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[FOUNDED: 1-4-1963)
-{Astbonomy Made Easy)
Phoce: 42449

Jyothisha Marthand
13. Brahmin Street, Saidapet

VOL. 4 JANUARY 1966 No. 1

Astrology and Commonsense 3
Houses and their Significance 6
Profession 13
Correct Ay^namsa 16
Udu Dasa Results 19
Lottery 25
Time of Marriage 27
Mars Dos ha and Marriage 29
Pleasant Reunion—Missing Son . 32
Uranus (Herschel) 35
Afflicted Moon in Muhurthas 37
Birth of Children' 43
- Bala
The expressions ascribed to the 12th ning the periods of sub periods of the.
bhava are: planets owning or occupying the lagna?
' Aothyabha (last house); . . Have we .not heard of people suffering
degradation- and public discredit at the
Rippba; lopasthana (house of dis- • time when the periods of the - planets
appearaace); connected with the 10th house operated?
Bandba (bondage); Are there not instances of those'under-
Vigama,.Vyaya (los , negation); going financial loss, loss in speculation;
Sayana (bed); -etc., only during the periods of the planet^
Papa (sign); connected with the 2nd bouse? Why?
Daridrya (poverty, penury); • Such planets were severely. afflicted, as
. revealed by a perusal of the particular
Sucbaka (tale bearer, backbiter); horoscopes. Affliction to any bouse is
Kshaya (loss, decline) ; bad and more so to the 12th bouse which,,
Dukkha (misery); comparatively Speaking, is the least fortu^
Vama nayana (left eye); nate by reason of its rulersbip over affairs
Anghri (leg). which are distasteful to us.
According to our ancients, the first' Each bouse holds sway over certain
eight bouses of the horoscope indicate distinct affairs and when it is afflicted, one
'Ika 'Joka sukham' or worldly pleasures cannot expect matters signified by it td
and pains while the last four, namely manifest fully. Such contrary results.will
bouses 9," 10, 11 and 12 denote 'Para be experienced only when the native runs
Loka Sadhanam' or spiritual welfare. the period or sub period of the planet
The last four bouses are accordingly afflicting the bouse' under consideration
called Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksba and on the days, oaksbatbras and lagnas
ruled by it and not otherwise. When the
bouses. The 12th bouse rules man's final
'emancipation from the chain of births and ■ period or sub period of the planet which
deaths and bis merger with .the Cosmic. is beneficially connected to the house under
Soul. .Divine worship and the future state consideration follows, there is bound to
of existence are determined from the 12th be improvement in the matters denoted by
bhaya. that house.
Of the various bouses, the 12th is con- R.C. Smith, popularly known as the
sidered to.- be the least fortunate, since it first Rapheal, emphatically declares that
signifies loss and impediments, restraint evil planets in the 12th house are far less
and limitation, waste and extravagance, evil than when angular. He seems to
expenses outweighing income anddrudgery incline to this view, probably because the
and deception. Hindu sages have, averred 12th bouse is a cadent or apoklima bouse
-that the Ownership of bouses 6, S and 12. and planets herein lack expressive power
. which are termed * Dus stbanas' is produc- to inflict harm. There is a lot of force in
„tive_of_evjl. .Really speaking,* no house this argument, but others do not subscribe*
• is unfortunate or-evil, unless afflicted, and to this view.
.this is true of the 12th house too. Is it The 12th house deals, among other
not uncommon to find persons-suffering- ".things, with loss, expenses, purchases,
from ill-health only when they were run- investments, donations, charity 'and
fsociation with philanthropic institutions, periods of the significators connected with
term 'expenses1 used in relation to the 12th house operate and not at all
12th house refers to uncommon and times. Furthermore, it is not the occupa-
expected expenses and'expenses out- tion or lordship of the 12th house that
eigbing one's income. For instatfte, one matters most What is more important •
ay* purchase costly jewels if the planet is the constellation' (naksbathra) in which
onnected has anything to do with the a planet was posited in the 12th house ,
hd house, or incur expenses in connection and what houses are owned by the constel-
ith short journeys or writings and lation lord to that particular horoscope.
ublications if the third house is.connec- A planet in the 12th bouse in the constel-
ed. He may invest his money on landed lation of, say, lords of 2 and 9, portrays
pM immovable property or go in for a long journeys and separation from family
^vehicle when the,4th house will be connec- and going to a place far removed from
ed.: Also he may be forced to spend on home.
bis mother going on a long travel the 12th Sorrow and sin, sedition and segrega-
house' being the 9lh from the 4th house. tion, obstacles and impediments in one's
One may speculate and lose or take up an way, misery and misfortune, poverty'and
insurance policy for his children's educa- persecution, intrigue and imprisonment
tion or marriage and may be paying aiid secret toil of mind are some of the
premia if the Sth house has any relation. unfortunate matters coming under the
' Therefore, there are various sources influence of the 12th house.
through which one may spend.
If one has borrowed, then the 12th indi- The .12th house has also relation to
cates repayment of loan. In Uttara Kala- fear and inferiority complex, anxiety,
mritam it has been said. that the 12th misgiving, suspicion, etc.
house has to be investigated for repay- This house is known as'the house of
ment of loan. Discharge of loan is to be solitude, .secret and silent suffering and
determined not only from the 12th but self-undoing. . The 6tb house focusses on
also from the Sth house. The 6th house ordinary service or help given to others
indicates borrowing in the native's boros-' while the 12th represents profound* service
cope and the 7th he who lends. The rendered to mankind. Tbe -i2th. house
6th house is,the 12th to the person who rules the exttemitiesand shows the amount
has lent money represented by the 7th. of freedom one enjoys and the degree to
house. The native's 12th house is the 6th which one will be forced to submerge bis
reckoned, from the 7th and so has to do own personality in bis subservience or
with discharge of debts. Suppose one has service to other people. More appropria-
lent money to some one. In his horos- tely,'it is the house of the greatest self-
cope'the 7tb: house shows .the person to sacrifice and shows unselfish deeds uncon-
whom the money has been lent. The sciously prompted by conscience,'probably
12th house of the native being the 6th, as amends for wrongs committed in the
reckoned from the 7th, indicates increase previous lives. It is through the 12th
in income to the person denoted by the house that one has to decide all questions
7th house and to that extent,' deteriora- regarding -one's seclusion and social
tion in the native's bank position. So bafriers, the limitations and restrictions
one may lend money to some others and in one's way and the unseen or unexpected.
thus incur expenses. Expenses, are there- troubles that he may suffer from.
fore incurred in various ways." Whether
such expenses will be pleasant and expec- The 6th house, according to our sages,
ted or unpleasant and unexpected, will is related to inimical activity of an open
depend upon the nature and lordship of nature, petty quarrels, etc. while the 12th
the planets found in the 12th house or of house shows secret inimical activity. It
the planets in any manner connected with would be illogical to ascribe to the.7tfa
the 12th house. Such results will come house one who is dearest to the native,
to pass only when the period or sub- namely the married partner, and in the
same breath call' it as the house of open will feeT irritated, and ^anno^ed
enemies. The 7th house stands for those underhand actions of eccentric pdo
who compete with the native in election, Saturn, the planet of seclusion;yrSi
litigation, etc. but who are not unfriendly in 12 and aspected well, poiflts'tcii'su
' towards the native so that they cannot be in seclusion or quiet or laborious $
dubbed as inimical. pations. If Saturn is possessed of strM
The 12th house is th .4th house recko- 'by sign, position, etc., 'it shows thai
ned from the 9th which rules the higher seclusion is self-invited. . ■ • ' « . tVii?
mind. Counting inversely, it is the 4th Taken alone, this positidn shows'that
bopse from the 3rd which is concerned secret, enemies will steadily work'for the
with lower or ordinary mental processes. downfall of the native. . There-is the
Therefore, the 12th house has to do with likelihood of danger of.. contusions and
secret Workings of the mind. It has a
bearing with such things as secret plots ■ bruises through animals. Saturn - rule?
and schemes, conspiracy and cunningness, reserve and restriction and. so one is incli-
ned to prefer work in a quiet and peaceful
envy and malice', fraud and treachery, way unnoticed by others. . ' ;--''
.intrigue and deception and suicide, murder
or assassination.1 It is also connected If Saturn is afflicted, some lingering
with exile and extradition and matters illness to the partner is denoted, as it is
concerning these. the 6th house reckoned from the 7th. If
Neptune has to do with secrecy, mys'tery, Mars seriously afflicts, there is the liabili ty
mediumship, psychic research and occult to danger of violence, robbery-or even
investigations and so Neptune's position suicide". Mercury rules the mental system
here with good aspects from other planets and its affliction to Saturn causes' inehtal
brings success in matters carried on in disorder!; also loss by theft, etc. ,
secret. The native will be best fitted for Uranus in adverse aspect is a very bad
detective work and will gain through seclu- indication as all the malefic matters men-
ded and quiet 'methods. tioned in regard to the 12th house will,
If afflicted, it gives a liability to confi- come to the fore. .. . .. "l -
nement in hospital due to a chronic disease - The benevolent and philanthropic Jupk
•or insanity due to perverted practices or ter well aspected in the 12th house gives
detention in prison or a public-institution. one gain and success through those'
Neptune being a secretive and deceptive occupations carried on in seclusion such'
planet, it shows that one will have many as in asylums, hospitals, public or philan:,
secret enemies. Also nefarious schemes, --thropic institutions. It ensures success;
deception; fraud, scandal, disgrace and in places remote from the place of birth
secret sorrows are denoted. One often and with large animals. Jupiter" in-12.
lives in vague dread of some unknown, enables one to eventually succeed over
danger. enemies and gain from them.. Jupiter i4
Uranus occupying 12 and well aspected, •expansive in nature -and those having
tbnds to success through occult affairs and Jupiter in 12 will be recipients of big aid
by the invention of chemical processes from charitable people or from institutions,
whicji remain secret-, in spite of being of a charitable nature. If they are already
promoted by patent If afflicted, it rich, they will give away lavishly, .to
denotes danger ,.from animals,'accidents those in need and to philanthropic institu-
causingdetention in out of the sight tions.
•placesrdisgrace-and troubles from psychic Mars in 12 in dignity and well aspected,
0r occult sources,-sudden and unexpected makes one an administrator of an estate
misfortunes, sudden illness defying diag- or in a public institution. Generally,
nosis, restraint in public institutions and"" " Mars here causes grave trouble through
even exile from the country. One may impulse, loss of reputation or treachery
face strange and sudden enmities. One from enemies or misplaced affection. If
iBicted, it portends danger of violence seclusion. One finds pleasure in dealing
pom enemies in a fight and danger of with large animals like horses and one
hjuries through big animals. Mars has will love hunting- The 12th house indi-
foice over violence and blood. The 12th cates 'Suha say a oam'. So Venus here
iouse is connected with big am'trials and with good aspects from others shows
jeasts. So effusion of blood can b^: comfort in bed. Generally, this position
xpected as a result of Icicks or thrusts of Venus goes one to go after the opposite
from animals, provided there is affliction sex and if Venus is afflicted it leads to
to Mars. This is suggested by way of a enmity of women. Neptune or Uranus
brief to the discerning students as to how afflicting Venus suggests peculiar love
to blend the nature of the house and the affairs and sudden change of affections
characteristics of a planet and one should leading to sorrow, suspicion, disappoint-
-not rush to a conclusion * Oh! Mars is ment and divorce. Saturn afflicting
for violence and 12th house shows ani- Venus is said to cause separation
'mals. So danger of violence through generally, while Mars makes one a moral
[animals is denoted11; If Mars is well wreck overindulging in passions. Suppose
' dignified by sign position and connected Venus is in the 12th house identical with
[ with the Sun and the 10th house, one may Scorpio (Vrischika) and is afflicted, then it
, serve as a surgeon in a hospital (Mars for cannotes confinement in hospital due to
surgery. Sun for medicine). One's station diseases caused by overindulgence of
in life should also be borne in mind before passions, as Scorpio rules the generative
coining to a conclusion. If one were organs. Taurus also governs, by reflex
connected with a circus company daily action, self-abuse. So Venus even if it
dallying before big occupies its own sign Taurus in the 12th
and undergoing the house, will, if severely afflicted, force one
Mars in 12, weak by sign and by house to undergo hospital treatment for veneral
ownership and the planet afflicting Mars, complaints.
then one can expect danger of violence If Mercury is <in this bouse, it gives a
from animals and even death. In fact, in mind peculiarly suited to delve into the
the horoscope of one gentleman connected mysteries andsuccessinscientific or occult
with the circus, there were afflictions to research. When well aspected by Mars
Mars in 12 and on a certain day when he and Saturn who are themselves dignified
was playing with a lion in the circus ring, by occupation, one will be admirably
he was kicked and inauled by the animal suited to detective work. Mercury has to
in an unguarded moment and he died do with publicity, but the 12th shows
instantaneously. limitations and so one is better fitted to
Mars itPl-2, seriously afflicted by Saturn, out-of-sight work and in occupations
may lead to imprisonment or illness caused requiring seclusion rather than sociability
by a Ungeringdisease and confinement in a publicity. Mercury is an intellectual
hospital for a long time. ■ If a factory planet and will, if well aspected, give one
manager were to have Mars in this posi- the faculty to go into the most intricate
tion, then be will have recurring labour details in matters which seem trivial or
troubles often and the labour class will microscopic to others. Harmonious
secretly work for bis downfall. aspect from Herschel enables one to
pursue unusual lines of thought.
Venus in 12 well aspected, contributes Taken alone. Mercury here indicates
to success in occupations connected with petty worries, annoyances - and small
jails, hospitals or charitable institutions enmities caused by writings or scandalous
or by work in a chemical laboratory. One reports, as Mercury rules correspondence.
benefits by pujsuing obscure occupations. The mind is self-absorbed and narrow.
He will be inclined to investigate the
secret arts or study and practise the occult* If afflicted especially by malefics like
Venus, the planet of love in this house, Saturn or Mars, it .-points to nefarious
makes one love and enjoy voluntary schemes, forgeries, plots and conspiracies.
Sun in 12* dignified and well aspected, imprisonment and. the person that js
secures one success in occult and psychic imprisoned/
matters and gives uncommon tastes. Sun The author of Phaladeepika calls this'
. is otherwise called Dhanwantri and so house ' Leenasthana * meaning a hidden
work in hospitals is favoured. One loves house. The 12th house has to be examined
and succeeds in some quiet, secure but in matters concerning occultism and bidden
obscure occupation such as in a chemical side of life. Alan Leo obse/ves • thus:
laboratory or in prisons or other institu- "The 4th house denotes psychic power
tions of confinement. Well aspected Sun which will become occultism, white or
in 12 is a sure sign of sympathies and self- black, according to the status or develop- ■
sacrifice and that ofle will rise steadily ment of the native psychically or spiri-
out of obscurity by dint of one's own tually. The 8th house is related to the'
. merit and effort. Scholars say that Sun astral world in which psychic feeling is
here vanquishes enemies. intensified after the death of the physical
Generally, Sun in 12> weak by sign and body. The 12th is related to the psychic
afflicted, shows enmity of influential mind in which receptivity or mental
people, life in remote olaces and separa- sensitiveness to the unseen world is
tion from one's kith afla kin. awakened ; therefore it (the 12th house) is
Moon rules the public but hs situation known as the house of self-undoing,
which, in some cases, may mean the
in this house of seclusion and solitude breaking up of the concrete physical
favours success in such work as is condition by a leaning towards the occult
performed in hospitals or prisons, pro- side by things. It is the house of 'true
vided it -is well aspeeted. Moon is occultismThe 12th house, then, may
emotional, in constant andchangeful and, denote sorrow in matters of an external or
consequently, there is a liability of the purely physical type; trouble and difficulty
' senses dominating reason involving one in matters of an emotional character;
■ in clandestine love affairs, but, if Moon is annoyance, worry and anxiety in matters
in a fixed sign and well aspected, one will • intellectual or mental—but in this relation
keep the secret to himself. it may also bring joy and peace."
Moon rules voyages. If Moon is in a Mantreswara says that the 12th house
' watery sign in 12, one may be connected rules Sayana \ Therefore, one has to
with occupations concerning shipping, investigate this house to find out whether
_etc. . This indication is strengthened if one will have sound sleep or not. The
the Moon is in conjunction with, or third house shows one's awakening from
receives favourable aspect from Neptune, sleep -the 6th house signifies trance; the
the SeaJLord. 9th relates to dreams. Kalidasa alone
Afflicted Moon in 12 signifies limita- differs in this respect. In Uttara Kalam-
tions, hindrances, fanciful fears, enforced ritam he says that the 12th house also
retirement or sickness due,to acts of indicates cNithra banga' or awakening
indiscretion;'' also petty enmities with from sleep or disturbance to sleep. If one
womenfolk causing-worry and trouble. runs the period of a malefic planet placed
•in 12 and afflicted by others, how can he
' According to Haly, "it represents expect a sound and peaceful sleep ?
banished persons, malefactors, lost goods In Uttara Kalamritam it has been
never • recovered, long hidden .wrath, vile mentioned that the 12th house has to be
persons, reproaches and disobedience.'* referred to in connection with paternal
-Adila- and—Zael, -two every ancient wealth. This is probably so because the
western astrologers; remark that the 12th 4th indicates one's permanent possessions
house is the house of captives and impri- and the 12th house is the 4th from the
sonment; for the takmg_and.the-cause— 9th representing father and therefore
thereof is' signified by tbe-8th house, but denotes father's permanent possessions
by the 12tb house is shown the place of which may pass on to the native after the
death of the father. Moon is always for 2nd and 6th house lords indicating finan-
change and so one's father may change his cial gain to him. Such results will be
residence because Moon in 12 will be in invariably experienced only when the
the 4th house counted from the 9th, and native runs the conjoint period of the lord
such changes will take place when'the of the 8th and 12th houses.
native runs Moon's period or sub The 12th house signifies issue of cheques.
period. The 8th house is the receipt ofithe cheque
According to Kalidasa, one has to by the person denoted by the 7th. Hence
investigate the 12th house accounts for the' benefic planets in the 12th and 8th houses,
following: Mental pain and agitation; with good aspects between them, promise
the feet; the left eye; fear from enemies; return of loan.
multilation of a limb; bodily injury; harm; The author of Sanketanidhi says that
wretchedness; imprisonment; anger; sudden and unexpected demands, pressure
elephants ; horses; loss by marriage and for money, uncommon expenses far in.
loss of wife; a blow to the thought of the excess of income, gift, charity, donation,
happiness of parents or brothers; going to construction of well, reservoir etc.,
another place; liberation from pain; virtuous or sinful actions for a person,
discharge of debts; paternal wealth ; punishment from any source, fines, losses,
renouncing couch; termination of etc., come under the domain of the 12th
appointment; • death ; entry into heaven house. Death may result during the
and expenditure in various ways. period of the planet that has connection
According to Vaidyanatha Dikshitar with the 12th house in any manner.
says in his work MJataka Parijatam", The author of Jatakadesamarga suggests
visits to far off places have to be .pre- that one ought to seek information
dicted with reference to the 12th bhava. from the 12th house regarding one's
He adds that an individual's dignity, libe- expenses, destruction, loss and fall from
rality, comfort of bed sayana etc., general position.
misfortune and waste of wealth have to
be ascertained from the strength of the The 12th house is related to such places
12th house, its lord and Saturn, the kara- of segregation as jails, asylums and other
ka.or the chief governor for the 12th house institutions of correction or detention or
matters. He avers that if the wandering any enclosure where liberty is- curtailed.
Moon is in 12 identical with a movable In the words of Alan Leo, it is the house
sign or aspected by Saturn, then one will the voluntary recluse as well as of the
roam about. Waxing Moon in receiving pauper, the invalid and the prisoner. It
beneficial aspects, makes one liberal and denotes association with hospital, sanato-
philanthropic. He will be virtuously dis- rium or nursing home; also mental insti-
posed and will indulge indoing meritorious tutes. It has to do with convent or
deeds. He may also be engaged in agri- monastic life. One may be confined to
culture. Moon favourably aspected by the bed in hospital on account of ill-health or
passionate and peaceful Venus shows com- he may himself b& a medical attendant
forts of bed. therein. Therefore, a careful examination
Ramadayulu mentions in Sanketanidhi of the 12th house and of the planets
that the 12th house rules the feet. He connected with it is called for. If the
further says that this is the house of planet in the 12th house has anything to
. vyaya or loss. Loss may also mean do with, houses 2, 6 and 10, service in
deterioration in the bank position of the hospital is indicated. If the planet in 12
person. Suppose one has good aspects in has no connection with houses, 2 and 10
one's horoscope between the lord, of 8 and but has to do with the 6th house alone,
12 and one has taken money on loan. then one may be admitted for ^treatment
This aspects forestalls clearance of loan, in a hospital. Thus should one proceed.
because to the lender represented by the The 6th house and the planets connected
7th house, it is a good aspect between his with it explain ordinary ill-health and
disease, more especially of : an acute In Horary questions, the 12th house has
nature, tbe duration of the disease and to be looked at in questions connected
recovery from it. The Sth houserepresents with grief, persecution, secret mental toil,;
the fatal nature of the disease causing envy, malice, misery, etc,, also sedition]
mental disturbance and anxiety to life. treason,' assassination, suicide, etc. All'
The 12th has sway over chronic diseases, matters concerning deceit, sorrow,;
requiring confinement to bed in connection weeping, blackmailing, etc., have reference
with treatment. to the 12th bhava.
The 12th house indicates life in a foreign In Frasnagnana, the ' author inclines
place, change of place or a thorough to the view that information regarding;
change in surroundings and environment. enjoyments, disputes (litigation or
It is not necessary that one should go to a quarrel], charity, donations, sacrifices and
foreign country and settle down there. agricultural operations have to be sought
Any place other than the native's perma- for through the 12th bhava.
nent place is to be construed as foreign.
If the 4th house lord goes to the 12th, it In State Astrology, the 12th house deals
denotes that one will have change of one's with all philanthropic, charitable or
residence or a thorough change in environ- reformative institutions, jails, asylums
ments. If the 9tb house is in any manner or homes for the afflicted and hospitals.
connected to the 12th house, i.e., if the It refers to crime in general, criminals,
lord of the 9th is in 12 or is conjoined spies, under-ground movements and secret
with the lord 12, or the planet in 12 is enemies of the nation at home or abroad.
situated in the constellation ruled by the Secret and occult societies are governed
lord of 9, it is a definite indication of a by this house. It also concerns monaste-
long journey and life in a foreign place. ries and other forms of institutional
The 6th house is said to signify pet
animals and birds small cattle generally, This house signifies substance or money
while the 12th stands for large cattle, of elder brothers or friends, being the 2nd
beasts, etc. from the 11th. As it happens to be the
L. George says that the 12th house is 4th from the 9th, it represents father's
the house of affliction representing' trials permanent possessions, vehicle, etc. It
and tribulations, sorrow and self-undoing signifies the sickness of wife or husband,
arising either from treachery or persecu- her or his debts, etc,, being the 6th.
tion by secret enemies or from the bonds reckoned from the 7th. Being the 7th '
of restriction; also from want, poverty counting the 6th as the first, it represents
ignorance or disease. Kidnapping, arson the litigation, etc., of the servants. Being
loot, rape, poisoning, boot-alegging, the Sth from the Sth house it denotes
smuggling, blackmailing, etc., come under danger, difficulties and disappointment
the influence of the 12th house. to children. It denotes long journeys
to mother, her foreign travels and
In racing, the 12th house presides over success achieved in writing, etc., being
the feet, the limitations and restrictions in 9 to 4. Since it is the 10th from the
brought on the owners of horses, the ,3rd house, it shows younger brother or
barring of jockeys from riding, fraud and sister's profession, popularity, prosperity,
deceptive actions, etc. etc.
Following is the horoscope of a person being generally followed and mostly found'
"born on 19th March, 1937 at 6-04 P.M. at to be needing correction.
Madras But, according to Krishnamurti
• _ . ,> I Venus Padhdhati—(a) one is to note where
l"". 4A A Ur
'11.38 Kettau exactly the meridian falls: (bj the lord
of the sign, the star and sub. Also one is
to include the planet very close to the
meridian. The profession is indicated by
the combination of these planets arid the
dasa lord.
The houses 2, 6 and 10 are to be judged.
Whenever matters signified by a particular
house is toy be judged, the following
principle is to be universally adopted
Jupiter Rahu without any exception :—
29.43 .26.33 (a) The lords of the sign, star and the
Fortuna Mars
5.13 8.56 sub of the house.
(b) The planet in the constellation of
the occupant of that particular
bhava (house).
(c) The occupant of the house.
(d) If there is no occupant in such
' houses, then the planets in the
constellation of the lords of.the
(e) The lords of the houses.
(f) The planets conjoined with the
strong significatory and also planets
receiving aspect from the significa-
'•p4- 4r= In the above horoscope, houses 2 and
.6 are unoccupied and Moon is in the 10th
house. The meridian falls at the 6th
He is a surgeon practising in Bombay. degree in Gemini, according to Nirayana
KozmaJly, when one tries to find out the System.
profession for a person, one has to note,
0) ttie planet occupying the 10th house According to Krishnamurti Padhdhathi,
and also the lord of the 10th house, (2) the meridian in Gemini 5 degrees means -
the Navamsa signs occupied by them, X3) that the sign is ruled by Mercury, the star
the lords of the Navamsa signs in which by Mars and sub by Sun. Therefore, his
the occupant of the 10th house and the lord main profession will be' indicated by
of the 10th house were, and (4) judge the Mercury, Mars and Sun. Sun and Mercury
profession signified by the lords of the give him the intelligence, quick under-
Navamsa signs occupied by the occupant standing, grasp and because both of them
of the 10th house and the lord of the were in a watery sign, correct intuition
10th house.' This is a principle which is is indicated.' One of the main occupation •
indicated by Sun is medical, Mars 'is for - Supposing another child is born on the
surgical and Mercury for quick action and same day within a couple of hours, even
also correct diagnosis. Hence, from the. though the general principle of finding
Meridian one can say that be is a Surgeon- out the lord of TO and the planet in 10,
their Navamsa signs, their lords and the
The other alternative would be that indications of such lords will be the same.
Mars and Mercury indicate mechanical But we do find that twins born in the'
engineering, Sun for service in the Govern- same Lagna with the same position of
ment. planets get appointmentin different depart-
ments. One may be a businessman, the
Also one can predict that be may be other a servant in the Government. One
serving in a Government Press, as Sun may be a Doctor, the other a Teacher.
indicates Government, Mercury paper and Thus, the general principle is not satisfac-
communication. and Mars machinery. tory and failure is not uncommon but if
Thus, a few avocations may be indicated one applies Krisbnamurti Padhabatbi and
by the combination of the lord of the also the advanced Steller astrology, it is
sign, star and sub, where be had'His possible to fix the profession when alone
meridian (10th Bhava). it is helpful to the consultant.
Houses 2 and 6 are vacant, lOtb bouse To which profession am I suited ?
is occupied By Moon. Moon governs the When will I take it up ? The horoscope is
stars Rohini, Hastbam and Sravanam. IS&turu.
No planet is found occupying any of the 16° 22'
three stars.. Therefore, Moon must be Moon.
taken as one of the significators of pro- iRftba24®27"6' 22"I
fession. Consider what ' Moon can' do.
It is in the constellation of Mars and
aspected by Mars and Jupiter (both are in Rasi
_their own signs and strong). Therefore, 3.45 A.M.
Moon is to offer the results of Mars and 3-12-1944
Jupiter. Mars and Scorpio suggest chemi- 77® 12' E
cal or medical and Jupiter in Sun's cons-
tellation suggests medical. Mars in the
constellation of Saturn and in Scorpio
indicates that be will carry out ppst-mor-
-.tem also as Saturn . denotes the dead.
Hence, the occupant Moon also promises,
* that he will be Surgeon. herewith submitted.
But if we were to apply the general Balance Jupiter Dasa 11 years 0 month
principle, the lord of the 10th house is 29 days.
Mercury. It occupies Cancer in Navamsa,
which is owned by Moon and in the lOtb Houses 2, 6 and 10 are judged , to find
bouse Moon is camping and it is in out one's profession. Sun is the chief
Scorpio Navamsa. Therefore, the lord governor of livelihood and inheritance.
of Cancer, Scorpio Moon and Mars indi- Jupiter indicates bank position.
cate the' profession. . Normally,- one can-
not expect medical, profession for the Fortuna shows how one can make
combioation of Moon.and Mars, as the fortune, etc.
•rule is to find the lord of7 the navamsa When the houses are judged, one should
sign and read-out the profession. It take all the planets within the extension
would be possible to predict service in of that particular Bhava.
Navy, boilers or industry using steam or
one who is connected with pumpset, drinks Second .bouse -commences at 2° 50'
bar, kitchen etc. Scorpio and ends by 3° 50' Sagittarius.
Sixth, house extends from 7° 50'Pisces Hence, you may take up mine engineer-
to 4° 12' Aries. ing, or be'a salesman, sales manager in an
The tenth house is between 5° 50' Engineering Concern or be a contractor
Cancer and 7° 50' Leo. supplying goods to Industries.
Meridian is exactly at 5° 50'. It is in Anyhow, as the time of your birth is in
Moon's sign Saturn star and Mercury sdb. December, 1944, you must be a student
• Mars and Sun are in the second house. at present and you will finish your course
and enter into a new cycle of life from
The 6th and 10th houses are vacant. Saturn Dasa Moon Bhukti Rahu Anthra,
Mars rules Mrigasira, Chitra and i.e., April 1967.
Dhanishta. No planet is found in any As Rahu is aspected by Mercury, Venus
one of the three stars. Sun governs and Mars, the following posts are indi-
Karthik, Uthrapalguni and Uthrashada cated :
(1) Service in Indian Oil (Moon and
. Jupiter, alone is in Uthrapalguni. No Saturn indicates oil; Venus, that
planet is in Karthik or Uthrashada. which is used for vehicle; Mercury
Therefore, Jupiter is a significator. Engineering or Sales Manager;
Mars to have authority to become
Lord of 2 is Mars. Lord of 6 is Jupiter an officer in Mars-sub period.
and lord of 10 is Moon. (2) As ' the combination of Moon,
No planet is in the constellation of lord Saturn and Rahu is in the airy sign,
of 2. Moon and Rahu are in the constel- you may be a ground Engineer in
lation of lord of 6. Rahu is the strongest any aerodrome.
as it is conjoined with lord of 10 and is (3) Geological Survey of India is also
Vargothamamsa. Hence, Rahu and pla? to be included.
nets in its stars will prove to be stronger
than all the other significators. Now one may ask . " If nodes are
Only Saturn is in Rahu's constellation stronger than the planet, why you have
Arudhra. omitted Kethu. It is in the sign governed
by Jopiter who owns the 6th'^house.
Therefore, Rahu, Saturn and Moon will Should not Kethu represent Jupiter
be the strong significators. In your chart,
Rahu is conjoined with 2 planets, aspected Yes: but one should not forget to note
by 3 planets (Mars by 8th aspect) and that a node can represent the lord of the
hence it is not simple. sign, only when it is neither conjoined
with, nor aspected by a planet.
In such cases, meridian and also the
time at which the query is answered will As Kethu js conjoined with Venus and
explain and clarify the doubt. I am Mercury aspected by Moon as well as
answering on 29-11-65. It is a Monday. Saturn, its results are modified by these
Moon is transiting in Sravana, ruled by and it will not act as an agent of Jupiter.
Moon in Saturn's sign. Rahu occupies (Please refer Uthrakalamritham. This
the sign owned by Venus who rules the principle is implied when the author deals
10th house. Therefore, Moon, Saturn and with Rahu and Kethu occupying trine
Rahu are the significators. houses 5 or 9 and Maraka houses 2 or 7.)

.There is no gain saying that the value of the Ayanamsa values according to their
Ayanamsa assumes a vital importance own choice. It is desirable that a unifor-
now-a-days especially when the various mity is maintained in this respect, so that
Panchang-makers are following quite the confidence in astrology could be
different values of Ayanamsa thereby gained.
giving conflicting planetary positions in The points of intersection of the Sun's
their Panchangs, which are quite confusing
to the people, who moreoften than not apparent path with the Celestial Equator,
which are receding, are called the Pre-
become sceptic about astrology itself. In cession of the Equinoxes. In the Sayana
the olden days the Indian astrologers System of planetary calculations, the first
were following the recognised appropriate sign Aries (Mesha) starts from the Vernal
methods, of calculation of the planetary Equinox, but according to the Hindu
positions and did not feel the necessity system
of the Ayanamsa value in Iheir methods ; System, which is called the Nirayana
the sign Aries starts from the
but now-a-days the Panchang-makers are Asterism Aswini.. The former is called the
resorting to conversion from the European Movable Zodiac while the latter the Fixed
Zodiac to the Indian Zodiac and conse- Zodiac.
quently the Ayanamsa value has become these two Zodiacs , isincalled
The difference longitude between
important. When exactly both of them coincided has
Even in the olden days there were .become anybody's guess.
eighteen Siddhantas differing from one
another in the methods of calculation. In dealing with the problem of the
These" were however reduced to five by precession of the equinoxes, one has to
Va'rahamihira in bis Pancha Siddhantika. settle at first the rale of precession and
Df these five Siddhantas he preferred Surya next the dale of coincidence. There were
Siddhanta and discarded Vasishta .and differences of opinions regarding the rate
• Brahma Siddhantas as' inaccurate. of precession itself in the olden days.
/Regarding Paulisa andRomaka Siddhantas According to the Hindu Siddhantas the
.he opined that, there were several lapses. rate of the precession was mentioned to
Even with regard to Surya Siddhanta be as below:
there were many subsequent improvements Aryabhatta 46.3'
from that followed by Varaha. For ,Parasara 46.5''
•example, regarding the longitude of the Varabamihira 50.0*
apogee of the orbit of the Sun Surya
Siddhanta of Varaha adopted 80°. while Surya Siddhanta 54.0"
modem Suiya Siddhanta adopted 77° 17', Bhaskara 59.
and regarding Dimensions of_the Epicycles Orahalaghava 60.0"
of Apsis, Varaha's Surya ' Siddhanta
adopted 14° while ! the0 Modern Surya The above., shows how varied the
Siddhanta observed. 13§ to 14°. There opinions were in. those days. Even in
are many other differences also. Now- modern times, each astronomer tabulates
a-days the correct positiops of the planets taking random -periods and arrives at
are being determined by the use of teles- different results. The vernal point no
cope in a scientific manner and these are "doubt undergoes a good deal of wobbling
published in the Nautical Almanacs and. in the course of a year, but still an average
from these the Panchang-makers arrive at "rate of precession could be worked out
Nirayana positions of planets deducting by taking a sufficiently long period for
tabulation.. This was done by Prof. are inclined to calculate from the date'of
Simon Newcomb and-'tis formula was' Varahamihira since he has made a' state-
based on values tabulated from 1600 A.D. ment in his Brihat Samhita that both the
to 2100 A.D. This is fairly a long zodiacs concided in his time. The time of
period to yield a correct result. Accor- Varahamihira itself is highly contro-
ding to him the earth completes one versial. Further the statement made by
precessional cycle iir25,794 years for the "him is not enough to prove the matter
epoch of 1844. His formula is 50.2453" .scientifically. There are some who pin
plus ■ (0.0002225") multiplied by the their faith in the Surya Siddhantha. It is
required year 1850 A.D.' This is scienti- seen that the Indian year is longer than
fic and has been accepted by most of the the European estimate by three minutes
people. Thus the correct rate of" preces- and "20.4 sec. As already observed
sion is as tabulated and arrived at by Varaha's Surya Siddhantha itself is diffe-
Prof. Newcomb.- 1 ring from the later Surya Siddhanta.
Regarding the date of coincidence of both Hence calculations from Siddhanthas are
not at all scientific. At close of the 19th
the zodiacs the' learned astronomers and century many were inclined to compute
astrologers have exhaustedahnost all possi- -'from the position of Zeta Piscurp.
ble angles. But, the unfortunate partof such According to Mr. Chidambara Iyer Zeta
^learned investiga tions is only a wide gapsub- Piscum is not Revati and that it is also
sisting between them. A study of various not . id the ecliptic. Therefore any
opinions shows surprisingly a bigmarginof computation from this will, be faulty.
886 years involving 12° 3 , in the ayanamsa -Some tried to work out from the asterism
values as tabulated below: Aswini. Of course this will be a direct
Authors. Date' of precession. and proper method but the unfortunate
Cherio 388 B.C. thing is that there is no identifiable star
D. Davidson 317' in the middle. This asterism consists of
6 Mars appearing like a horse's bead the
Gerald Massey 255 central portion of wh ich is not identifiable.
Thierens 125 Hence the observational data from this
Paul Councel 0 A.D. • asterism are open to - question and will
Cyril Pagan 213 be ' only an approximate estimate.
Lahiri 285 Several others tabulate from other stars
and if they do not come to the same
P. S. Ray 319 conclusion, there should be an error in
M. K.-Kharegat, 345 ■their methods of calculation. Many pro-
B. V. Raman i 397 fusely quote Siddhanthas and Sastras and
Sepharial 498 they are all a waste, because a mere quota-
tion is not a scientific approach. Messrs.
All the above justify their own view- Lahiri and M. K. Kharegat, advocate
.points claiming them to be very scientific, calculations from the star fipica (Chithrai).
but if . their approach is really scientific This is quite appealing.
the -results should have been uniform.
Because they are otherwise, some fallacy - Before launch ing on the question of
somewhere has to be apprehended. Ayanamsa, one has to halt and think how
the figures of planetary positions in the
Some scholars based their calcula- Nautical Almanac are arrived at and how
tions on the Egyptian Zodiac but this the Hindus reckon. ■ Then only, the exact
cannot yield correct results as there was a difference can be gauged. Whatever'may
confusion in the Egyptian Zodiac itself in be the observations of the stars or other
those days. Some scholars are inclined bodies in the ancient days, the figures now
to base their theories on notable mundane available in the'alma'nac are by the use of
events but owing to plurality of causes modern telescopes. The figures revealed
the date of any notable event cannot be by these Nautical almanacs for two dates
taken as a pointer. There are many who only have to be taken up for comparison
witkoi't resorting to a figure arrived at in ■ iSO® will be the difference-in the Ayanamsa
earlier days without tfte aid of telescope. . that will have to be adopted. This is a
Again, with reference to the Indian Zodiacs simple^ straight and reliable method
there is no difficulty at all. The asterism which, 1 believe, will be acceptable to the
Aswini was the beginning of the Zodiac discriminating astrological public..
3000 years ago and so also now. Its
opposite star was Chitrai (Spica) 3000 Based on the above principle let us
years ago and 10 also now. -In the Hindu work out the present. AyafTamsa with
astrology the asterism Chitrai (Spica) is reference to the position of Spica given
described as having only one star looking for 1820 A.D. by the Nautical Almanac.
like a Tiger's eye. Though Chitrai has 'Spica*s position for 1820
only one-star its region has four stellar Libra 21 20 Q
quarters, as in other cases. Oiitof the'four Motion for 142 years
stellar quarters two fall in Virgo and the 50.2388475 x 142 1 58 54'
other two in Libra. This was the case pot (Newcomb's formula)
only about 3000 years ago but £lso now.
As there is only one identifiable star in Ayanamsa on 1-1-62 23 18 54
this asterisni, the central portion of the Lahiris figure 23 19 23
region is this star, Spica, which .is at the Diflerence 0 0 29
.close of Virgo and at a distance of 180°
•from the Aries point.. Hence anycalcu-- The above difference of only 29 seconds
lation made from this -star is bound to be is probably due to Mr. Lahiri having
- accurate. taken an adjusted Zero year' to fit in
with a New Moon day and a Lunar New
It will, not be out of place to quote Year's day. At any rate, the difference is
Robson who observes thus about the negligible. Mr. C. G. Rajag has adopted
precession. "The precession of Equi- an Ayanamsa of 23° W in his Panchabg
noxes is a.phenomenon that causes all the for Subhakrit Mr. K. S. Krishnamurti ha£
stars to appear to advance in longitude" adopted an Ayanamsa of 23° 13' following •
in a body at the rate of 50" per annum due his stellar method and the difference is
to the . retrogade motion of the--Vernal insignificant. Hence, it is advisable to
Equinox or First point of Aries through follow the' above .figures to an advantage
the • constellations. This processional -instead of groping in the dark.
change docs not affect the relative posi-
tions of the stars among themselves ". In conclusioD, I consider that the longi-
Besides the precessional movement each tude of the star Spica as noted in the.
star has its own proper motion. About Nautical Almanac less 180° should be
the proper motion' he observes, As seen taken as the -value of Ayanamsa for
from the earth the average proper motion each year and that the Newcomb's formula -
of a first- magnitude star is about 0.25 regarding the annual rate of the precession
sees, per annum, while that of the sixth should be adopted as- standard. Accor-
.magnitude star is about 0.04 sec&. but dingly, the Ayanamsa on 1-1-65 . is
the actual rates vary in individual cases." 23-21-25. For any year subsequent to
,Thus, Spica being'a first magnitude star this date - the annual rate of precession, " "
-has an.annual motion of 50 sees, plus namely, 50.2486 sees, has to be added and
0!25, sees, totalling to 50.25 sees. To- for the years prior to this it has to be
.-putjijn. a precise way, it agrees with thes deducted
NewLumb*s precessional value of 50.2486
sees. In effect the | present position of (Ayanamsa for the year 1966 according-
"Spica as per Nautical Almanac minus to Krishnamurti is 23° 16'.)
MOON DASA—(Contif.) •
III. The results that will be experi- (7). During the Bhukthis of benefic
enced in the several Bhukthis or sub planets in Moon Dasa, when.Moon
periods of Moon Dasa as given in the is posited in 4tb bouse to Lagna,
Sarvartha Chintamani are as follows:— the native will enjoy happiness of
(1) During- the Bhukthis of Venus, all kinds. He will be the favourite
Jupiter, Moon and Mercury „ of • of Government.
Moon Dasa, when Moon is posited (8) During the Bhukthis of malefic
in Lagna, the native will • enjoy planets in Moon Dasa, when Moon
good health. He will receive is posited -in the 4th house to
favours from GoyetpmSnt. He Lagna, the native will feel very
will command vehicle, clothing, miserable. He will experience loss
jewels and other comforts. through bouse properties and wife.
(2) During the Bhukthis of M&rs, He will incur loss of liquid cash.
Saturn, Sun and Rabu of Moon He will have Tear through fire,
Dasa, when Moon -is posited in' robber and Government.
Lagna, the native will experience (9) During the Bhukthis • of benefic
misery. He will lose heavily planets in Moon Dasa, when Moon
through agriculture, cattle and is posited in the 5tb house, to
landed property. Lagna, the. native will be happy
(3) During the Bhukthis of malefic with his wife land children. He
planets in Moon Dasa, when Moon will have good influx of money.,
is posited in 2nd house* to Lagna, ff unmarried, he will be married.
the native will experience fear If married, he will be blessed with
through his wife and children and children.
relations. He , will have trouble (10) During the Bhukthis of malefic
from t Government. . planets in Moon Dasa, when Moon
(4) During the Bhukthis of beneflc is posited in the 5th bouse to
planets in Moon Dasa, when Moon Lagna, the native will be troubled
is posited in.2nd bouse to Lagna, in mind. He will create enmity
. the native will lead a happy life with all. He will experience fear,
with good food and good clothing. through his wife and children and
He will be always cheerful. . from Government.
(5) . During the Bhukthis of benefic (11) During the Bhukthis of malefic
planets in Moon Dasa, whep Moon planets in Moon Dasa, when Moon
is posited in 3rd house to Lagna is posited in 6th house to Lagna,
the native will be happy. H§ will the native will feel miserable
be recipient of honours . from through incurring debts, Jie will
Government. lose heavily through agriculture.
(6) During the Bhukthis of malefic He will suffer from serious illness.
planets in Moon Dasa, when Moon (12) During the Bhukthis of benefic
is posited in. 3rd bouse to Lagna, planets in Moon Dasa, when Moon
the native will experience trouble is posited in 6th house to Lagna,
through lack of finance. His the native will be friendly to all.
brothers will undergo trouble. He He will be free from fear through funky. robber, fire and Government.
(13) During the Bhufcthis 6f benefic " (^19) When .Moon is posited in 10th
planets in Moon Dasa, when Moon house to Lagna, during the Bhukthis
is .posited in 7th house.-to -Lagna,- of ,benefic planets in Moon Dasa,.
the native will get married, if un- - . the native engage himself seriously
married. If married, he will be- in his profession.^. He will be jWell
blessed Svith children. He will •versed in scriptures. He will be
command vehicular comforts and interested "in doing righteous
clothing, jewels and pthqr com- deeds.
(14) During the Bhukthis of malefic (20) In Moon Dasa, when Moon is
planets in Moon Dasa, when Moon posited in 10th house to Lagna,
is posited in 7th house to Lagna, during the Bhukthis of malefic
the native will haveito stay in a planets, the native will experience
foreign place.' His wife and child- ill-repute. He will not take seri-
ren will feel miserable. His rela- ously to his profession. He will
tions will be unhappy. He will suffer from fear complex.
lose wealth.
(15) During the Bhukthis of mhlefic (21) During the Bhukthis of benefic
planets in Moon Dasa, when Moon planets; in Moon Dasa, when Moon
is posited in &th house to La'gna, is posited in 11th house to Lagna,
the -native's wife and children will the native will enjoy all kinds of.
be'threatened witlrdanger to their happiness. There will be good
lives. He will taste unwholesome influx of money. His income
food. He will meet with failures. through gains will increase. He
will command vehicular and other
(16) During the Bhukthis of benefic colnforts. He will experience
planets in Moon Dasa, when Moon promotion in his profession.
is posited in. 8th house to Lagna,
the native will enjoy increased (22) When Moon is i posited in llth
happiness. His reputation will house to Lagna, during the Bhukth-
. increase. He will bk courageous. is of malefic planets in Moon Das4,
He will command vehicular and the native wjll lose wealth. He
other comforts. will lose heavily through agriculture
and agricultural products!^-He will
(17). When Moon is posited in 9th suffer from illness, particularly from
house to Lagna, during the Bhuk- eye trouble. He will have trouble
' this of benefic planets in Moon through fire, robber and Govern-
Dasa, the native's father will, be ment.
happy. There will be celebration
of auspicious -functions .in the (23) In Moon Dasa when Moon is posi-
house." The native will he engaged ted in 12th house to Lagna during
in dharmic and sacrificial deeds. the Bhukthis of malefic planets,
There will be influx of money. The the native will experience great
native will have' promotion in ■ misery. He will become inimical
profession. to all. He will lose wealth.
(18) During the Bhukthis of malefic
planets in Moon Dasa, when Moon (24) During the Bhukthis of benefic.
is posited in 9th house'to Lagna, planets in Moon Dasa when Moon
the native will feel miserable. He is'posited in 12th house to Ligna,
. will lose wealth. He will experience the native will lead a happy life.
'Moss through bouse properties..He He will command vehicular and
will not be happy in his profession. other comforts. There will be
He will be inclined to do sinful good influx of money. His wife
acts. and children will be happy.
IV. The results that will he experien- Will be moving from place to place.
ced in Moon Dasa and Several [Majority will not live till Moon
Bhukthis of Moon Dasa given in Dasa.]
Saravali are as follows:— (7) During Moon Dasa, wheil Moon'is
.(1) During Moon Dasa, if Moon' is posited in Cancer, the native will
posited in Aries, the native will get command good wealth. He will
married if unmarried. If married, make pilgrimages. He will be skilled
he will be blessed with children. in Astrology. He will roam over
He will take to his profession" seri- forests," mountains and foreign
ously. His brothers and sisters will places. He will-suffer from trouble
be unhappy. His acts will' lead to- - in the stomach or chest.
unnecessary^ expenses. He will (8) At the time of Moon Dasa, when
suffer from headache. Moon is posited in Leo, the native
(2) During Moon, Dasa, if Moon is in will receive wealth from his Daya-
exaltation, the native will have pro- dins. He will' be ambitious. He
motion in his profession. There - will become the chief among his
will be good influx of money. He relations. He will be tactful. He
will be blessed with children. He will lose one of his limbs. He will
will be under the influence, of - not have many issues,.
women. He will have ! cattle wealth • (9) During Moon Dasa, when Moon is
During the dasa of Moon, when posited in -Virgo, the native will
she is in her Moolathrikona Rasi, move to foreign places. He will
the native will -spend his time in have a lady companion. He will
foreign places. He will earn npaey be proficient in Poetry and Arts.
through trade. He will- haw his He will become the chief of a
own relations. He will suffer village or taluk where he resides.
from wind disease and phlegmatic (10) At the time of Moon Dasa, when
troubles. Moon is posited in Libra, the
Note: The first three degrees of nati ve will.engage himself in gamb-
Taurus'form the exaltation portion ling. His behaviour with the other
of Moon and the rest her Moola- sex will be questionable'. [What
thrikona. will 'be the age then ? Never less
than 73 years.) He-will lack enthu-
(4) During the middle portion of , siasm. ' He will' have ' unfulfilled
Moon Dasa, the native will enjoy desire. , He will suffer from.penury.
increased happiness. He will com- He willTie mentally unhappy.
mand immense wealth. He will be (11) During Moon Dasa when Moon
engaged in divine worship. He will is posited in Scorpio, the native
honour Brahmins. ' He will move will be threatened with danger to
affectionately with girls. bis life. He will suffer from illness.
(5) In the first half of Moon Dasa, He may have to lose his wife. He
when Moon is in association with will suffer from fear complex. He
a malefic in'Taurus, the deinise'of will be insulted by his relations. He
the native's mother will take place. will not be enthusiastic.
In the later half, there will happen (12) At jhe time of Moon Dasa when
the demise of native's father'. Moon has left her depression rasi,
(6) At the time of Moon Dasa when the native will be influential. He
Moon is in Mithuna or Gemini, will have limited wealth. He will
the native will engage himself in get married with a girl Of moderate
the workship of God and -in means. He will earn money
honouring Brahmins. He will be ^through trade. He will suffer, from
learned. He will command wealth, skin disease. He will be intent in
clothes and other enjoyments. He 'harming his kith and kin.
6 21
(13) During'Moon Dasa when ..Moon is' mother will be troubled. He"will los
posited in Sagittarius, the . native wealth. He will have fall from his
will earn through elephants, horses profession.
and house properties. He will lose his (20) During Moon Dasa Mars Bhukthi,
ancestral property. He will become if Mars is unfavourable, the native
very rich by dishonourable means. will be separated from his mother .
(14) At the time of Moon Dasa, when and relations.. He wjjl be clever in
Moon is porited in Capricorn, the doing harm to others. There will
native will be sensitive to fear.- He be a fall in his position. He will
will be devoid of shyness. He will suffer from fever and stomach,
have limited wealth and issues. disease. If Mars is favourable, the
(15) During Moon Dasa when Moon is native will lead a happy life. He
in Aquarius, .the native will be willbe the recipient of honours from
fickle-minded. He will- contract Government. .He will command
debts. He will be wifeless. good clothes and jewels. He will
-meet with success in all his efforts^
r(I6) At the time of Moon Dasa, when He will interest" himself in agricul-
Moon-has attained a Kumbha Var- tural and house building operations.
gottamamsa (i.e., with Moon in
Sathayam star 3rd pada in nativity), (21) DuringMoon Dasa, Rahu Bhukthi,
the native will lose his wealth if Rahu is unfavourable, the native
through the enmity of a powerful will suffer from akin disease and
person. He will suffer from tooth- urinary diseases. He may suffer
ache,^ eye-disease and disease .in also from mental depression. If -
the ear. He will be left uncared Rahu is favourable, the native will
for by his wife and children. have influx of money and grains.
He will acquire lands. He will be
(17) During Moon Dasa when Moon is blessed with children. He will
.posited in Pisces, the native will receive favours from a rich Muslim
enjoy his wealth attained through (22) At the time bf Moon Dasa Jupiter
sea-products. He will be always .Bhukthi, if Jupiter is favourable
roaming about. He will be intelli- the native will have all kinds of
gent. He will enjoy his life with enjoyments.' He will be charitably
his wife and children. He will have disposed. He will be- popular.
cattle wealth.. He will be free from He will be blessed with children.
inimical activities. He will be engaged in righteous
(18) At the time of'Moon Dasa, when deeds, thereby winning the apprecia-
- Moon has attained a Meena Vargo- tion of Government.. There will
thamamsa (i.e.. Moon in Revathi be celebration of auspicious func-
star, 4th pada,in nativity), the native tions in his. house. If Jupiter is.
will get a treasure and be happy. unfavourable, the native will meet
He-will be daughtcrless. He will be with losses in all respects. He will
defective of some limb.. He will have a fall in'..status. He will be
lose his parents in his childhood. mentally unhappy. He will, pick
-.(19) DuringMoon Dasa, Moon Bhukthi, up quarrels.
: if Moon is favourable, the native (23) During Moon Dasa Saturn Bhukthi,
will enjoy.good health. There will if Saturn be unfavourable ■ the
-be influx of money. He will' be native will lose his wealth through
blessed with children. He will robber or Government. He will
command vehicular comforts. He lose bodily lustre. His wife and
willreceive honours from Govern- •children - will—experience troubles:-
menh> If Moon is unfavourable, He will suffer from a chronic
1 the native will bejunhap.2y._Hc.. disease. -If Saturn is favourable,
will be' woiTieiF in mind " His the native will have increased wealth.
He will be blessed witb cnudren. with his ; relations. He will lose
He ■wilj.^enjoy '.(he company of wealth. If Sun is favourable, the
friends. He will acquire lands and native will earn wealth from all
houses. He will receive "favours. sources. There will be celebration
from Government. There will be of auspicious functions in his
celebration of auspicious functions house. He "will ^acquire landed
in his house. properties through the help of
(24) At the time of MoonDasa Mercury friends and Government.
Bhukthi, if Mercury is favourable
the native —will have elephants, V. The results that will be experienced
horses and cattle. He will be • in the several Bhukthis of Moon
always buoyant and cheerful. He Dasa as given in Paladeepika are
will acquire wealth through his son. as follows:—
If Mercury be unfavourable the (1) During^Moon Dasa Moon Bhukthi,
native's wife and children will the native will get all his desires
experience trouble.' He will be sick. fulfilled through his mother's help.
He will suffer from mental anguish. He will be blessed with a daughter.
He will have to stay in foreign He will lead a happy married
place. He will have trouble through life. He will have the association
robber. Government and fire. of scholars..
(25) During Moon Dasa Kethu Bhukthi, (2) During Moon Dasa Mars Bhukthi,
if Kethu be unfavourable, the native, the native will suffer from tempera-
will lose his wealthy He will be ment, bad blood and fever. He
devoid of intellect. His parents will lose wealth and prestige. He
and brothers will have a bad time. will suffer from mental anguish.
If KethuHs favourable, the native He will be troubled through enemy
will be happy with his children. and robber.
There will be influx of money. He
will meet with success in his efforts. (3) During Rahu Bhukthi of Moon,
He will bathe in holy waters. Dasa, the native will suffer from
(26) At the time of Moon Dasa Venus serious affiiction. He will create
.Bhukthi, if Venus be favourable, enemies. His relations will suffer
-the native will earn wealth through from .fever. He will be'afflicted
woman. He will have increased due to fear from lighting.
income through watery products, . (4) During Moon Dasa Jupiter Bhukthi,
figricultural' operations, catties and the native will interest himself in
vehicles. There will be celebration . dharmic and charitable acts. He
of marriage in the. house and will lead a happy life.- He will
heavy expenditure as a consequence.. have clothing'jewels and other',
He will be blessed with .children comforts. He will be honoured by
and grand-children. If Venus is - ^ Government.
unfavourable, the natiye will feel
miserable. He wttl suffer from - (5) During Saturn Bhukthi of Moon
illness. He will .. be worried in Dasa, the native will suffer from
.mind. He will pick up sudden and - various diseases. His wife, children
unexpected quarrels. There will and friends will suffer from illness.
be a fall in his status. He will experience increased misery.
(27) During Moon Dasa Sun Bhukthi, (6) During Moon Dasa Mercury
if Sun be unfavourable; the native Bhukti, the native will have ele-
Will suffer from fever, eye disease, -phants, horses andcattle. There will
and excess of heat. He wHl have be influx of money. He will have
association with woman of ill-repute clear thinking. He will have
and low men. He will quarrel increased happiness.
(7) During Kethu^ Bbuktbi of—Moon " through enemies. He will suffer"
"Dasa, the native will be worried in from illness. He will receive insults
mind. He will lose wealth. His from Government. His sons will
relations and servants ' will experience trouble.-
experience trouble. He will have (4) During Moon Dasa Jupiter Bhuktf,
fear tbrough^water.- the native will be crowned with
(8) During Moon Dasa Venus Bhukthi success in all his efforts. There
the native will be engaged in trade will be influx of money. He will
relatingv to watery products,. be blessed with a son. He wil] be
vehicles and gold. He will earn favoured by Government. ' He will
wealth through woman. He will have elephants, cattle and grains.
be blessed with a son. He will (5) During Saturn Bbhktbt of Moon
acquire friendship. There will be Dasa, the native'will suffer from
influx of cattle and grains. mental anguish. He will lose
(9) During Sun Bhukthiof Moon Dasa, wealth. His wife will buffer from
the native will be the recipient of illness. He will lose cattle wealth.
honours from Government. He He will have trouble through carry-
will be courageous. He will be free ing tales by*a-dark complexioned
from enemies. He will suffer from person.
>. minor ailments. (6) During Moqn Dasa Mercury phuk-
Vf. The results that will be experienced thi, the native will experience
in tfle several Bhukthis of Moob domestic quarrels. His desires
Dasa given in Tamil Jataka Alan- will be. fulfilled. He will have
fcara a re as follows:— ' scholarly attainments. He will be
blessed with a son.
(1) During "Moon Dasa Moon'Bhukthi, (7) During* Kethu Bhukthi of Moon
the native will have unexpected and Dasa,.the native will experience
surprise association with a'damsel. trouble from fire. He will have
He will be intent in doing courage- swelling in the body. He will have
ous deeds. His desires will be eye trouble. ' He will suffer from
fulfilled. He will be blessed with a. fear com plex. He will be hated by
very lucky son. all. He will be punished -Ty his
(2) During Mars Bhukthi of Moon employer or Government.
Dasa, the native will engage himself (8) During Moon Dasa Venus Bhukthi,
in unseenly'litigation. He will pick the native will suffer from illness.
up quarrels with womenfolk. He His kith and kin will feel miserable.
will have mental affliction. He w;ll He will lose-wealth. He will meet,
lose wealth. He will suffer from with failures due to inimical acti-
illness. He will have fear from vities.
robber and from fire during Chit- (9) During Sun Bhukthi of Moon Dasa,
tirai month. the native will suffer from fever.
(3) During Moon Dasa Rahu Bhukthj« His brain will be heated. He will'
the native will lose gold and gold ■havemany trouble. He will suffer
ornaments. He will have fear from eyesore also.

(b) the occupants of these houses
Id the second half of 1964, I had a (c) the planets in the constellation
small profit in speculation. But,- will" I» of the lords of these houses
have sudden and substantial gains without (d) lords of these houses
much pains, please! asks an ambitious (e) those connected with them either
young girl. Her horoscope is as follows:— by conjunction or by aspect.
Uranus From which sign are we to count? Can
we take the Ascendant as the commence-'
merit of the first house to all the natives?
Or are we to take the Moon sign as the
first house? This is to be decided before
we proceed.
Whenever the sign, where the Lagha
falls, is occupied by the natural malefics
or by the lords of 6 or 8 or 12, consider
the sign -ocpupied by Moon.'* Only when
the. Lagna is afflicted, one is to judge the
Fortuna Neptune Moon's sign. If Lagna. is mot afflicted,
9" ir 12* 6' one is to take the Lagna alone, however
much, the Moon sign may be strong and
also auspicious.
At the time of birth Mercury Dasa
balance 10 years 10 months 9 days. Your Lagna is Gemini-Mithuna. It is
occupied by the natural malefics Saturn
Dear Girl,' and Rahu. Further, Saturn is lord of 8.
Hence reject Lagna. . Consider the -Moon
■ Let me, .first of all, wish you a Happy sign. Moon Cancer. It is its own
New Year. Let me pray that your desires sign. So, .Moon is Swakshethra and
are fulfilled. strong. Moon's sign is not afflicted.' So,
To have gains in any competition, one - take Cancer as the 1st house and calculate
has to judge the houses 2, 6 and 11. therefrom.
Second house indicates the bank posi- Second House is Leo. It is occupied by
tion and self-acquisition. Jupiter, i Only Rahu occupies one of the
Jupiter's constellations Punarvasu.,. 'Jupi-
Sixth house shows loss to cpmpetitors ter's sign is occupied by Kethu.*' Further,
and thereby income to the person, increase , Kethu is in the 6th house counted from
in the holdings and improvement in bank Moon sign. It is aspected by Jupiter and
position. Saturn. As Jupiter is in the second house,
Eleventh house promises., profit and • one is to judge which planet occupies any
realisation of one's ambition. of the three stars of Kethu which will act
as an agent of Jupiter, Venus is in Kethu's
Fifth house denotes ■ the tendency to star, Aswini- No planet is in Makam or
speculate. Moolam.
■ Therefore, findjjut 11th house is occupied by Uranus. It
(a) the planets in the.constellation of shows sudden gains. It ' has hot been
the occupants of the houses 2, 6 and 11 allotted any asterism.
2ad house is owned by Sun. No planet Further, the .5 planets configuration in
is in'any of its;three stars. the last week of February 1966 is favour-
'6th house is owned by Jupiter. ' Only. able, even though, the sign will be the Sth,
Rahu is in its star and Venus is in the Why ? Mars, lord of 5 is also lord of 10.
constellation ofKethu,theagentof Jupiter. It will be, then, in the star Poorvapadra,
governed by lord of 6. Hence, the .com-
11th house is owned by Venus. Kethu bination, of majority of planets is not
and Venus are in mutual exchange in their adverse to you, but they will contribute
constellations, i.e., Kethu is in the star of for bright life in the near future.
Venus and Venus is in the star of Kethrf.
-Therefore, Venus, Kethu, Jupiter and Therefore,, when lord of 2 Sun transits
Rahu are the significators. ' in the LOth house in exaltation, in the
You have entered into Venus Dasa on constellation of Venus and sub of Kethu
3-2-63. Venus sub period ends on 3-6-66. i.e., between 26° and 26° 40' Aries (on
and you enter into Sun's sub which will 10-5-1966) you will have such a fortune.
run for one year. Hence, Venus Dasa There is an another school of thought,
Venus Bhukti Kethu Anthra will be the according fo which Sun Conjunction
period when you can have, rather, you Venus in Aries also can contribute to such
will have gains by speculation. Kethu's a benefit .J.e., when Sun comes to -its
sub sub period will operate for 70 days. highest exaltation i.'e., 10°. So the date
Hence, real lucky period will be between of such favourable results will be 22-4-66.
23-3-66 and. 3-6-66. On both the occasions Saturn will be in
Luckily, Saturn, which is in the Sth sign Jupiter's star and Rahu sub. Personally,
countedv from Moon sign by transit at I prefer 10-5-66 as Venus the dasanatha
present will pass on to the 9th sign and will be then in exaltation and. Moon will'
will be in Jupiter's star Poorvapadra during be in the constellation of lord of -2 and the
this period. Hence, the planet which will day is ruled by lord of 5 and 10 in whose
reduce the benefit will be in good spirit. sign Venus, the dasanatha was at the time
It will also contribute for your success. of birth. -

The chart furnished below is that of a in the houses 2 or 7 or-U. Also
bride, born, at Delhi. The query is to note whether there is any node in
find out the time of marriage. the sign owned by the planet occu-
Asc.- 13° 23' Cancer: 2nd cusp 7° 13' pying . the constellation -of the
Leo; 3rd cusp 5° 13' Virgo ; 11th cusp 111 planets in 2 or 7 or 11, when the
13' Taurus: 12th cusp 13° 13' Gemini. node becomes stronger than the
Uranu&Jl (b) Find the 2 or 7 or 11 and
Fortuna 14.22 Saturn also note whether there is any node
19,11 MarsR 2.20 in the constella,tioa of the occu-
pants of the houses 2 or 7 or 11.
.Lag. 1323 ■ (c) The planet in the constellation of
Rahu the lords of 2 or 7 or 11,
' ' 17.35 - (d) The lords of 2 or 7 or 11,
(e) Planets conjoined with any of the
significators, or
(f) Planets receiving aspect from any
of the significators.
' If a node is' in any manner connected
with any of the significators, it will prove
to be the significator'as Nodes are stronger
than the planets.
Jupiter Venus w-K ttm The houses are to be counted from one
Neptune Uranus ® cusp to the next succeeding one. The
Bhavas commence from one cusp and
end by the next cusp.
So, second house commences at 7° 13'
Leo and extends upto 5° 13'Virgo. No
planet is in (his area.
7th house commences at 13° 23' Capri-
corn— Malcara I extends to 7° 13' Aquarius
or Kumbha. Kethu is in the 7th Bhava.
FRatn?a I La8na Saturn -Moon Kethu governs the constellatioii Aswini,
Makam and Moolnm.
Only Jupiter is in Makam. Hence,
Saturn Dasa balance at-the time of birth = ' inJupiter is a signiflcator. There is no node
13 years 4 months 14 days. either of the signs of Jupiter. Hence
Jupiter must be taken as a significator.
To judge, the marriage of a person, 11th Bhava commences at 11° 13'
consider the Houses—Bhavas—2, 7 and . Taurus
11, also the chief governorfor matrimony* Uranus,.and extends upto 13° 13' Gemini.
Mars and Saturn are in this
house. Uranus does not govern any star.
Judgment must'be in the following Mars rules Mrigasira, Chitrai and Dha-
manner: ' nishta. Mars is in Mrigasira I quarter,
(a) Note whether there. is any planet Saturn in Mrigasira 111 quarter. No other
in the constellation' of the planets. planet is in-any of these three stars.
Saturn governs Pushya, Amiradha and cusp falls in the 2nd pada of Capricorn
Uthrapadra. Moon in Pushya and as 29 denotes 2nd pada of Cancer.
Mercury in Anuradha are under the sway
of Saturn. . Rahu is in Moon's sign and tjord of 2 is Sun: Lord of 7 is Saturn
-Mercury star. ' No node is in Mercury's and lord of 11 is Mercury..
sign. Hence, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury,
Moon and Rahu are the significators.- Hence^ .when Saturn transits in the
1 quarter of Uthrapathra, i.e., between
But, Jupiter receiving the 3rd aspect 3° 20' and 6° 40' of Pisces —Nirayana—and
from Saturn will* cause delay. . Rahu is Sun and Mercury transit in favourable
stronger than Moon. Hence, Mercury position, then marriage will take place.
and Rahu areto be taken as the strongest
significators. Therefore, marriage will be Also, according to progression, one is
celebrated during Mefcury Dasa, Rahu to find out the periods when favourable
Bhukti between 28-9-1966 and 16-471969. aspects are formed promising marriage.
If one is to predict that marriage will In September, 1966, Moon forms.trine
be celebrated between 28-9-66 and 16-4-69, aspect with Mars when marriage will be
it is not useful to the consultant. fixed. Then Moon.forms semi-sextile Sun
Then, to fix the exact time ask for a (lord of 1 with lord of 2) and trine with
number. Number given is 29. The time Saturn lord of 1 with lord of 7) in the"
of writing is 9-05 A.M. on 22-11-65. end of January and beginning of February,
1967. So, you can celebrate the marriage
^Vhen lords of 2, 7 and II to the of your daughter only'in* the last week of
Prasna Lagna form good aspect to the January 1967 or the 1st week of February,
'7th cusp', marriage will be celebrated. ,,7th 1967
Sir, Htb. Mte. Sees.
Where is Mars in my horoscope ? The Sidereal Time at")
Because, it is iu the 4th sign counted noon on 9-8-1929 / 9 9 58
from Venus in the chart (cast locally by Deduct correction for)
the astrologer here), the local astrologer Longitude at 2 Sees. > minus 0 0 53
says that Mars is evil and hence the mar- per j0 J
riage is delayed by Mars. Can you kindly Add interval between *1
predict when I can have my marriage previous noon and [plus 2 19 00
celebrated and also state whether . Mars birth time in L.M.T. )
afflicts Venus. Add correctionTorintero
You are-bom at 10° 31' N and 79° 24' E • val at 10 Sees, per > plus 0 0 23
at 21 Ghatis 15 Vikaties after sunrise on • hour )
9-8-1929 (Friday). Sidereal time at'tbe time ") - ..1 zo zo
Hr«. Min. Sac*. of birth an 9-8-1929 5
Sunrise on 9-8-1929 at 10° 31'
N in L.M.T. - 5-49-00 Ayanamsa, according to Krishnamurtbi
Longitude is .79° 24' for the year 1929 = 22° 46'.
I.S.T. is fixed for 82° E From the Table of Houses (Raphael's)
Hence difference in longitude = 3° 6' for the Latitude 11°, note and calculate
Therefore, difference between Local the position of the Meridian, 11th cusp,
Mean Time and Indian Standard Time1 ~ 12th cusp, Ascendant, 2nd cusp and the
12 Mts. 24 Sees. 3rd cusp.
Hence, the time of sunrise in LS.T. ^ You will get
5'49.00+0-12-24 A.M.-6 1-24. A.M. as Ascendant 180.Dhanus 34'
the place of birth is west of 82° 30r. (Sagittarius)
2nd cusp 17° Makara 20'
Interval between sunrise and time of (Capricorn)
birth— 21 Ghatis 30 Vikaties. . _3rd cusp 18° Kumba 20'
(1 hour = 2 1/2 Ghatis. ^Ghati = 60 Meridian 26° Kanni 20'
Vikaties —24 Mts. 1 minute —2 1/2 (Virgo)
Vikaties) . 11th cusp 23° Thulam 20'
Therefore, 8 hours 30 minutes after " (Libra)
sunrise you are born —2-31-24 P.M. I.S.T. 12th cusp 22" Vfischik 20f
(6-1-24 plus 8^30-00) (Scorpio)
= 2-19-00 P.M. L.M.T. (5-49-00 .plus* Add 180? to these, then you will ge
8-30-00) the cusp of the houses 7, 8, 9, 4, 5 and <
(As the L.M.T. Is in P.M., take the respectively.
Sidereal Tiroe at noon of the same date. Tabulate them in an order.
But If the L.M.T. is to be in AM, take
the Sidereal Time at noon of the previous Next take Raphael's Ephemeris for tb
date.) year 1929. Turn over tbepage of August
Draw a. rule between ' 8-8-1929 'and Erect the Nirayana horoscope. It is as^
9-8-l'929. Why? Because the Ephemeris under:
is worked out ifor 12 noon Greenwich —
5-30 P.M. I.S.TVaad the birth is between Uranus Rahu ' Jupiter Venus
5-30 P.M. I.S.T. on 8-8-1929 and 5^30 18® 24' 23° SO' ' 18" 46' 11° 52'
P.M. I.S.T. on 9-8-1929.
, . Note down the position of planets given
for 8th and 9th August 1929.
Calculate the motion of the planets in
. these 24 hours. Met. 3° 5' ■
Work out how far each would have Nep.?" 48'
moved in 22. hours 1 minute and 24 29* tf'
seconds. ■
Add this value^ if the planet is in Direct Saturn I Lagna I -Kethu - Moon
1° 26' 25° 48' -zrso' I 19° 39'
motion, to the value given for those
planets on 8-8-1929 in the Ephemeris. .
Mso make out a Navamsa chart*
But if the planet were to be retrograde,
the result obtained for 22 hours, etc., is to Sani L ' 'Jupiter.
be deducted from the position of planets Mercuty " ^ "??"■
on 8-8-1929.
.Then the figure that one can get will be
as follows:—
Sun-Leo 16° 15'
Moon-Libra 12® 25'
Mars-Virgo 22° 4J
Mercury-Leo 25° 51'
Jupiter-iGemihi 11° 32'
Venus-Cancer^ 4°-38'
Saturn-Sagittarius 24° 12'
Raihu-Taurus 16° 36'
Kethu-Scorpio 16° 36' Now, calculate the Dasa balance at the
Uranus-Aries 11*10' time of birth.. "Where was Moon? It
Neptune Virgo 0° 34' was in 19* 39' in Virgo, i.e., in Hastham
Star. Which planet governs Hastham ?
Calculate the position of ForTuna. Add It is Moon who rules it and the v total
the Longitude of Moon counted from duration of Moon's Dasa is 10 years. The
'Aries 0° to the Longitude of the Ascendant area of Hastham constellation in Virgo is
from Aries 0° and then, deduct the Longi- between 10° and 23° 20' and the portion
tude of Sun counted from Aries 0°. which Moon is to cover to completely
/ pass Hastham is 23°. 20' minus 19° 39' ^
Then you will get the position of For- .3° 41' = 221'.
tuna at Aquarius 18° 44°.
Total longitude of a star 800. There-
What is the Ayanamsa for 1929? It is
,22° 46'- fore the balance of dasa = 221 x 10 = 2
Deduct this from the Sayana position years 9 months and 5 days.,
obtained for.the'-busps of the houses and - -. Then, work-out the dasa bhukti ; tabu-
for the planets. You will get the Nifayana- late and attach the tabular statement for
position of these cusps and planets. ready reference."
-30 ■-
From this correct chart, you can under- contribute, influence, hurry up or retard
stand that Mars is in Leo and not in to fulfil your desire. They are mere indi-
Virgo as is mentioned by you which was cators. They are not directors. Just like
chst by the astrologer in your.locality* the choice of parents is not in one's hands,
similarly the time of birth is also not in
Hence his statement that Mars in the 4th the hands of the native. These three are
sign counted from Venns is incorrect and selected by the dispassionate judges-God—
it has delayed your marriage is also and He does it- Choice is HIS. The posi-
incorrect. But the fact is as follows tion of planets at the time of birth denote
(a) Mars in the tenth sign counted from wh'at Karma you could have done and
Lagna is not considered to be evil. what result you will enjoy.
Mars is, (in the correct chart), in the 3rd It is said that the delaying planet is
sign counted from Venus. As Mars • is Saturn. ^ As regards marriage, Saturn
considered to be evil only when it is in delays it, if it were to' be in J or 3 or 5 or
1, 2, 4, 7, 8 or 12 counted from Lagna or 7 or 10th Bhava-House from Lagna or
Moon or Venus and the 3rd is not taken Moon.
as undesirable. Mars docs not cause any . Now, Saturn is in the Lagna Bhava as
unfavourable result it is within 6° counted fromthe Ascendant.
But Mars is in 12 to Moon as Moon was in -So, Saturn is one of the delaying planets.
Virgo and taking Virgo as the first sign and Venus, the chief Governor for matrimony
if one goes on counting to note where Mars (to one and all) and as lord of 7 to your
is, then it will be found that it is in 12 to * t Lagna-Scorpio, is aspected by, opposed by
Moon." It is considered to be evil. Saturn. Hence, there is delay in the
marriage, till the conjoined period of the
Under the various dicta mentioned for planets, not at all influenced by Saturn,
the warding off such evil,' it can be seen operates and such a period should follow
" Ravi Indu Kshethra Jathanam the period of the. planet which causes
Kuja Dhoshoe Na Vidhyathae "
As Venus is to deny marriage in its
Mars is never evil if it occupies the sign period, till you run Venus period,, you
ruled by either Sun or Moon. 'cannot get married. Therefore, . till
As Mars is in Leo, owned by Sun, there 26-11-67, you have to wait.
is no Mars Dhosha. Then, Sun Bhukti follows: It is in the
Then, you may ask. "Why there is so constellation Ashlesha, governed by Mer-
much delay? Am I not rich? Do I not cury, who owns the 11th house (Who is
appear handsome? Am not I educated ? also a ruling planet by owning the rasi-
When I satisfy all the qualifications and I Virgo.
never reject any offer, why I am unable to Sun forms trine aspect with ascendant
fix up my marriage, is not understood .• and sextile with 7th cusp. Hence, during
The correct answer is this. V According Sun Bhukti marriage will be celebrated.
to the Karma done by you, you are The time of marriage will be in the 4th
destined to marry late. Planets do not week of Novefnber, 1967.

Dear Sir,
I am furnishing herewith the horoscope of my friend's son, whose whereabouts is
not known from 30th August, 196S.
] Guru, Sani, Venus, Sani,
Mars Kethu Merc, Keth,

Mercury .

The othei; horoscope which I submit is that of the friend, i.e., theTather of the boy

Can you'kindly tell me, (1) whether he is alive and (2) when he will come and
join us.
Yours sincerely,
D.B. (Camp.) Madras.
Dear Sir, 4th house represents one's permanent
A person generally leaves his home and place of residence. The 12th to the 4th
.leads a life in a place from where he can- which is the 3rd house shows that one will
not write to his relatives or tries to lead a leave" his permanent place of residence.
secluded life unknown to all his relatives The 9th house indicates long journey which
and friends, only when the planets signify- ipcludes leaving, the home. ^Tbe 12th
ing the' matters of the houses 3, 9 or 12 house denotes life-In *a* foreign 'pla'ce.
operate. Hence, these three houses 3, 9 and 12 are
to be judged to find out the time when one The .lord of the 3rd house is Saturn
will leave the bouse. Only Jupiter occupies the star of Satun is indicated by the houses (Uthrapadra). Lord of .9 is Sun and Men
wbicb are 12 to these houses, i.e.,-2, 8 and cury is in its star. ■ Lord of 12 is Mars.
II. Of these three bouses 2 and 11 must Now we have to see whether there is any
be strong. Second bouse indicates life node in the houses ruled by the significa-
with family menibers and the llth house tors. Mars rules Aries and Scorpio; Kethu
shows re-union. Therefore, first of all we is in Aries. Therefore, Kethu is.stronger
have to judge whether the time from when than Mars* So, those planets which are
his whereaboutis not known is indicated occupying the constellation of Kethu will
by the houses 3, 9 and 12. If they come give such/a result which Mars is to offer.
correct then one is to find out the periods Saturn, Kethu and Moon occupy the con-
which will be governed by the planets stellation Of Kethu. Therefore, the planets
which are the significators of the bhavas 2 which are concerned and which are really
and II. According to .his horoscope, he strong are Sun, Kethu, Saturn, Moon and
was running Sun Dasa Kethu Bhukthi at Venus.- Of these 5, Venus contributes to
' the-timehe left his place, i.e., on 30-8-65* rejoin and lead a pleasant life with rela-
Now, 'he has entered into Sun Dasa Venus tives and friends- * Luckily, Venus sub
bhukthi. Venus occupies the 3rd bouse.-. he period is to come. ' So, the period when
No planet is in the constellation of Venus had left was exactly Sun Dasa, Kethu
(Bbarani, Poorvapalguni and Poorvashada). Bhukthi, Moon Anthra, Saturn Shook-
The 9th house is occupied by Moon, its sbma.
stars are Rohini, Hastham, Sravanam. When will he come back ? Sun Dasa,
There is no planet in Rohini; nor in' Venus Bhukti, Moon Andhra, Rahu
Hasthaifr. But in Srayanam sun was posited. Shookshma, he will return home safe.
Therefore, Sun is a significator. (Further,
• Sun is lord of 9.) 12th house is not occu- Let us consider the horoscope of the
pied by any planet. Therefore, Sun is one father. Why should his son cause "anxiety
of the strongest significators, which in the end of August, 1965?
portends that he may make a long journey
or go away from the bouse during Sun's According to me, if a person were to be
•period. very happy during A dasa, B bhukthi,
then he could have such a pleasure only
Venus and Moon in 3 and 9 show that through such a person born with the
he will he changing from the place where ruling planets A and B. If a person is to
he resides just prior to the commencement .suffer or incur loss during the dasa of the
of their periods. Planets in 3 do not planet X and the bhukthi of the planet Y,
indicate that he must leave his native place then the person responsible for such a loss
or his permanent place of residence with or anxiety or trouble will have X and Y as
father and mother. If a person has already his ruling planets.
moved away from his own native place
and remains for some tiine in another A person may have many children*
place, then 3rd house indicates that he will But, according to the dasa and the bhuk-
leave that particular place where he was thi which the father runs, he will either
staying, and makes a short journey. He have pleasure or pain through that parti-
may come back to his own original native cular child whose ruling planets happen
place or that place of residence where the to be the dasa lord and the bhukthi lord
close relatives live orjjemaygo to any of the father operaiingthen. If the father
other town from that town to which he were to run Venus Dasa, Sun Bhukthi, he
had gone already. To know whether he -may celebrate marriage of the girl born on
will return back, join his relatives we have Poorvapalguni star which is in the sign
to judge the llth house. If this planet Leo'when the ruling planets are Venus and
has~g6t any connection whatsoever with Sun. Next when he runs Venus Dasa,
the 31 th house,'he will come and join the Moon Bhukthi, he may gain through his
parents. son who is borb in Robin sta , whi is
filled by Moon and is in Venus sign. Jupiter's star and Venus sub around 10th
(Students of astrology if they pursue these March, 1966.
findings, ^ they will have similar truths When we consider the five planets confi-
- unearthed.) guration in thelast week of February .1966,
. The father was actually running Jupiter h will be vseen that in the, father's chart,
^Dasa. Kethu Bhukthi, Sani Anthra Sun lord of2 Saturn and Lord of 11 Mars
^Shool^shma on that day when his boy conjoin together, thereby ^ they indicate
^disappeared. Actually, the ruling planets that he must have good cheers and buoyant
of the missing boy are Jupiter being lord spirit from that time. Therefore, you
. of lagna Dhanus, Kcthu being the lord of can very well inform'your friend that-he
(he star Makam and Sun being the lord of will have good news on 3rd January, 1966
the sign Simha. Now father has entered and re-uoionon 10th March, 1966.
into Venus sub-period on 25lh November, Now one may ask whether the father
1965. Venus is lord of 5. It is in the will move Jo the place where his son is or
constellation of.Mars, lord of 11. There-
fore, he must necessarily have his son the son will return home.
back. Father's chart does net indicate either
The date on which the father may hear traveler shift. But the boy's horoscope
about the existence of the boy will be show^ -that he will leave the place
'between 26th December, 1965 and 9th where he is temporarily staying and join,
January 1966, when Sun transits in Venus his parents.
star in Jupiter's sign Poorvashada. The The editor prays for peace and pros-
renunion may be when Sun transits in perity to all the members of the family.
Neither the Hindus nor the Westerners the centra] nervous system and thereby it
knew about the existence of Uranus till - offers supreme intelligence and research
about the 13tb March, 1781. mind or perverted ideas, (2) Uranus causes
Nobody can state with authority who sudden unexpected results including death.
discovered the planets MarS) Mercury, So, Uranus is allotted Aquarius Rumba,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn which are whigb is an airy sign. Sudden death is
visible to the naked eye and which are due to heart-failure. None is said to be
wandering in the zodiac. No skill is dead unless the heart stops functioning.
needed to note Sun and Moon, as one Generally, heart fails last. But, here the
cannot miss them. Westerners are of heart fails first. So the sign that opposes
opinion that Mr. Seth was the first to the sign indicating heart, Simha (Leo),
divide the zodiac into 12 equal parts and is Aquarius. Probably on these two
.also include these planets. But, there is points, they would have allotted Aquarius
also literatureto show that ancient Chinese, > as the sigtrto Uranus and call that Uranus
Mayas and Incas of South America, the rules this sign. So, the owners of Aqua-
Babylonians, Chaldeans, Egyptians and - rius are both Saturn and Uranus.
others had realised the existence of these So far, itis not established in which
planets. (Probably, a week is distributed sign Uranus .will be exalted and where it"
to these 7 planets and there are 7 days in would be debilitated. Anyhow, as long
the Week.) as Uranus controls the intelligence of a
■ But the Astronomer Royal, John Flams- native and also nervous system, it would
teed, was the. first person who noticed be proper to allot Virgo-Kanni as the sign
between 1690 and 1715, on more than six of exaltation to Uranus.
occasions, the existence of this planet. Physical Features:
Later, a~musician called Herscbel, discove-
red this planet and according to the Uranus occupying the ascendant or
suggestion of Mr. Bode, he gave the name forming good aspect with Lagna gives long
Uranus to tbisnew planet. Itis also named limbs and slender body. Generally, those
after him as Herscbel who have grown very tall, will have such
It is about 1782 million miles away a favourable connection of Uranus with
from Sun. - The greater the distance froip the ascendant, [one should dot take the
Sun, the slower will be the movement in whole Lagna bbava for Aspects : only
the Zodiac. So also Uranus is a slow- thecusp should betaken.) Further, Uranus
moving planet. It takes about 84 years in the signs Gemini, Aquarifis, Sagittarius
to go round itbe Sun once. Its diameter and Leo will produce unusualiy tall per-
is about 32,000 miles, sons. Uranus will give deep set penetra-
Since Uranus is not known tothe ancient. tive eyes and good vision: But, if i-
afQicts the'second cusp and also the planet:
astrologers of India, there is no name in
Sanskitt or in any other Indian language-, Vision! and Sun, if causes defect in th<
for Uranus. A few beginners of astrology
mistake Uranus afe-either Rabu or Ketbu Diseases: ~
and a few £all it 'Indra' without any If Uranus is either in the ascendant o
•authority. , in the 6tb house and if it forms unfavou:
Both the Westerners* and the Hindus able aspect with Sun, one will have beat
originally knew only -7 planets Sun to trouble or epilepsy. Uranus in Ari<
Saturn, and both allotted the 12; signs causes injuries to the head and head-acl
of the Zodiac to these 1 planets*.' Sun and "on any one side. "There will he no slee
Moon were given Leo and Cancer, each It is likely that the person nods his hea
only one sign, whereas the other .five . unknowingly, frequently. • Uranus
planets were allotted two . Taurus causes sore-thrqat, . sweU'raf
After discovering Uranus, the wester- mumps and if it afflicts Mercury .and al
ners considered that Uranus (1) governs . the 2nd cusp, one will lose his vor
Uranus, • in Gemini produces pneumonia, "are signified. Uranus in Scorpio causes
bronchial a3ection, asthina, hiccough and hernia, 'bydrocele and diseases in the
coughr Uranus in Cancer gives colic generative system, piles and fistula..
pains, dyspepsia, 'fracture of the ribs and Uranus in Sagittarius threatens danger
ulcer in the breasts. Uranus in Leo affects from animals; also threatens Tetanus,
theLvertebral column, spine and the heart. hydrophobia, injury from falling down
Uranus in -Virgo causes disorders in the from an animal and fractures of the hip
digestive system, produces ulcers. Also arid thigh. Uranus in Capricorn causes
one will imagine as though he is suffering rheumatism, dislocption, fracture, etc.
from some disease or the other. A few Uranus in Aquarius indicates suffocation,
will meet with electric shock.' Uranus in heart-failure, and death due to poisonous
Libra represents inflammation of the gas. Uranus in Pisces causes fracture^
kidneys. There may be. stone in the lameness, amputation, scurry, scabies or
bladder; diabetes and pains in the hips eczema.

Mallela Venkateswara Sarma, M.A.

Editor's Note
To speak the truth, eiectional astrology
is more useful than genethliacal astrology.
The latter tells us about the good and bad
periods in an individual's life. It throws
light both on bright and dark spots.' It
serves as a torch to show what is ahead
in future. Finally it is left to the discre- CHART 1
tion of the individual to act or not to INSTITUTION
act. Favourable and unfavourable'periods
in an individual1 s life are in a way pre' Moon 28-38
K«thu 19-17
Venus 4-1(1 I
Sun 11-16 I
ordained. They cannot be changed.
But not so in the case of eiectional
astrology. We can select an auspicious ' Mercury
time to embark on any venture. No 1-374-07
country had so elaborated and stand- . Pluto 10-48
ardized this branch of astrology as ours. X 13-21
Our.sageshad propounded principles for
all occasions in life. Unfortunatelyit is Moon is between Kethu and Saturn-
not being put to use as it should be. The Lord of lagna Jupiter is squared by Rahu
so-called educated class are not at all and Kethu. Uranus is adversely aspact-
■ having any respect towards this science. ing Jupiter. [Sesquiquadrate] (Pluto is
Especially in public sector so many impor- aspecting lagna by square.) So lagna,
tant'things are done without regard to lagnadbipatbi and Moon are alt afflicted.
astrology and even the appointed Mubur- Lord of IX and X are in their own houses
thas are deliberately altered to Suit the and that is why a prosperous institutioc
convenience" of some ,VIPs. The pro- 'came into being.- Rajyadhipatbi is ir
gramme of ministers will determine the conjunction with Uranus. There will b«
fate of important undertakings. This is much activity. But as Uranus is afflicting
the present state. Whether or not we are lagnadbipathi nothing good will result
aware of DurmuhurtbaVtheir affects will Lord of VIII Moon's adverse aspect oi
manifest themselves in course of time. the cusp of X also indicates this. Sun i
in his own sign and hence he is powerful
It is a bit difficult to note such Muhur- But he is squaring the Neptune in XII
thas and watch their effects. I am acci- So ultimately deceipts and losses wi
dentally fortunate enough to observe the accrue to the Sun. Lord of XI is in I>
effects of some Muburthas. I shall brieflx,_ ThffrR may be profits. As he is also tf
comment upon a Jew of them. lord o'f'VI financial stability will conside
ably be reduced. However it is good f(
On 4-8-1963 at 2.26 p.m. a big organiza- its employees. Lord of XII Mars is
tion was brought into existence by amalga- XI. There will be gains only in respect«
mating two small ones at 17° 26' North, losses. He is adversely aspecting Satu'
78° 27' East. The following is the Sayana lord of II. Much unnecessary expenditu
Chart erectad for that time. will be-incurred.
Speaking about facts, the employees Neither is there a angles
are well placed but the business and a one is rising. Lord of lagna is in re
thereby profits are dwindling, On4 thing 'grade motion. Moon is opposing h
more. On 29-9-1964 there was a deficit ' cury, Uramis and Pluto. Mars in VI balance to the extent ofRs. aspecting the cusp of X by square. 3
10,000/-. . Both Sun aijd Moon progressed President also resigned after four moi
to the square of Neptune (deceiver) in XII ■on 25-1-1965 when the progressed M.
(bouse of losses). Progressed lagna was was exactly opposing Pluto". . The Diui
in exact square of Pluto. Diurnal 'X on X on that day was on transit Saturn.
that day was on radical Neptune.' ■ In electional astrology the position
A President was elected to this organi-' Moon is the most important one.
zation on 30-12-1963 at 3.30 p.m. should be free from any sort of afflict!
In the first Chart Moon is between t
malefics; in the second. Moon is eclip;
and in the third, Moon is opposing Urat
a repulsive planet. A common feature
X 24-16 Mood 7-22 the above three charts is Rahu, Kethu a
Saturn Rahu Uranus are the afflicting planets. ■ Her
20-16 11-27
Venus we can logically presume that these plan
8-13 CHART 2 will have their hand in any importa
Marsl9 13 President 1 event of the. institution.
Mercury . (Sayana)'
hn U<27 - As if .to confirm this view a branch w
Sun 7-59 opened on 15-10-1965 at 9-39 a.m. We c
\see from its chart that Rabu and Kethu a
afflicting the Sun, lord of IX; and tlran
and Pluto are afflicting the Moon in VII.
A lunar eclipse was going on at that
time and it ;s unnecessary to comment . Satura RahuI7-49
further apbn. the. affliction to the Moon. 11-15 (RJ . MOOn 6-53
Lagnadhipathi Mercury after being defea-
ted by Mars was in retrograde motion.
Sun is in VIII with Kethu. He resigned
after three and half months on 16-4-1964 CHART 4
when the progressed Moon was in exact ■ Opening of Branch •
conjunction with Rahu. Diurnal I on that
day was on Pluto who" was afflipting Lagna
in Institution's chart. ' T
, Again another President was elected "oh- Lagna8-40 Mercury paSu- X 12-47
.20-9-1964 at 2.20 p.m. Mars 7-46 3-36 ^7.^1 PMolI-ZO
Kctbu6-53 Neptune c.,- *-m « Uranus
Venus 6-14 18-43 Sun 23"36 17-28
Moon I Raiya Jupiter Rahu
10-33 20-59 26-4 (R) 27-25 It is not my intention to find fault wil
either the persons who are responsible f<
the above Muhurthas or the persons wl:
are running the administration. They ai
CHART 3 all well qualified and efficient. If son
President 2 others who are more qualified and moi
(Sayana) Mars 3-10 efficient were there, the same things woul
Venus happen. The purpose of this article is l
12-53 show that an afflicted Moon in the Muhu
Merc. 9-49 thas is capable of giving most unwantt
Uranus results. I requSst the readers to view tl
11-33 above in that spirit.
Sun 27-25
Editor's, note: (1) Even.though ah Therefore; selection of an auspicious
astrologer mayxsuggest that a particular time should' be done, considering the
moment is auspicious, yet one will uot act horoscope-of the individual to whom the
at that timfe, but will be forced to start at time is to be selected. !
a wrong moment, if he is destined to suffer.
(2) Even if one starts at the most auspici-
ous time, according to theJ position of the If a person has no horoscope if one
planets, in the horizon at that time yet he does not know any other method, there is
will face many difficulties and incur loss, no other way except to select a good time
as the position of the planets then, when according to the ephemerical aspects.
/compared and judged with one's horoscope Suppose four trains so leave Delhi,
will prove to be evil to that individual. Bombay, Calcutta and Madras, that all
Let an instance be given. In. the same arrive at the same time at Nagpur. All
Pandal, for the celebration of marriage the four leave Nagpur at the same time.
5 couples got married in March 1930 just (1) Each will proceed towards the direction
before Sarada Bill was to be passed. I am to which it , is intended to go. (2) They
one of the 5. L .alone, live happily with may have a smooth journey or <any may
my-wife, 3 daughters and 3 sons:'second run late or get derailed. Because all the ■
couple got divorced. As regards the third 4 arrived and left Nagpur at the same
couple, the husband died in 1942 war.' time, its future and destination are not the
The fourth has no children. Now and same.' These depend on the orders receiv-
then, due to disharmony they get separa- ed for their course while starting. Simi-
ted. The fifth couple had a very very larly-the course of one's life is already
short period of married life,* as the girl predetermined and what one is to enjoy
died during the first-delivery. will not be indicated or altered by the
emperical -aspects alone but will be
All of us, had selected the same minute correctly and cle.arly indicated by the
to < have " Mangalya Dharanam" and relationship between the position of the
also, did it at the same time in the same planets in the radical charts and the
Marriage Pandal-r-Latrttnie and Longitude position of the planets at the time of
remaining the same. action.

(K. V. R. Anjaneyulu, b.a.)
ousness and Venus stands for pleasure and
My daughter is now studying P.U.C. be recreation. Therefore, your daughter will
I wish that she should become a Doctor. noble, bold, firm and generous, ambi-
I want to know whether she is fit for tious and aspiring, free and courteous,
medical education. She was born on active, fond of sport, pleasure and recreation,
22-3-1947 at 5-15 P.M. Lat. i6-52N. Lag. intrepid and very determined-
, 80-53 E. You desire to know her prospects in
Your sincerely, education. In a horoscope 4th house is
called the house of education. 2nd house
Y. V. B., is called the house of speech.- 5th house'
Vijayawada. represents intelligence. And 10th house
is for action. The significator of educa-
Respected Sir, tion is Jupiter. Therefore, all these houses
The following are the planetary are to be thoroughly scrutinised for the
positions at the time of birth of your knowledge about education.
daughter:— 2nd house is occupied by no planet
The 2nd cusp is in quincunx aspect of
Mars, trine aspect of Venus and Herschel.
2nd lord is Mercury. He is placed in tbe
sixth bouse identical with the sign, Aqua-
rius and is in the constellation of Satba-
Saturn (R) bisha ruled by Rahu. He is in conjunc-
57' tion with Mars and is in quincunox aspect
18" 13' of Pluio. Mars is yoga karaka for Leo-
borns. This disposition' of 2nd house and
2nd lord bestows the native good speech,
excellent wit and fancy. Tbe native can
easily master anything scientific. She
will be acute, sharp and penetrating.
iNeptuneRl 4th bouse is occupied by no planet. The
16" 24'
4th cusp is.aspected by Mars, Venus,
Herschel and Pluto. 4th lord is Mars. He
is placed in tbe 6th house identical with
when the constellation Pubba (Poorvapal- tbe sign Aquarius and is in tbe constella-.
.guni) in the sign Leo is rising in the east. tion of Jupiter, lord of 5 and 8. He is in
Her birth star is Uttarabhadra in the sign conjunction with Mercury, lord of 2 and
Pisces. * Saturday is ruled by Saturn. The 11; Herschel squares Mars whereas Pluto
constellation Pubba is ruled by Venus- and Nepture are in quincunx aspect.
Sign Leo is ruled by Sun. Birth star Tbe native will be turbulam and unruly;
Uttarabhadra is ruled by Saturn. The fond of controversy and determined';'
-sign Pisces, where birth star falls, is ruled malicious and daring, bitter in tempera-
-by Jupiter. Therefore, tbe ruling planets ment, good judgment and skill at work.
.ofLthe nativity .are 1. Saturn, 2, Sun, 5th house is vacant. It is aspected by
3., Jupiter and 4. Venus. Venus, Herschel and-Mars. 5th lord is
f Saturn stands for dullness, Sun stands Jupiter. Jupiter is in sign Scorpio the
for royalty; Jupiter represents righte- constellation, of Anuradha ruled by
Saturn. He is ruled by Saturn, Moon 4th house affairs. Mars stands for
and Sun. He is in the 3rd house. The Chemists, Druggists, Surgeons and Blood.
native is fond of sport and pleasure, Venus stands for Maternity, Venereals and
merry making. She will have pleasure in delivery. Herschel stands for good judg-
short journeys; she receives help from ment, quick action and intuition.
neighbours and brothers; her mind is
honourably inclined; she will have name, Therefore, the native is fit for medical
reputation and respect; she will be pros- education. She will be an expert Surgeon
perous and will acquire money with ease and acquire good name in Maternity and
and tact; her speech is fine, impressive delivery cases.
and of prudent conduct. Whether her medical career as student
10th bouse is occupied by no planet. will run smoothly or not. Breaks in edu-
The cusp is trained by its own lord Venus, cation are indicated by placement of Moon
squared by Mars and is in conjunction in 2nd house Mercury in the 6th and 9tb
with Herschel. Lord of 10th is Venus who houses, Venus in 10th house, Saturn in 2,
is placed in 6th house, identical with sign 4 and 11th houses and Mars in 2nd house.
Capricorn and in the constellation The effect is certain if these are ill-placed
Dhanishta whose lord is Mars, yoga by lordship, situation and aspect. In the
karaka. She is trained by Herschel. This present horoscope Mercury is placed in
disposition confers on the native dignity,, the 6th house. Saturn is placed in the 11th
prosperity and respect. house. Mercury is afflicted by Nepture
and Pluto.
Vidya karaka Jupiter is influenced by
Mars, Saturn, Moon, Ketbu and Sun. Where is bhava adhipati from bhava
The 4th cusp falls in the constellation concerned ? How is be placed, and aspec-
Jyeshta in the sign Scorpio in the sub of ted from the bhava ? Lord of the 4th-is
Rahu. 10th cusp falls in the sign Taurus placed in the 3rd house from 4th bhava.
in the constellation Mars in the sub of He is afflicted by Herschel, Neptune and
Rahu. Pluto. Therefore, the native will not have
smooth running of medical education.
Thus, it is observed Mars. Venus and She will face hardships. She will take long
Herschel are strongly influenced by the time to take medical degree.

horoscopes • in some horoscopes, he will Borndn^ U-1931 at 1-13 A.M I.S.T.
find that Jupiter in.the 5th house has given'
children in its own dasa and also bhuktbi.
Whether "Karako Bhava Nasaya" can be 5th house is occupied by Saturn and
.universally applied is left for the judg- lord of 5 Jupiter has gone vto the 12th
ment of readers. house. But, how- is it that she has given
Another letter—let us produce here birth to children who may be named after
wherein at the first sight following the the planets, counting from Sun to Rahu
general principles, one has to say that the with totally so far 8 children and awaiting
lady cannot have any long-living child- for the 9th^Kethu. The reason is as
The horoscope .of the lady in Kasipetis as follows:
Houses 2, 5 and 11 are to be judged
That is the only correct general principle
applied to each and everybody. 2nd
house is vacant;'Sth house is occupied by
Saturn and 1 Ith bouse is also vacant.
Therefore, find out the planets occupying
the constellatiohs. ' of Saturn—Push'ya,
Anuradha, Uthrapathrapada. There is no
planet in Pushya; Sun is in Anuradha arid
R&hu is in Uthrapadra. Next, we have to
see who rules the houses 5. 2 and 11. 5.
is ruled by Jupiter and it has jgone to the
12th house. Yet, one should note that
rVonns 28" 36' the planets gain beneficial strength if it
Cam' 97® A9' Mais
aam*' Mac.26"88"02'W occupies the constellation of the benefic.
Stm 8* 46' Look at the position of Jupiter. It was
in 29° 30' in Cancer. So, it was. in the
constellation of Mercury owning houses 2
and 1L -and the sub of the planet occupying
the 5th houses Therefore, Jupiter.has
given enough of children not only because
it is exaltec^ in the sign but also, it' is
.in the constellation of lord of 2 and 11 ,
the sub of the planet in 5. Therefore,-
Jupiter gives many children. Since it is a
movable sign, for each delivery, "there was'
only, one child and never twin nor triplet.
Rahu.Mrccupying Jupiter's sign andSatiirn
star, aspected by Jupiter' has contributed—
all children in its dasa;.and there are
. Sani Asc. children born in. the* stars \ governed by
' -• . Rahu.
(FOUNDED: < 1-4-1963)
(Asteonomy Made Easy)
Phone: 42449

Jyothisha Marthand
13. Brftbmin Street. Saidapet

FEBRUARY 1966 No. 2

Contents of Krisbnamurti Padhdbati 3
Constellation and their Significance 5
What each Star signifies to each
^ Lagna or Rasi Bom? 12
Uranus 15
Pre-Natal Epoch 18
Jaimini's Guana Pradeepika 21
Fortune by Horse Races 24
Time of Marriage 26
Real Married Life 29
Marriage or Ascetic Life 33-
Child Birth—When? 36
Pension—Why Delay? 37
Letter to Editor 39
Readers ask 40
Prospects in Education 42
Daily Guide 45
(1) Aswini: 0° Aries to 13-20° Aries Part of the body: Head, cerebral
(Mesha). The first constellation. The sign hemisphere, organs within the head, eyes.
Aries is ruled by Mars and constellation Diseases: Injury in the head, mostly
is governed by Kethu. Hence this zone in the forehead and just around the eyes,
indicates the following matters ingeneral: cold venereal distemper, syphilis affecting
Part of the body: Head, Cerebral face and vision, catarrh in the head, mucus,
hemispheres. moist humours, reins afflicted weakness
due to gratifying one's tastes and pleasur-
Diseases: Injury ih the head, conges- able emotions in dissipating habits.
tion in the brains, thrombosis cerebral Mental qualities : Chain smoker (Mars,
anaemia, faintings, epilepsy, violence, Venus fiery sign) (Tobacco cultivator)—
spasms, severe headache, on any one side, mind, always fond of pleasure, enterprises,
neuralgia, coma, trance, cerebral hemor- aspiring, amorous, avaricious (cruel men),
rhages, paralytic stroke, insomnia, malaria, those that feed on blood and flesh, slayers
meningitis, small-pox. low-born persons, cudgellers, catchers,
Mental qualities: Avaricious extra- huskgrain and men wanting in character.
vagant, worried about landed properties, Will carry out his purpose to the end, will
brother's ailment, dispute with brother, be truthful, free from malady, clever and
partition, black magic. Can pray Lord happy.
Ganesh or Subramanya or Narasimha or Profession: Makes money through
Anjaneya. (Will be fond of ornaments, pleasure, sports, music or musical instru-
lovely in appearance, liked by all, clever ments, art advertisement, show, display,
and intelligent.) exhibition, silver utensils, eversilver, silk,
mobile, automobile, fertiliser, industry
Profession: Service in factory, police, railway, factory, wrestler, cinema theatre,
'military, medical, surgery, criminal courts, studio, mansion for marriage, animal
jail, rail, machinery, iron, steel, copper husbandry, veterinary doctor, slaughter
(Commandants, Physicians, Attendants, house, tea or coffee estates, caterers,
horses, horse-riders, horse dealers, horse- hotels, restaurants criminal lawyer, judge,
groom, handsome persons as traders.) leather manufacturer, skins and hides,
Does not contribute for child birth unless building contractors, engineers, those who
Kethu happens to be a benefic to the indi- assess and pass orders, revenue depart-
vidual, normally abortion, surgical aid for ment, surgeon, maternity, venereal expert,
fertility but mostly ■ remaining barren:' optician, agriculturist.
When strong beneficj form favourable Whenaver one runs Mars Dasa Venus Bukthi
aspects, the evil results will, be warded or Venus Dasa Mars Bukthi then the matters
off. signified by these two planets will materialise,
When one runs Mara Dasa Kethu Bukthi when either of these planets transit in this
or Kethu Dasa Mara Bukthi the mattera zone or in Mrigaseerisha first half or Chitrai
signified by Mara and Kethu to that second half or Venus star Mars sub or Mare
'native, will materialise when either of them star Venus-sub. Also when the luminaries
Sun and Moon transit in these areas, one can
or either of the iuminaries transit in this zone. enjoy these results. Sun will transit between
Sun will transit between 14th April and 27th 27th April and 30th May every year and
April every year. Moob will transit on Aswini Moon transits in Barani constellation once in
star days once in 27 days. 27 days.
(2) Barani:' 13° 20' Aries to 26° 40' (3a) Kartbigai 1st Quarter : 26-40°
. Aries (Mesha) the second star. Sign ruled ' Aries to 30.00° Aries (Mesha) sign owned
by Mars i star governed by Venus. by Mars and the star by Sun.
Part of the body: Head, eyes, brain, (3b)- Karthigai 2, 3 mid 4th qaarterst
vision. 0® to 10-00° Taurus * (Rishaba) Venus is
Diseases : Sharp fever, malaria, filaria, the sign lord and Sun,is the governor of
plague, sinall-pox, wounds, cerebral the star.
meningitis, brain fever, injury, cuts, acci- Part of the body: Face, neck, l4rynx,
dents, explosions, carbuncle, fire accidents.. tonsils, lower jaw, occipital region.
Mental qualities: Normally robust eyesore, Diseases: Pimples, cuts, reddish eyes,
health, good strength, great enthusiasm, throat trouble, tumours in the
pushful,go-a-headspirit, militant tempera- pus of the quinsy, swellings above neck, poly-
ment, leading nature, commanding appea- nose.
rance, competitive mind, argumentative Mental qualities: Always fond of com-
ability etc. (Will eat much, will be addicted pany, sociability, hospitality pleasure,
to other people's wives, will be brilliant in comfort, luxury, generous, courteous,
appearance and famous.) affectionate, cheerful and impressionable,
Profession: Acquisition of lands, for creative mind, fruitful actions, best fitted
buitings, possession of patrimony, bold business, smooth profession, specula-
punter, dauntless speculator, military^ tive tendency, popular and prosperous.
police, industry, medical, surgical, navy Profession: Benefit through govern-
(Moon in this position or a planet in this ment, victory over enemies, acquires
star and Moon sub). Defence department, costly jewels and dress, contacts with
travels, resignation, retirement, manufactu- foreigners, realisation of even bad debts,
ringchemicals, bombs, crackers, explosives, pleasant functions, music, dance, drama,
match . boxes. Iron and steel utensils, war opera, poet artists, drawing master, drafts-
material (Saturn in this area makes one man, sculpture, silk, photography; inter-
listless and rapid). He will never amount national trade, installation of parks,
to anything. But Mars in this area promi- decoration, industry, medical department,
ses that the person will not hesitate to engineer, tax collector, wool dealers,
fight at the drop of his hat especially when export of hair, assessment, venereal expert.
Mars is in between 28° 26' 40" and 29° 6' If a person expects the date on which he can
40" i.e., the Mars sign, Sun star and Mars
sub. (Brahmins performing daily agni- enjoy the resnlts of Sun Dasa Venus Bukthi or
Venus Dasa Sun Bukthi one is to select time
hotra, reciters of sacred hymns* white when the significators transit in that part of
flowers, grammarians, barbers, brah- the zodiao;
mins, priests, astrologers, potters and (a) the lord of the sign Venus and the
those who know the sacrificial rules.) tone-star ruled by Sun Le , Kartbiga,
If one runs Sun Dasa Mars Bukthi'or Maaa 2, 3, 4th padas. -
Daaa Sun Bukthi what results, these two (fa) the lord of the sign Sun and tone-
planetrindicate to that person, will be enjoyed star-Poorvapalguni (Leo 13° 20' bo
when either of them tranait in KnrthigaL Ist 26° 40') governed by Venus or
quarter or when Moon passes here. Sun will (c) Venus star Sun sub or
be there between 10th May and 13th May every (d) Sun star Venus aub.
year. It is most likely that this sub period
which will run only for 4 months and 6 days Important event indicated by these two
may be in the other months. In such caaea planets cannot happen on other dates.
Sun will transit on the day of enjoying the
reault in Mars star, Sun sub or Sun's star (4) Rohini: 10° Taurus to 23° 20'
Mars aub. This is applicable to similar (Rishaba) sign ruled by Venus star
circumstancea. If one expects a promotion governed by Moon.
daring Sun Dasa Mara Bukthi, or Mara Dasa
Sun Bukthi, though the period runa for 126 'Part of the body: Face, mouth, tongue,
days, one can pitch up the eaact date as tonsils, palate, neck, cerebellum, atlas,
mentioned above, cervical vertebrae.
"Disease: Sore-throat, cold,- cough, oranges, grapes and juicy ones,v gains
ins in the legs and feet, pain in .the through business textiles, cinema industry;
tyeast, goitre, croup, apoplexy, irregular sound engineer, photography, diamonds,
.eases, swellings. rubies, corals, jewellers, vaseline, snow,
face powder, Sandal powder, toothpaste,
^Mental qualities: Pleasant manners, brush etc.
good nature, enjoys nature, taste in music, (5-b) Mrigasira second half: 0° to
art, drama, light literature, public func- 6° 4# Gemini. Sign owned by Mercury
(idn, maternal affections, sympathetic, and star governed by Mars.
..enjoys life in the company of other sex.
;(5vill be truthful, pure, sweet-tongued, with Part of the body: Throat, vocal cord,
'a settled mind and lovely in appearance.) -anus, shoulders, ears, thymus gland,
Profession: Caters the need, of the upper ribs.
^public, hotels, restaurants, lodging houses, Diseases: 'Corrupted blood, itches,
'bakeries, boarding houses withx comforts wounds, fracture of arms, collarbone,
. and conveniences, bar attached, dealers in fractured femur, sciatica, surfeit, fever,
houses, lands, fruits, automobile, petrol, pains in the shoulders near collar bone,
^dils, milk, diary farms, ice cream, glass, arms, disorders in secret parts, inflamma-
plastic, scents, perfumeries, soap, sandal- tion of pericardium.
wood oil, paints, water, colour, dyes,
liquids, acids, 1marriage broker, dress and * Mental qualities: Gives mental energy,
pearls, dealers, 'navy, shipping, clearing enthusiasms, dexterity, quickwitted, sharp,
agent's, judges, politicians, tannery, yarn fluent, alert,- quick magnetic, impulsive,
merchants, sugar, sugarcane, sugarcoated excitable, vitriolic in their wrath, tongues
tablets, etc. (Kings, wealthy persons, more poisonous than rattlesnake, acme of
observers of vows, merchandises, cartmen, selfishness. (Will be fickle, sharp-witted)
cows, bulls aquatic animals, agriculturists, timid, eloquent, industrious, wealthy and
yogins^ mountains and men in authority.) indulging in sexual pleasure.)
(S-a) ^Mrigasira first half: 23° 20' in Profession: Dealing in machineries*
Taurus to 30° 00' Taurus ruled by Venus. tools instruments, electrical goods, surgi-
Star governed by Mars. cal instruments, telephones, telegraph,
cables, wires, engineers, surgeons, soldiers,
' Part of the body: Face, Chin, Cheeks, mathematicians, ambassadors, astro-
larynx, palate, carotid, arteries, jugular nomers, building contractors, highways,
veins, ftiflammed tonsils. bridge or damsite constructors, textile
engineers, tape-record, gramaphone, radio-
Diseases: Pimples, cuts and injuries in dealers, press publication, Computers,
those paffs, pain :n the throat, adenoids, calculators, salesman, representatives,
diptheria, weak loins and king's evil, agents, brokers, jobbers, thieyes, etc.
nosebleed, goitre/constipation, venereal (Aquatic products, fragrant things flowers,
distemper, polypus. fruits, garments, gems, birds, beasts
drinkers of Somo juice, letter bearers,
Profession : Estate owners, land build- lovers and musicians.)
ing instrumental music, exhibition, dis-
play, eversilver, platinum, tailor, dress- (6) Arudbra: 6th star. 6° 40' in
maker, mobile structurals, fertiliser, auto- Gemini (Milhuna) to 20° lord of the sign
mobile engineering, income-tax and sales- Mercury. Lord of the star Rahu.
tax department skins and hides, tobacco, Part of the body: Throat, aims,
snuff, confectionery, marriage mandapam shoulders.
owners veteriuary doctors, animal hus-
bandry, lethal chamber, cartmen, rickshaw Diseases: Septic throat, mumps,
pullers, taxf drivers, fruit sellers like apple asthma, eosonophilia, dry cough, diph-
banana etc., . whereas Rohini shows theria, ear trouble, pus in the ear.
Mental qualities: Active mind, intui- 'Profession.; ' Salesman, , book-seller
tive perception, .'ingenins and " critical,, agent, stock-keeper. Posts & Telegraphs
unsuccessful'' in literary ■ pursuits, or - Department; Communication, Trantpnrt
a scholar depending on Rahu in the Atomic energy, aerial, radio, advertising,
. individual's chart, good character reader, publicity, writers, author, research depart-
resourceful mind. (Slayers, adulterers, ment, explorer, deal in drugs, beverages,
catchers, thieves, liars, cruel-minded canned ..good, handwriting expert, finger
people, men versed in the art per- print expert, public appointments, finance
taining to goblins, catchers, rogues, "brokers. Anyhow this zone of 13° 20' is
' sowers of. discord, charmers, sorcerers, barren. Planets signifying birth'of child-
and husk - grain. Will be perfidious, ren, in this zone get weakened and mostly
haughty ungrateful, mischievous and become barren. This area is good for
sinful.) statistics, physics, dynamics, gravitation.
what'each star signifies to each lagna or
Normally when we judge a horoscope, Navamsa indicate Defence Department.
we—prefer to follow- the Vimshodbari But if one notes in' which constellation
system and also include the Gochara Saturn was, we find that it was in Chitra
.(Transit). -We judge the lord oftbedasa ruled by Mars, which rules the 10th house
and consider him to be either favourable and also indicates military service. Thus in
or not every horoscope, one can understand that
i (a) by the house it occupies, a planet offers the results of the lord of
' (b) by its lordship, the constellation more predominently than
(c) by its nature, those indicated by the sign or house
which it occupies, Therefore, constella-
■ (d) by the planets coo joined with or tion is the main and important division of
aspecting the dasa-Iord. the Zodiac to read the results of a horos- -
cope. Therefore,' what results nnrmalty
- Further to find out to which extent a one can expect, from a planet, (a) by its
planet is capable of bringing out the result occupation, (b) ownership, and fc) nature.
it is estimated according to Sadbala or as one will actually enjoy in the periods,and
per Astagavargha. In practice, it is found
that the dasa-Iord offers certain nature of sub periods of the planet in its^ constel'
lation; during its own period and sub
results in its period which is not indicated period, the results of the lord of the'
by its-nature, lordship or occupation in a constellation will predominate in addition
sign or house.. For example, a person- to'what it has to offer by occupation of
bom in the Ascendant Libra^Thulam house etc.-
having Mars in the constellation ' Jyeshta
in Scorpio in its own sign, a fixed one, has
given an opportunity to leave his kith and Asvathi, Makam, Moolatn: Stars are.
'.kin, get separated from his family, go ruled by Kethu. As Kethu does not own
overseas, learn how to manufacture press
.ink and return. Mars, as lord of 2, in the it washouse,
any find out the planets with which
in conjunction or by whiclr it is '
2nd house itself has to allow him, being a
fixed sign, to stay in his own place. As which Kethuthe
aspected or sign and constellation in
was at the time of birth. If
it is neither in 9, nor in the movable, sign, it is not conjoined with or'aspected by
; nor in 12, normally one cannot expect any planet, the results of the lord of the
overseas journey during Mars Dasa. But
if one finds out the matters signified by the if a planet was in.any ofwill
constellation and sign be experienced
. lord of the constellation by its .lordship, at the time of birth or these during
three stars
transit in
then the other results enjoyed by him, will one's lifetime.
agree' with the indications of the lord of the
constellation to that particular lagna bom. Bharani, Pooraiu, Pooradara: Venus
Mercury is the lord of Jyeshta; it owns is the ruler of these three stars. As Venus -
-.the houses 9 and 12 indicating overseas. owns the second.and seventh houses to
Mars'in Mercury star shows press, writing Aries, the results of these'two houses i.e.,
-•printing, etc., and in a watery sign indi- second and seventh are-to be predicted if
"cates'inkand hence the results agree. any planet occupies these stars or transit
in these... If. Venus, at birth occupied a
• .'Id another horoscope, a gentleman sign favourable to - both Taurus and Libra,
born in Aquarius having exalted Saturn in both the ho uses wil I* -be represented. by
the beginning of Libra (Vargotbama) > Bharani trine. If Venus at birth occupied
entered into military service during Saturn 6 or 8 or 12th sign to either Taurus, b)
Dasa. Neither Saturn nor the lord of the Libra and if Venus improves the matter;
..sign jnwhich Saturn was (Venus) in rasi and of.either of the two houses and is weaktf
offer the results of another house, planets of the transiting planet, the results
occupying these stars or transiting in enjoyed depend on the lord of the
these stars will give such results as are constellation whereas the transiting
denoted by Venus to him. planet indicates the source and explains
Eritbigai, Uthram, Uthradam: If a how he gets such results. Suppose lord
planet occupies these three stars • or of 5 transits. Daughter delivers a child.
while it moves on in this constellation The native spends- money. How? 9th
the results of the 5 th house is to be house is the 5th to the 5th. So, daughter
predicted to Aties-borns, as these stars are will have a child. 12th houseisS to 5. So,
governed by Sun who owns Leo, the 5th she has temporary sufferings. 12th house
house counted from the Ascendant of the is * expenses' to the native. Therefore, Sun
' Aries-borns. transiting in any of these stars or sub
will cause expenses. If Moon transits,
Robioi, Hastbam, Sravanam : As Moon mother ailment and expenses: If Mercury
rules the 4th house, to Aries-boirns the transits, through brother expenses )
results indicated by the 4th house will Pusbyam, Anuradba, Uthrattatbi :
operate while a planet transits in these Saturn is allotted these three stars. If a
three stars or if any were to be therein at planet were to be in these at birth or when
the time of birth of the person. (Also 4th any planet transits through these, you
house matters will be offered by the have to give the results of the lOtb and
planets occupying the constellation of the 11th houses, as Saturn rules these' houses
planets situated in the 4th house.) to Aries-borns. Even though Anuradba
Mrigaseerisbn, Cbitrai, Avittam: Mars happens to be in the 8th sign, it is obser-
is the owner of these stars. Mars is the ved that Aries-born had substantial gains
lord of 1 and 8 to Aries. So, we have to when slow-moving planet transited in the
presage the results signified in the above star Anuradba. Threatening AstamaSani
said three stars at birth or while it is in gives pleasant shock and surprisingly for-
transit. These results will predominate. tune.
(Planets in the constellation of the Asblesba, Jyeshta, Revathi: Mercury
occupants of these houses are very strong who is the lord of the 3rd and 6th bouses
to give the matters of these houses.) to Aries rules over these stars. . Foretell
Aradhra, Swathi, Sathabisba: Rahu is the results of the 3rd and 6th bouses when
allotted these three stars. As Rahu does a planet is therein at birth or when a
not own any sign, find out with which *• planet transits, in these stars. Whenever
planet it is conjoined or aspected by and a particular planet transits in a particular
the sign and the constellation where it was star the same nature of result operates.
at birth. The results of these will operate . Whether it is beneficial or not it is shown
when a planet was posited in these stars at by the sub, and the results will be expe-
birth, or when planets transit in these rienced through the same or similar
stars. (Rabu or Kethu will give the sources, as the transiting planet remains
results of the planets with which it is the same; the extent depends on the dasa
conjoined, then those of the planet which then running.
aspects. Lastly, those of the lord of the
sign.) TAURUS
Punarpusbyam, Visakam, Poorattatbi: Aswathi, Makam, Moolam are ruled by
These three stars are governed by Jupiter Kethu who does not own any sign in
who own the 9th and 12th houses to the Zodiac. Find out with which planet
Aries-borns. You have to offer the results Kethu is conjoined or which planet
_of the 9tb and 12th houses, if a planet aspects Kethu ; also the sign and constel-
has occupied any of these three stars at lation where Kethu was at the time of
. birth whatever may be the house. When birth. You have to offer the results
a planet transits in these stars whatever accordingly of the lordship of the constel-
may be the nature, lordship or occupation lation and the sign and which Kethu
occupied if it is net conjoined with ot. Vfe'te to be in any of the abovesaid tbr
aspecud by any, .if a planet were to stars at birth, or during transit.' If
occupy one of these three stars or transit Taurus-born has married a talkativ
in any of these three stars to Taurus- partner, then during the periods and sub
horns. periods of the planet occupying these stars,
Bharani, Poorara, Pooradara: These the person is to expect, irritation, dishar-
stars are governed by Venus which owns mony. even violence, and separation.
the 1st and 6th houses to Taurus-borns. Rahu who does not own any house rules'
Whenr a planet moves on in these three over Arudhra, Swathi, Sathabisha,^
Stars or occupy any of them at the time of Ascertain the combination of planets with
birth, we have to predict the matters Rahu, the sign and star where it was at
signihed by the houses 1 and 6. For birth in the chart. The results indicated
example lord of 10 in any of these three by the lordship of the sign and star, Rahu.
stars, gives ill-bealth, causes enmity, occupied will operate duriiig the period
offers success in competition, etc., instead when planet passes through Rahu's
of giving promotion and maintaining good Suppose Rahu is in the lOtb house.
relationship. A planet in the 12th house in Arudhra i
gives increase in income during the planets,
Krithigai, Uthram, Uthradam: Sun, sub period, instead of loss indicated by ^
the major strong luminary governs these .the 12th house. Jiipiter, a natural benehc
three stars, and owns the 4th house to is the owner of the three stars Punar-
Taupus persons. If a planet is in these pushya, Visaka and Poorattathi. As
stars during transit or was occupying any Jupiter is the lord of 8th and 11th houses,
of the three at birth, presage the 4th house you have to read the results of the 8th and
matters to this native. Even when a planet 11th houses matters if a planet was in
transits in the 8th or 9 th house in Uthradam these stars at birth or while a planet tran-
or occupies at birth the planet offers the sits in any of these stars.
results of the 4th house to the native. Pushyam, Anuradha and Uthrattathi:
Suppose Mars is in Sagittarius, in Uthra- Are governed by Saturn who owns the 9th
shada star, as Mars is lord of 12 one may
invest on an Industry or Factory and buy and 10th houses to Taurus natives. If a
land, building etc. If Venus is there, one planet were to be in any of these stars at
may have a car on hire purchase as Venus birth or if a planet transits in any of these
rules 6th house-debts. Moon the other three stars, the native will have the results
luminary awns Rohini, Hasthara, Sara- of. the 9th and lOtti houses. Suppose, .
vanam stars. If a planet occupies any Jupiter was in Anuradha. It is in\7. 7th
of these stars at the time of birth 6f house does not show overseas and higher
transit in any, we have to give prediction education. But these are shown by lord
of the 3rd house matters to Taurus-borhs of 9 and 10. Jupiter, instead of giving
as Moon owns the 3rd house. Suppose trouble as lord of 8, it causes the most
Mars transits in these stars, Mars indicates beneficial and agreeable results, and gives
as lord of 7, wife, and as lord of 12, higher education and. long journey.
expenses, though it transits in Rohini, Mercury, lord of 2 and 5 to Taurus-borns,
which is in Lagna; to the native it shows rules the stars Ashlesha Jyeshta Revathi.
short travel. But when Mars transits in The native will experience the results
Hastham, Mars indicates expenses through signified by these houses, if a planet occu-
wife and being 11th to th&7tb, it indicates pies any of these stars at birth or when a
gains to her, or purchases for her. planet moves on in these three stars.
Suppose Moon was in Jyeshta. Moon is
. Mrigaseerisa, Chitrai (Avittam or) lord of 3. It has nothing to do with
Dbanishta; Mars, lord of 7 and 12 owus children. But if a person has a.child .inj
these three.stars. The Astrologer must Moon sub period, in Hastham star, which]
give the results signified by the 7th and are we to take? Either the sign lord or <
12th houses to Taurus-borns if a planet the star lord or the house?

'.Characteristics: The advancement of Diseases: Hysteria, Paralysis, Spasms,

"cience is generally signified by Uranus. mental derangement, delusion, over-
rHence, people having Uranus .strongly growth, deficiency pitutary secretion,
posited in their chart will be always after miscarriage (premature' delivery), shock
.study, deeply thinking. They arebest suited by electricity, injury due to high
for doing research and bringing out the explosives, abnormal growth, spasmodic
truth. They do not want to simply follow asthma, dry hard cough, hiccough,
gthe traditions without convincing themsel- flatulence, palpitation, spinal meningitis
tves. They willbeinclined to study occultism infantile paralysis, venereal eruption, etc.
^and mesmerism; they gain such knowledge Profession: Research, Scholars, all
l to heal diseases by their mental will, research departments, astrologers chiro-
ftelepatny, television, electricity, astrology practors, teachers, sculptors, phrenologists,
: and other allied studies. Those people naturopathists, lecturers* telegraphers,
^with strong Uranus will have correct i antiquarians, mesmerisers, clairvoyants,
' intuition, keen foresight, quick action chemists all manner of positions having
and constructive criticism. - Uranus gives to do with electricity, radio, airplanes and
independent spirit, original thought and automobiles, scientists, engineers, public
speedy turnover. In love affairs, unless utility employees, particularly telephone,
• Uranus has got beneficial aspects, the electrical industries wireless and telegraph
persons having strong Uranus with automobile industries, buses, tramways,
adverse aspect, will neither abide by law railway, aerial navigation; Joint Stock
nor convention. They have their own Companies, associates, etc., film industries
law. It never takes time to fall in love aluminium, amalgams of metals, hessian,
with one and spoil the other sex and also film industries modern departures in
to divorce in notime, whatever be the law industries, museums, emporiums, stadiums,
moral and man made. . But good aspect scientific research institutions, radios,
to Uranus makes one a builder of a municipal corporations, trusts, atomic
society to do good and give lift to the energy etc.
associates. Mostly people arranging
marriage' in their own way are not Political: Construction and installa-
conventional; they do not mind about tion of the above institutions » expansion
what others feel or say. In their of such departments and increasing the
horoscopes Uranus, need not be afflicted. number of posts; research in all modern
Mars may be a strong benefic. The branches of science and also ancient
most eccentric person would be one in sciences revolution and reformation;
whose horoscope Uranus and Mercury expansion of the communication depart-
have adverse aspects. ment and also transport ; sanction of
Character to be corrected : One should loan to municipalities and local boards.
not entertain false ideas of independence Sudden improvement in any department or
never be perverse either in thought or . opening new ones, creating new posts etc.
speech. Avoid violence and such actions Economic: Whenever there is good
which are self-destructive. Though one aspect to Uranus sudden boom in tbe
riiay prefer abrupt changes, it is advisable market especially for electric corporations
to judge properly whether it will bring cables, explosives telephones etc. The
any reversion and misfortune. Avoid prices of shares will shoot up. Strikes
blunt statements without any tact or will be called off. The revolution will be
diplomacy _which .will., ultimately bring -keptunder control; nolossby.ligh'tning or
disfavour and opposition. ^ . by accidents. But if Uranus is adversely
Part of the body; It governs the ner- aspected sudden fall in the prices of
vous system, the brain and motor nerves. shares due to calamities, catastrophies etc.
Prodacts: Radium, electric goods, impassionate changeable domestic troub]<
' wireless, alloys, metals, amalgam hessian, separation, loss by land and propert
electron, astronomical instruments. disordered stomach, nervous indigestion.,
Key words to Uranus: Adventurous, Leo: Adament, determined, indus-
astrologers, automobile, bicycle, bomb, trious, aspiring, headstrong, forceful
rlflirvnyanrg Communists, divorce, unconventional, rebellious, very indepen-
drastic, eccentric, explosive, fanatic, dent, daring, violence, occult ability',
freedom, gas, generator, illegitimate, interested in electricity, invention,
intuitive, independjent, lightning, modern, machinery, . journalism, sports, very
microscope, naval, outlaw, original changeable in love on and on with fresn
pioneer, prodigy, revolt, radio-active, friends and off with old ones, difficulty,
shock, separation, telegram, telescope, during delivery.
unconventional, unexpected, virulent, Virgo: Very intelligent, independent^
varieties, wbirle wind, ray, etc. original, eccentric, scientific and mecha-
Places: Railways, steam-engines, gas- nical minds, good in teaching, electricity,,
plants, dispensary, workhouses, asylums, electronics, chemistry, mathematics, and
banks, infirmaries, coal-mine, machinery science', changes in servants and also
and tools industry,' swimming pool, fish trouble through them. .
pond. Libra: Unusual, artistic ability, fond.,
Lucky Colour: Plaids, check and of occult subjects, intuitive, beautiful
mingled colours, mixed varigated, purple. personality, fertile imagination, much
Lucky Number: 4 or 13 or 22 of 31 attached to partner hasty engagements;
and so on. if afflicted sudden separation and even
Lucky day : As Uranus is similar, to divorce or death of partner; enmity
Mercury one can take Wednesday as a caustic criticism, rivalry, opposition
lucky day if Mercury is not evil to that sorrow, worries, depressed, domestic
native. trouble.
Scorpio : Determined, forceful, persis-
URANUS IN EACH SIGN tent, power of meditation concentration,
Aries: Independent-original, energetic, shrewd, reserved, rebellious, secretive,
ambitious, ingenious, forceful, positive, self-advancement, inventive, mesmeric
impulsive, active, resourceful, inventive, power, industrial chemistry, explosives,
changeful, roving, travelliog, disregards, firearms, electric device.
tact, no self-control, very blunt. So Sagittarius: Inventive, imaginative,
dispute, disappointment, reverses. tendency to dream, occult, art, religious,
Taurus: Head strong, stubborn, philanthropic society, erratic, eccentric,
determined, self-willed, persistent, suspici- highei eduLdlion, adventurous, progres-
ous, jealous, ups and downs in bank sive, enterprising, foreign affairs, overseas,
position, sudden loss unexpected reverses, long journey.
gain through, partner or inventions. f?flprirnm : Persevering, enterprising,
Gemini: Intuitive/ original, eccentric, good icasuning, penetrating, mind, ambi- •
ingenious, scientific, inventive, unconven- tious. serious, responsible, original
tional, astrologer, fond of studying executive ability, astrology, machinery,
electiicity practising mesmerisms, procee- electricity, radio, transport, municipali-
ding on frequent journeys, making friends, ties, danger to elders, separation, estrange-
and aspiring clairvoyance if afflicted ment, reversion, public criticism, enmity
trouble in correspondence journey, etc. with superiors.
disharmony with brothers and neighbours. Aquaries: Intuitive, original, unselfish,
Cancer: Emotional, sensitive, easily friendly, sincere, mechanical ability,
touched, attuned to psychic vibration, inventive, independent, original, scientific,
improves mediumistic abilities, re&Iless associations, societies, clubs, public life,
ibnicipal corporation,^ 'big companies, dant," strange and Incurable disease, mental'
ailway, radio; airways. derangement,psychic experiences,insani ty
Pisces: Occult investigation, mysteries treatment by- radium hypnotism . and
and psychical, research, dreams and electricity, metaphysician, electrician and
visions firove correct; far sighted, inter- mesmerists.
course with the spirits, erratic, unsteady, . ^ Seventh House : Hasty marriage, plea-
unexpected misfortune, scandal, ill-repute, saut ruuiance, sudden separation, partner
ostile, opposition, suicide, commercial intelligent, misunderstanding after mar-,
chemistry. 'riage, loss through foreigners, litigation,'
contracts, afid dispute with municipal
1st House: Independant, ■ original, Eighth House: Transition from the phy-
rjntuitive, inventive, inclined to the occult, sical to the spiritual world may be after a.
unconventional appears^ old eccentric long and pitiful suflerings or due to
habits, astrology, mesmerism, hypnotism, sudden unexpected end. The < latter is
spiritualism,' healing without drug, tele- ever preferred by. all and Uranus is helpful'
"pathyjnvention, electricity, give and take in the eighth to "give sudden end, un-
policy,-restless, changes in office and expected advantageous, sudden and sub- -
residence, unfortunate marriages, revolu- staiitial gains through partner or marriages
tionary, unpopular in public, study or in'any manner if well asp.ected. If not,
science and religion, quick mind, abrupt, worry, difficulty, financial trouble, peculiar
sircastic, clairvoyance, crystal garing ' disease and death.
danger through lightning,- electric shocks, Ninth House: Independant, original -
explosives or while travelling. inventive, ingenious, intuitive ever plan- -
Second .House: Ups and downs in ning and seheniitig, fond of- travels,
fortune, unsettled state, gains through trouble through the'relatives by marriage,
discoveries, mechanism, banks,' railways^ taste for occult metaphysical religion -and
music and through electricty. - '• philosophy, etc. Reformative "and pro-
gressive ideas. .Aerial research explorers,
' Third .House : ' Separation from kith pioneers.
and kin, intelligent, worried, sudden and
unexpected news, travels, meetings, acci- Tenth Honse: Changes in position and
dents, adventurous, curious, clairvoyance, power original, .unconventional, indepen-
clair-audtence, capsize of boats, ship dant, erratic, eccentric, difficulty from "
wrecks, and nervous trouble^ Governments from public, discredit and
failure, separation from family, explorer,
FourthHouse: Fortune, in foreign teacher, electrician, investigator, reformer,
places, difficulty to inherit property in psychologist, nnvelist antiquities, engi-
domestic life and disharmony with wife "* neers, mechanic, , hypnotist," reporter.
and close . relatives ups £hd downs of Sudden changes and frequent ones
financial position, liable to accidents, loss Eleventh House: Friends intelligent
by theft, fraud, deception, loss by light- and independent, original creative inven-
ning,.floods, misjudgments, etc. tive, writers," Government, executives, and
Fifth House: Romantic, secret" love, fortune in big companies. Impulsive
changeable, no pleasure in old, unconven- attachment, romantic life, progressive
tional, courtship, danger during delivery hopes~and selfish ends.
loss of first child, social always seeing new Twelrth House: Occult investigation,
pictures. If alflicted .troubles through psychic powers, mystical experiences,
writings publication,-etc., inciting to con- secret love affairs, difficulties with animals,
spiracy, treachery and revolt, speculation, separation from family, exile, estrange-
loss by risk and taking chances. ment, hospital bird or jail bird, detention,
Sixth" House: Erratic, nervous ''dis- strange and secret enemies, fortune in
;order, sickness, puzzling, medical atten- foreign land.
K. Ganapathy.
• Let me reproduce what Sephareal has -4. That day on whiebi the Moon transits- .
■ mentioned in his text-book A Manual the exact degree of the'Ascendant at birth y
-of Astrology.' (or its opposite) is the day of the Pre-
.'General Law of the Pre-natal Epoch. natal Epoch.
l.' The general period of intra-uterine If the Moon be increasing at birth its
life is Nine Solar or Ten Lunar months. place will be rising at the Epoch. .
.When the Moon at birth is increasing If the Moon be decreasing at birth its
■ in/light and above. the horizon the period place will be setting at tbe Epoch.
is.less than ten Lunar months.
When the Moon at birth is decreasing To formulate the general law in a
n light and below the. horizon the period succinct form, we say:—
is .less than ten lunar months. 1. When the Moon at birth is increasing
•;When the Moon at birth is increasing, in light, and above the earth or decrea-
in'light and below the horizon the period sing, and below'the earth,, the period is /
is more than Jen lunar months. less than ten lufiar revolutions by one
day for every 12 deg. of Moon's distance
.'When the Moon at birth is decreasing from the horizon to which it next comes
in light'and above the horizon the period after birth. ' But when the Moon at birtb.
is more than ten lunar months. is increasing and fbelow the earth, or'
decreasing and above the earth, the period "
. " 2.: When the moon is below the horizon, is by the same measure more than "ten
the distance, the Moon from the Eastern lunar revolutions counted backwards from
horizon is taken into account. the day of birth-
' -When the Moon is above the horizon,
the count is made from the Moon to the 2. When the Moon at birth is increasing
Western horizon. . ' . in light, its place will be the ascendant at
The number of 'degrees between.the the Epoch and the Moon's place at the I
Moon and the horizon will yield so many Epoch will be the ascendant at birth. But,
days at the rate of 12 deg, for each day. when the Moon at birth is decreasing in
light then its place will be setting at the
• These days, more or - less than the Epoch, and the Moon's placeat the Epoch
.'Moon's tenth pre-natal revolution will will be the descendant at birth.
.yield the day of Epoch. '
The above rules are according to the
""-3.'When the Moon is increasing at birth modern version of the Pre-natal Epoch.
it will be Found at the Epoch in the sign It is applicable to one and all. If one rising at birth, i.e.- on the Eastern has noted the correct time of birth of a
Tiorizon.—. child and at the same time wants'to
'When the Moon is decreasing at birth' "make-use" of this method to find out how
far-this method reveals the moment, he
it'will be found at the Epoch in the sign finds that there can be only 54 birth'
which is setting at birth. timings in a day when the time of actual
birtlrand the time arrived at by using Ibis > ♦ Let us take two births,Say# at3-30P.M.
method agree; But a medical man and 4 P.M. oCa the happy New Year Day
.knowing this method- and -collecting 1-1-1966. The following charts are
correct data of birth of children born in a erected for the above two. timings:
hospital (so that longitude and latitude
.-remain the-same) he finds . that this Ru. 2'37'
:method does not satisfy him» Lagna.
7s 53'
He finds that such births, which 24° 23'(r)
do not agree to this procedure, may
come under irregular Epoch. So-he
adopts the calculation prescribed for!
irregular Epoch. Given by Sepharial one
is to-use all the principles - as is said for
regular Epoch. . Work in the saijne
manner. But use the sign and.^degree
opposite to the birth Moon for deter Mercfiry '
mining the time of Epoch. 21° Y Neptune
Kethu 2]° 27'
2° 37'
One can accept any method to find out'
a result or a time if the rule or principle
or the method is applicable to one and Bflline*
all. After knowing the fact to twist the Saturn Moon
12° 28' [ 26° 8' Lag.
Gnru H°37*£2'
24° W
rule or to imagme something which is not
so far suggested by any author, is not
scientific unless and until such, is
established. If a person is given two births
and is asked to find out the exact moment
of birth of the native using the pre-natal
.epoch method for regular eptfehs ^nd
also including irregular epochs, be should
not presume less than 10 mbhtbs to a child
born with Moon increasing in light and .Mercury
also.occupying 'a'position above the earth 21° 3' -Neptune
according to the rules, and to another Kethu 21° 27'
' child (even though the Moon at birth was 2° 37'
-increasing in light and it was in between
thie houses 1 to 12) above the hprizon— * 'The place of birth is *13a. North and the other child) taking the period 80° 15' East and the horoscopes are
of intra-uterine life less than 11 lunar worked out in Sayana .System. In both
revolution (as suggested by one of the the horoscopes bom with Ascendant in
astrologers in his letter. to the Editor) Gemini, Moon was in Aries and hence it
cannot be accepted as a science.' Why was above horizon. As Sun was in Capri-
should we take 11 months when it is said corn and Moon got separated from Sun,
as less than ten months. 'One can - under- Moon was increasing in light. Therefore,
stand if he takes 9 or 8 months as they according to the principles enunciated by
are within 10.. various authors/we have to presume that
the intra-uterine life should be less than
In a city with a population of-one 10 'lunar months -or 9 solar months*
million people if the birth rate were to be Therefore, the day of epoch for both the
at 36.52 per thousand, then on an average births should be otn April 1965. Moon
there will be 100 .births per day. So, the
interval between two births will be'on an ' was then on the day of epoch, transiting
average less than 15 minutes. in Gemini 'in the position of the two
ascendants, i.e.", -7 [ deg. 53 min.'^and 15 V the calculation is cumbersome and the
^eg. 10 min. in Gemini. Moon was,on labour is too mucb. He was very happy -
• 1-1-66 in 25 dcg. 53 min. "in Aries for the to have the birth time correct to secopds/
birth at 3-30 P.M. and in 26 -deg. 8 min. This tempted the consultant to request the
in Aries for the birth at 4-00 P.M. astrologer to work similarly for the second.,
birth also so that be can have a figurr
According to the principle, 25 deg. 53 correct to seconds. Now, the astrploge.;
min. Aries will rise in "the East, on the began to work ; repeated the same rulese
day of Epoch when the Sidereal Time worked out in the same lines and arrived
...would be 19hrs. 26 min. 44 sec., 26 deg. at the same previous figure which be has
" 8 min. Aries wilt rise in 19 hrs. 27 min. given for the first child/ The consultant
jv 32 sec. Sidereal Time on 5th April,. L965. did not know what to do. The astrologer .
,.The sidereal time at noon on 5th April, was also in the same boat. Why ? Because,.
-1965 was Ohr. 54 min. 18 sec. Theiefore, the father knows fully well- that 20 minu-
the.actual time of epoch in L.MT. should tes lapsed between two births. But, the
be;18 hrs. 29 min. 21 sec. after 12 No'on, astrologer has worked out and according '
i.e., 6-29, 21 A.M. on 6th April, I965r- to his calculations be has delivered .with
/equal to 6-38-21 A.M. I.S.T. The actual no interval among the two births.
time of epoch for the second child would
•.have peen 6-39-9 A.M. I.S.T. on 6-4-65. . * Thus, if a person were to collect correct
The position of Moon on 6-4-65 at 6-38. . iime of birth from a hospital and work
21 A.M. I.S.T. will be 7 deg. 3 min. and out pre-natal, epoch, obtaining aJl the, ;
••- the other. 6-39-9 A.M. will be 7 deg. 3 min. datas and particulars necessary for cal- •
Tnerefore, for both of them we get the culation, he will find that while* reading
j .results? deg. 3 min. as the position of pre-natal epoch, it appeals to one; if
. Moon as the time of .epoch. This is the worked but any single birth; it appears to
.position of the ascendant at the time of be most accurate and when two births at
, epoch qf both the childreh. Therefore, an interval of few minutes or even
* : students .of astrology are a little confused' hour are calculated, he will find that it is
T-when- they ^understand that according to not correct in many cases.
-. Uhe rules given under pre-natal epoch, if
they work out for two births born at an Does it not appear to be lacking some
* jnterval of half an - hour they got the improvement, so that the moment of
? ascendant .'in the same degree, showing birth of individuals at various, intervals
that there was no lapse of time between could be wotted out correctly. Whatever
the two births. method we follow should not the observed'-',
V," Twin births are not uncommon. The interval between two births be obtained
-.-'.parentsare awarethatthe interval between after strictly following any method. It
r- one child and the other is actually 20 * does not matter whethersuch a calculation
minutes. The wrist watch to which they corrects one's watch.. But the interval
j •' referred may be ^either slow or a bit fast. must be the same just like the difference
: But the interval Remains the same. So, in age between father and mother, between v
'• the parents request ao astrologer to cal- father and son, between mother and son
culate the correct moment of birth of the .will ever remain the same, so also the
first born; because if the astrologer gives observed interval between two births must
• the correct timing for the first born of the remain the same and the rules wo apply
--"-twins, then be can add the 20 minutes should also be the same.
-interval to the time calculated by him.
The astrologer works out and mentions Therefore, I do consider' that this
-•—Uhe rules loudly which not only convinces method cannot be strictly adhered to all
" the quenst'but also impresses upon his birth's and research is to be carried out to
mind that the astrologer is very- learned,. improve and render it useful.

S. Kannan
Introduction Udaya Lagna (Rising Sign) of Query and
* Gnana Pradeepika ',js an ancient book count the same from the Sun's Veedbi, the .
on Horary Astrology (Prasna) supposed resulting sign being called 'Cbattira Rasi'.
to have been written by the famous philo- This is thus similar to Aruda Pada Lagna.
sopher and astrologer Jaimini, which fact Hence, from this it appears that the prin-
has been supported by the colophon at the ciple enunciated in this book should have
end of each chapter of the Sanskritedition. been only Jaiminis. At any rate, this is
It is however doubtful whether he himself an ancient book.and quotations from this
would have composed ffre slokas; because have even'been made , in Prasna Marga*
on a comparison with the style of Jaifnini "written in about 1650 A.D. This shows
Sutras one can easily find out a lot of that this book must have been popular
difference in the style and manner of treat- even before 1650 A.D.
ment. One has therefore to infer that The Gnana Pradeepika contains a lot of .
somebody else would have writtefi the information for an astrologer intending to
book imbibing his ideas, just as somebody devote bis attention on Horary Astrology.
else has .written Brihdt Parasara Hora I have seen that a few, who have specia-
following mostly his methods leaving lized the chapter on Sinking Wells, are
however an impression that it was written able to spot out correctly the place for
by Parasara himself. This doubt is cleared sinking wells. The qualities of signs and
after a perusal of the Tamil book Sinendra planets mentioned in Ibis book are highly
Malai which is mostly a translation of useful in identifying the thief and stolen
GnanaPradeepika in a verseform, wherein articles. The unique feature of this book
it is mentioned that it~ was originally is a study from three important angles,
written by one Jaina Mahamuni alias viz., the Aruda Lagna, Udaya Lagna and
lipendrachar. • Cbattira Rasi. By a diligent study of
A study of. this book however shows that the positions of theplanets from these three
it is based on the pet principle of Jaimini lagnas one can giVe results in a facile and
of introducing a symbolical angle. The accurate manner. However, it has to be
Jaimini Sutras will show that his method mentioned that the items dealt in this
was to study the positions of planets from book pertained to a remote past when the .
certain sensitive angles like Aruda Pada customs, manners and necessities of life
Lagna, Upapada, Atma Karakamsa, etc. were puite different from those existing'
To find Aruda Pada, count the number of now! A diligent astrologer has therefore .
signs occupied by the lord of Lagna from to adjust and adopt the principles to the
the Ascendant and count the same number present needs and outlook.
from this lord, the resulting sign being
Aruda Pada Lagna. Much importance CHAPTER I
has been given by him to the Aruda Pada Introductory
Lagna in the General Astrology. In the
same manner, in Prasna Sastra a sensitive (1) For the benefit of all in the world
dagna called ' Cbattira Rasi' has been I write, after the sanction of all other
declared as vital to find put the results in Shastras, the book.'Gnana Pradeepika',
Horary Astrology. Todetermineithis, count the mirror of Horary Astrology and the
the number of signs from Aruda Rasi to light of knowledge.
(2) To lino out the .good .afid bad note minutely the Querist's touch,
effects -for the- present, past and future looks; position (Dik), etc., and also
periods one has to examine the strength' observe tbe' omens, sounds, sight,
of the nine planets and twelve signs. breath, etc., and should also
(3-8) la order to enable one to do examine his own breath movement.
this, I have mentioned about the relation- (3) The' Querist should approach an
ship-of. signs and planets* Exaltation, astrologer after getting up early in
Own. Friendly, Inimical and Depression the morning on an auspicious thithi,
signs of planets, strength of Kendras asterism and day of the week.
fQu'adrants], Risin, Aruda Rasi, and
Chattira Rasti aspects, sex, odd or even (4) For persons who put questions in a
signs and planets," castes, varieties like crooked manner predictions should
"tnen, beasts and birds, rays, distances, not be given. 'For those who meet
longevity, tastes,' parts of body on which accidentally or who want to test the
moles and warts are being found. Movable, astrologer predictions should not
Fixed.and Common signs and planets, be given. Because, on these occa-
directions, places, 'diurnal Or ootrunal - sions correct results cannot vbe
•strength or at twilight,-Prishtodaya (Rising expected.
by back) Sirshodaya (Rising by .bead),
shor.t or long horns, dimensions,, life and (5) Whether a person is 'fit or other-
.'body, earth and sky and tbejr lords, the wise, if-be approaches with zeal,
Sun's Veedhi (passage), rules for Horary the astrologer can resorf to astro-
'Astrology, determination of time from the logical divination by examining the
Moon and other points frrtbe Chapter oa First House and its trines.
.Qualities of Signs and Planets and their
.Utility in other chapters. Brihat Sara hi ta says the following about
Notes an astrologer:
The peculiarity of treatment discernable "He must be clean and active, bold and
in the First Chapter is that the author has eloquent,, have readiness of wit, fully con-'
^approached the subject .in an abrupt versant with tbe detaiis of the place and
manner without having the preliminary time and sincere in disposition. He should
'salutations to God which is a customary not be timid in an assembly, should not be'
feature tn the other Hindu Sbastras- over-powered by his fellow students, tmust
-Again,, besides the subject proper, one has be well-trained, should understand the
-to understand the duties of an Astrologer heart of others, should be free from vices,
and a Querist, which is of prime impor- must be conversant with the art of pro-
tance especially in HorarY Astrology. pitation, with hygiene, magic and ablu-
The required information is being supple- tions, shouldbe.engaged in the worship
mented .by taking extracts from other texts. of Devas, should be an observer of
1'rasna Marga attaches much importance fast and penance, ablutions should be
to the ethics of astrologer and Quarent so engagedin tbe worship of .Devas, should
as_ 10. have a correct prognastication. be an observer of fast and., penance, -|r
Slokas I to 5 in Chapter II run as follows: should be endowed with great power .
,"..(1) The astrologer should get up early resulting from the wonderful achieve- !
tn the morning, meditate on his ments of his scientific knowledge, should ;
' Deity, finish his roornmg ablutions, be capable of answering questions put by '
look into the Ephemeris (Pancbang) others, and voluntarily, suggesting pallia- ]
,^"_and study the planetary positions tives and remedies regarding things other I
than the visita of God. He should also be
oT tfie day and must be tranquil in thoroughly conversant with works dealing j
his mind. with calculations of the positions, etcT, of ]
• (2) If anybody approaches hitn for planets, Samhita, Horoscopy and their
astrological consultation be should several details."
Krishneeyam says thar there are two At the time of query inauspicious omens
kinds of charts, namely, Sthira. Chakra like quarrels,. terror, unpleasant words
(Fixed chart) and Chara' chakra (Movable and sounds, fall of an important'or revered
chart) and both these charts should be article, damage to an article, advent of an
used in a suitable manner so as to.have enemy, yidow, a brahmin, a -person with
accurate results.. Aruda Lagna determined tools or weapons aQd in short anything
from, the Dik of the QuefSnt or from unpleasant, inimical or fearful ,to see or
' any other means Jike numbers, Swarna hear fore-shadows-failure of the attempt
Rasi/etc., is called Sthira Chakra, while in question. In the same manner anything
the Udaya Lagna (Rising Sign) calculated pleasant, favourable or friendly, music,
from the time of query is called Chara festivities, two-brahmins, etc., if seen or
Chakra. Inquiries about immovables, or heard augur success of the attempt in
hidden things, or about matters lurking in question.
the mindfor along time, or those asked at
odd times or when there are many persons If the Querist touches his hands, rheoat,
or when many questions are put Aruda gold, mirror and such superior materials
Lagna.will be ef5c£Lcious. When many the thing thoaght of will fructify. If he
. planets are in the Lagna, when things touches inauspicious articles the under-,
involved are movables, when the querist taking will fail. If he touches navel, nose,
has an astrological knowledge or when . mouth; hair, nail, teeth, anus, breast,
the query emanates out of a pressing urge neck, the' third finger, any of the nine
the Udaya Lagna will be~ efficacious. holes of. the body, joints, etc., "there- will
According to the present author Chittira be failure of the undertaking. Touching
Rasi-too has to be taken and this view is of the prominent important part of the
•supported by Prasna Marga and Prasna' body oo the right 'side indicates success
Anushtana Paddati. By blending the .dis- while the left side indicates failure.
positions of. planets from these three Regarding the -flow of breath, if the
lagnaS .one can arrive at a fairly correct Querist is on the side of the nostril having,
answer, provided the various qualities of the flow of breath it augurs success to the
Signs, planets and houses (bhavas) are well Querist and if the flow is on the other side
remembered and applied. failure. Prasnamarga says:
Another important thing to note is that "If a person starts when .the flow of
besides astrological analysis from the three breath is on the left nostril and if he"
angloSj the omens, nimithas and the 'flow reaches the destination when the flow is
of breath have also to be studied to arrive on the other side he will succeed in the
.at an easy and quick judgment. These attempt. *
are all efficacious in the matter 'of.Horary
Astrology. Though no mention has been " Surya Nadi (flow iu the tight nostril)
made about these by the author of Gnana ' is "auspicious for disputes, war, .play,
Pradeepika these also play a vital role in dinner, sexual intercourse, trade, gift, etc.
matter of diviation. The ancients obser-
ving the" orderliness. of the Universe con- "Chandra Nadi (flow in'the left nostril)
nected almost every thing with the natural is auspicious while starting from the house,
laws. Alfred H. Barley also says: " The . making gifts, marrying, wearing clothes,
first principle on which the science of jewels, etc., and for making peace."
astrology rest is that the whole Universe
is actually, what the term implies, unity Thus, an astrologer should study minute-
and that the law which is found in mani- ly all these details also in addition to the
festation in one portion of the Universe study of the Planetary position! and come
must also be equally operative throughout to a natural and quick conclusion.
the whole-" On this principle, the omens —To be continued
and nimithas freely give a ready-made
answer to the query.' [Copyright reserved by the author.)
As a few readers of this Magazine hav and to his misfortune, the astrologer has jf.
brought pressure on me to publish articles failed in his prediction and this person-J ;
on horse racing, so that one can make up has lost the money. Again the doubt ^
easy money, articles will be published arises in him ; he waits for another race j',
in series. in which the astrologer comes out T\
Money makes many things. If one has correctly, whereas this person has not ^
got sufficient bank position, one can satisfy taken the risk. In the subsequent race, 4
the unfortunate person bets. The horse r
oneself even though money cannot guaran- falls down and is injured. This person
tee peace of. mind. All do not possess loses money. Anyhow, he finds that on
sufficient wealth and riches. But most of all the occasions, when he did not bet, the
the people would like to have gains with- astrologer was correct but on those occa- §]!
out pains. Also, they would like to earn sions he took a chance be miserably
.and call every paisa of such earnings as failed. So, it is very clear that one should J
their own without paying incometax or have fortune to make money as he can act
any- other tax. Only those who have at proper moments and gain.
eithet renounced the world due to any
unbearable difficulty* in the life or have Another day, friends A and B came to
the desire to lead the life of a hermit, the astrologer. He gave the winners for
rfill not attach value to money. But- all the races. Both of them, A and B, -
others, would prefer to make effortless thought that if in every race they follow,
gains.- .Such gains cannot be had off and they will ultimately gain, as the astrologer
on, but.fortune favours only a few and is mostly correct and his failure is after
that too on some occasions. One of the all in a very few cases. But, on the day
. methods by which one can have casual when the races were to run, the astrologer
attempts made and a capital gained will also had been running a bad time. So,
be the horse racing. those horses which the astrologer
picked as the winners never came to the
My suggestion to the readers should be board. The failure was hundred per cent.
rthat'one should examine one*s horoscope Friends A and B bet in all the races and
dnd judge whether one is destined to have heavily lost.
such a fortune as to win in the races-Also, On a third occasion, when two people ' 1
it is necessary to judge the period when X and Y approached the astrologer, he \
one can have such a gain. gave the winners for a few races.. In the
A few are under wrong impression that first two races Actually the winners came •
correct. Of the two persons X and Y, X
5 they can bet with confidence and gain if had gained by taking chances in the first
;they can work out and find the number of two races, whereas Y was cautious and did
the horse that wins the r&ce. They are not not play. F^dm the third race, Y began
correct, because even though in the 6 or 7 to play and X became cautious, so that
. races that run if astrologers were to whatever X gained so far, he could'
-pick- out winners of each of the races,
then Ke- who has to lose, waits and' not lose. Ultimately, one of them gained,
the other lost. From this, one can under-
"Observes to ascertain whether the astro- stand that unless one is individually fortu-
-toger has picked out the winners correctly nate, one cannot have jains at all. There-
on that- particular day. He understands fore, it is necessary to
that the winners given by the. astrologer
in the first two races had come-correctly.^ (1) examine their horoscopes indivi-
So, he makes an attempt in the third race^ * cually,
(2) find our wnetner.tnat particular lucky days and lucky hours, etc., will
day on the whole is a lucky day, - appear in subsequent issues. Afterwards
(3) select those hours when the native ^ ho* to select the' winners will also be
can gain, and published..
(4) ascertain which hours cannot be [Whatever be the winner according to the
lucky. various calculations, .if one is lucky on
any day and if he tabes the risk on that
. Thus, noting down which hours are day, the intuition will be correct and such
good and which hours are not, one has to a person is a better judge than even the
play' on the lucky day. How to select ' astrologer.)
This is the horoscope of a bride bora at horoscope of the bride for her marriage
.402 A.M., I.S.T. on and the horoscopes of the parents or the
Saturday 24-2-45 at 77 deg. North brother for separation.
Sunday 25-2-45 and 11 deg. East In the bride's chart, as the Lagna is in
the very beginning of the sign, the position
Foftuoa of the planets in signs and in bhavas
l/ranus Saturn
Rahu remain the same.
Sun and Mercury are in the 2nd house.
Sun governs Karthik, Uthrapalguni and
Uthrashada stars. Jupiter alone is in the
Sun's constellation. Mercury governs
Ashlesha, JyeshtaandRevathi stars. Moon
in Ashlesha, no planet in Jyeshta and
Venus in Revathi- show that Moon and
Venus are the significators. (Rahu in
Mercury's sign and Jupiter's star is the
strongest significator as it is in the sign
governed by Mercury—who occupies the
2nd house and in the constellation of
Jupiter who shows change of residence,
life in new surroundings due to the pleasant
Rabu Mars and happy marriage as it owns the houses
Ncp. Ura. 3 and 12, denoting changes, and occupies
the constellation of the-planet in 2, pro-
mising marriage.)
Moon occupies the 7th house and the
constellations governed by Moon are
Rohini, Hastha and Sravana. Only Mars
in exaltation is in Sravana. Mars is also
a strong significator. . As majority of the ~
significators are very strong, one need not
further analyse. The significators are
Venus, exalted, Vargothamamsa, Rahu,
'Jupiter and. exalted Mars. When few
planets happen to be the significators and
Mercury dasa balance at birth 12 years afinddoubt arises in selecting ooc of them,,
out the ruling planets at the moment
9 months. 15 days.
• This horoscope is taken to Jind out the ment. Now,horoscope
when this is taken for judg-
Moon is transiting in
actual time of marriage.. Swathi nakshthra. Therefore, Venus and
By_inarriage, it is meant that the bride Rahu are the strongest significators.
has to start a new cycle of life, leave her' Hence, one is to find out when the girl
own kith and • kin with whom 'she was, will be having Venus Dasa Venus Bhukthi
.from her infancy, playing and leading a ■Rahu Aathra. Venus Dasa commenced on
•happy, life. -There wiH_ be a thorough 10th December, J 964 and Mars Anthra
nhanjiL. in aurrnundinp anri^nvirnnmontg ends on 20th February, 1966. Rahu
.It also means that the parents' horoscopes commencing from that day will rule for'
will show separation from children. exactly six months. In these 180 days,
Therefore, it_ in advisable to Judge the when Jupiter's sub sub period runs betro-
thai will take place, i.e., between 17th If. he has to spend money with
March, 1966 and 11th April, 1966. Later, pleasure and he gets separated from a
Saturn which was retrograde, causes delay member in the family in that period
for celebration and during Mercury sub it can be due to such a relative whose
sub period between 11 th May and 6th of ruling planets are Kethu and Saturn.-
June, the auspicious day will be selected. Kethu is in Scorpio and Jyeshta star.
. To me it appeals that Jupiter's sub in that (It is in 11 indicating elder sister.)
of Mercury will be the lucky day for the Therefore, it has to act as an agent
happy marriage, i.e., 1st June, 1966, a of Moon with whom it is conjoined.
Wednesday. When a girl generally gets Mars, the lord of the sign and Mercury,
married during Venus Dasa Venus Bhukthi the lord of the constellation. Therefore, of
Rahu Anthra, then in the husband's chart his relatives select that native who is born
mostly Moon will be in Swathi star, on the days ruled by Saturn, Mars or
governed by Rahu in the sign Libra owned Mercury, or Moon stars governed by any
by Venus, or he may be born in Venus of these four planets, rasi-moon sign
sign as ascendant and Rahu will be found owned by these and the Lagna. If other
in Lagna, planets intervene, reject that chart. This
According to the horoscope of bride is born on a Satur-night, ruled by
her younger brother which is given, Saturn in Ashlesha nakshathra, ruled by
below, he will be running Kethu Dasa Mercury in the ascendant Capricorn owned
Saturn Bhukthi. by Saturn with Mars exalted in the ascen-
dant' aspecting the Moon sign owned by
Moon. Hence, the ruling planets of the
Uranus, girl are Saturn, Mercury and Mars and
Sun, Mercury marriage to her in this period is shown.

It will also be advantageous to scrutinize

the horoscope of her father also, if it is
available. The following is his chart:



5 11
Moon Lagna 1 JRahu

following fact •is discovered. Suppbse-one
Nep, , UrtnuS ! is benefitted during Jupiter Dasa Mercury'
..Bhukthi, then Be or she "who helped him is.,
bom on the day. ruled ;• by; Jupiter or/,
' Mercury and in the sign as well as the star '
Mercury ruled by both Jupiter and Mercury, i.e., g
Revati star governed by Mercury jn.'-
—■ ' ' Navamsam Jupiter's sign Pisces (Meena) or Punarvasu
in Gemini governed by Mercury and the.^.,
Kethu star ruled by Jupiter. If a person is
troubled by one during Jupiter Dasa Kethu
Bhukthi, it is found that he who does ^
harm was born in Moolam star ruled by
Saturn Jup. Moon Sun 1 Kethu in Sagittarius-^-Dhanus sign govern-
| t ed by Jupiter. Similarly, if Jupiter Dasa
Venus Bhukthi. is on and one enjoys a
At the time of birth Saturn Dasa balance result then the enjoyment is due to the
was 4 years eight months and nine days. activities of the person bom in Visaka.
When this bride was born on 25th • star or Pooravashada star. Suppose, a
Februanr, 1945, he was running Mercury father has three children, the ruling planets
Dasa, Saturn Bhukthi and Saturn being of one are Jupiter aud Saturn, the other
exalted it/ruled the day of her birth and Jupiter and Mercury and the third Jupiter,
her Lasna. Mercury governed the star Jupiter and Moon, then whenever the "j
of the daughter which was Ashlesha. So, •father runs the conjoined period of . „
•we have to see when he will have again Jupiter and Saturn, he will be concerned :
the conjoined sub' period arid sub sub with the first child, and when he .runs the
period of these two planets. He has conjoined period of Jupiter and Mercury,
entered in Venus Dasa, Saturn Bhukthi on either he gains or loses, through the 2nd
13-7-65. In it,- Mercury sub sub period child, depending up on the dasanatha and
jwill comtneDce on 14-1-1966, and. run for during the conjoined period of Jupiter, <
5 months 11 days. Therefore* the period and Moon, depending upon the dasa, he
between 14-1-66 and 25-6-66 will be ruled will feel happy or worried through the ■
by both Saturn and Mercury. As the dasa third child. By that one is to under-
lord Vestis is lord of 12 and being a stand that the pleasure or pain which r
beriefic it denotes pleasaat expenses to- one has during the dasa of A, the bhukthi
'wards functions and purchases of costly B, will be given by that person or
ones. Therefore, the date of marriage on relative whose ruling planets at their
.1st. June, 1^66 is also indicated by the time of birth were A and B. If one
pianists in the father's horoscope. follows this method, it will be possible
(.' Note to students: While carrying out to confiim the result of one connec-
he' research on stellar astrology, the ted with or related to him.
The horoscopes of the bride and bride- Balance of Mars Dasa 4 yrs. 4 months
groom are as under. They got married 25 days.
on Thursday 25-10-1962; he has not
touched her after Mangalya Dharanam (2) Bridegroom:
even once on any day though he says that
there is no complaint against her ; sud-
denly on 27-6-65, he has sent her to her
brother's residence. What is her fate? Is
there any real married life or is she to
lead a pure life without any worldly
pleasure ?
(I) Bride:

Meic. (R)

Balance of Saturn Dasa at birth 2 years

1 month 26 days.
They are married on 25-10-1962, Thurs-
day, Utbrapalguni star; the ascendant
was Scorpio at the time of Mangalya
is .conjoined' with lord of 8. Rahu or
Kethu will offer mostly the result of the
.'pJSnet with which it is conjoined. Only,
when it is neither conjoined with nor
aspected by a planet, it v will act as an
agent of the' lord of the house. Here,
Chart for the time Rahu in the 6th house, conjoined with
of marriage lord of 8 gives the results of 8th house.'
The constellation, Mrigasira, in which
Rahu is posited, is ruled by Mars who
rules the 5th and the 12th houses. Mars
will give the matters of 12th house to a
greater extent than' the 5th house, as Mars
by its special aspect (4th) reinforces the
12th house. (Mars sign is occupied by
Kethu. No planet is in Kethu star.) Mars
does not aspect 5th house which it rules.
' In January issue, under the title "Afflic- Hence, the 7th cusp indicating family life
ted .Moon" contributed by Mr. Mallela does not receive any beneficial aspect. Till
Venkateswara Sarma, the editor has given their periods are over, there can be no
his views. ' Which is correct? When this happy life as either good or bad indicated
couple is actually leading a life which is by a few planets cannot operate after their
funny and unheard of, which is indicated major and conjoined periods.
by. the disposition of planets in their
horoscopes how far the auspicious time It is a pity that the 6th and 8th houses
selected for marriage has helped them is are occupied by maleQcs and the 7th house
to be judged by the readers. If that is hemmed in between malefics. One may
astrologer is asked " why he has selected ask "Are not Sun and Mercury, lords of 9
such a moment for the marriage, which and 10 who have to cause Dharma Karma
has kept them separately, which did not adhipathi yogas—benefics next to the
allow them at least to touch each other, 7th house?" A planet, if it becomes a
while walking in a.nan'ow pathway or Rajayoga adhipathi by owning the 9th
eYe'n in the crowded buswhat can he house, if it occupies a sign 6 or 8 or 12
sa'y, except to show, the book on election counted from the 9th house, it gets
.of auspicious time or an almanac and add weakened to offer the 9th house beneficial
how a few couples who got married at the results: Hence, Sun, a fiery planet, in a
same time on that day, lead a-happy and watery sign and that too, the 12th to his
harmonious wedded life. Then, what is . own is very weak, and it cannot cause to a
the truth? Is it the time of marriage so 'good extent such yogas, as expected from
adverse as to bring in such an undesirable 9th house. But as it is in 8th sign and
result? Or is their fate, indicated in their 7th bhava, it will do good. Mercury is
horoscopes ? Is there any other correct retrograde. It is eclipsed. -Saturn in the-
as well as wise answer except to say 8th sign and 7th bhava, aspect! ng the
".Fate." second house (as per Hindu System) in his
own constellation, Pushya is strong.
Saturn and Sun are in rapt conjunction;
Take the bride's chart, (i) Where is the it is eclipsed. But it is said that Saturn
;7ih cusp.. , It is in 19° 32'. According to does not lose strength even when eclipsed.
Krishnamurthi Padhdbati, it is in Mer- Saturn is harmful.
cury's sign, Rahu's star and Mars sub.
Mercury is lord of 7, denoting marriage. Therefore, strong malefic Rahu in 6,'
He is in his own constellation, but in the exalted and strong Moon, lord of 8 in 6
eighth bhava or house; it is evil. It - and Saturn strong in its own constellation
cannot give marital happiness. - It is also ■in""'Ashtaina~"5thana}. i.e. these planets
retrograde. Rahu is in the 6th house. It Rahu, Moon. Mars, Saturn cannot give
Her pleasure tHrougH marriage till tneir celebration when be had been running
periods are over. Some may say that there ' Kethu Dasa Mercury Bhukthl Sun Anthra,
is Kala Sarp'a Yoga-hence this result. No! • on a Thursday, as Kethu is aspected • by
There are horoscopes where Rahu is in 6, Jupiter, in Uthrapalguni star governed by
Kethu is in 12 and the other seven planets Sun, the Anthra lord, when Moon transit-
are in 12, 11, 10 and so on within 6th ted in Virgo owned by Mercury, the Bhiik:
house, who enjoy happy wedded life. thi lord, and in Scorpio when Lagna was
i in Jyeshta star which are ruled by Mars
Therefore, one is to judge the 7th cusp, (Mars aspects dasa lord Kethu) and
;the 7th house as well as the 6th and 8th Mercury (Kethu is to give the results of
houses for happy married life and expect Jupiter, Mars and Venus).
better days after the period of the evil is
over, and in the periods of benefics. Hence, during Kethu Dasa Mercury
Bhukthi Sun Anthra (probably Jupiter
Let us take the boy's chart. 7th cusp Shookshma), he got married. Evil Saturn .
falls at 24° 35' Scorpio. Scorpio is ruled delayed till bis period was over. .
by Mars who owns 12th house also; the
star is Jyeshta governed by Mercury, who What about the girl? The day of marri-
rules the second house posited in the house age is ruled by Jupiter: Rasi by Mercury ;
of debilitation, both in rasi and amsa and star by Sun and Lagna by Mars. Hence,
is in the constellation of Mercury itself. Jupiter, Sun, Mercury and Mars jointly
The sub is governed by Rahu who is con- ruled the time of legal bondage. Unless
joined with strong Swakshetra Mars (ruling they are the significators for marriage, she
12th house also) and debilitated Moon cannot have her marriage celebrated on
both in rasi and amsa. such a day.
(There is no 'Kalasarpa Yoga in this At the time of marriage, she was running -
chart as Moon and Mars are on the other, ' Rahu Dasa (aspected by Jupiter, who ruled
hemisphere of Rahu and Kethu.) Is he the day of marriage), Rahu in the constel-
promised life with wife without any strife? lation Mrigasira, governed by Mars who
Young boys and school-going children was the owner of the Lagna at the time of
may say f*How can he be normal. Does marriage, in Uthrashada star, lord of
not his birth date itself denote that he will which. is Sun; who was in the 7th bhava
not be like others born on other dates in and 8th sign and when Moon transitted in
a year?" This is similiar to such people "the sign owned by lord of 7. The period
who have not had opportunities to scruti- and sub period at the time of marriage
nise similar charts wherein the resiilts are were Rahu Dasa Sukra Bhukthi' Sukra
diametrically opposite, but who will jump Anthra Jupiter Shookshma. Rahu aspected
to a conclusion. They will recite any one by Jupiter; Venus, Chief Governor for
Sloka, and not apply the amendments etc., Marriage. Hence, one can find, bow all
just like the boys saying 1st April". the ruling planets at the moment of mar-
v riage are the significators for the wedding.
The truth is that he is not blessed with Then, once again, if such a period gover-
conjugal bliss for a few years to come. ned by these ruling planets, repeat in per-
Later, he will live with her and be happy. mutation and combination, they will meet
His horoscope may be, in a way, compared again or unite, etc.- Depending on the
to the horoscope of very young boys who following periods and the dasanatha, one
get married and remain for a decade till is to judge whether they will live together
the girl attains her age of maturity. or not.
Because, he does not complain'anything
against the^prl: ~ He will have Venus Dasa running from
27—5—1963 for 20 years. He will be run-
When can he be happy? Simplest ning Venus Dasa Mars Bhukthi Mercury
method is as follows: He had the happy Anthra, Sun Shookshma, i.e., between
17—1^-70 and 20—1—1970. But, prior married. Hence, when the dasa is ruled by
to thatv/hen' he is running Venus Dasa Jupiter, which governed the day of mar-
Sun Bbukthi Mercury Anttafa, Jupiter riage, Jupiter Bhukthi Venus Anthra she'
Shookshma, i.e. in June 1967, there will be will, once for all, join him. This period
negotiation and temporary union. When commences in the Happy New Year 1970.
again Moon sub period comes, there will Temporarily, during Rahu Dasa (Rahu
be separation from the end of September aspected by Jupiter) Moon bbukthi (aspec-
1967. Uniform happy life is promised ted by Jupiter) Mercury anthra, she will
from 20—1—1970. have a few weeks stay with her husband.
Let us judge from'the girl's chart. While The girl and the boy can live as husband
she was running Rahu Dasa Venus Bhukthi and wife from the Happy New Year and'
Venus Anthra Jupiter Shookshma she got Happy Pongal, 1970.

K. V. R. AlfJAITEYtrLU, B.A.
Soul, religion and divine knowledge and
I am not married so far. Actually I do metaphysical studies.
not like married life. I am deeply interes- 12th house indicates renunciation, and
ted in religion and God. I practise spiritual life, knowledge of the Almighty
Dfayana daily for about two hours. I and Worship. Therefore, for ascetic life
feel delighted and happy. - Will you kindly one should consider hotises 5, 9 and 12.
tell me whether I will become a Yogi and Jupiter is the Karaka for philosophical
lead ascetic life or attach to this materia- knowledge and Vedanta. Saturn, for
listic world and lead married life ? I am seclusion, silence and the life like a
herewith enclosing'my horoscope. 1 was hermit or Mouni.
born on 21-I-I925 at 10-04 P.M. Lat. 16° In your horoscope, Sthhouse is occupied
51 N. Long. MP 53' E. by Sun and Kethu. 9th house is occupied
by no planet. 12th house is again vacant.
12th house is aspected by Jupiter power*
fully. The placement of lord of 12 in the
5th house in the constellation of lord of
12 denies children. But, if Sun would
have been in Sravana, ruled by lord jf 11,
he will have many and be a father of
children. Kethu, Gyanakaraka, improves
one of the matters of the 5th house, i.e.,
Venifi, Mantra, initiation, concentration and so,
' Jnpic.ur Mood
28.47 Saturo
20.29 Lagoa
7°.18' the native does upasana, gains vedic know-
ledge, attends religious discourses and
deeply practises japa. As Sun is the lord
of the 12th house, who is placed in the 6th
house from the 12th house (renunciation)
identical with earthy sign, Capricorn, the
native cannot leave his house, live in a
foreign place, in an unfrequented locality,
as the 12th house lord is weak to 12th
house matters.
9th house is an earthy sign Taurus and
9th lord of Venus, the planet of pleasure
and family life. She is in its own constel-
lation with Mercury and Jupiter. She is
aspected by strong Saturn.
Respected Sir, Therefore, you will have the desire to
For marriage and matrimonial bliss one do Dharmn, Puja, etc. But Saturn will
should consider the houses 2, 7 and 11. throw obstacles off and on. So also
Planet Venus is the Karaka (SigniOcator) Venus loses the beneficial effects of the
for marriage. 5th house indicates Sruti 2nd house, which includes marriage.
(Vedic knowledge), Upasana and Mantra. ' The possibility of the native going to a
9th house indicates Puja (Worship), Tapas forest or an ashram completely separating
(Penance), Japa (Prayer), Knowledge of his kith and kin is ruled out.
The great Varaha Mihira writes as Let us apply the above yogas to the
follows on Ascetic Yogas: horoscope under study.
1. A person born when four or more The sign Sagittarius has the influence of
powerful planets occupy a single Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Saturn. Of
sign of the Zodiac becomes an these, Jupiter is placed in own sign and
ascetic of Sakya, Bhikshuka, Vrid- Venus, is placed in her oWn constellation,
' dhasravaka, Chakra, Nirgrandha Poorvashada. Ascetic yoga of chakra
or Vanyasana. class according as class appears to have been formed. Yet,
the powerful, planet of the group is Venus, who suffered defeat in conjunction,
Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Moon, will revert you to mundane life. These
Venus, Saturn or Sun. If such planets are aspected by Saturn. So, you
powerful planet be one that has will not become an ascetic but will possess
suffered defeat in conjunction at a strong desire to become one. Saturn
the time of birth, the ascetic will, will throw obstacles to become a family
after a time, revert to his previous man or an ascetic. As the lord of the sign
condition of life and living. where Moon is placed is Mars and Venus
2. If the most powerful yoga planet is in the sign governed by Jupiter, in his
be an astangata planet the person own sign, Sagittarius, receiving the aspect
will not become a deekshita but of Saturn (in exaltation) from 2nd house
will be attached to persons who are (family) to Jupiter nullifies the yoga conse-
such. Again, if the powerful planet quently the native's desire and ambition
which suffers defeat in conjunction to become a samsari or yogi will not be
be aspected by other plauets, the realised. So far the native passed through
person will not become a deek- the periods of Mercury, Kethu, Venus and
shita but will possess a strong desire Sun. Naturally, Venus and Sun periods
to become one. gave the native-great inclination towards
3. If the lord of the sign occupied by metaphysical life but not made him an
Moon aspects Saturn, and be^^t ascetic. The native is now under the
aspected by any other planet or^^^ sway of Moon, who has no connection
Saturn aspects the lord of the sign whatsoever for renunciation and ascetic
occupied by Moon, when such lord life.
is not powerful, the native become When ascetic life is denied to the native,
an ascetic. one naturally desires to know, whether he
4. Again, if the Moon .occupy the will be married and have matrimonial
drekkena -of Saturn and' the bliss and happiness.
Navamsa of Saturn or Mars and be
aspected by Saturn, the native will For marriage, we have to consider
become an ascetic. houses 2, 7 and 11. The Karaka for
5. A native born when Jupiter, Moon marriage is Venus.
and the rising sign are aspected by 2nd house is occupied by Saturn. His
Saturn, when Jupiter occupies 9th stars are Pushyam, Anuradha and Uttara*
house from Lagna and under the. bhadra. No planet is in any one of the
one of Rajayogas becomes a scien- constellations.
tific author. Again, a person born
when Saturn occupies 9th house 7th house is occupied by Mars. The
from Lagna and is not aspected by constellations, Mrigasira, Chittra and
other planets and under a Rajaypga Dhanisbta are ruled by Mars. No planet is
- will becomevboth an employer and in any one of the constellations.
11th house is occupied by Rahu, who
Therefore, 9th house, Jupiter and Saturn rules the constellations, Arudhra, Swati
play a great role in deciphering whether and Satabhisha. No planet is in any one
cue becomes an ascetic or not. of these constellations.
Lord of 2nd house is Venus. Bharani, significators of marriage by lordship an<
Poorvapalguni and Poorvash'ada are placement for the .native. Jupiter, Mar
rilled by Venus. Planets Mercury, Jupiter and Mercury are not strong enough tc
and Venus are found to be in the constel- bless the native married life. Therefore,
lation ruled by lord of 2nd (Family). the real significators are Moon, Kethu.
Therefore, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus Venus and Saturn. During the conjoined
are the signidcators for marriage. periods of these planets, the native will be
7th lord is Jupiter. Saturn is only married. When does that period come 7
found to be in the constellation, Visakha The native is how under the major
ruled b?' Jupiter. Hence, Saturn is the period of Moon and sub period- of Kethu
signific-Itor. from 9-11-65 to 9-6-66. Then follows the
11th /lord is Moon. Kethu is placed in sub period of Venusi It runs from 9-6-66
con<stellation Sravana. Therefore, Kethu is to 9-2-68. Sun transits constellation
another significator for marriage. Rohini in the sign of Venus between
25-5-66 to 7-6-66 and on 6-6-66, he makes
Therefore, the significators to be judged trine aspect to Kethu, the Bhuktinadha.
for the marriage of the native are Saturn, The Moon Xransitsover Jupiter, the lord of
Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Kethu and 7th house and Venus, the Karaka for
Moon. marriage. The day is Monday. The
N o w, we have to consider of these planets period is quite propitious for marriage.
who are strong enough to give the native Therefore, the native will be married on
matrimonial bliss. Monday, the 6th June, 1966, when Moon
is in Poorvashada constellation and the
Nodes are stronger than the planets. rising sign at the time of marriage,
Kethu is a node, who is one of the signifi- Pisces-Meena between 1 AM. and 2 A.M.
cators noted above. He is placed in the in the night which is followed in the
constellation of Moon and in the sign of locality where the native is born and is
Saturn. Both Moon and Saturn are living.
■ ,^'' will the native be blessed
vasu, Visaka and Poorvapadrapada.
a child 7" is the query of a friend Venus alone is in Punarvasu and it is in
-Madras. • the 8th house in the barren sign Gemini.
Lord of 11 is Mercury and his stars are
' ^'r' Birthnum of a child means Aslesha and Jyesta and Revati. Jupiter
the f ,t'on 10n'h®cate ber of members in alone is in Jyesta. —'
fru't ^' le' ^' ^ By 2nd house ; the
ntt. 1 ''5 pleasure which one has, in Therefore, Saturn, Venus and. Jupiter
fifth ^""d
Bouse the andoff-spring
the 11thishouse,
by theis are the three significators. The sub of
to t le
these three significators happen to .be ruled
shows tlle ' "B C'B Bouse denotes wife) by Rahu or Kethu, the two evil', nodes,
E0¥ progeny. Jupiter is the chief who do not contribute for legitimate gains
ehilit"r®10n'' ^Therefore,
or not
is to but
or success in one's efforts. Further, when
1 r we consider your ascendant, it has fallen
'"lowing manner: in 7° 27'. So, the lord of the constellation
'• The planets situated in the constel- in which the Lagna fell is Saturn and
lation of (he occupants of the the sub is Kethu. Therefore, Saturn
houses 2, S and 11. and Kethu do not contribute for the plea-
The occupants of the above three sure of becoming a father. Further, when
houses. we look to the Sth cusp, it is in Uthra-
padrapada star governed by Saturn and in
^ toe lords Plinets tn tB®houses.
constellation of the sub of Moon. In your chart,, they do
of these not favour a child.
The lords of these houses.
^ Those conjoined with or as aspec- Lagoa
ted by (he significators. Rahu Moon
- Guru

Further, at the time when the question

is answered, both the Lagna and Moon
are in Arudra star. In Tamilnad, a scholar
Vf There is no planet in the houses 2 has said that Arudra star is not beneficial
f. But Saturn is in the 11th bhava, for the birth of any child, if the significator
P nlK
^ i in the 12th sign. Saturn governs of progeny was found in Arudra in the
t® shat a Pushya, Anuradha, Uthra- natal chart. Here, for this moment on
patftrapada.r No planet is found in any 10-12-65, lord of 2 Mood is in the constel-
o' <he three stars. lation Arudra, governed by Rahu, who
2; Saturn in the 11th house is asignj- represents the matters signified by the
ficator. houses 5 and 12, as Rahu was in Taurus.
Hence, I have to mention that if you pray
BB ,Tbe lord of the 2nd house is Jupiter for Santhanagopalakrishna in future, you
Be also owns the Sth house and will be blessed with a child in the next
P ■ Sth house. His stars are Punar-. birth.
Whose fault is it? Government or your passed and the pensioner ha£ waited for 51
.action in the previous birth or your. long months in these costly days. Now,
service in this birth! he puts the question " Whose fault is it?'*.
A member puts this question within The correct answer is. his "Fate".
himself, after he has become dejected with Why? When some are receiving their
Uje slow speed of the authorities concer- pension regularly and their accounts are
nej regarding the settlement of his pen- settled around the time ofj'etirement, if
sion. His horoscope and the facts are 'as this person is put into inconvenience, what
Under: will a few philosophers and fatalists say
except to confirm that he would have been
working probably as an officer in his pre-
vious birth and he would not have paid in
. time either the salary or the pension to the
servants,, then. That is why, his delayed
action in his previous birth, has caused
this undue delay in this birth. This is the
appropriate answer in accordance with
Karma and Reincarnation Theory.
Id practical life the above is for conso-
lation. But the same can be explained by
Sun Venus the astrojqgers applying the various prin-
-15* 57' 4*55' ciples of astrology.
. Merc. Mars The appointment was made when the
8® 10' 21° 43 pensioner had' been-running Rahu Dasa,
Jupiter Bhukthi and Venus Anthra on
14-7-1927, on a Poorvashadam star day,
Lagna Eethu when Moon was transiting (though in the
Moon Neptune 12th sign) yet in the sign owned by Jupiter
and the star governed by Venus, lord of
the 10th hodse, indicating profession.
The date of retirement came in Saturn
Dasa, Mercury Bbukti, Venus Anthra,
Rahu Shookshma'. Mercury is lord of 6,
indicating service ' and is also lord of 9
(12th house to 10), i.e. retirement or
Now; when can he have his account
I Mercury Rahu Sattim JupUef settled? Saturn is lord' ofl and 2. It is
in its own constellation. It is strong and
hence it can never'deny; but, according to
its nature it must delay. Generally for
Born on 1-11-1903, entered into service - settlement of an account, one has to scruti-
on 14-7^927 and gave notice for retire- nize the houses 2 and 11. If it is pension,
ment in June 1961 and retired on as it is concerned with benefit through
19-9-1961.. Pension \s nof ■ yet settled. service the 10th house also is to be inclu-
Indeed, four years and three months have ded. The 2nd house is not occupied, but
it is owned by Saturn. Saturn governs 1 heretore, astrology - otters both peace
the three stars," Pushya, Anuradha and of mind and also a consolation for the
Uthrapathrapada. -No other planet except delay as well as the mind to live on hopes
Saturn . occupies the constellation of till 12-3-1966, when it will be sanctioned.
Saturn. So, Saturn is a very strong indi-
cator. Therefore, the astrologer can Even here Saturn will play its role.
boldly declare that whatever may be the 12tfi March happens to be a Saturday.
delay and however much 'it can throw What if? A seco.nd Saturday in the
obstacles, Saturn must give the full pen- . month of March. So, it is a holiday and
sion! before its dasa is over, as it is the hence one is to wait for "next Monday.
lord of finance and it is beneficial for Now ope may ask " Is not the lord of the
money matters. The total dasa period of star stronger than the lord of the day "?
Saturn is only 19 years and so far the If it is to be strictly followed, should P"f
pensioner has enjoyed nearly 8; years, and one find out where Moon will be _tlSh5it-
another 1 Ot hopeful years alone are left- jne on that Saturday and not .tue lord of
over. As regards the ,1 IttLixjusSr there is_ the star! ""Oh God !" sgys the astrologer,
no planet situated in the llthbhava. leaning back on'thP.fSsy chair—The star is
• But the.node Kethu is in'11th house and Anuradha. It is governed again by the de-
the stars governed by Kethu are Aswini, laying Saturn. That is why probably, our
Makam and Moolam ; Kethu alone is in anscestors have given Saturn, the last day
Moplam. Kethu is a significator. Mars of the week, to be governed by it Other-
is the lord of the llth cusp. It governs wise, in the' middle of the .week, it may
Mrigasirisha, Chitra and Dbanishta stars. throw obstacles and cause difficulties.
Of the planets and the nodes posited id cSaturn is a friend for people who are very
any group of constellations, the nodes are slow and a foe for fair deal: If this
alwaysistronger than the planets and there- paper moves slowly similar to Saturnin the
fore, Rahu in Mrigasirishanakshathra is to - Heavens,^it is only due to his Saturn Dasa
be taken. .When the horoscope is scruti- and not the Government.
nised, Venus conjoined with Mars and ✓
aspected by Saturn and also in the cons- He gathers courage and asks the astro-.,
tellation of Sun—representing the "Govern-" loger "If my pension will be settled
men!—shows that in Venus Bhukthi itself, before this official year, then, shall I get
it will besettled and sanctioned. There- the increment due to me, when I was in
fofe, Saturn Dasa Venus Bhukthi and ' service 7 The authorities regularly gave me-
Rahu Anthra commencing on 12th Decem- increment in the same scale of pay for the
ber, 1965 shows that in its period of 171 same post held by me from September,
days'it will receive the attention of the 1955 till 1960. Only the increment for
authorities ahd will be disposed. Mostly 1961 remains to-be paid ".
the date of disposal would be in Kethu.
Shookshma. So, .the pensioner gains The astrologer says within himself "I
confidence that he will have the pension pity with you. God also hears your pra-
between 10-21-66 and 18-3-66. yers. Authorities are reminded periodi-
According to transit, the so-called sade- cally. But" what , can God do anything,
sati.Xe., the evil years Saturn period of the Government when youf fate is so _
will be coming to an end and Saturn, the strong that the authorities cannot settle'
dasanatba will be in Jupiter's star and your account in these 51 months and
Kethu sub., Jupiter will be transiting in_ another couple of months to come.
.the-constellation of Mars and in the sub
of Saturn which is the lord of 2nd house.. At any rate, on the above date, Saturn
Venus, the bhukthi lord, will conjoin with will knock at your gate and say " Late is-
the.Ascendant in direct motion. due to your fate

IDear Sir, chance in lottery and /gain. If it is Moon*s
I am answering one of the questions sub, then, also ultimate success is indica-
which you hate raised in your letter. ted. If it is in Mars' sub, sure success es
promised. If the sub is ruled by Rahu,
Question : Suppose for . Gemini-born find out the position of Rahu and declare
people, Jupiter is occupying the lUh house whether one will gain or lose. Jupiter's
in-the star of Venus. What will be the sub portrays success. Saturn threatens'
result ? heavy loss, i.ej if Jupiter would have been
in between 21 degrees 53 minutes
Answer: For people born in Gemini and 24 degrees, it will be a heavy
Jupiter is lord of 7 and also lord of 10. loss. In some cases such a loss may
Therefore, normally either 'through a be incurred in a place other than his
partner, he will make money or in litiga- own native place. If Jupiter would have
tion he will gain, provided it is in its own moved further to Mercury sub, the native
star. Also, if Jupiter were in_ may purchase a property, paying.a high
the constellation of Mars which owns price, so thai the previous owner of the
the-llth and the 6th bouse or the sub of land will gain or one may spend money
Mars the pferson will make a profit for the higher* studies of children, etc.
because the opponent has to lose. Why ? If it Kethu's sub, find out whether . i
To him the 5th. house represents the Kethu is a benefic or a malefic and then
temptation .to take a risk, speculation,- judge accordingly the gain or loss < to the
etc., and the 12th house shows either native.
loss or withdrawal of money of invest-
ment. Therefore, Mars is the lord of 5 If one were to be observing and doingx
and 12 to Sagittarius,, governed by research, one can understand that the
Jupiter' and this sign indicates the result indicated by the bhava or house is
opponent Therefore, the opponent is weak, whefeas the matters signified by the
tempted, be. takes a risk and he loses, lord of the constellation is enjoyed and
thereby the Gemini-borns who will gain whether in such a matter denoted by the
with ]ittld"of effort. Similarly to Gemini- lord of the constdlatibn one can gain or
borits, Venus is lord-of 5 and also lord of lose is decided by the sub.
12. Normally, it indicates expenses under
pleasant circumstances through children, In such cases, where the planet occu-
for their education, marriage, etc. Also ■ pying a constellation is stronger than the.
investment of money io cinema, opera, lord of the Constellation & doubt may arise
etc., or spending away money for pleasur- whether the beneficial result's of the occu-
able pursuits or lose in competition, elec- pant who is stronger will be epjoyed or
tion, -litigation and betting. Hence, the malefic effect of the lord of the. cons-
Jupiter in the constellation of Venus in tellation will predominate. Suppose, one
the lltb house, in Aries shows that the is born in Gemini, Jupiter is exalted in
native "will incur expenses as explained the 2nd house. • If it were to be in the 2nd '
above or lose in the competition after house in exaltation, then it is fneapable of
spending-money-for prestige. If Jupiter producing beneficial results to the native
would;hayebeeri in Venus sub itself, the if it is in the constellation Pushya, gover-
iaboveresults will bA true. If it is in the ned by Saturn, lord of 8 and 9. That is
sub of Sun, then the .5th house indicates, why people born in Aquariushaving Venus
taking the risk, 12th house shows invest- in exaltation in the 2nd house sufferduring
m£3£t_"and Sun as lord of 3 denotes that the period of Venus as it will be found to
one; cari'make a."short journey or take a .-occupy the constellation of lord of 12r.
Saturn or lord of 8, Mercury, especially 11, then the person either gets married or
when the sub also is detrimental. meets her or enjoys re-union. But, if the
planet B were to be in the sub of lord of
Whenever results are to be read, one is 12 or the planet occupying 12th house,
to adopt the following principle:— then during the period or sub period of
1. In which Lagna the native is'born. the planet B there will be separation. It
may be due to delivery if lord of 12 also
2. Which houses are owned by each owns the houses 5 or 11. The separation
planet- may be caused because of difference of
3. What are the constellations ruled by opinion, disharmony or displeasure if the
the planet. lord of 12 also owns the 7th house. If
the 3rd house is owned by lord of 12 and
A. The matters signified by the planets in its sub a planet is situated (B) due to
who rule the constellation will be short journey one is to be separated. If
enjoyed according to the ownership 9 and 12 are owned by a planet and in its
of the planets to that Lagna born. sub the planet B is posited, the separation
comes due to the long journey, or higher
5. Whether in such matters one can studies (overseas) or stay in a place other
have success oV failure, profit or than the' permanent place of residence.
loss, pleasure or pain, re-union or Thus, one is to judge and realise that
separation is indicated by the sub.' even though a planet is in the same sign
and also in the same star the results are
Suppose there are two planets A and B diametrically opposite due to the lord of
in the constellation of lord of 7. If the the sub.
planet A is in sub of the lords of 2 and 11
or the planets occupying the houses 2 and K.S. K.
(K. V. R. Anjaneyulu, b.aO
ousness and Venus stands for pleasure and
My daughter is now studying P.U.C. recreation. Therefore,'your daughter will
I wish that she should become a Doctor. be noble, bold, firm and generous, ambi-
I want to know whether she is fit for tious and aspiring, free and courteous,,
medical education. She was born on fond of sport, pleasure and recreation,
22-3-1947 at 5-15 P.M. Lat. i6.52 N. Lag. active, intrepid and very determined.
80-53 E. You desire to know her prospects in
Your sincerely, education. In a horoscope 4tb bouse is
Y. V. B., called the bouse of education. 2nd bouse
is called the bouse of speech. - 5th bouse
Vijayawada. represents intelligence. And JOtb bouse
is for action. Tbe significator of educa-
Respected Sir, tion is Jupiter. Therefore, all these bouses
The following are the planetary are^to be thoroughly scrutinised for tbe
positions at the time of birth of your knowledge about education.
daughter:— 2nd bouse is occupied by no planet.
Tbe 2nd cusp is in quincunx aspect of
Mars, trine aspect of Venus and Herscbel.
2nd lord is Mercury. He is placed in tbe
sixth bouse identical with tbe sign. Aqua-
Saturn rius and is in tbe constellation of Satba-
8® 57'(R) bisba ruled by Rabu. He is in conjunc-
Pluto tion with Mars and is in quincunox aspect
18° ir of Pluto. Mars is yoga jcaraka for Leo-
borns. This disposition of 2nd bouse and
2nd lord bestows tbe native good speech,
excellent wit and fancy. Tbe native can
easily master anything scientific. She
will be acute, sharp and penetrating.
iNeptunc Rl 4th bouse is occupied by no planet. Tbe
16® 24'
4tb cusp is aspected by Mars, Venus,
Herscbel and Pluto. 4th lord is Mars. He
Your daughter was born on Saturday is placed in tbe 6tb bouse identical with
when the constellation Pubba (Poorvapai- the sign Aquarius and is in tbe constelia-.
guni) in the sign Leo is rising in the east. tion of Jupiter, lord of 5 and 8. He is in
Her birth star is Uttarabbadra in the sign conjunction with Mercury, lord of 2 and
Pisces. - Saturday is ruled by Saturn. The 11. Herscbel squares Mars whereas Pluto
constellation Pubba is ruled by Venus. and Nepture are in quincunx aspect
Sign Leo is ruled by Sun. Birtb star Tbe native will be turbulant and unruly;
Uttarabbadra is ruled by Saturn. The fond of controversy and determined';"
sign Pisces, where birtb star falls, is ruled malicious and daring, bitter in tempera-
by Jupiter. Therefore, the ruling planets ment, good judgment and skill at work.
of~tbe .nativity .are 1. Saturn, 2. Sun, 5th bouse is vacant. It is aspected by
3. Jupiter and 4. Venus. Venus, Herscbel and..Mars.- 5lh Jord is
'.'Saturn stands for dullness. Sun stands Jupiter. Jupiter is in sign ScorpTo the—
for royalty; Jupiter represents righte- constellation, of Anuradba ruled by
Saturn. He is ruled by Saturn, Moon 4th house ' affairs. Mars stands for
and Sun. He is in the-3rd house. The Chemists, Druggists, Surgeons and Blood.
native is fond of sport and pleasure, Venus stands for Maternity, Venereals and
merry making. She will have pleasure in delivery. Herschel stands for good judg-
short journeys; she receives help from ment, quick action and intuition.
neighbours and brothers; her mind is
honourably inclined i she will have name, Therefore, the native is fit for medical
reputation and respect; she will be pros- education. She will be an expert Surgeon
perous and will acquire money with ease and acquire good name in Maternity and
and tact; her speech is fine, impressive delivery cases.
and of prudent conduct. Whether her medical career as student
10th house is occupied by no planet. will run smoothly or not. Breaks in edu-
The cusp is trained by its own lord Venus, cation are indicated by placement of Moon
squared by Mars and is in conjunction in 2nd house Mercury in the 6th and 9th
with Hersche], Lord of 10th is Venus who houses, Venus in 10th house, Saturn in 2,
is placed in 6th house, identical with sign 4 and 11th houses and Mars in 2nd house.
Capricorn and in the constellation The effect is certain if these are ill-placed
Dhanishta whose lord is Mars, yoga by lordship, situation and aspect. In the
karaka. She is trained by Herschel. This present horoscope Mercury is placed in
disposition confers on the native dignity,, the 6th house. Saturn is placed in the 11th
prosperity and respect. house. Mercury is afflicted by Nepture
and Pluto.
Vidya karaka Jupiter is influenced by
Mars, Saturn, Moon, Kethu and Sun. Where is bhava adhipati from bhava
The 4th cusp falls in the constellation concerned ? How is he placed, and aspec-
Jyeshta in the sign Scorpio in the sub of ted from the bhava? Lord of the 4th is
Rahu. 10th cusp falls in the sign Taurus placed in the 3rd house from 4th bhava.
in the constellation Mars in the sub of He is afflicted by Herschel, Neptune and
Rahu. Pluto. Therefore, the native will not have
smooth running of medical education.
Thus, it is observed Mars. Venus and She will face hardships. She will take long
Herschel are strongly influenced by the time to take medical degree.

(FOUNDED: 1.4-1963)
(Astbohoky Made "Easy)
Phooe: 42449

Jyothisha Marthand
13. Brahmin Street. Saidapet

.4 MARCH 1966 No. 3

'sboamurti Padhdbati 3

t each constellation signifies to

^ch Rasi Born 10
fmini's Gnana Pradeepika 13
rofession 16
bploy ment—When ? 19
[terview When Beneficial ? 20
pe of Marriage? 22
lild Birth—When? 2S
ai Accident—No Injury 31
'odd Prominency—^ When ? 36
Neptune is another giant planet. It is an extreme in love affairs, secret attach-
far far away in the space. It is beyond ments with strange characters. It is
Uranus and therefore one cannot see it difficult to understand the people who are
without the aid of powerful telescope. governed by Neptune.
On an average it is 2,793 million miles If Neptune is afflicted one will not be
from the Sun and its diameter is about steady; always fond of changes; not
27,600 miles. It weighs about 17 times reliable; confused,cynical and treacherous.
the earth. It is discovered by Mr. Galle They will think of evil alone, conspire and
and Challis. Its existence is known from try to do harm to others. They may even
1846. It revolves round the zodiac in
about 146} years. As Neptune has not commit drugs
murder by giving over-dose of
or poison or narcotics or opium.
yet made one round after fixing its posi-
tion in its orbit in 1846, the nature of Part of the body: Neptune governs the
Neptune, its influence on the animate and nervous system, retina, the optic nerves,
inanimate objects, and the modification cerebro-spinal fluid etc.
while it transits in each sign are not fixed . Diseases: Eyetrouble, derangement of
yet, on observation. But regular and brains, coma» catalapsy, trance, mental
systematic observation of the general disturbances, insanity, dropsy, norcotic
nature of Neptune has been assessed. poisoning, leprosy,. allergy, neurasthenia
Neptune is the octave of Mercury etc.
whereas Uranus is that of Venus. Uranus
acts on the love-nature whereas Neptune Profession; Astrologer, magician, one
works on the spiritual side. Mercury who has clair-audience, who can gain by
governs the people, lifts them and makes crystalgazing,philosophy, spiritual teacher,
them men; but Neptune improves the poet, musician, instrumental stringed
spirituality and makes them divine. music, drama, cinema, art, paint, druggist,
dealers in narcotics, tobacco, opium, gas
As, in the Zodiac there are only twelve plants, aviation, navigation, shipping,
houses and they had been allotted to the shipyard, fisheries, prohibition, drinks,
seven planets, prior to the discovery of liquor, service in hospitals, asylums,
Uranus and Neptune, actually there is no prisons, service in Tea Estate, petrol
separate house for Neptune but considering mines, oils ordealing in chloroform, aether,
its nature, Neptune is said to govern the artificial silk, beverages.
sign Pisces (Meena) as, Greeks consider
Neptune as the Posedian king of the sea. Places: .Neptune governs aviation,
navigation, Port Trust, Customs, Excise,
Neptune offers Psychic ability, feelings, Fisheries,
inspiration and emotion. It gives the tals, Prisons, liquor, Norcotic drugs, Hospi-
power to f oresee; it increases one's tions, Refugee Asylums, Secret organisa-
passion. One may practise and try to communism. camps, Famine centres,
have clair-audience or crystal gazing and
hypnotism, mesmerism, thought-reading Products: It also governs Tea, nuxvo-
or spiritual development, or to control mica, norcotic drugs, oils, petrol, choloro-
devils or act as a medium with the spirit. form, opium, aether, cocaine, sleeping
It gives imagination and hence it is bene- agents, rayon, art, silk, nylon, etc.
ficial to poets, musicians, artists, painters,
etc. Neptune makes one dreamy imagi- on.Lucky Number: 7, 16, 25, 34 and so
native or learn black-magic or be religious,
paradoxical, impressionable or makes one Lucky day : Monday—Thursday.
Neptune in Aries: Intensifies the nal and spiritual, remarkable success as
feelings and emotions, religious enthu- marine-engineer, clerk, nurse, mathemati.
siasms, energetic and enterprising, mystical cian, accounts and auditing, medicine,
experiences and beliefs fond of travelling public health. If afflicted, one will ima-
sympathetic and charitable benevalent gine that there is no disease left in this
disposition-intuition. If afflicted will not worlcl with which he is not suffering.
hesitate to murder the enemies of the They should not practise mediumship
society by shooting, throwing bombs, most emotional.
assassinating, etc., very bold to kidnap. Libra: Develops spiritual side, increa-
Such people will be at least 90 years old, ses the talent in music, painting, engravins
by now. Probably, Ravana might have dance, poetry. Keeps the company of
had Neptune in Aries, cejituries ago. partner and enjoys life. Fertile imagina-
Taurus: Increase in one's income, tion, charming; attracted by opposite sex.
MYtngj and business. Increases the If afflicted, never law-abiding but ever
aesthetic taste, kindly, affectionate, enjoys illegitimate relationship.
nature's beauty, fond of company, develops The partner will swindle the native,
taste in music: especially instrumental wife or husband will be unreliable-
one's. Good humour. Acquires landed
property, buildings and gains much by Scorpio: Feelings and emotions will
salt Good aspects to Neptune offers such be in the extreme. Gives energy and
beneficial results. But if afflicted, enemies, enthusiasm. Mind scientifically bent.
disappointment in married life, bubble Research in occult science. Desire to
Company, cheating and tragedy. deliver the secrets of nature. 'Luxurious
Gemini: Extraordinary intelligence, life. Given to drinks. Gains by partner-
lntuition,farsightedness,unusually shrewd. ship. Insurance, inheritance and will.
Good speaker. Convincing arguments, Practical application of occult science.
correct reasoning, logic, develops astrology, If afflicted, death by drowning, accident,
introspection, inspiration, ingenuity, fond drugs etc.
f travelling, a good mechanic or a Sagittarius: Real devotion, inspira-
mathematician. If afflicted, vacillation, tion, religious fervour. Predictive dreams,
indecisive, restless, cunning, fraud, cheat. correct visions, long travel, satisfactory
now between 53 and 60 years of age pleasure, psychical experiences. If afflicted,
» will be having Neptune in Gemini. bad dreams, dangerous visions, restless-
"Cancer: Kind, sympathetic, affectio- ness, danger during travel and failure in
nate, intuitive, helps the sufferers, develops, politics.
^pintual side. Mediumship and psychical Capricorn: Scheming brain, contemp-
faculty, benefits through mother, fond of lative mind, serious nature, good for
happy domestic environments. Changes concentration, big business, a good detec-
house very often. If afflicted entertains the tive, can solve intricate problems research
'fear of haunted house. occult and psychic lines, gains through art
and music.
Leg: Active, senses and powerful
feelings. Warm affections,likes company, Aquarius: Intuitive, perceptive, fond
loves pleasure, fond of society and the of natural scenery, hopeful disposition,
company of sportsman, magnanimous and dreamers, idealists, social success, mental
mus success in educational pursuits, development humane, sympathetic. Good
ic, painting, cinema, opera, drama, aspect promises fortune through friends
Poetry. If afflicted, disappointment in whereas bad aspect brings loss, discredit,
Joyc affairs and in the offspring, shy, disgrace, difficulty and disappointment.
m • and cowardly, fickle-minded, Pisces : Good thinker, fertile imagina-
reliable. tion, serious outlook,-inspirational faculty,
Virgo: Very intelligent, intuition and mediumistic qualities, investigating the
inspiration, prophetic tendency, devotio- occult etc. If afflicted, secret enemies.
aud, deception suffering through spirits, wasting sickness. Avoid narcotics, opium
anger of imprisonment and difficulties by etc. Exercise care in food and clothing.
drinking or over drugging. Good aspects Not favourable for poultry and animal
|shows gain by shipping etc. < breeding. Better avoid tobacco, and
First House: Mediumistic, dreams, liquor also.
trance, romance, emotion, good inspira- Seventh House: If afflicted, unreliable
tion, farsightedness, psychic powers clair- or diseased marriage partner; there may
audience, good taste in arts, gain by be fraud deception, domestic trouble,
shipping or liquids. scandal, jealousy, some confusion, two
Second House: Gain through liquids, engagements or marriages.
commodities needed by common people, Eighth House: - Gain through wife,
mystic and occult matters. Good aspects
show financial success. If affiicted, never strange psychical and dream experiences.
Danger of drowning or through poison,
do business.. It will be a bubble company. night-mares trance.
Loss through frauds and schemes. Good
aspectshowsservice in Hospitals, Asylums, Ninth House : Cultivate spiritual facul-
Sanatorium, navigation, swimming pools, ty, clair-voyance, philosophy, make long
secret societies etc. journeys, danger of litigation with the
Third House: Inspirational writing relatives of wife.
and influential correspondence, high ideals, Tenth House: Ambitious, inspirational,
difficulties with relatives, many short leadership, reputation, honour. Good in
journeys. If affiicted danger through art and science, cultivate the spiritual side.
other plots and cheating. Gains through inheritance, liquids, hospi-
Fourth House: Spiritual atmosphere in tals, secret societies, sea, and also by
domestic life, change of residence and music, fish, writing etc.
voyages. Eleventh House : Realises hopes I good
Fifth House: A good swimmer, friends. Favourable for poets, musicians,
emotional and affectionate, sensuous night-club, swimmers, sea-men, fishermen.
pleasures, gains by investing in oil, Twelfth House : Research in Science or
company shares or shipping etc. occult, deductive work, or service in big
Sixth House: Psychic faculties, latent, institutions or hospitals Asylums, Prison
danger through spirits, loss through ser- etc. If afflicted fraud, scandal, sorrows,
vants, chronic and incurable diseases, secret enemies, cheating.

K. Ganapathy
Fortuiia ^otherwise called PARS FOR- It is found that the results enjoyed by
TUNA. This is the most sensitive and the people born witbin an interval of few
fortunate point in the Zodiac. This minutes are diametrically opposite. So,
position in ^ Zodiac moves at a speed one is to try and find out which is it that
much faster than Moon. Its position is moves so fast as to form opposite aspects
calculated and arrived at to every native to cause such different effects. It is true
by adding the longitude of Moon counted that the ascendant, the meridian and
from Aries Zero, to the longitude of the Fortuna are the three which move very
Ascenda01 counted from Aries Zero, and fast and they alone can give correct clue
then from the Sun, deducting the longitude for different results within a short period
of the Sun counted from Aries Zero. It to the same person or diametrically
is equivalent to adding the thithi to the opposite results to persons born within a
lagna. One can refer to the Ephemeris short interval in the same latitude and
and obtain readily the position of all the longitude. Therefore one should not
planets including the nodes but the position omit to include Fortuna while erecting a
of fortuna *s 10 be worked out for every chart and offering the prediction.
horoscope. Its position varies every Fortuna improves the matters signified
moment and it moves about 1 degree by the house in which it is located in the
within a period of f0Ur minutes. chart. As per progression when benefics
' While calculating the position of from favourable aspects to Fortuna, one
Fortuna we the Ascendant, the Moon will be lucky to have the matters of the
and the Sun. Actually these are the three, house, occupied by Fortuna enjoyed to
moving faster than others. Therefore, the satisfaction of the native. But malefic
births within very short intervals will have planets owning bad houses forming good
the position of Fortuna in different aspects give adverse results whereas evil
longitudes. For those born around New aspects after favourable results beneficial
Moon day, fortuna is found in the planets forming evil aspects with fortuna
Ascendant ; for Sukla Thiruthiyai-born it cause undesirable effects. Similarly during
will be in111 the 2nd house; for Sukla transit also one is to predict the beneficial
Pauchami the third house and for nature or the adverse ones according to
Suklapaksha sapthami in the 4th house the aspects formed to Fortuna. Yoga-
and so on. For people born on Full adhipathis transiting the position of
Moon day Fortuna will be in the 7th Fortuna bring unexpected advantages.
house. For all people born during Sukla* Fortuna represents worldly success.
paksha Fortuna will be found in the First House : Fortuna has nothing to
houses 1 to 7 whereas for all people born do with longevity. Why ? Because for twins
in Krishna Paksha Fortuna will be found born in the same sign as Lagna on a New
in between the 7th and 12th houses. Moon Day or for people born on New
In our persona] experience, Fortuna Moon day Fortuna will be in the Lagna.
deserves serious attention as it indicates It is not uncommon that some of them are
certain results which are not so clearly shdrt lived. There are instances where
shown by the aspects formed by the children born on the new moon day die in
transiting planets to those in the natal their infancy and at all ages. Hence, even
. chart. though Fortuna is considered to be the
beneficial points and Lagna contributes for Seventh House: Gains through partners.
long life yet it has nothing to do with Wealth through the partner or other sex.
longevity. Si milarly the characteristic of One may gain through contracts, litiga-
a person is not influenced by Fortuna tion, election, competition and victory
even though the first house is considered over enemies when it receives good
for characteristics. But fortuna in the aspects but if it is afflicted the results
lagna promises that the person will be will be adverse. There may be gains
fortunate, will gain in his enterprises, lead through associations and clubs.
a happy life, come up by his own efforts
and industry. He will work with confi- Eighth House: Some old relative may
dence and have a brilliant and successful bequeath a substantial amount by a will
career. or one may receive money through partner
or one may have a career woman as his
Second House: Label him as a lucky wife or through insurance business, or
man. One may gain through property, inheritance.
make profits by business, lead a happy Ninth House: Ambition for higher
domestic life, enjoy satisfactory bank studies, aspiration for higher status, goes
position. Whenever there are good aspects on long journey or makes money as
there will be increase in income and travelling agents or gains through the
improvement in status. dealing with foreigners, publication or
Third House: One can gain through through discoveries or service in educa-
brothers, make profitable short journeys, tional, legal, religious or international
be an adviser or a secretary and gain; or trade, export and import.
take up agencies which will bring money Tenth House: Brings name, fame,
to him without exertion and enjoy the reputation; in profession, promotion in
good relationship with the neighbours. selection grade overlooking seniors; will
Fourth House: One can come by a reach the highest rung of his ladder. If
decent partimony, save much in his life afflicted, sudden fall. Becomes a master
time, invest on landed property, may find due to good aspect and a beggar due to
some hidden treasure or becomes sudden bad aspects. Both extremes.
research with mine produce* or earth or Eleventh House: Beneficial friends,
minerals or metals. A wealthy person. helpful brother, profitable business,
Fifth House: Investments, speculation realisation of hopes* fulfilment of desires,
and children contribute for sudden gains, pleasure profit and permanent tie of friend-
ambassadors and young people will add ship with powerful people.
to the fortune; he may have lucky
children. The gain through cinema, opera Twelfth House: Lucky in purchases
drama, music will be substantial. But if and sales i fortunate in investments and
fortuna is afflicted, one will have much even secret inimical activities will ulti-
loss, deception and waste money in pleasur- mately do good to the native; gains from
able pursuits. ' unknown sources; Increases the wealth.
If afflicted loss in various ways; 12th
Sixth House : Uncle and aunts will be house is for Sukha-Sayana-Pleasant
lucky and they will be helpful to the bedding and rest. A watchman in the
native. One will gain through servants, T.B. on the bank of a river, near damsite,
small animals and doing banking most of the days may sleep on the soft
business. One can enjoy the full assis- foam quilt spread on a spring cot That
tance of the bankers to have overdraft much comfort alone Fortuna in 12 can
facilities whenever needed. do to that watchman.

Kethu owns the Asvathi, Makam, Arudhra, Swathi, Sathayam: Rahu,'the
Moolam, but it has, oot been allotted any
Ascending Node owns these three stars.
sign. Find out tl e^ d bouse where So, find but where Rahu was at birth, i.e.,
Kethu was at birth? ^ 1 planets conjoined the sign and constellation it occupied-
with jt or the plane * saspecting it. If a Offer the results of the lordship of the sign
planet occupies tbejj®. ^ars at birth or and constellation where Rahu was if you
transit offer the pif^tions signified by find any planet is in these stars at birth or
the lordship of thewass'^11 and the constella- during transit and provided the node is
tion where Kethu " not conjoined with or aspected by any
Barani* Pooram, P®oradam are ruled by planet.
Venus, who is lord ofcCu5 and 12 to Gemini- Punarpushyam, Visakarn, Poorattathi:
boms. If a planet o Pies these stars at The benevolent Jupiter who is the lord
birth or in transit, t"® results of the 5th of these 3 stars, also owns the 7th
and 12th houses are be offered. Even and 10th houses to Gemini-borns. If
though, Barani is in Hth sign which is a planet occupies any of these stars at
to give pleasure, profit and only desirable, birth and passes these stars in transit, it
beneficial results, yet the matters of 5 and offers the results signified by the 7th and <
12 houses are exptf*'10®^ Most of the 10th house results. It will prove to be ia
Gemini borns go overseas and enjoy life strong maraka. To Gemini-borns, Jupiter
even during the peri01'* of evil planets, if is the Bhadhakasthana adhipathi. If
they are in any of tfc® 3 stars. there is no planet in Sagittarius, at the
Krithigai, UthraH1' Uthradam; Sun, time of birth, then Rahu in the constella-
lord of 3 owns th63® three stars. If a tion of Jupiter is the strongest evil to
planet is in any of these three stars at affect one's longevity though it is very
birth or during its transit, the results of beneficial for marriage and business.
the 3rd house are offered to Gemini- Pushyam, Anusham,Uthrattathi: Saturn,
borns. the slow-moving planet owns these stars
Rohini, Hastham, Sravanam : Moon a and also the 8th and 9th houses to Gemini-
weak luminary, ov^8 the 2nd house and borns. If a planet occupies any of these
also these three stars* Even though Rohini stars at birth or transits these stars the
is in the 12th sign, Sr^anam in ^e 8th results of the 8th and 9th houses are to be
sign to Gemini, yet the results signified by presaged.
the 2nd house are e*P^r3enced if a planet
is in these stars at birth or when it transits Aslesha, Jyeshta, Revathi: Mercury,
in any of them. lord of 1 and 4 rules over these three stars.
The native will enjoy the results signified
Mrigaserisa, Cljitra'' Avittam: These by these houses if a- planet occupies or
stars are ruled by Ma^5' awho owns the 6th transits these stars.
and llth houses. atW lr planet were to
occupy these stars P ^h or passes in CANCER
these stars, the results6 indicated by these,
houses 6 and 11 a* offered to Gemini- Kethu or Dragon's Tail governs the
borns. stars Asvathi, Makam, Moolam. Ascer-
tain which sign and constellation Kethu Punarpushyam, Visakam, Poorattathi;
occupies or transits in the horoscope. The are governed by the benevolent planet
results will be indicated by the lordship of Jupiter who also owns the houses 6 and 9
the constellations and sign. These will be If a planet occupies any of these three
experienced by Cancer-borns if a planet stars at birth or transit in any of these,
occupies or transits these stars. Venus the results signified by the 6th and 9th
owns the stars Barani, Pooram, Pooradam houses are offered to the native.
and also the houses 4 and 11 to Cancer*
borns. If a planet occupies any of these Pushyam, Anuradha, Uthrattathi:
stars at birth or in transit, the results Saturn the delaying planet owns the bouses
signified by the lordship of 4th and llth 7th and Sth and also these three stars.
house is to be predicted. If a person, Even though these stars are in the houses
having Moon on Pooradam, born in Can* 1, 5, 9 which are said to be Kona houses
cer Lagna, acquires land in Moon dasa. which will indicate only good results, yet
Neither as lord of 1 or as the planet in 6, the persons born in Cancer will have the
it has anything to do with property. But, results signified by the 7th and Sth houses
if one studies the lord of the constellation, alone, during the periods and sub periods
he gets the scientific explanation. Of planets in these constellations, even
though they may own good houses. A
Krithigai, Uthram, Uthradam are allot- person having Venus in Pushya, had un-
ted to Sun. Sun also owns the 2nd house. told miseries and worries during Venus
Any planet in these stars at birth or while sub period. His son also was missing for
in transit, the native will enjoy the results some days in Venus sub period.
of the 2nd house.
Rohini, Hastham, Sravanam: Lord of AsUsha, Jyeshta, Revathi: Mercury is
lagna governs these three stars. When a the ruler of these stars. It also owns the
planet was in any of these three stars, 3rd and 12th houses to Cancer-borns. If
at birth or while in transit, offer the a planet passes in these stars, the results
results signified by the first house to the indicated by the bouses 3 and 12 will be
native. enjoyed. For instance, Revathi is in the
9th sign. But if a planet occupies this star
Mrigaseerisha, Chitrai, Avittam; Ruled at birth or transits the native will enjoy
by Mars, lord of 5 add 10, to Cancer- the results of the 3rd and 12th houses and
borns. The astrologer has to predict the not the results indicated by the 9th house.
results signified by the Sth and 10th houses (That is why peoole born in Karkata
to the native if he finds any planet in lagn& do not enjoy favourable results
these stars in the horoscope or when it during the period of the planets in 5 or 9
transits, in any of these three stars. Mer- as the lord of the constellation in these
cury, lord of 3 and 12, was in Mrigasira signs are ruled by either by lord of 6 or 8
in Gemini. The native has gained money or 12, but they are fortunate during the
during Mercury sub period in speculation. period of the planets in the constellation
of Mars even though the houses may be 3
Anidhra, Swat hi, Sathabisha: Rahu, the or 8 or 12).
node, has been allotted these three stars.
Find out with which planets it was con- LEO (SIMHA RASE)
joined or aspected by and the sign and
constellation in which it was posited at Asvathi,' Makam, Moolam stars are
birth. The results indicated by the cons- ruled by Kethu the Moon's node. As it
tellations and sign where Rahu was, will does not own any sign note down the
operate when a planet is in any of these planet which are conjoined with it or
stars. Suppose, Rahu is in the lOth aspect it and also the sign and constella-
house,. A planet in the 12th house in tion in which it is. The results signified
Arudnra gives increase in income during by the planet with which it is conjoined or
this planet's sub period, instead of loss by which it is aspected or lordship of the
indicated by 12th house. star and sign will be experienced by the
native if a planet transits through these Arudhra, Swathi, Sathabisha: Our
stars. sages mentioned that Rahu is the owner of
Barani, Poo ram. Pooradam are governed these stars which has not been given any
by Venus which owns the 3rd and loth sign. Find out in which rasi and cons-
houses to Leo-horns. If a planet occupies tellation Rahu was at birth or in transit.
any of these stars at birth or transit The results signified by Rahu will be
through these, the results signified by the enjoyed or experienced by the native.
houses 3 and 10 will be enjoyed- Punarpushyam, Visakam, Poorattathi •
Krithigai, Uthram, Uthradam: The lord Even though the beneficial planet Guru is
of lagna Sun is the ruler of these three the ruler of these stars, yet the native
stars. So, when a planet is noticed in any cannot enjoy any other result when a
of these stars, you can offer the results of planet passes on in these three stars except
the 1st house and not the results in which the results indicated by the 5th and 8th
sign it transits. It promises success an(] houses as Guru is the lord of the 5th and
speedy recovery from disease- 8th to Leo-borns.
Robini, Hastfaam, Sravananl: The iumi- Pushyam, Anuradha, Uthrattathi:
nary Moon owns these three stars who Saturn, lord of 6 and 7 is the owner of
also owns the 12th sign to Leo-borns. g0j these three stars. Tf you note any planet
the results indicated by the 12th house in these stars, the results indicated by
alone will be enjoyed by the native if a these houses 6 and 7 will be experienced
planet occupies these stars. For instance, by the native.
Hastham is in the second sign to Leo'
Instead of enjoying the results indicated Aslesha, Jyeshta, Revathi: Mercury,
by the second house (i.e., increase in jn_ lord of 2 and 11, owns these three cons-
come and improvement in status) ^ tellations. So, the results signified by
querist will experience only the result 0f the houses 2 and 11 will be enjoyed by the
the 12th house (i.e., loss money and native when a planet transits in any of
position). these stars. For instance, Revathi is in
the Sth sign. Normally, planet in the 8th
Mrigaseerisha, Chitrai, Avittam are sign will not produce desirable results to
allotted to Mars who owns the 4th and qji, the native. Vet, as Revathi is ruled by
houses to Simha lagna-borns The astro- Mercury, the native receives even the bad
loger has to offer the matters signified by debts, become popular in his society and
the houses 9 and 4 to the native when he realises his ambitions during the sub
notices any planet in any of these stars period of the planet in Revathi star, as
at birth or while in transit. Budhaowns the houses 2 and 11.

(On Qualities of Planets and Signs)
Planetary friendship Nutpa's is Kumbha; and Venus's is
1-3. The Sun's friend is Jupiter; the Meena.
Moon's friends are Mercury and Jupiter; Planets' Extreme Exaltation Points
Mar's friends are Mercury and Venus ;
Mercury's friends are all excepting the lOrlO). For the Sun, Mesha 10; for
Sun; Jupiter's friends are all excepting the Moon, Vrishaba 3 ; for Mars, Makara
Mars; Venus's friends are all save the 28; for Mercury, Kanni 15 ; for Jupiter,
Lights; and Saturn's friends are Mercury, Kataka 5 ; for Venus Meena 27; and for
Jupiter and Venus. Saturn, Thula 20; are the degrees of
extreme exaltation.
Signs friendship
4-6$. The Sun's friendly signs are Enmity of Planets and Signs
Dhanus and Meena ; the Moon's friendly 11-13. The Sun's enemies are all but
signs are Mitbuna, Kanni, Dhanus and Jupiter ; the Moon's enemies are all but
Meena ; Mars friendly signs are Vrishaba, Mercury and Jupiter ; Mar's enemies are
Mithuna, Kanni and Thula; Mercury's all but Mercury and VenusMercury's
friendly signs are Mesha, Vrishaba, enemy is the Sun; Jupiter's enemy is
Kataka," Thula, Vhshchika, Dhanus, Mars ; Venu's enemies are the Lights; and
Makara and Kumba; Jupiter's friendly Saturn's enemie^ are the Lights and Mars.
signs are Vrishaba, Mithuna, Simha, A sign is inimical to a planet if its lord is
Kanni, Thula and Kumba ; Venus friendly so.
signs are Mesha, Mithuna, Vriscbika, Depression signs of Planets
Dhanus, Makara and Kumba ; and Saturns
friendly signs are Mithuna, Kanni, Meena (Neecha stbanas)
and Dhanus. 14-144. The Sun's depression sign is
Thula; the Moon's is Vrischika; Mar's is
Own Houses of Planets (Swakshetras) Kataka; Mercury's is Meena; Jupiter's is
7-8?. The Sun owns Simha ; the Moon Makara ."Venus's is Kanni; and Saturn's
owns Kataka; Mars owns Mesha and is Mesha. In these signs, the extreme
Vrischika; Mercury owns Mithuna and depression degrees are like those mentioned
Kanni; Jupiter owns Dhanus and Meena; for Extreme Exaltation.
Venus owns Vrishaba and Thula; and 15rl6i. For Rahu the depression sign
Saturn owns Makara and Kumba. is Vrishaba; for Inradhanus, Mithuna;
for Nutpa, Simha; for Pariveda, Dhanus
Exaltation Houses of Planets and for Dhuma, Kumba. Kumba is own
(Uccha sthanas) sign of Rahu Thula, Makara, Kanni,
Dhanus, Mithuna and Meena are friendly
9-9^. The Siin's exaltation House is signs and Simha, Kataka and Mesha are
Mesha; the Moon's is Vrishaba; Parive- inimical signs of Rahu.
sha's is Mithuna; Jupiter's is Kataka;
Dhuma's is Simha ; Mercury's is Kanni; Notes
Saturn is Thula; Rabu's is Vrischika; In the foregoing paragraphs the relation-
Indra Dhanus's is Dhanus; Mars is Makara; ship of planets and signs have been stated
and it can be easily seen that there is a lot Rahu, one has to take the same sig
* of difference if the statements made in the occupied by Kethu as friendly or inimical
other texts dealing with Horoscopy. The as stated for Rahu for such a position.
ideas given here are exclusive to the Sub-planets: In Gnana Pradeepika
Horary astrology mentioned in this text. * references are often made to the sub-
It is however left to the discretion of an planets also but no mention has been made
astrologer to use the general principles to work out their position which is
also suitably if circumstances warrant. explained now. The easy method of
Rahu & Eethu : In assigning exaltation finding their positions is to add the
and depression signs to the Dragons following to the longitude of the Sun at
opinions differ a lot. So far as Horary the time in question and the resulting
Astrology is concerned this author's view longitudes will be their position.
has to be followed throughout. In expe- Dhuma ... Add 133 to Suns longitude.
rience however it is found that Mithuna is Utpada or
the exaltation sign of Rahu so far as his Vyatipada
1 positive qualities, viz., scientific pursuits, or Nutpa 227
researches, etc. are concerned as he is a
Gnana Karaka. Vrischika is also an Pariveda or
exaltation sign of Rahu as this author Paridi 47
opines but this will be so far his negative Jndra Dhanus
qualities like rudeness, eccentricity etc. or Cbapa 313
Regarding the opposite houses to those Upa Kethu ,, 330
mentioned they will be the exaltation signs
of (Cethu. Similarly these signs will be In addition to the information furnished
the depression signs of Rahu. The author in this book regarding the exaltation and
has not mentioned anything about the depression signs of the sub-planets the
friendly or inimical houses of Kethu information furnished below and gathered
though be has mentioned for Rahu. As from an unpublished manuscript
Kethu is always in the opposite sign of " Upendra Cbakra " may be utilised :
Sub>planets Exaltation Depression Own
Rahu Mithuna Dhanus Kanni
Kethu Simha Kumbha Vrischika
Pariveda Mithuna Dhanus Kanni
Dhuma Simha Kumbha Vrischika
Indradhanus Dhanus Mithuna Meena
Utpada Kumbha Simba
Kendras and Trikouas Ruling signs for Investigation
17-18. The first, fourth, seventh and 20. One has to find out the thoughts
tenth houses which are generally called from the 10th House ; the results of dreams
Kendras (quadrants) are termed also from 4th House; articles hidden in the
respectively as Udaya Kendra (Rising palm from Chattira Rasi; and lost articles
quadrant), Jala Kendra (Watery quadrant), from the 7th house and Aruda Rasi.
Asthamaya Kendra (Setting quadrant) and
Akasa Kendra (Sky-quadrant). Sirshodaya etc. Rasis and Planets
19. The signs next to the four kendras 21. Mesha, Vrishaba, Kataka, Dhanus
are called Panaparas (Succeedents) and and Makara will rise with legs foremost
those next to Panaparas are called Apokli- (Prishtodaya); Mithuna, Simba, Kanni,
mas (Cadents). The 1st, .5th and 9th Thula, Vrischika and Kumbha will rise
houses are called Trikonas (Trines). with head in front (Sirshodaya); and
Meena will rise with the body foremost Thula and Meena it is called Vrishaba
keeping legs and head behind (Sitoprish- veedhi; and during the months of Vris-
todaya or Ubayodaya). chika, Dhanus, Makara and Kumba, it is
22-22£. The Sun, Mars and Saturn are called Mithuna Veedhi.
Prishtodaya planets; Rahu, Jupiter and (The above three passages are called
Venus are Sirsbodaya planets ; and the respectively Uttarayana, Purvayana and
Moon and Kethu are Ubayodaya planets. Dakshinayana. These Veedhis (passages)
are useful in finding out the Chattira Rasi
Planetary strength in Eendras explained in the 36th sloka)-
23-24^. Mercury and Jupiter are strong Rasi Chart
in Lagna Kendra and if this happens to be 31-33. Draw a Rasi Diagram keeping
a Human Rasi they will be extra strong; East as the direction of Vrishaba and if
Venus and the Moon are strong in the 4th counted in a clockwise manner, Vrischika
Kendra and if it is a watery sign they will will be its opposite, Dhanus will be the
be extra strong; Saturn and Rahu are opposite of Mithuna, Makara will be the
strong in the 7th house and if it is a opposite of Kataka, Kumbha will be the
reptile sign they will have extra strength ; opposite of Simha and Meena will be
and the Sun and Mars are strong in the opposite of Kanni.
10th and if it is a quadruped sign they will
be very strong. This Author advocates the rasi diagram
that is in vogue in South India. It is
Appearances of Signs drawn as follows:
25-26. Mitiiuna, Kanni, Thula and
Kumbha are human signs; Dbanus is Meena Mesha v
g^grfa Mithuna
half human upto hip and a horse in the
hind portion; Makara has a deer's face
with the body of a crocodile; Meena is
like two fishes facing each other's tail; Kumbha Kataka
and the rest of the signs are as the names
indicate, viz., Mesha is like ram ; Vrishaba
like a cow; Kataka like a crabi Simha
like a lion and Vrischika like a scorpion. Makara Simha
Chathashpadadi rasis
27-27i. Mesha, Vrishaba, Simha and Dhanus Vrischika Thula Kanni
Dhanus are quadrupeds; Kataka and
Vrischika are many legged; Makara and
Meena are birds; and Mithuna, Kanni, 34-35. The Sun governs the sky, male
Thula and Kumbha are human rasis. and soul, while the Moon governs the
Earth, female and body.
Cbathushpadadi planets
28-28$, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus Aruda and Chattira Rasis
have two legs; the Sun, Mars and Saturn 35$-36. Find the Dik (direction) from
have four legs; and the Moon and Rahu which Querist puts the question first and
' have many legs. that Dik's appropriate sign is the Aruda
Lagna. Count the number of signs from
Surya Veedhis (Sun's passage) Aruda Lagna to Surya Veedhi and count
29-30. During the solar months of the same number from the Rising Lagna
Vrishaba, Mithuna, Kataka and Simha, of the query time. The resultant rasi is
the Sun's transit is called Mesha Veedhi; called Chattira Rasi or 'Kavippu'inTamil.
'during the months of Mesha, Kanni, (7b be continued)
(R. K. Chakravarthi)
The learned editor, in his issue of this The natives of Libra are described by
magazine for January 1966, has discussed Mihiracharya as
two questions put to him by an earnest ( qra )
correspondent. The two questions were—•
to which profession am I suited and 'when those who will have a special knack for
will I take it up? bargaining in business deals.
The Editor has discussed the subject There are four planets in Cancer and
from the Nirayana chart. I may be its lord is exactly on the X cusp. Cancer
permitted to discuss the same from a is one of the signs indicating business as
Sayana Chart. a profession. Moon indicated business
people, dealing in public commodities.
The birth time, I take it, .has almost Rahu in X, according to L. George,
been correctly recorded and the same has, " achieves honour, credit and high position
therefore, been rectified by applying the by merit of industry and ability.**
rules of the Lunar Epoch. The rectified To succeed in business, a good Sun,
birth time comes to 3? 46' 34", giving an for personality, power and leadership, a
excusable difference of 0° 1' 34". The strong Moon, for shrewdness and canni-
following is the Sayana Chart for the neness, and association with the public,
time:— an active Mercury, for maintaining correct
accounts, a strong Venus, for steady
IVyapara Uranus finance, a favourable Mars for push, a
L-4 Il-IO good Jupiter, for fortune and prosperity,
are necessary. The area between 12° 16° in
Pluto 9-24
1ms Cancer gives commercial ability. We have
Moon 1644 in the chart a very strong Moon, in Cancer
RahuM-23 in the 16th degree along with the X, a
good—Sun and Mars, both in a fiery sign,
20-23 an active Mercury in the Vargothamamsa
Venus 20-8 of Capricorn, a strong Venus and a good
Mercury Jupiter the former aspected by the latter
1-24 and in the Navamsa of Cancer, and the
Sue Neptune latter in a mutable sign.
10-35-38 6-1 Jupiter
Mars 5-11 Lagna 25-2 The opposition between Venus and
1-15-46 Moon may be pointed out. Moon in a
Since the question relates to profession, male chart represents the wife and his
we have to study the X and its lord and opposition to Venus may indicate >( incons-
aspects to the two. tant with family relatives and especially
in conjugal life. Money will be lavishly
In this chart the strongest planet is the spent on women." This view is further
Moon, both zodiacally and mundanely. supported by the affliction between Mars
He is sitting on the X cusp itself. She is and Venus, lords VII and I, by an exact
aspected by J.upiter and Venus. "The semi-square. The opposition between Sun
sextile or trine aspect of the Moon to Sun and Mars is further evidence of the above
or the aspect of one of these two to liability. Planets usually take the line of
Jupiter or Saturn, indicates immense and least resistance. On the question of
continuous gains through business The profession, the strength of Moon over-
Moon is in conjunction with Rahu, also comes all hindrances and the opposition
in X. of Venus takes a different course. Jupiter
in good relation with Moon and Venus X and the Moon are in a degree showing
may indicate reconciliation between the "honesty." "Sympathy and service" is
two by a third party. Be that as it may. the special meaning for the degree occu-
So far as profession is concerned, Venus pied by Jupiter. The degree occupied by
is favourable. the Sun stands for " strength, upright and
Lords II and XI, finance and business fearless". These special degree values
income, are in III, an Upachayana sthana require no comment.
indicating steady progress. The next point to be considered is the
Let us examine some sensitive points nature of the business. Cancer indicates
called "Sahamas". Fortuna is in VIII a business in which liquids play a promi-
(others money) in the Amsa of Cancer nent part. Moon indicates dealing with
It is well aspected by Venus, lord 1 and the genera] public and public commodities.
lupiter, the greater benefic. It is in the Venus represents cloth and luxurious
house of Venus and in the amsa of Cancer articles. As Vypara and Fortuna are in
lords 1 and Xrespectively. VidyaSahama, the house of Venus business in high priced
which indicates the aptitude of the native, cloth or luxurious articles or things con-
is in the sign of sympathetic Meena and nected with artists, musicians and per-
the amsa of the planet of trade, Mercury. fumers etc., may be taken up. To be on
But in these days education received has the safe side business in high priced silk
no relation with one's aptitude. It will fabrics may be taken up.
usually be for entry into Government Jupiter in XII is not a contra indication
service. Educational institutions provide for business or business profits. He is
no opportunity for students to take to well aspected. He may show expenditure
business, after their education. I do not on charities or religious ceremonies.
think that a native who has Sun opposition Mercury, sitting between lords of 11 and 1,
Uranus between Fire and Air, will be well is a strong indication for good business
advised to enter into service. The highly 'profits.
independent and eccentric Uranus cannot
adjust himself to work under restrictions. Moon in X is an indication for his
There may be rub between the native and anxiety to enter into some profession early,
his officers, " The native being highly probably before he has completed his
impulsive and uncontrollable may break education. We do not know what his
the bonds" Mars joins with the Sun to circumstances are. But whatever it is, the
oppose Uranus under Mars—Uranus current directions are not favourable for
affliction one becomes uncontrollable and, any profession and for 2 years to come
" those in the official line become hard also.
task masters to their subordinates".
Conversely a subordinate cannot submit In 1969-70, the progressed X will be in
himself easily and may rebel to the orders sextile aspect with progressed Uranus and
of the master. Under these circumstances trine with radical Sun. The progressed I
it is very dangerous to suggest Govern- will be trine to radical Saturn, who is the
ment or any service to the native. yogakaraka for a libra ascendant. If be-
Let us see if the degree in which points fore that period the native has entered
and the planets are posited throw any into service, he may expect sbme promo-
■ further light on the subject. tion which his qualifications deserve. If
he is in business there will be advancement
The degree in which Vyapara Sahama of business. August September 1969 is the
is posited shows "a pleasing personality best month for him.
above petty thingsThis is a best
qualification for a business man. Uranus But progressed Mercury will be square
sitting in IX is on a degree which reads to Jupiter. The native would make a
"anxious to please and be pleased" careful study of any document before
Saturn in Cancer 10 shows "a good attesting it. The affiiction which is one
manager and a good money maker." The year old will pass away soon.
Incidentally, I may be permitted to say [Editor's note :■—I have to differ from
that the year is good for the marriage also Mr. Chakravarthi in his statement that our
if he is not already married. ancients honoured Sayana System. He
Let me assure the learned Editor that will be correct if he considers the whole
this is not a criticism of his well supported world as one unit as Westerners followed
discussion of the subject. 1 have neither Sayana System. But Hindu-astrologer^
the ability nor the inclination to do so. out and out, advocated Nirayana System
As 1 am a student of the Sayana System, which is evident from the division of the
which is most honoured by our ancients, Fixed Zodiac into 27 from the lunar
lam putting the Sayana reading of the mansions—stars—and the various dasa
question before the native and the public system to predict events in one's life.]
for what it is worth. Namasthc.
[K. V. R. Awaheyulu, B.A.j M.R.S. (CLP)]
(4) Lords of 2, 6 and 10.
I have no horoscope. My parents were (5) Planets in conjunction with or
uneducated and unaware of my birth parti- aspected by the above significa-
culars. Will' you kindly tell me, Sir, tors.
when will I get into service? Your lagna is Sagittarius.
The above question was put to me by a
person who is struggling hard with vain 2nd house is posited by Moon. The
attempts for over a year. Suddenly I constellations ruled by Moon are Rohini,
looked at ray watch. It was 8-09 A.M- Hasta and Sravana. Rabu is posited in
The date is 28-11-65. Rohini. So, Rahu is significator.
Dear Sir, 6th house is occupied by Jupiter. The
Don't worry for not having particulars constellations ruled by Jupiter are Punar-
to cast your horoscope. Our ancient planet vasu, Visakba and Poorvabhadra. No
scholars expected such contingencies. is in these constellations.
Therefore, they have propounded a method lOtb house is vacant.
called Horary Astrology for the benefit of
humanity. Rahu is posited in Taurus in the con-
The following are the planetary posi- stellation Rohini ruled by Moon. Sun
tions at the time of your query: — aspects Rahu powerfully. Therefore, Sun,
Rabu, Venus and Moon are significators'.
You are now running the major period
of Sun and the sub period of Venus. Sun
and Venus are considered to be the signifi-
cators for employment as discussed above.
You are, therefore, in an auspicious period
to get employment.
The node is stronger than the planet.
The node Rahu is one of the significators
to give you job. His sub period begins from
23-12-65 and will end on 17-2-66. This is
Ii Venoa 2S*5o|
MaTs 17-8 Mercwy Ncpturc
| os.aail-U 25
<£ the period you will be getting employ-
Lasaa 8-37 jKethi ment.
■ What date ?
Balance of the Sun Dasa: 0 year 8
months 15 days. Look at the transit of Sun. Sun is the
For employment consider houses 2, 6 exciting planet. He transits die constella-
and 10. tion of the Dasanathi from 10-1-66 to
23-1-66. Moon gives the date. She is the
The significators are— fructifying planet. She is to give the
(1) The planets in the constellations fruit. She is; transiting Uttarashada on
of the occupants of houses 2, 6 21-1-66.
and 10. Therefore, you will be employed on
(2) Planetsin the houses 2, 6 and 10. Friday, Uttarashada constellation* i.e., on
(3) Planets in the constellations of 21-1-66.
the lords of 2, 6 and 10. I wish you good luck.
logy well. Let us examine how he has
I went to Collector's Office on 24-12-65 fixed up the Muhurtha.
and sought an interview with the Collector. You have sought the interview with the
1 have sent my interview card at 11-10 Collector on Friday. The ruling constella-
A.M. as fixed by my Purohit as it is said tion is Poorvashada which is your Kshema
to be auspicious. But, the Collector Tara and hence good. The hora belongs
refused to give the interview. Conse- to Jupiter who is natural benefic and there-
quently 1 returned home with a heavy fore, the hora is good. The rising sign at
heart and with frustration. Will you the time of seeking the interview is
kindly tell me, Sir, why 1 failed to get the Aquarius. Aquarius sign is posited by its
interview even, though the moment is quite own lord. Jupiter aspects the sign. The
auspicious. Will you kindly tell me. Sir, planet Sun is placed in the 11 th house.
when 1 should seek interview for beneficial The great Parasara says thus:
results? My horoscope is as under:—
Ekadasa Sthane Ravihi
Koti Dosha Varjayeth
When Sun is posited in the Uth house,
one crore evils is the hofoscope will
disappear. Therefore, the time is auspi-
Why then it failed?
The reason is as follows:
Hershel Kethu
nersnei K-etau l
> Jupiter, You are born in Meena Lagna. You
Sun sought the interview in Aquarius lagna.
Aquarius is 12th sign from your birth sign,
Respected Sir, Pisces. 12th house is called house of loss.
The following are the planetary posi- When you sent your interview card, 25®
tions when you have sent your interview Aquarius is rising in the east. This degree
card to the Collector seeking an interview is opposed by Hershel and Pluto Lord
for his favour:— of lagna is placed in the 12th house
causing Daridra Yoga. The ascendant
will not receive the aspect of Jupiter as
| Rohu Jup. Jupiter is in 2° Mithuna. The ruling cons-
! 11-7 2-8 tellation is Poorvashada ruled by Venus.
Lagna Venus is lord of 3rd and 8th in your
25-17 horoscope and hence bad for you. There-
Saturn fore, you failed to get the interview.
Venus Hershel The time may be propitious. But it will
17.42 26-15
Mars Pluto not suit all. The astrologer must take
7-25 25.5 into consideration the lagna of the native
Moon Merc. and his birth star before fixing up
17-6 Neptune
24-1-43 Kethu Muhurtha. Otherwise failure, frustration
Sun 27-*9
8-35-37 11-7 and disbelief will be the result.
Your Purohit is a scholar who has Now you desire to know when it will be
mastered the principles of electional astro- beneficial for you to seek an interview.
Lagna represents the native. The person Seek interview when your ascendant rises
with whom the native comes in contract in the east or your 10th house. They
will be donated by the 7th house. When are Pisces and Sagittarius. These signs
you want to gain something from the are favourable.
person with whom you contact the ascen- The constellations of Mars and Jupiter
dant sign at the time of contact must be are favourable to you. Why? Mars is
favourable to you and unfavourable to lord of 2 and 9. 2nd bouse is called the
him. Then only, he will favour you even house of wealth and acquisition. 9th
at his own cost. You are bom in Pisces house is called the house of luck and
sign. The sign of the ascendant of the bhagya. Jupiter is lord of lagna and 10th
person with whom you come in contact is house. Lagna represents personality and
therefore Virgo. What is his house of prestige while IQtb house speaks of honour
loss? It is the sign Leo. So, you must and authority. What are the constella-
seek the interview when Leo is ascending tions? Mars rules Mrigasira, Chitra and
in the east. His astama sign which de- Dhanista. Jupiter rules Punarvasu, Visaka
notes miseries and difficulties to him is and Poorvabhadra. These are favourable
second sign from your lagna which is the to you.
house of wealth .and self-acquisition to
you. Whatisthatsign? ItisAries. So, What is stated above in our experience
seek the interview when Aries rises in the and observation, gained through the able
east. You will get the beneficial results. guidance of Shri K. S- Krishna Murti, the
What is yourlabbasthana [House of gain)? esteemed editor of this world famous
It represents the sign Capricorn. There- Magazine, whom we look at for inspira-
fore, you seek the interview in Capricorn. tion, intuition and confidence.
You will surely gain. Never approach May God bless Shri K. S. Krishna
any person for a favour when the rising Murti.
sign covers your Vyaya Sthana (House of
loss) and Astama Sthana (8tb house). OM TAT SAT
(K. V. R. Anjaneyulu, b.aO
By marriage it is meant that one more 1. Second house is occupied by Sun and •
member is added to the family which is Saturn. The constellations ruled by Sun
indicated by the second house. This are Krithika, Uttara and Uttarashada.
addition is on an agreement which is Mars is in the constellation Uttara. Moon
denoted by the seventh house and such an and Jupiter are also posited in the same
additional member brings permanent tie of constellation. Sun is placed in the cons-
friendship for pleasure and progeny, shown tellation Uttarashada. Therefore, the
by the eleventh house. significators are Mars, Moon, Jupiter and
Therefore, consider houses 2, 7 and 11 Sun.
for knowing when marriage takes place. The constellations ruled by Saturn are
The significators are— Pushyam, Anurada and Uttarabhadra. No
(1) the planets in the constellations of planet is placed in these constellations.
the occupants of houses 2, 7 and 11; 7th house is vacant
(2) the occupants of houses 2, 7 and 11th house is also vacant
n; (2) The planets posited in 2nd house,
(3) the planets in the constellations of are Sun and Saturn. These planets are,.
the lord of houses 2, 7 and 11: therefore, significators.
(4) the lord of 2, 7 and 11; and (3) The lord of 2 is Saturn. Pushyam,
(5) the planets in conjunction with or Anuradha and Uttarashada are the
aspected by the significators. constellations ruled by Mercury. No
Horoscope No. 1: planet is placed in these constellations.
A female was born on 17-1-1933 at Lord of 7 is Mercury. Aslesha, Jyeshta
4-30 A.M. Lat. 16° 52' N Lag. 80° 52' E. and Revathi are ruled by Mercury. No
She was married on 9-6-54. The following planet is found to be in these constella-
is her horoscope : tions-
Lord of 11 is Venus. Bharani, Pubba
and Poorvashada are ruled by Venus.
Kethu is in the constellation of Pubba.
Mercury is in the constellation of Poorva-
Therefore, Mercury is significator.
(4) Lord of 2, 7 and U are Saturn,
Mercury and Venus. Therefore, Saturn,
Mercury and Venus are significators.
iKctlm 17-361 (5) Planets in conjunction with or
Mars 27-13 aspected by significators are also consi-
dered tc be the significators.
When we have got significators from
Mercury rule 1, we need not consult the rule 2.
19-47 Jup.R0-.13- When we have got nosignificator from rule
- Venus 10-16 MOOn 4-17; No. 1, then only we should consult the
Lagna 3-18
rule No. 2. When we got no significators
from rule No. 1 and 2; then consult the rule and establishes the truth of Astrology.
No. 3. And lastly consult rule No. 4, Indeed he is for truth and truth alone !
Rule No. 5 applies to rules 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Horoscope No. 2 :
As per rule No. 1, we found that the A male was born on 4-1-1938 at 11-23
significators are Mars, Moon, Jupiter and A.M. Lat. 17° T N. Log. 82° 19 E. He
Sun. Now we have to see the planets in was married on 6-6-1963 at 2-41 A.M.
conjunction with or aspected by these His horoscope is as under :—
significators- Mars is in conjunction with
Kethu. So, Kethu is significator. Mars
aspects Rahu and Mercury. So, Rahu and
Mercury are also significators. Moon is
in conjunction with Jupiter ; she aspects
Sun, Saturn and Venus. So, these planets
also become significators. Jupiter and Sun
have the same aspects and will give the
same significators already mentioned.
Therefore, finally we arrive at Mars,
Moon, Jupiter, Sun, Venus, Saturn,
Mercury, Rahu and Kethu as significators.
All the planets have become significators
and as such we have to observe which • SunZOMS'l
planets are strong enough to give the Venus I
native matrimonial bliss and happiness. 13®29'
Mercufy I
9° 14'
The nodes are stronger than the planets.
' There are two nodes and[ which node is 1. Houses 2, 7 and H are also
stronger? Rahu is placed in the constel- vacant.
lation Sathabisha, his own constellation.
Kethu is placed in Pubba ruled by Venus. 2. Lord of 2 is Venus whose con-
Therefore, Rahu is stronger than Kethu. stellations are Bbarani, Pubba and Poor-
Among the other planets which is strong ? vashada. Sun and Venus are posited in
Venus is the only planet more powerfully the constellation, Poorvashada. So, Sun
placed by situation, aspect and disposition and Venus are significators.
than other planets. Hence, it will enact
its influence as minor lord to fructify the 7th lord is Jupiter whose constellations
event. The native was married during the are Punarvasu, Visakha and Poorva-
major period of Rahu, in the sub period bhadra. No planet is posited in these
of Rahu and in the sub period of Venus on constellations.
9-6-54 Wednesday when Moon is transiting
the constellation Uttara and Sun is in the 11th lord is Moon whose constellations
constellation Mrigasira. are Rohini, Hasta and Sravana. Kethu is
in Rohini and Jupiter is in Sravana. So,
Why the native was married on Wednes- Kethu and Jupiter are significators.
day, in Uttaraphulguni constellation and
when Sun is transiting the constellation Sun and Venus are in conjunction with
Mrigasira will be discussed at future Mercury. Sun, Venus and Jupiter aspect
occasions when I take up the verification Saturn powerfully.
of the Krishnamurthi Padhdhati minutely.
Suffice is to say now, the native will be Therefore, the significators are Sun,
married during the conjoined periods of Venus, Kethu, Jupiter, Mercury and
the significators as discovered by Shri Saturn. Jupiter is placed in the constella-
K. S. Krishnamurthi, the esteemed editor tion of Moon, lord of llth and is strongly
of this magazine. Hisdiscoyery is original placed by disposition, situation and aspect.
Next in strength is Mercury. Son, Venus Horoscope No. 4:
and Kethu are weak. The native was A male was born on 31-10-1939 at 2-14
married on 6-6-1963, Wednesday, Anu- ' P.M. Lat. 16° 52' N. Log. 80° 63' E.
radha constellation when Sun is in R-ohini
in the major period of Jupiter, sub period He was married on 2-8-65 at 4-09 A.M.
of Jupiter and sub sub period of Saturn. Lat. 17° T N ; Log. 83° 18' E. His horos-
cope is as under:—
Horoscope No. 3:
A female was born on 19-7-1947 at 0-27 Saturn R
A.M. Log. 82° 19' a Lat. IT T N. Jupiter R 4a V
6* 58' Kelhu
She was married on 6-6-1963 at 2-41 5° 44'
A.M. Her horoscope is as under :—
Rahu Venus I
7*42' 20*0' I
Mars Mercury I Lagna
19° 36' 25° 40' 1 25° 24'
24° 40'
A SunZl*4r
" Venus
21' 17'

(1) 2nd house is occupied by Jupiter

who rules the constellations, Punarvasu,
Visakha and Poorvabhadra. Venus is
posited in Visakha. So, Venus is a sigmfi-
(1) Second house is unoccupied. 7tb
house is posited by Rabu who rules the 7th bouse is vacant.
constellations, Arudra, Swati and Satha-
bisba. Venus is placed in Arudra. Hence, llth bouse is vacant.
Venus is signincator- llth house is Venus aspects Mars powerfully. Rahu
vacant. Venus is in conjunction with is placed in sign Libra ruled by Venus, the
Mercury. She aspects Mars, Moon and significator. Therefore, Venus, Mars and
Jupiter. Rahu is placed in Taurus. Kethu Rabu are real significators. The node is
is in Scorpic. So, the significators are always stronger than the planets. Next in
Venus, Mars, Mercury, Moon, Jupiter,
Rahu and Kethu. The nodes are stronger strength is Macs who is enabled and is
than the planets. Kethu is placed in his posited in his own constellation. Next in
own. sub in the constellation Anuradha strength is Venus.
identical with Ist house. Next in strength \
is Moon who is placed in her own sign, The native was married in the major
in the constellation of Mercury identical period of Rabu, in the sub period of Mars
with 10th house. Next in strength is Mars and in the sub sub period of Venus on
who is posited in Rohini. 2-8-65 Sunday, Hasta constellation when
Sun is in Pushyam.
The native Was married on 6-6-63
during the period of Kelhu, in the sub Horoscope No. 3:
period of Moon and in the sub sub period
of Mais on Wednesday in Anuradha con- A female was born on 23-2-1939 at
stellation when Sun is transiting Rohini. 9-05 P.M. Lat. 16° 62' N. Log. 80° 53' E.
She was married on 2S-?-60 Thursday He was married on 9-6-54.
Uttaraphulguni star, when Sun is transit-
ing Pushyam. Her horoscope is as His horoscope is as under:
Moon Rabu
6-46 Mercury
20-25 Jupiter
29° 16' Kelhu Mars Moon Sun
Saturn j 19° 3' 23-25 I 22-48 10-7
22° 22'

Mars ; Rabu Lagna Saturn

16-7 (R)
22° I f 19° 3' 25° 5'
2nd bouse is not occupied by any
(1) 2nd house is occupied by Mars. planet.
No p!anet is in the constellation of Mars. 7th house is not occupied by Mars and
7th house is posited by Moon and Rabu. ?Jupiter is in Arudhra, ruled by
Kethu. No planet is placed in these Rahu. & Sun is in Arudhra ruled by Rabu.
planets' constellations. Kethu is posited in Swati ruled by Rahu.
No planet is posited in the constellation
11th house is vacant. ruled by Mars.
(2) 2nd house is occupied by Mars* So, the significators are Jupiter, Sun and
7th house is occupied by Moon and (Cethu. Kethu. Jupiter is aspecting Rahu. Sun is
Therefore, Mars, Moon and Kethu are in conjunction with Moon- Therefore,
significators for marriage. the real significators are Jupiter, Sun,
Kethu, Rahu and Moon.
Mars aspects Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury
and Sun. Therefore, the significators are Rahu is posited in Aries ruled by Mars.
Mars, Moon, Kethu, Venus, Saturn, Mer- Mars is in his own house. Therefore,
cury and Jupiter. Of all t^ese significa- Rahu is strongest among the significators.
tors, Venus is strongest. Next in strength Next in strength is Moon who is exalted
is Saturn. Next in strength is Mercury. and is placed in her own constellation.
Next in strength is Kethu who is placed in
The native was married in the major the constellation of Rahu in the sub of
period of Venus, in the Sub period of Rahu. The other planets Jupiter, and Sun
Saturn and in the sub sub period of. Mer- are weak to express the result of marriage
cury, on 28-7-60 Thursday, in Uttara- in their periods as they are afflicted.
phalguni star when Sun is posited in
Pushyam. The native was married during the major
period of Rahu, in the sub period of Moon
Horoscope No. 6: and in the sub sub period of Kethu on
9-6-54 Wednesday, when Moon is in
A male was born on 25-6-1930 at 0.4E Uttarapbalguni constellation and Sun is in
P.M. Lat. 16° 52' N. Log. 80° 53' E. Bharani constellation.
Horoscope No. 7: own sign and hence has attained Sthana
A male was born on 10-9-1938 at 5 P.M. Bala.
Lat. 16° 32' N; Long. 80° 32' E. The native was married during the major
period of Mercury, in the sub period of
Saturn (R) Mercury and in the sub sub period of
23-39 Venus on 28-7-60. Thursday when Moon
Moon is transiting Uttaraphalguni when Sun is
in Pushyam.
Horoscope No. 8:
MarS 8-41 A female was born on 16-7-1936, at
Mercury 10-37 A.M. Lat. 17° T N. Log. 82° 19' E.
7-21 She was married on 9-6-54, Her horos-
Sun 24-3 cope is as under:—
i ^ r tMoon 6-55
v .i... Mars
2D 3 ,
19 9 Mercury
2h(l house is posited by Saturn. No
Slanet is placed in the constellation ruled Saturn CR)
y Saturn.
7th house is occupied by MercuryJ Mars
and Sun. Saturn is in the constellation of
Mercury and Jupiter is in the constellation
of Mars. Kethu is in the constellation of
Sun. So, the significators are Saturn, Rahu 19-9
Jupiter and Kethu. Jupiter (R)
11th bouse is vacant
Jupiter aspects Mercury, Mars and (1) 2nd house is vacant.
Venus powerfully. Therefore, the real 7th house is vacant.
significators are Saturn, Jupiter, Kethu,
Mercury, Mars and Venus. 11th house is vacaot.
The nodes are stronger than the planets. (2) As there are no planets in houses,
When nodes become sipnificatnrs the 2, 7 and 11, Ibis rule does not apply.
planets posited in the constellations of
and in the sub of the nodes are strong (3) Lord of 2 is Venus. No planet is
enough to give the effects of the nodes. posited in the constellation ruled by
Venus is posited in the constellation, Venus.
Swati ruled by Rahu in the sub of Jupiter. Lord of 7 is Jupiter. Mars, Mercury,
Sun and Saturn are posited in the constella-
Mercury is posited in the constellation, tion ruled by Jupiter.
Magba ruled by Kethu and is placed in the
sub of Rahu. Mars is placed in the con- Lord of II is Moon. No planet is
stellation Magba, ruled by Kethu and is posited in the constellation ruied by
placed in the sub of Jupiter. Therefore, Moon.
Mercury is stronger than Venus and Mars.
In between Mars and Venus, Venus is • Therefore, Mars, Mercury, Sun and
stronger than Mars as she is placed in her Saturn are the significators for marriage.
Rahu is posited in Scorpio ruled by Mars tion of Jupiter, in the sub of Sun who are
who is one of the.significators. The node significators. Hence, Saturn is strong
Rahu is stronger' than the planet. So, enough to give marriage.
Rahu dasa must give marriage. Next in
strength is Sun who has attained Vargot- The native was married on 9-6-54.
tama position and is placed in the con- Wednesday in Uttaraphalguni constella-
stellation Punarvasu ruled by Jupiter, lord tion when Sun is transiting Bharani. ■
of 7 and is placed in the sub of Moon, The above material throws lighten the
lord of 11 th house. So, Sun sub period is correctness of the method as discovered by
strong enough to give marriage. Next in Shri K. S. Krishnamurthi, the esteemed
strength is Saturn who is in his own sign, editor of this Magazine.
Aquarius and is also in Moolatrikona, a
strong position for Saturn.. He is in I wish him good luck and long life.
retrograde motion and as such has attained
Chesta Bala. He is placed in the constella- OM TAT SAT.
The horoscope is as under: (b) if there is no planet, find out the
occupant itself and consider him
as a strong significator,
(c) then one is to take the planet
in the constellation in the lord of
these signs,
(d) lords of these signs, and
(e) the planets which influence these
houses, the planets which are
conjoined with the significators
and the planets which are aspec-
ted by the significators.
Mars. Mercury Lagna was in 2 deg. and the second
Sun (Re) cusp was in 27° 34' Mitbun (Gemini).
The lad cusp extends upto 25° 34' Cancer.
Jupiter was in 29° 12' Cancer. Therefore,
J| Merely
Kctbu ]I Jupiter goes to the third house. It can
Vem|s give the results or matters signified by the
third house. Further, it was retrograde.
So, Jupiter cannot contribute. There is'
no planet in the 5th and Utb bouses.
So, we have to take only the lords of these
houses and the planets occupying their
constellations. Moon is lord of 2 and
Rohini, Hastham and Sravanam are the
stars governed by Moon. Venus alone is
in Sravanam star. Therefore, Venus is a
strong significator.
Lord of 5 is also Venus and its stars are
Bharani, Poorvapalguoi and Pooxvashada.
Sun and Mars axe in Poorvasbada and no
Years have passed after the marriage. planet is in Bharani or in Poorvapatguni.
No doubt, happy harmonious and pleasant Lord of-11 is Mars and its .stars are
life is being led by us. Yet, we have to Mrigasira, Chitra and Dhanishta. No
say that we are not favoured with a child. planet is in any of these three stars.
We would like to know whether we will Therefore, the chief significators are Moont
haveany child at all and if so, the time Venus, Mars and Sun..
when we can expect the first. It is our finding that if a native puts
C. B.W. any single query, then the ruling planets
Madras. at that moment clearly indicate the period
when his query will materialise. This is
Houses 2, 5 and 11 are to be judged. to more a confirmation of the results that is
. Therefore, find out— be read out from horoscope and gives
the confidence of the astrologer to boldly
(a) whether there is any occupant declare when his desires will be fulfilled.
in these three houses 2, S and U. To-day, 4th January, 1966 you have put the
If so, find out the planet in the question. It is a Tuesday ruled by Mars
constellation of the occupant of the Nakshathra is Rohini which is gover-
ned by Moon and the sign in which
Moon was transitiDg is Taurus—Risbaba, the Itth house. There is no evil planet in
the lord of which is Venus. Therefore, the ascendant. Therefore, Lagna is very
Moon, Venus and Mars are the three strong.
significators indicating when you can have For the birth of children one is to judge
a child birth. So, find out the periods the houses 2, 5 and 11. 2Dd house indi-
(permutation and combination) of these cates increase in the members of the family
three planets, and also note down accor- by marriage, birth of children or even
ding to progression and transit when these adoption. 5th house indicates the off-
dates agree with their indications. When spring due to the pleasure and the 11th
all these three agree one is to declare that house is the 5th to the 7th and it is also one
you will have the child birth then. There- which will have therefiux action of the 5tb
fore, I have to predict that you will have house. Therefore, these three houses are
a child born when you run Moon Dasa, generally judged for the birth of children.
Venus Bhukthii Venus Anthra and Mars
Shookshma and hence it will be after 26th Jupiter, Guru, is the chief governor for
April, 1967. This sub period runs for six children.
days. According to Krishnamurtbi Padh- Whenever the strength of a house is to
dhati, I find that at the time when Sun be judged the following method is to be
transits in Mars sign, Venus star and Moon universally applied:—
sub, i.e., around 29th of April 1967, (a) The planets situated in the cons-
you will have a child. This date agrees tellation of the occupants of
with the beneficial transiting results then. these 3 houses will be the
Dear Sirj strongest significators.
I am submitting herewith my and my (b) If there is no such planet, then
wife's horoscopes. I request you to kindly the occupant of the house will
examine them and predict whether 1 have offer these results.
got any long-living child at all. I had one
son born on l-6'63 which passed away on (c) If there is no occupant, then the
6-7-63. planets situated in the constella-
tion of the lords of these houses,
F rt a
° ^ Jupiter ^-32 and also
Ur.14.3 ■ (d) the lords of these houses or a.
(e) planets conjoined with the
ficators or
(f) planets being aspected tame
Mr. Seeiharamac significators.
II—8-1928 Sun. 3-23 In your chart, there is no planet in th?
2nd house. Mars and Rahu are in the 5th
1 Venus house. Mars rules the stars Mrigascera,
19-22 Chitrai and Dhanishta. No planet is
Sat. 19-4$ I | found in any of the three stars.
Kethu 14,59
Rahu governs the three stars Arudhra.
Swathi and Sathabisha. Moon alone is
Yours sincerely, posited in the star Swathi. Therefore
Mnon a significator. Saturn and Kethi
K.. K. S. are found in the 11th house. Saturn is th
Rabu Dasa Balance 6 years 9 months lord of the three starsPushyam, Anuradh
8 days. and Uthrattathi. Kethu alone is i
Anuradha and there is no other planet 1
Dear Seetharaman, the other stars. Aswini, Makam ac
You are born in Makara Lagna and the Moolam are ruled by Kethu. Sun ar
lord of the sign alone aspects the lagna from Mfrmry are found in Makam. Therefo
Moon, Saturn, Kethu, Rahu, Sevvai are can offer the birth of a child will be only
very strong signific^tors'. Sun and Mercury Rabu. Why? Moon was inRahu's cons-
are weak in sifinifying this matter as they tellation and Rahu was in Moon's constel-
own the houses 6 and S and occupy the lation. They are in shookshmaparivar-
house 8 conjoined -with the deceptive thana yoga. They will give siratlar results
Neptune. in their period. It is proper to expect a
If one is to ascertain whether Saturn ' child birth during Saturn Dasa, Rabu
and Kethu in 11 opposed by Sevvai and Bbukthi, Moon Antbra, in the end of July
Rabu will be beneficial atalltohim. Itis and beginning of August 1967, when Sun
advisable to find the ruling planet of the will be transiting in Pushyam star ruled by
wife* because the same houses 2 and 11 Saturn in Moon's sign and in the sub of
happen to be common both to indicate Rabu. As Venus sub sub period does not
wife and also the child. Saturn rules the follow in Rabu Bbukthi and the next one
2nd house, occupies Hth. Mars rules the is ruled by Jupiter which is aspected by
11th house and aspects the lltb. Therefore, Moon, you will have a son born without
let us see the birth chart of your wife. any danger for life. Later, Mercury Dasa
follows. It is in the constellation of Kethu
Moog and it has got beneficial effect, though
SaLB 3-53 weak. Again during Mercury Dasa* Kethu
£■58 Ura Kethu
15-10 Bbukthi, you will have another issue in
19-24 September, 1973. I expect these two long-
living children to you.
According to your wife's horoscope, in
IMis. Seetharaiaan the year 1967 she will be running Mooti
20—10—1937 Dasa, Rahu Bbukthi, at a time when you
run Rahu Bbukthi Moon Antbra. Later?
in September, 1973, she is running Moon
Dasa, Ketbu Bbukthi. Rabu and Kethu
are considered to be evil, generally. But
Sun. 3*35 Ven.
Merc-7-S3 in her horoscope, Kethu becomes a benefic
as it'is in the constellation of lord of 7
27-24 occupying the sign ruled by Rajayoga
—*thu Dasa Balance 2 years 4 months athipathi. So also Rahu in the constel-
day. lation of Saturn will ' do good to her
otferingtne matters of the houses 2 and 11.
is born in Makara lagna governed Lord of lagna is also lord of 2. That is
^turn in Mesha Rasi ruled by Mars why, she married one, born in Rahu star/
and in Aswini Nalcshathra governed by Therefore, Rahu and Kethu will give her
Jjjtethu. The day of birth was Wednesday. children. If Saturn would not have been
Therefore, the significators in your chart retrograde at her birth time, the first child
have not failed to rule jointly the moment born during SaturnBbukthi for her, would
of the birth of your wire. When this fact have lived long. But, Saturn as a retro-
is correct, then birth of children is to be grade planet can tempt, delay and dis-
scrutinised, talcing Saturn, Ketbu, Mars, appoint. So, the first issue was short-lived.
Rahu and Moon. Regarding the second issue, take the 7th
Actually, when you were running Saturn house in her horoscope. It is ruled by
Dasa* Moon Bbukthi, Kethu Antbra, you Moon and she is entering into Moon Dasa
had the first son born. But during the after February 1966. In its period, Rahu
sub sub period of Venus, who is lord of 5, and Kethu in their sub periods will give
occupying the 8th house, proved to be a birth to children and these dates agree with
maraka to the child and worry to you as that of yours. So, you can be sure of
well as depression due to the demise of the having two long-living children on the two
child born after a lapse of nearly 12 years dates indicated by the planets in your and
after marriage. The next planet which your wife's horoscopes.
Astrology is the subjective lamp of a ruling dasa. When an individual is rut
living being to illuminate bis objective ning the major dasa of Venus in the sut
path. Man grows into a seer only through period of Sun, in the inter-period of Mai
the solar ray. The path of this ray has and in the Sookshma period of Jupitei
taught astrology to mankind from times then all these planets Venus, Sun, Mar
immemorial. and. Jupiter must rule the time of the event
Astrology is a science while studying. This is our finding. It is true in 100^
It is an art while applying. cases. Errors in prediction can be mini
mised to a great extent, if one verifies thk
At birth each being is stamped, as it rule and rectify the time of birth.
were, with the Kaleidoscopic planetary The great Kaiidasa has declared in
configuration then in the sky at the FIRST "Uttarakalamrita, cast the horoscope at the
INHALATION, planetary impulses time of query and predict the events as if
travel across the etheric ocean and surge the horoscope case is birth chart. What
into every atom of the body. The child is meant by that ? It means that the ruling
then starts upon a cycle of its own. The periods at the time of query will be the
initial stellar configuration received at the same as shown by the horoscope and
time of birth remains'undisturbed in its therefore, prediction based that question
entity and the tendencies marked at that time will reveal what is ahead of the
time will be precipitated into events by native. This is true in all cases without
the progressive motives of planets during exception. The ruling planets are: 1. The
the pilgrimage of life. lord of the week day. 2. Lord of the
The first inhalation of the child is gene- constellation occupied by Moon at query.
rally accompanied by first cry. If the 3. Lord of the Rasi occupied by Moon.
time of birth is not recorded at the time 4. Lord oflagna. 5. Lord of the con-
of first cry but is recorded approximately stellation which is rising in the east.
either at the time of Sirshoyada or Bhoo- These five are the ruling planets. The
patana needs correction. There are various periods of these planets will be the same
methods of rectification of time of. birth. as shown by the horoscope.
No two methods as enunciated by the A relative of mine programmed to visit
ancient scholars of Astrology will tally my house on 24-10-65, Sunday at about
and therefore gives confusion. If so, which
is the correct method? 4 P.M. The ruling constellation on that
day is Cbitra upto 6-06 P.M. at 4 P.M.
All our sages have agreed that every 6° Pisces rises in the east. What are the
event is revealed in the horoscope. You ruling planets?
may follow any method but it should
ultimately reveal the event. Suppose you (1) The day is Sunday ruled by Sun.
follow Vimshottari dasa system, the same (2) The Moon is in constdiation Chitra
system should reveal the events in life in ruled by Mars.
all cases at all occasions. Your knowledge (3) The Moon is in Libra ntlad by
must be comprehensive and complete or Venus.
else you may err or overlook the event.
(4) The rising sign at the time of pro-
r The ruling planets at the time of event grammed visit is Pisces ruled by
ill always bold lordship in the dasa Jupiter.
'stem. Suppose, an event has taken place
i a particular day and at the particular (5) The constellation rises in Uttara-
ne, the ruling planets will reveal the bbadra ruled by Saturn.
Therefore, the ruling planets are Sun, ruling periods are exactly the same of that
Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. of the native who is my revered relative*
I know his horoscope. Before his arri- He is running the Major period of Moon,
val I went through his horoscope as be Bhukthi of Jupiter, Anthra of Rahu (who
will ask me something abouthis immediate represents Venus) and Sookshma of Sun,
future. I found that be is running the thus exactly tallied with the prevailing
major dasa of Moon, Bhukthi of Jupiter, planets.
Anthra of Rahu and Sookshma of Sun. The ruling planets at the time of Question
Therefore, the ruling planets, when he will represent the ruling planetary periods
should meet me for astrological consulta- of the native. Events in life take place
tion, should be Moon, Jupiter, Rahu and only during the conjoined periods of
Sun. But the ruling planets on the day planets. TTre ruling planets at the time of
and time when he programmed to meet event will represent the ruling planetary
me, are Sun, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and periods of the native.
Saturn. As Rahu occupies Taurus and is He was born on 21*1-1925 at 9-53 P.M.
placed in the constellation of Rohini ruled Lat. I6'N 52. Log. StyE 53. His horos-
by Moon, Rahu represents Venus and cope is as under:
Moon. Hence, it is found that Mars and
Saturn are not in'the picture.
As he is my close relative and as he
fixed the appointment by another relative
of mine and therefore, I was waiting for
him in the house. But, alas! be did not
come nor did be send any word for further
meeting. My wife was a bit disappointed
as she has prepared somethiog for him.
The next day, that is, on 25*10-63 at
about 6 P.M., he came to my house when
I was absent. The ruling planets at this Venus
times are: T,.iS"™.n Moon
2 5 Saturn Lama
(1) The day is Monday ruled by Moon. M?,c"r?
14-45 | '-' | ^
(2) The constellation is Visakha ruled Balance of Mercury Dasa at Birth: 3
by Jupiter. years 6 months 2 days.
(3) Moon is in Libra ruled by Venus. The peculiarity of the horoscope is that
(4} Lagna is Aries ruled by Mars. the native, whenever meets with an acci-
(5) The rising constellation is Bharani dent, will escape from it 'miraculously.
ruled by Venus. He met with an accident on 8-2-52 and
another on 16-2-52. But, he was unhurt
Therefore, the ruling planets are Moon, and safe. On 8-2-52 he was driving a
Jupiter, Venus and Mars. Chevorelot new car. The owner of the
Again it is found that Mars has no Car was also by his side. Suddenly- the
place which warrants our meeting as he is Car dashed against a pakniyah tree. He
definitely coming for astrological consulta- was struck against with a hard hit to the
tion only. The planet Mars is responsible wheel, when his pant and shirt were
for my abstention in the house when he clouded with blood. There was no exter-
arrived. nal injury at all. But blood came out
from bis nose. The owner of the car who
On that- day, I arrived my house at 7 was by bis side was struck against the
P.M.' The ruling planets are Moon, Venus front glass when blood came out from bis
forehead where the skin was scrapped.
The influence of Mars has gone. And, the The time Of the accident was about 1 P.M.
How be escaped the accident? Why the Therefore, the significators are Rahi
owner of the car was hurt? What is Moon, Mars, Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter an
astrology to say about this incident ? Venus.
Again on 16-2-52 at about 2P.M., when Mars is placed in the constellation o
the native was driving bis friend's car, the Mercury who is the lord of Lagna. He i.
front tyre suddenly burst and the entire not the lord of either 4, 6 or 12. There
vehicle was taken aside where there was a fore, Mars cannot cause the native an;
ditch. There was no injury at all to the accident-
native. He was unhurt and safe. Why ? Mercury, is lord of Lagna and as such
The destiny of man lies in the stars- he cannot cause accidents.
Planets, who move tlirough the stars, is Moon is in the constellation of lord of
the language to speak of his destiny- If lagna. Rahu is also placed in the constel-
one masters this language of the stars, one lation of lord of lagna. Therefore, Moon
can know his destiny, Astrology is the only and Rahu cannot cause accidents.
science to reveal the language of planets
and decipher the destinies ofmankind. Planets in the constellations of lord of
lagna will not harm the native. This is
Let us study this language. our observation and experience.
In a horoscope 4th house shows the Leaving aside the planets in the constel-
accidents from the carriages. 6th house lations of lord of lagna, namely Rahu,
and 8th house represent wounds and Moon and Mars and lord of lagna, Mer-
injuries. I2th house speaks of unexpected cury, we are left behind Venus, Saturn and
happenings. Mars and Saturn are the kara- Jupiter as significators to cause accidents.
kas (significator) of accidents. Therefore, Venus rules Friday, Saturn rules Saturday
consider houses 4, 6 and 12 for accidents. and Jupiter rules Thursday. Therefore, the
The significators are:— native will be involved in accidents only
on Friday or Thursday or Saturday.
(1) Planets in the sub or in the con- Look at the significators and their
stellation of the occupants of malefic aspects to other planets. Saturn
houses 4, 6. 8 and 12. aspects Sun adversely. So, Sun isalso to
(2) Planets in houses 4, 6, 8 and 12 be included in the significators who cause
(31 Planets in the constellations of accidents. He has also become Lord of
the lords of 4, 6, 8 and 12. 12th house and hence strongly indicates
(4) Lords of 4, 6, 8 and 12. accidents which are unexpected things.
(5) Planets in conjunction with or During the conjoined periods of the
aspected by the above signifi- significators, the native undoubtedly meets
cators. accidents. On 8-2-52, he was running the
major period of Venus, sub period of
In the present horoscope, Saturn, anthra (inter-period) of Sun and
(1) 4th house is occupied by Mercury, Sookshma (subtle period) of Jupiter.^ And
Jupiter and Venus. Rahu is in the constel- on 16-2-52, he was running the major
lation of Mercury in the sub of Venus. period of Venus, sub period of Saturn,
Moon is in the constellation of Mercury in anthra of Sun and sookshma of Saturn.
the sub of Jupiter. Mars is in the constel- Significant to note is that the week day on
lation of Mercury in the sub of Jupiter. 8-2-52 is Friday and the week day on
Saturn in the constellation of Jupiter and 16-2-52 is Saturday.
is also in the sub of Jupiter. Mercury is The significators who inflict accidents on
in the constellation of Venus in the sub of the native are Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and
Venus. Jupiter is in the constellation of Sun. What are theirconstellations? When
Venus in the sub of Venus. Venus is in the they rise in the east and the native will
constellation of her own and in the sub of meet with the accidents. Venus rules Libra
Sun. and Taurus. Taurus is having the constel-
lation Krithika ruled by Sun who is also " no-wounds." Who is the lord of 6th
the lord of 12th house. Libra is covering house ? He is Saturn. Who is the lord of
the constellation Visakha ruled by Jupiter, 5th house? He is also Saturn. Therefore,
the significator lo cause accidents. Jupiter it is observed that a planet who is capable
rules signs Sagittarius and Pisces and is of giving wounds also becomes strong,
covering the constellations of Venus, Sun enough to avert wounds. Whether Saturn
and Saturn, namely Poorvashada, Uttara- is weak or strong ? A weak planet will
shada and Uttarabhdra. The sign Capri- always afflict the native w;hile the strong,
corn is having the constellation Uttara- planet will always benefit the native. Our
shada ruled by Sun. The sign Leo which is significator Saturn is exalted in Libra. He
ruled by Sun is having the constellation is also in the constellation of benefic,
Pubba. Therefore, the ascendant at the Jupiter who is strongly placed in his own
time of accident must be Taurus-Krithika, sign, Sagittarius. Therefore, Saturn who is
Leo-Pubba Libra-Visakha, Sagittarius- the sub-lord will have to offer good results
Poorvashada and Uttarashada, Capricorn- and therefore, did not inflict the native
Uttarasbada and Pisces-XJttarabhadra. with wounds as he is controlling the period
The native cannot and shall not meet when the accident took place. The other
accidents at other times. The above acci- lords also are capable of giving no wounds
dents took place in Taurus lagna, when to the native.
Krithika is on the eastern horizon. Thanks
to the divinity of the science, how actually Why the owner of the car was hurt?
the accident took place! WHY his car was damaged ? The follow-
The following are. the planetary posi- ing is the astrological explanation.
tions on 8-2-52 when the native met with
the accident:—: Friends are denoted by the llth house.
Which is llth house? It falls in sign
Cancer. So, Cancer is the house of your
friend. It is chara sign. The native is
Lagna | Moon running the major period of Venus. Venus
is lord of 4th house which is bad for the
friend. Venus is also lord of llth house-
which is ** badhakasthana " to the friend.
Therefore, the major lord is bad for the
friend. What about the other lords? Sub-
lord Saturn rules 7th house and 8th house
and iS'placed in the 4th house from the
llth house which represents the friend.
Therefore, Saturn is bad. Sun, the anthra
lord rules the second house and is placed
Mars I Saturn in the 7th house. 2nd house and 7th,
house are called marakasthanas. There-
fore, Sun is bad. Sookshma lord, Jupiter
is ruling the 6th and 9th houses. 6th house
Why the native did not receive the speaks of wounds. Therefore, the native's
wounds at all ? Why he escaped from the friend received wounds.
Why his friend's car was damaged?
Wounds are represented by the 6th 4th house represents vehicles. What is that
house. 12th house to any house is a nega- house to the friend. It is Libra. Libra is
tion of that house. When 6th house ruled by Venus. Venus is placed in the
speaks of wounds, 5th house, which is 6th house from the llth house. Therefore,,
12th house to the 6th house, will speak of the car was damaged.
The following are the planetary posi- Lagna ruled by Venus. The constellatio
tions on 16-2-52. at thetimeof accident:— rising at the time of accident is Krithik
whose lord is Sun. So, the ruling planet
at the time of accident are 1. Venus
2. Saturn, 3. Sun. The native is running
the major period of Venus, sub period of
Saturn, inter-period of Sun. and Sookshma
of Saturn. The period and the day speak
itself the accident vividly.
16—2—52 I— Saturn again influences the time to cause
the accident, but he could not give the
native wounds the reasons of which are
already explained astrologically.
Another peculiarity of the horoscope is
that the native is still unmarried in spite
of affluence, resources and relatives
"pressure. Why he was not so far married?
Whether he remains unmarried ? Whether
The day is ruled by Saturn. The Moon he will have matrimonial bliss and
is transiting the sign Libra ruled by happiness ? What the stars say ? We wish
Venus. The accident took place in Taurus to deal and discuss in another article.
ERRATA—In February 1966 issue, the material used for advertisement in Page 76
is incorrect. It is regretted.
K. S. K.

K. V. R. Anjaneyalu, b.a.
Saturn. He is placed in a Kendra and is
I have been trying to become world also aspecting the Lagna. Therefore,
prominent since over two years. But so Lagna is stronger. Consider the houses
far I could not attain such status. Though from Lagna alone.
I have everything, I crave for prominency. The significators for prominence are:
I face delay and disappointment. Can you
kindly tell me when I will become world (!) The planets in the sub or in the
prominent? I was born on 19-4-1919 at constellation of the occupants of
1-30 P.M. Lat. 17-43 N. Lag. 83-18E. houses 1, 9, 10 and 11.
Yours sincerely, (2) Occupants of houses 1, 9,10 and 11.
C.H.R. (3) Planets in the sub or in the constel-
lation of the lords of 1, 9, 10
and II.
• Dear Sir, (4) Lords of I, 9, 10 and 11.
Tbe following are the planetary posi- (5) Planets conjoined with or aspected
tions at the time of your birth : by significators.
Venus I Jupiter During the conjoined periods of the
9° 12' 1^30'
18° 46' JfX? KetHu significators who are strong, the native
will be blessed with world prominency.
In the horoscope under consideration,
Sun has occupied the constellation of
Kethu in the sub of Mars,
Moon has occupied the constellation of
Mcon Saturn in the sub of Rahu,
12° 57' Mc. Mars has occupied the constellation of
Rahu 23.23
13* W Kethu in: the sub of Saturn,
In a horoscope, Lagna represents per- Mercury has occupied the constellation
of Mercury itself in the sub of Kethu,
sonality, self-respect and dignity. 9th house
represents lasting fame and leadership. Jupiter has occupied the constellation
10th bouse speaks of temporal honours, of Rahu in the sub of Venus,
success and reputation. 11th house speaks Venus has occupied the constellation of
of achievements and gains. The ICaraka Sun in the sub of Venus,
for prominence is Sun.
Saturn has occupied the constellation of
For prominence, consider houses 1, 9, Mercury in the sub of Saturn,
10 and 11. First of all observe whether Rahu has occupied the constellation of
Lagna is strong or Moon is strong as we
have to consider the houses from the Saturn in the sub of Rahu,
stronger of the two, i.e., Lagna or Moon. Kethu has occupied the constellation of
Lagna is Capricorn. Lord of Lagna is Moon in the sub of Rahu.
The following is the bhava chart; She is in her own sign. She has attained
dikbala by occupying the 4th house. She
Sun, venus, has also attained considerable Drig Bala..
Macs Ketfau Therefore, Venus is strongly placed. Mars
is placed in his own sign and has also
attained KalaBata. So, Mars is strong.
Mercury is in his own constellation and
has attained considerable Kala Bala.
So, Mercury is strong. Moon is
debilitated. She got no sthana bala, no
dikbala, no drig bala, no chesta bala
and no kala bala. Hence, Moon is
weak.. Jupiter is ill-placed by sign posi-
tion. He has not attained either sthana
bala or dik bala or drug bala or chesta
(1) Lagna is vacant. bala or kala bala- Hence, he is weak.
(2) 9th house is vacant. Therefore, the strong significators are
(3) 10th house is occupied by Moon Rahu, Kethu, Mars, Mercury and Venus.
and Rahu. Venus is stronger than Mars and Mercury.
The constellations ruled bv Moon The native was born with a balance ol
are Rohini, Hastha and Sravana. Saturn Dasa 5 years 3 months and 17 days
Kethu is posited in the constellation He is now in the major period of Venu:
of Rohini. So, Kethu is significator. from 6-8-1948. It will run upto 6-8-1968
The constellations ruled by Rahu During this period, Venus sub period
are Arudra, Swathi and Sathabisha. Mars sub period, Rahu sub period, Mer
Rahu is placed in the sub of Rahu cury sub period and Kethu sub period an
itself. Kethu is placed in the sub of good for increase of social status ant
Rahu. Jupiter is placed in the reputation. At present, he is in the sul
constellation of Rahu. Moon is period of Mercury in the major period o
placed in the sub of Rahii. There- Venus from 6-8-64 to 6-6-1967. He is th'
fore, the significators are Rahu, lord of 6th and 9th houses. He aspect
Kethu, Jupiter and Moon. 9th house powerfully and thus enhance
the affairs of 9th house which represent
(4) Uth house is vacant. foreign travels, reputation and lastin;
(5) Kethu, one of the significators, is fame. Venus, the major lord is yog
with Venus. Soj Venus is signifi- karaka by owning 5th and 10th houses
cator. Sub lord Mercury is-placed in the labh
(6) Jupiter is in sextile aspect of Mars sthana (house of gain) from the majo
and square aspect of Mercury, lord Venus. Therefore, the sub perio
while Moon is in trine aspect of will confer on the native honour an
Mercury and in quincunx aspect of authority. In the sub period of Mercury
Mars. Therefore, Mars and Mer- the minor period of Mars and Rahu ai
cury are also significators. best. The minor period of Mars will t
from 6-1-1966 to 5-3-66 and that of Rah
Therefore, it is observed that the signifi- is from 5-3-66 to' 8-8-1966. That is tl;
cators are (1) Rahu, (2] Kethu, (3) Jupiter, period from 6-1-1966 to 8-8-1966 will I
(4) Moon, (5) Mars, (6) Mercury and (7) influenced by Venus, Mercury, Mars an
Venus. Now, we have to scrutinise the Rahu. All these planets promise gloi
strengths of these significators. Nodes and prominence to the native.
are always stronger than the planets. We
need not scrutinise their strength. The Editor's Notes: Bhava chart present*
remaining planets are Jupiter, Moon, by this learned astrologer is no doubt
Mars, Mercury and Venus. Venus is yoga accordance with what all follow. Butt
karaka for those born in Capricorn lagna. Editor suggests a method which will
dear and it will not mislead any. As it is. IX
Sun in Aries in Rasi cbakra is shown in X Moon, Rahu
Pisces in the bhava chart. So the XI
beginners in Astrology may per chance
offer prediction as though Sun was in the
3rd house and in Meena. Actually the The editor has gone through the article
result should be read as follows: on 22-12-65, a Wednesday governed
Sun in Aries and in 3Td Bhava because by Mercury, during Jyeshta star ruled by
the sign Aries' indicate the strength of the Mercury in the sign Scorpio governed by
Sun and the appropriate modification due Mars and the Ascendant was in Poor-
to this sign which is a fiery, movable and vashada star constellation governed by
masculine one. But if the student were to Venus andthelagnasign owned by Jupiter.
mistake be is first of all confused whether As Rahu is occupying Venus sign, Rabu
he has to take whether Sun as in Aries or also should be taken. The astrologer has
in Pisces; though the 3rd house remains mentioned that during Venus Dasa Mer-
the same. Always the house indicates the cury Bukthi Mars or Rahu Anthra
matters whereas the planet denotes the the nativewill have success. But the editor
source thro' which such matters are enjoyed is of strong opinion that the period will be
or experienced. In all horoscopes the Venus Dasa Mercury Bukthi Rahu
houses should be shown as under: Anthra and Mars Sookshma. So that the
benevolent Jupiter who rules the lagna at
Makara 17 : 56 (Lagna) Uranus. the moment of reading the chart will keep
II Mercury the native in a better status. This is one
III Sun and Mars of the simplest methods to ascertain the
IV Venus, Kethu significators from the ruling planets at the
V Jupiter, Pluto moment of prediction. This is what I
follow as it invariably comes out correct
VI Neptune
VII Saturn Happy Pongal to this native and to
VIII Readers.

(Gemini (o Virgo)
Panarvasu 1, 2, 3 Padas: Gemini 20* Diseases: Dropsy, beri beri, stomach
to 30° sign ruled by Mercury. Star by upset, irregular appetite, corrupt blood,
Jupiter. tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchitis, liver
Part of the body : Ear, throat, shoulder complaint, jaundice, gourmandize, dys-
blades. pepsia.
Diseases: Pleurisy, bronchitis, pneu- Mental qualifies: Fertile imagination,
monia, reins disorder, pericardium inflam- honest, true, sincere, reliable, forgiving
temperament, appreciate beauty, coirect
mated, swelling and pain in the ear, goitre judgment, and effective" argument, given
due to iodine deficiency, infiltration in the good vitality, resourcefulness anil fertility,
upper lobe of the lungs, pulmonary just and benevolent, compassionate,
apoplexy. sympathetic, born rich, prince, politician.
Mental quality: Broad outlooks, sharp Profession: Banker, physician, reli-
intellect, good memory, worldly wisdom, gious head, temples, economics, statistics,
correct intuition, clear in sight, proper advocates, judges, professors, principals,
judgment, practical adaptability, mental merchants, sailors, travellers, managers of
balance, desire to learn more and more.
(Purci truthful, high-born, charitably- public conveyance, dealers in fluids, sales-
men, nurses, midwives, water supplies,
disposed, handsome, intelligent, renowned female officials.
and rich men, servant, artisans, merchants
and valuable grain. Will be self-con- Pushyam: Between 3° 20' and 16° 40'
trolled, happy, amiable, dull, afflicted with in Cancer. Sign ruled by Moon and star
disease, thirsty and easily, contended.) governed by Saturn.
Profession: Success in journalism, Part of the body : Lungs, stomach and
editing, publishing correcting, inspecting, ribs.
story-writing, advertising, publicity, reli- Diseases: Tuberculosis, ulcerations in
gion, law, literature, poetry, insurance, the respiratory system, gastric ulcer,
agency, finance broker, accountants, gallstones, nausea, belching, obstructions,
auditors, civil judges, civil engineers, bruises in the breast, scurvy, Cancer,
mayors, counsellors, school masters, phthisis, jaundice, cough, hiccough,
preceptors, interpreters, secretaries, regis- eczema, pyorrhoea, dyspepsia.
trars, messengers, Tamil pandits, astro- Mental qualities: Economical, prudent,
logers, mathematicians, clerks, postman, frugal, conservative, sober,'contemplative,
clothiers, woollen merchants, provision careful, attentive, self-reliant, has a
dealers. Planets which signify progeny in systematic position of trust. (Ministers,
one's chart gains beneficial strength when Kings fishermen and the like, persons
they are in this zone. engaged in big and small sacrifices, honest
Punarvasu: 4th quarter: In the sign folk, forests, wheat, sugarcane, rice and
Cancer between 0° and 3° 20'. Lord of barley) will be composed in mind, liked
the sign is Moon. Lord of the star by all, learned, wealthy and inclined to be
Jupiter (Brahaspati). virtuous.
Parts of the body: Lungs, respiratory Profession: Deals in mines, mine
system, chest, stomach, oesophagus, products, kerosenes, petrol, petroleuoi
diaphragm, pancreas, mammae, lacteals, products, coal, lands, produce, wells,
upper lobes of. liver, thoracic. excavations, canals, trenches, deals in
icultural lands,-holds position of trust, energetic. Eminently fitted to occupy a
lumbers, sextons, jailers-grave diggers, position of trust both in public and private
bgmeers, digging wells, tanksy'etc., and concern, good sportsman, contact with
onstructing bridges, dams, tunnels,'1 those people in very highposition, good appoint-
-ho work at night and underground, ment, undertake lofty plan. (Will be
ealers in oils, working in submarine. wealthy and have many servants, will
Aslesha: 9th star, 16° 40'to 30° Cancer, enjoy life, worship the Gods and the
ign ruled by Moon and star by Mercury. very industrious.)
Part of the body : Lungs, stomach, Professiou: Contracts big factories,
esophagus, diaphragm, pancreas, liver. chemical drug manufacturers, criminal
lawyer, defence department, surgeons,
Diseases: Vitamin 'B* deficiency, cold medical department, Government service
stomach, windiness, wind pressing the or security in service, manufacturer of
iaphragm making it difficult to breathe, imitation jewellery, cheap ornament,
distillation of rheum, pains in knees and electro platipg, manufacturers of nickel
egs, drunkenness, phlegm, flatulence, and chromiumpla ted surgical instruments,
ephritis, hypochondria, hysteria, dropsy, weapons (depending on the planet in this
aundice, nervous indigestion. positioiror the sub in which it is or where
Mental qualities: Quick wit, ingenius the meridian falls, select the department
easonable, versatile; fluent, and copious in Government service. Just like Sun's
"n speech, good writer, acquires other rays includes 'VIBGYOR*, so also
anguages easily, can imitate others, Government service includes from menial
jmicry, has the desire to learn art, music to minister, peon to president.
nd literature, fond of travel. (Will be (People rich in money and corn, men
nsincere, inclined to eat everything, sinful, who are devoted to their elders and manes,
ngrateful and deceitful.) granaries, mountainers, heroes, woman
Profession: Salesman, agent, represen- haters, carnivorous beings.)
tative, business, commerce international Poorvapalgunitlth star. 13° 20' in
trade, clerk, correspondent^ author, writer, Leo to 26® 40'. Sign ruled by Sun, star
manufacturer of ink, paints, accounts, governed by Venus.
auditing> teacher, interpreter, ambassador,
: water-supply . engineer, textile engineer,
Part of the body: Heart, Spinal Cord.
dealer in yarn, paper, pen, ink, travelling Diseases: Due to disappointment in
agent, guide, hostess, astrologer, mathe- love, heart affected. Loss of children,
matician, water diviner, midwives, nurses. affecting heart, all due to shocks and
(Bulbs, roots, fruits, reptile, poison, irieparable loss. Curvature of the spine,
worms, counterfeits, robbers, husk-grain anaemia, hvdraemia, pains in legs, swel-
and all classes of physicians.) ling of ankle, bloodx pressure, aneurism,
Makam: [0th star, 0° to -13° 20''in swelling of heart, valves affected.
Leo-Simha. Sign ruled by Sun, star Mental qualities : Competence in music,
governed by Kethu. art, Kavi—poet, generous, warm-hearted,
„ Part of the body: Heart, back, spinal affectionate, fond of pleasure, luxury and
cord, spleen, dorsal region of spine, aorta. comfort, temptation to speculate, true,
Diseases: Heart afflicted by sudden honest, cautious, able to fulfil his desires,
shock, grief or poison, pains in the back, self-centred, desire to at least dramas or
choleric humours, - gravel -in kidneys, dance, taste in drawing, sculpture and
palpitation, regurgitation,- faintings, paintings, acquires fancy and costly jewels,
spinal meningitis. dress, photography as hobby (artists,
actors, young damsels, musicians, amiable
Mental qualities: Outspoken, assertive, persons, merchandise, cotton, salt, honey,
combative, defensive, forceful audacious, oil and boys. Will speak sweetly, will be
sensual, impulsive, proud, short-tempered,- liberal in gifts, bright in appearance, fond
hasty, flery temper, enthusiastic and' of wandering, and loyal to his sovereign).
Profession : Government service, Trans- Mental quality: Good reasoning, intel-
port, Radio, Music, renovation of ancient ligent, tactful, business minded, studious,
paintings, preservation of monuments, industrious, good mathematics or engineer-
museums, sports, mobile, automobile, ing, astronomy, astrology, book-keeping,
disinfectant for crops, cinema theatre, clever and critical, dexterous and diplo-
studio,'film section, photography, animal matic, eloquent and educated (hygiene and
husbandry, slaughterhouse, lethalchamber, sanitaryengineering), ingenius and intellec-
veterinary surgeon, leather, skin, hides, tual, accounts, business acumen, adver-
•hotels, cantoens, Revenue department, tising.
house bitilding, maternity surgeon, venereal Profession : Amalgamating a few com-
expert, educationist, Vice-Chancellor, ser- panies) astronomer, astrologer, communi-
vice in women's colleges or jails, optician, cation department, education department,
glass dealers, cigarette manufacturers. handwriting expert, * governor, tourist
Uthrapalguni I—Quarter : 12th star. department, engineering, press, lecturer,
26b 40' in Leo to 30*. Sign ruled by Sun correspondent,publication, public relation
and the'star also governed by Sun. officer, magaphone, loud speaker manu-
Part of the body: Spinal cord* facturer, telephone," mine . engineering.
State Trading Corporation, contractors,
Diseases: Pains in the back and in the agents, industry, Chemical engineering,
head, spotted fever, plague, hyperaemia, physician,, public health department,
faintihgs, blood pressure, become made hospitals. Registrar of Newspaper, Regist-
temporarily due to clotting of blood in the rar of Birth and Death, ambassadors,
capillaries in the brain, palpitation, back-' postal department.
Mental quality: May or may not be Hastham: In Virgo 10° to 23° 20'.
violent,f ft depends en the planet in this Thirteenth star. Sign ruled by Mercury
area. • Very violent if Mars between and star governed by Moon.
28° 26" 46* and 29° 13' 20" in Leo. Ambi- Part of the body:. Bowels,-intestines,
tious,"-uthdritative, boastful and domi- secreting glands, enzymes.
neering, energetic and-enthusiastic, gaudy Diseases: Vitamin 'B' deficiency, gas
and .generous, haughty and hopefuk formation, flatulence, loose bowels, pain
illustrious, joyful, kingly, loyal, magnani- and disorder in the bowels, obstructions,
m'ous, optimistic, proud, royal, stately and arms and shoulders weak, short breath,
zealous. (Charitable and learned persons,
mild,, modest, pure, heretical highly ■ worms, mucus, cholera, diarrhoea,
typhoid, amoebic, and bacillary dysentery,
wealthy men, those intent on their duties neuraligia (imagination), fear complex,
and kings, fine corn. Will be loved by all, hysteria.
earn money by his own learning, will be.'
voluptuous and happy.) Mental qualities : Men versed in the
Profession: Any service under Govern- Vedas, merchandises, traders and energetic
ment, medical, defence, shipping, navy, men, will be industrious, impedent, fond
industry, commerce, stock exchange—share of drinking, merciless and thievish,
business, maternity home, heart specialist. charioteers, elephant drivers, robbers,
elephants, artisans, husked-grain,
Uthrapalguni—2nd, 3r(l and 4th Padas:
In Virgo 0* to 10°. 12th star. Sign ruled Profession : Salesman, commerce, over-
by Mercury and star governed by Sun. seas communication, mail order business,
shipping, clearing agents, textile, yarn
Part of the body: Intestines, bowels, engineer, bridges, damsites, canals, tunnels,
liver. ink, press ink manufacturer, advocate,
Diseases: Humours in the bowels, sanitary engineer, export, import, artist,
obstructions, stomach also disordered, painter, politician, ambassador, embassy,
sore-throat, and swelling in neck. messenger.

VIRGO these three.stars. If a planet be posited
Aswath!, Makam,-Mootam : Find out in any of these stars in the horoscope or
where Kethu was at birth, i.e. the constel- move through these it offers the results
lation and sign which it occupied as it signified by the houses 3 and 8. Mercury,
does not own any sign. The results lord of Lagna may be exalted in the Lagna
signified by' that constellation and sign itself. But if it is Chitxa ruled by Mars,
will be enjoyed by the native when a one will meet with an accident.
planet transits in any of these three stars; Arudhra, Swathi, Sathayam: Caput
or occupies at the time of birth. Also, do otherwise called Rahu'is the governor of
not opiitto note the planets conjoined these stars. Find out the planets conjoi-
with or aspecting Kethu. ned with Rahu, planets which aspect it,
Baran^Pooram, Pooradam: Venus, the the sign and star where Rahu is in the
chart at birth. The results denoted by
]ordof2Qd and 9th houses, owns these the lordship of the star and'the sign Rahu
stars. So, when you find a planet in any occupied wjllbe experienced by the native.
of these three stars, offer the results of the What results you will expect during Rahu
Und and 9th houses and not the results of periods will be. experienced during the
the sign where it is. For instance, Barani period of the planet in Rahu's star.
star is in the 8th sign. General principle Punarpushyara, Visakam, Poorattathi:
to offer the results of the 8tb house, when Guru is the chief governor of these stars.
a planet transits in Barani will go wrong, It also rules over the 4th and 7th houses
as the native will go on long journey, to Virgo-boms. If a planet is noticed in
appear for interview, will be selected and any of these stars at birth or while transit,
have monetary gains, as Venus, the gover- the native will enjoy the results of me 4th
nor of Barani is the lord of 2 and 9. One and 7th houses. Ikutuple: Visakam star
may gain or be promoted during the period is in the 2nd house. Ii' a planet transits
of the planet in Poorvapalguni, even in it, the native can enjoy the results
though it isln the 12tb sign. signified by the 4th and 7th houses only
Kritbigaii Uthram, Uthradam: Sun, the and not the results of the 2nd house.
strong luminary rules over these three Pusbyam, Anuradha.Uthrattathi: Saturn
stars and also the i2th house. If a planet rules over these three stars who also
occupies any of these stars in whichever happens to be the lord of 5 and 6. If you
house it may be, yet the results indicated find any planet either at birth or during
by the 12th house alone will be enjoyed transit, in any of these stars, predict the
by the native and not the results of the results signified by the 5th and 6th houses..
sign where the planet transits. A planet may be in the -Mtb house
Rohini, Hastham, Sravanam: These in Pushya. Yet the person may have
stars are ruled by Luna (Diana, i.e., Mood). dispute with his son. Disputeand dishar-
Moon rules the 11th sign, to Virgo- mony is the result.
boms. If we notice any . planet in any of Ashlesha,- Jyeshta, Revatfii: Lord of I'
these stars either at birth or during transit, and .10 Mercury is the owner of these stars.
the native will realise his/her ambition, be Planets in any of these three stats in
popular, have substantial gains, etc., as whichever sign it may be, will offer the
the planet is in the constellation of lord results* indicated by the 1st and 10th
of 11. houses to the native. Of these stars
Mrigasirisba, Chitrai, Avittam : Mars, Ashlesha will be. the best as it is in the
lord of 3 and 8 to Virgo, is the owner of llth bouse.
LIBRA signified by these constellations and sign
will be offered to'the native if any planet
Asrathi, Makam, Moolam which are passes through these stars.
governed by Cauda otherwise known as Punarpushyam, Visakam, Poorattathj
Kethu does »not own any sign in the stars-are ruled by Guru who also owns
Zodiac. Ascertain in which constellation the houses 3 and 6 to Libra^borns. If a
and 'sign Kethu is in the chart. The planet is in any of these stars at birth or
results indicated by the significators of the transit through t^iese stars you have to
lordship of the constellation .and sigh predict the results indicated by the 3rd
where Kethu waS) will be experienced by and 6th houses only.
the native.
Barani* Poor am, Pooradam: Venus, Pushyam, Anuradha, Uthraftathi stars
lord of 1 and 8 rules over these stars. If are allotted to Saturn the only benefic to
you find any planet in any of these stars, Libra-borns as it rules over the 4th and
you have to predict the results indicated Sth houses. Planets in the stars ruled by
by the 1st and 8th houses only. For Saturn will offer the results signified by the
instance, Pooram is in.the 11th sign to 4th and Sth .houses and not the results of
Libra. If a planet transits in that star, the sign where it transits.
general principle of saying a planet in 11 Ashlesha, Jyestha, Rcrathi: Budha, the
will do only jgood, will not operate, but wavering planet governs over these three
the native will enjoy the results of the 1st stars and also the houses 9 and 12 to
and 8th houses only. Libra-borns. You will find that these
Krithigai, Uthram, Uthradam: Sun, the stars'fallin the 2nd, 6th and 10th signs,
strong luminary is the owner of these stars but the native will experience the results
which also owns the 11th sign. Any of the 9th and 12th houses only.
planet'in any of. these three stars in the SCORPIO
horoscope will produce the result of the
11th house, i.e., profit, pleasure, realisa- Asvathi, Makam, Moolam: As the
tion of ambition, etc., even though the descending node (Kethu)'does not own
stars fall in any sign. For example, any sign but rules only these stars in 'llie
Krithigai in the 8th sign, -Uthram, in the Zodiac, find out the planets that are
12th sign does not offer the result of that conjoined with Kethu, aspected by Kethu,
sign but assures the results of the 11th a'nd constellation and sign where it was at
sign only. birth or during transit. The restflts
Rohini, Hastham, Sraranam: Moon, signified by lordship of the constellation
the other luminary, is allotted these stars and sign will be enjoyed by the native, in
which owns the 10th houseto Libra. Any whichever sign the stars may be.
planet in these stars produces the result of Baraoi, Pooram, Pooradam: These are
the I0th house and not the sign.where it governed by Venus who owns the 7th and
is at birth or while in transit. 12th sign to Scorpio-borns. So the results
Mrigasitisha, Chitrai, Avittam : Mars produced by the lordship of the 7th and
is lord of 2 and 7 and also the owner of 12th houses alone will be experienced by
these stars. A planet in any of these the native, if a planet occupies any of
stars in the chart given by the native will these stars or transits through these. For
bring put the results indicated by the instance, .Pooradam is in 2 to Scorpio.
houses 2 and 7 and does not produce the Generally, while a planet moves on in
results of the sign in which it. transits. this star you will predict the result indica-
ted by the 2nd house only, i.e., free flow
Ascending Note (Rahu) rules over the, of cash, increase in the members of the
three stars Arudhra* Swathi, Sathayam.' family, peaceful atmosphere at home, but
As our sages have not offered any sign to the native will have secret inimical acti-
Rahu, find out in which sign and constel* vities, ill-health to partner in life or
lation Rahu was af birth. The results business as Venus happens to be lord of 7
a ad 12 to the native and lord of 1 and' 6 the native forgetting the sign in which
to the 7th house which indicates wife or it is.
partner in business.
Krithigai, Utbram, Uthradam are SAGITTARIUS
allotted to Sun, the strongest planet Asvathi, Makam, Moolam were given
which rules the 10th house also, to Vris- to Dragon's tail (Kethu) by our ancient
chika-borns. Any planet in the star ruled but ihey did not allot any sign to it then.
by Sun at birth or during transit will Find out the sign and constellation where
produce the results of the 10th house Kethu was at the time of birth or during
lordship. transit. The result of theiordship of the
Rohini, Hastham, Sravanam are star and sign where Kethu was will oper-
ate if a planet is in Asvathi,' Makam,
governed by Moon, the Queen of Night. Moolam.
It rules the house 9 to this rasi-boms. Baraoi, Pooram, Pooradam: These
Tbe astrologer has to offer the result stars are ruled by Venus which rules the
which will be produced by the 9th house 6th and llth houses to Dhanur-horns. If
to the native and not the sign in which the a planet occupies any of these three stars
stars are posited. at birth or transit through these then the
Mrlgasirisba, Cbitrai, Avittam are results indicated by the 6tb and llth
ruled by the lord of 1 and 6, Mars. Pla- houses will he enjoyed by the native.
nets in these stars produce the results of
the houses 1 and 6. Krithigai, Utbram, Uthradam are
governed by Sun tbe ruler or the 9th house
Arudhta, Swathi, Satbayam: Our to Sagittarius. Results produced by the
sages do not allot any sign to Rahu, as it 9th house will be enjoyed by the native,
does not have any shape or matter. Just if a planet is in any of these stars.
like water takes the shape of vessel io Rohini, Hastham, Sravanam are allot-
which it is, Rahu also produces the results ted to Moon who is the owner of the 8th
indicated by the lordship of the constel- house. Planets in these stars at birth or
lation and sign where it is a't birth or while in transit will produce the results
during transit. indicated by the 8th. houte and not the
Puoarpusbyam, Visakam, Poorattathi sign where the planet is. For example,
are ruled by Jupiter who owns the 2nd Sravanam is in the 2nd house. When a
and 5th bouses to Scorpio. Even though planet moves on in it the result of the
Punarpushyam and Visakacn are in the 2nd house will not be experienced but the
8th and 12th signs, yet the results enjoyed result of the 8th house alone will operate.
by the native will be the results allotted Mrigasirisha, Cbitrai, Avittam are
to the second and 5th houses by ancient allotted to Mars. Mars rules over the
astrologers, when a planet passes through 5th and 12th houses to-this rasi-borns.
these stars. In whichever sign these stars may be, yet
Pushyam, Auutadha, Utbrattatbi are the results of the 5th and 12th houses
governed by Saturn. Houses 3 and 4 alone will be enjoyed. For instance
also are governed by the same planet, Chitrai in the llth sign will make the
Saturn. So, when a planet occupies the native to spend for his children, invest
star ruled by Saturn either at birth or money, and to have worry due to inimi-
during transit, it will produce the results cal activities but the Uth sign shows
of the 3rd and 4th houses. all-round success and popularity, peace of
Ashlesha, Jyesbta, Revatbi: Mercury mind. Hence, the lordship of the constel-
is the ruler of these three stars and owns lation alone should be taken into consider-
the 8th and Uth houses to Scorpio-boms. ation while predicting.
If you find a planet in the stars ruled by Arudhra, Swathi, Salhabisha : The
Mercury, you have to portend the results results signified by the constellation and
indicated by the 8ih and 11th houses to sign lords where Rahu was at birth or is
during transit will be enjoyed by the native' the 2nd and 3rd houses to Sagittarius-
if a planet transit througb the stars ruled borns. So, the results of the 2nd and
by Rahu. 3rd houses will be enjoyed by the querist
Punarpushyam, Visakam, ■ Poorattathi; during the period when a. planet moves
on in the stars governed by Sani.
Stars are governed by the benefic Jupiter
who happens to be the lord of lagna and Ashlesha, Jyeshta; Revathi are
also lord of 4. The results allotted to the governed by Mercury who owns the houses
houses 1 and 4 will be experienced by the 7 and 10 to Dhanur rasi horns. Results
native if a planet occupies or transits these indicated by the 7 th and 10th houses will
three stars. be enjoyed by the person if a planet occu-
pies these stars at birth or during transit
Pttshyam, . Annradha, Uthrattathi: and not the results indicated by the sign it
Saturn got these three stars. Saturn owns occupies where these stars are posited.
Readers are requested to st^dy the arti- Venus rules the constellations Bharani,
cles on Poorvapulguni and Poorvashada. Mar-
(a) What each constellation signifies riage proposal, negotiation, arrangement,
and (b) to each rasi-bo'rn which constel- settlement, celebration,^ etc., can happen
lations are beneficial and which are dis- only when the significators transit in these
advantageous before further concentrating constellations. But the sub in those stars
on horses or races. show precisely which will be done during
the period when the significator transits in
After understanding the significance of a sub.
the 27 zones of the Zodiac, one has to
study what constellations and the sub-divi- Mars transits in Poorvapalguni. Poor-
sions of the constellations—zones mean. vapalguni extendv between 13° 20' to
(1) A planet offers the results indi* 26° 40' in Leo. Th.: first sub of 2° 13' 20"
cated by the lord of the constellation more is allotted to Venus. Negotiation starts:
predominantly than what it denotes by its Elders discuss. When Mars passes on to
-occupation, ownership and nature. - It is the next sub, governed(by the life-giving
true that the expectations according to the Sun. they decide to proceed and fix up the
occupation and ownership of a planet fail marriage. When the significator moves to
in many cases whereas certain events, not the next sub, allotted to Moon, the terms
indicated as above, happen which agree are further finalised. During the occasion
with those foreshadowed by the lord of the when it passes in Mars' sub, the marriage
constellation. Panda 1 is erected; goldsmith is asked to
prepare Thirumangalyam; silver and ever-
(2) When one carries on research, silver vessels are purchased; music is
one comes to know that the constellation arranged. When Mars is in Rahu's sub,
needs further sub-division. Such a sub- invitation is posted: A few close relatives
division according to the Editor is called arrive. When it passed on in Jupiter's sub,
"Sub". marriage is celebrated. Mars, during its
If a constellation is compared to a bed stay In Saturn sub shows separation from
of the river, then the ups and downs in the close relatives, departure of the guests, etc.
bed of the river is similar to be sub. The couple is left alone without interfer-
The Tbirupaur Kadal, i.e.7 thfi milky ence or disturbance. Mars passes in to
Mercury sub and the couple go oh short
ocean was not genuine and unadultera- journeys. It may be said as Honey Moon.
ted. It contained both the Nectar and the Then followed the days when Mars is in
deadly poison. Venus star Kethu sub and they visit Valla-
Similarly there are some portions (sub) bha Ganapathi's temple. Thus, one of the
in a constellation which are most benefi- significators transiting in the constellation
cial to a person and certain areas in the of a significator, indicates about one par-
same constellation which are disadvanta- ticular affair. The sub in that constella-
geous to the same individual. tion shows how the above matter' take
This can be explained by taking an shape, its progress, etc., and how it mate-
example- Suppose in one's horoscope rialises.
Mars and Venus are the two significators Suppose a person has litigation in the
for one's marriage. Mars governs the court of law. Litigation will be indicated
stars Mrigasira, Chithra and Dhanishta; by a few planets in his horoscope. When
a planet transits in a constellation ruled owns the 12th house and Saturn is i n the
by the significator, it shows the various tame star Poorvapalguni but in the sub
stages as it passed sub after sub. of Moon. Then during Jupiter's sub
Let Mercury be a significator denoting period, the native goes on a long journey
dispute. When a planet, say the other as sub of Sun shows separation and life in
significator Saturn, transits in Mercury a foreign place. That which is in the sub
sub, the person gives lawyer notice: of Moon, lord of 11, promises reunion.
When. Saturn transits in Kethu's sub, the Hence during Saturn's sub period,
person receives a rejoinder. When it he returns home. Both the planets are in
passes in Venus sub, he tries for com- 12. Both are in the same constellation.
promise: when it further proceeds and is Because the sub is different, the result is
in Sun's sub, he files the suit. During the different.
time when it is io Moon's sub, summons A person born in Aquarius purchases a
are served. During the period when it car during the period of the planet
passes in Mars sub, the judge takes up the occupying the constellation belonging to
case ; both sides argue. When it moves the lord of 4, Venus (Poorvapalguni) and
oo to Rahu sub, the court is closed. the sub of Jupiter ruling 11th house. But,
When Saturn moves in Jupiter's sub, the he disposes the same car when he runs the
parties enter .to a compromise. Thus, it period of a planet in the same star but
will be seen that Mercury which indicates the sub of Mars which ownsthe 3rd house.
litigation, shows that when a planet The constellation lord refers to an object.
transits in its constellation, it refers all Acquiring it or disposing" it depends on
about the litigation. But the sub men- the sub.
tions specifically and precisely the minute Thus, if one verifies, one can under-
details of the matter. stand that the lord of the star shows a
Suppose in the natal chart, there are particular matter and the sub indicates the
two planets in one constellation, but one details about the same, the success or
is in the sub of a beneficial planet and the failure; progress or not, etc.
other planet is in the sub of an evil one. This is one of the important findings of
Then during the period of the planet, in Krishnamurti Padhdhati.
the sub of a benefic, it gives success,
whereas during the period of the planet in Suppose one is born in Virgo. Moon
the sub of a malefic, it does harm in the and Mars are in the constellation of lord
same affair. of 2, Venus. Moon is in Poorvashada
Suppose one is born in Pisces with star, governed,by Venus (lord of 2) but
Rahu. Jupiter is in the constellation is in the sub of Saturn (lord of 6). As
Hastham, ruled by lord of S, Moon. 6th house is Vyaya, 12 to 7 (7 indicating
Suppose, Rahu is in the sub of Moon marriage) Moon cannot give marriage.
itself and Jupiter is in the sub of Saturn Mars is in the constellation of Venus, in
in Hastham star. Then the lady will have Poorvapalguni, in the sub of Jupiier.
a child born during Rahu Bhukti and none Mars is lord of 8. Yet it gives marriage.
in Jupiter's sub period. ^ Generally one Therefore, it is not the lordship of a
will expect abortion during Rahu's planet which is final decisive factor. The
period and birth of child in Jupiter's lord of the constellation shows which
period. matter the planet signifies; whatever be
the planet in that constellation, the matter
Let one be born in Virgo with Jupiter signified will be the same. The sub lord
in Poorvapalguni star ruled by lord of shows whether the planet can be helpful
2 and 9, Venus and the sub of Sun who or harmful.

Sir, I follow this- method to clear one's
My mother says that I wa^ born on 6th doubts. You may ask " Is there any
June, 1924 between 1-25 and 1-30 A.M. at connection between the moment at which
Navsari. The doubt about the date has you answer my question (especially about
arisen in my mind. Is it after 5 th night and my birth time) and the actual time of my
beginning of 6th or 6th night and before birth ".
7 th day dawn ? I have to say that unless both are co-
Letter is answered on Friday, Aswini related, our sages would not have framed
star day, on 25-2-66 as soon as it is received rules to find out the time of birth of a
and Lagna now is 4° Cancer-Kataka. So, person from the moment of arrival or
what are the ruling planets? Friday is query. That chapter is titled as " Lost
ruled by Venus—constellation Aswani in Horoscopes" where they have given their
Aries governed by Kethu—Aries owned by method of erecting the horoscope of one
Mars and Cancer Lagna ruled by Moon, who has lost it.
and the exact degree of the ascendant is I have carried out research elaborately
in Saturn star, Saturn sub.. Therefore, and this method which 1 follow; never,
Venus, Mars, Kethu, Saturn and Moop are never fails. I have answered your question,
the ruling planets now. The other planets using Krishnamurti Padbdhati (Stellar
have no connection. system with sub-division). 4° Cancer has
The question is whether you are born on risen now on 25-2-66. It is Moon's sign,
5th night and before 6th day dawn or 6th Saturn star and Saturn sub. Actually you
night and 7th day dawn. 5tb June, 1924 are born at the time when Moon
is Thursday ruled by Jupiter and 6th June, transitted in Moon's sign; (Rasi)
1924 is Friday lord of which is Venus. Saturn's sign Aquarius rose in the East.
(Ascendant—Lagna), If it is on 5th by
As Jupiter has' no concern at the 6tb, then the day is Thursday ruled by
moment when I took the chart to answer Jupiter, star would be Punarvasu, governed
and as the lord of the day. (according to by Jupiter and the Moon would transit in
Hindus) rules from Sunrise to next day Gemini owned by Mercury. As this
Sunrise, your date of birth is 7-6-1924.' moment when you are answered is not at
Day of birth is Friday. Star is Fushyam all governed by Jupiter or Mercury, there
ruled by. Saturn. Rasi Cancer governed is no doubt at all. You are born on 6th
by Moon—Aquarius Ascendant is owned night and 7th before day dawn, i.e., on
.by Saturn." Mars and Kethu rise in theEast' Friday night and before Saturday day
in Aquarius at the time of your birth. dawn.

Sir, Venus sub is between 7° 46' 40" and 10°
Is my Lagoa strong or Moon sign of Taurus; Moon was in the sign Pisces
strong? I am furnishing herewith my ruled by Jupiter and in the star governed
horoscope and I am not able to exactly by Saturn. Neither Saturn nor Jupiter
fix up of the two which is strong, because has any connection with the present
in Lagna there is Saturn and along with moment. Therefore, we have to take only
Moon there is Rahu. .To ine it appeals Taurus as the stronger one. When I work
that both are aspected by Jupiter. Sos am out, I find that your Lagna is exactly 8°
I to take Moon sign or Lagna as stronger 31'. Therefore, to ascertain even the time
of the two. of one's birth and degree in which the
Lagna should be, one has to follow such a
method. What is it? Note down the lord
Moon, Sani7.20 Sun 21.47 of the day, the lord of the Moon sign,
Rahu Lagna Venus lord of the star and also lord of the
24.31 8.31 21.5?
Lagna. So note whether all these four
Neptune agree with the ascendant or with the Moon
0.32 sign. You have to select that which
Mercury agrees as the stonger of the two. Further,
Itasi when the exact degree of Lagna is in doubt
you have to follow the same principle and '
Uranus you can get the position of Lagna within
9.30 a range of 2°. One degree means
4 minutes. In that case, (I) you convert
Jupiter ! Kethu it into Nazhi and Vinadi multiplied by
12.59 j 24.31 four and divided by 9 and the remainder
when counted from Aswini or Makam or
Moolam should agree with the Nakshathra
REPLY: in which you are born. This is the method
Sir, which I follow to find out the exact
You are born in the Lagna—Taurus moment at which one is born. This agrees
(Rishaba) occupied by Saturn and it was in full with everybody, depending upon
rising in the east about 8 minutes prior to the moment at which the query is put.
your birth. The Moon sign is in Pisces. So, you have to take that your Lagna is
(Meena) and Rahu "is conjoined with strong and it is between 8° and 10°.
Moon. Really you may have the doubt, For advanced Students: Further to fix
" Of the two which am f—to select and the exact position, note the lord of the
from which sign I have to count The Lagna at the time of query. This planet,
best method would be as follows: you also should rule the exact position of
have put the question at 10-30 A.M. on Lagna.
Sunday when Karthik Nakshathra is on. At 10-30 A.M. the Ascendant is Aries,
Moon is transiting in Taurus—Rishaba ruled by Mars. Therefore take Mars sub
which is ruled by Venus. The day is ruled, sub in Venus sub and Sun star.
by Sun. The star is also governed by Sun. The sub sub is similar to Anthra. The
Therefore that particular Sensitive point sub is similar to Bhukti-sub period the star
which is occupied by either Lagna or Moon is similar to the Dasa.
should be taken as the stronger of the two. This is according to me—that is why
Lagna must be between 7° 46' 40" and this method is titled " Krishnamurthi
10° in Taurus, because in Sun's star. Padhdhati ".
(Krishnamurti Padhdhati)
On Friday the 25th February, 1966. Moon, because in '.hat area of 3° 20'
myself and a few of my students in Madras there is no other planet having its sub in
and a few of my disciples in Bombay were the star Punarvasu, ruled by Jupiter.
invited for a dinner by a lady. We all Because the question, is about the return
assembled in her house much early, so of the lady and it should be anyhow within
that we can discuss some matters in astro- a few hours, we have to take the transit of
logy and then have the dinner. All of us the ascendant in a particular sensitive
arrived between 7-00 and 7-15 P.M. The point of the Zodiac which will be ruled by
noble lady who invited us for the dinner Mercury and Jupiter. Also, the Zone
had to go to the town and she did not must be governed by either Venus or Sun
return till 7-15 P.M. Normally wherever or Moon. Why? The number 27 denotes
she goes, she used to come back home by that Mercury is the lord of the 'sign,
5-00 P.M. So, one of the intelligent Jupiter is the lord of the star and the sub
disciples curious enough to test Krishna- is governed by either Venus or Sun or
murti Padhdhati asked me to say when she Moon. Then, we have to take that she
would be arriving. should be arriving at a time when Mercury,
Then, I ^asked her to give a number. and Jupiter do operate and either Venus,
or Sun or Moon also rules. Now the
She said 27. other sign of Mercury will rise in the east;
By 27 it is meant 26° 40' to 30p of it is Virgo. There is no star ruled by
Gemini should be taken as the ascendant, Venus or Jupiter but there are two other
as these 9 divisions in each sign. stars governed by Sun and Moon, Uthra-
The disciple who put the question is one palguni and Hastha respectively. So, we
who has come down from Bombay and have to take the Nakshathra of Sun and
also one who is related to that' lady. Moon in that the sub of Jupiter to rise in
I worked out and said that her sister-in- the east. There are two points. They are
law would be back between 8-19 and 8-21 Mercury sign. Sun star, Jupiter sub;
P.M., say just after an hour. Mercury^ sign. Moon star Jupiter sub;
either of the two should be rising in the
Can you explain how you arrived at east at the time she arrives. Now, we
that? have to select either Sun and Moon. Sun
I told them that the lagna is the was in the Nakshathra Sathabisha ruled
last division of Gemini as she has said 27. by Rahu, whereas Moon was in the
The lady about whom she has put the Nakshathra governed by Kethu. Sun and
question is her elder brother's wife, llth Rahu do not indicate her return because
house represents her elder brother. 5th Sun is in the constellation of the Node
house represents her elder brother's wife. occupying the 7th bhava. But Moon is
" When will she come back" is the occupying the constellation of the Node
question. So, I did not care to note why Kethu in Lagna bhava. . Therefore, Moon
there is delay. But I worked out for her must be taken and Sun is to be dropped
return to home. out as during the time when the Lagna
that rises in the east is governed by Sun,
According to the number given, the she will break her journey on the way, i.e.
lagna that had arisen was in Gemini ruled she will be away. So, we have to take
by Mercury in Punarvasu nakshathra Mercury sign Moon star Jupiter sub.
governed by Jupiter and the third pada. Therefore, at the time . when Hastha
So, the sub may be either Venus or Sun or Nakshathra rises in the east and in that
nearly 4" had already risen, i.e.,.when the second race and the third so on; then we
14th degree of Virgo is over and the 15th have to take the moment when the lagna
degree is rising in the east. Mercury mles will transit such a fortuitious point in the
the sign) Moon rules the constellation, Zodiac.
Jupiter rules the sub. So it is at that time
she will come back. So it was mentioned Therefore, depending upon the query
that she would be back between 8-19 and the native is to. judge and decide which he
.8-21.P.M. In fact, she arrived just at 8-19 has to take to transit the sensitive signi-
P.M. We dialled " 174" to verify whether fying point. Suppose a Judge is to give
the time is correct, since we, a dozen judgment on a particular day then we
people had watches which disagreed with have to find out the lagna that will transit
each other by a couple of minutes, 3 in the sensitive point. If a person is asked
minutes like that. To our pleasant sur- to appear in the court of law for witness,
prise, we heard that the time was 8 hours note the transit of Lagna to find when he
19 minutes 40 seconds. So, Krishnamurti will be called. If somebody were to say
Padhdhati is to be applied taking into train is derailed, on the way. The train
consideration the nature of the question- by which I travelled is being held up in
■ The same method by taking the transit the next station. When will it be taken to
of Ascendant alone should not be applied this platform, so that I can take the
when a lady comes and asks " I am on the luggage, etc. Then, we have to take only
family way. It is the 5th month. When the ascendant, as the matter will not take
can I expect a child?" Then one months or years. Suppose one dials and
should not pitch upon the lagna, and wants to talk by Trunk phone to a far olT
say that in a few hours, when the place. Take Lagna to ascertain the
ascendant touches a degree, she will deli- moment when it will mature. Therefore,
ver. He has to pitch upon the strongest depending upon the question, we have to
significator transiting such a sensitive ascertain which is to transit. The point
point governed by the. sign lord, star lord that is to be transitted is very clearly indi-
and sub lord- cated by the three planets which rule the
sign, the star and the sub. By using such
Suppose one has gone to America and method one can predict when one's bail
his father asks when will he return, we application be sanctioned, interview will
have to take the significator to transit that he had, counting of votes in election be
degree for which we should not take the over and the result declared etc. The
lagna alone. same principle is to be followed in Natal
Suppose a person asks when will I gain chart also.
in the races either in the first race or the K.S.K.

Krishnamurti Padhdhati
Respected Sir, He gave the number 103. I cast the map
I am submitting the following few lines for that time and after scrutinising the
for your kind information: planetary position 1 said that "the
building will be-occupied on 7th February
Some of my friends in SecuttJerabad and the advance amount also will be
City wanted to have your Darsan in the received on the 7th only This predic-
month of January 1966. But, when I tion was based on K.rishnamurti Padh-
contacted Madras by phone, I hear that dhati," which came correct
you were in Calcutta then, and Guruji will Then the astrologers asked me to explain
return to Madras after 29th January- So, the method of prediction. I explained as
we did not come. below
My friends are very anxious to know No. 103 means Meena Lagna 10° to 13°
the basic principles of Krishnamurti Padh- 20'- First find out the ruling planets.
dhati. They contacted me on phone,
asked me to visit Secunderabad and from The day is Wednesday ruled by Mercury.
there they wanted to go to Tirupati. I Lagna has fallen in Meena- Rasi owned by
went to Secunderabad on 22nd January. Jupiter. Moon was also transiting in the
On the same night we all left by car to Meena Rasi. But Moon is in the constel-
Tirupati. lation of Saturn star Utbrapatbrapada.
Among our group,* three were well- But the query is related to his friend.
known astrologers. They are learned. Then, one should take the 11th house
They follow Sayana charts and Western which shows friends,, etc. The 11th house
system of predictions. They put so many from Meena Rasi is Makara. Taking this
questions during the journey. I (disciple Makara as lagna of the friend (10° to 13°
of K.. S. Krishnamur'ti) answered scientifi- 20 ) we have to judge. . Now see the ruling
cally to their satisfaction. planets.
We returned from Tirupati on 25th Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are the
January. They compelled me to stay on ruling planets. But lagna has fallen 10°
26th at Secunderabad. I stayed. On 26th, to 13° 20' in Makara means it is in the
some other gentlemen also come and put constellation of Moon. So, Moon is also
so many queries. All were predicted on a ruling planet.
the numbers only. Moon indicates mind and the nature of
the query. Moon as lord of 7 is in the
Among those queries for one I gave the. 3rd sign and is in the 2nd bbava. The 3rd
date of event within a fortnight. It was. sign lord in Jupiter. It is one of the
verified, it is very correct. One Valuation ruling planets. 2nd house lord is Saturn,
Officer'asked me "My friend constructed a which is also a ruling planet 3rd house
beautiful building in the business locality. shows contract agreement etc. 2nd house
But no tenant is forthcoming to take it on shows finance, income. Jupiter is also
rental basis. Can you say when the tenants lord of 2. The 12th house shows to lose
will come and he will get at least advance or to change.
amount ? " The building owner also was It is clear that your friend wants some
present. He is a wholesale cloth merchant. money by giving some on a contract.
I say " Why should he hesitate to ask
directly especially when be is present here. So, now find out the planetary position
Allright.. I will try to predict on this sub- connected with the 4th house, Lltb bouse
ject Tell me any number within 108. and Mars.
4th house shows property and buildings, profession for him. To build and then to
etc. 11 th -house shows his profit, etc. let is for others and therebyearn. So,
Mars is karaka for lands and buildings. Venus anthra must come. Venus antbra
4th and Uth houses are owned by Mars. starts from 4-2-1966, as Kethuanthra runs
It is in the 2nd sign, in lagna bhava. for 24£ days.
Conjunction of lord of lagna with lord of Moon and Sun will give the exact time
2in the 2ndsign is good. Jupiter, a natural by their transit. When Sun transits in the
benefic aspects-the Makara lagna and the constellation ofDhanishta owned by Mars
planets therein.' in the sign of Saturn and Moon transits in
* Find out whether the nodes are connec- the Venus star then only the result will
ted in any manner to this query. Because come.
■ nodes are stronger than the planets. Now we'have to see the '* Astrology A
Athrishta " Magazine of February month
Rahu is conjoined with Jupiter. Kethu 1966 which we received already, in which
is in the Mars sign. Among these, Kethu we can see the planetary position.
is stronger. Kethu represents Jupiter (as Oh the 6th night only Sun will enter In
Jupiter aspects), Saturn (as Kethu is in the Dbanishta. Moon transits in Poorya-
Anuradha), Mars (as it is in Mars sign palguni on 7-2-66. So, I predicted 7-2-66
Scorpio). Constellation lord is the boldly, as Krishnamurti used to repeatedly
• strongest. So take Saturn. say that Poorvapalguni is lucky to Capri-
Kethu is actually in the 10th bhava. The corn people.
effects of the 10th bhava will be there. Exactly on 7th February, 1966, the four
The lord of 10th house is Venus. . portions of the building were occupied by
When these planets jointly operate the the tenants and a good sum was received
result will come up. in advance.
- Now we have to see what dasa is oQt The party informed me this fact by a
Saturn Dasa, Kethu Bukthi started from letter and said that Krishnamurti Padbdhati
9-1-66. It will run upto 18-2-1967. (The is really wonderful. 1 ask within myself
dasa balance is taken after calculating as 'Ms there any other method to state so
though a child is born at the time of precisely scientifically.
query.) I,- one of the disciples of Sri K. S.
Venus is yery important. Why? Because Krishnamurti, pray God to give long life
Capricorn denotes the party, and Venus and prosperity to my Guruji.
owns the 10th house. M. MADKUSUDHANA RAO,
The party constructed the building for 6/365, Brahmin Street,
earning purpose alone. It is a kind of Hanamkonda.

Venus, the bukthinatha, is lord of 6;
Astrologically is there any explanation • Jupiter, the dasanatha, is lord of-11;
for a particular person to occupy a higher Saturn, the anthranatha, is lord of 10.
position—even an exalted status and at the Therefore, during Jupiter Dasa, Venus
same moment or on the same day or at Bukthi, Saturn Anthra, the native must
the same hour the person loses the highest have a promotion. At the same time, let
official in his or her department. Is there us note ha-v it affects the longevity of the
any connection between the two ? (2) Is subordinate.
Sade-Sati always evil? (7-1/2years Saturn). The 6th house shows the ascendant of
Can there be no beneficial result to be the servant. So, when the person is bom
enjoyed during those years? in Taurus, the 6th house is Libra. There-
Reply: A native gains especially in the fore, one is to take Libra as the first house
profession when the planets concerned of the subordinate. The 6tb house is
with the bhavas 2,6, 10 and 11 operate* ruled by Venus and it occupies its own
In the horoscope taken for example, it constellation and the 6th house to Libra
will be very well noted that the person is is ruled by Jupiter, which is occupying the
now running Jupiter Dasa, Venus Bukthi 8th house. The lord of Libra is also lord
and in that Saturn Anthra. of the 8th house to Libra. Therefore,
when Jupiter Dasa, Venus Bukthi operates,
Lagna, it means not only the lord of the Lagna
Jupiter Kethu Libra and lord of 3 Jupiter operate but
15.9 10.41 also it includes that lord of 8 Venus sub
period is operating in the dasa of Jupiter,
lord of 6 owning the house Pisces-Meena.
Therefore,' during the conjoined period of
Jupiter and Venus and especially in the
sub period of Saturn, the subordinate dies.
Then why should Saturn give the end to
the subordinate? Saturn is In the cons-
tellation of Mercury, which is occupying
the second house to Libra. Second house
is Marakasthana and Saturn is the chief
governor for longevity and Saturn is in
quincunx aspect with Venus, the bukthi-
natha. Therefore, Saturn has to lay its
icy hand on the subordinate. When one
enjoys the beneficial results due to the
combination of the houses 6, 10 and 11,
for Taurus and Scorpio-borns, the servant,
the subordinate or the immediate official
will have a danger. Therefore, such a
thing can happen and it has happened on
24th January, 1966.
Also it is to be noted that the general
principle that a person cannot have any
improvement either in status or in one's
life, if "there were to be Sade-Sati, i.e.,
7^1/2 years. Saturn is not to be strictly
adhered to. In this case, the native is
born in Uttarashada Nakshathra, i.e., period when a person gains the highest
Makara rasi (Capricorn) and the person is ' status in & society or in a club or
enjoying 7-1/2 years Saturn period. With in a group and so on. This native had
this transit alone, the person had come to been running between 9-5-1964 and
-power in 1964 and again had improve- 29-7-1964, the period of Venus Dasa, Jupi-
ment in January 19661 In all these years, ter Bukthi, Moon Anthra. Again when he
the person had been enjoying the period gained power, i.e., when this native
of 7-1/2 years Saturn. bacame the head of the group at the time
he had been running Venus Dasa, Jupiter
Now, a similar horoscope may" also be Bukthi, Venus Anthra. He was also run-
taken for consideration. ning 7-1/2 years Saturn and Saturn was
said to be in janroa. Therefore, normally
one will say that during 7-1/2 years
Saturn, the native cannot come out victo-
rious. But, he had actually won unani-
mously and occupied the high position.
Why? Moon is lord of 12. .12th house
indicates only the secret enemies and his
opponents. Therefore, when Saturn
afflicts Moon, Saturn afifrcts his secret ene-
mies or his opponents. Therefore, Saturn
and Nfoon conjunction in 1964 (Saturn
transits in the sign where Moon was) has
to do harm only to the opponent and not
to him. Further, when Saturn was tran-
Uranus siting in the same sign, be lost his bene-
05 I factor, an admirer, and also a good
friend. At the time when the native was
born, the ascendant was Leo, having
Venus in its own constellation in the
ascendant ruling the 10th house. So,
Venus has to give a good lift in life.
Friend's house is to be read from the 11th
counted from Lagna. Llth sign to Leo is
Gemini. Therefore, we have to take
Gemini as though it is the ascendant of
the friend. Then, the planet which will
affect the longevity of the friend is batha-
kasthana athipathi. Bathakastbana athi--
pathi is Jupiter and the planet in its
constellation are Sun in Gemini and
Moon in Aquarius. Therefore, Sun,
Moon and Jupiter happen to be the mara-
ka planets. When this native had been
running Venus Dasa, Jupiter Bukthi,
This person had an exalted position on Moon Anthra, the friend passed away.
7th January/ 1964. Look -at the period Jupiter and Moon are really very evil.
which was running then. On the same Hence, such an undesirable event happe-
day, a colleague, holding a higher position ned to one ,wbose ruling planet was
with greater authority and power fell ill Moon.
and passed away on 27ih May, 196 Let Then, let us take how the same-Venus
us verify and find out whether a friend or Dasa, Jupiter Bukthi operated and afflicted
a colleague is to pass away on that' the longevity of the immediate assistant.
particular day and in that ■ particular When Venus Dasa, Jupiter Bukthi, P.ahu
an thra operated i n the 2nd week of Novem- the sub" and not to the relative position
ber 1964, the native had to lose his imme- between Saturn and Moon, because Moon
diate assistant. Why should he lose his may own either a good house or "a bad
assistant? Assistant is indicated by', the house to the native. If U owns good house
6th house. When Leo happened to be in and if Saturn afflicts Moon, then the native
Lagna, then the 6th house Capricorn will lose. But, if Moon rules evil house and
owned by Saturn is to be taken as the Saturn afflicts Moon, it is not at all
ascendant of the Assistant. So, the 6th inauspicious. 'It is bad only to-such a
house will be Capricorn. Then, we have relative ef the native or such a'friend or
to note which arc the planets that are foe to the native which is indicated by
really evil to Capricorn. First, we take Moon, by .its lordship. This is the
Bathakasthana. Bathakasthana athipathi method which I follow and also I advo-
is lord of 11th house to the movable sign cate to the research-minded scholars.
Capricorn. So, Mars rules the sign. No One should not take that because Saturn
planet is in Scorpio. Therefore, Mars, afflicts Moon, or one is having Sade Sati
lord of the sign, which is the 1 Lth to the or one is having Ashtama SanTthat the
6th is really the evil planet. But, Mars native will suffer. Why? Because we
is conjoined with Rahu. Rahu is a node. refer only to the position of Moon. So,
It is stronger than Mars. Therefore, who wifi suffer and what is the real truth?
Rahu is to give the results of Mars. Fur- "(1) Find out which relative is indi-
ther, it is true that if Rahu or Kethu were cated by Cancer to each lagna-born. Only
to occupy the trine house, it should not be that particular relative will suffer.
connected with the evil planet. Because
the beneficial results which are to be given (2) Find out in which house Moon
by Rahu will not be enjoyed by the native, is posited; the relative indicated by this
whereas disagreeable ones will be experi- house also will suffer.
enced against one's expectation which is
wrong. According to the data collected by me,
Rahu was in Moon's star. Moon rules I have to state that people
Hastha. Moon owns the evil house 7th (a) pass the examination
to the 6th. Therefore, Moon is maraka- (b) get married
sthana athipathi. Rahu conjoined with
Mars has to end the life; it gains more (c) become father or mother of
strength by occupying the constellation of children
Moon. Therefore, during Rahu Anthra, (d) get appointed
he had to lose his immediate subordi-
nate. Thus, it can be seen that a person (e) are promoted
may come forward during 7-1/2 years (f) extension of service sanctioned
Saturn period but at the same time such a
benefit cannot be enjoyed in full due to (g) come by fortune in lottery, races,
certain disagreeable results coming up etc. when they have actually
which is or which may be attributed to Saturn transiting in 12, 1, 2, 4
7-1/2 years Saturn. Personally there may and 8 to Moon which position is
be gains. But, mentally, there can be considered to be adverse.
some depression.' .J'hcse so-called adverse positions
of Saturn to Moon do not throw
Therefore, I used to repeatedly say that" obstacles, nor delay, deny, dis-
Saturn afflicting Moon will affect the plea- appoint, etc. But there may be
sure of the native; but one's .personal some other cause which will not
material welfare is to be read whether allow one to have perfect peace,
Saturn can do good or bad to the native and the cause or source of
by judging only the relative position worry is indicated by Moon by
between Saturn and the ascendant, and the its lordship and occupation in
lord of the constellation and the lord of each individual horoscope*
Ill Example
Mars • Jupiter
One's' marriage and Father's end at the
same moment. Rahu
This was dealt, with in September 1965
issue, Page 27.
Chart is reproduced for ready reference.
Born 7-03 A.M. on 19-9-1942 at 24° 49'
N and 86° 42' E 1 Sup Lagna
' i1 _ 11
Saturn Jupiter j . Moon ^
. fCetbu
Venus dasa Balance 9 years 2 months 21
—-——^ Rasi — days.
• Rahu World is full of varieties..
Venus In subsequent issues* how one gains in
many ways at the same time will be dis-
Lagna - cussed under the title.
Moon Sun
Mars I| " Bunch of Jasmine without any
Merc" | Thorn "
Question: You ' predicted that my indicates health and longevity of the part-
wife will passaway during my Kethu Dasa ner in life. Kethu will be in 7 to 7.- There-
Rahu Bukthi, as Kethu is in close conjuoc- fore,Kethu Dasa, Rahu Bukthimust be evil
tion with Moon.sign, and Rahu is in the and the prediction was given on that basis
7th house counted from Moon sign. and it had come true.
Actually she died -during that period in As regards your longevity, no doubt
May 1964. As regards myself you said Budhaisinthe constellation Uttarattathi
that my end will be in Kethu Dasa, Mercury which is ruled by Saturn. Saturn should
Bukthi, Rahu" Anthra. Do you reiterate be taken as lord of the rasi in which you
the same ? The horoscope is as under: are bom and Kethu represents Saturn.
Budha which is occupying the constella-
Metcuir | lyars Venus Saturn tion of Saturn will represent and give the
results of Saturn. Generally, planets
which own a sign and if they occupy 6th
or 8th or 12th counted from it, then the
Rasi planet is weak and il cannot strengthen
17-4-1887 the sign which it owns. Saturn owns Cap-
23 G. 30 V. ricorn and Aquarius but Capricorn is the
sign in which youare born and to Capri-
corn Saturn is i n the 6th house as i t occu-
pies Gemini. Saturn is evil.
Saturn aspects the 8th. Therefore, Kethu
Dasa, Saturn Bukthi may be taken as the
' Saturn period when it can do Harm. But Mercury
Votvas Rabu Sun is in the constellation of Saturn. There-
MarS fore, Mercury should be taken as strong
significator. Mercury is lord, of 6. It
gives ailment. Mercury is occupying the
Navamsaitl j—- 8th sign counted from Lagna and 3rd
counted from Moon sign. 8 and 3 are
.considered to be the houses w^ich indicate
one's longevity. Therefore, Mercury
which is debilitated, which is in the con
stellation of Saturn will prove t o be defini-
tely evil.
, Mars dasa Balance 3 years 6 months When a doubt arises, immediately let us
} days. consider how we have to fix up the actual
period when a few planets operate and the
Answer: Your Lagna is weak as Rahu, results are to be expected. To-day it is
a node, is occupying the sign Leo where Mootam, which is ruled by Kethu. The
your ascendant is. So, take the Moon sign. - lagna at which this is recorded is also
Moon is in Capricorn, Kethu is in Aqua- Aquarius which is ruled by Saturn. The
ius. Therefore, Capricorn is not afflicted day is Wednesday which is ruled by Mer-
ind Moon sign alone should be taken as cury. Therefore, Kethu Dasa, Saturn Buk-
he first .house. Then, Rahu in the 7th thi, Mercury Anthra or Mercury Bukthi,
louse is indeed evil as regards the longe- Saturn Anthra should be taken as the time.
vity of your wife, because 7th house itself Since you have mostly completed Saturn
Dasa Mercury Anthra the only alternative Techniques of Prediction' in some old
is Keihu Dasa, Budba Buklhi, Saturn issues of Astrological Magazines. The '
Anthra and then we have to. consider lucidity of style, and the clarity of inter-
whether'any planet is in Kethu, Saturn and pretation and inference therefrom based
Budba.stars. The other node Rahu ism on modern conditions were very much
Mflkam. If Rahu were to occupy the 'star appreciated by me.
owned by any of the planets, that is, Budha, If you have got copies of all the set of
Mercury, Saturn or Kethu, then Rahu is articles on this new technique, I shall feel
.strong. So, one should 6nd out when extremely grateful if you can kindly
Kethu Dasa', Mercury Bukthi, Rahu Anthra furnish one set of the same to me, since
operates. At that time, * you can expect these will be invaluable for a new entrant
your end. to Astrology like me.
Mercury is in the 3rd house. Therefore, Secondly, after analysing the horoscope
only when Mercury's sub period commer- of a friend of mine, I was very much sur-
ces, you will return home and be with prised to find that the results obtained
your children at Madras. When Sun tran- therein, cannot normally be explained by
sits in Mercury's sign, Rahu's star and ordinary cannons of Astrology. >1 have
when Moon transits in Kethu's Naksathra discussed this aspect with the Astrologers
mostly in the last week of June 1967 your here, but they have not been able to give
health will be affected and even expert any convincing reply. It was, at this
medicaf aid may not prove to be helpful. juncture, that I came across your articles
It is certain that at least till that date on your Magazine. Then, I almost felt
longevity is promised to you. like shouting * Eurekha',:—here, I have'
Dear Sir, at last found a formidable doyen io
As a budding amateur who has recently Astrology who will be able to clear my
started taking interest in the vast ocean of doubts.
Astrology,'! was very much impressed by S. D. G. AIYAR,
some of your articles on the 'New Jabalpur
K. Ganapathy
The horoscope of one who is born with
Moon and Jupiter in Cancer like Lord
Rama and having a similar name and is
one of the 117 passengers by the Air India
Boeing 707 which is reported to have
crashed is as under:—
The other horoscope belongs to his Born Rasi
partner in life* Sun 26-39
" Mercury
When they were compared at the time 29-52
of marriage for Dasa porutham etc., they Moon
were mformed that they match well and 26-29
marriage could be celebrated. They were Mars
married. 25-46
Rahu 17-4
Now, when she 'is in prime youth, she Mercury dasa .Balance 4 years 5 months
has lost her husband in the air crash. Male . 24 days..
chart—Born on 2-11-1931—Monday.
By air crash it is meant,
(a) one has the opportunity to go by
air, on a long journey,
(b) and the unexpected end,
(c) in a far off place.
Long journey is indicated by. the 9th
house. Planet in the 9th house are Moon
and Jupiter. Rohini, Hastham and Srava-
nam are rilled by Moon. Kethu alone is in
' Hastham.
• Mercury is lord of 9. It is in Shook-
Mars Asc. 28-28 shma Parivarthana yoga with Jupiter.
turn 9*02 Sun 15-48 Kethu Venus, Mercury and Moon are in Jupi-
i-13 Venus Mercury 10-39 ter's constellation. Jupiter alone is in Mer-
0-09 24-15
cury's constellation.
Hence Mercury, Jupiter, Mooh, Venus
and Kethu are the significators.
Jupiter dasa Balance 3 years 8 months
28 days. The following is the chart of Find out whether there is a node
the wife who has survived her husband. occupying the sign of the significators.
Rahii is in Pisces ruled by )upiter. Hence and it would have coincided with Mercury
drop Jupiter and take Rahu as the i.e., to the place of accident,-Mercury
significator. would be rising in the East then—
Therefore the conjoined periods of Why should' the lady lose her husband
Mercury, Rahu, Kethu, Venus arid Moon in a far off place ?
should.create a chance to go overseas. She was running Venus Dasa, Mercury
Actually he left India during Mercury Bhukti, Venus Antbra. The 7th cusp is to
Dasa, Rahu Bhukti, Venus Anthrd, Saturn be taken as the ascendant of the husband.
Shookshma. Then Venus is in the constellation of lord
Why should there be an unexpected end ? of 6 Mercury who is in the constellation
Then Danger and death are denoted by the of Loid of 8 Sun. This disposition is
8th house. It is ruled'by Venus. Saturn danger to husband.
alone is in Venus constellation. Hence For her, the 8th house shows Mangalyam.
Venus, lord of 8 in the constellation of lord It receives aspect from Mercury, Sun and-
of 6 Jupiter and in the sub of Moon gave Mars. This combination indicates Mer-
the end. cury—during travels—Sun by fire accident
Let us note the ruling planets.then. It —Mars sudden end to him causing Dhur
wa£ a Monday ruled by Moon. The star Bagyam to her.
was Sathabhisha governed by Rahu. The Look at the Yogas in her chart;
sign is owned by Saturn. The ascendant Chandra Mangala Yoga; Sunapha Yoga;
at that time of the crash might be 11° Lagna Adhi Yoga; Nipuna Yoga; Vesi
Capricorn, in the constellation of Moon Yoga; etc. What have they done to her ?

Since building or land conies under immo-
I am submitting herewith my horos- vable property, one has to judge both the
cope. Twould like you to find out the 4th and 11th houses. Unless we pay, we
exact date on which it would be possible cannot have the house- . Payment is indi-
for me to straightaway purchase a house cated by the 12th house. So, the houses 4,
and occupy it. 11 and 12 are to be judged.
While judging the houses, we have to
find out whether planets occupy these
houses and if so, note down the stars
governed by these planets. Ascertain
which planets occupy the constellation of
the occupants of these houses. Whether
■ Rasi there is any planet in such a constellation
21—11—1931 or not, note down also the occupants.
Undoubtedly, the planets in the constella-
tion. are strong significators. So, note
Mars, down, the planets occupying the constella-
<!,, Merc.,
Venus tion and also occupying these bhavas. As
-Sun you have got rrjjjrity of the planets
occupying the houtes 11 and 12 and no
planet is in the 4th house, we can very
well take that those planets which occupy
these houses and also which aspects these
houses or rules these houses will surely
bless you with a house. For people born
in Capricorn --fMakara) lagna, Venus
(Sukra) is Rajayogathipathi. By Rajayoga- .
thipathi, one understands that one can
have his desires fulfillsd. Saturn who is
lord of 1 and 2, can contribute to one's
Moon -Sat. success and acquisition. Saturn is occupy-
ing the constellation Poorvashada which
is ruled by Venus (Sukra), who is the
Reply: To purchase a house, one has Rajayogathipathi and Venus at the time of
to scrutinise (1) the house (bhava) '4, as the birth was occupying the constellation
4th house indicates permanent possession, Jyeshta ruled by Mercury (Budha), lord of
land and building, other than vehicle, etc. 9. According to me, there will be to some
The 11th house shows the gains which one extent such beneficial results similar to
can have. The 12th house indicates the Darmakarmathipathiyoga (Lord of 10,
cheque to be issued in favour of one who occupying the constellation of lord of 9).
sells the house. Therefore, one has to One is to note that unless the 9th or 6th
look to the houses 4, 11 and 12. house also operates, it is not possible for
11 th house ind icates the gains. It may one to take possession of the building
be either a movable or an immovable one. which one purchases. Why 7 6th house is
12th to the 7th, which denotes the person Libra (Thulam) and it is owned by Venus
who sells. 9th house is the 12th , to the (Sukra). Therefore, the present moment
lOth which is the fourth to the 7th. In the is Thula lagna and Poorattathi Nak-
constellation of lord of 6 and 9, Venus is shathra. Therefore, Sukra Dasa, Sukra
posited. Therefore, Venus is a strong Bukthi, Guru Anthra will be the period
significator. Lord of the 12th house is when you will have it.
Jupiter and it is in exaltation and it is But, there is another school of thought
also in the constellation of Mercury which that whcn> Moon transits in a particular
also indicates that the seller will lose his position, the native puts the query and
property as Mercury rules the 3rd and when the significators transit that parti-
12th houses counted from 7th house. cular degree the native will have that
What is the 3rd house? 3rd house is ambition realised. Now Moon is around
Vyaya to the 4th. 4th house indicates 22° in Aquarius. Therefore, when Sun or
permanent possession. Vyaya to 4th house Sukra passes 22°.of Aquarius on that day,
would mean to give away land or build- you will have the possession of the house
ing. Therefore, planets occupying the i.e., around Sth March, 1967.
stars of the significators of the 3rd house
are strong enough to indicate. Sukra Please mention a number " asks the
Dasa, Sun Bukthi, Guru Anthrawill be the astrologer.
period when you will purchase a house "Let mc think, wait.—let it be 11 " says
and occupy it. When a doubt arises
whether a particular ■ antbra will give a he.
result or not, the best thing would be to When you are requested to give a
note down the moment at which the person number within 108, you mentioned 11. It
puts the question. Moon is called Mathi. means that the Ascendant should be taken
It indicates the mind. It gives the urge to as Karthikai third pada. . The query is
put a question. Note where Moon is- about the purchase or acquisition of a
transiting at the time when ° the native house. So, consider the 4th house. It
puts the query. To-day, it is 21st February, is ruled by Sun. As already mentioned,
1966. Moon is in Aquarius (Kumba) and- the degree occupied by Moon when transit-
in Poorvapadrapada Nakshathra. Aqua- ted by lord of 4 will, surely give you a
rius (Kumba) is ruled by Saturn and house. So, when Sun transits the position
Poorvapadrapada is governed by Jupiter Poorvapadrapada first pada, you may
(Guru). Therefore, . Saturn and Jupiter have it. Therefore, it is certain that
must rule the time when itwill materialise! between 4th and 7th March, 1967, you will
Again lagna at which you put the query is surely purchase a house.

(K. Ganapathy)
: Born on 25-6»1927 at A building is indicated by the 4th house
2.15 A.M. counted from Lagna or Moon sign which-
ever is stronger. . As Moon is in Lagna,
Jupiter 120 the selection of the stronger does not
yni n7, Moon 1 arise. Count from the Lagna. Sun ands'
. !!• 50' Rahu are in second bhava. Mars and
Venus are in the 4th and Jupiter is in the
llth bhava. Stronger than Sun is Rahu
as they are conjoined. Stronger than.
Jupiter is Kethu as it occupies the sign
ruled by Jupiter. Further, Kethu is to give
the results of Sun as it is aspected by Sun.
'Mars and Venus show matters connected
with building as they are in 4th house.
Rahu's stars are Arudhra, Swathi and'
Sathabisha. Sun alone is in Arudhra.
Kethu governs Aswini, Makam and
Moolam. Moon and Kethu are in Aswini
and Moolam. Mars rules Mrigasira trine
-stars—no planet in any. .Venus governs
Bharani trine stars—no planet in any of
I I the three stars.
Venus owns 2nd house: Moon 4th
house and Saturn llth house. No planet
is in any of the three stars of Venus:
None in the three stars of Moon. But in
the constellations of Saturn, Mercury is
in Pushya, Saturn in Aouradha and
Jupiter in Uthrapathrapada. Hence, Mer-
cury, Saturn and Jupiter are for offering
the results indicated by llth house..
Rahu Japitor,
Saturn Therefore, Moon (in Kethu's star who re-
presents fnpiter, strong in his own sign,
occupies llth bhava and is in the con-
. Kethu Dasa balance 0 year 9 months stellation of lord of 11, Safurn). Kethu,
13 days. Safum, Rahu are the strong significators
During Moon Dasa Saturn Bukthi on to own a house; to occupy a new pre-
mises, etc. Actually, you bad a new house
6'2.1960 a new house was built and
occupied. When can this huxlding be Bukthi,for Rahu
built you during Moon Dasa, Saturn
Aothra on 6-2-1960—a
disposed of? Saturday ruled by Saturn who is the lord
Acquisition of a house: Judge the of the sub period bukthi. Rohini star day
second, fourth and 11th bhavas. governed by. Moon, whose dasa was
Disposal of a house: 3, 5 and 10th * running.
bhavas. For disposal, study the houses 3,5 and 10.
Mercury is in the' 3rd house; no planet Mars, under the sway of Mercury, as it
occupies 5 or 10. was in Ashlesha, causes sale of a house in
Mercury's stars are Ashlesha, Jyeshta .its dasa.
and Revathi. Ashlesha is occupied by Hence, Mars Dasa, Saturn Bukthi, Mer-
Mars and Venus. cury Anthra, you will enter into an agree-
Lord of 3 is Mercury; lord of, 5 is Sun mentand during Mars Dasa, Saturn Bukthi,
and lord of 10 is Saturn. Venus Anthra, you will hand over the pos-
Mars and Venus are in Mercury star; session on a Dhanishta or Anuradha star
none in Sun's star; Saturn, Mercury and day. You can receive advance in the
Jupiter are in Saturn's star. Hence, Mars, beginning of March 1967 and finish the
Mercury, Saturn, Venus and Kethu are sale deed by June 1967.
strong signifies tors. As Mars is in the constellation of lord '
Further, one can judge in the following of 11 during Mars Dasa, there can be no
manner. Saturn as lord of 11, gave the desperate sale, but you will make up
house in its sub period; Saturn as lord of satisfactorily.
10 has the effect to cause the sale- By noting down the star days Anu-
Moon, representing Kethu (as Moon was radha and Dhanishta in March and June
■ in Kethu's star) in its dasa offered a build-: 1967, one can mention the date of the sale
ing, as Kethu denotes 11th bhava results. ' Of the house.
When can this bride get married ? ' moments are (when you submit the horo-
scope). To-day, it is Monday ruled by
Sun, • Venus, Moon. The star is Jyeshta and this Jyeshta
Mercury Rahu is otherwise called Kettai, the lord of
-which is Budha and the Rasi is Scorpio or
Vrischika ruled by Mars., Therefore,
Moon, Mars' and Mercury are the three
ruling planets at the present moment when
you hand over the chart. Let us consider
what were the planets which ruled at the
time of the birth of your daughter. She
is born in Scorpio-Vrischika Lagna, lord is
Sevvai. She is born in Virgo Rasi. Her
Nakshathra is Hfastha. Thus, all' the
three planets which rule at the present
moment had been jointly ruling at the
moment of the birth of your child. By
that, it means that the horoscope given by
you is correct.
By marriage it is meant (especially for
ladies) that there will be a thorough
change in their surroundipgs and environ-
ments. They have to leave the close kith
and kin, the present permanent residence
and then join another group of people and
'live. Further, there will be an increase in
the number of the members of the family
by marriage. Houses 2, 7 and 11 are
generally scrutinized fof'marriagefor both
boys and girls. But, as regards girls, we
Mars have to find out the period of change of
residence also. A planet in the 12th sign
either to dasanatha or bukthinatha can
•Born on 12-5-1946 at 7-21 P.M. • give change in the residence, following
by K.S.N. immediately after the time of marriage.
Dear Sir, Considering the houses 2, 7 and II, the
second house is vacant. 7th is occupied
Why should you take the horoscope to- by Sukra and Rahu. Rahu isstronger than
day that too at this hour for consultation? Sukra (though Sukra is in Swakshethra
J used to think " should not there be any —in its own sign). The 11th house is
connection between the actual time of the occupied by Chandra and Guru. Rahu's
birth of your daughter and also the. time stars are Arudra, Swati and Sathabisha.
of your query?" After doing research,. No planet is found in any of the three
I found that both must in full agree. stars. Moon rules the stars Rohini,
Otherwise, the horoscope is wrong. I Hastham and Sravanam. Moon's star is
always observe this clue before judging a occupied by Sukra (Venus) in Rishaba
chart. So, let us consider what to-day is (Taurus); Chandra is in Kanni (Virgo) and
and the ruling planets at the present no other planet is found in Moon's star.
Since Venus-Sukra is weaker than Rahu, satisfactory immunity and resistance
the strong significators are Rahu and against infectious diseases. He will not
Chandra (Moon). fall ill and cause worry now and then. So,
your daughter will have a good looking
Then, we have to find out the lords of and healthy, husband to satisfy her in full.
the houses 2, 7 and 11. 2 is owned by Luckily for her, she is born in the sign
Guru (lupiter). 7th is .ruled by Sukra owned by Mars which is oujculiafi but the
(Venus) and 11th is governed by Budha sign is feminine. She will be bold and
(Mercury). It is found that Jupiter is not active, mniVrarf and modest.—She is not
very strong. Rahu represents Sukra and Ultra-modern. Her husband is lu be taken
Sukra becomes weak. So, ■ we have to as one born in Taurus. It is-ruled by
consider that Rahu and Moon are the two Venus, a feminine planet.' The sign is also
strong significators. Then, we have to feminine. Therefore, he will be more
find out whether any node is occupying modest; being the srmriri sign of the
the constellation of any of the other Zodiac, he will be ever Smiling and never
significator, though . weak. One of the^ provoking'. He will keep ner always
Mercury's stars is Jyeshta which is' cheerful.- As regards his financial position,
Occupied by Kethu. Therefore, to me, it Sani appears to be in Ashtama to her. It
appeals that Rahu Dasa, Kethu Bukthi, is very good for her husband, as Risbaba
Chandra Anthra will be the time when the (Taurus) is to be taken as his Lagna.
"marriage will take place. Now, she is Saturn is lord of 9 and 10; it is called a
running Rahu Dasa, Budha Bukthi and she Rajayogathipathi. Therefore to him,
enters into Rahu Dasa, Kethu Bhukthi on Saturn, a Rajayogathipathi, is in the
the Happy New Year day IstJanuary, 1967. second sign which indicates finance and
Then, Kethu Anthra, Sukra Anthra have to family. Therefore, his financial position
pass which end before 9th April, 1967. On and family will bs absolutely satisfactory.
IOth April, 1967, marriage will be celebra- She will lead a very pleasant life. As
ted. According to advanced stellar astro- regards his profession, I find that he may
logy at that time Sun will be transiting in be in automobile or railway or anything
Revati Nakashathra ruled by Mercury and concerned with hmiries or vehicles. . He
the sub of Rahu. Therefore, there is is not in military transport service : nor
every likelihood of celebrating the marri- in air service but in other transport ones.
age on 10th April, 1967. It is not unlikely that he may work even
Description of Partner: Generally, in Food Corporation. Lord of 7 Sukra
the 4tb' house indicates the profession of in his own sign, Swakshethra, is strong
the husband and the .7th house shows his and lord of 7 counted from Moon sign
characteristics, body build, etc. 8th house - conjoined with Chandra shows that the
partner comes from a friend's family;
indicates his self-acquisition and bank .they will be a distant relative already. If
position, whereas 6th and lltb houses there were to be anybody in view among
show how far the girl will be benefitted by your relatives at present, it will fall during
the husband. negotiation. When Saturn, occupies the
Let us consider the 7th house. It is 10th house counted from Moon, generally
occupied by Siikra and also Rahu. There- - any bridegroom born in relative's family
fore, he will be'really fair and good may be .suggested but it will not mate-
looking. The sign itself is called Taurus rialise. Destiny is otherwise. Hence your
and is symbolised by a Bull. So,, he will daughter will have her husband coming
maintain goo4 health. There will be from a distan

porutham is lacking, they will live
The horoscope of most of the couples happily. This is tru'^ in all cases.
shown to astrologers, for judgment A person's fortune should not be
and understood that tltey concord with read from the position of Moon and
each other, according to Dasapoiutham. Moon alone. For example, twins born
Yet, they do cot lead a happy and har- within an interval of IS minutes have the
monious life. Then, what is the meaning same L&gna and. the position of planets
of such a comparative study 7 also remain to be the same. In both, the
position of Moon is in the same sign and.
in the same. star. When according to
Dasaporutham one judges the compati-
Dear Sir, bility, the chart of the bride agreeing-wilh
Marriage is fixed in Heavens and celeb- either of the twins must alsu ugiee wilh
rated here. Selecting the partner by that of the other, and she must be marry-
judging the horoscope depending upon ing one and also in friendly terms with the
Dasaporutham and Sevvai (Mangal). brother-in-law, the other twin. Actually,
'Dosham alone is not correct. One has to it is not so.- The main reason is that the
judge the individual horoscopes, ascertain judgment is based" upon the position of
the longevity, find out the happiness and Moon alone in both the horoscopes.
prosperity. Also note the future dasa When a person does not know his or
and consider whether they will lead a her time of birth but remember only the
harmonious wedded life. If one is destin- constellation and sign where Moon was at
ed to live long and lead a pleasant family the time of birth, then this method will give
life with satisfactory bank position, etc., mental strength for them. Nobody can
then whomsoever he or she marries must change one's fate, which should be declared
lead a pleasant life. after studying the horoscope in full.
According to me Dasaporutham is The two charts given below, belong to
secondary and in many cases the threaten- a couple who held their hands during the
ing Sevvai Dosha has not done any harm time of marriage on 26-6-1963 and who
whereas people without Sevvai Dosha have not yet joined. They live separately.
had enough of disharmony, dispute and There is no correspondence.
difficulty in their married life leading to Female born on 31-12-1943.
divorce. Therefore, one is to judge earh
horoscope separately. If he finds in both
the horoscopes that they will lead a happy
life for long number of years, then there
is nothing wrong in matching them.
Further, if in each horoscope it is under-
stood that the person cannot have a
smooth family life according to the dis-
position of the various planets in relation
to the ascendant and the 7th cusp, even
though Dasaporutham is found while
comparing their horoscope or not, accord-
ing to the destiny they will marry and
suffer. Similarly, people having the
fortune 10 have a harmonious and happy
domestic environments, even if Dasa-
Both mattied on 26 6-61 on a Wednes-
Mars Jupiter day on Makam star day tnak born when
Kelhu the second World War was started and he
has the evil combination in 7 indicating
repulsion and not attraction. According
to dasaporuthara, there is Nakshatbra.
pormbam, no Rajjn, etc Hence they
Navamsam ate considered to be agreeing. Both have
Mar's in the 4lb sign. Therefore, they are
MOOB, Sue, matched.
Mcfdiry Venus
Is it not a rare case chat from the after-
boon on 26-6-63, thotigii they live in the
Laftna, Saturn same town, same street, etc., they have
- Rafau not yet met. tallced, etc., etc.
Rahu das a Balance 12 years 5 months If their horoscopes are individually
^ days. studied, the astrologer has to predict that
they cannot have peaceful and pleasant
Male born on 4-9-1939! married life from 26-6-63, as In the female
chart, Jupiter is in Kethu constellation in
7 and in male's chart Saturn (debilitated)
Moots, 1 and Kxtbu are in 7, both in Kethu coa-
Jupiter Saturn, ( stellation conjoined with Moon whose
Kclhu dasa is running.
The foilowicg chart belongs to the
husband who is at the mercy of his wife
Rasi who may or may not return home in the
feun, night after attending her office.
, Mais Mercury,
Venus Male born on 2 7-2-1931.
L »ga I , Rahu

Saturn* Wefcury Mars
Mercury Ketbu Ajc.

Nivaimam Venus,
Saturu Kelhu
Mars Moon .
Mais dasa 3 years I month 11 days-
Rahu Jupiter Lagoa Sim,
The following is the chart of the girl
who take life easy. Never respecls het
Vcaus daSa'Balance If years 6 montbs. husband whose horoscope is given above.
Balh ere born in the star Mrigasira, in
Saturn Ketbu Mooo \ 'the same sign. In the boy's chart there is
Mats dosha when counted ftotn Venus
and Moon. In the girl's chart Mars dosha
i f caused by its situation in 4 to Moon and
Jupiter / il to Lagns. People having similar
deshas arc matched.
llasl '
1MMW5 Scrutiny of Dasaporutham does not rule
out disbaimony and divorce.
In subsequent issues whether there will
Mercury, Lugr.a
SUD, Mars
be divorce or there will be reunion will be
Venus Rahu discussed.
K. Ganapathi
Rahu Now we have to see the constellation of
20-09 i the lords of the houses. Mars, Sun and
Asc. 19-45 ! Jupiter rule^ the houses 2, 6- and 10 in
order. So; we have to find out the
Nakshathras of Mars, Sun and Jupiter and
note down the planets occupying such
stars. Mars governs Mrigasirisha, Cbitrai
Rasi Born and Danishta and there is no planet in
29—9—1912 Mrigasirisha. Chitrai is occupied by Mars
and there is no planet in Danishta, where-
as in Chitrai we have got Venus also.
Next the planet, Sun rules, the ' 6th
17-45 I Fortuna
25. unr. Men. e-48
S tin 13-27 house. Its stars are Karthikai, Uthrapal-
jvcn. £6-29 j KetlJuSO-S
M&ib 25-1 guni - and Uthrasha,da. Uthrapalguni is
occupied by Mercury and there is no other
At the time of birth Venus dasa balance planet.
11 years 1 month and 6 days. Lord of 10 is Jupiter. The Naksha-
Sir, tras are Punarvasu, Visakam and Poorat-
tathi. In Punarvasu there is no planet :
As regards finance and fortune, we have in Visakam none and in Poorattathi also
to see the houses 2, 6 and 10. Planets none.
occupying the constellation of the occu- Now* we have to find out the strength
pants of the houses .2, 6 and 10 are the of the planet'which is to offer the most
strongest significators, if they are weak in beneficial result. One can find that Mars
strength, the occupant of the houses 2, 6 and Mercury are very strong.
and 10. Compare these significators with
the planets in the constellation of the lord We can verify which of these had
of the houses 2, 6 and 10 and consider already given a favourable result. On
these planets if they are very strong ; then 17thFebruary, 1944, you had been appoin-
follows the lords of the houses. Thus, ted and you took charge when you had
we have to find out the significators, esti- been running Mars Dasa, Mercury Bukthi,
mate their strength and select the strongest Jupiter Anthra. The nature of the profes-
of these to offer the advantageous results sion that you took exactly fits in with
to the native. what they indicate. Since Mars is for
Second house is occupied by Moon and authority, Mercury is to hear both sides,
itsNakshathras are Rohini, Hastham and weigh the merits and demerits, consider
Sravanam. Saturn is io Rohini, Naksha- the truth and untruth, and Jupiter is for
thra and in Hastham we have got Sun and finance, bank or law. Your legal profes-
Kethu and in Sravana there is no planet. sion is indicated by Mars, Mercury and
Therefore the planets Saturn, Sun and Jupiter and they are the three planets
Kethu are the-three significators who are which were beneficial to you to give the
situated in the constellation ruled by results then. Now you are running Jupiter
Moon, occupying the second house. Dasa and also Jupiter Bukthi. Then which
sub period can give improvement ? Either
Sixth and 10th houses are vacant. it can be Mercury and in that of Mercury,
Mars or Mars and in that sub period it is always' advantageous to competitors
Mercury's sub sub period. Jupiter Dasa, it means it. is not favourable to Meen
Jupiter Bbukti, Mercury Anthra, Mars (Pisces) lagna born.
Shookshma was around July 1965. There Saturn' is lord of 11 to Meena lagna
was a chance and there was a talk and you hence it can do good.
could have entertained hopes, then. Now
Mars Anthra and Mercury Shookshma will If it is in adverse aspect to the origina
operate this year in July. Therefore, we position in the chart, it is helpless.
see whether we have to select this year or Therefore, Saturn in Meena will b
oughtto havechosen the last year, is to be favourable.
judged. The other method of ascertaining
either of the days would be to find out the Jupiter is lord of 10; it is also a signifi
transit results of the planet on both the cator of your profession.
occasions. You are running at present Jupiter Dasa
Last year, Saturn was in the 11th house It is absolutely necessary to give impor
"to Moon according to Hindu system and in tance to the transit of Jupiter (dasanatha)
the 12th to lagna. 11th house to Moon It will be transiting in Gemini and in the
sign is considered to be most auspicious. star Arudra. Arudra is governed by Rahu.
But actually last year it has not given. '.Can Rahu do good to the native ? Jupitei
But, now Saturn will come to Pisces— can contribute for success. Rahu is
Meena and i t will be in 12 to Moon. Gene- occupying Meena and it is aspected by the
rally, it is said when Saturn is transiting in lord of the sign Jupiter. So, it can
12 to Moon, when conjoined with Moon, represent Jupiter. . Rahu is in Revathi
and transiting in the 2nd house to Moon Nakshathra governed by Budha who is
are not auspicious. They say, it is 1\ exalted and who aspects Rahu. Further
years (Sade-Sati) Saturn and it cannot do Mars, lord of 2 aspects Rahu. Hence
good to the native and so on. But actually Rahu acts as an agent of Jupiter, Mercury
when Saturn was in Kumba (Aquarius) it and Mars. Since Mars, Mercury and
was squaring its original position at the Jupiter indicate your profession and pro-
time of birth. Saturn is lord of 11. There- motion, Rahu can also act and give. So,
fore, realisation of ambition is indicated Jupiter and Mercury'are really very strong
by Saturn only when it transits in a sign and Rahu is to give the results of those
which is favourable to the sign which it two • planets. Rahu's star in Mercury's
occupied at the time of birth. But, when sign is Arudra and when Jupiter transits
Saturn squares its original position, what- in Arudra you must have it. Then, Jupiter
ever ithas to offer to the native, it is incap- on the day of promotion will be mostly in
able of, as the present transit position is a Mercury's sign, Rahu's star and Mars
disharmonious one. sub. Further, Sun will be transiting in
Jupiter's star Punarvasu and also the sub
After 7th April, 1966, Saturn moves to of Jupiter. Therefore, I am Sure between
Pisces and it gains strength and in July 4th and 7th of July, 1966, you must have
when Saturn will be in Pisces in the promotion. According to dasa bukthi
Nakshathra Uthrapathrapada ruled by system, it is Jupiter Dasa, Jupiter Bukthi,
Saturn itself. Therefore, lord of 11 tran- Mars Anthra andMercury Shookshma and
siting in the constellation of lord of 11 according to transit, Saturn and Jupiter
(whatever be the Bhava)is considered to be are very well posited at that time. Sun
most advantageous to have one's desires and Jupiter are the.chief significators of
fulfilled. For people born in Meena lagna jyour present profession. Also, lord of 6
adverse position of Saturn to Moon is indicating service, is transiting on that day
always advantageous. Why? Moon is a very favourable constellation. Therefore
lord of 5 to Meena lagna born ; so to his one can be sure that the first week of July
competitors (Kanya-virgo represents the 1966 wil 1 be the time when you will have
competitors) Moon is lord of 11. So, if a lift to the next higher rung of the ladder.
there is a favourable aspect toMoon, then 1 am sure that no planet can, in_ any
manner throw obstacle. Mars sub period is for authority.. Therefore, Mars, and
will give the result as Mars is not. affected Jupiter conjoined together can make one
or influenced by Saturn. a bank agent or .a judge or one with
When we trace back and note down the authority in the Government Department.
period when you were first of all appoin- Since your service is in one of the above-
ted, in the judicial service, one will find mentioned, you had actually taken charge
that at the time when you were running' on a Thursday ruled by Jupiter, Visakam
Mars Dasa, Mercury Bukthi, Jupiter Anthra Naksitathra governed by Jupiter, in the
on a Thursday, when Moon was transiting sign Scorpio owned by Mars. As soon as
in Visakam 4th pada on 17th February, the ascendant Gemini started (which
1944 you Were appointed. You took portion is ruled by Mars and Mercury), you
charge. So, these , three planets are the took charge. Therefore, one may be
strong significators for your profession. certain that you will get an exalted status
Jupiter stands for finance or law and Mars as predicted above.
Chart is'as follows :■— sated, strengthened, and reinforced by tl:
aspect of Saturn. So, take Capricorn as th
first house and we have to offer predictior
As regards your profession, the 101
house is occupied by Mercury and the lor<
of 10 is Venus. Generally we look for th
houses 2, 6 and 10. The planets occupyin.
15-10-1526 the constellation of the depositors in 2, <
11-8 A.M. and 10, then occupants. When these are no
Raii found strong, find out the lords of thes
houses 2, 6 and 10 as well as the planet
situated in any of the three constellation
belonging to each of.the lords governing
the houses 2.or 6 or 10.
The house 2 is vacant, 6 is occupied b;
Rahu which is in its own constellation anc
Rahu is in Mercury's sign. It is not at al
aspected by any planet nor conjoined with
any. Therefore, it has to give the results
of only Mercury and Rahu alone.
Then the 10th house is occupied by
Mercury. It is also in Rahu's cons-
tellation. Therefore, Rahu and Mercury
are the two planets which are (he
strong significators. So, one has to judge
whether you are in engineering or in
accounts department. You will be jn
the accounts as Rahu is in Moon's Sub
(Moon conjoined with Jupiter). All along
you had been running Rahu Daisa. Rahu
was in a common sign and it was in its
\ m star, whereas the lord of the.sign was
Sun dasa i year, 7 months and 18 days. In a movable one and it was in the con-
This native has so far served in 11 stellation of Rahu. Both Rahu and Mer-
departments and now he is in the 12th.. cury show either you should be in a
How many more departments he will transferable post or you must be leaving
change? When alone can he have a per- one department after another ; Rahu indi-
manent job, so that there may be no cates you will be in a transferable post-
more worry. Mercury shows that you will sever connec-
tion with one and enter into the other
He is born in Dhanur Lagna which is which has no connection with the previous
occupied by Kethu, which is in advance to job.
that of Lagna. Hence Lagna is afflicted.
Then, let us take the Moon sign. Moon Now you are running Jupiter Dasa,
sign is occupied by Guru and it is lord of Saturn Bukthi and it will be over in
12* One strong feature is that Saturn, the January, 1968-
lord of the sign Capricorn aspects the sign* Then follows the Mercury sub period
Therefore, Capricorn gains strength. The which indicates a change. Thus you will
weakness which could have been caused by be changing during Jupiter Dasa, Mercury
the occupation ot Jupiter is now compen- sub period and then in-Rahu sub period.
is strong enough to give the results
'unaltered since it is in its own constel-
lation, Pushya.
Overseas : By overseas it is meant that
one has to leave his family, his close kith
and kin; change the surroundings and
envimntninls—which he had been enjoying
all along—proceed on a long journey
iI |! Venus, Neptune! aeross the sea (it may be by air or by water
and whatever it is) and live for some time
Kcthu i .Guru Mars | in a foreign place. The houses which we
have to judge are 9"and 12. 9th house
indicates both higher studies and also,
long journey, whereas the 12th house
shows expenses (it may be pleasant or
unpleasant) as well as life in a foreign
The order in which we have to find out
the strong sigoificators are to note down
the planets in the 9th and 12th houses and
those planets which are in the oonstol
Sun. Sani, I Mars. lation of the tenants in 9 or 12 houses.
Guru Mere. Uranus J They are the strongest to indicate the
results. There is no planer in 9 and none
in 12. - So, there is no necessity to find out
You are born in (Aquarius) Kumbha who is situated in the three Nakshathras
Lagna and Moon in Pporvipadrapada " governed by the planets. Actually, there
Nakshathra which is also occupying the is no planet in the 12(b bhava ; Sukra and
same sign. Therefore, one need not take Guru pven though they are in the 9lb sign
pains to find out whether the Lagna is they are in the 8th bhava (house); and only
strong,, or the Moon sign is strong, as Kethu the node is in 9th. No planet is in
both happen to be the same sign. the star governed by Kethu. Therefore,
Generally, a planet which owns a sign, if we have lo find out the lords of the houses
it occupies the 6th or 8th or 12th sign 9 and 12 and see whether there are planets
counted from the sign -which it rules, is in the constellations ruled by the lords of
' considered to be weak.- It cannot strene- 9.and 12 houses. Lord of 9 is Venus. Its
then the sign which it owns. But, here Nakshathras are Bharani, Poorvapalguni,
•both the Lagna.and Moon sign happen to and Poorvashoda. Mercury and Sun are
be Kumba and Sani. occupies Karkata- in the constellation of Poorvapalguni. No
Cancer which is the 6th sign to Kumba planet is in Bharani and none in Poorva-
(even though Sani comes to 5th house). sbada. Therefore, Sun and Mercury can
They are in Parivarthanayoga. contribute, in their conjoined period, long
Saturn, Lord of Lagna, occupies a journey for higher studies-
movable sign, a watery one and its results The i2th house is owned by Saturn,
are not . modified by any other planet Pushyam, Anuradha and Uthradapada
either by conjunction or by aspect; but it are the three constellations ruled by Saturn.
Saturn alone is occupying its star, and Anthra you could have had chances for
there is no other planet. Therefore, making efforts to have the passport, (Sun
Saturn is the strongest significator. Moon denotes Government, Mercury shows
is a watery planet. It is in the constel- permit), etc. It is also to be understood
lation of Jupiter, lord of 2 and 11 houses. that during Saturn Dasa, Sun Bukthi,
If it were to form good aspect with Mercury Anthra you can comeout success-
Saturn, then Moon will offer the results of ful in the examination. But during Saturn
the 2nd and 11th houses-re-union, happy, Dasa, Moon Bukthi you must go. Now
domestic environment and pleasant we have to find out whether Rahu orKcthu
domestic life. But it cannot do so in the occupies any'of the signs ruled by Saturn
period of Satum as Moon and Saturn are or Moon. Neither of the nodes is situated
in Shashtashtama according to Hindus. in their signs. Then, Saturn Dasa, Moon
According to Westerners they are in Bukthi, Saturn Anthra will be the period
sesquiquadrate aspect (135°). So, Saturn when you will be going. If two planets
and Moon do not jointly allow you to denote a result, it will happen during the
remain with your relatives. Moon can dasa, bukthi and antbra governed by those
allow you to live with parents,etc.,during two alone. If A andB are the two planets
its period, if the dasa-lord forms indicating a result, A Dasa B Bukthi, A
harmonious aspect with it: it means that Anthra will give the result. It is true
both the planets co-operate. Always lord according to dasa bukthi system. Or A
of 2 and 11 shows that one can lead Dasa B Bhukti B Anthra A Shookshma.
pleasant life with close relatives living in Then, coming to Stellar astrology, when
the same quarters. But when there is a person is running Saturn Dasa Moon
Shashtashtama position between lord of Bukthi when will he leave. The signiftca-
Lagoa and the planet offering the results tors are Saturn and Moon. Saturn will
of the houses 2 and 11, one has to be away transit its own constellation Uttarattathi
from his family. Saturn and Moon are (Uthrapathrapada—26th star) and Moon
in Shashtashtama. Why should he go will transit in Sxavana or Pushya Naksh-
away? What for? • Saturn is in the 4th thra and mostly when Sun transits in
sign of the Zodiac 1 4th Sign Cancer, Cancer in Pushya governed' by Sa*"™ in
shows education. Saturn* is lord of the 12th degree, which is the sub of Moon.
Lagna. So you have to go overseas for According to Stellar astrology, around
higher education. -29th July, 1966, you will go overseas.
When will you go? At the time when the (Sravana is the constellation governed
planets are indicating such results, operate. by Moon in Saturn's sign—Capricorn.
So, Moon Bukthi must come. It is likely Pusbya is the star ruled by Saturn in
during Saturn Dasa, Sun Bukthi, Mercury Cancer owned by Moon.)

Dear Sir, Moon, the mind, indicates the cause of
A few months- ago when my son was your worry or your anxiety or the nature
missing, I came to you and requested you of the question which you put. Moon is
to predict where he would be,. whether he occupying the 5th bouse. 5th house
would be safe, alive and so on. You told indicates children. Then, Moon was in
me that he would-be back in six days and the constellation of Uthrapatbrapada.
added that there is no cause for any worry Saturn is lord of 3 and 4 and it is
at all. Similarly, he returned back safe. occupying the 4th house. So, at the first
Again, Sir, to my misfortune, on 22nd sight when we see, Saturn is conjoined
December, 1965, my son had gone away. with Mars and Mercury. Mars represents
I thought that he would return. Alas! the ascendant, Mercury the 11th house.
He is not to be seen. I hear nothing Mars owns the 6th house also. Saturn
about him. Can you kindly guide me and rules 4th house. Therefore 1,' 4, 6 and 11
say when he will return home ? houses operate. If we examine the horos-
B. Subramaniam, cope without applying Stellar astrology,
MADRAS. it means that you may have the mind to
purchase a house. Lagna shows your
Answer: "Please r-,-,ntion a number efforts. 4th house represents permanent
.within 108." possession. 6th house either borrowing
" Sir, let it be 65." or seller giving away the house and the
When a number is asked to be given 11th house indicates your gains. But, it
within 108, the idea is .the Zodiac^ is is not so.
divided into 108' equal jtarts and the If we apply Stellar astrology, then
number that you mention will be that part Saturn,' Mars and Mercury are all in
of the Zodiac which is taken as the Poorattathi Nakshathra (Poorvapadra-
ascendant. When the Zodiac is divided pada). So all these three planets indicate
into 108 equal parts, it means every rasi about the child, about your son, and when
contains nine equal parts. Therefore, they are occupying the 12th house counted
when you mentioned the number 65, when from the 5th house, they indicate that he
we give away nine, nine, divisions to each is now living in a place other than his own
sign, then Libra is over which is the 7th place or permanent place' of residence.
sign and two more quarters are counted He is also making-money by serving in'
in Scorpio. Therefore, Anuradha first that place as Jupiter, lord of Poorva-
pada will rise. The positionof the planets padhra is also lord of 10 to the 5th
are given asunder: house-Pisces.
The question, is when will he come
and join 7 For-re-union, we have to take
into consideration the 11th house, counted
from the 5 th. 11th house is occupied by
Venus. Therefore, when the significators
transit in the constellation of or the sub
of Venus,re-union is indicated. No planet
js occupying Barani, Poorvapalguni or
Poorvashada, which stars are ruled by
Venus. Therefore, we have to find when
the significators will transit in all these
Kethu three stars or the sub; then 5th house 1
Lagua Neptune indicates the son : and the re-union with
3* 20' to CR) father which is denoted by lord of 9 .
6° 40' representing you and the 11th house must '
'have favourable aspects. Further, the 4 and 11 counted from Pisces. All these
lord of I and lord of 5 should conjoin or must rule jointly the time. So, the 5th
transit in the sub of Venus. Now on 12th house'is Pisces, owned by Jupiter. To the
August, 1966, Jupiter, Mars and Moon—all 5th, 2ndis owned by Mars, 4th house which
the three will conjoin together according represents bis domestic environments, his
to Sayana position in 21° 30' Cancer or in own native place, etc., is ruled by Mercury
21° 13' Gemini (Mithuna). This point in and the 11th house is occupied by Venus.
the Zodiac is ruled by Mercury, the lord Therefore, I expect .that, your son will
of the sign, Jupiter, the lord of the star, come when Jupiter, Mars and MoOn
and Venus, the lord of the sub. conjoin together in the star Punarvasu
and in the sub ofVenus. Therefore, L2th
According to the time of query and the August, 1966 on a Friday, ruled by Venus
number you have given, 5thhouseis Meena. (occupying the Llth house to Meena) will
Re-union is judged by taking houses 1, 2, bring him back.
JAMINI'S gnana pradeepika
,(S. Kannan)
Notes varga; Jupiter governs Tha varga and
Aruda Lagna : This sloka is the most Saturn governs Pa varga.. Regarding
important of all the sloitas. since the planets owning two houses, if the letter
author requires the examination of the of the varga is odd its odd.sign will be
houses and planets from. three angles, taken and if it is even, its even sign will
namely, Aruda Lagna, Udaya Lagna be taken as Lagna. This is especially useful
(Rising sign or Ascendant) and Chattira whenever several questions are asked.
rasi. Regarding Aruda Lagna,- this Uttara Kalamritha says that the Querist
author's view is to take it from the rhnnlH be asked to give a number within
position of the Querist. Regarding Diks, 108 and this should be divided by 9. The
Mesha and Vrishaba are East; Mithuna quotient plus 1 will be the Aruda Lagna
is South-east; Kataka and Simha are counted from Mesha. The balance will
South Kanni is South West; Thula and represent theNavamsa. This system works
Vrischika are West ; Dbanus is North well. The next popular method is to
West; Makara and Kumba are North; divide the number by 12 and the balance
and Meena is North East. In respect of counted from Mesha is being taken as the
the primary diks like East, South etc., LagnV If the Navamsa is to be considered,
there are two signs together of which the the navamsas elapsed in the Rising Sign
first is the direct primary dik while the at the particular time are noted and the
next sign is midway between this dik and same amsas taken up for this purpose also.
its next corner.
Udaya Lagna: Calculate the ascendant
-Though this author as well as many for the time of Query and this is called the
others advocate to take the Aruda Lagna Udaya Lagna, ascendant or the Rising Sign.
based on Dik yet it is doubtful whether
this method wii? work well nowadays Chattira Rasi: The Sun will be in
when forced seats are offered to the Mesha Veedhi for four months, Vrishaba
Querists who approach a modem astro- veedhi for 4 months and in Mithuna
loger sitting in his chair with some seats Veedhi for four months as mentioned in
allotted before him. Probably this method slokas 29-30. For the particular month
was working in those days when an asto- of Query the appropriate Veedhi sign has
ger was sitting on a pial or under the to be found out. Count from Aruda
shades of a tree. Prasna Marga therefore Lagna to the Surya_.Veedhi and note the
suggests two more methods to supplement. number of signs both inclusive. Count the
One is to ask a child to place a coin on same number from the Ascendant and the
any of the twelve squares for this purpose. resultant rasi is called Chattira Rasi, which
The other is to count the betel leaves is also important Prasana Marga and
brought by the Querist and count them Anushtana Paddati who support this
from Mesha onwards. If the total leaves Chattira Rasi method state that the
exceed 12, the next round has to be number of signs have to be counted from.
counted. Bhattotpala suggests in his Aruda Lagna to the Udaya Lagna and the
Prasna Gnana to fix the Aruda Lagna same has to be counted from the Surya
from the-initial letter of the first word Veedhi to arrive at Chattira Rasi. The
pronounced by the Querist. In this, the result will be the same if any of the
Sanskrit alphabet is taken. The Sun two methods is followed. ' As an example,
governs all vowels. The Moon governs let us take Kumbha as Aruda Lagna and
ya, ra, la, va; Mars K varga, Venus Cha Thula as Udaya Lagna and the month of
query is Mesha. Counting from the information should also be succe
Aruda Lagna, Kumbha, to the Surya utilised when considering the influet
Veedhi for Mesha month, namely the Upagrahas.)
Vrishaba, as stated in slokas 37-3'', the Manner of glance by signs
number is 4, Counting 4 from the Udaya
Lagna, . Thula, the resulting sign is 43. The quadruped signs will
Makara, which is Chatlira Rasi. The sideways; Human signs will
position will be the same even if the direct: Feathery signs will aspect up;
counting is made from Aruda to Udaya and multiple legged signs will
and then from Veedhi Rasi. downwards.
Surya Veedhi for each month Mauuer of glance by planets
37-39. TheChattira Rasi for the month 44-44J. The Moon and Jupiter
of Mesha is Vrishaba; for the month of aspect direct, the Sun will look up'v
Vrishaba it is Mesha ; for the months of Mars will glance sideways, Mcrcun
Mithuna, Kataka and Simha, it is Mesha ; Venus will look downwards, and S
for the months of Kanni and Thula, it is and Rahu will look with one eye.
Vrishaba. for the months of Vrischika, (The information furnished here, w
Dhauus, Makara' and Kumbha, it is useful in identifying the thieves or
Mithuna; and for Meena month it is persons or locating the place's whet
Vrishab. As they are counted from Surya stolen articles are kept. If the pi
Veedhi they are called Surya Veedhi and signs involved have upward tool
Cbattira Rasis. article will be in the roof, if they
Planetary Aspects downcast look it will under the gr
and if they have direct look it will b
40-40J. All planets aspect fully their the walls or door-sils etc.)
7th houses ; they aspect with 3/4thstrength
4th and 8th houses; with i strength the Sex of the signs
3th and 9th houses ; with l/4th strength ' 45-45^. Mesha, Mitbuna, Sii
the 10th house; and with l/8th strength Thula, Dhanus and Kumbha are mt
the 3rd and 11 th houses. line and the rest are femenine. Tha
Streugth of Planetary aspects all the odd signs are masculine and
even signs feminine.
41-42. The Sun, the Moon, Mercury
and Venus are strong in the Full aspect Diks of Signs
{viz., 7th house aspect); Jupiter is strong 46-47. Mesha is East while its tr
in the Half aspect (Sth and 9th houses); Simha and Dhanus are South e
Mars is strong in the 3/4th aspect (4th Vrishaba is South with its trines K;
and Sth houses) ; and Saturn is strong in and Makara as South West; Mithun.
the l/4th aspect (10th house). West while its trines Thula and Kum
.(No mention is made regarding the 3rd are North West; and Kataka is S<
and 11 th bouses aspects. Following other while its trines Vrischika and Meena
texts Saturn is strong in the 3rd house North East. These have to be used
aspect also. Further Rahu and Keihu finding out the place of lost things.
will aspect 3rd and 11th houses as per (It has to be noted that the direct
general astrology and this has also to be given here are to be used for predit
applied here. .My researches also show purposes while the Diks already mentic
that the Dragons have the aspect of 6 th are specially intended for finding out
house also instead of 7 th house aspect. Aruda Lagna. The latter method ca;
This can be tested.) As per the infoima- used for predictive purposes also.)
tion gathered from Upendra Chakra, Directions of Planet
Pariveda aspects 3rd and 10th houses,
Dhuma 4th and 8th houses, Indradhanus 48-484. The Sun governs East; Ve
and Nutpa the Sth and 9lb houses. This South-east ; Mars, South; Rahu, So
west; Saturn, West; the Moon, North- Vysias,* and Vrishaba, Kanni and Makara
west; Mercury, North; and Jupiter, are Sudras.
North-east. From the planetary Diks one (Among the Hindus there are four
can locate the place of stolen articles. divisions of Varnas or castes. The infor-
{The diks given here are the same as mation-furnished will be of use to identify
stated in the Horoscopy. The Kerala a thief or anybody among the Hindus
astrologers like Prasna Marga, Anushtana only. But the principle can be extended
Paddati etc., aver that the eight diks are to others also. Brahmins denote benigh
governed by the Yama Planets in the or religious person, Kshatriya denotes
order of the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, active or an executive, Vysia denotes a
Venus, Saturn, Moon and Rahu respecti- trader and Sudra represents service.)
vely from the Cast onwards and that this
method should be used inHorary Astrology Castes of Planets
while the other method in Horoscopy). 55. The Moon and Jupiter are brah-
Sex of Planets mins; the Sun and Mars are Kshatriyas;
49'49f. The Sun, Mars and Jupiter are Mercury is Vysia; Venus is Sudra; Saturn
males; the Moon, Venus and Rahu are and Rahu arc Neechas (low class or
females; Mercury, Saturn and Kethu are. foreigners).
hermophrodites. (The opinions of other texts vary in this
50-51. Mithuna, Thula, Dhanus and respect. Krishneeyam states that Jupiter
Kumbha are masculine^ doubles; Mesha and Venus govern brahmins; the Sun and
and Simha are masculine single; Vrishaba, Mars govern Kshatriyas; the Moon and
Kataka, Vriscbika and Kanni are feminine Mercury rule Vysias; and Saturn governs
a Sudra or a mixed caste person. - It is
single; and Makara and Meena are also distinguished that the Sun rules pure
feminine doubles. 'Khatriyas; Jupiter, the pure brahmins;
Odd or even planet Venus' rules an inferior brahmin or
Kshatriya brahmin; the Moon governs
52. The Sun, the Moo,n and Mars pure vysias; Mercury rules sudras serving •
denote odd numbers while Mercury, in temples; Saturn governs pure sudras;
Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Rahu denote and Rahu a cbandala. If Saturn is in a
even numbers. brahmin rasi, it denotes a sudra having
(Here sex has not been stated but the the association of brahmins. Thus one
Sun and Mars have to be taken as single has to tell the caste after assessing the
male, Jupiter as double males, the Moon strength of planets and the signs occupied
as single female, Venus and Rahu as by them.) .
double females, Mercury and Saturn as Colours of Rasis
double eunuchs.)
Temperaments of Planets 56. Mesha, Simha and Dhanus are red;
Vrishaba, Kataka and Thula are white;
53. The Sun, the Moon and Jupiter are Vrischika, Kumbha and Meena are green;
Satwik (pure and beneficient) Mercury .and Mithuna, Kanni and Makara are black,
Venus are 'ajasic (active or passionate); (Here'the whole zodiac has been classi-
Mars and Jv.. jrn are Thamasic (Inert and fied into four colours only. But Brihat
ignorant)', Rahu and Kethu are very Jataka states the following colours for (he
Thamafl: signs and they can also be applied suitably.
Mesha-red; Vrishaba-white; Mithuna-
Castes of Rasis green; Kataka-pink; Simha-smoky ; ■
54. Meena and its trines, viz-, Kataka Kanni-piebald; Thula-black! Vrischika-
and Vrischika are brahmins; Mesha and golden; Dhanus-yellow; Makara-varie-
its trines, Simha and Dhanus are Ksha- gatcd; Kumbha-deep brown : and Meeaa-
.triyas; Mithuna, Thula and Kumbha are" crystal white.)
Planetary Colours Rays state in other Shastras
57-57$. The Sun and Mars are red ; 63. Theraysof Meshaare 7; Vrishabi
the Moon and Venus are white; Mercury 8; Mithuna, 5; Kataka, 3; Simha 7
is green; Jupiter is golden; and Saturn Kanni 11; Thula, 2; Vrischika, 4
and Rahu arc black. Dhanus, 6; Makara. 8; Kumbha, 8; an
(Here also another classification is that Meena 27 as stated in other granlha*.
the Sun is fiery red; Mars is as red as. Distances of Signs
blood ; the Moon is white; Venus is vari-
gated as diamond or of silky colours; 64. The yojanas of Mesha are 8
Mercury is green; Jupiter is yellow or Vrishaba, 11 Mithuna, 6; Kataka 11
golden; Saturn is blue or black; Rahu is Simha, 4; Kanni, 6; Thula, 3; Vrischika
black; and Kcthu is red or having several 3 Dhanus 8; Makara, 5; Kumbha,
colours simuttarreously found.) and Meena 2.
(A yojana measures the distance taker
Dimensions of Planets to travel in four hours or about 10 miles.
58-59. The Sun governs a square; the . Distance of planets
Moon a circle; Mars, a shape having both
ends broad; Mercury, a triangle; Jupiter 65-6^$. The Sun's distance is 8 yojanas:
an oblong shape; Venus an octagon: the Moon's 1; Mars's 7; Mercury's 8;
Saturn, a rectangle and Rahu a streak. Jupiter's 9; Venus's 16; and Saturn's 8.
Rays of Planets Ages of planets
60. The rays of the planets are The 66-67$. The Sun's age is 50; IbeMoon's
Sun, 5; the Moon, 21; Mars, 7; Mercury, 70; Mars's 16; Mercury's.20; Jupiter's
9; Jupiter, 101 Venus, 16; and Saturn, 4. 30; Venus's 7; and Saturn and Rahu's 100
years. With reference to these years one
(It can be observed the rays m^ntinnpd can find out the age of the thief or other
here are of the same value as the Kala- matters.
chakra dasa periods of the planets. No
rays are given here for Rahu and Ketbu The opinion of Krishneeyam is that
but some adopt 4 as for Saturn. Many Mars is infant; Mercury, 8 years; Venus,
authors adopt various kinds of rays for 16 years; Jupitec 30 years; the Sun 50
the planets according to the circumstances years; the Moon 70 years; Saturn and
mentioned by them. They have to be Rahu 100 years. The Upcndra Chakram
applied only under certain conditions says. Mars, 16 years; the Moon 7 years;
mentioned by them. In this classification Mercury 20 years; Venus and Jupiter, 32
it can be observed that there is a symmetry. years ; the Sun.50 years; Rahu 80 years
The total rays of the seven planets come and Saturn 100 years.. Still some others
to 72, which is l/5th of the zodiacal state Venus, 32; Moon 11 ; Sun 50;
degree of 360. Again if the total is Jupiter 20; Mercury 30; Mars 20 and
brought to a single digit the result is 9, a Saturn 100.
cosmic number.) Stature of planets
Rays of Signs 68-68$. The Moon, Mar^ and Saturn
are short; Mercury, Jupiter Rahu are
61-62. Mesha, Kumbha, Katafca and tall; and the Sun and Venus : medfum
Thula have each 8 rays; Vrishaba, height. •£*''
Mithuna aod Makara have each 6 rays;
Simha, Kanni and Dhanus have each 7 Tastes of planets
rays; Vrischika has 4; and Mcena lias 27. 69-70. The Sun governs pungent taste;
(These rays are useful in finding out the the Moon brackish ; Mars saline; Mercury
number of articles stolen or missing or astringent; Jupiter sweet; Venus sour; and
the time of fruition.) Saturn and Rahu, bitter.
(According to Brihat Jataka, pungent, (Mesba and its Kendras as aforesaid are
saltish, bitter, mixed, sweet, sour and also called Chara rasis, Dathu rasis (Mine-
astrigent are the respective tastes of the ral signs) or Srishii rasis. Vrishaba and
planets from the Sun to Saturn.) its quadrants are also called Sthria rasis
Moola rasis (Vegetable signs) or Sthithi
Moles and Warts rasis. Mithuna andils quadrants are also
71. The Sun, Mars, Mercury and called Ubaya rasis or Jeeva rasis (Animal
Jupiter will have moles or warts on the signs) or Samhara rasis.)
right side, while the Moon, Venus, Saturn Places of signs
and Rahu will have on the left side.
76-77$. Mesha and Dhanus are forest;
72-72Venus will have the mole on Vrishaba is a field; Mithuna and Kanni
the face, Mars on the back, Jupiter on the are town; Kataka is a canal ; Simha is a
shoulders, Mercury on the hands, the hill; Thula, Makara and Meena denote
Moon on the head, the Sun on the hips, river water; Vrischika rules well water;
Saturn on the thighs and Rahu on the and Kumbha represents stagnant water.
angles. 78-79. Some authors opine that Mesha
(Prasna Anushtana Paddhati states the governs forest; Vrishaba a field with crops;
following: The Sun governs belly J the Mithuna, a garden; Kataka, a canal;
Moon, heart; Mars, head; Mercury hands; Simha, a hill; Kanni, a place near jungle;
Jupiter, throat; Venus, face; Saturn, Thula, .a riverside place; Vrischika, a
thighs; Rahu, feet. Again, it states that river : Dhanus, a tank ; Makara, a river;
Saturn governs head ; T*fars, eyes ; Jupiter Kumbha, a we]lor pond : and Meena, a sea.
ears; Venus, nose ; Mercury, face; the Sun 80. Mithuna, Kanni, Thula and Kum-
and Moon cheeks. These will be the parts bha denote town or village (Gramya Rasis);
if the Aruda or Udaya Lagna is Oordwa- Mesha, Simba, Vrischika and Dbanus
roukha rasi. . If it is Adhomukha rasis the denote jungle (Vana Rasis); and Vrishaba,
parts below the hips and if Thrayanmukha Kataka, Makara and Meena denote water
those above the hips and below the neck (Jala rasis).
have to be stated. Similarly the Movable
signs denote the upper parts, the Immov- Places of Planets
able signs the middle parts and the com-
mon signs the lower parts. Accordingly, 81. The Sun, Mars and Saturn govern
Saturn governs privy parts and bead; jungles; the Moon and Venus govern
Jupiter, both the years only ; Mars, hands water; Mercury and Jupiter govern town or
and legs ; Venus, the nostrils; the Sun, the village. From these one can locate the
chin, leg joints and navel; Mercury, nost- place where stolen articles are kept.
rils; the Sun, the chin, .leg joints and (Here no mention is made about Rahu.
navel; Mercury, buttocks and thighs; and Some opine that Rahu has the characteris-
the Moon throat and chest and knees.) tics of Saturn but my experience shows
Nature of horcs that governs caves, holes or pits )
. 73-74. The Sun and Mercury will have 82-82$. The Sun and Jupiter govern
bent horns ; the Moon will have no horns ; raised places or top ; The Moon and Venus
Mars will have short horns; Jupiter and govern water; Mars governs earth; Mer-
Venus will have long horns ; and Saturn cury governs mat; Saturn governs battle-
and Rahu will, have broken horns. field ; Rahu governs hole in the tree. Thus
there is another view.
Movable etc., signs (Some view that Saturn governs places
75-15£. Mesba, Kataka, Thula and of manufacture of war materials.)
Makara are movable signs. Vrishaba, Strength of planets in places
Simha, Vrischika and Kumbha are fixed
signs or- immovable signs. Mithuna, Kanni, 83. The Sun, Mars and Saturn are
Dbanus and Meeoa arc common signs. strong on ground ; Jupiter and Venus are
strong in the sky ; and the Moon and signs and trebled when in Fixed signs.
'Mercury are strong in the middle. This view is appealing as the Fixed signs
(For Rahu, it has to be taken as will delay the matter.)
Yama Planets
S4. During night Prishtodaya signs
and planets are strong! during day time 89-91 i- The Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Mer-
Sirshodaya rasis and planets are strong ; cury, Venus, Saturn, the Moon and Rahu,
and during twilight Siroprishtodaya signs after rising in the cast daily at Sun-rise.
and planets are strong. will traverse the eight diks of East, South-
east, South, South-west, West, North-west,
84|. Some opine that the movable North and North-east at the rate of the
signs are strong at night, fixed signs at one yama of three hours per dik. That is,
day and common signs at twilight. the eight planets mentioned above will be
distributed to the eight respective diks at
Ascertainment of strength of planets sun-rise and in the second yama the planet
85. Whichever planet traversing the in the east will move to south-east while
zodiac is strong is capable of giving the other planets move to their next diks,
appropriate results and they have to be so that its eighth planet will be in the east
consulted. during that time. In this distribution
Venus will always be in the oppositedikof
Planets' governance of time the Sun, Saturn will be opposite of Mars,
85-864. Saturn governs a year; the Sun the Woon will be opposite of Japiter, and
governs an Ayana (G months); Mercury, a Mercury will be opposite of Rahu. Ecu
Ruthu (2 months); Venus, a fortnight; finding out the past, present-and future
Jupiter, a month ; Mars, a day ; and the results at the time of query that day's
Moon, a Muhurtba (48 minutes). Thus week-lord should be taken to be in the
one has to determine a planet's fruition East at sun-rise for the first yama and the
time. other planets in the next diks in the same
order. Similarly, for each day of the
(For Rahu the same period of Saturn, week one has to find out the planets in the
namely I year has to be taken.) particular the time of query.
Planetary strength and time
87-88. If. any planet is exalted its Example: ' Draw a chart for csch yama
period has to be taken in ghatikas; if it is just in the same way as a Rasi diagram.
in own house, in days; if it is in a friendly All the four Movable signs will be kept
sign in months; and if in inimical sign or blank. Vrisbaba will be the East and the
in depression, in years; and these have other seven diks will follow this. Let us
to be taken for the time of fruition of an take Sunday and draw the charts
(Some state that the rays allotted to East S.E.
each planet should be taken in ghatis, Snn Mars
days, months etc., based on their strength.
Some others opine that their periods like
ayana. month etc., should be taken accor-
ding to the strength. ScilT others view
that their rays should be taken as such if
they are in Movable signs,, doubled if they
are in Fixed signs and trebled Mien in
Common signs. In this respect also there I N.W. West
is a difference of opinion, namely, the Saturn Venus
rays should be doubled when in Common
East S.B.
Rahu Sun '

Sun Rabu

Jupiter UMetriy

N.W. Jupiter
MercTTfy Rahu Moon

E S.E.
Saturn Moon

NW. | W . NW W
Jupiter I Mars Moon Saturn
Mohorta Planets
E S.B. Sinendramalai suggests another divi-
Venus Saturn sional chart called Muhurta' Planetary
chart. In this also the same order of eight
planets remains but these eight planets
traverse at the rate of one Muhurta (l£
hours) perdik commencing from the week-
day lord at sun-rise in the North-east in the
reverse order of North-east, North, North-
Vest, West, South-west, South, South-east
and East. For example, on a Sunday the
Sun Vill be in the North-east upto 7-30
A.M. while Rahu is io the Northand Mars
in the East; in the next Miihurta upto 9 week-day lord will rise. In the subsequent
A-M-, Mars will come to North-east while yamas the other planets will rise in the
the Sum will move to the North ; and so week-day order of Sun to Saturn, so that
on other planets move in the subsequent the 8th portion is always lordless. The
muhurtas. Saturn's period is called Gulika Kalam,
Jupiter's period is called YamaKanta,.
Two-Hour divisions the Sun's period is called Kalan and
In this category the order of planets is Mercury's period is called Arthaprakara.
Sun, Dhuma, Rahu, Mars, Saturn, Nutpa, These are all used especially in the Elec-
Venus, Indfadbanus, Mercury, Jupiter, tional Astrology. The last portion of
Mars and Pariveda. These will traverse Saturn's period is taken as the place of
in the reverse direction daily irrespective Gulika or Maodi. For the night portion
of the day of the week from Vrishaba at of the day, the fifth planet from the week-
the rate of 2 hours per sign. This is mainly day lord will be ruling the first yama and'
used in respect of queries about shipping- the other planets will follow this.
Revised Muhurta Planets Time of fruition
Some authors follow the same order of 92-92\. Find out the Nakshatra occu-
planets as stated for Yamaperiods .but in pied""by the Moon at the time of Query
this category the period taken is 1} hours and also note the star appropriate to the
instead of 3 hours. - The second vital Lagna degree of the time. When the
difference is that the planets rise in. the Moon transits.the lagna star the lost thing
east at the rate of 1} hours in the order, of can be recovered. Similarly, find out the
Sun,- Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Navamsa rasi occupied by the Moon at
Saturn, the Moon and Rahu. .On each the time of query and its lord. When such
day the week-day lord will rise at first at lord transits the Rising Sign of Query
sun-rise and in the second Muhurta the time, it will be recovered. The latter
next planet will rise in the East and so on. view is taken by some authors.
For example, on a Sunday the Sun will be The Direction of the Lost article
in the East to rise in the first Muhurta
from 6 A.M. to 7-30 A.M. assuming that 93-95. Find the number of signs
the sun-rise is at 6 A.M. In the second traversed from the sign occupied by the
Muhurta i.e. from 7-30 A.M. to 9 A.M. the Sun at sun-rise to the required time at the
next planet, namely Mars will rise. The rate of- one hour per sign- Count the
other planets will follow in this mannert same number from Vrishaba. This is
so that the last planet Rahu will rise at Aruda Rasi. If a planet occupies this
4-30 P.M. and continue upto 6 A.M. It sign find out in what dik he is in the.Yama
can be observed that the Rahu-Kalam Chart at that time. ' The lost, article will
period for Sunday is only at this part of be in this dik. If there is no planet in the
time. Similarly, on Monday the first Aruda Rasi, find-out the dik occupied by
Muhurta will be ruled by the Moon and the lord of this sign for this purpose.
the next planet Rahu will rule the second Example
Muhurta between 7-30 A.M. and 9 A.M.
and this Rahu Kalam period is recognised In the month of Sim ha if a query is
by all who have faith in Astrology. This asked at 10-30 A.M. on a Sunday, it is
arrangement of planets gives wonderful 5th hour. Counting 5 from Vrishaba,
results in.the matter of Horary Astrology. Kanni will be the Arudra Rasi. Its lord is
Mercury. At 10-30 A.M. the second Jama
Another Yaraa division period prevails. During this period
The day-light portion of the day is Mercury is in the West. It has therefore
divided into eight equal parts of 1^ hours to be stated that the stolen article will be
each so that there will be eight periods in the Western direction.
during the day time. At sun-rise the — To be continued
Questions : which rasi and lagna, he has got a child.
Sir, The significators must agree. Again, note
Regarding tbe sex of the child to be the dasa and bukthi at the time of
born, one may fail when one predicts. marriage and find out the ruling planets
We can excuse because the child is in the of the partner. They also must agree.
womb of the mother and one cannot see If you find that there is some disagreement
immediately note down the lord of the
it. One can try to predict and may fail.- constellation
But the movement of Saturn from in which the planet was. If
one sign to the other is a matter the lord of the constellation would be
which anybody can see, andean mention stronger than the planet itself, then the
wher.-it actually enters into a particular lord of the constellation, will rule the star
constellation or sign. There are many or lagna in which the partner ought to
modern equipments and instruments to have^been born.
aid our vision, yet how is it that each If one were to note down the results
person gives his own date for the transi t of according to Stellar Astrology, using
Saturn to Pisces. Prediction may vary. various Ayanamsa. (which gives different
But, how can the transit of a planet from periods of dasa at the time of birth), one
one sign to the other differ so widely ? will find that Newcomb is fon-ort I
P. A. follow only Newcomb. The Ayanamsa
Answer: which I follow and which is followed by
Dear Sir, Lahiri, . C. G. Rajan and Madathu
Panchangam are all more or less the same.
Already this has been discussed in my The difference is negligible. There is no
Magazine. Generally the date on which meaning in finding fault with others but
Saturn enters into the other sign is worked we have to do good by following the
out by referring to the Raphael's Ephemeris correct one. Let me say that Saturn enters
and deducting Ayanamsa therefrom. Each into Pisces Meena only on 7th April, 1966.
person follows his own ayanamsa and
claims that his alone is correct. Each There is a Holy place called Thirunallar
.wants .to establish that it is correct by in South India' in Tamil Nad. People
taking instances and then applying only visit the place, saying that the Emperor
the Western system of prediction. That " Nalan" completed his years Saturn
is, they take the relative position between period and his sins were washed off and
the cusp and the planet or between one he was freed from such evil results of
planet and the other and offer the predic- Saturn by visiting Thirunallar. Most of the
tion. They should note that whatever be the people do not want to find out on which
Ayanamsa, the relative position will be the date actually Saturn moves from one sign
same. The readers are aware of this fact. to the other but they simply follow a parti-
If the difference in age between husband cular calculation which needs correction.
■and wife is 6 years, at all ages the diffe- Whatever be the day when Saturn tran-
rence will be six. Similarly the relative sits from one sign to the - other, for one
position between two planets will be the to pray to God, it does not matter whether
sathe whatever be the Ayanamsa. There-' he does it exactly on the same day or a
fore, to establish that a particular few months earlier or later. Anyhow the
Ayanamsa is correct by taking only the prayer will give mental solace and there-
relative position is not the proper method. fore those who would like to visit
Therefore, one has to follow Stellar Thirunallar can very well visit the place
Astrology and especially the " sub " pro- according to the timings given by
pounded by Krishuatnurti (the Editor). Madathu Panchang ot C. C. Rajan's one.
Then let one note down, when a person Other Panchangs and other statements by
is running ' A ' dasa, ' B' bukthi and 'C ' the Astrologers may be ignored for our
anthra on which day in which star and in advantage.
Sir, enjoy all fruits of life. Those who had
Astrologers in tny locality threaten that no business at all or no profit when Saturn
I am entering into Sade-Sati period after was transiting in the 11th house, they
7th April, 1966. My star is Bharani, i.e., actually pay a much larger amount of
the second star and so Moon is in Aries— Income-tax. Why? The profit is much
Mesha. . I am really worried due to the. greater than the previous years, even
threafeninp prediction offered by the local though the rate may be reduced.
Astrologers. After reading your book on But, when a person- is to note down
Krishnamurti Fadbdhati, I find that you the stars in which certain people were
can clarify the doubt I have and also you born (the sign where Moon was) and also
may give out your opinion according to the 12th and. the 2od .'sign, they will find
your method. You may either confirm that the general principle which had been
with their views or you may differ from expounded by our sages do not agree with
them. Whatever it is, I would like to the results which we enjoy. At the time
know scientifically what will happen. when they threaten, we enjoy pleasure. At
the time when they predict and promise
Reply: good future, there is much of pains. So,
Dear Sir, generally at the time when they say that
■ Sade—Sati means that Saturn will be there will be pains, we enjoy; and we
transiting in the 12th sign to the sign occu- really suffer at the time when they say you
pied by Moon (whatever the position of are running a good period. II is really
Moon be in that sign either in 'the first the misfortune of the consultants that
degree or in the last degree of the sign), a few of the Astrologers do not find out
then Saturn transits in the sign where how "it has acted and . how they have to
Moon was deposited and in the second modify.
sign counted from that tenanted by Moon. I do . not propose to deal in detail at
Therefore, the three signs, the 12th present, because in this monthly issue,
sign, where Moon was (called Janma) and there is not so much of space as to be
the second to it are considered to be the spared for this article. So, let me treat
three signs ' which when transitted by this in brief. Saturn will transit in Pisces.
Saturn, it is said to bd Sade—Sati or 74 What are the three Nakshathras in thgt
years Saturn- People who go" by mere sign? The -first 3° 20' happen to be
convention and the general-principles will Poorvapadra ruled by Jupiter, who owns
sing a song or say a Sloka and translate the houses 9 and 12 to Aries-borns. It is
that it is 74 years Saturn and it is harmful; after all 3 degrees 20 minutes. Let us
one will be dissatisfied, there can be leave it. Then, there are 26 degrees 40
denial, disappointment, depression, diffi- minutes in that sign which are covered by
dence, dispute, disharmony and no desir- two Nakshathras (stark), lithrapadra and
able results. Thus they threaten. But. I Revathi. Uthrapadra is governed by
am very confident and I can boldly say Saturn. It owns the signs Capricorn and
that they do not care to correct themselves .'Aquarius which are the 10th and 11th to
after knowing the facts. Why? It is not the Moon sign Aries. Consider in the
unlikely that they know well that people following manner. When lord of 10 and
born in this star, get married during Sade U transit in the constellation of lord of
—Sati, get appointed during Sade—Sati, 10 and II, what will it offer? Can any-
have promotion, make purchase of land, body predict that thete may be any evil
construct houses, possess new car and even though it will transit in Meena—
Pisces—which is the 12th house unless it will lose their deposit, even, if Saturn
either squares oi opposes its original during transit forms harmonious aspect
position and forms evil aspect. The With radicals Saturn. Saturn is such a
aspect is evil if the transiting position of powerful planet and it is in a fruitful sign.
Saturn and the radical position in which Therefore, it can never disappoint when it
it was deposited at the time of the birth is is in its own constellation, [t is really
divisible by i22£. By lordship, Saturn very beneficial to people born in Mesha
promises to do good. But by the adverse lagna. It is certain. But if a person is
position during transit (Gochara) it may born in Rishaba lagna and Mesha rasi,
form evil aspect. At that time, Saturn is then you may be sure that he will win
incapable of doing any good : it is help- whether it is in Uthrapadra or Revathi as
less; its hands are tied. A father may both the stars are ruled by th# benches to
have money. He would like to send Rishaba lagna. To Mithuna lagna, if
T.M.O.' to his own son.- But if there is? Saturn were to transit in Uthrapadra, then
the postal holiday,- what can he do. there will be both pain and pleasure. To
Similarly, Saturn, as lord of 10 and 11 to Karkata (Cancer) borns, it shows that
Mesha rasi, is a strong benefactor as there will be a mixed result, as lord of Sin
regards friends, finance, fortune, pleasure, Saturn and lord of 12 is Mercury. To
profit, etc. Even though it is Badhaka- Simha (Leo-borns), it shows that the
sthana Athipathi which may affect only ' native will have victory over enemies most
the health if its dasa or bukthi is opera- easily and the opponent will lose against
ting or the dasa or bukthi is ruled by the his expectations. Leo-borns may have a
planet in the constellation of Saturn. strong opposition. Does not matter.
Excepting that, Saturn has to necessarily Because those ^who promise that they will
do good and good alone to Mesha rasi- ^ work for the opponents will finally let
borns. So,'if it transits in its own cons- them down without their knowledge. To
tellation, it is auspicious and advantageous Kanya lagna, we have to take that Saturn
to the person. Saturn gains strength. It will ultimately dp good and compensate,'
will surely do good, irrespective of the as he may have to lose some money
fact that Pisces is the 12th sign to the sign during the 2£ years period. To Thulam
Aries, where Moon was. At the time (Libra-boms), it is really against, their
when Saturn passes on to Revathi, it interests. Even though Saturn is cOnsi-
offers the results of the lorrl of Revathi, dered to be a Rajayoga Athipathi, as the
i.e., Mercury. It owns Gemini and Virgo - owner of lord of a Kendra sign and a
which are the 3rd and 6th houses. Third Kona sign, yet Saturn will prove to be a
house shows short-journey indicates that benefic only to the opponent to Libra and
one will be helped. Also, there will be to Libra! So, people born in Libra may
prosperity through the neighbours, cousins, very well withdraw at least in the last
brothers and sisters; to make money by moment when the deposit amount may be
editing, publishing, etc., is also indicated. refunded to them. But, suppose some-
As lord of 10 and 11 transiting in the body wants to take a financial partner to
constellation of lord of 6. it shows that it do business, better he selects one born in
is the time when the native will take all Libra, as the money that is received by
preventive measures against infectious Libra will be mostly given away to the
diseases and that he will gain as the oppo- partner. If a girl were to marry a Libra-
nentis destined to lose. The opponent born, she can expect such advantage arid
loses thereby the native gains. gain through her husband. People who
were married a few years ago, if they had
All are aware that in the next year, no children so far, they can expect a child
there will be the general election. Those when SAturn transits in Uthrapadra.
who are bom in Mesha rasi, if their lagna
also happens to be Mesha, they can take Now one may ask " Sir, I am born in
it for granted that they will have thumb- Libra. Does it mean that all Libra-borns
ing majority, victory over enemies and cannot come out successful in the
they may be confident that the enemies election". No. It is not so. Suppose
one is Libra and at the time of will come by most desirable results. He
birth Saturn wasjn Gemini, then what will . can make fortune. ** Make hay when the
be the result? Saturn will square its ori- • sun shines .so reiterates Saturn when it
ginal position. Therefore, Saturn cannot is transiting in Uthrapadra Nakshathra,
do that which it has to do. If Saturn has People born in Makara lagna, people
to do harm to Libra«borns, it is incapa- born with Sun and Moon also in Makara,
ble of doing harm, but go»d results are they will note that when Saturn transits
enjoyed when other planets contribute in Uthrapadra star, they will come by
for success. If Saturn is in Sagittarius fortune. It is hot unlikely they gain in
or if it is 45 degrees from the original lottery; they have some unexpected
positioQ which it occupied at the time of income and it will be sudden and siibs-
birth, then he will come out victorious. 'tan'tial. To Kumba lagna, Saturn tran-.
Therefore students are to note that it is siting in Uthrapadra, shows that there'
not only the lordship of the planet ruling will be mixed results : so also to people
the star which decides the fate but one born in Pisces lagna. ,
should never omit to note what would be [It is regretted that the Editor has not
the aspect 'which it will form to its got sufficient time to deal with it in detail.
original position, i.e., the radical position Anyhow all efforts will be" made to give a
at the time of birth in the natal chart. detailed study for each lagna born in
Coming to Scorpio, he is another loser, at least June issue because what the Editor
if Saturn favours favourable aspect with is to publish is to give the results for a
the original position. Coming to Sagit- period of nearly two to three years when
tarius-Dhanus, Saturn if it were to form alone it will be advantageous. Even
good aspect to its original position, he though it is a little late, it will satisfy you
will come out victorious. Capricorn all.]
Rains to relieve the pains of the public Diesel oil engines and irrigate their field'
and the Government to have its normal from wells in that year. Next year they
gains is the desire of one of the Highest "can switch on to electric motor. What is ■
officials in Madras. the use of appointing one when one knows.
Agricultural, food, water supply and the astrologically that he will fall ill from
Electricity Departments, depending on the typhoid and for a month he will be
impounded reservoirs and lakes on the absent. Instead appoint some one first and
hills want timely rains. have your own man after he recovers
from the disease.
Meteorological department is mostly Thus astrology can be made very useful
similar to a newspaper giving the parti- to the Government and to the public.
culars, after the event, maximum and
minimum temperature, rainfall etc. If Indeed, some more research is needed.
at all; only after a depression in the Today at 11-50 A.M., one of the impor-
bay, they can expect the storm. They tant members, holding a very high position
can say how much it has rained but they desirous of serving the public, most
cannot foresee how much it would rain. anxiously phoned and wanted to know how
Astrology, after developing it by • this year will be. He asked " Please say
carrying out a little research can clearly when there will be rain in the Nilgiris and
state, when and where, how much rain in Mercara. Will it be sufficient? Will it
the . people can have, years, decades and be better than last year or worse ?*'
centuriesin advance. Research is to bedone " Please give a number within 108, Sir.
by collecting the rainfall charts, noting • Ninety, Please
down the position of planets and applying
the rules, given in Brihat Samhita, to " I shall give a ring at 1 P.M. after my
definitely state the rainfall. calculation".
If it is found that there will be breaches, " Good or bad, please state as the
Engineers may be forewarned. Prevention planets portray
is better than cure. A small sum spent ** Certainly. Not only I will phone you,
on reinforcing the bund of the lake and but I will tape record while .explaining
the bank of the river will save the people my findings. The typist will type and the
from varieties of difficulties» no loss of matter will be published in the magazine".
life of the villagers in the inundated " Alright
. areas; no loss of life of animals etc.;
no loss of vegetables and other crops ; The horoscope is as follows:—
no loss of building; no dislocation etc. For number 90, the Lagna will be
It prevents loss and saves money. 26° 40' to 30° Capricorn.
The water supply department can regu-
late the supply.
The food department can avoid famine.
The electricity department can also
make wide publicity much in advance and
regulate the supply.
If mills are closed, so much of labour
suffer without a job. The newspaper
cuts the news: Publishers delay in
bringing out the books—(I am one of
the sufferers)—Those who want to buy &thu Neptune
electric motor for pump-sets may go in for 6-1? 28-55
Moon represents the nature of£query. It .90 (—which you have mentioned—). It is
is in its own constellation. It is a watery I 26° 40' Cancer to 30° Cancer.
planet. So the question may be about Benefit is denoted by 11th house. 11th
' water \ house to the 7th is the 5tb house. It is
Varahamihira, Garga, Parasara, occupied by Jupiter. Hence planets in
Kasyapa, Maya, Brihaspati have discussed the constellation of Jupiter and Jupiter
about the Moon's conjunction with Rohini itself indicate that in their conjoined
[o predict the good and bad effects of rain. periods and sub periods, and whenever
herefore Rohini indicates * Rains Planets transit their constellations, there
Today, it is Monday ruled by Moon will be good rains at the time they are in
(28-2-66). The star is ruledby Moon-Rohini. the sub of the significators.
The sign is governed by Venus. Hence It is found that unusually there will be
Venus and Moon rule the moment of clouds and occasional showers between
query. ■ Rohini is the star in which Lord 22-3-66 and 3-4-66; On 6-4-66, there will
Krishna was born and in His Time there be good rains.
was'plenty of milk and food. Rohini Between 24-4-66 and 19-5-66, there is
itself suggests " Plenty no rains. Between 19-5-66 and 1-6-66, it
According to . progression Moon starts raining. It increases. On 18-7-66
conjoined Rahu seven months ago : there- the lakes overflow.
fore from August and upto this time the Normal supply of electricity will be
rains were scanty. resumed on 10-7-66 and there will be no
By progression Moon conjoins Jupiter cut in the near future.
in a year and next year 1967 March there Further Moon conjunction Jupiter
will be unusual, unprecedent, uncommon indicates that there will be expansion,
heavy rains. > improvement and addition to the present
" It is a good news. But what will power houses. Mars, as lord of 11 aspec-
happen in between V 1 ting Moon indicates (being a fiery plant)
that you will erect Thermal station also.
Sir, If it rains, both the public and the Mats, conjunction Saturn and Sun portray
Government will be benefitted. Therefore that from mine areas (Neyveli) you will
one is to take the 7th house to the number. get electricity to augment the supply.
Jyothisha Marthand
13, Brahmin Street. Saidapet

VOL. 4 M AY 1 9 66 No. 5

What each star signifies to each lagna born 3
Jamini's Gnana Pradeepika 6
Corrective to the common convention 14
How to read the result of a planet 16
Constellation and its effect 17
Sale of House—Purchase of land 19
Child birth—When? 22
Employment—When and Where? 23
Improvement in status 24
Profession 26
Significators for professions 27
Promotion and Transfer 29
Time of Marriage 31
Marital bliss 33
Love but no permanent tie 35
Whereabouts not known—when will he return? 37
A fateful event 39
Ascetic life or family life 40
Letter to the Editor 42
Longevity of father 43
Sister's marriage 46
Krishnamurti Padhdhati 49
Daily Guide 51
May 1966—Ephemeris 55
CAPRICORN constellation and sign which it occupies.
iAswathi, Makam and Moolam stars are The results indicated by the lord of the
Werned by the descending node constellation and sign will operate when-
ethu. Find out the lordship of the ever a planet moves on in the stars ruled
jnstellation and sign which Kethu occu- by Rahu, the Dragon's Head.
ies either in the chart or in transit. Punarpushyam, Visakam and Pooratta-
, 'hat lordship results has to be offered to thi: Jupiter rules the houses 3 and 12 and
' ie native if a planet moves on in Asvathi, also these three stars. Whenever a planet
[ lakam, Moolam stars. occupies any of these stars or transit
' Barani, Pooram and Pooradam stars are through these, then, the native will have
; uled by Venus which owns the Sth and results of the 3rd and 12th houses.
> | Dth houses also. If a planet occupies Push yam, Anuradha and Uthrattathi stars
liny of these stars at birth or in transit governed by Saturn also rules the 1st and
through these stars, results indicated by 2nd houses to . Makara-borns. If the
the 5th and 10th houses will operate. astrologer finds planets in these stars, he
For example, Pooram falls has to offer the results indicated to the
to Makara. When lordship of the 1 st and 2nd houses to the
star (Chandra astama native.
receive money and be happy. But, gene- Ashlesha, Jyeshta and Revathi: Mercury
ral prediction of the astrologers that the is given these three stars and also houses
native cannot have any beneficial results 6 and 9. . Planets in the stars of Mercury
and cannot have peace of mind during gives the result of the 6th and 9th houses.
Chandra astama days will fail. For example, Jyeshta is the 11th sign. If
Krithigai, Uthram and Uthradam stars a planet moves on in this star instead of
are governed by Sun who is the lord of the enjoying the results indicated to the llth
Sth house. So when a planet occupies house, the native will'have the results of
any of these stars, the native cannot have the 6th and Sth only.
desirable results and unnecessary impedi-
ments and worries in his attempts may be AQUARIUS
experienced. Aswathi, Makam and Moolam stars are
Rohini, Hastham and Sravanam stars are governed by Kethu who does not own any
ruled by the lord of 7 Moon. If a planet- sign in the Zodiac. Find out in which
occupies any of these stars at birth or constellation and sign Kethu is. The
transit the native should be offered the lordship of the constellation and sign will
results of the 7th house and not the sign be in reserve for the native if a planet
where it is. transits through these stars.
Mrigasirisha, Chitrai and Avittam: Mars Barani, Pooram and Pooradam: Venus
governs over these three stars. It also governs over these three stars which also
owns the houses 4 and 11 to Makara rules over the 4th and Sth houses. When
borns. If you find any planet occupying a planet occupies any of these stars at
any of these stars, then the native will birth, or during the transit, the native
have results signified by the lordship of should be offered the results indicated by
the 4th and 11 th houses. the 4th and 9th houses only-
Arudhra, Swathi and Sathayam: Ascer- Krithigai, Uthram and Uthradam stars
tain the strength of Rahu by noting the are allotted to Sun. 7th house results will
be experienced bS the native if a planet does not operate but the results of 5 an
moves on the constellations rutid uj i.e., mixed ones will be experienced, w
as Sun.happem to h= the lord" of?.' a planet moves on'in Revathi.
12th sign do not offer the resultsinofthethe
8th or I2th si80 but gives only the 7th PISCES.
bouse results. Asvathi, Mafcam and Moolans, ruled
the descending Node, Kethu, who doesn
Rohini, Hasthara and Sravanatn: Moon own any bouse in the Zodiac. We ha
the other luminary governs over these to ascertain the strength of Kethu by i
stars which own only the 6th sign to occupation in the constellation and stal
Kumbha-horns Hence, the results signi- The results denoted to lord of constell
fied by the 6th house has to be predicted tion and sign where Kethu was, will opera i
to the native if a planet moves on throiuh 6 if a planet were to be in Asvathi, Maka
these three stars. and Moolam either at birth or durin :
Mrigasirisha, Chitrai and Avittam- transit.
Mars, the governor of these stars rules tn. Barani, Pooram and Pooradam ruled b
3ni and 10th houses to the Aquarius-horns Venus who also happens to be the own
So, when a planet is saen in any of these of the 3rd and 8th nouses to Pisces-borns
stars, you portend the results allotted to Results signified by the houses 3 and 8 wil
the 3rd and 10th houses to the native. operate if a planet occupies the constelia
Arudhra, Swathi and Sathabisha ■ Rahu tion of Venus when we consider the horos
the Moon's North Node rules nver these
asterisms. Find out the strength of Rah „ Krithigai, Uthram and Uthradam are
by its occupation of the s,!r and rasi governed by the lord of 6 Sun the strong
S 6 or luminary. The astrologer has to offer the
'a v "off»i. duringantransit.
the constellation d sign results of the 6th house while predicting if
where Rahu was, will operate when a he finds any planet in the stars owned by
planet transit during periods when it Sun, at birth or while in transit.
moves on in Arudhra, Swathi and Satha-
bisha. Rohini, Hastbamand Sravaoam: Moon,
the night queen owns these three stars.
Puoarpushyam, Vfcakam and Poorattathi It also governs the 5th sign. So, portend
are ruled by the benevolent planet Jupiter the results allotted to the 5th house when
who also owns the 2iidand lith houses. a planet passes through the constellation
So, the results indicated by the 2nd and of Moon. For instance, Sravanam is in
11th houses will be enjoyed by the person the 11th sign to Pisces. When practically
if a planet moves on in the stars of Guru seen during the period of the planet in
in whatever sign it may be. ' Sravanam, the native enjoys the results of
Pushyam, Aouradfia and Uthrattatbi: the 5th house and not the results indicated
Saturn, lord of 1 and also 12 happen to own by the 11th house.
these stars. Results denoted to the 1 st and Mrigasirisha, Chitrai and Avittam are
l2lhhouses will operate if aplanet occ upies governed by Mars, lord of 2 and 9 to this
at birth ortransitin tbethreestars governed rasi-borns. . Matters signified to the 2nd
by Saturn. and 9th houses alone will be enjoyed by
Ashlesha, JyeshtaandRevathi: Mercury the querist while a planet moves on in the
lord of 5 and 8 rules over these stars! stars owned by Mars, in whichever sign it
Results of the 5th and 8tb houses alone may be.
should be predicted to the native if a Arudhra, Swathi and Sathibisha *. Rahu
planet passes through them. For example who does not own any sign governs these
Revathi is in the 2nd house. General stars. Ascertain in which constellation
prediction of the results if a planet transits and sign Rahu is. The results indicated to
in the 2nd house to do only good to native the constellation and sign where Rahu
ts* will operate if a planet would have Pushyam, Anuradha and Uthrattathi:
occupied that star during its period. Our sages allotted these three stars to
Saturn, who also was given the llth and
Punarpushvain, Visakam and Pooratta- 12th houses to Pisces. If a planet were to
thi: Lord of 1 and 10 rules'over these stars occupy any of these stars, either at birth
also. The results indicated by the houses or during transit, it will produce the results
1 and 10 will operate during the period of of the 11 th and 12th houses only and not
the planets that has occupied the stars the results of the house in which it is.
governed by Jupiter either at birth or Ashlesha, Jyeshta and Revathi are gover-
when in transit. For example, Visaka is ned by Mercury. Mercury owns the 4tband
in the 8th sign and Poorattathi is in the 7th houses also to Pisces. Hence, results
12th sign. If you notice any planet in of the 4th and 7th houses alone should be
these stars, general prediction of the 8th declared when you find a planet in the
and 12th houses where the planet transits constellation of Ashlesha, Jyeshta and
will fail but the results of 1 and 10 will Revathi either in the horoscope made for
operate. the time of birth or during transit.
S. Kannan
CHAPTER III there are no such exceptions for Mrther
About Dhathus (Mioerals) planets.)
1-1$. Mesba, • Kataka, Thula and 4-4$. The Sun governs brass; the
Makara are Dhathu rasis (Minerals); Moon, bronze; Mars, copper; Mercury,
Vrjshaba, Simha, Vriscbika and Kumbha zinc; Jupiter, gold; Venus, silver; and
are Moola rasis (Vegetables); Mithuna, Saturn and Rabu, iron.
Kanni, Dhaniis and Meena are Jeeva rasis 5-6. If the Sun, Mars, Venus or Saturn
(Animals). remains in any sign, its own metal has to
(In the order of Dhathu, Moola and be stated. If the Moon, Mercury or
Jeeva the twelve signs will repeat That Jupiter remains in his own or exaltation
Is, all (he Cardinal signs are minerals, all sign his appropriate metal has to be
the Fixed signs are vegetables and all the stated. If these (wo sets of planets are
Common signs are animals.) combined an alloy of both the metals has
to be stated. If several planets combine
2-2$. The Moon, Mars, Saturn and the most powerful planet's metal has to be
Rahu govern Dhathu (minerals); the Sun stated as'the principal metal.
and Venus govern Moola (vegetables) ; (Here taking the most powerful planet's
and Mercury and Jupiter govern Jeeva metal the colours of other planets combin-
(animals). ing it can be ascribed to the metal.)
(If a Dhathu planet, Moola planet or 7-7$. The Sug governs rocky soil; the
Jeeva planet is in its own navamsa or Moon, the mineral soil; Mars, the coral
Drekkana or aspects from such a position coloured soil; Mercury, the mud pots;
the appropriate material relating to such a Jupiter, the golden coloured soil; Venus,
planet or if it occupies in another's house, the place for getting pearls or the crystal-
the matter relating to such a sign has to line soil or of such colours; and Saturn,
be stated according to Krishneeyam.) the black soil or the soil where iron can
( 3-3$. If the Sun is in bis. own house or be found.
if (he Moon is in his own house they will
govern' minerals and if they arein other (Here no mention has been made about
signs they will govern vegetables: if Saturn Rahu. One view is that Saturn's soil can
is in his own house he will govern creepers be staled but following the general astro-
and in other signs minerals; if Mercury is logy an uneven ground or the place where
in his own house of Mithuna and Kanni reptiles dwell can be stated.)
he will govern minerals and in other signs 8-8$. The Sun governs ruby; the
animals. Moon, pearls; Mars, coral; Mercury,
(In the above slokas some exceptions emerald ; Jupiter, topaz; Venus, diamond;
are given. Though the Sun is a Moola Saturn, sapphire; Rahu, Gomethaka
planet he governs minerals in his own (Agate); and Kethu, Vaidurya (Turquoise).
sign. Similarly, if the Moon, a Dhathu 9-11$. Regarding stones, the Sun
planet, remains in other signs than his governs Suryakantha; the Moon, Chandra-
own governs plants. Mercury, the Jeeva kantha; Mars, coral-like stone; Mercury,
planet, governs Dhathu in his own sign. emerald-like stone; Jupiter, topaz like
If Saturn, a Dhathu planet, remains in stone; Venus diamond like stone; Saturn,
his own house governs plants, .These sapphire like stone and Rabu, Agate like
exceptions have to'be noted carefully and stone.
12*I2£. If an aniinal sign rises and if quadrants or trines and the drekkana
there is an animal planet or if it aspects, occupied by the lord of lagna will deter-
jewels relating to human beings may have mine the nature of metal.
to be stated. Thus one has to find out In respect of Even signs, the movable
from the signs, planetary aspects and sign is Jeeva, the Fixed sign is Moola and
conjunctions regarding other jewels. the Common sign is Dhathu. In respect
13-14. The Sun, Mars and Jupiter of Odd signs, the Movable rasi or amsa is
govern ornaments of the neck i the Moon Dhathu, the Fixed sign is Moola and the
and Mercury govern ear ornaments; Venus Common sign Jecva. Here the rasi chart
governs head ornaments J and Saturn, and as well as the amsa chart have to be taken
Rahu those for legs and hands. for consideration. The Moon's position
will also reveal the same thing. Among
15-17. The Sun accordingly governs these the most strong factor has to be
ruby-set necklace, the Moon, engraved selected.
gold chains or perals-set chain; Mars, Mars signifies copper, skull, coral, earth,
coral neck chain; Mercury, emerald-set and dust; the Moon signifies Chandra-
earrings; Jupiter, topaz-set gold neck- kantha stone, salt, chank, crystal, skull
chain; Venus, diamond-set jewels or those and brass; Jupiter signifies gold, topaz,
worn on the head; and Saturn, ornaments cat's paw, etc.; Mercury signifies precious
containing nails, hair, teeth, sapphire or stones, emerald, earth, cat's paw etc.;
iron. Venus signifies silver, crystal, pearl,
18-19. If Jupiter and Rahu combine diamond etc.; Saturn and Rahu signify
gold necklace; if Jupiter and Venus sapphire, lead etc., and the Sun signifies
combine, necklace with pearls and crys- Suryakantha stone, brass, diamond, lead
tals ; and if the Moon and Jupiter etc. If these planets have the aspect of
combine gold amulets have to be stated. benefics the articles will be purified and if
If any of the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mer- malefics aspect they will be unpurified.
cury, Venus, Saturn or Rahu combines If the Lagna falls in the drekkana of
Jupiter the jewels will be worn always. If the Sun or Mars and is also in the
these planets combine themselves without navamsa of Mars while Jupiter or Mars
Jupiter the jewel, will be worn only posited in a benefic rasi or amsa aspect
occasionally. him the article is gold. If the Lagna falls
20-21. The Sun is of the colour of fire; in a common sign and in the navamsa of
the Moon of crystal; Mars of blood-red; Jupiter or Mars and aspected by them or
Mercury of parrot green; Jupiter of gold ; if they have connection with a watery
Venus of milk; and Saturn and Rahu of sign the article will contain gold. In the
sapphire-like blue^ latter case pearls or chanks can also be
stated. If the ascendant is occupied by
Mars or if Mars and Jupiter are in kend-
ras, the article is of gold. In these Mars
The information given in this chapter and Jupiter should occupy alone without
has to be used in finding out the nature of the company of other planets.
ornaments stolen. Krishneeyam gives While the lagna is in the drekkana of
more information in this respect and this Mars, Saturn, the Moon, and Venus
is quoted below: occupy kendras with strength the article is
If a malefic's Drekkana, Navamsa or of silver.
Rasi rises or if there is aspect or conjunc- * Lagna falling in the drekkana of
tion of a malefic the article will be in the Jupiter, Jupiter occupying a kendra with
shape of Dhathus, that is gold, silver and strength and the aspect of Mars and
other materials. Mercury indicate that the query is about
The planet in the ascendant, the rising gold. If the Lagna falls in the drekkana
drekkana, the most powerful planet in of Mercury and if Jupiter is strong in a
kendra or if be aspects the lagna oh if The Sun governs ear jewels or head
Mercury and Mars combine in a kendca jewels; Jupiter governs ornament of the'
tbe query is about gold. If tbe Lagna is chest or neck ; tbe Moon denotes pearls,
in the drekkana of Mars and is aspected chains, sweet smell,, circle etc> If the
by tbe Sun or if Juniter is in a kendra the Moon is full, tbe circle will be full and if
query is about gold* she is half it will be half. If the planet
If tbe Lagna falls in a watery sign, occupies tbe first drekkana tbe jewel is foj
drekkana or amsa and is aspected by tbe the bead portion, if it is in tbe middle
Moon or Mercury tbe watery products drekkana it is for tbe middle portion of
like pearls, cowries have to be stated. the body and if it is in tbe last portion it
is for tbe lower portion of tbe body.
If tbe Lagna falls in the drekkana of Venus denotes pearls, rings, neck-cbain
Venus and if the Waxing Moon is in exal- etc. Mars governs gold neck-chain,
tation or friendly bouse with strength, tbe bangles etc. If Venus is strong gold
article is stiver. If tbe Lagna is in tbe jewel and if not silver jewel has to be
drekkana of Saturn and if tbe Moon, stated. Saturn denotes blue neck-cbain
Mercury and Venus are strong in kendras and waist chain. If Merqury is strong the
or aspect it, the article is silver. If tbe ornaments of Strong people have to be
Lagna is in tbe drekkana of Mercury with stated.
Jupiter in a kendra or with Venus and tbe
Moon strong in trines the query is about CHAPTER IV
silver. If the Lagna drekkana is in a
Fixed Sign in tbe navamsa of Venus and About plants
if the Lagna is occupied or aspected by 1-2. Investigations of plants are being
Mercury at tbe same time tbe article is stated here after following the precepts of
sil ver. the old granthas. The Sun governs trees,
If tbe Lagna is in tbe drekkana of the the Moon creepers, Mars dry crops,
Sun or the Moon and if the Moon is Mercury wet crops or small plants. Jupiter
strong in a kendra tbe article is of metal. Sugarcane, Venus wet crops and tamarind
In such circumstances if tbe Sun aspects, trees, and Saturn and Rahu crooked
it is copper and if the Moon aspects it is thorny trees.
iron. 3-4. Mesba and Vrischika .govern dry
If the Lagna is in tbe drekkana of Mars crops; Vrischika, Tbula and Kataka
and in the amsa of Mercury, Jupiter or govern creepers! Mithuna and Kaoni
Venus or if tbe Sun aspects the Lagna the govern bushes; Dhanus and Simba govern
article is copper. trees; Meena governs sugarcane; and
If the lagna falls in a Weapon drekkana Magara and Kumbha govern thorny trees.
and occupied or aspected by tbe Moon or 5-6.' Venus and the signs owned by
if Saturn occupies or aspects tbe lagna tbe benefics like Venus, Jupiter aid Mercury
article is of iron. If the lagna is in governs trees without thorns while the
Saturn's raji or drekkana or if Saturn signs owned by maleftcs like the Sun, Mars,
occupies the lagna it is iron though other Saturn and Rahu govern thorny trees. Of
planets also aspect. If tbe Lagna is in these the Sun dehotes trees having close
tbe Sun's drekkana and also in the rasi or double thorns, 'Mars denotes short thorns
amsa of Saturn or if Saturn is in a kendra and Saturn and Rahu denote trees with
iron articles have to be stated: crooked thorns.
If the Lagna drekkana falls in an orna- 7-7£. The Moon governs plantain
mental drekkana or if Mars or Mercury trees; Mercury governs creepers! Jupiter,
aspects, the query about ornaments may Cocoanut trees 1 Venus governs trees
be stated. Regarding tbe shape, colour, having big leaves like teak; the Sun rulqs
etc. of the ornaments, they should be trees grown on mountains; and Saturb
determined from tbe influencing planets. and Rahu rule palmyra trees.
(Regarding Mercury tbin stemmed trees If the Lagna Drekkana falls in the
like casuarina can be taken and also trees drekkana denoting cloths, blankets, shirts,
or plants yielding nuts.) etc. and if Mercury and Venus aspect the
8-9. The Sun, the Moon and Saturn Lagna or in quadrants, cloth or blanket
govern trees not having enough moisture. or woollen clothing is to be stated. If
Jupiter and Venus govern juicy trees. If Mars or Saturn aspects, fibre clothing has
the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter, Venus and to be stated. Jupiter's aspect indicates
Saturn are in their own houses the water cloths only. If .the Lagna is in a Fea-
will be on the top of the trees like cocoa- thery Drekkana and aspected or occupied
nuts, palmyra etc. If Mars, Mercury and by Mercury or Venus, silk cloth has to be
Rahu are in their own houses will govern stated.
trees with internal juices and if they are Saturn and Mars indicate fibres; the Sun
in other's bouses the juices will be on the rules leather or orange robe; Mercury
top. indicates striped or cheap cloth; the
10. When the planets are in their own Moon indicates silk ; Venus signifies ordi-
houses, the Sun will govern bark, the nary silk doth; Jupite^ signifies long-
Moon tuber. Mars flower, Mercury leaf, standing cloth; Rabu indicates flimsy
Jupiter fruit, Venus very ripe fruit, Saturn cloth; Mars signifies burnt cloth and
root and Rabu twigs. Saturn signifies old cloth. Venus also
11-11!. The Sun governs beans; the indicates wet cloth.
Moon governs paddy; Mars, bengal gram; The colour of the cloth may be stated
Mercury green gram; Jupiter red gram; from the rising drekkana. The colour
Venus, white dal or peas; Saturn, gingelly relating to the aspecting planet may also
seeds; and Rabu', black gram. be stated and if there are aspects of seve-
(When'compared with other texts there ral planets several colours have to be
seems to be a misstatement regarding stated.
Mars and Jupiter. According to them From the malefics thorny trees and
Mars governs red gram and Jupiter from benefics juicy and sweet trees have
governs bengal gram. It is also stated to be stated. Rabu indicates poisonous
therein that the Sun governs wheat, the trees. The Sun indicates thorn inside and
Moon governs paddy and Venus governs Mars indicates thorn outside. The Moon
beans. This information has also to be signifies milky plants, Jupiter trees yield-
used.) ing sweet juices. Mercury, mixed taste and
13. The Sun and Mars govern mineral just like these one has to identify.
soil; the Moon and Venus govern the soil A malefic sign or planet indicates a
below water; Jupiter rules places near planet not fit for food or eating while a
mountains; Saturn governs soil growing benefic sign or planet indicates an edible.
gingelly seeds or black soil. The plants
grown on these soils are governed by them. A benefic indicates a superior planet or
tree and a cocoanut tree. If he is in a
NOTES benefic sign also sweet mango tree is indi-
The author has mentioned in a concise cated. Mars indicates thorny and uneat-
manner the qualities of planets and signs able plant or fruit. The Sun signifies a
with reference to varieties of plants. This forest tree. The Moon denotes a plamain
will be useful in finding out the nature of tree, while Jupiter signifies areca, jack and
soil and the plants grown on a site to be cocoanut trees. Saturn governs forest
acquired and also in the market forecast. and spontaneous shrubs> Mercury governs
One has to remember all the qualities of tubers and Rabu those stated for Saturn.
planets mentioned and pitch upon the Regarding fruits Jupiter signifies ripe
correct plant according, to circumstance. fruits while Venus signifies raw fruit or
Krisbneeyam mentions some more points sour fruit. The Moon governs aquatics
which are also stated below. or paddy. Saturn and Rabu indicate
roots and tubers. All these have to be governs appearances, Venus governs tastes
investigated from the planets in Kendras. and Jupiter governs scent.
If there are no planets in kendras the jor(j
of the sign has to be taken. 3-3$. Jupiter has five senses, Venus
Mars signifies flowers of thorny p|ailt has four senses, Mars has three senses,
leaves, etc. Mercury denotes branches Mercury has two senses and Saturn one
with leaves. The Sun and Jupiter indi-
cate skinned fruits. The Sun also denotes (As trees have the sense of touch only it
pepper. If Mars is in a watery sjgn, has single sense as sense of taste and
ginger is indicated and if in a dry Sign touch are with snails, etc., they have two
dried ginger is indicated. Thus one has senses i as senses of touch, taste and slight
to guess according to the characteristics are with bugs, ants, etc., they are stated to
of the planets. be having three senses; as bees have the
senses of touch, taste, sight and scent they
CHAPTER V have four senses; and as human and
other beings have senses of touch, taste,
About Animals sight, scent andsound they have five senses.)
1. The Sun is the father of everything 7. Jupiter governs body, Venus governs
in the world while the Moon is the mother tongue. Mercury governs nose. Mars
Jupiter the earth, Venus the water. Mars governs eyes and Saturn governs ears.
the fire, Mercury the air and Saturn the 8-9. In the world there are five cate-
ether. gories of beings, viz., bipeds, quadrupeds,
(In other books it is stated that Mercury birds, crawling and crushing beings. Men
is earth, Saturn the air and Jupiter the are all bipeds, beasts are quadrupeds,
ether. My view however is that Mercury birds are feathery, bugs are many-legged,
is earth, Jupiter is air and Saturn is ether- lizards, etc., are all crawling, and snails,
For assignment of the five elements the oysters are all without legs.
natural order of the planets is being taken. 10. Makara and Meena are birds. If
The Zodiac is divided into two halves, the Mars is in any of them it denotes turkey
Sun half from Simha in clockwise direction and if Saturn occupies, it denotes crows
the Moon half from Kataka in anti-clock- or turkeys.
wise direction. The element of greatest (Even if these planets aspect these signs
density is earth which is close to the Sun's the same birds may be stated.)
sign and the Moon's sign on either side.
Hence Mercury being adjacent to these 11-12. If Venus occupies Meena or
Signs govern earth, the next succeeding Makara, it indicates swan; if Mercury
signs on either side are ruled by Venus occupies or aspects, parrot; if Moon,
governing water the less dense element, peacock; if the Sun, brown kites (Qaruda);
the next signs are owned by Mars signify- if Jupiter, stork; and if Rabu tiny black-
ing fire, the two adjacent signs being birds.
owned by Jupiter denoting air and the last 13. If the planets occupy or aspect
two signs are owned by Saturn governing other signs the birds appropriate to- the
etber, the least dense element. Hence> colours and characteristics of the sign
Saturn has to be assigned ether instead 0f should be stated. In these, benefics denote
air.) lovely birds and malefics unattractive or
2-2*. There are five senses which are cruel birds.
recognized by ears, skin, eyes, tongue and 14-23*. If an exalted planet is in the
nose. In these the sound is conveyed by Rising Sign the thought is about a human
the eats the skin feels to touch, eyes recog- being. The differentiation among the
nize the objects, tongue feels the taste and planets is as follows :
nose the scent. Hence, Saturn governs If the Sun is in exaltation or if the
sound, Mercury governs touch, Mars exalted Sun aspects the Lagna the person
is a ruler* if he is in his owo house it 24-2Si. In Mesha, the Sun indicates a
denotes one who is serving the king like tiger; the Moon, a bull; Mars, a sheep;
minister, commandant, etc., ifheis ina' Mercury, a hare; Jupiter, a horse ; Venus,
friendly sign it denotes other servants and a cow; Saturn, a buffaloe; and Rahu, a
if he is in other signs it denotes a messen- bisan.
ger or a spy. 26-27. In Vrishaba, the Sun indicates
If the Moon is exalted in the Lagna or a sarabha (this specie is extinct now); the
if such a planet aspects he will be a manu- Moon, a cow ; Mars, a deer; Mercury, a
facturer of chanks. The Moon in swakshe- monkey; Jupiter, a horse; Venus, a cow ;
tra indicates a physician or astrologer and and Saturn and Rahu, a buffalo.
if might a dramatist. In a friendly sign it 28-29. In Kataka Mars indicates an
denotes a manufacturer of colours and in ass; Mars in Makara denotes a buffalo;
other houses a leather merchant or a Mars in Thula indicates a fox; in Meena,
an ox; in Mithuna,amangoose; inKanni
Mars in exaltation indicates a black- and Kumbha, a dog or other animals. For
smith; in own house, a potter', in a friendly the Sun and Saturn one has to guess as
house, a merchant and in other houses a above.
painter. 30. If the Sun or Moon occupies Simha
Mercury in exaltation indicates a practi- it indicates a lion; Mars indicate a
tioner of yoga and meditation; in own tiger; Mercury a monkey and Venus
house, a practitioner of yoga in due course a dog.
or a day-dancer; in a friendly house a • 31-31|. In Thula, if Venus remains it
reader of yoga philosophy; and in other indicates a calf and if Moon, a cow. In
houses a server of Yogins.
Jupiter in exaltation signifies a brahmin Dhanus, the Moon, Mars or Venus jointly
or severally represent a horse and the Sun
versed in Vedas; in own house, a logician and Saturn indicate an elephant.
or an. intelligent talker: in a friendly
house, a brahmin cook; and in other 32-34. In Dhanus, Rahu indicates a
houses, an ex-communicated brahmin. buffalo. Mercury and Jupiter remaining
Venus in exaltation indicates a sudra single or combined indicate a monkey. If
and a lord of several villages; in own Venus remains there aspected by the Moon
house, a sudra subordinate, a weaver, a the cow will have much milk or it will be
pearl merchant or a seller of powders ; in white; if the Sun or Jupiter aspects a
a friendly house, sudra and a barber; and pregnant cow; of Saturn or Rahu aspects,
in other places a sudra and a drummer. a sterile cow; Mars indicates a milkless
cow; and Mercury indicates a calf that
Saturn in exaltation indicates one below has forgotten drinking milk.
the rank of a sudra but above a Neecha; 35-36. If Jupiter is in Kumbha with
in own house, a liver by felling trees and Mars or Venus or if both of them are in
in other places a fisherman. trines an elephant is indicated. The
Rahu in exaltation indicates the caste Moon indicates a king. If Jupiter is in
stated for Saturn or a mixed-caste man; Dhanus or Meena a monkey is indicated.
in own house, a thief, or a hunter killing 37-38^. If Jupiter, Venus, the Sun and
animals by poison ; and in friendly bouses the Moon combine or remains single in
and olhei places as stated for Saturn. Mesha the querist will be a merchant or a
The sign occupied by a planet will also trader in cloth: If Saturn is in Simha the
show the. caste besides the planet. Of thoughtisabout enemies; if in Vrishaba itis
these whichever is stronger will prevail. about a buffaloe; in Thula or Vrischika
The strong planet's Dik also will reveal it indicates a thought about a potter;
the place in which the missing article will Saturn in Mesha indicates thought about a
be found. If the Moon is in his own miserable or deadly sick person. Thus
house he will be a manufacturer of Chanks. one has to guess from other planets.
NOTES The masculine sign, the masculine
In this chapter the author has briefly drekkana, masculine navamsa, and planets
stated the nature of pjants, animals, etc. in masculine signs aspecting or occupying
denoted by planets and signs. One has these will indicate the query as relating to
however to depict suitably from their a male and if these are feminine it will
genera] characteristics. This wHI -be indicate a female. The exalted planet
useful in finding a person or thing lost will reveal Devas, etc. while the depressed
and in hunting. Krishneeyam gives some planet will indicate a dead person or evil
more information on the subject which is person.
reproduced here. If the 7th house is in the . Drekkana
There are four kinds of living beings in of the Moon or Venus and if a benefic
the world, viz., bipeds, quadrupeds, birds there and other benefics in good places the
and reptiles. Regarding these, Mesha query is a out one's wife.
denotes claws; Vrishaba—tusks; Mithuna The Moon remaining in Chathushpada
—hair; Kataka—muscles; t Simha— rasi and in armed drekkana, the Sun being
bones; -Kanni—skin; Thula—excretion; in Chathushpada rasi with other indi-
Vrischika.—■ urine ; Dhanus — horns; cations, all these denote the quadrupeds.
Makara—flesh ; Kumba—sexual parts; Lagna being in a Chathushpada rasi
and Meena—semen. From the planets with the lagna drekkana in monkey or
on the signs and by the lords of the signs horse drekkana and Jupiter being in
one has to determine these. kendra cona in a Chathushpada rasi will
If biped planets remain in biped signs also indicate the query about quadrupeds.
or a quadruped .planet remains in a qua- If the planets involved are in trines
druped sign and so also others one can to Chathushpada rasi or amsa while the
fix such an animal. From malefic aspect Lagna is in a Chathushpada rasi the query
and odd signs one can state a cruel animal is about a quadruped.
and from a benefic and even sign mild
animal has to be stated. The land planets remaining in land
If. Jupiter or Venus aspects the Lagna rasis, the water-planets remaining in
happening to a human rasi with a biped watery signs, thrayangmukha planets in
drekkana rising the query is about such rasis, biped planets in biped
a human being. If the Lagna is aspccted rasis; quadruped planets in such rasis
by benefics and if the drekkana is owned with strength and at the same time the
by Mercury, Jupiter or Venus the thought rising lagna or drekkana is also of the
about a human being has to be guessed. same type, the query about such a type,
has to be stated.
If Mithuna, Kanni, Dhanus or Meena According to the type of the Drekkana
rasi and if the planets posited in a human and planets and their strength the query
aspect, the query is about a human rasi about such a type has to be stated. From
being. Meena and Makara signs and from the
If a masculine planet occupies 3rd, 7th Moon and Saturn the footless type like
or 11th house and if the Lagna falls in an fishes have to be stated; from Kataka
odd sign, the query is about a male. If and Vrischika and from the Moon, Saturn
.Venus and the Moon are in these houses and Rahu spider, leach, worms, etc. have
with Lagna falling in an even sign, the to be stated; from Sarpa drekkana lagna
query about a iady has to be stated. If and Saturn's kendra kona position query
the Lagna is a common sign and if the about reptiles has to be stated; if Saturn
hermophrodites like Mercury and Saturn has also influence in such circumstances it
occupy the Lagna the query about an will bean aged serpent, if Mars influences
eunuch has to be stated. In the same cruel serpent, and if Jupiter influences it
manner Lagna's kendras have also to be will be a superior serpent. Whichever is
examined. stronger of the lagna rasi and drekkana
fasi will have its say on the determination In determination of the specie, the Chat-
of the appropriate specie. tirarasi is very helpful. If Chattirarasifalls
if in Mesha it indicates a sheep; Dhanus—
MarsinDhanus indicates a horse and camel, ass, horse etc.; Vrishaba—cow,
Saturn there indicates an elephant; Mars deer etc.; Simha—a carnivorous animal;
in Simha indicates a lion, tiger, leopard Meena—a horse; Vrischika—sheep;
etc.; if Saturn is there a bear or a monkey Makara—a deer ; ICataka—tortoise, frogs
is indicated; Mars in Mesha indicates etc.; Mithuna, Kanni, Thula and Kumbha
sheep and Saturn there indicates buffaloe; being human signs the query will be about
Mars in Vrishaba indicates a deer and human beings, from the rising lagna,
Saturn a buffalo. minerals, from Aruda lagna, the planets,
Mercury in Chathushpada rasi amsa and from Chattira rasi the animals have
indicates a bear, monkey and the like; to be stated.
the Sun in Mesha, Simha, Dhanus and When there are yogas for Chathushpada
Vrishaba indicates a sheep, a lion, an specie if the Moon is in a kendrakonain
elephant, and a deer respectively. Venus bis own house an ass, a camel or a he-
in the signs of Dhanus, Simha, Mesha and buffalo has to be stated. If Mercury is in
Vrishaba indicates respectively a horse, a his own house in a kendrakona monkey,
dog, an ox and a deer. Jupiter in Dhanus cat, mangoose, etc. have to be stated. In
indicates a horse; in Simha, a camel 1 and these, if the lagna is in an Oordwamukfaa
in Mesha and Vrishaba, an ass. If the rasi the animal will have horns on the
Moon is in these signs the appropriate head; if Thrayangmukba in the mouth,
animals of horse, lion, ram and cow have that is tusks; and if in Adhomukha the
to be stated. animals will have hooves.
Dear Sir, aspected by any other planet excepting
I am giving a list of my doubts in the Saturn.* Rahu was in Mars and Mercury's
horoscope furnished herewith: star. Therefore, Rahu is to give the
results of Saturn, Mars and Mercury.
Then the lord of the second house is
Venus j Kethu Lagoa Moon, ft is also in the constellation of
IS" 28° 19® lord of 6, Mars. There is no planet in
the constellations of lord of 2; Moon,
Moon 1" which are Rohini, Hastham and Sravanam.
Saturn 6th house is owned by Mars. Its stars
28° |1-2-1937 are Mrigasirisham, Chitrai and Dhanishta.
^ 3-35 P.M. There is Kethu in Mrjgasira. No planet
is in Chitrai. But, Sun is occupying
Mercury Dhanishta along with Moon. Therefore,
3° we have to find out what are the planets
concerned with his service.
Jupiter Rahu Mars (1) Rahu, denoting Saturn, Mars and
23® 28® 25" Mercury, which indicates mostly Geology
and Mechanical Engineering, Industrial
Engineering, or Military Engineering. Sun
Jupiteri lord of the 7th and iOth, is in its in Mars constellation and Kethu in Mars
own moolathrikona house, Dhanus and constellation, both of them indicate
Venus, lord of 5 and 12, is in exaltation authority, a decent position and security
in Pisces in the 10th. Hence, the native of service or permanent service under
must have been connected with educational Government. Therefore, he to be in
institutions or must be otherwise connec- Military Engineering is correct.
ted with commerce or dramatics. But, But, you have taken only Jupiter as lord
contrary to both; we find that the native of 10 and Venus in the 10th sign. There-
is an engineer by trade and he is working fore, you have not noted the houses which
in Military Engineering service now. How
is this explained, since anything military they occupy. Jupiter has much to do
is to be connected only with Mars? with marriage and legal bondage and
Venus is for life in a foreign place, long
S.D.G. AIYAR, journeys, higher studies, etc. Jupiter and
Jabalpore. Venus do not indicate anything about
profession. But, Jupiter is the chief
Sir, governor for Finance. ' Therefore, Jupiter
As regards ^profession, it had been according to its nature can indicate about
repeatedly published in this magazine the his service.
order of the strength of the planets which (2) Is the horoscope to be considered
we have to take into consideration for as basically weak, since Mercury, the lord
profession. So, a scrutiny to the houses, of lagna, is in the 8th house. But against
2, 6 and 10 is necessary. House 2 is this, we have the direct 7th aspect of the
vacant. House 6 is occupied by Rahu. great bencfic Jupiter on the lagna and also
There is no planet in the 10th house. the combination of Budha and Sun which
Rahu is aspected by Saturn. It is not go by the name Budha Adithya Yoga, is
conjoined with any planet and it is not supposed to be beneficial.
Answer: One cannot have admission in the
Sir, Engineering College. But the native is
B.E. (Hons.). Further, Mercury is the
Mercury Is not at all weak, nor it is lord of lagna. So, it is not at all weak,
occupying the evil house 8 as you have nor evil. What it could do ? It had done
mentioned in your letter when Mercury is and still more it will do in its dasa. Sir,
in the third degree. Ascendant is in 19°. you have been writing to me from 19th
Therefore, Mercury will be in the 7th October, 1965 but lam able to take your
bouse. The relative position between horoscope only at 8 P.M. to-day, Wednes-
Mercury and Sun is 26°. It should not be day, when the Nakshathra in Arudra.
taken as a conjunction excepting that both Actually the lagna of the native is in the
happen to be in the same sign. Mercury Nakshathra Arudra and in the sign ruled
and Jupiter are in aspect [conjunction). by Mercury who owns both Virgo and
Mercury is in the constellation of Sun. Gemini. If Mercury would have been
Therefore, when Mercury period com- weak and if Mercury is inauspicious I
mences, he will complete bis course. He cannot touch the horoscope to-day,
will also join a profession. Therefore, especially when 1 have delayed for nearly
a thorough change in bis career and a new four months.
cycle of life will come during the period The other questions which you have
of Mercury. If Mercury would have been given in your list will be answered in the
weak, one cannot be good in Mathematics. subsequent issues.
whether benefic by nature or evil by
I am furnishing herewith my horoscope. nature, if they own 2 and 11 bouses and
I have a doubt whether Jupiter which is if they occupy the 5th house, then the
occupying 25= 58' jn Gemini can offer native will lose. If you take the oppo-
good results to me as I am born in the nent's house, it is Aquarius. Jupiter rules
ascendant Leo at 24° 50'. How are we to 2 and 11. If Jupiter would have been in
i tee ■ Is there any method to ascertain
ut either Pisces or in Sagittarius, then it will
it also? ' be advantageous only to the opponent.
But when Jupiter is in the 11th bouse, in
its own constellation and in the sub of
Mercury, certainly you are to gain. So,
there is no doubt that Jupiter will prove
to be good. As Jupiter is in the sub of
Mercury, when Jupiter period starts, and
Mercury sub operates, at the time when
Sun and Moon transit in either Revathi
Nakshathra or in Punarvasu Nakshathra.
You will actually enjoy the beneficial
results. Why Revathi? Revathi is Mer-
cury's star in Jupiter's sign; Similarly
Punarvasu is Jupiter's slat in Mercury's
sign. Also, whenever the significators
transit in either of the two zones, certainly
you stand to gain and Jupiter also wilt
prove to be most advantageous to you in
its sub period.
Then, what do yon think of the dasa
Planets as lord of 5 and 8, they are not governed by Moon ? Moon was in 2° 54'
considered to be beneficial to the native by at the time of the birth. Therefore, I
their lordship. Why? The 7th house would like to know whether Moon Dasa
indicates the opponent. Therefore, the will prove to be beneficial.
nouses 5 and & for yoUj will be 11 and 2 to
the opponent. Houses 2 and 11 always Moon is lord of 12 and it is occupying
improve the 12th house though it is in Simha (Leo).
When i t isthe2 material
and 11 towelfare of ahouse,
the 7th
Therefore, one may consider it to be evil.
means it is good to the opponent. Which is Actually, it will not be so. Why? Moon
stronger, lordship or occupation? What was in Makam. Makam is ruled by
gre we to take? Occupation is stronger. Kethu. Ketbu is conjoined with a planet.
Is not the lord of the constellation It is not aspected by any planet. There-
capable of modifying the result 1 Yes. fore, it represents the lord of the sign
• llth
11i." 16 s:ar s where it was. Kethu was in Mercury's
m house. 'Therefore,
thestiongcsl- Jupiter is
by occupation, sign. Therefore, Kethu represents Mer-
it will appear to do good. But it is in the cury, Mercury is lord of 2 and 11. There-
constellation of lord of 5 and lord of 8, fore, Kethu has to give the results of the
ne., its own. This is a real problem. houses 2 and 11. When Kethu is to do
The sub will decide. Favourable sub is good, the planet in Kethu's constellation
advantageous. 25° 58' isjin the sub of must do good. Hence, Moon in the
Mercury, which rules 2 and 11 to Leo. constellation of Kethu has to give the
Therefore, the ultimate result would be results of 2 and 11 houses. Therefore,
that you must gain. Always planets Moon Dasa will prove to be good.
The following chart belongs to a person as the constellation in which Rahu was
who is born at Hyderabad on 5-7-1935 at Uthrasbada governed by Sun. Hence, the
10-20 A.M. at 16° 27' N and 80° 04' E.: moment when you entered into Sun Dasa,
Rahu Bhukti, you were appointed in the
Merc. 2.32 Finance department ?** Why in Finance?
Sun 19.24
Retbu ''Because Rahu in the sign owned by
29.36 Jupiter, aspected by Sun ; Mercury and
Mara has to give the combined results of
these planets. These planets Sun, Mars
and Mercury are strong and favourable—
Sun denotes Government or security in
Vcn. 4-44 service; Mars indicates authority and
Asc. 19-00 power—Mercury shows accounts, scrutiny
Nep. 19-23 of accounts, drafting etc. Lord of the
sign Jupiter portrays service in religion,
law, finance, bank etc."
W 20.38! £££ "If Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Mars
foreshadow Finance department, am I not
entitled to have advancement in their
Kethu dasa balance at the time of birth sub periods?" "True: But one Should
2 years 6 months 22 days. note whether individually they are to
increase your income and improve your
Sir, I was appointed in Finance depart- status. For. the rank and position, the
ment on 15-4-1959 when Moon transitted planets are to be connected with L0 ; only
in 19°24' in Gemini and the Asceudauf was when lUb house also contributes, one can
also there. Later, though opportunities have the benefit by holding a higher post,
were there, to promote me, I did not get with deceut diUerencebetweentbe last pay
any. But one student of yours discussed it drawn in the previous post and the salary
with you and then he said that 1 would be in which one is fixed in the higher post.
promoted on or around 28-1-1966 alone.
Actually, I took charge in the promoted "As you were appointed in Rahu
post on 28-1-66. Can you explain why Bhukti, the question of Mars does not
Sun, lord of Lagna, in exact sextile aspect arise.
with the Ascendant did not give promo- Jupiter has no connection with houses
tion and why Moon Dasa gave the promo- 2 or 6 or 10. It is in its own constellation.
tion, as it is not expected since it owns It is in Shasta ashtana with meridian. Its
the 12th house and occupies the 12th trine aspect with dasa lord shows good
Bhava? How did you pitch upon 28-1-66 relationship with officials and smooth
please? Which star days are favourable running of life. He is Lord of 5 and 8 in
to me? " the constellation of lord of 5 and 8. It
" Sun is the lord of the ascendant. It does not receive aspect from the significa-
is in 11 which is very advantageous. It tors of the houses 2 or 6 or 10; it is not
is in the constellation of Rahu who is in conjoined with them; it is neither in the
Shookshma Parivarthana Yoga with Sun constellation of the significators. If Jupiter
were to be in Mars or Rahu constella- Moon is in the constellation of Kethu
tion in the same sign or in their sub or that which is to give the 11th house results.
of Sun, it should offer and it would have Moon, though lord of 12 and is in the
given. Jupiter, in nd way connected with 12th fthava, it has to cause favourable
these three houses 2 or 6 or 10 as well as results as it is under the sway of Kethu
11 cannot benefit." in 11. Again the same Rahu Bhukti is to
" Then what is itthatfit can do for me!" come to please you with promotion.
" As Rahu is to offer and Rahu occupy- Moon is conjoined with Venus ; aspected
ing Jupiter's sign is stronger than Jupiter by Saturn. Hence when Sun transits in
(a node is always stronger than the lord Venus sign Moon star Rohini, between
of the sign) Rahu gives the job in the 23rd May to 6tb June, 1967 or when Sun
department governed by Jupiter. That is transits Saturn sign Moon star you must be
all." promoted. Sun transits Sravanam star
" What about Mercury? between 23-1-66 and 7-2-66. In these ISJ
days Sun transits in Rahu's sub on 27-1-66
"Mercuryis in the 11th sign butinihe and 28-1-66. 27-1-66 is a Thursday. But
tenth house. Therefore profit during 28-1-66 is a Friday which is governed by
Mercury, increase (excepting annual incre- Venus (conjoined with Moon). Hence
ment) above normal during Mercury 28-1-66 was pitched. When Moon Dasa,
sub period is denied. Further it is inthe Rahu Bhukti operates one is to select
constellation of Mars who is to give the Moon star Rahu sub or Rahu star Moon
results of the houses 2, 4 and 9. sub.
Thus, these planets are incapable of
giving a lift whereas they can keep you According to your chart, Rahu indicates
cheerful. During Mercury sub period, you' that the following star days are.good:—
would have been given other's job also 1. Makam Moolam.
for speedy turnover and quick results.
Your service will be recognised and the 2. Arudhra, Swathi.
appointing authority would have written 3. Punarvasu.
outstanding report. Mercury gives mental
satisfaction and a compensation and not 4. Jyeshta, Revathi.
material benefit. Kethu in Mercury sign is 5. Uthrashada.
stronger than Mercury " How can Moon
Dasa give promotion ? 6. Rohini and Sravana.".

Sir, [There is a difference of opinion as to
the house which rules father. The Western
My wife's father has got a house in his scholars
village. He desires to sell away that signifies are of opinion that the 4th house
father. Hindu sages are of
house and purchase a land in a town and opinion that the 9th house signifies father.
settle there for the sake of children's
education and employmeDt. When will The Madras
Modern Astrological Institute,
and New Delhi has made enough
he be able to sell the house 7 When will research in this matter under the able
he purchase the land? And when will guidance of Shri K. S. Krishnamurti, my
he shift to a town? Whether the contem- revered Guru and the esteemed editor of
plated change will bring him fortune and this Magazine. "We follow that 9tb house
prosperity? He has no horoscope. But
I have my horoscope correctly cast by an signifies father. We propose to establish
this truth to our readers shortly by follow-
eminent scholar. I am enclosing it. Would ing Stellar Astrology. Nodoubtwe respect
you kindly guide us astrologically ? the opinions of ancient scholars. - Yet we
go by our experience and observation.]
Jupiter K e Moon Therefore, 9th house to the 7th house is
6-58 j ™ 20 40 your 3rd house which speaks of your
wife's father. It falls in the sign Aries.
Aries is ruled by Mars. Saturn and Kethu
are posited in this sign. It is aspected by
exalted Mars, debilited Sun and strong
Venus. The bouse covers the constella-
tion Aswini complete, Bharani complete
and part of Krittika. Aswini is ruled by
24-40 | Kethu, Bharani by Venus and Krithika by
j jRahu 5-44 Sun. 2nd house indicates self-acquisition.
4th house denotes moving vehicle or per-
I Mercury
4-28 [SunVenus
27 17
manent possession, house-property. 12tb
I " house shows giving away or investment.
Uth house promises gains. Therefore,
Respected Sir, for acquisition of house-property, we have
to consider houses 2,4, II and 12. 3rd
Don't worry for not having the horos- house indicates your wife's father. So,
cope of your wife's father. Astrology is bis acquisition is indicated by the 2nd to
a divine science. It speaks, not only about the 3rd, i.e., 4th house. His house pro-
your future but also the future of your perty is shown by your 6th house (4th 'to
Mother, Father, Wife and Wife's Father, the 3rd). His investment is denoted by
etc. your 2nd house (12th to the 3rd).
Your Ascendant is Capricorn. In a horo- To ascertain the destruction of the
scope, Lagna (Ascendant) represents the affairs of a particular Bhava we have to
native. 7th house represents his wife. 9th consider houses ^,7 and 12, Badhakas-
house denotes one's father. Therefore 9th thana and Subba Kendra Sthana of that
house counted from the 7th house indi- Bhava. Now, you have asked when your .
cates wife's father. wife's father will sell his house? House-
property is considered immovable pro- 2. Occupants of the concerned
perty. This is being made liquid cash houses. If there is no occupant,
when your wife's father sells it. So, he 3. Planets in the sub or in the con-
loses this immovable property and incre- stellation of the lords of the concerned
ases bank positic i. Immovable property is houses.
denoted by the 4th house and cash is
denoted by 2nd house. Your wife's 4. Lords of the concerned houses.
father's house-property is denoted by your 5. Planets conjoined with or aspec-
6th house. It falls in the sign Gemini ted by. the signiheators.
ruled by Mercury. The bhava is covered Mars is Karaka for houses. The signifi-
by part of the constellation Punarvasu, cators must have connection with Mars to
complete Pushyam and part of Aslesha. cause the native sell the house and the
Punarvasu is ruled by Jupiter. Pushyam is purchaser to invest on houses.
ruled by Saturm Aslesha is ruled by
Mercury. These are the ruling planets of 1. 5th house is vacant.
house-property. When the ruling planets 2. 7th house is vacant.
are afflicted simultaneously, destruction of 3. 12tb house is occupied by Mars,
the things signified by them also get Mrigasira, Cbitra and Dhanishta are ruled
destroyad. This fixes the date of destruc- by Mars. No planet is posited in constel-
tion or losing an estate or sale of a lation, Mrigasira. Rahu is. posited in
property.' constellation of Cbitra.) Mars is posited in
Note the houses 2, 7 and 12, Bad ha- Dhanisbta. Therefore,''Rahu and Mars are
kasthana and Subba Kendra Sthana for significators.
6th house—which denotes house—property 4. Sagittarius is occupied by no
of your wife's father. So count from the planet.
sixth house. They are 7, 5 and 12. Your 5 Subha Kendra Adhipatbis are
6th house falls inthesign Gemini. Gemini Mercury and Jupiter.
is dual sign. For dual signs, 7tb sign is
bhadhakastband. It is Sagittarius in the Therefore, Rahu, .Mars, Mercury and
preseat case. Subha Kendra Sthanas are Jupiter are significators to cause destruc-
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, tion of house-property. Jupiter is not
ruled by Mercury and Jupiter. Therefore, connected by Mars either by sign position
we have to consider your 5th house, 7th or constellation position or sub position.
house, 12th house, Sagittarius, Jupiter and Hence, Jupiter cannot cause selling of
Mercury to ascertain when your wife's house-property. Rahu by disposition in
father will sell the bouse. the constellation of Mars is the strongest
significator. Next in strength is Mars and
Purchase is always denoted by 7th then follows Mercury.
house The person who purchases the
house is shown by the 7th house. His The native is running the major period
acquisition is shown by 8th house. His of Rahu in the sub period of Mars from
house property is shown by lOth house, as 13-10-65 to 31-10-66! This period causes
10th house is 4th house to the 7th house selling of the house.
which indicates the purchaser. His invest- Now, let us examine the period favour-
ment is shown by 6th house (12 to 7). able to the purchaser to invest the money
Therefore, we have to consider houses 8, on houses.
10 and 6 to ascertain when any person will
come forward to purchase the house. 1. Purchase is denoted by the 7th
house. His acquisition is shown by 8th
The significators are to be considered in house, as 8th house is 2nd to the 7ih
the following order: house. This house is occupied by no planet.
1. Planets in the sub or in the con- 2. 10th house denotes the house-
stellations of the occupants of the con- property of the purchaser, as it is 4th
cerned houses. house to the 7th. This house is occupied
by Mars. Rahu is in the coostellatioD of When will he purchase land? For pur-
Mars. Mars is posited in his own coostel- chase of land, consider houses 2,4,11
latioD. Therefore, Mars and Rahu -are and 12. The Karakas for land are Mars
significators, and Moon.
3. 12th house to the 7th house is the 2nd house is occupied by Moon. Rohini,
house of iovestmeDt of the purchaser. Hasta and Sravana are ruled by Moon.
This house is vacant Rahu and Kethu are in the sub of Moon.
Therefore, Rahu and Mars are significa- Moon is posited in Rohini. Therefore,
tors to cause the purchaser to come for- Rahu, Kethu and Moon are significators.
ward and invest money on houses. 4th house is occupied by no planet.
As the native is in the major period of llth house is vacant.
Rahu, in the sub period of Mars from 12th house is occupied by Jupiter who
13-10-65 to 31-10-66, this period is pro- rules Punarvasu, Visakha and Poorava-
pitious both to your wife's father to sell bhadra. Venus is posited in Visakha.
the house and the purchaser to buy the So, Venus is indicator.
•''When will the transaction take place? Therefore,•the significators who enable
As the native is in the major period of the native to purchase land are Rahu,
Rahu and the sub period of Mars, the Kethu, Moon and Venus. Rahu is
transaction will take place only when connected with Mars and Moon who are
Rahu or Mars or luminaries transit the Karakas for land. Kethu is connected
•constellation or sub ruled by Rahu or with Moon and Mars. Moon is in her own
Mars.. Rahu rules the constellations, constellation. Mars is to reflect the results
Arudra, Swathi and Sathabhisam Mars of Rahu as he is in the sub of Rahu who
rules Mrigasira, Chitra and Dhanishta. is to benefit the native with landed pro-
perty. Therefore, the major period of
Rahu transits his own sub from 2-7-66 Rahu, the sub period of Mars, the anthara
to 27-7-66. He transits Mars sub from (sub sub period) of Moon which runs from
2S-7-66 to 5-8-66. 30-9-66 to 31-10-66 will bless the native
Mars transits his own constellation, with lands and landed property. He will
Mrigasira from 21-6-66 to 11-7-66 from purchase the land on Friday the 14-10-66
12-7-66 to 31-7-66 he transits in Arudra when Sun transits the constellation,
ruled by Ratiu. Chitra and when Moon is posited in the
same constellation.
Mars conjoins with Rahu on 22-5-66 at
4-06 P.M. Your wife's father comes in [Editor's, note:
contact with the purchaser on this day
and time and discuss matters related to Rahu Dasa, Moon 1 Bhukti, Mercury
the disposition of the house. Anthra—contemplated to have changes
The luminaries give dates when the and to purchase one in a town—Upto
whole transaction such .as registration, Rahu Dasa, Mars Bhukti, Saturn Anthra,
etc., will be completed. Sun transits no transaction will be completed Rahu
Mrigasira ruled by Mars from 7-6-66 to Dasa, Mars Bhukti, Mercury Anthra
21-6-66 and Arudra ruled by Rahu from 22-4-66 to 15-6-66 around 20-5-1966 on
22-6-66 to 5-7-66. an Arudhra star day when Moon transits in
Mercury sign Rahu star Mars sub—Receipt
Therefore, your wife's father will com- of advance—Rahu Dasa, Mars Bhukti,-
plete the transaction with regard to sale Venus Anthra receives full amount, hands
of his house on 5-7-66 when Moon transits over possession Rahu Dasa, Mars Bhukti,
the sign Scorpio ^uled by Mars. Moon Anthra—New purchase of a bouse.]

M* S. MANX, B.E. (Electronics Engineering)
The problem is to find out the time of in1 Hastbam, Saturn is in Sravanam.
birth of children, for a lady whose chart Therefore, Moon and Saturn are significa-
js given below. Balance of Moon Dasa tors. No planet is found in 5th Bhava
is 2 years and 6 months. and in 11 th Bhava.
Now^ find out whether there .is any
node in the constellation of the significa-
tor or in the house of which the significa-
tor is the lord. Rahu is in Saturn sign.
So Rahu is a significator.
Born on Mars, Venus and Mercury receive 10th
29—9—1933 aspect from Saturn of which Vepus is in
at Madras its own sign, and in the constellation. of
the significator Rahu. Hence Venus can
give marriage. Mercury is also in the
•syi Mart 2i» 17' SllD 4® 44' star of Rahu.
7"«- Moonar Further, when ! analyse the horoscope,
on 4 2 1966, a Friday governed by
Venus, when Moon was transiting in
Houses 2, 5 and 11 are to be* judged* CANCER-KATAKA, ruled by Moon and
Therefore find out the following order: .in the star Pushyam ruled by Saturn. So
(a) >Vhether there is any occupant Venus, Saturn, Moon are significators.
in these houses 2, 5 and 11. If Rahu, at the time of analysis was- in
so find out the planet in the Vehus's sign Taurus-^Rishaba and hence
constellation of.the occupants-of becomes a significator. Star rising was
these houses. Aslesha governed by Mercury in Moon's
sign Cancer.
If. there is no planet} take the
occupants of 2,5 and 11 as strong In. the conjoined periods ' of Rahu,
signincators Saturn, Venus and Moon and Mercury the
(cJ Then one is to take the planets child will be born.
in the constellation of lord of Actually the 1st child was born on
these signs. 1 8 1948, when the native was running ;
(d) Lords of these signs, and Rahu Dasa,. Saturn Bukthi, Saturn,
Anthra and Venus Sookshama, the - II
(e) the planets which influence these during Rahu Dasa, Mercury Bhukthi,
ouses, the planets which ajrc Rahu Anthra and Sookshama) the III
onjoined with the significators „ during Rahu Dasa, Venus Bukthi, Anthra
— and the planetSTwhich are" aspec- and Sookshama, and the fourth during
' ted by the significators. ■ Rahu Dasa, Moon Bukthi and Anthra and
—Lagna -was '16°' 54'" Lep^Simha., So,, Venus Sookshama.
sedond Bhava is-occupied by Moon, Thus the accuracy, of Krishnamurthy
Mercury^ and Venus.. Moon's, stars are Paddhathi is' verified, and it alone gives
Rohini, Hastham and Sravanain. Moon is correct and precise results.
Moon 2.S3 Lords of 2, 6 and 10 are Mars, Sun
Rafau and Jupiter. We have considered Mars
25.41 already. Moon is in Sun's star Kartika,
Uranus while there isno planet in other stars.
Saturn and Sun aspect the 10th house.
Birth time 11-30 P.M. Saturn 5.44 While'Sun occupying 12th to its sign
1*S.T. Sun 7.15 cannot be treated as ipdwerful. Saturn
10.2Sll.MT) P.M. at Mercury (R)
Karachi 24*5 N 22.43 will have definite influence particularly. as
67*01 E Fortuna falling in 11th house occupies
on 23-7-1946 Saturn's sign Moon star Sravanam.
Balance Sun Dasa The significators are Moon,. Mars,
3 years 2 months
14 days Venus and Saturn in addition, to Uranus
and Neptune, which will exert some
Mars and Venus .occupying 6 parti-
cularly influence most. Mais Dasa, Venus
Bukthi, Saturn Anthra, ?'oon Sukshma
brought employment. . ,
Following this, I predicted that he
Recently my cousin whom I met after w.ould have got employment on '6th April,
many years asked me to let him know 1965 Tuesday, Rohini (Moon star) in
astrologically as to when he wohld have Venus sign. The date, he agreed, was
entered into, employment, as I was not correct
aware of the same.
Thanks to " Krishnamurthi Padhdh'a- As predicted that he would have joined
thi "• . I predicted the date which was around 10-30 A.M. during Saturn sub of
accurate to the time.. . Rohini star he accepted that he joined
employment around that time.'
Here I give belqw the arguments and; the Following the significators, I predicted
horoscope for the benefit of the readers.. that he would be serving in Petroleum
For employment, let us' consider houses industry or Ice (Refrigerator industry).
2, 6 and 10. . Saturn denotes. Geology, under the
Moon is in'2nd house and Venus, Mars .ground, cold etc.
and Neptune * are in 6 while there is no Mars indicates industry. *
planet in 10. Moon liquid: Saturn and Moon,
Except Neptune no planet is in Moon's liquid taken from the ground or liquid
star. cooled down.
Venus and 'Mars are in Venus star Venus denotes pleasant food, comfort,
(Pooram). luxury or refining etc.
' Uranus and Rahu are in Mrigasiritha, • ■' He was very happy 'to accept that he .is
Jupiter is in Chitra (Mars' stars). in the Refrigerator industry.
Rahu Occupies Venus sign Taurus
(Rishaba).and is to be treated as Moon, This is the superior scientific method
and Venus; it will oiler the results of advocated by " KRISHNAMURTHI
Moon to a greater extent. PADDATHI ".
lmhwH ,,k which rule at the present moment are
Ouiu oj20-1e ?Sun
^ Mars, Venus and Mercury. Therefore,
Mais 13.55 Kethu 13-38 you ought to have been born either in the
combination of Mars, Venus and Mercury
or you should be visiting and consulting
at the . time when Mars, Venus and Mer-
cury jointly operate.
If you were running Saturn Bukthi, you
ought to have come earlier. It is not
correct. Budha ought to have started;
otherwise we have to meet only on Satur-
day. Even the sub in Bharani star for the
moment is governed by Mercury. So, we
have to take that Mars Dasa, Budha Bukthi
has just started. About your birth, the
lagna Rishaba, which is ruled by Sukra.
It is occupied by Sevvai and Buddha.
Sevvai, Budha and Sukra are the three '
planets which rule the moment at the time
when you were born. That agrees in full.
Again, when we see the name of the gentle-
man, the name is also in plurality, which
is indicated by Mercury. Mercury is
Vaishnavite and your name is also Vaishna-
vite's name and a double name. Therefore,
your horoscope is .correct'but only that
yourBudha Bukthi has started is the.rectifi-
cation to be made when the horoscope is
to be judged.
jFTrst, one is to know whether the lagna
is strong or Moon sign is strong. Herb
Dear Sir, your lagna is really very strong, whereas
Moon sign is afflicted by Saturn. Also in
First of alllet us Qnd out whether the your horoscope, it should be noted that
horoscope presented by you is correct. you are born in the Nakshathra Ashlesha,
Only when the horoscope is correct, then which is also ruled by Mercury. Therefore,
the timing of.evei\ts also will be coming at the time of your birth. Mercury was
correct. Today you are visiting: It is , rising in the east just after 8 mifautes of
Wednesday, the lord is Mercury. The your birth. It was rising in the east and
lagna at which we are meeting now is" then Mercury happen to rule your Naksha-
Mesha and the constellation Bharani is thra. By knowing the ruling planets,
rising in the east. Therefore, lagna re pre- what is the advantage? Always' ruling
sents Mars and Venus, whereas the lord of planets are the -benefactors—to - native,
the day, the lord of the rasi. in which especially when they occupy favourable
Moon is at present transiting is denoted sign and house. Budha is lord of 2 and 5.
by Mercury. So, it is clear that the planets It is occupying the lagna. Lord of the 2nd
house is in the 12th to the 2nd bouse and advancement. Therefore, the first rung
as lord of 5, it is in 9 to it (Virgo). What of the ladder will be climbed up when
does it mean ? When a planet occupies Mercury starts and you will go the higher
the 12th bouse to the 2nd, it indicates rung during that of Venus sub period. Will
certain changes, as 2nd house indicates it automatically give or will there be any
family. Therefore, there will be some opposition 7 Here, Mars is lord of the 7th
change coming in. By that it may mean bouse and it is also the lord of the 12th,
either marriage at home or setting up occupying the lagna. Mars shows that
family elsewhere or both. Mercury denotes without opposition, you will have it or
north. As lord of S in lagna, what it can you will come out victorious with thumb-
contribute to you. Mercury is lord of S. ing majority. Only when Mars occupies
It indicates that you will be an agent or a the 7tb house or the 8th bouse or the 12tb
representative of the public. 5th bouse as lord of 7, i t threatens that you have to
generally indicates politics. It is ruled by stand for election, you have to face the
Mercury. . The planet which' denotes one music and after the usual strain, you will
to act as agent is also Mercury. But to come out victorious and occupy the posi-
become a Manager occupy a position in tion. But as long as lord of 7 is in the
any Assembly or Sabba, the' chief signifi- Ascendant, then it is mostly unopposed.
cator is Jupiter. Luckily for you, Jupiter When you are running Mars Dasa, Mer-
and Mercury are deposited in Lagna. The cury Bukthi, we have to find out what are
presence of Mars also, in that particular the various planets occupying the constel-
sign promises that you will have a higher lations of Mars and Mercury, and also the
charge in the same line. It cannot be a constellations in which Mars and Mercury
member in Panchayat Board or a Councillor were at the time of your birth. Both Mars
in a Corporation but it is something much and Mercury were in Robini Naksbatbra,
more, more as a leader of many people which is governed by Chandra (Moon).
spread over larger area. It has to give Therefore, Mars and Mercury will give
you authority and power. beneficial results when dasanatha Mars
When will it give?' transits in the constellations of the signifi-
cators or the original opposition attbe time
Now you have entered into Mars Dasa, of your birth; or at the time when Mripi-
Mercury Bukthi. Mercury is to pave the sirisba Nakshathra third pada is transitted
way, whereas Venus is to give the fruit by Mars of Mercury or Sun.
out of it. Therefore, during Mars Dasa, To me, it appeals that around 16tb or
Mercury Bukthi, it will arrange to give a 17tb June, 1966 itself, it will offer chances
lift in life, and later when Venus period for the first lift, when I consider the transit
operates it must necessarily give further of all the. planets.

Will I stick da to the present job or ing Moon by a square aspect and Moon in
will I take up another? If so, when? the sub of lord of 11 cannot give a
The following is my chart: Planets which are not aspected by
Saturn, which are not influenced by Saturn
Uranus can bring about a change.
26® 36' Mars, in the constellation and sub of
Sun who occupies the second house and a
Rahu movable sign will surely cause a change in
17° 43' the profession. Sun. is lord of 9 (change
RASI in job). Sun is in 2 and it represents
20-1—1933 profession. Sun in a chara rasi indicates
Saturn, 4-18 a.m. changes. It is the chief signiflcator for
13* JO'
Sun profession. Therefore, planets in any
6* 30' manner connected with Sun can portray
Mercury profession. Especially planets in its
24° 22'
Venus constellation is stronger. Mars ■ is in the
14* 0' sign owned by Sun, star ruled by .Sun and
Asc. 2" 54^ the sub also governed by Sun. Mars is in
9. Hence, Mars promises a change in
Balance of Rahu dasa at birth - 6 years the Institution. Saturn does not influence
0 months 7 days. Mars. Therefore, Saturn Dasa Mars sub
Now you are running Saturn Dasa Moon period will bless you with a better job.
bhukthi. Moon is lord of 8 to people born This period commences on 30-7-1967.
in Sagittarius. It has to disturb one's At that time, Jupiter will be in Cancer
peace of mind or give chances to contem- in Aslesha, governed by Mercury who is
plate plan and scheme. As it is in a lord of 10. Saturn will be in Revathi,
movable sign, it will. give the mind to governed by lord of 10. Mars will transit
leave the present institution and seek in Rahu's star, Swathi. Sun will be in
service in another institution. Moon, in Saturn's star and Mars sub. Therefore,
the constellation of Rahu, will surely around 31-7-1967, you will leave this job
create opportunities to make short journey, and join an Industry or Factory.
contact others and try for a change as
Rahu is in the 3rd house. Saturn aspect- K.S.K.

Sir, are conjoined with or aspected by any of
" X am submitting herewith the horos- the significators and. if they are very
cope of my younger brother. X would strong, much stronger than the signifi-
like to know what are the significators of cators, then the planets with which the
his profession. The time at which ! put significator is conjoined or the planets,
the query to-day, Tuesday, is 6-40 P.M. " which receive aspect from the significators
says a lady who is the disciple of the will surely give the results in their period.
Editor. If you feel any difficulty to judge which
planets are the real significators to
Saturn Ketbu I answer your query please follow this
24-21 23-30 | | | method. (1) What is the day-to-day?
Who rules the day? (2] What is the
Jupiter nakshathra, i.e., in which constellation
3.10 does the Moon pass and who is the
lord of the Nakshathra? (3) In which
sign Moon is transiting and who is the
lord of the sign and then (4) the lord of
Moon the Lagna.
10-45 Venus Thus, you have to take the planets
29-30 28-49 rulkig the moment at which there is the
urge to put a particular question. Let us
REPLY: proceed. To-day, it is Tuesday. It is
ruled by Mars. Now Moon is in the first
As regards profession, one is to. take degree of Gemini. The Nakshathra is
into consideration the houses 2, 6 and 10. Mrigasirisha, which is ruled by Mars.
To find out the significators, one has to The sign is Gemini, which is ruled by
follow always the same rule. Mercury. The lagna is Leo (Simha)
"What is it? " which is owned by Sun. Also, it is
necessary to note the asterism in which
(1) The strongest of the significators the lagna has fallen. Lagna is in
would be the planets ' occupying the the last portion of the star Poorva-
constellation of the planets deposited in palguni (otherwise called Pooram).
these houses 2 or 6 or 10. which is governed by Venus-Sukra.
(2) Then the planets which are Therefore, Sukra also must be taken.
tenanted in those 3 houses will be next in Hence, the number of planets are four.
strength. The significators are four and one has to
take Mars, Mercury, Sun and Venus.
(3) The planets situated in the constel-
lation of the lords of the houses 2, § and Then what is the nature of the profes-
.10 are to be taken. They are third in sion ? He may be in the Government Press
rank. where in artistic display is done. Because,
(4) Next only follows the lord of the Sun represents the Government, Mercury
houses 2, 6 and 10. denotes the paper, publ idty, etc. Mars, the
press and (Venus) Sukra for beauty- pL
If the significators so found out happen he may be working in a Chemical
to be weak, and if there are planets which Engineering concern who may supply
chemicals to Government like Bleaching also is in the constellation of lord of
Powder, Mettur Chemical Industry like 10, Mars. Therefore, actually, he has
that. Or, he may be a Mechanical got Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Sun and
(Mars) Engineer (Mercury) with security Venus indicating his profession. Now,
of service (Sun) in any automobile (Venus) when we calculate the time when he ought
Engineering concern. to have entered into service, it is to be said
that during Jupiter Dasa, Venus Bukthi in
So, "Madam, can you kindly tell me any of the antbras of Mars, Mercury and
in which department he is working?" Sun, be must be appointed; Actually in
that of Jupiter, Venus and Mars, be was
"He is working in Royal Enfleld as a appointed in July 1959. Therefore,
Mechanical Engineer," said the lady. Krishnamurti Padhdbatbi very clearly
indicates the ruling planets or the signifi-
Then no planet has failed to give the cators for any particular query by taking
result. It is a sound concern. So, there the movement of query, when read ?itb
is security .of service. Venus shows the buiuscupe it will prove to be true.
vehicles. Mercury engineering. Mars
machinery. Sun, security of service. If the same native would have had in
Therefore, the four planets which rule the mind to put a question, say, about the
moment happen to be very correct. date of birth or about the lagna or the
Moon sign, then also we have to take like
Now, let 'us look at the chart. He is that. But she has no other query, except
born in Cancer Lagna (Karkata). There is to know the signification of profession.
no planet in the 2nd house. No planet The lady has no urge for anything else.
occupies the 6th, but there is only Kethu in But the urge is to find out only the signifi-
the lOlh bouse. Kethu's Naksbathras are cators for the profession. Therefore,
Aswini, Makam and Moolam. There is whatever be the nature of the query
noplanet in Aswini and none in Moolam. mysteriously God, the Almighty, has its
But the three planets which occupy own plan plays His part promptly and
Makam are Mars, Mercury and Sun. places the planets properly in such a
Now, we have' to see how .Venus gains position that there is 100 per cent agree-
strength and it is one of the significators. ment between the ruling planets at the time
It will be seen that Venus is in the cons- of query and the significators for the
tellation of lord of 10, Mars. Jupiter particular query to that chart.

14th March, 1966 Your question is about promotion. So
it means that you are in service and you
Dear.Sir, expect ..better prospects with increase in
I herewith furnish my horoscope for salary.
your scrutiny and would like .to know Better prospects, honour, prestige and
whe'n I can expect a promotion in the rank are to be studied from the 10th house
department where I serve; or do you and increase in income as well as other
expect any change in the department? benefits are to be judged from the 11th
You will be happy to know that when house.
you were in Delhi, I consulted you about No doubt, 2 and 6 houses are to be
the reunion of my son. You gave a date considered when a question relates to
when he would join me. It came true to profession.
our pleasant surprise. As a student'of
Astrology I know that you worked his The order in which , we have to select
chart calmly and offered a definite predic- the significators according to their strength
tion. Similarly I request you to study at is as under
your leisure hours and ofi'c& your clear 1. The planets tenanted the con-
prediction with an explanation so that stellation of the'occupants in the
I can understand how you have arrived at houses 2 or 6 or 10 or 11.
this. 2. The planets deposited in 2 or 6
or 10 or 11.
MoOo 3. The planets situated in the con-
10-22 stellation of the lords of 2 or 6
or 10 or 11.
4. Lords of the above houses.
'5. Planets conjoined.with the.strong
RASI significators or
Rahu 6. Planets aspected, by the strong
3.21 FOrtuo*
Uranus 28-39 significator. -
7 Rahu or Kethu situated in the sign
of any of the strong significators.
13-9 I Mercury I Houses 2 and 6 are vacant. 10th house
I 1^1 is occupied by Mercury and Mars. Mer-
cury's asterisms are.AsIesha,' lyeshta and
Yours sincerely, Revathi. No planet'occupies any of. these
K.A.B., three stars. Mars governs the stars
New Delhi. Mrigasirisha, Chittirai and Dhanishta.
No planet is in Mrigasirisha and Dhanishta
I Answer: but Mercury is in Chittirai. . Therefore
Sir, Mercury and Mars are strong signjficators,-
The 11th house indicates gains and larger
I am in receipt of your letter redirected income than in the previous period. No
to me. planet is in 11.
Lords' of 2, 6, >0 and 11 are Saturn, June, July 1944, there ought to have been
Venus, Mercury and Venus. Note whether improvement. Later, when you had been
Rahu or Kethu-occupies the signs owned running Jupiter Dasa, Kethu Bhukti which
by them, i.e.) Saturn, Venus and Mercury. ran between 14-5-48 and 20-4-59 during
Rahu is in Saturn's sign and thereby it Guru Anthara in the end of 1958 and
indicates the results of Saturn who owns beginning of 1959 there should .be an
the second house. ' Venus and Saturn increase in the income (A dasa, B bhukti,
aspect Rahu. Therefore Rahu is to A anthara B Sookshama will be the time
represent both Saturn and Venus, lords of when a matter materialises if the Dasa
the houses 2>6 and "11. Kethu is con- and Bhukti happen to be A and B). Again
joined with Saturn and Venus. Therefore further improvement between 1-8-66 and
Kethu is stronger than the planets with 21-9-66 is to be expected when the period
which it is conjoined. So, one has to is ruled by Jupiter Dasa, Rahu Bhukti and
take Kethu, note down its stars (instead of Kethu Anthara.
Saturn and Venus) and find out which is According to transit, Dasanatha Jupiter
posited in any of the three stars of Kethu. will be transiting in the constellation
Actually Jupiter is Aswini governed by governed by Jupiter and in the sub ofRahu.
Kethu. Therefore Jupiter is also a strong
significator.. Thus it .will be seen that Kethu will be transiting Jupiter's star.
Jupiter, Rahu, Mercury, Mars and Kethu It will be around 15th September on a
are the significators promising bright Thursday.
future and promotion. Vou have men- I do not expect any change in Rahu
tioned that at the time of your birth you Bhukti,. Kethu Antara as neither of them
had been running Moon Dasa for 9 years are in 6 or 8 or 12 to Dasanatha and
8 months and 21 days. Therefore when- occupy a common sign.
ever you run the conjoint period of Rahu
or Kethu and Mercury, you will have If you can give a reply after you see
self-acquisition, appointment and promo- this is May issue about the past and later,
tion etc. So during Rahu Dasa, Budha after you are promoted, intimation to the
Bhukti, you ought to have entered into Editor about the date of your promotion
service after 20th May, 1941. When you will be appreciated.
had been running Kethu Bhukti i.e.,
8-12-43 to 26-2-44, in Rahu Anthara around GOOD LUCK.!
M. S. MANl, b.E. [Electronics & Communications (Ejiss ) ]
The purpose of this article is to impress XI cusp : .12° 12' SAGI
upon the readers of this magazine and XII „ : 9° 12' CARRI.
astrologers following various systems of
prediction other than KRISHNA- The method of analysis according to
NAMURTHY PADDHATHI alone is under :—
100% correct and accurate. By marriage it is meant the permanent
The"problem is to find out the time of legal bondage with the other sex, an
martiage of the native born on 8-6-1931 addition to the family and anew cycle of
at Madras. Time of birth: 11-33 P.M. li fe to start. Hence Bhavas (Houses) 2, 7
The birth chart is given below : and 11 are to be investigated.
The planets signifying the marriage are
Uranus Venus 24°Sun11' selected according to the only rule and the
25° 42'
Rahu 29° 47' Merc. order which are as follows:— ■
18° 25' 3° 06' 1. The planets tenanted in the constella-
Moon tion of. the occupants of the Houses—
29* 2T Born on 8—6—1931 Bhavas 2, 7 and 11.
Lagna 11-33 P.M. (I.S.T.) 2. Occupants of 2nd, 7th and 11th
20® 07' Mr, C. A. M. Bhavas.
Balance of Jupiter Neptune I 3. Planets in the constellation of the
Dasa. 2 yrs. 7 10" 22' I lords of the houses 2, 7 and 11.
Months 24 days f
4. Lords of 2, 7 and 11.
5. Those conjoined with or aspected by
any of the significators.
It is important to note that if one does
not get significators according to the order
RASI CHART 1, then only should apply to Rule 2 and
stop at a stage when he gets enough signi-
A sc. 20° 07 Aquarius ficators at least 3, (as we have' to refer to
II cusp: 16° 12'PISCES Dasa Bhukti and Anthra for the timing of
III „ 180T2' ARIES events). When one is to further proceed,
IV „. 16° 12'TAURUS one is to apply No. 5.
V „ 12° 12'. GEMINI Now let us analyse the chart.
VI „ . 9° 12' CANCER 1. (This is the strongest significator.)
HI „ . 20° 07' LEO Second Bhava is 16° 12' Pisces—Meena
HI „ . 16° 02' VIRGO to 18° 12' Aries—Mesha. ■ Rahu and
Uranus are posited in this area. Uranus
[X 18° 12'LIBRA do not own any stars. Rahu governs
X 16° 12'SCORPIO Arudhra, Swathi and Sathabisha. No
planet is found deposited in any'those 3. Jupiter is in its own Constellation
stars. besides being lord of 11.
Seventh Bhava is 206 17' Leo-Simha to 4. Venus is in the constellation of
16° 12' Virgo-Kanni. No planet occupies lord of 7, Sun. So the significators are
seventh Bhava. Mercury, Rahu, Jupiter and Venus.
Eleventh Bhava is 12° 12' Sagittarius^ The native got married when be was
Dhanur to 9° w12' Capricorn Makara. running Mercury Dasa, Rahu Bukthi
Saturn is in llth Bhava. No planet is Jupiter Anthra and Venus Sooksbama.
posited in its stars Pushya, Anuradha and This agrees well with the significators. So,
Uthrapada. events can take place only when the native
2. If no significator is obtained by runs the conjoined periods of the signifi-
No. 1, take the occupants of 2nd, 7th cators of the event.
and 11 th Bhavas as significators. Hence, Another important Rule enunciated by
Rahu and Saturn are significators. One K.RISHNAMURTHY, the esteemed editor
need not apply'Rule 3 and Rule 4 now. of this magazine is this.
5. Planets conjoined or aspected by
signiScators :— Important events take place only when
Venus is in trine aspect to Saturn, the the time of event is governed by the lords
significator Jupiter opposes Saturn of Dasa, Bukthi, Anthra and Sooksbama,
according to Westerners, but is aspected the native runs at the time of event
by Saturn according to Hindus. Let us verify it The marriage took
Rahu is in Revathi star, ruled by place on a Friday, ruled by Venus [8-30
Mercury,' in the sign o( Jupiter (Pisces) A.M. (approxly.) 24-4-1964] Lagna was
who owns houses 2 and 11. Taurus—Rishaba—ruled by Venus. The
star rising was Arudbra ruled by Rahu,
[Atofe: Whenever a node becomes the Lagna was in the sub of Jupiter Moon
significator the lord of the constellation in was tradsiting Hastham star, in the sign
which the node is posited and also the Virgo governed • by Mercury. Hence,
lord of the house become significators Mercury, Rahu, Jupiter and Venus ruled
besides the planet conjoined by it.] the time of event also.
1 Hence the significators are Rahu, Nothing is left out of explanation by
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. The KRISHNAMURTHYPADDHATHI, for
final step is to judge the strength
1 of the it alone is 100% accurate. Through this
significators. article I appeal to all astrologers to share
1. Mercury is in the' constellation of this truth, and benefit the mankind let
Sun, the lord of 7. So Mercury is a strong all open their eyes and with clear and
significator. .pure heart, understand what the wonderful
2. Rahu is a node ; it is the strongest. man of our tioie says, and get benefited
It gives the marriage, in its sub period, by his Paddhathi.
since Rahu Dasa the major period wilt
come very late to the native. Satya Meva Jayathel
Respected Sir, Therefore forget the lagna. Count the
I am herewith enclosing the horoscope houses from Moon.
of my kith with a view only to know as For marriage consider houses 2, 7 and
to when he is likely to get married. This H. The significators are:
problem is very much weighing on my (1) Placets posited in the constelle-
head for a very long time rendering my tions of the occupants of houses
life miserable. I am also a student of Astro- 2, 7 and 11.
logy. I strongly hope that his marriage (2) Planets i n the' houses 2, 7 and 11.
should take place on 20*4-66 during Saturn
Dasa, Kethu Bhukthi, Kethu Anthara and (3) Planets in the constellations of
Mars Shookshama. Will you concur with tt}e lords of 2, 7 and 11.
me? j ^ (4) Planets who hold the lordship of
2, 7 and 11.
TSS3 Mercury (5) Planets in conjunction with or
Hcrchel _ 15.23 _ aspected by the above significa-
tors. *
Mars 2nd house is vacant.
17-54 7th house is occupied by Mercury and
Sun. Aslesha, JyeshtaandRevathi are ruled
by Mercury. Mars is placed in the constel-
Saturn Neptune lation, Aslesha. Rahu is posited in
0-23 10-9 Revathi. Therefore Mars and Rahu are
Lagna MdOn Ketbu Krittika, Uttara Phulguni and Uttara-
21-3 ' 10-13 20.20 shada are ruled by Sun. Saturn is posited
in Uttarashada. Therefore Saturn is
Lagna is Scorpio.. Lord of lagna is Rahu is in conjunction with Venus.
placed in the 8th house identical with his Therefore the significators are Saturn,
debilitation sign, Cancer and is placed in Rahu, Venus-and Mars.
the constellation of Aslesha ruled by
Mercury who is malefic for Scorpio-borns. Kethu is not the significator for marriage.
Mars is further afflicted by Sun, Mercury, Moreover he is placed in the 12th house
Muim, Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto in the constellation of Moon who is the
strongly, rendering the lagna week. lord of lOth. 10th house did not indicate
marriage. Hence the sub period of Kethu
Moon is placed in sign Libra. Lord of in the major period of Saturn will not
Libra is Venus. Venus is exalted in sign bless the native married bliss.
Pisces in the constellation of Yoga Karaka Among the significators:
Saturn and is also irv Aroha position. She
cs~foitified by the benefic aspects of Mer- (1) Planets in the. constellations of
cury, Sun, Pluto, Mars and Saturn render- the lords of 2, 7 and 11 are strongest to
ing the sign Libra strong and dignified. materialise the results signified by them.
(2) Next in strength are the planets major lord. Rabu is in the constellation
who are in association with lords of 2, 7 of lord of 9 and 12, Mercury. Hence
and 11. Venus is stronger than Rabu. So the sub
(3) Next in strength are the planets period of Venus is auspicious for'
who are receiving aspects from lords of matrimonial bliss.
2, 7 and 11. The native, has started his life with a
(4) Lastly planets who happen to be balance of Rabu Mabadasa 13 years
the lords of 2, 7 and 11. 2 months 9 days. Sub period of Venus
Saturn is placed in his own sign in the major period of Saturn will
Capricorn. He is in the constellation of commence on 1-5-1967. A planet who is
lord of ilth house, Sun. He is yoga strbng and at the same time related with
karaka for Libra-borns. He is further karaka will offer the results independently
dignified by Vargottanaa position, and by in their sub periods. So the major period
the favourable aspects of Sun, Venus and of Saturn, the sub period of Venus and
Mercury. Therefore Saturn is the strongest the sub sub period of Venus is auspicious
planet capable of bestowing married life. enough to give marriage this period ruus
He has caused Sasa Mahapurusha yoga from 1-5-67 to 31-11-67.
and Kahala yoga. So Saturn as major lord Whose Shooksama Dasa will give
willcontribute to the growth of married marriage ? The Shooksama of either Rahu
bliss, permanent tie and bondage as is or Venus give Marriage. The Shooksama
indicated by 11th lord. of Venus runs from 1-5-67 to 3-6-67; the
Can Saturn independently cause marriage Shooksama of Rabu runs from 9-7-67 to
in his sub periods? 8-8-67. Sun is the exciting planet. Sun
Sjgnificators who are strong and at the transits Bbarani generally, during the last
same time related with the karaka planets week of April or 1st week of May every
will independently materialise the results vear. He transits Pusbyam during the 2nd
attributed to them. fortnight of July every year.
Saturn is not placed in either the signs Saturn is placed in Sun's star. Venus is
or stars of Venus, the karaka for marriage placed in Saturn's star. Rahu is placed in
or is in association with or aspected by Mercury's star. Sun rules Sunday, Saturn
her. Therefore Saturn as sub lord can not rules Saturday; Mercury rules Wednesday.
cause marriage. Therefore the marriage of the native takes
Then whose sub period or whose place either on Wednesday or Sunday or
anthra or iwhose Shooksama Dasa will Saturday.
offer marriage, permanent tie and bondage The ruling planets at the time of event
expected from Saturn ? will indicate the ruling planetary period
Planets posited other than bouses 6, 8, and vice versa. The planets involved in
12, 2 and 7 from major lord'with benefi- the planetary period should transit either
cial aspects will help, assist and co-operate the signs or stars of them either • indepen-
in materialising the results expected from dently or mutually. This gives rise to a
the major lord. Rabu and Venus are look into the ephemeris 1967 in order to
placed favourably towards the major lord. pinpoint the date and time of event. For
Therefore the sub period of Rahu or the the present itis enough if we say that the
sub period of Venus during the major native will be married between 1-5-1967
period of Saturn will give marriage. Venus and 3-6-1967 or between 9-7-1967 and
is Karaka for marriage. She is exalted and 8-8-L967, either on Sunday or Saturday
is placed in the constellation Uttarabhadra or Wednesday.
ruled by Yoga Karaka Saturn who is the I wish you good luck.

'Respected Sir, Mercury in Uttrabhadra; Venus in
• I am in love with a lady. We two are Dhanishtai Jupiter in Mrigasiraj Satiirn in
living together without marriage. She Poorvabhadra; Rahu in Krittika and
presses for marriage but I desire delay. Kethu in Jyeshta.
When will I marry her ? 1 got no Saturn aspects the lagna powerfully-
horoscope of mine. Kindly answer as per Lord of lagna Sun is in association with
the question time. The time is 5 P'-M. Mercury, lord of 2. and 11, Mars, lord of 4
exact. To-day is 23rd March, 1966. .and 9, and Moon, lord of 12th house.
Respected Sir, Lagna cusps is afflicted by Pluto and
Herchel. Lord of 2nd house which indi-
The following is the map of Houses at cates family and additions to the family
5 P.M. on 23-3-1966: either due to birth or due to marriage
Mere., and lord of <Mth house which indicates,
Mars, Rabu, JI permanent tie is debited identical with
Uttarabhadra ruled by Saturn, lord of 6th
Moon Jupiter I
and 7th houses. Further his rays are fully
eclipted by Sun. Lord of the 7th house,
Saturn Saturn, who indicates marriage legally, is
■■ i i Rasi Chart placed in the constellation of lord of 8th
house. These planetary dispositions
Venus Plato,
Laffua indicate delay,, obstruction, for a Legal
marriage in immediate future.
Kethu INcptune Whether love and unity continues
permanently without, of course, permanent
tie or legal marriage ? The Karaka for
marriage, Vehus is placed very near the
Moon Rahu Jupiter 6th cusp. She • is placed in the star
of Mars and is aspacted by Jupiter, lord
Merc., of 5th house and 8th house. Planet Mars
Sun, I stands for passionate sex elopement.
Sttura B hava Chart Jupiter as 5th lord stands for pleasure
Lagna. and comfort; but as 8th lord indicates
Venus Hercbel destruction and treachery. Jupiter in the
Pluto constellation of Mars indicates deep and
blind passionate, sex life with drink and
Kethu dance in beginning and in the end
separation, and destruction of passionate
love and harmonious unity and bed
Lagna falls in the constellation of comforts.
Poorva Phalguni where Pluto and Herchel Therefore you are to live with your
are placed. Moon is in Revathi: Sun is darling for some years without permanent
in Uttarabhadra; Mars in Revathi; tie.
When destruction of unity and love the signi&cators are Venus,
takes place ? Moon.
Consider houses 3, 6 and 12. Therefore the significators indicatin
The significators are: separation, destruction of love and Unit
are Kethu, Venus, Sun, Mercury, Satur
(1) Planets in the constellations of and Moon. Rahu is in the constellation o
occupants ot 3> 6 and 12 houses. Krittika ruled by Sun, and in sign Taurus
(2) Occupants of houses 3, 6 and 12. ruled by Venus. Both Sun and Venus are
(3) Planets in the constellations of significators of martial destruction.
lords of 3, 6 and 12. Rahu is in association with Jupiter, lord of
8th home. The nodes are always stronger
(4) Planets who are lords of 3, 6 and than the planets. Rahu in the star of
12 houses. Sun, in the sign of Taurus and in associa-
(1) Third house is occupied by Kethu. tion with lord of 8th is stronger signifi-
Aswani, Makha and MOola are ruled by cator than Sun and Venus. Therefore the
Kethu. No planet is posited in these real significators are Kethu,Rahu, Mercury,
constellations. 6th house is occupied by Saturn and Moon.
Venus. Bharani, Pubba and Poorvashada The native is under the sway of major
are ruled by Venus. No planet is posited period of Mercury. Mercury who is
in these constellations. 12th house is posited in debilitation holds the lordship of
vacant. 2 and 11. He is placed in the star of lord
(2) Occupants of 3rd house is Kethu, 6th of 6th and 7th houses. Therefore Mercury
house is Venus and I2th house is vacant. is to offer the results of Saturn who has the
Therefore Kethu and Venus are signifi- capacity to destroy the marital relations.
cators. The sub period of Rabu is quite harmful
(3) Lord of 3fd house is Venus. No as Rabu is to offer the results of 8th house,
planet is posited in the star of Venus. . 6th sorrow and separation. The sub sub
lord is Saturn who rules Pushyam, period of Saturn is again to destroy the
Anuradha and Uttarabhadra. Sun and unity and cause separation as he is placed
Mercury are in Uttarabhadra. Therefore in Vikala Avasta in the star of 8th lord.
Sun and Mercury are significators. 12th Therefore the native will snap the
lord is Moon. Rohini, Hastha and Srava- marital illegal relations with his partner
nam are ruled by Moon. No planet is between the period 11-8-1968 and
posited in these stars. 6-1-1969.
(4) Lords of 3, 6 and 12 are Venus,
Saturn and Moon respectively. Therefore Om Shanti Shanti Sbant i.

" Dear Dr., What can I do for you?" cause of your worry. • Venus is lord of 5
"Sir, I have come here to put you a and 10. Moon is occupying the 8tb
definite question. I am worried. I would house. Moon in the 8th house denotes
like to know the whereabouts of my that you have no peace of mind and
father-in-law's younger brother." Venus as lord of the constellation and
also as lord of 5 shows that the worry Is
"Tell me a number within 108." due to your father-in-law's younger
"Let it be 85." brother.
The idea of asking to give a number How can it indicate my father-in-law's
within 108 is because the Zodiac is divided younger brother ?
into 21 equal parts, otherwise called cons- Wife is denoted by'the 7th house. From
tellations or Nakshathras, and each is the 7th house count the 9th, which repre-
sub-divided into four equal parts. Hence, sents her father. So, the 3rd house coun-
there are 108 equal divisions and the ted from lagna represents her father, i.e.,
number that you give will be that division your father-in-law. The third house to
in the Zodiac. So, 85 means Sravanam the third house is the younger brother of
first pada, i.e., 21 stars are over and' 22nd the father-in-law ; Third to third is the
star has started and that is the lagna for 5th house. So, Moon is now occupying
the question. the constellation of the lord of the 'Sth
house. 5th house represents not only
one's own child but also wife's elder
brother, father-in-law's younger brother,
your second younger brother, etc. So,
about any one of the four must worry.
You have already told me that it is your
father-in-law's younger brother; it is
15-54 As regards his return to. the house and
Ura. 24 24 his whereabouts at present let us consider
(R> the houses 1, 2 and 11 for re-union and
the position of Venus to indicate where he
5-57 Nep,{R)|
28-51 would be.
Lord of 1 and 2 is Saturn and Saturn is
occupying its own liouse along with Sun
Moon is otherwise called Mathi, the and Mars. 2nd house is occupied by
Mind. It shows that you have in your these three planets. 11th house is not
mind, whether you are happy or worried, occupied by any. So, we have to take the
anything and everything is indicated by planets in the constellation of these tbrce
the position of Moon. Moon is in will indicate his return.
Poorvapalguni Nakshathra. Poorvapal-
guni is ruled by Venus. Therefore, Venus There is another school of thought, i.e.,
indicates according to its lordship the when lord of 1 and 5 conjoin, then he can
return. Venus and Saturn ephemerically As regards his whereabouts' lord of 5tli
will conjoin on 1st of May« 1966 and house is in the 9th to the 5th. Therefore,
Venus will transit the position of Saturn he has gone to a far off place, as it is a
at the present moment on25-4'1966. Of movable sign he is on move as Venus is in
. these two dates, we have to find out which the constellation of Moon which is lord of
is stronger. Actually in experience it is 3rd to the 5th house. He is making short
found that the natal position of Saturn, trips also; by that we mean he goes a
lord of 1 and 2, when reached by the long way and at the same time moving
planet which indicates the relative who is from one place to another.
away is the time when he will come and
join the family. So it is to be said that Whatever it is his return to your house
he will come back on 25th April, 1966. will be on 25th April, 1966.
The native of the horoscope detailed Saturn, the Badhakasthanadhipathi,
below asked me a question inquiring Guru in Kethu's star (Kethu which
about the unfortunate event of the end of occupies the house of Mars being a very
his mother. strong significator) are the important
significators. The result of Mars could
Following the " Krishnamurthy Pad- be produced by Jupiter also occupying
dhathiwe have to consider the houses 2, the .star of Kethu in Aries. Rahu which
7 and 12 and Badhakasthana to 4lh house is in association with Mars will produce
representing mother (i.e., houses S, 10 and the effect of Mars to a greater extent.
3 and 2, being the 11th house to 4th house Hence Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu (agent of
as 4th house is a fiery sign). Mars) are the chief significators while Sun
and Mercury are subsidiary significators-
Jupiter Dasa, Rahu Bukthi, Saturn Anthra
in 1966 is dangerous for mother.
Jupiter transiting in Mrigasirisha in
Taurus had the eighth aspect of natal
Mars. The transitory Mars moving from
1st March, 1966 in Pisces in Jupiter sign
and star (Poorattathi) as pec ted the 4th
house. It is noteworthy that Mars was
under Jupiter's influence and vice versa.
This also was the period of Rahu
Sookshma, of the Jupiter, Rahu, Saturn ;
Rahu transits eighth to its natal positibn
in the other house of Venus (Taurus).
Hence the period from I 3 1966 was
predicted to be critical, from 2-45 P.M.
There are no occupants in houses -5 and Mercury being other significator will'have
3, while Kethu is in 10 and Saturn in 2* some iufluence. That being so, 2 3 1966,
Only Jupiter is in Kethu's star (Makam). Wednesday especially when Moon tran-
Sun alone is in Saturn's star (Pushya). siting in Rahu's star (Arudra) in Mercury
sign was considered very critical. The
Lord 5 and 10 is Mars. Kethu is in time when Moon transited Jupiter sub in
Aries and we have considered it earlier. Arudhra was predicted to be adverse, i.e.
Lord of 3 is Mercury and Sun is in from.8-15 A.M. on 2 3 1966.
Ayilyam. The end came on the same day during
However, Rahu is in association with the period when Moon transited in
. Mars and Rahu is in its own star. Saturn's Mercury sign, Rahu star, Jupiter sub.
third aspect falls on 4th house. May her soul rest in peace !
S. m 146. R. K. Puram. NEW DELHI.
Sir, Kethu, 9th house is occupied by Neptune,
First✓ of all, let me thank you for the mystic planet 12th house is vacant.
explaining to the readers through my Kethu, the Gnana Karaka gives deep
horoscope, good event occurring on desire to study Philosophy. Mars gives
Chandrashtama day, following the most the power and energy (Mars occupying his
scientiGc way of " KR1SHN AMURTHY own house) to sustain the effort. Moon
PADDHATHl". representing Mind also gives the frame of
, Now that the first volume is out, let me mind for this. The presence of Lord of 12
tell you that \Qhen my friend asked me Mars, in the 5th house scores another point
whether he would be able to lead an for this. The presence of Neptune in 9th
Ascetic life and have fame, the thing for house gives the urge to know the unknown.
which he is aspiring, following the Another aspect to be noted is that the
Faddhathi 1 told him what destiny has in Lagna, the planets in 5th hous; and
store for him* Neptune in 9th house occupy fiery signs
giving an indication to support non-
Your purpose of bringing out good earthly life. ' Lagna itself falls in Danus
astrologers will be achieved through the (Sagittaries) — Jnpiter's sign in Kethu star
Faddhathi. 1 hope you would agree with my (Moolam) and provides the native, the
prediction and if so, publish it in the Dharma and Philosophical outlook.
.magazine for the benefic of the readers. Further the presence of Uranus in 5tb
" His horoscope is as under:— house particularly fiery sign adds to the
Venus H-3Z Kethu depth and original efforts in research.
Sun Merc. 9-16 6-24 Venus and Budha are in combustion and
20-26 Uranus are trine to Lagna. Though they are in
Saturn 19-04 Sth Cusp
' 15-45 Mars 23-0-7 9-56 4tb house, which may indicate difficulties
. Moon 29-08 to the efforts, they are in the Mars sign
(Aries) Kethu star (Aswini) the former of
JiiDiter Born a*at 11-43 (1ST) P.M which also occupies the same sign.
10 Devakottai
'N 78 * 50£ Lord of 9, Sun occupying eighth to bis
on 3-4-I93B
SUNDAY NIGHT sign in Meena in association with Saturn
11-28 (LMT) P.M. can also cause impediments; but this
Fortuna Balance
4 yCars SUN DAS A
9 months should be a temporary phase as the
28 days combination of Mars, Moon and Kethu
should improve the position ultimately.
12th Cusp Kethu in Sun's star Karthika must add
Lagna 9-56 to" the power to- the life dedicated to
6-19 Rahu Philosophy:— - ---
6-24 Only because lord of 10, Budha is no
iL,,. - only occupying 4th house (12th house to
We . should consider 9th house for 5th) but is also occupying Sth to his sign
Worship, Prayer and- Yoga, etc. 12th (Virgo—lOih house) the native may not
house for renunciation and Sth house for reach the Zenith of popularity, but would
knowledge of Vedhas. In his horoscope no doubt achieve for himself a philoso-
5th house is occupied by Moon, Mars and phical life.
Reounciation should occur in Jupiter Revathi. Mars and Uranus are in Bharani
Dasa (Jupiter in Mars star Avittam) (Mars, and Neptune in Pooram.
lord of 5 and 12 in 5) Ketbu Bbulcthi
(lord in 5tb house and Gnana Karaka) Significators thus are Saturn, Sun, Mars
Jupiter Antbra and Ketbu Sbooksbama. and Rabu.
For marriage, .considering 2nd house, The only period when there were chances
the lord is Saturn in bis own star TJtbtra- for marriage was 1965 during Rabu Dasa,
tadbi in 4tb house. Jupiter is in 2nd Saturn Bukthi, Sun Anthra. Saturn
house. 7tb house Lord Budha is also in delaying marriage, could not settle it. The
4Th house in association with Asvini star transitory. Saturn adversely aspecting
of Ketbu in Mars sign (Aries) Mars being Lagna gave thb mind to the native to
lord of 5 and 12. Lord of 11 is Venus resist the temptation at a time when there
whict) is also, occupying a like position of was a chance as Saturn was then in 14th
Budha. Rabu is in Uth house. degree in Aquarius.
No planet is in Arudhra, Swathi and Academically, considering Jupiter in
Saihayam or Sathabhisha. No planet is in 2nd house (though in Mars star) can help
Punarpusbam, Visakam and Purattadhi marriage, next chance will be around 1988
or Poorvapadra. Guru Dasa, Sun Bukthi, Mars Anthra.
When Saturn transiting 12th house as well
Thus there is no planet in the stars of as being Ashtama to Moon will deny it:
planets occupying 2nd and llth houses, further Saturn will oppose Ketbu in the
there being no planet in 7. the 5th Bhava disallowing pleasurable
No planet' in Pushya; Saturn is in
Uthrattadhi and Rabu is in Anuradha. No The native will have the cherished Yogic
planet in Ayilyam and Kettai; Sun is in Life.
K.. V. R. Anjaneyulu, B.A., M.R.A.S. (CLF)
Badhakasthana, houses 2, 7, 12
My father is not keeping good health. and in the constellation or sub of
He has just retired from service. We Subha Kendra Adhipati.
want to satisfy our father in every respect. 2. Occupants of 2, 7, 12 and
We are very anxious about his health. Badhakasthana.
Would you kindly guide us ? Please dis- 3. Planets in the constellation or in
cuss his longevity and ascertain astrologi- the siib of the lords of 2, 7, 12,
cally. I am herewith enclosing my horos- Badhakasthanaand Subha Kendra
cope. . I am S9rry that I could not give Adhipati.
details of his birth as they are not available
with us. 4. Lords of 2, 7, 12 and Badhaka-
sthana and Subha Kendra
Moon 20.34
0.56 Adhipati.
K>thii Mara 5. Planets conjoined with or aspec-
9-19 Mmury
51.27 ted significators.
You are born in Virgo Lagna. Your
father is denoted by the 9th house. 2nd
house to the'9th is your-10th house.
7th house to the 9th is your 3rd house.
12th house to the 9th is your 8th house. 9th
house falls in sign Taurus.' Taurus is fixed
sign. So Bhadhakasthana is 9th sign for
fixed signs. It is Capricorn in the present
case. For Taurus lagna, Subha Kendra
Adhipati is Venus. Therefore, in order to
know the time of death of your father
Respected Sir, consider your houses 10, 8, 3, Capricorn
sign and Venus.
Don't worry for not furnishing the birth
details of your father. There is difiference of opinion as regards
• Health, . vitality, resistance against the beginning and ending of a house. The
infectious diseases, immunity, activity and. Western Scholars are of opinion that the
longevity are to bejudged from thestrength cusp is the beginning of a house. Hindu
of the Ascendant. 8th house is called the sages are of opinion that cusp is the
house of longevity. 6th house speaks of middle of a house. TheModern Astrologi-
diseases. cal Institute, New Delhi and Madras made
To ascertain the time of death of a extensive research in this aspect under the
native, consider houses 2, 7, 12 and able guidance of my Guru Shri K. S.
Badhakasthana and SubhaKendra Adhi- Krishnamurti, the esteemed editor of this
pati. The strength of the planets is to be magazine. We found out that the cusp is
the beginning of a house and not the
considered in the following order:— middle of a house. We respect the
1. Planets in the constellation or in ancient scholars. But, we' go by our
the sub of the occupants of experience and observation.
lOtb bouse is occupied by Mars, Mer- Hence, his period will not cause death.
cury, Sun and Venus. Moon is in the Jupiter period ends on 23-7-73. Then,
constellation of Mars. Jupiter is in the starts the major period of Saturn. It runs
consiellaiinn of Mercury. Kethu is in the for 19 years. Saturn is in the list of
sub of Venus. Saturn is in the constella- significators. Whether Saturn confers life
tion of Jupiter. Rabu is in the sub .pf on the native*s father or causes death ?
Venus. Therefore the significators are How be is disposed to Taurus wbicb signi-
Moon, Jupiter, Ketbu, Saturn and Rabu. fies the native's father. For Taurus-borns
8tb bouse is vacant. Saturn is lord of 9tb bouse and lOtb bouse
and hence yoga karaka. . Taurus is fixed
3rd bouse is occupied by Jupiter and sign and therefore 9tb bouse is badhakas-
Rabu. Mars is in the star and sub of thana. 9th lord, Saturn, is Badbakastbana
Jupiter. Mercury is also ifl the star and Adbipati. Saturn is in the constellation,
sub of Jupiter. Sun is in the star of Jupiter. Poorvabhadra, ruled by Jupiter who is
Saturn is also in the star of Jupiter. held malefic for Taurus-borns by bis lord-
Therefore, the sigoificators are Mars, ship of 8tb bouse and 1 Itb bouse. Tbere--
Mercury, Sun and Saturn. fore, Saturn, though yoga karaka, will
Badbakastbana is vacant. give malefic results. So, the major period
of Saturn is fatal to the native's father.
Subha Kendra Adbipati is Venus. Rabu If so, whose sub period and whose anthra?
and Ketbu are posited in the sub of Rabu who is one of the significators is
Venus. posited in the sub of Venus who is lord of
Thus, we got eight planets namely, Sun, lagna. Therefore, Rabu cannot cause
Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, death io bis sub period. Moon who is
Rabu and significators. another .significator is posited in the star
of Mars-who is in trine aspect to the
When almost all the planets become major lord, and hence cannot inflict death.
significators, bow to pitch upon the plane- Saturn who istbemajui luiif is posited in
tary periods and fix up tbetime of event ? the star of .Jupiter and in thesubofSun.
He is placed io Moolatrikona Rasi and
In such cases, we must note down the hence attained Stbana Bala. He is in
ruling planets when the horoscope is taken retrograde motion and hence has attained
up for study. Cbesta Bala.. He has attained largest
The horoscope is taken up at 5 P.M. on number of degree in Rasi and hence
2-2-66 at Visakhapatnam. The ruling became Atma Karaka planet. ThprpFnrg
planets are as follows: bis sub period or anthra cannot cause
death. After the sub period of Saturn
The day is Wednesday ruled by Mercury. comes sub period of Mercury. Mercury is
Moon is standing in the constellation placed in Maraka Stbana (2nd bouse). He
Arudra ruled by Rabu. The rising sign is is in the sub and star of Jupiter who is a
Cancer ruled by Moon. The rising star is strong malefic due to his lordship of 8tb
Pusbyam ruled by Saturn. Therefore, the house (house of death) and 1 Ho bouse
ruling planets at the time of taking up the and placement in 7tb burce wbicb is
horoscope are Mercury, Rabu, Moon and > marakastbana. In addition to this Jupiter
Saturn. So, eliminate the other planets is in square aspect to Saturn who is major
from the list of significators. lord and in quincunx aspect to Mercury
The real significators who can cause who is the sub lord. Therefore, Mercury
death of the native's father are Mercury, as sub lord and also as sub sub lord is bad
for the native's father giving rise to criti-
Rabu, Moon and Saturn. During the con- cal time with regard to life. It runs from
joined periods of the significators death 26-7-76 to U-12-76.
The native is under the period of Jupiter. Stopf
Jupiteris not in the list of our significators. Look to the transits !
Saturn enters the consteUation Aslesha forms square aspect to Saturn on
ruled by sub lord Mercury in August 1976 15-12-76.
and will remain there throughout the The native's father will hremh his last
year ig76. Sun'transits the constellation around these days on Monday or Wednes-
lAnuradha ruled by Saturn between 19-11-76 day coinciding with Fushyam star in
fo 2-12-76 and Jyestha ruled by Mercury Mitinina lagna between 6 P.M. and S P.M.
(between 3-12-76 to 15-12-76. Sun forms May he live long and rest in peace, plenty
quincunx aspect to Mercury on 7-12-76 and prosperity.
marriage. Uth house to the 3rd house is
got a problem weighing on any your lagna which indicates your sister's«
head since a long time. 1 have been permanent tie and bondage. Therefore
putting my best efforts to celebrate my for sister's marriage consider your 4th j
sister's marriage. I had enough money house, 9th house and 1st house.
but I fait to get a suitable match for her. The significators are :
Will you please guide me as to when she (1) Planets in the constellations of
will be married? I got my horoscope only occupants of houses 4, 9 and L.
but I am not having her horoscope. 1
am herewith enclosing my horoscope. I (2) Planets in houses 4, 9 and 1.
do not know whether my horoscope {3) Planets in the constellations of
reveals the future of my sister who is lords of 4, 9 and 1.
younger to me. (4) Lords of 4, 9 and 1.
(5) Planets conjoined with or aspec-
ted by above significators.
9th lord is placed in the 8th house from
the 9th house identical with Sagittarius in
the constellation Uthrashada ruled by Sun,
lord of 10th house from 3rd house which
indicates your younger sister. 9th lord
Venus is in conjunctionwithMercury who
is lord of 8th,and -11th and also conjoined
with inimical Jupiter, lord of 2nd and Sth
houses. Satum who holds lordship of
3rd and 4thhousesaspects Venus strongly.
Saturn is for delay. Astama Adhipathi is
for obstruction. Inimical Jupiter is for
hurdles. The aspect of Moon who is
Respected Sir, debflited and weaning to the 9th house is
unfavourable for the early matrimonial
Astrology is a divine science. It not ceremony of your beloved sister. There-
only reveals your future but also thefuture fore the affliction of 9th lord, and 9th
of your sister. house will weigh your head very much
3rd house represents younger sisters. keeping you in anxiety and disappoint-
Vou are born in Virgo lagna. Your third ment.
house is Scorpio in which falls your 3rd You are now under the sub period of
cusp. 12th house to the 3rd house is Saturn in the major period of Moon from
your second house which indicates your 23—10—1965. Major lord Moon aspects
separation from the sister due to marriage. 9th bouse which indicates your sister's
2nd house to the 3rd house is your 4th marriage. Sub lord Saturn aspects Venus
house which indicates her family. 7th who is 9th lord who also indicates your
house to the 3rd house is your 9th house sister's'marriage. Saturn is exalted and is
which speaks of your sister's husband and placed in the 12th house to the 3rd house
indicating separation from brother. anxiety. Therefore you will have to
Saturn is lord of 3rd and 4th from the exert much' to find out a suitable match
sister's house. 3rd house denotes short for your sister.
journeys due to marriage and 4ih house Mars, one of the ruling planets aspects
speaks of family happiness. Thus the sub 11th house. Venus and Mercury are
• ord Saturn is in a strong position favour*
' jle to your sister's marriage. placed in 2nd house. Sun favourably
aspects 7th house. Moon is influencing
When the marriage takes place? the 2nd house and 7th house. Thus all
4th house is occupied by Mercury, the ruling planets are influencing the 2nd
Jupiter and Venus. Mars, Rahu and house, 7 th house and lltb house which
Moon are pla represent family marriage and permanent
ruled by Mercury. Saturn i s placed i n the bondage respectively. Therefore marriage
constellation of Jupiter. Mercury and is promised to your sister.
Jupiter are placed in the constellation of When the marriage takes place?
Venus. Jupiter and Mercury are conjoined
with Venus. Saturn also aspects Venus The significators who can cause
strongly. marriage are Mars, Rahu, Moon, Saturn,-
can cause marriage are Mars, Rahu, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.
Moon, Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter and Among the significators:
(1) Planets in the constellations of
Whether marriage is promised to your lord of 2, 7 and 11 houses are strongest to
sister or not? offer marriage.
7th house indicates marriage. Aspects (2) Next in strength are thoseplanets
to the 7th house and the disposition of who are conjoined with the lords of 2, 7
lord of the 7th house from 7th house and and 11.
his strength will show whether marriageis (3) Next in strength are those planets
promised or denied. who are receiving aspect of lords of 2, 7
7th house to the 3rd house is covered and 11.
from 4° Taurus to 5° Gemini.' It covers (4) Lastly those significators who
constellations Krithika, Rohini and are also lords of 2, 7 and 11.
Mrigasira. Krithika is ruled by Sun,
Rohini is ruled by Moon. Mrigasira is Lord of 2nd house is Jupiter. Saturn
ruled by Mars. Lords of the signs are is placed in the star of Jupiter. 7th lord
Venus and Mercury. Therefore the ruling is Venus. Mercury and Jupiter are placed
planets of the 7th house of your sister are in the stars of Venus. 11th lord is
Sun, Mars, Moon, Venus and Mercury. Mercury in whose stars are placed Mars,
7th house is aspected by debilitated and Rahu and Moon. Thus all the significa-
wanning Moon. Sun is placed in his own tors are strong enough to give marriage.
constellation. Mars is placed in Mercury's
constellation. Moon is placed in Mer- The native is now under the major
cury's constellation. Venus is placed in period of Moon. Mpon is placed in 1st
Sun's constellation. Mercury is placed house, in Scorpio in the constellation of
in Venus constellation. Thus ruling Mercury and in the sub of Jupiter.
planets of the 7th house of your sister are Mercury is lord of 8th and Uth houses.
naturally placed in their constellations Jupiter is lord of 2 and S. She aspects
only contributing to the marriage of your 7th house. She holds the lordship of 9th.
sister. Venus and Mercury are strongly She is flanked by Saturn, Venus, Jupiter
aspected by enabled Saturn. Thus Saturn" and Mercury causing Dhurdura yoga.
and waning and debilited Moon greatly Therefore Moon is to offer the results of
influences the 7th house. Saturn stands Sod house, 7th house and Uth house
for delay, dejection aad disappointment. predominently and she is also to offer the
Debilitated Moon stands for trouble and results of 1st house, 9th house, 8th house
and Sth house to a lesser degree. She has conjunction with Mercury, lord of 8th
passed her debilitation degree and is now (sorrow due to separation from Kith and
in aroha position. Moon, who is to offer Kin) and llth house (permanent tie and
marriage, permanent tie and bondage and bondage due to marriage). He is also
family life, is controlling the major conjoined with Venus, the Karaka for
period which is quite auspicious. marriage and lord of 7th house (matrimo-
Can Moon cause marriage in her sub nial ceremony) and 12tb house (change
period ? and separation) Saturn holds himself the
lordship of 3rd house (short journey) and
Significators who are strong and related 4th house (conjugal bliss and happiness).
with the Karaka planet will offer results Therefore the sub period of Saturn in the
independently in their sub periods. major period of Moon offers matrimony
Otherwise they cannot offer results to your sister. You need not worry and
expected from them in their sub periods- weigh your head with helplessness.
Moon is neither placed in the stars or Star rules the destinies of humanity.
signs of Venus, who is Karaka planet for Planets who move through the stars are
marriage, nor is aspected by her. There- agents of them to give effect the expected
fore the sub period of Moon in her results. They speak the future of huma-
major period will not bestow marriage to nity. We must know this language
your sister. correctly. That knowledge will be
Then whose sub period will offer obtained through sincere effort and
marriage 7 attempt with humility and devotion to the
Almighty, the Giver of all gifts.
Strong planets placed other than houses
2, 7, 6, 8, 12 from the major lord with You will celebrate the matrimonial
harmonious aspect will help, assist and ceremony of your sister on 11-5-66
co-operate with the major lord. Wednesday, during the major period of
Moon, sub period of Saturn and in the
Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars and sub sub period of Venus when Saturn
Saturn are harmoniously placed from the enters Uttarashada constellation. Moon
major lord. Saturn is at the. threshold of stands in Sravana star, Venus transits
his exaltation degree in the constellation TJttarabhadra and Sun is in Bharani.
of Jupiter in the sub of Jupiter. There-
fore Saturn is to offer the results of May the Almighty, the Giver of all gifts,
Jupiter who holds the lordship of Sth shower his choicest blessings upon the
house (Progeny) and 2nd house (family) young couplet
Jupiter in turn placed in his own sign,
Sagittarius in the 2nd house (family) in Good luck!

♦ '(FOUNDED: 1-4-1963) ^
Pboaat* 42449
Jyolhisha Marthand
■ (3. BrahmiD Street, Saidapel
MADRA5*13 !

VOL. 4 JUNE 1^6 6 No. 6

Extract of the Speech 5
Announcement to readers 6
Letter to the Editor
Calling off Air India Strike - 7*
Constellations and their significance 9
. Rahu also contributes for marriage' 11
Marriage -when ? 13
Marriage hcto long to Wait? 16
Jamini's Gnana Fradaepika IS
Hot. to judge whether the planet is a benefic or malefic 25
How to judge the nature of the results in a dasa and bhukti 29
Many aspects to a house and their rekults' 33
Timing of minor events 35
Viparitha raja yoga 37
Luck in lucky time 39
Horse racing 41
Strong person ' wrong moment long leave 43
Deaths -who will give—Hcthu or Venus 45
Krishnamurti Fadhdhati ■47 %
Daily'Guide 51
June. 1966 Ephemeris 55
"Position of Planets 57
Monthly Prediction 59
New Delhi, 18th April, 1966
Presiding over a crowded meeting at the position. On August 1, 1966 when Venus
Jsaratiya Vidya Bbavan addressed by conjoins Mars, there will be a train derail-
otisb Marthand K. S. Krisbnamurti, ment due to the breach of a canal. On
siting Professor of Astrology, Bharatiya 22nd May, there will be some minor inci-
idya Bbavan, Shri D. Sanjeeviah, Union dents on the Northern and North-western
"inister for Industries said that China parts of India calling for a police
itb all its belligucut moves, cannot stay action.
ng and its downfall was certain sooner ' Regarding prices. Prof. Krisbnamurti
'r later. In so far as the industrialisation said that on 22nd May, 1966, the prices
f this country was concerned, Shri would show a downward tendency and
anjeeviah said fortunately this year has between I2tb August and 20tb November
een chosen as the ' India Productivity there will be narrow fluctuation of shares
Ljfear ' and India has shown to the world and 22nd November the market will again
hat we could increase-productionand that fall down, the situation continuing upto
1966 was not" going to be as dif&cult as the presentation of the next Budget.
was feared. With the lessening of tension
on the foreign exchange front and with Talking on the prospects of Foreign aid
the improved food situation consequent and Foreign exchange position,' Prof.
Lbn improved rainfall in the different parts Krishpamurti was hopeful of a good deal
ttf the.' country, as predicted by Shri of improvement after 22nd May. He also
iKrisbnamurti, we .are sure to achieve predicted that from 22nd May, China's
economic growth and economic pros- position in international affairs would
perity. When more foreign aid was forth- get weakened and during October 1967'
Coming, the Minister said, more and more there will be a conflict between Russia
precious raw material required for our arrf-China on border issues, with ultimate
^industry would be available. downfall of China becoming a certainty.
■ Speaking earlier, Shri Krisbnamurti The Planetary configuration in Cancer
explained has evolved a system of during August 1966 would not in any
prediction known as the Krisbnamurti manner jeopardise India's position abroad,
Padbdhati and how be based all his fore- Shri Krisbnamurti said. He, however,
'cast on this method. According to this predicted that during the last week of
(system, be predicted that there will be August 1966 and last week of November
sufhcient rains during the monsoon this 1966, some rearrangement in the Union
year and an overall improvement in food Government will be found necessary.
tbalriK n s!xth
Bhava, showing _ 8-14 P.M. on Wednesday. It will not
start «,i1trson w'10 Put question will beyond Jupiter's sub. Moon will transit" >
0r on Ju whenitei ons Jupiter's day, in Jupiter's sub for ^ x 22 hrs. 26 mts".-
vasu or v- , P '' star day Punar-
y ''Sakam or Poorvapadra. 16 *
''e8itinifto'° saaond Bhava denotes = ^20 x 1346 = 3 hours. Therefore on
duty, "tcome by carrying out one's Wednesday - between 8-14 P.M. and *1
11-14 P.M. it will be agreed. Venus sub"
is Mercury subor Kethu sub sub will be at 9-44 P.M. when agreement '
3 8
' twtioS? W1' h?'" e Saturn lord of 2
' and is arrived at.
shortly wL ' retrograde Mercmy Joining duty when ?
haaoniR i e hours and Mercury
a <iay He Lagna 6th house and 10th . house indi-
"•'I delau ? 1, In. 24- lloursnce Saturn cate one's starting the work. •
setn^'l *, i "I" j
l ea depressing and nothing-
threate- Hence select the significators Jupiter,
the semi™ or .Published to unnerve lord of Lagna, Rahu denoting Venus,
servant, v}3ercury strike as Saturn denotes Venus and Mercury, lord of 10. Therefore
mental ' governs nervous system, the significators are Jupiter, Venus, Rahu- .
after intemiew and newS 1U the paper and Mercury.
I selected Jupiter's day—Thursday, ■
tiU-MeSy311115? shows> as lord of 10, that
Moon transiting in Venus sign Rahu star
-4-1966 retrograde i.e., Monday and Mercury sub for the announcement of
', Onll 0, nnmpromise talccs will be arrived the agreement, i.e., between !LiJiLiLi2
. ■ both the 1
'' direct course,
- will com. , 0over nment and the servants x 22 hours 26 mts. added to 4-52 P.M.
day Wed™,S,30 I0r a
on Mercury's when Swathi star started, i.e., 594 mts.
Ashlesh? r ? or' R Mercury star day
after 4-52 P.M.; 2-46 A.M. on 7th to
8overne/P ^
evatbi. Lagna will
and Mercu , 17
9fl x 22 hours 26 mts. to 5-56 A.M.
Kethu S s ' ry.
House. v 'v ?orpio, 18 but in 11 th Bhava— Hence the news was printed and published
the subi^r ako favourable. None of between 2-46 and 5-56 A.M. on the 7th.
I115 to hS.a ,urse
>Mellig . f'cience
Therefore theastrologer
of Astrology—an Joining duty is on Jupiter's day Thurs-
Pretjns ..anticipation by properly inter- . day, Swathi star day and Venus sub, i.e.
select the n™mWsage of 'he planets and after 7-14 A.M. on .7-4-66 and before
35 V e as 10-58 A.M.
(a) t t 0 Ok t 'e " ^e nature of event. Thus, I predicted that' the agreement
whether . u b Kphemeris and found will be arrived at on Wednesday (not
when the there is a moment inthe future, during office hours but only) late in the
Mercury ,pc s ant will be governed by nightandthe Air India will.startfunction-
On to dn esd <. ' Kahu and Jupiter. ing around 8-45 A.S1. on Thursday.
Moon'trf . S a.y. ruled .by Mercury, This article is to explain how to select
enters SWa,h- ,In VTUS si8a- Moon
Therefore 0Ihl star only 21 4-52 P.M the day, the time, etc. by using Krishna-
4-52 p «» . > Wednesday 6—4—66 after murti Padhdhati add such details as
to be tr'o' t , m rove
. P s- Then Jupiter sub (1) The-talfc-on. Monday morning
J • will fail
in R ahu.a,lsitted by Moon,
sub for a peridd-'ofiL0fo-j Moon passes (2)—Wednesday in the night alone
• 100 agreement will be anived at
(3) Thursday."the'servants win start
-UJtS -A . -L^S.'. ■ a. r .; -jfunctioning from the mnming
agreeme-' meD
n8 this
to 4- 2 :3
f f ^ saidthat- ^uld ^-^pelled, out -by an" intelligent
t will be arrived at-onl after
i application of Krishtjaojurthi Padhdhati.
Chitra--3rd and 4th Padas: In clever in trade, will be compassionate,
sweet in speech and virtuous.)
Profession: All imitations, mobile,
v Part of the body: Kidney, Loins, automobile, transport, tourist, music,
jHernia, Appendicitis, lumber region opera, drama, art, paint decoration,
Tof the spine, vasomotar system. exhibition, tubelight, fan, frigidaire, hot-
Diseases: Polyuria, inflammation of water equipments, hot air blower, X-Ray
; ureter connecting kidney and bladder,
instrument manufacture, female enmity, >
' Bright's diseases, lumbago, kidney trouble, scientists, service in clinics, judges, poets,
^ excess of urine, haemorrhage of the toilet set manufacturers, confectionery,
kidneys, renal stones, sunstroke, brain- bakery, women's apparel, fancy goods,
. fever, pains in head. perfumeries, readymade dress, maid-
Mental qualities : Ambitious, aspiring, servants, plastic, mica, groundglass, scents,
adventurous, amorous* faculties of percep- pasturised milk, leaffiSr goods, Nagas-
tion and observation, clear vision, refined waram, bugles, cooks, butlers, silk-
tastes, idealistic temperament, intuitive mercers, embroiderers, gloves, bonnets.
mind, loves science and refined occupa- Visakam-l, 2 and 3 Padas: 20° Libra
tions. to 30° Libra. Sign ruled by Venus and
Profession: Lawyer, Surgeon, scien- ' star governed by Jupiter.
lists, philosophers, religious endowment Part of the body: Lower abdomen, parts
board, business, military, defence depart- near bladder, kidneys and pancreatic gland.
ment industry, partnership in business, Diseases: Deficiency of Adrenal secre-
building contractor, litho press, artistic tion, renal abscess, skin eruption,
advertisement, decorators, scents, perfu- diabetes, kidney sluggish, insulin deficient,
meries, powders, marriage broker, regist- congestion of brain, coma, vertigo.
rar of marriages, sports materials, music, Mental qualities: Pleasant manners,
telescope, microscope, radio, television, attractive appearance, polite faith in God,
taperecord dealers, lady doctors, surgeons,
tailors, tobacco, cigarette and snuff conventional, universal love, brotherhood,
generous, magnanimous, true, just, equani-
merchants, petroleum products, automo- mous, broadminded, talented, cultured.
bile, spare parts, dress, jewels.
Swathi: 6° 40' Libra to 20° Libra- (Will be envious, covetous, of bright
Sign ruled by Venus, star by Rahu. appearance, clever in talking and quarrel-
Part of the body: Skin, kidneys, Profession: Business with partners,
ureter, appendicitis^ hernia, bladder. travelling agent, tourist officer, shipping,
Diseases: Polyuria, urinary trouble, air travel, dealings, with foreigners, pawn-
ureters ulcerated, pus formation, Bright's broker, banker, speculator, race-goer,
disease, eczema, skin trouble, leprosy. works in building construction, fruit
Mental qualities: Compassionate, gardens, Tax and revenue departments,
honest, courteous, just, clear, intellect, foreign trade, floats big companies,
intuitive perceptive ability, powers of judge, auditor, professor, principal, physi-
comparison, upright, sympathetic, flexible, cian, manufacturers coloured papers,
sensitive, slow to lose temper, anger soon cinema publicity, advertisement through
pacified, sweet nature, humane, fond of slides, actor, costly dress, lace, jewels,
company, partnership, slow to grasp but perfumeries, miniting, etc.
remembers well. (Traders, feeble charac- (Gceengram, sesamum, black gram, bengal
ters, ascetics and connoisseurs of wars, gram, tree with red blossoms and fruits,
fickle-minded friends.) (Will be modest, cotton and men devoted to India or Agni)
Vlsakam 4th quarter: In Scorpio corporations, travellers, honest people in
no jo ed 3" 20' Sign ruled by Mars. Star the world and hides, rwoollen articles;
goveril by Jupiter. water diviner, kerosene merchants, oiling
f>art of the body: Bladder, Urethra, in foreign countries, will be unable to.
„;ialateorgans, rectum, descending colon, endure hunger and will rample from place
proStr Bland. , to place.)
pjseases: Diseases of the womb, Profession : Mine engineers, criminal
> tumour, prostate gland enlarge- lawyers, medicine, surgeons, instrumental
ment, urlnary trouble, frequent micturi- music, industries, mechanical engineers,
t:oni' abnormal bleeding during menses, lead type foundry, actors. Homeopathy,
ypt'pre, renal stones and gravel, uterine brothels, leather trade, skins and hides,
tumorsi urethral abscess; dropsy, woollen articles. Water diviner, kerosene
hvdrae®ia, urates in excess, strangury, merchants, 'oil . engine, oil crushers,
apoplexy, nosebleed. .. amputating surgeons, dentists, service in
jail, judges, watchmen, undertakers,
Mental qualities : (Ft. Mbntesque has plumbers, laborious work, arduous nature,
said " ^lS by adventure that great actions coal, mine ores dealers, linseed, ground-
are performed and not by the sovereigns nut, mustard, cottonseed."
0f great empires "). Jyeshta: In Scorpio 16° 40' to 30°.
Somewbat conservative; higntfipH, Sign ruled by Mars, star governed by
eothusiastic, influential, noble sincere,
honest, straightforward, free will, inde- Mercury.
pendent. pushful, candid, convincing, Part of the body: Colon, anus, genital
reasoning extravagant, generous, over-, organs, ovaries, womb.
liberal, an extremist. Diseases: Leucorrhoea, bleeding piles,
pj-ofession: Bank, judge. Criminal fistula, tumour, distemper, in secret parts,
Lawyer, Insurance Company, Chemical affliction of bowels, pains in arms and
aBj drug manufacturer, land, estate shoulders.
owner,more agriculturist, share market opera- Mental qualities: Studinns, quick in
tions, by jobbing than by investing, action, ingenius; good humour, bold,
racing, eards, betting, dice, customs, i bluut, never hesitate to fight at least by
industrial units, harbour. Port Trust, words resourceful, learned, indefatigable
defence department. Defence Minister, worker, practical person, inexhaustible
ViHage Munsif, Ayurveda medicine. fund of wit, quick, tempered, exaggera-
Anuradha: In Scorpio 3° 20' to tion, poisonous tongue. (Great martial
I go 40', 17th star. Sign ruled by Mars, hcrnrs ' those that are endowed with noble
star governed by Saturn. family, wealth and fame, monarchs,
part of the body: Bladder, . genital intent - on conquest, commandants and
organs, rectum, nasal bones, bones near
thieves. Will not have many friends, will
genital organs. be contented, will be virtuous and will be
exceedingly irritable.)
Diseases : Supression of menses, poor , Profession : Chemical Engineer, Press
bleeding and severe pain'stricture, steri- publication, ink, typewriter, textile mill,
nty constipation, piles, painful and not machinery,- industry, . damsite, canals,
bleeding, ' nasal catarrh, phlegm, - sore thermap-flatrShf power "house, impounded
throat, fracture, hip-bone. reservoir, music instrument lalatharangam
Mental qualities: Determined, energe- Insurance Agent, Surgeon, surgical instru-
tic dominant, forceful or selfish, violent, ment, tonics, serums manufactures. Mili-
hatsb, cruel, vindictive, untruthful, dis- ~ " tary, Nayy'accounts, advertisement publi-"
bonast," unscrupulous, .enthusiastic _ and .city.^boilers; pumpset.s, Sessions Judge, ;
practical. - = - - —--- gallows^-jatlsr^postmortetn, calculators,
(Men of prowess, friends of the good, telegraph. setj,~cable and wire manu-.
jjjese delighting in assemblies, heads of facturec, boatoianj representatives.

(K. -V. R-Anianeyulu, B. A.)

A female was born on 16-7-1936 at Rahu is to reflect the results of 7th
11 A.M. at longitude 82° 19'E Latitude 17° house and therefore he will surely offer
r 719. The following is the map of Heavens married life. If so when does the
at the time of birth: marriage take place ?
2nd house shows family. 7th house
indicates marriage. 11th house denotes
permanent partner and pleasant company.
12th house indicates separation . from
family or bereavement. For considera-
tion of marriage with regard to the
females, we should consider 12th house
also which shows separation from Kith
and Kin and life in a new environment.
2nd lord is Venus. 7th lord is Jupiter.
11th lord is Moon. 12th lord is Sun.
Planets in the constellations of the occu-
pants of these houses, occupants of these
houses, planets in the constellations of
lords of these houses and lords of these
houses are significators who indicate
The native has started her life with a marriage and marital happiness.
balance of Mars period 3 years 4 months 2nd house, 7th house, 11th house and
29 days- 12th house are all vacant. No planet is
Mars is posited in the constellation, in the constellation of lord of 2nd house-
Punarvasu ruled by Jupiter who is lord of Mars, Mercury, Sun and Saturn are placed
4 and 7. Mars is placed in the 10th in the constellations of lord of 7th house.
house and is in conjunction with Mercury No planet is in the constellation of lord
who is lord of lagna and 10th house and of 11th house. Kethu is posited in the
who is strongly placed in his own sign constellation of Sun who is 12th lord.
Gemini in the star of lord of 4 and 7. Therefore the significators who can offer
Therefore, Mars period has to offer the marriage are Mars, Mercury, Sun, Saturn
itsul isuf4th house, 7th house, 10th house, and we should add Venus, Jupiter and
1st house and 5th house. Moon to this list as these are lords of 2, 7
Rahu is placed in 3rd house, identical and 11. Jupiter is in conjunction with
with Scorpio sign and Constellation Rahu. Therefore Rahu is stronger than
Anuradha ruled by Saturn, lord of 5 and Jupiter to offer the results of Jupiter.
6th houses and is in. conjunction with Nodes are always stronger than the
Jupiter and aspected by Saturn. There- planets. Therefore Rahu Major period
fore, Rahu has to offer the results of will offer marriage.
Saturn and Jupiter who are lords of 5, 6, If Rahu is to bestow marriage, can it
4 and 7, offer in his own Bhukti or sub period?
'Whether Rahu bestows her marriage? Planets in connection with Karaka will
She has enquired. offer the desired result in his or her own
sub period. -In this case Rahu, the Major, tion with Karaka Venus.
lord though it is to offer marriage, cannot is in a position to bestow marriage to
give marriage in his own sub period as he hative as sub lord as well as sub sub \ot
is not connected by Venus, Karaka for Therefore the major period of RahUt
marriage. the sub period of Sun and the sub sin
Then who will give marriage ? period of Sun will give marriage. The
- Let us examine all the significators. period ran between 3-6-1954 and I9-6-19S4)
Mars is in the star of Jupiter, in the On what star day the native will
sign of Mercury. He is neither conjoined married? The sub sub period gives ge;;
with Venus nor aspected by her. So Mars rally a period of about one month. In ^
sub period will not give marriage. present case, it runs 16 days 12 ghat',
Having come to this period, how to pin^
Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter and Moon are point the time Of event. We must neces-
not to offer marriage as they are not sarily take into consideration, the transits
connected with Karaka planet, in their of the ruling planets and the luminaries.
sub periods. Venus is Karaka for
marriage 1 she is also significator' for The ruling' planets are Rahu and Sun.
marriage. But Venus< is to offer the Arudra, Swati and Sathabisha are ruled by
results of. Saturn as she is in Pushyam Rahu and Krittika, Uthara Phalguni and
ruled by Saturn, lord of 5 and 6 which are Utharashada are ruled by Sun. There-
not beneficial houses for married life. fore, Moon will be in any one of the
Therefore Venus sub period in the major m constellations at the time of marriage.'
Eeriod of Rahu will not give marriage, ~ Actually Moon is transiting Uttara-
un, the remaining significatoris posited Phalguni star ruled by Sun onmarriags'
in the star of 7th lord and is in conjunc- day which is 9-6-1954.
fear Sir, (e) those strong planets conjoined
Your daughter is born in Mesha with the significators or
ILagna—Aries—owned by Mats ; in (f) those receiving aspect from the
Weena— Pisces Ragi ruled by Jupiter— significator.
f.Guru, in Revathi Nakshatbra governed by Further one is to judge whether the
^Mercury—Budba is exactly 180° from the marriage is^promised early orlate.
;Lagna aspecting the Lagna and occupying
the seventh cusp along with Kethu. If Saturn is in 1 or 3 or 5 or 7 or 10, it
By that, one is to understand that the causes delay : if it is a benefic by owning
good house, it gives the marriage ic its
above are her ruling planets and whenever period. Tf it is evil it denies and dis.
their.'conjotned period operates she will
ba^e an advancement in her career and appoints.
shVwill be able to fulfil her desire. When- As you are bom. in Mesha Lagna and
ever their dasas and bhukties rule a time, Meena Rasi, both ways it owns the 11th
in that period such matters fitting for the bouse. It causes Rajayoga by owning the
age will be enjoyed. lOtb house. Hence Saturn throws some
obstacles during the periods of the planets
011 Lfcgtia operating earlier than Saturn's sub period
M® j .Rabu and it gives the results in its period. It is
like a narrow mioded' mother-in-law who
scolds her daughter-in-law for having
given a charity, takes back the money
Rasi from the person who received, goes inside
Bride the bouse, takes out a Rupee coin, instead
13-11-1948 of the one Rupee note given by daughter-
Saturn in-law and presents the same amount.
Similarly Saturn does not allow the planets
ruling the earlier days and gives in its
Sun, period likeawicked and foolish mother-
Jupiter Mars Mercury, in-law.
Kethu Venus 2nd house is not occupied.
Marriage 7th is occupied by Kethu, Budba and
Sun. Node is stronger. Hence Kethu is a
Houses 2, 7 and II are to be judged. strong significator.
The order of the strength of the planets is
as follows: The stars governed by Kethu are Aswini,
Makam and Moolam. Saturn is in
(a) Those deposited in the constel- Makam, Guru is in Moolam. These two
lation of the occupants of the planets are under the sway of Kethu.
houses 2 or 7 or 11 and They are also significators. Mars occu-
(b) Planets tenanted in 2 or 7 or 11. pying Mercury star is another significator.
If none, then Lords of 2, 7 and 11 are Sukra (Venus)
(c) Planets situated in the constel- and Saturn. Sukra is weak. It is in
lation of the lords of 2 or 7 or 11 12 to 7. Saturn is strong.
and No planet is in the coiuleJJation of
(d) lords of 2 or 7 or 11. If weak Venus and none in the constellation of
then Saturn. Henceoneisto take the period
govercai ky Ketf1Ui jupjter! Saturn and
As regards dasa Porutham -
When a doubt ar
the chart is analysM<?'notearr aEe'ime when Kethu I Jupiter.
Today it is 7 a m tu !, purpose- | Saturn
when the sta^s if". Thursday, 21-4-66
w ni lled Kethu
governed Wui ' ,? Mars: ^Thursday'
Lagna is alSo f• At 7 A.M. the Bridegroom
Heoce select Keihn r owned by Mars. 2M-194I
Thus .k. ' ■ u,:
the above ^P'^rand
nu Mars
which a student can I<We ar8ument

rie'tos T II"Stake COIDlDitted by him ?

moon sign a°fheyfif°rgho °"en Man' La Ila
« Rahu

se to take the
Aries as Lagna. Shv " " 'nstead of
Because ». ^ Pisces is to be Bride is born in Revathi—Bridegroom
one is to reject it is afflicted, in Jyeshta. Always count from the bride's
as the first Bhava atjjf calculate m00n s'8n star. Then the constellation occupied by
Hence Mood in itbe bridegroom's chart is tbe
So Kethu2n(J
at house •
wej] 13 occupied by Rahu. 19th. It is considered that when tbe
ooastellation are to .rcury in Rahu's number is divided by 9 and if the
cutors. Mercury j, ^r^efD7as'the siSnifi- remainder is 1 or 2 or 4 or 6 or 8 or 9, it
I^ext Venus in 7 * is taken as beneficial. The remainder is
planet is m the No one, in tbe third Pariyaya. The remainder
- Uthhouseis^o 1 ° n0fVenUS
- one may be Janma or Ann janma or Tbim
by Saturn. Non^P ^-. «is owned janma. They do agree. For a girl born
116115 m in Revathi, if a boy born in Revathi is
- j bouse
. 20d »■«.., I•saspected its star. matched, they agree most satisfactorily
Therefore one U , , Ke tlp"r • (see page 60 in the book Marriage &
jnpiter and Mars are .'u . . 'u' Mercury Married life in Tamil written by the
„„ - L , 'bo sigmficators. editor), .
The hDirtnrl of 03** .
(2) There is Mahendra agreement.
ifi tbe day, jn ^ n r (husband) will be
and 'u the ras; ^ in. the Lagna (3) Sthree Dbeerga ■ porutham is
planets. governad by these 4 found as tbe star is 19.
Thee time of m-rr. e Wl (4) Yoni for bride is that of elephant
by tb ^ sigaificators " ^ governed and Yoni for the bridegroom is
Ttietefore Keth.. 1^a J P ter Bhu kti deer. They do not disagree.
RahuAnthra, Mercurvy ShooJtsch^ ll i, I ' (5) The Rasi porutham is good.
the time of marriage bma will be (6) Rajju. Intelligent astrologers
Agreement will not look to Rajju when the stars of
tbe bride and the bridegroom happen to
be the same—or if they are in Janma,
^y^oVa'^' W; ai ,h5
^ *' Anujanma or Thirujanma Nakshtras-
When a boy and a girb both bom in
Mrigasira star can be matched, I do not
find any-sense in-rejecting_Revathi trine
stars. Both are classified as Padha Rajju.
Probability is promifigg Tt means .they,will make frequent journeys
jWhat ic-wrong? Evcry-individnal ha,
desire to visit foreign places, etc., who the sign occupied by Venus, the sign in
wanU tn irilft antt fttatinnary in any which Mars is deposited.
one place. If it is 1,2,4,7, 8 or 12 then there is
Hence they may be matched. Dbosha. In the bride's chart Mars is in
There is no Vethai. 8 to Lagna. There is dbosha.
It is said if there is Stbree Dheerga In the bridegroom chart Mars is in 2 to
Porutbam and if the lord of . the rasis are Lagna, 12 to Sukra, there is dbosha.
friends one can wink over Rajju( Oanam But such an affliction is initiated if
etc. Mars is deposited in its own sign.
The lord of the rasi which the bride is In both the charts Mars is in Scorpio,
born, is Jupiter. The lord of the bride- in its own bouse. Hence the evil is warded
groom rasi is Mars. Both are friends. off. Both must be taken as " no
There is Stbree Dheerga Porutham. dbosha'.
Hence even other agreements are absent, Both can be matched.
one can go ahead. Both agree.
Similarly if one is born in Revatbi and The fixation of marriage will be around
bis chart is compared, then both can be 30-6-1966 on a Thursday when Moon
matched, as the lord of the rasi is the same transits Jin Scorpio sign and the celeb-
planet. It is declared to be auspicious ration will be when Sun transits in
provided the stars.are classified in the Makam star on a Thursday when Moon
beneficial group. transits in Moolam on 25-8-1966.
Mars Dosha The day and the rasi will be ruled by
Jupiter. The star will be governed by
Count from Lagna sign, Moon sign and Kethu.
£(,165(1011: be taken as the strongest signmcators.
peat Sir, " there is such a planet, then we have to
find whether they are in the constellation
J am herewith submitting my daughter^ of the lords of the houses 2or .7 or 11 and ,
. ^rOSGCpe. We want to have her marriage we should include lords of the houses also.
J.ejebrated early. Can you kindly let us The second house Virgo is unoccupied.
5.0OW when it will take place so that we The 7th house is occupied by Sun, Mer-
^0 make other arrangements? cury and Venus. ..The 11th is tenanted by
IRahu 4° Rahu, Mars and Saturn.. So, one is to.
Mars find out the planets in the constel dtion of
21-13 the strongest of these 6 planets in 7 and 11. i
' Saturn
I, 23-47 It is said that a planet in any manner con-
Mercury I nected with them is the strongest. So Rahu
7-53 conjoined with Mars and Saturn should be
Venus 7-d |
Lagna 7° j
&un 3 37 taken as the strongest of the significators.
" . 2—1946 Arudra, Swalhi and Sathabisha are gover-
6-43 A.M. ned by Rahu. There is no planet in
Moon 2* Arudra I none in Swathi, Venus and Mer-
cury are in Sathabisha. So Venus and
Mercury should be taken as the signifi-
Kethu Jupiter cators stronger than any other planet
4* 4* 13' .occupying the houses 7 and 11.
If Saturn has anything to do with
marriage and it is retrograde and also if
Moon in the horoscope receives aspect
pear Sir, from Saturn, then Saturn delays the
Whenever the horoscope is. taken for marriage, till this period is over. Then
■1Ljdgment, first or all it is necessary to that planet which does not receive aspect
16 from Saturn or in any manner connected
pC down whether the Lagna is unaffiicted. with Saturn alone can give marriage.
jf it is afflicted, one is to consider whether Saturn not only delays when it is a
ttie Moon sign is more auspicious than the malefic but it also influences the other
l,agna. If both are afflicted, take the planets which it aspects. Mercury and
pagna. In this chart Mercury, lord of 8 is Venus in the 7th house counted from
jp the Lagna, Aquarius. Hence Lagna is Moon are aspecled by Saturn. So, we
t0 be considered as afflicted. Then let us have to take that the significators Venus
Qge how the Moon is disposed. Moon and Mercury will surely allow you to
occupies Leo and there is no planet in the celebrate the marriage of your daughter in
S0n3e sign. Therefore, Moon is unafflicted. their conjoined period. Since Rahu
jjetice one is to take the Moon sign as occupies Mercury's sign, Rahu also will
stronger of the two and count the rule the time of marriage.
Rouses from the sign occupied by Moon.
$0, Leo will be the first house ; Virgo, the Therefore, it appeals to me that the
^cond; Libra, the third and so on. marriage will take place during Venus
for marriage one is to judge the houses Dasa, Mercury Bhukti, Venus Anthara and
^nd, 7th and 11th. The planets in the Rahu Shookshma.
"^nstellation of the occupants are stronger To confirm whether the marriage will
tban the occupants. These planets are to take place only at that time, it is necessary
o note when this question is answered.- According to anotber school of thought
Today it is Wtdnesday, the star is Swathi note down the time when Sun will transi
[which is governed by Rahu, Moon is the position "of Moon at the time of
transiting in Libra owned by Venus. answering the question. Now Moon is in
.Therefore, one has to pitch upon the three the 7th degree of Libra. So, when Sun
'planets—Venus, Mercury and Rahu. Such transits that, the date will be 20th October.
ja method gives confidence to the. Astro- The beneficial planet —Jupiter —transits
loger not to entertain any doubt but boldly each sign on an average of one year per
declare that that is the time of marriage. sign. So, the position of Moon being
As the child is at Kethu Dasa, balance for Libra —Jupiter transiting in the llth house
5 years 11 months and 12 days of the date to Libra, will be the year of marriage.
of birth was 16-2-1946, Venus Dasa Mer- Jupiter will be in Leo in 1968, the llth
II cury Bhukti, Venus Anthara and Rahu sub bouse to Libra where Moon is at the time
r- sub will operate in October. 1968. Hence of answering the query. Therefore, the
£ the last week of October 1968 may be a date of marriage will be 20th October,
f pleasant time. 1968, and till that time you have to wait.
S. Kannan
CHAPTER VI 9. If an Urdhwamukha Rasi rises all
On lost Articles the attempts will be successful; if Adhomu-
kba rasi rises all the attempts will fail;
1-4}. If Thula rises as lagna while, and if Thrayangmukha rasi rises there
jvlesha is Aruda, the lost thing will be will be attainments after delay and endea-
recovered ;'and if Mesba rises while Thula vours.
j $ Aruda it will not be recovered. Adhomukha Rasis are the sign occupied
If Vrischika rises with Vrishaba as by the Sun and its Kendras Urdhwamukha
Aruda, the lost article will be recovered; rasis are the sign previous to that occu-
and if Vrishaba rises with. Vrischika as pied by the Sun and its kendras and the
Aruda it will not be recovered. Thrayangmukha rasis are the sign next to
If Mithuna rises with Dhanus as Aruda the Sun and its kendras.
the-lost article will be recovered and if 10. Good and bad effects have to be
transposed it will not be so. stated according to the disposition of the
If Makara rises with Kataka as Aruda planets. That is, if the benefics are in the
the lost thing will be recovered and if movable, Fixed or Common signs every-
Kataka rises with Makara as Aruda it will' thing will be fruitful and if maleficsoccupy
not be recovered. it will be unsuccessful.
If Simha rises with Kumbha as Arada 11. At the time of query, if the Udaya,
the lost article will be recovered but if Aruda or Chattira Rasi is occupied by an
Kumbha rises with Simha as Aruda it will eclipsed malefic the query is about a theft.
not be recovered. If a benefic is in any of these' signs the
If Kanni rises with Meena as Aruda it stolen articles will be recovered.
will be recovered but if Meena rises with 12-13. If the Aruda Rasi is 3rd, 6th,
Kanni as Aruda it will not be reeovered. 9th or 12th of the Rising Sign the query
Thus one has to determine from the is about a past event; if it is in the 1st,
Rising Sign and Aruda Rasi whether the 4th, 7th or 10th sign it is about the
lost thing will be recovered or not. present; and if it is in the 2nd, 5th, 8th
or 11th sign it is about future. The time
5-5}, If a Fixed sign is the Udaya of fruition willbe according to the infiuence
Lagna, Aruda or Chattira rasi, there Will on these signs.
be no death but article lost will be
recovered but the sickness will not be 14. If benefics are in trines the lost
cured. article will be recovered and if malefics
6-6}. If a ciimmAr, sign is Udaya, occupy them it will not be recovered.
Aruda or Chattira, the sickness will not 15. If malefics are'in the 3rd house of
be cured; enemies will not be pacified; these three signs while benefics in the 5th
and education will be poor. some one will bring and deliver the lost
7-8. If a movable sign is Udaya, article on his .own accord.
Chattira or Aruda, the lost article will not 16. At the time of query if Indra
be recovered; sickness will be cured, Dhanus Dhuma," Pariveda or Nutpa
enemies will be pacified; and army will aspects the Udaya, Aruda Chattira.rasis
come positively. the lost article will not fall into another's
hands. It will be in the direction of the about lost things and he should also say
sign occupied by these planets. that they are under the control of some-
17. If the Moon is in a Prishtodaya body.
sign the lost thing will be recovered; if 24. If Kataka or. Vriscbika rises the
such Moon is aspected by Saturn it will article is in house and if Makara or Meena
not be recovered ; and if Man is in the rises it is on the pial or wall of the bouse.
10th of Moon the thing is not really lost. 23-26. The Sun -signifies a cooking
18.19. If Jupiter occupies or aspects vessel in which salt is kept; Mars signifies
any of these three rasis the Ipst article is a small water vessel; Mercury, a pot;
gold and will be recovered! if Venus Jjpiter, a red pot; Venus, a water vessel;
occupies or aspects the 4th it is silver and and Saturn, a pot with a bole. Thus one •
will be recovered; if Mars is in the lOtb has to find out the vessel in which the
it is copper and will be recovered; and if stolen article is kept.
Saturn occupies the 7th it is iron and will 27-27). If the Sun and Mercury are in
not be tost. the Lagna, the stolen article will be on the
(It is to be noted that the planet with wall 1 if the Moon and Venus occupy this
Dik baia is capable of indicating its own it wilt be in water; if Mars occupies, it
metal with favourable result.) will be on the front pial; if Jupiter
20-20). If Mercury occupies or aspects occupies it will be in a red pot; if Saturn
the Lag'na the lost thing is of zinc and will occupies it will be in the hearth! and if
be recovered! if the Moon occupies or Rahu occupies, it will be in a hole. Thus
aspects the 4th it is bronze and will be one has to identify the place where the
recovered; if the Sun occupies or aspects stolen ardcle is kept.
the 10th it is brass and will be recovered; (Here the author's view is that Saturn
and if Rahu occupies or aspects the 7tb it signifies hearth but the more appropriate
is tin and will be recovered, place for Saturn is back-yard, a lavatory
21-23. If m&lcfies are in the '10th the or dust-bin; regarding Jupiter, the store-
lost thing is a quadruped and will be room ; regarding Mercury, the study-room
recovered ; and if a quadruped sign rises Or drawing room or. play-ground; regar-
and if Rahu occupies or aspects this, the ding Mars, kitchen; regarding the Moon,
lost thing hae many legs. If a Feathery a watery place; and regarding the Sun.
Sign rises and if Rahu occupies or aspects the place .of worship. One has to guess
this the lost thing is a bird. .-If Rahu from these sigsiEca lions also.)
occupies or aspects the 4th house, the lost 28-31). From the asterism rising one
thing is a biped. Tbus one <bas to study can locate the place as below:
Totvn Maglm I'viiy box Mula Hons Stable
Bheranl Street Pr PfrllfUBA Jtufoed hoaM P. Ash&da Hoof
ErittOce Ju&gle TX. Phelguofc Water tX Ashada Wsshinggbnt
Rohlol Stable H&Hh* Pond Sravsus Battle-field
tfrigaflira Cot Cbittei River bund Dhmtishta OilFiesa
Amdra Temple Swoti Field SsthabiM Siroat
Fuoervatu' Granary VUaXha Cotton* field P, Bhodra House In South
Pushya House Anuradha Grassy place U. Bhadra Sloth
Aalesha > Debris Jyesbta Jungle Revet'
32-32). If a masculine planet aspects a and if an even sign rises with a feminine
masculine sign the thief is a male, while a planet in it, the thief is a female.- Tbus
feminine planet as pec ting a feminine sign one bas to find' out from the Rising Sign
will indicate the thief as a female. and Aruda Lagna.
33-34. If an odd sign rises with a 33-33). If the 7th place of Udaya or
masculine planet in it the thief is a male Aruda is Mesha, Kanni or Makara, the
lost article will not be recovered; if it is ^ NOTES
Thuta, Vrishaba Dhanus or Kombha it This author has concise,y stated
wiU be recovered withoutdamage. If aay method offindin E out thedetailsofmissiaj
pi ar, e save Jupiter js in the 7th there will . , and for this ^
be failure of the attempt but if Jupiter is H , ^ ^ f ^^,3 and J f
here everything wi 1 be successful. If m e^l0ned ^ chapter tf suitably. ^
these planets aspect, the result will also be details are g.iven ^ Krishneeyam which is
the same- mentioned below:
36-36i. Ifany planet aspects the Moon, If the r e ,s
• j . i,
the thief will be of the appearance of such r .D , . "»h1,plaose ' fr" Ta,/uadrLIant t0'
a planet. The colour of the stolen article ° [ ^as 0 r »th M ° ^
will also be of such a planet's colour. £rudaraha ^ tha '.15 , . 13 f 1 6 ,00P ltf !s
. t has to examine
. . all these and tell about °If such,' a planet is Pm toe , ? ' watery
signifying theft.
e s ar JC es* of Kataka," Vrischika or Msena. the query
37-37^. Note, the planet aspecting the is about theft. If a malefic occupies the
Arurfa.Lagna and Chattira' Rasi and the 10th of any of-these three signs the result
tost article will be in the direction attri- js the same.
buted to such planet, *
-,0 *01 Find
38-38f. t- j the 4i. number t. ofr planets
t jn Qualities of Articles lost.—If Lagna is
the rasi or amsa of Mars and aspectod
aspectmg Aruda Lagna and Chain Rasi, b Ma the article is - ^ the
so many numbers, or so many number of ^ VenuSi Satlirn or the .M^on aspects
rays of these planets and if the lord of it is clay; if Mercury aspects it is sovereign
such sign aspects .t, such planet s number „ /nd if j ite/as rHects it is re ft.
of rays, or if a very powerful planet f .
aspects such sign its rays, all these should If Mars^ is in Lagna and if Mercury
be added together and the number of lost aspects, it is diamond, if the Sun aspects
articles may have to be guessed according it is gold ; if Venus aspects, it is a precious
to the strength of the planet and sign. stone ; if the Moon aspects, it is clay ; and
39-39£. Out/->. , of, the 12 signs find c .. out4 if Jupiter aspects .it is of several metals.
which is aspected by the most'powerful If the Lagna is in the rasi or amsa of
planet and take its rays. If this rasi is a Venus and if the Sun aspects, it is a neck-
Movable sign the same number, if Fixed chain ; if Venus aspects or combines it is
double the number of rays and if Common a bangle and other hand ornaments; if
sigo treble the number should be stated the Moon aspects it is a mud vessel; if
about the number of articles lost. Mercury or Mars aspects it is coin,' and if
40-41. Count the number of signs from £Piter' Sat"r? or Rahu asPects the same
•Lagna to Vrishaba and count the same thing as for Mars. ^
-number- from Vrishaba. Find the Dik If the Lagna is in Mercury's rasi or
occupied by the lord of the resultant sign amsa and if Saturn joins or aspect the
at that time. The lost article will be in • ' loss of a man or a woman has to be
that direction. stated; if Venus aspects the loss is mud
42. Though, several, points . . have
, .
been vessel;asuects
< Mars if Mercury aspects itifis the
it is bannles' a ring;
Moon if
* which in
... planet this chapter about
1 . is- very strong . theft, find «««*/•»«&
aspects it is an ear-ornament, it- the Sun»
s« • if ♦k* «..«■
out andj its as£ H ecls the article is of horn and if Rahu
colour, stature, caste, sex number based or Saturn occu ies with the Sun.s as ec,it
on rays, etc. may have to be taken for the • _
identification of the. lost article and the f'
thief. It has also to be ascertained from an
If the Lagna is in Kataka rasi1 or amsa
this whether recovery is possible or not d if Mercury and Venus aspect, it is
and if found recoverable such planet's silver, diamond or mud vessel; if _Mars
year, month or day etc., have to be taken aspects it is copper ; and if the Sun aspects
as the period for recovery. it is a copper vessel.
If the Lagna is Simha rasi or amsa and' If the Lagna is in the first drekkana the
[if Mercury aspects it is a lighting lost article is in the front of the house, if
imaterial; if the Sun or the Moon aspects iUs in the second drekkana it is inside the
it is goldt if Mars aspects it is neck orna- house and if it is in the last drekkana it
ment ; and if Jupiter or Venus aspects it is will be in the back-yard. Some apply this
an elephant and horse. to the Chora Graha.
If the Lagna is in Saturn's rasi or amsa If the lagna is a Fixed sign or Fixed
and if the Sun aspects it is copper; if amsa or Vargotiama amsa or if the planet
Mercury aspects it is iron; if Jupiter on the 10th. house is in own house or
aspects it is silver ; if Mars aspects it is Vargottama the lost article will be in his
gold; if the Moon or Venus aspects i; is own house only and the thief will be one
bronze; and if Saturn it is iron. connected with Querist.
If the Lagna is in the rasi or amsa of If the Lagna is in a movable sign or
Jupiter and if Jupiter aspects the lost amsa the thief is in a far off place; if in a
article is gold ; and whatever may be the Common sign he will be in a nearby place
rasi or amsa Jupiter denotes gold. If the or in the next house ; and if the planet on
Lagna rasi or amsa has the aspects of Lagna is in a movable amsa the thief
several planets the metal relating to the would have gone away from the town.
most powerful planet and if many are In all the signs' the first.drekkana
equally powerful their combined metals denotes one standing, the middle drekkana
have to be stated. denotes one lying and the last drekkana
Place of lost articles.—If the Moon, denotes one sitting. From this present
wherever he occupies, is aspected by position the thief can be found.
Mars the lost article is under the ground, From the planets in the keodras one
if Venus aspects it is in the water, if has to state that the article is of short size
Mercury aspects it is on the ground if from the planets in the 4th, 5th, 8th or
Jupiter'aspects it is on the frontage of the 9th it has to be stated that it is long and
house and if Saturn aspects it is on the from other houses it has to be stated that
open yard. If no planet aspects the Moon it is engraved.
the lord of the sign has to be taken. The first drekkana denotes that the
If the Lagna is in a malefic sign with a article is of square shape; the second
matefic's aspect or occupatioa the lost drekkana indicates it is triangular and the
article will not be recovered and is in last drekkana denotes that it is circular.
a benefic's sign with a benefic aspect or If the Lagna is aspected by Jupiter it
occupation it will be recovered. If a has to be divided into four parts of 7£
benefic aspects a malefic it will be recove- degrees each and if it is in the first part it
red after delay but if a benefic is aspected shows that the place is cowshed, if it is in
by a malefic it will not be recovered the 2nd part it is priest's house, if it is in
though the details of theft are known. the 3rd part it is a temple and if it is in
If the aspecting planet on the Lagna is the 4th part it is the house of a chaste
in his own house or amsa the article is in lady.
the house itself. By examining the exalta- If there is the aspect of Venus it has to
tion, depression, etc. one has to tell about be divided into five parts and they denote
the superior or inferior article. a dormitary park, pond or well, a charm-
If the Lagna is in a Movable sign the ing lady's hous£and perfumery place res-
article is on the way; if it is*in a Fixed pectively.
sign it is in the same place ! and if it is in If there is the Sun's aspect it has to be
a Cominon sign it is in the neighbouring divided into three parts representing a
village. If lagna is strong while the lagna quarrelsome lady's house, young lady's
drekkana not being so the dik of the house and frontage of a house respecti-
aspecting planet has to be stated. vely.
'if the Moon aspects it has to be divided as noted below from Aswini to Revathi: j
into three parts indicating water-side, water 3, 3, 6, 5, 3, 1, 5, 3, 6
and a brothal bouse respectively.. 5,8,2, 5, 1, 1, 5, 4, 3 -
If Mercury-aspects it has to be divided 11, 2, 8, 3, 5, 100, 2,8, 32
into three parts indicating young lady's
house, the house of a lady with jewels and Find out how many planets aspect the
a pretty lady's house. Moon at that time so many will be the
If Saturn aspects it has to be divided Count the Lagna sphuta star from
into four parts denoting quarrelsome lady Aswini, so many will be the number or
disregarding lady, old lady and a house according to the number of tays of lord
having old polluted and meat preserving of lagna or that of Amsa.'
Find out the number of navamsas
About thief.—The relationship of the passed in the Lagna so many will be the
thief has to be stated from the position of numbers. In this, if the lagna is a Fixed
the Chora Gfaha. If such planet is strong sign the same number, if a Common sign
in the Lagna the thief is only self; 2nd double this and if a Movable sign treble
house denotes a family member; 3rd this has to be stated. - Regarding the rays
house indicates brethren if he is in his own for planets are as already stated or as
yarga and brother's relative on a neigh- below.
bour in other's Vargas; 4th house denotes Mesha, Rishaba and Dhanus have 90;
mother and if other's varga maternal Makara, Kumbha, Meen'a have 100;
relatives; 5th house indicates own son or Thula has 117; and Mithuna, Kataka,
daughter; 6th and 8th houses indicate Simha, Kanni and Vrischika have 110.
enemies; 7th house indicates wife;.9tb Prasna Marga assigns numbers to the
house indicates paternal side ; 10th house twelve signs as 7, 5, 12, 6, 8, 6, 4, 7, 13,
indicates a servant; 11th. house indicates 10, 5 and 15 respectively. Regarding the
recovery; and 12th house indicates loss planets it states: Sun 30, Moon 28,
and destruction. Mars 8, Mercury 6, Jupiter 9, Venus 7,
If many planets or in odd rasts and Saturn 3,'Rahu 2 and Kethu 2. One has
amsas and if the Lagna is also an odd to take into account all these and arrive
sign the thief is a male and the even signs at results according to circumstances.
in the same manner indicate a female If a malefic posited in a kendrakona or
thief. The sex of the Chora graha has 8th bouse aspects the Lagna it has to be
also to be ascertained. stated that the stolen article has been
If the Lagna is in a Town 'Drekkana damaged and will not be recovered. If a
and a Town planet aspects, the thief is a benefic posited in these places aspects, it
-townsman; the village drekkana and will be recovered without any damage. If
planets indicate a villager ; watery signs the aspects are mixed some of the articles
and planets indicate a watery product; are damaged aud some will be got back.
and similarly jungle rasis and planets If the planet involved is a benefic and
denote one in jungles. in exaltation with the aspect of a friendly
planet the stolen article has not been
If the Lagna drekkana is in a human destroyed; but if there is an aspect of the
drekkana the thief is of a superior type inimical planet from an exaltation sign it
and the animal drekkana denotes a base is destroyed.
Name of the thief.—If the Chora Graha
Number of articles.—Fi nd out the longi- is in his own house or amsa it will contri-
tude of lagna and from this find out the bute its letter as initial in the name of the
asterism. The number of articles lost thief. If thisplanctis in another's house
will be according to the number of stars the latter planet will contribute its letter.
If the Navamsa lord is powerful its letter The dik relating to the rising sign will
will be a joint letter in the initials. be the place of residence of the thief and
If the powerful Lagna or Aruda Rasi is the caste will be according to the aspecting
aspected by several planets so many planet.
letters will be in the name prominently. According to Madhaveeyam investiga-
The planets in the kendras to Udaya and tion of the thief has to be made from the
Aruda lagnas will also contribute their 6th house only. The planet in the 6th or
° letters. Regarding letters as already stated that aspecting it will denote the stature,
the Sun governs all vowels, the'Moon colour, name,. nature etc. PRASNA
governs Y.R.L.V. Mars governs K. G. MARGA—If Lagna is powerful the nature,
Ng. Mercury governs T. D. Kn. Jupiter stature, etc. of the thief have to be found
governs Th, Dh. N. Saturn governs P. B. out from the Lagna Drekkana ; if there is
M, Rahu governs S, Sh, H and Venus no strength to Lagna the planet in the 7th
governs Ch, J, Gn. has to be considered. The most powerful
Prasna Anushtana Paddhathi says that planet in the kendras may also be taken.
thedrekkana, lord of Lagna will Contribute If there are several powerful planets in
the initial letter in the name of the thief the kendras so many will be the number
and the next letters from the planets in the of thieves. •
quadrants to bim. Jupiter and Mercury are villagers; the
Prasna anushtana paddathi.—Some Moon and Venus remain in water; the
points mentioned in Prasna Anushtana Sun, Mars and Saturn are dwellers in
Paddathi are also given below for infor- jungle. Kanni, Thula and Dh anus
mation : represent town; Mithuna, Kumbha,
Mesba and Vrishaba represent villages,
If the Waxing Moon is in Udaya or Simha and the first half of Maicara
Aruda lagna with a benefic aspect while at represent jungle ; and Kataka, Vrischika,
the same time a benefic occupies the 11th Mecna and the latter half of Makara
stolen article will be recovered soon. represent water. From the planet and
If the Lagna is in a Fixed sign or amsa sign relating to the Chora Graha the
or Vargottama amsa the article is not residence of the thief has to be stated.
stolen but it is in the house itself. The Moon denotes a person going to a
If the Waxing Moon is in Lagna with a jungle from a village! Venus indicates
benefic or if there is a strong beueficin the coining from forest to village; Venus also
11th the lost article will be recovered soon. denotes -depthless pond etc.; the Moon
If a powerful benefic is in the first six signifies very deep watery place! Rahu
houses from Lagna, it has to be stated denotes pit, cave, hole etc.; Saturn
that the stolen article is in the adjoining signifies jungle, cremation or burial
place and will be recovered without delay. ground ! the Sun signifies a hill; and Mars
denotes a hut on the mountains. Fium
Find out the most powerful planet in these indications one has to locate the
the Kendras; the stolen property will be position of the thieves.
in the direction of such a planet. The
diks are as already stated the Sun, Venus, Prasna Cnana;—If the lagna at query
Mars, etc. order. is a fixed sign or the lagna navamsa
The description of the property has to is fixed or the latter is vargottama the
be found from the Navamsa Lagna, the article must have been stolen by a relative
appearance, stature etc. of the thief from and if it is a movable sign an outsider has
Drekkana and time, dik, place, etc. from stolen it.
the rising sign. The lord of Lagna will If a benefic or the Full Moon is on the
denote the thief's age, caste and colour. ascendant or if the lagna is aspected by
This statement is approved of by Vidwaj- bcucfiis when it is a Sirshodaya sign or if
jana Vallabha also. benefics arc in the Uth the missing article
will be recovered. If the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Moon the thief is in the house itself L
6th, 7Jth and 10th houses are occupied by one of them aspects he is a neighbour. If
benefics there will be recovery. The drk the lord of lagna* and that of 7th combine4
should be determined from the planets in in Lagna the thief is in the house itself.
the kendras. If there is no planet there, If the lord of 7th is in the 3rd or 12th the
it should be determined from the Lagna thief is his own servant. If the lord of 7th
itself. is exalted or in own house the person is a
Shat Panchasika:—A wise astrologer notorious robber. The planet occupying
should say that the missing article is in the the 7th, 10th or Lagna in exaltation or
direction attributed to the lord of 7lh own bouse will be the accomplice.
house or in the direction in which the lord Prasna Tantra says that the 7th house
of 10th is occupying. represents theft, 4th house signifies re-
Tf the Lagna is not aspected by Jupiter possession, Lag'na represents the money
lost while the Moon and the lord of 2nd
or Venus and if it is occupied or aspected house signify the possibilities of recovery.
by malefics the article will not be recovered.
If Rahu, Saturn, the Sun or Mars occupies From the, above views it has to be taken
Lagna, 3rd, 5th or 7th the lost article may that the Udaya Lagna and Amria Lagna
be recovered. (Herej, note the exception. are useful in finding out the success or
But the intention appears to be that failure generally. The 7th house represents
at the same time a benefic should be in the theft as it is, the 6th house represents
the Lagna for this result.) thief, the 4th house represents the place
Prasna Chinthamani says that if Rahu where the stolen article is kept and the 8th
occupies the Lagna and the Sun the 8th house tb? value of the article. By a study
house, the article will not be recovered. of all these one can decipher clearly all
If the lord of lagna occupies the 7th and about theft.
the lord of 7th in lagna. the lost article Nowadays, queries about missing per-
will be restored to the owner. But if the sons have become fr^qnent. The infor-
Sun is in Lagna with the Moon in the 7th mation furnished in this chapter will be
it will not be regained. If the Moon and highly useful for this purpose also. In
the lord of 7th are combust the thief, will the cases of missing persons one has to
be caught red-handed. If the lord of 7th find out whether such a person is missing
occupies a kendra the thief will be in the on account of dejection or despair, or
same locality or has just gone out. whether he has been kidnapped by enemies
Neelakanti states that the Lagna at or thieves or whether be has eloped. For
query time and the Moon represent'the ascertaining these one has to examine the
owner of the stolen property, the. 4th 12th for slipping away of a person on
house denotes the place of the article, the account of dejection or despair, the 6th
7th bouse denotes thief and the 8th the house for the kidnap and 7th house for
thief's wealtti.- If the lord of 7th house is elopement. Generally, for the return, the
combust the thief will- be caught. If the 7th house has to be consulted.
Lagna is aspected by both the Sun and the {To be continued.)

Hindus are of opinion that Jupiter is a to all his relatives and friends. For
greater benevolent. fortunate planet; example, lord of 2 can give promotion
Venus, unafRicted Mercury and Waxing and also increase the income whereas the
Moon are also benefics. Hindus con- same planet may cause death to his wife.
sider Sun as amaleficand the otherplanets Are we to call this planet as a benefic or a
Mars, Saturn, Rahu and- Kethu are also malefic? A person may mint money by
included as malefics. Further, according releasing a book at a time when the
to lordship, in Jathaka Chandrika the significator of the 3rd bouse operates. But
author claims that the lords of the houses it may cause separation from mother or
3, 6, 8 and 11 are maleGcs. By that he bereavement. In some cases where lord
means, according to me, that these evil of 3 is a ruling planet to father, father
aspects are only for one's health and passes away. Can we call the planet ruling
longevity and not for other aspects in the 3rd bouse or signifying the matters of
one's life. The same author says^ that the 3rd bouse as a benefic to him when be
lords of the houses 1, 5* 9 and 10 will loses one of bis parents. Again the signifi-
produce advantageous results to a native cator of the 4th bouse may operate. The
and classifies them as benefics. native may construct a bouse and occupy.
Westerners do not agree with Hindus in On the day he occupies the bouse, bis
considering Sun as a malefic. They have son by mistake tuuches a live wire and
classified Sun, Jupiter, Venus, Waxing passes away. Both events happen on the
Moon and Mercury as benefics and the same day. Can we call the lord of 4th as
other planets excluding Rahu and Kethu a benefic or a malefic? Acquisition of a
(the Nodes) including Uranus and Neptune bouse is really pleasant but losing son on
as malefics. They do not attach impor- the same day appears to be not only an ill-
tance to the houses which they own except- omen but it is actually an irrepairable
ing that the planet which forms an evil loss.
aspect is adverse and they judge a planet A person goes on a pilgrimage with bis
as a benefic or malefic only from the two sons and has a dip in the river
aspects which they receive. They claim Ganges. As the lords of 9, 10 and 12
that a planet even though by nature a jointly operate ; at the same time both the
malefic and by lordship also owning the children are washed away in the speedy
bouses signifying undesirable matters current of the Ganges. No doubt till he
becomes a benefic if it receives beneficial had the dip in the Ganges it was a pleasant
aspects and it is devoid of diverse ones. journey to him but the loss of the children
due to the lordship of 6 and 8 houses
But according to Krisbnamurti Padh- counted from the 5th house denoting
dbati the differentiation and the proper health and longevity of children is worse
judgment to classify whether a planet is a than the pleasure he had.
benefic or a malefic is as follows:
(1) A planet may be a benefic to the Thus it can be said that a benefic to the
native but at the same time it will cause person may be a malefic to one of his
evil results to his own near relative and near relatives forming a member of the
thereby be a malefic to sucb a relative. family.
Food for one man is poison to the other. (2) If a person wants to find out
Simttarly benefic to a person does not which planet is a benefic and which one is
mean that it can give good results to him. a malefic to him without taking into
consideration what it does for others, then To ascertain, first of all, one is to take
first of all we have to note down which he each planet and consider in whicb constel-
considers as desirable results, agreeable to lation it is, the lord of the constellation
him. Every one though aged in three and note to which bouses the lord of the
digits, would like to live for some more constellation is the Sun and find out the
years- all would wish to have a longer matters signified by the lord of the cons-
span of life to enjoy all the fruits of life. tellation according to its ownership of the
When one is 60 years old, he would like to Bhava (never take into judgment where
see that his responsibilities are over by it is posited, its nature, etc.). Suppose you
celebrating the marriage of his youngest find that Sun rules the 8th house then the
daughter. He does it and lives for some stars governed by Sun are Karthigai,
years. Then be has the desire to celebrate Uttiram and Uttara Palguni. Hence, any
the marriage of the granddaughter, then planet occupying any of these 3 stars will
the great granddaughter and so on. Thus, be under the sway of Sun. Similarly
there is no end for the ambition and there Mars to that native will rule the 4th and
is no contentment even though one has the 11th bouses. It is said- that planets
lived a sumptuous life. owning or occupying the 11th house will
One may be wealthy, be may possess satisfy the native by offering such results
some crores of rupees; even then be has be expects. Therefore, planets under the
got the ambition to multiply it. How does sway of Mars by occupying one of these
he think? When my father left me 'X* stars of Mars, i.e., Mrigaseera, Chitra or
crores of rupees and I have got 6 children, Dbanishta will offer brilliant results.
then is it, not my duty to make it 6X Now if a planet were to be in Chitra
crores of rupees and give each child an and according to Krishnamurti Padhdhati
•X* crore rupees then alone I will be it, is in the sub of Saturn. Then the
doing my duty just like my father did. native will surely gain and be happy
Look at bis ambition. Six times be wants because there was neither delay nor dis-
to multiply his worthy by six times. appointment. But if the same person has
When one tries to select a girl for got another planet in the same star just
marriage what series of qualifications he prior to it in the sub of Jupiter, this
prescribes. No doubt ultimately be may planet even though it is under, the sway of
marry one whom others will avoid even to Mars and indicates the matters signified
look at. Here also be wants to find out by the houses 4 and 11, yet it brings loss,
whether the planet that is -present will failure in attempts, disappointment in life,
please him by giving one Urvasi for him partition, separation from partner, etc. as
to marry. the sub lord is Jupiter, i.e., the sub is
When children are born he wishes that governed by the planet indicating the
every child must come out successful in matters of the 12th house. Therefore it is
competitive examination, hold high posi- necessary to note whether a planet is in the
tion, etc. Such an ambition was there till sub of a planet which promises agreeable
1947. Now every father desires that his results to him or disadvantageous.
child must become a Minister. Why? They The planet must be considered as the
feel that if they become Ministers their sources by which it is desired may be ful-
grandchildren may go overseas and study filled or be may be disappointed. The
there; whereas for him there may be a planet is the source of that event.
great difficulty in getting foreign exchange The lord of the constellation) i.e., the
to send his child. That is what each per- houses which the lord of the constel-
son says to the astrologer. Thus, in every lation owns, the matters signified by the
walk of life and to every relative of his he houses governed by the lord of the
expects most brilliant results. Therefore, Constellation, will indicate the matters.
-one is to judge which planet signifies the The lord of the Constellation clearly
various matters and also the different shows which one is going to enjoy or
relatives. experience. Therefore, the nature of the
result is indicated by the lord of the whether the lord of the house is posited in
Constellation. the houses 6, 8 and 12 counted from that
The nature of the result may be viewed particular sign. If any planet is so posited
by the person as desirable or undesirable. or if it is conjoined with the lords of such
If the sub lord is a benefic, then when the houses, the planet becomes a malefic to
matter indicated by the lord of the constel- offer adverse results signified by it by lord-
lation is agreeable, the person will, enjoy ship. The above is the general principle.
in full. But if the lord of the Constel- But according to Kiishnamurti Padhdhati
lation indicates beneficial results and the the planet which is considered to be a
sub lord shows adverse ones, then the benefic offers the results signified by it
native will entertain hopes but ultimately through the planet deposited in the cons-
be loses. tellation governed by it. Beneficial
planets offer their results through the
If the planet is in a Constellation depositor in this constellation only when
denoting evil results but the sub lord is a the sub is also governed by a benefic. If
benefic, then ev6n though he may suffer yet the sub is ruled by a malefic the depositor
temporarily during the period of the sub cannot bring out favourable results. For
lord he has a time to breath some compen- example, to a Scorpio-born Jupiter is the
sation and a little relief from the adverse lord of 2 and 5. Jupiter is not only the
results he had been experiencing. Suppose chief governor for children but also by
a camp clerk is serving under a hard task owning the houses 2 and 5 it signifies the
master who uses to be harsh and short- birth of children to that person. Jupiter
tempered, then this poor man curses his rules the stars Punarvasu, Visakam Purva
/ate and years pass on. When the sub Pattra Pad a. If planets occupy anyone of
period of a planet occupying the beneficial these stars then the planet tenanted In the
sub operates during that time, the officer constellation has to offer the results indi-
goes on leave and he has temporarily no cated by Jupiter. If the sub is governed
worry or he himself may proceed on leave by lord of 11 then the person has got a
and forget the office for some time. child born to him. But if the sub is
Similarly a temporary relief will be ruled by lord of 12, then there may be two
given if a planet were to occupy a bene- indications that he may have a child.
ficial sub in that of the constellation Since the planet is in the sub of 12, no
governed by the planet owning undesi- child will be born during the period of the
rable houses to a person. Now one may planetin thesub governed by lord of 12.
ask which are the undesirable houses Therefore, a planet occupying Panarvasu
to a person? Nakshathra and Mercury sub will give a
(A) A.s regards health, malefics in the child whereas to the same Scorpio-born a
ascendant and the houses 6, 8 and 12 are planet in Punarvasu Nakshathra Venus
evil. Benefics in the ascendant and the sub does not give a child. So one is to
benefics in above houses contribute to question that the planet which either
maintain good health and allow him to occupies a constellation or transits in a
live long. Therefore Lord of Lagna not constellation is the source by which one
affiicted by malefics and also not occu- has his desire fulfilled. The lord of the
pying the houses 6, 8 and 12 nor conjoined constellation indicates the nature of the
with malefics will be a benefic. result, the sub shows whether it is desira-
ble or undesirable.
(B) Lord of the second house will Hence planet is the source, constel-
prove to be a benefic to the matters signi- lation indicates nature of the result and
fied by the second house, if it does not the sub is a deciding factor whether the
occupy the houses 6, 8 and 12 counted matter is favourable or not.
from the second house, or conjoined with
tbe lords of the houses 6, 8 and 12 counted Unless the matter is favourable, we do
from Lagna will prove to be a benefic. not call it benefic. Therefore, benefics are
Similarly, for each house we have to note those which allow native to enjoy and
benefics arethose which occupy the cons- portant. Therefore the planets signifying
tellation of the lords of those houses the matters of each house has to be welt
through which he expects a result. A posited so that through such matters he
person who wants to publish books would can have pleasure. In house if afflicted
like to see that the third house is well through that source, he will have worry.
fructified. Therefore, he considers third If the 5th house is spoiled, then the
house, as a beneficial one for him, a Press- general principle that lord of 5 will do
owner, an Agent, a Representative, a good cannot be correct. Lord 5 may be
Secretary, a Broker, Contractor, all these a benefic. He can be even by nature a
people should have a beneficial 3rd house. benefic, yet it need not necessarily offer
Therefore, planets occupying the constel- beneficial results to him as the lord of
lation of those signifying 3rd house the constellation in which it is posited
matters will be his benefics. will be detrimental to the child thereby
causing anxiety to the native. Hence no
If we observe we find that certain bene- planet is wholly a benefic nor in full a
ficial results to us are disadvantageous to malefic. It is similar to the Rose with
our relatives, etc. Thorns. A planet is said to be malefic
when thorns are many. A planet is a.
Each house has to contribute certain benefic when the thorns have fallen down
aspects in his life and every house is im- and the rose looks bright without any bee.
The zodiac is divided into 27 equal thoroughly modified by the lord of the
parts. Each division is called a constel- Constellation in which it is posited.
lation. Each constellation is governed by If a planet is benefic by nature, and the
a planet. For instance Aswani denotes lord of the constellation is to give only
the results of Kethu in one's chart. profit by its lordship, say, Jupiter a benefic
Bharani signifies the matters indicated occupying Karthika constellation in
by Venus by lordship to the person. Taurus, in 8 to Libra-born, Jupiter, the
Karthikai constellation when occupied benefic shows that the gain is by fair
or transmitted by a planet offers such means. If Saturn, a malefic, is there, it
results which are to be offered by suggests profit by underhand dealings, by
Sun according to its lordship. A planet uttering falsehood, by selling duplicate or
in Rohini acts as an agent of the/ lord of adulterated stuff, etc. or by holding cash
the constellation Moon, by its ownership. without including in the accounts. Mars,
Suppose there is a planet in Moon's star a malefic in Karthika constellation ruled
Rohini and on that day, 12 children are by Sun, indicates to Libra-borns gain by
born at an interval of 1J, 2 and 2} hours foul means. Hence the planet indicates
in all the 12 signs, as Lagna. Then Moon how the matter is accomplished.
is lord of 4 to Aries-born. So the planet
in Moon's star Rohini, in the second Again, a planet by owning the Ascen-
house, gives predominantly 4th house dant and occupying the constellation of
matters. To Taurus-borns, Moon owns lord of 11, shows gains through his efforts,
the 3rd house. Hence a planet in Taurus, success in litigation etc. A planet ruling
as Lagna, in Moon's star offers the results the 3rd house and occupying the constella-
of the 3rd house. To a lady in Bombay, tion of lord of ll, shows that one gains
Jupiter was in Rohini in the Lagna Taurus. through brother, by editing, publishing,
During Jupiter Dasa, Jupiter Bhukti, making short journeys etc. If lord of 4
Venus Anthara, Moon Sookshma, the lady is there, whether a benefic or a malefic, by
was treated to a feast. She might or might nature gives profit by acquiring land,
not have enjoyed it. Because her younger building or vehicle or through mother.
sister got married whereas she remained, Lord of 5 in the constellation of lord of
then unmarried. She took leave, went to 11 promises gains in speculation, cinema
her place, attended a reception listened to etc. or through children. Thus a planet
enthralling music but remained on the by nature shows how a matter is accompli-
lookout for a boy. To Gemini-born, a shed; by lordship it indicates through whom
planet in Rohini ruled by Moon owning or how it happens. But what happens,
the second house offers the matters signi- what is the nature of result, gain or loss,
fied by the second house and not the 12th. success or failure, promotion or reversion,
Therefore a planet '* A " offers its results birth of child or death of any, marriage
mainly and surely during the period of or widowhood, litigation or compromise,
those posited in one of its 3 constellations. divorce or reunion, these are clearly
But the planet A bestows on the native indicated only by the lord of the constella-
predominantly the matters signified by the tion.
lord of the constellation in which it is Let me give a few examples to prove
tenanted. What it has to give according that the true explanation for the enjoyment
to its nature, lordship, situation, etc. get of a specific result is available from the
an?1C4t 'on Krishnamurti PaSlidhati indicates marriage. Saturn
A®CEera' Pr'ncor'plyogas
in Astrological es
given out in slokas of 12 to the 7th house counted from j
fail miserably. Lagna. So the partner parts with money,
, 8^atis tie general rule? A planet in jewels, dress etc. and presents to Leo-born.
12th Bhava will cause loss. One may Therefore the results indicated by the lord
P^nence difficulties due to treachery, of the Constellation according to its lord-
S ret ship alone are experienced. Has 12th
g? toinimical
reter activityRatnakara
Bhavartha etc.. Or oneand may
say house anything to do with matrimony?
nla 1 tV>ne through the Karakatva of the A person is born in Sagittarius. He
P J ?'" or one may quote Utrakalamrita had Moon in Anuradha in advance to Sun
mtdifjordof 6 or 8 or 12 is in 12, in the same star. Moon was in Venus
"^'Mha Rajayoga To make the sub: Sun was in Mars sub. This native
sloV 'oaform to the general rule, some never saw in his life a hundred rupee
wj]j be quoted and part of it alone currency note. Before he used to draw
mg thementioned
hand and in nodding
a melodious tune
the head. his salary, he had the dharsan of the
on bearded tall stout stalwarts with lathi on
. ®? as he has finished, if a similar one hand whereas the other hand dresses
that 3 erson s and stiffens the moustache. On many
.. tv a's^ person,
P ini whose produced and said
horoscope, all occasions he made purchases expecting
lent on arrears of dearness allowance, increment,
in . ?.'? ' «' in the sloka is
, ' y®' nothing as expected by theapplicable,
gratuity etc. Such a poor fellow had
61 fortune during the debilitated. New
the bt u ' ^ ie ru happened,
e he has to beat
straioi 1 ^' ' should be simple: Moon in the 12th Bhava. How.
fusing. neVe oover
complicated: nor con- One may say, lord of 8 in 12; Viparee-
of • i' natives . ambiguous for any number tha Rajayoga, so he got. But he has
Kri«^Enamur - Honce according to omitted to note that there is Sun, owning
icw cases. ti Padhdhati, let us examine a 9th house and not ruling any of the 3
houses 6 or 8 or 9. That rule falls; falls
A Person is bom in PISCES. Jupiter through.
.the houses 1 and 10. Jupiter bands
overitsnesults according to its lordship of One may advance bis argument from
.. 68houses 1 and 10, to the Constellations, Bhavartha-Ratna Kara. Moon has not
"J in number, Visaka andPoorvapadra. given through the Karakatvam as sage
p a Person
va a a
born in Pisces, has Jupiter in Ramanujachariar claims. This person
h ' P dr in Aquarius in the 12th had been completely broken during Sun
trap f' rr8tWhen Dasa. When both Sun and Moon are in
011 he ran Jupiter Dasa, he was the same sign, in the same star and in the
pill,?,®1 ' promotion during Jupiter
T itself. The real reason is that same House-Bhava-12th, how is it, the
er was n
rvin stellatlon 'of 22° in Aquarius in the waning Moon, the debilitated Moon,
lord of 10 and in the sub Moon in 12th Bhava gave. The number
. 9.rd of 1] and 12. Lord of Constella- of degrees between Sun and Moon is only
tion mdieares
matters regarding his pro- 2°, Moon was in Anuradha Saturn star
° ' Sub lord as lord of 11 promises Venus sub: Sun was in Anuradha Saturn's
P It and promotion. Sub lord as lord of star. Mars sub. Venus as lord of 6
causes loss to opponent; as lord of 11
expense8 c'ian®e p'ace aIK' thereby benefits the native. Mars as lord of S,
a e
gave the mind to speculate during Sun dasa
7 ;To P rson bom in Leo-Simha, lord of and as Mars is also lord of 12, he lost
atl r
Leo ! "-s ln governs Pushyam in 12 to what all he earned. Therefore the lord of
marri^11 'ains - ^Bncer- The person gets the Constellation Saturn as lord of 2 and
eniov 1J= e money through partner and ^ decides 3 shows self-acquisition. The sub lord
house 'and ^ ' Because Saturn rules 7lh whether he can add to his acquisi-
Pushyam star. Pushyam tion or what he has acquired will be
maintained or not. Lord of 2 - shows which houses are owned by the
bank position. Sub lord promises whether sub lord. Do not scrutinize further.)
one will deposit more money and make Just like one finds out what a planet
the bank position sound or one will can contribute to a person when its dasa
withdraw money and the bank position is on, similarly one is to judge, what
will dwindle. each planet can offer to him as is
As person born in Gemini has Sun in 12 indicated by the lord of the constellation
in Mrigasira star in Taurus. Mrigasira is and sub in which each planet was
governed by Mars, lord of 6 and 11; the deposited. Therefore it is necessary to
sub belongs to Jupiter who is lord of note separately what each planet can
7 and 10. bestow on him or her.
All authorities threaten the person with Then, when a dasa is on, find out the
all varieties of difficulties to him, includ- relative position between the dasa lord
ing imprisonment. But actually, he was and Bhuki lord and judge whether they
promoted during Sun's Dasa and posted in form harmonious aspect or an adverse
the jail for 2 years to have the experience one.
and transferred to King Institute, Guindy If they form favourable aspect (i.e. if
on a better scale of pay. He was selected they are at a distance of 18°, 30°, 36°, 54°,
among a few -colleagues and by winning 60°, 72°, 108°, 120°, 126°, 144°) the Bhukti
in the competition, he joined the higher lord co-operates with dasa lorn and they
post. During Sun Dasa, Mars Bhukti, mutually offer the results indicated by
Rahu Antbara, he was transferred to the them.
Jail department. During Sun Dasa, Jupiter But if the aspect between the dasa lord
Bhukti, Mars Anthara selected, promoted
and transferred. Mrigasira, ruled by and the Bhukti lord is unfavourable
Mars owns houses 6 and 11. So success (i.e.,6 at a relative position of 22i6, 45°,
in competition (11th); competitors lose 67i , 90°, 112*°, 135°, 150°, 157*° and
<6th), reunites with close Kith and Kin 180°) then they , do not agree with each
(11th). Sub lord Jupiter gave promotion, other, they non-co-operate and the dasa
namely, popularity etc. Sun as lord of 3 lord is not allowed to continue to give
indicates short level: Sun by ,, nature what it would, if the Bhukti lord forms
shows through or by Government. The beneficial aspect.
12th house indication of depression, dis- Therefore, a beneficial planet gives its
appointment, loss, betrayal, swindling results in the period of the planet depo-
■were not experienced. sited in its star whether it matures or
Thus one is to judge what a dasa-lord not is decided by the sub lord. It is
can give in its dasa. clear that a planet 'A' in the constel-
lation of the planet 'B' gives the
(a) Which houses are ruled by the lord matters signified by the planet 'B* to a
of Constellation. good extent. It is fruitful or not, is
(b) Which houses are ruled by the lord fully experienced during the conjoined
of Constellation. period of planet 'A* (dasa) 'B' Bhukti
(c) Those matters signified by the and ' C' anthra where ' C' is the sub
houses owned by the lord of the lord.
constellation will be mainly the Suppose Jupiter is in Venus star and
matters promised by the planet in the sub of Mars to Capricorn born
its dasa. when Jupiter is in'Leo'in Poorvapalguni,
(d) Whether it is advantageous or not, then Jupiter even though it is in the 8th
whether it is agreeable to the house, it gives the matters signified by
person or not is definitely decided Venus (ruling bouses 3 and 10), i.e. the
by the lord of the sub in that results of houses 5 and 10 throughout
constellation. (Here also note its dasa and especially in Venus Bhukti.
As Mars is lord of 4 and 11 and the tion, whatsoever, then ' B' dasa brings
11th house is to contribute to the grand thorough change during 'C Bhukti (in
success of the native, the person gains whose constellation 'B' was) and in'D*
during Jupiter dasa, Venus Bhukti, Mars anthra (in whose sub 'B ' was).
Anlhra. If it were to be in the sub of Changes will be experienced during the
Saturn, as Saturn rules the houses 1 and dasa of the planet A and in the sub period
2 and it is a benefic to the Capricorn of the planets in 6 or 8 or 12 to it and
born, one will gain during Jupiter Dasa those iforroing adverse aspects (western
Venus Bhukti Saturn Anthra—Jupiter system) with the dasa lord 'A'.
indicates that by making a short land
journey or through brother, by invest- Progress is shown during the dasa of
ment or spending money with pleasure, the planet 'A' in the constellation of
one achieves his aim. If Jupiter were another planet ruling favourable houses
to be lord of 7, then the matter is and in the sub period of the planet ' B'
realised through wife or the person provided both are in harmonious aspect.
comes our victorious ■ in litigation or Therefore an astrologer is to get down
wins in competition suppose a planet
'X' ruling the 7th house is in the (1) What sum can offer to him (a)
constellation of lord of 11, during this according to its deposition in a constella-
planet's (X) dasa, the native wins in the tion (b) to the sub (c) through the source
law-suit, election etc., reunion'with wife: indicated by Sun in accordance with his
birth of child: profit through partner: lordship.
pleasure through second son or through Then similarly write down what each
father's elder brother etc. planet contributes.
Normally.when a person comes by. a (2) Note the relative position bet-
treasure or has a promotion during Jupiter ween one planet and the other : classify
Dasa, Venus Bhukti, Mars Anthara, as good and bad.
as Jupiter was in Venus star Mars sub, he In a beneficial planets' dasa (i.e. planets
expects another promotion during Saturn in the constellation of the lord of favour-
Dasa Venus Bhukti, Mars Anthara (as he able houses) during the sub period of the
does not realise that Jupiter benefited him, planet forming favourable aspect, expect
because it was in Venus constellation). advantageous results signified by the lord
Saturn in the constellation of another of the constellation in which dasa lord
planet 'B ' and sub of 'C ' will promote was tenanted.
him during Saturn Dasa, B Bhukti, C If the aspect is adverse, the results will
Anthara, provided B and C are in any be uncommon, disadvantageous and un-
manner connected with the houses 2, 6 desirable.
or 10. But if Saturn is in the constellation
of lord of 3 and 12, during .Saturn Dasa, In a planet's dasa (a planet is a malefic
be leaves the profession, invests -money only when it occupies the constellation of
and acts as a broker, agent, representative the lord of evil houses 6 or 8 ot 12) the
and makes money by making short results are disagreeable. Other planets
journeys or by editing etc. forming favourable aspects co-operate
with (he dasa lord and threaten the person
Dasa ' A ' may be followed by Dasa with adverse results. But the planet
'B'. The results of 'A' dasa will forming unfavourable aspect, does not
continue during ' B ' dasa, only when both co-operate with dasa lord, it does not
are in any manner, by sign, constellation, allow to play its mischief, bhukti lord
sub or aspect (Hindu system) connection throws obstacles to dasa lord, hence the
with each other. If they have no connec- native enjoys.

In a horoscope there are 12 houses and .Whereas a planet occupying a Bhava has
according to Western system which the to include the results of the Bhava where
editor follows, a house commenced from it is posited other than what it has to
the cusp and ends with the succeeding one. bestow by its nature and its lordship. In
Lagna Bhava commences at the" point that these cases, for health and success the
rises in the east and the following are beneficial aspect to the cusp is advan-
extending to nearly 30° depending upon tageous whereas for the matters signified
the latitude etc. and extends to the next by Sun as lord of 4 shows that he may sell
cusp which will rise in a couple of hours. away the property, because Jupiter is
The second house commences at the cusp transiting in the 12th house and it forms
of the second and ends with the cusp of with the Sun who owns the 4th house or
tbethird. The third cusp will rise in the his mother may be ill and be in the
east just around 4 hours after the hospital or he may give away his vehicle
ascendant has risen. Thus each cusp rises for repairs pr he will be without a vehicle
in the east at interval of more or less at that time. Thus it can be seen that the
2 hours. The area between the second ill-health of mother and the bad-condition
cusp and the third cusp is second Bhava of the vehicle are indicated by the adverse
and the space between the third cusp' and aspect from Jupiter to Sun in Lagna
tb« 4tb cusp is the third Bhava and so on. Bhava ; whereas he maintains good health
Suppose a person has a planet ' A' in a as cusp receives beneficial aspect. Planets
house about 13° from the cusp and another may be many in, number in the - same
planet' B ' about 224 from the same cusp. house, one may receive a beneficial aspect
and the others an adverse one; that which
receives the beneficial aspect indicates that
the matters signified by it by lordship
occupation,"etc. will thrive. Whereas the
bad aspect to a planet in a Bhava threatens
evil results to the relatives indicated by the
planet to that person and disadvantageous
results to such matters indicated by tbe
planet by its lordship and occupation
-provided the cusp of the house does not
receive simultaneously a beneficial aspect.
A planet may own the Sth house and it
may occupy any other Bhava. It may
(Taurus 3° is the ascendant;- Sun is in the receive a bad aspect. Therefore one
18° Taurus Mercury is 254° in Taurus). If should not conclude that the chart will
a planet say Jupiter transits in Aries and it suffer unless the cusp of the Sth house
has come to the third degree in Arips ; remains mnaspected. If the cusp of the
then Jupiter forms semi-sextile aspect with Sth house receives good aspect then he
the ascendant and semi-angular with Sun. will enjoy during the matters of the Sth
On this occasion, one may be sure that his house and the other matters denoted by the
health will be good and he will be success- lord alone will be adversely experienced,
ful in his attempts even though Jupiter i.e., if lord of 5 is in 7 and it receives bad
forms adverse, aspect with Sun in Lagna aspect whereas Sth cusp receives good
Bhava. Always the cusp of a house is the aspect, then- wife will suffer and not the
strongest and also it clearly indicates only children. If the same planet in the 7th
the matters' of that house and none else. Bhava receives good aspect and the Sth
cusp receives bad aspect eventhoueh the But if he would have noted whether Sun
planet owns the 5th house, yet wife will while conjoining with Venus is forming
be maintaining good health whereas it is favourable aspect with either the 7th or
v disadvantageous to the children. Similarly, the 11th cusp then he would have under-
one is to note the various aspects to each stood that at the time Sun and Venus con-
cusp of the house and to each planet joined by progression they form evil
whenever an aspect is formed to a planet aspect to the 7th cusp, so the marriage did
in a house, immediately one is to note not come up. It also implies that Venus
whether the cusp of the same house at the time of the birth was forming an
receives identical aspect or diametrically adverse aspect to the 7tb cusp. Then only
opposite one or remains unaspected at all. when Sun conjoins with Venus it will be
Accordingly one is to modify the results. in such a position which is disharmonious
It is complained by many students that so to the 7th cusp.
many aspects pass away without any Therefore it is necessary to observe the
events. Always one considers .the benefi- aspects to both the significator and also to
cial or disagreeable results which he enjoys the cusp of the house which indicates the
or experiences but dpes not note down same matter.
what bad happened to his close relatives,
Partners and friends. For example, to A particular aspect may be formed in
Tula lagna born, one may say that Sun such a position which is favourable to the
has conjoined Venus and it has not done person. Therefore the person may enjoy
any good to him. He will be feeling sorry beneficial results, may have a promotion
and also complaining that he was dis- or may get married and so on. But the
appointed because as lords of 1 and 11 same aspect will be adverse to a cusp and
conjoining together must bring bim thereby that relative indicated by that cusp
marriage. A\ the time of birth .Sun and or that planet which receives the bad
Venus were about 35° off and at his age aspect indicating certain relative may pass
of 35 Sun conjoins Venus. He remains away. That is why the editor had pub-
unmarried. So he loses the faith because lished an article titled "No Rose without
of the incomplete explanation available. Thorn
On 4-4-66 two friends visited my resi- Therefore, I said he would be coming by
dence and they wanted to consult me in 6-24 P.M. and it was a pleasant surprise
the presence of another friend who knew for a few -who assembled then here to note
astrology. All the three have got only that their friend entered the house exactly
academical interest. They need not even at 6-24 P.M.
consult astrology because they are very Such events will be predicted now and
well off. They arrived at 5-30 P.M. and then and one or two of them will be
they waited for a few minutes for the third explained in each issue so that one can
friend to come.' As he did not turn up, follow this quickest method to ascertain
one of the two asked me to calculate and when a matter will materialise. This
End out when exactly their friend would method is applicable for major eveqts.
be arriving. The simplest method which All are aware that neither our sages nor
I have evolved is to note down the lord of the savants of Western countries have
the day, the lord of the star at that moment, dealt with such minor events.
the lord of the sign in which Moon
transits then and also the lagna. The day How to apply for major events?
is ruled by Moon (being Monday). The Assume that the person who put me the
constellation is governed by Sun (as the question: " When his friend would be
star is Uthra Palguni). The sign in which joining us?" refers to one living in a
Moon transited is Virgo owned by Mer- foreign place; then we can calculate the
cury, and the ascendant is also Virgo. timing by Udu Dasa system and pitch
Therefore, the planets which rule the upon the date as Mercury Dasa, Moon
moment at which the query is put, are Bhukti, Sun Anthraor Moon Dasa, Mer- ■
Moon, Sun and Mercury.' Therefore, one cury Bhukti Sun anthra, like that. So also
can have his desire fulfilled only when all if a person would desire to know when he
these three planets conjointly rule a point chn have his aim achieved he can work
in the zodiac. Therefore the sign may be out -the Dasa system and pitch upon a
ruled by either Mercury or Sun or Moon period which is jointly ruled by the
and the star and the sub also should be 4 planets :—the lord of the day, the lord
ruled by any of these 3 planets. As the of the star, the lord of the sign in which
question was put when the lagna Virgo ' Moon transits at the time when such a
was on, we need not take trouble to find query is answered and also the lagna
out whether in Moon's sign Cancer there lord. \ The truth is that the astrologer has
is Mercury star and Sun sub or Sun star the urge to answer a question at a moment
and Mercury sub. Also we need not find ruled by these four planets which are the
out whether in Sun's sign there is Mercury planets which indicate the successful time
star Moon sub or Moon star Mercury sub, of the consultant. It is mysterious. It is
So we should find out whether in Mer- a divine one and an unfailing one.
cury's sign there is Sun star Moon sub
and Moon star Sun sub. There is no Many an experiment had been done by
Mooa sub in Sun star in Mercury sign. hundreds of my students and all of us
But there is Sun sub in Moon star and admired the mysterious coincidence. So
in Mercury's sign. This is 20° 40" in Virgo we had to call that this method is the
to 23° 20' in Virgo. So it was calculated most scientific one as it never fails, the
and found out when this particular point condition remaining the same. The rules
will rise in the east for Delhi latitude. It applying being the same and the result
was found that around 6-24 P.M. 23° obtained being corrected. The readers are
Virgo will be the ascendant or lagna. requested to carry out such tests and make
the best use of it for osioor events and ada in Jupiter's star in Aquarius should
also for major ones. Supposing a person ethe position where Moon should be at
boQks a call to Bombay and if at the same the time lof bis birth. If be would have
time be puts a query within himself when mentioned " 28 " then the lagna according
* the call will mature and find out the time to number 28 will fall in the fouith-
becanas well attend to other affairs and pada of Jupiter star. In that case, I have
return borne at the time when be has to say that at the time of bis birth Moon
calculated and found for the Bombay call. would have occupied Pisces. We should
While dictating this notes to a stranger find out which rules are simple, very quick
(before 1 could enquire about bim) I asked to calculate and in a short time we can give
his star. He told that there is doubt the answer to the queries. But if we have
about the sign in which Moon was. The to take the Ephemeris, calculate and de]ay
doubt is wbetber Moon was in Aquarius by some hours, it will not suit this modern
or in Pisces at the time of his birth. As times and it will not satisfy the consultant.
bis horoscope was the third which I took What we want is correctness and also very
on that day for consultation, I took that quick decision. By following the method
bis Sun must be in Virgo (why I take like advocated above, it will be possible for us
this will be explained in subsequent to time even in one's life whatever it be,
issue) and to 6x the position of Moon 1 by taking the ruling planets at the moment
requested bim to mention a number within when a question is answered—not at the
108. He replied "27". As "27". indi- time tbe question is put-but at the time the
cates the third quarter of the Star belong- astrologer has tbe urge to answer and
ing to Jupiter, I have to say that the third answers.
Kalidas has mentioned in his book dispute; 8th house denotes distress, diffi-
" CJttara Kalamrita "—Kanda 4 Sloka 22 culty, danger, drowning, etc., and 12th
the disposition of planets which cause house shows loss, swindling, secret inimi-
Viparitha Raja Yoga, i.e. "if the lords of cal activity, depression, etc. Therefore
the houses 6, 8 and 12 occupy either nobody would like to have any of the
jointly or individually the houses 6, 8 and matters signified by the 3 houses.
12 or if they are mutually placed in 6 or 8
or 12 with each other or if they are in any - 8 One may ask ' How can lords of 6 and
in mutual exchange cause ' Viparitha
manner connected with the houses 6 or 8 Raja Yoga '7
or 12 or if they mutually interchange their
places and provided these planets do not If lagna represents the person, then the
have any connection with other planets 7th house stands for the opponent. The
not owning 6 or 8 or 12, then the person 6th house to a person is 12 to the 7th, i.e.
will be a king and he will command much ' Vraya ' house, and the 8th house will be
wealth'. He will establish a good name the second to the 7th. It is a well-known
and enjoy his life.'' fact that an interchange between the lords
of the houses 2 and 12 bring loss of
All the Hindu sages have unanimously wealth, loss of. members in the family,
declared that the houses 6, 8 and 12 loss of eye-sight and defective speech, etc.
counted from lagna <or from any Bhava Therefore, when the opponent loses, the
are detrimental to lagna or that Bhava to native gains. That is why the interchange
which a planet happens to be the lord of between the lords of 6 and 8 bring about
6 or 8 or 12 counted from that Bhava. So ' . beneficial results to the native, success in
6, 8 and 12 are said to be unlucky houses competition, in litigation, winning in
and indeed evil. election by the transit of the planets 6 and
Not only the lords of the houses become 8.
adverse but also planets posited in these In my friend's horoscope lords of 6 and
houses are still Worse. Occupants are 8 were in mutual exchange-and he had
stronger than the owners. Therefore, been running the conjoined period of
planets occupying 6, 8 and 12 must be these two planets. My friend did not
worse than the lords of the houses. work hard for a victory in the election.
When the lords of the houses and also But he had an opponent who spent most
planets deposited in those houses are extravagantly. His friends were much
considered to be undesirable then normally. benefited monetarily but they were not true
to him. Actually they voted for my
one will expect that lords of. these houses friend accepting money from his opponents
occupying the above said houses must be and my. friend had a thumping majority.
causing untold miseries. But, actually, Thus if' lords of 6 and 8 are mutually
in practice, it was found that under exchanged due to the secret inimical acti-
certain drcumstances these planets owning vity, the opponent will lose and the person
these evil houses and also occupying such will gain.
houses, cause brilliant results which are
unexpected and it is a ' Viparitha' to This rule will not apply to Capricorn
normal expectation and intelligent antici- lagna born as lord of 6th is Mercury and
pation. Actually when we enjoy Raja lord of 8th is Sun. Mercury and Sun
Yoga, it is a 'Viparitha' and so it is cannot occupy Gemini and Leo causing
termed as ' Viparitha-Raja Yoga." 6th mutual exchange, i.e., Parivarthana Yoga-
house indicates disease, debt, difficulty and Further according to Krishnamurti
Padbdhati, it is not necessary that planet happen to be malefics. Benefics by nature
should interchange the houses 6 and & - owning the 8 and 12 houses by mutually
But if they are occupying the constella* having the interchange of places cannot
lions of lord of 6 and lord of 8, i.e. the do harm to the opponent and also much
ford of 8 in the constellation of lord of 6 good to the native. Because if lord of 6
and lord of 6 in Jhe constellation of lord is a benefic and if it occupies the second
of 8 will produce the above said Yoga. house or if lord 2 occupies the 6th house,
Even in such Yogas benefics mutually the natives bank position will improve by
exchanged between the houses 6 and 8 are borrowing or by service. Therefore bene-
not harmful to the opponent to the extent fics owning the houses 8 and 12 mean that
to which malefics owning the houses 6 and they own the houses 2 and 6 to the
8 interchange. No doubt benefics in 6, 7 opponent. Therefore benefics cannot
and 8 cause Lagnadhiyoga to the native bring either loss or throw any obstacles to
and mutual exchange of the benefics by the opponent. Hence the native cannot
nature owning the houses 6 and 8 bring gain much.
about a transaction wherein the native is This' Viparitha Raja Yoga is really
benefited ; whereas he, with whom he enjoyed only when the lords of 6 and 8
transacted, has not gained equally. happen to be malefics by nature. Indeed
Supposing a person purchases a property the period may cause injury to the person
duringlupiterDasa, Venus Bhukti,lords 6 and he may suffer from disease or meet
and 6 for Vrishaba Lagna, then this with an accident, yet monetarily it will do
person purchases'it at a cost lower than good to him. Or in any competitive
the market rate ; whereas the seller loses examination or election he will come out
.to some extent Anyhow he is capable of successful. This is purely applicable to
disposing even, an unsalable property those who are born in Mithuna Lagna,
duringthatperiod. Alsb it maybe noticed . Kanya Lagna, Mesha Lagna and Vrischika
in a few business people chart that the Lagna.
husband transfers certain shares and also
.gives'gift to his wife when the wife runs a Mutual exchange between lords of 6 and
period conjointly rule by lord of 6 and 8. 12 will be advantageous to younger brother,
It is also likely that those who run the mother aiid father. Interchange between
joint period of lords of 6 and 8, borrow the lords of 8 and 12 will be advantageous
money as a handloom without any record to mother, wife and elder brother. Inter-;
and' .he who lent the money suddenly change between lords of 6 and 8 will be
passes away thereby the native who runs advantageous to children.
the period of lord 6 and 8 temporarily is According to Krishnamurti Padbdhati,
not honest and he appropriates the planets occupying the constellation of the
amount. lords of 6 or 8 or 12 and also owning the
The mutual exchange between lord of houses of 6 or 8 or 12 will bring about the
12 and either lord of 8 or 6 will be advan-1 above said Yoga provided the sub is ruled
tageous to the person only when they by a benefic by lordship.

Stars rule the destiny of mankind. may be bad. Therefore, how are we
Planets who move through the stars indicate select a time which would be auspicic
the nature of such destiny.. Astrology deals to every individual.
with the language of stars. Man or woman In every horoscope^ houses 6, 8 and
has to attend to multifarious activities are bad. 6th house indicates diseas
daily. When one runs good planetary debts, enemies, ultimely meals etc. I
period -or bad planetary period, he feels house indicates defeat, loss, punishmc
joyous and happy at one time and misfortune, worry etc. 12th house in>
depressed and dejpcted at another time on cates imprisonment, injury, mental agoi
the same day. Why? expenditure etc. Therefore, one shot
I have endeavoured to know the truth not undertake any new venture when t
and the -why of this. I found out some house or 8th house or 12th house rises
truths, which 1 place before the learped the east. It is better to avoid these f
readers of.this celebrated magazine for ensuring quicker results. Suppose, a pe
favour of their knowledge^ consideration son is running bad planetary period aj
and benefit. undertakes a new venture, say approach
Human activity is centred round the person for employment, he will definite
zodiac which is divided into 11 houses get an unfavourable reply without dout
and each house signifies a particular Conversely, will it be true that auspicioi
activity. For example, 2 th bouse indicates time would help him ? In other word
pleasurable pursuits, cinema, drama etc. when a person is running a bad planetai
7th house indicates wife and marital period and. undertakes new venture s;
relations and 11th house friends. approach a person for getting job whe
the time is quite auspicious, he will surel
Activity performed in the hormonious receive sympathetic response and will g<
division of the Zodiac will yield quick the job when the bad period is complefet
results depending upon the planetary This is the importance of election!
period under operation. Activity per- astrology, scrupulously practised by oi
formed in the inharmonious division of ancient scholars and Mabarishis.
the Zodiac will delay or destroy the Suppose you want to gain the favour c
purpose. your officer. In which lagna you shoul
Therefore for any human activity to approach him?* Your officer is indicate
produce desirable results, an auspicious by your 7th house. Suppose yet meet hit
time, otherwise called lucky time should when your fifth house rises in the eas
be properly selected. The learned editor What will happen? Your 2th house i
of this magazine has often stated that at a 11th house (House of gain) to your officei
particular, auspicious time fixed by a Therefore he will exploit your weaknes
learned purohit several marriages are per- and will extract more work from you
formed in a pandal. "Hie marriages per- leave alone whether he is kind or no)
forined did not bestow long and happy Suppose you have met him when you
married life to all of them even though the 2nd house rises in the east. What resul
moment fixed is quite auspicious. it would indicate?
Why the event did not yield good results Your 2nd house is Sth house to you
to all? The time may be auspicious. But it officer. 2nd house indicates your acquisi
may not be alispicious to all. One man's tion. Sth house shows his loss. There
food may be another man's poison. For fore, he will favour you and thereby yoi
some, they may be good. For some they will gain.
Suppose you want to get some loan from Thus each house indicates a particular
a banker.' Approach bira when your 6th matter and if you perfofm'yourduty to the
hojjse rises in the east and be will surely tune of the house which rises In the east then
consider your request. Why? The banker it will definitely yield beneficial results.
is indicated by your 7th house. 6th house Bear it in mind that you cannot avoid
indicates your debts and loans. Your 6th your fate by your free will of choosing an
house is 12th house to your banker. auspicious time as the planetary period
Therefore be has to pay you and you have indicates What is in store tor you.
to receive. (Though 6th. house is con- Avoid the stars of inauspicious houses
sidered bad. yet it is capable of yielding for an auspicious result.
•good results for certain activity which it Let such stars or subs rise in the east
indicates.) when you take up new venture.
The following is the horoscope •of a In these months, he will have satis-
person who gains money in Horse Racing factory gains.
on a few occasions and loses on other Who will be pleased to have such a
occasions. How to find out when he will timing a long range one. Race goers
win ? How to select the day and also the want the number of the race and the date
time i.e., that particular race run at a
particular time? So, first note down, the months which
are favourable according to Vimsbothari
dasa system.
Rfthu Then note down, the various dates on
which the races will be conducted. Take
Lagna the almanac or Ephemeris. Find out
whether on that day of the races, Moon
19t3 transits in either the stars of Rahu i.e.,
'Arudhra, Swathi or Sathabisha or in the
stars of Jupiter, Punarvasu, Visaka,
Moon Note down, when Moon enters into any
Gutu j of the six, above said, stars. Note when
Moon completes this, star and will enter
The native was born when Lagna, i.e., into the next star.
the point that rose in the East, was On 1-^-1966, a Thursday, Moon is in
Aquarius, Rahu was in Jupiter's star Rahu Poorvapadra star. Suppose there is race,
sub .Rahu is ia the second house. It is in on that day.
Pisces. It has no house of its own. It,
therefore, acts as an agent of the lord of (а) Note where the lord of the Bhukti
the sign, Pisces, i;e., Jupiter. transits then. Bhukti is ruled by Jupiter.
Jupiter owns not only the second house: Jupiter will be exalted in Cancer. It will
it also rules the 11th house. Luckily for be in Punarvasu constellation, governed
this person, it is in its own sign, called by Jupiter. It is in the fag end of the
Swa Kshethra. It is strong. Lord of 11 star, i.e., Jupiter transits in Jupiter's star,
always contributes for pleasure'and profit Rahu sub. Westerners call this position as
for speculative gains. trine to Rahu and sextile to Kethu (They
do not include Rahu and Kethu ; yet
Therefore Rabu in the sign owned by Jupiter's position in 120° to another is
Jupiter, in the constellation Poorvapadra termed as trine and considered as
governed by Jupiter and in the sub of Rahu favourable.)
which becomes a benefic to this person (б) Note when Moon enters Poorva-
promises grand success in the period and padra star and covers the star i.e., the
sub period of Rahu, especially in the duration of Poorvapadra. It commences
conjoined period of Jupiter and Rahu. It at 6-19 P.M. I.S.T. on 31-8-66 and
is certain that he will make up substantial completes at 9-19 P.M. I.S.T. on 1-9-1966
amount, by betting, during Rahu Dasa, Thursday. It means Moon takes 27 hours
Jupiter Bhukti, Rahu Anthara, Jupiter to complete.
Shookshma. As he had been running
Kethu dasa at the time of his birth, he runs According to Krishnamurthl Padhdhati
Rahu Dasa, Jupiter Bhukti now and Rahu Moon will be in Jupiter star Poorvapadra
Anthara will commence soon. in Jupiter's sub, from 6—19 P.M. for a
period of 27 hours multiplied by -16 i.e., between 7-35-30 A.M. and 12-5-30
Vi mshothari years allotted to Jupiter) and P.M. on that day. Thus if we work, the
divided by 120 (which is the total num er last sub is governed by Rahu. When
of Vimshothari. years) Moon takes 27 hours for that star, then
the siib lord governing 8 years in the total
= 27 x ^ = 3 hours 36 minutes period of 120 years Vimsbotbari, takes
18 x 27 hours = 4 hours 3 mts. Hence
Hence Moon transits in Jupiter's star
Jupiter sub between 6-19 P.M. and 6-19+ the last 4 hours 3 mts. are governed by
3.36 = 9-55 P.M. Rahu in Jupiter's star i.e., between 5-16
(Suppose children' are .born between P.M. and 9-19 P.Ml Therefore 5-16 P.M.
6-19 P.M. and 9-55 P.M. What do we to 9-19 P.M. is the most lucky time.
say? Ihe child is running Jupiter Dasa,- If the person bets throughout the day,
Jupiter Bhukti at the time of'the birth). be will not gain in the other races ; but
Then follows Saturn sub in Jupiters star he wins most satisfactorily in the races run
Saturn's total period of. Vimsbotbari dasa after 5-16 P.M. i.e., any time after 5-16
is for 19 years. Hence the duration of P.M. on that day till 9-19 P.M. he will be
time for Moon to transit in Jupiter's star very happy. Prior to 5-16 P.M. it is an
19 of the total time taken anxious time.
Saturn sub is ^ Hence, he will win in the race at 5-30
by Moon to pass Poorvapadhra. As it is P.M. and 6 P.M.
found to be 27 hourSj then Moon transits Further if he plays Treble event, and
19 x • the third leg falls aftef5-l6P.M.,hewould
in "Saturn sub in 27 hours = 4 hours
have been anxious all along and after
16 mis. 30 sees. Hence Moon entered 5-16^P.M. the third leg will pass and he
Saturn sub at 9-55 P.M. It leaves it at. wilPgain the treble event. Indeed, the
2-11-30 A.M. on the next date i.e., 1-9-66. dividend will be very satisfactory.
It means Moon eaters Mercury sub at that Thus, when a person wants to know
time. If a child is born between.9-55 P.M.
on 31-8-66 and before 2-11-30 A.M. on. the the
date, the day, the time etc., to win in
races, he has to note
1-9-66, we say that at the time of.the birth
of the. child, it will be having Jupiter (а) which planets promise success and
Dasa, Saturn Bhukti. gain through races.
Thus if you calculate for Mercury sub, * (б) Note down the constellations
17 X governed by dasa lord and Bhukti lord.
iti f2b ^ hours ^ 3 hours 49 mts. If the dasa' lord owns a sign and Bhukti
30 sees. Hence it is between 2-11-30 and lord governs a star contained in that sign
6-01 A.M. on 1-9-66. or if the Bhukti lord owns asignand.the
constellation beloagiag to Dasa lord is in
Ketbu sub begins at 6-01 A.M. and runs that sign, this area is the strongest.
7 (c) Find the time when Moon enters
no x 27 hours - 1-34-30. It ends at the constellation and leaves it. Work out
7-35—30 A.M. Venus sub runs for ^ 20 the sub. in that constellation. Thee the
constellation and the sub are to be ruled
x '27.hours = 270 mts. 4 hours 30 mts. by the planets ruling the dasa and Bhukti.

Upset to good health and sudden suffer-
When will my husband begin to work, ing due to an injury caused , unexpectedly
in other words, join duty 1 can be called an " Accid^lnt' .
Mrs. Kripalani-not the Chief Minister 6th house shows disease; 8th house
of Uthra Pradesh but the partner of an . indicates accident; 12th house denotes
official in Delhi, says that her husband hospitalisation. Therefore a close look is
had met with an accident at 5 P.M. on called for on houses 8 and 12.
Tuesday, 30-11-1965 and had fractured his According to my thepry, things happen
leg. He has been on leave from 1-12-65. during the period of the planet,
She vyould like to know when her mental (a) in the Constellation(s) of the
strain would be off, her husband's pain occupantfs) of these two houses
would disappear and he would attend or
office. The horoscope is as under :—
(b) situated in these houses or posited
(c) in the Constellation of the lords
of these houses or
(d) owning these houses, etc.' The
Mere. 22-5 strongest of (hese will be signifi-
Uranus cator.
l[r5{r 22—2-—1921
1P.M. Normally, accidents' happen during the
. RASI conjoined periods of evil planets conjoined
with each other or posited in 6 or 8 or
12 to each other or by the malefics Mars
and Saturn whetr ill-posited. In the chart
under discussion,;8th house is vacant.
12th house is occupied by Kethu. Its
constellation are Aswini, Makam and
Moolam. Kethu is posited in Aswim"and
At the time of birth Kethu Dasa balance Moon in Makam.' No planet is occupying
2 years 1 month 12 days. Moolam. Kethu and Moon are strong.
8th house is owned by Jupiter and 12th
For laymen, an accident is an un- house by Mars. Punarvasu, Visakha and
expected, undesirable event. But there is Poorvapadhra are governed by Jupiter.
nothing as an accident. Everything has a Only Mercury is under the sway of Jupiter.
cause and an effect. Mrigasira, Chitra and Dhanishta ruled
Here the cause is your husband's by Mars are unoccupied.
previous Karma. The effect is the result Mars, lord of 2 in Saturn's star and
"of that Karma, as judged by the impartial Rahu sub, being aspected by Saturn
supreme judge — God. becomes an evil. This is according to
We cannot know, remember or under- Krishnamurti Padhdhati. But- Saturn
stand what Karrrta we did in the past, opposing Mars and Venus has'to.cause
what the judgment would be, etc. But the accident is the general principle. There-
science of astrology is in store for us in fore, one will expect in the conjoined
the future. period of Mars, Saturn and Venus, the
. above accident. But if one follows stellar planets which ruled the time of the acci-
astrology,' one will choose Mars, the' . dent on 30-11-65 are the same planets
luminary Moon in Kethu's Constellation, which governed the dasa, Bhukti and
Kethu and Saturn. Anthra.
Therefore, one has to calculate and find When will he )oin duty ? Houses 6 and
out the period when he had the accident. 10 show rejoining duty. 6th house is
As he had only 2 years, 1 month and occupied by Rahu ; 10th house is tenanted
12 days of Kethu Dasa at the time of birth. by Sun and Mercury. Rahu is in the
On 30-11 -1965, he bad been running Mats * Constellatian, Swatbi and Sun is in Satha-
Dasa, Moon Bhakti, Saturn anthra which bisha, both governed by Rahu- Venus is
commenced on 14-10-65. It ended on in the Constellation of Mercury in the
1-12-65. On 30-11-65 the day was lOth house. Hence Rahu Dasa Rahu
Tuesday ruled by Mars. The star was Bhukti* Mercury Anthra will be the time
Dhanishta governed by Mars. The sub'of when be will be declared medically fit and
the star at 5 P.M. was Moon. (If a child he will start working. According to Stellar
is*born at 5 P.M. on 30-11-65, what will astrology when Sun transits in Mercury's
we say? We will say that the child is Sign Rahu Star Arudhra, on 22-6-66 on a
running Mars Dasa, Moon Bhukti). The Wednesday during the time when Moon
sign where Moon was transitlsng happened transits in Aslesha he will commence going
to be Aquarius ruled by Saturn. So the to office.

K. V. R, Anjaneyulu, b.a.
The following is the horoscope of a Rahu Dasa. He has so far completed
native who desires to know whether Kethu Rahu Dasa and Jupiter's Dasa. He is
Dasa gives him death or Venus Dasa now in the middle of Saturn Dasa.
gives him death: Rahu is placed in the ninth house. He
is placed in sign Cancer and constellation
Pushyam ruled by Saturn. Saturn is
Yoga Karaka for Ubra-borns. Moon who
rules Cancer, is benefitted by lord of lagna
and is posited in the Navamsa of Jupiter.
So Rahu Dasa went well with regard to
Jupiter is placed in his own sign. He is
in the constellation of Poorvashada ruled
by Venus, lord of lagna and is also in his
own sub. No planet afflicts Jupiter.
Moon 10-2G 2-23
X'vv Therefore Jupiter Dasa went well with
Vonoj regard to longevity.
Saturn, whose dasa the native Is under-
going, is exalted and is also in Aroha
The first and foremost thing an astro- position. He is Yoga Karaka. He is not
loger to know from a horoscope is afflicted either io Rasi or in Navamsa.
whether lagna is strong or Moon is strong. Therefore Saturn will not ofier death to
Hindu astrology lays stress that counting the native.
of houses or bhaves should be done either Mercury, whose Dasa is to follow, is
from Lagna or Moon whichever is strong. placed in the constellation of lord of
The native's Lagna is 24° 43' Libra. lagna and is in the sub of Jupiter. He
Moon is also posited in Libra? Therefore holds the lordship of 9th and 12th houses,
lord of the sign occupied by Moon and and is placed in the 11th house. ^ He is
Lagna is same. It is Venus. Lagna neither connected with the Karaka of
cusps receives the benefit rays of Satun^ death nor has attained death inflicting
a natural malefic. It receives no other qualities. Therefore Mercury's Dasa will
planers aspect. It appears that Moon and go well. .
Venus are in conjunction with lagna. But Then follows Kethu Dasa. Kethu is to
actually their rays did not reach lagna. offer the results of Saturn. He is placed
Thus lagna is made week by the rays of in the 3rd house, a benefic house for
Saturn. Moon on the other hand is Kethu. He is in the constellation of Sun
placed in 10° 25' Libra whose lord Venus and is in the sub of Venus. Sun is the
closely aspects Moon, thus fortifying Karaka of life; Venus is lord of lagna.
lagna of Moon. Therefore the houses or Therefore Kethu Dasa will not cause death
bhavas are to be counted from the position to the native.
of Moon. Then follows Venus dasa. Will it cause
, The native has started his life with a death ? Venus holds the lordship of lagna
balance of 12 years, 11 months, 7 days and 8th house. She is placed in the
constellation of Swathi ruled by Rahu and (2) Houses 2, 7 and 12 are vacant,
is in the sub of Mercury. She is in con- Badbakastbana is occupied by Mercury,
junction with . Saturn, and Moon. In . Mars and Sun. Therefore Mercury, Mars
Navatnsa be is in the 8th and is also in and Sun are significators.
conjunction with Mars who is lord of 2nd (3) Lord of 2nd house is Mars. No
and 7th houses. Thus Venus holds the planet is in the star of Mars. 7th lord is
lordship of 8th house ; She is related with also Mars. 12th lord is Mercury. No
lord of 2 and 7; She is connected with planet is in the Star of Mercury. Badhaka-
Saturn Karaka for death; She is in con- sthana Adhipati is Sun. Mars, Sun and
junction with Moon, lord of Subha Kethu are posited in the Star of Sun.
Kendra; She is in the star, of Rahu i and Therefore significators are Mars, Sun and
she is in the sub of Mercury who is lord of Kethu.
12th house. Therefore the Dasa of Venus
got the death inflicting power. When the (4) Lords of 2," 7, 12 and Subba
native will die? Kendra and Badhakasthana are Mars,
Mercury, Moon and Sun respectively.
For death consider bouses 2,7 and 12. Therefore Mars, Mercury, Moon and Sun
Sobha Kendra Adhipathis and Badhakas- are significators.
thana Adhipathis also cause death when Therefore the planets who can cause
they are in position of death inflicting death are 1. Mars. -2. Sun. 3. Kethu.
qualities. 4. Mercury. 5. Moon. Rabu is placed
in the sign of Moon. So replace Moon
The significators are: by Rahu as Rahu represents Moon. No
(1) Planets in the constellations of planet in the constellation of Rahu will
occupants of 2, 7, 12 and Bathakasthana. ' attain strength to inflict the native in
reference to other planets as nodes are
(2) Planets in 2, 7, 12 bouses and stronger than planets. . Saturn is placed in
Bhadhakasthana. Rahu's star; Venus and Moon also are
(3) Planets in the constellations of placed in Rahula star. Therefore Saturn,
lords of 2» 7, 12 Subha Kendra and Venus and Moon are significators of
Badbakastbana. death. Saturn is exalted and is also in
aroha position. He is Yoga Karaka for
(4) Lords of 2, 7, 12, Subha Kendra libra-borns. He is also called Ayush
and Badhakasthana. Karaka, significator of longevity. Saturn
(1) Lagna is a movable sign. So loses the death inflicting power due to his
Badbakastbana is 11th house which disposition in the horoscope. Among the
falls in sign, Leo, in the present horos- remaining planets Venus and Moon,
cope. 2nd house is vacant. 7th house is Venus, though placed in the own sign, has
vacant. Hth house is vacant. Badhaka- attained death inflicting power due to her
sthana is occupied by Mercury, Mars and lordship, placement and aspect in the
Sun.. No planet is in Mercury's star. No horoscope.
planet is in Mars star. Mars, Sun and The native will breath bis last in the
Kethu are posited in the Star of Sun. major period of Venus, in the sub period
Therefore Mars, Sun and Kethu are of Rahu and in the sub sub period of
significators. Mars between 17-8-2007 and 28-10-2007.

Jyotbisha Marthand
13. Brahmin Street. Saidapet^.'

JULY 1966 No:;*

' •-Pag.'.'"
Tbanks to Andbra Prabba •> 3\.Sfj".
Review of the book Krishnamurtbi Padbdhati in the popular
daily—Hitawada—N agpur ■ td .
-Tour Programme .xsw
Forecast for 1966-67 6' ;
Constellation and their significance
How to predict date of Marriage 17.
• To decide the time of Birth 19
Can I get beautiful wife? 21
Family Life or Sanyasi •23^. *
When will I enter into my new house ?
Overseas—Any! 25
Time of Arrival of the Train 27
Information to Readers. ■28
Time of Employment 29
. Appointment—When? 31
When can I expect better status ? 33
Transfer—When? 34
WJten can I have independent Business ? 35
Legacy—SisterVHusband's Property 37,
The T.arot—An Introduction ! 39
Letters to the Editor " 41
Contribution by Jupiter -* 43 ,
Krishnamufti Padbdhati 46. ■-
Daily Guide for July 1966 -j 4? -49,
July 1966—Ephemeris .n ' ...53 .
missing 6-7
committing any mistake. He executes such places are to be denoted by any one of the
orders which had been already passed 12 signs. Suppose I send marriage invita-
before the birth of the native. tion to the Mayors of all the towns in the
Can we have the choice of our father world and suppose that there are 24
and mother ? When our birth itself is not thousand such towns, then, on an average
in our hands, is it not true that we cannot in each bag, you have to put 2,000 covers.
have anything in our life done according Why? There are only 12 bags in the post
to our will. All happenings are in the office. Each is labelled as Mesha, Vrishaba,
pattern of destiny. Mithuna, Kataka and so on to Meena.,
There is no more bag at all. Therefore
To know what we have done in the each bag has to hold on an average 2,000
past, it is not easy. But our sages have covers. Now suppose a small fine acci-
expounded certain theories by applying dent takes place to one of the bags and
which it is possible for us to find out those some 5 or 6 covers are burnt, how is it
which are in store for us in the future. It possible exactly to say that these five
is the science of Astrology. It entirely covers belonging to a particular locality
depends upon the accuracy of the moment is burnt. Similarly, when a particular
at which one puts a query, or the moment sign represents so many places on the
at which a child is born or the moment earth and ifthat particular sign is afflicted,
when you take a horoscope for considera- then, scientifically, we have to say that
tion etc. It is from the relative position out of those 2,000 localities any or many
of the planets at the moment for which a will be affected. Many places are being
horoscope is erected, the predictions are represented by a particular sign. How is
offered. Also the transiting planets give it possible to locate which place alone will
a clear idea about the events in one's life. be affected and when ?
Methods differ.
Astrology has many branches and to- Are we not aware of the factthat people
day, I am going to deal with the branch born in the same star and in the same
Mundane Astrology. It deals with the sign enjoy different results ; though transit
events that is to happen on the earth as is result is given basing on this only factor.
indicated by the planets moving in the Is it not a fact that the result vary due to
heavens. It is the terrestrial event denoted the position of other planets and also due
by the celestial phenomena. First of all, to its different position in the same star?
I have to make it plain to you, that Suppose two persons born in the same
Mundane astrology is in its infant stage. star stand for election in the same locality.
It has to be developed. Much of research One wins, the other loses. Again people
and hard-labour are necessary. Why? born having Sun in the same sign (having
Because, if I say that something will been born on the same date and month)
happen at Madras you can mention it in sit for a competitive examination for only
another way; that some good or bad will one vacancy. One of the two is selected,
happen at 80° 15' East and 13° 04' North. the other is rejected. Again one gentleman
Similarly to each place, we have got the born in the same sign as the other borrows
longitude and the latitude, calculated and from the other. What happens ? Oce"u
thereby it is possible to fix the exact bank position gets deteriorated wherea'i
locality of a place on the earth. But we the other improves by borrowing. Thus'
do not have such an ear-marked position you can find that even though the same
in the heavens which can represent a sign is taken for consideration (I) we do
particular locality on the earth, not take the exact degree and minute and
(2) the position of other planets in the
"What if?" One may ask. Unless it horoscope ; therefore our prediction fails.
is established, one cannot offer useful and Similarly when 2,000 places are being
correct prediction. There are 12 signs of -represented by-any-singlrSign'and if any
the Zodiac and the whole earth is to be • one sign is being afflicted, are we to
classified into -12-groups and-l/12-of the. prfedictthat Such an evil result will happen
[to all the places indicated by that sign it is attributed to one's ability. When
}Or how to select a few out of them. When failures are common to claim that one
Mt is not clearly mentionedandunlessthere alone is an astrologer and others are
is certain latitude and longitude in the quacks is not wise.
Zodiac ear-marked for such a place on the When Mundane astrology is incomplete
earth, is it possible to predict which of the and imperfect, one has to follow Horary
place on the earth will be affected ? That Astrology for the various questions, when
is why prediction by the branch mundane it will be 100% correct.
astrology is similar to the general predic- If one takes a chart, first of all before
tion offered. offering a prediction, one shoOld know
Knowing the limitation, one can try to whether the chart is correct or not.
predict by Mundane Astrology and from Unless it is correct, one should not proceed
the facts, be going on improving it. If at further. Can a Doctor be going on
all, any work would have been done in inoculating on a dead body. Should he not
India to find out the exact degree which know whether the person is alive or dead
represents certain places. The Modern already? Similarly it is absolutely
Astrological Research Institute at Madras, necessary for an astrologer to note
Delhi, and other places are trying; they whether he can predict upon the tacts
have worked out and ascertained that 12° furnished or not. We have to accept that
of Capricorn represents India. 2& to 29° there is much limitation in what we can
of Mesha represents Madras. About 11® predict on Mundane Astrology. Little
Scorpio indicates Delhi. Thus noting knowledge acquired by reading a few books
down the various events which had been available in a particular language and in
experienced by either India or Madras or that country which is like a frog in the
Delhi and also noting down the position well without developingthe mind by reading
of the planets on such dates and calculate the other books published by the scholars
ing which point of the Zodiac was and savants of other countries and also
afflicted we arrived at this figure and this without serious thought to any problem
invariably proves to be true. Unless such and having not recorded and studied the
a work is done, it is not possible to offer facts and figures, will not make one
a clear, correct, precise and useful perfect. A true and sound astrologer will
prediction. bestow deep thoughtand mature considera-
No doubt, a few astrologers claim that tion before Venturing to offer a prediction
they themselves alone are astrologers; and he will follow it up to note down how
tbey forget that a son may be more far he had been true. If not, he is to
intelligent than the father; a student who investigate into the cause of the failure
has passed I.A.S. with distinction is and find out where the defect lies. He
more brilliant and learned than the ever remains a student. He forgets his
teacher of a Higher Elementary School. egoism. He tries to find out the modifi-
God keeps up the saying il Pride goeth cation and the variation which are bound
• oefore a fall." Such astrologers had to be in actual practice of this science as
predicted and some of them did not is the case with all other sciences.
come true. They offer varieties of predic- Therefore after a thoroughstudy of both
tions on the same chart, both good and the Hindu and Western systems of
bad, now and then and on any day when Astrology and after extensive research in
any one variety of prediction comes nearly the various branches of the science, I have
correct, they misguide omitting the failures. evolved a new system of prediction by
We remember that a few predicted that now, popularly known as ' Krishnamurti
Ayub Khan will quit. Mr. Chavan will Padhdhati' which is nothing but an
quit and so on. What has happened? It advanced Steller Astrology based on the
is natural or wise, to attribute the failure sound principles of scientific astrology.
to the incorrect chart or to throw blame No doubt, this method had not been so far
on the assistant. If it is nearly correct. expounded by any. That is why, I have
given this title. Today, I am going to shares would tumble down} Stock-Ex.
offer prediction basing only on my own change will be closed etc. These appeared
method which is ever clear, convincing in Delhi daily (Indian Express) in Mahratta
and correct and never confusing and paper Bombay and in Tamil daily Madras.
contradicting. Who believed at that time? But when the
Before proceeding further, I would like prediction came true, i.e, nothing happened <
to mention about the configuration of the at the time of the configuration of the
planets and the panic created by the planets—but NEFA trouble started on^
people who are yet to leam Astrology. 20-10-1962, one began to believe in this sci-
When we note down the various events ence. Whenever the critics say that astrolo-
which had happened, the war, the epi- gy failed, I have to correct them by saying
demic, the earthquake, the disaster, the that the astrologer failed and not astro-
death of important administrators, the logy. For example, suppose one wants to
change in the Ministry and so on, predict the time of marriage of a person
and verify whether, on those dates, there born in Mesha Lagna, he takes that
was any configuration of majority of the Saturn and Venus ruling the houses 11,2
planets in any house, we find none. But and 7 respectively, predicts that he will get
whenever 2 evil planets conjoin together married during the conjoined period of
in any sign without any connection what- Saturn and Venus, as no planetis posited in
soever with a benefic then alone difficulties their constellation and no planet occupied
arise. Let us consider about the world these houses. Actually the boy collapsed
war 1 and 2. And also the Nefa Trouble at that time in a car accident. Look at'
after 15th October, 1962. When I was in the failure. When the astrologer expects
Delhi, in March 1961,1 predicted that no the marriage to the boy the young fellow
evil would happen as a result of the S passes away. Why? No doubt the
planets configuration in February 1962. houses 2, 7 and 11 indicate marriage; but
the 11th house to Mesha-born is also the
Because, whether planets conjoin or not, Badhakasthana; 2 and 7 are maraka
what one is destined to enjoy, it cannot sthanas. Therefore, 2, 7 and 11 are not
be denied, not delayed. It will never be only for the increase in the number of the
altered or adjusted. If one is to live for members by marriage but also they are the
long number of years, the configuration houses which threaten and portend evil
cannot end his life. If one dies, it is be- to one's longevity. The astrologer has
cause of his original horoscope and not failed to note whether it will affect the
because the planets configurated then. If longevity (by noting the sub according to
one is to come by treasure at that time, it Krishnamurti Fadhdhati and progression,
is not because of the configuration of the etc.) or he will get married. Thus there
planets but it is already known according are various points which we must note
to his horoscope that, on that date he when we judge the horoscope.
must have. Therefore configuration of
the planets will not in any manner change Only with the view, to further develop
the result, indicated in one's horoscope. the Science of Astrology and to close the.
Whateveris predicted from the chart it must gap in the incomplete science that Kula-
happen. At the same time, when I predic- pathi Shri Munshiji has appointed me as ^
ted iu the Parliamentary House Recreation Visiting Professor of Astrology to deliver '
Club, in Barathia Vidhya Bhavan, lectures regularly and conduct classes at
Karol Bagh, Laxmi Bai Nagar, Delhi and Delhi, Madras and other important centres
in Chembur, Gargaon, Bombay, Madras • of Bharatiya Vidya IBhavan so that the
and various other places, I had very students of Astrology ipay be given a good
emphatically declared that only after 15th opportunity to develop their knowledge
October, 1962, Mars will conjoin together on sound and scientific lines and help to
with Rabu in Cancer and therefore there bring thisdivjne-and mysterious science to z
will be difficulty in the north—some un- its ancient glory and render it useful to
common evil in the north—and theprices of one and all.
'First, let us know what each bouse in The question may be asked as to what
.tie Zodiac signifies. would be the lagna of Pakistan? If
1. The lagna' indicates health and Pakistan moves like a friend we have to
prosperity of the nation ; also the take the 11th house to Capricorn. If
success of the leaders of the Pakistan behaves like an enemy, we have
country. to consider the 7th house. All along,
2. The 2nd house denotes the Pakistan and India were one unit like the
revenue and the national wealth. body of a person. If one gets amputated,
the part of the body removed, has the
3. The 3rd bouse shows those who same chart at birth, but the house it
destroy the crops, the locust the represents depends on the part of the body
rat, the jackals etc. : also the removed.
assistance which the Government In my prediction, which I gave in
can have. March, 1961,1 said that there would be
4. 4th house indicates land, buil- some troubles after 15th October, 1962.
ding, crops. Public Way Depart- What happened then? Mars conjoined
ment, Transport, Air-ways, Rahu in 12° Cancer. Mars is lord of 11.
Shipping, Railways etc. 1 Itb house shows a friend. Just like the
5. 5th house indicates cultural 3rd bouse denotes brother, neighbour etc.,
activities. 11th also indicates. The lord of the 11th
6. 6th house denotes health, hos- bouse is Mars, it opposes means that a
pital, epidemic, labour. Govern- friend and a neighbour will attack. We have
ment loan (Postal, Engineering, to face difficulties through such people.
Electricity to India). Capricorn-boms will find that whenever
7. 7th house, the agreement, the Mars opposes Capricorn, he will have
treaty, the international affairs, some trouble with one of the friends, so
also India represented by Capricorn will
war, breach of peace, police experience. Mars generally denotes
action etc. thieves: they will think something, talk
8. 8th denotes the unexpected death, something and do something boldly. So
disaster, disease, dafiger, diffi- India should not take anybody into confi-
culty etc. dence and in weak moments and unguar-
9. 9th indicates air travel, foreign ded moments mention the weak points of
collaboration, foreign exchange, India. Frog gets into trouble by its cry :
foreign aid, the ruler, the cabinet. the snake chases the frog: That is why
10. lOtb house denotes prestige of either silence or less of talk and much of
the country, reputation etc. action is wise.
11. What help one can have from Internal enemy: 6th house shows
others; the real surplus of the enmity : When counted Trom Capricorn
country are judged from 11th it is Gemini which is ruled by Mercury.
bouse. Hence, Postal, Electricity and Engineering
especially P.W.D. may cause headache.
12. The 12th house shows secret Postal department (as Post means after
enemies, black-marketeers,' those the event) may, on a few occasions deliver
who act against the Government, marriage invitation after the marriage is
deficit budget etc. over. Electricity may fail at the auspi-
So also the various countries are being cious moment when marriage is just to be
represented by the 12 signs of Zodiac. fixed," what an ill-omen it is? - Occasio-
12° of Capricorn indicates India. It has nally falsification of accounts and swind-
been observed that whenever this degree ling the Government money may be traced
was affected adversely, India had to face in P.W.D. None can deny the above truth.
with troubles from the time of Gazini' Rain: This year it will be really for-
Mohammed till date. tunate for India. Rains will be plenty.
irael> Iains ^ can have and I have that on 22nd May, 1966 there will be some
nilen about rains in my previous minor troubles: restoration of law and
^gazine. regards Food and Water order will be found necessary, mostly in-
• ^^"wrned, Saturn will continue to be the North—North-western region within:
Meeoa.Pisces sign for 2£ years and it India. The place will be watered by River^
in direct motion and also retro- Indus. From 22nd May, 1966 about 8 or
^atllrn aspect
ftfta quinlile can
form Sextile aspect 9 days it cannot be said as a peaceful time
within Sun when but it is an undesirable time. There will be
un enters into the Rohini Vrishaba internal trouble. Infiltration is not ruled
\ aurus). Therefore whenever beneficial out. Again around 22nd November, 1966
spect is formed with Sun when it just similar trouble will be experienced, and
krs Rohini, when Saturn and Jupiter some sort of Police action will be needed.
©t be in direct motion in the coming 2£ Price level:—The prices of the com.
there will be satisfactory rains and modities will settle down and stabilise
. y one. On 3rd May, 1966, Venus only after November 1966. It will go
lnth Saturn, Venus is lord of down slightly.
ws' n k therefore in around
some that time,repre-
(Venus there But as regards the share market there
nts transport). Saturn some- will be a downward trend from 22nd May,
'ng to fall down; Saturn being a 1966. Later after a week, it picks up
* ayiag planet, there will be delay in the again ; the highest level will be reached on
t e l^a n 12th August. From that date till 22nd
der ^ anot' ier
• Due to rain or the November, there will be only narrow
q dually late. ' After
un train,Venus
the trains will
conjoins fluctuation. Jobbers cannot have sufficient
p 5° there will be enough of the clouds margin, after paying brokerage. On 22nd
November, 1966,1 expect a sudden drop in
will h!^?ver without raining much as Sun the share prices. It will be at the lowest
nj' * in the fiery constellation conjoi- level till the next budget is presented.
•p. S Rahu and opposing Kethu.
's year, after the eclipse i.e., after 22nd Foreign aid:—For this purpose houses
y 2 and 6 have to be taken into considera-
ar ' 1966 one can have rains in such
mam-10neere t^16 season is to commence. I tion, other than the 9th. Saturn and Mer- '
1 te J a a^ that on 3rd May, train may run cury are the 2 planets which indicate about
th ' QB in I have to say before I forget foreign aid ; and this will be satisfactory
co . ?ins 3rd August, 1966 while Venus especially after 10th May, 1966 when
deT J<J1116111 Mars0081jn Gemini there will be a Saturn enters into its own star Uthrapathra
Can 1i or t !)' to the breach of a and after 22-6-66 when Saturn enters Mer-
SpJ wild stream which will be in cury sub.
cur *• The wild stream will have strong Industrialisation :—There will be vast
stQ-tand it will over flow due to the improvement in this sphere but yet it will
oround 1.8.66.
ar d depression in the bay on or not be to the expectation of the Govern-
ment. The ambition will be much more.
Supply: Venus conjoins Jupiter Anyhow, it will progress satisfactorily
afte inin on 7tb only after 22nd November, 1966.
m r
7lh ' August August.and before Therefore
22nd Cabinet:—As regards the Cabinet, the
jt there will be plenty of food, planets indicate that there will be some
ma i-et and* unfortunately^n after the outside changes in between 22nd August and 29th
xj 22nd August and also after 22nd November,
ovetnter there will be delay in the 1966. This is merely a reorganisation for
yernent of the goods resulting in the efficient administration. People may
UrT* et 11® 3 certa n sec expect clear and precise prediction but one
ersthe south,^ south-western
tion of theregion.
people.- should not forget that there is D.I.R.
Hostilities : The question will be asked China Libra-represents China. This
wnether there will be any hostility this year, it is a bad time for China. The con-
, ar J when we refer to the. chariwe find junction of Uranus and Pluto in Leo, the
^planetary conjunction and opposition in on which one should not travel by train.
'this year and the eclipse forming in May, I hope every one of you has noted this.
. 1966 show that the downfall of China will The most interesting thing is about China,
commence from May 1966. In October in which we are all interested. You see
.1967, I expect that China will have to Mr. Krishnamurti predicted that in Octo-
answer Russia. There will be strong mis- ber, 1962 there would be trouble on our
(understanding and also conflict between northern border and that happened. And
' China and Russia about the border line. now he is predicting that nearly five years
Because Russia engages China, India will later i.e., October 1967, China's downfall
' have time to breathe. It is really a great will be certain. When you throw up a ball,
relief. It is just like what Russia had done how high can it go : sometitne or the other
. during the Second World War, by attack- it must come down. In a similar way,
ing Germany and giving relief thereby to China started as though she was going to
England. The majority of the planets be the sole monarch of the entire world.
conjoining in Cancer do not forbade any If fact, 1 am told that children are taught
evil to India; but an elderly statesman, in China that Chinese are the only people
holding a covetable position will be affec- who are eligible to rule the entire world.
ted and even expert medical aid may not Now in 1967 in the month of October,
prove to be helpful between 22nd and 29th they will realise that As Minister in-
August, 1966. Similarly the 4th week of cbarge of Industry, 'I am very eager to
November 1966. know the future prospects of Industry,
He thanked the President and all others foreign exchange and foreign aid questions
who had assembled there. relating to which some of my friends have
asked. In so far as the industrialisation
The President, Shri D. Sanjivayya, of our country is concerned—we have.
Minister for Industry, thereafter, spoke as chosen this year as the ' India Productivity
under: Year' to show to the world that we can
"It is a, very pleasing function and after increase the production—I got solace from
listening to an erudite scholar of the the words of the Professor that 1966 is not
stature of Prof. Krishnamurti for the going to be so difficult a year as we seem
first time, I must confess that I never knew to think, and the day is not far off when
anything about Astrology or at least we will see that our foreign exchange
Astronomy. But as a student of mathe- • position will be satisfactory. We all know
matics, I had to study the subject called ' that, yesterday, my friend and college,
' Statistics \* In the subject we study a Shri Ashok Mehta, left Delhi for the USA
theory called the " Theory of probability." and I hope and trust that on .account of
What is this theory. The theory of proba- the friendly atmosphere created by our
bility is this—you take hundred coins and respected Prime Minister (Shrimati Indira
throw them up. At least you will get Gandhi) and the further efforts of
fifty coins with heads on, and in a similar Shri Ashok Mehta, we will receive more
way 1 can become an astrologer, go to and more foreign aid, more and more of
any one of you and say that you are get- precious raw materials required for our
ting a daughter, you will have a very pros- industry, and let us hope that we will very
perous and happy married life, and like soon achieve the cherished goal of econo-
that, and 50% will come true. That was mic prosperity, and also hope that the
my knowledge of the theory of probability. people of riiir country may live in pence
But after listening to an erudite scholar, an nnd prosperity. May God bless us all.
experienced Astrologer like Prof. Krishna- May J, on behalf of you and on my own
murti probably mathematics will have to behalf thank Professor Krishnamurti for Anyway it was really plea- his valuable lecture to-day."
sant to hear a learned person and more so. The meeting concluded with a vote of
when Prof. Krishnamurti predicts the thanks to the Chair by Prof. P. Sankara-
future for us, pertaining to our own country, narayanan, Director of the Bhavan follow-
to the entire nation and especially the date ed by the National Anthem.
Moolam:—In Sagittarius 0° to 13° 20'» views, loves expensive and ultra-comfor-
19th star. Sign ruled by Jupiter; star table things, refined-mind, fond of drama
governed by Kethu. and art. (Tender-hearted men, fishermen,
Part of the body :—Hips, thighs, femur, navigators, aquatic animals, etc., those
ilium, sciatic nerves. that live, by water, those who are devoted
to truth, purity and wealth, constructors
Diseased:—Locomotor ataxia, rheuma- of bridges and aquatic fruits and flowers.
tism, lumbago, hip diseases, pulmonary Will have an amiable wife, will be proud
troubles. and firm in friendship.)
Mental qualities1Generous, honest, Profession: Judge, advocate, banker,
respectful, commanding others esteem, cashieV, accountant, Director, revenue
cordial, genial, jovial, lawabiding, super- and finance department, food sugar, silk,
stitious, forgiving, philanthropic, benevo- cotton', rubber, railway, road, building,
lent, charitable. God-fearing, religious, air travel. Goddess temple, social studies,
hopeful, buoyant, humane, always con- welfare officer animal husbandry, garden,
templative, social. (Will be proud, nursery transport, music, film show,
wealthy, happy, of a sort disposition, foreign exchange, stock exchange, restau-'
firm-minded but luxurious in living.) rants, hostels, business with partner,
Profession: Religious endowment, ad- ayurveda medicine, physician, women and
vocates, judges, teachers, purohits, pur- children hospital, Health Centre.
anas, ambassadors, Congressmen, literate, (21.a) Uthrashada 1 Quarter: In
cabinet officials, physicians, ayurdeva, Sagittarius 26° 40' to 30°. Sign-ruled by
social worker, councillor, provision dea- Jupiter. Star governed by Sun.
lers, horse-racing, gain through big
ventures, International trade, Assembly Part of the body: Thighs, femurs-
Speakers, exchange, imports (Medicines, arteries.
Physicians,* Deacon of Corporations, very Diseases: Sciatica, Paralysis of limbs,
rich men, persons dealing in fiowers, roots pulmonary diseases, eyes affected.
and fruits, seeds, and'those that feed on Mental qualities: Lofty ideals, noble
fruits and roots). aspiring disposition, benevolent, philan-
(20) Poorvashada: 20th star. In thropic, success in religion, law-abiding,
Sagittarius 13° 20' to 26° 40'. Sign lord expansive mind, disposition, funny and
Jupiter. Star lord Venus. jovial, cheerful, hopeful, no mind to have
Part of the body; Thighs, hips, the ''tainted money". Pillars of good
coccygeal and sacral regions of the spine, society, optimistic outlook, cheerful pro-
the iliac arteries and veins. ficiency in some branch of learning.
Diseases: Sciatica,'diabetis,rheumatism, (Malhouts, Wrestlers, horses, elephants,
respiratory diseases, Cancer in lungs, immovables, warriors, devotees of Gods,
hipgout, surfeits, cold, moist humour, persons enjoying pleasure and militant
putrefaction of blood, swellings about the persons. Will be well-behaved, righteous,
knees. will have many friends, will be grateful
Mental qualities: Magnanimous, Over- and amiable.)
.liberal, broad-minded, educated, hating Profession: Arbitrators, judges, poli-
close relatives, pleasing manners, polite, tician, bank, finance department, shipping^
honest, loves others, just, compassionate, education, religion, international trade,
moderate, optimistic, tolerant of others' Embassy, Export Promotion, Free Trade,
Physician, Ayurveda medicine, Port.Trust, Jail, Engineer, ancient languages, skin
Customs, Jail Department, Refugee Camp, hides.
Hospitals, Charitable Institutions. (22) Sravana: In Capricorn 10° to
(21. b) Uthrashada 2nd, 3rd and 4th 23° 20'. Sign ruled by Saturn and star by
padas: In Capricorn 0° to 10°. Sign Moon.
ruled by Saturn and star by Sun.
Part of the body:
Part of the body: Skins, Knees, knee, skin.
Diseases: Eczema, skin diseases, lep- Diseases: Filaria, eczema, skin disea-',
rosy, erysipelas, digestive trouble, uneasi- ses, leprosy, boils, pus formation, rhcu-'
ness due to gas in the stomach, dull pain, matism, tuberculosis, pleurisy and poor
rheumatism, palpitation of heart, cardiac digestion.
thrombosis. Mental qualities: Sober,conservative,
" Mental qualities: Methodical, organi- pessimistic, cautious, economical, prudent,
sing with foresight, diplomatic, during contemplative, careful, a little funky,'
execution carrying out any work with lacks courage, true, sincere, faithful
moral stamina sincere, reliable, economi- patient worker, perseverence, • attentive.
cal, prudent, indomitable will, calculative, (Jugglers, ever-active, able, devotees of
best fitted to reduce expenses and bold a Vishnu, energetic and righteous men and
position in retrenching department, or truthful persons. Will be learned, possess
such departments to say "No", to a generously disposed wife, will be wealthy
lengthen correspondence, to delay as much and famous.)
as possible and at last sanction to the Profession: Mine, mine products,
.dissatisfaction of the applicant. liquids, oils, kerosene, petrol, coal, wet
Profession: Position of trust, estate, lands, wells, trenches, excavation, tunnels,
mine, coal, Income-tax Officer attending to fishermen, ministers, kings, agriculturists,
death duty, estate duty, scientific research, plumbers, mine engineers, ice cream,
finance department, curtailing expenses, frigidaire, aircooler, those who serve at
control department, archaeology, monu- night or work underground, drivers,
ments; antiquities, wool. Homeopathy, pearls, submarine.
Dear Sir,
1 will be failing in my duty if 1 do not
congratulate you for the prediction which
you offered in 1961 at Delhi. 1 consulted
you for my daughter's maniage and you
predicted that she will get married only in
1966 that too on a Monday in the last
week of May, 1966. Only to-day we have
fixed up the maniage and it is really sur-
prising to note that 1 am celebrating it on
^OthMay which is a Monday. As I am
writing in a hurry, lam not giving in
detail the other particulars regarding the
bridegroom which have also agreed.
Really he is in Automobile and in the
Defence, as you said.
1 thank for your uncanny prediction Saturn Dasa balance at the time of
according to your Padhdhati. I shall be birth —7years 1 month and 12 days.
grateful to you if you be pleased to grace
the occasion with your presence along Therefore she is running Mercury Dasa
with your family and children. from 12-2-1949. It will be over by
Yours sincerely, 12-2-1966.
Inspector of Police, Why should 1 say that till February
New Delhi. '1966 she cannot get married and it should
14-5-66 be in the last week of May 1966?
(1) 7th Cusp receives aspect directly
The horoscope of the bride is as under: from Moon, which is in its own
(2) Kethu, a node, conjoined with
Mercury has to give the results
"r '"pi- of Mercury.
(3) Kethu is in the constellation of
the node in the second house.
(4) Kethu is to indicate, lord of 7
(5) No other planet is in the constel-
lation of Rahu.
(6) Sun and Venus are in 7 and
Jupiter is in 11. No planet is in
Sun's star except Saturn. Mars
and Rahu are in Venus star.
No planet is in Jupiter's star.
(7) Moon alone is In the constella- It is not uncommon that a few mayj
tion of Saturn and is in the sub— advance an argument, that the girl was, so
a fruitful planet and sign* far, having Ashtama Sani. What a hasty
(8) When you study the sub, you can conclusion, will be asked by a student,
understand that the favourable who will, unhesitatingly put the question
ones are Kethu, Saturn, Moon "Then, does it mean that people bom
and Venus. Hence, I pitched with Moon in Cancer will remain un-
upon Kethi^ Dasa Kethu Bhukti married till Ashtama Sani is over".
Sani Anthra as the time of mar-
riage which comes after the 3rd A few may say that "Guru Balam was
week of May, 1966. not found in 1961 or 1963 etc." Now the
Further, Sun, lord of 2, to fix the day marriage has come up. Is there the so.
must transit in Venus sign, Moon star. calledouru Balam or Vijaya Balam?
Saturn or Kethu sub. Sun enters Moon's
star generally on 23rd May any year. Saturn It is advisable to unlearn such of those
sub or Kethu sub will be end of May or rules which will fail in larger number of
beginning of June. So I predicted. cases than success in a very few.
During war time, the clocks showed one To clear doubts one should follow the
hour in advance of actual time. A native method, advocated by KRISHNA-
born in 1942 has got his horoscope MURTI, the esteemed editor of tke
correctly erected for his time of birth. magazine * Astrology and Athrishta'.
But has got the doubt, whether the time Note down the time of analysis. It is
taken for erection of horoscope was actual 7-35 A.M. on 7-4-66. Find out the ruling
time, of birth for the clock time. His planets. Since the chart is taken only to
horoscope is given below. According to find out whether it is correct or not, the
this the time taken for calculation was ruling planets at the time of analysis
[. 4-26 A.M. (correct time). The clock time ' should have ruled the birth time also. In
^ might have been 5-26 at the time of birth. other words, the analysis is to find out the
£ The problem is to find out whether the birth time only. Hence when the birth
h chart below is correct: Time of birth occurred, the planets ruling then should
* 4* 26
TC A x* 8-11-42 also rule the moment of analysing the
' - A M- 0,1 9TO2 horoscope also otherwise the horoscope is
By ruling planets, it is meant as follows:
(1) The Lord of the day.
(2) Lord of the star in which moon
(3) Lord of the sign (Rasi) in which
R A SI CHART moon transits.
14-26 A.M. 8-11-1942 (4) Lord of the lagna sign or the
sign in which the Ascendant
LagnaSun (5) The lord of the star rising in the
Moon east i.e., the star, in which the
Mars Ascendant transits.
Venus On 7-4-66 at 7-35 A.M., the ruling of
planet are as below:—
1. JUPITER: Lord of the day Thurs-
2. RAHU : Lord of the star Swathi.
3. VENUS: Lord of LIBRA-Thulam
(RASI) in which Moon
was transiting.
4. MARS: Lord of the lagna Aries-
5. VENUS : Lord of the star Bharani
rising in the east at
7-35 A.M.
Rahu, unaspected by any planet re-
presents lord of the sign Taurus—Rishaba
p. 20-21 missing
(3) Planets in the constellations of in his sub period. His sub period rue
the lords of houses 2, 7 and 11. from 1-3-1966 to 7-6-1968. .Jupiter su
(4) Lords of houses 2, 7 and 11. sub periodruns from 1-3-1966 to20-6-196
The native will be married during thi
(5) Planets conjoined with or. aspec- period.
ted by significators.
Mercury is posited in Punarvasu rulbd
2nd house is occupied by Rahu. Arudra, by Jupiter. Jupiter is posited in Rohjni
Swathianet and Sathabisha are ruled by Rahu. ruled by Moon, lord of lagna and he is in
Jjo pl Pos^te^ 'n ti1686 constella- the sub of Venus, who is Karaka for
tions- marriage.. Mercury rules Wednesday;
7th house is vacant. Moon rules Monday: Jupiter rules
Thursday. Therefore' the native will be
Hth house is occupied by Jupiter. married either on Monday, or Wednesday
P narvasu» Visakha and Poorvabhadra are or Thursday. The ruling constellation or
* uledarVasu.
^ ICethu Mercury
is positedisinplaced in
Poorva- sign that the day of marriage will belong
to either Mercury or Jupiter or Saturn. The
bhadra. Therefore Mercury and Kethu are time when the thread of marriage will be
significators. tied will relate to either the sign or star of
Rahu is posited in the 2nd house, Mercury or Jupker.
rU niter is posited in 11th house. 2nd house ■ The native will be married with a
■ dicates Editions to the family; 11th beautiful wife on 25-5-1966, on Wednesday
bouse indicates permanent tie and life in the bright half of Jyeshta Masa (Lunar
pondage- ore month of Jyeshta) Panchami (5th plaran
*fberef the significators indicating day) when the ruling star is Pushyam and
jparriagc are Rahu, Jupiter, Mercury and when the constellation Punarvasu in the
Kethu. sign Gemini is rising in the east at
The tfative is under the major period of 8-33 A.M.
Mercury* Rabu and Kethu are not connec- May the heaven's choicest blessings
JpH with Venus, the karaka for marriage. shower on the young and beautiful couple
jefore Rahu and Kethu as sub lords for a long long happy and prosperous
will not ^ess the native married happiness. married life!
Tnpiter posited in sign Taurus ruled by
V nus. ^ence Jnp'ter will cause marriage (Written on 13-3-1966.]

j:-_22 —
What do you think of this boy ? governed by Kethu. Therefore he would
Will he have domestic life? He has prefer solitude, he will shun the society;
[joined a Mutt. he will have the desire to study philosophy :
try to meditate, concentrate and thereby
^ Lagoa 1.6 aim to have the uplife of the soul. As
ri Jupiter Sat. 7.50 Mrinn0 53 lord of 10, he will do karmayoga. As
. 13.25 Kethu 6.45 Moon 0.5J lord of 11, Saturn blesses him so that he
Uranus 29.1 can have his desires fulfilled. So, planets
in the constellation of Saturn will offer the
results indicated by Saturn, Only Jupiter
is in Uthrapadra ruled by Saturn. So
during Jupiter Dasa Saturn Bhukti Moon
7-12.1939 8-30 P.M. Anthra he will be detached from family
Merc. 7.51 ties: he will take the divine path : he will
Sun 21.10 go out of the house. Jupiter denotes
Venus 21.39 the direction North-East he will proceed
Nept. 29.49 to a place North East to that place where
he is just before Moon Anthra : (Leaving
the house is shown by the 3rd and.l2tb
house). Actually he went to an Ashramam
on 19-4-1964.
Houses 2, 7 and 11 indicate marriage.
Dasa balance Mars dasa 3 years 13 Rahu is in the seventh house. Rahu alone
is in its constellation.
days. 11th house is not occupied.
The boy is bornin Mesha— Aries Lagna.
It is occupied by debilitated Saturn and 2nd and 7th houses are owned by Venus.
Gnanakaraka Kethu with perverted intelli- Bharani, Poorvapalguni and Poorvashada
gent planet Uranus. Lord of Lagha, the are under the control of Venus. Sun and
independent and fiery Mars is exalted in Venus are in (Hubba) Poorvapalguni.
Capricorn. Uranus and Mars are in the 11th house is owned by Saturn. Jupiter
constellation of the fiery planet Sun. alone is in the constellation of Saturn.
Moon, which governs the mind, is also in Hence Jupiter is another significator.
Mars constellation Mrigasira. Therefore Jupiter, Sun, Venus and Rahu
Therefore he is a pucca Martian* are the significators. -
Martians will be active and ambitious, The time of marriage will be Jupiter
bold and impulsive. They will change Dasa Venus Bhukti Rahu Anthra Sun
their ideas and hold their opinion tight Shookshrna. Therefore in November 1969
and try to stick to the same till they find when Sun transits in Swathi star ruled by
reasons to give up the original and take Rahu (in Libra sign governed by Venus)
another. They act first, speak out next he will get married.
and think at the last. Where? In the mutt or at home. During
As immediately after his birth Saturn Jupiter Dasa Venus Bhukti Moon Anthra
and Kethu rose in the east, they will modify he will return home. (Moon in 3.) During
the martian tendencies. Both Saturn and Rahu Anthra, negotiation and celebration
Kethu are in the constellation Aswini, are promised.

Jyotish Visharath K. GANAPATHI
Sun and Mercury are in the 4th house:
I am a regular reader of your magazine Sun rules Karthlkai, Uthrapalguni and
since a year. My horoscope is furnished Uthrashada. No planet is posited in thes&
below. I purchased a plot of land years stars. Mercury rules Ashlesha, Jyeshta
ago and I consulted one Mr. Murahari and Revathi. Jupiter and Moon are in
Rao at Hyderabad when I felt depressed, Jyeshta. Hence Jupiter, Moon, Sun and
asl couldnolstartconstructinga building. Mercury are the significators. He could
He told that I would be able to lay foun- have pitched upon Moon sub period in
dation on 27-4-1966. It did happen only Sun Dasa but he had left it as it was in
on the same day. He has told that I the sub of Ashtama Stbana Adhipathi
would occupy ihe same only around Venus occupying 3rd house.
December, 1967. When I requested him Mars is lord of 2. But it is in Rahu
to reason out as I consider that it will be constellation and is conjoined with Kethu.
too late, he has asked me to write to you It is afflicted.
so that you will explain more clearly in Next Rahu sub period operated, which
your technique which he has followed. also becomes inauspicious by occupying
May I request' you to predict whether I 5tb Bhava.
will occupy the house in December, 1967
alone and offer your explanation. But Jupiter is in 9. It is lord of 1 and
Yours sincerely, 10. It is in the constellation of lord of 4
Sd.y D.H.P. Rao. and in the sub of Mercury. Hence Jupiter
strongly promises house-building etc. and
Venus 10° he has pitched it. As Jupiter is under the
Sun 28.14 sway of Mercury, he selected Mercury
Anthra. Since you bad 12 years and 6
months of Mercury Dasa at birth, he would
Marsll.46 have found that Sun Dasa Jupiter Bhukti'
ifCcthu 1.54 started on 1-2-66. He calculated and
I Born on noted that Mercury Anthra runs in April,
18-7—1924. 1966. As you are running Jupiter Bhukti
Mercury Anthra, he selected Mercury day,
Jupiter's star and .Mercury sign as lagna.
It coincides with 27-4-1966.
Jupiter Jupiter Bhukti will be over by
1S.09 Saturn 19-H-1966. Saturn runs for 11 months
Moon 3.0 and 12 days. Saturn opposes lagna. You
20 12
will face some scarcity of material, labour
*Dear Sir, etc. There must be delay. When Mer-
Second Bhavaindicates self-acquisition: cury starts in its own anthra, it will give
4th shows permanent possession. Hence entry into the bouse on Uthrhm star day
one is to note in December, 1967. Sukra occupies the
(a) the planets deposited in the cons- 3rd house. To enter into a new house
stellation of the occupants of means to leave the place where you had
these houses; been staying all along and occupy another.
(b) the tenants in these two houses; 3rd house denotes vacating the previous
(c) those situated in the constellation .house. Hence during Sun Dasa Mercury
of the lords of these houses; Bhukti Sukra Anthra you will enter into
(d) the lords of 2 and 4 or; your new house. From the almanac, he^
(e) those with whom the significators will note the day when Moon passes in
are conjoined or those whom the Uthrapalguni and give you the date as be
significators aspect did for laying foundation.
Will I go overseas. If so, when? The planet is in Sravanam. Mercury rules
horoscope is given below : Aslesba, Jyesbta and Revathi. No planet
Uranus is found deposited in any of the'3 stars.
11-38 Jupiter Hence you have to consider these three
Saturn 26-43 planets.
19-24 What is the first consideration ?
As Rahu and Kethu are the nodes and
Born they have no house of their own but they
12—9—1942 offer the results of the planets with which
3 A.M. they are conjoined, or by which they are
□ear Ahmedabad. Venus
8-39 aspected or the lord of the sign in which
10-27 they are posited. So observe whether
Sun 25-33 Rahu or Kethu occupy the signs ruled by
' Mars 3-30 Mercury, Moon or Saturn. Kethu is in
Nep. 6:14 Aquarius ruled by Saturn- Therefore
Merc. 21-&1 reject Saturn but select Kethu. Hence the
significators are Kethu, Moon and
Moon Dasa Balance 9 years 4 months 9th house remains vacant.
24 days.
What is meant by overseas? You make 12th house is occupied by Jupiter,
a long journey; leave your native place Punarvasu, Visakam, Poorvapathra are
live among new surroundings and environ- governed by Jupiter. No planet is situated
ments in a foreign place. either in Visakam or Poorvapadra. But
Jupiter himself gains strength by being
Therefore which houses are to be deposited in his own star Punarvasu, by
judged? owning the 9th house and occupying the
Ninth house denotes long journey: 12th house. As you have enough signifi-
Twelfth house to the fourth (which shows cators, you do not proceed further. Why?
permanent place of residence) indicates The planets occupying the constellation
leaving your permanent residence i.e., the of those tenanted in the houses signifying
3rd house and the twelfth bouse portrays the matter are the strongest significators.
life in a foreign place. Hence, judge the Only when you do not get 3 or 4 signifi-
houses 3, 9 and 12.. cators you have to include the tenants of
Are we to consider the planets tenanted the houses.
in those houses or the lords? Which is to If there are no occupants, consider the
be taken ? planets posited in the constellation of the
Strength of the significators are to be lords of these houses and when you are
judged by their occupation and the selec- not able to have 3 significators consider
tion of the significators should be made the lords. Lastly take those conjoined
only by following the order given under. with any of the significators or aspected
House three is occupied by Moon and by the significators.
Mercury. Moon's stars are Rohini, If you get large number of planets and
Hastha and Sravana : Saturn is in Rohini- if you find difficulty in selecting 3 or 4
Moon and Mercury are in Hastham: no alone to fix the time according to Udu
dasa system then, the unfailing method Rahu Dasa Mercury Bhukti Moo
which I advocate for all queries, is to be Anthra Jupiter Shookshma will operate 1
followed. It runs between February and Marco
What is it? 1968.
Note the lord of the day when you One may ask why one should not select
answer the question. Similarly include Rahu Dasa Mercury Bhukti Jupiter Anthra
the lord of the constellation in which and Moon Shookshma i.e., around
Moon transits at that time, the lord of February, March 1969.
the rasi and the lord of the lagna and Indeed, both need consideration.
constellation lord at that moment where How to select either or are we to give
lagna falls. It is 2-5-1966, It is Monday both the dates? You are correct.
governed by Moon. Moon transits in Now judge from transit results. If on
Hastham star ruled by Moon. Lagna is either of the occasions, you find favour-
Mithuna owned by Mercury and the cons- able indication, select that date alone.
tellation is Arudhra lord-of which Is Rahu But if on both the occasions, you get
as the lagna degree is 13° Gemini. The harmonious aspect, boldly declare both
sub is also Mercury, "fherefore select the dates.
Mercury and Moon and consider why
Rahu gained the strength to signify. In this case, in February, 1969, you
Now the native is running Rahu Dasa. find that Jupiter conjoins the exact
Without any hesitation pitched up the time position of Moon, Saturn transits in
of event as Rahu Dasa Mercury Bukthi Mercury star Jupiter sub and Rahu will
Moon Anthra Jupi.ter Shookshma or Rahu be in Pisces.
dasa Moon Bhukti Mercury Anthra Jupiter So, you will go in the 3rd week of
Shookshma. February, 1969.
M. S. MANI, b.B.
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
To predict the exact moment of a. sensitive point in the Zodiac which should
particular event, which is to take place be governed by Mars and Venus and also
Within a few hours, one should follow the by any one of the following; l.Moon,
method expounded by Krishnamurthy. - The 2. Sun, 3. Venus. [These are sub • lords
principles of Horary Astrology according to for the Lagna region.]
Krishnamurti, are found to give One should carefully cast and study the
astoundingly accurate results io all cases planetary position at the time of query.
without exception just as in the case of other The chart at 3-30 P.M. on 22-5-66 [Time
branches of Astrology. of query] is given below:
I narrate an incident below to prove the
abovestatement. I went to arail way station
along with my friend Mr. Nityanandan,
who was to make a journey. He asked
me to predict the moment of arrival of the
train for which he was waiting as we were
informed that she is late. I asked him
to give a number within 108, and he
mentioned 56. I applied Krishnamurti
Padhdhati for prediction, and told him N o. for the quer y iS 56
that the train would arrive only at
4-50 P.M. We waited for the train which
came very late ; yet the time of arrival
was exactly 4-50 P.M. which agrepd 100%
with the prediction offered.
Method of Analysis: The Zodiac
contains 0° to 360°. If the Zodiac is It is said above that the lord of the
divided into 108 equal parts then each part lagna sign and star must rule the Zone,
extends to 3° 20'. For example No. 1 transited by the Ascendant when the query
represents 0° to 3° 20' counted from Aries- will be fulfilled. One of the sub lords
Mesha 0°. No. 108 represents 356° 40 to also will rule. So, Mars and Venus
360° counted from Aries-Mesha 0°. Gut should rule the position the Ascendant at
the number mentioned by the querist was the time of the arrival of the train. But
56 represented by the region 183° 20'to look at the planetary positions. The
186° 40' counted from Aries • Zero, i.e. ephemerical distance between Rahu and
Chithra 4th pada. Mars is 6 minutes only. They
The next step is to find out the planets rapt conjunction. Rahu is a node. It
which rule this region or Zone. 180° to is always stronger than the planet
210° counted from ^ries—Mesha 0° is the conjoined with it. Hence one should
sign Libra—Thulam owned by Venus. substitute Rahu in the place of Mars.
The star is Chitrai 4th Pada. The star is -So, Venus and Rahu should rule the
ruled by Mars. The sub portions of the region transited by the' Ascendant at
star Chitrai 4th Pada are ruled by Venus, the time of the arrival of the train- Also
Sun and Moon. any one of the following should rule this
At the time of fructification of query, sensitive point or sub. 1. Sun. 2. Moon.
the Ascendant should transit at such a 3. Venus.
The sign Libra—Thulain will be rising house. Sun is in Karthik cons
in the east. It contains the star Chitra So it cannot give the native c]
ruled by Mars, Swathi, ruled by Rahu, place, since 11th Bhava does r
Visakam ruled by Jupiter. Rahu is cate journey or change of p
stronger than Mars. Venus is also a promises inseparable temparan:
significator, So select Venus sign, Rahu the same surroundings.
star, i.e., the region called as the constel- Venus is in the constellation i
lationSwathi i.e., 6° 40" to 20° in Libra— in the sub of Mercury, lord of
Thulam, Kanni, the 12th house indicatin
In this which sub will you select ? Is it of place and also the lord of M
Moon, gun or Venus sub ? Gemini, the 9th house indicai
For this assess the strength - of the journey. Hence select sub of
planetsSun, Moon, and Venus with refe- Rahu's star Swathi, in the sign
rence to the query. Thulam owned by Venus.
The querist will experience change of The Ascendant' will transit
place indicated by 12th Bhava and will region from 4-50 P.M. (1ST),
also have a journey (long) indicated by was predicted that the arrival of
9th Bhava. Arrival of the train brings would be at 4-50 P.M. which we
about journey and change of place to the to be correct according to Kris
queriest. So judge the houses 9 and 12- Padhdhati, and it was found to be
Lagna Bhava is [3° 20' to 6° 40'] in To my knowledge, there is
Libra—Thulam to [4° 20' to 6° 40'] in method of prediction oth<
Scorpio—Vrischika. Sun is the lord of, Krishnamurti Padhdhati which
the sign Leo—Simha which is the 11th such wonderful and useful predic
M. S. Mani, b.e.
In this article, the prediction based on 5. The star rising in the east is
the time of query is illustrated. The VISAKAM ruled by Jupiter. Rahu is
problem is to find out the time of emp- conjoined with Mercury and Mars. Hence
loyment of a gentleman who has no horos- Rahu becomes a strong significator.
cope. The time of query was 5-43 P.M. Let us analyse the chart. Signifying
on 22-5-1966. houses for profession are 2nd Bhava fself-
When the horoscope is not available* Aquisition), 6th and 10th Bhavas (Profes-
the chart at the moment of query is to be sion), 10th cusp.
treated as birth chart. The position of 10th cusp falls in240 31' Cancer-Kataka.
Moon will give the balance of dasa as The planets ruling this degree are Moon,
though it is a natal chart. The chart at (lord of the sign) Mercury ,(lonl of the
the moment of query is given below: star), and Rahu (lord of the sub). Rahu
is in conjunction with Mercury and Mars.
Venus I | Sun T 34' Moon Hence they also become significators.
26* 08' ' U»ia 2" 08' 3* QS'
Saturn ^ Jupiter Significators are selected in the following
4*24' I Kfths l* 64' 10° 06' order:
(1) Planets in the constellation or
RASI CHART sub of the occupants of the bhavas 2, 6
5-43 P.M. on and 10.
Balance of Mars dasa ' (2) Occupants of 2, 6 and 10.
1 year 5 months (3) Planet in the constellation or
22 days
sub of lords of 2, 6 and 10.
(4) Lords of .2, 6, 10.
(5) Planets conjoined are aspected
by the significator.
Lagna is 26° LIBRA-Thulam. 2nd house
It is a universal rule that if the results is 26° SCORPIO-VRISCHIKA to 26°
Dhanur-Sagittarius. No planet is posited
agree by transit and progression, planets, in this area.
ruling at the moment of analysis of the
horoscope, for a specific result, will be the 6th house is 26° Pisces-Meena to 26°
significators. Aries-Mesha, Venus is posited in this
area. No planet is posited in its star or
At this present moment the ruling sub. Lord of 6th house Pisces-Meena is
planets are as below : Jupiter. Mars, Mercury and Rahu are in
1. To day is Sunday ruled by SUN. the sub of Jupiter. So Mars, Mercury
and Rahu are significators besides Venus.
2. Moon transits in the star Mriga- lOth house is 26° Cancer-Kataka to 26°
seerisha owned by MARS. Leo-Simha. No planet is in its constella-
3. Moon transits in the sign tion. Lord of Cancer-Kataka is Moon. No
GEM INI-MITHUNA, ruled by MER- planet is in its constellation.
CURY. So the significators are Mercury, Mars,
4. Lagna transits in the sign LIBRA- Rahu and Venus. Sun, conjoined with
Thulam ruled by VENUS. Mars also becomes a significator.
Taking the position of Moon to calculate, 10th cusp is governed by Moon, Mer->
the dasa balance the native will be running cury and Rahu. Jupiter is in Rahu's i
Mars Dasa, VENUS Bukthi, Mercury constellation and Mercury and Mars are :
Anthra and VENUS Sookshama on conjoined with Rahu. Moon represents '
25th July, 1966. On 25th, a Monday, water. Mercury indicates electricity, Mars
Mbdn transits in Sv/athi star in Venus for machinery and Mars and Mercury for
sign. The native will get employed around Engineering. Hence the native will be
dhat period. Rahu is conjoined, at the appointed in Hydro-Electric power system
time of analysis, with Mars and Mercury on 25-7-1966.
and hence will give the result on the day
when Moon transits in its star.
Dear Mr. C. to be the same at the time when I begin to
I had been to Hyderabad in the last write. By that one has to understand that
week of April and I delivered a lecture at the horoscope is correct and one can
Hotel Dwaraka when the Finance Minister proceed to predict.
Dr. Chenna Reddy presided. As I was in Your query is about the profession.
Delhi and then in Hyderabad, I could not Always one has to judge the houses 2,6
go through your letter addressed to and 10. Second house indicates acquisi-
Madras. Had I known your address, I tion. 6th house shows service and the
could have visited your place, explained lOth'house indicates one's profession' or
and given a detailed reading. Anyhow, business. The order in which one has to
since I returned after a hectic tour,, only find out the signiflcators will be as
to-day after going through your anxious follows:—
letter I am immediately answering your
query. 1. The planet tenanted in the con-
stellation of the depositors in the
U'11 ''-14 house 2 or 6 or 10.
Kethu S-l Saturn
2S 27 lup. Vcn 2-48
fl-IO Mercury 2. The planet tenanted in the houses
" Sun 20-32 13-49
2 or 6 or 10.
3. The planet occupying the cons-
stellation of the lords of these
4-6-4! three houses.
6-05 P.M. 4. The. lords of the above 3 houses
signifying profession.
3. Planets in any manner connected
with any of the above significa-
tors either by conjunction or by
aspect and so on.
Here, of the houses 2, 6 and 10, the 2nd
Your brother is born in Vrischika house is vacant. The 6th is occupied by
(Scorpio) lagna ruled by Mars. In Ranya Saturn and Jupiter. The 10th house is
Rasi governed by Bhudha and so Mars occupied by Rahu and Moon. No doubt
and Mercury are his ruling planets. Jupiter Jupiter, Rahu and Moon are in the 7th
aspects the lagna along with Sun. So I and 11th signs. But yet, they fall within
put a question within myself, whether the the houses (Bhavas) 6th and the 10th.
horoscope presented by you is correct? Indeed, we have to find out which are the
How do I satisfy myself? I consider the planets that occupy the constellation of
moment when I take your chart. The the depositors in the houses 6th and the
lagna for the moment I take, is Simha 10th.
(Leo). It is ruled by Sun-To-day, the Saturn governs the stars Pushya,
star is Revathi, the lord of which is Anuradha and Uthrapadrapada. Only
Mercury and the day is Tuesday and it is Kethu is' found in Uthrapadrapada.
ruled by Mars. Revathi is in the sign Jupiter rules tbe stars Punarvasu, Visak
Pisces, which is owned by Jupiter. There- and Poorvapadrapada. No planet is in
fore the four ruling planets at the time of the sway of Jupiter. Rahu is the lord of
the birth of your brother Mr. R. happens Arudhra,' Swasthi and Sathabisha.
Mercury and Mars are found in Rahu Kuja, Guru and Mercury also indicate.
constellation. Moon which is also found Rahu indicates that the department in
to be in the 10th house is the lord of the which he will be working will be a Cloth
5 stars Rohini, Hastham and Sravana Mill or an Industry. Generally, Moon and
and Ravi alone is under the sway of Mercury indicate cotton. Yarn etc., and
Moon. Therefore Kethu, Kuja, Mercury Mars shows the Mill, Factory or Industry.
and Rahu are the strong planets which Jupiter aspecting Rahu (and Mercury
indicate about the profession. Therefore ruling the sign Virgo) shows that be will
one can e&pect your brother to be appoin- be an Assistant in the Accounts Depart-
ted during Rahu Dasa Mercury Bukthi ment in any Mill;- as Kujamles the sub
Mars Anthra and Kethu Sookshama. sub period and it is'occupying the 4th
Tbat willbe in August, 1966. The dasa house, he will be appointed in the 'same
balance at the time of the birth as is town where be lives. It does not show
furnished by you is a little greater. separation from the family. Nor it port-
Actually it is only 8 years 11 months and rays any journey, nor life in a foreign
2 days. So, I think that Rahu, Mercury place and so on. So, your brother,
and Mars will give the appointment to him whether he'makes attempts or not,'will
on 16th August, 1966 (interview). And on surely get into service on 24th August,
24th August, he will join duty. 1966 according to the horoscope presented
The nature of the work would be by you.
Rahu and Moon are conjoined together;
The horoscope is as under : is in Kethu's star. Saturn is ah
Kethu's star. .Select Sun and h
Rahu Jupiter Therefore Mercury, Sun and Mars ar<
2€47 11-15
Venus Mercury 10-07 Sun significators. Therefore Mercury B1
24-22 20-41 Mars Anthra Sun Shooksbma; SunBfc i
Mars or Mercury, Anthra and J |
Bhukti Sun or Mercury Anthra are I
occasions when there will be improven
in status*
I Mars So the dates are between 28-1-67 •
Moon j 2-39 21-3-67. As you are running Jupiter D;
14-26 Lagna
18-10 then Sun or Mercury will transit Jupiti
sign, Jupiter star Mars sub which \
happen in this period. Therefore you (
Saturn < Ketbu expect 16-3-1967 willbea lucky daytoht
3-52 26-07 improvementin status. The day is Thu
day, ruled by Dasa lord Jupiter. Mo
Moon Dasa Balance 6 years !■ months will transit in Sun's star. Mars si.
24 days. Karthikai 1st quarter. Lagna will be
Status, name, fame, reputation and Funarvasu star 25°, Mercury sign Jupit
promotion are judged from the house 10 star around 1-30 P.M.
and 6. Increase in income needs the con- During Jupiter Dasa Sun Bhukti Ma
sideration of the 11th house. Anthra you will draw substantive pa;
Transfer is indicated by the houses 9 plus additional pay as Sun is in Gemin
and 12 which does not include change of Therefore your services will, at that tim<
residence. Third house also should be be lent to a sister concern and you wil
have the one fifth allowance from thin
considered if there is a thorough change week October, 1971,
in residence, surroundings and environ- But during Jupiter Dasa Mars Bhukt
ments. Sun Anthra, you will be again promoted
Tenth house is occupied by Mercury and in the third week of August 1974 in your
Sun. Mercury rules the stars, Ashlesha,
Jyesbta and Revathi and no planet is parent department.
"Will the above come true? Are Sun
found in any of the 3 stars. Sun governs and Mars the significators? How to
Karthikai, Uthrapalguni and' Utbrashada. confirm these?
No planet is occupying any of the three.
No planet is found in the dth house. To-day it is 1-5-1966. The day is
Then Snd out which planets rule the Sunday ruled by Sun. Now the lagna is
houses 6 and 10. Saturn owns the 6th in Gemini 29°. It is Mercury's sign
house and Y?nus governs the 10th bouse. Jupiter star Sun sub. Sun and Mars are
Saturn is weak as it has gone to the 12th now in aries in rapt conjunction in 10th
sign to the 6th and there is neither Rahu Bbava. Therefore, without any doubt or
nor Ketbu in either of its signs, drop out hesitation, declare that the above will
Saturn. Ketbu is in Venus sign and Rahu surely come to pass according to your
is conjoined with Venus. Hence Rahu bene^cial karma done in' your previous
and Kethu are stronger. - Therefore note birth, as is indicated by the.planets at thq
the planets in the constellation of Rahu time of your birth which God is to execute
and Kethu. Sun is in Rabu's star. Mars without any modification.
The Chart is as under : Houses 1, 3, 5, and 9 are taken one by
one. In Aries Moon is deposited: Robini,
Hastham and Sravanam are ruled by
Moon. Only Saturn is in Hastha. Saturn
rules lOtb arid 11th houses and is in 6.
Hence it has to do. much with service.
|Mar5iS7 House 3 is occupied by Mercury, Venus
jNep. 19.5? and^Sun. Ashlesna, Jyeshta and Revati
belong to Mercury. No planetis tenanted
in any of these three stars. Bharani,
Poorvapalguni and Poorvashada are ruled
by Venus: Jiohu alone is in Poorvapal-
guni. Karthik, Uhtrapalguni and Uthra-
shada are governed by Sun. Moon alone
is in Karthik. Hence Moon and Rahu
are the significators for change of place.
Sundasa Balance 5 years, 5 months, 2 areRabuisinS
: Arudhra Swathi Sathabisha
its constellations. Mercury and Jupiter
Now he is running Jupiter Dasa Saturn areNoin planetArudhra and Swathi, respectively.
is in 9. Lord of 9 is Jupiter.
Bhukli from 29-1-1966. Saturn Anthra Hence
ends on 23-6-66 : Next Mercury till 2-11-66. strong Saturn, Jupiter, Moon, Rahu are
significators. Venus and Mercury
Kethu till 25-12-66. Later Venus upto come next.
2'-5-67 and so on.
One's service is indicated by the houses When is the chart taken give
Which sub period will the change?
for judgment, is
ft 6 and 10: for promotion Including to
increase in emoluments one is to judge the It be considered. Today it is 30-4-1966.
is a Saturday governed by Saturn.
11th house. Poorvapalguni is the constellation ruled by
But transfer may be a change in the
routine and change of seat or transfer may isVenus, Lagna is occupied by Jupiter as it
just past 10 A.M. Hence one is to
be change of seat, place residence and consider whether these.three planets are
surroundings. For changes in the same already found to be the significators. If
office and in the same locality without so, then the conjoined period of these three
change in residence, surroundings and planets will surely bring about a change.
environment one is to judge the 9th As be is running Jupiter Dasa Saturn
bouse, which is the 12th to the 10th. Bhukti, one is to concentrate on Venus
Houses 1 and 5 are to be included if the. Anthra which commences on 25-12-1966.
transfer involves larger expenses without Christmas day and runs till 27-5-1967.
improvement in status. Then consider the transit of .the signifi-
First of all, one is to decide whether the cators i Saturn, the Bhukti lord is in direct
lagna should be taken as the first bouse or motion from 27-11-1966. It will be in
the Moon sign. dasanatha Jupiter's star. It will come to
If lagna is afflicted by the occupation the sub of Rahu in which Jupiter was.
of the lord of 6 or 8 or 12, their consider Hence it will be around 10-1-1967." Jupiter
the Moon sign. Take the latter as the first will be in reirograde. motion and be in
house if it is not destroyed by any malefic. Saturn star Venus sub till around 7-1-1967.
As lagna is tenanted by the natural Sun will be in Jupiter sign Venus star_
malefic Saturn who is also lord of 61agnais Saturn sub on or around 10-1.1967.
weak. Moon signisnotafflicted. Therefore Hence 10th January, 1967 he will change
always take Aries as the first house. his seat and nature of work.
Then, first give -preference tc
those deposited in any of the
three constellations belonging to
the tenant.
2. If there is no planet in the cons-
tellation of the occupant note
down the occupants.
3. If none* take the lords of these 3
houses. Note down the constel-
lations governed by them. Find
out the planets situated in those
Sun constellations. If none*
IS.52 Mars 4. take the lords of the houses ; also'
V&fr? Me™. 1.0) Saturn 29.13 the planets conjoined * with or
aspected by them. Thus take the
Suo dasa balance 5 years 8 months 29 signiheators for that query.
days. 5. Find out the significators at tbe
Jupiter dasa started on 9-2-1966. time your answer the questions. .
Sir, you are born in Mithuna-Gemini Those which are found common
lagna ruled by Mercury Jagna in the star to the first 4 questions and to the
Mrigasira governed by Mars, Moon in the fifth will definitely be the signifi-
sign Aries owned by Mars and in Karthika cators.
star, lord of which is Sun. According to I. Rahuisin2: Venus in 6 and none
Krishnamurti, one can take a horoscope in 10.
for judgment only at a time governed by
the ruling planets of a native. To-day, it Rahu's stars arc Arudhra, Swathi and
is 3rd May, 1966. Day is Tuesday ruled Sathabisha: Sun is in Swathi. Barani,
by Mars: Lagna at the time of answering Poorvapalguni and Poorvashada are
is in Punarvasu star in Gemini governed governied by Venus: Jupiter is in Poorva-
by Mercury : The rasi Virgo owned by shada.
Mercury is being transitted by Moon in Therefore Jupiter and Sun are the
Chitra star, lord of which is Mars. There- significators according to the first classifi-
fore Mars and Mercury are the ruling cation or qualification.
planets at this moment and your ruling
planets at the time of birth are also Then (2) Rahu and Venus as the occu"
Mercury and Mars. Lagna is in Punar- pants.
vasu: Jupiter rules it. (3) Tbe lord Moon, Mars and Jupiter
It answers that at the time of answering respectively own the houses 2, 6 and 10.
your query you are running Jupiter Dasa Moon rules Rohini, Hastham and
Jupiter Bhukti. Sravanam. No planet is in its star:
Regarding profession, Krishnamurti has Mars governs Mrigasira, Chitra and
Dhanishta. No planet in Mrigasira and
instructed to follow the only principle Dhanishta. Mars alone is found in
which is as follows:— Chitra. . Jupiter governs Punarvasu,
I. Find out whether any planet Visaka, Poorvapadra. Saturn and .Mer-
occupies the house 2 or 6 or 10. cury are in Visaka.
Thus when one analyses, one finds that " You are correct. It is only to know
Jupiter, Sun, Mars,' Mercury and Saturn that which is in store to one, the science
are in die constellations of the occupants Astrology is used. There is no other
or the lords. scientific approach to such problems."
At the time of answering Jupiter, Mer- " When can I fulfil my desire 7"
cury and Mars rule the moment. There- " What is your ambition 7"
fore you can have your desire fulfilled " To do independentbusiness. "
when these three planets conjointly rule Then judge tte houses "2, .6 and 11.
the time. Jupiter as lord of 7, in his own "Why?"
houses appears to promise ' prosperity
through partner. So the planets forming 11th house is to sever connection with
evil aspect with Jupiter (according to partner. .2nd house is the end of the
Hindus, those situated in 6 or 8 or 12 or partner and it is the 8th to the partner.
according to Westerners, those which are When you judge, you will find that. Venus
in such a relative position from Jupiter in 6,4 Jvipiter in Venus constellation and
which is divisible by 22^° and according to Mercury in Jupiter's constellation will
Krishnamuni those in the sub of lord of 6 bring an amicable settlement among
or . 8 or 12 and forming adverse aspect) partners. Lord of 11 Mars will make you
will appear to bring disharmony, loss independent. It is your rasinatha; it
through partner, dispute, litigation or aspects the houses 10 and 111 it squares
separation, dasa natha; it is m its own constellation.
Jupiter is in Venus star who rules the Therefore you have to want till Jupiter
houses 5 and 12. It shows gain' to the Dasa Mercury Bhukti Mars Anthra i.e.,
partner and not to the querist. But the after 27-11-1970. You will have indepen-
sub ia'governedby Mercury, lord of lagna dent business at the time when Sun transits
who is also lord of 10 to the 7th house. in Mars sign, Mercury star, Jupiter sub
Therefore, if you continue to have partner- i.e. 27c of Scorpio i.e., around 12-12-1970.
ship business, you will contribute for the At that time, Saturn conjoins Moon;
gain of your partner and you cannot bave Jupiter conjoins natal Mercury : Mars is
so much. .Whenever lord of 7 is in the forming true aspect with lagna: Venus
constellation of lord of 5 and 12 avoid conjoins Sun.
partnership. As per progression, Sun squares Marsfl0
" We want something. But can we measure).
doit? Is it in our hands 7" You may Therefore you will have independent
ask. business from 12-12-1970.

Respected Sir, 7ih house to the 1 Itb house denotes youi
My sister's husband is in difhcitlties. I sister's husbaod, which falls in sigi
wish his prosperity as a brother-in-law. Gemini. 10th house to Gemini is Pisces
Though he is bold to face any eventual! ty, Lord of that house is Jupiter who is placet
yet for the present he is facing many a in his own sign. This is good and ha.'
difficulty socially, financially and officially. caused Hanse Yoga to your brother-in-law.
My elder sister writes about these things. Jupiter is not afflicted by any planei
As a well-wisher of my brother-in-law, I powerfully. Lord of Gemini is Mercury
request you to guide me astrologically. who is lord of lagna of your brother-in-
I do not know the horoscope of my law. He is placed in the 5th house from
brother-in-law. As you are repeatedly Gemini and is placed in, the 9th house
telling that my horoscope can also speak to your lagna. He is aspected by exalted
of my brother-in-law, I am herewith Moon, your 7th lord. He is also aspected
enclosing my horoscope. Please help us. by Jupiter who is your 12th lord. Lord
of the bouse occupied by Mercury ic
Sat exalted in Capricorn. Therefore your
I Jupiter
"rjj(R) Moon I brother-in-law is a powerful man having
Ke.hf5.44 strength of mind to face any difficulty and
can influence any person. You admire him.
You love bim and wish his prosperity
and welfare.
You are now running the period of
Jupiter Maha Dasa and Jupiter Bhulcti-
25-24 Jupiter is lord of lOlh of your sister's
Mars husband, well placed in his own sign
24-40 Pisces.
Rahu 5.44 Why he is facing difficulties in youc
4-28 SunVenus
Jupiter major period any Jupiter sub
27.17 period? Jupiter is placed in the constella-
tion Uttarabhadra ruled by Saturn. Saturn
Respected Sir, is lord of 8th and 9th to Mithuna lagna
You are perfectly correct in telling that which denotes your brother-in-law. Planets
a horoscope not only reveals the future of offer the results of the lordship of con-
a native but also speaks of his relatives stellation in which they are placed pre-
also. One such relative may be sister's dominantly. Lordship of 8th indicates
husband. difficulties and lordship of 9ih denotes
Younger brothers and younger sisters luck and prosperity. The sub occupied
are denoted by the 3rd house. Elder bro- by Jupiter, (be ruling planet is Mercury,
thers and elder sisters are denoted by 11th lord of lagna of your brother-in-law.
house. You are speaking of your elder Therefore after facing difficulties, your
sister's husband. Lagna is denoted by brother-in-law will surely come out
you. You are born in Capricorn lagna. successfully and will lead a happy, con-
Your llth cusp falls in sign Sagittarius tended and prosperous life and living.
which denotes your sister elder to you. When his good days will dawn?
i"< ,2nil '■house denotes acquisition. lOth Saturn is debilitated but the debilitation
house denotes acliviiy, nulhority and is cancelled due to the position and
wputntlon. 11th house speaks of gains placement of lord of sign occupied by
[' and profit. Saturn, who happens to be Mars. Saturn
is posited in Aswint ruled by Kethu who is
.The significators are: placed in the 11 th house which denotes
(1) Planets in the consleliations of gains and profit. Kethu is to offer the
the occupants of houses 2, 10 results of Mars who is lord of 6tb and
and 11. llth. 6th has reference to service. 11th
(2) Occupants of 2,10 and 11 houses. has reference to gains. Therefore Kethu
and Saturn are to give beneficial results to
(3) Planets in the constellations of your brother-in-law.
the lords of 2, 10 and 11 houses.
(4) Lords of 2, 10 and 11 houses. Jupiter major period, Jupiter sub period,
Saturn sub sub period onwards, will prove
(5) Planets in conjunction with or beneficial to your sister's husband. The
aspected by sianificators. sub sub period of Saturn in the sub period
2od bouse is occupied by no planet. of Jupiter in the major period of Jupiter
starts from 9-3-1966. The sub sub periods
10th house is occupied by. Jupiter. of Saturn, Mercury and Kethu'are quite
Punarvasu, Visaka and Poorvabhadra are good to your sister's httshand.
ruled by Jupiter. Venus is posited in
•^Visaka.- So Venus is significaior. Therefore you need not worry about
I Uh occupied by Saturn and him. The good days have just dawned.
,:Kethu.. Pushyami, Anuradba andUttara- He will receive fruits of, his labpttrs and
bhadra are ruled by Saturn. Mercury is will gain position, status, authority and
Placed in Anuradha. Jupiter is placed in command very shortly'.
aUtiarabhadra. So Mercury and Jupiter Good Luck when?
re significators. Aswani, Makha and
Moola are ruled by Kethu. Saturn is The sub sub lord is favourably placed,
Posited in Aswani. Kethu is also placed in to your sister's husband's 2nd house, lOth
-Aswani. So Saturn and Kethu are signifi- house and llth bouse. Sun, the luminary,
cators. will enter the constellation of Jupiter,
Therefore the significators indicating Poorvabhadra on 4-3-66 and will enter the
prosperity, improvetnent and position to constellation of Saturn, Uttarabhadra, on
your brother-in-law are Venus, Mercury, 17-3-66 and will be there upto 31-3-66-
Jupiter, Saturn and Kethu. During the Thercfore the period from 4-3-66 to
conjoined periods of strong significators, 31-3-66 is quite beneficial to your brother-
your brother-in-law will be prosperous, in-law. As Saturn the sub sub lord is in
the constellation of Aswani ruled by Kethu,
, Venus is posited in her own sign in the who is to relfect the results of Saturn, lord
tconstellaiion of Jupiter, lord of 10th nnd of 8 and 9. The sign is movable and the
7th houses. Hence Venus is strong. planet is to reflect the 9lh house results.
Jupiter is posited in his own sign but is Therefore your hrotber-in-law will be
in the constellation of Uttarabhadra ruled transferred westwards to his present
by Saturn, lord of S and 9. So Jupiter living place. He will be happy from ISth
.will offer mixed results, March, 1966 and will live in prosperity
and plenty.
. Mercury is posited in the constellation
pf Saturn who is to offer mixed results. t wish him good luck!

As the French Magnus Eliphas Levi has cards, except the four cards, callec
pointed out in the 'Transcedental Magic1 cavaliers or knights which conspicuous!)
Tarot are heiroglyphic cards expressing by do not find a place in the modern pack ol
characiers and numbers a series of cards. It is not definitely known as to
Universal and absolute ideas. The word why the knights have been dropped but it
Tarot is used to connote a collection of may be surmised that due to their
cards, embodying the secret doctrine of mysterious significance, they may not
the ages, some nations having their own have been so included.
versions of this synthetic exposition of There are, therefore, five ordinary court
the ancient wisdom. The Egyptian version cards in each of the four suits which are
is called the Book of Herms and the the Ace, king, queen, prince, cavalier or
Hebrew the Book of Adam. The Bohe* knight and finally the Novice, Page or
mian Tarot is known as the Bible of the Squire. According to Papus, the four
Gypsies. suits of the tarot namely, Sceptres. Cups,
The Tarot then is only a collection of Swords and Pentacles correspond res-
cards, upon which the ancient wisdom is pectively with the clubs hearts, spades and
expressed in symbols which reveal their diamonds in the modern'cards. There is,
meaning only to those who are capable of however, some controversy on this point,
receiving it. In all respects Tarot contains which need not be entertained at this stage.
the key which can unlock the mystical The small cards of these four suits are
doctrines, unveiling the mysteries and immbercd by the fact of their symbols
unfolding the philosophies of the old from two to ten.
world, it being a mode for the automatic As the tarot with' their hieroglyphics
induction of the prophetic insight that follow particular laws of sequence, they
has been the legacy of the past. are used for the art of fortune telling by
Tarot cards arc the precursors of the the multiplicity of the main elements as
modern playing cards. It is possible on also for the higher uses of the imagination.
the basis of cartomancy to delineate future To put it in the words of Eliphas Levi
from the layout of playing cards; similarly tarot speaks by evoking thoughts.
by suitably spreading out tarot cards, As to the origin of the tarot, various
future events can be foretold. theories have been advanced. Because of
A complete pack of the Tarot contains certain parallels found between the
78 symbols or talismanic or hieroglyphic Hebrew alphabet and larot, it is said to
pictures. In the first instance there are 22 have Hebrew origin. Each of the twenty-
special trurop cards called the Major two cards of the Major Arcana corresponds
Arcana, which have no analogy with any- with the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew
thing in the modern playing cards, which Alphabet. One theory traces the origin to
as is well known are 52 in number. The the island continent of Atlantis from
rest of the tarot, grouped in four suits where the Egyptians gained the secret
namely, Sceptres, Cups, Swords and knowledge and passed it on to the
Pentacles, numbering 56. known as Minor Hebrews, who carried the same with them
Arcana, are identical with the present to Palestine. Egyptians spread the message
"> larouo inflia and fcurope and Araos to satisfied with the practical efficacy of one
North Africa and Spain. There is also a or the other system of divination by tarot,
theory which lays down that the first the origin perhaps may not matter so
21 cards of Major Arcana, barring the much as the system itself.
2ZiKi card called the Fool, which might In tarot, therefore is contained all the
represent the joker in the playing cards of occult science of the ancients. The layout
the current time remarkably St in with the entirely rests on chance of the querent and
scheme of Ogan Alphabet the tarot has a interpretation depends on the ' super-
Celtic origin. Advocates of this theory
believe that Tarot originated with the conscious' mind of the 'tarot leader.
Dmidio culture of Britain from where it Tarot will speak to each according to his
found its way to those places where or her needs, depending on the sincerity of
Hebrew Alphabet was in vogue. It is a purpose. It is worth a trial.
subject for research and as for those who —To be continued

A male was born on 25-6-1930 at By yoga it means the planet is-connected
12-55 P.M. Latitude 16° 52' N Longitude with which of the planetary combinations.
80° 46' E. The following is the map qf These are the 5 items to be thoroughly
Heavens at the time of birth. scrutinised before arriving at any conclu-
Rahu Merc. ' Jupiter Planet Jupiter, whose period is in opera-
6.46 20*25 6-45
Mars Moon Sun tion at present in the case of the native, is
23-25 22-54 10-7 posited in sign Gemini and is in the
constellation of Arudra ruled by Rahu.
He is placed in what bouse 7
Lagna is Virgo 21° 17'. It is aspected
by Saturn, a natural malefic as well as lord
of 6tb house. Lord of Lagna is afflicted
by placement in 8lb bouse. Therefore
lagna is weak. Moon sign is strong.
Therefore count the houses from Moon
position only.
Jupiter is posited in the 1st house, He.
aspects 5tb, 9tb and 7tb bouses with full
Balance of Moon Dasa with the adop- He is in association with Sun, lord of
tion of Shri K. S. Krishnamurthy Ayan- 4tb bouse, and is aspected by Saturn lord
amsa is 0 years 3 months 27 days. of 9th bouse and lOtb bouse.
The native has completed Moon. Dasa, He holds the lordship of Stb bouse and
Mars Dasa and Rahu Dasa. He is now 11 th house.
under the dasa of Jupiter from 22-10-1955.
He desires to know what Jupiter will He causes Gaja Kesari Yoga, Vishnu
offer ? yoga etc.
A planet offers the results pertaining to Therefore Jupiter in his Dasa (1) offers
. its locationj aspect, association, lordship the results of Rahu as be is posited in
and yoga. Arudra Constellation.
By location it means the position of the (2) Offers.the results df 4th bouse as
planet in Rasi, Constellation and bouse. be is in association with Sun lord of 4th
By aspects it means the planet aspects (3) Offers the results of 9tb bouse
which bouse or bouses strongly. and lOtb bouse as be is aspected by Saturn,
By association it means the planet is lord of 9 and 10.
conjoined with what planets and who (4) Offers the results of Isl house as
aspect him strongly. be is posited in 1st bouse.
By lordship it means the planet becomes (5) Offers the results of Stb house,
lord of what bouses from Lagna or from 7tb bouse and 9th bouse as he aspects
Moon whichever is stronger. these bouses.
(FOUNDED: 1-4-1963)
( Astronomy Made Easy)

Jyothisha Marthand
13. Brahmin Street, Saidapct.

VOL. 4 AUGUST 1966 No. 8

Tnfnrmfltion »n Rpartprs
Letters to the Editor 6
Timing of Events 7
Tour. Programme 10
Significance of, Constellations 11
Significance of each sub: 13-
Constellation and the sub periods in a Dasa - 15
Prestige—Will it be affected? 18
Minor Events—Timing 20
Major Events—Timing 22
Time of Marriage 25
Re-union with Husband—Domestic facility 27
Child Birth—When 7 31
Birth of Grand Child 33
Astrology and Air Crashes 36
Jaimini's Gnana Pradeepika 39
Pakistan—First Prophecy fulfilled 49
Krishnamurti Padhdhati 51
Daily Guide for.August 1966 53
Position of. Planets 59
(Extract of speech by Jyolish Manhand K. S. Krishnamurti at Madras on 20-6-66)
Astrology is the Science of divination Now, coming to the point "Timing of
irbich is to be made useful for every one the events", if a boy apks "When will I
0 know one's or in the interested person's pass ", to reply that he will be successful
bngevity, health, wealth, marriage, posses- in Budha Bhukli between 1970 and 1972
;ion of building, land, higher studies, is-not helpful. Is it a,prediction7 ' One
iervice, promotion, transfer, retirement, may live in a Foreign land. He may have
jverseas, prosperity, adversity etc. Unless a daughter to be married. If one foretells
one is able to declare when a particular that Venus will give the marriage to' his
thing will happen astrology is of no use at daughter in the 32 months of Jupiter Dasa
fll. will not serve bis purpose. But he Wants
; When one is born, death- is certain. It in which dasa, bhukti, anthra and shook-
has to happen one day or the other. shma the girl will get married alone will
When will itcome ? To fix the time, one be advantageous.
is to apply such rules which must be Just like medical people carry out
universally followed. The rules, pro- guinea-pigexperjments, I had been experi-
pounded by our sages' involve much of menting on minor events in life. Find
calculation. Further it is not clear and out the exact minute at which the train
convincing. Most of them are not appli- will arrive, even though it is announced
cable to twin births. Twins are born in that she runs late. Apply the same to
the same lagna; the position of the find out when will your daughter or son
'planets remain the same; the rule appli- in a far off place will return and rejoin
cable to either of the twins that lives very you. The experiments must be such
long, fails to the other born in the same which can be verified in a few hours or
lagna with the same position of the days and the same thing is to be applied
planets. Let me not list those which fail for major events.
miserably, as it will need much space. Again I dial to Delhi. I want to find
All will agree, when it is said that we have out when it will mature. Ask for a
to follow that method by which we can
exactly mention the date of the demise of number. Work at it. Find out the
my individual and the same is applicable ruling planets for that moment as well .
to one and all'. the number, given. Judge which will fulfil
this question. The same ruling planets
; If one were to say that one has evolved will operate again when the matter will
'certain methods after doing research, a materialise. Many of my students had
few, probably, with narrow outlook experimented and came correct Once, at
mostly without studying. what one has Hyderabad, I booked a call to Madras
1 found out, may say that new astrologers around 7-10 P.M. I and a few students
at Hyderabad declared that at 10-23 P.M.
we will get the Madras Call. There was
no second opinion. As wc had time, we
went to an Officer's house and spent a
:But textbooks -written in Sanskrit are couple of hours. The admirers of my
^translated by a few who claim that they theory accompanied me. While talking
'alone ateeastrologers ^simply because they with the Officer they mentioned " Today
•are aW ^ uragprof. Krishnamurti has booked a call to
,.One nli^ISWSt cEffifflfttfon ? Madras. We have predicted that it will
INothifffffeaWW P<ittl^ew ihe0Ves lence. , mature only at 10-23 P.M." The Officer
was curious and enthusiastic to verify. konda, a Coffee Merchant, he who did n
He'requested the Telephones to redirect know what Sun is, "even the spelling <
the call to bis number. At 10-15 P.M. Sun/now knows so-much of astrolog
there was a ring when we attended to it; by reading only my magazine, understoc
the Madras Office, by mistake, gave a my method and now he is the greate
wrong number. It was 10-21 P.M. When astrologer in that side. He has'excelh
I got my call and I was talking at 10-23 all the professional astrologers. His nao
P-M. Such method is useful to find out is Madusoodan Rao. Timing of-the evei
when one can hear about one's interview, is repeatedly given in the magazine and 1
promotion, marriage, receive communica- has mastered it. Many students are nov
tion etc. adays offering predictions. T am follow
When I casually went to pay respects ,ing my system. I am happy to hear from tb
to the family members of his Excellency 'public that my students are very correct/
the Governor of Mysore his grand-children What I mean to say, by giving suc|
asked me whether I can tell theNakshathra examples, is every one must contribute b
of the] bridegroom just married. The doing research in those lines and avoil
question was simple., I told them. "Give exposing one's ability by making' futil
a. ring to my house at Madras. Ask them attempts to discourage, dissuade or tal
what Rasi and in what Nakshathra the without any base and without applyin
bridegroom is born. You will get the Krishnamurti Padhdhati..
answer Mind you, do not say who you For the timing of the events, man
are, wherefrom you phone etc. They at
once phoned. Then, my daughter, a experiments are to be made. You app!
young girl, replied 'Maka Nakshathra, any method which is available for th
Simha RasiThey jumped. They were time of marriage.» In certain text-books
overjoyed because it was very, correct. you can find that at the time when Su
Being in experimental stage where 1 come transits either in the Rasi or Navams
75% alone correct it has not so far sign occupied by Venus, will be the montl
appeared in my magazine. of marriage. If not, the, trine houses
For example, if Venus were to be ii
A patent expert in Bangalore Mr. Rishaba Rasi then in • Vaikasi month o
Mohanraj, living in 21/1 II Cross Extn, Kanni (the 5th) month or Makara -(th
Kempigowde Road heard this on the next 9th) month or if Venus is .in Mesh;
^ay and he tried. It also came correct Navamsa sign either in Mesha or Simhi
He visited Madras and congratulated my or Dhanur month, marriage will come
daughter. I have found out a method Oh God ! How many alternatives. Thes
which is applicable for the first horoscope alternatives are there mostly for th.
on any day. Never, Never it fails, T have astrologers, to have some lame excuse
not yet discovered a method to answer all Just like it is said by a few astrologer
the people coming on the same day. that astrologv is nothing but a tendenc.
Similarly, I am carrying out research by' which the planets indicate and a man cai
which certain things can be very correctly change it with this will. Not at all. . I
predicted. Method is very simple. If any one can change his fate then- astrology ha.
one were to say, how can a simple method no place. Because every event that yoi
be discovered, it shows his wisdom or he predict depends upon the consultant am
displays his ignorance and poor knowledge his will. If one can choose one's parents
in the science. His mind may be afflicted if one can increase or decrease the peribt
by Saturn—narrow outlook and Rahu— of any dasa, he can claim " My will. M;1
false ideas. will " etc. Where is "Aham*' or "Mama.
Nothing of that kind says astrology. I
STUDENTS OF ASTROLOGY WHO is a bright light illuminating the grapl
HAD ATTENDED regular classes ■ here sheet where your whole life 'is alread;
had been assisting me and it may not be marked. It , will never change. Agaii
out of place to mention that at Hanam- people used to say, it is the curse o
oddess Par vat hi that one may be correct Even this is a long area. What prediction
bout the past but one will not be correct one wants is the particular month and
or future. So, this is another lame excuse week when an event will take place.
or the astrologers. Otherwise is it useful? One learns astro-
Then what to do to be correct ? logy: Publishes books etc. Mentions the
9 names of the planets and the 12 signs
. Cast the horoscope using Raphael and Rasis but at the same time one is not
Ephemeris and Table of Houses. Follow precise and helpful. I have friends in
Krishnamurti Ayanamsa. Apply Ududasa Tanjore district on the shore of the Bay of
system. Study Stellar astrology. Bengal. They will put on costly watches.
Westerners follow Solar system. If I ask them " correct time, please "
Hindus follow both Stellar and Solar. then, they will simply stretch their hands.
The Zodiac is divided into 12 equal parts You have to note the time. Similarly
Mesha, Rishaba, and so on and the same these astrologers will produce the books
Zodiac is divided into 27 equal parts each and cannot apply the principles.
is called a Nakshathra. We give impor~ If a man were to sit for Chartered
tance to the position of Moon for the Accountancy examination or S.A.S. exa-
timing of the event; We do not consider mination then according to dasa, bhukti,
whether Moon was exalted or debilitated anthra really it is possible for us to say in
in which sign it is, the sign lord, and so which dasa, which bhukti, which anthra
on. What we consider is in which Zone, he will pass. Then in that case, those
in which Nakshathra, Moon was, at the three or four months area will do.
time of the birth of a child. So, work
out according to Vimshothari dasa system Again getting into service when you
what dasa the child had at the time of the give such long range it will not be helpful.
birth and which follows. The dasas are He must be given mostly the week when
divided jinto 9 bhuktis or sub periods. he will get appointed if possible, the date ;
What for? To narrow down the range that is necessary.
and fix the time of the event If I were
to say that during Venus dasa you will get One of the greatest Industrialists in
marriage, you will have children, you will Madras phoned me at 5 P.M. when I was
construct a house, you will be employed about to leave my office (King Institute,
1 in shipping,'then he will ask, in these 20 Guindy). " I am coming to your house
years everything must happen. Now I am around 5^30 > Please make it convenient."
24, Venus dasa starts. It will run for 20 That particular gentleman is more than
years. Within 44, all these must happen. the Westerners to keep up the time. Un-
What is the use of giving such a predic- fortunately, when he got into the car, his
tion. Thus he is to sub-divide the 20 friends took him to Y.M.C.A., forced him
years. Therefore for that purpose sages to give a speech in an urgent meeting: so
have divided into 9 sub-divisions and the he had to come late. As 1 know well that
proportion is in accordance with the he will not come either earlier or late, but
number of years allotted to them by them. keep up the programme, I wrote in a slip
Even if we say .that in these two years, that he* would come only at 7-25 P.M.
something will happen, who relishes it 7 according to his horoscope' and left it on
Suppose a person files a suit in .the court my table under the glass. My house is
of law. First it fails; he appeals and well suited. There is a railway gate.
then he comes out successful ; all these Neither man, nor" God can help anybody
happen in the same bhukti. From the to reach my house in time. The gate
bhukti lord one can say that there will be will be closed for even half an hour at a
litigation. But, it is the Anthra and time. So, I went by over-bridge and I saw
Shookshma as well as the relative position his car waiting from 7-10 P.M. I took
between the bhukti lord and anthra lord one seat in his car. The gate was opened.
decides when one will file, will fail, win And when we came to the house, I told
etc. So again they have divided into 9. him, Sir, you please go to my roomj read
out what I have written, refer to your The time was exactly 7.25. The year was
watch; if that is correct, your horoscope 1951. Thus, research is carried out, in
ttcnrrect. The events 'which I predict various lines, on different walks of life,
may or may not be correct. But this and the method of pinpointing according
assures that the chart which you had pre- to dasa system, transit etc., will be
sented to me is correct. He saw the slip. explained.

(23.a) Dhanishta (First Half): In office, mine engineer, leather, skin, hides,
Capricorn 23° 20' to SO0. Sign ruled by postmortem, slaughter house, police,
Saturn and star by Mars. military, communication, press, foundry,
Part of the body : Knee-cap, bones. rehabilitation of sufferers from floods,
Diseases: Injury in the leg; boils,Eoso- earthquake and war or riots and revolts,
monuments, archaeology, building con-
nopbilia, dry cough, Hiccough dying gout, tractor, television telegram, telephone,
lameness, amputation. electricity, atomic energy, all research
Mental qualities : Firm will, decisive, stations, silk, hessian.
active, alert, careful and forceful, cautious, (24) Sathabisha: In Aquarius, 6° 40'
' and courageous, selfish, vindictive and vio- to 20° sign ruled by Saturn and star by
lent, extravagant occasionally, ambitious, Rahu.
greed, liberal in gifts, fond of music, men Part of the body: Portion between
without arrogance or pride, eunuchs, knees and ankles, calf-muscle.
rich people, trying to maintain peace and
avoiding disputes. Disease: Rheumatism, Rheumatic
Profession: Mine and ground' engi- heart, eczema, leprosy, palpitation, high
neers, death duty, estate duty, insurance, blood pressure, fracture, amputation lame,
philosophers, Homeopathy, Ayurvedic, guinea.worm.
Jail department, gallows, murderers, Mental qualities: Sincere, strong will,
slaughter house, surgeons* dealing with forceful, independant, original, patient,
fractures, amputation, labour department, persevering, lethargic, lazy, fond of leisure
welfare officer, refugee camp, rehabili- and holidays or fond of working separately.
tation, industry, tools, spare parts, etc., Profession: Scientist, occult subjects,
distilleries, zinc, cement, metallurgy, lead, gravitation, dynamics, electricity, atomic
quarry, jute, barley, potato. theory, air travel, astronomer, astrologer
{23-b) Dhanishta (Second Half): i.e., amputator, stretcher-career, renovation of
third and fourth padas. In Aquarius 0° to the ancient Science, history Ration Office,
6°40'. Sign ruled by Saturn and star by Census, Censor, Statistics, Stock Exchange,
Mars. Technicians, Jail department, translite-
Part of the body: Ankles, limbs, rations of old manuscripts, laboratories,
portion between knees and ankles. lotteries, Tanneries, counterfeit.
Diseases: Fracture of the leg, Varicose (25.a) Poorvapathrapada: 1,2,3-Qrs«
Veins, .blood poisoning, heart failure, Aquarius 20° to 30°—Sign ruled by Saturn.
cardiac thrombosis, high blood pressure, Star ruled by Jupiter.
overheated blood, palpitation, fainting. Part of the body: Ankles.
Mental qualities: Quarrelsome, Can- Diseases: Apoplexy, irregularity of
tankerous, short tempered or quick witted, heart, dropsy, milk-leg, swollen ankles,
scientific minded, research worker, sincere palpitation, dilated heart, low blood
in religion, faithful in affections, fond of pressure.
society, will try to start many clubs and Mental qualities: Human, hopeful,
organise, fickle friends, charitable, philosophic, optimistic, Fond of friends,
becomes rich. true, honest, sincere, reliable, interest in
Profession: Agriculture, lea, coal, Science, philosophy, astronomy, astrology,
steel planls, explorers, mine lead, fer literature, music, fond of expansion and
urginous, control and ration office, recla- progress, constructive criticism, syslematic
mation of waste lands, retrenchment action, yet lethargic, capable of extracting
work from others, liberal helpful, unsel- fond' of society, desires to help the poor
fish. If a malefic is in this zone, in the and invalid, visitor of jails, sanatoriums,
ascendant:—robber, murderer, devoid of independent original (fraud if afflicted).
virtue, irreligious, ever fighting, court-bird, Profession: Home department,Prjsons,
hen-pecked, miser, clever. Asylum, Sanatorium, Isolated hospitals,
Profession: Teacher-Dynamics, Statis- prisoner of war, civil jail, political
tics, Astronomy, Astrology, medicine, jail, mines, excavators, Engineers, Export,
aeroplane, Municipality, Corporation, Import, Harbour Storekeepers, inheritance,
public limited concerns, stock exchange, traditional business, gains through Socie-
share broker, air travel research worker, ties, Clubs, companies, public appoint-
Planning Commission—International trade ment hospitals, religious and charitable
overseas Bank, Foreign Exchange, institutions submarine shipping, foun-
education, finance, revenue departments, daries, legal, Insurance, Intelligence
insurance, temple, trustee, executive department, C.I.D. education, Tourist
officer, mint, currency mining, corruption, home, manufacturers of rain coats,
department, Intelligence department umbrella, chowrie, sponge boats, life
(C.I.D). boats etc., oils, fisheries, breweries, river
(25.b) Poorvapatbrapada : IV Quarter. and canal constructors, Tunnel construc-
In Pisces 0° to 3° 20'. Sign ruled by Jupiter tion, Trench excavators.
and star governed by Jupiter. (27) Revatbi: In Pisces 16° 40' to
Diseases: Spelling, perspiring feet 30°. Sign ruled by Jupiter and star
enlarged liver, abdominal tumour, intesti- governed by Mercury.
nes afiected, hernia, jaundice, sprue, corns. Parts of the body: Feet and toes.
.Mental qualities: Magnanimous, liberal Diseases: Abdominal disorders, trou-
minded, charitable, veritable, angles of bles, deformities of the feet, intestinal
mercy, fond of music, art, philosophy, ulcers mostly due to drinks and drugs,
literature, law-abiding, true a little vacil- gout in the feet, cramps .Nephritis, lassi-
lating, pleasing disposition, polite be- tude, deafness, pus in the ear.
haviour. Mental qualities: Vacillation, indeci-
Profession: Politician, Law, Professor, sive, flexible and impressionable mind,
Minister, Councillor, President Legal, intuitive, humane, sympathetic, shrewd,
Education, Religious and Finance depart- clever, religious and philosophical ripe
ment, Judges, Criminal lawyers, arbi- judgment, fruitful mind, honest and
trators, Trustees, Visitors of Jails, Hos- honourable, studious* mental balance,
pitals, Famine and refugee camps, sober, proficient and competent, honest,
Planning Commission, decontrol. Tourist, caring more for integrity.
expiorer, Physicians and Surgeons, Bank, Profession: Publisher, editor, reli-
Foreign exchange, Prisoner of war, Risky gious, legal, civil engineering departments,
investments, Associations, Public com- Sharebroker, advertisement, Publicity
panies. Propaganda, communication, lawyers,
(26) Uthrapatbrapada: In Pisces 3° judges, Professors, Politicians, ambassa-
20' to 16° AM Sign ruled by Jupiter and dors, representatives, Telephone, Type-
star governed by Saturn. writer, Radio,Tape-record, Currency notes,
Part of the body: Feet. International trade, messengers, embassy,
accountants, auditors, Trustees, Gover-
Diseases: Rheumatic pains, drop nors, University, Employment Exchange,
foot, indigestion, Constipation, hernia, newspapers, Clerks, shipping, import,
flatulence, fracture in the foot, cold foot, export, excise, customs, harbour, Port
Tuberculosis, dropsy. Trust, Religious Head-Purohits-Preachers.
Mental qualities: Strong character, Industry, Finger-print expert, successful
benevolent disposition, philosophical diplomats, astrologer, mathematician,
mind-like seclusion-hates disturbance, broker, agent,'representative, bank, etc.
The Zodiac is divided into 27 constel- Jail, Criminal Jail, Police Department—
lations and each constellation is sub-divi- dogbite—Rabies, fear of black magic,
ded into 9 parts. This sub-division is litigation and landed property.
called as " SUB." In this Text-book Mars: Kethu: Guru: 7.33.20—9.20.00
wherever SUB is used, it means one of the Brave, congestion in the brains, malaria,
9 divisions of the star. meningitis, manager of factory, bank
Each star indicates many matters and agent, religious endowment executive
when a prediction is to be offered taking officer. Criminal Sessions Judge.
into consideration a planet and its situa- Mars: Kethu: Sani: 9.20.00—11.26.40
tion in a constellation one has to give Scar in the head—Small pox, boils, injury,
many alternatives and hence . the predic- Cerebral operation, Coma, Insomnia.
tion will notbeof much use to thequeriest. Filarial fever—Severe headache—Section
But if the sub is also included then, one Officer, Maistry, Iron, Steel Factory,
can eliminate many of them and select a Mine or land owner—Barren, abortion,
very few, out of the many indicated by the false pains, irregular monthly periodicity.
Mars: Kethu: Mercury: 11.26.40—
What each sub indicates is given below: 13.20.00. Epilepsy, Violence, Spasm,
Mars : Kethu : Kethu: 0,00.00 0.46.40 Paralytic Stroke, quarrelsome. Petition
Always injury. Scar in the head. Con- writer, Typist, Mechanical Engineer, Land,
gestion in the brains, epilepsy: Coma: Building Broker—-barren, no child.
worried about enmity, jealousy, abortion, Mars: Venus: Venus: 13.20.00—
Military: machinery. 15.33.20 Amorous, always fond of plea-
Mars: Kethu: Venus: 0.46.40- 3.00.00 sure, chain smoker, injury above the eye,
Service headache : Trance: eye trouble, sportsman, deals in musical instrument,
eruptive fever: worried about ladies, not exhibition, maternity.
his own: Venereal affection. Railways* Mars: Venus: Sun: 15.33.20—16.13.20.
Industry, Slaughter house. Butcher. Will carry out his affairs to the end.
Horse rider Jockey. Magnanimous Catarrh, injury around
Mars: Kethu: Sun: 3.00.00: 3.40.00 the eyes, dissipating habits, visual publi-
Faintings. Cerebral anaemia: Reddish- city, advertisement, railway, industry,
Sore eyes. Severe headache on one side. Veterinary doctor, Criminal Lawyer and
Thrombosis. Veterinary surgeon-Crimi- Judge, Surgeon.
nal Court, Jail, Copper Bareen-effeminate. Mars: Venus: Moon: 16.13.20—
Mars: Kethu: Moon: 17.20.00. Fond of heart drins, Averishes,
Congestion in the brains: boils: dispute wanting in character, clever, silk, cotton.
in the family: Hysteria. Neuralgia, Fertiliser, Tea, Coffee, Hotel, Agricultu-
boilers, Stea'mboiler Railways. Cerebral rist. Ship-yard.
Haemorrhage. Insomnia. Worried about Mars: Venus: Mars: 17.20.00—18.6.40.
landed property and cultivation—Poor Ever active, very healthy, fond of plea-
yield. sure, Venereal distemper. Syphilis, barber,
Mars: Kethu: Mars: 4.46.40—5.33.20 Sportsman, dealer in silver vessels and
Accident. Scar in the head—Haemorrh- eversilver vessels. Cinema theatre,
age, epilepsy, dispute, violence, Military, Studio, Mansion for marriage. Venereal
Police, Industry, Independant, Managing experts.
Director. Mars: Venus: Rahu: 18.6.40—20.6.40
Mars: Kethu: Rahu: 5.33.20—7.33.20 Aspiring, low born person; Leucodenna,
Note what Rahu denotes to a person. Leprosy, Automobile Industry, Slaughter
••Irritable quarrelsome, diseased—Military house.
Mars: Venus: Jupiter: 20.6.40— nary Surgeon, skins and hides, dealer i
21.53.20. Indulges in pleasure, clever and roots and pulbs.
happy, escapes from accidents, has higher Mars: Sun: Sun: 26.40.00 — 27.20.0
studies, sits for competitive examination. Bold, active, dauntless, speculator, Plagu .
Successful sportsman, Goldsmith, owner brain fever. Military, Police, Surgica
of theatres, animal husbandry. Judge, defence department.
Income-tax Officer, Estate owner, Farms. Mars : Sun : Moon : 27.20.00—28.26.4
Mars: Venus: Saturn: 21.53.20—■ Muscular body, carboncle, poxes, compel
24.00.00. Low-born, Mean minded, fond tive mind, famous, pushful, acquires lan
of other ladies, meeting with accident, ill- Navy, Travels, Manufactures, Chemica
repute, Venereal distemper, Catarrh in Tonics.
the head. Mucus, Noise to. humour, lean Mars: Sun:'Mars: 28.26.40 — 29,13.2
due to gratifying one's taste* Fertiliser, Robest health, Militant temperamen
Wrestler. Slaughter house, Mine products, commanding appearance argumentati
Transport for mine, ores, Venereal expert, ability, sharp fever. Malaria, erruptiv
Agriculturist. fever, Cerebral Meningitis injury, cu
Mars : Venus : Mercury : 24.00.00— accident, explosion, Match box iron an
steel vessels, war materials.
25.53.20. Wavering, author of books on Mars: Sun: Rahu: 29.13.20 —30.00.0
Surgery, Maternity, and Sexual side. Leading temperament, eat much, attracte
Engineering Contractor, Export Import, by others' wives, Plague, Filaria, Fir,
Caterer. accident, burns in the body, chemic '
Mars : Venus : Kethu : 25.53.20— industry, police, jail department, retire
26.40.00. Jealous, Diseased, Leucoderma, or resigns,
Syphilis, poor vision, catarrh. Veteri- {To be continued.
uestion: Will you be kind enough to Suppose, thousands of people attend to
explain, how to judge the results of your daughter's marriage. If you are asked
all the bhuktis in the dasa of the who are all the people that attended the
planet A situated in the constellation marriage, you will give only the names of
of the planet B. the important personnel. So also in a
I shall be very much thankful to you feast, if you are asked what is it that is
if you kindly answer the above ques- served, you give the uncommon and at the
tion either personally or in your same time the best preparation.
magazine at your earliest convenience. Similarly, a planet occupying a constel-
Mr. V.K.D. lation gives the results of the matters
signified by the lord of the constellation
Bhopal. which may own 2 houses or only one. The
Dear Sir, matters of the houses will be strongly felt.
When a planet ' A * is situated in any The extent to which it gives, depends on the
»ign it will be in any one of the 3 constel- sign it occupies. The other matters are less
lations in that sign; the lord of the con- important. When a President, the Minister
stellation indicates the matters which A * 1 and the Secretary of a State were to visit a
in its dasa will offer and the sign denotes place, no doubt much importance is given
its strength. We have to take into conside- to the President, a little less to the Minister
ration only the houses, (Bhavas) which the and still further less to the Secretary.
lord of the constellation owns. Because a Similarly when you note down the various
Zone otherwise called as Nakshathra, events which a planet can give, it gives
always indicates the matters which are mainly that is indicated by the lord of the
signified by the lord of the constellation. constellation especially in the bhukti of the
That lord may own either two houses or lord of the star.
one house. Suppose a planet is deposited But during other bhuktis you have to
in the houses owned by the lord of the con- judge as follows : We have to calculate
stellation. What prediction 4 will we offer? exact distance between the dasa lord and
Suppose a malefic planet X* were to be in bhukti lord. If the aspect (according to
the 7th bhava then we decide that the Western system) is good, then the bhukti
planet * X* hinders the matterssignified by lord will co-operate with the dasa lord to
the 7th house. If another planet is in the offer such results which both the dasa lord
12th bhava then our sages say that the and Bhukti lord are to give. They also
planet will offer the evil results of the 12th offer to a good extent the results indicated
house. But, according to Krishnamurti by the bhukti lord, to its nature, lordship
Padhdhati, if a planet were to be in any of and occupation of a house. Therefore it
the 12 houses, but is in the constellation is necessary for one after casting the
of the lord of the 7th or the 12th houses, horoscope
then the planet indicates the source by its (a) to note in which constellation each
nature and lordship whereas the matters planet is;
signified by the houses 7 or 12 will be
offered predominantly by the occupant (b) Which results will be given by each
So, the dasa lord in its period gives the planet due to the lord of the constella-
results of the matters of the houses owned tion;
by the lord of the constellation. This (c) Note down which houses are occu-
predominates. How it fulfils is shown by pied by each planet. These are impor-
nature and lordship. tant.
Ns**-> we to Sad out the aspect It may form a good aspect with the planet
(accordjng to Western system) among two in the Sth Bhava. But the planet in the
planets and also between one planet and 5th bhav^t along with the aspecting planet
the cusp of other houses. Because one can give in their conjoined period and sub
planet may form very good aspect with - period such results indicated by dasa-lord
other planets. But the same planet may according to its lordship and not according
form bad aspect withthe ctisp ofthe house. to its occupation. It does not favour 5th
Note where dasa lord was deposited. house matters. The occupation indicates
Now, a doubt
arises. Suppose planet Sth house. When the 5th house is afflicted
'he 5th bhava and a planet'B" Sth house matters cannot thrive during the
is 120 away from the planet • A' which period of the afflicting planet But the
form mutually favourable aspect. But good aspect improves the Sth house mat*
planet ' A' is U" away front the 5 th cusp. ters during the period of the planet form-
ThenCUStheanplanet 'B' is 135" away from ing favourable aspect. Thus one is to
5lh P d for»s evil aspect with the carefully and intelligently anticipate.
S,b cnsp. Let Planet <B' be Mars as
ehnwn below:— Again take another example; suppose a
planet from another house forms evil
aspect with a planet in a particular Bhava.
but it forms very good aspect with the

5 fa cusp?0
J tp tier 22®

regards thethechildren
planet are
<8'Co(Mars) is evil
ncerned. But
tbeg planet Jupiter m the 5th bhava receiv-
ln good aspect gives such results which
ta' P'atm' >s to g^e according to its That is the cusp may be 30° from the
nature, mrdship <1 and 10) and not accor- planet. But the planet in the bhava is 15°
ding to Its occupation. (5th house) during away from the cusp of the house. So, the
.he conjoined, penod and sub period of planet will form semi-angular aspect i.e.,
Mars and Jupiter. During other neriods 45° aspect with the other planet. Now
Jupiter will offer the beneficial results of what will happen? The matter indicated
by the cusp of the bouse i.e., the matter
■ tion oflorf
of lord and!
7 dUe ,0
and tbe results, of'^5thconstella-
house indicated by the bhava will thrive. Where-
as the planet in that house receiving bad
jls the owner of the houses 1 and 10, it aspect indicates (hat the matters indicated
the 8th house to the 10th, it is weak by the planet gets spoiled. The planet in
to 10th house matter. Whereas it will be a bhava receiving bad aspects owns certain
advantageous to lagna. When the Sth houses. The matters of tbosehouses owned
cusp is affl'oted by any one planet then - by it also will be spoiled.
dunag 'he sub penod of that planet it is Suppose, a planet is in the constellation
not suspicions for the Sth house matters. of lord of 10 even though it may occupy
any of the 12 bouses. Throughout its dasa be given during the bhukti of other planets
it has to indicate something connected with as is indicated by its lordship, occupation
10th house matters. and aspect to dasa lord.
(a) - When we take the bhnktis, if the
relative position between the dasa lord and Sat 1° , L 12*
the bhukti lord happen to be beneficial
then it is auspicious for 10th house
matters, (b] But if the aspect appears to
be bad and if the planet which forms bad Mais 1°
aspect owns beneficial houses certainly the Only for
results, during that particular period, can- Example
not be beneficial to the native, (c) The
planet in the constellation of lord of 10
when harmoniously and beneficially aspec-
ted by lord of 2 or 11 or 6 then there is an
increase in the income and improvement Venus 1° Moon 1"
in the status, (d) But if lord of 2 or 11 or
6 forms bad aspect with the planet in 'the
constellation of the lord of 10 then there
will be reversion, (e) If lord of 8 or lord (a) Venus, though lord of 5 and 12,
of 12 were to form evil aspect with the gives mostly the matters signified by the
planet in the constellation of the lord of 10 houses 7 and 10 owned by Jupiter who
one can expect promotion. (0 But if the rules the star Visakam, in which Venus
lord of 8 and 12 were to form very good was posited.
aspect with the planet in the constellation (b) Venus, as lord of 5 gives wealth
of lord of 10 then there will be reversion, through speculation.
trouble and difficulty ; even suspension or (c) Venus, as lord of 12, shows fortune
dismissal. in a foreign place.
Therefore one has to, first of all, note (d) Venus, as lord of 12, indicates gains
down that good aspects from the planets by investment as it is in the constellation
owning good houses improve the matters. of lord of 10 during its dasa and also in its
Also, bad aspects from the planets owning Bhukti.
evil houses improve the matters. This (e) Moon, lord of 2, forming good
appears to be more or less similar to aspect with Venus contributes for further
Vipareetha Raja Yoga. When evil planets gains during Venus Dasa Moo^i Bhukti.
i.e., lords of 6, 8 and 12 occupying 6 or 8
or 12 cause beneficial results. Bad aspects (f) Mars, lord of 11, squaring Venus,
from the planets owning good houses and is evil in Venus Dasa Mars Bhukti.
good aspects from the planets owning evil (g) Saturn forming evil aspect is advan-
houses will be disadvantageous for his tageous to gain money during Saturn's sub
personal matters. Therefore whenever a period as it owns 8th house. But harmony,
planet oflers certain results that which peace of mind, etc., are denied. One can
predominates will be the matter indicated expect promotion as Venus is in the con-
by the lord of the constellation especially stellation of lord of 10: it cannot givs
in their conjoined period: in other bhuktis higher studies or overseas journey.
even though the dasa lord indicates much
about the matters signified by the lord of Thus one is to interpret.
the constellation yet something more will K.S.K..

K. Ganapathi
Question :—I am running a show. Due Nature of the profession: Houses 2, 6
to some cause or the other, I have and 10 indicate about one's profession.
my own fears whether it will be The order of judgment depends on the
affected in any manner and I have to strength of the
dispose it or will there be no loss of (1) planets in the constellation of
prestige, power and ' profit even the occupants of these houses,
though there may be some inimical
activities ? (2) planets tenanted in these houses,
Answer:—This question is taken for (3) planets in the star of the lords of
answering at exactly 8-10 A.M. on these houses,
Monday 30th May, 1966, —The posi- (4) the lords of these houses,
tion of the planets are as follows: (5) those in any manner connected
with the strong significator.
Saturn „
Vcdus R.h« (44. s-1-1-42 i
MariT-Si- House 2 is unoccupied. There is no
4-S7 4-49 Merc.
S™ 't1S-28.'. Lagna
20-30 planet posited in the 6tb bouse. Only
Venus is deposited in the lOtb Bbava.
The three constellations ruled by Venus
are Bbarani, Foorvapalguni and Foorva-
shada. Uranus alone is in the star
Foorvapalguni and it is in the third
house which shows that you may have to'
make frequent short journeys; you may
have to inspect the accounts or you may
be a brilliant editor publishing books or
Ketbu Neptune Moon journals or paper.
1-28 27-02 21-13 Venus as lord of 5 and 12 occupying the
10th house and lltb sign indicates that
The lagna and the lltb bouses show your income will be unsteady, speculative
whether one will have his desires fulfilled and you will make your fortune in a place
or not. Moon indicates the nature of the other than your own place.
query. Lord of two is Moon. It rules the
Moon is in the sign of Mercury in its nakshatras Rohini, Hast ham and Srava-
own Naksbalra Hastha and in the sub of nani. Sun and Mercury are in Rohini.
Venus. If a child is born with this posi- Moon is in Hastbam and there is no
tion of Moon, we will say tharthe child is planet in Sravanam star.
running Moon Dasa Venus Bbukli at the Therefore, Sun, Mercury, Moon and
time of the birth. As Venus occupies the Venus are the significators.
10th house, your query is coucerned with
your name, fame, reputation and profes- Generally, people having Kethu in the
sion. Stb bouse will have unnecessary fear that
the activities of his enemies may affect July, 1967. Luckily Saturn also transits in
"one's reputation or business or prestige. Revathi Nakshachra in July and both of
It is more so if Kethu is conjoined with them form trine aspect around 24th of July,
Neptune. Therefore you have got an 1967. You will be convinced that your
unnecessary fear. enterprise is successful from the beginning
According to me, never your business of August when Sun also transits in
will be affected by anybody. You may Aslesha Nakshatra i.e., Moon sign Cancer
entertain the doubt till Jupiter enters into and Mercury stars.
Moon sign and Mercury star i.e., Wishing you further more Prosperity
Ashlesha. Actually, Jupiter enters in and Peace!
M. S. Mani, b.e. (electronics)
Nowdays, it is oot uncommon that the after. missing the train, since we went
train arrives late. Suppose one finds out late.
from the railway authorities as to how
long the train is running late and if it For the benefit of the students of
maintains late, he can attend to his other scientific stellar astrology, KRISHNA-
duties and come late. But mostly she MURTI PADHDHATI, I give the analysis
does not maintain and the passengers are and method of arriving at the result,
disappointed. precisely.
My friend came to my house on 3-6*66. The idea of asking to give a number
After spending some? time with me he has within 108 is that the Zodiac is divided
to make his short trip by train which was into 108) equal parts. The zodiac is
scheduled to arrive at 9-50 A.M. Since my divided into 27 constellations each exten-
house was near the railway station, I sent ding to exactly 13° 20'. Each one of the
my brother to find out, when the train 27 stars is further sub-divided into 4 equal
will be coming. According to the infor- parts extending to 20'. This is called
mation given by the railway authorities thepadas. So, one star contains 4 padas.
the train was late and it should arrive 27 stars contain 27 multiplied by 4 padas
only after 11 A.M. which is equal to 108 padas. Each extends
Therefore, my friend was not prepared to 3° 20'- So the zodiac is (3° 20' multi-
till 10 A.M. for the journey. He, how- plied by 108) equal to 360°. The number
ever, felt uneasy about the late arrival of given by the querist represents a particular
the train. Being anxious to know the region extending to 3° 20'. For example
exact time of arrival of the train that day, No. 1 is 0° to 3° 20" counted from 0° Aries
he requested me to foretell when the train Mesha. Number 52, therefore, indicates
would be arriving. 170° to 173® 20' counted from Aries-Mesha
zero, or 20° to 23° 20' in the sign Virgo-
I asked him to give a number, within Kanni or the 4thpada ofthestar Hastham
108. He immediately mentioned No. 52. in the sign Virgo-Kanni.
Following Krishnamurti Padhdhati, I told
him after a few minutes that the train Now let us find out the number men-
would be arriving at 10-17 A.M. and not tioned by the querist, (a) the lord of the
after 11-00 A.M. sign, (b) the lord of the star of constella-
But my friend was more confident of the tion and (c) lord of the sub-portion con-
reports from the railway station and was tains in that particular pada.
believing that the train would be coming Now, lord of Virgo-Kanni is Mercury,
only after 11 O'clock. lord of star Hastham is Moon. The sub
How can KRISHNAMURTI PADH- lord according to Krishnamurti Padhdhati,
DHATI fail ? When we went to railway may be either Mercury, Kethu or Venus.
station, we found that the train had come Why do we note these particulars? How*
at exactly 10-17 A.M. and left the station. these planets indicate the time of arrival
My friend was astonished at the wonderful of the train? The query is answered
prediction made, but had gone by bus below.
Since, the train would be arriving within sign Cancer-Kataka is transited by the
in hour or two, one should take into con- Ascendant before 11 O'clock. In that sign
deration the transit of the Ascendant. we have the star Aslesha ruled by the
VVhich sensitive degree in the zodiac significator Mercury. The only significa-
should be transited by the ascendant when tor, which has not been included so far is
the train will arrive ? This degree should Venus. Therefore select Venus sub, in
be governed by (a) lord of the sign (b) lord Mercury star Ashlesha in Moon's sign
of the star according to the number men- Cancer-Kataka to be transited by the
tioned by the querist. It should also be ascendant, so that Mercury, Moon and
ruled by any one of the three sub-lords. Venus will jointly rule.
. So, Mercury and Moon should rule the Select the sub sub lord to rise in the
moment of arrival of the train (Transit of. east. What is it ? It is the lord of the
the Ascendant). Either Kethu or Venus lagna for the number given by the querist.
must also rule. Venus is the Karaka of
vehicle. So select Venus. Therefore the time of arrival of the
Therefore, when the Ascendant transits train would be 10-17 A.M. when the
a particular sensitive point governed by ascendant would transit in the sub sub of
Mercury, Moon and Venus, the train must Mercury in the sub of Venus, in the star
arrive. (Fulfilment of the query.) At the Ashlesha ruled by Mercury, in the sign
time of query, around 9-45 A.M. the Cancer-Kataka ruled by Moon.
ascendant was transiting in Moon's sign How does this method of prediction
Cancer-Kataka in Saturn star Poosam. come out'true invariably? It is mysterious;
Saturn is not a significator. So, the train but never fails. So, it is scientific and not
cannot come when the Ascendant transits a jugglary. So we have to call that
Saturn star. Since Moon, Mercury and Krishnamurti Padhdhati is the most scien-
Venus must rule the time of arrival of the tific one. It gives invariably correct
;rain, select Moon's sign or Mercury's results. It can be verified by one and all.
ugn or the sign owned by Venus. A consultant needs quick decision and
The ascendant moves to Leo-Simha correct prediction. By following the
owned by Sun which is not a significator method advocated as above, it will be
before ,11 O'clock. In transits Virgo- possible for us to time the minor events.
Kanni ruled by significator Mercury This can be applied to major events in
around 1 P.M. to 3 P.M. But Moon's one's life.

The horoscope of a native born at The Bhava—Table and the table show-
Madras on 25-7-1938 at 11-45 P.M. is ing lord of constellation and sub of all
given below. The chart is analysed planets are given below for ready refe-
systematically according to the Krishaa- rence.
murti Padhdhati. The method of arriving I. Planetary positions:—
at the exact moment of the marriage is Lord of the star Sub-lord.
detailed below: Planet xn the chart. occupied the
Moon | 1. Sun Saturn Venus
19° 17' 40*1 2. Moon Rahu Mars
3. Mars Saturn Venus
4. Mercury Kethu Rahu
5. Jupiter (R) Rahu Rahu
RASI CHART 6. Venus Venus Jupiter
i 25—7—1938 Venus 7. Saturn Mercury Rahu
Time: IMS P.M. 20* 13' 8. Rahu
Mercury < Jupiter Moon
<o OO' 9. Kethu Sun Jupiter.
II. Bhava Table:—11th cusp: 4°
I. Kethu VI
Balance of Rahu Dasa at the time of birth II. VII Rahu
was. 11 months, and 13.2 days.. From VIII
11-6-1966, the native runs Saturn Dasa, III. Moon IX
Moon Bhukti. IV. Mars, Sun,
The uniform methodical approach is to Mercury X
note down (1) the lord of the constella- V. Venus XI Jupiter
tion and sub in which the diBerent planets XII Saturn
in the chart are posited and also, the Method of Analysis :—
different Bhavas in which the planets are
posited. One should note that a parti- The aim is to find out th s time of
cular Bhava starts from the end of the marriage. Therefore, according to
previous cusp and extends to the beginning Krishnamurti Padhdhati, the Bhavas 2, 7
of the next cusp. This alone will give and 11 are to be scrutinised. The signifi-
correct results. Whenever ' there are cators are:
different versions on the same subject, 1. The planets in the constellation
intelligent scholars must do research, find or sub of the occupants of
out the truth and totally forget other the Bhavas 2, 7 and 11. If these
opinion in the matter. There is no pur- are weak or none is obtained,
pose served by reproducing both, confus- then consider as below.
ing the reader and leaving ■ them at the 2. The planets situated in the
same stage. Bhavas 2, 7 and 11. If weak,
For example, lagna (1st cusp) is 8° 56" consider
Aries-Mesha in the present case. So 3. The planets in the constellation
Lagna Bhava is from 8° 56' to Taurus- of the lords of 2, 7 and 11.
Rishaba. Then
4. Lord of 2, 7 and 11. And besides being lord of 11th Bhava. The
finally sub is strongest star lord is also favo-
5. Planets aspected by the signifi- urable. So Mercury is a significator..
cators, or aspecting the Bhavas Next, Jupiter is. in the star Sathayam
2; 7 and Hi ruled by Rahu, in the sub, also governed
One should not forget the following by Rahu. Hence Jupiter becomes a signifi-
rules in the above analysis. cator.
(a) Beneficial planets offer their Saturn is in Revathi ruled by Mercury.
results through the depositor in this But the sub-lord is Rahu. Mercury is the
constellation only when the sub is ruled by lord of Virgo—Kanni and Gemini—
a benefic. If the sub is ruled by a malefic Mithuna, 6th and 3rd houses respectively.
the depositor cannot bring put favourable 4th house shows permanent place of resi-
results. . dence. 3rd house is the 12th to 4th.
(b) The planet is the source, the Hence leaving the permanent place of
constellation' indicates the nature of the residence is indicated by Mercury. Rahu
results and the sub is a deciding factor is the sub lord which occupies 7th Bhava.
whether the matter is favourable or not. It clearly shows that the girl has to leave
Sub is the most important factor, and the permanent place of residence because
only when it is made use of, one can select she gets married. Sub lord shows the
the significators correctly and it is explai- details. Hence Saturn in Mercury's star
ned below. and Rahu's sub indicates marriage.
Lagna is 8° 56' Aries—Mesha, lord of Since we have got four planets (Moon,
Lagna is Mars. Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn) as significators,
we need not analyse further.
2nd Bhava extends from 8° 56' Taurus For the native from 11th June, Moon
Rishaba to 8° 56' Mitbuna—Gemini. No Bhukti in Saturn Dasa starts. So the time
planet is placed in this region. Lord of is good for marriage.
the sign in which 2nd cusp falls (8° Which Anthra will you select ? If the
Rishaba) is Venus. lord of the bhukti is related to the karaka
7th Bhava is from 8° 56' Libra—Thulam for marriage, then in the same Anthra it
to 8° 56' Scorpio—Vrischika. Rahu occu- will give marriage.
pies 7th Bhava and Venus is lord of Libra Moon is the lord of the bhukti. It is
—-Thulam, the sign in which the 7th cusp posited in 19° 17' Gemini—^-Mithuna.
falls. Venus, the karaka for marriage occupies
11 th Bhava extends from 4° Aquarius- Leo—Simfca 20°. The ephemerical dist-9
Kumbha to 4° Pisces—Meena. Jupiter ance between the two planets are dO
(R) occupies 11th Bhava and Saturn is the approximately. This is a powerful aspect
lord of the sign Aquarius—Kumba in to do good. So select Moon Anthra.
which 11th cusp falls. To fix the date one is to apply Krishna-
First of all find out the planets in the murti Padhdhati. On 13th June, Moon
constellation and sub of the occupants by transit conjoins the natal position of
Bhavas 2, 7 and 11. the dasanatha, Saturn 25° 9f Pisces—
No planet is in 2nd Bhava. 7th is Meena.
posited by Rahu and the 11th by Jupiter. When a native runs 4 A ' Dasa 4 B '
Moon is in Arudhra ruled by Rahu in Bhukti, select the date when Moon transits
the sub of Mars, lord of lagna which will (or Sun)
. only do good to the native. Therefore A Star, B sub,
Moon becomes a significator. B Star, A sub.
Mercury is in Makam ruled by Kethu A Star, B sign.
in the sub of Rahu. Kethu is in Taurus B sign, A Star.
—Rishaba and hence represents its lord But if A and B are weak, select the
Venus, arid also Saturn who aspeqts Kethu strong significators in the place of A and B.
Jupiter, the occupant of 11 th Bhava is' stronger. So, select Mercury sign, Rah
in the star and sub if Rahu which occupies star Mars sub to be transited by th
7th Bhava. Mercury is in Rahu's sub, ascendant at the moment of marriage.
Ketbu's star Makam. Kethu represents
lord of the sign Taurus—Rishaba in which Further, at this degree, the ascendan
it is posited. Lord of Taurus—Rishaba is (Transitory) conjoins the natal position o '
Venus. (Lord of 2 and 7.) Saturn aspects bhuktinatha, the Moon. So, when ascen-
(11th Bhava lord) Kethu. So, Mercury dant transits 19° 17'40* Gemini—Mithuna
is also strong. So, select Mercury star (Natal position of Moon, the Bbukti lord)
in Jupiter?ssign or Jupiter's sign or Jupi- around 7-16 A.M. on 13-6-1966, the
ter's star in Mercury's sign. The former native will definitely get married. This
is Revathi, the latter being Punarvasu. is according to Krishnamurti Padhdhati-
But when Moon transits in Revathi star, "It should now be clear to the readers,
it conjoins natal Saturn (Dasanatha). So that astoundingly accurate predictions are
select Revathi star. offered by students and readers using.
Moment of Marriage: Lagna at the Krishnamurti Padhdhati alone. He never.,
time of marriage will be Gemini— confuses. There is no contradiction,
Mithuna, ruled by the significator Once reading his magazine gives dear
Mercury. The star rising in the east may ideas: doubts disappear; every reader is
be Jupiter's star Punarvasu, and Jupiterr benefitted. Read anything else. Definite-
sub. But when I analyse the chart 5° 20 ness will be lacking. Reproduction in
Gemini—Mithuna rises in the east. Lord other words alone can be had. One finds
of the sign is Mercury, lord of the star that by reading Astrology & Atbrishta, one
Mrtgasirisha is Mars. Sub lord is Sun. gains knowledge. Let him read anything
So, Sun, Mars and Mercury rule this senti- else? He remains as he were" says
tive point. But Rahu in Sun's star is R. R., Madras.
Jyotish Visharath K. Ganapathi
Houses 2, 7 and 11 indicate about
marriage. Therefore,
(a) the placets in the constellation of
the tenants in these houses, 2, 7
and 11,
(b) the occupants in these houses,
(c) the planets, deposited in the cons-
tellation of the lords of these
three houses,
(d) the owners of these houses,
(e) the placets conjoined with them
or aspected by them.
■ All these are to be judged on the
strength depending upon the order given
above. So* let us judge. First, a few
students are yet in doubt bow to find out
the bbava house. Are we to follow the
system adopted by the Hindus or by the
Westerners. The Modern Astrological
Institute carried enough of research and
it has been found that to follow Western
System as regards the division of the
houses is conect, whereas, it is not so
when we follow Hindu System. Accor-
dingly take the houses 2, 7 and 11.
Houses 2 and 11 are unoccupied. 7th
Sun Mercury [ house is occupied by Kethu. Therefore,
Kethu is one of the significators. Still
stronger would be the planet occupying
Date of birth, 16th October, 1944. the Naksbathras, Aswini, Makam or
This is the horoscope of the bride- Moolam, which is ruled by Kethu. There
Marriage indicates not only addition of is no planet in Aswini; no planet in
the member to the family but also the Makam and none in Moolam. Therefore,
native has to change her permanent place Kethu is one of the significators.
of residence and live with her husband. Next, we have to find the lords of the
So, there should be an indication houses. Houses 2, 7 and 11 are ruled by
of change of residence also other than Moon, Jupiter and Mars. Moon Nak-
marriage. If you scrutinise a male's sbathras are Rohini, Hastbam and Srava-
horoscope, change of residence need not nam. No planet is in these three stars.
be looked into. But in a girl's horoscope, 7th house is ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter
this also should be included. governs Punarvasu, Visakam and Poorva-
According to the method which is to be padrapada. Punarvasu is occupied by -
strictly followed in all .cases, one has to Rahu. Visakam is occupied by Venus
judge the strength of the significators in and there is no planet in Poorattattii.
the following order : Next, lord of 11 is Mars. It governs the
stars Mrigasirisha, Cbitrai and Dbamsbta. Whenever Saturn occupies either lagna
Tbere is no planet in Mrigasirisbal none or it is in I, 3, 5, 7, 10 counted from
in Dbanisbta. But, tbere are Moon and Moon, till the sub period of Saturn is over
Mercury in Cbitrai. Now the question in that of Moon, marriage cannot be
bas arisen. Rabu is in Jupiter's constella- celebrated. But the moment, Saturn
tion. Kethu is in Jupiter's sign. Moon is over, Mercury comes just like the
and Mercury are really very strong. early morning darkness disappears by
Mercury is exalted both in Rasi and the sunrise without any hesitation or
Navamsa. When sucb is the case, wbicb delay, so also the moment Saturn is over
are we to take ? Immediately note down and Mercury sub sub period comes, in that
the day on wbicb the horoscope is consul- Moon Bukthi, Rahu Dasa marriage will be
ted, tbelagna, etc. Then you will under- celebrated. So, I expect that the marriage
stand that Jupiter is really very strong. will be celebrated on or around 16th or
It rules the day. It rules the star and sign 17th July, 1967. At that time. Sun will be
in wbicb Moon transits, Mithuna. There- transiting the degree where Rahu was at
fore, regarding the lagna, regarding the the time of the birth. Also, Jupiter will
time of birth, there is no doubt at all,- be in the 2nd house counted from lagna,
because lagna is in Punarvasu naksbathra which will be in exaltation. It will be in
and you are consulting at that time when 11 to lord of 2 Moon. So, that is the
Moon transits in Punarvasu. Therefore, most auspicious time when you will get
the time of query agrees with both the married. Change of residence is indica-
time of yourself. Why? To-day, it is ted. Certainly. Kethu is -occupying the
Thursday, the naksbathra is Punarvasu constellation of Sun, Uthrashada. Sun
ruled by Jupiter; the lagna is Mesha, rules the third house. Third house means
governed by Mars and Moon is transiting 12 to 4. Then 4th house indicates per-
in Gemini. Therefore what are the ruling manent place of residence with mother and
planets? Jupiter, Mercury and Mars.• father. 3rd . house shows separation.
Your naksbathra is Mercury's sign Mars When Sun rules the 3rd house, the node
star. Your lagna is Mercury' sign in the constellation of Sun is to give the
Jupiter's star or Mercury's sign Moon's result. Therefore, in Rahu Dasa, Moon
star. Therefore, it is quite correct. When Bukthi, Kethu Anthra, immediately
the lagna is correct, the dasa balance at follows that of Mercury there will be
the time of the birth is also correct and separation. You will be accompanying
further the query is about marriage. your partner.
While recording, yours to note down the Does he come from relative's family
time of birth I looked at a disturbance.' or will he be an absolute stranger?
While recording I was called. Again I As lord of 7 is in the 3rd house, he lives
had to go. Which is the planet that will only in a close by place, a place which
disturb Saturn. Therefore, Saturn was you can reach by railway travel or by car
rising in the east at the time of your birth- or even by bus. So, he is not far away.
Saturn was occupying the lagna. For Only when the lord of 7 is in the 12th
marriage, what it will indicate. About house, the native has to make very long
marriage, there will be communication, journey. So, it does not indicate like
correspondence, negotiation, etc.. but such that. Can it be Bombay ? It will be in
fellow is a Saturnian and he will not prove Bombay. - How? Leo represents Bombay.
to be a successful candidate. Better drop Jupiter occupies Leo. Jupiter is called
him. Next follows Mercuranian, Jupita- Bullion Market. In India, Bullion Market
rian and you will get yourself married is in Bombay.
when Rahu which is under the sway of There is no Mars dhosha.
Jupiter and Mercury in his dasa, Moon
which is to give the results of both Mars Girls having Mars in 2 or 7 have no
and Mercury, about Rahu Dasa, Moon dhosha.
Bukthi will give. Mars, in movable sign no dhosha.
I was on 9-6-1966 at 12-05 P.M. A lady (4) Lords of houses 2, 7 and 11.
puts us a query : Will I join my husband (5) Planets who are in conjunction
and have domestic facility ? with or aspected by the significa-
The following are the planetary posi- tors-
tions : (1) 2nd house is vacant.
Sun 24-34 Mercur y 7th house is occupied by Saturn.
Saturn Venus Rahu 1-56 9-28 Pushyam, AnuradhaandUttarabhadra are
5-27 16-28 Mats Jupiter ruled by Saturn. Saturn himself is posited
14-38 13-48
in Uttarabhadra. So Saturn is significator.
Moon 11th house is vacant.
(2) 2nd bouse is occupied by no
planet. 7th house is occupied by Saturn.
Lagna 11th house is vacant. So Saturn is signifi-
24-10 cator.
(3) 2nd lord is Mercury. 11th lord
is also Mercury. Mercury rules the con-
kctbu 1-56 stellations, Aslesha, Jyeshta and Revathi.
No planet is posited in any one of these
constellations. 7th lord is Saturn. Saturn
The longitude of Moon is 3° 27' in sign himself posited in his own constellation.
Aquarius. She is posited in the constella- So Saturn is significator.
tion of Dhanishta, ruled by Mars and is in (4) Lord of 2 and U is Mercury.
the sub of Venus. Consequently the sub Lord of 7th house is Saturn. Therefore
period of Venus in the major period of Mercury and Saturn are significators.
Mars is in operation at the time of query. (5) Saturn aspects Rahu powerfully.
7th house indicates husband, marital Mercury is in conjunction with Jupiter.
happiness and life with legal husband.
2nd house indicates family and domestic Therefore the significators indicating
facility. 11th house indicates reunion, reunion with husband and domestic facility
cordial relations and permanent tie with are Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter and Rahu.
married partner- The planetary period of Mars is in
Therefore for reunion with husband and operation at the time of query. It is to
perfect domestic facility, consider houses run upto 17-2-1968. Mars is not signifi-
2, 7 and 11. cator indicating reunion and domestic
facility. He is posited in the constellation
The significators are: Rohini, ruled by Moon and is In the sub
(1) Planets posited in the constella- of Jupiter. Moon rules the 12th house
tion of the occupants of houses indicating separation of husband and
2, 7 and 11. Jupiter rules the house indicating sorrow
due to husband. Therefore Mars will not
(2) Occupants of houses 2, 7 and 11. contribute to the growth of cordial rela-
(3) Planets posited in the constella- tions with the husband. As Jupiter is also
tions of the lords of houses 2, 7 lord of 5th house, relation with the hus-
and 11. band will not be snapped. There is also
do danger to the life of your husband as Our ancient sages have divided the-
Jupiter holds the lordship of your " Man- planetary periods into sub periods and4
galyasthana" (8th house) and the 7th each sub period rules certain period which
lord, Saturn is posited in his own coDstel- runs a few years. AgaiDeach sub period
latioD* Uttarabhadra. is divided into sub sub periods which runs
a few months.
From 17-2-1968 onwards the planetary
period of Rahu coraraences. Planets posited favourably with the '
major lord will always help, assist and co- '
Whether Rahu coDtributes reunion and operate with the major lord in giving the
domestic facility ? expected result. Planets inharmoniously
A planet offers the results of the lord of disposed with the major lord will bring
the constellation it was posited. The obstacles and cause delay.
aBfairs pertaining to the houses over which Whether a planet is favourably placed
the lord of the constellation holds lordship or not, is to be ascertained from the Iod-
will be experienced by the native predo- gitudinal distance between planets. Saturn
minently. The sub will indicate the net is very favourably placed towards Rahu.
result. Mercury is also favourably placed towards
Rahu is posited in the constellation Rahu.
Krithika. Krithika is ruled by Sun. And The first sub period in the Rahu major
Sun holds the lordship of 1st house. 1st period is Rahu sub period itself which
house indicates hODOur, dignity, glory, runs 2 years 8 months and 12 days. The
comfort and happiness. sub period of Rahu is again divided iDto
Rahu is posited in the sub of Jupiter. sub sub (Anthra) periods. The first sub
Jupiter holds lordship of 5th house and sub (Anthra) period in the sub period of
8th house. 5th house indicates recreation Rahu belongs to Rahu himself which runs
and pleasure. 5th house is 11 th (perma- for 4 months, 25 days and 48Ghatis from
nent tie) to the 7th house (husband). 8th 17-2-1968.
house is your ' Mangalyara'• It is 2nd Rahu is a strong significator. Therefore
house (comfort from family) to the 7th it is during this period i.e., between
house (husband). 17-2-1968 and 13-7-1968 you will meet
Therefore Rahu who is posited in the your husband.
coDstellatioD of lord of 1st house and On what date?
who is in the sub of lord of 5 and 8, is a
strong signiheator indicating reunion and The ruling planets at the time of query
domestic facility. You are sure to meet are the ruling planets at the time of fruc-
and move with your married partner and tificatioD of the expected result. The week
will have marital bless and domestic com- day the query was put is Thursday.
fort during the planetary period of Thursday is ruled by Jupiter. The query
Rahu. was put when Leo is rising iD the east.
Sir, the planetary period of Rahu runs Leo is ruled by Sun. The Moon is in con-
for J8 years. If so, when my husband will stellation Chitra, in sigD Aquarius at the
time of query Chitra is ruled by Mars.
meet me and I will have the pleasure of Aquarius is ruled by Saturn. Therefore
moving with him asked the lady quite the ruling planets at the time of query
interestedly. are Jupiter, Sun, Mars and SaturD. The
• Madam ! samepIaDets will rule at the time of return
of your husband. The planetary period
What you told is correct. Rahu rules that will be ruling then will also belong to
18 years. Naturally you are interested to these planets onjy.
know which year,-which month and which
day you will meet your husband and move The planetary period of Rabu is in ,
with him with comfort and joy. operation. Rahu is a shadowy planet. It '
eflects the results of the'planets with expected result, reunion and domestic
bom it is in association and also in facility. It runs between 9-3-1968 and
spectof. Rahu is in association with 29-3-1968. The lu;ninaries are the excit-
un and Mars is aspected by Saturn. ing planets. Sun transits Foorvabhadra
erefore Rahu is to act as agent of Sun, in sign Pisces between 15th March and
^ars and Saturn. Thus the lord of the 17th March every year approximately.
lanetary period has reflected the ruling The week day will be Thursday.
planets of the query, Sun, Mars and Saturn Therefore your husband will meet you
leaving aside Jupiter. Therefore the on Thursday about 15th March, 1968
major period of Rahu, the sub period of from which date onwards he will move
Rahu, the sub sub period 'of Rahu and the with you permanently bestowing on you
'Sookshma period of Jupiter will offer the marital happiness -and domestic facility.
(Appl tstion ofi Krisbnamn Ji Padhdhati)

M. S. MAm, B.E.
T It aim is t> fin dout the. time of birth The ruling'planets are
of the child for the hdy whose chat, is 1 ..,Moon,.lord of Monday (day of ■
given below : analysis).'.
i, turn(R) 2: Rabu, lord of the constellation
> f « Ketbm Arudhra at the moment of analy-
so 45, sis.-'
Lagaa 24* 3. Mercury, lord of Gemtn'i
Mithu ib where Moon transits
RASI CHART | y 59* JO* | now-.
Birth: fr02 P.M. 4'.. Mars, lord of Scorpio-Vrischika,
on 3—11-1939 1 : . in which sign lagoa tra o'ts now.
Balance of S aturn
dasa 18years and* Si Saturn, lo d . o I the star Anu-
one month. radha which rises i athc ast at-
this moment.
^5"' fcun 17 First of all'one has to. decide whether
Mercury ■, ."J5 Moon sign is strong or lag a (stronger
9'4P tha n Moon sign. Lagna is 24° Aries—
The position of the planets with refe- Me ha. Saturn (R) and Kcthu the node,
rence to the lo ri of the. constellation and are placed in Aries Mesha- but they go to
sub lo d, in which th eplane S are p d't 4 twelfth Blava.. Mars i s lord of Aries-
a e given: below for easy reference. Mesha (1st house) and al o . lor dof," Scor-
pio-Vrischika (8th house). It is in Capri ,
1. Sue if in the ccnetetlationof Rabu in sub of Venus. corn Maka a 27.° 12'., Therefore it squares-
2 . Moon Saturn - ,, Saturn ' lagna cusp (lord of 8 forms square aspect.
3j Mars Mars „ Jupiter wi b lagna Cusp).
4.. Mercury Saturn „ Venus I6r Moon sign,. Moon, is placediin
5. Jupitec Saturni M « mry 30" in i Cancer-Kataka, in-its own
6. Venus, Jupiter- Rah'u sign.. Saturn (R) is-lord .of 8 since the
7. Saturn 8th-house 's Aquadus-Kumba. to Moon
Kethu „ Moon. sign. It1 squares Moon-. (Lord of 8;
8. Rabu „ Mars Moon. sq ares. Moon, sign as well- as it. lord
9. Kethu, Kethu „ Rahu- Moon.) Iip t e (R) though a general
The horoscope- is taken for analys $ to" .benefic is lord of 6 (Dhanur) to Moon i g>.
Jupiter aspects. Moon by its^ 5th aspect.
find out the time of. birth of the c Mid of One may conclude that M eon is in its own
the native. The time of" analys s is 6-42 s'gn and: the benefic Jupiter aspects h ee:
P.M. o n23-S-1966. The ruling and he it eMoo a ign is stronger.
th s moment will i be t it sig nficators for
ibild birth i.e ,, n.the conjoined peri ids' When a do tbt a rses , fillow Krishna-
of be-r iling-pl'BB S; the child will: be murti Fadhadhati. The p- ee it.momen tis
born, provided- the. results- a gee with D id b -y(l) Moon, (2) Ribu, (3) M e ory,.
tr anit a id progression. (4) Mars and (5). Saturn. Lagna lit the.
birth chart is 24' Aries-Mesha ruled by placed in this region. Mars alone is in the
Mars, Venus and Saturn. Moon was in sub of Jupiter. Venus is in the constella-
3° 59' 30" Cancer-Kataka ruled by Moon, tion Visakam ruled by Jupiter and in sub
Saturn (lord of the sign, star and sub). of Rahu (Rahu represents Venus since it
Since Venus does not rule the moment of occupies Libra-Thulam owned by Venus).
analysis, Moon sign can be taken stronger But Venus is situated in Scorpio the sign
of the two. But yet, taking either as the which is detriment to Venus. Hence Venus
first house, we can analyse and it shall be is weak to signify the result. Lord of the
found that one will get the same planets 11th house Aquarius-Kumbha is Saturn.
as significators for a particular event. Mercury in Saturn star Anuradha, is a
Houses 2, 5 and 11 are to be judged. significator. Moon is in Poosam ruled by
Therefore follow the order below:— Saturn. It is also in the sub of Saturn. So
(a) The planets tenanted in the con- Moon is a strong significator.
stellations or subs of the occu- Therefore we will find that Mercury,
pants of the Bbavas 2,5 and 11. Moon and Mars are strong significators.
(b) Occupants of 2nd, 5th and 11th We need analysis further.
Bhavas. Taking Moon sign as the first house,
(c) Planets in the constellation or let us see whether the significators agree.
sub of the lords of the houses 2, Mercury is in Scorpio-Vrischika9° 49'. No
5 and 11. planet is situated in its constellation. So,
(d) Lords of 2, 5 and 11. take the occupant Mercury as a strong
(e) Those conjoined with or aspec- significator. Mars aspects the second
ted by any of the significators. house Leo-Simha, which is vacant, by its
It is important to note that if one does Sth aspect. Mars is in its own constellation.
not get significators according to the order So Mars is a strong significator. Jupiter,
(a), then only the next rule should be the Karaka for children aspects Moon.
applied and one stops at a stage when he Moon is in Cancer-Kataka, a fruitful sign.
gets at least 3 significators. At last one is It is strong in its own sign. So Moon is a
to proceed further and apply the last rule strong significator.
(order (e)j. Let us now analyse the chart Further, the moment of analysis is also
(taking lagna is stronger of the two). governed by Moon, Mars and Mercury.
1. Second house-Bhava is 24° Taurus- The native runs Mercury Dasa, Mars
Rishaba to 24° Gemini-Mithuna. No Bukthi, Moon Anthra -in June 1967.
planet is found in this region. But Mars Around 17th June, 1967, when Sun transits
aspects 2nd cusp by 12(P. Mars governs in Mercury sub in the constellation
the stars Mrigasirisha, Chitra and Dhani- Mrigasirisha ruled by Mars, in the sign
shtain the sub of Jupiter, the karaka for Gemini-Mithuna ruled by Mercury the
children. Hence Mars is a strong signifi- child will be born. Moon will transit in
cator. Venus rules Taurus-Rishaba. Sun the star Chitrai in Mercury sign Virgo-
and Mercury are in the sub of Venus. Kanni. The sub may be Mars sub or
Sun is in Libra-Thulam. So, it is debili- Mercury sub.
tated. Mercury is in the constellation of Or, Moon may transit in the sign
Saturn, lord of 11 (Aquarius-Kumba). So Cancer-Kataka ruled by Moon, the Anthra-
Mercury is the significator. natha, in the star Aslesha ruled by Mer-
2. Fifth house is Leo-Simha. Lord of cury the dasanatha, in the sub of Mars the
Leo-Simha is Sun. Since Sun. is debilita- bukthinatha. The day will be either
ted we need not consider it. Moreover no Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. The
planet is placed in its constellations or second star Aslesha will mostly be the
even in its sub. birth star of the child. As 1967 Ephe-
3. 11th Bhava is from 24° Aquarius- meris is not available now, reference can-
Kumba to 24° Pisces-Meena. Jupiter (R) is not be made by me.
When will my son become a father? A planet offers the results of the lord of
asked a lady. the constellation in which it was posited.
" Madam, What is the time now?" Matters pertaining to the houses over
which that planet holds lordship will be
"4-40" please (It is not A.M. but it is experienced by the native predominantly
4-40 P.M.) during its period or periods.
The date is 26-5-1966. The place where In the present case the major lord
the question was put is Vijayawada— Mercury, as is posited in the constellation,
Bezwada. . Rohini, ruled by Moon who holds the
The following is the planetary position lordship of 10th house, will offer results
at the time of query : pertaining to the 10th house during its
period of 9 months and 23 days.
I Venus Sun U.29
Saturn 0.42 Mercury Jupiter The sub lord, Saturn, is posited in
4-35 1 Mars 10-39 10.51 ' Uttarabhadra ruled by Saturn himself who
4-57 Raliu 1.59
holds the lordship of 4th house and 5th
Moon house, and consequently becomes yoga-
29-23 karaka planet. Therefore it is to reflect
the results of houses 4 and 5.
The sub-sub lord. Mars is posited is the
constellation Aswani ruled by Kethu who
holds lordship of no-house.
5th house indicates the eldest son.
I Kethu Lagna Eldest son's wife is indicated by 11th
j 1-59 16-30 house which is 7th house to the 5th house.
i , 10th house is 12th house to the lllb
The Moon is posited in the constella- house. 12th house has relationship with
tion Ashlesha. She is in the sub of hospitals and separation. Therefore the
Saturn and in the sub sub of Mars. Ash- major lord. Mercury, is capable of inflic-
lesha constellation is ruled by Mercury. ting the eldest son's wife separation from
Consequently the major period of kith and kin and also hospitalisation.
Mercury, the sub period of Saturn and Consequently your son's wife will be hos-
the sub sub period (Anthra) of Mars is in pitalised for some time during the coming
operation at the time of query. The 9 months and 23 days-
major lord Mercury is posited in the cons- The sub lord, Saturn reflects the result'
tellation Rohini and is in the sub of of houses 4 and 5. 4th house is the 12th
Moon. The sub lord is posited in Uttara- house to the 5th house which indicates
bhadra ruled by Saturn and is also in the eldest son- 12th house indicates expen-
sub of Saturn. The sub sub lord Mars diture, separation, change, etc. 4th house
is in the constellation Aswani ruled by is 6th house (sickness) when counted from
Kethu and is in the sub of Mars. 1 Ith house (eldest son's wife). Therefore
the sub lord Saturn contributes sickness Dhanishta. No planet is posited in any
(not normal-routine one) to your eldest one of these constellations.
son's wife.
9th bouse is vacant.
The planetary period of the sub sub lord
Mars operates only 9 days from 26-5-1966. 3rd house is also vacant.
As the 6th house is occupied by Venus
Then follows the sub sub period of and Mars, the planet Venus and Mars are
Rahu. Rabu was posited in the constel- significators indicating birth of children
lation, Krithika ruled by Sun and is in the for your eldest son.
sub of Rabu himself. Sunislordof 11th 6th lord is lupiter. Punarvasu, Visaka
house which indicates eldest son's wife. and Poorvabhadra are ruled by Jupiter.
The sub sub period runs for 4 months and Kethu is posited in Visaka. Therefore
25 days from 5-6-1966. Rahu is to oSer Kethu is significator.
the results of Sun who holds the lordship
of 11th house. Therefore the sub sub 9th lord is Mercury. Aslesha, Jyesta
period of Rahu will offer results pertaining and Revathi are ruled by Mercury. Moon
to the eldest son's wife. is posited in Aslesha. Therefore Moon is
Can Rahu contribute for the birth of one of the significators.
child? "Why not?" 3rd lord is Jupiter, again.
The following is the astrological expla- As lords of 6, 9 and 3 are Jupiter,
nation: Mercury and Jupiter, these planets are
For birth of children, consider houses significators.
2, Sand 11. Mercury, one of the significators is in
The significators are: conjunction with Rabu and Sun. There-
fore Rabu and Sun are significators.
(1) Planets posited in the constel-
lations of the occupants of The nodes are always stronger than the .
houses 2, 5 and 11. planets. Thus Rahu-one of the nodes,
whose sub sub period is in operation is
(2) The occupants of houses 2, 5 significator indicating birth of child to
and 11. your eldest son.
(3) Planets posited in the constel- When Rabu offers birth of child, when
lations of the lords of houses 2, 5 will delivery take place ?
and 11.
(4) Lords of houses 2, 5 and 11. When a node is a significator, planets
posited in the constellation or sub of that
(5) Planets conjoined with or aspec- □ode are much stronger than the node
ted by the above significators. itself to reflect the expected results.
In order to know the birth of children Jupiter is posited in the constellation of
of eldest son, consider your 6th house, Rahu. Kethu is also posited in the sub of
(which is 2nd house to the 5 th house), 9tb Rabu.
bouse (which is the 5th house to the 5 th Jupiter is karaka for children. There-
bouse) and 3rd bouse (which is 11th bouse fore the Sookshama period of Jupiter iu
to the 5th house). the Anthra (sub sub period) of Rahu offers)
6tb bouSe is occupied by Venus and birth of child. It tuns from 28-6-1966 to|
Mars. Venus rules Bharani, Poorvaphal- 17-7-1966. It is during this period the
guni and Poorvasbada. No planet is birth of child to your eldest son takes
posited in any one of these constellations. place.
Mars rules Mrigasira, Chitra and On what date ?
Major lord Mercury rules Gemini and Aquarius on Thursday, the July 1966. It
Virgo. Among these two signs Gemini is is on this date the delivery has to take
having the constellation Arudra ruled by place.
The sub lord Saturn rules Capricorn and The sex of the child is female.
Aquarius. Among these two signs Aqua- The time of delivery is about 5-30 A.M.
rius is having the constellation Sathabisha
ruled by Rahu. The place of delivery is hospital.
The luminaries are the exciting planets May God bless the child!
who indicate the date of event. Sun
transi&the constellation Punarvasu in sign (Correctness of the prediction will be
Gemini during this period. Moon transits published; the editor agrees and is sure of
the constellation Sathabisha, in sign this prediction.)
Aviation suffered a worst setback in the We shall now examine, how far these
year 1966 which brought in its wake a broad principles are capable of explaining
series of crashes and crash landings the the causes of crashes and crash land-
world over, thus shaking the confidence of ings.
the general public in the safety of air
travel. Such accidents cause much loss Case I-A BOAC jetliner took off from
to the nation both in lives and property. Tokyo International Airport for Hong-
In spite of advanced technique and em- kong on 5-3-1966 at 1.5S P.M. local
ployment of highly trained personnel such (10.28 A.M. 1ST).
catastrophies do occur now and then.
Let us see whether the disposition of the
planets at the time of take-off of a plane Mercury
has any bearing at all upon its journey. SaniD IftiolI X„ 17-56
Son 14.10
All the yogas that arise out of permuta- VII 25-46
tions and combinations of the days of Venus
week, constellations and elongations of . 2-33 1
Moon are common to all of us. Yet only Prat&ada
5_1 < i
certain persons are affected while some
others are not. Hence much depends
upon the exact lagna at the moment of
undertaking a journey.
Lagna rules the starting place and VII Neptune
the destination. X denotes circumstances Ghaatha 22-09
of the journey and IV the return journey. 18-18 Kcthu
If these places are afflicted the journey
will not be smooth. Afflicted Moon is a Lagna is in ' Gandasandhi' and is
sure indication of trouble. Moon posited afflicted by the lord of II (Sesquiquadrate)
in II, IV, VI, VIII and XII causes hind- Sun. Moon in II is in * Vishanadi'. He
rances and delays. VIII denotes what is afflicted by Prayanakaraka Mercury
happens at destination. Aspect of bene- (Sesquiquadrate). Moon being lord of
Scson the afflicted places or planets miti- lagna, this affliction has double impor-
gates the evil. tance. Lord of Mrutyu (death) Saham is
Coining to the planets that are involved posited in Aries, a cardinal and violent
in accidents Uranus will be prominent in sign, Its lord Mars is opposing Mrutyu
most cases as they are sudden in nature. Saham. Uranus who is squaring Ghaatha
An unfavourable Uranus denotes accidents (Injury) Saham is also afflicting Pramada
in which machinery is involved. Mars (accident) Saham (Sesquiquadrate). Lord
similarly placed causes burns, Saturn of VII and VIII Satuni is also afflicting
falls and Pluto explosions. So, Uranus, the Pramada Saham. IX is squared by
Pluto, Saturn and Mars will generally be its lord. Punya Saham (Fortuna) is afflic-
the planets causing affliction. Treachery ted by Mercury (square) and Moon
and deceipt are seen when Neptune is the (Sesquiquadrate). Aakaasayana (air tra-
afflicting planet. vel) Saham is afflicted by Neptune.
This plane crashed in flames at the foot We now see two cases of crash landings
of Japan's sacred Mount Fuji, about 12 for comparison.
minutes after taking oft* when 2-10 Leo
was rising, i.e. lagna semisquare Uranus. Case III—' Aakaash Doot' an IAC
Case II—An IAC. Fokker Friendship Caravelle on a scheduled flight to Delhi
plane on a scheduled flight to Srinagar was delayed due to bad weather and left
left Delhi on 7-2-1966 at 7-10 A.M. Calcutta on 15-2-1966 at 1-45 A.M.
Saturn i Rahu
Saturn Rabu 0-42 16-57 Ghaatba | 0-16
16-03 Mrutyu Jupiter Marsl2-16 25-07 i Jjpher
Mars 0-16 21-22 (R) Mere. 2-30 i 21-15CR)
I 6-07
Mercury Pramaada
18-23 10-21
Sun 17-47 VTI120.26
Lagna (5AYANA) |

2418 134)5 jura. 18-30(11)
Lagna Punya
Puuyft 7.67
IX 26-37 MQO»
7.56 17-32 1
KctbuO-K? 15^ I yaoa
X 1-05 Plato{&)
Aakaasa- Pramarte
Kethu 0-42 yana
15-15 Uranus18-47
1848(R1 Lagna is squared by Pluto and Uranus on
vm 22.10 one side and Saturn on the other. Moon,
lord of VIII and Pramada Sahara is in
Lagna is exactly upon lord of VII Sun lagna. Sun, lord of IX is afflicting the
who is conjunct Mercury, lord of VIII and Pramada Sahara and Ghaatba Sahara.
V. IV is conjunct iRahu who is afflicting Punya Sahara is afflicted by Rahu and
Aakaasayana Sahatn. Moon is in VIII- Kethu. Aakaasayana Sahara is squared
Pramada Sahara is conjunct Uraiius and by lord of Lagna Jupiter in the VII.
Pluto who are in VIII. Pluto is afflicting
Ghaatba Sahara (Semisquare). Lord of This aircraft undershot the runway at
IX is retrograde. Palam airport at 4.00 A.M. in a fog,.crash
' Contact with this plane was lost at landed and immediately burst into flames.
11-40 A. M. on its return flight from Srina- But all the 80 passengers abroad escaped;
gar. Then lagna moved to 18-51 Taurus some of course with minor injuries. How
(square. Mercury, lord of VIII; and Sun, could this plane reach its destination
lord of VII (destination)) and IV moved safely when VII is so afflicted by Uranus
to 4-18 Leo, i.e. semisquare Uranus. and Pluto? By the time the plane landed,
lagna "moved to 2-20 Scorpio, i.e. semi-
In both cases, especially in the first, square Pluto and Uranus and scsquiquad-
lagna is severely afflicted. There is no rate Saturn.
relief either to lagna or to the Moon. While
in the first case lagna moved to semi- Lord of lagna Jupiter was aspecting
square Uranus, in the second case IV lagna (in the orb) and being retrograde was
moved semi-square Uranus. The trine of approaching VII (destination). At the
Mercury, at the time of accident, on lagna time of accident. Mercury was aspecting
of Case I could not save as he is lord of the X. As Mercury, lord of VII and V,
Mrutyu Sahara and is an afflicting planet was unafflicted his trine aspect saved the
in elevation. situation.
Case IV—An IAC Dakota on a schedu- afflicting VII how could it reach its desti-
led flight to Kathmandu left Delhi at nation? By the time the plane landed,
9-35 A.M. on 4-3-1966. lagna moved to 3-29 Leo, i.e. semisquare
U ranus.
Mars 25-50 Lagna Lord of lagna though afflicted is eleva-
19-03 Mercury
1-19 10-51
Rahu Jupiter
21-44 ted. Mercury though afflicting Pramada
Sun 13-08 29-22 Sahara and cusp of IX, he is lord of II, V
and Punya Sahara. While the affliction
) Mmtyu caused the accident, elevated lord of lagna
' 23-38 and Mercury's trine aspect on Moon aver-
ted a disaster.
X 27-52
Aakaasa- Thus it can be seen that Lagna and the
yana 14-05 Moon at the time of starting will deter-
IX 2-12
Pramada Plato(R) mine whether the journey will be safe or
15-30 17-15
Ura.l7.47(R) not.
VIII 6-32 Nep. 22-09 Ptxnya £9-40
Kethu Gbaathn
Source of information:—
Lagna is afflicted by Mars (semisquare). Case 1 - Deccan Chronicle dated
Mars is lord of VII and Pramada Sahara. 6-3-1966.
Moon is in IV in ' VishanadiPluto and II - Letter dated 18-3-1966 from
Uranus are afflicting Moon and Venus IAC, Delhi.
(Lagnadhipathi). Mercury is afflicting III - Letter dated 17-3-1966 from
Pramada Sahara. IX is afflicted by
Mercury. Aalcaasayana Sahara is afflicted IAC, Calcutta.
by Rahu and Kethu. IV - Deccan Chronicle dated 5-3-1966.
From : M. Venkateswara Sarma,
This plane could not land at Kath- Andhra Pradesh State Coop.
mandu due to bad weather and was there- Bank Ltd.,
fore diverted to Patna. On its way to
Patna a storm forced it to land at 3-13
P.M. on the eastern banks of Ganges river
bed at Mokameh. When lord of VII was

CHAPTER IX there will be death in a query about longe-
Oa Gains vity ; there will be no travels; lost artide
will not be recovered ; and the endeavours
1. Gains of wealth from anybody, gains taken will prove futile. Thus one has to
of territory, lands, wife, recovery of state without any doubt.
articles and similar other things, good or 11-11£. If the Moon is in the lagna or
bad effects, losses or gains, etc. are all 10th or if the Sun or Venus is there or if
Stated in this chapter* Jupiter is in the lagna everything will be
2. If the planets in exaltation aspect auspiciobs.'
Udaya Aruda and Chattira Rasis there will.
be success in all attempts and gains of 12-124. If the Moon or Venus is in the
territory and wife. 7th or 10th of Udaya Lagna there will be
3. If the planets in depression aspect acquisition of wife, money and comforts.
Udaya Aruda and Chattira Rasis'all the 13-134. Generally, if the planets from
results stated for the exaltation will prove the Sun to Rahu are in exaltation, own
otherwise. In the same manner one has to house or a friendly house they will bestow
find out the good or bad effects in a query the desired results. If they are in depres-
about marriage also. sion or in an inimical house they will
4. If a friendly planet or Mercury spoil all the attempts.
aspects these three signs even the enemies NOTES
will become friends.
5-5£. If an inimical planet is in the In this chapter the author has stated
Rising Sign or in the Moon's Rasi or if the results on a wholesale fashion. The
such planet aspects them it is bad for main theme is whether a person will have
longevity; he will be imprisoned by gains or not if the query is specifically
enemies in the war ; he will not return if about them. For this purpose the 11th
he goes on a voyage ; and the lost article house from the Udaya Lagna and the
will not be recovered in a query about Aruda are ;to be examined. This house
this. signifies gains, acquisitions and attain-
ments. If benefics occupy or aspect this
6-6£. If the Moon and Jupiter are in the house there will be gain or acquisition
kendras of the Udaya Aruda Chattira and if malefics .influence the contrary
Rasis with strength there will be no loss rfisult has to be predicted. Prasna
in a query about this and no death in a Anushtana Padhdhati says that if a benefic
query about death. occupies the Uth, if the lord of 11th is
7-8. If the malefics are in the quadrants strong in good places, if he occupies a
or if they aspect them, death will result benefic varga and if the lagna* is also in a
and lost things will not be recovered, benefic varga there will be gains undoub-
troubles will arise and the person gone out tedly. If malefics are in Upachaya
will not return. But if benefics are in the sthanas (3, 6, 10 and 11) and benefics in
10th or 11th the above things will prove lagna, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th or
beneficial. 11th there will be success in all spheres.
9-10£. If Rahu is in Udaya Aruda This book also mentions an easy method
Chattira Rasis or in kendras therefrom the of finding out the result of a query. Find
person in a foreign country will not out the number of ghatis elapsed from the
return ; he will be imprisoned by enemies ; Sunrise, to the query time. In this the
fraction has to be taken as. the next be death and quarrels ; if Air prevails it is
ghati. Multiply this by 4 'and divide by good for travels or movements; and if
7. The remainders denote (1) death, (2) Ether prevails there will be death, quarrels
joy, (3) quarrel. (4) comforts, (5) travels, and other evil effects, Generally, Earth
(6) conjugal happiness and (7) confine- and Water are good and the rest bad,"
ment. This method can be taken as a
confirmatory. Sanketanidhi states following the Tajak
System that if there is. mutual aspect -
Panchn Bhuta Results : The day light between the lords of lagna and the 10th
portion of the day is divided into eight there will be success of the attempt provi-
parts of 1} hours each. In the odd yamas ded there is an applying aspect by the fast
the five elements of Earth, Water, Fire moving planet over the slower planet. If
Air and Ether will move in this order and the aspect is reverse there will be failure.
in the even yamas they will move in the If the Moon aspects both of them having
reverse order from Etlier to Earth. The applying aspect, though they themselves
duration of Earth is 30 minutes, water 24 do not aspect each other, there will be
minutes, fire 18 minutes, air 12 minutes success. In this, aspects will be on the
and ether 6 minutes. The same order 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th by 9
prevails for the night also in the ever all the planets. Applying aspect means
yamas, theorder is from Ether to Earth. that the longitude of the faster moving
The second method of finding out the planet should be less than that of the
element is from breath passing at the time other.
of query and experienced by the astrologer. "The lord, of the 11th house is the
For this heshould have enough experience. planet that gives money, while the one
If the breath is moving long in both the owning the Istis the enjoyer. A combi-
nostrils it is Prithwi Bhuta (Earth); if it nation of these two, coupled with the
comes down slowly it is Jala Bhuta aspect of the Moon will only quicken the
(water); if a short breath moves up it is influx of wealth. The direction will be
Agni Bhuta (Fire); if it moves in ODe determined by thestrongestplanet occupy-
nostril only it is Vayu Bhuta (Air); and if ing the Kendras or by the direction signi-
it halts in the centre it is Akasba Bhuta" fied by the Lagna Rasi. The form, appea-
(Ether). rance etc., will be determined through the
The third method of ascertaining the Drekkana rising at the time of query !
Bhuta is from the first vowel sound of the " The time-limit for the attainment of a
querists first Word. The vowel \ re. thing may be thus determined : Substract
presents Earth ; vowel I represents Water ; the Sun from the Moon. Note the star
U represents Fire ; E represents Air ; and revealed by the remainder. Add 1 star to
O represents Ether. this and the number in days as assigned to
If Earth element prevails at the time of that particular star in the allotment men-
query, therewillbe no death of the sickly' tioned below for the 27 stars reckoned
person nor the cure for the disease ; if from Aswini will indicate the time-limit
Water element prevails there will be for the attainment of the object of the
immediate cure; if Fire prevails there will querist.
Aswini 27 Magha 300 Moola 11
Bharani 2 P. Phalguni 240 P. Ashada 16
Krittika 7 U. Phalguni 16 U. Ashada 90
Rohini „ 20 Hasta 120 Sravana 120
Mrigasira 12 Chitra 300 Dhanishta 60
Arudra 32 Swat; 120 Sathabhisha 30
Punarvasu 16 Yisakha 12 P. Bhadra 90
Pushya 90 Anuradha 20 U- Bhadra 24
Aslesha 180 Jyeshta 32 Revati 40
My experience, however, -shows that examined in respect of queries about gains
the longitudes of the lord of lagna and or money.
that of the 11th snould be added and
the resultant rasi and degree portion CHAPTER X
ascertained. If this sign is aspected by On Sickness
the lord of the house, star or navamsa or 1. Following the Sastras written by
if it is aspected by a benefic there will the ancient Rishis well-versed in astrology
be gains and other attainments in ques- the sickness and death are being ascertain-
tion. Regarding the time factor, if the ed. Tbht is, the 6th house from the
lord of lagna or that of the 11th transits Rising Sign denotes sickness and the 8th
this part of the sign there will be fulfilment house death.
or if the resultant lord of the rasi, star
or amsa transits lagna or 11th there ^ 2. If the Aruda Rasi falls on the 6th
will be fulfilment; or if the lord of 11th house from the Udaya Lagna the query
transits, his exaltation sign there will be is about sickness and if it falls on the 8th
fulfilment. it is about death. After examining the
Apart from 11th house the general planetary influences on the 6th and 8th
structure of the map at the time of query houses one has to determine whether it is
will reveal the effect much. If there is about sickness or about death.
inter-change of planets among 1st house, 3. If the planets aie in depression or
5th house and the 9th house it is a very an inimical house in the 6th house from
strong indication for an immediate Lagna or if such planets aspect the 6th,
fabulous wealth. Similarly inter-change the sickness will not be cured and death
among the lords of 2nd, 11th and lagna will result.
will gave fabulous wealth. Even the 4. If the Moon and Rahu ore in the
inter-changing of the lords of 6, 8 and lagna the ailment is on account of carry-
12 within themselves bestow the same ing loads etc., and it will not be cured.
result but not ins the straight manner.
Adhi Yoga, Yasumat Yoga and Marut 4}. If the Udaya Lagna and Aruda
Yoga will give a very decent wealth. The Rasi are Prishtodaya signs or if Prishto-
next importance is the exchange of places daya planets occupy or aspect them, the
between the lords of 9th and 10th or 4th sickness is not curable.
and 5th. The other yogas mentioned in 5-6. Mesha represents head; Vrishaba,
the General Astrology can also be exa- face; Mithuaa, shoulders; Kataka, hands;
mined. Simna, chest; Kanni, breast; Thula, belly;
UTTARA KALAMRUTHA mentions Vrischika, ribs; Dhanus, private parts ;
about Indu Lagna which will also be Makara, thighs; Kumbha, knees; and
helpful in this respect. The factors of Meena, feet. The seat of ailment will .be
the seven planets from the Sun to Saturn in these places (if afflicted).
are 30, 16, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 1 respectively. 7-7£. The Sun governs belly; the Moon,
Find out the lord of 9th from lagna chest; Mars head; Mercury, neck, shoul-
and the Moon and add their factors. ders and hand ; Jupiter, hips; Venus, face;
Divide this total by 12 and count the Saturn, thighs ; and Rahu, legs. The seat
balance from the Moon. If there is a of sickness can be found from the planets
planet especially a benefic on also accordingly.
the resultant rasi there will be wealth. 8-8J. If malefics conjunct or aspect the
Regarding the degrees of wealth such pla- above said places there will be sickness.
net's strength and nature have to be exa- If the aforesaid malefics are themselves
mined. depressed the appropriate parts of the
The second house denotes general body signified by the planets and signs
wealth, the 9th house denotes general luck will be affected by the ailment. If such
and the 4th house represents comforts and malefics are in inimical places there will
enjoyment. These houses have also to be be much affliction to that part of the
body but if they are in exaltation or 6th place of Rohasthana, the ailing person
friendly houses the ailment will be trivial. will die.
9-10. Note the plane: which aspects . 1^1^- K the planet aspecting the 6th
the Moon and the 6th house and there will isMothen Sun, the seat of disease is belly: the
be recovery in the period allotted to such ? denotes eyes ; Mars, head-aches ;
planet or if there is a benefic or if it Jupiter, anaemia; Venus, dysentry, diar-
aspects, it will be in its period. If there rhoea or eye complaints ; Saturn, windy
are several planets the period relating to diseases: and Rahu, venomous bites or
the most powerful planet has to be taken- poisonous diseases.
(Here the intention about the period is 16-17^. If the planet aspecting the 6th
that signified by such a planet viz., year, is Pariveda or Indradhanus there will be
ayana, month etc.) leprosy; -if Dhuma aspects mumps,
U TP . are malefics
If there . - in
. the 6. .h or , odaemadementia;
etc-; if Rahu, epilepsy:
if Saturn, if the
8th house of the R.smgs.gns the a.lmeut as[h ' cough, emaciation etc.; and if
will not be cured but if benefics are there Ma maiariai fevers.
it will be cured.
18-19. At the time of query, if Indra-
12. Find out the time to be taken by dhanus (Rainbow) or Pariveda (Halo) is
the benefic occupying the 6th or 8th place found on the sky, the ailment will not
to move to the next house or the time to be cured but if benefics aspect the lagna
be taken to reach its. exaltations or own from exaltation, own or friendly houses
sign, there will be recovery from the ail- recovery can be expected soon.'
ment then. 20-22-J. From the Rising asterism the
13. If malefics occupy the 7th place of parts of the body affected should be stated
Rohasthana or if the Moon occupies the as follows:
Kartika Head U. Palguni Neck. U. Ashada Back
Rohim Front brow Hasta Chest Sravana Abdomen
Mrigasira Eye brows Chitra Breast Dhanishta Anus
Arudra Eyes Swati Belley Sathabistia Knees
Punarvasu Nose Visaka Ribs P. Badra Knee joint
Pushya Ears Anuradha Back U. Badra Upper feet
Aslesha Lips Jyeshta Privy parts. Revati Heels
Magha Chin Moola Testicle Aswini Toes
P. Palguni Fingers P. Ashada Navel Bharanj Soles
23. In a query about lost articles, the NOTES
ornaments relating to the part of the body In this chapter the author has discussed
may be found out from the rising asterism the nature of diseases, the time taken for
(Lagna's asterism), the metal etc., may have relief and their becoming fatal. These are
to be found out from the hints given in stated in a very general way and may not
Dhathu Kanta; whether the recovery is be sufficient for answering all the queries
possible or not may have to be found out in this respect. Usually, one consults
from the Laba Kanta (on gains); and if an astrologer when the native is suffering
found recoverable the time of recovery much from a chronic disease or when he
has to be found out from the relevant is supposed to be in a death-bed. At this
planets. juncture if anybody is told bluntly that
24. If benefics occupy or aspect the the patient is likely to die it is nqtdiscreet.
lagna, 5th, 9th or 10th house, there will If the nature of disease from which he is
be no sickness, but if they are in depres- suffering is told there may be some appre-
sion .or inimical houses or if they aspect ciation but will not be deep-rooted as the
from such places there will be ailments. matter is already known. The querist
will be anxious to learn the ways and the real seat of disease has to be found
means of getting cured and the probable out from the most afflicted house of the
time taken for this. Before dealing with zodiac at the query time. Following the
this subject one has to understand the. information furnished in Chapter II one
various types of ailments and the root- has to locate such part of the body affec-
cause of these and then tbe method of ted and suggest a special treatment.
getting a relief. Regarding the compatibility with the
physician NEELAKANTA suggests a
ANUSTANA PADDHATI states, method : " In the chart of the query, the
" One has to determine first whether the physician is . represented by the lagna,
ailment is on account of the troubles from disease by the 7th house the patient by the
evil spirits, or from planetary transits or 10th and the medicine by the 4th house.
from the preponderance of Bile, Phlegm If there be friendship between the patient
.or Rheumatism, the three humours of the and the physician, and between the medi-
body. Regarding Transits (Gochara) it cine and the illness, the disease could be
can be observed that whenever Mars got rid of. But if there beenmity between
transits the 8th place of the Natal Moon the two it would be aggravated".
the bile and heat of the body will become Regarding medicine, the 4th house
excessive. Similarly the transits over the represents medicine according to some
Natal Moon and the 4th place therefrom books and 9th house according to some.
will cause excessive heat. On account of Anyhow, both these houses have to be
such transit the native may suffer surely if examined. The 4th house from the 6th
the ruling Dasa-bhukti is also not satis- house (Roha sthana) is 9th and hence this
factory. If the latter is very good the will also represent medicine- for the
body will have enough resistance. As particular disease. The nature of signs
fevers are usual there may not be any and planets have already been stated.
special query* on these occasions. If From these, herbs, minerals or drugs or
Saturn transits the 12th, 1st and 2od of animal-extracts to be used can be suggested
the Natal Moon or when he transits the by1 an examination of Dhatu, Moola cate-
8th house there will be excessive worries gories. These are all the practical
and obstacles. These will cause mental advices that an astrologer can suggest for
depression. Similarly Jupiter in the 8th relief.
and 3rd will cause worries, travels and
depression. During these periods the ANUSHTANA PADDHATI states the
querist will approach the astrologer for a following:
solution. He may have to suggest relief If the lord of lagna is associated with
when the planets involved move to the his enemies while malefics are in the 6th,
next house. Prasna will be resorted to 8th and 12th places the native will have
in more emergent cases. Because of the sufferings from black-magic. (Abhichara
troubulous spirits or some other causes dosha) through enemies.
one will suffer from anxious ailments. Mars in 5th, 7th or 9th place while
About this aspect PRASNA MARGA has Saturn is lagna; Mars or Saturn in the
mentioned elaborately and they will be 7th while Jupiter is in lagna ; the Waning
cited later. From chronic ailments one Moon and Saturn combining in the 12th;
will be suffering in spite of the best of the Moon and Mercury are ia combustion
medical treatment. This chronicity may in lagna, that is with the Sun; the
be due to environment, incompatibility Waning Moon combining a malefic in
with the doctor and to the previous birth's
defect which is called Karma. The 4th lagna, 5th, 9th or 8th house; Gulika in
place represents residence. If there is the 7th with a malefic—all these six
any planetary affiiction to this house at combinations indicate mental disorders.
the time of query a change of residence The Moon, Venus and the lord of 8th
has to be suggested. Though the appa- in evil houses cause mental disorder due
rent ailment may receive medical attention to unhealthy seat; Gulika combining
Rahu or Kethu indicates the ailment due Mars govern fire; the Moon and Venus
to poison; the Moon, Venus and the lord govern water; Mercury governs earth;
of 8th associating with Rahu, Kethu or Jupiter governs ether and Saturn governs
Gutika cause ailment due to unhealthy air. These planets cause ailments in their
diet; Malefics in the 5th causetheailment ritus (two-month periods).
on account of anger, sorrow, or stubborn- If the Sun and Mars are in evil places
ness; malehcs in the 6th. indicate the they cause bileous ailments in their ritus;
complaint due to enemies; malefics in the the Moon and Venus cause phlegmatic
9th indicate the ailment due to wrath of complaints in tlieir periods! Saturn causes
brahmins, deity or preceptor; malefics in rheumatic complaints in his period : Mer-
the 8th indicate, the ailment due to the cury causes Janni (incompatibility of the
unfavourable action of the three humours. three humours); and Jupiter causes ear
These should be determined and relief complaints in his ritu.
sought in the appropriate manner by
resorting to Homa, Mantras, Pujas or From the 8th house and its lord and
medicine like Kalyana Panchakavyam. from the planets aspecting them the
If Saturn or Rahu is in the Sth with ailment due to the humour can be stated.
malefics in the 5th and 9th there will be a There are six types of tastes {Shud rasas).
severe suffering from fits. In this situa- Sweetness, sourness and salticure rheumatic
tion if Gulika has connection without any complaints while'the other three vi2», bitter-
benefic's aspect the disease is incurable. ness, arid and astrangent tastes augment;
Saturn in the star of Mars or house of bitterness, pungency and astringency
Venus will tend to fits. If the Sun is alone decrease phlegm while the other three
in the Sth or Mars is alone there, there increase it; sweetness; sourness and
will be such a tendency. (Her® these salt will therefore increase the phlegm ;
planets should be weak and excited so as and astringency, sweetness and bitterness
to cause this.) will decrease the bile whi le the rest increases
All the chronic ailments are due to the it from the planetary influences the aggra--
sin committed in the previous birth. For vation of the humours have to be found
relief, one has to resort to medicitie, grace out. (From the beneficial influences the
of the preceptor, gifts, japa, h011^ ai}d medicine having such counter-acting taste
puja. If there are aspects of benencs in may have to be suggested.)
the Prasna there will be relief^fr0111 the Mercury in the 3rd, 8tb or I'ith with a
ailments and on the other hand if malefics malefic will also affect the mind.
aspect there will be no relief. Saturn and Rahu conjoined in the Sth;
PRASNA MARGA deals with this sub- an aggravated malefic in the 5th or 9th;
ject more elaborately as follows: the Sun and Mars combined in the evil
The planets in the nasastbanas, the houses with a portfolia for illness—all
planet in or aspecting the lagn&or the these contribute to epilepsy and other fits.
planets associating or aspecting the lord To alleviate this defect Bali of white
of lagna, cause ailments. Of these, pumpkin, Sudarsbanam or Krodhani
whichever is very strong has to be taken. Mantras, Thila Homa, etc., may be sug-
The Sun governs bile; the Moon gested.
governs rheumatic phlegm ; Mars SOverns Because of the dhoshas (defects or sins)
bile; Mercury governs all the three of the previous births one suffers from ill-
humours combined; Jupiter goverosphleg- ness in this birth. To mitigate these
matic rheumatism; Venus governs rheu- defects medicJues, gifts, meditation and
matic phlegm ; and Saturn governs bileous Homa will become helpful. If the sickly
rheumatism. persons denotes to other sickly persons
The planets cause ailments foMowing food, oil, bed, cot, etc., which are useful to
the five elemental nature. The Sun and them for the cure there will be mitigation.
Mritanjaya Homa mitigates fevers, Sarpa, Vidhyadharas, etc. If both Jupiter
chronic diseases, black, magic and other and Mercury are afflicted Vishnu's wrath
badhas, besides general improvement to has to be stated.
longevity. The afflicted Venus indicates bileous
From the planets posited in evil houses diesases, excess of rheumatic phlegm, eye
at the time of query the variety of illness complaints, loss of interest, tiresomeness
and the appropriate deity for propitation on account of hard labour, complaints in
have to be found out. privy parts, facial diseases, ganorrhea,
bladder complaints, troubles from sexual
If the Sun is in evil places, he causes enterprises, loss of wife, agricultural loss,
excessive heat, bile, fever, burning fall, loss of bodily glow, odaema or corpulence
epilepsy or other fits, heart attack, stomach and troubles from Yogini, Yakshi, Matru-
complaint, eye complaints, fear from ganas, etc., and loss of relations.
enemies, skin diseases, tuberculosis, danger
from fire, weapon or trees, poison, sorrow The afflicted Saturn signifies rheumatic
on account of wife and children, fear from and phlegmatic complaints, loss of interest,
quadrupeds, thieves or rulers, and fear tired feeling on account of hard labour,
from Dharma Devatha or Shiva Bhutas. diseases of the feet, many kinds of dangers,
manias, diseases of the stomach or lever,
The afflicted Moon signifies untimely danger to servants, wife, children and
sleep, disinterested feeling, phlegmatic quadrupeds, wounds, on account of trees,
complaints, dysentry, pimples, carbuncles, stones, etc., and troubles on account of
boils, fear from horned animals or aquatic evil spirits-
animals, indigestion, emaciation, danger If Rahu is afflicted there will be exces-
from wife, jaundice, mental uneasiness, sive heat in the body, leprosy, unconnected
impure blood, fear of water, and troubles diseases, troubles on account of mantras,
from Bala Graha, Chandika, Kinnara, medicine or poison, complaints of feet,
Dharma Devatha, Sarpa Devatha, Yaksha, troubles from evil spirits or serpants,
etc. sorrow of wife and children, quarrels with
The afflicted Mars signifies excessive brahmins and enemies, troubles from
thirst, impurity of blood, bileous fever, fear enemies and troubles from evil deities.
from fire, poison and weapons, leprosy, If Kethu is afflicted there will be troubles
eye diseases, fits, stomach-ache, loss of as for Rahu and also troubles from the
muscles, loss of bodily glow, vomitting, dead.
wounds, fear from rulers, foes and thieves,
quarrels of brethren and children, head If Gulika is afflicted there will be
complaints and troubles from Rakshasas, troubles on account of venom, Serpa
Gandharvas, etc. Devatha and pollution besides what have
The afflicted Mercury indicates mental been stated for Rahti and Kethu.
disorder, rude utterances, eye complaints, If Saturn is in the 10th troubles from
nose and neck complaints, fever on account evil spirits and birds, if Gulika is in the
of disharmony of the three humours, lagna or Bth aspected by Rahu troubles
fear from poison, skin diseases, anemeas, on account of poison, if malefics are in the
white leprosy, bad dreams, itches, angry 6th, stomach troubles; if Mars is in the
tone, imprisonment, hard labour and Bth, fevers; if Mars is in the lagna or 7th
troubles from Gandharvas, Kinnaras birds, indigestion and if the Moon is in the 6th
vulture, etc. troubles from enemies or abhichara have
The afflicted Jupiter indicates dypepsia, to be stated.
hydrocele, fevers, forgetfulness, ear com- DURATION OF THE DISEASES:
plaints, phlegmatic complaints, . blood- Count from the star of the Rising Star to
pressure, curse for misappropriating the the Moon's star and count the same from
wealth of Devasthanas, curse of the brah- the latter. The resultant star will indicate
mins and troubles from Kinnaras, Yaksha, the day on.which the sickness commenced.
Add the loogitades of the Mooo and Visaka the relief will be after 15 days;
Gulika and find the resultant star. It has Chittra," Sathabisha, Bharani • and
to be stated that the fever started on the Sravana indicate 11 days; Magha indi-
day when the Moon transited this star. cates 20 days; Pushya, Uttarapalguni,
Note the initial letter of the query Punarvasu Uttarabadrapada and Rohini
sentence and fix the appropriate sign. If denote 7 days; Moola, Aswini and Kartika
the Sun> the Moon, Jupiter or Saturn indicate 9 days; and Anuradha and Reva-
transits this sigq the disease would have thi indicate difficulty of relief. If the
started- ailment starts in Jyeshta, Swathi, Aslesha,
Find out the Dikfrom whiph the query Arudra, Purvapalguni, Purvashada or Pur-
vabadrapada there will be difficulty of
was put. The fever would have started in relief. If Karthika, Dhanishta and Bha-
the Jama relating to such planet counted rani coincide with Sunday, Tuesday or
from the sun-rise. Saturday and Chathurthi, Navami, or
The lords of 6th and 8th governailments. Chathurdasi the sick person will die. If
If these planets are highly afflicted they the ailment commences in Ashtami, New
cause severe diseases. If they are in the Moon, Chathurthi, Navami or Chathur-
last portion of the sign occupied by them dasi or in the malefic days of the week or
• at the query time it can be stated that the in the Natal star or its 10th or 19th star
ailment has reached almost the final stage or in the 3rd, 5th or 7th star counted from
but if they are in the beginning of the sign Janmanujanma star or. when the Moon
it has just started. transits the 8th sign from the Natal
If the planet in the 6th or the lord of Moon, the sick person will die. Count
6th is strong in day, the ailment the star occupied by the Sun to the star
menced in the day time but if it is strong when the ailment started and in this
in the night, ailment commenced in the Abhijit should also be included. If the
night. resultant star is 9th, 15th or 21st there
will be death. The star which is 2nd, 3rd,
KANTABHARANA states: Find how 4th, 8th,- 10th, 14th, 16th, 20th, 22nd, 26th,
many signs apart the lord of 6th is from 27th or 28th remedy will be with great
the Aruda Rasi and the disease would have difficulty. The rest of the 12 stars indi-
started in so many years, months or days cate relief without difficulty. (One has to
according to circumstances. Count the examine all these and arrive at the appro-
star occupied by the lord of 6th from the priate time of relief.)
query day star and so many months or
days would have elapsed from the com- Badhakasthanas: If the lagna is a
mencement of the ailment. movable sign its 11th house is the badha-
During the time when theMoontransited kasthana, if it is an immovable sign its
the sign occupied by the lord of 6th the 9th sign and if it is a common sign its 7th
fever would have started and-on the day place is the badhakasthana. If the lord
when the Moon transits the sign occupied of the badhakasthana is afflicted or if an
by the lord of 4th there will be commence^ afflicted planet or a malefic is there the
ment of relief. native will suffer badhas or afflictions.
Note when the Moon, lagna or lord of Hence an examination of this place is of
iagna received the aspect of a malefic. At absolute necessity in the matter of deter-
that time the fever would have started. mination of ailments. The doshas
The time when a benefic aspects these will (defects) on account of past births are
indicate the time of relief. inherited and these are revealed from the
5th house. Besides these inherited defects,
Prasna Margastates about the influen- one is likely to suffer on account of the
ces of the asterisms as follows: \f the action of others or on account of some
ailment starts in Utttarashada, or Mriga- invisible forces directed against him.
sira there will be relief in a month ; if it These acquired doshas are deduced from
commences in Dhanishta, Hastha or the Badhakasthana.
The afflictions in this life may be classi- Wrath of Sarpa Devata : If Rahu is in
fied broadly into the following : the 6th, Sth or 10th place, there is
(1) Wrath of Devas. anger of Sarpa Devata and for this Sarpa
(2) Wrath of Sarpa Devas. Bali has to be given. If Rahu is in the
4th an image of serpent has to be instal-
(3) Curse of parents. led. Rahu in the 12th requires music and
(4) Preta Badha (Affliction by the Dead). in the ascendant or in the 7th needs
(5) Dhrishti Badha) Affliction by the sprinkling of milk over the abode of
Spirits). serpents. Ordinarily, Rahu in the 4th,
(6) Abhichara (Black-magic). 6th, 7th, Sth, 10th or 12th requires Shantis
or propitation. If such Rahu is connec-
Wrath of Devas: If any planet ted in any way with the lord of Badhaka-
becomes the lord of a Badhakasthana and sthana in these places the remedial measu-
is in an adverse place, wrath of the respec- res are absolutely necessary.
tive deity is indicated. Among many Curse of parents: If the Badhaka Rasi
significations, the Sun denotes Shiva ; the' falls in the house of Mars and if the Sun
Moon, Durga, Kali etc.; Mars, Subra- is also there or in the amsa, the native has
mania, Bhairava etc.; Mercury, Rama, the curse of his father and if the Moon is
Krishna etc.; Jupiter, Maha Vishnu, there or in the amsa that of his mother.
family deity etc.; Venus, Lakshmi, Anna- To relieve such a curse one has to please
purna, Yakshi etc.; Saturn, Sastha, the parents if alive or to perform Thila
Kirata, Ganapati etc.; Rahu, Sarpa Devata Homa if dead.
and at times Durga; and Kethu, Anjaneya, Preta Badha: If the funeral or annual
dead persons etc. For these planets, ceremonies for the dead are not performed,
various other kinds of significations are such a person remains in the state of
also given and one has to proceed accor- Pisacha (devil) which affects the relations.
ding to environments and to his own If Gulika is in a Badhakasthana or in an
experience. If there is a malefic in the unfavourable'place, the curse of the dead
12th of the Badha planet, it may be stated is indicated. If such Gulika is associated
that a worshipped image has b«en mutili- with Mars by combination, aspect or occu-
tated; if Gulika 'or Rahu joins such pation of his house, the person must have
planet, the wrath is due to a serpent died in a fire accident or by weapons,
having touched the image; if Saturn instruments etc. Saturn indicates misery
joins, there is pollution or dirt on the or sorrow and Rahu indicates snake-bite.
image ; and if Mars joins there is ineffi- If there is Preta Badha there will be loss
cient management on account of disputes of children, deadly diseases, etc. Kethu's
among employees of the temple and con- influences are also similar to Gulika. The
sequently regular pujas are not performed. remedial measures suggested are Parvana
The aspect of Mars on the Badha planet Sraddha, Thila Homa and rich presents to
indicates that the idol is broken. It the the good. If the dead person's soul is
lord of the Badhakasthana is in the ascen- propitiated in this way, the native will
dant, a fresh idol has to be installed in have progeny and relief from diseases.
the temple as a remedial measure. If
such a planet is in the 2nd place, Mantra Dhrishti Badha (Affliction by Spirits):
Japa has to be performed; in the 3rd place, The evil spirits are classified into three
worship; in the 4th,' renovation of the categories, \iz.t Ranthu Kamas, Hanthu
temple '> in the Sth, presentation of oil, Kamas and Bali Kamas. Ranthu Kamas
eatables, clothes etc.; in the 6th, offering cause worries to 'people by seeking
of Bali, in the 7th, dances; in the Sth, pleasures in associating with people, Han-
Bhuta Bah', in the 9th, Mantra Japa in thu Kamas intend to kill and Bali Kamas
the temple itself; in the 10th Bali to expect balis or sacrifices. Hanthu Kamas
Ganesha or Subramania; and in the ilth, are dangerous and nothing could be done
offering of water (Jala Dharpana); and if to remove such spirits. The troubles due
in the 12th, there is no affliction. to Ranthu Kamas and Bali Kamas can be
relieved by magicians. From the planets Abhicbara (black magic) ; If Badbaka-
■ afflicting the Badhakasthana the nature of thipathi is connected with the 6th house's
affliction has to be ascertained. If the lord the native's troubles are due to
lord of Badhakasthana is in the ascendant enemy's action. The caste, etc. of such'
or aspects the lord of Lagna or if the lord an enemy has to be ascertained according
of 7th is in the Badhakasthana Dhrishti to ordinary rules of astrology. If the lord
Badha has to be predicted. If the lord of of 6th is in the lagna, the 7th or 12th,
lagna is connected with the 'Badhakathi- while Mars occupies or aspects the lagna,
pathi there is trouble from Kanthu there is Abhichara. Similarly, if Kethu
Kamas; if the lord of Badhakasthana is is in the lagna, 4th or 10th while Mars
connected with that of 6th or 8th house aspects lagna there is such a dosha. The
trouble from Hanthu Kamas has to be position of Gulika will indicate the stuff
expected; and if the lord of 6th or 8th is used for the Abhichara. Favourable
connected with that of lagna troubles aspect of Jupiter, lord of 9th and a benefic.
from Bhoktba Kamas have to be expected. in the 9th will afford relief by Mantras,
The aspecting benefic will give the clue Rujasand Homas. Mrityunjaya or Gana-
for the relief. pati or Thila Homa by a really efficient
person will give relief.
Administration of poison : If Rahu or Certain broad ideas have been given for
Gulika is in the 4th, 5lb, 7lh or 8th, it the propitiation following Indian customs
can be stated that the disease is due to and usages. These principles can be
intake of poison. If there is a conjunc- modified by other religionists suitably and
tion of the lord of 6th, it is due to an applied. The idea behind these is to
enemy's action. The characteristics of invoke the invisible force for this purpose.
enemies, places etc. may have to be deter-
mined by the ordinary astrological rules. [To be continued]
On 20-3-66, the editor delivered a lec- MarsIS.241
ture on "Equinoxial day and the Fore- Merc. 7.55
cast for 1966-67" at Bharatiya Vidhya Sun £.24 |
Bhavan at Bombay. In the course of the
speech, he mentioned that Moon by prog- Sat. 27.49
Mood Equinoxial Chart
ression opposes Uranus in Leo. Therefore 20.59
there will be a sudden change in the 20-3—1966
administration in our enemy's land. When Venus
India and Pakistan were one unit, Capri- India
corn 12° represented India including lagna j -.
Pakistan. . When a partition is made, Ascendant
Cancer is to be taken for Pakistan, as it 16.25 NfP;
Kethu 5.12 28J2
behaves like a competitor in this competi-
tive word, opponent or an enemy. Ther#- Again in June 1967, there will be a
fure lord of the 7th house, Cancer, Moon thorough' change in the Ministry of Pakis-
opposes Uranus in 2 to Cancer. There- tan. Though the .next Equinoxial day
fore the prediction offered was that imme- will come on 20th or 21st March, 1967, I
diately after 15-6-66 either of the two predict the above result.
leaders of Pakistan will leave his position. As regards India, Moon conjunction
The editor requested the students and the Saturn is auspicious, in October, 1966 to
have material aid from foreign land. satis-
other metnbers to note down this fact and fying the head of India. Why? Lord of
other predictions also. The next one is 7 conjoins lord of 2 in the second house.
the conjunction of Moon and Saturn Thus many important ones are predicted.
around 10-10-1966. The flrst prediction for India was about
frequent accidents and we pray God that
Moon progresses in Sth house to Cancer. there is no more evil to India.
Saturn is lord of S. Hence either of the The second one was about Pakistan.
two leaders of Pakistan will pass away Many letters from Bombay were received
by the editor for his uncanny prediction.
suddenly; it may be accident or heart Kulapati Dr. K. M. Munshiji also has
failure. Some confusion, chaos and con- written to the editor.
flict will follow. " I congratulate you on your prophecy
being fulfilled ".
The horoscope is as under: Let us wait and see the remaining ones.

(FOUNDED; .i-4;i963)
Phone: 42449

Jyothisha Murthand
13► Brahroi n Street. Saidapet

VOL. 4 OCTOBER 1966 No. 10

Astrology with a Mission
Physical Features ... , 3.
Health and Disease
Finance and Fortune 7
AmJ to Suffer all the 1\ Years? 11
.Matching of Horoscopes for Marriage 14
Horary Astrology 16
Timing of Events by Progression 18
Jaimini's Gnana Pradcepika 27
Tour Programme of the Editor for the next few Months: 33
Saturn Offers Sale of Vehicle 34
Exalted Jupiter Offers Accidents 36
Appointment—When ? 38
Time of Arrival of a Guest 40
Letters to the Editor 42
Saturn—Hora and Its Use 43
Daily Guide for October 1966 44
Position of Planets 47
October 1966—Ephemeris 49.
Monthly Prediction for October, 1966 51
Generally the lagna in which one is whether one is tall or short, plumpy 01
born indicates whether one is tall or short, wiry and so on.
stout or thin-build, robust or frail, etc.
These are given under each sign by Further one should include the aspect
various authors. They all agree. from other planets to the cusp of the
ascendant- and judge according to the
If we classify the 12 signs into 3 groups, nature of the planet. Good aspect from
then the signs Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius Jupiter to the cusp of lagna inclines to
and Aquarius contribute for good height overweight whereas Saturn to emaciation.
for the persons born in these signs when Mars and Sun offer muscular and robust
compared with others belonging to his or body. Venus contributes for grace,
her nation and his or her family. charm and beauty. Moon denotes plumpy
with pale appearance. Moon gives
Aries, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio indicate prominent features, long nose, piercing
average height. . Consider the nation and and wandering eyes. Uranus inclines to
the family in which he or she is born. long limbs. Rahu produces tall people,
Kethu causes shortness. Saturn and Sun
Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces contribute for bushy growth of hair. If
denote shortness, [All these are to be ■ the sub is ruled by any of these lords, note
judged taking into consideration the the lord of the sub one's physical feature
nation and person's family.] is governed mainly by the sub-lord.
Hindu astrologers judge the beauty of a
Lord of lagna in the beginning of a ' person from the lord of the Navamsa
sign produces tall persons: as ' it proceeds lagna. The complexion is ascertained
to the middle of a sign, the person is from the lord of the Navamsa sign occu-
above average height, between the middle pied by Moon. The conduct and charac-
of the sign and the end of the sign, one ter is judged from the lord of Trimsamsa.
becomes shorter. If it is in the fag end Varahamihra advocates this method of
of a sign, one is short. judgment Mahadeva in Jataka Tatva
says that one's appearance will be like
Robson says that the lord of the Ascen- that of the planet which is the strongest in
dant and Moon without latitude, posited the horoscope: the hue depends on the
in the. end of a sign produce short lord of the Navamsa sign occupied by
persons. Ptolemy mentions that lord of Moon and the behaviour and character
the ascendant with greater latitude causes depends on the Trimsamsa position of
stout persons. The greater the latitude, Sun-
the more stout one will be.
Mars, Scars or Moles in the body:
Also, in practice, it will be observed Mahadeva has mentioned that Mars and
that the physical description varies from Sun cause red mark, Rahu and Saturn
the normal in many respects especially in black scar, Moon, Mars and Venus produce
twin births. According to Krishnamurti on the head: Venus in lagna and Rabu
Padhdhati, one's height, weight etc. ' in 8 cause a mole in the head or right ear.
depends on the sub lord, in a constellation Mars in lagna and Saturn in trine indicate
in a sign. The sign denotes the physical mole or mark in generative system.
features in general. The constellation Jupiter in 8 produces mole in the belly.
modifies it. The lord of the sub decides Royal mark or mole on the palm or on
the foot will be found in persons who have body and the mole will be on the left side.
to enjoy Rajayoga. But if a male member is born in a femi-
nine sign and its lord is also in a feminine
According to Westerners, one will have sign, the mole will be on the left side. If
a mark or a Scar in that part of the body the lord is in a masculine sign, the mole
indicated by the sign [Aries-head; Taurus; will be on the right For ladies, the
ears,neck,throat; Gemini-Arms, hands, reverse is the order.
shoulders; Cancer-Breast; Leo-Heart,
sides, back; Virgo-Belley; Libra-Reins If in that sign, the cusp or the lotd of
and Loins; Scorpio-Secret parts; Sagit- the Ascendant is in the first ten degrees,
tarius-Hips and Thighs; Capricorn-knees; the mark will be in the upper one-third
Aquarius-Legs and Ankles; Pisces-Feet portion of the part indicated by the sign:
and toes] if it is in the middle 10 degrees, the mark
(a) in which lagna falls, will be in the centre of that part of the
body if it is between 20 and 30 degrees, it
(b) in whichlord ofLagnaisdeposited, will be in the lower part of that portion.
(c) in which Moon is situated, As regards scars, one is to note which
(d) in which Saturn, Mars or Uranus planets will cause disease or danger;
are posited and at the same time which Sign they occupy and afflict; which
afflicted by evil aspect, and part of the body will be aflfected: and
(e) the sign where the 6th cusp falls> also judge when it is to happen. For
clearly explaining, mole is found example, Venus and Jupiter are in Visaka
from birth. Scars and marks, are Nakshathra—Constellation in the 6th
formed due to disease, cuts, house to Taurus born, one expects Appen-
operation, boils, etc. dicities or Hernia during the conjoined
period of Jupiter and Venus. As the
A male will have a mole on the right Surgery is to be done in the lower abdo-
side if the lagna and lord of lagna men, one is to predict scar in the lower
occupy a masculine sign; ]f the lagna abdomen from Jupiter Dasa Venus Bhukti
is masculine and the lord of lagna is in Mars anthra—Mars, lord of 12 shows
feminine sign, the mole in that part of the hospitalisation and Mars denotes surgery.
body.signified by the lagna sign will be Thus, while passing a judgment, all
on the right side, whereas the sigh tenap- these relevant points are to be consi-
ted by lord of lagna shows the part of the dered.

Good health is maintained Planets posited in the constellation of
(a) When the cusp of the Ascendant lord of 6 or in the sub of lord of 6 cause
receives good aspect from the disease. Planets in any manner connec-
lord of the ascendant, luminaries ted with 11th house cure the disease as the
and other benches. eleventh house is the 6th to the 6th.
Whenever one suffers from any disease,
(b) When either the cusp of the one will be running the period of the
ascendant nor the lord of the planet connected with 6th house. He can
ascendant is adversely afflicted. expect the cure only during the sub period
(c) when lords of 6, 8 or 12 neither of the planet connected with Ascendant or
occupy lagna, nor conjoin lord 11th house.
of lagna nor form favourable To judge the nature of the disease, one
aspects. is to refer to Krishnamurthi Padhdhati
(d). When lord of lagna does not Book-Vol. 1. It is exhaustively dealt
occupy 6 or 8 or 12. with and explained what each sign signifies
Krishnamurti Padhadhati says and what each planet indicates. Suppose
that one runs the period of a planet in Scorpio
(a) if a person is born with the cusp in the constellation of Saturn—Anuradha
of the ascendant in the constel- and in the sub of Moon, for a Leo—born.
Sign Scorpio indicates generative system.
lation of lord of 6 or 8, he will Being
not have sufficient immunity and the breast the 4th house to Leo-born it shows
resistance against infectious or lungs. Saturn, the lord of
diseases. He is easily susceptible; the constellation, denotes that it is a
chronic complaint-Saturn in a watery sign
(b) if the lord of the ascendant is in • or Saturn star Moon sub indicates pustu-
the constellation of lord of 6 or ration. Hence boil in the breast or
8 or 12, the person will be sickly.- pusturation inthe secret parts is threatened
Therefore if the ascendant and —Gonococci infection may be expected.
the lord of the ascendant are in If the sub belongs to Venus, it indicates
the constellation of planets Fibroid Tumour. If Jupiter rules the sub,
- owning houses other than 6 or 8 one suffers from Cancer. Mars sub
or 12 and if the sub also are not warrants surgical aid. Thus taking the
governed by them, native will sign, the star and the sub one has to decide
live long maintaining good the nature of the disease.
Whenever one is to know when adisease
Of the ascendant and the 'lord of the will be cured, it is to be found first of all,
ascendant, the cusp is more vital. .Twins whether there is a cure at all. Then only
are born in the same lagna. The constel- ascertain when it could be cured. No
lation is also the same. But it is only the person can have a cure from the chronic
sub that varies. That twin born in the disease, if there is no planet in 11, no
sub governed by a benefic lies long and planet in the constellation of the owner or
is healthy: but that child, though born occupant of 11th house and if the llth
in the same lagna and in the same cons- cusp and lo rd of 11 are in the sub of evil
tellation suffers and dies early as the sub planets. Lepers and a few mentally
is governed by lord of 8 or 6. deranged patients ever suffer till death.
Horoscopes of such persons reveal that joined periods they produce. The sign
the lords of the dasa which they experien- and the house occupied by these planets
ced after they contracted the disease are show the part of the body afflicted and
all in the sub of lord of 6; the 11th the complaint of the disease.
house is not strong. Lord of 11 and 1 are
also afflicted. Planets in movable signs cause disease
People suffer from various diseases at of short duration : common signsindicate
different ages. These depend on both the neither short not long. But there are
Dasa lord and Bhukti lord. Planets in chances for relapse: fixed signs threaten
any manner connected with 6th house disease prolonging, chronic, loathsome
have to cause disease. Hence in their con- and tedious.
According to Westerners the fortune they are in fixed signs, the income
of a male is judged from is steady : but if they are in com-
mon signs it is difficult to hoard up
1. (a) the strength of the Moon, (b) its money. Mercury increases liquid
position, (c) the aspects received cash, shares certificates and docu-
by Moon and (d) the applying ments ; Jupiter includes all varieties
aspect of Moon immediately after of property; palacial building, gold,
birth. For ladies, one is to consider etc. Venus for jewels, vehicles,
the above in relation to Sun. furniture, garden; Saturn shows
' 2. Planets owning and occupying the landed property, mine and antiques;
houses 2 and 10. Mars gives lands and building, Sun
for authority, power and gold,
3. Harmonious aspect between Sun Moon for liquid, cash and wet lands.
and Moon ; advantageous disposi-
tion of Juptier and Venus in the 10. Uranus and Neptune in 5 gives the
ascendant or in elevation; beneficial tendency to speculate. Good aspects
aspect from any planet to the second to lords of 1, 2 and 11 promise
cusp; favourable aspect to Fortuna unexpected gains by betting, races,
in a beneficial house are promising etc.
factors for one to make fortune. 11. Fortuna causes fortune through
4. Evil aspects to Meridian and to the the source indicated by the house
lord of the ascendant threaten diffi- occupied by it. The lord of the
culties and throw obstacles in sign containing Fortuna will make
inheriting the patrimony- one rich if it receives beneficial
5. Benefics by nature occupying-the
houses 1, 4, 7 or 10, evil planets 12. Note which planet forms favourable
in 3 or 6 or 9or 12 promise and if aspect with Fortuna. One becomes
none is afflicted, one can have a rich through the matters signified
pleasant and prosperous life. by the planet. Uranus gives high
position, covetable posts, honour,
6. If slow movingplanets form mutual etc. Also one may float big com-
favourable aspects and the lumin- panies * or follow novel and un-
aries also are strong and receive common enterprises. If Neptune
harmonibus aspects, smooth and forms good aspect with Fortuna,
successful career throughout life is one will deal in big trade, smug-
assured. gling, cheating, fraud, deception,
7- Planets close to second cusp with swindling, etc.
beneficial aspects from others make 13. Pearce says that planets rising
one rich; planets close to Meri- before Sun and setting after Moon
dian receiving good aspects improve promote one's position and increase
one's rank, status and luck. one's income.
8. Strong planets in the 8th house 14. Planets in the above horizon, strong
promise legacy, inheritance and by sign give determination and
sudden windfall. opportunity to come to the frootof
9. Benefics in movable signs give the public, be popular and be
sudden and substantial wealth; if prosperous.
15. If Saturn or Jupiter rule the 8th practically, one will endorse as
house and if there is good aspect follows:
with Uranus, they produce gifts,
legacies; if they rule the 4th or (1) Existence of Rajayoga in a horos-
10th house, they give inheritance cope is not a guarantee that one
(to majority of people, nowadays, will enjoy one's life. It is not
it can be taken as Provident Fund, universally applicable.
Gratuity, Thrift Fund, Compulsory
savings, etc.). (2) There are people rolling in wealth,
holding responsible position with-
16. If Moon aspects adversely Mars or out any yoga—as is said by
Saturn or Uranus in the Second Hindus—
house, there will always be the
financial trouble, endless and life (3) It is not clearly stated by ♦ the
long. Jupiter and Moon in adverse authors when such a yoga will be
aspect threatens loss by imprudence fruitful and how long: the extent
and overliberal actions. Mars to which it can give a lift: how far
makes one extravagant and it is capable of mitigating other
impulsive; though one may earn afflictions: can it completely ward
more and more, yet one will spend off other evils: Has It so done'I
away everything. According to When one considers the horoscope
Hindus, one becomes rich or poor of Lord Rama, one finds many
depending on the various Raja- yogas: If such yogas can ward off*
yogas and Avayogas propounded the evil, why should he go to forest,
by them. In practice, it is not at lead a pitiable life, get separated
all true in all the cases. For. from wife, be leading anxious time,
example, Hindus declare that one have irregular food, taking those
born with Gajakesari yoga or which were available etc. If a
Lakshmi-yoga will be popular, sooth sayer were to meet him,
prosperous and rich. A few rich when he lost Sita and prior to the
people may have this combination. time when Hanuman was intro-
But majority of the people, suffer duced, and if the sooth sayer were
from penury difficulties and lead an to narrate all the Rajayogas in his
obscure life. These Rajayogas are horoscope, what will be the reply
.pleasant combinations for an of the person to whom the horos-
astrologer to encourage the consul- cope belongs?
tant by giving false hopes and not
appraising him of its advantages, In Bombay, I met an industrialist. He
the extent to which it can help and pays lakhs and lakhs as income-tax and
when. A cook has both Chandra- saves equally. In his horoscope there are
mangala yoga and Gajakesari yoga. 3 debilitated planets and no Rajayoga;
They exist in his chart from his when I came out of his room, his clerk
birth time. He could not study due showed his horoscope. Four planets are
to financial trouble; lost what in exaltation. . Vasumathiyoga, Sunapha,
little property he had; he took up Anapha, Vasi and Vesi yogas are all
this, profession a tea-stall; slowly found. Look at his fate? He asks the
he qualified himself to be a cook. astrologer to recommend to his officer
His grievance is that he is a cook in. for a petty increment. If both the horos-
a labour canteen and these yogas copes are given to the astrologers follow-
have not helped him to be atleast a ing the tradition and never wanting to
cook in any officer's mess or correct themselves, he will promote the
quarters whereby he can gain some clerk as the proprietor of the Industry
influence. If one studies these mentioning the Rajayogas, and revert the
hundreds of yog^s and applies proprietor as the clerk. Let me not write
volumes on this unscientific method of in Jataka Tatva, (How general it
examining a horoscope. is? How can such rules apply to
The following is the general method of all? When will he become rich?)
ascertaining whether one can earn and Between 17th August and 17th Septem-
save or lose and suffer (as is said by our ber every year Sun will be in Leo—Once in
sages) 12 years, Jupiter will be Aquarius. So, in
(1) one commands money if the second that year, in this period of one month,
house is strong: if lord of 2 is both in the peer and the peasant families
exalted : or if it is in a kendra or many children will be born. Do they all
kona : but if it is weak, afflicted become rich? Not al all. Not everybody.
and ill-posited one loses money, That is why, I stop here from giving
prestige and position. further rules, and dicta which are too
general and which will not be helpful to
(2) lord of 2 conjoined with or aspec- the readers.
ted by Jupiter, Mercury or Venus,
makes one rich or intelligent orator According to Krishnamurti Padhdhati
or popular wealthy person. one is to judge one's finance and fortune
(3) mutual exchange between the lords as follows
of 1, 2 and 11. (a) Planets posited in the constellation
(4) lords of 2 and 9 in a kendhra of the occupants in the houses 2, 6.
10 or 11 are the strongest to give
(5) lords of 9 and 10 in any manner wealth to a person. These planets
connected with each other may be debilitated or may be in
(6) lords of 2, 6 and 11 in a kendhra or eQemy's camp and appear appa-
a kona rently weak. Yet they improve
one's status in their periods and sub
(7) lords of 2, 10 and 11 in similar periods as they are influenced by
position the lord of the constellation.
(8) Jupiter and Venus in angle, lord of (b) The planets tenanted in the above
2 in Gopuramsha or Simhasanamsa said houses and occupying the sub
or; of the benefics. These planets
(9) Benefics in 3 or 6 or 10 or 11 should not be afflicted by the lord
counted from Moon sign make one of the consiellation in which they
rich are. They indicate increase in in-
(10) 4 planets in their own quarters come and savings.
make the person wealthy (c) The planets in the constellation of
(11) conjunction of Moon and Mars the lords of the houses 2 or 6 or 10
produces rich person or 11.
(12) If the owner of the Navamsa sign (d) The lords of these houses.
occupied by the lord of the 10th (e) Those which are conjoined with the
house, is in Vaiseshikamsa, and if significators or aspected by them.
it is aspected by benefics, one
becomes rich. These planets contribute to one's riches
(13) If benefics are posited iu all the (1) provided the sub occupied by them
four angular houses, one amasses are governed by benefics and
(14) Mercury inCancer and Saturn in 11 (2) provided they , are not adversely
make one very rich; and aspected. If the sub is|evil, one
loses or one is unable to make
(15) Sun in 5 in Leo, Jupiter in Aquarius money during the conjoined period
make one rich. So says, Mahadeva of the planet and the sub-lord.
3 9
The planet adversely aspectmg robs
away the beneficial result during
their conjoined periods.
Further, majority of planets either Suo 21*55
posited in the constellation of lord of 8 or Mercury
12 or in their subs in other constellations, 21-54
threaten loss and poverty. 12-10
If a planet owns 8 and 11 or 12 and 11 Sal. 29-2
houses, then one can expect beneficial Rahu
results during its period, in the sub period Venus
of other benefics forming good aspect with 16-25
it: and in the sub period of evil planets Moon
one will lose. The ownership of an evil 17-14
house and that of a favourable one does Fortuna 29-15
not cancel one another and become
neutral, but actually one will gain during (a) How many planets are exalted?
its period, in the sub period of benefics and
one will incur loss during other sub (b) What are the yogas?
periods. Ultimately the profit and loss
may be adjusted and 'the balance sheet (c) But note in which constellation the
may show 'NIL*. Yet there should be planets were posited.
both the entries ; there should be pleasure Sun in the constellation oflord of 2 and 11.
and profit as well as pain and loss.
One is fortunate, if majority of planets
are strong, occupy beneficial constellation, Mars
in movable sign and are in angular houses. Rahu lord of 10
Also the mutual aspects should be harmo- Saturn
Example: Horoscope of a rich person Moon Rabu (
who gains crores of Rupees every year.
Very intelligent and noble. Venus lord of 6

The following is the horoscope of a
person. His friend has written saying If 1\ yars Saturn is the cause for one's
that the above person is punished due to worries and difficulties, it is applicable to
professional jealousy. He is innocent, this person for this moment. But let us
some astrologer shave attributed this to the pose the question whether all people born
7i years Saturn. Some say that tbe chart in Aries (either Lagna or Moon sign)
has no inherent strength since lord of have sufferings from the time Saturn ente-
lagna is in the degradation, i.e, 7th from red Pisces. Are there not people who
its sign and Baghyapathi is in 6. He is now have entered into service after its entry
restless : for no fault of his, he is teased. into Pisces. There are people^now at
"Will he bedoomedor has be better days " Delhi, whose charts I bave^/have been
is the question, if so, when? promoted. One is going overseas on
promotion. Girls born in Bharani star
are getting married. In this year, when
results were announced, how many Aries
borns had passed. The above observation
alone by the few astrologers is incomplete.
To this person Saturn is lord of 10 and
11 and it opposes its radical position.
Rahu which is conjoined with lord of
10 Saturn is stronger than Saturn and at
the time he had been punished, Rahu
formed sesqui quadrate aspect with its
Saturn, radical position. Rahu in the constel-
Mars Rahu, lation of Moon, lord of 4 and in the 6th
house denotes that in his service in his
own place, he will have misunderstanding,
irritation in service, worries, etc. When it
Lagna. MarS, forms favourable aspect it will contribute
Saturn Rabu for better conditions. Jupiter also was
squaring its original position. The square
is over on 21-8-66.
As per Vimshodhari Dasa System, he is
running Jupiter Dasa Saturn sub period
from 15—2—66 and both of them were
transiting in evil position forming dis-
hormonious aspects to their radical posi-
tion. Jupiter is lord of 9 and 12. It is
in the constellation of lord of 1 and 8.
It is in the 6th house. It is hemmed in
between Rahu behind it and Mars in
advance to it. Saturn tbe sub period lord
Venus dasa balance at birth years nil is behind Jupiter. Always planets behind
months ten and days twenty two. the dasa lord prove to be undesirable in
their sub periods and hence Saturn sub fore the matters signified by lagr.* will
v sub period cannot be agreeable. thrive. But the 8th house matt^.-s
weakened. Further, he is not nvuning
During the total period of 2 years, Mars period. Only during Mars period,
6 months and 12 days, Saturn continues to he completed his college course ts 'I vtm
be in Pisces, opposing its original position. in the constellation of lord of 9 and i2.
But the dasa lord Jupiter will form sextile (9 for college course: 12 show n'so-vo
aspects with its radical position and it will pletion.)
be exalted for one year from 21-8-66-
Therefore the next one year will show M
He is now restless and depr&iseii '*
improvement. says he. Even though the lord of ths
But according to Krishnamurti Padh- dasa is Jupiter, an optimist, yec -he sub
dhati, Dasa lord Jupiter was all along in period of Saturn, a pessimist, y ill bo onr
Mrigasira ruled by lordofS, Mars, then which will depress him and feel dejecte-l
Arudhra governed by Rahu (in 6) and in as Saturn is in the constellation cf Moon
Punarvasu ruled by Jupiter (lord of 12) There will be fear, complex wb »i Soiur
constellation, when dasa lord transits in Bhukti, Moon Anthra runs.
the constellation of lord of I or 6 or 12, Jupiter as lord of 9 occupying 6th hou^i
it cannot' offer beneficial results. But does not get spoiled in all. cases. It
when it passes in the constellation of lord depends on the lord of the constellation
of 10 and 11, it has to offer beneficial and sub. If Aries is the lagna lord of 9
results. Pushyam 3° 20' Cancer to Jupiter can be in 6 in the constellation oi
16° 40' Cancer is under the govern of lord of 5 Sun, or lord of 4 Mo»n,
Saturn. So when Jupiter transits Pushya Hastham or lord of 8 Mars, Chitra. Only
as Saturn is in 12 to the opponent's house, when it is in Mars star or in the sub of
the enemy will be either transferred or he Mercury or Mars, it will be evil. Suppose
may go on long leave, as Saturn is lord of Aries happens to be the 9th house, thcr,
4 to the 7th and-is in 12 in the constel- Leo will be the lagna and Capricorn v >11
lation of lord of 10, Moon. Thus tem- be. the 6th house in which Uthrashr.ts,
porary relief is promised. ruled by Sun, Sravana governed by Moon
But, the friend himself will be trans- and Dhanista ruled by Mars are contained.
ferred when Jupiter transits in the Bagyathipathi in the constellation of kn-J
constellation of Kethu (in 12th house) of lagna is auspicious. Bagyadhipudu
Makam. Jt enters Makam on or around Mars in the constellation of lord of 4 and
16-9-1967. As Kethu is in the constellation 9, Mars itself is very beneficial. But
of lord of 3 and 6, Kethu sub itself will Mars, Sravana is undesirable. Further
give the transfer as there is no planet in Mars is exalted, Jt aspects its own house,
the sub of lord of 9 and 12 except lord Bagyasthana and is in sextile to its cths.:
of lagna. sign, Scorpio.
Westerners consider that a planet is in Therefore Mars in Uthrashad? or
detriment when it occupies the 7th sign Dhanishta is favourable,'whereas r cor
counted from the sign which it owns. But do barm when it is in Sravana belonging
Hindus say that the sign owned by the to lord of 12, A few may say, when ;;<jnc-
planet receives aspect directly from its ficial results are enjoyed during, the
owner and hence the sign becomes stron- period of abenefic in 6 as lagna adhrjoga;
ger but correct method of judging a planet during the period of a malefic, tlx fiih
for its strength and also to find out house will be called Upachaya Stfoma,.
whether it is auspicious or not, one is to Honestly, 1 have to say thai these
note the constellation and sub in which it rules are confusing and contradictfr. .
was, at the time of birth. Here the ques- But if you follow the advanced fU;'.. ./
tion is about the Lord of lagna Mars. It system, you can come correct. Thei;. k a
is in 7 to Aries; in 12 to Scorpio. There- circular Park Roads are in various
tions. But the road " Advanced stellar at the moment of answering the query.
Astrology" is safe to reach the desti- Today is Friday governed by Venus, the
nation, straight, without any difficulty, •- constellation is Poorvashada ruled by
doubt or dual results. Venus, the sign in which Moon transits is
As regards bis future, be will be healthy, Sagittarius, owned by Jupiter and the
bappy and prosperous enjoing peace of lagna is in Visakatn star ruled by Jupiter
mind only from Jupiter Dasa Venus in Venus sign. Libra. As X pitied with
Bhukti- this person, 1 did " Vara Laxshmi Pooja"
prayed Goddess and took his chart on
To confirm this, take the ruling ^planets 26-8-1966 at 11-20 A.M.
The following two horoscopes belong to is the 5tb in the 3rd Pariyaya. It agrees.
a bride and bridegroom :— It means that there is Dina Porutham. By
that one is to understand that they will
have Ayusb and Arogyam, i.e., long life
maintaining good health.
(2) Gana Porutham. It is much
observed by Kshathriyas. It shows how
one will take any matter, react and behave.
Bride 6-05 A.M. It indicates one's Gana Anuradha belongs
31-10-1943. to Deva Gana, whereas Uthrapalguni is
Anuradba' classified as Manushya Gana. If both
belong to same Gana or if the bride is of
Deva and bridegroom Manushya, both
concord " Sobbanam Ganam Evacha ".
(3) " Sthree Dheergath Sarva Sam-
path If the bridegroom star is beyond
13 th star counted from the bride, they
have Sthree Dbeergam. The male naksha-
Sat 25° tbra is 23rd. Hence they match well.
• Kethu Merc.251' Jupiter
4° Sun 25°
Venus 28°
1° (4) t( Yonitho Dhampathi Snehata "
"Soothranam yonir eva cha." Each
Lagna nakshathra is classified as belonging to a
22* particular animal. If the animals are
Mars bitter enemies like cat and rat, one should
1" 8-5-41
2-20 A.M. not match. If they are indifferent or
Uthrapalguni friendly tbey agree. Anuradha is said to
be Deer. Uthrapalguni Camel; Tbey do
not disagree. They concord.
(5) Rasi. ."Raseenam Vamsa Vri-
dhdhi" "Rasi maithramthu Vaishyanam."
Yaisyas give importance to this match-
ing one is to consider and reject ugna
For judgment, one is to count, always, Shasbta asbtama. Otherwise they agree.
from the natal star of the bride to that of If there is no shasta ashtama and there is
the bridegroom. Sthree Dheergam, they agree very well,
especially the eleventh rasi.
(1) Bride's star is Anuradha. Thatof Rasiadhipathi " Santbanam Rasiadbi-
the Bridegroom is Uthrapalguni. From patbiIf the lords of the signs are
Anuradha upto P. P. Pada star, these nine friendly, it will contribute to the prospe-
stars are said to be in the first Pariyaya. rity of children. Scorpio is ruled by Mars.
Utbrapadra to Punarvasu is second Virgo by Mercury. They are not friends.
Pariyaya. Pusbya to Visalca, these 9 stars But 3 and 11 rasis are friendly. To Scor-
are in 3rd Pariyaya. pio, Virgo agrees. But strictly observing
In the firstPariyaya(nine stars)Teject3, the lords of the signs are not friendly. To
5 and 7 stars counted from thatof the girl. Aries, Virgo is unfriendly. To Scorpio,
In the second Pariyaya reject the I Gemini is unfriendly. Hence no impor-
quarter of 3rd star, 4th quarter of 5tb star tance be given to the enemity between
and 3rd quarter of 7th star. Scorpio and Virgo.
. In the 3rd Pariyaya, reject 4th star- (6) Vaskyam'. " Vasyath Anyonya
All others concord. Here the male's star Vashyakam ". This method of judgment
indicates whetber the husband and wife js dhosha. ,11 is in 10 to Venus. No
will have good understanding and insepa- dhosha. To brides, Mars in 2 or 7 no
rable temperament. The bride is born dhosha. Hence Mars in 7 to Moon is to
with Moon in Scorpio. The boy is born be considered as no dhosha. Further
with Moon in Virgo. To Scorpio horns when Mars is lord of the rasi Scorpio and
Cancer and Virgo are the only two Vasya it aspects Scorpio, it will contribute for
rasis. As the boy is born in Virgo, happy pleasant family life. Mars* fiery nature
harmonious wedded life is promised. is toned down by its deposition in Taurus
(7) ** Rajjur mangalya Vridhis- governed by peacemaker Venus.
yath If there is no Rajju, both will To bridegroom, Mars in Aquarius in the
live long and at the end, the husband will sign where lagna is (12th Bhava) is a
outline the wife. The bride is said to be dhosha. It is in 6 to Moon and U to
* Dheerga-Sumangali". Anuradha be- Venus no dhosha. To bridegrooms, Mars
longs to Thigh Rajju—Utbrapalguni to in I or 4or8, no dhosha Marsin Aquarius,
Nabi Rajju. They are different. So they according to Devakeralam no dhosha.
agree. By that, it is meant that this couple Therefore both can be matched. They
agree very well promising very long life. agree. For matrimony, 7 and 8 houses
(8) " Vedhaya Sole ha Nasanam ^ are to be judged. In both the horoscopes
7th house is vacant. 8th is occupied by
If there is Vedha, the life will be miserable. Mars
Here there is no Vedha. Hence both will in bridegroom'sin bride's chart, by Rahu and Moon
have a pleasant life. chart. Both have afflic-
tion when
(9) Mahendrath Putra Vridhisyath." the horoscopes alone both will concord. So
Big family is indicated by this agreement. agree.
That is, if the star of the bridegroom is bride's According to westerners, the Moon in
chart forms
either 1, 4, 7 or 10 counted from that of Moon in the bridegroom's sextile aspect with
the bride, there will be many children. agree and promise happy, map. Both
This is not found in this match. and prosperous wedded life.
(10) As there is no Shashta ashtama, Therefore both concord most satisfac-
there will be children. torily.
Thus they are found to agree. Probability of getting married:—
(a) It is said that if there is Sthree . By judging the houses 2, 7 and 11, the
Dheerga Porutham, even if Rajju bridegroom's horoscope shows that Rahu,
Vedha, Ganam are lacking, one Mars and Saturn are significators and in
can match. the bride's chart, Mercury and Rahu are
(b) If either boy or girl is born in the strong significators. Hence the ruling
Anuradha, without considering planets of the partner whom they marry
Dasa Porutham one can celebrate. must be governed by the significators and
(c) If either boy or girl is born in they also agree.
Utbrapalguni, one need not Time of Marriage:
scrutinize whether other agree- Marriage will be celebrated during the
ments are there or not Thus, conjoined periods of the significators. So
according to Hindus, both the the bride will
horoscopes agree in full, most Rahu Bhukti be running Mercury Dasa
Mercury Anthra (Rahu
satisfactorily. Bhukti commenced on 29—11—1965) and
Next we have to consider Kuja Dhosha the bridegroom will bo enjoying Rahu
—Mangal—i.e., Mars evil results. The Dasa Saturn Bhukti Mars Anthra (Saturn
disposition of Mars in 1, 2, 4, 7, 8 or 12 Bhukti started on 30—11—-64). Therefore
counted from Venus, Moon or Lagna is marriage will take place when Sun transits
said to be a Dhosha. To bride. Mars is in Mars sign Mercury star Rahu sub i.e.,
in 8 to lagna and 7 to Moon. So there 9-12-1966. The star day will be Swathi.
Can I see My Garuji again ? it is getting separated. Therefore note
Asks a person at Bombay on 23-7-66 at the next aspect which Moon can form.. It
9-30 A.M. and mentions the number 70. will be in sextile with Mercury.. U'means
his Guruji will be further moving, making
Ven. B.28 short journeys and living in a far off place
Mars as Mercury is lord of 3 and 12 counted
14.49 from Cancer (ruled by Moon) representing
Jup. 23.47 Guruji. But at the time Moon forms
favourable aspect with Mars, he will come
and give Dharsan to the disdple. As
Moon has a motion of nearly ]4
degrees in a day and it has to move 30°,
in 2 days and 3$ hours, Moon will come
to 14° 49' J^ibra when it will form trine
with Mars and Moon will progress in the
11th house. Therefore in 2 years 3
A Kethu months, he will have the Dharsan of
J -43 -to pj-.28-36it n Guruji (This rule is applicable if father's
whereabouts is not known and the son or
daughter puts such a query.)
This disciple is a true person longing to According to Krishnamiirthi Padhdhati,
see his Guru who left him in December the ruling planets at the time of query are
1961. Saturn—lord of the day; Mars—lord of
Guru? father, officer, king and teacher Lagna; Mercury—lord of the rasi and
are indicated by the 9th house. Lagna Moon—lord of the star. Therefore,
shows the consultant. Moon denotes the Saturn, Mars, Mercury and Moon will be
urge, the desire and the query of the the significators.
person. The reunion with Guruji is to be deter-
Ascendant is found out from the num- mined taking the houses 1, 9 and 11.
ber given by the person. As *70' was There is no planet in lagna. None in 9
mentioned, it is the 70th division of the and nonein 11.
108 equal divisions of the Zodiac^ It is
jyeshta second quarter, in Scorpio between So take lords: Mars, Moon and Mer-
20° and 23° 20'. cury are the owners of 1, 9 and 11. No
planet is in the constellation of Mars, i.e ,
Moon is in the 10th house''and 11th Mrigasira, Chitra or Dhanishta: Moon
sign. It is in Hastham, in its own cons- alone is in one of the constellations gover-
tellation. Moon owns the 9th house. No ned by lord of 9, Moon. No planet is in
planet'is in 9°. Hence Moon alone indi- the constellation of Mercury, Ashlesha,
cates his Guru. Jyeshta or Revathi.
Moon is a fast moving planet, lord Hence Mars Mercury and Moon indi-
of lagna Mars is a slow moving one when cate the results as the owners of the
compared to Moon. As lord of 9 Moon houses. As Rahu is posited in the sign
squares Mars, they cannot see each other owned by Mars, one is to take Rahu as the
now. Moon does not apply square. But stronger significator.
Timing of event as per Vimshodhari Therefore 0.3.1 -f 1.7.6 + 0.8.15— after
dasa system: At the time of query, it a 2 years 6 months and 18 days, during
child would have been born. Moon Dasa Moon Dasa Murcury Bhukti Mars or Rahu
balance would be 6 years and 1 day i.e.. Anthra, (Rahu Anthra alone) he can meet,
Moon dasa Jupiter Bhukti is now on for i.e. around April 1969. As per transit,
3 'months and 1 day ritore : Later Saturn Jupiter passes in Virgo; Mars moves in
follows for 19 months. Saturn opposes the lagna and Rahu's opposition Moon
Moon. So they cannot meet in Saturn will be over.
period. Then follows Mercury sub period
which will run for 17 months. In that Therefore the querist can expect his
after 8£ months Mars sub sub commences Guruji to return to his home and offer
followed immediately by Rahu sub sub. Dharsan in April 1969.
[By Bala)
Everything in nature moves according Every individual is born at a particular
to the Universal law of Cause and Effect, moment. Our sages and scholars of other
human existence being no solitary excep- countries have found that the positions of
tion. According to one of the disciples of the planets in the Heavens at that time
Kapila the first evolutionist in the world, bear a definite relation to his karma.
man's present existence is a link in the "Whatever is born, or done, in this
chain of many existences connecting the moment of time, has the qualities of this
past and the future. Birth and death are moment of time" (C G. Jung). The
nothing more than gateways frosn one figures of the heavens set for the date and
phase of man's life to another, the life the moment of birth and for the locality
we now live in being one of a series. . The in which the birth takes place is termed
present is a reflection of the past and a the 'Horoscope'.
fore-runner for the future.
At birth the planets occupy certain posi-
Astrology is a divine science which exp- tions according to the latitude of the birth
lains the law of nature as it affects us in place, that is, they appear to occupy
everyday life. It relies entirely on the certain places in the 12 houses or segments
theory of karma for its basis. Karma of the circle of observation as seen from
theory is none other than the lave of Cause the locality of birth. This house position
and Effect propounded by Sir Isaac New- of the planets is only an appearance as
ton. The planetary influences definitely seen from that locality. The planets will
corroborate the karmaic theory. Once a also, then, be transiting somewhere ' the
friend of Sir Isaac Newton rediculed the zodiac which is their pathway in the
astrological influences of planets, when heavens and they will be at certain
Sir Isaac was reported to have retorted in longitudinal distances from each otlier as
these famous words "1 have studied these seen from the Earth.
things and you have not".
No one can dodge or hoodwink or mo- Every individual receives, at birth, the
impress of the planetary vibrations in
dify the inescapable effects of karma or operation at that moment and these
one's action or deed. The result sure- vibrations lexert certain influences peculiar
ly follows, agreeable or disagreeable, to that native throughout his life. "The
depending on the good or bad seed previ- physical body exactly corresponds in
ously sown, of the inexorable effects of composition to the stellar positions at
karma, here is what Sir Edwin Arnold says birth and responds to their vibrations.
in his epic "The Light of Asia The horoscope, therefore, is registered in
" The books say well, my brothersl the body itself and lasts as long as life
each man's life. endures" says an author.
The outcome of his former living is. Therefore, the birth chart or the Radix,
The bygone wrongs bring forth sorrows .is the fountain from which springs events
and woes. in one's life. What is promised in the
The bygone right breeds bliss. " radical chart in accordance with one's
karma will unfold itself in the form of
What we loosely call 'luck* is closely good or bad events at some time or other
linked to merit and so the prosperity one in one's life. Hindu sages have devised
enjoys and the misfortune one undergoes several methods to predict the time of
in life is conditioned by one's karma and events, of which the Udu (Nakshathra)
karma alone. Dasa system propounded by Maharishi
Parasara is most widely followed. In the The primary system correlates with
West, however, they resort to a system the rotationary movement of earth on
known as progression or directions to its axis. The Earth completes one rotation
find out when the events indicated by the about 24 hours thus bringing a new
natal horoscope will crystallize. degree to the Zenith or the Midheaven
The planets are incessantly moving in about every 4 minutes. Due to the axial
the Zodiac, each in its own orbit and are ' rotation, the original h«use ' positions
never stationary though at times Ihey occupied by the planets in the birth chart
appear to be standing still or retrograde are affected, their longitudinal places how-
as viewed from the Earth. No two planets ever remaining unchanged. Suppose Jupiter
perform a revolution in the Zodiac in the was in exact conjunction with the degree
same period, their speed being varied. on the cusp of the 10th house (Meridian)
Thus, when we observe a planet from the in one horoscope. Every 4 minutes that
Earth sometimes it appears to overtake degree will appear to be carried up one
and pass another planet, then appears to degree into the 9th house, and thereby
stop and later to move forward. The (radical) Jupiterdistance from the Meridian
planets are always on the move and hence and the cusps of other houses would go on
after birth, the planets move away, each varying. Suppose Mars, in another chart
at a different rate, from the original posi- is in Kanya (Virgo) 20° identical with the
tions occupied 'by them at the time of degree on the cusp of the 10th house. By
birth. In this process, they take up new what has been explained above, four min-
places in the signs (zodiac) and in the utes after birth the 20th degree of Kanya
houses wherefrom they form certain (Virgo) will be carried into the 9th house
aspects not only among themselves pro- and along with it Mars; and the 21st degree
ducing certain events in the mundane of Kanya (Virgo) will be momentarily on
sphere but to their own radical positions, the Meridian.' After another 4 minutes,
the positions of other planets at birth and the 22nd degree of Kanya will be found on
to other sensitive points in the radical the Meridian and Mars which was in the
horoscope such as the Fortuna and the 10th degree or Kanya at birth would thus
cusps of the houses. The movement of be behind the 10th cusp. One hour,
the planets after birth measures the time after birth, the 5th degree of Thulam
when the events denoted by the birth chart (Libra) will be on the Meridian. Mars
will culminate. .This motion of the planets will be at 20° Kanya (Virgo); is 5°
after birth is called 'Progression'. away. In this manner, the place of Mars
with respect to houses in the progressed
The birth horoscope is all important. chart would undergo change. But, its
The progressed horoscope is only a projec- location in the zidiac (the longitudinal
tion of the birth chart and indicates the degree of the zodiac in which it was) how-
changes taking place in the individual with- ever remain, unaltered. In other words,
in the limits imposed at birth. As Sepha- Mars will always occupy the 20th degree
rial says " It is the root in the soil from of Kanya (Virgo) where it was at birth
which the tree of life grows". and this will not be affected by the axial
Various methods of determining the rotation. That is to say, the Earth's axial
time of events are adopted in the West. rotation causes variation in the house
They are-— position of the planets, the planets'
(a) Symbolic methods of which that1 longitudinal places however remaining
mainly used is the 'One Degree unaffected by this motion.
method; The planets, as we have seen, are ever
(b) The Radic Method; moving in the zodiac and this real, for-
ward motion of the planets is not at all
(c) Primary system of directions! reckoned for computing the primary direc-
•(d) Secondary system of directions. tions. The measure of time adopted in
Among these, the chief ones are "Primary this system is one degree for each year of
dir®ctions" and " Secondary directions". life and as Earth takes four minutes to turn
one degree upon its axis all the aspects (2) The Earth's axial rotation which
that govern events in one's life in a period takes place every day also takes
of, say, 60 years would be completed in place every year and all the
just four hours (60 times four minutes). directions that are included in the
To ascertain what experiences at will primary system are also included
undergo in bis 30th year, one sbouM note in the secondary system.
the aspectsformed after 30 x 4minutes, i.e., If one were to ask how the life of every
2 hours, afterbirth 1 to find out the events hfcman being on Earth is geared to its two
in his 45th year one should calculate the cyclic movements, namely, axial rotation
aspects that occur three hours after birth, every day and orbital revolution around
and so on. the Sun, no better explanation can be offe-
Apart from the fact the calculation of red than that the human being is tuned to
directions under this system involves time the planetary pattern in operation at birth
and labour. This system depends for its and changes take place within the man in
accuracy on the correct moment of birth; accordance with similar changes in the
otherwise, events will be experienced years heavens. Experience is however the grea-
ahead or years after the expected time of test asset and predictions based on these
occurrence. An error of 4 minutes in the directions have proved to be true, intbose
given time of birth woula throw out predic- cases where the time of birth is correctly
tions as much as a year. . It is common noted and given to the astrologer.
experience that birth tim e is rarely correctly The progressed Horoscope, which is
known and as such this system is unde- based on the Secondary System, is a chart
pendable. erected for any year subsequent to birth
The second method known as "Secondary corresponding to the age one has comple-
Directionsis founded upon the orbital ted. This will enable one to read the con-
revolution of the Earth. This system ditions in one's life during the ensuing
also employs the same measure of time as twelve months. The progressed chart is
the Primary System, one degree equalling to be cast in exactly the same manner as a
one year. In the primary system, 4 minu- birth horoscope and using the same time
tes is taken to represent a year since the as the actual birth time.
Earth takes about 4 minutes to turn one Each day counted forward after birth-
degree upon its axis. In the Secondary day equals one year of the native's life.
system, one day indicates a year since That is to say, a horoscope cast for the
the Earth requires one day to move 1° birth time of a native on the first day
in its orbit. after birth and the motions of the planets
in the next 24 hours symbolises the events
The Secondary System of Directions has which will happen between one year and
been vastly improved in recent times and two years of age ; that made for the 2nd
is considered the most reliable. It is day after birth including the motions in
most commonly referred to as the prog- the following 24 hours represents the
ressed Horoscope or " A day , for a Year " conditions to be undergone between the
progression. The chief merits of this 2nd and 3rd years of age ; a figure erected
system, which distinguish it from the for the 3rd day after birth and the move-
primary system, are: ment of the planets till the 4th day
(1) While an error of about four mi- foretells the conditions to operate during
nutes in the known time of birth the 12 months following the third anniver-
would deviate the occurrence of sary ; and so on.
an event by almost a year in the A horoscope drawn for the date and
primary system, such an error time of birth denotes, in progression, the
would hardly make any difference events which will come to pass during the
in the secondary system. The 12 months following birth. Therefore,
difference will be one day for when counting the number of days after
every 4 minutes' error. the birthday, the birthday should not be
counted as one year. A child is a year houses in the progressed horoscope should
old only when it completes 12 months. also be found out in the same manner.
Let us take the case of a native born at That is to say, the sidereal time for the
7-30 P.M. (1ST) on the 16th March 1933. birth time on the progressed birth day
Now, if we erect a figure of the heavens should be worked out and the cusps of the
for one day later and for the same birth houses for this sidereal time calculated by
time, i.e., at 7-30 p.m. (1ST) on 17^3-1933, reference to the Raphael's Table of
then it will form a progressed horoscope Houses. Another point to remember is
of the native corresponding to the date that the progressed horoscope is the
when he was one year of age and about to projection of the birth horoscope. In the
enter the second year. This helps to find author's view, the method of progressing
out the events to operate in the 12-month the cusps of houses may be completely left
period following the birth anniversary, out of consideration, more importance
i.e., between 16-3-1934 and 16-3-1935. being attached to progressed aspects to
A chart cast for the 2nd day after birth radical planets and cusps. For one thing,
and for birth time will constitute a there are very few who reside in the birth
progressed chart corresponding to the locality permanently and most of us settle
date when the native would be two down at places far away from home. While
years of age. In this manner, one can a section of western opinion favours
erect a progressed horoscope for any drawing up the progressed horoscope for
year after birth. Suppose one desires to the new locality, many others hold a con-
make a chart for the 31st year. The 12 trary view. This is what L. George says :
months immediately following the 30th " It is not practicable to substitute
birth anniversary constitute the native's bouse cusps of present abode for
31st year. So a chart drawn for the birth those of the place of birth ...The
time 30 days after birth gives the clue to progressed chart requires the natural
the likely events to happen between the progress of the house, cusps, just as it
30th and 31st anniversaries. In the does of the planets. At the moment
example under consideration, 30 days of birth, the planets have bouse posi-
counted forward from the date of birth, tions according to the latitude of the
i.e., 16-3-1933 brings us to 15-4-1933 and birth place. At the first independent
a map made for 7-30 P.M. (1ST) on this breath of the babe, the prevailing
day would form the progressed horoscope vibrations 'cast' or set the tendencies
for the 12 months following the 30th birth of the body according to those bouse
anniversary, i.e., between 16-3-1963 and positions, as well as by the aspects
16-3-1964. and the signs occupied by the planets.
Birthday 16-3-1933 = 16-3-1933 in •Those particular bouse positions of
progression the planets at that time are ' time
Add 30 days =30 years progression markers' of when certain conditions
15-4-1933=16-3-1963 in will appear in the life of that native.
progression Thus, due to the planetary rays as
To erect a progressed horoscope, one afiecting that particular latitude at
would need to consult a reliable ephemeris that birth time, certain forces were
giving their daily position and motion of timed for manifestation and those
the year of birth. Raphael's Ephemeris, times can only be correctly calculated
which is the most accurate, is recommen- by reference to the original latitude
ded for this purpose. Condensed ephemeris from which the native received its
must be avoided as our calculation to cast."
find out daily position may not be correct. When a person has removed to a latitude
The planets' places in the Zodiac for different from the one at birth, be receives
the progressed birth day will have to be the forces from a different Ascendant aud
worked out in the same manner as erect- it is doubtful whether the effects of aspects
ing a birth horoscope. The cusps of to the progressed cusps will come off as
expected. So progressing of the house sed positions of the different planets for
cusps need not be attempted. any number of years.
Directions 'are grouped inU< the follow- If a person is born at 5-30 P.M. (1ST)
ing classes: on 16-3-1933, then the positions of the
(1) Directions from the progressed planets at 5-30 P.M. (1ST) on 17-3-1933
Moon, Sun and other planets to represent that native's progressed year
radical Moon, Sun and other 1934 commencing from the 16th March;
planets. those positions given for 5-30 P.M. (1ST)
(2) Directions from the progressed on 18-3^1933 refer to the native's progress-
Moon, Sun and other planets to ed year 1935 commencing from the 16th
radical cusps of houses. March; and so on. If the birth occurs at
(3) Directions from a progressing 7-30 PrM. (1ST) on 16-3-1933, then the
planetary positions in the ephemeris
planet to another progressing against the dates 17-3-1933 and 18-3-1933
planet. refer to the progressed year 1934 and 1935
(4) Directions between a radical commencing not from the 16th March but
planet and the progressed cusps. an earlier date because the planetary posi-
In the author's view, directional aspects tions are calculated for an earlier time.
to the radical planets and radical cusps In the Secondary System, one day equals
need more consideration; others may be one year by progression. Therefore :
ignored. 1 day (24 hours) = 1 year (12 months)
(1) Of progressed aspects, the con- motion of planets by progression
junction to the place occupied by a 2 hours' motion = 1 month by prog-
radical planet or to the degree constituting ression
the cusp of a house is most potent. 1 hour's motion = 15 days ,,
(2) Next in importance are the sextile. 4 minutes' motion = 1 day ,,
Square, trine, quincunx, opposition, etc. 1 minute's motion = 6 hours ,,
(3) Directions to radical cusps are impor-
tant provided the precise time of birth is On this basis, 2 hours' motion represents
known, as an error of 4 minutes in the the planets' progressed motion in one
birthtime is apt to cause such events month. Therefore, the planetary position
denoted by the direction to occur a year in the Raphael's Ephemeris on 16-3-1933
. earlier or a year later. are worked out for the native's progressed
Now, if one wishes to work out direc- year, commencing from 15th February
tions for a set of years, say between the (16-3-1933 minus one month). Likewise,
•30th and the 40th year, to forestall the the positions of the planets at 5-30 P.M.
likely events during this period, he will on 17th March, 18th March, 19th March
need to calculate a number of progressed etc. refer to the native's progressed years
horoscopes. Each time he will have to 1934> 1935, 1936, etc. commencing not
find out the progressed positions of pla- from 16th March but from 16th February,
nets for the birth time. All these tedious This date 16th February is the Adjusted
calculations could be avoided if we follow Calculation Data for the native.
a simple method whereby we can get all Let us take another example where a
the progressed positions of planets direct birth had occurred a few hours before 5-30
from the ephemeris into the horoscope. P.M. Suppose the birth has taken place
Our task becomes easier if we calculate at 1-30 P.M. on 16-3-1933. Then the
the progressed positions not to conform positions of the planets in the Ephemeris
to birth time but to 5-30 P.M. (1ST) for for that date refer to a later time by
which the daily positions of planets are progression. Since 4 hours* motion is
given in the Raphael's ephemeris. By equal to 2 months in progression, the
following this method, known as the ephemeral positions on 16-3-1933, 17-3-33
"Adjusted Calculation Date" method, and 18-3-1933 represent the native's
_we are able to see at a glance the progres- progressed year 1933, 1934 and 1935,
commencing from 16th May (2 mooths
added to 16th March).
The above method saves one the trouble
of the tedious calculations involved in
calculating the progressed positions for
each year , for the birth time. Once the
Adjusted Calculation Date has been found,
the place of the planets in the Ephemeris
have simply to ie copied, it being however
borne in mind that the progressed position
refer not to be progressed birth day but to
the adjusted calculation date.
After having so found out the adjusted
calculation date, write in the ephemeris
opposite the date 16-3-1933, the date
16-2-1933,which is the perpetual calcula-
tion date. Then successively write in the
margin 1934, 1935, 1936 and so on^ It
is not necessary to repeat Avery time
16-2-1934, 16-2-1935 etc. 16th February is
the constant date-
Like this,
16-2-1933 16-3-1933
1934 17-3-1933
1935 18-3-1933
1936 19-3-1933
■ 1937 20-3-1933
The positions of planets on 18-3-3933
represent the native's progressed year 1935
commencing from the 16th February and
refer to conditions to operate in the
ensuing 12-month period.
Suppose one wants the directions bet-
ween progressed years 1961 and 1965 for
the native bom at 7-30 P.M. on 16-3-1933.
year for which 1961 (commencing
directions are ' from 16th February)
(—) Year of birth 1933
28 days = 28 years
Add 28 days to the birth day, 16-3-1933
= 13th April, 1933. The motions of the
planets between 13th April and 17th April,
1933 refer to certain conditions to be
experienced by the native between
16-2-1961 and 16-2-1965. To facilitate
readers to follow the working, the plane-
tary positions as given in the Raphael's
Ephemeris are reproduced below:
The next step is to find and tabulate the 60°, 72°, 90°, 108°, 112f, 120°, 126°, 135°,
progressed aspects formed during the (144°, 150°, 157$° 162° and 180° aspect to
above period by the Moon, Sub and other X'. Except the conjunction and the
planets to their own radical positions and opposition (180°), all other aspects can be
to the degrees on the cusps of the various formed twice, on either side of the planet.
bouses in the birth chart and also to For- Aspects to the other planets, namely, the
tuna. The author would venture to suggest Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn,
the preparation of a ready 'Guide to Rahu, Kethu, Jupiter, Uranus and Satum
AspectsSuch a table, once made, will and to the Ascendant, Meridian (10th
be a permanent record and will be im- bouse) and Fortuna have to be similarly
mensely useful in watching aspects both computed and transferred to one table
by. progression as well as by transit. This^ called 'Guide to Aspects' or 'Table of
table will be useful throughout one's life Aspects \
and obviate the necessity of calculating
aspects for different sets of years.

The planets, including the two nodes Birth position 25° Pisces
Rahu and Kethu, are 11 in number. Of the of Sun
12 cusps, the chief ones are the Ascendant
and the M.C (lOtli house). Pars Fortuna,
being connected to all the three centres of Subtract Aspects Add
a horoscope, namely Ascendant Moon
and the Sun, should also be reckoned.
There are thus 14 points. These are very 25° Pisces Conjn. 25° Pisces
sensitive points so far as any native is 7° Pisces 18° 13° Pries
concerned. 2" 30" Pisces 224° 17° 30' Pries
25° Aquarius 30° 25° Pries
19° Aquarius 36° 1° Taurus
Take 14 different sheets of paper. In Iff" Aquarius 45° 10° Taurus
one sheet, write the position occupied by . 1° Aquarius 54° 19° Taurus.
the Sun at birth. Similarly, in the second 25° Capricorn 60° 25° Taurus
sheef write the Moon's birth position; in 17° 30' Capricorn 67*° 2° 30' Gemini
the third sheet Mar's birth position ; and 13° Capricorn 72° 7° Gemini
so on in all the sheets. 25° Sagittarius 90° 25° Gemini
7° Sagittarius 108° 13° Cancer
The Zodiac is iSfHE in extent. There 2° 30' Sagittarius 112-i° 17° 30' Cancer
are' various degrees which will be in 25° Scorpio 120° 25° Cancer
certain aspects to any given degree. Let 19° Scorpio 126° 1° Leo
us take any one degree in the Zodiac and !0° Scorpio 135° lOP Leo
call it 'X'. That degree in the Zodiac 1° Scorpio 144° 19° L&o
which is just 30 degrees behind ' X' which 25° Libra 150° 25° Leo
we may call 'Y' is in semi-sextile 17° 30' Libra 157*° 2° 30' Virgo
(3CP) aspect to ' X'; and that degree 13° Libra 162° 7° Virgo
which is 30° beyond 'X' in the clock- 25° Virgo 180° 25° Virgo
wise direction, which we may call'Z',
is also in the same semi-sextile aspect
to 'X*. Suppose the Sun is in 'X* at
birth. Whenever a planet, say the Moon,
comes by progression or by transit to ' Y' After all the aspects to the natal Sun
or ' Z' it will be in semi-sextile to the have been computed, these should be
radical position of the Sun. In like entered carefully in a Table called the
manner, calculate the other points in the "GUIDE TO ASPECTS" or-"-TABLE
Zodiac which will be in 18°, 36°, 45°, 54°, OF ASPECTS "j as follows
Aries Taurus I Qemini I Canoer Leo I Virgo | Libra I Scorpio j SagittariusICapricorn Aquarius I Pisces

j Sun 25" 0'I 30/Si;n eO/Sun 90/Silu 120/Sun 160/Sun 180/Sun 150/Sun I 120/Sun 90/Sun SO/Sun 30/Suii Cocj/Sua
After having made a tabulation of the gression gives 2 months and 18 days.
.aspects, it becomes easy to compare the Adding 2 months and 18 days to 16th
progressed positions of the planets with February, 1961, which is the adjusted cal-
the Table of Aspects to see whether any culation date, we come to A—5—1961 as
progressed aspects or aspects by transit the date oo which the Moon forms tt^
are in the offng at any given time. aspect of 108° with the radical position of
Take the case of a native born on the Sun.
16—3—1933 at 7-30 P.M. (I.S.T.)-. By The next aspect that Moon, by pre
careful working, we have known that the gression, will form to the radical Sun w;ij
planetary positions contained in the be a square ^O0). Moon should rearb
Faphael's Ephemerjs for any date refer to the 25° of Sagittarius to form this
the adjusted calculation date, namely 16th aspect. Moving from 18° 33' Sagittarius
February of any progressed year. Looking on 14—4—1933 to 3° 4' Capricorn ci»
at the Ephemeris, we find Moon in 3° 48' 15—4—1933 at the rate of 14° 31'per
Sagittarius on 13—4—1933 which re- year or 1° 12' per month by progression-
presents the native's progressed year 1961 Moon comes to 25° Sagittarius in 10 hours
commencing'from 16th February. On the and 45 minutes.
next day, i.e., 14—4—-1933, its position is 10 hours = 5 months by progression
given as 18° 33' Sagittarius. The motion 45 minutes^ II days ,, „
during the 24-hour period representing
Moon's progressed motion in one year is Therefore, 5 months and 11 days after
14° 45° or 1Q-14' per month. Now, com- 16—2—1962,1.6., on 27—7—1962, Pro-
paring with the Tableof Aspects, it is seen gressed Moon will be in square to Sun
that when Moon arrives at 7° Sagittarius radical. Write thus: Prog. Moon square
it will form a tredecile (108°) aspect with Sun.
the position occupied at birth by the Sun.
To reach this position, Moon has to At first sight, the task of computing the
travel another 3°—12°. aspects appears formidable but once a
detailed Table of Aspects for the parti-
To cover 14° 45' it takes 24 hours cular horoscope has been prepared it 's
3° 12'it will take 5 hrs., 12 mts. easy to find out when a given aspect is due
5 hrs. and 12 minutes converted into pro- for operation.

CHAPTER Xlll dream his own death and if Rahu alone
aspects he would have seen toddy or
(On Dreams) poison. One has to guess other things
1-4. In respect of queries about the following the things mentioned in Samkya
visions in dreams, if Prasna Lagna or Kanta.
Aruda Lagna falls in Mesha, he would
have had visions of temple, palace, buil- NOTES
dings etc.; Vrishaba indicates the Sun and ANUSHTANA PADDHATI — From
some known persons; Mithuna indicates the planet in the Lagna the nature of
Brahmins, Sanyasins etc.; Katalca indi- dream has to be stated. If there are many
cates carrying of some grass after the ins- planets the dream will be difficult to iden-
pection of fields; Sim ha denotes buffaloes, tify. If the Sun is there the vision will be
mountainways etc.; Kanni indicates fro< live-fire, red clothes, blood etc.; if the
lies with a widow. Moon, a lady, white cloth etc.; if Mars,
5-7. Thula indicates rulers or mer- gold, coral, bleediog, mutton etc.; if
chants; Vrischika denotes scorpion, deer, Mercury travels in the air; if Jupiter,
ox, horse etc.; Dhanus indicates flowers, advent of relatives; if Venus, ponds, lakes
sandal, fruits, mutton etc.; Makara etc.; and if Saturn, ascending a high place,
denotes river, girl, or a male; Kumbha etc. have to be stated. If the planet in
indicates a ' mirror; and Meena denotes lagna is in depression or inimical place
a rich man or Kubera, the lord of wealth. there will be bad dreams. If the planet is
one'defeated in war the dream will be bad
8. From the Lagna- the present dream, and if it is in combustion it will be
from the 4th the past dreani, from the 7th aborted.
the future dream and from the 10th the PRASNA MARGA: If the lagna is
day dream will have to be ascertained. Mesha, a pilgrim centre; if Vrishaba,
9-9&. In the Udaya Lagna or Aruda Devas; if Mithuna,. brahmins or yogis;
Lagna if Venus occupies, very white places if Kataka, wet crops; if Simha, forest and
and if Mercury occupies Devas,' Yakshas, buffaloes; If Kanni, association with
Kinnara, Garuda, Gandharva etc. should ladies; if Thula, gold, merchants and
have .been dreamt. From the planet in kings; if Vrischika, horse, bees, venom or
4th house and from that aspecting this, poison; if Dhanus, branches of trees,
ascertain the kind of dreams. flower, raw fruit etc.; if Kumba, a couple;
and if Meena, gold, sea, etc. would have
10-12. If the Sun aspects the 4th place been dreamt. These should be investiga-
of the Udaya or Aruda Lagna, ■ the vision ted from the 4th house of Udaya Lagna,
in the dream will be dead persons or fal- Aruda Rasi and Chattira Rasi.
ling off of decayed trees on self; if the
Moon aspects, hearing of lizard's voice or PRASNA GNANA: At the time of
hunter's utterances; if Mars or Rahu query if the Sun is posited in «.he lagna
aspects, the vision of mutton; if Mercury he would have dreamt a blazing fire, red
aspects, cow; if Jupiter aspects, fruits; if garments or a king;.if the Moon is there, a
Venus aspects silver, pearls etc.; and if damsel, flowers, white clothes and gems;
Saturn aspects, deer. Further, if the if Mars, gold, corals, flow of blood and
Moon aspects he would have seen in the raw meat; if Mercury, flying m the sky.
if Jupiter, association with relative, if curds, stork, tiny birds etc., if Saturn, a
Venus, crossing a river or sea, and if thief, fire etc., and. if Rahu, venomous
Saturn, climbing an elevated place. It the insects will be sighted before he goes on
planets occupy their inimical or debilita- a journey.
tion signs, the dream should be declared 6-6$. If the Moon is in lagna, dove,
as inauspicious. If they are not conjoined tiny birds, partridge etc., if Mercury, owl,
with those that are eclipsed in the Sun's and if Saturn crows will be seen.
rays it may be said that he saw a theatri-
cal stage. 7-7$. If the planet involved is in a
NEELAKANTA: " When . the Sun Fixed Sign, the birds etc., will be sitting at
occupies the lagna or its Navamsa Rasi, that time i if it is in a movable sign they
the querist must have had bad dreams will be crossing the traveller; and if in a
such as the sight of the Sun's disc, red movable sign the cries of the birds will
clothes and fire; when the Moon in such a only be heard.
position, of a white horse, gems, clothes 8-9. Besides what stated here one has
and flowers, diamonds, and beautiful to tell that the traveller will meet the
damsels; when Mars, of gold,' red gar- birds, men or animals as stated in Jeeva
ments, garlands, animals and corals; when Kanta. If the influencing planets denote
Mercury, of snakes; he will have a dream right-side in respect of moles as already
of ascending heaven and of hearing the described the omens will be moving
news of meritorious acts ; when Jupiter, of from the right to left on the way; and if
sport, talk of meritorious deeds, sight of the planets denote left side they will be
Gods and union with good persons and moving from.left to right
relative^; when Venus, of crossing the sea
or river, sport of Gods and sexual dalli- CHAPJER XV
ance ; when Saturn, of going over forests (On Matrimony)
and mountains and association with mean
fellows; and when Rahu or Kethu, the 1-2$. On a query about marriage, if the
same result as for Saturn has to Ve predic- Sun and Mars are in the lagna, 'the bride
ted. When the Moon occupying the 3rd, will soon become a widow if Saturn is
5th, 6 th, 7th or 11th house, it is aspected there, she will have loss of children and
by Jupiter, the Sun and Venus, and when will become poor ; if the Moon is posited
benefics are in the 9th or the Kendras, the the couple will die early; if Mercury,
querist must have had an enjoyable union Jupiter and Venus are there the couple will
with a beautiful and noble lady in live a long and comfortable life with
dream." children and grand-children.
CHAPTER XIV 3-4$. In the second house, if the Sun,
(On Omens) Mars or Saturn occupies the bride will not
1-H. When anybody enquires before be subservient to the husband and will be
starting on voyage about the omens, if a poverty-stricken. If the Moon occupies
common sign rises the person intending the 2nd house there will be many children.
to start will return after seeing ill-omens ; If Rahu occupies she will be immoral.
if a fixed Sin rises, there will be good If benefics occupy this place she will be
omens but there will be impediments to having all the comforts and will predece-
the journey; and if a movable sign rises ase her' husband after all enjoyments of
the omen will be auspicious and the life.'
journey can be undertaken. 5-5$. If Jupiter or Rahu is in the 3rd
2-5. If there is the Sun in the lagna house, she is sterile. The other planets in
double Garudas (Brown kits) will be sigh- this house will cause all comforts, wealth
ted ; if the Moon, kite 5 if Mars, fox or and enjoyments.
dog ; if Mercury a mouse, if Jupiter, milk 6-7. In the 4th place if a Sun or the
or ghee pot, dove, patridge etc., if Venus, Moon remains the spouse is a sinner ; if
Saturn is there she will be of a ; very low 18}. In the 11th if any of the nine
caste ; if Rahu is there she will have to planets remains she will have all the
live along with a concubine ; and if Mars, comforts of life with children-
Mercury or Jupiter is there she will marry 's!. In the 12th if the Sun or Rahu
a wealthy person. occupies she will be childless ; if .theMoon
8-9. If the Sun or the Moon is in the occupies she will die soon; if Mars or
5th, she will be childless I if Mars is there Saturn occupies she will drink liquor ; if
she will have loss of children 1 if Mercury, Mercury is there she will have children ; if
Jupiter or Venus is there she will have Jupiter remains she will have wealth; and
many children ; and if Saturn is there she if Venus remains she will have all
will be always sickly. comforts.
10-10}. In the 6th place if the Moon
occupies she will become a widow; if
Mercury occupies she will be quarrelsome; This author has simply stated about the
if Venus remains she will have a long life, influences of planets in the twelve houses
with her husband ; if the other planets, the and these deal with the characteristics of
Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn or Rahu the wife to be married. Generally, the
remain she will have comforts and querists will approach with the object of
progeny. knowing the time of marriage, status of
the spouse and other particulars. The
11-13. In the 7th house if the Sun query will also be from both bride and
occupies the wife will be sickly; if the bride-groom. These are all not discussed
Moon remains she will be frequently here. The principles of General Astrology
attacked by fevers; if Mars occupies she have also to be applied here and to the 7th
will live with another; if Mercury or house. Hence extracts from other books
Jupiter occupies she will have all good are given.
■ things; if Venus remains there she will PRASNA MARGA: An astrologer
have, an early death; and if Saturn or should examine the Prasna Lagna for the
Rahu remains she will become a widow. general effects of the query about marriage.
14-15. In the 8th place if the Sun or Then the 7th house has to be examined as
Mars remains she will become a widow in the Genera] Astrology and if benefics
soon; if the Moon remains she -will die; occupy this, auspicious results have to be
if Mercury or Saturn remains there will be stated.
improvements and the couple will lead a One has to examine all the points from
very comfortable life; and if Jupiter, the asterisms in which the bride and bride-
Venus or Rahu remains the couple will grooms are born, besides Namanakshatras.
suffer all troubles and will be quite In this the bride's star is more important.
miserable. The Udaya Lagna at the time ofquery will
16-16}. In the 9th place if Mercury denote bride-groom and the 7th house
remains she will be irreligious; if the bride. Thus has been stated by Brihas-
Moon or Jupiter remains she will have pathi. The nature, stature, etc. of the
many children; and if other planets remain nusband will be revealed by the 1st house
she will be childless. and those of the wife by the 7th house.
17-13. In the 10th place, if the Sun or If the Moon occupies from the Udaya
Mercury occupies she will live with all Lagna the 8th house, an even sign, asso-
auspiciousness ; if the Moon occupies she ciation with malehcs and Dark Fortnight
will be barren ; if Mars, Saturn or Rahu matrimony will not take place.
occupies she will become a widow; if At the time of query if the querist
Jupiter occupies she will be poor; and if touches the headt right hand, heart etc.,
Venus occupies she will lead an immoral marriage will take place. If be touches
life. joints, hands, back, hips or arm-pit there
will be obstruction to the marriage. PRASNA SANGRAHA says—If the
Between lords of Jagna and 7th if there is Moon is in the 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th or
a mutual excbange of places, aspects, 11th from Udaya Aruda Lagnas with
position in exaltation or friendly sign the benefic's aspect or if the Moon and Venus
wed-lock will take place. Venus in the occupy lagna or 7th or if Mercury, Venus
similar positions will also denote the same and Jupiter are in kendras while the lagna
result. is falling in Mithuna, Kanni, Thula or
Occupation of debilitation signs, inimi- Kumbha the marriage will take place
cal houses, male&c aspects, malefics in soon.
the 8th of lagna, etc. wiii cause obstruc- If lagna, Slh, 7th. 8th and 9th are
tion to the wed-lock. If 6th house is either occupied by the respective lords of
involved the obstruction will be on the houses or posited or aspected by
account of an ailment to the bride or benefics without the aspects of malefics
bridegroom. the couple will have a very comfortable
If the Moon combines a malefic in the life after marriage. If there are male&c
Udaya Aruda lagna or in the Gth or 8th aspects only without benefic connections
therefrom, the couple will die in 8 months to these the marriage will not take place.
after marriage. If Mars is in the 6th or If the lagna and the Moon are in the
8th of the Moon the husband will die in auspicious amsas auspicious results if not
9 years. There will also be no progeny. inauspicious results haveto be stated.
If the Moon and Mars combine in the PRASNA RATNA says that if the lord
lagna or its 7th the husband will die in of the 7th is strong the querist will marry
the 7th month. a good-looking girl with a good pedigree.
If Jama Sukra or lord of tOth occupies There will also be a good dowry." If be is
a nasasthana from the Aruda Rasi or if in depression or inimical sign the status
Venus is in such a position from Jama of wife will be poor and will not be pretty.
Sukra the marriage intended does not take Find the Dwadasamsa rasi occupied by
place. the Moon at query time. The marriage
will take place when the Moon transits
Add together the longitudes of lord of this sign or its trines or the Aruda Rasi or
lagna, Venus and Jama Sukra. In the the Navamsa Rasi occupied by the lord of
resultant rasi if Rahu, Kethu or Gulika 7th.
occupies or aspects, the couple are not ANUSHTANA PADHDHATI—If the
happy after marriage. Moon or Venus is in the 7tb or aspects it
(The positions of Jama Sukra on the there may be several wives. If Jupiter or
on the week-days from Sunday to Satur- Venus is there the wife will be of a good
day respectively are at the ghatis of 22, caste. If the Moon, the Sun, Mars or
18, 14, 10, 6, 2 and 26. Calculate ascen- Saturn is there she will be of inferior
dants for these times to locate the family. If Mars is in the 7th there will
position.) be daily quarrels with wife. If such Mars
If the Moon and Venus are strong in an is aspected by Saturn she will die surely. If
even sign or amsa and aspect the lagna there is con junction of Mars and Venus
the intended alliance will fructify at an in the 7th there will be loss of wife. If
early date. Venus, Mercury and Jupiter combine in
the 7th or combine the Moon, there will
If the lagna is in a feminine drekkana be only one wife who will have many
and an even amsa with the aspect of the jewels.
Moon and Venus marriage will take
If benefics are in (On Sexual Enjoyment)
7th house falls in a benetic's sign with a 1. In this chapter the mutual love bet-
benefic's aspect or position the querist ween the couple or its absence, chastity or
will marry a pretty girl. immorality, religious or rirligious and
other sexual frolics in lustfuUmeet are lady, if in own house, his own wife, if in
discussed for answering a query on these an explanation in rasi or amsa she will be
matters. of a superior status, if in depression In
2. At the time of query if Rahu is in a rasi or amsa she will be of very low caste
kendra place to the UdayaLagna or Aruda and if in a neutral's house or amsa she
Rasi the querist will have connection with will be a common lady.
a cruel lady though he be a Deva. 1S-16. If the Moon and Saturn combine
3. If the Moon is in the 3rd, 7th, 10th in lagna, 3th, 7th or 10th the querist
or 11th of Udaya Aruda Rasis and aspec- would have only dreamt that he had a
connection with a lady under a different
ted by Jupiter or conjoining him, the lady guise. If Mars is in the lagna while the
is chaste. lord of such sign in an odd sign there
4. If a masculine planet joins or aspects would have been an enjoyable inter-
the Moon, the lady in question is of bad course. If the Moon is in the lagna
character. with the lord of the sign in an even rasi
he would have had a difficult union.
5. If the Moon is in the 7th which
being a depression or inimical sign and 17. The number of times of inter-
aspccted by other inimical planets the courses has to be determined from the
lady should have been censured by rela- strength of the lord of lagna or from the
tives and ex-communicated. If powerful number of planets aspecting or from the
Moon is in the 7th with the aspects of number of rays-
benefics she will be liked by her relatives 18-191. If the Moon is combined or
and is of very respectable family. aspected by Mars, a separate bed would
6. If the Sun or Jupiter combines or have been taken by him because of a
aspects the Moon the lady is chaste and if quarrel; if inimical planets join or aspect
Mercury influences she is pretty. there would have been some misunder-
standings with his own wife; if Venus
7. If the Moon is aspected or combined joins or aspects the Moon posited in 3rd,
by Venus or Mars, the querist will enjoy 4th, Sth or 7th place there would have
a lady other than his lawful wife and if been not only quarrel with his wife but
Mars, Mercury and Jupiter jointly aspect her saree would have been torn on this
the Moon he will have an inter-course account.
with a virgin. 20-20J. If malefics are in the 7th and
8. At the time of query if Venus is in 10th while Mercury is in the 3rd, there
the amsa of Mars or if Mars is in the would have been heated argument between
amsa of Venus he would have had inter- the couple with the result he had to sleep
course with a lady who had no husband on the ground.
or the wife of a person suffering from 21-23£. If the Moon is in the lagna
tuberculosis. with Mars in the 2nd, there should have
9. If Venus is in the amsa of the Sun or been no sleep on account of fear from a
if he aspects the Sun, the lady is of a thief. If the query is in the junction of
kingly type. If the Moon is in the amsa two signs or stars he would have had a
of Jupiter he would have been hugged by .union with a widow and if there are
the lady herself with full love. planets in such junctions the persons
10-14. At the time of query if the involved should have been of the same
Moon is in an even amsa the lady will castes as of planets. If the Moon in any
have her own liberties ; if the Moon and sign is aspected by malefics it has to be
Satum combine the lady is of immoral stated that the lady had no liking for the
type j if Venus is in a malefic's house or male but if benefics aspect she would have
amsa or aspected by a malefic she is of had.
immoral type; if the Moon is in the rasi 24-25. The Sun, the Moon and Jupiter
or amsa of enemy she will be an enemy's are Satwik; Mercury and Venus arc
Rajasik ; Mars and Saturn are Thamasik! child, if Venus or Mars is there a volup-
andRahu and Kethu are of very Thamasic tuous ladyrwould have been mated.
nature. By an examination of this
aspect the temperaments generally and If the lagna is in an odd sign with the
specifically at the time of copulation of aspect of a planet from an odd sign he
the couple have to be found out. would have had only once of intercourse
but if it is in an even sign aspected by a
planet from an even sign he would have
NOTES had twice.
Anushtana Padhdhati; It the Sun is in If Venus and Mars are in Day signs the
lagna or 7th or if the Sun conjoins the union would have been in the day time
lord of lagna or that of 7th, or if these and if they are in the Night signs it would
houses fall in Sjmha the querist will not have been during night.
have intercourse that day. If the 7th
house has the aspects of benefics there If the Moon or Venus is posited in own
would have been a happy sexual union but house there will be sexual enjoyment. If
if malefks aspect, otherwise. both of them are strong in even signs and
even amsas and aspect the lagna there will
Krishnachar'^ view is that if a malefic be enjoyment. If the lagna is in femi-
is in the 7th and iftbe Moon or Venus is nine drekkana and even rasi or amsa with
not aspecting it there will be no union and the aspect of the Moon or Venus there will
if any of them aspects there will be inter- be enjoyment. If the 7th house falls in
course. If the Moon or Venus is aspected a benefic's sign with a benefic aspect or if
by the Sun or benefics the lady would benefics are in Kendraconas the lady will
have had the desire aud if the Moon or be beautiful but if these have malefic
Venus aspected by malefics aspects the connections she will not be so.
lagna she would have had no desire.
Prasna Marga: If the lord of Aruda
If the lagna is aspected by a planet Lagna is in the same place or in Chattira
posited in its own house or amsa the Rasi he will have union with a beautiful
union is with his own wife and if such lady. If such Arudathipathi occupies
planet is in another's bouse the union is Chattira Rasi which is a friend's house
with other ladies. If such aspecting she will be a relative or a friend's
planet is in exaltation she will be of a relation and if it is an inimical house she
superior status, if it is in a friendly sign will be connected with an enemy.
it will be with a relative or friend, if it is If the lagna is in an odd sign aspected
in an inimical sign she will be an enemy's by a planet in an odd sign he will be have
lady and if it is in depression sign or ing the intercourse only once but if the
amsa she will be of low caste. influences are from an even sign it will
In the 7th, Venus, the Sun or Mars be twice. If the lagna falls in the houses
occupies he will have union with an out- of Mars and Venus in the Shud Vargas,
sider! if Jupiter occupies, bis own wife; both of them had the enjoyment follow-
if the Moon or Mercury occupies, a pro- ing Kama Sastra. Other details can be
fessional ; and if Saturn occupies a low given based on the characteristics of the
cast lady. In this, her age has to be deter- sign. If such sign is a jungle rasi the
mined from the age of the Moon. The enjoyment will be that of quadrupeds.
Full Moon indicates an adult or of proper If the Moon and Mars combine in 1st,
age, the Moon of first quarter shows an 5th, 7th or 9lh the enjoyment will be with
young lady and the Waning Moon denotes mutual love. If the Moon and Saturn
an aged lady. combine in these places there will be only
If the first quarterMoon or Mercury is in a thought about the enjoyment. If the
Lagna an young girl, if Saturn is there Moon and the Sun combine in these places
an elderly lady, if Jupiter or the Sun is both of them would have been playing
there a lady who has already delivered a with the private organs. If the Moon and
Mars combine both of them would have there would have been dispute
bad lively convexsaikm about their secret and" hence ■ both slept separately.
experiences, if the Moon and Jupiter are If the Moon and Venus combine in 3rd,
in these places pregnancy will result on 4tb or 7tb there would have been quarrels
account of that union. If Mercury and BCTween them and the saree would have
the Moon join there, the union is with an been torn in consequence. SHIID
alien. If there is opposition of Mars and PANCHAS1KHA says that if the Sun,
Satum in the lagna with Mars being more Mars or Venus is in 7th the ouerist will
strong there will be fear from fire and have uniotrwith an outsider, it Jupiter is
if Saturn is stronger it will be from thieves. there with his own wife, if Mercury is
If both Mars and Saturn interchange there there with a professional, if young Moon
will be obstruction to sleep on account of is there with a very young girl, if it is
fear from them. Full Moon a young lady and if the
Waning Moon an old lady and if in
If Mars or Saturn occupies lagna or combustion a professional and if Saturn
7th with the opposition of the Moon the is there she will be of an outside caste.
couple would have had quarrels, of which If the young Moon combines Mercury
if the Moon is in the 7tb the quarrel was she will be a virgin, if she combines
due to the lady and if in lagna it is due Saturn the lady will be elderly and if the
to the man. In these positions if Venus Sun or Jupiter joins she would have had
is with Mars or Saturn the couple would previous deliveries and bad no gentleness
have slept separately on account of the in the body. The age of the male has to
dispute. If Mars is in 3rd or lOtb or be found out from the lagna and that
if Venus or the Moon is in the 7th of the girl from the 7th.


K. 'T R. Anjaneyulu, b.a.

So the position of Moon should be
My daughter's marriage is fixed. But I taken into consideration in preparation of
do not have ready c&sh or bank balance. the bhava chart or house division.
I intend selling my vehicle or house and Now you have asked about the vehicle
celebrate the matrimonial ceremony. Will and its sale. You have also asked about
you kindly tell me. Sir, whether I will sell the sale of house.
my vehicle or house ? And when ? The Vehicles or vehicular comfort is indi-
following is my horoscope: cated by the 4th house. Vehicles negation
or loss or sale of vehicles is indicated by
the 3rd house which is 12th house to the
4th house.
Vehicular property is considered as
movable property. All movable property
such as cash, ornaments, vehicles etc., is
indicated by 2nd house which is house of
wealth. The nagation of movable pro-
Lagna perty or liquidation of movable property
10-51 is indicated by the 1st house which is 12th
Vonro house to the 2nd house.
The person with whom the native comes
into any kind of transaction is denoted by
the 7th house. His vehicles or vehicular
comfort is denoted by your 10th house
which is 4th house (vehicles) to the 7th
Respected Sir, house. His acquisition of movable pro-
Zodiacal signs are devided into twelve perty is denoted by your 8th house which
bavas or houses. Each house indicates a is 2nd house (movable property) to the 7th
certain human activity. Indications of a house.
house will prosper only when the lord of Therefore houses 1, 3, 8 and 10 are to
the hojusc is favourably .situated from the be considered for sale of vehicles. Venus
concerned house. In addition to this the is significator for vehicles.
aspects to that house and .the strength of House property is otherwise called fixed
the lord should be thoroughly scrutinised. or immovable property, which is denoted
Your lagna is Leo. Lord of lagna is by the 4th house. Any nagation or sale of
very unfavourably placed in the 12th immovable property is indicated by 3rd
house and is also in conjunction with house.
Saturn. He is also placed in the constella- The purchaser is indicated by 7th house*
tion, Aslesha ruled by Mercury, who is His house property or purchase of immo-
malefic for Leo-borns. Lagna bhava or 1st vable property is indicated by your 10th
house is posited by Mercury and Venus house which is 4th house to the 7th house.
who are malefics and receives, no benefi- 2nd house is called house of acquisition.
cial aspect. Therefore your lagna is The purchasers acquisition is denoted by
.weak. your 8th house yourloss of house property
is indicated by your 3rd house. The pur- 5th house is occupied by Mars and Kethu.
chaser's games are denoted by your 5th Mrigasira, Chitra and Dhanista are ruled
house which is 11th house [Gains) to the by Mars. No planet is posited in any of
7th house. these constellations. Aswani, Magha and
Moo la are ruled by Kethu. Mercury is,
Therefore houses 3, 5, 8 and 10 are to posited in Magha. No planet is posited
be considered for sale of house property. in the constellation of Jupiter who rules
Mars is karaka or significator for house. 3rd house. No planet is posited in the
constellation of Sun who rules 8th house.
The significators are: Venus and Rahu are posited in the stars of
(1) Planets posited in the constella- Venus who rules 10th house. Therefore
tions of the occupants of the Mercury, Venus and Rahu are significators
concerned houses. to cause sale of house.
(2) Planets posited in the concerned You are now under the major period of
houses. Saturn and in the sub period of Saturn.
Saturn is posited in the constellation,
(3) Planets posited in the constella- Pushyami, ruled by himself. Therefore
tions of the lords of houses Saturn is to offer the results of 1st house
concerned. and 2nd house predominantly. 1st house
(4) Planets who are lords of the is negation of movable property ; It is
concerned houses. also to indicate exhaustion of liquid cash;
(5) Planets who are conjoined with It is to offer nil balance. Saturn is signifi-
or aspected by the significators. cator to cause sale of vehicle. Mercury,
Venus and Rahu are significators to cause
1st house is not occupied by any sale of house. As you are running Saturn
planet. period and Saturn is not significator to
3rd house is also not occupied by cause sale of house, I wish to
any planet. inform you that you can not sell the house
and celebrate the marriage of your
8th house is vacant. daughter. But you are sure to lose your
10th house is also vacant. vehicle, as Saturn, the ruling planet offers
sale of vehicle.
Lord of 1st house is Saturn. Pushyam, When you will sell the vehicle?
Anuradha, and Uttarabhadra are ruled by Saturn enters Uttarabhadra constella-
Saturn. Saturn himself is posited in tion on 11-5-66 and will transit bis own
Pushyam. Lord of 3rd house is Jupiter sub upto 9-6-66. About this time you
who rules the constellations Punarvasu, will be under the sway of sub sub period
Visakha and Poorvabhadra. No planet is of Rahu, in the sub period of Saturn in
posited in any of these constellations. the major period of Saturn. Sun is the
Lord of 8th house is Sun who rules the enciting planet. He transits the sub of
constellations Krittika, Uttara Pulguni Rahu on 14-5-66 and 15-5-66 coinciding
and Uttarashada. No planet is posited in the transit of Moon in Sathabhisha on
these constellations. Lord of 10th house is 14-5-66, Saturday.
Venus. Venus rules Bharani, Poora
Phulguni and Poorvashada. Venus herself The ruling planetary lord and the
is posited in Poorvaphulguni. Rahu is luminaries are in a favourable position
posited in Poorvashada. Therefore Saturn, and therefore your wish to sell the vehicle
Venus and Rahu are significators to cause will be completed on Saturday, the 14th
sale of vehicle. May, 1966 between 10 A.M. and 12 Noon.


K, V. R. Anjaneyulu, B.A.
constellation ruling on that dayisMagha
I am now under the major period of whose lord is Kethu. Lord of the week
Saturn and in the sub period of Jupiter day is Mars. Mars is posited in the cons-
Jupiter is exalted in my horoscope. He tellation of Sun and is in the sub of
is also in vargottama position. But un- Saturn. Rahu is posited in Magha in your
fortunately it was in this sub. period I horoscope. Therefore you must be run-
suffered from two major accidents while ning the major period of Sun or Saturn or
going on motorcycle one on 23-7-1963 Rahu and the sub period of Sun or Saturn
and the other on 11-4-1966. I am at a loss or Rahu. Actually you are under the
to understand why an exalted. and vargot- major period of Saturn in the sub period
tama Jupiter afflicted one with accidents. of Rahu. You are not under the sub-
For the first accident, I paid also a fine of period of Jupiter on 23-7-1963 as told by
Rs. 25/- as I was charged with wrong side you.
driving. As a student of astrology, I Now your question is why Saturn and
earnestly request you to inform me why Rahu inflicted you with accident and fine.
Jupiter, so powerful and so strong, has
caused accidents and fine? Also I request Constellations are the important divi-
you to kindly infnrm me whether any sions in the zodiac to read the results of a
more accidents are therein shown for me? horoscope. These divisions will, modify
If so when? The following is my horos- the results of planets. A planet may be
cope: benefic or malefic. Sometimes they give
contrary results. These results depend
upon the lordship of the constellation the
benefic or malefic planet is posited* Thus
a benefic planet offers malefic results and a
malefic planet bestows benefic events.
Your Saturn is posited in constellation,
Rohini. Rohini is ruled by Moon. And
Moon is the lord of 12th bouse. 12th
house indicates expenditure, losses,
imprisonment, hospitalisation, bodily
injury, mental agony etc. Therefore the
planet Saturn, the major lord is capable of
giving the above results.
Rahu is posited in Magha ruled by
Kethu and is in the sub of Jupiter. Jupiter
holds lordship of 5th house and 8th
Respected Sir house. Therefore the sub-lord, Rahu, is
Events in life will take place under the capable of giving results of 5th house and
influence of planets. The ruling planets at 8th house. 8th house indicates accidents,
the time of event will indicate the ruling punishment, loss of money, misfortune
planetary periods. etc.
You have met with an accident on Therefore the major lord and the sub-
23-7-1963. The day is Tuesday. The lord are strong enough to offer you
accident, bodily injury, fine and punish- The sub sub period of Rahu runs from
ment. 7-2-69 to 17-6-69.
Again you met with an accident on The sub sub period of Jupiter runs from
11-4-66. The day is Monday. The ruling 18-6-69 to 12-10-69.
constellation is Moola. Monday is ruled
by Moon. Moola is ruled by Kethu. These periods are quite capable of
Therefore the planetary period which will causing accidents.
be in operation at the time of the accident The luminaries are the exciting planets.
must have relation with the constellations Where the native is under the sub sub
of Moon and Kcthu. The major period period of Kethu, Sun transits Revathi ruled
of Saturn and the sub period of Jupiter is by .Mercury, the major lord, between
in. operation at the time of accident 31-3-68 and 13-4-68. He will be in the
actually. The major lord, Saturn has sub of Kethu, the sub sub lord, on 2-4-68
relation with Moon and the sub-lord and 3-4-68. These two dates are signifi-
Jupiter has relation with the node. cant to cause accidents.
The major lord is to infiict accidents- When the native is under the sub sub
Jupiter, the sub-lord has posited in his period of Moon, Sun transits sign Virgo,
own constellation. He holds the lordship ruled by the major lord and also constel-
of 5 and 8. Therefore strong, exalted and lation, Hasta, ruled by sub sub lord and
Vargottama Jupiter is capable of giving exactly reaches the sub of Moon on 28lh
accident. Thus the event took place. and 29th September, 1968, indicating
Now you desire to know whether there dangerous dates. Again he transits Jyeshta
are any accidents in store of you. My and reaches the sub of Moon on 8-12-68
answer is ' yes *. and 9-12-68. These dates also are bad.
The coming planetary period belongs to. When the native is under the sub-sub
Mercury. He rules for 17 years. Hei is period of Rahu, Sun transits Arudra ruled
also exalted and is posited in Chitra ruled by Rahu in sign Gemini, ruled by Mer-
by Mars, the significator of accident and cury, during the 2nd half of June and
is also in the sub of Rahu who is to inflict - exactly reaches the sub of Rahu on 22nd,
you with accidents. Mercury is malefic 23rd and 24th June, 1969. These dates are
lord to you. Therefore the accidents you also dangerous.
will come across during the period of When the native is under the sub sub
Mercury are even more serious afiecting period of Jupiter, Sun transits Punarvasu
your health and body. and sign Gemini and reaches the sub of
In the immediate future during the Jupiter on 6th and 7th July, 1969. These
major period of Mercury and the sub dates are bad.
period of Mercury, is quite capable of It is advised that the native should not
causing accidents. Planets Kethu, Rahu, drive vehicles particularly on Tuesdays
Jupiter and Moon are unfavourably placed and Wednesdays as a precautionary
and therefore their sub sub periods are measure. One cannot dodge his fate.
eligible to affect accidents and cause ill- Destiny is unalterable propitation offers
health, hospitalisation and bodily injury. complete protection in accordance with
The sub sub period of Kethu runs from destiny.
11-2-68 to 28-4-68. Just like exalted Jupiter, exalted Mer-
The sub sub period of Moon runs from ' cury is also to inflict you with accidents,
4-10-68 to 16-12-68. bodily injuries and hospitalisation.

(M. S. Manx)
Astrology is undoubtedly a useful are 27 such stars, Aswani, Bharani and
science. To make it more useful to one so on. The transit of at the moment of
and all, is the task before intelligent analysis must be noted down. Each
astrologers of to-day. Generally the birth planet (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury,
chart, which indicates the planetary posi- Jupiter, Venus and Saturn) governs three
tions at the time of birth forms the basis stars. The nodes Rahu and Kethu are
of future predictions. also allotted 3 stars each. Supposing at
For those who do not have their birth the time of answering the query, the star
chart correct predictions must be given is Bharani, then Venus the lord of the star
for, they must not be. at a loss of not becomes a significator.
knowing their time of birth. The editor 3. Lord of the Rasj: The zodiac of
of this magazine, after patient and useful 360° is divided into 30° each and there are
research has found out a simple method twelve such divisions each being called as
of prediction, which has been appreciated Solar Mansion or Houses. They are
by one and all to give precise answers in- Aries-Mesha, Taurus-Rishaba and so on,
variably, to a question of any sort. I every one being owned by a planet. The
wish to place before such readers who planet owning the sign (solar mansion)
have aptitude to study this technique. I where Moon passes through at the time
have taken care to write this in such a of analysis is also a significator.
manner so that even those who do not 4. Lord oftheLagna—Ascendant: With
know A, B, C of astrology can learn this reference to the earth, that portion of the
technique to their advantage and be useful zodiac which rises in the east is the
to one and all. ascendant. The lord of the sign (Solar
Ruling planets: The querist approaches mansion) where ascendant. falls becomes
the astrologer to ask a query. Supposing, a significator. Also, the star (13° 20' sub-
the client is the first person to approach division of the ^zodiac), in which the
the astrologer for the day, the astrologers Ascendant (LAGNA) falls at the moment
must note down the ruling planets at the of analysis must be known. Lord of the
moment of answering the query. What is star rising in the east also becomes a
meant by "the ruling planets**? They significator.
are as below: However, there is another method of
1. Lord of the day: A day commences arriving at the significators. The querist
from the sunrise and extends to next sun is asked to give a number within 108. 0
rise. Suppose, on Monday morning sun indicates 0° of the zodiac 1 is between 0°
rises at 6 A.M., then the interval ccrsnien- to 3° 20'; 2 represents 3° 20° to 6° 40; 108
cing from 6 A.M. till the sun rise next day represents exactly 0° Aries. 107 represents
(Tuesday) is considered as Monday. 356° 20' to 3®)° of the zodiac. Thus
Supposing on Tuesday sun rises at 6 A.M. one should apply the rules. It is evident
then 6 A.M. on the same day must be the region contained (indicated) by the
treated as Monday. This is the explanation number (a) Must fall in a certain Lunar
.of. an astrological day. Moon rules Mansion (b) Must fall in a certain Solar
Monday, Mars rules Tuesday and so on. Mansion and(c) also a sub portion of the
lunar mansion. Hence lord of these three
' 2. Lord of star : The zodiac, the path are the significators. Readers are requested
way of the planets0 (apparent pathway) is to go through * KRISHNAMGORTI
divided into S^O . Each 13° 20' of this is PADHDHATl' Vol. L to get a clean
.Called a constellation or a star. . There idea of the sub of the constellation.
Method of Prediction: First step of 4. Lord of the Lagna: Lagna now is
finding out the significators is over. Now Scorpio (Nirayana) ruled by Mars. Hence
how to time the event For this one Mars is a significator.
must clearly analyse the nature of the There the planet signifying the fructifi-
query and the time of fructification of the cation of the query are (a) Mars,
query. If the query is to be fulfilled, say (b) JUPITER, (c) VENUS. Now Mars is
within few hours, take the transit of in 24° 14' GEMINlrMlTHUNA. JUPITER
ascendant, for few days take Moon's is in 26° 54'. GEMINI MITHUNA
transit. If the time of fructification is of VENUS occupies 25° 44' in the same sign.
the order of months consider Sun's These three are conjoined.
transit. Hence one is to declare that the query
Degree of Transition: Every minute will be fulfilled on a day when both Sun
point of the zodiac is governed by three and Moon transit at a point in the Zodiac
planets, namely (1) lord of the sign (Solar governed by these three planets.
Mansion), (2) lord of constellation (Lunar Consider the sign, ruled by Mars, Venus
Mansion), (3) lord of sub-constellation, in and JUPITER, to be transited. Now sun
which that particular point (degree) falls. is m CANCER KATAKA. It is ruled, by
The transit of either ascendent or Moon Moon which is not a significator. Next
must be governed by the significators. In Leo is owned by Sun which is not a signifi-
other words the significator (ascendent cator. So also is Virgo ruled by Mercury.
Sun or Moon) must transit in a sensitive In LIBRA ruled Venus we have JUPI-
point in the zodiac so as to be governed TER'S star Visakam, but Mar's sub third
by the significators, as explained above. significator goes to Scorpio. In Mar's
That will be the time of fruitification of sign Scorpio, we have Jupiter's star.
the query. The above principles can be Visakam 4tb pada, but we don't have
illustrated with an example cited as Venus sub. pass on to Jupiter's sign
below: Sagitarius-Dhanur. Select Pooradam to be
Query : To find out the date of appoint- transited by Sun, in that take Mar's Sub
ment of a gentleman who consulted the [JUPITER'S sign, Venus Star, Mars Sub]
astrologer and put the query at 2-40 P.M. J70 20' to 18° 06' of Sagittarius. But
on Friday, 5th August 1966. Moon also must transit in the sign and
star of the significators.
Analysis: Since the client is the first On Znd January Sun transits Jupiter
man to put the query for the day, one is sign, Venus star Mars sub [258°] but Moon
to note down the ruling planets at 2-40 will be in Hastbam star [Mercury sign,
P.M.* on 5-8-66. Moon's star]. So reject this dale. On 6tii
1. Lord of the day: Today is Friday. January Moon transits in Visakam [Venus
The day is ruled by Venus. Hence Venus sign, JUPITER'S star] star. Sun transits
is a significator. in. JUPITER sub in Pooradam Venus star.
2. Lord of the Star : The star Pooratta- Since Mars at the time of analysis is con-
thi extends till 2-50 P.M. Hence Moon joined with JUPITER. JUPITER sut can
now transits in Poorattathi star, lord of be selected instead of MARS Sub. There-
which is Jupiter. Hence Jupiter is a fore before 10 A.M. on 6th January, 1967
significator. a Friday, in Meena Lagna governed by
JUPITER, the native will get* employed.
3. Lord of the Rasi: Moon is appro- Mostly, Mar's sub in JUPITER'S stars
ching 3° 20' in Pisces Meena. This sign Poorattathi will be rising to the cast, at
is ruled by JUPITER. the time of appointment.

(M.S. Mani)
On 4-8-66, a certain function was arran- Now let us find out, for the number
ged in my home. One of the iirfportant mentioned by the querist, (a) The lord of
guest was expected to arrive by 8 A.M. the sign, (b) the lord of the star or constel-
by bus. Around 7 o'clock itself prepara- lation and (c)- the lord of the sub-portion
tions for the function was going on well. of constellation, contained in that pada.
The guest did not arrive till 8 o'clock we
waited for some more time but even after Therefore, lord of VIRGO-KANNI is
9-30, the guest whom we were anxiously Mercury, lord of the star Hastham is
awaiting did not come. My mother being Moon. The sub lord according to
anxious enough to know whether the guest KRISHNAMURT1 PADDHATHI
will come or not asked me to predict the may either belong to Saturn, Mercury or
exact moment of arrival of the guest. Kethu. Why do we note these particulars 7
Immediately I asked her to give number How these planets indicate the time of
within 108. She mentioned Number 51. arrival of the guest. The following is the
I calculated for a while and told her that methodical explanation.
the guest must come at exactly 10-03 A.M. Lagna for the query is VIRGO-KANNI.
The train came at 10 o'clock. The guest Ilth house is Cancer • Kataka, which
was walking in the platform at 10-02 A.M. indicates reunion, realisation of one's
He stepped into my house at 10-03 A.M. ambition etc. If lord of 1 is connected to
exactly and went back to the Railway 11 th house or if there exists any relation
station immediately, to see my father who between these houses give a positive reply.
was waiting there for him. Again both of Mercury, lord of 1 is in Cancer - Kataka
them came in to my house a few minutes ruled by lord of 11,- Moon. Lord of 1 in
later. Anyway, the time of arrival was 11 indicates, success and as such one is to
exactly as predicted. give a positive answer to the querist. So
Method of Analysis: The idea of the guest must arrive, "when" is the
asking to give a number within 108 is that question.
the Zodiac is divided into 108 equal parts. Since the guest would be arriving within
The Zodiac is divided into 27 constella- a few minutes [or an hour or two] one
tions each extending to exactly 13° 20'. must take into consideration, the transit
Each one of the 27 stars is further sub- of the Ascendant alone, Which sensitive
divided into 4 equal parts extending to degree in the Zodiac should be transited
3° 20'. These are called padas, so one by the ascendant at the time of arrival of
star contains 4 padas. 27 stars contain the guest? This degree should invariably
27 multiplied by 4 padas which is equal to be governed by (as the lord of the sign (b)
108 padas. Each extends to V 20'. So lord of the star according to the number
the entire zodiac is [3° 20' multiplied by mentioned by the querist. Any one of
108] equal to 360°. The number given by the three sub lords should also operate.
the querist represents a particular region
extending to 3° 20'. For example No. 1 Now within a few minutes ascentant
is 0° to 3° 2' counted from 0° Aries [9-30 A.M.] will be transiting in
Mesha. Number 51, therefore, indicates HASTHAM. The time of fructification of
166° 40' to 170° counted from Aries— the query will be when Ascendant transits
-Mesha zero, or 16° 40' to 20° in the sign 3rd pada of HASTHAM star 'which sub'
Virgo-Kanya or the 3rd pada of the star is to be decided. Saturn is in 7 to VIRGO-'
Hastham inthe sign Virgo-Kanya. KANNI. Mercury is in 11 to VIRGO-
KANNL [Lagna for query] Saturn does outcorrect invariably, even when it is used
not indicate the arrival of quest Mercury to time major events in life. Which illus-
in 11, which is already ruling the sign trated in another article.
which is to be transited by the ascendant at
the time of fructification of the query. It is my humble opinion, that traditio-
[VIRGO KANYA]. So select Mercury sign nal astrologers must frankly, without
VIRGO - KANNI, Moon's star fear, accept the recent research results.
HASTHAM, and Mercury sub in the The essential quality of a subject to be
constellation HASTHAM to be transited called as a science is that it must have
for fructification of the query. access to new researches. It applies to
Therefore, I predicted the time of arri- astrologers as well. But it is a pity that
val guest must be 10-03 A.M. which came few important prominent astrologers
out correct according to the above analy- who often talk of astrology as a science,
sis. The lagna was in 17° Virgo-Kanni, hesitate to accept new researches oral
coinciding with Mercury sub, Moon's least to oppose them with their good stuff,
star, Mercury sign. This method comes if at all they have anything of their own!
Saturn is otherwise called Neelan, Man- Sow the seed—bulbs, potato, topiaco or
dhan, Sani, Yama. groundnut or sesame in this Hora.
The hora of Saturn is strong for the • If you are to sever connection with any-
matters signified by Saturn (a) on Satur- body, this hour will help you.
days, (b] on the days when Moon transits
iu Saturn's signs Capricorn and Aquarius, For illegal intimacy this is the best
or (c) when Moon transits in Pusbya, hour
Anuradha or Uthrapadra stars or when
the lagna at that hour is in Saturn's sign Start petrol, oil, coal, skin, leather and
or star. hide business in Saturn Hora. Lay
foundation for such business, then if you
If you want to handle a violent person, find impossible to lead your life with your
prefer the hour of Saturn. wife, do not tell her your programme, but
You practise yoga or meditate during disappear during Saturn Hora, if you tell
Saturn Hora so that you will be able to her, she will come to' the secluded place
concentrate. selected by you, and continue to give
trouble. Pray for lyyappa or Lord Ven-
Write letters to Saturnians, yogis, sages, kateswara, during Saturn Hora. If you
mine-owners, land-owners, etc., in this want to become a sanyasi, this Hora is the
hour. best.
( Asteokomt MADE EASY )
Phooc: 42449
Jyothisha Martband
13. Erabmin Street, Saidapet

SEPTEMBER 1966 No. 9

Aomial Horoscope
Letters to the Editor 7
(Krishnamurti Padhdhati and Timing of Events 9-
Horary Astrology 11
Horary Astrology—Major Event 13
Marriage—When ? 15
Time of Marriage 17
Building—Will I Shift? 19
Results of Examination 21
MSc., or M.B.B.S. 24
Guru Upadesam? 25
Tour Programme 28
Avoid Bad Time 29
Ruling Planets Reveal 31
Service or Business 33
Smooth Life—When? 34
Jaimini's Gnana Pradeepika 36
Krishnamurti Padhdhati 43
Rajayogathipathi and Ashtamadhipatbi 45
Daily Guide for September 1966 46
Position of Planets 49
September 19G6—Epbemeris 50
Monthly Prediction for September, 1966 51
A horoscope is erected for the moment Position of the luminaries Sun and
when Sun during its course comes back to Moon are considered to be vital. If either
1I the original degree, minute and second of of the luminaries were to be either io I or
the Zodiac where it was at the time of the 4 or 7 or 10 and if they form good aspects
birth of a native. To find out such a with each other then the coming year is to
moment it is necessary to have the be declared as a fortunate one. If majo-
ephemeris of that year for which one is to rity of planets are deposited in the angles
read the results and erect a map for that it is also an indication that, that year is an
year. important one. If Jupiter or Venus or
But those who follow ' Krishnamurti lord of 2, 10 or 11 were to occupy the
Padbdhati' (1} find the difference in the lOtb bouse or both exactly in the meridian
.-lyfloamsft between the year of birth and and if they also receive beneficial aspects
the year chosen for annual horoscope, (2) either from Sun or Moon that pro-
Add this to the Sayana position of Sun at mises prosperity in that year. But if the
birth, (3) Note the time when Sun comes lagna is occupied by Saturn, Mars, Rahu
to this position. or Kethu or .Uranus and Neptune, then it
indicates that in thai year there will b?
Using the ephemeris and Raphael's disease, difficulty, dispute, debt etc IT
Table of houses one has to calculate, evil planets occupy the 6th house and also
deduct" the Ayanamsa given by Krishna* form evil aspect to tagna itis sure that one
murti and make out a map. will suffer in that year both in health
It may be asked, at the moment when condition and in financial position.
Sun enters into original degree and minute Luminaries Sun and Moon if they are
if the person were to be in a foreign place, conjoined with benefics both by nature
then how to erect the horoscope ; is it for and by lordship the year is in general a
the latitude and longitude of the birth pleasant one. Moon if it wereto be afflic-
place or are we to take the latitude and ted by malefics then it is a bad year.
longitude of the place where the person is If Moon with Mercury or Uranus happen
■ at that time We have to erect only to to occupy the lagnabhaya then the native
will be making frequent travels and lie
^ the locality . where the person at that cannot stick on to one place. If they
. - moment is and not to the original birth occupy the 12th house along with lord of
2 or 10, he will have a change in the pro-
While judging the annual horoscope, fession. Saturn has a peculiarity. When-
the astrologer has to give the orb (a range) ever it occupies the lagna bhava the chronic
of 5° for the aspects among Sun and Moon disease from which one bad been suffering
and the aspects among the major planets will in that year frequently flare up and
should be only 2°. The conjunction the cause misfortune. If lord of lagna
opposition, the trine etc., give only one occupies the 7th house in the annual map
degree. Other aspects are considered to there is a chance for marriage. If one is
jt weak. already married, if the wife had gone on
Compare the original horoscope with camp or tour, she will come and rejoin.
the position of the planets for that parti- The lord of the 2nd house in the annual
cular year. Beneficial aspects between map if it were to be either in lagna or the
tbose .in the radical chart and in the lOtb or the 11th house, it .shows peace,
annual horoscope promises fortune in that pleasure and prosperity. If lord of 5 has
year. such similar disposition and if it receives
good Aspects from the lords of 2,6 and to run note the position of the Moon jn
'Sf'bne can come by fortune; unexpected the star. The dates allotted to e? h,'
aavahtages will accrue. If lord of S were planet is to be taken and it is to be mut i-
to occupy either the lagna or the, 6th pled by the portion that is left over thar ]<{
bouse there is always difficulty and danger. to be covered by Moon divided by th;
If lord of lagna' similarly occupies 6 or 8 whole star which is equal to 13° 20'. ThU
and if it is afflicted it is also dangerous, gives the number of days on a particuini
if. the lagna in the annual horoscope dasa which is to run from the time of ti ..
, happens to be the 7th house in the radical erection of the horoscope.
horoscope then that year will prove to be The star in which Moon was does no\
adverse. If Moon or lord of 12 were to indicate the first dasa lord. To find out
occupy the 9th house it indicates long which dasa operates, follow a separate
journey, overseas and life in a foreign system. In which star Moon was at the
place : if evil planet with Mercury owning timeof the Solar year day. Count it from
the 12th house is afflicted and occupies the the natal star. So Natal star is taken as
7th house one will lose by transaction or 1, then 2, 3 andso on. Find out in which
by theft or cheating. number of the star Moon is posited.
Tb find out the time oT event according Divide by 9. Note the reminder. Sun
to annual horoscope it is said that every dasa starts first. If the reminder is 2,
result in one's life is indicated by at least Moon dasa of 60 days: If 3 is the
a house and a planet. Therefore whenever reminder then 32 days of Mars. If 9 is
; the luminaries either conjoin or square or the reminder, or 0 is the reminder take
.oppose a planet, one will face with difficul- lagna and 10 days for lagna dasa. That
ties. But if Sun, Moon and the significator portion which is to be covered multiplied
form beoehcial aspect to the house signi- by the total number of days allotted to
fying the matter in query or if they form the planet, divided by 13° 20' will be the
good aspects with the lords of those houses number of days of the dasa left over. It
then his desire will be fulfilled. So one is to operate first from the moment of.the
has to take the transit of the, planets from erection of the chart. Suppose the re-
the moment of the erection of the horos- minder is 4, then Mercury Dasa will be
cope till it again comes to the same degree the 1st. And suppose 1 {4 of the asterism
next year. One has to judge taking into is left over then of the 40 days l/4th is 10.
coosideration the various aspects formed days. Therefore 10 days of Mercury Dasa
by the transiting planets to the position is to run from the time of the birth. After
6f the planets erected in the annual Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn follow,*
tefoscope. This is what the Westerners pass on and then Sun, Moon, Mars. Now
l&nfcrally do. only 335 days will be over. So the other
lo In'Hindu system, Kalidas has given one 30 days will be the 30 days of Mercury
iniqtM. book Uttrakalamrita. There is Dasa which was first rejected. Because
another system 'Tajik'. Let me give that portion was already travelled by
^yhatrKalidas says. Erect the horoscope Moon. Thus one is to find out the dasa
SK'tngntioned above. Give importance to period.
:the position of Moon at that moment. Kalidas says that one has to include the
Calculate.'the portion that is to be covered transit result of the planet during that
JpymMoon. Work out the following year in relation to the position of Moon
period's as the dasa period of the planets' in one's horoscope. Then the results of
for.that year. the various dasas in that year.
;^;'S.unis allotted 110 days. Moon 60 days, If Sun is beneficial, accumulation of
Mar^32iMercury 40, Jupiter 45, Venus 56, wealth, purchase of jewels and new house.
Saturn'4, Rahu 5 and Lagna 10 days. Weak - Sun threatens committing of sin
.periods just like Udu Dasa follow in loss by enemies, litigation, loss of wealth
a cyclic order; To find out which dasa and troubles. Beneficial Moon gives
ctpnifeiices first'and how many days it has royal favour improvement in bank posi-
tion, prestige and hoDour> Weal: Moon principles. Note, down (i) what can Sun
shows that there wj]l be inimical activities contribute to you? Where is your lagna?
and irrigation, disease, change of residence To which Bhava Sun is the lord? In
and misunderstanding with all. Favour- which house is it posited and in which
able Mars indicates favour from the constellation and sub ? So note down what
Government, success in attempts, happi- Sun can contribute for you. Similarly
ness, purchase of land etc. (commence- note down what Moon, Mars, Mercury
ment of an industry may be included). and so on, indicate by their nature, lord-
Weak Mars shows dispute, litigation, ship, occupation of a bhava, constellation,
quarrel even with own children, partition, sub etc.
no harmony among the couple, extra
expenses etc. Mercury well posited shows (ii) What are the constellation governed
an active, alert, energetic action to enjoy by these planets? That which is indicated
one's life and have larger profits. Weak by Sun will be given by the planets situa-
Mercury brings misunderstanding with ted in or transiting in the constellation
one's cousin or uncle and also gives the belonging to Sun i.e., Karthika, Uttram,
mind to take all bad ways and be unfriend- Uttradam; Moon representing certain
ly with good natured peopled Strong matter will be given by the planets to one,
Jupiter indicates purchase of vehicle, according to annual horoscope posited in
• house, property and also come out or transiting Rohini or Hastham or
successful in education and litigation. Sravana. Each planet rules three stars
Weak Jupiter indicates change of residence according to Udu dasa system. Whatever
and expenses outwaying income, take bad a planet signifies the same is indicated by
ways and associate with dirty fellows. the stars governed by them: Those results
Strong Venus shows that the native will will be enjoyed while a planet transits
enjoy the fruits of life in the world with there and the source is shown by the
much wealth and fame. Venus also transiting planet. So, whenever a planet
indicates that there is every probability of transits in a constellation the planet is the
marriage in that year during its dasa source of the result; constellation indicates
period. Weak Venus threatens loss of the nature of the result; the time event is
health, enmity, disharmony, dispute, . fixed precisely by considering the sub i.e.,
disease, etc. Strong Saturn iodicates that note the sub. When it moves in a parti-
one can acquire estate, building, house and cular sub which is ruled by a benefic, he
may bold a position of trust. Weaksaturh will enjoy that nature of the result; if the
is the worst, loss of wealth, prestige, Status same planet moves in the same star and
etc., and the chronic disease which he had transits in a sub which is unfavourable
been suffering from will flare up. Strong and disagreeable, then even though the
Rahu shows that the native may marry in nature of the result will be the same yet
its dasa period and he will have promotion one will be dissappointed or the result
and prosperity. If it is bad, it may will be unfavourable and he will be dis-
include the demise of the parents. When pleased. Therefore the planet is the
the lagna dasa is on generally the result source; the constellation lord indicates the
will be good. But it depends upon the nature of the result and the sub lord shows
planets which occupy the lagna. While how he enjoys, what the source is and
predicting, include the various aspects to whether such a result contributes for
the cusp of the ascendant and also the pleasure or displeasure; whether it is
planets in the ascendant. So far, both successful or failure. For example, if
Western and Hindu system of erecting the Venus indicates one's marriage and if
annual horoscope and reading out the Venus starBaraniis transitted by lord of
result is given. 2 or 7 or-lord of 11 in that year, then
whenever the significator moves in favoura-
But according to Krishnamurti Padh- ble sub, negotiations regarding marriage
dhati erection of the horoscope remains — will come nearer and whenever it transits
ihe same. One has to follow the following unfavourable sub, result at that time will
6 rde aye'd 'or^onejaay jcct the offer and India especially in Tamilnad and Kerala-
H1 fresh attempt^wjll?, ' made when it So many people were under wrong impres-
gmoves into another beneficial sub. Though sion that Solar map was introduced by
|the- matter relates to .marriage as is Westerners. It is not correct In olden
^indicated by the lord of the constellation, days, even Kalidas in Uthra Kalamrithatn
the various events about marriage is has mentioned 'Tajik' system is an
'clearly shown by the sub, traiisitted by the elaborate one.
significator. Annual horoscope is made Whether the results are beneficial or
use of by the majority, of the people in
North India. But this annual horoscope adverse, in full they agree with Udu Dasa
is not worked out to that extent in South system, progression etc. One does not
contradict the other. It is mysterious.
* : iV i ' &*• • . j : •'
"■ - SARMA- Warangal. ..
»i , ' ' '(
fDear Sarmdjee, ' . [Wat Time—advance—1 hour—from
Namashkar 1-9-42 to 15-10:45 both days inclusive.]
Last year I consulted you regarding the Dear Sir,
marriage of my-second and third daugh-' Here is the scientific explanation of the
ters. You predicted that my third daugh- marriage of your third daughter as desired
ter's marriage would lake place on 10th by you. I follow only Krishnamurthy
March,-'1966 early morningand the second Paddathi. Though. I have .studied all
daughter's wedding would be only in 1967. available books, they cannot guide me to
Though I tried much to celebrate the pin point the date as Krishnamurthy;
marriage of both, I failed. I could fix only Padhdhati does. This fact cannot..64.
my third daughter's wedding. There also, denied by truth seekers and truth-seers.1
T made attempts to have it on 23-2-1966
but failed. Finally the marriage ' was For marriage we have to-consider- the
performed on the exact day as predicted by/ houses -2, 7 and 11; according to Krishna-
you.' You have a copy of her birth chart: murthi Padhdhati the strength of the
As I am a-regular reader 'of " Astrology significators are to be judged as follows:
and Athrishta " and I appreciate Krishna- and select at least 3 strong significators..
murti Padhdhati, I .request you to explain . 1. Planets situated in the constella-
how you predicted', which method you fol- ' tion of the occupants of- the
lowed so that siich a correct one may be houses 2, 7 and 11. If nonej.
followed by those who want to be helpful
to consultants by offering accurate results. 2. The planets tenanted in the houses
2, 7 and 11;
Yours truly, 3. Planets occupying the constella-
S. R., Kareemnagar. tion of the lords of the '2, .7 and
" Fortuna 11 houses.
• ' Moon2.5S
Uranus • %!&??•
I3 41
' ■ 4. Lords of these houses.
• • 19-24 5. Planets in conjunction with or
aspected by the above significa-
Date of birth 8«9-44 Second house is occupied by Mars,
at 5.50 A.M; Neptune and Venus, seventh house is
•—- iieTCtny
Jeplter 7. .
vacant. 11 house is occupied by Saturn.
' Snn 22.520.9 , Neptune is not allotted any star; hence
. . Keptana. reject it. Mars rules Mrigasira, Chitra and
Man.£&&11.25 , Dhanishta. No planet is in any of the
v«afB._ii.6# above stars. f
Venus rules Bhaiani, Poorva-phalguni
At the lime of birth balance of Sani. and Poorva shadha. Sun, Mercury and
;Dasa.3-yearS;l-montlrand 19 days] ■ J upiter are in Poorvaphalguni. Hence
' • • Note i—The tfme given is one' hour in these are the significators.
advance being war period. _Correct LS,T. Saturn rules Pushyam, Anuradha and
Sis.4.50 KM- 1.. Uttarattadi. Rahu alone is in Pushyami,
so Rahu is the strong significator. Nodes either Sun Sookshma or Jupiter Sookshma.
are more powerful than the planets. So it may be March or May 1966.
There are more than 3 sigoificators. Transit and sub:—
j So, no more analysis to find out the
Significator is needed. Because, strength By transit Rabu the dasa lord will
* of the significators are given in the above transit in Krithika ruled by Sun and
> order. If enough significators are found Mercury sub in the second week of March
i according to items 1 and 2 one need not 1966. Sun will be in Poorva Padrapada
I go to the 3rd, 4th and 5th items. governed by Jupiter, the sub of Mercury
is between 8th evening and before 10th
Selection of dasa, bhukti, anthra from sunrise. So the prediction was on 9th
night and 10th early morning when the
the timing of the query: star is Swathi governed by Rahu.
Vou have consulted me on a Wednesday -The ruling planets on the day you con- .
ruled by Mercury and the star was Satha- suited me were Mercury, Rahu and
bhisha governed by Rahu in the sign of Jupiter, and Moon was transiting in the
Saturn. So Rahu Dasa Rahu Bhukti of sub Saturn. So all the significators
Bhudhantra will give marriage; this will be were ruling on 10-3-]966 and hence the
from 6-1-1966 to 9-6-1966. In that select same date was predicted.
M. S. MANI, B.E.
One of my close relatives was married did not agree. I wanted to find out
on 13—6—1966. The lagna for marriage whether my prediction is correct. At the
was fixed as Mithtma lagna. It was time of prediction lagna was Aquarius-
between 5-45 A.M. to 7-45 A.M. approxi- Kumbha. I was born in the lagna Libra-
mately on 13—6—1966 which was a Mon- Thulam. At the time of prediction fifth
day. Since the Muhurtham was at early bbava rises in the east. Will it indicate
moming, I joined the marriage party on success to me or to the other astrologer ?
the previous day itself. Since my lagna is Libra-Thulam, the
On Pth night, one of the important other astrologer's lagna is to be taken as
member of the party was consulting an Aries-Mesha, the 7th house counted from
astrologer to select an auspicious moment my lagna. 5th Bbava is 11th to the 7th,
in Mithuna lagna, so that the marriage or therefore must give success to the other
actual Muburthara may be arranged at astrologer and my prediction must go
that particular moment. The horoscope wrong.
of the bride is given as below : Further Moon was transiting Revatbi
star ruled by Mercury. Mercury is the
Saturn Lapne j Kethu Mood lord of Virgo-Kanni which the 12th house
25' 9' J?8 56' .QMS' 19'17'40' to my lagna Libra-Thulam. 12th Bbava
indicates failure to me. Moon was in the
Jupiter(R) Mart 9° sub of Jupiter. Jupiter is the lord of
T 34' . Sun 98 Pisces-Meena which is the 6th house from
• Bom at 11-45 P.M. my lagna Libra-Thulam. 6th house is the
on 23—7—193$ 12th bouse to 7th (competitor) indicates
Rasi Chart Venus loss to the opponent or competitor etc.,
20' 13' and gain to the native. Therefore ultimate
S8 29' success is promised to me.
I began to analyse the horoscope further
• QRahu
IS' !| | to find out the .exact moment when the
native must get married. At 6-32 A.M. on
13—6--66 in Mithuna-Gemini lagna, lagna
Balance of Rahu dasa 11 months and 14 transits S0^', when it forms trine aspect
days. with the 7th cusp. I.wanted to confirm
this. So I tried Horary Astrology.
The Astrologer who was being consulted
followed traditional system of astrology I gave a number 72 for my query *o find
and selected a particular time. out the exact moment of marriage and
I saw the bride's chart. The bride was arrived at the same result. The analysis
according to Horary Astrology is as below.
running Saturn Dasa, Moon bhukti at the
time of marriage. Moon occupies Gemini- What does the No. 72 indicate? How
Mithur.a. Therefore I predicted that when the accurate prediction is based on merely
lagna will touch the natal position of mentioning a number within 108 ? The
Moon, the bhukti lord at 7-16 A.M., the idea of asking to give a number within
marriage will take place. The astrologer 108, is that the zodiac is divided into 108
fti* each extending to 3° 20'. It So select Mercury sign, Jupiter star, Mars
equal to one quarter of a star, sub since Mars also must rule. Once
vindicates the region of 236° 40' again we find Mars sub in Jupiter star
from Aries 0°. It is the fourth Punarvasu goes to Cancer-Kataka.
1 pf the star Kettai, in the sign Mars and Rahu are posited (at the time
Vrischika. of analysis) in the sign Taums-Rishaba
old out the lords of this sign, star and along with Sun.' Rahu is nearer to Mars
fbr . Lordregion indicated by the given than Sun. Rahu is a node. Therefore
of the sign Scorpio-Vrischi- replace Mars by Rahu. Now we are left
«vwb Mars. The star Kettai is ruled by with three combinations : (a) Mercury,
MefcWy* SatlJrn £ uarter n
3 as we' as Justar includes Rahu (star) Jupiter, (b) Mercury, Rahu
the su(? ^ Pilcr* Saturn, (c) Mercury, Jupiter, Rahu (sub).-
Sihce the matter under consideration is We do not have Rahu sub in Jupiter's star
toffee place within3 few hours, v(anaJysis Punarvasu in Mercury's sign Gemini-
' made at 1115P-M* on 12th and Muhurtham Mithuna because Rahu's sub falls in
(Marriage) to take place around 6 A.M. Cancer-Kataka.
next mornlng) t3^6 the^ transit of the Therefore one must select Mercury sign
ascendant. Rahu star, either Jupiter sub or Saturnsub.
Xscendant must transit at a sensitive Final step is to decide as to which sub is
'point or degree of the zodiac so as to be to be selected ? Jupiter sub or Saturn sub ?
governed by the planets indicated by the Actually when lagna transits in Jupiter
number mentioned by the querist in a sub and Saturn sub, lagna forms trine
definite manner illustrated below. aspect with the 7th cusp in the bride's
The lofd-of the sign and star according horoscope. ■ Therefore I selected 6-32
to the number mentioned must rule the A.M. i.e., around 9° in Mithuna to be
syisitive degree to be transited by the transited by the Ascendant at the moment
lagna at the time of marriage. One of the of marriage.
sub lords must also rule. I waited patiently till that time, only to
For the number given Mars is lord of see that the marriage (exact time of
the sign (No. 72> Scoipiosign, Kettai star, Muhurtha) was 6-32 A.M. Timing did not
Saturn or Jupitef SubJ. Mercury is the fail, not even by a minute.
star lord. So Mars and' Mercury must I took the bridegroom's horoscope. He
rule. Jupiter and Saturn are the sub lords. was running on that day Rahu Dasa,
Any one of them must rule. So select (a) Saturn Bhukti, Mercury Anthra and Jupiter
Mars, and Mercury and Jupiteror(b) Mars, Sookshama. The marriage took place
Mercury and Saturn (combination as exactly when lagna transited in Mercury
"above). siga Gemini-Mithuna, Rahu star, Arudhra*
' Lagna for marriage is fixed as Gemini- Jupiter's sub and in the sub sub of Saturn.'
Mithuna owned by Mercury. In this select Look at, how the lord .of the dasa.
a zone governed by the above combination. bhukti, anthra and sookshama governs
We have the star Mrigasira 2nd half in the exact moment of Marriage. That is
Mercury sign. (Mars star.) Select Jupiter the accuracy of KRISHNAMURTHI •
or Saturn sub. But we do not have Jupiter PADHDHATT.
or Saturn sub in the second half of I have to say that no other method can
Mrigasira, So reject this combination. give the result so correctly as this, correct
In Mercury's sign Virgo-Kanni we have to the minute. This is scientific, simple,
got the star Punarvasu ruled by Jupiter. straight forward and successful.

(Erishnamurtby Padhadhati)
(Sarma —Warangal) .
A person said " Sir-now I am serving in fallen between 16.40 to20.00 in Aquarius ;
. a Library. Last month I had three inter- this sub portion of Sathabisha, is ruled
views in three different departments for by Venus, Sun, Moon and Mars. AU these
service, can you tell (A). Whether I will four are occupying beneficial houses pro-
leave the present post? and (B) Which mising a change. Therefore that he will
department I may join? not continue in the present department is
- " Mention a number within 103." certain-
" 96 is the reply." Profession or self-acquisition is to be
judged from the houses 2,6 and 10. So
The chart for thai moment is as one is to judge and select the strong signi-
under:— ficators in the followinS order as prescri-
bed by my Guruji Krishnamurti.
1. The planets in the constellation of
the occupants of the houses 2, 6 and 10;
ASC these are the strongest.
.16-40 to 2. The occupants of the 2, 6 and 10
20-00 houses. These come next.
- Sani 3. The planets in the constellations
of lord of the houses 2, 6 and 10. These
Venus are stronger.
9'IS 4. The lords of those houses. But
weaker than 1 and 2 items.
Mer. 10-2 5. The planets conjoined with the
26-49 Ketbu
10-31 significators and those receiving good
Sun 24-58 aspects from the significators.
. .Moon is called " Mathi" it guides the No planet is in 2, or 6, Sun alone is in
astrologer to know what question the per- the 10th house. It may appear that Mer-
son will put what he has in his mind. cury and Kethu are also in the 10th, but
.Moon is in 19° 50' in Gemini that is in they are in 9th Bhava, or house. Sun rules
Mercury sign Rahu's star Mars sub and Krithika, Uttara and Uttarashada. Mars
• Venus sub sub. Mercury is in the ninth and Venus are in Uttarashada. So Afars
bHava even though it is in the 10th house. and Venus are the significators. They are
Rahu, the star lord is in the 3rd bhava, stronger than any other sienificator.
therefore Mercury and Rahu indicate the Lords of 2, 6 and 10 are Mars, Jupiter
matlers signified by the 9th and 3rd houses. and Moon. Mars rules Mrigashira,
These two bhavas are for changes i.e., Chittirai and Dhanishta- No planet is in
change of profession, change of place etc. the above stars. Jupiter rules Punarvasu
-If the change is to come, the sub will be Vishakha and Purvn Bhadrapada. There,
.ruled by a benefic. Mars is lord of 10 ; it is no planet in these stars. Moon rules
is in 11; thereforehe is a strong benefic. Hastham, Rohini and Sravanam. Rahu
As thesub lord is Mars his desire will be is in Rohini star. So Rahu is a significator.
surely fulfilled. So also we have to take Nodes are morepowerful than the planets.
the lagna and find out, whether there will So Rahu is a strong significator. There-
be a change to a desired department. The fore Rahu, Mars, Venus and Sun arc the
lagna according to his number 96, has significators.
boy is bom on the above'date at Why ? jl
PRRmcie of query, how we calculate the Because 10th house is occupied by Sun I
and Bhukti left over - at the time of
flgurth? so also work the balance of the dasa. and aspected by Saturn. Sun for security in
service, Saturn for <* Mritha-Dhana ** i
Unow' he 's running Rahu -Dasa Mars money of the deceased Life Insurance f-
?ifiukti. So when will the change be ? A (Uthra-Kalamritha). Sun in the constel- b
fi ■' Dasa " ® " Bhukti « C" Anthra,he must lation Jyeshta ruled by lord of 8 Budha J
I: have ^hen A, B and C are the strong and 8th house denotes (death and legacy);'
significators. Rahu Dasa Mars Bhukti Life Insurance. Further Scorpio is the
* Venus Anthra is beneficial so he has to 8th sign of the Zodiac. Thus one is tO'>
receive the orders in this period which analyse, judge and be useful to humanity.'
will end on 13-1-1966. During this
period, Moon is to transit is Sun's star in I pray God to give a long life to my
the sub of Venus ; (in this instance, it will Guru Sri K. S. Krlshnamurti who has
conjoin with Rahu) that will be the date. given us correct scientific method clearly
On 4th January 1966Moon conjoins Rahu. without confusion. Other, methods and
The day is ruled by Mars. The lord of the Symposium are similar to supplying chilly
star Krithika is ruled by Sun. On the salt, sugar, tamarind etc., separately and
same day Sun will be transiting in the
constellation and sub of the significator, leaving the person to select, prepare and
Venus star Ruhu's sub and Mars s ub-sub. have it. But this padhdhati shows only
So on 4th January 1966 he will receive the one way with no contradiction, leading
orders. From LJ.C. Actually the person one to the goal straight, in such a simple
received the orders on the same day, from way without laborious Shadbhala, and
the department is Life Insurance Corpora- unreliable Ashtaka Varga.
(M. Madhusudan Rao» Hanamkonda)
A local businessman came on 9-5-66 at For marriage we have to see the houses
6-55 P.M. and said that be was very much 2, 7 and 11. 2nd house shows increase in
worried about his brother's marriage. Some family members. 7th bouse shows legal
matches were coming but till now no res- agreement. IIth bouse shows permanent
ponse from them and there is no hope friendship.
regarding marriage. Please see whether Lagna hasfallen in DhanurRasi^fi0 40' to
there is any bad period to my brother. 30° 0'. But the query is related to his
I asked him to give any number within younger brother. So, 3rd house represents
108. He immediately said ' 81 \ The younger brothers and sisters. Taking
following is the planetary position at the the 3rd bouse from Dhanur rasi, which
time of query. I predicted 9th June, 1966 will be Kumba, we have to judge.
the marriage will take place and it catne Kumba is owned by Saturn. The lord
correct. On the same day marriage was of 2 and 11, Jupiter which is also a natural
celebrated. benefic is aspecting the Kumba lagna. It
I am giving the details bow 1 used the is good and it can be said boldly that the
' Krishnamurti Padhdhati' for the benefit • marriage is promising.
of the readers.
2nd house is occupied by Mercury, Mars
and Sun. No planet is in the 7th and Llth.
• Nodes are stronger than the planets.
Rahu is in the Venus sign} in the constel-
lation of Sun which is the lord of 7, and
in the sub of Jupiter which is the lord of 2
RASI and 11. Rahu is also aspected by Saturn,
9-5-1966 lord of lagna.
6-55 P.M. Venus, the 1 Kalathrakara * planet is
No. 81
conjoined with the lord of lagna and it is
exalted in lagna. Further it is in the cons-
tellation of Saturn-
Saturn,lord of lagna is in the 2nd sign
owned by Jupiter and in the constellation
of Jupiter and in the sub of Rahu.
Hence the planets in the sway of Saturn
Mercury Lagna and Venus will give the marriage. Moon
and Mars are the two planets connected to
Saturn and Venus. Moon is in Dhanur
Rasi aspected by Jupiter and Saturn. But
it is actually in the 10th bhava and influ-
enced by Saturn. So Moon is not helpful
to celebrate marriage in its period. Mars
is in its own .-"ign and in 2nd bhava and
with the Sun, lord of 7. And it is not
influenced by Saturn.
So, Venus Dasa, Saturn Bhukti and
Venus, Mars Antbra is the period for the marriage.
Jupiter Sun Mars, According to transit when Sun transits in
Moon the Venus sign, in Mrigasirisa star and in the
sub or Rahu. Aad the Moon transits 'in The following method is according to
the Saturn sign in che Satbabtsha star. tbe • "Bhuvana Deepika
d3> pr lagna rukd'by Jupiter. Thursday, First we have to see what is the question.
9th June, 19(56, after 6-17 P.-M» r all of It is queriest brother's marriage. Mars
above 'agree. ,1,^ Save informed' the' represents for 'Bbathrukaraka5 - Venus
querist on 9thTutie, 1966 wj|l take place. represents 'Kalathrakarka'- ' Mars and
Bhactly ott^th*^ JuneV 1^66 itself at the Venus occupied in Thula navamsa. The'
rirfeof 8-21 P.M. in Dhanur lagoa marriage lord of the navamsa is Venus. It indicatesi
was "performed.. '.The .querist wondered 15 days'time. Brothers.Jagna is Kumba;
about this prediction. Itis notexaggcration owned by Saturn and occupied by Kataka^
co say that ' Krishnamurti Padhdhati' is a navamsa. The Mars and Venus travel 10
ccyplationery bne in the Astrology field. navamsas to conjoin the Saturn. Roughly
There is another school of thought accor- 3 days for one navamsa. So, to reach
ding 'Bhuvana deepika' which can be Kataka navamsa 10 x 3 a 30 days required.
predicted on the basis of Navamsa rasi. According this after one month the
But for date and time we cannot arrive marriage will take place. Exactly the
•n-that basis. If we want date and time marriage performed after one month. But
the only one method called ' Krishnamurti it is a rough idea for Research purpose.
Padhdhati' we have to adopt. I have given this bit.
M. S. MANI, B.E.
Member. Modem Astrological Research Institute
The horoscope of a gentleman born on Find out the ruling planets. The ruling
•J-9-1933 at il-35 A.M. is given below. planets are
The analysis to find out the time of 1. VENUS:. Lord of the day. Today
marriage of the native is described below : is Friday.
The Horoscope: 2. MOON: Lord of the star, Rohini.
3. VENUS: Lord of the Rasi —
4. MOON: Lord of the lagna Can-
cer- Kataka.
Lagna is not connected with Venus or
Moon in the horoscope. But Moon is in
Bharani ruled by Venus. Therefore take
Moon sign to be stronger.
Saturn (R)
17° 53' 2nd Bhava indicates family. 7th Bhava
indicates legal bondage with other sex and
Jupiter permanent tie. 11th Bhava indicates
Mars T 02' matrimonial happiness, pleasure etc.
•16® 31' Venus Therefore the Bhavas 2, 7 and 11 counted
29® 40'
from Moon sign, sign must be analysed and
1 Balance of Venus Dasa at the time of the signifying planets for marriage must
birth 3 years 10 months and 16.5 days. be selected following the universal
rule as given below in the following order.
Before analysis, one should note the Finally assess the strength of the planets.
. exact time, when the horoscope is taken In the conjoined period of the strong
for analysis. The time of analysis is significators marriage must take, place if
9-10 A.M. on 17-6-66, a Friday. transit results agree.
First of all, one should note down The significators are —
whether lagna is strong or the Moon sign.
Lagnais 12° 26' Scorpio-Vrischika. Mars (a) Planets in the constellation of
rules Scorpio-Vrichika. It is placed in the occupants of the Eiiavas 2, 7
Libra-Thulam, which 12th to Lagna and 11.
Bhava. Therefore lagna is weak. Moon (b) Planets deposited in the Bhavas
is placed in Aries-Mesha. Mars, the lord 2, 7 and 1.1..
of the sign aspects its own sign Aries- (c) Planets in the constellation of
Mesha by 7th aspect. Therefore Moon
sign is strong. Take Aries-Mesha as 1st the lord of the bhavas 2, 7 and
Bhava and scrutinise the horoscope. 11-
One can also find out the stronger of (d) Lords of 2, 7 and 11.
the two, lagna and Moon sign by follow- (e) Planets aspected by the signifi-
Select such a conjoined period of the We have Rahu, Saturn, Mercury and
significators, when the significators (a) Jupiter as strong significators. One need
transit'in the sign, star or sub of the not apply rules (c) and (d). In the con-
significators, (b) form good aspect with joined periods of Rahu, Saturn, Mercury
their natal position. and Jupiter when these planets transit
Sun, Moon and lagna transiting the favourably, the marriage will take
sensitive zone of the Zodiac governed or place.
aspected by relevant significators or cusps The native actually got married on
shall pin-point the moment of marriage. 13-6-66 when he was running Rahu Dasa,
(a) Second Bhava is 24° Aries-Mesha Saturn Bhukti, Mercury Anthra and Jupiter
to 24° Taurus-Rishaba. No planet is sookshama. Bukthinatha Saturn transits
posited in this zone. Jupiter alone aspects in Pisces-Meena Jupiter's sign, the star
Taurus-Rishaba by its 9th aspect since it Uttirattathi ruled by itself. Mercury was
is placed in 7° Virgo-Kanni. No planet is transiting in its own sign GEMIN1-
posited in any of Jupiter'sstars. Therefore MITHUNA, in the star Arudhra ruled by
take Jupiter as '& strong significator. dasanatha Rahu. Jupiter, the other signin-
(Rule b) Mercury is in the sub of Jupiter, cator also transited in the same region.
in the star Pooram ruled by Venus which Tbe natal Saturn aspected transitory
owns the houses 2 and 7. Mercury and Saturn by its third aspect.
Jupiter become significators. Moon transited in Revathi star, ruled by
7th Bhava is from 240> Libra-Thulam to Mercury and in the sign Pisces-Meena
24° Scorpio — Vrischika. No planet is ruled by Jupiter.
posited nor aspects this Bhava. The time of marriage was 6-32 A.M.
11th Bhava extends from 24° Aquarius- on 13-6-66. The lagna was GEM1NI-
Kumba to 24° Pisces-Meena. Rahu is MITHUNA ruled by Mercury. Lagna at.
placed in this Bhava. Mars alone is the time of marriage transited around
posited in Swathi star ruled by Rabu. No (8° 56'-—1° 26') in Gemini-Mithuna. This
other planet occupies any of Rahu's stars. region is governed by Mercury, lord of the
Mars aspects Rahu by its 108° aspect. sign Gemini. Rahu, lord of the star
Therefore Rahu is a stronger significator Arudhra, Jupiter the lord of the sub and
than Mars. Further Venus, the Karaka Saturn and Jupiter Lord of the sub sub of
planet and also lord of 2nd and 7th bhava the star rising in the east. It is worthy to
is in trine aspect with Rahu. So Rahu is note that Lagna degree was governed by
a strong significator. lords of dasa, bhukti anthra and sooks-
Whenever a node becomes a significator, hama.
the planets conjoined with it, aspected by In the bride's horoscope lagna at the
it, owning the house in which the node is moment of marriage formed trine aspect
posited become significators. Saturn who with seventh cusp. It will be noticed that
owns Aquarius-Kumba in wbicb Rahu is the above analysis based on KRISHNA-
placed also becomes a significator. Besides MURTI PADNDHATI agrees 100% with
that Saturn is lord of the 11th Bhava. It actual happenings even in the minute
is placed in its own sub. Venus, the details. Such a verification in each chart
KARAKA planetaspects Saturn by its 108° considering, each matter has convinced the
aspect. Therefore Saturn is a significator. followers.

Dear Sir, the previous seat was not lucky and the
You have mentioned "My friend and new one is fortunate. But he does knou
well-wishers say that the present dispen- that till the moment he was occupying the
sary building is lucky for me and I should previous seat be bad been running a sut
not shift from there or at least not to sub period which was unfavourable and
vacate it. I wish to know whether the when a favourable sub sub period com-
new building will also be equally favour- menced, it gave the mind to both of theoi
able for my general well-being and pro- to have a change, they changed and the)
fession as the present one. If so, when enjoyed. There are also cases wherein
am I likely to shift to the new building they try to change, they change, yet the)
continue to lose and the loss is much
Dr. S. L. D., Maharashtra. greater than the previous. Here these twe
persons would have been running a mild
Reply :—Your horoscope is as follows. evil sub sub period till they were in the
previous seat and when another strongei
more evil planet's sub sub period started
Moor Jupiter. ,, n'
Venus Kethu they change their seat and began to lose
Mars ] much more. Therefore one's attributing
the gain or the loss to the seat is nol
correct. The fact is that one can stick
on to a seat during an unfavourable
17-5-1917 period when in that seat he cannot make
39 G. 19 V. up. The following planet shows a change.
It promises a change. So he changes.
It also assures success. So he gains-
This profit is attributed to the change of
the seat. Actually the gain is due to the
favourable sub sub period that follows.
If one has lost much more, then the
second sub sub period was worse than the
previous. Therefore results due to change
First of all one should clearly under- . of place or seat or residence will be lucky
stand whether one's future depends upon or unfortunate according to the period
a change of a place and the truth of that that follows. Whether the new premises
statement. It cannot be explained by would be fortunate or not, does not
anybody else other than intelligent astro- depend upon the situation of the house in
logers. People play cards and one of a locality—its facing east or west or south
them may be losing much; another may or whether it is multi-storied or a thatched
be. losing to some extent. But anyhow one but the future fortune depends on
both get disappointed and dejected. They one's own dasa period, progression and
both try to change their places to those transit to come.
occupied by the winners, so that by so
changing, they tried whether their luck Therefore one has to note down what
also will change. In many cases as soon your present period is and which period
as one changes the seat, he begins to book will follow. Good or bad as shown by
the profit. He gains. Both of them also the coming dasa, one is to enjoy oi
gain. What is the truth? They say that experience, whether one changes the housi
or not. Now you are running Moon Dasa, date mentioned above and also enjoy
Jupiter Bhiikti- Jupiter is lord of 1 and bright future. What your friends and
10. Moon is occupying the constellation well-wishers say is their sincere desire and
of lord of:. 4, Mercury. Therefore a good attachment towards you. Whether
change to the new building will surely you occupy or not, the truth is that during
come within November, 1966, mostly on Moon Dasa, Saturn Bhukti there will be
17th November, 1966. Later Moon Dasa, entanglement of money, late payment of
Saturn bhukti will run for 19 months. the bill, etc. and. after June, 1968, it is
By hard labour, with greater strain you really fortunate.
will make money and save much more. An astrologer is to predict what is going
The bills will be received after long to happen. An astrologer is not a person
delay. From June, 1968 you will have to offer advice. If he does give advice, he
roaring practice both in your own place has not understood himself and astrology
and also in * the new premises. Mercury because no astrologer can change one's,
indicates plurality. Moon, dasa Lord fate; can never modify it. • Therefore if
itself was in the constellation of Mercury one were to offer an advice it means that
and when Moon Dasa Mercury Bhukti once can change the destiny indicated by
operates both the places must pay you the horoscope by one's will. That is a
most saiisfactorily. Your quick diagnosis, wrong idea. The astrologer is to say that
correct treatment, speedy turn over, larger on 17th November, 1966 you will enter
profits and good , relationship with custo- into a new building you will not let out
mers as they survive the treatment after for rent and continue to stay here you will
rapid cure etc., contribute for your practise in both the places; there will be
pleasure and peace. Normally beginners much strain and pain with less of gain for
in astrology may say that Moon is Ashta- some months.
mathipathi and it will cause anxiety, .
worry, difficulty etc. They forget (a) that Later inboth the places'you earn name,
your lagna is weak as Rahu is in lagna. fame, reputation and satisfactory income/
Moon sign is stronger and they have to Your bank position will be sound only
take the Moon sign as the first hoiise and from.June, 1968. Therefore your will
proceed. Because Moon sign is stronger say that the new premises brought more
and Moon is* in the constellation of luck from June 1968.
Mercury who owns the fourth house and Good Luck !
Mercury occupies the second bhava indi-
cating self-acquisition. You are construc- Yours sincerely,
ting a house, you will occupy it on the (Sd.) K- S. K.

M.S. MANI, B.E.,
Member. Modern Astrological Research Institute.
The horoscope of a certain student who bhava, to the Libra-borns. Saturn by
sat for the examination on 24-3-66 is given nature is evil. Occupation of 8th bhava
below.^ In spite of his hard labour and confirms it. 8th Bhava denotes loss, ill-
to his estimate good performance, he had repute etc. Saturn denotes delay. Ther®-
to fail in the examination. The results fore Saturn must give bad results by virtue
were communicated to him on 19-6-66. of its position (occupation of 8th Bhava)
• The following is the scientific explana- and by its nature.'
tion based on sound principles of Astro- Saturn is placed in Rohini. Rohini is
logy, as to why the native had undesirable governed by Moon. Moon is posited in
results and when the' native is destined to Lagna-Bhava and owns Cancer-Kataka,
enjoy good results. which is 10th Bhava to Libra-born.
The Horoscope: Therefore, results of Lagna Bhava and
10th Bhava are indicated by Saturn.
Lagna Bhava indicates good health, gain,
iSaturn (R) success etc. 10th Bhava indicates fame,
1?" 52' profession etc. Therefore Saturn must
give good results since it is posited in
Nirayana Rasi Saturn owns the houses Capricorn-
Chart. Makara and Aquarius-Kumbha, the
Born at 4-26 A.M. fourth and 5th houses respectively counted
on 9-11-1942. from lagna Libra-Thulam. Fifth house is
the 11th to the 7th Bhava. 7th Bhava
indicates the competitors. 11th to 7th is
acct are**16' the indication of success, to the competitor
TifortU'tf and loss to the native. Therefore Saturn
V«IHEB1,*27' by lordship indicates both good and bad
results. 4th house indicates education
Balance of Jupiiter Dasa at the time of which is good.
birth was 7 years 3 months and 21 days. Therefore during Saturn Dasa,' the
Planetary Strength Assessment:— native must experience only the above said
The native was running Saturn Dasa results. When will Saturn give good
Rahu Bhukti when he sat for the examina- results? Whenever the transitory Saturn
tion as well as when his results of exami- aspects natal Saturn (good aspects) and
nation were published. the bhukti lord is beneficial, the native
must enjoy good results. If transitory
. One should thoroughly analyse what Saturn forms adverse aspect with natal
results Saturn and Rahu can give to the Saturn and the bukti lord is also unfa-
native. Therefore scrutinise Saturn and vourable one must enjoy bad results.
Rahu. Let us take Rahu, who ruled the bhukti,
The lagna is Libra Thulam. Saturn is which native was running when he experi-
placed in Taurus-Rishaba. It is the .8th enced undesirable results of examination.
Hpl^^hu'Tolally^fevi]? 'Rahu no doubt is During Jupiter Bhukti, in its own
fevil.Dy; nature but it is placed in the 11th Anthra, Jupiter gives success in competi-
|Bha'va, in Leo-Simha. 11th Bhava deno- tive examination, employment, etc. When
tes success, in one's enterprise, good it forms good aspect with its natal posi-
'friendship, free flow of cash etc. To tion.
■Libra-borns it is Bhadakasthana because a movable sign and I«o-Simha Date of Examination:—
the 11th house is not good in matters The native sat for the examination on
regarding health. Rahu is not conjoined 24-3-66. Then, Moon transited in Aswan*
with anv planet. Therefore it represents star ruled by Kethu. Rahu, the buktinatha
lord oi the sign in which it is placed. is placed in Kethu. Saturn, the dasanatha
Therefore Rahu represents Sun, lord of owns Aquarius-Kumba in which Kethu was
Leo-Simha. It has to do good. placed in the natal chart. Rahu by transit
Rahu is placed in the constellation squared its original position in the horos-
Makam ruled by Kethu. Kethu occupies cope. Kethu's star day represents loss in
Aquarius-Kumbha. It is the fifth house to competition, examination, etc. to the
the native, .denoting loss to the native in native since Kethu is placed in Sth Bhava.
addition to pleasurable pursuits etc. Kethu
represents the lord of the sign which is Date of Results
Saturn. Saturn represents mixed results. The native saw his results on 19-6-66, a
Hence Rahu is neither totally evil nor Sunday ruled by Sun. Moon transited in
totally good to the native. During Rahu Rahu's star Arudhra. 'Rahu denotes
Bhukti, whenever Rahu forms favourable mixed results: But when it forms bad
aspects with its natal position, the native aspect to its original position, it must
must enjoy good results. When adverse give undesirable results. It was so on
aspect is formed the native must enjoy^ 19-6-66 (Square aspect with natal Rahu).
bad results depending upon the planet Rahu was in Leo-Simha ruled by Sun.
governing the Anthra. From 18-8-1966 Therefore the results came on Sunday.
the native will be running Saturn dasn
Jupiter Bhukti till 28-2-1969. What results Future Prediction
are represented by Jupiter must be asses- The native will be running Saturn Dasa,
sed. Jupiter Bhukti, Rahu Anthra on 10-12-66.
Jupiter by nature is a benefic. It On that day when Moon transits in Visa-
occupies Cancer-Kataka. Jupiter gevs kam star Rahu sub, the native will hear
exalted in this sign. It is placed in the the news of good results of his examination
star Punarvasu, its own star. So, Jupiter and complete his course of study. The
is strong. Saturn aspects Jupiter, by its day will be Saturday governed by dasana-
third aspect. Jupiter owns Sagittarius— tha, Saturn.
Dhanur (3rd Bhava) and Pisces-Meena (6th Saturn by transit will be in Jupiter?
Bhava). It is posited in lOth Bhava. star. Poorattathi, in Saturn's sign Aqur-
3rd house represents short journey etc. rius-Kumba in the sub of Moon.
6th house denotes success in competition, Jupiter, the bhuktinatha will be in
disease, debt etc. lOth house denotes Cancer-Kataka in the star Pushyam ruled
profession, fame etc. Jupiter by nature by Saturn (dasantha)l Jupiter conjoinsits
represents good financial position etc. natal position in the horoscope.
Therefore during Jupiter Bhukti, whenever Rahu, who governs the Anthra, will
Jupiter forms bad aspect by transit to its form 108° aspect with its natal position m
natal position, the native will experience the horoscope.
ill-health, delay in enterprise, loss etc.
But during other times Jupiter gives him a Therefore the native must' experience -5
lot of beneficial results. success in examination on 10-12-66 since
e results agroe by transit of sigaific&tors etc., then good results will be
pnd the native runs the conjoined period enjoyed when by transit the pla-
jot the significators on that day. Aspects net forms favourable aspect to
to the natal position are also found to be its original position'in the horos-
favourable. cope during its dasa, bhukti or
anthra; when adverse aspects are
Conclusion- formed, predict evil results.
The following principles are ecnployed (3) Aspects while transiting is the
in the above analysis: Anal deciding factor.
(1) The planets give the results The above analysis is according to
indicated by the lord of the KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATl which
constellation in which they are is an advanced method of Stellar Astrology.
placed. It is -bound to give precise, and astounding
(2) If a planet indicates mixed results results to the entire satisfaction and it has
both good and bad, by virtue of given all along in all minor and major
Its nature, position, occupation events.' The other methods fail in many
of a certain constellation, Bhava cases but this never disappoints.
M.Sc., OR M.B.B.S.
Tbc following is the horoscope of a Dear Sir,
bright student born at Gudur on 3rd house represents one's inclination to ' ;
31-12-1946at 1-55 P.M.:— study. The 4lh indicates one's attending
the class regularly and sitting for esam'ma-
L agn a Rahu tion, and the 9th house shows one's higher v
studies. Now the question is only about.,
higher studies. .Therefore we have tp„ ■
(1) the planet tenanted in the cons- .
1-35 P.M. tellation of the occupants of the
RASI 9th house,
(2) the planets deposited in the 9th
(3) the planets occupying the cons-
tellation of the lord of the 9th
(4) the owner of the 9th bouse,
He is my brothec's son and' f am a (5) the planets which are in any ■
regular reader of your magazine. In fact manner connected with any of
we are all mine owners at Gudur and there the significators.
is no necessity for us to consult astrology. Mars alone is in the 9th bhava. The '.-
But in 1964, casually I purchased the stars of Mars are Mirigasira, Chitra and
Magazine Astrology and Athrishta while Dhanishta. No planet is found occupy- i
travelling by train. I found that even ing any of the 3 stars. Then we have tot.i
a layman can learn astrology by studying take Mars. Mars is in the constellation,'.
your magazine alone. l ater every month Poorvashada ruled by Venus. The • sub is :
I purchased and since about S months I also governed by Mars. Therefore Mars'
am offering predictions to many people in and Venus indicate the subject which you ■
Gudur. Finding that they come true, will choose and that which you vvilli
people in Nellore and other places also specialise. The signs Virgo and Scorpio /
have started consulting me. It is really a as well as the planet Sun indicate medi-',
pleasure and also a duty for me to inform cinie, i.e. M.B-B.S. But Mars and Vends
that you are my Guru for astrology and go for, Botany, Zoology and Chemistry.
whenever I predict, I first think of you, As Mars is not in Sun's sub or in Sun's
then mentioning that I apply only star and Sun is not in advance to Mars
Krishnamurthi Padhdbati I start offering but is in 12 to Mars he will not join the
prediction. On many occasions they have Medical College. He will study only in
come correct to the day and the friends M.Sc. Now he is running Kethu Dasa.
are very happy to meet you. As you have Sun Bhukti is already over by 9th March,
not dealt with the following subject in 1966. He! will join in the College only
your magazine I am not able to offer clear during Kethu Dasa Rahu Bhukti; because
prediction to my brother's son. That is Mars in the 9th house will be represented
why I am sending this chart. I request ' by tfeth" occupying Mars sign. Similarly
you to send me the copy of your predic- Rahu is the agent of Venus. Since Mars
tion and a copy of the magazine in which and Venus indicate a particular course of
yon publish. study, Kethu and Rahu have to give
Yours sincerely, opportunities, pave the way and admit
B. Chandrasekara Reddy. him in the college for further study for
Gudur. M.Sc.
Dated 16th ]une, 1966. K.S.K.
(M. M. RAO)
Respected Sir,
Some of my friends, Readers of the *' Menus' Ju
$5er (Cel[,u
' Astrology & Athrishta '■ and the students
of the ' Modern Astological Research
Institute' branch Warangal asked me to
irow some light, on 9tb bhava, especially
a Spiritual side or Guru Upadesam or
mru Bhagyam.
As per their desire, I am giving below
horoscope and details of 9th bhava,
according to ' Krishnamurthi Padhdhati
The native never dreamt in his life, that Mercury j Fortuna j
he will have Guru Bhagyam. It is wonder
to hole, that the native never performed
any Fooja, even a Sathyanarayana
Vratham, in his house. Such a man, had All sages have said, for. Guru Dharsa-
got world famous Guru Bhagyam, when nam, the 9th house must be judged. 9th
his ruling planets operated. house is a bhagyasthana.
Thus one can see, every event in his life, Lagna is Thula (Libra). Lagna, occu-
with the help of' Krishnamurthi Padhdha- pied by Jupiter, a natural benefic. 9tb
ti *, according his Previous Karma. house is Mithuna (Gemini), owned by
Mercury* No planet is found in the 9tb
The horoscope is hereunder. cusp. The lord of the 9th, Mercury is in
. The native born on 9-3-1923. Friday. Kumbha rasi and in the 4th bhava. Jupi-
17° 58 N and 79° 47 E.' The balance of ter, lord of 9th from Zodiac is aspectmg
Mercury Dasa 7 years, 2 months and the Mercury. It is sure and certain that
twenty eight days. one day or other, this native will have
Guru bhagyam. And the peculiarity is,
j Mars . that Guru must visit his house and bless
VI 11-19 IX him and his family. Because Mercury,
20-21-28 VII tf-21-28 the lord of 9tli, is in the 4th bhava. 4th
18-13-5 house shows education, vahanam and
1| Kethn 28-5 Fortuna home etc.
Son 26-24 9-8
<,7 20-23.28- X 18-21-28
Nepteme Mercury is in the Kumbha sign, which
|Mtreniy2.1fl ' 23-10 (R) is a fixed and strong one, owned by Saturn.
The Guruor Acharya, who is going to visit
to this native's house, must be a strong
personality and having full of knowledge
in all aspects, because of Jupiter aspecl-
ing the Kiimhha and the planets therein.
! 18-13-15 I 20-21-28 It is certified that the Acharya or Guru is
| Jupiter ' Saturn not an ordinary man. The sign symbol
fKnmhhal shows, he has got full of milk
in' his' pot' or Vessel. Everybody can-take' . Dasa wilt run'for 10 years. In this 'J
the milk from him. ^ which year, which month, which dayomdHu. ^
Sun, Kethu and Uranus are also in the whioh lagna the native can see thisTesuIt&.^v.*:
same sign Kumbha, along with Mercury. ' It is not enough in saying, that
Dasa is good and in this Moon Oa?a Opi&lr
' Sun indicates spirit, power and light. the native will experience this. f<I thiMK 'Or: I
The Acharya or Guru has -got- powerful this is incomplete. He has to sfud^cifiiy^^
spirit and power and has got an authority try to give exact time. That -cap 'bejeeiL?^
and bommand in this age. Sun1 denotes only in ' Krishnamurfi Padhdhatl '• ^ fr «
Government The Guru has got much Before we proceed furtber, we havc^j Jji
honour in Government side also. see whether any node is . coimect^^W^ "If. \
Kethu indicates holyness and spiritua*. above said 9th bhagayabhava. ^ K.ethu,
lism etc. He must be a.devotee.' Uranus in that sign where the lord of -9Lh nosiWgr 'i (
being- there, he must. be-' a master in Rahu as aspected by. Mercury, 1 ord ■ Vk.
occult sciences.. In this,-both nodes are strong to'offei
The combination of Mercury, Sun, results ;
-. '. - '
Kethu, Uranus and Jupiter shows that he Aswini, Mafcha and Moola are tiie^st^sV* r
is a very big personality.. And it is'- also of the Kethu. Mars only is in the wns-. i
certain .that the native wjlL -have the tellation of Aswini. * So, Mars iis'a
bhagyam to have his dharsanam. cator. --- - >»
.Mercury is in the constellation of . Arudhra, Swatbiand SatbabiSba aVe^dtp. If
Dhanishta, which isgoverned by Mars. It V constellations* of Rahu. No Planet'is'-.' jf
is clear that the Acbarya or Guru is a found in ^he above stars. But Moon fs in ' H
courageable person and .will come and the sub of Rabu./ So, Moon isasigaifi- -
btesshfs family members. Mars is lord of cator. . •: i jv" '''
2. 2nd house shows family. The Fortuna is Moon and Mars \ are the significator^f- !
in the Kataka Rasi and in tl)e 9th bhava.. Moon is in the Mars sign Vrischika (Scoryj .
Guru must be a fortunate one and by pio) and aspected by Mars. It is strong, ;-/ \
having his Dharasdnam'this native will But Mars .paing'a fiery and martial typu it
also.become fortunate. planet, it cannot allow this native t \
- So,-when the native will have this &por- .think in spiritual side. And Mars is in tb -
tunity ? When, Mercury Dasa is on, he will > 87thwith sign and ki 6th bbava and is in
Moon. In ^bis way Mars is help- •i t
.wless. .^Moon-is aspected by Saturn, wbllh
But the' native, finished bis Mercury is the lord of 4 and"5 and Pariv?.Ttha|^
Dasa .in the child hood itself.. For this ' "with Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter boat
one is to investigate, in which dasa it will aspectiug the 9th cusp. »"
happen,'^according to the "Krishnannirt) Hence Saturn is . more powerful.
Padhdhatl L . So It is necuj>saij iu sec, w 1 planet,'which will be aspected by other',
whether^ptenets are in the Mercury's .-•"planet, will gain the results pf that planet'j
tufiAt?llaiiuus.which are Aslesha, Jeysbta : •:in its-dasa bhuVthi
,aiid ffeydthj.. Muuu and' Neptune are m aspected by Saturn. etc. ^ Here, M^on is 1
these stars.*^Iri~these two Planets,Neptune tbc .results of Saturn in its dasar*""Ixi
^ is nolalluited anyjtaj, so we.cannot see this way Moon and Saturn are signifrcatbrsffL'
yinlayhirh dasa or-bhukthf, ft'wiirh^pe'n. and give the 9th house'matters: jSatirn j
^Burwecao^und^staniSYrooi -thigf Neptune,
,tbat .this will -.Kappen ^suddenly "within a ischanges.
in the 12th-sign. 12th hduseish^wftK
So, Saturn will act up .on"'.tFe R
r^kypt^nrntinnxtf Htm ^ ^
native's mind (Moon indicates mifid) andjl
3t«^5par^)cipg:in*the. staLdfM^Aiiry;and U-Qig- changes ia his'life.- Saturn bcinSl'
rtunabeingiin the'Moon sign'Sind 9th "■"cold^lane^^tbe-inative.wjlh .turn ffojW..
% a^ptjcan haisaid'boiaiy^that'.this will' short andfhnytemperament to cold tempcT.
cu iu_lhe Muuu DjStf only.-Bat-Moon * Whenever any" big tpers6nalit'ji
come to the native's town and. it anybody ;
ask to see him he. never goes and sees,
because'toe powerful Mar" is aspecting. '
'But when the Saturn period or sub period gupi ■ that ive) had come from' Waranga!
wilb run in Moon .Dasa, he himself will to'take lessons from Sri K/.'S. Krishna-,
bend to that side' and will search for a.. murti in- the Astrology subject.' Hi. i
Guru. Because Saturn • and' Jupiter both is very .kiiid enough. He'., explained'
aije aspocting 9th cusp and Jupiter is each' and every item, in this subject. We
aspecting Mercury. • And Saturn is in want your 'blessings • also. Immediately
Parivarthana yoga with Mercury. Hence, Jagadguru ordered to his decipfe to bring
Sat||irn is very powerful. prasadam. The decipie brought prasadam
Any' bhagya labham, we have to see. in a plate. Jagadguru asked us to hold
labbasthana, the 11th house. 11th house the plate. We all of us hold the plate
is.occupied by Rahu and itis stronger than - with K. S. Krishnamurti'also. Jagadguru,'
the Sun, lord of 11. Rahu is in the sub of by raising his hands, blessed all of us. Is
Mfoon and also aspected by lord of 9.and it a small Inciident in tee native's life?
11,:; In this systematic way we have arri- Guruji Sri K. S. Krishnamurti himself
ved, that the Moon, Rahn and Saturn will expressed his wonder and said till now so
gi'ih the results in their conjoined period. many students are coming and going but
The native entered in Moon Dasa from ' no one had this kind of blessings. If we
7-6-1963. In this Moon Dasa, Rahu think deeply on this, is it not a new era in
Bbukthi .started from ' 7-11-64. ■ The the native's life? Is it not the power,
■anlhara of Saturn started from TO-4-1965. transmitted to this native? - He bad
After commencing this Saturn"Anthra, he Dbarasanam of both ' Bodha Guru' and
had sudden changes in his mind and. 'Jagadguru'. Really it is a great thing.
die left from his house on. 25-5-1965 .after . And whatever evil in the native's life that
.7-25 P.M.. When Moon was transited in .. was washed away on that auspicious day.
the Uthrabhadhra star, which is.governed On the same day 31-5-1965, after 2-45
1 by Saturn. Sun'was. transiting in the ' P.M. when Mrigasira Nakshatia started,
Rohini star. The .native: entered in Sun' he started from Madras to Warangal.
Shookshma. The native travelled thewhole
night and the neat day that 'was' Mars-ivterd of'2 and 7. 2nd house shows
day the Moon was in Utharabhadra star,, family and 7th shows break of journey.
he -met his first Guru at 2:30 PiM.- whom . This is the method to see any event in his
he wanted to meet, Tbe'Acharya or Guru life. He is enjoying well since that date.
is Mr. K. S. Rrishnamurti. Jyothish
"Marthand./v: He stayed in GUrii's residence Regarding Guni's visit to his home,
when the native entered in Rahu Sook-
and lessons from occult science . shma from 11-6-65, he was informed that
Jyothisham (Astrology).' K. S. Krishnamurti altered his programme
and visiting Warangal on 12-6-1965
. ' On 31-5-1965, in the MobiTSookshma^ ' from Vijayawada. The native and his
friends asked the local Hotel manager to
iStSrJi<^1?J^ia^e^^"lo^ ^wfib'^^uru 'keep a room for his stay. At first he liste-
Sri' K.'S...Krishnamurti 'andybther two . ned.- But in .the ne'ck of the moment he
friends went, to have the dh'arasanam of * expressed his Sorry, That rooms'were not
jHiSaJHolineSS KabChi tC'amalrntl Pcetathi- vacated till the midnight on 11-6-66.
jpaiH!.. Jagadgpru "-Sri =• Shahkarachariar Immediately the native'rushed to his house
Swathigal'-Ayargal"'' At.tliat'time the ; ' and arranged to stay in his house. Native's
Tigadguai was in Madras. -When Jagad- friends" waited in the warangal Railway
t feru.- wAS "informed-that .K. S.'Krishana- Station;'.to receive Guruji K. S. Krishna-
-Sbxti; has -come , immediately permission murthi. But on account of sleep Sri
1^3, granted. a Pujari_came and took ■ us K-i.S. Krishnamurthi did not get. down at
ran at 1&a/.ipet . ; tiilbi. The native and. his whole fhmily
sail" fflquired. the ; hadDharasana bhagyanr • and •' received
aw} straight, away •' blessings from Guru Sri. K. S. Krishna^
hplt^ on 12-6-65, murthi. ' .j
itkats L^gna'was,rising". t
'ndtfie ^loon'vGSs transiting I pray God, "to give long life and pfos-
ha Star'and. Sun was in perity to my Gamji who enlightend me
c'aitived with his lord .Gana- in this occult subject. '
A lady lost her purse and suite case (2) Planets posited in the houses 3,5,
ile going on journey on 22-5-1966 at 8 and 12.
Jjput 7 P.M.. Her horoscope is given (3) Planets in the constellation of
! ijow: lords of houses 3, 5, 8 and 12. '
Moon 0-1011 (4) Planets who are lords of houses
Mars 3, 5, 8 and 12.
" 20-54 J
21-27 (5) Planets conjoined with or aspec-
' ted by the signi&cators.
.le" 'Saturn .1 Third house is occupied by Jupiter. It
governs Punarvasu, Visaka and Poorva- '
1 bhadra. Mars, Mercury, Sun are deposited
in Punarvasu constellation. Therefore
Mars, Mercury and Sun are the signiSca-
tors of short journey and other 3rd house
Rahu-' Fifth house is not occupied by any
9-19 planet.
lup. 22-42
Eighth house is occupied by Kethu, who
" The native started her life, with a rules the constellations Aswani, Magha and
balance of Mars period 3 years 4TnODtbs Moola. No planet is posited in Aswani,
and 29. days. * . ' ■ '.'-v Magha of Moola.
. She wa5 under the major..period -Of - Twelfth house is vacant.
Jupiter and in the sub period of Venus at Lord of. the third house is Mars. Moon
the time of the loss of purse and suite case. is posited in constellation, Mrigasira ruled
Short'journeys are indicated by 3rd. by Mars: Therefore Moon is one of the
house.' Cash and movable properties significators of the 3rd house.
1 are "
radicated by' 2nd House. .7th hohse indi- Lord of the fifth house is Saturn,
cates th? thief. The thief's -cash position Pushami,''Anuradha and Uttrabhadra are
and acquisition of movable properties are .ruled, by Saturn. Venus is posited' in
indicated by the Sth house .which .is the Pushyami. Rahu is posited in Anuradha.
2nd house to the 7tb house. All losses are .' Therefore, Venus and Rahu are the signifi- viewed ■ from. the 12th house .infljT cators and they will be advantageous to
;hqrpscppe. :5th house "indicates gain/tq J T' the thief.
the thief';"thereby loss to the native. Lord of the Sth house is Mars in whose
' As'.she was performing:a journey and '■ constellation Moon is posited.
lost'.both cash and Suite case, the ruling ...Lord of the twelfth house is Sun.
plariefs "at the' time "of" the event must be 7 Krithika," Poorvaphalguqi and Uttara-..
related to the houses 3 and 12 indicating- j .shada are ruled by Sun. Ketii is posited
: short- journey and loss Uo the person ':in Kritika. Therefore Kethu is one of the
whereas 5 and 8 are gain to the thief. significators.
•?The"sighi6catois are' ' ; f. ' i-Decupants of houses 3,5,8 and 12, as .
,'77 (1)"-.Planets intthe ^constellation .-of. -;.also lords of these houses are significators.
r""'?'"- - The occupants-of houses" 3,"Sp-SrtrjjTfiereforc, Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Mercury—
- '• and 12. ' "and Sun are the significators. -V" ■
It is our observation that a planet >*
sub lord will offerresults pertaining to tbi
reflects the results of the lord of the con- houses 5 and 6. The longitudinal distant
stellation, it was posited. Matters related • between Venus and Jupiter gives rise to a
to the houses over which the lord of the malefic aspect. Therefore' the sub'lord
constellation holds' lordship will be felt will have to offer undesirable resultsi
by the native predominently, whenever the Fifth house indicates gains, profits etc., o|
period or periods of that planet operates. the thief.' " | i
The Dative is tinder the major period of Therefore during the major period'o|
Jupiter and in the siib period of Venus at. Jupiter and in the sub period of Venus
the time of the loss of purse, etc. some disagreeable events have to happenT
. Jupiter is posited in tlfe constellation If so how to know when such evil results
jyeshta ruled by Mercury who holdSj the will be experienced by the native ? .
lordshipof first house and tenth bouse. He Whenever the particular period and sub
i& in the sub of Moon, swho rules the period is in operation either good or bad
eleventh bouse. Therefore the major results will be experienced only whep the
Lord Jupiter is to offer the results of luminaries transit in unfavourable cons-
bouses 1 and 10. tellations. On 22nd May, 1966 Moon (s
The sub gives us the clue wbether the transiting the constellation Mrigasira
results offered by the major lord will be ruled by Mars, who holds the lordship pf
beneficial to the native or not. In the 3rd and 8th houses. Third house indicates
present case Jupiter is posited in the sub short journeys. Eighth house indicates
of Moon and Moon holds the lordship of movable property of the thief. Therefore,
eleventh bouse which' indicates gains, something untoward, must take place or
friendship, permanent tie or marriage etc. . 22-5-1966, as the ruling planets and'the
Therefore Jupiter should have given bril- , transits of the ruling planet — Possess
liant results to the native particularly in strength in indicating loss to the native;
the sub period of Jupiter. Thus the native has to loose purse in the
Whenever we consider a major period short journey. At the time of loss,'con-
of a particular planet it will not offer stellation Anuradha is rising, in the East.
always beneficial events or malefic results. This constellation is ruled by Saturn in
The sub period that comes into . operation whose star the sub lord Venus is posited.'
_will modify the results of the major period The native is hereby ibformed that she
. "Hue \a i {s'pn'fil f in n si tn a tin n and aspect. should not perform " journeys" on days
• ^If.the sub.lord is unfavourably placed to ruled by Sun, Mars and Saturn. Sun rules
. • 'the major lord, results that are likely to ICrithika, Uttara Pbalguni and Uttarashada:
happen due to the position of the major Mars rules Mrigasira, Chira and Dbani-:
v lotd. experienced uniformly. shta. Saturn rules Pushyami, Anuradha;
- -Sub-lord, changes it. Now, when the and Uttarabadra.' If the journey -is'
m&tivedias lost his articles the sub period inevitable on these , days, the native is
i!" ^of Venus is in operation. advised to be extra-careful when the above'
;-!\^The subjprcT.Yenus "is posited in the constellation rises in the East—Whethef
j.. constellatioQjof Pushyami which is ruled .and day time or night timerThis much of care:
■ by Saturn. She is also in the sub of Saturn. .caution is quite essential upto the end
i£-^Satuiniholds^lhea 1 ordship of 5th house nf the enh nf Venus.: -
rr acd^blh^bouse. ^Theretoie Venus; the
M. S. MAW, B.E.r'
Member. Modern Astrological Research Institute.
: Before discussing what the ruling planets to iti one has to necessarily include (a) the
can signify and how best we can make use planet conjoined with the node, (b) the
of them it is better to understand what we planet aspecting the node, (c) lord of the
mean by 'Ruling Planets'. Suppo&e> a ' jstar and (d) lord of the sign occupied by
person puts a question to an astrologer. the node, in the above order of strength.
First of all, the Astrologer should note' [Editor's note: If a node is conjoined
.the moment when he takes the horoscope with a ruling planet node is stronger than
for analysis and judgment. The moment the planet: or if it is aspected by a ruling
is governed by-certain planets. planet take the node ■ or if it is in either
What are they called ? of .the signs of the ruling planet, take the
They are termed as " Ruling Planets". bode as a stronger significator. If a node
They are as under: is in either of the signs belonging to a
planet and if the node is a significator, it
(1) f Lord of the Day. For example will offer' the results of both the signs
> if it is a Sunday; lord of the day owned by the lord of the sign. Suppose a
is Sun.' node is in the second house to Pisces
(2) Lord of the Star: Find out in Lagna. It is not conjoined with or aspected
which star, Moon transits at the by any planet. Then it gives the results of
time of analysis. The planet where Mars that is which owns Aries and Scorpio
governing that star will be the the cusps of 2nd and 9th houses
ruling planet. Suppose it is fall. So the node will bestow the results
Poorvashada. Lord of the con- indicated by second and ninth houses.
stellation is Venus.. The ruling planets,indicate the time of
(3) Lordf of the Rasi: The' planet fructification of the query, no matter,
Owning the sign in which Moon whether'the query relates to minor events
trans Us aj the time of judgment, or major events. At the time when a
is also'one of the filling planets. iperson will run the conjoined period of
These . three ^.are the strongest. • the ruling planets, the query will be ful-
( As Poorvashada-is in Sagittarius, filled. - The time of fructification will be
. the lord is Jupiter .) - -v •- ruled by the ruling planets at the moment
,(4) Lord of the'Lagna: One shodd <' of judgment.
'"note, .at the time'of analysis-the Follpwing is an illustration of the above
Ivsign in which^ the Ascendant- " ' fact relating to "a minor event:
^transits. ^^ - sign ant: .J was, to make journey along with my
. ~ which -Lagna-- falls "tfecomcs™*' ; .sisteiTon 1-6-66. Tbe train is scheduled to
• ^ _ .. .another ruling.planet.. ' leave the station at 5-30 P.M.
a node becomes a^njlmg~pubet by'.* My-sister- went-to the market to purchase
governing..the^-constellatiPn^asJsJ&s _no' ' a few articles and was to return home at
rdayftalk)tted~to• prepare for the journey. I
. ' sVHv..- '
v^as waiting for her . but She .did not turn l ? 'Rafiii/'whidh is a significator should, be
- up till 3-30 1?;M. It was getting late. . . selected jjn that consteilation select the
( I wanted to find out ^strologically as to
rl sub portion governed by Jupiter.. Jupiter
-when she would reach home. 'It was my siib is* selected becatise Mercury 'is ^re-
- Resented by Rahu, who along with Mer-
; first astrological analysis'of the time for cury occuniecl TauiusrRishaba sign/ (The
lthe day. According to KRISHNAMURTI * A'sub sub oi the star may be Mercury.)^
.PADHDHATl the ruling' planets at the
moment of query should indicate .my. At 3-44 P.M. Rahu's star Swathi/.was
,8ister's return from the Market as I have rising im the east. The sub which was rising
'this urge, then. Thh ruling planets are as in the east was governed by Jupiter. The
below: sign was Libra-Thulam ruled by Venus.
(1) The day was Wednesday ruled by . Actually, When my sister arrived, the
i ' Mercury.. Ascendant was transiting in the suh sub of
^ (2) .The star in which Moon was Mercury^ in the sub of Jupiter in the star
transiting at the time of query - Swathi ruled by Rahu in the sign Libra-
was Visakam ruled by Jupiter. Thulam governed by Venus. The time
(3) The sign in which Moon transited was 3 hours S7 minutes and a few seconds
was Libra-Thulam ruled by P.M. -She was to return at 3 P.M. but she
Venus'. came back only at 3-S7 P. M.
(4) The lagna rising at the'time of If one adopts the most simple principles
• query was Libra-Thulam ruled by propounded in KRISHNAMURTI PADH-
Venus. DHATL with scientific and convincing
Therefore the* ruling planets are Venus, reasoning, without taking anything for
Jupiter and Mercury. granted, one is bound to become correct
and be a useful and a good Astrologer;
. It is already stated that if a node
occupies the sign owned by'a significator, [Editor's noterBy doing }■ such experi-"• '
.the node also becomes a1 significator. ments op minor events, one can predict
iRahu occupies Taurus-Rishaba ruled by the major ones. One's sister has gone,
:,tb'e significator Venus. So, the planets say, to America. To find out when sbe
'-fulingthe degree to be transitted by the would return, inr how many years; months ,
^Ascendant at the time of fructification of and days, take dasa, bhukti system. If j
:the query are"Mefcury, Venus, Jupiter and she is-to return in a few years; take transit
•als&Rahu.-*. 1.. • . of Jupiter; if io a few months, consider *
matter relates only to a minor the transit of Sun: if in a few: days,
^Bvent/.to,. take p]ace within a few hours, .follow the. transit of Mdbn: ifinafeW
th'e transit of ;the Ascendant is considered. hours within 24 hours, work put 'the
' ' II* "T"" * position of .ascendant and//calculate the
^trise in the east was time when that part of thd'Zb'dlac will rise
iSwattn.iu}ed"by* Rahu. At the time of in the'east. Each degree-and -minute of
quety'Chi trai star was raising in the east the Zodiac is governed by (1) Sign lord,
(2) Star , lord and (3) the; sub lord- . The
Dut the star is ruled by above method is'to predict/ taking the
"gignlficator; • So rejeet • inoment when ithe-urge is] thereto answer.
^^uestioo}}'*'r" " \
■■ •v- ■'
(Bala) • •
Will I continue id service? Or will I tion-of Moon. Therefore Moon Saturn
take iip business ? and Kethu show changes.
' . An active and ambitious person who Mercury, Venus and.Rahu indicate that
puts the above query was born at 7 P. M. you will be attached to Sanitary Enginee-
on 11-11-1933 a poppy day. His chart is ring or Public Health Engineering. You
furnished below: will be dissatisfied when Moon a planet
for changes, contemplation, - planning, and
scheming—dasa is on and dissatisfied-
Asc. 17-7 Saturn sub period operates. At the same
time Saturn does not give courage and
confidence to kick off the job as it is in its
own sign and the wavering Moon's cons-
tellation, Sravana. Jupiter, lord of 11,
aspecting Saturn shows that friends and
benefactors will suggest and encourage
Itethui-26 you to entertain hopes, be optimistic
Moon 7-451 especially when Jupiter Anthra rules.'
Ncp. 19-15! Immediately after Saturn Anthra, Mercury
fL*'"! -VenuS ' , follows which is in the constellation of
stf.j .•': 12-32 Merc. Sun Jupiter Saturn. Mercury in Mars sign gains
) . Mars 11-35 25-54 " 20-21 courage though it is in the constellation
Vv '• i-22 • ' , . • of Saturn. Moon brings about change in
•* k.y : ^— carter. Mercury creates chances. Mars'
.Atthe time of birth Kethu dasa Balance fulfils his desire. Hence during Moon
.2 Vrs. II mths. 5 days. . Dasa Mercury BhuktiMoon Anthra he will
j, Profession: leave the service and during Moon Dasa
Mercury Bhukti Mars Anthra, he will start
Consider whether lagna is strong or a business. Therefore he will leave the job
Moon sign. As Lagna is not afflicted take in April 1969 in Ashlesha or Hastha
lagna as the first house and proceed. Nakshatra day. He will take up business
Judge, the hohses 2," 6 and JO: No in May 1^69 when Mrigasira star second
'planet ih'2 and 10.: Mercury is in the 6th * half will be transited by Moon. Mercury,
Bhava:VMercury"'s vsithrs^are- Ashlesha, Venus and Rahu show that he will take up
r Jyeshta and Revathi7^No,planeris:in.any contract business connected with water-
•of the 3 stars. Therefore take Mercury supply fittings. Mercury in watery sign and
:iis the strongestsignificator. drainage as Scorpio is the 8th sign of the
• Zodiac and the 8th denotes lavatory,
Lords Of 9 6 and in af^Mprrnry Vi»nn«; waste, squatting, etc. Does not 8th house
f irid ^Saturn. \ Rahu. is - in.'S.aturn sign., •indicate in the part of the body, return
.Hence, take Mercury, Venus aid Rahu as ' and anus—Therefore one should take that
the.3 sigflifiuatursy"--Houses*3,-^9 and 12 .8th house denotes water-closer.
Vindicate .changes; Kethu and Moon in
Ketbu constellation,"Conjoined with Kethu ■ Therefore he will quit the job and do
;'rdie in 3.' . Satufn is in 9,in the constella- . . business.

Whtn can J have a Steady -'and Smooth loaded " gun and sword. Sat for the*./
life is the query of a person whose chart dilapidated condition of the room. So •
is as under':— reject lagna when it-is afflicted and when'^
Moon sign is not afflicted select' Moon *
i Moon 28c sign. If both are afflicted, you bave tq '^
[Mars 16° 3 select only lagna. The evil in lagna is to
be preferred to the other' as you have to-;.;,
select one of.the evils.- ' '
In this chart, Saturn .is in lagnh sign^4
3—1—1525 though behind it, and Mars is in Moon*'<*
2-53 A.M.. sign. Therefore take lagna alone. \''
Masulipatam -When a doubt arises, consider the titnd ;
when you take the chart for study. To-diy■
it is 15-7-66 it is a Friday ruled by Vejius:,. •
Ravi.IP Vecus \] Asc.
J up..10-3 ■ 28-9 Moon transits in Venus sign. Neither, the-. •
Merc. 21.$. 19-4 \ day nor the Moon sign to-day has anything
1-G : to do with Jupiter or Pisces or Mercury
(lord of the constellation). > •, »;>
Mercury dasa Balance 2 yrs., 6 months. Therefore take lagna. Libra, governed.* .v^
4 days. by Venus. -J
• First note whether lagna is more auspi- What is meant by Steady and Smooth;'--
cious than Moon'sign. Select the stronger life? '
as the first house. If lagna is afflicted
and Moon sign't afflicted, take Moon (1) It may be that one is very rich
sign. .If Lagna is not afflicted, or if both and however much he spends, .he enjoys
lagna and Mqon are afitoted or if both bis life-as it is impossible to spend a part ,
are-afffictedrtake-only - lagna—Importance of the interest, dividend and produce he
is tobe given to lagna. Only when it is gets or
afflicted,*'then'alone one is to judge which (2) It may be that one enters into a ^
sign is' strongerr-compariog with Moon - , lucrative service and all maintaining good' ^
sign. ' V health reduce mental worry and medical
" WhatTis 'meant ".b^afflicted. --A. sign '• bill, contribute for peace, contentmen.;* -»
generally get?spoiled jf-m"alefics by nature and satisfaction and (3) One should d<h
.Saturn/Rabui Kethu oF^Mars occupy. the. have'speculative income calling one sc'-y
'signin which-thV-lagn^-falls-or the sign - as . independant but . depending' on .th;
in which Moon'is^poiit'efl,, whether the patronage of the customers.
.nialefi'c'is in advance. behind lagna or ' Hence for an advocate who rises tb;;
NJoon." •• ' ■ • .. .>}• question one is to judge whether he v.;/
." It isr'siniilar'tq^ih^i.fcillo^Fbg .example."1 have fortune and the speculation is~aT i
Rahu or Ketbu occupvihfe "assign mav be level far above ,one's need,, or one will
compared toT'a 'spake'and 'the sign as a* make up something which is supple-
'robin.* '-Then'when, snake is^fa a-room . mentecTby patrimony, or borrowing or
how can have place^inj.4u^t. room. • . one will get jnto a service with security,
in it.
• Consider , the bouses Sj '^ an v tO» sbcfpdi; i, c have Rahu in Aries.
.bo tse indicates \ones acquisiuon's .baak. tttsMars. Rahu is stronger
•position ai^d ^movable' property; Sixth I*. tbanMars.^^ounhesitatingly with courage
bouse shows setvfee; overdraft* loan etc;, ' and coQfiden&'you: take these three. •
>enth- house indicates prbfessioh, patri- Next question to note,1 what period he
•"abony aad so on. , is running how'and when can be enter the
C. The strength-, of the planet which you period governed by4all these three in per-
haVe to weigh and decide must always be mutation and combination.-
$s fellows As he is running Mbofi Dasa Mercury .
V tellationof
planets the
tenanted in thacons- •Bhukli, the period which will-followe rs-
Vif ^ occupant of the Moon Dasa Venus Bhukti Rahu. Anthra.
Bhavas 2, 6 and 10, •' Moon Dasa commenced on 7.7-60. Venus*
v. '\ |(h) if none, the planets situated in 2, I Bhulcti will start on 7-5-68. ..Its period
6 and 10, ' covers twenty tsonths. In that sub period,
\'(c) if none, the planets in the con- sub sub period of Rabu operates bibfrfecn
stellation of the* lords of the 12-12-68 and 12-3-69. •
cusps of these houses, • . Therefore according to stellar astrology •
^»£t(d) the lords of these Bhavas— on a Swathi star day (in Venus 3ign Rahu
wi1 houses, star) in Rishaba Jagna, when the .ascen-
»■ '*y.4 dant coincides with Moon's position at the
tX j (e) and those conjoined with or moment of studying your, chart,- i.e., in
- J ^ aspected by any of the. strong Rohini star governed by Moon, in Tpurus
significators, ruled by Venus, or when Sun transits in
) Above all Rahu and Kethu will prove to Sagittarius in Poorvashada star and Rahu
he ^strpnger significator, if they occupy sub i.e., 4-1-1969, you will enter into
eithetjOf the signs of the significator. service. Mostly it coincides with your
birth date.
Second house is. occupied by Mercury,
Jupiter and.Sun, though they occupy the By that time, the so-called' janma,
•3ra sign. Saturn will be coming to an end, and it
Asblesba, -Jyeshta and- Revathi are ■will be in Mercury star Rahu sub : Jupiter
governed by Mercury. Rabu, Veniis and ' .will be in Moon's star in Hastbam.
Moon are respectively in these 3 stars- Therefore after you enter into service on
ruled by Mercury.. 4-1-1969, you will have a steady smooth
"*,;.No planet is in Jupiter's stars, Punar- and self-supporting beneficial period.
yasii, Visakha, Poorvapadra. ,-. In between Moon Dasa, Mercury (in 2)
'^No,plant is in Karthikai, "Uthrapalguni Bhukti, Venus Antbra, Rahu Shookshma
foi^thrashada. t will give you service (part-time) and also
• practice i.e., between 15-9-66 and.7-10-66
u'|T^ereforV Rahu, 'Venus and-Moon .are again, when we study deeper when Sun
.ih^threeisVongest significators.t. As Rahu transits in Mercury sign, Virgo, in Moon .
•o^KLethu dp not occupy Venus siga, Venus stdr Hastha and in Venus sub j.e., on
is the strong planet. Moon , sign is occu- 7-10-66 when Moon transits in Gemini
P^ifd. by Rahu. Therefore Rahu is the owned by Mercury, in the starArudbra
strongest. Moon comes next. - - . governed by Rahu, on a Friday ruled by
^SCkn-tbejignificatprs selected be correct ? ■Venus. This does not show steady income.
i^hfnote the"time when you judge the It will fluctuate.
icbart.-^lt is Friday Rohiini star, Scorpio. Steadiness is only from the Happy New
T'agna—-VenusjMoon and Mars indicate.- Year 1969.
S. Kannan
CHAPTER XI U.. From the planets occupying and
(On Death) aspecting the Aruda Lagna and the 8th
place from the Rising sign, the time of
1-3$. At the time of' Query if the 1 death has to be ascertained.
Fixed Signs of Vrishaba, Simha, Vrischika 12-121. If the Sun is in the 3rd* of
and Kumbha happen to be the Aruda Lagna with malefics in 10th, death will be
Lagna as well as Chattira Rasi, the sick in 10 days ; if Jupiter or Venus is'hi
person will not die. If Thula is Aruda 3rd it will be in 7 days. U
and Dhanus is Chattira there will be no. 13-14., If malefics are in 2nd, 7th and
death but only danger. If Dhanus is lOtb death will be in 3 days ; if the Junior,
Aruda and Thula Chattira, the sick person Rahu 'is in 10th while Mars or Saturn. iS'in
will die. their 7th, death will be on the same
4-6. If Mesha, Kataka or Makara is 15. If malefics occupy 4th and^cif
Aruda with its third place, viz., Mithuna', places from the lagna death willlfte in
Kanni or Meena respectively, as Chattira 8 days. If malefics occupy/both tEeMagria
Rasi, the sick person will have danger and Aruda Lagna it will be in 14 day^.
only. If Mithuna* Kanni or Makara
becomes Aruda while its llth house viz., 16. When the query is about the. place,
. Mesha, Kumbha, Makara respectively is of death, it has to be stated that it. will
Chattira Rasi, the sick person will die. take place in the native's own place if the
.If the Aruda Lagna and Chattira Rasi are Rising Sigh is a Fixed Sign; in a foreign
: the same as Vrishaba, Simha, Yjischika or
place if it is a Movable Sign ; and in an
^Kumbha, it is called Exaltation. If the intermediary
Si n
place if it is a Common,
3rd or llth house, cf Aruda are Chattira, 8- .
... it js called Depression. For exaltation (Here the positions of all ther—three
there will be no death and for depression agnas have tb^e studied so as to 'tiave a
..there will be death. correct result.)
1 7-ft- If_th$L. influencing planet being 17. When the Query is about the nature
. strong is the Sun, the ailment is due to fire; • of future birth after death' it has-to* be.
• " if the Moon, it is due to water; if Mars stated, by a learned astrqlpger_tbat,if .a,
•"'it'is due to instruments! if Mercury it is planet is exalted in Udaya Lagna, ..the
, due to "exposure to wind, mist etc.; if person will go to Heaven CDeva Loka);
Jupiter, .it is due to stomach pains; if if such planet * is in an inimical house^be
- is due to cbld; ifSaturn, it is will be born as a beast; if he is in deptes-:
f "due to-'starvation. ; and if Rahu it is due to si on he will_go to .hell";" if^h^islirjla;
; Pfflsqq-or venom and there yvill be death friendly house, he wflFb'e fer.b6r2-riih"?V
^ ■alsp—p—- •- friend's family; and/if "he is iu Qwdkihuu^
f: o " '-If t/malefics
? the■ 6th,
i a are in• .u cl' tu q.,
7th or 8th he will be bora in hisnown-family. f v - >'f
^of-the ^Moon s or if. they are in such a .wNOTESit'.'';
^pbsition' froin^tbe-6th-or- .8th-place-the ——v—^^ ' ^
~ 'If the. Aruda Rasiifalls on the 8th dualVsbody^acd-pne^aiaAMcHy.u.^By J
- if the-Moon is in the . gooddeeds_L the ■ JapaAritjms can .be 'coii-"
f5Sh rthereffom with , malefic^ aspects, the Uulltd falling which thcy'rwffrcause^leat51
z^tyPersoH-wHIdie^^——' Regarding 'Kala. Mrityu ^itrcattnot'sKbe
avoided at any cost, Plaoet's transiting -If the Rising SiEQ^s 'in ;Sarpa/ Kridra-
evil places', Maraka Dasa-bhuktis and mukha, or' Kolamukha Dfekkana with a
inauspicious' query time coming at the malefic in lagna ,and the ;Moon in 8th
same time 'indicate the* approach of. . there will k be death- In this event if the
Kalamrityu and if there are benefc aspects Moon is not in the '8th there will be death
mixed with these three items the indication in respect of Horary Astrology but in the
is' that the period is that of Apamrityu. Natal Astrology the ["requisite is that the
Prasna is vital for the determination, of ,Moon should also be in .the 8th' at the
Apamrityos, same time.
^ Prasnamarga says that the object of Add the rasmis from the Sun' to Saturn
astrology is to ascertain the exact.time of and work out as stated in the Natal. Astro-
de&ih. But when such thing is impossible logy. If they amount to less than 15
to sageSj, Vasishta and/Brihaspati, how to there will be short life and if they exceed
think it;is possible for an 25 therg will be a long life.
Thus iVjhas to be understood that this If the dots in the Sth houses from the
subject is very difficult and predictions
should be given with care and reservation. .. lagna and the Natal Moon are less than
those in the lagna there will be a long life
■: ANUSHTANA PADHDHATI: If the and if they exceed, short life. This has
lords of lagna and the 8th House have to be found in the Samudaya Ashtaga-
.tienefici&l aspects there will be recovery varga-
from illness and'good longevity. If they Note the feign occupied by the lord, of
have'malefic aspects longevity will be poor; Rising Drekkana. If Jupiter transits this
If^there are mixed aspects the effect will be sign or its trines there may be death.
meditim. ■' . Similarly from the drekkana occupied by
. If an inimical planet is in the lagna- or the lord of Sth. has also to be found out.
in the Moon's Rasi there will be death. Find out the weakest of the lords of
Though a natural benefic if he is an enemy k ■ lagna
an early death has to be told and though a 'l Gulika or the Natal. Moon,' the Moon,
and the drekkana, lord of Sth and
natural malefic-if he is a friend a good." also its navamsa. If Saturn transits .this .
loRt-evity has to be told. ' 8 . or its trines there may be death.
• If the lord of lagna or 'Aruda is in Add together the Ibngitudes of lords of
combustion or depression* there will be 6th, 8th and 12th .ami find the resulting
•s> sign. Similarly the longitudes of lord
The lord of 8th in a Kendra, .the lord of lagna, Gulika and Saturn may also be
of lagna being . weak and .the Moon in taken:* If Saturn transits these signs or Gulika will indicate early demise. / their triangular signs death may result-
Tf Tthe' Moon is in the 'lagna' with a - In the* case of Night birth if Saturn tran-
malefic jn the 8th and, Jupiter in the L2th' sits the sign occupied by Gulika or its
•there, will be death. • ' ' . . trines anfl in the case of Day birth his
fMajefic's in the; 4th ..and 8th ' simintape- s transit over the 7th house from Gulika or
'oUsly^ of rthe" Moon" betwixt two' malefics' its trines'inay cause death.
will .(Muse death.. Beneficial aspects jwill v Rotate ^he seven planets in the Hour
rblievetbis: *1 Planets order, from the Sun-rise to the
* -Mfithe Moon is'with^.a . malefic in lagna, time of. birth and find the planet. If
17tK,:4.8th,~.9tb ' or.il2th * withput.^an' Jupiter transits the. sign occupied by him
ia^Dect-ol:a benefic^there wi 11 b .edeath. of its Uioes
;f there may be death.- Jupiter's
i^agna. falling in a Pnshtodaya"..sigii', • •transit over 'the Navamsa. Lagna or its ',
trines will also cause the same result-
malefics in lagnaj 4thr' 7th of ' 8th* place
and.rthe Moon in the'Sth affect the' longfc-" ' . - At the* time of birth if .the Sun occupies
a mbvable'sign his Dwadasamsa Rasi; if
— ^ • ^67
(fe^fiiipies ao immovable sign, tbe (4) The querist standing in the dik
navainsa occupied by the lord of 8th from denoted by his Natal Moon.
.lagna; and, if he occupies a Common (5) Aruda Lagna falling in the 8th
sign, the na'vamsa occupied by the lord of 4 ' • of Querist's NataLMoon.
lagna has to be taken. . If the Sun tran- (6) In the 8th place'of the Nataf
sits these signs or Itheir trines death may Moon the occupation of the lord
. take place. . of the natal star or the lord of
■ ■ Add together the longitudes of the Sun,. the star occupied by the Moon
Satum and Gtilika or those,of Lagna and at query time or Gulika of .the
Gulika and the resulting rasi and amsa query time. •i
have to be found out. If the Sun transits Lagna, lord of lagna, 8th house, lord'
these signs or their trines there may be of 8th and the Moon are ■' the principal
death. significators of death. If these receive
If 'the Sun transits the sign occupied by beneficial aspects everything will be auspi-
the lord of 8th or if the Moon transits the cious and ntalefic's aspect afford contrary
sign occupied by Natal Sun or if the results.
Moon transits the star occupied by the
' lord of 8th, death may take place. 'Add together the longitudes of lagna
Note the 8th places from tbe Navamsa and the lord of 8th and if Jupiter, th
Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Kethu
Lagna or from Moon's riavamsa. Death .transit the resulting rasi there may be
Besides these one has < to find out- If the Sun transits the- sign occupied,
whether the native . is passing through by. the lord of 8th of the Natal Moon's1I
Maiaka dasas and bhuktis and also star of the Natal Lagna star may, be
whether there are leaps in the Kalachakra death. 'i
dasa system. Applying the general prin-
ciples of astrology one has to state If the Moon transits the natal Sun's
whether there will be death or not. rasi, the sign occupied by the lord of 8th
PRASNA MARGA says the following; or its trines, natal Rahu's star or its trines
or the star occupied "by the lord of 8th,-
If the lords of Lagna and 8th are in there may be demise.
depression or combustion the querist will Note the 8th house of Natal Lagna, the
have disappointments, unnecessary ' sign occupied by the lord of 8tb, the 8th
travels, illness and poor longevity. house of the sign occupied by the lord of
If the lofds'ofla'gna and 8th combine 8th and tfie navamsa occupied by the lord'
or if they occupy exaltation, own or of lagna. The lagna of death will be in,
friendly houses, or if the lord of lagna, any of these or their trines.
Jupiter and. Venus are in the quadrants
or in the 2nd there will be a good (All tbe above apply, to tbe natal fioros-1
'IpngeVnyTi""" ; .. i cope of the querist.) "
The. querist though of sound health.will In the Prasna the following'positions
.die soon-in the. cases of the following six' may have to be observed:
combinations: . Saturn's transit nvrr- r-.nlika-Natamsa
fl) If Gulika occupies tbe querist's Rasi of Prasna, Jupiter's' transit' ,on the '
star or its trines,. ' ...., navamsa lagna, the Sun's transit on tfie
' ™(2) ~ If Gulika-occupies-the- 8th -of-lthe Aruda Rasi, and the.Moon's transit on thei
" ' " . Natal Moon. sigh occupied by Gulika will indicate the
time of death if mostly combining.
(3) lf: the"lord of-tfie Querist's natal.
-S.:.-, . star ^becomes the lord of the sigh ' Note the most weak planet amongfi
" occupied /by 'Gulika"af"query Saturn,—Jupitcri .the^un.-and ^th'elMo'on [;
^having affliction. ..If such planet" tfa'nsits
(he sign denoted by the last leller of the - If .Mrityti «Sputa-and Prana-
querist's sentence (here may be death. In -having such connections .(
this the letters are distributed as follows: become unconscious. ■ '
Out of the three sphutas - mentioned
AO, Ng. r ch, 3. if the longitude of Deha Sputas is -greatest
V.W. S. Sh. there will be .sound health ; if Prana Sphuta
exceeds,. there will-tnrgrowth ' of illn>.« -
and if Mrityu sphuta exceeds, there will be
. death.
If the Mrityu Sphuta falls in the Natal
star or its tries or in Aslesha, Jyeshta or
Revati (here will be death.
Pancha Maha Sutras: (Prasna Marga's
The Sutra found from Udaya Lagna and
Aruda Lagna is called Samanya Sutra and
this is Prithwi Bhuta (Earth). The Sutra
If the Sun transits the star occupied by found from the lords of those two lagna
Gulika at Query, time or its trines or if he is called Adhipa Sutra and it Jala Bhuta
transists the sign occupied by the lord of . (water). The Sutr? from Navamsa Lagna
3th, there may be death. Similarly, if the and the Aruda Rasi is called Amsaka Sutra
Moon transits the star occupied by Gulika and-itisAgni Bhuta (Fire). The Sphuta
(here may be death. found from "the ascendant's star and the
Querist's star is called Nakshatra Sustra
Find the star occupied by Trisphuta which is of Vayu Bhuta (Air). The Sustra
. (explained below) for the query time and found from the Aruda Rasi and its 10th
count this upto Aslesha, Jyeshta or Revati sign is- called Maha Sutra which is of
whichever is nearer. The death will be in Akaya Bhuta (Ether). Thus these
so many years, months or days, the five sutras .represent the five elements and
Lagna Navamsathipati and Lagnathipathi in Prasna this is essential as the body is
are friends the period will ne years! if they made up of five elements.
are neutral it will be in months if they If the Aruda Lagna and Udaya Lagna
are inimical it. will be in so many fall in movable signs or if one in immova-
days ; and it they are very inimical Jt will ble signs and other fixed, it is Jeeva. If
be so many gha'tis. • both of them are immovable or one mova-
' Tri-sphutas: Add together the longi- ble while the other common it is Mrityu.
tudes of lagna, the Moon and Gulika. If both of them fall in common signs or
The resultant figure is called 'Tri-spbuta one movable with the other fixed it is
Multiply the longitude of lagna by 5 Roha. Thus there are three categories
and add that of Gulika. This is Prana in the Samanya Sutra. Similarly there are
-sphula (life).Multiply the Modn's "longi- three categories in other sutras.
tude by 8 andadd Gulika's longitude-This If the lords of Aruda Lagna and Udaya
is Dega apAuro-(body).. Multiply Gulika's Lagna are the same planet or friends it is
figure by 7 and add the Sun's longitude. Jeeva: If they are neutrals it is Roha and
This is called Mrityu Sphuta (death). if they are enemies it is Mrityu. This
If the Prana-Sphuta and . Deha.-Sphuta applies to Adhipa Sutras.
fall in the same sign or if they mutually If the Aruda Rasi and its 10th fall in
aspect each other or if- they are in trines the Night signs it is Jeeva and if they fail
.within themselves there will be . long life. in the Day signs it is Mrityu. If they are
-If :Deha'7Sphuta and Mrityu-Sphuta :have - .mixed it is Roha. This is division in
snch'cbnnectidns'therewill be severe illness Muba Sutra. (Mesha, Vrishaba, Mithuna
"anus arid Makara1 1are Night 'If :the Sun occupies - the •Tri-sphuta),
the rest are the Day signs.) portion. it will affect the: ifrither, if the,^*
7 Regarding ibe other two Sutras the Mouu occnpies it will affect the mother, .'
procedure is as'stated for Camanya Sutra if Mars occupies the brother amt 'limiljfly u
since the nature of . signs only..are taken for other planets it has to be found
into consideration in these. ;' out.. ,lf the Trbsphuta falls in a quadru- .
ped signs atrisa .with' a malefic, there.
If there is preporiderance of Jeeva Sutra will be death of a quadruped. In .the
there will be good longevity,, wealth,, same-manner biped signs reveal human
virility and other auspicious results. If beings and watery signs reveal the destruc-
Roha Sutra dominates there will be ail- tion of water-logged things.
ments and ' obstructions. to the " desired If the ailing person has the ailment at
endeavours. . If there is Mrityu Sutra
there will be fear, growth of illnessjoss in. the time of query appropriate to the
planet occupying the Tri-phuta. , sign
undertakings and death. Thes^ sutras '■ or such planet's navamsa lord he will "die
can be examined in marriage, progency ' undoubtedly. The Sun denotes fever,
etc." if the queries are about them. headaches and other heat "complaints 1 the ,
. In the query about ailments if the Roha Moonindicates dysentery ordiarrhea; Mars
.and Mrityu sutras fall in the sutras rela- or Kethu denotes wounds; Mercury indi-
ting to the five bhutas, the ailment appro- ° cates loss.of strength to eyes, tongue or
priate to .such an element has tp be stated. mind i Jupiter denotes mental upset, pains.-
, , Effects of Tri-sphulas: If the Tri- on the limbs'; Venus denotes swelling;,
iSphuta' falls in Kataka it Is evil' and if it Saturn indicates rheumatism ; and Rahu\
falls in Vrischika it is more and if it falls denotes falling down.
in Meena it is still more evil.- Similarly
if it falls'in Aslesha, Jyeshta and Revati. CHAPTER XH
it is bad in . the progressive order. In . On Dinners
amsas the evil will be greater, pads to
pada, and in stars also it will be progres- 1-11. When a Querist asks in what
sive, pada to pada. vessels, with what vegetables and ..with
If the Tri-sph'uta falls in the last how many persons the" food was taken
navamsa of Kataka there will be death what was the perceptible taste of,
within a year, and if it falls the last whether the-participants were his 'friends
,'M>sa of Vrischika it will be in a month. _ metals or enemies, whether the utensils' were of
*Meerra'*s*last navamsa-indicates a day .or clay and such things should^ be
- answered"according to the" information
:; In Samhara Kanta, Samhara Rasi or' furnished in this chapter,' ,
Samhaira Nakshatra if Xiisphnta falls -
there will be death. If it falls in Deha. 2-3. If the Udaya Lagna is ^Jdesha."
arnsa or Janmanujanma stars or conjunc- .the dinner will be with muttomarid(greens;'
tion of mrrlrfr.-s thprp wiil bp death. Vrishaba indicate mtlk, ciitdj - etc; ;
Mithuna, Simha and Dbanns indicate fish-
' (The four signs from Mesha represent es, Kataka, VrfcV-hiVayMflkara-nnd Mepna
iSnshti Kanta, the next four . Sthithi and indicate ripe fruits; KanDi,' "Thula- and
e'ttre-uext four Samhara Kanta. Regarding' Kumbha indicate plain food'withgut side
'the signs there will bq rotation from dishes ., '
-Mesha in the order, of Srishti and -'Slhithi.
"Samhara". - -Regarding -the 27 - stars - there*- - .... (Some' authors "opine-rthat-r Mithuna-,—
ijwill bfe such a rotation.) '. - Simha and;Dhanus:ip^ieate; plahtatjon^> _
"--Tri-sphuta falling in Srishti Kanta, rasi, cocoanuts and .such .other vegetables." or ™
porstar or con junction of bericfics especially... greens.) •.. .-""iVjjy, ^ ^ ,.. _ •;."
-in the first navamsas of Mesha, Simfia and - . 4-8. If the Sun if in,the lagna the fopd1'
rChffiiis^there-wilEbe good -longevity^-; Jr. should have'been soufj+pnterrand pungerit.-
-2232 22;r.r.j; 2"4O
, .art,1.;.
Moon denotes tubers or fishes; Mais the Rising ■ Sign'will, ibow whei&ifjyt'hc
. denotes rice and honey : Mercury indicates place was good or hot. Benefies will indi-
prcscrvaltons; Jupiter -'denotes cakes, cate a decent hotrse' and malefies will"
porridge, ghee and elegant food; Venus, denote old or dirty place. The 2nd house
l denotes honey, sweet-cakes, milk, .ghcc,
will reveal Lbs plate Or leaf uied for pla-
?eECtab!eS etc.; Saturn indicates oil, " dog the food. Malefles will show That the .
millets eld.; and Rahu denotes soups. leaf or plate was mutilated; while benefics
(Thcsc'should be taken as prominent in win reveal satisfaetion in this respect.- The,
the dinner.) kind of plate or leaf can oc dctcrtnlned
with the sigpificators of the-planets. The
9. Tbe Sun, Mars, Salufn, Robu and 3rd house represents the side dishes. An
Waning Moon are malefics. The waking esamination of Dhalu, Moo!a and Jceva
Moon, Jupiter and Venus are benefics. If categories will be helpful in pitching upon -
Mercury combines a becefic be is a benefic (he variety of vegetables, mutton; fruits
and if be combines a malefic he is a etc. The 4ib house will reveal the quality
malefic. Kelbu is a malefic. of water, vessel. Mnlcfics bete will indi-
10-10}. If benefics aspect an odd sign cate dirty water-supply. Some opine that
tbe querist would have eaten wilb full thit Will reveal the qualities of -the host.
appetite but if mnlcfics excepting Saturn Some opine that (his represents the inmates
aspect he would not have been hungry nt -■of the house. The Sth house denotes the
all and hence be would have taked poor qualttiei of host. Mars here will reveal
quantities of food Only. If Saturn aspects that he is of angry or rude temperament.
an even sign be. would have eaten cold Just like this it has to be stated. The 6th
rice witbom appetite. house denotes the side dishes like salads,
etc. The kind of vegetable and the sliud-
11-12. If the Sun siid Mar's combine rssaj have to be ascertained from this.
food with mutton; if the Moon, Venus The Sun-will indicate pungent salad,
and Rahu combind with butter, ghee, curds Saturn will indicate bitter gourd etc. and
and milk : and'if matefics arc in watery i, Rahu Kelbu and Gulika will indicate mutton
signs while benefics in other signs, with oil salad. The 7ih bouse denotes the watery side
the querist would have taken tbo'food. ' dishes like soup, plain butter-milk etc. Tbe
(Here oil may represent plants produc-. 1 Sth house represents the principal disb
tug oil also.) Tt«, wheat ate. Saturn here will denote
cold food and the dragons will denote
13-14. The kinds of cooking vessels- odorous or spoiled Or unbaked food, The
and of plate's have to be determined based 9ih .house Vepresenls other guests pattici-
on tbe points mentioned inlDhatu Kanta. paLiag." The 10th bouse represents the
Regarding the varieties of dishes Mbola',4* satisfaction expericncd to quench the
Kama has to be referred. Regarding the hunger. The 1 tth house reveals the coo-
stature, complexion, name, relationship ' vefsatioa tata'og place iu tbe dinner table.
etc, of the other guests Jceva Kanta bas to The 12tb house denotes the rest after' tbe
be referred to, ,■ dinner.
Prasna Tantrs says,*"'At a query as to
This ckopicr is not important nowadays. what sort of food etc., tbe querist has
Further dishes.vaiy couotty to country. ^ eaten on the particular day, if the Asceo-
State to State and caste to -caste. Hence , dam is an immovable sign, it should be
one bas to look to the circumstancesof the - said that he bus eaten only once, if it is a
query. dual sign, twice, and if a movable one,
several times.
Prasna Mdrga says that "lagan hat* td'bc
mveitigated regarding the. health, of the When the Moon occupies the lagna,
'querist. •' The lord of lagna 'Will revedl the ^.tlic'foo'd is full of salt; when Mars, it is
direction faced at the time of dinner' and piuDgaifl^whed-Jupiter, sour; when the
; whsei • Venus, bjtter.; when;- . Mpon or when the hiobn and Mercury are^,,
Mercury, it is a mixture of all tastes *. and* .. posited iji a'-Kendra .ahd are also assocEat-t.
whenSaturnvit is ftstricgait.-\ . ed with benefics,.. and when malefics are^
"Whedthe Moon is aspectedby>thelord ™ Upachay'a house,the person^ wjll have.'
of the sign she occupies, theperson mtist,. . or has had a hearty and .delicious dmner
have had a happy meal, otherwise a wretch- leading to mutual love and the purging of
•ed one ' •. 4
■ all traces of hatred.
•• If Saturn 6r Rahuis posited in the , "The lord , of--lagoa .'represents • the •;
lagna and is also aspected by the Sun,. giver of food ; that of 7th, appetite* and
ttie person will be invited to a dinner that of 10th, the eater.. If the 1st and '
by his enemv and be wounded by weapons houses are conjoined with or aspected .by> •
, and if the Moon and Mars are in the lagna. benefics,' the - person will get good
"and are'aspected by Saturn, then too he will. " food." ^ t .
receive blows.
.. "When Jupiter and "Venus, endowed be continued)
"With .strength, 'are. conjoined with the
This'is. the eh rt.of a person. I find Venus Pa J piter Bhukti. But from 1962>
hat the general principles fail. He made i.e., Saturn bhukti offers till date n.ot only
.umper profits during ashtama adhipathi he is losing in his business but also facing
i. piter Bhukti. : He lost, much and be defeat in his attempt-. This is the fact. '
as borrowing during Rajayogadbipathi Even according to .other dicta (Uthra-
Saturn and Mercury' Bhukti. Can you kalamrita) Saturn and Venus are neither
explain why it is so ? exalted nor Swakshethra nor Vargdiha-
A student. marosa, ' when alone it is threatened that
. Kethu l Mars one may lose; further both dasanatha and
1-40 1-46. bhuktinatha are neither in Sashtasthma or
Venus ° Mercury
•tn 'ro ' in 2 and 12 to each other. Therefore onp _
cannot" reconcile the results which the'
native bad experienced.
But according to Western system, Venus
10—6—1921 and Saturn form evil aspects of 135° and
,• Friday , Venus and Mercury form 67}° evil aspect.
So, one can expect loss in one's profes-
sion or business, failure in attempts and
deterioration of bank position. The only
thing that can improve is the borrowings
and that which will be increasing is -the
——' , —b : According to Krishnamurti. Padhdhati,
Saturn Dasa Balance 2, years. 10 months was in. Venus star Rabu's sub
^ uays. whereas Saturn was in Venus staf Kethu
ji „. siib and Mercury was in Rabu's star Mars
'! sub.i Rahu represents the results of the 6th
Ydu are born , on a Friday ruled by house. Kethu indicates that of the lord 6f
Venus in Rishaba lagna owned by Venus 12 and Mars owns the 12th house. There-
in, Pushya Hafofrathra governed by Saturn fore any planet'in the sub of the lord of 12
and in Kataka Rasi lord of" which is or its agentKethu must nectssaiily bring in
Moon. Therefore ;Venus," Saturn and loss whereas the lord of 6 or the node in 6-
Moon are the 3 ruling planets. is to improve bank position. That is Why >
Generally people born in Rishaba lagna . Jupiter in its. bhukti gave profit to the
will expect brilliant results during the sub' native whereas Rajayoghathipathi Saturn
periods of Satttrn and Mercury as 'Saturn • and the beneficial Planet Mercury gave
is said to be Ekarajayogathipathi by own- ' heavy loss.
ing a Kendra and a Kona sign, especially Hereafter when Sun'Dasa comes what it •
the 9th and the 10th houses; Mercury . can do> "we judge. Sun is in the
owning the 2nd and the 5th house is 'also; " sub 0f Rahu. TherefoiC-duxing Sun Dasa •
considered to be a strong benefic*.^ Jupiter SunBhukti it icaHvantagpni^ • the follow-'
, islofd_pf.8 and lord of 11 and hejs const. jug 0|je governed by Mood is also in the
dered.-to be a malefic to Rishaba lagna.-— sub"of Rahu; so it will prove to be profit-'
The aboye is the general principle. _ _ able.-Therefore one can expect again /
. ■'.•'.This native has made bumper profits and ? .■ similar'- buniper profits, sound, bank posi-
- arned most satisfactorily during the years_j-.tion,and peace "of mind only from'April,
S57 to.I960,.when he had been runnihg^^ "19681 " •-•r..
'-45.- .'
(FOUNDED: 1-4-1963}
(Astronomy Madi East)
fracafti 4 2449

Jyothisha MarChand
13. Brahoiin Street. SaMapct

VOL. 4 NOVEMBER 1966 NO. 11

Lord lianesh
" Fortune—From When " 5
Timing of Events by Progression 6
No More Doubts: Traditional Astrology 11
What Rajayoga is this? 14
Change of Profession 16
Choice of Friends: Friend or Foe IS
Child Absconding :' Is it Alive or Dead ? 20
' Giving or Receiving 21
Imprisonment 23
"When am I Born?" 25
Krishnamurti Padhdhati—The need of the Hour 26
Service or Independent Work 29
Transfer '& Cancellation of Orders 32
Tour Programme of the Editor 33
Child Birth—When? 34
Courage and ConBdence or Cowardice and Confusion 35
Krishnamurtbi Padhdhati 37
Daily Guide for November 1966 39
Position of Planets 45
November 1966—Ephemeris 47
Monthly Prediction for November, 19(56 49
Asks a photographer running his own (2) The occupants of these 3 houses
show at Delhi: His birth was at 6-24 P.M. If none,
on 13-4-1929 at 31° 32'N and 75° 57'E. (3) The planet in the constellation of
The chart is as follows : the owners of these houses. If
(4) The lords of these houses.
0rf ?5 29 (5) Planets conjoined with them or
aspected by them.
Kethu is situated in the second house—
Bhava: Uranus is in 6: None in 11 :
Uranus has no constellation.
Kethu governs Aswini, Makam and
Moolam. Sun and Venus are in Aswini,
Saturn is in Moolan. Neptune who is not
allotted a dasa is in Makam. Hence Sun,
FOrl 4 27
Venus and Saturn are the significators.
1 AA
Sat 7-44 l"
Kethll(M Let us verify with the moment when
this query is answered (and not the time
of asking, The astrologer should have
Moon Dasa Balance 2 years, 8 months, the urge and answer. The time when be
12 days. Now he is running Jupiter Dasa, answers gives correct clue. Think of
Venus Bhukti from 7-11-64. your Lord or Goddess, predict). It is a
(1) Where is Fortuna ? It is in the Friday 26-8-66. Lagna is in 9° Capricorn.
second house, third sign. It is in Moon is in Poorvashada star in
Mars sign, Saturn star Rahu Sagittarius. Therefore Friday, ruled by
sub. Rahu is in the constellation Venus; Ascendant Capricorn owned by
of lord of 12. Hence gains Saturn, 90in Utbrashada governed by Sun,
without pains or windfall is not Sagittarius Rasi belonging to Jupiter,
indicated by Fortuna. If your Poorvashada star under Venus lordship
wife or partner tries, they will rule this moment. Hence, Jupiter, Venus,
gain during theconjoinedperiods Saturn and Sun are the ruling planets.
of Saturn, Mars and Rahu in As per Krishnamurti Padhdhati,
August 1985. Prediction given Saturn, Sun and Venus are found to be
to this date is safe, as the author the strongest significators.
will not live to see. Is it not? Therefore, unhesitatingly declare that
(2) Take houses 2,6 and 11: One can his financial position will improve from
gain only when another loses: so Jupiter Dasa, Venus Bhukti, Saturn Anthra
take 6th house: second house and Sun Shobkshma. As he entered into
denotes your bank position and Jupiter Dasa, Venus Bhukti on 7-11-64,
the 11 th is the net profit. There- Saturn sub sub period commenced on
fore note the strength of the 23-7-66 and Sun sub sub period will start
planets in the following order. on 13-10-66. From then, he can expect
(1) The strongest is the planet which better days.
occupies the constellation of the Whenever he runs the conjoined periods
tenant in the above 3 houses 2 or of Saturn, Sun and Venus, he will have an
6 or 11. If none, then. advancement in his career.

The Moon is the most quickly moving inharmonious, at birth indicate a certain '7
of all th6 heavenly bodies. It travels trend of events to befall a native. When-
through the Zodiac at a speed between 12° ever these two planets make a similar
and 15° a day, and as each day after birth aspect,by progressed motion, they specify
is considered to be equal to a year of life the time when such a trend will culminate
(i.e., 12 months) in progression, its pro- in events. Technically, the infiuence of a
gressive motion is between 12° and 15° a major aspect by progression is due to
year. At this rate, the Moon will circle operate as soon as the aspect is complete.
round the Zodiac or return to its radical It does not however happen, unless lunar
position once in every 27-1/2 years or so, directions, akin in nature, also concur.
and duriQ£ period it will form all This seems perhaps to be the reason why
possible aspects by progression to all the major progressed aspects are at times
planets, cusps and sensitive points in the retarded or excited into action prematurely
radical figure as well as to its own radical so that the significant events promised by
position. In an average man's life, it will the major direction are experienced later
make two or three revolutions.round his than, or ahead of, the expected time.
horoscope by progressed motion and the The Moon acts like a mirror. It collects
same aspects which it formed with the the influences from one planet and trans-
radical position of the planets, etc., in the lates it to the other, thus bringing about
first 27-1/2 years will be repeated over the culmination of an event. The Moon,
again once in 27-1/2 years. in its progress, through the various houses
The Moon's progressed aspects, also of the horoscope influences the matters
called Lunar progressed aspects, are of governed by the houses through which it
vital significance since they indicate minor passes.
phases in one's life. Lunar progressed
aspects when they concur in nature with Compared to the Moon, the daily
the progressed aspects between the Sun motions of the Sun and the other planets
and any planet, or between two planets, are slow, and as one day is the equivalent
are supposed to stimulate the major pro- of one year in progression, their progressed
gressed aspect and set it into action motions are proportionately slower. In this
prematurely. For instance, if such a direc- respect, the progressed motions of these
tion as Frog. Sun trine to radical Jupiter, planets may be likened to the short or hour
occurs in a certain progressed year, then hand in the clock indicating the probable
the positions of the progressed Sun and year when a certain event will crystallize.
the radical Jupiter constitute very sensitive The Moon acts as the long or the minute
points for the time being. When Moon, hand and marks the exact month when the
jn its progress, comes to either of these expected event will come to pass. |
positiddSdf £A&se& liDrfSvourable aspect It is common experience that even ,
to both, the majui dij'PCiiuu is set into strong aspects between two planets' by
force. progression produce feeble or no effect
Two. planets, 'A' and 'B', which without a corresponding-aspect from the
were in a certain aspect, harmonious or Lunar or the Moon. That is to say, the
influence of a strong trine - (beneficial)
aspect by direction formed by the Sun or
any other planet will not be brought to
the stage of Friction until a similar, though
not necessary the same, such as • 30°,
60°, 72°, 120°, 144°, etc., is formed by the
progressed Moon. In like manner, the
evil indications foreshown by a square
aspect between two planets by direction
will prove to be harmful only at the time
when Moon, by progressive . motion,
aspects unfavourably the places of the
progressed and the radical planet or passes .
over the position occupied by either of
these two.
From what has been said above, it
follows that a calculation of the Moon's
progressed motion for each month is very
important for reading results.
Suppose the Moon was at 27° Aquarius
52' at 5-30 P.M. (1ST) on 19-4-1933 which
corresponds'to its progressed position on
16th February, 1967 (Adjusted Calculation
date) for the native born at 7-30 P.M.
(1ST) on 16-3-1933. If we subtract the
Moon's longitude on a given day from its
longitude on the day following, the diffe-
rence obtained is its motion during the
intervening 24 hours representing 12
months in progression. Division of this
by 12, gives the rate of the Moon's
monthly travel. Subtracting 27° Aquarius
52' from 10° Pisces 50' where the Moon
was on 20-4-1933 at 5-30 P.M. (1ST), we
get 12° 58' as its progressed motion from
16-2-1967 to 16-2-1968, its monthly motion
being about 1° 5'. This monthly motion
should be added successively every month
to the longitude of the Moon given in the
Raphael's Ephemeris on 19-4-1933. As
the position of the Moon on 19-4-1933
refers, in progression, to 16-2-1967, succes-
sive additions of S" 5' refer to the Moon's
progressed position on the 16th March,
16th April, 16th May and so on till 16th
February, 1968,
One should be able to read the progres-
sed positions of the Moon in each year in
a short time so that it is possible to know
readily when a given aspect will fall due.
Take a sheet of double foolscap paper
and rule it vertically to get 14 columns as
given below. The first column refers to

the progressed year commencing from the tarius 33' on 14-4-1933. Find out whether
Adjusted Calculation Date. The second . the Moon, during its above passage, will
column contains the date in the birth year make any aspects. The Table of Aspects
ephemeris which corresponds to the pro- lists all the aspects that can occur1 to
gressed year. The other 12 columns radical planets, Asc., M. C and Fortuna.
respectively refer to the 12 months com- Look to the column ' Sagittarius' and
mencing from January. Now, for pur- keep your 7finger across " 3-4" under
poses of illustration, let us work out the ' Sagittarius and slowly trace your finger
Moon's progressed positions between 1961 up to ' 17-18' Sagittarius and set down all
and 1965. The positions stated in the the aspects in the order in which they are
Raphael's Ephemeris on 13-4-1933 corres- formed. Since we have already tabulated.
pond to 16-2-1961 by progression and the progressed positions of the Moon for
those given for 17-4-1933 correspond to every month, no further calculations to
16-2-1935 by progression. Refer to the find out the exact date in a month when the
Raphael's Ephemeris and insert the Moon's aspect will be in operation are necessary.
position given therein for 13-4-1933 It is a sufficiently precise for our purpose
in the Table under the column 'February' if the month is known.
against date 13-4-1933. The Moon's
positions in the Ephemeris on the succes- A. glance through the * Table of Aspects'
sive days up to 17-4-1933 should be simi- reveals that the progressed Moon will
larly copied under the column 'February'. make aspects, in the order mentioned
Like this, below, to all the radical planets, etc.
It is observed that Moon moves from 3° during the twelve months period commen-
Sagittarius 48' on 13-4-193310 18° Sagit- cing from 16-2-1961:

(1) 67-1/2° to Saturn March 1961

(2) Square to Mars Do.
(3) Sesquiquadrate to Uranus April 1961
(4) Trine to Mercury Do.
(5) Square to Rahu and Kethu Do.
(6) 108° to Sun May 1961
(7) Biquintile (144°) to cusp of M.C.
(10th house) Do.
(8) Square Neptune Do.
(9) 54° Asc. June 1961
(10) Sextile Saturn September 1961
(11) 18° Moon (radical] Do.
(12) Quincunx MC. October 1961
(13) 112-1/2° Mercury Do.
(14) Opposition to Fortuna November 1961
(15) Sextile Asc. Do.
(ife) 126° Uranus December 1961
(17) Square to Venus Do.
(18) Square to Jupiter January 1962
(19) 54° Saturn- February 1962
As against the numerous aspects formed in one year by the Moon alone, the
progressed aspects formed by all the-other, planets together during the period under
consideration are only the following :
(1) Prog. Uranus sesqui quadrate to
Neptune radical January 1961
(2) Prog. Venus in 54 to Fortuna March 1961
(3) Prog. Sun sequiquadrate to
Neptune radical May 1961
(4) Prog. Sun bi-quintile to radical
Jupiter Do.
(5) Prog. Venus conjn. Uranus November 1961
(6) Prog. Venus 45° to Rahu ; 135°
to Kethu December 1961
(7) Prog. Mercury 162'' to Ascen-
dant Do.
To work out the directions formed by 8° Taurus 18' on 27-3-1933. During the
the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, period under review, Venus forms 27
Saturn, Uranus and Neptune for a period different aspects to the radical planets,
of 15 years, say, between 16-2-1960 and etc.
and 16-2-1975, proceed as follows. The Next to Venus is Mars. Mars travelled
motions of the planets between 12:4-1933 from 0° .Virgo 52' on 12-4-1933 to
and 27-4-1933 represent their progressed 2° Virgo 13' on 27-4-1933, the actual total
motion between 16-2-1960 and 16-2-1975. motion during the above period being
Refer to the Raphael's Ephemeris for the only 1° 21'. It makes only a biquintile
year 1933 and turn to the page correspon- (144°) aspect with the position of Mercury
ding to April. Take each planet, one by at birth in January 1963.
one. Run your eye down the column
marked ' Sun' and note its passage bet- After Mars, comes Jupiter. It was at
ween 12th April and 27th April, 1933. By ' 14° Virgo 28' on 12-4-1933 and had retro-
a comparison with the 'Table of Aspects graded to 13° Virgo 33' on 27-4--1933, the
ascertain what aspects are in the process total retrograde motion being about 55'
of formation and when they will be due. during the 15-year period by progression.
The Sun moved from 22° Aries on It barely makes two aspects, one of 157-
12-4-33 to 6° Taurus 45' on 27-4-33 and in 1/2° to natal Mercury in August 1960, and
the course of its progress it makes as much the other a sextile to M.C. in February
as 20 aspects, major as. well as minor, 1963.
to the radical positions of planets, etc. Slower to Jupiter in speed is Saturn. It
Note when the first aspect will be formed was found at 14° Aquarius 48' on
and then pass on to the next aspect and 12-4-1933 and on 27-4-1933 it had arrived
ascertain the exact year and month when
it is due. In this manner, exhaust all the at 15° Aquarius 40' the motion during the
aspects of the progressed Sun and calcu- period being 52'. The only aspects which
late the year and month when they will it forms by progression are (!) a trine to
be complete. . Fortuna in November 1963 and (ii) a trine
The next is Mercury. It passes from 26" to Asc. in August 1971.
Pisces 26' on 12-4-1933 to 10" Aries 40' on Uranus which is slower than Saturn but
27-4-1933. Mercury is seen to form 20 faster than Neptune, had moved only 51'
aspects in all .to the radical positions of during the 15-year period by progression,
the planets. Set down the aspects in the i.e., from 23° Aries 17' on 12-4-1933 to
order of their formation and note the year 24° Aries 8' on 27-4-1933. Its two aspects
and month when each of these is due to during the period arc (i) a sesquiquadrate
operate. .(135°) Jo natal Neptune in January 1961'
Take Venus next. It was posited in 19° and (ii) a biquintile (144°) to Jupiter
Aries 45' on 12-4-1933 and had reached radical in January 1962.
Neptune, the slowest of all, was located oue degree by prOgressiou, its monthly
at 7° Virgo 45'on 12-4-1933 and by retro- motion is roughly 5' in progression..
grade motion it had gone back to (Sun, Mercury, Venus aud Mars in the
Virgo 31' on. 27-4-1933» covering 14' 9th house at the time'of birth and in
during its passage. The only aspect it direct motion are auspicious as they will
makes is when it is in 162° to natal Sun in progress in the houses 10 and 11 in one's
February 1974. lifetime. Such persons, though boru in
It is important to remember that the an obscure family, will cpme out success-
?lanets Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and ful and enjoy life. But these planets in
upiter are so slow in their progress that the 5th or 6th or 7th threaten with dishar-
during a period of two months (60 years mony, debts, difficulties, danger, depres-
in progression) they will seldom be far sion, dejection, death, litigation, failure,
away fromithe positions they occupied at etc. as they will progress in the houses 6
birth. Rarely do they form any progres- and 8.)
sed aspect, unless they had^een within the Mutual progressed aspects
orb (width) of an aspect in the birth chart. These are made when planets other than
The motion of Mars is variable ; in some the luminaries, the Sun and the Moon, in
months it is quick in motion and in some the course of their progress, reach certain
other months it is slower than normal- positious when they, come to a conjn. of
The aspects which it will form by progres- the place occupied by a radical planet or
sed motion will entirely depend on its rate form an aspect to such place. The time
of travel. The slow-moving planets will over which . these mutual progressed
however form aspects by transit and these aspects are effective varies according to the
are very important. speed of the plauets^ Firstly, no two
The Sun, Mercury and Venus will how- planets move in the Zodiac at the same
ever form a number of aspects by prog- rate of speed. Secondly, the speed of any
ression, though not as numerously as the one planet is not uniform throughout-r
Moon. The Sun moves mostly uniformly sometimes it is slow, then it is stationary
at the rate of a degree a day but Mercury and thereafter it goes faster. When a
and Venus are highly variable. The latter planet is stationary in pbsidon, the influ-
planets also turn retrograde at certain ence of a progressed aspect which it may
intervals. Therefore, while the approxi- form Will be felt over a long period.
mate position of the Sun for any progres- Slow moving planets passing in aspect
sed year can be calculated by mental direction to the places occupied by the
working, such positions of Mercury and planets in the birth chart or passing their
Venus can be known only when the eph&t own positions at birth or coming to a
meris for the year of birth is referred to. conjunction with the degree on the cusp of
Condensed Ephemeris is of no use. Daily a house, more especially the Ascendant
motion must be referred. and the Meridian (10th house), pressage
Solar progressed aspects certain definite events, especially if the
planets were in similar aspect at the birth
The Sun's progressed aspects, otherwise time. If at the time of birtb, slow
termed 'Solar progressed aspects' are con- moving planets owning evil houses are iu
sidered to be far more important than conjunction or if they form aspects
those of others except the Moon. The mutually, the person will al ways-face diffi-
Sun is the source of light and life and its culties and obstacles. Success comes after
passage over a sensitive point in the he or she gets dejected. Mostly the life is
horoscope is significant. According to an uphill struggle. But slow moving
our sages, the Moon represents 'Mathi' benefics forming favourable aspects pro-
" Or the mind and stands for contemplation, mise a successful career. All are pre-
while the Sun governs fructification. As arranged for the person and he or she will
-the Sen moves-about one degree a day or be crowned with success with least effort.
(1) Difference between Traditional will give the same result, whomsoever the
astrology, Simple Astrology and Mecha- mechanic may be.
nical Astrology:— (2) It seems that Sathabhisha has
Traditional Astrology is the Science said that Astrology is not intended for
which involves days of calculation for such cheap or ephemeral purposes like
Hora, Drekkana, Navamsa Dwadasamsa finding the colour of the saree to be worn
Trimsamsa Shadbhala, ashtakavarga etc., by one's mother or wife. Is there any
and finally unable to give the exact nature advantage of doing such a research V One
of event, time of event as there are many may ask. Sathabhisha is ruled by Rahu in
alternatives, with much of flexibility and Saturn sign Aquarius. Its lord, Rahu,
further not useful to offer predictions in. can never throw light as it has no matter.
cases of births within 10 minutes difference My research mind is that
having the same rasi and Navamsa Chart (1) if I can predict the colour of the
but depending on intuition. If needed, saree which one's mother or wife
when time permits me, it will be discussed. will use at a time and either of
If anybody objects, I will furnish such them or both will change the
twin charts: let the learned persons saree at another time, taking any
explain how to pick out number within 108 and using
(a) who lives even today and who Hor&ry astrology which can be
died, verified at once, then if I come
(b) who is rich and who is poor etc, correct always, I can make use of
or at least give out a uniform this system to find the colour of
method to judge. the dress which the jocky who
Simple Astrology means one single wins a race, will put on. Is it
procedure in all cases for all problems not scientific to select the winner
taking relevant houses, to each variety of after successful experiments;
problems, finding out the significators and (2) if one knows which colour is
predict the results correctly with courage beneficial to one by judging the
and confidence and receive congratulatory ruling planets, one can prescribe
letters from the persons after the predic- such colours to anybody to have
tions have come true. some santhi, reduction of evil
Simple Astrology idoes not need tbous- , effect.
ands of slokas to be memorised and use (This can happen only when lord of
any of them conveniently for that , 9 or Jupiter aspects the planets ruling the
moment. If * Karak Bhava Nasaya' is dasa and bhukti, then.) Suppose one is
quoted it is applicable to late Pandit lazy, lethargic and idle according to one's
Nehruji and not to late Surya Prakash chart: if that person wants to suggest
whose horoscopes are known to the readers any remedy so that he can be active and
of Astrological Magazine. Mars is in alert,t suggest red colour; if one wants to
3 to both. Panditji had no brother. But avoid accidents prescribe red paint; if one
Surya Prakash was one of the many child- suffers from small-pox leading to pustila-
ren to his parents, having brothers. tion, suggest red colour, in which case there
Mechanical Astrology needs no intui- will be speedy recovery and further, scars
tion. But one should know the requisites; will not form and disfigure one.
the proper procedure to be followed Suppose one is very violent and mentally
systematically and scrupulously: study he is deranged, suggest blue colour; for'
the instructions: then the mechanisms, violent hysterical patient, suggest blue
colour, i.e., blue paint to the walls of the them useful astrologers by following
room, blue window curtain etc., if an Krishnamurti Padhdhati.
astrologer wants, to improve, let* him. use Also let him read the unbiased opibion
Epeen ink* of the Australian Astrologer,, who had
Therefore, one should know, which toured throughout the world, discussed
planet denotes which colour; which planet with all known astrologers in each
is favourable: and suggest that colour. country- With OPEN MIND . he said
How will he believe? So, tell him that his that he had visited Bangalore also, and
wife or mother is wearing a particular my system is supreme, convincing and
colour, at that time and let him verify correct I have tape recorded his findings
after he returns home or by booking a and then published in My Magazine
trunk call, if she is away. It is not " Astrology and Athrishta." Also other
yekshini, but science. letters of appreciation from strangers all
He who knows how to interpret* will over India and outside about my
appreciate. It needs clear thinking, Padhdhati may also be once more referred.
imagination and shrewd intelligence to (4) The writer of thatatticle on October
analyse. Moon stands for imagination 1966 Astrological magazine adds I keep
and clear thinking. Analytical study and on open mind 4\ Yes. To him it isan open
intelligence are signified by Mercury. In mind. To me it appears that it is an
my chart, Moon is exactly in the Ascen- attempt (like Antony) to impress upon
dant and Mercury is close to meridian. the readers that his judgment is impartial
So, I always do such successful experi- and correct. But when I have gone
ments on minor affairs and apply to major through the article, I say emphatically
events; mostly I am very accurate. that he has not understood and used
Though it may not look decent to write correctly the fundamentals, the house
such articles, as a situation has arisen, division and the sub which is essential for
once, for the first and the last time,'! have' Krishnamurti Padhdhati. Therefore the
to clarify. readers may even think that it is not an
(3) A writer has said that " the open mind but probably vacant mind as
Padhdhati has miserably failed in its regards Krishnamurti sub-division, house
application to all horoscopes(So he division, etc. and hence his remark1 is
makes us understand that in some it comes baseless.
alright" added to this it makes confusion (5) He has also said " It is easy to
worse confounded.4' How far he is • publish chart where success has been
correct ?" achieved by4 applying this principle after
There are many astrologers who unlearnt the event.' Yes. I will even do only in
what they learnt before and strictly nowa- this manner. I want to teach,' what
days follow only Krishnamurti Padhdhati. method I followed and how it had come
They have offered, are offering and will true. Not that, I do not fail in any. In
offer astoundingly accurate predictions. those cases, when I have no time* to apply
They have no confusion. They argue very my method systematically and if they
clearly. If one says that my system is expect the prediction in no time I may
confusing, I can suggest that he learns fail But I take it again in my leisure,
jnore from my students and has his verify and feel happy that my Padhdhati
confused ideas clarified. Let him under- is correct* but in that haste one point
stand that people from Delhi, Bombay, escaped my notice. I never hesitate to
Kazipet, Warrangal, Guddapah, Hydera- publish my failure, under the title " Limi-
bad, Bhusawal etc., visited my place, tation of the astrologer ** and not limita-
stayed with me in my residence, learnt tion of my Padhdhati.
the .subject, most satisfactorily—and—are Does he expect me to publish theoreti-
opening branches of my InStitute~to"have" cally the various rules, symphosium on any
regular coaching of students and making single point without giving my concluding
remarks or reprint the miserably failing It is true. But suppose keep quite.
ones and failed ones. Let readers Such articles will somehow create bad
be informed that Mr. Surya Prakash, impression on those who have not gone
son' of Mr. B. V. Raman published in through my magazine. That is why, I
1961 Annual issue under the title ^ Hints have sent a reply to Mr. B. V. Raman to
or judging a horoscope" or so, his publish in Astrologicaj magazine. Whether
method of judgment and predicted that it appears there or not, a copy of it, 1 am
the native was denied of marriage. Are we. publishing. So also, if incorrect ones are
to follow his footstep? He actually got published and those who fail miserably
married on 6^6-62. 1 can understand that are wrongly boasted and he who comes
one may fail in one's prediction. But what correct is attacked, I emphatically assure
I cannot understand is the reprint of the that 1 will reply suitably hereafter.
same in 1965 Annual Issue. Does it not
amount to misleading the readers. Has Toleration has a limit.
the editor taken pains to know whether
the person is married or not? Or has he (7) Suppose Venus Bhuktf operates,
at least mentioned that it is not verified? one is promoted or one becomes popular
What a misguidance! Does this writer or one enjoys luck how will it happen 7
expect me to write theories like this or to If Mercury Dasa, Venus Bhukti operates
take fulfilled predictions and give the only the senior will be transferred, the junior
one method of procedure, argue and prove will be promoted. If Venus is in a dual
that my Padhdhati is correct Let readers sign, after promotion be will hold addi-
judge. In the above case, I predicted to tional charge of the junior post also.
Mr. Seskadri that he would get married on Therefore if a tea party is arranged, one is
6-6-62 and he invited me for the marriage given for the person on transfer and the
and introduced me to a few strangers as other for promotion. If Jupiter Dasa,
one who had given astoundingly accurate Venus Bhukti operates there will be uni-
result. form upgrading or in the chain of promo-
Therefore (1) which method is supreme tion^ this person will be one and enjoys
(2) what does he expect of me? Let him with others also. Tea party is given for
clarify. Let me make it clear that 1 will their promotion. If Saturn Dasa, Venus
ever do like this,' proving my Padhdhati Bhukti operates the senior will die suddenly
correct by taking the fulfilled predic- and the junior will be promoted. In Delhi,
tions. in April 1961 one officerin Supreme Court
consulted me. I predicted that around
Mr. R S. Kalyanam, the writer of the 26-6-1962 he would have promotion. He /
article can write to me. I will publish said that his seniors were much younger
with my remarks. Do you want me to to him as they were all L A.S. Officers and
publish such theories wherein it is said he was not. 1 explained to him as I
that Chavan and Ayub Khan will quit and explained above how Saturn gives. Actu-
Lai Bahadur will conduct the elections as ally on 26-6-62 the higher official died in
is predicted , in " Astrological magazine, the office due to heart-attack while
Bangalore." signing a paper and he was at once
promoted and this Officer who is promoted
One may consider that it does not look still continues to be in the promoted post.
alright to publish against contemporaries.
It will be advantageous to offer correct I am sure 1 will be more popular and
method, instruct and on a later date prosperous without any inimical activity
at least inform whether the prediction has soon. All will appreciate and approve
cOme true or not. my discovery.

(Vaidyanathan, New Delhi)
What Rajayoga is this? during the last 15 years of my life the
Subject: Exalted Jupiter in the Karkata general trend has been one of cumulative
Lagna, Gajakesari yoga, Sunapha yoga: deterioration notwithstanding occasion!" i
Rajayogadhipathi, lords of 9 and 10 very spurts upwards of this Bhagya curve of
strong. mine, which appears to continue to be on
the decline. I have been nurturing high
ambitions and still continue to do so in
Given below is my horoscope born in spite of the calculated and deliberate choc-
Fngnnr—Malaya :■ king of these by the Omnipotent Provi-
dence who appears to be keen on getting his
pound of flesh as a price for my unknown
ihu | and unknowable Prarabdha like the wolf
j of Aesop's fable. During my school and
college days too this Prarabdha has been
plaguing me, never allowing me to shine.
11-30 P.M. This continues to haunt my life and all
ff-ll-lV31 my ambitious plans in the field of fine arts,
mathematics, philosophy and literature,
remain half finished. The only buoy that
sustains me in this struggle for existence is
Merc., Moon
Saturn Vemis, Su the hope that something would be left of
Macs me after the pound of fiesh is grabbed of
me, when I could proceed to implement
my plans unimpeded by the worries of
.Ketbu, -SuD Prarabdha.
2. I, therefore, solicit your advice
whether I can spend my energies in trying,
to keep alive my flicker of hope with a
Micwaberian optimisira for something to
turn up before my cues on the stage of this
earth are over.
Yours faithfully,
"""■ Venus, Vaithyanathan.
Saturn j Rahu 29-8-66.
(Editor's note:) To consider Raja yoga,
degrees are not needed; so he has not Reply :
supplied You have approached one of the correct
' 2. All astrologers of merit whom I have persons, who attaches no importance to
been consulting assure me Chat Jupiter's . these yogas, as they give false hopes to the
—position-in my horoscope vouchsafes a majority of the people whereas only a'very
glorious life of realized ambitions. But few alone enjoy ; say 2%.
Gajakesari yoga is found in the horos- No planet afflicts Jupiter by conjunction
copes of people who cannot have money or aspect (Hindu System).
to have frequent shave but have to grow
the beard: (I yard — Gajam ; Kesari — But according to Westerners, Jupiter has
hair), sopoor they are. When anastrologer Conned sextile aspect with Moon and
mentions, it appears as though you have Moon- was separating. It did not square.
to write this one yard—(Gajam) in length.
What is the advantage of this yoga ? Only Therefore, Jupiter cannot promise better-
when you go deep, study carefully, you ment to you.
can understand that the yoga can do good
only to a negligible percentage of people. Saturn.—No yoga is caused by him
The lords of the sub and the constellation Qelther Sunapha nor Anapha—In a way,
'^unless they own beneficial houses, the Vipareetha Raja yoga operates, as lord of
yoga cannot offer beneficial results. 8 is in 6 and it is mutually in 6 and 8 with
lord of 6, Jupiter and is mutually in 2 and
One should understand the fundamental 12 with lord of 12, Mercury. But I do not
principle. The planet in any position is the attach any significance to this Vipareetha
source: it indicateshowa matter will be Raja yoga as.I see thousands suffer, having
Accomplished or fulfilled : but the result these combinations.
favourable or unfavourable is decided by Then how are we to judge?
the lord of the sub whereas the matters
which will predominate and be given by Note in which constellation, the planet
the planet is judged from the ownership of is deposited. Jt is in Puuiva^hada govern-
the lord of the constellation. All sages' ed by Venus. Which houses are ruled by
say that Saturn bwns houses 7 and 8 to Venus ? 4 and 11. What do they indicate ?
Cancer-borns and planets in those signs get 4th house shows education, residence,-
their characteristics modified by Saturn. conveyance, etc. 11th house shows reali-
But I say, that planets, in whichever sation of ambition and to Cancer-born-'
sign, and whichever House they aie posited Bhadhakasthanaalso. Therefore any planet
they are under the sway of Satuiu if they in the constellation of lord of 11 must do
are tenanted in any of the 3 constellations, good to anybody. Therefore, you please
Pushya or Anuradha or Uthrapadra and wait till you enter into Saturn Dasa, Saturn
offer the matters of 7 and 8 houses. Bhukti, Venus Anthra. You are sure to
have a lift in your life.
•As your Jupiter was in Ashlesba govern-
ed by Mercury who owns the 12th house, For • Cancer-boms, Jupiter either in
(one of the 3 evil houses 6, 8, 12) Jupiter Mrigasira in 12 to Cancer, i.e., in Gemini or
whether he is a benefic or a malefic by Poorvashada in 6 to Cancer i.e., in Sagit-
nature, ownership and house position, tarius, or in Dhauishta in Aquarius in 8
must be disadvantageous to you. 12th to Cancer will offer brilliant results. It is
house shows Viyaya—loss: So bow can applicable not only for Jupiter. Any
one expect to thrive in Jupiter's period and planet in those positions will bestow
how far can Gajakesari yoga help him. favourable results.

Profession is to be judged from the hoases
2, 6 and 10 and changes from the 12th
Your prediction regarding my change house or 12th to these houses.
of profession has come true. You also
predicted that t>ill change to Revenue Second house shows finance and self-
Department on 7th day of December 1965, acquisition, 6th house shows service, 10th
Actually I got orders on the same day house shows profession and 12th house
to the Revenue Department. shows changes. 2 and 6 houses are vacant.
Please enlighten me how you predicted 10th house is occupied by Mercury, Sun
so exactly- and Jupiter. 12th is vacant. [Occupants
Yours sincerely, are stronger than owners.]
L. RANGA RAO. Find out whether nodes are connected
with these booses or lords of these
Having been bora0 on 20th day. of June Ketbu is very close to 7th cusp. It is
1942 Saturday 17 58 N and 79° 40 E, aspected by Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and
Balance of Venus Dasa is 16 years, 6 Moon. So the node Ketbu represents the
months, 27 days and the chart is as given lords of 5th, 6th, lOtb and I2tb bouses.
f x | Rabu is in lagna with close conjunction
IX Merc. (RJ XI with Moon, lord of 12, and so it re-
Venus 1 24-43 I Sun 4-44 presents lord of 1 and 12. Hence, the
28-02 Sat. 12-28 Jup. 9-16 nodes Rabu and Ketbu are very strong
You consulted me to know the change
in your profession. For any change,
consider the 12th house. 12th bouse is
Lagna 13-22 vacant.
Bftha 15-37
Afoou 14-3B Moon Dasa started from 17-1-1965.
Moon is lord of 12 in your horoscope. It
ITT " is in the Lagna Bhava. But the, node
Fortuna Rabu is in close conjunction in the same
5 sign.' So Rabu is more powerful than the
W"' 4-15
Moon, because nodes are stronger than the
Uranus Saturn I Fortuna Moon is in the constellation Pubba,
governed by Venus, lord of 3 and 10.
Whenever the Moon periods or sub periods
operate you will find changes in profes-
sion. So also the planets under the sway
of Moon and Rabu will give changes in
I Lagna your profession.
1I Moon.
Raliu. Saturn is lord of 6. It is in Moon star
; Mercury Rabu sub. It will give the change. But
I (R) Ketbu occupied the Saturn sign Kumbha.
Hence, Kethu is stronger than Saturn.
Whatever the results Saturn is'to give, the
same will .be given to a good extent by
Kethu. And the planets in the constella- the change has come in the Moon Dasa,
tion of Saturn will have the same results. Mars Bhukthi and Mars Anthara. At that
But the extent to which they can offer will time Sun transited in Scorpio sign, owned
be less. by Mars and in the constellation of Mer-
Mars is in the constellation of Saturn, cury which . is the lord of 2 and 11 which
Pushyami; Further Mars is aspected by is also connected with the above planets.
Saturn. . And when Moon transitted in the 10th
sign Taurus (Rishabha) in the constellation
So change is definite in Moon Dasa, of Rohini, governed by Moon, the lord of
Mars Bhukthi. Mars being in the 11th 12. This happens on 7th December, 1965.
Bhava, the change in profession will be The day is Tuesday governed by Mars.
beneficial satisfying you in all aspects
(Mars 12th sign—11th house). This is the analysis and final judgment
At present you are working in Medical for change in your profession, according
Department. But when you run Moon to " Krishnamurti Padhdhati" which is
Dasa, Mars Bhukthi, you will change1 this simple and accurate in finding the major
department and enter in Revenue Depart- or minor events in any one's life.
ment Because Mars is Bhu-Karaka. Mars Again you will have to change this
is in the ICataka Rasi, which is the 4th profession (Land Revenue Department)
sign of the Zodiac. 4th house shows lands, and go back to your parent Department
etc. Jupiter who is the chief indicator for (i.e.. Medical) and it will occur in 4th '
Finance is aspecting Kethu and is con- week of October, 1966.
joined with Sun (Government). So it is
clear that your profession will be connec- (Sd.) M. M. Rao.
ted to Land Revenue Department Exactly 6-9-1966.
By friendship, it does not mean that pondence and it may be for .a short time.
every one can expect something or other If lord of 3 is. also lord of 12, then this
from the friend; either by his physical person, on a later date will prove to be a
labour, or correct advice or by assisting scoundrel, cheat and secret enemy. Never
at the time when one needs. But a person talk to such rogues. In weak moment if
is to be considered as a friend if he never you hint anything, they will build up,
(1) thinks evil, does harm or be give shape to it and either write anony-
observing the mischievous action mous letters or betray the person.
of the evil-doers, though he may A person born in Cancer Lagna had his
not connive at it; Venus in Revathi constellation ruled by
(2) if he gives moral support and lord of 3 and 12. He had a friend born in
acts as an intelligent minister; Virgo owned by Mercury.' The friend
(3) if possible, lend assistance when knowing every secret of the person gave
one demands or needs it information at such a time that the person
was arrested a couple of hours before his
One is a real and useful'friend if he daughter's wedding, when there was a
understands the situation of a- person as large gathering. This scoundrel did not
helps the person to fulfil his desire. attend the marriage. Hence, those who
Astrologically, 11th house indicates are born in Cancer or Capricorn, never
realisation of one's ambition: it also make friendship with those whose ruling
denotes elder brother, real friends, per- planets are Mercury and Jupiter respec-
manent friends, one's gains or the assis- tively.
tance received by one. If lord of 11 or significator of 11th
1. If lord of 11 is in the constellation house matters were to be in the constella-
and sub of lord of 1, 2, 3, 6 or 10 or 11, tion of lord of 4 and 9, do not make
that person will have friendship with one friendship with those whose ruling planets
who will be helpful. are the lords of 4 and 9. Such friends are
2: If lord of 11 is in the constellation for taking money and material and. never
and sub of planets signifying the matters remaining grateful.
of the houses 4,5,7,8, 9 or 12, the person If it were to be in the constellation of
will be a loser through his friend. lord of 5, you will always lose, the so-
Lord of 11 or planet signifying • 11th called friend will ever gain.
house matters in the constellation of lord It is very true, if lord of 5 is also lord
of 1 or sub of 1, is a sincere and perman- of 8 or 12. This, is invariably true
ent friend who will materially help. Gemini-born will ever lose through friends
Lord of 11 or planet signifying 11th born in Venus constellation: so also
house matters in the constellation of lord Sagittarius-born through those born in
of 2 or sub of 2 indicate that one can Mars constellation. Similarly Aquarius-
make money and gain through friends. born loses through those whose ruling
Some will- give encouragement by offering planet is Mercury : Leo-borns lose through
mental solace while the person is depres- Jupitarians.
sed and in many words give the person If it were to be in the constellation of
confidence. lord of 6, he ever loses : the native gains.
Lord of 11 or planet connected with The friend gives and the native receives.
11th house matters give chances to make Suppose you are weak minded. You want
friendly during short journey or by corres- to play cards. You play with such people
— 18
who are born in lhat constellation, lord of But if lord of 12 is a malefic and a
which is the lord pf either 1 or 2 or 3 or planet is in its constellation, whichever
6 or 10 or 11. You will win. But if you house the planet may own or occupy, the
plV; with those born in that star— ultimate result is loss.
Nakshathra, lord of which rules the houses
4, 5,7, 8, 9 or 12 in your chart, you have If lord of 3 is in the constellation of
to lose. lord of 12, the loss or waste or anxiety or
secret enemical activity will be through
If the lord of 11, or planet signifying neighbours or cousins or while making a
11th house is in the constellation of lord short journey or by editing, publishing etc.
of 7 or 8 or 9, you cannot rely on him- If lord of 4 is in the constellation of
He will be time serving. lord cf 12, the loss may be through
Lord of 11 in the constellation of lord mother, conveyance, change of residence,
of 10: most helpful, faithful friends: building, failure in education etc. If it is
Reputation, honour, prestige will be on lord of,5, loss may be through visitors,
the increase. Such persons born in the companions, music or musicians or
constellation of lord of 10 will be a good children or through speculation of pleasu-
propagandist to make the person popular. rable pursuits.
Lord of 11 in its own constellation brings 6th house lord denotes due to disease one
permanent friends who are very useful. loses. Lord of 7 denotes through litigation
. Lord of 11 in the constellation of lord partner, wife or husband: Lord of 8 shows
of 12 is dangerous. Never rely on persons that one incurs loss by repaying prohibi-
born in the constellation of lord of 12. tive interest on the money borrowed.
They are your secret enemies. They Lord of 9 indicates the expenses through
cannot but be silly towards you. stranger, father, long journey, higher
They will behave as though they are studies, etc. Father himself may prove
low-born and ill-bred. They will talk to be untrue to the person especially when
pleasantly but be planning to do harm. lord of 9 is also lord of 12- A friend of
Never allow them inside. Stop them near mine is born in Libra. Lord of 9 Mercury
the gate. Talk and send them away. They owns the 12th house also. Saturn was in
do not deserve a better treatment from you. Ashlesha ruled by Mercury. During
Saturn Dasa, Mercury Bhukti, his father
Generally one can bave good friends if gave away his possessions to another son
lord of lagna and lord of 11 form -good and did not give anything to my friend.
aspects. Planets forming adverse aspect Lord of 10 shows change in service:
with lord of lagna show that people born illegal gratification given for promotion.
with those planets as their ruling planets
cannot be good friends. Lord of 11 in the constellation of lord
Malefics in the constellation of lord of of 12 loss through elder brother or friend
12 threaten that those born in their cons- or son-in-law or daughter-in-law.
tellation can never be . a faithful friend. If lord of 12 is stronger than lord of 1
Kethu in 11 is also not auspicious: cheat- or 11, the secret enemy is more powerful.
ing will be the motto. Lord of 7 stronger than lord of lagna,
Benefics in the constellation of Lord of opponent is powerful.
12 indicate expenses with pleasure or pur- If lord of 1,2,6 and 11 are stronger
chases or investment. than lords of 7, 8, 12 and 5, the native
Planets in the constellation of lord of ever gains, wins the litigation: comes out
12 (benefics)—Show pleasant expenses, victorious in election passes through com-
buying materials or investing on lands,. petitive examination wins in competition
building, business, etc. etc.

The 5th house indicates one's child the If one judges the horoscope of an abs-
8th house therefrom, i.e., the 12th house conding person, analyse in the following
shows whether the child is alive or dead as way and decide.
one is to consider the 8th house for
longevity. 4th house shows permanent place of
residence. 12th to 4th is the 3rd which
If lord of 5 is in the constellation or denotes that the person leaves the perman-
sub of lord of 10, the child is ill. ent place. 9th house indicates long
If lord of 5 is in the constellation or journey and the 12th, life in a secluded
sub of lord of 12, the child is dead* or foreign place. Therefore 3, 9 and 12
houses signify one's absence. Hence
But if lord of 5 is in the constellation planets in any manner connected with
of or sub of lord of 4 or 7 or 1, he is gone these three houses indicate that in their
out, but he is not dead. conjoined period the person will run
If lord of 5 is in any manner connected
with lord of II, he will return. The twelfth houses to these three houses
3, 9 and 12 i.e., 2,8 and 11 show his
If lord of 5 is well connected with lords return especially houses 2 and 11 promise
of 3, 9 and 11, the person will search for re-union.
him and find him out.
Results are always enjoyed only during
If Mars is connected with 11th house, the period and sub-period of the planets
police will be useful and helpful or the connected with the houses 2 and 11 for
child will be found in Police Station. reunion.
Gifts : Prithuyasas says that a person 7. Lords of 1 and 2 in mutual ex-
will give gifts liberally if Moon is in 7th change-liberal in gifts.
Bhava. But I say that planets in the 8. Jupiter in the Navamsa sign
constellation of Moon when Moon is in occupied by Atinakara-
7 or when it owns the 7th house, will give'
opportunities to the person to liberally 9. Jupiter in 1 or 3 and Moon in 10.
donate during the period and sub-period Kalidoss suggests that one is to
of such planets. judge gifts from 7th house.
Saturn indicates receipts of gifts :
Similarly Mercury in the 10th house but 3th house indicates feeding
shows that the person liberally give gifts. others; gift for people affected
Planets signifying the matters of 10th by natural catastrophe.
house, if they occupy the navamsa sign Vaidyanatha in Jataka Pariyata
ruled by Mercury, one will be liberal in says:
donation. 1. Jupiter in the second house or
Sun, Venus and Jupiter conjoined in 2. Moon in 9 or
any house show that the person will offer 3. If in one's horoscope, 5 planets
gifts. occupy their own sign or
People born in Punarvasu give gifts 4. If one is born during Cool season
beyond their capacity; Moon in Gemini winter or
is favourable to offer gifts. Also people
born having their lagna in Navamsa in Accepting gifts:
Virgo will be liberal in gifts. 1. If the planet signifying the 10th
1. Mahadeva in Jataka Tatwa says: house matters were to be in
That if lord of 9 aspects Mercury Navamsa either in Sagittarius or
in exaltation in 11 or in a Kendra Pisces, one has his living by
one gives liberally. accepting gifts.
2. Lord of lagna strong in 11 and
2. Lord of 9 in exaltation and also aspected by lords of 9 and 10.
aspected by a benefic.
3. Lord of lagna in a Kendra and 3. Lord of 5 in 9, lord of 9 in 10
lord of 9 in 1 or aspecting lagna. and aspected by lord of lagna.
4. Lord of 9 in a Kendra or Kona
4. Lord of 9 Simhasanamsa aspec- and aspected by lord of 10.
ted by lords of 1 and 10.
' Gifts according
5. Lord of 9 in good varga, aspec- judged from the 8th to Westerners are to be
ted by Jupiter and lord of lagna house.
aspected by Venus. According to me, receipts are judged
6. Lord of 9 in 4, lord of 10 in a from the houses 2, 3, 6 and 11 . giving
Kendra, lord of 12, aspected by away is to be judged from the houses
Jupiter gives rich presents. 8, 9,12 and 5.
(Donates landed property gives 3. Second house indicates increase
away building.) in bank position^" Third house
shows sahaya—assistance, help, 1. The strongest ' significator is
etc. from others (represented by that planet which is situated in
7th house). Sixth house denotes the constellation of the occupant
parting away by the person who of the houses 2, 3, 6 or 11.
> gives and 11th house is the 2. If none, the occupants of these
gains. houses. Their strength is less
7th house shows one who receives or than those in their constellations.
one who gives i.e., a transaction done with 3. The planets in the constellation
another: the person with whom one of the lords of these houses.
transacts: 4. The lords of these houses.
Therefore 2, 3, 6 and 11 houses counted 5. Planets conjoined with or aspec-
from the 7th indicates the benefit to the ted by them.
other, i.e., giving the gift to another. All these give opportunities to give
Therefore 8, 9, 12 and 3 houses indicate gifts. The strength is to be judged in the
giving the gift. above manner.
Rule is ever universal to find out the Similarly, planets connected with houses
significators. 8, 9, 12 and 5 indicate the gift one gives.
Hindu sages give various conditions The question is asked: "Will I ever gp
under which one will be imprisoned- to jail 7 If so, what is the duration 7 When
Ganesa, son of the artist Gopal and will I be released? Will I be imprisoned
grandson of Kanhajee, the court astrologer off and on' 7 Why 7"
in Gujarat, in Jataka Alankara says that a Imprisonment includes separation from
person will be imprisoned if all the male- the family : not to have free movement:
fics are posited in 2, 5, 9 and 12. to be confined within 4 walls: change of
If the lagna is Aries or Taurus or residence and bedding: no Sukasayana
Sagittarius, he will suffer rigorous impri- 2nd house shows life with the members
sonment. of the family.
Mahadeva in Jataka Tatwa gives the Restriction in the movement is indicated
same above rulings. He adds that persons by the 12th house.
born in Scorpio having mhlefics in 2 and ' Change of residence: 3 and 12.
12, 5 and 9 will be kept in cellars. If Bedding: Desirable or undesirable 12th
malefics are in 2 and 12, also 5 and 9 to house.
Aries Gemini Virgo and Libra-borns, they
will be put in fetters. Cancer, Capricorn Suka Sayana—12th house.
and Pisces-borns will be kept in a fort Therefore malefics occupying the
without fetters if the lagna is hemmed in constellation of the planets situated in
between malefics occupying 2 and 12, and these houses 2 and 12, occupants of these
also forming trine aspect to lagna from 5 2 houses owning evil houses, evil planets
and 9, i.e., they do not tie .the legs or in the constellation of the lords of these
chain them. houses, lords of these bhavas threaten
If lords of 1 and 6 are conjoined with imprisonment.
Saturn in a Kendra (1, 4, 7 or 10) or in a If lord of 1 is also connected with, any
Kona (1 or 5 or 9). One will be impri- of these, one courts imprisonment.
- soned in Brihat Jataka, Varahamihira says
that a man will be lathi-charged and If lord of 6 is connected; due to inabi-
imprisoned if Saturn is in Scorpio. lity to return the loan, civil prison.
Vaidyanatha Dikshitha in Jataka Jupiter, Venus or lord of 9 and 1
. Parijata mentions that one will suffer connected with the significator indicates
imprisonment during the period of the imprisonment on political grounds.
chakra dasa of the 6th rasi. Kalidoss in Mars or lord of 8 connected with any of
Uthra Kalamrita says that one is to judge these significators show that one will be
imprisonment from 12th house. punished for theft.
Ramadayalu in Sanketanidhi says that a Saturn and Mercury threaten imprison-
person will commit murder and undergo ment due to forgery, falsification of
imprisonment if Venus is in 2, Moon in 1, accounts, misappropriation.
Sun and Mercury in 12 and Rahu in S. He
also suggests that one should judge the Mars, Saturn and Venus threaten impri-
houses 6 and 12 for imprisonment. sonment due to rape, kidnapping, brothal,
Thus these authors are of opinion that etc.
12th house signifies imprisonment; 5, 6, 8 Mars and Saturn give imprisonment due
and 9th houses are also to be judged. to murder.
, The scientific explanation for imprison- Release includes reunion with kith and
ment and' how to judge according to kin, free movement and independence 2
Krishnamurti Padhdhati is given below. . and 11th houses indicate the above results.
Therefore bene&cs in the constellation of If lord of 8 is strong and afflicted one
the significators of the houses 2 and 11 will die in the jail.
indicate the release.
Hence the ' period and sub-period Rahu, the ascending node is the chief
governed by evils connected with the significator for jails.
houses 2 and 12 show the time of impri- Good aspect to 12th cusp or to the
sonment and the period and sub-period of - significator of the 12tb house and evil
the benefics connected with the houses 2 aspect to the second cusp or the signifi-
and 11 indicate the time of release. The cators of the second house forbade
internal is the duration of the imprison- confinement.
If the evil planet connected with the In the course of my official tours to
houses 2 and 12 were to be in 3 or 6 inspect the water-supply to the prisoners
or 9 or 12 and in fixed sign, the dura- in the jails in Madras State, I bad the
occasion to collect materials, horoscopes
tion is long. etc., from both supervisory staff and the
If the evil planet be lord of I (like convicts. In majority of the cases, there
Saturn for Aquarius owning another evil was strong indication of imprisonment
house 6 or S or 12) and is in 4 or 7 or because of the occupation of an evil
8 or 12, connected with the significators planet in 2 or 12 and in the constella-
for imprisonment and is combust or tion of sub of Rahu which is also
retrograde, 'one will be a jail-bird. connected with 2 or 12. ■
Asks a person born at Jullundar on20tb Therefore lagna is between 12® 16' to
November, 1935 night and before the Sun 12° 33' or 23p Libra. Since the date of birth
rose in the east on 21st November, 1935. is 21st November and the party says that
He does not know the exact time. It may at least more than an hour and half before
bebetwcen 3 and 4-30 A.M. on 21-11-35. sunrise he is born, of these two his lagna
Time of query and answering: Friday cannot be 23°. Libra as Sun will rise in 45
2-9-66 when the time is 6-02 P.M. The minutes; therefore his lagna should be
lagna that rises at Delhi on 2-9-66 at in 12° 16' to 12° 33' in Libra.
6-02 P.M. is according to Sayana system If one calculates, the time will be 5 hrs.
0° 18'. Pisces. Deducting Krishnamurti 18 rats. I.S.T. = 4-49—48L.M.T. at 31° 19'
Ayanamsa, Nirayana Lagna is 7° 2' in N and 75° 18' E when according to Sayana
'Aquarius. System it is 5° 19' Scorpio which is equal
The day Friday is ruled by Venus. to 12° 28' in Libra Nirayana. As sunrise
at that place on 21*1 L-35 was 6-58 A.M.
The star Uthrapadra is governed by I.S.T., the interval will be 22 hours
Saturn. 12 mts. after previous sunrise — 55 G —50
Aquarius Lagna is owned by Saturn. Viks=3350 Vik. When this is multiplied
by 4 we get 13400: Divide by 9 : remain-
Lagna in Satbabhisha is ruled by Rahu. der will be 8. But the remainder is to be
The Rasi Pisces is owned by Jupiter. 3. So add Vikati to 3350 Vikati when the
remainder will be 3. So lime of birth is
Therefore the significators are Venus, 3351 Vikati =55 G. 51 V after SuDri3e=
Saturn, Rahu and Jupiter. 22 hrs. 20 mts. 24 sees. = 5-18-24 A.M.
v I.S.T.
The question is whether the lagna is
Virgo or Libra. As Mercury is not the The following will be the horoscope
signibcator it cannot be Virgo. As Venus made for this time of birth at 3l019'N
is the signi6cator it must be Libra— and 75° 18' E on 21-11-1935:—
Thulam owned by Venus.
In Li'bra, the exact position is to be Saturn Uranus
found as follows:— 3-39 | 2-33
The ruling planets are Venus, Saturn,
Rahu and Jupiter. Venus and Saturn Kethu
have no constellation in Libra. But the 15-06
star Swathi libra belongs to Rahu, and Sayana-
Visaka is governed by Jupiter. Therefore, Position
the lagna should be in cither Rahu star
or Visaka and the sub will be governed
by Saturn as Venus rules the sign. Hence
it may be Venus sign, Rahu star Saturn Sun 27-43 Neptune
sub and Jupiter sub sub or Venus sign. Mercury
Jupiter star Saturn sub and Rahu sub sub 16-51 Venus 16-32
11-04 Moon
as Rahu sub is not in Libra for Visaka. Asc. 5-19 29-59

. It is said that dogs bark, yet the caravan to above and explained his incorrect
goes on. So also readers of Astrology finding made therein which is based purely
■and Atbrishta are sure that Krishnamurti on presumptions and felt sorry that such
will go on doing further researches and statements find a place in a magazine.
will never stop though there may be
articles like the one published in the I saw a letter written byone Mr. Seshadri
October 1966 issue of the Astrological from Madras addressed to Mr. Krishna-
Magazine [page 937). murti for publication. No doubt it is
The learned gentleman who has contri- dated March 1966. It is said that late
buted the said article evidently tries to Surya Prakash discussed the horoscope of
disprove Krishnamurti Padhdhati without Mr. Seshadri and predicted that he
understanding thoroughly what it is and (Mr. Seshadri) is denied of his marriage in
how to apply it. Mr- Krishnamurti takes this life (1961 Annual Issue of the Astro-
the examples of living people, explains bis logical Magazine: "Hints to judge a
theory after his prediction is fulfilled and horoscope!')- Mr. Surya Prakash has
gives the addresses of the parties. He taken houses 2, 4, 7, 8 and 12 and argued.
does not believe in theories divorced from The horoscope is as under :
practice. He puts the theories constantly
to rigorous test and proves the correct- Mooo i
ness of bis findings. Nay 1 Not even that. 4*31 f Venus Lagna
Mercury I 8.41 26<11
He wants to share the knowledge of his 7-37
findings with all research-minded scholars
and explains his Padhdhati in a most
convincing manner.
Mr. Krishnamurti wanted to test how
much experience the author of the article
in the Astrological Magazine possesses in
Horary Aslroldgy and the correctness of
the presumption that the huiuau tendency
is always to give a number above 50.
Accordingly, Mr. Krishnamurti visited the
Delhi icadence of ah influential Member
of Parliament, an industrialist of
standing, a friend of the M.P. from
Calcutta and another from Orissa were .. Sun's position is wrongly printed. This
present at.the time. Each wanted a few is printer's mistake. Surya Prakash says
questions to be answered by Mr. Krishna- that Jupiter aspects Mercury and Saturn
murti. They were requested to give any aspects the Ascendant in the above
number within 108 for each one of the horoscope . in the same article. Can
questions. The numbers given were 3, 6, any one explain whether it is an aspect
16, 64, 9 and 22. ■ After he gave out his according to the Hindu system or the
-Predictions on the basis of the numbers Western method? What is the orb? Is
given'by them, Mr. Krishnamurti read., not Hindu aspect counted from sign to
out to these gentlemen the article referred sign ? Is it in Chaleeth ? What theory is
this? If so, is it followed uniformly or His method is clear, explanation lucid and
only when convenient and comes handy? applifiatmn simple. :If one is confused,
Mr. Seshadri has mentioned, in his letter what are we to say? When a teacher
that he got married on the day (6-6-1962) explains a problem, when many under-
exactly as predicted by Mr. Krisbnamurti. stand and follow it and one student were
The person is now leading a very happy to say that he is confused it only shows
life with his wife, both of them earning. lack of understanding on his part arising
One is employed in the Education Depart- out of confusion in bis mind. Does the
ment and the other in the Medical Depart- mistake lie with the teacher or with the
ment at Madras. student ?
I am. sure the learned author of the
Mr. Krisbnamurti did not publish this article would not have hastily exhibited
letter so far, perhaps because he did not bis immaturity had he taken pains to read
want either to wound the feelings of the various letters to Mr. Tfrighnamnrti from
living who speak very higirof him or speak many intelligent readers, in
ill of the dead but I am afraid Krishna- astrology with experience1 extending to
murtiji may publish such letters in bis decades published in Astrology and
possession and point out miserable failures Athrishta' now and then. Even laymen
and prove that his theory is useful, simple had become useful astrologers by reading
and correct and much superior to others 'Astrologyand Atbrishta*alone. Scientific
if articles of the kind published in the minded as he is, Mr. Krisbnamurti
October 1966 issue of the Astrological believes in discussing the horoscopes of
Magazine continue to find places speaking people roming to him with day-to-day
disparagingly of tested findings as half- problems and not those who lived years
baked and so on. and years ago. The main reason is that
The author of the article in question even now persons say that their correct
would do better to give out his arguments, time of birth is doubtful. When such is
based on the orthodox method, bow on the fact, what is the use of discussing the
11-5-1966 'the girl got married. Let me horoscopes of those presuming some
moment as the time of birth and giving
suggest. When one gets married, there out predictions and then attributing
will be two horoscopes, one of the husband failures in predictions to probable wrong
and the other of the bride. Let bim times of birth. What purpose does it
publish both the horoscopes and advance serve? What Krisbnamurti requires to
his arguments in a convincing way. Let apply bis theory is the exact cusp by
Krishnamurtiji prove according to his knowing the exact time. He proves his
method.* Let the readers judge which is theory. There is no confusion at all so
fully baked. My opinion is that the far as we go.
learned author of the article should not
make- casual statements when he himself I trust Mr. Krisbnamurti may publish
has a lot more to learn about Krisbna- the chart discussed by the late Surya
murti Padbdhati. Prakash,son of Mr. B. V. Raman, in-thc
Annual Number of the 1961 Astrological
What readers expect is bow to predict Magazine and reprinted in the 1965
correctly, what .method is to be used and Annual Number of the same magazine in
how far predictions based on the theory spite of the factthattbe prediction bad
come out correct. Precept and practice miserably failed. It would interest readers .
must go together. Science is never static. ■ to know how. Mr. Krisbnamurti predicted
If in some cases the theuiy fails, there is a the date of marriage of the gentleman on
chance for a research worker to give out 6-6-1962 when the late Surya. Prakash
the corrective to that system. There is no had emphatically declared denial of
use clinging to the same old methods marital prospects and I have requested '
which 'require modifications in many Krisbnamurti to explain the basis of his
respects. Krisbnamurti caters to the need. prediction.
To' readers, like me, who have been accident and fail in bis attempt. Mecha-
dabbling in books and magazines of nical does not m6an that no intelligence is
astrological interest dnd found a lot of needed. It needs proper systematic
contradictions making us more confused procedure.
than when we started, Krisbnamurti Let not the magazines indulge in decry-
P&dhdhati has come as a blessing in ing others. Let them take a case, advance
disguise. I would go so far as to assert that their own argument and also apply
I have learnt much more clearly during Krisbnamurti Padhdhati as is prescribed.
-the last three years since I took to reading Let anybody open the eye of others and let
of the magazine' Astrology and Athrishta * nobody make any attempt to throw mud on
than all the knowledge I gained in my ten other's eyes, e.g., reprinting the article
years study of all the available astrological written by Surya Prakash, son 'of
texts and magazines. I had been a pessi- Mr. B. V. Raman which declared that a
mist before that time but when I attempted person will remain unmarried in 1961,
using Krisbnamurti Padbdhati I found whereas the person got married in 1962
myself greatly encouraged. and again the same article is reproduced
Krisbnamurti tries to improve and in 1965 annual issue as though the method
, render astrology a pucca science by con- followed by him is to be learnt by others.
stant research. He will never make any
attempts to discourage or dissuade the Therefore let the magazines give out
research minded scholars. He is rendering correct methods rather than try to attack
the science simple, scientific and mecha- erudite research scholar's like Krishnamurti
nical. Unless the mechanic knows how and his findings without understanding it.
to operate the machines he will meet with

The following is the horoscope of the 3rd house:—Change of place (12tb to
person:— 4th).
9th house (12 to the 10th): So in pro-
fession, a change, probation or long
journey and transfer to a far off place.
l'2th house: thorough change; leaving
one and taking another.
Rasi How to select the significators:
28—12—1934 Note down which signs are occupied by
7-13 P.M. Rahu and Kethu. They act as an agent of
23-02 N 72-38 E
the lord of the sign. Therefore if a planet
ruling the sign occupied by Rahu or Kethu
Vemu £2.39 is to be taken as the significator, substitute
Sun 13-9 the node. Why ?
Mercury The tenants are stronger than the owner.
11-39 Rahu and Kethu are ever tenants. So they
Dasa Balance—Sun Dasa 1 year, 1 month are ever stronger than the lord of the sign.
and 20 days. Rahu or Kethu may be in either of the two
signs owned by the planet. It will repre-
For profession, take houses 2, 6 and 10; sent both.
for promotion include 11th house also ] (1) The planet situated in the
for a transfer consider houses 3 and 9 J constellation of the occupant of
for a thorough change houses 9 and 12 are the house to be judged, because
to be judged.* the planet in a constellation in
If we follow the traditional method, the source offering such nature of
the nature of the profession be the results signified by thelord of
judged by taking the 1lord of the Navamsa the constellation. My finding is
sign, in which lord of 10 is posited in that a planet not only owns
Navamsa chart: it does not come true in either one sign (Sun and Moon)
all cases. In the vast majority of cases, it or 2 signs but also 3 constellations
fails. Here Mars is to indicate his calling. in the 27 stars. Further they
He is an advocate. influence ultimately theplanets in
Therefore research is necessary and the its sub and these subs are 27 in
following rulings are given after intelligent number and one in each star.
and successful research. The rationale This is Krishnamurti Padhdhati.
behind these rulings are as follows:— (2) The occupant of a house (because
2nd house denotes self-acquisition and ' the occupant is stronger than the
bank position. owner) occupant may be debilit-
6th house :—Service or servants. ated and owner exalted, even
then, occupant is stronger.
10th houseProfession, calling, (3) The planet in the constellation
service, business. of the lord of the house (Lord df
11th house:—Profit, gains, increase in a house) is the lord of the sign on
income, improvement in status. which the cusp of the house falls.
The clisp may be in 27° in a sign be judged. If they own, they spoil. 4tb
and the next cusp may be in 28° house denotes mother, vehicle, building.
in the next, sign and the house Planets A, B, C and D are in the constel-
extends from 27° in a sign to 28° lation of the lord of 4th house. Planet A
in the next. It may occupy a in the Moon sub denotes mother, Venus
major portion in the next sign. sub indicates vehicle. Mars sub shows
Yet the lord of the previous sign buildjng. Thus sub is also useful to select.
where the cusp falls'fr to be the planet. Otherwise, how can one say
taken as lord of the house. mother or land or car.
(4). The owners of these ho'uses. " No planet is in Mercury constellation.
(5) Planets conjoined iVith or Venus alone is in Venus star, (ruling
aspected by any of the significa- 12th house] indicating changes.
. tors. 10th house is unoccupied.
[While offering a prediction, one ' Hence Rahu, Venus and Kethu are the
should note what dasa and bhukti one three significators.
runs, which of these is to be selected and [If one proceeds further, one can note
follow scrupulously this method. At the that Mercury and Sun are in the constel-
moment when one judges a horoscope, lation of Kethu, Sun is in the sub of Saturn
note the lord of the day, the lord of the which owns such houses which are not
lagna, the lord of the rasi where Moon is, connected with 2 or 6 or 10. But Mercury
and the'lord of the star in which Moon is is in the sub of Jupiter which owns .10th
then posited. This must be used for confir- house. Therefore select Mercury : reject
mation, selection of the 3 or 4 significators, Sun.]
if many come up. It does not mean that the
ruling planets promise success. Whatever When he puts such questions, one is to.
be the result, these planets will offer. The predict without doubt that he will surely
above is the single procedure to judge change his job during Rahu Dasa, Venus
which planet will offer a result and which Bhukti, Kethu Anthra which runs between
planet is connected with that matter.] 3-7-67 and 6-9-67. [Kethu is in Venus sub
Step by step, if one applies'and if one who rules 12th house for changes. So
gdts four significators to start with, do not change is a certainty. Venus will give in
proceed further as' the strongest are itss'ubperiod as Venus is in the sub oflord
already selected. But if the dasanatha is of 9, who indicates chariges : Rahu is in
"not one of the four, go further and Venus sub.] Hence in the conjoined
find out whether dasanatha has any con- period of the planets, connected with
nection. If it is not connected, that houses 2, 6 and 10 by occupying a constel-
matter will not happen in its dasa, though lation, and in the conjoined period of the
Bhukti nadha may be a significator. planetsconnected with 9 and. 12 in the sub,
Suppose there are many planets in any which is the deciding factor he will c.hange.
single constellation, then they all are Calm thinking guides to clear under-
entitled to denote the matters signified standing and proper application.
by the lord of the constellation; but When one asks about profession, take
those planets situated in the sub of the 2, 6 and 10 houses 7 When he asks change
behefics connected with the houses to be note 9 and 12. When one wants to know
judged will contribute for the fulfilment plurality of interest, note in which, sign
of 'the matters indicated by that house'; Bhukti nadha is. Because a dasa runs for
but those which are in the sub ruled by the many years. In that, many changes come
planets'not connected with the houses to up. It is .Bhukti. nadha who is responsible
be judged will not contribute. They for such changes. Suppose there are. 3
remain neutral if they do not own 6 or 8 planets A, B and C in the constellation
or ]2th.houses counted from the bouse to_ ruled by the planet D.
Then A, B and C are the sources to The dasanatha also will have in its
offer the results of D by occupation, portfolio, the changes : It gives the results
ownership, etc. If A is in the sub of D in the sub period of the planet which
itself, it fulfils the matter. If B is in the contributes for the change. It is always
sub of tfye lord who owns 6 or 8 or 12 the conjoined effect of both. Both must
counted from-! the sign owned by or vote for such results.
occupied, by D, it is incapable of contri- For plurality, note the sign occupied by
buting for the achievement of the matters Bhukti nadha: Venus is in a dual sign.
signified by D. (Western aspect must be Hence he will have service and also
included.) If C is in the sub of the lord practice. The period worked out and
who owns neither of the houses to be found is between 3-7-67 and 6-9-67.
judged, nor in 6 or 8 or 12, thenitremains
neutral. It will delay. It cannot dis- In this area, apply transit system
appoint and deny. Delay means a few according to Krishnamurti Padhdhati, fix
disappointments on previous attempts and the date and announce.
ultimately coming out successful;, denial
means frustration once for all. Sun will transit in Kethu star Venus or
Let us take the chart. Rahu sub : In these two dates, select the
day when Moon transits in the constella-
The question is : Will I change? If so, tion of any of these three significators.
when ? Will I take up any other service ? The lord of the day wl1\ be connected with
Will I have independent business or will I these. It will be mostly Friday. The
take part-time job and also will I practise? lagna will coincide with Venus sign, Rahu
At the time of birth the person had 1 star, Kethu sub as jnAugust, one will join
year, 1 month and 20 days ofSun Dasa, as duty in the day time. It will be 11 A.M.
balance; date of birth is 28-12-1934. on that day. Rahu dasanatha will be in
Therefore from 18-2-1953 he is running Kethu star, Rahu sub; Venus in its own
Rahu Dasa. Now he enjoys from 6-9-1964 star Poorvapalguni and Rahu sub; Kethu
RahuDasa, Venus Bhukti which runs for will be in Rahu star Rahu sub. This will
3 years till 6-9-1967. coincide.
Planets connected with houses 2 or 6 or Therefore at 11 A.M. on 19th or 20th
10 for profession are judged. August, 1967, he will change his servic
• and also set up his practice.
Rahu is in Saturn sign; Kethu in Moon
sign. Neptune is in house 2 : No constel- The same method is applied in. 1961 in the
lation for Neptune. Mercury, Sun and case of Mr. Hariharan working in the Union
Venus are in 6 : Moon is in Sun's star : Government at Delhi, predicted that he
Rahu is also in Sun's star. As Moon's will leave Union Government after 10
sign is occupied by Kethu, consider Kethu. years of his service and take up a covetable
Moon is weaker than Kethu. Whatever post in a private enterprise in the first'
Moon is to offer, Kethu will give: contem- week of October 1966. It has come true.
plation during Moon sub period, material- His letter will be published and themethod
sing during Kethu subs Or sub period. explained in the next issue.

M. M. RAO.
Rabu Dasai balance, 11 years, month
Your prediction recording cancellation and 19 days.
of my transfer orders has come true
and 1 received tbe cancellation orders on>
the same day as predicted by you, i.e., on
29-8-1966. In this connection I request 1 have followed <(Krisbnamurtl
you to kindly explain astrologically as to Padhdhati" wbicb is fundamental and very
bow'to transfer and as well as tbe easy to understand.-
cancellation orders were issued in tbe Tbe science of tbe astrology is a light
same "Antbara" and also tbe method aspects of tbe past, tbe present and tbe
wbicb you have adopted. For this I am future. Every person has bis or ber share
submitting below my horoscope : of trials and tribulations in life* and one
cannot escape from them. If there is
assured by one science that lifts your mind
and enables you to face tbe future with
confidence and hope, it is astrology.
You have consulted me regarding your
transfer on 13-8-1966 and presented your
Rasi horoscope to read.
Data of Birth Your lagna has fallen in Risbaba Rasi.
13—10—1930 Lord of lagna is aspecting it. Hence it is
strong and any attempts made by you will
be crowned with success.
For any changes we have to seethe 12tb
bouse. In your horoscope there is no
planet occupying tbe 12th bouse. Tbe lord
of 12tb, Mars is in the Kataka rasi in
debilitation. But in tbe same sign, tbe
i Mercury | Fortuna lord of 8tb and 1 Itb Jupiter, is placed in
exalted position. Jupiter and Mars con-
joined. This shows that there will be
some good in changes. As Jupiter is
owning tbe lordship of £tb bouse, you
have to face some sort of troubles. Your
lord of lOtb is Saturn, which is in tbe 8tb
cusp. Jupiter and Mars are aspecting tbe
1 Otb cusp. iMneans that lord of 8 and 12
is aspecting the lOtb'cusp. It shows that
there must be some change in your pro-
Venus . Saturn. fession in tbeir conjoined period.
Uranus Sun Neptune Mars. Secondly, lords of 7 and 11 aspecting
means, that you will come out successful
with your opponents or your superiors
(Sd.) A. Rao. must be helpful to you.
Now you are running Saturn Dasafrom year 1967, in between 15-9-67 and
2-12-1957. In this Saturn Dasa, the 21-11-67.
Btaukti of Venus started from 23-9-1964. On the same basis only, the transfer
And the antbra of Jupiter, in the Venus order which you have received recently on
bhukti operating from 2-5-1966. And it 11-8-66 is only temporary disturbance.
will end on 4-10-1966. In this Jupiter Because the Jupiter, lord of 8th Antbra
Antbra only you have received transfer is operating, in its antbra imme-
order on 11-8-1966 on Thursday ruled by diately when Sun Sooksbma operated
Jupiter, and when Sun was transited in the you have forced to separate from your
Mercury star Aslesha, and the Venus, lord family by receiving transfer order.
of 6th was transited in the constellation
of Jupiter and in the sub of Mars, lord of. Your. 2nd bouse is occupied by Moon
12. Exactly from 11-8-66 the Sun Sook- and aspectedby Saturn, lord of 10. Hence,
shma was started. the Moon is strong to retain you with your
4th bouse shows permanent place where family. Further the Moon is in the cons-
you are working. Sun, lord of the 4th is tellation of Rahu and in the sub of Saturn,
in the constellation of 12 Mars and in the lord of 10. In your profession your
sub of Kethu. , And also the Sun and benefactors and friends will take initiative
Kethu are in the 5th cusp. It is clear that for cancellation of your transfer. By
when the 4th lord is connected to the 12, their efforts you receive the cancellation
naturally you will be disturbed from the orders mostly on 29-8-1966, on Monday
place where you are working when the ruled by Moon and the Sun when transit
Sun's sub sub period will operate. 5th house in the constellation of Kethu and in the
is the 11th the 7tb bouse. So 5th sub of Mercury. And Moon will be in its
bouse and planets therein are not helpful to own constellation Sravanam. Actually
you. Mercury, Kethu and Sun are in the 5th you have received the cancellation order
cusp. Among these throe Kethu is strong on the above same date as I predicted.
and conjoined with Mercury, and in the On 19-8-66 Chandra Sooksbma started.
constellation of 12. On the above grounds only I have predic-
Hence the planets connected to the ted cancellation of your transfer.
Kethu will give the transfer. You are I pray God to give long life and pros-
transferred, when the Sun Antbra operated perity to my Guruji Sri K. S. Krishna-
in between 3-4-65 and 1-6-65. And again murti, who enlightened me in the occult
you will receive the transfer order in the science of astrology. Subham !

(M.S. Mani)
The following is the prediction offered, Mars, in the sign Virgo-Kanni ruled,
based on Horary Astrology as to when by Mercury.
the native (querist) shall have a child born
toller. The time of query being 9-00 A.M. 8th December is a Thursday, but Jupiter
on 9-8-66, the lady said the expected which rules Thursday is not significator.
month of delivery is December 1966. Hence select the time before sun-rise
on Thursday, which must be treated as
Analysis:—This is the first question Wednesday, lord of which is Mercury
put to me for the day and as such 1 take which rules the lagna of moment of
the ruling planets at the. time of query as analysis of the query. The lagna shall
significator. Now what are the ruling be Libra owned by Venus. Rahu's star
planets? Swathi may be rising in the east, since at
1. Lord of the day: To-day is Uthiram. the moment of analysis now, Sun's star
Tuesday. Mars rules the day. Therefore Sun's star rises in the east. Rahu is in
KRITHIGAI now, and Swathi
Mars is the significator. ruled by Rahu is in Thulam. Hence
2. Lord of the Star: Moon transits
io the star Bharani to-day. Venus owns the querist will have a baby bom to her
around 4 A.M. on 8-12-66.
the star Bharani. Hence Venus is the
significator.' When told her my prediction, immedi-
3. Lord of the Rasi: Moon transits child". ately she asked me "Male or female
in the sign Aries-Mesha. This sign is Even though I have decided to
ruled by Mars. So take Mars as signifi- predict guidance.
a male child, I waited for God's
Just then X heard my
cator. mother telling a person in front room, that
4. Lord of the Lagoa : Lagna which three days ago her friend in Madras deli-
rises in the east is Virgo-KANNI. vered a male child." Suddenly 1 told the
Mercury rules the lagna. Hence Mercury querist that she will be blessed with a
is a significator. boy.
Therefore Mercury, Mars and Venus are Mars and Venus occupy Gemini-
to indicate birth of children. The querist Mithuna a masculine sign. Mars is mas-
said the period of expected delivery is culine planet. Both are in Jupiter's star
December. Since the time of fructifi- Punarvasu, conjoined with Jupiter, which
cation of the query is in a few months to is a masculine planet.
come take the transit of SUN to a sensitive
point in the Zodiac so as to be governed Moreover for the present position Moon
by the significators. Mars, Venus and (taking it as natal Moon), the native runs
Mercury, lord of the sign, star and sub Venus Dasa, Rahu Bukthi at the time of
must be among Mars, Venus and Mercury. 'delivery. Rahu is in KRITHIGAI ruled
Moreover Moon, must transit in. the by Sun, a masculine planet.
sign and star ruled by the significators. __ That is why I predicted when Rahu's _
On 8th December Sun transits around star Swathi will rise in the east in the
-232°, in the sign Scorpio ruled by Mars, sign of Venus (Venus Dasa Rahu Bukthi)
jn the star Jyeshta ruled by Mercury and at about 4 A.M. on 8-12-66, the male
in the sub of Venus. On the same day ehild will be born.
Moon transits in the star Chitrai ruled by Good Luck.
Mantreswara in Phaladeepika says that tion makes one bold or timid. Mars and
the courage, the valour and the prowess are Sun give courage: Jupiter makes one
to be judged from the third house: So also optimistic: Moon, and Mercury ever
one's strength, energy and courage are changing: occasionally bold and occasion-
signified by Mars- ally timid depending on the planet with
Therefore if the 3rd cusp, planets in the which they are conjoined or aspected by.
3rd house, planets in the sub of Mars or Saturn makes one pessimistic. Venus takes
constellation of Mars or those receiving everything easy.
good aspects from Mars contribute for
one's confidence and courage. Therefore planets in the constellation or
sub of Mars and Sun give confidence and
"Mercury in 5 contributes for courage: makes one bold. If a planet is in the
so also Saturn in the llth house.'' constellation or sub of Jupiter, one is in
In Jataka Tatwa, Mahadeva says that buoyant and Jubilant spirit in its period.
Mars in the sign ofabenefic offers courage. That planet occupying Saturn star or
He adds that Mars conjoined with Gulika Saturn sub makes him a pessimist. Planets
produces bold people. But they will act in the constellation of Kethu or sub of
be intelligent. Further he declares that if Kethu creates confusion and perplexes
the third bouse owned by a malefic, is one. Depending on the strength of Rahu
occupied by a malefic and the lord of the according to the lord of the constellation
house occupies a sign owned by any and sub which Rahu occupies, planets in
malefic, one will be courageous and the constellation or sub of Rahu will
confident behave in their period and sub period.
• Weak Mars aspecting Lagna shows that Example horoscope:
the person is cowardly.
For those born during night, if Saturn
is in Meridian, the native is not bold Kethu
Mars, in his own sign, aspecting the lagna 4.06
makes one coward (This does not come
true.) In Uthra;Kalamrita, Kalidasa says
that both Sun and Mars contribute for
courage and confidence.
In Sanketanidhi, it is said that lord
of 8 in 2 or 3 robs away one's courage:
But lord of 2 in 3 or 4 gives boldness.
Krishnamurii. Houses 3 and 5 are to be
judged for brave^ction whereas 8th house
is for fear and timidity. Kethu causes
- confusion : Rabu, according to its situa-
Jupiterdasa Balance 9 years, 10 months extraordinary courage. But since 2
and 24 days. He is running Saturn Dasa, months, he suffers from fear complex
Rahu Bhukti from 22-12-64. and does not attend to his office.
Saturn, the dasanatha is in Sun's star The period now on, is Saturn Dasa,
Rahu sub. Rahu is in Sun star,' Saturn Rahu Bhukti (occupying 3rd house) and
sub. As Saturn is a pessimist, even Ketbu anthra from 19-8-66. Kethu is also
though, Rahu is in the Constellation of in Saturn star Saturn sub. All these three
Sun, yet the sub lord denies in Rahu's are evil. When Venus sub sub period runs,
period, sub period and conjoined period be will be normal as it is in its own sub.
of Saturn and Rahu. Therefore he will be alrightfrom 19-10-66
Both Saturn and Rahu in the Constella- and be will join duty on 20-10-66 on a
tion of lord of 3, especially, must offer Poorvashada star day.
(FOUNDED: 1-4.1963)
' ( Astronomy Matvb Easy )
Phones 4 2449

Jjothisha Ma riband
13. Brahmin Street. Saidapet

VOL. 4 DECEMBER 1966 No. 12

Readers to Note 2
Letters to the Editor 3
A New Trend in Predictive Astrology 4
Horary Astrology 6
God or Gem—Which will Grant Success s
Marriage: Padhdhati Applied • 11
Brother Missing: Date of Return—When? 12
Education of a,Native 13
Loss and Litigation 14
Defect and Disease from Birth—Cure when ? 16
Overseas—When ? IS
Overseas—Will I go—If so, when? 19
When will this native return home from overseas? 20
Child Cries : Mother Dies 22
On the way to a Correct Decision of *' Ayanamsa value " 23'
Marriage—When ? 25
Timing of Events by Progression 26
Which is Half-Baked ? 32
ICrishnamurthi Padhdhati—Vol. I 37
Vol. 11 39
Daily Guide for December 1966 41
Position of Planets 45
December 1966 -Ephemeris 46
Monthly Prediction for December, 1966 47.

N. V. Raghavan, M.A.
Civilization marches oo and along with celebration of marriage, pinpointing'pro-
it 'science and technology. Research is fession in this modern complex world,
going on in every branch of activity all postulating progeny, etc., etc. No other
over the world, and new theories are system answers the funny contradictions in
being expounded and experimented upon. a twin birth, be it the sex, longevity, pro-
The horizon of knowledge is expanding fession and pattern of life so completely,
and more Truth comes to light as days as Krishnamurti Padhdhati.
roll on. When such is' the tfend in the For the benefit of readers, here I would
modern world, who would keep quiet with quote an interesting event experienced by
his mouth zipped when another important me to bring into relief the stellar-
science, Astrology, is neglected and influence on a native. I was about To
predictions based on old patterns and begin Kethu Dasa, Jupiter Bhukti towards
which fail, and fail miserably are boldly ' the end of 1964. I was anxious to know
made; To my mind. Astrology is on the from Krishnamurti what Kethu-Jupiter
threshold of an era of extremely rapid promised me.
growth; There is co longer any use for
fossilised theories, old dogmas, pet ideas He wanted me to note, down the hap-
and disjointed slokas found in ancient penings on a Moola Nakshatra day
text-books. A- new transformation is (Kethu's star in Jupiter's sign) as the day
called for. This transfuiinaliuu lies in was progressing. Whatever I would be
tl?e proper sifting of data, absuiptiuu of experiencing on that day in a small way,
all that is good in all the systems of he told me, would be experienced by me
prediction and striking at new ideas in a large and substantial measure during
through continuing experiments and re- Kethu-Jupiter. Lo! & Behold 1 What
search. Born out of such an indefatigable happened to me on a Moola Nakshtra
effort is Krishnamurti Fadhdhati. It is day ? I saw a colleague, dear and near to
the product of more than a quarter of a me, off at the Palam air-port; I received
century of labour in predictive astrology a letter from my father-in-law making a
based on advanced stellar formula. proposal for the marriage of my daughter;
There is no doubt that this advanced I took my wife to the hospital for a
method of prediction, named after the severe pain in her abdomen ; and a friend
author Shri Krishnamurti, requires a base and well-wisher who was staying with me
from which one has to proceed. This, did not return home that night.
base is provided by the fundamentals of Now see what results I enjoyed during
Hindu Astrology such as the 'UduDasa by Kethu-Jupiter; The same colleague in
System', interspersed with Western con- office was transferred, resulting in my
cepts of House Division and Aspects. separation from him; I got my daughter
This system of prediction is applicable married ; my wife was hospitalized for an
on all fours to all problems in the modern abdominal operation and the same close
age, be it the determination of longevity. .friend and well-wisher stayed outside my
bouse during bis sojourn in Delhi. What. Krisbnamurti Fadbdhati to a rational con-
, do.all these indicate? A star or a con- clusion, and not do anything that could
stellation and its lord are more powerful be construed as jealous,inimical activities.
than a planet, in bringing about a result. This does not mean that one should do
The seed-bed or corner stone of successful the robes of a prophetit does mean,
prediction is theextent of stellar influence nevertheless that wisdom and foresight
noticeable in a horoscope. This is the should mark our effort. With these
quintessence of Krisbnamurti Fadbdhati. thoughts in my mind J commend Krishna-
Is this not an improvement on the tradi- murti Padhdhati to all aspirants.. Let us
tional method of prediction ? It is now work hand in hand and may Lord Ganesb
left to the votaries of astrology to con- lead us from darkness to light.
stantly persevere and make a conscious "N. V. Raghavan.
effort to seek new ideas. Where the mind
is clogged or undei-developed, any im-
provement is bound to be slow. Where [Editor's Note.—The author of this
the mind resists innovations and is article is an intelligent research worker
cribbed, cabinned and confined to diluted who is working since 5 years at Krisbna-
notions, new horizons cannot be forged, murti Fadbdhati, though he had been
and failures will continue to result. It is, studying other books etc., from 1942. He
therefore, incumbent on all those interes- had attended more than 140 lectures
ted in the growth of Astrology as a delivered by tne at Delhi. K.S.K.]
science, to work on the new findings in the
Its ose:—(A corrective aod a confirma- One may doubt whether it is Numero-
tive). logy or whether.the number' given can
This branch of science is mysterious reveal the matter and guide one lb get
and most useful to offer precise predictions correct answer.
without any doubt. If an astrologer uses (1) It is not numerology.
other methods and finds, out.the nature of (2) The zodiac, is divided into 103
result and the time of events then it can be equal parts.
checked and confirmed by Horary Astro-
logy. If one has no horoscope, for each The number.given by the querist is
question, he can give a number, at random, taken-as the Lagna for that query and the
within' 108, as the zodiac is divided into position of planets for thtft moment is
108 equal parts i.e., .4 quarters of each calculated and a chart is erected. So it is
constellation. Even when one has a nothing but pure astrology. [At least, the
horoscope but he wants to find out the birth chart may be incorrect, as the time
answers for the following questions, then of birth may be approximate and the chart
from the horoscope, it is not possible to might have been cast with erratic
give 'a clear answer with cpnvincing almanacs. But in horary astrology the
scientific explanation. position of planets cannot go wrong, as
(1) One has in view a few buildings Raphael Ephemeris is available nowadays,
in a town. He wants to find out and it should be invariably used.]
which building, he will buy. An (3) Varabamibara in Bribat Sambia
astrologer can find out whether in Chapter 86, Sloka 5 has said.
one will, buy or not, from the If one proceeds on a journey, the
chart: but from the horoscope success of bis mission is indi-
one cannot say in which street cated by the omen he has. It-
etc., when about a dozen houses depends on the good or bad deed
are in view. Horary astrology 'done in the -previous birth.
helps to fix one of them. Similarly, I have to. say that the
(2) One has series oflitigation in the number beard by the astrologer
court. Horary astrology alone and used for prediction depends
is useful to declare which cases on the meritorious or evil deecl
will be favourable to him and done by the querist in his pre-
which will end in a loss. vious birth. The • person may
think a number: but give any
(3) One appears for interview in other number. Yet the astro-
Postal Engineering, accounts, loger may mishear and take
anditing, touring department, etc. another number and work at it.
all are governed by Mercury. The number used by tlie" astro-
To select one in the many depart- loger will reveal correctly the
ments only Horary will help and result. Those who have no
not natal chart. . Even in horary personal experience may differ:
astrology, one cannot answer, if buj_it is the divine force which
one erects a chart for the moment plays its part. Just like one cannot
of query. To get a number at exercise bis free-will to select a
random, within 108 alone will be moment for bis birth, or his
useful. parents, so also one cannot exer-—
rise his will, to give a number. reading from the horoscope is
Some unseen and unknown force difficult it is not possible. Here
makes the querist give a number horary is useful. Thus many inst-
and the .astrologer i uses the ances can be given.
To establish that Horary astrology is
If one has said 16, but the astrologer very correct, many experiments are made
takes it as 60 and works at it, if the if ruling planets are included, the results
astrologer and the querist run a lucky are marvellous and most useful to the
time, the prediction comes true; querist
and both are happy. If they both are
running bad time the pleasant prediction
fails and both are disappointed; if the This science is not a bluff. It is not to
querist is running good time, but the dupe the gullible throng. But the astro-
astrologer runs a bad time astrologer fails loger ought to have understood astrology
in such an unpleasant prediction, but the thoroughly well.
querist has his desires fulfilled. If the
astrologer is fortunate and the querist i's, In my experience the quickest method
not having good time the prediction comes to offer a correct prediction in a few
•true and the querist suffers, if the predic- seconds by the same trunk phone is only
tion given is1 unpleasant to the querist. Horary astrology.
Therefore,, while one. offers a prediction,
his success or failure, appreciation or
otherwise depends on the pstrologer's time, It is not out-dated. A few are under
at the time of the fruition, of the result. wrong impression.. My students—at least
This is one of the truths whether one has one thousand in number today—spread
intuition or one follows a system scientifi- all over India follow Horary astrology
cally. Again, Horary astrology is useful and the reports I receive are most satis-
in many cases. factory and encouraging.
(1) Will election take place as per
programme? Which method in What people want, is correct result.
' astrology can be used escept Whether it is horoscopy, horary intuition,
Horary? When will a strike palmistry, numerology or yekshini. But
end ? I try to render Astrology a pucca science
by selecting those dicta which come
(2) When the horoscope of a person correct, rejecting those which go wrong
ruling a country is not known or and by doing research on correct lines.
is doubtful, to boldly declare his Intuition ends, when one dies. Science
fate, will not horary be useful ever lives and is useful to all.
which applies to him alone.
(3) One has offers from France, Example: I heard a person mention
Sicily, chaldsa Rumania and No. '69. He told me by phone that he was
California; all indicated by Leo, mediating for some months to finish a
which can 3 select ? Horary transaction and he has successfully comp-
helps if one takes one place leted the transaction. He expected his
after another, gets numbers for commission. He wanted to know when
each place and judge. he would get it, so that he can take time
from bis creditors.
(4) Shall I buy coffee estate or tea
estate? Asks a person the same' The chart for number 69, at that time
planet As both are shown by was as follows :(Friday-5-8-66.)
Receiving money from another, means
Sat 5-54 Mar 23.29; loss to the other and gain to the person. "So
MoOn 1-4] Ven 24.091 judge 6 and 11 bouses. Rahu is in 6:
Jup. 26.39
No planet in Rabu star: No planet 'is in
Merc 7.29
Sun 19.07
Mars owns 6tb bouse. No planet in its
Rasi for No. 69 star, Mercury owns the lltb and Sun is in
its star Asblesha. One gains when the
significator passes in 11th Cusp or lltb
bouse. I took Sun to transit lltb Cusp
which is 1-10-66. Later I found Mercury
also in the 11tb bouse Revathi star day.
Thus to predict in no time, this is the
I told on 1st or 2nd October you will best and the quickest method occasionally
bave the brokerage." Actually be get on and rarely one fails it in that short time,
1-10-66 at 7 A.M. any point escapes his notice.
The ultimate result wanted, is grand died. 4 Brahmins assisted and one Brah-
success. Unless one is destined to enjoy min' did help in doing the rites. Even
success, it cannot be bad by prayer or when 5 prayed and did Shanthi, no benefi-
possessing precious gem or both. Destiny cial expected result was found.
is unavoidable; it is inevitable ? It is not Similarly when one is ill at tbe age of
in the bands of the individual: Astrologer 3, 5, 9, 12 and 16, they pray God : use
can predict the event and becannot change gem, etc. The boy survives. At tbe age
it: if be offers an advice at a time and says of 21, they prayed more sincerely and took
that if tbe person follows the advice be or a vow that they would deposit gold and
she can have their ambition fulfilled, the casbintbeUndial. Boy was not recovered.
wise astrologer knows very well that he Now, bis people say, when tbe boy {s
offers a prediction and suggests the remedy destined to have short life and die at tbe
at the time of his consultation" which is age of 21, what can God do? A short
evil and be is sure that be must come out life to bim. It is bis fate. So they con-
successful on a later date when tbe time sole themselves but do not correct them-
becomes favourable to the native. If tbe selves. - Till he died, they attributed bis
wise . astrologer is sure that one cannot
enjoy success', be will never suggest a recovery to their prayers and the efficiency
and mercy of their Ishta-Devatha. Now
remedy but will preach ^Tolerance** and they say like this. Let me pose a question
"Philosophy". when God cannot lengthen one's life, bow
For Example: One Vaishnavite Gentle- boy can He shorten to an age less 21; So tbe
man retired Chief Engineer once suffered age of recovered whenever be fell ill, at tbe
from cerebral thrombosis. 'His son, who 3, 3, 9, 12 and 16. Therefore Qod
unfortunately met with accident in tbe can andmustgrantonly when tbe person
aircrasb when 117 people died, came to is destined to have success. God cannot
me to take 2 Purobits to do tbe last rites to and will not help, if destiny is otherwise.
his father while tbe father breathes bis According to Newton's third law of
last. I told bim from tbe Nimmitham I motion, every action has a reaction.
bad then, that his father would not die Therefore, cannot prayer help. If destiny
and added that be could take a Brahmin is very bad, then it is similar to a big
to read Sundara Kandam for 4S days and fire. If prayer is done, it is similar to a
it would surely give a cure—The Nimmi- bucketful of water. Just like a bucketful
tham -ftas this. The cook in my bouse, of water cannot put out tbe fire, so also
just then, returned from her home after tbe prayer in such cases, cannot reduce
10 days ailment—Then I verified with the evil to a perceptible or desired extent.;
horary astrology. His younger brother But if destiny threatens a minor incident,
who accompanied bim, gave number 1: then the prayers, i.e., the bucketful of
The prediction was also favourable. Tbe water can britfg out desired results, by
putting out the small fire. Anyhow one
boy, an Engineer in a big firm at Mount should not forget, that there will be minor
Road, Madras, strictly followed my
instructions and his father recovered. One incident, there will be prayer and ulti-
and a half years passed, it relapsed in a mately satisfaction in tbe result
mild form. He approached me again. I Karma is tbe strongest God comes next
told bim, let instead of one Brahmin We are nothing but a taxi driver, who
engage 3 people. Let them recite. .You does not know, where be will be going
may consult tbe experts also. . Yet these 5 that day, whether be will meet' with any
people will serve yqu, after your father accident or no,t. If a taxi driver says
passes away in a month time. Now that be will go to a place on that day,
again, be strictly followed. Alas! Father he has bad prior knowledge or be knows
astrology. Even then, he cannot change Jupiter Dasa balance 0 year, 9 months,
the route. 25 days.. Mercury Dasa, Mercury Bhnkti
Therefore you, young girl, you will pass ends and Kelhu will run at the time of
in the coming examination. announcement of the result. As Jupiter is
in the 4th Bhava and Sun rules the 4th
Cusp, Kethu in. Jupiter sign and Sun star
a™. a
Z - SatRatm
15-36 Sun sub must give a pass.
-- ifiJQ
Youcanpray Krishna andLaxmi—both.
Use red colour as Mars and Sun are in
Dasanatha'sstar Jyeshta. Ruby is costly
coral you can have. Any red colour will
help you.

Good Luck!
Ktthu Bun 2B.21
26.49 / Mar 19.50
Merc 16 IMood 2.39
Correct horoscope of Mr. C. S. Seshadri Rahu: Kethu is in Rahu star; 7th is
is as .under: occupied by Mars : no planet in its star:
So take Mars. 11th house is occupied by
Moon 3-28 Venus Lagna Venus. Mars is in Venus star: fake
Mere. 6*34 7-18 - 24-48 Marsi We have Mars and Kethu as the
strongest.' Moon islord of 2: No planet in
its star. Take Moon. Jupiter is lord of 7:
No planet in its star. Take Jupiter-Venus
lord of 11: Mars in Venus star. Take
Mars. Thus we get Mars.Kethu, Moon and
One should consider that Moon and
Mercury are in the same sign and the same
star of the two strongest significators i.e..
Mars sign, Kethu star: Further Moon, lord
of 2 is conjoined with' Mercury which is
convertable and which offers the results of
the planets with which it is conjoined.
^Marriage means one more member Therefore Mercury is to give whatever
added to the family by legal bondage to Moon indicates in their conjoined period,
keep permanent
_2nd., ... company. to give
. pleasure.
, _ , the
Take , , from r , moment of.
house indicates .nCTease in the num. - se,ectclue the
from the sigI1ifica,ors one
her of the members of the family. Therefore ^an never fail. That is why, I predicted
marriage take wife home is mclu- that he will gel married in Moon Dasa,
ded in the various members of the family. Mercury Bhukli,. Jupiter Anthra.
7th house is to enter into a contract TransU. Dasanatha Moon in
with another or take a partner Therefore its own si Neither Mar!.> nor Kethu ha!.
7th house is to be considered for legal it!. star £ Cailcer. Mercury star is not
marriage. taken (in Cancer) for marriage. But Saturn
11th house indicates pleasure and star Mercury sub is the bestand auspicious
permanent tie. It may be wife.or a keep. time. There is no Mercury sub in Jupiter
Yet 11th shows marriage also. star. Sun transitted in Dasanatha's star
Some take 2nd house for second Rohini. Mercury just enters on that day
marriage. Some judge from the 11th Rohini star-Jupiter is in the constellation
house. I judge 2nd house for 2nd of node in 2. The day is ruled by Mercury,
marriage'and 11th for illegal intimacy. I would have pitched upon Hastham star
Secret in my success is to note the ruling day. It falls on a Tuesday when
planets at the moment of query. . As Mr. Madrasees do not celebrate marriage.
Seshadri came at a time governed by Therefore, taking ruling planets at the
Mercury, Jupiter and Moon, I judged the time'of judgment, applying Krishna-
whether these three planets are connected. murti Padhdhati to find out according to
with houses 2 or 7 or 11. Moon, lord of dasa,bhukti; transit etc., finding the date,
2 is conjoined with^ Mercury: Jupiter is avoiding those days which are considered
lord of 7. So I. decided that tfyis should to be inauspicious for the native*s caste
be the period. When he put the question, and convention, I predicted. One should
he was running Moon Dasa, SaturnBhukti. include all these. [A boy may be bom
So, the only time, which we have to when he runs Rahu Dasa, Rahu Bhukti.
consider is Moon Dasa? Mercury Bhukti, Jupiter and Rahu may be the significators
Jupiter Anthra. to have a child. Hence one should reject
Then consider according to Krishna- Rahu Dasa, Jupiter Bhukti, but select
murti .Padhdhati 2nd house is occupied by Jupiter Dasa, Rahu Bhukti.]
This brother is missing from 28-5-66. and 8: These indicate the difficulty in
I give number 101. " When will he return achieving one's aim.
home ? Also Lagna is aspected by lords of 1, 2^
• • 'Sd.G.S,B.'Durg. M.P. 9 and 10 which contribute for happiness
Thp hnrngr^pp pi-^WpH f^r mnmpnt and peace. This is a 'general statement.
of judgment is as foljlows ; The way how to analyse and judge is as
3-20 to Rahu M00n < follows:—•
Question is indicated by the position of
. Saturn £4-40 35-34 < ,• 1 Moon; Moon is called ^athi* the
1-46 mind.
Fulfilment or Qtherwise is to be judged
from lagna. Moon is in the 3rd house, in
the constellation of Mars and sub or
Rasi Rahu. Third house indicates . Brother.
5—10^66 Mars is Brathru Karaka. Rahu is in Mars
sign. So it is definitely about brother.
What is the period that is running now.
Take the third house from Prasna Lagna
| j3f , and judge the result.
^gry Sun 18-40 The period that is running is Mars
Dasa, Rahu Bhukti. It ends on 18-1-67. So
Mars Dasa Balance 5 years, 9 months, it ought to have commenced 1 year and
28,days. 18 days prior to 18-1-67 i.e., 3012-65.
The Zodiac is divided into so many He disappeared on 28-5-66. The period
parts depending on the number. When then running was Mars Dasa, Rahu Bhukti
one gives a number within 108, divide the Saturn Anthra on a Saturday.-.
Zodiac into 108 equal parts. And, take • Why should he run away ?
that part as Lagna, according to the Mars, lord of 12 is in the constellation
number given. of Kethu in 6 and sub of Venus represen-
A few scholars like Murahari Rao,'. ted by Kethu Rahu is in 12, and it repre-
b.a., b.l., at Hyderabad are doing! re- sents Mars. Saturn in 11 is in the Cons-
search. On Horary astrology,, asking for tellation of lord of Sand 11. Saturn alone
a number within 360. A few ask for a is aspected by the dasa lord Mars. When
number within 249 - as according to Mars threatens separation Saturn inBuen-
Krishnamurti Padhdhati, there are 249 ced by Mars, and Rahu representing Mars,
district divisions belonging to different in their conjoined period influenced the
sign lord, star lord and sub lord, so that brother to go away from home.
the ruling planets can be judged quickly When will he return 7
and results offered. Mars Dasa Jupiter Bhukti, Mercury
I follow only the system asking for a Anthra i.e.* on 12-6-1967, when Sun tran-
number within 108, though I go through sits in Mars star Jupiter sub.
the method submitted to me by such Leaving one's house is indicated by the
following 249 divisions. planets signifying the matters of the houses
The numberis 101. So Lagna is between 12, 3 and 9 whereas the .reunion is pro-
3° 20' and 6° 40' in Pisces (Meena). mised by 11, 2 and 4. In some cases 1*4
Consider the Lagna: In 12th Bhava and 10 denote the reunion ; but in these
^SaturnJsTetrograde .who is.lord of .11 and cases,' they come back to the ' parent
: 12.—The Lagna is-aspected by lord of 6 department and join the old collegaues.
Dear Sir, At the time of birth Moon Dasa Balance .
I am sending herewith the horoscope of 4 years, 11 months and 3 days.
my daughter duly cast by me. Let me For education, one is1 to judge the
know her educational prospects. It was houses 4 and 9. 3rd house denotes one's
' only' you predicted about my marriage inclination: 4th house denotes regular
2jr years ago. The marriage was celebra- attendance and study: 9th house indicates
ted on the exact date as predicted by you. higher studies, submission of thesis etc.
7/114, Kadalakan Lane, Houses 4 and 9 are owned by Mars and
Coimbatore 18. Rahu in Mars sign is the strongest signifi-
Reply. The horoscope submitted is cator. Rahu is in Mars sign, Venus Star.
■ corract. Mercury sub. Therefore your child will
study during the most beneficial node's
period. (It is in lord of 9 house. Lord of
10 star and lord of 2 aud 11 sub.). She
will be very good in Chemistry and mathe-
matics in the school career as Mars
exalted Mercury's constellation. Then
Rahu is much better. But it. shows that
Rasi she will take up music and get a degree in
16—9—66 the college. (Mars—instrumental i Venus—
MS A.M. I.S.T. Van. 15-27
Lagna Music: Mercury—fertile imagination—
28* 38' Moon and Mercury in Lagna Bhava give
Sun £9-26 her good imagination for Alaphana.)
Education will end when she enters into
Rahu Dasa, Mercury Bhukti, Saturn

Horoscope of a person who is to lose 9 and 12 indicate that either father or a
money by confiscation stranger is harmful.
' 4 and 12 show that the informant is in
his own house, street or town.
7 and 12 threaten that the partner in
business as soon as he severs connection,
shows his true colour, etc.
First of all we should judge which
21-11-35—3-55 A.M. houses indicate loss of reputation and also
1 31° IS' N 75° 18' E money. Reputation is shown by 1 and 10
houses. Loss is threatened by 12th house.
Gain by 11th house.
To ascertain loss, take the 12th. house.
Mars Jupiter Mercury Moon The significators are to be judged in the
24-38 9-46 I3"56 „6"27 following manner
Ratm Sun Laera
2 Vemis
22-15 4-49 1° (1) The planets situated in the cons-
tellation of the occupants in the
- 12th house indicates expenses, purcha- 12th house-
ses, investment, secret inimical activity, (2) Those planets tenanted in 12
loss (sudden, surprising), swindling, (3) Planets in the constellation of
cheating, repayment of loan, confiscation lord of 12
by Government etc., by one's own wrong-
ful action. Nowadays, a few persons who (4) lord of 12
have amassed wealth by either not submit- (3) Planets conjoined with or aspected
ting correct accounts or by furnishing by any of these.
incorrect ones, have saved money either
in India or outside. But, just like a All these planets are connected with
bubble at the bottom of water has to 12th house matters. Find out the period
necessarily come to the surface and burst, that is running and that which is to
so also, naturally,.when one's time is evil, follow. Select the significators. Verify
the servants or the neighbours or such with the ruling planets at the moment of
unreliable friends who gather information, judgment. Pass on your prediction.'
during unguarded moments,. betray, give' (1) 12th house is occupied by Venus
information, leak out the truth and land and Moon: Venus rules Bharani,
the native into trouble: 3 and 6 houses Poorvapalguni and Poorvashada
indicate that one's own brother or neigh- stars. Rahu and Mars are in
bour will openly betray ; 3 and 12 houses Poorvashada and the sub of
denote that they will secretly reveal and Saturn and Mercury. As Rahu
behotile: 6 and 12 portray that servants and Mars are conjoined together
will do harm. Rahu is stronger than Mars.
11 and 12 show that the so-called friends Moon governs the stars Rohini, Hasthanr
become the approver and betray the and Sravanam. Venus alone. is in
-native. Hast ham.
Mercury owns 12th house. No planet is in its own sub (lord of 12). Kethu is
in Mercury star. Therefore Rahu, Venusj also in Saturn sub. So this person cannot
Moon and Mercury are the significators. expect any benefit in the future till Sukra
Now he is running Rahu Dasa, Venus Bhukti is over.
Bhukti from 14-1-66 and Moon Anthra Therefore this native should ever try to
starts on 8-9-66 and it runs up to 8-12-66. be honest in accounts : Yet, some trouble
So this is the period of Loss. The actual or other will be cropping up during the
date will be when Moon transits in periods of the strong significators.
Arudhra star, Friday 7-10-1966. The next period will be Rahu Dasa, Moon
Later Mars is evil as it is in Venus star Bhukti, Venus Anthra. This is judged on
and Mercury sub : Rahu is also a malefic: 3-9-66: Monday Bharani star and Dhanur
Jupiter is Saturn constellation Venus sub : Lagna which is a dual sign.
(Saturn is lord of 11 in 11 to the 7th
house, denoting the opponent.) Saturn is K.S.K.
in Rahu's star and Saturn sub. Mercury 5-9-66.
The, following is the horoscope .of a [Therefore there should be defect or
child born at 11-40 A-M. on 18-4-64 at 8° disease in the system from birth, if the
29 N and 59' Jupiter Dasa Balance 12 significalors rule at the time of birth.]
years, 4 months and 10 days. Sun and Jupiter in Aswini, Kethu in
Moolam : all in Kethu constellation.
Mars Jup.
' Venus
I®"1*5 Ratui 12-28
22*04 Mercury 20"*7 tacaa 24-32 No planet in Saturn's star: Take Saturn.
Venus in Rohini in Moon's star.
Rahu and Saturn in Rahu's stars.
Sun is in the sub of Mars, lord of 11.'
It gives cure and does not contribute for
Jupiter is in the sub of Jupiter itself.
It also contributes for cure and disease
depending on thesub period in its dasa,
j Neptune Fortune i as it is Bhadaka Sthana Adhipathi,
23 43 12-55 Kendhra Sthana Adhipathi and Maraka
Sthana Adhipathi and also Rajayogadhi-
pathi owning 10th house.
[1 take the chart, when Lagna is 10° Saturn is lord of 8 and is in 8 without
Scorpio and the date is 30-9-66.] any planet in its constellation, so that such
Health is good and normal if lagba is a planet can offer in its period whatever
unafflicted and there will be defect or Saturn is to give.
disease ..if the houses 6, 8 and 12 are Venus in Moon's constellation will
signified by strong malefics. continue to give the effects of the disease
1* Is Lagna strong or Moon sign in their conjoined period. Rahu and
strong? This question is to, be judged Saturn will be evil.
when a sign is occupied by an evil planet, ' Therefore, note the dasa and bhukti at
especially Rahu or Kethu and in that the time of birth. It is governed by
sign, the Ascendant falls. (If a person is Jupiter and Saturn. So these defects
allotted a room With one snake in it, (Testicle misplaced—Hernia) are found.
whether it is in front of bim or behind
him, how can he have fearful time in Cure—^When?
that room? So also* Rahu in a sign will 11th ho use denotes Cure. Venus alone
spoil the Ascendant, if the cusp falls in is in the 11th house: Mars rules the llth
that sign.) So lagna is weak. Moon is
also there. So, there is no other go. cusp. Mercury is in Venus star Rahu
Take lagna, if both are afflicted. sub: therefore Mercury cannot give effec-
tive cure in its period or sub period.
■ Kethu is in 6th house; Saturn is in the Venus in 11, in the sub of planet in 11
8th house and Moon and Rabii are..i& the ' must give the cure from the disease indi-
12th. . cated by the lord of the constellation.
Mars as lord of 11 is in the consteltation nadha), i.e. Sth date, Sth month in 1969
oMord of 1 and sub of lord of 3. Mars (5-5-1969).
shows short journey and good health by The question is when will my child be
its tfatural method—Mars denotes surgery. cured ? God helps by giving the clue from
ItisinFisces. 12th sign of the zodiac— the ruling planets at that moment for the
hospitalisation. first query of a person.
Therefore Venus Bhukti, Mars Anthrais Today it is 30-9-66.- Friday—Revati
thetime of surgical treatment and cure, i.e., star, Lagna Scorpio 1°—So the ruling
between 28-4-69 and 24-6-69. planets are Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and
Mars. Therefore cure will be in their
The date will be when Sun transits in conjoined period.
21° Aries Nirayan, which degree is ruled May Lord Ganesh give Good Health!
by Mars (lord of the sign and anthra
nadha) Venus (lord of the star and Bhukti [Saturn in 8 shows sexual organ. Jupiter
n'adha), Jupiter (lord of the sub and Dasa- denotes one of the many diseases—Hernia.)
Will I have higher studies and foreign Jupiter alone is in the constellation of
travel. Number given is 27. Saturn. 12th house' is unoccupied, r, Its
owner is Venus," but Kethu is in ' Venus •
Moon sign. Therefore consider planets in Kethu
Saturn 22-29 constellation. Mars alone is' in- Kethu
(R) 1.59 Rahu
24-49 star, Makam. So Mars is a signjficator, .
Therefore Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Kethu
are.significators. .Jupiter is in Saturn star
Kethu sub: good : Mars is in Kethu star
Venus sub good. If a child is born now
what will be-the dasa balance. It is 6'
MarsO-47 years, 3 months and 10 days. .When will
Ura. 27-59 the child go overseas ? * During Saturn
Bhukti Mars, anthra i.e., in between
Nep, 27-09 11-12-67 and 18-2-68.
Kethu Yen 6-32 According to transit, Sim will be in
24.49 Sud 16-04 Saturn sign Aquarius Mars star Venus
Merc 2-22
sub about 16th or 17th February, 1968.
Higher studies is judged from 9th house [It is said that Moon's position at the
and overseas from 9 and 12 houses! 3rd time tion.
of query denotes the nature of ques-
Yes. Moon is in the constellation -'
house short journey: 7th house, break in
the journey. of lord of 12 and sub of lord of 9. So it
refers to long journey, life in a foreign
Saturn is in 9lh house. place and higher studies.]
You have given number 100. The time the aspect from Sun, Venus, Mars and
when I take your chart; the planets are in Jupiter promise that you have to wait, till
the following position. the period of the planet and sub-period of
Lagna the other planet, both promising long
0 to 3-20 Rafau Moon journey operate.
Saturn (R) 24-39 2-15 As Moon is in 2° 15', Mars Dasa balance
will be 2 years, 3 months, and 2 days.
Houses 3, 9 and 12 are vacant.
6—10—66 Venus, Mars, and Saturn rule these
9-30 A.M.* houses. Kethu represents Venus! Rahu acts
as the agent of Mars and Saturn continues
to give the results of 11 and 12.
IfCethu Mercury . is in Rahu's star Rahu sub.'
24-39 Venus Mars is in Kethu star Venus sub. Jupiter
I Merc. 7-05 10-29 is in Saturn's star Kethu sub.
Neptune Sun 19-10
.| | ■ 27-15 Hence Mercury, Mars and -Jupiter are
For overseas, judge houses 3, 9 and 12- the strongest signihcators. In place of
If one visits various places in the same Mars, .substitute Rahu. Therefore during
trip judge, the 7th also. Rahu Dasa Jupiter Bhukli, Mercury Anthra
you will go, i.e., in the 4th week of June,
Lagna promises success or failure. 1972 you will surely go overseas.
Moon indicates your query. The chart submitted by you is in-
Moon is in the constellation of lord of correct. Your star is not Uthrapadhra. It
9. The sub is ruled by Kethu which is to is Revati correct position of Moon at 6-30
give the results of Venus, lord of 8. So it A.M. I.S.T. on 20-5-33—Sayana 9° 55'.
shows your desire to go overseas and the Nirayana 17° 6'. Therefore Dasa Balance
difficulty in realising the desired result. at the time of birth = 16 years, 5 months
and 11- days and according to your chart,
Further Lagna is occupied by retrograde you' will go overseas during Sukra Dasa,
Saturn. Therefore there are obstacles and Sani Bhukti, Rahu Anthra.

The horoscope of the native is Moon is in Mar's star : Moon is a
follows • significator-
Mars is in Venus star.
Mars Lag .24-15 Mercury and Jupiter are in Saturn
15-09 Sat. 28-18 star.
Sun 3-17 { Now note that Rahu denotes Moon—
Meic. 5-20 none in its star:
Jup. 11-09
Born 20-7-1943 ^BhuZ33a Kethu indicates Saturn—none in its
M« star.
2-05 A.M. I.S.T. .
13° N—80 E Therefore take the significators and
consider the dasa. During Rahu dasa he
cannot go, (1) as it is in the constellation
of lord of 8 which is Vyaya to 9, (2) Rahu
indicates the results of the planets with
which it is conjoined more predominantly
than the lord of the sign and any result it *
has to give, due to conjunction should be
Mars Dasa Balance at the time of birth in their conjoined period, i.e. Rahu Dasa,
1 month 17 days. Jupiter Bhukti when he was 3 years old or
Mercury when he was 9 or 10.
Now running Jupiter Dasa, Mercury
Bhukti from 7-5-66 till 13-8-68. Then he is running Jupiter Dasa ? Has
it got any connection, strong enough to
Overseas: means (l}leavmg permanent otter overseas. It is in the constellation
place of residence denoted by 3rd house, of Saturn which is a significator by owning
(2} making long journey indicated by 9th 12th house and occupying the Constella-
house and life in a foreign place signified tion of 3rd house lord. The sub is gover-
by 12th house. Houses 2» 11 and 4 show ned by Moon which is in the constellation
the time of return. of lord of 3 and aspected by lord of 9 and
Lagna, occupied by natural malefic is 12.
weaker than'Moon sign. So take Moon Therefore, Jupiter,, with good strength
sign. in Cancer, will give.
Mars is lord of 3 in 3 in the constella- In which sub-period 7
of lord of 9. Saturn, Mercury, Moon, Mars and Kethu
Venus, lordfof 9 is in its own constella- are the significators.--So, in their period
tion and is in 7 indicating long journey it must happen.
and breaks during the journey. Les us see when he left India. He left
Saturn, lord of 12 to Moon sign is in on 26-10-63 when Jupiter Dasa, .Saturn
4 to Moon sign, in the constellation of Bhukti 1 started : So Anthra belongs to
'lord of 3 and in its own sign.' Saturn.
(When a planet is situated in the con- Houses 2 and II are unoccupied. It is
stellation of another planet, then the owned by Jupiter. Sun alone is in Jupiter's
planet in its dasa will offer such results in star.
the sub-period of the other planet in whose
constellation, it was deposited.) House 4 is occupied by Saturn^ Jupiter
He left Germany and went to Canada and MercUry are ia Saturn's star.
on 21-7-65 when he was running Jupiter
■ Dasa Saturn Bhukti, Mars Anthra (Saturn • Therefore be will return home when he
runs Jupiter Dasa, Mercury Bhukti, Sun
in Mars star agrees). Anthra Venus Shookshma around 7-4-67
f When will he return?' is the question. when Sun'transits in Jupiter's sign, Mer-
'Returning, includes long journey, reunion cury star Sun sub, when Jupiter is in direct
and enjoy original surrounding and motion in Rahu sub, Mercury in Jupiter
environment. • star Poorvapadra and in Venus sub, Moon
. Therefore, one is to consider 2 and 11 is in Jupiter's star. Poorvapadra and con-
for reunion, same, surrounding 4tb house, joins Merciiry.
9th again for the journey.'

On 30-1-1966 at 9 A.M. a girl child is Venus is in Saturn star Uthrapadra.
born and at the same time, the moiher Venus as lord of 11, in exaltation, in the
passed away. Her horoscope is as under: constellation of the occupant Saturn in 11
is strong.
Thus Saturn, Rahu, Moon, Mercury and
Venus are the strong significators to bless
with a child. The period that was running
was Venus Dasa, Saturn Bhukti, Rahu
Rahu was in the sub of lord of 7 and 8.
Venus is the lord of BadhakaSthana and
Saturn is in Rahu constellation and sub of
lord of 7 and 8. Therefore, Venus, Saturn
and Rahu are the significators for birth of
child and they also have the malefic effect
of putting an end to native^ longevity.
According to western system, Sun,
progresses in the 8th cusp, which is dan-
Kethu Dasa yrs. 5-10-14 days. gerous, unless some otherN favourable -
For childbirth: Consider houses.2, 5 aspect is stronger than Sun afflicting Ascen-
and 11. dant during progression.
2nd house occupied by Jupiter—Stars At the ti me of death, the Lagna was in
Punarvasu, Visakam FoorvapaLhrapada : Saturn sign, Rahu star, Venus sub and the
But one should not be in a hurry to star on that day was Bharani governed by
proceed like this See which houses are. Venus.
owned by Jupiter and whether Rahu or Venus, Bhadhakasthana adhipathi, just
Kethu is in Sagittarius or Pisces. Then entered into lord of Lagna Constellation.
consider the planets in Kethu's stars. Only Sravana Saturn also just entered into its
Mood is is Kethu Constellation and Venus own sub in the Constellation of the planet
0ord of 11 sub). in Marakasthana 2« and Rahu was in lord
5th house is occupied by Moon : No of 2 (Marakasthana) and sub of Venus
node is in its sign. Rohini, Hastham and (Bhadhakasthana adhipathi). If Bhadha-
Sravanam are governed by Moon. Mer- kasthana and Marakasthana are analysed,
cury alone is in Sravanam. It is in Mars this period agrees.
sub (5th house lord) 11th house is occu-
pied by Saturn. No node in its sign. May her Soul Rest in Peace 1

S. M. Gadagkar
(Station Road, Davaogere)
(1} The Dovexed qnestionof Ayanamsa I feel the time is iftpe and is going to be
and world Almanac. auspidous by the beginning of coming Sep-
tember (1966) when Jupiter in assodation of
The necessity of writing the general esti- Mars will be exalted with his entry into
mate, prior to the main subject to be dealt Cancer and the hindrance forming Saturn
in details is needed by the consequence, willbe under his aspect, enabling the
explaining its importance, in relation to -to adopt right things needed by the hour. I
Hindu Astrological Science, now being wish the present day confusion will be
under full of confusion, with wrong beliefs, solved leading to the " World Peaceas
in respect to an important factor like it is with the Nirayana Calculations of the
" Ayanamsa Value because of which a Hindu Astrology, by adopting. The right
stage is reached people are completely belief hidden in the • Universal Truth *
loosing faith in getting a valuable guidance made known in the article for the first
to their lives through • Astrology \ This time, .In a way I anticipate to see' a
may ultimately lead to condemn the sacred correct Almanac, needed to the country;
science itself of divine origin. may be after a long period of more than
The committee appointed by the Govern- hundred years or so.
ment to prepare a national Calen'dar have The Ayanamsa or the Ayanagathi'or the
' also failed in arriving to the correct deci- precisional distance as 60* per year is in
sion by accepting a fixed 'Ayanamsa an order of sixty number, that i why our
Value* as 23° 15' from 1880 Seke, or Andent Rishies the founders of the Hindu
1958 A.D. on experiment basis. Astrology fixed the prabhavadi Samat-
My undertaking in writing an article saras, ghaties, vighaiies, minutes and
needed by the hour is a .research iii itself seconds in a degree and .the divisiabality
the • Ayanamsa Problem' being correctly of the Zodiac in the same order the coin-
solved once for &11, of course you will cidence to this belief is clearly made known know the truth after going at the conclusion of the article. Hence I
through the article in 3 parts, comprising request the learned readers . to take note
the details as below : of the above, which is appredable on its
(11 The question of 'Ayanamsa 8l very face value, supporting my belief; a
World Almanac * truth in reality and it is sdentifically
proved in the next chapter, as a result of
(2) Ac Correct thought solving the which I have ideas also to make possible
Ayanamsa' problem. an Almanac on world basis in appropria-
(3) The mathematical proof ' Ayan- tion to the heading of this portion of the
amsa ' existence and -conclusion. article.
Let me say first,-with my method The ' Ayanamsa' is a resultant factor
the present-' Ayanamsa Value * of the up-going movement of the Sun
for 1966 at April 13th, is 25°-77'. towards the Great Abhijit is made known
in my article II chapter also the main io the world origin to QM-fll OMKAR* etc.,
order, in a very detailed and easy coovm- This can be well noticed, if we go on
ctng manner, which you will appreciate at tracing for Aynamsa existence from earth,
its best, after' going through the same to Sun, to Abhijit and further on to an
completely. The present day astronomers unknown place, where our imagination
have gone to the extent of tracing the cannot • pierce through, in <a way our
movements of galaxies. But it shows a thinking faculty finds a limitation.
step, further when we think of the origin
of the " Hindu philosophy* which is based It is the seat of that power itself
on the very practical knowledge of the endowed divinity, hence the divine power
• * Universe * tracing to its extremity or final . or God Himself, which cannot be reached
goal the BRAHMANDAKALPANA and by scientific means; but can be appreciated
BRAHMAGNYANA. and enjoyed by devotion, prayers and
The present day advancement in science, penance in the name of .God. Hence the
importance of Hindu system of Astrology
however progressive it may be with respect
'to its usefulness to man-kind finds a limi-; and the Nirayana calculations, where the
'Aynamsa* application is at the base and
tation, in a-way a living leaf or flower there is every reason to be sacred, by
cannot be made by man, supposing to be itself being a factor of divine origin, traced
given with all the ingredients, synthasised in the above manner.
out of them, the question of 'Vital Power*
comes in the( way. The same thing holds, I am highly indebted for the greatness
good with Ayanamsa ' or the precisional of God for having given me an initiative
distance and its existence is taken note of in writing the forthcoming articles. In a
by the Astronomers and the same is attri- way it helped me to form a clear opinion
buted to be the resultant of the scientific as to how the Universe, is controlled by
knowledge to have belonged to the gravit- him, in the same way the Navagrabas 'and
ational attraction and other universal law's their very, existence; movements and
made known by the Science. influences are concerned the man onearth,
by themselves putting under a central
My article in the second chapter clearly governing power the ' Abijit \
indicates the ' Ayanamsa ' existence does This is well explained by me with
not solely come under scientific aspect of
universal laws but for a fact of being phenomena and principles working behind
governed by the * Vital * power, which can the ' Aynamsa problem* in relation to the
very well appredate. great science Hindu Astrology and with
which the movements of the Solar system
To be more clear, the movements of all are controlled and mode of function in a
the planets of our solar system are finally methodical way, so as to release observ-
regulated by a natural force derived out of able effects that are made use of in Astro-,
the up-going movement, of the Sun with logy; making the man to understand
his family as a whole being attracted by fundamentally at the very outset, to form
the Abhijita star, belonging( to Swaraman- a high opinion about the force or power
dala constellation (a star Vega ' of Lyra (Sbakthi) with which.the whole 'Universe'
constellation) drawing our attention to the is controlled and that power Itself is
greatness of Hindu ' Veda ' belief iracing . «GOD *.

. The following is the chart of a bride to Sun is in Kethu sub which has nothing
. be married. The question is "Whenwill to (5o with 2 or 7 or 11.
she get married? Now, do you realise that you have
[Time of taking chart'for judgment; missed the important point? What is that?
9-9-66. Scorpio 25°.] When Mercury is the occupant of the 7th
house, is it found whether Rahu or Ketu
The horoscope of the girl is as follows : is in the sign owned by Mercury so that
Moon j I Rahu is stronger than Mercury. Yes.
27 45 . Sat 4.52 Rahu is in Virgo. It is a powerful agent
Mar« ' Ura 7.05 of Mercury. Therefore, see whether there
26.2T Jup 23.20 is any planet in Rahu's constellation:"—No
• Kctbu 1.21 | | planet is in Arudhra or Swathi or Satha-
Merc 19.22 bisha. Hence take Rahu as a significator.
Birth—12-8-41 8th 25.14 Lord- of 2 is Saturn—No planet in its
16 hrs 21 mts Sun 26.23 star—Rushya—Anuradha— Uthrapathra-
Merodasa-Balance pada. Lord of 7 Mercury—Mercury is
2yrs. 16 months, 10 the beneficial one in its star and favourable
• days Ven 26.46 sub.
Lord of 11 Venus—No planet in its
Lag na Rahu 1.21 stars'—Bharani, Poorvapalguni or Poorva-
23.27 Ncp3.1l shzda. Hence Venus, Mercury, Rahu
(Mars and Moon in Jupiter sub—not
strong) are the significators.
For marriage consider houses 2, 7 and Now the girl is running Venus Dasa,
11. Venus, the Chief Governor for Matri- Saturn Bhukti till 25-6-67. Thereafter
mony also needs consideration. .. marriage will take place-
2nd and 11th houses are unoccupied. In Mercury sign, Rahu star, Venus sub
will be transitted by Venus or Mercury or
7th house is occupied by Mercury which Sun. Therefore the date of marriage will
governs the stars Ashlesha, Jyeshta and be 28-6-67.
Revathi. Mercury and Sun are in Ashlesha, The date of judgment Friday, Arudhra
Moon and Mars are iu Revathi. star lagna in Jyeshta star in Scorpio
Mercury is in the sub of Venus, lord of owned by Mars in the other sign of which
11 and in the constellation of the occupant Rahu is posited. So Venus, Mercury and
of 7, Mercury and lord of 7, Mercury. Rahu are the significators.

When the directions have been compu- nature, whether a trine or a square, is not
ted and set forth in the order in which so important, the main determinative
they occur year after year, the being the character of the natal forces
importance to be attached to each prog- which it stirs into motion. In other
gressed aspect is to be decided. The words, a progressed aspect is powerful
following are some of the salient features and effective in producing results only in
which will be helpful in reading results relation to the birth map. If two planets
by progression:— had been in a certain aspect-harmonious
(1) The birth chart is of the prime or inharmonious-at birth, then whenever
importance. It is the fountain from these planets come to aspects of similar
which Sow events in one's life. It is quality by progression (or transit) they act
something like the table of contents of a to bring the radical.influence to fruition-
book. The progressed horoscope is the The radical aspect is the lock,"' the prog-
chapter and describes in detail what the ressed aspect, the key.
book contains. So nothing should be Occasionally a planet is found to
guessed from the progressed chart that is receive no aspects from any. other planet.
not substantiated by the birth chart. Such a planet should not be thought of as
The bfrth chart is a graph sheet wherein weak or ineffective, for it may be strong
is recorded the planetary vibrations in by occupying its own or exhaltation sign
operation in the heavens at the moment and dignified by owning and occupying. a
of birth. From, this is revealed the nature favourable house. Wesferners aver-that
of the events, favourable or otherwise, to an aspect by direction to such a planet
be encountered in the entire life according will not be as effective as it otherwise
to one's self-generated karma. The prog- would, that is if the progressing planet
ressed Horoscope presents a sectional had b«en in strong aspect to the radical
view.of the birth chart and provides a planet at birth. In author's view, a
clue to the time when certain good or bad progressed planet passing over the . place
"influences stemming from the nativity are of a radical planet is very significant and
brought into active play. affects the matters which the aspected pla-
nets has to offer by ownership, occupation
(2) Do not overemphasize the effect nature, etc., irrespective of whether these
of a strong progressed aspectsuchas a trine two planets were jn any aspect at birth or
or square nor underestimate the influence not. The other progressed aspects may
of a week aspect by progression, viz., semi not be as potent, but the conjunction' will
square or quintile. Always remember be marked.
that the progressed aspect is not to be
judged by itself alone but' always in Very often it is the case that a planet
Connection with the planet,' sign and receives several aspects-a unfavourable
house'from which it. emanates , and the aspect from one and favourable-,
planet to which it is projected and the aspect from another. Suppose ' A ' is in-
inter-relation between these planets at harmoniously aspected by 'B' and in-
birth. .According to C. O. Carter, a harmoniously aspected by • C\ Then
direction is chiefly important as an excita- when B by progressed motion helpfully"
__tion of a radical configuration and its own aspects * A', the matters implied in the
radix will thrive. Later, when ' C' by and profit when they come to a similar
progressed motion throws an adverse aspect by progression ; do evil should be
aspect, the evil radical influence will be predicted when evil directional aspects are
broaght to the fore and an annoying formed between them as they are not in
period ensues, the evil being all the more harmony with the radix. It is like a pas-
if the aspected planet had been ill-placed sing cloud. Similarly, when ill-aspected
at birth. at birth, the same two planets presage a
troublesome period when they are in
When a planet is in good aspects to one mutual adverse aspect by progression;
and in evil aspect to another planet, both good aspect between them by progression
the aspects will operate, each in their due cannot fetch any favourable result.
time. They do not nullify each other. To
illustrate, suppose at birth the Sun as lord (3) Note the extent to which the
of 11 harmoniously aspects Saturn, lord of Dative can gain or lose according to the
4 and 5, and adversely aspects Jupiter, strength of the planets in the birth chart.
lord of 3 and 6, to Thula (Libra) Lagna, Keeping this in mind, the extent to which
the adverse aspects with Jupiter does not a progressed aspect -will do good or bad
rob away the good effects of the beneficial is to be ascertained. Progressed aspects to
aspect to Saturn. When the directional the positions of the planets at birth
aspect between the Sun and Saturn is in operate in proportion to the strength of
operation, the native gains in dealings In the aspected radical planet by sign posi-
immovable property, vehicles or through tion, occupation of a certain house, its
mother or in races, speculation, betting mlership and nature. If a planet 4 A ' is
pleasurable pursuits. The adverse aspects inherently strong at birth by occupying
to Jupiter may manifiest as ailment to' its own or exhaltation sign and a favour-
younger brother or sister, cousin or mater- able house, etc., withbenefic aspects, then
nal uncle and worries in matters relating even a weak directional aspect of a
to short journeys, writings and difficulties similar nature to ' A* marks a period of
in borrowing. At the time of beneficial success and good fortune; whereas an evil
solar aspects, by progression, to Saturn aspect by progression to ' A', however *
whatever benefits were promised at birth strong it might be in its quality, will pass
will be fully reaped and at the time of off unnoticed without inflicting any evil.
adverse solar progressed aspects to Jupiter It will threaten but will not do any harm.
the evil radical influences repeat themselves Conversely, even a strong favourable
and depress and hinder. One has to aspect from a progressed planet to another
swallow the bitter pill. planet *0* afflicted at birth by occupying
and owning an unfavourable house and
Directional aspects are conditioned by weakly placed by being in its debilitation
the state of the horoscope at birth. The sign, etc., would produce small, if any,
birth map ispermanent and constant influl- benefit, whereas evil directions accentuate,
ence ; directions are transitory and modify the natal indications and denote a period
or accentuate the radical influences when of trouble, delay, disappointment and
they concur in nature. Progressed aspect dejection.
which arenot in accordance with theradical
indications are not of any value. Xh&t (4) A progressed planet can only
to say, a week progressed aspect coincid- bring to bear the influence it indicated at
ing with the testimonies foreshown at birth • birth, whether favourable or otherwise.
will be far more active .than a strong Its strength should be seen as it is essen-
aspect by progression contrary to the tial to determine what effect will result
radical indications. from its aspect by progression. The more
a planet is dignified at birth, the more
Two planets well aspected-at birth and beneficent is the nature which it carriesjn
otherwise well placed, will bring pleasure progression. Similarly, the more a malefic
is afflicted at birth, the more adverse is 4, 5,7, 8,9 and 12 do not favo r the native
the nature of the result which it will offer financially. In matters of competition,
by progression. Both. our Hindu sages election, litigation, etc., whenever good
and the western scholars have classified aspects are thrown to the sigcificators
the planets as ' benefic' or 'malefic* associated with houses 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 12,
according to their intrinsic nature. On it is the opponent who gains and not the
this basis, Jupiter, Venus, the unafflicted native. It may, at the same time, show
Mercury and the waxing Moon are con- that the native may land money to' others
sidered benefics; the other planets are or return loans or make investments, etc.
malefics. Some of the western astrologers Conversely, bad aspects to the lords of
have now come to believe that the nature these houses or the significators connected
of each planet forming the aspect and the with them, produce loss to the opponent
relation it bears to the natal chart are more in election, competition, litigation, etc.,
important than, the quality of the aspect and thereby the native gains mostly with-
formed. As one writer puts it, "one of out pains.
the greatest difficulties in astrology is to
know whether traditionally good aspects If a planet promises favourable results
are to bring good results and bad ones to one according to the birth chart on the
bad results. The modern tendency is to basis of the various considerations, jts
rely far more on the nature of the planet conjunction to its birth position or a
than the nature of the aspect, it being con- harmonious aspect to it, by progression or
sidered only as marking a time when the transit, brings about beneficial results.'
principles of the planets in . question are On the other hand, if a planet is decidedly
brought to inter-relation.*' harmful at birth and connotes only
disagreeable results* .then its harmonious
When we descend from abstractions to aspect to, or conjunction over, the posi-
note the effects experienced in actual life, tion occupied at birth.harmonises<with the
we are forced to feel .that neither the radical indications and only disagreeable
nature of the planet forming the aspect - results are denoted. Contrarily, its id-
nor the quality of the aspect itself are harmonious aspects to the natal position
important by themselves. A beneficial deny the disagreeable radical indications
aspect, by direction or transit, from the and only pleasant results will be enjoyed.
lord of a favourable house to the lord of Therefore, the general principle that all.
lagna or the lord of a favourable house good aspects are beneficial and all evil ,
posited'in the lagna, whether it is a so aspects are unfavourable would not hold
called benefic. or malefic -by nature, good always. The terms 'harmonious'
connotes only pleasure and happiness, and 'inharmonious' convey a better mean-
health and vitality, success in effort, etc. ing than 'beneficial*a^d 'adverse*.
A square aspect from Jupiter to Mercury,
lord of Mithuna lagna, or to another Every planet has both good and bad .
plant occupying the lagna, denotes only nature. No placet is wholly evil or
troubles with partner or in business, wholly good to one and all, It is ' endo-
profession and wordly affairs as Jupiter wed with a higher as well as a lower
owns the 7th and the 10th houses to nature. Jupiter is praised as a benefic
Mithuna lagna natives. The planet's because it bestows a logical, broad, opti-
lordship and occupation would therefore mistic, expansive, noble and benevolent
appear to be more strongly emphasized nature. But when afflicted, it makes' one
than its nature. lawless, extravagant, self-indulgent and
. disregard one's obligations. On the other
Also, traditionally good aspects do not hand, Saturn which is condemned as a
always portray good fortune to the native; malefic because it acts' as a deterrent and
for instance good aspect to the planets causes obstruction, limitation and frustra-
connected in any manner with the houses tion manifests its highest qualities and
makes the mind resourceful, gives tact, to one born in Thula (Libra) lagna is:
diplomacy, order, method, patience and Jupiter, a benefic by nature, is in the star
practical-ability when .dignified. So care, .of lord of 11. lltb house governs plea-
is inquired to be bestowed to ascertain sure, profit and fulfilment of hopes and
which' side of a planet's nature will be wishes. Jupiter rules 3 and 6. Therefore,
asserted. A natural malefic, when well one gains by fair means through younger
fortified, produces an exceedingly benefi- brother or sister or through writing or by
cial effect; a natural benefic, afflicted, is. borrowing. It shows success in competi-
the very reverse, of beneficial. Also, a • tion, election, litigation, betting, etc.
natural benefic cannot do good if it owns
an 'Unfavourable house, nor a natural (5) Have regard to the environment
malefic deny favourable results if it rules . of the native. Two peop)e may-have the
a favourable house. same, identical aspects. One will be very
fortunate while the other can enjoy only
Students of stellar astrology will testify to some extent. This is because the
to the fact that no two planets in good or former is-born in fortunate circumstances
bad aspect at birth or by transit or by and the latter under the very lash of
progression react upon any two individuals tyranny and oppression. So a judicious
in a similar manner. The intensity of a interpretation suitable to an individual's
direction or transit depends not only on the nature and environment is requirement for
planets concerned but also on the degrees proper judgment.
of the zodiac from which they are in
certain aspectt the stellar lords [lord of (6) Aspects among the planets may '
the star and sub) ruling that particular be worked out to form ' in a particular
degree, week. It is not necessary that the results
will. manifest in that week itself. Moon
In each horoscope, there are certain alone moves fast Its aspects and the
sensitive points or degrees, for good or for results indicated by its aspects will be
bad. Whenever planets transit or progress enjoyed in the same montI|. But other
in those degrees■> g ood or bad results deno- planets move slowly. Hence the period
ted by the lord of the star aud the sub will when the results will be actually enjoyed
surely be experienced, the transiting or is to be modifiedby adopting the following
progressing planet showing the source method.
through which such results are reaped.
Suppose the Progressed Sun forms a
Each planet contributes certain results harmonious aspect to the radical Jupiter
according to its nature, occupation and and you expect increase in income and
lordship. Its natural characteristic indi- improvement in status, say in the second
cates how the matter is accomplished. Its week of December 1966 by careful
lordship shows the source through which working. Then take the Ephemeris for
the desire is fulfilled or frustrated. The 1966 and find out the nearest date when
actual nature of the result is related to the Sun, by transit, will form a favourable
affairs of the houses governed and occu- aspect with Jupiter or cross over the
pied by the lord of the constellation. The Jupiter's place. That is the date on which
sub is the deciding factor whether the the progressed Sun's aspect to Jupiter will
matter is ultimately desirable or disagree- culminate. It may be in the last week of
able. The sign measures the planet's November 1966 or even the first week of
strength, whether it is strong or weak in January 1967.
Similarly, take an example of Jupiter
All the different isolated factors should forming good aspect with Mercury and
be integrated and read in combination.-- you-.look for. sudden gains byjoltery or
..A suggested interpretation of Jupiter in agency or receipt of the accumulated
Kartik nakshathra in Taurus (Risha) in 8 commission amount Then, on that day
by transit when Jupiter is over orln good (b) At the age of 24 to the native,
aspect to the Mercury's place, you will the younger brother or sister whs
enjoy the results. appointed and the native gained
The planets in good aspects by progres-
sion should also form good aspects (need At the age of 16£, Sun who is lord of 3
not be the same) by transit also. A trine (younger brother, or sister) formed evil
aspect by progression will mature by aspect with-lord of 2 (family and finance).
a sextileaspect by transit, a square aspect So separation from family and expanses
by progression will be active when a semi- due to younger brother's studies. At the
square is formed by transit. age of 24 to the native. Sun, lord of 3,
formed good aspect with lord of 2
(6) Note which planet forms an (Finance). So the native gains money
aspect while progressing with a planet or through younger brother. 2nd house
the cusp of a house in the birth chart. represents vyaya (loss) to younger brother
The planet which is aspected indicates the as it 12 to 3.
nature of the result and the moving, prog-
ressing planet (i.e., the aspecting planet) Thus Moon as lord of 2 shows income-
shows the source thereof. or expenses in the family, union or separa-
tion from the family. Sun, as lord of 3,
Suppose the following is the chart and denotes that the source is due to younger
an aspect is being formed between the brother, i.e.', income or expenses through
Progressed Sun and the radical Moon. him, short journeys, etc., and also separa-
tion or reunion with younger brother.
So)also, if lord of 11 forms beneficial
aspects by progression to lord of 2, it
promises income through elder brother or
'through friends (11th house for elder
brother and friends). In this case, lord of
11 is Mars. . He is'also lord of 6. There-
fore, one is to say that the gain may be
from maternal uncle or by borrowing (6th
house). It may be that the elder brother
or friend may lend money or. maternal .
uncle may help the native. So it should
be noted from which house Mars by pro-
gression fo rms this aspect. progres-
ses in 'Thulam (Libra) 10 degrees and
forms quintile (72 degrees) aspect with the
radical Moon, it should be taken that the
The Sun was in 4 degrees in Simha maternal uncle will render help as Thulam
(Leo). Moon was in 28 degrees in Kataka (where Mars progresses) is 12th to the 6th
(Cancer). Therefore, at the age of 16i house. But if Mars progresses in Meena
Prog. Sun formed 22i degree aspect with 28 degrees and forms trine (120 degrees)
the Moon radical. Again, at the age of with the radical Moon in Kataka (Cancer)
24, Prog. Sun formed semi-sertile (or 30 28 degrees, it indicates that either elder
degree) aspect with the radical Moon. brother or friend will give monetary assis-
tance to the native or they would help
Results enjoyed were: him with an appointment as Mars pro-
gresses in the lOlh house. Thus, note the
(a) At the age of ISJ, brother went houses which the planet forming the aspect,
out for study. rules. From the ownership of the houses,
note who will give the result, through physical manifestation in the week when
wEich source you gain or lose. the progressed planet, by transit, forms
a similar quality of aspect (not necessarily
IFthe same Mars were to progress in the same as the one by progression) with
Meena 13 degrees and form sesquiquadrate the planet in the radix. In the foregoing
(135 degrees) aspect with the radical Moon, example, though a good aspect may be
through elder brother or . friend your formed on a particular date accor-
income is reduced or you meet with un- ding to progression by progressed
common expenses through them. Mars to radical Moon, yet the effect of
such a good aspect will be apparent only
Thus, though an aspect may be formed in the week when Mars, by transit, forms
on a particular date by progression, yet a good aspect with the planet Moon in the
the said aspect fertilises and blooms into natal chart.


An Indian industrialist with an intelli-
gent for invention manufactured a bandy Mercury I Jupiter
safety razor set A person who had been
using one particular old set with certain
defects wanted to make use of this new
instrument not with any genuine intention
to appreciate the improvements therein
but with a malicious design to criticise it.
He did not follow in full the instructions
given in the pamphlet either. What was
the result? The shaving set instead of
giving htm a new look, disfigured his face,
at the same time inflicting injuries on him. L
To my mind, the learned author who has z:-
contributed an article in the October 1966
issue of the Astrological Magazine (pages
937 and 938) is in a similar situation. He
has, for instance, taken the horoscope of (Dasa balance .4 years, 8 months,
a'girl bora on 28-7-1944 at 43-32^ ghatis 14 days'according to him.)
as example I and attempted to apply my
method. In the first place, the chart has not been
cast in the proper 'manner indicating the
degree and minute in which the cusps of
houses stand. For instance, the learned
author claims that the Moon is in the
7tb house. If he bad followed the princi-
ples of house divisions followed by me
which is since centuries advocated by all
the nations throughout the world (with the
exception of a few traditional Hindu
astrologers), be would bave found that the
Moon is in the 6th house. Probably he
is yet to learn the difference between a
sign and a house as advocated by me and
the scholars of other countries. If one
follows my method or tries to test my
method, he should also scrupulously follow
the bouse division which I follow and
which I have recommended. When Aries
is Lagna and Libra is Navamsa Lagna, the anthra of Venus began to operate, the
ttfen the Lagna is between 20" and 23° 20' marriage was celebrated. The learned
(Here also correct degree is not given author of the article has stated that accor-
by {he author). If Moon is in Swathi 3rd ding to my system, houses 2, 7 and 11 are
pada and 4 years, 8 months and 14 days to be judged. I emphatically say 'Yes'.
are the balance in Rahu Dasa, then Moon Think for a while. Saturn, the dasanatha
must be in 16° 31'; When the 7th cusp rules the .11th house and occupies the 2nd
falls between. 20° and 23° 20' Libra then house. The 7th and 11th houses are
Moon will be in 16° 31' in the 6th house unoccupied and Venus owns these two
(bhava). houses. See how the correct application
of Krishnamurti Padhdhati confirms the
The learned author of the article further result. When Saturn and Venus had
goes on to say that the second house is nothing to do with houses 2, 7 and 11,
unoccupied. I will show how incorrect he how could the marriage be celebtated 7 f
is. Lagna is in 20°to 23° 20' Aries. There- have not taken houses 4, 8 and 12 like
fore, around 21° will be the 2nd .cusp in those who failed miserably.
Taurus. The second house will extend
from around 21° Taurus to around 21° Transit & Erishnamurti Padhdhati.
Gemini. Saturn is in Arudhra and second
Charana (4th navamsa of Gemini) i.e., .Further, dasanatha Saturn at the time of
between 10° and 13° 20' in Gemini. It is marriage transited in his own star Uthra-
positive therefore that Saturn is in the pathrapada and in the sub of Saturn,
second house. venus, the bhuktinatha, transited in dasa-
natha Saturn's star and Rahu's sub. Moon
Dasa system & Erishnamurti Padhdhati: at that ti me was in Saturn sign, Rahu sub.
Moon in the constellation of the strongest
Applying Krishnamurti Padhdhati, significator Rahu, gave the wedding in its
Saturn is in 2. Sun and Rahu are in .star day, Sravana. Why ? Rahu has to
Pushya governed by Saturn and Saturn is play its part. Rahu was in Moon's sign,
in. Rahu constellation, Arudhra. Saturn Saturn' sstar. It was conjoined with
and Rahu are in Shookshma Parivarthana. Venus, lord of 2 and 7. Moon at birth
The girl enjoyed Rahu Dasa before she was in Rahu's star. Therefore Rahu gives
completed 4£ years. . So to think of her the resulls through Moon also. Hence
marriage in Rahu Dasa is not proper. the marriage was celebrated when Moon
Then which dasa can give ?. It can be Sun transited Saturn's, sign, its own star
Dasa or Saturn Dasa. The native cannot Sravana and in the sub of Rahu.
have Sun dasa in her life time. Therefore,
Saturn must offer marriage i n its dasa. It I am the author of this advanced stellar
has offered. . How ? Saturn is lord of 11th system of prediction. I have expounded
cusp in the 2nd house in the star of Rahu this theory. I feel sorry that the writer of
who is conjoined with lord of 2 and 7, the article in the Astrological Magazine
Venus. Rahu would have given marriage has been a little too hasty in passing judg-
during Jupiter Dasa, Rahu Bhukti. But ment on Krishnamurti Padhdhati. Further
Jnpiter is in the constellation of Kethu without any convincing reason, he sets out
occupying 10th sign and 9th bhava. to discuss taking the Moon sign as the first
Jupiter is in no way connected with the house. Why ? I have clearly said that one
houses 2, 7 and 11 and has nothing to' do should think of Moon sign only when
with matrimonial affairs. Dasanatha is lagna is afflicted. Probably he makes a
ever stronger than Bhuktinatha. So in vain bid to show that he had made all
Jupiter Dasa Rahu cannot give in his sub- attempts to apply the principles of
period. When Saturn Dasa has started, Krishnamurti Padhdhati but failed. When
since Kethu has nothing to do with the fundamental principles of Krishna,
wedding, Saturn Dasa, Saturn Bhukti, murti Padhdhati are not understood
Kethu Anthra had to pass. Immediately by him - fully, when Ayanamsa used
by me is not used, how can he indulge in research that predictions based on the same
cheap, unwarranted criticism of my lagna have miserably failed wherehs
method ? I would have appreciated it if he different numbers have led to arrive at
had forenlightenmentwritten to me, had my correct answers. Therefore', which base
remarks and if it is not convincing, publish he would win and which he would lose
both his and my reply. Then readers can can be predicted only by Horary Astrology
say which or who is half-baked. taking different numbers. I would like to
be enlightened how one can answer all the
Regarding the other chart and ten cases taking the lagna for the moment.
horary astrology let him again read my I know what Bhattotpaia has said in
Padhdhati, improve himself and apply in Prasna Gnana which cannot be applied in
a logical and rational manner. 10 cases. Scientific astrology should
answer all
Regarding Horary Astrology the learned
author of the article in the Astrological - Suppose one sits for several examina-
Magazine has declared that none gives any tions such as Cost Accounts, Chartered
number 'below 30 '.What a presumptuous Accountancy; Bank services. Company
statement! People mention all numbers. Law, Life Insurance Corporation Exami-
In a few cases, Aries is found to rise ; in nations, etc. How will one predict, with
a few others, Taurus rises and so on. the same lagna, in which examination he
There is no use in presuming and will pass and in which he will fail ?
imagining things. One should be rational. -
It is tested by us, in the Delhi residence
of a member of Parliament. Industrialists The writer of the article under reference
were there. They gave 5 numbers below goes on to remark that Stellar Astrology
30 and one above 30. is not unknown. Let me make it clear
that mine is Advanced Stellar Astrology.
The learned writer of the article in ques- May I beseech him to enlighten me in
tion is of the opinion that the lagna for which magazine of Astrological interest is
the time of a query in Horary Astrology the stellar system and division of the cons-
may be worked out. Please do so. But a tellation consistently used^ applied and
busy and intelligent astrologer will go by judgment given systematically before
number, as he cannot afford .to spend ' Astrology and Athrishta' came to be
much time to calculate the ascendant, published 1 Who has discovered the sub-1
meridian and position of planet. . But he division of a star and rendered it useful to
who can afford to spend half an hour for offer correct prediction both by Dasa
each querist, only to erect a chart for the system and Transit system?
time of query (leave alone the time needed
to predict) can very well do so. The Let me dispel the author's another
method can be used for some queries but confusion. Navamsa division is not on
it is not useful universally. Suppose, by stellar influence. A star has its longitude
trunk phone one puts a query ; you have extending to 13° 20'. Any one planet is
to answer. How can you work out a its lord and it influences that zone. But
chart in such a short time. Suppose a in Navamsa, every 3° 20' is in a sign and
person puts, say, 10 questions. He has 10 it is governed by another planet. In
different cases in the subordinate Court, Stellar system, the lord of the star, say
High Court, • Supreme Court,' etc. both Kartik, 3rd star, is governed by Sun.. But
criminal and civil. He puts the questions the Navamsa signs of Kartik star are
one after the other. If he gives a different Sagittarius,- Capricorn, Aquarius and
number to each question and if one takes Pisces which are ruled by Jupiter and
that number and judges accordingly, one Saturn. Where is the influence of Sun who
will be able to offer the correct answer for is the lord of the constellation, Karthik,
each different qnery. I have found in my according to Navamsa sign ?
So the learned author' of the article Theories must constantly be put to practice
should learn more about Krishnamufti and revised as a result of systematic
Padhdhati. One should not at one and research. There is no use paying Hp
the " same time • administer Ayurvedic, sympathy to modern research and at the
Homoeopathic^ Allopathic and Unani same time condemn every new finding by
medicines to the same patient for the quoting scriptures like a poll parrot. The
same complaint; nor measure a piece of swan when it is offered milk mixed with
cloth simultaneously both by the yard and water eliminates the water in the milk and
by the metre. One has to follow, step by sips only the pure milk. Similarly, should
step, all the methods propounded by me. we exercise our senseof discrimination and
Let me make it clear that after doing follow only those principles which, on
research for many long years, assisted by application, have proved to be accurate
many learned scholars, applied by whether it is propounded by Hindu sages
hundreds of my students and applauded or westerners.
because of the uniformly accurate results,
I have published my system as it became Take for instance the following sloka
ripe for the purpose of prognostication from Brihat Jataka translated by a learned
and only when it was declared to yield scholar.
convincing, clear >and correct results, by
people having open mind.
Sloka 22:
How far his statement and his claim
that he has taken special interest to under- " If, at the time of conception (who
stand my Padhdhati and tried to apply knows it except God?) the rising
it could be relied upon, may be left to Navamsa belongs to Saturn and
the judgment of the discerning readers. that planet occupies the 7th
When he has not even understood the first house the child will take three
principle of house division and then judge years to be born."
in which house a planet is posited at the
time of birth, I cannot but feel sorry for Is intra-uterine life every 3 years? Is
his subject ignorance of fundamentals- there any case like that ? Do you want
people to follow such rules and apply
them in practice ? How far can we put
Rivalry—healthy rivalry—there can be. such a sloka to a rational application ? Is
Jealously there should never be. It will it Threthayuga or scientific age when by
bring down one's prestige. If at all, there' experiments we have to prove our state-
should be co-operation 'and constructive ments? Research and experiments do not
suggestion. To speak ill of a finding, mean any disrespect to our ancient rishis.
without knowing it well and investigating Take Ashtakavarga. In the horoscopes
into, it shows little knowledge, great pre- of a living couple, if we apply Ashtaka-
judice and irrational thinking. -To dis- varga, we get 3 sons to husband and only
play one's immaturity and thereby gain 2 to wife. 5 to wife and 2 to husband,
cheap pleasure or popularity so short- what is this ? Is not something wanting in
liked like a bubble, will not be relished Ashtakavarga to make it complete ? Is it
by any. I have hundreds of regular applicable to people bom in the couple of
students who are all very intelligent, hours when Lagna sign and position of
academically highly qualified, holding - planets remain the same ?
high - positions and brought up in high
society who ask me to ignore such trivial When such incorrect methods, where the
and uninformed writings as they are con- rational behind them is not explained are
vinced of my method, learnt my system traditionally followed to nobody's advan-
and follow only mine forgetting old, in- tage, I point out the mistake, open the
complete and therefore defective theories. eyes of blind followers, throw good light
and gui'Se- properly. The best, way to is no greater bar to progress than that
cause of Astrology is not to principle of conduct which condemns a
"ndulgeln^cheap, uninformed and jealous thing prior to its investigation".
rdrttiiisna 'but to take the thread left by
jabdent, zealous research workers end (Copy of the article sent to
endeavour, to arrive at the Truth* It does Mr. B. V. Raman for favour of publica-
not pay any one to make any ill-conceived tion in the astrological Magazine, in reply
statements not based on reasoned thinking. to an article by' Mr. N. S. Kalyanam in
It is .nothing but an exhibition of one's October 1966 issue of the astrological
lack of knowledge. Says a scholar "There Magazine.)

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