planets passing in the
for that moment to that locality. (Suppose Zodiac. It is the intelligent anticipation
at that moment a child is born in that of terrestrial events according to the
' city, how you work for the Chart, so celestial phenomena.
also you should do, to read the results for Mundane Astrology is not yet. made a
that city.) But if you know the exact pucca science. It is yet in the infant stage.
position of the ascendant of a city, then it It needs development by doing research
is enough if you work out the position of by intelligent, earnest and honest students :
the planets for that moment and read the Twisting the rule andj making observa-
results, taking the ascendant of the City. tions or guessing will not serve any pur-
India is indicated by Capricorn. In my pose. There should be no room for
experiments, I found that 12° Capricorn guessing. ' Because man proposes and
indicates India. Therefore, you work out God disposes. Hence there are always
the position of planets for the moment chances for disappointments. If one
when the new year commences and read guesses without any scientific explanation,
the results just like what you will do for a one finds that one is not an exception for
person born in Capricorn 12°. the disappointment which ends in one's
As Krishnamurti Padhdhati advocates failure. But if one gives out the scientific
advanced stellar astrology and demands explanation and if one fails, the science
- the use of sub, I take that time when Sun has not failed. He has not. in full, applied
enters Mesha 0° which is 180° away from carefully and the mistake is his and not
the star Chitra. The following horoscope with the science.
shows the position of all the planets at the
moment when Sun has completed its For example, last year when I delivered
previous round in the Nirayana Zodiac. a lecture, presided by the then Hon. Min.
Shri Sanjeeviah, 1 said that on 3-8-1966,
Sat 11-45 "Venus conjoins Mars in Gemini. There
Merc 5-43 Sun 0° 0' Vcn6-ll
Calcutta. Rahu
will be a derailment due to the breach of
3° a canal or wild stream Which-will be in
spa'e. The wild stream will have strong
Madras current and it will overflow due to storm
22" 12 3up 2-0
Delhi " and depression in the bay on or around
19-20 4 A.M. 1-8-1966Actually no train derailed
14—4—62 but a bus was washed away and many
Ura 2-7-49 passengers had the watery grave on that
day near Calcutta when the . bus driver
tried to cross a. canal (causeway)-which '
Kethu was overflowing and the current was very
Ncp 0-04 -14-35 strong. Why the failure ! Our sages have
Mars 2-05 propounded 2 legged, 4 legged and multi-
legged signs. As Mars is conjoined with
Venus and Mars denotes both 4 legged and poned by 2 months. H. P. Snowbound
also multi-legged ones by owning Mesba Areas—New Delhi—February 1. Polling
and Scorpio, I took the train' for multi- in certain parts of the Mahaser. and
legged. No doubt, nowadays, buses have Chamba Parliamentary constituencies and
more than 4 wheels. This is what I missed five assembly constituencies in Himachal
to note. But the Science is correct. Pradesh has been postponed by two
Again about the postponement of elec- months. The affected areas are kinnaur,
tion, when I addressed the members of the Rohru, Chowpal, forming part of Mahasu
Parliament in August 1966 in the Western - and Lahaul and Spithi andBhatmour from
Court after the lecture was over one of the Chamba."
M.Ps. asked me, " We have a programme Thus it can be seen that people in
for election. It is kept as the last week of power tried to have as per original pro-
February 1967. Will the election be con- gramme but they had to change the date
ducted as is programmed now ? " and postpone by 2 months to a part of
" Kindly mention any number between the Union territory. Hence, any result
1 and 108 ". given by applying the correct principles
of astrology using the ephemeris of that
"Take it as 95," said he. year and calmly calculating must come
Then I thought loud, worked out loudly true.
and said " 95 means, Satbhbisha third Before proceeding further, I would like
pada. ' Aquarius Ascendant. Lord of the to furnish you some fundamental ones, on
Lagna is retrograde. Hence what pro- which the prediction is based.
gramme you have now, must be changed."
"Does the change indicate postpone- The various cities and towns are indi-
ment ?, cated by the 12 signs. If a person writes
letters to all the cities in the world and if
" As the planet is Saturn and it is called the postal authorities are given only
Mandha—delaying one—the election date 12 bags called Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc.,
will be postponed. As Saturn is in a dual what will he do, how will he sort them.
sign, the change and postponement is Similarly astrologers have made out a list
certain. It will be after Sun transits the showing which sign denotes which place.
position occupied by Saturn. So you can The list is as under;
expect the postponement by 2 months". Aries: Britain, Germany, Lower Poland,
Actually what happened later is to be Denmark, Syria, Judia Lebanon, Verona
clearly mentioned to prove that in the Leicester, Madras.
3 months' question time, the astrologer,
not having ephemeris etc.,;cannot answer Taurus; Persia, Modia, Caucusus,
more correctly but when he is given, both Asia Minor, Poland, Holland, Ireland,
time and ephemeris he would have Yamuna, Matsya, Mathura, Ayodhya
correctly predicted. Hastbinapura, Kapisthala etc.
Within a week after my lecture, Mrs. Gemini; West of England, United
Indra Gandhi made an announcement States of America, Africa, Lower Egypt,
that the election would not be postponed. Belgium, Canada, San Francisco.
A week later, Mr. Kamaraj reiterated what Cancer: Scotland, New Zealand, North
Mrs. Gandhi said. But later they had to and West Africa, Manchester, New York,
change the date due to Buddha Pournami. Venice, Calcutta.
. Again in December 1966 and January Leo. France, Italy, Sicily, Bohemia,
beginning a few approached Mrs. Indira Chaldea, Bombay, Orissa, Vanga and
Gandhi to postpone the election at least to Kalinga.
certain parts of India. - First, the Premier
did not agree. Finally the following News Virgo: Turkey, part of Tibet, Brazil,
appeared in Times of India "Poll post- West Indies, Paris, Baghdad.
Libra: Northern Province of India, in Tonics, pious" learned and charitable
Burma, Indo-China, China, Upper Egypt, people, umbrellas, chowries, quicksilver,
Austria, Lisbon. . beans, benzoin, cardamom etc.
Scorpio: Sweden, Norway, Queens- Venus: Gandhara, Malwa, Iravatee,
land, Liverpool, Portland, Delhi. Vitasta, Elephants, horses,, rich people,
Sagittarius: Australia, Arabia, Mada- perfume, flowers, gems, diamond, orna-
gascar, Spain, Naples, Sheffield.. ^ ment, restaurants, parks, love, Ministers,
Scholars, Birds, Silk, Wool, Nylon, Rayon,
■ Capricorn; India, Punjab, Bulgaria, Jadhipatri, Saffron, .Chocha, Nutmeg,
Afghanistan, Salisbury. Sandalwood.
. Aquarios; Abyssinia, Red Russia, .Saturn; Pusbkaras, Saurashtras, fiver
Poland, Sweden, West Pbalia. Vedasmaitee, where the- Saraswathi was,
Pisces: - South of Asia Minor, Maheeetc., oil mongers, jailors, prisoners,
Normandy, Egypt, Ceylon, Chicago, fowlers, fishermen, deformed people, poor
Lancaster. people, widows, snakes, donkeys, she-
buffaloes, Camel, Bengalgram, sesame.
Next one should know the place and Rahu: Those who live in the cliff of
people governed by each planet, so that the mountain, caves, bill tribes, irreligious
during the time a planet is well aspected, people, kinnaras, ungrateful people,
those people in those places will prosper donkeys, intra-uterine life, hypocrites,
and if afflicted, they will suffer. This is blackgratn.
very important especially when one passes Kethu: Cholas, Pallavas, those' who
a judgment taking the eclipse of either live in'caves, ambitious people, adulterers,.
Sun or Moon.. mischief mongers, silly fellows,. fools,
Sun; Eastern half of'Narma : Orissa, who feel happy at other's fall.
Vanga, Kalinga, Magbadba, South bank
of Jumna, Vindhya Forest, Shepherd, Whenever a planet transits a constella-
seeds, husk, trees, fire, gold, heroes, medi- tion and it receives good aspect, it
cine, poison physician, chiefs, renowned improves the matters signified by that
men. constellat.ion. If the planet passing in a
Moon: Kosala, Tangana, mountains, Naksbatbra gets afflicted those matters
fort, sweet ones, flowers, water, liquid, perish.
salt, fruit, jewels, pearls, rice, barley, herb, Aswini: Those who deal in horses,
wheat, young women, lovers, etc. physicians, traders, beautiful persons.
Mars; Western part of Sonne, Nar- Bharaoi: Non-vegetarians, cruel people,
mada, Godavari, Ganges, Mahanadi, murderers, husk, grain, characterless
Vindhya, Chola, Dravida. Andhra, war- people if afflicted.
riors, those who use fire, murderers, Karthi'i: Brahmins, religious people,
arrogant fellows, kings, young people, miners, astrologers, barbers, potters.
shepherds, coral, toddy, thieves, rogues.
Roliini; Merchants, rich people, kings,
Mercury: Indus, Sarayu, Ganges, cows, aquatic animals, agriculturists, men
-Videha-, -K:ambojaj--Himalayas,, bridges, in authority. -
merchants, hill tribes. Reservoirs, copyist,
dyeing, painting, perfumeries, mathe- Mrigasira; Flower, fruit, gem, fores-
matics, artists, magic, actors, dancers, ter beasts, birds, musicians, postal.
ghee oil, oilseeds. Arudhra; Murderers, adulterers, thie-
- Jupiter: East of- Indus : -Pauravas, ves, rogues, cruel-minded people.
Vipasa river, Souveeras, Trigartas, Punarvasa ; Honest, dutiful,, magnani-
Elephant, horse, priests, ministers, dealers mous merchants, artists, servants.
Pushya: Ministers, rulers, fishermen, Revathi: Aquatic fruits and flowers,
> barley, wheat, rice, sugarcane. salt, gem, pearls, lotus, perfume,
Ashlesha : Bulbs, fruits, roots, reptiles, merchants.
poison, robbers, physicians. Next, one should know what each house
• Makba: Riches, granneries, corn, hill- indicates:—
tribes, heroes, those who hate women.
First house, Lagna; Health, prosperity
Pobrvapalguni: Artists, actors, danc- of the nation, success of the leaders'of the
ing girls, musicians, merchants, cotton, country.
honey, salt; oil etc.
Uthrapalguni: Modest, true, honest, Second: Revenue, national wealth,
good, educated, very rich, dutiful, people food.
With authority. Third: The locust, rat, jackals and
Hastha : Cunning, artists, merchants, those which are destructive to crops, the
vedas, Elephants, husked grain, food. aid to the Government Railways.
Chithia: Ornament, jewellery, paint- Fourth: Land, Estate, building crops,
ing, music, perfumery, weavers. P.W.D. Transport, shipping.
Swathi: Horses, beasts and birds, Fifth: Cultural activities, sharemarket.
corn, bengalgram, ascetics. Sixth: Hospital, Infectious diseases,
Visaka: Plants with red flowers or epidemic, labour, loan, foreign aid.
fruits, sesame; greengram, blackgram, Seventh: Treaty, international affairs,
cotton fire worshippers. war, breach of peace, police action.
Anuradha: People with authority,
leaders, members of assembly, tourists, Eighth; Danger, disease, difficulties,
honest people and those which yield in disaster, death etc., conversion or repay-
autumn. ment of loan.
, Jyeshta: Warriors,, noble birth, rich, Ninth; Air travel, external affairs,
famous-commander. ■ foreign collaboration, foreign exchange,
Moola; Physician, medicine, flower, the cabinet, the Ministers, Governor,
root, seed, rich. Head of the show.
Poorvashada: Good people, fisher- Tenth: Prestige, honour, revenue
man, navigators, honest people, rich, receipts, reputation, bank position.
aquatic animals, fruits and flowers. Eleventh: assistance, aid, surplus,
Uthrashada: Wrestlers, elephants, friendship, allies.
horses, religious people, pleasant people,
military also. Twelfth: Black marketeers, tax eva-
Sravana: Active and alert, true and ders, those who act against the govern-
ment, fifth column, secret enemies, who
religious people. take loan from Government, repayment of
Dhanishta: . Modest people, charitable, loan, etc.
rich peaceful.
Sathabhisha: Hunters, dhobies, fow- [As Pakisthan and India were one unit
lers, anglers, fishermen. at the time our sages and the savants of
western countries allotted each sign for
Purvapadrapada: Shepherds, murde- some nations, one has to take Capricorn
rers, irreligious clever. to indicate India. Therefore if Pakisthan
Uthrapadrapada: Brahmins, those is to be judged, one has to take the 7th
who sacrifice, charitable, rich people, house from Capricorn and read out the
saints. result.]
LET US NOW PROCEED TO to the deserving and show vast improve-
JUDGE THE RESULTS ment in the collection.
On 14-4-67, we have our Happy New Third house is occupied by Saturn and
Year. Sun. Saturn is in a watery sign. Sun is in
India: Capricorn 12* is the Lagna; Fiery sign. Therefore Saturn (a part of
Mercury is in Pisces 5° 43' and is in second India governed by Saturn) and Sun will
bhava: Saturn is in the 3rd cusp : Sun affect the yield from the field. Therefore
comes to 3rd bhava. Rahuis in 14° 35' both due to excess of water in the areas
Aries in the 4th house. Venus in 6° 11' indicated by Saturn and dryness in the
Taurus comes to 4th Bhava. Whereas areas shown by Sun will not have average
Moon in 13° 55' will be in the 5th Bhava. crop. It will be less.
Jupiter is in the 6th Bhava; Uranus in Leo Saturn, being lord of 1 and 2 situated in
in 8 : Mars is in 2° 5' in Libra and goes the 3rd cusp shows that there will be aid'
to 9th Bhava : Kethu is in 10. Neptune from others. Saturn does not satisfy in
will be in 10th Bhava. full. Hence the assistance will be a little
Health: Jupiter in the 6th house less than what we expect. Therefore if
reduces the epidemic: the hospital will one demands more than the need, one
not be overcrowded; hospital will be can expect what one actually needs.
expanded. Mercury in the constellation (Some persons thinking that they are wise,
of lord of 1 and 2 also contributes for always lend 50% of the loan requested by
health. the Customers. So the wiser borrower
puts his demand double his need and gets
. Birth Control: Lord of 7 in 5 and lord what he actually wants.) This policy will
of 5 in the constellation of lord of 8 in be helpful.
the 4th Bhava, reduces birth rate. Mars
aspecting Venus indicates that a few will Railways: It is expected that when
abort, and many will adopt contraceptive Mars and Kethu conjoin on 24-7-67 and
methods. when Saturn begins to retrogracle there
will be an accident. This conjunction
Revenue collection; Mercury is in 2nd also indicates air crash as Libra is an- airy
Bhava. It is lord of 6 and 9: Hence sign. It shows heavy loss. The other
(6—loan; 9—foreign) (a) foreign aid is position of planets show that there will
indicated, (b) As it is in the constellation not be such troubles as were experienced
of lord of 2, Government will issue instruc- last year.
tions to collect the arrears speedily, (c)
Also raise loan from the public, (d) As Crops : Rahu and Venus are in the 4ih
lord of 2 is Saturn, without any informa- Bhava. Rahuis in Venus constellation;
tion, sudden and surprise visit to a few Venus is in the constellation of lord of 8.
rich people and unearth the hidden money In this year, the crops in most of the
is shown. In this year, the collection from places will be above normal. Only a
Excise, Customs, Income-tax and enforce- very few areas will be affected by rains.
ment foreign exchange will be a record 1967-68 shows larger yield and proper
one. As Mercury is the planet in the distribution. Sun and Saturn in 12 to the
second Bhava, Mercurians can bring out 4th show that the Government will stock
such results. As Mercury is in Jupiter's them and the black-marketing will come
sign,-,everything will be lawfully done. to an end as regards food-stuff is concer-
Today Mr. Morarjibai is the Finance ned. Strict measures' will be taken by one
Minister. He is a mercurian as his Lagna who is governed by Rahu. (The editor
is Gemini-Mercury is called " Winged ^ has not got Hon. Min. Mr. Jagjivan Ram's
Messenger of God." It is next to God. horoscope. I am sure that he must be
Hence as No. 2-ia-the cabinet,- as-Deputy governed by Rahu. I am sure that he
Prime Minister, as Finance Minister, he will prove to be Rama to supply us food
will strictly follow the rules, be generous to keep the Jeevan in this Jagath.) Planets
are favourable after 19th May., They are and then passes in the constellation of
very beneficial from 24-10-67. Venus lord of 1 and 2 till 14-7-67. When Jupiter
conjoined with Moon in Taurus indicate transits in the constellation of lord of 6
that ' shipping' will be improved. But and Saturn in Kethu sub in the constel-
Rahu in 4 shows that the Government lation of lord of 6, unrest between 25-7-67
will take some buildings on lease and will and 20-8-67 . is to be expected. Com-
reduce expenses through P.W.D. depart- promise, settlement, etc., are shown
ment as it is in Vehus sub. There, will be between 20-9-67 and 13-10-67. Again
much reduction in the waste. such a trouble will be faced between 8-3-68
and 14-3-58.
Cultural activities gets the highest prio-
rity just like food (Sthihouse is occupied by Foreign Aid
exalted Moon in its own constellation. It (a) When Saturn transits in its own
is in Taurus which shows food). Larger constellation and Mars sub and
number of seats in Technical College and Rahu sub (as Rahu is in Mars
Medical one will be sanctioned in this year sign) between 16-4-67 and
67. 11-5-67;
Share market; After nearly four and a (b) Agreement to laid, negotiation,
half years only after 30-5-1967, the market travel, etc., between 30-5-67 and
gets fresh life. The prices of shares go 28-6-67 ;
up. Those who had invested and to hold (c) real aid 1between 20-8-67 ' and
the shares will gain. Those who job also 20-9-67;
will find the market active with satisfactory (d) and again between 13-10-67 and
movement and they also gain. The bulls 1-2-68 are shown.
will have the upper hand till 28-6-67.
The market is cautious up to 25-7-67. 1
The best period to negotiate will be
Again it gains strength till 20-6-67. 30-5-67 to .20-8-67. 20-8-67 and 20-9-67
Between 20-1-67 and 20-9-67, the market and 20-2-68 to 8-3-68 for foreign aid.
will be active both ways, quickly which is Bleach of peace, internal trouble or
advantageous to the broker and not to the worry through others, pressure for finance
jobber as the difference is not much. will be around 20-5-1967, 24-7-67,, 6-11-67,
Between 20-9-67 and 13-10-67 market has and 21-1-68. These dates are inauspi-
a decent rise in prices. 13-10-67 to cious.
15-11-67,-Cautious dealings; Bears are Administrators: 24-7-67, 29-11-67 and
active. Between 15-11-67 and 9-12-67, 13-2-68 are undesirable to have harmony
market picks up. ■ Sudden rise will be or these are the dates when changes in
noted between 9-12-67 and 3-1-68. Nar- the State Assembly or Cabinet will be
row movement between 4-1-68 and 1-2-68. contemplated and brought about for
Market is optimistic between 1-2-68 smooth run and also for more efficiency.
and 20-2-68.. Rumours about relief in
taxes push up the market. Jobbers gain. Black marketeers; 1967-68 is a year
Till 5-3-68 the market is bullish. 6-3-68 to of record when majority will be afraid of
8-3-68 due to unloading prices recede. the raid and will have the aid of the
Again 8-3-68 to 14-3-68 it is bullish. There- Government itself to make a part of it as
after till 3-4-68 it eases slowly. Lively white money and disclose theirs especially
market keeps the prices up1 till the next between 14-9-67 and -22-12-67. Also those
happy New Year. I expect a bullish bud- who had been evading taxes will remit in
get in 1968. this period, so that the Governments bank
position improves.
Labour Problem: As Jupiter is in the
6th house, troubles will be the minimum : Rain: Venus and Mobn in Taurus and
all will end by arbitration and compro- Moon in Rohini indicate that in this year,
mise as Jupiter is in its own constellation the rain will be more than average-Plenty
in. most of the states. Saturn aspects ' The aspects which are formed within 24
them. Therefore rains will'start late. hours are:
Price Level: It can come down only (a) Mars quincunx - Saturn. For
after ' Saturn enters Revatbi in direct India lord of 4 and 11 forming
' motion, i.e., 30-5-67. The prices will be fvil aspect with lord of 1 and
lower than 30-5-67 on 25-7-67. Again 2—Bad
slowly the price goes up upto 20-9-67. ' (b) Moon trine Sun.
Thereafter the, prices get settled. This - (c) Moon square Venus.
will be comparatively lower than that (d) Moon square Mars.
prevailing now.
(e) Moon trine Saturn.
Industry : Private enterprises will have (0 Venus opposition Mars—bad.
much assistance from the Government. (g) Moon semi-angular Uranus.
Only a few Venusians will face trouble.
Steel, textile petroleum products, chemi- (h) Venus semi-sextile Saturn-good.
cals, milk, diary farm, will, receive good Results for each rasi bom for one year
support. They can have much progress. will follow.
Cinema field will have a set-back-
The principle that is to be followed is
China : After 24-7-67, China faces grea- given below.
ter problems. Between 21-9-67 and
20-10-67, .there will be dulness. Again For individual horoscopes,
21-10-67 onwards there will be series of (a) note the cusp of each house; find
problems, clash and war. It meets with out their lords;
changes in the administration, fight with (b) note in which house each planet
U.S.A. and Russia and suffer much during is deposited;
the first week of March 1968 and like a (c) find out the planets 'P '.tenanted
bird with. withered wings China will be in the constellation of (1) the
from 21-3-68. ; planet' C' signifying the matters,
I am sure, the condition of china will of certain house where planet
be weakened from 21-10-67 and will be ' C' situated and (b) the owner- .
weak from 21-3-68 so that India need not ship of the planet 'P ';
entertain any fears about China. Accord- (d) note what the planet ' P' can
ing to western system, the happy New offer to you because of its situa-
Year was at 12-7 P.M. on Tuesday 21-3-67 tion in a constellation and of i.ts
and the Sayana position of planets is as ownership;
follows; (e) Then take the 3 Nakshathras
belonging to the planet' PLet
Mcr. 5-13 Sal.Sun2-11 Rahu
Yen. 1.8 them be N,, Na, Nj;
9.7 (f) The planet ' T' transiting in any1
of the 3 Nakshatras, N3, N?,
will indicate those results indi-
Moon 24 'cated by ' P' ;
Jup. 24-26
Sa>ana. (g) while transitting a Nakshathra,
the planet ' T ' must pass sub
after sub (Krishnamurti Padh-
dhati) and pass on to the next
star. If the sub-lord is favour-
Neptune able, the matters indicated by
24-11 'P' which-is given by the transit!
Kethu 9-7 lira. 22-2 ing planet ' T ' will materialise
2-12 be advantageous and agreeable.
If the sublord is unfavourable, 'income'. If the transiting planet is in
those matters fail, fall through, a bouse, and it owns the bouses A and B,
get delayed or ends unfavour- the gains will be through any of the 3
ably ; sources or A or B. If the planet is in
(h) There are' 27 Stars.: 9 planets 3rd bouse, through neighbours, brothers,
Hence, each planet governs 3 cousins X or by writing, publishing, or
.'stars. These stars indicate what- through correspondence .or by making a
ever, their lords have to bestow. short Journey, be gains. .If the planet
owns bouses 4 and S. (i.e., A and 6) then
' When a planet transits in a star, the gains will be through mother, land
the matter of the /nature of the or vehicle or through children and specu-
result is indicated by the lord of lation. Therefore the result is " gains "
the constellation whereas the indicated by the lord of the constellation
transiting planet gives those whereas the planet transiting shows bow
results through the sources indi- it is accomplished, through which source,
cated by the transiting planet. etc.
Suppose the lord of a constellation has . Applying the above principles one has
to give 'profit' or it shows t gains ' or to judge for oneself from the horoscope.
One of the students at IDelhi Bharatiya Venus, lord of 4, receiving good aspect
Vidya Bhavan asked me 'on 26-3-67 at from Saturn gives concentration and
5-30 P.M. and gave the number. 29- depth of' thought. You can be exact,
precise and methodical. Jupiter being lord
The horoscope is as follows; of 9, occupying the Ascendant and being
exalted, promise that you have the Divine
Sun 11-56 VcnRahu
14-05 Grace, i.e.,you will have "Vakku Siddbi''
Sat 9-20 15-33 whether you work or not, calculate or not,
judge the chart or not, whatever you say,
Lagna will come to pass, as the sub-lord in which
Mer. 15-18 3-20 to Jupiter is deposited is ruled by lord of .10
6-40 (name, reputation, etc.)'.
Jup, 1-10
As Mars and Mercury form good aspects
and in.SJ years. Mars Dasa Mercury
Ura. 23-32 Bhukti will begin to operate, you will
publishyour own magazine: you will have
a press. Mars Machinery ; lord of 10 in
Kethu Moon the constellation of node in 10 in.Aries :
Nep 0-49 15-33 16-50 ■ Mercury, paper editing, ' publishing,
Mar 7.-54
Lord of 1 and lord of 11 aspect each ■'
Westerners are of opinion that the third other. Hence you will have permanent,
house shows one's inclination and Saturn clients. You will be helped by them as
and Moon in 3 or 9 will make a person your lord of the second house is conjoined
studious and industrious; the person will with lord of 7 Saturn and is aspected by
plod and presevere. These are essential lord of 6 (to give to you; 12th to 7th)
for all students, especially to astrology. • Jupiter in exaltation, in its own constella-
Here Moon is in 3 and Saturn is in 9. tion. As the planet is Jupiter, you will
Uranus is in the second house, in the make money satisfactorily.
constellation of lord of 2 and sub ruled by I am sure that you will learn astrology;
Mars in 4 for education and lord of 10 enjoy divine grace, be successful and lead
(name and fame: also making money as a good, honest life without any meanness
an astrologer). As Jupiter and Mercury do and jeaously.
not form good aspects. Hence you will My advice to you will be " Do not
not depend on intuition : predict to those born in 6 or 7 or 8th
■ Mars and Mercury in airy signs give you house to your Lagna. Even when you
good imagination and argumentative come correct, they will not inform you or
faculty.. But Moon and Mercury in evil congratulate you. When you miss, they
aspect shows that your exposition will not will behave most indecently. A few .will
be clear ; wordings will not be proper ; conduct themselves unworthy of mention-
ypii lack vocabulary : also intuition. " ing.

The following horoscope .belongs to one a Saturday, bis arm was amputated. If
of the students who attended regularly the Gajakesariyoga is to offer brilliant results
coufse in Astrology at Bharatiya Vidya throughout life or if it is to save one
Bhavan, Bombay. Born on Wednesday/ during danger, it has failed in this case.
Thursday 7th/8th January,' 1920 at 74° 17' Tf it has to improve bank position and
East 31° 3S''N at 6-26 A.M. I.S.T.' offer peace of mind at least. in their ,
conjoined period and sub period, actually
Kethu those 16 months were the worst. Why ?
- 29-14 Eveii though Moon and Jupiter are in
the constellation of Mercury, lord of 10
Mood and one has to expect Rajayoga. It is only
23-7-32 Krisbnamurti Padbdhati which.' answers.
i N 23-43 Find out the sub lord and the houses
8-1-1920 lv. owned by them Moon was in Moon sub
Saturn whb owns the 8th house. Jupiter was in
IS-44 Mars sub ruling the 12th house. Houses
8 and 12 are to issue -cheques : it drains
Sun 23-43 one's purse. One is to repay loan, etc.
■ Merc. 7-2 Venus Rahu Mars Then how can Gajakasari yoga offer good
Lagna 11-32 29-14 . 27-8 results to him.
' That is why, repeatedly I say, apply
Balance of Mercury Dasa 8 years Krisbnamurti Padbdhati and note in which
9 .months 2 days. constellation and sub they are posited.
(1), His question "why is the Gajakasar- Judge whether it can offer good or undesir-
yoga not giving any benefit to the native. able, results. Only when they can offer
■The bank balance is zero " agreeable results due to the lords of cons-
tellation and sub one can enjoy: other
A yoga is caused by the relative position wise he will suffer,- put the astrologers
of planets in relation to the lagna or by reproducing the sloka, without further
the relative position and situation among studying deeply in a delicate position who
any two planets. Such results are to be may end in one word, which in the easy
expected in the conjoined periods of those safety valve " The horoscope may not be
planets. According to this rule, he ought correct. Lagna should be different and so
to have enjoyed between 10-9-1964 and on."
10-1-1966. , But, actually he had suffered. Krisbnamurti Padbdhati is the. simple
There was much ofi financial pressure. and advanced Stellar astrology, which
He remains unmarried yet. Above all, works like- a microscope whereas the
his fight arm is amputated and the left Sthoola is the general principle-
hand alone is used for all purposes.
Why ? For hospitalisation and danger [This person produced his chart in the
note 12 and 8 houses. Moon and Jupiter class. He is in Bombay.]. '
are in' the 8th house. No planet is in Another example is also given to explain,
Moon's constellation. But Rahu is in how. to judge a horoscope. Do not be ■,
Jupiter's star. 12th house is occupied by carried away by yogas. 'But note the lord
Venus. Saturn is in Venus star. of the constellation and,the sub- v.-' .
•Actually, 'when he was running Venus Example 2
Dasa Saturn Bhukti Saturn Anthra.Moon
Shookshma in the 3rd week of September The following is the horoscope of a rich
he met with an accident and on 25-9-48 on and intelligent boy who relinquished every-
thing and leading a divine life with sadhus, •Jupiter Dasa started, he left his bouse I
saints and sanyasis, remains unmarried: he is living nearly 1,500 miles away. "He
leads a pious and divine life. One who
Lag. 12' can command all comforts in bis life, has
Jup.13-27 Ura. 29-5 Moon none, Why?
Sat. 7-50 0-54
Kethu 8-45
Jupiter in Uthrapadrapada ruled by
Saturn which is conjoined with Gyana-Ka-
raka Kethu and they are in twelfth Bhava.
Hence Jupiter (lord of 9 and 12) (in 12th
-1939 Bhava) is in the constellation of Saturn in
Merc. 7-50 12 conjoined with Kethu and is in the sub
Mars Ven. 21-39
2-27 Sun 21-18 of node in 6tb Bhava. That is why he
Nep: 29-50 has no mind to' marry: be is inclined
to divine life as Jupiter, Saturn and Kethu
Rahu are philosophical planets; also 12tb bouse
8-45 denotes life in a foreign place: 12tb house
is for Para Loka Sadbana.

Brother born on Saturday 9-7-1927 at and it can refund on one's demand. Yet,
sunrise at Lahore. He deposited money the truth is-that the 8th and 12th houses
in Lebanon. The bank failed. When will indicate the money deposited as 12th
he have money back ? house shows the money given away by one
and 8th house shows the money received
■ Number given by the brother of the by the other party. Houses 2 and 6
native was ' 64 * at 9-30 A.M. on 15-3-1967. indicate the receipt of money.
Position of planets then is as under:
11th house denotes the savings gnd
Vcn, 0-21 profit.. Jupiter is in 11.. It is retro-
Sat. 8-05 Moon i grade. Hence Jupiter failed, i.e., as lord
Sun 0-34 13-38 of 7, to whom the money is given, it
Rahu 16-08 indicates the party who received the
money. Further money indicates the
Mer. 11-21 Jup. Bank, by its nature.
9-30 A.M. 8th house is occupied by Venus, lord of
Ura. 29-0 2 and lord of 11. Houses 2 and 11
indicate one's money on hand : the profit
accrued, etc. But they are in 8. So tnoney
0'-3o-20' • Kcthu was deposited and it is in the custody of
Lagna 16-08 Brother another.
Ncp. 0-58 Mars9-37
It will be received when Moon and
Venus transit in 11 and Jupiter is iS direct
By 64, it is meant that Yisakam 4th course in the 11th house, in the constella-
Fada rises. The number is given by the tion of lord of 6 and sub of lord of It, i.e.
brother. So his elder brother's house is around 13—6—1967. Moon and Venus
denoted by 11th Cusps, i.e., 0° to 3° 20' in are also in the 11th house. Hence I
Virgo. expect that on Monday 12—6—1967 when
Venus and Jupiter are in lord of 6 star in
Houses 12 and 8 show the money that the eleventh house and Moon is in the 11th
had been deposited. . One may think that house in the constellation of lord of 10
second house denotes one bank position. (in the 6th house at the time of query) the
It .is correct, as long as the bank is sound money will be received.

"I am..told trial 1 was born on The rasi is governed by Mercury.
13-4-1929 at Delhi between 8-30 and The day is Sunday governed by Sun.
9 A.M. LS.T. . Can you give the correct Therefore Vends, Moon, Mercury and
time, please ?" Sun will, be governing the exact position'
"Mention any number between i and : of your lagna. It may be Vemis sign Moon
.108." Star, Mercury sub and Sun sub sub-or-it
" Let me say Fifteen." may be Venus sign Moon Star Sun siib
Mercury sub sub. If it is the former, the
"Fifteen or Fifty." ascendant—Nirayana position ■will. ,;be
"One, five." 18° 30' = Sayana 11° 16'Gemini. If it is
(1) According to the number given by the latter. the ascendant -will be 23° 1,0' ,
you, the lagna will be between 16° 40' Nirayana= 15° 56' Sayana. As your num-
and 20° 0' Taurus. ber indicates that it can be between 16°;40'
and 20° Taurus, reject the second.
(2) According to the time 9 A.M. I.S;T. Take the former.
(a) Sidereal time at pre- If the lagna is to be 18° 30' Nirayana
vious noon on Taurus or 11° 16' Gemini Sayana the side-
12-4-1929 1-20-48 real" time, should be -21 hours 47 minutes.
(b) Correction - deduct for If the time of birth is 9 A.M. I.S.T. the
' East Longitude at 2/3 sidereal time on 13-4-1929 is, 22-0-11. If
sees, per hoiir —0-0-51 it is to be 21 hours 47, minutes then 8-47
A.M. would be ■ the .correct time of birth
(c) Longitude being") in I.S.T.
77° 12', add the Inter- I Therefore, you are. born at 8-47 A-M.
val between previous !■ 20-38-48 and your Lagna is 18° 30' in Taurus.
noon and the time of I
birth in L.M.T. J The following is the Nirayana position
Add correction for the of planets;
interval at 10 sees, per Rahu 0.5
hour 0-1-26 Ura. 15.29 Sun 0® Moon. Mars'
Mercury Ven. 11.26 I2.1S
Therefore sidereal time at 24.37 Jup, 23,6 = Lagna 21.38
the time of birth will be hours. 22-0-11 , 18° 13'

From the table of houses for Latitude

28° 38', one can find that for the sidereal 13—4—1929 ; , ;
time 22 hours omts 11. sees, the ascendant -.Delhi,
will be 14° ^''Gemini. ■ As the ayanamsa Nep. 6.1
for that year is 22° 46', the Nirayana Lagna
.will be 21°42'.
Let us follow the ruling planets at the
moment of query, Sat. 7.45 Kethu 0.5
At the time of query the lagna is
Taurus.. ruled by Venus.. Moon Dasa balance 8 years 3 months
The. Nakshathra is Hastha. Its lord is 9 days and Jupiter Dasa Mercury Bhukthi
Moon. has started on 22-3-67.

Number, given is 98. Question is put The question is put by the husband. It
by the • husband. The patient is his wife. is about the disease of his wife. . 7th cusp
The position of planets is as follows;— denotes wife. Therefore add 180°. , Then
Yen 0.44 this part in the zodiac should be taken to
Sat. 8.08 17.35 consider all about his wife.
Sun. 0-55 Rahu The query is about her health. Lagna,
16-08 x \ the position of lord of Lagna, the aspects
Asc. 23.20 to the ascendant and to its Lord are to be
to 26.40 Jupiter judged to ascertain about one's longevity
Mercury l-U
1J.28 5-30 P.M. and health conditions.. Good aspects and
15—3—1967 favourable disposition contribute for good
Delhi health, whereas adverse aspect and afflic-
Ura. 29.00 tion threaten danger or difficulty or indis-
position. 6th house shows disease, 8th
Mars house danger, accident and death.
4.36 12th house indicates hospitalisation or
Nep. 0.58 Kcthu Moksha.
' 16.08
Lagna of the query being 23° 20' to
98 is the number mentioned by the hus- 26° 40' Aquarius, 7th cusp will be 23° 20'
band. to 26° 40' Leo. In the ascendant there is
. The idea of asking the consultant to the malefic Uranus in the constellation of
mention a number within ' 108 ' is that the lord of 1 and sub of Mars in retrograde
zodiac which is divided into 12 equal in the second bhava. It is evil. Because
parts both by the Hindus and the wester- node Rahu is an agent of Mars and it is
ners is also divided by Hindus into 27 stronger than Mars. It is in the 8th
constellation (stars nakshathra) and each Bhava. Hence any planet in the constel-
constellation is further sub-divided into 4 lation of lord of 1 denotes all about one's
equal parts called quarter or Pada, thus health. If the sub is ruled by the planet
dividing the zodiac into 108 equal parts in Marakasthana, or Bhadhakastbana and
the number mentioned indicates that num- if it is governed by a node, it is certain
ber of the quarter or pada and this quarter that health will fail and ultimately one will
of the star shows which point is to be pass away. (Everyone born in this world
taken as the Ascendant or Lagna. must die one day or the other. But this
query is to note whether the present
Number one indicates 0° to 3° 20' in disease is a fatal one.)
Aries. Next let us consider the 6th house. 6th
Number two shows 3° 20' to 6° 40' in cusp is taken as 23° 20' to 26° 40' Capri-
Aries. corn. • Mercury is i a the 6th house. It
Number 9 denotes 26° 40' to 30° Aries. shows that the person will ail from the
Number 10 refers to 0° 3° 20' Taurus disease indicated by Mercury, the planets
and so on. in Mercury's star, etc, Ashlesha, Jyeshta
and Revati are ruled by Mercury. No
Therefore 98 means 23° 20 to 26° 40' planet is in Mercury constellation.
Aquarius 98 divided by 4 = 24 and the Mercury causes the disease. It is in Rahu
remainder is 2. Therefore 25tb star constellation and Saturn ' sub. Rahu is
second pada is the Lagna. in Aries—Bhadhakastbana (9th to fixed
sign) indicating maraka: Saturn is in conjoins Rahu in its transit. Therefore
Maraka house-seven-and owns the houses 30—4 -1967 will be fatal on a Sunday,
6 and 7. Therefore Rahu and Saturn are Uthrashada star day.
very evil and hence Mercury gives " fatal
disease." For should note the planet
in 11. It is Jupiter in retrograde tuotion
Uranus in Lagna and Mercury in 6 in its own constellatipn and sub of Mars
indicate nervous break-down. in Marakasthana. If Jupiter would have
Death is indicated by Rahu. Mars, been in the cpnstellation of a favourable
Kelhu and Mercury are in Rahu's constella- planet, one can predict cure. But it is
tion. Therefore when lord of lagna ill-posited., Therefore recovery is out of
transits in the 8lh house and conjoins question. When Jupiter enters into the
Rahu br when it transits in Mars sign constellation of the malefic in 8, it will not
Kethu star Mercury sub, end is to be be helpful, though it may transit in the
judged. To me, it appeals that Mercury 1 Ith house.
(plurality planet) will cause another stroke Hence this gentleman will lose his wife
on26th, 27th, April, 1967 when Sun transits on 30—4—1967.
in Mars sign Kethu star. Mercury sub, and
the end will be on the day when Sun May her soul rest in peace!
Effects of the new born baby in my to .tbe4tb. None can explain satisfacto-
future career.; Number is given 36.' rily, convincing anybody.)
By 36, Ashlesba 4th pada rises. Further, this question is funny. Many
The horoscope for the moment of people are under wrong impression that
answering the query is as follows (a) because be married a lucky girl,'
be was lucky from the time she
Rahu joined bim;
Sat 3-54 18-03 1 (b) because be lost bis fortune from
the time of marriage, be calls her
Jup 3-49 unlucky (please, do not say so, as
Ven 16-05 Lagna there will be no harmony at all); ■
Merc 8 29 26.40 to ' (c) because a boy is born and be bad
7—2—1967 30' promotion then, do not call that
12 Noon the luck is due to his birth;
Sun 24-30 (d) because a boy is born and be lost
his,job, do not say that the child
Kcthu brought misfortune;
Moon Nep 0-58 > Mars
18-03 Ura 0-27 (e) because you changed the bouse or
29-24 the Gem or Talisman, you bad
5-18 luck;
Your question is about your prosperity. (f) because you changed the bouse,
You are . the father of the child. Wester- you lost your luck, >do not attri-
ners take 4th bouse for father, whereas bute to the bouse or to the num-
Hindus say that 4th bouse denotes mother. ber of the bouse, etc.
Westerners follow that 10th bouse One should know that one's longevity,
indicates father, and also some Hindus health, prosperity, time of marriage.' birth
take lOtb bouse. Some take 9tb bouse. of children wearing gems, talisman etc.,
The argument is that the 7tb bouse denotes changing house or place of activity eta •
one's husband. Mother's husband is are already decided according to bis
father. Therefore if 4th house indicates destiny.. It can never be changed:
mother, then the 10th bouse alone will modified : nullified : altered or aggrava-
show the father and hence one should not ted. The luck or.ill luck must be enjoyed
take the 9th bouse. - But I pose this or experienced as is shown by the planets
question! Which bouse indicates a son? in one's horoscope. Planets indicate;
Is it not the 5th bouse? Both Westerners throw light and illuminate the matter,
and Hindus agree that the Stb bouse shows the goods which will be delivered to one.
children. Then will not everybody like to Planets do not dictate. They dp not give
call that he or she is the son or daughter or take. Our way of explaining needs
of mother's i husband. If Lagna denotes correction. We have to say, according to
you, then find out from which bouse your your chart,, and the disposition of the
lagna is the fifth. Then do not you get planets, due to your luck caused by the
that the lagna is the fifth counted from meritorious deed done in the previous
the 9th.' So 9tb denotes father. birth done by you,'you will be lucky to
enjoy if in a-particular period. Also in
For longevity which houses are judged this period or just prior to it, you will
1 and 8.' Hence lagna is the fifth to the buy eem or talisman or voti will many.a
ninth and the eighth isthe fifth To the~4thr girl or your wife delivers a child etc. and
..(No doubt, '9tb bouse is not the seventh you attribute to these. Similarly also, the
misfortune is unwisely attributed. The about the fortune of the new born baby?''
Truth is that nothing will happen to you, One'istake the Stb bouse. So take lagna.
unless it is indicated in your horoscope ; Find out where Moon to work out the dasa
the other events are coincidences. balance. Moon was in 29° 24' Sagit-
Think a while. You buy a gem. you are tarius, i.e. in Sun Dasa on 7-2-67 (the date
lucky at once: Then on a later date you of query) 4 years 9 months 7 days are to
are unlucky—Are you to throw away the pass. Then follows Moon Dasa for 10
Gem. You marry a girl you are enjoying years; Mars for 7 years, Rabu for 18
fortune for some years, during which years and so on. ,
period, your wife contributes to more Moon, lord of lagna is in the constella-
pleasure as in her presence you repeatedly tion of Sun in 6th Bhava ■. Sun is lord of
attribute the luck due to Griha Lakshmi.' 2. Hence Moon Dasa will be lucky : bank
Some years pass. Misfortune one after position will improve. Opponents dis-
another invades. Then are you to with- appear—Success in litigation; receipt of
draw what all you told or are you to attri- entangled money: favour, from Govern-
bute to wife or child-birth. Such an attri- ment—Happy domestic life, etc.
bution to another's visit, birth, etc. is not Sun lord of the second bouse is in 6 in
wise. Some speculators say that as soon the constellation of Mars in 3, who is a
as a customer enters bis office, the share strong benefic to Cancer Ascendant.
market comes down: bears take upper Therefore Sun Dasa is auspicious. Mars
band : some gamblers say that if 'x' sits is in its own constellation and'sub of Sun.
by their side, they lose. Why can't they It is also progressive. Rabu has to offer the
make the best use of such indications ? results of Mars. Thus the coming dasas
The moment such a customer enters, you are prosperous ones. Hence this boy—
go on selling bearsale, if such a person according to you brings luck. Your chart
sits by your side, do not put 'blind'. must show that you are fortunate even
Open, see and throw away. I tell you, if before the birth of the-child and it must
you act in this manner, then you will continue.
change your finding that when you bad
bearsale, bulls operated and lifted the A dasa lord, if he has to confer benefi-
price; you lost what you could have got. cial results to a person, note whether the
The truth is whenever you have'bad lime,- bouses 6, 8 and 12 counted from the
the Saturnian is sent to your office or is dasa lord's position is vacant. If another
allowed to sit by your side, indicating benefic occupies such a sign, the conjoined
that whatever you do then must land you period of this dasa lord and another
into trouble. He is your Saturn. It benefic will not be helpful.,
shows that your time is bad. He is not A dasa lord, if be has to do barm,
bad. He helps you by threatening that then these planets will do good.
the hours of bis stay is your unlucky lime. A dasa lord, if he has to do barm, and
That is why the tip from the nature is those which have to do. good are
called " Sa—Gunam" "Good, rather conjoined and well aspected, the Bbukti
"correct indication". lord joins bands with dasa lord, turns
Therefore, Sir, your boy neither brings hostile and does barm.
fortune, nor misfortune. But from bis A dasa lord, if be has to do good, if it
horoscope, when the child's father will is conjoined with or favourably aspected
prosper can be judged. by another, both jointly do good through
But you are giving the number 36 and the source indicated by Bhukti lord, " The
expecting a reply. By 36, the Ascendant sources are to be judged from the houses
that rises is 26° 40' to 30" Cancer. As occupied and also owned by the lord of
you the father has put the query, take the the constellation in which Bhukti nadha is
Ascendant as that of the father. (9th- to posited, and also the bouses occupied and
the 5th). If he would have asked " What owned by the Bbuktinatba.
When will it be settled ? The native can have the matter settled
when Moon lord of lagna star
Number given is 73.'-Horoscope is as and sub of lord of 11 as bouses 1 and 11
under (10-3-1967 at 7-30 P.M.): denote compromise, agreement, arrange-
! ment etc. As Ketbu is 11 and it is
Vcn. 24.43 Rahu .stronger, when Moon transits in that sub
Sal. 7-32 16-24 in Jupiter's star, it will be favourable.
But since Saturn is behind. .Venus, lord of
Sun 26° (J 11, till Venus sab and Saturn sub sub is
Moon over, the njatter will be in liquid state. The
19-22 Jup. 1-19 moment Jupiter star. Venus sub Mercury
13-51 sub sub is transitted by Moon it will be
decided. -The compromise will .be at
< Uranus 12-15 P.M. and it will be let known at
29-13 about 1-30 P;M. when
The ascendant will be Jupiter star
Lagna Venus sub or Venus star Jupiter sub.
0*-3*-20 1 0
Mars 9-52 Venus star Jupiter sub does not agree with
the Moon's transit. So take Jupiter star
Venus sub for peaceful settlement, i.e. after
Consider bouse 7 for litigation. ■ 7tb. 1 P.M. and before 1-30 P.M. on Poorat-
bouse is occupied by Jupiter. It is in its tatbi star day.'
own constellation and the sub lord is in
11. Hence it will not go to the court. This prediction was given to a dozen
; As lord of 1 is in the sub of Mars in 11, students who approached me with acade-
the person will have his own say in the mical interest on 10-3-67. Actually every
matter and .as Jupiter is the lord of lagna, word of the prediction came true.
his statement will be dignified,- lawful,
dutiful and honest. Whether there will be enmity, litigation,
etc., Siddba Narayana Das has said in
■ . The seventh cusp is ruled by Mercury. Prasna Vaishna " If Saturn is aspected by
It is in Rabu constellation in Mars sign. Sun, Moon and Mars, there will, be quarrel,
The opponent will have greater advan- loss, etc. Luckily Sun and Moon are in
tages.. .Mercury in many words will speak 12 to Saturn and Mars is in 8 to Saturn.
out the conditions. Mercury in Saturn Saturn, though not in Lagna, aspects
sign denotes that one will be overcautious -Lagna and neither Sun; Moon nor Macs
- brforehahd. afflicts. Lagna'1.

Swathi and Sathabhisha; note whether
Sat. 8.36 Yen. 5.20 Moon there are planets in these stars. Take
Sun 4-30 Rahu
15.55 2.33 them as the significators of the houses
9 and 12. No planet is in Sun's star.
- Kethu, Mars and Mercury are in Rahu's
Mercury Jup. 1.08 star. Therefore you take Mercury, Kethu,
11-21 Sun, Mars and Rahu. As there are 5
8-05-A.M. Querist significators, take the ruling planets at the
Number 38 I time of query. 19-3-67 is a Sunday; Sun
3^ (o rules. Nakhathra is Mrigasira. Lord is
6-40 Mars. Rasi where Moon transits in
Ura 28-49 Gemini governed by Mercury; Lagna is
Sun 3° 20 Ncp 0-5S Kethu
in Aries owned by Mars: and Venus just
to 6° 40 Mars 9-.I2 rises in the East along with the Lagna at
the time of query. Therefore Mercury,
Mars, Sun and Venus are the ruling planets.
The father of a boy gave number 38 Take those planets which are found in the
and asked at 8.05 A.M on 19-3-67 whether group of the significators and in the group
his son would go overseas and if so, when. of the ruling planets.
Number 38 fixes the Ascendant of the They are Mercury, Mars, and Sun these
querist as Makam second pada i.e. 3° 20' denote that he will go overseas.
Lao to 6° 40' Lao. As the query relates
to his first son, take the Sth house, i.e., To fulfil one's desire consider the 11th
the arc between 120° and 150° counted house. They are occupied by Mars and
from the Ascendant of the father. So the Kethu. Venus is in Kethu star, Moon is
son's lagna will be 3° 20' Sagittarius to in Mars star.
6° 40'. Therefore considering the ruling planets,
Overseas includes (a) leaving native significators and the planet to fulfil one's
place (12 to 4 ~ 3), third, house (b) making desire, select Mercury, Mars, Sun and
long journey, 9th house and (c) life in a Venus.
new surrounding, environment and foreign Therefore, find out, what Dasa is shown
.place, 12th house. by Moon at the time of query. It is Mars
Therefore judge the houses 3, 9 and 12. Dasa, Kethu Bhukti, Mercury anthra till
Third house is occupied by Mercury. 9 11-4-67. Then follows Venus sub period,
and 12 are vacant. Mercury governs t The planets left out are Sun and Mercury.
Ashlesha, Jyeshta and Revathi. No planet As Sun is conjoined with Sani (Saturn)
js deposited in'any of the three stars. select Mars Dasa. VenusBhukti Sun Anthra
Therefore take Mercury. Mercury Shookshma i.e. 7-7-1967. It
9th house is owned by Sun. I2th is will be a Friday : Mithuna Rasi. Arudhra
ruled by Mars. Sun governs Karthik, star (Rahu is in Mars Sign.) On that
Uthrapalguni and Uthrashada. As the day Venus forms trine with its position at.
node Rahu is in Mars sign (though Aries, the time of querry: Mars is in its own
it represents Mars and Venus, select Rahu: constellation and Mercury sub ;
findout the three stars of Rahu,'i.e! Arudhra, So, on 7-7-67, your son will go overseas.

The horoscope is as under : Born on added to the position of 2nd cusp, i.e., 16°
12-11-1929 at 7-40 A.M. I.S.T. on Tuesday 19' Gemini.
at n0 04' N. and 80° 15' E. How to find out the significatbrs for
00 p marriage ?
• 15-17 ©c Jupiter It is said that for marriage one is to
Uranus 21-22
IS-Il judge the houses 2, 7 and 11. Therefore
significators of those houses denote the
Moon description of partner, her ruling planets,
24-41 the time of marriage, etc.
The strength of the significators are to
Neptune be judged as follows: This is the universal
10-40 rule-
Second sign i^ Sagittarius. Saturn is in
Asc 17-2 Son 26-20 Sagittarius. As the second cusp falls at
Sat 5-18 Mars Ketbn
Merc. 18-49
17-18 16° 19'and Saturn is in 5° 18'in Sagittarius,
2.36 Vcn. 6-36 Saturn is in Lagna Bhava. Actually there
is no planet in the second bouse. Jupiter
At the time of birth Jupiter Dasa Balance is in the 7th Sign and 7th Bhava. Venus,
10 years 4 months 17 days. From 29-4-66 Mercury and Kethu are in I2th sign and
to 29-9-67 Mercury Dasa Moon Bhukti 11 th Bhava—House.
operates. Mars sub period will be between Jupiter rules the sign in which second
29-9-67 and 26-9-68. cusp falls. Jupiter is the lord of thesecond.
Which part of Scorpio is the Ascendant? house (even though it extends in Capri-
17° 2' Scorpio. Note the second, 11th and corn.) Even if the cusp were to be in 29th
12th cusps. Second cusp commences at degree in a sign and it may extend only for
16 °19' Sagittarius. 11th cusp is 20° 19' 1° in that sign and for 29° in the next sign,
Virgo. 12th is 20° 19' Libra : the lord of that sign in which the cusp
falls, is the lord of the house : the lord of
Which houses are we to judge ? Houses the next sign is not the lord). Venus is lord
2, 7 and 11, i.e., the arc commencing from of 7 and Mercury owns the 11th house.
second cusp and ending with the third cusp
is the Second house: The cusp commen- The order of the significators is as
cing from 7th cusp and ending by 8th cusp follows;
is. 7th house. TTie arc beginning from (a) Planets situated in any of the 3
11th cusp and ending by 12th cusp is the constellations of the occupants of
eleventh house. the houses 2 or 7 or 11 (because
A beginner may ask why have you not tenants are stronger than owners.
mentioned -the 3rd cusp, 7th and.the Sth Hence give preference to the
cusp?" As no house will extend for 60° occupants. Again the tenants
and since second cusp commences at 16° 19' in the constellation of a planet
Sagittarius and no planet is in Capricorn, is, stronger than the lord of the
the 3rd cusp is not given out. (Actually constellation. Both Hindus and
3rd cusp falls in 17° 19' Capricorn.) westerners have'allotted the signs
to the planets and call them as
7th cusp i s not givenas Ascendant is given owners. But in Krishnamurti
and the 7th cusp is exactly 180° away— Padbdhati, ■ every planet rules 3
just opposite to Ascendant, i.e., 17° 2' constellations other than the sign
Taurus. Similarly, the Sth cusp is 180° or signs they own, e.g.. Sun rules
Leo and the 3 constellations (a) note the ruling planets at
Karthik, Uthrapalguni and moment of. judgment
Uthrashada : Moon governs the (b) and note sub occupied by-them.,,
sign Cancer and the 3 constella-
tions Rohini, ' Hastham and 1. Sun fs in Jupiter's star Kethu sub
Srayanam ; Mars owns the signs —good.
Aries and Scorpio as well as the 3 2. Moon is in Jupiter's star Mercufy
star Mrigasira, Chithra and sub—good.
Dhanishta). 3. Mars is in Jupiter's star Rahu sub'
(b) Planets occupying any of these ' —good. (Rahu indicates both Mars and
three houses 2 or 7 or 11, Venus.)
(c) Planets deposited in any of 3 stars 4. Mercury is in Rahu star Venus
governed by the lord of the sub—good.
. houses 2 or 7 or 11, 3. Jupiter is in Moon's star Venus
(d) the owners of the houses 2 or 7 ■ sub—good.
or 11, 6. Kethu is in Rahu star Moon sub
(e) Those planets which are conjoin- —good.
ed with or aspected by any of the
significators ascertained according The ruling planets at the moment o f
to the rules a, b, c and d. judgment are (a) .Moon, lord of Monday
(b) Cancer Lagna owned by Moon, (c
(a) No planet is in 2: Jupiter is . in Gemini Rasi governed by Mercury as
7: Venus, Mercury and Kethu Moon is. passing in Gemini in 18° 30' and
are in 11. Rahu lord of the star. Hence the time of
Jupiter rules Punarvasu, Visaka marriage .will be governed by Mercury,
and Poorvapadra: Sun and Mars Moon and Rahu, and he is now running
arein Visaka: Moon is in Poorva- Mercury Dasa Moon Bhukti Mercury
padrapada. Venus governs Anthra from 26—2—1967 to the end of
Bharani, Poorvapalguni and 8—5—1967, the delay caused by Saturn in
Poorvashada. As Kethu is in Lagna bhava, aspecting Moon by. the 3rd
Libra and is also conjoined with aspect is over by 25—2—1967 when Moon
Venus,—node being stronger— Bhukti Saturn Anthra ended.' Hereafter, it
Consider Kethu—Prefer Kethu— should come up speedily Negotiation,
Kethu governs Aswini, Makam fixation and celebration will be quick.
and Moolam. Saturn is in According to Western System, Sun by
Moolam. No planet is in Mercury progression conjoins Saturn' and forms
constellation; so select Mercury. Sextile with Venus: Moon's squaring with
(b) Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Mercury, Rahu and Kethu will beoverand
Kethu are in 7 and 11. it forms Sextile with Jupiter in July 1967.
(c) Mars, Sun and Moon are'in the Therefore before 8—5—67, negotiation
.stars of Jupiter, lord of 2: Kethu will go on (Mercury—correspondence,
is stronger than Venus, lord of 7 interview, agreement etc.) During Kethu
and Saturn is in Kethu constella- sub sub period, betrothal will take place
tion. Mercury owns 11th house. and in Yenus sub sub-period—actual cele-
No planet is in Mercury constel- bration. Venus sub sub period will be
lation. between 8—6—1967 and 3—9—67.
Hence Mars, Sun,' Moon, As per transit, Mercury the dasa lord
Mercury, Jupiter and Kethu are will be in Mercury sign Jupiter star Mercury
the significators. sub on or around 18—6—67, Sun in
When, majority of the planets Mercury sign Mars star Venus sub, Moon
, happen to be.connected wiith the in Venus sign Rahu star. Hence declare
' ""housesr2~ofTor "II, and one is to that on 18—6—67 he will marry a girl
select among them, ' born in Hastha or Ashlesha.
Horoscope is as under: Partner: Even though the.7th house
generally indicates the characteristics, etc.
of the partner and the houses 8, 12 and 4
Ura 4-33 Moon 2-28 show his profession, the husband will be a
Scorpio born: 10th to the 7th which is
Rahu the'4th house to the nativeis Leo, occupied
6-12 Merc. by Kethu, Neptune and Venus. This
Lagna 10-06 combination indicates, manufacturer of
5a-20' Sun 27-32
.13—8—1933. Chemicals, medical or automobile dealer
Kethu 6-12 or working in transport .department: As
Saturn Nep 16-22 Venus is in. sun's star Moon sub, he will
19-j39 Yen 27-40 be attached more to medicine
The following is taken from the normal
Iup 1-29 of Astrology by sapharial;—
29-14 " Uranus afflicting Venus in any part of
the horoscope, shows' in trigues with
Sun Dasa balance 3 years 4 months 20 unmarried. (This does not apply to this
days. Is Lagna strong or Moon sign; chart) but when afflicting, the Moon, the
Lagna is afflicted: Further lord of.Lagna attraction is to married If either.
is in 12 to Lagna though Swakshethra. Uranus or Moon or Venus be in the first,
Moon sign is unafflicted. Take Moon fifth or seventh house, it will lead to com-
sign.' It is Taurus. ■■ plications. If Mars add his influence, it
will be much talked of, and may. form the
For marriage judge houses 2, 7 and 11. subject of a public scandal: (Mars is in 5
: All the three houses are vacant, i.e., to Moon).......But when Saturn gives his
Gemini, Scorpio and Pisces. So one need influence by aspect or conjunctioh, the
not worry about their constellation and matter is a secret one. Jupiter assisting
planets in those stars. brings the native safely through his
.Next, take the planets deposited in any troubles (this applies)....
of the' constellations of the owners of Neptune afflicting Moon or Venus dis-
these houses. poss to illicit. and unnatural appetites,
Mercury owns second house ; Mars the chaotic relations and lascivious. habits.
seventh and Jupiter the llth. The conjunction (applies) and opposition
Mercury governs Ashlesha, Jyeshta and are most to be feared, especially if no
Revathi. benefic aspects intervene to ward off the
Mars - rules - Mrigasira, Chithra and evil.......
Dhanishta. The position of Mars in a female horos-
-..Jupiter is the lord of Punarvasu, Visakam cope is of great'importance. For if it be
and Poorattathi. ' found afflicted by Uranus or Saturn and
in a barren sign, it delays marriage. "
jSun-is in the constellation of Mercury.
Mars and Rahu are in the constellation Thus one .'(can find that . Mars causes
of Mars." As Kethu is in Sun's sign, delay; It does not 'deny marriage. But
select Kethu. from the period of the, planet or node in
. the constellation of Mars operated, in the
Therefore Rahu dasa Kethu Bhukti Mars sub-period of the Significator, the native
Anthra is very.strong, i.e., December 1964. started the married life.

Asc 19-52 Merc 5-54 Let us consider another horoscope:—

Satum Sun 21-21 Rahu Nep 22-14
24-26 Ven 23-04 25-58 Lagna
5—5—1909 Sun 17-59
5—53 A.M. Rahu Jup 7-44
21° 12' N 11-04
. Mars 75° 52' E Jup 12-03 29-2—1896
Mcr 21-23 Kethu 11-4
Ven 14-43 Moon 25-9
Mars 5-20
Uranus ■ Kethu Moon
28-32 25-58 15-50
Forluna Uraous Saturn
18-47 5-14 26-49
Rahu Dasa Balance 5 years 7 months IS
days. Venus Dasa started on 20-12-63.
Now you . are running from 20-4-1967 Venus dasa balance 2 years 3 months
Venus Dasa Sun Bhukti till 20-4-68. 9 days. This horoscope was judged in
June 1965 issue Astrology and Athrishta
Both ' Venus and Sun are in the and it is said that from 24-7-1965 onwards
tellation of the planet. occupying Lagna he will be serving the Government—24th
Bhava and the sub of Saturn in 12, owning line, page 35.
houses 10 and 11. Sun is in the cons-
tellation of Venus in Lagna and the sub Later in 1966, I told that he could not
of Jupiter. expect anything before 27-10-66 and there-
Therefore the next higher status will be after he will get into power (a position
when Venus Dasa Sun Bhukti Venus equivalent to Prime Minister - and not
Anthra Sun Shookshma operates, i.e., Prime Minister) before the elections are
March 1968. over. Also I told that because this lift
comes in Saturn Dasa Moon Bhukti Saturn
Sun. rules .the 5th house; occupies Anthra, and Moon, in Venus star, cannot
.. Lagna; It is aspected by Jupiter: it is make one a leader, (Moon is next to Sun.
conjoined with Venus... Therefore, (Sun— Only these two are. very big in the Heavens
Government: lord of 5—Politics: Jupiter when observed from the Earth), but he
from 5th sign aspecting, Sun and Venus, will be next to Premier.
improvement in Politics). Venus Dasa At that time one of them asked " sir, if
Sun Bhukti shows that such a position will Moon fails to give, which else can give.
.. be had, by the benevolence of one who is I told . him.''Saturn Dasa (Saturn in 5
born in Venus sign Sun star Sign Venus Politics)" Moon' Bhukti (Moon in the
star, constellation of lord of 5) has to give
I am sure that you will holtLa .position without fail. cLet me also take your word.
of trust with prestige and authority in the "Tfieri" Saturn- Dasa-Mars Bhukti Saturn
Government. Anthra must give". When, Sir? Saturn
. Dasa Mars Bhukti commences on can give, when the sub period is Mars and
29-11-1967. Around. 22-2-68 he becomes sub sub is also ruled by Mars, i.e., 29-11-67,:
very popular and wins the favour of all. " Why do you pitch up the second date?"'
This period runs till 14-4-61. In this Whenever Saturn Dasa is on, pitch up the
period, as all the three planets are very second date as it is a delaying planet."
strong, be will and be must gain. If the Can you say how he will be now?
first date failSj this will give greater status, Moon is a watery planet.. It takes the shape'
more prestige, position, power, popularity of the vessels in which it is poured.
and prosperity. But both the periods are Therefore he will be adjusting. But, mind
favourable. you, water is in compressible.
Why cannot you pitch up the date? He will contact the foreigners and world
When Sun transits in Jupiter sign Saturn bank during Moon Bhukti, Venus Anthra,
star Mars sub is around 27-3-68: Why in September 1967. He will be successful
. not .they offer when Sun transits in in his. mission and the benefit will bi
Mars sign Saturn star Jupiter sub. They enjoyed between 3-11-67 and 29-11-67.
(FOUNDED: 1-4-1963)
( Astkonodty Made Easy )
Phone: 440449

' Jjothish Martband
13, Brahmin Street. Saidapet

Vol. 5 JUNE 1967 No. 6

Transit—Results 3
Horoscopy 12
Foreign Assignment 14
Lift in Career—When? 15
Will I change my Profession in the immediate future?
Why Marriage was delayed? 19
Will I be in the Teaching Profession or will I take up
Business? 20
Sale of Property 24
Loss'by Pick Pocketing! 26
Recovery of Lost Property 27
Will I clear off Loans? When? 31
Horary—Increment when? 33
Krisbnamurti Padbdbati—Vol. 35
- [Jyptish Marthand Shri K. S. Krishna- the planets appear very close to each
murti addressed the gathering of both' the other? If the declination is the same then
Students and Scholars of Astrology on Moon alobe can be seen and the planet
alternate days at Balligung and Chourin-' will be hidden. When actually a planet is
ghee. The extract of his speach on Transit in rapt conjunction to say that it is in the
Results is given , for the benefit of the second house to Moon and also to call a
' readers.'] planet in 29° Aries, when Moon is in the
To-day the subject, chosen is Transit first degree of Aries as conjoined with
and its Results. . This is one of the. Moon in Janma Rasi does not appeal
methods to find out what a person can <' alright.
. expect due to the movement of the planets Secondly, if a person has a horoscope
in various signs as days pass on General let him take it. Note the lagna. On that
predictions offered in dailies, weeklies day there were some births, suppose Moon
and monthlies are based on either ' of the on that day was in Cancer. Then, think
two systems Hindu Or Western. while. Does the position of Moon to
Hindus take the position of Moon in all the births on that day denote all the
Nifayana chart at the time of the birth of births on the days. Or whom does Moon
a person whereas Westerners take the indicate ? For Aries lagna born. Moon is
position .pf Sun at one's birth time. Hindus lord of 4 in 4; So it denotes mother; to
find out ib which sign a'.planet transits Taurus-born it indicates younger brother
and how many ' signs away it is, when and sister, to Cancer lagna born, the per-
counted from the sign occupied by Moon. son himself to Virgo born, elder brothers,
They do not take into consideration sister-friends, younger paternal uncle, son-
whether Moon is in the 1st degree or in in-law, daughter-in-law etc., to Scorpio
tfie middle or in the end .of the sign so also born, Moon denotes father ; to Capricorn-
a planet transitting in' a sign may be in borns Moon indicates wife to Pisces borns,
the beginning or in the middle or in the children, etc. When such is the Case, if the
end. The actual longitudinal distance is position of transiting planets is favoura-
never calculated and included for' predic- ble, will the. person enjoy or such a rela-
tion. Suppose, Moon is in the first degree tive as is indicated by Moon, according
of the sign Mesha, if a planet is in the to one's lagna, enjoy ? Which appeals us ?
beginning or in the middle or in the end in Which comes.correct. Therefore how to
Rishaba it is always said to be in the 2nd judge is to be solved.
sign to Moon sign and hence in 2 to Moon. Sun ,is taken by Westerners. Similarly
The longitudinal distance will range bet- judge whom Sub indicates. Suppose Sun
ween 30° and 60°. If Moon were to be over is in Leo., To Aries borns Sun indicates
29° in Aries and a planet just leaves Aries children ; to Taurus-borns mother: to
and enters into Taurus it is said to be in the Gemi ni-borns younger brother, etc. There-
second sign till it leaves Taurus. There- fore good aspects to Sun will bestow
fore the longitudinal distance between the desirable results to such a relative as is
two will be 1° to 30°. Does it sound shown by Sun by occupation and owner-
alright to call a planet in 2 to Moon when ship and predictions offered taking the
the longitudinal distance varies between position of sun, excluding lagna is also
1° and 60°. When the distance is only 1° are not correct.
they not in conjunction 7 Only in the map But when one has no horoscope, then
we draw for a horoscope, we draw lines to to offer some mental solace, there should
separate each sign. In the heavens is be some base, some method: So Hindus
there any partition wall ? Will not both take Moon; Westerners take Sun. That is
why the general predictions which are for all planets including Rahu and Kethu
published taking either of the'luminaries who rule the stars 6, 13 and 24 as well as
have to fail and they fail in majority of I, 10 and 19.
cases. Not knowing the truth one may
attribute the difference to one's will. As Thus you will find that all the 360° of
lagna indicates one's health, longevity the Zodiac, divided into 27 constellation
success or failure etc. One must take only denote 9 groups of results, each repeating
the lagna, then the position of all planets . thrice.
and the 12 cusps. Whenever a planet transits, it will be in
Requisites; Place of birth; actual time any of the 27 constellations. Whatever
of birth, date etc. Raphael Ephemeris for the lord of the constellation according to'
the year of birth and Table of Houses. its occupation and ownership denote, will
Erect the chart using these. Deduct be given by the planet transitting in any of
Krishnamurti Ayanamsa for that year. the three constellations ruled by that
Mark all the twelve cusps : also all the planet. The source is shown by the
planets and fortuna. transitting planet due to its nature, occu-
pation and ownership.
Next write down First house: Second
House: Third house and so on till Twelfth Suppose there are 27 rooms with nine
house, one below the other. diSierent varieties of provisions.
Always take that a house extends from Those varieties which is stored in room
that cusp to the next cusp (exact degree I, is also stored in room 10 and roo'm 19 ;
and minute). Do not mix up—Note down say paddy—rice.
in which house each planet is. Suppose wheat is stored in room 2, it is
Then, reassert: Note in which house also found in room 11 and 20.
Kethu was at the time of birth ; which If sugar is stored in room 3, it is also
matters will be signified by that house: stocked in room 12 and 21.
also .consider which other house Kethu
can represent: include the matters of that Kerosene if stocked in room 4,.it is also
house also. kept in room 13 and 22. -
Kethu Governs Aswini, Makam and Also suppose there are 9 salesmen. That
Moolam. Therefore in the areas 0° ■ to salesman in room 1 or 10 or 19 can
13° 20', 120° to 133° 20' and 240° to 253° give only rice or paddy' in room 2 or 11 or
20' note down the matters signified by the 20 can give only wheat: in room 3 or 12
uses which Kethu is to represent. or 2 I can give only sugar: in room 4 or
Take Venus: Note down which house 13 or 22 can supply kerosene and so on.
it occupies and also which cusps are If there are 2 or 3 people in the same
found in Taurus and Libra so that Venus room, all will give the same. So, the
becomes the lord of those houses. Hence quality the nature of the provision which
the matters denoted by the houses occu- is to be distributed remains the same for
pied and owned by Venus will be the each room; A or B or C;
nature of result which the 2nd, 11th and . Sun, of Moon or Mars or Mercury and so
20th stars i.e., Bharani, Poorvapalguni on. But yet what they can give depends
and Poorvashada i.e., 13° 20' to 26° 40'; on the material stored in that room.
133° 20' to 146° 40' and 253° 20' to 266° " Who supplies'" ihal question arises,
40' indicate. ' then the stuff is given by that person who
is in that room. Therefore how one gets ;
~Sun pnverns Karthilc LTthrapalguni through whom one gets, i.e., the source is
and Uthrashada, the 3rd, 12th and 21st shown by the person in the room i.e., the
stars. Whatever sun denotes by occupa- planet transitting. The_ pJanelGniicates
tion and ownership will be the same results the source by its occupation and owner-
indicated by these stars. Similarly note ship of houses.
Suppose a planet, say Sun, is in Utbta- native gains money but the partner faces
palguni 1st quarter at 27° Leo and it is in difficulties as the second house is the 8th
the 11th house to Libra bom. ' Sun is lord to the 7th. But if the significator of the
of 11: it is in 11: Itis in the constellation the 2nd house is the ruling planet of wife,
of lord of 11. Hence it promises profit: she experiences difficulties, in spite of
success; realisation of ambition, etc. Sun husband's gains. Children get promoted
governs.Karthik, XJthrapalguni and Uth- as the second house is the 10th to the Sth ;
rashada. The constellation may be in 7 or mother makes good profit as it is the llth
8 or 11 or 12 or 3 or 4th Bhava;' In house to the 4th ; younger brother loses,
whichever Bhava it is, planets transiting or changes job or he' is hospitalised or
in any one of these three stars must pro- cheated, father falls ill and incurs debt
duce most advantageous and agreeable and so on. Thus it can be seen that the
results. person may gain, earn etc., whereas
But suppose Jupiter transits in any of different results will be enjoyed by different
these 3 stars. Jupiter is in 3. Then relatives. • If a pin pricks in any part of
Jupiter as lord'of 3 in 3 and as lord of 6 your body, it pains in that area you feel.
shows that through the matters indicated it. Similarly close kith and kin, if they,
by the houses 3 and 6, he gains; through suffer, one will be worried, though perso-
younger ' brother ; by' making ' short nally one can have some small fortune in
journey by editing, publishing, publicity one's efforts. Prediction will be incom-
etc., are through maternal uncle etc., he plete, if all are not systematically taken,
may gain. It is also indicated that he carefully judged and presented in an
may recover from the disease, feel healthy orderly manner. (FOr example planet
and make friendship with one. who atten- denoting 10th house matter may. give
ded on him. 6th house, disease ; that is promotion the native but his son may be
the cause : 3rd house acquaintance and seriously ill and father pass away.)
both 3 and 6 show assistants and atten- Finally one should consider the sub.
dants. 11th house indicate friendship. What is it? It is one Of the nine sub
Therefore it must be clearly understood divisions of the constellation, in the
that every point in the Zodiac is governed proportion in which they are allotted the
by a planet, depending on the constellation number of years in Vimshodhari Udu'
m which that point has fallen. Dasa system. Each sub has its own lord.
Hence the constellation, as the whole, has
Next one should note the beneficial and one lord who takes the first division sub in
adverse planets to oneself. By beneficial that star. . Then in the cyclic order
it is meant that planet which can fulfil his followed in Udu Dasa system, the other
desire, then. Suppose one wants to go subs and sub lords are noted-
overseas, then the significators of the Some planets are favourable to (he
houses 3, 9 and 12 are beneficial; suppose native and some are evil. Therefore the
one wants to commit suicide, then the subs ruled by beneficial ones will be fruit-
significatof of the 8th house is beneficial ful whereas the subs of malefics to that.
to him then. Suppose one wants scholar- horoscope will be disadvantageous.
ship "for studies then significators of the
houses 4, 6, 9 and 11 are good. The lord of the constellation has to
indicate certain matters due to occupation
If one wants to marry significators of 2, and ownership. Whichever planet transits,
7 and 11: if he wants a divorce then the it brings to light these matters. Whether
significators of the houses 6, 12, 10 and 8 they materialise and be advantageous or
will finalise the divorce. . they fall through and disappoint the
Next we have to remember that when person is judged from the sub-
the constellation is ruled by the significator Suppose Jupiter transits in the constella-
of the second house and if it is the ruling tion of Mercury (lord of 2,and 11 occupy-
planet of the partner in business, the ing lord of lagna constellation in 2).
When Jupiter passes through Mercury never die. I had already published that a
star Mercury sub; an advertisement is fellow tried to commit suicide by hanging,
made and many horoscopes are received : drowning, over drugging, shooting etc.
astrologer is consulted. When Jupiter But he could not die. He did not die
moves in Kethu sub, for 4 days the girl them.
does not keep normal health. When Everybody has the desire and will to
Jupiter 'moves in Venus sub (3 and 10), live for some more years. He exercises
some boys come and see the girl. Hopes his will, he prays, puts on Gems etc. He
keep them cheerful. During the time dies at the moment correctly fixed by the
when Jupiter transits in Sun sub, gold astrologer according to the horoscope
ornaments are purchased for the girl. erected for the moment pf birth which
Jupiter in Moon's sub, brings the negotia- completely depends on his previous karma.
tion nearer. During Mars sub • period, Just like one has no choice about his birth
one belonging to the same place and time, place and his parents, so also there
coming from a stranger's family fixes the is nothing left in one's hands. Everything
marriage. During the time when Jupiter is pre-destined. None can change it.
transits in Rahu sub, purchases for the Then only, one can predict using this
wedding and arrangements go on. When science.
it transits in the sub of Jupiter which was
in Gemini in II, marriage is celebrated. A few examples are given to prove that
When Saturn sub is entered by Jupiter, the correct predictions offered cannot be
boy takes leave from the girl, goes alone changed. (Read the book Krishnamurthi
back, saying that he will find some Padhdhati.)
accommodation and take her. Thus all (1) I predicted jo a teacher in Poona
the matters refer to her marriage. But that he would have a child born
each sub shows the different stage in the after 5 months. On the day of
matter.. Unless one calculates and notes query, his wife was admitted in the
down the periods when a planet enters hospital for profuse bleeding in the
into a constellation and then it moves 4 th month of the , pregnancy.
from one sub to the other, detailed predic- Doctors declared that she would
tion to the day cannot be predicted. This abort. They also assisted. Yet,
is the only convincing method which can in a few days bleeding stopped.
give clear indications offering results She gave birth to a child and all
without missing any point. are alive.
If one wants to satisfy himself, let him (2) One brilliant student who had been
do the following test. Or if one would scoring very good marks and
like to know when his aim will be coming out successful with distinc-
achieved, let him carry out the experiments tion was predicted that he could
as follows: It will prove to be 700% not have a pass that year. Actually,-
correct. This will assure you that what he did not sit for the last 3 papers,
Mr. Morarjibai told is correct. "Horos- as he fell ill and he had to sit for
cope shows only the tendency and it is not another examination next year.
a certainity. Only Brahma can predict (3) A boy related to one of the Direc-
with certainty" is said by some. ' I dis- tors of Simpson group was predic-
agree. Mr. Morarjibai says that he believes ted that he should be an engineer
that the law of karma governs the universe from 1961 and since he must study
and therefore he believes in astrology. If for at least 5 years to complete the
a horoscope only shows a tendency and course, in April 1956. I said that
if one can change the event by one's will, in 1956 he must be admitted in the
then astrology;, has no place. If one Engineering College. In July 1956
predicts that a person will not die at a he had on admission. He joined
particular age, but he uses his will and Arts College. But in September,
tries to commit suicide and die,- he can a vacancy fell and only this boy
was selected, and admitted. He only the air pilot officer who is
passed in 1961 and from then he now in Delhi.
is an Engineer. (8) A sub officer in All India Radio
(4).Please refer the letter written by a was predicted that he woiild leave
.high official at Delhi, Dr. Tiw'are, this and take up Air-Piloting. He
in May issue. How his son was is now in Hyderabad as Air Pilot
admitted in the medical college officer. An advocate was informed
after November 1966. as predicted that he would give it up and take up
by me though college was- opened cinema line and he would be an
in July and admission is over by actor. He is now in Cinema line.
July.. A professor was told that he would
leave the job and take up business
(5) If one follows steller astrology, with —what supplying fish. It had
sub and Krishnamurti Ayanamsa, come true. Thus one can find that
one can predict when one can have our life is like the taxi-driver who
his desires fulfilled. A girl was !
does not know where he will be
running Mars Dasa Kethu Bhukti. ■ driving his car that day. He has to
A bridegroom and his parents ' drive as the passenger at the back
wrote that they would see the bride seat dictates. The route he has to
(for marriage purposes) on a Sun- take, the number of minutes he has
day when the star was Uthrapathra- to halt etc., are entirely left to the
pada. I told them that they could passenger who is the God-governing
not keep up the word. Your Destiny. Volumes can be written
daughter would be seen only on to prove that none can dodge the
jJVswini star day. The bridegroom fate. . It has its own course. As
was a A.P.W.I. On Saturday he this is true, astrologers who can
had an interview for promotion at predict with confidence, say exactly,
Bombay. The interview went on precisely and correctly without1
and in the meanwhile the train mentioning " Tendency, likely,
steamed off. Later he was able to 50-50, and so on."
arrive at Delhi on Aswini star day
as predicted and could see her only Further a few predict as follows. A 1
as predicted. child is born or a company is started or a
(6) Mr. K-. Ganapathy predicted to the ministry is formed. Cast a horoscope and
father of a young boy who had predict—what? The child will die. Or
made all arrangements to send his the company will be closed or the ministry
son to Germany, that he would be will come to an end. Everybody knows
hospitalised for months and his son that when a child is born, it should die
could not go as per programme. one day or other. If a ministry is formed,
The,father did not tell anybody. it also will end one day or other in a year
But actually,' the boy vomitted or two ot twenty and so on. Therefore
blood in the next week. ' He was people want when such an end will come.
admitted in the hospital and was If one says " These combinations forebode
treated for 3 months. That year he change of leadership due to internal
didnotgo. He went only on the date dissensions and the health of the present
predicted by Mr. K. Ganapati. The, leader" (page 469-Astrological magazine
boy is now in Madras. He is the May issue). Is it a prediction. When will
Sound Engineer in a Cinema studio. the health fail ? In 1967 or 1968 or 1969
or when? When will there be the internal
(7) A person wanted to give his daughter dissensions. When will the change come ?
to an I.A.S. officer. He had no This alone is wanted. This alone is to be
mind to give to an air pilot officer. predicted by the astrologer. Even a lay-
In spite of his will, efforts and man will say ithat this will not last long.
determination, his daughter married Some may fall ill. They may disagree I
the; ma; fight with each other, etc. Is it a If during the hours, when Moon transits
prediction ? It will ■ be useful if such in Venus star and a particular sub, there:
astrologers give the month when such will is not much sales in those hours, then in.
happen. . If he predicts correctl;, nothing Venus Dasa, the Bhukti of this sub lord
in toe world can change the result. will not be helpful. In its Bhukti, the
Coming to the point, suppose One just business will be dull. Thus against each'
enters into Venus Dasa. It is to run for 20 sub, be noting the results.
;ears. In which sub period one can have The; will ever prove to be true. This
■larger profits; in which sub period, the busi- has been tested and found to be correct b;
• ness will be'dull: will there be a partition, hundreds. of the members of the Modern
etc., then let him strictl; observeand record Astrological Research Institute! -
the results as is advised below ;
I carried out such experiments while
(1) Venus Dasa is on : Its stars are pla;ing cards and' while betting in the
Bharani, Poorvapalguni and Poorva. races. .Venus is a strong benefit tome
sbada. Note from the ephemeris and the sub Rabu is advantageous. So
when Moon enters into Bharani, invariabl; I gain on Venus star da;s and
Poorvapalguni and Poorvashada. Saturn sub i.e., during other subs (when
Note the time when it enters, when Moon transits in other subs). I do not
it leaves and the date. Note down gain. So, I pla; on]; during the hours
for 6 months. There will benearl; when Moon transits in Saturn sub, either
19 occasions. in races or in pla;ing cards.
(2) Divide the duration of each star and Prior to 1951, I had been considering
note when the first sub belonging to that the whole star da; will be good. But
20 m; friend who consulted me whether be
Venus ends i.e., 'he Total
would gain on a particular da;,.I said that
duration [Suppose a child is born in this the significator of bis Labbastbana is on.
time, we will sa; that the child will have So be will win on that day. Actual); be
Sukra Dasa Sukra Bhukti at the time of lost Rs. 90 in the games.- When he came
home, be understood that bis friend who
birth]. The moment ^20 ^ of the total took Rs. -6,000 without even a promissory
note, 5 years ago, returned the full amount,
duration is over then Sun's sub will be on banded over to bis wife and rushed to bis
6, place, as he was on his way from Singa-
foran interval of^gof the total duration pore to Coimbatore. • Then, I began to
consider and work the sub ; I applied to
then Moon's sub will follow for ^ of the the races. I found why I won the second
and fifth races, whereas I lost in others:
duration : Mars sub will be for 7 of the or I won the first two races and lost the
other ones; or I lost in the beginning and
duration and so on. gained in the last.
Some subs will pass awa; while asleep. This sub -alone answered. No doubt:
Ignore But consider such subs on. another no mistake: Those who want to test, I
da; when ;ou are bus;. In these 19 occa- request them to do. Never you will fail.
sions, at least on 6 occasions the subs will Follow Krishnamurti Ayanamsa and work
be during da; time. 1 out thejntetval for each sub;
If duriqg a particular sub, in an; of the (a) Suppose one wants to meet an
3 stars Bharani, Poorvapalguni and Poor- officer let him select such a star
vashada, ;ou note good' sales and profit, day arid in that the most benevo-
;ou will note that invariabl; it is ever lent planets sub-work out when
good.' It means' in Venus Dasa, the sub Moon enters this sub' and leaves.
period of that planet is profitable. " In those hours, find out when the
iv lagna will be in such a combina- by the nature, occupation and ownership
tion. of the planet transiting.
^ The sub may be between 2-30 P.M. and Those who do not want to understand
tU-30 P.M. In these two hours select those and apply, those who want to simply pass
fminutes when the lagna falls in that destructive criticism, those who'do not
tdegree which is ruled by the star lord and ' strictly follow my instructions (using
'sub lord. These minutes will be lucky. Raphael Epbemeris, bis table of houses,
: It is surely fortunate.' As there was no new comb or my ayanarasa) may' say
single occasion of failure, one can boldly anything. Ignore their remarks. But
declare and select the moment. This truth-seekers will apply, just like my
proves that one cannot change fate and students do, and congratulate for a very
:things happen according to the timing simple method to serve as an index for
indicated by the planet and not major events in one's life.
the person. Suppose one wants to know whether
A silk merchant at Conjeevaram told Saturn and Jupiter can do good or bad to
me that a big marriage party phoned bim oneself during their transit in Mercury's
that they would visit bis shop at about 9 star Ashlesba or Jyesbta note when
A.M. and that they should return by 12 Moon transits in . these stars. Work out
Noon. 3He kept the shop open. I went the sub: Record what happened during
with an advocate Mr. Kasturi Rangan to , the hours when Moon was in a sub. If
Conjeevaram on that day in the morning they are encouraging and advantageous
to visit the temple. On Punarvasu day, when Moon is in a particular sub, be sure
The silk merchant being a friend to us we that whenever Jupiter and Saturn transit
stayed with him. At about 11 A.M. the those subs you will have beneficial results.
silk merchant asked me, "I am expecting But when Moon transits in a sub and you
a rich client who' will buy for thousands ■face some problems in those hours, be
at one stroke. He told that he would sure that during the time Saturn. and
come by 9 A.M. and that he should return Jupiter transit those subs, you must face
by 12 Noon. He has not come. What do difficulties. It is a certainty.
you think?". I looked at the horoscope
of the merchant. He .was running Jupiter For example a person born in Capri-
Dasa Venus Bhukti. The star day was corn, if he' has favourable Mercury and
Punarvasu. I worked out the sub.' Till Rabu, he must have good fortune through
12-40 P.M. Kethu sub was on. Venus younger brother or by editing or by the
starts after 12-40 P.M. and runs up to 5 receipt of a cheque when Jupiter transits
P.M. So I told him that he can expect in Mercury star Rabu sub, i.e.. - around
them only' after 12-40. He must gain on 9-8-67. Sun also will transit. Hence
that day. But it is not before 12 Noon. 9-8-67 must be lucky. I shall, inform the
But only after 3 P.M. when Jupiter star readers what happens on that day to him.
Venus sub and Jupiter sub sub operates. Jupiter will be in that sub for 12 days.
Actually'they came at 1 P.M. and transac- But I pitched up on 9-8-67. As Sun
tion was over by 3 P.M. when they paid conjoins Jupiter and both are in Mercury
cash. Thus one can note which hour is star Rahu sub.
good on a day, and from such minor
events, find out which subs are good and If on 9-8-67 he receives a cheque for a
which subs are bad. good amount or he enjoys his life by
fulfilling a desire or comes out successful
Thus noting down the results, apply the in bis efforts which is long pending, again
same to dasa bhukti system. Also when- be can expect such an advantage when
ever any planet transits through those Saturn in 1968 passes Mercury star, Rabu
subs, good or bad as indicated by thesubs, . sub through the source indicated by
must happen through the source indicated Saturn. "
Such a calculation alone proves that Now you have the whole Zodiac
Astrology is a science which is in an divided into 249 subs ; 27 cons-
incomplete stage now, and everything is tellations.
under divine plan as is shown by planets
and not in the hands of anybody, which Three, three constellations be-
is a science. If the ruje is the same and longing to the same planet denote
applying it, you get the same Results, then ' certain matters in your life.
it is a science. Free will is free from fate. Certain matters about your kith
Will, will not change the course of Divine and kin. The subs in, those
Plan. It is the attachment to self-impor- constellations promise whether
tance and egoism one may say that one the matter will materialise or
can modify the results by one's will and a not.
few take shelter under it saying that (8) - A planet transiting in a cons-
Astrology shows only the tendency ; it is
not a certainty. To me it appears that it tellation brings to. light those
is more for an excuse. To-day, I conclude matters shown by the lord of the
by saying that Astrology is a science. It Constellation due to its occupa-
needs further research and confirmation. tion and ownership! The period
There is no use for the word "Likely." when the planet moves from one
Everything is a certainty. If you follow sub to the other gives clearly the
transit system also one can. pitch up the time when the same result shown
time and know the events to one's advan- by the lord of the Constellation
tage. Summing up, let me say how to undergoes various stages-
judge the results by transit system.
[If the lord of the Constellation denotes
(1) Erect a horoscope as is advised marriage and a planet moves in that.cons-
by me. (Do not cast in any tellation, various stages in the matter of
other manner and then find that appointment progresses depending on the'
you are nowhere.) lord of the sub. When the planet is in the
first sub, an applicant may interview and
(2) Note the arc of each Bhava entertain hopes. The next sub may be
, where it commences and where it ruled by a significator adverse to self
ends. acquisition. So, in this period he gets
(3) Note in which house each planet discouraging news. The planet'moves to
is posited. the next sub. Ke makes another attempt
in another place. The sub lord being
(4) .Find out which matters are signi- Mars, which is very advantageous to him,
fied by each planet—Sun, Mood— he is interviewed and during.the interview
Kethu. itself he is informed that he is appointed
and that he may join duty after 3 weeks
(5) Note which three stars are ruled when one retires. So he returns home
by each planet. In their areas, happily. The next sub belonging to Rahu
write the matters signified by the shows idling away one's time but enjoy
lord of the constellation. peace of mind. During the time when the
(6) Note, for each matter in your planet enters arid moves in Jupiter.sub hfe
life, which are the significators joins duty. Thus, the significator shows
. .; - and which contributes for the that its constellation when transitted by a
J_. fulfilment of.those matters and planet bringsout the results and the various
which are detrimental, delaying, stages arc well explained by the sub lord.
.adverse and disappointing. Suppose one runs Jupiter Dasa Mercury
Bhukli Sun anthra then the areas which
(7) Then in those constellations, must be transitted by the lagna (to note the
mark the favourable subs and the minute of taking charge) by Moon or Sun
unfavourable ones. and the significator will be
(a) Jupiter sign Mercury slar Sun be there. So find out the day and the
sub 351° 33' 20" to 352° 13' 20" date.
or To, carry out such experiments, you must,
(b) Mercury sign Jupiter star Sun use fCrishnamurti Ayanamsa. If you use
sub. 88° 46'40" to ,89° 26'40" any, other Ayanamsa, Dasa Bhukti will
or change. The dates of transit in a parti-,
(c) Jupiter's star Mercury sub or ■ cutar.sub also will change. By using any'
other Ayanamsa and house division, do
(d) Mercury Star Jupiter sub. not make attempt to use this method. If
you follow strictly what I say, you will
One knbws that Jupitef Dasa Mercury find that this system introduced by me is
Bhukti Sun Anthra runs for 1 month and marvellous, and correct and this proves
10.8 days. So'in those 40.8 days, Mercury that my Ayanamsa is to be followed. For
and Sun can be in any one of the above S any other Ayanamsa, stellar astrology will
sensitive points. It will be there. It must not come correct.
(Krishnatnurti Padhdhati verified)
" Can. I go overseas 7 " the planets deposited in the con-
stellation of the nodes.
Lagna, (b) The planets tenanted in the con-
Mer. 8-28 Kethu stellation of the occupants of
26-11 these houses.
(c) The occupants of the. three
Sun 20.31 Jup. 16-51 houses.
4-3-1920 (d) The planets situated in the con-
9-13 AMLMT stellation of the owners of these
Calcutta Moon houses.
11-48 (e) The lords of the houses 3, 9 and
Sat, 15-38 12.
Rahu (f) Those which are conjoined with
26-11 or aspected by the significators.
- Mars
15-35 As both lagna and Moon sign are afflicted,
Kethu Dasa balance O-U-21. take Lagoa.
Overseas includes: — (a) Whether nodes are connected with
(a) Leaving one's own land ; significators or not comes last.
(b) making a long journey ; (b) The houses 3, 9 and 12 are un-
occupied. (A house is the arc
(c) slaying in a foreign land, and commencing froih one cusp and
(d) enjoying the life in the new sur- ending with the next.)
rounding and in the midst of Therefore, the question of noting
new friends. down the constellations governed
(a) The houses to be judged to leave by the occupants and depositors
one's land are 3 and 12, as 4th does not arise.
house denotes permanent place of (c) None.
residence. (d) 3rd house is owned, by Mercury :
(b) Long journey is shown by the 9 and 12 are ruled by Jupiter.
9th house whereas short land
. journey is indicated by the 3rd Mercury governs the constellations,
house. Ashlesha. Jyesbta and Revathi. Jupiter is
(c) Staying in a foreign land is to be the lord of the constellations Punarvasu,
judged from the 12th house. Visaka and Poorvapadrapada.
(d) 12th house itself denotes life in Ashlesha is occupied by Jupiter. Rahu -
a foreign place. is in the constellation—Visaka.
therefore judge the houses 3, 9 and 12. As Jupiter is in the constellation of sub
Significators are judged in the following of the planet in the 11th Bbava, one's
manner;— desire will be fulfilled. As it is Mercury,
(a) The nodes occupying either of it will be to represent the senior : 'or to act
the signs of the significators and as an agent ; it may be to attend any con-
: 12
ference or to gain knowledge. Rahu is in I found that you had mentioned that in the
the constellation of the lord of 9 and 12 horoscope of the people who have Moon
showing that Rahu has to indicate 'the and Saturn conjoined together or if Saturn
matters of those houses. Find out whether is in 1, 3, 5, 7 or 10 counted from Lagna
the sub-lord is favourable and whether the or Moon sign and if Saturn is a benefic, it
plan will materialise. The sub-lord , is ' does good to the native only its sub sub
Kethu in lagna. Hence it will be fruit- period and does not allow others to give.
ful. Here Moon is conjoined with Saturn.
Saturn is in S to lagna. Saturn is a benefic
Therefore, he will go during Rahu Dasa by owning the houses TO and 11 and occu-
Jupiter Bhukti. It may be Rahu Dasa pying the constellation of lord of 2.
Jupiter Bhukti, Rahu Anthraor Rahu Dasa Hence I predicted that he will go definitely
Jupiter Bhukti, Jupiter Anthra Rahu during Rahu Dasa. Jupiter Bhukti Saturn
Shookshma. Now, one has to study and Anthra, i.e. between 2-3-67 and 19-7-67.
confirm by considering through progression Actually he leaves on 10-6-67 Saturday
and transit. morning when Moon is in Rahu star and
lagna falls ,'in Puuarvasu Nakshathra.
The period, Rahu, Jupiter, Jupiter, Rahu (Saturn in 1 or 3 or S or 7 or 10 counted
will operate between 7-U-66 and 2-3-67. from lagna or Moon, will disappoint one
Hence he will do in the last week of if Saturn is a malefic by ownership and '
February 1967. occupation. It proves to be successful in
one's attempts if Saturn owns favourable
[At that time, he got orders to proceed houses. This has to be borne id mind,
overseas but did not go. Then I revised. when a horoscope is judged.]
Foreign Assignment
Horoscope is as under: You will be ruining Mercury Dasa Mars
Bbukti from 29-9-67. Whether it will
Forluna Rahu agree with the moment at which this chart
15.17 Jupiter is judged, it can be seen that to-day it is
Ura. 15.11 iSA9 21.22 Monday; Lagna is Mesba ruled by Mars.'
Naksbatbra Cbitra Star ruled by Mars:
Moon Rasi Virgo owned by Mercury. Hence
24.04 one is to note when it can happen. It
12—11—1929 may be Mercury Dasa Moon Bbukti Mars
7-40 A.M/ Anthra, Mercury Dasa Moon Bbukti Mer-
13°—04 N
80°—15' E curry Anthra, Mercury Dasa Mars Bbukti
Nep. 10.40 Mars Anthra, Mercury Dasa, Mars Bbukti
Moon Anthra.
Sun 26.26 Now one is to consider the progression
Ksc. 17.02 Kcthu
Sat. 5.18 Mars 18.49 and transit find out when there can be a
2.36 Mer. 17.19 thorough change in one's life and when
Ven. 5.35 that fortune will dawn.
At the time of birth Jupiter Dasa Balance The position of planets between 19th
10 years 4 months and 17 days. December, 1929 and 20th December, 1929
denotes the results to happen between
For foreign assignment one is to note April 1967 and April 1968.
the bouses 6 and 9 ; 3 and 12 also should
contribute. . Sun I Moon | Mars ) Mercury
Rabu is in 6: No planet is in 9. 19th 2440-21 I 106-51 I 239-49 f 256-30
Rabu's stars are Arudbra, Swatbi and 20th 245 -22 | 121-35 ! 240-14 | 258-3 -
Satbabisba. Mercury and Ketu are in
Rabu's star, swatbi. These three signify As Sun conjoins with Saturn in February
your service. Sun by owning lOtb bouse, 1968, and Moon goes on squaring
having none in its constellation becomes Mercury, Ketbu, Rabu,. Sun and quincunt
the significator of profession. Lord of 9 with its radical position, you cannot expect
is Moon, Robini, Hastbam, Sravanam. anything before February 1968.
Jupiter is in Robini. No planet is in either Thereafter, Sun separates from Saturn,
Hastbam or Sravanam. 12tb house shows forms Sextile with Venus which is auspi-
life in a foreign place. Lord of 6 in 12 cious as Venus is in the 11th Bbava (12th
indicates that the service will be in a sign) and it is to fulfil your desire.
place other than one's own native place.
So also Suit lord of 10 in 12 denotes: Moon by progression in August 1968
Hence Mercury, Ketbu, Rabu, Moon, forms sextile with Venus and trine with
Jupiter, Sun and Mars contribute for such Saturn. Also progressing Moon forms
a foreign service. time with progressive Sun. Mars applies
You left your native, place during Sun semi-sextile with its original radical
Bhukti in 1930 and in Mars sub period position. Mercury just gets separated
you left this place and went to a far off from sextile aspect with its original
city and you are now in such a place. position. It will be at 61°.
Hence you have -to wait till Mars sub Thus progression promises August 1968
period commences. which concides with Mercury Dasa Mars
Bbukti Moon Anthra which agrees with 9—8—1968, you will have foreign assign-
Monday, Kanya rasi owned by Mercury ment.
Chitra star ruled by Mars. Saturn in Lagna Bhava, creates a
As per stellar astrology, either Mercury chance, delays and ultimately gives. If
or Sun should transit a point in the there is a vacancy now, it will be filled up
Zodiac which is governed by Mercury, by another person ; again he may leave
Mars and Moon. and the post will fall vacant and will get,
if you run Saturn Dasa. As you run
Therefore when Sun transits in .Moon's Mercury Dasa, you will be taken as a
sign. Mercury star Mars sub, around .Deputy to this person on 9—8—1968.

. Prof. SACHIDA NAND MISHRA, B.A. (Hons.), M.A. (Triple), B.L.,
Head of the Department of English, J.J. Degree College, GAYA.'
Promotion plays a very prominent place Padhdhati, which is as follows;—
in man's life. Every officer wants promo- A. Birth—Details:—
tion. It is not unlikely that a deserving
officer is superseded by a junior officer 1. Place of birth—Lat. 27° 30' N-; Long.
and thereby an honest officer doesnot get 80° 05' E.
his due in time. What is the reason 2. Time of birth—6.52.40 A.M. I.S.T. =
behind this curious phenomenon ? Natur- . 6.43.00 A.M. L.M.T.
ally one will dub it as the uncanny way of 3. Date of birth—7.3.1920.
destiny. Krishnamurti Padhdhati is a 4. Day of birth—Sunday.
sure and unfailing guide for plumbing this
mysterious depth. Mercury Kethu
Asc. 0-19 26-14
Once a Government Officer attached to
Revenue Department came to me and Sun 23-32
asked about his promotion. He was in a Uranus Nep. 16-3 51
complaining mood, saying that he served 9-51 .Tup. 1641
the department with all honesty and since- NIRAYANA RASI
rity, but he was superseded by other CHART
junior officers. Will he have any chance Yen. 23-08 Sat. 15-0
of promotion or 'will he lead the same
XI 26-56 Mars Moon
X Cusp 16-04 20-6
I asked for his birth-details and cast his 2-56 Rabu Fortuna
horoscope according to Krishnamurti 26-14 26-53
C Table of Cusps—
I dusp—Pisces 0.19 VII Cusp—Virgo 0.19
II Cusp—Aries 8.56 VIII Cusp—Libra 8.56
III Cusp—Taurus 7.56 IX Cusp—Scorpio 7.56
IV Cusp—Gemini 2.56 ■ X Cusp—Sagittarius 2.56
. V Cusp—Gemini 26.56 XI Cusp—Sagittarius 26.56
VI Cusp—Cancer 23.56 XII Cusp—Capricorn 23.56
D. Dasa system—
At present he is running Saturn Dasa Mercury Bbukti from 13-8-1966 which will
last upto 224-1969.
Planet in the chart Lord of the Lord of the
Constellation • Sub
1.' Kethu Venus Kethu
2. Neptune Saturn Jupiter
3. Jupiter Mercury Mercury
4. Saturn Venus Venus
5. Moon Moon Kethu
6. Pars Fortuna Mars Jupiter
7. Mars Rahu Venus
8. Rahu ' Jupiter Kethu
9. X Cusp Kethu Venus
10. Venus Moon Sun
11. Uranus Rahu Jupiter
12. Sun Jupiter Saturn
13. Mercury Saturn Sun
F. Bhava—Table
Ascendant ; j Pisces 0.19 VII Bhava Moon
Pars Fortui
I Bhava Mercury VIII Bhava Mars
II Bhava Kethu Rahu
V Bhava Neptune XI Bhava Venus
Jupiter XII Bhava Uranus
VI Bhava Saturn Sun
G. Planet Lord of Constellation Lord of Sub
Occupying Ruling Occupying Ruling
1. Kethu II 3&8 8 2&9
2. Jupiter I 4, 5 & 7 1 ■4,5,7
3. Saturn II 3, 8 II 3,8
4. Moon 7 6 8 2,9
5. Mars 8 2, 9 II 3,8
,6. Rahu 5 1.10,11 8 2,9
7. Venus 7 6 12 Nil
8. Sun 5 1.10,11 6 12
9. Mercury 6 12 12 Nil
Note'.—Rahu is equivalent to Mars due to lord of a particular bhava happens to be
its association with Mars and posited in .6.8 or 12 from that bouse, be
■ •v Kethu is equivalent to Mars as it negates the possibilities of that bhava.
is in the sign of Mars and no In this case, lupiter, lord of 10 and II is
planet is in association with posited in 8tb sign from Sagittarius, So he
Kethu. negates the possibilities of lOtb bhava,
ANALYSIS higher status or rank and lltb bhava,
realisation of ambition. Hence impedi-
' 11 It is clear that be bad impediments ments in promotion of bis career.'
in promotion of his career. Why? According to traditiohal asrrology, one
According to Mr. K. S. Krishnamurti, will have high hopes from Jupiter for
6. 8 and 12 are negative houses and if the promotion of the career of this native,
because Jupiter, lord of 10 is exalted, Saturn is in Pooram. Hence take Kethu
but it is ONLY ACCORDING TO and Satum.
Mr. K. S. KRISHNAMURTI, that one Therefore Mercury. Sun, Rahu, Kethu
can say that Jupiter is handicapped to give and Saturn are the strong significators for
the results of that bhava. OVATIONS his promotion. Saturn is'not only in the
TO, Mr. KRISHNAMURTI. because the constellation of Venus, occupant of 11,
whole Dasa of Jupiter passed calmly and but also in the sub of Venus. Therefore
quietly without giving any results of pro- Saturn is a powerful significator. Mer-
motion or higher status to this native. cury, being in the constellation of Saturn
According to KRISHNAMURTI - is also a strong significator. Sun and
PADHDHATI, planets in the constella- Rahu are in the constellation of Jupiter,
tion of Jupiter or in the -sign of Jupiter ■ lord of 10 and 11, hence they are also
will have power to give the effect of strong significators.
Jupiter. Jupiter owns two houses—Sagit- The native ran the dasa of Saturn, Mer-
tarius and Pisces. No planet is posited cury Bhukti and Mercury Anthra from
in Sagittarius. Only Mercury is posited 13-8-1965 to 30-12-1966. Neither Sun
in Pisces. Hence Mercury is powerful to nor Rahu operated, hence promotion did
give the effects of Jupiter. Not only this. not materialise. Later he ran. Saturn
Mercury is aspected fully by Jupiter ac- Dasa Mercury Bhukti and Kethu Anthra
cording to degree position. Jupiter, we from 30-12-1966 to 27-2-1967. The longi-
should remember, is lord of 1.10 and II. tudinal distance between Mercury and
Moreover Mercury is in the constellation Kethu is 4S° 16', which amounts to semi-
of Saturn, occupant of 6, significator of square aspect, which is moderately
. the 6th house which is one of the houses evil (KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI,
concerned wirh service. Vol. I, page 192). Hence Kethu, although
2. Willj,he have promotion? If so, a significator will not co-operate with
when? Mercury in giving favourable effect (Ibid,
p. 191). (Evil aspect among two planets
For promotion in service, let us judge who are the significators of the same
the houses 2, 6, 10 and 11. matter do not co-operate—join hands—so,
Second house is occupied by Kethu, it is a passing on period.) The period of
which governs the three constellations, Saturn Dasa, Mercury Bhukti and Kethu
Aswini, Maka and Moola. No planet is Anthra will remain adverse in relation to
in the constellation of Kethu. Hence service. Really, when asked, the officer
take Kethu. confessed before me that the adverse effect
had taken .place, but later on it was set
Sixth house is occupied by Saturn, right and balanced. The reason was this
which governs the three constellations that Kethu formed trine (120°) aspect with
Pushyam, Anusham and Utharapathra. Uth Cusp and biquintile (144°) aspect
Only Mercury is in Utharapathra. constel- with 10th Cusp, although it formed apply-
lation. • Hence take Mercury. ing square (90?) aspect with 6th Cusp-
Ketbu's bad aspect with 6th cusp gave
Tenth houseisunoccupied by anyplanet- threat to his service, whereas its good
Hence take the lord of 10th, Jupiter.. aspect with lOth and 11th cusp saved his
Jupiter is in Bth from 10th, hence handi- service. This critical position was also
capped; Jupiter rules over three con- saved, because Kethu was in the constel-
stellations, Punarvasu, Visakam and lation of Venus, occupant of 11 and in '
Poorvapathra. Sun is in Poorvapathra the sub ofits (Ketbu's) own constellation.
constellation and Rabu is in Visakam Besides, Rethu is also occupant of 2nd,
constellation. Hence take Sun Rahu. Bhava. . .
Eleventh bhava is occupied by Venus. What--about—Saturn --Dasa- Mercury-
Venus rules over Bharani, Pooram and Bhukti and Venus Anthra ? Venus forms
Poorvashada. Kethu is in Bharani and : separating semi-squirc (47°) aspect with
Mercury. Hence this period is also not strong significators, Saturn, Sun, Mercury
good. Moreover Venus is not a strong and Rabu have played their role at this
signiflcator, because Ketbu and Saturn, time. Of all these planets. Sub has come
being in the constellation of Venus are twice, hence it is more probable that the
stronger than Venus. promotion will take place during Saturn
' Therefore, the native's promotion will Dasa, Mercury Bbukti and Sun Anthra,
take place either in Saturn Dasa, Mercury which runs from'9-8-1967 to 27-9-1967.
Bbukti' and Sun Anthra, i.e., from During the above-mentioned period.
9-8-1967 to 27-9-1967 or Saturn Dasa Sun passes through Uthrapalguni constel-
Mercury ' Bhukti and Rabu Antbra i.e., lation from 12-9-1967 to 27-9-1967. Moon
from 13-2-1968 to 10-7-1968. passes through Kritbikai constellation on
Let us be more accurate. On the day . 23-9-1967. As 23-9-1967 is a Saturday, it
•of judgment, i.e., 25-3-1967 at 12.00 Noon, is predicted that the native will receive
Moon is passing through Uibrapalguni orders for promotion on 23-9-1967.
constellation, ruled by Sun in the sign S. N. MISHRA.
ruled by Sun.- Hence Sun becomes promi- 27-3-1967
nent. The day Saturday is ruled by
Saturn.. At this time, Gemini 19° 24' is [Articles, so well explained and presen-
rising. Thus Ascendant is passing through ted in a methodical and scientific form
Arudra constellation, ruled by Rabu in the are welcome - from the students and
sign ruled by Mercury. Thus all the scholars.]
Jupiter Moon Next, we have to note which Dasa is
20-52 1-21 running. Jupiter is the lord of the Dasa
Sun 11-45 Rahu which is to operate for about 16 years.
Gran as 20-26
10-42 Find out whether there are planets in the
Venus 12th sign to the sign occupied by Dasa
16-12 Lord as planets in the 12th sign cause
Mercury 25-3-1928 either difficulties or change. To ascertain
14-13 3-38 PM LMT
13.04 N whether it is difficulty or change, note in
80.15 E Lagna which constellation they are posited and
Mars (V47 whether the lord of the constellation can
27-10 Neptune
4-07 bring about changes. Both Mercury and
Venus are in the 12th sign Aquarius to
Saturn Pisces the sign occupied by Jupiter. Both
26-22 Fortuna of them are in Rabu's constellation which
Kethu 20-15
20:26 by occupation in Taurus 20° 26' indicates
profession (lOtb bouse) and change as it is
Sun Dasa Balance 3 years, 10 months. in Moon's constellation. Therefore one
20 days. Rabu Dasa ended on 15-2-1967. has to note when it can come up. The
Now Jupiter Dasa is on. As the birth is change will be only in Jupiter Dasa,
in 0° 47' Leo, the cusps of the other bouses Mercury Bbukti, Venus ' Anthra,. Rahu
are at 1° 14' or 2° 14' and M-C is 2° 14' Sbookshma in September, 1972. It shows
Taurus. Moon goes to 9th Bbava House. promotion and change.
All other planets do not undergo any
. change. Let us note the previous results:
Serrice: Judge houses 2, 6 and 10. You left the native place in Rabu Dasa,
Second.' bouse is vacant: 6th is occupied Rabu Bbukti in the end of Jnne 1949,
by Mars and the 10th by Rabu. No planet when Sun transitted in Rabu star. Arudbra
is in any of the 3 stars of Mars. Mercury in Budba sign. Next change came and
and Venus arc in Satbabbisba governed by you returned back during Rabu Dasa,
Rabu. Therefore Mars, Rahu, Mercury Sani Bbukti, Rabu Antbra, Budba Sbook-
and Venus indicate the nature of the sbama. Again left your own native place
profession and the time when one can and went to Delhi during Rabu Dasa,
enter into service, lltb bouse, indicating Venus Bbukti, Jupiter, Anthra, Mercury
promotion is not occupied by any planet. Sbookshma. Therefore, that planet .which
But its lord Budba which rules Asblesba, brought you back and kept you in your
Jyesbta and Revatbi has Saturn and Jupiter own place was Saturn. Those which
deposited in these stars. Hence; Jupiter, shifted were Rabu, Venus, Jupiter and
Saturn and Mercury indicate improvement Mercury. Hence the significators have
in status and increase in income. played their role already and to expect in
the above date mentioned will come true.
9tb and I2tb bouses indicate changes. As per transit.
Moon is in the 9th Bbava,: Moon owns Next change will come during Jupiter
the 12tb bouse : no planet is in 12 : Moon Dasa, Venus Bbukti, Jupiter Anthra in
governs Robini, Hasthara and Sravanam. May 1975, and you remain here till you
Therefore planets in these stars will bring retire in Sani Dasa, Ketbu Bbuktbi in
about changes. Rahu is in Robini. None 1988.
in Hastbam or Sravanam. Hence Rabu
can bring about a change. Moor, also Delay in Marriage: -Moon aspected by
will contribute. Saturn from the 7th sign counted from
Moon's Sign. Saturn lord of 7 opposing Rabu' etc. " will be said. But what is the
Moon and squaring Lagna : Rabu was in Rajayoga without getting married. Guru
the constellation of lord of 12. Till Rabu in asbtama—asbtama evil may be said.
Dasa ended your Marriage did not come It is not so. When the lord of the cons-
up. The moment Guru Dasa started in tellation owns bouses 2 and 11 Guru will
February, in Meena Lagna, you got bestow brilliant results whichever house it
married (Meena is owned' by Guru). occupies. If Guru would have been in
Guru was in the constellation of lord of 2 Uthrauathi star governed by Saturn, the
and 11 and hence it gave, even though it result will be undesirable. That is why,
is in the 8th bouse. students are requested to study stellar
"Rabu—Rishaba Rabu — Rajayoga astrology.



Rahu Strict application of the rules expoun-

24-17 Jup. 18. J ded by our sages, regarding profession
Uranus does not help anybody, either the astro-
. 20.2 loger or the consultant. Elaborate and'
exhaustive explanation cannot be bad.
Moon Mars Nowhere one can find rules for such
9.27 17—2—1931 6.52 changes coming in one's life and for cor-
Sun 5.29 18—2—1931
at 3-29 I.S.T. rect pitching up of the profession. When- '
at 20° N and ever we read books or magazines, people
Mcr, 16.32 SS'-SO' E. Neptune startsaying that to predict one's profession
11.47 is difficult. Then what is the use of
Astrology for those who would like to
Sal 26-20 know which profession will be his, when
Lagna Kcthu he will change, why, what other profession
19.41 24.17 will be his lot and so on. So with what
Vcn. 19.24
knowledge we can gain through oriental
Horoscope is as follows ;— text-books, further development on cor-
At the time of birth Rabu dasa' balance rect lines, by collecting facts, assorting
14 years 2 months 27days. them properly, and following a single
principle, come to an accurate finding.
Profession, service or business may be Some say that new theories are introduced
the only sourceof income forsome people. to confuse. If. one studies new. theory,
Inherited property and yield from that understands, applies and finds it easy,
inheritance alone may be the income for simple and helpful, let him follow. But
some. A few have property or shares one should not pass a judgment as con-
and earn by service. A few serve in one fusing, when, many, many have taken up
place and also do business. Some have new theory and boldly declare the results.
only one service from the time of entry What is wanted is calm application. . Let
into service till retirement. A few change anybody read (Crisbnamurti Padhadhati.
institutions: departments etc. Some Let him consider that be is the author;
from civil service, jump to Military.; .Some be has expounded the theory ; he has to
from Military, take" up civil. Thus we further develop. Then, there will be" ho
findvarietics. confusion : Truth will dawn in the mind
of such a student, to speak ill of one is son has the influence of- Saturn as it is in
not decent. Prove where the theory fails- Lagna: ruling planet is Saturn as it
Take the theory and discuss. When you owns the sign occupied by Saturn.
want to judge according to Krishnamurti (a) Generally people enter into ser-
Padhadhati, follow his instructions, erect vice in a department and continue to
the chart as he prescribes, use his Aya- serve there till their retirement, if the
namsa, the house division, constellation, lords of the dasas, that run and follow
sub etc. When during the author's tour from the time of appointment are connec-
throughout India, he finds learned people ted in any manner, especially, if the lord
using his theory, congratulate him and of the constellation is the same or the
accept him as their Guruji and they are lords of the constellation are conjoined or
eager to hear more from him, I am sure, mutually aspecting. It is similar to a
he will ignore what a handful of people person entering into service as a Sanitary
say. - He has proved by his rejoinders Inspector in a Municipality and retiring
(a) that they have not understood what he as a Sanitary Inspector in the same
says, (b) they do not follow his system, Municipality; or entering as a clerk in a
(c) they blackmail by merely bluffing [e.g. concern and retiring from the same firm.
Gajakesari yoga, fine prints a horoscope
giving the position of 4 planets—says he (b) Those who live on the returns
is a business man and so on, when from the inherited property also will have
Krishnamurti challenged and called the various dasa lords who operate in his life-
article a bluff, then the author regrets. time are in any manner connected with
What a blackmailing it is ! Krishnamurti's the previous lord.
theory gets more popularity, on the other (c) Those who have income from in-
hand, as more and more people apply vestment and also salary in service will
their open mind and conclude that have the lord of the dasa or Bbukthi (if
Krishnamurti's attempts are honest on additional income is only for a few years)
facts and figures and never in bis life he in a common sign, or it may be Mercury
need say 'Regret' or "It is regretted" or it may have connection with Mercury.
But those who try to blackmail will (d) Those > who do business cannot
surely regret and in a year's time under- have steady income on every first of a
stand that, in spite of blackmailing, month but their profit and loss are even
directly or indirectly, the Krishnamurti's varying. They take the risk. They may
theory is taught in all places in India, mint money and amass wealth if the signi-
having Krishnamurti Padhadhati as the cator is in the constellation of the planet
Text Book and the journal, " Astrology in movable sign; The income varies and
and Athrishta " as a guidance for further not to one's desire and expectation if the
development. significator is in the constellation of the
; Coming to the subject proper, let me planet in common sign.
first say, when I have written something Partnership is shown by 7th house. 2nd
else so far other than the answer to the and 11th houses indicate receiving the
query. Mr. Krishnamurti, in his lectures cheque, the share of profit, themoney that
and in the magazine has said that those is deposited by the partner is shown by
who are born under the influence of 6th house. The Sth and 12tb houses
Saturn, or those who are born with Saturn denote the money given away to partner.
as a ruling planet, will always find that lOtb house indicates whether the partner
there is delay in one's success, fulfilment iis reliable or not. For people born in.
of desire, etc. Delay will be due to Saturn, Rishaba and Vrischika lagnas, it is neces-
through a Saturnian. Actually Krishna- sary to note whether the partner will
murtiji is a Pucca Saturnian, as his lagna , continue to be good or not as lord of 7 is
and Moon sign, both arc in Capricorn also lord 12.
ruled by Saturn. Hence matters relating
to Mr. Krishnamurti is said first Next (e) A person will ever change his
I take up this person's chart. This per- job, nature of business, etc., if the dasa
lord to follow is in 12 to the previous dash Gajakesari Yoga provided the lord of the
lord. Or the sub-lord is in constellation of constellation is beneficial. He says that
the planet in 12 to dasalord or if it is in such people need not even buy a blade and
12th dasalord. Further the change is a spend money as no hair may grow. They
certainty if the following dasa lord 'or will appear always young. But, Krishna-
Bhukti lord is in a movable sign. murti asks " Are all people having Gaja-
(f) Planets connected with common kesari Yoga enjoy? Does it guarantee
signs shows that he will have lien in the wealth, popularity, peace, etc? Are there
parent department, go to . another getting not great percentage of people suffering ?
some 25% allowance, again come back to When this is the honest truth, what is the
the parental one. idea of calling " ingenius ", etc.
(g) These planets must have connec- Again, a doctor treats many patients.
tion with houses 2, 6, 10 and 11. By con- . He is well qualified. Very well experienced
nection it is meant that they should be the. is handling ultra modern instruments—
significators which are ascertained as makes use of them. Even then young
follows; patients die. Does it mean that the doctor
is no good ?
(1) Rahu or Kethu in the sign of any Similarly if Krishnamurti's prediction
significator become the strong has failed in stray cases, one should know
significators. the reason why ?
(2) Planets situated in the constella- (a) Every person has in his chart,
tion of the occupants of the the houses 6 and 12 ; 6th house indicates
houses 2, 6 and 10. enemies, open enemies ; 12th bouse shows
(3) Planets deposited in these houses. secret enemies : who does harm on some
(4) Planets tenanted in the constella- other name : who asks others to do harm,
tion of the lords of these signs. himself standing behind the screen. 6th
house shows GurU dhrohi's who will
(5) The lords of these houses. openly attack Guru ; 12th house indicates
(6) Those with whom the signifi- Guru dhrohi's doing harm without the
cators are conjoined with or knowledge of Guru. Therefore the signi-
whom they aspect. ficators of the houses 6 and 12 are always
the enemies to every person ; Astrologer
Thus the significators for profession is is also a man. He must have such custo-
to be judged—1 Ith house is for increase in mers also. In their cases be must fail, as
income and promotion. they have to speak ill of him. Some noble
Let me now pose a question, whether persons 'born' in such circumstances, will
by reading Hindu original text books one note that the prediction failed, yet they do
can gain knowledge to solve the above not make a publicity or mention in the
problem. Is not research necessary? If presence of others. But some people take
so, will not there be submitted for other pleasure in publishing them with or with-
intelligent astrologer's views ? With open out motive. What motive they have, can.
mind they have to judge and come out be judged by the readers.
with their remarks, etc. Is there not decent (b) The native may be a Saturnian.
ways of pointing out errors. What is the' It will delay.Normally one takes the next
use of saying "ingenious", and so on. auspicious time for any good to happen.
Mr. Krishnamurti has proved that he is Again another time. He says A, B and C
ingenious and made the author ' Satha- are the significators. Therefore in their
bisha" cut an ugly figure for having permutation and combination period, the
produced a chart of a person (later saying beneficial results will take place. If A Dasa
as one born in 1S60) and saying that he is B Bhukti, C Anthra is selected, if any of
a businessman. Is this the way to pass a them is Saturn, one has to wait till A Dasa
judgment ? Krishnamurti never denies that C Bhukti B Anthra and then say "whether
a very few percentage of people enjoy Krishnamurti Padhadhati is correct or not.
His' Fadhdhati is to select the significa- - Therefore Saturn Dasa Kethu Bhukti
tor. But in Vimsodhari dasa when one Saturn Anthra must produce a'change.
takes-bhukti and anthra, it may be BBhukti You will leave teaching profession.
C Anthra or C Bhukti B Anthra. Astro- Kethu deuotes.the matters of the, houses
loger will pitch up the later date if the girl 7 an 10 and also 2 and 3. As Kethu is in
to be married isyoung. Butif she is already Mercury's sign and Saturn aspects Kethu.
. more aged, then he selects the previous one. > Natnre of business : You will do the
Taking such personal predictions, which business from Saturn Dasa Venus Bhukti.
was not published in any magazine, and Second house is occupied by Moon and .
publishing such clearly shows that there is Sun, 6tb house by Jupiter and the 10th by
some .purpose, some motive behind, to Kethu.' Saturn rules the second: Venus
publish these;. the 6th and Mercury the lOtb. Hence these
■ Has Krishinamurti asked " When Mr. denote the nature of business.
Kamaraj Nadar chart is published during To me it appeals.
the month of election, why the author has (a) As today is Monday ruled by
not hinted the miserable defeat. Further as Moon, Lagna is Taurus owned by Venus,
Mr. Morarji Bai Desai become the top and aspected by Saturn and Moon is in Gemini,
Mrs. Indira Gandhi next to him. Whatisthe •Mercury's sign, we have to take these as
prediction given. Why should not that the indicators. Hence you will deal with
author give clearly which horoscope be- (1) fish kept in ice and also dried ones
longs to whom. Why should he give the because Venus and Moon show aquatic
numbers. Only a very few know to whom the animals, Saturn indicates the dead or those
horoscopes belong. Did Krishnamurti point . preserved in cold storage, Mercury shows
out all these? He is not for such, is under- export, agency; etc., (2) Petrol—Saturn
stood from the way he has ignored these. shows mine products :■ Moon—liquid kero-
His mission is to render astrology sene : Venus refinement, purifying (also that
scientific manner : make it simple. Let which is used for vehicle). Hence it will be
there be one method. Let there be no petrol. (3) Tourist cars.
room for anybody to twist the rule. Let Thus you will have plurality of interests.
everybody apply straight and arrive at the Vou resign during Saturn Dasa Kethu
same answer. Unless the school of thought, Bhukti Saturn Anthra—around -25-11-67
the method of approach, analysis, etc., when Sun transits in Anuradha star ruled
happen to be the same, a person can have by Saturn in Mars sign:
as many varieties of predictions as the
number of astrologers consulted by him. 1 As Venus is lord of 11 and in the Lagna
Question:—Will I be a teacher? Will I Bbava, you have lords of 2 and 7, you will
change? Will I take up bnsiness. If so, enter into an agreement with a friend as a
partner and run the show-
the nature of bnsiness, etc- [You may read the letter written by an
Now you are running Saturn Dasa Kethu advocate to Mr. Krishnamurti, how Guruji
Bhukti from 27-1-1967 and it runs up to predicted that he would leave his practice
6-3-68. butjoinCinema anditcametrue. Similarly
Saturn is in the constellation of Venus X expect my result to cometrue. I am happy
in 12tb Bbava: subof Kethu in 10th Bbava. to note that Mr. K. Ganapati, Mr. Man;
Saturn must bring about a change. ' and Mr, S, N. Mjshra of Gaya have thoro-
Kethu is in Mars star Chitra and Mars ughly enderstood Krishnamurti Fadhdhati.
is in the 7th house (Bbava) in a movable It is a pity that the Editor has to do
sign. Mars owns 12tb house. everything single handed as be cannot
. As Saturn is a delaying planet, it will not have articles written by others unless they
allow any other sub-lord to bring about a have mastered'his theory. May God give
change. It will give in its own sub sub him Health and Long Life.]
Sir, child is running Saturn Dasa Saturn Bhukti
I own a vacant plot of ground in my at the time of birth and that 2 years 10
place. I am making all efforts to dispose months 13 days of Saturn Dasa passed
it. When can I sell? I give No. 102. before the birth of the child and only I
month and 18 days of Saturq. Bhukti is to
Yours sincerely, run from the time of the birth of the
R. S. Rao. - child.
Horoscope for the moment of judgment 4th Bhava denotes land and landed
is as follows :— property. The lord of the constellation is
Sat 12-16 saturn. It is in lagna owning houses 11
Mcr. 11-28 Sun 4-06 and 12. Lord of 11 in its own constella-
Lasna Rabu Vcn 10-28 tion brings success lord of 12 in 1 shows
6° 40' 4J-21 that one has to lose or one fulfils his hopes
to 10° through strangers—not related to the
Jup. 2-19 querist.
5-21 Jupiter, lord of 10 in his own cobstella-.
18-4-67 tion in the 4tb house conjoined with
Moon will surely satisfy the native. .
Ura. 27-41 Property is indicated by the 4th house-
Jupiter and Moon are in 4; Venus is in
Kethu Moon's star : Jupiter alone is in'Jupiter's
Nep 0-22 14-21 star.
Mars 0-30 Therefore Jupiter, Venus and Moon
signify 4th house matters. 4th cusp falls
The zodiac of 360° is divided into in Gemini. Its lord is Mercury. No
equal parts and each number extends to planet is in Mercury star. Hence Mercury
3° 20'. also denotes permanent possession. No
Number I means 0° to 3° 20'. planet aspects 4 th house.
Number 2 means 3° 20" to 6° 40'. Sale of property means giving away the
Number 4 denotes 10° to 13° 20'. permanent possession and receiving liquid
37 Bxes 120° to 123° 20'. cash. Therefore take houses 3 and 12 to
102 indicates that 336° 40' to 340' is the dispute and 11th house to .receive money
lagna. as well as that significator which indicates
that the receipt of money is by disposing
Next from the lagna and the situation a property.
of the significators you have to find out, 3rd house is occupied by Venus, 12 is
whether ^our can fulfil what you want; unoccupied. Rahu is in Venus constella-
Moon indicates the. matter,, the -nature tion Saturn owns 12th house. Moon, Saturn
of your query and your urge. and Mercury are in Saturn's. star. There-
Moon is in the 4th Bhava.~-It-is in the fore disposal will be in the conjoined -
constellation of Saturn and sub of Saturn. periods of Saturn, Mercury, Moon, Rahu
If a child is born at this moment and we and Venus. As Kethu is in Venus sign,
calculate Udu Dasa, then we say that the take Kethu and Sun in Kethu's constella-
tion. But Rabu in conjunction with Sun Bbukti Moon Anthra and Rabu Shook-
is stronger. So reject Sun. Prefer Rabu, shma Mercury Bhukti will start on 6-6-67.
One gives away the property in the con- In that Moon Anthra will be between
joined period of Saturn, Mercury, Moon, 19-7-68 and 9-10-68. Rabu's sbooksbma
Rabu and Venus. Gaining money is shown will be between 30-7-68 and 12-8-68.
by lltb bouse. It is also ruled by Saturn.
Moon, Mercury and Saturn are in Saturn's Sun will be in Moon sign Saturn star
star. Therefore you select Saturn Dasa on 30-7-78. Saturn will pass on to Aries
Mercury Bhukti Moon Anthra. and be in Kethu's star who denotes second
As to-day is Tuesday ruled by Mars and and 3rd bouse result. Mercury will be in
it owns bouses Aries and Scorpio and as Moon sign Saturn star.
Rabu is in Aries, select Rabu also. Therefore disposal .of the property and
Then we get Saturn Dasa Mercury the receipt of money will be on 30-7-68.
Horoscope of a person who lost On 4-4-67 the day is Tuesday. Mars is
. 925 on 4-4-67 at 2-20 P.M. born on in the constellation of Ketbu who has to
0 at 8-07 P.M. 'at .26° 7'N and give the results of 1, 12 and 11.
27' E is as follows; Star on that day is Sravana; It is ruled
by dasanatba Moon and antbranatba
Uranus Moon 2-11 Saturn. (In Bhukti nadba's bouse, there,
2-09 is no star governed by Moon.)
Rasi—Makara—Capricorn—owned by
Rahu Saturn. It has toprofitthe pickpocketeer
Lagna' 1115.. as it is in Rabu's star which is; in the 11th
27-00 Sun 23-45
Nep 29-23 Bhava to the 7th house.
Lagna: Karkata—Cancer—owned by

Mars 5-13
Mercury Moon the dasanatba.

« —

Ven 22-16 Position of planets :—
At 2-20 P.M. Lagna conjoined with
Jup. 21-01 Sat. 15-34 Neptune (a deceitful, swindling planet]
Moon was in Moon's star Ketbu sub.
Ketbu was in Rabu star Ketbu sub.
Ketbu Dasa Balance 5 years 10 months Saturn was in its own star Sun sub.'
day. Sun, lord of the opponent was in the
On the day of theft be bad been running constellation of lord of 2 and 11 to the
loon Dasa Sun Bhukti Saturn Antbra 7th house, Mercury and sub is' ruled by
.abu Sbooksbma loss is indicated by the lord of 10 to 7lh bouse Venus (both in
2th bouse. - As it is pickpocketing it is Venus Constellation).
te gai n to the other, 5 tb bouse also must Thus it can be seen' that one loses money
e.considered, as it will be the 1 Itb house at the Dasa Bhukti and Antbra which
ounted from the 7th house; Some may indicates a period; Sun fixes the fort-
jse - and nobody need take it when only night. Moon the day .and lagna—the
2th house is to be judged (say my "purse moment.
alls in a river).
Significators: No planet is 'in 12tb Recovery when!
Ibava. Saturn owns the 12th bouse. As Take bouses 11 and 6.
. node is -in one of its signs, node is No planet is in 11: Jupiter owns it: No
tronger. So give importance to Kethu— planet is in Jupitar's star. Take Jupiter.
Cethu governs Aswini, Makam and
doolam. .Moon and Mars are in Kethii 6th house (which is 12 to 7) is occupied
tars. Saturn governs Pusbya, Anuradba by Mars, Mercury and Venus. None is in
ind Utbrapatbra. 1 Rahu is in Pusbya. It Mars star. Sun is in Mercury star.
s aspected by exalted Saturn. Stb bouse is Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are in Venus
tccupjed by Rahu and Sun. Saturn is in star. So when can he have ? Mars, Jupi-
lahu star. None in Sun's star takeSun also. ter, Mercury and Venus have to conjointly
operate. Therefore Mars Dasa Mars
"Therefore Kethu, Moon, Mars, Saturn, Bhukti Jupiter Antbra will be the period.
lahu. and Sun indicate loss to one and It will be found and recovered on 18th
gain to the pick pocketeer. July 1967—Tuesday, when Moon transits
Time: when their conjoined period Jupiter's sign. Mars is in Jupiter's star,
operates and transit agrees. Sun in Jupiter star Mars sub.
(Police recovered lost property. When Rahu. Ketbu is in Rahu's star. Mercury
can I have it?) is lord of 5 and 8. Saturn is lord of 12.
Number given is 94 : Both are in the second bouse. Therefore
Jupiter, Rahu, Kethu, Mercury,- Saturn
Time of judgment 2-30 P.M. Wednesday and Moon in Mercury constellation denote
19-4—67.. loss. It was lost on 5-10-66. On Wed-
nesday Mrigasira star day, Mercury and
Sal. 12.25 Sun 5-20 Mairs were favourable to the thief. The
Met. 14-06 Rahu
• VCB. 12-331 thief bad it during Mercury Dasa' Mars
Bhukti Moon anthra.
Lagna Jup. IVhen can it be recovered ?
10° to 2-25.
13°-20' Moon Judge the' houses 2, 6 and II.
19—4— 1967 24-29
2-30 P.M. Second house, is occupied by Saturn and
Mercury ; Moon, Saturn and Mercury are
in the constellation of the planets in 2. 6th
house is occupied by Moon. Venus alone
is in Moon's star, lltb house is not
Kethu occupied by any. It is owned by Jupiter
14-17 and Jupiter alone is in its star. There-
.0-2 fore Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and
Moon indicate recovery.' It can be had
Mercury Dasa Balance 7 years, 0 month, during Mercury Dasa Rahu Bhukti Venus
12 days. Anthra Mercury Dasa Rahu Bhukti
Budha Dasa Rahu Bhukti is It will commenced on from 18—10—66. Mercury
be over by '6—5—69. Anthra Venus Shookshama, i.e., January
1968 will be the time of recovery.
Recovery of a property means that the
.property owned by a person, is at Summing up :
present in the possession of another and it (a) Mars in 2 to 7 and in its'own'
is to be had back:. star favourable to thief.
Lagna denotes the native—the querist. (b) Moon in the constellation oflordfr
Houses 2,6 and 11 indicate one's recovery. of 2 and 11 to 7th house is bene-
.Loss is shown by the houses 5, 8 and 12- ficial to the thief.
what is meant by loss to a person? It is the (c) Mercury in the constellation of
gain to the opponent. 7th house indicates lord of 6 to 7 is good to thief.
the opponent. 2nd, 6th and 11 th houses
from the 7th house is the income to the 1. Mercury in the constellation of
opponent. Hence houses 5, 8 and 12 lord of lagna in 2 is good to the
denotes loss to the querist. consultant.
Let us judge the houses 5, 8 and 12. 2. Rahu in the constellation of
Fifth house is occupied by Jupiter and 8th Venus is good to the querist.
house is tenanted by Mars. 3. Venus in the constellation of lord
Punarvasu, Visakam, Poorvapadra are of 6 to the querist is. advantage-
governed by Jupiter and Mrigasira. ous. •
Chithra and Dbanishta are ruled by Mars. In this context, I wish to clarify the
Jupiter is in its own star: Mars is in its doubt of a few who asked me why ona
star. Hence Jupiter and Mars denote had lost what all be bad during Guru
loss of property : possession by another. Dasa Moon Bhukti when Guru was in 2 to
As Mars sign is occupied by Rahu, take Moon and the yoga is termed as Sunapha.
Sunapha yoga is caused by the planet (provided the lord of constellation occu-
which is in the second sign counted from pies favourable houses). - During Jupiter
the sign occupied by Moon. Moon may Dasa Moon Bhukti changes, loss etc.,
be in the beginning of a sign or in the must happen, why. To dasanatha Jupiter,
middle or in the fag.end : even then, the Moon is in the 12th sign. All authors
sign in which it is deposited is taken as have unanimously said that planets in 12
Moon Rasi. The second sign may have to dasanatha will bring about changes,
any planet other than Sun to cause this create loss, etc. Therefore the general
yoga. It' may also be in the beginning, ruling needs explanation and modification!
middle or end of the sign. In which ' So also Anapha 'yoga, etc. one of the
Bhava or house they' are posited is not findings of the Modern Astrological
considered. The exact - longitudinal Research Institute is that, a person has a
distance between Moon and the planet is change of loses hisjob during the conjoined
not taken for. judgment; whether they period of the planets A and B if A and B
form good aspect or bad is not included. are in 2 and. 12 to each other and be got
Further the lordship of Moon and' the into service during B Dasa A Bhukti.
other planet are not considered. Simply Suppose a person enters into service during
because there is a planet other than Sun in Rahu Dasa Jupiter Bhukti as Jupiter is in
the second sign, to Moon at once to stay 2 to Rahu,. then during Jupiter Dasa Rahu
that there is Sunapa yoga. The native Bhukti be retires. If one starts a business
will. be prosperous cannot come true at during Saturn Dasa Mercury Bhukti when
all. Because if both Moon and (say) Mercury is in 2 to the sign occupied by
Jupiter own good houses and Jupiter is in. Saturn, then during Mercury Dasa Saturn
2 to Moon then during the dasa of Moon Bhukti be closes the business or incurs
and sub period of Jupiter, if the aspect loss and it is in a stalemate condition.
between the two is good, he can prosper Readers are requested to verify.
Horoscope is as under Mercury constellation. Hence Saturn,
Jupiter, Mercury and Rahu entangles you.
Here. Here Rahu in Jupiter's sign is weaker than
Rahd 20-33
22-34 Jup. 18-22 Jupiter as Jupiter is in Rahu's star. There-
Ura 22-03
Sun 14-09 fore during Mercury Dasa Jupiter Bhukti
between 18-12-63 and 24-3-66, you would
Ven 3-24 Moon l-Sfi have stood surety especially during Mercury
Forluna Mars 6-52 anthra, i.e. between 28-7-64 and 14-11-64.
- 2-12 Even in this Anthra take the sub sub of
28—3—1931 Saturn. It will be in the second week of
8—00 P.M. I.ST.
November 1964.
Nep 10-46
[Generally people used to say Parivar-
thana yoga between Jupiter and Mercury.
Saturn Lagna Mercury has Neecha banga Raja yoga etc.
Kethu What have they done, in their conjoined
29-24 . 14-25 • 22-14 period. To stand surety for one, who ran
away and you are taken to task. Hence
Jupiter Dasa Balance 1 year .8 months Krishnamurti Padhdhati explains that
5 days. You enter into Kethu Dasa on Rahu and Jupiter are evil as Rahu was in
3-12-1968. You are running Mercury the constellation of planet in 6 owning the
Dasa Saturn Bhukti from 24-3-66. house 12 (secret enemy). Jupiter in 9 is
in Rahu constellation and sub of the
" When will I clear off loans " means planet in 9. Saturn is in the house 3'
that you have already borrowed or you denoting signing documents', in the cons-
have stood surety to another and due to tellation of lord of 11 (friend and gains)
that person's inability to return, the burden but sub of Rahu. Rahu and Jupiter in
comes on your head. Though you are Rahu constellation spoiled.
interested to know when you will be free
and not keen to test the astrologer why ■ Now which will free you from the
you are due to somebody just like people trouble. That' planet . which will bring
want to know the future and not the past back your reputation and prestige and
life yet; let me judge, what made you to significator of houses 2, 10 and 11 will
take a loan. bring back the honour, ' whereas the 8th
and the 12th house significators show when
You borrow when the significators of you repay.
the sixth house conjointly operate. Rahu
and Mercury are in the 6th Bhava. Jupiter No planet is in 8: Venus owns 8th
alone is in Rahu star, Arudhra. Rahu house. Kethu is in 12. Budha owns 12th
and Mercury are in Mercury's constella- house. Planets in the constellation of
tion Revathi. Hence Mercury, Rahu and these planets show repayment. Mercury
Jupiter create circumstances to borrow. Dasa is on. It is lord of 12. It is in its
own constellation. So throughout Mer-
■ Standing surety for loan is signed to one cury Dasa, you repay through your nose.
whenever the significators of the houses 3
and 6 operate. Saturn is in 3: Mercury Kethu is in 12. No planet is in its
and Rahu are in 6. ' Mars and Sun are in constellation during Kethu Dasa you
Saturn's star. Jupiter is in Rahu cons- continue to repay. No more loan is indi-
tellation and Mercury and Rahu are in cated by 2 and 11 houses; no planet is in
2; None in 11 : owners are Sun and Mars. Mercury now and then by Kethu, you wil 1
Saturn is in Sun's star. Venus is in Mar's not stop repayment: Slowly' and steadi]y>
star. Kethu dasanatha is in the constella- just like a glutton empties the plate with
tion of planet in 9 and owner of 10th a large quantity of. food so also you will
house. Therefore Kethu in the sub of clear off the heavy loan.
lord of 8 pays back to .the last pie and it When you know that you will be free '
lifts off the heavy load on your head from from that trouble, when astrology gives
Kethu Dasa Venus Bhukti Kethu Anthra, you the correct picture, be carefree from
i.e. June 1970. now onwards and be loan free from June
As Mercury and Kethu denote repay- - 1970.
ment and the period running is ruled by. Good Luck!
Sir, Moon is in the second house—Self-aqui-
I am serving in a concern where the sition and in the constellation of Jupitei
increment is given whenever my work is in the second house as lord of S and 11.
appreciated and through me the concern aspecting the 11th house and not the detri.
gains satisfactorily. I would like to know mental evil house S. It is in the Sth sigr
when'I can expect my next increment. to the Sth house (its own—Sagittarius anc
in time with Pisces the Uth house). Moor
I give the number 16. The answer may and Jupiter—both inv the second house-
be published in the magazine. are auspicious.
Yours sincerely, Sun and Rahu are in 11th Bhava. There,
B. M. S. fore planets in the constellation of Sur
Calcutta. and Rahu, Sun Rahu, Moon and Jupitei
denotes increase in income. Kethu is ir
Rahu star. Venus is in Moon's star. Moor
This question is taken on Monday at and Jupiter are in Jupiter's star. Therefort
2-12 P.M. on 17-4-47 at Calcutta. signifipators are Moon, Jupiter, Kethu, Sur
■ The position of the planets for this time and Rahu.
is as follows; Now the dasa balance is 4years 6monthi
29 days. Therefore when you run Jupitei
Sat. 12-10 Sun 3-21 Ven. 10-11 Moon Dasa, Moon Bhukti, Rahu Anthra, Kethv
Mercury Rahu Lagna 27-09 Shookshma, you must get, i.e., around
10-54 14-23 20 to 23-20 13-7-1967— a Thursday—after 2-28 P.M.
When Hastha star starts [Ruling planet!
Jup. 2-15 today Moon lord of the day; Mercury, lord
17-4-67 of the rasi : Jupiter, lord of star. Or
2—12 P.M. 13-7-67, Jupiter, lord of the day ; Moon,
I.S.T. lord of the star : Mercury, lord of tht
Ura. 27-42 rasi.]
According to transit. Sun-, the chiel
•i Kethu Governor for profession will conjoin witl
Neptune 14-23 the position of Moon at the time of query
0-23 Mars, Because Moon is in Mercury sign, Jupitei
0-44 star and Moon sub.. So when Sun transit!
Mercury sign, Jupiter star. Moon sub yor
The good or bad aspects to lagna and will surely have the desired increment
to lord.of.lagna as well as the favourable Jupiter will just enter in Mercury star ir
of unfavourable' condition of the Uth Moon's sign. Mercury will be in Mercury
house, show whether one's desire will be ful- sign, Jupiter star, Jupiter sub.
filled or not.
Moon—called Mathi—indicates one's Sukumar Bhattacharya.
desire. 17-4-67

Vol. 5 JULYI967 No. 7

Readers to Note 3
Tour Programme of Editor 3
Modern Astrological Research Institute, Madras—Opening of
Calcutta 4
Gaya 7
Dhanbad 16
Employment—When ? 17
Rectification of Lagna 20
Lagna fixed by K. S. Krishnamurti 21
Will I stick on to my Profession 1^1
Promotion—When next? 22
Business or Service ; Promotion When? 25
Failure in Business 27
Information' to Readers 29
Success in Litigation 33
Missing Son—When will he come back 1 39
Father's serious illness and death—Application of
Krishnamurti Padhdhati 44
Fear Complex 49
Horary Astrology—Will I take up a New Project? 55'
Can I see any better Time? 59.
Letters to Editor 60
Widow Marriage 61
Hproscopy—Will I renounce this World? 63
The Nomenclature of Hindu Months 64
Daily Guide for July 1967 67
Monthly Prediction .70
Position of Planets 81
.July 1967—Ephemeris 82
'Sidereal Time .83
PROP SATCHIDA NAND MISHRA, B.A, (Hons.). M.A. (Triple)." B.L.
Head of the Department of English, J. J. Degree College. Gaya.
The horoscope for study is as under:— VII Cusp—Aquarius 19.33
A. Birth-Details;—Born on 13th. VIII Cusp—Pisces 17.0
August 1940 at 7-26 A.M. L.M.T. 24'?-48' IX Cusp—Aries 18.0
N. Lat.J ' 8i°-01. Longitude. East. X Cusp—Taurus 19,0
XI • Cusp—Gemini 20.0
NirayanaRasi Chart:- XII Cusp—Cancer 20.0
D. Bhava Chart—
Kethu Sat. 21-36
Jupiter Ven. 15-00 Bhava II—Rahu
. 20-0 21-56 Bhava IV—Moon
Bhava VIII—Kethu
Bhava IX—Saturn Jupiter
Mer. JO-O Bhava "X—Venus
Sun 27-0 Bhava XI—Mercury
Bhava XII—Sun Mars
Mars 3-47 E, Planet Lord of the . Lord of Sub
Asc, 19-33 Constellation
1. Mars Kethu . Moon
2. Rahu ' Moon Kethu
29-37 -
20-0 3. Moon Mercury ■ Saturn
4. Kethu Mercury Venus
5. Saturn Venus Jupiter
Cusps 6. Jupiter Venus Saturu
Cusp —Leo 7. Venus Rahu - Kethu
19.33 8. Mercury Saturn Venus
Cusp —Virgo 17.0 9. Sun Mercury . Jupiter
III Cusp—Libra 18.0
IV Cusp—Scorpio 19.0 F. Dasa—
V Cusp—Sagittarius 20.0 Balance of Mercury Dasa at birth—
VI Cusp—Capricorn 20.0 0 Year 5 Months—25 Days.
Dasa Bhukti Anthra Sookshma From To
Mercury 13-8-1940 8-2-'4I
Kethu 8-2-'41 8-2-'48
Venus 8-2-'48 8-2-'68
Venus Mercury 8-2-'64 8-12-'66
Venus Kethu s-u-'ee ■ 8-2-'68
Venus Kethu Moon 4-4-'.67 .9-5-'67
Venus Kethu Moon Kethu 29-4-'67 ^5-'67-
Venus Kethu Moon Venus i-s-'e? 7-5-'67
II. ASTROLOGICAL ANALYSIS told him frankly that he should wait for
WITH PREDICTION Venus Dasa and Kethu Bhukti for
appointment. Although his name was
Let us consider houses'2, 6 and 10. recommended for service during Venus
Second House is occupied by Rahu. Dasa, Mercury Bhukti, he could not be put
in service due to several hindrances here
Only Venus is in the constellation of Rahu. and there. He was Very hopeful of joining
No planet is in the sub of Rahu. Take the service during. this period, but T had
Venus. ■ Mercury lord of 2 governs told him that he could be appointed only
Ashlesha, Jyeshta and Revathi. Kethu, in Venus Dasa, Kethu Bhukti; and Moon
Moon and Sun are in the constellations Anthra alone will put him in actual
1 of Mercury. Kethu is in Revathi, Moon service.
in Jyeshta and Sun in Ashlesha. No
planet is in the sub of Mercury. Hence Days passed into mbnths and months
take Kethu,' Moon and Sun. As Sun is passed into years and the prediction
lord of 1st house,' which is 12th from according to Krishnamurti Padhdhati bore
2nd, eliminate Sun. Finally take Venus, fruit only during the Dasa Bhukti and
Kethu and Moon. Anthra predicted by me.
Sixth house is unoccupied by any III. RESULT AND VERIFICATION
Saturn is lord of 6; Saturn OF KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI.
Pushyam, Anusham and
Only Mercury is in Pushyam, a constel- Really the native was employed, while
lation ruled by Saturn. • Rahu is stronger he was running Venus Dasa, K^thu Bhukti
Moon and Jupiter are in the sub of and Moon Anthra. He received, the
Eliminate Jupiter, because it is posited appointment order on 29-4-1967, and
9th Bhava which is 12th from 10th, and joined duty when he was running Kethu
such it is not favourable to give Sookshma' under this period. On this
day. Sun was passing through Bharani, a
Finally take Moon. a constellation ruled by Venus and Moon
Tenth Bhava is occupied by Venus. was passing through Pooradam, again a
Venus rules Bharani, Pooram and Poorva- constellation ruled by Venus. He joined
shada. Saturn and Jupiter are in Bharani, the service in a bank.
a constellation ruled by Venus. Eliminate Thus Krishnamurti Padhdhati in regard
both of them, because they are posited in to appointment is verified.
9th Bhava, which is 12th from 10th and
as such they cannot give service. Kethu (Kethu is in 8. Moon is lord of 12.
and Mercury are in the Sub of Venus. Moon is debilitated. It is in Shashta
Kethu is already a significator, hence take ashtama with Venus.
Kethu. Mercury cannot give though in 11th
Moon also aspects .10th Bhava, hence Bhava as it is to give the results of
Moon is a strong significator. Saturn.
Thus we come to the conclusion that Kethu is to give the results of 11th
Venus, Kethu and Moon are the strong Bhava as Mercury was in 11.' Kethu is
significators for the service of this native. not evil. It is a benefic. It proved to be
a benefic.)
The native approached me when, he was
running Venus Dasa, Mercury Bhukti. I
The editor initiates Uchishta Maha Ganapalhi
Manthra to ail his students in India, whenever
he visits their places
Rectification of Lagna
My parents say that I am born'on
4-5-1930 early morning around 2-30 A.M.
I have two horoscopes, one Kumba
Lagna last quarter and another Meena
Lagna first quarter. Can you help me by Tbe editor is respected not only as a successlul
fixing the position of Lagna. research scholar but also as a ' Sath-Guru ' by all
his students and a good number of consultants.
Mr. N. Barapanda, Calcutta 33. Respected Sir,
You have , put the question when the When you were in New Delhi, I request-
Lagna is 26' -50' virgo and Moon is in ed you to fix up my Lagna, as my father
Scorpio in Jyeshta Star and the day is could not give correct time and I gave
Thursday. Hence Mercury Sign Virgo, you that my birth was between 8 and
Chitrai star 23o.20' to 30° Virgo ruled by 8-30 A.M.
Mars 26°-50' governed by Jupiter:
Scorpio rasi is owned by Mars, Jyeshta is You wrote to me that my birth should
ruled by Mercury and the day is ruled by be Scorpio 3o-30 saying that, Mars and
Jupiter: Hence Jupiter Mars and Mercury Saturn are my ruling planets, other than
alone rule this time. As Saturn is not the Mercury and Rahu; also you said on the
ruling planet, reject Aquarius. In Pisces, day you took my letter for judgment,
it can be Jupiter's constellation Poorva- that these four planets alone ruled the
padrapada, Mars sub and mercury sub- time.
\ sub, i.e. between 0°—56'—40" to 1°—3'. So Again today on 13-5-67 I requested you
your lagna is to be taken as 1" Pisces. to confirm my lagiia the lime when you
Dated 15lh May 1967 took my chart it was exactly 3°-30' of
Nirmal Kumar Ghose scorpio i it is Saturday, the star is also
C/o Dr. N. Ghose Arudhra. Now I am fully convinced that
Bfaudur Mukherjee Road my lagna is 3o-30' Scorpio.
P.O. Chandranagar I thought that the ruling planet at the
Hoogly (W.B.) time of judgment may not be the same if
I repeatedly put the same question on you do not have that doubt. So you take
different dates but even though I visited the lord of the sign where Rahu is, as you
at 2 P.M. You called me onlyat the time are sure that it should be in Rohini or
when 3o-30' Scorpio was rising at the Mrigasira.
East as many people were around you. Hence your Lagna is 29? Taurus and
You explained to me that whenever a birth should be at 2—12 A.M. L.M.T.
native has Saturn as a ruling planet some 1-51—8 A.M. I.S.T.
hindrance or other will delay one's efforts,
All your findings are proved to be very The position of. Moon is 23° 32' in
true in my case. in Scorpio on 2-8-1914. This is also
correct; Moon, now on 13-5-67 is in
Thanking you. Arudhra. Mercury sign Rahu star. Rahu
Yours sincerely, has no house of its own. It denotes Mars.
N. K. Ghose Hence your star is Mercury's star in Mars
Lagna Fixed By K. S. KRISHNAMURTI sign—Jyesbta. Dasa Balance in Mercury
is 8 years 2 inonthsand 28 days. It is also
Mr. B. M, Accounts officer. Transport, Mars Bhukti (subperiod)
consulted me on Saturday when the Moon Dear Sir,
was in Arudhra star to fix his lagna. He
says "According to the time given by After having fixed the dasa balance and
mother that the birth should be between Lagna'I worked out the period that I had
1-30 and 2-30 A.M. L.M.T. on 2-8-1914 at been running at the time of marriage, birth
Calcutta. I had my doubt about my of children, first appointment, promotion,
correct position of my Lagna He adds etc. Also I considered the ruling planet
" If I make use of the various methods of wife and children and referred to the.
given by the Hindu sages there are many Dasa period. All agree and I am fully
alternatives. No astrologer is able to give satisfied. As a student of astrology since
the correct degree. Hence the dasa 30 years I had been groping in the dark ;
balance given by each vary. Now I am there was no definite rule. . After I began
sn possession of a dozen horoscopes for to read your magazine .from 1963' I have
my birth at 23° 39' N and 87° 43' E. understood your principles and after
I follow your method. My colleagues attending your lectures and consulting
also follow. We are the admirers of your you I boldly declare that yours is the only
Padhdhati. I have fixed my Lagna as 28° system to come to a definite conclusion.
Taurus. Please you fix the position of What I appreciate more is that you want
Lagna. to impart knowledge to the students
" What'is Today". without any reservation and you are the
only person who cdnsuder the necessity
, " Saturday ". of educating the students learning astro-
"In which constellation is Moon? logy in a scientific way and have done
•" In Arudhra governed by Rahu which your best without considering any per-
represents Mars as Rahu is in Aries. sonal difficulty.
Your doubt is whether the Lagna is in (Sd.) B. M. C.
Rohini or Mrigasira as is given by others. Calcutta-26.'
Also you want the correct degree. Now (Note : An^asuologer will be thorough
the Lagna is in Moon's sign Saturn star.. only when he/for years, teaches the stu-
Day is Saturday, Arudhra is the star ruled dents and the scholars and proves to be
by Rahu representing Man as it is in Aries. very good in astrology. One can write
Hence take your Lagna as Taurus, Mriga- any number of articles. It cannot help
sira second quarter, Saturn sub and Moon the author as much as the teacher who is
sub sub. If your doubt is whether the to face the' intelligent astrologers in all
Lagna is in Rohini or Mrigasira or the cities in India who follow different
Arudhra, you should, take Arudhra. But systems.)
3. The Planets posited in the constel- Finally we come to the conclusion that
lations of the lords of the above-named Saturn, Mercury and Rahu are the strong
houses. significators for promotion. . This is
. 4. Lords of the above-said houses. further confirmed as the last promotion of
the native was conferred during Mercury
5. Planets conjoined with the strong Dasa Rahu Bhukti:
6. Planets aspected by the strong The native is running Mercury Dasa and
significators- Saturn Bhukti from 26-8-1965, which will
last up to 5-5-1968. The promotion is
7. Rahu or Kethu-situated in the sign expected during this period, especially
of any of the strong significators. when Rahu Anthra operates'. Rahu Anthra
Houses 2 and 6 indicate merely profes- operates in Mercury Dasa Saturn Bhukti
sion, whereas houses 10 and 11 must be from 29-7-1967 to 24-12-1967.
considered for promotion in career. Let us confirm this fact by transit. At
Rahu occupies 2nd house. Rahu rules the time of judgment, the day is Saturday,
Arudra, Sathabisha and Swathi. No planet ruled by Saturn and Moon is passing
is i n these constellations. Hence take Rahu. through the constellations of Venus, lord
6th House is occupied by Saturn. of 6 in the radical chart and in the sign of
Saturn rules Pushyam, Anusham and Jupiter, who is in the constellation of
Uttarabhadra. No planet is in these con- Mars, occupant of 10th Bhava in the
stellations. Hence take Saturn. radical chart. Mercury, a strong signifi-
cator of promotion is in Aries 1° 55' on
lOthBhavais occupied by Moon-and 29-4-1967, the day of judgment, . thus
Mars. Sun and Mercury occupy Rohini, aspecting 6th bhava in the radical chart,
a constellation ruled by Moon. Hence where Saturn too is posited.
take Sun and Mercury. Finally take Rahu, on this day, is in theconstellal
Mercury, because Mercury is a friend of tion of Venus, lord of 6 in the radica-
Venus and therefore strong. chart. Hence say with confidence that the
Only Jupiter is in the constellation of native will 'be promoted during Mercury
Mars. Hence take Jupiter. Dasa, Saturn Bhukti and Rahu Anthra.
Eleventh House is unoccupied by any This is further confirmed as Rahu in the
planet. Jupiter owns the house. Saturn, radical chart is in the sub of Mercury, a
Moon, Mars and Rahu are in the constel- strong significator of promotion. Simi-
lations of Jupiter. Saturn, being occupant larly exalted Saturn in Libra is also in the
of 6 is already a sighificator, hence take sub of Venus, lord of 6.
Saturn. Rahu is occupant of 2nd Bhava Let us notice the transit of luminaries
and is in the sign ruled by Mercury, a for pinpointing the date of event. Sun
strong significator for promotion. Hence enters Ashlesha on 3rd August, 1967 and
take Rahu. We.have already considered stays there up to 17th August, 1967. Ashle-
the planets, posited in the constellations sha is a constellation ruled by Mercury.
of Moon and Mars, which are stronger in Moon .transits Pushyam, a constellation
comparison to them. Hence eliminate ruled by Saturn in the sign Cancer, ruled
Moon and Mars- by Moon, occupant of 10th Bhava in the
Let us see whether we can eliminate any radical-chart on 5th August, 1967, which is
other planet. Jupiter is in the constella- a Saturday, again ruled by Saturn. Hence
tion of Mars, occupant of 10th Bhava, it is safely predicted that the native
therefore a significator, but we have already will receive orders for promotion on 5th
considered the planets posited in the com August, 1967.
stellations of Jupiter, are stronger than
Jupiter, so Jupiter is weak.

• By
Born on 13th October, 1923at0.50a.m. etc. Again in Rahu Bhukti Venus Anthra
I.S.T. (night of 12/13). it indicates transfer in the same service.
Latitude 32° SIT !. Longitudes 74° Rahu in the second house in a fixed sign
36'E. and in the sub of Moon, in a fixed sign
show that during Kethu Dasa you cannot
Questions asked: (I) Whether I will leave the service; your income must be
continue in service or take to business? steady but when Venus Dasa commences
(2) When will be my next promotion? as Venus is in the star of Mars and in its
Horoscope is as under; own sub Venus shows that there will be a
thorough change in one's career. Why ?
Because Venus is to signify the matters of
the 10th house as Mars owns the tenth
house and as Mars occupies the second
house. Further Venus is in a movable
Kethu Asc 12-17' sign in the third house. Venus is concer-
16° 35' Neptune ned with your profession as the lord of
Hcrchel 12/13th October. 1923 27° 13'
21°-39' 0-50 A.M. I.S.T. the constellation is in the second house by
32* 31'N Rahu owning the tenth house. Mars by nature
74° 36'E. 16° 35' denotes independence, as, lord of tenth
Fortune aspecting the tenth house, gives the courage
18° 22' to take the risk, the independent spirit,
MerS"nr^54* and the boldness to launch any private
Moon Ven. 4° 20' Son■7"Zb'56*-45 enterprise; therefore during Venus Dasa
1° 50'- Jup. 28° 3' Satoin one has to expect such a change. Venus
Dasa Venus Bhukti Mars Antara will bring
Business or service: Service is indicated about a change after August 1969. You
by houses 2, 6 and lOand the significators will be resigning the job , during Venus
Nmus( be in the sub of the planets occupying
Dasa Venus Bhukti Moon Anthra, at that
fixed signs, because planets in movable time Jupiter will conjoin with Mercury
signs indicate change in one's career, i.e. and Saturn will be entering into the Star
one leaves an institution and takes up Bharani (2) ruled by Venus, and when you
another, planets in common sign show start independent business it will be Venus
that the native will have a temporary . Dasa Venus Bhukti Mars Anthara, that is,
transfer or be transferred to another at the end of August 1969.
department, by his services being lent and The business is signified by Venus and
having a lien in the parent department, Mars. The nature of the business will be
planets in fixed sign show that person export import, agency of an industry
will continue to serve during the period of dealing in Engineering goods and finished
those planets occupying the sub of the products. It also includes mines, ores,
planets in fixed signs. petroleum products, tea and coffee as
The native is running Kethu Dasa up to Venus and Mars jointly indicate tea,
1-8-68 J later Venus Dasa follows, Kethu coffee and tobacco. At the time when
was in Rahu star Venus sub; therefore this horoscope was being judged the day
Venus as lord of fourth house occupying was Friday ruled by Venus, Lagna was
the third house, in his sub period in Kethu Cancer ruled by Mooni Star was Uttra-
Dasa gave transfer, change of residence. bhadrapada (26) ruled,bySaturn- There-
fore as the question was: Will I change eleven. Therefore during fCethu Dasa
my profession, if so when? Then one is Mercury Bbukti and Sun Anthra, that is
to pick up a period which is governed by around I6-I2-67 when Sun transits in the
Venus, Moon and Saturn. So Venus Dasa Kethu's star Moolam and Venus sub you
Venus Bbukti Moon Anthra and Saturn will surely have a promotion.
Sookshama will surely bring out a change,
i.e., resignation and arranging to start a Editor'snote:—This is the way to predict.
business. This is what is wanted by the querist.
Promotion: For promotion in service Nowadays people are not satisfied if they
one has to judge bouses 2, 6, 10 and 11. are informed that Ketbu Dasa Mercury
Ketbu in the constellation of Rabu (in the Bbukti in 1967-68 will give promotion.
. 2nd house), in the sub of Venus (lord of ■ Date: Date is expected. That method
eleventh bouse) Mercury, the lord the which gives such a date by following any
Bbukti is in the star of Sun, lord of one rule uniformly and universally is
second and in the sub of Venus, lord of. scientific.
Letter to Editor and the reply by pathi. So it must bring fortune (many
K.S.K. authors).
" I had been consulting astrologers Another may quote from Uthrakalamri-
since over a decade and every one gave a that if Venus or Saturn happen toproduce
rosy picture about my Venus Dasa. They Rajayoga, if cither is strong by occupying
knew that I was a very well-to-do person either exalted sign or own or Vargotham
carrying on transport business. I have amsa one must beg alms in the street even
completely closed the business during when one is born very rich. If one quotes
Venus Dasa Venus Bhukti as I incurred this sloka, another person born with the
heavy losses from 1957. Now I am a conjunction or aspect among Venus and
bankrupt. I know that astrologers can- Saturn and birth ascendant, Capricorn,
not change my destiny. But I expected Makara, denies it, saying that he minted
they could warn me at least by hinting my money during Venus Dasa. In his horos-
ill-luck. On the contrary, all astrologers cope, Venus and Saturn are in the same
encouraged me by saying that Venus is the Taurus. Also he adds, it is only for the
strongest Raja yoga athipathi, etc. and mutual dasa and bhukti of Saturn and
quoted slokas after slokas. Venus, Kalidoss has told that own house
Since a few years I am regularly and exaltation signs are undesirable and it
studying your magazine. I am much is not applicable to other bhukties in
impressed by your way of tackling the Venus dasa. In my case, even that failed.
problem. I would like to know why it Some others will say that
lost everything. Horoscope is furnished (a) Lord of 1 and 2 in 5 is beneficial.
for your reference; (b) Lord of 5 and 10 in 5 is advan-
Rahu Mars Vcn. 12.33
4-50 26-24 Sat. 20.29 Sun. 27-54 (c) Lords of 2 and 10 Conjunction
is favourable.
(d) Lords of 2 and 5 Conjunction is
Mercury Incky and so on.
23.5 But follow in full, Krishnainurti Padh-
13-7--1913 dhati. Planets in their dasas can bring
East Pakistan forth the matters signified by the lord of
Lagna the constellation by its occupation and
2* 0' ownership.
While such matters are included in the
Jupiter Moon Kethu portfolio of the dasa lord then favourable
19.16 2.11 4.50 or unfavourable results in those matters
depend on the sub-lord. The above two
Jupiter Dasa 1 year 4 months 17 days. rules are universal.
(Sd) S.N.C. Darjeeling. Venus is in Rohini. It is ruled by Moon.
Dear Sir, Moon is in the 10th house. (11th sign.)
Therefore it denotes Profession. Hence
Those who follow the text-books can planets in Rohini Hastbam and Sravanam
give predictions for and against. Because governed by. Moon indicate matters connec-
the slokas found are not uniform. One ted with profession.
contradicts the other. One says Rajayoga. Whether one is successful or one is a
The other denies, thorough failure is shown by the lord who
Venus and Saturn are bosom friends. governs the 'Sub' division occupied by
They are conjoined together in the kona the dasa lord. . Here Krishnamurti Padh-
sign- Venus is the only Rajayoga adhi- dbati reveals the truth.
Venus is in tlie sub of Rahu. Rahu is Whether one will lose or gain is to be
not conjoined with any planet nor aspected judged from the lord of the constellation
by any planet. It is in the second Bhava and sub lord. Venus can be in Sun's
(3rd sign). Italso represents lord ofPisces star Karthik, or Moon's Rohini constella-
whoowns Sagittarius also. 3rd cusp fallsin tion or Mars asterism Mrigasira. Depen-
Pisces. 12thcusp is in Sagittarius. There- ding on the house occupied by Sun, one is
fore Rahu indicates the matters of 2, 3 and to judge what results ,Venus can give to
12houses. Whenever an evil planet is con- him. The sub lord will show ■ whether
nected with the matters of the houses 2 such will he favourable or unfavourable
and 12 and it is evil, then it causes loss. (Venus in Sun's constellation).. Depending
It is detrimental. Hence Venus in the on the house occupied by Moon one'
the constellation of Moon in lOth Bhava judge what results Venus in Moon's cons-
and in the sub of Rahu denoting 3 and 12 tellation indicate and whether the matter
house matters will cause damage, bring will materialise and be helpful or whether
out changes and spoil one's career.:: That one will be disappointed is to be read
is why you had been losing after Venus from the lord who rules the sub.
dasa started and the balance was nil from So also depending on Mars' occupation, '
Venus Dasa Moon Bhukti Rahu Anthra. note the portfolio of Venus in Mars
Constellation. Good or bad depends on
In this connection, I would like to say ■the position of the Sublord. (Imagine
(a) All those born in Capricorn that there is water in a reservoir which is ■
having Venus and Saturn in shown by the lord of the Constellation.)
Rishaba will not become bank- Also, imagine that there .are .nine .taps
rupts. attached to the reservoir. Beneficial sub
(b) All those born in Capricorn lords show that their taps are clean and
having Venus and Saturn in they allow the water to flow. Unfavourable
■ Rishaba cannot become multi- sub lords tighten the tap and block the
millionares. flow of water. Thus you have to judge.
Verification of Krisbfiamurti Padhdhati

-Prof. S, N. MISHRA, .B.A. (Hons.), m.a. (Triple), b.l.

I. The Chart IX. Cusp—Leo 29.32
A. Birth—Details — X Cusp—Libra 2.32
1. Place of birth—Lat. 24" 48' N. ; XI Cusp—Scorpio 0.32
Long. 85° 01' E. XII Cusp—Scorpio 24.32
2. Time of birth—10-27-56 A.M. I.S.T. D. DasaSystem—
= 10-38 A.M. L.M.T.
3. Date of birth—4-11-1908 Balance of Jupiter Dasa at birth—11
years, 7 months, 6 days.
4. Day of birth—Wednesday.
At present be is running Venus Dasa Sun
B. Nirayana Rasi Chart— ■ Bhukti from 10-10-1966, which will last
upto 10-10-1967.
Saturn (R) Ra hu E.
11° 49' 5-39-30
Planet in the Lord of the Lord of the
Chart Constellation Sub
Rabu Mars Moon
23 6 40' 2 Jupiter Venus Mars
3 Mars Sun Jupiter
4 Venus Sun Venus
Jupiter 5 Mercury Mats Moon
6 'Sun Rabu Moon
7 ■ Kethu Kethu Rabu
A sc. Mercury Mars 8 Moon Jupiter Saturn
18-36 5-44 2-03
Kethu Sun Venus 9 Saturn Saturn Moon
. 5-39-30 19-12 8-44
F. Bhava Table—
G Table of Cusps— Ascendant—Sagittarius 18.36
I Cusp—Sagittarius 18.36 Bhava II—Moon
'"",'11 Cusp—Capricorn 23.32 Bhava III—Saturn (R)
III' Cusp—Aquarius 29.32 Bhava VI—Rabu
IV Cusp—Aries 2.32 Bhava VIII—Jupiter
' V Cusp—Taurus 0.32 Bhava IX—-Mars .
■Vt ..Cusp—Taurus 24.32 Bhava X—Venus
t ' '.
VII • Cusp—Gemini 18.36 Bhava XI—Mercury, Sun
Vlh •' Cusp—Cancer 23.32 Bhava XII—Kethu -
Planet Lord of Constellation Lord of Sub
Occupiying Ruling \ Occupying Ruling
1 Rahu 9 4 2 8
2 .Jupiter 10 5, 6,11, 12 9 4
3 Mars. 11 9 8 ■ 1
4 Venus 11 9 10 5, 6,11,;
5 Mercury 9 4 2 8
6 Sun' 11 7, 10 2 8
r Kethu. 8 1 11 7, 10
8 Moon 8 1 , 3 2,3
9 Saturn 3 2.3 2 8
Note :■—Rahu denotes Mercury, and is stronger than Mercury, as it is in the sign of
Mercury i similarly Kethu represents Jupiter, being in the sign of Jupiter and is
stronger. No planet is associated either with Rahu or Kethu.
II. Litigation—An Analysis 3. Compromise in litigation—
1. According to KRISHNAMURTI. A compromise will take place
PADHDHATI, sixth house stands between the two parties engaged in
for litigation and seventh, for the litigation, when 6th and 7th houses
opponent in litigation. Litigation come under the sway of lord of
will crop up when indications of constellation or occupant of Uth
both'6th and 7th houses operate bhava, indicating compromise.
together during their conjoined
period according to Vimsothari Udu III. The Chart—An Analysis
Dasa System.
The native had to undergo heavy strain
2. Why litigation ?- for litigation as soon as Kethu Dasa started
The cause of litigation will be on 10-6-19S6. Rahu is occupant of 6th
indicated by the planets which are bhava and Kethii is in the sub of Rahu.
associated with the sixth bhava or During Kethu Dasa, Rahu Bhukti and
6th cusp or planets posited in the Kethu Dasa, Mercury Bhukti, he was
constellation of occupant or lord rather compelled to be entangled' in a
of 6th. bhava. number of litigations, because Rahu is
occupant of 6th bhava and posited in 7th
3. Success in litigation— sign representing Mercury, lord of 7. Dur-
A native will.succeed in litiga- ing Venus Dasa too, the litigations conti-
tion, when 6th and 7th houses come nued with all intensity, as Vjnus is in the
under the sway of the lords of the sub of Venus, lord of 6 and in Uthram
constellations or occupants of 1,2, constellation, ruled by Sun. Moreover,'
3, 6, 10 and II houses, because Sun is conjoined with Mercury, who is
these are favourable houses in lord of 7, in the sign Libra, ruled by
regard to litigation' according to Venus. . Venus is also in the sign Virgo,
Mr. K. S. Krishnamurti. ruled by Mercury, lord of 7.
4. Failure in litigation— The sixth Cusp (Taurus 24° 32') falls in
Failure in litigation will accrue, Mrigasira constellation, ruled by Mars,
when 6th and 7th houses come lord of 4th house indicating land and '
under the sway of the lords of the landed property,.hence trouble .regarding
constellations or occupants of 4, 5, these cropped up. The Cusp also falls in
■ 7, 8, 9 and 12, the unfavourable the sub of Rahu, who is' occupant of 6th
_. houses in.regardj.o litigation.accot_ Bhava. Moreover Rahu tod is in Mrigasira
ding to Mr. K. S. Krishnamurti. constellatjon, ruled by Mars.' "
•V- 35
On 4th July, I960, seventy-eight bighas radical chart. Ascendant was also transit-
of land for which dispute was going on ing swathi constellation, ruled by Rahu,
since long was decided in favour of the occupant of 6th Bhava in the radical chart.
native. At thistime, he was running Kethu In the month of July 1966, this native
Dasa Jupiter Bhukti and Jupiter Anthfa, asked me about a judgment in another
i.e., from 23-5-1960 to 12-7-1960. Kethu case, about which we was very much
aspects 6th Bhava and as Kethu is in its worried. According to Horary Chart, I
(Kethu's) own constellation, it gains more replied that the judgment was delayed ;
strength. Moreover Kethu is in the sub and although in the lower courts you will
of Rahu, again a powerful planet to. give have a set back, the judgment from High
him success, because Rahu is occupant of Court will definitely go in your favour.
6th Bhava. 6th Bhava gives easy success At the time of query, the native was run-
in litigation to any native hence it is very ning Venus Dasa, Venus Bhukti. 1 told
important, because it is 12th from the him that he will receive a judgment in his
house of the opponent, which is. 7th. favour during Venus Dasa Sun Bhukti.
When the 6th house of a native operates Really it happened so. In the chart Venus
in litigation, the opponent is obliged to receives aspect from Saturn. In the Horary
part with a handsome amount of money, also, the Ascendant is aspected by Saturn.,
as his house of loss (12th from 7th)
operates. When the District Judge of Gaya-passed
Really during the above-mentioned an order against him, he came to .me in a
period, the native was ordered to receive very worried state of mind. I reiterated
thousands of rupees from his opponent my prediction and promised that he would
which he actually received. Jupiter Is also win the case surely. Accordingly he went
a great benefic in this regard because to the High Court, and on 24-4-1967, which
according to the degree position it aspects was again a Monday he received a favour-
1st Bhava, 2nd Bhava and 3rd Bhava, all able judgment at 3-45 P.M.
favourable houses and moreover it is in The following is the chart for the time:
Pooram constellation ruled by Venus, who
is lord of 6, again indicating loss to the Mercury, SUD,
opponent. As Jupiter's Anthra also opera- Saturn Rahu Venus
ted along with Dasa of Kethu and Bhukti
of Jupiter, Jupiter was strengthened. The
day of judgment, i.e. 4th July, 1960 was a Jupiter
Monday, because Moon, in radical chart, is
posited in Poorvapathra constellation,
ruled by Jupiter and in the sub of Saturn,
who is lord of 2iand 3. On that day Moon Uranus
was passing through Swathi constellation,
ruled by Rahu, occupant of 6th. Bhava
in the radical chart and Sun was passing Mars,
through Arudra constellation, again ruled Neptune Kethu,
Moon Asc.
by Rahu in the sign ruled by Mercury, who 4-42
is occupant of 11th. Bhava, hence show-
ing success and realisation of ambition.
Not only this, on this day, Sun was exactly 1. The day is ruled by Moon, v^ds
transiting the sixth Bhava from the radi- a strong significator for favoithe
cal chart, indicating loss to the opponent. judgment, being in Poorvap
The judgment was delivered on that day constellation ruled by Jupiter ii,
at 2 p.m. At this time, Ascendant was radical chart. > • °
Libra 15° 0'. Therefore the sign transitted 2. Sun is transiting in Aswini const.,
by Ascendant is ruled by Venus, who is lation, ruled by Kethu, who is also-
the sole occupant of 10th bhava in the a strong significator for favourable
judgment, as it is in the constella-
Prof. SATCHIDANAND MISHRAl B.A. (Hons ), M.A. (Triple). B.L.
I. Introduction
On 29-11-1966, a person came to me and asked about the whereabouts of his
missing son, who left home on 24th November, 1966. He wanted to know
(a) whether he is alive and
(b) when he will come and join us.
II. The Chart
The horoscope of the missing son as cast by me according to Krishnamurti
Padhdhati is as under ;
Lord of the
B. Planet in the Chart Constellation
22-16 1 Ascendant Saturn
2 Sun Saturn
3 Mercury Saturn
A 4 Moon Venus
nirayana rasi 5 Venus Venus
CHART DATE OF 6 Jupiter Sun
BIRTH'— Mars 7 Rahu Mercury
23—11—1949 21-36
Jop 5-32 Ayanamsa—23-03 Saturn 8 Mars Venus
25-09 9 Saturn Venus
10 Kethu Moon
Venus Asc 3-88 C. Dasa System
26-21 Sud 7-14 Kethu
Moon Merc 7-50 22-16 Balance of Venus Dasa at the time of
14-08 birth—18 years—9 months—18 days.
Dasa Bhukti Anthra From To
Venus 11-9-1968
Venus Mercury 11-9-1964 11-7-1967
Venus Mercury Jupiter 14-9-1966 30-1-1967
Venus Mercury Saturn 30-1-1967 11-7-1967
Venus Kethu 11-7-1967. 11-9-1968
and so on.
III. Astrological Analysis Let us first of all analyse, whether the
According to Mr. K. S. Krishnamurti, a time from when the whereabout of the
person generally leaves his home and missing son is not known is indicated by.
leads a secluded life among strangers in a the houses 3, 9 and 12. If it is so, for
foreign place, from where he cannot write reunion we shall analyse the periods
to his relatives and friends, ONLY when governed by the 'planets, who are the
the planets signifying'the matters of the significators of the bhavas 2 and 11.
houses 3, 9 or 12 operate. The reunion is According to his horoscope, the missing
indicated by the houses which are 12 to son was running Venus Dasa Mercury
these houses i.e., 2, 8 and 11. Of these- Bhukti and Anthra of Jupiter on
three houses, 2 and 11 must be strong. In 24-11-1966, when he left his place. Venus
case the native has undertaken a long is lord of 12 and Mercury is in. Anusham
journey, 8th house also becomes pro- constellation, ruled by Saturn, who is lord
minent for his return. of 3. As 4th house represents one's per-
tii&Qent pjace of residence, tire 5rd bouse Continue to be among strangers in some
i.e., 12th to the 4th hqusashows that one foreign place. He will move and meet his
will leave his permanent place of resi- relatives, friends ..of parents, if 3rd house
dence. Third house is also indicative of has any connection with 11th house.
short journey. As 9tb bouse, showing Let us analyse 11th Bhava. Kethu is
long journey, was not operating, I predic- occupant of this bhava, and as it, being a
ted that- the son was not far off—he. had node, is in the sign of Mercury, it is
undertaken a short journey but at the stronger than Mercury, lord of 11 to give
same time he was not staying at one place the effects of that bhava. It is sure that
due to the, effect of 3rd Bhava. Later on it the native will return under the strong
transpired to be correct. The 3rd and infiuence of Kethu. Jupiter aspects llth
12th, both bouses operated during his bhava fully, where Kethu is posited.
sudden departure from his. permanent Hence Jupiter Kethu combination will
residence. ff2th bouse denotes life among unite him with his parents. Jupiter is not
strangers in a foreign place. only occupant of 3 but also lord of 2.
Now let us analyse the date, on which. For reunion, houses 2, 8 and 11 are to
~ the son left his residence. 24-11-1966 is be considered.
Thursday, hence the day is ruled by
Jupiter, occupant of 3rd bhava. On this Jupiter is lord of 2 and Mercury is lord
day. Moon is transiting in Revathi con- of 8 and 11 but Kethu being in the sign of
stellation. which is ruled by Mercury. Mercury is stronger than Mercury to give
Mercury, in radical chart, is inAnusham the effect of. reunion.
constellation, ruledby Saturn, lord of 3. So, the native will be united with his
Moon is also transiting in the sign Pisces, parents on a day ruled by Jupiter and
ruled by Jupiter. Hence Jupiter-Mercury Kethu.
combination led him to leave his
residence. Astrologically it has been made clear
that the native will return during Venus
IV. Queries With Astrological Dasa, Mercury Bhukti and Jupiter Anthra
Answers i.e., up to 30.-1-1967. On the day of.
. . 1. Is the missing son alive ? judgment i.e., 1st December, 1966, we
The missing son is alive, as on notice that the day is ruled by Jupiter and
24-11-1966, the day of his departure, he Moon is passing through Punarvasu -con-
. was running Venus Dasa Mercury Bhukti stellation, ruled by Jupiter. Thus Jupiter
and Anthra of Jupiter. Jupiter as a benefic is prominent.
planet gives safety to his life and also ' Let us be more accurate. Sun is in
assures that the native will come back. In Anusham constellation, rulad by Saturn
this horoscope, Mercury being lord of 8th from 19th November, 1966 to 1-12-1966.
denoting longevity, also assures the same Saturn is lord of 3 and aspects 12th
fact. Jupiter aspects 11th Bhava and Bhava. Besides he is in no way connected
Mercury is also lord of II, hence it is with bouses 2, 8 and 11. Hence he will
' certain that the. native will come back keep the native out of his residence. There
during this period. Therefore there cannot is no hope for return. Later we find Sun
be any danger to his life. transiting in Jyestha constellation, ruled
2. When will he come back? by Mercury from 2nd December, 1966 to
15th December, 1966. Mercury, although
If a person has already left his native lord of 8 and 11 is weaker than Kethu to'
place and stays for some time at another give the effect of reunion. Moreover it is
place, the 3td house indicates that he will- polluted, being in Anusham constellation,
leave that place and undertake a short ruled by Saturn and Saturn is disqualified
■journey. If the 3rd house has connection for giving return as mentioned above.
with 9th house, then he will undertake a Kethu, being a node, is more powerful
long journey from that place and if it has than Mercury, as it is posited in Virgo,
connection with 12th-house,-the native-will— -ruled by Mercury in llth Bhava. Hence-
reunion is expected When. Sun transits positively on 15th December, 1966. Let
'' Moolam constellation on IStb December, us analyse the ruling planets for this
1966. Let us erect the chart for this date moment.. According to Krisbnamurti
. and study. Padhdhati, these are the ruling planets for
any given moment of time:—
Rahu 1. Lord of the Day.
20-55 2. Lord of the constellation, transi-
y ted by Moon.
3. Lord of the sign, transited by
Sat 29-57 Jup 10-15 Modn.
l5tfa Deccnober 1966 (R) 4. Lord ,of the Ascendant.
at 5-30 P.M. I.S.T. 5. Lord of the constellation, transi-
Asc. at 9 P.M.
Moon Cancer 20-39 ted by Ascendant.
10-47 1
Hence the ruling planets for the given
time in this horoscope are as follows:—.
Mercury Kcthu Uranus 1. The day is ruled by Jupiter, as
Vcn 8-43 12-03 20-55 1-02
Sun 29-47 Neptune Mars 15th December, 1966 is a
29-45 12-44 Thursday.
2. Moon transits in' Sravanam con-
At 5-30 P.M, on 15th December, 1966, stellation ruled by Moon.
we notice that Sun Is still in Jyestba con-
stellation. We expect reunion when Sun 3. The sign in which Moon transits
transits Moolam constellation. Sun will be at this time is- Capricorn, ruled
well inside Moolam constellation positively by Saturn.
by 8 P.M. The day 15th December, 1966 4. • Ascendant 20-39 rises in Cancer.
is Thursday, ruled by Jupiter. Hence it is The Lord of Ascendant is,'there-
certain that this Jupiter—Kethu combina- fore, Moon.
tion will unite the missing son with his 5. Ascendant falls in Aslesha con-
parents on this day. . This was predicted stellation, ruled by Mercury.
on 1st December, 1966, which later on
came true. Both the predictions given At the time of fructification of the
and the success of the prediction are event, Jupiter, Moon, Saturn and Mercury,
known to all the members of theM. A.R.I. played their role and the ruling given by
Mr. K. S. K. has proved to be correct.
In consonance with the prediction the helps to arrive at safe, sound and correct
missing son returned home at 9 P.M. astrological conclusions.

Piof. SATCHIDANAND MISHRA, B.A. (Hons), MA. (Ttlpk). B.L.
I. -Introduction C. Cusps— ■
The Chart fbr Study is as.under : I Cusp—Cancer 14.43
II Cusp—Leo 9.17
19-04 Sun 7-10 Mars III Cusp—Virgo 8.17
Moon Venus
14-27 14-40 IV Cusp—Libra 10.17
20-56 V Cusp—Scorpio 13.17
VI Cusp—Sagittarius 15.17
Rahu VII Cusp—Capricorn 14.43
14-36 VIII Cusp—Aquarius 9.17
Asc 14-43
(A) IX Cusp—Pisces 8.17
X Cusp—Aries 10.17.
Kethu XI Cusp—Taurus 13.17
14-36 XII.Cusp—Gemini 15.17
D. Planet Lord of the . Lord of the
lup-. 29-36 Sat. 16-51 Constellation Sub,
- Venus Rahu
1. Mercury
B. Birth Details : , 2. Moon Venus Jupiter
Born on Thursday, the 21st May, 1925 at 3. Sun Sun Ketbu
Arrahat 9.58.25 A.M. L.M.T.25 D. 34M.' 4. Venus Moon Jupiter
N, Lat. Sidereal Time for the moment of 5. Mars Rabu Kethu
birth-—2 H. 3 M. 8 S. Ayanamsa—22.43. 6. Rahu Saturn Rabu
E.. Dasa System— 7. Saturn (R). Rahu Venus.
Balance of Venus Dasa at the time of 8. Jupiter (R). Sun Rahu
birth—8 years 7 months 6 days. 9. Ketbu Moon Jupiter
Dasa Bbukti Antbra Sookshma From To
Venus 21- 5-1925 27-12-1933
Sun 27-12-1933 27-12-1939
Moon 27-12-1939 27-12-1949,
Mars' 27-12-1949 27-12-1956
Rahu 27-12-1956 27-12-1974
Rabu Mercury. 9-12-1964 ■27- 6-1967
Rahu Mercury Moon 1- 1-1966 ■ 18- 3-1966
Rahu Mercury, Moon Venus 1- 3-1966 14- 3-1966
II. Astrological Analysis at all ages and survives. 8tb house indi-
As we have to judge the death of one's cates serious illness or accident,' acute and
father we must take 9th house Pisces as sudden and 12tL bouse confinement to
bed, hospitalisation etc. If they are
Ascendant for the father, as the native is strong, they cause death.
born in Cancer.
For fatal disease' we must consider According to Krisbnamurti Padbdhati,
houses 8 and 12. 6tb house indicases all the following are the sjgnificators of
varieties of illness, from which one suffers serious illness:—
(a) The Planets posited in the cons- Therefore we come to the conclusion
tellation of the occupants of that Rahu Dasa must give him serious
houses 8 and 12. illness. The effect will be intensified
(b) The Planets occupying the houses during Rahu Dasa Rahu Bhukti. Really
8 and 12. the native's father fell seriously ill during
Rahu Dasa, Rahu Bhukti i.e., from
(c) The Planets in the constellation 27-12-1956 to 9-9-1959, but this period
of the lords of 8 and 12. did not give him death, as maraka-sthana
■ (d) The Lords of 8 and 12. and the badhaka-sthana did not operate.
(e) Those which are conjoined with Now let us analyse houses 2 and 7.
the above-mentioned significators The second . bhava is occupied by
or aspected by them. Mercury, Moon and Sun.
For death, we must consider the bhadaka- Mercury is in Bharani constellation,
sthana and the marakasthanas. As Pisces ruled by Venus,, lord of 8 and in the sub
is father's lagna and it' is a common sign. of Rahu, a strong significator for serious
7th house from this sign is badhaka- illness. Moreover Mercury is aspected
sthana- For common sign the 7th house fully by Saturn (R.) in an orb of 3 degrees
is both badhaka-asthana and maraka- i.e., within 5 degrees and Saturn (R) is
asthana. So it is doubly evil to cause the occupant of 8 and lord of 12. Hence
death of the father,of the native. .As Mercury must figure out during serious
common signs are ruled by Mercury and illness. Therefore take Mercury.'
Jupiter, they become kendra adhipathi. Moon is also in Bharani constellation
According to Krishnamurti Padhdhati, ruled by Venus, lord of 8, indicating
the following are the significators of serious illness and in the sub of Jupiter.
death:— Jupiter is in the constellation of Sun, lord
(a) The Planets posited in the cons- of 6, illness and sub of Rahu, a strong
tellation of the occupants of significator for serious illness. Moreover
Badhaka-asthana (strongest to Moon is also aspected by Saturn (R) in
give death) and Marakasthana. an orb of 4 degrees i.e., within 5 degrees
(b) The Planets occupying the above- (R.) is occupant of 8 and lord of 12.
said houses. Hence take Moon.
, (c) The Planets in the constellation Sun is in Krithikai constellation, ruled
of the lords of the above-said by Sun, lord of 6, indicating temporary
Bhadhaka and Maraka houses. illness which may be cured (one can
(d) The lords of these houses. survive it) and in the sub of Kethu, which
(e) Those which are conjoined with has got nothing to do'with the houses we
' the significators or aspected by are considering. Moreover Sun is not fully
them, thereby having connection. aspected by Saturn (R) even according to
the degree . position. Hence eliminate
Now first of all let us consider houses Sun. Sun may give temporary illness,
8 and 12. but it can never give serious illness, to
The 8th house is occupied by Saturn cause death.
(R). No planet except Rahu is in The 7th house, the maraka-sthana as
Pushyam constellation, ruled by Saturn. well as badhaka-sthana is unoccupied by
Rahu, being a node is more powerful to any planet. Mercury is lord of 7. No
give the effect of 8th Bhava. Moreover planet is in the constellation of Mercury.
Rahu - is in its own sub, hence it has Hence give importance to Mercury.
gained much strength. Hence take Rahu. Mercury is a sure maraka for the father
The 12th house is unoccupied by any of this native.
planet. Saturn (R) is lord of 12. Only Venus is posited in Rohini constellation,
Rahu is in the constellation of Saturn. ruled by Moon, a strong significator of
Hence again take Rahu. death. Moreover ' Venus [is lord of 8th
house, indicating serious illness. Hence 1. Lord of the Day—As the day is
take Venus too." Friday, it is ruled by Venus.
Thus we, come to the 'conclusion that Venus in the radical chart is the
Rahu„Mercury, Moon and Venus are the lord of 8 and a significator of
strong significators for the death of the death.
native's father. 2. Rabu is in (be sign Taurus, ruled
by Venus. Hence Rabu, giving
•r - in. Result the effect of Venus too has also
Really the father of the native died of operated.
serious illness, while .the native was run- . 3. Moon is'transiting in Pusbyam
ning Rabu Dasa, Mercury Bbulcti,. Moon constellation, ruled by Saturn,
Antbra and Venus sooksbma. occupant of 8 and lord of 12 in.
IV. Transits the radical chart, indicating
serious illness.
Let iis confirm it by taking into consi- 4. Moon is transiting in its own sign
deration the ruling planets at the moment Cancer, as Moon is also a strong
of the death of the father. The father significator of death.
died on Friday, 4tb March, 1966 at 8 A.M. 5. Ascendant falls in Pisces 22° .61'.
The following is the ' chart for Ascendant is in Revathi constel-
-4-3-1966:— lation, ruled by Mercury (a
■ strong significator of death) and
Rahu 6-04 in Moon sub.
Mere 8-18 Jupiter
Mars 2-48 28-28 Thus at the time of death of the father
of the native, all the significators have
played their role and they have no other
Sun 20-11 Moon time when all these four can jointly rule a
Sat. 25-48 Planetary position 13-34 moment.
on ^
4—3— 1966 V. Conclusion
,. Venus at 5.30 P.M. I.S.T.
9-53 Hence the method for selection of signi-
ficators for any particular event as laid
down by Prof, K. S. KRISHNAMURTI
j is correct and is scientific. His method
Klethu does not give any alternatives; it clearly'
shows that none can change the fate by
one's strong will and when followed
According to KRISHNAMURTI scientifically, the events which 'are ever
PADHDHATI, the ruling planets at the inevitably can be declared without any
time follows:—■ doubt.

Qnestion 3. I suffer always from fear good. . But you will always doubt others.
complex. I ever imagine that somebody As you are running Jupiter Dasa (in the
will cheat me. I am worried. Off and on constellation of Venus) and Saturn is to
1 think that my heart may stop and I feel follow (who is in the Constellation of
my pulse. Why? Rahu in 11) you will never' be cheated.
Further Venus is in 2 ; Rahu is in 11: and
the lords of the Constellation is not
• connected with the 12th house. Only
when dasanatha is connected with the
matters of the 12th house) you will be
» cheated especially in the sub period of
Rahu 8-34 planets connected with houses 5, 8 and 12.
' 27—9—1925 As Kethu is in the Constellation of Sun
5-40 A.M. who denotes heart, you think of the heart
Kethu 8-34 and worry yourself unnecessarily.
Moon 0-29 i
Fifth house indicates heart.
Jupiter Venus 20-7 Merc. 2.11 Also you may know that of all the
20-24 Sanx 19-14 Mars 6-03
Sun 10-42 losses in one's life and the upset of the
mind due to various losses, the loss of a
child is the worst. It is " Putra Soka ".
You are bom id Virgo Lagna at 5-40 The reason is that the beneficial aspect to
A.M on 27-9-1925. Your Moon is in the Sth house makes one jubilant buoyant
Capricorn conjoined with Kethu at S° 30'. and optimistic, whereas evil connections
If Moon is in 5 in Sravana governed by to the Sth house denote pessimism, worry
Moon and is conjoined with Kethu who is and anxiety.
in the constellation of Sun, lord of 12
(Leo) in 1, you are worried. You have It does not mean that if the Sth house
the fear , complex. It is correct. Your is afflicted and a child is dead, all those
ascbndant' is occupied by lord of 8 and parents would imagine that their heart
lord of 12 : .Moon is afflicted by Kethu. may fail. But such of those who have a
Jupiter neither aspects Moon or Lagna as malefic in 5 especially a node posited in
it is in 20° 26'' in Sagittarius. Benefic in 4 the constellation of lord of Sun will have
.makes you reliable .and honest; you are such a fear.

Following queries were answered on are Aswini Makam and Moolam. Rahu
19-5-1967:— alone is in Aswini star. Therefore Rahu is
Q. I. Will I stick on to my Profession a significator.
[Service in the College] ? - 5th house is occupied by Kethu. Rahu
alone is in the constellation governed by
Sun 4.5 Kethu. So select Rahu.
Sat. 15.38 ftahu
Mere. Ven 16.36
12 57 9th house is unoccupied.
Lagna 23*
12th house is occupied by Sun and
Mercury. Suq and Moon are in the constel-
Jup. 6,02 lation of Sun (Karthik Uthrapalguni). No
Friday planet is in Mercury constellation. Sun and
19—5—1967 Moon are to be chosen.
7A.M. Ura 27.02
Moon Now the Lagna is 23° Taurus: Day is
28.18 Friday : Star is Uthrapalguni.
Hence Ascendant is in Venus sign.
Ncp. 19.33 Mars Moon star sub : Day is ruled by Venus.
Kethu 22.03 The sign transitted by Moon is governed
12.43 by Sun; The star is also that of sun.
Hence the ruling planets for this moment
Number given is 19. are Venus, Sun and Moon.
19 denotes the first portion in Gemini, . Hence find out the conjoined period of
i.e., 0° to 3° 20' Gemini. Sun, Moon, Rahu and Kethu (as Kethu is
Two points are to be judged: in Venus sign) Sun Dasa Moon Bhukti
(a) What 'i$ the dasa and bhukti will end on 12-6-1967. Then Mars will
operating now ? run upto 18-10-1967. Later Rahu sub
Does it show a change according to the period will operate for 10 months 24 days.
sub. . Then which sub lord contributes and Select Kethu sub sub period as to-day
agrees with dasa lord to bring about a during Taurus Lagna on a Friday we
change. .During that sub period note the consider the chart and Venus is a strong
transit results to fix the date. significator. It will be between 27-4-1968
(b) Note where the significators of and 16-5-1968. At that time by transit.
the profession are ? Judge, Sun will be in the first degree in Taurus i.e.
Venus sign Sun star Rahu sub. Therefore
Dasa lord is Sun. It is in its own star,' one is to declare that he will leave the
Kafthik. Sub lord is Saturn. It is in a college service on 15-5-1968.
common sign. It is in the 10th house. It (2) Will I take up business; With
is in the sub of Jupiter and aspected by partnership? If so, when? Number given
Jupiter (Mars, lord of 6 is retrograde. It is again 19 (nineteen). Partner is indicated
also aspects). Hence Saturn denotes pro- by 7th house. No planet is in 7. It is
fession and also change in profession. owned by Jupiter. Jupiter is in the cons-
When Sun is the Chief Governor for tellation of Saturn occupying tenth house
one's occupation and is in the . 12th sign the sub lord is Mercury which is a planet
and Bhava, it will bring about a. change- of plurality.
Change in service isshown by the houses Saturn as lord of 8 shows that you wil'
1, 5, 9, and 12. have a finance partner. As lord of 9 it
Venus is in lagna : Kethu is in Venus indicates that he is either your father or a
sign; So take Kethu. Its constellations stranger. Mercury in 12th sign denotes
that the business will be in a place away /4th house is occupied by Rahu. Moon
from the present place where you are at is in the 9th house.
present staying. There will be a few part- Rahu is in Kethu's star Mercury sub-
ners. Jupiter in Mercury sub shows that Rahu is in Aries owned by Mars. Kethu is
you will be the executive, the organiser in Libra ruled by Venus.
and administrator.
Moon's constellations are Rohini,
The time when you will take up or Hastham and Sravanam.
where this arrangement will rhaterialise Mercury and Mars are in Rohini and
will be during Sun Dasa Jupiter Bhukti Hastha 4th house is aspected by Jupiter
Saturn Anthra Mercury Shookhma i.e., and Mars 9th is not aspected.
14th October, 1968. At that time Sun will
transit the position of Moon at the time Therefore the planets indicating further
of query. Moon gave you the urge to put studies are Mars, Mercury, Venus, Moon
this query at the moment when it was in and Jupiter. It may be the secretary
28° Leo. When Sun transits that position, course for industry or business administra-
the matter will materialise. tory. Either of the two is strongly indi-
cated. Then, he will join service as
(3) Purchase of land ; I make attempts number 98 is given, to find out whether he
to buy a particular piece of land. Will I will join business or service is asked.
succeed ? Lord of 10 Mars is retrograde. It does
Number given is 26. It means that' not show independence.
23" 20' to 26° 40' Gemini should be taken (5) Marriage: When? Number given 107.
as ascendant. Consider houses 2, 7 and 11. 107 shows
For the acquisition and purchase of a that 23° 20' to 26° 40' of Pisces rises as
property consider houses 2, 4, 11 and Ascendant. Sun and Mercury are in the
Mars. second house: Kethu is in 7: no planet is
in 11. Moon and Sun are Sun's star. No
No planet isin the second house : Kethu planet is in Mercury star: Rahu is in
is in 4. Sun and Mercury are in 11. Rahu Aswini star ruled by Kethu. Therefore,
is in Kethu'S constellation; Sun and Sun Rahu Mercury and Kethu indicate the
Moon are in Sun's constellation. Hence time of marriage.
these three are the signi&cators.
As Sun and Mercury in the second
Mars is retrograde. Hence attempts till bhava are aspected by Saturn who is lord
the end of Mars sub period will fail- Then of 11 and who is a significatorfor marriage
Rahu in Mercury sub will surely favour til! saturn sub period is over, marriage
you with success. The sub sub period will will not be celebrated.
be that of Kethu. Therefore at the time
you resign and get relief from the college, Therefore, note this moment. Venus
you are having this land. rules the day. Mercury rules the Lagna at
Will it be a purchase or will it be on 8-58A.M.,on 19-5-1967. Moon isin 29°
18'in Leo. It is governed by Sun as it is
long lease? As Kethu is in the 4th in Uthrapalguni star in Leo owned by Sun.
house in the sub of Mercury, it will be on
a long Tease, on a contract; it will be a According to Dasa Bhukti Sun Dasa
registered agreement. I year 2 months ? days have passed as
Moon is in 29° 18' 4 years 9 months 23
(4) Further Coarse of Study: What days are to run. Betrothal will be during
" course of study will I take? Sun Dasa Mercury Bhukti Kethu Anthra,
Number given i^78. i.e., around 5-3-1970 and celebration will
It means 16° 40'to 20° Sagittarius be during Sun Dasa Mercury Bhukti Sun
anthra i.e., around 20-5-1970 when Sun
rises. will transit in Sun's star and Mercury sub
Consider houses 4 and 9. Jupiter will be.

Will I take up a New Project ? " Do hot be in a hurry. First it is deci-
ded that you must be successful. I am
Position of planets at the time of judg- coming to the point.
ment is as follows:—
When we follow Dasa Bhukti system, we
find 16 full years of Jupiter Dasa is to run.
Saturn Rafau Venus 11-2
Mcr.2-14 Moon Moon is exactly in' the cusp. Hence very
15-10 Sun12-58
29-16 20-00 soon it must materialise. Sun and Mercury
are in ll. JupiterDasa is on. Hence select
Jupiter Dasa Jupiter Bhukti Jupiter Antbra,
Jup. 5-18 Sun Shookshma Mercury Prana. If you
14—5—67 want to verify whether the sign ificators are
7-30 A.M. correctly chosen, note the ruling planets
at the moment of judgment. It is Sunday
Ura. 27-05 governed by Sun. Star is ruled by Jupiter.
Lagna is Gemini owned by Mercury.. Rasi
Neptune is Gemini ruled by Mercury. So the selec-
19-41 Mars tion of the significators is correct.
. Kethu 22-40
12-58 Hence I expect the result—finalisation
on 26-7-1967. Wednesday—Meena rasi'
(i) Number given is 25 : Will I take up owned by Jupiter. Poorvapadrapada gover-
a new project for which I am making ned by Jupiter. Jupiter will be in Mercury
efforts ? constellation. Mars, Kethu evil conjunc-
25 means 20° (Gemini to 23° 20' Gemini tion will be over. According to Western
is the Ascendant. Lord of the Ascendant System, Moon square Mars will be just
is in the 12th sign but yet in 11th Bhava— over.
House : It is in the 3rd star called Karthik As regards its progress,
governed by Sun. Sun is in the 11th (a) Let us follow progression.
house, in its own constellation. It is lord Moon Sextile Uranus, last week of
of 3. Hence your efforts will be crowned November 67—Journey—Licence—Sudden
with success. . advantages—Government aid: advantages.
Further Jupiter, lord of 7 and 10 is in the
Lagna Bhava. It is in the constellation Moon sextile Sun. End of January 1968.
of lord of 8 and 9 in 9th Bhava. There- Erection; Bank overdraft facility;
fore, you will negotiate. You will have Foreign aid : Government continues to
assistance from old people, foreigners be of immense help. Moon Sextile Mer-
and others.' Lagna is occupied by. Moon cury - Visiting many places—cdntact
which is in the constellation of lord of 10. foreigners : contract: Purchases: will
Moon is lord of 2. Hence you will invest be in April 1968.
and your plan will prove to be fruitful.
" When is the question ? What is the Moon conjunction Jupiter : July 1968:
.use of saying it will materialise ? When functions: name, fame, reputation; gains
people get married, most of them become money : Popularity.
parents. It is to be predicted, when. (b) According to dasa bhukti system-
People get into service or do business- Jupiter Dasa Jupiter Bhukti Mercury
Astrologer should say, " when " say the Anthxa Sun Shookshma. It is the end of
consultant. January 1968. Factory functions. Next
Jupiter, Jupiter Sun, Mercury, i.e., end of Sun, Mercury, Mars, Kethu are evil.
November 1968. Advantages accrue: Therefore the sub sub periods of these
profit realised. , planets will prove to be detrimental.
(c) According to Krishnamurti Padh- Moon, Saturn and Jupiter are very
dhati. Jupiter enters Mercury star on favourable. In their sub sub periods you
14-7-1967. Then alone- matter moves gain.
favourably. End of July and beginning of
August Government is helpful: It sanc- 1
Now Jupiter Dasa has started.' Let us
tions and lends its assistance, when Jupifer see how the next 4, months will be.
will be in Mercury star Sun sub. In August
itself Jupiter will be in Mercury star The dasa is ruled by Jupiter ; Bhukti or
Jupiter sub. Therefore you start the sub period is governed by Jupiter.
erection, etc., j The sub sub period will run from 14-5-67
Thus one can follow progression, Dasa to 26-8-67.■ In that, the subis as follows:
- Bhukti and Krishnamurti Padhdhati. ■ 14-5-67 to 21-5-67 Jupiter—It shows
(ii) Brokerage business; Buying and gains: Improvement. Optimistic.
selling? Number given is 51. (14-5-1967 29-5-67 to 14-6-67—slow, steady sure
at 7-30 A.M.) success—gains.
51 means that the Lagna is 16° 40' to 15-6-67 to 29-6-67—Quick movement,
20° Virgo. Kanni. hasty action—loss.
1., Lord of Lagna Mercury is in the '
constellation of Sun in 8 and it is' 30-6-67— 5-7-67 Confused worried.
in 8th Bhava. Hence it threatens' 6-7-67—22-7-67 Payment made—loss.
loss. 23-7-67—27-7-67 Loss.
2. Moon is in 10, in the constella- 28-7-07— 5-8-67 Sudden gains.
tion of Jupiter. It indicates gain.
3. Mars is in Lagna. Retrograde: 6-8-67—11-8-67 Loss again.
Kethu also is in lagna bhava. . 12-8-67—26-8-67 No profit—dejected.
This is also unfavourable. 27-8-67 to 16-9-67—Good profit.
4. Jupiter in the'10th Bhava is nL Thus' one has to predict. As Jupiter
the constellation of Saturn in the' Anthra and Saturn Anthra indicate gains
6th Bhava. It is favourable.) to you, whenever it is mentioned that you
"What is this? You say that( will make profit, you earn much. During
one planet is' advantageous : The. the sub sub periods when loss is threatened,
other is disadvantageous. Am, the loss will be little. Comparatively you
I to take whether I will gain or I gain much. You lose a small amount
will lose. Or I gain and also', during adverse days. It may be explained
lose and finally) the net balance and compared as follows. You play
is nil. The market has confused cards, say ten games. In the first, second,
me enough. This confuses seventh and tenth you gain. Other games
further. Can you say when' you lose. In the four games you win, you
I will gain and when I will lose make good money. In the six games you
First analyse threadbear. Next judge lose, you incur petty loss. On the whole,
which planet produces which result and it is profitable. Similarly one has to
when. judge.

Can I get over the difficulties ? Asks one (a) As his worries are so much to
on 15-4-67. Please mention a number with- him 145 appears to be less than 108.
in .108. From this, straightaway declare that he
Take it " 145 cannot get over. He must submit to the
adverse results.
Sat. 11-58 Sun 1-32
Mercury Rahu Ven. 8-00 Moon
3-13 (b) When he is said that he has given
8-02* 14-29 a number which is not between 1 and 108,
he wanted to say something else! but I
told him, do not worry. From 145,
Jup. 2-06 deduct 109. Remainder is 37. It means
Leo 0° to 3° 20'. As Saturn is in the 8th,
15—4 1967 along with Mercury, lord of 2 and 11 and
Lagna they are in the constellation of lord of 7
0—3° 20' and 6, the difficulties will be there. You
I can get over them only when Saturn tran-
sits in Mercury constellation and in the
Kethu sub of Moon in 11.
Mars 1-30

Pujay Guruji,, Sat. 5-29
Pranams. I am furnishing my horoscope Mars Jup. 27-17
0-15 Moon
available with me. Before this I forwar- 29-19
- ded the same to another astrologer to
justify why a person having four swakhetra Kethu
and two exalted planets in the horoscope 29-31
with Gajakesari yoga in the 10th house, 14—9—1941
Vipareetha rajayoga etc., is sitting idle Bikaoeer Lagna 2®
without any, appointment. ' Guru dasa Sun 27-41
started years ago and yet I am without Rahu
a service. Can you kindly predict when I 29-31
can have service or business I am a regular Mercury
reader of your magazine Astrology and Venus 17-43
Athrishta. I agree with 'you for having 5-20
differentiated and grouped as those who
i can enjoy and as those who should suffer, Mars Dasa: Balance 3 years 10 months
even though Gajakesari yoga is found in 9 days. Now from 23-7-63 Jupiter Dasa
both. Expecting our explanation and Saturn Bhukti will operate till 23-3-68.
prediction. Why Rajayogas are helpless for you:—
Yours truly, Explanation:—Note the lord of the
(Sd.) J. P. Karwa, A.M.I.E. constellation and sub.. Lord of the cons-
tellation by occupation and ownership (Your lagna and Moon sign are both
denotes the nature of the result and sub afflicted—So take the Lagna)
decides whether it is advantageous or not.
Planet Lord of Star Houses . Lord of Sub Houses
Occ. own Occ. own
Sun Sun 1 1 Moon ■ 10 12
Moon Mars 9 4, 9 Saturn 10 6, 7
Mars Ketbu 7 7,6 Ketbu 7 7,6
Mercury Moon • 10 .12 Saturn 10 6, 7
Jupiter Mars 9 4, 9 Jupiter .10 5, 8
Venus Mars 9 4, 9 Sun 1 1
Saturn Sun 1 1 Mercury 2 .2, 11
Rahu Sun 1 • 1 Rabu 1 1
Ketbu Jupiter 10 5, 8 Moon 10 12
Consider the signiBcators of the bouses in the sub of lord of . 12 cannot offer
2,6 and 10. You will find that Saturn desirable results.
Bbukti Mars Antbra will be favourable to
get into service. It will be around the When I understand that you lost your
second week of May 1967. I expect that fortune during Jupiter Dasa Jupiter Bbukti
you will be in service when you read this Moon Antbra and a fellow cheated yotl, I
article. have to reiterate that Jupiter is advanta-
geous to those with whom you transact,
Sun is in the sub of lord of 12 : Moon, whereas it is harmful to you as Jupiter is
Mars and Mercury are in the sub of lord of 2 and 11 to the 7th bouse and it is i
Saturn or Ketbu connected with 6th bouse. in the sub of lord of 2 and 11 counted
(It is good to get into service and not from the 7th house. This is the truth.
auspicious to enjoy peace and pleasure
bappinessjand harmony.) Ketbu is in the How can an astrologer solely depending
sub of lord of 12 and Jupiter in ,tbe sub only on the rules' of our sages without
of lord of 8. being prepared to accept the failure, reply
to you. What you want is a job you get
. Moon in the sub of lord of 8 and Jupiter one next month. Forget Rajayogas.
- M. Madbusudan Rao,
Editor, " ADRUSHTAM "
Telugu Monthly, HANAMKANDA.
A widow, aged about 40 years, carae to Mercury Dasa Balance 2 years, 3 months
my office on 1 S-lb-66 at 4-0 P.M. At-that and 23 days.
time Kumbha lagna was rising in the east.
■ The lord of the lagna Saturn, was retro- Houses 2, 7 and 11 should be scrutinised
grade. I asked her " What can I do for for marriage. But for 2nd marriage we
you?" She replied that she wanted to have to see the 8th-house also. This was
marry again and narrated her past life clearly explained in the " Uthara-
and the death of her husband. kalamrita ".
It will be advantageous if a querist gives Lord of lagna was in retrograde motion-
some past events to the astrologer. Astro- 7th house is occupied by Venus and Sun-
logy is a science. The whole life is to be Venus receives Saturn's aspect and Sun is
judged from the 12 bouses. Each bouse conjoined with Kethu. It is clear that
indicates certain matters. If the querist lord of 7 Sun and Venus are afflicted by
explains some of the past events, then it malefics. Sun and Venus are in the star
gives courage to the astrologer to predict of planet in 6 (Mars). So she lost her
further events by properly judging the husband, and she became a widow when
results. Astrology is neither a magic these planets jointly operated, as they bad
nor a mesmerism. It requires calm to offer the results indicated by Mars, in 6
thinking and systematic analysis. If a (which is 12 to 7).
patient goes to a doctor and asks for Jupiter is posited in the fifth bouse.
medicine without explaining bis trouble, Saturn, Mercury and Kethu are in the
it is not possible for the doctor to give constellations of Jupiter. So these planets
medicine. He has to diagonise'tbe disease indicate pleasurable pursuits and tempted
before giving medicine. Similarly is the her for second marriage.
position of an astrologer. So it is helpful Mercury and Kettiu are in the 8th bhava.
to correctly assess if the querist gives Aslesha, Jyesta ahd Revathi are ruled by
past-details. Mercury. Moon alone is in the Jyeshta
The horoscope for the time of query is star. Aswini, Makba and Moola are
given below:— '' Kethu's stars. Mars is the only planet
11-4-43 posited in Makha. Hence Moon and
Rahu Mars are the significators for the second
Sat. 0-55 24-00 marriage.
(R) Fort.
25-18 1 Itb house lord is Jupiter. It will fulfil
her desire. Mercury dasa was running at
Lagna Jup. 9-21 that time of query. As Mercury is in the
> 28-26 18-10—1966 8th conjoined with lord of 7 and in the
4-00 P.M. constellation of lord of IT, it will be
17-58 N-79-40 E Mars 10-7 helpful.
VI128-26 Saturn Bbukti was running at the time
Ura. 28-52 of query. Saturn is in the constellation
Sun I-19 of lord of 11 and is also aspected by lord
Moon Kcthc VIII 4-43 VenuS of 11. Further Saturn is in the Sub of
28-11 Merc. 24.00
24-1 25-49 Mars lord of second cusp for this lagna.
Ncp 4-27-38 Hence in Mercury dasa, Saturn bbuktbi
marriage is strongly indicated. Regarding period were made first which was post-
Antbara Mercury was selected. (A dasa, poned.
B bbuktbi, A antbara.) I selected Venus The reason for this postponement is
sooksbma and predicted that marriage will found later; it is because Venus is aspec- r
take place on 21 December, 1966 in a ted by Saturn, and Saturn transits in tbe
holy place, and given the description of sub of Mars, only then. The lady is very
the partner. happy because she got married. But I am,
But actually marriage took place on not, because I missed to note these two'
31-12-1966 in the Sun sooksbma. Though points.
arrangements to celebrate in Venus sub-

K. Gauapathy
(1) "Will I renounce this world?" is the These questions were put before I col/|
query of the native whose chart is given judge his map. I could gauge his nature >i
below: wqrry, anxiety and agony, and I began f
KethuS-lO Lagna Mr., you will never leave your famil
4° You cannot ' -^nme a Sanyasi. Shortly, yc
will enter into Saturn dasa Rabu Bbuki
You be bold. Go-abead. You canni
have any more child. Rabu is in the
27—8—1922 constellation of Sun in 4 who is also lor
11-30 P.M. of 4. It is in the sub of lord of 1 and 6
(Night) Sun 10-58 in 5. Therefore, on ownership basis';
Mercury you will occupy the house allotted to you.
29 M)' You will have it registered on your name
now, itself as you are running Mars Sub-
Mars Rahu 8-10 period and Mars is in Mercury Constel-
28-50 Moon Sat. 13-24 lation (Mercury in the 4th Bbava. The
8-20 Jup. 24-SO
Veo. 26-1 sub is governed by Saturn who is lord of
10. Therefore you are sure to get before
Rabu dasa balance IS years 9 months. - 16-8-67. Finally, I tell you, be mop^
While judging the horoscope, the same wise. You may be meeting many astro-
person puts a series of questions:— logers, in the future. Now your age is 45J
(a) Will I have any more child? After having lived-so. long with your will
and having bad enough of children, it is.J
(b) Our millowner has a proposal to to ask" Does my wife love me ?" Please
construct residential quarters do not put the same question to whom-
and allot to the servants on soever you consult. Lady's love is ever
ownership basis. Am I lucky deep seated. Only, a very few will give ex-
enough to have one ? pression to the same. Mars in 7 in the Sub
(c) Is there any promotion in the of Saturn indicates that she will not give
neat future? expression to her attachment but she i;
(d) Do you find any change in my faithful and true to you. Always one is
profession ? to judge from the sub. Modest wived
(e) Sir, does my wife love me. What hesitate to give expression.
do you think ?
' 49/A, Pratap Adil aHoad. CAlcutta«26.
It is interesting to discuss the factors India, which enjoys the unique distinction
that were at the root of names of current of possessing a clear sky with beautiful
Hindu months that have come down to us starry background at night. In the early
from oiir ancestors and which we still use stages of human civilisation, time' was
in our calendars. The sages of old were reckoned on the basis of Lunar months , in
particular about the calendar and the all most all countries of the world. When
division of time units for the sake of we speak of a lunar month, we mean the
performance of Sacrificial fires. They period during which the Moon returns to
were keen to observe the rituals in such the same position with respect to the Sun.
periods wbeh anxiety from natural distur- More precisely, this period of about 29j
bances could be efiiectively minimised. days is spoken of as a lunation of Synodic
With the harvest over, the winter was month. .As, however. Sun moves a bit
naturally selected to mark the beginning slowly eastward on the celestical sphere
of the year when nature co-operated to like the Moon, the Moon naturally returns
Faintain the requisite equilibrium and was lb the same position witb respect to the
ec from hectic disturbances. stars in somewhat shorter time (27 days
7.7 Hrs) and this is'known as the Sidereal
t The present commencement of the year, month. Moon thus requiries a time bet-
,as is reckoned with the entry of Sun in ween 27./28 days for one complete revolu-
iNirayana Mesh, is of comparatively recent tion through the stars. That is why moon
Erfigin and was introduced sometime in in the Puranic age was supposed to be
00 A.D. (the 6th century). Reference to wedded to the 27 daughters of Daksba
ucb'conveation cannotbe found in any spending each. night with one of bis
f our old texts prior to 400 A.D. The spouses. In subsequent stages, however,
nset of the year, amidst an arid landscape this sidereal period was divided into 2S
evoid of natural, charms with a hot parts or asterisms but as the division of
■lazing Sun overhead is shorn of any the Zodiac by 2S was found to contain
.ncient Indian origin. Certain facilities much fractions, the star ABIJIT (Vega),
n the field of Astronomical calculations which was situated at a far off distance
ad influenced the astronomers of the 6th from Che ecliptic, was dropped off from
cntury to invent a new system ofNirayana the list. Thus 27 Nakshatras came into
.lesh entry of Sun, as a sort of compro- use once again and once for .all. In
mise to retain the original idea of Hindu addition to these twomontbs, the Draconi te
faereal sphere along with the Tropical and Anomalistic months also are being
there of the Westerners with the so- formed by the moon in relation to its
illed signs of Zodiac. It is no good to periods respectively i n respect of the Nodes
eny that the system of our present and rotation of its Apsis.
:alendar has more than outstretched the.
; eeds for which it was introduced. Due Out of four kinds of Lunar months, we
I > artificial plan of its origin, alreadytbe are mainly concerned with the Synodical
jasons have advanced by 24 days and it and Sidereal months. The time (Solar
lay still be preserved as only a relic of Year] divided into days was reckoned in
ndian Astronomy of a particular period.. terms of Synodic months, and in our
1 glorious past, these bad no relation with
The Lunar mansions is the most ancient Solar months of present day conception.
jjSrt of Hindu astronomy. In all countries, The Solar month, which depends on the
the passage of the moon through the cons- passage of the Sun through a so called
tellations was watched with keen interest sign of the Zodiac, bad nothing to do with
and curiosity and it was specially so in. our months, as the conception of Rasi was
comjileteiy^WI^WBBniuch months w^fe i.e. the Sun and khe.Moon ascend the sky
formulated and named. ' together being ia\tbe constellation Sravis-
The most ancient literature of the world, .begintbe then does the equiquennial cycle
the Rik Veda mentions Lunar mansions in the bright fdrtnigbt from the
{Rik Veda iii 3, 20). . It also states (i 25, 8) month of Magb and the path of the Sun
Baruna firm in bis work knows the month is north, hinting that the adjustment of
which is produced in addition i.e. be the month of Magb bad to be undertaken
knows twelve and the thirteenth. It is whenever necessary.
clear that Lunar months are alluded to. It is thus seen that the winter was
Sayana says fRV ii 40, 3) asti trayadasa favoured by our ancestors and the year
Masa iti srutieb. The Hindu Mythology always commenced with the lunar month
of comparatively later period delared that of Magb. Our blood perhaps retains this
months were born from the union of moon ancient tradition and not the artificial one
and asterisms, each month deriving its founded in 500 A.D. May be due to this
name from the Lunar mansion in which factor alone, we unconsciously warmly
moon was supposed to be full at that time. welcome the English New Year and the
Prasnoponisbad, a work which belongs ^ festivals of that period the Poush Parvan
and Pongal are celebrated with overwhel-
definitely to the late post Puranic age, ming spontaneous rejoycings and gaiety
states' Maso Bai Prajapati Tasya Krishna- throughout this country. Anyway, it is
paksba Eba Rayi Sukla prano and Sam- without the least shadow of doubt that
Vatsara Bai Prajapati, Tasya Ayane from down the periods of the Vedas, the
Daksbinam Cha Uttaram Cha'. This current appellations of. the lunar periods
indicates that Lunar months were in vogue into which the year was divided have been
and the year was reckoned to commence - asterismal and taken in each case from the
with the Winter Solstice. Naksbatras in which the moon during that
The salient features enumerated in this particular synodical revolution reached
connection and elaborately discussed in her full. The winter solstice with conjunc-
Archya Yajusa, the first authentic text of tion of Sun and Moon in Sravista marks
Indian Astronomy, are bereunder repro- the beginning of the cycle. The month is
duced in tabular form for the convenience named when after 14} days the Moon was
of the readers. It should be .noted that a in star Magha. In the next full Moon
cycle of five years constituted a Yuga- day,' the Moon enjoyed the star Uttar
Palguni and the month Palgoon was born.
A Cycle of 5 years constituted a yuga On the third consecutive Full Moon day,
Savana days or Degrees 1800 the Moon was at Chitra and the month of
Mean Solar days 1830 Cbaitra derived its name and so on. '
Lunar days or Tithis 1860 It may be difficult to calculate mathe-
Lunar Sidereal Days 2010 matically the year when such naming took
1860 place. The definite year being not known
The number of Lunations -Jq- 62 the correct colours to fix up the stars may
be wanting. It is evident that due to the
. TThe
. year —366
1830 days precession of the equinoxes, the point of
measurement undergoes continual change.
The Lunations 29 days The phases of thd Moon were observed
with naked eyesandsligbtvariationsmight
12 firs. 23 min. 13 sees. have crept in. Moreover, the exact
About the beginning of Sambatsara the moment, the Moon became full could not,
prescribed rule was ;— be located from only one place of obser-
"Svarakratnalc Sowmarkow Yadi Sakam vation. So in the absence of requisite
Sabasabow a
data for calculation, it is difficult to deduce
Swat Tadadi Yugam Maghastapa Suklo Ayan the real date and verify in which year
Yjudak " such nomenclature to the months were
attributed by bur ancients. Backward direct rnnnectinn-with biTr months
calculation on certain assumptions leads I reiterate that Archya and' Yajusa no-
us to several dates. where mention about Rasi and planets and
For our present purpose this can be it computes on the basis of hinar months
>unhesitatingly stated that the year when alone. The concept of Solar months was
such observation was made, the Moon completely absent and more so the passage
after the winter solstice was fuir or was of the Sun through the signs of the Zodiac..
supposed to be full in succession through The text does not simply state that there
the stars Magha, IJ- Palguni, Chitra, were 12 months but it gives the names.
Visbaka, Jeystha, U Ashada, Sravana, P Undoubtedly our months are Luni-asteris-
Bhadrapada, Aswini, Krittika, Mrigasira, mal in nature and though we still retain
and Pushya. The Sun was simply in the names, they bear no connection with
opposition to the Moon and' bad no more the Solar months we use at present.
Vol. 5 AUGUST 19 67 No. 8

. Horary Astrology 9
■ My Daughter's Marriage 13
Second Marriage—When? 14
Marriage—When? 18
Any other Marriage? 21
Separation from Husband—Return when? 23
Can I have a son? 26
Any more conception if so what sex? 26
Disposal of car—When ? 28
Readers to Note 29
At which time? 30
Will I be successful in my research? will the Government
recognise ? 31
Where can I prosper? New York or Germany 32
Our ancient literature vis-a-vis Astronomy and Astrology 34
Tour Programme of Editor . 38
Review of Books;
Fundamentals of Hindu Astrology 39
Jaimini's Gnanapradeepika 40
Readers' View—Krishnamurti Padbdbati 39
Information to Readers 41
Daily Guide for August 1967 45
Position of Planets 51
August 1967—Ephemeris 53
.Monthly Prediction 55
Horary astrology
> Shot Panchasika is the work of the ascendant receiving aspect- from
.Prithuyasas, son of Varabamihira in Jupiter or ■ Venus. If there is a strong
3(5 siokas. benefic . in the llth house, even then
CHAPTER I predict that one will have the missing
article, back.
SI. 1. Prithuyasas, son of Varaba- SI. 6. One puts a, query relating to
mihira, bows down, pays his salutation to minerals, if a planet in Navamsa is
Ravi—the Siin and then commences to
write this branch of the science—Horary Swakshethra, and aspect his own Navamsa
astrology—impregnated with useful in I or 5 or 9. If the planet is deposited
material—so that this work .will be in the navamsa chart in a sign belonging
helpful. to any other planet, the query is about the
animal. If the planet is deposited in a
SI. 2. The Ascendant that nses at the navamsa belonging to another planet and
time of query is to be judged for any if it aspects a navamsa, not belonging to
deterioration of one's position or a change it~ neither in 1 or 5 or 9, the nature of the
or a transfer : the 4th house is considered query is about bulbs, roots and vegetable
for one's progress, happiness, prosperity ones.
and realisation, of one's ambition: the
10th house is judged for one's journey or SI. 7. In masculine signs, Aries Gemini
stay away from one's permanent place of Leo etc., the first,-fourth and seventh
residence: tbe 7th house shows one's Navamsas show minerals; 2, 5, 8 navam-
reunion and return journey. One has to sas indicate vegetable 3, 6, 9 navamsas
judge all the planets noting down their denote animals. In feminine signs,
position in the chart erected for the Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, etc., 1, 4 and
moment of the query. One will return -7 navamsa indicate animals: 2, ^ S
home when a planet enters into the .4th ^.vegetable and 3, 6, 9 minerals.
house. .
SI. 3. If the lord of a house occupies
or aspects its own house or if any benefic SI. 1. If the Lagna is either Taurus,
occupies or aspects a Bhava, the matters Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius, (fixed signs) one
signified by that house will prosper. But will be able to achieve one's aim : to have
if a bhava is occupied or aspected by the position, place or rank : These signs
Malefics, those matters revealed , by that do not show travel, up or down journey ;
house get destroyed. This is applicable nor they indicate end of life, loss of
to natal and horary chart. wealth, cure of disease victory to enemies
SI. 4. Success is assured (a) if a benefic etc.
is in the first Bhava or if the Lagna in SI. 2. If the Lagna is Aries, Cancer,
Nayamsa is in the sign owned by a benefic Libra or Capricorn, it shows, the results
and if the ascendant either in rasi chart or just contradictory and opposite to what is
in Navamsa is a sheershodaya sign. said for fixed signs. If the, ascendant is
Failure is to be predicted, if the sign is in a common sign, the effect is not definite.
Brishtodbaya and malefics occupy the Success is assured if Moon or the ascen-
Lagna in Rasi or Navamsa chart. If both dant receives beneficial aspects. Malefics
are found, then the person will face much afflicting the lagna, threatens adverse
obstacles and difficulties and ultimately results.
come out successful. SI. 3. Malefic planets posited in Sth
SI. 5. If an article is missing, it will and 6th Bhavas show that the enemy
be got back if the strong Moon occupies proceeding towards the consultant.
retraces : (one can apply this when a liti- and the Moon are deposited, (fhis means
gation is threatened or when one is that round about New Moon day, at
doubtful whether there will be opposition midnight one is to put the query.) But
in election or whether he will withdraw the army belonging to the enemies will
etc.)' The enemy will go back to his place arrive very shortly if Jupiter or Mercury
after sulfering a defeat, if malcfics are in or Venus occupy the 4th house.
the Fourth Bhava. SI. 12. The enemy will surely return
. SI. 4. If the 4th house happens to be home, if the 4th house is either Taurus or
either Aquarius or any watery sign. any of the fiery signs, Aries, Leo or
Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, the enemy will Sagittarius and whether planets occupy
suffer defeat and he will retrace his steps this house or not.
^ with his army. i SI. 13. Lagna in a fixed sign occupied
SI. 5. At the time of one's departure, by Saturn or Jupiter, the enemy stops
if a bensfic occupies the Langa in a coming foi;ward further. The enemy will
movable sign he will be successful (in ' arrive if.Sun or Jupiter occupy the lagna
one's mission). If maleEcs occupy, one in a movable sign.
will not be successful. If the Lagna is fixed
and malefics occupy, one is to predict SI. 14. Find out which planet is the
beneficial results. strongest. Note in which Bhava it is
situated. So many months will pass before
SI. 6. If the Lagna is a movable sign the person who has proceeded to fight,
and Moon is in a fixed sign the opponent returns home.
will not come, if it is reverse, he will come
i.e., Lagna in, fixed sign and Moon in a SI. 15. So also, note in Navamsa
movable sign. chart. If the powerful planet is in a
movable sign, so many months he will be
SI. 7. Lagna in fixed sign. Moon in away: if the navamsasign is fixed, double
common sign, the opponent returns home the period : if it is a common sign treble
even though hewould have .come a long it.
SI. 16. Others say "Note when lord
SI. 8. If Lagna is in a common sign of 7 retrogrades. At that time .the native
and Moon in a movable sign, the enemy will return back ".
■ comes some distance and returns home.
Lagna in a movable sign and Moon in a SI. 17. Note the number of the sign in
common sign and malefics afflict both which Moon was situated. Count from
Lagna and Moon, in 48 hours one can lagna. If there are no planets between
know the intention of the enemy; there lagna and Moon, then in so many days,
will be the fight and both will lose. you can expect . the invasion of the
SI. 9. To find out whether the king enemies.
will move or not, judge the planets Sun, ADHYAYA III
Mercury, Venus and Saturn. If one of
.these four or more of them are posited in 1. Victory or defeat
the lagna which is a movable sign, the SI. 1. The chief {Nagara adhipathi)
king will proceed. If Mercury, Venus or will be victorious if benefics are in I or 7
Saturn be retrograde the king will not or 10. Mercury, Venus arid Jupiter in 9
march. promise victory whereas Mars and Saturn
SI. 10. Nothing can be said if Jupiter in 9 threaten utter defeat.
or Saturn aspects the lagna in a fixed SI. 2. The chief wins if the benefics
■ sign. But if evil planets are in 3 or 5 or occupy the houses 3 to 8. Ifibenefics are
--6, there-will be war: if they are in;4, the between 9 and 2 (9, 10, 11, 12, 1 or 2), the
enemy returns home. enemy is victorious. Evil planets in 10,
SI. II. The army'of the enemies will 11 and 12 portends defeat to the chief and
not arrive if in the 4th house both the Sun victory to the enemies.
'■i SI. 3. Predict treaty if benefics ate in ADHYAYA V
1th, 12th and lagna and if any is a To Return from Overseas
biped sign. Evil planets in common signs
indicate that both will continue to fight SI. 1.' If the houses-2, 3 and S are
(no treaty). occupied by all the planets (exclude nodes),'
the person returns very shortly. If these
, - SI. 4. There will be a treaty, if any of houses are occupied by benefics alone, it
the houses 1/4, 7 or 10 be a biped sign is certain that the person will surely'return
and be tenanted by benefics and also as- and the article lost also will be got back.
pected by benefics". The war will ensue Jupiter and Venus in 2 or 3 or 5 show the
if malefics are in 1 of 4 or 7 or 10 and early return or recovery.
aspected by another malefic. SI. 2. A person returns, home shortly,
SI. 5. The army or one who has gone . if Jupiter is in 1 or 4 or 7 or 10 and the
away will return bapk if the houses 2 or 3 house 6 or 7 is occupied by any planet.
are occupied by Jupiter or Venus, indivi- Mercury and Venus in 1 or 5 or 9 promise
dually or jointly. that the person returns home soon.
SI. 3. If evil planets are not in 1 or 4
ADHYAYA IV or 7 or 10 and if Moon is in 8, the person
will return home with pleasure. If bene-
Sl. T. One can have'his desires fulfilled fics are in kendhra he will come back with
if the houses' I, 4, 7, 8 and 10 are not , success and gains.
occupied by malefics whereas 1,4, 5, 7,
9 or 10 houses are occupied by benefics. SI. 4. A person undergoes difficulties
If malefics are deposited in Kendhras 8th or punishment or inprisonment if a prish-
and trikona signs, one , will be dis- todbaya sign is the lagna and it receives
appointed. < adverse aspects from evil planets. A per-
son starts to a foreign place if the benefics
SI. 2. One can fulfil his desire if bene-- do not aspect the 3rd house and malefics
fics are in 3, 5, 7 or 11th house. Male- are deposited in it. If malefics occupy
fics portend evil results. If benefics the 6th house, the person Will not return
occupy the lagna, a biped sign, one can he may be dead. Robbers or enemies
achieve his aim. abduct the person, if malefics are posited
in 1 or 4 or 7 or 10.
SI. 3., Benefics in 7 or 10 promise pro- SI. 5. Note the signs occupied by the
motion and prosperity progress and posi-
tion. Increase in reputation and wealth planets count from lagna till .you come
are'shown; The benefics are in 1, 2 or 5. to the first sign occupied by any planet.
Evil planets in 11 or 12 are harmful. There may or may not be planets in 2 or
Moon in Lagna is weak to produce any 3 or 4 or 5. There may be any planet
desirable result. Moon in 10 brings good only in the 6th'so take 6. The planet
luck. may be retrograde or it may be in direct
motion. If it is not retrograde multiply
SI. 4. One gains and is happy, if moon by 12. The product gives the number of
is in 2 or 7 or in upachaya sthana 3, 6, 10 days during which time, the person will
or 11 and if Moon receives good aspect return (6 X 12 = 72).
from Jupiter, one loses in his professions, If the first planet is retrograde, one need
attempt, business, money etc., and if, not multiply by 12. Take the'number as
worried if malefics are in 1, 3, 8 or S and it, is. In.sq many days, he will return
9. Benefics in those houses produce bene- .'(i.e., 6 days).
ficial results.
SI. 5. A person recovers from disease
if Moon is in 3, or 6 or 10 or 11 and To Regain the missing one
benefics occupy or aspect the houses 5 or , SI, 1. The article,' considered to be
7 or 8. missing or lost is there only and it is taken
by a member belonging to the querist, fix Benefics in I, 4, 5, 7, 9 or 10 promise
if the lagna is in a fixed sign or the that it will come through.
Navamsa Lagna is in a fixed sign or the SI. 3. Venus in 7 to Moon and Saturn
Lagna is Vargothama. in 7 to Sun or Venus and Saturn in 2 or 3
SI. 2. Lagna falls in the first decanate or 4 or 8th house, one -can expect rain (It
the lost article is near the gate of the will be true if it is a rainy season).
house. If the lagna falls in the middle SI. 4. If at the time of query, Moon is
decanate, the property is in the middle of waxing, benefics are in 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or
the house. If the lagna is in the 3rd 7 or 10 and if that house is a watery, sign^
decanate, it will be in the back portion of there will be rain. If Mcoa- •is'Tn lagna
the house.
which is a watery sign, there must be the
SI. 3.- The lost property will be recove- rain.
red soon, if the lagna is Shirshodhaya, SI. 5. If the lagna is a masculine sign,
occupied and aspected by benefics or if aspected by masculine . planets, predict
full Moon is in lagna. Strong benefics that a boy will be born : If the lagna is
in 11 assure the recovery of the property. in a feminine sign and it is aspected by a
SI. 4. Judge the direction of the place female planet, expect a girl. If Mercury
where the stolen property is, from the occupies the lagna, the' querist may like
planets situated in 1 or 4 or 7 or 10., If to know whether one has delivered or not.
there is no planet is 1, 4, 7 and 10, take So, predit that pregnant woman has not
Lagna. Note the sign. The direction yet delivered.
indicated by the sign should be taken. SI. 6. At the time of query, if it is
The distance of the place is judged from sukla Paksha and the' thithf is before
(he number of the Navamsa that happens dasami and Such a young Moon or
tb be the ascendant so many Yojanas Mercury is in the lagna, the query is
away from the place of theft. One yojana about a girl: if lagna is occupied by
is about 13 kilo metres. Saturn, the query is about an aged lady ;i
SI. 5. The Navamsa rising at the time If Sun or Jupiter is. in lagna, the query
of query, shows the nature of the material will be about a lady, just delivered,
lost. Thief, his description etc., is to be Mars or Venus in Lagna denotes a .well
judged from the decanate, where the built, and strong lady. To find out the
lagna has fallen: age of a person the same rule is to be
The lagua denotes the time when the applied (No doubt Sun and- Jupiter in
' property was removed, the direction to Lagna will show that his wife would have
which it i s taken and the place where it is. delivered in the recent past.)
The lord of the -lagna describes the age, SI. 7. Very strong planet in lagna
caste, creed etc., of the thief. shows that the query is about a person
ADHYAYA VII closely. connected ; if in 3, the query is
about younger; in 3 about children : in
SL1. Say that a male child will be 4 about mother or sister: in 6 about
born if Saturn is in 3 or 5 or 7 or 9 or 11 enemy.
counted from Lagna. If it is in other SI. 8. In 7 about wife; in 9 about a good
houses, expect a female child. person in 10, about Guruji.
One will fix with a bride and have his If the lord of Navamsa Lagna is strong
: ; marriage'if Saturn is in 2 or 4 or 6 or 8 or and is posited in Lagna, it shows that the
10 or 12. If Saturn is in the houses 1, 3, query is about the person himself. But if
. 5 etc., he cannot get that bride. there is a strong planet in Lagna who is
SI. 2. If Moon is in 3 or 5 or 6 or.7 or- friend of the lord of Navamsa Lagna, the
11 and is aspected by Jupiter or Sun and query is about a friend: if an enemical
Mercury,' the marriage' will be fixed.- planet is so posited, it relates to enemies.
Si. 9, If the iagna and the Wavamsa astrology are translated in. English and
Lagna are in movable signs and the published in this magazine.
navamsa is 6 or 7 or 8 or 9th the question Shir shod hay a sings: Leo, Virgo, Libra,
relates one who has gone to overseas. Scorpio and Acquarius.
That person will return home if there is a
planet in direct motion in 7. He will not Prishtodhaya signs: Taurus, Cancer,
return if there is a retrograde planet in 7. Sagittarius Aries and Capricorn.
SI. 10. If' at the time of query. Sun or | Ubayodhaya signs : Gemini, Pisces.
Mars or Venus is in 7, the person enjoys Odd-masculine signs : Aries, Gemini,
with other man's wife. If Jupiter is in 7; Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius.
he enjoys with his own wife. Mercury or
Moon in 7 suggests a prostitude. Saturn Even-Jeminine signs : Taurus, Cancer.
in 7 shows that she is a low-born. Her Virgo Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces.
age is decided from the nature of Moon. Movable signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra,
SI. 11. Saturn in 9, conjoined with Capricorn.
another malefic and devoid of any connec-
tion with a benefic denotes'that the person Fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio,
who has gone overseas is ill. Saturn in 8 Aquarius.
portends death to hjm. Common signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagit-
SI. 12. Sun conjoined with a benefic tarius, Pisces.
posited in 8.receiving aspects from benefics Fiery signs : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
show that one'sfather hasfurther procaeded Watery signs: Cancer, Scorpio and
to another country and had left the Pisces.
original foreign place.
These are the 70 slokas found in Shat Earthy signs: Taurus, Virgo and
Panchasika. The editor's comments will Capricorn.
appear after a few more books on Horary Airy signs : Gemini-Libra and Aquarius.

The horoscope of daughter is given Which are the
below. This is consulted on Wednesday, Houses to be
the 31st May, 1967 at 7-40 hours. judged ? Houses Nos. 2, 7 and 11.
Sun, Rahu, Why; House No. 2 indicates'
Moon. Venus Mars, the family which includes
Mercury Saturn all the relatives. 7th
House shows the legal
bondage and the 11th,
the pleasure, the perma-
nent tie of friendship or
the partner in life.
Therefore these three
. Houses need judgment.
The Universal law of selecting the signi-
ficators is as follows :
iKethu Jupiter Lagna (i) The planets which are situated in
the constellation of the occu-
Birth at 4-55 P.M. on 2-4-1946 (Tuesday) • pants' of these Houses,
Place; ' BANGALORE. (ii) The occupants of these Houses,
(iii) The planets in the constellation Gemini, further ftatu is cod-
of the Lords of these Houses, joined with Saturn and Mars.
(iv) The lords of these Houses, Therefore Rahu is stronger than
Mercury, Saturn and Mars.
(v) PJanets conjoined with or aspec- Hence we have to select Venus,
ted by any of the significators- Rahu, Kethu and Sun as the
The Lagna of the native is in the strongest of the significators.
first degree of Virgo. Therefore Therefore, Venus Dasa, Sun
no planet gets changed from the Bukthi. Rahu Anthra and Kethu
sign which it occupies. The Shookshma will be the day of
house remains the same. 2nd marriage.
House is occupied by Jupiter.
It governs the stars Punarvasu, According to transit, when Sun or Venus
Visakha, Purvabhadrabadha. transits in the first degree of Rishaba.
Saturn and Mars are in Punar- marriage must be celebrated. (1° Taurus
vasu. 7ih House is occupied by is Karthik constellation, ruled by Sun, ,
Sun, Moon and Mercury. Moon sign owned by Venus and sub governed
is in advance of Sun. It is a by Rahu).
waxing Moon. No planet is Betrothal will be around 19th March,
' found in the constellation of 1968. The celebration of the marriage
Moon. Similarly none is in the will be on 15th May, 1968.
constellation of Sun: but Sun
and Moon are in the constella- (The profession of the partner in life
tion of Mercury. 11th House is will be governed by Venus, Sun and Rahu.
unoccupied but this is owned by He will be employed in Automobile.
Moon. Venus rules the 2nd Transport, etc. and he will be a qualified
House and no planet is in Venus Engineer. Lord of 7th House in the
constellation. Jupiter owns the 2nd House shows that be is coming from
7th House and Saturn and Mars a family, though not closely related, yet
are in its star. Here the students already related.)
should note that Kethu occupies (Ruling planets at the time of query—
Jupiter's sign. Therefore one
should select Kethu and all pla- Mercury day—Wednesday.
nets in its constellation as the Star—Sathabhisha ruled by Rahu.
stronger significator. Venus
alone is in its constellation and Lagna Gemini, owned by Mercury.
similarly Mercury owns Gemini Rasi, Aquarius, owner of which is
and' Virgo. Rahu occupies Saturn)

Fodumanai Chomadri says: (2) (a) If there are more than 3
" (1) If in the dual sign in Rasikundali planets in the 7th Bhava and if that sign
.or Navamsakundali, the owner of the 7th happens to be either its own or friendly or
house counted from lagna or Moon sign Uchcha sign.
or the Chief Governor for matrimony,
Venus is posited, one will have two (b) If either in rasi or navamsa, weak
partners. Venus is deposited or Venus is in Aries or
Scorpio in Rasi or Navamsa and also (2) Both the benefics and malefics in
receives aspect from Jupiter. the 7th Bhava show more than one ■
(c) Venus in rasi or amsa occupying marriage.
any of the signs owned by Mars or Saturn (3) Sun and Rahu in 7 denote many
and if Saturn or Mars occupy 7th. house, marriages.
both the couple will find pleasure with (4) Any evil planet in 8 shows that
others. They will not marry but will carry one will .become a widow or a widower
(3) If Venus and Moon are conjoined (5) It is certain, if such an affiictad
in any Bhava and Mars and Saturn are in Sth house is aspected by an evil planet.
the 7th house counted from Moon sign, Mahadeva in Jataka Tatwa says :
one cannot get married. (1) Malefics in 7 portend widowhood ;
(4) If Mars and Saturn are in the 7th / (a) Mutual exchange of the owners of
house counted from a sign occupied by the 7th and Sth houses warns widowhood.
both a masculine and a femine planet,
there will be much difference in the age of (b) The owners of the houses 6 and
the partner and the male will have his 8 posited in 6 or 12 conjoined with an evil
marriage very late, whereas wife will be planet shows that the native will lose the
very young. (There • are cases where vvrtner.
elderly lady carries oh with younger boys (c) A person marries a widow if
having such a combination.) Saturn and Mercury occupy 7th house.
Sri Ramadayalu in Sanketha Nidhi says: Moon and Saturn indicate the same result.
(1) ' If Saturn be in the 8th house and (d) Loss of partner is shown by male-
Mars in the 7th, a person will marry twice. fics in 7 or 8 counted from Lagna ot
Moon. ' .
■ (2) If malefics are in 1 or 7 or 12 and
waning Moon is in a sign owned by a (e) If Rahu is in 7 or 8 or 12 in the
'malefic in the 3th house, predict that one sign owned by Mars, one loses the partner.
will have no marriage. (f) More than one wife is indicated,
(3) A widow will get remarried if if either the owner of lagna or 7th Bhava
Saturn and Moon are in 7 or Saturn is in occupy enemy's quarters, or debilitated
7 to Moon conjoined with malefics. sign.
(4) The number of wives is to be (2) If the lord of 8 is in 1 or 7
judged from the number of Navamsas (3) If lord of Lagna is in 6
traversed by the owner of the 7th house in (4) An .evil planet in 7 and lord of 2
the sign in which it is posited or the in 6
number of planets in the 7th Bhava. (5) If an evil planet is in 7 and lord of
•.■.(5) One.may marry many a time. 7 with a benefic occupy the debilitated
'Yet he cannot have even one wife if Mars sign
is in 6, Saturn is in S and Rahu is in 7. (6) Venus conjoined with an evil
~ . (6) " If Saturn Rahu and Mars are in planet occupy a debilitatedsign or enemy's
any manner connected with the 7tb or the camp
Sth house, one will suffer from dog bite, (7) Many malefics in 7.
or the sting of the reptiles." (The (8) 3 or more planets in 2, not
editor's finding is that a person need not aspected by lord of 2.
be actually bitten by a dog, but he will (9) 3 or more planets in 7, not
have a wife who will always find fault aspected by lord of 7.
with the husband and bark like a dog.) (10) Exalted planet in Lagna and lord
Prithuyasas in Hora-Sara says: of lagna in exaltation.
(1) One loses the partner if Mars is in (11) Mootfand Venus conjoined with
7 and is aspected by evil planets- malefics and posited in 7.
(12) Lord of 7 in 11 to Moon. (e) Those in any manner connected
(13) Lords of 2 and 12 in 3 and with any of the significators, by conjunc-
aspected by lord of 9 or Jupiter. tion aspect • etc. The horoscope of the
querist is as follows:
(14) Lord of 7 and II conjoined .or
mutually aspecting each other.
(15) Lord of 7 and 11 strong in 5 or 9 Jup.22-13 Lagna ■ Rahu
Sun 17-22 8-^6 20-8
and so pn.
Thus hundreds of sutras and slokas Venus
given by Hindu sages can be translated 23-08 Moon
Merc. 21-C7 19-11
and reproduced.- But who will remember Mars 1-30
and apply all these. 31—3—1928
Westerners say;
. (a) If Moon is in the dual sign
Gemini, Sagittarius or Pisces or in a
watery sign Cancer, Scorpio or Sagittarius Sat, 26-23
of Pisces or in a watery sign Cancer, Kethu
. 20-08
Scorpio or Pisces and is aspected by many
(b) If Moon in such a position is hot Mercury Dasa Balance: 13 years 8
aspected by the planet in the 7th'house. months 22 days.
Moon occupying a dual and forming Rahu is in the second house and
aspect with 2 or 3 planets posited in Mercury with Venus occupy the Uth
another dual sign, or if there are many house Rahu governs Arudhra, Swathi and
-planet in the 7th house and the lord of 7 Sathabisba. Mercury - rides Aslesha,
in a dual sign or .if the owner of lagna is Jyeshta, Revathi. Venus governs^ Barani,
in. a dual sign and in the 7th Bhava, - Pooram, Pooradam. No planet is in the
aspected by any other planet or the lords constellation of Rahu in 2 : Saturn,Kethu,.
of 1 and 7 conjoined together in a dual Moon, Sun and Jupiter are in the constel-
sign indicate plurality. lation of Mercury; No planet is in-the
star ruled by . Venus." Therefore Sun,
Thus one can note that the 7th and 8th Moon, Jupiter and Kethu are the strongest.
houses afflicted and the significatorsin any Sun Dasa commences on 23—11—1968.
dual sign can bring about second marriage. Hence one can pick up Sun Dasa Moon
According to Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Bukthi Jupiter Anthra, so in the second
one is to judge the houses 2, 7 and 11 for week of May 1969 second marriage will
the first marriage; 2 and 11 for second take place.
marriage, 9 or 6 for 3rd marriage and so
on. Second marriage is shown if the 7th According to transit Saturn, lord of 11
cusp falls in the sub of a planet occupying conjoins the Ascendant .Mercury in 11,
of owning dual sign. To find out the conjoins Rahu in 2. Venus in 11.conjoins'
significators bite is to follow his one dasanatha Sun who will be transitting in
system i.e., Suns star Moon Sub. Jupiter transits in
Sun star Jupiter sub.' Transit agrees.
(a) The planets posited in the cons-
tellation of the planets situated in the Hence around 12—5—1969 marriage
houses 2 or 11-.- ■ will surely take place.
' (b) The tenants in the houses 2 or 11. [The editor had the opportunity to have
(c) The planets deposited in the the horoscopes of seven twins : Of them
constellation of the lords of these houses. one remains unmarried: and his. twin'
brother is married ; one is married once
(d) The lords of these houses.. whereas his twin has married twice. In
another case both have married twice: that the ruling planets'at the moment of
All the other four twins have married only query are the significators vof the matter
once. During the research it is found to be judged, confirmed or ascertained.
that the lagna is in the same sign for each Other readers are requested to use this, as
twin births; For them the position of a corrective or a confirmative one to
planets remain the same. The only predict any event.
difference is the cusp of the 7th house. Suppose one gives his horoscope and
This alone explains. Students are requested asks to know.
to confirm. When there is a doubt about
the exact position of the 7th cusp, then (a) correctness of Lagna or the cusp
use the ' panaceaWhat is it? The ruling of any house, "
planets at the time of judgment i.e., Lord (b) longevity, death,
of the day, star, rasi and Lagna. The lord
of the sign, star, and sub will invariably (c) time of marriage, appointment,
come correct. There is no doubt about it promotion, time of birth of child, etc.,
as in innumerable cases they were tested (d) time when judgment of a case may
by me Shri Sarangapani lyengar, Retired be given, etc.
Superintendent, A. G. Office and Sri Always, the first important question is
Jagadesa Iyer, retired officer from Africa. answered by the ruling planets at the
Hundreds of my students have confirmed moment of query.]
Marriage—when i
Verification of'Krisbnanurti Padbdhati
PROF. SATCHIDANAND MISHRA, B.A. (Hons.), M.A. (Triple), B.L.
Head of the Department of English; J. J. Degree CoUcge, Gaya.
I. Introduction B. Nirayana.Rasi Chart—
Marriage signifies the unison of two II Cusp
Asc. 28.46 Sun 13-58 Mcr.1.10
souls together.. Years pass after marriage, Vcn.9.90 2.22
but still the sweet memory of the first day Mars
of conjugal meeting lingers in the heart. . 15.21
The honey-moon is remembered with Kethu
greater force in the old age. Astrology 25.26
must record this sweet experience and
must be able to say when the happy time 1
of marriage will come in thelife of a man. XI Cusp Rahu
Krisbnamurti Padbdhati records this 18.19 25.26
aspect of life too with more accuracy
than in any other astrological system Mooq 2.28
extant in the modern times. Jupiter Sat. (R)
. 22.35
21-22 VII Cusp
•' 28.46-
II. The Chart C. Table of Cusps—
A. Birth—Details:— I Cusp—Pisces -28.46
II Cusp—Taurus 1.19
1; Place of birth—Lat. 22".33' N.; III Cusp—Taurus .28.19
Long. 88°.23'E. ■IV Cusp—Gemini.. ■22.19_
Time of birth—4.21 A.M.: I.S.T.= V Cusp—Gancer 18.19
4.44.30 A.M. L.M.T. VI Cusp—Leo .20.19
VII Cusp—Virgo 28.46 '
3. Date of birth—28th. April 1923 VIII Cusp—Scorpio 1.19'
' 4. Day of birth—Saturday. ■ IX Cusp—Scorpio 28.19
X Cusp—Sag. 22.19
rXI Cusp—Capr. 18.19
XII Cusp—Aqdar. 20.19
Balance of Sun Dasa at time of birth—3 years 4 months 20 days.
Dasa Bhukti Antbra Sookshma From To
Sun 28-4-1923 18-9-1926
Moon 18-9-1926 ' 18-9-1936
Mars ■ 18-9-1936 18-9-1943
Rahu 18-9-1943 18-9-1961
Rahu . ■ Venus'. 6-4-1955 6-4-1958
Rahu Venus Rahb 3-5-1956 15-10-1956
Rahu Venus Rahu , Rahu 3-5-1956 •27-5-1956
Planet in the Chart Lord of constellation Lord of Sub Lord of Sub Sub
1. Sun Venus Venus Moon
2. Mercury Sun Jupiter Venus
3. Mars Moon Jupiter Mars
4. Rahu Venus Mercury Jupiter
5. Moon Sun Jupiter Sun
6.- Saturn (R.). ' Moon Venus Kethu
7. Jupiter (R.) •, Jupiter Saturn Mercury
8. Kethu „ Jupiter Mercury. , Jupiter
9. Venus -- Saturn Venus Rahu
10. II Cusp Sun Jupiter. Jupiter
11. .VII ,Cusp Mars Saturn . Venus
12. XI Cusp Moon Mercury Venus
F. Bhava' Chart— VI Bhava Rahu
Ascendant : Pisces ,28°. 46' Saturn (R.)
' I Bhava Sun VII Bhava Jupiter (R.)
11 Bhava ' Mercury xn Bhava Kethu
Mars Venus
Planet Lord of the'Constellatibn Lord of Sub Lord of Sub Sub
Occupying Ruling Occupying Ruling Occupying Ruling
. 1. • Sun 12 2, 3 12. 2, 3 6. -5
' 2. ' Mercury 1 6 7 10, 1 12 2, 3
3. Mars 6 5 7 10, 1 2 8, 9
4. Rahu 12- 2, 3 2 4, 7 7 10,1
5. Moon •1 • 6 7 10, 1 1 6
6. Saturn 6 5 12 2,3 6 .11,12
, 7. Jupiter ,7 10, 1 '6 11, 12 2 ' 4, 7
8. Kethu 7 10, 1 2 4, 7 7 10, 1
"9. Venus , 6 11, 12 12 2, 3 6
10. , II Cusp 1 6 7 10, 1 7 10, 1
11. VII. Cusp 2 8, 9 6 11, 12 12 2, 3
12. XI Cusp 6 5 2 4, 7 12 2, 3
Note.—Rahu is equivalent to Sun due to and 11th house indicates permanent tie
i, its occupation of Leo sign, ruled by of friendship. Marriage includes all the
Sun; Similarly Kethu is equivalent three. Hence let us consider the houses 2,
. to Saturn as it is in Aquarius, a 7 and 11.
■ sign ruled by Saturn. Second house is occupied by Mercury
and Mars. Mercury governs Ashlesha,
III. Analysis Jyeshta and Revathi. Mars governs
Marriage means .an addition to the Mrigasira, Chitrai and Dbanisbta. No
family, hence second., house; conjugal planet, is in these constellations. So let
relationship is denoted by seventh bouse us analyse the lord of second house.
Venus is lord of 2. Venus governs in their conjoined period to give the effect
Bbarani, Pooram and Pooradam. Rabii of marriage. (Please refer to Krishna-
is in Pooram and Sun is in Bbarani. Take murti,_ Vol. I, page 191 ; Evil aspect
Rabu and Sun. among two planets who are. the signifi-
cators of the same matter do not co-
Seventh bouse is occupied by Jupiter operate—join hands to give a particular
(R.). A retrograde planet delays; hence effect.) The longitudinal distance of
delay in marriage is indicated. Jupiter Venus and Rabu is 166° 26', hence good;
governs Punarvasu Visakam and Poorva- therefore it will co-operate with Rabu in
patbra. Jupiter in Visakam and Ketbu is in giving good effect, especially when both
Poorvapathra. Take Jupiter and Kethu. are the strong significators for marriage.
Eleventh bouse is not occupied by any The native ran the DaSa of Rabu from
planet. Saturn is lord of II. Saturn 18-9-1943, but marriage materialised only
governs Pusbyam, Anusbam and Uthra- when Venus Bhukti ran from 6-4-1955 to
patbra. ■ Only Venus is in Utbrapatbra. 6-4-1958. Only Venus is in the sub sub
Take Venus. of Rabu and Rabu is in the constellation
Therefore Rabu,. Sun, Jupiter, Kethu of Venus; hence it can be easily deduced
and Venus are the significators for that Venus will co-operate' with Raha to
marriage of this native. give the effect of marriage.
Of all these planets, Rabu, being a node The marriage took place on 22-5-1956,
is a very strong significator; and more so when the native was running the Dasa of
because it has assimilated single banded Rabu, Venus Bbukti, Rabu Antbra and
the effect of all the three bouses to be Rabu Sooksbma. Rabu came thrice
judged for marriage. How ? because of its strong infiuence. The day
Rabu is in the sign of Sun, a significator was ruled by Mars, occupant of 2 in the
for marriage. Moreover it is in.the con- radical chart. On this day Sun was tran-
stellation of Venus, lord of 2, who is a sitting Kritbikai, a constellation ruled by
strong significator, being in the constel- Sun, who is a significator for marriage.
lation of lord of 11, especially when there Moreover it was transitting in 2nd Bbava
is no occupant of lltb Bbava. Rabu is from the radical'chart. Mo'on was tran-
further in the sub of Mercury, occupant sitting Swatbi, a constellation ruled by
of 2 and lord of 7 and in the sub sub of Rabu, a strong significator for marriage.
Jupiter, who is occupant of 7th Bbava Moreover it was also, transiting in the
and a significator, because of its position 7th, Bbava from the radical chart. The
in Visakam, a constellation ruled by itself. marriage began in Sagittarius ascendant,
Hence it is deduced that Rabu is very ruled by Jupiter, a significator for
strong and that the native will be married marriage it lasted upto Aquarius ascen-
in Rabu Dasa. The longitudinal distance dant. At the peak-point of marriage (12
between Sun and Rahu is 13r28' which midnight), Ascendant was rising in Capri-.
is applying sesqui-quadrate (135°); there- corn 28° IS', which/ is again lltb Bbava
fore Sun will not co-operate with Rabu in from the radical chart. Then thereafter .
giving the effect of marriage. Similarly Ascendant also transitted Satbayam cons-
the longitudinal distance between Rabu tellation, ruled by Rabu.
and Kethu is 180°, which amounts to oppo- Hence Krisbnamurti Padbdbati in
sition, and which is decidedly bad ; hence regard to pinpointing the date and time of
Kethu also will not co-operate with Rahu marriage is verified.

Born at 5-43 A.M. on 21-6-1927 at Kethu will transit in Mercury's sign: Sun
13° N and 80° 15'E. . will be in Mercury sign Jupiter star Kethu
sub, i.e. 10-7-69.
Ura. 10-23
Jupiter Sun 5-55 Sun 3.1
Rahu 5-11 Sat. 18.02 Rahu
11.06 Merc.
26 15
Moon Merc. 0.55 /
16-59 . Mars 16-6
Ven 20-53 Jup.* 11.20
Ven 18.22
Rahu dasa balance
Nep. 2-02 14 years 2 days

Kethu 5-11 Kethu

7th Cusp Sat 9-55 11.06 Mats
5° 40' Moon 9.37 24.47 "
' Rahu dasa Balance at the time of birth 0*-3* 20'
= 4 yrs. 26 days. Take the houses 2, 7 and 11: give
Houses 2, 7 and 11 are judged for importance to 2 and 11. No planet is in 2;
marriage. Second marriage is indicated Rahu is in 7: Moon and Kethu are in the
if the stib lord of the 7th cusp is connected constellation of Rahu. No planet is in U .
with any of the dual signs or their lords. Mars rules the bouses 2 and 7 whereas
As lagna is afflicted, take Moon sign.
Lords of 2, 7 and 11 in a dual sign is Sun is the lord of 11. Sun and Mars are
favourable for 2 marriages. in the constellation of Mars. None is in
the constellation of Sun. Mars aspects
Jupiter is the' owner of the signs 2 and Saturn. Strong significators are Rahu,
11 counted from Moon sign: Sun is the Moon and Kethu : Saturn, Sun and Mars
owner of the 7th. have connection : but they are weaker.
Mercury is in the constellation of Jupiter Therefore Rahu Dasa, Sun Bbukti,Kethu
and no other planet is in the constellation Antbra will give second marriage. Rahu
of Jupiter or Sun.. Kethuisinll. Kethu Dasa Saturn Bbukti will commence on
is stronger than Jupiter: Kethu alone is in 26-7-1968. Kethu Anthra starts on
its star. Moon and Saturn aspect the 7th 28-5-69. It runs up to 28-7-69. Hence in
house., Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are in this' period, especially Rahu or Saturn
the constellation of Saturn; none is in sub sub, it will be celebrated. The above
Moon's star. Venus is the chief governor date agrees.
for marriage.
• While selecting the significators, one Any Child? Number given is 88. It
has to prefer Kethu, Mercury and Jupiter meins that 20° to 23° 20' in Capricorn is
as the strongest: Mars, Saturn and Moon the ascendant. Saturn is in 2. Sun in
come next. 5 : none in 11. Jupiter is in Saturn con-
stellation. None in Sun's star. Saturn
Now the person has entered into rules 2: Venus 5 and Mars 11. Sun and
Mercury dasa on 17-7-66, Mercury sub Mars are in the constellation of Mars.
period will be over by 14-12-68. Then Hence Saturn Bbukti Jupiter Antbra Mars
Kethu will run for 0 yr. 11 mths.: 27 days. Sbooksbma will give a child, i.e. around
Jupiter's sub sub will be between 6-7-69 3-12-70 when Sun transits in Mars sign,
and 24-8-69. At that time Jupiter and Saturn star and Jupiter sub.
When will my difficulty be over ? Jupiter will aspect its radical position
Here the difficulty is about his health. from Virgo.
Since a few years, he is unable to write. Therefore you will be alright from July
The thumb refuses to hold the pen ; pro- 1969.
bably nervous trouble from Rahu Bhukti
Rahu anthra. Is operation needed ?
Health fails during the period of the As Jupiter and Kethu indicate cure and
planet signifying the matters of the 6th they have no Connection with Mars, surgi-
house. Cure is offered by the planet cal aid will never be required. Jupiter
connected with I Ith house. >' ' and Kethu suggest prayer. Jupiter and
Mars, Venus and Mercury are in' the 6th Kethu also indicate that a physician will
sign. No planet is in the constellation of take the'credit. But, whether you take
Venus: Sun and Rahu are in the constel- medicine or not, you must be alright from
lation of Mars. Mercury's star is occu- July 1969. You may attribute to the
pied by Venus. Actually the defect is fortune bf the second wife which is favou-;
from the time Rahu Bhukti started. rable for a pleasant, happy and harmoni-
ous wedded life.
Cure? ilth house is occupied by Kethu.
Jupiter owns it. Mercury is in Jupiter's Change of job—any ?—when!
star. Hence Mercury, Kethu end Jupiter Mercury - dasa Mercury sub period
denote the cure.. It agrees with the time Jupiter sub sub period in July 1968 shows
of your marriage, i.e. July 1969. change in your profession. You Will take
Saturn, lord of the Moon sign, will up a touring job ; inspection of work is
transit in Aries in Kethu constellation : indicated.
PROF. S. N. MISHRA, B.A. (Hons.), M.A. (Triple). B.L.
Head of the Department of English. J. J. Degree College. GAYA.
L Introduction B. Niravana Rasi Chart
When two persons are united in wedlock, . Kethu
.they dream very highly of all happiness in Asc.
the world during their conjugal life, but at. SSMl' lO0-!!'
times destiny smiles at those persons and '
their thoughts. All hopes are shattered in
due course of time and both, of them are
obliged to live separately. What is the A lady
unseen force that does it? It is the Jupiter
" Athrishta", to which astrology opens Moon ISMD'
the door and the genuine astrologer can 40-23' Saturn
have a peep at this curious phenomenon 240-14'
and can guide the persons accordingly. Sun 60-46/
Herein lies the practical use of Mars Rahv Mercury
I5M1' V-W i
astrology. Venus
280-38' 1
II. The Chart C. Table of Cusps—
I Cusp—Gemini 10.11
A. Birth Details— II Cusp—Cancer 2.31
1. Place of birth—Lat. 24" 10' N.; III Cusp—Cancer 29.31
Long. 86° 19' E. IV Cusp—Leo . 28.31
V Cusp—Libra 2.31
2. Time of birth—114)5 P.M. I.S.T. = VI Cusp—Scorpio 8.31
11-20-16 P.M. L.M.T. VII Cusp—Sagittarius 10.11
3. Date of birth—22nd September, VIII Cusp—Capricorn 3.31
1920. IX Cusp—Capricorn 29.31
X Cusp—Aquarius 28.31
4. . Day of birth—Wednesday. XI Cusp—Aries 2.31
XII Cusp—Taurus 8.31
D. Dasa System—
Balance of Sun Dasa at time of birth—2 years 6 months 10 days.
Dasa Bhukti Anthra From To
Sun . 22-9-1920 2-4-1923
Moon 2-4-1923 2-4-1933
Mars 2-4-1933 2-4-19s t)
Rahu 2-4-1940 2-4-19S\
Jupiter 2-4-1958 2-4-1974
Jupiter Saturn 20-5-1960 2-12-1962
Jupiter Saturn Mars 20-1-1962 13-3-1962
Jupiter Mercury 2-12-1962 8-3-1965
Jupiter Kethu 8-3-1965 14-2-1966
Jupiter -Venus- — 14-2-1966 14-10-1968
Jupiter Sun 14-10-1968 2-8-T969
E. Planet Lord of the Lord of the F. Bhava Chart—
Constellation Sub Bhava III—Jupiter, Saturn
1. Kethu Venus Sun
2. Jupiter Kethu Mercury Bhava IV—Sun Mercury, Venus.
3. Saturn Venus Mercury Bhava V—Rahu
4. Sun Sun Mercury
5. Mercury Moon Saturn Bhava VI—Mars
6. Venus Mlars Saturn Bhava VIII—Moon
7. Rahu Rahu Venus
8. Mars Mercury Kethu Bhava XI—Kethu
9. Moon Sun Saturn
G. Planet Lord of Constellation Lord of Sub
Occupying Ruling Occupying Ruling
1. Kethu 4 5, 12 4 4
2. Jupiter 6 6, 11 4 1
3. Saturn 4 5, 12 4 1
4. Sun 4 4 4 1
5. Mercury 8 2, 3 3 8, 9, 10
6. Venus 6 6, 11 3 8, 9, 10
7. Rahu 4 5, 12 4 5, 12
8. Mars 4 1 4 5, 12
'9. Moon 4 4 3 8, 9, 10
% is equivalent to Venus as it is posited in Libra and fCethu is equivalent to
' Mars as it is posited in Aries.
III. Analysis planet is in these constellation's. There-
Q. 1. Separation from husband—how fore take Saturn. Saturn is in Pooram, a
long will it last? constellation ruled by Venus, a significator
and in the sub of Mercury, lord of 1.
Marriage means union with wife. For Hence Saturn is a strong significator.
marriage, we consider houses 2, 7 and 11.
When separation takes place, houses 12 Therefore Saturn, Mars and ' Venus are
from these houses operate, Le., 1, 6 and the strong significators for separation.
10. So let us judge these houses. As 1st The lady separated from her husband
house is 12tb from 2nd, when 1st house due to financial stringency in February
operates, generally financial stringency 1962, while she was. running dasa of
crops up and it becomes one of the Jupiter, Bhukti of Saturn and Anthra of
reasons for separation. Mars. Saturn and Mars have operated.
First house is not occupied by any What about Jupiter? Jupiter isinassocia-
planet. Mercury is lord of 1. Mercury tion with Saturn in 3rd bhava, which is
rules Ashlesha, Jyeshta and Revathi. Only 9th from 7th. 7th house indicates husband
Mars is in Jyeshta. Take Mars. Mars is and thus 9th from 7th is 8th from 2nd,
also posited in 6th Bhava, hence a strong hence bad. Further Jupiter is also in the-
significator. sub of Mercury, lord of But Jupiter
6th house' is occupied by Mars. Mars aspects fully both 7th and 11th houses
rules Mrigasira, Chithrai 'and Dhanishta. according to degree position and if is
Only Venus is in Chithrai. Take Venus. posited in the constellation of Kethu,
occupant of: 11th Bhava. Hence it is
10th house is unoccupied by any planet. bound to give some occasions for meetings,
Saturn is lord of 10. Saturn rules Push- but as it is afflicted it will give mixed effect
yam; ■ Anusham and Utharapathra. No and especially in the conjoined periods of
the planets signifying separation, it will continue; if they signify reunion, reunion
give the effect of separation rather than of will take place. Let us see which planets
union. This is what has actually hap- are operating.
pened. 1. The day Monday is ruled "by
Q. 2. What about reunion? Will it take Moon. Moon, although lord of
place at all 7 If so, when? 2 in radical chart. is in sub of
Saturn, a strong significator for
For reunion, again houses 2, 7 and 11 separation; hence it cannot give
must operate (but give importance to 2 reunion.
and 11 as though it is a second marriage).
2. Sun is transiting Mrigasira con-
2Dd house is unoccupied by any planet. stellation, ruled by Mars, who is
Moon is lord of 1 Mercury is in Hastham, a strong significator for separa-
a constellation ruled by Moon. No planet tion.
except Mercury is in any of the three
constellations governed by Moon. Mer- '3. Moon is transiting Ashlesba, a
cury is also lord of 1. Hence it is not a constellation ruled by Mercury.
significator for reunion. As Mercury is lord of 1 and in
the sub of Saturn, a strong
7th house is also not occupied by any significator for separation, it is
planet. Jupiter is lord of 7, which is afflicted to give the effect of re-
already afflicted due to points mentioned union.
above. No planet is posited in any of the
three constellations, ruled by Jupiter. 4. Ascendant falls in Sagittarius
Hence it is also not a significator for 2° 12'. The sign is ruled by
reunion. Jupiter, who is afflicted. '
11 th house is occupied by Kethu. Only 5. Ascendant is transiting Moolam,
Jupiter is in Makham, a constellation a constellation ruled by Kethu.
ruled by Kethu. As Jupiter is already Kethu has to give mixed effects.
afflicted, it cannot give reunion. Hence it is also afflicted.
As all the three houses concerned with 6. Moon is transiting in Cancer, a
reunion are afflicted, reunion will not take sign ruled by Moon, who is
place. afflicted.
Let us be more definite. At the time of Therefore it is fully confirmed that re-
judgment, i.e., on 12-6-1967 at 7-05 P.M., union will not take place. Let them pray
these are the ruling planets. If they to God and l^ad a happy life even in
signify separation, separation will separation.

Number given is 76. On Wednesday As the question is put by the husband,
14-6-67 at 8-30 A.M. at Coimbatore. give more importance to the 11th bouse,
then the bouses 2 and S.
Saturn Rahu Sun 29-07 Mer. 23-15
17- 46 11-20 11th house—cusp—is occupied by
Kethu.' Rahu and Moon are in the cons-
tellation of Kethu.- (Moon denotes the
Jup. 10-32 nature of query. Moon is in Kethu cons-
Venus tellation.. So, Moon indicates the matters
14—6-67 signified by Iltb bouse, lltb house
8-30 A.M. includes birth of cbildrdn.) As the sign
Moon occupied by Kethu is masculine, to have a
9-40 boy is promised by Kethu—Kethu is in
the ' constellation of Rahu which is in
1 Aries a masculine sign. Therefore, you
Lagna Kethu Mars will surely have a son.
10° 11° 20' 11-20 23-48
When Ketbu Dasa Budha Bhukti Sun
Ketbu dasa Balance 1 year, 11 months Antbra operates on or around 11-10-68
and 3 days. you will have a son.


The question is put by a person born- much importance to 7lh bouse. Also one
on 8-11-193? with Jupiter Dasa balance should judge the bouses 2, S and 11 as
o year: o mth and 14 days. The horos- usual for child birth.
cope is as under:
How to select the signi flea tors?
Moon (a) Note the planets in the 7th bouse.
3-J8 Always count a house from cusp to cusp.
Only Rahu is in the 7th Bhava. What are
the constellations governed by Rahu.
Rahu Lagna Rahu rules Arudbra, Swatbi and Satba-
20-46 24-50 bisba. Note whether there are planets
situated in these constellations (6, IS or
Mars 4-24 24). No planet is in Rahu's star. So take
Saturn ■ - Jup. 25-04 Rahu as a significator.
6-18 Kethu
20-46 House 2 is occupied by Jupiter and
Venus. Jupiter rules Punarvasu (7) Visa- -
Mercury Sun 22-58 Venus katn (16) and Poorvapathrapada (25) stars.
14-22 14-39 Sun is in Visakam. Rahu and Moon are
in Poorvapadrapada.
' Now he is running Mercury Dasa Saturn Venus governs Bharani (2) Poorvapal-
Bhukti .from 13-3-1966. He has one guni (11) and Poorvashada stars (20).
daughter . born in Mercury Dasa Venus Kethu and Jupiter are in Poorvapalguni .
Bhukti. For second issue one has to give constellation.
Sun rules the second: Saturn the 7th sages. But I suggest one method. I
and Venus the 11 th. Saturn is in Sun's follow that alone. Close your eyes and
constellation. Mercury is in Saturn's pray for the tip from nature. Open your
constellation and Jupiter and Ketbu are in eyes. God is ever alert. He never fails
Venus constellation. When the significa- nor delays. He' gives the tip. So now I
tors are Rabu, Sun', Moon, Jupiter, Kethu do so. Let us see. So saying I closed
Mercury and Saturn. Seven planets are my eyes and prayed to God requesting
connected. . When such a group denote, him to guide me as how many more child-
the best method of taking the strongest ren he will have and whether it will be a
will be to note down, the lord of the day, male. I opened my eyes. My servant
star, : rasi and lagna. To-day it is Ramanan - just stretches bis' band and
Saturday ruled by Saturn. Moon tran- delivers to me the Andhra Prabha weekly
sits in Gemini owned by Mercury. The (Telugu one), dated 17-5-67 rolled like a
star Arudhra is governed by Rabu. The ruler. I could see a finger-pointing, one.
lagna is ruled by Sun. Hence take the When he left in on my cot, the cover page
common ones and reject others. was opened by the fan and- inside the
, Heiice Mercury, Saturn, Rahu and Sim cover page, I saw a young boy sitting on a
are selected. As he is running Mercury dasa wooden horse and playing the advertise-
Saturn sub period, select Rahu Anthra ment of gripe water. What inore tip is
and Sun Sbookbama i.e., around 25-6-68. needed. Faith in God, Good thoughts
Your wife will conceive. (To-day Moon and sincerity will ever be rewarded.)
is in Gemini. When Sun transits this So I boldly declare that this gentleman
position next year she will conceive.) will have a son iii April, 1969 to give
Birth of child will be when you run pleasure to the parents and to take charge
Ketbu Dasa Kethu Bbukti Mercury Anthra of the estate and business in bis adult age.
Saturn Shookshma, i.e., around 16-4-69. (This gentleman is a multi-miliionace.
Will it be a son ? Kethu rules the dasa Lord of 2 neecha lord of IT Neecha.
and bbukti. It is in Sun's sign. It is Ketbu in 2 conjoined with lord of 5, 6, 9
conjoined with Jupiter and Mars. It is in and 10. Sani in 7: Rabu in 8: Sakata Yoga.
Jupiter's sub. All are masculine. So it Moon and Guru Shasta Asbtama. He bad
must be a boy. been running Asbtamadbipatbi Sani and
Virayadbipatbi Budha dasa so far. He
- (I have not done much Research on has minted money. How? Why?
Sexes. A doctor cannot be an expert in
optical osseous. Pulmonary, Digestive, Saturn is in the constellation of lord of
E.N.T. etc. Any one he can specialise. 2 in 3 and Mercury in the constellation of
An Engineer may specialise in any planet in 6, owning 7 and 8 bouses. I
of' the Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, have mentioned that planets in the cons-
Electronics, Mine, Marine etc. He cannot tellation of occupants of 1, 2, 3, 6 and 10 .
master all. Similarly the knowledge of and 11 and in good sub are for successful
an Astrologer. I am doing research. To career. So be was successful. Ketbu dasa
my knowledge, dasa Bbukti system cannot is to follow.
give correct prediction as regards the sex Ketbu in Lagna Bbava is in the constel-
of a child. This is a fact. Let me pose lation of planet in 2 owning 4 and 11; So
this question. An expectant lady delivers it also will be prosperous. Thus we have
twins at an interval of 3 or 5 minutes. to judge.. There arc many poor people
One is a male and the other a female. with 3 and 4 exalted planets and there are
Which method can explain? Traditional crorepatbis with 2, 3 and 4 debilitated
astrology does not help. If.there is any, planets. This statement is true. Hence
to answer the twin births of different sex, to predict riches for all those who have
articles are invited from that scholar. I exalted planets without considering the
confess that, there rule. I cannot lord of the constellation and bis situation
take shelter under the sayings of our is not wise.)
K. S. K.
Number one was given at 7-30 A.M. on in Bharani. As Kethu is in Venus sign,
5-6-67 (when the Editor visited Cuddapah) prefer Rahu posited in Kethu constellation.
by the consultant - when be was asked to Punarvasu, Visaka, Poorvapadrapada .are
give a number within 108. the constellations belonging to Jupiter
The position of planets is as follows : and no planet is in its star.
Sun and Mars are in the constellation
Raha 15.10
11-49 of Moon. Venus and Jupiter are in the
Sat 17-08 Moon
0" to Sun 20-26 Mcr. 13-06 constellation of Saturn-
Hence one is 40 select from -Venus,
Yen 5-01 Moon, Saturn, Mercury, Mars, Sun, Jupiter
Jup. 8-53 and Rahu. So all the planets are connect-
Monday ed with the-houses 3, 4,,5 and 10. Then,
5—6—67 use the simplest method expounded by
7-30 A.M. Krishnamurti.
Ura. 27-00
Why should he meet to-day—a Monday—
"unless Moon is "to contribute. Any
Nep 29-07 Mars Monday, he could have asked, but why
FCcthu 22-16 this Monday, he put the query ? Because
li-49 the query is about vehicle: Venus governs
Vahana. Hence when Moon is in the
For the purchase of a car one is to constellation Bharani, ruled by Venus, he
judge the houses 4, 9, 10 and 11 and the put the question. Venus, governs the cons-
chief governor for vahana venus . tellations Bharani Poorvapalguni and
The owner of a car disposes it when Poorvashada in Mars sign, Aries, Sun's,
the significators of the houses 3, 4, 5 and sign Leo and Jupiter's sign Sagittarius.
He has asked when Moon is in Aries. So,
10 and Venus conjointly operate. select Mars and reject Sun and Jupiter.
Lagna. denotes the owner : 7th house The number given by him falls in Aries.
indicates the person with whom the trans- So select Mars ; never omit it. Then the
action is to be done, i.e., the purchaser if ruling planets are Venus, Moon and Mars.
the native sells. Sale of a car by one If the Ascendant is a movable sign, the
means purchase and possession by another. earliest opportunity is to be selected.
Therefore when the houses 4, 9, 10 and 11 Moon in lagna hastens. Therefore, un-
indicate the buying of a vehicle, then
count houses 4,9, 10 and II from the 7th , hesitatingly, predict that he will dispose
the car when Venus Dasa Moon Bhukthi'
house. They will be 10, 3, 4 and " 5. 3rd ' Mars Anthra operates. Suppose a child is
house is occupied and owned by Mercury. born at the moment of query what will be
4th is occupied by Venus and Jupiter, the dasa balance. Similary Calculate.
owned by Moon. 5th bouse is ruled by Moon was jh ISMO' Aries. Therefore
Sun and 10 by Saturn. ..Ashlesha, Jyeshta balance in Venus Dasa will be 17 years 3
and Revathi are governed by Mercury. months. Therefore Venus sub period will
Saturn is in Revathi. be over in 7 months, i.e. on 5-1-1968.
Bharani,. Poorvapalguni and Poorva- Sun sub period will run for 1 year. Then
shada are ruled by Venus. Moon alone is . Moon follows.
Venus Dasa Moon Bhukti Mars. Anthra Sun Dasa Venus Bhukti, Sun Anthra. Sun
starts from 25-2-1969. In that 6nd out is in 4; Venus is in 3.
when Mercury's Shookshma (3rd house)
-will operate. It willbe.around 14-3-1969. Houses 3, 4, 5 and
Note on which day,' Rohini star will be Venus is in 3. No planet is in Venus cons-
either that day or on a Monday or Wed- . tellation. Sun and Mercury are in 4. No
nesday when- the lagna falls in li" in planet is in Sun's star : Jupiter and Moon
Taurus,' Ihe car will be sold and handed are in the constellation ruled by Mercury.
over to the purchaser at about 10 A.M. Rahu is in 5, i.e. in labhasthana, 11 to the
on 14-3-1969. buyer, 7 Venus and Mars are in the star
Now his horoscope is produced by him. governed by Rahu. No planet is in 10.
Born on 13-7-1924 Sunday' 11-57 P.M. Venus rules the 3rd cusp. Mercury the
at Warangal. 4th, Moon the 5th and Jupiter the !0lh.
Sun is in Jupiter's star. Hence Venus, Sun,
Lagna Ven. 10° Mercury, Rahu, Mars and Jupiter have
27-19 Sun 28-14 connection with the disposal of the car-
Venus is in 12 to Dasanatha as Sun is in!
Kethu advance to Venus. Hence Sun Dasa Venus
I-54 Mercury Bhukti will be the time when attempts
Mars 7-27 will materialise. 'A' dasa 'B' bhukti 'A'
II-46 13 7-24 anthra is ever strong. The date, ascer-
tained from Horary system, agrees. So
" Rahu one can boldly declare that he will dispose
1-54 the car on 14-3-69. As Sun and Venus
indicate the result, he will receive the
Jup, 18-09 money on Karthik star day and give
Moon Sat. 3-0 . away the car on Rohini star day. Bbarani,
20-12 and Karthik star days, one will not take
delivery of car. But one will give money.
Me.rcury Dasa balance 12 yrs., 6 months. On Rohini star day-an auspicious day the
On 14-3-69, this native will be running car will leave the hands of the querist.

Volume II of Krishnamurti Padhdhati has been despatched to all those who have
purchased the Voulrae I paying Rs. 25/-by Registered Post cost and postage free—in the
first week of June, 1967.
The Editor thanks all those who had purchased the book and takes apology for
the undue delay. Honestly it is not the mistake of the Editor but due to heavy pressure in
the press who had been giving date after date and at last brought out most satisfactorily.
The Editor prays Lord Ganesh that whomsoever studies Krishnamurti Padhdhati
is blessed' with Divine Grace for quick grasp, retentive power, reproductive ability,
exhaustive explanation and correct judgment.
Other boks—Transit results. Horary Astrology, Dasa Bukthi Palapala Nirayana,
Progression, Annual Horoscope, Mundane Astrology, Ephemeries from 1911 to 1967
in which the daily position of all the planets in Sayana system and Table of House for
latitudes between (P and 50°, etc., will be published in due course. Readers will be
informed as soon as these books are ready for despatch. No advance will be received
but those desirous may register their names.
Number given is 90. 1 Time 5-10 P. M. Saturn Bhukti is over. Hence ".select
on 1D-6-67 Saturday at Salem. Jupiter Dasa Saturn Bhukti Rahu Anthra
Thechartfor the moment is as follows:— and Mercury Shdokshma. It will operate
after 13 months 15 days. Hence around
Mercury 25-7-1968, the native will go abroad.
Rahu ■ Sun-25-36 . 19-37 ■
Sat. 17-32 . 11-32 Moon Let us consider bis birth chart.. He is
22-34 ' born at 8-51 P.M. on 15-5-1933. at
Jup. 9-51 , 9° 58' N and 78° E
, 10-37, Mercury Sun. 1-17
10-6-67 16-32 Vcn. 7.32
5-10 P,M.
26' 40'
lo 30° Rahu
Kethu 15—5—1933
11-32 Mars 8-51 P.M. ; Rethu
23-04 Sat. 23-19 1(M6
Moon Mars
19-34 13-47
- Judge Houses 3, 9 and 12. Moon shows Jup. 20-24
the nature of query. Significators are to
, be selected. Lagna V
1. Rahuis inS. Kethuisin9. None
is in 12. Rahu governs Arudhra Swathi
and Sathabisba. Kethu rules Aswini, Moon Dasa balance 2 years 9 months
Makbaand Moola. Mercury and Ketbu are 27 days. He completes 'Jupiter Dasa
in Rabu constellation. Rabu alone is in Mercury Bhukti by 18-2-1968 and enters
Kethu's star. Hence Mercury, Rahu and into Kethu Bhukti. For overseas consider
Ketbu are strong signi Scators. (Occupants the bouses 3, 9 and 12. Rabu is in 3.
are selected.). Jupiter Mars and Kethu are in 9.
, 3. Jupiter rules 3 and 12. Mercury -Rabu alone is in Rabu's constellation,
the 9th (Moon 5s in. Mercury sign Jupiter Sathabisba, Kethu alone is in Makam,—
star conjoined with Mercury. So the query Kethu's star. No planet is in Mar's cons-
is about overseas). Punarvasu, Visaka tellation. So also none in Jupiter's star.
Poorvapathrapada are ruled by Jupiter. Therefore take Jupiter Dasa Kethu Bhukti,
Ashlesha, Jyeshia and Revati are governed Rahu Anthra. It operates between 10-7-68
by Mercury. Moon is in Punarvasu. Saturn and 20-8-68. One may ask today at the time
is in Revatbi. Hence take Moon, Saturn and of query, Kethu is not a ruling planet.
Jupiter. Today, it is .Saturday., Punarvasu How can you select Kethu Bhukti.
star day Scorpio lagna. Hence Saturn, Today it is Saturday. Rabu is in Saturn
Jupiter, Mercury and Rahu are the ruling sign and aspected by Jupiter and Mars.
planets as Rabu is in a. sign owned by It acts as an agent of these three. Ketbu is
Mars who is the lord of Scorpio. iirSun's sign conjoined' with Jupiter and
If the dasa balance is worked Out, at Mars. Nodes give mostly the result of
the time of query, the balance in Jupiteis those with whom they are conjoined or by
Dasa is 12 years 11 months 1 day. That is whom they are aspected. As at the time
10 months and 21 "days of Jupiter Dasa of query, Scorpio is the ascendant. Mars
and Rahu are the ruling plants. Piinarvasu Sp Jupiter Dasa, Venus Bhukti will com-
star is ruled by Jupiter. Hence every point mence on 23-2-1972 and on 21-9-72 Moon
agrees. Anthra begins. It'will run for 80 days up
to 11-12-72. As in Venus sign there is Jupi-
Therefore declare that he must go ter's star and Moon sub, predict that his
abroad on or, around 25-7-1968. research will be successful on 11-12-1972.
As the' 11th house lord is also lord of 10
Will I he successful in my research? and as Jupiter and Venus alone are in the
Will the Government recognise? constellation of Satum, lord of 10 and 11,
Jupiter Dasa, VenusBhukti, Jupiter Anthra
Number given is 5. will be the period of receiving the honour,
' Position of planets. prestige and some gains through or from
Rahu the Government, say, around August
11-32 Mercury 1973.
Sat. 17-32 Lagna Sun 25.36 •Moon
. According to his natal chart,' he will
13-20 to 2-34
16-40 enter into Jupiter Dasa, Moon Bhukthi, on
12-7-1972 and Venus anthra will be in
Jup. 9-51 August 1973.
Ven. 10-37
(Mercury is lord of 10 ; no planet is in
Mercury star: Venus is lord of 11:
Jupiter and Mars are in its star: Any
planet in the second house in its own
constellation brings money through the
source indicated by its lordship. 91^
Kethu Mars house denotes Government. 12 to 9 means'
11-32 23-04 Government gives. So Moon in 2, in its
own star, as lord of 8 gives money through
Government If one takes 7th house as
Number 5 indicates that the lagna falls the giver, then the source is 8th house,
between 13° 20'. to 16° 40' Aries. i.e., the finance of the giver. ' To whom
:To. come put successful in research, is it given. To one who has a planet in 2
judge the houses 9 and 11; for recognition in its own constellation.)
by Government and gains thereby consider Hence you will gain in August 1973.
the houses 10 and 11.
9th house shows higher studies and [Second house occupied by a planet
research. situated in its own. constellation and the
sub of 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 11 promises increase
11th house denotes success. in income and improvement in bank
10th house indicates reputation, name position is one of the findings.
and fame. To Aries Lagna horn : Sun in Karthi-
11th house portrays the advantage kai—income through speculation, children,
thereby. Select the significators. music etc.! Moon in Rohini gain through
9th and 11 th houses are unoccupied. agriculture, food materials, dairy farm,
conveyance mother, rubber, petrol, etc.
.9th is owned by Jupiter and 11 by Mars in Mrigasira: Self earnings: legacy:
Saturn. Jupiter star, Punarvasu alone, is money through partner: - Insurance:
occupied by Moon and both Jupiter and gratuity: bonus: fixed deposit etc.
Venus are deposited in Saturn's star
Pushya. Hence Jupiter Venus and Moon To Taurus Lagna horn: Mars in
indicate the results of the houses 9 and 11. Mrigasira; -through litigation: partner:
The dasa balance of Jupiter,' at the time by investment; Rahu in Arudhra, specula-
of query is 12 years 11 months 1 day. tion,- music, children, cinema, dance;.
Jupiter in Punarvasu~ through friends, (c) They must be free from affliction
legacy, partner, dividend, etc. and the strongest is to be selected.
To Gemini horns; Jupiter in Punar- Next find out the nature of query.
vasu, through partner, business, profes- Depending on that one. is to
sion, .bank, religion. Taw, education: select the significator.
Saturn in Pushyam through legacy,- stran- If the query is about one's health or
gers; foreigners, father,brother-in-law, etc. success in one's efforts, consider both the
Mercury in Ashlesha, by one's efforts, lagna and Moon sign and -aspects to
education, land, building, conveyance, lagna, Moon and lord of lagna.
travels, agency.
To Cancer horns; Kethu in Magha: By If one desires to know about his finan-
blackmailing others: Black magic; cial position, consider second cusp, lord,
through medicine: Venus in Poorvapal- of 2 and Fortuna. If one wants to know
guni, by purchase of property, car, about his publications, consider the 3rd
conveyance, tax, education, mother, elder, cusp, lord of 3 and Jupiter. If it is about
brother, friends; paternal uncle ; Sun in ones business, profession, reputation,
Uthrapalguni through medicine. Govern- honour etc., consider the tenth for pros-
ment permanent position. Thus we have perity consider 10 and ll.
to judge to all Lagna'borns.
Where can I prosper? New york or According to Krishnamurthi Padhdhati,
Germany. (a) note the nature of query. The
Number given is 46. Time 5-25 P.M. position of Moon must indicate
on 13-6-1967 at Coimbatore. the mind of the consultant.
Planetary position is as follows :— Moon is in 12th cusp. 12th house
shows life in a foreign place. It
is in Kethu constellation. So it
Sat !7-44 Rahu .• Sun 28-29 Mercury means that he wants to know
11-22 22M2' aboutself-acquisition, family gtc.,.
Kethu is in the sub of sun who is
Jup 10-25 in 9 and who is lord of 12.
Venus Therefore sun, the sub lord is-
13-40 favourable to go overseas;
13—6—67 :
5-25 P.M. (b) consider houses 10 and 11. 10th
Moon house is occupied by Mercury
30-2' and Saturn alone is in Mercury
constellation. Jupiter and Venus
Kethu Lagna are in 11. Jupiter's constellation
11-22 00.3" 20' Punarvasu is occupied by Mer-
Fortune Mars
5-07' 23M0'' cury. No planet- is in Venus
star. Therefore consider Saturn,
Dasa balance Kethu dasa 5 years 4 Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.
months 27 days. According to western Jupiter is the strongest. Mercury
system. is next in strength. Gemini indi-
3. (a) One is to note where the beneflcs cates U.S.A.; Cancer denotes New
Jupiter, Venus and Moon York. Hence this native will
as' well as the most sensitive prosper in New York.
point, Fortuna is posited, It will materialise during Kethu Dasa,
(b) If they are not conjoined, together Jupiter Bhukti, Mercury Antbra i.e.,
in any house, find out Where the around 28-2-1970. Arrangements to go
largest number of these four, are and leaving India will be when Sun transits
(3 or 2). in Mob lam, i.e., December 1969.
Why not Germany't Second house matters is auspicious (ol
■ finance but inauspicious for longevity'
Germany is indicated by Aries. It is Mars lord of Aries in the ascendant in its
the 8th house to Virgo, the lagna accor- ■ own constellation aspecting Rahu theatens
ding to the number 46 given 8tb bouse, accident. So one is to avoid Germany.
generally shows danger, difficulty etc.-, and Now the question arises whether you can
also the cause of death. Rahu is in 8. select New York and reject Germany. NO.
Mars, lord of 8 is in lagna- It is aspected Nothing is in our bands.' You will not
by lord of 6. Therefore, Germany indi- stay in Germany. You will permanently
cates that you will fall ill, you may be stay in New york. For permanent resi-
borrowing, you will meet with difficulties dence, judge the house 4. It is Sagitta-
and it is undesirable according to the rus. No planet is in 4. Lord of Sagimrus
genera) pridciples of Hindu astrology. is Jupiter. Jupiter's stars are Punar-
vasu, Visaka and Poorvapatbrapada. Mer-
', According to Krishnamurti Padhdha'ti cury alone is Jupiter's constellation. Sc*
Saturn in the eonstellation of occupant Gemini occupied by Mercury show 1
.and owner of 10 is auspicious. Rahu in U.S.A ; Jupiter in cancer denotes Ne
the constellation of. Kethu indicating York." So you will stay in New York.
Our ancient literature Vis-a-Vis astronomy and astrology
India is the proud possessor or the most It is admitted by all the authorities that
ancient literature of the human race. any attempt of arranging our earlier scrip-
There is no doubt that it ranks older than tures in a systematic chronological order
the Papyrus rolls or Assyrian tiles, though may prove fruitless. Broadly the Indian
its red action from the store bouse of old literature can be divided into two
miraculous human memory took place at great periods, the Vedic and the Sanskrit.
a considerable later period. Surely the The Vedic period again has been divided
»Rik is the oldest authentic image of the into three distinct parts, viz. Samhita,
primitive periods in the history of man- Brahmana and Sutra, of which the Samhita
kind, a part of which the Hindus perhaps period constitutes the proper Vedic
had brought witlj them from their original period. Max Mueller divides it into" four
abodes, when nature was worshipped as i.e., Cbhanda, Mantra, Brahmana and
superior beings." Max Mueller remarks. Sutra periods.
The Rik Veda may be called primitive,
[because there is no other literary docu- The mention of Kriticca (Pleiades) in
Iment more primitive than it, but the lan- the Rik as the first Har of the Zodiac may
guage, the mythology, the religion and signify a period as early as 2780-1800 B.C.
philosophy that meet us in the Veda open and this period irrespective of its date of
Vistas of the past which no one would origin right upto 1000 B.C. may be consi-
venture to measure in years. But if we dered and the Samhita or the proper Vedic
mean by primitive, the people who have period. Next important date is. that of
been the first of the human race to leave .Buddha which has been conclusively fixed
behind literary relics of their existence on at 543 B.C. and it may, therefore, be pre-
earth, then the Veda taken as a whole is sumed that Samhita period or any Samhita
more primitive than any other else that we ' work beyond or just preceding that date
are ever likely to recover in the whole his- may be safely . ignored. The dates of
tory of our race." Magasthenes and Panini are also very:
important land marks in adjudging the
For our present purpose, it is not at all relative dates of various literary works.
necessary to fix up the time when the The date of Megasthenes (303 B.C.) is
vedas were first compiled and thereafter known with certainty whereas in the case
trace the gradual history of Sanskrit liter- of Panini, it is a bit controversial 320 B. C.
ature, a task which is totally beyond my or 140 A.D.). The last date that deser-
comprehension and capability. The lear- ves our attention in respect of the Vedic
ned scholars of the West, who in collabo- period is about hundred years preceding
ration amongst themselves and many this Christian era whereafter the activities
noted Indians devoted their lives, energy of the Brabmanical literature are believed
and hard labour in conducting researches to have received a set back due to the
in this direction and who had the opportu- invasion of the Sakas.
nity of discerning all the available extent
manuscripts, could not assign definite Hence to determine the relative ages of
dates for most of the texts. Definite data the texts, their contents are to be scanned
were,always lacking. Reliance, however, carefully in order to assign them period in
Canrhe placed on their findings which have respect of well-known personalities whose ,
been'.accepted as authentic and final. dates have been tolerably fixed up. The
Without prejudice, they may be quoted subject matter dealt by the texts is very
verbatim wheneverjieemed necessary. useful, as it traces in itself a gradual
development of forms, beliefs, social when we consider the three vedas together.
orders, customs and so many other things, The Rik is the oldest, where, in a majcrity
where from they can be easily grouped in of the songs were composed on the banks
order of merit of belonging to different the Indus, confining it to the flourish
periods. The mention' of some geogra- period , of the vedhas and Panchalas. It
phical and historical names in any work is very difficult to adjudge the epoch of
may also be Useful in ascertaining the age. the Sam Samhita which closely follows
The discovery of planets dates back to the Rik. The total number of riches with
300 B.C. or so and in 125 B.C. Hippar- a. few repetitions contained in the Sam
"chus, who is regarded as one of the great- Samhita is 1810. The prose works of the
est astronomers of all ages, made satisfac- Yaju Samhitas on the other hand invari-
tory observations to determine with much ably bear distinct proofs that they belong
accurancy the average times of revolutions to a later period than the above two
of several planets apart from .motions of Vedas. Both the Yajus originated in the
the Sun and the Moon, inclination of easier part of India in the country of
Kuru Panchalas and were composed when
Moon's orbit to the ecliptic and precession the system of caste was completely orga-
of the equinoxes. . According to Letron- nized. Weber even goes so far as to
ne's investigations also the completion of suggest the finalisation of White Yajus in
the zodiac and its division into so-called and around 3rd century B.C. from mention
12 constellational divisions known as the by Megasthenes of a people Mosiausivoi
signs of the Zodiac, did not take place whorfi he equates to Madhyamdinas, the
among the Greeks themselves before the principal school of White Yajus. In any
first century A.D. So we are at liberty to event wnatsoever, it is not at all easy to
scan the contents of a few well-known assign any fixed span for the period we
works extending upto tbereign of Kanishka term the proper Vedic age, specially when
(40 A.D.).* The rion-niention of planets we consider the three Vedas together.
and signs of the Zodiac in such works will
denote that save and except Stellar Astro- The fourth Veda, the Atharvan Samhita
nomy and factors, required for division of may be entirely excluded from this period,
time units such as relation of Solar year mainly because it relates to an era when,
with Synodic months,, lunar mansions, the earlier warm love of nature by the
Splastices and the like. Astrology had Aryans had completely turned to anxious
safely rested in the lapse of posterity and dread of her evil spirits and their magical
was introduced only when works of Sans- powers. Irrespective of the span of the
krit'period were appearing in the Indian Samhita period (be it in between 3000
horizon (400-500 A.D.). B.C. to 800 B.C.) it requires to be stated
Before we set out to discuss the relative here that there is nowhere any mention
ages of the books that are required to be about the planets and twelve signs of the
scrutinised for our present purpose, a pre- Zodiac in any of the Samhitas, though
liminary discussion about some other stellar groups, synodic and sidereal per iods
important texts cannot be altogether dis- of the Moon, solstices have been occasion-
pensed with. A brief introduction on ally referred to. In case arty one comes
general lines to a few important literary across with any such reference about
works is necessary, so that the contents planets and rasis'in any samhita of the
of the required books may be compared Vedas, he should discard it.
in the context of such texts for determin-
ing their relative ages in particular. The Brahmanas tried to give or formul-
ate practical rules of scrificial rites based
"The samhitas. of the Rik, Sara and on sacrificial songs and formulas of the
Yajus practically constitute the proper Samhitas. Invariably they all belong to
Vedic period, "but this term is indefinite the period of the transition from Vedic
and vague as to the extent of years that it civilisation and culture to the Btahmanic
encloses within its fold, and more so, mode of thought and social order. There
Me works wihich belong to the comtnence- the heart. beat' -ofso
•nent of such transition, whereas there that we prove worthy,, to appreciate,the ,
are stores, which were composed even truth vouchsafed in them, the'truih Vb'ch
long after the termination of such period. has been adjudged to be the 'highest
This'is evident from the mention of philosophical acumen and richest gem
ranim. that has ever enriched the world thought.!:
Theiast phase Of the Vedic period is the But Upanishads are authentic and reliable .
Sutraperiod. It will be thus seen. There is when they keep within the range of
no need to specify any period as thfc enquiry into the nature of the Supreme
ruramC period or the epoch of the two spirit without serving sectarian purposes.
epics the hfohabharat and the Ramayana. Though the discussion of the subject
These epjcs may be placed anywhere in matter of the Upanishads is outside the
between the Brahmana and Sutra periods scope of present requirements, the mode
Probably to an age anterior to of- approach as envisaged in such works,
Buddha. \iany scholars have tried their is a sure guide as to the different periods '■
best to nx up the age of these texts, but they were composed. In the first instance
none could come to a ' definite decision their aim was to directly investigate the
without guesses and conjectures. Again nature of the Atman or the Supreme spirit.
there are runny, who are inclined to make Such works which are attached to the
the impractical suggestion of fixing these Trayee are comparatively the most ancient
as works pf the post Buddha period. works in this . particular direction- and
Leaving aside these two Epics, which are their number, without pursuing sectarian
aims, hardly exceeds a dozen or so. Even
aw; T tointerpolated
ditncult conclude when worksactually
it is even
the in such an instance most of the works are
rahm ana an(j Sutra periods had begun adjudged to be compositions of the post
3 Buddha age. Later there developed a
h nil .sucl1 Periods particularly did discussion about Yoga, the subjeci of
.Tj to
prepared iously, the scholars
terminate were once
such periods not absorption of mind in meditation, thereon
lor all. There is hardly any reason, how- giving means whereby men may even in
ever, to believe that Brahmana and Sutra this world attain complete union with the
periods overlapped each other. It is very Supreme being.- This secondary phase
significant that no Sutra is ever quoted in marks the transition to more recent dates.
any ot the Brahmanas but there is no With the last phase; the mode of approach
~ of Sutras in which the referred
various surprisingly underwent a complete change.
sakhas ol the Brahmanas are not The abstract conceptions were regarded
by name. jt jS highly probable that all the difficult and hazardous. There was an
Sutras were formed in the post Buddha endeavour to substitute for Atman -some
period. It aiso should be noted that no onq of the many forms under which Siva,
Sutra is ever claimed to be divine or of Vishnu and many other Gods were in the
eternal origin an(j the Sutras are always course of time worshipped. Such works
and invariably based on certain Brahma- can hardly be classified under the category
nas which uiusi have been in vogue when of ancient Upanishads particularly when
the particular Sutras were composed. This we find that most of them are composi-
procedure continued for a long time and tions of the Sanskrit period and were
extended Us far as the 4th or Sthcentury of introduced long after the 4th century A.D.
the present Christian era, yiei'ding its final The Garbha Upanishad (5th Cent. A.D.),
burden to the period which has been part of Mandukyopanishad, Maitrayani
earlier tertjte j as the Sanskrit period. Upanishad (600 A.D.), Tripuri Upanishad
The UpaQishads which are regarded as (800 A.D.), Ramoponishad (1000 A.D.),
Allahaponishad (1600 A.D.), etc. may be
cream ol the Vedas, require some" discus- cited as examples in this connection.
sion at Ibis stage. The Upanishads have
been held ^ high,esteem and it,is often Now on the basis of this foregoing
claimed IPat their rhythm still regulates preliminary survey of our ancient scrip-
tures, the contents of a few texts bordering, The date of Panini grammar is' impor-
the neighbourhood of 300B.C. to 100 A.D.. tant. Bobtling bases his findings onKatha-
are hereafter scanned to show that though sarit Sagara, a collection of tales belonging
astronomical knowledge of a high order to 12th century where Panini is stated to
was. cultivated for. many practical pur- have been the disciple of one Varsha who
poses, no , literature right upto 200 A.D. lived in Fataliputra in the reign of Nanda,
or so made the slightest conspicuous; the father of Chandragupta. He assign^ a
reference to planets and specially to the date 320 B.C. It is to be noted that the
so-called twelve signs of the Zodiac. relevant report is 1500 years later than the
• thereby rejecting all claims .of Astrology actual date.
being cultivated in. the sacred soils of , Again according to Raj Tarangini, the
ancient India. Bbasya of Panini was introduced in
Viewed in the context of the argunients Kashmir in . the reign of Abbimanyu who
jdetailed in the previous paragraphs, the lived 400 years after Buddha. The date
Satapath . Brabmana and ' Cbhandagyo- comes to 144 B.C. but on theeyidence of
ponisbad may be regarded as works of coins Kanishka, who preceeded Abbi-
300 B.C. or near about. The names manyu, reigned in 40.A.D.
Janmenjpya, Jaivali, Ushasti, Chakrayana,
Sandilya, Satyakama , Jabala, Uddalakan Weber clings to Hiuen Thsang and fixes
Aruni, Svetaketu, Asvajpati are common the grammarian at 140 A.D. This is not
:n both. Panini mentions of Yajhaval- correct as Hiuen reports of double Panini.
Kani Brahmanani. its not Puranaprokta The use of ' Yavanani' can be explained ■
but Tulyakala with him. by assuming that Panini became familiar
with the Lipi of the Greeks after the
The earliest enumeration of the Naksha- invasion of Alexander. So a date 320 B.C.
tras with their respective regents is found seems reasonable. - —'
in Taittirya Samhisa and Taittirya
Brabmana refers to sacrifice offered to the Another very important text the- Manu
lunar asterisms. ' In this'Brabmana Siva, Smrity or human code of conduct for Kali
Sankara and Narayana for the first time Yuga deserves the most careful considera-
are used as proper names. It also con- tion. I herein reproduce in verbatim the
tains names, e.g., "Sakra, Vasava, Hari, opinions of Weber and Max Mueller, the
Upendra, Janardarta, Pitamaha, etc. which two outstanding authorities as to the
are unknown and never used in ancient possible date of this work. ■■
works. Weber considers the Taittirya Weber : " We have seen Sutra period
Aranyaka, containing several such names, to-be the last epoch of the Vedic age. In
not fit to be ranked with Brabmana litera- the. Law book of Manu we encounter the_
ture. Brabmanical constitution in its full per-
■ The Upanishads Mundaka and Prasno- fection, where the Brabmanas stand as the
ponishad belonging to the Atbarvan school born representatives of Deity itself. The
may be regarded as works of the Sanskrit circumstance that' the Vaidebas and
age. Jhe ■ MSS discussing Vedangas Ljchhavis are here numbered among the
mention along with . others Itibasba, impure castes—as regards .the former—
Purana, Naya, Mimamsa and Dbarma- certainly a sign that this work is - long
shastrani,' and' this induced Weber to posterior to Satapatha Brabmana, where
conclude as follows. " These clearly prove the Vaidebas appear as the leading repre-
that at that time, the whole material of sentatives of Brahmanism. The posteriority
the Vedas had been systematically digested of Manu to the whole body of Vedic
and that out of it a new literature bad literature, besides from many other special
arisen which no longer belongs to the indications, appears from the completion
Vedic but to the following period". of Yoga system and the Triad of deities.-
Prasnopdnishad computes by Lunar The Manu Smrity is based on. an earlier
months and Solstices i.e., planets and work of Sutra period the Manava Grihya
Rasis were unknown till that date. Sutra." -■ • "-
Max Mueller; All the Sutras relate to their original forms, nowhere allude to
the post Buddha period. No Smrity Law. planets and signs of the Zodiac, though
existed when Vedic sages lived. Manu the subject matter in the latter two texts
Smrity includes not only Sutras but also embraces all most all important things on
Sloka works and the text or the Sutras Earth. Herein, however, I should like to
have mostly been superseded by their later impress that the non-mention of planets
metrical paraphrases. As to the Laws of does not necessarily pre-suppose that these
Manu, which used to be assigned to a were not known to our ancestors by that
fabulous antiquity, and are so still somer period. Rather I am inclined to believe
times by those who write at random or that the planets were known, but they were
at second band, I doubt whether in their simply overlooked as they had nothing to
present form they, can be older than the do with the division of time units. Due
fourth century of our era, nay I am quite to such reason alone they were simply
prepared to see an even later date assigned neglected and they bad no role to play in
to them. I know this will seem hearsay the sphere of Astronomy of that period.
to many Sanskrit scholars, but we must The import of 12 signs of the Zodiac
try to be. honest to ourselves. Is their together with Astrological conceptions
any evidence to constrain us to assign the from the Greeks later changed the approach
Manava dbarma sastra, such as we now altogether and brought the hitherto neglec-
possess it, written in continuous slokas, to ted planets into prominence. . The Smrity
any date anterior to 300 A.D. ? And if texts of 500/600 A D. denouncing the
there is not, why should we not openly principles of Astrology clearly supply us
state it, challenge opposition and feel with the possible date of its introduction
grateful if our doubts can be removed." in India. In the circumstances, it can be.
.We thus come to the close on our survey conclusively declared that the notion of
of the relevant texts bordering the period' Astrology having any connection with our
under reference i.e., from 300 B.C. to 100' ancient seers is based on gross misconcep-
AX). It is highly significant that Jyotisb tions of our sacred scriptures and should
Vedanga, Panini Grammar and Manu be discarded as a propaganda without
Smrity, the three very important texts in foundations.

Jyothish Marthaad
13. Brabmia Street, Saidapet

Vol. 5 SEPTEMBER 1 967 No. 9

Letters to the Editor 3
Radio Talk in Tamil 4
Extract of the Speech 5
Penniless—Oh God ! 8
Hints to cast a chart using Krishnamurti's Ephemeris 9
No more doubts 11
Question at Gaya ' 13
Correct Time of Birt.i 14
Longevity 16
Horary—Rectification of Birth-Time 19
Horary—Delivery—When ? 20
Will I Win the Suit? 22
Readers to Note 22
Shall I select the Bridegroom? 23
Partnership Broken 25
Partnership—Breaks 26
Readers to Note 26
Business Premises 27
Sale of an Industry 28
Any Transfer! 30
Time of Event 31
Lady Wants a Baby 33
Horary—Transfer to a Desired Place—Whether it will
Materialise 35
Tour Programme of Editor 37
Information to Readers 39
Daily Guide for September 1967 45
Position of Planets SI
September 1967—Ephemeris 53
Monthly Prediction 55
May God bless you with long life,
happiness and prosperity. We are here
Hanamkonda, to speak the truth, admire the truth and
Warangal-1. support your honest and sincere .efforts to
render Astrology, a science.
i I saw your article on.' Transit-Results' Yours sincerely,
published in your esteemed magazine G. Suryanarayana.
ijune, 1967. It is very illuminating and
self-instructive. You have laid bare the Bbusawal.
entire secret of Astrology which you Dated; 11th July, 1967..
could gather after a great deal of research From :
for 3 decades. If you bad only kept this B. B. Desbpande,
knowledge as a guarded secret within Assistant Security Officer,
yourself and your family you could have Railway Protection Force,
minted money and beaten hallow your Central Railway, Bbusawal.
present competitors. With your accurate
predictions giving the dates of events also, Sir,
you would have been considered as an It gives me much pleasure to inform
oracle. You have done a great service you that predictions based on your theory
to the world of Astrology by giving out —Krisbnamurti Padbdhati have astoun-
(what all you have learned) in your dingly come true.
magazines. That day when ' Hindu
Dbarma' bad degenerated Lord Krishna For example, the marriage of my
gave " Bbagavadgita to the world and daughter and the operation of my sister-
today you (the namesake) have given in-law took place as was'predicted by your
Krisbnamurti Padbdbati to the confused disciple Sbri L. P. Desbpande, Sub-
world of Astrology. It is the order of the Inspactor (S.I.B.), Bbusawal; besides a
day that only.'great people are attacked. number of predictions given oiit by him
But Truth will ever prevail.. Actually to others as regards transfers, promotions,
professional jealousy will never acknow- marriages, overseas, success in examina-
ledge the greatness of another. , However, tions, etc. are overwhelming. According
please ignore, but continue to serve to him, the predictions are worked out
humanity in your own. way, which iwe following your system alone. Many of
want Let me ask, " Have such people my friends follow your method and the
discovered anything ? Have they simpli- steller system of predictions propounded
fied any method ? Do not they contribute by you is said by unique, extraordinary
articles to confuse the readers more and yet simple to understand.
more by giving dozens of methods for any I wish you and your students all
aspect? What is their contribution, success.
excepting reproducing what our sages bad
given, which is undoubtedly incomplete, Yours sincerely,
imperfect and also mostly indecisive." (Sd.) B. B. Desbpande.
lord to follow is in 12 to the previous dasa Gajakesari Yoga provided the lord of the
lord. Or the sub-lord is in constellation of constellation is beneficial. He says that
the planet in 12 to dasa lord or if it is in such people need not even buy a blade and
12tb dasa lord. Further the change is a spend money as no hair may grow. They
certainty if the following dasa lord 'or will appear always young. But, Krishna-,
Bbukti lord is in a movable sign. murti asks " Are all people having Gaja-
(f) Planets connected with common kesari Yoga enjoy? Does it guarantee
signs shows that be will have lien in the wealth, popularity, peace, etc? Are there
parent department, go to another getting not great percentage of people suffering?
some 25% allowance, again come back to When this is the honest truth, what is the
the parental one. idea of calling "ingenius ", etc.
(g) These planets must have connec- Again, a doctor treats many patients.
tion with bouses 2, 6, 10 and 11. By con- He is well qualified. Very well experienced
nection it is meant that they should be the is handling ultra modern instruments—
sijnificators which are ascertained as makes use of them. Even then young
follows; patients die. Does it mean that the doctor
is no good ?
(1) Rabu or Ketbu in the sign of any Similarly if Krisbnamurti's prediction
signiticator become the strong has failed in stray cases, one should know
signiScators. the reason why?
(2) Planets situated in the constella- (a) Every person has in bis chart,
tion of the occupants of the the houses 6 and 12: 6th bouse indicates
bouses 2, 6 and 10. enemies, open enemies ; .12th bouse shows
(3} Planets deposited in these bouses. secret enemies : who does barm on some
(4) Planets tenanted in the constella- other name ; who asks others to do barm,
tion of the lords of these signs. himself standing behind the screen. 6th
bouse shows Guru dhrobi's who will
(5) The lords of these houses. openly attack Gutu ; 12th bouse indicates
(6) Those with whom the signifi- Guru dhrobi's doing barm without the .
cators are conjoined with or knowledge of Guru. Therefore the signi-
whom they aspect. ficators of the bouses 6 and 12 are always
the enemies to every person ; Astrologer
Thus the significators for profession js is also a man. He must have such custo-
to be judged—11th bouse is for increase in mers also. In their cases he must fail, as
income and promotion. they have to speak ill of him. Some noble
Let me now pose a question, whether persons born in such circumstances, will
jy reading Hindu original text books one note that the prediction failed, yet they do
;ao gain knowledge to solve the above not make a publicity qr mention in the
iroblem. Is not research necessary ? If presence of others. But some people take
o, will not there be submitted for other pleasure in publishing them with or with-
atelligent astrologer's views? With open out motive. What motive they have, can.
lind they have to judge and come out be judged by the readers.
ith their remarks, etc. Is there not decent (b) The native may be a Saturnian.
ays of pointing out errors. What is the It will delay.,Normally one takes the next
ie of saying "ingenious", and so on. auspicious time for any good to' happen-
r. Krisbnamurti has proved that be is Again another time. He says A, B and. C
genious and made the author 'Satha- are the significators. Therefore in their
>ba" cut an ugly figure for having permutation and combination period, the
oduced a chart of a person (later saying beneficial results will take place. If A Dasa
one born in 1860) and saying that be is B Bbukti, C Antbra is selected, if any of
lusihessman. Is this the way to pass a them is Saturn, one has to wait till A Dasa
Igment?. Krisbnamurti never denies that C Bbukti B Anthra and then say " whether
wry few percentage of people enjoy Krisbnamurti Padbadhati is correct or not.
His Padhdbati is to select the significa- Therefore Saturn Dasa Ketbu Bhukti
tor. But in Vimsodhari dasa when one Saturn Anthra must produce a change.
takes.bhukti and anthra, it may be BBhukti You will leave teaching profession.
C Anthra or C Bhukti B Anthra. Astro- Ketbu denotes the matters of the houses
loger will pitch up the later date if the girl 7 an 10 and also 2 and 3. As Ketbu is in
to be married is young. Butifshe is already Mercury's sign and Saturn aspects Ketbu.
more aged, then he selects the previous one. Nature of business: You will do the
Taking' such personal predictions, which business from Saturn Dasa Venus Bhukti.
was not published in any magazine, and Second house is occupied by Moon and ,
publishing such clearly shows that there is Sun. 6th house by Jupiter and the lOtb by
some purpose, some motive behind, to Ketbu. Saturn rules the second: Venus
publish these^ the 6th and Mercury the I Oth. Hence these
Has Krishnamurti asked "When Mr. denote the nature of business.
Kamaraj Nadar chart is published during To me it appeals.
the month of election, why the author has (a) As today is Monday ruled by
nothinted the miserable defeat. Further as Moon, Lagna is Taurus Owned by Venus,
Mr. Morarji Bai Desai become the top and aspected by Saturn and Moon is in Gemini,
Mrs. Indira Gandhi next to him. What is the Mercury's sign, w'e have to take these as
prediction given. Why should not that the indicators. Hence you will deal with
author give clearly which horoscope be- (I) fish kept in ice and also dried ones
longs to whom. Why should be give the because Venus and Moon show aquatic
numbers. Only a very few know to whom the animals, Saturn indicates the dead or those
horoscopes belong. Did Krishnamurti point preserved in cold storage, Mercury shows
out all these ? He is not for such, is under- export, agency, etc., (2) Petrol—Saturn
stood from the .way he has ignored these. shows mine products Moon—liquid kero-
His mission is to render astrology in a sene : Venus refinement, purifying (also that
scientific manner : make it simple. Let which is used for vehicle). Hence it will be
there be one method. Let there be no petrol. (3) Tourist cars.
room for anybody to twist the rule. Let Thus you will have plurality of interests.
everybody apply straight and arrive at the You resign during Saturn Dasa Ketbu
same answer. Unless the school of thought, Bhukti Saturn Anthra—around 23-11-67
the method of approach, analysis, etc., when Sun transits in Anuradha star ruled
happen to be the same, a person can have by Saturn in Mars sign:
as many varieties of predictions as the
number of astrologers consulted by him. ■ As Venus is lord of 11 and in the Lagna
Question :—Will I be a teacher? Will I Bhava, you have lords of 2 and 7, you will
change? Will I take up business. If so, enter into an agreement with a friend as a
partner and run the show.
the nature of business, etc. [You may read the letter written by an
Now you are running Saturn Dasa Ketbu advocate to Mr. Krishnamurti. how Guruji
Bhukti from 27-1-1967 and it runs up to predicted that be would leave his practice
6-3-68. but join Cinema and itcame true. Similarly
Saturn is in the constellation of Venus I expect my resultto come true. I am happy
in 12th Bhava: sub of Ketbu in 10th Bhava. to note that Mr. K. Ganapati, Mr. Mani
Saturn must bring about a change. - and Mr. S. N. Mishra of Gaya have thoro-
Ketbu is in Mars star Chitra and Mars ughly cnderstood Krishnamurti Padhdbati.
is in the 7th house (Bhava) in a movable It is a pity that the Editor has to do
sign. Mars owns 12th house. everything single handed as he Cannot
. As Saturn is a delaying planet, it will not have articles written by others unless they
allow any other sub-lord to bring about a have mastered his theory. May God give
change. It will give in its own sub sub him Health and Long Life.]
'Delivered by
Jyotish Marthand Shri K. S. Krisbnamurti on 5-7-1967 at Oosmania University and to the students of
Modern Astrological Research Institute, Madras
- Hyderabad and Warangal Branches
I am happy to address the intellectual disconnected, incomplete and vague. One
giants, the professors of various languages,- •dicta contradias the other. Ptobably,*
various branches of science, art, etc. Why astrologers may not place the truth to the
one should be clever in Mathematics and public.' If they say so, open the eyes of
the other is afraid of Mathematics ? Why the consultants, gives out the pit-falls, the
one is the Professor of music, the other differences etc., there may be the fear that
has no taste in music at all ? Why the none would be earning thereafter as he is
° gentleman who wanted to be a businessman to follow only.such a confusing science.
after all had to take up a service 1 Why Already consultants are confused. They
one of your professors h.'.s established a approach half a dozen astrologers. Every
very good name as a writer and as an one blames, the other for having erected
orator, in Telugu and we enjoy his writings a wrong chart. Half a dozen horoscopes
etc., but we are not capable of reaching for the same person are furnished. Half
that height and enjoy such a glory as he a dozen different results are given. Is the
does? When we tnink we understand that consultant benefitted in any manner ? No.
the theory ■ " Karma and Incarnation " That which is left for him is to forget
alone can convince. God is ever just and Astrology,' avoid astrologers . and seek
fair. He is not partial to any. He medical experts or admit in Mental Hospi-
records our actions. He passes a judgment, tal for the sin committed by consulting
He executes the same in our next birth. many astrologers. Can any astrologer say
So what we have- to enjoy is undoubtedly that every individual having Rajayoga
predetermined, I cannot understand how should enjoy life at least in their periods.
the judgment of God can' be, in any Statistics prove beyond doubt that the
manner, modified or nullified by our presence of these so-called Rajayogas do
efforts. To say that one can change the not guarantee a happy life.. Many, many
fate is childlike." It is not wise—all must are suffering in the Rajayoga period where
submit to Destiny. Draupadi during her as they themselves lived a pleasant and
plight cried that it was due to her fate. prosperous life during other periods which
Nalan admitted, and confirmed it. Why' do not, according to them cause any Raja-
we quote all the old Puranic stories. Do yoga (mentioned in the text-books).
not we see, hear and experience. An Take Ashlaka Varga. It is the most
astrologer predicted that a brilliant student undependable method to offer a prediction.
who was comingFirst in the Presidency all Twins are born in the same sign as lagna
along, cannot get through the competitive with the same position of planets and the '
examination in that year and will come out ashtaka varga figures also remain the
victorious in the nejlt year. The student same. For people born in about 2
worked hard. He tried his best. At the hours in the same lagna, on the same day,
time of the examination, he had small-pox the Ashtaka Varga is the same. Among
in that year. Next year, he got through. twins, one lives, other dies. One has
What are .we to call such incidents. many children : the other has none. Wife's
Hence, the future is dark. There is no horoscope shows four children: Husband's
method to throw light and illuminate chart indicates only one. What is this? Is
except Astrology. it a scientific calculation? Why people
Unfortunately we do not possess the do not bring out the truth; inform "the
literature on this subject in full.. All are public that this calculation fails when
1 consider, it appeals to me that 1 may is the practice. In my experience onlyS'7%'
request others to do research and make it of the people having Rajayoga enjoy in
useful till thai lime Ashtaka Varga is their periods. Astrologers say " Oh; how
useless. It is only to waste time and to many planets are in exaltation ! your son
fill up 10 pages in a notebook. or your daughter born recently, will be
Thus there are many methods which do lucky! A minister, I.A.S. officer, etc.
hot stand to test. Further there are many But they do not think for a minute that
rules which contradict each other. The persons having Venus, Jupiter, Sun, Moon
veterans pick out such slokas which will etc., in exaltation had suffered and led a
• give temporary mental solace to the miserable life. Again if planets ate neecha,
consultants. Ultimately the consultants the rule for Neecha lainga Rajayoga is in
are confused and disappointed. 80% of such chart. They do not become
rulers, rich nor respectable persons. A
What I say is this. As long as the few alone enjoy ; many suffer.
events in our lives are predetermined, there
should be a-science which has to pinpoint In this world, people born with Jupiter,
them and be useful. The lame excuse is to Saturn, Mars, etc.. in exaltation are many.
call Astrology as the science of tendencies. How many have prospered? What is the
No. Not at all. It is due to lack of truth ? The Hindu system is a generalising
knowledge which we can have, due to one, never pin pointing nor clear in its
imperfect science, available now. If a statements.
doctor cannot do clinical diagonosis But study Krishnamurti Padhdhati.
correctly and determine from what one is The method you have to follow is single.
ailing, then he has to guess : or his intuition For each aspect, you have to. refer to
due to divine grace, is to play, In olden certain houses. Selection of significators
days, without clinical diagonosis, X-Ray is made by following a single rule. The
etc., the physicians and surgeons carried sub-division decides the fate of the matter.
on. So also, now many astrologers have It is original. One friend wrote that this is
to carry on. The method which I have not new novel. Let me ask whether he
evolved is similar to the microscopic can quote from any book written by
examination, cultural test, X-Ray, etc. It ancient sages. One friend calls me ' A new
is scientific. 100% scientific. It is simple : entrant.' I am not new. I am as old as
very simple. But, in one's life, how far his father. I am doing research since 40
can one make a new method applicable years. But my method .is new to him.
to the various branches of astrology which Rome is ever there. When he visits now,
is an ocean. This system is called Krishna- it is new to him ; To many of you, here,
murti Padhdhati I open the eyes of the Krishramurtbi Padhdhati is as old as 4
students. I show them how an astrologer years. Yet, most of you have understood
is to make money by hiding the truth, it. But I should say that systematic
though not throwing dust on the eyes of methodical and intelligent approach is
the consultants. If he speaks the truth, made. Further research is carried out.
let him answer how a person with Raja- verification of my system is done in every
yoga is penniless in the Rajayoga dasa. case, by the highly qualified, most learned
Does a Rajayoga cause only good results, scholars in Gaya Warangal, Hyderabad,
does it guarantee in all cases. Then how Ahmedabad, Calcutta, Bombay and Delhi
are we to pick out the charts to which it is who need not earn through Astrology,
applicable and to which it is not. Why who are now many in number and they
Ashtaka Varga is useless in the case of have, in one voice, said that Krishnamurti
similar chart. So, to whom is ashtaka- Padhdhati is an eye opener. It is most
varga applicable? How to judge and scientific. It is very clear. It comes correct
know to whom it is useful and in whose and hence it is really useful to one and all.
cases it fails, why etc. What is the meiuua
to be followed to make out such a distinc- Astrology and Athrishta magazine will
tion. None. But uniformly apply to all not deal with Rama, Krishna, Dhamayan-
thi and Draupadi. Horoscopes as none ■vague, confused prediction with alter-
knows the time of. birth and position of ■natives. We do not want that method :
planets correctly. But it will deal with -nor such a dicta.
the horoscopes of those who live now or .! But what we want is a search for truth:
who passed away very recently. The idea Open mind to investigate; perseverance to
is that the readers can satisfy themselves establish the truth: Find out the useful
by verifying the facts. Also, one friend ones while so doing; do not hide the truth,
wrote to me, "you are publishing only open the eyes of the students. Place the
fulfilled predictions. Have you not ever facts. Let them also carry out further
failedl? Let me reply. Krishnamurti can research. I am the author of Krishna-
fail. He has failed in a few cases. He will murti Padhdhati. It is a' development
also fail in a few cases. It is my personal
attempt and my -failure is due to various and a discovery. It is.for you the young
factors. But I tell you all, that Krishna- intellectual giants, to further study, pro-
murti Padhdhati when applied systemati- ceed, work together and make this one
cally will never fail. This science, this more useful, more simple and more
method is unique and correct. No contra- homely. Let Hyderabad with the co-ope-
diction, no confusion Ruling planets at the ration of other scholars in other States
moment of judgment is the Panacea. who follow Krishnamurti Padhdhati make
Further when I want to. teach a method, it a pucea and useful science, Lord Ganesb
I should give out the horoscopes, the will guide you.
questions, the readings given etc.,- and Good Luck to all of you.
explain how I predicted, which method To the admirers,
I followed, and bow the method is simple
and ever the same never it needs intuition [When I was travelling between Bezwada
nor the selection of any one sloka from and Waltair, my co-passengers were dis-
the thousands in books and palm leaves. cussing some horoscopes and appreciating
Also, I publish articles under " Limitation my Padhdhati without' recognising me I
of an astrologer" and leave the whole patiently heard them. They have tho-
matter with explanation for the judgment roughly understood. They were correct.
of the readers. They got down at Sainalk.ot. Such an
instance gives me more enthusiasm to
Sir, one pity is this. If a medical further work.
graduate is not able to diagonise and cure
a disease, he gives a slip to the patient, I meet everywhere. Noble people who
phones to an expert, fixes a time and send repeatedly say that " Krishnamurti Padh-
him or takes him. But in astrology, if dhati " is good, useful both to astrologers
you meet a boy of 2S and talk to him and consultants and they follow only my
about another astrologer of 60, 65 years Padhdhati.
old he will say " what does he know." Also, I see only a negligible few with
No person will accept the truth. Only in vested interest or jealousy or lack of
among the astrologers who have to make knowledge in my Padhdhati speak incohe-
money by offering prediction, we find rently and attack me and not my Padh-
many who behave in such a way that dhati.
they are considered jealousy. If one is
incapable of becoming rich, he is jealous When paddy or wheat grows, weeds
of the multi-millionaries. If one is un- also come up because they were there
healthy, he is jealous of seeing a stalwart. already. It is natural, generally we re-
Thus one can say. But I have found only move the weeds and allow paddy to thrive.
a few are like that. But in astrology, T But I say, ignore the weed. Use more
found many who cannot give clear, precise fertiliser. Irrigate more water. The
and correct prediction, pinpointing the weeds will meet with natural death and
nature and time of event. They can offer paddy will feed you.


Gajakesari Yoga Moon Dasa balance 9 years 3

This native is born on 29-7-1931 at months—29-10-1965 entered into Jupiter
19° 18' N and 84° 51 ' E with his ascen- Dasa.
dant 26° rising in the East. At the time
of birth Moon Dasa Balance 9 years 3 A dasa lord offers such matters which
months. He started a transport business the lord of the constellation by occupa-
from. November 1965 through a partner tion, ownership and nature denotes. If
born in Rishaba Lagna and Meena Rasi. Jupiter Dasa is on, note where Jupiter was.
From June 1966 within June 1967, all his It was in 9° 49' Cancer. It means that it
earnings during Rahu Dasa had been lost is in Moon's sign, Saturn star Pushya.
(in lakhs). Now he asks "How can I lose, Saturn is in the second house : it owns
when the astrologers here encouraged me. bouses 3 and 4. It is a restricting planet.
I built castles in the air; they mentioned Therefore Jupiter has to. offer the results
that I have Gajakesari yoga, this yoga, of the second house. Second house indi-
that yoga and so on. Also, I saw in some cates' finance, self-acquisition and bank
magazine that Moon in Capricorn and position. If a planet has something to do
Jupiter .in Cancer made one a politician, with finance, which is to be judged to find
a successful businessman etc. Can you out whether it will improve or deteriorate?
convince me, for the unexpected terrific Is it not the lord of the sub, by its occupa-
loss which has broken my backbones in tion, ownership and nature? Yes, so find
Jupiter Dasa. I wasa prince in Rahu dasa." out in which sub Jupiter was at the time
This question was put when Mr. Anja- of birth. Referring to Krishnamurti Padh-
neyalu was with me in Hotel Ooty at dhati table, it is found that Jupiter in
Vizag, on 24-6-67.. He knows this native, 9° 49'Cancer is in Venus sub. Venus is
who is living 120 miles away from Vizag. in the 8lh house, 9th sign. Venus is lord
This person came to Vizag, purposely to of 7 and 12. Therefore Venus definitely
meet the Editor. shows that be will lose, spend, waste, etc.
The following is the horoscope:— and his bank position will dwindle. How ?
Through the matters indicated by Venus.
What are they ? Music, ladies, vehicle,
Rahu jewels, etc. any or many of these. Actually
-15-34 he has lost through transport. Who is
responsible for such a loss ? One born on
Yen 1-24 Venus day, or Venus sign as lagna or
Jup 9-49 rasi. Actually the person who managed
Sun 12-36 the show is born in the lagna Taurus
Rasi owned by Venus.-
Moon I r Merc.
6*38' Therefore, does it not prove, beyond
doubt, that predictions offered taking into
| Mars 5-3 consideration the sub is complete and if
Saturn Lagna 25° | Kethu one invariably includes the sub, one can
25-53 15-34 predict correctly.

Details needed. Convert the Ghatis and Vikaties to
(a) Place of birth. Its Latitude and hours and minutes. Add this figure to the
Longitude. time of Sunrise. What you get is the
local meantime.
(b) Time of birth. Either clock time
wbicti is the. time followed in If the Longitude of your birth place is
that locality then or if the con- 82° 30', then the local meantime obtained
sultant furnishes the number of is also the Indian Standard time.
Ghatis . and Vikaties after If the longitude of the place of birth is
previous Sunrise on that day at further East, i.e., more than 82° 30', find
that locality; and the difference. Multiply by 4 and deduct
(c) Date, month and year. (English- this product from the L.M.T. (obtained by
calendar or Saka, Samvat, Kol-. adding the interval between birth time and
lam, Bengali etc., with tbitbi.) sunrise). You will have the I.S.T.
(d) Sex and name, may be given. If the longitude of the place of birth
is less than 82° 30', find the difference
Procedure- between the longitude of your place
Suppose the place of birth is a village and 82° 30'. Multiply by 4 as 10 = 4'
you do not find in my book, the latitude This product is do be added to the L.M.T,
and longitude of this locality, note the obtained (by adding the interval between
nearest town to that place of birth for Sunrise and the time of birth) to get the
which the latitude and the longitude are time of birth in I.S.T..
given. As India is between 8° and 35* lati- [If longitude is above 82° 30', deduct.
tude, one can take that 71 miles are repre- It the longitude is less than 82° 30' add.]
sented by 1°. It is applicable both for Hence we have the time of birth both in
latitude and longitude. Then calculate L.M.T. and also in I.S.T.
the latitude and longitude of the place of In Krisbnamurtbi Epbemeris book, the
birth. sidereal time is given for- 5-30 P.M.
Time of bjfth may be given as so many L.M.T. for 82° 30'. Along also the posi-
hours and minutes A.M. or P.M. or it tion of planets for 5-30 P.M. I.S.T.
may be given as so many Gbaties and To calculate sidereal time at the time of
Vikaties after previous Sunrise on that birth:—
day at that locality. If the time of birth
is given in I.S.T. it may be taken as given (a) Note whether the time of birth is
by the party. Otherwise, from the table before 5-30 P.M. L.M.T. In that
of Sunrise, note at which time Sun ought case, take the sidereal time given
to have risen prior to the birth on that ■ for 5-30 P.M. for the p rev iota
day at that latitude. A day to the Hindus date and day-
commences at the time of Sunrise. It is like. the time of birth in L.M.T.
over only by the succeeding Sunrise. The
interval is nearly 60 Ghaties. (b) Calculate the interval between pre-
A day =24 hours = 60 Ghaties = 3600 vious 5-30 P.M. and the time of birth in
Vikaties i.e., 1 Gbali = 24 minutes = 60 L.M.T. Add this value to the sidereal time
Vikaties. at previous 5-30 P.M. Then you have to
add the correction i.e., for every si*
2i Vikaties=l minute. minutes interval, add one second i.e., for
1 Vikati = 24 seconds. every hour interval add 10 seconds.
(c) Correction for the difference in longi- Calculate the interval between the
tude may be omitted. Because the side- previous 5-30 P.M. and the time
real time is given for 82° SO'. East longi- of birth in I.S.T.
tude. India spreads between, say 68" and, (b) Note down how far each planet
97° E, then the value of correction to be moves in 24 hours either direct
applied is 15 x | seconds = 10 seconds. As or retrograde.
the time of birth is not, generally taken (c) Calculate the proportionate
correct to a second andas the ascendant can movement. If the interval
vary by a maximum of 2 minutes, one can between previous 5-30 P.M. and
avoid, omit this calculation and correction. the time of birth in I.S.T.,
' Having ascertained the Sidereal time at is X hours Y minutes, then
the time of birth, one is to refer to the X hours Y minutes = 60 X + Y
table of houses to find out the exact posi- 24 1440
tion of lagna and the cusps of the houses. will be the proportion. Calculate.
(The editor is bringing out the If the planet is in direct motion,
Table of Houses for places between 2° and add the result so obtained. If
40° latitude.) the planet or the node is in
As regards, the position of planets at retrograde motion deduct the
the moment of the birth, value obtained.
(a) Note the position of planets at Thus you work out the position of
'.5-30P.M. prior to the time of v planets for the moment of birth. (Whether
birth in T.S.T. and also the posi- the birth is in Kanyakumari- or Kashinir,
tion of planets at 5-30 P.M. after the position of planets will be the same
the birth of the child in I.S.T, for the same I.S.T.)
Questions put by Students at B. V. on you, how the sub is useful and helpful.
Bhavan, Bombay, on 9-7-67. Let anybody utter anything. Let us
Doubt; How to judge (a) whether ignore. Now the crow is crying outside.
one's marriage is promised or not, (b) Do you take notice of it? Similarly ignore
whether one will go overseas or not, such utterances. Let them answer your
Everv.- individual has got houses 2, 7 and questions. Let them be posed the above
II : we can pick out significators and questions. Honestly speaking, there is no
calculate a time. But we would like to method in this world to explain neither
know whether he will marry at all. Simi- Hindu nor Western. I do not answer
larly overseas, indicated by houses 3, 9 you and end here within the four walls—
and 12 are found in every chart. Can every- But I shall publish my answers for the
benefit of my readers and truth-seekers
body proceed to foreign land ? 1 with open mind and intelligence and with-
Clarification: Friends! whenever a out pride or prejudice or jealousy.
doubt arises, take the cases of twins; or Therefore, friends,. which are you to
two persons, 3 persons born within a judge? In one voice comes the reply
period of 45 to SO minutes. Then the " sub and sub alone''.
Ascendant, in many cases (or presume) fall
in the same sign; Also in the same cons- Then, are you to consider the sub lord
tellation. A constellation will rise in the or the sub in which the significators are
east in a period of about 52 minutes. posited? Or the sub lord of what?
Also there are births within a period of (1) Note the cusp of the 7th house.
15 minutes, whereby the lagna moves by In which sub it falls. Who is the lord of
less than 4°. Neither the planets move the sub? Is he one of the significators:
even by 2 feet within these 15 minutes' Then marriage may be looked for. Go
time; nor the Bhava position of planets one step further. If that sub lord is in
gets changed: nor the aspect between one direct motion, marriage will surely take
planet and the other or between one place. If that sub lord is in retrograde
planet and the cusp of a house of a planet motion, many chances arise and nothing
is 95° behind the cusp in the case of the materialises.
first born, it will be 91 ° behind in the case
of the second born. Both, are applying Do not take the second cusp and 11th
square aspect. How to judge ? cusp. Second includes all relatives. 11th
shows friends, keeps, etc. For legal.
If you take the sign position of the marriage consider the sub lord of the 7th
planets, it is the same; if you note the cusp whichever changes and which alone
position of planets in a constellation, it is can answer the 'diametrically opposite
also the same. But, you find that one results enjoyed by people born in the same
gets married the other remains unmarried; sign and star as lagna, having the same
one goes overseas: the other can assist gosition of planets in the sign and in the
him by packing samans and giving a hava.
send-off. Horoscopes remain the same
except that the cusp alone has moved. (2) Note the sub lord of 12th house.
These cusps also are in the same sign If the sub lord is one of the significators
sand same star. Then, think a while. of the houses 3, 9 or 12 and if the sub-lord
What is it that has changed? Does it not is in the constellation of the occupant or.
appeal to you that the sub-division alone owner of a watery sign, this person will
has changed, as I term it as" sub''. go overseas.
Indeed, it is a marvellous discovery. 1 If the sub lord is in the constellation of
say so, not for any credit: but to impress the occupant or owner of a^jwatery sign
and if it occupies or owns a dual sign, day lord and rasi lord happen to be the
more than once he will go overseas. lord of the lagna and star of the person,
Similarly if the sub lord of the 7th Cusp then the sub lord will be the lord of
is in the constellation of the occupant or lagna and sub sub lord of the nakshalhra.
owner of a dual sign, that person will Constellation at the time of query. Thus
marry more than once.' you find the lord of the sub. Invariably
it comes correct.
If the sub lord is in direct motion, When we consider the sub, the time of
attempts come out successful and the birth must be correct, who notes it so
desire is fulfilled. If it is in retrograde correctly. Hindu method gives many
t it falls through. alternatives, if the time of birth is
For-children, take the 5th cusp and its approximate and ranges between 20 and 30
sub lord. minutes, Prenatal Epoch is useless when
The sub lord should be one of the you apply to 2 births in the same hospital.
significators of the bouses 2, 5 and 11. This is a fact. Much may be said, many
For speculation, take the 5th cusp and may write a lot yet it fails. (I have the
its sub lord. Also consider whether the text-book, in which an author of Western
sub lord is one of the significators of the countries has conducted experiments with
houses 6 and 11. a medical expert who is also a learned,
wise and true astrologer. In all cases of
Thus one is to note the cusp of that delivery, noting the moment of the birth
particular bouse which signifies a matter time, applying the principles of Prenatal
and note whether the sub lord is one of Epoch wasting much time, hours, days,
the significators of that matter which months and years over it, at last have
includes a few more bouses (like marriage] given a verdict that in no case, it had
7th house primary: 2 and 11 secondary; come correct. Simply because, a rule is
change of residence 3 primary: 12 printed, ate we to follow blindly. Should
secondary: Education 4 primary: 9 not we test it with open mind to do more
secondary; accidents 8 primary ; 12 secon- research by offering constructive criticism.
dary : children 5 primary -2 and 11 What we try is to find out the truth.
secondary; profession 10 primary; 6and Hence as it is there is no scientific method
2 secondary and so on. to calculate and find out the correct
But, I have repeatedly told you all, that moment of birth-
for any single question, take the moment Suppose 2 persons are born at the same
when you take that question for Judgment. moment, then, the divine plan is that the
Note down the lords of lagna, star, rasi query will be put at such a time when the
and day. They are the'ruliug planets at sign lord of lagna, the star of lagna will
that moment. Take the first query if be selected and the two remaining ruling
there are many, i.e., if one wants to know planets will be the same. Suppose a
the Ascendant, 5th and so on, take Ascen- person puts the query along with another
dant. If one wants to fix up 7th, 11th born on the same day, time, etc., "in the
and so on, take 7th. If one wants to same locality, on Thursday 1-6-1967 when
know 8 and 6, take 8th cusp. If one Cancer Lagna is rising, the star inPoorva-
wants to know 11,7 and 5 take 11th cusp padra and Moon is in Aquarius. Both
i.e., the first one mentioned by querist. are born in Capricorn. Note the ruling
-Then this cusp falls in a sign and planets at the moment of judgment.
in a star. Note the lords of the sign Jupiter rules the day. Jupiter rules the
and star. They must be in the list of star. Saturn owns the rasi where Moon is
the ruling planets. Then note down the and Moon is the owner of Cancer Lagna at
remaining ones. Either of the two should the time of judgment. Hence Saturn and
be the sub lord you take, the priority !;•=»-; „ Moon happen to be the lord of his birth.
first lagna lord: next nakshthra lord: Lagna Capricorn and the area 10° to
third rasi lord and fourth day lord. If 23° 20' Sravana. The other ruling planets
left over if Jupiter as day lord and next. The two ruling planets left over
Nakshathra lord. Hence the sub lord are Jupiter and Mercury. Jupiter comes
should be Jupiter for both. first in Bbarani star. Hence declare his
Suppose 2 persons born at an interval Lagna as Jupiter sub and Mercury sub sub.
of 10 minutes approach. They say that For the second born it must be Mercury
sub as both have come together and want
they are born in Aries Lagna. They the reply at the same time. Generally
approach you and you judge the first born. people with Mercury as a ruling planet or
On a Tuesday, Visaka Nakshathra, Libra indicator will come—never alone—but
Rasi and Lagna Gemini. with somebody else also as Mercury is a
Then the ruling planets are Mars, planet for plurality.
Jupiter, Venus and Mercury. As the Thus, you fix the exact degree of lagna;
lagna at the time of birth is Aries, the if they wanted to know the position of
Ascendant is ruled by Mars. Neither lagna. If one wants to know the cusp of
Mercury nor Jupiter has a star in Aries. a bouse, proceed in the same manner and
Take Venus starBharani 13° 12' to 26° 40'. fix.
Because he says, be is born earlier, take
the other remaining 2 planets and note Astrology is a divine science. Honest
which snb comes first and which comes attempt reveals the truth.

Doubt: If 3 cusps fall in the star signs' That is the lord of that bouse or Bhava.
belonging to the same planet, bow to The lord of a Bhava has got in its port-
judge ? folio the matters signified by a Bhava.
Clarification: Suppose your lagna is Now Mars is lord of 4, 11 and 12:
Capricorn. In Aries you have 4th cusp. In 4 and 1.1 denote acquisition; 4 and 12
Scorpio you get lltb and 12tb cusps as indicate changes, disposal, etc.
Stb and 6tb fall in Taurus- How to interpret if the same planet is
1 lord of 11 and also lord of 12. What do
4th cusp 5 6 you do in the case of people born in
Meena—Pisces ? Saturn is lord of 11 and
also lord of 12.
So, you do as follows ;—
(a) Mars occupying the constella-
Lcvgna I tion of a planet situated in a
bouse which results will be given
1 by Mars:
12 U (b) Mars posited in a bouse.
j (c) Mars, owner of certain houses.
• Always the lord of a house is he who Through the matters signified by b and
owns the sign where the cusp falls. This c, Mars offers the results indicated by the
is the definite rule. Bhava in which the lord of the constella-
Therefore Mars, the owner of Aries is tion is deposited.
the lord of the 4th house. Scorpio is The nature of event depends on the
owued by Mars 11th and 12th cusps fall house tenanted by the lord of the constel-
in Scorpio. Never, never consider in lation whereas bow it is accomplished or
which sign the Bhava is spread over. Note why it fails is shown by the house occu-
the sign where the cusp falls and its lord. pied and owned by the planet.
Sir, take Saturn sub and Moon sub sub. Why?
What is the correct time of my birth ? Because lord of lagna has priority. (Nodes
are stronger.) Next star lord; third Rasi
X should know the correct position of all lord and fourth day lord. [Even for
the cusps and the planets. I am told that electing auspicious moments, one should'
I was born on 5-4-1920 at about 4 P.M. give prominence to lagna, then star, next
at 20° 42'N and 71° 1'E. Moon's sign and lastly the day.) There-
(Sd.) Ratilal Thaker. fore your lagna should be 10" 40' Leo.
Question put and answered at 2-00 P.M. If 10" 40' Leo is to rise according to
Nirayana position on 5-4-1920 at 20° 42'
Sunday 9-7-1967 at Bombay. N and 71° T E, find out the time of birth.
Now the ascendant is 10° 28' Libra. Ayanamsa in 1920 = 22° 39'. So, Sayana
Venus is the owner of Libra. But there is position should be 3° 19' Virgo i.e.,
a node in that sign, i.e., Ketbu. Hence Sidereal time at the time of your birth in
Kethu is the strongest indicator. Today L.M.T. ought to have been 4 hours
Moon is in Cancer owned by Moon and in 5 minutes. Therefore time of birth should
the Star Pusbyam governed by Saturn. be 3 hours 59 minuts I.S.T. and your
Day belongs to Sun. The doubt is whether lagna is in Leo 10° 40' for 20° 42' N and
the Lagna would be the fag end of Cancer 71° 1' E.
or the beginning of Leo 10° this way or (Students to carry out the research and
that to the beginning of Leo. In Cancer confirm: The position of lagna in a sign
the last 13" 20'are ruled by Mercury. It at the moment of judgment is the posi-
is not a significator. So forget cancer. tion of Moon in that sign. In the case of
Then take Leo ruled by Sun who is the Mr. Ratilal Thaker, the position of
lord of today. Kethu, Saturn and Moon lagna at 2-00 P.M. on 9-7-67, the time of
are the other 3 significators. Saturn and judgment, agrees with the position of
Moon have no star in Leo. But Kethu Moon in his horoscope for 3-59 P.M.
owns Makam 0° to 13" 20'. In that you I.S.T. on 5-4-1920.)

" It is staid that I am born at Jetpur near Then I fixed it as Jupiter's sign Kethu star
Rajkot in Saurashtra around 11-45 P.M. on Jupiter sub ; As Jupiter rules the day, the
•5-4-1943. I want to fix the correct time star, the lagna etc., at this moment,
of birth, so that the position of lagna will ■ Jupiter's sub sub is taken. Because
be worked out correctly " says the person there is no other planet, ruling at the time
on 20-7-67 when Sagittarius is rising. of judgment. Hence lagna should be
The day is Thursday: It is ruled by 7° 40' Sagittarius.
Jupiter. The Moon is in Sagittarius: the
lagna is Sagittarius. Both are ruled by Now take the Ephemeris of the year
Jupiter. The star Poorvashadais governed 1943. Take the month April. Note
by Venus in whose sign there is Kethu. down the sidereal time atT2 Noon at
Hence his lagna can be Jupiter's sign Greenwich. Deduct the correction at 2/3
Venus star Jupiter sub: or Jupiter's sign sees, for every degree East Longitude.
Kethu star Jupiter sub. For confirma- The place of birth is 70° 56' E; There-
tion: I asked him to give a number: fore from the sidereal time at noon at
wonderful—He said unhesitatingly ;75'. Greenwich on 5-4-43, i.e. 0 hr. 51 mts.
40 sees, deduct 70-56 multiplied by 2 and Therefore 11—51—16 P.M. L.M.T. is
divided by 3 =47 sees. Therefore sidereal the birth time and the lagna is 7° 40'—
time at 12 noon near Rajkot on 5-4-43 Sagittarius.
was 0 hour—50 minutes. 53 seconds.
Nirayana Position of Lagna is decided as The correct chart is as follows;
7° 40'. Ayanamsa in April 1943 is 22° 58'.
Adding the Ayanamsa, Sayana position of I Uranus
lagna is 0° 38' Capricorn. Mcr 21-42!Moon 3-16 8-57 Jup 23-10
Refer to the table Of Houses. 22° 18' Sun 22-0^' Ven 24-59 . Saturn
is the latitude of the place of birth. You
will find that 0° 34' Capricorn will rise if
the sidereal time is 12—44—8. If 0° 38' Rahu
is to rise, then the sidereal time should be Monday 29-32
12 hours 44 minutes—24 seconds. Sidereal 5-4—1943
time at noon is 0—50—53. Sidereal time Mars 28-9 22° 58'L.M.T.
N 701 56' E
at the time of birth, 12—44—8. The Kethu
correction for the interval between 29-32
previous noon and birth time is 10 sees,
per hour, i.e., if the interval correction Lagna
added is 1 hour 10 sees, actually the birth 7: 40 | Nep 7-20
is at 1 P.M. L.M.T. !
Therefore for ,11 hours 53 minutes
15 sees, the actual interval will be 11 Dasa Balance. TCethu Dasa, 5 years
hours 51 minutes 16 sees. 3 months 12 days. •
Ph.D., M. Com., Advocate FRGS FRSA
Sir, In the research what I have found
out is —
An .Astrologer has predicted that the
native of the chart given below is short- (a) if the lord of the sub where the
lived—will meet with accident etc. I, the 8th cusp falls is posited in the
father of the-native, am worried. lam constellation governed by the
anxious to know whether the fate is like occupant or owner of Bhadhak-
that and if so,- whether I can do some asthana, or
" SHANTI" to avoid the evil. I have (b) if the lord of the sub where the
heard that a few people who had seen 8th cusp falls is posited in the
Nadi are informed that they may live constellation ruled by the occu-
longer if they do some japa-prayer, pant or owner of Marakasthana,
homa, etc., which will help. I want your or
opinion and advice in this matter. (c) if lord of the sub owns evil houses
i.e., 6-8-12 and is connected with
Rahu the significators of Badhaka-
18-57 Moon 2 j ? sthana or Marakasthana, one is
not promised with long life,
When the sub of a cusp is to be taken
i for judgment, the time of birth has to be
Birth 31.12-1949 ! very accurate. It is not likely. So, when
3-15 P.M. the urge is to know the longevity, i.e., the
1 Sidhpur, Gujarat
Vcn 23-30 V. M. Mehta ■8th cusp—note the ruling planets at that
Jup 13-09 Sat 26-16 moment. Now at 9-30 A-M., the lagna
Mcrc.6 is Leo owned by Sun on 20-7-67 at Ahme-
dabad. The day is Thursday governed by
Sun 16-11 Mars 8-50 Jupiter. Star is Poorvashada, lord of
fith cusp Kethu which is Venus ; Moon transits in Sagit-
3-27 18-57
tarius owned by Jupiter. Hence the
ruling planets are Sun, Jupiter and Venus.
Dear Sir, Find out whether Rahu or Kethu is in any
of the signs owned by the ruling planets.
Rules are innumerable; Among the same If there is a node, take the nods, instead
Rishaba-lagna borns with same position of the owner. There is no node in the
of planets in the sign and ' house having ■ signs of Sun and Jupiter. Venus owns
the same dasa, we can find that one lives Taurus and Libra. Kethu is in Libra. So
and the other passes away; the general take Kethu. Then the third ruling planet
principles enunciated by our sages are which govern the 8th cusp are Sun,
not useful as they cannot be strictly Jupiter and Kethu. As the 8th cusp falls
followed in all cases. It may be found in Jupiter sign, then the 8th cusp can fall
correct in a few and also failing in many. either in Sun star Kethu sub or Kethu
If we find one rule promising long life, star Sun sub. As there is no sub of Kethu
we also note another rule threatening. in Sun star in Sagittarius, take Sun sub
short life. in Kethu star in Jupiter sign. It will be
3\and 3" 40'. In that, we can pitch up of Mars). Hence one is to take Rahu
Jupiter sub sub as Jupiter is the lord of (representing lagna lord) Kethu being the
the day and the lord of the Moon Rasi, lord of Nakshathra Mercury being the
Sagittarius. Then it is 3° 26' 40' to lord of the day. So one can expect the
3° 26'46". end during Rahu Dasa, Kethu Bhukti,
Having found out the 8th cusp, note the Budha-Mercury Anthra.
position of the Ascendant as the sidereal According to Uthra Kalamritha, Kethu
time should be 21 hours 19 minutes 43 conjunction Mars is evil. If Rahu or
seconds; the position of lagna will be Kethu were to be in 5 or 9, if it is con-
7° 50'i joined with lord of 2 or 7, the node causes
Longevity death; so one might have told that Mars
Dasa, Kethu Bhukti is evil in February
Lagna falls in the fixed sign. So the ' 1968 ; or another may say that the nodes
9th house is the'Badhakasthana. Mercury, are stronger; Rahu is aspected by Mars.
Jupiter and Venus are in Badhakasthana. A node gives the result of the planets with
Note the planets posited in the constella- which it is conjoined, or by which it is
tion of occupants, Jupiter rules Punar- aspected or the lord of the constellation
vashu, Visakha and Purvabhadrapada. No and sign in which it was deposited. Hence
planet is posited in any of the three stars. Rahu Dasa, Kethu Bhukti will be had.
Bharani, Poorvapalguni and Poorva- Another can predict that lords of 6th and
shadha are ruled by Venus, Saturn alone 8th are conjoined together and Marak-
is in Poorvapalguni and Sun is in Purva- stbana Adhipathi is also in the same sign.
shada. Saturn is Badhakasthana Adbi- Therefore Jupiter Dasa, Mercury Bhukti
pathi and Sun is in the 8th Bhava aspec- will be anxious as all these are in Badha-
ted by Marakstbana Adhipathi Mars. kasthana. It is also likely that any would
Mercury has nothing to do with it at the have thought that he would pass away in
time of judgment. infancy as Sun is in 8th and Saturn aspects
As, at the time of judgment Jupiter and the lagna but consoled later that Jupiter
Venus rule, planets in their constellations aspecting the lagna, Jupiter conjoined
are to be considered to fix the time of with Lagnadhipathi saved him. Thus
event. (If we take Kethu, there is no rules are plenty.
planet in its star.) He will not have Sun But that which will be true is to be
, Dasa hereafter. He will enter into Saturn , judged as explained .above, noting the,
Dasa on 7-8-2004. In that fix Sun Bhukti ruling planets at the moment of judgment,
Kethu Anthra, i.e., 10 years 8. months the sub of the 8th cusp and the various
later. Hence last week of April 2015 connections to the lord of sub, the
alone will be anxious. Till that time Badhakasthana, maiakasthana and
longevity is promised. Suppose a child is kendrasthana.
born after 9 or 10 minutes, the 8th cusp
will fall in the sub of Rahu. Then he In general people born in Taurus and
would have been answered on Wednesday Leo live long. Because 8th house is owned
during Moola star and the lagna will be by Jupiter (Uthra Kalamritham), The
Scorpio i.e., around 3-00 P.M. on 19-7-67. names for the twelve signs are given from
Even though Dr. Madhukanl Mehta was animals, reptiles etc. Taurus is symboli-
in my room then we cannot take the sed by robust bull and the Leo by the
chart. If I would have taken, then the mighty lion. No other sign is so well
ruling planets yesterday were Mercury, symbolised implying good health, logevity
Kethu, Jupiter and Mars (in case of Mars etc.
take Rahu as it is in one of the signs of Fate is inevitabie. None can change.
Mars) then when we apply wc will find By doing Horn a, not one second mure, one
that Mercury governs Revathi and Rahu can live. When Cod has pre-ordained, he
is deposited there. No planet is in Jupiter included before passing judgment, what
star. No planet is in Rahu star (instead meritorious deed, prayer etc. you will do
and he has taken into consideration and Then Kethu Bhukti follows for 11 months,
passed a judgment.- Whenever Guru- 27 days.
Jupiter is conjoined with or aspecting To-day Friday, Lagna Virgo ruled by
lagna or Moon, one has got enough bank Mercury, star Uthrasada governed by Sun:
balance of meritorious deeds done in the Rasi belongs to Saturn.
previous birth and in the dasas of planets
aspected by Jupiter, during the sub sub For a contract note the houses 3, 7 and
period of Jupiter and those under the 11. Negotiation is indicated by 3rd house;
influence of Jupiter one will find some 7th house shows the person with whom it
solution to tide over the difficulties; the is done and the 11th house is the success
storm will end; calm period will prevail and fruitful attempt.
etc. Those planets which are in 6 or 8 or
12 to Jupiter cannot help in their periods. 3rd house is occupied by Mercury which
Therefore you can pray during his Moon, governs Ashlesha, Jyestha and Revathi,
Mars, Rahu and Guru Dasas. Whether wherein no planet is deposited.
you pray or not (whether you deposit 7th house is occupied by Rahu.
money in the Bank or not your cheque Arudhra, Swathi and Sathabisha are
will be honoured as already you have governed by Rahu. Mars, Mercury and
sufficient money-Jupiter aspecting lagna Moon are in Rahu's constellation.
and Moon). You will outlive all these
dasas and during Sani Dasa which is in 8 11th house is occupied by Mars. Saturn.
to Jupiter, even if you pray night and day, and Sun are in Mars star. Mercury sign is
the inevitable end will come as already occupied by no Kethu. No planet is in
calculated. Kethu star.
Your son has long life. Hence select Kethu, Mercury, Mars,
Moon and Saturn. Note the ruling planets
Will I get contract for Photo-Registry ? at the time of query which are Mercury,
Venus, Kethu, Sun and Saturn. Find out
Horoscope is as follows :— the common ones. Mercury and Kethu are
common. Hence during Mercury Dasa,
Kethu Bhukti. you will get the contract. It
Rahu 0-6 Mars 20-1 runs between 15-1-68 and 12-1-69. Then

which sub sub period is to be selected.

The job refers to Photography. Select
Moon 7.-31 Venus who is lord of 10 and who is in its
own constellation. Then to confirm ask
Dr. M. T. Mehta for a number: the Native says 15. It is
Birth 11—16—1913 Venus sign. Moon star. For the exact
Lagna date take Moon's sub in Venus sub period.
Vcn 24-41 The lagna at the moment of query is in
Hastham star which gives confidence to
take Moon also. Thus Mercury Dasa,
Jup 17-23 Merc Kethu 0-6 Kethu Bhukti, Venus Anthra, Moon'
10-50 Sun 24-22 Shookshma will be the period i.e., around
'22-2-6S and they will approve.
- Rahu Dasa Balance 16 years, 10 months, You will gain from Mars sub sub in Sun
7 days. Mercury Dasa started on 1S-8-65. Anthra i.e., 7-4-68. Sun is in the 2nd
Mercury Bhukti will be over on 15-1-68. house in the constellation of planets in 11.-

Prof. S. N. MISHRA. J. J. Degree College, GAYA
Sir, It is interesting to note that all the three
1. My original horoscope is lost- My significators have come thrice. This amply
date of birth (11 th August, 1929) is authen- proves that the rules laid down by Prof.
tically known, but I have got some doubts K.S. Krishnamurti are cent per cent correct.
in regard to my time of birth. The time Rahu, being a node is more powerful.
is said to be around 8 P.M. Please 6x up Hence your Ascendant must fall in Satha-
the position of my Ascendant along with yam, a constellation ruled by Rahu. As
the exact time of birth in Indian Standard this constellation stays in Aquarius only
Time as well as Local Mean Time. up to 20 degree and at 8 P.M. I.S.T,,
according to astrological calculations for
2. I also have doubt in regard to your place of birth (26°. 7' N. Lat.;
Saturn's position in my radical chart. 85°. 22' E. Long.), the Ascendant is 22° 8',
Some astrologers of varanasi have put it which falls in Poorvapathra constel-
in Scorpio last part; while some others lation ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is not a
have put it in Sagittarius first park Which . significator for' your time of birth; hence
one is true ? Please correct it also. reject Jupiter star and the time covered
Yours sincerely, by it. Therefore your birth must be
N.P.S., Patna. before 8 P.M. and not afterwards.
Answer Then what 'should be the exact time?
As Rahu, Sun and Saturn are the significa-
' While giving a reply, the time when you tors, choose either Rahu star. Sun sub
have the innate urge to answer a question and Saturn sub sub or Rahu star, Saturn
is very important. Experience has proved sub and Sun sub sub. As you. have given
my contention that this time helps a the approximate time as around 8 P.M.,
great deal in giving correct answers to any the sub in the last should be surely taken;
queries. Mr. K. S. Krishnamurti has hence select Rahu star Sun sub and
rightly given it due importance. Saturn sub sub, which is in Aquarius
1. At the time of judgment i.e.. on from 17° 45' 40" to 17° 52' 00". Let
27-6-1967 at 8.8 P.M. I.S.T., consider the your Ascendant be 17° 50' in Aquarius.
positions of luminaries (Sun and Moon] The time of birth worked out according to
and Ascendant, along with the constel- this Ascendant for your place of birth
lations and subs transitted by' them in (26° 7' N. Lat.; 85° 22' E. Long.) is
order to get the significators for the time 7-46-31 P.M. L.M.T. = 7-35-03 P.M. I.S.T.
of birth. This is your exact time of birth. There is
A. At this time,. Sun is in Gemini no doubt about it.
11° 57.' It is in Arudra, a constellation 2. Saturn's position at the time of
ruled by Rahu and sub of Saturn. birth, according to Krishnamurti Ayaha-
B. Moon is in Aquarius 17° 55'. It msa, which alone is correct, is 1° 22' in
is in Sathayam, again a constellation ruled Sagittarius. This is the only correct and-
by Rahu and sub of Sun. exact position of Saturn in your radical
chart. Forget all other positions-
C. Ascendant falls in Capricorn
4° 19'. It is in Uthradam, a constellation Satchida Nand Mishra
ruled by Sun and sub of Saturn. (Signature of the writer.)
Hence Rahu, Sun and Saturn are the Date and Time of completion
three significators for the time of birth. 27-6-1967 at 11-41 P.M. LS-T.
15/160, Town Hall Street, Vlaakhapatnam-U ANDHRA PRADESH
Letter Moon herself. The lagna Capricorn is
Sir, ruled by Saturn. Therefore the ruling
planets for this moment are Moon, Mer-
My friend's daughter, is on the family cury and Saturn.
way. It is the 8th month. ' She is weak.
Delivery is expected at any time. Can The ruling planets at the time of judg-
you kindly guide me when she will ment will be the same ruling planets at the
deliver? What would be the sex of the time of fructification of the event. You
child? Is there any danger during deli- have asked about the delivery of your
very time ? friend's daughter. I took up answering
Yours sincerely, the question, when the ruling planets are
Moon, Mercury and Saturn. Therefore
V. K. RAO, the ruling planets at the time when your
Visakhapatnam friend's daughter will deliver, should be
Reply: Moon, Mercury and Saturn.
Respected Sir, Moon is called "Mathi " who indicates
You did not mention any number the mind of yours and the nature of the
within 108. I took up answering the query. _ ■
questions posed to me at 10-04 P.M. on Lagna represents you. You have ques-
12-6-67. The following is the position of tioned me in Capricorn lagna. Capricorn
planets:— shows yourself. 11th bouse indicates your
friend. It is Scorpio. Stb house indicates
Saturn 1 27-42 Mercury children. 5th bouse to Scorpio is Pisces,
17-35 *1.49 .Sun 21-52 which represents your friend's daughter.
i Her children are indicated by Stb bouse
Jup. 10-10 from Pisces. This falls in the sign Cancer,
Ven. 12.48 where Moon is posited. Therefore the
Moon question is about the delivery of your
21-54 friend's daughter as shown by Cancer.
Lagna .When Sun transits a position ruled by
19-43 ail the planets of the question. time, the
nature of the query will fructify. Sun
transits Moon's sign Mercury star in
j 1 Kcthu Mars August. It can transit Hastha in October
; 12-49 23-25 but according to you, -it will be 12th
1 month. So take Moon sign Mercury
To-day is Monday. The ruling constel-
lation is Aslesba, in the sign Cancer. 14th August is Monday. Sun will be in
Lagna now is Capricorn. Mercury star, Saturn sub. Aslesba is the
star ruled by Mercury. Therefore the
Monday is ruled by Moon. The cons- delivery of the daughter of your friend
tellation Aslesba is ruled by Mercury. will take place on 14th August, 1967 when
The sign occupied by Moon is ruled by lagna is Capricorn ruled by Saturn.
Sign Capricorn will be on the horizon Therefore the sex of the child is female.
for one hour and fifty-two minutes. If Now, I wanted a tip from nature and I
so, what is the time of delivery? prayed for a minute. I am the father of
both sons and daughters. But my daugh-
In Capricorn, there is the constellation ter came to my room and said, " It is
Sravana, ruled by Moon. The delivery time. Come on." So I fixed the sex as
takes place in this zone which extends girl.
from the 10° to 23° 20'. In this Mercury's
sub is covered by 17° 46' 40" to 19° 40'. Any difficulty in delivery ?
This will be the ascendant at the time of No. But Saturn being one of the ruling
birth. planets, there will be false pain. We may
Therefore the delivery will take place on expect on an early date. But it will drag
Monday, the 14th August, 1957 when 18° on to I4th August, 1967. False pains will
Capricorn will rise. be when Sun transits in Moon'ssigo Saturn
star Mercury sub.
What would be the sex of the child?
So your friend's daughter will deliver a
Lagna falls in a feminine sign Capricorn female child on 14th August, 1967 in
ruled by Saturn who is hermaphodite.- Capricorn lagna without any difficulty.
Lagna falls in Sravana constellatiqn zone
which is ruled by Moon, a female planet. (Sd.) K. Y. R. Anjaneyulu.
Number 64 is given for judgment at by Rahu, Kethu, Mars and Venus. Rahu
7-30 A.M. on 30-6-67: is in Saturn's sub: Venus is in Saturn sub.
Kethu is in Saturn's sub: Mars is in
. Moon Rahu Sun 14-18 Saturn sub. Who is Saturn ? What house
20-4 Mer. matters does Saturn indicate? As it is in
Sat 18-38 10-29 29-08 Mercury's star and Mercury is retrograde
in 2 to 7 Saturn has to give the results of
Jup. 13-42 Mercury by occupation, i.e. the 8th house
Ven. 29.22 matters. If Mercury is not retrograde,
30—6—1967 opponent will surely win:. As Mercury
7-30 A.M. is retrograde, opponent's case will fail;
you will win. At the time of query, if a
planet is retrograde those occupying its
constellation will not give the results
as indicated by the lord of the constella-
0 Lagna Kethu Mars tion. (Irurther, ordinarily when judged by
0 tO 3° 20' 10-29 28-34 traditional method you can see that lord
of 1 and 6 is in II in its own constella-
tion : lagna is aspected by lord of 2 in
Litigation and opponent are shown by exaltation.)
7th house : enmity is shown by the 6th :
One comes out successful if the houses 6 Saturn in S in the constellation of lord
and 7 are connected with the significators of II, in retrograde motion cannot allow
of the houses 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 or 11 by occu- - one, to end the suit in a compromise.
pying their sub : Failure is certain if the
sub lord is the significator of the houses The judgment and the benefit will be
4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 12 : Compromise is to be when lords of 6 and 8 conjoin or 6 and 11
expected if the significators of the 5th and conjoin : Therefore at the time when by
llth houses are connected. transit Mars and Mercury, conjoin in the
6th house is occupied by Rahu : 7th is end of April 1968, you will win the case.
unoccupied. Kethu is in Rahu's star : (Mars in 11 to lagna promises success. It
6th house is owned by Mars and seventh is also lord of 12 to 7th house : Mercury
by Venus: Mars alone is in its star : No is lord of 2 to 7th house. It is retrograde.
planet is in Venus star. So, conjunction of lords of 2 and 12 in 12
in April 1968 is to lose. So the opponent
Hence 6th house matters are signified is to lose: you stand to gain.)

Waraagal Description of son-in-law is to. be
" I have a.boyinview. Can I fix up judged mostly from the 11th house. 6th
the marriage of my daughter? Shall I ana 3rd houses also contribute. (11 th
give her to him ? Will he enjoy providen- house is the 7th to the 5th. 2, 7. and 11
tial help to come up in his life," asks the to 5th are 6, 11 and 3 from lagna.
father of a bride. Mars is in the 11th house, Kethu also:
" Please men tion a number within 108 " As Rahu is in the sign of Mars, select
Rahu and Kethu. Rahu's constellation
" Always 72 comes to my mind." is occupied by Sun and Kethu whereas
If 72 is the number, then the sign Kethu's constellation is occupied by Rahu.
■ Scorpio and the area 26° 40' Scorpio to Therefore, Rahu, Kethu and Sun are the
30° should be taken as lagiia. strong significators.
The position of the planet is as follows Lord of 11 is Mercury. Venus and
at 10-30 A.M. on 28-6-66, Wednesday;— Saturn are in theconstellation of Mercury.
If the ruling planets of the bridegroom
Sun 12-30 are other than the significators ascer-
Sat. 18-34 Rahu Mercury tained, he cannot marry your daughter.
10-35 29-32 But if they are in those found, then he
will marry. He is born on 15-2-1944 in
3up.13-19 Thula (LIBRA) lagna with Moon in
Moon Venus Thula-Libra at 13° 58'. These positions
25-13 27-41 are ruled by Venus and Rahu. Day of
birth is Tuesday. Rahu in Aries, aspected
by Mars (8th aspect] has denoted the day
of birth. Scientifically, it has to be either
Friday or Tuesday as Venus and Rahu are
the strong ruling planets. Hence his
Lagna Kethu Mars hordseope agrees ; you proceed : fix up
26° 40' 10-35 27-46 and celebrate.
30° 00'
For Providential help, one is to note
The query is (a) about your daughter, (b) whether the strong benefic by. nature,
her marriage, (c) the ruling planets Jupiter or 9th house. Lord Mercury is also
as well as description about the boy and a benefic by occupation (lord of constel-
(d) his future. lation in which Jupiter was deposited is to
be taken) and lordship. Also find out
5 th house shows daughter: 5th Cusp is whether it is connected with lagna or
to be taken as 26° 40' to 30° Pisces. It is Moon by conjunction or aspect. Jupiter
in Jupiter's sign. Mercury constellation. owning the favourable houses 2 and 5
Today is Wednesday. Star is Poorva- occupies its exalted sign (9th sign from
padra. They are also governed by lagna) is in the constellation of Sani, and
Mercury and Jupiter. Actually your aspects lagna. Venus in 9 is auspicious.
daughter is born in Mercury sign Jupiter Moon lord of 9 in Jupiters constellation.
star, Punarvasu. Hence you put the Therefore to your entire satisfaction,
query about her affairs, now. The ruling there will be improvement in his status
planets at the time of query will agree. and increase in his income. He is a
successful boy. Jupiter also aspects 5th' (ruling planets today Mercury, Jupiter and' ,
bous6 and your daughter also will, be Saturn). As Rahu is the strongest signifif ; '
pleased. cator take Rahu's Sbooksbma. - It will be -
in the beginning of February, 1968. ,
As Venus, Rahu, Mars and Sun are to Tuesday, we do not celebrate the marriage.
be bis ruling planets,- they will indicate his So select Friday. Rahu's star or Mars star
profession, he will have security in service, will - be the constellation in which Moon
he will be connected with Mechanical will transit. Venus sign Rahu star being,
Engineering, Automobiles, Industry etc. .. the Nakshatra of the boy, normally we
Prosperity is- to be judged from the reject Rahu . star days for marriage.
dasas to fun. Moon in 25° 13' means 9 (Janma Anujanma and Trijanma stars.).
Hence, Mrigasira, Chitra or Dhanishta
years, 8 months, 26 days. Now Jupiter
Dasa Mercury Bhukti is running. Today will be the Nasbatra on the '■ day of
Mercury day also. Prosperity is marriage. Mrigasira comes in the first
promised. fortnight, February, 1968. Therefore,
you fix the marriage with this boy and
The time of marriage: celebrate it on 9—2—1968.
Moon is transitting in Saturn sign. ' God will bless not only the. couple but
Therefore Saturn Antbra we have to take also all their relatives.
Partnership broken
. as follows; denotes difficulty and demise'of the native
as well as Maraka to partner.
' ■J.11-26
upiter 'Rahu Mats 6 means the partner leaves: 12 means
8-23 16-10 the native leaves.
2nd house is occupied by Sun and
Kethu. Rahu is in Sun's stair. Jupiter
and Moon are in Kethu star.. Kethu is
evil as it is in 2 representing Mars, lord
6—11—1928 of 8.
Moon (5th house owned by Saturn, Kethu
7-17 alone is in Saturn constellation.
. 8th house is occupied by Rahu'and Mars
Sat. 24-24 is in Rahu star;. Kethu is stronger than
Venus Sun 20-26 Mars
. 23-22 Mercury
Kethu 2-08 12th is owned by Spn : Rahu is in Sun's
8-23 star. Hence Kethu, Rahu and Moon are
Kethu Dasa balance 3 years,' 2 months, very evil. The break came in Moon Dasa,
1 day; Note the houses 6and 12: as well Kethu Bhukti in 1965. Kethu in 2-in the
as 2 and 8. MaleBcs in 2 spoil the constellation of lord of 6:- Moon in the
pleasure and unity of partners who live constellation of Kethu in Moon Dasa,
like family members : 8th bouse generally Kethu Bhukti gave the result-
j Born on 7-11-1933, at 1 G. 22 V. at Poorvapadrapada. Sun is in Visakha. No
^mnagar. Horoscope is as follows: planet is posited in any other star. 12th"
house is occupied by Sun. Its stars a
Moon Karthikai, Uthrapalguni and Uthrasha
13-43 no planet is posited in Sun's' star?
So take Sun. , ,
, Sun's sign is occupied by Kethu. Vehu
Rahu and Kethu are in ' the const Ration 6
1-33 Kethu.
Tuesday, ■ Jupiter, lord of 6 aspects the dasanatlm
• 7—11—1933 Saturn who is in the constellation of lord
Saturn Kethu of 10 in the 8th house and the lOtb hou's
17-14 1-33,
is vacant.' 8th house is vacant.
R - Venus is in the second house. He'si
Venus Mcr. 12 54 Lagna Jupiter lord of 1 and 8: both good and bad. ''-i,
7-33 Mars Sun28-30
21-16 19-22 Saturn is connected with profession
Sun, Venus and Kethu are for separatio,
^ Rahu Dasa balance 8 years, 5 months, Saturn is posited in its own sub and' itfi
days. not retrograde. So separation must come
V So, now you are running Saturn Dasa, It will be when' Saturn Dasa, Sun
c ttnus Bhukti from 2-2-1965 and it will Bhukti, Kethu Anthra, Venus ShookshhT
% till 2-4-1968. operates', i.e., from 1-1-1969.
t. Question is whether there will be parti- Today it is Friday. Kethu is in Verm
Qn in the partnership. If so, when ? sign today. The star is Uthrashada
governed by Sun. Hence conjoined period
i. 7th house shows the partner. Separation of Kethu and Sun must be taken. Kethu
^ indicated by 6 and 12. Evil planets in Bhukti has already passed. So take S
or 8 also cause separation—partition. Bhukti, Kethu Anthra. .
J 6th house is vacant; It is owned by 1969 will be a happy New
^piter which governs Punatvasu, Visakha, partition.
p Volume II of Krishnamurti Padhdhati has been despatched to all those who haVs.
fi^rchased the Voulme I paying Rs. 25/- by Registered Post cost and postage free—intbtSE
; fst week of June, 1967.-
11 The Editor thanks all .those who had purchased the book and takes apology foj ;;
tv*e undue delay. Honestly it is not the mistake of the Editor but due to heavy pressure in J
press who had been giving date after date and at last brought out most satisfactorily^,
j- The Editor prays Lord Ganesb that whomsoever studies Krishnamurti Padhdhati
et blessed with Divine Grace for quick grasp, retentive power, reproductive abilit ,
"Ahaustive explanation and correct judgment.
R Other books—Transit results, Horary Astrology, Dasa Bukthi Palapala Nirayana, ,
ivfogression, Annual Horoscope, Mundane Astrology Epbemeries from .1911 to 1967
b.V which the daily position of all the planets in Sayana system aadTableofHousefor;
latitudes between 0° and 50°, etc., will be published in due course. Readers will be ^
formed as soon as these books are ready for despatch.' No advance will be received :
.-.Tit those desirous may register their names. '"""
"Will I continue my business in the or 12 bouses and is in the constellation of
same premises " ? is the query of a person 4 or 11, one changes premises and goes to
born on ^|-8-1919 at 4-39'A.M. at Sadra bis own. Also, planets connected with
near Abmedabad and whose horoscope is the 4th bouse, occupying the 12th house
as follows: to Dasanatba brings about changes in the
sub period of the planet occupying the sub
1 Kethu governed by the significators of 3 or 12
6-39 bouses.
You can make the premises your own
Mj>rs7.50 permanently let on rent to you, during the
JaP. 14.13
Asc. 12.04 period of the planet connected with bouses
Mtic. 15-55
24-05 4 and 11.
- ; No planet is in' the 4th sign. But Rabu
Sun 7-7 is in the 4th Bbava. No planet is posited
Saturn in Rabu's constellation.. So Rabu is a
8-49 significator.
Kethu is in the 10th Bhava. No planet
Rahu Venus is in 11. But Ketbu, being a node, has to
6-39 4-35 represent Venus' which owns 4 and 11
houses. Therefore planets in Kethu cons-
At the time of birth Saturn Dasa balan- tellation will give you the opportunity to
ce 1 year 0 month 25 days. own or take on long lease. Aswini,
Makam and Moolam.are ruled by Ketbu.
Now be is running Sun Dasa Jupiter Sun and Saturn are deposited in Makam.
Bhukti from 7-10-66 to 25-7-67 and Saturn Hence Sun and Saturn in their conjoined
Bhukti in sun dasa will begin on 25-7-67 period will give one of your own. As
and run for 11 months and 12 days. Saturn is in the sub of Jupiter who is lord
This premises is already in possession' of 3 and 12 to the person with whom you
It is used for business. You will continue haveto transact, (3rd for document and 12
to hold it if the houses 4 and 11 are favo- to be given away by the other person) and
urable. But if the bouses 3 and 12 ope- as Saturn is not in 12 to Dasanatba, but
rate, one may vacate. is in advance to Sun, you will be given the
In every horoscope, we have the houses premises during Sun Dasa, Saturn Bhukti.
3 and 12. There are the significators of (During Venus Dasa, Saturn Bhukti—as
these houses to every individual. Do all Saturn is in 12 to Venus—you shifted to
vacate. E>d they make a move. There your own bouse. During Sun Dasa,
are many who are born lived and passed Jupiter Bhukti, there is the threat to evict.)
away in the same bouse. Some started Yet during Sun Dasa, Saturn Bhukti, you
business in a room and bad it only there. will be given the premises under a long-
In those cases, why the significators of the term (Saturn) lease.
bouses 3 and 12 did not play their part. When ?
If the cusp of the 4th bouse falls in the When Sun transits in Saturn sign sun
sub of a planet occupying or owning 3rd star or when Sun transits in Ketbu star
or 12th house or if the lord of the constel- Jupiter sign as Ketbu and Jupiter are
lation in which the sub has fallen, is in stronger. Therefore around 15-1-68 or
the constellation of the occupant or 19-12-67 you will have this settled.
owner of the 3rd or 12th house and if they The urge to put the query and the ans-
are in any manner connected with Mars, wer given were at the time when Moon is
one will vacate a premises. But if the transiting in the 6th degree Sagittarius.
planet connected with the 4th bouse (in Therefore when Dasanatba, Sun, comes to
the constellation of occupant or owner of that degree, it must materialise, i.e..
4) is in the sub of the planet signifying 3 around 19-12-67.
Can I dispose my wire .nail- industry?. .3rd house is occupied by Kethu. It.rules
If so, when ?. I give number 39. the stars' Aswini, Makam and Moolam.
Date 28-6-67Time '9-45 P.M. Rahu alone is in Makam. ,
Place: Warangal 9th bouse is occupied by Rahu; Sun
and Kethu are. in Rahu's constellation.'
Position of planets is as follows :—
12th house is occupied by Jupiter and
Sat 18-34 Rahu Sun 12-58 Venus. Mercury is in Jupiter's star: none
Moon * 10-34 Mer. 29-28 in Venus star: As Venus sign is occupied
. 0-53 by Kethu, take Rahu in Kethu's star.
[Tup. 13-24 ■ Therefore Mercury and Jupiter will help
Ven 28-07 . in disposing one's possession other than
Wednesday * Rahu, Kethu and Sun.
Lagna As to-day is Wednesday, take Mercury:
6* 40 to-10° Rasi and star are ruled by Jupiter ; take
Jupiter. Kethu and Rahu are the . strong
Kethu Mars
10-34 27-56 . Now, the dasa balance is 2 years,
11 months, 8 days of Jupiter i.e., Jupiter
Dasa, Mars Bhukti is on.
Wire nail Industry is your permanent
possession till you dispose and it is one of Jupiter Dasa, Rahu Bhukti must be the
your businesses. time of disposal. Then Rahu, Jupiter or
Mercury Anthra is to run when this will
Permanent possession is shown by the materialise. As both. Rahu and Jupiter,
4th house. Professional one is indicated the Bhuktinadha and Dasanatha are iu
by 10th house also, as you have to regu- movable signs, take the first sub sub
larly. attend to it to earn both name and period. Hence Rahu Bhukti, Rahu Anthra,
money.' Jupiter Shookshma will be the time i.e.,
Disposal and severing connection is Rahu Bhukti will start on 12-1-1968. So
shown by the 12th house to the houses in the first fortnight of February- 1968, it
which signify a matter and also 12th house will be sold.
to lagna; for example marriage is shown As per transit, at that time, the dasana-
by 2,7 and 11. Lagna shows oneself and 7, tha Jupiter will be in 128° 10' in Kethu's
his or her partner. Therefore 12th to 1 star Makam and in the subof Jupiter in the
and 12th to 7 are 12, and 6 houses. Hence 12th Bhava and Rahu will be in .the cons-
to sever connection with partner we con- tellation Revathi ruled by Mercury, signi-
sider houses 12 and 6. Similarly to dispose ficator of 12th house-
the professional one' consider' the 12th
houses to 4 and 10 and also to lagna. I2th Let us take his horoscope.
house to lagna must invariably be included
if something , is to leave your hand, i.e., His birth was on 20-11-1926 at 6-33 ..
houses 3, 9 and 12- ■ ■■ - P.M.- on Saturday at 17° 58' N and 79° 40'
E. Horoscope is as follow :— 10 and 11 are vacant. They are owned
by Jupiter, Saturn, Sun and Mercury.
Mars 15-54 Rahu No planet in Jupiter star: All the 4
13-39 Lagna 16-27 planets are in Saturn's star. None in Sun's
20-31 star ; none in Mercury star/ So take Jupiter
Dasa, Sun Bhukti. The purchaser will take
possession only in Jupiter Anthra when the
transaction will be completed i.e., around
3-4-68. On 3-4-68, ■ Jupiter is in Kethu
star, Makhaand Rahu will be in Revathi.
Jfup 26-49 , So before 3-2-68, you will enter into
agreement and receive advance; you band
over possession around 3-4-68. *
Kethu ':Merc
Sat 16-39
Sun 5-48
4-44 [While judging a horoscope, you may
16-27 Venus 4-29 get A, B, C and D as significators.
(a) If A the dasanatha is in a mov-
Moon Dasa balance 5 years, 6 months, able sign,-take its own or. the
25 days. immediately following subperiod
So he had Mars Dasa from 15-6-32- or bhukti which will be ruled by
Rahu from 1939 Jupiter from 15-6-1957. B or C or D whatever it is.
Now he is running Venus Bhukti which (b) If it is in, a common sign, take
will be over by 25-12-1967. that Bhukti whose lord is in a
movable sign or in 12 to Dasa-
Take houses 3, 9 and 12. natha though it may be a fixed
3rd house is vacant: 9th is occupied sign.
by Jupiter and no planet is in Jupiter's (c) If it is in a fixed sign, take that
constellation! As Kethu is in one of the Bhukti whose lord is in a movable
Jupiter's signs, take Kethu. No planet is sign or in 12 to dasanatha which
in Kethu's star. 12th house is occupied by will be movable.
Moon as 12th cusp is at 17° 25'. Mars is (d) If the dasanatha is connected with
not in 12. Saturn, find out whether Saturn
■ Moon owns 3rd house. Saturn, the 9th is one of the ruling planets;
and Mars, the 12th. Moon is in 12 and. then Saturn's sub period will give.
Moon in its star. Saturn's asterism is (e) If Saturn is not a ruling planet,
occupied by Venus, Sun Mercury and the significator who has its sub-
Saturn. Mrigasirisha, Chitraand Dhanishta period following' Saturn's ' sub-
are governed by Mars. Jupiter is Mar's period will give as Saturn will
constellation. Hence one is to take Jupiter, delay.
Moon, Sun, Venus and Saturn. The Dasa (f) If one is to confirm, then judge
system shows that during Jupiter Dasa, the transit results. When transit
Sun Bhukti, Moon Anthra he will dispose also agrees, then only the matter
i.e., before 3-2-1968. He will enter into will materialise. The above rules
agreement as Moon is lord of 3 and in the will be found to be correct when
constellation of lord of 3. Moon and 3rd transit is also observed.
house both show negotiation, fixation and (g) What applies to dasanatha
arrangement. If one is to dispose, the applies to sub lord or Bhukti
other is to buy: hence take 7tb cusp for the natha in that sub period bhukti,
purchaser: Consider' houses 2,4, 10 and to find out anthra, sub sub period
11 for the purchase of an Industry. As 20° the same rule is again, to be
31' is the cusp of 7th house, houses 2, 4, followed.] ■

Dear Sir, On 12-8-1966 you had been'entering
■Last year, during March I consulted you into Jupiter Dasa, Mercury Bbukti, Venus
about my profession . as,. I was much1 . Antbra:-
worried. You asked me to give a number For improvement in status, houses
. within 108. I mentioned. 37 and gave my 2, 6, 10 and II. are judged.
horoscope also a copy of Which is attached.
1 do not remember the exact date when Cusps. I 14-31; IV 22r03 ■.
I last met you.' II 15-03;. V 22-03
You predicted that my status would be ' III 19-03; VI 19-03
improved on 12-8-1966 and my other '
worries also will end, then you had given Saturn is in the second house : Mercury
the prediction in writing. and Venus are in the constellation of
Actually, the status was enhanced only Saturn. Moon is in 6. Moon and Saturn
, on 12-8-1966 and that officer who had are in the constellation of Moon. 10th and
been giving me a lot of trouble in my work 11th are vacant.
left the place suddenly on the same day. Second house is owned by Saturn:
Nobody, including the officer, dreamt 6 and 11 by Venus: 1Q by Mercury : Mer-
of this. cury and Venus are in Saturn's star :
It was a surprise. Jupiter and Kethu are in Venus star. Sun
. I wish to place on record my sincere is in Mercury' star. Hence Mercury,
Venus, Moon, Saturn, Kethu and Sun are .
appreciation of your correct prediction to those which are connected with the houses
the date. 2, 6, 10 and 11. On 3rd March, 1966 you ,
' Now, il request you to let me know put the question on Thursday when Moon,
whether I may be transferred in the near, was in Punarvasu star. The lagna was
future. Taurus. Hence I took the rulipg planets
Yours sincerely, at the time of judgment then. So I pitched
(Sd.) A. Suryanarayana, upon Jupiter, Mercury and Venus. Hence
V. Nagaram I predicted. It has come true. Thank
Copy of ^Horoscope: God.
Now you want to know about your
Mer. 3-35 Moon transfer. Consider bouses 3, 9 and 12 :
Ven. ll-IO 19-03 Mercury and Venus are in the 3rd Bhava.
Sun 16-48 Jupiter is in 9., None in 12. Sun is in Mer-
cury star: Kethu and Jupiter are in Venus
Rabu star. None in Jupiter's star. Hence
13-23 Thursday Jupiter, Sun, Kethu, Mercury and Venus
Friday indicate. Today 18-6-1967, it is Sunday,
12-30 A.M. I.S.T. Mars .9-01 in lagna there is Moon and Kethu at the
31r-3—1933 ICetbu
Saturn Rohini ' 13-23 time of judgment. Therefore', predict'
21-02 Jupiter that during Kethu Bbukti, Sun Antbra he
,22-52 will be transferred. ' Gurudasa Kethu
Bbukti commences on 24-5-1968. From
Lagna - 10-8-1968 to 26-8-1968, Sun Antbra will
14* 31' operate. So when Sun transits in Simba
Rasi ruled by Sun, - in Makam .star
[Moon Dasa balance 3 years, 2 months, governed by Kethu, in Jupiter sub i.e.,
17 days.] around 25-8-1968 he will be transferred.
•--- ■-•-•••30 .;
(Verification of K. P.)
15/160, Town Hall Street. Visakhapatnam-1.!
All of us (at Vizag.) the disciples of " Uthrashada is' ruled by Sun who is ■
Jyothish Marthand Shri K. S. Krishna- not one. of the ruling planets at the '
murthy considers it our fortune that our moment of query. Therefore, the call
Gurujee, has come- to Yisakhapatnam as cannot fructify when the ascendant falls in
per his-programme. We were under the the portion - covered by the constellation,
sway of his scholarly exposition of the' Uthrashada i.e., 0° to 10° Capricorn.''
timing of the events considering the " Next constellation to rise in the east is
ruling planets at the moment of judgment' Sravana ruled by Nfoon who is not one of
using a. number within 108 mentioned by- the ruling planets (namely, Saturn, Jupiter .
the. consultant. We wanted to verify. . and Mars]. Therefore, as long as Sravana
We booked a trunk call to Madras at rises in the east, i.e., 23° 20' the Capricorn
7-05 P.M. on 24—6—67 and approached the trunk call shall not materialise
Gurujee to ascertain when the trunk call went oniGurujee.
would mature and at what time we would " Next to Sravana, Dhanishta rises."
be able to contact our friend at Madras.
He said "Come on. Give a number "Dhanishta is ruled by Mars who is
within 108 ". one of the ruling planets of the moment.
The sign that will,rise will be Capricorn
' 68' was the number given by an enthu- ruled by Saturn who is also, one of the
siastic student, Mr. Sivasubrahmaniam. ruling planets of the moment. Therefore,
Guruji explained " Number 68 " falls in of the' three ruling planets in our list we
the 5th Nayamsa of the sign Scorpio. The have got two planets. The remaining
' lagna is between 13° 20' and 16° 40'in one is Jupiter. Therefore, when' the sub
Scorpio in the fourth quarter of Anuradba. of Jupiter (26° 6' 40" to 27° 53' 20") rises
To-day, it is Saturday ruled by Saturn. in the east, in the constellation, Dhanishta,
Sign Scorpio is owned by Mars. Exalted ruled by Mars, in Capricorn owned by
Jupiter aspects lagna. Moon is posited in Saturn, the trunk call will materialise. It
the sign called ' Rasi', ruled by Saturn. 68 will be about 9-50 P.M."-declared Gurujee.
shows Anuradha star governed by Saturn. As he said that it would take about2
Therefore the ruling planets at the hours 43 minutes more to mature, we all
moment of judgment arei" Mars, Saturn went'out to bazaar, finished our shopping
and Jupiter." and also completed our dinner and arrived -
•at his room, in Hotel Ooty, Vizag.. It
" The ruling planets at the time of query was then 9-45 P.M. We asked the 'atten-
will be the same at the time of fructification dant whether the call had come. He gave
. of the event. This is the single and simple a negative reply. So all wanted to observe
rule to be followed for such queries." the moment, predicted by our Gurujee.
That portion which is rising in the East It is exactly at 9-5J P.M. We heard the
when the trunk call is booked is Sagitta- phone ringing and the telephone exchange
rius, ruled by Jupiter, sign Sagittarius said, " Speak here. Madras call is on ".
does not have any of the constellations
ruled by either Saturn or Mars. Next, All are surprised. We said "Krishna. "
you proceed to the next sign. There is murtbi Padhdbati alone can offer such a
Uttarashada Sravana and part ofDhanishta prediction". Minor events are experiments
in the sign Capricorn. It rises in the to find out " Major events" said Guruji. •,
east after 8-02P.M. As the question is to.' „We congratulated him. Gurujee humbly ^
mature in a few hours, take.the movement advised us " Pray and pray to Lord Uchi- •
of the lagna." (Tel. call means take lagna.) shta Maha Ganapatbi, Thank HIM ".
Horoscopy Jyeshta. Jupiter owns and aspects Uth
" When can .1 expect a baby " asks a house and no planet'is in its star. There'
lady. Is iny dasa balance correct? fore Jupiter and Mercury are connected"
with these houses. During Mercury Dasa, ■
The horoscope of her husband is as Jupiter Bhukti, you-will have a child. As ■
follows this query is answered when Mercury rules
the day, star, etc.; select Mercury Anthra.
Mars Kethu Therefore you will have a child in Decem-
9° r Lagna 17.02 ber, 1968.
Moon 2.24
Sat. 18,44 Number given is 75.
Sun 11.40
11-45 A.M. . The position of planets on 21-6-1967 at
Mercury 24—2—1936 6-40 P.M. is as follows :
15 0
Venus Saturn Rahu Sun 6-07
9.40 18-13 10-56 Mercury
Rabu Jupiter Jupiter
17.2 28.13 11-58
Jupiter Dasa Balance 1 year, 1 month, 21-6-1967
13 days. Between 4-10-65 and 22-4-1968
you are running Mercury Dasa, Rahu
This chart is taken by me for judgment I
when Sagittarius is the lagna, ruled- by Lagna Moon Kethu Mars
Jupiter.. Jyeshta is the star, Wednesday is 6° 40' 27-23 _ 10-56 25-40
to 10"
the day, both governed by Mercury. Rasi
is owned by Mars. But today 21-6-97, By 75, it is meant that Sagittarius is the
Rahu is in Aries. Node is stronger. Rahu
represents Mars. Hence Rahu is.- the Ascendant In horary, we have to take
ruling planet today. Mercury and Rahu the Ascendant alone, whether it is afflicted
are the ruling planets. You are running or not.
Rahu Bhukti in Mercury Dasa. It is Rahu is in 5: Kethu is in 11: no planet
correct. Therefore dasa balance at the is in 2. Neither of the nodes is conjoined
time of birth must be correct. with any. Mars, lord of 5, aspects Rahu,
As regards child birth, judge houses 2, in its sign by the 8th aspect. Therefore
.5 and 11. / Rahu is to offer the results of Mars,
Kethu is in 2; Mars is in 11. Aswini, Rahu is in Kethu's star, Saturn, sub and
Makam and Moolam are governed by Kethu is in Rahu's star, Saturn sub. As
Kethu and no planet is in any of the three. Saturn is lord of 2 and is aspected by lord
Mrigasira, Chithra and Dhanishla are of 5, Mars and the Chief Governor for
ruled by Mars and none is in any of the children, Jupiter, one is to expect a child.
3 stars. The nature of Saturn is to. delay.
Houses 2 .and 5 are owned by Mercury. . As no planet is in the ..constellation of
Jupiter alone is in Mercury constellation Rahu or Kethu, take both .of them. The
ruling' planets at the time of query are i.e., 920 days after Saturn Bhukti starts,
Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter. i.e., from 13-2-1968. So between 3-12-1968
Now the Dasa which is operating at the and 29-1-1969, Kethu Anthra will run for
moment of query is Mercury.' The balance 56 days. Rahu's sub sub in that, will be
is 3 years, 4 months, 1 day, i.e., in Jupiter in the end of December 1968. Hence one
, ■ sub period, balance is 7 months, 22 days can boldly pre.dict that this person wiil
leftover.. So select Mercury Dasa, Saturn ■ have a child in December' 1968 and 1969
will be a Happy New Year...
' Bhukti, Kethu Anthra, Rahu Sbookshma,


Prof. S. N. MISHRA, I. J. College. Gay«.
Sir, The position of Moon indicates the,
I am a Government officer. Recently I desire. The position of Ascendant and
have been transferred to a place, where I lltb bouse shows whether one's desire
do not want to go. I have made a repre- will be fulfilled or not.
sentation that I may be transferred to Transfer is judged by houses 3, 10 and
another place. of my own choice. I do 12. (KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI,
not know whether' I shall be transferred to Vol. II, p. 318.) Moon is lord of 3. It is
that place. Please let me know the result posited with Mars, lord of 12 .in the same,
beforehand according to your astrologi- sign Virgo. Moon and Mars—both, are
cal calculation. aspected by Saturn from Pisces. Saturn
I give the No. 15. is lord of 10. Hence it is clear that the
question relates to transfer.
Yours sincerely, What about the realisation of desire ?
A.B.C. Judge the Ascendant. It falls in Rohini
This question is taken on Thursday, a constellation ruled by Moon, a signifi-
15th of June 1967 at 5-30 P.M. at Gaya. cator for transfer. Hence transfer .must
take place.
The position of the planets for this time Saturn aspects the - Ascendant. As
is as follows:— Saturn is a restrictive planet, it will put
burdels in fulfilment of the desire. In
Saturn . Rahu Ascendant Sun 0-24 first instance, at least, the desire will not,
17-52 . li-16 16-40 to Mercury
20-00 24-22 be fulfilled. , ■ •
Saturn is occupant of 11th Bhava.
Jup, 10-48 Hence it indicates delay. Venus,-lord of
15—6—1967 Venus 1 and Jupiter, lord of 11 are associated
Thursday 15-40 with each other in Canceri The longi-
5-30 P.M. I.S.T. tudinal distance between the two is only'
24" 48'. Lai. 5° 8', hence very close to each, other.
85° r Long.
This shows realisation of desire, but again'
both of them are posited in Pushyam, a
Moon constellation ruled by Saturn. Saturn
Kethu 0-50 becomes very prominent in this regard.
11-16 Mars Hence the conclusion is drawn that'in first
24-06 effort, the desire will not'be. fulfilled,
in the second effort, it will be fulfilled. passing through Pooram till 10-18 A.M.;
Mr. K. S. Krisfanamurti has clearly laid hence it is predicted that final order has
down in bis principle that if any particular already been taken on your letter and it is
incident has to take place under the strong on its way; but as both Venus and Jupi-
influence of Saturn, in the first instance ter are under the sway of Saturn being
the incident will not take place, in the posited in Pushyam, the delivery of the.
second instance it will bear fruit. (Please letter to you will be delayed.
refer to " Astrology and Athrishta," May Really the officer informed me on 20th
-1967 issue, page 28.) Saturn delays^ but June, 1967 by phone that my both predic-
it does not deny almost necessarily. If tions have come true. He received the
11th house operates in beneficial manner order for transfer to the previous place
the incident must take place. . and his desire has not been fulfilled,
I told him immediately that the Govern- although he was very much sanguine in
ment order for transfer will stay and at regard to its result. This is the role of
present you will not be transferred to the destiny in man's life. 1 told him—Don't
place of your choice. Later on, your worry. Go and join the duties there. In
representation will bear fruit and in due due course of time your desire will be
course of time your desire will be fulfilled. fulfilled. So the man became care-free.
"When will I receive the letter?", he This is the practical use of Astrology.
further asked. I told him—Communica- He also communicated to me that really
tion is judged by third sign. . Venus and the letter was signed by the Assistant
Jupiter are both posited in 3rd sign. Commissioner on 15th June, 1967 and he
Hence you will receive letter under the in- received it only on 20th. June, 1967 at
fluence of these two planets. Today is 11-10 A.M. Hence delay in communication
Thursday, ruled by Jupiter and Moon is is also proved.


Till 31-10-67 Delhi—G. I. 808, Sarojini Nagar, New Delhi-23.
1-11-67 Kanpur.
3-11-67 Allahabad, C/o Prayag Hotel.
4-11-67 Benares, C/o Yegyanarayana Dikshidar.
6-11-67 Patna, C/o Sri K. R. Narayanan.
9-11-67 Gaya, C/o Sri S. N. Mishra.
11-11-67 Dhanbad, C/o Sri Shama.
13-11-67 Giridhi, C/o Sri N. V. Rao, Mica Mine owner.
15-11-67 Durgapur, C/o Mr. I. R. K. Murti, Steel Plant..
18-11-67 Calcutta, C/o Sri R. S. Rao, 35-F, Motilal Nehru Road, Calcutta-29.
15-12-67 Cuttack 1
18-12-67 Vizianagaram i
19-12-67 Visakapattinam j
24-12-67 Vijayawada y Addresses will be furnished later.
26-12-67 Guntur
30-12-67 Gudur
1- 1-68 Madras.

Page Page
Truth will ever Prevail I Readers to Judge 35
Sathabisha and Uchishta l An Announcement 37
Sri K, S. Krishnamurti and Sri Subha Muhurtbam or Selection of
B. V. Raman 2 Auspicious Timings 39
No more doubts ; Traditional Tour Programme of Editor
Astrologer Anonymous Letters—Anxiety
Krishnamurti Padhdhati Poultry farm and Luck
Rejoinder; BluS without Stuff |[ Correct Time of Birth
Readers to Judge t Who is correct Undue Delay in Marriage; Why?
and who can assert? 16 Result of Examination : Success or
Rejoinder lo Shri Thiruvenkata- Failure? 51
charya's article " Random thoughts Rise in Career—When? 54
* on Astrology " published in pages Sadhe-Sati and success in Election 58
737 and 738 of the Astrological
Magazine, Bangalore 20 Information to Readers
Mr. Ojha's Article 22 M.A.R.I., Phalodi Branch
Readers to Note 24 Panchangam for October 1967
Letters to Editor 25. 34 Daily Guide for October 1967
General Life Reading—By an Ex- Position of Planets
perienced Traditional Hindu Astro- October 1967—Ephemeris
loger—who makes me known as new
entrant, ingenius etc. 26 % Monthly Prediction
We are born in this world with a But one should always try to help the
ission. We have to act on the higher poor with money, nude with dress, angry
instincts of senses, truth and divinity, people with prejudice with calm reaso-
rayers to God in any form are only ning after some tipie lapses, dull-witted by
iversal though different in sound and repeatedly coaching up and so on. Never
commit a mistake by not giving every one
to remember that we live in a his due but taking unfair course of action
which will ultimately prove to be undesir-
Throwing stones on others able as it will be ruthlessly exposed.
'will recoil on the same person. One's Honesty is longlived whereas others are
ight action is to keep one's character in like bubbles, the longevity of which is only
the midst of opposing forces. till it gets burst. One can maintain pres-
We have to remember that when temper . tige and honour only by honest and intel-
fails, calculation fails; when calculation ligent work.
.fails, reason has to fail; when reason This advice is to my students and to
fails', the judgment automatically fails; those who had been initiated by me Uch-
twhen judgment fails, we are accused of chisla Mahaganapathi who are, now, more
having committed a blunder or a crime. than two thousand, spread all over India.


Readers who read both Krishnamurti's dant for that query and then he erects a
Astrology and Athrishta and Shri B. V. horoscope for the moment of judgment
Raman's Astrological magazine have and offers prediction following strictly the
developed a curiosity to identify who rules framed by him scientifically. He
Shathabisha is as nowadays in some explains in detail so that even a dull wit-
context or the other he indirectly refers ted fellow can understand. He never
Krishnamurti by saying ingenious, new confuses nor contradicts in his exhaustive
entrant, self-styled Professor, Uchista like analysis and judgment. He attributes his
that. success to the Grace of Lord Uchishta.
Krishnamurti explains what Uchista is, No sage in India had commenced any
what He has done and what more He can work without praying their Ishta Devata.
do. Sathabisha has given his experience Krishnamurti says " Uchista has helped
and finding'' we have in India me in giving me correct intution, proper
men and women who predict on the basis guidance and a selective approach in the
of, numbers or prophesy on the basis of matter of prdgnastication. He has not
Uchishta or Ksudra mantra...1'. confounded me; HE has mot tlouded my
As Krishnamurti is always mentioning vision. Nor He created any opportunity
in Astrology and Athrishta about his to regret. But, above all, he has set me
devotion to Lord Uchishta, the reaiers on the correct path and with HIS Grace I
have no doubt that it refers none else have launched upon New theory which
other than 'Krishnamurti. The number has set the seal on the vague traditional
he takes from the consultants should not theory of prediction and opened the eyes
be mistaken as the base to use Numero- of the students and scholars of Astrology
logy. But he follows Horary Astrology. in the field of prediction. Is my method
The number is taken to locate the Ascen- not an innovation conforming to the basic
requirements of the traditional astrologers prevent me to pray for anything. So pra-
and at the same time breaking new ying God to have many more articles in
grounds? I feel that this is the beginning your magazine so that my students can
and what is more to follow in the field have a very healthy discussion and readers
of research in Astrology is His concern. come to know both Shri Krishnamurti
and Shri Raman." Now, see. Again an
Uchishta is in the form of an elephant attempt is made to verify and thereby
as He is Ganesh. An elephant carries out belittle Krishnamurti Padhdhati. The
the wish of one who adores it. But if one calculation is wrong. The explanation is
does mischief, it will see that the mischief confusing. Statements appear to be con-'
monger is crushed and perished. tradictory. Attempts miserably failed.
They have to regret for having furnished
Even in minor cases he has proved to be wrong chart and feel sorry for having not
One who is helpful to the devotee. For furnished the place of birth as long as the
example in Astrology and Athrishta in chart is used to ridicule the Padhdhati.
March 1967 issue the copy of the letter Now I say that though I gave the title to
written by Sri Krishnamurti while he was my theory as Krishnamurti Padhdhati,
on camp at Bombay on 13-2-67, was pub- yet it is honestly Uchishta Mahaganapathi
lished. It runs as follows: " None can Padhdhati.


What Mr. Raman has written to the Editor of " Astrology and
Athrishta " and what be has done is to be known to the readers.
Reply to the Editor, "Astrology & Athrishta" as soon as the
rejoinder to Mr. N. S. Kalyanam was received by Sri B. V. Raman
of Bangalore from K. S. K. (Camp Delhi).
Bangalore, 7-10-66. that while healthy criticism may contribute
Dear Sir, to stimulate interest in your methods,
such criticism should not be a factor of
We are writing this letter at the instance embarassment in your work.
of Sri B. V. Raman, who conveys to you Hence, if you so desire, with the publi-
his compliments for the good work you cation of your rejoinder in the December
have been doing for the propagation of issue, the topic will be closed with the
astrology. Editorial remark'that further correspon-
Sri B. V. Raman was on tour when Mr. dence will not be published, the matter
Kalyanam's and another article of a simi- being treated as closed
lar type were accepted for publication in
the Astrological Magazine by the Sub- (Sd.)
Editors in charge of selection of material. Manager
Its publication has resulted in our getting
a spate of letters both for and against for Reply from Sri K. S. Krishnamurti to
publication, including of course your re- Mr. B. V. Raman.
joinder. Sri B. V. Raman has instructed New Delhi,
our editorial section to withhold publica- October 13, 1966.
tion of any correspondence on this subject,
excepting your rejoinder, until your reply Dear Sir,
to this communication is received. I am directed by Sri K. S. Krishnamurti
Sri B. V. Raman has an open mind in to acknowledge your letter of the 7th
this matter. He is, however, of the view instant.
Mr. Krishnamurti sincerely appreciates
your sentiments and thanks you . for the
compliments for the notable work he is
engaged in, in propagating the real truth
in astrology. There is no doubt that you
will also have a share in bis mission.
When such is the case, be is a bit surprised
how valuable space is being consumed in
your magazine by articles which do not
lead the aspirant anywhere near the truth.
He is glad you have taken steps to correct Party given to Editor by office bearers of
the position and that you have instructed M.A.R. Institute (Madras), Hyderabad branch.
to stop forthwith the publication of unin-
formed criticism about Krishnamurti ton alongside, for the benefit of the
Padhdhati in your magazine. readers. To bim this would mean having
a really open mind in this matter and
For your information, a large number engender healthy desirable development
of letters condemning in severe terms the and growth of research in the finding of
articles of Mr. Kalyanam and ' Satbabi- truth.
sha' have been received by Mr. Krishna-
murti for publication in " Astrology and If it is your interest to see that the
Atbrisbta" and, reciprocating your science of Astrology is propagated on
gesture, he has issued, by trunk phone, correct lines, I am sure you would not
necessary instructions to stop publication permit to be published in your magazine
of these letters even though this has meant the articles decrying Krishnamurti Padb-
considerable monetary loss to bim inas- dbati in future without giving an opport-
much as it was an actual withdrawal of unity to Mr. Krishnamurti to have bis say
the printed matter in an advanced stage in the matter.
of publication. Mr. Krishnamurti welcomes healthy cri-
ticisms of bis methods i inasmuch as this
Mr. Krishnamurti agrees with you that would give him an opportunity to put
in the propagation of the science of astro- doubting Thomases wise. The need of
logy one should have an open mind un- the hour is to find out a method which
influenced by vested interests and fossili- would yield similar results in all cases and
sed thinking. No doubt, as you have not to barp on old traditional methods
correctly pointed out, articles like those which, to bis mind, are still incomplete
written by Mr. Kalyanam and ' Sathabi- and impracticable'and Krishnamurti is the
sba' do cause embarrassment to bim not only answer today.
merely because they present a distorted Mr. Krishnamurti takes this opportunity
version of Krishnamurti Padbdbati in the of thanking you once again for your con-
minds of those readers of the Astrological tinued interest in your work and send his
Magazine who do not have access to best wishes to you.
" Astrology and Atbrisbta " but more be- (Sd.),
cause tbey try to dissuade the other earnest
research workers who are groping in the Branch Manager.
dark in finding out the truth of the science Delhi.
of Astrology and attempt to damage the To K; S. Krishnamurti from Mr. B, V.
reputation of the author of a new finding. Raman.
Don't you think that it would have been Bangalore, IS-10-1966.
more proper and also useful to readers if
such ill-informed and basically incorrect Dear Sir,
articles are referred to Mr. Krishnamurti We have your letter of 13th October
for clarification and publish both the signed by Sri Baia and thank you for the
article and Mr. Krisbnamurti's clarifica- same.
As we wrote to you earlier, the Decem- that I am the only person in this world who
ber issue will carry your rejoiuder with gave such a meaning correctly to Gaja-
an editorial note. kesari Yoga (one yard growing beard).
There are a few points on which we People who know our previous correspon.
wish to make ourselves clear. dence ask " Has he sent a copy of Satha-
bisha's article to you? Did he get your
- As a humble worker in' the field of rejoinder as he had written in his letter ?
astrology for over three decades, Sri The fact is that I came to know of such
B. V. Raman is interested only in propaga- an article only through those people.
ting astrology on proper lines research
work such as you and other scholars have (If you would have sent to me in advance
been carrying on indeed evokes his appre- the fictitious Chart illustrated in Sathabi-
ciation, notwithstanding the fact he may sha's article, I would have opened the
or may not agree with some of your eyes of your editorial staff which does not
methods or approach. exclude yourself. 1 would have said that
The circumstances under which the two the horoscope taken by Sathabisha as
articles were published have been explained one of a living businessman is imaginary :
to you in our previous letter. The Astro- not real; So it amounts to throwing dust
logical Magazine is not intended to run in the eyes of the readers: because all the
down research work or damage one's readers will not take pains to verify the
reputation. One who is criticised is always correctness of the chart and prove that it
given 'ample opportunity to explain the is absurd, but take it as correct. God did
point of view aad dislodge the critic from not allow you to do. Why ? If you
his position. ■ would have sent Sathabisha's article and
I also give my reply, on seeing my rejoin-
Sri B. V. Raman's instructions to our der, it is likely that you would have
Editorial department are clear: (I) not stopped publishing the article of Satha-
to publish material which might create bisha and my rejoinder. It appeals to me
embarassment to you in your work and from the past experience that you would
(ii) to refer to you such articles as may have personally written to me and ended
deal critically with your methods so that the matter. My precious time in inter-;
you could give your clarifications also- preting and explosing the absurd chart
Sri B. V. Raman conveys to you his would have gone to waste. The readers
best wishes and appreciates the sentiments would not have come to know what
expressed by you! Sathabisha had written. It is Uchishta
Maha Ganapathi whom I bow who does all
(Sd.) these, giving an opportunity to prove
Manager. that it is not uncommon to publish for
Bombay, illustration imaginary horoscopes or wrong
13-2-67. horoscopes. Suppose one takes Bhavartha
Dear Sri Raman, Ralnakara of Ramanujachariar written in
English by you (recent edition) and the
' I take it that you had written letters to reader refers the horoscope of the person
me so that I may not publish anything said to be born on 28—29-8-1928 at 5-33
against you or Astrological Magazine. A.M. Lat. 16° 50' Long 5h. 3m. E(i.e. 75°
But you or your staff publish articles 45'E). He will put question within
trying to damage my reputation by mis- himself, " Is the horoscope correct?
representing my theory deliberately. I am Where are the planets especially Jupiter.
never embrassed by healthy criticism. He should note the position of planets—
Readers of my magazine and yours drew None can escape by saying that in that
my attemion at Madras, Hyderabad and page there was clerical error or printer's
Bombay and said that Sathabisha had devil. Why ? Because again the same
written an article against me in ' January date of birth for another example was
issue.' Because all these astrologers know taken and printed in the same book in
another page and committed the same request and expect you to publish my
mistakes. I do not have the book. I saw rejoinder in your magazine for 'Sathabisha'
years ago in a library. These pages would article in January issue. It may so
be near 45 and 80 in that book. It shows happen that you may go on tout and
that it is no wonder that your editorial your editorial staff may not publish mine.
staff (whom one expects to be more alert) I shall be happy if you, please, instruct
have published Sathabisha's article, with- them. None can prevent me to pray for
out verifying the charts just like in anything. . So praying God to have many
Bhavartha Ratnakara escaped them. more such articles in your magazine, so
Mr. Raman and Sathabisha with full that hereafter my students can have a
liberty can publish anything against me, very healthy discussion, and readers come
my method and my magazine. Readers' to know both Sri Krishnamurti and
eyes are being opened and they will Sri Raman.
ever be kept open by my students here- Yours truly,
after. As mentioned in your letter, I K. S. Krishnamurti.


(1) Difference between Traditional Simple Astrology does not need thous-
Astrology, Simple Astrology and Mecha- ands of slokas to be memorised and use
nical Astrology;— any of thera conveniently for that
Traditional Astrology is the Science moment. If 'Karak Bhava Nasaya' is
which involves days of calculation for quoted it is applicable to late Pandit
Hora, Drekkana, Navamsa Dwadasamsa Nehruji and not to late Surya Prakash
whose horoscopes are known to the readers
Trimsamsa Shadbhala, Ashtakavarga etc., of Astrological Magazine. Mars is in
and finally unable to give the exact nature 3 to both. Panditji had no brother. But
of event, time of event as there are many Surya Prakash was one of the many child-
alternatives, with much of flexibility and ren to his parents, having brothers.
further not useful to offer predictions in
cases of births within 10 minutes difference Mechanical Astrology needs no intui-
having the same rasi and Navamsa Chart tion. But one should know the requisites;
but depending oh intuition. If needed, the proper procedure to be followed
when time permits me, it will be discussed. systematically and scrupulously; study
If anybody objects, I will furnish such the instructions; then the mechanisms.
twin charts; let the learned persons
explain how to pick out
(a) who lives even today and who
(b) who is rich and who is poor, etc.
or at least give out a uniforin
method to judge.
Simple Astrology means one single
procedure in all cases for all problems
taking relevant houses, to each variety of
problems, finding out the significators and
predict the results correctly with courage
aud confidence and receive congratulatory
letters from the persons after the predic- Welcoming Editor at
tions have come true. Phalodi Railway Station.
will give the same result, whomsoever the Therefore, one should know, which
mechanic may be. planet denotes which colour ; which planet
is favourable: and suggest that colour.
(2) It seems that Sathabisba has How will be believe? So, tell him that bis
said that Astrology is not intended Tor wife or mother is wearing a particular
such cheap or ephemeral purposes like colour, at that time and let him verify
finding the colour of the saree to be worn after he returns home or by booking a
by one's mother or wife. Is there any trunk call, if she is away. It is not
advantage of doing such a research?" One yekshini, but science.
may ask. Sathabisba is ruled byRahuin
Saturn sign Aquarius. Its lord, Rabu, He who knows how to interpret, will
can never throw light as it has no matter. appreciate. It needs clear thinking,
imagination and shrewd intelligence to
My research mind is that analyse. Moon stands for imagination
(1) if I can predict the colour of the and clear thinking. Analytical study and
saree which one's mother or wife intelligence are signified by Mercury. In
will use at a time and either of my chart, Moon is exactly in the Ascen-
them or both will change the dant and Mercury is close to meridian.
. saree at another time, taking any So, I always do such successful experi-
number within 108 and using ments on minor affairs and apply'to major
Horary astrology which can be events; mostly I am very accurate.
verified at once, then if I come Though it may not look decent to write
correct always, I can make use of such articles, as a situation has arisen,
this system to find the colour of once, for the first and the last time, I have
the dress which the jocky who to clarify.
wins a race, will put on. Is it (3) A writer has said that " the
not scientific to select the winner Padhdhati has miserably failed in its
after successful experiments; application to all horoscopes"; (So he
(2) if one knows which colour is makes us understand that in some it comes
beneficial to one by judging the alright "added to this it makes confusion
ruling planets, one can prescribe worse confounded." How far he is
such colours to anybody to have correct?"
some santbi, reduction of evil There are many astrologers who unlearn
effect. what they learnt before and strictly nowa-
(This can happen only when lord of days follow only Krishnamurti Padhdhati.
9 or Jupiter aspects the planets ruling the They have offered, are offering and will
dasa and bhukti, then.) Suppose one is offer astoundingly accurate predictions.
lazy, lethargic and idle according to one's They have no confusion. They argue very
chart; if that person wants to suggest clearly. If one says that my system is
any remedy so .that be can be active and confusing', I can suggest that be learns
alert, suggest red colour; if one wants to more from my students and has bis
avoid accidents prescribe red paint; if one confused ideas clarified. Let him under-
suffers from small-pox leading to pustila- stand that people from Delhi, Bombay.
tion, suggest red colour, in which case there Kazipet, Warrangal, Cuddapab, Hydera-
will be speedy recovery and further, scars bad, Bbusawal etc., visited my place,
will not form and disfigure one. stayed with me in my residence, learnt
the subject most satisfactorily and aie
Suppose one is very violent and mentally opening branches of my Institute to have
he is deranged, suggest blue colour; for regular coaching of students and making
violent hysterical patient, suggest blue them useful astrologers by following
colour, i.e., blue paint to the walls of the Krishnamurti Padhdhati.
room, blue window curtain etc., if an
astrologer wants to improve, let him use Also let him read the unbiased opinion
green ink. of the Australian Astrologer, who bad
toured throughout the world, discussed Annual issue under the title " Hints or
with all known astrologers in each judging a horoscope" or so, his method
country. With OPEN MIND he said of judgment and predicted that the native
that he had visited Bangalore also, and was denied of marriage. Are we to follow
my system is supreme, convincing and his footstep? He actually got married
correct. I have taperecorded his findings on 6-6-62. I can understand that one may
and then published in My Magazine fail in one's prediction. But what I cannot
" Astrology and Athishta." Also other understand is the reprint of the same in
letters of appreciation from strangers all 1965 Annual Issue. Does it not amount to
over India and outside about my misleading the readers. Has the editor
Padhdhati may also be once more referred. taken pains to know whether the person is
(4) The writer of that article on October married or not ? Or has he at least men-
1966 Astrological magazine adds "I Iceep tioned that it is not verified ? What a
an open mind Yes. To him it is an open misguidance ! Does this writer expect me
mind. To me it appears that it is an to write theories like this or to take
attempt (like Antony) to impress upon fulfilled predictions and give the only one
the readers that his judgment is impartial method of procedure, argue and prove
and correct. But when I have gone that my Padhdhati is correct. Let readers
through the article, I say emphatically judge. In the above case, I predicted to
that he has not understood and used Mr. Seshadri that he would get married on
correctly the fundamentals, the house 6-6-62 and he invited me for the marriage
division and the sub which is essential for and introduced me to a few strangers as
Krishnamurti Padhdhati. Therefore the one who had given astoundingly accurate
readers may even think that it is not an result.
open mind but probably vacant mind as Therefore (1) which method is supreme
regards Krishnamurti sub-division, house (2) what does he expect of me ? Let him
division, etc. and hence his remark is clarify. Let me make it clear that I will
baseless. ever do like this, proving my Padhdhati
correct by taking the fulfilled predictions.
(5) He has also said "It is easy to
publish chart where success has been Mr. N. S. Kalyanam, the writer of the
achieved by applying this principle after article can write to me. I will publish
the event." Yes. I will even do only in with my remarks. Do you want me to
this manner. I want to teach, what publish such theories wherein it is said
method I followed and how it had come that Chavan and Ayub Khan will quit and
true. Not that, I do not fail in any. In Lai Bahadur will conduct the elections as
those cases, when I have no time, to apply
my method systematically and if they
expect the prediction in no time I may
fail. But I take it again in my leisure,
verify and feel happy that my Padhdhati
is correct, but in that haste one point
escaped my notice. I never hesitate to
publish my failure, under the title " Limi-
tation of the astrologer" and not limita-
tion of my Padhdhati.
Does he expect me to publish theoreti-
cally the various rules, symphosium on any
single point without giving my concluding
remarks or reprint the miserably failing
ones and. failed ones. Let readers be
informed that Mr. Surya Prakash, son of Jyotir Bushan Chhangani receiving
Mr. B. V. Raman published in 1961 instructions from the Editor
is predicted'in " Astrological Magazine," impression on those who have not gone
Bangalore. through my magazine. That is why, I
have sent a reply to Mr. B. V. Raman to
One may consider tbat it does not look publish in Astrological magazine. Whether
alright to publish against contemporaries. it appears there or not, a copy of it, I am
It will be advantageous to offer correct publishing. So also, if incorrect ones are
method, instruct and on a later dale at published and those who fail miserably
least inform whether the prediction has are wrongly boasted and he who comes
come true or not. correct is attacked, I emphatically assure
that I will reply suitably hereafter.
It is true. But suppose I keep quite.
Such articles will somehow create bad Toleration has a limit.

It is said that dogs bark, yef the caravan is always to give a number above 50.
goes on. So also readers of Astrology Accordingly, Mr. Krishnamurti visited the
and Athrishta are sure that Krishnamurti Delhi residence of an influential Member
will go on doing further researches and of Parliament, an industrialist of standing,
will never stop though there may be a friend of the M.P. from Calcutta and
articles like the one published in the another from Orissa were present at the
October 1966 issue of the Astrological time. Each wanted a few questions to be
Magazine (page 937). answered by Mr. Krishnamurti. They were
requested to give any number within 108
The learned gentleman who has contri- for each one of the questions. The numbers
buted the said article evidently tries to given were 3, 6, 16, 64, 9 and 22. After
disprove Krishnamurti Padhdhati without he gave out his predictions on the basis
understanding thoroughly what it is and of the numbers given by them,
how to apply it. Mr. Krishnamurti takes Mr. Krishnamurti read out to these
the examples of living people, explains his gentlemen the article referred to above
theory after his prediction is fulfilled and and explained his incorrect finding made
gives the addresses of the parties. He therein which is based purely on presump-
does not believe in theories divorced from tions and felt sorry that such statements
practice. He puts the theories constantly find a place in a magazine.
to rigorous test and proves the correct-
ness of his findings. Nay! Not even that. ' I saw a letter written by one Mr.
He wants to share the knowledge of his Seshadri from Madras addressed to Mr.
findings with all research-minded scholars Krishnamurti for publication. No doubt
and explains his Padhdhati in a most it is dated March 1966. It is said that late
convincing matter. Surya Prakash discussed the horoscope of
Mr. Seshadri and predicted that he
Mr. Krishnamurti wanted to test how Mr, Seshadri is denied of his marriage in
much experience the author of the article this life (1961 Annual Issue of the Astro-
in the Astrological Magazine possesses in logical Magazine; " Hints to judge a'
Horary Astrology and the correctness of horoscope"). Mr. Surya Prakash has
the presumption that the human tendency taken houses 2, 4, 7, 8 aud 12,and argued.
The horoscope is as under: The author of the article in question
would do better to give but his arguments,
Moon based on the orthodox method, how on
3un 4-51 Venus Lagna 11-5-1966 the girl got married. Let me
13-53 Mercury 8-41 26-11
7-57 suggest. When one gets married, there
will be two horoscopes, one of the husband
Kethu and the other of the bride. Let him
8-39 publish both the horoscopesand advance
Rasi his arguments in a convincing way. Let
Krishnamnrtiji prove according to his
Rahu method. Let the readers judge which is
8-39 fully baked. My opinion is that the
learned author of the article should not
make casual statements when he himself
Mars Jup- 28-35 Saturn has a lot more to learn about Krishna-
27-03 8-4€ (R) murti Padhdhati.
What readers expect is how to predict
correctly, what method is to be used and
Sun's position is wrongly printed. This how far predictions basad on the theory
is printer's mistake. Surya Prakash say come out correct. Precept and practice
that Jupiter aspects Mercury and Saturn must go together. Science is never static.
aspects the Ascendant in the above If in some cases the theory falls, there is a
horoscope in the same article. Can chance for a research worker to give out
any one explain whether it is an aspect the corrective to that system. There is no
according to the Hindu system or the use clinging to the same old methods
Western method? What- is theorb? Is which require modifications in many
not Hindu aspect counted from sign to respects. Krishnamurti caters to the need.
sign? Is it in Chaleeth? What sign is His method is clear, explanation lucid and
this ? If so, is it followed uniformly or application simple. If one is confused,
only when convenient and comes handy? what are we to say ? When a teacher
explains a problem, when many under-
Mr. Seshadri has mentioned in his letter stand and follow it and one student were
that he got married on the day (6-6-1962) to say that he is confused it only shows
exactly as predicted by Mr. Krishnamnrti, lack of understanding on his part arising
The person is now leading a very happy out of confusion in his mind. Does the
life with his wife, both of them earning. mistake lie with the teacher or with'the
One is employed in the Education Depart- student?
ment and the other in the Medical Depart-
m&it at Madras.
Mt. Krishnamurti did not publish this
letter so far, perhaps because he did not
want either to wound the feelings of the
living who speak very high of him or speak
ill of the.dead but I am afraid Krisbna-
murtiji may publish such letters in bis
possession and pointoutmiserable failures
and prove that bis theory is useful, simple
and correct and much superior to others
if articles of the kind published in the
October 1966 issue of the Astrological
Magazine continue to find places speaking
disparagingly of tested findings as half-
baked and so on. Editor taken to tbe V. P. M. Lecture Hall
I am sure the learned author of the contradictions making us more confused
article would not have hastily exhibited than when we started, Krishnamurti
his immaturity had he taken pains to read Padhdhati has come has a blessing in
various letters to Mr. Krishnamurti from disguise. I would go so far as to assert that
many intelligent readers, scholars in I have learnt much more clearly during
astrology with experience extending to the last three years since I took to reading
decades published in ' Astrology and of the magazine' Astrology and Athrishta-'
Athrishta ' now and then. Even laymen than all the knowledge I gained in my ten
had become useful astrologers by reading years study of all the available astrological
' Astrology and Athrishta' alone. Scientific tests and magazines. I had been a pessi-
minded as he is, Mr. Krishnamurti mist before that time but when I attempted
believes in discussing the horoscopes of using Krishnamurti Padhdhati I found
people coming to him with day-to-day myself greatly encouraged.
problems and not those who lived years
and years ago. The main reason is that Krishnamurti tries to improve and
even now persons say that their correct render astrology a pucca science by con-
time of birth is doubtful. When such is stant research. He will never make any
the fact, what is the use of discussing the attempts to discourage or dissuade the
horoscopes of those presuming some research minded scholars. He is rendering
moment as the time of birth and giving the science simple, scientific and mecha-
out predictions and then attributing nical. Unless the mechanic knows how
failures in predictions to probable wrong to operate the machines he will meet with
times of birth. What purpose does it accident and fail in his attempt. Mecha-
serve? What Krishnamurti requires to nical does not mean that no intelligence is
apply his theory is the exact cusp by needed. It needs proper systematic
knowing the exact time. He proves his procedure.
theory. There is no confusion at all so
far as we go- Let not the magazines indulge in decry-
I trust Mr. Krishnamurti may publish ing others. Let them .take a case, advance
the chart discussed by the late Surya their own argument and also apply
Prakash, son of Mr. B. V. Raman, in the Krishnamurti Padhdhati as is prescribed.
Annual Number of the 1961 Astrological Let anybody open the eye of others and let
Magazine and reprinted in the 1965 nobody make any attempt to throw mud on
Annual Number of the same magazine in other's eyes, e.g., reprinting the article
spite of the fact that the prediction bad written by Surya Prakash, son of
miserably failed. It would interest readers Mr. B. V. Raman which declared that a
to know how Mr. Krishnamurti predicted person will remain unmarried in 1961,
the date of marriage of the gentleman on whereas the person got married in 1962
6-6-1962 when the late Surya Prakash and again the same article is reproduced
had emphatically declared denial of in 196S annual issue as though the method
marital prospects and I have requested followed by him is to be learnt by
Krishnamurti to explain the basis of his others.
Therefore let the magazines give out
The readers, like me, who have been correct methods rather than try to attack
dabbling in books and magazines of erudite research scholars like Krishnamurti
astrological interest and found a lot of and his findings without understanding it.

(Who it ingenious? Krishnamurti or tarius and Mercury was in
Sathabisha!) Who throws mud on the Cancer.
eyes of the readers ? Who opens the eyes 2. 9-7-1908 to 14-7-1908. Mars
of the readers ? was with Jupiter in Cancer.
Half knowledge docs not serve any pur- 3. 30-10-1919 to 10-11-1919. Mars
pose ; It is dangerous. in Leo. Mercury in Scorpio.
One Sathabisha has written an article on 4. 1-10-1931 to 8-10-1931. Mercury
page 12, in January 1967 issue of the in Virgo, Mars in Libra.
Astrological Magazine, Bangalore that
Gajakesari Yoga does not fail to make It is impossible to enjoy Jupiter Dasa if
one popular, prosperous, etc., by quoting one is born after 13th September, 1943,
a sloka. Whereas I say, it is not a since Mars Dasa balance should be 6 years
guarantee, all do not enjoy—many expe- 8 months according to bim as Moon is
rience untold miseries.) shown in 24° in Capricorn; Rabu Dasa
I bad already said that if a person tries for 18 years is to follow. In 1943, when
to criticise me indirectly, he should follow Jupiter was in Cancer at 24°, Mars was in
my method and apply it properly; better Taurus and Mercury in Virgo. " As he
one does not exhibit bis ignorance and has written that the native is a business
make attempts to redicule others, in vain. man " it means that the person is living.
It is bad. In India, normally, people do not live
beyond 83. So I stopped with furnishing
What a pity! Sathabisha does not the position of Jupiter, Mars and Mer-
appear to have undersOTbd^my theory. cury in 1884. On 10-8-1884 Jupiter was in
But he tries to criticise and throw mud on 24° Cancer when Mars was in Virgo and
the eyes of the readers. Mercury in Leo. Thefollowing table will
The example horoscope (reproduced in at the first sight prove that Sathabisha
the next page in this magazine given by
bim on page 12 of January issue Astrolo-
gical Magazine) has led me to take it as
an imaginary and fictitious chart as the
time and place of birth are not given and
also all the planets are not shown in the
chart. I prove that there can be no birth in
the past 100 years having this chart and
so it amounts to make dearly an attempt
to speak ill of the really intelligent astro-
loger. Let me explain and show the posi-
tion of planets (Jupiter, Mars and Mer-
cury in the past 100 years). Jupiter was
near about and also in 24° Cancer on the
following periods. One can use any
ayanamsa between 1° and 360°. Position
of Mars and Mercury during those periods Spell-bound audience at Pbalodi-Rajastban
when Jupiter was in Cancer were:— being carried away by the oration of
the Editor when he explained the difference
1. 24-7-1896 to 29-7-1896. Mars between Krishnamurti Padhdhati
was in Aries and not, in Sagit- and other methods
has furnished an imaginary horoscope and
any layman can conclude from the tone Merc.
of his article and this fictitious that he is 24°
out and out to ridicule others and not to Jup. 24°
teach correct method on a true chart. It Furnished by Lagna
is not unlikely that a few readers of the .Sathabisha 27°
Astrological Magazine, Bangalore who also proved as
go through my magazine will agree with Moon fictitious
me and they may add that the article is 24°
not based on a correct chart which
amounts to bluff, when put in a mild tone. Mars '
(Now a very high official enters my room 18°
and suggests to give the position for 100
years. So I furnish in a tabular form for Where is Lagna? It is in 27° Cancer.
easy grasp.) Where'is Jupiter? It is in 24° Cancer.
Date Jupiter Mars at Mercury Where is Mercury? It is 24° Gemini.
in 24° Cancer that time at that time In which horoscope? In the imaginary
3- 9-1872 Cancer Leo horoscope furnished by Sathabisha. Even
10- 8-1884 Virgo Leo then, according to me a house commences
26- 7-1896 Aries Cancer in a cusp and ends in the next. Hence
12- 7-1908 Cancer Gemini Jupiter goes to I2th Bhaval Mercury
9-11-1919"] Leo Scorpio comes to 1 Ith house.
to I
11- 1-1920 )■ Virgo Scorpio 4 planet situated in a constellation
offers the results of that Bhava in which
& | Virgo Sagittarius
the lord of the constellation is posited.
27- 6-1920J Libra Cancer
This is very important and it is invariably
11-10-1931 Libra Virgo correct. Ever, I repeat this rule in each
7- 2-1932 Capricorn Capricorn example. How this person omitted to
5- 6-1932 Aries Taurus note this ruling is not understood. - So,
22- 9-1943 Taurus Virgo he is wrong, to start with. Mercury is in
March, April, Taurus Aquarius to the 11th house. Therefore planets in the
May 1944 to Cancer Aries and so constellation of those situated in the 11th
■ on. Mars was Bhava must necessarily offer brilliant
not in Sagit- results and the native must realise his
tarius. ambition. Therefore, Jupiter which gains
Anyhow let us take the example horos- strength because of exaltation—(I do not
cope as is furnished by Sathabishai the say that a planet becomes a benefic being
following is claimed to be the horoscope of exalted)—is in the constellation ' of
Mercury which is in the 1 Ith Bhava. So
! a businessman. Letmeexplain how such an it has to offer such results so that the
imaginary person has real Gajakesari person wh» may be born on a later date
Yoga. The method that will be used by will achieve his aim and fulfil his desire
me is only Krishnamurti Padhdhati, I as to a good extent.
the author, am sure that Sathabisha has
to learn more of Krishnamurti Padhdhati. Again look at the sub in which Jupiter
It is evident that he has not applied my is. It is in the sub of Mars which owns
method as he has not used the house divi- the 10(h house, which is in Sth Bhava.
sion as advised by me or the sub. Krish- 10th house indicates name, fame, reputa-
- . namurti Padhdhati demands that one must tions, honour, profession and prosperity.
use the sub to decide whether a planet will 5th house shows politics. Therefore,
prove to be beneficial or adverse and use Jupiter gives the results of Mercury in the
his advice to follow Western System of 11th house and sub of Mars (5 and 10). It
house division. promises a successful career.
Moon, the other planet which has to 12 months, at least 12 times Moon passed
cause Gajakesari Yoga is in the constella- in Makara, Kataka Lagna also would be
tion of Mars and sub of Mars. There- the lagna for many. Same Gajakesari
fore, when lord of lagna is in the cons- Yoga operated to all. Same Jupiter Dasa,
tellation of lord of 10 and ,s?ib of lord they could have had in between 25 and 41
of 10, it has to give most desirable results. years of age. Have they all become Mem-
Moon is in the 6th house. 6th Bhava is bers of Parliament? Have they all
evil to the opponent. Hence, 6th house is prospered ? No. Not at all. Then' one is
for victory over enemies, success in to find out to whom Gajakesari Yoga will
election, etc. In the Dasa of Jupiter who operate favourably so that they can have
is to give 11th house results during Moon's improvement and advancement and to
sub period what other results can one whom it is unfavourable making one a
have, except to thepopular and prosperous. beggar, growing one yard beard.
Similar situation will give exalted status
whether there is Gajakesari yoga or not. I reiterate
Moon in Virgo or Taurus 24 can cause
similar effects when there is no Gajakesari I have the charts of people living who
yoga. ad miserable life during Jupiter Dasa,
and in spite of having Gajakesari Yoga.
According to Western system, planets
near the cusp are very strong in producing What I say is this. On finding a Raj^
the results of that house. Nearness or Yoga, simply to say that one wil'
away'from the cusp is considered only for be lucky in their periods gives only
the strength. What Westerners call as enthusiasm and pleasure to the consultant
Cusp is Bhava-—Madhya for Hindus. So at that time. But actually, when that
both do not disagree in ascertaining the period runs, he suffers. So he asks
strength. But where a house begins and " What is this Gajakesari Yoga, Sunapha
where it ends are not the same for the Yoga etc.)" He adds " Krishnamurti's
Hindus and the Westerners. Every finding is convincing because he differenti-
scientist has formed his own opinion on ates between those who will enjoy (a very
the statistics collected by him. Mr. Bailey, poor percentage) and those who will suffer
Sathabisha etc., can follow Hindu method (majority) even though in all their horos-
of division of a house. Who objects? copes Gajakesari Yoga is present, follow-
But I say that if one is to apply Krishna- ing his Padhdhati "
murti Padhdhati he must follow the
division of house according to the Western
System, which is advised by me.

To the Readers:—
1. The moment one finds Gajakesari
Yoga do not predict that one will he
popular and prosperous during Jupiter
Dasa or Moon Dasa or in their conjoined
period. Why? Most of the people who
have this Yoga have suffered. None can
deny. Fact is a fact. Then what to do?
How to differentiate ? Yes! Look to the
lord of the constellation, find out where it
is posited. Whether it is in a favourable The gentleman with Gandhi Cap is the famous
bhava or elsewhere. Then judge. Jupiter astrologer Jiiotir Bushan
was exalted in that year of birth when this Mr. Cbbangani, M. A. (Litt,),
person was said to be born. In those Sahityacharya of Phalodi
(It will be proper and advantageous to
the readers, if the editor of that magazine Jupiter Venus
sends such articles .to me, have my re-
joinder and publish both in the same issue, Asc.
side by side. Otherwise it will mislead. Kethu,
If my rejoinder is not published does it Sun,
not amount to making attempts to ridicule Saturn
the correct theory without giving a chance Rahu Mexcoxy
to the author? People may take that such
will be done only by those who have vested
interest. People with open mind, let them Moon \ Mars
refer to me and publish both. I shall
also publish. People should be educated
and given the truth. No degree is furnished. So Krishna-
murti Padhdhati cannot be applied.
3. Mr. Morarji Desai. There is no GajakesSri Yoga. Yet he was
a Politician without even one Swakshetra
I had said that Mr. Morarji Desai planet.
entered into a good period on 27-10-1966 No exalted planet. But his position
and before elections are over he would be was exalted. Further Sun is in 12 to his
in the cabinet. Where have I said that he sign. Mercury in 12 to his sign Virgo,
would become a Premier ? I never men- Mars in 6 to his sign Aries, Moon in 6 to
tioned that he would become a Premier in his sign, Saturn in 6 to his sign Aquarius.
October 1966. (Read the ' current paper'— General rule—planets lose their strength to
my rejoinder to an article.) His is an give the results of those houses they own
incorrect statement. Sathabisha puts in and occupy 6 or 8 or 12 to them.
the brackets and says that he does not
deserve congratulations. / agree with him.
He has not come out successful in all his
predictions correct to the month. Also it
is not useful to mention that a girl will Rahu
not get married in a particular month as it Jupiter
was predicted by another astrologer. But
it is useful to predict giving scientific Sun,
explanation when one will get married or Mercury Kethu
whether one will ever remain unmarried;
What is the use of saying that something Moon, Venus Saturn Asc.
will! not happen-as predictedhy another Mars
- astrologer; but one should come out with
his prediction, offering scientific explana- There is Sakata Yoga. No Gajafcesari
tion whether it will happen at all ; and if Yoga. Lord of 8 Mars is conjoined with
so, when. T Then, I will be the first person Labhadhipathi Moon. Lord of 12 is con-
to congratulate him which is more joined with lord of lagna. Yet he was
valuable. in a high position. Again take general
rule. If Venus or Saturn has to cause
" Learn more of Krishnamurti Padhdhati yoga and if either is exalted, in their
and then show your talehi", is my advice mutual period one will beg alms. Look
; to-.- whomsoever tries to attack-the at the contradiction by the same author.
theory." If either of them own 6 or 8 or 12, if
they are mutually so posited they will do
Let us turn to pages 97 to 99 of the same good. If he is well off apply second rule.
issue of the Astrological Magazine- If he suffers, apply first rule. That is how
Politicians' charts are given: it is used. There is no single procedure.
This person is running from bis age of truth in my magazine " Astrology and
56, i.e. 1932. He had Saturn Dasa, Venus Athrishta" in January issue.
Bhukti as bis star was Utbrasbada I
quarter. Sun, Saturn,
Morciny Venus,
Sun, Venus. Jupiter,
Mezcnry Saturn Kethu Mars

Venus, I
Asc., Kethu
Moon, Obviously this horoscope is wrong due
to printer's mistake; when Rabu is in
Aries, Kethu cannot be in Scorpio.
Moon, ■ Venus.
Sun, Jupiter, I do not pass a remark. I point out the
Mercory Saturn Kethu Mars mistake. Rabu and Ketbu can never
occupy the two signs belonging to the
same planet as is shown here. Tbey are
180° away.
— All the charts given, show the political
power. All of them do not have Gajake-
sari Yoga. Neecha Grahas are many in
such politicians chart. Does this not
Asc.. disprove the general rule ?
What I say is that people born within 2
hours on the same day in the same sign as
These two charts are said to belong to 2 lagna and the planets remaining in the
cousin brothers. They are published in . same sign, enjoy different results. It is a
the Astrological Magazine January 1967 fact. So I did research. I have found
issue page 9B. If we apply the general but the truth. I teach to the learned and
principle that exalted planet should confer educated people with open mind who have
beneficial results, in chart 5, there is exal-'
ted sub ; lord of 10 is in 6 ; there is Nee-
chabanga Rajayoga, etc. According to
text-book rules, he should enjoy in full.
After all, what is he ? He is nothing ; no
education, no status, no income. But
taking chart 4 now, Bagyasthanadhipathi
Moon is Neecha (Mercury Neechabanga
Rajayoga). Mercury is neecha. Saturn is
neecha ; yet this person having lord of 1
in B was the Prime Minister of a State.
That is why, I prove that the general rule
that the exalted ones give you a lift,
debilitated ones obscure is not
universally correct but it fails in majority
of the cases. I published Sir C. P. Rama- Editor addressing the intellectual giants of
swami Iyer's chart to substantiate this Vallabh Vidhyanagar .
the desire to search for the truth and who As I have already told, now also I
are not jealous. All of them carry the repeat " I will go on. I will establish
research on the lines of Krishnamurti whatever I say following the only princi-
Padhdhati. I welcome constructive criti- ple which I have propounded after decades
cism applying my method correctly. of successful research. Whereas I am
"Please . hereafter do not commit mis- always willing • to well spend my time on
takes" is my advise. What is the use of healthy and constructive criticisms or
giving vent to one's feeling, without discussions. I cannot waste my time, nor
knowingKrishnamurtiPadhdhati incorrect come down to that level in petty and
lines and applying the same as directed by un-scientific discussions. I hope I will
him. To speak ill of another or other have no more occasion to write rejoinders
method without knowing will' reflect on to similar articles based on misleading,
that person's shallow knowledge and incomplete, incorrect and fictitious horos-
intentions. copes.


(Editor, Astrology and Athrishta, Madras.)
What is the matter and what is the fact? If he would have referred and if he was
Readers may assume mistakenly that not convinced with my rejoinder, then this
Sri B- V. Raman would have referred to publication means healthy and honest
me such of those articles which are used attempt to really verify my Padhdhati on
to verify Krishnamurti Padhdhati and correct horoscope and facts. But he did
after having received my rejoinder and not refer. So I had to write a rejoinder
satisfying himself he would have published in the March 1967 issue of the 'Astrology
these articles in his magazine "Astrologi- and Athrishta' at pages 34-36, and said
cal Magazine" as he wrote to me in his that there could not have been any birth
letter dated 19-10-1966 which is reproduced on the earth in the past 100 years having
here: Jupiter in Cancer 21 degrees. Mars in
Sagittarius, Moon in Capricorn and Mer-
"Shri B.V. Raman's instruction to cury in Gemini. This opened the eyes of
our editorial department are clear; the readers and Sri Raman had to express
(i) not to publish material which regret on a later date.
might create embarrassment to you The readers understood that though the
in your work and (ii) to refer t« Astrological Magazine calls me, mostly
you such articles as may deal indirectly, as a new entrant, ingenious
critically wilh your methods so that astrologer, self-styled professor, etc. I had
you could give your clarifications in fact proved to be more ingenious and
also." clever so that they cannot publish any
The fact is that no such reference had article which is wrong amounting to bluff
been made to me so far. and malign my Padhdhati. First he said
" He is a businessman." Later, he comes
What is the result ? out with the excuse that the person was
Readers may remember that in the born in a place near London 100 years
January 1967 issue of the Astrological ago. Who can verify the statement?
Magazine, at page 12, he published a What impression will readers carry? Has
horoscope marking only 4 planets and not Sathabisha's criticism published in
mentioned that the native of the horoscope the January 1967 issue of the Astrological
is a businessman. Magazine completely misled the readers
and has it not reflected on the tenability Rahu Dasa balance given by Sri N. S
of my theory? It is similar to one Kalyanam is 4 years, 8 months, 14 days.
smearing copper sulphate on my golden
vessel and call it copper whereas I have to Asc. Here
remove the dirt and show that never I 28-34 12-2
mislead nor I utter a wrong word. It has
-become a duty now to wash the dirty Saturn
linen and give a clean one. It pains me 4-50
much to do this job. Rahu
Again any blunder in the Astrological Sun. 5-30
Magazine ? Kethu 27 Venus
X-22 14-22
Sri Thiruvenkatacharya has tried to 29-38
verify my Padhdhati. He took the horos- Jup.
cope of the girl born at 43 Ghaties, Moon Ncp. 0-36
32j Vighaties on 28-7-1944 the same which M-55 2-2 Mars
Sri N. S. Kalyanam took as an example to 9-47
■ verify my Padhdhati and published in the .
same magazine in October 1966. The 5-31 Saturn
chart, as furnished by Sri Kalyanam, was Asc, 11-47
as follows:
Rahu 3-57
Sun 12-27
Lagna Saturn . Venus
Nirayana worked 21-19
out on this by me Mercury
Sun Kethu 6-36
Venus 3-57 Jup. 7-33
Rahu Mars
Jup. Moon
Kcthu Mcr. 18-52
The same chart has again been worked
Moon out by Sri Thiruvenkatacharya and the
dasa balance given is 1 year, 6 months and

Mercury Jup.


Lagna Mars Vote of thanks by Mr. Chaohan, Principal,

/ U. P, M. Vallabh Vidhyanagar at Kaira^
Mr. C. D. Desai presided.
17 days. The position of lagna according The correct chart is as follows. It is
to Sri Kalyanam is between 20 degrees and furnished so that readers can judge at first
, 23 Degrees, 20 minutes in Aries (Nirayana) sight and later work and verify.
and according to Sri Thiruvenkatacharya
.the Nirayana position of lagna is 5 degree
31 minutes in Aries. Both employ the
same chart for the purpose of verifying my Rahu
Padhdhati. I say. that when both the ' Jupiter Mars
charts are . furnished they omitted to
mention the place of.birth so that no one
can verify who is correct and who is wrong
and whether both are wrong. I thought
that the Astrological Magazine would Moon Dasa
furnish at least correct horoscopes- what- Balance
5—2—21 Sun,
ever be the Ayanamsa and mention what Moon Merc.,
Ayanamsa has been used. It is only after Lagna,
going through the article in January 1967 Venus
issue of the Astrological Magazine (page
12) that 1 found that it is not uncommon to Saturn,
find incorrect charts or statements in that Kethu
Then what did you do?
I wanted to verify and establish that
either Sri Raman or his staff will publish
absurd charts and. make use of the same
as examples. Dasa lord as given in Sri Raman's book
is wrong and the positions of the planets
Did you find any? absurd.
Not one. but many.
Can you furnish at least two instances?
Why not? Take "Bhavartha Ratna-
kara" published by Sri B. V. Raman Another instance. Bhavartha Ratnakara,
(Fourth edition). Oh God I Turn over page 95-Chart No. 24. Born on
pages 40 and 81.' .The horoscope of born 7-10-1896 at 3-20 a.m. Lat. 13 N; Long.
on 28-29-8-1928 at 5-33 A.M.Lat. 16-50 N; 77-35 E.
Long. 5 hours, 3 minutes E is given as :—
Chart No. 8 and chart No. 17.

Kethu Saturn
Sun Dasa Balance Moon Dasa
0—0—8 Balance
Sun, 6-6—14
Moon Lagna, Moon Rahu,
Mercury, , Lagna
Rahu Saturn • Jiipiter, Mars Mercury,
Venus Jupiter,
Correct chart; ring in the Astrological Magazine is
correct ? , No one minds about the views,
opinions, analysis, judgment, etc. of the
Mais contributors of articles to the Astrological
Magazine; But we expect all particulars
to erect a correct chart. No Editor can
Kethu say that be will publish incorrect charts.
Moon Dasa
balance . What is Krishnamurti Padhdhati ?
1 yr. 4 mths. 2 days (a) • Erection of the chart. Require-'
Rahu Lagna
Jupiter ments: Place of birth, time of
' birth in 1ST or LMT or in Gha-
Sun, ties and Vighaties, Raphael's
, Saturn, Mercury, Table of Houses; and Raphael's
Venus Moon Ephemeris for the year of birth.
According to Sri Krishnamurti, a house
Look at the balance of the dasa and the commences from one cusp and extends to
positions of the planets given in Sri the following cusp. The longitudewf the
Raman's publication. Horrible! houses will be different except to those
When such is the case, my advice to my born with sidereal time at the time of
critics would be that one should be perfect birth as 6 hours and the latitude of birth
in his thoughts, calculations, presentation, is between 14° and 18° North.
etc., before attempting to judge how
others are. Sri Krishnamurti says that the sign indi-
cates the strength of a planet posited
What do readers expect? therein. The lord of a house is that
(1) Why has not Sri Raman honoured planet which owns the sign on which the
cusp falls. The house denotes certain
his written commitment to refer to Sri affairs and the planets posited therein offer
Krishnamurti such articles as may deal the results signified by that house during
critically with his methods so that he can the period of the planets situated in the
give his clariScations also ? constellation of the occupants of the
(2) When the same example is taken house. If there is no planet in the cons-
and two widely divergent horoscopes are tellation of the occupant, then the occu-
published in the same magazine, is it pant himself gives the matters of the
not the duty of the Editor to say which house in its period, sub period, etc. When
is correct? Should he not furnish a house is unoccupied, the matters ruled
the place of birth so that the readers can by that house are offered by the planet
verify ? Where is the hurry ? Sri Krish- who is posited in the constellation of the
namurti would have opened the eyes of lord of the house, and if there is no such
every one. Then one can never defile nor planet then the lord of the house himself
malign Krishnamurti Padhdhati. If Sri offers these results, in its period or sub
Raman publishes such articles without period and also in the period or. sub period
referring them to Sri Krishnamurti, does of the planets conjoined with or aspected
it not amount to defiling, ridiculing his by any of the significators. Therefore,
Padhdhati by misleading the readers'! the nature of the result depends on the
(3) Can Sri Raman now at least pub- lord of the constellation and the source
lish the place of birth so that Sri Krishna- on the planet by its occupation and owner-
murti can prove that his statement and ship. The sign indicates the, strength,
Padhdhati are correct ? the planet the source, the lord of the
constellation the nature of the result and
(4) Does he expect readers to take for the sub lord whether the matter will
granted thatanythingand everythingappea- fructify or not, how it will proceed, when
it will culminate, whether the ultimate others should use the same and find out
result is favourable or not, etc. whether bis measurement is wrong of'not.
When many intelligent and qualified
I invite healthy.and intelligent criticism people within an open mind and ah ardent
on the basis of honest facts and correctly desire to know the truth bad verified in
calculated charts after thoroughly under- hundreds of instances and appreciate iny
standing Krisbnamurti Padhdhati and theory and call it a boon, I expect my
following strictly the method advocated critics who attempt to find fault with my
by bim. If Krisbnamurti measures with a methods to write to me to understand the
particular yard stick and gives a result. truth of my theory.
Rejoinder to Sbri Thiruvenkatacharya's article " Random thooghts on astrology
published in pages 737 and 738 of the Astrological Magazine, Bangalore
■The author recast the horoscope furnished by N. S. Kalyanam and published in
the Astrological magazine in October 1966 issue. None gave the place of birth. Look at
the difference in the erection of the chart for the same girl, said to be born at 43-32J Ch.
on 28-7-1944.
The following is the chart furnished by Shri N. S. Kalyanam :—

Lagna Saturn

Sun, Kcthu.
Venus, Moon
Rasi NavamSa
\ Jupiter,
Kcthu Mercury, Rahu

Sayana Chart presented by this author, Sbri Thiruvenkatacharysw.', as follows—

Asc. 28-34 Hers. 1 Asc. 5-31 Sat 11.47

Sat. 4-50 Rahu 3-57

Rahu 27 Sun 12-27
Vea 21.-19
Sayana Nirayanik worked
Sun 5-30 out on this by me Merc.
Kcthu Vcn 14-22 Kcthu Jup. 7-33
27-22 Merc 3.57 Mars
29-38 16-45
. Moon Nep. 2-02 Jup. 0-36 Moon
•11-55 Mars 9-47 18-52
Balance of Rabu Dasa given by Sbri 4 years 7 months and 10 days but not
Kalyanam is 4 years 8 months 14 days 1 year 6. months and 17 days.
and by Sbri Tbiruvenkatacbarya is I year Readers want the place of birth. Tbey
6 months 17 days. Both the ' authors took Mil erect a chart correctly and apply
this chart as an example to verify my Krisbnamurti Padbdbati ; also ask
Padbdbati. How can we say who is correct Krisbnamurti to explain. Readers feel that
and who is wrong as long as they have such incorrect charts, incomplete data,
not furnished the place of birth. To me it lack of thorough understanding of Krisbna-
is clear that both are wrong. ' Readers murti Padbdbati, ..never following his
expect at least correct chart when it is instructions strict!y, and trying to disprove
employed to verify or defile or malign or and ridjcule bis theory by publishing in a
ridicule Krisbnamurti Padbdbati. magazine without referring to bim is. the
Let us find out the place of birth from unfair attempt to malign and on a later
the chart furnished by Sbri Tbiruvenkata- date to regret when Krisbnamurti scienti-
cbarya as be has made me understand that fically explains and opens the - eyes of the
be is a mathematician knowing statistics readers who have the desire to know the
etc., but according to me be can be more truth.
careful in elementary Mathematics. Sbri' Tbiruvenkatacbarya has said that
Place of Birth :— the marriage was celebrated during Saturn
Dasa Mercury Bbukti Moon Antbra. But
Asc. 28-34 Aries; Meridian 22 Capri- Sbri Kalyanam said tbatit was celebrated in
corn. Saturn Dasa Saturn Bbukti. Readers may
Therefore Latitude can be 13-30 to 14-29 take it that the contention and the scienti-
North. fic finding of the author' of this article is
that the girl should get married only in
Time of^birtb and Longitude of the place: Saturn Mercury. If the correct calculation
shows that the marriage was in Saturn-
He said that. Sun was at five degrees Saturn, readers would. like to clarify
thirty minutes in Leo. (5t30) 28-7-44 at 12 whether she will get again married in
Noon Greenwich or 5-30 P.M^IjG.T. at Saturn Mercury.
Leo. 5-15-30 29-7-44 12 G.M.T. or 5-30 Incidentally I have to voice that the
P.M. I.S.T. Sun was at Leo at 6-12-51. readers wish that Sbri Tbiruvenkatacbarya
Therefore Sun can be at 5-30 Leo at explains clearly what he has said as it is
11-34 5 P.M. I.S.T. If 11-34 5 P.M. is to confusing and contradicting. He has said
be 43-32; Gbati after Sunrise in that loca- *' In this particular case the Moon is in
lity on that day then the LONGITUDE
should be 82 EAST.
Position of Moon :
If Sun is at 5-30 Leo where can Moon
be? On 28-7-44 at 5-30 P.M. I.S.T. Moon
was in Scorpio at 6-29-24 and on 29-7.44
in Scorpio at 18-56-1. Therefore Moon
should be only at 9-38-7. It can never be
in 11-55 as be has calculated.
Dasa Balance : If Sun is in 5-30 Leo,
Lagna 28-34 Aries and Meridian 22 Capri-
corn, Moon can be in 9-28-7 Scorpio.
Taking bis Ayanamsa 23-3 Nirayana posi-
tion of Moon would be 16-35-7. LIBRA:
Hence Rahu Dasa balance should be ■ Editor givoo send off &t phslodi
the 7th house with do effect on marriage." planets or what ? If a planet is in 29° in
According to his calculation Moon anthra Leo and the other is in^0 in Virgo, is it in
gave the marriage. He said " Marriage conjunction or not? Let readers judge
took place in Mercury—Moon" finally themselves.
though in the beginning he said The author of this article randon
" Marriage was celebrated during Saturn- thoughts and the editor of the-magazine
Mercury He argues " Mercury is in would be' pleasantly surprised to know
distant conjunction with Venus, lord of that the position of lagna, Meridian and
the 7th house. If Kirayana chart is con- Moon would be correct, though the posi-
sidered these arguments do not hold good." tion of Stln is different, if the girl would
Does be mean to say that a planet in close have been born in the middle pf the sea
conjunction or distant conjunction- is not 350 miles south of - Cuba in Atlantic
in conjunction in a Nirayana chart? Is, Ocean, One should be serious in writing
there any wall erected in the heavens to an article when it is intended to verify or
separate each sign ? Which is the crite- ridicule other theory and ABANDON
rion? The relative distance between two RANDOM THOUGHT.


(By your students.)
In an article appearing on page 761 in as many of us know, no literature has
the August 1967 issue of the Astrological been bequeathed to us wherein has been
Magazine published from Bangalore, the treated systematically the influence of a
author Sri Ojha says " If any one claims planet in a particular star, much less in
the authorship .of Nakshtra dispositor one of the sub-divisions of the star, as has
theory, I think the claim is thoroughly un- been developed by you. If Dasaratha has
tenable." Perhaps Sri Ojha's statement cryptically said in a sentence about the
is apparently an attack on your Padhdbati movement of-a planet in a particular star,
or the method of prediction advocated by how far does it benefit us? All right, even
you based pn the stellar theory. if it is accepted that the naksthatra dis-
positor theory is known all the world over
We have studied all the available litera- from the days of Lord Rama, is that all?
ture on Hindu and Western Astrology. Are we to console ourselves and leave at
We have also bad occasion to attend your that? Where is the literature descriptively
lectures-more than a hundred of them. delineating the influence of planets in the
We have thoroughly studied your works, 27 stars 7 Does a planet exert the same
- especially your useful book ' Krishnamurti influence whether it is in the beginning,
Padhdbati'. After going through Sri middle, or end of a star? Who else except
Ojha's article, we have no hesitation in you has dissected a constellation into nine
saying at once that Sri Ojha has not sub-divisions and explained how to deli-
understood even an iota of your theory neate the influence in the course of the
and has mistaken your Padhdbati for the planet's passage through each one of these
simple stsllarsystem of twenty-seven divi- nine sub-divisions? You have done
-sions of the Zodiac even about which our yeoman service to the cause of Astrology
ancients have -not dealt in any great in this respect. You have laid down
detail, so that such literature could be put elaborate, clear but simple rules to make
to good use for predictive purposes. use of each of these sub-divisions in their
Surely no one can • claim to have , under- application to every 'problem or question
_stood the stellar theory merely-Hronra confronting a consultant or to read all
quotation of a sloka or two in Ramayana aspects in one's life. One can divide a
where the movement of planets in certain sign into many subdivisions as one likes.
—stars has been casually mentioned. So far If is simple mathematics. How far will
that help us to read the various facts in a difference in the results experienced even
man's life if we do not possess the know- though a planet may be in the same sign,
ledge as to make use of such sub-divisions same star and same bhava but in different
in everybody's chart ? Where has it been subdivisions. This is a new finding and
said, in the case of sbasbtiamsa division entirely your own. You do not resort to
of a sign for example, that a particular the steller theory according to the demands
division shows a particular profession, of the occasion and conveniently forget it
diseases, etc. and whether such a division at other times as is usually done by the
can be used for Dasa Bbuktbi system and other exponents of the ancient Hindu
transit. Are such descriptive influences methods.
available for all the subdivisions of the Now, something about the miserably
Zodiac? Who uses such a division and failing rules about the star theory Sri
offers the prediction. Has Mr. OJHA made Ojba talks of: We are told that the lords of
use of stellar theory and sbasbtiamsa. naksbatras 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 offer beneficial
As against this, you have a clear-cut results whereas the lords of naksbatras 3,
thinking. You are emphatic in what you S and 7 counted from the birth star and
say, namely:— the Janma, Anujanma and Trijanma stars
and in the second and third pariyaya are
(1) The sign in which a planet is evil. Can this be universally applied?
posited shows the strength of the
planet. It is claimed that this rule is applicable
(2) The planet is the source of the to Dasa Bbukti system and also to tran-
result one enjoys or experiences. sits. On the face of it,'this rule appears
illogical. Most of us enter into service or
(3) The nature of the result is shown business, get married, have children, go
by the lord of the constellation overseasyfonstruct bouses, own cars, etc.,
according to this lord's occupa- only in/ne third dasa. To a majority of
tion and ownership of the the mortals, the third dasa comes in adult
bbavas. Such result fructifies age and they enjoy only at this time of
during the period and sub period their life. In the fourth dasa considered
of the planet which is posited in to be good, one finds the native falling ill,
its constellation. Thus a planet suffering from blood pressure. and
offers the results indicated by the diabetes, leaving service and incurring a
lord of the constellation occu- lot of expenditure to pay off debts, etc.
pied by it and not what the What a pitiable life be leads in the fourth
✓ planet has to give according to dasa!
/ the. bhava it occupies. The
' nature of the result depends on In the same way, during transits also, a
the constellation lord and the person is lucky when planets transit in the
source is shown by the planet. birth star or the 3rd or 3tb or 7tb stars
These rules are clear; there is no con- whereas one suffers in the course of the
fusion. In a short time these rules can be planet's transit in the other stars.. For
usefully'.'applied in transit system and example,' if one is born in Mesba lagna in
verified. Aswini star be gets married in the third
dasa of Sun, holds high position in the
In the face of all these, we fait to under- dasa of Mars. One born in Risbaba lagna
stand bow Sri Ojba passes an opinion in Robini star also gets appointed in the
that your Fadbdbati or the theory of third dasa of Rabu and dies in the fourth
advanced stellar' astrology is not a new dasa of Jupiter. One born in'Mitbuna
discovery. You bavenot divided a star into lagna in Mrigasirisba naksbatra gets
four parts or a sign into 60 parts of equal wealth during the third dasa of lupiter in
division and left at that. You have gone spite of Jupiter occupying a dusbstbana or
to the length of publishing what each sub- enemy's camp or eclipsed, by Sun's rays-
division indicates and brought out the How far does the rule bold good ? In the
same analogy, a person is seen to live sub period of tbe tenanted planet. The
happily in the fourth dasa of Saturn while lord of tbe sub shows whether tbe matter
we are told that Saturn Dasa if it happens is favourable or not during tbe period of
to be the fourth will 'bring suffering or tbe planet posited in its sub at the time of
even death. These rules are, at best, birth. Tbe same rule applies to tbe
general and cannot be universally , applied. planets in transit and.tbe lords of tbe sub
Then 100 other slokas are to be read along in tbe same star indicate bow the matter
with it. Even after all this elaborate progresses, proceeds and culminates. If
reading one remains perplexed and does tbe lord of tbe constellation indicates
not know bow to proceed and heaves a marriage, when a significator .transits in
sigh of relief by saying " Oh ! God." . We that constellation,, matters connected with,
see a person scoring a thumping victory in marriage will go especially when tbe dasa
the elections and getting into the high and bbukti favourable for marriage is also
office of the Deputy Prime Minister in the running. When it is in one sub, tbe
seventh dasa and at the time of taking negotiation starts. In tbe next sub, if it is
charge, there isAshtaina Sani, Jupiter in ■ unfavourable, tbe attempt fails. During
12 to Moon, Sun in S to Moon, etc. Even ' tbe time when tbe significator transits in
if one were to master all the rules relating tbe next favourable sub, tbe marriage is
to Asbtakavarga, gocbara and the dasa- fixed. When it moves in a sub, tbe lord
bbukti system, one cannot confidently of which is not connected with marriage,
make a prediction. We have to look for days pass on. When again the transiting
other facile methods so as to move planet comes to tbe sub of a planet pro-
forward. mising marriage, celebration takes place.
Tbe dasa and bbukti will cover a period of
We hope Sri Ojba and those of bis way 32 months. In that long period, tbe sub
of thinking will see reasoning in what we helps to pinpoint tbe time of marriage
say. and also explains tbe various stages lead-
ing to it. It is most scientific, very easy
According to you, the most vital point is to calculate and offers indeed, correct
the sub-division of each constellation. The judgment. In a similar mbnner, when a
lord of the sub'is the deciding factor. The law suit is proceeding in a law court, one
sub-lord may be beneficial in respect of can predict bow it will proceed,-when tbe
certain aspects in one's life and detrimen- bearings will go on and when they will be
tal in respect of other aspects. . The con- over, tbe time when judgment will' be
stellation lord offers what it has to give delivered and whether it will be favour-
- by occupation and ownership through the able or not etc. This rule is scientific and
planet tenanted in its constellation and is universally applicable. There is no
the result fructifies during the period and confusion, and no contradiction.

Tbe Editor prays Lord Ganesb that whomsoever studies Krisbnamurti Padbdbati
is blessed with Divine Grace for quick grasp, retentive power, reproductive ability,
exhaustive explanation and correct judgment.
Other books—Transit results. Horary Astrology, Dasa Biiktbi Palapala Nirayana,
Progression, Annual Horoscope, Mundane Astrology Epbemeries from 1911 to 1967
in which the daily position of all tbe planets in Sayana system and Table of House for
latitudes between 0° and 50°, etc., will be published in due course. Readers will be
informed as soon as these books are ready for despatch. No advance will be received
but those desirous may register their names.
General Life Reading—By an Experienced'Traditional
Hindu Astrologer—who makes me known as new
entrant,' ingenius etc.—has given the following
to a gentleman
The readings are based on the chart medium strength. The 8th lord Ravi is in
recast by us adopting the ayanamsa' of an inimical place stationed in lagna,
Prof. B. V. Raman and established astro- Though 8th lord disposition is good in
nomical constants. As such there is bound lagna, but be is spoilt otherwise since he
to be difference in respect of dasa balance, is closely eclipsed by Rahu and Kethu.
charts prepared by others. As such no No doubt two benefics Sukra and Budba
Correspondence on this score will be are also stationed there. This does not
entertained. add much to thestrength of ktblor.d Ravi,
First we shall determine the probable since both of them are separated by orbs
duration of life. of 19 degrees and they have moved to 12th.
house from lagna bhava. However 8th lord
Longevity is the occupant of Chandra's constellation
According to eminent Satyacharya and who is exalted and is having digits. Thus
Varabamihira the contemporary of the 8th lord is fairly well placed.'In the navam-
former, a good disposition of lagna and sa be is eclipsed, by Rahu-Kethu and
its lord, natural malefics like Kuja, Ravi, aspected by bitter enemy debilitated Sani,
Sani and Rahu in 3, 6, II and. natural Thus he is spoilt in amsa. Lord of lagna
beneScs like Sukra, Guru, Budba and who is incidentally the ayuskarka is exalt-
Poorna Chandra in 1, 4, 7, 10 or Kendras ed in 10th bouse. But he is involved in
and in 5 and 9 or in trines are necessary mutual opposition with another malefic
for good longevity. A powerful Guru in inimical Kuja. However, the evil nature
lagna or in trines can ward off many evils. is tempered to a good extent since the orb
8tb house is bouse of longevity and Sani of aspect of is separated by more than 15
is the ayus karka. degrees. However lord of lagna is debilit-
ated in navamsa. The lagna has no
Here the Sth house falls in simha since strength since malefic Kethu-Rabu and
.Makara lagna rises. The 8th is neither Ravi are all focussing their attention. The
aspected nor occupied by any planets good only angle occupied is lOtb bouse. Though
or bad. This is good. But malefics Kuja Sani is a malefic, still due to' bis lordship
and Sani in 3 and 9 from 8tb weakens over lagna, his presence in the 10th house
tbe bbava. However there is a powerful adds much to longevity. The above plane-
tspect' of natural benefic Guru on 8th tary group brings the native under Madb-
, house. This aspect is not fully potent yayu group or life between 33-75 years.
enough, as Guru is stationed in 12th
house besides owning that bouse. The 8th Markas
bouse in navamsa is afilicted since malefics Marka means death, marka lord means
Ketbu and Rahu are focussing their atten- death indicting lord. According to well-
tion on it. Further Sani who is neecba established rules, lords of 2 and 7 are
and .who has no neecbabanga is aspecting marka lords! Planets in association with
the 8th house. Thus the 8th bouse in navam- them or in those house's can act as markas.
sa is afflicted. Thus the 8th bouse is of Planets in association with the above lords
are more powerful than - the planets in The native will be the recipient of the
those bouses. 2nd is a powerful marka above yoga to a fairly good extent.
than the 7th. Lords of 6, 8 and .12 and (2) Adi Yoga. This yoga is formed
planets in association with them or in their when there are benefics in 6, 7, 8 from
bouses or constellations are secondary Moon or all of them in one bouse.'
determinants. Sani if by chance gets The results are trustworthy, luxurious,
marka powers be should be given first pre- wealthy, affluence and long-lived. Here
ference over others. though in sign positions, the planets are
The native will be having Sani Dasa not in the above position from the Moon,
from 27-7-77 to 27-7-1996 Sani is the from bbava all of them, viz., Budba,
lord of lagna and is lord of 2. He is Sukra, and Giuru are in 8tb from Moon
exalted in lOtb. From Chandra lagna be ' and hence the yoga is fully present. Of
is a yogakarka and is in 6tb bouse. He is all the three planets, the yoga caused by
in the constellation of bis enemy Guru who Gum seems to be more significant, since
is lord of I2tb and is in a12tb. Guru from the native is not likely to get Budba and
Chandra is in 8tb as lord of 8tb. In the Sukra Dasa. Guru from Chandra lagna is
navamsa Sani is the lord of 8tb and is lord of Utb bouse of gains and is in bis
neecba. So Sani can act as a marka. own bouse. Further be is in the constella-
Because of bis exaltation and lordship tion of Sukra though inimical, is still wel-
over lagnadbipathi, be can exercise bis come since he is lord of Chandra lagna and
marka powers by the fag end of bis dasa. is 8tb. The native is likely to realise the
The sub-lordship goes to Guru. Guru is fruits of the above yoga in the form of
lord of 12tb in 12 and from Chandra big income, enormous profits, and all
lagna be is lord of 8tb in 8th. In amsa be is round prosperity and more than that full
lord of 7tb aspected by 2nd lord Chandra. mental peace and satisfaction. The
Thus the sub period of Guru in Sani's results are likely to be realised when the
major Ipdriod is likely to be critical in second part of Gurudasa commences in
respect of life (15-12-93 to 27-6-96). the natives' horoscope (after June 1969
and this will be felt practically throughout
Raja Yogas his dasa lasting upto 27-7-77).
These are combinations indicating (3) Sasa Yoga. This is one of the
affluence and power. The mere presence five pancba-maba pursbua yogas which
of any number of combinations are not can lift a man from ordinary surroundings
enough, unless they are powerful and to pinnacle of glory a^rd affluence. This
operate at the appropriate time during yoga is said to be footed when sani is in a
lifetime. In the absence of the above kendra which should be bis own bouse or
requisites, the presence of such yogas exaltation place. The results are com-
according to the celebrated S_r---i;srya, manding servants, wealthy, bead of an
they are like moonlight to a blind man. organisation, questionable character. Here
The following important yogas which Sani is in lOtb which is Kendra and-is
afiect the vitality of the horoscope have exalted. Hence the yoga is present. The
been culled out. yoga lord Sani has got considerable
(I) Anpha Yoga. This yoga is said to strength due to the aspect.of Kuja in the
be formed when there are planets in the capacity of lltb lord of financial gains
12th bouse from Moon except Sun. The . and 4tb lord of estates and properties.
results are well-formed organs good The native will realise the above fruits in
appearance and self-respect. This yoga the form of expanding bis business consi-
does not make any reference to wealth and derably, involving huge expenditure and
material aspects. capital and make good returns. The yoga
is equally significant since from - its lord-
Here Kuja is in 12tb bouse from ship. However due to disposition of Sani
Chandra and as such the yoga is formed. in the constellation of Guru, there will be
Kuja is strongly placed in bis own bouse. breaks in yoga now and then in the form
of . litigations, labour troubles, unrest from an inimical place. The above
losses and lock-outs and other sorts of planetary disposition gives fairly good
troubles. Particularly in the sub periods health. But due to disposition of 6th lord
of Kethu, Rahu and in his own sub periods in 12th and affliction to lagna by Kethu-
. (27-7-77 to 30 7-80, 9-3-83 to 18-4-84, Ravi, the health causes ill now and then.
9-2-91 to 15-12-93). The other parts of Generally the health will be good. How-
Sani Dasa will be beneficial and the above ever seventh house and Ravi are afflicted.
results will be fully, realised. However, The 7th house has reference to kidneys
we do not want to make anycomments on pineal gland, ovaries etc. Rahu's disposi-
the moral aspects of the native, though tion causes inflammation and pain,
the yoga envisages about it- Kuja aspect- generally the native is liable to troubles
ing lagnadhipadhi gives high passions. like , hydrocele and gall bladder and
Rucfauka Yoga. This yoga is formed kidneys troubles. This will be reflected
when Kuja is present in the above place during Sani Dasa especially in his own sub
instead of Sani. This is also another period (27-7-77 to 30-7-80) and Rahu dasa
pancha maha pursha yoga. Since the in Guru Dasa also is likely to give troubles
native, has spent his Kuja Dasa in his (3-3-75 to 27-7-77). Ravi's affliction
childhood; the yoga adds only to the generally causes heart troubles and pain
strength of the horoscope. in the chest- As Ravi is closely influen-
ced by Kethu, the native as far as possible
Mental outlook and health should restrain himself in dealings with
females since lusture and bodily felicity is
The Moon rules over the mind. Here likely to fade away. As lagna suffers
Moon is becoming full and is exalted in affliction, in spite of 6th house and its lord
5th house of thinking. More so it is in a being well placed, the native will be liable
beneficial sign. This disposition gives to illness now and then.
him extraordinary sense of imagination,
perseverance, calm and collected, detached Relationship with Brothers and Sisters
outlook, not much concerned over reverses This aspect has to be studied from 3rd
or upsets in life. This gives good mental house and its lord. Here the 3rd falls in
faculties and thinking power, self-con- a benefic sign and the third lord himself
fidence and steady mind. But however is a benefic. In the navmsa the third lord
. such a Moon helps to keep clean mind is Ravi. The third lord Guru is with
without false inhibitions. Further he is natural benefic in bhava association.. This
given to much thinking and acting on generally gives him good-natured and
decisions taken after much of thought. kind-hearted brothers and sisters. The
He will generally have sense of fore- third lord Guru and lord of lagna are ene-
thought. However, the disposition of mies no doubt, but Sani is in the constel-
Ravi, in lagna with Kethu does not rule
out moments of upsets and set-backs some- lation of third lord. This generally gives'
times melancholic and oppressive. But cordial relationship with each other. But
. such set-backs are very short-lived. The however due to inimical nature of planets,
disposition of Moon in constellation of differences are likely which is inevitable
Ravi makes him peevish and short- in any family. Throughout the native is
likely to have good relationship with
tempered. But generally such tempers are them. The third lord disposition in his
not exhibited own house and lagna lord being stationed
The 6th house rules over health and its in lagna lord's constellation indicates that
lord has also a say in the matter. the native will be helpful to their brothers
Here 6th house falls in mithuna aspec- and sisters.
ted by the natural benefic Guru. The 6th Vehicles and landed properties
lord Budha is in I2th, and is in the con-
stellation of Ravi. In the navamsa 6th This aspect has to be studied from the
house is aspected by its own lord Kuja 4th house its lord, and karka for lands
addresses the students
at War an gal. Hanamkonda
and Kazipet

and Sukra the karka for vehicles. Here navamsa and Sth lord Sukra is with1 an
4th house falls in Mesha, 4th lord Kuja is impotent planet Budha, the native will
strongly entrenched in his own house. We have limited offspring and late begetting.
have seen that Kuja has caused Ruchuka As Sth house is influenced by female
yoga. He is aspected by benefic Guru and planet also, the native, will get children of
exalted lord of lagna. The above par both sexes. Neither Sth house nor its
excellant disposition of the factors indi- lord suffer much affliction, the children
cate that' the native will own lot of pro- will be obedient. However Sth' lord in
perties. Guru . and Sani dasa should 12th indicates loss of one child and few
prove fully beneficial in this respect. Due more still births.' -Sth lord Sukra and
to influence of 12th lord on 4th and its lagna lord are friends.. 7th lord stationed
lord, and mutual opposition between the in Sth ideates the mother's attachment
malefics Sani and Kuja, there will be to them, ""s^jjerally the children will be
troubles, litigations and lot of worry. much attached to them. Generally the
(9-6-69 to 27-7-77, 30-7-80 to 9-3-83, native will have nothing to worry on
' 18-4-84 to 18-6-87 to 30,-12-89.) Sukra account of progeny.
the karka for vehicles has caused adhi-
yoga and 4th lord is strongly disposed. Married Life
Sukra in 12th is a good disposition. Due This aspect has to be studied from the
to par excellent strength of Sasa-Ruchuka 7th house of marriage, its lord and
yogas the native will own fairly good Sukra.
number of vehicles.
Here 7th lord Chandra is exalted in Sth
Children Welfare house of love-affairs. 7th house though
This aspect has to be studied from the afflicted by Ravi-Kethu, and aspect of
Sth house, its lord and putrakarka Guru- Sani still the exaltation of Chandra is a
Here 5th falls in Vrishaba occupied by powerful actedote against the mischief
exalted Chandra-lord of 7th, Sth lord mongers, in the navamsa 7th lord Guru
Sukra though with malefic Kethu and is in a beneficial place aspected by hand-.
Ravi, is not actually influenced by them, some planet Chandra.
since they have moved to' 12th house, The above planetary disposition indi-
since Guru is in 12th and is Kanya cates a sort of pre-arranged marriage •
or partners known to each other before lord, Stb lord Sukra and third lord Ravi
marriage. is stationed there. From Chandra lagna
The wife will be beautiful, with 2nd bouse falls in Mitbuna aspected by
womenly outlook, good physical feature lltb lord and natural indicator of wealth
fair complexioned, modern outlook, lover Guru. Thus the 2nd bouse is well placed.
of comforts and fashion, generally good The 2nd lord is Sani who is also lord of
hearted mentally cool and collected. A lagna and is exalted in lOtb bouse giving
woman of forgiving disposition. Since rise to rucbuka and raja yoga. He is
7tb lord is strongly disposed the married . powerfully aspected by 11th lord of
life throughout will be happy and cordia- financial gains. The aspect as far as finan-
' lity will be maintained. cial considerations, concerned are wel-
come. Thus the 2nd lord gets highly
As there are no real afflictions or male- fortified.. But the only drawback. to
fic influences acting on 7tb bouse of . 2nd bouse is that its lord gets debilitated
marriage, we do hot propose to make fur- in amsa without the aspect of a benefic or
ther observations on this aspect. cancellation of debilitation. We shall
study this implication in the subsequent
Religious Outlook lines. In the navamsa the 2nd lord is
Religion implies faith and belief in in 10th giving rise to' another raja
God. Orthodoxy calls for sticking to yoga. Thus the 2nd lord is parexcel-
traditions and customs without faith in lantly, disposed. Further there is an
them or God, which will be due to force exchange of signs between Sani and Sukra,
of circumstances or fear of elders. This both being friends. However Sani suffers
aspect has to be studied from the 9th slightly due to bis disposition in the con-
bouse of religion, its lord karka for stellation of 12tb lord inimical Guru.
divinity Guru, karka for aetbeism Rabu, The lltb bouse of financial gains falls in
Sani—the planet of philosophy, Kethu— Vrischika aspected by 7th lord of business
final emancipator. Here 9tb lord Budba is who is highly exalted. From Chandra
in I2thbouseand9th bouse is free from the lagna lltb falls in Meena. Htb lord Kuja
affliction of otberplanets. 9ibIord Budba is in 4tb causing raja yoga and also
is with Guru removed from him by more Rucbuka yoga aspectad by 2nd lord Sani
than 10 degrees. This does not give him in exaltation. 2nd and lltb lord aspect
much belief in God and similar matters. each other mutually deriving much benefit
Generally be will have ordinary faith and from one another.
belief in God. By nature he is not ortho-
dox. From ' Chandra lagna 2nd lord has
caused adbi-yoga, in which lltb lord takes
Finance and Profession prominent part. Thus lltb bouse and its
Financial aspects have to be studied lord are again well disposed. 9tb bouse
from the 2nd bouse of general wealth of general luck falls in Kanya and 9tb lord
' and its lord, 11th lord of financial gains Budba gets digbala by virtue of bis presence
.atd its house, 9th house of general luck in lagna and be is in 12th and hence gets
jd its lord. Guru is the natural indicator blemished. But from Cbandra-Iagna 9th
jf wealth. Before adverting to financial lord-Sani, who is also lord of 1 Otb is exa-
-« factors, it should be born in mind that lted and hence gets fortified considerably.
the horoscope derives lot of vitality due In the navamsa 9tb lord is neecba and be is
to the presence of two pancba maba in lltb bouse. Thus we find that the
purusha yogas (Sasa and Rucbuka) which financial factors are well disposed and
assures all round prosperity. more so financial lords have taken part in
the fomentation of the two pancba maba
Here the 2nd bouse falls in Kumbha. purusha yogas. Such a strong disposition
The second is neither aspected nor of wealth factors indicate fabulous ear-
occupied. This is good. In the navamsa nings (in lakhs) and enormous gains.
the 2nd falls in Kataka aspected by lagna Generally the native will be very affluent
Editor and
Joint Editor of the
Telugu monthly magazine
Adfaruahtam " takes advice
and instructions from the
Editor. " Astrology &
Athrishta "

throughout his life. But the affliction The periods mentioned in respect of
which the financial houses suffer will be finances are likely to prove beneficial. in
experienced in the form of the native this regard.
dying penniless and loss of money in the
concluding part of his life. Money will
be squandered and wasted on all unworthy The native will have, labour' unrest,
attempts. Guru Dasa operating from 2nd strikes, lock-outs and reverses. But he
part of his phase to start on or after will be able to meet them with stiff resis-
9-6-1969 will give the above results parti- tence since 6th house and its lord are well
cularly in the sub periods of Chandra, placed. The native does not seem to have
Kuja 27-11-72 to 27-3-74, 27-3-74 to steady line of business.
3-3-75. Sani Dasa will give the full results
of the above yoga. However with^Tjc
advent of Rahu bukthi in Sani Dasa things The source of business is indicated by
will deteriorate and the native will lose
major portion of his wealth (15-12-93 on- planets influencing 10th house, its lord.
wards). The professional aspect has to Here 10th house is occupied by Sani—Sani
be studied from the 10th bouse and.its rules over labour, ' textile goods: .and
lord. Here the 10th house falls in Thula. machineries. Venus is lord of lOth.-
10th lord Sukra is in 12th. Sani, lord of Venus rules overdyes, nylon, silks,cinema
finance and lagna in exaltation is in lOtb field, publicity, good of luxury and beauty.
house. Thus the 10th house gets fortified The native is likely to fare well in case
considerably. From Chandra lagna lOth he starts manfacturing of colour dyes and
lord Sani is exalted.' We have seen that cinema line in the lines of distribution and
lOtb house is strengthened due to Sasa publicity. /
yoga formation by Sani. The factors are
well disposed with regard to profession.
This itself indicates that the native will It should be remembered that it .will be
expand his trade to various directidns. very diffictilt' td: pin-point out the'exact
Thel disposition of 10th lord in 12th profession. If attempts are put forward'
house is indicative of foreign business and consistent with the planetary directions,
tran'sablions. things are likely to shape better.
Horoscope casting Astronomicaf Data
rrKuja 6-31 Chandra
Date of birth 2-2-1925
Place of birth Bombay
Latitude of place 18 N 54 .Rahu
Longitude of place 72 E 54 Rasi
Time of birth 7-12 A.M. Lagna 18-10
Local Mean Time of Badba 0-58
birth' 6-33-36 hours.
Birth ghatis after Guru X. 29-10
sunrise 58'29 18-59 Sani 21-35
Sun's declination 16-52S
Equation of time plus 14 mts.
Sunrise local Mean-
time 6-37-52
Sunset Standard - Kuja Chandra
Time 5-36-08
GMT of birth 1.42 A.M.
Precessional equinox Rahu
or ayanamsa 21-21-33 Bhava
Sidereal Time 15-22-34 hours. Lagna
Cuspal correction Plus 13' 11" Ravi
Janma lagna Makara
Jamba rasi Vrishaba Sukra X Sani
Janma nakshtra KjlTikka-4

Balance of Ravi dasa 1 jr. 5 months

23 days. Chandra Sani Kuja Lagna

I. Constellational Positions
Ravi—Sravana—4, Chandra—Kritikka Rahu
•■^4, Kuja—Aswini—2, Budha—Uttara- Sukra
sbada—2, Sukra—Uttarashada—2, Guru
—Poorvashda—2, Sani—Viska—1, Rahu
■—Aslesha—2, Kethu—Sravana—4, Lagna Gum
II. Astakavarga

Ravi Chandra , Kuja Budha Sukra Guru Sani Total.

Mesha 5 2 2 4 4 4 3 24
Vrishaba 4 4 5 6 5 4 1 29
Mithuna 4 4 5 5 4 5 4 31
Kataka 5 5 3 3 3 4 2 25
Sim ha 3 4 2 4 7 1 4 25
Kanya 2 3 1 3 6 7 2 24
Thula 7 6 6 6 2 6 5 38
Vrichika 5 6 6 7 4 6 5 39
Dhanus 4 3 I 4 4 2 3 21
Makara 3 2 3 '5 4 6 3 26
Kumba 3 3 4 4 7' 3 25
Meena 3 7 4 3 5- 4 4 30
Total 48 49 39 ,54 52 56' 39 337

The numerical figures in the horizontal The numerical fighres in the vertical
row indicates the number of bindus con- row indicates the number of bindus or
tributed by each particular planet towards beneficial dots which a particular planet
a single house or sign. Planets contribut- contributes towards difierent'houses. The
ing less than four Bindus cause evil results maximum each planet starting from sun
during their dasas and bukthis. The total that can contribute is 48, 49, 39, 54, 52,
at the end. show the total bindus or benefi- 56, 39. If the astakavarga is correctly
cial dots which a house gets. Houses established the total on either side of the
getting less than 24 bindus cause miserable rows should give 337.

Rasi Hora karma Navamsa Dasamsa Thrimamsa

Ravi Makara Ravi Kanya Vrichika Kataka Meena Makara

Chandra Vrishaba Chandra Vrishaba Dhanus Meena Meena Kanya /
Kuja Mesha Ravi Mesha ■ Vrishaba' Vrishaba Mithuna Kumbha
Budha Makara Chandra Makara Kataka Makara Kanya Vrishaba
Sukra Makara Chandra Makara Kataka Makara Kanya Vrishaba
Guru Dhanus Chandra Mesha Mesha Kanya Mithuna Mithuna
Sani Thula Chandra Mithuna Meena Mesha Vrishaba Mithuna.

Rasi means 30 degrees of a sign in a Sapatamsa 1/7 or Rasi

zodiac. Navamsa 1/9 of Rasi
Hora is i rasi 'Dasamsa 1/10 of Rasi
Drekkanna 1/3 of Rasi Thrimamsa 1 /30 of Rasi-

Page 18. Book Mutortha or Electional ambiguous, vague and confusing princi-
astrology—author B. V.- Raman " should ples of which a few rules contradict the
_ the radical horoscope indicate ' several other few.
afflictions, no muhurta can ensure real
success. In fact, the strength of the birth Let us take the chart of a person and
chart may even prevent the person from find out his life reading. A wise astrologer
taking advantage of the propitious period- predicts the time of his marriage. He gets
Or at best, the chances of failure may be married at that time, not taking into con-
somewhat minimised. There is therefore sideration whether that moment will be
an important factor to be considered, viz., considered as auspicious or inauspicious
whether the birth chart is really so power- by the common astrologer. He leads a
fully afflicted as to offset the chances of pleasant life with wife.
success shown in the election chart."
Again refer page 12 in the same book Another person who is destined to lose
" what is meant by Muhurtha? How far his wife on the same evening of the date
is it superior to horoscopy ? These are of marriage, born in-a noble, rich and
important questions which we shall try to religious Vaishnavaite family consulted
answer in this chapter. Horoscopy reads the astrologers, selected the most auspi-
-what is indicated by the planetary posi- cious minute according to their calcu-
tion's at the time of birth being the resul- lations and celebrated the wedding exactly
tant of one's previous Karma. In other at that minute. What happened? Alas!
words, it has to do lonly with what one The bride took her seat in a car for pro-
has brought with him—the sum. total of cession in the evening on the same day
one's inheritance—physical, mental and and took one "Beeda." Instantly, she
material. Here we do nothing more than reported that her heart was paining and
read simply a technical letter as if it were collapsed at once. The marriage party
written in planetary and other symbols. attended her funeral.. The person is alive.
Muhurtha, on the other hand, is much He holds a good position in Police Depart-
more important. It gives valuable direc- ment in Madras. His horoscope shows
tions by following which the person will 2 wives and that the duration of the first
be enabled to remove, neutralise, counter- married life is very short. His horoscope
act or overcome the evils indicated by the shows that only at that minute he should,
horoscopic chart. Horoscopy is diagnos- get married and it also shows that the
tic. It merely points out the. ills but planetary position for the moment of his
prescribes no remedies. Muhurtha is marriage when compared with his chart
prescriptive as well as preventive. It tells' also indicates loss of wife suddenly and
how by undertaking ventures at auspicious shortly. Therefore whether you select a
times on£ can ward off the evils and time or not, you will have things done. at
ensure success." the time as is indicated by your chart which
may to the common principles followed
My Judgment: Neither one's will, nor by traditional astrologers as auspicious or
the muhurtha considered to be auspicious inauspicious.. I am of strong opinion,
by that astrologer who has not compared which is the truth, that the birth chart
one's birth chart and that of the auspi- shows when one can undertake to do a
cious Muhurtha; can to any extent thing: how its fate would be, etc. If a
modify, nullify or change the results indi- chart is erected for the moment of com-
cated in the horoscope if judged correctly mencement and studied along with the
by following accurate method of predic- birth chart, both will agree in full There
tion and forgetting, once for all, the can be and will be no difference at all.
Suppose 2 people born in Gemini function will take place. The horoscope
Ascendant one having Jupiter in 23° in erected for that moment and your chart
Mercury star Jupiter sub in Cancer and both will and must show the same result.
another having Saturn and Kethu in
Cancer (Rahu in Capricorn) fat 4°) in Therefore election of auspicious time or
Saturn's star and Saturn sub, start inde- Subha Muhurtha needs proper study.
pendently business when Moon is in Hence I have decided to give the various
Punarvasu 4th Pada in its own sign. The aspects to be learnt by the students.
lagna at the election tinie is considered by I can recommend any book as a text-
them as auspicious. The star is also book. But ho text-book brings out .the
favourable. (9th star—Anujanma in 9th truth clearly j offers explanation to my
sign) yet he who had Jupiter in Cancer, satisfaction and gives the author's single
Moon in Anuradha in birth chart prospered opinion and decision.
whereas the other person born in the same
Gemini, in Anuradha star (Moon) having As regards Muhurtha, generally one
Saturn and Kethu in Cancer, had to close should avoid Rahu-Kalam.'; It is consider-
the show, due to the non-co-operation of ed to be most inauspicious. It is said that
the staff, pilferage, loss, etc. no good work can be done during Rahu
Both displayed the signboard, did pooja Kalam. Those hours are as follows:
and opened the shop at the same time. 7-30 A.M. to 9 A.M. on Mondays
Both were born in the same lagna, rasi and 9-00 A.M. to 10-30 A.M. on Saturdays
nakshathra. What happened? The so- 10-30 A.M. to 12 Noon on Fridays
called auspicious moment had to be good
to one but proved to be very bad to the 12-00 Noon to 1-30 P.M. om Wednes-
other. Why? If you follow western days.
system, to one Moon progresses (lord of 2 1-30 P.M. to 3-00 P.M. on Thursdays
conjunction lord of 10) and ponjoins
Jupiter, whereas to the other Moon (lord 3-00 P.M. to 4-30 on Tuesday
of 2) conjoined with .lord of 8 and 9 4-30 P.M. to 6-00 P.M. on Sundays.
Saturn and the node Kethu.
Therefore, which is important ? Is it, This rule is observed only by the people
in Madras and Kerala. In other States in
not clear that the auspicious time is to be India, it is not known nor observed. They
selected taking the chart of the person have done good in these hours. Again
mainly and then noting the position of yama-kandam is not known to many
the planets at the auspicious time ? Hindus.
A question may be posed ? Suppose In some States, Tuesdays, Saturdays,
you p' ct that I should lose I ask you, New Moon days are avoided for marriage
who i" m to be wise or intelligent to etc. In some States they give preference
elect cAime? What will you do? I will only to these days.
give you this reply: Considering your
chart, say, 8-30 A.M. on a particular day . ' Varjitham' is followed by some where-
is good to start but I have to add that as some do not know and observe. In
considering your chart, you can't open India itself, Hindus follow various rules.
them. You will announce that at 8-30
there will be the function. A minister may Which is to be followed ? what are the
agree to open it. You will be ready. But effects ? All these will be explained in my
the minister, will arrive late and at the book Glectional astrology or Subha-
time, which will be adverse alone, the muhurtham.

Astrology is a divine science which is who alone gives us this birth, selects a
used to find out the various results which particular couple and the locality. He
one will enjoy or which one has to face alone knows what birth one is given. He
(a) as indicated by the position of executes the order passed by him (impar-
the zodiac rising in the east at the tially) without any change. God knows
time of birth for that locality as the past, the present and the future. He
well as the situation of the takes into consideration everything. And
planets in the zodiac or it is the Maya and His Leela that we are
born many a time and we enjoy or suffer
(b) as indicated by the ascendant a1 in each life depending on the Karma done
the moment of the commence- by us. Therefore whatever we have in this
ment of any action or at the birth, it is due to the past Karma and the
moment of committing any job judgment based on that. Hence Destiny
and the position of the planets is an unalterable one as none can Change
in the Zodiac. the previous Karma which was once for all
Karma and Destiny done and finished. God also cannot
change. Therefore, destiny is to run its
We say that "Man Proposes and God course without any modification. So,
Disposes." It clearly shows that we make there is no room for free-will to play. One
all efforts to gain our objects at our ignorant of astrology, can attribute bis
desired time. But neither the ultimate success to bis will; When something bap-
result, the interim hindrances, obstacles pens against bis expectations, then be cor-
and impediments nor the time of materia- rects himself.
lisation and enjoyment of such results are Once a poor paid person in 1951 appro-
in our bands. 1 declare that one who ached me to have bis reading for the next
gives much importance to one's self and two years. He got married in 1949 : His
has egoism attributes one's success to wife gave birth to a girl in 10 months and
bis will and efforts. But only when, in within 1 year she bad a second daughter.
spite of all bis efforts, be meets with
disappointment, , he thinks of ' Fate, * On bearing that even the second delivery
'Destiny' etc. The honest truth is that was female child, he was depressed and
none can dodge or hood wink one's fate. his spirits were down. So, he approached
Whether one wants or not, whether one the astrologer. In a few days, he was
makes attempts or not, if one is destined transferred to a city. Due to difficulty in
to enjoy, he enjoys. If destiny is other- getting an accommodation for bis family
wise, he can never modify nor multiply the and mostly due to the fear that be might
fate. It will work according to Divine have a third child in 1952, be used bis will
Plan and kept his wife in his father-in-law's
place. After 14 months be got an accom-
Destiny unalterable modation. His wife joined him. In the
Divine plan was planned long, long ago. next 10 months, she delivered twins as
The action of a living being in the pre- though God compensated for the last
vious birth and the meritorious deed to be year.
done in this birth to modify one's evil Again be was retransferred to the parent
results are fully considered and a judgment department. After bis arrival at Madras,
' is passed. Thereafter by the Almighty be came to me and wanted to have bis
reading. From the planetary position at property, will say that Che machine is
the moment of his query and his request likely to work as it was used by parents
. to have the reading of the past 2 years in previous generations. He who knows
made me feel that he wanted to test. So the mechanism thoroughly well, uses it
I asked him to note the important events. and says that the instrument needed some
He narrated the above story. -When I adjustment and that after so adjusting he
took from the file, his reading already uses it for the benefit of all.
written and kept inside, he was in a hurry. Similarly, T am sure that those who
I handed over to him saying that at the cannot predict any event . mentioning
time I started writing his chart, Venus clearly the nature of event and precisely
Dasa Ketbu Bhukti started. So he will be the time of event, will give many alterna-
separated from the family. Then he will tives and say that Astrology is a science of
have reunion after 14 months. During tendencies. If it is to show only the
Sun Dasa Mars Bhukti he will have twins tendency, then Astrology has no place
bom as Sun and Mars were in Gemini at at all. Nobody wants astrology. Its use
the time of his birth on 27-6-1923 (Mars is nil. If one offers a perdiction, saying
25° 22' and Sun 12° 7' Gemini). His that it shows the tendency, clients will
star was Jyeshta. Mercury Dasa balance take that it is nothing but a guess-work.
was 2 years 2 months.— It is similar to a child predicting to its
When he found that the prediction given own expectant mother that he will have a
according to the astrological science is younger boy, born. ' He knows that the
actually what he had experienced, he said mother is on the family way. A child is
"Sir, I thought that I sent my wife home expected. If it comes true is he. an astro-
due to my strong will to avoid another loger ? What is the principle used ? Can
child in 1952 ; but never I expected a twin be give any reasoning? Such a child
birth: whenever I think of God.-l.oray alone can say that Astrology is a science
that I should have no more child. I also of tendencies. Those who use only the
Try. Yet, the revengeful God gave me a traditional system without any advance-
. twin." ment and divine grace have to select in the
Let me pose this question. Which is alternatives.
it that is in one's hands. Can he make a I have predicted unimaginable nature of
choice of,' ther or mother or nationality events and the time of events correctly by
before hi 1 irth and so, be born ? All, applying Krishnamurti Padhdhati. It is
out of the . ;norance of the divine plan not that I do not fail. I do fail in such
revealed, b/Astrology attribute to one's instances where I had not been given the
will as long as they achieve their objects adequate time to use my method properly
as they aim and only when everything and systematically. But Krishnamurti
goes against, they realise ; they may or Padhdhati never fails and it will never fail.
may not openly give expression for the Those who have understood Krishnamurti
correction they have made. Padhdhathi say that Astrology is a science
throwing light on the dark future which
Astrology is a Science can never be altered by anybody including
Therefore one can never change the God and this science does not show the
karma done in the previous birth. So tendency but clearly indicates the actual'
God cannot change the fate. The happenings. Planets indicate. They do
Science to reveal it is only Astrology. not dictate. Destiny caused by Karma
Therefore Astrology is a pucca science dictates. Astrology reads the destiny.
which, will pinpoint the nature of event
and the time of event which had happened Data available—incomplete:—
and which are to happen. Anyone who has studied only Hindu
He who dees not knovt^ how to use an system of predictive astrology, has to
machinery received /is an inherited work out the Shadbaia, the Ashtaka
The regular students of Warangal. Hanamkonda and Kazipct

Varga, the various Charts Hora, clear water, you boldly declare the truth
Drekkana, Saptbamamsa, Dwadasamsa, Those who follow the Hindu System
etc. and spend days after days for alone cannot predict the diametrically
such a confusing and cumbersome cal- opposite results of 2 persons born to the
culations, and at the time when be is same mother at the same Longitude
to predict, be turns over the pages many a and Latitude with a difference of 3
time; even after such calculations and minutes in their birth time. One of the
attempts be has to depend on bis intuition, twins was kidnapped by a boy, in July
guess and at last gives a prediction with 1967 whereas the other remains at borne
many probabilities which a lay man with unmarried. The parents approached me
ordinary common sense can say. They and showed the horoscopes. The Lagna
do not know any simple and clear method is in the same sign and star. The diffe-
of prediction to portray the events accu- rence in the position of the Lagna in the
rately. They could have studied the zodiac is only 0°—45'. The Navamsa
system which has many contradictions in Lagna and the navamsa sign occupied by
its dicta and which confuses the students. the planets remain the same. In all the
If the Hindu System can be compared to maps (Hora, Drekkana etc.). they are
storm water—a muddy one—Krisbnamurti shown in the same position. Asbtaka
Fadbdbati is the filtered water of the Varga remains the same. Ududasa is the
storm ' water and further sterilised. same. Gocbara also is same. If these
So it is clear and pure. When you see the two charts are shown to the traditional
bottom of a pond through muddy water, astrologers, they have no science to prove
bow can you see clearly the material at its that one will run away and get married
bottom. But when you see through the whereas the other will stay'at borne
singly without the company. Even after the research worker keep silent without
the astrologer is informed, be cannot opening the eyes.of the readers? If he
produce a rule. Such astrologers have no were to point out does it amount to dis-
other go except to call Astrology as a respecting them. Or, do people want such
science of tendencies. But he who studies incorrect ancient authors to be worship-
and masters Krishnamurti Padhdhati and ped, saying that they can never go wrong?
the intellectuals will not accept such a I am sure, he who is to make money or
statement but prove that it is a pucca lead his life, by using only those methods
science after thoroughly mastering Krish- handed over to them and he who is really
namurti Padhdhati. They will add that afraid of accepting the failures- in the
wise people will say that one's free will system (because—if they point out the
cannot, to any extent modify the fate. mistakes they will be asked to explain
Also they will agree in saying that Astro- which other system they follow—and they
logy has no place and no use If one can have no other method—so they have to
change one's fate. Ignorance of the real necessarily say that every word of our
truth, lack of intelligent and successful sages must come true. They were Rishis
research and intuition, repetition of the etc.), because who will approach one who
words of different writers and taking shelter knows only the method which fails mise-
under their wings are the real facts to call rably in many cases—in majority of the
that the planets indicate the tendencies. I cases. Such methods are inapplicable.
do not disrespect the elders, especially the Especially in cases where the Lagna and
departed souls. I respect our sages much position of planets in rasi and Navamasa
more than what others can do. A person remain the same.
has great respect to his father, grandfather This is the main reason to say "Planets
and elder brother. All of them ai- audi- Portray Probabilities". No: But I say
tors. Father and Grandfather do not ag;c» " Planets promise a particular event at a
in the accounts. Their figures differ. Particular Time.
The elder brother understands both their
workings and he tries to follow both of Hence one should first take the muddy
them. He is confused. He knows that water, filter and then render it bacteria-
there is mistake. But he simply calls free. I tell you if you use muddy water,
that his e' rs cannot commit a mistake. you will suffer from Dysentery. If you use
Younger ' 'ther finds that all the three, the crystal clear ' steriled water, both
give absolt ly different findings and they bacteria free and poison free you never
do not agrt£ with each other. Actually, suffer.
everyone is wrong." They have caused So you study the Hindu System Under-
confusion. So he works and comes out stand the fundamentals. Then you build
correctly. That he is correct is declared up. Honest fact is that the material
by intellectuals with open mind. What is available is incomplete and confusing.
wrong in saying that the elders were not Research is necessary. I do not want you
correct? Is it a crime? So also, consider to study Krishnamurti Padhdhati alone.
the sages. How many Sidhanthas are Read everything. At last you will know.
there? All are given by our sages. If Take the selection of auspicious time to
one wants" to know the position of start a work.
Moon for any single moment and calcu-
late, following each Sidhanta, he gets What does the purohit or an astrologer
different position. The time is the same. ask you? Your birth star i.e., the position
The Moon is also the same Moon. But of Moon at the time of your birth. Then
the position calculated and found is certain rules are given by sages. He
different? Is it not a fact? So, are all those applies and picks up a time using an
sages correct? Then who is correct and almanac. (Again, varieties of almanac.)
• who is wrong? Of the IS, if at all one The astrologer does not take the full
alone can be correct, when there are IS horoscope, note the exact position of the
different answers. How can one expect Ascendant and that of the various planets.
Not only the dicta is- incomplete, but also and in 1942, the husband died during wai
some of the astrologers do an imperfect time.
work. Probably, they are to learn more. Other couple got divorced. Regarding
Then what is to be done ? One must take the third couple, the girl died at the time
the position of planets for the moment , to of the delivery of the first child while
be selected and find out how they will
react with the position of the planets and young.
the ascendant of the consultant. Other- . The fourth couple are living and they
wise the same moment may be good for a want to adopt a child as she never
few and will necessarily be evil for the conceived.
Other^few. ' The fifth couple is myself and my wife.
3 people have to compete. They con- We have 3 boys and 3 girls and we lead a
sult the astrologers to find out an auspi- happy life.
cious time to file the nomination paper. If the auspicious time can change one's
All the astrologers decide a particular evil period or if that time has to bring out
moment. The election officer receives all only one result, how can one explain and
the 3 papers at the same time. The elec- justify the above different results. (The
tion is held on a later date. These 3 marriage was celebrated in a village in
people insert their vote at the same Tanjore District, j
moment, each in his own boy. Only one
wins. The other loses and the third loses It is not correct to say that an idiot will
both the election and the deposit. Does it pass an examination with credit if he
not show that the time selected should be remits the examination fees at an auspi-
after comparing the position of the cious time selected by considering only the
planets at that moment and their position day, the thitbi, the star, the yoga etc., or
in every individual's chart and then say if he leaves the house at a propitious time,
both.- What are they ? Sir, according to or fills up his pen with ink at such a
our system, a particular moment is good. lucky time or' purchases the paper to
But the same moment is actually good to answer at the so-called fortunate minute
the winner and adverse to the other two, without judging his chart When one is
according to birth charts. to fail according to one's horoscope, how
The passengers in a special train leave can this good time change his fate. No
the starting station at the most auspicious person with common sense and real
moment. The time of starting is the same astrological science will agree.
for all of the pilgrims. Sometime later, a Also, if a person is destined not .to
buflalo crosses the line and the driver have any child, even if he has union only
has to apply the sudden break. A few on the auspicious moments, can he get
roll down from the upper berth, and have any? How? If any one were to. say that
the fracture of the bones. A few knock the horoscope shows no child, but he has
their heads and get injured. A few escape. got a child as he advised him to unite at
Then, do these depend on the moment the auspicious moments selected t by him,
when the train started or it is due to the are we not wise enough to come to the
favourable and unfavourable aspects conclusion, that the astrologer applied
between the transitting planets and those such failing methods and declared thathe
in the radical chart. would have no child and then when a child
When Sharada Bill was about to be is born, be attributes the result to the time
introduced in 1930 we had our marriage of union.
celebrated in the same sandal on the same The so-called auspicious time selected
day. The moment of Mangalyadharanam by the computers of almanacs or by the
was also the same to all of us. We were astrologers without referring to one's
five couples—all cousins. horoscope, is useless. It may or
One of the couples went' to Singapore may not be beneficial to him. No doubt
the moment is auspicious. But it is chases a lottery ticket during Rahu-KalIam
not good to all. Food for one is (one chief accounts officer actually pur-
poison for the other. A person wants to chased the Government Prize Bond during
make a purchase. He notes the auspi- Rahu-kalam. He had won the prize. His.
cious time. He does it at the same chart was already published—Now what
moment. He finds that he has given away are we to say ? Are we to generalise that
by mistake a ten rupee the new note in Rahu-kalam will do good. So all these
place, a one-rupee old note—when he general rules alone should not be taken for
came home of the child fired a cracker and judgment without considering the future of
the new clothe caugh t fire. What is it? the person.. • If the person is to. lose, he
Are we hot to consider the chart of the will do it at the most inauspicuous time
individual also. If that astrologer is to his chart whereas traditional astrologers
asked, mentioning all these facts, he has may quote slokas to establish that, accor- ,
nothing to answer to this person, .but he ding to their principles, it is auspicious.
will congratulate theshopkeeper by saying
that it was he who sent the customer at Misfortune cannot be overcome by so
that time.' Oh. God ! Such cannot con- selecting a time.
tinue to exist. Time is. come when the'
eyes will be opened of those who blindly Truth is that everyone will do a thing
follow a system without further consider- at the moment indicated in his birth chart
ing other factors. We should calmly (whether it-is classified as auspicious or
think; dur conscience must be satisfied not by the following only''-ihe principles
before mentioning anything or before of selecting an opportune tak. 'igonly star,
advising anybody. • thithi, yoga etc.,) and this will lie revealed
Destiny will run its course. when one studies the horoscopes erected
Neither ou' will nor God nor auspi- for the moment of his birth and for the
cious time cr hange one's events in life. moment of the commencement of a work.
2 brothers execute partition at the same
Fortune if indicated in one's chart, moment. One prospers. The other
must be enjoyed, even if the person pur- suffers. Why? Events are predetermined.

The horoscope, of the individual is as denotes the individual. The 7th house
follows:— shows such a petition writer. '3rd house
( indicates correspondence. So this is the
Sun 8-51 Ven 21-25 Sat 3rd house counted from the 7th house,
Jup 16-19 16-58 if the letter is written to somebody else
and not addressed to the individual. 3rd
house counted from lagna and from 7th
Kethu. house must be taken,lif the writer of such
Merc 12-40
18-40' Mars letters or any letter addresses it to the
17-42 individual. 12th house indicates such
22—S—1916 secret activities. Hence one receives
Rahu ' anonymous letters when the Significators
12-40 of the houses 1, 3, 7, Sand 12 operate.
Enemy posts anonymous letters during the
Asc 25° period of the significators of the houses 7,
Moon 9 and 12. '
16-30 Now the person complains "Someone
has written anonymous letters, due to
Rahu Dasa balance 4 years' 8 months jealousy and probably the desire to trans-
4 days. fer me, so that anyone, else—it does not
Anonymous letters are written either by include the writer—Can occupy the seat.
cowards or fools or jealousy people or Whatever it is, let me know, the fate of
incapable meanminded lowborn and such a letter Not even that — My
illbfed people or those who satisfy them- fate. ' If I am destined to suffer, I must
selves ,by so writing or those who want to know whether there is this letter or not.
place the truth ' and reveal the fact to Let me be enlightened "
proper authorities.withoutinviting trouble What is the period that you are now
to one-self whatever it is, writing anony- running and you had been recently experi-
mous letters mostly results in causing encing.
worry to the. other party. It is really . You entered into Mercury Dasa Rahu
good of one, if one does not speak ill of Bhukti on 23-5-1965 and it will operate
another, personally. But one should or till 11-12-67. Sun's sub sub period will
may protest or object* others views or continue till 1-8-67.
policy without attacking the person. It
does not speak well of a person who Mercury is in Rahu constellation. Rahu
attacks another directly or indirectly and is in- the 3rd house deposited.. So Rahu
say, for example, he owes money to denotes the matters of the 3rd house and
dhoby or barber or taking advance the Mercury is to give such results in its
tailor has not attended to the job. All period.
these being only civil liabilities, concerned Rahu is in Sravana governed by Moon.
with one who -either paid money or owes Moon is in the 12th house. So secret
money and to the other with whom the activities—enemical—will be the matter
transaction has taken place. Let us leave signified by the 12th house. Hence Rahu
at this. has got in its portfolio, the secret enemi-
Anonymous letters are written by one , cal activity, through the sources of 3rd
against an individual. The lagna of the bouse matter, i.e., .correspondence.. So
horoscope of a person against whpm or to anxiety is caused.
whom an anonymous letter is ; written, " When did he write 7"
Judge the 3rd house from the 7th. It After Rahu Bhukti, Jupiter follow
is 9th counted from lagna. Kethu and What can Mercury and Jupiter do con-
Mars are in 9. No planet is posited in jointly? Jupiter has nothing to do with'
the constellation of Mars or Kethu. So houses 7, 9 and 12. So such a worry will
Mars and Kethu in conjoined sub sub end. No action will be taken.
period have given the opponent the mind Will the enemy be transferred? N<f
to write and opportunity to post it, him- Jupiter is not in the constellation of the
self as Mars rules 7th house. occupant or owfler of the houses 3 4
Therefore, he ought to have done during and 6.
Mercury Dasa Rahu Bhukti Kethu Anthra Then what will happen? He realises
Mars Shookshma. that his anonymous petitions were in the'
Why not. Mars Anthra ? When the indi- incenerator. You. continue to work.
vidual puts the question, it is Sun Anthra, • He also works.
Mars is to come. This letter is already What about my mental condition?
received. During Mars anthra also, he As Jupiter is in the constellation of the
will again write another. occupant of the 8th Bhava, you will have'
Just like, knowing the past birth and the depression (Saturn) displeasure, hard
karma are not so essential as knowing the work, cautious dealings etc., always
future so also he is interested in knowing bearing in mind that if you ever err, there
the future than to know, when he did and are people to betray you. You will be
very careful and never hereafter you will
so on. give room for them to write anything
As Mars Anthra is to come in November against you.
and Decembe be will again repeat. My advice would be, ignore them. You
You do r, bother. When you are be honest, true and sincere. Leave every-
inside a beauti rl mansion, do you worry thing to the creator. It is He who created
about the rain or hot Sun outside. The both of you. It is He who created this
house protects and prevents you from trouble. It is He who will create pleasure
being drenched or scorched. even in the unpleasant surroundings.


"Will Poultry be advantageous to Poultry means that he wants to grow
me?" moving and living bird—not like agricul-
Number given is 83. ture but akin to pet animals, birds etc.
Position of planets is as follows :— Mars and Venus show the union of
Rahu animals, birds, human beings etc: an
8.52 . Merc. attempt for production. Jupiter indicates
Sat. 19.8 Moon 23.33 the progeny. Hence Mars, Venus and
21° 10' Jupiter are the planets to be considered.
Sun 13.5 Again the 6th house which indicates pet
Jup.20.9 animals and birds is to be judged. As he
30.7.67 11.30 wants it as a profession, consider the 10th
Lagna A.M. house also. Lagna as well as lord of
lO" to Ven. lagna receiving good aspect shows that
13° 20' 19.2
the matter will come through. Moon
■ MarS indicates the nature of query. Moon is in
11.50 21° 10" is in Mars sign Venus star Jupiter
8-52 sub. Look I How the Almighty guide us.
Number 83 shows that the Ascendant is 6th house is occupied by Mercury. It
id Saturn's sign. Moon star Sravana bet- governs the. stars Ashlesha, Jyeshta and
ween 10° and 13° 20'. Revathi. Jupiter is in Ashlesha, none in
yesiita and Saturn Is in Revathi. ' Hence nected with that matter. * But if a planet
'Jupiter and Saturn indicate 6tb house is in no way connected with it, during its
alters. period, we will have no connection with
lOtb bouse is occupied by Mars. Mriga- -that matter or a change comes or we sever
sira, Chithra and Dbanisbta are governed connection with it. Further, if all planets
iby Mars. No planet is in the constellation happen to be the significators, one will be
'of Mars. attached to it throughout. But to select
6th house is owned by Mercury. Jupiter a few of them and to apply to dasa bbukti
and Saturn are in the constellation of system, I have told that the Divine Grace,
Mercury. helps you and guides you by allowing you
to judge that horoscope at a particular
10th house is owned by Venus. Moon time. So take the ruling planets for the
and Venus are in the constellation of moment of judgment. Now it is
Venus. 30-7-1967. It is a Sunday; Moon is in
Hence Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Moon, Aries owned by Mars; Moon is in Bha-
Venus and Mars are the significators.- rani governed by Venus. The Ascendant
That is, they are connected with 6th and is Capricorn owned by Saturn. Now
10th house mat'ers. • As Poultry is judged select the common ruling planets. They
from the bouses 6 and 10 and the planets are Venus Saturn and Mars. Hence select
Mars Venus and Jupiter', one is to find out their conjoined periods. It can be Venus
their conjoined periods and judge when Dasa Saturn Bbukti Saturn Antbra 'Mars
one will start and how it will flourish or Sbooksbma. At the time of judgment
perish. Venus Dasa balance 8 years 3 months. So
[According to westerners ;— Jupiter Bbukti is on. In one year one
If the rulers of 1 and 6 are in con- month i.e., August 1968 you enter Venus,
junction or if they. form good aspect Saturn. In that Mars sub in Saturn
among themselves or if they receive good Shookshma will be in October 1968.
aspects, one will thrive by dealing in pet Hence predict that be will start this
.'animals etc. Or the ruler of 6 and poultry form in October-November 1968.
Fortuna should form good aspect. A planet, though by nature is considered
If a malefic is in 6 or if a malefic affiicts to be a malefic, will prove to be auspicious,
lord of 6 or if lord of 1 and.lord of 6 form if be happens to be the lord of lagna.
applying adverse aspect, or lord of 6 and A butcher may be bad to animals but be
fortuna forming or receiving unfavourable is good to bis children. A murderer may
aspect or lord of 6 retrograde or combust, be evil to others but he protects his
it is evil. Saturn in 6 threaten that they children. Similarly, Saturn may be judged
will die due to epidemics. Mars portend as Yama, as a destroyer to many lagna
accidents or loss by theft, etc. Here Mer- borns or the querry lagna, yet he ■ is a
cury, lord of 6 is in its own sign, strong strong benefic to Capricorn.
and forms separation square aspect from Therefore Saturn will not cause any
lord of 1, a slow movingplanet and Moon epedemic and bring any loss. Whereas
forms applying sextile aspect. Hence it it is in the constellation of the occupant
is favourable.] and owner of the 6th bouse (which is the
Whenever the indicators—significators house of Vyaya to those with whom the
are many,do notbe threatened or confused. transaction is done). While purchasing
Unless a planet is connected with a parti- the poultry, you get at cheap price. When
cular Bbava-bouse, the matters signified by you sell you make profit. Hence Saturn
that bouse, will not continue in the period is a benefic. Everyone born, must one
' of a planet, which is in no way connected day or other die. It is inevitable. But
with a Bbava. To commence a matter, loss of people birds and animals due to
we judge the strong conjoined period of epedemic . is undesirable. Such a bad
the significators. Then' in the following occurrence "is not threatened. • You will
periods and sub periods one will be con- prosper.
Which is the day, date and time of my be .9th and 9th alone. Now we have to
birth. Mother says that I am born on find out the position of lagna from the
Friday between 2 and 4-30 P.M. on ruling planets which are Sun, Kethu, Mars,
9-11 1923 : Municipal "record shows Venus and Saturn. In Aries, there are the
10-11-23 : Police record shows 11-11-23. ' 3 stars governed by Ketbu, Venus and Sun.
I request you to fix them and also convince The sub may be ruled by the other ruling
me by your unique method. planets. In Venus sign there are the Con-
(Sd.) S. S. Baba. Multai. stellations governed by Sun and Mars;, As
BetuI Dist. node is the strongest, take the lagna in
Dear friend. Apivini star governed by Kethu.
To-day at 3-35 P.M. on T1-7-67 when Now to fix the sub, a guidance is needed.
I take your chart, lagna is in ^4° 20'. While writing this article, my friend, a
Scorpio owned by Mars : day Tuesdi;' is student,in Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan is
ruled by Mars : Moon is in 132° i.e., 12° observing.- I asked him to give a number
Leo ruled by Siin : • Constellation is within 108. God is ever great Never he
Makam, lord 'of which is Ketbu which is fails to guide. The lady student said
. deposited in Venus sign Libra. Therefore " 45 A wonderful number. Sun's sign
the ruling planets are Mars, Sun, Kethu and Sun's star. So, without any hesitation,
and Venus ; Saturn rules the constellation the lagna is fixed as Aries, in that sign of
of lagna. If you take the Ascendant 30°, Aswini constellation governed by
Pisces or Aries or Taurus ruled by Jupiter, Kethu, i.e., between.0° and 13° 20' and in
Mars or Venus, it may be Aries or Taurus. that Sun sub, i.e., 3° to 3° 40'.
If you take the lord of the constellation Therefore, take, the Ephemeris and the
on 9th, 10th and 11th November, 1923 it Table of Houses and'note for what Sidereal
may be Saturn on 9th or Mercury, on 10th time, the Nirayana position of 3° to 3° 40'
[ or Kethu on Uth November, 1923. It Aries will rise in the East for one born on
cannot be Mercury star in Scorpio. As 9-11-1923 at Betul Dt. It will be around
Kethu Constellation is in Sagittarius on 4-11 P.M. L.M.T..
11-11-23, and Sagittarius is ruled by
Jupiter,1 • which is not one of the ruling '{Innumerable known cases are taken
planets at the moment of judgment, it and the above method is applied and found
should be Saturn's star in Mar's -sign, ■ to be correct and useful. There is no
Scorpio.. Therefore date of-birth should other scientific solution for these problems.
The horoscope is as under :— Moon Dasa Balance 9 years '5 months
29 days. Ayanamsa 22° 49'.
Uranus Rahu Jupiter
• 14.37 14.59 13.42 If a reference is made to page 232 of the
secohdvoIumeofKrishna'murti Padhdhati,
one can understand that delay in marriage
19—1—1930 may be caused if
• 5G. 41iV after (a)1 Saturn is in either lagna or 2nd
Sun set or 5th or 7th or 10th Bhava or
Mercury (8-31-30 P.M. 1ST Lagna
11.19 ' 10" 42'N 6-39 (b) Jupiter or Uranus adversely
Sun 5,56 76° 47' E Nep.
Vcn.1.37 10-30 aspecting malefics in 7tb Bhava
■ -house
Mars Kethu Moon (c) Mars in the 8th House.
23-10 14-59 10-43 (d) Saturn and Moon conjoined
Sat. 12.59
together in 1 Or 2 or 7 or 11
(e) Mars conjoined with Venus in 5 and sub of the occupant^of the second
or 7 or 9 and both afflicted by house.
Jupiter or Uranus
(f) if Saturn aspects Venus, the chief Then, when ?
governor for marriage or the lord So many a time. Moon Anthra, Moon
of the 7th bouse Bbukti had passed, so far.' Why has not
(g) if Moon and Venus are squared Moon given the marriage to this bride.
, by Jupiter or Uranus. The main reason is that the Moon in Virgo
is squared by Saturn (Western System
applying Square) and aspected by Saturn
Is marriage promised or not ? (10th aspect). Saturn is lord of 7. It is
The new finding v/hich clearly shows is in 5 and it aspects its own sign 7. It will
as follows :— offer its' results only after the conjoined
period of Saturn and Moon are over.
Note the 7th Cusp.' Saturn will give the result in its Bbukti, as
. Tf the lord of the'sub is in any manner (a) it is lord of 7, (b) it aspects the 2nd,
connected with the significators of the '7tb and lltb houses and (c) it is in the
bouses 2 or 7 or 11 which Bbavas are to constellation of Ketbu (Who acts as an
be judged fq tatrimonial affairs, marriage agent of the Chief Governor for matri-
.is surely prd, '.ed. mony, Venus) and sub of lord of 2 and
f 11, Mercury, who is in the constellation
If the lord ot the sub is aspected by or of the occupant of the second . house,
conjoined with Saturn or if the lord of the thereby the sub lord Mercury,.becoming
- sub is Saturn, many alliances are negotia- very strong and beneficial for wedding.
ted for long number of years and ulti- Therefore one should not expect the
mately marriage is celebrated late. If marriage to come up before Saturn Bbukti
Saturn is one of the significators, then, Moon Antbra . is over. Saturn - Bbukti
Saturn offers the results ini bis sub period started on 6-9-1966. Moon Antbra will be
when either of the luminaries transit in its over on 6-5-68. The remaining sub sub
sign or star. If Saturn is not connected periods in Saturn Bbukti are Mars Rabu
with the houses 2 or 7 or 11, in any man- and Jupiter. Jupiter alone is in the Con-
ner, it indicates delay, disappointment and stellation of the occupant of the second
denial till its period is over. bouse. Hence select Jupiter sub sub
period. It runs between 14-11-1968 and
Therefore note where the 7th Cusp is. It
islat 6C 39' Aquarius ; Aquarius is owned Note the transit. Dasanatba will be in
by Saturn ; The Constellation is governed the second bouse in the constellation of
by Mars : The sub is ruled by Moon. the occupant of the second bouse and its
sub : Bbukti nadba Saturn will be in the
Moon is in the second bouse promising constellation of lord of 2 and 11 and sub
that there will be an increase in the num- of dasanatba Jupiter and Moon will be in
ber of the members of the family as it is constellation of Saturn mostly,, Uthra
in the constellation of the planet in the Padrapada (Saturn star in' Jupiter sign).
second house. Hence marriage is pro- This will be around 18-2-69.
mised as the lord of. the sub of the 7th
Cusp is ruled by Moon who is a strong Hence one is to predict, on or around
significator by occupying the constellation 18-2-69, she will get married.

I. Introduction B. . Nirayana Rasi Chart:
FOR students specially no question is . Rahu
of larger ■ interest than the result. of As-
examination. It lays bare the fruit of cendant
their hard labour and deep study done for 24-43
a period of one year or two years. Hence Saturn (R)
it keeps in its bosom an indescribable'and 13-42
illimitable charm. Result of an examina-
tion is of also equal importance to those ■/
in service, having appeared in .depart- Moon
mental examinations because it opens the 10-18
door to their promotion. Krishnamurti
Padhdhati also lays down certain rules to Sun 26-17 Venus
unfold this branch of knowledge with Mars 10-50 Jupiter
greater accuracy than in any other extent 25-16 Ketbu
Mcrenry 28-56
system of Astrology. 18-21 16-37
1. Sidereal Time adopted for moment
IT. The Chart of birth 22-27-22.
A. Birth Details: 2. Ayanamsa—23.01
1. Date of birth—10th January, 1947. C. Table of Cusps :
I Cusp—Taurus 24.43
2. Time of birth—2-54-00 P.M. I.S.T. II Cusp—Gemini 18,59
3-11-40 P.M.L.M.T.
III Cusp—Cancer 13.59[
Place of birth—21° 30' N. Lat. : IV Cusp—Leo 11.59'
86° 55' E. Long. V Cusp—Virgo 14.59
4. Day of birth—Friday. VI Cusp—Libra 20.59
D. Dasa System :
Balance of Kethu Dasa at time of birth—1 year 7 months 3 days.
Dasa Bbukti Anthra From To'
Kethu 10-1-1947 15-8-1948
Venus 13-8-1948 13-8-1968
Venus Kethu 13-6-1967 13-8-1968
Venus Kethu Kethu 13-6-1967 7-7-1967
Venus Kethu Venus 7-7-1967 19-7-1967
Sun 13-8-1968 13-8-1971
E. Planet in Lord of the Lord of- 2. Will I be able to increase my
the Chart Constellation Sub . academic qualification further?
1. Rahu Moon Saturn
2. Saturn (R.) Saturn Rahu IV. Astrological Analysis
. 3. Moon Keth Saturn. Answer to Question No. 1:
.4. Jupiter Jupiter Sun Fourth house indicates academic quali- "
;5. Venus Saturn Sun ficatlon and ninth bouse shows the deep
6: Kethu Saturn Jupiter study, which one has to undertake in order
7. Mercury Rahu to appear examination—Hence for
Venus result of an examination,, we have to con-
8. Mars Venus Mercury sider'the houses 4 and 9.-.
9. Sun , Venus Kethu In . a competitive examination, one
10. IV Cusp^. Kethu Mercury, . cannot be successful, if the other party
11., IX Cusp— Mood ■Jupiter does not lose, hence 6th house,- indicating
12.'VI Cu - Jupiter Jupiter loss to the opponent (as it is 12th from
13. XI Ci', Saturn Jupiter 7th), must be considered. Success in
examination encloses in itself realisation
F. Bhava Ltiart; of ah ambition or fulfilment of a desire,
Bhava 11—Saturn (R.) Bhava ,VII hence 11th house should also be
Mercury considered
Bhava III—Moon Bhava VIII—■ So let us analyse the houses 4 and 9.
Mars, Sun 4th house is unoccupied by any planet.
Bhava VI—Jupiter, Bhava XII — Sun is lord 4. Sun rules Krithikai,
Venus, Kethu. Rahu Uthrapalguni and Utharashada. No
planet is in these constellations.. Only
G. Planet Lord of Constcl- Lord of Sub
. Occupy- , lation Occupy- ■ Ruling Venus and Jupiter are in the sub of Sun.
ing Ruling ing Hence take Venus and Jupiter.
1. Rahu 3 3 2 .9,10 9th house is also unoccupied by any
2. Saturn (R.) 2 9,10' 6 1.6 planet. Saturn is lord of 9. Saturn rules
3. Moon 6' 1.6 2 9,10 Pushyam, Anusham and Uthrapathra.
4. Jupiter 6 .8,11 8 4 Only Venus and Kethu are in Anusham.
Venus is already 'a significator and in
5. Venus 2 9,10 S 4 association with Kethu, a node and both
6. Kethu 2 9,10 6 8,11 of them are significators, hence take Venus '
7. Mercury ■ 6 1.6 6 1,6 and Kethu.
8. Mars 6 1,6 7 . 2,5 Therefore, Venus, Jupiter and Kethu
9.' Sun .6 1.6 6 1,6 are the significators for success in. exami-
IVore.—Rahu is equivalent to Venus, as it nation for this native.
is posited in the sign Taurus, ruled Now let us analyse the houses 6 and 11,
by Venus. Similarly Kethu is also Jupiter, Venus and Kethu—all the three
equivalent to Venus, because of significators are occupying the 6th Bhava.
its conjunction with Venus in the Hence they are strengthened' to give.this-
6th Bhava. result. Moreover 11th house is unoccupied
by any planet and Jupiter is lord of II,'
III. The Query Kethu is in the sub of Jupiter and Jupiter'
The native asks two questions :— itself is in its (Jupiter's) sub.
1. What will be the result of an Hence it is confirmed that Venus, Kethu
examination at which I have and Jupiter will give success in examina-
appeared recently? tion to this native.
The native' is running Venus Dasa, . Answer to Question No. 2
Kethu . Bhukti, Kethu Anthra from; • The native is running Venus Dasa,
13-6-1967, which lasts up to 7th July. Kethu Bhukti from 13-6-1967 to 13-8-1968.
1967.- The longitudinal distance between Venus and Kethu, as already analysed, are
Kethu and Venus is only 5"AT ; Hence the significators for success in examina-
they are in conjunction with each other. tion for him. Hence it is safely predicted
Kethu and Venus are both significators of that he will be successful in increasing
success in examination, hence if the result his academic qualification up to 13-8-1968..
is published during , this period, he will
surely come out successful. The native-will run Sun Dasa from.
13-8-1968 to 13-8-1974. Sun is lord of 4 .
.What about Venus Dasa, Kethu Bhukti, and further in the constellation of Venus,
Venus Anthra, which the native runs from ' and sub of Kethii, both significators for
7th"July 1967 to 17-9-19677. On the basis success ' in examination. , Hence green,
of the same' reasoning as given above, signal is given to him to further bis studies
again there is no, doubt that the native and be successful in' his endeavours with-
will come out successful in the examina- out any shadow of doubt.
tion. GOOD LUCK!


I. The Chart
A. Birth Details;
1. Date of birth — 6th January 1915.
2. Time of birth — 9.32.42 A.M. I-S.T. 10.04.22 A;M. L.M.T.
3. Place of birth — 23° 42' N. Lat-; 90° 25' E. Long.
4. Day of birth— Wednesday.
B. Niraya Rasi Chart— 1. Sidereal Time adopted for
-r moment of birth— 17.3-29
Saturn (R> 2. Ayanamsa — 22.35
C. Table of Cusps—
Asc. 18.41
Rahu6-10 I Cusp—Aquarius 18.41
Jup. 0-54
Kethu II Cusp—Pisces 27.26
6-10 III Cusp—Aries 28.26.
17-46 IV Cusp—Taurus 24.26
22-32 Fortuna V Cusp—Gemini 18.26
Sun 22.12 Venus
10-51. 14.15
Mars VI Cusp—Cancer 15.26
D. Dasa system—
Balance of Venus Dasa at time of birth—13 years 4 months 6 days.
Dasa Bbukti Antbra From . To
Venus 6-1-1915 12-5-1928
Sun 12-5-1928 12-5-1934
Moon 12-5-1934 12-5-1944
Mars 12-5-1944 12-5-1951
Rabu 12-5-1951 12-5-1969
Jupiter Jupiter 12-5-1969 30-6-1971
Jupiter Saturn 30-6-1971 12-1-1974
Jupiter Saturn Rabu 23-4-1973 10-9-1973
Rabu Saturn 18-6-1956 24-5-1959
Rabu Moon Jupiter 1-4-1967 13-6-1967
Rabu Moon Saturn 13-6-1967 9-9-1967
Rahu Moon Mercury 9-9-1967 25-11-1967
E. Planet in Lord of the Lord of F- Bhava—Chart—
the Chart Constellation Sub
1. Saturn (R.) Mars Sun Bhava IV—Saturn (R.) Bhava XI—Mars
2. Kethu Kethu Rahu Sun, Mercury
-3. Moon Venus Mars
4. Fortuha. Rahu Mercury Bhava VI—Kethu, Bhava XII—
5. Venus Saturn Sun Moon Jupiter, Rahu
6. Mars Venus Rahu
7. Sun Venus Saturn
8. .Mercury Venus Saturn Bhava IX—Venus •
9. Jupiter Mars Moon
10. Rahu Mars ■Moon
G. Planet Lord of Constellation Lord of Sub
Occupying Ruling Occupying Ruling
1. Saturn (R.) 11 3, 10 11 7
2. Kethu 11 7 12 2, 11
3. Mpon 9 4, 9 11 .3, 10
4. Venus 4 12, 1 11 7,
5. Mars 9 4, 9 12 2, 11
6. Sun 9 4.9 . 4 12. 1
7. Mercury 9 4.9 4 12, 1
Si Jupiter 11 3, 10 11 5,8
9. Rahu ■ 11 3, 10 6 6
Note— '
1. Rahu is equivalent to Jupiter, because of its association with Jupiter in 12th
. . .Bhava, the longitudinal distance between them being only 5° 16'.
2. Kethu is equivalent to Sun, because it is posited in the sign Leo, ruled by
Sun. Moreover, the longitudinal distance between Kethu and Moon, with
whom Kethu is associated is 11° 36', which is more than the orb required.
II. The Query 2nd house is unoccupied by any planet.
The native asks whether there are any Jupiter is lord of 2. Jupiter governs
chances of his rise in career and if so, Punarvasu, Visakam and Poorvapathra.
when ?, No planet is in these constellations.
Hence take Jupiter, but Jupiter is a weak
HI. Astrological Analysis singificator, being posited in Aquarius, a
For rise in career, let us analyse the sign ruled by Saturn and Saturn and
houses 2, 6,' 10 and 11.' Jupiter are neutrals to each other.
Houses 2.and 6 indicate merely service, 5th house is occupied by Kethu and
2nd house standing for self-acquisition Moon. Kethu governs Aswini, Makam
and 6(h house for service, but in order and Moolam. No planet is in these cons-
that a person should rise, the houses 10 tellations except Kethu. No planet is in
and 11 must be strong; between these two the Sub of Kethu. Hence Kethu will keep
houses too, house 11 must be strong and him in service. Similiarly Moon governs
powerful, because of all the twelve houses, Rohini, Hastham and Sravanam. - No
it is the 11 tb house alone, which opens the planet is in these constellations. Hence'
door to realisation of one's ambition. Moon will also retain him in service.
. What about bouses 10 and 11? The above analysis is confirmed, as on
10th bouse is unoccupied bv any planet- query, the native confessed before me that
the last order. for his promotion was
Mars is lord of 10. Mars governs Mriga- passed during, 18-6-1956 and 24-4-1959,'
sira, Chithrai and Dbanisbta. Saturn is while be was running Rahu .Dasa, Saturn
in Mrigasira and Jupiter and Rahu are in Bhukti. The longitudinal distance bet-
Dbanisbta. Hence take Saturn. Jupiter ween Ketb.u and . Saturn is 118° 51' which
and Rabu.' amounts to applying trine (120 degrees)
'11th bouse is occupied by Sun, Mars aspect, which is 'very powerful for good;
and Mercury. Sun governs Krithikai, benign in nature(Krishnamurti Fadhdhati,
'Utharapalguni and Utharashada. '1 No Vol. I,"page.192). Hence Saturn Co-ope-
. .planet is in these constellations.' Sun is rated with Rabu to give the good effect..
' posited in the sign Sagittarius, ruled by At present; the native is running Rabu
Jupiterj is friend. So give importance' " Dasa, Moon Bbukti from 24-10-1966 to
to Sun.> 24-4-1968. Moon is not a significator for;
• f promotion; but it is posited in the cons-
' Only Venus and Saturn (R.} are in the
.sub of Sun. Venus is posited in 9th- tellation of Venus, "a weak significator
Bbava, which is 12tb from 10. Further and sub of Mars, occupant of lltb
it is in the sign Scorpio, ruled by Mars. Bbava. Moreover, Mars is in rapt con-
Mars and Venus are neutral to each junction with lltb. Cusp (Mars is at
other. Hence Venus is a, weak signifi- 18° 50' .in Sagittarius and the: lltb. Cusp
cator, but being posited in the constella- falls at 18° 26 in the same sign.) Moon is
tion of Saturn; a significator for promo- also occupant of '6tb .and also lord of 6,
tion, it will give mixed results. Saturn is one of the houses concerned with service.
already a significator; further it is the sole
planet, who is posited in the constellation Further, the longitudinal distance bet-
of Mats and sub of Sun. Mars and Sun ween Rahu and Moon is 191° 36', which is
—both are the occupants of I Itb Bbava. 3°, 36' away from the /ast margin of sepd-'
'Hence- Saturn is very strong to give the rating Opposition aspect (,188 degrees),
effect of promotion. hence not evil. .
We have already considered the planets The native runs Saturn Anthra under
in the. constellation of Mars, while consi- Rahu Dasa, Moon Bbukti from 13-6-1967
- dering lOtb house. to 9-9-1967.. Saturn is a strong signifl-'.
cator for promotion, The longitudinal
Mercury governs Ashlesba, Jyeshta and distance between Moon' and Saturn- is
Revathi. No planet is in these constella- 72° 45', which amounts almost to exact
tions. Mercury is posited in the sign Quintile aspect (i.e., 72 degrees aspec),
Sagittarius, ruled by • Jupiter, who treats which is good. (Krishnamurti Fadhdhati,
him as bis enemy. Hence Mercufy is Vol. I page 192). Therefore Saturn will
weak. co-operate with Moon to give the effect of
Therefore, Saturn, Jupiter and Rabu
are the strong significators for rise in I told the officer that files of promotion ,
career of this native. Jupiter and Rahu should have . moved favourably, after
are in conjunction with each other. Rahu 13-6-1967, which was confirmed by him.
is at 6° 10' in Aquarius and Jupiter is at He told me that his-immediate boss, has
0" 54' in the same sign. Rahu, being recommended his case of promotion very
node is more powerful. Moreover, Rahu 'highly after this date.
is posited in the constellation of Mars.
Lord of 10 and in the sub of Moon, occu- BUT STILL as Moon is operating in
pant of 6th Bhava and lord of 6. Hence Bhukti, who is not a significator at all, it
Rabu is more powerful than Jupiter. is predicted that the native^will not get
stable promotioQ during Rahu Dasa Moon Jupiter and Saturn is 124° 07', wh
Bhukti, although it is sure that he will get amounts to separating trine (120 degn
some casual or temporary charge of some aspect. (Krishnamurti. Padhdhati, Vol
higher office. This is also true of Rahu page 196), which is benign in natu
Dasa, Mars Bhukti, which the native Further, as already analysed, the longi
runs from 24-4-1968 to 12-5-1969. dinal dis'tance between Saturn and Ra
is 118° 51', which amounts to applyi
The native will get stable promotion trine (120 degrees) aspect, which is agr
during the conjoined period of all the powerful for good. Hence it is confirm
three strong sighificators, Rahu, Jupiter that the native will be surely promot
and. Saturn. He will run Jupiter Dasa, during the above-mentioned period.
Saturn Bhukti, Rahu Antbra from • As the advanced ephemeris for 1973
23-4-1973 to 10-9-1973. Let us confirm it
by western aspects. not avilable, I am helpless to pinpoint tl
exact date and time of his promotion.
The longitudinal distance between GOOD LUCK!
I. Introduction B. Nirayana Rasi Chart-
Traditional a ologers dread Sadhe- Mars (R) Saturn (R1 Rabu Neptune
Sati like anythk ■ They generally say 13-44-42 0-8-34 19-45-18 26-8
that if a native is, Junning the period of
Sadhe-Sati, nothing good can happen to
him—rather all the misfortunes will fall Asc. 21-22
upon him one after another. But this is Moon
not proved by experience. Let them
study and analyse the events happening to Sun
some fifty persons [at least) running the 14-55-18
period of Sadhe-Sati, then they will Jupiter
correct themselves. Mr. K. S. Krishna- 28-35-42
murti has rightly opened our eyes in this Fortuna Kethu Met. 6-40
regard. In this article of mine, I shall 26-07 Venus
try to show how a " Sadhe-Sati" became Ura. 24-53 19-45-18 17-43
beneficial for a native in giving improve-
■ ment of status as a result of victory in Sidereal Time for Time of Birth—17 H-
election. 12 M. 7 S.
Ayanamsa —22.30
C. Table of Cusps—
II. The Chart I Cusp—Aquarius 21-22
II Cusp—Pisces 29.30
A. Birth—Details:— III Cusp—Taurus 0.30
1. Date of birth—31st August, 1909 IV Cusp—Taurus 26.30
V Cusp—Gemini 20.30
2. Time of birth~6-34-56 P.M. I.S.T.= VI Cusp—Cancer 17.30
6-45-00 P.M. L.M.T. VII Cusp—Leo ■21.22
VIII Cusp—Virgo 29.30
3. Place of birth—Lat. 24° 48' N.; IX Cusp—Scorpio ' 0.30
Long. 85° 1' E. X Cusp—Scorpio 26.30
XI Cusp—Sagittarius 20.30
4. Day of birth—Tuesday. XII Cusp—Caprice •17.30
D. Dasa System—
Balance of Rabu Dasa at time of birth—0 year 5 months 12 days
Dasa Bhukti Anthra Sookshma From To
Rahu ' 31.8-1909 13-2-1909
Jupiter 13-2-1909 13-2-1925
- Saturn 13-2-1925 13-2-1944
Mercury 13-2-1944 13-2-1961
Kethu 13-2-1961 13-2-1968
Kethu Jupiter 1-2-1965 ' 7-1-1966
Kethu Saturn 7-1-1966 16-2-1967
Kethu Mercury 16-2-1967 13-2-1968
Kethu Mercury —Mercury 16-2-1967 6-4-1967
Kethu Mercury Mercury Mercury 16-2-1967 23-2-1967
Kethu Mercury Mercury Kethu 23-2-1967 25-2-1967
E. Planet in Lord of Lord of F. Bhava—Chart
the Chart Constellation Sub
I. Mars(R) Saturn Rahu Bbava I—Mars (R)
2. Saturn (R) Kethu Kethu Bhava II—Saturn (R)
3. Rahu Moon Kethu
4. Sun Venus Veuus Bhava III—Rahu
5. Jupiter Sun Mars
6. Mercury Sun Mercury Bhava VI—Sun
7. Venus Moon Saturn Bhava VII—Jupiter Mercury Venus
8. Kethu Mercury Venus
9. Moon Rahu Mars Bhava IX—Kethu
10. Uranus Venus Mercury
11. Neptune Jupiter Kethu Bhava XII—Moon
12. Fortuna Venus Kethu
■G. Lord of Constellation Lord of Sub
Ian et Occupying Ruling Occupying Ruling
1. Mars (R) 2 12, 1 7 3,4
2. Saturn(R) 1 9, 10 1 9, 10
3. Rahu 12 6 1 9, 10
4. Sun 7 3,4 7 3,4
5. Jupiter 6 7 9, 10
6. Mercury 6 7 7 5. 8
7. Venus 12 6 2 12, 1
8. Kethu 7 5,8 7 3,4
9. Moon 7 3,4 1 9, 10
0. Uranus 7 3.4 7 5, 8
1 1. Neptune 7 2. 11 1 9, 10
1 2. Fortuna 7 3,4 1 9, 10
Note ;—Rahu represents Venus and being a node is stronger than Venus, as it is posited
in Taurus, a sign ruled by Venus ; similarly Kethu represents Mars, and being a
node is stronger than Mars, as it is posited in Scorpio, a sign ruled by Mars.
No planet is associated either with Rahu or Kethu.

III. Sadh«-Sati—An Analysis Traditional astrologers treat this period

Q. What is meant by Sadhe-Sati ? as invariably evil, but it is not so.
Mr. K. S. Krishnamurti remarks:
Answer; Hindu astrologers taketbeposi- "Never be terrified by this. Many per-
tion of Moon to judge the transit results sons had fortune only during Sadhe-Sati.
and call the period " Sadhe-Sati," when They experienced untold miseries when
Saturn, by transit, enters the 12th sign Saturn transited in the 11th or 3rd or 6th.
counted from the sign occupied by Moon. sign, which is said as auspicious houses.
Saturn takes approximately two and a This statement cannot be refuted by any
half years to pass through a sign. whereas it can be substantiated by many,"
"Sadhe-Sati" is said to continue even (Please refer to " Astrology and
when Saturn is conjoined with Moon or Athrishta," January 1965 issue, page 5).
continues to be in 2 to Moon. Saturn This statement of Mr. Krishnamurti is
takes nearly seven and a half years in this collaborated by my experiences in the
transit. This period is commonly known practical field of research.
as TJ years Saturn or " Sadhe-Sati."
According to the analysis given in re- 11th house governs success in all under-
gard to Sadhe-Sati, the native of the chart takings, whether it be in profession or
is running a period of Sadhe-Sati at pre- business, higher studies or foreign colla-
sent, as his Moon is in Aquarius in radi- boration, election, litigation, speculation,
cal chart and now-a-days Moon is passing writings, health etc.'' (KRISHNAMURTI
through Pisces, which'is 2nd- from the i PADHDHATI, Vol. I, page 353). Simi-
sign occupied by Moon. • This" is the last , larly 6th house is also beneficial for a
part of the-" Sadhe-Seti." native in a competition (an election, in
the true sense of the term,. is a real com-
IV. Election—an Analysis petition), because when it operates 12th
Q.. Whichhouses are to be judged for house (the house of loss) from. 7th (the
getting the result of an election— house of the opponent) also operates,
favourable or unfavourable? thus giving a defeat to the opponent and
L> victory of the native.
Ans. Election means— A person will win an election, if houses 6
(a) sufficient social inclination, and 11 operate along with houses 5 and 7 ;
(only a social man can fight elec- a person will lose an election if houses 8
tion.) and operate along with houses 5 and 7,
(b) dealings with public (and not because 8th house to him will indicate
isolation or seclusion.) 2nd (the house of income) from 7th (the
house of opponent) and I2th house will
According to Mr. Krishnamurti, " The indicate loss or defeat to him, as it is in
fifth house presides over pleasure, society 12 from Ascendant, indicating
and social inclination"—(KRISHNA- the chart. His opponent will win and he
MURTI PADHDHATI, VOL. I, Page will surely lose. Gain and loss, victory
333.) About seventh house, he remarks: and defeat are respective terms. , Unless
" The seventh house denotes public one loses, the other, can't gain; similarly
(Loka)."—Please refer to KRISHNA- unless one.gets defeated, the other can't
Seventh house, in general, denotes the V. The Chart—An Astrological Analysis
person, with whom you have to deal, as in For success in election^ let us judge
the chart of a male, it indicates wife ; in houses 11 and 6 along with 5 and 7.
the chart of a female, it indicates husband;
in the chart of a doctor, . it indicates 11 th house is occupied . by Uranus and
patient and vice' versa. Similarly this Fortuna. Fortuna falls in the sub of
house also indicates your business partner, Kethu and Uranus falls in the sub of
because you have to deal with him. If ■ Mercury,' hence select Kethu and Mercury.
you work in an office, 7th house denotes Jupiter is lord of 11. Jupiter rules
your boss and so on. When we consider Punarvasu, Visakam and Poorvapathra.
election, the seventh house denotes deal- No planet is in these constellations, except
ings with public. The more fortified this Neptune. Neptune has got no allotment
house is, the more successful politician of Dasa, hence reject Neptune. Hence
one will be. Jupiter is weak to give the effect of 11th
Hence it is certain that in order to study house.
election, we will judge houses S and 7.
6th house is occupied by Sun. Sun rules
For success in election, houses 11 and Krithikai, Uthram and Utharadam. Mer-
6 too must be considered. About Uth cury is in Uthram and Kethu is in Utha-
house, Mr. Krishnamurti remarks " From radam. No other , planet is in any of the
the 11th house should be resolved all constellation of Sun. Hence Mercury and
questions concerning one's hopes, wishes Kethu are strong significators. Mercury is
and aspirations and their realisation. The posited in its own; sub, therefore it has
Editor delivers
impressive lectures
at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavao,
New Delhi

become all tbe more powerful. So finally Tbe native ran the Dasa of Kethu from
take Kethu and Mercury. 13-2-1961, but only when Jupiter Bhukti
Sth house is occupied by no planet operated from 1-2-1965, he was approa-
except Neptune. Neptune is in the sub of ched by a particular political party and
Kethu. Hence select Kethu. although previously he' was unwilling'to
Mercury is lord of 5. Mercury governs join any party, as Jupiter was lord of 11
Ashlesha, Jyeshta and Revathi. Only and aspecting Ascendant and in the cons-
Kethu is in Jyeshta. Hence again take: tellation of Venus (occupant of 7th house)
Kethu. and in the sub of Mercury [again another
7th house is occupied by Jupiter, Mer- occupant of 7th house and lord of 5—
Mark that both houses 5 and 7 operated
cury and Venus. Jupiter rules Punarvasu, during this time), be gave his consent to be
Visakam and Poorvapathra. No planet is a willing organiser of the party arid he
in these constellations. Only Kethu is in started taking active interest iri its .uplift-
Jyeshta, a constellation ruled by Mercury. ment -
Hence take Kethu again, Venus rules
Bharani, Poorvapalguni and Poorvashada. Tbe native ran the Dasa of Kethu,
Only Sun is in Poorvapalguni. It is also Saturn Bhukti from 7-1-1966 to 16-2-1967.'
in the sub of Venus, but as Sun and Venus As Saturn is posited in Aswini, a constel-
are enemies to each other, it is posited in . lation ruled by Kethu and sub of *Kethu,
inimical constellation and Sub, hence already a significator for success in elec-
weak. So finally take Kethu alone. tion and occupant of 9th house, house of
Kethu is further posited in Jyeshta, fortune, when he approached me -and
ruled by Mercury, already a significator sought my advice for participation in
for success in election, hence Kethu has election, I told him that he should fight
gained all the more strength. Kethu, being the election without any hitch ; he will
a node, is very powerful, and also because surely win. Although he was not very
of its sole occupation of Scorpio in 9th much enthusiastic to participate in the
house, house of fortune. election heartily, due to my firm convic-
Thus the final conclusion is that only tion and his faith in the divine science of
Kethu and Mercury are the strong signifi- Astrology, he agreed .and gave'his consent
cators for success in election for the to his party ' members for fighting the
native. election.
Students at
Bharatiya Vidhya Bhavan
listening to the Editor
when he delivered
lecture on Astrology
and Fortune

During this period, at an auspicious Then polling took place on 19th Febru-
moment chosen by me, he filled up the ary 1967, while the native was running
nomination form for the party. He also Kethu Dasa, Mercury Bhukti, Mercury
consulted some traditional astrologers, by Anthra and Mercury Sookshma. Let us
the way, who told him that he was run- analyse the date.
ning Sadhe-Sati at that time ; hence he 1. The day was Sunday, ruled by
should not take up such an enterprise. Sun,' occupant of 6th house in
Again he consulted me and told me about the radical chart.
their views. I reaffirmed boldly—Tradi- 2. Moon was passing through
tional astrologers make too general a Mrigasira, a constellation ruled
statement; don't be led away by their by Mars, occupant of 1 and lord
views. Engage yourself actively in party of 9 and 10 in the radical chart.
work; you will surely succeed. Accord- (All these are favourable houses
ingly he organised many a procession in for election; please refer to
the town constituency from where he had KRISHNAMURTI PADH-
to stand, thus winning the acclaim of the DHATI; Vol. 11, page 326). .
mass. By the time he filled up the final
nomination form, twelve candidates 3. Sun entered Sathyam, a constel-
(including himself) were present in the lation ruled by Rahu on the same
field. Again he was somewhat exaspera- day. Rahu was occupant of 3rd
ted ; again I told him not to lose courage; house in the radical chart and in
the field was surely his. Later on it trans- the sub of Kethu, a sighificator
pired to be cent percent correct. All these for success.
facts are well known to the members of VI. Result and confirmation by transit
Modern Astrological Research Institute,
Gaya Branch. Actually the result of his success and
Astrology gives a solace to the worrying lead over the nearest rival by 5281 Votes
mind. Here isjian example for that. was announced on 24th.February 1967, a
Astrology should be treated on purely Friday at 4-45 A.M., while the native was.
scientific lines and not on esoteric lines, running Kethu Dasa, Mercury Bhukti,
as it has been treated so up till now. Mercury Anthra and Kethu Sookshma.*
Mr. K. S. 'Krishnamurti wants to make it • [Please mark thai only Kethu and Mercury, the
as perfect as Science. May Lord bless ■two strong significators for success in election
him to realise his ambition ! operated during this period].
The following is the chart for the time is occupant of 7th house in the
Venus radical chart and also in associa-
6-47 Rahu tion with Mercury, a strong
Saturn 15-47 significator for success.
5-46 ■3'. Ascendant was rising at 8° 34' in
Mercury Capricorn, thus falling in Utha-
(R) 25-27 Planetary Position Jup 2 10 rashada, a constellation, ruled
Sua 11-23 on 24—2-1967 by Sun, occupant of 6th house
at 5-30 A.M. in the radical chart. '
Ascat 4-45 A.M. Moon
Capricorn 8-34 0-41-10 4. The sign transited by Ascendant
Moon exact Urunus was Capricorn, ruled by Saturn.
29-51 In the radical chart,' Saturn is
Mars posited in Aswani, a constellation
Neptune 8-57 .. ■ ruled by Kethu, a strong signifi-
1-4 Ketbu cator for success and also in the
15-47 sub of Kethu.
1. At this time, Moon was passing 5. The sign and position transited
through Makam, a constellation by Moon were in Leo, in 6th
ruled by Kethu, a strong signifi- Bhava from the radical chart.
cator for success and also in the
sub of Kethu. VII. Conclusion
Note.—Please mark the prominence of Thus KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI
Kethu in transit. in regard to success in election is fully
2. The day was ruled by Venus, who verified.
. By
Prof. S. N..MISHRA. I. J. Degree Coilege, GAYA
■ I- The Chart
A. Birth—Details :—
1. ! Date of birth—15th July 1941.
, 2. Time-of birth—11-54 P.M. I.S.T.-12-15-36A.M. on 16th July, 1941.
3. Place of birth—Lat. 23.15 N- ; Long. 87.54 E.
4. Day of birth—Tuesday
B. Nfrayana Rasi Chart:— 1. Sidereal Time adopted for moment
Moon of birth—19 h. 47 mts. 47 sees.
23-37 Ascendant S^5n Mercury
14-32 12-04 Jup 18-17 Sun13-34
2. Ayanamsa—22.56
C. Table of Cusps—
23-13 I Cusp—Aries 12.04
II Cusp—Taurus 12.04
- III Cusp—Gemini 7.04
IV Cusp—Cancer 2.04
Rahu , V Cusp—Leo 0.04
VI Cusp—Virgo 3.04

D. Dasa System—
Balance of Mercury Dasa at birth—8 years 1 month 20 days.
Dasa Bbukti Antbra From To
Mercury ■ 15-, 7-1941 .5-9-1949
Ketbu . —, 5- 9-1949 5-9-1956
Venus 5- 9-1956 5-9-1976
Venus Venus 5- 9-1956 5-1-1960
Venus Jupiter 5-11-1966 5-7-1969
Venus . Jupiter Jupiter 5-11-1966 13-3-1967
Venus Jupiter Saturn 13- 3-1967 - 15-8-1967
Venus Jupiter Ketbu' 1- 1-1968 27-2-1968
Venus Jupiter Rahu 11- 2-1969 5-7-1969
E- Planet in Lord of the Lord of H.- The Query,
the chart Constellation Sub The native asks two questions:—
1. Saturn Sun • Jupiter 1. Will my educational qualification
1 Jupiter Moon Mercury be increased ?
3. Mercury Rahu Mercury 2.' Will I get a suitable job befitting j
4. Sun Jupiter Moon my qualification?
5. Venus Mercury Moon
6. Rahu . Sun Jupiter 111. Astrological Analysis
7. Kethu Jupiter Rahu
8. Mars' Saturn Rahu Answer to Question No. 1—
9. Moon Mercury Mars According to Krishnamurti Padhdhati,
10. IV Cusp Jbpiter Rahu the educational qualifications, especially
the degrees, attained by any person are to
11. IX Cusp Kethu Rahu be judged from 4tb house. 9th house
12. XI Cusp Mars Mercury stands for higher studies, deep insight and
13. II Cusp Moon Rahu an element of research too. As it amounts ' i
14. VI Cusp Sun Saturn to realisation or fulfilment of desire, 1 Itb
15. X Cusp Sun Jupiter house should also be considered.
F. Bhava Chart— At the time of judgment, i.e., on 8th
July, 1967 at 12-15 A.M., the day is Satur-
Bbava I —Saturn day, ruled. by Saturn, lord of 11 in the
Bhava 11 —Jupiter radical chart. Jupiter, karaka for educa-
tion, is transitting in the 4th Bhava,
Bhava III—Mercury, Sun and 'that too in the constellation of Saturn,'
Bhava IV—Venus lord of 10 and 11. Moon is also transit-
Bbava V—Rahu ting the constellation of Jupiter, lord of 9,
indicating higher studies and the SUB of
Bhava XI—Kethu Saturn, again lord of 10 and 11 in the
Bbava XII—Mars, Moon radical chart.- Ascendant falls in Aries
1° 21', thus posited in the constellation of
G. Planet Lord of Constellation Lord of Sub Kethu, the sole occupant of 11th Bhava
Occupy- Ruling Occupy- Ruling and in the SUB of Venus, occupant of 4th
ing ing Bhava and lord of 2, one of the houses
1. Saturn 3 5 2 9, 12 concerned with income. ' Hence it is
2 Jupiter 12 4 3 3,6 deduced that the native will realise his
3. Mercury 3 3, 6 ambition.
3 3, 6
4. Sun 2 9, 12 12 4 Now let us analyse houses 4, 9 and 11
5. Venus 3 3, 6 12 4 in the radical chart to come to a definite
6. Rahu 3 5 2 conclusion.
9, 12
7. Kethu 2 9, 12 3 3, 6 4th house is occupied by Venus. Venus
8. Mars 1 10, II 3 3, 6 rules Bharani, Poorva Palguni and Poorva-
9. Moon 3 3,6 12 ' 1.8 shada. No planet is in these constella-
tions. Similarly no planet is in the Sub of
Note ;—Rahu is equivalent to Mercury Venus. Hence Venus is weak.
because it is posited in Virgo, a Moon is lord of 4. Moon rules Rohini,
sign ruled by Mercury; similarly Hastham, and Sravanam. Only Jupiter is
Kethu is equivalent to Jupiter as in Rohini, so take Jupiter. But as Jupiter
it is posited is Pisces, a sign ruled is occupying the sign Taurus, ruled by.
by Jupiter. Venus, his natural enemy,'he is also weak.
9th house is unoccupied by any planet. always call Saturn a strong malefic;
Jupiter is lord of 9. Jupiter rules Punar- they cannot conceive that Saturn can
vasu, Visakam and Poorvapathra. Kethu also act as a benefic], it is predicted
is in Poorvapathra and Sun is in Punar- that he will surely get'through and secure
vasu. So take Kethii and Sun. Kethu, good marks. Moreover the longitudinal
being a node, is powerful. Moreover, it distance between Saturn and Jupiter is
is also posited in the sign Pisces, ruled by 15° 23', which amounts to applying vigin-
Jupiter. So accept Kethu. But' Sun is tile aspect, which is good. Hence it is
posited in 3td.' Bhavai which is 12tbfrom confirmed that it will give good results.
4th, hence it cannot give increase in Similarly Venus Dasa, Jupiter Bhukti
academic qualification. So reject Sun. and Kethu Anthra from 1-1-1968 to
Rahu and Saturn are in the SUB of 27-2-1968 and Rahu Anthra under the
Jupiter. So take Rahu and Saturn. Rahu, same period from 11-2-1969 to 5-7-1969
being a node, is powerful, so accept Rahu. will be equally good. The native .will be
Saturn is posited in the sign Taurus, ruled successful in increasing bis academic
by Venus, his natural friend, hence power- , qualifications during these periods.
ful. So accept Saturn too.
Hence finally take Kethu, Rahu and Answer to Question No, 2—
Saturn. For answering this question, we must
11th house is occupied only by Kethtj. judge houses 2, 6, 10 and 11.
Kethu rules Aswini, Makam and Moolam. 2nd house is occupied by Jupiter. '
No planet is in these constellations. No Jupiter governs Punarvasu, Visakam and
planet is in the sub of Kethu. But Kethu Poorvapathra. Kethu is in Poorvapathra
is already a significator and is also posited and Sun is in Punarvasu. Rahu and Saturn
in the constellation of Jupiter, lord of 9, are in the SUB of Jupiter. So take Rahu,
and in the SUB of Rahu, another signifi- Kethu, Saturn and Sun. But Saturn is
cator. Hence Kethu is a very strong signi- posited in 1st Bhava, which is 12th
ficator for increase in academic qualifica- from 2nd. Hence eliminate Saturn. Simi-
tion and realisation of ambition. larly Sun is posited in 6th Bhava from
4th Cusp (Cancer 2" 4') falls in the con- 10th Cusp (M.C., the Cusp of profession),
stellation of Jupiter, lord of 9 and SUB of hence eliminate Sun tpo. Rahu is apply-
Rahu, a significator. Similarly 9th Cusp ing to the 6th Cusp (Rahu is at 2° 53' in
(Sagittarius 7° 04'] also falls in the cons- Virgo and 6th' Cusp falls in 3° 04' in the
tellation of Kethu and SUB of Rahu, both same sign], and Kethu is posited in llth
significators. Hence the above-mentioned Bhava in the sign of Jupiter hence finally
deductions are further confirmed. take Rahu and Kethu.
Therefore, Rahu, Saturn and Kethu ate 6th house is unoccupied by any planet.
the strong significators for increase in Mercury is lord of 6, but again it is also ,
academic qualification for the native. posited in 6th Bhava from 10th Cusp,
indicating profession,. so it is weak.
At present the native is running Venus ■ Hence eliminate Mercury.
Dasa, Jupiter-Bhukti and Saturn Anthra 10th house is also unoccupied by any
from 13-3-1967, which will last up to
15-8-1967. Venus and Jupiter are weak ' planet. Saturn is lord of 10, but as we
have already eliminated Saturn. Saturn
significators, hence the period is not so cannot come as a significator.
good for the increase in academic qualifica-
tion, but Saturn Anthra is decidedly belter, llth house is occupied by Kethu. No
because Saturn is a strong significator. planet is posited in either constellation or
The native has to appear at an exami- sub of Kethu. but Kethu, being a node, is
nation during this period. Due to the powerful-and it is already a significator.
benefic influence of Saturn (Please mark Moreover, Kethu is in the constellation of
that the traditional astrologers will Jupiter, occupant of 2nd house, and in the
sub of Rabu, a strong significator. There- Anthra from 5-11-1966 to 13-3-1967 and
fore finally take Kethu as a very strong during this period he got employment,
. significator for the employment of this although in low category on 6-2-1967. On
native. this day, Moon was passing through
At present the native is running Venus Poorvashada, a; constellation ruled by
Dasa, Jupiter Bhukti from 5-11-1966, Venus. As Venus is a weak significator,
which will last upto 5-7-1969. Venus, it gave service.
although in no way connected with the But due to the benefic influence of Rahu
houses concerned with service is aspecting and Kethu, the native will get a suitabje
TOth and 11th- Bhavas from the degree job according to his qualification with rise
position and Jupiter is lord of 2, hence in status and increase in income, during
this period is good for service and income, 1-1-1968 to 27-2-1968 (KethuAnthra under
but not very strong, as the two prominent Venus Dasa, Jupiter Bhukti) and 11-2-1969
significators Rahu and Kethu are not to 5-7-1969 (Rahu Anthra under Venus
operating. It is confirmed, as the native Dasa Jupiter Bhukti). There is no doubt
ran Venus Dasa, Jupiter Bhukti and Jupiter about it.
Failure in examination

Sir, Bbava and Rabu goes to lOtb Bhava.

Both are beneficial houses. But if you do
I submit herewith the horoscope cast not follow stellar astrology and note down
by an astrologer here. I appeared for an the lord of the sub, then again you cannot
examination during my Mars Dasa, Rahu have correct prediction. 1
Bhiikti. He encouraged me by saying that
Rahu is in Labbastbana and Mars is in Mars is in Rahu star; Rahu is: in the
the second house, owning the bouses 4 and 10th Bhava. Therefore Mars, has to offer
11 and in Labbastbana to, bis own bouse the results of the .10th house. Mars will
Aries. So be declared that I must pass in i give the advantageous .results' of the 10th
this period. . Actually the period passed bbava in its dasa. Some bbiikties may be
but I am asked to sit again for the exami- advegse. Some may be beneficial. There-
nation if I.have to qualify myself. Can fore the varying results depend on the.
you say, how dasanatha (lord of 11 in 2) Bbukti lord. Let us discuss about Rabu.
and bbuktinatha in 11. disappointed me What can Rabu do'in its sub period and
and my astrologer. what can a planet in Rabu star do ? One
must understand clearly the difference.
Mercury -Dasa Balance 3 years, 10 Planets in Rabu star can offer in their
months, 12 days. . period the results of 10th, 4th, 11th and
7th house matters: Mostly the. 10th : But
Kethu Jupiter Rabu in the constellation, Jyesbta ruled by
17-34 14-52- Mercury occupying 12th Bhava has to
offer—in Rabu's period—the undesirable
results of the llth house,
Mars Further the sub in Jyesbta star occupied
- 7-46
. .28—1—1919 by Rabu is also' ruled by Mercury. So you
1 a yn a 7-1 AM LMT had to fail.
18-57 Calcutta «
Sun 14-22 Saturn Now you should know whether the next
Venus 3-31
29-55 sub period of Jupiter will give a pass.
■P-C OO a

Mercury Jupiter is in the constellation Of Rabu

' 26-59 4* node, in 10: So Jupiter is to offer the
matters signified by the. 10th house. If is
in Kethu sub which is in 4 th Bhava as 4th

(Sd.) S.C. Dev. house extends from 1°T1' in Taurus to

26° 23' in Taurus. Hence Jupiter will give
. Mats Dasa began on 10-12-65. On you success.
7-5-66 commenced Rahu Bhukti. It will
run till 25-5-67. Next examination is in As regards Jupiter" to 'Makara ia'gha-
June 1967. borns, some authors have said that Jupiter
is evil: Kalidoss in .Uthra Kalamrilha
(1) Krishnamurti Padhdhati alone can has said that Jupiter will be auspicious to
explain. Capricom:borns. But I say that Jupiter
as lord of 3 and 12 offers the' results
You have to calculate houses from cusp through the matters signified by the houses
to cusp. In that case Mars is in Lagna 3 and 12. But it will offer . such nature
of the results indicated by the lord of the light bow another author has contradicted
constellation and it is the sub lord, who only when the results are known. If the
decides whether the results will be favour- prediction is to be given, either of the
able or unfavourable. A planet tnay own two is applied and one takes a chance.
any bouse and also occupy any bouse.
But the nature of the results are indicated Astrology is to predict what is going to
by the lord of the constellation who in happen. A layman will say that chances
turn denotes the matters of the bouses are 50-50. But an astrologer should
occupied by it and to some extent owned inform the layman what is to take place.
by it. This is the specific and correct If - an astrologer is to predict that one's
finding. General principles given out by chance to pass an examination is 50-50
our sages need this application. Other- what shall we call bim. Does be depend
wise, you will find that some authors on guessing or is be trying to take chances
declare something as desirable and some as a layman does.
classify the same as undesirable and hence
astrologers can use the teachings of that Apply advanced stellar astrology and be
author to a chart and do not bring to precise.
Fortuna, otherwise called the pars easy to go to his office as he tikes, never
Fortuna, is an imaginary sensitive and observing punctuality and yet his superior
fortunate point in the Zodiac which is judges his work as always' outstanding as
determined by adding the longitude of the he visits E's room only when ' E * is very .
Ascendant counted from Aries—Mesha— busy.. ' E'is promoted, overlooking the
Zero degree, to the longitude of the Moon claims of a score of seniors. ' F' on the
counted from Aries—Mesha zero degree other hand, is called a failure in life as he
and subtracting from the sum so obtained, works like a bull, carries files home like a
the longitude of the Sun counted again donkey and burns midnight oil almost b
from Mesha zero degree. It is, to be un- daily and, after^all this ordeal, the poor '
derstood that this is the most useful point fellow finds that neither his services are
in the horoscope indicating fortune (to recognized nor his name is included in the
whom it presages fortune, when, how etc., panel for promotion. His bad luck is that
being discussed later). First bf all, one his officer calls him only, when he is away '
. should have a clear idea about Fortuna and in the toilet room or goes out to hunt for
the other relevant points. a much wanted file. The peon returns and
, If one says that a person ' P ' is fortu- informs the officer that he is not found in
nate, be means that the native is fortunate the seat and the officer forms a wrong
in some aspect of one's life. opinion and gets bad impression.
For example, (a) 'A'and 'B' dig wells. (d) When' we go on further, we find
The water that could be tapped from the 'O' has a girl who marries a very'.rich
well erected by ' A' is sweetish, whole- businessman who helps ' G' in leading an
some, bacteria-free in quality and the aristocratic life from the time of his
yield, in quantity, is copious. On the daughter's weddingwhereas ' H' has a girl
other band, the well water drawn by 'B' who runs away with a person who is al-
is Sat, insipid, brackish and contains fer- { ready married and is the father of a few
rous salt. It appears crystalclear when children. They both get converted to
.drawn, but as it is kept for some time in a another religion to permit them to bind
container, it gets dirty, repulsive, brown. themselves in marriage. Look at the men-
The yield is also poor. Its taste is inky; tal state of 'H'.
ita spoils clothes. We call-'A' as lucky (e) A person ' I' gets an outhouse in
and ' 6' as unlucky. a bungalow, well built and fully furnished.
(b) In another case, 'C marries a He pays only a token rent. But' J' pays
girl, beautiful in appearance, robust in pugree and remits every month exorbitant
health, modest in behaviour and above all rent for a portion in a building on the
true to her husband. She attains age in bank of a backwater canal, foul smelling;
proper age. 'D' contracts marriage with rooms need flooring: lights and fans need
a girl dirty in appearance, always com- renewal of electric wiring: repair of water
plaining of some ailment or other, getting pipeline and provision of fans are other
irritated for trivial things, foolhardy, necessities. But mosquitoes,; flies and
argumentative and quarrelsome. This girl bugs are his permanent companions, keep-
did not attain age at all as she had some ing him alert, active and awake.
defect in the generative system. So ' C '
is lucky and * D' unlucky in respect of (0 Mr. ' K' purchases a car and it
the marital happiness. runs smoothly not giving him any trouble
at all, while'L ' takes delivery of a new
(c) In yet another sphere, 'E' is car from the garage and.before he has put
considered to be fortunate as he takes it it on theroad for a few miles be finds that
The Nirayana horoscope of a native constellation of a planet or node take this
who is eager to know bis chances for node as stronger:
travel abroad is given below:— [Why is the third, bouse to be' judged ?
Because one has to leave bis permanent
Lagna place of residence,]
10-14 The permanent place of residence is
denoted by the 4th bouse. 12t)ito the
Kcthu. . 4th shows removal from the permanent
Sani 15-06 residence. Therefore, you have to
0-01 Mars ,
17-18 consider the. 3rd house. Whatever
matters are governed by a certain house,
Sukra will be negated by the house which is irf ll
Rahu 12-41 to it (12th shows Zyaya).
15-06 Surya
29-13 Why 9th house? Long journey is
indicated by the 9th house. . The third
Chandra Guru Budha house includes short journeys. The 7th
17-42 1-51 15-30 house shows breaks in journey. Many a
third and many a seventh contribute to
Balance of Mercury Dasa at birth 9lh also.
(15 years, 8 months, 5 days). I2th house—Why? When one goes
overseas he stays in a foreign place: He
He is now running" Venus Dasa, Jupiter will live in entirely new surroundings and
Bhukti from 21-7-1967, new environments.
The houses to be judged are 3, 9 and IOth house—Why? Because one goes
12. As he expects to go on duty, include on duty and 10th shows one's profession.
the lOtb bouse also. If one goes to bet in the races, take 5th
The significators are to be found out in house. If one goes to marry a girl or
the following fnanner;— boy, take 7th house. If one goes to
deliver lecture, take 2nd bouse : and so
(1) Planets including nodes deposited on. If one is to break journey on the
in the constellation of the occu: way, take 7th house.
pants of bouses 3, 9 and 12 ;
(2) Occupants of these bouses; Analysis:
(3) Planets including nodes situated Cusps; Lagna 10° Aries 14'; Second
in the constellation of the lords 10° Taurus 57'; Third cusp 5° Gemini 57;
ruling bouses 3, 9 and 12 ; Fourth cusp 29° Gemini 57; Fifth cusp
(4) Lords of these bouses; and 26°; Cancer 57' ; Sixth cusp 29° Leo 57'
180° added to each cusp—gives the cusps
(5) Planets conjoined with - or of the opposite bouses.
aspected by any of the signifi- Houses and Planets : Sun in 5 ; Moon
cators. in 8 ; Mars in 4: Mercury in 6; Jupiter
Always be careful: when and there in 6: Venus in 5. Saturn in 11 ; Rabu in
verify and proceed. 10; Kethu in 4 :
Whenever nodes occupy either of the Third house: It extends from 5°;
sign a planet which is the lord of the sign Gemini 57' to 29° Gemini 57'. No planet
where the nodes are posited, or in the is found.
IMintfa bouse: 5° Sagittarius 57' to 29° In that Mars Shookshma will from
Sagittarius 57'. No planet in 9. 8—10—1968 to 12—10—1968 and Rahu
Twelfth bouse; 29° Aquarius 57' to 10° up to 21—10—1968. Therefore, this is
Aries 14'. . None in 12. the time.
. As there are no tenants in these houses,. Then, by Progression, Confirm. Using
transit, fix a day in between 8—10—1968
the question of finding out their constel- and 21—10—1968.
lations, etc., does not apse-
Lord of a house is the lord of the sign Dasa lord in the sub of Mercury who is
. lord of 3.
where that cusp falls. The 3rd house
cusp and the 4th cusp are' in Gemini. Jupiter is in the sub of. Mercury, lord
Hence Mercury governs these two houses. of 3.
He is the lord. Similarly, Jupiter owns
Sagittarius and at 5° 57' falls the 9th cilsp I Kethu is in the sub of lord of 9.
and at 29° 57' is the 10th cusp. There- Mars is in the sub of Mercury lord of 3.
fore Jupiter is the lord of 9. and 10 These are favourably posited in the
houses. This must be followed by one sub. The sub lord promises fulfilment of
who tries to learn Krishnamurti Padh- desire and success in efforts.
dhati. Therefore, overseas travel . is pro-
Hence, Mercury is the lord of the 3rd mised. Journey will be between
house. Jupiter rules 9 and 10; Saturn 8—10—1968 and 12—1.0—1968.
the twelth. (Note.—Jupiter is the lord of As per transit, Jupiter conjoins the natal
9 and 10.) sun and proceeds on direct motion in
Ashlesha, Jyeshta and Revathi are Rahu Sub venus will transit in Visaka
governed by Mercury; Punarvasu, Visaka, Star and sub of Kethu on 17 and 18 Octo-
P. P. Pada are ruled by Jupiter ; Pushya, ber. So we have these two days as 17th is
Anuradha and Uttarabhadhra are the trine Thursday and 18th is Friday Makare and.
constellations of Saturn. Poorva Palguni are the stars which
Mars and Moon are in Ashlesha and Moon will transit. Hence one is to
Jyeshta. None in Jupiter star. So take mention both days.
Jupiter. Kethu is in Saturn star. Rahu is Example (ii) overseas. 'When ? •
in Saturn signs. None in Rahu star. Take
Rahu, Kethu and Saturn. Therefore the Kethu
significators are Mercury, Jupiter, Rahu, 22-35
Mars and Kethu (instead of Moon take
Kethu). .
Jupiter is also lord of 10. So, once
more we need not consider its stars and 6-05 A.M. I.S.T.
occupants in those stars. 30-11-1921
22° 40' N
Today, it is Friday; star Aswini; lagna 92° 30' E
Sagittarius 19° 28'. Therefore Venus,
Kethu, Mars and Jupiter are the ruling
planets. Venus Dasa is on. The sub
. periods should be Jupiter, Kethu and Mars. Moon
LnR 10* 50' Mercury, Sat 12-48
29-52 JaP. 20-127
Son 10°
14" 15'
27 Venus. Ma r».21-2
Therefore, according , to Vimshodhari 27-27 Rahn 22-35
Dasa systeni, one has to fix up Jupiter
Bhukti, Kethu Anthra, Mars or Rahu Mercury Dasa Balance 12 years 10
- Shookshma. months 8 days.
Venus Dasa, Jupiter Bhukti started on Moon Dasa starts on 8-10-67.
24—7—1967. Kethu Anthra will begin on
17—9—1968. It will operate for 56 days. Subject 1: Overseas.
12 to 6 and hence it means either no your career, significators for the com-
service or to be on leave or to leave the mencement of service;—
one on hand, etc. Similarly the 9th bouse. (1) Planets in the constellation of
The sub lord in 12 or in a movable sign occupants:
shows change of Institution : sub lord in
common sign denotes temporary change : . 2nd bouse vacant.
' sub lord in a fixed sign shows no change. 6tb bouse vacant.
Moon is in Lagna Bhava. It is in the 10th occupied by Ketbu.
sub of Venus who is lord of 12 and is in Kethu governs Aswini, Makam and
12. Hence change will come during Moon .Moolam.
Dasa Venus Bhukfi Venus Anthra in Sep-
tember 1975.. No planet is in Kethu star.
Any change in service? (2) Occupants—Kethu alone.
Horoscope is as follows : (3) Planets in the constellation of
owners of these bouses. Mars, lord of 2;
Jupiter lord of 6 ; Moon lord of 10 ;
Venus in Dbanisbta is under the sway
of Mars.
Mer 19-18 No planet is deposited in any of the 'B
15-25 20-2-1933 ■constellations ruled by Jupiter.
Sun 8-51 41. G. 35 V Saturn alone is in Hastha ruled by
at 31-37 IV Moon. Take Rahu as it is one of the
74-45 E- Ket. 15-25
Vcn 23-49 Ayanamsa 22* 49' Mars signs of Saturn.
Sat 17-11 21-31 So, Venus and Saturn are the signifi-
Jup 27-33
Moon Lagna (4) Mars, Jupiter and Moon as owners'.
20-23 - 18° 19' Hence Kethu,' Venus, Rahu, Saturn,
Mars, Jupiter and Moon are all connected
Venus Dasa balance 9 years 5 months with profession and we have to select that
6 days. significators which is one of the ruling
planets at the moment of query.
Cusps: ASC 18 Libra 19.
II. 10° 56'Scorpio III. 11° 56' Sagitta- Today Monday—lord of Moon: Today
rius. (28-8-67) Moon is in Robini lord Moon ;
Rasi Risbaba owned by Venus; Lagna
IV. 15° 56' Capricorn : V. 18° 56' Libra 27° ruled by Venus. Hence Venus
Aquarius. and Moon are very strong in your
VI. 16° 56' Pisces. chart.
III. Moon in 3; IV. Sat, Ven, Sun, You enjoyed Moon Dasa Venus Bbukti
Rahu in 4 ; between 23-5-56 and 23-1-58. In that
V. Merc, in 5; X Ketbu in 10; XI period in the sub sub period Jupiter
Mars, Jupiter in 11. operated, you entered into service in July
Question—Profession what do you Now the next query is whether you will
find? have any change ?
Houses to be judged—2, 6 and 10,. Judge houses I, 5, 9 and 12.
Changes—1, 5, 9, 12. 1 house vacant: Five occupied by
Service—6 strong; business includes 7th Mercury.
also ; Let me take first, when you started Nine vacant : 12 vacant.
Mercury governs Ashlesha, Jyeshta and Therefore Rahu, Mercury, Moon, Kethu
Revathi. and Mars are to be selected.
No planet is there. Take Mercury.
Owners: Venus, Sat., Merc. Merc. Follow Horary : He gives the number
101. Meridian is between 3° 20' and
Moon, Kethu and Mars are in the 6° 40' in Sagittarius. It is a common
constellation of Venus. sign; lord of the constellation is Kethu:
No planet is in Saturn's and Mercury's sub governed by part of Sun, Moon, Mars
star. and part of Rahu [Today Monday, Rohini
Take Moon, Kethu and Mars. star 28-8-67). So, select Rahu Dasa Rahu
Bhukti Moon Anthra for change. It runs
Instead of Saturn, take Rahu. Sun, between 19-11-67 to 9-2-68. In that take
Rahu and Mercury ate conjoined. Node Mars sub sub. So I predict that the change
is stronger. Select Rahu. will come on 28-11-67.
A gentleman showed me the general life native will have nothing to worry on
reading given by an astrologer to him in account of Progeny."
July 1967, and asked me a few days after The horoscope cast by that astrologer
receipt of this reading, " How far is this who has given ,the above reading is as
reading useful? Secondly, I have only follows;
one son born in July 1955. What does
this reading mean?" Kuja Chandra
The relevant portion in the full life 6-31 6-42 1

reading typed and sent by V.P.P. for an

amount over Rs. 50/- by that astrologer is Rahu
as under;— 21-35
7-12 A.M.
Children welfare 2—2—1925
Ravi 21-30 18° 54'H—72° 56'E
" This aspect has to be studied from the LnSoa
Snkia 18-10
5th bouse, its lord and putra karaka. Merc. 0-58
Guru. Here 5th falls in Vrishaba occupied
by exalted Chandra, lord of the 7lh; 5th Guru X 29-10
lord Sukra though with malefic Kethu and 18-59 Sam
Ravi, is not actually influenced by them, 21-35
since they have moved to 12th house.
Since Guru is in 12th and in Kanya
Navamsa and 5th lord Sukra is with an Chandra Sani Kuja Lagna,
impotent planet Budha, the native will
have limited offspring and late begetting.
As .5th house is influenced by female Ravi
planet also, the native will get children of Kethu
both sexes. Neither 5th house nor its
lord suffer much affliction, the children Navamsa
will be obedient. However 5th lord in I-ludha
12th indicates loss of one child and few Sukra
more still births. 5th lord Sukra and Rahu
Lagna lord are friends. 7th lord stationed
in 5th indicates the mother's attachment Guru
to them. Generally the-children will be
much attached to them. Generally the
Ravi Dasa 1 year 5 months days. Foorvapalguni and Pborvashada. Jupite
Ayanamsa taken by him is 21° 21' 33". alone is in Venus star: Mars, lord of 11
governs Mrigasira, Chitra and Dhanishta.
But the chart worked out by K.S.K. is No planet is in its star.
as follows: Mars, lord of 11 is in its own sub: It
is in the constellation of the node jn
Mars Moon which bhava has nothing to do with';
5 09 5-18 children. First house shows efforts: but'
not the fruit. The nature of the result is
to be read from the position occupied by:
Rahu the lord of the constellation.
7-10 A.M. Venus, lord of 5, is in Rahu sub. It is
Kethu' 18' 15'2—2--1925
N and 72° 54'
in the constellation of the planet occupying
the lagna and owning 8 and in; the sub of
Sun 20-0 Rahu in 7th house. Saturn, lord of 2 is in'
Lagna the star and,sub of Jupiter which is in 11..'
Merc. Kethu is in the constellation of Moon in'
"29^7 Saturn" 4. According to its position, it has;
Ven. 29-36 21-15 nothing to do with children. . But, it has
Jup. 17-34 to act as an agent of Saturn as Kethu is in
Sun Dasa Balance 2 years 1 month Makara. So, whatever Saturn is to give,
11 days (Ayanamsa 22° 43'). Kethu will give in its period. Often I
repeatedly impress on the readers that the
' Erisbnamnrti IJadhdhati: node wi II give the results of the . planets
with which it is conjoined and by which
Cn'sps: 1st, 81° 15'Capricorn; 2nd, 24° it is aspectad and also those of the'lord
Aquarius 21'; 3rd, 29° Pisces 21'; 4th 29* of the sign, where the node is deposited.
Aries 21'; 5th, 25° Taurus 21'; 6th, 20° Hence Kethu gets the strength to give a
Gemini 21'. child.
I Planets and houses; Sun and Kethu Actually he had a son born in Kethu
in 1; Moon in 4; Mars in 3; Mercury and Bhukti, Jupiter Anthra.'
Venus in 12 ; Jupiter, in 11; Saturn in 9; One may ask " How can Rahu give in
Rahu in ?■ his dasa as it is in 7 and in Mercury star? "
Subject: Progeny. Rahu is not conjoined with any planet,
Houses to be judged: 2, 5 and 11. but it is aspected by Mars and Saturn who
are significators of progeny. Hence Rahu
Significators:— in the sub of Venus, lord of 5, Kethu in
the sub of lord of 5 and Jupiter in the
(1) No planet in 2. None in 5. 11th bhava in the constellation of lord of
Jupiter alone, in 11 : Jupiter 5 and sub of lord of 11 brought about the
governs Funarvasu, Visaka and birth of a son (all connected with houses
Foorvapadrapada. Saturn is in 5 and 11).
Jupiter star, Jupiter sub : Kethu
is in Saturn's sign! So take Thorough analysis shows that planets
Kethu also. connected with 2, 5 and 11 are not in
the sub of the significators threatening
(2) Jupiter is in 11. abortion. Hence there can be no abortion,
(3) Saturn owns 2 ; Venus 5; Mars no still born and no short-lived'child.
11. Please also note that he is not having
Saturn's stars are Fushya, Ahuradha, children of both sexes.
Uthrapadrapada. No planet is in any of Ashtakavarga; Even though the As'h-
these three stars. Venus governs Bharani, takavarga Table is furnished, by that
astrologer, it is not usefully used here. The maximum each planet starting from
He has furnished the table. Readers must Sun that can contribute is 48, 49, 39, 54,
know what use is made of it. This is what 52, 56, 39. If the ashtakavarga is correctly
he has said:— established the total on either side of the
" The numerical figures in the horizontal rows should give 337." ■
row indicates the number of bindus contri- Friends, that is all. Is the above, a
buted by each particular planet towards a prediction or reproduction of the rule
single house or sign. Planets contributing which any text-book gives. Further,
less than four bindus cause evil results please note. According to that astrologer
during their Dasas and Bhukties. The and my calculation, he is running Jupiter
total at the end show the total bindus or Dasa. Jupiter has, in its ashtakavarga,
beneficial dots which a house gets. Houses according to his calculation, 7Wo bindus.
getting less than 24 bindus cause miserable In the total 21. Therefore what are we
results. to judge? Jupiter is bad. But, what is
The numerical figures in the vertical row the fact? He made lakhs of rupees only
indicates the number of bindus or after Jupiter Dasa started. He purchasey
beneficial dots which a particular planet a fiat, a car etc. Furniture recently
contributes towards . different bouses. purchased is ultra-modern,

Addresses will

The horoscope of the gentleman is as put, it is advisable to judge the Sth Cusp
follows: of the husband in the husband's chart and
Born at2-07 P.M. {I.S.T.)on 23-10-1921 the Sth Cusp of the wife in her chart. If
at 9° 36'N and 76° 34' E. either of the horoscope alone is available
and the other is not available, then the
Sth Cusp shows whether his or her health
Kelhu Mood is all right and he or she is capable of
24-42 25-54 having a child or incapable of producing
one. The 11th Cusp in that chart shows
whether the partner is promised children
Ura 13.17 23-08 or not. If the Sth Cusp shows that he can
have and the Uth shows that the partner
cannot have, then he will have natural
children outside. If the 11th Cusp shows
Lagra Mars that the partner can have and the Sth Cusp
29-26 28-32 denotes that he cannot have, then the wife
Sat 9-13 can bring forth a child to call him as
Merc VeD 10-37 father, though God knows that he is not.
22-52 R Jup 13-11 If both the Sth and 11 th Cusps promise
;Suq 6-45 Rahu progeny then they will both have: the
children born may or may not be to the
2nd Cusp Pisces 3° 33'. husband and the husband also can have
outside other than what he can have
3rd Cusp Aries 7° 33'. through his wife. If both the Sth and the
4th Cusp Taurus 6° 33'. 11th Cusps are not favourable, they will
both be denied children. They need not
Sth Cusp Gemini 3° 33' in Mars star, use contraceptive methods.
Venus sub.
In this case the 3th Cusp is in the sub
6th Cusp Gemini 29° 33'. of Venus and the 11th Cusp is in the sub
To judge the time of birth of a child of Sun. Both Venus and Sun are in the
one has to select the significators connec- Sth house. Sth house is unfavourable.
ted with the houses 2, S and 11 and predict Therefore both aresterile. No child can
the time during the conjoined period of be had at all.
the significators. (In a few cases, the Sth Cusp will pro-
But, first of all, one should ascertain mise child birth. But even for 10 years
whether the person will have a child at all. after marriage, they could not have had
[As I have to give the rules, whatever is given the dasa and bhukti of the significators.
within brackets is not intended to speak ill When they conjointly operate, they will
of this native. Whenever this question is have.)
The horoscope, as cast by a traditional a powerful aspect of natural benefic Guru
astrologer using Ayanarasa 21-21-33, is as on the 8th house. This aspect is not
follows; fully potent enough, as Guru is stationed
in the 12th house, besides owning that
house. The 8th house in navamsa is
Kuja 6-31 Mood 6-42 afflicted since MaleGcs, Kethu and Rahu
are focussing their attention on it.
Further, Sani who is neecha and who has
Rahu no neechabanga is aspecting the 8th house-
21-35 Thus the 8th house in Navamsa is afflicted.
Rasi Thus the. 8th house is of medium strength.
Lag. 18-10 The 8th lord Ravi is in an inimical place
Ketu 21-35 stationed in lagna. Though 8th lord dis-
Rav. 20-22
Sukra 1-17 position is good in lagna, but he is spoilt
Buda 0-58 otherwise since he is closely eclipsed by
Rahu and Kethu, No doubt two benefics
Guru X 29-10 Sukra and Budha are also stationed there, i
18-59 Sani 21-35
This does not add much to the strength of
8th lord Ravi since both of them are
separated by orbs of 19 degrees and they
Chandra Sani Kuja Lagna have moved to 12th house from lagna
bhava. However, 8th lord is the occu-
pant of Chandra's constellation who is
exalted and is having digits. Thus 8th
Ravi lord is fairly well placed. In the
Kethu navamsa, he is eclipsed by Rahu-Kethu
Navamsa and aspected by bitter enemy debilitated


The Moon has 4 digits in his Ashtaka-

varga and 29 in total in Taurus as worked
out by that astrologer.
Traditional astrologer, dealing with the
longevity of the native, says:
" Here the 8th house falls in Simha
since Makara lagna rises. The 8th is
neither aspected nor occupied by any
planets good or bad. This is good. But
malehcs Kuja and Sani in 3.and 9th from Students of Astrology initiated by the Editor
8th weaken the bhava. However, there is participate in the Pooja.
Sani, Thus he is spoilt in amsa "
(Verbatim reproduced). Mars 5.09 Moon
Read second sentence and Sth sentence.
Why is not Guru strong 7 Is it not in
Madhya Bhava as per Hindu system ? Is Rahu
it not swakshethra? Is it not in the cons- 21-14
tellation of of Rajayogadhipathi, Venus ? Nirayana Rasi
Is Neechabanga to be judged in rasi or Kethu
in Navamsa also? Is the deposition of 21-14
lords of 6, 8 and 12 in lagna good? Sun 20-0
Asc. 18-15
According to the traditional astrologer, in
Bhava chart, are not Budha and Sukra in Merc
12 to Sun and cause Vasi Yoga ? What is 29-57 .Sat 21-15
the digit which Moon has ? According to Vcn 29-36
Jup 17-34
Ashtakavarga rules, are 4 digits strong ?
Is it not medium strength? When the
total number is below 30, is it strong? Born 7-10 A.M. on 2-2-25 at 18-55 N
Unless the figure is zero, all planets have and 72-54 E Sun Dasa balance 2 years
1-digit or some digits. Is debilitated Sani 1 month 11 days.
aspecting Ravi in Navamsa? Can Sani
aspect both ways—clockwise and anti- According to sign position there is
clockwise? How^else does Sani aspect Chandra Adhi Yoga as Jupiter alone is in
the Sun ? Does he mean that Sani aspects 8 to Moon sign. If my method of house
the Sun in the anticlockwise direction? division is taken, Moon comes to 4th
What is the digit which Moon has in his Bhava; Budda, Venus and Jupiter in 12th
Ashtakavarga? Four. In total 29. Then, Bhava and they are in 9th Moon. If the
has Moon got good digits? Is not Rajayoga is to be seen in Bhava chart,
Chandra, a maraka by owning 7th house? there cannot be, if the house division is
Can a planet become a benefic to give life made as westerness do. But Hindu do not.
if it is in Maraka planet's constellation ? Actually as per the chart prepared by me
In Uttara Kalamrita it has been said there is Chandra-Adhi-Yoga.
"Jupiter as lord of 3 and 12 is auspicious.
Jupiter becomes auspicious if it owns or Longevity: My new student analyses
occupies Sth house.'' Another author as follows:— . - ■
says that Jupiter is evil to Makara lagna (a) Lagna,is in a movable sign. 11th
born people. Which are we to follow? sign is the Bhadhaka Sthana. No
Anything that comes handy for the occupant is in 11. Owner is
moment? In the traditional system you Mars. Mrigasira, Chithra and
can have rules for arguing both ways but Dbanishta 'are governed by Mars.
never if you use Krishnamurti Padhdhati No planet is in Mars star. Take
which is scientific. For unscientific and Mars.
confused minds, there is no mind either to
mind their own business or an open mind (b) Two and seven are Maraka
to accept the truth. sthanas. No planet is in 2 : Rahu
is in 7: Arudhra, Swathi and
Sathabisha are governed by
According to Krishnamurti's Method Rahu. No planet in its star.
Kethu and Sun in the first house. Kuja Take Rahu.
in 3 Moon in 4. Rahu in 7. Sun in 10°. (c) Kendradhipathya. Moon and
Guru Budha and Sukra in 12. Venus are Kendhra Sthana Adhi-
patbi. Sun and Kethu are in
Accoiding to Krishnamurti's Ayanamsa Moon's star Sravana and Jupiter
22° 43', the chart is as follows: is in Venus star Poorvashada.
(d) Saturn rules 2 and Moon 7. No
planet is in Saturn star. Take
.■ Saturn. Instead of Moon take
Rabu. In place of Saturn prefer
Ketbu as it is in Saturn's sign.
Mars is in Ketbu Star. Mars is
definitely evil. Tbe dasa which -
is running belongs to Jupiter.
Now we have to note, whether he has
long life or middle or short.
According to Utbra Kalamritba, Rabu
in 7 aspected by lord of 2 is evil.
Lord of 8 is Sun. It is a malefic by
native according to Hindus. To people
born in Makara lagna, some authors have
said that Sun is not a malefic by owning One of the students receiving Prasadatu.
8tb bouse (just like Moon to Dbanur
Lagna born). Therefore Sun is not a
cannot be a maraka into its Dasa or
Middle life: Saturn in a kendbra, Bbukti.
middle life (Hindu Method).
My prediction : Lagna afflicted : Take
Long life: To live up to 75, 80 like Moon sign : Saturn, lord of 9: Sun and
that is not found. Ketbu in 9, Moon Venus and Mercury in
Considering these,\one is take Saturn Sun's star. Take Rabu in place of Moon,
Dasa Mats Bbukti Rabu Antbra. Saturn Mars in Aswani, Ketbu star. Take Mars.
aspects both'Mars and Rabu (squares Saturn rules 9 : No planet in its star: Take
Rabu and opposes Mars—Western). Mars Saturn: Mercury rules 2: Mars 7 Rabu is in
aspects Rabu; then December 1990 is evil. Mercury star : Therefore the strongest are
Transit- 3 strong datura) malefics. So take Saturn
Dasa Mars Bbukti Rabu Antbra or Rabu
In December 1990, Saturn conjoins, Bbukti Mars Antbra. Transit favours tbe
Kendbra Stbana Adbipatbi Venus and previous Mars Bbukti. Hence be is assured
Roga Stbana Adbipatbi Mercury Jupiter of life at least upto tbe 1st week of
will be in Saturn's star Rahu sub Mars December 1990.
sub sub. Mars will be in Taurus. Conjoin-
ing Moon and Rabu in Scorpio in lord of (An astrologer should consider that
6 star and sub of Saturn and Sun will people come to him or her for truth and
conjoin Rahu. mental solace for correctness and for
clarity they are already confused, so they
According to Hindus, as Jupiter is in 8 cannot afford to be more confused. Nor
to Moon, it causes Chandra Adi Yoga and they should be threatened with strong
offers long life. So it means that Jupiter words) e.g., " you will be penniless etc."

(1) Which time are we to take for * (2) Suppose; I give a number and ask
Horary system ? matters concerning my only wife. Which
There are many disputes about the bouse are we to take ? Similarly for other
proper and correct time to be taken to relatives:
answer questions using the Horary system To the number given, add 54. Then,
if one proceeds to judge on a number this suth indicates the Ascendant of the
given by the querist for each question, or Horary Chart to be used for wife. And
if the question is only one and no number . 18 to get the Ascendant indicating next
is taken. younger brother or sister: Add 27 to the
Some ace of opinion that the moment number mentioned to get the Ascendant of
when the querist is first seen by the artist the mother : Add 36, for first issue : Add
should be taken. (It is like sbiras udhaya.) 72 for father's ascendant; 90 for elder
Some .others say that the time when the brother or friend.
consultant wishes ' Good morning' Or The position of the planets in the signs
' Good luck ' is to be taken. (It is like will remain the same but the bouses alone
the cry of the new born child which cries will vary as the position of the Ascendant
before it is separated in full from the gets changed according to the relationship.
mother.) A few others follow the time
when the querist bad the urge. (It is like (3) When the querist is asked to give a
taking the time of commencement of number, are we following Numerology ?
delivery pains.) But, according to me, No. It is mistakenly assumed that
the time should be when the astrologer Numerology is being followed for predic-
takes the chart for judgment. (It is like the tion; In fact, it is genuine Astrology—
time of birth of the child—Bhoopadhana.) , Horary Astrology—Prasna system. Kali-
One may have 'the urge (delivery pain dasa in Uttara Kalamrita says " The
starts) and write a letter ; Postman takes. Zodiac is a "circle of 360 degrees and there
from bis place to that of the astrologer, are spokes, twelve in number, each at an
(going to Nursing Home) or leave his interval of 30 degrees and lOS.Navamsas
house to visit the astrologer's office. The
lime taken by the Postal Department or
by the car to reach the astrologer's place,'
depends on the planetary position at the
time of having the urge—(duration of the
pains depends on the' moment when.
delivery pains started). The moment when
the astrologer takes up the case for judg-
ment also depends on the same time of, the
urge. Therefore, the time of judgment
means the delivery has taken place just
then and a chart is to be erected for this
Therefore, take the time when you start
one's work. Dr. W. J. Simmonite, M.D.,
Ph.D., has said " If a letter be sent to an
'artist the time of the letter being received
is not taken notice of, but the moment the Blessings of Uchishta Maha Ganapatbi convev€d
artist reads the very question ". by the Editor to the Dcvottces.
are permanently placed in the Zodiac number is asked to be given for each
(Khanda VII, sloka 11). In sloka 2, he such question, the task of prediction be
says "The querist, when asked, will give rendered easy. Precise and clear predic-
a number within 108. The number must tion can be offered.
be taken as the base on which one is to (a) Suppose the querist has two cars
judge the results. The number given 'A' and 'B' and wants to dispose of one
(sloka 3) is to be divided by 9. The and keep the other and approaches the
quotient indicates the number of. Rasis astrologerfor advice. IJow to predict? ask
which has elapsed, when counted from to give a number for car 'A' and another
Mesha-Aries. The remainder is the num- number for car 'B'. If a judgment is
ber of the Navamsai to be taken as Lagna made on this basis, correct and useful
(Ascendant) in the next sign, for that prediction can be given. Otherwise from
number, for that query. natal chart one can say that be will dis-
In my opinion, Horary astrology is the pose either a car or a house or a furniture.
best, to judge the results. In Sloka 1', in (b) There are five .charts parents of
Prasnakanda, he says ". five girls living in the same city have pro-
" If horoscope is not available, one can posed them for my marriage. " Which
predict from the Lagna that rises at the girl will I marry? asks a querist Ask
him to mention a number for each girl,
time of query. There will be no difference and then judge. Suppose he is a mischie-
in the results .between the effects indicated vous fellow and gives the same number
by birth-chart and horary-chart." for all the five. At once you say that he
Therefore if anybody says that the will never marry any one among this five.
astrologer asks a number and uses The Divine Grace will operate so nicely
Numerology, he is ignorant of my method that if he is to really marry any one of the
of using the wonderful system of Horary five, that number which he gives for that
astrology. What one can never predict girl alone will provide a' positive answer
from Natal chart, one can judge from the and the other four will deny.
Horary chart. There are various questions (c) Suppose I get a list of houses
and problems which the natal chart cannot from the Rent Control office. Which
explain at all. It is helpless. The Horary house shall I select and occupy ?
Chart answers all questions, whether silly (d) Suppose I get appointment orders
or minor or major ones. from four different industries—all cotton
(One should make astrology practical mills and all situated in Bombay. Which
and useful. We must bring the stars down job should I take up ?
to Garth, and interpret them in the For all these baffling questions, the birth
language of daily life fitting with modern chart cannot provide the key. The Horary
times.) System alone gives the guide. Hence, I
Astrology is not a religion. It can request readers-to follow the Horary
never save anybody from self-destruction. system invariably. Even when the birth
It can throw light upon the dark and chart is there, look to the Horary chart
narrow paths through which a hungry and for confirmation and clear prediction.
belated soul may have to force it way. (My book on the Horary System will be
This is what wise people like Sepherial released in 1968. I have endeavoured to
say. state the principles contained in the Hindu
Let me pose some questions. How can and Western Systems and also the method
the birth chart aid in answering the follow- which I advocate. Lord Uchchishta Maba
ing ■ questions? On the other hand, if Ganapathi has rendered it precise, perfect
the Horary system is followed and a and practical.)

South Indians work out the birth chart,
of a person taking the time of birth in Kuja Chandra
Gbaties and Vighaties after Sunrise in that
locality on that day or by taking it in
l.S.T. They ;have the:Zodiac already
drawn in the following manner and in thai Rahu
map they mark the positions of the ,
planets. Bhava Chart
For example the chart prepared by a Sun.
friend Astrologer is reproduced below: Kethu,
-12 , Aries Taurus Gemini Sukra.
Pisces I " ' 2 3 Bddha, Sani
- 11 ' Cancer ■ How can Mercury and Venus come to "
Aquarius '4 Sagittarius ?
Though the method is traditional, is it
not misleading ?
10 Leo If one uses the house division according
Capricorn 5 to the Hindu method, the clear presentation
of the chart is either of the following two ;
8 Libra Virgo (a) Sun and Ketbu in Makara in
Sagitta- 7 6 lagna bhava;
. rius Scorpio. (b) Mars in Mesba in 4;
(c). Moon in Rishaba in 5
Birth Chart; (d) Rabu in Kataka in 7tb bhava or
Kuja Chandra (e) Saturn in Tbulain in the lOtb
, ,6-31- 6-42 bhava;
(0 Guru in Dbanus in the 12th;
(g) Budba and Sukra in Makara in
Rahu the 12th bouse
: 7-12 A.M. ( 21-35 OR.
2T2-1925 21-35 18° 54' N Kuja '
Lag. 18-10
Sun. 20-22
72° 54' E 3
III IV 6-31 ;V3° Moon
6-42 VI 3°
Suk. 1-17 3'
Mcr. 0-58
VII 3°
' Guru X 29-10 11 3° Rahu
18-59 Sani 21-35 »» For example, 21-35
presume tnat
21-36 at 3° each
Sim liouse begins,
According to Hindus; Sun and Kethu in Asc 3®1-17
I Bhava: Kuja in 4: Moon in 5:. Bcdba 0-53
Rabu in 7 ; Sani in 10 : Guru, Mercury
and Sukra in 12. , 18-59 Sani
Below is our example of the Hindu Guru XI 3° 21-35
XIT 3° X 3°
South Indian method of presentation.
■The above is a scientific and correct way than the degree where the cusp falls, then
of erecting a chart with bbava positions.- the planets are to be inserted in advance
If a chart erected on the basis of the to the cusp. No planet should be written
traditional system is confusing, incorrect in the neighbouring sign.
and not scientific,-there is'no use clinging When does - the confusion arise?
to it. It is necessary to devise a system Actually, Budba and Sukra are in Capri-
which is clear, fool-proof and never mis- corn (Makara). But they are shown in the
leading. The chart itself should be Hindu method in Sagittarius in Bbava
complete and explanatory. The astrologer cbakra. It is misleading. According to
should not be invited to clarify what be me, the best system is what is shown at I
means. or II above. Either of the two can be
- followed; or both, whatever be the method
One must write the exact position where of house division, either the Hindu
a bouse commences in that particular method or that which I recommend
sign : then insert planets in the order of (Western System). It . is not correct to
the longitudinal degree occupied. If the follow a particular method of presenting
longitudinal degree of one or two or three the chart simply because it is traditional.
planets is lesser than the longitude degree What is" wanted is clarity. The chart
where, the house cusp commences, then should be correct and self-explanatory and
insert all these planets behind the cusp. should leave nothing for further elucida-
If the longitude of the planets is greater tion.
Are we to count from the sign occupied occupying either the beginning, or the
by Moon to the sign occupied by planets middle or the end of the sign is said to be
, or are we to refer to Bhava chart. ADHI- in Kendhra if it is in 1, 4, 7 or 10; so also
YOGA is taken as an example:— those in 1 or S or 9 are said to be in Kona
whether it is in the first degree or last
Brihat Jataka—by Varaha Mihira— degree of the sign and in whichever bhava
. Chapter 13—Sloka—2. < they may be.^
. "Count from the position of Moon. Hence, say Jupiter in Kumba, any
If in 6th, 7th and 8tb sign from the Moon,, degree and Moon in Makara any degree is
there are benefic planets, it is termed as said to cause Sunapha yoga, whereas, say,
Moon's Adhi-Yoga." Venus in Dhanus, Moon in Makara' sign
- In Sruta Keerthi, they say that it is not in rasi kundali is said to cause Anapha
necessary that all the 3 signs counted from Yoga.
Moon's sign be occupied by the three bene- Vasumathi Yoga is caused if all the
fics, one in each sign. They may be in all benefics occupy upachaya signs reckoned
the three signs, 6, 7 and 8 counted from from the lagna or the Moon.
Moon or 6 and 7 alone or 7 and 8 or 6 Ruchaka, Bbadra, Hamsa, Malavya and
alone or 7 alone or 8 alone. 'Vaidyanatha Sasa yogas are the five yogas which are
Disksh'athar in Jataka Parijata says the
powerful planet by which the Yoga is produced when Mars, Mercury, Jupiter,
caused, will produce the eSect of the Yoga Venus and Saturn respectively occupy any
in its dasa period. Kalyanavarman insists of the Kendra signs which happen to be
that these benefics should neither be their swakshetra or uchcha rasis (sighs).
eclipsed nor aspected by malefics (Saravali) Here, are we to take the sign position or
Mantreswara in Phalg dheepika reprodu- Bhava position ? Suppose, Moon is in
ces what Varahamihira has said. But Taurus 3°, lagna is Taurus 1°. If Mars
Prithuyasas in Horasara says that benefics is 28°, Scorpio, in the Hindu Method of
in 6, 7 and 8 signs from Moon or Lagna erecting Bhava chart. Mars will be inserted
cause Adhi yoga. He will' marry a demo- in the sign Sagittarius in the bhava chart
ness. Adbi yoga caused by benefics give and hence it will be shown in 8th house.
results without effort, If they are male- If so, Moon will be in Taurus and Mars
fics, effects will be felt only after great in Sagittarius. Is there Ruchaka voga or
strain. not?
Whenever Rajayogas are dealt with, the In Hindu system, do we consider
Hindu method is to count from sign to (a) the aspects from sign to sign or
sign in the Rasi Kundali erected in a map do we count from the bhava
which is a sign map and not a Bhava occupied by a planet to the bhava
chart which is wrongly, unscientifically occupied by another?
marked and presented. Clarity is needed. (b) for Gochara results do we count
For Rajayogas, are we to take the from .th6 position of Moon in
position of planets from sign to sign or sign or its position in Bhava
the bhava position? According to Hindu chart. Suppose lagna is in Taurus
system, I am of opinion that if lagna Rishaba 2°, Moon is in 23°
sign is Capricorn, or Moon is in Taurus: Then in Bhava chart,
Capricorn (whatever be the degree in it) Hindus show Moon in Gemini.
the signs Mesha, Cancer and Libra are In Bhava chart, if we have to
Kendhra signs and Taurus as well as refer the transit, then Jupiter in
Kanya are termed as Kona signs ; planets - Cancer- will be said as in 2 to
5 33
Moon if the Bhava chart is taken: planets in some other cases. Perhaps they
but do we count like that ? Are want to please their consultants and show
we not to count from the posi- presence of Rajayogas in their horoscopes
tion of Moon in sign, if we by either or both the above methods.
follow Hindu System. The clients are given inexhaustible citations
from the classics and are sent in satis-
It is said that, people born with Moon faction and in happy anticipation of a
in Karthik 2, 3, 4 padas, Rohini, Mriga- glorious future, which never comes in
sira 1 and 2 padas are said to be born in most of the cases. A number of yogas or
Rishaba Rasi. The day Saturn enters planetary combinations have been listed
Mesha, do we not mention that Sade-sati but no standarized canons of interpre-
has started for people born in Rishaba tation of the effects of these yogas have
Rasi wherever, in that sign. Moon is; been evolved. In reality there is great
Whether in Karthik 2, 3 or 4 padas or divergence between the results predicted
Rohini or Mrigasira first half. and the results undergone. The answer
Therefore, I say, that these yogas, and to successful predictive astrology lies not
Gocbara are counted from sign to sign in finding out the so-called antagonisms
and not from house to house—Westerners and friendships between the planets, their
alone follow house to house for Progres- so-called dignities and debilities but in the
sion and Transit'. constellation and sub-portion of the cons-
tellation occupied by the planets. This
Some of our traditional astrologers alone helps us to explain the contradiction
reckon Rajayogas on the basis of bhava between prognostication on the basis of
positions of the planets in some cases and the various yoga enunciated in the texts
on the basis of sign positions of the and the actual happenings.
A person is born. A horoscope is shares. There are only nine shareholders.
erected for the time of birth, taking the They are named Kethu, Venus, Sun, Moon,
place of birth for consideration and calcu- Mars, Rahu, Guru, Sani and Budha. Kethu
lation. We insert the planets as they are has got 7 shares, Sukra 20 shares i Sun 6;
found at that moment in the Zodiac in the Moon 10 ; Mars 7 : Rahu 18: Guru 16:
various signs and show them in the various Sani 19 and Budha 17. In this Company
houses. Kethu is the Managing Director. The
It is only in the birth chart that the name of the Company is Aswini. Suppose
planets are kept stationary. In 'actual the profit is 800 units. Then the Managing
practice, the planets are ever moving in Director will take first his share: then, in
their own orbits. They do not continue the cyclic order he distributes. How much
to remain where they were at birth time. can Kethu have? x 800. Is it not?
So the planets constantly moving in the 120
Zodiac arrive, by ephemeral motion, at' Next Sukra ~ x 800 ; Sun
the original position held at birth. In this 120 120 x 800
manner, every planet comes to the degree and so on. Thus all the 800 units will be
and minute of longitude which it occupied distributed in the cyclic order to all the 9
at the time of birth or to the natal posi- planets in the proportion in which they
tion occupied by another planet. Thus we have the shares.
say that planet' A' conjoins planet ' B ' if
' A', by its transit in the Zodiac, comes to If the company is Bharani, then Venus
the exact position where •' B' was at birth. is the Managing Director. It will take
Actually 'B' also would have moved first its share of ^ x 800; Next in the
away from its.original position. But the 120
point in which 'B ' was at the moment of
birth is reached by the planet' A' and cyclic order Sun x 800; then Moon
thus'A' kindles the matters signified by 120
' B '. That matter is accomplished by ' A ' x 800 and so on:
through the source shown by ' A 120 '
Suppose there is a switch at the point
where ' B ' was. Consider that this switch
is attached to a fan. Then when ' A '
comes there, it puts on the switch- What
happens? The fan starts moving. Who
has puMhe switch? ' A'. Suppose 'C'
comes there. It puts on the same switch.
The fan begins to move. Therefore,
.whichever planet touches that degree, the
nature of the result experienced is the same.
In other words, it is the point in the
Zodiac which decides the nature of the
result, whereas the transiting planet shows
how such a result is caused, its source, etc.
In the Zodiac, according to me, the 27
constellations are subdivided in the propor-
tion in which they are allotted the number
of years in Vimshodhari Dasa. Suppose One of the students takes the
there is a public limited concern of 120 * Abhisbeka Tbeertham'
If the company is Karthik, Sun will be anthra period runs and at a time
the Managing Director. It takes first its when a planet transits in A's star
this is the correct fact.
share of ^ x 800 and distributes others (6) Therefore note the planet. Note
in cyclic order in the proportion in which down which house matters are
they are allotted in Vimshodari Dasa. signified by . them. Then the
Such a subdivision of the constellation is subs ruled by them will offer those
my own discovery on which lies the truth, results which may or may not be
the whole truth of advanced stellar desirable to the native. Success
astrology. or failure, profit or loss, pleasant
or unpleasant, progressive or
If a planet is in a position in the Zodiac lethargic etc., can be said from
at the time of birth, the planet is in a sign, the sub alone. This is my
in a star and in a sub. finding.
The sign indicates the strength of the (7) Having noted what each planet
planet. The lord of the star denotes the signifies, one can decide which is
nature of the r^ult. The sub shows good as well as favourable to
whether that plan^ is favourable to the one and which is evil and un-
native or not, depending on the lord of favourable to the person.
the sub. Also, the sub lord shows to whom Hence the constellations and subs ruled
that sub is advantageous. Suppose there by the good planets, as found out above
is a significalor of the 8th and 12th are auspicious. In the favourable con-
houses. Then this planet is helpful to the stellation, beneficial sub is the fruitful one.
opponent or to one with whom we trans- Suppose there is a water-pipe line. If the
act. That sub lord who is favourable to constellation is favourable it means there
the native may be detrimental to another. is water in the pipe line. There are nine
Therefore note down, which planets are subs: Suppose each sub is a tap attached
evil to one. Then find out the constella- to the pipe line. Those taps which are
tion belonging to such malefic planets and governed by beneficial planets, function
understand that whenever planets transit properly and of the 9 planets, if any or
in those stars, the above results will many at any time transit there, i.e., open
operate. the tap, the matter—water—in the pipe-
Therefore what one has to do is a line will Sow and it is useful. But if any
simple scientific analysis and mechanical or many planets are evil, then those taps
application. Automatically the results belonging to the evil planets will be tight,
will come:— blocked' and there will be incrustation.
(1) Cast the Horoscope, noting the So, even though there is water in the pipe,
place of birth, time etc., using at the time this tap governed by evil
Raphael Ephemeris and Raphael planet, is opened, there is no Bow of
Table of Houses. water. It is useless—waste of time and
energy. Hence, the Sord of the constella-
(2) Note the Cusps of houses. tion indicates what it has got to give. It
(3) Note in which Bhava, each planet is the lord of the sub who decides, whether
is posited. it will allow you to enjoy or not. A
(4) Find out which planet is deposited basket is full of sweets in a marriage
in any of the 3 constellations of panda). This is what the lord of the
an occupant. constellation - grand-mother - has kept.
There are 9 of whom few are friendly and
(5) That planet' A' in the constella- the others are bad. When I am near the
tion of the occupant 'B' will basket friendly aunts (favourable sub)
cause the results of the house gives me sweets. If the sub is bad, that
occupied by ' B' at a time when wicked aunt denies me even though there
A's period or A's sub period or is sweet in the basket (constellation).
Every sub in the Zodiac has got it own Mercury, the first sub belongs to Mercury.
quality, characteristic, nature etc. depen- Ashlesha Commences at 16° 40' Cancer.
ding on the lord of the sign, the lord of Hence 16° 40' Cancer to 18° 33 1/3'
the star and the lord of the sub- All these Mercury rules the sub; then Kethu from
three read together will give the correct 18-33 1/3 to 19° 20' Cancer; Venus sub
picture, e.g., Aries and Scorpio belong to runs for 2° 13 1/3' from 19-20 to 21-33 1/3'
Mars. Yet the qualities, etc. of Aries are Sun for 40' from 21° 33 1/3' to 22° 13 1/3'
not the same as Scorpio, even though and so on. Hence, the longitude of each
Mars rules both the signs. Aries is Fiery, planet's sub is constant. Its beginning
movable, positive and mafculine whereas and a constellation depends on the
Scorpio is watery, fixed,^negative and lord of the constellation and its position
feminine. in the cyclic order. Is this method of sub
division scientific, or it is done according
Similarly Venus may be the lord of to one's fdncy ?
Bharani, Foorvapalguni and Foorvasbada
stars—yet Bharani is Venus star in the Indeed, absolutely scientific; further
Movable Mars sign : Foorvapalguni in the development is Krishnamurti Padhdbati.
fixed Sun's sign and Foorvasbada in the Suppose, Moon enters Bharani, child is
common Jupiter's sign. The combination born. Do not we say that the child is
of Mars, Venus; Sun—Venus or Jupiter— running Venus Dasa, Venus Bhukti—
Venus is the next stage. Consider till how long a period you can
Then, even though, Mars sign, Venus say so? Till Moon has covered 20 of
star indicates certain results, yet it is the
sub lord who further classifies and the the constellation or the duration needed
nature of result will be specific, precise by Moon to pass this area. When Moon
and particular, i.e., first sub in Bharani is has passed in Bharani 2° 13 1/3', if a child
ruled by Venus; the next sub by Sun; the is born, and the dasa balance is worked
next by Moon and so on: In each of out, do not we say, that the child has just
the stars—which are 13° 20'in longitude entered Sun Bhukti in Venus Dasa? There-
the longitude of each sub remains the fore does it not mean that, that area
same, though they may commence at any belongs to Venus and the sub to Sun.
part in that star. After some time, when Moon is in
Sun has a longitude of 0" 40' 2° 53 1/3' Bharani, the dasa balance is
said to be the end of Sun Bhukti and
Moon „ 1° 6 2/3" commencement of Moon Bhukti in Venus'
Mars and Kethu „ 0° 46 2/3' Dasa. Thus imagine.
Jupiter ,, 1° 46 2/3' Therefore the arc of each star and sub
Mercury ,, 1° 53 1/3' are constant fixed.
Rahu „ 2° 0'
Saturn ,, 2° 6 2/3' How can it help you ?
Venus „ 2° 131/3' Suppose you are running the dasa of
If it is Moon's star Rohini, the first sub Saturn. In your chart Saturn, Sun and
is ruled by Moon; so, in Risbaba, from Mars are the significators for marriage.
10° where Rohini commences to 11° Then when you observe, you find the
6 2/3' lies the Moon sub; then 46 2/3' following results.
Mars sub; then 2° Rahu sub and so on. Mars transits in Uthrashada governed
If it is Arudhra, Rahu's star, then Arudhra by Sun and sign owned by Saturn. When
commences at 6° 40' Gemini; hence Rahu it is in Rahu sub, no talk about his
sub will be 6° 40' to 8° 40' Gemini; marriage. In Jupiter sub, only some pur-
Jupiter sub from 8° 40' to 10° 26 2/3'; chases are made : Mars in Saturn sub in
Saturn sub 10° 26 2/3' to 12° 33 1/3' and Sun's star, a girl is interviewed." Not
so on. If it is Ashlesha ruled by bad, better to proceed " he thinks. Mars
passes to Mercury sub and in those days, those signified by the lord of the constel-
further negotiation proceeds. In Kethu lation in which ' A' is posited, also the
sub there is some fear that the negotiation same bhava results, provided there is no
many fall through. Mars is in Venus sub, planet in its constellation. Also, the
then both, by chance, at a distance, see results of the sign or signs *A' owns
each other in a Cinema hall. provided there is no planet situated in 'A'
Days pass on. Mars transits. the full sign or signs and also none in its constel-
portion of Moon star Sravana and comes lations.
to 23° 20' and enters into Dhanishta., Suppose the following is the chart;
During Mars sub, a third person mediates;
Rahu sub, no further progress; Jupiter 9th Cusp
sub, they fix a day for betrothal; Saturn Sun 20°
sub, betrothal; During Mercury ■ sub in
Aquarius in Saturn sign, invitations
printed and posted; Kethu sub, Prarthana, Moon (I)
Prayer, visit to temple, etc.; Venus sub,
relatives arrive, music is in full swing, s
and feasting goes on all round the panda). Rasi
Mars in Saturn sign. Sun sub, agrees with Mars
Saturn Dasa Mars Bhukti Sun Anthra
period and Sun and Saturn are also tran-
siting favourably. Marriage takes place.'
Thus one can obser ve that when a planet Moon (2) Jupitet Lagna
transits in a constellation, the nature of
the result signified by the house in which
the lord of the constellation is tenanted, (a) Sun is in 9: Sun is in Moon's
will come to light. If the lord of the constellation. Moon is in 11:
constellation is in the 10th Bhava, then Therefore Sun gives 11th Bhava
planets transitting in its constellation results. If Moon is in Dhanus in
bring forth 10th house matters, irrespec- 4, Sun gives 4th house matters.
tive of the name of the planet, etc. The (b) No planet is in Leo : 12th Cusp
point is this. Is there a planet in the 10th is in Leo. So Sun is lord of 12.
house? Then the matters of the 10th Sun indicates 12th house matters
house will be offered by those situated in also. If there is a .planet (say
the occupant's constellation in the birth Moon 2 in Uthrasbada) then
chart, in their dasas and bhukties ; also, Moon in 4 shows that planets in
at the time when planets transit these its constellation Rohini, Hastham
three stars governed by the occupant of Sravanan will give 4th house
the 10th house. Similarly, to each Bhava matters: If there are none, then
we have to note. There will be certain Moon gives (here there is Sun).
Bhavas, unoccupied by any. In those But Moon, in . Uthrasbada will
cases, take the lord of the sign where the give 12th house matters as it is
Cusp falls whether it is in the very begin- in the constellation of Sun who
ning middle or end of the sign. Then, note rules the vacant house 12.
the constellations governed by the lord of
the sign where the Cusp falls. Whenever Suppose there is no planet in Karthik,
planets ' transit in these three constella- Uthrapalguni and Uthrasbada, governed
tions of the lord, the matters' signified by by Sun, then Sun gives (a) 9th house
that Cusp will operate. matters and (b) 12th house matters.
The Cusp denotes the results of that If there is a planet in Leo, then any
Bhava alone genuine results of that house. planet in the constellation of the occupant
But a planet' A' in any Bhava indicates in. Leo in 12th Bhava gives 12th house
matters, and those in Leo but behind and the Sth. If the Cusp is transitted by
12th Cusp, i.e., in 11th house and Leo Saturn which is evil by its occupation,
sign will offer 11th house matters through then there is some undesirable result
the planet deposited in its constellation. regarding Sth house matters. It does not
Thus one should have a calm and clegr mean that Mars in S is also afflicted, so
thinking and understanding. Sth hotise also will suffer. Not at all.
Jf Mars occupies the 6fth house, it has - The Cusp receiving good aspect, protects
to indicate Sth house matters as there is the matters of the house. Planets in that
no planet in any of its stars. Further, bhava getting afflicted cannot affect that
there is one planet Jupiter in Scorpio, in bhava's results. Only the other results
the 3rd house and none in Aries. Then which the planet indicates alone will
3rd house matters will be offered by suffer. For example, good Jupiter is in the
planets in Jupiter's constellation or Jupiter Cusp of a house. The matters of that
whereas Sth house matters will be given house cherish. If Kethu conjoins a planet
by planet in Mars constellation and if in that bhava at the same time, the result
there are none, by Mars himself. So Mars, of the bhava will not suffer, but other
depending on the planet in its stars can matters indicated by that planet in that
indicate the matters of the house indicated house, will perish.
by the lord of the constellation, the Sth Slow and steady brings sure success.
Planets—Eel ipsed—Rest) I ts
Eclipse means the interception of the then utterly powerless. Planets in con-
light of a heavenly body by intervention junction with the Moon are said to be in
of another body between it and the specta- Samagamam indicating good strength.
tor. It deprives the light of the body and Planets within 5° of the Sun will be
the spectator on the earth is denied its really combust. If they are within 10°, |
brilliance and splendour. the combustion is ordinary. ~ If a planet is
From Sun, Mercury is 36 million mile8 beyond 15°, there is no combustion.
away, Venus 67 million miles add the Westerners give importance only to the
Earth 93 million miles. Moon goes round Solar and Lunar eclipses. They do not
. and round the earth and it is 2,40,000 attach anything to the conjunction of Sun
miles from the Earth. Hence Moon, with other planets.
Mercury and Venus can come between the
Earth and the Sun. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Hindus pay much attention to the
Uranus and Neptune are 142 mil. miles, eclipse of the planets while they predict .
483 mil. miles, 886 mil. miles, 1,782 mil. results of those planets in their dasas and
miles, and 2,791 mil. miles respectively bhukties, while giving transit results how
from the Sun. Therefore,' Sun can come a planet getting eclipsed will behave and
between the Earth and these planets, also while selecting an auspicious time to
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Nep- celebrate marriage, or entry into a new
tune. On those occasions when Mercury, house or for learning Vedas, etc.
and Venus go far away from the Earth, Hindus are of opinion that the eclipsed
the Sun can come between these two planet, whether a benefic or a malefic,
planets and the Earth. Sun can never loses its strength especially to do good to
pass between the Earth and the Moon. the native.
Two planets are said to be in close
conjunction when they occupy some points In Jataka Thatvam, Mahadeva' says
of the Zodiac very near each other.- Each that the planet that is ecliped will cause
planet exerts its influence and spreads its trouble and produce untoward results.
light upto a certain distance on both its In 'Sanketanidhi', Ramadayulu has said
sides, and it is called its-orb. The Sun is that if Mars and Venus are eclipsed and
the biggest of all the planets and it has an occupy/the 5th house, the. person concer-
orb . of 17°, Moon .12°, and the other ned becomes one-eyed and if the lord of
planets 7°. the rising dwadasamsa is eclipsed, the
person's property is insecure, he also
Generally, - conjunction of two benefic says that the lord of the rising Trim-
planets produces good results, and bad samsa when eclipsed causes misunder-
results follow if two malefics conjoin. If standing among the relatives.
a benefic and a jhalefic are in conjunction,
much of the favourable results of the Kalidas is of the opinion that if the
benefic will be lost and likewise much of lord of a Bhava is eclipsed by the Sun's
the undesirable results of the evil planet rays, the Bhava is completely destroyed
will'get mitigated. even if the Bhava is occupied by benefics.
Planets in close conjunction are other- In his work ' Uttara kalamritham ', he
wise called rapt conjunction with the Sun, adds that Venus and Saturn do not lose
excepting .Rahu and Kethu who are said strength even when eclipsed.
to be in combustion or Vikala or Asthan- Prithuyasas, son of Varabamibira, deals
gatha or eclipsed. It is said that they are a little elaborately in his work Horasara,
with the results of the eclipsed planets. can give in the same position in the
Even though the planets may be strong by Zodiac, if they are not eclipsed. Bui
occupying a position in the Zodiac, yet Mantreswa^ in Phaladeepika writes that
they become weak if they are eclipsed by the strengti? of an eclipsed planet is nil
the Sun and hence they do not produce and a person will meet with his end in its
the good effects which are declared to dasa within a short time after it starts.
fructify in their dasa periods,' yogas and Destruction to the members of the family
their bhavas- However strong a planet and wealth is threatened. He will have
may be, still it will not produce any good litigation and may suffer humiliation. He
effect if it is eclipsed, and during its dasa, says that the eclipsed planet ruling the 7th
bad effects alone will accrue to the person. house shows loss of wife; lord of 5 denotes
It will apply to the results of the Bhava it danger to children and lord of lagna will
owns and also occupies. He also mentions cause death to the native. If the planet
that planets, excepting Venus and Saturn, is not eclipsed, good effect of the bhava
lose half of their strength when eclipsed. will be enjoyed. All will welcome the
If the Moon becomes eclipsed, the native lord of 6 to be eclipsed as it is strong to
will have a fall from his position, will be destroy the enemies.
mentally afflicted, and will suffer from Let us considerthe results of the planets
jaundice and similar diseases. Further,' when they are eclipsed and when they own
there will be risk from water. different houses in one's chart.
Mars, when eclipsed, will give trouble Lord of the Lagna getting eclipsed
and many kinds of worries, and the shows that the native will be imprisoned ;
native's mind will be in a destructive he will lead the life in cognito: will suffer
mood. from fear, disease and anxiety ; will parti-
Mercury when eclipsed, brings on loss , cipate in funeral rites; incur loss and may
in lands and perpetual mental affliction. lose position too ;' will be unfortunate ;
He will suffer from jaundice, sickness, etc.
catarrh, etc. He will also incur loss. Lord of 2; Behaves stupidly in a
Eclipsed Jupiter gives misery and happi- public assembly: will be untrustworthy ;
ness in equal p roportion. will receive annoying letters; .write bad
ones: suffer from eye troubleswill be
' Saturn in eclipsed state shows that the foul-tongued; spend heavily; incur Royal
person's income and expenditure will displeasure.
balance each, other. He will not feel Lord of 3: Demise of brother ; evil
happy. He will have a frail, body. But advice; trouble through secret mechanisa-
his fame will spread very wide. He will tion of internal enemies; humiliation;
be tormented by various mental cares. discomfiture and loss of pride thereby.'
Prithuyasas also mentions that one's Lord of 4: Distress to mother; sick-
education will be spoiled in the . period of ness to dear friends; danger to lands;
a planet occupying the navatnsa sign trouble due to the loss of cattle; danger
owned by the eclipsed one. from water and conveyance.
When longevity is calculated, the Hindu Lord of 5: Loss of a child; aberration
sages declare that one born during the of the mind ; deception ; wearisome wan-
period of eclipse is very short-lived. If the dering ; trouble in the stomach, displea-
lords of the. lagna, navamsa lagna and sure of the Government and bodily weak-
Moon rasi are all eclipsed, the person can- ness.
not live long. Lord of 6: Will have troubles through
While the strength of the eclipsed planet thieves; will suffer reverse, defeat; will
is discussed, Varahamihira says in Brihat commit. wicked acts; will do servile
Jataka that planets, when eclipsed, contri- duties; will be despised, scandalised and
bute only one half of what longevity they injured.
Lord of 7 : Distress to son-in-law; marriage of construct and enter into new
separation from beloved; untoward results premises when Jupiter and Venus arc
due to the troubles from the opposite sex ; eclipsed. It is called 'Guru Sukra
intrigues with wicked women; diseases in Moodam'.
the private parts; ever wandering-
People belonging to Sama Veda should
Lord of 8 ; Excessive sorrow ; want of not initiate mantra and do Upanayana
sense; carnal appetite, jealousy; uncon- when Mars is eclipsed. Rig Veda people
sciousness; poverty; fruitless rambling; should avoid these when Jupiter is
sickness; humiliation and death. eclipsed. If Venus is eclipsed, Yajur
Lord of 9: Will incur the wrath of the Veda people should not have Upa-
deity or Guru or preceptor; suffer some- nayanam.
thing untoward; trouble to wife and Westerners are of opinion that the
children; will do wicked acts 1 elder's conjunction of Sun and Moon is highly
demise; will suffer from poverty. conducive to promote material welfare
Lord of 10: /Fruitless attempts; loss of. and to have bright careers. Sun and
honour; will become wicked; leave his Mars in close conjunction give force of
permanent place; inauspicious happen- character and power of endurance. Great
ings; will lead bad lifesuffer troubles. self-control is to be exercised. There will
Lord of 11: Bad newstrouble to elder .be struggle between one's will and desires
brother;- sickness to children; will suffer during one's life.
misery; deception and ear disease. Sun and Mercury in close conjunction
Lord of 12 : Various diseases; dis- give much mental ability, with a clear
honour; disappearance of wealth, deten- thinking of high order. It gives adaptabi-
tion, bondage. lity. One will have reasoning ability,
memory and fluency of speech. The
These results will be experienced by a greatest orators, chief engineers, famous
person when he runs the dasa or bhukthi accountants and auditors are having Sun
of the lords mentioned above. and Mercury in the same longitude when
Mantraeswara gives hopes by saying it is cazimi or combust. Only a few are
that a planet, even when eclipsed, if it perverted and dogmatic.
occupies an auspicious sign and navamsa, Sun in conjunction with Jupiter makes
will, in its period, offer mixed results and one a scholar. He will maintain good
finally in the latter half of its dasa, agree- health, enjoy mental equilibrium and have
able and beneficial results. professional advancement. New. under-
Transit results of eclipsed planets : takings will prosper and constructive
Planets in their transit through favourable ability will be strengthened.
houses (houses wherein they have to give
good effects) become void of effect if they Conjunction of Sun and Venus shows
happen to be eclipsed. But if the houses popularity and social success. He will
transited by them be unfavourable, then acquire competence in music, art, poetry,
they will give bad effects in an- aggravated etc. He will gain through the other sex.
form. Marriage will give continuous happiness.
Election .of auspicious time for any Conjunction of Saturn and Sun gives
undertaking: Avoid the constellation in indomitable will, courage and strength of
which the recent eclipses Save appeared intellect. It does not promote material
within six months before and after the happiness. Ill-health and obstacles delay
month when one desires to do any auspi- one's advancement in life. But it brings
cious work. lot of power, authority and responsibility
It is also declared that it is not advis- if Saturn receives good aspects from
able to celebrate Upanayanam and benefics.
Thus Westerners have taken each Everyone may desire to have a more
planet, observed the results and have beautiful and better accomplished wife
recorded them. Those who are interested and also a higher status in life. So also,
to do research can take the horoscope of Mercury eclipsed, may in its dasa, make
those in whom a few planets are eclipsed the person feel discontented, but yet, as
and observe the various results enjoyed by lord of 7, it gave marriage, and as lord of
them during the data of the eclipsed 10 gave promotion. A person born in
planets. Vrischika Lagna with Moon in Vrischika
Modern Astrological Research Institute, had Venus eclipsed at the time of his birth.
Madras, verified various chart and found He had bis wedding in Venus Dasa and he
out that the eclipsed planets give both enjoyed his married life. He also invested
good and bad results in their dasas, depen- money on luxurious articles, jewels and
ding upon the Bbuktinathas, e.g., a person furniture. Thus one can see that the
born in Dhanur lagna having Mercury planet when eclipsed does not become a
eclipsed, had his marriage and prosperity malefic and deny the results it has to.offer,
in his profession' during Mercury Dasa. but it does so to a less Extent.
When on honest truth is published, i.e. 7 hours 32 mts. 21 seconds. But
people with open mind, take it in right Sidereal time must be 7-35-5 to get the
sense. A few others consider and give vent position given by Shri Thiruvenkatacbarya.
to their feeling that I am arrogant or I So, L.M.T. should be 4-53-44 A.M. for
mistakenly praise myself. Whomsoever this longitude.
studies my methpd with the desire to
learn, will learn niy Padhdhati and they He has corrected the time of birth be-
will be able to offer correct and precise cause according to his method of predic-
prediction. They are the best tailors who tion the actual time of birth mentioned by
stitch caps according to the head given by Shri B. V. Raman about his own child is
God. But one of the authors of an article wrong. Now readers ask whether Shri B. V.
in Astrological magazine has written in Raman is doubtful about the birth time of
his article " According to my rectification his own child or Shri Thiruvenkatacbarya
the birth of Sri Surya Prakash is 4-51 corrects the actual time of birth as his
A.M. (L.M.T.) and not 5-40 A.M. I.S.T." method is to come true. This- process
God gave birth at 5-40 I.S.T. appears to be, if the time of birth given by
Mr. 6. V. Raman has published. So, I can Shri B." V. Raman, used by other authors
understand, if one corrects the time of is correct, like a tailor who has a cap
birth of a child born to some couple in a and who knows only one method of
village. But, to correct the time of birth of stitching, wants to change the size and
Shri B. V. Raman's child is not alright. shape of the head of a person.
All the contributors have given prediction
basing on 5-40 A.M. If according to Let me prove that 5-40 A.M. I.S.T. is
Shri Thiruvenkatacbarya the time is to be correct, following Krishnamurti Padh-
taken as 4-51 A.M. L.M.T then all the dhati. I take the place of birth as 12-58
predictions of other authors praising him N and 77-38 E. Sayana chart is as follows:
have to be revised. But I understand, that S. T at birth : .8-1-49.
Shri Thiruvenkatacbarya thinks at random;
If 23° 24 mts. Libra is to be the ascen-
dant and meridian 22° Cancer for the
place of birth of Shri Surya Prakash, then Sat. 3-32 Uranus
the sidereal time must be 7 hrs. 35 mts, 3-17
5 sees, at 13° N and his figure 4-51 A.M.
is wrong. Again bis statement that 21 Kcthu
minuts is the difference is also wrong. If 16-05
21 mts. is the difference and if the reported Sayana
time of birth is 5-40 A.M. I.S.T. ; unless 2—11 — 1935
the longitude is 75° 30'E, 4-51 A.M. his Rahu 16-5 5-40 A.M.
figure cannot be correct. If 4-51 is correct, Moon 14-5
the ascendant needs correction. Mars 3-10
Because on . , 1—11—19351
Sid. time at noon= 14 hrs. 39 mts. 23 sees. Jup. 28-28 Asc. 29-50 Nep. 16-09
Correction for? ' ft .. Sun 8-38 Mer. 20-6 Veo. 23 II
0 M
, East Long J -
Add Interval bet- ~|
ween previous 1 +16 _ 5l 00
Lagna 29 Libra 50 : second cusp 29
noon and birth f Scorpio 19. Third 28 Sagi 19; IV 28
time L.M.T. J Capri 19: V 29 Aq. 19 VI 0 Aries 19.
Correction for if" 1 4. o _ 2 49
terval j
Therefore Sideral I Ayanamsa — Krishnamurti 22° 51'
time at birth ^ ^-32 21 Nirayana chart;
Sabharathnam (both Supdc. in Home
Kethu Ministry In Madras) Sri Raman, Sri
23-14 Suryaprakash and, I alone opened the
branch. As I am a devotee of Lord
Uchlsbta Maha Ganapathl, about whom
Sathabhisha writes nowadays they
Sat 10-41 requested me to do Ganesh Pooja—I did
Now 1 ask (a) Has the Subha Muhur-
tham selected by Sri Raman and late Surya
prakash given him long life! (b) Has the
Pooja averted this tragedy to him though
Rab 23-14 Uchishta is good to met
Moon Jup 5-37 Sun 15-47 Ven 0-20
Lagna Mcr
21-14 6-59 27-15 But T say, nothing can change the fate
Mar 10-19 and one can't live even one minute beyond
his longevity las indicated by the birth
Venus dasa balance 8 years 1 month chart, examined . by Krishnamurti
24 days. On 9-9-63 he was running Mars Padhdhati-
Dasa Mercury Bhukti Venus Anthra.
Bhadhasthana Leo vacant; Lord Sun;, .Krishnamurti and his disciples are
stars Karthik, Uthrapalguni, Uthrashada. never arrogant; they can assert. Why ?
Hence -Venus alone was in Bhadhaka They have mastered the simplest scientific
sthana adhipathi star. method to analyse judge and predict
Marakasthanas: 2 and 7 c Jupiter is in 2. One beauty is this. All my students
Take Kethu. Mars owns .7 ; Kethu in erect the same horoscope for a particular
Jupiter's star: Mars i n Kethu star : person, predict the same nature of result,
Mercury in Mars star. Hence Venus, Mars, the same date of event etc. Then only,
Mercury, Kethu and Jupiter are the the method is scientific. It is a Science.
strongest. Take Traditional Astrology; Thousands
The death was during Mars Dasa Mer- of alokas. Tens of charts. Tens of.Dasa
cury Bhukti and Venus Anthra. If Kethii Balance. This is the main reason why the
Bhukti would have come earlier, Kethu public have got vexed. Such can never be
would have proved to be evil as it is in 9, found in Krishnamurti Padhdhati.
aspected by lord of 2 and 7. Then, why, a few try to ridicule?
Hence Krishnamurti Padhdhati accepts Because, they do not want to learn and
the actual time of birth given by Shri follow K. P.. They have no other method.
B. V. Raman through his magazine and They have to depend on the good name of
explains that he must pass away on 9-9-63. sages. '
Astrologers should try to learn more, Let me ask.
if the correct chart when examined does (1) What is the research done and
pot agrae with the result if a particular what is the finding of another Astrologer?
method is followed. It is easy to say that If so, let him put clearly his findings.
the time of' birth is wrong. I can under- (2) Krishnamurti Padhdhati second
stand, if a villager gives a time, where volume ' and magazine Astrology and
no watch is available. I cannot under- Athrishta clearly bring out his success in
stand . if one challenges about the birth the research.
time of Bhri B. V. Raman's son.
Readers may note that Shri B. V. (3) Does Krishnamurti- argue on
Raman has selected a moment to open a Rama, Krishna, Draupadi and Dama-
branch of Sri Surya Prakash office In yanthi, charts? Nobody knows the actual
Madras. His nephew Shri P. S. Sankara- time and year of birth and there is no
subramanian and his colleague Shri Ephemeris for those years.
(4) Docs he confuse the readers, follow ? What is the research done ?
by giving various, innumerable methods How many charts on various aspects,
propounded by our sages for any one predicted by Sri K. S. K., having come
aspect. After reading all these, can any,' correct to the date are published, along
honestly, say, he has understood all these with his Padhdhati who has done so much
dicta and all those given by our sages research successfully? Why should one
come correct. Pity is that each method feel bad about his success ?
gives different answer. Which are we to'

Chart is as follows : owned by a planet. Then the node is to be
considered and preferred):—
17-50 (1) The node or the plan ts situated
Kethu ) in the constellation of the occu-
29-30 pants of any of the houses 2 or
Sat 26-20 6 or 10 or 11.
Ven 25-46 (2) The occupants.
0-19 (3) The node or the planets deposited
22-1-1937 in the constellation of the owners
Sun 9-26 of 2, 6,'10 and 11.
(4) The owners.
(5) The node or the planets con-
Mere joined with any of the signifi-
23-28 Rahu Mars 16-1 Lagna cators.
Jup 18-51 29-30 21-55
This rule is universal: Simple: scienti-
fic, correct.and convincing.
Dasa Balance ; Moon Dasa 4 years
1 month IS days. {N.B.)—If there are many significators
Cusps take the common ones between the many
L 21°'Virgo 55' significators found out and the ruling
II. 20° Libra 23* planets at the moment of judgment i.e.,
the lord of the lagna; the lord of the star
- III. 21° Scorpio 23' the lord of the sign occupied by Moon
IV. 22° Sagitta 23' and the lord of the day. Ruling planets
V. 24° Capn'co 23' today the day is Tuesday—24-8-1967:
VI, 24° Aquar 23' Lord Jupiter. The star is Revathi—Lord
One can get the other 6 cusps by adding Mercury Moon is in Pisces: Lord Jupiter;
180° to these cusps. Lagna is Scorpio 6° 50' owned by Mars in
Planets Anuradha governed by Saturn. Therefore
ruling planets are Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn
' Sun in 4 ; Moon in 8 ; Mars in 1 ; Merc, and Mars. But Rahu - is in Mars sign
in4°,' Jupiter in 3; Venus in 6; Saturn in 6; today. Hence take Rahu.
r Rahu in 3 (it means Ketbu in 9).
Question : Promotion. Significators ; Analysis:—
Houses to be judged : 2, 6, 10 and II (1) Occupanfs Second—Vacant
(Bbavas). Six—Venus and Saturn
Significators Eleven—Vacant
(Note'.: '" whether Rahu or Kethu is in a Constellations governed by- Venus—
sign Conjoined with or aspected by or Bharani, Poorvapalguni and Poorvashada.
Constellations governed by Saturn:— Hence the significators are Venus; Saturn:
Pushya,- Anuradha and Uthrapadrapada. Jupiter : Mercury: Kethu Moon: Rahu:
Depositors in the constellations:— Question is " when can I have the next
Bharani, Poorvapalguni, Pushya, Anu- promotion ? "
radha Uthrapadrapada—none. Select the common ones among the
Jupiter and Mercury are both in Poor- significators and the ruling planets at the
vashada—Hence take Jupiter and Mercury.. moment of Judgment.
(2) Occupants: Venus and Saturn. They are Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, and
Rahu. Time of event: Jupiter Dasa, Saturn
(3) Lords: Venus rule 2 : Saturn 6: Bhukti, Mercury Anthra, Rahu Shook-
Mercury 10 and Moon 11. shma, or Jupiter Dasa, Mercury Bhukti,
Stars of Venus and Saturn discussed. Rahu Anthra, Saturn Shookshma, or
Mercury rales Asblesba, Jyeshta and Jupiter Dasa, Mercury Bhukti, Saturn
Revathi: Moon governs Rohini Hastham Anthra Rahu Shookshma. Hence you can
and Sravanam. Rahu is in Jyeshta; Moon expect the promotion and must have it on
is in Rohini: No planet in Ashlesha, 28-11-1968.
Revathi. Hastham and Sravanam. Hence [Suppose the query is to Union " When
Jiahu is connected with service. was I appointed." Then you will never
(4) Lords : Venus—Saturn—Mercury— take the chart on a day, when the ruling
Moon. planets are the same: as it is at this
(5) Kethu . is conjoined with Moon : . moment; but you will judge on. the day
aspected by Mars and is in the sign of when the ruling planets will be in full,
Venus. Kethu can give the results of Moon agreeing with the Dasa lord, Bhukti lord
to a much greater extent, than as an agent and Anthra lord according to Vimshodhari
of Mars and Venus.' Kethu is the lord of System. Now research is going on to
Aswini, Makamand Moolam. subdivide a constellation in the proportion
■Un which the planets are allotted the
No planet is in any of the three stars. numbers of years in Ashtodhari Dasa.
Today 20-9-67 is a Wednesday governed Moon
by Mercury. Moon transits at 353° 34' in 23-34 Rahu
Mercury star Revathi in Meena rasi owned Saturn 6-7
by Jupiter. Time is 6 P.M. Lagna is in 16-40
Pisces, lord of which is Jupiter. Therefore
Jupiter, Mercury and Rabu rule this
Peon enters the room: be announces Jup. 1-23
" Sir, from this afternoon, there is no fan,- Venus
no light; electricity has failed 4-20
One student gets up. Another writes in Lagna Sun
a slip. The third asks " Sir, now we have 16-40 to Mars Ketu 3-33
20° 13-40 6-07 Mercury
Sunlight.So, please predict, when the 23-36
electric light will come? If not, shall, we
go home." The ruling planets are
Give a number within 108. (a) Lord, of Horary Lagna Jupiter—
" 78, Sir," (said Mr. Kafckar). (b) Lord of the star now Mercury—
Good. You need not go. Wait. We are Revati.
getting the light, a little late, when we (c) Lord of the rasi—Jupiter—Pisces.
almost feel that it will not come. (d) Lord of the day—Mercury—Wed-
Why, Sir ? In those moments the follow- (e) Lord of the star in which Horary
ing flashed in my mind. 78 means Sagit- lagna has fallen, Venus.
tarius rises. Lord of Sagittarius and (f) Sub lord of the Horary lagna—
Saturn (Retrograde) are both aspecting the Mars and Rabu as Rabu is in
lagna. Saturn delays : It can disappoint, Mars sign, nowadays, take Rabu
if Jupiter does not aspect the lagna or if as long as Rabu is in Aries).
lord of lagna is aspected by strong Saturn.
Neither Saturn aspects Jupiter, nor the As Mars is in 11, take the first, earliest
lagna is devoid of the beneficial aspects of time when that point ruled conjointly by
Jupiter. Therefore, the ultimate result is the significators operate. (Moon, Mars and
announced, first. Mercury offer results at the earliest oppor-
"Sir, if you ask us to wait, we all will Now, the point that-rises in the East is
wait. But, let us know the time when it in Pisces. So take (Venus and Rabu, do
will come! not have stars in Pisces) Mercury star.
You have given number 78. Therefore Earliest sub belongs to Mercury. Sub-sub
for this time, the horary chart is as Rabu.
follows; (I work on the board in jjlara- Pisces 330° to 360°
tiya Vidya Bhavan, Delhi.) Revati 346° 40' to 360°
Mercury sub ; 346° 40'to 348° 33'20" one can in 2 minutes, reply the query,
Rahu sub sub : 347° 43' to 348. correct to the minute in the same Trunk
This Nirayana position is to rise in the
East. Kfishnamurli Aynamsa is 23" 18'. The prediction given ip the class regard-
< So Sayana Lagna should be Aries 11° 1' to ing the supply of electricity • at 6-53 P.M.
' 11° 18' Aries. , ' fey the Professor on number 78, given, by
Refer to Raphael's table of Houses. Shri P. N. Kakkar on Wednesday 20-9-67
Aries 11° I' will rise at 18 hrs. 31 mts. 7 at 6 P.M. came very correct to the minute.
sees. L.M.T. at Delhi 28° 38' N and 77° We endorse our appreciation.
12'E. 1. Gopinath Kapur, M.A.
Therefore the difference between LMT 2. S. Sesodhra, H. Horn. H.E.D.
and I.S.T. = 21 mts. 12 seconds. 3.. P. N. Kakkar, S.D.O. M.E.S.
4. B. L. Batra, D.H.O.
If we add this to the - figure we get 18 5. Ram Kanuga, D.L.E.
hrs..52 mts. 19 seconds. 11° 18"is over 6. J. C Moorgai, B.Sc., LL.B.
by 18 hrs. 53 mts. 20 seconds. 7. A. K. Krishnaswamy.
I predicted that it would come at 6-53 8. G. L. Bala.krishnan.
P.M. I.S.T. and it did come. 9. O.. L. Varma, M.A.
10. S. Seethalakshmi.'
What does this show ? 11.' S. Balasundaram.
(1) Krishnamurti Ayanamsa , is correct 12. K. K.' Bajaj.
to the minute. 13. Vijay K. Kharina, B.E.
(2)(a) If one wants • to know when an 14. S. R. Chopra, M.Si., B.Ed.
operation will be over; 15. N. M; Kapoor, M.A., .B.Ed.,
(b) When one will be cured from a LLB.
disease ; 16. Mrs. C. K. Kesavan, M.Sc.,
Ph.D., Res. Engr.
(c) When one who has gone overseas,, 17. M. Girija, M.Sc.
will return; ' .18. C. B. Sharma, M.A., B.Sc.
(d) When one can expect a result; 19. Sunder Singh, B.A., N.D. Arch.
(e) When a judgment will be passed; etc.
(f) the moment of the* birth of a 20., I. D. Gupta, etc.
. child, when the expectant mother They are regular students. They have
is admitted in the nursing' home studied both Hindu and Western Systems.
or when she is on the family way; They have read Krishnamurti Padhdhati.
(g) When the train or plane will They master it by hearing the author in
arrive or start; person, which fortune, people living in
(h) When will I find the missing these years alone can have. How can the
person, purse, article, animal etc. ? people with prejudice or to be born after
'(i) When will the result be announ- a few years hear him inperson. Thousands
ced ? can write articles, by reproducing and
■ (j)' When will I enter into a job or applying old methods. But to write arti-
cles using Krishnamurti Padhdhati alone,
open a business etc. ?
needs a couple of years after studying my
Krishnamurti Padhdhati; not referring system. "The Telugu" monthly Adhrush-
to one's birth'chart, not erecting on the tam is run by a few, who stayed in my
data furnished which may or may not be residence at Madras 4 years ago, learnt,
correct, not remembering the thousands of applied, being convinced and overjoyed on
slokas, getting confused with the'contra- the accuracy. They run the magazine using
dictory ones, but simply applying Krishna- Krishnamurti Padhdhati alone which is
murti's Padhdhati, a successful research, very fibpular.

It is a vice. Mars, . Saturn and Neptune According to me,.
when ill-posited cause such an undesir- (a) Note the mentality of a person.
able effect.1 Mars "is called a 'Thief. One-may be honest for-many decades.'
Saturn is- the chief governor for secret But he can turn out to be unreliable and
' mean action. Neptune for deception, a cheat, later. One may be a rogue, later
swindling, treachery etc. Lagna and 2nd he will be a very honest person. These are
house show the speech; the 4th house due to change in Dasa and Bhukti. The
indicates One's mind, sincerity, reliability person is the same. The horoscope is also
etc. Himself being cheated is shown by -the same. Yet in his lifetime, when the
12th house and the native cheating lords ruling the Dasa and bhukti change,
another is to be judged from 6th house. mind changes'. If a planet or a few planets"
Jataka Tatva—Mahadeva says "Vyya by their disposition indicate honesty,'
Easae Arigae Suvak". Lord of 12 in during their dasas and bhukties, he will be
Lagna—Good Speaker—Eloquent in honest. Any planet may. be so ill-posited .
speech. as to indicate that he will be dishonest.
So during this planet's dasa and bhukti,
Jupiter conjoined with Moon makes one one will be dishonest.
speak politely whereas Saturn with Moon
makes one speak harshly but will be The following is the horoscope of a
supported by his relatives. person who was veey honest till 1958;
since 9 years when he gets up from bed,
' If Moon and Sun are in 4, the gentle- first thought is " Whom can I cheat
man will appear to be clever and cunning to-day? What .shall I do . to dupe
but later he will be found to be sincere another?" While cleaning his teeth,
and true. But nodes - orr malefics in 4 these questions again fiash in the mind
make others mistake that such a person and he begins to contemplate after pray-
is honest. For all outward show, he will. ing his family diety. He was born on a
appear to be honest, inwardly most dis- Tuesday (before Wednesday sunrise) on
honest. Malefics in 4, make one dishonest. 23-4-1924 at-0.22 A.M. midnight (22nd ,
One becomes a thief if--- over) at 31° 37'N and 74° 26' E.
(a) lord of lagna weak, (b) Ketu
conjoined with Atmakaraka in Navamsa, Sun 9-40
(c) Culika conjoined in' Navamsa with Merc Ven 25-14
Atmakaraka, (d) lord of 12 in 3, (e) lord of 27-45
4 in.6, (f) lord, of 8 in 2, (g) Mars and
Mercury in 6 and (h) Mars and Mercury Lira 24-57
in lagna. Ketu Ncp 24-54
6-20 i,
.Dangerthrough thieves or people who Nirayana
Rasi Fortuna
are cheats— Mars 6-07
6-10- Rahu 6-20
(a) Lords of 2 and 11 weak. Mars
aspects them. They occupy in Navamsa
evil signs, (b) Lord of 10 and a malefic is Lagna JupMoon
in 6. (c) The lord of the Navamsa sign in 19-25 Sat 6-04
which lord of 2 is posited, occupies 6 or 8 24-42
or 12, conjoined with a malefic and a'jo be
aspected by the lord of the ascendadt etc.. Budha—Mercury Dasa Balance. 6 year?
Thus many rules are given by Mahadeva, 9 months 3 days,
Lagna is in the sign of Jupiter: Constel- started. Sun was in Ketu star, Saturn
lation is ruled by lord of 6 (loss to sub. Only from sun Dasa, the most honest
opponent) and 11 (gain to the native). person's mind works in these directions.
Sub is governed by Rahu in the 8tb house. After 26-1-64, Moon Dasa has started.
Rahu receiving aspect from Mars and in
the constellation of Kethu is evil. Sub-lord It is in Mercury star Rabu sub. So,, it will
Rahu, spoils.' continue. Then from 1974, Mars Dasa
will operate. It is in Sun's star Mercury
Next, Mars is in Lagna Bbava. It is lord sub. Next Rabu, which is in Ketu constel-
of ninl. It is in the constellation of lation. Thus, one can find that planets
Sun in 4th Bbava and sub.of Mercury in 3. are so well distributed in the map that he
Sun in 4 influenced by Ketu (constellation) is born a cleaver cheat.
becomes a malefic to spoil one's mind. According to Western System, Scopio
Kethu is in Mars' star and sub of Moon .and Capricorn signs, feminine ones incline
in 12. Hence Ketu, Mars, Sun (aspected . to secrecy and hidden methods utilized for
by Mars) and Rabu (in Ketu star) and one's benefit by doing evil actions. Saturn
aspected by Mars are all favourable to contributes to one's. secret activities to
have such evil thoughts. Ketu in 2, in attain one's desired results. Scorpio does
the constellation of Mars shows that he adopt mysterious ways. What he does, he
has no fear at all, when he speaks. He •is conscious of and treachery is inten-
knows that he is cheating the other. He tional. Fixed signs show that the action is
is fully aware that he is uttering series of a direct hit. Fiery signs are above board.
lies. Yet his time forces him to talk in Airy signs can advise. Watery sighs do
such a forcible and convincing manner commit such a crime and gain thereby.
that the other parly is made to believe and (Lagna may be in a fiery sign. But an
there is no room left, so that he could evil planet in an earthy sign may come to
doubt. Mars gives courage and bravely .Lagna Bbava. Therefore, the upright
make attempts. Ketu allows him to speak. nature will be spoiled by the tenancy of
Sun renders him outwardly honest and in- an evil, planet in the first house.) Mars leads
wardly dishonest. Rahu in Ketu constel- to treacherous actions including bold
lation is also undesirable. Mercury in attempt, violence etc. Saturn leads .to
Sun's star, causing the so-called Nipuna- deception, dishonesty by underhand
yoga, gives that intelligence to - cheat dealings. So also Rahu.
another. So also. Moon and Jupiter in
Mercury constellation, give sharp intel- When we analyse, we come to a conclu-
lect. Thus when we see, Venus - alone is sion that Saturn, Mars and Rahu bring
not spoiled. out cheats and Jupiter keeps them under
control during the periods of planets in
Between 26-1-1938 and 26-1-1958 he any manner connected with Jupiter,
could not be dishonest. New year 1958 whereas the other planets, in their periods
brought him a new cycle of life. Sun Dasa exhibit the innate nature.


13, Brahmin Street, Saidapct. Madras-is.
SirJ manya Sastri in Utbrakalamritha has
Mr. Cyril Fagan has said that Mahatma taken the date of birth wrongly as Septem-
Gandhi had his Moon in Cancer at ber 1870. Which is the correct chart of
26° 55'. Mr. Raman has published that MaKatma. Is his star Ashlesba or Maka 7
Moon was in Leo at 0° 10'. Mr. Subra- askeira student,
What is the time now?" On 30-1-1948 in Rahu Anthra Jupiter
" 6 P.M." Shookshma was operating. So, it was
" What is the date and day?" Jupiter Dasa, Yenus Bhukti, Rahu Anthra,
Jupiter Shookshma.
" Saturday 30-9-67
" Where is Moon at present?" Why should they. cause the tragic end
and how to find out one's longevity?
" J18° roughly. "
" That is." (1)~. Bbadhakasthana and,
" In Cancer at 28°." (2) Marakasthana are to be judged.
" What is the star.." Significators; As lagna is in a mov-
" Ashlesha in Moon rasi. able sign, the llth house , is Bhadhaka-
As today is Saturday, take Saturn sub. sthana. There is no planet in the llth.
So, take the lord of the llth house. Its
"Sir, please work out his Chart as ruler is Sun. Its stars are Karthik, Uthra-
I want to know why he had a tragic end palguni and Uthrashada. Only. Jupiter is
on 30-1-1948." in the constellation of Sun. Maraka-
"In 1869, he was' bom in Porbander, . sthanas are 2 and 7 : Saturn is occupying
the second ' house and Jupiiter the 7th.
which is 21° 37' N and 69° 49' E. ' In those
years, there was no Indian Standard time.' Pushya, Anuradha and Uthrapathra' are
the constellations of Saturn and Rahu
All followed Local Meantime. They is in its star Pushya. Punarvasu, Visaka,
noted down the time of birth in Ghaties
and Vikaties after sunrise. I understand , Poorvapadra are ruled by Jupiter. Venus
and Mars are in Visaka. (Kethu repre-
that, he is born at 4 Ghaties 5 Vikaties sents Saturn—no planet is in Kethu star.
after Marthanda Mandala Udhaya. Sun Kethu is aspected by Jupiter, Saturn and
rises at 5 hrs. 51 mts; A.M. on 2-10-1967 Mars. Kethu is also evil.) The signifi-
at 21" 37' N. 4 Gh. 5V after Sunrise cators found are Jupi ter, Venus, Rahu, Mars
means 98- mts., after S.R. =7-29 A.M.
L.M.T. Hence his lagna should be 9° 38' and Kethu. Actually Jupiter Dasa Venus
in Libra. • The ■ position of planets are Bhukti Rahu Anthra proved to be evil.
as follows : Rahu is conjoined with Moon. It is in
Moon's sign. Hence, death was on a
Jup. 29-09 Moon star day. According to transit;

i • Rahu
12-20 26-15
2-10-1869 Moon
8-19-44 A.M. I.S-T. 28 -54'
at 21-37 N and Ven. 22-10
69-49 E Mer, 3-30 Sat 26-59
12-20 30-1 1948
Mar. 26-23 Sun 16^29 Mars
Sat. 18-41 Ven. 24-37 11-24
Mcr. 11-53 Sun I7W
Lag. 90-38'
"Mercury Dasa balance 1 year 4 months Jup. 28-03 Kethu Moon 15°
25 days.
His end was on 30-1-1948. On 9-1-1947
he entered into Jupiter Dasa, Venus Bfyikti. Ayanamsa 23° 2'. The day is ruled by
On 23-12-47 Rahu sub sub commenced. Venus. Saturn transits in. Jupiter (dasa-
It bad to run till 17-5-48. natha) sub. Applies conjunction with
Moon. Saturn squares Mars. (Saturn had Venus Bhuktinatha is conjoined with
passed this degree once in 30 years, twice Mars.
before.) He survived as Hasa and bhukti 8th cusp, is at ,1? TaurusIt is Sun's
were not ruled by the significators of star Rahu sub. Sun is in 12. By occti-'
Maraka then). Jupiter forms exact trine pation, a -planet shows how a thing is
with Moon. (According to Hindu system, accomplished—So Sun in 12 shows secret
it is in 5 to Moon-very good.) But it was action—-Rahu sub shows tha't it is assas-
transitting in the sub pf Saturn, which was sination as Rahu is in Saturn star Mars
occupying Marakasthana and is evi). Rabu sub.'
was in Mars sign Venus star, Ketu sub :
Sun Sat. sign Sat. sub : Ketu transitting Mars indicates end by operation,
in Lagna in Ketu sub, in Jupiter star.- surgery, weapon, gunshot, fire, accident
etc. Saturn shows, by falling down or
secretly the end comes.
Why he was shot it?
Thus jt can be seen . that Krisbnamurti
Jupiter dasanatha is in Mars sign, Sun Padhdhati is very true, only when you have
<star Mars sub. ' It is the sub lord who a correct chart, by referring to Raphael's
decides. Mars is always for sudden end Ephemeris' or that which Krishbamurthi
by explosion, weapon, firej etc. Rahu, the brings opt; Table of . Houses by Raphael
Anthranatha is in Mars sub, Saturn star. and using Krisbnamurti Ayanamsa..
This native was serving in-Egypt. He Danger is indicated by the houses 6, 8
had to run away for his life, leaving his and 12. 6th house shows open enemy,
job,, and seek another' service, as soon as 8th the threatening l'2th secret inimical
war broke out. For no fault of this activity and to run away.
person, suddenly and surprisingly he had
to leave a job .with substantial salary. ' 6tb ' and 8th houses are unoccupied.
His horoscope is as follows : .12th is occupied by Mercury and ,Sun.
No planet is in Sun's constellation Kar-
thick trine stars. Mars, Kethu are in
(6) 20-35 (7) 18-09 f8'-."-35 KM Mercury star Ashlesha. Sun, Mars, Kethu
and Mercury denote 12th house matters.
6th is owned by Jupiter, 8 by Venus and
Nep ID
Moon 12-31S Mercury :'No plaiiet is in Venus
Jup 26-24 M.O. 18-35 constellation. Saturn, Venus and Jupiter
(5) 20,33 Mais
31—10—1915; Kctn 19 27
20-27 are in'Jupiter star. Therefore these three
7 A.M. are also the' significatoirs. Rahii "is ip
Rahu . 18-55 H and 72-54 E Saturn's signaqd it is stronger.
20-27 (ll>2{r-35 'Note the ruling planets at the moment
(4) 18^35
of judgment which operated at the time of
Vcn" 26-33 (12) 20-35 danger. We judge when .the lagna is 6°
(3) 17-35 (2) 17-35 Lagna 18.9 Mercury Virgo, Moon is in 71° 25' Gemini, both
Sun 13-58 28-44 ruled by Mercury and , Moon in Rahu
constellation, lagna in Sun's constellation.
.'Bhavas:—Venus in.l; Rahu in 41 Therefore Sun Dasa, -Rahu Bhukti, Mer-
cury Anthra is thfi correct period.
Jupiter in S; Saturn Moon in 9; Mars.
Kethu in 10, Mercury and Sun in 12, Loss of job ^
Constellation lord and sub.
1, 5, 9 and 12 houses denote the end of
Sun in Rahu,. Merc. Jup in Jup. Kethu service.
Moon in Sat. Mars Ven in Jup. Kethu Venus in. i: no planet in its star'.
Mars in Merc. Ven. Sat in Jup. Merc.
■ Merc, in Mars-Sat . .Rahu in Moon Ven. Jupiter in 5'; Saturn, Venus and Jupiter
Kctu in Merc. Ven. in Jupiter star. "
Saturn Dasa balance at birth 5—10—29. Saturn in 9 : Moon in Saturn star: Rahu
in Saturn sign. Sun in Rahu star.' - -
, He. -bad entered into Sun Dasa on Moon in 9: Rahu in Moon's star.
Mercury in 12; Mars, Kethu in Mercury
Rahu sub period commenced on .star. ■, '
24-11-66. Sun in 12; None in Sun's star."-
- Jup starts on 18-10-67- . Of all these planets 9th house shows,
All know when Israel war started, the leaving one's job and making long journey.
servants of certain emhasics were threa- Evils in the 4th house brings difficulty
i tened and taken to task. As this native while staying in the same place or to
was serving (not in Indian Embassy) in continue to stay depending on-the sub
another foreign one, leaving his job, lord. Rahu is in the sub of Venus which
possessions etc., ran away during Sun is in a movable sign and which', promises
Dasa, Rahu Bhukti, Mercury Anthra. change of residence.
therefore Saturn in9is strong. Stronger So he had been moving from one place
is the representative Rahu in Saturn's sign. after another so far. He wants to know,
Further Rahu is in the constellation of when he will settle himself.
Moon in 9 and sub of Venus'in 1. Rahu
represents 5th house matter also as it has x Settling in one place; 4th house
to act as an agent of Saturn owning the The node is in 4. Sun is in its cons-
sign Aquarius where the 5th cusp has tellation. So Sun Dasa itself will settle
fallen. Therefore Rahu denotes 5 and 9 him down. As Jupiter is in the sub of
houses (agent of Saturn) 9th house Moon Kethu in 10, in a movable sign, be will
Constellation sub of planet in a movable leave one institution and take up another,
sign and in 1. Therefore of the houses to Jupiter is,lord of 6 for service; it is in its
be judged 1, 5, 9 and 12, Rahu is connected own Constellation : It is in the sub of node
with U 5 and 9. Hence he lost-job in in 10. It is aspected by lord of 2; 2, 6,10
Rahu Bhukti. To run away, judge houses connections are in for Jupiter. He
3, 9,' 12. 3rd house owned by Jupiter. enters Jupiter sub period on 18-10-67.
Saturn, Venus and Jupiter in Jupiter star. When Sun transits in Jupiter star Kethu
12th house occupied by Sun and Mercury. sub and forms exact trine aspect with
None in Sun's star. Mars and Ketu in Jupiter on .13-11-1967, he will enter into
-Mercury star. Rahu represents 5aui in 9 service.
and is in the constellation of Moon in 9..
The horoscope is as follows:—■ It is in the sub of Mercury who is to give •
the results of Ketu in 8-to Moon, during
Mercury periods. Rahu and Mercury
Jup. 12-25 Jven. 14-43 are in Shashta—Ashtama, in quincunx
aspect. Kethu in 8 is to offer the results 6f
Sat. 1-06 Saturn and Sun in 8..
' Ketu That is why during Rahu Dasa, Rahu
5-24 Bhukti, Mercury Anthra and Kethu
Kctu Dasa Lagna 7-7
Balance 4 years Sun 24-22 Sbookshma, there was an explosion in the
coal mine.
6 months l8»days
Rahu 5-24 Merc 7-0 Why should the servants j}ie ? Servants
are indicated by 6th house i.e., Taurus.
- Bhadhakasthana is Capricorn. Rahu is
Mars there. ■ Venus ' is in its -constellation.
Moon 4-40 18-13 4 Maraka Sthana occupied by Venus (in 2):
None in 7: owned by Mercury abd Mars.
No planet is in Venus star. Sun is in
As lagna is afflicted, take Moon sign. Mercury star. None in Mars star'.
. This gentleman owns vast area of mine. Sun and Bhadhakasthana adhipathi'.
On 27-5-1965,-there was explosion in the Saturn aspect Rahu who is in Saturn's sign
coal mine. Fire. broke out. 262 people and Sun's star. Therefore, the servants
died. How ? died of explosion. Some servants are saved.
He entered into Rahu Dasa on 28-2-64. Why ' . Because, whenever Saturn is one 6}
He was running Rahu Dasa, Rahu Bhukti, the planets signifying a result it does indi-
Mercuryj Anthra, Kethu Sbookshma on cate only to a part and not the whole, just
■! 27-5-1965. like postponement of election by 2 months
shown by Saturn, gave the postponement
Rahu is to give the results of Saturn only to a part of the country and not the
(indicating mine) and Sun denoting fire. who IA
Planets connected with politics are : (3) The sub is to be ruled by benefics
(a) Sun, to have connection with connected with any of the houses
Government. 1, 6, 9, 10 or 11,
(b) Mercury to represent a group of Cusps:—I 7° Cancer 7'; II 1° Leo 26 ;
people. III 29° Leo 26'; IV 1°; Libra 26'; V 5
Scorpio 26'; VI 7°,Sagi 26' [New Students
(c) If one takes up a position of trust, to note:—Moon islord of 11 Sun is lord of
Saturn. 2 and 3—why, second cusp and 3rd cusp
(d) If one gets authority and power- fall in Leo; Mercury is lord of 12 alone:
Mars. Venus is lord of 4 and 11: Mars, lord of 5
(e) To administer, Jupiter. and 10; Jupiter, lord of 6 ; Saturn, lord of
7, 8 and 9. This is the method advocated
(f) For social success, Venus. Houses and followed, by Westerners. The rule is
connected with politics are : this. Note in which sign, a cusp falls.
(i) second house for oration and Then the lord of the sign is the lord of the
earnings, House. Even though the major portion of
(ii) fifth house to move pleasantly the extension of the house may be in the
with people, take the chances- other sign, not owned by the lord of the
speculation—in the game. cusp. In Leo 3rd cusp has fallen at 29°
(iii) Tenth house- for name, fame, 26'. Only 34' is in this sign: all the 30°
reputation authority, power, of Virgo is in this bhava. This house
earnings etc. extends up to 1° 26' in Libra. Therefore,
the 3rd house is 32° in longitude. Only
The horoscope of a gentleman born at 0° 34' is in Leo. Yet Sun is the lord of
4-05 A.M. I.S.T. on 10-8-1916 at 23° 59' the 3rd house. Mercury as lord of Virgo,
N and 85° 25' E is as follows :— does not become the lord of this house.
If in Gemini there are 2 cusps, for those
Jup. 12.25 Ven. 14.43 houses. Mercury will be the lord. If a
Mc. 1.26 planet owns two signs and there are 3
cusps, and if the planet were to be in
Sat. r-6' its own star, then the planet has to offer
Ketu. the results of these 3 houses, through the
5-24 sources indicated by these three houses.
Ketu Dasa Sun 24.22 If another planet owning 2 houses and
Balance 4—6—18. occupying its star has its sub period in the
Rahu Merc. 7.0 major period of the planet owing 3 houses,
how to read the result? '
Let me pose these questions and ans-
Moon. ' Mars wer;—Sun owns one house, say second
4-40 18-13 house, Venus owns 4 and 11 : how do we
read the result: Lord of 1 dasa, lord of 4
(1) According to me, judge houses , sub period.
1, 6, 9 and 10. Any of them Lord of 1 dasa, lord of 11 sub period.
should have connection with Sth Suppose it is Mercury Dasa Venus Bhukti.
house. Mercury owns 2 and 11 : Venus owns
(2) The occupants of these houses 3 and 10. Then lord of 2 dasa lord of 3
must be in the constellation of sub period.
beneflcs by lordship and not by Lord of 2 dasa lord of 10 sub period.
nature. Lord of 11 dasa lord of 3 sub period.
Lord of 11 dasa lord of 10 sub period. occupied by Mars. No planet is in Mars
Similarly take Mars Dasa Saturn Bhukti star.
in this chart. Mars owns the houses Jupiter owns the house, one: Mars 5
S and 10. Saturn owns 7, 8 and 9 houses. Sun 9 and Mercury 10.
At the time of judgment one should' When we consider the above significators
analyse and read as follows :— we can note that Sun, lord of 9 is in the
Lord of 5 dasa lord of 7 sub period. constellation of lord of 10 and is conjoined
5 dasa lord of 8 sub period. with Kethu aspecting Rahu which is also
5 dasa lord of 9 sub period. aspected by Saturn.
10 dasa lord of 7 sub period. 'It is said that a node is stronger than the
10 dasa lord of 8 sub period. planet with which'it. is conjoined or by
iO.dasa lord of 9 sub period. which it is aspected or the lord of the sign
in which it -is posited. Hence Rahu in
Similarly, we have to read in all horos- Saturn's sign and Sun's star, aspected by
copes. Saturn and Sun is stronger than both and
First note whether lagna is strong and as the significator is Sun, prefer Rahu.
unafflicted or the Moon sign is strong. Put this question? What are. the various
results which Rahu is to give by con-
Here Lagna is in Cancer. It is occupied junction, aspect and occupation ? Then,
by Saturn and Kethu. So lagna gets pne is to answer that it has to offer the
spoiled as the sign in which lagna falls is results of Sun, through the sources of Sun
afflicted by the occupation of 2 malefics and Saturn. '■
Saturn and Kethu whether they are in
Lagna Bhava or 12th Bhava. But Moon The significators are Mars, Mercury,
sign is . auspicious as ho malefic is Jupiter, Kethu and Rahu (weaker Sat. and
conjoined with Moon. But lord of the Moon).
Moon sign, Jupiter, aspects Moon and the Now the native is running Rahu Dasa,
sign. So, take Dhanus sign—Sagittarius Jupiter Bhukti from.1 10-11-1966 till
as the first house and proceed. . 44-1969. He has become a Minister
' When the doubt arises; then take the on 5-3-1967 when Rahu Dasa Guru Bhukti
ruling planet at the moment of judgment. Sani Anthra started.
Today, 20-9-67, it is Thursday; it is If we follow the traditional system, to
ll-30a.m. and the lagna is Sagittarius ; Moon Saturn is 4, (Ardha Ashtama) evil.'
Moon is transitting in Punarvasu ruled by But it has given.
Jupiter. . Whenver you need clarification, Actually Sun, lord of 9 in the constella-
• just think of Uchishta Maha Ganapathi, tion of lord of 10, 'passed in Saturn sign,
( and ju4ge taking the ruling planets at that Jupiter star Jupiter sub. ,He won the
moment and the tip from nature. As election when Sun was in Saturn sign Rahu
I write this line, oh God, a priest .enters star.
my residence. What is the significator for
a priest ? Jupiter, therefore, reject Moon's As per Hindu method of house division,
own sign Cancer as lagna but select the sign Rahu is in 7. It is aspected by' Ashtama-
occupied by Moon and ruled by Jupiter.': sthana adhipathi Saturn. No beneficial
House-One—Moon 1 is in 1. ' But Kethu is aspect. How give ? He is a Minister
in . Moon's sign. Therefore take the only now. Mars Rajayoga adhipathi, in
planets in Kethu's star. They are Jupiter, 10 to Moon did not give. Moon aspected
...Mercury and Moon.. by Jupiter, lord of 9, Sukra, lord of 11 and
Mars, lord of 5 and 10 did not give. It is
' House six—no planet. only Rahu representing 7th and 8th houses
- House nine—Mercury. Ashlesha. Jye- gave.' (Krishnamurti Padhdhati .alone
shta andRevathi are in Mercury's star. Sun explains—Hindu Gochara System fails
. alone is in Mercury star. House ten— here alsot)

v ^
Horoscope is as follows: (Born on It is also in 12. Venus is in the same
26—5—1912.) Kartbik star, indicating changes.
Ven. 2-55~ ' Ketbu is in 5; No planetis in its constel-
Saturn lation. So Ketbu will bring about a
Raha27-0 Mercury
26-15 Sun3-0212-0 change.
L. 23-1 . None in,3 and 9...
Mars Hence retirement will come during
5-42 Saturn Dasa Ketbu Bbukti Saturn Antbra
Balance in the end of October' 1968.'
Moon Dasa
8 yrs. 9 mths. Agricultural Farm
Agriculture needs fire, earth, air and
water; Mainly earth and water. So, all
Moon signs are suitable for agriculture. Anyhow,
' Jup. 20-54 11-40 earthy and watery signs favour more of
Kctu27 agriculture. Taurus Risbaba is advan-
tageous for estates, agriculture etc. .
Bhavas: According to Bbavas, 4th bouse indi-
Sun,.Sat. Ven. and Mercury are in 12th cates agriculture, garden and land; 10th
Bhava. Mars in 2 ; Moon in 4: Ketu in bouse shows agriculture-
5 : Jup. in 8 ; Rabu in 11. Mars is the chief governor for land,
. Now you are running Saturn Dasa, Mer- Venus is to sprout, Saturn is to restrict,
cury Bhukti till 8—11—1967. Moon for water add to carry the nutrition,
By natiire,' Saturn does not normally Jupiter for produce, Sun for the. beat and
allow one to take iip any other venture, life.
other than what one has: but it will allow In Hindu astrology, the following is the
one to have plurality of interests, if the mode of ascertaining whether one can earn
lord of the sub occupies or in any manner through agriculture
connected with a dual sign or a dual (a) Note the planets which occupy or
planet. In your case, Saturn is in a fixed aspect the lOtb bouse from lagna. Select
sign and in its own sub: . Hence your the strongest. The person will have such
interest will be one at a time. an avocation as that planet indicates.
Therefore, one is to judge when you will Similarly, find out the tenth bouse
retire or quit this profession and take up counted from Moon. The strongest planet
another. aspecting or occupying the 10th bouse will
So, consider bouses I, 5, 9 and 12- indicate the profession.
Saturn is in the constellation oPSun in Also, one will have such a profession as
is indicated by the owner of the navamsa
S. N. M.
1. Introduction (B) Planet Lord of Lord ol:on
"Will I gain in lottery?"—Asks one on constellation ;s
17-9-1967, at 240-48' N. Lat. and 850-01' E. 1. Moon Rahu' —- Merc
long. The time of query is 10-35 A.M. Mercury — Merc
I.S.T.: ^' 2.. Saturn(R)
" Please mention a number within 108;" 3. Rahu Ketu Rahu jtl
4. Jupiter Ketu Ketu if
"Take it 91 5. Venus Ketu
It. The Chart 6. Sun Sun
(A) Horary Chart; 7. Mercury Moon
8. Ketbu Mars Moon 7'
Satum (R; Rahu 9. Mars Saturn
16° 54 .6° 17' 10. Ascendant- Mars
Moon Planets' position on (C) Bbava Chart;
17-9-1967. at 5-30
Asc. 0° t P.M. Bbava I—Moon.
3° 20 Moon at 0 li me of II—Saturn(R).
query-13 30' in
Aquarius. Rahu Jupiter Ill—Rahu.
Dasa Balance at 0* 45 „ VII—Jupiter
lime of query—
8 yrs. 9 mths. 9 days. 4'Venus
30' Venus,
yill—Sun .
Mars Ketu Sun 0° 36' i ■ Mercury.
lla 38' 6° 17' Mercury
19° 06' IX—Ketu.
' (D) Dasa System—
Dasa Bhukti Anthra Sookshma From To
Rahu Mercury (balance) 17. 9.1967 26.12.196f'
Rahu Mercury' Mars 17. 9.1967'- 10.11.196',
Rahu Mercury Rahu 10.11.1967 ■ 28. 3.1968
Rahu Mercury Jupiter 28. 3.1968 - 30. 7.196f
Rahu Mercury Saturn 30. 7.1968 26.12.196f
, Rahu Mercury Jupiter Jupiter 28. 3.1968 - 15. 4.196f
Rahu Mercury Jupiter Saturn 15. 4.1968 - 4. 5.196f
Rahu Mercury Saturn Jupiter 6.12.1968 - 26.12.1968
III. Analysis (2) Stb bouse shows the mind t
According to "K'rishnamurti Padhdhati speculate; the tendency, tb
(1) Houses 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 and 11 opportunity to bet etc.
receiving favourable aspects (3) Houses 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 12, ra
promise victory over enemies;
success in litigation; win in com- ceiving good aspects threaten lost
petition and gain in lottery, games and when the aspects are adverst,
etc. promise gain.
(Vide 'Krishnamurti PadhdhatiVol. II, But let us see astrologically what h|^
page—91.) Mercury got to do with his speculative
As Moon is posited in Lagna Bbava, tendencies? 1
consider from Ascendant. It is very simple to find that Mercury
Further, I am judging your horary chart lord of 5th bouse (Gemiiii), indicating
on Tuesday 19-9-1967 at 11-40 A-M, I.S.T., speculative activities. <*
let us find out . the significators for the Mercury, although posited in 8tb Bhaval
' present moment. is in' Hastham, a Constellation ruled by
■1. The day Tuesday is ruled. by Moon, who is lord of 6 and occupant of
■ Mars. 1. (Please note that both the bouses g
2. Moon is passing through Utbra- and 1 are beneficial bouses for income out'
pathra, a constellation ruled by of speculative activities.) Hence in -first
Saturn. instance, you will suffer a set back, but
3. Moon is passing through Pisces, astrological advice to you is, that iyou"
a sign ruled by Jupiter. should continue speculation and on another;
4. Ascendant-falls at 19°' 53'.in occasion you will succeed. Mercury is,
Scorpio. The sign, through which further, aspected by Saturn, occupant of 2,
Ascendant is transitiing is ruled and lord of I, thus, assuring gain to you. .
by Mars. ■ At present, you are running Mars
5. Ascendant's degree (19° S3' in Anthra. Mars is another benefic for you,
Scorpio) falls in Jyesbta, a cons- because .it is posited in lOtb Bbava, a
'■ tellation ruled by Mercury. favourable house and in Anuradha cons-
Therefore, Mars, Mercury, Saturn and tellation, ruled by Saturn, a significator
Jupiter are the significators. for your income. - During this period
from 17-9-1967 to 10-11-1967, you are:
Let us further find out whether node i:e., advised to engage your money in specula-
Rabu or Kethu is transiting in .the signs tive Activities, which will bear fruit later
of the. above-mentioned significators. We on. During this period, the other signi-
mark that only Rabu is transiting in Aries, ficators, Saturn, and Jupiter are not opera-
a sign ruled by Mars. Mars has come, ting.' Hence you will not gain under Rahu;
twice, hence Mars must play a significant Mercury Mars combination.
role, but more powerful than Mars is Rabu
. . who is transiting in its sign.. Further, you run Rabu Dasa, Mercury
Mr. K. S. Krishnamurti has further laid Bhukti, Rahu Anthra from 10-11-1967 to
down that: " The ruling planets at the 28-3-1968. In this period too Saturn and,
time of judgment of a query will be the Jupiter are not operating. Hence no gain.'
same at the time of fructification of the You will positively gain during .Rabu
event. This is the single and, simple rule Dasa, Mercury Bhukti, Jupiter Anthra,
to be followed for such queries.'! Saturn Sookshma and Rabu Dasa, Me'rcury-
At present you are running Rabu Dasa, Bhukti, Saturn Anthra and Jupiter
Mercury Bhukti and Mars Anthra from Sookshma. You run the former period
\l-9-\961, which will lastupto 10-11-1967. from 15-4-1968 to 4-5-1968 and the latter
Under the influence of Mercury, you have from 6-12-1968 to 26-12-1968. As the
developed a keen desire for speculation, advance ephcmeris for 1968 is not avai-
lotteries, etc.. You are running Mercury lable, I am unable to pin-point the dates,
Bhukti under Rabu Dasa froin 8-6-1966. GOOD LUCK!
From that time onwards you must have Signature of writer: SATCH1DA NAND
engaged some money in speculative activi-' ' MISHRA
ties especially during 6-8-1966 , and
1.8-10-1966. He confessed before mh that Date and time .of completion: 23rd
this statement was correct. » September 1967 at 16-lZ Hrs. -- -J
Bride born at 4-42 P.M; War Time; (i) No planet id 2. Rabu in 7.
3-42 P.M. I.S.T. 3-17 P.M. LMT at 10^32 None in 11. Rabu's constella-
N and 76-15 E on Thursday 19-7-1945. tions are Arudbra, Swathi and
Satbabhisba. Rabu alone is in
Horoscope is as follows ; Arudbra- Hence Rabu is the
Mars strongest significator.
4-18 Rahu
Ven 15-16 (ii) Rabu is the only occupant.
19-23 Sat23-02 (iii) 2nd bouse owned by Jupiter
Sun 3-22 who is the lord of Sagittarius
Merc and Pisces. Ketu is in the
Niraynna Rasi former sign. Take Ketu. Then,
think of Jupiter. Ketu rules
i Aswini, Makam and Moolam.
■ No planet in any of these stars.
Ketu Lagna Moon Jup. ' Jupiter.rulesPunarvasu, Visaka
15-16 19-56 26-46 0-18 and Poorvapadrapada. Saturn
' and Moon are in the constella-
tion governed by Jupiter.
Guru Dasa balance 7 years 10 months
17 days. 7tb bouse is owned by Venus. Bbarani,
.. Cusps : I 19 Scorpio 56. II 18 Sagi. 51 Poorvapalguni and Poorvashada are
III 19 Cap. 51; IV 21 Aqua 51 ; V 23 governed by Venus. Ketu alone is in
Pisces 51, VI 23 Aries 51. Poorvashada. 11th house is owned by
Mercury. Rabu is in Gemini ruled by
Planets and Bbavas : Mars, Venus in 6; Mercury. Hence Rabu is stronger. Rabu
Rabu in 7. alone is in its star. Therefore take Rabu.
Sat and Sun in 8. Mercury in 9; Jup Mercury alone is in Mercury star. As
in.10. Rabu denotes Mercury, take Rahu alone.
Moon in 12. Ketbuin 1. Saturn, Rabu, Ketbu are the strongest.
So take Saturn Dasa, Rabu Bbukti, Saturn
Question; Marriage. Antbra and Rabu or Ketu Sbooksbma or
Houses to Jbe judged: 2,7 and 11. Ketu Antbra and Saturn Sbooksbma.
Significators So consider transit and fix. Saturn, Rabu,
Saturn conjoined period will run from
(i) Planets deposited in any of the 7-11-1967; in that select Ketu or Rabu sub
constellations of the occupants sub period. Ketu sub will operate between
in 2 or 7 or 11. 25-12-1967 and 6-1-1968 when in these
(ii) Occupants in 2, 7, 11. this nationality will not celebrate. So take
Rabu's sub sub period. It will operate
(iii) Planets situated in any of the between 4-3-1968 and 28-3-1968.
three constellations of the
lords of 2, 7, 11. As per transit, Moon will transit in
(iv) Lords of 2, 7, 11'. Anuradha on 20-3-1968. Sun will be in
Uthrapathrapada (both stars ruled by
(v) Planets or node in any manner Saturn). ' Saturn will be in Ketu sub and
connected with the significators; Jupiter in Ketu star.

Horoscope is as follows : Houses to be judged : 2, 7 and 11.
Rahu 4-02 (a) No planet in 2 or 7 or 11.
Ura 20-25 Mars
21-19 (b) Lords of 2, 7 and' 1 l are Jupiter
Sat 25-53 and Sun. Mars and Saturn are in
Lagna Punarvasu star. No planet is in
16-32 Sun's star.
Merc 7-50
Yen 7-20 Though Jupiter is lord of 2 and 11 ;
Sun 3-49 Nirayana Rasi Ketu is in Jupiter's sign. This is stronger
Moon than Jupiter. Moon and Ketbu are in
2.43 Kethu's star. •
Mars and Saturn are conjoined with
Rahu and Rabu is stronger. It is aspected
K€tu4-02 Jup 4-20 by lord of 2 and 11. Hence Rabu and
planets under the sway of Rabu will
give the marriage.
Born at 7-52 A.M. I.S.T. on Saturday Today, Sunday 1-10-1967; Kethustar:
16-2-1946 at 18° 55' N and720 54' E. Ketu Sukra sign Lagna; Rabu star rising in the
Dasa balance 5 years 6 months 26 days. East. Hence Venus, Rabu, Sun and Ketbu
Now, Venus Dasa, Mercury Bbukti from are to be selected. As Rabu is in the birth
12-9-1967. chart in Gemini take Mercury. Sukra Dasa
MercuryBhukti, Sun Anthra (Kethu aspec-
Cusps: Lagna 16 Aquarius 32. II 24 ted by Sani) prefer the later date and avoid
Pisces 9. Ill 25 Aries 9. IV 22° Taurus 9. Ketbu Anthra) Ketbu Sbooksbma. So, it
V 17 Gemini 9. VP 14 Cancer 9. will be around 30-10-1968.
Houses and Planets: Rabu in 4. Mars Profession of Partner: Venus, Mercury,
and Saturn in 5. Moon in 6. Jupiter in 8. Sun, Ketbu, Engineer Chemical Engineer.
Ketu in 10. Mercury, Venus and Sun in 12. Manufacture of poisonous drugs.

"Born 4-44 A.M. I.S.T. (5-44 War Time) At the time of birth Jupiter Dasa
Wednesday/Thursday 18/19-7-1945 at 31° balance 14 years 4 months 10 days.
25' N and 74° 23'.E.
Rahu Cusps: I 19 50; II 12 Cancer 16; III 6
Mars 4-0 Lagna Leo 16.TV 6 Virgo 16; V 11 Libra 16 ; ,VI
V cd 18-54 19-50 17 Scorpio 16.
Sal 22-58
Houses and Planets; I Sat. and Sun.'
Sun 2-47 - II Merc, III Jup. V Moon. VI Kethu XI
Merc Mars. XII Ven. and Rabu.
Rasi Saturn Dasa, Venus Bbukti from
11-9-1966. Married on 16-1-1966 during
j Saturn E>asa, Ketbu Bbukti, Mars Anthra,
Moon Shookshma on Janma Nakshathra
day, in Makara Lagna at Delhi.
Ketu Moon Jup 0-14
15-18 21-22 Divorce means that one is already
married. The legal bondage is to be
broken. Both are alive. Both have to live !2th Bhava. It is in a dual sign. It is
separately. conjoined with lord of 8, Saturn. It is in
Houses 2, 7 and II denote marriage. tbe sign of tbe planet in 2. So it indicates
The twelfth to these bouses and the 12th 2nd bouse matters. . It is connected with
bouse from lagna, are adverse for parried tbe results of second bouse also.
life. They showseparation or bereavement. If lagna indicates health, benefics con-
Further, partner is indicated' by 7th Cusp. tribute for health, if they occupy or
Maraka bouses to the seventh bouse are harmoniously aspect lagna. Malefics in
the second and seventh, therefrom i.e., lagna or afflicting'lagna produce disease.
bouses 8 and 1.-Hindus consider that the Benefics in lagna give long life. Malefics
natural malefic, violent and rash, indepen- cause early end in their Dasa and Bbukti. '
dant and irritant, adamant and aggressive, If a planet is connected with 2nd bouse
argumentative and arrogant Mars in any if it is a benefic, it indicates increase in tbe
of tbe bouses 1, 2, 4, 7, 8 and 12 does not number of members by marriage, birth of
contribute for happy married life and tbe children etc.
span of married life will not be long. One
may ask, why should not tbe other male- If tbe planet signifies second bouse
fics cause similar evil results. Saturn matters and if it is afflicted, it spoils.
brings about results which are not talked Which will it spoil ? The matters which
about, and argued on. . It is not violent. are indicated by that planet.
It is a silent planet. It will bring separa-
tion and mostly bereavement as it is tbe Similarly, Rabu has to signify the
chief governor for longevity. Even if they matters of second bouse. It is conjoined
live separately, one forgets the other. with lord of 8, and 8tb bouse is vacant,
Mars is not so. It will always cause and no planet is in its sign or star. Hence
dispute anfl danger. Rabu and Ketbu Rabu has to do barm also. It is similar
bring about divorce or death of either. to Saturn's role, by lordship to. Meena
Lagna born, as Saturn owns both 11 and
For marriage, judge houses 2, 7 and 11. 12tbbouses. I Itbshows.gains. I2tb shows
Mercury is in 2. Mars in IT. 7th vacant. loss.
Mercury is in its constellation. None in One can avoid, judging all tbe bouses.
Mars star. Rabu is in Mercury sign. One can note tbe period that is running
Rahu alone is in its star. Ketbu is in tbe and calculate tbe.present time and the
sign of Jupiter. None in Ketbu star. Saturn immediate future by judging tbe signifi-
and Moon are in Saturn's star. cators immediately following.
Saturn Dasa,1 Ketbu Bbukti, Mars Saturn Dasa, Venus Bbukti is on from
Antbra, Moon Sbooksbma gave marriage 11-9-1966. As Rahu is conjoined with
on Saturn sign Mars star as lagna and on Saturn and it is not in tbe constellation of
Jupiter star day. any other planet but in its own, Rabu has
to offer the results of Saturn, in tbe first
For divorce : bouse.
Judge Houses 1,6,8, 10 and 12 to find Therefore Saturn Dasa, Venus Bbukti,
out tbe time. But note, tbe lord of tbe Rabu Antbra, Ketbu Sbooksbma shows tbe
sub in which 7tb Cusp falls. time of divorce around February 1968
when Moon or Sun transit in Sathabbisba
7tb Cusp is in Rabu sub. Rabu is in star Saturn sub.

S. N. M.
I. Introdnction (B) Planet Lord of
- " Will I have better time ?"—Asks one constellations.
on 17-9-1967, at 24° 48' N Lai. and 1. Rahu Ketu
85° 01* E. Longitude. The time of query
is 9-10 A.M. I.S.T- 2. Jupiter K,etu
''Please mention a number between 3 . Venus Ketu
1 and 1087' 4. Sun Sun
"Take it 75." 5. Mercury Moon
II. The Chart 6. Ketbu Mars
(A) Horary Chart; 7.' Mars Saturn
'8. ' Moon Rahu
Saturn Rahu
16° 54' 6" 17' 9. Saturn (R} Mercury
10.' Ascendant Ketu
Planetary position
Moon on J7-9-i967. 5-30
17® 04' P.M. LS.T. (C) Bbava Chart:
Moon at time of
,—9 ac *.5.

query—Aquarius- Bbava ■ lit Moon ■


12° 46'
Balance of Rahu IV — Saturn, Rahu
Das a at time of query
9 yrs. 9 mths. 5 days. VIII — ' Jupiter, Venus
IX Sun
Ascendant Mars Ketu Sun 0° 36'
6® 40 to 10® 11° 38' 6® 17' Mercury
19° 06' X Mercury, Ketu
XII Mars
(D1 Dasa system—
Dasa - - Bbukti Antbara' ■ From To ,
Rahu 17-9-1967 22-6-1977
Rahu Mercury 4-6-1967 22-12-1969
Rahu Mercury Mercury 4-6-1967 14-10-1967
Rahu Mercury Ketu 14-10-1967 7-12-1967
Rahu Mercury Venus 7-12-1967 10-5-1968
Rahu Mercury Sun 10-5-1968 26-6-1968
Rahu Mercury Moon 26-6-1968 13-9-1968
Rahu Mercury Mars 13-9-1968 6-11-1968
Rahu Mercury Rahu 6-11-1968 24-3-1969
Rahu Mercury Jupiter 24-3-1969 .26-7-1969
Rahu Mercury Saturn 26-7-1969 22-12-1969
III. Analysis favourable house for.income, hence you
"Chandratna Manaso Jatah", therefore will get some money for your subsistence,
from Moon, judge the present worry. but as it is posited in Hastham. a constel-
Moon is posited in the sign of Saturn, lation ruled by Moon, who is lord of S,
who is lord of 2, hence you are thinking an unfavourable house for income,' you
of your family and income. Jupiter and will not gain su'stantially and at the same
Venus, occupant of Sth house, indicating time you will also not be bereft of anxie-
disappointments, mental set-back and ties during this period. Sth house is the
sorrow are fully aspecting 3rd Bhava, "house of mental pain, defeat or insult,
where Moon is posited. Moon's position sorrow, scandal, ill-repute, obstacle etc.
. in 3i'd Bhava indicates short journeys. (vide " Krishnamurthi; Padhdhati ", Vol.
At present, you will not be fixed at cne I, page 340). As you are running the
place. You will wander from one place influence of Mercury, both in Bhukti and
to another and yet suffer disappointments. Anthra, you will have to suffer from
This is what the combination of 3 and S these unpleasant experiences. As 8th
forebode for you. Therefore, at present house is also 12thfrom 9th, the house of
you are very much worried. fortune, good name and fame, it also
shows humiliation. Therefore you will have
Moon is, further, posited in Sathayam, to suffer humiliation during this period.
a constellation ruled by Rahu. Rahu is Actually, he confessed before me that
' occupant of 4, and as it is equivalent to during this period, he is really. very much
Mars, being posited in Aries, it is also lord downcast due to these diverse and
of S and 12. 4th bouse indicates home, unpleasant experiences. On specific query,
house, relations - happiness etc. (vide he further confessed that he had to suffer
'Kfishnamurti Padhdhati', Vol. I, page humiliation and insult during this period.
330), Sth house indicates your issues, and
12th house shows your expenditures. At " Do not worry ", I told him. In Kethu
present, you are thinking in regard to all Anthra' under Rahu Dasa,' Mercury '
these things. Bhukti, which will run from 14-10-1967 to
7-12-1967, your income will be increased,
He confessed before me that my state- as Kethu is applying to the lltb Cusp,
ments are cent percent correct. but as it is in Chithfai, a constellation,
' See, how Destiny works in the Universe ruled by Mars, who'1 is lord of 12, the
in a very mysterious and peculiar way! expenditures will also abound.
He is a person from Andhra Pradesh. At You will not be relieved of your mental
present, he is penniless and wandering worries till 22-12-1969, as till that time,
froth one place to another, especially in you are running' Mercury Bhukti under
Northern India. I told him that in his Rahu Dasa. Mercury is with Sun, lord of
original Chart, his Mercury must have 9, and as Mercury indicates North' and is
been afflicted. This is why, although he afflicted due to stellar position, you will
belongs to South, he has come to North undertake long journeys in North India
India and he is suffering. Mr. K. S. Krish- during thisperiod and suffer.
namurti's findings in this regard are also You will gain some comfort and peace
cent percent correct. of mind too after 22-12-1969, when you
He says on p. 402 of his valuable trea- will run under the influence of Kethu
tise " Krishnamurti Padhdhati", Vol. I ; Bhukti under Rahu Dasa.
" If Mercury is a benefic, the native makes Fray to Lord Ganapathi till that time
his fortune in the Nprth and if Mercury is a and be carefree!
malefic, he will go to the North andsuffer." GOOD LUCK!
At present, you are running Rahu Dasa, SATCHIDA NAND MISHRA
Mercury Bhukti and Mercury Anthra from Signature of writer
4-6-1967, which will last upto 14-10-1967. 20-9-1967 at 8-12 P.M.
Mercury is occupant of lOfh Bha'va," a Completion time and date
Male or female^
Shri S. N. MISHRA, B.A. (Hois.), M.A.. Triple B.L.-GAYA
I. Rule from " Uttar Kalamrita Sex If the remainder is
(Please refer to tbeboolcwitb an English 1. Male Between 0 and 15
Translation by the late Panditabbusbana 2. Female „ 16 and 30
V. Subramanya Sastri; published by 3. Male „ 31 and 45
Sadhana Press, , 66/1, V. Main Road, 4. -l4male ,, 46 and 60
Gandbinagar, Bangalore 9. Rs. 8]. 5- Male „ 61 and 90
Page 4: Sloka 5: 6. Female „ 91 and 105
" Or the gbatikas etc., that have elapsed 7. Male „ 106 and 120
since sunrise at the time of birth should 8. Female „ 121 and 135
be converted into Vighatikas and then 9. Male „ 136 and 165
divided by 225. Divide the remainder 10. Female „ 166 and 180
into the following groups of Vighatikas as 11. Male „ 181 and 195
may be found possible; viz., 15—30—45 . „ 195 and 210
-60-75." 12. Female
13. Male „ 211 and 225
The time recorded in gbatikas etc., that II. Examples:
have elapsed since sunrise at the time of 1. Born on 9th July, 1927 at Buxer
birth is known as "ISHTAKALA" in "(Bihar).
Sanskrit terminology. Ishta—23 Dand 43 Pala.
Note:—2. 23 D. 43 P. = 23 D x 60 = 1380
Palas + 43 = 1423 Palas.
Gbatika = Dand 1423 divided by 225 = Quotient 6;
Vighatika = Pala Reminder 73.
Page 5 : Sloka 6: Male issue: Confirmed.
"These five groups represent, in their 2. Born on 1-9-1944, at Dumka.
order Male, Female, Male, Female and Ishta—24 Danda 29 Pala.
Male respectively". 24 D. 29 P. = 24D x 60 = 1440
In my view, the remainder should be Palas + 29 P = 1469 Palas.
divided in the following groups of vighati- 1469225 = Quotient 6; Remain-
kas:— der 119.
Male Female Male Female Male. ..Male Issue: Confirmed.
15 30 45 60 75 3. Born in Sambat 2011, Kartik
90 105 120 135 150 Krishna 8, Tuesday, Gaya.
165 180 195 . 210 225 Ishta—44 Danda 12 Palas.
i.e., if the remainder is between 0 and 15, 44 D x 60 = 2640 Palas + 12
Male, if between 16 and 30, Female, so on P = 2652 Palas. .
and so forth. „ 2652-r 225 = Quotient 11 ; Re-
For the sake of convenience, the follow- mainder 177.
ing Table should be consulted:— .'.Female Issue; Confirmed.
4. Born on list September, • 1933, , 20 D. 10 P. = < 26 x 60 + 10 =
Thursday, at 24° 48' N Lat., 85° 1' 1210 Palas
E Long. 1210^-225 = Quotients; Remain-
Ishta — 15 Danda 58 Palas. der 85.
15 D. 58 P. = 15 x 60 + 58 = .-. Male Issue: Confirmed.
■ 958 Palas.; This principle has been found out to be
958 225 = Quotient 4; Remain- , correct in many cases. It helps a great
der 58. ■ ' ' deal in rectification of birth Charts.
.-.Female Issue: Confirmed.. Signature of writer; SATCHIDA NAND
5. Born on 9-5-1928, Wednesday, at MISHRA.
Gaya. Date and time of Connpletioii; 19-9-1967
Ishta — 20.Danda' 10 Palas. at 0-15 Hrs.

P. R. SHARMA. D.M.E. (Tech.), C 4 G (Lond.), Grad. I.E. (India)
Superintendent, Enforcement, D£.S.U„ Delhi.
A. Birth Details. ■ - Balance of Sun Dasa at Birth = 5 years
1. Place of Birth La t 30° N 12' 1 month 6 d^ys. ■
Long 71° E 31' C. Table of Cusps.
■ Time of Birth 2-45 A.M. I.S.T.
■Date of Birth 18/19-December, ■ 1. Cusp = Libra 0° 39'
1933. 2. = Scorpio 1° 12'
Day of Birth Monday. 3. = Sag. 1° 45'
Nakshatara Uttrashada I. 4. = Capricorn 2° 17'
[Editor's note:—This is the way of fur- 5. = Aquarius 1° 44'
nishing details of birth.]
6. -- Pisces 1° 11'
B. NIRAYANA Rasi Chart. .
D. Planets in the chart.
Planet Constellation Sub-Lord
1. Sun Kethu Sim
Ketu 2. Moon Sun Mars
3. Mars Sun Rahu
Rahu 4. Mercury , Sani Jupiter
29-30 •5. Jupiter Mars Jupiter
Sani 20*08
Ven. 18-17 6. Venus Moon Mercury
Mars 7. Saturn Moon Kethu
Moon Merc.
16-21 Asc. 0-39' Jup. 26-33 8. Rahu Mars Sani
Sun 3-36 9. Kethu Mercury Sani
E. Dasa Bbokti Table.
Dasa Bbokti Anthara Sookshma' From To
Sun 19-12-33 25-1-38
Moon 25-1-38 25-1-48
Mars 25-1-48 25-1-55
Rahu . 25-1-55 25-1-73
Rahu Venus — 13-8-66 13-8-69
Rahu Sun 13-8-69 17-7-70
.Rahu Sun Jupiter Kethu 19-12-69 22-12-69

F. . Analysis of chart. ficator. Thus Mercury, Ketu and Sun

For better prospectus, honour and are the significators.
promotion, houses 2, 6, 10 and 11 are to 11. Lord of 2nd is Mars. Mars rules
be studied. According to Krishnamurti Mrigasira, Chitra and Dhanisbta. Only
Padhdhati, following are the significators Rahu is in Dhanishta. Lord- of 6th is
for promotion: Jupiter. Jupiter rules Punurvasu, Visaka
1. Planets posited in the constella- and Poorvabhadarpada. No planet is
tions of occupants of houses 2, 6, situated in any of these stars. ' So take
10 and II. Jupiter.
2. Planets posited in these houses. Tenth lord is Moon. Venus and Saturn
are in Moon's star Sravana. So take
3. Planets tenanted in the constella- Saturn and Venus: llth lord is Sun.
tions of the owners of these houses. Sun rules Kartik, Ultra, Uttrashada.
4. Owners of these houses. Moon and Mars are situated in Sun's
5. Planets conjoined with or aspected constellation^ From this we get Rahu,
by any of the significators. Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Moon and Mars
as the significators. As Node is always
6. Nodes situated in the sign of any ' stronger than the planet with which it is
of the strong significators. conjoined or the owner of the sign in
This is the only golden rule which which it is posited, we can safely prefer
has been taught to the students of Rahu to Saturn and Venus with which it
Astrology by our learned Guruji. is conjoined. Similarly Kethu occupies
the sign owned by Moon. So Moon is
I. Mercury occupies second house. weaker than Ketu.
Mercury rules Ashlesha, Jyesbta and Revati.
Ketu is situated in Ashlesha. No planet From II, the strong significators for
is found in any of the other two stars of promotion are Rahu, Jupiter and Mars.
Mercury. From I & II we get the significators
. So Kethu is the significator. as—
Houses 6 and 11 are vacant. (i) Kethu, (ii) Mercury, (iii) Sun, (iv)
Rahu, (v) Jupiter, (vi) Mars.
Tenth house is occupied by Ketu.
Only Sun is posited in the star Moola As we have got enough - significators,
ruled by Ketu. The remaining two we should not proceed further in the order
constellations of Kethu, i.e., Aswini,and mentioned above.
Makha remain unoccupied. Sun is lord Horoscope was taken on 3-9-67 at
of llth house also, so Sun is strong signi- 3 P.M. at Delhi for judgment,
Ruling planets at the time of judgment Antbara will be from 19-12-1969 to
are:— 22-12-1969. So he must expect promo-
(1) Day is Sunday—Ruled by Sun. tion around about 19-12-1969.
(2) Constellation is Makam—Ruled by According to transit. Sun will be in
Ketu.-' Dbanus in Moola star. Jupiter will be in
(3) Moon is in Simha—owned by Sun. Scorpio in its own star. Ketu will be
(4) Lagna is Dbanus—owned by then in Simbawbicbis lltbbouse counted
Jupiter. (Sagittarius). from the Ascendant.
' Thus Ketbu, Sun and Jupiter are the , Further as Jupiter is lord of 3 and 6 and
ruling planets. Conjoined period of posited in 12, be gives a change of place
these ruling planets must give promotion also. Sun is lord of 11 and at that time
and honour. will be transitting in 3, it gives a change
of place also.
The person is running Rabu Dasa, Venus So the person will be promoted and
Bbukti from 13-8-66 and it will last transferred on or about 19-12-69;
upto ' 13-8-1969. ! Sun Bbukti in Rabu
Dasa will operate from '■13-8-1969 to [Editor's note.—One of the brilliant
.i7-7-1970. students whom I consider as a scholar,
Jupiter Antbra in Rabu Dasa, Sun like Mr. S. N. Misbra, be will contribute
Bbukti will operate from 4-12-1969 to hereafter on various aspects, past for
17-1-1970 and Kethu Sooksbma in Jupiter verification and prediction for future also.]
Horoscope is as follows:— (a) Mars and Ketu are in 2. Mars -
governs Mfigasira : Chitra : Dhanishta.
Lagna Ketu rules Aswani, Maka and Moola.
Mc. 10-3 19-15 Mercury is in Chitra: Moon is in Moola
Saturn Therefore Mercury and Moon, are 2
strong significators: instead of,Moon take
Ketu Kethu.
Jup, 26-5 19-54
. Mars
24-19 (b) Moon is in 6: Rohini Hastham
and Sravanam are ruled by Moon; Rahu
Rahu is in Moon's star. As Kethu is in Moon's .
19-54 • sign conjoined with Mars and since Moon
and Mars are the significators, take Ketu
and Moon in Ketu star.
Moon . Venus 9-49 Sun 24-37
11-25 6-14 (c) lOthis ruled by Jupiter; none
in 10. Saturn, Sun and Jupiter are in
Jupiter star.
Born at 9-34 P.M. on 10-11-1915 31 23°
2' N and 72° 38' E. Ketu Dasa balance (d) 11th is unoccupied.
1 year 2 days. . (e) 2nd house is owned by Moon ;
6 by Mars; 10 by Jupiter; 1 l;by Mars.
■ Cusps:—
119 Gemini 25: Therefore,, take Mercury, Moon, Ketu
II 13 Cancer 3. and Sun.' Why; To-day, it is Sunday:
Lagna virgo ruled by Mercury': star
HI 9 Leo 3; Makam, lord of which is Ketu. Lagna
IV ,10 Virgo 3 ; is in Hastham star. Take Moon.
V 14 Libra 3. So, take Mercury Bhukti, Ketu Anthra,
VI IS Scorpio 3. Moon Shookshma or Moon Anthra,' Ketu
Planets and Houses; I Saturn: II Ketu Shooksfama i..e., (11-3-68 to 7-5-68 : Moon
III Mars: XV Mercury. is on 1-4-68 or 12-11-68 to 3-2-69: Ketu
■V. Sun Venus : VI Moon; VIII Rahu.
IX Jupiter. Transit is strong on 13-1-69. So pre-
i diet that on 13-1-69, ,he will be promoted
Qnestiqn : Higher Status. to the next higher post; Much better still
waits for him during Kethu Bhukti, Sun
Houses: To be judged are 2, 6, 10 and Anthra in August 1970. ■ Two more, pro-
11. motions are assured.

Mr. L. K. C. asks (c) independent business, and
" Will I go to U.K. and open a restau- (d) canteen or Restaurant
rant? If so when?" Jupiter and Venus in I; - II Sun;
" Where is your chart?" III Merc., Kethu; VMarsi VIII Sat R.
" I have not brought." K Rahu, XI Moon. For Overseas: Judge
« Why?" houses 3, 9 and 12.
" I have 3 varieties of charts prepared Mercury and Kethu in 3; Rahu, Jupiter
by 3 pandits." and Venus in Kethu star: Mars in
"True. Please give me a number bet- Mercury star. Rahu in Mars sign.
Consider Rahu and Kethu, Venus, Jupiter
ween 0 and 108." and Mars, Rahu in 9. None in Rahu star :
" t say—-33 " take Rahu. None in 12.
What is the time, now? Mercury, lord of 3 and 12. Mars in
"9-0 A.M. exactly. " Mercury star. '
What is the date and day ?" Jupiter, lord of 9: None its star.
" Tuesday 26—9—67 " ■ Hence Kethu, Rahu, Mars and Mercury
[Do you know why I put these questions. are to be selected as .to-day is Mars day
To find out whether you are worried and (Rahu in Mars sign). Mars star Mriga-
take a long time to answer or you are sira, Gemini rasi ruled by Mercury.
alright. The sub of Moon will be ruled Horary lagna in Mercury star. Mercury
by Saturn or Kethu, if one takes time to conjoined with Kethu - and the ' latter
reply or commits mistakes. Mercury stronger offering the results of, Mercury
answers at once correctly.] and Venus. Therefore Mars Dasa, Kethu
Bhuktbi, Rahu Anthra is the time when
Horoscope; you will go to'U.K. i.e. after 7 months (5
days, i.e. on 11—5—1968.
Saturn Rahu 5-50 Moon Independent business:. lOtb cusp falls
16-15^ 0-25 in the 6th pada jn Mesha, i.e. that area is
in Aries owned by Mars, star governed by
Venus, sub ruled by Jupiter. Mar, Venus
Lagna and Jupiter show conjointly independant
16° 40'
to 30° undertaking. Canteen Mars, Venus and
Jupiter indicate Restaurant. [Mars, Fire :
' • Building, Venus: Food, lodging boar-
Jup. 2-29 ding. Jupiter-management, administering.
Venus ;
4-58 When can I open ? Kethu is in 7 Venus
sign. Moon is in 11. So speedily it will
Mars Kethu 5-50 come up. For timing of event, whether
17° 30' Mcr. 1-32 Sun. 9-04 it will be at once or late, note the nature
of the planet in 11. Moon, Mars and
Mercury, very quick: Sun, Jupiter and
Mars Dasa Balance 2 yrs. 11 months Venus normal time : Saturn delay. Hence
18 days. you will open during .Mars Dasa, Kethu
Opening a 'restaurant in"U. K, by a Bukthi, Jupiter Anthra between -3—6—68
gentleman living in India necessitates and 22—6—68.
(a), Overseas travel, As Mars and Mercury, are very strong,
at the time of query, you will open on
(b) stay in foreign place, 17—6—1968.
S. N. M.
Letter : Planet ■ Lord of' Lord of Sub
Dear Respected Sir,
1. Rabu Ketu
I am a Government Officer. I am very 2. Moon Moon Jupiter
anxious to know about my future state of
affairs in regard to my career. In short, I 3. Jupiter Mercury , Jupiter
want to know about my promotion, if it 4. Sun Ketu
is due to me, and if so, when I will be 5. Venus Venus
promoted. 6. Mercury Venus
Please enlighten me on' this point and 7. Ketu Rahu
let me know beforehand what. the'Destiny 8. Mars Jupiter
has kept in store for me.
9. Saturn Mercury ' Mercury
I give the No. 74.
Ascendant falls in the constellation of
Yours sincerely, Kethu and Kethu is occupant of II, the
X YZ. house of promotion; hence the promotion
is promised.
Reply: Moon is, further, posited in the sign of
Venus, lord or 11. So the question relates
Dear Sir, to promotion.
Your question has been taken on 12th house indicates secret inimical
Monday 28-8-1967 at 7-30 P.M. at 25° 36' activities. Ketu, occupant of 11, is in
N, Lat. and 85° 08' E. Long. association with Mars, who is, lord of 12.
The position of planets at 5-30 P.M. on Hence secret inimical activities will
28-8-1967 is as follows: abound during the present period, you are
Saturn (R) Rahu Moon Saturn aspects 10th house, the house of
18° 12' 7° 21' 15° 11' profession, hence some delay is indicated,
but as it is further posited in the CON-
STELLATION and SUB of Mercury, the
a promotion will materialise under the
Moon exact Jup 26 33' influence of Saturn.
Moon Dasa Balance
at the time of query Sun 11° 12' At present, you are running MoonDasa,
6 years—1 m— Venus
10 days Jupiter Bhukti from 8-8-1966 to 8-12-1967.
13° 25' Jupiter is occupant of 8th house, the house
Mercury of disappointment, mental set-back and
14° 58'
Ascend- Ketu
obstructions. Jupiter, although posited in
ant 7 21' the constellation of Mercury, is in the sut
3° 20' to Mars of Jupiter, hence .obstructions will surely
6 40 28° 40' bar the road to promotion.
Further 11th house is occupied by two with' service and promotion. Mars is
malefics. This also shows obstructions in posited in Visakha, a constellation ruled
realisation of ambition. by Jupiter. Hence take Jupiter, who :
' already a significator. . .-
The question has been taken on a
Monday, ruled by Moon. Moon, on this As we are primarily concerned with
day, is also in Rohini, a constellation promotion, indicated by 11th house, let us
ruled by Moon. Moon is lord of 8; hence consider the lord of 11 too. Venus is lord
again obstructions. of 11. Venus and Mercury, both of them
are in Pooryaphalguni, a constellation
Moon is, further, posited in the sub of ruled by Venus. As Venus is retrograde,
Jupiter. The same reasoning as given eliminate it, take Mercury as a significator.
above, confirms the earlier view.
■ Therefore, for your promotion, Saturn,
For promotion in service, let us analyse Mercury, Moon and Jupiter are the signi-
houses 2,6, 10 and 11, butgive importance ficators. As Moon is passing -through the
tohouses 11 and 10. constellation of Moon, take Moon Dasa,
2nd house is unoccupied by . any planet.' Saturn Bhukti, ' Mercury Anthra and
Saturn is lord of 2. No planet is in the JupiterShookshma.
.'constellation of Saturn. Take Saturn. Xpu will run Saturn Bhukti under Moon
6th house is occupied by. Moon. Only Dasa from 8-12-1967, which will last upto
Moon is in the constellation of Moon. 8-7-1969. Tn this period too you will run
Take Moon. , Saturn Anthra from 8-12-1967 to 8-3-1968.
Saturn,, although concerned with. 10th
10th house is unoccupied by any planet. house, has got no connection with 11th
Mercury is lord of 10. Mercury rules house, the house of realization of ambition
A-shlesha, Jyestha and Revathi. Jupiter is or promotion. You will: run Mercury
in Ashlesha and Saturn is in Revathi. Anthra from 8-3-1968 to 28-5-1968. As,
Further, Saturn is also, in the sub of Mercury is posited in the constellation of
Mercury. Hence take Saturn and Jupiter, Venus, lord of 11, you-will be prompted
but give importance to Saturn. during this period. As the advance
Ephemeris is not available, I am' unable
11th house is occupied by . Kethu and to pin-point the date and time of the
Mars. According- to " Krishnamurti occurrence of the event.
Padhdhati", Vol. II, page 1.
" The planet in a sign is the source of GOOD LUCK,
the result which bestdws according to the SATCHIDANAND MISHRA,
lord of the constellation, in which the
planet was tenanted.'.' Ketu is in Swathi, Signature of writer
a constellation ruled by Rabu. Rahu is
occupant of 3 and in lordship, it has no "Date of completion: 19-9-1967 at
concern with any of the houses concerned 0-15 Hrs.
Here is the true Astrologer. He knows and 10-20 P.M. for 10° N and 78<,'l5'E
how an- Astrologer knowing only Hindu (for his birth place) it is between 4° and
System can give and has to give many 13° Pisces. This area falls in Jupiter sign,
alternatives. Honest workers say that Saturn - star, Rahu sub and Venus sujp
prenatal Epoch does not help, as experi- sub does not fall within 13° Pisces.
ments carried out on births (whose time Hence take Venus sub and Rahu sub
of birth is correctly noted) have given a sub. Venus sub will be between, 8° 6' 40"
clear idea that this method fails. to 10°;20'. Rabu sub sub will be 9° in
The only one method, at present, availa- Pisces Nirayana. So,'., it should , be
, ble is given by me. .1° 33' Sayana Aries. On that day, at that
Let me explain taking the approximate place 1° 33' Aries would have - risen" when
time given by this Astrologer at Madurai. the sidereal time would be 18 ,hoiirs 5
He says that his time of birth was between minutes 16 sees. But sidereal time 8
9-50 P.M. and 10-20 P.M. on 23-7-191.3. noon at Greenwich on 23-7-1913 was 8
hrs. 2 mts. 28 sees. Sid. time at Noon at
I take the chart for calculation at Delhi 78° 15' E= 8 hrs. 1 mt 36 sees. Interval
at 10-29 A.M. on 10-10-67, Tuesday ruled between previous noon and birth time in
by Mars (represented by Rabu, as it is in L.M.T. PLUS the correction' for interval
Mars sign) when Anuradha ruled by at 10 sees, per hour »18 hrs. 5 mts. 16 sees,
Saturn in Mars sign Scorpio rises at this minus 8 hrs. 1 mt. 36 sees. = 10 hrs. 3 mts.
time in the East for Delhi,'and Moon is 40 sees.
in Sagittarius in Venus star (and not in
Ketbu star, even though Ketbu represents ' Therefore correct interval will be 10 hrs.
Venus by occupying Venus sign). Hence 2.mts. L.M.T. '
the ruling planets are Jupiter, Saturn, As we have to add 17 mts. to get I.S.T.
Rahu and Venus. ' the correct time of birth will be exactly1
If one works out the part of horizon 10 hrs. 19 mts. I.S.T. on 23-7-1913 at Iff
which would have risen between 9-50 P.M. N and 78° 15 E.
Our sages have said that one has to- . Take one bom on any date in Capricorn
take Moon's sign as lagna while judging Lagna with Moon in Cancer—Pushyam.
the Gochara Phala or Transit results. One has to say that the person will enjoy
Then, one is to calculate from the Moon's if Saturn is in Virgo (3 to Moon) and
position sign after sign and ascertain the Jupiter is in Pisces, but the person suffered
results indicated by the planets passing from a serious ailment and got admitted
through the various signs counted from. in the hospital (Saturn in the constellation
Moon's sign. of lord of 8 and Jupiter in the constel-
To me, it appears to be incorrect. lation of lord' of 6 whereas his' wife
According to me it is undoubtedly un- visited the hospital to attend on her bus-
scientific. Why ? Suppose, Moon is in band.
Pushya ■ star on a particular day, say, To Pisces lagna born, with Moon in
between 7-27 A.M. I.S.T. on 27-10-1967 Pushya star, good results predicted taking
and 7-12 A.M. I.S.T. on 28-10-1967. Moon sign are applicable to the native's
Moon must be in Cancer. Children are children. Any evil result according to the
born at 8 A.M., 9 A.M., 10 A.M. and so position of Moon actually refers to
on till next day 7 A.M. Hence the lagnas children.
of thesechildrenwill be Scorpio, Sagittarius To Aries lagna bom, Moon in'Cancer
Capricorn etc. to Libra. reveals the results of mother; To Taurus-
Suppose one is asked to offer the results borns the younger sister's or brothers; To
of Moon: For Scorpio-borns, Moon is Cancer lagna born, it refers to the person.
lord of 9. It occupies 9th house: There- Therefore, to him now alone, it is appli-
fore Moon denotes ' father: higher cable. To Virgo Lagna borns. Moon in
education—long journey etc. If planets Cancer indicates results to elder brother
are favourably posited, and Moon receives ■ or sister or friend and not the native.
harmonious aspect (according to both Therefore, taking Moon's position tb all
Hindus and westerners), the native, born lagna borns does not appeal to common-
in Scorpio, according to oriental and sense : Practically, my observation is
traditional astrologers, will have success found to be correct.
and enjoyments, etc. [Saturn in Sagit- The same rule and argument apply to
tarius, Jupiter in Taurus : Sun in Aries. western system if one takes Sun's position.
Saturn was in Poorvashada; Jupiter in But, westerners include the aspects from
Mrigasira : Sun in Bbarani.) According various planets to Sun and offer predic-
to Hindu theory, that modth is considered ' tion which is correct to that extent and
to be auspicious to the native as Moon is when they predict to each individual
in Cancer. Actually the father of the separately, they take all the cusps and all
native enjoyed as Saturn was in the cons- the planets, preceded by aspects (not sign
tellation of Venus, lord of 11 to Cancer; by sign, but actual relative position in
Jupiter was in the constellation of lord of degrees) and offer the results.
10 and Sun was in that of lord 11.- But
the native quarrelled with his wife and In Hindu system, Asbtaka Vargamethod
sent her away, as Saturn was in the cons- includes all the planets. It, 6rst, appears
tellation of Venus, lord of 7 and 12, Sun to be , convincing. But when one makes
also was in Venus star ruling 7 and 12, an honest attempt for people born in the
and Jupiter in the constellation of lord of same lagna with a difference of few
6. It ended in separation on Monday degrees, the dasa and bhukti remaining the
28—4—1930 to one born on 6—I—1900 same and the position of planets, in the
(my own cousin). same degree and minute, the diametrically
opposite results cannot be explained. that played and not the imperfectness in
Both the twins sit for an examination. the traditional rules of prediction!
One passes ; the other fails : How can Another astrologer says that one should
the Hindu system of dasa bhukti and include the vedha places. When he is
Gochara explain ? If both the horoscopes pointed out that both charts are the same
are worked out carefully, taking latitude except the cusps of houses by 2 degrees in
and Longitude of birth using Raphael's the same sign as lagna and Navamsa
Bphemeris and my ayanamsa. or Mr. lagna, he has to find out whether some
Lahiri's, then, where is the rule to explain .other complicated rule is available.
< such a result ? If the father of the twins Krishnamurti asks why all these thou-
consults first producing the son's' horos- sands of slokas and dozens of methods
cope who has passed and asks in which which are too vague and tantalizing to be
college, he can be admitted, the astrologer of, any practical use and guidance in
will say that his son had passed in a rank prediction. Use the result of the lord of
as the dasa and bhukti are favourable and the (sub-division of a star) for the cusps
Gochara auspicious. When, the same and positions of planets and . arrive at the
person produces the. horoscope of the correct results. This method is scientific
younger who. has failed and says that this and simple and free from contradictions.
son also has the same lagna in rasi and How to ascertain, is being treated exhaus-
Navamsa and he is also enjoying the same tively in Krishnamurti's book on transit
dasa and bhukti, the traditional astrologer system which is under print. In this book,
shrugs his shoulders and comes with his the effects of transit according to the
ready explanation that Astrology only Hindu and the Western systems and accor-
shows tendencies. That is to say, the first ding to the advanced stellar astrology are
boy had the will to pass; the second boy given. This book therefore offers compa-
did not have the will. So it is the will rative study of all the three methods.
Astrology is a science of interpreting sixth. So I told him that the Moon wt
the' angular relationship of the planets not connected with his query, I aske
with ■ respect to ' the Earth in terms of him to give me another number before
human behaviour and actions. Each ventured a prediction. I further advise
planet governs different aspects of human him, that he should keep his query regan
life and human being. This subject has ing child birth uppermost in his mini
been treated by various authors but Prof. He also admitted, on his own, that whe
K.. S. Krishnamurti has exhaustively he gave the first number he was a litt
dealt with this in his memoral work confused and was actually thinking of h
"KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI, employment first which sixth hou:
Vol. I." denotes. When he gave a second numbe
Now, coming back to the subject matter it was evident that the Moon was vei
of this article, it is universally accepted by strongly connected with the fifth hous
all astrologers, both the Hindu and the and I had no hesitation in predicting tl
Western, that one of the aspects that the date of birth of his child according I
Moon controls the. human mind. This Krishnamurti Padhdhati, which can
aspect has special significance in Horary correct.
Astrology as it helps the astrologer in Now, according to Krishnamurti Pad!
determining what is in the mind of the dhati, the mind is reflected by the Moc
querent and at the same' time finding and we have to examine in which sign an
whether the Moon is at all related to the house the Moon is posited, which hou:
query. As a matter of fact, it is observed is owned by it, by which planets the Moc
in our research that if the mind of the is connected by aspect and conjuncfic
querent is not confused, the Moon will arid, more important than all, in whii
reflect it very clearly ; if a person was STAR and sub the Moon is situated. Th
thinking of. a certain matter and suddenly is very important as this will reflect tl
thinks something else also, the Moon will details of the query. To illustrate this,
not be connected with any one query ; if shall give an interesting example.
receives aspect from a few significators A small party of three persons we
indicating plurality; and in such a case travelling in a train -and I also happem
the astrologer should have the query to board the same compartment .
clarified, made definite and offer a Allahabad. Soon we started talking, at
prediction. seeing a copy of ' ASTROLOGY AN
To cite an example, a person wanted to ATHRISHTA' with me, they entered im
sak me different questions, one of which a discussion regarding the usefulness i
referred to the date of birth of his child astrology. Suddenly, I became a litt
and the other about his service and em- excited and told the group, "Look friend:
ployment. I told him to give me separate I do not know you nor do I know f<
numbers for his different queries, and we what purpose you are undertaking tl
decided that he would first ask about the journey, but using the advanced stell
child and later about his employment. astrology advocated by Prof. Krishn
But he gave a number; I found that when murti, I can clearly tell you the purpo
I cast the horoscope for - the moment the for which you are undertaking tl
Moon was not at all connected with the journey." They became eager and acce
fifth house but was connected with the ted my challenge. I asked one of them
thention a number within 108. ^The number so will it be too much taxing the brain to
given was 8. I immediately charted the arrive at the conclusion that the Depart-
planetary positions for the moment ment of the Government has to be either
(9 P.M. on the 29th May, 1967). The chart' the Army or the Police and this is further
is reproduced below :— confirmed as the Dasa lord is Mars.' Now
only one thing remains to be fixed,
•Rahu Mercury whether the deal is regarding land or
Saturn 12 10' Sun 3° 18'
16B 37' 23°Lagna 14° 18' Veous buildings or vehicles. By analysing the
20' to 28" 12' chart in an orthodox and traditional
26" 40' manner (STHOOLAM) we can say that the
Jupi t€r deal should be regarding land. Why?
,7° 47' Because! the Dasa Lord is Mars and Mars
Monday 29—5—1967 is the karaka of land. But if we apply
9 P.M. (1st) Rrisbnamurti Padbdhati, we know that
(In thC'moving train) the dasa lord in its period gives the results
1 Moon
22° 14' as the agent.. If we have to-see what
results the dasa lord has to give, we must
find out the lord of the constellation in
Ketu Mars which the dasa lord is situated. Mars is in
12° IP' 21° 45' the constellation of the Moon, lord of the
4th bouse, which again confirms that the
deal is regarding land or buildings or
. . (To erect the . horary chart, on the vehicles. The sub will decide and we.
number given, place is not necessary.) find that Mars is in tbe sub of Venus, the
The number given being- 8, I fixed the karaka of vehicles. I clearly asseTted that
Ascendant as Mesha (Aries, 8tb navamsa, they were going on the journey in regard
i.e., between 23'>-20' and 26° 40' Aries. As to a business deal—buying or selling
the subject of the query was known, a vehicles to the Army. They in one voice
systematic analysis and interpretation of said " correct." No further proof qf the
the Moon, the reflector of the mind, was scientific method advocated by Prof.
called for. The Moon, as can be seen, is Krisbnamurti is-needed (i.e., that tbe slib
in close to Meridian, and is in the tenth decides).
Bbava. So the query concerns the lOtb
bouse, i.e., about tbeirbusiness. Moon is After seeing that I/had scored a bull's
lord of the 4th bouse, as such, it was not eye in correctly interpreting the query, 1
difficult to conclude that the 4th bouse went a step further and told them that,
matters must be connected, so the business •prior to the 26th of May their efforts-
has to he, regarding land or buildings of regarding finalisation of tbe deal bad not
vehicles. Further, it is seen that the Moon been successful, but they will succeed and.
is auspicious as it is in the. sub of Saturu gain thereby. 1 said so, because Mars, tbe
who owns the lOtb and I Itb bouses and is dasa lord was retrograde prior to tbe 26tb
. in tbe 11th. Lord of 9 Jupiter aspecting so their efforts must have failed before
the 10th bouse made me think that the that date and as soon as it took direct
business must be with the1 Government. motion they must gain as lord of 1, Mars,
So one can boldly come to the conclusion and lord of 11 Saturn are in mutual
that the party must be going for a business aspect. (Mars as lord of 8 in Stb Bbava
deal with the Government for purchase or denotes much of pains to gain their object.
sale of land or building or vehicles. Let Thus one can see tow, when analysed in a
us pause for a moment and churn our grey systematic manner, tbe Moon clearly
matter a little more. We find that Saturn, reveals tbe mind and say like Sberlok
the lord of the lOtb is aspected by Mars, Holmes " elementary, my dear Watson."

(Appjication of Krisboamurti Padhdhati)
Secretary, The.Modern Astrological Research-Institute (Madras). Calcutta Branch, and
Labour Officer, Government of West Bengal.
. I still remember the day when very B. Niraynna BaSiCbillt
early in the morning a girl came into my
room weeping. She was not. a teen-aged Kctu
girl nor an uneducated one. She was 24" 24'
almost Ibirly at that time and bad bad her
higher education in the U. K.! She was Moon
also a working girl drawing a salary in the J2a 27'
neighbourhood of Rs. 1,000 per month. Saturn (R)
11° 17'
So then why she bad come to me in that
slate? She bad come to me with a laden Lagna VcnuS
heart that was full of grief and frustra- 27° 52' 15° 33'
tion. In service she was recently super-
seded and in life she was still single. Jupiter Mercury,
She asked me with tears in her eyes, Rahu
" Mr. Bballacbarya, why this setback in 24° 24'
0° 38'
Mars (R) 22Sun
service career when all the Astrologers 22° 55' 8° 26'
predicted that I would get the promotion? C.
And shall I never be married?" With Planet in chart Lord of Lord of sub
one breadth she put these two different Constellation
questions to me.
1, Saturn Rabu Saturn
All this happened about a year back. 2. Moon Rahu Saturn
As her good friend and also as an Astrolo- 3. Ketu Jupiter Mercury
ger I answerd both her questions. My 4. Venus Venus Venus
prediction relating to her service career 5. Sun Moon Venus
has already come correct. The second 6. Mercury Rabu Rahu
one relating to her marriage will come 7. Jupiter Jupiter Mars
correct to the dale, i.e., on the 15lh.of 8. Mars Mercury Moon
October, 1967. * 9. Rahu Venus Mercury
' Here, in this article, I shall confine D. Bhava chart
myself to the second question of hers and Saturn .
will try to show to the readers the sound- I Bbava
ness and efficacy of Krisbnamurti Padb- Moon
dhati.the only system that 1 follow in all V Bbava Ketu
my Astrological calculations and by VII Bhava Venus
following which 1 am able to make correct Sun
predictions. IX Bbava Mercury
X Bbava Jupiter
A. Birth details of the native ■ Mars
XI Bhava Rabu
1. Date: 9th October, 1935. Note : Ketbu is equivalent to Mercury
2. Time of birth: 2-40 P.M., I.S.T. as it is posited in the sign Gemini, ruled,
3. Place of birth: Lat. 23° 23' N by Mercury. Similarly Rahu represents
Long. 85° 23' E. Jupiter for its position in Jupiter sign-
4- Day of birth: Wednesday. Sagittarius.
E. Dasa System—Balance of Rahu Dasa at time of birth ; 10 yrs. 2 mths. 9 days.


RAHU 9-10-35 ' 18-12-45

JUPITER 18-12-45 18-12-61

SATURN SATURN 18-12-51 ' 21-12-64

SATURN MERCURY 21-12-64 30-8-67

SATURN KETU 1 KETU 30-8-67 26-8-67

SATURN KETU VENUS 26-8-67 3-11-67

Astrological Analysis We have already considered Venus.

For marriage we are to consider houses So the significators for marriage are;
2, 7 and 11 and the planet Venus, Why? Saturn, Venus, Kethu, Sun and Rahu.
Marriage means an addition to the When the native came to me for consul-
family, hence consideration of the 2nd tations she was running Saturn Dasa in
house; life's partner is denoted by the 7th Mercury Bhukti and Rahu Anthra. After
bouse; and Uth house indicates perma- Mercury Bhukti Kethu sub period will
nent tie of friendship- We are also to start which will again be followed by sub
considerVenus as this planet is regarded periods of Venus and Sun respectively.
as Kalatrakaraka. So which sub period to take when all are
There is no planet in the 2ad house. good significators 7 It is a real problem
The lord of the 2nd bouse is Saturn who to the beginners of Krishnamurti
is posited in lagna bhava with Moon. Padhdhati. But our great Master has also
Hence Saturn is good for the native. given to us the solution to this problem.
Though he has delayed marriage yet he He has advised us to immediately take
will not deny it to the native. No planet into consideration the ruling planets for
is in Saturn star. Saturn is posited in the moment. I did that. It was 11th of
Saturn sub. So take Saturn. October, 1966, a Tuesday and lo! the
Moon was in Kethu star in Venus sub Leo!
In the 7th bhava there are Venus and I, then and there, pitched upon Saturn
Sun. Rahu and Venus are in Venus star. Dasa, Kethu Bhukti and Venus Anthra.
Venus is also in Venus sub. No planet in Consider this from another side also,
Sun star, but Sun is in Venus sub. So take the western aspect system which our
Venus, Rahu and Sun. Guruji, Mr. Krishnamurti, had advised u^
11th bhava is occupied by Rahu who to follow. Saturn and Kethu have formed
again is in Venus star. Mercury is in an applying sesquiquadrate aspect (similar
Rahu star and Rahu sub. Note here that to semi-angular in quality—vide page 192,
Mercury sign Gemini is occupied by Kethu. Krishnamurti Padhdhati—Vol. I) which is
Henee take Kethu and reject Mercury. a beneficial one which Saturn and Venus
are in almost exact opposition wfaich is October, 1967. (A few days back 1
not helpful to the native for her marriage received a letter from this girl in which
affairs and which has also been responsible she has stated that the marriage date was
to a great extent for the delay. first fixed for 14-10-67 which was subse-
Saturn Dasa, Kethu Bhukti and Venus quently changed by her mother to 15-10-67
Anthra will operate form 26-8-67 to the on the ground that the latter date was
early hours of 3-11-67. So how to pin- more auspicious!)
point the date? According to Krishna- In predicting marriage date and time
murti Padhdhati all the significators must due consideration has necessarily to be
come to play their part at the time of the given to the local custom of the community
fructification of the event. If this maxim concerned. That is why I rejected here
is kept in mind we are to look for the day the BengSIi month of Bhadra when the
on which all the significators in the instant Bengali Hindus do not marry.
case—viz., Saturn, Venus, Kethu, Sun
and Rahu come to operate. From the Before I conclude I like to draw the
ephemeries for, 1967 it will be seen that on attention of the students of Krishnamurti
14-10-67 Sunis inMercurysign (represented Padhdhati to the position of Rahu in the
by Kethu) and Mars star (Mars was one native's birth chart. It is in the 11th
of the ruling planets on 11-10-66—a bhava which stands for one's favourities,
Tuesday) Moon in Saturn sign, Rahu admirers, close associates, acquaintances,
star, Saturn in Saturn star Rahu sub etc. " The desire to have reunion is de-
and Venus in Venus star and Venus sub. noted by this house and so one has to
So all the significators are there but the investigate this house to infer what sort
Sun on that date is in Jupiter sub which of emotional attachment one will have"
may not bring forth the result. On the (vide Krishnamurti Padhdhati—Vol. I,
15th the Sun will come to Saturn sub. Page355). Tbegirl fell inlove with the boy
Also at the time of consultation on whom she is going to marry on the 15th
11-10-66 Saturn sub was rising. So taking next. The boy is an Electrical Engineer
all these factors into consideration I and a covenanted offices in one of the
predicted that the marriage of the native biggest foreign firms in Calcutta.
would take place on a Sunday, the 15 th of I wish them a happy married life ! "

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