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Notice; advertisements & monthly forecast have been removed

( FOUNDED : 1-4-1963 )
Jyothish Martfaand
12, Brahmin Street, Saidapct

V0L 7 No
- JANUARY1969 -

Prosperity of the Institute 3
Letter to the Editor 5
Information to Read, 5
Impression of two At > us (Tape Recorded at Delhi) 5
Horary: Transfer wht 7
Divorce 11
Horoscope of the wife 15
Separation from father, p s and imprisonment 17
Shashtiapdha Poorthi of th itor 23
Reviewed by Som Gupta V*' 25
The Hand Speaks 27
Overseas—(Importance of Cusp and Sub in Astrological
Analysis) 29
Eclipse—Eclipsed Planet—Results 35
Will I get ray share in the property? 45
Errata 45
Scholarship for higher studies 47
Next promotion—-When? 48
Daily Guide for January 1969 49
Position of Planets 55
January 1969—Ephemeris 57
, Monthly Prediction 59
Sidereal Time 75
One is running an educational Institu- between 27-10-1977 and 27-10-1983, there
tion. One' wants to know about its will be the receipt of much donation, to
progress. erect buildings, repair and extend (Saturn
Within 249, Number given is 5 on indicates consolidation and renovation).
21-9-68 at 12-30 P.M. I.S.T. at 28* 40' N. 6th house denotes money received. 12th
indicates investment purchases, etc.
Sot. 0-35 One is to predict the future of an Insti-
Rahu Lagna II 7-16 m 2-16 tution, just like the future of a person.
16-41 4-46-4C to IV 25-16 Moon is in 5. It is also lord of 5. It is in
the constellation of Venus in 6. There-
fore more receipt from musicians, chemi-
XI! 24-16 V 21-16 cal manufacturers and Industrials,
-5- Engineers, Industrialists Manufacturing
12-30 P.M. I.S.T. Engineering goods, etc., Automobile Engi-
21—9—1968 Mars 6-23
28° 40'N Moon neers and dealers. Mars Dasa 7 years will
XI 21-16 20-36 be the years of expansion, improvement
VI 24-16 etc. The results will be most encouraging.
Jup. 25-44
The reputation of the ^institution will reach
VII 4-47 Sun 4-59
X 25-16 VIZI 7-16 Mer. a new height. Circulation of publication
1X2-16 1-18 Kethu and gains through books and periodicals
Venus 0-2 16-41
will shoot up. Mars in the constellation
of node in 6 promises grand success.
Venus Dasa balance 9 years 1 month 6 Rahu Dasa 18 years will prove to further
days. • improving as Rahu is in the constellation
Will it prosper? Is it promised ? Should of Mercury in 6.
be the first, to be observed- Jupiter Dasa 16 years shows much
11th cusp shows the fulfilment of desire advantages Saturn in Kethu star denotes
and the 10th indicates, name, fame, reputa- renovation, expenses and equal receipt of
tion, etc. 11th cusp falls in Moon star donation.
Venus sub. The peculiarity is this. L know that this
Venus in the 6th house indicates success. Institution will expand slowly, steadily and
surely. It may be my wish also, Astro-
l#th cusp is in Venus star Mercury sub. logically, others to give and one to receive
Both are in 6. Both are benefics. They is indicated by 6th house.
also promise absolute satisfaction.
The progress is to be judged by talcing 6th house matters are indicated by
into consideration, the dasa running. planets posited in the constellation of
occupants; then the occupants and so
Now Venus Dasa Jupiter Bhukti is on. on. Jupiter, Sun, Kethu, Venus and
It will run up to 27-8-70, Then 27-8-70 Mercury are all in 6.
"to 27-10-73 Saturn will rule. 27-10-73 on-
wards Mercury till 27-8-76. Then up to Jupiter star is not occupied by any
27-10-77 Kethu Bhukti. planet and so. Jupiter is very strong.
Sun in 6 governs Karthik Uthrapalguni
Let us judge, what each planet can and Uthrashada. Sun alone is in iK star
contribute. Sun is in 6: It is in its own and Sun is a strong significator. Kethu
constellation. It is also lord of 6. It is governs Aswini, Magaand Moola, Saturn
in the sub of Saturn in 12. Hence in and Mars are in Kethu star. .Venus is in
6 and Bbarani, Poorvapalguni and Saturn is lord of 12. No planet is in
Poorvashada are ruled by Venus. Moon Saturn star. Hence during the periods and
and Jupiter are in Venus star. Mercury sub periods of Saturn, there will be
is also in 6. Ashlesha, Jyeshta and expenses outweighing income. No doubt
Reyathi are ruled by Mercury and Raho there will be receipt more than normal:
is posited there. but expenses still go higher. Further
Saturn brings about changes in the organi-
Thus it can be seen that all planets sation during Saturn Dasa Kethu Bbuktbi.
promise that there are many to contribute Always the conjoined period of Saturn
and see that the Institute grows up and and Kethu must bring change in the
expands like anything. organisation.

S. S. PINGLE, B E. (Civil),
Krishna Kripa, 1st Floor, Gokbale Road {NX Dadar, Bonibay-28-
A gentleman asks: " When he will be Whether Moon shows Query?
transferred to his native place 7" Always Moon shows the nature of query.
Please give a Number. Here Moon is in Moon star (lord of lllhj
Take 51. and in 8th and in the sub of Rahu in 7th
house from Virgo which is the Ascendant
Time; 8-10 A-M. 17th August, 1968. of the querist.
Place: Bombay. Moon in Sth in its own constellation
shows that the querist is worried about
Rabu Saturn Mean his promotion as well. Moon is in Taurus
ruled by Venus who is on 12tb cusp shows
18® 31* 2°(R)
08' 12® 02'
the query of transfer. Moon in the sub of
Rahu representing Jupiter who is also the
Mars. occupant of 12th bouse reflects the
Planetary Position 14® 02' querist's mind.
at 8-10 A.M. Sufi 0° 56' Ascendant falls in Virgo ruled by Mer-
nth August. 1968 Met, 0*37' cury who is the occupant of 11th bhava and'tS' also the constellation of lagna shows that
Jupiter he will have what he wants but Moon in
18' 09'
Asc. 8th shows that he must have been worrying
16'40'to for sometime before he put the query.
Kethu For transfer take 3rd, 10th and 12th
18® 31' bouses.
Balance of Dasa; Moon Dasa and Rabu 3rd; Vacant.
Bhukti has started Jupiter Anlhra starts 10th: Occupied by Mars.
on 1st October, 1968. 12th; Jupiter and Venus.
1 took the horoscope for judgment at No planet is in Mars' star.
the same time.
Jupiter and Venus in Venus star. But
Planet- Constellation. Sub. Rabu is in Jupiter's sign; so take Rahu.
Sun Kethu Venus Rabu is also in the constellation and sub
of Mercury, owner of lOlh house. Mars
Moon Moon Rahu in 10th house is weaker as there is no
Mars Saturn (R) Rahu planet in its star and it is in Anuradha
Kethu Kethu ruled by Saturn (R).
Jupiter Venus Rahu Significators are Rahu, Jupiter
Venus Venus Moon and Venus.
Saturn (R) Kethu Venus Moon Dasa Rahu Bhukti Jupiter Anthra
Mercury Mercury rules between Ist October to 12lh Decem-
Rahu ber. Venus Sookshma rules between 6th
Kethu Moon Kethu November to 18th November.. 1968.
Sun transits Venui sign Jupiter star on No planet in Sun's star.
6th November to 18tb November, 196j. Rahu in Mercury star and sub.
Take sub of Venus again.
So on 14th November, 1968 when Sun Mercury's sign is occupied by Kethu.
transits Venus sign Jupiter star and Venus Sun, Mercury and Saturn (R) are in
sub. He will be transferred. Jupiter and Kethu star.
Rahu representing Jupiter aspects 4th cusp
(16° Sagittarius) powerfully. So he will Sun, Rahu, Mercury, Saturn (R) are
go to his native place as 4th indicates significators.
native place,
Moon Dasa Rahu Bhukti Saturn
For promotion Anthra and Kethu Sookshma will give the
Take result. Mercury is replaced by Kethu as
it is in Virgo.
2nd, 6lh, 10th and 11th houses.
2nd: Vacant. Saturn Anthra starts on 4th December,
1968 runs till 20lh February, 1968. Kethu
6th: Vacant. Sookshma rules from 26th December to
10th: Mars. 30lh December, 1968- So when Sun transits
1 It!:: Sun and Mercury. Jupiter sign (Rahu) Kethu star and Saturn
sub, i.e. on 26th December, 1968. You will
No planet in Mars star. realise your ambition.
K. S. K.
The horoscopes of the couple who got give the results of the houses 2, 3,5
married on 12-12-64 had divorce sanction and 6. It also shows union and
on 27-11-67. Appeal is made on 13-8-68. separation.
II 0-30 (3) Mars in the sub of Rahu gives
XII25-55 Jup. 20-57 Lagna VeniJs7-24 ultimate separation.
Kethu Sat. 21-17' 4-38 Moon
21-19 19-25 (4) Mercury indicates separatian as it
III 24-30 is in the star of occupant and owner
Merc 1-44 of 12 and sub of Rahu.
Sun 16-25
XI 19-30 IV 19-30 (5) Jupiter in the star of Venus (union)
Mars and sub of Jupiter in 12 shows legal
2—8—40 25.45
0.45 A.M. separation.
Mc. V 19-30 (6) Venus in 2 in the constellation of
19-30 Rahu and sub of Rahu gives both.
(7) Saturn in Venus star (union) sub of
1X24-30 Rahu Rahu, ultimate separation as Rahu
VII 4 38 21-19 is to denote 6tb bouse matter also.
vin o-3o VI 25-55
(8) Rahu in Moon star Venus sub
Rahu Dasa Balance 0 year 11 months 2 shows united married life.
days. (9) Ketbu in Mercury star Venus sub
The dasa period at the time of marriage unites. Thus what each planet can
was Saturn Dasa Venus Bhukti Sun Anthra. contribute is to be studied.
Divorce was sanctioned during Saturn Dasa The day of marriage, was a Saturday:
Sun Bhukti Jupiter Anthra on 27-11-67. Moon in Saturn sign. Lagna in Saturn
Appeal is given on 13-8-68 during Saturn sign, Sun star. Sun was in its own star:
Dasa Moon Bhukti Mars Anthra. Saturn was in the sign of lord of 11 and
For marriage, judge bouses 2, 7 and 11. star of lord of 7. Jupiter was in Venus
Venus and Moon arc;in 2: None in 7. star in sign of lord of 7. Venus owns only
Ketbu is in 11. Mercury, Mars and Saturn lagna and not 6: So also. Mars owns
rule the 2nd, 7th and lltb houses. Jupiter only 7th and not 12th.
and Saturn are in the constellation of [There is no Mars Dosba in this chart
Venus: Rahu is in the constellation of because it is in a movable sign, it is debi-
Moon. No planet is in Mars star. Sun is litated : conjoined with Mercury. Yet
in the constellation of Saturn, lord of 11. look at the fate. Thus taking the position
Mars and Kethu are in the star of of Mars and offering predictions which
Mercury. appear more like a curse is not correct.
(1) Sun in the star of Saturn can unite But take the planets situated in the star or
and can separate: because, Saturn sub of Mars in 1, 2, 4, 7, 8 or 12. Then,
is lord of 11 and occupant of 12: that planet tenanted in such a Mars' star
1 Itb is for union: 12th for separa- will offer undesirable and disagreeable
tion. results,] "
(2) Moon is in the constellation of Divorce was sanctioned on 27-11-67.
Rahu and sub of Mars. Rahu is to Saturn Dasa Sun Bhukti Jupiter Anthra.
Saturn acts as the planet in I2th Bhava: members of the family. It does not mean
conjoined with Jupiter, Judicial separa- only increase of the members by marriage
tion. Sun again offers the evil result or birth of children. But it must also
through Government Department Jupiter show the decrease. Increase and decrease
in 12 has givien. depend on the Bbukties and Antbras in
Appeal is filed on 13-8-68. Saturn Dasa Saturn Dasa. In the same Dasa, one can
Moon Bhukti Mars Anthra. Generally, get married. He may get separated or
by nature Mercury denotes plurality." i.e., either of them may pass away. Hence
another Court is also approached. Accor- Dasanatha has to offer both results as be
ding to Krishnamurti Padhdhati, planets will be the significator of both..
deposited in the constellation of Mercury, Some may get married, in a Bhukti and
or occupying Mercury sign, Gemini or in the same Bhukti one may get divorced.
conjoined with or aspccted by Mercury Here, both Dasanatha and Bbuktinadha
will give, provided its sub-lord is connected will be the significators of marriage and
with dual sign or Mercury sign or star. also divorce. Some may get married in
Mats in its Anthra gives courage; the same Dasa, Bhukti and Anthra and live
makes one take further steps: fight and separately from the same Anthra; then,
so on. all these three planets are the significators
of marriage and also divorce. Marriage
Hence during Mats Anthra appeal is comes because of the lord of the constel-
made. lation. Separation comes due to the sub
occupied by the planet.
What will be tile result ?
Note the sub-lord of the Dasanatha. If One may get married in A Dasa. B is for
it denotes once for all separation, then, divorce. ' B' Bhukti can operate during
according to the various Bbukties in that 'A* Dasa. Separation will not come.
Dasa, there will be alternative results It will end in misunderstanding as the
good and bad, depending on the sub-lord Dasa lord is the most powerful comman-
in which the lord of the Bhukti is depo- der. No Bhukti lord can offer a result if
sited. If Bbukties are ruled by A, B Dasa lord does not permit. If Dasa lord
and C and they are deposited in beneficial is not a significator of the result which
subs (lord of the sub contributing to the" Bhukti lord is to give, Dasa lord, the final
benefit of the native's desire) then, in the authority will not give the ultimate result.
Dasa of a planet which is the significatqr Planets form a Cabinet. The Prime
of both advantageous and disadvantageous Minister is the Dasanatha. The Bhukti
houses, then during the Bhukties of A, B oadhas.are Cabinet Ministers. The Anthra
and C, the results will be favourable. If nadhas are the Dy. Ministers ]
the sub-lords of the position occupied by Therefore Note the 3 planets which will
the Bhukti lords D, E, F are unfavourable, rule conjointly and these must be con-
during their Bhukties, one has to expect nected with 6 and 12 houses.
untoward and undesirable results. Jupiter, lord of 12 is in 12; Mercury is
If a particular house is unoccupied and deposited in Jupiter star. Hence Mercury,
the constellations of the owner of the Jupiter in 12 are for separation. Saturn,
bouse is also unoccupied, then those represents llih and 12th.
planets deposited in the sub of that planet, Sun is in Saturn star, sub of Jupiter.
will offer the results. Hence Sun must bring about separation-
If a particular result is indicated by Rahu has to represent Mercury as it is
a planet, tben those which are deposited in Mercury's sign. Rahu in Moon con-
in its constellations are connected with the stellation and Vends sub, according to its
matters signified by that Bhava- stellar position, brings union. But, it has
Here, Saturn is in Venus star. Venus is the portfolio of Mercury also : ,hence, it
in 2. Hence Saturn is connected with the will cause separation. Moon in Rahu star
in Mercury sign will bring about separa- sub i.e., Lagna on that day will be
tion. The sub-lord Mars has no connection at 16° Taurus.
with 2 or 7 or 11 : nor with 6 or 12. (d) According to Western System
Hence, Mars is unconnected. In that prediction lord of 7 Mars (Nirayana)
case, the Bhuktinadha gives the results squares its original position and
during Jupiter sub period in Moori Bhukti, opposes both lupiter and Saturn.
The order will be issued on 1-2-69. The
divorce will stand. (e) Mercury will be in Saturn sign
Moon star.
As per transit, (f) Jupiter in Mercury sign Moon star.
(a) Sun, will be in Saturn sign. Moon (g) Venus in Jupiter sign Saturn star.
star and conjoin M.C., i.e., 10th (h) Saturn will be in Jupiter sign
cusp. Mercury star Jupiter sub.
(b) Moon will be in Saturn star Moon (i) Rahu in Jupiter sign Saturn star.
sign. Thus it can be seen that all planets
(c) Time of judgment Moon star Saturn vote for final divorce from 1-2-69.


Rahu 4-32 planet in Sun star. Planets connected with
Moon VIII IXMars 12-15 2, 7 and 11 are Kethu, Rahu, Jupiter Sun
22-44 VII 12-6 11-15
VI 16-15 22-35 and Venus. Saturn conjoined with Mars,
Sat. 26-27 lord of 2 and 7 in the sub of node in 2.
Hence Venus Dasa Venus Bhukti, Saturn
V 16-15 MC. 14-13 Anthra gave marriage.
12 Mi inight 12-11-67 date of Divorce. Venus Dasa
Ven 25-38 6 Moon Bhukti Mercury Anthra. Therefore
Sun 24-23 7-2- 1946 Venus in the constellation of lord of 2 and
Mercury XI 16-15 7 connected with marriage. Moon in the
IV 14-15 constellation of Mercury in 4 and Mercury
III 12.15 Lagna in the constellation of Moon in 6 (Mercury
Kethu II 11-45 12-6 XIl 16-15 | islord of 12 and Moonin Mercury star gives
4-32 Jup, 4-20 separation). Mercury in Moon star gives
! separation.
Mercury Dasa Balance 9yrs. 3mts. 5 Appeal is filed during Mars Bhukti
days. Married on 12-12-64. Venus Dasa Jupiter Anthra. Mars is in the constella-
Venus Bhukti Saturn Anthiaon a Saturday tion of Jupiter in 12 (as the planet conjoi-
Divorce sanctioned on 27-11-67 during ned with Mars gave marriage) and in
Venus Dasa Moon Bhukti Ketbu Anthra Saturn sub. Here it can indicate divorce
appeal filed during Venus Dasa Mars also. Gemini shows appeal, i.e., second
Bhukti Rahu Anthra. hearing.
2, 7, 11—for marriage;—Kethu in 2. Result: During Venus Dasa Mars
Kethu alone in Kethu star: 7 owned by Bhukti, Mercury Anthra Moon Shookshma
Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Sun and Venus in divorce will be confirmed. It is in February
Mats star. 11 is vacant-owner San; No 1969.

Erishnamurti Padhdhati Verified
Birth chart of the gentleman is as significators or aspected by the planet
follows: conjoined with any of the significators.
Jupiter Kcthu (a) A significator may be in its own
11.20 24.19 sign and star. It itself may be the occu-
pant. It can happen only in 2 cases;
Saturn Suppose in the very beginning of Pisces is
Snu 21.47
Mm* 23.2 1.23 the 7th cusp; also Jupiter is deposited
Merc. 10.12
4.2$ Moon within 3° 20'. This area is called Poorva-
29.43 padra governed by Jupiter; Jupiter is
7—3—1917 there itself. Hence Jupiter is the occupant:
is the owner and is deposited in its own
star. Similarly Sun in Uthrapalguni first
quarter is 26° 40' Leo to 30° Leo.
Rahu (b) A significator may be 'in its own
24.19 Asc. 21.24 Mc. 0 47 star. It can happen to each planet and in
each star.
Mercury Dasa balance 0 year 4 months (c) If a planet is in its own star and
10 days. Family includes all members, it is a significator, then other planets in
great grandparents, grandparents, parents, the other two stars in the same sign
brothers, sisters, wife, children, grand should be taken as those which are in
children, great grandchildren etc. Hence conjunction with the significator. If they
the second house which is judged are in the same star of the significator,
for finance and family, indicates all the question of conjinction does not arise, as
members ; but 3rd house denotes younger the other planets will become a significator
brothers, sisters, father-in-law; 4th house due to the constellation.
mother: 5th children, grandfather; 6th
maternal uncle: 7th wife; 9th father (d) Suppose Jupiter and Moon are in
grandchildren: 11th son-in-law daughter- Taurus; Jupiter is in Karthik, the 3rd
in-law, elder brothers, sisters etc. star governed by Sun. Moon is in Rohini.
Moon is lord of the sign where 7th cusp
Either financial worry or difficulty in falls. No planet is tenanted in 7. Hence
the family is found out mainly ^from the Moon is lord of 7. Its star is Rohini and
second and eighth bouses. Rabu is the it alone is in Rohini. So Moon is the
occupant of the 2nd house: Jupiter is the significator of 7th house (for marriage or
owner. Maraka). Jupiter is in Taurus. If it is in
Significators of the second house are Karthik or Mrigasira, Jupiter is in conjunc-
judged as follows ; tion with Moon. If Jupiter is in Rohini,
it becomes a significator as lord of Rohini
(a) Planets situated in the Constella- is the owner of the 7th house.
tion of the occupant of second house.
(b) The occupant of second house. (e) If there is a planet in Capricorn,
Moon and Jupiter are in Taurus and Moon
(cj Planets deposited in the constel- is the significator, Jupiter gains connec-
lation of the owner of the second house. tions by conjunction, then, planets in
(d) Ruler of the second house. Capricorn will be aspected (not by The
significator Moon but) by Jupiter, even
(e) Planets conjoined with any of the then planet in Capricorn is connected with
significators or aspected by any of the the matters signified by these' houses.]
Thus one is to judge intelligently follow- to get separated under pleasant circums-
ing the same principle as propounded tances or due to difference of opinion. So an
by Krishnamurti. astrologer should invariably note whether a
Second house is occupied by Rahu. planet is deposited in the sub of the signifi-
Arudbra, Swatbi and Satbabisba are ruled cator of 8 and 12 or beneficial 2 and 11-
by Rahu—Venus' alone is in Rahu star In this instance Venus and Jupiter are
Satbabisba. the strongest significators. Jupiter is in
Second house is owned by Jupiter. Jt the star and sub of occupants of 8; Venus
is in Ketbu constellation. is in Rahu star Jupiter sub.
Eighth house is occupied by Ketbu and Hence separation from family cameup
Saturn. as soon as Venus Dasa Jupiter Bhukti
Ketbu governs Aswini, Maka and Moola. started. (Note Jupiter in a movable sign
Jupiter is in Ketbu star, Saturn sub. Hence gives result quickly.)
Jupiter will give 8thhouse results. (Planets Separation came on 25-10^1934. Day-
in movable signs give the results quickly : Thursday-ruler Jupiter: Moon ttansitted
in fixed signs offer late.) in Taurus owned by Venus: Star Robini,
Saturn rules Pushya, Anuradha, Uthra- governor Moon. (Moon was lin the cons-
padra. tellation of lord of 8 and sub of Saturn in
No planet is posited therein. 8.) Sun was in Sukra sign, Rahu star,
Jupiter sub; Mars in Maka-Kethu star,
Hence strong significators are (1) Venus Saturn sub. Venus in its own sign Mars
in Rahu star; Jupiter sub. (2) Jupiter in star, Kethu sub. Saturn in Saturn sign.
Kethu star, Saturn sub. (3) Rahu, Kethu, Mars star, Saturn sub; Kethu in Saturn
Saturn occupants. star, Rahu sub and Rahu in Saturn sign,
Owners; Jupiter is lord of 2; Mer- Moon star, Rahu sub.
cury is lord of 8. Kethu and Saturn are When all planets transit in unfavourable
in Jupiter star Punarvasu : Mars and Sun constellation and adverse sub, even though
are in Poorvapadra. Moon alone is in this gentleman is born to a very very rich
Mercury star: These are also significators. person, yet separation came.
They are connected with houses 2 and 8.
If we judge conjunction, aspect, etc., all Political Jail
planets are connected with the 2nd and 8th Jail life means that people are not
bhava. allowed to sail freely as they fail to come
Any planet connected with second house out on bail. One has to leave his resi-
can increase the number of the members dence; live in the surroundings of
politicians and also other criminals. It
of the family if the lord of the sub is brings about separation from family.
favourable or if it is the significator of
11 th house whereas any planet connected During Venus Dasa, Jupiter Bhukti,
with second house will reduce the number Mars Anthra for 4 hours on 14-11-36 he
of the members df the family if it is in the was arrested due to certain crime.
sub of an evil planet (significator of 8 or On 15-1-1958 he was arrested on political
12). [Never judge from the name of the grounds. For 32 days he was inside the
planet: It is very important to note the prison.
lord of the sub in which a planet is Permanent residence is shown by fourth
posited.] house. 12th to the 4th shows one leaving
Therefore classify which will give happy one's permanent residence. Hence include
and harmonious family life; which will the significators of 3rd Bhava for leaving
bring enmity, but yet continue to live: v-one's house. Restriction and life ir.- new
which will bring separation or bereave- surroundings are to be judged from 12th
ment. Normally separation is taken as house. Second and Eighth bouses when
living separately due to disagreement. afflicted take away the person from his
Separation, astrologically means both, i.e. kith and kin.
Therefore according to me houses 2, 3, of 8). Rahu is in Venus (lord of 12) star,
8 and 12 are to be considered. sub Mercury, lord of 8. Thus it can be
According to Hindus, whatever may be seen that Moon, Kethu and Rahu are the
the reason for one's arrest, one is expected strongest significators to give jail life.
to be kept in prison if Day—Wednesday (Dasa lord Moon
(a) all malehcs are in 2, 3, 9 and 12 is lord of 9 Bagya adhipathi). It is in its
own sign. Guru in 10 to Moon. Gaja-
(b) for Scorpio-borns malefics are in kesari yoga—what Moon has done in its
2, 12, 5 and 9 dasa is to be understood—whether Gaja-
(c) if lords of 1 and 6 are conjoined kesari or Raja's savoury inside the jail)
with Saturn in a Kona or Kendra. Moon by transit was in Anuradha—
But according to Krishnamurti, malefic^ Saturn's star.
occupying the constellation of the planets Politics
situated in the houses 2 and 12 Judge planets Jupiter, Venus and 5th
occupants of these houses in the constella- house to know whether one will enter into
tion of the lords of the above houses, politics, Jupiter is lord of 5 and is in 5th
malefics in the star of the owners of these bhava, Venus is in the constellation of
houses and lords of these houses indicate Rahu who indicates the matters of the
imprisonment. One courts imprisonment, second and 5th house. 5th house is in 5 th
if lord of 1 is also connected with the house and is in the constellation of Kethu
significators. Jupiter, Venus or lord of 9 who indicates both success and failure as
and J conneqted with the significator it is to offer the results of 8th house and
denotes imprisonment on political 10 and 11th houses since Mercury, the lord
grounds. Thus how to judge the cause is of the sign occupied by Kethu is the lord
well explained in Krishnamurti Padhdhati of the sign where the 8th, 10th and 11th
second volume page 335. Judge houses cusp has fallen-
2, 3, 8 and 12. Actually he is a politician. Heisholding
Second house Rahu occupies. Sukra is a good position.
in Rahu star. Next higher status—when is the query?
Third house Mercury and Venus are in Higher status can be expected only when
3. Moon is in Mercury star. Rahu is in the 11th house matters operate along with
Venus star. 6th house and the 2nd house,
Eighth bouse occupants Kethu and Sani. 6th house is owned by Mars. Only
Guru in Kethu star. None in Saturn star. Mercury is in Mars star.
Twelfth house—Vacant. 11th is owned by Mercury. Moon is in
Second house owner Jupiter (in Kethu Mercury star.
star, Saturn sub). Third house ruler 2nd house is occupied by Rahu. Venus
Saturn in 8 in Jupiter star, Rahu sub: is in Rahu star.
Eighth house lord Mercury in 3 in Mars
star, Venus sub. 12th house owned by Therefore Rahu Dasa Rahu Bhukti
Venus in Rahu star, Jupiter sub. Mercury Anthra Mars Shookshma and
All the owners are afflicted, all are Rahu Dasa Rahu Bhukti Venus Anthra and
favourable for separation from family, Mars Shookshma are favourable i.e.,
making short journey, living in another between I9-12-196S and 29-12-68: again
quarters, experiencing restrictions etc. between 15-6-69 and 26-6-69. In the past
during Mars Dasa Jupiter Bhukti Saturn
On 15-1-38, Moon Dasa Kethu Bhukti 'Anthra failed in 2 different places in the
Rahu Anthra was operating he was election in February,/March 1962. But
arrested Moon in the constellation of lord became a Member inRajya Sabhain April
of 8 and sub of planet in 8 : Kethu in 8 in 1962 when Mercury Anthra was on. Dasa
Jupiter star (lord of 2) Mercury sub (lord is the same Mars: Bhukti same Jupiter.
PALMISTRY AND VOCATIONAL sible for laymen to be able to quickly
GUIDANCE understand the meanings of the lines and
By the signs on the hands, so that they can
S. R. VARTAK, decide the future course of their children
Lakshtni Book Store, 42, Janpath Market, easily and guide them from the very
New Delhi-l ; Rs. 6.00. beginning.
There are professions where practical
At a time when there is a rethinking experience is necessary as in the case of
among parents that opportunities in Engi- doctors, engineers, etc., and in others
neering are not so many now as they where intensive training is necessary as
thought they were until a few years ago in the case of dancing, music, painting.
when every growing boy was pursuaded to In the case of the former, the head line
study Science for a better career, S. R. (representing the attitude of mind) starts
Vartak has done a great service to those from its original position either from, or
parents and educationists who have the a little apart from, the life line and goes
responsibility of selecting suitable subjects straight to the other end crossing the
for their growing children. What is of palm, while in others where imagination
prime importance is not the consideration is more important, the same line does not
of what opportunities are open in a parti- go straight but winds its way downwards
cular line, but where the growing boy or to what is called the Mount of Moon,
the girl will fit in well according to his or either leaving a branch going towards the
her natural aptitudes- The object of this little finger as in the case of merchants
book, as Vartak says, is to find an and towards the third finger as in the case
approach to that knowledge by interpret- . of artists, actors or lawyers and no branch
ing the lines and signs given on the hand at all as in the case of philosophers or
of a human being' so as to be able to orators. The book enables the reader to
utilise the same for practical and useful
purpose in life and to save the adversities
and agonies in life which he may be
required to suffer on account of wrong
profession that may be forced upon him
against his inclination and to direct the
course of life in a right and a proper way,
so that he may not have occasion to
repent in future- To avoid such catastro-
phies, in some cases, psychological tests
are undertaken. But it is not possible to
apply such tests to every boy or girl bom
in each and every family. Through the
medium of deciphering the lines on the
hand, Vartak has endeavoured to analyse
different personality patterns, and to
understand aptitudes of persons for differ-
ent types of vocations. He has therefore
helped the parents to avoid wasteful
expenditure and the young boys and girls
from unnecessary failures in life. Vartak
has, first of all, made the science of
Palmistry simple, precise and comprehen- Mangalya DharanaiB.
appreciate and discover the inclinations you note their size and shape, and then
and then arrange education and training you begin the all-important task of fitting
in that particular branch, so that mistakes them together within the circumference of
or failures are avoided and life becomes that individual potentiality. The result
worth living. The book contains a should be a perfect picture of the indivi-
number of illustrations and combinations dual, a picture that should show the most
relating to 27 different kinds of major intimate physiological and psychological
professions and should prove useful to detail. For instance, on page 56, he exhi-
every one charged with the responsibility bits in the hand of a young woman,
of selecting a career for the growing happily married and living in a very nice
children. house, that her lack of energy and lack of
interest in life was due to her marital
THE HAND SPEAKS incompatibility. Markings on her hand
Your Health, Your Sex, Your Life : indicated that she could live happily on a
mental-spiritual plane; artistic surround-
By ings, artistic concepts and idealistic dreams
NOEL JAQU1N, were the things which interested her but
Saaar Publications. Vcd Mansion, her husband, though charming, was unfor-
72, Jan path. New Dclbi-I ; Rs. 14,95. tunately very materialistic and a matter-
Noel Jaquin says that his whole aim of-fact person. This resulted in repressed
and object in writing this book is to prove, anxiety, producing nervous dyspepsia.
or rather to enable the reader to prove
for himself, that the human band betrays The writer has produced 76 imprints of
both intimate psychological processes and original hand and has analysed them to
also the presence of disease in active or discover various kinds of complexities
semi-active states. There is evidence of between physiological and psychological
a parallel physiological defect existing as trends which have led to diseases of
the consequence of a psychological defect, inflammation, infection of pathogenic
or being complementary to it in the bacteria, nervous apprehension, heart
physiological sphere. diseases, gonorrhoea, cystitis, states of
Body and mind, mind and body, interact cancerous developments which were, in
most cases, difficult of diagnosis by a
so closely that it is at times only with the medical practitioner in early stages of the
greatest difficulty that we are able to infection and thus made capable of cure
determine in which exists the basic and by psychological treatment and dietary
fundamental provocative defect. It is control. The book will prove to be of
impossible by any of the more orthodox very great value to psychiatrists who have
methods to come to any really definite to deal with cases of difficult cure and
and accurate conclusions on such origins. presenting problems not easily analysed
Unless a patient has been infected with by medical practitioners. It contains a
specific bacteria, treatment is restricted to fund of knowledge relating to diseases that
the elimination of synuitoms rather than can be discovered from the hand itself.
the correction of basic causes. The hand It enables the readers to discover the
gives a perfect picture of the whole, with controlling forces of a man's destiny,
its relative strengths and interactions. It character, health and sex life from the
gives themuch needed ' individual' picture. indications given on the palm.
Discoveries made during the last few years
in both psychology and curative medicine The value of the book is enhanced by
have stressed the vital importance of this the fact that the writer has chosen his
'individual' assessment of bodily and seventy-six subjects out of the comjnon
mental balance. men and women whom we meet every day
He explains that the hand is a jig-saw in offices, roads, buses, trains, shopping
puzzle, you take bits and spread them out, centres and perhaps in our own homes!
Prof. S. N. MISHRA, b.a. (Hons,), m.a. (Eng ). m.a, (Hindi), m.a. (Phil.), b.l. etc.
J. J. Degree College, •at/a
I. Introdnction any planet is posited in its constellation.
It is quite a unique feature in KRISHNA- If so, that planet will be a very strong sig-
MURTI PADHDHATI that the Nirayana nificator, because according to K.P,; it is
cusps are considered in quite a different the sub and sub alone which decides a par-
way from the old traditional system. The ticular matter.
way Mr. Krishnamurti attachesimportance In this article, it has been my sincere
to the constellations and subs of different endeavour to highlight this consideration.
cusps and their proper application in any
particular chart is really marvellous. He
is quite right to say that the cusps denote II. The chart
exclusively the indications of Bhavas re-
flected for the native. This is scientific VI 14.51 VII 11.14 IX 10.51
and appealing,to any intelligent mind. In Uranus Mars VIII 9.51 Rahu
case of twins or children born in near 3.05 15-11 14.18
proximity of time, what is that which 31—12—1926 at
changes ? All the planets and their degree V 14.51 1.47.40 A.M.l.S.T.
positions remain almost the same. It is Jupiter or X 12.51
only the cusp and the cusp alone, which 3.21 1.58 12 A.M. L..M.T.
changes so i apidly with the lapse of the 25° 36' N.,
85* 08* E,
most minimum period of time. Hence Bal. of Jupitor Dasa Neptune
cusps must be given their due importance IV 12.51 at time of birth 3.57
in analysis of any chart. 8 years 4 months XI 14-51
17 days
Venai 2S.10 IT 9-51 ]
At times, when the analysis of Bhavas San JS.AO Saturn Asc. 11.14
does not point out a particular planet as a KOthn U.J8 10.24 11 26.21Moon XII 14.51
significator or whenever there is some con- III. 10.51 Mercury
fusion in regard to selection of significators
for a particular point in consideration,
the cusps alone come to our rescue and
solve our problem.
Now the principle to be commonly ap-
plied is very simple.
Mark where a particular cusp lies, what
is its constellation and what is its sub.
Further mark whether any planet is posited
in the constellation of the constellation
lord of the cusp. If so, take that planet
as a significator. If no planet is posited
in its constellation, consider that very
planet alone-
Similarly mark who is the sub lord of a Friends and relatives attend the PMja
particular cusp. Further notice whether done by the Editor.
III. Astrological Analysis significator, but more strong than Venus
This chart is to be studied from the is the planet posited in its constellation
point of view of foreign travel or overseas. and sub. That planet is Mars alone. One
may say that Kethu is also in the constel-
Lei us first of all know the principle lation and sub of Venus, so Kethu should
according to K. P. for this consideration. not be eliminated, but Kethu has got no
"To ascertain whether one will have the concern with any of the houses 7, 9 and
opportunity to go overseas or not, the 12, whereas Mars is the sole occupant of
houses 3, 7, 9 and 12 to be con- 7th Bhava, hence Mars is stronger. So
sidered." (K. P. Vol. II, page 276.) forget Kethu and Venu's and take Mars as
a strong significator.
First of all, let us consider 3rd house.
3rd house is occupied by Kethu, Sun and Rahu is posited in Gemini, a sign ruled
Venus. Kethu rules Aswini, Makam and by Mercury, who is lord of 9 and 12, and
Moolam. No planet is in any of these a significator. Further Rahu is a node,
constellations. Sun rules Krithikai, Uthra- hence prominent. More further it is
palguni and Utharashada. No planet is posited in the sub of Mercury, hence Rahu
in any of these constellations, Venus is a very strong significator.
rules Bharani, Purvapalguni and Purva- Mercury is posited in its own constel
sbada. Kethu, Sun, Venus and Mars— lation, hence strong. Further it is in the sub
all are in the Purvashada constellation, of Saturn and in association with Saturn.
ruled by Venus. So let us take Kethu, Hence Mercury is decidedly a significator.
Sun, Venus anil Mars. Let us be mote considerate in our appro-
Let us consider 7th house. Mars is ach. According to K. P. if a node occu-
occupant of 7. Mars rules Mrigasira Chi- pies the sign of a significator, it will deput-
thrai and Dbanishta. No planet is in any ise for that planet in all respects. In this
of these constellations. Hence again take case, Rabu, as a node is posited in the
Mars. sign Gemini ruled by Mercury. Hence
Now consider 9th house. It is occupied Rahu will act as an agent of Mercury. So
by Rahu. Rahu rules Arudra, Swathi forget Mercury, take Rahu as a strong
and Sathayam. No planet is in any of significator.
these constellations. Hence take Rahu. Hence from this analysis, our strong
Now consider 12th house. It is occu- significators are Rahu and Mars alone.
pied by none. Mercury is lord of 12.
Mercury rules Ashlesh, Jyeshta and Reva-
thi. Only Mercury is in Jyeshta, so take
Hence significators according to this
analysis are Kethu, Sim, Venus, Mars,
Rahu and Mercury.
As in all, six significators have come to
the surface, we must start the process of
elimination by diving deep into the
Kethu, who is the significator from the
analysis of third Bhava, is in no way con-
nected with houses 7, 9 and 12, Hence
eliminate Kethu. Similar is the case with
Sun. So also eliminate Sun.
Venus is in the sub of Mercury, who is
lord of 9 and 12. Hence Venus is a strong The Editor is given the holy bath.
Now let us consider the relevant cusps. sham. Hence take Saturn too as a very
3rd, 7th and 9th cusps fall in the sub of strong significator.
Saturn. Hence Saturn is very prominent. Please mark that Saturn has come
.Saturn rules Pushyam, Anushatn and as a significator from the analysis of the
Utharapathra. Only Saturn is in Anu- bouses, but as it is in association with
Mercury and in iti own constellation, it
will act as an agent of Mercury and will
do what Mercury promises to do.
12th cusp falls in the sub of Jupiter.
Jupiter is not one of our significators at all,
neither it is in occu-association with any of
the significators. No planet is in the
constellation of Jupiter, Hence eliminate
Jupiter without any hesitation.
Hence from this analysis, most strong
significators are only Saturn, Rahu and
IV. Confirmation
Actually during Saturn Dasa Rahu
Bbukti and Mars Anthra, the native left
for U. K. on 3-10-1951. This dayis ruled
by Mercury; Moon's sign is Libra, ruled
by Venus and Moon's star is Swathi, ruled
by Rahu. Hence confirmed.

K. S. K.
If any heavenly body intercepts the •shadow of the Moon covers the Sun. This
light of another heavenly body and the is called the Solar eclipse. At that time
onlooker is unable to see the farther off the declination of the Moon and Sun will
heavenly body, then the farther off planet be the same. But if the declination is
is said to be eclipsed. The nearer planet different, it is only a New Moon day, when
deprives the light of the more distant the longitude is the same. Similarly,
planet. Its brilliance, the circular shape when earth comes between Moon and Sun,
and splendour will be lost. earth prevents Moon from getting the
In the Solar System, Sun is taken as light of the Sun, and lunar eclipse is
the Central body around which the planets formed.
move round and round. Each planet has Just like, during Solar eclipse. Sun loses
its own orbit, its own path way round the its brilliance and is hidden by Moon, and
Sun. .But the earth and the Moon go during lunar eclipse Moon loses its pleasant
round the Sun together. The one feature light and is hidden by the earth, so also
of Moon whiph is 2,40,000 miles away the rays of other planets are interrupted.
from the earth goes round the earth once Because, we, on the earth, do not receive
in 27J days and both go round the Sun very bright light, illuminating the objects
once a year. In between Earth and Sun, on the earth, from other planets, we can-
there are Mercury and Venus. Sun is 93 not see, notice and realise the eclipse of
million miles away from earth. Mercury the other planets.
is 36 million miles away from Sun ; Venus
is 67 million miles away from the Sun. The planets Mercury and Venus are
Therefore, there will be occasions when called Inferior planets as they are nearer
Moon, Mercury and Venus can come bet- to Sun than the earth and they can be bet-
ween the earth and the Sun. ween the Sun and the Earth, just like
Moon during New Moon days and Solar
near either of your eyes. Close the other eclipse days. Moon is hidden from Sun
eye. One elephant standing 100 yards, by the earth during Lunar eclipse. But
away is hidden by this small finger. This
depends on the size of the finger, its near-
ness to the eye and the farther distance of
the elephant. Now, your eye, the finger
and the elephant are in the same line and
plane. Suppose, the elephant is lifted by
a lift, in the same place. Even though the
elephant was hidden by the finger pre-
viously, as it is lifted up above the area
covered by the finger, then the elephant
becomes visible, slowly and steadily.
Thus Moon is a decently big body. It is
very near to the earth. The Sun is very
far off. It is very big like the elephant
compared with finger. So, when the Moon
comes in between the observer and the
Sun, the Sun is not visible. Slowly the t Blessings from Vedic Brahmins, and elders.
earth can never come in between Mercury fructify in their dasa periods, yogas and
and Sun or in between Venus and Sun. their bhavas. However strong a planet
Because, Sun is the centre. From Sun may be, still it will not produce any good
Mercury is 36 million miles away. Venus effect if it is eclipsed, and during its dasa,
is 67 million miles from Sun. The distance bad effects alone will accrue to the person.
between Sun and Earth is 92 million miles. It will apply to the results of the Bhava,
But the superior planets. its owns and also occupies. He also men-
tions that planets, excepting Venus and
Westerners give importance only to the Saturn, lose half of their strength when
Solar and Lunar eclipses. They do not eclipsed. If the Moon becomes eclipsed,
attach anything to the conjunction of Sun the native will have a fall from his posi-
with other planets. tion, will be mentally afflicted, and will
Hindus pay much attention to the suffer from jaundice and similar diseases.
eclipse of the planets while they predict Further, there will be risk from water.
results of those planets in their dasas and Mars, when eclipsed, will give trouble
bbukties, while giving transit results how a and many kinds of worries, and the native's
planet getting eclipsed will behave and mind will be in a destructive mood.
also while selecting an auspicious time to
celebrate marriage, or entry into a new Mercury when eclipsed, brings on loss
house or for learning vedas, etc, in lands and perpetual mental affliction.
He will suffer from jaundice, sickness,
Hindus are of opinion that the eclipsed catarth, etc. He will also incur loss.
planet, whether a benefic or a malefic, Eclipsed Jupiter gives misery and
loses its strength especially to do good to happiness in equal proportion.
the native.
In Jataka Thatvam, Mahadeva says that Saturn in eclipsed state shows that the
the planet that is eclipsed will cause trouble person's income and expenditure will
and produce untoward results. In ' Sanke- balance each other. He will not feel
tanidhi ', Ramadayulu has said that if happy. He will have a frail body. But
Mars and Venus are eclipsed and occupy his fame will spread very wide. He will
the 5ih house, the person , concerned be- be tormented by various mental cares.
comes one-eyed and if the lord of the Prithuyasas also mentions that one's
rising dwadasarasa is eclipsed, the person's education will be spoiled in the period of
property is insecure, he also says that the a planet occupying thenavamsa sign owned
lord of the rising Trimsamsa when eclipsed by the eclipsed one.
causes misunderstanding among the rela-
Katidas is of the opinion that if the lord
of a Bhava is eclipsed by the Sun's rays,
the Bhava is completely destroyed even if
the Bhava is occupied by benefics. In his
work ' Uttara Kalamirthamhe adds that
Venus andSaturn do not lost strength even
when eclipsed.
Prithuyasas, son of Varahamihira, deals
a little elaborately in his work Horasara,
with the results of the eclipsed planets.
Even though the planets may be strong by
occupying a position in the Zodiac, yet
they become weak if they are eclipsed by
the Sun and hence they do not produce
the good effects which arc declared to Komal Shri Seshadri Iycr.gai presents to the Editor.
When longevity is calculated, the Hindu Lord of 5 : Loss of a child; aberration
sages declare that one born during the of the mind ; deception; wearisome wan-
period of eclipse is very short-lived. If the dering; trouble in the stomach, dis-
lords of the lagna, navamsa lagna and pleasure of the Government and bodily
Moon rasi are all eclipsed, the person can- weakness.
not live long. Lord of 6: Will have troubles through
While the strength of the eclipsed planet thieves ; will suffer reverse, defeat; will
is discussed, Varahamihira says in Bribat commit wicked acts ; will do servile duties;
Jataka that planets, when eclipsed, con- will be despised, scandalised and injured.
tribute only one half of what longevity
they can give in the same position in the Lord of 7: Distress to son-in-law;
Zodiac, if they are not eclipsed. But separation from beloved; untoward
Mantreswara in Phaladeepika writes tha. 'ts due to the troubles from the oppo-
the strength of an eclipsed planet is nil site sex ; intrigues with wicked women;
and a person will meet with his end in its diseases in the private parts; ever wan-
dasa within a short time after it starts. dering.
Destruction to the members of the family Lord of 8 ; Excessive sorrow : want of
and wealth is threatened. He will have sense; carnal appetite, jealousy; uncon-
litigation and may suffer humiliation. He sciousness ; poverty; fruitless rambling ;
says that the eclipsed planet ruling the 7th sickness; humiliation and death.
house shows loss of wife: lord of 5 denotes
danger to children and lord of lagna will Lord of 9 : Will incur the wrath of the
cause death to the native. If the planet deity of Guru or preceptor; suffer,some-
is not eclipsed, good effect of the bhava thing untoward ; trouble to wife and chil-
will be enjoyed. All will welcome the lord dren ; will do wicked acts ; elder's demise;
of 6 to be eclipsed as it is strong to destroy will suffer from poverty.
the enemies. Lord of 10 : Fruitless attempts; loss of
Let us consider theresults of the planets honour ; will beepme wicked; leave his
when they are eclipsed and when they own permanent place ; inauspicious happenings;
different houses in one's chart. will lead bad life : suffer troubles.
Lord of the lagna getting eclipsed Lord of 11; Bad news ; trouble to elder
shows that the native will be imprisoned ; brother; sickness to children; will suffer
he will lead the life in cognito ; will suffer misery ; deception and ear disease.
from fear, disease and anxiety, will partici-
pate in funeral rites ; incur loss and may
lose position too ; will be unfortunate ;
Lord of 2 : Behaves stupidly in a public
assembly; will be untrustworthy; will
receive annoying letters ; write bad ones I
suffer from eye troubles; will be foul-
tongued; spend heavily ; incur Royal dis-
Lord of 3; Demise of brother; evil
advice ; trouble through secret mechanisa-
tion of internal enemies; humiliation ; dis-
comfixtureand loss of pride thereby.
Lord of 4: Distress the mother ; sick-
ness to dear friends; danger to lands;
trouble due to the loss of cattle danger Editor bJesses the youngsters. The Editor
from water and conveyance. of Atfarishiara is one of them.
Lord of 12: Varions diseases; dis- construct and enter into new premises
honour; disappearance of wealth, deten- when Jupiter and Venus are eclipsed. It is
■ tion, bondage. called ' Guru Sukra Moodara'.
These results will, be experienced by a People belonging to Sama Veda ■should
person when he runs the dasa or bhukti of not initiate mantra and do Upanayana
the lords mentioned above. when Mars is eclipsed. Rig Veda people
Mantreswara gives hopes by saying should avoid these when Jupiteris eclipsed.
that a planet, even when eclipsed, if it If Venus is eclipsed, Yajur Veda people
occupies an auspicious sign and navamsa, should not have Upanayanam.
will, in its period. oSer mixed results and Westerners are of opinion that the
finally in the latter half of its dasa, agree- conjunction of Sun and Moon is highly
able and beneficial results. conducive to promote material welfare
Transit results of eclipsed planets: and to have bright careers. Sun and Mars
Planets in their transit through favourable in close conjunction give force of charac-
houses {bouses wherein they have to give ter and power of endurance. Great self-
good effects) become void of effect if they control is to be exercised. There will be
happen to be eclipsed. But if the houses struggle between one's will and desires
transitted by them be unfavourable, then during one's life.
they will give bad effects in an aggravated Sun and Mercury in close conjunction
form. givemuch mental ability, with a clear
Election of auspicious time for any thinking of high order. It gives adapta-
undertaking. Avoid the constellation in bility. One will have reasoning ability,
which the recent eclipses have appeared memory andfluency ofs peech. Thegreatest
within six months before and after the orators, chief engineers, famous account-
month when one desires to do any auspi- ants and auditors are having Sun and
cious w ,r Mercury in the same longitude when it is
cazimi and combust. Only a few are per-
It is alsodecia..-! that it is not advisable verted and dogmatic.
to celebrate Upanayanam and marriage or Sun in conjunction with Jupiter makes
one a scholar. He wilt maintain good
health, enjoy mental equilibrium and have
professional advancement. New under-
takings will prosper and constructive abi-
lity will be strengthened.
Conjunction of Sun and Venus shows
popularity and social success. He will
acquire competence in music, art, poetry,
etc! He will gain through the other sex.
Marriage will give continuous happiness-
Conjunction of Saturn and Sun gives
indomitable will, courage and strength of
intellect. It does not promote material
happiness. Ill-health and obstacles delay
one's advancement in life. But it brings
lot of power, authority and responsibility
if Saturn receives good aspects from bene-
ThusWestemers.have taken each planet,
Jnm—Graiid-daugheers of the EOilor exchange observed the results and have recorded
;garlands. them. Those who are interested to do
research can take the horoscope of those enjoyed his married life. He also invested
in whom a few planets are eclipsed and money on luxurious articles, jewels and
observe the various results enjoyed by furniture. Thus one can see that the pla-
them during the dasa of the eclipsed net when eclipsed does not become a
planets. malefic and deny the results it has to offer,
Modern Astrological Research Institute, but it does so to a less extent.
Madras, verified various charts and found
out that the eclipsed planets give both
good and bad results in their dasas,
depending upon the Bhuktinathas, e.g., a
person born in Dhanur lagna having Mer-
cury eclipsed, and his marriage and pros-
perity in his profession during Mercury
Dasa. Everyone may desire to have a
more beautiful and /better accomplished
wife and also a higher status in life. So
also. Mercury eclipsed, may in its dasa,
make the person feel discontented, but yet,
as lord of 7, it gave marriage, and as lord
of 10 gave promotion. A person born in
Vrischika Lagna with Moon in Vrischika
had Venus eclipsed at the time of bis birth.
He had his wedding in Venus Dasa and he Friend fjom Doinbay.
This query is put by a gentleman who is Will this matter go to Court ? Jupiter is
not in good relationship with his brother in Mercury Constellation and VenuS sub,
etc. He is away from his village. So, therefore amicable settlement will be
they take advantage of bis absence. His arrived at by mediation. As Mercury is
horoscope is as follows : in 12 in Venus star, and it is lord of 2
and 11, only relatives will mediate and it
will be settled.
VllI 2 3.10 IX 23-10 X 25-10 X3 27-10 When ?—Arrangement and final settle-
Rahu 13.5
ment are different and they will be on
different dates in such matters just like
Jup 20.26 marriage, etc. What he wants is final
V 25-08 XTT 7R_in settlement. He wants cash. The settle-
6.AM ment may be either having the portion of
31-37 N the building or receiving cash in lieu of
74-26 E Merc 13.38 the property. If it is Cash, judge houses
VI 28-10 Asc. 25.58 2. 3, 10 and 11. If it is building judge
houses 2, 4, 10 and 11. When you get
Sub 0.23 cash, you lose the building: so judge the
V 27-10 IV 25.10 HI 23.10 Kethuil3.5
Venus 2.46 houses 12 to 4, i.e., 3 other than the two
Sat, 23.52 Moon 7.54 Mars 6.59 bouses 2 and 11 promising gains and 10th
11 23.10 indicating inheritance. Mars is in 2nd
Bhava. Moon is in 3rd Bhava, Jupiter in
Saturn Dasa balance 12 years 5 months lltbBhava. 10th is vacant. None is in
7 days from 24-2-68 Venus Dasa started. Mars star. Kethu is in Moon's star none
Venus is in Sun's stars Jupiter sub. Jupiter in Jupiter star. Venus owns lOtb house.
is in llth house. Therefore Venus in the Babu is in Jupitcr's-sign. Mars is in Rahu
sub of a planet in direct motion will star.
certainly give what is legitimately due to Therefore take Venus, Rahu, Jupiter,
you, by fair means. If Saturn would have Mars, Moon and Kethu. Consider the rul-
been in 11 and the dasa lord is in Saturn ing planets. Now it is Monday Thula
sub one will gain by foal means. If it is Lagna, Poorvashada star.
in Mars sub, there will be threatening, Hence take Moon, Venus, Venus and
violence, quarrel, etc. and gain as " Might Jupiter, As Rahu is now at the time of judg-
is right". If it is Mercury sub, one will ment also in Pisces, are we to take Rahu
correspond, give notice, etc. and get. If it or Jupiter. Rahu was in Saturn's star
is in Venus sub, one will have happy (4th house) and sub of retrograde planet.
harmonious and pleasant approach for Hence reject Rahu. Select Jupiter.
partition. Mercury and Moon suggest
that one has after some one's mediation. So, Venus Dasa Venus Bhukti Moon
As Venus is in Guru's sub, and Guru is in Anthra Jupiter Shookshma, money will be
11, compromise and gain by lawful means. received in the end of December 1968.

In December Issue, page 5, please delete in full example 4.
Higher studies is indicated by 9th house, 6th house is unoccupied. It is owned
i.e., during the signi&cator of 9th house. by Venus. Kethu represents Venus. Sun
One will persecute studies. and Rahu are in Kethu star. Saturn is in
Overseas stay in a foreign country is to Venus star.
be judged from 12th house. 11th house is occupied by a majority of
Scholarship is a non-refundable loan planets. Of them Rahu is the strongest.
with a string attached to it. Hence judge It is in the sub of Saturn. Hence Rahu
houses 6 and 11- will offer the result of taking loan—6th
Horoscope is as follows;— house matter.
Sun 7.35 Rahu and Kethu give 6th and 11th house
XI 23.39 Rahu25.4<5
10.19 Jup 24.34 II 24.39 results. Both will contribute for scholar-
Mars d.n Veo Lagna ship. Therefore Jupiter Dasa Saturn
Met 26.8 28,25 Bhukti Rahu Anthra Kethu Shookshma
Xil 27.39 gives scholarship, long journey, life in a
foreign place, higher studies, etc. It will
Mc. 20.39 III 20.39 be around 24-5-1969.
9.19 A.M. I.S.T. Aspertransit, Saturn, lord of 9 conjoins
12—55 N lord of 4 Sun. Jupiter will be stationary
IX 20,39 7 9—00 E Nep 8.8
Moon 10.5 IV 20.39 and take direct course in the constellation
of Sun in 11 (lord of 4). Sun will be in
the constellation of Moon indicating 3rd
VIII 24.39 VII 28.25 VI 23.39 V 23.39 house for short journey and leaving one's
Sat 19,$ Kctu 10.19 permanent place of residence.
As per progression, Meridian forms
Moon Dasa balance years 9-11-7 days. good aspect from Pisces to the Ascendant.
Now Jupiter Dasa Saturn Bhukti from Moon forms sextile Sun and sextile
16-5-1967 to 28-11-1969.
9th cusp is at 20° 24' Capricorn-Nira-
yana. It is in Moon star—Venus sub.
Moon is the lord of 3. It alone is in its
constellation, and own sub. It shows
one's inclination. Sub lord of 9th cusp
is Venus. It is in 11. It is in its own
constellation. It shows fulfilment of one's
desire and.success in efforts.
Therefore you will have higher studies.
There is n<f planet in 9th house. Saturn
is the owner. Mars is in Saturn star.
Mars is the significator of 9th house.
Rahu act as an agent of Mars. So, long
journey and higher studies are shown by
Saturn and Mars.
12th house shows life in a foreign place. S hawl presented to the Editer by the metibcrs
Jupiter is in 12. No planet is in Jupiter of M#dcrp Astrological Research Institute
star. Hence Jupiter will give life in a and Students of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavane
foreign place. Madras, Bombay and Delhi.
Vol. 7 FEBRUARY 1969 No. 2,,

Time of Returning to Home 3
Readers to note 5
Hora—Does promotion mean a change of place, profession,
company, etc. & When ? 4
Transfer 19
Rectification of birth time 21
Business—Marriage—Father's health 25
Verification of Minor event 31
Jataka Dwadasha Bbava Phala Niroaya 35
Panchang for All-India use - 41
Correct time of birth 47
' Krishnamurti Padhdhati means certainty'—Promotion by
Horary 49
Litigation; What is my fate? 50
Daily Guide for February 1969 51
Position of Planets 55
February 1969—Ephemeris 57
Monthly Prediction for February, 1969 59
SinganaHur, Coimbatore District
On 12-10-1968 my mother went to Budha. Hence once again Kethu repre-
Coimbatore from Singanallur, my home sents Budha, Rahu represents Jupiter as
town, for purchase of articles for domestic it is Situated in Meena Rasi-
use with the intention of returning only on Hence the final selections of the ruling
the following day 13-10-68 (Sunday). As planets are 1. Kethu 2. Jupiter 3. Venus-
I was very anxious to know beforehand According to Krisbnamurti Padhdhati
the time of her arrival, I worked out on these three ruling planets should operate
the basis of Krisbnamurti Padhdhati. I together at the time of my mother's return.
took up this at 7-20 A.M. on 13-10-68 As my mother's return, on that day
(Sunday). The ruling planets at that time 13-10-68, is only a matter of hours, the
are as follows:— rasi which rises in the east at that time
1. Day —Sunday —Sun should have connection of the ruling
2. Nakshatra — Arudra — Rahu
It was worked out and found between
3. Moon's Rasi — Mithunam— Budha 10-50 A.M. and 11-00 A.M. my mother
4. Sign rises in Thula should return. Actually my mother
the east at > S—D—M —Venus arrived at 10-55 A.M. Atthattime Dhanur
this time. ) 6—12—17 Rasi rises in the east owner of which is
Guru. The Nakshatra where lagna falls
When the above ruling planets conjoin- is Moolam. So Kethu comes into picture.
tly operate, the event will fructify. Here The sub-lord is Venus. The point which
one thing we have to note. The nodes are rises in the east at this time is S—D—M
ever stronger and the nodes will represent 8o2o'05". Hence all the three ruling planets
the planets with which they are associated played most important role at the time of
and in which they occupy. fructification of the event. Method is
In this case Sun is represented by Kethu simple and result is amazing.
as it is associated with this node. Again Krisbnamurti Padhdhati alone, when
Kctbu is in Kanni Rasi owner of which is properly applied, will reveal the facts.

} By
K. K. SAHA, M.Com.. M.B l.M. (London), F.I.W.S.P. (London).
Tuesday, 28th November, 1967, 7-55' Rising
P.M. (I.S.T.) or 8-19 P.M. (L.M.T.), Sat. (R) Rahu Ascen-
Calcutta. (26)12° 27' (I) 2D28' dant
(7) 26° 50'
Number given (by Native—(79).
Sidereal Time—13 Hrs. 38'24".
Analysis I (using Hora Lagna)
I. Sagittarius 20° 1' VIl. Gemini Mars Jupiter
II. Capricorn 24° 8' VIII. Cancer (21) 4° 13' (10)11* 34'
III. Pisces 0° 8' IX. Virgo
IV. Aries 3° 8' X Libra Neptune Kethu (12)Ursnna
Hora Lag. (16) S" 18' i
(20) 20° to 1° 13' (14) 2° 28' Vonns
V. Taurus 1° 8' XI. Scorpio Sun , Mercury (14)
23"20' (17) 20° 22' (16)26° 5' idoo.n 25° 421
VI. Taurus 25° 8' XII. Scorpio (14) 20° 25' 1|
Horoscope Chart for the Moment of Judgment
Planetary Positions
Jupiter in 8th House, Kethu's star and Venus sub.
Mars „Tst Sun's „ Saturn
Venus 9th Mar's Rahu
Mercury „ 10th „ Jupiter's Kethu
Saturn „ 3rd Saturn's Mars
Siin „ Uth „ Saturn's Mars
Rahu „ 3rd Kethu's Venus
Ruling Planets
Asc. Lord Jupiter Asc. Star Lord Venus.
Star Mars Sub Lord Rahu/fupiter/Sat.
Rasi Mercury
Day Mars
(Rahu may replace Mars as it represents the former.)
(a) Comments Moon is in 9th and aspects 3rd. 3rd/9th/
12th confirm CHANGE of residence,
Moon is in the constellation of place, profession, etc. Also, Mars is in
Mars, which is the 11th and 12 lord. It is Lagna Bhava or 1st House and, so, there
also in conjunction with Venus, the Sib, is clear connection between the 1st
6th and 10th lord posited in the 9th. and the Uth Bhavas/Houses. Besides,
Hence Moon clearly reflects the nature of Lagna star is 20, i.e., Venus, and Venus
the query, i.e., PROMOTION AND is in the constellation of Mars, thellth
CHANGE of service and profession. lord. Thus, there is clear connection bet-
Houses 3 & 6 ate involved too, since ween 1st and Utb Houses and, as such.
the query will be answered and the native's (c) Change Significators
desire fulfilled. Bhavas A B C D E
N.B.—Since Retrograde Saturn aspects 3 Sun Sat. Mer. Jup. Mars
lagna, some delay/difficulty must be en-
countered. However, since Jupiter, a Rahu
benefic and also lagnesb, aspects lagna, Jup. Venus Mer. Mar (as-
too, fulfilment and success must come pecting
sooner or later.- Moon Jupiter).
(b) Promotion Significators Kcthu
Bhavas A B C D E 12 Ven, Mars
Sun Satum Venus Moon
Moon Kethu
5/6 — Venus Moon Therefore Combination = Mars/Mercury/
Saturn Mars/Jupiter
10 — Mercury — Venus (d) Timing
11 Mars Sun Venus Mars Jupiter Balance of Dasa, as per Chart 3 years
(aspected 9 months 20 days.
Moon by Mars) Now running Mars/Saturn (upto
Kethu Fructification of Event during Mars/
Therefore Combination = Mats/Mercury/ Mercury/Mars/Jupiter.
Mars/Jupiter Time—Thursday, 26-9-68.
That is, when Sun is in Virgo, in Sun's Constellation (12) and Venus Sub.
Moon ,, Libra, „ Rahu's (15) , Mars
Mars ,, Leo, „ Kethu's (10) ■ Saturn
Mer. ,, Libra, „ Mars (14) Sun
Venus „ Moon
Rahu Pisces „ Saturn's (26) Jup.
Jup. „ Leo „ Sun's (12) Sun
Sat.(R) „ Aries „ Kethu's (D Kethu
The native will then be running his Pars Sun
Jupiter Dasa/Rahu Bhukti/Rahu Ahtara/ Uranus fortuna {«) 17° 40'
(27) 26a20' (5) MCTcury
22° 57' (7)
Mercury Shookshma. Rahu Venus 21° 55'
{N.B.—In actual events/dasa, Rahu will (27) 17° 5' (5) 29° 32? (7) 27* 20'
replace Mars.) Jupiter
N.B.—Native's Birth Data ; 2-00 p.m. (8) 4° 8'
(L.M.T.), or 1-37 P.M. (I.S.T.), Friday,
3rd July 1931, Calcutta (22° 33' N/88° 23' E).
Balance of Dasa at Birth: Mars—S Mood Nepiune
years 4 months 2 days. (23) 26030' (10) lO^'
Cusps : CU) 19° 47'
10 th 11th 12 th 2nd 3rd Saturn (R) Lagna Kethu
Cancer Leo Virgo Scorpio Sagit- (21) ITS 2' (15) 1407' (13) 17° 5'
15° 15' 17° 15' 17° 15'13° 15' 13° 15'
Analysis n (Using Rising Ascendant)
10th 11th 12th 1st 2nd 3rd
Pices Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo
19° 20' 23° 20' 26* 20' 26* 50' 20° 20' 18° 20'
Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius
4th 5lh 6th 7th 8th 9 th
Ruling Planets
Asc. Lord — Mercury (a) Promotion Significators:
Star „ — Mars Bhavas A B CD
Rasi „ — Mercury 2 Mercury Jupiter Moon
Day ,, — Mars.
Asc. Star Lord — Jupiter 6 Venus Mars
„ Sub „ — Venus Moon
Comments : 10 Rahu Mer- Jupiter
Moon is in the constellation of 6th and cury
11th lord, aspects the lOtb Bhava and is 11 Venus Mars
conjoined with the 5th and 12th lord. Moon -
Hence promotion and change in service/ Kethu
Profession are reflected. Also, Mars, 11th
lord, is in 7th Bhava and aspects lagna; Combination—Mars/Mercury/Mars/
hence 1st and 11th Bhavas connected. Jupiter.
(b) Change Significators;
Bhavas A B C D E
3 — Mars Sun Jnpiter
9 Sun Saturn Sun Saturn Mercury
12 Venus Rahn
Therefore Combination—Mars/Mercury/Mars/Jupiter.
Analysis III (using Friend's assistance) Cusps:
A few months later, a friend and collea- I. Pisces 26* 40'
gue (who is also a great admirer and II. Aries 29* 40'
practitioner of the Krjshnamurti Padb- III. Taurus 26° 40'
dhati) invited the native to try out the IV. Gemini 20° 40'
same issue again, to check'whether the V. Cancer 16° 40'
result was ennsistent. Acting on his inner
urge, the colleague chose a particular date VI. Leo 18° 40'
and time to apply the test and the details VII. Virgo
are given below. The same question was VIII. ' Libra
put by the native and when asked by his IX. Scorpio
colleagues to quote a number, the native X. Sagittarius
uttered 107.
XI. Capricorn
Thursday, 7-3-68, 4-50 P.M. (I.S.T,), XII, Aquarius
Calcutta. Ruling Planets: Jupiter/Mars/Veous/
Jupiter/Mercury (Asc. star lord).
H*rit 21" 8' Analysis IV using (Wife's Hora);
(27) MlU3 o
4tr-80 Moon The native's wife, as it happened, was
(27)21° 19' [5) 24° 33' rather sceptical of the results obtained so
is'nr far and expressed doubts about the
numbers quoted and the times chosen for
Sun the foregoing analysis! Confident of his
(25) IV 32' faith in Krishnamurti Padhdhati and assu-
Mercury Jupiter (R) red of the veracity of the mechanism
(23) 26 49' (10) vw adopted, the native challenged his wife to
Venus Rising try out the process for herself and be con-
(23) 26043' Ascendant
(1 I) 2\0V) vinced of the pre-ordained consistency !
One day, by mutual agreement and through
Kethu a common urge, the issue was revived and
(14) 27° 8' the question was put forward in presence
of the author; "Will my Husband have
Jupiter can be replaced by Rabu as the a Change of Service, Profession, Com-
latter represents the former. pany, Place, etc. with substantial Improve-
ment and. If so. When ?"
Jupiter is in 5th Bbava and Mars sub Date, Time and Place — Sunday,
Mars 12th ,, Venus' „ 7-4-1968. 9-08 P.M. (1ST) or 9-32 P.M.
Rabu „ 1st „ Jupiter's „ (LMT), Calcutta.
Venus is in 11th Bhava A Jupiter's sub No. Quoted (by wife)—39.
Mercury,, 11th Hora Lagna (for Husband) — 2nd
Moon „ 2nd Rahu's Navamsa of Aquarius.
Comments : ■ (27)Rah
Sun26®a 31'
Moon is in the constellation of Mars (27) 24® 33' Rising
posited intbel2tb and owning 2nd and ;(27) 42® 22' (2)Mars
Meccuiy 14° 30' Ascendant
(3> 9°
9th; in the bouse of Venus posited in the (2B)Vent*
7* 44'
11th and owning 3rd and Sth; and owns
the 5tb. Thus, Moon is associated with (26) 5®«'
Sth, 3rd, 9th, 12th and tub and hence the Hot(2-4)a LitSna Moon
query is fully reflected. Also 1st bouse is to ^40*
10° (8) 12° T
in tbe constellation of Mercury which is Jupiter(R)
posited in the 11th. Hence, connection (10) 2'' 50'
between 1st and lltb bouses is established.
Balance of Mars Dasa (as per Chart)—
€ years 4 months 10 days. Kethu
(14) 25*3.1'
Therefore ' now Running Mars/Rahu
(up to 2-1-1969)
Chart lor the Moment & Place of
Fructification of Event during Mars Judgment
Rah u/Venus/Jupiter
Time: Thursday, 26-9-1968. House Cups and sub-fords (based on Hora
When Sun is in Virgo, in Sun's constel- I. (Rahu sub) Aquarius 6° 41'
lation (12) and Venus sub and Moon is in
Libra, in Rahu's constellation (15) and II. (Jupiter sub) Pisces 15- 21'
Mars sub. III. (Rahu sub) Aries 18° 21'
The native will then be running his TV. Taurus 15° 21'
Jupiter Dasa/Rahu Bhukti/Rahu Anthara V. (Jupiter sub) Gemini 9® 21'
Venus Sookshma. VL Cancer 5° 21'
VII. Leo Comments
VHI. Virgo (a) Moon is in the 6th Bbava (from
IX. (Moon sub) Libra Hora Lagna) and aspects the 12 ;
X. (Jupiter sub) Scorpio Moon is in the constellation of
XI. (Saturn „ Sagittarius Saturn, which owns the 1 Ith and
12th, is posited in the 2nd and
XII. ( „ Capricorn occupies the same sign as Mercury
or the 5th Lord ; Moon isaspected
Ruling Planets & Sub Lords : by Mats which owns the 3rd and
1. (a) Hora Lagna Lord 10th and aspects the 9th. Thus,
Saturn (Moon sub) Houses 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11 and 12 are
(b) Hora Constellation Lord involved and Moon, therefore,
Rahu (Rahu sub) reflects the nature of the query.
2. Moon's Constellation Lord Houses 1 and 11 arc connected be-
Saturn (Moon sub) cause Saturn, lord of lagna, aspects
3. Moon's Rasi Lord Sagittarius or the 11th House.
Moon (Moon sub) , Also, Jupiter, the Uth Lord,
4. Day Sun (Rahu sub) aspects Aquarius or 1st House.
(b) Balance of Dasa, as per Chart at
the Time of Judgment 6 years 5 months 25 days.
Now Running Saturn Moon Sun.
Fructification of Issue Under During Saturn Dasa Mars Bbukti
Consideration Saturn Antara Sun Sbookshma
Thursday, 26-9-1968
Wife will then be Running Her Saturn Dasa Saturn Bhuki Sun
Antara Rahu Shookshma.
L. P. DESHPANDE, Biusawal
Tenth house is under the occupation of
vn 21.13 Moon IX 20.34 X 22.34 Sun whose stars are occupied by himself
Rahu 13.2 III18.40
20.34 Sat 4.15 and Saturn. Therefore Sim atjd Saturn
stand as sighificators.
VI 26.34 Eleventh house is deposited with Venus.
Vcn 18.38 XI 25.34 Moon and Mercury are entrenched in the
Date of Birth stars governed by Venus. As such Moon
Time 00/01
Long—'73.6 East and Mercury are the significators but
V 2S.34 Lat—33.37 North Kethu occupying Virgo stands as a strong
Sun 3.27 Xll 26,34 agent of Mercury, the owner of the sign-
Therefore take Kethu. Mars and Jupiter are
IV 22.34 situated in Kethu's star. Hence they
Mer 17.4 Kctu 13.2 signify the effects of Kethu and in turn of
Mar 12.10 III 21.34 1120.34 ASt 21.13 Mercury.
Jup 11.33
Therefore the significators are Rahu,
Balance of Venus Mahadasa 12 years. Mars, Jupiter, Sun, Saturn, Moon and
Acquisition of higher status in service Mercury and Kethu.
means elevation to higher rank which As the significators are more than four,
suggests promotion to higher post, increase the ruling stars of the moment at the time
in income and fulfilment of desire. This of judgment will help in selecting the
chain of events amounting to promotion planets out of the significators and
has to be investigated by considering eliminating a few.
houses 2, 6, 10 and 11 and the planets Ruling planets;—
connected thereto according to Krishna-
murti Padhdhati- Before proceeding to Lord of the
judge these houses, (if we judge birth Ascendant —Capricorn—Saturn
chart) it has to be ascertained ./hether the Lord of star —Sravan —Moon
lagna is strong or the Moou sign. Prof: „ of sub lord—14/40 —Jupiter
Krishnamurti propounds that the Ascen-
dant (lagna) gets weaker or afflicted if it is „ of the sign —Libra —Venus
occupied by malefics. In thatcasc the Moon „ of the star —Chitra —Mars
sign has to be taken as the 1st house if „ of the day —Wednesday—Mercury
the latter is not deposited with evil planets.
Ascendant and Moon constellation are
In the above horoscope Kethu is placed the strongest.
in the lagna sign therefore I take the
Moon sign as the first house. Jupiter Dasa Saturn Bhukti is on from
Second house is deposited with Saturn. 5th December, 1967. Therefore Jupiter
Rahu alone is placed in Saturn star. Dasa Saturn Bhukti Mars Anthra to
Therefore Rahu signifies the results of operate from 5th October, 1968 the event
of promotion will take place on the day
this house. Sun transits Scorpio (ruled by Mars),
6th house is occupied by Kethu. Mars Saturn star ' Anuradha' and Jupiter sub
and Jupiter are situated in the constella- from 14/53 to 16/40 degrees on 29th
.tions of Kethu. So Mars and Jupiter November, 1968, the Friday on which
have to put forth the results of Kethu in Moon will be passing through Pisces-
this house. Uttara-padrapada star.
Mr. S. S. PINGLE, B.E.. Bombay-28
A lady puts a question about transfer and Sun Dasa and Saturn Bhukti started on
promotion of her husband. She furnishes !8th May, 1968.
her horoscope which is given below ;— For transfer we have toconsider houses
3rd, 10th and 12th. Thereforeforhusband's
Saturn 18° Jupiter
transfer consider houses 3,10 and 12 from
7th house, i.e. 9th, 4th and 6th.
Venus 9th house: It is vacant. Lord of 9th is
Kdthu 2° r Mars. No planet in any of the three
12* 4r Birth place: Rahu 26°Sun stars of Mars, So take Mars. But Rahu
in Maharashtra 13th 44' is conjoined with Mars. So take Rahu and
August 1942 Kethu in the constellation Satbabisha of
7-00 a.m. Mcr. 7*7* V1'iV
Koon Rahu. Therefore Rahu and Kathu are
Mat# 12*28' 4' signihcators.
4tli house: It is vacant. Lord of4tbis
Mars. We have already discussed Mars
6tb house. It is vacant. Lord of 6tb is
Saturn. No planet in any of the three
stars of Saturn. Take Saturn. Saturn's
I cusp 6° Leo sign is occupied by. Kethu who is aspected
4 26'
II cusp 4° 26 Virgo'
Virgo by Saturn and in the sub of Saturn. There-
III cusn
cusp 5° 36'
26' Librp
Libra fore take Kethu and Rahu, Moon and
IV cusp 6° 6' Scorpio Mercury in Magha ruled by Kethu.
" cusp 7° 26' Sagittarius
V Planets showing transfer are Rahu,
VTI cusp 7° 6' Capricorn
Kethu, Saturn, Moon and Mercury.^As
Other 6 cusps are diametrically Moon and Mercury are conjoined with
opposite. Rahu,'reject them and take Rahu. There-
Bhava table fore Rahu, Saturn and Kethu are very
I bhava: Moon, Mercury, Mars, Rahu strong significators.
VII bhava Kethu Sun Dasa and Saturn Bhukti is on.
X bhava: Saturn Select Rahu Anthra and Kethu Shook-
XIbhava; Jupiter & Venus shma. Kethu Anthra cannot be taken as
XII bhava : Sun Kethu is in Saturn's sign and aspected by
Saturn, a planet of delay.
Planet Lord of Lord of sub
constellation Dasa Bhukti Anthra Time
Sun Mercury Jupiter Sun Sat. Sat 18th May to
Moon Kethu Jupiter 12th July, 1968
Mars Venus Venus Sun Sat. Mercury 12th July to 1st
Rahu Kethu Mercury Sept. 1968
Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter
Saturn Moon Mercury Sun Sat. Kethu 1st Sept. to 20th
Mercury Kethu Rahu Sept. 1968
Kethu Rahu Saturn Sun Sat. Venus 20th Sept. to
Venus Jupiter Rahu 17th Nov. 1968
Dasa Bhukti Antbra Time ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is in its own sub
Sun Sat. San 17th Nov. to 4th and so gains strength. Take Jupiter and
Dec. 1968 Venus.
Suo Sat. Moon 4th Dec. 1968 to 12 bouse; Occupied by Sun. No planet
3rd Jan. 1969 in Sun's star. Sun in Jupiter's sub. So
Sun Sat. Mars take Sun. Sun's sign is occupied by Rahu.
3rd Jan. 69 to Take Rahu and Kethu in Rahu star. Rahu
23rd Jan. 196^ and Kethu, Sun are significators.
Sua Sat. Rahu 23rd Jan. 1969V
14th March 19H 4th bouse : Owned by Mars. We have
already discussed Mars.
Rabu Antbra operates from 23rd Janual
1969 to 14th March 1969. Kethu ShooB 5th house; Owned by Jupiter. We have
shma rules between 23rd Feb. 1969 to 27^ discussed Jupiter.
February, 1969. Look at Sun's transit.
Sun on I9th February enters Saturn's sign So significators are Jupiter, Venus,
Rabu star. Select Kethu sub, i.e. on 27th Rabu, Kethu, Suo.
February, 1969. Sun will be in Saturn's Sun Dasa.Saturn Bhukti is going on.
sign, Rabu star Kethu sub. Moon will be Saturn Bhukti lord is in constellation
in Mercury's sign Rabu star Mars in Mar's Rohini ruled by Moon owner of 12th
sign, Saturn star. Saturn will travel in houses. So Saturn Bhukti will give promo-
Mercury star, Saturn sub. Rabu will tion. We would have selected. Jupiter's
transit in Saturn star. So be will be trans- Anthra as Jupiter is very powerful in its
ferred on 27tb February 1969. As Rabu own constellation and sub and aspccting
operatingin Antbra is con joined with Mars, 5th bhava. But Rahu a node is transitting
lord of 9th house which happens to be 3rd in Piesces a sign ruled by Jupiter and hence
from 7th (husband's) hewillbe transferred whatever Jupiter has to give Rahu will
to a place not far off, A short travel is give in bis period. Therefore the period
shown. of transfer and promotion coincides and
For promotion take houses 2, 6 10 and he will be promoted at the same time. As
11 from 7tli house i.e., 8th, 12th, 4th and Rahu is in lagna, i.e. 7th bouse from 7th
3th from lagna of the lady. his immediate boss will be helping him in
2nd home: It is vacant. Lord i f Sth is
Jupiter. Jupiter and Venusare in Punarvasu Thank you.


Many times one faces with the problem, applied to all cases of rectification of birth
to cast the correct horoscope when the time.
exact time of birth is not known. There
are a number of methods advocated by It is an unfailing principle of Krishna-
Traditional Astrologers, but all of them murti Padhdhati which says that the rul-
leave the astrologer as confused as he was ing planets at the time of birth must
before he applied one of these methods. necessarily govern the time when you take
But thanks t* Krisimamurti Padhdhati. the Birth Chart for consideration, and this
You can arrive at the correct time of birth becomes the major guide to arrive at the
without any doubt by simple straightfor- correct time of birth. Now apart from
ward method which can be universally this, if one applies his mind sincerely and
with devotion, undoubtedly the divine also that Ascendant is to be Libra, governed
helps him to come to the correct conclu- by Venus as ruling planet. In Libra,
sion. To give an example, an I.A.S. we find there is Jupiter star and Saturn
Officer came to me and asked me to cast sub. As the ascendant star is Sun, there-
his horoscope. He gave the following fore, I fixed that the sub sub must be Sun.
data: — Now we find that Jupiter slat. Saturn sub.
Date of birth 11-11-1942 at Latitude Sun sub sub is from 22° to 22° 59'
26* 21' N Long. 92° 42' E. The time he 30". Now how to fix the e;Wt minute was
gave was that his mother only said it was the question. As I was Hnking about
between 4 to 6 A.M. this problem, I was sudderfl called away
and only came back t«Bvork on the
I took this horoscope for casting on horoscope at 10-55. A.M. Vtt that time I
30-11-67 at 9-45 A.M. Immediately! noted found that Mars star was riling. So with-
the ruling planets, according the Krishna- out any hesitation, I took the sub sub sub
murti Padhdhati. The ruling planets were of Mars and fixed the Ascendant as Libra
as follows 22° 54'a point which was being ruled by
Lord of day Jupiter Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Sun and Mars.
Lord of the Rasi ... Venus Now as the birth is the 1942 I took
Lord of the Con- Krishnamurti Ayanamsa as 22° 57' and by
stellation ... Jupiter adding this to Nirayaha Ascendant I got
Lord of Ascendant ...' Saturn the Sayana Ascendant, it was Scorpio
Lord of Ascendant 15° 51'. Now referring to Raphael's
star ... Sun sphemeris, I found that the siderial time at
G.M.N. on 10-11-42 was 15 hours 16 min.
So we find the Jupiter, Venus, Saturn 3 sec. After correction for Longitude 92°
and Sun are the ruling placets at that 42' E I got the sidereal time at L.M.N. on
time. Nowwe know that the birth is just 10-11-42 to be IS hours 15 min. 2 sec.
before Sun Rise on 11-11-42 and Sun was Now from Raphael's Table of Houses we
in 24° of Libra. Therefore, it is certain find as under :
Sid. Time X XI XII II II
9-25-44 Leo 19 Virgo 21 Libra 20 Scorpio Sagatarius Capricorn
15° 29' 15 16
9-29-40 20 22 21 16° 29' 16 17
Therefore, by applying rule of three we So we find them 18 hrs, 09 min. 27 sec.
find that when Sayana Ascendant was have elapsed after L.M.N. on 10-11-42,
Scorpio 15° 51' the sidereal time was which fixes the time of birth at 6-09 A.M.
9-27-28. L.M.T. on 11-11-42. To convert it into
Therefore subtracting the sidereal time I.S.T. we subtract 40 min. 8 sec. as we get
at L.M.N. from the sidereal time at birth 5-28-12 A.M. I.S.T.
we get
33 — 27 — 28 Therefore, the birth was at 5-28 A-M.
15 — 15 — 02 I.S.T.
18—12- "26
Converting this into meantime we get Can there be more reasonable and sys-
18—12—26 tematic method of arriving at the correct
0— 2 — 59 ttme of birth ?
IS —09 —27

S. S. PINGLE, B.E. (Civil). Krishna , 1st Floor Mo. 3.
Gokhale Road (N), Dad: ombay-23.
A gentleman puts three questions in Let us see whether Moon shows all the
succession for the same Number given by queries put by the querist in one No. 57-
him. Here the Moon is Lord of 10th as for
(i) Business? When it will improve? No. 57 Lagna falls in Libra sign 6° 40'
to 10° 0" in Rahu star and sub of Rahu
(ii) Marriage? and Jupiter. Moon isin Capricorn ruled by
(iii) Father's health? Saturn. Moon is aspecting 10th house of
business. Moon is in the constellation
Please give a Number between 0 and Dhanishta ruled by Mars. Mars is the'
108. owner of 2nd, 7th from lagna and occupy-
Take it 57. ing 1 Ith bouse. 2nd, 7th and 11th are the
three houses considered for marriage. As
Time of questioning: 3-55 p.m. 2nd 2nd house is 6th from 9th and 7th house is
October, 1968. 11th from 9th; the ascendant of his
father, the query relates also to his
Place ; Bombay. father's health and cure of disease, if any.
But Prof. Ktishnamurti has emphasized
Sat0 (R)/ that the sub always decides. Moon in
29 47 Jupiter's sub occupying Uth along with
166 5' Mars owner of 2nd and 7th gives predomi- '
nance to the question of marriage.
Planetary position Let us see whether he will have all the
at 3-55 P.M. answers favourable. Lagna shows whether
2od October, 1968 one will have a favourable answer or not.
Moon Number given 57. Mars Here lagna falls in Libra, lord of which
27° 14' 13° 22'
Jup. 286 7' is Venus posited in Lagna Bhava. Hence
Lagna is very strong. Star lord Rahu is in
Lag. 6° 40" 6th Bhava, a bouse favourable for native.
to 10° Sun 16° Rahu is aspected by Mars (8th aspect) and
Mer 7° 53' Kethu
Venus 16° 5' in the sign of Jupiter both the occupants
13° 44' of 11th Bhava. Sub lords are Rahu and
Jupiter. Rahu we have discussed and Jupiter
Planet Lord of Lord of in Uth shows that lagna is very strong
Constellation Sub and the querist will have all the answers
Sun Moon Sat (R) to his satisfaction. But Rahu star lord is
Moon Mars Jupiter conjoined with and in the constellation of
Mars Venus Venus Saturn (R) will have delayed his desire in
the period of Rahu which preceded some
Mercury Rahu Rahu time in the back.
Jupiter Sun Moon Let us take his second question first.
Venus Rahu Mercury For marriage consider houses 2nd, 7th and
Sat (R) Mercury Sat (R) 11th from the lagna of the native.
Rahu Sat (R) Jupiter To see whether one will marry or not.
Kethu Moon Sat (R) We have to see the 7 th cusp sub lord.
Here 7th cusp falls in 6° 40' 10° 0' Aries. Dasa lord is in Venus star and s^> it will
Sub lord are Rahu, Jupiter and Saturn be a Friday 13th December, IS^^pMars,
<R). Rahu is in Saturn (R) star. Saturn (R) lord of 7th is in llth and in tt^Rmstella-
will not he favourable. But Jupiter as a tion of Venus and sub of V^Ksin lagna.
sub lord is occupying 11th and in the The girl will be from the Jmie place only.
constellation of Sun, lord of Uth will give Mars's Dasa is on; thererore her ascendant
the result in his period. It is also con- on Rasi or Day of birth must have connec-
joined with Mars, lord of 2nd and 7th. tion with Mars-
Hence he will definitely marry. When?
2nd house; Vacant. Let us take his third question, i.e., father's
7th house: Vacant.
6th house, planets in 6th, planets in the
11th house: Jupiter and Mars are in constellations of the owner and occupant
the Uth. Moon in Dhanishta ruled by of 6th will cause ill-health. Maleflcs in
Mars. No planet in Jupiter's star. Jupiter lagna are also dangerous.
in Sun's star. Lord of Uth and sub of
Moon, a strong significator of marriage. So take 6th house from 9th his father's
But Mars is aspecting Rahu and Jupiter's ascendant/etc., 2nd house from his lagna
sign isoccupiedby Rahu. Thereforeplanets (querist's) 2nd house is vacant. Lord of 2nd
in Rahu star are also to be taken. Venus isMars. Moon inDhanishtaruledbyMars.
and Mercury are in Swathi ruled by Ragu. Therefore Moon and Mars arc significators
.'. Significators arc Moon, Mars, Jupiter, of ill-health. Mars is aspecting 2nd house
Mercury and Venus. Though Rahu is in and conjoined with Jupiter. Therefore
Jupiter's signitisin Saturn's star. Saturn Moon, Mars and Jupiter are significators of
is retrograde. Prof. Kdshnamurti says ill-health. Cure is shown by llth house.
that Rahu in Saturn (R) star will appear to Planets in the constellations of the owner
give the result but it will fail. I solved and occupant of llth, 5th and lagna are
this question at 5-15 p.m. 2nd October, highly favourable for cure. 5th is 12th to
1968. Ruling planets were 6th and lagna shows good health. So
take lagna 5th and llth from 9th, i.e., lord: Jupiter. 9th, 1st and 7tb from querist's lagna.
Lagna lord : Sat. (R). llth is unoccupied: Mars is its lord. We
Star lord : Mars. have discussed Mars. Mars' Dasa is on.
So Mars produced illness. Mars in the
Sign lord : Saturn. constellation and sub of Venus in lagna,
Day lord; Mercury. i.e., 5th from 9th will definitely be advan-
tageous for cure. Jupiter Bhukti is on.
The common ones are Mars, Jupiter and Jupiter is both good and bad as it is
Mercury. Though Mercury's, sign is occu- conjoined with Mars who has to give 6th
pied by Kethu,Kethu in Sat. (R) sub is weak. and llth houses results diametrically
As planets in retrograde sub never give the opposite. Jupiter in Sun's star lord of
result. Mars Dasa, Jupiter Bhukti is on. 3rd from 9th is good. 5th house is occupied
Anthra to be selected is either Mercury's by Mercury and Venus. Mars in Venus'
or Mars'. Mercury's anthra is already over. star and sub. Sat. (R) in Mercury star and
Therefore take Mars' Anthra and Mercury's Saturn (R) sub will notgive cureas sub lord
Shookshma. This period operates from isretrograde. Therefore Mercury and Venus
27th November to 16th December. Sun are significators. ■•. Mars' Dasa Jupiter
transits in Mars' sign Mercury star on 2nd Bhukti Mars Anthra will produce cure.
December, 1968. Select Jupiter's sub. On For him to be allright. Mars' Dasa Mer-
12th and I3th December, 1968 Jupiter sub cury Bhukti Venus Antha must operate.
will operate. On 13th Sun will be in 2nd Actually native's father was brought home
house and Moon in 11th in the constella- from hospital on 16th October, 1968 when
tion and sub of lord of llth. As Mars, the period was Mars' Dasa, Jupiter Bhukti,
Moon Anthra. He will be okay when 11th house occupied by Mars and
Mars' anthra operates. Jupiter Moon in Mars star and no planet
in Jupiter star^MKagu in Jupiter's sign
Take bis first question : Business. and aspectedby B^^BMercury and Venus
and in Rahu star.
For business take houses 2, 6, 10 and 11
as be is already in business. .'. Strong significators areMoon, Mer-
cury Venus, Mars. Jupiter.
2nd vacant: Lord is Mars. Moon is
Mars' star. Take Moon. Moon is also At present he is running Mars Dasa
lord of iOtb and aspecting 10th. and Jupiter Bbukti. Jupiter Bbukti ends
on 6tb February, 1969. Saturn Bhukti will
6tb house : Rahu and Sat. (R) arc in 6th. prove to be weak as Saturn (R) in its own
Venus and Mercury are in Rahu star. sub. Mercury Bhukti will be on from 13th
Mercury in Rahu sub. March, 1970. Venus Anthra operators be-
tween 26th May and 27th July, Sun enters
10th bouse : Owned by Moon. Sun and 15th May in Venus sign Sun star and will
Kethu in Moon star but both in Saturn be in Venus sign Mars star, i.e., about
(R) sub and as such will not improve his 13th June, 1970. Hisbusiness will definitely
condition. improve.
(Application of Krisbnamurti Padbdbati)
26/12A W. Patei Nagar, New Delhi-S.
It was exactly 7-30 A.M. of 30th April, in which Ascendant (lagna) transits
1968 when my wife switched on the radio, at the moment of judgment is
but there was no electricity. Immediately another Ruling planet. At 7-30
she put the query about the probable time A.M. on 30-4-6! at Delhi, the
of light to come. Nirayana position of the lagna is
16° 24'Taurus. Taurus is ruled by
Ruling planets at the moment of Judg- Venus. So Venus again becomes
ment. the Ruling planet. Thus Mars,
Ruling planets at the time of judgment Venus and Moon are the ruling
of a horoscope or a horary chart signify planets.
important events. In fact it is the It will not be out of scope of the article
marvellous discovery of Prof. K.S.K. to mention that if a node is conjoined with
Before we analyse our problem it would be a ruling planet, then node is taken to be
in the interest of the students of Astrology stronger than the planet. Also Node
to understand what is meant by "Ruling (Rabu or Kethu) becomes strong and
Planets ". When a query is put to the should not be ignored
Astrologer, the moment when he takes (i) If it is aspected by a ruling
the chart for analysis, -is governed by
certain planets. These planets, that rule planet,
the moment of judgment are called (ii) If it occupies either of the
"Ruling Planets They are termed as signs of the ruling planet.
under;— In our ease Nodes have no connection
(1) Lord of the Day : In our case the as indicated above, so Venus, Mars and
query was put on Tuesday. Lord Moon are the ruling planets. These
of this day is Mars. So Mars is one planets indicate the time of fructification
of the ruling planets. of the query. So, the time at which elec-
(2) Lord of the star : Find out in which tric current will come (time of fructifica-
star. Moon transits at the time of tion) will be governed by Venus, Mars and
analysis. The planet that rules Moon.
the star is another ruling planet in Since the matter relates only to a minor
our case, star is Rohini. Its lord event, to take place within a few hours, the
Moon is another Ruling planet. transit of Ascendant is considered^ At the
(3) Lord of Rasi: The planet owning time of judgment lagna is Taurus 16° 24'
the sign in which Moon transits at and will remain for approximately one
the time of judgment is also one of hour more, so there is every possibility of
the Ruling planets. In our case electricity to come in Taurus Lagna itself.
Moon transits in Taurus, ruled by Next lagna is Gemini, whose lord is
Venus. So Venus is the third Mercury, v/ho is not a ruling planet, we
Ruling planet. should not wait for Gemini Lagna and
only we should find the sensitive degree
(4) Lord of Lagnu: The lord of sign which is ruled by the ruling planets jointly
(and the lord of the Constellation) in Taurus itself. Lagna at the time of
judgment is 16° 24' Taurus. It is Venus falls in 24° 04' Taurus (Re/. K.P. Vol.pav
sign, Moon star and Jupiter sub. I ,ext 161). ^
sub is of Saturn to be "followed by 0
Mercury and Kethu. After Kethu, next Lagna at 7-30 A.M. isl6 24' Taurus.
sub is that of Venus. Electricity could Difference between the two lagnss is
come when the ascendant is in the sign of 124° 04')—(16° 24') = 7° 40'. For the lagna
Venus (Taurus), star of Moon and sub of to move 1 degree, it takes around 4 minu-
Venus. 1 did not take this time of tes and for T 40' the time taken is 31
fructification of query. Why? minutes, roughly.
Because we see that the ascendant and It took me about 12 minutes to calculate
also Moon therein is aspected by Saturn all this and till then there was no electri-
and so, as long as the star of Moon rises city. I calculated and then I told my wife
in the east, the chances of electric current that our radio will be on after 30 minutes
to come are very remote. from 7-30 A.M. i.e., at 8-00 A.M.
I choose the next sensitive degree which To our pleasure, electricity came at
falls in the star of Mars and sub ef Mars. 8-00 A.M. exactly.
Sub sub was taken to be Moon. So the
lagna that should rise in the East at the This proves that the system propounded
time of electricity to come should be by Shri K.S.K.. is very unique.
Venus sign (Taurus), Mars star (Mrigasira),
Mars sub and Moon sub sub. This point Long live Krishnamurti Padhdhati!


162. Mars in the sixth house causes Yaksha, gods, snakes and Vidyadhara;
thrust, biliousness and bilious fever, fear Mercury and Jupiter cause thrust produced
from fire, poison, weapon, leprosy (disea- by black magic.
ses of) marrow, eye trouble tumour, 169—170. Venus in the sixth house
epilepsy, skin trouble and fracture, etc., causes bone T.B., fall, diseases of the eye,
trouble from king, enemy, thief, ghora sleeplessness, kapha, dropsy piles, pain
planets and diseases of the upper limb. while urinating, small pox, difficulty and
163. Mercury, when it is posited in the trouble in the family happiness, etc., due to
sixth bouse, causes fever due to vata and administration of poison, fall in mud, and
pitta, jaundice (other bodily ailments), wind troubles.
dropsy, defects of speech, separation from 171. Jaundice, kapha, wind trouble,
brothers, and defects of place. eye trouble and urinary troubles, diseases
164. Mercury in the sixth bouse causes of anus and rectum, painful urination,
difficulty and trouble from the deities calamity due to intoxication, spermator-
living in house and forest, fall from a rhoea, loss of (physical) lustre caused by
wall, tree or from some conveyance, loss prostitution, diseases due to kapha, fear
of memory, disease of cheek and eye from Yogini, Yakshi, Shodasha Matrikas,
trouble. separation from near and dear are indica-
165. Mercury in the sixth bouse (also) ted by Venus in the sixth house.
indicates delusion, abuse, eye trouble, 172. Saturn in the sixth house indicates
diseases of cheek, nose, fever, diseases due wind troubles, residence in a foreign place
to vata, pitta and kapha, from poison, and wandering, diseases of intestines,
skin diseases, jaundice, bad dreams, pox, diseases due .to poison and corporal
fall in fire, reproach, imprisonment, punishment.
labour, trouble and difficulty from Gan- 173. Saturn in the sixth house (also)
dbarva, those living in the earth and in causes paralysis, diseases caused by wind,
houses. diseases of feet, leprosy, tumour, loss of
166. Jupiter, if it is posited in the (any) limb of the body, heart-burn and
sixth house, causes artificial diseases of the stupidity; makes the native lame.
tongue due to vata, urinary trouble and 174. Diseases due to wind and kapha,
fever, diseases of the upper portion of leg injuries, misfortunes, sleepiness,
cheek, and wrath of king. fatigue, confusion, diseases of arm pit,
167. Jupiter in the sixth house (also) heart burn, danger and difficulty to wife
causes consumption due to delusion, or and sons, loss of (any) part of the body,
anger, ear trouble—loss of ears—tooth feverish, injury from tree, and stone, and
pain, trouble and fear from Yaksha, trouble caused by low people and by
Kinnara, etc. Pishacha, etc. are indicated by Saturn in
16S. Jupiter in the sixth house indi- the sixth house.
cates tumour, enteric fever, grief, swoon, 175-176- Rahu in the sixth house cau-
ear-pain and urinary troubles due to ses fear from snakes, poison, delusion,
kapha ; trouble due to (misappropriation diseases of legs, stupidity, leprosy, heart
of) temple property and feat from curse and stomach troubles, heartburn, artificial
of Brahmins, diseases caused by Kinnara, diseases from poison, fear from Pishacha.
troubles to wife and daughter, opposition lagna conjoined with Moon and Venus, the
from Brahmins and Kshatriyas, fear due native will suffer from night-blindness,
to enemy, Preta and poisoning; Gulilca in 188. Lagna-iord in the second house,
the sixth house indicates bodily ailments second lord in sixth, eighth, or twelfth
due to unclean liness. cause congenital blindness; (also if Sun,
177. Epilepsy, paralysis, and fear from conjoined with Rahu or Kethu, is in
small inspects caused by Preta, Pishacha second or twelfth bhava from the bhava
and Bhutas, aversion and leprosy are occupied by Venus),
indicated by Rahu in the sixth house.
189. Conjunction of second lord with
178—179. If Ketbu is posited in the Rahu/Kethu causes blindness; relationship
sixth house, the native will face opposition of planets, both malefic and benefic, with
from Brabmanas and Kshatriyas, diseases the Second lord and the occupation of
due to fear from enemies, loss of intellect second lord of good or bad houses
due to poison or Ashaucha (uncleanliness) determines happiness of eyes.
epilepsy, itch, boils, from black magic
done by enemies, from low and conduct- ' 190- A native born in Leo as lagna
less people. will suffer from eye pain, in Aries from
nigbtblindness, in Cancer blurred vision,
180. If Mars occupies the sixth house and if Moon is posited in the twelfth
and its lord the eighth, the native will house, the.native will be blind.
suffer from fever in his twelfth year of
age. 191. Sun and Moon in the eighth
181. If Jupiter occupies the 3rd house, house cause eye trouble, unhappiness,
the native will be a miser, he will be poverty, short life; the native will
greatly insulted, will have brothers, will suffer imprisonment by the kind, will be a
suffer from-dispepsia, lose his wife and wanderer and will be hated by women.
he will perform evil acts. 192. The native will become dumb if
182.- If Jupiter happens to be in the second house is occupied by debilitated
sixth bhava, the native will suffer from" planet and the debilitated second lord is
dispepsia, will be weak, lazy, famous^ posited in the sixth house and Mars iu the
insulted and will destroy his enemies. twelfth.
183. If Mars is posited in lagna and - 193. If Moon, conjoined with malefic
Sun in the 8th, the native will suffer from planets, is posited in the third, eleventh or
paroxysm of fever. lagna and is aspected by malefics, the
native will lose bis ears ; malefic planets
184. Moon in the twelfth house from in fifth and lagna, aspected by ktura
lagna causes loss of left eye; if Sun planets cause deafness.
conjoins Moon in that house, the native 194. If benefics are posited in 5th and
will lose both the eyes.
malefics in the 9tb, or if they are aspected
185. If Sun and Moon are posited in by malefics, the native will suffer left and
the 12th house, the native will lose both right ear trouble respectively ; ear trouble
the eyes ; if they are aspected by beneScs, .is also caused by Venus in the second or
it will happen (but) after a long time. 12th house or if Saturn and Sun are
186. (If they are posited) in the sixth conjoined.
or twelfth house from the lagna are not 195. Malefic planets in houses 3,5,9
aspected by either malefic or benefic or 11, unaspected by any benefic planets
planets, the native will suffer from leprosy, indicate.loss of ear; in the seventh house,
pain and will lose bis eyes. loss of teeth.
187. If second house lord is posited in 196. Conjunction of Rahu or Mercury
the 6th, 8th or 12th house, the native will with the third lord diseases of cheeks
lose his eye-sight; if it is posited in the (mumps, etc.).
197. The native will suffer from tuber- 208. If twelfth and sixth lords exchange
culosis in his 36th year of age, if Rahu houses, tumour should be predicted in the
occupies the sixth' house, lagna lord the 3rd and 19tli years of age.
I2th and if Moon is conjoined with 209. Jupiter in Leo causes sto-tach
Mandi. troubles, the native will hate women, will
198. If Rahu occupies the sixth house, suffer from hunger and thurst.
and if Moon is conjoined with mandi, the 210. Moon between malefic planets and
native will suffer from tuberculosis in his Saturn in the seventh house cause asthma,
12th and 17th years. abscess, tumour and splenitis.
199. Tuberculosis to a native in his
36th year should be predicted if Rahu is 211. Tearing of stomach from a
posited in the 6th, Moon is conjoined with weapon is indicated if sixth house is occu-
mandi and lagna lord occupies the 12th pied by Mars or Gulika; the native will be
bhava. beheaded if Moon happens to the waning
and Saturn is aspected by Rahu.
200. If Venus and Moon aspect Mars
and Mercury, posited in the sixth house 212. The native, will have many
and in kruca Amsa, the learned astrologer enemies, delicate constitution, will be
should predict that the native will suffer sharp, lethargic because of intoxication,
from tuberculosis. will suffer from dispepsia and other sto-
mach troubles if Moon occupies the sixth
201. The native will suffer from res- house.
piratory diseases (such as cough, asthma,
etc.) and tuberculosis, if Saturn, along 213. If conjunction of Saturn, Sun,
with Gulika, isin the sixth house and is Mars and Rahu happen to be in a watery
aspectcd by Sun, Mars and Rahu and if the sign and in the seventh house, the native
sixth house in not aspected or occupied by will suffer from urinary troubles.
beneSc planets. 214. If seventh house were a watery
202. If Moon, along with Saturn, sign and if lagna were occupied or aspec-
occupies the sixth bhava, leprosy in the ted by a watery planet, the native will
50th year should be predicted. suffer from urinary troubles.
203. If Moon is conjoined with Kethu
in the sixth house, red leprosy in the 55th
year should be predicted.
204. If Sun happens to be in Cancer
sign and is aspected by Saturn, the native
will become wicked, will have a bad name,
suffer from leprosy, will be pitiless and
205. Whenever Mercury occupies the
Cancer sign in a nativity, the nativesuffers
from tuberculosis, leprosy, etc.
206. If Sun occupies the Cancer sign,
the native will deprive others of their
wealth, will suffer from kapha and wind,
and if Mercury aspects, he will lose his
Mr. Achaian Seity, Prop., Vijayalakshmi Talkies,
207. Jupiter in the sixth. Moon in garlanding tlio Edilor ai Bangalore
Jupiter's house kukshiroga should be Hon'blc Minister A. J, Dodda Mcti, Minister for
predicted i n the 19th and 22nd years of Minor Irrigation, presided over
age. the felicitations
215. The native will have troubles 221. If Mars in the 10th house is
from his enemies, will be hit by a stone, aspected by Saturn or is conjoined with it,
will suffer from urinary troubles, will be the native will suffer from diseases due to
serene, if Mercury in the house of Jupiter bad blood.
is aspected by Sun. 222. Saturn in the eighth and Mars in
216- The native will suffer from ureth- the seventh cause boils in the 30th and 50th
ritis, etc.. in his 22nd and 18th years of years of age.
age, ifRahu happens to be in eighth 223. The native will have youth, wife,
Navamsa and its lord in houses 8, 5 or 9.
gold, ornaments and wealth; he will be a
217. The native will be cruel, will be warrior and have wounds on his body if
confronted by many difficulties, and will Jupiter is aspected by Mars.
suffer from jaundice, if Sun happens to be
in the eighth house. 224. The native will have a wicked
218. The native will suffer from wife, many enemies, less relatives and will
diseases produced by vata (wind) in his be poor, if Sun occupies the house of
59th years, if lagna lord happens to be in Mars ; Venus' aspect will make the native
the 8tb bouse and Saturn occuplesenemy's a leper.
quarters. 225. If Sun is posited in his own sign
219. If Sun happens to be in Cancer and is aspected by,Venus, the native will
sign and if it is aspected by Saturn, the suffer from piles, and leprosy, will be
native will be a rogue, will deprive others wicked, and shameless.
of their belongings, bis action and think- 226. The native will suffer from some
ing will be perverted and he will suffer eruptive and contagious disease if Sun is
badly from diseases caused by wind. posited in the eighth bhavaand is aspected
220. Saturn aspected by Mars makes the by Mars.
native suffer from diseases caused by vata, 227. Jupiter in lagna and Mars in the
will be wicked, ever wandering, mean and seventh will make the native suffer from
doer of bad deeds. delerium and will never recover from it.

A Section of the people gathered at the specially

erected pandal at Vishvcshwarapuram.
Bangalore Editor in deep meditation
K. S. K.
" Copy of the Letter to the Director- Hindu Calendar For All-India Use : We
General. are aware that the Hindus acquired an
Dated ; 11-11-1968 advanced degree of knowledge in Astro-
To nomy mainly because they received sup-
The Chairman, port from the rulers, then. Vikramaditya
Organising Committee, Panchang Seminar, was one. Now, the Director-General of
and Director-General of Observatories, observatories has come forward to bring
Lodi Road, out an astronomically accurate Almanac
NBW DELHI-3. for the use of the Hindus wherever they
Dear Sir, Need for the Seminar; As there were
Ref: Your letter, dated 3rd November, many Stales in India and the ruler of each
1968. supported' his own favourites and these
I thank you immensely for having authors developed astronomy in their own
extended your invitation to me' for the way and thus we are handed down 18
Seminar to be held on 18-11-1968. I had Sidhdhantas, each differing from the other.
great desire to attend the Seminar. But So it is necessary to find out which is cor-
due to unavoidable circumstances here, I rect. That is why the D. G. of observa-
have to stay away at Madras ; anyhow, I tories has arranged this seminar for which
am submitting my opinion in this matter. we, Indians must be grateful to him.
Honestly, whatever I have written in my Need for Grand Success: Throughout
India, there are many scholars. The pity
article will be useful both to Astrologers is that they do not know all languages.
and also to the religious people who refer Seminar will be attended by those who
to almanacs. can't make others understand what argu-
In my Magazine, 1 shall publish an ment they advance. So interpreters are
article to prove that Panchang which is absolutely necessary.
brought out following my advice alone is Available Panchang ; Let me reproduce
correct. I shall also send a few copies of what I wrote and published in my maga-
that issue for your perusal in the happy zine in May 1965 issue, page 15 about the
New Year. Panchangs and my prediction about such
Thanking you, a seminar to bring out one uniform and
Yours faithfully, universally acceptable Almanac which
K. S. KRISHNAMURTI will be astronomically accurate.
Copy of the opinion given by me." Article published in Astrology & Athri-
shta Magazine, May 1965 issue.
Opinion of Jyotish Marthand K. S.
Krishnamurti, Editor & Publisher, Astro- "PANCHANGS"
logy & Athrishta Founder & President,
Modern Astronomical & Astrological Re- "What is a panchang? It is a booklet,
search Institute, Madras, Bombay, Delhi wherein the day, the ending moment of
and Calcutta visiting Professor of Astro- the Thithi, Nakshathra, Yoga and Karana
logy Bharatiya Vidya Bbavan, Bombay, are given. These five facts compose the
Delhi, Madras etc. almanacs. "
I agree with you no doubt. Each author at Madias and some important timings
gives different timings for Nakshathra, are given for the consideration ef the
Thithi, etc. If one studies carefully, one readers.
will decide not to buy most of the Pan-
chaogs but stick to a very few correct (1) Anandha Bodhini Sut'daTrik Gani-
ones. tha Panchang.
Hindus divide a year into 12 months. (2) Sarva Muhurtha V. kya Panchang-
The first is called Chithra month. It com- Malartnagal edition.
mences when Sun enters the sign Aries (3) Kumarau Panchar. am (Trik).
(Mesha). Chithra month continues till (4) Arcot Seetharama Iyer Sarva
Sun enters the next sign Taurus-Rishaba Muthurtha Panchrupam.
when the next month Vaikasi starts. Thus (5) Shd Acharya! Madathu Panchan-
each month ends and a new month has its gam.
birth when Sun leaves the previous sign
and enters into the next one. Let us note (6) Swadesamitran Paochangam.
the timings given by a few authors. Num- (7) 28 number Sudha Vakya Panchan-
bers 1 to 7 indicate the almanacs available gam.
The following is the timings when Sun enters a few signs which arc considered to
be auspicious:—
Date. I 2 3 4 5 6 7
Gh-vi Gh-vi Gh-vi Gh-vi Gh-vi . Gh-vi Gh-vi
13-4-'65 22-25 19-41 19-41 39-4! 30-1 19-41 19-41
16-7-,65 1-15 16-3 6-29 26-22 6-29 16-3 16-3
17.10-'65 11-47 13-47 56-46 . 22-14 3-14 13-47 ,,13-47
before before
sunrise sunrise
14- W66 9-38 0-49 2-5 2-10 2-5 0-49 0-49
before before before before before before
sunrise sunrise sunrise sunrise sunrise sum ise
Only the almanacs numbered 2, 6 and 7 agree.
Let Us take the ending moment of stars on any two days.
Dale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4-7'65 5-02 19-38 5-3$ 19-20 5-20 19-41 19-40
29-8-'65 42-45 55-08 ■ 43-18 54-24 43-05 55-»8 55-12
Now let us note the moment when Suti and Moon e«njoin which is called New
Moon Jay and the moment when Sun and Moon oppose each other, i.e., they are exactly
180° away which is caiied Full Moon.
□ale. I 2 '3 4 5 6 7
New Moon day
28-7-1565 23-15 29-25 28-13 29-22 28-00 81-11 20-30
Full Moon dav
12-8-1965 ' 19-42 20-20 19-43 20-19 19-27 14-27 20-26
Next, suppose a person desires to Kindly judge yourself which is correct and
celebrate the tnamage of his daughter on which is wrong.
12-5-1945. It is necessary to note whether ALL ALMANACS MUST GIVE THE
the Yoga (amiitha achi yoga) is auspicious. SAME MOMENT AND IT SHOULD
In Auacda Bodhini, it is written AGREE WITH THE EPHEMERIS.
Marar.ayoga till 33G-30-V, and this is a Such Panchangs which do not agree
very bad yoga. In Sarva Muhurtha with the Ephemeris, need correction.
Ninia/a Panchang, Malar-Magal edition, For example let us take 22nd December,
Maranayogatn on 12-5-1965 till 36 1965. The time given by Ephemeris
Ghatis. (Rapbeai) 2-35 A.M. in the Night (22nd
In Kumaran Panchang, it is published midnight over 23rd started) is the momeqt
that, nn 12-5-65 till 34 G-5 V, it is when Sun and Moon are int he same longi-
Maranayoga. In Arcot Sarva Muhurtha tude in Sagittarius-Nirayana.
Panchang, Maranayoga is upto 35 Ghatis. Ananda Bodhini 2-33 A.M. 23-12-1965
InMadathuPanchang, it is Siddha yogam.
In Swadesamithran Maranayogam con- Kumaran Pan- 2-33 A.M. 23-12-1965
tinues till 36G-8V. chang.
And, in the number 28 Almanac, Sarva Muhurtha 3-47 A.M.
Maranayogam. Those who are the Nirnaya Vakya.
devotee^ of the Mutt, will follow Madathu Arcot Sarva 0-56 A.M. 23-12-1965
Almanac and declare that 12-5-65 is an Muhurthain.
auspicious day to celebrate marriage
whereas others will condemn this day and Madalbu Pan- 2-33 A.M. 23-12-1965
declare it as the worst. chang.
People ate losing faith in astrology and Swadesamitran. 2-43 A.M. 23-12-1965
when they are presented with .different 28 number. 50G. 13v. and the Indian
horoscopes for the birth of the same per- Standard Time is not given. It is erected
son they get vexed. They do not know for Tanjore locality.
which of them is correct. Really, it is a Days arc changed. Greater facilities are
headache to the learned astrologers. But,
such a difference is welcome to the quacks available.
and to the bluffers. It is a good excuse In olden days, when clocks and watches
for them to attribute the failure to the were n*t available, the timings are calcu-
almanac used for, the erestior, c'f the hero- lated in Ghatis and Vikatis from the
scope. moment of Sunrise in that locality on that
The correct and the simplest method to ^ day. Now, when every house has watches
and they are corrected daily, by referring
judge which is correct and which is to the radio or dialing to the Telephone
wrong, is to find the moment when Sun Exchange it is advisable to completely
and Moo*.are in the same longitude in avoid Ghatis and Vighatis and publish the
the same sign, when itis called New Moon timings in Indian Standard time.
and to verify the moment when Sun and
Moon are in the same longitude in the Another example will be advantageous.
opposite signs when it is called Full Moon.
For correct moment, take an ephemeris, New Mood on 29-6-1965
note the time when it is New Moon and Ephemeris 10-23 A.M. I.S.T.
when it is Full Moon. The time is given Ananda Bodhini 10-22 A.M. I.S.T.
in Greenwich Meantime. Convert it to
Indian Standard Time. Note to which Kumaran 10-30 A.M TS.T.
locality, the aimaeac is prepared. Find the SarvaMuhurtha 11-01 A.M. I.S.T.
time of Sunrise on that day in the locality- Nirnaya Va-
calculate Ghatis and Vikatis. Verify. kya,
Arcot Sarva 10-59 A.M. I.S.T. Astronomical basis, we do not observe a
Muhurtha. rule like " Thirty day " hath September,
Madathu Pan- id-22 A.M. „ " April, June and November ".
chang. Never is the birthday or the anniversary
Swadesamitran. 10-59 A.M. „ celebrated on fixed dates of fixed months.
Then, people, born on 29th February, can
28 Number, Vakya Gh. 12-v. 17 after- celebrate only once in 4 years. But Hindus
Sunrise forTanjore. It works out to 10-52 have laid down elaborate rules.
A.M. I.S.T. Some have hazy and incorrect notion
To declare which Panchang is correct, that this and other elements of an
the correct test is to find out the moment almanac are something spiritual and have
of New Moon, Full Moon and Thithis. no astronomical accuracy is needed only
Why? Whatever be the Ayanamsa which for eclipses and similar phenomena-
the author follows, these moments must be All the elements of the Panchang or the
the same to all (according to Indian Hindu Almanac are astronomical entities.
Standard Time), These thithis show the They are calculated by using Surya Sid-
distance between Sun and Moon and it hanta, Vakya and Drik Ganitha. The
cannot be different, whatever be the! aya- motians, relative and absolute of the
namsa that is used. In this connection, planets of the S»lar system will differ one
same excepts from the article published from the other. Actually the moment of
in the December 1963 issue are repro- a true geocentric place of a heavenly body
duced. which is the same for all places on the
"Our ancient astronomers had clearly earth and for all people, varies according
mentioned in their treatises that the astro- to the Sidhanta used.
nomers in future have to revise the In Utbra Kalamritha, Kalidoss men-
calculation from time to time, if and when tions that the exact positions of planets
found necessary. They have expressed are to be calculated by Drik system.
that the results arrived at should agree Mantreswarar in his work, Phala Deepika
with the scientific and occular verification. expresses that "Ghathir Drik Thulyath-
According to them "Drit Karanaikya vam Ganitha Karanaithi " the position of
viheenah, Khetas Stboolah as Karmanam planets coincident with observation should
Arbab ". be used.
That is to say, the positions of planets If one does not want other's advice as
which are arrived at by using a calculation to which system is to be followed, let him
inconsistent with observational precision, calculate using all Sidbdhantas including
will only be approximate and rough and the Drik system.
not fit for religious observances. They also
said that one should observe religious Knowing fully well that Drik system is
functions at the time arrived at by using correct, what is the meaning of saying
' Dtik System'. Also they seriously "For certain functions follows Vakya
warned " He who misses the day of Anni- System and for some other purposes
versary of a departed soul will be penalised follow Drik ? " Will you allow a cloth
by giving him re-births a crore of times," merchant to use a correct yardstick to one
" Mirtaham Samatikramya party and a simi lar yardstick to the other ?
Will you accept the piece measured by the
Cbandalah Koti Janmasu". shorter yardstick, especially when you
They do not want us to commit any know that it is not correct? Just as the
mistake. length of a saree measured by different
persons will vary according to the length
As we, the Hindus, fix the dates of our of their hands, the position of planets will
fasts, feasts and festivals, anniversary, be given in different ^ positions by using
ceremony and birth day, etc., only on an different methods.
Research must be maue; One may and Srinivasa Iyer as Judge,:. Tinncveily
immediately retort saying that there is no Sri Krishna Josier argued in favour of
Varahamihira now. Let me ask whether Vakyam while Sri Venkateswara Dheekshi-
there is a Vikramathithya. 1 assure that dhar and Sundaresa Sr»uthigal supported
it is possible to have thousands of Vara- Drik System. It was finally decided on
hamihiras. One can fish when he is near 16-12-1937 that Drik System alone is
the water and drink when near the spring. correct and should be followed. Always it
Sun today is as bright as it was thousand is advisable to follow what the Guru pre-
of years ago. Will the same brilliant scribes. Therefore:
Sun's rays reach under the bowl ? Years
ago, the bowl was kept open. The Sun's Follow Drik and Drik alone, forget
rays reached it. Now the bowl is kept " Vakyam ".
facing the earth downwards. How can the The above is the article written by m'e,
ray pass? Brilliance exists even now. It then.
is not well utilised. Only when opportunity
is given new talent and intelligence can - Now, my advice is:
come to the front which will be advanta-
geous to all. Astrologically I predict that Calculate using Raphael's ephemeris;
the days are very fast approaching. It is deduct Krishnamurti Ayanamsa and work
certain. out.,
Once His Holiness Sri Kanchi Kama Then all will have the same resi It and
Koti Peetadhipathi Jagadh Guru Sri the Panchang, though published by various
Sankarachariar Swamigal had nominated authors in different languages and different
Sri Appu Sastrigal, Appayya Dheekshidar States will give the same figure.
- K. S. K.
Today Weduesday, Rohini Nakshatra description given by you. If by chance
day in Mithuna Lagna, I took your horos- the sub lord were to be Saturn, he cannot
cope and cast it. The ruling plant's at be stout. He will appear to be a very lean
the moment of casting and the ruling person. Further his good growth is also
planets at the moment ef birth agree due to the lord of lagna posited in the
exactly. Wednesday is ruled by Mercury, other strong sign, Leo and in its own
Lagna Gemini is owned by Mercury. constellation. You have stated " Owing
Moon sign in Rishaba is governed by- to his top height of 5' 8J", he is asked to
Venus and to Rohini star the lord is sit in the last bench iu the school, as he
Moon. Therefore Mercury, Moon and stands a wall between his teacher and
Venus are the ruling planets at the small children. His weight is about 152
moment of erecting the horoscope. In the lbs."
map prepared by you, the lagna is Risha-
ba in Rohini star and the Nakshatra of Regarding his education. Sun and Venus
the boy is 12° 7" in Virgo, which is ruled are in the 4th Bhava and Sun was in Rahu
by Moon in Mercury sign. His birth was constellation whereas Venus was in that of
at 22° North and 73° 16" East at 0° 30" Saturn. Therefore, he cannot have the
A.M. on Saturday, Sunday 24-8-1952. The opportunity to come in a rank in his exa-
horoscope is as follows; minations. Anyhow Rahu in the 9th
Bhava gives him success as it is in the
(12)13.0 j Lagna S,2''3,"® constellation of the planet in 6 and it is 9
(HI 7-0 Jup. 21-251 18-12 being a node, it is stronger than the lord of
' the sign and no planet is posited in its
(3) 8-0- constellation. .Hence Rahu is strong
Mercury enough to give education and especially
Mer. 5-tD 21-52 when he is running its dasa from 22nd
27-52 January, 1968. As Rahu is in Mars star
Rahu (4) 5-0 and Jupiter sub, it appears to me that he
27-52 Sun 7-28 will study only the College course and take
(9) 8-0 Venus up a job either in the Police or Military
(5)7-0 or in a Bank. Economics or Banking will
be his subject.
(7) J8-I2 ( ... 13 uq Moon
(8) .13-0 Mars4-31j 12-07
Sat, 19-16 Traditional astrologers will say that
Ncp. 2(3-36
Jupiter and Moon are the two planets
Physical features : His birth being in which will contribute for a gigantic figure
Taurus, which is signified by Bull, people or at least for a plumpy body. Here
having birth in the sub of Venus will have neither lagna n*r the M»on sign is
a healthy body with good growth. His conjoined with oraspectedbyeitherMoon
lagna is a watery planet's star, the body or Jupiter. But actually the Moon and
will be plumpy, the forehead broad, the Jupiter are in Shashtashtama and Jupiter
neck would be thick and stout, appearance is in the 12th bhava. Therefore, they are
will he magestic wilh big shoulders and in no way concerned with lagna. Actu-
well-developed muscles, as the lagna was ally Jupiter is in a fiery sign, Moon in an
in 18° 12" which agrees with the above earthy sign and the lord of lagna con-
joined with a fiery planet sign. But Krish- in the chart is that the planets which gives
namurti Padhdhati brings about the clear enough of immunity and restricts against
feature by taking into consideration the infectious disease. Mars aspects the lagna.
exact position of the lagna, the lord of Hence the chart which I have furnished to
the constellation and the lord of theisub you is correct and while verifying the fact
in which the lagna was. A good feature it is proved beyond doubt.


(Letter from the person to whom prediction was given, is published below)
Question : When I will be promoted ? Jupiter and Sun are posited in former's
Please mention a number within 108. constellation.
Number: 105. Date 1-3-1967 Time Eleventh house is occupied by Moon.
10/10 A.M. No planet is situated in any of the Moon's
stars and Saturn, lord of the house is in
Asc. 16.40 bis own star.
to 20" Rahu
Sat. 6.58 16-29 Therefore, the significators are Rahu,
Venus 9.59 Kethu, Mars, Mercury, Sun, Jupiter, Moon
Sun 22.19 and Saturn.
Muxmj Jupiter
16.53 Balance of 1.24 The planetary position indicates
Y. M. D. fulfilment of desire by way of promotion
5—6—J2 but not at an early date as per your
Mnnn Sun Dasa expectation. You have to wait till August
7.40 1968 during Sun Dasa Mars Bbukti Saturn
Anthra and by the end of November your
Mars 9.46 promotion will be ordered when Sun
Kethu Dasa Jupiter Bhukti Saturn Anthra
16.29 operates.
According to the universal rules evolved As predicted be was selected in the
by our esteemed GurujiShriK. S. Krishna- month of August 1968 and his promotion
murtiji investigate bouses 2, 6, 10 and 11 ordered on 30-11-1968, Astrology is not
denoting self-acquisition, service, position a science of tendency. Sun's transit on
and realization of ambition ultimately 30-11-68 in Scorpio, Saturn star and
amounting to promotion in service. Jupiter sub, it is a science of certainty as
asserted by Shri K. S. Krishnamurtiji with
Second house is occupied by Rahu, the proof of his successful experiments
Kcthu, Mars and Mercury occupy aste- during his research work. So far, no one
risms of Rahu but of all Rahu is the has evolved such an universal and unique
strongest being a representative of Mars system of prediction with absolute
who is one of the significators. accuracy. I wish the author of the
advanced stellar system long and happy
Sixth house is vacant. It is governed by life.
Sun aspecting the same (his own bouse
the 6th). Moon is situated in Sun's star. (Sd.)
Tenth house is not tenanted by any by
planet, Jupiter owns it by lordship. L. P. Deshpande, Bhusaval.


Vol. 7 CONTENTS No. 3

Krishnamurti and Krishnamurti Padhdhati 3
. Ruling Planets Read the Results 7
Chandrashtama and its Truth 9
Spiritual Life 13
Erection of Chart 15
Nature of Sex—Tattva Shodhana 21
Correct time of birth—[Article 2) 23
Readers to note 25
Health—Longevity 26
Correct Time of Birth 26
Longevity of Mother Verified by Krishnamurti Padhdhati 29
Shall I own a Cinema Theatre? If so, when? 31
Marriage Time Analysed 33
Separation from Partner . 38
Varaha Mihira—Anniversary 4]
Message 41
Letters to Editor 41
Homage to Sri Ramakrishna, I.C.S. 43
Return and Reunion 47
Daily Guide for Match, 1969 49
Position of Planets 53
March 1969—Ephemeris 55
Monthly Prediction for March, 1969 57
Lecturer. Secuuderabad (A. P.)
" Yet all experience is an arch where stream. Plato said that all Arts and
through gleams that untravclled world, Sciences are lost and regained several
whose margin fades for ever and for ever times in course of human evolution. The
when I move." ground gained in one generation can be
—Lord Tennyson. lost by the next . generation. Hence
knowledge has to be regained afresh and
Man is essentially a re-creator. He is kept alive by constant research, rethink-
not content with the patterns of past. ing and right application. Dr. Radha-
Every advancement of new theory in krishnan says "The truth which claims to
Science or in Astrology necessarily implies be Universal requires to be continually
criticism or modification of old and exist- re-created. It cannot be something already
ing theories. But our established notions possessed that only needs to be retrans-
and frozen attitudes prevent a clear insight mitted. In every generation it has to be
into truth. We must sooner or later rea- renewed. By the free iise of reason and
lise that if we judge every fact by the experience we appreciate truth and keep
standards of our earlier knowledge and tradition in a continuous process of evolu-
experience alone, we will noj have access tion" (Brahma Sutra P. 8). It is the res-
to latest developments in any subject. ponsibility of research scholars to re-inter-
Truth demads a deep devotion before prete knowledge. This is that Shri K. S.
revealment. Krishnamurti did in Astrology.
Shri K. S. Krishnamurti is a research
Scholar. He had been carrying on intense Astrology is a most ancient Science. It
research in Astrology for over 3 decades is a divine gift. The illuminated souls
and as a consequence found, out a new, have handed us down this divine heri-
correct nd convincing method. What he tage, When it has fallen into unworthy
grasped and gained he revealed to the and incompetent hands, it has given rise
world. The greatness of a scholar lies in to conflicting versions concerning the
transmitting the fruits of bis knowledge same thing. When theories go astray,
to others. When his findings proved to truth is temporarily eclipsed from our
be correct, his convictions were strenghe- sight. A research Scholar attempts a new
ned and his faith deepened in the Science and goes straight to the basic principles
of Astrology and the method he came out underlying the Science. Shri Krishna-
successful. Only then he put forward his murti studied widely both Eastern and
- method before the world. Hence it requires Western methods. He was not satisfied
careful attention. with vague and general principles that
were not universally applicable to all
Every generation is in need of research cases. His scientific bent of mind did not
scholars with original bent- of mind. This approve anything that does not contain
is a necessitated by the fact that knowledge, uniformity of rules. His thirst for ever
however ancient, is often affected by the fresh knowledge saved him from the
passage of time. March of time produces lethargy of satisfaction with existing theo-
many changes. There is a difference ries. He began to think on new lines as
between stagnant waters and a flowing suggested by his reflective mind. Right
and sustained reflection, deep analysis and
constant enquiry—these became his comp- Moon
anions on the,path of research. His ap- 50°
proach to Astirology can be best explained -— 1
what Alan Leo advised in his Manna!
"The Astrologer and his work''. He
says "The Astrologer who honours his '
profession by giving his life to his work
cannotafford to treat the subject lightly;
bis day is always a full one, and his mind Lagna
must ever be alert and capable of seeking
the principles behind all the details
with which he has to deal in every Verms
individual case Shti Krishnamurti was
eagar to discover a common principle
that runs ■ through ail the cases. He
collected horoscopes belonging to various Moon is posited in 4th bhava. It is in
people. As an Officer in Water Analysis Bharani star. Bharani is governed by
department, he had to visit several Venus. Hence Moon must offer the
places all over Madras, This provided results of Venus because it is posited in
him with a golden opportunity to meet the constellation of Venus. Now look at
several people and see their horoscopes. Venus. Where is it posited? It is in the
.He visited hospitals, colleges, prisons and 11th bhava. Hence Moon in its period
many public places and gathered rich and sub periods offers the results of llth
material for his research project. On the bhava. You may ask "What about the
occasion of marriages and announcement house Moon is occupying and the house
of University Examination results, he it is owning (7tb)" ? Shri K. S. Krishna-
took pains to collect horoscopes. Thus murti says that the Moon offers the results
be approached the subject in a scientific of 11th bhava through the house it occu-
manner. Even Saphcreal in his book pies (4th) and the house it owns (7th).
' Astrology' advocated the same method. These houses become the source. For a
He writes "The application of these clear and scholarly exposition of Krishna-
principles to facts of every day life is murti Padhdhati readers are advised to go
solely a matter of prolonged research and through articles written by the master him-
tabulation upon an elaborate scale " self in Astrology and Athrishta, Novem-
He looked at Astrology with his fresh her 1967 issue (transit) and June 196S
eyes of genius and spotted pearls in it. issue (Saturn's transit),
If anything is to pass as knowledge, it
must claim to be objectively valid. He Krishnamurti sub
arrived at his padhdhati after a continuous
process of critical reflection. He is confi- Originally he propounded the theory
dent that his discovery is impersonal in that a planet offers the results according
character and Universal in its application. to its position in a constellation. But it
did not solve the question whether the re-
sults will be favourable or unfavourable.
His method: This occurred to him at a later stage in
1951. In our ordinary moods we are not
Krishnamurti Padhdhati is an advanced reflective. But when we meet with some
Stellar Astrology. It contains synthetic failure, we begin to reason and probe into
assimilation of all that is best in Eastern the matter. The story of how Shri
and Western classics. In his method con- Krishnamurti discovered his SUB is
stellation plays supreme role. The follow- narrated by him "Iprior to 1951,1 had
ing example will explain the importance of been considering that the whole star day
star in his method :— will be good. But my friend who con-
suited me whether he would gain on a strictly according to Krishnamurti Padh-
particular iay, I said that the significator dhati and takes into account the Ruling
of his labhasthana is on. So he will win planets at the time of judgment, the
on that day. Actually he lost .Rs. 90 predictive Astrology will be precise.
in the games. When he came home, be
understood that his friend who took The contribution of Shri K. S. Krishna-
Rs. 6,000 without even a promissory murti is not confined to finding out a new
note 5 years ago, returned thefull amount, system. In the domain of interpretation
handed over to his wife and rushed to his of what planets offer, he has done
place. I began to consider and work the research. His interpretation of what
sub" (Astrology 9c. Arthtishta, June 1967- Nodes offer is borne out in practice. They
Page 8). Shri K. S. Krishnamurti divided offer the results of the planets that conjoin
the star into 9 parts according to Vim- with them, next those aspect them and
shodhari Padhdhati. A planet will be in then the sign and the star in which they
a star and sub. If the sub is favourable are posited. Please refer to Krishnamurti
the matter will be fruitful. Otherwise, it Padhdhati Vol. I, page 446- Shri K. S.
falls through. Krishnamurti sub, apart Krishnamurti's knowledge in Mathematics
from indicating whether a planet is is phenominal. His memory is marvellous.
favourable or not, has a greater signifi- The transit of any planet in heavens on
cance to the science of Astrology. It is any day of any year is on his finger tips.
helpful in deciding the difference in Twin This knowledge is immensely helpful to
births. The difficulty involved in judging him in verifying past events in a
the nativities of twins is well brought out number of horoscopes quickly. Thus
by Charles E.O. Carter in his book "Some he could lest any principle in its
principles of Horoscopic Delineation" application to several horoscopes. This
pages 29—30. He writes "It is known is what makes him a scientist and an
that, though twins are often similar in inventor. He is an expert artist
fortunes and characters, in some cases in reading horoscopes in a scientific
there are very wide divergencies on both manner. In Horary Astrology he asks
score, and the true astrological indications the querist to give a number within 108.
of these differences or similarities, as the He constructs the map of the heaven, for
case may be, ought to be determin»ble. the moment mentally, selects the signifi-
Some astrologers lay great stress upon cators from the houses under consideration
the pre-natal epoch as the true key fqt that matter, eliminates unrelated and
to such problems, but there should unhelpful planets by using his sub, verifies
also be some explanation in terms of them with the Ruling planets at the time
the nativity." Professor Krishnamurti of judgment, selects the area (sign, star
made research into twin births. By the and sub) to be transitted by Sun and
application of his sub, he was able to ex- Moon, notes the transist of significators,
plain the differences between twins, their looks to Nimitta, prays Maha Ganapathy
characteristics, their profession, etc. He and then offers accurate prediction. Like
is in possession of several horoscopes of a magician,, all these he completes in
twins to prove the validity of his method. about 3 minutes. A casual glance at the
He has published twin charts in his * Letters to the Editor, Astrology and
magazine. Krishnamurii SCWis also use- Athrishtawill convince us of his predic-
ful in correcting Birth Time. It is a multi- tive abilities.
vitamin tablet and provides clues to many
unsolved issues in Astrology. Shri K. S- Krishnamurti advises us to
strictly follow the House Division using
Besides his constellation and sub, he has Raphael's Table of houses, use Raphael's
found out that the ruling planets indicate Ephcmeries. adopt his Ayanamsa, apply
what and when the matter fructifies. If one stellar system, note carefully subs, select
selects the significators carefully and the significators as per his method, note
transit and dasa bhukti, the position of new experiences. This is how he taps
fortuna, etc. It is regrettable that some hidden secrets in Astrology.
critics do not follow bis instructions in A reasonable man is detached. He is
fall and then attribute their failure to bis unafraid to face reality. In his first
method. This is most unfortunate. Our volume, about sub he observed that "Fur-
misunderstanding or wrong application of ther more one can sub-divide and record
a theory does not adversely affect it. But the result. This is for research students"
we will be deprived of its light and benefit. {Krishnamurti Padbdhati, Volume I; page
It is those who recognise it that stand to 490)- Some students are already experi-
gain. menting with his suggestion about sub
A. seeker of truth and enlightenment lit all our beliefs and assumptions, there
must overcome the attitude that "This fits is an element of uncertainty and obs-
in with what I believe, therefore it must curity. . Admission of this fact is the first
be true; this belief is'quite contrary to step towards new light. In fullness of
what I believe, therefore It must be time the greatness and inherent merit of
wrong". This kind of attitude is not a Krishnamurti Padhdhati will unfold itself.
sign of a healthy mind. We must under- Already there are indications of its pro-
stand others sympathetically and evaluate mising future. Every new idea is first
their contribution impartially. Let us ever distrusted, resisted and criticised. Later
remember the TJpanishadic Utterance." on it is accepted. Every new idea has to
Lead us from Darkness to Light", we suffer the birth-pangs. Krishnamurti
should have no difficulty in admitting Padbdhati is no exception to this ordeal.
what proves to be true in experience. As it is, a very few are engaged in deve-
When we accept truth, it develops our loping Astrology on scientific lines. Even
personality and enriches our soul. Shri these few should not be misrepresented by
Krishnamurti invites us to test his method unhealthy criticism. Astrology being a
and verify its validity by applying his Divine Science there should be no scope
method faithfully. He never asks us to for jealousy in this field. In one of his
accord sanction to his method uncritU essays, Emerson rightly said " Everyone
catly. Bertrand Russell observed that is superior to me inonc thing or the other.
''Truth has nothing to fear from full- In that I learn of him We are living in
ness of investigation but is really an age of enlightened co-operation where
strengthened thereby". Wherever truth things move forward with sympathetic
leads, there the aspirant must follow, understanding and recognition of merit in
knowledge is never cast in iron finality. others. Whosoever does research, it is
Its horizons are ever shifting. On some Astrology that is ultimately enriched and
occasions, Shri Krishnamurthi made humanitty that is benefited. Let us follow
•necessary amendments to his theory what Rabindranath Tagore said " When
during the last two or three years. I am truth is revealed to you, there is no
confident that he will, not hesitate to option except to surrender yourself to it".
suitably modify and still- improve his
method in light of his new knowledge and Shubham
What do you mean by Ruling Planets? which they own or which are deposited in
By ruling planets it is meanttbat certain the constellation of exalted planets or
planets (including Nodes) rule every planets in their own signs are said to be
moment. It may be the time of strong and beneficial. But those planets
birth or commencement of any project. which are deposited in the signs 6 or g or
They are (i) the lord of the lagna in 12 counted from the sign which they own
which one is born or an action is done, (2) and those which are deposited in the cons-
the lord of the constellation in which tellation of planets in debilitation are
Moon would be transiting atthat moment, weak and unfavourable- Thus one is to
(3) the lord of the sign in which Moon know which ruling planets are strong to
would be then and also the lord of that offer results to a good extent.
day. These four conjointly rule any Which is a favourable planet?
1. In a few cases, there can be four If we have to find out whether the
planets, each governing one of the four or planets will be favourable to the native or
three alone when any one planet may rule unfavourable, it is necessary to note to
two of the four or only two, when each which matter it will be favourable and to
may rule two or one may rule three of which it will be unfavourable ; because, if
them and the other any one of the four or one wants to live long, with good health
three can be rarely only one planet, then those planets which promise long life
e.g., suppose one is born on a Thursday are said to be favourable and those which
in Meena Lagna within 3 20', in Poorva- either cause disease or danger are said to
padra star 4th quarter when Moon is in be unfavourable. If one wants to invest
Meena : or one may be born on a Sunday, money, those planets which signify issue
in Uthram star first quarter in o Simha of cheques are favourable whereas those
Lagna when Moon is between 26 -40' to planets which promise receipt of cheques
30° Simha. are not favourable for this particular
aspect. When one wants to note about
Occasionally 6 planets are to be judged marriage, a few will be favourable and a
and the strong ones are to be selected few unfavourable. So also, some planets
whereas the weak ones are to be rejected. will favour birth of children and some will
If 4 planets rule individually each one of deny. Therefore, when one is to judge
the four and if Rahu or Kethu were to be whether a planet is favourable or not, he
in the signs of any of these 4 planets, then should note for which matter it is favou-
there can be six, as nodes are to be pre- rable or unfavourable.
ferred in place of the planets. A node These ruling planets which are strong,
may be in the same signs whose owner is and beneficial serve good purpose and give
taken as a ruling planet or in the other enough mental strength during the period
sign of that planet. Even then, the node of suspense and ultimately they contribute
should be preferred. Therefore, they ate for success.
said to be the ruling planets for a parti-
cular moment. Which advocate can I select to win my
case ? How to select astrologically ?
How to find the strength ? Whenever we file a case in the Court of
Such of those ruling planets, which are Law and engage one Advocate, then it is
posited in favourable position to the signs absolutely necessary to examine the horos-
cope of the Advocate and compare it with which is ill-posited, and Moon is the
the horoscope of one who engages him. ruling planet of the doctor then the
It should be done just like we scrutinise nature of the disease will become compli-
for marriage purposes. It is not judged cated and the treatment also will be ever-
for harmony between the client and the changing. If Mars is the sub lord of the
advocate but it is to understand whether 6th cusp and is ill-posited, acute disease
the advocate. will be having such ruling will be the result. If Mars is the ruling
planets which promise success to the client planet of the Medical Officer, he will
at a time when the client runs a particular always advocate inoculation or operation.
Dasa, Bukthi, Antbra and Shookshma. One should know the exact position of
One advocate may have A, B, C & D as the 11th cusp and how far lltb bouse
ruling planets and the native may be extends. Then note in the doctor's
running A Dasa, B Bufcthi, C Anthra horoscope whether there is any planet in
and D Shookshma. If A, B, C and D this area (i.e., the arc of the 1 Itb house of
promise success to the customer, then this the patient). This must be scrutinised
Advocate having A, B, C and D as ruling because it is the 11 th house which offers
planets will surely win the case. The the cure. If in the doctor's horoscope,
ruling planets of the advocate will not Saturn is posited in the 11th house in the
only agree with the dasa lord etc., but Ilthofthe patient the doctor will carry
also with the sub lords of 6 and 11. But out all clinical diagnosis. X-ray, etc., and
if the ruling planets of the advocate are then start giving specific medicine. It
the sub lords of Stb and 12th cusps to the will take long time to commence the treat-
native, this advocate cannot be useful to ment itself. Unless one is destined to
the client runs very good time. Whenever have a long course of the disease, one will
the client is to lose, at that time he will not approach that doctor, whose Saturn
engage this lawyer. is in 11th Bbava of the patient. It is
Similarly if a person engages a tutor again repeated. If in the area of the 11th
to coach bim up for studies, the ruling house in the patient's horoscope, Saturn
planets of the tutor should agree with the happens to be deposited in the horoscope
sub lords of the cusps 4 and 11 of the of the doctor. If Mars were to be in
student. It shows that the student will be that area, the doctor will advise surgical
be benefitted by this tutor- aid and also quickly he will try to cure.
If in doctor's horoscope Mercury were to
If one is to engage a doctor for be in an area which is the lith Bhava of
treatment, then one has to select such a the patient, the doctor will change the
medical person, especially during the mode of treatment. If Moon were to be
time when he has a serious attack, whose in that area, the doctor' himself will
ruling planets govern the ■ sub of the recommend the patient to another senior ■
ascendant and also the sub of the 11 th doctor or specialist. Doctor will be
cusp. Ascendant shows one's health and changed. If Venus were to be in that
longevity and the 11th cusp contributesfor area, the doctor will never threaten the
the cure. . Unless they agree, this doctor patient, but treat him smilingly. If
cannot cure this patient. If the ruling lupiter occupies a portion in the doctor's
planets of the doctor are thesub lords of 6th chart and that position happens to be in
and 12, he can never cure. If the lord of the 11th house of the patient, proper and
the sub of a.cusp happens tp be Sun, which prompt attention as well as cure by taking
is ill-posited in the horoscope and the medicine mostly internally without any
ruling planet of the doctor happens to be operation is shown. He will be a good
Sun, then the disease will prolong and physician.
whatever medicine he gives, will not be the
specific for that disease. If the sub lord Thus ruling planets give useful indica-
of the 6th cusp happens to be Moon, tion about the result.

lyolish Visharth K, GANAPATH1,
12, Brahmin St., Saidapet, Madras-15.
Q. Why do the Astrologers advise the pation it also indicates another relative
consultants to avoid Chandrashtama depending on the house (Bhava) it
days 7 Is there any truth? occupies.- Therefore, even though one is
A. One of the branches of the divine born in Aries Lagna, Moon indicates
Science, Astrology, is Transit system different relatives unless it is in its own
otherwise called Gochara. Westerners sign. Similarly for Aries-born, Sun indi-
take the position of Sun (in Sayana cates children, as lord of 5, and according
system) and refer the relative position of to occupation, it may indicate any other
the other planets (during the period for relative.
which results by Transit system is to be Suppose one judges the horoscope of a
known) and offer prediction to note the person born in Mesha Lagna and if Sun
nature of events and also the time of the Dasa were to operate and if an evil sub
events (during that period). But theHiudus period come up, docs he predict that the
take the sign transited by Moon (in native's health will suffer or does he find
Narayana System) at the moment of one's out whom Sun represents and accordingly
binh and consider the movement of the presage. Similarly for Moon, during
other planets in respective signs and in Moon Dasa if an evil sub period opera-
relation to the sign occupied by Moon at tes, we do not observe that mother's health
the time of birth and the signs, transitted fails. So also for, say, Scorpio-bom do
by other planets (during the period for not we say thatMoon, lord of 9, indicates
■ which transit results are to be judged father and accordingly depending on the
irrespective of the planet beiug either in sub periods, do not we offer results per-
the beginning, or in the middle or in the taining to father 7
end) and offer the results. If one is born in any lagna and if either
According to Krishnamurti, both are the Sun or Moon were to be in 4 or 9th
wrong, and even then they are very house, are we not reading the results
general. relating mother and father. Or, if they
occupy the 7th house, are we not judging
(1) Because they do not take the the health, harmony, longevity, etc. of
position of all the'planets in the chart and one's wife. Thus one should understand
refer the relative position of the planets that Sun and Moon refer to the relatives
transitting. of a person according to the house they
(2) They have ignored to note whom occupy and also the bouses they own.
(i.e., which relative)"Sun or Moon indicates Therefore, neither of them can indicate
for a particular person. But they take it the native unless he has got his lagna in
for granted that the Sun or the Moon Cancer or Leo or he is born on anew
refers t6 the native himself. (Think for a Moon day at the time of Sun rise so that
minute; when everything is the same lagna. Sun and Moon will be in the same
among twins, in their birth chart, they sign. Then alone either of the methods
enjoy different results). Further for one followed by Hindus or Westerners can, to
who is born in Mesha Lagna, Moon some extent, come true. Otherwise it can-
happens to be the lord of 4 and it will not. It is a fact.
occupy a particular position in. .the chart.- According to Krishnamurti, we have to
To all Aries-born, Moon, as the lord of 4, take only the exact position of the lagna,
indicates mother and according to its occu- which alone indicates the person. Also we
should consider the exact position of all counted from Moon), then they say there
the planets (constellation and sub) and is not Gurn Balam, and beneficial effects
offer the prediction. Otherwise the pre- cannot be expected. Especially when the
diction given by either of the Western or parents of brides go anxiously to find out
Hindu system will be similar to blind the time of marriage of their daughters, if,
persons each touching any part of an to start with, Astrologers were to say that
elephant and describing bow its physical there is no " Guru Balam ", what will be
features appear to be or touching some the psychological effect upon the anxious
animal and giving elephants description. parents. Secondly is the expectation of the
By Chandrashtama. Hindus mean these Astrologer Correct ? Has he ever taken
days whenever Moon transits for nearly pains to collect the invitations, note down
2} days in a sign, which is the 8th counted the horoscopes of the Brides and Bride-
from the sign occupied by Moon. They do grooms getting married on the same day
not take into consideration whether at the and in the same lagna and tried to know
moment of the birth time. Moon was in the Truth. Is it not absurd to continue
the very beginning or in the middle or in the to use such terms when one finds out that
end of the sign. Nor they take into con- all the 27 stars-born people get married on
sideration whether the transmitting planet the same day 7 Judge in which house the
is in the beginning or in the middle planets were at that time.
or in the end of the sign. They count So also note down when the results after
sign by sign not from the exact position of examination are announced; which star-
Moon to the exact position of any planet. borns have passed and which star-borns
This is most unscientific. have failed. It is not a fact that all the 27
Those who arc born in Asvini, or star-borns have passed and all the 27 star-
Barani or the first quarter of Karthik star, borns have failed. So also the position of
will have Moon in Aries. The other 3/4 the Sun or lagna or anytbiog (bat we take- ■
of Karthik, Robini and Mrigasirisha first Does it not suggest that the traditional
half, will be in Taurus : thus all the 27 terms must be given up and all the planets .
-stars contained in the 12 signs so that each should be taken into consideration for the
sign has 2i stats. So, for, Aries-born, judgment? (Dasa Bhukti system must
Scorpio is the 8th sign and when Moon agree with transit.)
transits in Scorpio, it is said to the Now, coming to Chandrashtama, let me
Chandrashtama. For Taurus-born, Moon not give many examples to prove that no
.transitting in .Sagittarius, is said to useful purpose is served by mentioning in
be Chandrashtama. The Gemini-born, the monthly predictions, the days or dates
Chandrashtama means that Moon is tran- when Moon will be in Ashtama. Why do
siting in Capricorn. So, for Cancer, which they give? W,bat do tbey mean by that?
sign transitted by Moon is said to be Do.they expect that Chandrashtama days
Chandrashtama. Aquarius, is it not? must be evil? They .have not noted that
Thus to each sign one is to note. during Chandrashtaiha day, some win the
Astrologers consider that planets case, some come out successful in Election,
transitting in 8th sign must cause damage some pass the examination, some get- ,
and do harm. But the truth is not so. married, some have easy delivery of chil-
According to Krishnamurthi, planets may dren, some gain by fortune, some gain by
lottery, some win in the races and so on.
transit in any sign either 1 "or 2 or 3 or in
any of the 12 signs. Yet, you will note that Is it wise, simply going on threatening
people born in the same sign have dia- people or like an ill-omen to mention
metrically opposite results. If one studies these dates ? No doubt, whether one
"Hindu System of transit, he will find that threatens or not, according to destiny one
Jupiter transitting in a few signs is termed will win or gain in the period when planet
as beneficial 'and call it as "Viyazha transits in the 8th house.
Balam " or ", Guru Balam." If Jupiter is Similarly whenever Saturn transits in
hot found in those 5 signs (2,5,1,9 and 11 many signs, the traditional astrologers
threaten people by giving undesirable and If according to Hindu system we
disagreeable results, especially Sade-Sati, take the position of Moon, it is in Aquar-
ashtama Sani, etc. They do not take into ius and he has won very meritoriously with
consideration that during Sade-Sate, i.e., overwhelming majority against the wish
7i years Saturn, most of the people have and obstacles thrown by his opponents.
grand success. If this is brought to their Is he not having Sade-Sati and do we not
notice they say look at the dasa, bhukti find a group of planets in Ashtama (in the
etc. But when the twins' horoscopes are 8th sign counted from Aquarius) ? Saturn
handed over and asked why one of the and Rahu are in 2 and Saturn is said to be
twins has passed the examination and the causing Sade-Sati. Jupiter, Kethu and
other failed, they have no explanation. Moon are in Ashtama. If supposing a per-
First of all they follow a wrong son takes this\ chart and shows to an
method. Secondlythere is either limitation Astrologer to give the results as per transit
or only confusion. If one were to follow how can he give correct results using
Krishnamurti Padhdhati, he can very well Hindu System ? Will not he dissuade the
differentiate and copre out corret in all person ? Is it not doing harm to the per-
cases, if he invariably includes the "Sub". son and also bringing redicule.
Let me give you an example of one of But follow Krishnamuri Padhdhati, On
the very well-known politicians. The the day of the announcement of the Elec-
horoscope, which was published in page tion results, i.e. 9th January, 1969 in the
20 in April, 1966 " Astrology and night, when Jupiter, Kethu and MoOn
Athrishta " Issue, is as follows :
were in 8 and Sani and Rahu were in 2, he
Kethu Neptune came out successful. According to
18.24 11.43 Krishnamurti, Saturn was transitting in
Jupiter Mercury
0.53 16.35 Mercury starjand sub of Rahu, who is to
SWJ 20.00 give the results of the Houses 2 and 11 in
Moon his Horoscope. It is said by Krishnamurti
28.32 that houses 1, 2, 3, 6 10 and 11 are the
houses, which will promise success in
RASI one's efforts, competition, election, litiga-
Sani Asc, 1,0 tion etc. Therefore, even though Saturn
14.40 Venus was in the 8tb house from the lagna, as it
14.37 was transitting in the constellation and sub
Rahu of the planets occupying and signifying the
Urmnus 18.24 houses 2 and 11, he came out victorious.
0.5 Mars One may ask how can Rahu offer benefi-
25.15 cial results during the time a planet is
transitting in its sub, Rahu is in the 2nd
Lagna Rahu, house. It is in the constellations of Moon
Uranus Sun, and sub of Mercury. Moon is in the 7th.
Moon 7 shows opposition. Moon is lord of 12.
It shows that the opposition will be in a
foreign place and the position of Rahu was
Mercury Jupiter 18° 24" in Virgo. It shows that it was in
Amsara Mercury's sub. Therefore, Rahu is occupy-
ing Mercury's sign and also Mercury sub.
Mara, Hence this good luck has repeated. Guru
Neptune Venus, was in the 8th counted from Moon. But
it was actually transitting in Mercury sign.
Moon star and Rahu sub. Moon was
Kethu transitting in Sun star. Sun is lord of the
lagna posited in 11 in his horoscope.
Therefore Uttara Palguni Nakshatra is a
fortunate one when one has regained the logical world. The discovery of the system
lost position. by the application of which to the practi-
[Please refer to the article written "No cally handled horoscopes—clients, Astro-
Rose without a Thorn •" wherein this chart logers may be a novice or scholar in the
is taken as an example. Now he is elected. field—every, one is convinced of the 100%
Where is the Thorn? Mother died. So accurate predictions ; if just like the dis-
good and bad come side by side.] covery of Electron—that tiny particle
(within the Atom) discovered by English
In earlier issues' also Krishnamurtl has Physist-Joseph John Thomson (which won
mentioned that our Deputy Prime Minister him Nobel Prize in Physics) which started
regained the lost position and had the then Scientific minds. The discovery
a better one during Ashtama Sani and also of this Padhdhati has made Astrology not
when majority of the planets were in an 'art' but 'an exact Science'. This
Ashtama, counted from Moon position credit goes to Shri K. S. Krishnamurti—
(because he is born in Poorva Palguni our Guruji and consequently whole astro-
Nakshatra in Simha Kasi) and at the time logical world is indebted to him.
of announcement of thetesult and also at For last two decades, myself and other
the time of taking charge of Deputy Prime celebrities of our Institute had solely been
Minister; there was no Guru Balam predicting on the basis of age old princi-
. according to the Traditional Astrology ples which ones however correctly and
because Gtiru was in 12 and there were strictly applied could not place us in a
Ashtama Sani,- Ashtama Rahu, Ashtama position to,predict meticulously beyond 40
Sutya and so on. After reading this artl- ■. per cent margin of accuracy. Now all the
cle, I trust, the readers will follow members of our Astrological Institute have
Krishnamurti Padhdhati. totally switched off all traditional princi-
Now my desire and my request would be ples and have been happy enough to
that the traditional Astrologers should switch on yours one.
switch on to Krishnamurti Padhdhati, just
like the Astrologers in Jammu and May Lord Ganesh bestow on ■ your
Kashmir have done. One may refer to the Honours a long span of life so that the
letter written to Mr. K. S. Krishnamurti Science itself may be. most benefitted by
(which was,published' in December, 1968 more and more discoveries propounded by
" Astrology and Athrishta " issue in page our able Guruji Varahmihiracbarya of our
7, which reads as follows): age.
" The Honourable Guruji How long will it take us to have your
Jyotish Marthand forthcoming books in Astrology? Their,
-K. S. Krishnamurti, outcoming is eagerly awaited.
13, Brahmin Street, Saidapet, Yours faithfully,
Madras-15" Jyothisb Pandit
Respected Sir, HIRA LAL SHARMA.
-- Jai Samb Sadasbivaji! 16-9-1968
The principles of Advanced Stellar Sys- Hon. Director,
tem propounded by our Guruji Shri Sri Markandaya Astro. Cultural
K..S. Krishnamurti under the title Institute,
" Krishnamurti Padhdhati" are strikingly Ballagarh, Mandir, P.O. Banjar,
unique and have revolutionized the Astro- District Kulu (Hitnachal Pradesh)

K. Canapathi
Spiritual life brings about an attachment at the same time go on progressing on the
to the unknown and unseen but about spiritual side.
which we ,have read or heard much. Also, There are a very few people who desert
it brings about slowly and steadily or sur- the family, run away and wait for the
prisingly and suddenly separation from choultry bell for their daily meal—Wret-
the family or detachment towards the ched ! what a Sanyasi he is!
material worldly pleasures.
Nowdays criminals after committing the
Mostly, all of us get initiated by a crime try to hide themselves and hence
person-a Garuji~who has been experienced lead a Sanyasin life without allowing any
in those lines, who had the dynamic urge one to know his whereabouts. Yellow
within him to seek the Truth by penance dress alone does not make one a Sanyasin.
and deep meditation, regularly, systema- Development of the spiritual side by regu-
tically, continuously for a pretty long lar meditation and prayers is needed. If
period. Only a few solitary individuals one becomes a Sanyasi, in true sense, he
have the urge from the birth and even is not denied of absolute necessities. He
without a Guruji, they attain a high sta- will be respected and honoured. In that
tus in the spiritual life. They will be a situation, if need be, without a pie in
very few in many, many millions of the the bank on his name he can operate on
people, who will have Mukti or progres- the purses and cheques of the rich people,
sive emancipation. Of them, a few will without a Car, he can travel in latest
merge themselves with Nirguna Brahman. modern Car, without a house of his own,
For such an attainment, one has to he can be in a palace, though he does not
cultivate serenity, sincerity and simpli- pray for it, but it comes automatically.
city. No university degree, nor any dep- Hence lead a family life and at the same
loma can give this. But these are to be time reduce Ika-Lokha-Sukha and im-
either inborn or obtained by cultivating prove the Para-Lokba-Sadhana.
these virtues. Also you should avoid . (Therefore one has to judge a horoscope
audacity, irritability cruelty, unstability for the above virtues and vices.) Let us
and impurity. take an example.
One should keep the body fit, hale and Can this native achieve his aim in spiri-
healthy by regular habits and practice. tual side ? The horoscope is as follows:—
One can enjoy fullness, peace and bliss
only through meditation by trying to.
attain God-realisation- developing a deta- VTUdsn
VIII 1X4.50
4.50 Vcnus ^Moon3.48 XI 8.50
ched attachment feeling towards wife, etc.
It does not mean that one should ignore Sim 27.57
her or forget her or get separated from lira, gl.sO XII 9.50
her. The noblest way of enjoying bliss Mere,
Ketha 13.7
8.35 Nep. 25.29
by developing spiritual side is (as is said VII 8.26
in Tamil ' lllaramay Nallaram') to give
due respect and regard to one's wife con- Asc. 8.26
sidering her as Goddess Lakshmi, as the VI 9.50 Rahu8.35
embodiment of.patience, sacrifice, service
and love, as one who contributes for the
.building up of the nation by boulding the Jiln.26.I2 Sat. 8.34
children, as one who assists in our attem- V 8.50 TV 6.50 III 4.50 rnrfo
pts. So, one can lead a family life and
Sub Dasa balance 2 years 9 months So, when one has no vice, but has the
11 days. Now he is running Jupiter Dasa necessary virtues, then we have to judge
Kethu Bhukti from 1—12—68. whether one will have the opportunity to
(a) Will he be sincere 1 have a good Guruji to initiate; if so,
Benefit in the 4th bouse, in the constel-
lation of another bencfic and sub of a 5th house denotes initiation. It is occu-
benefic makes one true, reliable and pied by Mars. No planet is in Mars star.
sincere. In this chart Jupiter is in the 4th 5th bouse is owned by Jupiter. Sun alone
Bbava. It is in Mercury's star and Jupi- is in Jupiter's star.
ter Sub. So, he will be honest, sincere and Therefore he will have initiation during
true. Jupiter Dasa, Sun Bukti Mars Anthra,
Moon is called ' MathiIt indicates i.e., in September 1972.
one's mind ! mental condition. If Moon Will he practise ?
is connected with benefics by nature, one
will think good. Sohe^cannot afford to Whenever Saturn is in 3, there will be
entertain evil thoughts. interruption. Yet it is the tenth bouse
Westerners claim that Saturn helps con- which shows one's Yoga, Karma, Yagna,
centration. According to their theory etc. No planet is in the lOtb house.
Saturn forms sextile aspect with the ascen- Venus is the lord of the 10th cusp. It is
dant and it promises that be will be able in Kethu star Saturn sub. Therefore he
to concentrate. But according to Krisbna- will practise.
murti, mind' which is normally ever
wavering is never at rest—Hence, one is Will there be progress?
to find out the sub lord of the position
occupied by Moon. Moon is in 3° 49' in Progress depends on the 11th house. It
Taurus. Hence Moon is in the sub. of is not occupied by any planet. But
Saturn. So, any one having Moon in the Mercury is the lord of the 11 th cusp.
sub .of Saturn can concentrate. This Jupiter alone in Mercury star. Therefore-
native also will meditate and concentrate. during Jupiter Dasa itself, he will have
It is possible. satisfactory progress, Saturn Dasa follows.
Saturn is in Jupiter's sub. Hence it will
Will be be arrogant 7 continue—Progress during Saturn Dasa
will be like an inclined plane ever increas-
One can be arrogant only when Mars is ing in height.
connected with the ascendant, of at least
with the lord of the ascendant. As Mars According to Westerners, Jupiter form-
has no connection at all, be will neither ing trine aspect with Neptune in the 12th
•be arrogant, nor have the egoism. If bouse is very favourable for the awakening
Mars is in Saturn sub, one will be un- of spiritual faculties. The inspiraitional
assuming and simple. Here, Mars is In nature will be marked. This aspect is
Saturn sub. So, be will not have the good fi material success, worldly plea-
vices which are to be avoided if found in sures an, vast advancement in spiritual
one. life.

(Answer submitted by a student at B. V, Bhavan. Delhi.
Problem : A child is born at 9.30 A.M. (I.S.T.) on 29fh August, 1968 at Delhi.
Erect the horoscope.
Solution ; Place of Birth: Delhi — Latitude 28° 38' N Longitude 77° 12' E
Time of Birth ; 9.30 A.M. (I.S.T.)
Date of Birth; 29—8—1968 (Friday)
First Step : Find out the Local Mean Time. Indian Standard Time is always 5)
hours above Greenwich Mean Time (I degree = 4 minutes)
Therefore I.S.T. is fixed for 82° 30' E
L.M.T. is greater than I.S.T. if the Longitude of the place of birth is greater than
82° 30' E, . If the Longitude of the place of birth is lesser than 82° 30' E, then the L.M.T.
is less than I.S.T.
In this case the longitude of Delhi (77° 12' E) is less than 82° 30' E. Difference
being 82° 30' -■ 77° 12' = 3° 18!.
Multiply by 4 which is equal to 21' 12". Hence LMT = I.S.T. minus 21' 12', i.e.
LMT 9 30 00
0 21 12
9 08 48 A.M.
Second Step: Find out the Sidereal Time. Take the Ephemeris of the year of the
birth; i.e. for the year 1968 and turn over the pages for the month of birth, i.e., August.
If the birth is in the afternoon (L.M.T.) take the sidereal time at noon on the
same date. If the birth is in the forenoon (L.M.T.) take sidereal time at previous noon
on the previous date for calculation.
Here the birth is on 29—8—68 at 9—8—48 A.M. (LMT). Therefore take sidereal
time at 12 noon on 28—8^—1968 which is given to be for Greenwich Noon is 10 hrs. 27
mts. and 4 seconds. ■
Since sidereal time is given at 12 noon for Greenwich, we have to calculate the
same for the place of birth.'i.e., Delhi. Sidereal time increases by 4 minutes if the Sun
makes one round = 360°. Therefore, the sidereal time will be different between the place
of birth 77° 12' E and Greenwich.
The difference = — 77° 12' x 4 mts. = 77° 12'
— x 240 Seconds, i.e., 2/3 sees for each
360 360
= 77* 12' x ~ Sees = 51 Seconds.
As in India, noon comes earlier, therefore Sidereal time at noon at Delhi must
be less by 51 Sees, than that in Greenwich.
Therefore Sidereal time at noon at Delhi 10 27 04
0 0 51
10 26 13
We have so far found out.the sidereal time at 12 Noon at Delhi on 28—8—1968.
The birth has actually taken place at 9-08-48 A.M. (LMT) on 29—8—68- That means
21 his. 8 minutes and 48 seconds have lapsed between the 12 noon on the previous date
and actual time of birth. The time interval should therefore be added to the sidereal time
at 12 noon at Delhi, to find out the sidereal time at the time of birth, Hence the sideral
time at the time of birth at Delhi
10 26 13
+ 21 8 48
31 35 01
We should not forget to apply the correction for the time interval which is explai-
ned below:—
Every day the sidereal time gains by 4 minutes-240 seconds, i.e., 10 seconds for
every hour. The time interval between previous noon and birth time in LMT = 21 hrs
8 mts 48 Sees. Applying the correction @ 10 seconds per hour, we get 211 seconds =
3 minutes 31 seconds. We should, therefore, add 3 minutes 31 seconds to the sidereal
time obtained above to find the correct sidereal time at the moment of birth.
This is equal to
31 35 ' 01
+ 0 3 3)
31 38 32
Wc should subtract 24 hours (being one complete round).
The sidereal time at the moment of birth 9—8—48 A.M. (LMT) at Delhi on
29—8—68 is 7 hours 38 minutes and 32 seconds.
The whole procedure can be summarised as follows-—
Sidereal time at 12 noon at Greenwich on 28—8—1968 10 27 04
Deduct for East Longitude for Delhi @ 2/3 seconds
per degree = 51 Sees. 0 0 51
Add time interval between previous noon and birth
time in LMT + 21 8 48
Add correction for interval @ 10 Sees, per hour =
mts 31 seconds + 0 3 31
3! 38 36
Subtracting 24 hours for one round we get sideft, 1
time at the moment of birth 9-08-48 AM (LMT) a,
Delhi on 29-8—1968 24 00 00
7 38 32
ThirdStep;—Find out the position of cusps- Nowtaketbe Table of Houses by
Raphael and turn over the page for a latitude which is very near to that of Delhi 28° 38' K.
Actually we find the Table of Houses for Delhi.
In the left-band corner column, sidereal time is given. Let us therefore locate)
where 7 hours, 38 minutes, 32 seconds are written. We do not find the actual siderea,
time but the same lies somewhere in between two sidereal times given in the Table of
Houses. So note the position of cusps for 7-35-5 and 7-39-20.

Sidereal time 10 11 12 Ascen. 2 3

H. M. S. Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius

7 35 5 22° 24° 24° 20° 52' 19° 20°
'7 39 20 23° 25° 25* 21° 47' 20° 21°

The ascendant moves from 20° 52' to 21° 47' i.e., 55'in (7-39-20) - (7-35-5) =
4 minutes, 15 seconds = 255 seconds. The birth is at 7-38-32 i.e., 3 minutes, 27 seconds =
207 seconds after 7-35-5. This means that the ascendant has moved 55'in 255 seconds
and in 207 seconds it moves x 207 = 45'. Adding 45' to the position of Ascendant
7-35-5, we get the position of Ascendant for required sidereal time i.e., 7-38-32.
Therefore Ascendant is Libra 21° 37'.
The other cusps move by 1 degree = 60' during 255 seconds. In 207 seconds they
move = 2jj x 255 = 50. Similarly add 50' to the position of cusps at 7-35-5, we get the
position of cusps (tabled below) for the sidereal time 7-38-32,

Sidereal time 10 11 12 Ascen. 2 3

H. M. S. Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius

7 38 32 22° 50' 24° 50' 24° 50' 21° 37' 19° 50' 20° 50'

As for the descendant i.e.; 7tb cusp is diametrically opposite to ascendant. Add
180° to ascendant, we get the 7th cusp. Similarly add 180° to the second we get the 8th
cusp. Adding lZ(f to third we get 9th, 180° to loth gives 4th, 180° to Uth gives 5th,
180° to 12th gives 6th cusp.
Hence we get the Sayana Position of all cusps.
Since the horoscope is also to be erected for NIRAYANA, we should subtract the
AYANAMSA for the year of birth from the Sayana Position of cusps.
Krishnamurti Ayanamsa for the year 1968 is 23° 19'. Therefore deduct 23° 19
from each cusp.

NIRAYANA Position of cusps is shown in the chart: The map is as below;
26* 3r 21*31' ,
8 9
28° I8'_
r 3r 29° 31'
6 10

Child Born at
9-30 A.M. (I.S.T.)
on 29—8—1968
Lat. 28® 38' N
Long, 77® 12' 6

29* 3r _r 3r
4 12

28® 18'

Fourth Step:—Find out the position of planets. To find out the position of
planets, we should take Ephemeris for the year 1968 and month August, date 28th and x
29th. The Ephemeris supplied, by Raphael shows the position of planets.for 12 noon
Greenwich which is equal to 5-30 P.M., I.S.T.
Note:—Whichever be the place or birth on earth, the position of planets shall be
the same for any single moment, even though the time, at the same moments, in other
countries will be different.
Note down the position of planets as shown;
Date Sun Moon Mars MctT'irv Jupiter Venus Saturn
Virgo Scorpio Leo Virgo Virgo Virgo Aries
28-8-1968 5° 14' 2° 33' 14° 39' 23° 30' 13° 54' 24° 8' 25° 9'
5-30 P.M.
29-8-1968 6° 12' 16° 37' 15° 17' - 25* 5' 14° T 25° 22' 25° T
5-30 P.M.
Date Uranus" Neptune Date Rahu
Virgo Scorpio Aries
28:8-1968 28° 4' 23° 55' 27-8-1968 11° 19'
5-30 P.M. 5-30 P.M.
I.S.T. I.S.T.
29-8-1968 28° 8' 23° 55' 29-8-1968 11* 12'
5-30 P.M. 5-30 P.M.
I.S.T. I.S.T.
Note:—You should take the time of birth in I.S.T. alone and not in L.M.T. This
is because, the position of planets are given for 5-30 P.M., I.S.T.
Now find out how far each planet moves in 24 hours. If the longitude of the
planet increases, it is in direct motion. But if it decreases like Rahu, the planet is in
retrograde motion.
The Sun moves 58' in 24 hours. The actual time of birth, i.e., 9-30 A.M., I.S.T.
on 29-8-1968 is 16 hours after 5-30 P.M., I.S.T. on 28-8-1968. Therefore Sun moves
g * 16= '39', therefore the position of Sun at 9-30 A.M., I.S.T. on 29-8-1968 is
obtained by adding 39' to the position of Sun given at 5-30 P.M., I.S.T. on 28-8-1968.
This is 5° 14' -f- 0.39 = 5.53,
Similarly We calculate the position of all planets for 9-30 A.M., I.S.T. on
In case of Saturn and Rabu who are retrograde, the proportionate figure is to be
subtracted and not added.
The position of planets so obtained are Sayana Position. To get the Nirayana
Position deduct Krishnamurti Ayanamsa for the year 1968 which is 23° 19'. We get the
Nirayana Position of all planets. This is shown in a table on the next page.
Fifth Step ;—Find out the position of Fortuna. Add longitude of Moon counted from
Aries 0° to the longitude of Ascendant counted from Aries 0° and deduct
the longitude of Sun counted from Aries t degree.
Lon'.itude of Moon 198° 38'
Add „ ofAsc. + 178° 18'
Deduct Longitude of Sun - 132° 34'
Longitude of Fortuna 244° 22' i.e. 4° Dbanus 22'
Step:—Erection of map.
26° 31' 27' 31'
8 9
28° 18'
7 Rahu Saturn
rar 17" 54' 1° 49' 29° 31'
6 10
rar 21" 45'.
1° 31'
5 11
12° 34'
20° 44'
1" 31'
Ura. 0° 47' 12
Fortuna Neptune Moon Mercs 1* 14'
4* 22' 10" 36' 18° 37' Ven, l" 38' 28° 18'
Ketu 17° 54'

Serentb Step :—Calculation of Dasa Balance.
Moon at the time of birth is in SWATHI STAR which extends in LIBRA from
6* 40' to 20° i.e., from 186° 40' to 200°.
The position of Moon is 198° 37'. This means that the Moon has to1 cover
(200o-198° 37') = 1° 23' in Swathi star.
Swatbi is ruled by Rahu. Rabu has 18 years of Dasa in Vimshothari. The
longitude of star is 13° 20' = 800'
Therefore the balance of Dasa at birth
1° 23' 83' 1(,
= aoo; ^ 18 = soo x 18 y63"
= 1 year 10 months and 12.3 days.
Finally work out a table showing Dasa Bhukthi and' Antbra.
Yog Raj Vaidya,
1241, Sector VII,
R. K. Puram,
New Delhi-22.
[The Ephemeris prepared by Mr. K. S. K. is for 5-30 P.M. I.S.T. = L.M.T. for
82° 30'. Hence while calculating sidereal time, take the interval between 5-30 P.M. and
birth time in L.M.T.
Position of planets can be calcillated as is done above. Correction for the
longitude for birth in India can be omitted.]
Prof. S.'N. MJ5HRA. f. J. Degree College. GAYA
I. Introdnction Note •.—The duration of each Tattva
My experience has shown that Tattva on any day is uniform, but their order is
Shodhana helps a great deal in knowing dependant on the week day.
whether the native born is a male or Example :—If the day of birth is Thurs-
a female. day, the first Tattva to rule will be Akash
according to Table (C), then Prithvi, Jala,
The Tattva Shodhana also assists in Theja and Vayu.
rectification of birth-time, which is ex-
tremely essential for following " Krishna- Table (C):
murti Padhdhatibecause it takes into Planet Tattva ruled by the Planet
consideration the minute sub-divisions of 1. Sun. Theja
time. 2. Moon Jala
In order to predict by following 3. Mars Theja
" Krisbnamurthi Padhdhati", the astro- 4. Mercury Prithvi
loger must be assured first of all that 5. Jupiter Akash
the recorded time of birth is correct to 6. Venus Jala
the seconds, otherwise the Cusps will 7. Saturn Vayu
differ and the whole system of astro- Table (D):
logical analysis will vary. It is with Tattva Representation of
ibis end in view that this article has Nature of Sex
been produced for the benefit of the 1. Prithvi Male
learned readers of the magazine. 2. Jala Female
II. Tables • 3. Theja Male
4. Vayu Female
Table (A) ; 5. Akash Male
Tattva Duration of Time III. Details required for deduction
1. Prithvi Tattva 6 minutes 1. Date of birth according to English
2. Jala 12 Calendar.
3. Theja 18
4. Vayu 24 2. The Local Mean Time of Sun Rise
5. Akash 30 on the date of birth.
3. Day of birth.
90 „ or
1 hr. 30 minutes 4. The time of birth in Local Mean
Table (B):
Day Day Lord IV. Method
1. Sunday Sun Note the date of birth. Mark out the
2. Monday Moon Local Mean Time of Sun Rise on that
3. Tuesday Mars date from "Krisbnamurthi Padhdhati",
4. Wednesday Mercury Volume 1, on page 178.
5. Thursday Jupiter Mark the time of birth. See how many
6- Friday Venus Units of 1 huor 30 minutes have elapsed.
7. Saturday Saturn Then calculate according to the Tattva as
given in TABLE No. (A). Know the nature last duration. This is ruled by Akash
of sex from TABLE: (D). Tattva. Now from TABLE (D) we
know that Akash Tattva represents male.
V. Illustration So male born: Confirmed.
Example (I):
A native born on 5th October 1938, Example (2):
Wednesday, at 11.21.08" A.M. I.S.T. or A native born on 2lst September, 1933>
11.31.12" A.M. Local Mean Time. 24° 48'. Thursday, at 12.31 P.M. L.M.T. 25° 37' N.
N. Lat85°iT E. Long. Lat.: 85° 13' E. Long.
As this day is Wednesday, the first As the day is ruled by Jupiter, the
Tattva to rule during the day will be rotation of Tattvas will be in the following
Mercury. According to TABLE (C). order; Akash, Prithvi, Jala. Theja, Vayu.
Mercury rules over Prithvi Tattva. So the The L.M.T. of Sun Rise is 5.48' A.M.
calculation wilt be in the following order. 5.48+1.30 = 7.18,' 7.18+1.30 = 8,48; 8.48
—Prithvi, Jala, Theja, Vayu, Akash. +1.30=10.18 ; 10.18+1.30 = 11.48; 11.48
The L.M.T. of Sun Rise on the date is + 1.30=13.18. The birth falls during the
5.54' A.M. 5.54'-f 1.30 = 7.24; 7.24+1.30 last duration.
= 8.54; 8.54+1.30= 10.24; 10.24+1.30 = Now calculate from 11.48 A.M.; 11.48
11.54. The time of birth falls in the last + 30 = 12.18 P.M.; 12.18+6= 12.24 P.M.;
duration. 12.24+12M= 12.36 P.M. The last dura-
Mark the duration of Tattvas from tion is ruled by Jala Tattva, which
TABLE (A). Now calculate from 10.24 represents a Female born: Confirmed.
A.M. 10.24+6 = 10.301 10.30+12=10.42; (The learned and esteemed readers of
10.42 + 18 = 11.00; 11.00 + 24 = 11.24; the magazine are requested to apply this
11.24+30=11.54. The birth falls in the method and convey the results to me.)

lam in receipt of your letter: it was lagna and also the correct time of birth
taken for judgment this evening i.e., to this chart which I present to you. We
5-12-68. When I worked out I found have our own doubts. We think that the
that 28" Taurus ; should be the lagna. time of birth should be between 3 and
Later on I found that I fixed your lagna 4-30 A.M. on 28-7-1935. Only thatmuch
as 28 degrees in Risbaba on a previous we know.
occasion. Thank God. This is' Science. Thanks.
Today Moon is in Mirgasirisha Naksha-
thra in Ri shaba Rasi, but the day .is Answer
Thursday and so one may pitch upon
Jupiter sub (27°) but Jupiter is being Time of judgment 10-21 A lVt. I.S.T. on
aspected by retrograde Saturn which is 1-12-68.
stronger. Therefore what I have already H. M. S.
written to you will be, and must be 100% S.T. at previous 12 Noon on
correct. If 28 degrees Risbaba Nirayana 30-11-68 16 37 41
is to be the lagna, on 15-5-1936, the time Deduct for East Longitude 80°
of birth should be exactly 8 hours, 15' ... minus 0 0 53i
8 minutes I.S.T. and Local Mean Time Add interval between previous
should be 7 hours 49 minutes and 20 noon and the moment' of
seconds as your place of birth was 77-50 judgment in L.M.T. plus 22 12 00
E and 10-36 N. The Sayana position of Add correction for the interval
your lagna should be 20* 52' Mithuna plus • 3 42
(Gemini) and 28° Rishaba, as 'Krishna- Therefore S.T. at the time of
murti Ayanamsa * in 1936 was 22° 52'.
judgment 14 52 30
Your horoscope for 8-08 A.M. I.S.T. on
15-5-1936 is herewith furnished. If we refer to the table of houses for 13
degrees latitude, we find that the
(U) 27.10 Ura. 13.441 Sun 1.13 Kethu | Ascendant would be 6" 171 Sayana Kumba
Fortuna Sukra.
Mars 8.21
Mer. 20.18 (2)12.54 (Aquarius) Ayanamsa for the lime of
9,00 (12) 27, lO^Lag- 28.10 24.10 judgment is 23° 19'. Therefore Nirayana
Sat. 27.42 position of lagna is in Makara (Capri-
Merc. corn) 20° 15'.
24.10 (3) 21.10 On 1-12-1968 Sunday is ruled by Sun
Moon 15—5—1936
12.13 . 8-08 a.m..i.s:t. Aswini star, is governed by Kethu (Mesha
10° 35' N Aries). Rasi is owned by Mars and the
77° 50' E Neptune Lagna Capricorn at the time of judgment
(9) 21.10 21.09
(4) 24.10 is ruled by Saturn. Therefore ruling
planets are Sun, Kethu, Mars and Saturn.
VIII 24-10 Guru Kethu is in Virgo (Kanni) owned by
Rahu 29.49 (6) 27.10 (5) 27,10 Mercury. Therefore Budha's other sign
12.54 Vll 28.00 will be the lagna that is Gemini. Your
doubt is whether it would be Taurus or
Questions & Answers Gemini and not Virgo as Virgo rises after
Sun rise, because for the approximate
To find out correct moment of birth time given", it can be cither Rishaba or
Now it is 10-21 A.M. on 1-12-68. Mithuna for the early morning hours.
Please find out the correct position of Rishaba is owned by Sukra and Mithuna is
owned by Budha. Sukra is not one of the Let us verify whether this will be
ruling planets at the moment of judgment. correct, by judging a few past events.
Therefore Mithuna should be the lagna Joined service in March 1956.
and it is strongly indicated by Kethu who
represents Mithuna and Kanya. Next we Entry into service is indicated by the
note that in Mithuna the stars of Mars, houses 2, 6 and 10. Second bouse shows
Rahu and Jupiter are contained. Jupiter one's self-acquisition and also the increase
is not one of the ruling planets so it can in one's bank position; 6th house indi-
be either the star of Mars or Rahu. Since cates the payment made by the officer (he
Rabuis in Jupiter's sign, Rahu is stronger. who gives is judged from the 7th house
Further Jupiter is not one of the ruling and the 6this Vyaya to the 7th), 6th house
planets. So leave Punarvasu governed by also indicates regular attendance and
Jupiter and consider the other two stars- serving another. 10th house is judged for
one's profession, service, business, etc. So,
According to the number given by you one's earnings is judged from the 10th
now you can see that the number falls in house along with 2 and 6. Second house
Rahu star. Therefore we have to elimi- is not occupied by any planet; so also the
nate Macs and take only Rahu. Then in 6th and the 10th; second house lord is
Rahu star we have to select Sun sub and Moon and 6th house lord is Mars and the
Mars sub sub. So the lagna should be 10th house lord is Jupiter. Rahu is in
17° 33' in Mithuna. Jupiter sign, Moon and Saturn are alone is
As the Ayanamsa was 22° 5' on in Rahu star, Mars alone is in its own star
28-7-I9J5, the Sayana position of lagna and Mercury, Kethu and Jupiter are in
should be 10°. 24' (Cancer) Karkata on Jupiter's star. No planet is in Moon's
that day. star. Therefore Jupiter, Moon and Mars
are the significators and hence you were
If the lagna is to be 10° 24' Karkata, appointed during Jupiter Dasa Moon
the S.T. on 28-7-1935 should be, at the Bukti Mars Anthra that is March 1956,
time of birth that which gives the value when Sun was transiting in Jupiter's star.
of 10° 24' Karkata (Cancer). Item 2. Marriage: You had your
On 27-7-1935 the S.T. at Noon was marriage celebrated on 26th August, 1964
8 hours 16 minutes 58 seconds but to get at the time when you had been running
the value of 24 hours 22 minutes 40 Saturn Dasa Kethu Bhukti. How can these
seconds (when the lagna w*uld'bc 10 2 terribly evil planets give you the most,
degrees 24 minutes Karkata Sayana) 16 pleasant marriage and a settled life, in their
hours 5 minutes 51 seconds ougbt to have conjoined period! It is against traditional
been added. But we have deducted 53 astrology.
seconds for the correction of Eastern For marriage, we have to judge the
longitude and added 0-2-41 being the houses 2, 7 and 11; second house is
correction for 16 hours and odd. There- unoccupied. 7th house is occupied by
fore now adding 53 seconds and deducting Rahu and 11th is vacant. 7th is owned by
2'41", we get the time as 16 hours 4 Jupiter; Saturn is in Rahu star who is
minutes 3 seconds L.M.T. As the judg- occupying the 7th house and Kethu is in
ment was in 80 degrees 15 minutes east, Jupiter's star and Venus sub. Therefore
the I.S.T. is 9 minutes more than the they brought about this marriage.
Local Mean Time, So the actual time of
birth is 4 hours 13 minutes2 seconds A.M. One may ask why Mercury should not
on 28-7-1935. Hence your actual time of give the marriage in its Bukti? Mercury
birth was 4 hours 13 minutes 3 seconds is also in Jupiter's star and Venus sub ;
A.M. on 28-7-1935 and your Nirayana Venus is the Chief Governor for Matri-
Lagna was 17 degrees 33 minutes in mony, The answer is that a node is ever
Gemini. The Nirayana position of the stronger than the planet with which it is
planets for this time is as follows :— conjoined and it is the node which gives
the results o( the planet with which it is Was in Jupiter's sign. Saturn, the dasg
conjoined in its period. Therefore saturn lord gave the result on Uthrapadrapada
Dasa Ketbu Bukti gave the marriage. day. Hence the results enjoyed by you
are clearly indicated by this chart. So you
On the day of marriage the Nakshathra can use the chart supplied by me with con-
was Uthrapadrapada governed by Saturn. fidence for correct result.
The day was Wednesday, ruled by Mer-
cury, and Jupiter is the lord of the Rasi [If you use any other ayanamsa except
where Moon was. Therefore Kethu gave the Kishnamurti Ayanamsa, then you can't
marriage in its sub period. The day was apply Krisbnamurti Padhdhati. Traditional
governed by Mercury with whom it is con- astrological text-books presenting con-
joined and in whose sign it was deposited. tradictory rules may have some rules to
Guru was the lord of the Rasi, Meena, satisfy the consultant if any other
which is also indicated by Rahu, as Rahu ayanamsa is used.]

Sri G. RAMACHANDRA, (J^othisi Gunjuru), " Cayatri Jyothlshalaya "
House No. 54, III B^ock, Thyagaraja Nagar, BaogaloiC'ZS,
The native of tbe sons horoscope 12th House occupied by Rahu. Venus
detailed below asked me a question en- and Mercury in the Rahu's sub.
quiring about the Health and Longevity.
Sun 5-14-22, Moon 4-14-01, Mars Subha Kcndradhipathi is Venus. Moon,
7-21-13, Mercury 6-8-35, Jupiter 4-3-25, Kethu, Mars are posited in the sub of
Venus 4-6-33, R. Saturn 1-15-43, Rahu Venus.
0-4-30, Ketbu 6-4-30, I-11-5, VX 6-7-57, Thus we got Kethu, Venus, Mercury,
VIII 8-7-57. Moon and Mars as significators.
Planets Siar Sub Ruling St Sun, the lord of 4th in the 5th House,
Sun , Moon Jupiter 8-11 aspected by Badaka-Iord (9th bouse coun-
Moon Venus Venus 1-6 ted from fixed sign Taurus Lagna) Saturn
Mars Mercury Venus 1-6 and in the star of Moon the lord of 3rd
Mercury Rahu Rahu 12 and in the sub of Jupiter as tbe lord of 8,
Jupiter Kethu Ravi 4 11 Houses.
Venus Kethu Rahu 12
Sat. (R) Saturn Jupiter S-U Hence Sun is the strongest of all. So
Rahu Kethn Moon 3 native passed away when Venus Dasa Sun
Kethu Mars Venus 1-6 Bhukti Moon Antbra operated on
■Lagna Moon Moon 3 25-11-1968 Monday Sravanam star and
6th House Rahu Rahu 12 lagna occupied by Sun at 7-30 A.M.
8 th House Kethu Jupiter 8-11
Following the Krisbnamurti Padhdhati 6th lord Venus in Kethu star and Rahu
we have to consider the Houses 2, 7 and sub shows she is afflicted heavily. Venus
12 and Badhakasthana and 6th house. At (lord of Libra, 7th sign of Zodias) governs
first sight all the planets and cusps are in generative system and troubles in kidneys.
Badhaka lordship's (ruling subs) and dus- The star and sub ruled by Rahu of 6th
thanas except Jupiter this shows that the House. Swathi star governed generative
native will suffer ill-health throughout system and kidney trouble. Thesignruled
life. The 6th lord in fixed sign will show Thula also governs-kidneys and therefore
jong duration of ill-health. can.expect defect in kidneys. So actually
the native suffered kidney trouble and
2nd house is vacant. operated twice in a few days after birth.
7th house is occupied by Mars. Kethu But not succeeded. Thus we can verify
is in the Mars constellation. ' Krisbnamurti Padhdhati'.
Q. Please let me know the correct today, i.e., 12-1-1969 Sunday, Moon
time of my birth and also the correct was transiting iu Rahu's Constellation,
position of my lagna. I was informed Swathi, in Venus sign, Libra. The day is
that I was born on 5th November, 1926 ruled by Sun and the sub of the lagna is
between 1 A.M. and sunrise. also governed by Sun. Therefore,—the--
A. Your question is taken for judg; ruling planets at this moment are Mercury,
pient at the time when the Lagna (Nirayana) Jupiter, Sun, Rahu, Venus and Sun. There-
was exactly 29° in Gemini and at that time fore all these combinations can be had
only when the lagna falls in Virgo 0° 30", As your place was 88° 24" East, 2 hours
because this position alone is governed by 13 minutes 45 seconds A.M. willSje the
Mercury, the lord of the sign, Sun, the lord Indian Standard Time.
of the star, Rabu, the lord of the sub Taking this time as the correct time of
and Venus, the lord of the sub sub. There- your birth, the horoscope is to be
fore, your lagna should be 0° 30" Nirayana furnished.
Virgo. As you are born in November,
1926, Ayanamsa being 22° 44", the Sayana It will be found that RahuDasa balance
, lagna should be 23° 14" in Virgo. Then at the time of your birth was 12 years, 10
working out the sidereal time for this months and 5 days.
position, it is found that it should be Krishnamurti always says that the
5 hours 30 minutes and 49 seconds. The moment when a horoscope is taken for
sidereal tithe and previous noon, i.e., 4th judgment especially for the first time, on
November, 1926, it was 14 hours 51 that day the Moon mostly will be transit-
minutes an4 53 seconds. Correction for ting in a constellation, which is the
east longitude for your place of birth, i.e., constellation of the consultant at the
88° 24" is 50 seconds. Therefore, your moment of his birth. Today it is Swathi
time of birth should be 14 hours 37 and his birth star is also Swathi. He has
minutes and 21 seconds after the previous told this in his lectures to his students
noon, for which 2° 26 seconds of correc- and so far, he has not published this
tion is included in the calculation. There- truth. Readers are requested to find how
fore 14 hours 37 minutes 21 seconds surprisingly it is correct and thereby
should be the local meantime at the the consultant feels extremely happy the
moment of your birth counted from the moment you give out the star (provided
previous noon. It means 2 hours 37 he happens to be the first to put the query
minutes 21 seconds A.M. Local meantime- on that date).
A. RANGASWAMY, Sub-Postmaster,
Singaoallur Pose. Coimbatore-5.
Male child born on 27-10-68 Sunday. positions ate as follows:
Tiine of birth; 7-30 P.M. 1ST. SttUTD,
Rabu Lagna
Place of birth : Coimbatore 11° N Lat.
and 77° Long.
Ayanamsa: 23° 19'/ Rasi
Sidereal Time; 21-31-54. Mars
The baby was born on 27-10-68. Mother Mercury,
fell ill and was admitted in the hospital. Mo»d Venus Sun Jupiter,
In spite of treattnent she breathed her last Kcthu
on 16-11-68 leaving her beloved to the
mercy of God. She survived only for 20 Balance of Sun Dasaat the time of birth
days. 5 years 4 months 24 days.
II Gemini 3° 15'
On the basic of Krishnamurti III Gemini 29 15
Padhdhati, we should find out the reasons IV Cancer 27 15
why its mother died within a spell of short V Leo 29 15
period. Krishnamurti Padhdhati will ex- IX Sagittarius 29 15
plain. At the time of birth the planetary X Capricorn 27 15
XI Aquarius 29 15
Planetary Positions
Longitudes Constellation Sub Lord
Deg. Mts.
Lagnam 5 56 Sun Mercury
Sun 10 54 Rahu Saturn
Moon 28 00 Sun Moon
Mars 28 56 Sun Mars
Mercury 23 12 Moon Sun
lupiter 3 12 Sun Saturn
Venus 14 . 17 Saturn Rahu
Saturn (R) 27 49 Mercury Jupiter
Rahu 14 46 Saturn Rahu
Kethu 14 46 Moon Jupiter
First of all we should see the IV cusp Moon is a significator. Mars is in Sun's
and Karaka for mother Moon. If they are constellation. Hence Mars. Mercury is in
well placed and receive good aspects the constellation of Moon in 8 and in the
mother will live long. Otherwise she will sub of Sun. Hence Mercury.
be shortlived. Hence the IV cusp falls at
Cancer 27° 15' Owner of IV cusp is Moon,, Jupiter is in the constellation of Sun and
Constellation Lord Mercury and sub lord' in the sub of Saturn, owner of 7 and 8.
Jupiter. We shall consider one by one. Hence Jupiter. Hence altogether Moon,
Mars, Mercury and Jupiter are signifi-
(1) Moon is the Karaka for-mother and cators.
also owner of IV cusp. Moon is in 8 from Saturn is owner of 7 and 8 a strong
lagna and in 6 from IV house, ft is in the malefic. As Rahu a Node is associated
constellation of Sun Marakasthandipadi with Saturn, Rahu is more powerful to
from IV house and in the sub of Moon in give malefic effects and.inflict death. Sun
6 from IV house. Hence Moon is highly is in Rahu's constellation and in Saturn's
afflicted. sub. Hence Sun is a strong significator.
(2) Constellation lord is Mercury. It is Therefore the significators responsible to
in the constellation of Moon in 6 and in kill her mother are Sun, Moon, Mars
the sub of Sun Marakasthanadbipadhi. Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.
Hence Mercury is also afflicted.
She died on 16-1 l-dS (Saturday) at 5
(3) Sub lord is Jupiter. It is also in the P.M. On the day the baby was running
constellation of Sun and in the sub of Sun Dasa Moon Buktbi Venus Anthara
Saturn, owner of 7 and 8 which is also and Venus Sooksbma. All are strong sig-
very bad for longevity of mother. As all nificators. Day was Saturday. Saturn is a
the planets connected with 4th house and malefic owner of 7 and 8. According to
Karaka Moon are highly afflicted the transit Sun was in Mar's rasi Vrischikam
mother was short'lived and that also only Jupiter constellation Visakam and in the
a very few days. At the time of birth the sub of Mats. Mars and Jupiter are strong
baby was running Sun Dasa, MdonBukthi, significators. Moon-was in Mercury's Rasi
Budba Anthram. Virgo in Sun's constellation Utbaramand
Now we should find out in whose period in the sub of Venus. All are strong signifi-
the mother passed away. For that we cators.
should select the strong significatois res- At the time of death the lagna rising in
ponsible to kill her. Mother's lagna is the east was Aries and the constellation
Katakam. It is Chara Rasi (movable one). wasBharani. Mars and Venus are strong
Eleventh house is Badhakasthanam. There significators. Hence when all the strong
is none in 11. Venus is Badhakasthanathi- significators responsible to inflict, death
padhi. No planets are in its constellation conjointly operated the mother's soul
or sub.. Hence Venus is a significator. departed-
Then marakasthanams are 2 and 7. None
in 2 or 7. Owner of 2 is Sun and owner of Krishnamurti Padhdhati alone will
-7 is Saturn. Moon is in Sun's constellation clearly pinpoint the time of occurrence of
"and sub of Moon in 8. an event.

The'horoscope is as follows i-h- nature, denotes the purpose for which the
MOon0.ll Kethu building will be used.
Sun 7-50
ASC 20.25 Merc 14-11 Fiurth cusp sub lord is Venus as it is in
Vcn. 19,21 Mons19.22
III 22-25 IV 15-25 15° 25' in Gemini.
II 25-43 12th house is occupied by Venus and
Sat. 25-33 Sani. Venus denotes Music opera,
XO 9-43 V 9-25 Cinema. Saturn is lord of 11 and 12. No
21—4—1936 planet is in Saturn star. Saturn is very
5.7 A.M. strong to give lltband 12tb bouses results.
30.55 N
75.54 E No planet is in the 4th house. Lord of
XI 9-25 VI 9-43
the sigh wherein the 4th cusp falls is Mer-
cury. Venus alone is in Mercury constel-
Mc. 15-25 lation, Kethu represents Mercury. Moon
Rabu 1X22-25 VIII25-43 VII20-25 is in Kethii star Kethu sub. Moon is
14-11 connected with 5th house as it is lord of
Jup. 1-24
the sign wherein the Stb cusp falls, and no
Kethu Dasa balance 6 years 10 months planet is in Moon's constellation. Fifth
25 days. house and Venus indicate Cinema. Hence
Moon Dasa Saturn Bhukti Venus Anthra
To own any building one is to note the will be the time of having one Cinema
houses 4, 11 and 12. Fourth house denotes theatre around the end oflanuary 1974 and
permanent possession; 12th indicates beginning of February 1974 when Sun will
issue of a cheque ; 11th indicates the gains. transit in the constellation of Moon and
It is the sub lord of the 4th cusp, by its sign of Saturn.
(Vcrificatiod of Krlshnamurti Padhdhatl)
Sri K. C. SUBRAMANIAM, L.T.C. (Hons.)
Chemist, Kerala Paints (P) Ltd,, Cbottanikkara (Kerala).
I. KRV born on 21-8-1931 Con. Lord Sub Lord
Time of birth : 4.48 A.M. I.S.T. Lagna Sani Kuja
Sun Kethu Moon
Place Trichur (Kerala) Moon Sani Sukra
Birth star : Anusham Kuja Moon Budha
Budha Sukra Kethu
Balance of Sani Dasa at birth Guru Sani Guru
Sukra Budha Sani
Y. M. D. Sani Sukra Budha
9—0—24 Rahu Sani Rahu
Kethu Moon Rahu
Meridian Sukra Sukra
IX 12" 13 X 14" 13' XI 15° 13' xni4 13' Bhara Positions
Lagna—Guru, Sukra and Sun
2nd House Budha
VIII I 12' 47' 3rd Kethu, Kuja
11° 13' 4th Moon
BHAVA CUSPS 6th Retrograde Sani
VII 9fb „ Rahu
H" 47' II 11- 13' Sukra Dasa—Sukra Bukthi 15-9-1964 to
Sukra Dasa—Sukra Bukthi—Budha
VI 14" 13' V 15° 13' IV 14° 13'|in 12° 13' Antaram 15-5-1967 to 5-11-1967.
Rahu Sookshma lasts from 16-8-1967 to
7th cusp is in Capricorn (sign of Sani) in
Sravanam star and in Rahu sub. Rahu
Rahu - • ' is strongly aspected by Mars—opposition
14*-28' aspect." Guru is in fairly exact trine aspect
. Lagna with Rahu, who also reprpsents Guru in a
12-47 way. Lord of 7th house Sani is retrograde.
Gurul4-55 So the marriage' of the native is likely to
SuVra be delayed considerably, say, upto middle
Nirayana 29-0
Rasi Chart age. Because of Guru's strong aspect on
Sun 4-14 Rahu, the sub lord of 7tb cusp marriage
Budha will .surely take place, but after much
. 26.38
.vexatious delay. These views are confirmed
by .the following indications also. Lord of
Moon Kcthu 7, Sani is in the 6th house and jn 12th
Sani 24-34 lO" 18' 14-28
Kuja 19-21 house position to the 7th. Moreover, it is
a retrograde planet which generally delays
the matters represented by the bouse. Sani marriage can take place in Sukra Dasa,
is strongly aspected by Mars, who also, in Sukra Bukti, Budha Antaram and Moon
turn, is aspected by Sani-Mutual aspects, or Rabu Sooksbma. Now we have to see
and both are square aspects. Since Kuja the transits of planets to-pin-point the
and Sani are in the sub of Budha and as date of marriage. .
the aspect of Kuja is passed on to Budha
through Sani by trine aspect, marriage of On 28-8-1967 "> ^ra u haDasa Sukra Bukti,
the native cannot take place, till the end of Period. Jf?Rabu 2 Sookshma.
c Antaram and
Budha Dasa. Added to this, Budha is in
the sub of Ketbu, which is conjoined with Monday falls on 28-8-1967. Monday is
Mars. Budha is lord of 3 and 12. What ruled by Moon. Budha transits Sukra's
about Kethu Dasa ? Kethu gives the effect star Pooram. Sukra transits Sukra's star.
of Mars, being in close conjunction with Moon transits Sukra's sign Vrishabha and
it. It is also in the sub of Rabu, who is transits its own star Rohini and also is in
opposed by Mars. So Ketbu Dasa also the lltb bouse of the horoscope of the
nullifies marriage. Sukra is favourable, native. Rabu transits Mesha rasi, in
being lord of 11 and also, as it is the Ketbu star and is in its own sub. On this
" Karaka " for marriage. Let us appy the day Sun's position is exactly on the cusp
method of K. P. and find out the marriage of the second house. The marriage of the
lime. Houses 2, 7 and 11 are to be analy- native actually took place on 28-8-1967.
sed for marriage. ' Even the " Muhoortam " of the marriage
Budha is in 2nd House; Sukra alone is was in Tula lagna, ruled by Sukra. As
in Budba's star. Lord of 2 is Sun. No transit effects and dasa bukti effects are in
planet occupies Sun's stars. So Sukra and perfect agreement, the incident took place
Sun are significators. exactly according to the rules enunciated
7th bouse is unoccupied by planets- in Krisbnamurti Padbdbati. So it is absolu-
tely necessary that dasa bukti effects must
Moon, Guru and Rahu are in Sani's stars. agree with the results of the transits of
Guru aspects the 7th cusp also. We planets, at the time of fructification of an
can drop Guru as Rabu, the node is event.
alone in Meena Rasi. So Moon and
Rahu are significators. Iltb house is not II. K.C.S. born on 20-7-1911.
occupied by any planet. Snkra is lord of Place: Latitude—11° 42' N
11. Budha and Sani are in Sukra star. Long. —75° 30' E
So the strong significators are Sukra, Sun,
Moon, Rabu, Budha and Sani. Sani can Thursday — Time 5-54 p.m. I.S.T.
be dropped as it is in 12 to 7 and also as Star : Bbarani
Budha and Rahu are posited in its stars. Y. M. D.
Sukra cannot be dropped, as it is in Sukra Dasa Balance: 9 0 0
Budba's star and as Budha is in Sukra's
star. As Sun is in the star of Ketbu and Moon 20-40
Sani 26-0
sub of Moon, it can be eliminated. Kaja 10-40
Moon is posited in the star of Sani, lord
of 7. Sukra, lord of 11 is in Budha's Sun 4-07
star; Budha occupies 2nd bouse. Sukra Buda
is in the sub of Sani, lord of 7. 21-17
Rabu is in the star of Sani, lord of 7. Nirayana Rasi
Budha occupies 2nd bouse and is in the CharL Sukra
star of Sukra, lord of 11, and 4 also.. By — 18-55
lordship and position Sukra is the strong-
est significator. Next comes Budha by Guru
position. Next comes Rahu and finally Lagna 12-36
19° 50' Kethu
Moon. So marriage can take place in the 13-17
conjoined periods of these planets. The Fort 6-23
7tb house lord is Budha, and Sun
IV 27° 30' V 27,30 VI 23.30 VII 19.50 occupies the 7th house. Saturn aspects
sun—quintile aspects. Mars aspects Sun—
square aspect. Guru conjoined with Ketbu
aspects Rahu and Mars—opposition aspect.
HI 24* 30' VIII 21.30 But Mars conjoined with Rabu opposes
Guru. So these mutual aspects produce
Bhava Cusps only neutral effects. Again, we have to
come to Rabu as a significator. 7tb lord
11 21° 30' IX 24.30 Budba is in its own star. Lord of 11 is
Sukra. Sani, Moon and Sukra are posited
in the stars of Sukra only. So finally, the
significators are Rahu, Sani, Sukra and
I 19° 50 XII 23.30 XI 27.30 X 27.30 Budha. Moon has been left out as it is in
close conjunction with Sani and also as it
is lord of the 8th house.
Cons. Lord. Sub Lord. Rahu is the strongest. It is in the sub of
Sun Sani Sani lord of 7. Next comes Sani which is lord
Moon Sukra Guru of 2 and is posited in Sukra's star. For
Kuja marriage Sani is stronger than Sun as the
Kethu Sani former is in the star of " Karaka ",.
Budba Budba Sukra Sukra. So Sun can be eliminated as a weak
Guru Rahu Budha significator. So marriage can take place in
Sukra Sukra Rahu the conjoined periods of these planets;
Sani Sukra Kethu Rabu Dasa — Rabu Bukti ■— Sani
Kethu Rahu Budha
Rahu Kethu Budba Antaram — Budha Sookshma
ASC Sukra Rahu Sani Antaram in Rabu Dasa and Rabu
Fortuna Kuja Moon Bukti,
M.C. Kuja Guru lasts from 25-4-1944 to 29-9-1944.
Houses 2, 7 and 11 and planet Sukra In it Budha Sookshma lasts from
have to be examined for marriage time. 20-5-1944 to 12-6-1944. We have to pin-
7th cusp is the Badha's sign, Rabu star point the date with the help of transits of
and Mars sub. Moon and Sani are in con- planets.
. junction. Sani aspects the 7th cusp. Moon
is in square aspect to Budha, but in close 2-6-1944:
trine aspect to Venus, posited iru-the 8th
house. So marriage will be delayed upto On this date, Friday falls, which is ruled
the middle age. "Moon Dasa cannot give by Sukra. Sun transits Vrishabha Rasi
marriage for obvious reasons. Mars con- ruled-by Sukra. Sani is in Mitbuna Rasi
joined with Rahu cannot give marriage. (Budha's sign) and is posited in the star of
Good results of Mars can only be given by Mars. Mars in Kataka Rasi in the star of
Rabu, as it is a node and produces all Sani. Sun is in Rohini in Vrishabha Rasi,
the results of Mars. in Sukra's sign. Sukra is in Vrishabha
Rasi in Rohini star. Budha is in Mesba
2nd house is unoccupied by planets. Sun Rasi in Sukra's star. Rabu is in Kataka
only is posited in Sani's star. Sun is a Rasi. It is posited in Sani's star and also
significator. Mars aspects Sun, but as Rahu in the 7th Bhava. Moon transits Kanya
is conjoined with it, Rahu is to be taken Rasi (Budba's sign) and is in the star of
as a powerful significator. It is in Mesha Kuja. Moon and Mars get some pro-
Rasi. It is near to Moon also. minence. Mars is represented by Rabu
which is in close conjunction with it. On " Muhoortam Time 'r:—
this day Sun forms semi-senile aspect to Sign-Dcerec-Minute
the 7th cusp. Moon forms a sextile aspect s. O, I, Con.Lord. Sub
to Budha in the radical horoscope. Sani Moon 5-27-12 Mars Guru
being in close conjunction with Moon, re- Sun 1-18-47 Moon Budha
presents it to a very great extent. The Rahu- 3-7-0 Sani Budha
marriage actually took place! on 2-6-1944 Budha 0-24-40 Sukra Budha
in Bombay The muhoortam was fixed at Sukta 1-11-57 Moon Rahu
about 6 p.m. owing to war time conditions Sani 2-4-37 Kuja Sukra
obtaining then. It may be of some interest So, transit effects of planets agree with
to see in detail the transits of the significa-' the Dasa bukti periods according to the
tors and luminaries on this day for the rules of Krisbnamurti Padbdhati.


Krisbnamurti Padbdhati Verified
Separation comes only after union. So is a node in any of the signs owned by
let us examine for the union and then the these three planets. Kethu in Gemini rep-
separation. resents Mercury, lord of Virgo, .where the
The horoscope of' the native is as 7th cusp falls, (7th house is only 10° in
follows;— Virgo, beginning at 20° in Virgo and 25°
in Libra. Even though most of the
MoodO. 11 seventh bouse is in Libra yet the lord of
Sun 7.50
Asc. 20.25 Mcr. Kethu the seventh Bhava is that planet which
VcnT 19.21 Mars)9,20 III 22.25 14.11
21.8 IV 15.25 owns the sign where the 7th cusp falls.)
II 25.43 Hence take Kethu also and give preference
to Kethu.
Sat. 25.33 V 9-25
XII 9.43 21-4-1936
5.7 A. M. Lord of 2 Mars governs Mrigasira,
30-55 N Chitra and Danishta. No planet is in
75-54 E Mars star. Hence Mars is a significator.
XI 9.25 VI 9-43. Mercury rules Ashlesha, Jyeshta and
Revathi—Venus alone is in Mercury star
Mc. 15.25 and Venus is very strong. Kethu governs
Rahu IX 22-25 VHI 25,43 VII20-25 Aswani, Maka and Moola. Moon, Sun
14-11 and Jupiter are in Kethu star. Sun is exal-
Jtip 1.24 ted. Jupiter is in own sign, ^oth are stron-
ger. Saturn governs Pusbya Anuradha and
Kethu Dasa balance 6 years 10 months Uthfapadrapada. No planet is in Saturn
25 days. - star. Hence Saturn isvery strong. There-
.■ Union was on 22—6—63. Tuesday fore Mars, Jupiter, Sun and Saturn are the
Uthrapada star day. strongest.
Judge houses 2, .7 and 11. Second Actually marriage took place during
bouse extends from 25° 48' Aries to 22° Sun Dasa Jupiter Bbukti, Saturn Anthra
25' Taurus. -Seventh extends from 20° which ran between 12—5—1965 and
25' Virgo -to "25° 43' Libra, lllh is 28—6—1965 on the day when Jupiter
from 9° 25' Capricorn to 9° 43' Aqua- Shookshma started. The day of marriage
rius. No planet is posited in the second, being Tuesday, Mars ruled the day: -The
seventh and 11th houses. Nakshatra in which Moon transilted was
Lords of /2, 7 and 11 are Mars, Mer- Uthrapadra governed by Sani; Moon was
cury and Saturn, Find out whether there in Mtena Rasi owned by the Guru.
jf Hence the method suggested by Guruji few and select the actual significator^.
r ShriK. S.Krishnamurti is very correct. All Today Saturday 18—1—69. lagna at
.points do agree. which this is judged is Taurus ruled by
(Let us see whether marriage was pro- Venus. The star in which lagna falls is
mised; if so once or more than once. Karthik governed by Sun. Moon transits
Guruji has said that it is the sub lord of the in Saturn sign Sun star Utbrashada. Sun's
7th cusp which deddes the above factors. star is not occupied by any planet. Saturn
The 7th cusp is in Moon constellation and star is not occupied by any. Venus is in
Ketbu sub. Kethu representing Mercury as Mercury star and own sub (posited in 12).
lord of 7 promises marriage. As Ketbu is Hence Venus indicates about marital life
posited in Gemini a dual sign and it was (7th bouse matters) and also separation.
in Rabu constellation who was situated in Jupiter which is connected with 7th
Sagittarius another dual sign it is certain house matters as it was in Moola ruled by
that be will marry more than once; Kethu who represents Mercury, owner of
plurality promised.) 7th bouse is in Venus sub. Hence Jupiter
According to Guruji it is not a tend- is also for separation. Hence Jupiter
ency. It is a certainty. Hence this native Bhukti Venus Anthra gave separation.
will marry more than once and it is for
the time of event, significators are selected Can there be a divorce ?
by judging the houses 2, 7 and 11 which As the 7th cusp sub lord is Kethu which
never fails, occupies Gemini, plurality is indicated.
(One important factor which readers As our law does not permit second
should note is that if a planet happens to marriage, when the first partner is alive,
be the significator of any of the houses 2, there can be either of the two; i.e. demise
7 and II and it itself happens to be the of first wife and then second marriage or
strong and single significator of the sixih divorce and after the lapse of some period,
house, it will not give the marriage even second marriage.
though it is a significator o) 2 or 7 or 11 Further if the sub lord of the second
as the sixih house is separation frorn wife, cusp is connected with 7th house, second
if already married. When such is the case, marriage; if connected with llth house,
how can it give marriage.) one will keep a keep, as 7lh bouse signifi-
Separation cator shows legal bondage whereas the
llth indicates attachment and friendship.
fudge bouses 1, 6, ip and 12.
No planet is in 6 and TO. They are Second cusp is in 25° 43' in Aries.
owned by Sun and Jupiter. Sub lord is Mercury. It is lord of 7. Hence
second cusp is connected with the 7th.
Moon, Sun, Mercury and Mars are in Therefore second marriage'is promised.
1. Saturn and Venus are in 12. Kethu Moon is in Kethu star Kethu siib. Moon
is in Mercury's sign. Rahu is in Jupiter's is very strong in giving second marriage-
sign. Hence majority of the planets are Jupiter will contribute for second marri.
more for separation. Hence it will be age. Mats, lord of second cusp, has no
very difficult to fix in which period one planet in its star. It must bring about
will have this separation as most of the second wedding. Hence Moon Dasa Mars
planets are in one way or the other con- Bukti Jupiter Anthra will bring about
nected with the houses 1, 6, 10 and 12. ■second marriage in March 1970. Divorce
Only in such cases, ruling planets at will be sanctioned in Moon, Rahu, i.e.,
moment of query are useful to reject a June 1969.

Jyotish Visharath K. QANAPATHI
When will my son return ? cusp falls in Aries, the lord of the sign is
The horoscope is as follows :— Mars. Therefore Mars indicates the llth
house matter and also, those planets which
are posited in the constellation of Mars.
xii 5-03 Lag. 6-28
xi 1-03 Sat. The stars belonging to Mars are Mriga-
19-16 sira, Chithra and Danishta- Mars and
Sun are deposited in the star of Mars.
3up, 0.52 Therefore Rahu, Kethu, Mars and Sun are
Mer.2 7-0 the planets which are strong to indicate
Ket. 8-47 10-35 A.M. I-S.T. (ii) 1-01
iii 27-01 these results.
13—10—42 Now let us judge the owners of the
18-55 N
ix 2-701 72-54 E Rah. 8-47 houses also. Lord of 3 is Moon as 3rd
(viii I-01) (iv) 27-01 cusp falls in 27° T Cancer; lord of 9 is
Saturn as 9th cusp falls in Capricorn.
Venus Lord of 11 is Mars. Saturn is in Moon's
Moon 13-11 star. Moon is in Saturn star.
(vii) 6-28 13-33 (i) 1.03 Mcr. 21-tI The above are the planets which are
<vt) 5-03 Mar. 24-15
Sun 28-46 connected with one's long journey and
Saturn Dasa balance 4 years 5 months reunion with one's family.
9 days. One should never omit to note the
Return from the foreign land means ruling planets at the moment of judgment.
leaving bis present place, making a long Today it-is Saturday, Lagna falls in Kethu
journey and reuniting with his kith and star (Moolam) and in Dhanus. The star
kin with whom he was originally living. is Uthrapalguni and the Rasi is Simha
both ruled by Sun. Therefore your son
Leaving the place where one stays either will return when Kethu Dasa Sani Bukthi
temporarily or permanently is to be judged Rahu Anthra Surya Sookshma operates
from the 3rd house making a long journey Why should you select Rahu when the
is to judged from the 9th house. lagna is in Dhanus? Since Guru owns
Reunion with kith and kin is found both Dhanus and Meena, according to
from the 11th house- Therefore one has Kilshnamurti if either of the nodes were
to judge the houses 3, 9 and 11. 3rd house to occupy either of the signs belonging to
extends from 27° IT Cancer to 273 T Leo. a planet, then the node will give the results
Rahu is posited in that sign. Rahu's star of the lord of both the signs. So Rahu in
are Arudhra, Swatbi and Satbabisba. Meena is more powerful than Jupiter, even
Therefore Kethu which is posited in Rahu though he is the owner of Dhanus Hence
star indicates that he leaves the place of the sub period will be ruled by Rahu ins-
residence, then 9th bouse extends from tead of Guru, so it will be around 21st
21° T Capricorn to 21° T Aquarius- Kethu January, 1970 at that time Sun will transit
alone is posited in the 9th house. There- in Saturn sign Sun's star and Kethu 1 sub.
fore Kethu star Aswani, Maha and Moola So his date of return is 21-1-1970-
ate to be seen, to note whether any planet Will he complete Ph.D? For higher
or, node occupies any of these 3 stars. education and grand success in that, one is
Rahu alone is in Maha. Therefore, Rahu to look to the houses 9 and 11. I am sure
gives long journey. Uth house -tends c
he will return after successfully completing
from 1 Degree 3 minutes Aries t3 ° 3' the course. The result may be announced
Taurus. No planet is posited in this around December 1969. Submission of
Therefore the lord of the sign i n which the thesis will be around the second or 3rd
11th cusp falls is to be taken. As the lit week of September, 1969.
Vol. 1 APRIL 1969 No. 4

Guruji Enters 61st Year
Farm and Future 11
Letters to Editor 13
Marriage—When? 15
Time of Marriage 17
Will I Marry? 21
Errata 25
Married Life 27
Tour Programme 29
Review of Books 31
Jataka Dwadasha Bhava Pbala Nitnaya 33
Regaining Lost Position and Retirement 43
Interview—Result ?—Uchista 45
Horary—Marriage When? 46
Krisbnamurti Padhdhati Verified 49
Photography and Prosperity 55
Difficulties Solved 57
Daily Guide for April, 1969 58
Position of Planets ■ — 61
■April, 1969—Ephemeris 62
Monthly Prediction for April, 1969 63
While addressinj the class on Astrology which, as we see, have been innumerable
atB. V. Bhavan, Delhi on the subject of. in his life, especially up to the age of 53.
"" Aspects " and waving his hands explain- He has enormous capacity to muster up
. ing the lights of the planets a few days courage and enthusiasm in the face of
ago, the magnificent lines on bis hands opposition and difficulties—even work
struck my eyes and, at the end of the harder, over-straining his nervous system
ilecture, at my requtst, he agreed to give and to recover fast from adversities.
! me an impression on Sunday at .his bouse.
It was only then that I discovered that in In fact, it appears from his left hand
a few days he would be completing his that he was destined to work very bard to
60th birthday. We, as his students, offer' fulfil the demands of his Mystic Cross
him congratulations on his birthday and until the 53rd year and then to harvest the
wish him all the happiness, prosperity and fruits of his labour. An eminent author
good health. In addition, as I look at the has said that such a combination indicates
lines on his hands, I wish him inter- the benedictio.n of a Guru, worship of a
national travels, international fame, God, . gift of a Mantra and success in
fruition of his labours divine science or reli-
and the gift of some gious worship- In bis
more books from him TO GURUJI case, as the Line of
in his 61st year. Head is separate
In all humility, may I request from his Line of
" What is striking in you and the learned readote that if Life, he did not
bis bands? Bis both they diacoiret a iiSerent interpre- take everything in
bands relate to two tation, I shall be grateful to know blind f a i t h and
different stories. The their opinions for, after oil, we only belief but tried always
left hand is rectangular to find the logic
while the right hand loam from each other. behind it and, once
is inclined to be square.1 he reached a logical
The Head Line in conclusion, to stick to
the left is not joined the Life Line, which, it on all grounds and argue it but, even
taken alone, indicates stubbornness of bis though it may not be palatable to a few
ideas and, as it ends towards the Mount blind followers, for which he never cared-
of Mars, it shows enormous energy in the because he exhibits great will-power and
pursuit of logical ideas to the end, despite self-confidence, His'finger of Jupiter stands
opposition. His Mount of Mercury is out land is inclined towards the right,
marked with straightTines and the finger meaning that he has never rested until be
of Mercury itself is straight. This read has achieved the correct results or has
with the fine and unique Line of Intuition reached his goal.' Also, in doing so, be
traversing across the Mount of Moon to would not mind standing out alone to ex-
the Mount of Mars, .the Line of Heart press his opinions in opposition to others'
forked under the Mount of Saturn and a beliefs. (This fact is known to all.)
beautiful square on the Mount of Jupiter,
indicates studies on scientific lines, intui- The right hand shows certain adjust-
tion brought to logical analysis, affection- ments and contains some more useful in-
ate, open mind, an unselfish temperament, formation. The Line of Head is joined to
always anxious to give out' all his know- the Line of Life, meaning sensitiveness—
ledge, and a capacity to face the obstacles. i.e., he will listen to others opinion, apply
bis own imagination to it and, due to the Taurus, whose lord is Venus, where Moon
good Mercury, test tbem in the laboratory is exalted and in Mooltrikona, as also with
of his intellect before accepting them. As Virgo, where Mercury is exalted and in
tbe Line of Head shows no signs of fading, Mooltrikona. Moon and Mercury are in-
the mind will remain as active, energetic as tellectual planets whereas Venus provides
it has never been. A branch shoots up peace, pleasure and interest in his pursuits.
to,the Mount of Jupiter, forming part of a Their - positions explain matters further.
clear square there. A double line from tbe Moon is in Lagna, Venus in the ninth-
Mount of Mats goes to the Mount of interest in higher studies, tra.vels, *tc.,
Saturn without cutting the Line of Fate, and Mercury in the tenth, house of
Single Girdle of Venus from the honours, combined with Sun. (He received
Mount of Saturn to the Mount of Sun, the Gold Medal and Title from Governor of
'verticalline on the Mount of Mercury Bombay during Mercury sub period.)
ending in a square just above tbe Lipe of Sun's action is well depicted in both the
[ Heart on this Mount and two very clear hands on his Mount. This combination
' lines of Sun on the Mount of Sun, two makes bim magnanimous, noble and
strong lines on the Mount of Lower Mars, ambitious. This is shown by tbe line from
one more line from the Line of Heart the Line of Life and the Line of Head go-
under the Mount of Saturn proceeding to- ing to tbe finger of Jupiter. It, incidentally,
wards the Mount of Sun, forming a also carries with it the force of Mars, so
triangle on the farmer Mount itself. They necessary for success. It is also called the
depict the study of Shastras, occult science, Line of Success.
success in bis scientific pursuits, name and Capricorn people are self-made, builders
fame, publications and books of substan- of their own fortune and they know how
tial scientific value, editorial activities, to remain prosperous. It also endows the
travels, happiness and prosperity, ambi- - subject and active disposition, a vigorous
tion, capacity to face adversities, cheerful- body, though sometimes aggressive (the
ness and enthusiasm in his work. unconnected Line of Head in the left hand)
Guruji is born under Capricorn, whose and enthusiastic, vehement with a strong
lord Saturn is placed in the third bouse, will-power (strong thumb) to succeed in
which is also tbe first cadent house. We reaching tbe desired goal. It makes the
clearly see in him an author of a unique, subject. brusque in manners and talk,
logical or philosophical system of substan- which may be mistaken as blunt. He is
tial value which will not fade for the years prudent and circumspect. All these are
to come. He is also tbe editor, publisher attributed to the good Mounts of Mercury,
and'printer of this magazine. Journeys, of Sun and Saturn, lines on them and their
course, he has been undertaking and that fingers. Tbe square on Jupiter adds value
is why he is amongst us in the North quite to this.
often. Both the lords of lagna and the One author has likened the Capricorn
third house form their aspect to- the with a goat that winds its way up tbe bill
twelfth house, whereas the lord of tbe. through bushes and thorny paths with
ninth is sextile to the twelfth from-, the patience and tenacity. But if tbe mental
tenth. Foreign lecture tours ate therefore Moon is added to the bead, we can at
foretold. . This is confirmed by the line once understand that the mission up tbe
coming out from tbe Line of Life to tbe bill is mental, the bushes and paths are
Mount of Moon now, in the near future, mental and tbe hunger and thirst are
'combined with other lines above the Line mental and the tenacity is mental. This
of Heart and the Mount of Lower Mars. fertile mind takes him to great heights, as
Also, Capricorn is a cardinal sign and a he is cardinal. This is clearly depicted
patiently persevering sign, i.e., original in in tbe band by the Line of Intuition
thought, and an earthy at that, meaning (called in Sanskrit Antargnah Rekba), the
research and solidity behind bis original never fading Line of Head, the active
thinking. Capricorn has its affinity with Mount of Mercury and its finger and the
square on the Mount of Jupiter and the During this year, lord of the second is
Mount of Moon. conjoined with its lord in the third ; lord
■ " Self-made " pre-supposes difficulties in of the tenth from the ninth has shifted to
youth. On the hands, cross lines extend the eleventh and the lord of the eleventh'
from the ninth has gone to the eighth,
,up to the age of 53. What each means which is also good, indicating advan-
is beside the point. The square on Jupiter tageous changes, advancement in occul-
also indicates preservation, which implies tism and gains in foreign environments.
preservation from difficulties. This and Incidently, it also indicates visit to
the reactions 6ri the Line of Head clearly Britain, Australia and New York during
; indicate, with the thumb as the com- the year, and as it also represents the
• mandei, that every battle is fought and homeland, it will bring credit to Guruji
- won. The Line of Head has not for bringing glory to India during these
collapsed anywhere in any strategy but foreign travels. As the lord of the ninth
has gone on to Herscbel, simply to create house in Mercury, Guruji will visit U.S.A.
a scientific revolution in bis scientific field and en route visit other countries next
of study. If he were an engineer, he year.
would have made the spacecraft of the
Mababharata times, the car that can run Now turning to the right-hand again,
above the road. His mind and tenacity we see crosses, a square, a triangle and a
is like that. In most bands, I have found lotus on the complete rascettes, lines
the Line of Head, in such circumstances, shooting up from them, deep straight lines
either exploding, forking, collapsing or on the third phalanges of the fingers of
fading. Therefore, I consider his Line of Jupiter, Sun and Mercury, with, of course,
Head as a unique line by itself in both the square on the Mount of Jupiter and
bands. three triangles on the Mount of Saturn,
His limitation is that be is only capable the lines of Sun and a line from the
to build and not to destroy, as shown by Mount of Mars under Mercury rising up
his Line of- Heart; which runs across to the Mount of Sun. And above all, a
the hand so deep, fine, forked and lavish strong line shooting out td the Mount Of
with universal affection, and Venus to Moon from the Line of Life. They all
support it. He will, if worthy of his point to foreign travels, increase in
admiration, speak well about others.. He international fame, reputation, wealth,
will never speak ill of others. sea, air and land travels, publication of
new books and possibly signing agree-
Gutuji enters his 6lst year of life on ments for publishing books abroad,
the 1st November, 1968. What can this (which we know), lecture tours, etc; There
year give him ? The 1st of November is however, one caution! Perhaps the
falls on Friday, which is the day of food may not agree with the otherwise
Venus and Venus this year is placed in good system and that may cause some
the eleventh bouse, which is the bouse of impediments, one or two short sea
gains, whereas Venus, is placed in the journeys may be through turbulent waters
ninth bouse So the natal chart as the lord and may create some difficulties. Both
of the fifth and the tenth houses. Mercury, of them Guruji will be able to overcome
lord of the ninth in the natal chart, com- due to the square on the Mount of Jupiter.
bined with Sun in the tenth house indi- Devacharya has described this square as
cates Astrology as his main _ subject of foreign travel, sea voyage or pilgrimage,
study leading to a profession in this line. building of house, money from fweign
Sun may appear in debilitation in Libra, trade, success in foreign lands, presence
but it is not so, as the lord of the sign is of extra-average qualities of character. A
also Neecha and in a Kooa. Mercury from person with such a sign is usually a person
the tenth house in the natal chart goes to of distinction. He is,usually versatile and
the ninth in the transit, again meaning long fights against all obstacles and gain poise
travels in connection with his mission. of mind necessary to achieve great success.
Aoother author of the Indian system making plans of his lecture tours and
quoting Hast Sanjivni has described the .around the Full Moon in June he will
combination of the circular Moon Line, fly out.
good Single Girdle of Venus, the triangle
formed by the Fate Line, Head Line May God Grant Long Life!
and hhe Health Line, along with the square (Som Gupta)
on the Mount of Jupiter as meaning that F. 93, Road No. 2,
the person will be a great philosopher who Andrews Qanj,
• believes in thepast and known the present
and the future, who has the capacity New Delhi-16.
of seeing bis God, knowledgeable and,
" without doubt, a TRUE yogi. {Edilor's note.—Your wish "May God
I have seen a square on Jupiter in the Grant Long Life " is alright But I say,
hands of teachers, professors, principals, what He has granted when I was born.
» diplomats and officers'holding high posi- He cannot change it. It is definite. That
" tions in a Government service. (He was is why Astrology is learnt to find out the
I also in Government service for 34 years.) date. If God can be changing now and
then, depending on the prayers or curse.
From the lines it' appears that Guruji's Astrology has no place. Whatever is to
. attention will be devoted -to his edito- happen will happen according to fate, t am
rial or writing activities, bringing out sure that you may find a line in my hand
new publications in the first half of wherein it may be said that j I believe in
December. The sun rises on 6-45 A.M. Karma and Destiny. Astrology is a
on the 1st November and he was bora at Science which gives the unalterable events
12-15 P.M. This means that January will with date. Those who say that Astrology
be a very good month for him. In the indicates the tendency, are not astrologers
second half of February he will start at all.)

(Krishnaraurti Padhdhati Verified)
According to Krishaamuili (Krisbna- are connected with farming. Rahu repre-
" murti Padhdhati, Volume 11, page 285), sents Venus and Mars Star. Rahu is also
' Mars, Venus, Moon and Jupiter are the in Mars star. MarS is in Saturn star.
planets which indicate that one will take Kethu represents Mars and Moon is in
up "Farming " if they are in any manner Kethu star. Hence all planets are connec-
; connected with houses 2, 6 and 10. ted with farming.
Mars denotes "Land". He is called Of these, which are,favourable ? Those
; Bhoomikaraka. Venus and Mars shows - planets which are deposited in such a sub
the action to produce. Moon shows irri- which is ruled by Mars and Venus or
■ gation. Jupiter indicates progeny or pro- Moon or Jupiter.
duction and produce.
Sun, Moon and Venus are in Moon's
Hence one takes up farming, if one sub. Jupiter is in Mar's sub. Rahu and
enjoys the conjoined period of Venus, Kethu are in Jupiter sub. Mars, which is
Mars, Moon and Jupiter. in Saturn star and Saturn sub denotes
The horoscope is as follows; that during Mars Sub sub period, one will
purchase plot, acquire and use it for one's
' "Moon IV 3-34 business as Saturn is lord of 2, deposited
Jupiter 1-31 .Rahu Yl 23-34 in 10 in the constellation of lord of 6.
III 4-34 V 28.34 Therefore, this gentleman has purchased
the plot of land for farming on 6th July,
V 1968. At that time, he was funning
II 29-34 VII 21-41 Moon Dasa, Venus Bhukti, Mars Anthra,
4-12-1927 and Saturn Sooksbma. Mars and Saturn,
11-30 A.M.
22.J5.N as already said, are the two planets,
Lagoa 70-56 E VII29-34 which arc connected with 2, 4 and 11,
21-41 indicate purchase of property. Second
*28-34 bouse shows acquisition, 4tb bouse indi-
Kathu 26-20
Sm, 1Q-2S cates land and the 11th bouse shows
XII 23-34 Miua 17-40
3»tnxn 6-i IX3-16 possession and gains. Since Mars and
Mc, 3-34 4-34 Saturn are connected with 2, 4 and 11, he
1.21 purchased in that conjoined period. The
day was Saturday and Moon was transit-
Kethu Dasa 6 years, 2 months and ing in, Venus sign, Jupiter star, and
13 days,. Venus the Bhuktinatha was transiting
Second house extends from 29° 34' in Jupiter star Punarvasu. Thus according
Aquarius and 4° 34' Aries. Moon and to the method advocated by Krishnamurti
Jupiter are in the second house No Padhdati, it is found that these agree.
planet is in Moon's star. Mercury and Thereby it is a confirmation that the
Jupiter ate in Jupiter's star. horoscope erected according to the timing
given by parents is correct.'
6th bouse is vacant- It is owned by As regards the future of any profession,
Mercury. In its star Sani, Sun and Kethu one is to know whether the periods (accor-
are deposited. ding to Vimshodhari Dasa) ruled by the
10th house is occupied by Mars, Saturn, planets have any connection whatsoever
Sun and Kethu. Majority of the planets with that nature of profession, which has
been started. If the following dasa lord as farm will come up without any difficu
no connection, then that particular 'nature for watering, etc., as the Sun Bhukti alone
of profession will come to an end and is left out, which is also in Venus sub.
according to the nature of the dasa lord, During Mars Dasa as Mars is in the sub
there will be a change in the profes-sion- of Saturn, the growth will not be as satis-
Now the Mars Dasa follows with that of factory as it was in Moon Dasa, yet since
Moon and Mars is in Saturn star, it is lord of 10 and 11 and also in the
• Saturn sub. Therefore, more and more constellation of the planet in the 10th
'. acquisition of land, expansion of business, bhava, there will be progress ; Saturn in
etc. are shown. Then follows Rahu Dasa, Scorpio sign (watery, fruitful sign) in
who is deposited in Mars star and Jupiter' Anuradha star (Anuradha indicates
sub. fertilizerchemica], etc.) show that he will
• Readers should note that any planet, make use of chemical fertiliser to have
which is deposited in Saturn sub, no doubt greater yield from the field, but not to the
gives advantageous results, if he is a bene- extent to which one expects. The best sub
fic; but yet one will no.t be satisfied with periods in Mars Dasa would be Jupiter
the net profit; But if Jupiter happens to Bhukti, Mercury Bhukti aud Bukties of the
be the sub lord, there will be the provi- lumtuaries Sun and Moon . During Rahu
dential help so that the yield from the Dasa, as it is in Mars constellation and in
field will be satisfactory and also the price the sub of Jupiter, there will be bumper crop
will be such as to bring larger profits. and most satisfactory results promising
Therefore, I. predict that during the increases in income, satisfac-tory bank
remaining period of Moon Dasa, in which position, expansion of business etc..
the cultivation will be going on and. the
lyotish Visharath K. OANAPATHI
The horoscope of your daughter is given nodes Rahu or Kethu. In Moon sign there
below:— is Rahu. Therefore even though Moon is
in the 7th Bhava, we have to give prefer-
VII 6.28 vin 5.32 ence to Rahu and planets in its constella-
V 11.32 VI 10.32 - Moon Sat. 17.35 tion. (Further Rahu is in the constellation,
28.19 of Guru, lord of 2.) So we have to take-
Venus and Saturn posi.tedin Rahu constel-
lation. So the above are the significators.
IV 9.32 Rahu 0.22
7—10—1944 IX 6.32 To eliminatea few significators and give
9.45 A.M. importance to the other few, also to
19-30 N reduce the number of significators and
74.48 E X 9.32 make a selection of the best and strongest,
III 6.32 Jup 22.12
Kcl. 0.22 we have to find out the ruling planets at
the moment of judgment, as at present i.e.,
Vcn. 17.59 Mercury at the moment of judgment the lagna falls
11 5.32 Lag, 6.28 XII 10.32 10.31 at 22° 55' and the star is Pushya (Saturn
Mars 2.45 XI 11.32 star in Moon sign) on Monday, the 9th
Sun 20.47
December, 1968, we have to take only
Mars Dasa balance 4 years 4 months Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and Moon or Jupi-
18 days. ter Saturn, Venus Rahu 1 The latter is
As regards marriage, one is to judge According to transit also we have to
houses 2, 7 and 11. Lagna is in Scorpio judge when it will agree with all these.
(Nir-Ayana). The second cusp falis in Negotiation will take place at the time Sun
Sagittarius at 5° 32" and the house extends • transits in Jupiter's sign Saturn star, i.e.
upto 6° 32" in Capricorn. Kethu is in 3rd week of March, 1970, Betrothal will
Capricorn at 0° 22*. Therefore, Kctbu is come up during Jupiter, Saturn, Venus,
in the 2nd house. 7 th cusp falls at 6° 28" Moon conjoined period, i.e., around 3rd
in Taittus and the Sth cusp is at 5° 32" in week of April, 1970, and the marriage will
Gemini. 7 th extends from 6° 28" Taurus take place during the time when Sun is in
to 5° 32" in Gemini. Moon is in 28° 19° Jupiter star, Saturn sub around 7th July,
in Taurus. Therefore Moon alone is in- 1970.
the 7th house. 11th cusp falls at 11° 32°
Virgo and the 12th at 10° 32" Libra. As The.7th cusp falls at 6° 28" in Taurus,
Mercury is in 10° 31" Virgo, it'goes to 10th which is Venus* sign, Snns star and
Bhava but Sun 20° 47" in Virgo is in the Mercury sub. Therefore, the physical
lltb Bhava, Mars in 2° 45" in Libra is in feature and the character of the bride-
the 11th, whereas, Venus in 17° 59" goes to groom will be absolutely satisfactory,
the 12lh Bhava. Therefore the occupants magnanimous, modest, polite, accommo-
of 2, 7 and 11 are Kethu, Moon; Sun and dative and adjusting; but always having
Mats. dual thoughts and taking time to take a
No planet is in Kethu star. Mercury decision. As regards his profession is
and Sun are in Moon's star, Kethu is in concerned, we have to judge 9° 32" of
Sun's star and Moon and Mats are in Aquarius, Saturn sign'Rahu star Jupiter
Mars star. sub. To me it appears that he will be a
Sales Representative or an agent to deal
One has to see whether any of the with Drugs and Pbarmaccuticals. He will
signiScator's sign is occupied either by the be in the medical line.
Horoscope is as follows ; Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus in
Asc. 6.44 Fortuna in 2
Jup,14.16 Fortuna
ICet. 11.41 Sat Rahu and Neptune in 6
15.21 9.15 Mars in . 8
Ura, 29.12
Sun, Venus in 10
Nirayana Rasi Moon and Mercury in 11
MoOn Kethu in 12.
19.33 11-10 A.M. I.S.T.
Latitude 28° 40' N Note'. Saturn and Jupiter in conjunction.
Mercury Longitude 77° 12 E
29.54 Rahu represents Mercury by occupation
Sun 17.01 of Virgo-
Planet Lord of Lord of sub
Sun Mobn Saturn
Moon Rahu Mars
Moon Asc. Mars Mercury Rahu
Fortuna Rahu Sun Mercury Mars Saturn
Jupiter V enus Venus
Venus Sun Moon
Neptune i Saturn Venus A Venus
Navatnsa Rahu Moon Mars
Kethu Saturn Moon
Jupiter The following questions are raised:—
. Saturn
Q- 1 Is marriage promised?
Venus 'Q. 2 If so, when, where, and with
Uranus Kethu Mercury whom ?

Balance of Rahu Dasa: 0 years 7 ANALYSIS

moriths 9 days. Before any one proceeds with a chart
Cusps: Planets and Bhavas : according to Krishnamurti Padhdati, the
first and foremost thing to be done is to
I 6 Aries 44 see-if lagna is afflicted or strong, and if
II 8 Taurus 44 afflicted, proceed taking the Moon sign as
III 3 Gemini 44 the first house. If Moon sign is also
IY 26 Gemini 44 similar, take lagna. In the present case
V 22 Cancer 44 lagna is afflicted by Saturn. Also, lord of
VI 25 Leo 44 lagna. Mars, is in 6 in own house (sign).
Further, Jupiter is in conjunction with a
{Add 6 signs for other cusps) planet in debility, 'namely, Saturn, and
• 3
Therefore his occupation of the lagna does Of these, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars do
not produce entirely satisfactory results. not occupy the star or sub of planets
i Let us examine the Moon-sign, owing houses 6,8 or 12. We are presently
^Aquarius. Taking Aquarius as the first not judging 6, 8 or 12, and so we shall take
| house, we find that the occupant, Moon is Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars as the strongest
slord of 6. Also, lord of Moon sign, Saturn, significators.
'is in debility. At the time of judgment, i,e., 3-12-1968,
10-45 A.M. l.S.T. at Hyderabad, the day
f Thus neither the ascendant nor the is Tuesday, ruled by Mars. The star is
. Moon sign is strong. We shall therefore Krithika ruled by Sun, Moon transitting
f proceed by taking the ascendant as the Aries of Mars, while Saturn's Capricorn is
; first bouse. ascending in the Eastern horizon. There-
Question 1 : Is marriage promised? fore, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Sun are
Answer: Yes. Venus in a fruitful sign, the planets who will bring about marriage.
and in 11 from Moon, is an indication Jupiter Dasa cannot bring about a result
that marriage is promised. But Saturn since other considerations indicate delay
in 1, forming an aspect with Venus in marriage. Saturn Dasa, therefore, will
shows delays, impediments, and dis- bless the native with marriage.
appointments, yet not a total denial At present, Saturn Dasa—Moon Bhukti
since the Saturn-Venus quantile aspect is running, and lasts upto 12-3-1970. The
is good, and Venus in Vargothamamsa next bhukti, that of Mars, between
is definitely stronger than Saturn in 13-3-1970 and 21-4-1971 is favourable, and
debility. Therefore a delayed marri- requires closer scrutiny for further reduc-
age is promised. tion in time range. The first opportunity,
Question 2: If so, when, with' whom, and after providing for Saturn's delay, occurs
where? in April 1970, when Saturn transits the star
of Venus, while Jupiter transits Mars star
Answer: Marriage will take place during in Venus sign. Libra. At that time, Saturn
the conjoined periods of the significa- in debility in Aries in opposition to Jupi-
tors for houses 2, 7 and 11, when ter in Libra will have the least delaying
transits are also in harmony. effect.
Hence, marriage will take place during
The significators April 1970.
Houses 2 and 7 are vacant. Both are Jupiter, Saturn and Mars owning bouses
owned by Venus. Jupiter and Saturn are 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 show that the husband
in Venus star and Venus sub. So both are will be a distant friend, and the marriage
strong significators. will involve a long journey from the birth
Moon and Mercury are in 11. Sun and place. He will be well-versed in arts hold-
ing an independent position. Lord of 2
Rahu are in Moon's star. Mars is in Mer- and 7, Venus, in the star of Sun, lord of
cury's star. 5, and occupant of 10, suggest. that the
Rahu in Virgo represents Mercury and native will be employed, or of financial
Kethu in Pisces represents Jupiter. assistant to her husband.

" Sir, take Moon position as is given in the
I think that he who created me had chart, and calculate, the birth ought to
have been at 10-05 P.M. If the position
totally forgotten me." of Sun is taken and calculation is made,
" Why do you say so? " birth should be at! I-S5 P.M. All these
for the date of birth, i.e. 1.5-1931. But if
"Look! I was born in 1931. Thirty- you calculate taking Mars, and find out
seven long-; long years have passed. Yet, the birth time, it should be second May,
I remain unmarried. Marriage is strange the date itself should be changed wonder-
to me." ful."
"If God is asleep, why can't you pray "Sir, 1 told you that he is well-known
and wake him up." to many. I did not say that a good
" A few weeks ago, when I felt dejected, astrologer did an honest work. To be
a young gentleman of age came to me known to many does not mean that he is
and during the conversation he suggested good in his job. I myself know that his
that unmarried people should pray to failures are many, miserable and innumer-
Goddess Bhavani as His Holiness Jagad- able. But he will torn torn if at all he
guru Kanchi Kamakoti' Peetadhipathi Sri has a lucky hit."
Sankarachariar Swatnigal recommended to " Alright let me work out your chart."
all those aged persons, especially girls re-
maining unmarried. He added that within " Where were you born? "
a year after he started to pray, he married "Karachi, please"
a handsome girl and since a few months, So you are a refugee!
be was leading a happy and harmonious "Yes"
wedded life". I said to him what! only
last week, I got a picture of Goddess What is the actual time of birth?
Bhavani. I have left it in my table " 10-02 P.M. I.S.T. on 1-5-1931."
drawer. Now that you advise me, I shall Then the following is your horoscope.
frame it and daily pray. I should do that It is calculated correctly referring to Rap-
which will give me relief. " Now I would hael Epbemeris, Raphael Table of houses
like to tell you. Sir, " Let prayer be on one and using only Krisbnamurti Ayanamsa,
.side. You, please, judge my horoscope deducting from the figures (Sayana)
and predict correctly. Even if you say obtained. Your Nirayana Chart is as
that I will remain unmarried, I do not given below;
mind. What else can I do? I shall console
myself and never think about it. But if Ratru " V 1.21
you give a date and it does not take place 20.26 Mcr 15.28 3up. 2.29
then, then the houses 2 and 7 indicating Venus Sun 17.32 VII 21.33 VIII 2221
13.54 VI 27.21
marriage wili offer the other results of IV 0.21
these houses. You knpw that these are Mars
maraka houses. So I will end myself 1—5—1931 18.0
when there will be no problem." "True, 10-02 P.M. I.S,T. 1X26.21
Anyhow, let me scrutinise your chart." 24-51 N
He presents his chart saying that one III 26.21 67-04 E
well-known astrologer had erected the Saturn'
XII 27.21 M.C. 0.21
-"My dear boy. The'horoscope when II'22.-21- Lag. 21.33 Mood Kcthu
worked taking the lagca position, birth f.56
ought to have been at 8 P.M. If you XI 1.21 20.26
Rabu Dasa balance 13 years 6 months '2 "I have toally forgotten the good
days. Now running Saturn Dasa Venus old traditional system. I follow only
•Bhukti from 24-8-1967. Rrisbnamurti Padbdati. You have asked
us to follow the method, followed by wes-
Let us analyse. First let us see whether terners and not that advocated by the promised, consider the sub lord Hindus'.'.
'of the 7th cusp. It is Moon's constella-
tion and Venus sub. Where is Venus and So, second house extends from 22° 21'
which house matters does he indicate? Sagittarius to 26° 21' Capricorn. Seventh
Venus is in Uthrabadra star ruled by house means that area commencing from
Saturn who is in the second bouse. There- 21° 33'Taurus to 22° 21' Gemini. Simil-
fore, Venus (the only planet in Saturn's arly llth house extends ffom 1° 21' Libra
star) promises marriage. Not that he is to 27° 21' Libra.
the Chief Governor for marriage but What are we to do next?
because it is in the constellation of Saturn,
occupant of second house. "You have clearly said that occupants
are stronger than owners. Constellations
"Thank God! He has not denied me. are stronger than signs. Hence only one
So far, I am happy. Please proceed." single method is given by you-for all
Next we have to find out which houses, queries. You do not expect us to go
are we to consider." through tens of thousands of slokas one
contradicting the other, confusing the
" Yes, they are 2, 7 and 11" readers as well as the consultants."
Do you know why all these are to be "Come on, give out the order of judging
judged ? , •the significators.''
".I have memorized what all you had (1) Planets tenanted in the constellation
said. I agree with that American girl who of the occupants of the houses 2 or 7 or 11.
wrote that she had memorized everything (2) The occupants of 2 or 7 or 11.
by reading over and over again without (3) Planets situated in the constellation
being bored even for a minute. 7th house of the owners of the signs where these
denotes legal bondage, wife, she who cusps fall.
legally shares the properly, possessions,
etc., though she may or may not share our (4) Owners.
sorrows. 2nd house indicates the family (5) Planets conjoined with or aspected
members. So, if marriage takes place, by any of those found out in the previous
one more member will be added to the four conditions.
family from the moment of marriage; In
a later date, birth of children to her will Second hous i: Occupant Saturn, owner
be added one by one, if there is no twin Jupiter. Occupant's stars are Pushya,
or triplet birth; 11th house shows long Anuradha, U.P. Pada. Venus alone is in
standing love, pleasure, permanent tie of the constellation saturn in 2 (venus is also
friendship and partnership in life (nume- lord of .11 as llth cusp is in 1°21' in
rologically 2 and 11 are the same. 2 and Libra).
7 are the numbers of Moon.)" Seventh bouse: Occupant Jupiter-
"How do you find out each house? Owner of Venus-Jupiter stars are Punar-
" Second house means the arc com- vasu, Visaka, Poorvapadra—Jupiter alone
mencing from second cusp and ending by is in Jupiter's star,
the third cusp." Hth house is occupied by Moon-Owner
Venus. Kethu alone is in Moon star.
" Why do you not take half behind and Bharani P. Palguni and Poprvashada are
half in advance and call the cusp as mid- ruled by Venus. Sun and Mercury are in
point Venus' stars.
'' When majorily of the planets are con- "Why can't you bless me, Sir."
nected with the bouses 2,7 and 11, how to Yes, I will bless in the 4th week of July
eliminate the useless ones and select the' 1969. You will get married in August 1969
useful ones". you will attribute this to my blessings. ^
■ Ruling planets at the moment of judg-
Iment must agree. Further the sub lord of Fact is this. Whether one blesses or
each of the significators. If a planet is in not, prays or not, puts on a gem or not,
such a position that its sub lord is con- things will and must happen accord-
nected with the houses 2, 7 and II then ing to one's fate. We put on Gem, we
"this planet is useful. But if the sub is lord pray Qod, we receive blessings, all these
of 1, 6, 10 and is-the significator of 12 only when the time is ripe. So it is the
! houses, marriage cannot take place. destiny which is the master of everything.
As I had already "emphatically published
Today Monday ruled by Moon, Star in my book, now also I say " Karma
Ashlesha .governed by Mercury, lagna is comes first. God comes next." None can
inTaurns owned by Venus, in Moon's dodge fate! None can hoodwink destiny
star Jupiter sub. None can bribe the God or Goddess or
Hence take Venus Jupiter and Moon. planets. The nature's divine plan will go'
on unchanged. These can be found out
- Time or marriage will be Venus Bhukti easily if you read Krishnamurti Padhdati
Jupiter Anthra Moon Shookshma. That wherein advanced stellar astrology is
will be in the first week of August. dealt with after ruthlessly exposing the
As the sub lord of the 7th cusp is Venus miserable failures, alternatives, contradic-
tions, etc., in traditional Astrology.
, and it is in the 4lh house, the bride will be
-in the town where you reside. Venus, the (jood Luck!
sub lord, denotes that she would be fair.
Having waited all along, after all God.
favours you with a charming and hand-
some girl on or around on 1st August. ERRATA
Which year, Sir, you have not said. 69 or
70 or what? The following horoscope was, by mis-
take, omitted in March 1969 issue. This
Sir, every mantra is to be repeated should be read after the last on the left
at least for 6 months regularly, systemati- half of page 24.
cally and sincerely. Today is 1-2-69. "Let.
me make real attempt " for the 6 months. Moan 13-24
I shall send my invitation card this year i Ura. 12*34 Mferc. Z8-23
itself in July. lietha
"Do pray" is my advice; Whether
you pray or not, planets promise partner Sun 11-7
for you in August 1969. - I predict. But
one thing, astrologer can Only predict. Kirayana
But Siddbi-Purushas can bless. Chart. Neptoae
Then Sir; why can't you suggest one Venus
Siddhi-Purusha-Let him be anywhere. 22-39
Now itself I will go and have such a bles-
sing as to have the tinarriage in February Rahu 1 Jupiter
itself. I can't remain single any more- 28-23 20-57
f Mars6-6
Enough! I want marriage < i


Jyotish Visharath K. QANAPATH1

Number given is 77. any planet. It is owned by Mars. It
: Time of judgment 9-30 p.m. 21-1-1961 promises lot of difficulties, difference of
' Tuesday Poorvapadra star, Kumba Rasi. opinion and a patient victim to tortures.
Horoscope is as follows. 12tb bouse is occupied by Saturn. Rahu
is in Saturn's star. Therefore whenever
Sat. 26-15 Rahu sub subperfod operates, the girl will
Rahu visit her parent's place and remain alone.
1D.11 Jupiter and Ketbu are in the 5th Bhava to
the 5th. But Kethu represents Mercury,
Venus lord of 6. Therefore during the sub
25-01 periods of Saturn deposited in Mercury
Mood constellation and during Mercury and
24-20 21-1 -69
9-30 P.M- Kethu sub periods disharmony, disagree-
Mer. ment dissatisfaction and dispute are
22 34 (R) marked, Only when Venus sub period
Sun 8-07 starts, i.e. after 2 years 8 months ,6 days,
the son-in-law will realise and he will be
Lagna Kethu toned down. He will purchase peace and
13-20 to Mars 10-11 make all efforts to lead a happy harmoni-
16-40 I 19-11 | Jup. 12-43
(R> ous life.
Jupiter Dasa 10 years 9 months 24 days. Divorce is not shown. Patience is to be
Query is about your daughter. Number cultivated by your daughter, as' Aries
is given by you. So taVe the 5th house happens to be the 5th counted from the
counted from the lagna shown by your Lagna that rises according to your
number, as the lagna of daughter and
then judge with the position of planets as Let her pray Goddess Lakshmi whom
is at the moment of judgment. Arjuna prayed according Jto his Guru's
advice. (Lakshmi Hridayam.)
As 77 denotes Sagittarius Lagna, Posi- Since Jupiter and Venus favour happy
tion 13° 20' to 16° 40'. ■ So' 5th cusp will life, the birth Nakshathra should be
' fall in Gharahi first Fada in Aries between Visaka or Poorvashada. As these two
13° 20' to 16° 40'. stars are in either of their signs and stars.
For married life, planets connected The horoscope of your daughter is.
with 6th house, i-.e. significators of 6th' as follows
house,, bring about separation due', to
partner's walking out or desertion T2th
house significators denote that the native Rahu
will seek separation, get but and live
singly, Stb bouse significators denote dis-
hormony and quarrel. 8th house does not
threaten separation. The native will ex-
perience difficulties and continue to live 7-11-194S
together. Lagna Saturn
The seventh house - counted from Aries
is occupied by Mars. No planet is in Sun,
Mars' star. Hence Mars denotes 7th house BrhosPati Mangal Budh. Venus
matters. Stb bouse is not occupied by Kethu
Sun Dasa balance 2 years 4 months
Sun Venus 6 days.
According to her chart Rahu Dasa has
Moori SatUro started. So far, Mars Dasa was on. Mars
fcaglm was in Jyeshta ruled by Mercury, lord of
N&vamsa 6 and 9 in the sub of Sun, lord of 8 in 10
Mars (Vyaya to 11) Hence the trouble from the
Kethu time of marriage. Rahu Dasa Guru
Bhukti after 2 years 8 months will bring
Mere. fortunate bright harmonious and abso-
lutely satisfactory life.
review of books glands are the mysterious factories that
attend to itscbemical needs supplying, as
THE HAND OF MAN this living city encounters various external
By Noel Jaquin; Sagar Pu&Iications, Ved conditions (such as changes of tempera-
Mansion: 72. Janpatb. New Delhi-l ; lure. and other potent radiations that
Rs. 1500. affect its internal workings) the necessary
substances, to counteract any harmful
For centuries the study of hand reading effects. Effects causing alteration in its
has been associated with Fortune-Telling, tissues, which might, in time, even thre-
b But besides this aspect, it has been aten is continued living unity. It is these
f proved that the hand betrays, as Noel cbemical changes that indicate to the eye
• Jaquin says, the chemistry of the body of the medical man that all is~ not well
: that predisposes to certain diseased states; within.'. But by the time they have made
long before these conditions can be detec- an external appearance, the condition that
ted by more orthodox methods of diagno- is causing them may be too advanced to
sis. When the hand does prove very be.corrected. Pain is incidental, and is
definitely that it betrays character, mental no guide to the seriousness or otherwise
abilities, etc., there, is no reason why of the cause. It has been proved that
it should not give some indications nearly all The major diseases develop
of health conditions particularly as sO: without pain; they grow quietly and
many factors affecting general health become malignant too suddenly to give
are psychological. He says that things any useful warning by thei[ pain. Pain,
never happen suddenly. The process in such cases, merely calls" attention to
of disintegration begins at birth; the the ravages of diseased and the shortened
point where the process of disintegration span of life.
exceeds the repair ability of the body
is the beginning of diseased conditions There is no denying the fact that the
and ultimate dissolution. An increased brain is the central control station receiv-
attention is being paid, to tbose cbemical ing and sending its messages, policing and
alterations in the body that are prelude to controlling the vast city of living orga-
disease. This alteration of chemical nisms of which our bodies are composed.
balance is responsible for the majority of From the brain to even the most distant
the symptomatic changes in the individu- area, of the epidermis, as well as to the
al's appearance ; the change of colouring, most deep seated of the internal organs,
changes in the texture of the skin, colour there runs an elaborate telegraphic system,
of the eyes and general appearance. the nervous system. In the hand there
These symptomatic changes are, in many are millions of nerve endings or 'eye';
cases, the basis of the diagnosis, but, each nerve fibre ends some part of the
owing to peculiar cbemical alterations brain. Shocks or excessive joy, to take
due to unsuspected psychological factors, extreme examples, cause disturbances of
there occurs error. the cerebral cells. This cerebral activity
It is common knowledge that the human ' produces a reaction in the nerve fibre
.body is very similar to some vast city: it ending in that particular portion of the
possesses its systems of transportation, brain affected by the shock, and the nerve
telegraphy, defence, drainage, and its 'eye' in the distant hand contracts or a
factories. In this vast city of living expands, causing a minute indentation
organisms there exist, as in all other cities, which betrays the violent emotion. Its
many separate and distinct colonies. position in the hand betrays its type and
These are all controlled and covered by qualityby its correspondence to the arcaof
one central power—the brain. the brain that has been affected. Each part
of the hand has its counterpart, or depart-
This city generates its own electricity ment, in the brain; thus, the emotions
supply, it has produced a marvellous connected with our amorous impulses are
system of sanitation, and the endocrine shown in the formation of the Heart line.
while the logical abilities and the degree ting substance, the heat of the various
of will-power are indicated by the forma- bearings and so forth and the engineer in
tion of the head line. charge has only to glance at these small
.Dealing with sex questions, Noel Jaquin clock dials which at once tell him whether'
says that only husbands would consider the power is falling or rising. They indi-
the sex composition of their partners a cate to him unfailingly any tendency for a
little more carefully and would take a serious defect to occur. In the same
little more time and trouble, they would, manner the divine machine, man, has
in majority of cases, find that they were been fitted with a gauge which must surely
not as cold as they thought and many indicate the pressure of the vital force,
marriages would be saved from disaster. the resistance to disease. At the same
People marry much as they select careersr time it indicates those organs that are
for all sorts or odd reasons except physi- weak, thereby revealing at what speed
cal and mental fitness or compatibility. and in what manner this machine may be
By a careful comparative examination of used so as to prevent its breaking down.
the bands of any two people it is easily When one reflects that hereditary tend-
possible for the expert to state definitely encies and diseases, which are obscure in
to what extent they are compatibles. If their origin, are indicated through the
such a comparison reveals any dangerous medium of Scientific Palmistry, then we
emotional inequality, a frank warning is must acknowledge that the life-work of
given on the bands, thus saving two lives Noel Jaquin, far from being in vain, has
from wreck on those hidden reefs, so placed in the hands of humanity at large
common in the matrimonial sea. Noel yet another weapon with which to combat
Jaquin has given examples where there the moral and physical difficulties and life,
were clear indications of emotional diver- for in the revelation of the weakness lies
gences and his advice was not heeded to the key to the prevention of development.
and the couples were married, only to end Noel Jaquin has already proved the value
in failure before long. of this science as an aid to the diagnosis
He says that the whole aim and object of disease and psycho-analysis, but of the
of bis work is to make this despised study future be does not pretend to tell unless it
of Palmistry a definite science that will be be related to either character or health.
of practical value to humanity. And he He says that the point that he would
has succeeded in presenting a scientific emphasise is that the fundamental founda-
approach to the interpretation of the tion of either success of failure is to be
signs on the band and to enable the reader found in the combination of health and
to understand the warnings they portend. character. How often lack of confidence
in one's ability, presuming that one has
Hand reading may seem to be rather a ability, renders effect weak and feeble,
formidable task to the novice but it is and tbere is lacking just that touch of
easier than one would think. This subject, hidden strength necessary to arrest atten-
admittedly, is complex, because human tion and abstract success.
nature is complex, but therein is the secret In this volume the author treats of a
of its fascination. With practice and
some concentration no great difficulty subject which has generally been regarded
should be experienced in quickly learning as a farrago of nonsense owing to the
to make a general and satisfactory analy- way in which it has been exploited by un-
sis of character from the lines of the band. scrupulous palmists, but after careful
perusal of this work' every thoughtful
SCIENTIFIC PALMISTRY reader will be brought face to face with
By Noel Jaquin. Sagar Publications, Ved facts which, to say the lease, are ibdebi table.
Mansion, 72, Janpath,' New Delhi; The explanations are logical, lucid and
Rs. 12.25. comprehensive, contained in small chap-
In all machinery there are gauges fixed ters. Many of the interpretations are
which indicate the quantity and pressure new and do add greater knowledge to an
of energy being used, the flow of lubrica— enquiring researches in Palmistry.
Translated by
7, Lothian Boad, Kashraerc Gate, Delhi.
Eighth House 9. If the eigth bhava happens to be in
1. According to ancient sages, the Libra, death of the native will be caused
, learned astrologer should predict all about by some dangerous drug, in the night,
crossing a river, very difficult (to win) from some quadruped, from observing a
fort, weapon, longevity, distress and diffi- fast or from deceiving.
culty from the eighth bhava. 10. If the eighth bhava happens to be
2. The learned astrologer should con- in Scorpio, death will be caused due to
some bodily ailment, disease or due to
4 sider death, longevity, bidden place, cause some insect, by some one living in the
of death, prosperity through gains, place native's house or in his family.
i of death and insult from the eighth bhava.
3. If eighth bhava happens to be in 11. If the eighth bhava happens to be
the Aries sign, the native will live and die in the Sagittarius sign, death of the native
in a foreign place, he will be like a touch- will be caused by some one living in his
stone in examining things as to their qua- house, due to disease of private (or some
lity, very rich and miserable. mystery disease), or by diseases of anus
and rectum, by some insect or quadruped.
4. If the eighth bhava falls in Taurus 12. If the eighth bhuva falls in Capri-
sign, the native will die due to kapba, in his corn, the native will be learned, will have
house; fear from sleeping on the ground good qualities, will earn honours, will be
or from quadrupeds, in the night, and desirous (or lewd), brave, will have
S the wicked. broad chest, will be good debator, and an
5. If the eighth house be in the,Gemini expert in all the arts.
sign, the native will die due to his. asso- 13. If the eighth house falls in Aqua-
ciation with youngest (?) or due to sple- rius, death will be due to fire and disease
nitis or because of juice, or from the acquired from intercourse or from various
disease of anus and rectum or from kinds of abscesses, tumours, etc., diseases
carelessness. produced by water, from labour and from
6. If the eighth house be in the Cancer depending on others.
' sign, the native will die due to water, 14. If the eighth house falls in the
some dangerous insect or in a foreign Pisces sign death will be caused due to
place by some person (other than his weakness as a result of diarrhoea, from
relative). fever due to pitta, vatta or kapha, or
7. If the eighth house falls in Leo from a weapon.
sign, death of the native will be due to a Eighth house lord in the 12 houses
reptile, ora child or (by living in a) forest,
due to some thief or from quadruped. 13. Eighth house lord in lagna causes
8. If the eighth house happens to be great trouble and unhappiness, annoyance
in the Virgo sign, the native will meet his and strife, the native will get wealth from
end due to licentiousness or due to his the king, will be diseased and very
own money, he will murder women, unfortunate.
will be in difficulty or will be killed by 16— Eighth house lord in the second
women living in hisown house. house, makes the native very learned but
thief, his means on livelihood will be 25. If the eighth lord occupies the
Vunsleady, deceased; his death by the king eleventh bhava, the native will be weak,
be ceitain. (but) happy ; will be long-lived if benefics
i- 17. If the lord of the eighth house is occupy it; he will keep the company of
posited in the thiid bhava, the native will lowly people if malefics occupy it.
- himself oppose his brothers, relatives and 26. Eighth house lord in the 12th
friends, will be harsh of speech, fickle house makes the native harsh of speech,
' minded, wicked and devoid of brothers, will be thief and wicked ; bis actions will
etc. agitate others, he will be shrewd, a rogue
18. If the lord of eighth house is and will meet his end by taking camphor.
posited in the fourth bhava, the native Aspects of Planets on the 8th Bhava
will lose the wealth earned and banked
by his father, will be deceased, will always 27. If Sun aspects the eighth house,
quarrel with his father. the native will suffer from diseases of
anus and rectum ; he will be deprived, of
19. If the lord of the eighth house is his father's wealth; he will always troub-
posited in the fifth bhava, the native will led by the king.
always lose bis son; malefic planets
therein will give bad results and the native 28. Full aspect of Moon on the eighth
will be fraudulent; benefics therein will bouse indicates that the native will be
result in more children. deathlike, he will havefear from diseases,
water, great danger ; this aspect is indi-
20. If the lord of the 8th house is cative of loss of wealth and prosperity.
posited in the 6tb bhava and if Mars and
Son or Mercury along with Moon and 29. Mars' aspect on' the eighth house
posited therein, the native will oppose will cause pain in the bladder, fear
others; Venus and Saturn therein will from iron or steel, loss of wealth etc.,
cause many diseases. fear on the road and loss of wealth by
21. If the eighth bouse lord happens
to be in the seventh bhava, the native will 30. Aspects of Mercury on the eighth
suffer from diseases of the private parts house promises long life. Government
(or some mystery disease), will be miser, service, and/or farming and foreign
wicked, low-charactered, beloved of bad journey.
people; conjoined with malefics, the 31. If Jupiter aspects the eighth house,
native will commit many crimes, if with the native will suffer from some disease
Mars, the native will be appeased by a which will cause great death-like suffering
woman. in his eighth year of age, fear from king
22. If the eighth lord occupies the or someone else, the native will be penni-
eighth house itself, the native will be a ness and stupid.
trader, will suffer from many diseases, 32. If Venus aspects the eighth bouse,
will be soft spoken, pious, (but) will be the native will always suffer from the dise-
famous as a cheat in bis family. ases of anus and rectum, earn money with
23. The native will commit sins and great difficulty, will cause misfortune by
violence, will be adored by his friends his folly.
and relatives from here and there and will 33. The native will be shot-lived,if the
be devoid of friends, if the eighth lord eighth lord, conjoined with malefics, is
happens to be in the ninth bouse. posited in the sixth or twelfth bhava ; the
24. If the eighth lord happens to be in learned astrologers also predict short span
the 10th house, the native though acting of life even if Lagna-Iord is also posited
like a king will be a wicked, will be in either of the abovementioned houses.
devoid of friends and relatives and un- 34. The great astrologers say that if
happy. the eighth lord occupies its own quarter.
the native will be long lived; long life 45. If all the planets, benefics and
should specially be predicted from the malefics, occupy a Kendra or Trikona and
seventh bhava, and from planets in their in the Paravata,etc. amsa, long life should
own sign, in friends' quarter or in be predicted.
exaltation. 46. If malefics occupy the sixth and
■ 35. The native will be long-lived if the 12th bhava and if lagna-lord happens to
.lagna-lord, conjoined with the 8th lord, be weak and is not aspected by orvconjoin-
Ihappens to be in the sixth or twelfth ed with a benefic, the native will either be
|house, or if the 6th and 12th houses lords short lived or will be childless.
f occupy lagna and are aspected by benefic
' planets. 47. If malefics, devoid of benefic
aspects, occupy a Kendra bhava and if
36. Long life should be predicted from logna-lord happens to be weak, the native
the tenth lord, in friend's quarter, in his will be short-lived.
. own sign and in exaltation; also, if
lagna, tenth and eighth bouses lords 48. If the second and twelfth bhavas
occupy a kendra house. happen to be occupied by malefics, devoid
37. The learned astrologers predict of benefic aspect, or in some malefic
long span of life if the planets, mentioned" Shashtyamsa, the native will be short-
in the proceeding sloka, occupy the lived.
tenth house or a kendra house, conjoined 49. Short, medium and. long are the •
with Saturn. three classes of Ayu (age): short span of
38. If lagna-lord in a Kendra house is life extends up to 32 years of age; medium
conjoined with or aspected by Jupiter and up to 70 years and beyond 70 it is full age
Venus, long life should be predicted. or long life. If lagna-lord happens to be
enemy of Sun, the native will be short-
39. If.benefics are posited in the 4th lived.
and Sthhouses and lagna-lord is conjoined
with benefics. and if Jupiter aspects thero, 50-52. (1) If the lagna-lord happens to
long life should be predicted. be hciitral to Sun, medium spanof life ;if it
40. If malefic planets occupy houses 3, be a friend of Sun ; (2) If lagna-lord hap-
6 and 11 and benefics the Kendra and pens to be weak, Jupiter occupies a Kendra
Trikona bouses, and if lagna-lord happens or a Trikona house, and if malefic planets
to be strong, full age (Poornayu) should occupy the sixth, eighth and twelfth hous-
be predicted. es; (3) If benefics occupy Kendra and
Trikona houses and if Saturn is strong ;
41. Full age should be predicted ' if (4) if malefics occupy sixth or eighth; (5)if
benefics occupy the 6th, 7th and 8th malefics occupy Kendra, Lagna or
bhavas and malefics the 3Td, 6th and the Trikona ; (6) In case of combination of
11th bhavas. any of the above yogas, medium span of
42. Eighth lord in lagna, conjoined life should be predicted.
with or aspected by Jupiter and Venus or 53. The learned astrologer predict
lagna-lord'soccupation of a Kendra hous- death in a battle field, specially with some
es promise full age. weapon, if eighth and lagna lord happen
43. Three planets in exaltation, eighth to be weak and conjoined with Mars and
lord in lagna and absence of malefics in sixth lord.
the eighth house promise long life. 54. If lag'na and sixth lords are con-
44. Long life should be predicted if the joined in the sixth house with Saturn and
three planets occupying the eighth house Rahu or Kethu, then in its Dasa (period)
be in their exaltation, friend's quarter or or Antar dasa (sub period) the native will
bwh sign and if the lagna lord is (also) be murdered by thieves, with some
strong. weapon.
5. If iagna-lord and eighth lord are Pishacha (spirit) badha, or death should
conjoined with the fourth house lord, the be predicted,
native will meet his end through a 64, The native will suffer from fever
vehicle; they (lagna and 8th lords) are appearing every fourth day if waning
conjoined with Jupiter,, the native will die Moon, conjoined with Rahu or Kethu is
of constipation also, if lagna lord and posited in the eighth bhava 1 this will
Jupiter occupy the sixth bhava. happen if this Moon is even conjoined
56 . If lagna-lord is conjoined with the with the eighth lord; this will specially be
fourth lord and Jupiter, or if it is true if it is posited in a malefic shash-
conjoined with fourth and second houses thyamsa.
lords, the native will die of constipation. 65. The native as well as his father,
57. Conjunction with eighth lord, will meet his end by the wrath of the king,
causes death in its major or sub period. In aud will lose his wealth if Sun is in debili-
the.same manner, death of father etc. .^tation or is posited in sixth or eighth
'should be predicted from the house lord bhava, conjoined withmalefics.
(indication rather), its aspect, or conjunc- 66-67. If Mars in the ninth or tenth
stion etc. bouse from lagna is aspected by malcfics,
58. If Bhukti and lagna-lord are con- the native's maternal uncle will die-: if it
- joined with Saturn or are posited in a male- is conjoined with Saturn, the native's son
' fic house (6, 8 or 12), the native will die of will die; if it is conjoined with Moon,
: from taking poison; if they are, conjoined
death of native's mother should be pre-
with Rahu of Ke'tbu, posited in the malefic dicted. If Sun occupies these bhavas and
house, the native will meet his end by is aspected by maleflcs, the native's father
hanging'. will certainly' die. If lagna lord and
Moon are conjoined with, two malefic
59. If the sixth house lord Saturn is planets, the native will die in his very
conjoined with Rahu or Kethu, with childhood.
Jupiter, or with Moon, fear from animals, 68-69, If the Moon is eclipsed or is
elephants and horses respectively should aspected by malefic planets, the native
be predicted. will die instantaneously. The native will
60. Such a Saturn (lord of sixth bouse) lose his brother and maternal uncle if
if conjoined with Sun, and Mars, causes . an eclipsed Moon occupies lagna and if
fear from animals having horns, and dogs lagna falls in Cbitta, Uttara Phalguni or
respectively. Saturn in the sixth house- Poorvashada. They may also die of
■ also gives the same results. beating with feet; this evil will be mitiga-
61. If the fourth, ninth and lagna- . ted if there is aspect of beoefic planets (ofi
the lagna). The native's father will die
lords occupy a Trikona or Kendra house, if Mars and Saturn, conjoined with Rahu
then in their major period, or bhukti, the occupy fifth, ninth or eleventh bhava.
native's father will die .along with his
mother. 70. If Mars, aspected by malefic pla-
62-63. If a weak Moon, conjoined with nets, is posited' in the seventh or eighth
Rahu, is posited in the eighth bhava, the bhava, the native will die in his childhood;
native will sufier from Epilepsy ; such a such a Mars in the third house, causes loss
Moon with Saturn, the native will suffer of brother.
from- diseases or trouble due to water and 71. Death of mother should be predic-
Pishacha (a Spirit), if the weak Moon, ted if Moon, conjoined with or aspected
conjoined with Mars, Rahu or Saturn, is by malefic planets, occupies the seventh
posited in the 8th house the same should house; Sun in this position causes death
be predicted. If such a Moon is posited of father; if it (Sun) is conjoined with
in a bad bhava (6, 8 or 12), death from Saturn, Mars and Venus, in the seventh
fear of epilepsy (epilepsy itself) or house, the native will lose his son. -
■ 72. The native will die in his child- will not happen ; if these planets occupy
;hood if malefic planets occupy the third the fourth bhava, then death of mother
or the sixth house and benefics occupy the should be predicted in the day or night,
twelfth house and if Moon, conjoined as indicated above.
with malefics, is posited in the fourth 80. At the time of the native, his father
house or the eighth. will be away if the tenth lord happens to
73. The native will die (in his child- be in the eighth house or a movable
hood) if Moon and Sun occupy lagna and sign; if it is in .a fixed or common sign,
malefic planets, devoid of aspects, of his father will be near bim.
benefic planets, occupy the 12th bouse. 81. The native will not perform the
Death of son should be predicted if Sun last rites of bis parents if Sun or Moon
occupies the seventh house, and Moon,' occupy a Kendra bouse in a movable
conjoined with malefics, occupies lagna. sign ; if they occupy a Kendra house in a
74. The native will become blind if common sign, the time of their last rites
Sun and Moon, unaspected by any benefic will be odd.
planets, are posited in.the twelfth bouse; 82. The mother of the native will be
if each of the two occupies the sixth and in great difficulty if ninth lord happens
the twelfth bhava, and if bolh are to be strong and Moon, ,lagna-lord, and
unaspCcted by malefics, the native will be the fourth lord weak.
one-eyed. 83. Too many malefic planets in the
75. If Moon and Sun occupy the eighth bouse indicate diseases of anus aud
twelfth bhava and its lord the lagna, loss rectum ; but this should not be predicted
of life should be predicted ; also, if Jupiter if benefic planets aspect the eighth bhava.
is posited in the eighth or twelfth bhava, 84. i The native will be happy if benefic
conjoined with or aspected by malefics. planets occupy and aspect the eighth
76. At the time of birth itself the bhava; coarse grain has relation with
parents of the native will die, if lagna- malefic planets and fine grain with benefic
lord happens to be strong and the fourth planets.
and ninth lords being weak, occupy the 85-86. The native will lose and will be
eighth bhava. insulted if eighth bhava lord conjoined
77-79. The native will suck milk from with or aspected is by malefics, or is
the breast of a woman other than his own hemmed between malefics, or is posited in
mother, if third lord along with Moon a malefic house or in the eighth house.
occupies any of the trika (6, 8 or 12) But if benefic planets are posited therein
bouses. He will not see happiness from or if they aspect it, then the native will
children if the tenth lord and.its karaka not be insulted. Tfae native will die in a
occupies houses 6, 8 or 12; he will enjoy far off country if the eighth bhava and its
their happiness, if those planets are posi- lord happen to be in a movable sign.
ted in a Kendra or a Trikona bouse. If 87. The native will also die in a
the tenth lord Sun and Saturn occupy, the foreign place if Saturn occupies a mova-
native's father will die in the night;if ble sign or navamsa J in his own place,
sixth lord is also-posited therein, death if it is in a fixed sign or navamsa) on the
during the day time should be predicted, way, if it is in a common sign or
but if sixth lord happens to be Moon, this navamsa.

Sir, which will also contribute for your success
I have taken your time of birth as. 5-45 will be the lord of the day and the lord of
P.M. on 20th February, 1924 at 8* 11' the lagna in which I am now dictating.
North and 77° 29' East. The horoscope is Now the lagna is Karkata, ruled by Moon
as follows;— and the day is also ruled by Moon, being
Monday. Therefore, one can boldly de-
clare that you will have your desire
fulfilled. : You are running Mars Dasa,
V»d. 16,7 Kethu Bbukti upto I4th January, 1969.
Mars Dasa, Venus Bbukti commences on
the happy Pongal day of the Hindus. Moon
Kct, 9.38 Asc. 27.23 sub period in Venus will be in April-May,
Sun 7,54 1969. I am sure that the day of order for
regaining the lost position would be 3rd
Mood May, 1969, when Sun transits in Bharani
Mere. 16.0 5,53 Nakshatram,
(II) 26.3 According to your horoscope, there is no
planet in Mars star, no planet in Venus
iMar. 27.37 star. Therefore, Mars and Venus are the
(VI) 23.3 J (IV) 27.3 (IV) 25.3 (ID) 25.3
two who in theirconjoined period, will do
Jup. 24.38 Sat. 9.34 good-. No node is conjoined with either of
the two or occupying any of the four signs
■ Kethu Dasa balance at the time of birth owned by those two planets. Therefore, it
is exactly 4 (four years). must come through and you must regain as
the sub lords are favourable.
Query is to find out whether your Regarding the 2od question, one has 'to
seniority will be restored, if so when ? or find out when you will be running the
will you resign and leave the job, if so period of the significalors of the houses 1,
when? 5 and 9 Moon and Rabu are in 1, Mars
To regain one's position, one has to alone is in S and no planet is in 9. The
judge the bouses 10 and 11, as 10th house lord of the 9th is Jupiter. Budha is in
indicates the position, fame, reputation Moon's cohstellation- Sani and Kethu are
and honour in profession and also the also in Rabu's star. Guru's star is not
11th shows one's realisation of ambition- occupied by any planet and Sevvai star is
Both the houses are vacant. The lords of also not tenanted by any.
the cusps of the 10th and 11th are ruled by Taking the ruling planets at the moment
Mars and Venus. It will be surprising for of judgment as lagna is in 2° of Cancer,
you to note that I;am taking your horos- you will retire from the service after the
cope at a time when Bharani Nakshatra is full term during Rahu Dasa, Budha
on. It means Moon is transittiog in Mars, Bukthi, Kethu Afithra, i.e., in 1979. Hence
sign and Venus star- Therefore the two the question of resigning the present post
planets which are to fulfil your desire will during Mars Dasa or in the first half of
be Mars" arid Venus. The other planet Rahu Dasa is out of question.


Mr. D. R. S. MORTY
Astrologer. F. B. N S, Roorkela-li
Will I come out successful in the interview Moon is the constellation of Kethu
for the selection of Sub—Inspector of Police' and in the sub of Mercury. Kethu is a
If so when ? Asks a person and gives a.number significator of lith bhava and Mercury is
56 at 6—50'p.M. on 14th November 1968. a significator of the 6th bhava. Both these
bhavas are connected with your success in
interviews or competitions and fulfilment
The chart for the moment is as follows: of your desires. Therefore the position
The lagna is based on the number given of Moon fully confirms your query.
^according to the principles laid down in
'Krishnamurti Padhdhati. Success in the interviews should be
judged from the bhavas 6lh and 1 Uh.
E Saturn 6th bhava has Rahu and retrograde
26' 34' - Saturn in it. - As planets in the constella-
13* 49' tion of another planet which is retrograde
are not capable of fulfilling your desire
'* planets in the constellations of Saturn are
to be omitted. Rahu as one in this cate-
gory is left out. But Mercury the only
planet In the constellation of Rahu in the
Mood 6th is a significator of 6th bhava. So take
12° 42' Mercury.
SunlT 5S' Jup.Mars,
6° 27' Uth bhava has only Moon. Kethu is
Venus Merctiry the only planet in the constellation of
6' 15' 16° 06' 9' 54'
6-40 Kctfau Moon. So take Kethu.
3-20 13° 49'
Both the Dasa lord and the sub (Bhukti)
Kethu Dasa Mercury Bhukti. Mercury lord are the sigoificators of 11th and 6th
Bhukti balance is 3 months 29.7 days from bhavas. So they are connected with your
the date of query. success in the interview.
The following is the disposition of the At the time of query you had Rahu
planets in the zodiac. Antbra in Mercury Bhukti and the anthra
Planet Lord of Lord of of; Rahu is for 15.7 ^days . upto
coustellation Sub - 29.7-11-1968. Fox the reasons stated above,
Rahu cannot bestow on you any good des-
Sun Jupiter Sun pite the fact that it is in it's own sub in
Moon Kethu Mercury the 6th. So you cannot expect any news
Mars Sun Venus of your selection before the end of Rahu's
Venus' Kethu Rabu period. After Rahu Anthra you will be
Mercury Rahu Venus getting the anthra of Jupiter in the same
Jupiter Sun Mercury Mercury's bhukti. Jupiter is in the cons-
tellation of Sun in the lagna and in the
Saturn Mercury Rahu sub of Mercury who is the bhukti lord and
Rahu Saturn Rahu is a significator of the 6th bhava. The 1st
Kethu Moon Rabu house ot lagna is the 7th to the 7th house
which represents your opponents and the that. Moon being such a planet Moon's
lagna represents you. So it should give fiookshma is selected. This is more so
you success. Jupiter period is for one because I have taken up this chart for
month 17 6 days, i.e. from 29.7-11-1968 judgment at the time When Moon star
to 17.3-1-1969. So you can lookup for SRA VAN AM is ruling the moment. So
your news of having been selected during expect your selection during the First
the period of Jupiter Anthra. When WEEK OF JANUARY 1969.
Kethu Dasa is on and when Kethu should
bestow on you some good result, the planet PRAY LORD UCHISTA GANAPATHVJ
in the constellation of Kethu will realise GOOD LUCK FOR YOU

P. R. MURALIDHARAN, B. E. (Civil), Junior Enginwr,
P.W.D. Guiburg* Circle Gulburga,
R, HRUSHIKESH, B.E. (Civil), Junior Engineer,
M. T, T, Division, Gulburga,
Number, within 249, givenby the Querist C. Planets Lord of
is 10, at 12.13 P.M. on 15-1-1969, at Constellation
Gulbarga. Sud Sud Jupiter
A. Chart Moon Mercury Venus
Mars Rahu Venus
Saturn Mercury Moon Kethu
355° 57' Lagna Jupiter Moon Rahu
Rahu 5' 21' 17' 1
340' 34-' Venus Rahu Sun
Saturn Mercury Rahu
Venus Rahu Saturn Sun
317* 56' Kethu Moon Moon
Mercury Nature of Query
290* ir 1 Invariably Moon indicates the "Mind ".
Sud 1 This rule does not fail! In this case
217° 22' k Moon is in the constellation of Mercury,
Jupiter sub of Venus, Mercury owns houses 3,
D r Mars 162- 42' and 6 and occupies 10th house. Mercury'
230 5S 48' 196* 43' Kethu
160' 41' has the aspect of Jupiter ■ (5th aspect).
Mars (4th . aspect) and Rahu (11th
Balance of Mercury Dasa 12 Years. aspect) according to Hindu system.
0 Month, I Day. As Mercury owns 3rd House, it
indicates sister or younger brother.
B. Bhava Chart: Further Moon is in the sub of Venus,
VI Bhava — Jupiter and Kethu lord of 7th and 12th from Chandra
VII Bhava — Mars Lagna (Chief Governor of Marriage). It
VIII Bhava indicates marriage and 12th house matters.
IX Bhava — Sun and Moon Mars, the lord of lagna occupies the 7th
X Bhava — Mercury house, indicating marriage. Therefore
the complete question is about the sister's
XI Bhava — Venus marriage. Moon's sign is afflicted by
_ Xlljthaya — Saturn and Rahu Kethu. Hence it is mentioned that querist's
Mind is no; clear. The querist agreed llth House is occupied by Mars. No
this fact planet is found in any of his star. Hence
Saturn in 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10 counted from Mars is considered as a significator.
Tagna delays the time of fixation 7th House is unoccupied. Lord of
and celebration of the marriage. 2nd, 7th and llth are Saturn, Mercury
In this case Saturn is positioned in the and Venus respectively. Rahu is in the
lOth house from Gemini (3rd from Lagna), Star of Saturn. The planets in the cons-
i, e., Aries. Further Saturn aspects the 7th tellation of Mercury have already been
Cusp by 10th aspects. This causes delay in considered, and no planet is in the
marriage. The 7th cusp falls in Sagittarius, constellation of Venus. Hence significa-
a fruitful sign indicating that I the native tors are Rahu, Saturn and Venus.
will lead a married life. Hence A node conjoined with a planet gives
Saturn's aspefct causes only delay, but it the result of planet. As Saturn rules 2nd,
'does not deny., Rahu is to bless her with marriage, since
According: to Prof. Ktisbnamurti Rahu is conjoined with Saturn. But Rahu
Padhdbati, for Marriage, Houses 2, 7 and has Jupiter's aspect by 177° 52'.
T1 are to be judged as pet the following To Dasatatha Mercury, Sukra is in
order;— advance, that too in 2nd House. Hence
(a) The planets in the constellation Mercury Dasa—Venus Bhukti is the period
of the occupants of the houses 2, of Marriage.
7 or 11. Further Saturn, the lord of 2nd and 3rd is
(b) The oocupaflts. in 4th House aspecied by Jupiter (193° 15')
(c) The planets in the constellation of and Saturn is in the constellation of
the lords of the Houses 2, 7 or 11. Mercury and in Rahu sub. Hence Saturn
(d) The lords of 2, 7 or 11. Anthra may be considered.
(e) Planets conjoined with them. Ruling planets at the time of solving
(f) Planets aspected'by them are , the question arc ■'
the Significators of Lagna Star Lord ... Kethu
(i) The time of marriage. Lagna Lord ... Mars
(ii) The description of partner, Star Lord ... Mercury
(iii) The state of Married Life. Sign Lord ... Mars
Day Lord ... Mercury.
The Lagna is weak as its Lord Mercury
is in the 8th house or BhaVa. Moon is in The common ones ate Mercury and
7th Bhava, a fruitful sign. The lord of Mars. Mercury has already been considered
Moon Bhava is in the ,10th sign from as Dasa Lord. Hence consider Mars.
Chandra Lagna and 4tb from Lagna Therefore marriage will take place when
having adipathya, 1 and 4 from Chandra Mercury Dasa Venus Bhukti Saturn
Lagna and 7 and 10 from Lagna. Antbara and Mars Sookshma operates.
Houses 2, 7 and. 11 ate considered for This period operates between 24-6-1969
marriage according to the Prof: Krishna- and 3-7-1969.
murti from Chandra Lagna since Let us now consider transit to pin-
Chandra Lagna is stronger than the lagna point the exact date. Sun transits in the
(Gemini). sign of Dasanatha (Gemini) and-in the
.2nd Bhava is occupied by Mercury. star of Rahu (Arudra) on 25 th June, 1969-
The planets Moon and Saturn are in Hence the querist's sister's marriage will
Mercury's constellation; Hench both of take place on 25-6-1969 positively.
them are significators. Budha by occu- The same principles have been applied
pying the 2nd Bhava will also become to natives (Querist's sister) birth chart,
significator but next in strength. which also confirm the same period.

(!) Correctness of birth time. (2) Marriage : (3) Accident (4) Failure in
Examination. End of Study- (5) Disease and cure. (6) business.
(7) Sale of property. (S) Sister's marriage. (9) Father's end.
(10) Service etc.
the Horoscope correct! No planet in this area.
^. It is judged on Thursday ruled by Eleventh house is from 23° Cancer to
l^jillpiter on fe-2—69 when Aries Lagna 24° Leo.
^.rises in the, East, Moon transits in Kethu is in II.
Clfcjjct; occujfijed by Kethu and Jupiter;
Uthfapalguni star'. Hence Mercury rules Ashlesha, Jyeshta and
Kpiie^KethH^'MercurvgiMars and Sun Revalhi-
J®®5, is 'he lord Mars and Venus are in Mercury star.
qf-'sub ; Kethu
rept?iiats'Mfttcury^J"pil:er^3S??rid of day. Rahu is in Mars star who governs
' - ■ -y - ■ Mrigasira, Chitra and Dhanishta. .
Horoscopcti^as fojlpwis:—
Venus governs Bharani, Poorvapalguni
.. ,3 . and'Poorvashada. No planet is in its
VIISS-'SA• VIII 24-D ■rafs-'o* M.C. 23-0 star. So Venus is very strong.
Kethu rules Aswini, Makha and Moola.
Kethu is in Makha and Moon in Moola.
VI 24-0 XI 23-0 Saturn and Jupiter aspect 7th house. On
Rab. 2-24 24—10—1933 16—5—1954, during Sukra Dasa Kethu
5-25 A.M. . Bhukti Saturn Antbra, marriage was
14*-31' N celebrated when Sun was in the Venus
V 23-0 75 •-58' E Kct. 2-24 sign, Taurus, Moon was in Venus sign
Sat. 16*59 XII 244)
Libra, Kethu was in Mercury sign
it came up. As Kethu has no day of
IV 25-0 III 23-0 his own, it gave on Sunday as Kethu
Moon Ven. 21-53 11 24-0 Lag.
Jup. 16.35
23-54 was in Sun's sign- That day Moon con-
11-49 Mar. 17-3 S Sun 7*19
Mcr.Q-41 joined Saturn the anthranatha in dasa-
natha's sign. Hence it is correct.
, Kethu Dasa balance 0 year 9 months 17
days. Lagna—Mercury's sign, Mars star As per traditional System, dasa and
Mars sub": Moon—Jupiter sign Kethu star bhukti is the same. But according to
Mercury sub. Hence the time of birth and Bhava Chakra or Chaleeth Sukra will be
the chart are correct. • in 3, and it has no auspicious strength to
give the marriage. But according to K. P.
Verification—Marriage; the single rule is universally applicable.
16—5—54 married. Accident: 4 teeth damaged on
For marriage judge houses 2, 7 and 11. 21—1—1956.
Second house extends from 24° Libra to Accident with injury is indicated by 8lh
23'' Scorpio. house- Ailment is denoted by 6th house.
Mercury, Mars and Venus are in 2. Hospitalisation by 12,
Seventh exte|dmg from the 23° 54'. 8th house is unoccupied. Owner is
Pisces to 24° Anes. Mars. Rahu is in Mais star.
Rahu occupies Aquarius where 6th able as well as undersirable effects
Cusp has fallen. No planet is in 6: are like convertibles. If these sub\:
Owner is Saturn. Its results are given by period operates in the dasa of one who
Rahu also. promises progress, they have to join,
12th house is occupied by Jupiter. co-operate and obey the dasanatha and ,
Mercury alone is in Jupiter star. 12th offer agreeable results in their sub period
house is owned by Sun. No planet is in in such a dasa.1 If the dasa lord is to
Sun's star. Kethu acts as an agent of Sun. end a matter, then such planets having
both portfolio will end it, A servant
Accident was on a Saturday, Uthra- when he works in animal husbandry, he
shada transitted by Sun (Makara, Saturn attends to the production of animals. If
Rasi, Sun's star Kethu sub). Moon tran- his master is a butcher, he works in the . 1
sitted in Mars sign Aries, Kethu star. slaughter house and finishes. Hence, a
Rahu, the Bhuktinadba was in Mars sign bhukti lord, who has the portfolio of
Mercury star. both advantages and disadvantageous
Thus, transit fixes the exact date. houses has to operate^ in the dasa of a
Second house indicates teeth. Mars, lord beneficial dasa, he does good ; in the dasa
of 8 is in 2. Its constellation is occupied of a malefic, be does harm.
by Rahu. So Rahu indicates that parts of This explains that Saturn Bhukti in
the body which the constellation by the previous Venus Dasa permitted him to
occupation denotes. (It can be seen that have continuous study as Venus is a bene-
Mars in its own star in the second house fic to persecute studies by regularly atten-
produces long teeth which cannat be ding the school whereas in Sun Dasa be
covered by the ■ lips. Lips will be there. gave up as Venus in the constel lation of
But like cashewnuts appear outside the Mercury in the second house, especially
fruit, the teeth also will be seen as they as lord of It allowed whereas Sun is in
will project outside. If it is also indi- Lagna Bhava in the constellation of Rahu
cating danger, teeth gets damaged. Mars, deposited in Maraka sthana to the 4th
Moon and Saturn indicate pyorrhea pus house matters.
in the root of teeth. Saturn governs
bones and Saturn with Moon shows pus.] What has Saturn done also ?
Failed in examination — Discontinued Saturn owns the sign Aquarius where
Studies: the 6tb cusp is and no planet is in the 6tb
End of June 1957, Sun Dasa Saturn Bhava beginning from 6th cusp and end-
Bhukti Saturn Anthra failure. During ing in the 7th cusp. So Saturn is the
Jupiter Bhukti joined Law. That is all. owner of the 6th house. No planet is in
Saturn star. So Saturn indicates the
4th house denotes study. Fourth nature of the disease. Saturn can cause the
extends from 23° Sagittarius to 23* disease in its period, in its sub period and
Capricorn. Saturn is in 4. No planet is in the periods and sub periods of the
in Saturn star. Saturn gives study. planet conjoined with or aspected by
Also Saturn is in the constellation of Saturn Saturn has 3 aspects (The third,
Moon in 3rd house—Vyaya—negation to the seventh and tenth). No planet is con-
4. Hence Saturn is to end. joined with Saturn. Sun alone is aspec-
ted by Saturn. Hence during Sun Dasa
Rahu is in Saturn sign. Its results Saturn Bhukti, a longstanding disease
include those of Saturn. Whatever Rahu is started. Saturn opposes Cancer the 4th
to give, planets in Rahu star will give. sign of the Zodiac. It is in its own sub.
Hence Rahu is to give education and also The 4th sign indicates lungs , the pulmo-
end to education, like Saturn, Then pnejs nary system. Saturn sub denotes long stan-
to know that Saturn, Rahu, i.e. the ding one and plum. St)be bad Asthma
significators which are to cause desir- then.
j Moon is lord of U. It is in Kethu cons- 4thhouse showed permanent possession"
tellation deposited in 11. Hence Moon 3rd house indicates severing connection
definitely promises cure. with 4th house matters. Moon is in the
Saturn is lord of 5 (12 to 6). Saturn is 3rd house.
"in Moon's star to cure. Saturn is to Second house denotes liquid cash and
cause disease as the significator of 6tb bank position. Mercury and Venus are all
house, and it has also to give cure as lord in 2nd house.
of 5 deposited in the constellation of lord Though the Hlh house is said to be
- of 11. So during Sun'Dasa Saturn Bhukti very desirable, yet it is 12 to 12; 6 to 6
'disease started. Moon Oasa Saturn and 8 to tbe 4th. Hence 11 tb house is
Bhukti, it disappeared like dew in the an evil house to the houses 12, 6 and 4.
presence of Sun light. Normally dew
sets in during Moonlight and disappears 12th bouse iudicates loss; llth shows
during Sunlight. But in this case, due to no more loss; gains, profit, etc.
their signifying matters related to disease 6tb bouse indicates disease., llth
and cure, Sun gave the disease and Moon shows cure. 4th house denotes permanent
drove it out.. possession. Whether one demolishes,
Oil business spoiled: sells' or acquires from another depending
on the sub lord is tbe Uth house, just
14—2—67 started : 12—5—67 stopped. like 6th house shows getting money by
Moon Dasa Budha Bhukti Moon Anthra loan .whereas llth house promises profit
started on 13—1—67 and it ran up to by profession or any action.
2S—2—67. In this period, oil business was Hence Moon in 3'is to lose any of
added to the family business.. Why? Mer- the 4th house matters. Venus and
cury is for plurality. People in service hold Mercury show realization of money.
additional charge. People in business add
one more time. Moon denotes liquids. Sister's marriage :
So oil business was added during A Dasa
B Bhukti A Anthra B Shookshma, Sister is indicated by 3rd house. Her
marriage is "to be judged from the 9th
Rahu Anthra came. It finished this time. cusp. It falls in Venus sign Moon star
Why? Rahu in 5 (12 to 6) in the constel- Sun sub.
lation of Mars in 2 as lord of 3 and 8 and Marriage was celebrated on 29-1-1968.
also as lord of 8, without any planet in 8
cannot allow one to be incurring loss as When Moon was in Venus sign Mars star.
it was in the sub of Kethu. But Mars was Sun was in Moon's star.
in the constellation of planet in 2 and sub The period was Moon Dasa Venus
of planet in 2. It allowed in its period. Bhukti Mars Anthra. Mars is in the cons-
Planets in Mars constellation has to give tellation of Mercury, lord of U. Moon
both the results i.e., the results of 2, 3 and was in the sub of Mercury, lord of 11
8 houses. Therefore the only planet in. counted from 3rd house and Venus is lord
Mars star,i.e., Rahu had to give 8th of 7 counted from 3rd house and Venus
house results also. Hence the slogan of was in the constellation of lord of 11 to
Mars Rahu. What is 3rd house.
it ? If Mars is both to do and to undo
" start in a flash and end in a crash." Hence the period agrees.
Sale of property and converting land to Mercury is in the constellation of Jupi-
cash; ter in )2th house showing pleasant expen-
ses or investment. Hence planets under
On 6—9—68, land was sold and money the sway of Mercury gave pleasant func-
realised. It happened during Moon Dasa tion and running down of bank position.
Venus Bhukti Mercury Anthra. Mars is the Chief Governor to brothers
and sisters. Further it is lord of 3. It is in another. This , is also common. Hence «
second Bhava. So the cause of expenses is one should judge astro!ogically whether
due to sister. Also it shows sister there will be mixed results or one has series
going away (12 to 3) and thereby of fortune or one has a battalion of sor-
separation rowful events and loss after loss. Astro-
logy clearly indicates which of these three
groups one will have and when.
i; Karma means duty. Duty of a person This native lost his father on 10-9-58
is to do service or business and make and entered service on 18-9-58 before
money to live and also to do the religious the ten days ceremony was over.
rites to the departed souls, especially What was the period running then? It
(father and mother. was Sun Dasa Mercury Bhukti Venus
lOtb bouse indicates Karma. It is called Anthra from 30-7-58 to 21-9-58.
Karma Sthana; Jeevana Stbana. Hence Sun Dasa was the end of father. Why?
one gets into service and also does Karma 9th cusp falls in Taurus, a Sxed sign.
.an the same dasa Bhukti and Anthra. I Hence the 9tb is the Bhadhakasthana to
bad quoted many instances. One of them the fixed sign. Therefore 5th to a common
was as follows: One received two wires bom is the 9th to the 9th fixed sign. So
at the same moment from a telegraphic find out the significator of 5th Bhava.
subordinate. One wire said that be was [In some families father dies when one
appointed as Supreme Court Judge. The expects a child. We say that the father
other was the bad news; death of a close will take birth of this child.]
relative. . Such a thing happens in the
dasa atuf bhukti' of a planet which is con. 5th house is occupied by Rabu. Sun
nected with bouse 10. 10th bouse indicates alone is in Rabu's constellation.
death of parents and profession. Promo-
tion is shown by 11th house and 10th. Mercury Bhukti was the end of father.
Both good and bad will be heard about For one's end, next to Bhadhakasthana
promotion and death of children if 10 and one is to judge themarakastbahas. 2 and 7
11 operate. If 5 and 10 operate, improve- are marakasthanas. So second to the 9th
ment in status and death of son-in-law or denoting father i.e. the IDth house portends
daughter-in-law, as 11th house indicates end offather and portrays one's profession.
them and 5th is the 7th maraka sign to 10th house is vacant. Meridian falls in
11th. Second bouse is also a maraka Gemini. Mercury is its lord. Venus and
sthana. Hence to child, 2nd indicates Mars are in Mercury star. Therefore
maraka which is the dth. Therefore 6 Mercury and Venus laid their iey hands.
and 10 show death of child and promotion Why did Venus give and not Mars. Venus
to the native. If 12th which is second to is in the sub of Sun, the dasa lord, dange-
11th operates and lOtb also runs, then rous to father by occupation and chief
death of one in law and loss of, money .- governor of father. Mars in the sub of
If 5 and 12 operates loss of job to the, Mercury as lord of 3 in second house, in
native and danger to child. the constellation of lord of 10 and sub of
lord of 10 shows danger to co-borns. It
Thus one can see that a bouse indicates will be during Jupiter Dasa (Jupiter in the
results which include good to a relative constellation of lord of 9 to the fixed sign,
and bad to the person or bad to a relative third house] and Mercury Bhukti Rahu
and good to the person. Whenever such Anthra Saturn Shookshma after 2001.)
mixed results happen, people say God
compensates by offering one good result Thus, for all past events, apply Krisbna-
when a bad event is to happen. One , raurti Padhdhati strictly. His single rule
should not, also forget that one enjoys reveals the truth. Read K.P. Follow K.P :
luck after luck or suffers one after Use his ayanamsa; Forget others.

■ Can I do photography and prosper. deposited. Venus alone is in Kethu stats.
' Horoscope is as follows Hence Venus promises success and pros-
perity through the matters which Venus
indicates. Photography is one of those
Lftgna II 28-42 III 25-42 124)1 Moon which Venus indicates. Mercury is in the
2^-26 IV 21-42 sub of Mars. Mars has to signify second
bouse self-acquisition and Sth house, some
XII 20-42 difficulties. Hence during Mercury Dasa,
Kethu V 18-42 there will be speedy turnover, larger pro-
14-13 26-11-1923 fits, satisfactory bank position, etc., and
3-15 P.M. also during the sub periods of Saturn in
15-27 N July, August 1983 some worry especially
75-05 E Rahu s
XI 18-42 14-13 through Tax Department, Otherwise, the
VI 20-42 whole of Mercury Dasa from 6—9—69
is Beneficial. Customers increase. You
VIII 28-42 may have to go short distances towards
Sun ,0 26 Sat 5 *03 VU 26-26 your business. You will appoint niore
0J l
" - Jup 7-42 - Mars 2-24 assistants. Yon will not be in difficulty
to get materials costly ones will be purch-
Rahu Dasa balance 10 years 9 months ased by you during Mercury Dasa Venus
10 days. Bhukti Saturn Anthra, in November 1974.
Mercury Dasa starts on 6—9—69. Expansion and improvement from Novem-
ber 1974 is promised. Between 1969 and
Let us judge why he took photography 1974 every year will-show steady improve-
10th cusp is in Venus star Jupiter sub. ment.
Venus, by nature, denotes photography. ■ According to Western System Sun just
Prosperity depends on the period which progresses in 10th house. It will be there
is to run. If we analyse. Mercury and its for 25 years more when name, reputation,
results, then one can know bow the gains prestige, prosperity in profession etc.
would be. Mercury is posited in the Sth are promised.
house. It is in Saturn star Jupiter sub. Moon by progression, now passes in
Saturn is lord of 11 and 12. - It is in 7th 12th house, after 2 years Moon assures
house. It is exalted. Saturn shows that that Luck starts.
one will invest money (lord of 12 and no
planet is in 12). Saturn as lord of 11 pro- According to transit from 7th March,
mises gains. It is in 7. So it threatens 1969. financial position will be good-
that you should not have any partner for i photography will be your profession.'
any business. Mars suggests independent Good Luck.
venture. Saturn and Mars encourage your
independant business and denote mixed Yours sincerely,
results as Saturn owns the 11th and 12th
houses. But in 11th Bhava Kethu is K. S. KRISHNAMURTI.

Ankle; People will have black moles house indicates pleasure, prosperity-
in their ankle if Rahu' or Kethu or Sani permanent tie of friendship, partnership,
occupies the Uth fiouse counted from the riches, etc. Hence the mole in the ankle
Ascendant, as 11th house indicates ankle presages the above desirable results.
.and Saturn as well as Rahu and Kethu are
the malefic planets causing moles. Arm (Forearm): Third house occupied
by the malefics from the Ascendant indi-
As l.lth house opposes the 5th [as per cates mole in the arm, especially when it
Western System] and opposition of evil is a movable or^common sign. The fixed
planets is inauspicious, they do nol favour sign indicates that the mole will be in the
the fertility of the native ; he is effeminate; neck. Those who have moles in the arms
these planets are evilin thisaspect. Hindus will be courteous. They are industrious.
say that Rahu or Kethu in S causes They may have to face many difficulties
Puthra dosha. If either is in 11, the other yet they will pursue and ultimately come
must be in 5- Saturn will prove to be out victorious. In every enterprise, they
definitely evil if it is in 11, in the constel- are cautious and successful. Third house
lation of Rahu or Kethu for the birth of indicates inclination to learn everything.
children. Cowardice in a man is indi- So they are versatile and gain sound
cated by the mole in this area. If the knowledge to be competent enough to
ascendant is aspccted by Saturn, be will attend to their various undertakings.
not be bold. But the partner in life will Third house indicates assistance from
be courageous, alert and active, as it is in others (Sahaya Sihana) to lead a happy
5 to the 7ih house. When a person has jife.
Sani and Rahu in It, if he takes his wife
and consults an asttologer, the gentleman Mole in the z'm mrticatcs ihat u pcuou
will be gentle and keep silent as though he will be a widower at forty. The follow-
is guilty, whereas his wife will put varieties ing is the chart which explains the truth
of questions and expect some remedial
-measures to have a child, by praying to Sam, Mara
God or putting on a costly gem or by Rahu
visiting any(holy place.
As it is declared that planets in the 11th Lagna Neptune
house, whether benefic or malefic by nature, Thursday
promise happy and harmonious wedded 21-9-1911 Moor»
life with satisfactory progress and pros- Uranus Poorvapalguni Mcr,
perity, one can be sure of these results, if Venus
he has a mole in the ankle. Moles alone
indicate and not the scars. The scars are Guru, Sun
the evidences for the suffering of a person Kethu
in that particular part of the body; Nor
a tattoo mark therein will bring about At the time of birth 10 years of Venus
these results. dasa remained. When he was 40 years of
age and was runnipgsRahu , dasa, Sani
Planets in 11 portray name, fame, repu- . Bhukti, Rahu Anthra; his wife passed
tation, social and-financial success.--l-lth away
~ Sir, has fallen; Kcthu (now in Virgo) is the
1 was born in Hyderabad-Sind. In 1947, lord of the star Maka; Virgo owned by
I came away to India leaving all my Mercury; Moon, lord of the day as Tues-
possessions including my chart. I am day Sun will rise in 2 hours. Hence
told that I was born in the last week of Venus, Kcthu, Mercury and Moon. These
October 1945. That is all what I know. planets should rule the day, the rasi and
They are sure that the time of birth was the constellation in which Moon ought to
9-10 A.M. I.S-T., have been on the day of your birth, i.e.,
lord of the day, the star day and rasi
Answer: must be governed by the above ruling
Early morning when the lagna is in
Poorvasbada constellation,. Moon is in On 24-10-1945, it was Wednesday ruled
Maka star, day according to Hindus by Mercury; Star was Rohirii governed
Monday, as Tuesday Sun is to rise on 4-2-69 by Moon; lord of the rasi is Venus.
according to calendar date, I judge your Therefore your day of birth should be
chart. So, what are the ruling planets: Wednesday and date 24-10-1945.
Venus, lord of constellation where lagna

pajas, Sravanata, Avittam ist and 2nd Social activities will strain them muck
padas or in Makara Lagna or with Sun in There will be unnecessary worry due to
Makara. secret inimical activities.
Mars in Pushyam star from 9th indi- Mother will maintain normal health
cates that there will not be any wastage and will have., success in her efforts from
through vehicles, house, etc., whereas the 9tb. From the 1 Itb, "there will not be
you can enjoy more pleasure through any delay to have response to her
them. Social activities will bring in communications. Speculation will yield
more popularity. Sukra in debiiitation satisfactorily from the first week. Litiga-
from the 8th to llth warns you to avoid tions will not cause any worry or loss. If
gambling and speculations. Later, when in service, there will be delay to have the
it is in Pushyam andAyilyam, you can assistance of colleagues. Business will be
boldly venture and have satisfactory dull.
profit. From the llth, your work-load Children will have improvement in their
will decrease as your colleagues will come financial position, satisfactory gain in
forward to help you. Business will thrive speculation and peace of mind without
well and you can have satisfactory profit.
. Budha, in retrograde till the llth, worry or loss in litigation from llth.
indicates that litigation will cause From the 9(b, yield from investments will
. unnecessary worry, and will throw be satisfactory. There will not be worry
impediments to undertake long trips. through secret enemies. In service,
Later, even though it is in 8 as it is in - change of place .or heavy work-load will
Pooram, you will continue your higher prevail. There will be impediments to
studies, come out successful in competitive continue higher studies or to undertake
examinations, and will have the support long trips.
of your benefactors and monetary gain in The partner in life and business will
long trips. Litigations will turn in your maintain normal health and will succeed
favour. As Gtitu is retrograde in 5 in their efforts. Their^financial position
and Saturn is retrograde in 2, there will will improve from the 9th. . Short trips
be impediments to .success in your enter- will end in their favour in the second
prises. There -will be unnecessary fortnight. There will not be any delay to
expenses which will far outweigh' your have response to their communications.
income. There may be unnecessary Business will thrive well frpm 9th. In
worry due to secret inimical activities. service the work-load will decrease from
Yield from investments will not be the.middle of the month.
satisfactory. There will be dullness in
contract and agency business. Delay to Father of the native will have the
have response to your communications, support of superiors and colleagues from
and exertion in short trips, will make you 10th instant. In the later half bis
feel dejected. Dealings with Govern- financial position will improve consider-
ment will end in yodr favour either before ably. Careful trading in speculation and
the 12th or in the last week. Interviews ■gambling will yield a little. Litigations
between the 20th and the 22nd will be will continue without any change.
crowned with success. Attempts to have Contract and agency business will thrive
promotion in service, and for expansion well from 9th.
- in business after the 26th, will end
favourably. Aquarius (Kumbha Sasi): Refers to
persons born in Avittam 3rd, 4th padas,
Your younger brothers will have Sathayam, Poorattatbi 1st, 2nd, 3rd
improvement in their financial position padas or in Kumbha Lagna or with Sun in
and.mpnetary gain through long journeys Kumbha rasi. " -
from the"9th. "TrTservice heavy work-load
will continue. Facility to continue higher ■ From the-9th, Mars gains strength in the •;
studies will be available from the 10th. 6th house and indicates thaf the contract
Vol. 7 MAY 1 9 69 No. S

Letters to Editor 3
Epbemetis—Ready 7
Students Section I—How to Judge a Nativity 9
Students Section XI—" Astra " Alerts Astrologer 29
Ayanamsa and House Divisions 33
Correct Time -of Birth and Birth star 33
Scholars Section—Reward to Astrologers 35
Krishnamurti Fadhdbati and decision followed by Cod
Sringarishiji 41
Research and Success 47
Anxious Mother late Arrival of Miss 51
Uchista 52
Seniority and Success 54
An Announcement 54
Earning—When? 55
Tour Programme of the Editor 55
Marriage Time Analysed 57
Election and Electric Shock 5S
Alive or Dead! 61
Overseas—When ? 63
Daily Guide for May, 1969 65
Position of Planets 69
May, 1969—Ephemcris 70
Monthly Prediction for May, :1969 71
K. S. K.
One of my old students is near my room. distinction. It had come true. N®w, he
He is aged 28. He sits just outside and wanted me to request you and find ®ut
arranges to enter my room, barefooted. whether he would go-overseas and settle
" Good Luck. Come on boy ! down there.
He enters. The astrologer smiles uncontrolled and
Take your seat and make yourself answers this query also ; again the consul-
comfortable. " tant presumes and says " I think you will
not mind to see this girl's horoscope and
"Good morning, Sir ". advise me whether she will get married
So saying he turns round ; looks at the before this boy goes overseas. That is also
Pooja mandapam ; prostrates before Lord done. The person pleading his economical
Ucbchisbta Maba Ganapathi and tben to way of living mentions due to various
me. reasons, I want to celebrate the marriage
of my second daughter along with first
" Good Luck, sit down." How are daughter on the same day. Will my expac-
you 7 tation and desire come true 7 He turns
" Thanks, Sir ! I am quite alright. " another page and shows another chart.
" What brought you here. " When he heard that both will have
marriage on different dates, he hurriedly
" Nothing, Sir..." To meet you and... " takes another daughter's chart and asks
" First of all, give up the bad habit of whether the second and third daughter will
saying "Nothing, Sir" and then put get married at the same time. This is
forth problem after problem, most of the answered ' Yes', and in the same breath
Astrologers face more or less the same the astrologer adds, " Enough for this
music. Generally people come without day." Let me attend to some urgent
appointment and most of the people used work. "Only one more child chart
to say "Sir, I want to know only one alone. Sir" Hullo! all children are not
point in my chart. When asked "What born on the same day. Is it not? Come
is it?" he will say "only about my on any other Saturday. Thus, saying
•longevity. " This point is answered. nothing, how many charts are seen. TTbis
Then, be will turn over the next page in is a bad habit. They may think that they
the 200 pages notebook, show his wife's had cleverly got all charts seen. Astrologer
chart and enquire who will pass away first cannot be fooled. But he pities with such
and who will survive whom 7 When this is people and he does his duty considering
also answered, he will take up the first service to others is his motto." So astro-
son's chart and ask whether this son, now loger knows very well that no person will
staying in London, Ontario Canada will be salute a doctor on ordinary days and he
by the side of his parents at the time of will wish only wheu he is ill. Similarly
their demise. The astrologer maintains none will appear to be friendly with an
bis pleasant mood and gives bis answer. astrologer unless the service of an astro-
Then the querist will turn over another loger is needed. Mostly, this is the
sheet and say, " I think, you know my world.
second son to whom you predicted once So, now, straightaway plunge into your
that he would pass the examination with subject matter.
I would like to hear from you " How to He had already prepared and presents
judge a nativity" systematically and the chart. I took it and verified in 6 mts.
scientifically according to Krishnamurti I said " young boy, you are very correct".
Faddhati. "Alright." The chart is as follows:—
I took my Tape Record. Set it ready to
record whatever is spoken. IX 15.01
I said " Do you want Horary or Mar. 9.49 X 17.01 XI 19.01 XII 19.01
" First let me know, Natal astrology " Lag. 18.22
said he. VIII 15.01 9 P.M. Rahu
23—12—1924 23.23
"To apply the principles enunciated by 18-39 N
me, you should erect a horoscope, as I in- Kethu 72-55 E
struct. You must follow strictly all my 23.23 11 15.01
instructions. " VII 18.22
Yes, Sir. I know how a few astrologers VI 19,01
erected wrongly and you gave them poli- Mcr. 17.21 Vcn? 9.33 1VJ; 01 111 15.01
tely and nobly, what tfiey deserved, then, Sun. 8,51 Moon 3.11|
in October 1967 issue. It is fresh in my Jup. 8.32
This is the way how to present a chart
" Alright. First you must get the to the person concerned, so that there is
following data to have a correct chart. (I) no trouble to note the houses, and the
Place of birth; (2)Time of birth ; (3) Date; planets in each house, etc.
month and year.
- "If the birth is between midnight and First Step. Note the extension of each
the next sun rise, confirm, at 12 midnight Bhava-House.
which calendar date was over and which I. 18° 22' or Cancer to 15° 1' Leo.
calendar date sun is to rise. II. 15° 01'Leo to 15° 1'Virgo.
" Take Krishnamurti Ephemeris which III. 15° 01'Virgo to 17° 01'Libra.
is now in the market where sidereal time IV. 17° 01' Libra to 19° 01' Scorpio.
and position of planets are given for V. 19° 01' Scorpio to 19° 01' Sagit-
every day. Do not use condensed ones. tarius.
If you have Raphaels, use it. Krishna- VI. 19° 01' Sagi to 18° 22' Capricorn.
murti Ephemeris gives the some value, like
Raphael's (2) Take Raphael's table of VII. 18° 22' Capricorn to 15° 01' Aqu-
Houses. Shortly Krishnamurti Table of arius.
Houses will come to the market. Both give VIII. 15° 01'Aquarius to 15° 01'Pisces
the same figure as regards the values. After IX. 15° 01' Pisces to 17° 01' Aries-
calculation, use only Krishnamurti X. 17° 01' Aries to 19° 01' Taurus.
Ayanamsa. Work out. Erect the Nirayana XI. 19° 01'Taurus to 19° 91' Gemini.
chart and a ready reckoner for Dasa and XII. 19° 01' Gemini to 18° 22' Cancer.
Bbukti, etc." "Let us take one horoscope,
Sir. The particulars needed are as (Though you know these, I say, so that
follows; — my stenographer can take the notes from
"Alibag: 18° 39' N; 72-55E is the Tape Record, type, again switch on,
place of birth. 9-00 P.M. I.S.T. is the confirm whether what he has typed is
actual time of birth. Tuesday 23-12-1924, right and then publish so that new students
is the day and date of birth. The horos- can follow ray method in an order and
cope is as follows :— avoid any mistake."
" It is worked out in strict accordance 11 Step.—Note which planet is deposi-
with your instructions. " ted in which Bhava; also note the constel-
lations ruled by the planets against each IV Step.—Note the owners of the
planet. signs where the cusps are and their cons-
Occupants I. Moon Rohini, Hastha, Sra-
House Planet Constellation of vana.
Occupants II. Sun Karthik,Uthra,P. Guni,
1. Rahu Arudbra, Swatbi, Satha- U. Shada.
bisha. III. Mercury Ashlesh, Jeyeshta, Re-
II. vatbr.
III. IV. Venus Bharani, P. P. Guni, P.
IV. Saturn Pushy a, Anurada, U. P. Sbada.
Pada. V. Mats M. Sira, Chitra, Dha-
Venus Bharani, P. P. Guni, nishta.
P. Sbada. VI. Jupiter P. Vasu Visak. P. P.
Moon Rohini, Hastham Sra- Pada.
vana. VII. Saturn Pushya, Anuradha,U.P,
V. Jupiter P. Vasu, Visakam, P. P. Pada.
Pada. VIII. Saturn Pushya, Anuradha,U.P.
Sun Karthik, U. Palguni, Pada.
U. Sbada. IX. Jupiter P. Vasu Visak, P. P.
Mercury Ashlesba, Jyeshta, Re- Pada.
vathi. X. Mars M. Siva Chitra to
VI. Kethu Aswini, Makam, Moola. Danishta-
VII. Mars M. Sira, Chitra, Dha- XI. Venus Bharani P. P. Guni, P.
nishta. Sbada.
IX. XII. Mercury Ashlesba Jeyeshta Re-
X. vathi.
XI. V Step.—Planets in the constel-
XII. -- lations of the owners of the signs where
III Step.—Note the planets' tenanted the cusps fall.
in the constellation of occupants from I. Owner Moon—none in its star.
first bbava (or house) to 12th in an order. II. Sun—none in its star.
I. Saturn in Swatbi. III. Merc.-Rahu in Mercury star.
II. Venus in Anuradha. IV. VenusMercuryin Venus star.
Mars in U, P. Pada. V. Mars—Kethu in Mars star.
Mercury in P. Shada, VI. Jupiter—Moon in Jupiter
None in Moon star. star.
V. Moon in Visak. VII. Saturn—Venus and Mars in
None in Sun star. Saturn star.
Rahu in Ashlesba. VIII. Saturn—Venus, Mars in
VII. Jupiter and Sun in Moola. Saturn star.
VIII. Kethu in Dhanishta. IX. Jupiter—Moon in Jupiter
So, you find that planets occupy only star.
the houses. 1,4, 5, 7 and 8; planets X. Mars, Kethu in Mars star.
deposited in any of the constellations of XI. Venus—Mercury in Venus
the occupants ate the stongest si'ghificators star.
of the bhavas 1, 4, 5, 7 and 8. So these XII. Mercury—Rahu in Mercury
are the strongest. star.
So, there are planets in the constel- planet will give when its dasa, bhukti,
lation of the owners of the houses 3 to 12. anthra operates and which planets will
So these planets deposited in the stars of offer the results of a particular bhava.
the owners are stronger than the owners to The following compiled one is the ready
offer the results of the bhavas owned by reckoner for the single, simple, sure,
them. But the moon and sun have none in successful science (Krishnamurti Pad.
their stars. So they themselves, have to give. dbati). To note the order of the signifi-
Planet occupying a constellation is Deputy cators, this is the rule. That is,
Secretary who is to execute what the lord (1) Planets in the constellation of the
of the constellation, (Secretary with a occupants.
particular portfolio is to give) indicates
by occupation or ownership. If the Dy. (2) Occupants.
Secretary is absent, Secretary does. . So (3) Planets in the constellation of
also if there is none in its star, the owner owners.
(4) Owners. (Very weak but yet
VI Step is to assort, arrange and those connected with a bhava are those
prepare a ready reckoner for each plane,s conjoined with or aspected by the
planet to know which bbava results each significators found out already.

Now, the above calculations may be tabulated as follows:—

Planet signiflcator of which house House Planets Significators

Sun 2, 7 and 5 Moon, Saturn, Rahu

Moon 4, 1, 6 and 9 11 Sun
Mars 4, 8, 5 and 10 HI Mercury, Rahu
Mercury II, 4, 3, 3 and 12 IV Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn,
Rahu, Kethu
Jupiter 7, 5, 6 and 9 V Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Rahu
Venus 4, 4, 4, 11,7 and 8 VI Jupiter, Moon
Saturn 1, 4, 8 and 7 VII Sun, Kethu, Jupiter, Venus, Mer-
Rabu 3,12. 5, 1 and 4 cury, Saturn
VIII Mars, Venus, Saturn, Kethu
Kethu 8, 7, 8 and 4.
IX Moon, Jupiter
X Kethu, Mars
XI Mercury, Venus
XII Rahu, Mercury

Only to get this map tabulated, so far we worked step by step. Now those work-
ings are not needed any longer. This chart alone is needed along with the horoscope and
the ready reckoner table for dasa and bhukti.

" Let us verify whether his horoscope is For movablesign It isBbadbakastbana;
•.correct by taking the ruling planets of his yet in one's lifetime, house 11 promises
wife- Her horoscope is as follows ;— realisation of ambition, success and pros-
perity. So 11 is very good, 2 and 6 are
Sun 28.23 good for money matters, but no good for
(IV) 25.23 VII 15.17 health. Find out who are the strongest
Moon V 24.53 VI 20.52 Rohu28.14
18.15 significators of the houses 1,10 and]),
Merc. 10.3 when one can maintain health, come out
IB 22.53 successful in his efforts, earn a name,
Vcn. 12.15 VII 17.53 have outstanding report and gain bis
Sunday object.
0,30 A.M,
12-4-1936. But for a business man, who should
Jup. 28.16 18.55. N have bank overdraft facilities, consider
Mar. 21.24 72 54 IX 22.53
II 17.53 the 6th house also. It is necessary for
Ket. 28.14 XII 20.53 Anyone, putting on the gems of the
Lagna Sat. 2.16 PI 24.53 D 25.53 strongest significators of the beneficial
15.17 bouses is lucky. Only when luck is to be
enjoyed shortly, he will or she will acquire
Budha Dasa balance 14 years 11 months this colour; we attribute the luck to the
23 days. Gem. For this person. Pearl set in G«ld
What are the ruling planets at the time is good for bank overdraft (6) as Moon
of her birth ? and Jupiter ate the significators of 6tb
house. As Mercury is the significator of
Lord of lagna constellation Venus both 11 and 12, reject it. It is like rains
Lord of lagna sign Jupiter in sandy desert; it is not useful to
Lord of the sign occupied by Jupiter improve bank position. Mars is good ;
Moon It is the significator of 10. Its eighth
Lord of the day of birth - Sun bouse significator ship is strong equally.
Planet in lagna Kcthu. Mars gives grand success. It shows that
it will give real estate to bis wife. So,
Hence Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Sun and suggest Red, Ruby, Coral. As Kethu
Kethu were the ruling planets : Note the and Mars signify, loth house matters and
agreement in full taking the significafors Mars is in the Sub of Venus (significator
of bouses 2, 7 and 11 in husband chart. of 4, 7, 8 and 11) he will gain and trans-
Also consider that Moon, Mars andRahu fer to his wife (4 is 10 to 7; 7 and 8
cannot be het ruling planets as they are houses are 1 and 2 wife. This is the
not the significators of 7 or 2 or 11 in the scientific way of reading which proves
husband's chart. Note none of these was correct.)
her ruling planets at the time of her birth. " So suggest the Gem suited to Kethu
"Sir, which gem or colour will suit and Mars."
him?" " I have understood Sir are the days
"Houses 1, 3, 10, 11 are the best for also to be selected and rejected ? "
health, longevity, success, name, fame, " As there is Kethu star in Mars sign,
reputation, honour, etc. 2 and 6 indicate let him put it on an Aswini star day or
the receipt of cheques. But 2 also shows whenever planets transit in Aswini ;
the end of life and the 6th disease and the especially Mars. Let him pray Lord
debts. Hence 2 and 6 houses have undesi- Ganesh. As it is in Venus sub, let him.
rable effects, also. Dhyan Ganesh with a concert- As Kethu
is representing Saturn also, let him go for
Therefore 1 and 10 are excellent. Ucehishta Maha Ganapathi. He will and
3 is very good. Always helpful. must have His BLESSINGS."
When Mars is good, let him select Saturn is aspecled by Mars and Venus as
Tuesdays to complete a transaction. He I, born on 1-11-1908 have Saturn in Pisces
must gain. If Kethu star, also is tram and Mars as well as Venus in Virgo ; one
sitled by Moon or Sun or Mars, that time meets during Mars period Martians.
is very fortunate. During Venus period Venusians. During
" Sir, which colour is suited to him 7" Saturn period Saturnians."
" Red." " Which days are good 7 " " Best
" What result can one expect ?" Tuesdays, Next Fridays " when he run a
Venus Dasa Venus Bhukthi Mars Anthra.
It gives him activity alertness, push, When he runs Venus Bhukti Rahu Anthra,
courage, make others bend to his will, Swathi star days. If the sub period is
come out victorious. Have resistance Jupiter, Visaka Star days are good."
against disease, etc. Today, it is Tues- " Now, which star days are good I think
day—a holiday to you and Holi to all Mrigasira, Cbitra, Dhanishta, Bharani,
4—3—69 "Suppose I suggest blue and he Poorvapalguni and Poorvashada star days
puts it on what will happen, Sir." are advantageous- Am I right, Sir."
" Blue is indicated by the planet Saturn. " Yes. In that Bharani, Mrigasira
For this person Saturn is the strong signi- first half, Chilra later half are excellent."
ficator of 1,4 and 8 and very weak in "Ifon a Tuesday, or Friday, Moon
signifying 7 (as Kethu is therein)." transits in any of the above stars, will it
" So what will happen ?" do good, Sir" 7
" During the time when he enters " Hullo I They do not do good or bad.
Saturn sub period, one Saturnian (born on They indicate that according to the meri-
a Saturday or having either Lagna or torious deed done in his previous birth,
Moon in Capricorn or Aquarius or born in he is destined to have the fortune on these
Pushyaor Anuradhaor Uthrapadrapada days. If both the lord of the day and the
or having Saturn deposited in bis lagna) lord of Nashalhra agree, it is most lucky
will give such an advice. (Saturn can't and also a certainty. That is why K. P. is
come to the Earth to do harm. This proved to be a science beyond doubt.
astrologer is the agent of Saturn. So he Whereas traditional' yet lives saying
will have the urge and there will arise an " Tendency "Likelihood ", " Probably
opportunity for the querist to consult such etc. "
a Saturnian alone. As he approaches be
will bring pressure on bim ; be will make "I see."
him purchase ; see that he puts it on ; at " What have you seen 7 " "I foresee.
a time ruled by Saturn, he will go by a Sir, that in 10 years I am sure that K. P.
blue tinted car or put on a dhoti with survives traditional astrology." Thanks,
blue border. Car will be driven by a Sir. It is late. Shall I go home, Sir."
Saturnian driver to whom Saturn may be " All right. Good Luck."
good'. Car will skid ; driver will escape ;
and this person will receive injury and " Let us meet tomorrow when conveni-
also fracture in the bone by falling down. ent'to you on your way home."
Luckily Saturn Dasa passed in hjs youth. Next day he comes in the night. After
It was up to 28-2-44. So, no such Satur- usual wish, etc., be said " Can we discuss
nian will meet him hereafter. Nor he Longevity today " 15-3-69)
will hear him."
" Then which Saturnian can meet
him 7 " "How to proceed, Sir."
" He has met me on 4-3-69, a Tuesday, " What is his lagna ? First note the
Venus star day. He runs Venus Bbukthi the lagna of Chart
Mars Antbra. 1 am a Sathurian ; but my "Cancer, Sir".
Is it movable, fixed or common ? " Then which are tberuling planets,you
" Movable." have to take for the query, now? "
Then which is Bhadhakasthana ? " " Sun and Kethu, Sir."
" Uth house." "According to this chart, Sun and
" Who are all the signiflcators of the Kethu are the strong significators. Ruling
Uth house ? " planets are also sun and Kethu. In future
Sun Dasa is to come. So declare that dur-
" llth house extends from Taurus IS" l' ing Sun Dasa Kethu Bbukti between
to Gemini 19° 1'. No planet is found in 22-10-92 and 28-2-93, he will have eternal
this area. Venus is its lord. Venus rest."
governs Bharani, Poorvapalguni and " Sir, what is the difference between
P. Shada stars.
the traditional astrologer and K.P. fol-
" Mercury is in Poorvashada and hence lowers. A few astrologers have said that
it is the strongest significator." Venus during my Venus Bhuktbi between the age
comes next." of 24 and 27 I would get married. I can
" Is there Rahu or Kethu in their even expand it to 23 to 28 which is also
' signs?" reasonable. Because when I have comple-
" No, Sir, None in any of the 4 signs ted 23, I am tunning age 24 ; if 24, 25,
owned by Mercury or Venus." 26, 27 are completed, then also it is 24 to
27 completed. But we should give the
" Which are marakastbanas ? " date, Sir."
' " 2 and 7 to all—whether born in mova- " Hullo, I am happy—I agree with
ble, fixed or common sign." you. Let us find the date applying strictly
Who are the significators? K.P.: Sun, the dasa lordmust transit in Sun
" 2nd bouse is vacant." star Kethu sub or Kethu star and Sun sub.
As today Kethu is in lagna, it is stronger
" Hullo 1 What for, have you tabulated than Sun ; So for the lord of the star take
a ready reckoner. Refer and say " Kethu, Kethu, in that Sun sub. should be 18th
Sun, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Saturn." April or 21st August or I9th December.
" Sir, there are many planets. How to As Kethu Bhuktbi runs between 22-10-92
select the dasa lord? and 28-2-93, pitch up only 19-12-1922.
" What is the time now ? " Reject others."
"8 P.M., Sir." " Do you confirm by the transit of slow
moving planets also? "
To-day, at this time, what is the sign " Yes, you must always confirm. This
rising in the east "Virgo." gives confidence " to predict."
" Who is the lord or tjhe sign Virgo ? " "Then."
'' Mercury." "Then, what; Jupiter, on that day will
Therefore in today's position of planets be transitting in Virgo sign where Moon is
(i.e., at the time of judgment) find whether today; It will be in Ketbu sub ; Saturn
there is any node in either of the signs will be in Makara in Ketbu sub."
owned by Mercury ? " " Sir, can be take endowment policy or
" Oh ! Kethu is in Virgo itself. Sir." life policy? "
"So! " "It is advantageous to take life policy
"Kethu is the stronger significator as if one will pass away in 2 years or 3 years
node is stronger than the lord." from the day of prediction. But if one
willlivc another 25 years, he must take
"Who is the lord of the Nashathra, only endowment policy. Every body and
now ? " his or her family members will wish to
"Sun." gain. So follow what I have said."
' " Will he have lingering ill-health in the her ruling planets at the moment of her
fag end of bis life 1" birth.
' "Note where the 8lh cusp is ? Who Hence who will pass away first ?. Only
the sub-lord is '• his wife must enjoy eternal rest earlier.
: " It is in Aquarius 1501'—constellation So, she is Dheerga Sumangali. If you
lotdisRahu." judge the horoscopes on correct scientific
" Hullo, I want sub lord." lines, take the sub lords of toe 8th cusp in
" Coming, Sir, " both the birth charts. He has Kethu
whereas she has Mercury a benefic by
" What coming, I wanted you to tell nature-"
me only, the sub lord-" Is not Mercury Neecha ?
" It is Kethu
In K. P. there is no use for Uchcha,
What can Kethu do for him 7" Neecha, etc. In Sir C. P. Raraaswamy
" Why do you delay?" Iyer's chart, how many planets arc
" I will tell, Sir Neecha. In the horoscope of the president
" Quickly you should see whether there of the Income-Tax Tribunal which we saw
is any planet conjoined with Kethu. " today are not Jupiter, Mars, etc., Neecha.
Are there not 3 neechas in your proprie-
"No. " tor's chart (Sun, Moon and Venus).
"Next see in which constellation, it is Whereas you have exalted Mercury and
and who its lord is 7 " Mars. What do you do? When he
"Dhanishta; govern by Mars." presses the button and you hear the
As Mars is the lord of constellation, calling bell, you, with your pencil and
Kethu is to give what Mars has to offer. note-book run to his room.
So, declare " sudden end." As Kethu is " True, Sir. I also wonder why Hindus
in 7, it will be due to intestinal disorder, following traditional system say that
high fever and dysentery." Uchchas give very good results. Neechas
" Now what shall we do 7 " bring untold miseries. I think that they
" You go home. Let us both take rest Start. forgetting what they were following
now and take rest of the reading when all along and at least now begin to learn
you visit again." your system ".
"One thing, Sir," Yes! Even now, 1 say I have more than
" What is that? Do you want bus- a thousand students. Thousands of
fare 7 " readers. Plenty of appreciation letters
from honest people with open mind who
No, no. Thanks, Sir. I want to know are fed up with traditional system and are
who will pass away first, either his wife or* in search of scientific and correct
he himself. How quickly and correctly approach.
one can judge such query and the result They write to say " we have taken you
proves correct is as follows: "Consider
the ruling planets now". What are the as.our Guruji But those who cannot
ruling planets (5-3-69) Wednesday- tolerate another coming up, respected,
Virgo Rasi—Virgo Lagna—U. Palguni admired, appreciated, adored etc., they
star. So Mercury and Sun are the ruling try to decry on incorrect grounds. My
planets now. God Ganesh is patient for along time,
gives long rope and at last gives them
Find out who has these, two ruling those which they deserve. That is alright.
planets of this moment as ruling planets Let us meet tomorrow, 1 am tired.
at the moment of their birth. You will
find that, at the moment of birth he had 6-3-69, just finished poojaj the clock is
Jupiter, Mats, Moon as bis ruling planets. striking nine; this boy enters.
His wife had Sun, Jupiter and Mercury as " Good morning. Sir."
"Good Luck"—Take your seal. Sup- marakastban, the 2nd. Hence Rahu
pose you meet me at 2 p.m. What will evil. Sukra is more evil.
you say? " "So, shall we take that Sukra Dasa
" Good afternoon. Sir." Rahu Bhubti is the end. Sir
"At 5 P.M." ' "Young people, especially martians arc
" Good Evening, Sir." always impatient. Haste is waste. She is
" At 9 p.m." living. She bad passed Sukra Dasa Rahu
Bbukti- She bad suffered then from blood
"Good night. Sir." pressure. So, you have to say that Sukra
You meet people at different hours on Dasa Rahu Bhiikti was dangerous and
the same day or you meet the same person judge further."
at different hours. How many changes, " Alright, Sir".
good morning, good afternoon, good
evening, good night and so on. Yes. It Second house is occupied by Mars,
is traditional. But, just like K. P. has Jupiter and Venus. Jupiter is in Mars
only one rule in this science, so also while star; Rahu and Saturn arc in Jupiter
wishing, there should be only one. No star. No planet in Venus star. Hence
change. take Rabu Dasa Rahu Bhukti Saturn
"I have noticed, Sir", Anthra, Venus Shookshma. Say, Febru-
v ary-March 1992, when Sun transits in
" What is that ? " Saturn sign Rahu star. If you want exact
" You always wish ' Good Luck ' date, proceed further-
only." Anyhow he will live for 10 months after
" Yes. A man or a lady wants encou- her. " Right."
ragement, when an astrologer is met. " Yes, Sir ".
Psycologically one feels as though one
comes by his very badly needed fortune Now enters the boy's Officer. The boy
when you say ' Good Luck ' and he replies stands up, goes behind him, waves his
" Yes, that is what I want". This is hand unnoticed by his Officer and he
applicable at all hours and at all ages of a disappears.
person. Each takes Luck as he or she The Officer says " You know this boy.
wants. Young boy thinks he will get a Sir; is working in my office.
beautiful wife with estate, etc. She, vice
versa; couple not having children for (I thought within myself that a tenant in
long number of years after marriage take a house used to say that the owner of the
that they will be blessed with a brilliant house (who has five more houses in the
boy, A businessman takes that he wontd same street) is living in his street. A peon
have good profits; a servant, takes as used to say that an officer in the same
promotion; old person sudden, pleasant Separtment is working in his office. This
end and so on. So hereafter cultivate shows only (Egoism). So saying the Officer
and say only "Good Luck." turns back. The boy could not be seen.
" Hurray ! he has gone! "1
"Yes, Sir, you told yesterday that the
lady was Dheergasumangali. Let us now " Yes, please) He wanted to go even 10
find out her longevity from her chart. minutes earlier. But I wanted him to stay
She was born at 0-30 A.M. on 12-4-36 as 1 took some more time to teach. The
at 18-55 N and 72-54 E chart is already subject was just over and you came in.
ready. Probably, he may be late."
As she is born in common sign, 7th "Oh! that does not matter. A few
house is Bbadhakasthana, Marakasthanam mimues this way or that".
and so called Kendhrasthan. Rahu is (Readers, please note, this is one of the
deposited in it. Venus alone is in Rahu advantages of learning Astrology. Officer
star. Sub lord is Saturn who is lord of will have no mind to scold. I lived like
that throughout my official career of three " Then what happened ?"
decades. Either go or don't go, go late or " That brown person ever having frown
early—Nothing—Nothing—Nothing in my face, unusually, not only smilingly looked
lifetime. You enjoy their good will.") at me. He offered me a seat next to him
" Yes. What can I do for you, Sir !" and asked whether I am interested in astro-
" I want you to give me some time when logy and whether I know it ".
convenient." (Usually Iwill be standing, standing and
" Yes, I will be free on Saturday at standing and when I get tired I should
about 12 noon (8-3-69). take a seat myself having a glance to guess
"It will suit me, also. It is second whether he would relish my taking the
Saturday." seat or.)
"Goodluck. Come on. I will keep " I told him that I am a good student of
myself free." yourself and I have learnt well. You know,
Sir ".
The Officer goes. Having been left
alone, I started praying for Uchchishta Hullo! Just now, I told you, not to
Maha Ganapathi. I delivered lecture in repeatedly say " you know, you know
the evening. Took rest. Enjoyed sound " Sorry, Sir ".
" Cultivate. Your trouble is just like
Next day—Friday 7-3-1969. Grand one who switches off traditional astrology
Pooja. The boy came late. and switches on to K. P. Then what
Sit, I have only a few minutes. I shall happened? "
first narrate to you, what had happened I went in with Shorthand note-book and
yesterday. Then I want to clarify my pencil. I thought that he would give some
doubt. That person who came is working dictation. Indeed, he asked me to take his
in my office. I rushed to my Office scrippling pad and while so saying he him-
yesterday. I was late. He came within self stood up, took it which was at a little
another 5 minutes. At once he called me. distance from him though it was nearer to
My heart began to beat. Beat at what me and placed it just before me. I inserted
speed—at a high speed—picking up more my left hand under my banian. What for ?
speed while opening his door. Sir, he, my To touch just above my heart. Ah ! It was
boss has so many problems in his life, coming to normal. Immediately I said
which I know. One after another crops. within myself " Oh Guruji! Oh God!
He lost his father 2 years ago. He has 3 Now he took a roll. It was his younger
younger sisters. All to be given in sister's chart. He gave it to me and asked
marriage. All are qualified for marriage. me to find out when she would get married.
So he is very much worried. Any minor The horoscope presented by him was 10
event or noise will put him off. So, I yards long, i.e, 360 inches. I opened:
thought that I was finished that day. You Guru Ucbcha, Sani Uchcha, MarsUchcha,
know, Sir..." Sukra Uchcha. What! So many Uchchas!
" What do I know? What you have to Then I looked up. Oh!. It is Sri Rama's
say will be a news to me. What is the chart. I thought within myself, why they
meaning of saying, " You know, you fill up like this. May be some superstition
know, you know." Often whenever you do or a practice which all do not follow. I
not get words to speak fluently. First, give opened further I Moon and other planets
up this undesirable habit also, every exalted; It was Lord Krishna's chart;.
word, you speak out, should express cor- Then I unrolled fast ; after 2 "metre length,
rectly, what you mean ". came the chart of the girl. Sun exalted in
" Sir, Given up " lagna; Sukra in 12 in exaltation 1 Moon
in 2 in exaltation. I wanted to note the
" What an implicit obedience ! " date and time of birth of the girl. No-
'where the astrologer who has used all worked out the whole chart, filled up in
colours, ink, pencil, etc. and written so the form prescribed by you. Sir, took
long, mentioned the time in I.S.T. or tiffin a little early than my usual time
; Only Ghati and Vikati. He has and reached office just at lunch hour.
written 58G 40V after Shri Marthanda I slowly opened his door and peeped in.
Mandala Udhayath; On Sani Vasarae.
When we refer toEphemeris it is 13-5-1945 He said " Come on, Come on".
according to calendar date (and calendar I presented the horoscope and said " Sir,
day, Sunday). But according to Hindus it this is your sister's chart ".
was Saturday. Then I asked him do you " One minute ".
know the time of birth of this sister, Sir.
He at once dialled, enquired his widow He pressed the button. Peon came in.
mother. Then, he said that at 5-24 A.M. " Soonoh," get 2 cupsMakobar Coffee.
she was born just before sunrise on 13th Close the door. Don't allow anybody
May. inside." (I thought within myself that I
" Thanks, Sir." I am after all a stenographer.
I said " My Guruji is ever correct. He I told that bis sister will have an arran-
used to say that a few, born in some Pur- ged marriage with a gentleman, working
ohit family, take for granted that Sun ever in a bank. Betrothal will be around 12tb
rises at 6 A.M. and convert the time of birth October, '69 and celebration around
given in I.S.T. by parents to Ghatis and 2nd week December, '69. He looked at
Vikaties. A few refer, find out the sunrise the charts.
for that locality on that date and calculate. "Hurray! How quick you are ! So
Actually, Sun rose at 6-31 A.M. on that much information is only one page. All
day, at Bombay. If 5-24 A.M. is the time about the chart is found here. You have,
of birth, lagna should be in the very written date of marriage also in the
beginning of Aries in Kethu star. Sir, simi- margin. Good".
larly, there can be many mistakes. I shall
note down her date, time and place of Peon enters. He keeps the 2 cups in a
birth ; take it to my house: refer to Ephe- tray and stretches. The Officer took one
metis and bring her chart, correctly cast by cup and presented it to me and then he
me, tomorrow, Sir." " Do you know how took his. I felt very delicate and emb-
to cast ? " asked the Officer. rassed like a newly wedded village girl-
Sir, I should not say much. Humility is But the Officer was much pleased ".
the first quality of a person. I know not Thus he narrated in meticulous detail
only how to cast but also to forecast the and was happy to note in the change of
charts of all born in all the four castes. " a stiff person's attitude and extraordinary
kind treatment when he knew that the
" Good, Why can't you do one thing? stenographer was also a follower of K.P ;
You take this. (He gave a 5-rupee note.) a scientific astrologer, with convincing
Go by taxi. Bring those books which you argument and without confusion."
have to refer. Do it and relieve my worry Sir, today, I want to go at least at
now itself. Why postpone to tomorrow." 1 P.M. I have taken permission; You
I left my shorthand note-book and know Sir, he granted it in no time—most
pencil in my drawer, I locked it, saying unusual. Let us test whether ruling
complete rest to both of you and quickly planets reveal correctly what we want.
I rushed to my house. In the taxi, I " Alright. Come on Can't you give up
recollected the days when the Officer you know, Sir",
refused even 10 minutes permission. I
reached home. My mother asked me why Yes, Sir, I am sorry : Now I want to
1 bad returned so soon and then asked test how ruling planets reveal truth. What
me to stay, take tiffin and go. So I period is he running now ? Sir."
''What is today?—Who rules it? " what all I know to those who want without
" Friday—Venus any doubt and confusion and deal the
subject exhaustively
" What is the star ? Where is Moon ? "
"True, Sir, what do you want me to do
"Chitra—Lord Mars. In Libra— in future ? "
Venus " You be true.' Always, say Good
"So these two must be ruling in his Luck. Never hereafter prefix," You know,
chart, now. Refer to his chart you know ". Do not be in the company
"Yes, Sir; on 28-2-1969, already he of blufiers. Do not feel jealous of others.
has entered into Venus Dasa Venus Bbukti Do not talk ill of others. When you are
Mars Anthra. Marvellous, Sir true, remember truth alone will prevail.
But if repeated attempts are made by
Ail these are given to you all by Lord jealousy people and your honour is affect-
Ganesh through me I thank God for ed you give right and left. Good Luck.
having selected me who is honest, unselfish Let us meet, when I come next to Bombay ;
and who has the desire to teach clearly Good Luck "
Late in the night X was about to put the even though it is water if it is served by
switches off when I felt tired, rather ex- one's wife with smiling face, it itself will
hausted after satisfying my friends from give some vigour. I think I am right "
7 A.M. to 5-30 P.M. and then delivering True: yet you try Astra. You will never
lecture on the role of sub at Bharatiya feel fatigued for hours to come. You
Vidhya Bbavan, Bombay: 15 hours rest- will regain freshness. You will be active.
less mental work. Let your wife herself serve. You will
At that time 2 gents and a lady came in surely get life."
without any previous appointment. So you want me to take Astra and be
Within me, I said "Oh God, when awake for some hours to satisfy you by
1 am completely exhausted people yet my prediction. (Stupid laughter.) Not
pout in". exactly that. Please try.
Anyhow what to do? I said " Come In 3 minutes, the visitor iady and my
on. Sir; please take seat and make your- wife prepared and my wife served to all
self comfortable." the visitors.
Honestly, I tell you. within 45 seconds,
" Thanks, " said the lady when others tiresome feeling disappeared. I felt
were taking their seats. afresh. Mind became to work with as
" We have come to meet Mr. Krishna- much alertness as it used to function in
murti. " Welcome I am Krishnamurti ". the early morning hours- Indeed, thanks
"Namastheji : We are coming from . to you and through you to " Astra."
Mulund to meet you. We have an urgent One of the students who had come
problem and you have to guide us." down from Hyderabad taking leave and
" About marriage of anybody " staying with me to attend the astrological
course asked me " what made you drink
"Yes." ' Astra.' As per your chart, how in this
'' Alright! I am very tired. Allow me moment, you are given a drink which
2 minutes. Then I said loudly" "Please get gives life to you ?
me a cup of water." My wife heard my Where is the Moon ?
voice from inside and she was bringing it.
At that time, the visitor lady said to " In Bharani constellation."
her husband " Why should not you give What is the lagna, now ?
him Astra " "Libra "
" Certainly, take it out ". " For Bharani and Libra" who is the
Tasked "What for?" ruler ?
You appear to be very tired. You "Venus"
kindly take Astra instead of that water. "Where is Venus today ? "
You will feel fresh. "In Pisces "
I have heard about " Astra ", but some- "What is the nature fo the sign?"
bow my wife gives Horlicks or Ovaltine, " Dual.
whenever I am tired. Because she has not
so far used Astra. This is much I tell you. 'No, No.'
" Wateiy." "What will be the nakshatra of the girl,
" Yes." whose marriage is to be fixed, please " ?
" So Venus is for food. Watery sign He is the last querist for this day. Now
means drinks. Sweet drinks. Pure drinks." it is Sukra star today, Sukra sign is lagna.
" Healthy drink as it is exhausted." Mars Mesha rasi is occupied by Moon,
Saturday; they have come, it may be
"Why not brandy ? " Bbarani 3rd pada orMrigasira 2nd pada.
Neptune or Mars must aspect Venus. The visitors said Bbarani, Sir. How did
Then only, it will be an intoxicating drink. you arrive at this?
Hence Jupiter aspects Venus, Jupiter is a In the subsequent issue, I shall explain
strong benefic. He is the lord of the sign bow in no time (which freshness I bad
where Venus is. So it is a good useful drink. due to Astra and my mind was alert),
The visitor lady brings in another cup, I calculated and predicted by the Divine
one more cupful of Astra and says, kindly Grace of Ucbcbisbta Maha Ganapatbi.
take this also, please. The size of the cup This is one of the findings given by
is small." Lord Ganesb to you all, so that those
At least for decency, I would have told who have a doubt about their star can
" Enough," But it teaches my student that correct theirs in no time. Fanchangs are
Pisces being a dual sign, twice it will be many. They have agreed to disagree in
served. So I thanked her saying " Pro- giving the exact moment of the transit of
Moon from one constellation to the other.
bably you give me astra before betrothal So those who are born in such moments,
of your girl, as I may not be then, in when one Pancbang shows Rohini,
Bombay. Again saying thanks, I took. another will show Mrigasira. One who
" Madam, what shall I say! " had read the text-books on Traditional
Anyhow, considering my pressure of Astrology will, without any scientific ex-
work and my age, I have decided to use planation will say that "The Pancbang
Astra and Astra alone hereafter. used by me is correct." The another
Pandit will say " No, that which I use is
On 7th March Aquarians will say Good corract." They do not know the truth.
Bye to Saturn. Why? All these are due to the difference in
Saturn — Sade Sati is over on that day. Ayanamsa.
It leaves Pisces and goes to Aries. Those who cannot solve it, call, that it
Some 7th March I will bid good-bye to is a vexed problem. He who has solved,
coffee, tea, chaya, etc. I shall take hot in one word, says " Any other Ayanamsa
Asira whenever I prefer hot drink and cool is incorrect. Follow mine " because he
Coca Cola whenever I wish cool-drink. does not want certificates from confused
Alright! Let us see the girl's chart.
The student staying with me interfers Should not be advance a convincing
and asks, " Why, Sir so much delay in argument? "
attending to their job? « Yes."
My dear boy, what is today ? Read the article on Ayanamsa you will
" Saturday." be convinced. Apply in such cases, you
will find the exact position of any planet,
"Then Saturn will delay. Something or if you approach the astrologer with real
other should stand on the way urge. Your doubt will disappear.

f Solution Explained; Hindus considered that the pathway of
; "No more vexation". Though I had the planets along with sun called Zodiac
/found out the solution, I did not publish intersacting the celestial Equator while
the reasoning so far, as I wanted entering the Northern Hemisphere, at
thousands of my regular students, readers Vernal Equinox was exactly 180°opposite
and astrologers following only Krishna- to autumnal equinox.' In other words,
murti Paddhati applied strictly my they took that the autumnal equinox and
theory, came out correct and reported to the Star Cbitra (spica) were in the same
me the simplicity in calculation, surety in longitude counted from Vernal Equinox.
prediction, success in the results and Then the ecliptic is divided into twelve
satisfaction to the customers. equal signs as in each year there will be 12
points where the Moon in full would
"What is Ayanamsa, uncle?" asks a appear. They are called Solar mansion,
teenager. sign or rasi. Also they divided the
"You know, that just like we have Zodiac into 27 equal parts as each part
equater for the Earth which is equi-distant will be 13° 20' which is theaverage motion
from North Pole and South Pole, there is of Moon in 24 hours. This 13° 20' ere is
an equator for the Heavens which is called called Lunar mansion, constellation,
celestial Equator. As our earth is inclined asterism, star and so on. As they are 27
by 23° 27' to the vertical, the pathway of in number, they are spotted or located by
the sun appears to be inclined and it is also taking 27 groups of stars, and fixing the
inclined by 23" IT. If you take, two cycle extent of each constellation, irrespective
wheels and hold them with both hands one of these groups being in the arc of the
crossing the other, what do you notice." constellation or in the South or in the
" One wheel cuts the other in 2 places". North of the Zodiac.
" Are the point of cutting adjacent to But Westerners take the intersecting
each other ". point of the celestial Equator and the
" How can it be? They are diametrically Zodiac as the Equinox. Both Hindus and
opposite ". Westerners knew that this Equinox very,
" Similarly the pathway of the sun, very, very slowly moves backwards, say
termed as Ecliptic cuts the celestial 1° in 71 years. As centuries pass on, the
Equator, intercepts it at 2 points, 180° off actual intersecting point gets far far away
each other. When the sun is in Northern from the fixed point followed by Hindus
course it cuts at one point the equator. which is always 180° opposite to Spica-
During southern course at a point which Chitra a bright single star.
is diametrically opposite, the point of
intersection during its northern course is The distance between the actual inter
called " Vernal equinox " and the other secting point, i.e. the real Vernal Equinox
point of intersection is called Autumnal and the arbitrarily taken fixed, Hindu
Equinox ". Vernal Equinox is called " Ayanamsa


K. S. K.
" What is the correct time of my birth ? "At the time of judgment at Bombay on
It is said to be between 3 and 3-20 A. M. Tuesday at 8-28 A.M. I.S.T. on 11-3-1969,
on 3-5-1923 at 26° 55' N and 80° 59' E- when the Ascendant is at 27° Pisces and
Further is my birth star Anuradba or the Moon is transitting in Scorpio sign in
Jyeshta ?". Mercury star the ruling planets are Jupiter,
Mercury, Mars, Mercury and Marsaceord- all one of the ruling planets at the moment
ing to Lagna Moon, star Moon sign and of judgment, but Mercury and Mars are
the day. the ruling planets, his star must be
As Rahu is in Jupiter's sign and Kethu Jyesbta. If it should be Anuradha, i.e.,
is in Mercury's sign, the lagna must be 0° 28' earlier position of Moon, then,
2° 33' in Pisces, i.e. Jupiter sign Jupiter since Moon moved at 14° 40' in 24 hours, •
star Rahu sub and Kethu sub sub. i.e. 880' in 1440 minutes, for 28 minutes
If 2° 33' of Pisces is to rise on 3-5-1923 it will be — =45'50' before the actual
at 26° 55' N the time should be 3 hours 8 time Of birth. As the time of birth is 3
minutes 31 secondsL.M.T. As longitude hours 14 minutes 35 seconds. Moon cove-
is 80° 59' E, the lime of birth in I.S.T. will red Anuradha and entered Jyesbta at
be 3.14.35. If he is born at a time before 2-28-45 A.M. This is definitely not his
3.4.25 A.M. lagna should be in Aquarius. time of birth. Hence, star is Jyeshta and
If he is born after 3-18 A.M. lagna should Jyeshta alone.
be above 3° 20' in Pisces. As Saturn is
not a ruling planet at the moment of (Readers may be interested to note
judgment his birth could never, never be why important positions of both lagna
before 3.05 A.M. and never after 3.18 A.M. and stat are to be rectified. Does the
according to the time of judgment. moment of judgment reveal? Yes.
As Rahu and Kethu are the significators, Lagna was in Revathi star governed by
2° 33' Pisces must be the lagna- No alter- Mercury in the sign Pisces owned by
native at all. Jupiter. Mercury is the chief significator
If this time is taken, his star where for plurality. Pisces itself is a dual sign.
Moon was should be jyeshta. But he was Hence more than one mistake is to be
all along given to understand that Uthta- corrected or more than one doubt is to be
padra was his star. As Saturn is not at clarified.)
Readers are informed that the Editor is Questions :—
pleased to announce the following.'— 1. Minor events to happen on the
Articles on Horary System using a , same day or in a few days.
number between 1 and 249 on different When and what time will the event
aspects are to be sent only to the Editor, happen ?
12 Brahmin Street, Saidapet, Madras-15,
as and when they are ready. (a) Peon sent to bring cash from
Two .typed copies are necessary. Decent the bank : much time is passed:
what happened? When will he
margin should be left on the left side. come ? (2, 6, 11)
The matter is to be typed by giving
double space. (b) Daughter from college not yet
returned. When can she be
Competitors must submit a minimum expected ? (5 and 11)
of twenty articles between 13-4-1969 and
31-3-1970. The subject to be dealt with (c) Luggage booked in the plane
should be selected from the following by which passenger travelled,
questionnaire. not found at the destination.
When will he get it? (2 and 11)
The article should be clearly, methodi- (d) When can I have the interview?
cally, exhaustively and scientifically ex- Interview time has passed.
plained'. Krishnamurti Paddbati is to
be followed strictly. Four of the. best (e) Registered post not yet recei-
authors who have presented well, will be ved ; when can one expect ?
given a cash token reward of Rs. 250 (3 and 11)
each for their talent. Four authors coming (f) When will the strike be called
3th, 6th, 7fh and 8th will be presented with off?
Rs. 100 each. Eight authors coming (g) Train detailed. When will
next will be given Rs. 30 each. Eight it arrive ? (4 and 11)
others will be given Rs. 25 each. Twelve
others will have free subscription of the (fa) Telephone Trunk call—When
magazine "Astrology and Athrishta" for 2 it materialise ? (3 and 11)
years. So also, all the winners will have
in addition to the reward, free supply 2. Correct time of birth : Ruling
of this magazine for 2 years. . planets.
Thus the Editor wants to distribute to 3. Correct position of Lagna—Ruling
the talented authors. planets.
4. Is the report true or false ? (Sub-
Editor's judgment is final. lord of 3rd)
The Editor reserves the right to publish 5. How long will one live ? (Discus
the articles in his publications as and longevity)
when he finds useful. It is made clear 6. What about the ailment: Chronic
that any article published in the magazine or acute ? When will the cure be?
does receive consideration for the prize ; Will he survive ?
also if any has not appeared it does not
mean that it is rejected due to shortage 7. What about the accident ? Will he
of space. Only a few will be published. succumb to it ?
8. Talce the names of 3 hospitals : 37. Will I get admission in the college?
For each hospital take a number 38. Any study overseas.
and find out where the querist
can admit himself for treatment. 39. Will I purchase a properly? When?
What is its quality ?
9. Which time is good for operation 1 40. Will I construct a building ?
10. Can I lend money to a particular 41. Can I mortgage my property ?
person, will it be safe ? When will
he repay ? 42. When can I sell my property 7
11. Will 1 be able to borrow? When Good price or what ?
and from whom? 43. Will the Government acquire ray
12. Will I be able to clear off loans? property ?
When? 44. Which relative of mine will help
13. When will I get some job? me?
14. Can I expect a transfer, when ? 45. When can I have a tenant to my
15. When will I be promoted ? house ?
16. Will I be reverted ? 46- Is my house a haunted one ?
17. Any foreign assignment to me? 47. When can I have a vehicle ?
18. Which country is lucky for me ? Bicycle, motor cycle or car 7
19. Which town is fortunate for me? 48. Can I take up shipping shares ?
20. (a) When will I retire 7 (b) or Will 49. When can I dispose my vehicle?
I resign ? 50- Health of brother, mother, child,
21. Any reappointment, for me ? father, wife and friends?
22. Can I do business ? 51. Longevity of brother, mother,
23. Which business will be profitable ? child, father, wife and friends ?
When ? 52. Relationship with different rela-
24. Can I speculate ? Which shares tives ?
will pay ? 53. Can I prosper as an actor, actress,
25. Can I gain in races? Which time , musician?
is the best to bet? 54. Relative missing — when will he
24. Can I gain in lottery? When ? or she return ? Are they alive or
27. - When will 1 receive my arrears of dead ?
pay? 55. Will I enter into service or will I
28. When will 1 get my pension ? do business ?
29. Which Insurance policy is profit- 56. Is there any litigation? What is
able ? Endowment or Life policy ? the ultimate result?
30. Will agency business do good to 57. Will he appeal 7
me ? 58. When do you expect judgment?
31. Am I fit to be salesman ? 59. Will I stand for elections? Will
32. Can I be the Personal Assistant to I succeed?
to a Minister ? 60. Will I sit for competitive examina-
33. Will 1 succeed in my negotiation? tion? What is the result ?
When ? 61. Will my officer write outstanding
34. Which college will X join ? report about me?
35. Will I get scholarship ? 62. Will my name be in the panel for
36. Will X come out successful in the promotion ?
examination ? 63. Will I be selected as a minister ?
64. Can I become the Mayor of this 91. Which time is good
city ? (a) to have a servant.
65. Who would have stolen my pro- (b) to buy an article.
perty 7 (c) to sell an article.
66. Which way has the thief gone 7 (d) to enter into service.
Will he be caught ? (e) to sign an agreement.
67. Can 1 regain ray lost property? (f) to start a business.
68. Can I get my legitimate inheri- (g) to release a film.
tance ? Any litigation ! (h) to lay foundation, etc.
69. Is there any treasure in my build-
ing ? 92. Cattle not found — When can I
70. I have mislaid my jewel 7 Will I have?
get 7 Where is it 7 93. Which of these houses or girls or
71. Will be or she marry me 7 Will cars can I have 7
there are any trouble 7 94. Can I go on pilgrimage 7
72. Will he be chaste or he be true? 95. Will I get a Guru to initiate 7
Has she a boy-friend 7 or he a 96. Can I have siddhi by such prayer 7
keep. 97. Can I become a Sanyasi 7
73. Can I divorce her or him 7 98. Will I have satisfactory spiritual
74. Did she have abortion before life?
marrying me 7 (Take birth chart 99. Will I be punished 7
75. Will my love affairs materialise ? 100. Is there any imprisonment for me 7
76. Is there second marriage for me 7 101. Will I be prosecuted by Income
Tax Department 7
77. Who will survive. I or she 7 102. Will there be raid in my house?
78. Any child for me ? Who is sterile ? 103. Will enforcement foreign exchange
79. Am I to adopt? or customs department catch me?
80. Can I have at least a son 7 104. Can I be an editor of a book 7
81. Can I have a girl? Will 1 succeed?
82. Will my invalid child pick up 105. Is journalism good for me?
health? Why this agony for me7 106. Can I have popularity and pro-
83. When can I deliver? gress?
84. Is delivery painful, dangerous, etc. 107. Will my petition be successful 7
or does it need surgical aid? 108. Will I get some reward for having
85. Who can seek Surgeon's aid for given information of the tax-
family planning? I or she. evaders to the Head of the Depart-
86. Will the partner in business lucky 7 ment.
Honest 7 109. Will I get President award—Nobel
87. Do you advise to have a partner? prize 7
88. Why do you threaten me by say- 110. Will politics suit me?
ing that I should have no partner 111. Can I become the Premier 7 etc.
in business 7 etc.
89. How to find whether wife will be 112. Will I get passport to go to
ill or the partner in business 7 Canada 7
90. Can I have a servant to assist me 7 From this list, one has to select any
When 7 twenty questions.
One question can be answered only once logy Research Scholars will be requested
by any one person. Twenty different to meet at Delhi.
questions are 10 be answered. They must On 16-4-70, the names of the winners
be sent only to Madras address by Regis- will be published. Invitations to reward
tered Post. winners will be sent.much in advance.
The reward will be given away by the For those who can't be present, money
then prominent popular person at Delhi will be sent by M.O. on 1—5—1970 to the
on 30-4-1970 when All-India Stellar Astro- clear address given by the reward winner,


Jyotbir Pandit HIP.aLAL SHARMA,
Hon. Director. Sri Markandaya Astro-Cultural Institute. Ballabgarb. Mandir P.O.,
Banjar District—Kulo {Dtmachal Pradesh).
Kulu (in Himacbal Pradesh) is called puram)—God Jamdegni (Maharishi Jam-
the valley of gods. People of this valley dagniji whose followers need not consult
worship these gods as their family deities and Astrologer or Purohit for all horos-
the best way they can. All festivals and copic works are done by this god himself
other religious functions are celebrated telling all planetary longitudes and com-
through the wishes of these gods. Muhur- binations and House-Cusps even of those
tas for marriage etc., calculated from who have lost their birth data. This god
Ephemeris and Almanacs by well-known is well known for Horary Prognosis of the
Astrologers and Purohits are not taken events with scientific accuracy)—god
finally until unless there is-a positive tip Manu Maharaj (Our great Architect of
from the concerned family god. Decision Manu-smrili; whose meditation ground
of Purobit and blessing towards it from now-a-days goes under the name of
concerned. Family god must corroborate Manali well known for its majestic natural
each other. Even horoscopes of Bride scenery now attracting a large number of
and Bridegroom are matched on similar foreigners since our late Prime Minister
lines. This state of affairs measures the lawabar Lai Nehru selected this as bis
religious faith of the people of this valley " Natural Rest-House ") god Sringarishi
in their gods. (Maharishi Sringarishi under whose direc-
tion Maharaja Dasaratba performed a
These gods are our ancient Rishis great yagya to beget sons in his advanced
worshipped in the form of deities. Those age—and consequent upon this yagya—
friends of mine who might have happened Lord Rama was born, etc.)
to enjoy Dushebra Festival at Kulu must
have seen the same. Major figures among Now every god in this Kulu valley of
these gods are—god Parashar (Maharishi ours has a man blessed by the god to carry
Parashar of Bribat Parashar Hora Shas- on all the spiritual activities broadcast
tram whose Vimshottari—Dasa is a land through the mouthoja man most spiritual
mark in the history of timing the- in character known as "Chela" whose
events astrologically)—god Markandayaji walking, taking etc., are always in tune
Brahamrishi Markandaya who learnt with the god itself, The man who is
all Brahamsutras directly from Lord empowered by the god to carry on such
Brahma and complete Durga Charitram, like processes among the masses is called
etc., completely found in (Markandaya- 'Kardar' of that god. His selection is a
(peculiar type of election purely on religi- year 1969, i.e. 23° 20' is given below :
ous basis just as the selection of our
Sankaracharyas to various pithams. Sani 26.18
Rahu Lagna
10.08 ' 24 26
I now relate an incident of this type in Mo#n 5.19
light of Krisbnamurti Faddhati. X 29.06
Shri Bhagwan Singh Thakur, of Kothi 25.53
Chehni, Tehsil; Seraj; Dist. Kulu (H.P.) IX #.06
put a query on 22-1-1969; Wednesday at Rasi
Merc. (R)
4-55 I.S.T. at Banjar (Lat. 31° 36' and 22.19 III 0.06
Long. 77° East). Number given by the Sun 8.55 IV 29.06
VIII 7.061
querist within 249-51. And Nature of
query-his selection to the throne of Mars Kelhu
' Kardar ' of god Sringatishiji ? V1T 24.261 VI 11.6 Ncp.19.46 10.08
4.58 Urn 10.35
V 4.06 Jup. 12.43
The horoscope cast in accordance with
Krisbnamurti Principles using Raphael's Now, Balance of Saturn's I) asaat query
Epherneris and Raphael's Table of Houses y.m.d. m.d =
with Krisbnamurti ayanamsa for the 16-1-24 and sub period of Saturn for = 2-0.
Sun occupies the constellation of Sun and the sub of Venus
Moon „ „ Saturn „ Saturn
Mars „ Rahu ,, Mars
Mercury „ „ Moon „ Venus
Jupiter „ ,, Moon „ Rahu
Venus ,, „ Jupiter „ Kethu
Saturn „ „ Mercury „ Saturn
Rabu „ „ Saturn „ Venus
Kethu „ „ Moon j, Moon
Herschel and Neptune, having been assig- tion. Moreover, enterprise is religious
ned no place in the constellation Zodiac one. Jupiter-Devguru should also be
are omitted here. Their positions in the included while passing the judgment.
map are indicated for academic interest, Lord of Ascendant cusp (Rasi lord) is
of course. Mercury occupying the Sth House while
Analysis : There were four candidates Rasi lord of 7th House is Jupiter (inci-
contesting for the seat of 'Kardar' of god dently significalor of religious enterprises
Sringarish. also) occupying 10th House from 7th
All were well reputed for their clear House. This preliminary text speaks in
heartedness and honesty. It was solely for disfavour of the querist. Also star lord
god Sringatishiji to decide which one to of Ascendant is Rahu depicting Jupiter in
select. The native of this map was one 4th which is 10th to the 7th House (indi-
of the candidates. Hence the horary map cating the opponents). This also weighs
was judged in accordance with K.P. Prin- the weak position of the Native of this
ciples in terms of 'contest type of question' Horary Chart. Star lord of 10th is Jupi-
involving the opponents. ter signifying the strong position of the
opponents. Sub lord of 10th cusp is Sun
Now 1st bouse indicates the querist and occupying Sth House to the querist but
7th bouse denotes querists immediate 2nd to the 7th. All these tests unani-
rivals. Since election as ' Kardar ' entitles mously declare the weak position of the
one to have a most coveted place in terms querist and strong position of the oppo-
of permanent occupation till one's death ; nents. Now while looking into the both
10th house is to be taken into considera- sides of the question, a faint doubt arises
to the selection of the querist. Becaasep
piter is depicted by Rahu in the lOthj n Actually on 23—1—69; Saturday god
f Sringarisht (as it was previously scheduled)
house from Ascendant to one's confirmed took all the four candidates to testify their
confidence to venture the prediction in luck. Decision was declared on 23—1—69
favour of the opponents is disturbed a bit at about II A.M. J.S.T. (on Ashwini
According to Krishnamiirti Padhdhati star day ruled by Kethu and Pisces—
whenever a doubt arises consider the sub. sign lagna ruled by Jupiter) by god
Sub is the deciding factor. Sringarisht by special religious procedure.
The querist (in spite of strong candi-
Now sub lord of the oust) of Ascendant is date in the public opinion) bad failure
Kethu. This occupies 10th House and one among the opponents was selected
o 7th. Moreover Kethu represents Mer- as the ' Kardar' of Maharaja Sringarishiji
cury occupying 8th House from the Ascen- of Krishnamurti Padhdhati not only in
dant and 2nd to 7lh. Mercury is also retro- the handling of worldly affairs—astrologi
grade in motion (tending to join cusp of cally but also in the matters which are
8th House). Also star and sub of 7th strictly spiritual in characters which can
cusp art^ruled by Venus. Venus occupies only be perceived by Divine forces. This
Jupiter's constellation and sub of Kethu; shows how Krishnamurti Padhdhati has
'both occupying 10th House from 7tb. revealed well in advance the decision to
Incidently Venus also depicts the oppo- be fnllowed by god Sringarishiji 3 days
■ nents being the occupant of constellation hence.
. of lord of 7th House. This clearly ' That is to say that god Sringarishiji
shows that the querist's success in the Maharaj himself has followed Krishna-
contest is ruled out all indications being murti Padhdhati in selecting the best
negative. suitable candidate to occupy the most
Hence I declared, " Querists " failure in coveted throne of ' Kardar' to himself
the contest for the seat of.'Kardat.' (i.e., to god Sringarishiji).

K. S. K.
, Number given is 203. follows:—
Readers of this magazine know that I 11 22.25 Rahu Zl
iwould have asked the querist to give a Moon Ven 13.21 IV 26.25 V 22.25
number within 249 : Why ? There are only 5-52 Sat 21.35'
ITI 27.25
'2 schools: one to have a number between
•T and 108 and the other to have a number Sun 25.24
..between 1 and 249. Since the number Asc, 16° VI 17.25
given is 203, it should be between 1 and Merc. 2-42 Sayana
249. I7~2~49
But, if one consultant mentions 203 11-30 A.M.
when he is asked to give a number within Xll 17.25 VII 15
108, then one need not bother to calculate ._
but say at once that the answer is nega- [ IX 27.25 t
tive to the query which he puts : Look at Nep. 28,40 Jup. 4,51 [
XI 22.25 X 26.25 Ura. 3.18 VIII 22.25
his worry. Absent mindedness ! Mar. 26.16 , Kethu
1 2,07 [
The Zodiac is divided into 249 divisions Ayanamsa 23.20,
as per Krishnamurti; There are 249 differ-
ent combinations of sign lord, star lord Nirayana chart is as follows;—
and sub lord. Therefore, each number Sat. 2S,15
has a definite combination. One number Ven. 20.1 iii
III 4 05 i v lg3.05
_05 VI 24-05
less or greater given has differentcombina- Rahu 8.47
tion of planets indicating different results. Ii
Also each number shows the exact position 33 29.5
in the Zodiac which is to be taken as the Moon VIl 22-40
ascendant 203 means Saturn sign Capri- Sun 5.4 ■ , Nirayana
corn, Moon star Sravana, Sun sub 22" 40' IM0 A.M.
to 23° 20' Nirayana. Latitude in 18° 55'. Lagna
12.40 VIII 29.05
Therefore we have to take that for this Merc. 9.22
horary map 22° 40' Capricorn is the as- XI 29.5 )
cendant (the beginning of the sub). Add Ncp. 5.20 .KethuJM?
ayanamsa 23° 20'- Then Sayana asc. = 16° XII 24.05 M.C. 3.5 1X4.05 Ura 9.58
Aquarius. Referring to Table of Houses Mats Jup. 11.31
for this latitude, it will be seen that 2.56 [
second cusp is 22° 25' Pisces; third cusp is Research is shown by 9th house and the
27" 25' Aries; by calculation we will success in any walk of life is shown by
obtain that 4th cusp is 26° 25' Taurus; lltb cusp and the time is to be judged
Fifth cusp is 22° 25' Gemini, and sixth from the significators: failure and loss or
cusp is 17° 25' Cancer; The other 6 cusps success in a foreign land are to be under-
are 180° opposite. stood from 12th (it will be clarified subse-
Position of planets for this moment is to quently). Number given shows that the
be inserted. lagna is in Capricorn 22° 40'. For 18.55
latitude Hth cusp is in 29° 5' Scorpio. It is
It is Monday. Time of judgment 11-30 Mars sign. Mercury star and Saturn sub.
A.M. on 17-2-69. The horoscope is as Neither the lord of the constellation nor
tbe lord of the sub is in retrograde passed. 10 years and 29 days are left over
motion. So one is to judge what the cusp So, Saturn Bhukti continues til! 27-2-69
promises according to the sub lord and tbe Then Mercuryand KethuBhukti must pass,
signjficators. Mercury is in 12thBhava: 1.e., 3 years 7 months 6 days and then only
Saturn the sub lord and Venus, lord of 9 successful. Sukra Bhukti comes, i.e., 4
are in Mercury constellation. 12th house years 2 months from today i.e., middle of
shows failure and loss in the place of resi- February 1973. During Mercury and
dence or fortune and success in another Kethu Bhukties research will go on.
foreign place. It depends on the lord of Kethu is in Budha's sign.
constellation in which the planet in 12 is [2, 5 and Uth houses show child bjrth
deposited. If the lord of the constellation 2, 5, 6 and 11 to gain in speculation.
of the planet in 12 were to be situated in 1 2, 7 and 11 houses for marriage ; 6, 9,
or 2 or 3 or 6 or 10 or 11, one gains with 11 and 12, for overseas and higher studies,
strangers, foreigners, in another place, in 6, 9 and 11 scholarship for higher studies.
foreign land, etc. Otherwise, one incurs
loss, wastes time and money. 2, 6, 10, 11 for promotion.
The constellation lord is Mercury. It 2, 4, 11 for house.
shows that one spends time, money, etc. in 2, 4, 11 for car.
a place other than his permanent place. 6 and U pet animals.
As Mercury is in the constellation of Sun 2 and 11 help through younger brother.
in lagna bhava, it is well spent and suc- 9. 11 to submit Thesis or do research
cess is promised. Any planet or cusp in and come out successful.
Mercury constellation is also auspicious 4, 11 for success in education.
indicating similar results. Saturn, the sub
lord is lord of t and 2 in 2nd bhava in 6; II to win.the litigation.
Mercury star and own sub. Hence Saturn 6, 11 to be successful in election and so
is also good. Therefore 11th cusp is under on. Thus one is to note that the llth
the sway of Mercury and Saturn : They is judged to find out success—In which,
promise luck in a foreign place: Success one wants success. According to that
in enterprises: fulfilment of one's desire query, one is to find out the other house
and realisation of one's ambition. or houses to be considered.
Then note the significators of 11th Here 9 and 11 houses promise success
house. 11th house extends from 29° 5' and they also show that it will be in the
Scorpio to 24° 5' Sagittarius. No planet middle of February 1973. In this query,
is in this area. Lord of the 11th bhava is the bhukties'which are to run before suc-
the lord of the sign where 11th cusp has cess are those of Mercury and Kethu. As
fallen. It is in Scorpio, Hence Mars is the Kethu is in Mercury's sign it will continue
lord of the 11th house. Sun alone is in to give what Mercury offers. .If Mercury
Mars star. Therefore Sun and Mars are has no connection with 9 or 11, then he
the significators of 11th house matters: will not dovresearch. Mercury is the lord
For research, take 9th house. 9th cusp of the coosfellati.on where llth cusp is. So
falls in Libra. It is owned by Venus and his attempts to do research will be success-
9th house is occupied by Mars. We have ful in Mercury sub period. As it is in 12,
found that Sun alone is in Mars star. he will do it in a foreign place.
As regards the owner Venus, no planet Kethu in Mercury's sign promises
is in Venus star. Hence Venus indicates. continuity. As dasa lord is connected
In Mars, Sun or Venus sign there is with Saturn, there will be honest and sin-
neither Rahu nor Kethu. But Venus is con- cere attempts. The querist will be
joined with Rahu. So Rahu will give plodding, persevering and patiently
Venus results. Time of success will be working. Thus this will go on till Sukra
Rahu Dasa Sukra Bhukti Sun Anthra Mars Bhukti comes. During Venus sub period,
Shookshraa. At the time of judgment one is successful. Mars, lord of 10th cusp
Raghu Dasa 7 years 11th months 1 day bad also promises name, fame and reputation.
K.C. SURRAMAHIAN. L,T.C. (Hons.), Technical Chemist,
UO-C./Trichy Road, RaroaDathapuram, Coiaibatore-18.
My daughter who is a teacher in a local Guru, who is in lagna bava. The delay
High School, about 4 miles away from my in coming is due to some other cause, as
present place, and who is also a resident the retrogression of Guru indicates it.
in the School Hostel, used to come home on Now to find out the time of coming, I
every alternate Saturday before it is dark, applied K. P. Ruling planets are Sani,
i.e., before 5-30 P.M. To-day being a Sukra, Mars, Sun. Since this is a minor
Saturday, all the people of my household event which is to happen in an hour or so
were expecting her, as usual, in the we have to see the transit of the Asc. cusp
evening. She did not turn up till 6-40 p.m. over the sensitive points in that sign indi-
most unusual. It is dark my wife who cated by the ruling planets. Sukra is the
was very anxious about her arrival Ascendant star lord at the lime. When the
suddenly put a question. " Please tell me four planets conjointly operate, the event
whether Jaya will come home or not to- must happen.
day, and if she will be coming, at what 13° 26' Leo—Sukra star, Sukra sub.
time? " Sukra sub sub has started. After 2.8
Time 6-40 p.m. I.S.T. Place—Coimba- mts. Mars sub—sub period will end. She
torc on 22-2-1969. Immediately 1 noted must come during Mars sub sub period.
down the ruling planets which are as I immediately announced that she would
follows: Saturday—Lord Sani star tran- come in a minute. When 1 just finished
sited by Moon—Bharani—Lord Sukra this-sentence. We heard the calling bell.
Moon Rasi—Mesha—lord Mars. Asc. To the surprise of all, my daughter was
13° 26' Leo—lord Sun Asc. star lord— seen entering the house through the front
Sukra. _ door. Actually her coming and my
Sani 28-45 Moon announcement of result coincided. Of
Suk. 23-57 22-16 course, it took me nearly 2 minutes for
Rahu 8-30 calculations. This incident clearly shows
bow amazing and accurate K.P. is in
predicting the immediate and distant
Sun future events. This incident also proves
10-12 the accuracy of Ayanamsa recommended
Rust chart for the by the Editor beyond a shadow of doubt.
Buda Lagna Editor's note :
13-40 13' 26' Taking ruling planets and finding out
the exact position in the zodiac—
Guru Rx Nirayana—and offering predictions are
Kujn 11-3 laboratory tests to prove that Krishna-
5-24 K-dliu
8-30 murti Ayanamsa alone is correct.
C.G. Rajan and Lahiri mostly agree
Lagna being a fixed sign and as lord of any other Ayanamsa is in correct I say to
lagna aspects Lagna, she will surely come my readers following K.P. to use my
home. Sun, lord of lagna is in the sub of Ayanamsa and forget others.
I am sad and distressed and a great to the 7th indicates receipt of money by
danger is threatening my happiness. So the professional money-lenders from you.
long for the past seven years 1 am drawing As such the 4th is connected with repay-
continually loans from resources and also ment of loans by you.
from the sources of other people to main Prior to my analysis, I refer to my arti-
tain my standard of living cle on " Repayment of Loans " published
I do not know what to do ? Whe- in our monthly ASTROLOGY AND
ther I should resign from my present ATHRISHTA in the December 1968 issue
service and pay up ail the creditors from wherein I have gone into many details on
any Provident fund and gratuity this aspect. In addition to it, I would
money or not ? Writes one from Calcutta point out some salient features here.
and gives a number 75 at 9.50 P.M. on
29th December, 1968. You are passing on Venus Dasa who is
lord of 6 and 11. Venus is in the constel-
The chart for the moment is as follows : lation of Mars who is lord of 5 and 12
which are responsible for your involving
Salurn in speculative investments. The lord of
TS'-lf,' Moonr lagha—Jupiter—is in the constellation of
Rabu 19* 24
Moon who is lord of 8th which is respon-
sible Tor your unexpected losses. So, I
venture to say that your involment in
risky enterprises is the main reason for
your borrowing from various sources.
Venus The fifth house stands for pleasure and
29° 42' the pleasurable pursuits you are involving
in. The 12th house represents your
Mercury Kctbu expenditure and as such it is not out of
27° 33' Mars 11" 2<j' place here if I mention that your expendi-
Sou 14*43' 6* 35' Jupiter ture in pleasurable pursuits is outweighing
Lat£i\a ir 59* your income resulting in borrowing.
Venus Dasa and Rahu Bhukti and Rahu The fifth also represents your children.
Bhukti balance is I year 24 days. Therefore necessity to borrow for the wel-
fare of children also not ruled out. So far
Judgment this much with regard to the reasens
behind your indebtedness.
Moon is the lord of 8th and is in the Now regarding your financial stability
5th. Both the houses are connected with and discbarge of loans, houses 2, 6, 10
discharge of debts as these represent gains and 11 represent the former while the pay-
or income to the persons who loaned out
money to you. Moon is in the constella- ments towards loans is governed by the
tion of Venus in 2nd and in the sub of houses 4, 5, 8 and 12. Let me explain you
Rahu in the 4th. The 2nd house repre- where and hew you stand.
sents your finances and available income The 2nd bhava is occupied by Venus. In
while the 4th house denotes your perma- 10th bhava Kethu and Venus are in close
nent possessions like land, buildings and conjunction. Mars though in the 10th
vehicles. The 4th house being the 10th bhava is very close to the 11 cusp. There-
are, those planets in the constellations of in 5, there is no wonder even if you sell
J) Venus, (2) Mars, (3) Kethu, and away, some of your properties like land or
Jupiter should contribute towards your buildings or vehicles or if such properties
{nanoial stability. are brought to auction sale by your credi-
tors. The same continues to be worrying
.. Sun and Moon in the constellations of you throughout Jupiter and Saturn bhuktis
yenus, Mars and Venus in the constella- too which would last till 23-11-1975. But
iibns of Mars should improve your finan- with the advent of Mercury bhukti, you
ces. In the absence of planets in their will have a sigh of relief, in spite of the
Constellations—Jupiter and Kethu as the fact that you will be still paying towards
[hccupants of the 10th Bhava will come up your loans as by then you will be gaining
i'to your rescue. Of these two, Kethu— fillip in finances. Mercury in the constella-
, J.being a node is stronger than Jupiter. tion of lord of 9th in lagna is surely a
'I prefer to select Kethu more so becauseit solacing period for you. During the period
, ds in the sub of Mars in the 10th and very of Mercury you will retire from your ser-
'close to the llth cusp. vice and as you say, you will be receiving
your provident fund, etc., which is like an
Finally Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus and oasis to a traveller in a desert. With the
. Kethu are to be taken for assessing your penetration of days onwards into Kethu
' financial success. period from 23-11-75 till 23-9-78 and with
the end of Venus a period of great trial
Sun in the sub of Venus and Kethu in and tribulation, you will find Moonlit
the sub of Mars are really sheet anchors blooming again in your life even if it is at
for your financial success during their con- the fag end, but definitely to your great
joined periods. As you are now passing merriment which will further be fortified
on Rabu bhukti for another one year and and maintained by the period of Sun.
twenty-four days, i.e. upto 23-1-1970, and
Rabu being the significator of the 4th I pray LORD UCHISTA MAHA
bhava and in the sub of Moon, lord of Stb GANAPATHI TO BLESS YOU with
in the 5th you will have to bear the pangs enough power of endurance to fight the
of discharging your debts by all the avai- battle of life which we are ordained to
lable means. As lord of 4th—Jupiter— fight.
ih" tr-'-agnted by Rabu, is in the sub of
Raiii.-iUinin the constellauon of lord of 8 Wishing you GOOD LUCK.
Horoscope is as follows;— and Mercury sub. Mercury and Sun are
under the sway of Mars and so, any planet
connected with Mercury and Sun must
XI 23.07 Lagaa cause promotion. Promotion can come only
Kethu 5.44 XII 26-07 27-05 II 23-07 |
when you are the Senior among the people
in your cadre or among those who bad
been selected for the selection post. So
M.C. III 20-07j seniority for success is assured in Rahu
20-7 I6-) 0-1922 Dasa only.
9-300 P.M.
ll -24' N For promotion judge houses 2, 6, 10
79*4 4' E MOOn and II.
IX 20-7 •5-31
TV 20-7 Second house is unoccupied—owned by
Rahu 5,44 Mercury; Rabu acts as its agent.
Mars VII 27-5 VI 26-7 Sat. 19.29 Sixth house is occupied by Venus no
27-43 Venus Jupiter V 20.07 , planet is in Venus star,
VII 23-07 11-01 5.08 Mcr. 27.09
Sun 29.50 | Tenth is occupied by Kethu. Moon is
Kethu Dasa balance year 4—I—7 in Kethu star.
Now Mars Dasa Sun Ghukti from Eleventh is unoccupied—owned by
17-12-68 to 23-4-69. Moon Bhukti will Jupiter none in its star. Kethu acts as an
be between 23-4-1969 and 23-11-1969. agent of Jupiter. Rabu acts as an agent
Moon in 3 in the constellation of Kethu of Mercury.
in 10 and in sub of Mars shows changes Hence you mil have promotion during
in your career and not improvement in the Rahu Dasa Rabu Ghukti Guru Antbra
status in the same place. KethuShookshma. It will be in July 1970
Rahu is in Virgo in Sun's constellation only.


Horoscope is as follows Mercury's stars are Ashlesha, Jyeshta
and Revathi. Saturn governs Pushya Anu-
radha and U.P.Pada, Venus rules Bharani-
Sun 22-41 IX 10-36 M.C. XI 11-36 P.Palguni and P. Shada. Kethu is in
VIII 9-36 Ket. 24-41 10-36 Bharani: Jupiter in Pushya: Sun in
Revathi; Rahu—a node—-represents Venus,
Mer. 29-16 XII 11-36 lord of 10 and in Rahu star, Moon and
Ven.29-11 5-4—1920 J up. 15.2? Mars are deposited.
VII 10-40
3-59 P.M- Now lord of 2 Mercury Dasa is on:
20° 42' N Moon Bhukti is running. Both are connec-
VI 11-36 71° 10' E Lag. 10-40 ted with the houses signifying self-acquisi-
Sat. 13-0 tion. Then one is to select the Anthra
and also judge the transit results consider-
Rah. 24-41 ing the ruling planets.
V 11-36 IV 10-36 15-33 II 9-36 Today, it is Friday : Star is Uthrashada
Mar. 13-35 ruled by Sun, Rasi Dhanus owned by
III 10-36
Jupiter. So, Venus Anthra or Sun Anthra
Rahu Dasa balance 6 years 3 days. and Sbookshma of one of these 3.
Now from 8-5-68 till 8-10-69 Mercury As the lord of the star is Sun, it is the
Dasa Moon Bhukti is operating. strongest. Jupiter is the lord of the rasi: it
comes next. Venus, lord of the day comes
For self-acquisition, judge houses 2, 6 last. So select Sun Anthra, Jupiter Shook-
and 10. shma and Venus sub in that.
Second, sixth and tenth houses—all the Sun Anthra will be between 11-9-69 and
three are unoccupied. 8-10-69. So, 24-9-69, you get work on
permanent lines. As per transit Sun,
Owner of 2nd cusp in Mercury, 6th is Mercury and Jupiter will be in Mercury
Saturn and 10th is Venus. sign Moon star.

Sri P. R. MURAUDHARAN, B.E. (Civil)
Sri R. HRUSHIKESH. B E. (Civil)
1. N.S.B, born on 28-10-1949. Is Marriage Promised?
Time of birth : 4-15 A.M. I.S.T. The marriage is promised since Jupiter
Place of birth. Bangalore. is conjoined with Moon in 5th bouse
Birth star. U. Ashadha- (Nirayana Rasi Chart) and also 7th cusp
falls in a fruitful sign, Pisces—Meena.
Balance of Sun Dasa at Birth; 3 years According to Prof. Krishnamurti for
7 months 20 days. marriage houses 2, 7 and 11 are to be
Rabu 2nd Bhava is unoccupied. Venus owns
353° 29' 0
it. The planets in the constellation of
Venus is Saturn. Hence saturn is a signi-
ficator; Venus as the lord of 2nd will also
become a significator but next in strength.
Nirayana Rasi 7th Bhava is occupied by Rahu. Sun is
Moon Chart Mars in the constellation of Rahu. Hence Sun is
211054'29' 127°21'
Jupiter 13.10' a significator. Rahu by occupying the 7th
271° 34' Sat. 142° Bhava will also become a significator but
38' 8' 34'47.14' next in strength. Lord of 7th cusp is
Venus Ravi Jupiter. No planet is in Jupiter's star.
236*41' 191° 1' Hence take Jupiter as one of the signi-
19 7' 51.4' . ficators.
Bhava Positions; llth Bhava is occupied by Mars. The
planets in the constellation of Mars are
Lagna Sun, Mercury and Kethu Mercury and Kethu. Hence both of them
3rd house Venus are significators, i.e., Mercury and Kethu,
4th house Moon, Jupiter Mars by occuping the llth Bhava is next
7th bouse Rahu in strength. Lord of llth cusp is Moon.
llth house Mars No planet is in Moon's star. Hence consi-
12th house Saturn der Moon as also a significator.
Planets Constellation Sab So the planets that can cause marriage
Lagna Moon Saturn are Sun, Mercury, Kethu, Saturn, Venus,
Sun Rahu Saturn Jupiter, Rahu, Moon, and Mars.
Moon Sun Jupiter Now we have to find out whether any
Mars Kethu Rahu node is in the sign owned by anyone of
Mercury Mars Rahu the significators. Since the nodes ate
Jupiter Sun Jupiter always stronger than the planets to bestow
Venus Mercury Jupiter the results in preference to the planets
Saturn Venui Saturn themselves. Rahu is in Pisces owned by
Rahu Mercury Mars Jupiter. So Rahu is a strong significator.
Kethu Mars Mars Similarly Kethu is in Virgo with exalted
Mercury. Hence Kethu is a strong signi- Now let us find out whether Sun transists
ficator. in the sign of either Dasanatha or
As the significators are more than four, Bbukthinatha and in the star of Dasanath
the ruling Stars of the moment at the time or Bhukthinath. Between 3-8-1969 and
of judgment will facilitate in selecting 10-8-1969 Sun transits in Kataka. South
the planets out of the significators and Indians do not celebrate, marriage when
eliminating a few. Sun transists in Kataka. Hence the
marriage must take place only after this
Ruling planets at the moment of judg- period, i.e., between 17-8-1969 and
ment are ;— 20-8-1969. During the above period the
Lagna star lord Saturn native will be running Mars Dasa,
Lagna lord Jupiter Moon's Bhukthi, Moon's Anthra and
Star lord Moon Venus Shookshma,
Sign lord Venus
Day lord Mars Venus is in the constellation of Mercury
The common ones are Moon, Mars, and in Jupiter sub. Mercury aspects Venus
by 6#° 5T 12.9" a sextileaspect and further
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. Mars is in the Venus aspects Jupiter and Moon by Decile
constellation of Kethu and in sub Rahu. Semi quinlile aspect. Therefore Venus
The occupant of 7th Bhava and also a Shookshma can be considered as the most
strong signiScator. Further Jupiter and probable period of marriage.
Moon, lords of 7th and 11th aspect Mars
by 144° 13, 25-7" and 144° 33' I5.9"'aspect, On 18-8-1969, Sun transits in the sign
i.e., Biquintile aspect which is found to be " Leo'' and in the star of Kethu and
as good as trine aspect. Hence Mars Dasa Venus sub. Further 18-8-69 is a Monday,
may be selected. ruled by Moon, a strong significator in the
The lord of Uth Bhava "Moon" is consideration. During this day Mars tran-
conjoined with Jupiter, the lord of 4th and sists in Mercury star, Moon in Chitta star
7th and occupies 4th Bhava. As the aspect ruled by Mars and Venus in Punarvasu
between Moon and Mars is a biquintile star ruled by Jupiter. Lastly Jupiter
Mars Dasa Moon's Bhukti Moon's Anthara transits in Moon's constellation and in
can be considered as the period of Rahu's sub. Ail these support to predict
marriage. This operates between 3-8-1969 with confidence that the querist's marriage
and 20-8-1969. will take place on 18-8-1969 positively.
{KrishQitmurti Padhdhati Verified)
The following is the horoscope :— Kethu Dasa balance 2 years 9 months 5
VIII 0.24 days.
Moon X 2.24
VII 2.36 8.04 IX 0 .24 Rahu Election means competing with another
MarS 19.29 person or a few persons and coming out
26-32 successful, when favoured by majority, it
includes that the person comes oiit saying
VI 4.24 XI 4.24 that be would work for the welfare of the
6.06 A.M. 1ST public including those who voted against
2M)I N jiim. In Tamil there is a proverb "Mun
Jup. 25.15 73.36 E XII 4.24 Uyiraeh ThanUyir". He sacrifices his
V 4.24 Ven. 22.32 personal affairs but devotes his time,
partly or wholly towards the welfare of
Asc. 2.36 others. Others is shown by 7th House.
Ket. 19.29 III 0.24 Sat. 29.33 Sun 7.28 Their advantages, benefit and gains are
IV 2.21 n 0.24 Mercury indicated by the 11th to the 7th -. henceSth
11.06 house shows " Politics ".
Unless a planet is connected in any Horary Astrology as is followed in
'olanner with 5tb house denoting Politics, Krisbnamurti Padhdhati asking for a num-
one can't stand for election. ber between 1 and 249. " When did this
[Many go to cinema which 5th house person win ? "
i1 alone shows.] Many act in drama, many " Moon Dasa Saturn Bhukti Rahn
: produce cinema films, so all those to Anthra; are not Saturn and Rahu, evil
' whom significators of 2, 6 or 10 are planets, maicfics who threaten with untold
• connected with the 5th house alone can miseries ? " A butcher is dangerous to the
have the above as profession 5 and 12 goats in the slaughter house. But he is a
, show spending money formusic or cinema. good servant to his master, good father to
Many have children ? The child birth is his children, good husband to his wife.
also judged from the 5th house. Similarly the malefics, say Saturn is called
"Yama", dangerous for one's life, yet it
Many have no child at all, yet they is good to certain people. Here it is good,
devote their whole life to Politics. Some especially for election.
have children to form a football team of How?
their own and also have political career.
All those who go to cinema do not have " 1 told that a planet must have some
political life. How to differentiate these, connection to the 5th house,so that he can
will be dealt with separately.] enter into politics. "
One will complete and win in election at < Yes. '
a time when one runs the conjoined " Is not Saturn, lord of 5 "
periods of the planets signifying houses 7,
6 and 11 one competes and loses in the " Yes; but you have also told that
election if the periodis governed conjoined occupant is stronger than owner. Then do
by the significators of the houses 7, 5 and not you think that Jupiter is stronger
12. 7th house signifies opposition, com-
petition, 6th is gain to the native as the " True. Some students are very hasty ".
6th is the 12th to 7th, i.e., loss to opponent. " It is ever true that the occupants are
11th is the gains. 5th is 11 to 7. so stronger than the owner. But you, in a
opponent wins. Thus scientifically one hurry forgot to note that Saturn is in the
should predict. What is the use of quot- constellation of Jupiter and sub of Moon
ing some slolcas applicable for Dasa, who is lord of 11 and no planet is in 11
bbukii, transit or Cochara, using ashtaha whereas Mercury is in Moon's star-"
Varga table also after one knows that
one has been elected? But if he is shown " Should not Mercury Anthra give the
the horoscope of a person born within 10 result?"
minutes after bis birth and the horoscope
appears to be the same lagna, same sign, "Mercury is entitled to give. But one
navamsa lagna sign same, dasa bbukti should first note whether Bahu or Ketbu
same, astakavarga same, gocbara same, occupies either of the signs owned by a
aspects same, he has no answer. planet. Mercury owns Gemini and Virgo.
Therefore one should know how to Rahu is in Gemini. So Rahu Anthra has
given. "
judge the horoscopes of twins who have
litigation in the Court of Law. One " I see ; the day when he has elected was
wins : the other loses. How? Let me ask Wednesday. Probably, because Rahu is
whether there is any rule to give this not allotted any one day in the week,
diametrically •pposite results in Hindu the result was announced on the day
System or in Western System, Sayana or of Mercury whom Rahu represents
Kirayana except subdivision of the star, " you are correct. This is the way
and judging from the cusps. Especially how you should remember the rules and
strictly apply. Mercury is to give predo- Jupiter is to give 8th house results. Mars
minantly 1 and S house results, whereas is in Venus star who is in 12tb Bhava.
name, fame, reputation, etc. from Rahu in Hence the results of 8 and 12 operated.
10 as Rahu is in its own constellation and
no other planet is posited in its stars. So Again during Saturn Bhukti be was
Mercury is to give the results of 1 and 8 as elected.
it is lord of 1 occupying 1 in the constella- Now two planets oppose each other or
tion of a planet in 8." aspect each other. Both indicate opposite
'* So he had won on Wednesday. " results. Then which will come to pass.
Undoubtedly Saturn is in exaltation.
" Moon, the dasa lord is in 8. How can
it give ? " Electric Shock: Moon Dasa Mercury
Bhukti Venus Anthra on 4-10-1961, he had
Moon is in the constellation of Ketbu. a very serious and dangerous electric shock.'
Kethu gives the results of the planet by The period was Moon Dasa Mercury
which it is aspected or with which it is Bhukti Venus Anthra.
conjoined. Saturn which has no placet
in its star aspect Ketbu. No other placet 12th house is said as secret enemy,
is conjoined with or aspecting Kethu. hospilalisation.moksha, etc. Here the con-
Hence Ketbu gives suchresultswhicb Saturn tact with life wire was the secret enemy.
indicates in its period. But Moon will He does not know that there would be any
give 4tb and 7tb houses results as Kethu leakage. Actually there was. That which
occupies Sagittarius the 4th and represents happens without one's knowledge is called
Pisces the 7ih. So Moon indicates success ■■Stcret" in astrological terms. Any
during the sub period of the planets who occurrence undesirable is termed as
promise success; also failure during evil "enemy" Venus causes secretly barm to
planets' bhukti. him. It is lord of 2 and 9: ' not lord of 2
and 7. In that case the shock would have
No Saturn Bhukti gave. Saturn is lord of been fatal. Mercury, lord of lagna in the
S and 6. But it indicates predominently 6th constellation of lord of 8 caused danger.
and Stb houses results as it is in Jupiter star
and Jupiter is in 5. Saturn, gives success. Moon in 8 in the constellation of Kethu
Sub lord of Saturn's position is lord of 11 who indicates the 7th house results had to
and no planet is in 11. cause death.
Hence Moon Dasa Saturn Bhukti Rahu But Mercury, lord of lagna in exaltation
Amhra gave grand success on 7-12-60. promises long life. His longevity is up to
The day was Wednesday ruled by Mercury Jupiter Dasa Jupiter Bhukti Kethu Anthra
and represented by Rahu, Moon was tran- Mercury Shookshma.
sitting in Moon's sign, Saturn star. Hence,
in full, Krishnamurti Padhdhati proves be- Ruling planets: The query about
yond doubt. longevity is put by the consultantwhcn the
lagna is in Revathi star, Moon in Aswini
During Mars Dasa Jupiter Bhukti Mars and the day is Friday the 21-2-1969. May
Anthra resigned: Why ? Mars is in 8. So he live long to serve the public !

K. S. K.
What a vital question it is ! 9-6-68 we noticed that he was missing.
n- " My sod's whereabouts is not known. You please pray to lord TJ. Maha Gana-
. I send you a block of my son's bust. pathi and offer your opinion. I give num-
. Kindly publish and also announce that I ber 21 ; so says Mr. B. Asopa.
shall pay decently who would give the Dear Sir,
whereabouts of my son and hand him over
to me. I now take the chart for judgment at
11.30 A.M. on 25-2-1969. The horoscope
is as follows :
29-01 1
Vcn. 23-42 28Lasna
XH 22-04 34J01 1123-4
Rahu 8-21
XI 17-04
Sun 13-08
11-30 A.M.
X 17-04

VIII 25-04
Mars Vll 28-27

Ayanamsa 23.20. Latitude 18-55.

Mars Dasa balance 6 years 3 months
9 days.
Query is about progeny (that too first
He was born samvat 2005 Bhadmpath son). So, take the 5th cusp. It is in Venus
Shukla 4/5 between 3 and 3.15 P.M. on star Moon sub. Moon is never retrograde
Tuesday at Napasar near Bikaneer, He is so, it does not threaten to start with. Let
around 20 years of age. us proceed further as Moon is in first
I and all my family members went to .bouse.
Rishikesh, We stayed there. We were On 9-6-1968 he disappeared. What period
having daily holy bath. Wc observed was running then? Are they marakas to
every year 24 hours fast, not taking even a drown bim or are they for separation. As
drop of water. No day passes without 6 years 3 months 9 days are left over in
Rudhra Japa. Now I am like a dead per- Mars Dasa at the moment of judgment,
son—I lost a son (second issue) 6-9-1967. 8 months 21 days ago we should take that
The first son has disappeared on 9-6-1968 Mars Dasa started. Today it is 25-2-1969.
from us when we all were in Rishikesh. On Thertfore on 4-6-1968 Mars Dasa started.
Let us study Mars, as his disappearance Just then, the father of the boy sitting
was after 4-6-196$ (on 9-6-68). with his friend, asked me, in the above,
mentioned places, try to fix up any one,
Mars is in 6° 40' in Scorpio Nirayana so that I can try.
Horary chart. It means Mars is in his
own sign, Saturn star. Mercury sub. To (Now re-eater two people who came to
your son, Mars is to give the 8th (counted me early this morning whom I could not
from 5th in 8, Saturn is deposited). Bhava attend when they came. Without dis- '
results as it is in the constellation of turbing and informing me, they had gone
Saturn- What is 8th house ? It shows out. When they returned again, I asked
whether one is promised long life or there them, "Where had you been? I could
is danger. As Mercury the sub lord is in not see you since an hour".
the 5th Bhava courted from the 5th, it They replied "my friend goes by
can't kill. Mercury is to give the results Secunderabad Express"-
of 9th house matters as it is in Moon's
star. It has to offer 2nd and 11th bouses I informed the father. Sir, when I am
results also. mentioning that your son would be in
any of these places and before I could
5th house indicates initiation of mention any one of them, these people
Manthra. As Mercury in 5 is in the mention the same name of the town.
constellalion of Moon, in 9, he will be This is called Nimithtba. It is Lord
initiated by a stranger. He is inclined to Uchista Maha Ganapathi's guidance.
have Spiritual life. Honest astrologers with open mind
Saturn in 8 invariably gives long life— trying to offer correct result will be helped
Karaka Bhava Nasaya—will not apply by that God or Goddess whom they
to Saturn- It gives long life. worship.
So he lives ; He takes spiritual divine I added that however much one tries,
life. one cannot find the boy till good time
As the sub lord of the a'scendant is Reunion When?
Moon, who is lord of 12, and is in 9lb
Bhava, it promises thatbe has gone a long Uth house promises reunion. It is not
way and is now in an unfrequented isolat- occupied by any planet. Mercury rules
ed place. As Saturn, aspects Moon, it it. Saturn and Venus are in Mercury star.
will be at a cool place, so that the tempe- Mercury is the lord of 11 : Saturn is in its
rature comes down in winter. Mars denotes star. Mars in Saturn star Mercury sub.
that it should be hot also. Therefore he Hence during Mars Dasa Venus Bhukthi
will be in a place where one can^ have the Venus Anthra Saturn Shookshma, he
extreme climates. Since the 4th cusp comes home,
from the ascendant (5th) is in Scorpio in Venus, lord of 3 (to 5th house).
Mercury star at 25° 4', he may be in
Kurukshethra, old war field, Meerut, a Mars is in 3 (to 5th house).
military cantonment or Modinagar an Saturn in the star of Mercury, lord of
industrial area. But since the constel- 2 and II.
lation lord indicates that it may be a twin
City the sign is a watery and fixed sign, Let us take the ruling planels.
it will be a twin City on the side of a lake To-day, it is Tuesday—Macs is the lord.
with water not flowing away but stand-
ing still. Hence in Indiar it may be Star—Mrigasira—ruler is Mars.
Hyderabad Secunderabad. As Mars is Sign where Moon is—Taurus—owner
the owner of Scorpio, it should be a place Venus.
of Military, it should be Secunderabad
and not Hyderabad. Lagna now Taurus—owner Venus.
Hence Mars Dasa Venus Bhukti must On 20-6-1973, Sun will be in Mrigasira
'get. star; Conjoins with Saturn which is in
No Rahu, no Kethu is in either of the Mrigasira: Jupiter in Saturn sign ; Mars,
, signs of Mars or Venus. the Dasa lord is in Saturn sign star Venus
Hence calculate. Transit, in full agrees and confirms.
Mars Dasa Venus Bhukti | starts on
28-4-73. Venus Anthra is for 70 days. (Correspondence about the boy should
be with—
On 20-6-1973, be himself will come as Mr. B. Asopa.
Mars indicates that he has his own will
and he cannot be influenced by others-all Napasar »
bis actions are to his conscience and be is Ttil-nnper
an independent person. Rajasthan ]
Horoscope is as follows;— If one is to ascertain whether one will
change his abode, make a long journey or
VII 5.16 VIII4-56 not and live in new environments, one is
V 12.56 VI 10.56 Moon Rahu to judge whether the sub lord of the 12th
13.39 30.09 cusp is connected with any of the 3 houses,
Mars 3 or 9 or 12 (also in Horary chart, it
IV 10-56 0.42 should not be retrograde).
24—10—1945' Sat. 1.46
9-10 A.M. 1X6.56 12th cusp has fallen at 10° 56' in Libra.
25° 25 N It is Venus sign, Rahu star and Saturn sub.
68° 38 E Saturn, the sub lord is lord of 3; No planet
III 6-56 Mc. 10.56 is in between the third cusp and fourth
cusp which is the third house. So Saturn
Mecpury XI 12.56 . is the planet which by ownership can offer
Ketbu 21.15 Yen. 13.12 the result through the planet deposited in
10-09 Asc. 5,16 XII10-56 any of its three constellations and if there
11 4-56 Sun. 7.24 Jup. 19.46 is no planet, Saturn itself will offer. Saturn
Moon Dasa balance 3 years 6 months 5 governs Pushya, Anuradha and Uthra-
days. padra. No planet is in its star. Hence
Saturn its'eif is to give. So, Saturn is the
What is meant by Overseas ? It means significatot. As it is the sub lord of 12th
that one has to leave the present perman- cusp, one will live in a place other than
ent place, make a long journey, cross the bis birth place.
boundary and reach another place. One
may settle down or return after a short This person came away from Pakistan
stay. Permanent residence is indicated by during his Moon Dasa, Venus Bhukti,
the fourth house. Leaving it is shown by Saturn Anthra in the end of 1947.
the third house. Long journey is to be Now he wants to know whether he can
judged from the 9tb bouse. Staying for a settle in any other country. Significator or
short time or settling down iaforeign land 3rd house is Saturn, 9lb house extends
is denoted by the 12ih house. It shows from 6° 56' Cancer to 10° 56' Leo. There
new surroundings and environment. is no occupant; Only when there is an
When we judge a house, how to find out. occupant we have to note down, in 3 stars,
when the matters signified by the house find out whether there is or there are
will operate. Also will it come up at planets deposited in any of these 3 stars
all? and take them as the strongest significator.
Then we have to take the occupant or 10° to 13° 20', His desire can be fulfilled
occupants. There is no planet in 9th if the significator of the 11th bouse is not
house. Moon rules the sign Cancer where deposited in the constellation of a planet
the 9th cusp has fallen. Moon governs which is retrograde. Now, Jupiter and
Rohini, Hastbam and Sravanam stars. Mercury are in retrograde motion. When'
Moon is in Rohini, Venus and Jupiter are Canada is judged. lagna is Cancer. Uth
in Hastha. Hence Moon, Venus and sign is Taurus. No-planet is in 11. Its
Jupiter are to represent 9tb bouse matters. lord is Venus. It is in theconstellation of
Kethuis in Jupiter's sigh. So Kethu is to be Saturn in 9th Bhava in direct motion.
taken in place of Jupiter. Kethu has in its Hence Canada is promised.
portfolio the 9th bouse matters also. 76 for U.S.A. shows Sagittarius. Ilth
12th house is occupied by Mercury. No house is Libra—Mars is in 11th Bhava.
planet is in Mercury star. Rahu is the re- Occupant is stronger than owner. Hence
presentative of Mercury as it is in Mer- take Mars. No planet is in Mars star. So
cury's sign. It is not conjoined with or take Mars itself. Mars is in Jupiter's con-
aspected by any planet. stellation—Jupiter is retrograde. So, out-
Hence Saturn, Moon, Kethu, Venus and right, reject.
Rahu are the strongest signiheators. For Canada, significators of 3, 9 and 12
When he came from Pakistan, it was are:
Moon Dasa Venus Bhukti Saturn No planet is in 3. Mercury owns; Saturn
Anthra. Now it will beRahu Dasa, Moon is in Mercury star. 9th bouse is occupied
Bhukti Venus Antha Saturn Shookshma. by Sani. Rahu and Venus are in Saturn's
It will be around 1st March, 1973 when Sun star. 12th house is vacant. It is owned by
will transit in Saturn sign Rahu star Moon Mercury. Saturn is in Mercury star.
sub. Mercury is represented by Kethu, Moon
alone is in Kethu star. Hence Saturn,
Will I go to Canada ? I give No. 33. Or ' Venus, Rahu, Moon, Mercury and Kethu
to U.S.A. No. 76. are the significators of 3, 9 and 12 houses
Time of judgment 8-30 A.M. 4-2-69 Dasa balance at the moment of judgment
Horoscope for this time is as follows: is 1 year 8 months 26 days.
Saturn. So from 30-10-70 Venus Dasa starts.
27-09 Venus is to fulfil the desire, as it is lord of
Rahu 11 and no planet is in 11 or in the con-
Ven. 8.30 stellation of lord of 11. So take Venus.
Canada Venus will fulfil in the sub and sub sub
Lagna periods of the significators. Saturn being
16.40 very strong take Saturn Anthra; it runs
to 20° between 10-12-72 to 20-6-73. Then prefer
Sun. 21.48 .Venus Shookshma. It will be between 18th
Mercury, Moon February, 1973 to 20th March, 1973.
8.54R 10.1
Hence the time of going overseas agrees.
Lagna Kethu, From horoscope one can say that the
10 10 13.20 Mars 9-28 native will go overseas. But it is impossible
U.S.A. 26.25 Jupiter
12-23 R to point out the place. But by Horary,
one can pinpoint the place of visit; the
For Canada query lagna is 16° 40' date of departure ; duration of journey ;
to 20" Cancer. For U.S.A., it is Sagittarius moment of arrival etc.

June 1969

Scholars Section ; Epbemeris—Ready
(a) Can I become the Queen Students Section;
of Actresses? 3 (a) Ayanamsa
(b) "Cure Any: If So, (b) Traditional Transit
When" 5 System Meaningless' ...
(c) Confusion Clarified 7 (c) * Which Gem will
(d) Transit 11 Suit Me'
(ej Surprisingly Accurate ... 16 (d) Horoscopy — When
(f) Higher Studies and can 1 pay the Balance?
Foreign Country 19 Report in Newspaper ;
(g) Transfer—When? 22 Astrology is a Definite
(h) Horary 24, 31 Science
0) Transfer 29 Readers to Note 61,
Tour Programme of the Editor 5 Daily Guide for June, 1969 ...
An Announcement 15 Position of Planets
Letters to the Editor 35 June 1969—Ephemeris
Review of Books 37 Monthly Prediction for June...
Horary (K.P.)
Jjotish Marthaod K. S. KRISHNAMURTI
"lam very desirous of becoming an 13° 53' 20' in Taurus in Nirayana will be
actress and I pray that I should become 7° 13' 20" in Gemini in Sayaaa.
the top,, rather, the queen among the Refer to Raphael Table of Houses:
actresses. Can I become, Sir ? " Find out the position of other cusps, if
" You can become the queen if you so the ascendant is to be 7* 13' 20" in Gemini
decide and your destiny is also like that. for 13° Latitude.
But I am always happy to know that one II Cusp 4° 1' Cancer
ever remains as the Princess among the III Cusp 0°0 1' Leo
actresses; ever appearing young, ever XCusp 28 T'Aquarius
active, alert and slim. When once you XI Cusp 0° 1' Aries
become a queen, you will become mother, XII Cusp 4° 1' Taurus
grand-mother and great grand-mother, etc. As Nirayana position is needed, deduct
when you cannot continue to maintain the ayanamsa 23° 20'.d
charm of a Princess. Therefore, what do Asc. 13 53' 20" Taurus
you wish? " II 10Q 41' Gcmmi
" Better Princess, Sir. " III .6° 41' Cancer
" Then give any number between one X 4° 41' Aquarius
and 249. " XI 6° 41' Pisces
" Let it be J2, Sir. " XII 10° 41' Aries
As the other Cusps arc exactly 180°
"Now let me think loud. My friend away add 180° to each ; Then
. will write down whatever I say- This will VII 13° 53' 20" Scorpio
appear in my magazine." VIII 10° 41' Sagittarius
" Don't mention my name. Sir." -JX 6° 41' Capricorn
" Never you will be exposed. " IV 4° 41' Leo
" Yes. According to the method, dis- V 6° 41' Virgo
covered by me (though a few ignorant VI 10° 41' Libra
people posing themselves as though they Draw the map;
are leprned, may say .that my method is Sat. 25-34
not a novel one), one has to erect a horos- Rahu XII 10-41 Asc. II 10.41
cope- 10-35 13° 53'20"
XI 6-41
Take Krisbnamurti Sub Table. Refer, Venus
which sign, star and sub, is shown by 17-11
number 32. It is Venus sign. Moon star M. C. . III 6-41
and Jupiter sub. It shows the position as 4-4!
IS" 53' 20" to 15° 40' in Taurus. You take Mercury
113° S3' 20" in Taurus as the ascendant. 19-32
1X6-41 IV 4.41
-.The place of judgment is Madras. Sua
Latitude 13° 04'. The next step is to note 0-3>
VII V 6.41
the date of judgment and the Ayanamsa 53' W Mars Kclhu
on that date. Today, it is 14-1-1969. VIII 10.41 13-Moon 15-20 10-35
- 6-30 VI 10-41 Jupiter
Tuesday, time 1-30 P.M. Place Madras— 1/40
Ayanamsa 23° 20'. Insert the Nirayana position of planets
As the Ayanamsa is 23° 20', Ascendant for 1-30 P.M. on 14-1-1969-
Reference Table for Significators
Planet Houses House Planets
Sun 8, 4 I Venus
Moon 11,6,3 II Mercury, Saturn, Kethu
Mars 11, 6, 7, 12. 8. 11 III Moon, Mercury, Jupiter
Mercury 6, 9, 3, 2, 5 IV Sun
Jupiter 6, 5,3,8,11 V Mercury, Saturn, Kethu
Venus 11, 10,1, 6, S, 11 VI Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus,
Saturn 9, 11,2, 5, 9, 10 VII Mats
Rahu U, 11, 8, 11, 9,10 VIII Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Rahu
Kethu 6, 5, 3, 2, 5' , IX Mercury, Saturn
X Venus, Saturn, Rahu
XI Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn,
XII Mars
One becomes an actress if the significa- On these 5 occasions you have changes ■
tor of 10 and 6 are connected with 5th to show your talent and merit. Therefore
bouse. Saturn is connected with 5 and 10; you will top the .list."
Mercury with 5 and 6. Venus with 6 and
10. Mercury and Venus by nature indicate "Can I be a queen or a princess? You
' actor or actress'. So, your ptesint posi- .have created a doubt."
tion is correct. In that, you want name; "7th Cusp falls, in Mars, sign Saturn'
you want to top; you wish to be very star Rahu sub. Saturn and Rahu show
popular. This is your ambition. Hence • friendship alone and not marriage. Hence
judge houses 10 and II. Saturn is the you will remain a princess.
significator of 10 and 11. It shows that
perseverance pays you. Venus as the Further Mars is the only significator of
significator of 10 and 11 shows popularity 7th house- and it is in 6. It is the significa-
and social success. Rahu, representing tor of 6 also. It is more strong to. give
Jupiter connected with 10 and 11 promises 6th bouse results than the 7th. Even if
popularity, prosperity and realisation of Mars is the significator of 6 and 7 in a
ambition. chart and if it is in 7 marriage will come
At the time of judgment. Saturn Dasa up; there will be temporary or permanent
balance was 14, years 5 months 26 days. separation later. But here Mars is in 6-
The following periods promise rise in So it is more strong to give 6tb house
■career, improvement etc. results. It means any one whom you may
think of accepting as partner, will back
Dasa Bhuktbi Antfaara out. So, you can't marry anybody. You
Sat. Venus Venus will remain unmarried. Today, it is
Rahu Tuesday also. Mars is very strong. Moon
)9 is also in Mare sign. Hence I can declare
Mars Venus that you will- never legally marry any-
Rahu Rahu body. So, you.will be the princess among
Venus the actresses."

Horary (K.P.)
lyotish Marthand K. S. KRISHNAMURTI
Venus is lord of 8 in the constellation of
1 Number 249 means Jupiter sign, Mercury Mercury in 12. Rabu in Jupiter's sign is
star, Saturn sub. stronger than Jupiter. Rahu is the sub
lord of Venus who is the lord of the cons-
. Time of Judgment: 9-30 A.M. on 9-4-1969. tellation of 6ch cusp. Nature of disease,
Place: 13° 04'N. therefore, is shown by Mercury, Rahu
and Venus. This shows nervous type of
Chart for 249 number is as under:— leprosy. Mercury affects—nervous system :
Aw. 27-65-50 Venus denotes beauty-Thejas; and Rabu
Mcr. 26-3 leprosy.
Sun 25-47 Sat. 4.2 Til 20-09 [IV 26-9
Vcn 24.30 11 29-9 Hence this is your ailment.
Rahu 6.5
XII 21-9 V 20-9 Note where the Uth cusp has fallen. It
is in Saturn sign,- Makara, Moon star,
9-4-1969 Sravana and sub of Kethu who is in 6.
XI 20.9 VI 21-9 As the sub lord is to cause disease, the
lltb cusp does not promise cure. It shows
that you will have the above ailment as
Jupiter Kethu has to offer the results of 4, 6 and
X 26-9 IX 20-9 5.32 12, and also that you will have treatment
Moon Mars VHI 29-9 Kethu 6.5 at home only. If the houses signified by
20-30 21-31 vn
27-53-20 Kethu would be 3,6 and 12 or 3, 6,11 and
12 then you will hospitalise yourself.
Venus Dasa Balance: (9 years 3 months). 3, 6 and 12 shows hospitalisation and
The query is about disease: yet disease continues as there can be no
6th shows disease ; 8th danger and 12th cure.
defect. 3, 6, 11 and 12 show successful treat-
So, judge 6tb cusp. It is in Sun sign, ment in the hospital. So, cure is denied.
Venus star, Jupiter sub. Jupiter is in the Pray to Mahalaksfami. Let her arrest
constellation of Sun, lord of 6 in 12; further development.


Leaves Delhi 2i_5—69 Arrives Calcutta 1—?■—69
Arrives Madras 23—5—69 C/o Sri M. M. Jain or Mr.
Leaves Madras 26—6—69 Kbushlani, 48, Park Street, Calcutta.
Vizag ... 28, 29-6-69 Classes will be conducted in Calcutta
C/o Venkatraghavan, Agent, The from 1—7—69 for 4 weeks.
Bank of India Ltd., Vizag.
Which is my Lagtia ?
I Q.—Si*, bouses indicating the matter in question,
« I have two horoscopes. In one it is said reject it. Therefore significators in direct
'that I am born in Risbaba lagna and in motion and in such a sub lord of which
;the other it is. written as Mithuna lagna. signifies the matter of the question, alone
■Can you kindly calculate for my birth will clearly and correctly promise the
time and say which is correct and which result.
am 1 to follow
Is the time'of birth noted correct ? Is 4th dasa, Saturn Dasa—a Maraka Dasa?
Sir, I should take that it is correct, as Sir,
my father was D.M.O. and 1 was born in It is said that peoplehaving Saturn Dasa
my father's house. as the fourth in Vimsodhari system will,
suffer or pass away during Saturn Dasa.
Alright, give a number within 249. As I am born in Avittam star, I am afraid
Sir, 210 comes to mind. of Saturn Dasa. " I would like to have
Ans:—Good, when I refer to the ready- your opinion " asks Mr. M. Gasen.
reckoner published by me in July, 1968, I Dear brother,
find that 210 falls in Saturn sign. Mars
star, Venus sub. Astrology is to give mental solace and
Today 11-4-69, taking the position of also to predict correctly. If a doctor has
Moon, it is in Saturn's sign Moon star to operate a patient hnd if the compoun-
Sravana to-day. Therefore the lagna der tells him that there is the tendency for
should be Taurus-owned by Venus star the patient to collapse in the operation
Mrigasira ruled by Mars sub, Saturn and theatre how tactless the compounder is,
sub sub Moon, i.e. 29° T in Rishaba. so also any one, who tells the persons
born inDhanishta (or Mrigasira or Chitra)
Now, you give ma the time of birth and that they would die in Saturn Dasa, is
date of birth—also the place of birth. unfit to call himself "An astrologer."
My place is close by : only a five miles Why ? Let us take the babies buried in
from here (Bangalore). Time and date are the burial ground and note in which stars
8-1 A.M. I.S.T. 14—5—1943. they are born : all the 27 star-born infants
If you calculate and use Krishnamurti are buried in the first dasa. Let us note
Ayanamsa, then the result which I gave the stars of the young boys' buried or
you now, is confirmed. But if you use burnt—all the 27 star borns—Note the
incorrect ones, you can get any figure and stars of those who die in second dasa, third
scientifically you can't explain. dasa, fourth dasa, fifth and so on. All
(2) Q:—You say that ruling planets the 27 star borns die in the I or II or III or
reveal the truth. Is it necessary to find out IV or V or VI or VII. I give some instan-
whether a ruling planet is well disposed ces. Are we not helped even now at this
and fruitful or it is ill-disposed and hence age by Dr. A. Lakshmanaswami Muda-
it should not be selected. liar ? Is be not making the miserable
lives of ladies suffering from various dis-
Ans;—Yes. If the ruling planet (except eases pleasant and healthy ? Do you know
Rahu and Kethu) is retrograde, reject it. in which star both Shri Dr. A. Rama-
If the tuling planet is deposited in a sub, swamy Mudaliar and Dr. A. Lakshmana-
the lord of which does not signify the swami Mudaliar are born 3
I do not know. Sir." So, Sir, I will live throughout Saturn
; " Both are born in your star, Dhanishta." Dasa. If I live Saturn Dasa full, it is
enough. I can finish the marriage of my
J "Do you know how old they are now?" only daughter after receiving the gratuity,
l( " I am to know, Sir." provident fund, etc., since I expect the
Government to bring the age of retirement
"They were bom on 14 — 10—1888. So to 50.
({by their Shashtiaptha Pootthi, full course
'of 19 years of Saturn Dasa was over. It is After retirement what do you propose
'only in Saturn Dasa they had a steep rise to do ?
, in life—popularity, prosperity, peace,, I will join polities. Become one of the
' pleasure and what not. ministers in my State. There, the ques-
■Sir, I am getting some life, now. Your tion of one's age will not arise.
mentioning the name of Dr. A. Laksh- You are really clever. But how is it
manaswami Mudaliar itself gives life. you got frightened with the prediction of
Can you give any other instance whom that astrologer.
I know".
Alright! you know Mr. P. N. Raghavan, Truth is this. Sir, that astrologer's
Retired Commercial Tax Officer. He is father and my father were bitter enemies.
now 56. He had only 1 year 3 months of We belong to families enemical with each
Mars Dasa left over at birth. His star other. If by chance I meet him, he will
was 4th quarter Dhanishta. , He has lived start saying you take provident fund
all the 19 years of Saturn Dasa and he had scheme. Do not accept pension scheme
promotion after promotion only in as you can net survive sani-dasa. If I go
Saturn Dasa. Your officer Dr. Y. S. another 50 yards, my good talkative
Narayana Rao, m.b.b.s., dim., BD, Etc. friend is living. He also will join with,
who retired and settled himself in Andhra him and ask to take life policy. Oh God!
State do you know at what age and in Astrologer predicts short life 1 Insurance
which dasa he died. He died in Mercury Agent daily reminds me of death. So I
Dasa at the age of 69. He was born in wanted to clarify my doubt."
1899, Dhanishta star. Alright, you will live long. Your desire
Therefore, if anybody threatens quoting to join politics to help the politicians in
only that sloka and not scrutinising your their work and to gain their minor favour
chart, show this article to such a person is promised.
and let him verify. If need be, I shall " Sir, bless me that I should become a
get minimum 100 charts of ■ Dhanishta Minister
born still alive after completing Saturn
Dasa. I will announce in my magazine " Brother, never 1 bless anything to a
and request such of those, now alive, born person which I do not find in the chart,
in Mars star to send their birth data and Planets are not favourably deposited in
address. I will give you. your horoscope to portray that at parti-
Sir, this is a real service, instead of cular time you will become a Minister".
repeating like a parrot or parrot picking "Anyhow, I will live long. Let us
up any one sheet, banding it overtoils see."
guardian and he reading a stereo-typed
matter. "Good Luck." Go cheerfully-

Jyotish Marlband K. S. KRISHNAMURTI
ship ; other matters are higher education,
I am sure that you are aware of Mars long journey etc- Hence during Sun
iow transitting in the position of my period and whenever a planet transits the
.aturn in Scorpio and in a few weeks position occupied by Sun (though it is in
aturn will be transitting in Aries where fagna) 9th house matters will be enjoyed.
here was Mars in my birth chart. I have Is there any planet In Sun's star? None—
eard many, so far. I bad only different In that case Sun will also indicate lagna
pinions from my friends and I am con- bhava results. (If there is any planet in
uscd and worried, Sun star, then that planet' will give to a
greater extent, lagna bhava results.)
" I would like to hear from you so that X
can have the clarity; Is there Rahu or Kethu. in Sun's sign
—No. Then its results will not be shared
i Horoscope is as follows; by or represented by any other planet.
VII 5Jl IX 5.32 If there is any, then what are we' to
VI 8.32 Man ■ VIII 5.32 Rahu judge?
18.16 17.16 1
If there is any or there are many, those
planets situated in Karthik or Uthra-
V 7.32 X 6.32 palguni or TJthrasbada will give the
■ 5-46 A.M. - matters signified by lagna bhava.
18° 55' N So Sun will give both lagna and 9th
Jup. 25.12 72° 54' E XI 7.32 house results ?
IV 6.32 " Yes ".
Mercury, Sun 19.06 How will it give ?
Kethu 111118 Vcn. 14.59
5.32 Moon XII 8.32 " The nature of the result is shown by
III 5.32 Saturn, 12.16 the lord of the constellation by its occupa-
3.58 Asc. 5.51 tion. So 9th house results.
Rabu Dasa Balance 10 yrs. 5 months Also, only when there is no planet in its
8 days. Now running Saturn Dasa Rahu star, the/matters signified by the Bhava
Bukti upto 1—10—1969. occupied by it'will be given.
Your Mars is in Aries 18° 16'. It means "I see."
It is in Mars sign Venus star, Rahu sub. "You need not see. Hear attentively.
Saturn is in Saturn star Saturn sub. Apply systematically. Arrive at each,
How to predict ? methodically. Proceed patiently and pro-
What is your ascendant ? perly ; then, predict precisely. Now, again
"Libra." you note".
What does each planet signify ? "What isjt. Sir."
Sun, lord of 11, deposited in Rahu star, Sun rules Leo. 1 Ith cusp is in Leo. It
Moon sub in which house is Rahu? It is extends upto 8° 32' in Virgo from 7° 32' ia
in the 9th house. Hence Sun will offer Leo. In this area, there is no occupant.
the matters signified by the 9tb house, i.e. So you should take that Sun, owner of the
father, wife's younger brother, younger sign Leo, where Uth cusp has fallen is
brother's wife, grand child, next elder the lord of it."
brother's elder brother, as regards relation- "Then."
"As there is aoplanetin Sun's star, Sun Mars is in the 7tb house. Its stars am
has to indicate the 11th bouse. matters Mrigasira, Chitra and Dbanishta. Hence'
also." Jupiter in Dhanishta will give the results1
"So Sun indicates the results of the of 7th house. Mars is in Venus stat -
bouses 1,9 and 11. Is it correct, Sir." Rahu sub. Lord of the constellation is In
lagna. Hence Mars, though lord of ■ the
" You are very correct.'' bouses 2 and 7 and is in 7, yet will offer
"How will the above results be accom- the results of the lagna. Second bouse &
panied? occupied by Mercury. So, the second
bouse matters will be given by the planets
I mean, what is the' source for this in Mercury constellation and if there is no^
nature of result? planet, in Mercury star Ashlesha, Jyeshta
" Source is to be judged from the mat- and Ravathi, Mercury will offer second
ters signified by the Bbava. or Bbavas house matters. Actually there is no planet,
owned by the planet and also the Bbava in its star. Therefore Mercury indicates
occupied by it." both the second and 7th house matters.
Right, Sir, if you take another planet The source will be through 9tb and 12tb
and eaplain, I will have clear idea. You bouses. As'regards Mars the source will
, know that Saturn is in my Lagna Bbava be 7tb and 2nd houses and the result, will
'and hence I am a little slow in grasping. relate to lagna.
I assure you. Sir, that when once I have Saturn is in Lagna Bbava, it is in its
learnt, then I never forget as I repeat own star, and sub Mercury is also in
whate verl learnt within myself." Saturn's star. Therefore,- Saturn as it is
in Lagna Bbava and Mercury, in Saturn's
Alright, take Moon. It is in Libra at- star, show lagna results. Mercury has
12° 16', i.e .in Venus sign Rahu star Saturn another portfolio, i.e., the 7tb house. The
sub. Moon rules Rohini Hastbam Sra- source or in other words how it will be
vana stars. It is in Rahu star who is accomplished is judged from the bouses
situated in 9th bouse. Hence any planet owned by it; they are 4 and 5. As there
in Rahu star will give 9tb bouse results. is no planet in the Stb, 5th house results
So Moon also will give 9tb bouse matters. also will be given by Saturn. Even though
No planet is in Moon's star. So the be owns the 4th bouse, as there is Jupiter
Bbava occupied by it being lagna, Moon in 4tb Bbava planets in Jupiter star or
will give lagna effects also. Jupiter himself will give 4th house matters
through 6th house source. Saturn gives
Further in Moon's sign, the meridian mostly through 5tb bouse and partly
alone is. In lOtb house there is no planet. through 4th house matters. . Thus, one
So Moon is to offer 10th bouse resullsalso should analyse and keep ready, a ready
as there is no planet in its star. Hence chart wherein for each planet, which
Moon is to bestow the results of the houses' matters they will offer and which
bouses 1, 9 and 10 during its periods, sub is the source for the materialisation of the
periods, etc. and any planet transitting nature of the result.
in the position occupied by Moon will
indicate mattersconnected with the houses, Sun gives the results of the Jiouses 1, 9
1, 9 and 10. and 11, as there is no planet in its star and
it is in the constellation of one in 9 and
" The source will be from first and tenth it is the owner of the 11th. The sources
bouses, as it owns the lOtb and occupies are 1 and 11.
the first Bhavai" Maon give the results of the houses 1, 9
"Thanks Sir, and 10 through the (stand 10th bouses.
"Hullo, you have asked about Mars Mars will give the result of the first
and Saturn,- transit. So bear in full about Bhava through the second and seventh
Saturn and Mars."'" sources.
Mercury offers the result of lagna, 7th'd reputation, success. Children long journey
and the second bouses through 9th and and pleasant : Wife or partner unhealthy;
2nd house to your father loss ; to elder brother auspi-
. Jupiter offers the results of seventh, sixth cious agreeable results.
dad the 4th houses through the 3rd and As in this example chart many have the
Kth house matters, connection to first house only, one more
rU Venus gives its results of 9th houses, example will be of advantage.
Results through lagna and 8th house mat- Kethu
fers. Saturn offers the results of the first 3.26 Venus
jand the 5th Bhava through the first 4th TV 28.50 Mars VI 24.50 8.22
8.14 VII 20.26
jand 6th houses. V 27.50
S? Rahu will give the results of 9th and
>12th houses matters; also the second and 111 25.50 Sim 6.58
£tbe 7th house matters. The sources will 5-27 P.M. -
xbe the 9th and 12th houses. 23-7-1958
13».04' N
«Q" 15' E Mer(. (R)
f. Kethu gives the first house, 7th house, II 21.30 3.48 ,
; 5th house and 4th house matters through IX 25 50
i the third and sixth houses.
' If a planet transits, it shows the source XT 27.50
Lagna Sat 26.42 Moon 5.41 X 28.50
of a result (which will be explained below). 20.26 XII 24 50 Rahu 3.26
' Transitting planet indicates how a matter Jup. 0.18
is brought out.
What is the matter ? That is judged Mars Dasa balance 0 yr. 6 months
from what the planet, whose position the 6 days.
transitting planet passes, according to Let us judge Mars and Saturn.
which bouse matters, that planet signifies. Mars is in 4th house: Jupiter, Rahu and
If we take Mars as the planet which Moon are in Mars star. 4th house matters
transits the position of Saturn, Mars will be given mostly, to a good extent, by
shows the source. Saturn indicates what Jupiter, Rahu and Moon. But Mars is in
aspect of life is ignited then. Kethu star which is also in 4. Hence,
Mars also denotes 4th house matters. Then
As Mars signifies the first Bhava, the Kethu and Mercury alsoindicate to.a little
source is mostly .first house, partly extent. We are concerned with Mars. It
second and seventh. Saturn is the signifi- is in 4, in the star of node in 4. So it gives
cator of lagna. Hence Mars conjoining 4lh house matters, i.e., it is connected with.
Saturn indicates good health and success 4th house.
in your efforts. To younger brother pros-
perity; To mother, poor health, and gains. It owns the 3th cusp and no planet is in
To children, long journey, to wife indiffe- 5. So Mars gives 5th house results also
rent health. (Saturn is in Bhadhakasthana along with Moon, Rahu; Jupiter and
to mother and it is Bhadhakasthana adhi- Kethu (Kethu conjunction Mars is the
pathi to wife); to your father, loss in way how it gets strength for Kethu). There
speculation ; to your elder brother short is a planet in 12th Bhava. Hence 12th
journey. Gains by salesmanship or by Bhava results attributable to Mars will be
taking agency; gets brokerage etc. If given to a mild extent by Mars. Hence
Mars conjoins Mercury younger brother Mars gives the results of the 4th and the
unhealthy as Mercury is Bhadhakasthana fifth houses, through Sth bouse matters
adbipatbi to him. mostly, and through 12th house partly.
If Saturn conjoins Mars, your health is Saturn in 12 is in Mercury's star which
good. Younger brother gains. To mother is in Sth Bhava. Therefore Saturn has to
K' the !th house results. The souree and even murderous tendencies. Uncon-
mi be 2, 3 and 12. Therefore when trollable angcr-cruel-accident-surgical dis-
Kmrn transits at 8° 14' Aries and con- ease-separation-eminence, etc.,—outburst
mns with Mars, 4th and 5tb houses mat- of temper-demoralising tendencies—ruins
mfs will come to forefront through the 2nd, himself by committing rash acts-commit
B] and 8th house matters. ~ theft-squander away estate-suffer from
■ms he is a boy of 10 years, regarding 5th poxes, carbuncle, rheumatic diathesis, etc."
Kuse matter one should not predict love The above is applicable only when
Bfairs. But one has to say, that nowadays Saturn and Mars in a chart were deposited
Kost of the people are very ambitious and in the constellation and sub of the occu-
men avaricious to have gains with mini- pants of the bouses 6, 8 and 12 which is
llium pains by way of lottery, etc. So he rare, i.e. lord of constellation and lord
isill speculate; source being 2, 3 and 12, of sub of both Saturn and Mars must be
(founger brother may buy (3rd bouse) and so. Therefore, majority will never suffer.
Igive (the 2nd is 12 to 3). Purchase by Only a few will.
{brother and getting it, will be at that time; Individual chart must be studied and
|/l2th house shows investment. This is a prediction offered. General statement is
Kpleasant prediction for which astrologer useless.
{{will be thanked.
is Again it can be said that 5tb house indi-
Ifcates profit to the opponent. 3rd house
It indicates pocket. 2nd house money purse.
A 12th house loss. So he will be picicpocke-
ted on that day. Astrologer, in this case,
if will be scolded.
S Mars results, say, loss. Which is cor-
l' rect? As Mars is in Jupiter sub which
l has to offer.
K Thus one is to judge.
t Westerners consider that the conjunction
of Saturn and Mars is very evil. Here the
i prediction is given taking only the nature
of the planet into consideration: nothing
else. So, one should not apply universally
to all. The results given by them is men- Followers of Krishnsinurti Padhdbati cujoys the
' tioned briefly. "One develops rash, hasty humour during lecture in Bombay.

(Scientific Erishnamurti Padhdhati)
D. M. SWAMY, B.E., A.M.I.E. (India),
Opposite Rampuria College, Eikaner (Rajasthan)
I was going through the articles of my Ruling planets for the moment of
dearest magazine '' Astrology & Athrish- judgment were hence:
ta " February, 1969 issue, when my two 1. Day Thursday Day Lord Jupiter
colleagues dropped in at my place. I 2. Rising Ascend-
wanted to talk to them only after complet-
ing the article "Verification of Minor ant Aries 8° 11"
Event" by Shri P. R. Sharma of New 16' Rasi Lord Mars
Delhi. It must have taken another eight Star Lord Kethu,
minutes after their arrival, but I could not agent of
help expressing my feelings of apprecia- Mercury
tion for the nice article, to these collea- Sub Lord Jupiter
gues and I read out the whole article with 3. Position of
my comments, wherever necessary. Moon Sagitta-
These colleagues who not only believed rius 5° 11' 56" Rasi Lord Jupiter
that Astrology was a science of tendencies, Star Lord Kethu,
but had also been using sarcastic words agent of
very often, were kind enough to listen Mercury
quietly that day. I was reading the last Sub Lord Mars
line of the article, when I raised my head. Thus Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Kethu
The usual sarcasm on their faces was are the significators which should govern
something that made me lose my temper the time of fructification of the event.
that day. Naturally the atmosphere grew
tense, and they had to leave my place in A glance at the day's chart will show
an offmood. , that lord of the Lagna Mars is aspccting
Lagna by its^seventh aspect owing to its
Destined as the things were, one of the present position in Libra. This shows
colleagues was writing a telegram to one . that the query will be replied. Mercury
of his relations at Jodhpuf for some being in Capricorn and within the aspect
urgent message. The other colleague who range is also aspected by the lord of the
is quite senior to both of us, all of a Lagna by its fourth aspect which shows
sudden posed the question regarding the that Mercury mu also be considered.
time of delivery of this telegram to the
addressee. I could read a sort of Moon, a benefic in the chart in ninth
challenge in this question. I prayed house and Sagittarius, will also be a ruling
K. Ganapatfai and our respected Gurujee planet in our case. The ninth house is
to come ro m" he'o nnd rcqiic'^.d *hc
querist politely to tell me the correct time Saturn, means that there will be some.sort
by bis watch. This time in I.S.T. should of delay. But it being the lord of eleventh
have provided me with the necessary guide- house, the house indicating the fulfilment
lines, which is the most remarkable and of desire, will not disappoint totally.
scientific discovery of our respected This means that the telegram will not be
Gurujee. Moment of judgment was accor- much delayed and will be delivered on
dingly taken as 12-26 Noon I.S.T. on 16th the same day.
January, 1969 at Bikaner (latitude 28° 1' The node Kethu is conjoined with
North; Longitude 73° 19' East), Jupiter and hence it will act on behalf of
jupiter, more strongly giving' the benefic I bowed my head in silence to Gana-
effects attributed to Jupiter. pathi and our Guruji who has benefitted
. ... in propagating this Divine Science by
FHence I pinpointed the time ofr deliver [-nl,€njin„ suc^ a scicntific system as calcul-
rQ m hnc/an r»n ♦Hp o Hr» vp tinrlifitre
telegram based on the above findings, r . ^
'fixing the rising ascendant at the time ation which can pinpoint the time for the
fructification as Mercury sign Gemini, occurrence of even a minor event like this.
mars star/Kethu sub/sub sub of Moon Note: After this incident both my colle-
rther sub again of Moon and last sub agues expressed their desire to
of Jupiter, i.e. Gemini 2° 6' 17", learn Astrology. I ordered M|s
Laksbmi Book Depot, New Delhi-
I This made me to predict the time of 1, for two sets of both the volumes
delivery of telegram at 3.41 P.M. on the of Padhdhati. Today both my
iame day. colleagues are most devoted
students of Padhdhati.
fI The calculation took twenty-five minut-
Long live Krishnamurti Padhdhati!
tes. The man who was sent to Telegraph office
returned after another ten minutes and the
receipt showed that the telegram was booked
at 12 40 noon in the Telegraph Office,
r The matter did not end here alone.
While on way back to home both these
> colleagues were accompanying me, when
r pet chance an Officer of Telegraph Office
• met us on way. When he was told that I
■ had predicted the time of delivery of a tele-
gram [of course sarcasm still continued]
the officer smiled and told that it was •
impossible. He further added that he was
' in definite know of the fact that the trans-
mission line towards Jodbput bad been
out of order till 4-00 P.M. on that day.
My all arguments could, not convince the Editor explains the importauce of subs in.'Qombav
officer that the telegram must have definite-
ly been passed through some other route.
One can easily guess the humiliation
caused to me.
On 22-1-69 the same relative of my
colleague to whom he bad addressed the
telegram happened to come to this place
and my colleague casually enquired the
time of delivery of the telegram sent by
. The reply was just betore r,;T;.
on 16-1-69. My friend congratulated me
in the presence of our senior colleague for
the correctness of tny prediction on
22-1-69 itself, the day again ruled by
Mercury and lord of star Pooivabhadra-
pada being lupitcr. Farewell party given by students at Bombay

The horoscope is as follows: matters. The source of the result is
shown clearly by the Bhava-house occu-
VII 3-42 pied by the planet and the house or houses
V 10-40 VI 8-40 Moon
13-29 VIII 3-40 which it owns (owner of a house means
Sani 18-40 owner of the sign where the cusp or cusps
of a bhava or bhavas fall).
TV 8-40 Jupiter
Kethu 27-10-1942 1-51 Rabu is the occupant of the 9(h Bhava.
8-04 1X5-40 Its constellations are Arudhra, Swathi
7-32 P.M. and Sathabisba. Sun and Kethu are in
24* 6' N Rahu's star (star, nakshathra asterism,
III 5-40 88* 19' E Rahu 8-04
M.C. 8-40 constellation are one and the samel-
Sun 10-04 Moon is the lord of the sign where 9th
XII 8-40 XI 10-40 cusp falls. Rohini, Hastham and Srava-
n 3-40 Lagna Mars 3-08 Mercury nam are governed by Moon. Moon.Sani
3-42 Venus 21-45 and Mercury are in Moon's star.
Moon Dasa balance 7 years 4 months When so many planets indicate a result,
20 days- it means that they are connected with this,
9tb house results. If they happen also to
• For high school and College studies be the significator of 7th house also, it
which need regular attendance to learn the means, it is the llth to the 9tb. 9lh house
subjects by hearing the lecturers from the indicates the father of the native ; hence
beginaing to the end, one is to judge the the 7th bouse, which is the llth to 9th
houses 4 and 11. If one has to work him- indicates success in father's attempts,
self, do research, submit tiesis etc., or if cure from the disease and realisation of
one is to leave his native place, remain in of his ambition also other than what it
a hostel in the'foreign-land, leaving his denotes the native, i.e. to have a partner
kith and kin and enjoying new surround- in life or to enter into a contract with
ings and environments, one is to judge another. Moon is in 7. It is in its own
the houses 9 and 12 and to come out constellation. So Moon indicates 9th
successful. 11th house significator should and 7th house matters. Saturn is in 7.
also be the significator of either'9th or Saturn is in Moon's star which occupies
12th house. 7th house. So Saturn presages matters
Here lagna is 3° 42' Scorpio. 9th house signified by 7th and also the 9th house
extends from 5" 40' Cancer to 8° 40' matters. Therefore during Moon and
Leo. Occupant is stronger than owner. Saturn sub periods not only the native
According to Krislmauiurti, occupant of will enjoy 7th and 9th houses matters,
a constellation is stronger than the lord bu; the ualivf's ' rather will achieve
of the constellation- Constellation is his aim.
stronger than the sign. Occupant of a sign As regards overseas, judge the house 12
is stronger than the lord of the sign. as it promises, separation from family,
Planets conjoined with or aspected by a living in new surroundings and environ-
planet gains the strength to offer those ments. ■ 12th house extends from 8' 40'
results which those planets signify. Thus Libra to 3° 40' Scorpio. Sun is deposited
a planet becomes the significator of a few in the 12th house.
Now one should remember that in (Guruji has discovered this truth, and he has
everybody's horoscope there are the handed down most simple, sure, successful
houses 3, 9 and 12. There must be the and scientific method for the benefit of those
significators of 3, 9 and 12 at least two. readers who make honest attempts with open
. Why 2 Any one planet may own the houses mind.
3 and 12 or 9 and 12 and the other can Now let me request who had, been
own the third house. These two planets writing, publishing or talking in vain, td- give
may not have any planet in their constel- out a method, Nadiamsas are those for post-
lations and also no planet in these 3 mortem—What can you predict 7- Where is
Bhavas. Then only these two planets will the cogent Science ? Who is ' benefitted by the
be the owners and significators. When subdivision of a sign td innumerable ones.
every individual have got at least 2 planets, Where is the Science 2 Now, at least, why
why should not everybody make long should not they learn,, and be useful to the
journeys go overseas and stay in the querists instead of offering vague and general
foreign land during their conjoined tendencies. Let me tell such people that. many
periods and sub periods. .Majority do English-^ knowing traditional astrologers
not go overseas. Simply to satisfy them- have switched off traditional astrology and
selves; just like what I did when I was swit-ched on to Krishnamurti Padhdhati.
very young, they can take a big world
map, spread it on ■ the ground. Then When two people have the same chart with
stand where Africa is shown. Say, T am less than } a degree differences in lagna
in Africa. Take away the footsteps, keep position how can one differentiate,
them in Australia map and say " I am without applying the useful Krishnamurti
now in Australia". Lift your legs and Padhdhati. As Rahu is the lord of the sub
keep where America is drawn. Say "I the 12th cusp, this native will and must liWfn
am now in America ". That is all. But a foreign place.
the surrounding and environments remain When Rahu is the occupant of the 9th
the same. One can go only when the house in the constellation of Kethu in 3 it is
sub lord of the 12th cusp is connected in connected with land journeys, and long
any manner with 3rd or 9th house; journeys.
preferably 9th house. Hence this native has got the opportu-nity
In this chart, 12th cusp is in 8° 40' in to go overseas.
Libra. The constellation is ruled by Now comes the question of finding out
Rahu ; the sub is also governed by Rahu. the time of event.
Rabu is in the 9th Bhava. If he would
have been born one minute later, the It will be Rahu Dasa Moon Bhukti Saturn
sub lord Jupiter who is in the gth Anthra.
Bhava) in the constellation of the planet How did I anive at it? Here also Guruji
in which is Yyaya to the 9th house, in has given an unfailing clue which has been
which case he cannot go overseas. discovered by him.
If twins are bom one with Rahu as the Now, consider the ruling planets at the
sub lord ,;of the 12th house cusp and the moment of judgement
o'ber !" r witb *V- Irr' nr1711}
cusp as Jupiter, then even though Today it is Thursday. It is ruled by
(1) The planets arc in the same bhava- Jupiter. As a node—Rahu — representa-
(2) Dasa and Bhukti same; tive Jupiter by Occupying his sign, take
(3) Ashtaka Varga same. Rahu Dasa.
(4) Gochara same. Now the lagna that is rising in the cast
is 12° 30'. It is Saturn's sign and Moon
One enjoys and the other is disappoin- constellation as the time is 6-51 a.m. on
ted. Thursday 23—1—1969 at Madras.
'Hence Rahu actjng as an agent of Jupi- Mars is in 11 also, during Mars Bhukti as
ter, Saturn and Moon are the the significators of 6th bouse it will cause
significators star is also Utbrapadra disease; as the significator of lltb, it will
where Moon transits and it is Jupiter sign give the cure. Generally people may
: Saturn star). think that the period- when the operation
j Hence you will go overseas during is done especially successfully is a bad
Rahu Dasa Moon BhuKti Saturn Ahthra, period as it causes anxiety. They forget
tThird week April 1973. that the operation is the main cause for
health— cure. Only from the time of operation,
the disease disappears, normal health is
The sub lord of the ascendant denotes regained. ' If sowing a seed to bear good
(.whether one can have good health or one fruits is evil then operation is evil.
[iis susceptible for diseases and will be a Planets connected with 6 and 8 houses
? weakling. Here the ascendant is 3° 42' show danger. Planets connected with 6
• Scorpio. It is in Saturn constellation and and 12 show confinement to bed, hospi-
Saturn sub. It shows that you are a talisation, isolation etc. Planets con-
chronic patient. As Moon and Saturn are nected with 6 . and 11 promise ailment
.conjoined in the constellation of Moon in followed by cure. As Mars indicates
Taurus in the 7th house, you will suffer, disease and cure and-since Jupiter Dasa
from troubles in the throat and intestines. follows, which is not connected with 6th
You take Vitamin 'B', Unizyme etc., house (to fall ill), you will be cured
till your Rahu Dasa Mars Bhukti is over during Rahu Dasa Mars Bhukti Venus
as Mars is lord of 6 indicating ailment Anthra and thereafter, you will pick up
and Mars is in Mars constellation. As health.
(Krishnamurti Padhdhatl Verified and then Predicted)
P. R. MURAL1DHARAN, B E. (Civil),
Junior Engineer, P.W.D . Qulbarga Circle
Junior Engineer, Ml! Sub Divn., Qulbarga.
A gentleman puts a question about his Planets Lord of Lord of sub
transfer on 6-12-1968 Friday at 3.53 P.M. constellation
at 17" 19' North and 76° 54' East Longi- Sun Mercury Venus
tude—Nature of the query "Transfer"— Moon Rahu Rahu
It is unknown—when 7 Mars Moon Sun
Saturn Mercury Mercury Venus
355*36'14* Lagna Moon Jupiter Sun Venus
Rahu 22" 54' 43' 66' 54' 42' Venus Sun Jupiter
342*41'00* Saturn Mercury Rahu
Rahu Saturn Mars
Kethu Moon Rahu
■ Now about the Transfer,
houses 3, 10 and 12.
272° 28' No planet occupies 3rd Bhava. Mercury
2K6' owns it. The planets in the constellation
Sun Mars 172° of Mercury are Sun, Mercury and Saturn.
231° 1' 30' 59' 52.5' Therefore Sun, Mercury and Saturn are
Mercury Jupiter significators.
230° 14' 159°40'1S'
52.2* KctlS2°4I' The 10th house is vacant, lord of 10th
Balance of Rahu Dasa 17 years, house is Saturn. Rahu alone is in the
8 months, 4 days. constellation of Saturn. So Rahu is a
The following is the Bhava Table: The 12th house is occupied by Saturn.
I The planets in the constellation of Saturn
II Moon has already been considered.
III So the planets that can cause transfer
XV are Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Rahu. Now
V Jupiter and Kethu we have to find out whether any node is
VI Mars in the sign owned by any one of the
VII Sun, Mercury
VIII significators. Since the nodes are always
■x - 'VI ! 11 ■» r' t'--- -I . o t. ts .%■- If,
'x in preference to the planet themselves.
XI Rahu Rahu is in Saturn's house (11th Bhava).
XII Saturn So Rahu is a strong significator. Any
planet in the sub of Rahu will reflect the
Westerners are quite right in the pre- results as caused by Rahu. In the present
paration of the Bhava chart as the First chart Moon is in the constellation of
cusp or Ascendant is the beginning of Rahu and in the sub of Rahu, Saturn and
Lagna Bhava and not about 15° behind Kethu is in the sub of Rahu. Rahu is in
the Ascendant. the constellation of Saturn and is in sub
f Mais. So the significator that can cause Hence in the 1st instance, i
transfer are Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, that the native was transferred on 7-2-1966
Saturn, Rahu and Kethu. when be was running the major period of
Mars, sub period of Kethu ... Antara of
' Lord of Cusp of 3rd house is Mercury, Kethu.
Kethu is in Ravi Bhava (LEO) with Jupiter,
lord of 12th Bhava and in Rasi Chart, he This astonished the querist because he
is in Virgo ruled by Mercury and hence had actually received the transfer orders
Kethu being a node is more powerful. on 7-2-1966 (Executive Engineer, P.W.D.,
Hence consider Kethu as one of the strong Gulbarga Order No. 19666-68 dated
significators. 7-2-1966).' Thus confirmed the correctness
of Krishnamurti Padhdhali word by wold.
The Ascendant falls in Aries sign'—
'. Movable sign which is in confirmity with He asked when again he will be trans-
the nature of the question (Movement ferred.
change of place). Also the lord of rising He will be transferred in the major
sign is Mais who is sub planet for Rahu, period of Rahu, in the sub period of
i.e., Rahu is in the sub of Mars. As Rahu Rahu iu the anthara of Saturn, in the
being a strong significator placed in llth Kethu Shookshma. This operates between
Bhava shows that the querist will have a 28-6-1969 and 6-7-1969. Let us now
favourable reply from the Astrologer. consider tiansit to pinpoint the exact
So according to Krisbnamurti Padb- date. Sun transits in the sign of Gemini
dhati whenever the conjoined period of (Mercury) and in the star of Rahu on
these significators operates, the native 28-6-1969. Hence the queriest's transfer
. gets transferred. must take place on 28-6-1969 positively.
Money is entangled- by compromise and sweet words, one fuK
Will I recover ? Full or part! If so, fils his desire. If Sun' is the sub lord,
when? Number given is 237 within 249 through the help of Government officials
and 78 within 108. or by litigation one gains. Thus, one is
to judge-
Sat, 28.3 To note the sub lord and offer such a
Yen. 18-18 prediction, you should ask for a number
Rahu 8-53
within 249. Then, from the number, find
out the sign, the star and the sub—Note at
Slid 2-55 which degree and minute it starts. Take
the Table of Houses by Raphael. Add
8-30 A.M. Krishnamurti ayanamsa to the position of
Moon ' 18-55 the sign star and sub found out for the
11.51 N 72-54 E
Mercury number given within 249. Note the
8-11 latitude of the place of judgment. One
may correspond with you from North
45-20 Kethu America or South America or Africa or
Mars 8-53 Arabia or Australia. Do not bother
1-54 Jup. 11-38 about his place i.e., from where the querist
wrote. But note from where you judge.
Whether one borrows money or gets Refer and find out only the latitude of
back one's dues, judge the 6th cusp and the place of judgments. From the Table
find out whether the lord of the sub of the of Houses, find out the sidereal time for
6th cusp is either retrograde or deposited the ascendant—in Sayana—found out by
in a constellation whose lord is retrograde. you from the number given by the consul-
If either is retrograde, one cannot either tant and the ayanamsa added to it.
borrow or recover that which had lent or Noting down the sidereal time, refer
given or deposited. If the sub lord and and note down the cusps of the other 5
the lord of the constellation in which the houses. Add 180° to these 6 figures and
Sub lord is situated, is in direct motion, complete the 12 cusps. Now you have
then one will recover the money. If it is the map of the heavens in Sayana—
Saturn, then there will be delay and some Deduct Krishnamurti ayanamsa—you get
obstacles to recover. If it is Mercury, one the figure for Nirayana chart with 12
will correspond, give notice, ■ send cusps.
agents and one will recover in instalments.
If it is Jupiter and ill deposited, one should- So, a number is asked to be given with-
go to the court and recover. If Jupiter is in 249.
ih'-siib inn.' and i- ei! dr-fKilrd o";-
easily through court or by lawful means He gives 237.
all the legitimate amount. If Saturn A chance is given\o the astrologer to
aspects Jupiter, one recovers only a part find out from number 78 within 108 and
of it or part by part- If Mars is the sub 237 within 249 and enjoy at the same
lord, one threatens the other and recovers. result obtained. This mysterious agree-
Even Goondas may be of real use. If ment can be found only in this Divine
Moon is the sub lord, very quickly money Science practised by intelligent astrologers
- making honest attempts with open mind.
'Judge the Hth house. It is occupied by 6th house is unoccupied. But is owned
moon and Sun. Jupiter, Moon are. in by Moon. No planet is in Moon's Star.
moon star. Kethu and Mercury are in
sun's star." 11th house is occupied by Moon and
owned by Jupiter. No planet occupies
Today Saturday—Saturn rules : Saturn . their stars. Moon and Jupiter are strong.
and Rahu are in the same sign. Take Kethu occupies Jupiter's sign. Kethu
:Rahu. Today Moon is in Saturn sign ; alone is in Kethu star.
Moon star Sravana—Lagna is in Meeaa in
Uthrapadra star. Therefore Moon, Rahu, Nodes offer the results of the planets
Jupiter, Saturn and Kethu are to be judged. with which they are conjoined or aspected
by Kethu will give the result of Moon and
The time of receiptand favourable judg-' Mars. Rahu will give whatever Moon is
ment would be as follows : to give.
(a) Moon Dasa Rahu Bhukti Saturn [If one refers to Uthca Kalamritha, one
Anthra Moon Shookshma. will find that Rahu and Kethu cannot
(b) Moon Dasa Rahu Bhukti Kethu cause advantageous results even if they
Anthra Moon Shookshma and so on. occupy kona houses, if they are conjoined
with or aspected by planets owning the
Date for (a) is 24-9-1969; (b) 30-12-1969. maraka houses 2 or 7; but what will they
do ? They will cause death;
Thus you will recover most of your
money back from this native whose num- Similarly if Rahu or Kethu were to be in
ber is 237. ,1 2 or 7, the maraka houses, they will not
cause death, if they are conjoined with or
Hotoscopy;— aspected fay the planets ruling Kona
Born on 6-9-1927 at 13° 57' N and houses; but what is the result ? They
72° 54' E at 5-42 P.M. I.S.T. confer wealth and all beneficial and
Horoscope is as follows :— agreeable results. They do not cause
death. Hence one can understand that
Rahu and Kethu give away what they
Jup.7.51 III J L47l IV 9.47 Rahu 1.5' should do according the Bha a occupied,
11 7.47 V 447 but they gi|e what they ai ., dictated by
the planets Ivhich are conjoined with or
aspected byl planet or planets.]
Lagna VI047 Hence take Rahu as one who is to give
the 6th house results as it is aspected by
VII 0.13 Moon.
XII0-47 ' Sun 19.10 Then we have Rahu, Jupiter, Moon and
Mc. 23.46
V«n. 26.51 Kethu. As Rahu Dasa is on and Rahu is
in Gemini the recovery will be from more
Mood 14-4 Mc. 9,47 Mars 4.38 than one person and also on many occa-
XI 4.47 IX 11.47 VIII 7.47 sions. The time of recovery will be,
Krthr. 1 ^ Sat. 9.06 Rahu Dasa Rahu Bhuktic:, Rahu Anthra
Gu:.: Si.■ R->hi' b Hasa
Venus Dasa balance 1S years 10 months Rahu Bhukti Guru Anthra ouru
24 days. From 30-7-1969, Rahu Dasa hraa. The dates are September 1969 and
starts. end of December 1969.

Horoscope is as follows: murti has said that a matter may be indi-
cated by any number of planets. That
V 22-24 Kethu particular affair may be one which repeats
Moon VI 18.24 4.1! VIII 11-24 now and then in one's life, just like birth
17.18 VII 10.18 of child, purchase of jewel, transfer,
change of residence, journeys,\etc. Then
IX 16.24 the significators at the moment of judg-
IV 21.24 3up, 20.43, ment clearly shows the immediate next
9—10—1919 repetition of the matter. In one's life
10-32 A.M.
33' 37' N Mars 5.48 birth and death alone happen only once.
73" 06' E Sat 14.25 Other affairs repeat themselves according
III 16.24 Ura. 18.55
1 to one's horoscope. .
21.24 Today it is Tuesday, ruled by Mars.
Lag. 10.18 XU 18.24 Sun 22.14 Lagna is in Cancer, owned by Moon, Star
1111.24 Rahu Merc. XI 22-24 is Poorvapadra governed by Jupiter,
4.11 0.48 in whose sign, at the time of judgment,
Rabu is deposited who represents Jupiter.
Budba Dasa Balance 16 years 2 months Rasi is owned by Saturn. Hence Moon,
9 days. Mars, Rabu, Jupiter and Saturn are the
significators- Lord of lagna is the stron-
Moon Dasa started on 18-12'68. gest and his dasa is on. Lord of star is
For transfer judge houses 3, 9,and 12 represented by Rabu. So, take Rahu'
which includes change of residence also. Bbukti. Next select Jupiter, lord of the
They should be connected with house 6 star, i.e., Jupiter Anthra Saturn Shook-
or 10. If connected with Uth house, it sbma is the last sub sub period (that is) it
shows increase in income and improve- will be around 17th August, 1970.
ment in status.
Third house is vacant. It is owned by
Saturn; Pushya, Anuradbaand Uthrapadra
are governed by Saturn-Rahu is in Anu-
Ninth house is occupied by Jupiter,
Mars, Saturn and Venus. No planet is in
Jupiter star. Mercury is in Mars star.
Rabu is in Saturn star: Saturn and
Venus are in Venus star.
Rahu is in 12. No planet is in Rabu
star. Rahu is the strongest.
When majority of planets denote a par-
ticular matter, bow to eliminate many and Reception given - to Prof. K. S- Krisbnaomrti
select those which will act. Mr. Krishna- at Bellary Jn. Ry. Station.

K.S. K.
Partnership: Will it continue or break? " What does it matter ? It involves a
if so, when? little arithmetic—No higher Mathematics
Number given is 156. is needed."
Judgment time—7-30 A.M- " What am I to do?.''
Date—19-2-69 " Note the ayanamsa at the time of
Latitude of the place 19° N. judgment. Add to the Nirayana position
obtained from the number given by the
Horoscope for this moment, for this consultant.
latitude is as follows; "Nirayana position is 12° 53' 20" in.
Sat. 2B-25 Scorpio.. Ayanamsa is 23° 20'. There,
Ven. 21-28 VI1 VIII 12-15 fore Sayana. position will be 6° 13' 20"
V 19 15 VI17-15 12-53-20 in Sagittarius " Right. Now you take the
Rabu 8-41
Mood 0-51 Table of Houses. You are judging it in a
place, the latitude of which is 19°. So
IV 17-15 IX 14-15 turn over the page where the position of
Sun 6-51 Aytaamsa the cusps are given for 19°. You will find
23° 20' that the other cusps are- given when the
III 14-15 ascendant is 5° 44' Sagittarius and also
Morcury X 17-15 when it is 6° 34".
You calculate for 6° 13' 20". You will
Atccodact Kctha8-41 get for II cusp 5° 35' Capricorn. Ill Cusp
12-53-20 Ura 9-55 T 35' Aquarius meridian 10° 35' Virgo ;
11 12-15 Ncp. 5-21 XII 17-15 Jup. 11-22
Mars XI 19-15 llth cusp 12° 35' Libra; 12th,cusp 10° 35'
3-48 Scorpio you add 150° to these 6 cusps and
According to Krishnamurti Padhdhati mark the position of the 12 cusps in the
No. 156,'falls in Scorpio, in Anuradha map after you deduct the ayanamsa from
star in Rahu sub, i.e. between 12° 53' 20" each.
to 14° 53' 20". Why?
For the calculation of the other eleven "The cusps obtained are in Sayana
cusps of the houses, • take the position position, you yourself correctly told that
where this sub starts. the Table of Houses by Raphael gives
Sayana position. So, whatever figure you
"It is 12° 53' 20", Sir." have obtained is in Sayana system. Now
"Is it Nirayana or Sayana position?" the Ayanamsa is 23° 20'. Deduct from
As Krishnamurti Padhdhati is on fixed each and enter in the figure.
Zodiac and it is stellar (constellation) " Done."
astrology, this position is in Nirayana "Find out, the position of planets for
alone. "Which Table of house are you 7-30 A.M. on 19-2-69,'. referring to
to refer?" Raphaels 1969 Ephemeris and taking the
You ask us to refer to Raphael Table position of planets given by Raphael for
of Houses till your book comes to the 18th and 19th Noon Greenwich, i.e. 5-30
market "Yes, which,system is followed P.M. I.S.T. As ihe time of judgment is
by Raphael in his Table of Houses-? " 7-30 A.M. calculate, add the motion for
' Raphaels ' Table of houses show Sayana 14 hours from 5-30 P.M. on 18/2 if the
position." planet is in direct motion to the position
of tbe planet at 5-30 P.M. on 18/2 if the It means it is in Saturn's star, Uthrapadra,
planet is retrograde, deduct the motion of When we refer to Krishnamurti Padhdhati
the planet in retrograde motion in 14 table, Rahu is in Venus sub.
hours from 5-30 P.M. on 18/2, from the
position of the planet given on 18/2 at Rahu is to give the results of the house
5-30 P.M. Finally deduct the ayanamsa occupied by the lord of the constellation.
from each, as the position of tbe planets The matter of this house will be materiali-
given are in Sayana Zodiac. Then enter sing, if tbe sub lord of tbe position occu.
them in the Nirayana map with the 12 pied by Rahu is jn direct motion. If the
cusps marked already. If in a sign, tbe sub lord is retrograde, it means that the
longitude of a planet is less than the matter indicated by the house occupied by
cusp, enter it below : if it is above, enter tbe lord of tbe constellation will appear
above tbe cusp so that at first sight itself to come through, but during the period or
one can know in which bouse (bhava) a sub period of the sub lord, it will fall
-planet is, he works out and follows the through.
instruction strictly, Here Rahu is in the constellation of tbe
"Well done. You have omitted to cal- planet in 5, promising union denying
culate tbe dasa. Work out the dasa separation and tbe sub lord Venus in direct
balance, also." motion in 5, promises harmony and cont-
inuity of the partnership.
"As Moon is in Pisces at 0° 51'it means Therefore, this partner will continue.
it has to cover 3" 20' minus 0° 5T i.e. If the circumstances, now, threaten that it
1" 29' in P. P. Pada star governed by will end, do not bother; good understand-
Jupiter, which is allotted 16 years for a ing will be bad to continue tbe partnership.
longitude of 13° 20'. So for 2° 29', the
dasa balance will be 3 years 2 months and Suppose, I give-some other number will
5 days." "Now which houses are to be it not change tbe result?
judged?" Sir, I have to note the sub lord
of the seventh. If it is connected with You cannot give any other number. It
bouses 6 and 12, tbe partnership will is an unknown, unseen force which can-
break. If i t is connected wi tb bouses 5 and not be shown by doing any laboratory test
11, more permanent tie is to be correctly which mysterious force without your
predicted." knowledge forces you to give only that
number, which will guide the astrologer
"Why not boldly predicted." correctly.
" Boldly anybody can predict." A child For the same time, i.e. 7-30 A.M. 19-2-69
of 3 years can predict that its expectant which number will show that the partner-
mother will contribute to a younger ship will break.
brother to itself. It may or may not
come true. If it comes true, is tbe child an I told you that if the sub lord of the 7th
astrologer. If it fails is astrology a failing cusp is in tbe significator of either of tbe
science or can tbe child escape saying that houses 6 or 12 partnership will break. So,
astrology shows only the Tendency. Cor- if the 7th cusp falls in Aries and the sub
rect prediction by following Krishnamurti lore ' again Rahu, then Rahu will be in
Paddhati alone is useful. So I say, pre- the co.. -Ilation of Saturn in 6 and sub of
dict precisely and correctly ?" Venus in md Venus in direct motion will
surely bring -paration in tbe period and
"7th cusp is in 12° 53'20." It is in sub period ol the significators of the 6th
Venus sign Moon star Rahu sub ! and 12tb bouses.
"What results, i.e. which bouse matters If Venus is in retrograde motion,
does Rahu indicate? attempts will be made to separate but
Rahu is in Pisces in 8° 41.' separation will not be there.
If the sub lord of the 7th ciisp is the inevitably come to an end when either o^
significator of 6th house, partner takes the us take eternal rest, when do you expect it'
initiative, the partner is bent on separa- Your ascendant—Horary is in a fixed
tion and thereby the partnership breaks. sign. Lord of 9 is a Bhadbakasthana adhi-
If the sub lord of the 7th cusp is the sig- pathi Bhadbakasthana the 9th is unoccu-
nificator of 12th bouse, then the querist is pied—Owner is Moon. Jupiter and Mercury
bent on separation and be gets separated. are in Moon's star. Kethu is in Mercury's
■ So, if you would have given the number sign. Hence your end will be in Mercury
137 then 18° 6' 40" will be the ascendant, Dasa Kethu Bbukti Jupiter Antbra. . As
in Libra: 7th cusp will be 180 6' 40" Aries you had 3 years 2 months and 5 days in
which is Rahu sub in Venus star. The 6th Jupiter Dasa, then 19 years of Saturn and
cusp will be 20° 6' 40" in Pisces; Saturn at least 3 years of Mercury. Hence for 25
and Venus will be in 6. The partner will years more you are wedded to him in the
try and get out. If you would have men- business.
tioned the number seven, then the ascen- I am now 42 completed. So you expect
dant will be 7° 33' 20". Aries. Sub lord me to live up to 67 years.
of the 7th Cusp, i.e. 7° 33' 20" in Libra Where is your chart?
will be in Rahu star and Rahu sub. The
sub lord Rahu will be in the constellation Here it is: Born at ■ 5-46 A.M. on
of Saturn and sub of Venus in 12 and you 5-11-26 at 18-55 N and 72-54 E. The map
yourself will leave him, drop him and is as follows:
drive him out smopthly (sub lord Venus is
for smoothly, smilingly as friends get VII 5.51 VIII 1X5.32
separated; if the sub lord is Mars, VI 8.32 Mars 5.32 Rahu
violence: if it is Jupiter, by compromise 18.16 17.16
or through Court; if it is in Mercury, by
giving notice and paying bis share in in- V 7.32 X«.32
stalments and so on).
Jup. 7-11-1948
If you would have mentioned a number 25.22 XI 7.32
so that the sub lord of the 7th cusp is IV 6.32
deposited in the constellation of a phahet gunVenoa
or node in 6 or 12 and in the sub of Kethu Mere.
17.16 " 14.50 XII 8.32
Jupiter (which is retiograde) then there III 5,32 Sat.5.S2
II MooD.n.16
Aac. 5.51
will be the mind to separate, but it will
not materialise. Rahu Dasa balance 10 years 5 months
Thus partition among brothers, divorce, 8 days. Now running Saturn Dasa Rahu
separation from wife or husband or Bbukti up to 1-10-69.
demise can be found out. 3 and 12 houses In 1994—after 25 years Kethu Dasa
show separation from mother; 3, 5, 10 Jupiter Bbukti will operate.
and 12 demise 4 and 12 houses indicate
separation from children; 4, 6, 11 and 12 As the lagna is in a movable sign. Sun
show death. 6 and 12 from partners; 1, is lord of 11 and no planet is in Sun's star.
6,Sand 12: 8 and 12 separation from Mars in 7 as lord of 7 has Jupiter in its
father ; 8,10, 3, 12 death ; 10 and 12 sepa- star. But Kethu as the agent of Jupiter
ration from elder brother;5,12,10demise, is evil. Hence Kethu Dasa Jupiter Bhukti
and so on. 1 and 12 show separation from Sun Anthra will be your longevity, i.e 25
family ; 3 and 12 show separation, leaving years more, you will live.
the present permanent residence and living "From ruling planets for this moment
in aclosc-by locality: 9 and 12 show sepa- can't you fix the time to be ruled by them."
ration and life in a far off distant place. Yes: it roust be done to confirm. Today
Sit; as partnership should naturally ana Wednesday ruled by Mercury who is
fepresented by Kethu in Mercury's sign. fore Kethu, Jupiter and Sun will be t e
Star is P. P. Pada governed by Jupiter. planets who give you peaceful life in the
Further Jupiter is conjoined with Kethu. "Heavens. This you apply to your birth
For this moment 19-2-69, Rahu is in iagna chart as you put this query when the birth"
bhava and Sun' is in Rahu star. There- chart is analysed. ,
(Planets—Best executors)
Respected Guruji, Now what shall I do?
Your predictions regarding my employ- Will t enter service, i.e., any employ-
ment have come out' correct m a most ment?
astounding manner.
Or will I start my own independent
You bad predicted on 22-5-1968 at practice as an Chartered Accountant?
Calcutta that
(i), X will not be un-cmployed, If so when? Is there any chance my
entering into partnership with another
(ii) X will be having a new job and auditor?
leave the then job, Please advise me.
(iii) that the new job will be in
Calcutta only, and I enclose my horoscope cast by you:
(iv) that the new job will be one that
I hadin mind, i.e., the one offered Ura 10.56 Jupiter Rabu Mars
by my friend Mr. V.K.S. VI 10.34 VII?.5t S.48 1.38
10.59 VIII 10.34 IX 9.34
and also that I will enter my new job
on 18-9-1968. The date of my entering Venus 5.19
the new job caiae out in a most asto- V 9.34 5-1-1929 X 8.34
nishing way. Although my resignation I'33 A.M.
with my present employer was accepted 9° 29' N
effective from 16-9-68 (a Monday) and I Mercury 78° 54' E Nep. 8.21
was to join the new job on 16-9-68 (my 1.30 XI 9.34
IV 8.34
new appointment was effective from
16-9-68). I could not physically enter Sun 21.14 Kethu Moon
into my new duties till 18-9-68 although Sat. 1.23 5.48 14.02
my salary was paid for 16th and 17th III 9.34 II 10.34 Lagna XII 10.34
September, 1968. 10.59
Again on 11-11-68 you had predicted Rahu Dasa Balance 8 years 0 month
•that I.will leave Calcutta for Madras 20 days.
finally on 6-4-69. This also came out
correct. Although I have been trying my Yours sincerely,
level best to leave Calcutta ■ earlier
(I had actually resigned on 31-10-68). (Sd.) G. SUBRAMANIAN.
My resignation was not accepted till 8lh April, 1969.
28-2-69 and even then X could not
leave Calcutta because suddenly on Dear Sir,
1-3-69, my youngest daughter had measles
and 1 had to cancel my tickets booked Your query will be replied very soon.
for 2-3-69. Finally I left the job on Delay is regretted,
31-3-69 and as correctly predicted by you
I left Calcutta on 6tb April, 1969- Sd/- K. S. K.

(Vexation Ends)
K. S. E.
(Many proofs are given)
" Sir, in the last issue of " Astrology and Certainly! Let me be furnished with a
Athrishla" you have started discussing correct horoscope, erected following
about ayanamsa. Ever you advise to use strictly whatl advised in K..P. and correct
only your ayanamsa. Can you kindly statement of true facts. Then my princi-
■' explain, confirm and prove that yours is ples, findings and dicta are applicable
correct. If it is satisfactorily proved, then universally to all human beings. The rule
' it goes without saying that any other value is only one.
is incorrect".
"True,' it is an absolute necessity to 'Sir, this is my wife's chart. It is
fix ayanamsa. So saying a young person erected according to your instructions.
with his wife enters. VII13-27 ■ Mar« |Kcihu7.47
" Alright. Daily I can take an example Sat. 12.30 vm4,24 IX 13.56 X12-56
and in a fortnight, I shall discuss at least Veo. 2.22 Uri 13.56 Moon
17.50 14.27
12 horoscopes and prove beyond any
doubt that my ayanamsa alone is correct. Merc.
What is needed is careful attention, honest 24-33 XI 11.56
Sun 24,27 7-40 P.M.
attempt, open mind - and unambiguous VI 12-56 8-3-1938
explanation." at 11° 39'N
" Very good, Sir." Jup. 25.17 78" 12 E XII 12.56
"Let us take the horoscope of a girl. V 11-56 Nep. 27.3
Work out the time of marriage; the ruling
planets of the husband; the transit of IV 12.56 III 13.56
planets at the time of marriage: the Udu- Fortuna Rahu 7.47 II 13.56 Asc. 13.27
dasa—Vimshothari—" 3.27
He who just entered suggests "Sir, Will
you mind taking my wife's chart as an Moon Dasa balance, 6 yrs. 7 months
example 7 " 29 days.

Mr. Viialcadpaker, B.Sc., LL,B. Secretary, iotroduccs

Prof. K. S. Krishnainuiii, the Founder &. President of
Stellar Astrological Research Institute, Madras
HDUK Tltn^fieilors

Sun 5, 6, 4"h(n 1 MjftctJT^

Moea ?, II - U Vcnui, Hfhu, Kcthu
Mari S, 7. 3, B 1LI V<jh,
Morcurr 5, 4. 7, I And 10 IV S'jat Jupilt^
lu^livr \ ). +. ^ V Jon, Mcmirj, Jopitcr, VsntP
Vfflm J, 4, T. C, jAfldf VI Son, Vooiif, Solurrt, Rnhti, Kflhn
Suluru i, J. * * VjT $ud, Met*. Mcftury, Jupmr
Vcdui, tUSo
Huhg 2, K t. 7 Vtlt Mtn. ttrtu. Hdtau
K«ihi» ft. 1, 2, V, 12 iX MoOft. V«nu». fcclhu
X ♦WtiOoii
xt Moob: - ■ ' .
xtl Sun, KtlSu

For niarrinjc, 2, 2 and II «rE (p * 'Now. the method edoptcd by rue aiom
tit jud&*d. SJenineutoT! arc, can clarify the doubr
Vcnui, RaLiu, ktihu ; Sun Mars, Mere., What are the ruliDp plapete of iti
, Jupltcr- hulblnd- "Hitiio! WTwt is your lt*T "*
Vcaua. RaJiui Monn. " Vjulta 4tb quarter III Scorpio sita.'
AeIuuI date ftf fdtufihpje liMI'dl- So JupLttr end SUrs arc your rulm
Tlie perj Pit Tunninlt Atlbal time "W Rubu .
DiSi Mercury BluVli JtipiterAntJira Rahu
Stookititna. " Wliai is jbe day of your birth 7
The day of mamafc1 Supday ruled by ' Tbuseday.
Sue Mir was Reyatta: uovcrncd by Mtr- So Jupiter is ilw lord of the day.
jiaury when Xtoon- wai in Piscca owned by
Jupiter, LiftTA it tbttimr of marriiEe" * WJfrtelt yoir Upal
Scorpio otfiini by Mars, JyeaiiUcoosiella-
ituji Mercury. ■ '■Same Vino, Sit-" I wm
hilf past id on'1ft-i-1735- "
fly transil, Rnhu was in Mercury iiar
Afhlcslia ; Mercury ww jn Rahu star Sm- " Jtcncc Meronry fi anotiter
til; fu'plter was in Sun star Verms sub; plenet."
Saturn m Suns tu r Jupiter lab: Sun wu otelui rhirlc for a uiinutc. Can .Gia,
in Mars siEit Jupilcr ster Ftabusub: Moot
in Jupiter siju Mereitry star- Thus, the give mairiage? Ju this Case he Ceni-iter
siEaihtaton of 2, 7and It houses rated Kcsbu has in o3a the results of Sun i-j^
fas par dasa sysrem) tbe dasa, bbuXli also llic.'rtli acd Siccnd bouse- Ttp-aie
a a thru and ahooksbma. Transit agTees. of cnafiratr ,should be Fiiduy. The^
of the hurtb- J must be One of the 3 i
If one uses any ayaflanisa, in vatue lees of XotlT ajjtftj,
than 321 44' for 1SJS, then the result will
be thsl the mamase oushi to have been He ll« ivanairm it)
Rahu Dasft Kethu BhuUi- thao^ /
6 41 P
Shall we try to find out why she had a The correct horoscope is as follows :■—
daughter bom on 12-12-1962 Wednesday,
Moon in Gemini, in Mrigasira star in Ura. 2S.5lt|
Scorpio lagna. She was running Rahu >^Cr. vfTfi I** : 1X7.12 i X 6.J2
vil 6.6 1 }
Dasa Kethu Bhukti Jupiter Antbra. These Sun. 2,41 j
three planets are the significators of the Vcn. 23.281
houses 2 and 5 indicating birth of a baby XI 5.12
to a lady. (1 lib is important fat gents.) 1409 ! 6-W P.M.
Mercury in the constellation of Jupiter in VI i.12 | 16—3—1933
5 and sub of Mercury in Jupiter's star "i at t3-(M N XII 6.12,
gave the birth on a Wednesday when Sal. 19.431 and 80-15 K Keihn Mar. 12.31
Moon was in Mercury sign, Mars star. VS.12 | 14.9
Nep. 15.32
All, in full, agree, 1 /UP. 24.36
"Sir, let us verify how I got married un.12 U 6.12 A sc. 6° 6'
IV 6.12 Moon
on that day and my wife is born in Virgo 1-36
Lagna, Taurus Rasi and Robint Moon
star." Dasa balance Jupiter 2 years 0 month
Yes; this must be done. As per your 29 days.
statement your lagna is Virgo; Star On 19-11-61 the period was Mercury
Visaka 4th quarter. Dasa M^on Bhukti Jupiter Anthra.

Planet significator of which house House planets significators

Sun 12, 6, 12, 4 and 7 1 Mercury

Moon 12, 2, U, 7 and 4 11 Moon, Venus, Saturn
Mars 12, 12, 3 and 8 III Mars
Mercury 5, 7, 1 and 10 IV Jupiter, Moon, Venus, Sun
V Rahu, Saturn, Mercury
Jupiter 6, 12, 4 and 7 VI Rahu, Saturn, Mercury
Venus 12, 6, 2 and 9 VII Mercury, Moon, Sun, Venus,
Saturn 2, 3. 5 and 6 Jupiter
Rahu vin Mars
6, 6, Sfi-jd 6 IX Venus, Kethu, Jupiter
Kethu 6, 12 and j X Mercury
XI Saturn, Moon
xu Mars, Moon, Venus. Sun, Mars,
Kethu, Jupiter

_ Therefore significators of houses 2, 7 Wife's ruling planets; Mercury, lord of

5nd 11 arc Mo»n, Venus, Saturn; Mer- lagna, Moon lord of the Nakshathra,
cury, Moon, Venus, Sun, Jupiter; Moon, Venus, lord of the Moon rasi: Jupiter
Saturn. aspects both rasi and lagna and Moon
Time of marriage Mercury Dasa, Moon was in Jupiter sub for your wife at the
Bhukti, Jupiter Anthra, Venus Shookshma. time of birth.
On the ciay of marringc, Mahshathra appreciated the ability of my students and
Revathi, i.e.. Mercury siar Jupiter sign. scholars of K. P. If anyone wants to
LagDa of marriage: Mars sign Scorpio, improve himself or herself let them learn
Mercury star Jyeshta. K. P. I can only advise. 1 can suggest.
Transit of planets: Moon in dasa- Unless the customers are to be benefitted
natha Mercury star; Mercury was in by clear out correct predictions, one will
Venus sign Rahu star: Jupiter was in not study and apply K. P. This is my view.
Venus sub. Second day
The chart is correct: Marriage actually Next day the student comes also : along
look place on 19-11-61 ? Note that Jupiter with him enters a gentleman, a stranger
was in 3 to him and Saturn, lord of 6
conjoined lord of 8 Mars. These arc to me. The new comer says, Sir, 1 am a
considered to be dangerous by Hindus regular reader of your magazine. I have
and Westerners respectively. But K. P. a doubt about the position of Moon.
proves that the traditional system is in- Some say that I am born in Utbrapadra,
correct. some say Revathi. I would like to hear
from you the correct one.
Suppose you use any other ayanamsa,
star itself may change : dasa bhulcti defi- " Where from are you coming ? "
nitely changes. No science can be strictly " Dhond. "
followed. But in traditional system any You could have clarified your doubt in
one of the thousand rules may explain, your place itself. There are a few good
after the event. astrologers who follow only my Padhdbati.
Os 12-12-62 he had a daughter born. There is a Railway Police subordinate-
What was the period, then ? He is very good at it. From A.H.
Mercury Dasa Mars Bhukti Rahu Anthra.
Girl's star was Mars star, Mrigasira
in Mercury sign, Gemini: Lagna was in
Mars sign Scorpio.
If one uses any other ayanamsa and
applies stellar method to him not only
K. P- is useless hut also the whole world.
K. P. predicts with certainty: reiterates
v/hen again questioned; Comes true when
one waits and sees: But ali other methods
whatever they are, they have no single
rule: no cogency: no coherence: no
systematic application and never sure suc-
cess. So, they have to say "tendency."
Also, the astrologers have some mytho-
logical story and say that there is a curse
for astrology and hence if fails; another
Will say only Brahma can be sure of
prediction. These arc only to take
shelter whenever one fails. Let any one
predict any event to tthe day, applying
any single rule whichi sh<
should he applicable Prof. Krishnaciisrli o*p!aiiis his
universally : none but K.. P. followers can successful in the 40 years
do it. Let tliora apply in case of twins. of his continuous research and
convinces the mass Uic ncrcssity
Due to lack of space, the Editor is of research and Hsltng out
unable to publish letters received by him series of miserable failure in
from unknown persons where thoy have Tcain'iig,
WtKtftiV & Co. at Dhonti trace one wbo Therefore Saturn, Moon and lupHerare
he is as he gets my magazine there every very strong ruling planets for this
month. Any other doubt you have, moment.
contact him, he will clarify it Hence your star is Jupiter sign Saturn
"You don't know his name, Sir. " star Jupiter sub and Moon sub sub.
"1 nevet asked him. But very often he If Moon sub sub is to be there then the
visits Bombay and improves bis know- dasa balance should be between 8 months
ledge by attending ray lectures and also 26 days and 6 months 10 days. It can
consulting me privately. If you make neither be beyond S months 26 days and
enquiry, you can come l» know of him. less than 6 months 10 days. According
Alright give me the data, i.e. the time of to Raphael Ephemeris and Krishnamurli
birth in l.S.T. and the date, month and ayanamsa it agrees—The other two values
year. I do not want to know whetc you are therefore wrong.
were born, as it is unnecessary to note the If Revathi is to be your star, then
position of Moon. Mercury should he one of the ruling
What all 1 have, I give you, Sir. This planets at the moment of judgmeot.
is the chart cast at Tinoevelty by an Mercury finds no place here.
astrologer; he says that my star is Uthra-
padra. This chart from Bombay also Third Example:
says Uthrapadta. Dasa balance differs by Let rae give 3 sots of horoscopes which
one and half years. This chart 1 got a person has for his time of birth.
from the neighbouring State. It shows
Revathi star and Mercury Dasa balance 15 LagftH
years and odd. Here the difference bet- 7° i2'
ween Tinncvclly and this in dasa balance Moon
is nearly 3 years. Which am I to take as r
a correct one ?
I referred to the Ephemeris for the I 1 26-12-1931 iJup. 29.241
; : 5-30 P. M. ' I
time 5-36 P.M. given by him on 27-7-1929. | I 13.04 N
His day of birth was a Saturday. Moon f ! 80.15 E 1 i
was in 16° 15' Pisces Nirayana. There- L „ Saturday
fore your star is Uthrapadra. Saturn Dasa i &inL0 20 l Cphcmeris or j
balance is 0 year 6 months 19 days. The ' i i !
chart cast at Bombay is very nearly Mars Mcrcu ry
correct except a few days difference in 19.43 Kethu
dasa bhukti system. Position of other Sun jO.58 29.34 7.47
planets correct. The dasa balance given
from Tinnevelly is to be corrected. The
other chart mentioning your nakshatra as 1 Lagnu
Revathi is wrong. Rahu ! Mooo
"How do you say so. Sir? Is it what you i
feel or is there any scientific explanation
for your finding?"
What are the ruling planets, today for Vakya
this time of judgment ! - —}
Today it is Saturday—lord Saturn. Venus Jupiter
Star—Pushya—lord Saturn.
Rasi—Cancer—owner Moon.
Lagna now at 9-45 A.M. I.S.T. at Sat.,
Bombay is 5° Pisces. It is Jupiter's sign Mars. Mercury Kethu
Saturn star Saturn sub. .
If you take the other Ayanamsa value will be over and Saturn moves on to Aries
which you had been thinking to be on 21-2-69. Isittrue." asks an Aquarius
correct, on a few argued on incorrect basis rasi-born.
in the chart is as follows: Though I wish that you are free from
such a depressing factor that sade-sathi is
Rahu •ver, yet, the truth is that Pisces is occu-
pied by Saturn. It will be there till 6-3-69-
After all 16 days only more.
5-30 P.M. Moon Each almanac differs from the other.
26-12-31 How to find out the truth. Does Saturn
— 13-04 N move on 21-2-69? So the question is
80-15 E where will Saturn be on 22-2-69. Just now
1 Venus, Saturday Jupiter I explained to him that the ruling planets
Saturn for this moment are Mercury, Rahu,
Saturn and Moon. Rahu represents Jupiter.
Mars, Hence Saturn continues to be in Jupiter
j Sun, Kcthu sign Pisces, in Mercury star Revathi,
Mercury Saturn sub, Mars is not a ruling planet
now. If Saturn's position is in Aries, Mars
The third chart neither agrees with will be a ruling planet-
Drig nor Vakya. Look at the position of " Can I complete S.S.L.C. ? I was told
planets. Which can this person follow or that Saturn and Rahu arc in 11, Jupiter
use it? balam is there as it is in 5 and so on.
1 asked him, mention now which posi- Actually I have made many attempts. I am
tion of which planet you want to fix. ashamed to say. But one thing is certain.
When that is fixed, you will be knowing I will be appearing till I come out success-
which to follow. ful."
Let me know whether my Guru is "Do it. But, what is your reason to take
exalted or not? such a decision?
Right. Take the ruling planets for this What Sir, girls somehow pass easily-
moment 3-58 P.M. 17-2-69 at Bombay. They work hard. They concentrate. But
Lagna fag end of Gemini owned by somehow 1 could not. .This is the main
Mercury. Star Sathabisha governed by cause for my failure. When I am to get
Rahu- Sign Kumba owned by Saturn. married, if 1 remain as an unqualified can-
Day Monday ruled by Moon, Hence didate and the girl whom I have to marry
Mercury, Rahu, Saturn and Moon are the has passed. Look at my prestige and
ruling planets. Sun is not a significator. position. There must be the inferiority
Hence it is not Simha. It is only Cancer. complex. So I sh«uld make all efforts and
That also Moon sign, Mercury star, Saturn pass. No doubt, 1 was giving my life and
sub, Rahu sub sub. So Jupiter should be worked hard. Yet I faiP"1 once, iwic'
between 29* 24' to 29" 43' in Cancer. thrice, four times. No-.; TH
So my Jupiter is exalted- more serious attemr - 1 1
thinking that the E I;
Yes. ' will help me. I ^
Now it is time for me to go to Bharatiya useless. Now f —
Vidya Bhavao to conduct the class. Come want to see wha ..Qmjsupport to research
on any other day if you want to clarify me to doubt Warch of Stellar Astroltsiau
any doubt. Alright! Givinstituic, Bcllaty.
Before he leaves another person comes Born at
and says 'Sir, u few say that my sade-sathi 21-10-194?
So the followiof is your horoscope : people born in Risijaba Rasi neither fail
nor all pass. If they threaten that Risa-
Rahu Moon- ba Rasi will be having Sade-Sathi and they
VIII 13.14 12.14 6.31 Ora, 7-27 canhot pass hereafter is also incorrect.
;ix 15.14 Marcurv
XI 14.14
You read my article on "Saturn's tran-
sit." Only hereafter you enter into a better,
vn 13.44 XIX 14.14 prosperous and successful period"!
2.48 A.M. Ruling planets and inteml \: On
11-39 N 11—3—-1969 I had to meet u d ty high
78.12 E Sat. 10.21 official. A friend of mine ph( |ed' me
VI 14.14 Lnj. 13.44 saying that ho would be happy it J meet
Vcn. 23.11
him at 3 P.M. 1 and one of my 1 Judents
III 15.14 had been to his office at the stroke of 3-30.
V 14.14 , IV 15.14 Kct. 12.14' 11 13.14 I was told that he was in a conference
;up.2.09 Mara9-36 Sun 4.22 Nep. 20.14 urgently arranged and that he wotrld be
Mere, 2.24 back in a few minutes. Also he added that
the officer knew that you would be corning
pSun Dasa balance 1 year 6 months 24 days. at 3-30 P.M. and asked me to request you
a Dear boy, the chart has been worked to wait for a few minutes. Hooked into the
■ out correctly. That which you have is Ephcmetis. Then 1 recollected that his
also very correct." star was Jyeshta. 1 worked out- when
the lagna with be in Mars star Mercury
"Sir, 1 know that the calculation would sub or Mercury star Mars sub. I worked
be correct. He is working in a bank. He out and found that Mercury star Mars sub
, follows only your system. But I doubt will rise in the east for Bombay at 4-20
Whether my time of birth is correct. P.M. So at about 3-35 P.M. I told the
Do you doubt the time of birth by more clerk that he could not call me before
' than an hour ? 4-20 P.M. So' I and my friend will
attend to out other business and be here
No, Sir. It can be less than half ah by 4-20 P.M. This reply was strange to
hour, this way or that. hirri. After 4-15 P.M. we returned.
What is the time now.2 Just at 4-20 P.M. the officer came. Many
were-waiting. He himself came to visitor'^,
Tl-SO A.M. room and called me to come, in . and we
Date i 23-2-1969- went into his room. He took-his seat
Day; Sunday along with me and discussed.-^.He wanted
me to find out hjj. correct birth star. He
Where is Moon? had a doubt whether it was Jyeshta or
Taurus.owned by Venus. Anuradha. 1 told him that if he would have
Star. been born in Anuradha, 1 would have met
him at 3 P.M. as he fixed up the time for
vKarthik ruled by Sun. ; interview as at that time lagna rising
1 1 i?
: If you' work'"out in the East was in 0 irn's star Pushya.
II MA ?. io Venus sign Sun I met him lagna was Ashlesha star,
> Moon was in Jyeshta star. There is no
\ doubt to declare that your birth star is
iyen by yoa, the Jyeshta! Luckily at that time Moon
■•S10 hgn Ve.nns star was in Jyeshta itself. AS Saiura is not a
it _is O.K. ruling planet, his star can never be
4i; Anuradha hut only Jyeshta.
■11 ect. But" to
at all when Thus ruling planets correctly reveal
'■.ohg. All only when K. P. Ayanamsa is used. If
one uses a less value, the prediction must I can at once say. Now you dial 440 449
miserably fail. to Madras. My child will say. You put
only this question. Never say who you
So only finding out the ruling planets are, etc. The question should he " What
and applying properly one need not waste is the birth star of a young gentleman?"
one's tirac. Astrology saves the valuable In 10 seconds my daughter replied Simha
time. Rasi Maka star.
Arrived at Madras : Classes at Madras "Is it, Yekshini ? "
started. Many highly qualihed and very
well-settled officials have joined. They "No."
were hearing my lectures. One of the "Is it a magic? "
members, Professor in Medical College,
Madras came on Sunday 23—3—1969 at " No,"
12 P.M. His question was whether his " What is it, then ? "
lagna was Karkat or Simha. " It is only K. P."
I noted the ruling planets.
Sunday ruled by Sun. Thus, on thousands of occasions—not
one or two they have mentioned the
Lagna Taurus ruled by Venus. correct lagna, star, rasi, etc. Indeed a
Lagna in 7" 7' in Sun star Kethu sub. surprise to consultants as they were
Moon was in Karthik star Venus sub, correct.
" Let me request those who call that
Therefore, Sun Venus, Kethu were the K. P. is not a discovery, to answer, clarify
ruling planets. and remove the doubts of consultants,
His time of birth was 7-10 P.M. on applying any single rule universally."
29—1—1928 at Madras. He had charts The day is fast approaching to put an
already erected by a few. Some say Cancer end to classify that Astrology is a science
lagna and some Leo lagna. of tendency and that Brahma alone can
If Cancer is to be lagna. Moon, Mercury, say with certainty.
Saturn or Jupiter should be the ruling The day is come to claim that Astro-
planets. It is not so. logy is an exact science needing more
This method of fixing is ever true. research scholars to make honest attempts
Never it fails. It is convincing and with open mind only a little is to be done.
correct. One can follow after verifying
in known cases and confirm the truth.
Once 1 published that a young daughter
of mine who knows about ruling planets
gave reply by the same Telephone trunk
call which was a surprise to them. I was
in the Government House talking t» them
at Bangalore Ex-President Dr. Radha-
krishnan also was in Government House
in another hall- He came to attend a
function in La) Bagh where Kulapatiji
Mr. K.M, Munshiji arranged a conference.
Mrs. V. V. Giri wanted to find out how
far I have perfected the science. So she
asked me to mention the birth star of a Mr. Nagappa, promises support to research
bridegroom who married her grand- scholars and opens a branch of Stellar1 Asrroloj:icn!
daughter. I told her. You know the star. Research Institute. Bellar) .
Jyorish Visljratl K. GANAPATHI
The traditional astrologers are not
unaware that the Gochara—Transit 11-52 IV 12-57 V 10-57 VI 6-57
System advocated by various sages saints III 10-57
and scholars in different text-books are
useless, meaningless and not universally VII 3-34
.applicable. IT <-57 Jupiter
10—10—1931 24-32
Present authors reproducing those dicta 1—11 P.M.
in their own words and publishing in 13—04 N
different languages, actually do harm to Lagna 80—1S E
those who keep their horoscopes side by 3-34 VIII 6-37
side with such books without mentioning
that these rules fail miserably in majority Saturn 22-54 Sun 0-26
of the individuals. 24-08 XJ 10-57 Mc. 12-57 Moon 5-5l
IX 10-57
XII 6-57 Venus Kct.
According to Prof. Krishnamurti, only 1-49 More. 17-0452
those who suffer due to Grahachara will Sun Dasa balance 1 year 10 months
follow this Gochara. 12 days. You were married on 1-9-1950.
Let me first reproduce that which is Position of planets, then, at the time of
mentioned in the text-books. marriage was as follows;—
Of all the lagnas it is only the Moon As per Dasa Bbukti System, he got
Litgna that is most important for ascertai- married during Rahu Dasa Rahu Bhukti
ning the Gocharapala. One ought there- Rahu Anthra.
fore to calculate and predict from the
Moon's place to predict the effects due to Rahu 6-07 Moon 6 i
transits of planets through the signs count-
ed from that of the Moon. i
During transit, the Sun gives good i
results when he is in 3 or 6 or 10, 11 Jupiter Ven. 25-4S
counted from Moon : the Moon in 1, 3,
6, 7, 10, 11 Jupiter in 2, 5, 7, 9 and 11 : 3—9—1950
Mars and Saturn 3, 6, 11 : and so on. Sun 14-36
Sat. 27-45
Then they mention about Vedba.
Let me give in thisand subsequent issues
the Gochara position of planets at the Mars Kcthu
time of the marriage, at tho time of 20-17 Mc.6-07
appointment, at the time when one receives
President award, at the time when one In the birth chart Moon was in Virgo.
wins in races, one gains in lottery etc. In the chart erected for the moment of
The following is ihe horoscope of marriage—
Mr. K. B. Jagadish Rapid maritimcs (a) Moon was in 8—Ashlama—
Shipping and Clearing Agent, 308, Tharnbu Chandrashlaiua.
Chetty Street, Madras-1. (b) Kethu and Mercury in Janma (in !)■
(c) Mars in 2. the strongest. Rahu Dasa gave marriage
(d) No Gurubalam—Guru in 6. the moment it started.
(e) Rahu in 7. By transit Jupiter was in Rahu star
(f) Sade-Sati—years Saturn— Rahu sub. Rahu was in Jupiter sign Saturn
Saturn in ) 2. star Mercury sub.
(g) Sun in 12. Moon was in Kethu star Rahu sub
What will an honest astrologer with (Kethu: represents Moon and Mercury).
Mats n Jupiter star Jupiter sub. Sun who
these rules say 1 A very very bad time is to indicate the month of marriage was
what is it that is said in the book, Pbala in Venus star Venus sub, Saturn was in
Deepika by Mantraeswara ? •Moon sub. Kethu in Mercury sub. Mer-
(a) When Sun transits in 12, sorrow, cury in Venus sub.
loss of wealth, quarrel, fever. Thus all planets were transitting in the
(b) Moon in 8 : fear, worry. constellation of the significators and sub
(c) Mars in 2, fear, hot words, loss of Of the significators.
wealth. This clearly confirms what Prof.
(d) Mercury in 1, loss of wealth. Krishnamurti says: Let a planet transit in
(e) Jupiter in 6—trouble from enemies, any sign, or in any house. You never
cousins and sufferings from disease. bother about it. What you should find
(f) Venus in 11—Safety. out is, the transit of the significators in
the constellation and sub of the significa-
(g) Saturn in 12, worthless and fruit- tors of a particular matter. This rule is
less business. Robbed of one's money by applicable to one and all. No other rule to
enemies. Wife and children suffer. confuse no alternative—No confusion,
(h) Rahu in 7 loss. clarity and simplicity of the Padhdhati
(i) Kethu in 1 sickness and death. give the correct date of event which come
Persons learning palmistry, refer the to pass and the argument is convincing
book and at once look to their palm. and scientific.
They get terrified similarly if one refers Luck by lottery—another example:—
these rules and apply (o the virgo rasi Refer to Krishnamurti Padhdhati Vol. II,
born, what is his finding, fear, disease, pages 93 and 94. This gentleman horn in
sorrow, ill-health, loss, enemy etc. Oh God! Cancer sign as Janma rasi having Moon in
How long a time are we to put up with Cancer at the moment of birth had.
such readings"? How quickly the astrologer (a) Jupiter in Janma, i.e. first rasi which
disposes one saying that Gurubalam is not is accoring to Hindus bad.
come. The Gochara is bad. But the above (b) Saturn in 4 to Moon—bad.
is a fact.
Apply Krishuamurti Padhdhati. (o) Moon in 5 to get Moon sign—bad.
(d) Kethu in 12 bad.
This person got married on 1—9—1950; Again the same gentleman had fortune
Judge houses 2, 7 and 11; Saturn owns the in March 1968. Then also transit results
second. Only Rahu is in Saturn star: 7th were adverse according to Hindus, whereas
is occupied by Jupiter, Mars is in Jupiter K. P. answers all the questions.
star and sub of Saturn. Hth house is
owned by Mars and Vtmus is in its Hence new students read Krishnamurti
star. Hence Rahu, Mars anl Venus are the Padhdhati. You know the shortest, correct
strongest significators. Rahu is in the and straight track- If you read all, it is
constellation of lord of 2 and in sub of like rice mixed with paddy and other
Moon, lord of 7: Mars is in the constellation rejcctablc materials.
of planet in 7 and sub of Saturn lord of 2 "Study Krishuamurti Padhdhati and
and 12. Venus is in the constellation of serve the people " is my sincere advice to
lord of II in the sub of Mercury. Rahu is students-
A few learned astrologers find that a hours, lift his body up to the surface and
particular planet in its period will give carry the bloated dead body to the shores.
adverse results to a person. So to mitigate
the evil effects they suggest the stone or So, what is the wise suggestion ? Prof.
gem governed by that maleSc planet. Krishnamurti says that when a house is in
According to Prof. Krishnamurti, it is fire, we throw water and sand ; when one
wrong and actually doing harm to the is lazy, we give stimulant; when there is
cansultant. diabetes, we give insulin to control.
Therefore, that which will nullify the evil
Suppose Venus has to cause Diabetes. is to be suggested. That planet which is
If one suggests that sweets are governed by auspicious, is to be taken. Its Gem alone
Venus and one taking much of sweets, it to be used. Therefore, people follow-
will reduce the evil effects of Venus, how ing Sayana system will be knowing the
far this learned astrologer will bo helpful date of birth.
to the patient.
Again, if Mars denotes arrogance, inde- If birth is betwaen:—
pendence, disobedience, etc. and thereby March, 22 and April 23 , .. Blue, Pearl
Mars threatens dispute among husband April, 24 and May 24 .. Blue, Yellow.
and wife, what is the meaning of suggest-
ing to put on coral or ruby indicated by May, 25 and June 25 .. Red, Yellow.
Mars or to keep ready alathi or a knifeor June, 26 and July 25 White, Red.
a revolver loaded, governed by Mars. Sup- July, 26 and Aug. 24 Green, Red,
pose due to evil Mars, one's hut is in fire, Aug. 25 and Sept. 23 .. Cream, Green.
consider how wise the learned advisor is, Sept. 24 and Oct. 23 ., Orange Red.
if he suggests to pour highly inflammable
ones on the fire, since inflammable ones Oct. 24 and Nov. 23 .. Green, Orange.
are governed by Mars. Nov. 24 and Dec. 23 . White, Green.
If Saturn indicates laziness, lethargic Dec. 24 and Jan. 22 . Red, White.
tendency and slow in one's action, how Jan. 23 and Feb. 22 .. Yellow, White
can there be any benefit by painting the Feb. 23 and Mar. 21 .. Blue, Yellow.
wall with blue colour, purchasing blue
cloth for curtain and blue car for his use. Those who know only their birth star,
The result will be similar to an old and rasi, they can use as follows ;—
(Saturn) deaf (Saturn) person crossing the Aries, Mesha Blue, Pear).
road and the Saturn afflicted driver or
owner delaying in reducing the speed by Taurus, Rishaba Blue, Yellow.
applying the brake. Readers know what Gemini, Mithunam Red, Yellow.
the results would be. Cancer, ICarkata White, Red,
If Moon is evil and it threatens loose Leo, Sitnha Green, Red.
motion, if one suggests a liquid purgative Virgo, Kanni Cream, Green.
to the patient what will be the result7 If Libra, Thulam Orange, Red.
Moon threatens, drowning in one's horos- Scorpio, Vrishchika Green, Orange.
cope and if one uses pearl according to Sagittari us —Dhanus White Cream.
an advice, do you know what will Capricorn, Makaram Red. While.
happen? Mind you, Moon will keep him
for some hours by the side of the pearls at Aquarius, Kumbam Yellow, White.
the bottom of the sea and after a few Pisces, Meenam Blue, Yellow.
If Sun is a benefic, use orange colour promises harmony and happiness and
and gold. Gold indicated by Jupiter will give
If Moon is a benefic, use Pearls, Pusbpa- healthy children.
ragatn. This is what you want.
If Mars is a benefic, use Coral and
If Mercury is a benefic, use Emerald.
If Jupiter is a benefic, Yellow Sanpliire
If Venus is a benefic, Diamond, Silver.
If.Saturn is a bepcfic. Blue, Sapphire.
The day of purchase also may be the
day ruled by the same beneficial planet
prornisiug pleasure, peace and prosperity
(e.g.). Pearls on Mondays, Coral " Tues-
days. Emerald on Wednesdays, etc., etc.
As Jupiter and Venus, are beneficial to
your wife, set Diamond in Gold and give One Section of the fully packed hall with the educated
her Diamond governed by Venus which and highly qualified gents of Bellary.
K. S. K.
" An agreement was signed with the Horoscope is as under:
contractor on 14-10-67 requesting him to
construct a building lor my use at a cost of Kcthu
Rs. 50,000. As. 4.46 j 116,19 m1.332.i9
IV 26.19
I paid Rs. 6,600 on 29-6-61, secondly on
14-10-68, Rs. 10,000, thirdly on 21-12-68
Rs. 7,000. The balance is to he paid. XII 25.19 V 23.19
Source and date of repayment, God alone Sat. 23.31 15—12—1936
knows" says one student. 2-49 P.M.
24—51 N
XI. 23.19 67—04 H
"Why do you say that God alone Yen. 11.32 VI 25.J9
knows. Cannot our Guruji tell you
when and how you will repay and regain srSkiV"
peace. " Koon Ifi.n?
Yes. He can help us by prediction."
Raha 10.7 VlII 6I9'1| VII4.26 Mars
Sim •.S3 25.10
Then what do you. expect from an TX. 2.JB 1
astrologer. Our classmate may consult
when he will get married. Since he is Venus Dasa balance 15 years, 9 months
depressed and dejected as he remains un- 27 days.
married and be had his 37th birthday, only It is verified. An intelligent student,
yesterday. Will the astrologer relieve his without a single mistake has calculated
worry or satisfy him by giving any his and erected the map according to Krishna-
aged daughter in marriage to him. Or if 1 murti Padhdhati.
go and say that there is pressure for money "The chart is perfectly alright. Give me
etc., which you are aware of, will he issue few minutes ".
a cheque and help me. If our room mate
requests him to find out when he can get Two minutes passed. 1 made all calcula-
accommodation, will be make a search for tions and I wrote the dates of repayment
him. Astrologer can give only this much in a slip of paper.
relief: That is he can remove the worry. I asked him " What is the time, now ?"
How? He will predict when the matter will " 10-20 A.M. Sir."
materialise. " Alright let us meet him ".
" What is the lagna ? "
Both enter.
" Let me refer to Janma Bhoomi and tell
" Yes; come in, come on ; Why do you you, Sir."
hesitate?" " Yes, Janma Bhoomi furnishes correct
" Sir, we have not taken an appointment, information. There is the ready reckoner.
but we have taken a chance. " Please refer."
" What for?" " Mesh started at 9-38 A.M., Sir. So it
The worried person narrates the cause of is Mesh."
his worry and asks " when can I be free " Who is the owner of M ojh ? "
from these by paying the Balance? " Mars, Sir."
" Have you brought your horoscope ? " " What is your day of birth?"
"Yes, Sir, here it is. I have worked out " Tuesday."
as per your method. " " Who governs Tuesday ?"
" Mars." Venus Bhukti Saturn Anthra Venus
" Next, where is Moon now ? " Shookshma. The day was a Saturday.
" In Taurus." The star was Saturn star. The time of
signing the contract was Makara sign,
" Who is its Lord 7 " Moon star.
"Venus." Next you paid first instalment. Houses
What is your birth star? 8 and 12 indicate the repayment, just like
"Poorvashada." 2 and 6 when judged together denote
" Who rules Poorvashada ?" borrowing.
" Venus, Sir." You repaid during the Moon Dasa, Sun
You are the third person visiting, now. Bhukti Saturn Anthra on aSaturday when
Moon was in Cancer owned by Moon.
" Do you see that your lord of lagna is
Mars, lord of your star is Venus." Next payment was made during Mars
Dasa Mars Bhukti Mars Anthra, Rabu
" Yes, Sir." Shookshma on a Monday in Rahu
" What did I teach you in the class 7 " constellation in Mercury sign.
" You said that one can consult an The third was paid on21-l2-1968 during
astrologer only at such a time so that the Mars Dasa, Mars Bhukti, Saturn Anthra
ruling planets at that moment agrees with on a Saturday when Moon was in Makar,
the ruling planets at his or her birth ruled by Saturn.
moment. "
"How is it. Sir, that Saturn gives me
' Are you satisfied, with correctness of money and also makes mo part with it? "
your chart?'
"Yes, Sir. " In your chart, Saturn owns both 11th
and 12t!i houses: N« planet is in 12':
" Now, let me tell you, the next date of Saturn atone is in 11. No planet is iu
repayment will be on 15-3-69." Saturn star. Hence Saturn gives due to
" How did you arrive as it in 2 minutes, Ilth house. Saturn dispenses due to 12th
Sir." house result. So, on the days governed
by Saturn you get cheques. You issue
If I explain it will take 15 minutes? cheques.
Anyhow let me oblige, you both.
"Can I pay in full?"
What do you mean by an agreement
with contractor. Does it not mean that " No."
you and another person sign a document Whenever Saturn rules, all payments
wherein both agree, So which houses are will be made only in instalments."
we to judge. 3rd house counted from your
lagna and the 3rd counted from 7lh, i.e. " Why, Sir."
bouses 3 and 9 in your chart " If Saturn indicates disease, Saturn
3rd house is vacant : Owner is Mercury. gives a chronic one.
It has no planet in its stars Ashlcsha, If wc get or give, Saturn prolongs the
Jyeshta or Revathi. So Mercury is one of period by way of instalments. It is a
the significators. delaying planet to fulfil tne's desire
lupiter, Moon and Mercury are in the 9th whereas it is not denying or disappointing
house: Mercury, wc have judged Venus one. /
alone is in Moon's star. Saturn is in Jupi-
ter's star. So Mercury, Venus, Saturn. When will 1 tie at off the loan ?
Moon, lupiter are the significators. " Mars Dasa Rahu Bhukti Sun Anthra
What was the period running at the —January 1970 "
time of signing the contract Moon Dasa " Will he give ma time to that extent? "
Whether he gives or not, you clear off dently". So saying they goon and on
only when the conjoined period of planets and I can't hear any more what they talk,
deposited in the constellation of planet in
2 operates ; to clear off your dues. Judge
the house " Two "
"Thanks, Sir."
"Both go smilingly and with the hope
that he can repay and clear off in January
1970 and with a decision to take time
from the contractor".
" Is your worry over?" asks the class-
mate, while they are putting on shoes
sitting in the outside verandah."
" What doubt is there ? He deals with
the subject so quickly, explains it in meti-
culous detail so lucidly and encourages Mr. Hanumanltorao Viiidhya fthe Secretary ot the
With his convincing arguments so couli- S.A.R.l., liellary Branch) lives Vote of.TUauks,
July 1969
Horary Astrology
Jyotish Vishar&d K. GANA.0ATI
Number given 104 within 249. Gemini : 3, IS, 27, 39, 51 ; 63, 75, 87.
Time of .judgment: 1-30 P.M. Tuesday 99 and so on.
8-4—69. A doubt arises in the minds of the
Place of judgment,: Madras 13° 04' N. readers, how can number 1, 13, 25 etc,,
denote Aries full ; Will not there be any
Prof. Krishnamurti says that there difference between,!, 13, 25, etc.
should be a system to find out results by
Horary astrology and if the consultant There is and there must be.
gives a number and it is taken to ascer- Hence this raelhod is not satisfactory.
tain the ascendant for that query, the Another method is to take each number
answer should be only one; i.e., for each having an arc of 3° 20'. The Zodiac of
number there should be a definite position 360° is divided into 108 equal parts, i.e.
in the Zodiac. The method which one 27 stars: each divided into 4 equal parts.
follows should not indicate more than one Therefore if one says number Two ; it
position and for every - position in the means Asc. is between 3" 20'. Aries to 6° 40'
Zodiac, there should be a separate number. Aries : Number 9 means 26" 40' Aries to
Clarity is found only in K. P. 30°. 10 means 0°. Taurus to 3° 20' and
According to Prof. Krishnamurti, the so on.
.following method appears to be jugglery.
Ask for a number within 108: If the But the real difficulty for the K. P.
given number is above 12, divide the followers arises when they want to find
number by 12, take only the remainder. out the sub. Because in each quarter of
Count from Aries. The remainder will a constellation extending for 3° 20', there
indicate a sign as lagna. In this case, the can be two or three or four or 5 . subs.
lagoa extends for 30° and each has 9 num- So one will be at a loss when the subs
bers ; i.e., 9 consultants can give 9 diffe- are to be judged toknowwbether a matter
rent numbers which give same remainder. will be fulfilled or not. Hence, this
The lagna remains the same. method, though superior to the , first
He asks, " What is the sanctity system, is also indicating alternative
in requesting the consultant to give a results.
number within 108, then divide by 12 and But if one gives a number within 249,
take the remainder. Why can't they ask then each number has a .definite,position
for a number within 12 to avoid the above in the Zodiac. No other number can
calculation . which creates' a wrong indicate the same position. The sign
impression on the consultant, as though lord, the star lord and sub lord, i.e. these
even to find out Horany lagna,. there is three are absolutely different.
some calculation ? " Actually one, gets, According to traditional system, there
the following signs as lagna if the consul- is no BbavaChakra in Horary astrology
tant gives the following numbers:— as each number shows a particular sign as
Aries: 1; 13 ; 25 ; 37 ; 49; 61 ; 73; a Bhava. This is unscientific.
85 ; 97, ' According to Kalidoss, we can find out
Taurus; 2; 14, 26, 38, 50, 62, '74, the lagna by asking for a number within
86, 98. 108. But he has not advocated to erect a
Bhava chart. Then for numbers 1 to 9, X. Cusp is 22° 22' Gemini
Aries is the lagna ; 10 to 18 Taurus; 19 to XI. Cusp is 21° 22' Cancer
27 Gemini; 28 to 36 Cancer and so on.
It is also unscientific. XII. Cuspis21"22' Leo.
But Krishnamurti Padhdhati is the If we work further by adding 180, we
scientific one. One is asked to give a get
number within 249- Bach number has a VII. Cusp 21° 46' 40" Pisces
separate sub. Professor says, take the VIII. 22° 22' Aries
position of the commencement of the sub IX. 22° 22' Taurus
and erect the horoscope— 12 cusps for
the locality where the query is judged. IV. 22° 22' Sagittarius
Then insert the planet in this map for the V. 21° 22' Capricorn
moment of judgment. VI. 21° 22' Aquarius. So
Number given is 104 within 249; turn the Nirayana map is as follows after
over page 48 of the monthly magazine deducting23° 20'
"Astrology andl Alhrishla" July 1968 vm
issue.. v«i. H-n Sat. 3-55
Sun 24-58 IX 29-2 X 29-2 XI 28-2
Against number 104, you will find Sun Mer. 24-IS
sign Sun star Mars sub. It extends from Rabu 6-8
28° 26' 40* in Leo to 29'' 13' 20* in Leo.
vn XII 28-2
Take the beginning of this cusp. It is 28-26-40
IS" 26' 40" Leo.
" What system is it ? " Lagna
" Nirayana " VI 28-2 28-26-40
" Which Table of Houses are we to
refer?" ' V 28-2 IV 29-2 Jup. 5-38
" Raphael's table of Houses ? " Moon Mars III 29-2 Xtt. 6-8
8-24 21-21 11 29-2
" Which system does he follow? "
" Sayana." Is success promised ?
So what to do 7 Judge the sub lord of the 11th Cusp.
On which day we judge the query ? What 1 Ith Cusp is at 28° 2' in Gemini. It is'
ruled-by Venus. What can Venus do? It
is the ayanamsa? Add this ayanamsa is in the constellation of the planet in .7
value for the date of judgment to the and sub of planet in 7. It is retrograde.
Nirayana position of 28° 26' 40". Then
23° 2#'. for '6—4—1969 is to be added. So, declare that he will lose the case.
The result wili be 21° 46' 40" Virgo, Can we confirm ?
in Sayana.
Take the 7th house which indicates the
What is the latitude of the place of opponent. Where is the 11th cusp to the
. judgment? 13° 4' North Latitude. 7ih, i.e. Fifth Cusp. It is 28° 2' Sagit-
Turn over the page where the Cusps are tarius. So, it is in Sun's star Moon sub.
given for 13° Latitude North. Then refer - Both can never be retrograde.
the line where 21° 46' 40" Virgo would be. Sun is in 2 in the constellation of
' It is given for 21° 22' and 20° 26' Virgo- planet—Mercury in 1—sub of node in i
Work out. Then you will find as follows. (counted from 7th house).
I. Cusp is 21° 46' 40", Virgo Moon is in 10 in the constellation of
II. Cusp is 22° 22' Libra Ketbu in 7 to 7 and sub of Mercury in
III. Cusp is 22° 22' Scorpio 1. therfore opponent wins.
If opponent wins, he must lose—yes. So balance on 8-4-1969 = 2 years 7 months
find 12th Cusp, It is Mercury star Saturn 3 days. Now Jupiter sub period is running
sub. Both Mercury and Saturn are advan- upto 5-11-I96>. Then starts Saturn sub
tageous to opponent alone- period.
Thus one can analyse and definitely Take ruling planets. Today Mars day :
state that the particular litigation in the Jupiter sign transitted by Moon and
(High Court for which he has given nutn- Moolam star governed by Kethu—Lagna is
'bcr 104 promises loss, failure, etc., to the around 16° in Cancer-
consultant and success to the opponent- Hence Kethu Dasa Jupiter Bhukti Mars
Time of event: Antbra Saturn Shookshma is the period,
i.e., before 15-9-1969. It will be on
According to'this chart—Ketbu Dasa 3-9-1969.

K. S. K.
Number given is 247. it shows that speedy withdrawal is shown
Time 10-30 A.M : Place 19° N; Date in Jupiter's period. Jupiter in 6 shows that
19-2-69. Horoscope is as follows :— during Moon's period, bank position
improves by borrowing. Let it be repeated.
(Horary) What can Moon do in its period ? It has
Sat, SB.ifr to give the result signified by the Bhava
"Laffda • occhpied by the lord of the constellation.
ti' 0'2140*32 , 11 27° 26 III 24° 17' IV 19° 26'
Vtn Moon is in the constellation of the planet
Mouui B°2" 32'
41' occupying 5. So ■ you overdraw ; What
about Jupiter? It is in the constellation
of the planet in 12, i.e. Moon and hence,
XII 17° 17' V IS' 17' investment, purchases, etc., so that you
Sun 7.03 issue cheques and your bank position
XI15' 17' Hth Bhava also shows the time of
Merc. VI 17° 17''
10.46 making profit: Sun is in 11. Ketbu is in
Sun's star.
KM. 8.41 Second Bhava denotes the receipts by
24.17. IX 27.26 VIII Jup. 11.21
X 19# 26' Mars. 3.53 VII earning: no planet is in second Bhava:
24" 6' 40' Mars rules the second bouse. No planet
it in Mars star. Mars indicates bow and
Jupiter Dasa balance 0 year II months when you make money. Therefore Ketbu
16'days. Generally financial difficulty and Mars in their periods bring money to
does not come at any part of life and you which you need not return. It is yours.
when once it is solved, it is not over once
for all for the lifetime. For some people, But during the period of Sun, you gain
the trouble crops up, dies out, again on a and you repay loan. Why? Sun in the
later date reappears, again goes out andso constellation of Node in 12 indicates
on. In some cases, it is from birth to repayment. Sun and Ketbu jointly promise
death. In rare cases, when once the prob- profit. >
lem' is solved, then no more similar Mars in the 8th bouse indicates that you
situation at all. will earn through life insurance, land,
To know in which period one will be buildings, real estate, mine products,
having enough bank position and any pumpsets, etc.
necessity that arises does not warrant Kethu gives money in your profession
overdraft facility or forces one to borrow through your unknown people- Everything
the learned astrologer will find out the ' is your profit-
period governed by thesignificatorsof Xlth
cusp in Horary chart and the significators Mercury indicates that you lend money
of the 11th bouse. or you repay loan. In the ledger of the
parties', during your Mercury period, they
llthcusp falls in Capricorn at 15* 17'. will give credit to you.
It is in Saturn's sign Moon's star and
Jupiter sub. Jupiter, the sub lord is in the, During Jupiter period, you make
constellation of planet Moon in I2tb purchases. When 7th cuip indicates those
house. Moon is in Jupiter's star. Hence, with whom you deal, when the 4th to the
7th will be their property. It is owned by is the Bhadhakathanaadhipathi to Pisces
Jupiter which is in 12 to 7 in the constella- Lagna. Venus and Saturn are in its con-
tion of the planet in 5 and 7. stellation. Hence one is to judge what
During Saturn period, you have speedy these three planets can do in their con-
turnover, larger profits, prestige, popula- joined period. They are very beneficial to
rity, progress and prosperity as Mercury is see that from their conjoined period, yon
in 10 which rules Revathi where Saturn is need not bother about any in this world.
deposited. When will it come ?
Thus, note down to each planet and read Jupiter Dasa 0 year 1.1 months 16 days.
the result as follows Saturn Dasa 19'years. Mercury Dasa Venus
Bbukti Mercury Antbra Saturn Shooksbma
Jupiter Dasa ends on 6—2—70. Later will come after 2.4 27+0—11—27+
Saturn Dasa will start. It runs for 19 2—9—0 = 5—1—24, i.e. 5 years 1 month
years. Hence all the 19 years, you will be 24 days after Mercury starts. So,
doing business as it is in Mercury star and 19—11—66+5—T—24 = 25 years 1 month.
in its own sub (Saturn in lagna bhava). In the article about partnership we got 25
Later Mercury Dasa will operate. As Mer- years longevity. Now also we get the
cury is in Moon's star, you will invest and same.
reduce the bank position. [So, I advise you to take personal Insur-
But one should not be going on saying ance, endowment policy and not payment
throughout Mercury Dasa. Why ? Mercury till end of life.]
(Krishnamurtl Padhdhati 'Verified and then Predicted.)
Junior Engineer, P.W.D., Gulbarga Circle. Gulbarga.
A gentleman puts a question about bis Lord Lord
transfer on .6—12—1968 Friday at 3-53 Planets. of con- of
P.M. at 17" 19' North and 76* 54' East stellation. sub.
Longitude—Nature of the query "Trans- Sun Mercury Venus
fer." It is unknown—When 7 Moon Rabu Rabu
Saturn Mars Moon Sun
25'36'14' J-agna Mooo Mercury Mercury Venus
R ahu 22* 54' 43* 6* 54'42' Jupiter Sun
12*41'00° Venus
Venus Sun . Jupiter
Saturn Mercury Rahu
Rabu Saturn Mars
Kethu Moon Rahu
Venus N ow about the transfer, consider
2° 28' bouses 3, 10 and 12.
No planet occupies 3rd bhava. Mercury
i' sir f>SMrvrg6i5.6*
ZZ"JHOitet owns it. The planets in the constellation
2U*Morcory 0°HetVm
40* W of Mercury are Sun, Mercury and Saturn.
14 252" 12' 4 • Therefore Sun, Mercury and Salura are
Balance of Rabu Dasa ..17 years, The 10th house is vacant; lord of lOlh
8 months, 4 days. house is Saturn. Rahu1 alone is in the
The following is the Bhava Table;— constellation of Saturn. So Rahu is a signi-
I The 12lh house is occupied by Saturn.
11 Moon The planets in the constellation of Saturn
in has already been considered.
V Jupiter and Kethu So the planets that can cause transfer
vt Mars are Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Rahu. Now
VII Sun and Mercury we have to find out whether any node is
VIU in the sign owned by any one of the signi-
IX Venus ficators., Since the nodes are always stron-
X ger than the planet to bestow results in
XI Rabu preference to the planet themselves. Rahu
xii Saturn is in Saturn's house (Ulh bhava). So Rahu
is a strong significatot. Any planet in the
Westerners are quite right in the prepa- sub of Rahu will reflect the results as
ration of the Bhava chart as the first cusp caused by Rahu. In the present chart,
or Ascendant is the beginning of Lagna Moon is in the constellation of Rahu and
Bhavaandnot about 15° behind the Ascen- in the sub of Rahu, Saturn and Rethu are
dant. in the sub af Rahu. Rahu is in the co
stellation of Saturn and is ia sub of Mars. Hence in the 1st instance, I declared
So the significat»r that can cause transfer that the native was transferred on 7-2-1966
are Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury Saturn, when he was running the major period of
Rahu and Kethu. Mars, bub period of Kethu . . . Antara of
Lord of cusp of 3rd house is Mercury. Kethu.
Kethu is in Ravi Bhava (Leo) with Jupiter This astonished (he querist because he
Lord of 12th Bhava and in Rasi Chart, he has actually received the transfer order on
is in Virgo ruled by Mercury and hence 7-2-1966. (Executive Engineer, P.W.D.,
Kethu being a node is more powerful. Gulbarga Order No. 19666-68 dated
Hence consider Kethu as one of the strong 7-2-1966.) Thus confirmed the correctness
■ sigeifieators. of Krishnamurti Padhdhati word by
The Ascendant falls in Aries sign—A word.
movable sign which is in cbnfitmity with He asked when again he will' be trans-
the nature of the question (Movement— ferred 7
change of plate). Also the lord of rising He will be transferred in the major
sign is Mars who is sub planet for Rabu, period of Rahu, in the sub period of Rahu,
i.e., Rahu is in the sub of Mars. As Rahu in the antbra of Saturn, in the Kethu
being a strong significator placed in lltb Shookshma. This operates between
bhava, showing that the querist will have 28-6-1969 and 6-7-1969. Let us now
a favourable reply from the astrologer. consider transition to pinpoint the exact
So according to Krisbnamurli Pgdhdbati date Sun transits in the sign of Gemini
—whenever the conjoined period of these (Mercury) and in the star of Rahu on
significators operates, the native gets 28-6-1969. Hence the querist's transfer will
transferred. take place on 28-6-1969 positively.
Jyolish Visharad K. GANAPATHI
The zodiac is divided into 27 equal Rahu rules Arudhra, Swathi and
partsl Each is called an asterism, Sathabisha. (6, IS, 24)
Nakshaihra, star or constellation. They Jupiter rules P. Vasu, Visaka, P-P. Pada
are equal in longitude. Each constellation (7. 16, 25)
is 13' 20' or 800' It commences from
Mesha Aries 0°,and the 27 stars ruled' by Saturn rules Pushya, Anura- U. P. Pada.
.Kelhu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, dha, (8, 17, 26)
Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury in the above Mercury rules Ashlesha, Jyeshta,
order make up the rodiac of 360°. After Revathi. (9, 18, 27)
these 9 planets in the above order extend
from Aries 0° to Cancer 30°, again they; f Since the zodiac is of 360* and it is
in the same order extend from Leo 0° to , equally divided into 12 signs, each' extend-
Scorpio 30°; again they follow the same ing to 30' exactly, in each sign there will
order Kethu to Mercury from Sagittarius ■ be, on the whole 2^ constellation.
0° to Pisces 30°. Thus Kethu has 3 zones.
Next to the zone of Kethu, Venus has 3 In Aries, Aswini, Bharani and 3° 20' of
zones; neit to Venus, Sun rules 3 stars. Karthik, in Taurus Karthik remaining 10°,
Next to Sun,- Moon governs 3 stars. Thus Rohini and M. Sira 6° 401 in Gemini
each planet rules 3 slats. Mrigasira remaining 6° 40' Arudhra and
Each constellation is given different P. Vasu 10° In Cancer Remaining 3° 20'
names. They are (l) Aswini, (2) Gbarani, P. Vasu, Pushya and Ashlesha. Thus in
(3) Karthik, (4) Rohini, (5) Mrigasira, Leo Maka, P.P. Guni.and i of U.P. Guni,
(6) Arudhra, (7) Punarvasu, (8) Pushya, in Virgo J U. P. Guni, .Hastha, Chitra i
<9) Ashlesha, HO) Maka, (II) Poorva- in Libra Chitra i Swathi Visaka J in
palguni, (12) Uthrapalguni, (13) Hastha, Scorpio Visaka i Anuradha and Jyeshta.
(14) Chitra, (15) Swathi, (16) Visaka, In Sagittarius Moola, F. Shada ' and
(17) Anuradha, (18) Jyeshta, (19) Moola, U. Shada first J lit Capricorn Remaining |
(20) Poorvashada, (21) Uthrashada, U. Shada, Sravana, Dhanishta A In
(22) Sravana, (23) Dhanishta, (24) Salha- Aquarius Remaining i Dhanishta,
■ bisha, (25) Poorvapadrapada, (26) tlthra- Sathabisha P. P. Pada | In Pisces.
padrapada and (27) Revathi. P. P. Pada remaining }, U. Pada and
Kethu rules Aswini, Maka and Moola According to Prof. Krishnamurti,
(1, 10. 19j constellation alone needs Consideration.
Venus rules Bharani, P. Palguni and The sign is not very important. The
Poorvashada. (2,11,20) house occupied by; a planet should be
judged, taking in which constellation the
Sun rules Karthik, U. Palguni and planet is posited. The role of the sign
Uthrashada. (3, 12, 21) occupied by the planet is not so import-
Moon rules Rohini, Hastha and Sravana. ant.
(4, 13, 22) A planet is in 12th bhava. It is said that
Mars rules M. Sira; Chitra and is should cause separation, loss, issue of
Dhanishta. (5, 14, 23) cheque, etc. But acrually there is reunion.
gain, receipt of cheques. Example is given Such horoscopes as shown above
below; through the light. , What is it? A planet
' A ' offers the results of the house occu-
III f-45 7.40 Nep. 5-16 pied by that planet ' B ' which is the lord
Mooa IV 11-45 Rahu
V 9-45 VI 5-45 of the star wherein this planet ' A' is
0-45 deposited.
Again trouble arose when 2, 3 or 4
11 5-45 VII 2.26 planets are found in the same constella-
7-52 A.M. tion, as all the'planets in the same star,
. 28—12—1900 though referring the same matters, yet
13-04 N gave diametrically opposite results, i.e. if
80-15 E VIII 5-45 planets A, B. C and D are in one constel-
Asc, 2.26 Mars
18.38 lation, in the same house, A and C gave
pleasant results whereas B add D gave
Sat. 14-53. Ura. 21-43
SR-4D just opposite results. This made him think
Sun. 13-34 Ven. 13-28 1X9-45 further: He found that a particular dasa is
XII 5-45 XI 9-45 X 11-45 to cause Rajayoga. But yet, he gets most
Jup, 2-24 Kelh 117-40 desirable results in some bhukties and
Jupiter Dasa 3 years, 1 month 6 days. disadvantageous results in some Bhukties.
Then he started doing research and in all
This Gentleman had gains, fortune and cases be found that planets, though they
success during Saturn Mars and Sun sub are in the same coastellation, yet a few are
■periods ; desirable benefits during Jupiter beneficial and a few unfavourable. This
and Mercury sub periods. But Kethu in 10, caused him to further carry ■ on the
Venus in 11 and Rahu in 5 gave untoward research. He found thateveryconstellation
and undesirable results. must be divided in tbe manner he has
discovered, into 9 subs and each sub
According to traditional system, Saturn having that area in a constellation in tbe
' and Sun must be the worst. Jupiter also proportion in which they are allotted the
will fall in 12th bhava and ought to have number of years in Vimshodhati dasa.
been very bad. Venus and Budha causing
Dbarma Karmadbipathi Rajayoga should He proved that planets occupying any
give brilliant results. Rahu representing one constellation has connection with the
Venus must cause Rajayoga. Mars should Bhava occupied by the lord of the constel-
be dangerous. Prof. Krishnamurti was his lation. These planets in that constellation
friend for along number of years and such are termed as the " Significators " of the
results alone opened his eyes. Bhava occupied by the lord of the constel-
lation. Thus if one works out, for all the
In 1939, when he visited Coimbatore, planets, then each planet is found to
he heard one Nadi reader reading the signify , the matters of a few houses.
results of a few persons in bis cottage. He Then judge each planet. The planet
understood that planets' results were read signifies a matter. Whether it votes for the
as they were found in. the bhavas. Then progress and prosperity of that matter or
"he beard many Nadi readers. None made due to the sub lord it is not capable of
use of the constellation. While readingithe doing good,- further it does harm to that
Nadi, he understood that without assign: bhava signified by the planet-
ing the reason, the results were read and
they were astoundingly meticulously This discovery has crowned him with
correct. For the future they gave the . success.
reasons taking the traditional .methods of He says " If a planet is the significator
the bhavas and the future proved to .be of lagna bhava, it gives long life, success
mostly a failure. So, be startSl the research iu attempts, it helps to maintain good
collecting the horoscopes of old people health, it the sub lord is not thesignifi-
with past events. cator of 6 or 8 or 12- If the sub lord of
the planet signifies 6th bouse and if a danger to partner's life. There can be
planet shows lagna results and occupy 3 or 4 or any number of - significators for "
such a sub ruled by the signifioator of 6, the 7th. Therefore during the period or
he falls ill. The constellation refers his sub period of a planet in such a sub whose
health sub signifying 6 gives disease. If a lord signifies 12th house, wife falls ill-or
planet signifies lagna bhava and it is in the native goes away and separation is
the sub of the —ignificator of S, he meets Caused. If the sub lord signifies 6lh house,
with dangt the wife goes away, thereby there is
If the sub lord signifies 12th bouse and separation.
the significator of lagna is in such a sub, If the planet ii the significator of 7th
one runs away, or imprisoned, or hospita- bouse and sub of 4, partner gains, makes
lised. money and earns name. If the significator'
Therefore constellation lord shows of 7 is in the sub of 5, partner makes
whom or which matter it refers. But the money, friendship and enjoys pleasure.
deciding factor, good or bad, success or If tbe-sub is ruled by the signifioator of
failure is shown by the suh occupied by 8th house, there iseitherincomc or danger
the significator., to life. If .that significator of 8th house is
also significator of S, partner gains. But
Suppose a planet A is the significator of significator of 8 is also significator of 1
second bhava and it is in the sub of 6 one and 7, it means death as 8 and 1 rea
borrows but if it is in the sub of 8 or 12, maraka bouses to the 7th.
he lends or repays loan.
Thus one should note separately what
If it is in the sub of 11, there is gain 'of each planet signifies.
what? Either money or son-in-law or Then in which sub each planet is posited.
daughter-in-law or child birth to the per-
son. If the significator of the second Finally one should take each bouse and
bouse is in the sub of the significator of judge to which bhavas the planets are the
-3, through brother one gains, brother loses significators and the sub lords. Judge
or gives away: if it is in the sub of'4, one calmly how each bhava is receiving good
may have car or house during the period ' results from a few and adverse for the rest.
of the significator in 7, in thc sub of 4th Say, mother,' father, child, etc. Mother
house significator, in their conjoined is shown by 4th' house: father by 9th
periods. If the significator of the 4th bouse; child by 51h bouse.
bouse which rules the sub and if it is also ,
the significator of H, he purchases So, note the significators of 4: so also
acquires ; if the sub lord who is also the the significators of 9 and 5,
significator of 12 other than 4, be sells Let us take the following chart.
and converts the permanent possession as
. liquid cash and his bank position impro- IX 0-30 X 1-30
ves by losing the car or building. If the Jup 8-27 Moon - Raho XT 1-30
sub lord of the planet signifying second 12-25 23-23
house is the significator of 10 and .12, then
lets his land for tenancy or lets the house
for rent Why? 10th house is the 4th to the VITl 28-30 Xll 0-30
7th which whom you transact. So that VH 0-04 29-1-1928
which he takes is given by you (12) and he 7'C6P'M.
is indebted (6), Merc, 13-04 N
29.27 , 30-15 E1 Asc. 0-04
Suppose a planet is the significator of Sun 15-40 11 28-30
7ih house and if it is in the sub of 2 or 11 VI 0-30
one gains, there is reunion, one gets Mars Sat. 23-37
married, etc. If it is in the lub of the 14-59 Kethu in 0-30
significator of 12, separation or ill health Ven, 7-53 13-23
to wife. If it is in the sub of 1 and 2, V 1-30 IV 1-30
Kethu Dasa balance 0-5-23. Bhadhaka to father, promises danger to
Prof. Krishnamurti says that the father.
constellation ruled-by a planet indicates 9 house is owned by Mars, It governs
the matters signified by the bhava occupied Mrigasira, Chitra and Dbanisbta stars.
or owned by it. Rahu and Mercury are in Mars star.
The sub lord occupied by a plane* Rabu is. in the sub of Mars who denotes
denotes whether it is auspicious for the longevity to father. Mercury is in the sub
progress of that.Bhava or inauspicious so of Saturn Bbadhaka to father. Hence Rabu
that one has obstacle or faces disappoint- is a benefic whereas Mercury is evil.
ment or negation of the matter. To the longevity of father houses 2 and
This applies to all bhava results. If . 7 counted from 9th is evil. Both are
lagna is occupied by a planet or owned by owned by Venus. Rabu occupies 2 to 9
one and if a planet either the same lagna- Mars occupies Venus star ; none in Rahu
dhipathi or any other planet is deposited star. Mars is in the sub of Venus. So it is
in the occupant's or owner's star, then harmful: Rahu is in the sub of Mars, It is
they indicate first bouse matters. If the good.
depositor in that constellation is in the Therefore Sun, hdercuty, Mars are evil.
favourable sub, matters indicate'd by lagna Venus is in Jupiter sub. Venus is also evil.
will thrive. If the depositor in tljat con- . (Venus is in the constellation of Kethu
stellation is in unfavourable sub, the who represents 4th and 9th houses. There-
matters indicated by the lord of the con- fore Venus indicates the houses 9, 10 and
stellation as per its occupation or 3 danger to father.)
ownership will suffer.
His father died during Sun Dasa Mercury
Lord of lagna is Sun: no planet is in . Bhukti Venus Anthra in July 1952.
lagna. Sun's stars are Karthih, Uthra-
palguni and Uthrasbada. ' Planets, if Let us judge 4th bouse. It is occupied
deposited in these stars will refer the by Sani and Kethu. It is.owned by Mars.
matters signified by first bouse. If there it So planets in Saturn's stars, Kethu stars
no planet. Sun gives lagna bhava results. and Mars Stars arc those which refer 4th
There is no planet in Sun's star. Hence • bouse matters.
Sun gives lagna results. Sun is in Moon's Venus in Kethu star, Jupiter in Saturn
star, i Moon is in 9 and owns 12. Hence star. Mercury in Mars star indicate 4tb
Sun mostly refers to the matters signified bouse matters.
by 9 and 12, i.e. long journey ; staying Venus is in the sub of Jupiter, Maraka-
outside : loss , of father; permanent sthana adhipathi and Venus is in Marakas-
possession of father, 1 separation from thana to 4..
father. Let us judge the death of bit
father. Jupiter is in Venus sub. It is evil.
' Note the sub occupied by Sun. I' ■ in Mercury is in Saturn sub. As Saturn is in
Jupiter's sub. What can Jupiter do he rapt conjunction with Kethu and Saturn is
9th house? What can Jupiter do tc .je in the constellation of-the 8th from 4th,
12th house? Mercury is evil; Saturn is also evil,
Jupiter is in Saturn's star. As Saturn is Now Venus, Mercury, Mars, Saturn,
the Bhadhakasthana Adbipatbi to 9, Moon, etc. refer 4th house matters- It is the
Jupiter indicates Bbadhaka to father. lord of tbesub which indicates wbetber4tb
Therefore if a constellation indicates house matter will thrive or not.
father, then the sub of Jupiter in that Venus in 2 in sub of lord of 2,
constellation indicates danger to father. Mercury in the constellation of planet in
Therefore Sun in the constellation of 2 to 4, owner of 4 and in sub of evil
Moon in 9 and sub' of Jupiter—the in 4.
Saturn in the sub of Jupiter and Kethu Hence, Moon Dasa ,
in the sub of Jupiter, both occupying 4lh Rahu Anthra was evil.
house are evil. Hence he lost his mother Let us take pleasant functions.
during Venus Dasa Mercury Bhukti Saturn
Anthra on 27-4-47. Marriage—
Fifth house, i.e., the second to the 4th Judge houses 2, 7 and 11 counted from
house by occupation and it refers the 4th lagna.
house being the owner of the 4ih. Hence
Mars indicates about health and causes 2, 7 and 11 are vacant, 2 is ruled by
death during the sub period of the planet Sun, 11 is ruled by Mercury. Vis owned
in the star, if any, and which is in the sub by Saturn.
of one referring the 4th or 5lhor lOth (5th Saturn and Kethu are in Mercury star.
and loth are Maraka houses, to the 4th). Jupiter is in Saturn's star. Kethu is stronger
Mercury is in Mars star and sub of Sani than lord of 7.. Moon and Veiius are in
who signifies the 4th. Kethu star. Sun is also strong as there is
.Let us find out the date of the death of no planet in Sun's star-
his mother. It was on 11-4-47 when Venus ' Marriage took place during Venus Dasa
Dasa (in the constellation of occupant of 4 Kethu Bhukti Venus Anthra Moon Sbook-
and sub of the occupant of 10) Mercury shma on 6—7—1947 on Sravanam star
Bhukti (constellation of planet in 2 to 4 day.
and sub of planet in 4) and anthra of
Saturn which refers the 4th house (to give , Venus is in Kethu star. Kethu is stron-
life or cause death depending on the sub ger than . Saturn, lord of 7 (7th bouse
which Saturn occupied) and it is' in the sub. vacant).
of Mars and Shooksbma of Rabu in 10 Kethu is in the star of Mercury (lord of ■
which is also in the constellation of Mars, 2 and 11). . Both bouses, vacant.
in 2 to 4 and sub of Macs.
Day of demise—Friday. Star Moolam Moon is in Kethu star. Kethu stronger
where' Dasanatha was- (Jupiter rasi-. than Saturn, lord of 7.
Jupiter significator of 4 in Saturn star.and Kethu has to predominantly indicate
sub of Venus in 2 to 4) at night when lagna Saturn's result: then only that of Mars.
was in Poorvashada IS" in Dhanus. Moon's star is not in Mars sign. Hence,
- Death of child happened during Moon Sravanam star governed by Moon in '
Dasa Jupiter Bhukti Rahu Anthra. Moon Saturn's sign gave marriage.
is in the constellation of Kethu and sub of. Normally when one' finds Saturn and
Mercury. Kethu has to give the results of, Kethu in.4 and 9th house occupied by lord
planet with which it'is conjoined, as it is of 12, one, following traditional Astro-
a node. Saturn is lord of 2 to 5 and situ- logy must say that the native will have no
ated in 12 to 5. Hence Moon is definitely tendency towards education. Also that
evil as it is in the constellation of the node he cannot come up nicely in studies.
representing the second house to the 5th But according to Krishnamurti Padh-
and in the sub of lord of 7 to 5, ■ situated • dhati, Saturn and Kethu iD-4are in the
in 2 to 5. constellation of Mercury, lord of 11 and
Jupiteris in the constellation of Saturn, ■ sub Of Mars, owner of 4, education and 9,
lord of 2 in 12 to house and sub of higher education.
Venus, which is the occupant of 5 in the According to Prof. Krishnamurti, if
constellation of node in 12 to 5. Venus the dasanatha is connected with houses 4
itself is evil to 5. Mars in Venus star and 9; they will give education.
Venus sub is also evil. Rahu in Venus
sign Mars star and Mars sub is definitely Venus in the. constellation of node in 4,
evil. gave studies throughout Venus Dasa.
Sun in the constellation of Moon in cates wiat Saturn is to do, and Saturn is
gave higher studies. As Moon is also lord of 6. Sukra is lord of 10.
significator of 12, Sun in the constellation First appointment was in Sun Dasa [in
of Moon, gave the break and ended his 6). Saturn Bhukti (lord of 6). Sun has
studies. no planet in its star. Hence Sun has to
He discontinued his studies after success- give surely 6lh house results. Saturn in
fully completing Medical College course the constellation of Mercury (lord of 2)
during Sun Dasa i Saturn Bbukti Sun and owner of 6 has to offer. Kethu can
Anthra in Decetnberj 1952. give. Also Moon and Venus. Moon in
Mercury sub is very strong. First appoint-
Service: ment was in Sun Dasa' Saturn Bbukti and
Moon Anthra in January, 1952.
Take houses 2, 6 and 10. Sun and Mer-
cury are in 6. Rahu is in 10. Kelhu indi- Thus various instances can be quoted.
another horse, a fluke. This he did with of the fortuna is to be worked out from
the fullest knowledge that he was taking the horoscope itself and it varies for every
a chance! and he lost because his ascen- moment because every fourth minute, the
dant was in evil aspect. But the Moon next degree of the Zodiac rises in the east,
was in a beneficial aspect and so he did and thereby the longitude of the ascendant
not mind the loss and vowed to win later. is rapidly changing.
Again where both the ascendant and the The Lagna moves very fast, about one
Moon have evil aspects, the man's attempts degree in every four minutes. The fastest
fail and he mopes. If both the ascendant moving Planet is Moon; next comes the
and the Moon's position are in good Sun. Therefore, all the three rapidly
aspect, he wins and feels elated. It is one changing ones are taken for this calcula-
of the many fundamental points confirmed tion which confirms that the position of
on series of researches made, that, even Fortuna changes every moment and each
though the Moon's position be the same, birth will have its position in different
if the ascendant were to be different, the longitudes even though it may be within
results will be variable and therefore we only a few minutes of each other. Unless
have to take the ascendant primarily and both are born at the same time in the
then only the Moon, the Sun and the other same latitude and longitude, the Fortuna
' planets, in order to know all the results cannot be in the same position for those
accurately. births. Fortuna has no influence on cha-
One more example will confirm that the racter but is said to benefit the sign in
' Gocharapalan' offered by taking the date which it is found to be.
of birth, i.e., the Sun's position alone will For the transit results, in my personal
not be correct in all cases. Take the date experience, Fortuna deserves serious atten-
of birth and also the star of the students tion and it indicates certain results which
"■ who are all declared successful in any are not sho wn by the aspects formed by the
given Public Examination—several thou- transiting planets to those in the natal
sands sit for the same examination on a chart. As l»ng as we have found but that
particular date and their results are publi- the results enjoyed by people bom within
shed all at the same time. It is no wonder a few minutes' difference of each other
that people born onall dates having the Sun show diametrically opposite results, then
in all the 12 rasis and born under all the 27 one should try and find out what is it that
stars are found to have passed. If we is so fast moving as to cause opposite
collect the charts of those who have failed, aspects and bring about such different
it;will be found that they were also born effects. All research scholars will surely
on all the days of the year and under all declare that the fast changing ascendant
the 27 stars. This particular aspect has and Fortuna cause different aspects and
been the subject of detailed research by produce, different results. If, therefore,
the editor.and his students. Fortuna is always included in all calcula-
We should also take into our main con- tions and predictions offered, there can be
sideration the position of Fortuna. no great room for disappointment.
Fortuna is otherwise called Pars Fortuna. So far, 1 have shown by specific ins-
This is the most sensitive and fortunate tances that predictions made by applying
Zodiacal point. Its distance fiom the 'Gocharapalan'' taking the transit of
ascendant is as the Moon is from the Sun. planets and referring to the position of
in longitude, i.e., if you add the longitude only the Sun or only Moon of a native
of the Moon to that of the ascendant and at his birth are liable to serious gross errors.
then deduct the longitude of the Sun, you
arrive at the longitude of Fortuna—it is I will now give instances to prove that
the position of Thithi added to Lagna. identical results are enjoyed by people
Always the position of all the planets and whose birth took place at the same minute
the Moon's node are readily obtained by in the same Latitude and Longitude. I
refemng to the ephemeris; but the place place before the readers in a tangible and
a systematic torm, my reasons. It is tor of children of similar sexes. Both were
them to accept or reject. I am sure it will long-lived and died at the same hour on
be accepted. 2-9-1820.
My readers.will do well at this stage to Instances can be multiplied of such
pause and ponder over the significant remarkable coincident happenings. The
truth I have placed before them. principles governing such events, will be
The first instance relates to two persons explained in the book to follow.
born at the same time and both got married It is recommended to judge the outstand-
to career girls who were earning. They ing events and episode that would happen
had no children but both couples were very to natives taking the position of the Lagna.
fond of domestic pets, cats and dogs. The Only when it is not known, take the posi-
two mates were lecturers showing identical tion of Moon. (Something is better than
interests in politics, social welfare, philo- nothing.) If both are not known, take the
sophy and religion. Minor events also in position of the Sun. If one has not got
their lives were strikingly similar, as for his horoscope but knows only the date of
example, both suffered from tooth-ache at his birth or the birth star, an incomplete
the same time and period and had their prediction alone can be had.
infected teeth pulled out at the same time
and on the same day. The two male part- Lagna, or Ascendant, i.e., first house,
ners were in no way related to each other indicates health, longevity, success or fai-
and they hailed from widely separated lure in one's attempts, etc.
places. To different births having different houses
Another instance is about two men, born as Lagna, lordship of Moon and Sun will
in the same village, who narrated their vary; e.g., people born in Aries-Mesha-to
experience after they had lived there for a as Lagna, Moon is lord of 4 and Sun is
fairly long time. Their temperaments, lord of 5. If the transiting planets afflict
behaviour .and character were identical. Moon, it shows the difficulties to be faced
Both had pleasing manners always with a by mother and not by the person. But,
smile and were never rude to anyone. Both as Moon is the chief governor for the mind,
were robust in health. Whenever one fell he will not be happy due to the troubles
ill, theotheralsoailed from the samedisease to his mother. Similarly, if Sun, lord
at the same time. Each of them got married of 5 (according to date of birth), is afflic-
in the same period and begot the same num- ted by the transiting planets, the children
ber of children of the same sex. Both of may suffer, whereas the native will not
them lost a child in the same month, and have any adverse result. Take the follow-
brought up the same number of children. ing chart:
One wds a journalist and the other was a
writer of fiction. Mercury, Mars and Jupiter
were the signs who ruled over their profes- L-agna Sun
sion. The culmination of this extraordinary Aries
similarity was in the death of these two
natives on the same day.
Yet another instance relates to a report Cancci
that appeared in a foreign journal in 1820.
It mentioned that Samuel Hennings died
at the age of 82. He was born on 4-6-1738 Leo
at a place situated in the same Latitude and
Longitude as King George III, who ascended
the throne in October 1760. Mr, Hennings
was then an independent businessman and - Virgo
on the same day Mr. Hennings took Elsie
for his wife. Both had the same number
Sri K. C. SUBRAMANIAN, L.T.C. (Hons.)
Technical Chemist, i lO-C, Trichy Road. Ramanathapuram. Coimbatore-lS.
Generally speaking, Rahu and Kethu 4th house—Mars, Rahu, Moon, Sani.
have not been properly treated in Tradi- 7th house—Sun and Buda.
tional i Hindu Astrology. As much 8th bouse—Sukra.
importance as is necessary is not given to
them. In practice. Nodes arc found to be 10th bouse—Guru, Kethu and Fortuna.
very powerful and effective. Nodes give ■ Con. Lord Sub Lord
the effects of planets which are in con- > Ascendant Sukra Rahu
junction with them and which aspect. M. C. Kuja Sani
them. Nodes give the effects of the sign Fort Kuja Moon
lords only when they are alone and unas- S^un Sani Sani
pected by any plant. In this case they act Moon Sukra Guru
as the agents of the sign lords. It js only Kuja Kethu Sani
in K. P. that the coirect effects of nodes, Buda Buda Sukra
have been properly evaluated, as per Guru Rahu Buda
K. P. Nodes are the strongest planets. Sukra Sukra Rahu
When they act as agents, more importance . . Sani Sukra Kethu
must be given to them than to the con- Rahu Kethu Buda
cerned planets. In all branches of astro- Kethu Rahu Buda
logy nodes have to be carefully studied, as
otherwise timings and predictions may go ' In the life of the person, whose
wrong. horoscope is shown above. Mars Dasa
" An ounce of practice is superions to a was practically bad. The whole of Rahu
ton of theory. The following horoscope Dasa was fair. What was expected in Mats.
of a living person will show the effects of Dasa happened only iui Rahu Dasa. Rahu
nodes in one's life. is in close conjunction with Mars. Another
event is given below to prove the effects of
KCS—Born on 20-7-1911, Thursday. Nodes.
Place—11° 42' N. Lai—75° 30' E, Lon. Loss of Job dn-31-12-1968.
Time—at 5-28 P.M. L. M; T. Period—Guru Dasa-Kethu , Bhukthi—
Star—Bharani 3rd quarter, Balance of Rahu Anthara and Ravi Sbookshma.
Sukra Dhsa Y. M. Ds.
9 0 0. Analysis as per K. P.
Knja Ift'0A17"O' Houses 1, 5, 9 and 12 denote retirement
JUImlS from profession on loss of, job.
IV 28-06 Moan
•Sanl SO*
25*0'40' VI 24.06 VII 20-05
V 2«.« No planet is in the first house. Lord
Guru is conjoined with Kethu. Rahu and
Sun 4® 7' Mars are in Kethu's star. So Mars and Rahu
211 25.06 Buda aresignificators. Lord of 5,7 and 12 is Mars.
21' 17'
VUI 22.6 None in the stars of Mars. Rahu is con-
Nirayana Rasi joined with Mars. So take Rahu. Guru
Chart. SuJcra and Kethu are in Rahu's star. Lord of 9,
II 22.06 18® 55' is Sun. None in Sun's stars. So Sun is a
IX 25.06
significator. Finally the significators are
JCT 28.« Guru, Kethu, Rahu, M&rs and Sun. Rahu
Lagna XU24.6 Ooiu 12° Sff X 28.06 can be taken in place of Mars. So loss of
20-05 Kcto 13* 1 r
Foit e* ss'. job can happen in the conjoined periods
of these planets—Guru Dasa—Kethu
hukthi-Raliu Antharatd and Ravi Shook- So transit effects confirm the Dasa-bhukt
shaina. The event actually happened on results.
1-12-1968 at 4-30 p.m. One point, which is to be specially noted
here, is that, this event could have hap-
pened in .Mars antharam. But it did not
v, Sun is in Guru's sign and is in the ' sub' happen then. This ibappened only in Rahu
of Moon, lord of 8. Antharam, as Rahu is more powerful than
•Mars and being conjoined with it, has ab-
•'I Day—Tuesday—Days of Mars, repre- sorbed all the powers of Mars and has
1sented by Rahu. Guru is' in Moon's star
represented it faithfully. Kelhu being con-
and Rahu sub. Kethu is conjoined with joined with Guru, gives out its effects,
• Guru in Kanya Rasi and is posited in the mostly. From this illustrative example,
sub of Mars. Mars is in Rahu star and the real importance of nodes will be cry-
Rahu sub. Rahu is in Guru's sign, Meena. stal clean to all.

P. R. MURAU DHARAN, B.E. (Civil),
Judiot Eogioeer, P.W.D., Davangcre.
1. C.R.G. born on 9-5-1949 Planets Lord of Lord of sub
Time of birth; 6-10 A.M. 1ST constellation
Place of birth: Mysore Sun Venus Mercury
Birth star Uthiram Moon Sun Mercury
Balance of Sun Dasa at birth...1 year Mars Venus Sun
6 months 12 days. Mercury Moon Rabu
Jupiter Sun Venus
Raha Z* SO' Mercury
Lngnv Venus Suo Mercury
27* tV 2° 59'
Sun iS* Venus
Mnis 10°9'4' 5° r Saturn Kethu Mars
Rahu Kethu Venus
Kethu Mars Kethu
Marriage is promised to the native,
RASI CHART since the lord of the 7th, Venus occupies
Jupiter(R] Saturn the 2nd bouse, a fruitful sign. ■
8* 38' 4a 48'
1 As regards marriage, one has to judge
houses 2, 7 and 11. No planet occupies
Kelhu Moon any of these three Bhavas. Hence there
2^,26' 6° 35' 42' is no need to both the constellation ruled
■» by the occupant and also the planet occu-
pying those constellations. Therefore take
(B) Bbava Position the planet in the constellation of lord 2,
1st Bbava Mercury and Venus 7 or 11. Venus-governs 2nd and 7th.
4th Bhava Saturn Whereas Saturn rules the 11th house. The
Sth Bhava Moon planets Sun and Mars are in Venus star. So
6tb Bhava Kelhu Sun and Mars are the significators. Venus
9th-Bhava Jupiter (R) being the lord of 2nd and 7tb cusp will
H2th Bbava Sun & Mars & Rahu also become a significator. No planet is
in the constellation . of Saturn. So take planets at the moment of judgment are; .
Saturn as a significator. Lagna lord Mercury
Lagna star lord Mars
Nodes are stronger than planets. Hence Star lord Venus
find out whether Rahu or Kethu occupies Sign lord Jupiter
their bouses or conjoined them or receives Day lord Mercury
aspects from either Sun, Mars, Saturn or
Venus. Then, they also be the significators. The common ones are Venus and Mars.
The native is running under the major,
Kethu is in libra-in Venus sign. Further period of Rahu and sub period Rahu till
Kethu has an aspect of Sun and Mars. So 14-4-1970;' and Sun Anthra operates
Kethu is a strong significator. Rahu is in between 10-10-1969 and-28-11-1969: the
" Aries " with Sun and Mars. So Rahu native will be running Rahu Dasa—Rahu,
acquires the strength of Sun and Mars. Bbukti, Sun Anthra and Rahu Sbooksb-
Hence Rahu is also a strong significator. ma between 19-10-1969 and 27-10-1969. .
Further he achieves power from Kethu Sun transits in Libra owned by Venus
also since he is in the constellation of and in the copstellation of Rahu . during
Kethu. 23-10-1969 and 29-10-1969. So this period
.has to be considered as the period of
To eliminate a few significators and give marriage. From the perusal of the above
importance to the other few, also to it is presumed that the marriage will take
reduce the number of significators the place by 23rd October, 1969, Thursday
ruling planets of the moment of judg- when Moon transits in the constellation
ment is to be considered. The ruling of Saiturn Uttarabhadra.

Irothish Guojuru RAMACHANDRA
Gayatri Jyothishalaya, BANGALORE.
In this article, I propose to deal with therein will offer, desirable results or
the most important as pect of life. Mar- adverse ones.
riage means one more member added to
the family by legal bondage to keep However the' essential truth of the
permanent company to give pleasure. marriage situation can only be established
from a planned research of the' stellar
Whether a planet is favourably placed system attending the actual marriages.
or not, is to be ascertained from the
longitudinal distances between planets. ■Therefore whenever judging, marriage
According to the principles available,, or to the married life consider the houses
one cannot definitely state when one can 2, 7, 11.
have its beneficial results and also what Generally second house denotes family,"
result it can offer at a particular time, but close relatives of the native, descriptions
by studying " Krishnamurti Padhdhati" of the partner, and state of married life,
fully with necessary knowledge often and and also he or she has good understanding
often, one can exhaust the prediction in- or misunderstanding with family members,
cluding sub will derived. and time of marriage.
The lord of the constellation shows any ' 7th-hduse shows marriage, husband, life
one walk of life to the native. It is the partner, marital happiness, and life with
sub-which. decides whether that area is legal husband or wife, married partner.,
advantageous or not, and thereby indicates brings permanent friendship for progeny
whether the planet occupying or transit and pleasure, partner will virtuously dis-
posed, enable one to lead a good happy (9) If the luminary applies by a
life. bad aspect, it denotes trouble and diffi-
Eleventh house brings us hopes, reuni- culty to have marriage and to have
ons, wishes, friendships, well wishers, adverse feelings with partners.
desires, heating some pleasing and delight- (10) The houses 2, 7, II are barren
ful happy news. signs and luminary afflicted by Saturn or
First of all judge the horoscope and find Uranus, there is much delay and trouble
out whether marriage is promised or not, to offer marriage or no marriage will
without knowing this, if we proceed the take place.
prediction comes failure. If the marriage (U) Venus receiving aspect by Saturn
is promised by the planets, then find out or conjunction or square will show delay,
whether it comes early or late in life. hindrance, obstacles and lack of oppor-
According to Krishnamurti Padhdhati tunity.
the significators derived from the follow- (12) If any cancellation of debilitation
ing formula are:— planet is hemmed between two malefics
(1) Planets posited in star or sub of the or conjoined with in the 7th house causes
occupants of houses 2, 7, 11. delay, disappointment and obstacles
through marriage.
(2) Occupants of the house 2, 7, 11. (13) When the lord of the 7 is weak
(3) Planets posited in the star or sub of and occupy the constellations of lords
the lords of 2, 7, 11. of 6, 8, 12 or in occupation of 6, 8,12 the
(4) Lords of houses 2, 7, 11. native marries late in life and disgusted
(5) Planets who are in conjunction with in life.
or aspected by the significators. (14) If Moon and Venus are weak in
Below I give some principals enunci- strength and occupy 6, 8, 12 houses or in
ated by Abhinava Satyachary of Shri the stars of the lords of the 6, 8, 12 then
K. S. Krishnamurti in his book Volume II also causes unnecessary impediments to
with details- be solved.
ID Saturn in 1, 3, 5, 7 or 10 counted (15) When Rahu or Kethu with other
from lagna or Moon and if he does not malefics occupy either 7 or 8 house or in
own beneficial bouses or Rajayoga planet. the star of 7, 8 lords of marriage of
(2) If malefics are in the 7>.h Bhava, fixation and celebrations Will be broken
receiving adverse aspects from Jupiter or out or comes late in life and wedding
Uranus. gets delayed till the native is disgusted
(3) If Mars is in the 8th house. and dejected.
(16) When planets inharmoniously
(4) If Moon and Saturn conjoined disposed with the major lord will bring
together especially in 1, 2, 7 or 11. obstacles and causes delay.
(5) If Mars and Venus and conjoined
together in 5, 7 or 9 and both receive evil I offer ray wishes that K.P. principles
aspects from Jupiter or Uranus, should stand a topmost mark in the Astro-
(6) If the lord of the 7 and Venus are logical Society and my personal opinion
aspected by Saturn. is that K. P. is one of the masterpiece.
(7) If Moon and Venus are squared So, I once again request the readers
by Jupiter or Uranus. and researches should follow the Krishna-
(8) If the retrogression planet in the murti Padhdhati with great detail and no
7th house or the ruler of the 7th is retro- one can give such results with 100% suc-
grade shows broken attachments or dis- cess in prediction.
appointment, much trouble, separation or . Lastly.I bow my head to our Abinava
bereavement. Satyacharya of Shri K. S. Krishnamurti.

(Application of Krisbnamurti Padbdhati)
ASHOK GHOSH, M. Tech., Calcutta
Dr. (Mrs.) X, having an expectation for simultaneously some other hidden ques-
a post-doctoral research fellowship at Cali- tions are mingled.
fornia (U.S.A.), where her husband was Next Krisbnamurti teaches everyone—
already slaying, posed me the question;
" whether there will be any overseas this Judge whether it will fructify or not. The
year?" on June 6, 1968, (Saturday) at lord of the bora lagna Venus is along with
4-25 P.M. I.S.T. at Calcutta. She quoted Sun, the lord of II and both placed in the
the number 59 (Between 1 and 108). Let 9th Bhava. Jupiter is aspecting the 11th
us analyse the planetary positions at the house. Furthermore, the Ilth cusp falls
time of query. in Venus star Venus sub who is also the
lord of lagna and placed in the 9th bhava.
VW Hence fulfilment of the desire is promised.
Rahu Saturn Mars More to add, the bora lagna falls in Rabu
20'45' r 23' VeanB25'>36'8'
Sun 21° star who is in the 6th, a favourable house,,
the subs of the bora lagna are governed
by Mercury, Kethu and Venus, all joined
withllth lord Sun. Hence 1 can boldly
say that fulfilment is 100% promised this
year. But unfortunately, the lagna is
Jupiter aspected by Saturn, the delaying planet.
10° 0' Not only the lagna but the majority of
planets are being aspected by Saturn.
Hence there must be some delays and ob-
Mood Asc. Kethu struction in realising the journey.
lb 18' 13' 20' 20° 45'
16° 40' Finally the matter which is the riddle in
all traditional astrology is the actual
According to Krisbnamurti Padhdhati, timing of the event. I immediately fol-
Moon must indicate the nature of query. lowed the unfailing principles of Krisbna-
Moon is here in the lagnabbava and hence murti Padhdhati—" the technique of Rul-
the query relates herself. It is the lord of ing planets " propounded by our revered
10. Furthermore, Moon is posited in the Guruji. So what are the ruling planets at
constellation of Jupiter, lord of 3 and 6, this moment of judgment? The day
placed in the 10th Bhava. Hence see how Saturday is governed by Saturn. Moon is
Moon reflects the professional aspects, transitting through the rasi Scorpio ruled
although apparently unasked. But by Mars and through the constellation of
Krisbnamurti says always that the sub Jupiter. The sub of Moon is also govern-
must then decide. Moon is posited in the ed by Mars. The ascendant rising in the
sign and sub of Mars, lord of 2 and 7, east at the moment of judgment is 24° 30'
and posited in the 9th bhava. Further, of Scorpio. The sign is ruled by Mars,
Jupiter, the lord of the constellation in the star by Mercury and the sub by Rahu.
which Moon is transitting is in the cons- Hence summing up, the ruling planets at
tellation of Kethu placed in the 12th the moment of judgment are Saturn,
house. Hence we can say that although Mars, Jupiter, Mercury and Rahu." Now
the question is regarding her overseas, but reminding that if a node is conjoined with
or aspected by a ruling planet, or if it by aspect), and Moon will be in Saturn
occupies the sign of the ruling planet, then sign. This configuration will occur ap-
the node is stronger than the planet. Kethu proximately in the last week of November,
is in Mercury's sign and Rahu in Jupiter's 1968. (I am really unfortunate enough to
sign. So take Kethu and Rahu instead of tell accurately the date of journey, as I
Mercury and Jupiter. Hence the time of had answered without any ephemeris at
fructification will be governed by Saturn, that time.) Actually, the native took her
Mars, Kethu and Rahu. flight on November 27, 1968, morning.
Krishnamurti teaches us that the planet Lot us now analyse this date of journey
Jupiter by its transit will indicate the year, and check whether Krishnamurti Padh-
Sun the month. Moon the day and the dhati is correct or hot by verifying the
ascendant the exact moment. At the time principle that the ruling planets at the
of judgment, Jupiter is in the sign Leo, moment of judgment must be the ruling
ruled by Sun who is not a significator and planets at the time of fructification.
hence till Jupiter leaves the sign Leo. She
cannot go. Jupiter will go to Virgo on The day 27th November, 1968, was a
I2th October, 1968. Virgo is ruled fiy Wednesday, ruled by Mercury. Sun was
Mercury who is a ruling planet at the passing through Mar's sign Saturn star.
moment of judgment. Hence I, without Moon is transitting through Saturn sign
any doubt, unhesitatingly told her that Rahu star. The ascendant at the moment
she cannot move before 12th October, when the flight actually took place is in
1968 and the fructification will be only Saturn sign iMars star (around 11 A.M.).
when Sun will transit Mar's sign Saturn So see bow marvellous and miraculously
star. (Saturn is very strong significator as it accurate the padbdbati is. Long live our
curbs the strength of majority of planets Gutuji 1
(K. P. Verified)
K. C. SUBRAMANIAM, L.T.C. (Hons ). Technical Chemist,
110-C, TrichyRoad, Ramanathapuram. Coimbatore-lg.
Kuj. 10-40 Occupants Owners
IV 28-06 V 28-06 Rah.
50-40 VII 20-05 2 Nil ' Sani
VI 24-06 6 Nil Sukra
Sani 26-00 10 Guru & Kethu Buda
Sun 4-07
111 28-06 Buda None in Guru's star. So Guru is a
21-17 strong significator. Kethu being in close
VIII 22-06 conjunction with Guru gives its results.
Rasi Chart " Rahu and Mars are in the star of Kethu.
Sukra Sun is in Sani star. Venus, Sani and
II 22-06 18-55
IX 28-06 Moon are situated in the star of Venus.
XI 28-06 Buda is in Buda's star. So the signifi-
Kct. 13,17
Lagna XII 24-06 Guru cators are Guru, Kethu, Rahu, Mats,
I 20-05 12-3(5 X 28-06 Sun, Sani, Moon, Venus and Buda—
' Fortuna practically all the planets. Now we have
6-38 to eliminate the unnecessary ones. Guru
and Kethu being in 10 are the strongest.
Kes Moreover, they arc in the 'Sub' of Buda,
Born on 20-7-1911 lord of 10. Mars, being lord of 5 abd 10,
Rahu being in conjunction with Mars, can
Place—Tellicherry (Kerala) be rejected. Their Antbras have also
Time 5-28 p.m. L.M.T. passed away. Sun, being lord of 9, 12 to
10, can also be rejected. Moon, being
STAR—BHARANI 3rd quarter lord of 8, and in conjunction with Sani,
Yr. mts. ds can be registered. So after elimination
Sukra Dasa Balance 9 0 of these planets, there remain the follow-
0 ing .- Guru, Kethu, Sani, Sukra and Buda.
So the person may get into service in
Thislarticle will show that it is not Guru Dasa, Kethu Bhukti, Sani or Buda
always necessary to find out the ruling Anthara. Sani is in Kethu 'Sub' and
planets. By sheer analysis of the birth Buda is in Sukra "Sub". So Sani is a
chart followed by correct interpretation of stronger significator to give service. The
the transits, future can be predicted Sookshma period must be that of Sukra.
accurately. The person whose horos- We have to pin-point the date by the help
cope is mentioned above lost his job on of transits of planets. So the person will get
1-1-1969. His family people were anxi- into service in Guru Dasa, Kethu Bhukti,
ous to know when he would get into Sani Antbram and Sukra Sookshma-
service again. On 16-1-1969 it was pre- On 15-3-1969, the week day is Saturday.
dicted that he would get into service again Moon is in Sani sign. Sun in Guru Rasi
on 15-3-1969. The prediction maffi^by and Guru star. Guru is in conjunction
the application of " KrishnamUrti with Kethu in Kanya Rasi. Guru is in
Padbdhati " came true to the day. The Venus " Sub " and Kethu is in Kethu sub.
horoscope given above was analysed as As the transits conformed the results, it
follows; Houses 2, 6 and 10 are to be was boldly predicted that the person
examined for service or earning. Now would get into some service on 15-3:1969.
the period on 16-1-1969 is Guru Dasa— The prediction came out absolutely true.
Kethu Bukthi—Guru Anthram. Sani K. P. gives amazing and accurate results
Anthram lasts from 22-2-1969 to 15-4-1969. when it is properly applied.

K. ;. k.
Transit Snn, lord of 11, deposited in Rahu star.
Sir, Moon sub. In which house is Rahu ?
It is in the 9th bouse. Hence Sun will
I am sure that you are aware of Mars offer the matters signified by 9th house ;
now'transitting in the position of Saturn i.e., Father, wife's younger brother,
in Scorpio and in a few weeks Saturn will younger brother's wife, grand child, next
be transitting in Aries where there was elder brother's elder brother, as regards
Mars in my birth chart. , I have heard relationship, other matters are higher
many. So far, I had only different education, long journey, etc. Hence
opinions from my friends and I am during Sun period and whenever a planet
confused and worried. transits the position occupied by Sun
(though it is in lagna), it will give in its
I would like to hear from you so that period or it will offer at the time when a
I can have the clarity horoscope is as planet transits the position of Sun, 9tb
follows:— house matters. Is there any planet in
Sun's star? None. In that case Sun will
VII 5.51 IX 5.32 also indicate Lagna Bhava results.
VI 8.32 Mars VIII 5.32 Rahu
18-16 17.16 Is there Rahu or Kethu in Sun's.sign?
No. Then its results will not be shared
by or represented by any other planet.
V 7.32 X 6.32 If there is any, then what are we to
5-46 A.M.
5—11—26 judge?
18-55 N
Jup. 25.22 72-34 E If there is any or there are many, those
IV 6.32 XI 7.32 planets situated in Karthik or Uthrapal-
guni or Uthrasbada will give the matters
Mercury Sun 14.59
iy.6 signified by Lagna Bhava.
Ket. 17.16 12.18 Ven.Moon So Sun will give both lagna and 9th
III 5.32 (H) 5.32 12.16 XII 8,32 house results.
Sat. 3.58 ASC. 3.51
Rabu Dasa Balance 10 years 5 months How will it give?
8 days. Now running Saturn Dasa Rahu " The nature of the result is shown by
Bhukti upto 1-10-1969. the lord of the constellation by its occupa-
Your Mars is in Aries 18° 16'. It tion. So 9th house results.
means, it is in Mars sign, Venus star, Also, only when there is no planet in
Rahu sub. its star, the matters signified by the Bhava
Saturn is in Saturn star, Saturn sub- occupied by it".
" I sec."
How to Predict?
"You need not see. Hear attentively.
" What is your ascendant? Apply systematically. Arrive at each,
" Libra." methodically. Proceed patiently and
properly; then, predict precisely. Now,
What does each planet signify ? again you note".
"What is it, Sir?". The source will be from first and 10th
" Sun rules Leo. llth.Cusp is in Leo, houses as it owns the 10th and occupies
It extends up to 8° 32' in Virgo from 7° 32' the first Bhava."
in Leo. In this area, there is no occupant. "Thanks, Sir."
So you should take that Sun, owner of the "Hullo, you have asked about Mars
sign Leo, where llth Cusp has fallen is and Saturn, transit. So bear in full about
the lord of 11." Saturn and Mars."
" Then." Mars is in the 7th house. Its stars are
" As there is no planet in Sun's star, Mrigasira, Chithra and Dhanishta. Hence
Sun has to indicate the 11th house matters Jupiter in Dhanishta will give the results
also." of 7th house. Mars in Venus star, Rahu
sub. Lord of the constellation is in
"So Sun indicates the results of the lagna. Hence Mars, though lord of the
houses 1, 9 and 11. Is it correct, Sir?" houses 2 and 7 and is in 7 yet will offer
"You are very correct." the results of lagna. Second bouse is
How will the above results be had? occupied by Mercury. So, the second
I mean, what is the source for this nature house matters will be given by the planets
of result." in Mercury constellation and if there is no
planet, in Mercury star, Ashlesha, Jyeshta
" Source is to be judged from the and Revathi, Mercury will offer second
matters signified by the Bhava or Bhavas house matters. Actually there is no planet
owned by the planet and also the Bhava in its star. Therefore Mercury indicates
occupied by it." both the second and 7th houses matters.
Right, Sir. , If you take another planet The source will be through 9th and 12th
and explain, 1 will have clear idea. You houses. As regards Mars the source will
know that Saturn is in Lagna Bhava and be 7th and 2Dd houses and the result will
hence I am a little slow in grasping. I relate to lagna.
assure you. Sir, that when once I have Saturn is in lagna bhava ; it is in its own
learnt, then I never forget as I repeat star and sub. Mercury is also in Saturn's
whatever I learnt within myself. " star- Therefore Saturn, as it is in lagna
Alright, take Moon. It is in Libra at bhpva and Mercury in Saturn star show
12° 16', i.e., in \enus sign Rahu star lajpa results. Mercury has another port-
Saturn sub. Moon rules Rohini Hastham folio, i.e. the 7th house. The source or in
SraVanam stars. It is in Rahu star who is other words, how it will be accomplished
situated in 9th house. Hence any planet is judged from the houses owned by it;
in Rahu star will give 9th house results. they are 4 and 5. As there is no planet
So Moon also will give 9th house matters. in the 5th, 5th house results also will be
given by Saturn. Even though, he owns
No planet is in Moon's star. So the the 4th house, as there is Jupiter in 4th
bhava occupied by it being lagna, Moon bhava and it is repeatcdlysaid that planets
will give lagna effects also. in Jupiter star or Jupiter himself will give
Further in Moon's sign, the meridian 4th house matters through the 6th house
alone lis. In the 10th house, i.e., 6° 32' source. Saturn gives mostly through 5th
Cancer to 7° 32' Leo, there is no planet. house and partly through 4th house mat-
So Moon is to offer 10th house results ters. Thus, one should analyse, and keep
also as there is no planet in its star- ready, a ready chart wherein for each
Hence Moon is to bestow the results of planet, which houses matters they will
the houses 1, 9 and 10 during its periods, offer and which is the source for the mate-
sub- periods, etc., and any planet tran- rialisation of the nature of the result.
siting in the position occupied by Moon Sun gives the results of the houses 1, 9
will indicate matters connected with the and 11 as there is no planet in its star and
houses 1, 9 and 10. it is in the constellation of one in 9 and it
is the owner of the 11th. The sources are brokerage, etc. If Mars conjoins Mercury
1 and ll: younger brother unhealthy as Mercury is
Moon gives the results of the houses L, Bhadhakasthana adhlpathi.
9 and 10 through the 1st and 10th houses. If Saturn conjoins Mars, your health is
Mars will give the results of the first good. Younger brother gains. To'mother
bhava through the second and seventh reputation, success; children long journey
sources. and pleasant: Wife or partner unhealthy :
to your father loss; to elder brother aus-
Mercury offers the result of lagna, 7th picious.
and the second houses through 9th and
12th houses. As in this example chart many have the
Jupiter offers the results of seventh, sixth connection to first house only, one more
and the 4th houses through the 3rd and example will be of advantage.
6th house matters. Ketbu
Venus gives its results of 9th house 3-26 VI 24-50 Venus
•IV 28-50 Mars 8-22
results through lagna and 8tb house mat- 8-14 VII 20 26
V 27-50
ters., Saturn offers the results of the first
and the Sth bhava through the first 4th Sun 6-58
and S th houses. III 25-50 5-27 P.M. VIII21-50
Rahu will give the results of 9th and 23-7-1958-
12th house matters: also the second and 13° 04' IS
the 7th house matters. The sources will 80' 15' E Mercury
1121-50 3-48
be the 9th and 12tb houses. IX 25.50
- Kethu gives the first house, 7th house, XI 27-50
6th house and 4th house,matters through Lagna Sat. 26-42 Moon 5-41
the third and sixth bouses. 20-26 XH 24-50 Rahu 3-26 X 28.50
If a planet transits, it shows the source 0-18
of a result (wBich will be explained below). Mirs Dasa balance 0 yr. 6 months
Transitting planet indicates how a matter 6 days.
is brought out.
What is the matter? That is judged Let us judge Mars and Saturn.
from what the planet, whose position the Mars is in 4th house: Jupiter, Rahu
transitting planet passes, according to and Moon are in Mars star. 4th house
' which hohse matters, that planet signifies. matter. results will be given by Jupiter,
If we take Mars as the planet which Rahu and Moon. But Mars is in Kethu
transits the position of Saturn, Mars star which is also in 4. Hence Mars also
shows the source. Saturn indicates what denotes 4th house matters. Then Kethu
aspect of life is ignited then. and Mercury indicate. We are concerned
with Mars. It is in 4: in the star of node
As Mars signifies the first bhava, the in 4. So it gives 4th bouse matters.
source is-'mostly first house; partly second It owns the Sth cusp and no planet is in
and seventh Saturn is the significator of 5. So Mars gives Sth house results also
lagna. Hence Mars conjoining Saturn along with Moon, Rahu, Jupiterand Kethu
indicates good health and success in your (Kethu conjunction Mars is the strength
efforts; To younger brother, prosperity; for Kethu), Thereis aplanetin 12th bhava.
To mother, unhealthy and gains. To Hence forget the 12ih Bhava results attri-
children, long journey: to wife unhealthy. butable to Mars. Hence Mars gives the
(Saturn is in Bhadhakasthana to mother results of the 4tb and the 5th houses,
and Bhadhakasthana adbipatbi to wife) through 5th house matters.
to your father, loss in speculation; to
your elder brother short journey: gains Saturn in 12 is in Mercury's star which
by salesmanship or by taking agency: gets is in Sth Bhava. Therefore Saturn has to
give the 8th house results. The source Westerner's consider that the conjunc-
will be 2, 3 and 12. Therefore when Saturn tion of Saturn and Mars is very evil. Here
transits at 8° 14' Aries and conjoins with the prediction is given taking only the
Mars, 4th and 5th house matters will come, nature of the planet into consideration:
to forefront through the 2nd, 3rd and 8th nothing else. So, one should not apply
houses matters. As he is a boy of 10 universally to all. The results given by
years, regarding 5th house matter one them is mentiond briefly "one develops
should not predict love affairs but one has rash, hasty and even murderous tendencies.
to say, that nowadays most of the people Uncontrollable anger-cruel—accident-sur-
are very ambitious and even avaricious to gical disease—separation—Divorce—To
have gains with minimum pains by way of fall down from great eminence etc.—out—
lottery etc. " So he will speculate source burst of temper—demoralising tendencies
being 2, 3 and 12, younger brother may. ruins himself by committing rash acts-
buy (3rd house) and give the 2nd is 12 to commit theft—squandar away estate—
3)- Purchase by brother and getting it suffer from poxes, carbuncle, rheumatic,
will be then. 12th house shows investment. diathesis, etc."
This is a pleasant prediction for which The above is applicable only when
astrologer will be thanked. Saturn and Mars in a chart were deposited
Again it can be said that 5th bouse in the constellation and sub of the occu-
indicates profit to the opponent. 3rd house pants of the houses 6, 8 and 12 which is
indicates' pocket'. 2nd house money purse. rare, i.e. lord of constellation and lord
12th house loss. So he will be pick- of sub of both Saturn and Mars must be
pocketed. < On that day, Astrologer, in this so. Majority will never suffer.
case, will be scolded. Individual'chart must be studied and
Thus one is to judge. prediction offered.
'Editor Jyotish Marthand K. S. Krishnamurti Speaks
Interview: Friday—Danisbta Star—9-5-1%9; 7-10 A. M. to 9-40 A.M.
Four gents enter my office room at New than myself ; but as regards honesty, I am
Delhi; one with Tape Recorder; the second to none.- Are there not musicians
other with Dash lights; the third with with more melodious tune who canenthral
photography set and the fourth from Delhi the crowd by their scientific music, than
itself to introduce me to those who had those known to the public. Really there
cotne from Sweden to interview a few are many housewives better than those
learned, well-informed and wide awake who come to the platform cither for name
workers in every branch of science. or for money. Similarly, there may be
"Good luck, Sirs" welcomed I. many astrologers in the dark, who are
equally honest, capable and learned.
One after another the strangers greeted
"Good morning", but the officer from "True; among well-known astrologers
Delhi repeated " Good Luck. " I understand that you are the best and you
can answer all my questions. First, let me
" Indeed, the pleasure is mine to meetyou know whether astrology originated in
all in my place ". First let me offer you India."
delicious coffee. You may be aware that
South Indians, whichever part of the "I have studied most of the literature
world they live in, prepare goodcoffeeand available and in a way I can claim to have
the ladies take pride when guests declare mastered both the western and the Hindu
that the coffee is splendid." systems and I have also studied the history
of astrology. To my knowledge, many
■" All right As you please " countries had been following astrology for
My daughter served them coffee. They as long past as 3000 years. In India, it was
sipped slowly and repeatedly told that, only Sage Garga who got this knowledge
' indeed, it was very good, very good. due to the divine grace of the creator.
Only therefrom, others came to know
The reporter of the television said, "1 about this science. Whereas, in Western
met a few astrologers and intellectuals in countries it was Mr. Seth who studied the
India. I wanted to contact, discuss and then planets, divided the zodiac into 12 equal
record and televise the discussions with parts and so on and he was considered to
the ablest astrologer of India, in Sweden. be the first astrologer."
Wherever I enquired in India everyone " Seth 7 "
gave me only your name and said that you
are the only one whom I should contact " Yes, Seth."
and ' nobody is better than you '. I am
happy to meet you now in Delhi. I under- " From various events reported and
stand that you will be in Madras on or found in various text-books it is under-
about 6-6-69: I shall meet you at Madras stood that in every country there were
also. " astrologers capable of offering satisfactory
predictions. In India alsoj there were great
"Thanks, Sir; X also thank all those saints, sages, Maharishis and scholars who
who directed you to me. One thing I wish could give, in meticulous detail, correct
to say : I cannot accept that there is predictions. On hearing them, one will be
nobody better than me. Because, there may dumb-founded and amazed at the astound-
be more capable and intelligent astrologers ingty accurate predictions-"
" Will it be during Mahabharat period If one understands and follows if
or still earlier? " strictly, both the nature of event and the
" It must be much earlier still as even in time of event pan be given correctly. Such
Ramayana we note the birth data of Sri a prediction cannot be offered by any other
Rama, in astronomical terms and under- method available at present. To my know-
stand that auspicious time bad been found ledge, none of those who had been doing
out to celebrate the coronation ceremony any research in the dark and claiming to
of Sri Rama. It means that even prior to have come out successful in bis attempts
Ramayana astrology was followed in has brought the product of his research to
India. Nobody knows when Sage Garga light and so I venture to say that I am the
was. I am never to speculate. But as only one who has done successful re-
regards Seth, it is said that be lived in3769 search. "
B.C. " "What made you do this research?"
" Can you say that the westerners asked the gentleman from Delhi who
, followed the Hindu system of astrology? was also present during the interview.
Or, was it also existing in Greece. Egypt " In the first place, as I have already
and other places ? " stated, the scienceis incomplete. Whenever
"There is no clear record to show when there are failures, we must do research to
• astrology had its origin in each country. make the science .complete and also
But when one studies all the systems, then correct. Had I been born in an orthodox
one comes to know that the system astrologer's family, probably my elders
followed by westerners is absolutely differ- might have cultivated me intheit own way
ent from that which is followed by Indians of approach and whenever Ifailed I would
and none copied the other. This I have have taken shelter under the wings of our
very clearly and exhaustively dealt with in Maharishis. But I was born to a decently
my work on astrology titled "KRISHNA- rich Mirasdar (owner of agricultural land).
MURTI PADHDHATI " I came across a number of quacks when I
was very young. When I joined the
" Which of these systems—Hindu br college in 1926 I decided to take to astro-
Western—do you find nearer the truth and logy seriously and ■ bring out honest
helpful to offer useful and correct predic- astrologers who will be willing to deal
tion ? " with this subject purely for academical
interest and not to make it an instrument
" Honestly speaking, both the systems of service. No doubt, God favoured me I
ate near the truth and still far away from happened to go through all the available
it because both are incomplete and both 1 publications on the subject. I bad ample
the systems fail in many respects. They opportunity to visit various places, to
are mostly general in character and in collect different horoscopes arid over and
some cases they need further investigation above all, the much needed leisure to
and research study in a calm and quiet atmosphere. I
" Are there any people doing research in enjoyed peace of mjnd by prayers, mostly
India ? " due to the fact that I bad been initiated by
a Sidha Purusha. Therefore truth dawned
" Most of the books which are being in my mind immediately after a problem
printed and published in India are nothing arose."
but the reproduction of the original texts
in the publisher's own words. But useful " From 1951 I had been teaching
research, and a successful one for that students who are well qualified and also
matter, was carried out by me for more well placed in life and who will n»t work
than 40 years and I have evolved a new for money, 1 admitted only such
theory which is absolutely scientific, students. One thing I should say that in
simple and offers the most satisfactory the Hindu system there is a method
results. to find out the timing of the event. It is
called UDU (Nakshathra) Dasa System, time, mind you Sir, I am bringing out
Vimsbdari System. Whoever was the these books in all languages in India so
sage who propounded this particular dasa that the flood gates of knowledge may
system originally should be revered as reach all my people."
one equal to God. There is so much
truth in it and humanity should be ever The interviewer then described at length
indebted to that ' Mabarisbi. This is a how the media of television will help
marvellous method." millions of intellectuals in Sweden
and other European countries closer to
" How did you start your research ?" Prof. K. S. Krishnamurti and his advanced
" Available individual horoscopes were but lucid method of approach.
taken. If people were born at different " In fact, this is the best media by
latitudes and longitudes, then, now-a-days, which you will become knownhe
it was easy to throw the blame. on the- added
consultant himself, saying that the time
of birth given is wrong whenever the " What is the price of the book ? "
astrologer failed. I thought I should
carry on research to find out why the It consists of 1000 pages and costs
planets occupying the and Rs. 25. From the U.S.A. orders come
minute offer diametrically opposite results and the postage to America comes to
in the cases of people born only a few about Rs. 52. One thing which I would
minutes apart but in tbe same locality. like to say is that people who had never
So I began to calculate the horoscopes of seen me, who do not know me at all, but
the twins, and also their experiences in the who have gone through my magazine and
past. I went on collecting all data and the book, have very clearly written that
within a reasonably short time I grasped whatever they learnt all along before tbey
the truth. It is exhaustively dealt with in came across KRISHNAMURTI PADH-
my book; " Krishnamurthi Padhdbati". DHATI they are trying to forget once and
"Oh! This is that book". So saying for all. They have discarded the old
the visitor took tbe two volumes which methods, Hindu or Western, and they are
were on the table and showed them to me. following only my Padhadbati which bas
proved to be correct. " You can find this
, " Yes, please. You can have them. in this issue." So saying I handed a copy
I would like to add that due to the pres- of the December, 1968 issue.
sure brought out by my students to bring
out a monthly magazine,' so that they The friend from Delhi just at that time
could have material supplied every month turned bis attention to tbe bedding brought
to improve their knowledge and also have by my daughter and looked at me. It
clarity for the doubts which may arise in looked as. though be wanted to know
their mind, now and then, I am publi- whether 1 was leaving Delhi-
shing a monthly magazine. These copies
of my magazine, Astrology and Athrishta, " Yes, yes. Today I am going to Meerut
also, you can have." and from there, 1 propose to go to Kulu
Valley from which placet X have received
I presented them the past four months' invitations. There is. an astrological
copies of the magazine. group even there. Hundreds of interested
" Oh! all in English." enthusiasts have extended their welcome to
me. I do not consider it so much an
" Yes. If I bring out in my mother ■ honour as I consider it a privilege to serve
tongue, it serves only a very few. That . them in any manner in which they would
language which is widely understood like mc to explain my theory, which they
nowadays throughout tbe world is English, have understood, which they have applied
which I also know. Therefore, 1 have and, having come out cojrrect, they have
brought it out in English. At the same extended invitation to me."
"Do you get support for your work t'' planets for profession, etc. wherein 1 have
told that Mars, Venus; Jupiter, go for
" Only from the elderly and the great animal husbandry whereas Mars, Venus,
lawyer, educationist, the great philanthro- Saturn go for slaughter-house or family
pher, the true, honest and supremely in- planning. How correctly it has come!
telligent and noble soul." Also, I turned towards the gentleman
" Who is he?" who wanted to know something about
" KUXAPATIJI K. M MUNSHI him—a foreigner; I sard " you must be
born in Khumba Rasi." Before I could
" He who had been honoured recently finish, he said. "Yes."
by the late President! " [Why? one may ask. Saturn, Venus,
" Yes, the very same distinguished gen- Mars are the three and Moon is transiting
tleman." in Saturn sign. Venus is conjoined with
Rahu. Therefore I took it should beRabu,
While I was saying so, a horoscope is instead of Venus. So star should be that
- handed over to me to ask about the of Rahu in Saturn sign. Therefore Satha-
results. Before touching the chart I told bisba should be the Nakshatra and hence
that Saturn, Venus and Mars ruled that X told Kumbha Rasi. He does not know
moment, being a' Friday and Dhanishta the Nakshatra but he is sure that bis Rasi
star. I said that Venus is for music, opera, is Khumba which be understood at
cinema, television, transport, etc. and Calcutta.] When he mentioned bis date
Saturn, Venus, Mars go for either slaughter of birth and reference was made, it was
house or for family planning and so on. Sathabisha star. " Can you tell anything
(Readers, you will be surprised to know pbout me?"
that the gentleman who bad accompanied " Yes, in the year 1961, say 1961
the television interviewer to my place was September, you must have met with saints,
only on the previous evening transferred etc. and at the same time you did not
from Publicity Department to Family enjoy peace of mind ; worries and anxie-
Planning." The four people who came to ties on one side ; frequent tours; not able
see me, as I already mentioned, were (1) a to fulfil your desire ; failures in your future
gentleman who takes tape-records, (2) a plans etc. Before and after this period,
gentleman iwho takes photos, etc., (3) one you enjoyed your life singly. Marriage is
with flash' light and (4) also the Delhi to come."
Officer who took charge , of the Family
Planning only the previous evening.) "Yes, very correct. I am,s£ill a bachelor.
I was with Dalai Lama and other great
I asked the officer belonging to the saints. All the 24 hours of the day for
Family Planning; " May I know what more than a week I was with , Dalai Lama
period you are tunning. Sir?'' during that period. Later, 1 bad been
Officer; ' Saturn Dasa, Saturn Bhukti, touring and no doubt in the abovemen-
Venus Anthra and Mars Sookshma. (If tiooed particular period I have not
anybody wants to know bis address, write achieved anything else except contact with
to the Editor.) such spiritual people."
1 explained that in Krisbnamurti (The above and the following to appear
Padhdhati, you can understand that I have are Tape recorded.)
mentioned about the combination of the (To be Continued)

(Verification of Krishnamurti Padhdhati)
Jyothis Pandit HIRA LAL SHARMA
Hon'ry-Director. Sri Markandaya Astro-Cultural Institute, Ballahgarh. Mandir P.O., Banjar
District, Kuia (Hitnachal Pradesh)
Shri Revati Chand Thakur, B.A., b.ed,. required in the successful application of
Master, Government Higher Secondary K.P.
School, Banjar ; Dist. Kulu (Himacbal
Pradesh) appeared in his B.ED. Examina- Sani 27.40
tion conducted by Punjab University at Asc. 26,06
Rahul 4.40
Chandigarh, which was commenced in
September, 1968. This gentleman has
deep rooted appreciation for occult and
cultural phenomena as propounded by
our ancient seers. He put a query on Rasi
29-10-1968 (i.e., after his examination be-
ing over); Tuesday, at 4 hour 55 Moon
minutes, p.m.; I.S.T. at Banjar, 24.41
Latitude being SUN. 58' and Long,
as 77° E. 0' of Greenwich. Number Venus MMH, (R)3,840-7
quoted within 249 = 248. Nature of M.C. 19,04 16.45 Sun . Jnp.
UT». 8.SS
Nep. 2.13 12.48 Kctlia
Mere. 14.40
query " What will be the result of my
B.Ed. Examination held in September
1968? " y. m. d.
Balance of Mars' Dasa at the
Horary chart cast in accordance with ' moment of query is for 6—3—15
the principles of Krishnamurti Padhdali y. m. d.
for the query moment (date noted above) And Sub-Period of Rahu for= 0—8—18
is reproduced here with every detail
Planet {in the chart) Sllo Moon Mars Merc. Jup. Venus Saturn Rahu Ketbu Hersh, Nept.
Occupies the constellation of Rahu Mars Sun Mars Sun McrC, Mere. Saturn Moon Sun Jup
Occupies the Sub. of Merc. Rahu Rahu | Rahu Salute Merc. Jup. Rahu Jup. Venus Rahu

Cusp of House No. 1 3 4 9 11

lies in the constellatiun of ■ Mercury Mars Rahu Mercury Moon
A lies Sub. of Jupiter Jupiter Moon Jupiter Jupiter
Judgment of the Horary Chart: house, shows study-work, preparation for
According to Krishnamurti Padhdhati, examination and finally to appear in at
houses 3, 4, 9 are, anyhow, connected specified centres. Centres am ■ necessarily
with Educational Affairs of the individual. schools, or colleges deputed for conduct-
3rd bouse denotes one's aptitude to ing the examinations by examining body
specialise any subject (shown by the i.e., either JUniversity or Education
significators of 3rd house) and 4th department. Therefore the sense of a
School or a College being attended even to my happiness. The querist beard the
during examination. Day is implied news of his success on 2-2-1968,
fully. And 9th house shows chances to Monday ruled by Moon ; on Venus star
study further. Day (Bharani Nakshatram) giving the
result of Mercury (being placed in
Now, as the present query relates Mercury star and Mercury sub in
to "the result of B.E.D. Examina- the Horary chart) at about 2 hours
tion undertaken."—It is the thorough 30 minutes P.M.; I.S.T. in Pisces-Ascen-
scrutiny of 4th house along with 11th dant which is ruled by Jupiter and
house that will tell the exact tale in Rahu is depicting for Jupiter. Hence all
.accordance with Krishnamurti Padhdhati, the significators played their role at the
because 1 Itb bouse signifies fulfilment of moment when the querist beard the "news
one's desire in connection with the ques- of his success in the examination. How
tion querited. wonderful and astouisbingly accurate
Now, 4th house is unoccupied by any are the principles of Krishnamurti
planet—Lord of4fh cusp is Mercury. Kethu Padhdhati in rendering scientific inter-
■ represents Mercury, because Kethu occu- pretations of the question—of whatever
pies Virgo-sign ruled by Mercury and a nature these questions may be ! Principles
Node is stronger than the planet. This are exceedingly simple .and yet of uni-
Kethu occupies the constellation of Moon versal application. Had'I followed age-
who occupies 11 th house. Hence 4th and old traditional Astrological principles, 1
Uth houses are related to each other. would have ' hardly been successful in
Thus 1st criterion for, the querists success venturing the prediction but for a sheer
in the examination undertaken .-by him luck of mine. This I say with my
stands satisfied- Yet to gain confidence personal experience, as one reads the
to venture the result; I looked for this traditional books more and more—more
connection the other way. Lord of 11 th confused one becomes. There are count-
house is Saturn occupying the star of Mer- less altemalives to discuss even one
cury ruling 4th house—hence connected. ■aspect of individual's life astrologically in
This shows that the querist's, success is those books.
.confirmed beyond any doubt. Yet to be Modern advanced scientific ageimbibing
doubly sure, I noted down the star-lords in it all round development has exposed
and sub lords of cusps of 4il),and Uth a puzzle to traditional astrologers over- -
houses. Rahu representslupiter for reasons throwing their concepts and conclusions
noted in the case of Kethu given above. relating to world or individual's affairs—
Rahu is in the constellationlord Of cusp of worse in their handling of the educational
4tb house representing Jupiter who is the sphere in reading out one's subjects of
sub-lord of 11th house cusp-hence related. study, nature of general educational
Astonishingly enough star (constellation) attainment in one's school or college
lord of cusp of 11th house is sub-lord of career involving all technical branches of
4th house cusp. What else an Astrologer knowledge.
requires to offer the prediction 1 Hence I personally and on behalf of
I predicted the querist's . success in his the other celebrities of our Institute, ap-
examination without a slightest possible peal to the Astrologers—Astrology-lovers
doubt on my part. (Had there been any all over the world to follow Krishnamurti
doubt 1 would have taken the ruling" Padhdhati alone. Public will also be most
planets at the moment of judgment, into benefitted should it insist on the horosco-
• consideration for the final conclusion on pes cast according to Krishnamurti Padh-
the question.) Actually, when the result dhati only-
was declared in the "tribune" dated Long live our Hon'ble Varahamihira-
-1^12-1968 by the University, the querist was charya—K. S. Krishnamurtiji and his
declared to have passed the examination— Krishnamurti Padhdhati.

august 19 69

Guruji visits Banjar (Kulu) My Luck in Horse Racing...
—The Valley of Gods 3 Krishnamurti Padhdhati—
Ephemeris—Ready 8 Unique in its application
Kendra Adhipalhyam 9 —Minor Event Verified ...
Fate Versus Freewill 17 Editor's Speach at Banjar,
Electional Astrology 19 Kulu Valley, Himachal
Readers Section: Pradesh
No Moie Doubts 22 Correct Chart
Will 1 earn at all ? 24 Ruling Planets Reveal
" Uncle, 1 want to become Horary Astrology
a Politician " 26 Daily Guide for August, 1969
Transfer—When 2 28 Position of Planets
Letters to the Editor 30 August 1969—Ephemeris
" Which Explains the Truth?" Monthly Prediction for
—Switch on to K. P. 31 August
K. S. K.
Question : What is Kendra Athipath- first instant, Moon is said to be in the 7th
yam? Arc benefits, by nature owning Kendra even though the longitude is only
Kendra signs, always evil in their dasas ? 153 degrees and in the other case, the
Do they invariably end one's life ? longitude is 112 degrees and Moon is said
Answer ; " Kendra " is a Sanskrit word. to be in the fourth Kendra.
l It is also called Chatustaya and Kantaka. In the first birth chart, as Gemini
The sign in which the Ascendant (Lagna) happens to be the lagna, the Kendra
falls, the fourth sign counted from the houses are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and
birth sign, the seventh sign from the Pisces. In the second chart lagna is
ascendant (lagna) and the 10th sign coun- called the Lagna kendra, Gemini (4tb),
ted from the ascendant are termed Kendra Virgo (7th) and Sagittarius (10th) Kendra.
signs or Kendra houses. It may also be Meridian according to one's latitude
used with reference to the position of the of birth may fall in the neighbouring sign
sign occupied by Moon and other planets. to the tenth sign. Yet the tenth sign alone
On such occasions, it is said that a planet should be taken as the kendra sign. For
in a Kendra to Moon or in a Kendra to example, one may be born in the second
any other planet. By that, it is meant that degree in Cancer (Kataka Lagna) at Luck-
they are conjoined with it in the same now. Actually, the meridian will be 24
sign, or in the 4th, 7th or 10th signs coun- degrees (Meena) Pisces. But, yet Mesha
ted from the sign occupied by the Moon should be taken as the lOthsign or other-
or any other planet. wise called Dasama Kendra House and
(i) The exact longitude of the Ascen- not Pisces (Meenam) as Calculations are
dant in a sign or that of the Moon is not made, sign to sign and not house to house.
at all taken for calculation. But only the Therefore, when one counts the Kendra-
sign in which the Ascendant falls is taken sthanas from lagna, the ascendant, the
whether it is zero degree 1 minute or 29 fourth sign, the seventh sign and the tenth
degrees 39 seconds in that sign. So also sign are the four Kendra houses.
when counted from Moon or any other Each sign has its own lord and the
planet, only the sign which they occupied, owners of 1, 4, 7 and 10th houses are
will be taken for judgment and not the called as Kendra-Athipathis. When one
Bhava (the House]. In most of the horos- desires to assess the nature of a planet,
copes, the first part of a sign.may be in- whether it is a benefic or a malefic by
cluded in a house (or Bhava) and the owning a Kendra house, it is to be counted
second part of the sign will be in the next only from the Lagna and not from the
house (or Bhava) i Whether the planet is Moon or any other planet.
in the first part or in the second part of
the sign and in whichever house it is, it is It is said that Jupiter (Guru), Venus
not at all taken to find Kendrasthana, but (Sukra), the waxing Moon (Chandra) and
only the sign in which the planet is found. the unaffiicted Mercury (Budha) are the
For example ; There are two births. One natural benefics and if they happen to own
is born in Mithuna Lagna in the 29(h either the first or the fourth or the seventh
degree and the other in the 3rd degree in ; or the tenth house, they turn out to be un-
Pisces (Meenam) Lagna. The former has favourable in their disposition. It is also
Moon in the second degree in Sagittarius added that if they occupy either in the
(Dhanus) and the latter has Moon in the second or the 7th house, they cause un-
25th degree in Gemini (Mithuna). In the toward results and death to the native.
It is further sti essed that lupiter and During Mars sub-period he enjoyed
Venus are more evil than Moon and Mer- anothT promotion and during Rahu sub-
cury when they own the Kendra signs. period he had the opportunity to go over-
seas. Horoscopes of such favourable ex-
The malefics by nature, Sun (Surya), periences show that Kendrathipathya does
waning Moon, Mars (Sevvai), afflicted not make a planet necessarily evil, offering
Mercury (Budha), and Saturn, by owning only adverse and unfortunate results, even
the Kendra houses become auspicious and though there are a few instances of death
will offer desirable results. during the Dasa or Bhukti of the Kendra-
Kendrathipatya Dosha refers only to dhipathi.
one's health and longevity, whereas it will Many with their ascendant in Virgo
not prove to be either ineffective or un- (Kanni) having Jupiter in the 2nd or in the
desirable as regards the results indicated 1th house have out-lived Jupiter Dasa.
by the houses they own. Similarly, many people born in Aquarius
Ascendant denotes one's health and (Kumba), Leo (Simha) and Scorpio
longevity. Lord of the Ascendant will (Vrischika) have Venus in the second or
invariably protect the native and improve in the 7th house. They also enjoyed
his health and position provided he does satisfactorily during Venus Dasa and a
not occupy the evil houses, i.e., sixth or few are now running Sun Dasa, a few
eighth or twelfth. Lord of the 4th house Moon Dasa, and a few Mars Dasa, etc.
indicates one's permanent possession, Therefore, one need not unnecessarily en-
one's vehicle and one's mother. The 7th tertain any fear when an astrologer repeats
house shows the characteristics of the the proverbial Kendrathipathya Dosa arc
partner in life, the time of marriage, and Jupiter and Venus and says that they are
other matters indicated by the 7th house. very evil and one will not survive those
The 10th house indicates one's profession, dasas. They will be at a loss if they come
name, fame, reputation, honour, ancestral across, with people out-living such so-
property, etc. called Kendrathipathi Dasa. (Deputy
Prime Minister Shri Morarji Bhai Desai).
When one does research, taking the Another person born in Scorpio as
horoscopes of people born in Mithuna ascendantand in Jyesbta Nakshathra third
(Gemini) and in Virgo (Kanni), Mercury pada gets married during Venus Dasa,
is considered to be a Kendrathipathi by Jupiter sub-period (Bhukti-apabara) and
owning the Kendra houses, one and four Mercury sub-sub-period (anthara) with a
for Gemini born and one and ten for bride born in Poorvashada Nakshathra,
Virgo; Jupiter (Guru) as well as the 7th lord of which is Venus. Has Venus as
house to Virgo. People born in Gemini lord of seven denied him the pleasure
generally take up a professon indicated through marriage, in his dasa ? Also who
by Jupiter being lord of 10 and prosper, is the lord of the constellation Poorva-
especially during Jupiter's Dasa. One is shada in which the bride is bom? Is it
born in Mrigasirisha Nakshathra third not Venus 7 Yes, as lord of 7, it has done
pada when Gemini was rising in the east. its good, by offering the person a beauti-
When he completed 27 years during Guru ful wife born in its own star.
Dasa, he appeared for the competitive
examination and passed the I.A.S. at the It is known that the lord of the eighth
first attempt itself. He got married in his house is the worst evil but the exception
age of 26 during Mercury sub period with is that the lord of 8th house cannot be a
a bride born in Revathi Nakshathra (ruled malefic if it also owns the ascendant or
by Mercury in Jupiter's sign Pisces or lagna (Jathakachandrika), when the Sth
Meena); during Venus sub.period he had bouse indicates one's longevity, death,
a child born in Visaka Nakshathra (Jupi- - etc. When such an evil can be warded off
ter's star in Venus sign Libra). The birth by owning the first house, why will not
of the child coincided with his promotion. Kendrathipatya Dosha be mitigated if a
Iplanet owning either the 4th or the tenth would have consulted a traditional Astro-
. house also happens to be the lord of the loger, what that honest person would have
' ascendant or lagna ? We are of strong predicted is known to you, all. They
conviction that planets owning the ascen- would have threatened saying that during
dant and not ill-posited can never do Jupiter Dasa, he would have had his end.
harm, but ever be a saviour just as a But what is the fact? How did he survive ?
father Will protect his child, whether he Thousands of rules can be quoted to
is a butcher or a robber. exempt after knowing the fact.
It is also mentioned that a planet be- But apply Krishnamurti Padhdhati.
comes evil by owning 3rd or 6th or 8th or You will find that Jupiter, due to the sub-
llth house, if they have any connection lord could not end his life. This rule ap-
with Rajayoga Athipathis either as lord of plies to one and alt and the rule is only
9 or lord of 10, they also will cause benefi. one.
cial results in their sub-periods, in the When I visited Bombay, Delhi, U. P.
dasa of the Rajayoga Athipathi. From and Calcutta, many parents were proud of
this, one can understand that lord of 10 is showing the horoscopes of their children
capable of rendering the evil planets born between 12-10-1954 and 23-11-1954
favourable. Lord of 10 is to offer the and'saying that they have promising chil-
most desirable and lucky results causing dren who could become Prime Minister of
Rajayoga. Therefore, if they own any India. Of those charts there are a few
other Kendra house they not only offer born on 25-10-54 and 21-11-54 in Mithuna
beneficial results indicated by the 10th Lagna, having Moon in Poorvapalguni,
house but also reduce the evil attributed Saturn exalted, Jupiter exalted and Mars
to the results of the other Kendra house. exalted as is found in Morarji Bhai's
For example, to Gemini Lagna, Jupiter chart. A few have children bom with
is lord of 7 and 10. He will invariably Moon in Kendbra to Jupiter, causing many
do good to the native in matters relating Rajayogas. Every one of them is enter-
to the 10th bouse and to a great extent taining hopes just like those who have
modify any evil indicated by the 7th purchased lottery tickets and dreaming to
house, if Jupiter is not afflicted otherwise. have won the first prize.
Therefore, only when they own the How many Morarjis are born ? How
houses 4 and 7, they may be considered as many can become the Prime Minister 7
evil for one's health as well as longevity Oh God!
and not to the other results denoted by
the 4th or the 7th house. What can a poor Astrologer do, when
he is asked to find out the time when the
Let us take a few example horoscopes child can become the Prime Minister?
of those who have survived such Kendh- The parents do not ask whether they can
radhipathi DasaS and continue to live expect their children to join Politics and
now; in due course whether they can become
(i) Hon. Dy. Prime Minister Shri popular. They take it for granted that
Morarji Bhai Desai. He was born in they should become Prime Minister, one
Mithuna Lagna—-Jupiter is Kendhradhi- day or the other and they want to know
pathi. lord of 7. It is in Marakasthana, only the time when their children can hold
the second. Only during Jupiter Dasa he that position. Probably they think that
came to the front of the public, became only in his family a child is born in those
popular and was all along prosperous. days. Probably, they do not know that in
a minute many would have been born then
Now he is running Saturn Dasa Rahu and each of them would be expecting such
Bbukti. a fortune.
Is not Jupiter Kendhradhipathi? Is he " One gentleman has a son born at 9-54
not in Marakasthana? If his parents P.M. on 26-10-1954 at 13° 04'N and 80°
with Bhadhaasthana or Marakasthana and
it is in the sub of a planet who is the
Asc, 12-50 signifioator of " Maraka."
X 7-43 ^(1 10-43 XII 12-43 Kelhu Hence for people born in Gemini, if
Jupiter is the owner of Bhadhaka, Kendhra
and Marakastbanas and is in 2, in exalta-
IX 6-43 Jup 6-05 tion, it will indicate the death of only
II 8-43 those in whose horoscopes, Jupiter is in
the sub ruled by any of the significators of
Rasi Bhadhaka and Marakaslhanas.
10-16 IH 6-43 Suppose a planet is in 2nd Bhava or 7th
VIII 8-43 Bbava and some other planets A, B and C
Sat. 17-51 are in the constellation of the planet in 2
Rahu VI 12-43 Mer. 16-42 or 7, then A, B, C as well as the planets
15-49 Ven. 6-56 Sud
9-36 IV 7-43 in 2 or 7 become the significators of death.
VII 12-50 So, Jupiter in Cancer, if it is situated in
the sub of the above planets, will surely
Rahu Dasa balance 14 years and II cause death in its perid or sub-period.
months. But, even though Jupiter is the significator
On 26-9-69, he enters Jupiter Dasa. of the houses 2 and 7 and is deposited in
the tub governed by planets which are in
Queries are— no manner connected with bouses 2 and 7,
(1) Will the boy be shortlived as Jupiter can never kill the person. Here,
Jupiter is lord of Bhadhakasthana, the traditional Astrology miserably fails.
Marakasthana and Kendhrasthana. As . In this chart, the significators of the
Kendbradhipathi Is he not evil ? houses 2 and 7 are Mars (deposited in the
(2) Can he be a leader among politi- constellations of lord of the sign where
cians ? second cusp has fallen): Ketbu, Moon,
Sun, Mercury and Saturn in Rahu's Cons-
Ans:—It is not wise to apply the gene" tellation ; Jupiter has gone to Lagna
tal rule followed by Traditional Astro" Bhava. It is weaker than Rahu, a node.
logers as it proves to be absurd. They Jupiter as lord of 7 would have been bad
have no rule to find out the condition in the sub lord is an evil significator of
under which a Kendradhipathi will prove death. As Mercury is the constellation of
to be evil and under which circumstances, the node in 7, yet it is in the sub of Venus
Kendbradhipathi cannot do any barm. who is not a significator of death. So
Mercury cannot cause death. Hence Jupi-
But Krisbnamurti Fadbdbati does not ter in Mercury sub can never do harm.
accept Kehdhradbipathya. It rejects it. He will lead a successful life all through
Whereas the conditions under which a Jupiter Dasa. The tradition should have
planet can be advantageous or can be dis- this rule in addition.
agreeable are explained clearly in K.P. Now write down all significators and
When a planet, benefic by nature, owns note down in which sub, they are. Elimi-
any of the bouses, 1, 4, 7 and 10 is called nate those deposited in the sub governed
as Keudhradhipatbi and is considered to by planets not connected with Maraka.
be adverse to one's longevity. This is Select among those significators of death
traditional. K. P. says whether a planet such planets which are 1 deposited in the
is by nature a benefic or a malefic, whether sub of the significators of Maraka. You
it owns Kendhra or Kona or any sign, it will find that this native will live long and
must lay its icy hand, if it is connected outlive Kendhradhipathi Dasa.

s. uiOglikor, m a.
> We, in Bharat, believe in fate. In our Now look at the history of HOMO""
daily lives, we hear friends and relatives SAPIENS (Man), from the beginning, he
, bemoan their sorrows or ill-fortunes and searched for food, clothing and shelter,
conclude- that they are destined for,it. fought with animals, took shelter and
■ They confuse others by saying " What to controlled his exposure to nature. When
do, it is my fate "„as if they can't do any- he found food, he had leisure and tried to
thing and presume the future is bleak. control inner-matters (MIND). Then he
, The wise men ask " Have you consulted so thought fate •r freewill but now in this
and so astrologer." Yes, healso said "No twentieth century we have fate versus free-"
good will. Didn't we control fate and used
What a man thinks of himself deter- freewill to I and on the Moon? Air condi tion
mines or indicates his fate. Misfortunes is keeping us cool in summer. Very soon
occur only, when we deceive ourselves, for we will have a clothing, which you can
everyman is the artificier of his own fate. wear and be comfortable in all seasons.
Events and circumstances have their origin Our minds have developed. Every person
in ourselves. They spring from the seeds has a personality and an ego. .Personality
which we have sown. Professor K. S. forms your outward expressions. Your
Krishnamuni says it is 'Karma'. It means ego is the inner-mind spirit, which helps
action or a deed. to build your ideals. When there is har-
So any mental or physical action is mony between the two, an ideal condition
called Karma. Every action produces its exists. Yet much of your life may include
reaction and they are governed by the a struggle, in which anyone of these is
irresistable law of causation. Karma is trying pre-dominant. So many of your
also in equality in life. Everybody wants troubles arise from such a'circumstance.
everything, even peace of mind but no- According to Krishnamurti Padbdbati,
body gets it. Everybody creates his own Sun represents your ego, the Moon your
destiny. Shall we then curse circumstan- personality. In your horoscope if the Sun
ces, life, friends or God ? Think for a and the Moon are in favourable aspect
movement! with the same planets, a happy balance is
Most of us believe that the planets do indicated. If the Suns aspects are favour-
not cause luck or ill-luck. Some say able then ego will be predominent. Per-
" What a consolation are the stars* to a sonality may over-rule ego if more planets
man ! For my fate is linked with that of aspect the Moon.
stars. Others look at the stars in the sky, If Sun and Moon are conjoined, yet
knowing nothing of stars and astrology unfavourably aspected, there will be strife
and conclude it is useless. What poor between ego and personality. If the as-
crack-brains we are ! Easily upset. Many pects are adverse, the result will be a
have quarrelled about astrology that never " split personality "•
practised it, Krishnamurti says we have
come into this world, not chiefly to make Through knowledge of astrology, you'
this a good place to live in (a land of can make an effort to dispel the fears.
milk,' honey, leisure and helped by angles). Astrologers like Professor Krishnamurti
Be it good or bad, we cannot do every- and K. Ganapati may reconcile you to
thing. Neither should we do something the situation and cherish hope and confl-
wrong. dence.
Change is constant in our world. The The planetary strength is there but you
earth rotates and revolves around the Sun. area definite 'force' and still you can
We have day and night and change of make a choice are a decision. You will be
seasons. Don't you want a change ? a puppet if there is no free-will or deter-
mination within you. Even when circum- shanti. So this has become our second
stances are very very bad, you can still nature. Your fate, nature, personality, and
refuse to act with violence and hurt your- ego go through many experiences and you!
self by reverting to childish measures. as an individual can make the choice.
Kxishnamurti advises us to act our best Experiences take that of the character of
under duress, keep hope and guard against fate in a real fashion. For they represent
actively making a situation worse and all kinds of life forces. Right here then
and leave the result to God. you ate free to react either constructively
The works of fate are inescapable or or destructively. Your will, your choices
inexorable. As per our epic "Ramayana" your decisions will direct you to reap to a
Sri Ram had to go 14 years vanavasam, large extent. Remember " As you sow, so
whicli we believe as a fixed destiny of the you reap."
concept was absolutely set and it was Your horoscope may reveal quite a lot
beyond all human power to escape. He about aspects of the Sun and the Moon
says that the more one struggles to avoid in your life so that you can understand
one's destiny, the more he walks right your personality, ego, and difficulties.
into it. Some are of opinion, anybody who holds
God does not play with cosmas, nature a Panchang, or a Parrot or spreads a
or human beings, nothing is accidental— . BUNCH of cards on a street pavement is
everything goes by mathematicaiprecision. qualified one. Some say they represent
Man, with his rational reasoning can put the horary side. How wrong ? Astro-
unlimited questions in connection with logers who base their studies on Krishna-
fate versus freewill- But a person can murti Padhdhali only, can study your
become resigned to the point of hopeless horoscope andean advise on many things,
sloth (lazy) if he believes there is a fate, so that you can act with clarity and live
which is set against him, which no human harfnoniously with yourself. Anybody can
power can successfully struggle. A person verify Krishnamurti Padhdhati anywhere,
can become reflective about destiny and any place on this globe, the result must
can become quite active mystic. When come correct like 2x2=4.
you pause and look at your life, the facts Fate and freewill both exist you must
in your environment, you feel beyond recognize them clearly, act profitably for
your power to adjust. So you sit down harmonious relationship to each other—
and fret (even cry), about any one of these personality and ego. You must resolve to
things, so you loose more power to adjust, keep mental discipline, keep your course
when time wasted on it, you embitter your careful and make thoughtful choices at
disposition. all times.
Ask yourself then " Am I a man or a Do not bemoan experiences and cir-
mouse?" So lazy and hopeless will pre- cumstances which will be more difficult
destine you to failure and destruction. for you to overcome. You can conquer
Most of us are cornered by fate, must ask fate by thought. Do not be seated of the
ourselves andanswer truthfully. One needs present. There are more terrjble things to
then, is to get busy with humour and free- comeandever to come. Men die of freight
will, will do the task. and of confidence you live on. Whatever
Astrology is a science, which explains your sex or position, life is a battle in
the law of nature. It is based on Karma which you are b»ru to succeed, n*r to fail.
and re incarnation theory. I feel, freewill
has taken the form of Shanti, performing We live only by an effort of freewill.
pujas and homes, feeding the poor, This is not the end of the world, the end
charity, feeding cows, pulling Ata and comes without your conscious knowledge.
Sugar to ants (etc ), so we get busy and do So keep moving as best as you can. We
shanti with humour. Think, didn't our live only once.
elders have injected freewill by way of Good Luck!
"Is this time lucky?" asks a gentle- Jupiter owns the 6th house. No planet
man. is in any of its three constellations,
" What for?" Punarvasu, Visaka, Poorvapadrapada.
Hence Jupiter is the only significator of
" I want to start a business, then." the 6th house.
" Where?"
As Kethu is conjoined with Jupiter,
" In your neighbouring State ?" Kethu will offer 6th house results also.
He hands over the horoscope for that Similarly by conjunction or aspect
moment, which is as follows:— Moon, Rahu, Venus, Sun and Mercury
XI 1.11 will offer 6th house results also, other
k/en. 29.28 Saturn Sun 11.18 XII 1.11 than what they signify.
X 28.11 10.05 Mercury
Rahu 3.29 15.12 Uth house is occupied by Sun and
Mercury. Jupiter and Kethu are in Sun's
Ascendant star, Uthrapalguni. Mercury stars,
IX 2M1 2.00 Jyeshta and Revathi are occupied by Mars
28—5—1969 II 27.11 and Venus respectively. Therefore,
9.05 A.M. Jupiter, Kethu, Mars, Venus, Mercury and
VIII 27.11 in 26.11 Sun are all the significators of the Uth
VII 2.0# house promising peace, pleasure, profit,
progress, popularity and prosperity.
Mars Jup. 2.49
17.^0 Kethu 3.29 "You speak only good things. Will my
VI l.U Ncp. 3.44 Ura 6.34 opponents do harm to me by their actions,
V Ml Moor 27.OS
IV 28-11 competition or attemps to spoil mine?"
Mars Dasa balance 5 years 0 month "True. Note the 7th house. It shows
18 days. Now running Mars Dasa Jupiter your opponents, competitors, etc. 7lh
Bhukti from 28-5-69 to 7-11-69; then house is Capricorn.
Saturn Bhukti 1 year I month 9 days and
so on. NeXt Mars Dasa Mercury Bhukti 6th house to Capricorn is not occupied
for 0 year 11 months 27 days. by any. But its lord is in 5, i.e., loss to 6,"
i.e., gain to you, by occupation. So planets
Ascendant is in the constellation of the in Mercury stars which are Mars and
planet in- direct motion in 3 and sub of Venus, promise 5th matters to opponents
Rahu in 9. Planet Jupiter in the con- and prnfit (11 to you). The 11th house to
stellation of Sun brings speedy turnover, the 7th is occupied and owned by Mars.
publicity, propaganda, name, reputation Moon is in Mars constellation. Hence
and popularity. Rahu in the constellation Moon indicates gain to them, success in
of Saturn in lOtb house and sub of Saturn their efforts.
promises steady progress and popularity.
Prestige and prosperity promised. So, the As Mars Dasa is running, it means
ascendant is auspicious and healthy. Moon Dasa was over. Moon Bhukti alone
"Will I gain?" is to come. As per this Chart Moon Bhukti
will start 4 years 5 months 18 days after
Note houses 6 and 11. 28-5-1969, i.e., 16-11-1973.
Therefore for nearly 4J years, their Kethu is invariably beneficial if it occu-
efforts will go in vain whereas you gain pies, the third houses out of all the 12
and your efforts will be crowned with nouses.
" Sir, let nobody do me harm. If I am Editor's Note:
unlucky, I should lose. Am I unlucky?" (Delay in publishing this article was to
12th house is to be examined. 12th verify.
house denotes either purchases and in- (1) Whether he does it, as expected (2)
vestment or failure and loss. As there is the result
no planet in 12th Bhava, take the owner.
He is occupying labbastbana and he is the The fact is this. Heavy rains and disas-
owner of 12. This means that for what ter, dislocation and discouragement,
you invest you have satisfactory and powerful competitors starting similar
substantial gains and your rank improves. business in the first week of June in the
It does not at all show or threaten same State. So, the native contacted the
loss. astrologer again by phone, gathered cour-
Saturn shows the results of the Std, 4th age on the astrologer's encouragement and
and 12th houses as it was in the star of started business. He mints money. Record
Kethu who is in 3 and he who acts as an collection: The competitor's product was
agent of Mercury, lord of dual sign not popular. Hence he thinks that this
time is lucky.
Gemini and .Virgo. But .Mercury is in
11. Kethu is to give 11th house results. I say that according to bis chart, he
The sources are indicated by the 3rd, Uth, should start only at this time and as bis
12th and 4tb. 3rd means agents, distribu- future, is very brilliant, this moment is
tion, representatives, salesman; publicity," lucky to him.
propaganda. 4th means native state.
12tb denotes in other States also; 1 Itb If another person has evil days in June,
indicates through friends, social success July 1969 and he starts one business at the
and well-known parties. above auspicious time, he must meet with
" When can I realise that my product is failure and his efforts will end in a
very popular ?" loss.
Jupiter in the 3rd house, especially Hence, lucky people will have their luck
Mercury sign is for popularity. No adver- following their attempts at a particular
tisement is essential after the sub period moment which the astrologers may consi-
of Jupiter, sub sub of Sun and in that der to be auspicious or not and unlucky
Mercury. people must suffer even though they do
From 28-5-69 to 7-11-69 is the later Pooja, give dhanam, respect elders, ring
part of Jupiter sub period when this comes bells for good omen, have nadhaswaran
to market. For such a popularity Venus etc. and start in the so-called auspicious
contributes as lord of 11 in the constella- time selected by the Astrologers. All
tion of planet in Hand sub of planet depend on one's future.
in 10.
Auspicious time is to be selected consi-
As Mercury is in 11 a*d Kethu is his dering one's full horoscope. Taking one's
agent, who is in rapt conjunction with birth Star, Nakshalhra, and selecting a
Bbuktinalha, Uthrakalamritba says that time is useless.

Q. 1. During the major period of governed by the significator of 7 and S,
the planet which signifies 6th house mat- one's partner in life will go home leaving
ters, in certain sub period. I fell ill; during the native.
certain sub period I came out successful In the major period of the significator
in litigation ; in another sub period I of 6th house, if the sub period passing on
borrowed money : in one subperiod, I is ruled by the significator of 2 and 10,
got into service: in one sub period I lived one enters service.
in a hotel and my wife went away for her In the major period of the significator
parent's place; in one sub period not of 6th house, if the significator of 7 and
only I fell ill but also I borrowed money. 11 houses operate, one comes out success-
Again in the major period of a planet, ful in competition, election, litigation etc.
in the subperiod of the planet signifying Similarly if the major period is ruled by
6th house matters, I fell ill: In another the significator of house 1, and the sub
major period in the sub period of the same period is ruled by the significator of 6th
planet signifying 6th house, I went on house, then the person falls ill.
borrowing. In the major period of another
planet, I had promotion in the sub period Major period ruled by significator of
of the same planet signifying 6th house houses 2 and sub period lord rules 6, one
matters. borrows or takes money from another.
How to predict which of the many mat- Major period ruled by significator of
ters signified by the 6th house will be house 7 and 11 and sub period lord
experienced 7 governs 6th, one comes out victorious.
Answers: 6th house is known as the Poison for one is food for another. 6th
"House of sickness." 6th sign of Zodiac, is the poison to the opponent. As be
Vjrgo-Kanni—is called the hospital of (indicated by 7) passes away (6th is 12 to
the Zodiac. 6th house denotes disease, 7) the native gains.
debts, defeat to the opponent, service, Major period ruled by significator of 7
servants, pet animals, tenants, separation and 12, sub by 6, separation from partner.
from wife, etc. Major period lord being connected with
One will fall ill in the major period of 2 and 10 : sub by 6, one serves.
the planet signifying 6th house only during In the major period of one signifying 5
the sub periods of planets who are the and 12 and the sub by 6, the servant will
significators of 1 and 6 or 1 and 8 or 1 disappear causing some loss to the native.
and 12. One survives from the ailment, The conjoined period of the significators
if the sub lord is also the significators of of houses 5, 6, 7 and 12 show death of
the houses 1 or 5 or 11. One succumbs pet animals or the tenant.
to the disease, if the sub lord is the signifi-
cator of Bhadhakasthana or Maraka- In horary Astrology, if the significator
sthana. of the 6th house is in the sub of a planet
situated in a quadruped sign, animals die.
One will not borrow money, during the If the significators of 6, is in the sub of
major period of the significator of the 6th planet which is deposited in a biped sign,
house, unless the lord of the siib period is tenant kicks the bucket.
the significator of 2.
Similarly one is to judge carefully. If
If the sublord isthe significator of both one reproduces a sloka, there will be
1st and 2nd houses, one will fall ill and many matters signified by the house and
also borrow money. the planet signifying that house. Normally,
In the major period of the significator one cannot scientifically announce which
of 6th house, if the sub"period running is' of these will happen. In traditional
astrology, cannot liminate a few scientifi- matters signified by it, and they Were
cally and select the correct one. There different from one another debended on
is no science. dasa lord.
In one person's case, the dasa lord was This is the main reason why a few Astro-
the significator of 4 and 2 and his sub logers could not explain their miserable
period was ruled by 11th house signifi- failure.
cator, he got brother's property. He in
the next dasa lord period who was the When one predicts that a person will
significator of 4 and 9, he was the only get married, the person instead of being
person who passed an examination, scor- lifted up due to overwhelming joy at the
ing first class marks in the same planets time of marriage, his body was lifted and
sub period who was the significator of carried to the eternal place of rest to
1 Uh. In the next dasa, lord of which was become dust again.
the significator of 5 and 10, he got initi- When one predcits that one will suffer
ation of a mantra and rare specimen of a from some disease or the other, he is pro-
costly, idol. In the sub period of the same fusely garlanded by many for his victory
planet connected with 11th house and in with thumping majority.
the dasa of planet connected with houses
1, 2 and 3, he made substantial amount, So, by reading carefully "Astrologyand
by making short tours, by publishing Athrishta." You will have no more doubts.
magazine, releasing books, getting too Anyone can gather courage to offer bold
many advertisement for the magazine, and predictions. But to have confidence and
became a popular and well-known person. to clearly as well as correctly predict the
Even though sub lord signifies a.bhava, events, one must follow Krishnamurti
in each dasa, it gave a few of the various Padhdhati.
Number within 249, given is 71. Time Hence the significators are Rahu, Jupiter,
8-30 A.M. on Sunday 11-5-1969 at 28° 38' Kethu, Sun and Saturn.
N and 77° 12' E.
Ruling planets are Sun (lord of today-
Veil. 19.29 X 4.2! XI 8.21 Sunday): Jupiter, lord of Poorvapadra-
Rahu 4.23 Sat. 8.04, Mercury XII 11.21 pada where Moon is passing, and sign
IX 2-21 Sun 26.56 16.15 Aquaries owned by Saturn : Gemini is the
lagna. Arudhrastarrises in the East. Kethu
Moon Ascend'ant represents lord of Gemini, Mercury. Hence
25.38 11° to take Jupiter, Kethu, Saturn, Sun and Rahu.
VIII 4.21 12.6.40
It will be between 8-3-70 and 1-5-1970.
VII 11° 11 4 21 Urge comes to one at the time when
Moon touches the most sensitive point of
the zodiac which indicates about that par-
Mars (R) III 2.21 ticular matter in question. When the sig-
Jup. 3.00 nificator touches that point, one has his
VI 11.21 V22.16
8.21 IV 4.21 Ura.(R)6.50 matter materialised in one's favour if it is
Nep. 4.12 Kethu 4.23 in direct motion : One meets with failure
Ayanamsa 23* 20'. on that day when the significator touches
Jupiter Dasa balance 9 years 2 months that point and it is retrograde.
26 days. Jupiter DasaMercury Bhukti over Of the significators, the strongest is Sun
by 13-7-1969. Then Kethu for 11 months and Kethu. Sun is lord of 2 in 10 in ex-
6 days; Venus sub period for 32 months altation and in bis own sub; Kethu is in
followed by Sun sub period for 9 months such a Sun's star, and in the sub of Saturn
18 days. who is debilitated. Exaltation gives strength
Earnings: Judge—first of all—the 10th —debilitation, never, never denies : but
house. Meridian is at 4° 21' Aries in strength is weak. That is all. Hence Sun
Mars sign Kethu star Moon sub. The sub must transit the position of Moon. It will
lord, if retrograde, you can never earn. If be on Monday—9-3-1970 Uthrapadrastiar
direct, you will; then the queries will be ruled by Saturn in Jupiter's sign, Piscesor
when and bow ? Moon can never be Meena.
retrograde. So you will earn. Moon is Transit on 9-3-1970 is as follows;—
in Mercury sub and Mercury is in Moon
star Saturn sub. Hence Moon and Mer- Venus
cury promise your fortune to have self- 15M1' Mars • Lagna
Moon 14 8.50 9° 30'
acquisition. Mercury Sat. 12.16
Then, note the significators of 10th 12,02
house. Saturn in direct motion and Sun Sun 25°
who is ever direct occupy the lOtb house. Rahu
They are the occupants. Planets deposited 18.25 12-10 P.M. on
in the constellation of the occupants are 9—3—197#
much stronger than the lords of the con- Kethu
stellation, (Neptune and) Rabu are in 18.25
Saturn's star: (Pushya, - Anuradha and
Uthrapadra are Saturn's stars.) Sun is in
its own star and sub. Jupiter is in Sun's Jup. 12.12
star.Uthrapalguni along with Kethu (and
Jupiter dasanatfaa is in Rahu star tative sub lord of Meridian. Moon suggests
Saturn sub : Kethu in Venus star. Rahu liquids. Saturn denotes mine products.
sub: Sun in Jupiter star Mercury sub: Kethu aspected by exalted Venus conjoi-
Moon in Saturn star Rahu sub : Mercury ned with Jupiter shows paints. Saturn in
in Jupiter sign Saturn star Moon sub ; Mars sign and Moon the sub lord of
These are favourable- Meridian indicates pumpsets.
Lagna should be between 6° 40' to If Saturn is not in Aries, it indicates
26° 46' 40".As at the time of the commen- boilers; Saturn denotes under the earth;
cement of judgment lagna was in 9° 30' Moon, the liquid; Otherwise sub lord
Gemini, one can take the same, as the Moon liquid; lord of the sign. Mats
lagna at which one will take charge of bis being a fiery planet, boiling; Hence one
duty. should, then, predict boilers.
If one predicts pumpsets or paints or
When we work but, we will find that it petrol, he will correctly and clearly guide
will be 12-10 P.M. on 9-3-1970. the consultant.
Business will be either paints or petrol (Pumpset needs painting and petrol or
or pumpsets. oil to run it.)
You will be an agent or sales represen- Good Luck 1

by K. S. K.
" When can I be a famous person ? " adjust to circumstances and be satisfied to
"Good. Give me a number within drift."
249." " Thanks, sir; I want to be a states-
" One. 1 want to become number one. man. Can I become a famous states-
So uncle, I give this number. Also tell man."
me please, what I should do," asks a boy
aged 15 in whose horoscope, be says that " So, just like a coachman follows his
many planets are exalted. horses but he holds on the reins and at
appropriate time guides them, you should
" You should study law, if you want to conduct yourself. You should remember
be a lawyer: Chemistry, if you desire to what Coleridge has advised. "The three
be a chemist: medicine, if you have great ends for a statesman are, security to
to become a doctor ; but for politics, as possessors, facility to acquirers and liberty
Max O'Rell says " you need only to study and hope to the people. "
your own interest. Also you should know
what Wendell Philips had said, " Two "You can become a famous statesman,
kinds of men generally best succeed in by doing nothing yourself but causing
political life: men of no principle, but of everything to be done. Leave nothing to
great talent; and men of no talent, but of chance: be attentive night and day: see
one principle —that of obedience to their into failure : do not regard the present:
superiors. Do you want to serve for the then only you can change a nation from
prosperity of your country or what 7 " what it is to what it ought to be. "
"Charity begins at home, is what all " Yes ! what does my number one indi-
say : But I want to do good so that my cate 7"
children and grand children will lead a
pleasant and peaceful life. There should " First it shows that you need advice
be discipline, security for life, security of for success. So 1 did. Now 1 shall pre-
property, etc. I do not want to be a dict. "
minister but I want to serve and satisfy the
mass. " Whenever Saturn is in lagna one should
" Then say that you want to become a have patience and perseverance. Don't
statesman." you know that people who want to do
good, never get discouraged if they are
" What is the difference between a poli- defeated once, twice and so on. What is
tician and a statesman?" perseverance? Does it not clearly show
that a few attempts fail and again an
" A politician acts in such a way always attempt is made.
bearing in his or her mind the next
election. But a statesman cares more for Nothing is impossible. Can I go round
the welfare of the next generation. A poli- the world. I have no conveyance, etc.
tician will form a party and join such a Johnson said, " He that shall work, with
party which will come out successful vigour, three hours a day, will pass in
whereas a statesman minds only the pro- seven years, a space equal to the circum-
gress and prosperity of his country-: so, a ference of the globe. So you be making
statesman will guide and direct his course attempts. When once you start this noble
of action, whereas a politician will yield. enterprise, do not leave it; goahead.
The horoscope is as follows; As Moon is in 17° 19' in Aquarius
Rabu Dasa balance will be 3 years7 months
Asc. 0° 11Merc.
Ven,19.15 Sat.
2.53 14 days. Mercury sub period is to come.
8.00 16.30 IV 21.53
Rahu 4,25 Sun 26,18 Now you have to judge the following
Til 28-53 dasas, Saturn, in direct motion as lord of
11 in the constellation of Kethu in 6 shows
XII 18.53 V 16.53 success and realisation of ambition. But,
Moon note in which sub it is ; who the sub lord
5-30 P.M. LS.T. is; It is Jupiter who is retrograde. There-
10—5—1969 fore in the period of Saturn, Saturn will
28° 40' N tempt but cannot fulfil your desire.
XI 16.53 VI 18.53
But Mercury is in the constellation of
planet in II and sub of planet in 1 owning
IX 28.53 11 ; Hence Mercury Dasa alone will keep
X 21,53 -Mars, Jup. 3.01
VII 0° Ketu you at the top, make you popular and
12.22R 4.25 satisfy you by the results.
VIII 2.53
"You did not discuss about Jupiter
Fifth house shows one's desires to Dasa. "
"become a politician or a statesman. There "Yes, it is retrograde; As it is in Saturn
is no planet in the 5tb Bhava. But the sub, I predict that you will befriend poli-
owner of the sign Cancer where the 5th ticians and slowly come up. But your query
cusp is, is Moon: sub lord and the lord of is about your game in Politics; So it will
the constellation are both Mercury. It is be only in Mercury Dasa. "
in the second bouse. It is in the constella- " So."
tion of lord of 5 in 11. Therefore Mercury
promises grand success and success after " So, it will take 38 years from to-day."
success as it is Mercury. " Oh God 1 I will be then nearly S3 "
" When, Sir ?" "Yes. That is your luck."
Junior Engineer. P.W.D., Gulbarga Circle.
Sri B.P.K. Gulbarg put a query on indicates change of place and journey,
4-3-1969 at 2.24 P.M. I.S.T. at 17° 19' 10th house shows employment and 12th
• North and 76° 54' East—Longitude— house signifies life in a totally different
Nature of the query—'TRANSFER'—It environments. So whenever one wants
is unknown When? to know regarding transfer which pre-
Venn SSa1*- supposes a .journey, change of place and
, Satu.
359°- Lagna duties at a different place we have to take
47'.35.75' 25®-20'- into consideration the houses 3, 10 and 12.
Rnhtt 338°-
0'.M,28' 22.50-
To proceed on leave and go on tour
Sun consider houses 3, 9 and 12.
320M8'- Is planetary position of the Present
37.2' . Chart indicates the Querist's Query?
Nirayana Rasi
Chart. Invariably "Moon" indicates the mind.
Mercury Moon This rule does not fail 1 In the present
2>50-4'. i 1420-08-
17.58' 37.08' chart under consideration Moon is in the
constellation of Venus.
0 <R) Venus owns houses Stb and 12th and
Mars 16Q -2'-
2l90-49'- 24.25' occupies 10th bouse, so as stated above.
38.49' Keru I58B- )0th house shows employment and 12th
.0'-53.28' house signifies life in a totally different
Balance of Dasa at Queiy6 years environments.
9 months 12 days. Now look at the position of Moon the
The following is the Bhava Table : indicator of mind. Moon is in 3rd indi-
cating change ' of place and journey.
I VII Mercury Further 3rd house has an aspect of Sun
II Moon VIII Sun (7th aspect). The lord of 3rd and Rabu
III Jupiter (R) IX Rabu (6th aspect). This strengthens the indi-
and Kethu cations of question, i.e., change of place
TV X Venus and and journey. Rahu aspects 12th bouse
Saturn (3rd aspect) and lagna lord Mercury (11th
V Mars XI aspect). This strengthens the indications
VI XII of question, i.e., life in a totally different
Planets Star Lord Sub Lord environments and indicates personal
1. Sun Jupiter Jupiter question. Rahn's position shows employ-
2. Moon Venus Saturn ment. Lastly Jupiter (R), lord of 10th
3. Mars Saturn Venus house,,aspects. Mercury (5th aspect), lOlh
4. Mercury . Mars house (7th aspect) and I2th house matters
Rahu (9th aspect). Thus all the above facts
5. Jupiter (R) Moon Moon confirm me to declare that the Querist's
6. Venus Mercury Saturn query i.e., "Transfer" is clearly indicated
7. Saturn Mercury Saturn by the planetary positions.
8. Rahu Saturn Kethu
9. Kethu . Sun . Venus Westerners are quite correct in the
10. Lagna Jupiter Mercury preparation of Bhava chart because
first cusp or ascendant is the beginning of
Generally in service, transfer involves lagna bhava and not about 13" behind the
that a native has to change the place of ascendant. Hence to solve the present
service, and in many cases his residence question, let us consider the bhava posi-
also. In the horoscope the 3rd house tions of planets itself.
Now about the Transfer—Judges houses , Lord of the constellation Venus
s*'.3, 10 and 12. Lord of ascendant Mercury
3rd Bhava is occupied by Jupiter (R) Lord of the ascendant star Sun
and Ketbu, Sun is in the constellation of The common planets of the significator
■Jupiter and no planets is of Kethu's cons- and the ruling planets are Sun, Venus and
tellation. Therefore Sun and Kethu are Mars.
signiflcators. Jupiter (R) by occupying Sun is a planet in the constellation of
the 3rd Bhava will also become a signifi- Jupiter, a retrograde planet. The planet
cator but next in strength. in the constellation of retrograde planet,
10th Bhava is occupied by VENUS and appear to give results, but ultimately falls
Saturn. The planets in the constellation through. Therefore Sun appears to give
of Venus and Saturn arc Moon, Mars and results but ultimately is will not give, so
Rahu. Venus and Saturn by occupying reject Stin,
the 10th Bhava will also become a signifi- At the moment of query the querist is
cator by next in strength. running under the major period of Venus
12th Bhava is vacant. and sub period of Saturn and in Saturn
The lords of 3rd, 10th and 12th are Antara. The balance in "Saturn" anthara
Sun, Jupiter and Venus respectively. The 1 month 11 days 21 hours. Mercury is in
planets in the constellation of Sun, Jupiter Mars constellation and in Rahu's sub.
and Venus are Kethu, Sun and Moon res- Hence as stated above "Mercury '' will
pect) vely. reflect the result during his period as
So the planets that can cause transfer , caused by Rahu. Hence select Mercury
Anthara as a period of transfer. This
are Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter (R), Venus, operates between 16-4-1969 (11.24 hours)
Saturn, Rahu and Kethu. Now we have and 27-9-1969 (23.24 hours).
to find out whether any node is in the sign
owned by any one of the significator.s Out of this period select Kethu
Since the nodes arc always stronger than Shookshma. This period operates between
the planet to bestow results in preference 9-5-1969 and 19-5-1969. Now let us find
to the planets themselves. 'Rahu'is in out whether Sun transists in the sign of
Pisces-Meena owned by Jupiter in Rasi dasanatha or in the sign of bhuktinatha
Chart with Venus and Saturn. Hence and in star of dasanatha or in bhuktinatha.
Rahu is a strong significator. Kethu it Luckily on 9-5-1969, Sun transls in the
con joined with Jupiter a significator and sign of " ARIES " ruled by "MARS" in
further Kethu is in 3rd Bhava. So Kethu the star of Venus and in Mercury sub.
is a strong significator. Therefore reject Further 9-5-1969 is a Friday ruled by
Jupiter and select Rahu and Kethu. Any Venus (planet in exaltation and a strong
planet in the sub of Rahu or Kethu significator in the consideration). During
(Nodes) will reflect the results as caused this day "MOON" is in " Dhanishta
by them. In the present horoscope star " governed by " Mars".
"MERCURY" is in the sub of 'Rahu' According to Prof. Krishnamurti (a) The
' and ' Rahu' itself is in the sub of Kethu. ruling at the time of query are the ruling
Hence Mercury will reflect the result. planets at the time of birth and (b) The
According to Prof. Krishnamurti, if the ruling planet at the time of fulfilment of
signiflcators are more than four the ruling querist's desire are also the ruling planet
stars of the moment at the time of judg- at the moment of query.
ment will help in selecting the planet out Thus on 9-5-1969, there is a strong
of the significator and eliminating a few. relationship between the ruling planets of
The ruling planets at the time of solving that day, i.e., the day of fulfilment of
the question are as follows (solved on querist's desire and also the ruling planets
4-3-1969 at 6.55 P.M. I.S.T.) at the time of query.
Lord of day Mars Hence I declare that the querist's trans-
Lord of the rasi Sun fer will take place on 9-5-1969 positively.
Two traditional astrologers and one K. P. " It is not said in T. A.
K. P. follower take seat on the lawn en- (Traditional Astrology) in 7 in a lady's
joying pleasant breeze in a place near chart denotes short life to husband ? "
- Delhi. T. A. 2 : Yes, yet here we should take
After talking for some time about their that Mars is in either of the marakastbanas
prediction regarding changes in the to her. So, she will pass away first".
Government on or around 26-7-1969, the K. P. " When do you expect? "
K. P. follower took out a chart of a lady
born on 2-4-1929 at 1-40 A.M. at 30° 19' T. A- I ; In Mars Dasa or Mars Bhukti.
N and 78° 4' which is as follows : K. P. "Is there strong dosha for Mars
in this chart ? "
SUD 18-50 IV 9-43 Rahu 0-42 Mars
III 7-43 Veti. l5-$ V 5-43 16-21 T, A. 1; " If Mars is in 7 and if it is in
Mer. 3-33 lup. 20-35 VI 28-43 VII 22-B exaltation or own sign or debilitation,
there is no dosha. But here it is in a
VIII 29-35 common sign. So there will be dhosha. "
Ayanamsa 22-46 T. A. 2 : "No. Saturn aspects Mars, so
it is modified
II 29-35 K. P.' " Have you not read , that in
bride's chart, if Mars is in 2 or 7, there is
no dhosha at all. "
Asc. 22.8 XII28-43 T. A. 1 and T, A. 2 ; "Yes".
Moon XI 5-43 X 9-43 DC 7-43
Sani 7.42 Kci. 0-42 K. P : " Hence no dhosha at all
T. A: "Yes. We should expect so
Venus Dasa balance 19 years 5 months 3
days. T. A- 2: "7th house lord is Neecha.
7th bouse is occupied by lord of 5 and 12.
Traditional Astrologer; T, A. 1 and It is said that if lord of 5 is in 7 or 7 is in
T. A. 2 suggested to analyse the chart for 5, either one will have no wife or if he or
marriage. K. P. agreed. she is married, no child ".
T. A. 1, said " Look. There is Chandra T. A- 1 ; " Can you definitely say
Mangala Yoga. Lagna is owned by and whether she is married and she will riot
aspected by Jupiter. Moon also receives have a child or whether she will remain
good aspect. All are good. Mars unmarried ".
in S alone is said to cause delay in T. A. 2: She will remain unmarried as
marriage. But according to our ancient
system of House Division, it is in the 7th lord of 7 is neecha and lord of 12 is in 7.
house. So it can't delay. But Mars in 7 Budha and Mars are evil denying marriage.
shows Mangalya Dhosha! That is, in Mars T. A. 1 : Yes, the tendency of Mars and
Dasa or Bhukti, she must be survived by Mercury are to see that she remains un-
her husband. As Mars is in Maraka and married.
Bhadhakasthana, she will be outlived by
her husband K-. P : " Alright. If she gets married.
as she is 40 years old, will she marry a Rahu, Jupiter and Venus in IV.
■youngman or an aged person ? Kethu in X.
T. A. 1 : Mars is for youth. So the boy You have to take houses 2, 7 and 11. In
*1 will be younger to her or of equal age or K. P., there is nothing as exaltation, debi-
the difference in age will be little. litation, etc.
T. A. 2 : No. No. Saturn aspects 7th Second house is occupied by Mercury.
house. Saturn conjoined with Moon de-
notes Punarphoo. Delay and delay. At last Seventh is unoccupied. Owned by
it will give an elderly person. Mercury Eleventh is owned by Venus.
Rahu represents Venus. Mars is in Rahu
K. P : " As Mars in Gemini (Twins) and star; Sun is in Mercury star. Sun is in Kethu
Saturnisin Sagittarius (Dual sign) is there sub. Mars is in Venus sub. Mercury is in
the likelihood of marrying one young per- the constellation and sub of lord of 2 and
son and one old person. is the owner of 7ih house. Hence she got
T. A. 1: " If the" chart belongs to a married during Mars Dasa Mercury Bhukti
male, we can say that probably he may Mars Anthra.
marry like that. But how to predict in a T. A. 1. " What is it? Those 2 planets
female chart ? " who deny marriage have given marriage
T. A. 2 : "Whether the chart belongs T. A. 2: That is why I am telling you
to a male or a female, rules are the same." to study K. P. and be useful to the
K. P : " You should know the sex. If querist.
5tb house denotes child birth, in a girl's T. A. 1 : "True " Let me find out some
chart alone, you can predict delivery more. Then I shall switch off the tradi-
pains. Not knowing the sex, if you say, tion once for all and switch on to K. P.
that Stb bouse is afflicted by Mars; hence,
" This person will need surgical aid Monday 26-5-1969. They meet again.
during delivery will not they laugh ? They took out a chart of a gentleman born
T. A. 1 : Yes. We should know the sex. at 10 hours 36 minutes A.M. I.S.T. on
13-3-1919. Horoscope is as follows:
K. P : " So, you both say that she is
denied of marriage, because Mars is in 7 Von. 24-50
as lord of 5 and 12, and Mercury due toils Merc. 14-3 Asc. 5-45 II 2-49
debilitation is weak. Mars Ket. 15,18 Jup, 13-19
III 28-49
T. A. 2 ; " Yes. Chart 'shows the diffi-
culty in getting married ". It is not un- Sun 28-56 Moon
likely. XI 27-49 19-05
IV 26-49
T. A. 1: " Already she is40years. Dear, Ra si
K. P., where is she now? Sani 0-18
X 26-49 V 27-49
K. P.: " She got married during Mars
dasa Mercury Bhukti Mars' Anthra on
13-9-1968. IX 28-49 Rah 15-18
T. A. 1 ; How can it happen ? Will your VIII 2-49 VII 5-45 VI 2 14
K. P. explain? .
K. P : According to K. P. Mercury Dasa balance 13 years, 11
Sun is in III. months, 1 day.
Saturn and Moon in XII. T. A. 1 ; Shall we consider his
Mars in VI. marriage.
Mercury in 11. T. A. 2 : Yes. Look at the Rajayogas.
T, A. 1 ; True. Sunaphayoga, Anapha- Planets connected with 1, 6, 10 and 12
yoga, Parivarthana yoga. Lakshmi y«ga. show separation or bereavement. Kethu
Neecha banga Rajayoga. What not! Rahu in the constellation of Saturn (10)
T. A. 2: But Rahu in 7 and Sani in 4 Moon in the sub of Kethu, Saturn in the
show» that he cannot have happy domestic sub of Kctu are evil. Here Rahu can give
life. It is likely that as he goes on marry- the marriage as it is in 7 and it can also
ing be will be going on losing one after bring separation as it is in Saturn's star.
another. Sages say that Rahu in 7 is very Jupiter sub is occupied by Rahu. Jupiter is
evil for the longevity of one's wife and lord of 11 in 2. Hence Rahu in 7, in the
there would not be good understanding sub of a planet in 2, give marriage, twice.
between husband and wife. Rabu is the strongest. Actually be got
married during Venus Dasa Rahu Bbukti
T. A. 1 : Further there are majority of Rabu Anthra Guru Shookshmaqn 1-6-47.
planets in lltb bouse. It shows either Divorce came during Moon Dasa Rabu
so many marriages or so many for plea- Bhukti Kethu Anthra in July 196S and Sukia
sant company. Anthra in September 1968, 2nd marriage.
K.P: So how many marriages do you Both are living.
expect ? How many wives will die and he Rahu in Jupiter (benefic in 2) sub gives
will outlive them 7 " 2nd marriage when one is alive. If Rabu
T. A. 1 ; 7th house owner is also lord of would have been in the sub of malefic
12. But it is in 11th house in Ubaya- planets, he will have second wife after the
stbana. At least 2 would have been dead demise of the first.
and he may marry a third time- Again Rabu cannot give second marriage
K. P ; What do you say brother. (T.A. . at all, even though it is in the 7th house, if
2)7 the sub lord of tbe7tb cusp is neither in a
dual sign, nor in the constellation of the
T. A. 2 ; I agree with him. planet in a dual sign. Rabu in 7 need not
T. A. I : Mr. K. P. ! What is your necessarily be evil to partner. Whether
judgment? Rahu will be beneficial or not is to be
K. P : Note the sub lord of the 7th cusp. judged from the lord of the sub occupied
by Rabu. This is the truth.
As 7th cusp is in Scorpio in 5° 45', the
sub lord is Mercury and further it is in a Two marriages are certain if the sub
dual sign. So, he will marry more than lord of the 7th cusp is in a dual sign and
once. if the occupant of the 7lh house is in the
sub of the planet in 2nd bouse or in the
Then judge bouses 2, 7 and 11. Jupiter sub of the planet in the dual sign.
is in 2: Rahu is in 7 ; Sun, Mars, Mercury (In the subsequent issue, there will be
and Venus are in 11- discussion about of a gentleman who is the
Majority of the planets are connected second husband to his wife, so be is the
with.2, 7 and U bouses. They promise second husband and she is the second
marriage. wife.)

Example horoscope is given below is fortunate to have, then he will have that
number of mangoes as he is lucky to have.
VI 29-34
Merc. Vcn,1-13 Hence, what are we to do ?
25-33 VJI 26-15 VIll 25-34 IX 25-34 (1) Can I have gains without pains,
Sun 16.58
(2) If so, will it be through races.
V 29-34 X 27-34 (3) or lottery or what.
K«t. 7.34
(4) When ? Will it be only once in my
lifetime or frequently. If frequently the
IV 27-34 Raliu 7-34 exact timings.
Moon XI 29-34
Ans :—(1) To gain without much effort
one should have the period ruled con-
Hi 25-34 Jup- 27-08 Asc. 26-15 Fortuna
1-15 jointly by those planets deposited in the
Mar. 22-12 11 25-34 Sal. 7-47 XI129-34 constellation and in the sub of the signifi-
cators of the bouses (Bbavasj 2, 6 and 11.
At the time of birth Moon Dasa balance (2) If one is to gain through races then
0 year 7 months 24 days. any of those planets mentioned above
should be connected with 5th bouse.
First of all, one should know which' (3) If any of the planets deposited in the
method, when followed, will give correct constellation and in the sub of the signifi-
time, date, month and year of one's gains cators of bouses 2, 6 and 11, is connected
,in races. with 3rd house one gains by way of lottery,
There are innumerable methods to find (4) If the significators are not posited in
out the number of the horse which would 2 and 12 to each other, luck will repeat.
win—when we read the books on races and But if the significators are in 2 and 12 to
consider the examples given by the author, each other, then during the period of the
the method is appealing. When we apply planet in 12 to the other sfgnificator and
the same method on future races with the sub-period of the planet in 2 to the
limited knowledge we find that the horsb- major lord, one will win. If the major
so selected by us is either scratched or it period is governed by one in 2 to the sub-
chases the other horses. No other horse period lord, i.e. if the sub-period lordis in
could be seen behind the one so selected. 21 to the major period lord, one will lose.
But to a good extent the previous
history of the horse and its present condi- But if the significators occupy any other
tion are considered and experienced people position one will win often whenever their
guess and they corns out correct 50-50. conjoined period operates.
Certainty cannot be declared, as such a Yes. A period runs for months. Does it
sure horse may tumble down, jockey may mean that in every race and on all days,
fall down or due to its peculiar movement one will win.
in the course, itmay be disqualified. Hence No. On the whole, in this period he will
from experience one can't select anything have substantial profit. But to find out in
as a certainty. which race and on which day, one will win,
Mangoes are in the tree. A boy, anxious one has to apply only Krishnamurti Padh-
to have a fruit, throws stones unless he is dhali—the discovery of Prof. K. S.
destined to have, he cannot have. But if he Krishnamurti—Our Guruji.
He says that one should select the star Jupiter, Sun and Mercury are the significa-
Bays governed by dasa lord and in that the tors of 5th house.
uration of the time when Moon will pass Lords of the bouses and planets in their
in the sub of the Bhukti lord. Further to stars.
note the time when Moon will pass in the
ub sub of the significators of 2, 6 and I and VIII Ven., Mars is in Venus star
HI. Lagna at that time also must be II and VII Mars none in Mars star
calculated for judgment. III and VI Jupiter none in Jupiter star
The procedure is as follows : IV and V Saturn none in Saturn star
' 1 cusps of houses and extension of each IX and XII Merc., Jup, Sun and Merc.
house: X Moon. Moon alone is in its star
I 26° 15' Libra to 25° 34' Scorpio XI Sun, Venus alone
II 25° 34" Scorpio to 25" 34' Sagi Hence second house is signified by
III 25° 34' Sagi to 27" 34' Capri Mars, fifth by Saturn, sixth by Jupiter,
eleventh by Sun and Venus. As Rahu is
IV 27° 34' Capri to 29° 34' Aqua in Sun sign, take Rahu and Saturn as welt
V 29° 34' Aqua to 29° 34' Pieces as Kethu in Rabu's star.
VI 29° 34' Pisces to 26* 15' Aries Therefore planets to be considered are
180° added gives the other houses, Mercury, Jup., Mars, Sun, Venus, Rahu,
Saturn and Kethu.
2 Which are the planets in each bouse 7
Moon it not connected with 2 or 5 or 6
I House None or 11. The most important method of
II „ Jup-Mars selecting beneficials and rejecting the
III „ Moon temptors it as follows:
IV „ Kethu Note in which sub, these planets are—
-V ,, Sun, Mercury They should be in the sub Of the significa-
VI „ Vacant tors of 2, 6 and 11 alone ; never 5th : 5th
■ VII „ Venus we take to show the mode of gains alone.
VIII „ Vacant It is applicable to constellation—never
. for sub :
IX „ Vacant
X „ Rahu Significatorsof 2nd, 6th and 11thbouses,
are Jup., Mars, Sun, Venus, Rahu, Sat. and
XI „ Vacant Kethu.
XII „ Saturn Jup. is in the sub of Jupiter
' Houses 1, 6, 8, 9 and 11 vacant Mars Saturn
3 Planets in the constellation of occu- Sun Mercury
pants Venus Rahu
II In lup. star none: In Mars star Rahu Kethu
none. Sat. Rahu
III In Moon's star Moon alone Kethu Rahu
IV In Kethu star Rahu alone '
V In Sun's star Venus: Mercury star Merc. Rahu
Jup., Sun, Mercury Bcncfics are Venus, Saturn, Kethu, Mer-
VII In Venus star Mars alone cury and Jupiter.
X In Rahu star Saturn and Kethu Adverse ones are Mars, Sun, Rahu, by
XII In Saturn star none that, it is meant that the benefics in their
star days and sub periods ruled by them
Therefore Jupiter and Mars are the alone will give gain. During Mars, Sun
strongest significators of the second bouse. and Rahu sub periods, even in the major
beneficial periods or star days will end in 14th. But anything after 5-18 P.M. will
a loss. be governed by Rabu in the sub of Kethu.
Reject other star days. This is also not good. Better 14-6-69 and
Star days of benefits ;— 15-6-69 are otherwise spent.
Venus Bharani, Poorvapalguni and 21-6-69 Saturday : Poorvapalguni from
Poorvashada. 7-31 A.M. till next day 9-28 A.M., 7-31
i" Saturn—Pushya, Anuradha, Uthrapad- to 11-51 Venus sub; then 11-51 to 1-09
rapada. P.M. Sun: Then 1-09 P.M. to 3-19 P.M.
Moon sub; 3-19 to 4-52P.M. Mars. Later
Ketbu—Aswini, Malta, Moola. Rahu. Though Venus star is good, all
Mercury—Asblesha, Jyeshta, Revathi. these subs do not contribute.
Jupiter—Punarvasu, Visaka, Poorva- 22-6-69 Sunday: Uthrapalguni from
padra. 9-28 A.M. to next day 10-45 A.M. Only
Dates on which races are expected to run after 6-01 P.M. Jupiter sub comes. Prior
and the stars on those days with re- to that Rabu, etc. after 6-01 very good.
marks 28-6-69 Saturday; Jyeshta 5-34 A M.
Bangalore : to next day 2-43 A.M. So up to 1-13 P.M.
31-5-69—Saturday. Anuradha till 6-55 Sun sub. Later Moon up to 2-24. Then
P.M. I.S.T. Mars till 3-39: Later Rahu. On the
Saturn star day. Total duration 21 brs. whole, not profitable.
20 mts. Hence between 12-53 P.M. to 4-05 29-6-69 Sunday : Moola starts at 2-43
P.M. Rabu sub. 4-05 P.M. onwards Jupi- A.M. ends by 11-38 P.M.
ter sub only after 4-05 P.M., time is lucky- From 2-34 P.M. Jupiter sub excellent
Saturn as lord of 5 gives the mind to bet. 5-19 P.M. onwards Saturn sub. Very pro-
Jupiter in 2, as lord of 6, in it own sub, fitable so, in the month of June 29-6-69 is
gives gains. (6th shows loss to competitors.) lucky.
1-6-69—Sunday; Jyeshta till 4-01 P.M. Let us note dasa, bbukti also. Saturn
Later Moolam. Hence only after 4-01 P.M. Dasa Mercury Bhukti operates from
luck starts. 27-11-1968.
7-6-69: Saturday; Poorvapadrapada 27-11-68 to 14- 4-69 Merc., Anthra.
till next day 3-57 A.M. Total duration 24 14- 6-69 to 10- 6-69 Kethu, Anthra.
hours. Hence Mercury sub is up to 2.24 10- 6-69 to 22-11-69 Venus Anthra.
P.M. which is to be avoided. Later Kethu
sub till 3-48 P-M. is good again Venus 10- 6-69 to 6- 7-69 Venus, Shookshma.
sub between 3-48 and 7-48 P.M. is better. 6- 7-69 to 14- 7-69 Sun, Shookshma.
8-6-69 Sunday ; Uthrapadrapada from 14- 7-69 to 27-'7-69 Moon, Shookshma.
3-57 A.M. to 4-34 A M. on 9-6-69. So 27- 7-69 to 6- 8-69 Mars, Shookshma.
from 1-08 P.M. Venus sub runs for 4 hrs. 6- 8-69 to 30- 8-69 Rabu, Shookshma.
16 mts., i.e. till 5-24 P.M. This is advan- 30- 8-69 to 21- 9-69 Jupiter
tageous. After 5-24 P.M. Sun rules. So, no
good after 5-24 P.M. on this day. 21- 9-69 to 17-10-69 Saturn
14-6-69 Saturday; Mrigasira from 2-29 18-10-69 to 12-11-69 Mercury
P.M. Mars rules this star. It is in the sub of 12-11-69 to 22-11-69 Kethu.
planet in 12 owning the house 5. I shows On the whole, Venus Anthra is
thatonc will take venture—event follow profitable In that 10-6-69 to 6-7-69 and
doubling system and lose more than then 30-8-69 to 22-11-69 are lucky sub
normal. periods. In the other periods, there will be
15=6-69 Sunday; Mrigasira till 5-18 mixed results and profit cannotbe expected.
P.M. later Arudhra. Results will be like Hence 29-6-69 is lucky after 8-6-69.

Chinna Salcra
v Q. " When will the train arrive" was
i;worked out by me. The following article Ven, 26,16 Sun
> shows that K. P. is useful and Correct in Rahu Sat. 9,34 Mcr.8.5517.28
I: the hands of sincere and honest Astro- 3-44
• On 23-5-1969, Friday evening after sun- Moon
set, few of my friends were discussing
with me about K. P. At that time, people
were seen coming back from the railway
station saying that the train from Vridhdha-
chaiam to Salem is not coming and even
the Station Master could not give the
correct time of her arrival. When we Asc. 24-08 Jup. 2.46
enquired, a gentleman on the road said Mars Ket. 3.44
19.16 R
that be has been told the train would be
arriving very late about 2 to 4 hours after Day Lord Friday—Venus.
the schedule timing. He felt depressed
saying " Tickets are not issued." Star Ruling—Aslesha—Mercury.
After hearing these words, I could not Sign Lord—Cancer—Moon.
keep quite " Why worry, when Krishna- Lagna Rising—Scorpio—Mars.
murti Padhdhati is on band I said to Star Rising—Jyeshta—Mercury.
myself. A very good chance to verify Now, we shall see how the ruling planets
K. P. in the midst of my friends. Such are helpful in finding out the exact time of
cannot be had often. 1 said to my friend. the train's arrival.
" Sirs, if you do not mind, please patiently
wait for a few minutes when I shall give Venus, Mercury (R), Moon, Mars (R) and
you the exact time of the train's arrival- Mercury(R), are the.riiling planets.
They agreed to wait till I finish my calcu- As per rules laid down by our Guruji,
lation and declare the result." the founder of Krishnamurti Padhdhati
It took only 6 minutes for me to calcu- (Horary System) retrograde planets will
late. When I started working the time- not fructify any event. In this case Mars
piece showed 7-36 P.M. Usually the train and Mercury are retrograde. So reject.
was scheduled to arrive at this station by ' But there is a node Kethu in Mercury's
7-30 P.M. sign Virgo and Rahu in Pisces where
I worked out the sidereal time for 7-36 Venus daylord is situated. So, Rahu ins-
P.M. (I.S.T.) for the place 79* (E) 12° (N) tead of Venus and Kethu in the place of
usingKrishnamurti Ayanamsa 23° 20' for Mercury, we should take. Planets in
1969, and arrived at the sidereal Time their constellation, we should take. Saturn
Hours 11-26-02 seconds. As per Rapeat's alone in Aries is in Aswani star ruled by
Ephemeris, I get Sayana lagna Sagittari- Kethu. So take Saturn. No planet is in
us 17" 28' and after deducting Aya- Rahu star, so take Rahu.
namsa, 24" 08' Scorpio came as lagna. The moment I begin to calculate A. e.)
The rising star was Jyeshta. Therefore 7-36 P.M. I.S.T. was governed by Mars—
the ruling planets at the moment of calcu- Mercury—Rahu (i.e.) 24° 8' Scorpio. As
lation and judgment were: tylars and Mercury are retrograde as long
as they rule, the train cannot arrive. Next Surprisingly the train arrived at the '
sign and lagna is Sagittarius ruled by station exactly at 10-48 P.M. My friends 1
Jupiter. But planet Jupiter is not our were astonished at my prediction and i
ruling planets. So bis lagna period of wished that Krishnamurti Padhdhati (an •
about 2 hours should also to lapse. Then unique system in its proper application)^
rises Capricorn Lagna where in the sensi- be spread all over the earth, and remain
tive degrees 11° 53' 21" is governed by for ever for the benefit of all.
Saturn, Moon (Sravanam star) and Rahu [Editor's note: People should read and,
sub. So, front 24° 08 Scorpio toil* 53' understand K. P. Later apply pmperly,
20" Capricorn the Ascendant must transit strictly following the simple scientific,
about 47 degrees 45 minutes and 20 seconds rules. One will admire. But if one calls
which space would account to 3 hours and himself as an astrologer, be bluffing and
12 minutes. So adding (7-36 P.M. plus if he is asked his opinion about K. P. and
3 hours and 12 minutes) we get 10-48 P.M. the astrologer says "Is there a Padhdhati
I said "The train must arrive at 10:48 like that?" What are we to reply to that
.P.M." incapable or jealousy person?"


Dear President, Ladies and Gentlemen, place near that of Rama. Rishya Sringar
Let me first thank all of you for the was the greatest, the most innocent and
unprecedented honour done to me. I the highly elevated Maharishi. I am,
have toured all over India. I have met indeed, very fortunate to have his dbar-
many sincere enthusiastic and honest shan and I am sure my prayer to him will
astrologers as well, as students studying be, in full, sanctioned. My prayer is
" Krishnamurti Padhdhati". Though I that the most useful Science Astrology
had been profusely garlanded everywhere may be rendered scientific and may be
by the admirers and also received in a useful. May honest as well as intelligent
grand scale yet that which I received, here people learn it and serve the humanity !
has created a record. The modesty of the I am not proud of having discovered this
very aged people leading me in the streets system, j consider myself as a servant to
which are largely decorated and the propagate this method throughout the
earnestness of the learned to garland me world. In a way, I consider that Uchchishta
one after another at every step and the Mahaganapathi has rightly chosen tne, an
. procession with'music like Nadhaswaram honest and earnest worker who could tour
in South India show your desire to meet all over, without, minding the strain or
me and honour me. I have seen such a the pain or the gain, thereby. I do not
receptior, with regard, affection and emo- want to propagate anything which will fail.
tion only when His Holiness Jagadguru of Knowing fully well that certain methods
Kanchi Kamakoti visits any place. are absolutely useless, I am not prepared to
accept or adopt or advocate it simply
I thank all the members who have co- for potboiling by being an astrologer.
- operated and contributed for the success If I follow such genera! methods and
of the efforts of your Astrological Insti- throw the blame upon the authors, it
tute. When I heard you all saying that I means that I do not want to use my com-
have come a long way from Madras to the mon sense ; I haveno brains, but simply, I
holy place of Sfinga Maharishi (Rishya repeat, reproduce and do not take pains or
> Srihgar) I thought that I may be compar- do not care for thcfulfilmentof the predic-
ed to Vibhishana leaving the land very tion. But my aim is (o find out the truths;
' near that of Ravana and coming to ^he to explain it and to have a few thousand
of students following a correct method in and supremely intelligent youngsters) had
scientific lines and further developing it. been putting questions, after the class
Do we not feel ashamed to offer prediction hours, during question time for clarifica-
by following such general rule which are tion and they are really responsible for the
not applicable to each individual? Does improvement of my knowledge and also
our conscience permit to accept any offer- for having supplied me enough food for
ing by the querist f»r having given predic- thought. I thank them. I cannot forget
tion based on the failing general princi- them. Clarity is due to them alone.
pies? Knowing that the tradition fails, if
one uses it, does it not amount to robbing I am aware that whenever a ntw system
the querist ? When one answers a query, is being introduced if it is nothing but an
first the Astrologer should consider his advancement on the existing one, then
limitations and then whether he has follo- many will try and accept it. But when
wed a correct universal system. Has he I have to necessarily point out the miser-
applied it and found correct in all cases ? ably failing ones and open the eyes of both
How long can we continue to put up with the astrologers and also the customers,
such predictions given by many traditional I know very well that most of those who
astrologers using the most general rules have taken Astrology as a business will
and also to offer predictions vaguely in an redicule this discovery. How can they
ambiguous manner without giving the accept ? If they speak the truth, who will
exact date of occurrence and the exact consult ? So they do not want to learn.
nature of the happenings. In thy experi- With that incomplete and incorrect
ence, I have found that many guess and knowledge, they want to do business.
quote some rule or the other to fit in for Knowingly fully well that if at all they
that moment. A few learn the facts and come correct, it is a lucky hit or it is due
offer the prediction. When every science to Vak-Siddhi and not due to the science,
is advancing for the benefit of the public, they want to continue the same method.
Why should not we try to reject all the If I had been born in an Astrologer's
rules which miserably fail and develop family, then probably t would have been
those which can be made perfect by further* trained in those lines only and there would
research ? have been no opportunity for me either to
use my common sense qttodo any research.
But jealousy and incapable people had I should be an implicit obedient student.
called me 'new entrant' I am 61 now Luckily, I got into the Government service.
and I will tell you from when I am in this I did not take Astrology as ray profession.
line. One foreigner who reads all maga- I considered myself always as a consultant
zines preferably mine at England came to whenever I studied. I had been keen to find
my residence. He told that a gentleman flaws in the traditional system,, so that the
in India who wrote against you in Indian thorns were removed, and the flower is
magazine, has contributed articles using collected. Then I, by my effort, made it a
my padhdbati and not mentioning one fruit.
word for courtesy saying . that I was the
discoverer and author, Now you consider Later I thought that it is of no use if
when I started, how I did research and one points out only the mistakes. It is
how I came out successful. I studied really advantageous if one finds out a
astrology both Western and Hindu method, which will be useful to one and
, from 1927. I started this research from all by offering accurate prediction with
1939, after having thoroughly under- scientific explanation.
stood both Western and Hindu systems.
The date when I received Lord Uchchishta Research scholars can come out success-
Mabaganapatbi from a Siddhi Purusha, on ful only when they are lucky. So 1 judged
4-3-1951, I started teaching students my horoscope itself and I found out that
"Krishnamurti Padhdbati," Many stud- withoutmuch difficulty but with the divine
ents (including a few perverted, eccentric grace, I will have the solution for any
problem, in no time. So I did the research'. to serve the public especially the depressed
God guided me. free of charge. I am also proud of men-
I thought that itis'wise to teach the tioning now that many of my students
students, so that after understanding they have thoroughly understood my method,
can carryon the research, and give their applied it and had established a good
opinion. Front 1951 to 1961, for 10 years name for "Krishnamurti Padhdhati". The
earnest students at Madras did intelligent glory of Astrology is being slowly re-
and strenuous work. They came out saying established by my students. Adi Sankara
that Krisbnamurthi Padbdbati is the only had been touring throughout India only to
method, simple, scientific and sure. propagate his philosophy. He established
mutts everywhere. So also for Krishna-
In 1961, an occasion arose forme to muni Padhdhati, I consider, as a disciple
put down the false propaganda of the of ' Sankara ', that it is my duty to go
panic mongers who created panic in India round and round, meet not only the learned
due to configuration of. 8 planets in 1962 scholars with ardent desire to learn but
February. I took long leave. I went to all also the low-born, ill-bred, mean minded
big cities, held meetings, exhaustively jealousy people, convince everybody and
dealt with that subject and proved that convert them as 'K.P.' followers.
the configuration of majority of the I find that there are many enthusiasts
planets cannot cause any evil result at the and the number is ever increasing day
time of configuration : 1 proved that in by day.
the past few centuries on all occasions
whenever majority of planets configurated, I expect here also. lam sure. In your
nothing happened ; whereas whenever im- face I find innocence and also wisdom.
portant events happened only 2 or 3 Innocence in the sense that you will not
planets were found in anyone constella- feel jealous of others; but you will share
tion. the benefit along with them. I found most
Looking at the response everywhere and learned scholars here during my discussion
at the request of many students of Astro- with them, I understood that they were
logy, though I only completed 52 years of. very eager to meet me and have the bits-,
age then and though I can serve another sing personally. They said that sofar, like
few years in the Government service, I Ekalaiva they had been learning Krishna-
got retired. The students in Delhi found murti Padhdhati. Today, their desire is
in me not only honesty but also the capa- fulfilled. The author himself is come. I
say, pray Lord Ganapali. Learn K P. Be
city to place on the table very clearly all useful to the general public. My first
that I know. So they approached Kula- slogan is "Think good, do good and be
pathiji K. M. Muhshi, who is the real ever good." My second slogan is "Don't
Hindu, lending bis full support for the talk ill of others and don't bluff. Be
improvement, development and perfection honest, know your limitations: Speak
of Astrology- In compliance with the Truth."
request of the students, he appointed me
as visiting Pfofessor of Astrology and Yes. Excuse me. I forgot to say one-
since then, I am coaching up students in thing, lassure our Head-master that I shall
B.V. Bhavan premises in scientific lines- bring out books on astronomy and astro-
lam very proud of saying that they do logy—graded ones within 2 years, useful
not want to learn Astrology for their pot- for 8, 9, 10 and 11 standards, so that they
boiling; but they want to have sound possess sound knowledge in these years.
knowledge in that subject. It is an aeade- .
mical interest that they learnt. They want GOOD LUCK

Past events verified as per K. P.
" Hullo!" Who has written this As the Lagna for the present moment
letter ?" agrees with (b), take it as his lagna—
" This is from one born at Sambalpur- Nirayana.
Orissa." So the time of birth should be that when
" What does he want?" Sun sign Leo Venus star Poorvapalguni,
" He does not know.the correct time of Mercury sub and Mars sub sub would have
birth. But he says that he was born in the risen in the east (lagna) for Sambalpur
early morning on 12-9-39. He wants to locality on 12-9-1939. The exact position
have a correct chart after verifying the would have been 24° 56' 40'' Leo. Aya-
past events." namsa for 1939 was 22° 55'. So Sayana
position would have been 17° 51' 40°
'"What is the time now? Yes, Yes. Virgo. If we refer to Raphael's Table of
Our clock just rung the maximum. It is houses then for 21° 28' N, 17° 51'40"
exactly 12-1 P. M. Virgo would be the ascendant when the
" Yes, Sir." sidereal time should be 5 hours 7 minutes
"Today. 11-6-69, Wednesday is ruled 52 seconds or it may be taken as 29 hours
by Mercury. Work out the exact degree 7 minutes 52 seconds.
and minute in theLagna sign, Leo for this On 11-9-1939 at 12 Noon the S.T. at
moment. Theother ruling planets are Venus Greenwich was 11 hours 18 minutes 26
lord of Bharani star and Mars, lord of seconds. So far 84° I' E longitude theside-
the sign Aries, where Moon transits now. real time at 12 Noon 11 hour, 17 minutes
34 seconds. If we calculate we will find
"Sir, 12-01 p.m. now is the I.S.T. but that when 5 hours 47 minutes 25 seconds
L.M.T. will be only 11-52 a.m. for 80-15 is L.M.T., this point will be the lagna.0 So
E. Sidereal time at 12 noon for Madras is the time of birth in I.S.T. for 84 l'E
5 hours, 17 minutes, 43 seconds. would have been 5 hours 38 minutes 21
Hence sidereal time for 11-52 a.m. will seconds on 12-9-39. Then the horoscope
be 5 hours 9 minutes, 42 seconds. Refer- is as follows;
ring to Table of Houses (by Rapheal) for
13° N Latitude, the lagna will be 17° 34' Sani 7.38
Sayana Virgo. As Ayanamsa is 23° 20', Jup. 12.54 K.clbu
the Nirayana position of lagna will be Ufa 2S.58
24° 14'. This position is in Sun's sign
Venus star Mercury sub.
According to the ruling planets, the lord BASI
of the lagna sign is Sun, lord of the star 12—9—1939
Bharani is Venus, lord of the Rasi Aries M at* > :H
5-38.21 A.M. I.S.T. Mern,
is Mars and lord of the day is Mercury. Mttrs A».C.
Hence the position of lagna can be 3-24
jTi-jr. ia.yj
(a) Sun sign Venus star Mars sub Mer-
cury sub sub. Raliu 8 2",
(b) Sun sign Venus star Mercury sub
Mars Subsub.
(c) Mercury sign Sun star Mercury sub Kethu Dasa balance 4 years, 7 months,
Mars sub sub. 7 days.
Verification: I marakastbanas. Venus star is occupied by
Mother died in March 1941 'during Sun and Mercury. Father passed away
KelhuDasa Jupiter Bhukti. during Sun Dasa Sun Bhukti Jupiter An-
thra Kethu Shookshma. Here also, Kethu
4th house denotes mother. As it is a is in Aries. It acts as an agent of Mars,
fixed sign, the -9th therefrom is the lord of 9. It is in the sub of Jupiter, a
Bbadbakastbana and so, Moon as well as strong significator for the death of father-
Mercury are evil, being the significator of
12th house (which is the 9th to the 4lh). Marriage :
Jupiter as Lord of 2 andKethu represent- Houses 2, 7 and 11 are to be judged.
ing Mars in 2 to 4 arc also evil. Rahu in2hasRabu alone in its star.
Actually the death of mother was in Jupiter in 7 is in the constellation of lord
Kethu Dasa Jupiter Bhukti. of 7. Mercury, lord of 11 in the sub of
planet in .1 is not fruitful, though it is in
Note: Kethu who also represents the Venus star. In Mercury period one should
ascendant (i.e, the 4th cusp) is in Jupiter not expect. But planets in Mercury star
Sub. Hence Kethu denies long life to will be useful in their periods and sub
mother. The rule is this. If the signifi- periods. Sun in its Dasa (sub of lord of 2
cator of lagna is in the sub of a maraka and 11) Jupiter in 7 in the constellation of
significator, then the former during the lord of 7 and Sun sub gave the marriage
sub period of the latter or that planet in on 21-11-1965, on a Sunday during Rahu
the constellation of the latter causes death. star, Swathi star day.
Here Scorpio should be taken as the Service;
lagna of the mother.
Srin Dasa Saturn Bhukti Mercury Anthra
Father's end: on 17-5-1966 be got into service. Sun in
9th cusp is in Aries. Hence 11th there- the constellation of lord of 10 and sub of
from is the Bhadhakasthana. Jupiter is in lord of 2 and 11. Saturn, lord of 6; Mer-
11. Saturn owns 11. Jupiter is in Saturn's cury, lord of 2 and 1T in the sub of lord
star to9th house, Venus is lord of 2 and 7 of 10. This agrees in full.


(Timing of Minor events)
12, Ganeshwadi. Thakurli {Oist. Thana).
On 9th February, 1969, a certain function found out that my friend would surely
was arranged at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. arrive and if would be around 1-47 P.M.
I was to go there with my friend. My to 1-49 P.M. Why ? The calculation is as
friend was expected to arrive before 1 P.M. follows;
.1 waited for some more lime but even at
1-10, he did not come. My wife, being The ruling planets were
anxious to know whether be will come or (1) The day was Sunday; ruler was
not, asked me to predict hfs time of SUN.
arrival. (2) The star in which Moon was tran-
Immediately, I took the ruling planets siting at the-time of query was Swathi;
as the significators, and calculated. I ruler was Rahu.
(3) The sign in which Moon was tran- function is at 3 P.M. Lagna can be in
siting was Libra, ruled by Venus. Venus sign Rahu star after 10 P.M.
(4) The lagna, rising at the time of Where will young men go after 10 P.M. ?
query was Taurus ruled by Venus. Not to a colleague's house. So you have
no alternative. This is the only answer.
(5) Rising star in which lagna falls
was Moon. Actually when my friend arrived, the
lagna was transisting inthesub subofRabu
So, Ruling planet was SLTN, RAHU, in the sub of SUN in the star Rohini ruled
VENUS and MOON. by Moon in the sign Taurus (22 50)
governed by Venus, The time was a few
The ruling planets indicate the time of seconds to 1-48 P.M. I.S.T.
fructification of query. No matter the
query relates, minor events or major (Editor's note):
events. Lord of one in the 11th house
promises the meeting, i.e. his coming. So As, invariably in all cases, without any
his coming to our house is definite—very single failure, using ruling planets one can
certain—when is the question? Since the decide correctly the nature of event, and
matter relates only to minor event, which predict precisely the moment, what can
is to take place within a few minutes or a one understand. The Ayanamsa given out
few hours, the transit of the lagna is to by the Editor alone is correct. If you take
be considered and I calculated the position any other Ayanamsa, you will get wrong
in the Zodiac to rise in the East. It can timing using ruling planets, judge thous-
be Venus sign Moon star Sun sub' So. ands of cases. Verify then and there.
I said 1-55 P.M. Then my wife asked why Honest work with open mind says that not
it should not be Rahu star Sun or Moon only ruling planets are very useful to offer
sub. correct prediction, but also this proves
I replied " Rahu star is in Mercury beyond doubt thatKrishnamurti Ayanamsa
sign. Mercury is not one of the ruling is alone very very correct and any other
planets." figure used is never correct. Ayanamsa or
any problem is not a vexed one if intelli-
"Then, why not Mrigasira in Venus gent research workers with open mind,
sign," asked she. 1 said Mars is the lord forgetting the years of so-called experi-
of Mrigasira and it is not one of the ruling ence, honestly work. Solution comes.
planets. Then she tried and thought A boy calls that he has more than 3 years
loudly Punarvasu can't be as Jupiter is experience in one particular class. For
not one of the ruling planets. Pushya the fourth year, he studies in the same
can't be as Saturn is not one of the ruling class. Another talented boy comes and
planets. So , also Ashlesha. Thus she join in that class. The long standing
thought one after another and said "Why student again fails; The new entrant scores
can't ho come when lagna is in Venus sign, distinction, bags prizes and is respected
Rahu star, Sun or Moon sub. I said the and regarded.

" What is the time now, please ? " "Oh God ! If the train runs like this. I
am a ra
"Half past six '' f '<l we can't reach Madras to-day.
"What is this station? " " Wherefrom are you coming?"
" Sholapur Junction." "Andhra."
" Good : Please mention any number Sholapur—place of judgment is 17°
between 1 and 249." 40' N. Take Raphael's1 Table of Houses
" You know Astrology Sir: Can you —Refer for Latitude IS —Then notedown
tell me something? " the Sayana Cusps of 2nd, 3rd, 10th, 11th
12th houses. Add 180° to each and calcu-
" That is alright, you can consult later. late the cusps of 7th, 8th, 9th, 4th, 5th
First give a number." and 6th cusps:—
Nine, Sir." To convert to Nirayana position is the
Another passenger said " I am not next step. So deduct the Ayanamsa of
worried about the time of arrival at 23° 20'. Then enter in the figure.
Madras. But we should thank our stars, Take the Ephemeris of 1969 May pub-
if she runs safely.'' lished in May Issue, Astrology and
His wife said " Since a few days, it is Athrishta.
not so bad. It will not take so much time
as those passengers who left Delhi on Calculate the position of planets for
ISth and reached Madras 192 hours after- 6-30 A.M. on 29-5-69, by taking the posi-
wards." tions given for 5-30 P.M. on- 28-5-69 and
5-30 P.M. on 29-5-69.
"True: This was the same time taken
by Astronauts to go to Moon and return Tabulate in the figure. For events which
to America." are to happen in a day or two, there is no
meaning in calculating dasa balance.
Calculation; Please allow me to wor£. Judgment
I will tell you the exact time of our reach-
ing our home Station—Madras. Arriving at Madras means reaching
home. So one is to take the 4th house
Horoscope for 6-30 A.M. on 28-5-1969 and find out the ruling planets. It is the
at 17° 40' N—Sholapur is at follows:— wish of one and all to reach home. So
include 11th house.
XTI6-09 Veo. 0-11 Sun 14.9
Find out theSignificators. Fourth house
Rahu Sat.10-12 Mercury III 14.09
3.26 11 26-40 1114-43
16-09 extends from Cancer 10° 9' to Leo 6° 9'.
No planet is deposited in the 4th house.
Ruler of the sign where 4th cusp falls (i.e.
XI 6.09 IV 10.06 Cancer) is Moon. Lord of the consella-
tion is Saturn and sub lord is Venus.
4th house lord Moon governs Rohini,
X 10-9 V 6.09 Hastham and Sravanam. Mercury and
Sun are in Rohini.
Mars Mood Jup. 2-50 11th house is occupied by Rahu and its
IX 14-9 17-32 9-37 Keiu 3-26 constellation is occupied by Moon.
VIII 16.9 11 VIT
26-40 VI 6-09 In Sun's sign there is neither Moon's
star o,r Mercury star. But in Moon's sign
Number 9 means Aries—Mars Sign: there is Mercury star. So, the third signifi-
Aswin—Kethu Star—Mercury sub cator Sun can be the sub lord.
11-26-40 to 13° 20'. Then the point in the Zodiac to rise in
the east, at the time of arrival at Madras
Take the commencement of the sub. should be Moon sign Mercury star Kethu
This is in Nirayana position. Add Aya- sub.
namsa for this date which is5 23° 20'. Then
Sayana Ascendant will be 4' 46' 40" Taurus. Why?
Moon fulfils the desire. If has only one "Why should it not be 10-15 A.M.
sign. Mercury and Sun are in the constel- today" if some one asks, we have to
lation of lord of 4. There is no Sun's reply it is the train by which we travel.
star, nor Kethu's star (Kethu represents Hundreds of miles cannot be covered in
Mercury) in Cancer. There is only Mer- 4 hours. Again,the Moon at the moment
cury star. So the lagoa at Madras on of query is in Libra owned by Venus and
30-5-69 should be above 16° 40" Cancer— the Ascendant is in Taurus owned by
Nirayana, i.e. 10" 00' Leo Sayana. Venus. So day of arrival can be Friday.
If 10" Leo Sayana is rise at 13° Why should it not go on Saturday,
North Latitude, the sidereal time (when another 24 hours later ?
referred to Raphael Ephetneris) would be Saturn is neither a ruling planet nor a
found as 2 hrs. 33 mts. sidereal time at significator. So, Friday 30-5-69 at 10-15
Moon at Greenwich on 29-5-69 = 4 hrs. A.M. must be the time.
27 mts. 27 sees. Deduct for 80° 15' E
correction of 0-0-53 sees, sidereal time at Readers will be pleased to understand
Madras at 12 noon = 4—26—28. 2 hrs. that G.T. which left Delhi on 27-5-69
33 mts. may be taken as 26 hrs. 33 mts. reached Madras on 30-5-69 only at 10-15
Deducting 4 hrs. 26 mts. 28 sees, we can A.M.
get the interval between noon 29-5-69 and Readers should use the same method
the time of arrival, i.e. 26 hrs. 33 mts. for the return of one's son or husband or
minus 4 hrs. 26 mts. 28 sees. = 22 hrs. father from foreign and for similar queri-
6 mts. 32 sees. L.M.T. = 22 hrs. 15 mts. ej. The above is a guinea-pig experiment.
32 sec. after previous 12 noon 10 hrs. For vital affairs, the rule is the same. One
15 mts. A.M. I.S.T, on 30-5-69. shonld apply calmly.
Sept 1969

Page Page
LeUers to the Editor 3 Fulfilment of one's desire or
Why Krishnamurthi Padhdhati not 43
is more Predictive? 5 Child Birth—When? (Horary) 45
Cusps and Subs 11 Book Review 46
Significance of each sub 14 Marriage—When ? 47
Correct time of Birth 15 Promotion and overseas—
Correct time of Birth 19 same number 49
Negotiation successful or Change in service 51
not! 25 An Announcement 53
Ephemeris—Ready 28 Daily Guide for September
Gajakcsari yoga not useful 29 1969 59
Gajakcsari yoga brings impri- Pesition of Planets 65
sonment 32 September 1969—Ephemeris , 67
Overdraft—Getting or not! 35 Monthly Prediction for
Confusion Clarified 39 September, 1969 69
(Discussion on Longevity - Short Life)
No. 2, Thakurpara Road, Dhatpara. 24 Parganas, West Bengal.
Traditional Astrology indicates only a (2) A domain of 30 degrees (means
certain domain (means interval of wide a sign) has been mentioned here
range) where it is impossible to locate the which is not the wise way of the
exact point of the matter till the events statement ;
accidentally coincides with the particular (3) the position of the Moon con-
statements as-presaged by the sages. But joined with Mars has not been
KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI practi- stated' here. (Conjunction in
cally integrates that domain, in question, what respect ? Whether it - is
draining out all the uncommon things conjoined in the constellation
gives us the exact limiting value of the and sub or in a sign should be
matter which are desirable from the clear. But it has not beeii cleared
planets by their combinations and occupa- here at all);
tions. (4) Constellation of Moon has not
The truthfulness of the above statement been mentioned here for which
may be verified by the discussion of the the Dasa of the native cannot be
both systems in side by side. understood
Let us take a case of longevity. We (5) Over all the conclusion has been
know, there are three types of longevity, drawn within a space of 30 de-
viz. long, middle, and short. Mabarisbi grees, i.e., in sign-wise.
Parasara said in Parasara Sambita that Now, every rule or statement should
death within 24 years of age is called as be convincing one and a complete one in
short-longivity. every respect; otherwise it must fail until
Now one old statement is taken for our and unless the events and the planetary
discussion; position in a particular phase will concide.
As the particular longitude of the
Sages say— planets and the lagna have not been given
"Mesh-Lagnc Yada Jatto Bhowmachandra in the above statement—theeventsas stated
SamaniUa, are not found to happen in the practical
Tyajed Vaour Mrigay Sowring - Mriyatle field until the facts and the planetary posi-
BasarH Tray tion coincide with each other. So only a
It means, if one is born in Mesh Lagna few percentage occasionally coincides
(Aries as ascendant) when Moon conjoins with the above statement. That is why old
with Mars and then Sun just crosses the system of Astrology fails in most of the
Saturn in Capricorn, the native will die cases and thus people lose the faith be-
within three days from the dale of birth. cause they are not well conversed with
Astrology and they do not know that
Here the old statement as presaged by Hindu astrology is full of ' Ifs and Buts.'
the sages is incomplete in the following Yet, the above statement is true and true ^
respect, such as only for a particular point in the Zodiac"
(1) the lagna Sphut (commencement sign hut not in a general way. This can
of ascendant) has not been men- be proved only by KRISHN AMD RTI
tioned. So it is incomplete in PADHDHATI—a most modern and scien-
this sense; tific method discovered in this Age.
Explanation of tbe Above Old Statement the longevity of Aries-born? It is the sub
By Krishnamniti Padbdhati. which is the significator of any one of the
Prof: Krishnamurli says that (1) find houses 2, 7, 12 and the Badhaka-sthanam
out the exact cusp of the Ascendant then or the lord of 6 or 8 or their significators.
(2) find out the significators of the Let us assume that there are no planets
Maraka-sthanam and Badhaka-sthanam. in the houses 2, 7, 12 and Badhaka-sthana
He says that the native's longevity will or the planets in constellation of the above
be short when the cusp of the ascendant then the lord of 2, 7, and Badhaka-
falls in the malefic-constellation (but not Sthanam, etc. will come next as the signifi-
at all time because of thebenefic-sub) and cator, and take the important part to
switch-off the life of tbe native. Henlct.
specially when the sub-lord be a malefic. the lagna is either in Venus sub or V"
He says that the sub-lord is a deciding Saturn sub which are the most malefic f,6^
factor whether the matter will be desirable ihe longevity of the native as because thf .
or undesirable. So the constellation and are the lord of the houses (2-|-7), a?"
sub of the Ascendant indicate whether the Badhaka-sthana respectively.
longevity is short or long or middle. As- So the old statement should have dele/
certaining this, find out the time of death. gated in this manner that when the cusr .'
This may be found out from the significa- of the Lagna (Aries—Ascendant) fell in tb
tors-of 2, 7, 12 and Badhaka-sthanam, constellation of the Venus and undej t! '■
comparing the running dasa of the native sub of either Venus or Saturn, the longe '
as well as the transit of the luminaries and vity of the native would indicate short,1
the slow moving planets at that moment. This much may be obtained from the cusrij
He says that planets in the constellation of the Ascendant and not the exact timjj
of the occupants are stronger than the and date. "j,
occupants. Then tbe occupants are strong. So the cusp of the Ascendant may stat U
Next, the planets in the constellation—lord the matter only but not the exact time an
of the Bhava are stronger than the lord of date of the events. Therefore the cxab,.!
the Bhava. In this way the strong signifi- longitude of the ascendant is required to )
cators are to be found out of any matter. state the matter of longevity; otherwise if
it be not stated, it is not possible to statej
How to fix up the exact position of the any matter regarding the native's longe-,
lagna and tbe planets from the above old ~ vity, ti
statement by Krishnamurti Padbdhati iJ
Lagna Sphnt:—Here the lagna is Mesh, Moon's Longitude—How it be found out
as stated. I ord of Mesh is Mars. Under by K.P-
this sign there are 3 stars, viz: Aswini, Now it has been ascertained that th • .
Bharanl and ICritika-the lords of which longevity of the native is only 3 day? I
are Kethu,. Venus, and Sun respectively. look at the fun ! There is no indication c , -
Out of the above, Venus is the lord of 2nd the Moon's longitude and even the sig n"
and 7th houses. For Aries-bor.- Venus is where it is posited in the old statemen.js
Maraka-sthanam-adipati which .s malefic But by Moon's longitude, one can find outjc
to the native for longevity only. Hence the events when it will be fructified asal
the longitude of the lagna is under the Moon indicates that. Why? BecauselS1|
sway of the constellation of. Venus, is no Moon is the planet which indicates the,
doubt in that sign—Aries as the old state- Dasa System. So Moon's longitude must,
ment stated the lagna, as Aries. So the be required. How it can be ascertained '1
constellation lord is a malefic one for the from the above old statement? Please
longevity. But as the longevity is extre- look again the statement where sages say 11f
mely short, i.e. only 3 days, hence the sub- that the native will die within 3 days from
lord of the ascendant must be a malefic the date of birth. Hence the Moon's posi- 11
one. Then which are the malefic subs for tion must be either in the langa (rapt
conjunction with the cusp of ascendant) combination or conjunction in a certain
or in the other two identical positions sign or house, creates disturbance in the
where the constellation Venus and with body and mind of the native as they will
the same malefic sub is, as stated above. , make a tug-of-war with life and the death.
So the possible position of the Moon is The lord of II of Chara Rasi (or the
either in Aries or Leo or Sagittaries—where planets in the. constellation of the occu-
the constellation Lord Venus and the pants or lord of II) must create un-
sub of either Venus or Jupiter or Saturn desirable result to the longevity specially,
may be available. when it will be deposited in a malefic—
Such constellation and sub have been constellation and under a malefic sub. It
' selected as because the native's longevity is has been stated in the old statement that.
■extremely short—and native must pass the the Sun is just crossing the Saturn in I
malefic dasa and sub undoubtedly. Capricorn. In Capricorn, there are 3 stars, j
viz. Uttarashada, Sravana, and Dbanishta
Whenever the dasa of native will be the lord of which are the Sun, Moon ant?' Moon's longitude and whenever it and Mars respectively. Out'of that MarsV
will be seen that the Native is running owns a malefic house—the eighth house, aj
with malefic period provided the sub lord house of worries, anxiety , and losfij
of the cusp of the Ascendant wiil indicate Whether the worries and anxiety will su'/t
a short life, the native will die within tantiate or not, will decide the . sub. J*£
three days as stated by the sages provided the Sun just crossed Saturn 'and-4lil
during that period, the luminaries should longevity of the native is too short, so the
transit the dasa-Cath and sub lord, etc. the longitude of the Saturn must be in the
with the transit of the slow moving planets Mars constellation and under the sub ol
in a malefic constellation and suh as Jupiter, The position of Sun will then be
mentioned before. in Mars constellation under the sub bf
Now Mars is conjoined with Moon as Saturn. Both constellation and sub of Sun
stated in the old statement. Mars is a and Saturn are malefic to the longe vity.
malefic by nature and it owns a .malefic Hence the longevity as stated in the old--
house, viz. 8tb house. So it afflicts-the statement by the sages will be fulfilled when
Moon sign at that time and is under the the above timing position of the planets
sway of malefic constellation and sub also. and lagna will indicate which is the malefic
Though Mars is the lord of the ascen- to the longevity; otherwise in other longi-
dant, yet it loses all power to give the tute of the same sign as stated in the bid
longevity due to thedeposition inthe male- statement will not come to be true and
constellation and sub. Nowif, lagna thus fails in every time and in every case
and Moon's sign be the same, then the except in such a position which is rare.
native's lagna as well as the Moon's sign Besides, these old above rule for the-
will be afflicted. longevity is for 29i years interval as
So, the statement as given by the sages Saturn returns in the same signin 291 year
can cbme to be true only to the certain after (approximately). ^
combination but not in general way, as it
has been made. Hence Krishnamurti Padhdhati Ts1" i
co-ordinate system of Astrology by which
Now, next comes the Sun and Saturn. the points can be had in the locus which
Sun is the karaka for health and longe- has been formulated by Prof. KRISHNA
vity. It owns 5th house of Aries-born. MURTI himself.
Saturn is detrimental to the health and
longevity. Here Saturn vwds the !0th and So, Prof. Krishnamurti will " get "Ifi;
11th houses. Mesh is a Chara fU si. So whole credit for his invention. •
the lltb bouse is the Badhaka-stLinam. Were it be the old age—the age of.Para
Nature of Saturn is to cool the body sara oi Brigu and were KRISHnAMURJ
whereas Sun warms it. So they are natu- lived then, he would have been-crowne
ral enemy. Therefore, in this case their with A RISHI or MAHARlSHl-y£. £
— ■
[Students are requested to know the of fith hciuir. one will hxve ucknesi i
principle underlying these rules. Think ccpfibli; for i.tfetlion: KeilkWcv vc,y
for a while. You get the answer. In the fhtor, fttiipvfaliott takes l.mcs: Wjl! ciff
last I shall explain, why.] atlend to laws of hysirn;: One Will,
always have p«t] One will he alUeheal
If that point which rises in the east, (O fnaifhmiJ uaclc ; inmnli, scfvaoi raiid
which is called ascendant Qla&idnsubtolord ele. Win* liUfalioB. Plcction etc.
fall. or of the ascendt
(7] If I he sub |urd signlfiei I
(1) public enemies disappear; there wi
significat union: purlnership : odc Will have h]
cates whether one can maintain good ihrOugh wife or ■ eine Urplile,^
health or not; One can resist against tn he always in ihe midst of et <
infectious disease or not. One can come Th«e wilt be marJiAi happlocti. 1
out successful in his efforts or not;
whether one's younger brother will gain ; C'} If (he sub lord b* the Siyg
mother can command the esteem of of 1 ithd S, one will tneel wilh.-1
others ; Children will have higher studies Thure will be aecideuts and V
or go overseas; or make long journey; One cau bavo legacy, or enlaayled ;
wife or competitors or partner will meet or gtailiLly, hnnuS, insurance y.'^i1
with any adverse results—any danger to profit, arrears of pay, tic. One Wf
their lives, etc. ■nulatB nioDey; do business for''
Thetr will be uccull erpefieiicer-,.tY
(2) If the sub lord of the Ascendant mislic- "
is the significator of the ascendant and
second house, one gains money; enters ■(?) If lite sub lofd of I be ift^
•into service or increases bis bank position. the IiRJjifieutor of 1 and 9, one
Benefit accrues through industrious rubarl lovex long jrwrneifl r
activity. psychic Experiences : he rcllfiou!
(3) If the sub lord of the ascendant Uphletl' higher ihouglil subject! Sll'l
to the significator of the ascendant and ales fliny Itel doElnne:. OUC liktl ,
3rd house, one has good mental develop- and re inarcli: one have p",
ment : gains more knowledge by making drcEins; g.dins. thrnugli brother-1ttyg
frequent • short journeys; attached to wifo'e reUilvet, L
brothers, neighbours, etc., relatives are (101 If (be sub lord of the aw
also useful and helpful. is the tignifitJlof of 1 end till
(4) If the sub lord of the Ascendant does menlirriour dead; one ii f
is the significator of houses I and 4, one csltcm Out Wilt hrtve brt.i
has good education, studious, gains prrsi i|:< onr can f L>me li> ihr V . ivf .
through estates, mines, etc. will be hene- r.uhl--: -irul popuhn: will11 r1 h ■■ T
fitted by ancestral property : may enter- lllnh lOli rl mil smii ■■ I
tain in occult investigations. There can be no |flJilSUrl> t no HuU |
00 dnhiiiiHi'." Wot hrtfli nubdiOHi:
(5) If the sub lord of the ascendant uuvptslfiwe for buiiDHt end lo he U r j
is the significator of bouses I and S, one lliah.
has much delight in sports, speculation
and pleasurable pursuit. One will be til) Tftbiiaiilili»rJoribii«ii'i,'''(
much attached to children. fhe sigh |Jfp(Ull nr I -mil 11.
r.,Mnhar ot btneratfio"- 0,l,, f
If the sub lord of the Ascendant is not 4Uiii elheii j|(iJ alto ht i"111*
only the significator of lagna but also that fflfAjg' an |oyi line tire; (Ulvfa ""
question.: Cure to disease, speedy recovery , lucky to mother ; professional
and taking prophylatic medicines prevent- children, danger to partner, gains in
ing diseases ate promised. Hopes and cinema and service to father and change
wishes wilt be fulfilled. Marriage to child- of residence to elder brother or sister.
ren : Prosperity and satisfaction.
(12) If the sub lord of the ascendant (b) Significator of 1 and 3: gains to
is the significator of 1 and 12, there will be younger brother," mother has change in her
enough of troubles, jealousy, secret inimi- official career. Children gains in a foreign
cal activity, sorrows, everywhere hindrance place: Partner visits many places and
and thereby impediments. Liking to proceeds on long journey; Father g'sia
study occult science ; Practise Yoga ; go through mother ; Elder brother has advan-
to unfrequented place: prefers isolation: tages by agency, editing etc.
even for minor ailment, hospitalisation :
there is the danger of imprisonment. One (c)'Significator of 1 and 4, luck i
will be the cause of, his own undoing:, younger,: fortune to mother : longjouni
one will be a victim for being cheated, and life in a foreign place to childfl
swindles, etc. guard against treachery, favourable to wife or partner: loss!
conspiracy, .etc. one believes in purchasing father : father has to lose or face diffiq
and investing money than to keep in bank. tieS, elder brother falls sick, quarrel
neighbour etc.
(a) Sub lord of 1; significator of 1
and 2, mixed results to younger brother. Thus one has to judge.
Leo cine. Black-magic, Meningitis, Dorse!
Sun: Kethu : Kethu-0.00.00-0.46.40 ■Vertibre, Jail Department, Lethel
Disease in the heart, Palpitation, Giddiness, Chamber, Fear, Depression, Disharmony.,
Congestion, Chemical, Medical, Govern- Sun: Kethu: Guru-7.33.20-9.20-00
ment, Security in service. Physician. Philosophical, Religious, Cancer, Conges-
Sun: Kethu: Venus-0.46,40-3.00.00 tion, Enlargement, Regurgitation, Bank,
Spinal Meningitis, Syncop, Epylepsy, Administrator, Advocate, Judge, Reli-
welling, Optician, Skin expert, Leoco- gious Endowment.-
derma. Leprosy, Transport, Automobile, Sun: Kethu: Sani-9.20.00-11.26.40
Women & Children Hospital, Chemical,' Rheumatic fever. Rheumatic heart.
'.Sun: Kethu: Sun-3.00.00-3.40.00, Affliction of bony system, ' Chronic
hrembosis, Sun-stroke, Unconscious, ailment, High fever. Smallpox, Position
trouble. Medical; Hospital, Service, of trust, Head of the Department, Factory,
ermanency. Copper, Steel, Mine, Real Estate,
Abortive, Denial of Children, Irregular
Sun : Kethu ; Moon-3.40.00-4.46.40 ^oils. monthly periodicity. Defective in gene-
Thrombosis Head-ache, Trouble in aotta, rative system. Homeopathy.
"Vena.Cavae, Neuralgia, Shipping, navy, Sun; Kethu; Mercury-ll,26.40-13.20.00
Boilers, Regurgitation in the heart, Nervine trouble. Palpitation of the heart,
confusion. Meningitis, Giddiness, Pestilence, Ingenia,
Sun : Kethu : Mars-4.46.40-5.33.20 Audita, Petition writer. Typist, Journalist,
epilepsy,Heartdisease,LocomotorAtaxia, Advertising—No issue. Barren, Abortive,
inter-spinal muscles. Spinal marrow. Sun: Venus : Venus-13.20,06-15.33.20
Dispute. Litigation, DeFence, Police, Ever fond of pleasurable pursuit. Love
Industry. affairs. Sports, Eye trouble. Music, Art,
Poetry, Popularity, Social Success,
Cinema, Good luck,Exhibition, Maternity.
Correct time of birth
K. S. K.
" Sir, a friend of mine wants to know Kethu. Moon is in Sagittarius own
his birth time correctly. He knows that by Jupiter.
he was born in the early morning hours K. S. K.; Therefore what arc the ruli
within an hour before or after Sunrise at
his place 1° 18' Southland 36* 52' East." planets ?
K. S.K.; "What did you do?" N. St. : Kethu, Sun, Kethu, Jupiter.
New Student—"I worked out by Hindu K. S. K.: What is his date of birth ?
system and I had many alternatives. N.St.; 3-12-1928.
I did Pre-natal Epoch. I had a time K. S. K.: Where was the Moon ?
before sunrise and another after sun- N. St.: Makam star, in Leo Sign.
rise. There is the alternative. Sign Kethu star.
K. S. K.: You applymymethod. That is, K.S.K, : Name out the ruling planet
you take the ruling planets at the Find out whether these two are there
moment of judgment. They are the Then note down which are left.out.
lord of the constellation where lagna
falls: the lord of the constellation N.St.: Kethu, Sun, Kethu, Jupits
occupied by Moon; the lord of the Moon was in Sun sign Kethu Star
sign in which Moon is deposited and That which are left over are Jupiter
the lord of the day. and strong Kethu which appeared
N. St.: Am I to find out the exact position more than once.
of lagna? K.S.K.: Now note the range of the lagna
K. S. K. : Yes. What is the time now? which could have risen in the East
from an hour before Sunrise to an
N. St.: I dial 174. hour after Sunrise.
K.S.K.; You reject the number of seconds N. St.; It'should be about 15° before and
which they give, but take the time in after Sun. Sun on 3-12-1928 was in
minutes only as we have spent a few about 18°. Therefore the lagna must
seconds. be between 3° Scorpio to 3° Sagitta-
N. St.: Yes, Sir. It is 11-45 a. m. I.S.T. rius.
The latitude of our place is 13° N. K. S. K. ; Scorpio is owned by Mars. It i
To-day it is Sunday 29-6-69. Hence not a ruling planet. Reject it out,
the Nirayana Lagna falls in Uthra- right. Before Sunrise he is not borm
palguni star governed by Sun. Take Sagittarius. It is owned by
K. S.K.; In which sign the lagna is. Jupiter. Within 3°, we have the con-
N. St. : In Virgo, Sir. But we have to take stellation of Kethu. As Kethu repeate
in the ruling planets, take Kethu sub
Kethu in place of Mercury as the lord Sun sub sub'. Work out,
of the sign as Kethu is now in the
sign of Mercury. N. St.: Then it should be 0°10' Sagitta-
rius Nirayana. Krishnamurti Aya-
K.S.K.; Yes, proceed. namsa being 22° 45', Sayana
N. St.: To-day Sunday is ruled by Sun. ascendant should bet 22° 55' in
Moon is in Moola governed Sagit rius.
K. S. K.: Proceed. His chart is as follows:—
N. St.: As we have to calculate for 10° 18' Kethu 2.40
South Latitude, 0° 10' Sagittarius Sat. 23.17 IX 7.21 X 8.21 XI 8.38
Nirayana 22° 55' Sayana ^Sagittarius. VIII 6-21 Ura 22.57 Mcrcl7.08 Mars 11.11
Sir, as it..will occupy much space Sun 28.37
here, T shall.give the answer. In the For tun a
next issue we can give, how to find 10.16 Vcn. 0.35
out sidereal time from the. position Jup.>.!4 XII 8.21
of ascendant to South Latitudes. VII7-55
K.S.K.: Alright. Asc. 7.55
N. St.: It will be 6-47 a.m. L. M. T. at VI 8.21 Ncp. 25.31
36' 52' E-
K. S.-K.: What is the standard time ? V-8.38 VT S.21 j..
Moon 111 - 2T 11 6.71
N. St.: In. East Africa,, they use East | 0.58 Rahu 2.40 '^
African standard time, abbreviated as
EAST. It is fixed for 450E., i. e., 3
hours over Greenwich meantime and N. St.: What for, you have called him '
2i hours less I. S. T. Therefore 6-47 and took bis chart, Sir.
a.m. L.M.T- = 7-19-32 a.m. EAST K. S. K.: Ruling planets reveaj,the
K-S.K.: Come on. Make out the map. position of lagna or fhat of Moon or
Let us verify by facts applying K.P. position of any planet in or
the position the Ctisp in question
N. St. : Here it is. or the significators of the matter
question. So ruling planets
V 2.11 VI 2.15 virMars
Ura 10.46 Jupiter reveal that which you want.
IV0.1I Rahu 13.25
8.34 7.03 VIII28,11 Further, people having same ruling •
planets at the moment of birth will come
together to such an astrologer, who is
X 28.11 honest, who is sincerely devoted to God^
who does not speak ill of others due to
his jealousy caused by incapability, who
Moon6.33. works hard with open mind. It is Divine
III 28.11 Nep. 8-38 ' Grace. It is the tip from nature.
Sani 27.34 Look, what are this person's ruling
II 28.11 Sun 17.59 planets. Sun, Kethu, Guru, Kethu. Do
Vca. 26.34 Mere. 9.35 XI 2.11 X0.11 not they in full agree with the gentleman
Asc. 0.10 Kethu 7.3 who wants correct time of birth.
XII 2.13
Kethu Dasa balance 3 years 6 months 22 N. St.: Sir, thanks very much . Shall we
proceed to the original chart
days. [Now enters a young gentleman and verify.
to consult. I know that it is God-sent.
So I took his horoscope. It is cast K.S.K.: Yes, what is his date of marriage?
by himself. He is Mr. G. Ananda Rao, N. St. 3-5-51, please,
M.A. Research Scholar in Andhra K. S. K.: How to Judge and find out their
University at Vizagapatnam. Born on time of marriage.
13-6-1938 at 18° 17'N 83°57'E at
10-33 A.M. L.M.T. He has studied N. St.: Houses 2, 7 and 11 are to be taken.
thoroughly Krishnamurti Padhdhati. Significators are to be found out.
I took bis chart and gave him time to When we get alternate dates, we
meet me later.] should reject (fhose dates when transit
does not agree, We should fix the Venus sign Mars star Jupiter sub and
date when transit agrees. Kethu in Jupiter star, lord of 2: Moon
in Mercury star, lord of 7. Mars in Venus
Second house is vacant. It is owned star, lord of 11. Thus the significators
by Jupiter. No planet is in Jupiter's star- were in great advantageous position."
No Node;is in Jupiter's sign. Hence
Jupiter is a significator. K.S.K.: Good.
Seventh house is occupied by Mars. No N. St.: " Sir, his son died on 2-10-68.
planet is in its star. Kethu is in a sign At that time be had been running Mars
owned by Mars. Kethu will act as an Dasa Mars Bhukti Kethu Anthra.
agent of Mars in 7.
Eleventh house is unoccupied. It is K. S. K.: Take the 5th house as the first
owned by Venus. Venus alone is in its house of his son. Then calculate.
star. Rahu represents Venus as it is in Ascertain the date of death taking
Venus sign. Bbadaka and Maraka Sthanams.
Therefore Jupiter, Veiius, Kethu and N. St.; As the Ascendant is in Sagittarius I
Rahu are the strongest significalors. 0° 10' and the chart belongs to one
born in Nairobi, the 5th house wi
At the time of his birth, he was running be from '2° 11' Aries tcrv29"
Kethu Dasa for 3 years 6 months 22 days. Taurus. As the Cusp is in Aries, it is
So Sukra Dasa operated between 25-6-32 a movable sign and hence, bbadaka-
to 25-6-1952. Kethu Bhukti was between sthana is Aquarius and no planet is
25-4-51 to 25-6-52. So during Ketbu Anthra in the 11th counted from Aries.
itself he got married immediately after Houses 2 and 7 are Marakasthanas.
Kethu Bhukti started. Kethu is very strong Rahu alone is found. Mars is in
to give 7th house results as it acts as' an Rahu star. 11th bouse is owned by
agent of Mars in 7 and is conjoined with Saturn. Mercury and Kethu areltri
Mercury owner of 7. star. Hence Mars, Mercury and Kethu
are evil. Then boy died. When Mars
By transit, Sun was in Mars sign Venus Dasa Mars Bhukti Kpthu Anthra ope-
star Rahu sub; Venus, Dasanatha in rated. This agrees most satisfactorily.


ASHOK GHOSH, M.Tcch., Calcutta
Few-branches in Astrology have excited planets " by Prof. Krishnamurti stated out
more interest and more resultant contro- as a salient landmark and is really open
versy than the rectification of birth-time. sesame to the rectification of birth time.
Although a search through literatures give The method is simple, crystal clear,
a Parade of methods for the rectification convincing and gives miraculously and
of birth-time, viz., Pre-natal epoch uncanningly accurate .result when applied
primary and secondary directions in intelligently and with sincere urge
western astrology as well as a host of This had been tested by my friends
others suggested in Traditional astrology, having known births and asking me to
but still a critical examination of all these give out the correct position of lagna.
methods always reveal contradiction, Invariably I was always correct.
confusion and inaccuracy. Of the various
attempts made towards the rectification of Ruling planets, according to Krishna-'
birth time, the discovery of " Ruling murthi are:
(a) Lord of the Ascendant star rising in a constellation, which is the
in the East constellation of the consultant at
(b) Lord of the Ascendant sign the moment of his birth (it is
100% true if he happens to be
(c) Lord of the Moon star the first querist on that date and
(d) Lord of the Moon sign . the consultant had visited for
(c) Lord of the Day. .this purpose only).
Further to have a more clearer doubt- Here below, I am discussing two
less picture, it is necessary to consider the practical cases to show the marvel of
Hora lagna star, Hora Lagna rasi and Krishnamurti Padhdhati.
Sun's position. But the fundamental and
most useful discovery due to Krishna- Case I; Mr. M.L.M.
murti is the 'Sub'. Hence the sub-lords April 5, 1924, 22°42'N90° 22' E(Barisal,
of ascendant. Moon and Hora lagna must E. Pakistan) Birth time given : 7-30 A.M. .
also be scrutinized. A unification of all L.M.T. '
these will give rise to some planets which
are the actual ruling planets in terms of For the rectification of birth-time of
Krishnamurti Padhdhati. this native and hence to erect the -horos
cope, I took up this case on Marcfir2 ,
For the application of ruling planets to 1969, a Fridav at 9-49 P.M. I.S.T. at
the rectification of birth-time. Prof. New Delhi.
Krishnamurti partly owes to Brihat
Jataka which also hints a method for the The ruling planets at the moment of
erection of a horoscope from the time of judgment were as follows; The ascendant
query. This leads Krishnamurthi to think rising in the east at that moment was
that the time of birth and the ' Genuine' exactly I, 9° 03', of Libra, .governed by
urge to work out and erect the horoscope Venus, the star by Rahu and the sub by
of a native from the moment of query Moon. Moon was transitting through 19°
or judgment must have a direct bearing. 02' of Aries, governed by Mars, the star by
And after many years of careful attention, Venus and the sub by Rahu. The day was a
Krishnamurti found that "The ruling Friday ruled by Venus. Hence the ruling
planets at the time of judgment must be planets boiled down to Mars, Venus, Rahu
the same planets ruling the. ascendant and Moon. Since according
cusp, viz., the planets who govern the sign to the approximate time given, the
in which the ascendant is, the cohetcllation ascendant is assumed to be Aries, hence
in it, the sub and sub sub (for the sub and the ascendant .will be Mars sign, Venus
sub sub, please go through Krishnamurthi star, Rahu sub and Moon sub sub. The
Padhdhati Advanced stellar astrology). combination for the ascendant worked
out to be 19055'Niraypna Aries. N
Of particular importance in connection note the miraculous truth of K.P.—the
with rectification of birth-time, Krishna- Moon is transiting through the same si
murthi discovered also that Aries which is the birth sign of the native,
and the position of Moon 19° 02'Aries
(1) Tbc position of lagna in a sign was more or less exactly the same as the
at the moment of judgment is birth ascendant 19° 55'Aries (Calculated'
mostly the position of Moon in
that sign at the time of birth and The correct time of birth was then
vice versa. calculated taking nirayana 19° 55'-Aries or
sayana 12° 37' Taurus as ascendant.
(2) The moment when a horoscope (Krishnamurti Ayanamsa for the year
is taken for judgment, especially 1924 is 22° 42').
for the first time, on that day the
Moon mostly will be transitting
.Si&ereEU time at!birth-29 .13,711.54 s. remembering one important ruling
Sidereal time on previous noon (4:4-24) K.P. that if a node is coojoined*
= 0 h. 49 m. 12 s. aSpected by or occupying the sign r
by the significators, the node bee,
Applying the longitude correction, the much more stronger to offer the re!
sidereal time on the previous noon for Here on the date of judgment, Sui
20°22'E = 0h. 49m. 12s.--Oh. 0m, 5s. -Oh. conjoined with Rahu and Rahu is i
49m. 7s. . more strong significator. (Note Rahu i|
the constellation of Saturn and aspe
Corrected time interval . by Mars and hence also it curbs partjj
= Sidereal time at birth-Sidereal strength of Saturn and Mars.) Henffl
time on previous noon at 90° 22'E ' combination boiled down to Venus, R|
Saturn and Mars. The approxin
' —20h! -ISm. 54s'.-Oh. 49m. 7s.= 19h. birth-time given showed that the ascenj
24m. 47s. . . . - ' . ■_ will be Libra. Now Libra has in possa
Now deducting for interval correction, the stars ruled by Mars, Rahu and Jtf
we, get the actual time of birth after Since Rahu predominantly played
previous noon. 1 . v strong significator on the date
ment, the ascendant star mu3
19h. 24m. 47s;'- Oh. 3m. = 19h. Rahu. But for further guidtl
21m'.'36s. = 7h. 21m. 3ds. A.M. L;M.T.,on divine help, 1 asked immediatl
date of birth 4-4-24. v number between 1 and 108 to 1
Hence, I.S.T. at birth = L.M.T-4 (E ' sitting thereby. He told,to my!
Long.-82° 30') = 7h. 2im. 36s.-Oh. 31m. number 93 which - falis ^in Saturn
28s = 6h. 50m. Ss. A.M-'I.S.t. Aquarius, Rahu star and the subl
being Rahu and Jupiter. -Note Jug
Hence .the correct birth-time i will be sign on that is also Occupied by j
7h.^Im.-'Sds. A.M. L.M.T. or 6h. 50m. 8s. Hence unequivocally, I fixed the as
A.M., I.S.T. against the given -time 7h. of the native as Venus sign, Ral
30m. A.M. L.M.T. Saturn sub and Mars sub sub.
Case IX: Mr. M.J.S/ combination worked out to be 10°
nirayana Libra. The most mirac
Sept. 4, 1931, Friday. ' thing to note that the birth starf
"■> :33° 37'N-!:730 3'E (Gujarkhan, Rawal- native is Krithika ruled by Sun (J
pindi) , . : ' while, the Moon at the moment of
ment was also transitting througf
Birth time given 9.45 A.M.'L.M.T. same sign and constellation. Fua
"■'•"■■A ■' the ascendant at the moment of judS
Time of judgment = 8.27 A.M. on was also the same as the birth asce|
22.3)1969 at New Delhi. Ruling planets In this case;- if we follow the same
at the moment of judgment; .The ascen- . depicted in case I, we will get the 1
dant rising in the east was 4° 24' of Libra, , time of birth as 9h. 51m. 30s.
governed by Venus, the star by Mars and L.M.T. or lOh. 29m. 18s. A.M.I.S.T:J
the sub by Venus. Moon is transitting
through 0° 56' of Taurus, governed by These two examples clearly shoj
Venus, the star by Sun and the sub by fact that the tech tuque of ruling-
Rahu. The day was Saturday ruled by discovered by PimI Krishnamurti |
Saturn. Hence the ruling planets are only pole star jfl field" of birth
Venus, Mars, Sun, Saturn and Rahu. Now cation. Long Ijffour Guruji! '
K. S. K.
When will the negotiation mature?" in the 18th line. We want for 23° 20' i.e.
is my problem. 9' more. The ascendants moves 53' in
" What for? " about 4 minutes ; for 9', one-sixth time is
needed. The other cusps move by 1° in
" Regarding my business. Why should ' those 4 minutes. Therefore one-sixth of
you know this. Sir. " the difference is 10'. Add 10' to each
" The houses which I have to take for cusp given. Then Sayana 2nd cusp will be
judgment depends on the quejy. If it is 13° 10' ; 3rd cusp 15° 10' 10th cusp 17°
for marriage, I have to consider 7th house 10'; 11th cusp 26° 1,0'i 12th cusp 23° 10';
other than 3 and 9 : If it is for adoption Deducting ayanamsa to get Nirayana posi-
of a child, 5th bouse, other than 3 and 9 ; tion 2nd cusp will be 24° 50' Cancer; 3rd
if it is for business and take over an indus- cusp 21° 50' Leo; 4th, 23° 50' Virgo 5th,
try, you have to judge houses 10, 6, 3 and 26° 50' Libra 6th 0° Sagittarius; 7th 0°
9. When the significators promise and .Capricorn and so on.
conjointly operate, then only you can take So, draw a map and then insert the
over: prior to that the negotiation will., position of planets for 6-30 A.M. I.S.T. on
mature". Sunday 6-7-69 (Here no latitude, no longi-
"Sir, already a business is run by one tude need be taken.)
who does not West Bengal. 1
am a Bengalee. I have better chances to X 23.50 XII 0°
enjoy the co-operation of the labour by Moon Sat. 13.40 Veo. 5.46 Mere.
14.12 XI 26.50 2.56
my persoial tactics and run the show. In Rahu 1-25 Sun 20.26
my case, no ghaeoring : no fears. I can
manage nicely. So I can prove to be a Asc. 0®
successful administrator. I have such a 1X21.50 II 24o.50/
" Alright: Please mention a number
between J and 249 ". VIII24.50 III21o.50'
"Good. 63 means that the Ascendant Rclu 1.25
should be between 0° Cancer to 0° 33' 20" liip 128
VI0° Mars 8.24 V 26*.50' Ufa. 6.54
Cancer. It is in Moon's sign, Jupiter star. . ■ IV 23o.5a'
Moon sub." Now I have to erect a horos-
cope for Calcutta Latitude, presuming O" Nowdasa balance: Saturn Dasa 3 years
Cancer—Nirayana rises in the East. Rap- 6 months 6 days, i.e. Saturn Dasa Rahu
hael Table of houses furnish Sayana posi- Bhukthi is to run for 0 ys. 11 months and
tion. Therefore, add the Krishnamurti 24 days : Venus Andhra is running. It has
ayanamsa for the Nirayana position of to run for 5 months and 8 days. Then
the Ascendant obtained for Number 63 = follows Sun Andhra and so on.
Cancer 0°. Now the ayanamsa is IS" 20'.
So far Calcutta Latitude of 22° 93' N. Negotiation to be made by a native is
refer the column in page 42, left hand ascertained from the significatorofthe 3rd
corner at the top. You find that the posi- house; whether it is promised or not is
tion of other cusps are given for 23° 11' found from the sub lord of the 3rd cusp.
7th house denotes with whom the negoti- "You always talk about ruling planets.
ation is carried on. The third therefrom But you have not taken them ".
shows whether he will conclude, i.e. the . " I had in my mind while working.
9tb house to the native. Alright what is today Sun ; Who is the
Giving away one's possession is shown lord of the ascendant—Moon: What is
by 12th house. Now the other person is the star—Uthrapadra governed by Saturn:
to give away his industry. This is indi- Rasi, Meena owned by Jupiter but Rahu
cated by 6th bouse. acts as an1 Agent.
As this is to do business later by the Therefore Sun, Moon, Rahu and
native, include lOtb house. Saturn are the ruling planets. They are
Moon shows the mind: i.e. the nature also the significators. Tlierefore the above
of the query. It is in 9: It is in the con- dates must and must come correct."
stellation of the planet, Saturn, in 10: sub "Sir, why do you prefer a number. Is
of Rahu in ^ who is to give the results of it Numerology or is it Astrology ? It is the
1,3, 6, 9 and 10. -Wonderful; Note doubt of a few. Please see my chart
how mysteriously his mind is clearly indi- also. " His birth chart is as follows :
cated by Moon.
Will his negotiation be suceessful? Find Born at 11-39.30 A.M. l.S.T. on
out the sub lord of the 3rd cusp. It is in 30-9-1911 at 12° 43' N and 90° 24' E,
Jupiter sub; Venus constellation. Both
in direct motion occupying '3 and 11. So Rahu 9-28 VI 14-3
negotiation must be successful. IV 19-3 V 18-3 Mars VII 7-43
Sani. 27.2 16-12-
" 3rd house: Sun and Rahu are in Jupi-
ter star ; None in Kethu star. III 15-3 VIII 10-3
6th house ; None in Rahu star; again
take Sun, Rahu and Jupiter. IX 15-3
9tb bouse; Rahu and Moon in 9 Take II 10-3 Ven; 21-42
Mer. 26-50
both as none is in their star.
10th house; Moon in Saturn star; Moon Jup. 22-11 13-27
Saturn. 11-11 XII 14-3 XI 18-3 Sun
Asc. 7.43 Ket. 9-28 X l§-3
As Saturn is one of the significators
prefer the last date to take over, and the
other previous dates for success and pro- Kethu Dasa balance 1 year 1 month 16
gress in the various stages during negoti- days.
ation. Now from 4-6-67 to 4-6-70 Rahu Dasa
(a) Saturn Dasa Rahu Bhukti Sun Sukra Bhukti.
Anthra Moon Shbokshma 17-12-69.
(b) Saturn—Rahu Sun Rahu 25-12-69. Mercury Anthra will be between
28-11-69 and 1-6-70.
(c) Saturn — Rahti, Moon, Rahu
12-2-70. Mercury Shookshma 17-12-69—Nego-
(d) Saturn—Rahu Moon Sun 26-4-40. tiation success.
Therefore, to agree, to pay advance, to Venus Shookshma 25-12-60—Agreement
register and to pa) the full ameunt and to signed.
run the show after re-organising, the Mars "Shookshma 17-2-70—Payment
above 4 dates are promised. of money and handing over.
Jupiter Shookhma 26-4-70—Regular tive science. After an event intelligently
work starts—New life to the industry. one can advance an argument. If one
So it agrees in full. says age 21 good i 22 bad ; 23 bad ; again
24 good and lucky and so on, will it stand
" Xes, let me tell you. Asking you to for test. , When people born on the same
give a number within 249 is not for nume- date enjoy diametrically opposite results,
rology. You saw the . working and how how can you predict- If Kapolean Bona-
the principles of astrology is scientifi- parte had victory at an. age, according to
cally explained. Only ignorant people if the theory, did he have a fall next year.
jealous, they may display their-ignorance. If in 1969, people aged 15, 16, 17, etc.
But idiots are better. They will accept appear for examination, will all the
that which is predicted and enjoy the people of 15 years come out successful
results, or they do not care for anything. in the competition. This method is for
Good quality in them is not tot speak ill post-mortem; it is to while away time:
of others.- 50—50. Chances are in all methods. It
is not a Science. But this number that
" What do you think of Numerology 1" you give is taken and pure genuine
•' To me, numerology is not a predic- astrology is applied.

By ■ ■
Mr. Palani of Madras-l, born on Actually you can't understand English.
at 1-14 a.m. You have no qualification."
I. S. T. at 78 E and lO'N says "Sir, When
I was young I was told that I would have "Can K. P. explain, Sir ? "
high education, then during Guru Dasa (a) Sub lord of the 4th Cusp is Venus :
Moon Bhuktj, I would hold gazetted post It is in 12 to 4. So far regular
in the Government especially due to Gaja-) attendance to school and to perse-
kesari Yoga and later during Saturn Dasa,' cute study, is not auspicious.
lord of 2 in 11 in exaltation I will be rich..
Actually I have not studied in even Higher ' (b) Rahu Dasa was at birth time and in
Elementary School; nor I am a peon youth. It is in Mercury star and
at least in Government service. I am an Mercury sub' which is in 4. So
assistant in sales department in a metal during Rahu Dasa you had educa-
shop. Can you guide me and predict my tion in elementary scjiool. When
future using your Padhdhati. Jupiter Dasa started as it was in the
sub of Moon in 6, and also lord of
IV 1-42 V 0.42 Moon 8 (no planet in 8th bouse) it put
Yen, 11-53 Merc. Mar .12-18 12-34 an end to studies. In youth you
Sun 10.36 6-36 VI27-42 VII 24-21 ' joined a vessel shop as an assistant.
■You had some cash leff behind by
Rahu your elders. You squandered it
HI 28-42 18-10 during Jupiter Dasa. Before 26
VIII25-44 years of age was over you lost
everything except this service.
1125-42 Saturn is exalted. It is lord of 2. If
KCU 18 JO IX 2S-42 is in 11; Venus is exalted. Tradi-
tional astrology fails to explain.
There are many rules. They will
Jup. 27-25 XII27-42 Sat, 20-27 confuse and contradict each other.
24-21 XI 0.42 Mc. 1-42 (a) ' If Saturn or Venus or both happen
to be exalted or occupy own boase
"The following in your horoscope;— or Vargothamusa and if they
cause Rajayoga, one will beg alms
At the time of birth Rahu Dasa balance in the street, even if he is born a
10 years 0 month 13 days as per the King or a Kubera.
method given in traditional astrology. (b) If either Saturn or Venus happen
Jupiter, lord of 4, Swakshethra, Vargo- to own 6 or 8 or 12 and if they are
tbamamsa, kendhra to Moon, Gaja- in 6 or, 8 or 12 mutually, they
kcsari Yoga, as'well as Rajayogadhipathi confer wealth.
Sun, conjoined'with labadhipatbi Venus (c) Lord of 2 in 11, is auspicious.
in exaltation in 4, must give good educa-
tion. Mercury, not eclipsed; it is far (d) Saturn is beneficial when exalted,
away in advance to Sun. So it should be or when' it is in Jupiter sign, etc.
very good. Thus' I can give dozens of slokas.
Nothing applies as there was is dwindling- Thereby you have to
' neither deterioration,'nor improve- find some other job.
ment in your life during Saturn
Dasa. Your health was good. " The horoscope is given.. Actual result ■
Finance remained stationary. Pro- is given. Traditional astrologers failed.
prietor tries to close the business Why Gajakesari Yoga and lord of 2 in 11
now. Thisfear has come now. K.P. , in exaltation failed to give me square
says that Saturn in the constella- meals, they can't answer.
tion and sub of lord of I(in 1, How many more Gajakesari Yogas they
gives health- 9th house indicates want, with such disappointments" asks
proprietor. Saturn islotd of 6 from Mr. Palani the native of this horoscope-
2th house. It is in the constellation
of lord of 5 and 8. is evil to Editors Note : The chapter on Raja-
the proprietor.' Whenever the period yoga is meaningless majority suffer.- This
of a planet deposited in the constel- brings ridicule to the science. If 5% of
lation of the owner or signiScator the people enjoy Rajayoga, 95% are dis-
of 5 and 8 operate, the native loses. appointed. T shall write how to judge
His opponents, competitors will please. Put an end to mention such Yogas
gain as 5 and 8 to the native means as the slokas promise fortune whereas
11 and 2 to the competitor. There- be is in the hands of Maranayoga—the
fore the position of the proprietor torture.] ^
Sir, I am born at03-OI A.M. L.M.T. i.e. " During my Sun Dasa Mercury Bhukti
2-36-24 A.M. I-S.T. on 14/15-3-1931. at Saturn Anthra."
22-33N and 88-23E. My horoscope is " Why should Sun entangle you? "
erected as per K.P. It is as follows:
Vcd. 29-43 "Probably it is lord of 6. No planet is
MOOn Merc. Sun ' in 6: Sun and Saturn alone are in Sun
28-44 10-5] 0- s 8 IV 13-53 star. Further Mercury is in Kethu star
Rab. 19-43 11 21-14 Til 18-53 Jup, 24-15 Saturn sub. Case was that the forgery
Asc. 16-44 was committed during my Sun Dasa Saturn
V 8-53 Bhukti Mercury Anthra and the case was
XH 9-53 Mars filed during Sun Dasa Mercury Bhukti
Mercury Dasa 23-48 Saturn Anthra.-"
Balance 1 Vcar " What did you do? "
7 Months 12 Days
XI 8-53 Vf9-53 " I consulted a few .astrologers. They
Sat, 0-22 said that shortly, I was entering into
exalted Venus Bhukti; Sun and Venus are
VII16-44 temporary friends by occupying signs 3
X 13-53 IX 18-53 VIII 21-14 Ket. 19,43 and 11 to each other. Next comes Moon
Dasa which will surely cause popularity,
prosperity etc., and I will be happy."
On 4-8-1964, one filed a suit against "But what did happen after Moon Dasa
me alleging that I bad forged. On started on 27-12-65? "I stopped going to
14-2-1966 1 was punished: I was impri- ration shop : no expenses for me: I was in
soned in my Moon Dasa between 14-2-66 the prison between 14-2-66 and 15-3-66."
and 15-3-66. Now I am on bail. I have
appealed. In .my service, I am kept " So this is the Gajakesari Yoga. "
under suspension. This is the Gajakesari "Not only that; As you wrote pre-
Yoya. No income. Nobody is willing to viously, 1 am not having my, regular'
give a job to me." shave: X can't put on'well-washed dress:
," What js it that you want? " I can't meet my friends: I shun society."
"Whether I can win the case or not. " Do you know why Gaja Kesari Yoga
When the judgment can be expected? " failed?"
"Alright! I do not know the law. " I am to know. Sir. "
' When a case is in a court, whether one can " Note in-which sub Moon and Jupiter
.offer a prediction or not and whether it were? What do the sub-lords promise to
will amount to contempt of court or not, you? If the sub-lords promise favourable
I do not know. Yet without mentioning results, you enjoy : if the sub-lords pro-
your name, your suit no; the Court where mise unfavourable results, you suffer.
it is to be beard, let rme deal the subject " Your Moon is in Mercury star,
astrologically, with' apologies if need Saturn sub. Saturn is lord of 11 and also
be." lord of 12. No planet is in 12.- No planet
" Which planets indicate forgery? " is in Saturn star. So Saturn must offer
" Saturn and Mercury: Saturn knows 12th house results. So Moon gets spoiled.
no law ; Mercury is to write: so forgery Moon is in lagna: It is in the constel-
is governed by Mercury and Saturn." lation of planet in lagna. It is in the
sub of Saturn signific'ator of I2th house.-
" In which period was the case filed? " So Moon is spoiled.
. 32
, Jupiter is in its own star and Mercury on 15-3-66 Moon was in Venus constella-
sub. Mercury isin). So Jupiter is not tion. Mars, Moon and Venus 1 are
' spoiled. Jupiter will be good. ■'* aspected by the significator of 10, 11 and
"Yes, Sir, during Sun Dasa' Jupiter 12 as per his chart.]
Bbukti, I was very happy." Only Moon Sir,
Dasa, started and at once gave me the ■
above"adverse result". Can you furnish one more chart of a
living person who had had such an
"Alright! yOu want to know whether unexpected suffering and ever memorable
you can win the case : if so, when! difficulties.
" Yes, please. " Yes. A gentleman born at 8.10 P.M. on
Did you read Krishnatnurti Padhdhali 2-8-1927 at 27-54 N and 78-05 E with the
lines 23 and 24, page 335 in Volmue II. following chart was arrested on 22-3-69
"Saturn and Mercury threaten imprison-, at 4-50 P.M. and let on bail on 7-4-69
ment due to forgery etc., "Where is Moon?'' at 5 P.M.
It is in the sub of Saturn. I had explained The investigation is going on for cons-
that one should judge the bouses 3 and 12: piracy.
3rd shows change of residence and short
journey: 12 indicates restrictions in move- Rabu 2-57
ment," life in.some other place: confine- II >7-58 V 11.7,
ment, imprisonment, etc. "As there were Jup.10-39 III 21.7 IV 17.7 Mercury
not in fixed sign, the duration was short". 29-29
Let us see whether you will succeed in Asc. 7.10 VJ 6.7
the appeal. Balance Moon Dasa Sun 16.34
Saturn being the significator of both 11 ~ Years 3 Months
28 Days. VII7-10
and 12 and since it aspects- Mars or rather Mars
Saturn is aspected by Mars, during Moon XII 6-7 12-27
Dasa Saturn Bbukti Mars Anthra you will /en. 26-55
be let out due to benefit of doubt. It
will be around 24-4-71. XI 11.7 X 17-7 Mood
Let us checkup by Horary. Give a Kelu 2-57 Sat.8-18 IX 21-7 III12-14
number within 249. " 38, please,"
So ascendant in Taurus will be at 23" 20', Jupiter dasa Venus Bbuktbi Sun Anthra
Moon is in 12 in the constellation of the started. Jupiter and Sun are in the
lord of the ascendant in 12. Mars is in constellation of Significator of 12, Saturn.
direct motion in 6th " house 7th sign. Venus is in the star and sub of Sun, owner
Jupiter lord of 11 aspects the ascendant of 7 in 6. Sun is to give both results.
and lord of the ascendant. Saturn is in the So arrested and let on bail. He asks
lltb Bhava.- Saturn in U and Mars in 6 " Oh Gajakesari yoga ! any more jail for
promise success. Jupiter's aspect is very me?"
advantageous. I am running your Jupiter's period.
You pray to Lord Venkateswara. to Oh Jupiter ! what is this ? People say you
have peace of mind. ■ are good ; you are a benefic and so on.
Query answered at 12 noon on "Wednes- But causing Gajakesarsi yoga, why do you
day the 9-7-69. keep me in agony? Why did you make
me come to bars ?
(Monday arrested; Moon in • Mercury [Let bold Veterans read these and
constellation on 14-2-66. Tuesday released then answer them. Let us go by facts.]

K,S. K.
" Can 1 have overdraft facility The houses to be judged are 6, 2 and 10.
sanctioned by my bankers" asks a Note the sub lord of the 6th cusp. It is
gentleman. Venus who is lord of 2. It is not retro-
"For what? " grade. So overdraft will be sanctioned,
i.e. by borrowing your bank position will
" For my business." improve. To find out the time note the
" Give me a number within 249." significators. 2od house owned by Venus;
" 108." Saturn is in its Star. 6th bouse occupied
by Rahu ! None in its star. 10th house
108 means Mercury sign Sun star owned and occupied by Mercury; Moon,
Saturn sub. i.e., 3° Virgo is to be taken as is in its star. Sun in 10 has Venus, Ketbu,
Ascendant. The other cusps , will be for Jupiter in its star.
Calcutta, 22° 33' N as follows:—2nd
cusp 2° 5'; 3rd, 2° 5'; 4th cusp 3° 5'; 5th Therefore from the time that is running
cusp 4° 5'; 6th cusp 4° 5' and so on. Then now take Mercury Dasa Mercury Bhukti
insert planets for 1-30 P.M. on 6-7-69. Jupiter Anthra Sun Sbooksbma. (These
are the ruling planets for this afternoon).
Mood 18'5 X 3-5 Exactly it will take 2 months, Saturn, lord
VII 3° VII 2-5 IX. 2-5 Merc. 3.26 of 6 will delay : It cant's deny; nor it
Rahu Sat. 13-51 Yen'. 6-4 Sun can disappoint as it is in the constellation
1-24 20-43
of lord of 2.
VI 4" 5' XI 4-05 "For 2 months what am 1 to do ?"
" Do not show your anxiety ; Casually
you ask him. Then after 21-8-69, you
V 4° 5' make sincere effort; shortly thereafter you
will get." '
" Before that can't my attempts fetch
Mars Kethul-24 anything?"
IV 3° 5' 8-23 112-5 Asc. 3°
III 2-S Jup. 5* 30'i "Can't; it is like a boy throwing stone
in a mango tree with buds. When the
Mercury Dasa passed yr. 1—mths. 9; time* is ripe, fruit is ripe; wither without
days 51 to pass 15 yrs. - 2 mths. 25 any effort, one gets; So good luck is on
days. 6-8-69."

Sir, It is said that" Sunapha Yoga dealt with these yogas. They have said
caused by the situation of a benefic by something. They are gone. Present day
nature in the second sign counted from authors give some examples, God knows
Moon sign will offer desirable results. Is whether they are correct horoscopes or
it true in all cases? not. "
Brother: " Again I repeat". Do not " Why do you say so. ? "
read the chapter Rajayoga" forget it. " Please read my magazine Astrology
Why ? The authors have not exhaustively and Arthishta October, 1967 issue. You
will find the truth. Some people do not. No Rajayoga can stop.
hesitate to mislead the readers. So they II. Can planets occupying houses 6 or 8
give some charts and argue on one side or 12 counted from the sign which they
only. own, offer desirable results ?
(a) Suppose Moon is in 5, Jupiter is Why not?
in 6. i
Suppose one is born in Sagittarius.
(b) Moon in 7, Jupiter in 8. Jupiter is either in Karthik star in Taurus
(c) Moon in 11, Jupiter in 12. How or Aslesha in Cancer. If Sun and Mercury
can they, according to Hindu system offer ate in 10th house, then Jupiter has to offer
good results? lOtb house results. So one's income in-
(a) Do they take the lordship of creases; Status improves; it, is not
each planet? because Jupiter in 8 is in exaltation inS:
or Jupiter in 6 causes Lagnadhi Yoga—
(b) Do they care to note whether Subha Ubhaya Yoga, etc. The same
Moon and the other planet are in 6 or 8 Jupiter, if it is in Karthik and Sun is in 12
or 12 to the sign, they own? to lagna, the man will be doomed during
(c) Do they consider that a planet in Jupiter Dasa, especially when it is in Mars
12 to. another will offer disagreeable sub and Mars is also in 12. Imprisonment,
results as per Hindu system ? If Jupiter is loss of money, children, prestige, etc.
,in 2 to Moon, does it not mean that Therefore, the results depend On the occu-
Moon is in 12 to Jupiter? . Jupiter pation of a house by the lord of the con-
Dasa Moon Bhukti what will happen? stellation in which any planet, owning any
Can it give favourable results ? hduse, occupying any of the 12 houses, is
(d) Bcnefics in Ubbachaya will give This is the only rule you have to follow.
benencal results. So Jupiter in 6 should Even if there is no Rajayoga, even if 3 or
do good. BeneBcs (Sowmyae Rantbrae) 4 planets are retrograde, eclipsed and so
Jataka thathvam—in 8 cause advantageous on one will prosper.
results. ,
Jupiter occupying or owning 8th house Kindly go, through the charts of the
is invarirbly good—Uthrakalamritha.' richest in India furnished by me in my
Bhavartha Ratnakara, bencfics in 12 give book " Krishoamurti Padhdhati, Second
fortunes through their karakathva. Thus Volume", undertheheading "Finance and
different authors offer different opinions! Fortune." Also read the article I wrote on
Sir C. P. Ramaswamy Iyer's Chan, I
Again when you take Sakata Yoga, say published in my magazine " Astrology and
Jupiter in 6 or 8th Moon, read the Athrishta ".
adverse results. Turn over a few pages.
Benefics in 6 or 7 or 8 counted from Moon III. If in Lagna Bhava,' there is Saturn,
sign cause Chandra Adhi Yoga—Is there Mars, Rahu or Kethu, then Lagna is
any sense? Which arc we apply and afflicted. Will they redoce one's longe-
predict? vity?
Therefore it is useless. Useless to read, Not necessarily. If the. malefics are
to know, to waste time_ and to waste deposited in such a constellation, the lord
money on these Rajayogas and confuse of which'is neither occupying not owning
oneself. You have to note. nor conjoined with Bbadbakasthana,
Marakasthana,etc. butassociated with ITtb
(a) In which constellation each house for those born in signs other than
planet is deposited : in which sub: if they movable—chara signs, or associated with
are advantageous, you gain. If the lord 9th house for those born in signs other
of the constellation and sub are un- than fixed—Sthira signs or with any other
favourable, you suffer— bouse except Bhadhaka and Maraka houses,
one will cot die in the dasa or sub period (d) Reinstatement from 2, 6,10 and
of the malefic in lagna. 11. Entering into service—Judge
Whether life is short or long depends on houses 2, 6, and 10.
Bhadhaka and Maraka house significatprs Reinstatement includes mostly
receipt of arrears on a higher
IV. Which houses are we to judge. status or larger income than what
(a) for charge sheeting but neither one received during suspension.
suspended nor dismissed. Sub lord of 10 will be the signifi-
cator of Uth house only when
(b) suspended; not dismissed. sub lords promise, the results
(c) dismissed and will happen.
(d) reinstated- V. Is it possible to predict the number
(a) charge sheeting, trapping etc. are of children and sex.
to be judged from the 12th house Rules are not clear. Confusion and
and the 10th house. Sublord of contradiction do exist. I have not done
10th will be significator of 12th any research on those lines. But 1 can
house in Horary. advise .,this much. Always predict the
(b) suspension is to be judged from number of children entitled for inheri-
5, 9 and 12. Sublord of 9 will tance etc. from the wife's chart.
be the significator of 12th house. There are horoscopes of agents -who
(c) Dismissal from 1, 5, 9 and 12 have no child through wife : but there are
sub lord of 1 and 9 will be the children born to one who kept company
significator of 12. with the gent for pleasure ending in pain.
Replied by
K. S. K.
Sir, Rahu or Kethu in 2 or 7 conjoined with
Rafiu is conjoined with Saturn. Rahu or aspected by lord of 5 or 9 causes long
in my chart is stronger than Saturn. What life and offers wealth, etc.
can Rahu, Saturn and planets in their Rahu or Kethu in 2 or 7 conjoined
constellations signify- Similarly the role with or aspected by lords of 2 or 7 causes
of fdoon and Kethu. death."
(Sd.) B. L. S., Even after studying this, a few have
Calcutta-1. not understood the spirit of his rules.
Horoscope ;— Docs it not mean that Rahu or Kethu who
are expected to offer the results of the
II 15-26 lords of the signs occupied by them, offer
XII 4-26 Asc. 15-18 Mooo III 9.26 diametrically opposite to such results but
21.46 confer such of those indicated by the
planet or planets conjoined with or aspect-
IV 3-26 ing Rahu or Kethu.
XI 0-26 Kethu
4-27 P.M. LS.T. 11-31 Rahu and Kethu are two clever brokers.
22—11-1934 They are convertible. They normally
Saturn 28-01 N
29-17 73—19E V 0-26 carry out the orders of the lords of the
Kahu Mars signs they are deposited. The lords belong
11-31 27.15
X 3-26 to party 'A' in Politics. So they work
for A. But, if '.B ' belonging to another
VIII 15-26 Mercury party is by the'side of Rahu-or Kethu, the
IX 9-26 Vcn, 7-30 Jup.17-30
16-20 VI 4-26
nodes plead for B. If 'C* belonging to a
Sun 6-38 Vll 15-18
3rd party observes what the node does and
Moon Dasa balance 1 year 2 months 3 the node understands that he is aspected
and watched by a 3rd party, is pleads for
days. 'C'.
Dear friend, Let me explain first what
Rahu and Kethu can do.; then what house If the owner of the sign where they are
matters each planet signifies. happen to be with the node, the node
with double strength, plead for the owner
My experience during my visits to A.
various places in India was meeting the
students and scholars of Astrology and Suppose Rahu Dasa runs, Rahu is
discussing with them. I allow them to conjoined with owner owning 5th sign A ;
come out with their methods, etc. I found with the owner of the house 7. Then how
that most of them take Rahu or will it act? During the conjoined period
Kethu as the agent of the lord of the of Rahu and Sub period of the significator
sign. They had not gone through Uthra of 5th bouse, it offers 5th house matters.
Kalamritba. Native enjoys : When the sub period of
"the owner of 7th house follows, either
Kalidas has said, "Rahu or Kethu in the marriage or litigation or end of life
houses 5 or 9, if conjoined with or aspeo results depending on sub lord.
ted by lords of the Maraka houses 2 or 7
will cause death. According to me Rahu or Kethu
(a) give the matters of the results Sun is in Anuradha ruled by one in !•:
which the planet conjoined with it So Sun offers 10th house results.
signifies. But signiiicatois f mean,
to which houses, the planet is con- Its stars are Karthik, Uthrapglguni ,
nected by and Uthrashada: Mars is deposited in its
star. Hence the results, of the house
(1) being tenanted in the con- occupied by Sun will be given, i.e. 8th
stellation of a planet by occu- house results by Mars. Sun is a very weak
pation. significalorof 8. Sun is very weak in offer-
(2) being an occupant and when ing 5th house matters as there is a planet
there is no,planet in its star ■ in 5 : Yet Sun has connection with 5: It is
(3) being situated in the constella- one of the significators of 5 ; but very
tion of the lord of a house . weak significator.
when that house remains un- The results of 10th house will be given
occupied by Sun through the sources of the Stb and
(4) being the owner of a house and •5th houses.
no planet is in its constellation,
etc. Moon; lord of 4, in 2; It is in the
(b) give the results which the planet, constellation of,planet in 2. Hence Moon
aspecting Rahu'or Kethu, signifies. gives second house matters. Rahu is in
(c)' Rahu or Kethu offers the results Moon's star; Rahu gives 2nd house
of the house occupied by the lord of matters also. Moon is lord of 4. Kethu is
the constellation in' which Rahu or ' there. So planets in Kethu star will give 4th
Kethu is deposited. results: if there is no planet, 4th
house results will be given by Kethu: Moon
(d) Lastly, the matters signified by the is a very weak significator of 4.
lord of the sign in which it is.
(e) If a planet is in Rahu or Kethu star • Mars in 5 ; in Sun constellation : lord
that planet will offer the results of of 1 and 8 ; Mars offers the results of 8th
the house occupied by Rahu or house as it was in Uthrapalguni ruled by
Kethu. the planet occupying 8th house: Mats
stars are Mrigasira, Chitra and Dbanishta.
In. this example Jupiter and Mercury Saturn is in Mars star; Hence Saturn is
are in Rahu's star. Hence they have to the strong significator for 5th house
offer the 10th and' 11th houses results, be- matters where Mars is a very weak signifi-
cause of in Rahu's constellation. cator. Mars owns houses 1 and 8. Both are
But Rahu will offer the results of 5tb vacant. Hence Saturn in Mars star will
house (as Saturn is in Mars star, Mars is give the matters of houses 1 and 8 also.
in 5: Saturn is conjoined with Rahu) Mars will be a weak significator of 1' and 8.
next the mattefs of 2nd bouse as itis in Mercury is in the 7lh house ; owner of 3
Sravana ruled by Moon occupying 2hd. node and 6: As it is in Swatbi governed by the
house; then the matters of lOtb and 11th in 10, Mercury offers 10th house
houses. results. Mercury's stars are Aslcsba,
Jyeshla and Revathi. No planet is in its
Kethu will offer 5th and 10th, then the star. Hence the matters of the bouse
11th and then the 2nd house results. occupied by Mercury will be given by
Saturn is conjoined with Rahu; it Mercury, i.e. the 7tb house matters.
aspects Kethu. Saturn is to give 5, 10 and Mercury is the owner of the signs where
11th house results ; So these must be given the 3rd and 6th cusp fall. No planet is in
by Rahu due to conjunction and Kethu by Mercury star, hence Mercury has to give 3
aspect. knd 6 house results also. Hence Mercury
Now let us take what house matters each is the significator of the houses 10, 7, 3
planet signifies. and 6. .
Jupiter in Swattii offers the results of Saturn in its own sign; 10th bouse
10th house matters as the lord ofSwaihi owning io and 11, deposited in Mars star.
censtellation is in 10. Jupiter's stars are As Saturn is in Dhanishta governed by the
Punarvasu, Visaka and Poprvapadra. No planet in 5, it gives 5th house results
planet is in Jupiter's star. Hence the Pushya, Anuradha and U.P. Pada are
matters of the houses occupied by Jupiter, governed by Saturn; Kethu, Sun and
i.e. the 7th house matters will be given by Venus are in Saturn star. Hence Kethu,
Jupiter. It owns the signs where the 9th Sun and Venus will give 10 house results.
and 12th cusps fall. No planet is tenanted Saturn owns houses 10 and 11; Rahu is in
in both these houses. Hence Jupiter, the 10. Yet planets deposited in Saturn stars
owner oanjtive the matters signified by the i.e. Kethu, Venus and Sun, will give 10th
bouses 9 and 12, through the planets dc- and 11 th houses results. But they will be its star: if (here is no planet in weaker than Jupiter and Mercury in Rahu
its star, Jupiter itself will give the results star as Rahu is conjoined with Saturn and
of the houses 9 and 12. , is io Saturn's sign.
Venus in 8 : lord of 2 .andi 7 : As
Veniis is in . Anuradha and the lord of Thus one has to calmly, methodically
Anuradha is in 10, Venus must give 10th judge.
house matters. Veous governs Bharani,
Poorvapalguniand Pootvasbada starj;No
.planet is in any of the 3 stars. . Hence The sub lord of the position occupied
Venus offers the results of the bouse occu- by these planets indicate whether these
pied by it, i.e., 8th house, as bouses 2 and planets promote the matters signified by
7 are occupied, Venus is a weak significa- them Or they are adverse to the matters of
tor of the bouses 2 and 7. the houses signified by them.
Generally I used to get the Magazine The Moon representing •' Madhi"
" Astrologyand Athrishta " on the 14th of reflects what is in the querist's mind.
every month at the Higginbothams, Coim- Moon is in the seventh bhava. It is in the
batore Railway Station. As usual I went to constellation of Moon itself in 7. Seventh
Coimbatore on 14-2-69 to purchase two bouse indicates all those with whom the
copies of Magazine one for me and an- native transacts or deals in a manner. As
other for my. friend who is also very I "wanted to purchase the Magazine, it is a
interested in astrology. I was completely transaction. Moon is conjoined with Mer-
disappointed to learn that the magazine cury, owner of 3 and 12. Third bouse
has not been received yet and contended shows Editing, Publications and short
myself that there may be delay of one or travel and twelfth house shows expenses. I
two days in bringing out this issue. made a short journey to Coimbatore to
Next day, on 15-2-69 I was sure that the purchase the magazine, the publication
Magazine would have been received and I thereby expenses by way of bus fare and
could have a copy of the same this day. As cost of the magazine, etc. The sub of the
I was at Siriganallur, I wanted to go to Moon is Saturn which is posited in 9. 9th
Coimbatore that day only for this purpose. house shows divine science and the scien-
tific knowledge one may develop.
Before I left for Coimbatore I wanted to Astrology is a divine science and scentific
know beforehand" whether the Magazine knowledge. So the Moon is in connection
would have heen received at Higgin- with ..the houses 3, -7, 9 and 12 which
bothams; I saw the time-piece. It was clearly reveals the nature of thequery (i.e..)
.5-05 P.M. on 15-2-69. I worked out the ." purchasing of the Magazine " Astrology
planetary .positions for that time to see and Athrishta " and short travel and ex-
whether I can have the magazine or I will penses in connection with it "1 If we take
be disappointed this day also as in the into account all the significators connect-
previous day. The planetary positions are ed with Moon without omitting even a
as follows: single one the nature of the query can be
1 28-05 easily found out.
18-35 X 1S-6 X\ 16-26 XII 15-6 Next, I bad the strong desire to find out
IX 13-6 whether 1 can get the magazine thereby my
Rahu 8-51
attempt will be successful. Whether the
VIIl 12-6 Ase. efforts will be successful or not one should
Sun 3-17- 15-2-1969 14 01 judge the ascendant which rises in the east
5-05 P.M. at the time of the query. Krishnamurti
M«on ■ N. Lat lla 0* Padhdhati clearly stresses that planets
17-06 E. I-^ong 77' 0' connected with houses-l, 2, 3, 6, 10 and 11
VII 14-1 1112-06
Mercury portray success tvhercas the houses 4, 5, 7,
8-20 8, 9 and 12 portend failure. .
VI 15-06 Mars 2-03
V 16-26 IV 15-6 (R)
Jupiter Mood, the ascendant lord is in 7 and is
11 -40 also iu its own constellation. Constellation
III 13-6 lord of the ascendant Saturn is in 9 and in
Constellation Sub lord the constellation of Mercury 3 and 12 and
Lord in the sub of Saturn in 9. The sub lord of
the ascendant Rahu is in 8 and in the con-
Ascendant "Saturn Rahu stellation of Saturn in 9 and in the sub of
Moon Moon Saturn Venus in 9. So the ascendant is connected
with the significators of the houses 7, 8, 9 murti Padhdbati is a unique .method
and 12, which denotes failure and disap- and if properly, scientifically and metho-
pointment to the querist. dically applied, the result is wonderful and
Thus, before leaving for Coimbatore I marvellous.
came to the conclusion that the Magazine (One may say that it is a minor event,
-would not have come this, day also and and laugh at this. The Editor pities with
hence the attempt will go in vain. I wanted him as be is shallow. All experiments are
to actually verify this. I proceeded to done only in small measures—test tube tests.
Coimbatore and found that the Magazine Then applied to major ones, intelligent
was not received by the Bookstall, till people become perfect by such research
. then. work. People with Superficial knowledge
and jealously are like surf riders. They
This is the method which Krishna- cannot gather pearls. Divers alone can
murti Padhdbati explains so convinc- harvest them. At least let us make more
ingly that even a lay man can understand sincere and honest work to improve the
easily. There are various slokas and science. The editor never cares for im-
axioms to 6nd out the results in the Tradi- provement of finance or fame by wrong
tional Astrological treatises. But Krishna- statements. Truth prevails.)
(Followed only K. P.) Prediction proved precise
12, Ganssh Wadi, Thakurli, Dombivli (Din- Thana)
No. 5 given (within 0 to 108). sign is ruled by Venus, So, I
took Venus.
Lagna 4. Lord of Horary Lagna: 13* 20'
Rahu Sani • to 16° 40'.
. Aries—Mesba. So Mars rules the lagna.
Mars I took Mars. Therefore, the ruling planets
for this moment were Jupiter, Venus and
NO, 5 Mars. (Rising star at the time of judg-
. 5-10 P.M. ment.) These ruling planets should be the
Sun same ruling planets at the lime of fructifi-
Jupiter cation of the event. RAHU occupied the
sign of Jupiter, so I took Rafau for Jupiter,
Venus because Nodes are stronger than planets.
Koon Mere. Similarly I took Ketbu also as asignificator
Kelhu because Venus was conjoined with Ketfiu.
Moon indicates. the nature of query.
The following is the prediction - offered, Moon was in the constellation of Puthra.
based on Horary Astrology., as to whom Karaka. Jupiter—(Chief governor for
the querist shall have a child born to her. children). Jupiter occupied fifth house and
The time of query is 5-10 P.M. on 29-8-68. so it indicated children. The time of
The lady said that the expected month of fructification was within some months. I
delivery is October '68. took the transit of Sun. Sun should tran-
I took the ruling planets at the time of sit a position ruled by all the ruling
query as significators.. planets of the question time. Every year
SUN enters in Libra Rasi. between 15th
1. Lord of day: Jupiter ruled, the and I6th October. I predicted "When Sun
day. Therefore Jupiter was enters Venus sign RAHU star Mars sub,
one of the significators. Kethu sub sub, you will deliver a child.
That will be on 3rd November, '68 at
2. Lord of star; Moon transited around 12 midnight". It did come very
in star Vishaka. Jupiter governs, very correct. Hence the roleof the ruiing
the star Visakha. So I took' planets at the moment of query as dis-
Jupiter. covered by K.S.K. is proved correct. Easy
3.' Lord of Rasi: Moon transited to calculate; Quick to find out. Accurate
in the sign Tbulam-Libra. This when we wait and see.

BOOK REVIEW 3000 years B.C. Next Greece followed.
Later it is taken up by all nations. During
YOGA for health by Dr. D. R. Setti Sagar 16th century the church tortured and burnt
Publications. 72, Janpatb, New Delhi, any person practising the occult Science.
Price Rs. 3, In i7th Century, the power of the Church
The book dedicated by the author to began to decline and Palmistry began to
'seekers after health' is an attempt to flourish, Arabs, Syrians, Persians and
give the average reader a compact book many orientals believed in Palmistry so
on . the practical and scientific uses of much so that non-plan or enterprise was
yoga. carried out prior to consulting an expert
in Hand Reading. In 18th Century, Pal-
The ancient law-givers and the great mistry was developed. In 19th Century,
yogis have given us a system of yoga by in England and France professors of Pal-
which man can attain all that is necessary mistry were penalised. At the same time,
for spiritual progress. One of the greatest many books were published. In 20th
needs of man in the spiritual and temporal Century, the market is flooded with Pal-
field-is the conquest of the mind and yoga mistry books.
helps in this process. It also purifies the It isregrettablctostate that the majority
body. The interrelation between body, of these books appear to have been pub-
mind and spirit is recognized by yoga. lished for business purpose, they contain
The author has given a daily routine of either wrong ideas or imaginative hypo-
yogis exercises. These include jalanethi theses which prove ridiculous on applica-
(nasal drinking), Padmasana, Dhyana and tion or practice. :
Pranayama, eye exercises, Suryanamaskar, The best books on Palmistry are
Sirsbasana and Swastik food. The author 1. " Ilm-ul-kaff by Gaafar."
has described these items of yogic obser-
vance in a manner that could be under- 2. The hand'of Man by. Noel Jaquin
stood by average readers with no know- and
ledge of yoga. 3. The law of Scientific Hand reading
He has given quotations of the opinions by William G. Bengam.
of many authorities on yoga. There are Mr. Gaafar in his book has exhaustively
also a few illustrations to guide the reader. and clearly dealt with this Science. He has
On the whole this is a handy book to conveyed the art of Palmistry in a new
those interested in yoga. original and scientific method totally
(2) ILM-UL-KAFF. different from what had been written on
this subject before, clarified the vague and
A practical study of the science of hand unpleasant idea and proved in a simple
reading as practised in Egypt, Arabia and reasonable way that Palmistry is a very
the West with 61 half-tone and 241 line true art based on medical and logical
illustrations. Author: M.M. Gaafar. evidence-
Published by D. P. Taraporevala Sons ■< Indeed, one of the best books to he1
& Co. Private Limited, Treasure House of studied to gain sound scientific knowledge.
Books. 210, Dr. Dadabbai Naoroji Road, As long as M/s. Taraporewala has
Bombay-1. published, one need not certify that the
IV Edition, 131 pages; Price Rs. 7-90. get-up is very good. It is really very fine.
Palmistry is the art of reading one's Readers must go through this useful
fortune, health, longevity, etc. from one's book.
palm. It -originated from China about By K. S. KRISHNAMURTI.

Budba Guru Anthra 19- 8-1969 to 7-10-1969
Surya 29-8 20-12 Guru 0-54
Sukra 15-8 Chandra Uranus Kuja 17-35 Sani „ 7-10-1969 to 4-12-1969
9-39 6-38
Sani 7-39 Budha 4-12-1969 to 25- 1-1970
Ketbu „ 25- 1-1970 to 16- 2-1970
Kct. 16-53 RASI
Wednesday 13-5-1942 Surya, dasanatha, is lord of 11 on the
Born 3QO-15V cusp of the 7th house. He is in his own
after Sunrise Rahu constellation and the sub of Mars (Kuja),
16-53 lord of 2 and 7. Surya, therefore, is a
sure significator to offer marriage in its
Lagna Nep. Sukra: Bhuktioatha, and also kalatbra-
26 40' 4-1.9
to 30° (Retro) kataka, is in exaltation in Meena in the
constellation of Sani, one of the occupants
of the 7th bouse. Besides, Sukra is also
Sani lord of 2 and 7 counted from the Chandra
Kuja lagna occupying the constellation of lord
Uranus of 11 from the Chandralagna. Saturn
occupying the 7th house is the strongest
Budha significator and will offer the result either
Neptune in its period or sub-period or in the period
Navamsam or sub-period or sub-sub period of the
planet deposited in its constellation.
- (Otherwise, when there are many other
significators connected with marriage,
their bhukties should have been fruitful
and marriage should have come off.)
Surya Sukra Guru Rahu Only Sukra is in Sani's constellation. Can
it not be argued that Sani Bhukti in Surya
Dasa should have been more powerful i.e.,
Balance of Ketbu Dasa at Birth; 1 year betwuen 22-12-1966 and 4-12-1967? Yes,
9 months'3 days. there should have been. In the native's
horoscope the lord of 7, Mars (Kuja) is in
. At present running Surya Mahadasa a dual sign Gemini (Mithuna) representing
(between 16-2-1964 and 16-2-1970). twins. Mars is also the sub-lord of the
7th cusp. So the second marriage comes
SukraBhukti operates between 16-2-1969 off in Sukra Bhukti, Sani Anthra. Sani
and 16-2-1970. The anthras in this bhukti is stronger than even Sukra in this respect.
arc as follows;— Sukra having failed to offer marriage in
its anthra period between 16-2-1969 and
Sukra Anthra 16- 2-1969 to 16- 4-1969 16-4-1969. The anthra of Sani is the
Surya 16- 4-1969 to 4- 5-1969 strongest in as much as Sani is in the
Chandra ,, 4- 5-1969 to 4- 6-1969 constellation of Surya (dasanatha) and
the sub of Sukra (bhuktinatha). So the
Kuja 4- 6-1969 to 25- 6-1969 marriage can only come between 7-10-1969
Rahu 25- 6-1969 to 19- 8-1969 and 4-12-1969.
According to transit, the significatoc of SANI progresses in Venus (Sukra) sign
the 7th house should transit the conjoin Rishaba, in the constellation Rohini and
degree in the zodiac ruled by dasanatha sub of Kuja (lotd of 2/7).
and bhuktinatha . and also, necessarily,
anthranatha. During the period between GURU in Rahu star Arudhta and sub
7-10-1969 and 4-12-1969 Mars, lord of 7 of Rahu (representing Surya).
will transit the rasi owned by Saturn
(Sani), the constellation ruled by Surya Kuja, lord of 7, progresses in Sani
and the sub governed by Sukra—Sani's star pushya, Sani's sub (Sani strong
sign Makara, Surya constellation Uth- . in 7).
radam and in that the sub-portion of
Sukra between T 46' 40" and 10° on
7-U-1969 (Friday): On that day in Sukra (bhuktinatha) progresses in its own
Dhanur lagna the celebration wilt take constellation Barani and sub of Surya,
place. dasanatha and lord of 2 in 7.
This is supported by PROGRESSION, According to the horoscope of Sow.
as follows:— Pappa, when she is running the anthra of
Sun (Surya) transits in the constellation of KETHU in Kuja bhukti in SUKRA Dasa
Kuja (lord of 2/7) and sob of Rahu her marriage is a certainty. This coin-
representing Surya. cides with . the above date, namely,
7-11-1969 Friday (Hastham star, Dbannr
Moon (Chandra) crosses its natal posi- lagna).
tion and comes to Sukra star Barani.
Number given is I2S within 249. Therefore it can be around 10-10-69 or
1st week June 1970,
VI 5-25 Sat.VII14-07
* Moon IX 0-25
6.53 Mbic. 56-34 As per transit June 1970 is favourable.
Rahu 1.12 VIII29-25 Vcn. 10-18 Sun. 24-27 Therefore 1st week June 1970 you will
be promoted.
V 6-25 X 3-25 The significators of profession Venus,
11-00 A M. I$T Moon, Jupiter and Mercury show that
10—7—69 either you are a finance adviser or auditor
22° 33' N or accountant. So in the same, line, you
Horary Ckait
IV 3-25 XI 6-25 will have the next higher status.
As Moon dasa follows Sun Dasa, you
can expect another lift during Moon Dasa
III 0-25 Mars II 29-25 Kethu M2
XII5-25 Jupiter Bhukti Venus Anthra, i.e. in July
8.24 Asc, 0° Jup. 5-57 1974. This will be the final highest stage
which you are destined to have.
Sun Dasa balance 1 year, 4 months, 25 Overseas:
days.' .
The same chart is used. Judge houses 3,
Promotion : Judge houses 2, 6; 10 and 9 and 12. Third is unoccupied: but is
11. owned by Jupiter.
Second house is occupied by Mars. No Ninth is occupied by Sun and Mercury;
planet is in Mars constellation. 6th house Moon is in Sun's star. No-planet is in
is unoccupied. Owner is Jupiter. Sun and Mercury star. Kethu represents and acts
Rahu are in Jupiter's constellation. . 10th as an agent of Mercury.
bouse remains vacant. Ruler is Moon.
Venus is in Moon's star. Twelfth is occupied by Jupiter. Jupiter
I Ith is tenanted by Kethu owned by is represented by Rahu occupying the 12th
Sun. No planet is in Kethu star. Moon, sign of the Zodiac.
Kethu and Jupiter are in Sun's star. Moon Dasa will give overseas. Rahu
Ruling planets are Sun, Venus, Jupiter cannot give as it is in the sub of the planet
and Mercury, lord of lagna, now, repre- in a fixed sign. Jupiter in the sub of
sented by Kethu. Mercury is advantageous. Mercury in the
sub of Saturn is good : Sun in the sub of
Therefore the period can be Sun Dasa Mercury is favourable. Moon Dasa Jupiter
Kethu Bhukti Jupiter Anthraor Sun Dasa Bhukti Moon Anthra will give in October/
Venus Bhukti Jupiter Anthra. November 1974.

Service is indicated by the houses two, change if the sub-lord is connected with the
six and ten. Second house indicates houses 1, 5 or 9. Hence the so-called
income. It may be by any means. Sixth Tbirukona houses are those which in many
house indicates payment by another for cases bringing retirement, dismissal, end
any consideration and sixth also includes of service or transfer.
one serving the other or getting services
done by another. Tenth house shows Let us take the horoscope of this young
one's main profession. It may be business gentleman. Born on '2-9-1931 at 7
when the 7th bouse also indicates, i.e. one P.M. evening on Wednesday at 11-00 N,
does business when the significators of the and 77-0 E. The horoscope using Krishna-
7th and the tenth are well disposed and murti Ephemeris and Krisbnamurti
they ate connected with the second house. Ayanamsa is asfollows:
The significators of 2, 6 and 10 denote
service and gains. 110-14 III 1-14
When the I2th house indicates negation
15.23 IV 28.14 V 24.14
of the next bouse, i.e., if the first bouse
significator operates then it is 12 to 2 and Jupiter
hence to second house it is disadvan- Lagna 17.31
tageous. Similarly the 3rd house is 12 to 4; 25.36 VI 23.14
the 4tb bouse is 12 to 3 and so on. Ven. 14.48
When he wants to know the change in Sun. 16.19
XII 23.14 M crcury
service then we have to find out when the 21.02
significators of the houses 5, 9 and VII 25-36
1 operate. Here one should remember Ket. 13.52
that planets in the constellation of the XI 24.14 X 23.14
occupants and owners of the houses 1, 5 Sat. 24.9 IX 1.14 VI«I 0.14 27.24
and 9 and those deposited in their subs will
give changes. A planet in the constellation
of the occupant of the second house Venus Dasa at the time of birth balance
means it is connected with second house was 16 years II months 3 days. Let us
matters. But will it improve and show note down the significators using Krisbna-
continuity or promotion or will it end the murti Padhdhati.
service or depromotion or what is judged Significators of the houses 2, 6 and 10
by the decisive sub-lord. Suppose a planet are.
is in the constellation of the so-ca]led
Rajayoga Adhipathi, lord of 10. It means Second: Kethu in the sub of Rabu ;
it is connetted with profession. But will it and Moon in the sub of Sukra-Mars, lord
do good or bad is to be judged by the lord of the second house as second cusp fell in
of the sub. Judge the sub-lord individually Aries.
in which constellation it is posited. Is
it connected with the houses to be Sixth; Venus, Sun and Mercury in 6.
considered ? Is it favourable to the Moon and Saturn are in the constellation
bhava under judgment or unfavourable. of Venus in 6. Jupiter in the constella-
Accordingly the planet deposited in that tion of Mercury in 6. None in Sun's star.
sub will act. Therefore a planet in the Moon in Venus star is the strongest signifi-
Rajaoygadhipathi constellation can bring cator.
Tenth house; Saturn in 10 has Rahu in Krishnaraurthi. In this case traditional
its star. Mars is lord of 10; Mars alone is in system agrees. But when we consider the
its star. date of appointment on 4-2-69 at another
Thus one can note that all the planets place with higher emoluments and various
are the significators of either 2 or 6 or 10. other comforts and advantages, Hindu
method of transit miserably fails.
Now we have to judge which will bring
appointment and service which will bring Transit: On 4-2-69 when he was
changes, which promotion, etc. appointed, he bad been running Mars Dasa
Kethu Bbuktbi Kethu Anlhra. It was a
For changes note the significators of 1, Tuesday. Sun was transitting in Moon's
5 and 9. Rahu in lagnai Saturn, lord of star Venus sub. Moon, lord.of 6 is in 2 at
lagna and Rahu in Saturn star. Jupiter in the time of birth. MoOn was in Kethu star
5; no planets in Jupiter star Mercury 1, Saturn sub. Mars was in Jupiter star
lord of 5. No-planet in 9 Mars in Mars Kethu—Bhuktinadha Sub. Kethu in Sun
star is lord of 9. Hence Rahu, Jupiter, star Venus sub. Jupiter in Moon star Rahu
Mars. Mercury and Sani are the significa- sub. Saturn In Mercury star Jupiter sub.
tors for changes. Hence these planets and This agrees with K.P. But according to
thosein their sub will bring aboutchanges. traditional Hindu method, this is consi-
Rahu and JCethu are in Rahu's sub. Mars dered to be the worst time. Why? Sade-
and Mercury are in Jupiter's sub. Saturn is Satbi, seven and a half years Satorn
in the sub of Mercury. Mercury is in the continues. Jupiter is in the 6th house,
sub of Jupiter. . which is evil. Mars is in the 7th house
While judging changing in the profession, which is unfavourable. Rahu in 12 to
as long as we take the houses 1, S and 9, Moon. Thus Hindu system i snot helpful,
find out the significators and note also the it misleads. Satisfactory and substantial
planets in the sub of the significators of 1, improvement in everything in the same
5,9, it is absolutely necessary to note place during Mars Dasa Kethu Bbukti
' whether the significators of 1, 5, 9 or Rahu Antbra when Sim was transitting in
planets in their subs are connected with Kethu star. Mars sign and Kethu sub.
the 6th house or the 10th house; then Moon was in Jupiter star Mars sub ; Mars
alone they indicate change. But if these in Saturn star Mars sub. As per tradition,
significators of 1, 5, 9 are connected with Sade-Sati continues. Jupiter is in 5 ; Mars
the second houso it may indicate one's is in 8 to Moon. Sun isin janma. Moon is
vision, speech, etc. or birth of child or 12. And so on. An honest traditional
father. It need not promise changes in astrologer must predict all varieties of
service. It should have connection with 6 danger, difficulty and desertion when Mars
or 10. Only then they will bring about Dasa Kethu Bbukti was running. That is,
the changes, provided Dasa lord is one of why the poor traditional astrologers, on
them. hearing the failures, want to escape by say-
ing 'Tendency'. Let them understand that
When did the change come last ? It was Prof. Krishnamuni has opened (he eyes of
on 19-12-68. At that time Mars Dasa Mer- the readers and he has exposed the failures
cury Bbukti Sani Bbukti Budba Antbra wh'ich the traditional people can never
operated. answer. The horoscope is correct. It be-
By transit, Sun was in Jupiter sign longs to a living person. Anybody can
Kethu star Mars sub. Moon was in Mars verify. Prof. Krishnamuni never gives
sign Mercury star Jupiter sub. Mars was in imaginary or fictitious horoscopes. We
Mars star Mercury sub, Mercury in Kethu thank our Professor for his honest work.
star Mercury sub, Saturn was in Mercury If any traditional astrolger can justify, let
star Rahu sub-retrograde. Transit in full, him send his justificaiion to the editor—
agrees.. This method of finding transit what for—how Mars and Kethu in S gave
system is. -advocated • by Prof." K. S. him most satisfactory service.



Calcutta Branch Seniority in Service—Will

Ephemeris—Ready 4 I have Justice ?
Krishnamurti Padhdhali Will Stammering Disappear
When will my Financial worry Can I ever be A 1 ?
be over and what Follows'! 7 Two Marriages
When is the Marriage? 9 An Announcement
Horary : Questions and Answers
Will my Husband come and Daily Guide for October,
join me ? 15 1969
Overseas—When? 15 Position of Planets
Father's Whereabout 17 October 1969—Ephemeris
Simplicity of Krishnamurti Monthly Prediction for
Padhdhati 21 October. 1969
The horoscope of a gentleman is as No planet is in their stars. Seventh
follows: house is owned by Mercury but represented
Ket. 10,21 by the strong node Kethu. Therefore planets
Mar-1 (-26
■ill0 in Kethu star will be evil. . Rahu alone is in
VII 15-10 VTIJ13-30 X 15-30 Kethu star. Second house is another
Sun 17. J9 maraka sthana. No planet is in the second;
it is owned by Samm and no planet is
Sat. 29-40 deposited in Saturn star; hence Saturn is
VI17-30 12-17-12 P.M. l.S.T. XI 17-30 evil.
2—7—1936 Actually the mother died during Venus
27" 10' N-7^ 5 E Dasa Rahu Bhukti Venus Anthra on
Mercury Dasa Bal-
V 17-30 ance 15 years 6 days XII17-30 15-8-1967 when Mopn transited in Kethu
IV 15-30 Jup, 24-04 Transfer;
Rahu Moon 11 13-30 15-10
10-21 HI18-13
It is judged from the houses 3, 9, 10 and
12. The significators of 3, 9 and 12 should
have some connection with the 10th house.
Marriage: Then the transfer will be to another place
Judge houses 2,7 and 11. from the permanent place of occupation.
Third house is occupied by Moon, Jupiter
Second house—unoccupied ; owner Venus. and Rahu. The 9th by Mercury, Mars and
No planet in Venus star. No node in Kethu. And no planet Is in 12. Of these
Venus sign. Venus is strong. planets, Rahu and. Kethu are the strangest.
Therefore, the periods of the significators
Seventh house: Unoccupied. Owner deposited in their constellation must neces-
Jupiter. Rahu in one \ of Jupiter (sign) sarily give transfer. Sun and Venus are in
Rahu stronger. Sun and Venus are in Rahu Rahu star ;Rahu is in Kethu star. Actually,
star. one of the transfers took place on
Eleventh house : Unoccupied. Owner 14-8-1967.
Moon. No node in Moon's sign.. No The other transfers were during Venus
planet in Moon's star. Moon is, strong. Dasa, Moon Bhukti Mars Anthra; Venus
. Hence Venus, Sun and Moon are strong Dasa, Moon Bhukti, Sun Anthra; Venus
significators. Actually the marriage took Dasa, Mars Bhukti, Venus Anthra; Venus
place on 8-11-1962 when Venus Dasa Moon Dasa, Mars Bhukti, Moon Anthra; Venus
Bhukti Moon Anthra Moon Shookshma Dasa, Rahu Bhukti, Rahu Anthra and Venus
operated. Dasa, Rahu Bhukti Venus Anthra. Hence
only the significators of three, nine and
twelve connected with the 10th house gave
Mother's Death: transfers without fail
Fourth house denotes mother. Fourth Service:
Cusp falls in Sagittarius. No planet is in
the fourth house. It is a common sign. We have to judge'the houses 2, 6 and 10;
Therefore seventh house counted from the Second house is unoccupied. Venus is
fourth in the Bhadhakasthana. Sun and the owner; No planet is in Venus star.
Venus are occupying the Badhakasthana. Sixth house if owned and occupied by
Saturn and no planet is in Saturn star. dhatihas proved to be correct Those planets
Tenth house is occupied by Sun and Venus. which are not the significators have not
No planet is in their stars. Actually, he produced any result.
got into service on 20th December, 1960 Thus a few horoscopes had been verified
when Venus Dasa, Venus Bhukti, Satum and found that we are not able to get clear
Anthra operated. /, indications by following traditional system,
Thus, it can be seen that the method of whereas Krishnamurti Padhdhati unfail-
selecting planets signifying a particular ingly pinpoints the nature of the event and
matter by following Krishnamurthi Padh- the time of the event.


K. S. K.
"Sir, 1 would like to know when lean the moment of judgment at 5-30 P.M. l.S.T.
get over my financial trouble. I have enough on 1-7-69.
of stocks on hand. My mills produce fast.
Products do not move equally fast." Vcn. 1-01
IX 20-36 Sat. 13-28 XI 23-36 Sun 16-07
" 1 understand your bank position is to Rah,) -40 X 22-36 Mcfc. XII 22-36
improve. This is your ultimate aim. But
you wish that the source of income should Asc,
be by disposal of goods. So, nature of VIII 19-36 21'33'ZO-
event is getting money: Source is sale of
proceeds." VII
" Yes, yes ". 21-33-20 II 19-36
"Can you give any number between 1 9-56
and 249 ".
V 23 36 IV 22-36 Kct
VI 22-36 Mars 1-40
Jup. 4-57
" 78 comes to my mind." 8-41 111 20-36
-" According to my method 78 means. "
Moon's sign Cancer, Mercury star Aslesha Sun Dasa balance only 9 days.
and Sun sub 21° 33' 20" Nirayana should be - Sale of proceeds and to gain thereby is
taken as the lagna. As today the Krishna- indicated by the significators of the houses
murti Ayanamsa is 23° 20', then Sayana 3 and 11, as 4th house denotes possessions
position of ascendant will be 14° 53' 20." and 3rd house indicates parting with posses-
If for 13° latitude North 14-53-20 of Leo is sions. 11th house indicates profit. Only
the ascendant, then according to Raphael's when there is,a profit, - beneficial aspect of
Table of houses, second cusp will be 12-56 2nd house, bank position will improve. But
Virgo; 3rd cusp 13-56 Libra; 4th cusp if the 12th house significator operates, one
15-56Scorpio; 5th 16-56 Sagittarius and 6th loses not only what he possesses or produces
15-56 Capricorn. Deducting Krishnamurti at a cost and sells away at a lower price.
Ayanamsa,weget 19° 36'Leo asthe second :
20* 36 Virgo as 3rd; 22° 36' Libra as 4th; Therefore first judge whether the signifi-
23* 36' Scorpio as 5th and 22° 36' Sagittarius cator of the 3rd house is connected with 11
as 6tb. or 12 or both. 3 and 11 means profit: 3
and 12, loss ; 3, 11 and 12 means, the 3rd
The zodiac with the 12 cusps must be cusp is in the sub of Mercury or lord of the
written and then the position of planets for cusp is in a dual sign.
3rd house commences at 20° 36' Virgo and 2. Moon Dasa Moon Bhukti Mercury
extends up to 22° 36'. 20o-36' Virgo means, Anthra onwards the goods will be moving.
it is in Moon star Venus sub. Venus is in During Mars sub-period of 7 months there
the earthy fixed sign. Hence, either there will be stagnation.
can be only loss or only gain depending on Only from February 71, continuously
the significators of 11th house, there will be movement of goods. Money
11th house extends from 23° 36' Taurus will be realised.
to 22° 36' Gemini. Mercury and Sun are
deposited in 11. Mercury star is not occu- As Rahu is in 8, in Jupiter's star Rahu
pied by any. Kethu will act as its agent. sub, all overdraft facilities will be cleared
and one's own money will be accumulating
Sun's star is occupied by Venus, Kethu, in the bank from Mpon Dasa Rahu Bhukti
Jupiter and Moon, Rahu acts as agent of Guru Anthra Rahu Shookshma, i.e. May
Jupiter. 1971. Thereafter, for nearly 30 months,
Hence Moon, Jupiter, Mercury, Kethu, speedy turnover larger profits and absolute
Rahu and Sun. satisfaction.
He is entering into Moon Dasa on Saturn sub-period shows labour trouble,
10-7-69. The following sub period shows entanglementof money, bills remain unpaid ;
the commencement of the movements of hence there will be pressure for money.
goods and obtaining money. Luckily after these 19 months for years,
1. Moon Dasa Moon Bhukti Rahu the production the sales, the profit, etc. will
Anthra and Jupiter Anthra. be satisfactory and substantial.
Sir, Your students say that predictions thing else; we should avoid calculations.
based on the horoscope of a person may or Even he who claims that he is good in
■ may not be corract. All the position of the Higher Mathematics failed in Elementary
r 12 cusps depend on the momept of the Mathematics which I pointed put in my
birth time taken. And you decide whether October 1967 issue. One maybe M.A. yet
there is fulfilment, of one's desire or not he can err. Therefore as far as possible
only from the sub-lord i of the cusps to be avoid calculations when ready reference
taken for judgment. Hence, it seems you table is there. So refer to Raphael's
prefer Horary to Natal Chart. " and when mine is released refer to mine."
" Yes, undoubtedly. I reiterate that Hor- Sir, the table of houses is Sayana position.
ary is the best to get correct and amazing Is it not ? "
results." "Yes. So you have to note the aya-
For Horary am I to give a number? namsa on the day of judgment.
" Yes, please mention any number bet- Which ayanamsa am I to follow ?
ween 1 and 249.
Follow Krishnamtirti Ayanamsa. Forget
Is it numerology. Sir ? all others. When Krishnamurti Ayanamsa
No—Only ignorant people or incapable is used and by using the subdivision of a
people may do a propaganda that it is constellation you come correct in minute
numcrologV. No at all. It is pure, genuine details, it goes without saying that the other
Astrology. ayanamsa are not to be followed,, especially
Let me give 74. " if it varies by degrees? Follow only mine.
By 74 it is meant that Moon sign' Cancer, What is the Ayanamsa now ?
Saturn star Pushya and 14degrees 53 23 degrees 20 minutes. So you add this
minutes and 20 seconds ruled by Jupiter is figure to the position you got for the
the lagna. ' number you gave, i.e. 74. Hence add 23-20
Then we have to find ,oilt the cusps of the to 14-5 3-20. Then the Sayana position of
other houses." the.lagna would be 8 degrees 13 mts. 20.
" Will not the cusps vary from one place Turn over the page where the cusps of
to the other ? " various houses are given for Delhi Latitude.
Then you will get that Virgo 9-32 is the
" All places in the same latitude will have second cusp Libra 8-32 is the third cusp ;
the same cusps even though their longitude fourth will be 10-32 Scorpio ; fifth will be
may be different. Therefore one is to note 13-32 Sagittarius ; sixth will be 15-32 Capri-
the latitude of the place of judgment and corn and the other 6 cusps are 180 degrees
not the place from which the query is opposite to these.
Now we have got the Sayana position of
So", we have to take the latitude of the 12 cusps. Deduct the Ayanamsa and
Delhi" convert them to Nirayana. The following
Yes. It is for Delhi we have to see. The figure is the map for the query and hereafter
latitude is 28-38 North. we have to note down the position of the
Which table of Houses do you recom- planets.
mend to refer? For which time are we to note the
Till the table of HOUSES prepared by me position of the planets? If you judge a
comes out, one should refer only the chart immediately after calculations, then
Raphael's Table of Houses and not any- you note the position of the planets
which von start the casting for judgment. . Note where the seventh cusp falls, it is in
r Cusps for the number can be done and kept 1 Capricorn at 14-53-20. It is Moon Star
ready as a ready reckoner. You may keep Jupiter sub. What does Jupiter signify?
l a ready reckoner for any single locality for Jupiter is occupying the second house
I every nurobet between 1 and 249. Noting promising increase in the number of the
the position of the planets and in continua- members of the family by marriage. Hence
tion to judge will be done at any time. That marriage is promised.
time alone should be taken for the position
of the planets. Second Question;—Who are the significa-
tois of the houses 1,1, 11 which houses
Thei) are we to note for 7-30 A.M. I.S.T. denote the wedding ?
Or ate we to convert the tinte to L.M.T,
Occupant of the constellation of a planet
" Hullo! It is only to find the cusps of ■ is str»nger than the occupant. Occupant of
the houses one is to find out the time in a house is stronger than the lord of the
L.M;T. But to calculate the position of the house. This is the main principle of
planets you have to take the Indian Standard Krishnamurtiji.
time. Because the position of the planets are
for 12 noon Greenwich. That is the same Therefore find out the occupants of these
position for 5-30 P.M. I.S.T, That is why I houses and the planets, if any deposited in
have given in. my Ephemeris the position the constellation of the occupant. Then note
of the planets for 5-30 P.M. 1 could have down the occupant. Later find out the
■ given the position of the planets for 12 noon planets situated in the constellation of the
I.S.T. But you cannot verify easily with that owners of the signs in which the cusps of
of Western Ephemeris and confirm that the houses 2, 7 and 11 fall. Finally take the
mine is correct. So one can work with con- lords of the houses as well as those planets
fidence. Doubt should there. conjoined with or aspected by the above
Therefore you calculate and insert in the map significators.
after deducting ayanamsa from the figures
obtained. Then the following is the horo- Second house extends from 16-12 Leo to
scope for judgment. 15-12 Virgo (you have to take cusp to cusp
as a house and not like the traditional
astrologers, if you want to follow Krisbna-
IX 15-12 Sat. 15-34 Ven. 17.16 multi Padhdhati.) Mercury, Kethu and
X 17-12 XI 20-12 Xll 22-12 Jupiter are the (occupants of the 2nd house.
No planet is in Kethu constellation. Rahu
Lag is in Jupiter's star Moon, Sun are in the star
Rahu 14-53-20 of Mercury.
29-24 Moon
VIII 16-12 25.19
Sun 27-00 Seventh house extends from 14-53-20 in
11 Capricorn to 16-12 in Aquarius. No planet
VII Merc. is found in this arc.
14-53-20 ■ Kethu
29-24 Eleventh house extends from Taurus to
22-12 Gemini. Venus is in this area and the
VI 22-12 Mar. 16-14 Jup. 11-1 three constellations of Venus are Bharani,
V 20-12-V •IV 17-12 III 15-12 P. P. Guni and Poorvasbada. Saturn and
Mercury are the two planets in its star.
Mercury Dasa at the moment of judgment Therefore the strongest . are Mercury,
balance 5 years, 11 months, 20 days. We Rahu, Jupiter, Kethu, Saturn, Venus, Moon
have to presume that Mercury Dasa Rahu and Sun.
Bhukti started on 30-1-68.
Now the question arises how to select the
First Question :—Is marriage promised? strongest and the fruitful ones.
Krishnamurtiji has discovered that the The horoscope is as follows:—
, "ruling planets at the moment of judgment
will be helpful and they are the real
benefactors. Today it is Wednesday VUI22-27 IX 22-27 Sat. 19-9
X 23-27 XI 23-27
governed by Mercury. The star is Ashle&ha
ruled by Mercury, The sign is governed by
Moon, Cancer. Lagna falls in Leo. Kethu Vn23-4 Jup.1-9
and Rahu, are the two nodes which will Kethu XII
represent Mercury as Kethu is conjoined
with Mercury and Rahu is aspected by
j Mercury. Krishnamurtiji has said that Rahu VI Rahu 8-38
or Kethu will give first of all the results tag. 23-04
indicated by the planets with which they
are conjoined or by which they are Mcr. 18-33
aspected. Moon 11 22-27
29-42 IV 23-27 III 22-27 Yen. 22-40
V 23-27 Mar.26-24
Sud 29-59
Hence Include the two nodes. Reject Sun, Sun Dasa balance 4 years 7 months and
" take Kethu. 19 days.
Then when will the marriage come From 12-7-69 Rahu Dasa Saturn Bhukti
/ will operate.
Significators of 2,7 and 11 the houses are
Mercury Dasa Rahu Bhukti Kethu Mercury, lord of 2 in 2 and no planet in
Anthra or Mercury Dasa Rahu Bhukti its constellation.
Moon Anthra. Mercury Dasa Rahu Bhukti No planet in 7 lord is Saturn. Kethu re-
Kethu Anthra is mostly over. Moon Anthra presents Saturn. Rahu is in Kethu star and
will start after 7 months 24 days, i.e. on 7th Rahu is a significator.
April, 1970. It will run for ,2 months and No planet is in Saturn star.
16J days. Now we have to see in which
constellation and sub the significators will 11th house is occupied by exalted Jupiter.
be transitting. As Mercury and Moon are It is in its own constellation. No other
fast moving, take Rahu. Rahu comes to its planet is in Jupiter's star. Hence Rahu,
own constellation on 7th February, 1970. Kethu, Sani, Jupiter are the significators.
Then it will be in Venus sub till 25 the April, Now select die time of mairiage. Allow
1940. Then it will be in Kethu sub which Rahu to transit in Saturn sign Rahu star.
is also a strong significator. Mercury will Then take Kethu Anthra which commences
enter into Rotilni star governed by Moon in after 3-10 of Saturn Bhukti was over, i.e. 10
Venus sign. Hence the dale of marriage will months 8 days after the commencement of
be on the day when Sun transits in Venus Saturn Bhukti. It isafter 21-5-69. By horary
sign, Moon star, Rahu sub, i.e., 25th May, we fixed 25-5-1970. As Kethu sub period is
1970. to run for 2 months this will agree. The
shookshma will be the fag end of Kethu only.
Now let- us see what the horoscope "So,"
indicates, according to, the; time furnished by So what! your parents can start negoiition
you. in April 1970 and make arrangements etc.,
fixing choultry, etc. only then.

Kumber given is 1. is in Moon's star and the sub of Venus. As
The query is- taken for judgment at 3 Venus is in the constellation of Rahu depo-
P.M. on Monday, 4th August, 1969 at 28-38 sited in the 12th Bhava it is unfavourable
North. for united life. But Venus is also the
significator of the houses 2, 3 and 7. Asa
The horoscope is as follows:— significator of 7 aspected by lord of lagna
it shows that there will be reunion. It
Lagna 0-0 means that Venus is for separation and also
t Moon II 3-4 Vet). 8-0 for reunion. Does it look funny? When one
10-38 HI 29-4 IV 22-4 is running Venus Dasa for some time wife
SaL 15-22
goes away and then returns. Unless Venus
Rahu V 17-4 has got such matters shown according to its
- 29-52 Sun 18-30 disposition, both cannot happen.
Xll 19 4
- Now we have to find out when he will
Met. 1-43 return.
XI 17-4' VI 19-4 Consider the houses 11,7 and 6.
Ket. 29.52
11th bouse is owned by Saturn. Rahu is
IX 29-04 in its sign.
X 22-4 Mars VII 0 0 Jup. 9-43
13-04 . Rabu is stronger. Venus is deposited in
VIII 3-04 Rahu's star!
Kethu Dasa Balance one year and five Mars is deposited in Saturn's star.
months. VII house is unoccupied. It is owned
by Venus. ■ return home and to join the
wife one is to judge the houses 11, 7 and 6 Saturn alone is in Venus constellation.
For separation 12, 7 and 6. Sixth house is occupied by Kethu and
In horary astrology one should first of all Jupiter. Moon and Mercury are in Kethu
note whether he will come at all and then star.
only take trouble to find out the significa- Therefore the strong significators are
tors and calculate when the significators Venus, Satum, Mercury, Moon and Kethu.
will operate conjointly so that he can come The time of reunion should be during
and join on that day. Kethu Dasa Mercury Bhukti Moon Anthra
The 11th cusp is at 17-4 in Capricorn. It Venus Shookshma. , It will be in July 1970.

Dear ■ friend! fore your query should be whether it is possi-
One should know whether one is promised ble for y#u to go overseas and if so, when ?
to go overseas' or not and then alone one It shows your ambition to go—good.
should think when one will be going, you You have given 57 within 249.
are a wonderful boy. You select the name It means according to Krishnamurti
to be given to your child at the time you Padhdhati that the lagna falls in Gemini 21 °
remain unmarried. Should not you find 46' 40", As this is workedt at 10-32
whether marriage is promised and then whe- A.M. on Thursday, the 7th August, 1969,
ther you can have at least one child; There- at Delhi, one is to erect a chart for Delhi
tatitude and insert the planets for 10-32 VIRGO 12-20. In this area we find Jupi-
A.M, The following is the horoscope; ter and Kethu. Mercury is in Kethu star
and Rahu in Jupiter star. Rahu is in the
Moon Ven. 11.12 9th house and Venus is in Rahu star. 12th
XI 15.20 15.19
X 10.20 Sat. Laeina house is occupied by Venus and Saturn
15.27 Xll 20.20 21.46.40 alone is in Venus star. Thus it will be seen
that Mercury, Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, Kethu
Rahu 1114.20 and Rahu are the significators. When so
29.44 Sun 21.09 many planets become the significators there
IX 10-20 7—8—69 are two methods of selection after rejecting
10-32 A.M. the invalid ones.
Mer.6-43 Those planets which are not in the
VIII 14.20 ITT 10.20
Ket. 29-44 sub of the significators of 3, 9 or 12 are
not useful to make the joumey. But they
VII VI 20.20 Jup. 10.12 will offer other results of the house which
21.46.40 Mars 14.1 V 15.20 IV 10.20 they signify.
Also one should note the ruling planets
at the moment of judgment. Today it is
The 12tb cusp is to be judged to find out Thursday. The star is Rohini, The sign
whether one is promised life in a foreign in which Moon moves is Taurus owned by
place. It should be supported by the sub- Venus. The lagna is Virgo governed by
lord of the 9th cusp indicating that long Mercury, in Moon star Hastha and in the
journey is also promised. 12th cusp is in sub of Venus. Therefore one is to say that
10-20 of Taurus. That is Moon star Kethu during Mercury Bhukti, Venus Anthra and
sub, 9th cusp is in 10-20 Aquarius in Rahu Jupiter Shookshma you will go overseas.
star Jupiter sub. Both Kethu and Jupiter At the time of judgment there were only
are in the third house indicating that one 6 years of Moon Dasa left over Mercury
will leave his residence and make joumey. Bhukti commences on 7-6-71. In that Venus
Hence this number promises long journey Anthra starts On 19th September, 1971. In
and life in a foreign place. that of Venus Anthra Jupiter Shookshma
will be in the end of October and beginning
Now let us find out the significators to of November 1971, Hence you are going
note the time of departure. For overseas overseas and that must be on 1-11-71.
one is to judge the houses 3, 9 and 12.
Third house extends from LEO 10-20 to Good Luck!

K. S. K.
" Oh father—where are you? Cries his of the native who is absent or that of the
son—having left his house, without any son may or may not be correct
information, the father may be roaming So ask the son to give a number between
about or might have attained eternal rest. 1 and 249.
Who can say what could have happened to The son says " 139,"
him? or if he is alive leading a secluded
life, who can credit scientifically except Erect a chart for the moment at which the
learned astrologers ? astrologer begins to work for the judgment.
One need not worry about the time taken to
To find out the truth, horary astrology is cast the chart if he at once proceeds to
the most correct method as the horoscope work.
Time of the commencement of the work- " True, Sir : my father left on 9-5-1963
ing of the chart is to be compared to" " Good ".
" Boopadana" i.e. the moment when a
child is out of the mother in full. Time of " Please find out when he will return if he
.commencement of judgment in continua- is alive".
tion without a break is similar to the child For any action done by one, the 12th
which begins to cry or begins to breathe house therefrom is to undo it. Separation
after a few minutes have passed from the came because of the signiftcators of 3, 9
moment of Boopadana. Hence one should and 12 houses counted from the 9th. There-
take only the inoment when one starts erect- fore take houses, 2, 8 and 11 counted from
ing a chart and in continuation offers the the 9th. It means judge the houses 10, 4
prediction. Now it is 7-20 A.M. I.S.T. on and 7th counted from lagna. No planet
24-7-1969. Place of judgment 22° 33' North. occupies any af these 3 houses 10, 4 or 7.
So, erect a horoscope, taking the ascen- Owners are Moon, Saturn and Mars. No
dant as 20° Libra-Nirayana which is the planet in Moon's star. Sun, Mars and Mer-
position for the number 139 given by the cury are in Saturn star. Venus is in Mars
son, (Refer the ready reckoner given in star. His return will be during Jupiter Dasa
July 1968 issue Astrology and Athrishta or Sun Bhukti Venus Anthra Mars Shookshma,
the book Krishnamurthi Ephemeds or i.e. around 4th week of July, 1971.
Krishnamurlhi Padhdhati.) "How do you take Sun sub-period. It
VIII can be Moon or Mars sub-period also".
VI 50' Saturn 19*50' IX 19*50'
Rahu 14° 56' " True. Only here the ruling planets will
03 28' VII 20° Venus24* 17' guide you ". Now the point which rises in
Sun 7B4r the east is Siroha-Leo lagna, It is neither
Karkata-Cancer, nor Scorpio.
V 23° 50' 7.20 A.M. I.S.T. Mercury
24—7—1969 22' 33' X 9*24'
21*50' Secondly, the lagna is in Poorvapalguni
North Ayanamsa star ruled by Venus. Further Moon is in
23° 20' Balance Venus sign-Jupiterstar. Query is to find out
Jupiter Dasa 6 yrs. the father's date of return. So take the
. IV 21° 50' 9 cnonths 4 days. XI 23° 50'
ruling planets. Jupiter Dasa Venus Bhukti,
r Sun, Moon and Mars Anthra passed away.
II 19® 50' Moon Ke- 0° 28
Her.-7 *29 So, the next date is only Jupiter Dasa Sun
III 19D50' Mars
10° 03'
27*42' Jup.7*54'
Lagna 20° Bhukthi Venus Anthra.
I Ncp.2 40' XJl 23* 50' Also note the transit, Jupiter from its re-
As the 9th house represents father, his trograde motion take's direct course in Mars
walking out of the bouse should be judged sign Jupiter star in the 4th week of July,
from the houses 3, 9 and V2 counted from 1971. Venus will be in Jupiter star Sun sub.
9th house, i.e. to this lagna 11th, 5th and Sun will be in Moon sign. Mars in exalta-
8th houses to libra. tion in its own star. Satum in Sun's star
Jupiter and Kethu arc in 11, Rahu is in 5 Venus sub. So one should predict 4th week
and Venus is in 8. of July, 1971 to be the safe return of the
Rahu is in Jupiter star ; none in Kethu's " So, two more years."
star : None in Rahu star. Satum is in Venus
star. As Jupiter Dasa is running, he ought "Yes. What to do? "
to have left the house during Jupiter Dasa " Can I pray to God, Sir ? Will it not
Satum Bhukthi Kethu Anthra Rahu Shook- help for early return ? "
shma in April, May 1963 or Jupiter Dasa
Kethu Bhukthi Saturn Anthra Rahu Shook- " Whether you pray or not, publish in
shma in January 1968. Now wc have to the paper or not, his date of return will and
see the transit on both occasions and fix up. must be 4th week July, 1971 ".

Indeed, Krishnamuiti Padhdhati is tions and a few absurdities. None can deny
simple. It is scientific. Not only it is suc- this fact The Hindu Traditional Astrology
cessful but also useful to the consultant. is never universally applicable. Hence it is
No alternative. No confusion. No tend- not scientific. Further, it is not useful for
ency. Only certainty. Learn it. Apply modern world.
property. You yourself will feel lilce a Another student asked : How to judge
young boy who learns swimming and is whether one can become rich or poor ? "
capable of crossing the river.
One opens a restaurant and serves deli- Answer : (a) fVestern System,
cious food, well cooked which could be Judge the fortune of a male (1) from the
easily digested and fully assimilated. There strength of the Moon, its deposition, the
are already a few restaurants who supply beneficial aspects received by the Moon and
polluted food. One can certify which is the applying aspects of the Moon immedi-
good only when one takes in all the places ately after the birth. (2) The owner and
and offer one's opinion. Not entering into the occupant of the second house. (3)
the new good restaurant what is the mean- Favourable aspect between the two lumi-
ing of passing any remark on the new naries. (4) Jupiter and Venus or either
one. So read all the text-books and then Jupiter, or Venus in the ascendant or in
Krishnamurti Padhdhati. 1 am sure that elevation. (5) Beneficial aspect to the
you will join those thousands of intelligent second cusp and fortuna. (6) Evil planets
and honest students with open mind who in 3, 6, 9 and 12 and bencfics in 1, 4, 7 or
switched off the traditional one and switch- 10 promise pleasant and prosperous life ;
ed on only to K. P. whereas evil aspact to the meridian and or
The class was going on in Futnani Hall to the ascendant or its lord portend difficul
in Calcutta. One Mr. M.S.G. brought a ties even to get partimony.
book on Astrology and opened the page 163. Slow-moving plancls forming favourable
It was found thatif the lord of the seventh mutual aspects by progression and the
is powerfully exalted and occupies birth strong luminaries at the birth time receiving
more than one wife roust not be predicted. beneficial aspects promise smooth progress
Please clarify. I replied that the translation in one's career throughout life. This fails
may or may not be correct as side by side miserably, even though Westerners follaw
the sloka is not given. But the rule is not this method. Are there not people born
applicable even to one full sign born. For within an hour and twins having the same
11| signs, lord of 7 can never be exalted in aspects formed among the 'slow-moving
the Birth Bhava, If one strictly follows planets and the luminaries "? How is it that
sign by sign, this rule is absurd. I added one of the twins becomes richer and richer
that similar absurdities are in the Tradi- and the other becomes poorer and poorer ?
tional Astrology which is general and not
applicable to one and all. No doubt the Planets very near the second cusp with
author should explain these. Or the trans- beneficial aspects from other planets are
lator should clarify. Look at the condition favourable to increase wealth. But planets
of the student who could not understand close to meridian receiving good aspects
this rule. Thus there are many without improve one's status, rank and luck, A few
clarity. Therefore after reading these Hindu authors consider the 8th house as
thousands of slokas one gets naturally con- hopeless and useless; a few cla,S it to be
fused. "Moreover, there are many contradic- auspicious, if •ccupied by benefics. West-
erners also consider that the strong beneflcs most of the people face difficulties; they
in the $th house cause gains by legacy, un- are depressed, disappointed and dejected.
earned income, inheritance and windfall. Already, in my magazine, I have given
\ Benefics in movable signs give sudden instances of the suffering persons now living
and substantial gains to one's satisfaction in and not those born somewhere in the world
a short period. in some other continent in previous
If they are in fixed signs, the income is 3. If lord of 2 occupies a Kendta or a
also steady ; but if they are in common Kona. (It is said by Hindus that a planet
signs one cannot hoard up much money.
loses strength to give the result of the house
Planets in 12 to Sun and 2 to Moon pro- it owns if it occupies a house 6 or 8 or 12,
mote one's rank and improve one's bank counted from its own house. If lord of
position. two is in a Kona the 9th, is it not 8 to the
If Jupiter and Moon or Jupiter and Mars second ? Lagna is both a Kona sign and
form unfavourable aspects, one will be Kendra sign ; hence if lord of 2 is in one,
overliberal, imprudent and his expenditure is it not that it is in 12 to his own house ?
will outweigh income. Thus there are many If Lord of 2 is in 7, is it not in the 6th
rules. counted from the second house? So this
general rule should again be judged. Saturn
(b) Hindu Traditional Astrology will be in Virgo, Libra and Scorpio for a
period of 7£ years. Hence those born in
One becomes rich or poor depending on Capricorn should be lucky when Saturn is in
the various Rajayogas and Avayogas as Virgo or Libra and those bom in Aquarius
propounded by the sages and the learned should be rich if they are born in the 5
scholars of India. (Krishnamurti says that years when Saturn . was in Libra and
the existence of Rajayoga is not a guar- Scorpio. (Also read for every planet what
antee that one should have sufficient money results are given when they occupy the 9th
at least to pull on his life without borrow- and 10th houses.)
ing money, or to meet the normal expenses.
Normally, according to them, one should 4. Lord of 2 in Gopuramsa or
not bother about tomorrow. Instances are Simhasana amsa. (How many astrologers
many wherein correct time of birth is noted apply all these amsas when they give the
and the birth charts are erected by good result ? I have the life readings given by
Mathematicians and Astronomers. No the traditional astrologers who claim to be
Ragayoga is found in the charts of those much experienced calling others as new
who roll in wealth ; not in thousands but entrants. Nowhere these amsas and the
in crores. This is a fact. [Refer to Krishna- Asthaka varga are used while offering the
murti Padhdhati, Vol. II, pages 79 and 80.] prediction. They work out ashtaka varga
They are the richest in India. but they do not make use of it. Already I
published one life reading given by a tradi-
2. One can command money if the tional astrologer. These simply terrify a
second house lord is exalted. (This general new student who wants to learn the subject.
principle has contradiction especially to It creates an impression that this science is
Aries, Gemini-borns, as there is another rule difficult to understand and consider these
saying that planets in 12 indicate waste, Uss traditional astrolegers who offer bold
and drain on the purse. This general rule predictions, as those who are gifted. Fact
is not applicable to one and all. Saturn will is that they arc bold even though they know
be in 11 in exaltation to Sagittarius Lagna- that chances of failure are equal. Hence
borns. Saturn is in that sign for nearly two they label the prediction as " tendency ".
and a half years. Every day onetwelfth of
the total birth in the world will be in this 5. Lords of 2, 6 and 11 in Kendra or in
Lagna and Saturn will be in 11. Are all the a Kona. (Lord of 2 had been explained.
people so born making money due to the Lord of 6 in 5 : what does it mean ? the
favourable sub occupied by Saturn whereas owner occupies the 12th house to his own.
23 ''
Lord of 11 in 10 ; what does it mean? Lord consultants whereas temporarily it may do
of 11 in 4 ; is it not in 6 to his own ? In good only to the sooth sayer. That is why,
these cases which are we to apply ?) most of the learned people keep silence. I
t. Benefics in 3 or 6 or 10 or 11 counted had published the horoscope of late Sir
from Moon sign make one rich. (Moon in C. P- Ramaswamy Iyer. How many yogas
Capricorn will have Mercury in 3 ; Moon in are there ? I furnish dozens of horoscopes
Cancer will have Venus in 3 ; Moon in Leo of those who are living in Bombay,
will have Jupiter in (; Moon in Scorpio Calcutta, Delhi and Madras. They are
will have Jupiter in 3 and so on. But it 'crorepathis'. No Rajayoga at all. But
is also said by the traditional astrologers) : those who have Rajayoga combinations
suffer. If I point out, the traditional
" M•odhopi Ncccha ripugoastama shad vyayastho astrologers attack me producing incorrect
Dustah smrutho bhavathi shustha charts. Rejoinder is not published in the
etheetharasyath...*' same magazine which published the
meaning that planets are said to be badly untruth. It appears that they are afraid of
placed when they are eclipsed, debilitated publishing the truth which will open the
(that is, neecha) or if they are situated in eyes of the readers. Others have not
the enemy's camp or when they occupy the commented to the extent to which I do. Any
8th or 6th or 12th house (Phala Deepika). truth contradicting the tradition will not be
Let us see Jataka Tatva. Mahadeva says; published.; (1) when rejoinder is not
" Yath bhavesastrikae thrikaeso wa yath published, how can they publish the real
bhave thad bhava nasaha". (When the fact about Rajayoga ; (2) they have not
lord of any Bhava is in the 6th or 8th or propounded a theory by which people will
12th, or the Bhava is occupied by the lord be benefited. So what is the use of saying
of 6lh or 8th or 12lh house counted from that yogas are useless. Any one can pass a
that Bhava, then the Bhava in question is, remark ; but one should say how to rectify
totally destroyed). Thus there are various or which rule one has to follow. We should
rules; one rule promises fortune and adopt a principle which can be applied
another rule indicates that the same planet universally to one and all and it should also
in the same position will bring misfortune. hold good in the case of twins enjoying
Which are you to predict ? If it is a science opposite results.
then nothing should be. left for your
discretion. You have to apply straight and In one word, I declare that these
give the results. It is not out. of place to Rajayogas mislead and wrongly give hopes
mention the following : Mr. B. V. Raman to the consultants but, in fact, they fail
in one of his books says ; " Modem astro- miserably in the majority of the cases.
logers seem to have overlooked an Success is negligible. Then is it a rule and is
exceptionally fertile field of investigation in it scientific ?
their indifference to study of yogas which 7. If four planets are in swakshetra,
form as it were the essence of Indian (i.e., they occupy their own houses) one
predictive astrology. Most modern writers becomes rich. (This also is general and this
are silent on the subject of the yogas except too fails).
perhaps for some odd remarks " My
reply is this. Existence of any Rajayoga is 8. If the owner of the Navamsa sign
not a guarantee for a pleasant life with occupied by the lord of the Hth house, is
health, wealth, etc. Those combinations in Vaiseshikamsa and if it is aspected by
said to cause a particular Rajayoga in benefics, one becomes rich. (Let me ask
majority of the cases, have offered most whether any has used this rule and given life
miserable results. 1 speak about those which reading to find out whether one can become
I have observed. I have hundreds of rich or not).
horoscope having Rajayogas and suffering 9. Benefics in Kendras make one rich.
during their periods. To me it appears that God knows how many have become rich.
these Rajayogas are useless, mostly mis-
guiding, misleading and disappointing the 10. Mercury in Cancer and Saturn in 11
is good to become rich. What about Leo If there is no planet in their constellations
boms? Sagittarius boms ? then the owner and the occupant will
U. Sun in 5 in Leo, Jupiter in Aquarius include in their indications the results of
make one rich. Thus there are many rules. this house owned or occupied also, other
When the rules are general how are we to than what they have to offer according to
know that in this person's case it is appli- the house situation of the lord of the con-
cable and in this native's case it is not. stellation in which the owner or occupant
What is the amendment for such rules? If are deposited.
it is so, why should it not be mentioned in Occupation of a constellation is stronger
the text-books, then and there, so that it than occupation of a house.
will be useful to the readers. In Krishnamurti Padhdhati for natal
How many slokas! How to commit to horoscopes there is no place for exaltation,
memory and remember while applying! or debilitation or eclipse, or retrograde etc.
One may ask " What, Sir, will not retro-
Krishnamurti Padhdhati grade planets and eclipsed planets prove to
Riches: There is no limit for riches. It be detrimental?"
depends on the commitments and the need Let me give you a few instances.
of a native. Suppose two brothers have
each a lakh of rupees. One has many 1. One was bom at 11-20 P.M. on
children ; he has sympathy towards his Wednesday, the 8th February, 1922 having
relatives and he calls himself poor as he is Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury retro-
unable to meet the recurring expenses. His grade. As his birth star was Aradhra he
brother who had the same amount, says he was running Rahu Dasa, at birth then
is rich;enough as he has married a miserably Jupiter Dasa, followed by Satum Dasa and
and selfish wife, not even trying to have now running Mercury Dasa. All were retro-
at least one child and he is able to add some- grade. Further Rahu, Jupiter and Saturn
thing more to what he already has. So are were in Virgo in the 12th house to his
we to judge from the amount? To me a Libra Ascendant.
rich person is one who enjoys all the fruits 2. Another friend has Jupiter eclipsed in
of life in this world and meets out expenses rapt conjunction and he had studied law,
then and there without borrowing. and had enrolled as an advocate and is now
Assets must be greater than the liabili- making good money, from his Jupiter Dasa.
ties. Jupiter made him an advocate.
Which houses are we to judge? Second 3. One gentleman who could not pur-
house indicates the bank position. chase even books during his Engineering
One gets money only when others give College course earned a lot of money, pos-
either as a share or as interest or rent or sesses house by becoming the top personnel
profit or salary or allowance, etc. which is of an Engineering Concern (contractors)
judged from the sixth house. during his Mercury Dasa having been born
immediately after New Moon on Sunday,
One's name, fame and profession arc 22nd October, 1911 at a place near Kanya-
judged from the 10th house. That which kumari. His birth star was Swathi and
one makes up as profit or gains, or one Rahu Dasa was running at his birth time.
receives as reward or donation is judged In text-books, each author has mentioned
from the 11th house. something. One says that Mercury does
Planets owning a house (Bhava) or occu- not become evil even when eclipsed; the
pying a house can give the results of these other says that neither Saturn not Venus
houses during the periods and sub-periods loses strength even when eclipsed. There is
of the planets situated in the three constella- no single version. But, in reality, the
tions governed by the owner or the eclipsed planet, whomsoever it is, offers
occupant. those results which it indicates.
4, The retired Chief Engineer of Madras 2. Sun in Cancer—ambitious but poor.
Stale had his Mercury in the same degree 3. Sun in Capricorn—Mean action and
and minute, in the same sign, where poor.
Sun was. He became the Chief Engineer
only in the Mercury period. As I have seen 4. Mars in Leo—Cannot save, so poor,
many horoscopes where Sun and another 5. Mars in Aquarius—Untold miseries
planet arc in the same position and the and poor.
planet which was eclipsed has given maxi- 6. Mercury in Mars sign—Swindles
mum beneficial result to the native, through other's money pnd yet' continues to
the matters signified by the eclipsed planet, be poor.
in its period and sub-period how can I
accept that eclipsed planets cannot be 7. Mercury in Leo—Penniless—(Hope-
beneficial.) less general rule).
Then, the significators of the houses 2, 6, 8. Mercury in Capricorn or Aquarius—
10 and 11 deposited in the sub of the signifi- Ever in debts.
cators of either 2 or 6 or 10 or II give 9. Jupiter in Capricorn—Poverty and
wealth during the periods of these significa- unhappiness.
tors, only when the lord of the sub is good
one cannot expect riches even though a 10. Then, lords of 1, 4 and 9 deposited
planet may be the significator of 2, 6, 10 in the !th Bhava.
or II if the sub lord does not co-operate. 11. Lord of 2 in 12 and lord of 12 in 2.
Qnc can go through the second volume of 12. Lord of 2 in 12 and lord of 12 in
Krishnamurti Padhdhali, page 74. Rule is
simple; one universal rule only, which is lagna aspccted by lord of 7.
applicable to one and all, young or old, 13. Lord of 5 in 6; lord of 9 in 8 aspee-
man or woman. ted by lord of 2 or 7.
Recent researches have added this vital one, 14. Malefics in 2, 4 or 5 counted from
i.e., one should judge the lord of the the sign occupied by Jupiter.
sub of the second and the 11th cusps. Un- 15. Even if benefics are in 10, malefics
less the lord of the sub is the significator of in 2 spoil the wealth.
the houses 2, 6, 10 or 11, one cannot im-
prove his bank position. 16. Malefics in 3, lord of 12 in 2 and
(Planets will be in the same degree lord of 9 in 12—Very poor.
and minute, in the same sub in the ease of 17. Moon, Jupiter and Saturn inKendra
twins; yet it is the sub-lords of the second signs, Mars in 5 or 8 or 12 make one
and eleventh who portray whether these very poor.
houses contribute towards riches or not.)
18. Sun and Moon in Aquarius and
Every person has the houses 2, 6, 10 and other planets in debilitated signs
11. So every one has significators of the make one poor though bom a king
houses 2, 6, 10 and 11 at least their owners. or a ' kubera'.
But one should know that it is the sub-lord of 19. Venus in Carprieom and Mercury,
the planets who indicate whether the signifi- Moon and Mars in debilitation will
cator will offer results favourably to the make even a prince lose his property
person or not. and become poor.
Question 2: Who ate to be classified as 20. Moon :in * Sayana Avasta ' causes
poor and unfortunate ? poor persons.
Traditional method 21. Mars in Nidhra Avastha' causes
distress and poverty.
1. Sun in Aries other than Parama-
uchcha point. Thus there are various rules.
Krishnamurti Padhdhati It is very important to note the dasas
which are to run. Any planet which is to give
If the sub-lord of the second and the 11th much money may not have its major dasa
cusps are ruled by the significators of 5 at all. If the major dasa lord is to ruin the
and 8 ; or 8 and 12; or 5 and 12 ; one family, how far can the sub-period of the
will lose money in the periods of such signi- beneficial planet help ? The results will be
ficators through the sources indicated by similar to a fellow who loses money heavily
the houses occupied and owned by the in seven races and in two races he gains
significators. This is the universal rule. something as his horses in these two races
happened to be dead favourities. So the
One gets money during the periods of the benefit will be there but it will be negli-
significators of 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 and II in the gible.
sub of the significators of 2, 6, 10 and
11. These are to receive cheques. But if a person runs good periods, auto-
matically he becomes rich in spite of drain
But the significators of other houses are during certain sub-periods. Suppose the
to bring down the bank position; to issue sub-lord of the llth cusp is favourable and
cheques. its major period runs for long number of
years. The sub-lord of the 12th is unfavou-
If a planet be the significator of both 5th rable. Even then, as the sub-period of this
and 6th houses, then during the sub-periods planet is only for a short time, one will not
of others planets who are beneficial there lose much. If the sub-lord of the 12th is
will be income during the major period of the significator of 5 and 8, and this planet
the planet who is the significator of both has long number of years of Udu Dasa, then
good and bad houses. The same planet in during its major period one will be losing
its major period and during the sub-period money just like a T.B. patient loses weight
of the evil unfavourable planets, bring loss. without nourishing food, etc.
Hence, both the results will be given by
the planet signifying both the favourable (Other questions put by the students in
and unfavourable houses, depending on the Calcutta and the answers given by me will
sub-periods. appear in subsequent issues.)


" Sir, we have come to request you to Sayana position of the lagna should be
find' out whether our grievance about our Capricorn (Makara) 19° 13' 20". For
seniority question will be solved and we will latitude 28° 40' North, the cusps of other
be restored our rightful seniority." houses according to Sayana system are:
2nd cusp in 26-56 Aquarius (Kumbha) ;
" All right. Will each one of you please 3rd cusp 3-56 in Aries (Mesha) ; 4th cusp
mention a number between 1 and 249?" in 5-56 in Taurus (Rishaba); 5th cusp in
'A' immediately gives No. 184, The 1-56 Gemini (Mithuna); 6th cusp in
•ther person ' B' mentions No. 75, 24—56 Cancer (Kataka) and so on.
Day and date of judgment; Friday Deducting the Ayanamsa, we get the
8-8-1969 Nirayana positions of the cusps as follows;
Time of judgment : 9-33 A.M. (1ST) 2nd: 3-36 Aquarius (Kumbha)
Place of judgment : 28° 40' N 77° 12' E 3rd : 10-36 Pisces (Mcena)
4th : 12-36 Aries (Mesha)
The number 184 given by ' A' places 5th : 8-36 Taurus (Rishaba)
iagna in Guru's sign Dhanus, Sukra's star
Poorvashada and in Kethu's sub. Kethu's 6th: 1-36 Gemini (Mithuna)
sub commences at 25° 53' 23" and the 7th : 25-53-20 Gemini (Mithuna); and
Ayanamsa for 1969 being 23° 20', the so on
After calculating the positions of the situated in the constellation of a planet in
planets for 9-30 A.M. (1ST) on 9-8-1969, the 2nd bhava (Rahu is in 2) and as Venus is
the horoscope is as follows : the ruler of the 10th house and occupies the
VI 1.36 6th, surely he will have his seniority ques-
V 8.36 Sukra
IV 12,36 Chandra tion settled in his favour. At the time
in 10.36 Sani 15.28 26.45 VII12.18
25.53 when the significators of 10th and 11th
20 houses operate, you must have it redressed
to your satisfaction. The Meridian (the
Rahu Surya 10th house cusp) falls in Sukra's sign Thula
29.40 22.5 (Libra), in Rahu's star Swathi, and in the
11 3.36
sub of Mercury (Budha). No planet is
VIII 3.36 situated in the 10th house. Saturn alone is in
Budha the star of Venus, lord of 10. 11th house
Ketu 29.40 is owned and occupied by Mars (Mangal)
:md Moon (Chandra) alone is in Mars star.
Lagna Mangal Guru Therefore, at the time when Mars Dasa,
25.53.20 14.22 X 12.36 10.16 Rahu Bhukti, Sukra Anthra, Sani Shook-
XII 1.36 XI 8.36 XI 10.36 sharaa runs on 21-11-1969, you will know
that your seniority is restored and you have
(Mars Dasa balance : 5 years 2 months your legitimate upgrading, increase in
16 days) Now, which houses are to be income and improvement in status.
referred to find out whether one's grievance
regarding his seniority will be redressed and For number '75', applying the same
he will be restored to his rightful place. principles, it has to be predicted that his
First, note the sub-lord of the cusp of the grievance will be redressed and he will gain
11th house. The 11th cusp falls in Scorpio only when he runs the dasa of Mars
(Vrischika) 8-36, i.e., in Anuradha star (Mangal), bhukti of Rahu, anthra of Sani
governed by Saturn-Sara and in the sub and shookshama of Sani on 10-1-1970.
owned by Venus (Sukra). As Venus is GOOD LUCK.
The twelve signs of the Zodiac rule Speaks a lot, best fitted as Insurance agent,
certain parts of the body; One should not salesman, propagandist, etc. if the sub-lord
ignore that each sign has also subsidiary is Mars, one will be blunt and outspoken;
dominion over that part of the body if it is Saturn, he speaks a little and he
denoted by the sign 180° away, i.e. oppo- drags on ; if Jupiter, wise talk; if Venus,
site sign. mostly the talk will be about the other
Max Heindel and Augusta Foss Heindel sex or sexual life. If it is Rahu or Kethu.
have said "Affliction of Gemini may cause defect in speech. If Rahu or Kethu is in
Bronchitis or weaken the arms and 12, defect in vision; if they are in 2, defect
shoulders, but Sciatica, a Sagittarius in speech.
disease, mayalso result. Taurus rules the
throat; it has great sympathy with Scor- Kethu III 15.22
pio, the sign that rules the generative in .2.22 Asc. 22.06 7.26 Mars
11.20.22 27.59
organs, hence we note the change of voice
in boys at the time of puberty; also Jupiter
woman, when she forsakes the path of j XT 7.22 8-8-1919 8.47
chastity and lives a life of debauch IV 9.22
acquires a coarser voice. Taurus rules 11-01 P.M. Sun 22.29
the larynx, but Mercury governs the air 26-07 N
which stirs the vocal cords to vibrations, X 9.22 85-27 E Merc. 4. J2
Sat. 6.54
thus organic affliction of Taurus and V 7.22
Scorpio, but functional disability by the
position and aspect of Mercury. There is Moon VIII 20.22
a similar relation between Taurus (ruling 16.34 Rahu VII 22.06 Venus 1.9
VI 12.22
the vocal organs) and Mercury (ruling the IX 15-22 7.26
air which passes through the larynx) as
between instrument and player. If Taurus Venus Dasa balance 15 years 1 month
(and Scorpio) are unafflicted the vocal 24 days.
organ is in good condition, but an afflicted
Mercury, may nevertheless cause a func- Second cusp is in the constellation of a
tional disorder of the speech. watery planet and sub of Kethu (Mute
In the following two horoscopes let us signs are watery signs are airy signs).
see how the speech is affected. There is Hence note where Kethu is. It is in the
no free flow of speech, "there is the second sign. It has to signify 2nd house
impediment. It is a defect. It is not a results also. Rahu which is in the opposite
disease. According to Krishnamurti one sign is in Kethu sub. Therefore, stammer-
is to judge the sub-lord of the 2nd Ciisp. ing must continue till Rahu Dasa Kethu
(Because among twins, one is an orator; Bhukti is over.
the other stammers. Planets, Bhavas every-
thing remain the same position. Only the As the dasa lord receives beneficial
cusps of each house changes. Professor aspect from Jupiter, Rahu itself will start
Krishnamurti has discovered this truth improving one's speech by reducing stam-
which neither the Savants of Western mering.
Countries nor the Saints of our India had Rahu Dasa Venus Bhukti Jupiter Anthru
so far thought of-or taught to us.) onwards, stammering will disappear, i.e.
Professor Krishnamurti says if the sub- November 1970, when Sun transits in
lord of the 2nd cusp is Mercury, one Venus sign Rahu star.
The second example : takes much pain to speak out. If Jupiter
conjoins or aspects, it is by Divine Grace
IV 0.30
II 0-30 V 26.30 VI 21 30

Rahu 12-45 P.M. VJI 20.18
21,19 1-11-1932
16-46 N Mars 0.42
Asc. 20.18 81-44 E Ketu 21.19
Sat. 6.02 Jup. 23.58
VIII 26,30
XJ 26.30
XII 21.30 23.31 Sun 15.51 Ven. 5.55
^er. 4.45 IX 0.30
1 X 0.30

2nd cusp is in Saturn sign Jupiter star

and Kethu sub. Further Rahu is to offer
the 2nd bouse results also. Hence there is One Section of the Students got
stammering. Mars afflicting Kethu or 2nd initiation on Friday 18-7-(59
house by conjunction or aspect, the person at Futnani Hall, Calcutta.
Horoscope of the native is as follows: ladder is promised. (In this chart Uranus
is in the 11th cusp ; hence the jump will
K<;thu 111 15.22 be in leaps and bounds.)
XII 12.22 Asc. 22 06 7.26 Mars
II 20 22 27.59 Promotion is to be judged from the
houses 2, 6, 10 and II.
XI 7.22 Jup. 8.47 Venus and Moon signify 2nd house.
Ura 7.42 IV 9.22 Sun and Mercury signify 6th house.
Sun 22.29
Rahu, lupiter and Saturn the 10th and
Merc. 4.12 11th.
X 9.22 Sat. 6.54
V 7.22 At the time of judgment Dhanus is
Lagna, Mesha Rasi, Bharani star. Rahu
NfOOn VTIT 2i>.22 represents Dhanus : Mars is the owner of
14.34 Vcn. 1.9
VII 22.6 VI. Mesh-Aries and Venus, lord of the star:
IX 15,22 Rahu 7 26 12.22 Mars is the lord of the day 8-7-69.
Hcncc Rahu Dasa Venus Bhukti Rahu
Venus Dasa balance 15 years I month Anthra Mars Shookshma (when transit
24 days. agrees) and Rahu Dasa Mars Bhukti Mars
Rahu Dasa Venus Bhukti started on Anthra Venus Shookshma are the two
jumps in future. The first will be in
20-4-69. Octoberl 970 and the other in October 1974
Anyone born in Aries ascendant will when you will be at. the top.
normally have greater ambition than other
sign born and Aries-borns will have the
desire to become the leader, the pioneer
and the head of the show.
10th house, the meridian isto be judged,
whether one can have steep rise in life or
not. If the sub-lord of the meridian is
either the pushful planet Mars or any
other planet connected with Mars in any
manner or if the Meridian or 10th house
is connected with Mars whose sub-lord is
the significator of 2 or 6 or 10, one will
surely reach the top.
Meridian is in Venus sub : Venus is
aspccted by Mars by 4th aspect. Venus
is in the sub of Rahu occupying Mars
Mars is also in Venus sub who is lord Editor performing Uchcliista Maha
of 2 and no planet is in 2nd house. Hence Ganapalhi Pooja before
to come up to the highest rung of the initiating the Students.

Horoscope of the native is as follows:— llth occupied by Jupiter: Owner Venus.
Mercury in the constellation ofSun means
Rahu that it is connected with marriage and
24-43 X 18-32 ^XI 21-32 Jup 18-44
XII 22-32 married life. If Mercury is in a favour-
IX l<-32 able sub, it promises harmonious and
happy life. Otherwise Mercury in the
Mars sub of an adverse planet offers adverse
VIII17-32 9-19 results in married life.
9-2-1931 Aic. 21-41
5-36-40 P.M. I.S.Tt Mercury is in the sub of Saturn who is
Sun 26-^9 25-27 N 78.37 E lord of 7 and '6 in 6, in the sub of Mercury
Vll 21-41 11 17-32 in 6. Mercury is not aupicious. Saturn
Mcr 4-25 offers both good and bad. Union and
separation, marriage and Divorce.
Sat 25-27 Moon 111 16-32 llth house occupied by Jupiter has
VI 22-32 V 21-32 24-51 Kcihu Moon alone in its star. Moon is in the
Vcn. 10-20 IV 18-32 24-43 sub of Mercury in 6. Moon brings sepa-
Jup. Dasa balance 10 ys. 2 mhs. 5 days. ration. Moon in the constellation of
Jupiter in 11 indicates that Moon is con-
For more than one marriage. Prof, nected with llth house matters. But
Krishnamurti has said that the only rule whether Moon will be favourable or not
to be followed is to note the sub lord of is to be decided by only the sublord.
the 7th cusp. If the sub-lord of the 7th Here Moon connected with llth house,
cusp is either Mercury or any other planet being deposited in the sub of Mercury in
occupying a dual sign or deposited in the 6 is evil for marriage and married life.
constellation of a planet in a dual sign, But, as regards profession it is good as
there will be more than one marriage. houses 6 and 11 denote promotion, suc-
[All other rules given by other authors cess in competition, etc.
do not stand for test. Twins are born. He got married during Saturn Dasa Sun
The lagna, the position of planets' etc. Bhukthi Saturn Anthra and on 2S-10-51
remain the same. How is it one gets morningcourt passed divorce order during
married more than once; the other marries Saturn Dasa Moon Bbukti Saturn Anthra
only once : again one has 2 marriages the on 16-1-53.
other remains unmarried .Traditional Second marriage came—When ? Saturn
astrology is not helpful to find out; is not is to give and take. It is in Venus constel-
useful. I am in possession of their chart. lation and sub of the dual planet Mercury.
They are alive. Is there any rule, except
the most convincing and correct method So Saturn Dasa itself gave second marriage.
discovered by Prof. Krishnamurti. Rahu in Jupiter's sign has to offer the
People, either incapable or jealous may 1 Ith house result also, other than the 6th
say that K- P. is not a discovery. It is and 9th house result.
already expounded by our sages. We Mercury is in 6. But it is in the constella-
request such persons to give reference. tion of planet in 7, Soil has to give 7 th house
We are repeatedly requesting. Why can't he results during its period and sub-period,
come forward? Is not such a statement in Actually second marriage, represented
other magazines, misleading the readers ?] mostly by second house, took place during
Is there more than a marriage for this Saturn Dasa Rahu Bhuthi Mercury Anthra.
chart? 7lh cusp is at 21" 41' in Capricorn- 7th house is for first marriage. Hence,
It is in Moon constellation and sub of marriage, divorce, etc. of the first marriage
Venus. Venus is in the dual sign,Sagitta- is given by lord of in the constellation of
rius. Hence there must be more than one lord of 11. Second marriage is given by
marriage. For marriage, judge houses 2, Mercury in its sub-period as it is in the
7 and 11, 2nd is unoccupied. Owner Sun : constellation of lord of 2 deposited in
7ih is occupied by Sun; Owner Saturn 7 and sub of lord of 7-
1. How to fiod out whether I can trust Lord of 4 may be a malefic. But yet if it
ray officer? is in the constellation of a planet malefic by
nature and is the significator of 12 one is a
Try to get the correct chart of your criminal.
master. According to Jathaka Tatva,
Mars gives courage to do crime openly.
(a) Saturn or Mars orRahu in 4 shows Saturn does things by backdoor, sscretly.
dishonesty. Mars will throw challenge and face anything.
(b) Lord of 10 or 8 in 4 makes one in- But Saturn does secretly digging grave to
sincere. the opponent. Mercury to do cunningly,
(c) If the 4th house is hemmed in bet- giving hopes and letting down. Saturn in
ween malefics. the 12th house makes one do things un-
noticed by others.
(d) Malefic occupying or aspecting 4th
house shows fradulent persons. II. Which is the worst combination as per
(e) Mercury in Aries makes one in- K. P.?
sincere. (Mercury in Mars sign...
according to me...makes onetime Mercury (an intelligent, clever, cunning
serving and changing the coat. planet) in. the constellation of Saturn
Outwardly honest but inwardly significator of 12 (Secret house and secret
dishonest planet) and sub of Rahu or Kethu who is in
any manner connected with Mercury in 4.
(f) Mercury and Mars in conjunction Such a combination produces people who
produces dishonest and fraudulent never follow any law. They are the most un-
people. reliable persons.
(g) Lord of 4 and 9 in 6 dishonest.
(h) Mars in 3 without the aspect of III. Why do you not take Uranus and
benefics. ..unreliable. Neptune while offering prediction ?
(i) Mercury conjoined with or In K. P. only the nine planets who are
aspected by malefic. Ungrateful. allotted certain years to each planet in
According to me Saturn in any Ududasa system alone ate taken. The 27
manner connected with Mercury constellations are ruled by the 9 planets,
and occupy 4th house one is cun- Neither the Hindus nor the Westerems have
ning and a cheat. He can commit allotted any three constellations to them.
forgery, falsification of accounts, But when I judge the charts of the consult-
misappropriation and hence un- ants, during transit I include Uranus and
reliable. Neptune for confirmation and offer the
prediction. While explaining, I interpret in
Any planet in the constellation of Saturn the method propounded by me. Whenever
and sub of Saturn or Rahu or Kethu or something is indicated by the transit of
Mats makes one unreliable. these new planets I find out the dasa
Divorce due to lack of faith comes mostly bhukti etc and I find mysteriously that the
due to the connection between the significa- nature of the event and the time of event
tor of 12 or significator of 4 and with Saturn agree. For example Neptune is transitting
•t illdeposited Mercury who himself is the in Scorpio. Suppose somebody has Sun or
significator of 4 or 12. Moon or Ascendant in Scorpio. In the
month when Neptune passes over the degree
(Fourth house makes one sincere or not and minute of the p#sition of the lagna or
12th house is for secret eneraical activities.). Moon or Sun one must expect deception.
One may be swindled. One will meet with duced only in 1905. In West Bengal they
a number of obstacles which are very diffi- had many times and which of them was
cult to be surmounted. All matters will be noted, only the deceased parents know.
nebulous. They will be shrouded with But in Horary Astrology, you know the
mystery. No matter can be brought to Latitude of the place where you judge the
fruition. There will be chaotic condition. horoscope erected for the time of judgment.
There will be changes and reversals. One Further Natal chart is not useful to select
will be subject to treachery. Vitality will be any one girl for marriage when there are 4
lost. Health will fail. Death due to gas is or 5 girls having the same ruling planets at
also indicated. Hopes will be frustrated. their birth. Or to find out which of the
Perverse thoughts overestimating oneself. four houses in a locality one can occupy or
Mental aberrations. Difficulties during buy. Whether one can take cost accounts
overseas journey. Water grave. or Chartered accounts or similar subjects
Neptune is in the third degree from 14th which are governed by Mercury alone.
September, 1969 in Scorpio, It shows that When a planet signifies many matters to
people born in the 3rd degree of Scorpio or pitch upon one of them, Horary is needed.
having Moon or Sun in the 3rd degree, they It is not numerology. It is ignorance that
will have any or many of the above results. people say that by taking a number 1 (by
If Moon is there then the matters signified using numerology) predict events correct to
by Moon will suffer. If Sun is there, those the day. The number given is taken as the
matters signified by Sun must suffer. ascendant. Then the position of the
Neptune will be in the 4th degree on planets are noted. Judgment according to
27th October, 5th degree on 18th November. K.P. is given...
6lh degree on 15th December. Hence if any One gentleman at Calcutta asked me *0
has evil period according to Dasa Bhukti 10-7-59 how long will the present partner-
running and other planets also transit in ship continue? Whether he can do any
unfavourable position then one should independent business also ? I gave him time
declare correctly and politely the evil effect to meet me after 10 days. The number
which must happen even if the person takes which he gave and his chart were taken by
all precautionary methods. me on 12-7-69 and I wrote in his sheet of
As regards Uranus, one doing research paper, that reorganisation of his partnership
will turn his ability towards destructive is imminent now itself. You will be inde-
machinery, explosive etc. Incurable pendent master. The gentleman also asked
nervous diseases will develop. Native may whether his wife would live for some more
be highly impulsive anil do things in a flash years. I answered ' Yes' after studying her
which will end in a crash. So divorce, new horoscope and her children charts. Readers
attachment to spoil oneself will come over- may be anxious to know what happened.
night. Erratic rrature, separation, estrange- Before he (dealing in textiles in free School
ment, lose of" popularity hasty action, Street, Calcutta) could come and meet me,
unexpected sorrow, accidents, death, loss of his partner in business died on the working
position are to be expected. table due to sudden heart failure and the
reorganisation was imminent. He became
IV. Why do you prefer Horary Astrology independent.' Horary alone helps. 7th
to Natal charts? house shows partner in business and also
As regards the birth chart, we have to one's wife. His wife is suffering from heart
depend on the particulars submitted by the disease. Now to find out and differentiate
querist which may or may not be correct. between partner in business and wife, very
Again many people do not know whether clear idea can be had only by applying
the time of birth noted is L.M.T. or principles given by me for Horary Astro-
Standard time and those who were born logy.
before 1906 what time they followed, God Therefore when a house indicates many
alone knows as Standard Time was intro- persons and many matters and when a
planet denotes many mattets it is Horary Earthy signs denote balls like cricket
Astrology alone that will give correct idea ball.
and you can give accurate prediction within Sun. Moon and Venus denote swimming,
2 or 3 minutes. It is really useful to one Sub-lord of 5 in watery sign. Sun and
and all. Venus denote wrestling. Sub-lord of 5 in
V. Which game will suit one 7 Can I the 3rd house in earthy sign.
take Foot ball or Volley ball? Houses 3 and 12 and the planets Mars
and Saturn show running. Sagittarians are
Let me first say how each planet will almost all keen sportsman, especially when
contribute to games. Sun is very important the sub-lord of the Ascendant is either Mars
as it is for body building, and for increasing or one connected with Mars,., excellent
the vitahty and resistance against infectious shots, very good fisherman, golfers,
disease. wrestlers, hockey players, etc. They show
Moon is to form habits but at the same special predilection for outdoor games.
time to change from one to the other. Those bom in 17 degrees 20 minutes to
Mats gives strength, courage and enthu- 18 degrees 6 mts. 40 sees having Sun,
siasm. Venus and Mars as significators of 5 make
him a renowned captain of a team. Ascen-
Mercury gives intellect to cleverly handle, dant should fall in Leo in Venus constel-
cunningly try to come out successful. lation and Mars sub. They have the
Jupiter adds weight and one is fair in his commanding presence, stateliness of bearing
dealings whereas Mats is a thief. A person and deliberation in speech and movement.
may use his hand stealthily in Football They exhibit good pleasing style when they
against the convention and try to win. play. They are good-for dance also.
Saturn also does not care for law or
principle. While playing cards, one may Can I be an astrologer like Krishna-
keep an Ace with him without other's murti? Can I take it as a profession? Can I
knowledge and Stealthily insert in his three eam money, name, fame in this field? Can
or four cards if suitable and remove the I master Krishnamurti-Padhdhati?
useless one. G. D. Joshi
Generally Vth house indicates games, Braboura Road
sports, gambling etc. There where either Calcutta-1.
running or using the hand-say Tennis Bad- Your horoscope is as follows:
minton, Hockey, Polo, Tennicott, Table
Tennis, Volley Ball are played, it is the Birth details are 9/10-10-1944, Wartime
hand that is used. So the third house 1-30 A.M. at 20° 57' N and 77° 45' E.
should be included in the judgment. 12th
house is considered there where the foot is XI 2-46
used to kick or to direct. Mars shows the X 29-46 Uranus XH 4-46
use of hand.
For Football, judge the houses 3, 5 and Rahu 0-13
Moon 1-5J
12 and Saturn must be the significator of 5 ; IX 27-46 Asc, 4p-20'
further the sub-lord of the position of the 1.1 29-46
5th cusp must occupy an airy sign. Jupiter
For Volley ball judge houses 3 and 5 and VIII 29-46 23-7
VII 4-20 HI 27-46
Mars must be in a sub governed by the Kethu.
significator of the third house and the sub- Nep, 11-28
lord of the 5th cusp must be in airy sign. Venus Mercury
Airy signs indicate the ball wherein you VI 4-46 V 2-46 21-11 Sun15-13
Mars 4-31 IV 23-22
pump air.
Jupiter Dasa balance 1 year 9 months 11 kumari to Himalayas should attend regularly ;
days. Mercury Dasa started on 21-7-1965. should do postmortem and verify Krishna-
Venus sub-period started on 15-12-68. murti Padhdhati after 2 years of such a
study, apply the th»ory in your own case;
Answer then your close relatives next your friends
Astrology is, indeed, a divine science to and finally to all those who approach you.
read out the divine plan. It [appears to be (9) should have general talk with the
mysterious to those who do not know querist for 5 minutes, to understand the
astrology. For us, to go to Moon and return querists temperament; Why ? There ate a
back is unimaginable. But for those scien few who hate hearing adverse results. If
lists, the whole thing is scientific. Just like one is funky, express the result in a sugar
any attempt made by me or you to go to coated mild form. Then you are alright.
Moon and return will be useless, so also
those who try to give the exact nature of an Avoid
event and the moment when it will happen Guessing: Dishonesty: Jealousy:Mislead-
without following Krishnamurti Padhdhati, ing others: speaking ill of others; Presuming
will not be useful and exact. Those who as though this knowledge is a monopoly :
want to learn astrology whether young or aged, whether one is
(1) should acquire sufficient knowledge handling this subject for decades or one is a
in Astronomy ; new entrant, whether one prays God or
Goddess or Devil or Uchishta, do not pass
(2) should be correct in ealculations your remarks as though you know every-
Elementary Mathematics alone is needed thing ; always imagine that you have to live in
ho Higher Mathematics. It is only to put a competitive world where your neighbours,
on a show to the customer that he is learned. colleagues and competitors are either like
Honestly sueh persons miserably fail in rose or thorn; Do not depend on anybody
Elementary Mathematics. Read Astrology Avoid worries.
and Athrishta October 1967 issue;
(3) should erect horoscopes using Cultivate; Depend on the Almighty
Krishnamurti Ephemcris and Table of alone. Improve your vocabulary: Use
Houses (will be nut soon) or, Rap- appropriate words: Develop intuition:
haels Ephemeris and Table of Houses. Do Enjoy peace of mind: Develop to speak in
not use others and feel sorry when for the midst of other astrologers by freely giv-
predictive astrology you follow Krishna- ing expression, analysing threadbare, discus-
murti Padhdhati; sing with convincing arguments and deciding
correctly. If you have not specialised any
(4) should use only Krishnamurti branch of this science and if you are asked
Ayanarasa; to predict, tell them the truth. You do not
lose your prestige : but you will be held in
(5) should study well the text-book high esteem. God will help you. Trath
Krishnamurti Padhdhati alone Advanced alone will conquer. Untruth is like a bub-
stellar astrology a discovery—a boon in 20th ble in the cesspool. It will burst with foul-
century; odour. Only question of time.
(6) should record fulfilled and unful- Therefore, the above are necessary. All
filled predictions. cannot become astrologers. Can all become
(7) should go-a-head; if, by chance, experts in medicine, though they study for a
you are not right, proceed you will come decade. Can all become experts in electro-
' "out-correct. nics 7 Similarly can all become true, honest
(8) should be a member, of Stellar and successful astrologers.
Astrological Research Institute for which Westerners; Uranus gives knowledge in
Krishnamurti is the Founder and President Astrology. Good aspect between Jupiter
and which has many branches from Kanya- and Mercury is favourable to study and 1*
predict. Uranus is unsuited to practical member that he is respected in all places, be
astrologer as the necessary qualification of received Gold medal and the title Jyotish
act and patience will not be found in him. Marthand from the Governor of Bombay
Mr. Carter has dealt with this subject clearly. in a convocation, Jyotish Praveen by High
Planets Saturn and Mars as well as earthy Court Judges at Madras and innumerable
signs, produce useful and practical astrolo- ones from general public. He is designated
gers. (Ascendant and the 9lh cusp must fall as visiting Professor of Astrology. Prof
in earthy signs. Jf they are connected with K.S.K. is not a self styled Professor.
Saturn and Mars one is a good astrologer. Another supporting factor for titles is
See K.S.Ks' horoscope. In his chart, edu- Jupiter and Venus forming vigintile aspect
cation, study (4th house), higher, thought which is good in K.S.K. Chart.
subjects, higher study and research (9th
house). 11th for success in the research Hindu Tradition; Horasara. Moon in
are all connected with Saturn and Mars. Cancer—astrologer.
Hence Prof. K.S.K. has discovered which Jataka Parijatham, People bom in the
is correct, simple, scientific and useful. As years Prabhava and Kalayukti are astrolo-
per K.P., sub must be studied. It iS also gers. Thnse bom in Sathabisha star or
most favourable to Prop. K, S. Krishna- in Sakuna Karana can learn astrology
murti). Fiery signs produce practical people, Jataka Tathva:—Mercury in 1,2,3,4,5,7,
though they ate not always prudent. People 9, 10 or 11th bouse; Venus and Mercury in
bom in airy signs will flatter others and fall 2 and 3 or Gemini Lagna with Jupiter ex-
victims to it, alted in 2, or lord of 2 strong.
1. Saturn and Moon in 1, 3, 9 or 10 If one studies these rules and just like
houses give ardent desire to leam Astrology. students of Palmistry, read one line and
They make the person industrious, honest, then refer to his hand, one will find that the
patient, plodding and persevering. (Prof. person will and must be an astrologer. But
K.S.K. has this aspect). there are people bom in Prabhava and
2. Uranus having favourable aspect Kalayukti years, never studied any occult
with Jupiter makes one a reseatch scholar science, nor have the inclinalion both to
(Prof. K.S.K. Chart has, this strong trine study or to consult. Mercury will be in any
aspect.) of the houses mentioned. It is not guaran-
teed that he good in mathematics or
3. Mercury forming good aspect with Astrology. These are general That is
Uranus produces one who will consider why, hoqest and wise people say.
deeply, judge properly and interpret cor- " Gathanu Gathiko Lokhaka
rectly. (Prof. K.S.K, has quintile aspect.) Na Lokhaha Paranarthikaha ^
4. Mars forming harmonious aspect Do not follow blindly Find out the spirit
with Mercury gives the argumentative behind. This is what Prof. K.S.K. had
faculty, success in the material field and lead done and repeats to the blind followers.
in all pursuits. (Prof. K.S.K. has.)
5. Moon and Mercury—harmonious Krisbnamurti Padbdbati:
aspect—clear exposition-r-proper wording, Jupiter, Mercury and Mats—Significators
good vocabulary: intuition (Prof, has not of 2, 10 and 11. Editor; Publisher
got this. He docs not depend on intuition (2) Jupiter and Mercury significators
which is irrational. He goes by science.) of 3 and 9—Journalist,
6. Good aspect between Saturn and (3) Lord of 9 should be in the sub of
Mercury—exact, precise, methodical—good the significator of 9th house and it should
in Mathematics, forethought, persistence and be cither Mercury or one representing Mer-
reasoning ability. cury or conjoined with or, asp'ected by
7. Venus and Uranus in good aspect Mercury.
—one will be conferred with title. His (4) Ascendant—sublord of the ascend-
research will be recognised. Prof. K. S. K. ant should be the significator of 12th or 9th
has traditional aspect—good—you may re- house: 12th house shows occult science,
occult society 9th for higher studies of (5) Pray to both Saraswathi and Goddess
philosophy, religion, astrology, etc. Lakshmi after thinking of Lord Ganesh or
(5) Jupiter should be in a sub, lord of UchishtU Ganapathi and Goddess Lakshmi.
which is the significator of 12 or 9.
(6) Moon in the sub of a planet who Respected Guruji,
is the significator of either 9 or 12. Please enlighten which house or houses
indicate the following matters :—
(7) Any of these in the sub, ruled by (a) Step mother.
the significator of 10th house shows name,
fame, reputation and honour. (b) Step father.
(8) Any of these in the sub, governed (c) Accepting bribe.
by the significator of 11th house promises (d) Giving bribe.
success at least during this planets' periods (e) Treasure from underground to get.
and sub-periods.
(f) Treasure from above ground on
(9) Satum in the sub of the significator surface to get.
of 9 or 12 gives sound knowledge. (g) False statement—Verbal
(10) Planets in the sub or constellation
of occupant or owner of the second house (h) False statement—Written.
give facility to give expression in meticu- (i) True stateihent—Verbal.
lous detail. (j) True statement—Written.
(11) Planets in the sub or constellation (k) Good character.
of occupant or owner of the 3rd house give (1) Bad character.
opportunity to edit, print and publish, if
the 3rd house is in any matter connected (m) Debachery.
with Mars. Otherwise, one can contribute (n) Prestige lost; Property lost Pro-
articles. ceedings in Court
(12) One will be honest, if the sub-lord Answer;
of the ascendant is not the significator of (a) Step mother comes to picture only
the 8th house or the 10th house, when there is at least a child born to the
(13) One will be tactful or diplomatic . other wife of the father and this child add-
or cunning or hypocrite, if the sub-lord is resses that wife, other than the mother who
the significator of 8th or 10th. delivered himi or her as step-mother.
(Jataka Jatva-—Lord of 10 or 8 in 4— Generally 7th house denotes first wife to
Honesty lacking. Sat. or Mars or Rahu in 4, one and the 2nd house indicates second
honesty in their periods. and sub-periods wife. So the child born to the first wife of
needed.) Read these rules carefully—apply. the father calls the 9th house as father and
Then one can be correct in his findings. hence the 2nd to the 9th, i.e. the 10th house
Now, you apply these rules given by should indicate step.-mother.
Prof. Krishnamurti. In a business 7th house, denotes the part-
You will find ner with whom the gains or loss is shared or
(1) You will learn astrology. competitor in any action. If 4th house
indicates mother, then 10th house denotes
(2) Through astrology, you became her partner or competitor.
famous: You gain influence, you earn (b) Similarly 5th house should include
money. step-father as it is the second to the 4th.
(3) Mars, though in 4, is in the sub of The sub of the 5th cusp should be ruled by
Venus in 4; So you will not bluff. You the significator of the 3rd house.
will tell in a pleasant mood, the truth. (c) To accept a bribe means that one
(4) Good Luck starts from Mercury Dasa gives. So you gain. Further bribe is consi-
Venus Bhukti Mercury Anthra Jupiter dered to be against principles. Hence, the
Shookshma. Say from July 1971. sub-lord of the 11th cusp must be ruled by
Saturn and the sub-lord of the 6lh be the you give gold, you get money. So at the
significator of 2 or 11. expense of Poorva Punya, Bhooma Devi
(d) To give a bribe does not mean that gives ,i.e. 12 to 5 is 4 : 4 denotes Bhoomi;
his desire is fulfilled. In many cases, the per- 5 Poorvapunya : 12 to 5 means " at the
son who is to do good to a native may expense of Poorva Punya ". Mars denotes
receive and he may not be able to do land. Why should you take Saturn ?
good at all. Yet money goes out of his Saturn denotes Geology; Anything from
hand. This action is also against law. under the ground. Excavation of a well:
Therefore the cusp of the 12th should fall Saturn, Moon, Mars: underground, sub-
in such a sub that the lord of the sub is soil water, Saturn Moon: kerosene from
either Saturn or planets deposited in Saturn the ground ; Oil from the ground : Saturn,
star while Saturn is in 5th or 12th house in Moon, Refined one Satum Moon and
the native. Venus : Saturn denotes mines and mine
(e) To get treasure from the ground. In products. If you refer to the horoscopes
traditional system, one gains in the above of mine owners, you can note the above
manner, if the period of the planets connec- combination.
ted with 2, 4, 9 and 11 operate or lord of 2 Whose can 1 see, Sir ?
is in 8 or a benefic is in S and so on. But You are in Calcutta. Asamsal is close by.
according to K.P., one gains by treasure Request Maharaja of Ramgarh to give you
if Saturn and Mars are the significators of the moment of birth, dale, month and year
4 and 11 and such a treasure can be had and also the place of birth.
during the conjoined periods of the signifi- Have you verified ?
cators of 2, 4, 6 and 11. Otherwise, will I mention in the lecture
Why should you take 4th house ? Is not hall when very learned people have assem-
the 5th indicative of Poorva Punya ? , True. bled here. You should satisfy yourself.
If you give a cheque, you get the cash. If {Continued)


Which Gem can ) use? 3 Cusps and Subs

About Dress ^ Follow Krishnamurti Padhdhati
Ephe metis—Read y 9 —The Simplest Method
To Find out the Physical Questions and Answers
Feature and Characteristic Termination of Service
of the Partner II When will I Retire?
Marriage 17 Letters to the Editor
Any Child at. all? If so Road to Success
wheii ? 31 Daily Guide for November,
Your Son is not Robert 1969
Clive 23 Position of Planets
Which Profession will suit November 1969—Ephcmcris ...
md? 27 Monthly ■ ^Prediction' for
An Announcemenl 32 November, 1969
Gems look like fragments of Heaven. people and those who lack courage, can
They are beautiful, costly and attractive. have advantage by using Aquamarine.
Their colours penetrate deeply like the
perfumeries. Some believe that by using Beryl: Keep it in water and. drink;
the gem, the disclosed knowledge is gained mutual affection will be increasing.
by divine grace or supernatural agency. Coral: It gives one courage, success in
Some believe that one can dodge fate by litigation, cure from epidemic disease.. It
using them. Such a superstition or belief was is a preventive for the evil effects of devils
transmitted to us from times immemorial. and ghosts ; it protects one, from lighten-
Thousands of years ago Aaron, the Priest ing and thunder.
of Israel used to put on a breastplate in
which 12 different gems are set and these Diamond: No, doubt a costly one; It
12 gems are assigned to the 12 signs of the makes the wearer purer and more virtuous.
zodiac, the pathway of the planets in It repeals poison, gives firm mind and
the Heavens. Nowadays most of the promises pleasant family life. If a lady
people use the gems mainly on two reasons. puts it round her neck, safe delivery is
It is beautiful and during the time of emer- assured.- Diamond also adds beauty to the
gency it can fetch currency. Only some use person and protects the wearer from many
that particular Gem which will suit him or diseases.
her so that they can have peace, pleasure,
prosperity and success. The fact is that the Emerald ' is used by chaste people. It
planets radiate different colours. Each stone improves one's memory, retentive power
is sympathetic to the nature and vibrations and reproductive ability. Some believe in ,
of each planet grinding emerald to powder and give it as a
Agate pleases God; confers wisdom and curative measure for the bites of venomous
eloquence; safeguards from deception; animals. Some administer it for dysentery,,
strengthens the heart; cures fever, scorpion hysteria and epilepsy. Some believe that
bites and snake-bites. Removes obstacles one can discover any evil, as emerald will
hi receiving the legitimate inheritances. lose its brilliance, if there is deception and
AMETHYST is! a preventive for the evil treachery. Emerald is best suited for those
results of devils and ghosts. If one keeps who undertake higher studies, overseas
this gem in the water and drinks one will be_ travel and foreign trade. It increases domes-
cured from sterility. If one drinks intoxi- tic happiness.
cating one's and spoils his or her health, by Garnet: It is believed that this gem
using amethyst one will have his thoughts protects one from poison and plague. It
subdued and gradually give up drinks. contributes for health and peace. It saves
Health improves. Warriors become calm one from lightening. There is also this
and act wisely even during danger. danger in garnet. If a person is not entit-
Aquamarine: It is a very rare gem. It l»d by his birth sign to put garnet, it will
is considered to be a pure one and it was bring misfortune. But if a proper person
generally given to the girls at the time of uses it, it cures ulcer and inflamation. It
' their wedding with the belief that both of improves the business, increases the income
them can lead a happy and harmonious and adds reputation as well as popularity.
wedded life. Some believe that Aquama- It is suspicious for the married couple.
rine prevents one from suffering from the One can be successful in his dealings with
throat, liver and stomach. Musicians, wise the Government.
Opal is generally used by astrologers and such hysteria, madness, suicidal tendency etc.
of those who want the power of foresight to One becomes sane generous and wealthy.
enable one to predict It also improves oner's It is also used in the necklace or in the left
ambition It is helpful to form permanent tie arm. One becomes more brilliant and
of friendship It adds happiness to the married intelligent and leads a peaceful pleasant and
couple Mediated to settle any dispute Will contented life. Dreams also will be pleasant
find success by using this gem One can win in There will be real attachment between
litigation and give fresh life to the business husband and wife and each will be faithful
The brilliance of opal if effected by whether to the other.
and by humidity whenever it is brilliant and
very bright, it is sure that the wearer comes Turquoise: The meaning of this word
by good fortune is Turkish. It was originally found in
Turkey and taken to Europe, later. This
Pearl ■- Pearl is useful to preserve chas-tity is very powerful in curing headache and
by wearing it round the neck. reducing enimical activity. This gem will
Perth (yellow color) ; If a person holds it also change its colour if either the health or
firmly in his hand it will burn the hand. It is life of the person who used it or his life is
useful to cure gout. in danger. As soon, as the health is cured
and the danger comes to an end this Gem
regains its origioal colour. It makes one
Ruby: It is good for gathering courage generous, magnanimous, liberal, dutiful,
and banishing gloom as long as it is bright. • honest and be a Jupitarian.
It will attract friends and offer good fortune. Which of the Gems can I use ? Note
If the luster is gone, misfortune will the sub-lord of the ascendant and that of
follow. Ruby drives out dirty thoughts, the 11th cusp. Note which houses are
give the mind to control passion, allowed, signified by them. If they are not at all
one to preserve health. It brings good connected in any manner with 6 or 8 or 12
cheer. It helps to form good friendship then use that colour or that Gem which is
and also have permanently love. indicated by-the sub-lord of 1 or 11 or both.
Sapphire ; It has deep religious signifi- If the sub-lord of the ascendant or the llth
cance, Even in olden days it was in use and cusp happens to be the significator of 6 or
king Soloman bad it set in his jewel. This 8 or 12, reject the colour indicated by such
is dedicated to God. It is useful to main- a sub-lord. Similarly one has to make
tain harmony and good relationship among selection of the colour and also the metal.
the partners. Saints and pious people who If such a minute calculation could not be
would like'to concentrate, meditate and done then one can note the sign in which
pray to God wear it for the realisation of the ascendant has fallen and one can make
their ambition on the spiritual side. So it his selection according to the Gems suitable
is good for fortune, peace and pleasure, for each sign as given below:
Sardonix ; This gem is a carved one. Aries Amethyst, Diamond
In it some figure is generally engraved. , It Taurus Emerald
protects one from poisonous animals, rep- Gemini Aquamarine, Agate
tiles and insects. It is used as a curative Cancer Raby
when one suffers from infectious disease. Leo (Ruby, Diamond) Sardonix
This Gem will be useful to form new good Virgo Sapphire
friend, improve self-control, etc. It is also
used _by Lawyers, Actors, Orators and, Libra Opal, Diamond
educationists. Scorpio Topaz
Topaz: Topaz is the island in the Sagittarius Turquoise
red sea. This gem was first of all found Capricorn Garnet
here. It works as a talisman to cure various Aquarius Sapphire, Amethyst
diseases including mental derangement, Pisces Aquamarine
If one knows which planet is favouiable Mars Deep Red, Iron
to him then according to the nature of the Jupiter Purple, Violet, blue, white,
planet he can use that Gem which is Satum Brown, indigo black,
mentioned below: Rahu and Kethu mixed colour.
Stin Ruby
Moon Pearl The metal which is considered to
Mars Coral governed by each planet is as follows :
Mercury Emerald
Jupiter Topaz Sun Gold and Copper
Venus Diamond Moon Silver
Satum Sapphire Mars Copper
Rahu 8l Kethu Agate or Turquoise Mercury Quick Silver
Sun Orange or dark red metal, Gold Venus Silver and Copper
Moon • White, Silvery Silver Jupiter Tin
Mercury Slate colour.Green Quick- Saturn Lead
Venus Yellow, Pale blue, neither Rahu and Alloy
white nor black metal Copper Kethu.
Dress helps you to retain air of distinc- 2. If Moon is in Bharani and one uses;
tion in a party or gathering. You can eat a new cloth then it will be stolen.
to please yourself; but you have to please
others by dress. You may be a great 3. If it is jin Karthik there is danger
orator. Yet if you do not dress properly from fire.
people will laugh at you than to admire at 4. Moonjin Rohini improves the bank
your eloquence. For that reason,1 one position.
should not be the first for a fashion nor the
last. But one should use comfortable cheap 5. Moon in Mrigasirisha threatens that
and tasteful dress. Only fools will have the the dress will be spoiled by rats.
vanity of loving fine clothes and new 6. If Arudhra is the star, then one loses
fashions and value themselves by such a money.
dress. Avoid all things extravagant. Exqui-
site neatness is required. Outsiders can see 7. If the day is Punaryasu, there can be
only how we dress but they can't see how no trouble.
we live or what we eat. 8. Pushyam star promises wealth.
So, you should be clever in making selec- 9. Avoid Aslesha which will destroy
tion of perfume, cosmetic, dress, etc. .Your the cloth.
dress should be much pleasing and also 10. Magham star threatens danger to
attracting the attention of others. You life.
should have the nack for choosing clothes
which are not only attractive but also 11. Poorvapalguni day threatens troubles
serving you long; others should try to copy from Government.
you. To enhance the personality, buy the
diamonds, jewellery, flower, etc. Your 12. Uthrapalguni increases income and
appearance will be stately if you put on offers good health.
such colour which suits your birth sign. 13. Hastham gives success.
Dignity is to be maintained. 14. Chitra shows that one will have more
The colour of the dress varies with the and more new clothes,
birth sign so also the perfumery, jewels, etc.
15. Swathi is good for rich food.
It is not only the attractive colour that 16. Visakam increases popularity.
is to be chosen but one should find out,
astrologically such a colour which will bring 17. Anuradha is for good friendship and
fortune and which will be helpful to enjoy social success.
life with peace and pleasure. 18. Jyeshta shows loss.
Further each sign-born should know 19. Moolam star loss of dress in water
which day is the best to put on new dress. through dhoby.
You should know that one should observe
the day when a new thing is used for the 20. Poorvashada, health lost.
first time. One can buy on any day but 21. Uthrashada, sumptuous feast.
choice of the day to use it alone should be 22. Sravanam star—eye disease.
strictly observed.
1. If one puts on a new cloth when 23. Dhanishta star—good yield from
Moon is in Aswini, one will have
the fortune to get mote and more 24. Sathabhisha star—danger from
dress. poison.
25. Poorvapathrapada star — danger Visatam, Anusham, Uthrashada, Danisfita,
through water. Uthrapathrapada,and Revathi.
26. Uthrapathrapada star—child birth; The inauspicious asterisms are:
those who have no children make it a Bharani, Krithika, Mrigasitisha, Arudbra,
point to use new cloth on Uthrapadra Ashlesha, Magha, Poorvapalguni, Jyeshta,
star day. Moolam, Poorvashada, Sravana, Sathabisha
27. Revathi star becomes rich, purchases and Poorvapathrapada.
Gems. Exceptions:
Therefore the auspicious stars are: If a star day is considered to be inauspi-
cious one can use new clothes if the happy
Aswini, Rohini, Punarvasu, Pushyam, occasion is a' marriage or birth day, at the
Uthrapalguni, Hastham, Chitrai, Swathi, time when others give them as presents.

The best and the most correct method of most faithful and reliable, very punc-
finding out the physical feature of the tual always, fair and just in bis actions,
would-be-partner—either husband or wife ambitious and successful.
is to ask for a number within 249 and Virgo; Tall person with slender, stature
note the sub-lord of the 7th cusp. Find and good complexion very dark hair,
out in which sign the sub-lord is posited. fond of music and ever singing, always
The result depends on the nature of the smiling and never provoking, cheerful,
planet and also the sign occupied by it.
pleasant, spends much time on recrea-
If the sub-lord of the seventh cusp obtai- tions.
ned from Horary is SUN and it is deposited Libra; Tall, straight upright body. Big
in: eyes, thin hair, beautiful, never bold
Aries: Middle stature, strong and well- but ever talking about war, riot, etc.
made, complexion good, full eyes; not much reliable, weak in. bis attach-
bold, noble, will assert his right, comes ments and will find difficult to speak
out victorious, proud, social success. truth. (For whom docs the beauty
Tanrus: Short and well set. Not very appeal. Reject such a partner.)
fair, broad mouth, broad face, strong Scorpio; Square built, fleshy, full growth,
sportsman or athletic, over-confident, broad face, moderate complexion,
not proud, good debater, argues well ingenius, very clever, discoverer,' very
and wins. brisk, ambitious, never accepts defeat
Gemini: Above average in height, wel' or consider anybody as his or her
proportioned body moderate complex' equal. Fortunate.
ion, long nose, piercing eyes mos Sagittarius; Tall, beautiful, body well
courteous, tactful, accommodative, can proportioned, face oval, over-estimates
be influenced by others, pleasing one's ability, ambitious, austere severe,
manners. plans for big things.
Cancer : Short stature, repulsive face, not Capricorn: Thin built, lean, wiry, tall
beautiful. Therefore do not approach long nose, soft hair, sickly appearance,
any astrologer to know about the pleasing manners, hasty occasionally,
features of your would-be wife or makes many friends, commands others
husband when Sun is transitting in goodwill.
Cancer. If by chance it happens to
be the sub-lord of the 7th cusp, he had Aquarius: Tall well made, round face,
to predict the distasteful ones. So good complexion, tolerably good
avoid between 15th July and 17th disposition, never daceitful, proud,
August), Temperament good, harm- ostentatious.
less, cheerful, fond of other sex (within Pisces: Short, stout, protiuded eyes,
himself) admires music, dance; sports plumpy body round face unjust, partial,
lazy, does not like to work, fond of pleasures, cxtravgant, hence
Leo: Strong well-built, moderate com- spoils himself, unfit to be a referee in
plexion, big eyes, round and big face. the sports and games.
If in the horary system, the sub-lord of selfish, idiot, even friends and youngs-
the 7th cusp is Moon and Moon is deposi- ters ignore him.
ted in. Aquarius: Moderate in height, well made,
Aries; ' Fleshy and plumpy, round face, good complexion. Very intelligent, fit
fair complexion, adamant aggres- to carry on research, most courteous
sive, argumentative, avaricious, atroci- and never offensive, studious, never
ous, aspiring ambitious, authoritative guilty of any crime.
Pisces: Below average, plumpy, fleshy,
Taurus; Strong well-built body, just fat, bloated face, like a pumpkin,
below average in height, good looking, potbellied, mostly eyes closed by the
fair complexion, polite, modest, mode- flesh and appearing like sleeping
rate fair, honest, helpful, pleasing. person, most inactive, active only for
Gemini: Tall, well built, upright, good pleasure. Unsteady inconstant and
.complexion, Ingenius, unsteady, lacks unfortunately unfortunate.
decision, not fortunate in profession. If the sub-lord of the 7th cusp is
Cancer; Average height, well built, little ruled by Mars and if Mars, would be
fleshy person, roundful face, moderate occupying the following signs:—
complexion, can be easily influenced, Aries : Moderate height, well built, large
changeable, pleasant manners, harmless bones, curling hair, dark complexion,
cares more for peace, fond of company, very bold, rash, undaunted, over-
fortunate, fond of travelling. confident very proud, quarrelsome,
ever gains,
Leo : Well built, average height, moderate
complexion, big eyes, proud, ambitious, Taurus: Moderate height, strong and
never desires to be submissive and well-built, rough and coarse hair,
serve as a subordinate, independant moderate complexion, broad mouth,
and unfortunate. and face, self-indulgence, arrogant,
speculative, unfortunate.
Virgo : Tall, face oval, good complexion,
very clever, reserved gloomy, unhiclcy, Gemini: Very tall, complexion not good,
depressed, dejection. well-proportioned body always active,
mischievous, restless, clever, cunning
Libra: Tall good personality, beautiful, changes residence often, never repays
good complexion, humourous, witty loan (Once an elderly person visited
pleasant, eversmiling, fond of amuse- the bouse of his friend. The guest gave
ments, cares more for the appreciation a 10-rupee note to the newly bom'
from the other sex and be happy over grandchild and tried to take it back.
it, not always fortunate. The child held it tight. The host
Scorpio ; Below average in height, stout, asked the visitor what the matter was.
complexion not good most impulsive The visitor who had lent money
and irregular, not a desirable partner to jthis person 3 years ago and did not
all ws and ds will be found in the get even 1% of the interest on the
partner. money lent, said, this grandchild is
just like yourself. " Then, what do
Sagittarius; Beautiful, honest, true, you think 7" asked he. I don't say in
person with well-built body and oval appearance it is like you but in refusing
face, generous hasty and passionate, to pay back the amount taken). Simi-
lucky. larly Macs in Gemini does bring out
such partner. Further a swindler.
Capricorn; Thin weak body, complexion
not good, health poor, bushy hair Cancer: Short, dusky complexion, less of
growth, most dull, inactive, pessimistic hair, crooked body unreliable unfortu-
nate, unhealthy practices, henchman Such a person can act as follows:
menial, incapable of doing honourable Once a lady returned to her place after 5-
work. years interval. Her classmate was standing
Leo i Tall, well-built, oval face, dark outside having a babe on her hand. The
complexion, stout hands and icgs, yet visitor said. Hullo the child is just like
very brisk and active, fond of firing, your husband. This lady hurriedly said,
shooting, sports, riding, quarrelsome, f Shut up. This child is the son of my
likes to be in Police or military, lady friend living in the next door." If
dresses nicejy. you say that it appears like my husband,
Virgo ; Moderate height, well-built body, what does it mean! Once an old gentle-
thick nose, dark complexion, hasty, man took his son—an idiot—to a house
impulsive, proud, passionate, vindic- where he met his friend and consoled him
tive, retaliates, ruthless, malevolent. saying that the mother who passed away
Libra: Tall, beautiful, oval face, red was so kind to all that she treated all
complexion, active, alert, hopeful and like her children and she was a mother
cheerful, self-boasting, lofty, haughty, to all. She could have lived for some more
vain glorious, dresses well, attached to years. The idiotic son was observing.
other sex. Some months passed. His father went on
Scorpio: Stout, bulky, dark complexion, tour. The old man was absent. At that time
curling hair, broad face, rash, not in the adjoining house a young lady
sociable, vindictive, revengeful, fond passed away. This idiot thought that he
of disputes and quarrel, proud, haughty, should go and enquire and console the
very intelligent. friend. Do you know what he told " I am
Sagittarius : Tall well-proportioned body, really very sorry. What to do. Your wife
red complexion, oval face, piercing was not only your wife. She was very
eyes, hopeful, jovial, jubilant cheerful, kind very good. She was the wife of all.
quick, speedy, bold talkative. She could have lived for some more years.
What to do Such an idiot will be the
Capricorn: Short, lean, thin face, dark partner if the sub-lord of the 7th cusp at
complexion, witty, humourous, intelli- the lime of judgment by horary is Mars
gent, lucky, pushful and successful.
and it was occupying PISCES.
Aquarius; Well built body, good com-
plexion, fair and, buoyant a good Therefore avoid putting queries to know
debater, argues, far tune average about the partner when Mars is in Pisces,
only. Why do you take a risk? By chance, if it
happens to be the sub-lord of the 7th, they
Pisces: Below average height, dark com- will indicate the above results. They can-
plexion, not beautiful, dirty look, dull, not change fate. So you can try to avoid
idiot, self-indulgent, idle, careless, these days so that the planets can indicate
unfortunate. desirable results.

Marriage is the permanent tic of ill-choioe of a companion can hardly over-
friendship. There can be no real friendship balance them, those therefore, that rail
without confidence. One should make a against matrimony should be informed that
correct choice though " Hanging and wiv- they are neither to wonder or repine that a
ing go by destiny." God is helpful to one contract begun on such principles has ended
who won't marry till a perfect partner is in disappointment".
found ; if one,finds a suitable partner then But marriage, with such a partner after
God helps still more. ascertaining whether they can have mutual
One may marry late in one's life for love among themselves, is the crown of
economic reasons. One may feel that early all our bliss. Hence one has to find out
marriages are permanent moralities and late astrologically the suitable partner to lead a
marriage are temptations to wickedness. happy and harmonious wadded life.
Always a happy marriage is a new begin- If both the gent's and the bride's charts
ning of life, a new starting point for are positive then both will have many virtues
happiness and steadiness. Romance will in common ; so also the vices. Because of
cease when the marriage is done and their the latter, there must be clash, each prepar-
history will start from then. Hence one ed to fight to the finish. Both will be argu-
should conveniently and leisurely observe mentative and adamant. It is not advisable
and consider before getting married. But to match such a couple.
what is the use of repenting at leisure by
marrying in haste. Johnson says " When If both are negative, both will suffer in
we see the avaricious and crafty taking silence which is very harmful both to their
companions to their tables and their beds mental and physical health. It will lead to
without, any inquiry but after farms and the development of very unfortunate cir-
money; or the giddy and thoughtless uniting cumstances.
themselves for life to those whom they have If the male is positive and the female
, only seen by the light of tapers; when negative the result will be the best. The
parents'make articles for children without energy of the male and the gentleness of the
inquiring after their consent; when some female will be ideal to please the partner.
marry for heirs to disappoint their brothers; Even if the financial position of the family
and others throw themselves into the arms may not be satisfactory, yet they will have
of those whom they do not love, because a good sexual life without suffering from
they have found themselves rejected where ill-health and emotional debilitations.
they were more solicitous to please ; when Good.
some marry because their servants cheat
them; some because they squander their Let us see how the positive female and
own money ; some because their houses are negative male will be; the female will be
pestered with company ; some because they dynamically strong. It is alright, if one has
will live • like other people; some because enough money, robust health and good
they are sick of themselves, we are not so position. Even then the weakness of the
much inclined to wonder that marriage is male will be accentuated to a good extent.
sometimes unhappy, as that it appears so Finally the female will appear to treat the
little loaded with calamity; and cannot but husband with contempt or to ignore him by
conclude that society has something in itself curling up her lips. She will find fault with
eminently agreeable to human nature, when the husband, scold persistently and annoy
we find its pleasures so great, that even the him. She will be a shrew, being shrewd.
Therefore it is absolutely necessary to I understood that she used to call her hus-
examine the horoscopes of both the male band by name in an authoritative tone. On
and female astrologioally which reveals the the days when there was delay, in getting
personalities, health, character and tempera- down the stair case and rush to his house,
ment of both. After marriage will they she would say "Why so much time ? Come
complement each other understanding their on, come on. Lathi is ready. I will give a
true desire and nature so that the greatest blow on the Patella-knee cap." Then you
possible harmony can be established to lead will not leave the house. " This person used
a good life, it is to be judged before to beg her not to shout and appeal to her,
marriage. Astrology assists in this. that his prestige is at stake and that the
moment he heard her voice, he had at once
Here is the horoscope of a woman, whom rushed to his place. She would say " Don't
I know very well. Bom at 7-34 A.M. on argue. Get in ! (She allowed him to visit
Tuesday 18-4-1911 at 10-47 N. and 79-12 E. only my house, since frequently they used to
Merc. 3.28 borrow money and also provisions for their
Sun 4.24 use.) Thus she was a terror to him.
XII 25.9 Sat. 15.33 Veil. 7.50 III 22.9
Rah. 18.14 II 26.9 One day, while taking food, he in.a very
Asc. 28,49
low tone told her, salt is more in the soup
XI 21.9 IV 20.9 and it is saltish. " Do you know what she
Mars did?" Auh! for your face, I do at least
this much. See, whether it is saltish or
what! So saying, she took the boiling
X 2.09 V 21.9 soup in a cup and poured on his head".
He rushed to the water tub and dipped
V3II 26.9 Jup. 18.47 his head in the tub. He could not go to
IX 22.9 Moon Ket. 18.14 VI. 25.9 office. He applied for leave. In a week the
23.59 VII 7.28 hair in that area fell down and suddenly his
head gave the appearance of the " Fathers".
Thus she used to be extreme positive, vehe-
Mercury Dasa balance 7 years 8 months ment, violent, ferocious uproarious and
2 days. This lady was bringing up her what not!
brother's son Gopu, a young boy of 10
years in 1939 and she with her own three One day, when she had been to the
children and husband (his name also Gopu) market, stealthily the unlucky man showed
took a house on rent in 1939 and was living his chart. I asked him even before touch-
in that house from 1939. It was just opposite ing the chart " How is it that you have 4
to that of mine. children and she is now on the family way
Her husband was terribly afraid of her, as though you both are fighting like this,"
she used to shout at him, for nothing. This, during day time, daily, " What to do, Sir,
I was observing, for a few weeks. One day, all her Rajyam. I have to obey her in all
I advised him to spend his time in my matters." "All right! your chart shows
house, whenever he felt that she would lose that shortly, you can enjoy peace of mind
her temper. He took the advice seriously for some months, She would go to her
and used to be with me. parent's place."
. Whenever he was with me, she, standing " Sir, she never wants to go. Even during
at the threshold of her house, holding her delivery time, she insists on her stay here.
nephew Gopu in one hand used to shout W)iat sin I had committed, I do not
and call her husband. "Gopu. where have know."
you gone? Come on." This person, in haste,
without even mentioning that he was going " Don't worry. She must go. The period
home would run to his house. In a few days, is like that. Let us wait and see."
Luckily for him, in 1942, evacuation came He did not consult any honest astrologer.
in Madras. She told " If you have office, So this fate. Do you want such a wife ? Not
you stay here you go to Hell. But I can't at all; so consult an honest astrologer, the
stay during blackout 1 should go, " She left master of astrology. He will select you a girl
in 2 days with all her children. Her husband of the following good qualities.
Gopu had a great relief. One year passed
she returned after delivering the 5th child, She will laugh only in the presence of the
consider the fate of this person. Why is her husband, embrace and kiss the child in the
chart considered to be positive, needs presence of her husband, cast glances at her
judgment. Lagna falls in the sub of Mars husband when he looks anywhere else, be
(No doubt Mats is also lord of the lagna mentioning his virtues, speak sweetly with
sign. One should not forget that there are him, spend that money which she has for
very modest types born in Mesha, when the his sake, feel very happy and delighted on
lagna sub-lord is Moon or Venus. Twins are seeing him, forget her anger, wink over his
born in the same sign, as lagna. One is mistakes, extol his good qualities, give ex-
militant and the. other polite, calm and pression to her gratitude to her husband for
modest. Such a difference can be judged all the good be had done, offer him what-
only from the sub-lord.) Moon is in Scorpio ever he wants without any delicacy.
(to sting like Scorpion) in Jyeshta ruled by
Mercury (talkative). Lord of lagna and Don't you want to marry such a girl?
Moon sign is Mars. It is in its own star Certainly, Therefore, follow the principles
Dhanishta. Venus in Lagna Bhava receives of Astrology and make the best choice of a
aspect from Mars. Hence she was an ex- girl to lead a happy and harmonious wedded
treme militant type. life.
The above question is put by a gentleman of the planet in the 6th house occupying the
who had got married in 20th May, 1959 and strong barren sign. Mars in 8 has no
so far he has no issue. He gives number 247 strength as it is also in the sub of Rahu in
at 8-45 A.M. on Sunday, the 31st August, 12. Lord of 2 is so spoiled that it is in 8,
1969 at Delhi. it is in the constellation of the planet in 6,
and it is in the sub of one in 12. Then
■ The horoscope for the number given and how can there be an increase in the family
for this time of judgment is as follows; by the birth of a child. It is out of ques-
Lagna Moon
15-31 III 25-38 IV 18-38 5th house is occupied by Sun. It is inthe
24-6-40 11. 28-38 constellation of Venus in the 4th house deny-
ing any child.
Rahu Venus Lord of 5 Moon is in Kethu constellation
28-27 9-3
XII 14-38 V 13-38 who is in i and in the sub of the planet in 4
and is conjoined with retrograde planet
Sun 14-14 Saturn, who is lord of 11 and 12.
XI 13-38 VI 14-38
Kethu The 11th house is unoccupied. Its lord
28-27 is Saturn. It is retrograde in the twelfth
Mcr. 11-6 house to two. Hence there, is no doubt at
IX 25-38 Jupiter all. He can never have a child at all.
X 18-38 Mars VIII 28-38 14-41
24-56 VII
The horoscope of the person is as follows
Moon indicates the nature of the query. Lagna
Where is Moon? XI 0-3 13-35
It is jn a barren sign in the constellation Rahu XII 6.03 Mars
2-55 13-08
of the abortive node Kethu who is the Jup, 22-05
significator of the houses 5 and 6. There- X 26-03
fore the question is about the child birth. Moon 11-3-03
Is it protnisid or not? As the question 8-57 7th September, 1930 III 27-03
0-52 A.M.
is from the male note the 11th and then only 27-20 78-05
the' fifth. The eleventh cusp is in 13° IX 27-03 Sun 20-53
38' in Capricorn in Saturn sign Moon star VIXI 3-03 IV 26-03
and the sub of one in the 12th house. So the
11th cusp denies. Thefifth cusp is in 14" 38' Ven. 7-03
in the barren sign Le» in the Sign of barren , Sat. 29-29 VI 6-03 Kethu Mercury
planet Sun star of the planet in the 12th VII13-35 2-55 13-51
bouse to the fifth and in the sub of one inthe V 0-3
12th to the 5th house. This also docs not
promise. Generally houses 2, 5 and 11 are Rahu Dasa balance 14 years 11 months
judged to note the time when one can have zero day. Saturn Dasa has started.
a child. Here the second house is vacant. Satum is in the constellation of the
Its lord is Mars. It is in the constellation node which is the significator of 5 and
12. 11th cusp is also in the other constella- the abortive evil will not give. Hence 1 do
tion of Kethu, the significator of 5 and 12 not expect any child to you.
and sub of Kethu.' Fifth cusp is in the sub In natal charts 5 and 11 are important.
of Mercury in the house 12 to 5. Saturn, Second house includes
the dasa lord is in the sub of Mercury who
is in 4 ; hence in Saturn Dasa no change at (a) any younger brother or sister born,
all. Then Mercury Dasa will operate from (b) marriage,
age of 49 to 66. Mercury in the barren (c) birth of children, etc. 5 and 11 alone
sign in the constellation of one not connec- specify increase in the number of the family
ted with 5 or 11 and in the sub of a node. by birth of children to oneself.


' K.S.K.
Sir. I have a son. Very naughty, very Your son's chart is as follows:
bad. I do not know what to do.
Please advise me. Some say that Robert II 11.45
Clive in youth was mischievous : but later XI 2.45 XII 9.45 Lagna
17.28 Kethu
he had wonderful career."
"Have you got the chart of your son? " Hi 4.45
"Here it is, Sir. " X 0.45 1-12-1954 Jup. 6.29
"Dear friend, God sends children for 5 26 P.M.
many purposes." ? Mo#a 28-40 N
22,42 77-24 E IV 0.45
They are God's apostles sent forth daily Mars 4,53
to preach love, hope and peace. It is not IX 4.45
only to keep up. race they are born; it is Rahu SunVII 17.28 Sat. 22.061
also to enlarge our hearts and make us 15.39 Ven. 2l.57i V 2.45
13.55 Mercury
unselfish, as well as full of sympathies and VIII 11.45 2.35 VI 9.45 I
affections. You should not allow them to
have their own way but at the same time, Moon Dasa balance 0 year 5 months
you should not thwart them. If during 21 days.
childhood of your children, you feel that it Characteristic and innate nature are found
is a headache to rebuke them and correct out from the sub-lord of the Ascendant. In
them, then when they grow up they will a twin birth, one may be honest and the
cause heartache to you. Children will, no other may be opportunist and dishonest. As
doubt, commit mistakes; then and there long as all the planets remain in the same
they should be informed about the mistakes. position, in sign, star and sub and in the
They become wise, out of these mistakes, same houses, the only factor which moves
and proper advice. We should think that fast within the few minutes interval of the
boy of Today will be the man of Tomorrow children birth, is only the cusps of the
and regular training is absolutely necessary. houses. Hence we should develop the
Therefore, every child must be made to method by which the sub lord is taken and
repent for his mistakes. We should be care- the reading is offered.
ful. They should not be allowed to observe
any of our defects as they ai c very shrewd The houses 6, 8 and 12 are evil. They
observers and they will follow our footsteps. spoil the matters signified by the Ascendant.
Hence with patience and great care, we If the lord of the sub of 1 is the signifi-
should bring up children. The above advice cator of the first house, one will try to
is for all. maintain dignity and will put down any
enemical activity. The life will be long and have prophetic dreams. There will be gain
also fortunate. Health will be good. Har- through the relatives of one's wife, good
mony and happiness are promised. relationshipwiththem and the native's father.
If the sub-lord of 1 is the sigmficator of If the sub-lord of I is the significator of
the s»cond house one will work hard for the 10th house, one earnsnameand fame.
long number of hours and will be always Grand success in all undertakings. Pleasure
after making money. One will be benefitted of the superiors and those in power. One
through industrious activities. can rise to high social and professional
If the sub-lord of 1 is the significator of position. Easy acquisition Of inheritance.
the third house, there will be much mental If sub-lord of 1 is significator of 11, all
development. One will gain by frequent success. Many friends—smooth—life social
short journeys. Good relationship with and financial success.
kith, kin and neighbours. Though there If the sub-lord of 1 is the significator of
may be delay in coming out successful one 12th house one has to suffer from secret un-
will be going on adding agencies. happiness, secret enemies, and entertain
If the sub-lord of 1 is the significator of the fear of imprisonment. One has to face
the 4th house, one will be interested in misfortune. If the significator of 12 is
lands, buildings, estates, conveyances, mines, also the significator of 2, 6 and II one will
possessions, furnitures, study, universities, make fortune in a foreign place.
etc. Good relationship with mother. Thus it can be seen that the sub-lord of 1
If the sub-lord of 1 is the significator of if connected with 6th house the person will
the 5th house one will find delight in sports, behave in such a way that whatever he does
music, opera, speculation etc. One will it will be detrimental to all with whom-
always be anxious to bring up one's soever he moves, or he transacts. If the
children in the right path. sub-lord is Mars one will boldly and openly
If the sub-lotd of 1 is the significator of commit crimes. If it were to be Saturn, he
the sixth house, one will be having ill-health, will commit crimes without other's notice.
one will be susceptible to diseases, one's In your son's case, Saturn is in 6 and it
action will cause loss to others, one can is the sub-lord of the lagna. Further it is
come out pictorious in one's attempts and conjoined with Venus, lord of lagna. It is
there will be disharmony. in a "Voice" sign. So he may at this age
If the sub-lord of 1 is the significator of call girl students by name following behind
the 7th house, one will have good partners them, and do such a mischief."
in life. Good understanding with wife and " Yes, Sir, this is one of the complaints I
partners. One will be fond of the other have received from the parents of girls."
sex and try to be in their midst. One will Saturn conjoined with Venus indicates
have litigation in his lifetime. Marital that he can knock away other's footwear,
happiness is promised. chapals, etc.
If the sub lord of 1 is the significator of " It is also true" He finds pleasure in
the 8th house one will have occult experi- going to music concerts with his one of the
ences and one's end will be unnatural. One old chapals; he attends the concert at my
meets with accidents: Survival or succum- expenses and a few minutes before the con-
bing to accident depends on the period he cert is over he leaves the hall first; invari-
runs. One gains through legacy but after ably he puts on a new one left there by
great trouble. - Nothing can be gained somebody and he returns home. How did
smoothly. There will be a lot of obstacles you predict chapals. Sir ? "
and hindrances. Saturn and Venus are in 12 to 7. Seventh
If the sub-lord of 1 is the significator of house shows others who participate in the
the 9th house one is always desirous of pro- music. 12th house is foot. Saturn and
ceeding on long journey. One will be reli- Venus indicate skin, hides and so leather
gious. One will have higher studies. One chapals. Both of them are in the constel-
can be successful in the research. One can lation of Jupiter in 3. Third house is for
walking; third house js assistance. I Never put him in a bank, so that he has
said further he will be capable of copying no chance to handle cash. Never allow him
others or sign like others. He will not hesi- to be.a lecturer or a clerk in any college.
tate to, sign your own signature in his He will bring a bad name to himself and to
progress report." another person of opposite sex. Never
"Do you know my son? Have you put him in any commission business as he
beard of arlything about my son. Sir." will misappropriate the whole amount and
"Why?" will not remit to the head office, what is
due ,to them .deducting his commission.
" As though you are one of the members Never put him in any business, as he will
of our family, knowing his mischief, you deceive partner and, cheat the customers.
are mentioning one after another and all Then what to do with this fellow 7
are true. Now, Sir, I want to know whether
he will improve or he will continue to be so." Let him work as the time-keeper in an
"For this one is to find out which dasa industry and one to take attendance, etc, as
will run in the future. If the lords of Meridian is in Saturn sign (Labour) Mars
the dasas are beneficial, even though he star Dhanishta (Industry) Mercury to ins-
may have such innate nature he will not pect or to keep accounts or to note down.
have opportunity to commit crimes. If The accounts unconnected with money is
the dasas are evil, he can never improve; only the time-keeper's ppst.
But he is to run Jupiter and Saturn dasas,. ' Oh ! God. Some people told me that
from his age 25 to his age of 60. Both such mischievous people thrive well in their
Jupiter and Saturn are to spoil him by com- lifetime. But they did not so clearly
mitting the crimes." mention the nature of the mischief which he
"Then what shall I do with the fellow? does as you enumerated.
How is he to live? "Mr., your son is not Robert Cliye.
What is the best job for him ? " Simply follow what i told."
Qneslion; Clearing agency for shipping, supplies to
How to ascertain one's liking for a transport and traffic departments or to
profession if the sub-lord of the meridian is serve in bus, tram, railway or in any press
SUN, and the Ascendant of the gentleman or paper mill will be advantageous. You
is Aries. can rise to a good position in the university
by having the goodwill of the seniors. Your
Answer: FOfe ARIES-BORNS, relatives and neighbours will contribute for
your success. As a lawyer you can draft
If Sun is the significator of the first house intelligently, contracts, agreements, notices,
and it is the lord of the 10th cusp, then you correspondence etc. As a liar, you will be
will gain by your own efforts and personal very clever in drafting false reports or
contacts. Your frank and outspoken writing anonymous letters. You can thrive
nature will bring you success in your as an ambassador or messenger or one to
matters. You will not depend on others to inspect the branches from the headquarters
act on your behalf. You will prove to be or to be a camp clerk or a tourist guide.
a good organiser and administrator. If you Hence travel, transport, sports and drama
are an advocate you appear in the court of are advantageous.
law and do hot entrust the job with your
juniors. If you are a surgeon you do If the sub-lord of the lOlh cusp is Sun
attend the patients personally. You under- and he is also the significator of the 4th
stand the mind of the seniors and that of house, you are best fitted to have your
the colleagues and carry out your work residential quarters and your office in the
efficiently and have harmony. You prefer same-building. You can own boarding and
to be independant and firm. As a doctor lodging houses or manage them. You can
you will prove to be good for treating prove yourself .to be an expert in interior
cerebral cases Neuralgia, Coma and Head decoration. You can make fortune by being
injuries. Avoid rash action. the broker for buildings, lands, estates, cars,
1 etc. Further you can manufacture such of
If Sun is the significator of the second those materials useful to furnish the house
house, you will be industrious and you or for kitchen purposes. You can gain
gain money by your work, hard work and through mother or her relatives and take
that too for long number of hours. You them as partners. You can invest money
will deal in cash and you can serve in a on constructing living quarters as colonies,
bank in the currency exchange department. instead of building for office purpose.
You are also best suited to be an auditor or You can deal in real estates.
cost accountant etc. As years pass on, you If the sub-lord of the 10th cusp is Sun
will be promoted as Director. You are and it is the significator of the 5th house,
' good in collecting the public money for any you can work in stock exchange or in any
cause. Your sincere work and earnestness other speculative market; also you can
will be amply rewarded. You will find it
to save much as you are generous and you work in Cinema theatres, dramatic field and
find pleasure in social ■ intercourse. It is other places of amusements. You also
good for trade and business. You will can work in family planning. As a Doctor,
gain through investment and speculation. you will specialise in Pediatrics ; you, as a
manufacturer, preduce things, toys, etc. f*r
If Sun is the significator of the third the use of children. As an author of books
house, you can be a good journalist. You you will be fortunate in publishing those
can edit and publish books; or serve in the useful for children. Also in love affairs
transport department or postal or telegraph and matters chiefly connected with every
x or any other communication departments. day life and happily ending. As a teacher
You will prove to be a good salesman. to young children yon will shine more than
for adults. If Stin is strong you can the money of the dead and insurance. You
become a cinema star. You can also may attend to death duty, estate duty etc.
invest and become famous. You can Do not speculate.
become the leader of the scouts.
If Sun is the significator of the 9th house
If Sun is the significator of the sixth you are ever hopeful and charitable. You
house, you are best suited for the labour or will have the desire to investigate science.
public health department. 6th house As a businessman you will make long tours
gives the desire to serve all, especially those and have connections with foreigners.
who are suffering from physical ailment or Export, import, foreign trade and to have
mental torture. You can have promotions branches in the foreign are all advant-
in service if you are attached to the medical ageous. University is the best place for
relief in any concern. In a factory you can you. Service in religious places are also
specialise in repairing instruments and tools will suited. Make fortune in a foreign
and machines. You will prove to be a land. You can even permanently shift to
good agent in emmigration department. In foreign. You will reach a covetablc position
a bank you prefer to be in the deposit in any technical line of business. Branches
department. Speculation will pay. Music in the foreign will give you larger profits
opera and cinema can be a good source of than all the business put together in your
income. native land you will develop taste for fine
If Sun is the significator of the 7th house, arts, handicrafts and science.
you are best fitted to be a. pcademaker. If Sun is the significator of the 10th
You are invariably fair in your dealings. house you can manage and execute whatever
You consider both the sides and do the you wish. You work hard for long period
justice. Therefore you can be a judge, or and realise your ambition. You can plan
you can hold the post of a public relation and put through your schemes to a great
officer or one to mediate between two magnitude. Though you do not meet with
enemies, or an officer for arbitration. Tn any disappointment, you -will continue to be
the Government the best position for you is industrious. You can have a business of
the Embassy. As a social worker you can your own. You can deal with foreigners.
undertake to bring about marriage among Export and import will also pay you satis-
couples. You can work as a marriage factorily. In Govenunent service you will
broker. If you arc an advocate, you gain have your legitimate improvement in status;
by appearing for divorce cases, or of such your claim will never be ignored. You will
crimes committed on the sexual side. You have advancement in your career. You can
can manage with all in a friendly way so reach the topmost rung of the ladder to
that you are the friend of all. As a doctor which you are entitled to. In politics also
you gain through the other sex. One defect you will hold a decentpositioncommanding
is that there can be loss by theft. respect from others. In speculation or in
If the sub-lord of the IOth cusp is also theatrical field you will be successful with
the significator of the 8th house you gain good gains.
by partnership and legacy. You will have If Sun is the significator of the 11th
steady fortune after marriage. You work house, one can be a successful politician
very hard and you do business using others' anci businessman, as you will have lofty
money. You can be an Executive Director. ambitions, desires and dignity and also
You may deal in public funds, pension many friends who arc reliable and faithful
papers, gratuity, bonus, taxes, etc. If you and be the benefactors. Your colleagues
are an advocate you will deal in estates and will co-operate and they will never betray
wills. In Government service Finance and you. You can serve in clubs, societies,
Revenue departments are beneficial. As an restaurants, lodging houses, so that you will
indepedant person you practise Income-tax have many opportunities to come in contact
and you are the best advisor. As an auditor with new people and increase the num-
you can make fortune. You can deal with ber of friends. You will succeed in such a
pursuit where you have to apply your mind find pleasure through Investigation, of
and concentrate. You will show your things of mysterious or research nature.
inventive genius in every action of yours. You can carry on such a work without any
You can be a legislator or ambassador or body's knowledge and collect information.
mcssengor or peacemaker or arbitrator or a For secret activities you are best fitted.
sportsman. Thus one should know the sub lord of
If the sub-lord of the 10th cusp is Sun and the 10th cusp. Then to each lagna-bom
it is also the significator of the I2th house, how that particular planet will behave and
then you will prefer to work singly, undis- how his indications get changed according
turbed in an unfrequented place. You can to the houses which it signifies.
do your job successfully and most satis- When the profession is in millions, to
factorily by avoiding the company of others. classify and group them into 9 alone is
As an organiser you will instruct others never helpful to the querist. But in this
politely and calmly. You will prefer to method you can find that there are 249
serve in Jails or Hospitals or Asylams. If cusps and each may be ruled by any of the
you arc an advocate you fumish all points to 9 planets and each planet can be the signi-
the senior and you remain behind the scene. ficator of any of the 12 houses. Hence you
You will have one tuitioned by you, and let have 249 x 9 x 12 classifications. It comes
him represent you. In an army, you remain to nearly 26,892 divisions. This is the only
in headquarters and give instructions to the proper method.
people in the (war front.. If you start a
factory, it will be away from the town and One cannot commit all the 26,892 combi-
also the industrial estate. Invest on Govern- nations. But one should understand how it
ment bonds to have steady gains than to is analysed and then the result arrived at.
take a risk by buying other speculative If one understands the principle then it is
shares. Speculation causes ruin. You will easy to pinpoint.
The following rules are applicable both If the sub-lord of the second cusp is the
for Natal and also for Horary horoscopes; significator of the houses 2 and 6, one
If the sub-lord of the 2nd cusp is the makes profit in any transaction. One can
significator of 1 and 2 then the native will have enough of overdraft facilities; come
be finding it easy to make money by his out successful in the election and gain. One
personal efforts ; he will serve or do busi- can deal with pet animals, poultry, public
ness and try to increase his bank position. health departments, medicine, all humani-
If the sub-lord of 2 is the significator of the tarian service, gains through labour and
houses 1, 2 and 6 one enters into service or labour department. This is also very good
it should be significator of 10 without being to one's children.
the significator of 7. If the significator of If the sub-lord of 2nd cusp is the signifi-
the 2nd cusp is the significator of the houses cator of 2 and 7 one gains through partner
1, 7 and 10 one does business. If the sub- in business or by marriage, one makes good
lord is the significator of 1, 2 and 12 and is profit in contract, business and in any
connected with Sun or Moon or Venus one manner dealing with others. Success in
loses bis vision. If connected with Saturn litigation. One regains seniority, enemies
one suffers from toothache. If Satum and maet with danger, slightly good to children.
Moon are connected then one's mouth will
be foulsmelling and he will have pyorrhoea. If the sub-lord of the second is the signifi-
cator of the houses 2 and 8 one can gain by
If the sub-lord of the second cusp is the legacy, insurance, bonus, gratuity or by
significator of the second and the third, one will. If the same planet is the significator
can gain through education, writing, publi- of the 19th house one loses money due to
city, publication, journalism, brothers, bank failure. But if this is the significator
colleagues, neighbours and by taking up of 11 gain is a certainty.
agencies, commission business, touring,
salesman, representative, short tours etc. Children make fortune in their own place
But to younger brother there will be loss. and possess property. If the sub-lord of 2 is
This sub-lord is veiy lucky to one's the s ign if icator of 2 and 9 one makes
children. money by export and import, by publication
of books, by making long journeys, by
If the sub-lord of the second cusp is the con-tacting foreigners, or by discovering
significator of the second and the fourth some improvements and by patenting the
house,' theii one gets estates and money as same, one gains through religion, temples,
inheritance and one will be anxious to own churches, science, relatives of partner, etc.
buildings, houses, land, mines, etc. one gains speculative gains to children.
by such investments. One is successful in
his own place. He can be stationary in If sub-lord of the 2nd cusp is the signifi-
one's permanent place of residence. One cator of the second and the tenth house,
can gain through mother, automobile, one makes steady progress, ever prosperous,
transport, etc. gets into Government service, or
If the sub-lord of the second cusp is the under-tracking any business, has honours,
significator of .2 and 5 houses, one gains awards, increase in reputation, success in all
through music opera cinema, pleasant under-takings. Children get into service or
amusements, sports, entertainments, through come out successful in competitive
younger people and children. This planet examination or election, or litigation.
will prove to be very lucky to children, and If the sub-lord of the second cusp is the
mother. significator of the houses 2 and 11 one
makes money without much effort, gams significator of 2 and 12, one can make
without pains. Through speculation, friends money by serving in a sanatorium asylum,
oblige. There will be accidental fortune hospital, occult investigations, circus,
like lottery where the investment is the etc. not good to children.
minimum and the gain is substantial. Thus one is to find out to which housee
Equally it is lucky to children to gain by a planet is the significator and calmly judgs
business or win in litigation. what it can do.
If the sub-lord of the second cusp is the (To be continued)


" Good luck. Sir. " North Latitude. 77-38 East Longitude is the
" Hullo ! Come on—Anything special." location. The horoscope for that time is as
" Yes, Sir, yesterday 1 wrote a letter to
you. But my friend wanted to meet you VIII 4,53 IX 5.53 X 6.53
and hear in person. In the Bangalore Rabu Sat. 24,33 Vcn. 24.12 XI 6.53
Astrological Magazine one Sathabisha had 0.29
predicted that " Mr. Reddy is likely to get
into the Presidential Chair Mr. Sanjeeva VII 5,21 XII 5.53
Reddy had better chances to become the 8-05 A.M. Son 6.46
president." 23-7-1969 Merc. 7.19
"Has he taken the horoscope of both 12-58 N
and discussed ? " VI 5.53 77-38 E Asc. 5.21
" No, Sir. He had taken the time of
query and followed one Prasna Tantra. " fCethu
V 6.53 Mars 9.51 Moon 110.29
" Yes, Yes, Astrology is a Tantra. IV 6.53 III14.15 4.53
5.53 Jupiter
Tantra also means to deal in a clever way." 7.46
" It is also true. Because never he " Now, please read out the query, "
predicts that something must happen.
Always he uses the word, likely and " Sir, the question is " Who will be the
tendency." next president—Mr. Sanjeeva Reddy or
" Alright. You read out what time he has Mr. Giri."
taken and on which date. Also give the " Oh God! The question itself is
place of judgment." unscientific in Horary Astrology. It should
"It is said that it was calculated for be whether 'A will win' or' whether
23-7-69 at 8-05 A.M. But the place of judg- 'B will win' or whether 'C will win.'
ment is not mentioned. I do not know who For Horary the question should be about
this Sathabisha is. It may be Mr. B. V. one matter or one individual The question
Raman himself; or any one who regularly itself is not correct. "
contributes every month. If he can give the " But he has taken Mr. Reddy as the
place of judgment where this Sathabisha native represented by the Ascendant. "
resides we can take that place, note down " For the above question he has no
the latitude and longitude and work out. " choice to take lagna to represent Mr.
"Let us take as Bangalore. 1 also do not Reddy. Why should not he take Mr. V. V.
know who Sathabisha is_; it may be Giri. What is the reason ? Alright, let us
Mr. Raman himself. I shall be happy if he take that the unknown force suggested to
can give the address of Sathabisha. If we him to take like this. So it may be his
take the place as Bangalore then 12-58 intuition. Intuition is never rational but
occasionally he who knows the rules can secret enemical activities. So undesirable.
explain. Does not matter: How has he Therefore Mr, Reddy has to necessarily lose
analysed ? Are you able to follow, under- on this occasion."
stand and accept his likely prediction ? " " Why should not we confirm, Sir. "
" Sir, many a time he had repeated " Yes. If one loses, the opponent wins.
Ithasala yoga. There is no single rule. I The 7th house represents the opponent.
could not understand a bit of what he says. Look at the opponents 11th cusp. It is itf
I am sure majority of the readers also will 6° 53' in Sagittarius. It means it is in Rahu
agree with me." sub. Rahu is in the second sign, in the
" Whether others agree with you or not, lagna Bhava to the 7th and represents the
God has not agreed with his finding. Any- houses 2 and U counted from 7. How cry-
how I am sure, that he will never be j stal clear it is 'to declare correctly that Mr.
depressed, i.e. worried, if his prediction V. V. Giri must win. "
failed. The fact is " MR. V. V. GIRI HAS " Also note this manner and confirm
WON AND TODAY HE IS THE PRESI- again. If Mr. V. V. Giri wins, Mr. Reddy
DENT OF INDIA." " Sir, we had already loses. So take the 6th cusp counted
switched off the tradition, such a confusing from the 7th representing Mr. V. V.
and complicated one. We follow only your Giri. It is in Cancer at 5° 53'; the sub
method. We anyhow are your disciples. lord is Mercury. Mercury is in 5 (loss to
We would like to hear from you how you the opponent). Plurality is ever shown by
would analyse the above chart" Mercury. An intelligent astrologer will
Mr., if Mr. B. V. Raman or his followers predict that the counting will be made more
would have erected the chart, they would than once to win. Actually in the second
have used some other Ayanamsa and not count he defeated Mr. Reddy.
mine. So you take a copy of the chart I have "Also you can find how mysterious is
worked out and keep other chart away. Astrology, to offer a. prediction without
" What is my single rule ? " taking shelter under the words probably,
To judge whether one can come out likely, chances, tendency etc. " if you know
successful, in an election or in a competi- K.P.
tion or in a litigation, in Horary Astrology Can there be failure to Mr. V. V. Giri or
one should judge the 11th cusp. If the sub- not? So judge the 6th cusp from the
lord of the 11th cusp promises victory, one lagna. It is in 5° 53' in Capricorn. It
wins ; otherwise he must lose, is in the sub, of Mercury occupying the
12th house counted from lagna. What does
" Where is the 11th cusp ? " it mean? Against one's interest things done
"6° 53' in Gemini. " bring loss to lagna and thereby gain to
" It means it is in the sub of Rahu. Here opponent.
the constellation lord is also Rahu. So "Thanks, Sir. Please publish in your
the answer, whatever we get, is definite'," magazine. We are fully convinced. Let the
" Where is Rahu ? " readers also note down the simplicity, surety
and clarity in Krishnamurti Padhdhati."
" In the 8th sign but according to K. P. it I showed it to him. Now the postman
is in the 7th house, " presses the calling bell. One of the letters is
" What is my rule?" his. May God give you health and long life
If the sub lord is occupying or is the and also give good wisdom to the critics
significator of 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 or 12, one must who were and or directly or indirectly doing
lose. Rahu in 7 is bad. It represents the dis-service to those who would like to know
houses 5 and 8, bad; It has to give the the scientific Astrology.
results of Jupiter who is in the constellation Thanks, very much. Good Luck to both
.oflord.of 12 in 2, showing expenses or of you.

1. Which houses are we to judge for 1 Ith cusp is retrograde then only whatever
the engagement of marriage ? The signi- he desires to have will not be had. Ambi
■ ficatorS of the houses 2, 7 and 11 denote tion cannot be reahsed.
marriage in their conjoined' periods. But
the planets which are the signiiicators of 2 8. How to find out whether a man
or 7 or 11 is also the siaoificator of 3 and speaks truth or not ?
also 9 the marriage will be engaged in their Shakespeare has said " The cheek is apter
conjoined periods. Because the third house than the tongue to tell an errand." It
shows the agreement of the native and the means truth makes the face of a person
9th is the house which indicates the con- shine who speaks. It is the second house
sent and agreement of the other party. which governs the face and also the tongue.
2. To proceed on deputation with incre- If the sub-lord of the second cusp is gover-
ase in emoluments: This sjiows that there ned by Mars in any manner connected with
is transfer, change in the surrounding, colle- Mercury one speaks untruth. If the sub-
agues, etc. and also increase in the income. lord is Saturn who is in any manner con-
Here the houses 5,9 and 11 are to be nected with Mercury then one hides some
judged. The significators of 11 will also news and thereby omits to mention, If the
be the significator of the 12th also, denoting sub-lord is Mercury and no other planet is
life or service in a hew place. connected, one gives the informa-
tion in meticulous detail. If Venus governs,
3. Selection of a person for a higher he is the peaemaker. If Venus is connected
post: This selection will be given effect with Mercury, then as a peacemaker he
to either immediately or at a later date. will be clever to find out the strength and
Yet that, one is selected for a post, is the weakness of both the parties. If Sun
decision of the appointing authority and governs the sub of the second, one does his
the news a good one to the native. There- duty nobly and never lies. Thus one is to
fore one will hear about the selection when find out whether one utters a lie, whether
the significator of 11 is also the significator carries the information and presents it cor-
of the third house. Actual promotion will rectly or how he conducts.
come when the conjoined periods of either
the 2nd or 6th or 10th and 1 Ith operate. . 9. How to find out whether one will be
economical or one will be a spend thrift ?
4. Confirmation in n post: It will be Note the sub-lord of the 2nd cusp. If it is
done during the conjoined period of the ' either Mars or if it is deposited in the con-
planet which is deposited in the sub of the stellation of Mars one will be a spend thrift.
planets in fixed sign. If Mars is also the significator of the 10th
5. When will C.B.I take action and house then he will earn more and also spend
find secretly without onr knowledge what more. But if the sub-lord of the second
crime we had committed—what bribe we cusp is^Salurn one will be economical. One
have received or what illegal gratification is overliberal and spends away much more
we received and so on? Planets connected than one's income if the sub-lord of the
with your 10th and 12th house will operate. 12th is Mars which is also connected with
6. When will they take action and sus-
pect us? When the conjoined period of 10. Will I be bold enough to undertake
the planets connected with 5 or 9 and 12 this job? First one should know whether
operate. what he does is right. If he finds it is right
and if he does not do it then he lacks cour-
7. When will one person's desire be not age. True courage is not the brutal force ;
fulfilled in Horary?_ If the Sub-lord of the but is the firm resolve of virtue and reason.
For this you should judge the sub-lord of cator of the 7th is also the significator of the
the third cusp. It shows consideration of 12th you sever connection with him.
pros and cons. One can weigh the merits Similarly the significator of the 11th house
and demerits and then take a decision. True indicates.
courage is the result of reasoning. Resolu-
tion lies mote in the head than in the veins. 13. When can I have new partner in
Mental calibre and courage are shown by business ?
the third house. Consider the sub-lord of You can have a new partner when the
the 3rd house. Any planet being the sub- period of the planet signifying the 7th house
lord of 3 is also the significator of 2 or 10 is also the significator of the 11th house and
or 11, one will surely undertake, do, come : the significator of the 11th should be con-
out successful and gain thereby. nected with 2nd or I Oth house.
11. Who is contented and who is not ? J Or the significator of the 7th house should
A poor man wants only something and if be in the sub of the significator of the 11 th
they are given he is contended. The luxu- house and the second or 10th.
rious person wants many things which he
mayor may not get. So he can't have con- 14. Will 1 meet with any accident in my
tentment. An avaricious man wants every- journey ?
thing. So he will ever remain discontented. You have to consider the 3rd house for
Contentment or otherwise depends on the journey, if it is for a short duration and
one's mind. The fact is that the contented the 9th house for a journey of long
man is never poor whereas the discontented duration. If the significator of the 3rd
person is never rich. house for short journey and the significator
of the 9th house for a long journey happen
One should judge only the sub-lord of the to be the significator •f the houses 6 and 8
third cusp. One is never contented if the one must meet with an accident. The injury
sub-lord of the third house is Mars. Legiti- will need hospitalisation if it is also the
mate and reasonable ambition will be there, significator of the 12th house.
if the sub-lord is Jupiter. Saturn shows no
ambition at all. Nor it gives contentment. 15. When will my tenant vacate?
Lazy, sluggish temperament or jealousy 6th house indicates tenant. The 4th and
will be there. Thus we should judge from 11th counted therefrom denotes the occupa-
the nature of the planets connected with the tion of your house. If he is to vacate, the
third cusp in the Horary chart. 3rd from the.6th should operate. Hence the
12. When can I get rid of the present significator of the 8th (3rd from the 6th)
partner ? should be connected with the 6th, i.e. the
significator of 6 also. Hence during the con-
Partner is indicated by the 7th house. joined period of such of the significators of
Permanent tie is shown by the 11th house. both .6 and 8 he must vacate.
The significators of the 6th house show
when he will leave. The significators of the 16. When can I get a tenant t* my newly
12th house indicates when you will drop built house ?
him. When you run the conjoined period of the
Also those significators of the 7th house •significators of 6, 4th from the 6th, i.e. the
is in the sub of the significator of the 6th 9th and the 11th from 6th, i.e. the 4th con-
house one leaves in that period ; if the jointly operate. That is the significator of
significator of the 7th house is in the sub 6, 9 and 4 must rule conjointly a time.
of 12 partnership will be broken by you. 17. Am 1 the first person whom the other
Or if the significator of the 7th is also phe person Inves?
significator of the 6th house then ii pits If the lord of the sign, lord of the star
period one gets Separated. But if the sis and the lord of the sub of the 8th cusp is
your ruling planets at the moment of your He knows that poverty is hard but debt is
birth, then you are not the first. You will horrible. It is a horror to be going on
be ' N ' plus 1. You can request the other borrowing like some speculators. To live in
person if you decide to marry him, to stop a smoky house with ants, cockroaches, rats,
with ' N' plus one and do not add any scorpion, bugs, mosquitoes and flies or to
more. But if the lord of the sign, the star live with a scolding and violent wife is much
and the sub of the Ascendant happen to be better than to live on borrowing. You lose
the ruling planets of yourself at the moment your liberty. When you return home late
of your birth then you are ^he first person. in the night, your wife 'submits a list of the
One thing you should also know. From your creditors who were waiting till late in the
query the astrologer can find out whether night and narrate what alt they told. She
you were in love with anybody else. How, will exaggerate also. You will be ashamed
Sir ? If the star lord, sign lord and sub-lord to see the creditors. You avoid taking the
of the second cusp happens to be the lover's route passing through the creditors' house
ruling planets at the moment of his birth, or office ; with great fear you talk to him if
then you had already intimacy with accidentally you are met by him. You have
another person. This person will be ' N' to make poor pitiful sneaking excuses. It
plus 1 to you. Oh God! Then to consult leads you to utter falsehood and speak lie
an astrologer is dangerous. Really if one without any admixture of single truth. Your
wants to keep his or her secret activities spirit and virtue are deprived. You are like
within himself or herself then for them an a squeezed orange. How can it maintain its
astrologer is dangerous as per your term.' X beautiful shape? Rather you will be like an
have borrowed so much that the liabilities empty bag. How can you stand erect? Do
are much more than my assets. Now the not you know that out of debts is out of
creditors bring pressure on me every danger. That is, debt is said to be a danger
moment. What shall I do ? Do not consult to one. Hence before proceeding to borrow
astrologer at this stage. Go to the court consult an able astrologer. He will suggest
and have relief by filing an insolvency suit you a time to. take the cheque from the
, after necessary arrangements, etc. with your creditor, so that loan will not multiply and
advocate and friends. Astrologer ought to you will come by fortune to repay that
have been consulted before' you borrowed. which you have borrowed , on the advice of
Then he would have given proper advice. the astrologer.

Questions and Answers {Continued from October Issue)

(f) Treasure from above the ground. (k) Good character—sublord oflagna
If Mars is the significator of 2 and 11, or ruled by benefics.
6 and 11 or 4 and 11, then one can gain (l)'Bad character—sublord of lagna
from the surface. governed by malefics.
(g) false statement verbal; If the Sir, we take Moon for one's mentality.
second cusp falls in Mercury constellation Sun for Guna. Why you ask us to forget
and Saturn sub one does not know how to that rule.
speak truth. Twins are bom. One is honest, true, etc.
The sublord of the second must be ruled the other just opposite to that. Consider
by Saturn. which you are to judge.
(h) False statement—written—sublord " Yes, Sir."
of the third must be ruled by Saturn. (m) For debauchery : judge how Saturn,
(i) True statement oral—sublord of 2 Venus and Mars are connected with 1, 5
ruled by Jupiter. or 11, e.g., if one has lagna cusp or 5th or
Uth cusp falls in a position which is ruled
(j) True statement-writtch-sublord of by Satum, Venus and Mars one has many
3 to be ruled by Jupiter. company to give pleasure.
It may be that Mars and Venus being the according to K.P. Therefore I straightaway
significator of 1 or 11 be aspected by proceed. First of all, have you given me
satum; saturn and Venus are aspected by a correct chart even though the working is
Mars and so on. correct? Today, it is Wednesday and the
Nakshatra is Ashlesha. Now the lagna is
Or, the cusp of 1 or 11 may be in Taurus Libra. Therefore the ruling planets for this
Venus sign. Mats star, Saturn sub (27-53-20 moment are Moon, Mercury and Venus.
to 30°) or Satum sign Mars star Venus Actually your lagna has fallen in Aslesha
sub, i.e., in Aquarius 2° 40' to 4° 53' 20" or Nakshatra apd your Rashi is Libra, So the
Mars sign Venus star Satum sub, i.e., particulars about your birth time given by
21° 53' 20" to 24° Aries. you must be correct.
Thus these Thirumurthis, Satum, Mars Your query is about Rahu. Rahu is in
and Venus should be connected with 1 or 5 Pisces at 24° 43'. It means 'it is in the
or 11. Then pleasurable pursuits, pleasant Nakshatra Revathi, Rahu acts as an agent
minutes with people, not lawfully married, of the Lord of the sign where it is deposited.
are indicated. The lord of Pisces is Jupiter who owns) the
(n) Prestige is lost if the sublord of the 6th house also.
5th cusp is the significator of lOand 12 also. Therefore Rahu is to offer matters signi-
Property is lost if the sublord of the fied by the 6th house occupied by] the lord
5th cusp is the significator of 4 and 12. of the constellation and Mercury and Rahu
Cash is spent or wasted if the sublord of is to give also the 9th house results as it is
the 5th cusp is the significator of 2 and 12. in the 9th and it has to give the matters
Proceedings in the Court comes up if the signified by the 9th and the 6th|houses
sublord of the 5th is also the significator of owned by Jupiter. Further, Rahu is not
the 7th. If it is also the significator of 12, conjoined with or aspected by any planet.
one loses the case. If it is the significator As it represents Jupiter and Jupiter is in
of 11th and 6th he wins the case. the Uth house,. Rahu is to offer the results
of the bouses 6, 9 and 11.
Dear Sir, The sub-lord is Rahu; it is to be taken
Q. I am herewith furnishing my horos- that whatever Rahu is to give it will give
cope, I would like to know what Rahu without any modification.
can do for me. 6th house shows success; 11th shows
improvement in status, increase in income
Rahu and very good understanding with higher
24-43 X 18-32 XI 21-32 Jup. 18-44
Xn 22-32 officials. (9) Rahu indicates in the dasa of
IX 16-32 Mercury, change in the nature of work and
also in the Master, i.e. in the Institution,
VIII17-32 Mars 9-19 Suppose a planet 'A' is in the constel-
Asc. 21-41 lation of another planet 'B' then the results
Jup. Dasa 10 yrs. to be given by 'A' due to the lord of the
2 months 5 days
26-59 Sun balance at birth constellation will be given when the con-
VII 21-41 11 17-32 joined period of 'A' and 'B' operate
Mere 4-25 together. Therefore Rahu in Mercury star
will give that result during Mercury Dasa,
Sal 25-27 Moon 111 16-32 Rahu sub-period, Mercury sub-sub-period
VI22-32 IV 18-32 Kcthu and in that of Rahu sub.
Ven 10-20 24-51 24-43 Since this period will extend for a few
days and weeks, it is nacessary to refer to
Ads. Dear Sir, You have erected the the transit of the planets. At that time.
horoscope according to the instmctions Mercury and Sun will be in Mercury sign
given by me. You ate bom at 5-3fr40 P.M. Rahu star Aiudhra. So I expect that
I.S.T; on Monday, the 9 Febmary, 1931. around 26tb to 28th June, 1971 there will
The ayanamsa used by you is 22° 48'. It is be and must be a change for the better.
(Krishnamurti Padhdhati Verified)
' NiraUBisar. P.O. GAY A, Bihar.
Birth Details: Prof. K S. Krishnarnurli with his uncanny
A Native—Male. predictive methods takes up specific pro-
blems and solves them most wonderfully.
Born on 1.8th July, 1922, Tuesday at 8-18' The following case bears testimony to his
A.M. I.S.T. = 8-28-4' A.M. L.M.T. " marvellous predictive method.
Place—Lat. 24° 48' N. Long. 85°01' E. According to him, for termination of
K.P. Ayanamsa—22° 40'. service, the houses 1, 5, 9 & 12 are to be
judged. The 1st house is negation of 2nd
Nirayana Rasi Chart: (self-acquisition). The 5th is negation of
6th (service). The 9th is negation of 10th
Kcthu Mo*n Mercury (status). The 12th is the general house of
10° 28' 12° 06' 13° •$ loss. Termination of service takes place
under the conjoined period of the planets
connected with these hauses. Prof. K.S.K.
Sun 2* 02' has suggested the following Scientific
Method to be pursued uniformly to judge
such a problem. Let us take up the various
a factors one by one.
)10 47' The 1st house is un-occupied by any
12° II' planet. Its lord is the SUN. In its cons-
Sat. 9' 47' tellation SATURN is posited. Therefore,
SATURN is a strong significator.
The 5th house is un-occupied by any
18° 47' planet. Its lord is JUPITER. The Sun is
in Jupiter's star, but it happens to be in the
Cusps Sign Deg. Min. Sign Cusps 11th house—the house of gains. Jupiter
A^cendaot Leo 12° H' Aquarius Vllth. being in the constellation of the MOON,
Und Virgo 9° 29' Pisces VHIth. lord of 12 and occupant of 9th is stronger
Hlrd Libra 9* 29' Aries JXth. than the Sun.
IVth Scorpio 11" 29' Taurus Xth. The 9th house is occupied by the Moon.
Vth Sagittarius. 12° 29' Gemini Xlth. tion RAHU and JUPITER are in the constella-
of the Moon. Rahu is very malefic
Vlth Capricorn 13° 29' Cancer XII th. because it happens to be not only in the
Planets Star Sub constellation of the Moon but also in the
Moon Kethu Mercury SUB of the Moon. Mars, the lord of 9th,
Mercury Rahu Mercury being in the constellation and sub of
Venus Kethu Satum Mercury—lord of 2 and 11, is not badly
Sun Jupiter Rahu placed, in regard to the matter under
Mars Mercury Mercury consideration.
Jupiter Moon Mercury The 12th house is occupied by Venus.
Saturn Sun Venus SATURN is posited in the SUB of Venus.
Rahu Moon ■ Moon The Moon rules the 12th and is placed in
Kethu- Saturn Sun the 9th. RAHU and JUPITER in the
Constellation of the Moon are stronger than 1 am fully convinced that if the principles
the Moon to give the effects of the 9th and propounded by Prof. K. S. Krishnamurti
12th houses. are systematically applied, the nature and
The readers will be surprised to note that time of events can besuccessfullydelineated.
the significators discussed above conjointly Only those who are biased and have inade-
brought about TERMINATION OF quately studied K.P., criticise him. A scienti-
SERVICE, during Rahu Dasa, Jupiter fic application of his principles, will
Bhukti, Saturn Anthra, i.e., from 18-3-1969 convince any scientific astrologer, that there
to 5-8-1969. The native was dispensed with is nothing like TENDENCY. Then take the
his service with effect from 15-6-1969. The shelter of tendency only to cover up their
houses 1, 5, 9 A 12, fully played their role. ignorance of this DIVINE SCIENCE.
It is a sufficient proof of the efficacy of


Horoscope is as follows :— constellation. The ninth house is occupied
by Kethu with no other planet in its star.
Sat. 7-36 Thus, the significators are Saturn, Moon,
V 29-53 VI 27-53 VII 22-36 M«On Rahu, Mercury and Kethu. Mercury Dasa,
15-22 Saturn Bhukti and Mercury Anthra in the
beginning when Sim, by transit, passes the
IV 28-53 position occupied at birth by Mercury, i.e.,
Rahu IX 24-53 around 20th November, 1970, will cause
7-56 5-12-1914 your retirement.
7-15 A.M. ,
III 24-53 19° 3 N 72° 52 E Kct. 7-56 Jupiter, whose period you are now
Jup. 24-48 X 28-53 running, happens to be lord of .2 and is
deposited in the constellation ruled by Mars,
MaT.24-40 lord of 1 and 6 and hence has to benefit you
Asc. 22-36 financially which would not otherwise be
II 22-53 Sun 19-31 XII 27-53 XI 29-53 the case if ydir were to retire. Jupiter in the
Ven. 7-53
Mer. 2-50 constellation of lord of 6 (service) shows
continuity in that respect. In fact, it is
Rahu Dasa balance 6 years 3 months 2 because of Mars connection you found
days. yourself into the Navy—Mars occupying a
Sir, watery sign and owing the 6th house aspects
Saturn as well as the Moon (Mars-Moon:
Retirement from service shows Navy).
permanently ceasing connection with the
office in which you were hitherto employed 1
Farther, in my experience, I have found
also a thorough change in one's surround- that if two or three planets together indi-
ings and environment. It includes, also cate a department and also entering into
change of one's residence. Therefore, the service in youth, whenever their conjoined
houses to be examined are 5 and 9 in 12 periods operate in future there will be
(negation) to 6 and 10 ruLng service and definite improvement or change or retire-
occupation, as well as the 3rd house which ment. In your case, the planets which are
is the 12th counted from 4, In your chart, connected with houses 3, 5 and 9 are also
3rd house is occupied by Rahu. Saturn and connected with houses 6 and 2; because
Moon are posited in Rahu's constellation. Rahu is to offer the results of the planet
The fifth house is unoccupied. Its owner is with which it is in conjunction or by which
Jupiter, and Mercury alone is in Jupiter's it is aspacted. Rahu is not conjoined with
any planet but it is aspected by Mars who, Sattifn offered, in its bhukti, a voyage to a
by virtue of its governance over the 6th foreign country at the end of 1947. Also the
house, denotes monetary gains as a result of, same Sun's period, before it ended, saw
service in departments connected with your promotion. Again, in traditional
Army, Navy, Air Force, Police, etc. Rahu astrology,.planets in the 8th house threaten
thus gains strength to indicate the 6th house untold miseries, but actually Saturn and
results also. 1 am sure that, as in the case Moon in 8 to your lagna, which operated
of many other people, the three planets— when you entered the Navy, again caused
Saturn, Mercury and Moon which saw you another promotion in December 1948
entering service on 21-5-1941, will, in their (Saturn Dasa, Moon Bhukti, Saturn Anthra).
conjoined period again (Saturn Dhukti, Has traditional astrology been helpful in ex-
Mercury Dasa), indicate retirement. plaining your events? You enjoyed dia-
In traditional astrology, it is the rule that metrically opposite results.
planets which are in shasthashtama Since Mercury Dasa, Satum Bhukti and
(quincunx or 150 degree aspect according to Mercury Anthra is the period of retirement
Western astrology) to each other, i.e., in 6 and Mercury is the lord of 8 and 11 houses,
and 8 to each other; cannot offer desirable it shows that when one retires during Mer-
results whenever their conjoined periods cury Anthra one will have his accounts
operate. Actually, you entered service and settled quickly and will get his accumulated
also got married only when you were provident fund, etc. no sooner after retire-
running Saturn Dasa, Mercury Bhukti—the ment date (Mercury is a speedy planet and
two planets which are in 6 and 8 to each connected with accounts, etc.) In many
other. Again, you were confirmed in the cases, people having accumulated arrears
Commission when you ran the bhukti of during Saturn sub period have their arrears
Venus which was in 6 to dasanatha Saturn. received or entangled money obtaining
Another planet, Sun, which is also in 6^to during Mercury sub period.
Respected Guruji, I am very glad to much food for further thought. Another
inform you that I got admission in U.S.A. boon of this is that you have solved the
in Philadelphia in a good college for further language problem also, i.e., you have made
studies in Business Management. I am these also eligible to learn this science who
flying on 8th September to Bombay and on did not know Hindi/Sanskrit to read the old
the same day to New York. literature on this.
When you came in 1967 you predicted 2. It would further fulfil your ambition
this after seeing my horoscope, and it is if similar articles on mixture of significators
very correct. and subs is continued in every issueand also
I have thoroughly studied your constella- simultaneously an article or more on ' HOW
tion Padhdhati. I will try to introduce the TO FIND OUT WHETHER A PLANET
same and explain to. the members of the IS GOOD OR BAD FROM THE SUBS
astrological group and those curious to THEORY'. Also I may suggest that one
learn the scientific method. I would like to article in an issue should deal with oile
do much there in the field of Astrology so particular subject, exhaustively. No single
far' as your PADHDHATI is concerned. querist may ask all these questions but your
I follow this very rigidly. students should be able to answer them, if
asked. Further if a chart of symbols/planets
I am very keen to see that I would be is given on the first/last page or on their
fortunate to be your host there at back in every issue, you may use the sym-
Philadalphia, U.S.A. I will be glad if I bol in the horoscopes and articles and the
can be useful to you in any way during my space thus saved may be further used to
stay in U.S.A. give with every horoscope 'a chart of
I wish to have all your blessings at the constellations/subs of each cusp/planet and
time when I leave India for a long lastly the significators of each house or the
time. houses signified by each planet. Thus the
students would receive your lessons through
Yours faithfully, these pages throughput the year and not
P. D. RAVAL—New Shryas Road, only in 3 months in a year only.
near Sarada Society,
Ahmedabad-7. 3. Lastly I must say that the key of
constellations/subs of various planets/cusps
which makes the prediction easiest and most
Dear Sit, correct and scientific, given by you to your
1. I am a reader of your magazine since students and colleagues alike as against the
February 1969 only. Rules ate given in traditional Hindu astrologers who wanted
your Padhdhati and when a student sees it to keep it as a most guarded TOP SECRET
being applied practically in various horos- (who must have felt the labour pains of this
copes by experts through the pages of your delivery) and the boon thereof to the
magazine be understands it. But it is a bit querists/customers alike, thus has strengthe-
difficult to understand in full about the ned the confidence of your students to
'sub' theory which has been searched, predict rationally hence correctly and call it
researched and propounded by you. Therefore a science on the same footing as other
I was waiting for an article on this subject sciences in the modem world are. Some-
and at last came on one ' Cusps and Subs ' times the predictions given by new students,
in ydur September issue. It is most may go wrong but still it is a science to be
explanative, educative, informative and has Imown further.and further by him. Science
made the prediction the easiest possible. needs development with the change in
I must say that it is really a springboard for modem concepts of the world in so many
-a student to leap forward and gives him new fields.
Long live the Researcher and Emanci- studied traditional astrology for more than
pator of Students of Astrology and a bene- two decades. My conversion to your system
factor of querists, Our Guruji. took place when you scientifically dealt with
Yours faithfully, your principles at Gaya, in 1967, I am
interested in the 'propagation of your
GXJRDEV SINGH KLER, system and I am d«mg it. This article is
D/67, Munirka. an attempt at convincing the readers of your
Dated Ist September, 1969. magazine of your approach.
Govt. Hospital, A few more articles will be despatched
Ma tale, shortly.
Ceylon. With the best regards,
Shri K. S. Rrishnamutti, Yours sincerely,
Block-15, (Sd.) P. C. Bhattacharya.
Lodi Colony, The Editor,
New Delhi-3. Astrology & Athrisbta,
Dear Guruji, Madras.
About two months back, I happened to Dear Sir,
see your magazine " Astrology <4 Alhristha ". I am sending herewith an extract from
As it is better than any other magazines in a reputed magazine devoted to Astrology.
this . field, I had stopped the purchase of It contains the prediction about the recent
other magazines in this subject. I am now presidential elections. The prediction, as
regularly buying your magazine. we all know, miserably failed, although it is
Yours faithfully, done by a. very eminent astrologer who
K. Snnivasan. follows the traditional system.
As I am a stildent of traditional astrology
Dear Sir, and now learning Krishnamurti Padhdhati, I
Pranams. am curious to know how you would have
predicted taking the same time of query and
I have heard of about you and am the same data according to Krishnamurti
fully convinced that you are the master Padhdhati. In other words, could Krishna-
Ashro genius well versed in the Eastern and murti Padhdhati succeed where traditional
the Western Astrology and your out- system of astrology failed?
standing Krishnamurti Padhdhati, is being
quoted often by the astrologers as the Yours truly,
masterpiece of Literature on Astrology,
(Sd.) D.C. Sharma,
(Sd.) George, J., A- Lecturer,
Mana Camp, Raipur. University of Delhi,
From Dated 4-9-1969.
Sri P.C. Bhattacharya,
Nirala, Bisar, Thank y»u very much for your letter
P.O. GAYA {Bihar), of May 21, 1969 in which you discussed the
Dated, 9th September 1969. horoscopes of myself ami my friend, here I
Respected Sir, am amazed by the accuracy of your predic-
tion. Your lucid and logical approach to
I -am sending herewith an ' Article ' based Astrology is very impressive and certainly
on your scientific predictive method. I had commendable.
Stfme of your predictions are amazingly judged from the 8th house. This shows danger
accurate. I did have an automobile accident to one's body. But the 11th house shows
in the third week of May 1968 which I damage to the vehicle and the native is left
escaped with no injury and damaged free. Because the 11th house is 8 to the
vehicle. Also I did buy a car around fourth house which denotes the vehicle. If
16-2-68 as you had said. thevchicle receives minor collision resulting
in repairable condition then the incident is
I wish to keep in touch with you and judged from the 9th house, which is 6 to
I intend to meet you when I visit India. the fourth. But if the vehicle is lost or
If you should ever consider the possibility stolen away or disposed then it is" indicated
of visiting U.S.A. or publishing your by the third house.
valuable books in U.S.A. I shall be deligh-
ted to help you in every possible manner. In this chart, Mars is in the 8th house and
I believe your trip to this country can be . Kethu alone is deposited in Mars star.
very interesting and rewarding if planned Mars aspects Venus. Venus is in 8 to the
properly. Astrology as a hobby has helped fourth house and is in the constellation of
me a lot in all walks of my life in U.S.A. 8 counted from lagna and in the sub of
Rahu who is under the sway of Kethu
Sincerely yours, indicating danger. Rahu in the fourth
Mr. M. J. house is in the constellation of Kethu
S. Mill St., and sub of Venus is in 8 to 4 whereas
Naperville 111—60540. it is in 11 to lagna. Therefore the native
September 1, 1969. escape but the car will be damaged.
Editor's Note Applying the above principle the predic-
tion was given and it had come true.
The following is the horosope of the According to traditional astrology, it is
native who has written the above letter :
not possible to say that the car will get
damaged but you will escape. Scientific
XII27-51 ASc. 3-36 II 0-3! approach and K. P. has proved so correctly
Ven. 1-48 Sat 12 50 Jup. 22-471
111 25-51 not only the nature of the event but also
the time of event.
XI 22-51 It must be noted that when there is a
Sun 8-46 IV 21-51 method to fix like this, it is the duty of
Ket. 1.50 11.46 A.M I.ST.
Sunday the readers to do further work on these
21—2—1943 lines. Without reading or going through
X 21-51 18-55 N—72-54 E. Rah, 1-50
- Mo®n K.P. or not able to understand and apply
Merc. 20-16 K.P. but simply speaking out one's igno-
12-38 V 22-31 rance and displaying such by wrongly
IX 25-5! calculating the horoscope etc., amounts to
Mars one's incapacity and shows one's jealousy.
25-41. VII 3 36 VI 27-51
I can advise only this much. Learn and be
liseful to the customers. There is no
Venus Dasa 9 years 7 months 6 days meaning to offer lame excuses after mise-
balance at the time of birth. rably failing in one's attempts. Nobody
wants to know how one failed. Failure is
Danger to one, otherwise called accident is a failure.

We want peace and pleasure ; progress take the advice of the wise and experienced
and prosperity. How can we have them ? persons who proceed steadily in all matters.
All of us have some weakness or fault You will be dogmatic in religious matters.
or defect in us. They are born in us. Never You will be a fanatic and an extremist. This
mind what they are; never worry about will create many enemies and cause varieties
them ; waste no time in learning them and of troubles. Whenever you meet with oppo-
correcting ourselves. Can anybody have sition, you lose your temper. Use your
sound sleep having bug in the bed and lice militant nature and abuse others, You will
in the head. Do not we try to eradicate sweep aside every obstacle that confronts
them ? Similarly we should take all your way without scrutinising the means
measures to correct ourselves and cultivate you employ to get rid of it. So give up that
desirable habits. Otherwise look, how un- fighting tendency and be considerate.
comely they appear in others. Whenever there is litigation about your land
or building or the boundary, try to compro-
Therefore Prof. K. S. Krishnamurti bad mise. In married life, do not widen the gap,
explained in one of his lectures how to find by repeatedly finding fault with your partner
out one's weaknesses and what he should for silly things and picking up quarrels. So,
do. He says that the sign occupied by the have a control over your tempef. Do not
lord of the constellation in which the sub- get elated when someone talks high of you.
lord of the Ascendant is situated will give Consider why he talks so and judge pro-
the clue. That is, you r ote who is the lord perly. Neither be extravagant nor impulsive.
of the sub in which the lagna falls. As a Suppose you 60, as you like, then you
planet offers the result of the lord of the yourself will say that you had wasted a
constellation in which it is deposited, note great deal of time, energy and money. Do
in which constellation, the sub-lord of the not you realise that hasty action takes you
Ascendant is tenanted. Then find out in by wrong route and the whole attempt was
which sign the lord of the constellation in a waste ? Hurriedly, only one thing which
which the sub-lord of the Ascendant is. The you can do, is to catch flies, as the Russians
characteristic of that sign is to be under- say. So cultivate Patience, Perseverance will
stood and noting down the weaknesses one follow. Prosperity will be the result. But if
should improve. His argument is that when you never hear others, how can you expect
twins are born within 10 minutes difference others to answer your call when you need it.
aird the lagna is in the same sign and in the That is why, in politics, none can be a
same star which is it that changes, except successful person for a long term. Always
the sub in that star. This method is realiy you should have a long range policy.
surprising, correct and useful. Follow the above advice. Will you do?
Then you are the Leader.
1. If the sub-lord of your Ascendant is
in the constellation of a planet in ARIES:—
2. If the sub-lord of your ascendant
You would change your views quite sud- is in the constellation of the planet in
denly without any consideration; at last you TAURUS ;■—
realise that such a change has not done any
benefit to you. Hence consider every matter Your feelings will be extremely
deeply, calmly and--wisely. You will not concentrated and they will - create many
relish others' suggestions. But cultivate to enemies—all undesirable. Further hatred
and jealousy will be the outcome. You are constellation of the planet occupying
generally stubborn, rigid and reserved. But GEMINI :—
there should be the occasions when you You will be prone to speedy and
should relax also. Always to be very stub- thorough changes in your point of view.
bom will surely do you harm. People with
this position may be perverse also. It is not You are deplorably lacking in persistence
as bad as another bom being very obstinate. and also in taking a quick decision in any
You do not admit that you are a fatalist. matter. You will consider the pros and
But you are always more or less a fatalist. cons, merits and demerits f«r such a long
Do not be very selfish; You are called sel- time that you miss the bus. The father of a
fish not for pursuing your own good but for Gemini boy suggested his son to select one
neglecting your neighbour. However of the three girls whom he had contacted.
virtuous you may be, the virtues will not i Before the Geminian could take a decision,
shine if you are selfish just as the sweet all the three girls got married and when this
water in the river loses its quality by empty- boy wrote that he would prefer to marry
ing into the brackish sea water. It is good one of them, he. was surprissd to be i n
that/you do not lose your temper quickly. formed by the other party that sorry, he was
But it is very bad of you when you are vin- too late. You do not have the deliberate
dictive, tevengeful as you retain it for a long determination to do any job and stick to it
period. Even after some years have passed, till it is completed. But none can do things
you can't forget. The sign TAURUS (Bull) more easily, gracefully and successfully than
represents this also, i.e., even after biting the yourself. So also none can be a better ad-
grass once, it brings back the cud and viser than you. When such is the case why
minces it again and reduces grass to nothing. should you take undue time to take any
Thus due to your slow, steady and solid decision in your personal matters. The other
attack, you do much harm to your oppo- great defect in you is that when once you
nent. This is too much. You should have started to do any work, you are very
cultivate forgiving habit. Without any pain hasty and anxious to know the results then
and strain you want to do everything easily. and there. Suppose you have sown some
You never work hard and are never pains- seeds, you will irrigate, nurture and do all
taking. So, you meet with failure. At least that is needed, it is good. But your anxiety
necessary activity is essential. Heavens will or curiosity would be to dig the earth and
never help you, if you do not act. Be active, note then and there, how far it has
you will be happy. Also do not be over- progressed. As you are intelligent you
cautious and exasperatingly deliberate. Do always find out short-cuts to finish a job.
not be fond of easiness and thereby deve- You cannot work in the same way as others
lope laziness. Sloths will smother many do in their routine method. You adopt im-
virtues. When you develop such a habit and proved methods to do it quickly. It is, no
lead such a life for some years then you will doubt, advantageous. But you do not take
find when necessity for work arises that you rest; nor you take exercise. Your health
are iinflt and everything will appear to be fails due to restlessness. So if you develop
difficult. So cultivate industry ; everything coherence, steadiness, quick decision and
will become easy. So get up early; be patience to hear others without resenting
active, cultivate to help others. Forgetolhers' their suggestions and give up irritability,
faults and Forgive. You will be blessed with impatience, etc., then you will be the best
a pleasant good life. intellectual to offer advice and to success-
fully complete may project, big or small.
If the sub-lord of the ascendant is in the {Continued)

Dec, 1969
K.P. Useful to consultaots: Brings name to the followers
The Editeir, manian has been able to make such a sound
" Astrology and Athrishta. " prediction.
Dear Sir, As this has struck me as an astounding
Sri K. M. Subramanian, 73, Tce<Js prediction, I thought I would pass this
Gardens, Sembiam, Perambur, Madras, is a information on to you for the benefit of
close follower of the " Krishnamurti thousands of readers of your book and the
Padhdhati " and a regular reader of your magazine.
magazine " Astrology & Athrishta By ' New Delhi Yours faithfully,
studiously following the principles of the 11-10-1969 K. Vaidyanathan.
"Krishnamurti Padhdhati" (in two
volumes) and your valued magazine, Shri Editor's note
Subramanian predicted a rise in my position [Mr. Vaidyanathan is one of the highest
during a specified period and, surprisingly officials at Delhi. Mr. Subramanian is in
enough, this rise has actually come off Madras. He knows only K.P. He had written
during the short period of nine days, speci- that 4th July to 12th July, 1969 you arc
fied by him, though it was least expected running the conjoined period of the Signifl-
at the time of his prediction. cators Dasa Bhukti 'Anthra & Shookshma
I am happy, too happy to note that by and that in this period, he must be promo-
applying the firm guidelines set out in the ted—Actually on 10-7-1969 this officer was
"Krishnamurti Padhdhati " Sri Subra- promoted. He never expected this.]


The above query was put to who is a well-known follower of your
Sri S. K. Chandak, a bright student of Padhdhati in U. P. It was I who asked him,
Krishnamurti Padhdhati, in May 1969 by by correspondence, about the possibility of
one of his well-wishers and he gave him the having a refrigerator. In the middle of
answer on the basis of the principles enun- May 1968, I was almost sure to welcome a
ciated in Krishnamurti Padhdhati, An new brand set but somehow it did not turn
article in this connection also appeared in up. So, I asked Sri Chandak to predict the
one of the back issues of " Astrology and date when I would, be able to have one.
Athrishta". The prediction having come After some quick calculations, he predicted
very correct, Sri Umakant Bajpai, 16-11, that it should materialise around the third
EastPatel Nagar, New Delhi-8, has written ' week of September 1969.
to Editor on 30-9-1969 drawing his attention True to the prediction, we could buy it
to the article that was published. Here is only on 22-9-1969. All attempts made by
what Sri Bajpai says; us to have it during summer (May/June)
" Respected Sir, were in vain, in spite of best efforts. We are
simply amazed at the astoundingly accurate
Kindly refer to page 51 of the November prediction offered by Sri Chandak based on
1968 issue of the Astrology and Athrishta Horary Astrology and Krishnamurti
wherein was published an article " Fridge : Padhdhati. All glory to the author of the
When". It was written by Sri S. K. Chandak Padhdhati and his follower Sri Chandak."
The article under reference is reproduced The 4th Bhava is unoccupied by any
here. planet, Venus is lord of the 4th house.
" A well-wisher from New Delhi writes; Venus rules Bharani, Poorvapalguni and
Poorvashada, No planet is in Venus's
When shall I purchase a fridge ? My constellation. Take Venus,
number is 72 (between. 1 and 249) and time
is 7-30 A.M. today 20-5-1968. Please send The eleventh bhava is occupied by Mars
me your detailed note for our help in study- and Mercury. Mars rules Mrigasira, Chitra
ing it Rest is O.K. and Dhanishta, Mercury is in the constel-
lation of of Mars. Kethu in Virgo repre-
The following is the Nirayana rasi chart: sents Mercury. Take Kethu.
Rahu Suti 5-49 Mercury rules Aslesha, Jyeshta and
23-15 Revathi. Saturn and Rahu are in the cons-
Saturn Ven. 27-19 Me
Mar. 14-44
r. 27-47 tellation of Mercury. Take Rahu and
Moon Lagna The 12th bhava is unoccupied;
15-47 12-6-4# Mercury is the lord of this bhava. Mercury
has been discussed above.
Jupiter Saturn we have already taken.
3Q-42' Thus Venus, Rahu, Saturn and Kethu are
the significators. So the native will purchase
his fridge during Rahu Dasa, Venus Bhukti,
Kethu Saturn anthra and Kethu Sookshama, i.e.,
23° IS' around the third week of September 1969.

Table of Cusps : Editor's note:

1st Cusp—Cancer 12.6.40 In horary astrology, this particular
method of taking a number within 249,
2nd Cusp—Leo 5.43 finding out the lagna (sign, star and sub),
3rd Cusp—Virgo 3.43 erecting a chart using Krishnamurti
4th Cusp Libra 5.43 Ayanamsa, noting the cusp and answering-
5th Cusp—Scorpio 9.43 the query has been advocated by me alone.
6th Cusp—Sagittarius 12.43 This method is now being followed by a
7th Cusp—Capricorn 12.6.40 large number of scholars all over India with
amazingly accurate results. I am indeed,
8th Cusp Aquarius 5.43 happy when I understand that many of my
4th Cusp—Pisces 3.43 students and those who have studied
10th Cusp—Aries 5.43 Krishnamurti Padhdhati without confusing
11th Cusp—Taurus 9.43 themselves by looking at other magazines
12th Cusp—Gemini, 12,43 have come out correctly in their predictions
even to the day, minutes and second. They
Dasa System have no use for words like "likely" or
Rahu Basa, Venus Bhukti runs upto 17th " tendency " as others following traditional
August, 1970. methods do. They approach a problem
scientifically as taught in Krishnamurti
The 4th house represents pleasure, 12th Padhdhati and have no need to offer
house for investment, Saturn for cool and explanations as practitioners of traditional
11th house shows whether one's desire will astrology have when their predictions fail.
be fulfilled or not. Let us analyse the May God Ganesh guide us properly for the
houses 4, 11, 12 and Saturn. benefit of the customers and consultants.

S..P. VERMA, I.R.S.E.,
Divisional Engineer, E. Rly., Calcutta
Where medical science fails, Krishnamurti which will be only on the night of Saturday
Padhdhati succeeds, and it not only shows the 4th October, 1969 and before sun-rise
miracles but serves as an eye-opener to all On Sunday.
those groping in the dark regarding the Accordingly, I asked the gentleman to
wonderful accuracy of advanced stellar reserve a cabin in the Nursing Home, from
astrology contained in Krishnamurti the 4th October, 1969 and shift his wife
Padhdhati. there on the afternoon of that date. He
It was the 9th September, 1969. I was <• was not prepared to heed my advice on
attending an evening party along with many the ground that his family physician and
high Government officials and their the lady doctor treating his wife for the
families. One of the top officials (who is last eight months had emphatically told him
also my best friend) wanted me to predict the date of birth as 27-9-1969 and accor-
the correct date and time when his wife dingly all his arrangements in the Nursing
would give birth to a child as she was in Home were finalised. His family physician
the family way. I immediately wanted to was also present at the party and, on
put the principles of Krishnamurti hearing of my prediction, he came t» argue
Padhdhati to test and asked him to give a with me. He confirmed again that the
number within 249. He said "245". date calculated was. 27-9-1969 on the basis
(a) The number ' 245' mentioned of medical science and could not fail. I
shows the lagna in Pisces sign, Revathi simply smiled and told the gentleman who
nakshatra, i.e., between 22-13-20 and 23-20. put the query that if he could easily afford
This area is ruled by Guru as the sign lord, to bear the charges of the nursing home for
Budha as the star lord and Moon as the one week unnecessarily, he could do so.
sub lord. I further informed him that after an hour
(b) The Moon at the time of query when I would ego back home, even the
was also passing over Cancer (Kataka) correct time of birth could be given to him
28° T, which area is ruled by Moon as the by me, after a detailed calculation.
star' lord, Mercury as the lord of the He accompanied me to my place and,
nakshatra and Saturn as sub lord. after detailed working, I told him that the
(c) The day was Tuesday, its lord date of birth would be 4/5-10-1969
being Mars, which at that moment was in (Saturday night) and the time would be
28" 52' Vrischifca, Mars sign. Mercury 2-50 A.M. (1ST). He profusely thanked
nakshatra and Saturn sub. me for my labours.
Summing up (a), (b) and (c), the posi- Under medical guidance, he shifted his
tions of the planets functioning as signifi- wife to the Nursing Home on 25-9-1969 and
cators weie: kept her there till 29-9-1969 but without
any avail. He then came to my place on
(a) Jupiter, Mercury and Moon. 30-9-1969 to get my confirmation again,
(b) Moon, Mercury and Saturn. held to the same opinion.
(c) Mars, Mercury and Saturn. According to my advice, he again admit-
The above significators immediately gave ted his wife in the Nursing Home on
me the clue that the strongest among them 4-10-1969. The next morning at 6 A.M. he
were Mercury, Moon and Saturn and the came, this time to congratulate me on my
date of birth of the child would be on the day prediction—he was blessed with a son at
when Sun wilt pass over Virgo sign, Hasla 2-50 A.M. on Saturday night, i.e. on
nakshatra, i.e., 15-40 to 17-46-00 = Mer- 4/5-10-1969, precisely as was predicted 26
cury sign, Moon nakshatra and Saturn sub days in advance.
Is it not a miracle of Krishnamurti Padh- Planet Constellation lord Sub-lord
dhati? How wonderfully the result came occupied
correct while the calculations of medical
science utterly failed ? Sun Venus Saturn
Now, for the information of the students Moon Mercury Saturn
of Krishnamurti Padhdhati I am giving
below the details of my calculations on the Mars Mercury Saturn
basis of which the prediction was made. Mercury Moon Mercury
Question: When is the birth of the Jupiter Moon Satum
child expected ?
Number: 245 Venus Mercury Venus
Time of Judgment; Tuesday, 9-1-1969 Satum Venus Mercury
Place of Judgment; Calcutta
Rahu Jupiter Mercury
The number " 245 " represents the area
in the zodiac between 22° 13' 20" and Kethu Sun Moon
23° 20' 00" in Pisces (Meena), i.e., Jupiter
sign, Mercury star, Revathi, and in that the Note : The nodes, firstly, give the results
sub of Moon (Chandra). of the planets with which they are
Asc. Saturn (R) conjoined and, secondly, the results
Lagna 15-11 III 23-30 IV 17-30 of the lord of the sign occupied by
22-13-20 II 25-30 them. Thus, Rahu represents
Saturn; Kethu is a substitute for
Rahu V 13-30 Sun.
27-45 Moon
XII14-30 Ven, 20-21
For the birth of children, houses 2, 5 and
VI 14-30 11 are to be talcen into account. The
XI13-30 Sun 2 3-24 second stands for " Kutumba " or family,
Ket. 27-45 addition to the fiumber of family .members,
VII etc. The fifth house rules progeny; the
Mai'. 29-44 22-13-20 Uth house, its opposite, also indicates as it
X 17-30 IX 23-30 Vm 25-30 Merc. is in 5 counted from the seventh house
lup.16-31 (wife or husband).
Nirayana longitude of the Planets in
Cusp of house, nakshatra lord and Owner of Planet in similar group Signifi-
house sub lord ruling the house the cusp the bhava of nakshatra cators
11 25° Mesha 30' Mars Mars
V 13° Kataka 20' Moon Moon Mercury Moon
Venus Jupiter Venus
Satum-Rahu Satum Mercury
Sun Saturn
XI 17° Makara 30' Satum Satum
Common significators: Mars, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Satum and Sun
< Baling Planets Regarding the correct time of birth, the
The planets who rule at the moment of position of the Moon on 4th/5th October,
judgment are; 1969 was considered, i.e., when it would
pass over the Moon sign Kataka, Satum
(i) Lord of the day Mars nakshatra Pushyam, Satum sub and
(ii) Lord of the rasi Mercury sub sub, i.e., 3° 41' Kataka, which
occupied by the Moon Moon will be only at 2-50 A.M. (1ST). The
(iii) Lord of the nakshatra Ascendant at that time will be 10° 56' in
where Moon transits Mercury Simha, in Sun sign, Kethu nakshatra and
(iv) Lord of the lagna at Satum sub. The horoscope of the child
the time of judgment Venus was also prepared in advance, based on the
calculated data given to my friend on
(v) Lord of the constellation 9-9-1969.
occupied by lagna Moon
Therefore, the ruling planets are Mars, It is now for the learned reader to judge
Moon, Msrcury, Venus, Moon and Sun. the merits of " KRISHNAMURTI
PADHDHATI" as it is absolutely beyond
The significators of houses 2, 5 and .11 the scope of any traditional method of
were considered as Mars, Moon, Mercury, astrology to arrive at such a surprisingly
Venus and Saturn. correct result. The proof of the pudding,
(a) Mercury, Saturn and Rahu are in verily, is in the eating.
the sub of Mercury;
Long live out Guruji who, through his
(b) Mercury is in the nakshatra of research and deep knowledge, has enriched
Moon; the sublime science of Astrology and con
(c) Rahu represents Satum ; and verted impossibilities to possibilities. His
(d) Sun, Moon and Mars are in the analytical approach inspires confidence in
sub of Saturn. all his followers and his Padhdhati has
enabled them to arrive at precise degree of
As such, the strongest significators are accuracy in regard to any event of life to
Mercury, Moon and Satum, It was there- the correct data, hour and minute. This
fore calculated that the delivery will take is unheard of in the traditional method.
place when the Sun transits over Mercury Krishnamurti Padhdhati, truly, is a beacon
sign, Moon nakshatra (Hastha) which was to all those groping in the dark and year-
possible on the 4th/5th October night. ning to see light.

(Minor event verified)
(K. P. alone answers)
Shri A. Sivapatham, Govt. Hospital, Matale, Ceylon.
On 21-9-69, a telephone trunk call to For the fructification of telephone
Kandy was booked at 9-00 A.M. As it was trunk call, houses 3 and 11 have to be
an urgent call and Kandy was about 16 judged,
miles away from Matale, I expected the
trunk call within an hour or two. Before I The third house is occupied by the
got the call I worked out the time of fructi- Moon. Mercury and Jupiter occupy the
fication of the call according to Krishna- star of Moon. Jupiter is the lord of 3rd.
murti Padhdhati in response to the wishes of Rahu is in Jupiter star. So the signifi-
my friends gathered around me. cators are Mercury (R), Jupiter and Rahu.
Time:—9-00 A.M. The eleventh house is occupied by Kethu,
Date:—21-9-69. Sun and Jupiter. Mars and Venus areposit-
Place Matale (7° N 28' & 80° E 37')- ed in the constellation ruled by Kethu.
Moon, Sun and Kethu are in Sun's con-
stellation. Rahu is in the star of Jupiter. So
Sat. 14° 48' vin DC 16' 55'
VI19° 55' VII the significators are Mars, Venus, Moon,
20'22' 18'55' Sun and Rahu.
Rahu Now the significators that contribute to
27* 55' X 16° 55' the fructification of the telephone trunk call
V l?" 55' are Mercury(R), Jupiter, Rahu, Mars,
9-00 A.M. Venus, Moon and Sun.
21—9—1969 Venus O
IV 16° 55' 4' 14' The 3rd cusp is in the star of Kethu and
. Moon XI 17° 55'
1° 52' Kethu sub of Moon.
n" 218
Sun 4° 3S' The 11th cusp is in Venus star and Mats
in 16' 55' Jap. 10"10* Wi* sub.
Mars 11 18" 55' 120° 22' XII
6' 29' 20° 15' , As the sub lords of these cusps happen to
Lagna; 20.22' Thula. be strong significators the fructification of the
call is assured.
Ayanamsa used: 23.20'
Ephcmeris used : Raphael and Krishna- In order to fix the significators, that will
murti. rule the moment when the call materialises,
take the ruling planets at the time of
Planets Lord of Lord of judgment:—
Constellation sub.
Sun Sun Saturn 1. The day was Sunday whose ruler
Moon Sun Jupiter is Sun.
Mars Kethu Rahu 2. The star in which Moon was tran-
Mercury(R) Moon Kethu siting at the time of booking was
Jupiter Moon Mercury ruled by Sun.
Venus Kethu Moon
SaturnCR) Venus Venus 3. The sign in which Moon was
Rahu Jupiter Venus transiting was Makara; ruled by
Kethu Sun Moon Saturn.
4. The lagna rising at the time of those jnhannoniously disposed to the major
booking was Thula, owned by lord delay and obstacle the expected result.
Venus. Here Sun is harmoniously placed with the
5. The rising star in which lagna falls major lord Jupiter while Venus is in the
was Jupiter. 12th from Jupiter. ' So the rising lagna at
the time of fructification of the trunk call
So the ruling planets are Sun, Saturn(R), should be Venus sign, Jupiter star. Sun sub
Venus and Jupiter, Venus sub sub. So, as . stated above, the
rising lagna will be 29* 20' Thula.
The common ones found among the The correct time of fructification of trunk
significators are Sun, Jupiter and Venus. call was calculated taking Nirayana lagna as
These planets conjointly indicate the time of 29° 20' Thula. The Ayanamsa adopted was
fructification of the trunk call, irrespective 23° 20', Sidereal time for the Moon at
of whether it is a minor or major event. Matale on this date is 11 hr. 59 minutes 52
As the call will be realised within a few sec. When calculated, the result arrived at
minutes or hours, the transit of the lagna was 9-41 A.M. So I declared the trunk
is to be considered. So I calculated the call will materialise at 9-41 A.M. only.
position of Zodiac to rise in the East. It can
be Venus sign, Jupiter star. Sun sub and As predicted, the telephone trunk call
Venus sub sub. A doubt may arise as to came through sharp at 9-41 A.M. and this
why it should not be Venus sign Jupiter incident testifies to the accuracy of the
star Venus sub and Sun sub sub instead of system and technique adopted by Prof,
the above.. The planets posited favourably Krishnamurthi in his " KRISHNAMURTI
with the,major lord always assist and co- PADHDHAT1". Long live Guruji and his
operate liitoj give the expected results while Padhdhati.
Only K. P. is useful (Horary)

Sbri A. Sivapatham, Government Hospital, Matale, Ceylon.

s On 15-9- 69> my friends at office had Planets Lord of the Lord of Sub
I gathered together around me at 9.00 A.M. Constellation
It was a time for ridicule and laughter as Sun Sun Sun
my prediction appeared to have failed. I Moon Moon Jupiter
predicted that certain dangerous drugs Mercury Moon Venus
would come on 15-9-69 at 2-39 P.M. 1 Venus Mercury Rahu
predicted this on 13-9-'69 at 1-15 P.M. I ' Mars Kethu Venus
applied " K.P." with full confidence and Jupiter Mercury Mercury
now I had to face this embarrasing situation. Saturn Venus Venus
These drugs were expected from Colombo. Rahu Jupiter Venus
The morning train from Colombo which Kethu Sun Moon
brings mails and parcels had come but the The drugs arriving at the institution
drugs did not come. The railway station means reaching the correct destination or
and the post-office were contacted and it place. So one is to take the 4th house and
was a disappointment. There were no find out the ruling planets. It is the wish
reasons to expect the drugs on this day any of one and all including the patients to
more and. thus a critical situation was receive thedrug in time. So includethe 11th
created. Action was taken so, that they house. So consider the houses 4th and 11th.
reach our hands at least on 16-9- 69.
The fourth house is vacant. Jupiter is the
I was worried over this prediction and I lord of 4th and aspects its own house.
wanted to check up the same when I return- Rahu is in the star of Jupiter. So Rahu and
ed my home for lunch. I went through my Jupiter are significators.
workings and found that it gave the same , The eleventbjheuse is vacant,
result. The result is reproduced here as the lord of the 11th house. Saturn is in the
follows ; star of Venus. So Venus and Saturn are sig-
Time of Query: C
l-i5 P.M. Place : Matale nificators.
C7°N 28' & 80 E 370 Date 13-9-'69. My Guruji says that significators show
Lagna for the moment 11° 57' Dhanus. chances of success, and whether they arc
Xth Cusp 16* 28', Kanya. Ayanamsa used promised or not are found from the sub
23° 20'. lord of the respective cusps. ■
The 4th cusp is in the star of Saturn and
V I4D,5$' sub Jupiter. The 11th cusp is in the star of
IV 160.28' Saturn VI 13®.27' VII ms?' Rahu and sub Kethu.
In this case, it promises success in receipt
VIII of drugs.
Rahu 13°.27'
21" AS' Venus As it is expected within a few days,
HI Me.58' 24M2' consider the transit of Sun. He is in Simha
Time.- 1.15 P.M. IX 140.58' and does not transit in any star of any of
Date : l3-9-'69 Sun the significators.
IT 13°. 27' 26®.55' So consider the transit of Moon. She will
27°.46' transit in the sign of Venus (Thula), star of
Il 57 ilooa UV27' Rahu and sub Jupiter within a few days.
'°' ' 1 jjaXIIL97' XI 140.58' Jan. 17M7'
Mars Further, it is found that she transits on
IMS' '' Mercary
20*. 64' 15-9-'69 (in Thula) in Rahu star, Jupiter
sub and Venus Anthra.
, Planets posited favoniably with the at the conclusion and the day of receipt too
•niajot lord will always help, assist and would be Monday (15-9-69) ruled by Moon.
co-operate with the major lord in giving the So like a school boy, I was expecting to
expected result. Planets inharmoniously see the result at 2-39 P.M. 1 was hoping
disposed with the major lord will bring against hope. The hour was approaching
■ obstacles and cause delay. closer and still there was a little confidence
to check up the result of my predictions as
So for an another lord, the immediate I was new to this system of prediction. At
major lord is the bukthi lord. As such, 2-30 P.M. I personally went to the railway
consider the positions of Venus and Saturn. station and was disappointed. In the mean-
- Venus is better disposed than Saturn to the time, the administration unit was informed
, bukthi lord Jupiter, as .it is in the 11th by the postal authorities of receipt of three
"while Saturn is in the 8th from 'Jupiter. So registered parcels addressed to the Head of
in Satum Anthra, the drugs may come but > our Institution. They promptly took action
will not come to hand. In Venus Anthra, it to get down them and when those parcels
will come to hand. So the drugs will be came to my hand checking and necessary
receipted when Moon transits in the star of action, the time was 2.39 P.M. sharp. It was
Rahu, sub of Jupiter and sub sub of Venus, a wonderful experience and the prediction
i.e., 9.32" 28" Thula, and the correct time was very, very correct. Later, on inquiry, 1
will be 2-39 P.M. found that these parcels were delayed at
Lastly I checked up with the ruling Kandy on changing from one train to
planets too, at the moment of query. The another.
day was 13-9-'60 Saturday, ruled by Saturn, All my friends were stunned at this inci-
and Rahu acts as Saturn's agent being in dent and the correct prediction. This
its sign. The lord of lagna was Jupiter, perfectness was due to Prof. K. S. Krishna-
Moon was transiting in its own star, in mmti's fruitful research and his system of
Kanya. All these satisfied me in arriving advanced stellar Astrology,
(K. P.)
Time of query: 9-15 A.M. (1ST), October sub sub. Accordingly, your lagna should
6, 1969, Monday, star Aslesha. be between 17°, 46' 40" and 19° 40" in
The gentleman knows that he is bom after Makara. Your lagna, thus, should be
midnight (when the 4th April, 1908 was around 18 degrees in Makara,
over) and before the Sunrise on the 5th April, If 18 degrees and a few minutes of
1908. He says "I have got horoscopes Makara according to the Nirayana system
made for three lagna—Makara, Kumbha (followed in India) is to rise in the East on
and Meena. Each astrologer has taken ' the morning of the 5th April, 1908 at your
different time of birth. Now I understand , place of birth which lies 25° 34' North and
that you are fixing up the correct position 84* 32' East, then according to the Sayana
of the Lagna and, therefore, I would like system 10 degrees 30 minutes of Kumbha
you to find out where exactly my Lagna was (Aquarius) is to rise. From the Raphael's
and when, exactly, I ought to have been Table of Houses, if 10° 30' in Kumbha is to
born." rise in the East at your birth place, then the
."May I know the place of your birth, siderial time at the moment of birth should
Sir." be 15 hours, 26 minutes, 29 seconds. The
siderial time at 12 noon on the 4th April,
" It is in Bihar and astrologers have given 1>08 at Greenwich was OH-49 M-36
its location as 25° 34' North Latitude and seconds. Therefore the siderial time at
84° 32' East Longitude." noon on the 4th April, 1908 at your birth-
" Thanks, Sir." place should be OH-48M-48 Seconds. By
careful working, we get the local meantime
Now the present moment is 9-15 A.M. at your birth place as 3-15-48 A.M. which is
(1ST) and the lagna will be in Rahu star equivalent to 3-23-55 A.M. in Indian Stan-
(Swathi) and Chandra's sv.b. The day is dard Time. The following is the horoscope
Monday, ruled by Chandra, the sign (rasi) erected for this moment for the place of
where Chandra is posited is Kataka which your birth :•—
is also governed by Chandra. The constel-
lation now transited by Chandra is Aslesha If the Lagna (Ascendant) is 10* 37'
ruled by Budha. Therefore, we have to Kumbha according to the Sayana System,
find out the combination of these ruling the other h6use cusps are 19-7 Meena (2nd
planets. These are Rahu, Sukra, Chandra cusp); 25-7, (Mesha) 3rd cusp ; 24-7
and Budha, Rahu does not own'any sign, Vrishaba (4lh cusp); 19-7 Mithuna (5th
but is considered to be even stronger than cusp) ; and 13-7 Kataka (6th cusp).
the owner of the rasi in which Rahu is According to Nirayana system (arrived at
posited. Rahu, today, is in Kumbha, Sani's by deducting the Ayanamsa for the year
rasi. Hence, your lagna can either be in 1908 from the Sayana positions) the posi-
Sani's signs Makara or Kumbha; as
Chandra is the strongest significator today.' tions of the house cusps are :—
We have to take that your lagna should fall LAGNA 18° 10' Makara
in the constellation of Chandra. Neither Cusp of 2nd house 26* 38' Kumbha
Budha nor Sukra has any constellation
owned by them in cither of the two rasis— Cusp of 3rd house 2° 38' Mesha
Makara and Kumbha ruled by Sani. The Cusp of 4th house 1° 38' Rishaba
next siguificators ate Sukra and Budha, and (Nadir)
so we have to pitch up Sani's rasi Makara, Cusp of 5th house 26° 38' Rishaba
Chandra's constellation Sravana, and in
that constellation Budha's sub and Sukra's Cusp of 6th house 20° 38' Mithuna
The cotps of Ihc other houses arc just At the tiioc of birth, the balance of Surya
opposite, that is the cusp of the 7th house Daso was 3 months and 10 days only.
«ill be opposite to Lagna; the cusp of the Now you ate nioaing Sani Dasa, Surya
8lb house opposite cusp of the 7nd house; Bbukti, Rahu Anlhra.
aod so oo. As we meet oo ao Aslesha star day, you
lv I.W should run Budha sub sub period or the
Mill SO nth. IS.J sub period of Ihc nodes Kcthu or Rnbu if
, ^5 III 2-31 Suk. Nep. It.] they ure deposited in tludha's sign. Rahu
iSaal S.>3 C tun.92] VI. 20 )S
V«Jt is actually is Budha's sign in your horoscope
and Since Rnhu acts as Budha's agcnl it is
II lt-}S Otna It- correct that you are running Sani Dasa,
Budbs "It It 1
J»-00 Surya Bhuktl, Rahu Aothra.
Oo MM969, you enter into Gum sub
Lauu sub period (antbra). It will be over by
II' 10' VIII U-Jl 18-12-1969. Then, from 18-12-1969 to
21-1-1970 the anthra wilt be that of Sani a
Uisaiu lucky time, very fortunate. One of the
IS-It XI JS-H 1X2 M colleagues will pass away. Thereafter,
XIIIOJS X 1-11 Budha anlhra will operate from 21-1-1970
K«. IS.ll to I3-3-I970 and so on.
Shri M. NARAYANASWAMI. m.a. (Econ.). m.a. (Pol), I.R.S.
Income-tax officer, Ootacamund, Nilgins Dt., Madras State.
Mrs. X wanted to know when she will get with lord of 5 Mercury denoting speculative
a prize in lottery. Although I have a sound mind. Hence the query is clearly answered
knowledge in the traditional system, yet for by the position of Moon at the time of
such specific questions the principles of query.
KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI alone Will she win at all, is to be first judged.
are useful to give correct answer and pin- Take the 11th cusp and find out the 11th
point the date. He has given two methods, house. Eleventh cusp is at 16-55 Dhanus.
one asking for a number within 108 and the It is in Venus star (Venus in 5 indicates
other a number within 249. To quickly through the matters signified by the 5th
dispose of the lady, I requested her to men- house speculation, betting, lottery) and sub
lion a number within 108 and she said of Moon which is in the second house.
NINETY-SIX. Hence, winning and thereby fulfilling one's
The horoscope is as follows :— desire is assured.
Moon Then, when ?
II 21-55 S*t.7-45
15-31 IV 20-55 V 16-55 Can Kethu give gains in its period ?
III 22-55 Kethu is the significatorof the houses 7 and
also 6 as a representative of Sun. So it
Rahu shows that the opponent will lose and you
28-26 Ven. 9-30 should gain. Therefore Kethu «will give
Asc. 16-40 YI 14-55 gains in its dasa. Now the sub period run-
ning according to the Horary chart is
Sun 14-34 Jupiter Bhukti. Jupiter as lord of 2 and 11
Xil 14-53 VII 16-40 in the constellation of the planet in 2 promi-
fi Ket. 28-26 ses gain. Hence Jupiter Bhukti is O.K.
The sub sub period is to be found.
Mars Mer. 11-30
XI 16-55 25-18 IX 22-25 Jup. 14-46 Today it is Sunday, ruled by Sun. Date
X 20-55 VIII 21-55 31-8-1969. Kethu represents Sun. So take
Kethu. The star is Aswin governed by
(Kethu Dasa Balance 3 years 5 days.) Kethu. The sign is ruled by Mars. Mars
is in Rahu sub. It is no good. Saturn is the
Query—D«es the position of Moon indi- lord of lagna now. It is retrograde; forget.
cate the query properly ? Hence Kethu is the strongest. Lagna is in
Moon is in the second house which indi- Poorvabadra star. It is ruled by Jupiter.
cates finance and fortune. It is in the cons- Hence Jupiter is to he included. Then the
tellation of Kethu occupying the 7th house period should be Jupiter Bhukti Kethu
denoting competition and representing Sun Anthra.
in 6 causing loss to the other competitors. So the receipt of the money by winning
Moon is in the sub of Jupiter ; Jupiter is in the lottery will be during Kethu Anthra,
lord of the second house, aspecting the 12th whereas Mercury who is in Moon's star and
(investing something) and 2 (to increase conjoined with Jupiter will give the news
bank position) and occupies the 7th (com- that she has won. So the news will come
petition) in constellation of Moon in 2 around 22nd November, 1969 and thereafter
(Finance). Jupiter, lord of 2, is conjoined during Kethu Anthra you put it in the bank.

Time of Judgment: 6-30 A.M. work (12th). As it has nothing to do with
Place of Judgment; Delhi. the third house, it will not be out of the
Date; 6-10-1969. place where he is at present working.
Number given by the gentleman is 248. When will the Promotion come?
So- the horoscope for the moment of ■> Now the period is Budh Dasa, Budh
judgment for 28-40 N. is as follows :— Bhukti. According to Krishnamurti Padhdh-
ati, a planet will give the results of the lord-
Asc. Sat. 13-54 of the constellation in which it is situated
26-6-40 II28-20 III 25-00 IV 18-00 and if the lord of the constellation is retro-
grade then the matter will fall through. It
"R nhn will appear as though it will happen but it
V 13-00 will not fructify. Here the lord of the con-
26-3J Moon stellation in which Mercury is deposited is
XII14-00 17-23
Sun. Sun can never be retrograde in motion.
VI 14-00 Sun is represented by the node Kethu as
XI 13-00 Ven. 22.26 Kethu is deposited in Leo owned by Sun. As
Ketbu Kethu is conjoined with Venus, it will give
Merc, 7-0 the 6th house results also as Venus is in 6 in
X 18-00 Sun. 19-17 its own constellation.
Mars IX 25-00 VIIl 28-20 Jup. 22-15 Therefore at the time Budh transits the
16-06 VII
2*-6-40 11th cusp the good news will be heard, and
when Sun transits 13 degrees of Capricorn
(Mercury Dasa Balance 16 years 1 month the order of promotion will be received and
3 days) you will take charge on the 28th January,
Is there any promotion ? Find out the 1970. The day will be Wednesday and the
sub of the 11th cusp and note down the star will be Hastha.
houses signified by the sub-lord, llth cusp The ruling planets at the moment of
is in Capricorn at 13 degrees. So it is in judgment are Mercury and Moon. Moon
the star of Moon and sub of Rahu. Rahu rules the day and the sign where Moon is
is in Kumbha in 12; it has to give the transitting now. Mercury is the lord of the
results of 11 as there is no planet in II star where Moon is now. According to
and its lord is also the lord of the sign Dasa and Bhukti, it will be Mercury Dasa
where Rahu is. Hence Rahu signifies the Mercury Bhukti Mars Anthra Jupiter Shoo-
11th house. Further Rahu is in the constel- kshma. Mars is lord of 2 and significator
lation of Jupiter who is occupying the 6th of 2 as there is no planet in its star; Mars
house. Therefore Rahu is to give the is in the constellation of Venus in 6 and
results of 6, 11 and 12. What does this sub of Sun, owner and depositor of 6.
combination indicate? It shows that •ne Hence 28th January, 1970 must offer you the
gets promotion by being selected for that desired promotion.
post even though there is competition (bth)
and there is change in the nature of the GOOD LUCK!

Shri M. NARAYANASWAMI. M.A. (Eton.). M.A. (Pol.), I RS.
locoms-tax Oflicer, 0*tacainundJ Nilgiris> .Madras State
Mr. ' Y' in Government service wanted Will he at all he promoted? Judge the
to know when he would get his promotion. XI cusp. It is 16-55 in Dhanus and is in
This question cannot be answered with Venus star. Venus is in the 2nd house
definiteness under the traditional system of affirming financial gain, the sub lord of the
probabilities. Only the principles of XI. cusp. Moon, is lord of 6 and is in 7,
Krishnamurti Padhdhati, which are scienti- conjoined with Kethu, and Guru, lord of
fic, can aid us to pinpoint the time of 2 and 11 showing such financial gain will
promotion. accrue through service and profession.
Hence promotion and fulfilment of his
The gentleman was asked to give a num- desire are assured in spite of competition.
ber below 108. Hepromptly said, NINETY- "When?"
SIX. The horoscope is as under :
According to the horary chart, Sun Dasa
11 21.55 III 22.55 is on and its period will continue upto
Sat. 29.53 V«n. 0.24 VI 20.55 V 16.55 1-7-1970. Can Sun give promotion in its
Rahu period 7 Consider the sub. It is in thesub
" 7.55 of Jupiter which is retrograde and, there-
Svn 21.15 fore, it will merely tempt, but cannot give
L 16,40 Wednesday 1IV 14.55 the promotion during its entire period.
5-3-1969 Have patience and wait for good days;
5-45 P.M. after alt it is ^competitive world.. Moon
XII 14-55 Ooty 11" N.L. Dasa follows next. It is both conjoined
Mer. 26.32 VII 16,40 with and is in the sub of Kethu. Moon is
also conjoined with lord of 2/11. It is good.
VIII 21.55 So Moon will give promotion in its dasa.
X 20.55 1X22.53 Moon
XI 16,55 Mnr.10.16
Ket. 7.55 Let me make doubly sure.
Tup. 9.52 What are the ruling planets at the time?
(R) To-day is Wednesday, ruled by Mercury ;
(Balance in Sun Dasa Yrs. 1—3 25) date, 5-3-1969. Star Uthraxn in Virgo is
ruled by Son and the sign by Mercury. The
lagna lord is Sun and lagna is in the star
The first thing to be seen is whether the Makam, ruled by Kethu, Kethu represents
Moon indicates the nature of query. Moon Mercury. Take Kethu instead of Mercury.
is in the constellation of Sun occupying the Sun is in the sub of Jupiter which is retro-
1st house, indicating that the question grade. Reject it. Kethu is in the sub of
relates to self. Besides, Sun is the Chief Venus. Venus, in 2, posited in the sign
Governor for profession. Moon is in the ruled by Mars, the lord of 10, is in the con-
sub of Kcthu, who is conjoined with stellation and sub of Kethu itself. So Kcthu
Jupiter, lord of 11 and 2, showing desire in is the strongest.
achievement of one's objectives and increase
in financial position. Hence Moon indica- Sub period of Kethu is, no doubt, on at
tes clearly what is in the mind of the querist present. But the dasa lord Sun itself is
and the nature of the query. incapable of giving what you desire, and.
therefore, the Bulcthi tord Kethu is helpless. of Saturn, is very good. Venus has already
'That docs not have to make you despon- been considered. So your promotion will
dent. Moon, Rahu and Venus are in the sub take place during Moon Dasa Moon
of Kethu and as such they are equally Bukthi Rahu Anthra and Venus Shook-
strong. So Moon Dasa already chosen is shma. This will be around the first week of
O.K. Its sub period operates first. So take September, 1970. The same period will also
Moon Bukthi. be arrived at through the consideration of
significators of houses 2, 6, 10 and 11.
Rahu, in the sub of Kethu, powerfully
aspected by Mars, and in the constellation GOOD LUCK !

A querem (Mr. K.) writes from Calcutta.
" Sir, 1 am at present employed id Cal- system is much more useful than the natal
cutta. Will there be any change in my chart to find out answers to specific ques-
present occupation, i.e., will there be any tions. It should not be dismissed as one
change from the present occupation to a i unworthy of use in the way " Sathabisha "
new one. If so, will the change bring good does in The Astrological Magazine of
to me. Can I accept the change ? " Mr. B. V. Raman when his prediction
about the success of Mr. Sahjeevi Reddy
He continues: in the election to the high office of the
"Since I do not have with me my date President of the Republic failed, based as
of birth and the time, I am giving below a it was on the traditional methods. While
number, my place of birth and my star. our ancient seers who gave us the various
slokas were possessed of great institution,
Number—144. they did not expect us to remain static and
Birthplace; Koduvayur, Palghal only remain content, 'quoting from their
District. scriptures. Just as the swan when given
Star Visakham. milk combined with water throws away the
water and takes only the pure milk, we will
In the querant's own words, he has no not be indulging in any wrong if we dis-
time and date of birth to give and wishes card those methods which have failed us in
his query to be answered on the basis of actual practice and take only those that
Horary Astrology. Horary Astrology is have proved correct. Astrology has been
helpful in prediction even when the birth lying low all this time because no one took
horoscope is available because, while the pains to develop the science and develop it
birth chart is likely to be incorrect when along scientific lines. No wonder that
worked out on the basis of incorrect birth when a new, scientific method of analysis is
times, the horary or prasna chart is never presented, there is great aversion in those
so. Further, the positions of the planets circles trading in the name of traditional
in the heavens at the time an astrologer astrology.
takes up the query for answer will bear a
definite relation to the query—the urge to Krishnawurti Padhdhati, for instance,
answer is created in the astrologer's mind presents' astrology in a new way stressing
only at such a time when there is an inter- the effects based on constellations; the
relation between the matter in question and constellations, in turn, arc divided among
the heavenly positions of the planets. the nine planets in the same proportion as
Horary Astrology reveals the answer accu- the years ruled by them in the Parasara's
rately and is quite scientific. Horary Astro- Dasa system of 120 years. Thus, when a
logy, in other words, is a cross-verification native is born with Chandra at birth in
of the results computed on the basis of the Guru's constellation Punavarvasu he is said
' "natal horoscope, the dasa bhukti etc., and to run the dasa of Guru and not of Chan-
will give the same answer as that obtained dra, the effects will be what Guru has to
from a reading of 'the birth horoscope—in offer and not what Chandra has to offer.
fact, much more accurately clearly and Krishnamurti Padhdhati is thus only a
to the point than the natal chart where one development of this aspect and a corrective
gets many alternations. Indeed, the horary one ; it is quite rational and scientific than
all the available systems of prediction and Table of House, page containing the table for
throws wide scope for stndy. Latitude 28° 40' North which is the latitude
of Delhi, will ^how what the cusps of the
Let ns now come back to the subject- other houses, namely, 10, 11, 12, 2 and 3
matter of the query which is about change will be according to the Sayana system
in occupation of the qucrant. The number when 22 deg. 6 min. 40 seed: Scorpio
mentioned by him is 144 (out of 249). The (Vtischika) rises in the East. The positions
Zodiac of 12 signs and 27 constellations is of the cusps in Sayana system so obtained
further sub-divided, according to Krishna- will have to be deducted by the amount of
murti Padhdhati, into 249 subdivisions, so Ayanamsa for the year under reference so
much so any part of the zodiac will have as to get the nirayana positions of the diffe-
three planets ruling it, the sign or rasi lord, rent cusps. Thus, for the lagna 28 deg,
the constellation lord and the lord of the 1 46 min. 40 seconds, we get the other cusps
sub-portion of the, constellation. On this of houses as follows :—
basis, the number ' 141 ' represents that
area in the zodic which lies between 28 Lagna 28° 46' (40". Thula)
degree 46 minutes and 40 saconds in Thula
(Libra) and 29 degrees 26 ininutes and 40 Cusp of 2nd house 28° 40' (Vrischik)
seconds. As this particular area commen Cusp of 3rd house 0° 40' (Makara)
ces at 28 degree 46 minute 40 seconds in
Thula, this will be the lagna for the query. Cusp of 10th house 4° 40' (Simha)
The cusps of the other houses for the query
will be drawn by referring to the Table of Cusp of 11th house 6° 38' (Kanya)
Houses by Raphael for the latitude of the Cusp of i2th house 4° 40' (Thula)
place where the query is answered. If 28 dog.
46 min. 40 seconds in Thula is to be the The other six cusps are exactly opposite,
lagna according to the Nirayana of the i.e., the cusp of the 7th house is the oppo-
Indian system, then the Sayana position of site to lagna; that of the 8th opposite to
the lagna will be 21 deg. 46 min. 40 seconds 2nd, and .§o on.
added by the Ayanamsa, i.e. 23° 21' for
1969, i.e., 22 deg. 6 min. 40 seconds Vris- The complete horoscope for the query
chika (Scorpio). A look at the Raphael's based on number '144' and for the time
when the query was taken up for answer
(11-30 A.M. Saturday, the llth October,
1969) is as follows :—
VI 4-40
V 6-38 13 31{R) VIII 28-40
26-17 IX 0-40
IV 4 40
No. given 144
X 4-40
, Kethu
III 0-40 26-17
XI 6-38
Bndh.i 7-14
Mangai II 28-40 I 28-46.40 Ur «np511-55
19-34 Ncp. 3-41 XII 4-40 OHan. 22-35
(inta 24-25
Uchishta Maha Ganapathi Pooja at Bharatiya
Vidhya Bhavan, Curzon Road, Balance of Chandra at the time of query
New Delhi. 21-9-'69 = 0 year, 6 months, 28 days.
House(s) Lord of
Planet Ruled occupied Constellation Sub-lord
Surya TO 11 Mangal Rahu
Chandra 9 11 Chandra Sukra
Mangal 2. 6, 7 2 Sukra Rahu
Budha 11 11 Surya Kethu
Guru 5 11 Mangal Mangal
Sukra 1, 8, 12 10 Surya
Sani (Retrograde) 3, 4 6 Sukra Sukra
Rahu 4 Guru Kethu
Kethu 10 Sukra Kethu
Uranus 11 Chandra Rahu
Neptune Lagna Sani Sani
The native's dasa, bhukti, anthra periods will run as follows ;
Dasa Bhukti Anthra
Chandra Sukra Kethu 11—10—1969 9—11—1969
Surya Surya 9—11—1969 18—11—1969
Chandra 18—11—1969 3—12—1969
Mangal 3—12—1969 13—12—1969
Rahu 13—12 1969 10— 1—1970
Guru 10— 1—1970 4— 2—1970
Sani 4— 2—1970 3— 3—1970
Budha 3— 3—1970 28— 3—1970
Kethu 28— 3—1970 9— 4—1970
}} Sukra 9— 4—1970 12— 5—1970
Mangal Mangal 9— 5—1970 6—10—1970
Rahu 6—40—1970 24—10—1970

The query concerns change in occupation, financial gains ; the 6th governs service and
whether it would prove fruitful or otherwise. the 10th house (Meridian)' denotes occupa-
The 2nd house of the horoscope stands for tion, trade, business, profession etc. In
Hindu Astrology, it is, said that planets
which are in 6, 8 and 12 to any house do
not contribute to the matters influenced by
that house ; similarly, the houses which are
in 6, 8 and 12 to any house are considered
to negate the affairs influenced by the house
concerned. On this basis, houses 3, 5 and
9 respectively happen to be in 6, 8 and 12
to the house of profession or occupation
and consequently the planets signifyingthese
houses will contribute, in their conjoint
period, to change in profession, the native
taking leave, etc. (The third house as we
all know rules short journeys or journeys to
nearby places ; the 5lh house rules pleasura-
ble pursuits; and the ninth house represents
journeys to far off places and pilgrimage. If
one really notes the periods he is running
Lighting dbeepam whenever.he is on leave temporary absence
? from official duties, he will find these house. There is bound to be a definite
periods governed by the planets which are change from your present occupation to a
the significators of houses 3, 5 and 9.) new one and it will be a satisfactory one.
Let us now work out the significators : If so, will the change bring good to me ?
Lord of 10, Surya, is situated in the 11th
u 1 Planet in Planet Planet Planet house; it occupies the constellation ruled
g constella- occupy- constella- owning by Mangal and the sub of Rahu. What do
5 tion of B ing house tion of(D) house the planets Mangal and Rahu signify ?
' W 1 (A) (B) (C) (D)
Mars (Mangal) is a significator of—(a)
2 Guru Mangal Guru Mangal House 2, because it occupies that house as
6 Sani Guru Mangal its lord; (b) Housed because it owns it;
10 Sani fCethu Sukra Surya and (c) Houses 10, 12 and 1 because it is
Kethu Sukra Budha posited in the constellation of Sukra who
Mangal owns lagna and 12th house and occupies 10.
5 Rahu Guru Rahu signifies—(a) House 5 as it is in the
9 — Chandra Chandra constellation ruled by Guru, lord of 5; (b)
3 Sani House 4 which it occupies; and (c) houses 3
and 6 as it occupies Sani's sign and as such
acts as its agent (Sani rules 3 and is in 6).
Rahu, a node, in Sani's sign Kumbha is
an agent of Sani; Kethu, likewise, repre- The conjoined influence of Mars and Rahu
sents Surya in whose sign it is and Sukra denotes gains as a result of changes in. occu
with which it is conjoined. pation and realisation of ambitions,
honour, etc. Unhesitatingly, the native
Now, before proceeding to analyse, we should go in for this change.
should find out whether the mind of the
querent is correctly reflected by the position When will this change come about ?
of the Moon. The Moon for ages has been Surya who rules the 10th house of the
considered to be the reflector of the mind. horary chart. Guru who rules the 5th house
Its position shows the matter in contempl- and Chandra who rules the 9lh house and
ation in the querent's mind. Chandra now who are conjoined closely at the time of the
is in Kanya 22 dcg. 33 min., that is in its query also happen to rule the moment:
own constellation and sub of Sukra. Chan- ' Guru as lord of lagna, Chandra as Iprd
dra owns the ninth house and it is a strong of constellation and Surya conjoined to
significator of that house, there being no them. Thus, when Surya1 comes by transit
planet situated in that house or occupying to Guru's sign Dhanus, Surya's star Uttara-
any of the three constellations governed by shada and the sub ruled by Chandra, i.e.,
it. Chandra is in the sub of Sukra who, as 27-20-00 to 28-26-40, on Monday, the 12th
lord 1 and 12, is situated in the lOlh house. January, 1969, when the native is running
The query is doubly confined. Chandra Dasa, Surya Bhukti, Guru Anthra
Will there be any change in any (according to the horary chart), he will
occupation to a new one ? change. Chandra on that day will transit
in the constellation of Poorvabhadra owned
Lord of the 10th house, Surya, who inci- by Guru, the strongest significator of 5 ;
dentally is also the karaka for professional Chandra also conjoins position occupied by
matters, is situated in the labha sthana in Rahu at the time of query ; Chandra con
conjunction with Guru owning the 5lh house juncts Mangal also. Guru transits in
and Chandra owningthe 9th house. Further, Rahu's star Swathi (Rahu signifying change
Chandra is the lord of the sign on the cusp as significator of houses 3 and 5 and repre-
of the 9th house and Guru is the lord of senting Sani, lord of the day at the time of
the constellation ruling the cusp of the 9th . query).

"Will I get through the Medical Examination" ask a gentleman.
"Please give a number within 249. " see whether it will be favourable or not!
" 147 comes to my mind, Sir. " 7th house represents the medical officer
whomsoever he is and the 10th to the 7th,
" What is the time now, please ?" that is the 4th house, indicates his job which
"1-30 P.M. .Sir". means yourself being examined; the 11th
house shows whether you will be given a
" Anyhow let me verify ." so saying good certificate to make further attempts.
dialled 174 and the time given was 1-30
P.M. The 4th cusp falls in Aquarius 6°45' 20",
that is, it is in Rahu starand Rahu sub.
The following is the horoscope for Rahu is not conjoined with any planet but it
judgment: is aspected by Venus who is the significator
of the llth,.the 7th and the 12th, There-
VI fore, Rahu as the significator of the 11th
V 8-45-20 6-45-20 0-33-20 V11X will allow you to appear before the medical
Sat. 13-36 0-45-20 officer for the medical examination. As
Rahu is in Saturn sign, you have to appear
more than once, since Saturn gives success
Rah. 26-J 9 IX after a fewatterapts or examination!
IV 6-45-20 2-45-20
1-30 P.M. I.S.T. Disease is indicated by 6th; danger by
10-10-1969 8th; defect by 12th. Here, 12th house is
III at Delhi X 6-45-20
2-45-20 Ket. 26-19 not occupied by any planet but Venus is its
Ven. 27-43 owner. Therefore, if it all, there is any
Mer. 6-05 defect it should be in the vision especially in
Mar. 18-37 Lagna xn , XI8-45-20 the left eye, since Venus is in the constella-
Mo«n 10-33
H 0-45-20 0-33-20 6-45-20 Jup. tion of Sun and sub of Moon; really, there
23-01 should be something wrong with your eye.
Sun 23.30 But luckily Sun, Moon and Jupiter are in
(1) Medical examination means that one the llth house. Moon is in its. own con-
medical officer or more than one medical stellation and sub. It is in 11; Jupiter is in
officer will examine you before issuing a the constellation of Moon in 11 and sub of
certificate, declaring that you are absolutely Sun 11. Sun is in the llth house, in the
fit, that you are not suffering from any constellation of Mars and sub of Rahu. Ail
bodily informity or incurable diseases which planets are connected with the 10th and
are unfavourable for the nature of the work llth houses. Therefore, even though there
you have to carry out or to go to a foreign is the defect in the eye, yet you will get
country to work there, etc. (Luckily, such a through the medical examination and your
medical examination is not carried out on desire will be fulfilled.
either of the sexes before marriage. If such "Will I go Overseas"? (Horary)
a bill is introduced, 1 am sure many will re-
main jmmarried due to congenital diseases " Give a number, please."
like rheumatic heart, enlarged heart, etc.): " I give number 127."
therefore, we have to examine the 4th house
to know whether there will be the medical It means the Lagna will be in Libra and
examination as you desire; then we have to its exact positioniwill be 2* 40' in Libra.
The other 11 cusps are calculated and also the lord of the sub are connected with
are shown in the horoscope given below : 12th house. Hence life in a foreign place is
sure; you must go.
VI 9-24 VIl 2-40 VIIT 2-24 IX 5-24 As regards the significators of 3, 9 and
12, the 3rd house is occupied by Mars.
9th house is unoccupied; and T2th house is
occupied by Moon, Jupiter and Sun; when
Rah. 26 19 X 9-24 you find out the significators, it will be seen
V 11-24 Delhi that Sun is in the constellation of Mars and
127 Rahu is in the constellation of Jupiter and
10—10—1969 Jupiter is in the constellatiop. of Moon;
1-30 P.M. I.S.T. XT 11-24 whereas, Venus and Mercury are in the con-
IV 9-24 Kct. 26-19
Vcn. 27-43 stellation of Sun. Thus majority of the
M crc. 6-51 planets are connected with the 12th house
Mars XII 9-24 indicating that you must go,
18-37 U 2-24 Moon
2-40 Tup. 10-33
III .5-24 23-01 " Then when " is the next query.
Sun 23-30
At the time of the judgment, Moon Dasa
The houses 3, 9 and 12 are to be judged balance is 9 years, 7 months, 2 days. Now
to find out the significators for going Moon Dasa Moon Bhukti is operating;
overseas ; and the sub lord of the 12th cusp is in that, you will get pass, visa, etc., during
to be judged to Snd out whether you will Moon Dasa Moon Bhukti Mercury Anthra,
go at all to a foreign land. The 12th cusp that is after 7th November, 1969 and before
falls in Sun's star and Venus sub ; Venus is 22nd December, 1969 ; your journey will be
in the constellation of Sun, sub of Moon ; during Moon Dasa Moon Bhukti Kcthu
both Sun and Moon are in the 12th house; Anthra. Kethu is occupying Sun's sign,
Venus is to give the results of the loid of Venus star; it is conjoined with Venus.
the constellation Chandra which is in 12. Therefore, JSelhu is stronger than Venus
Hence both the lord of constellation and and it has., to give in its sub period, instead
of Venus. Therefore, Moon Dasa, Moon
Bhukti, Kethu Anthra. You must go. That
is within 10th January, 1970,
Ruling planetsToday, it is Venus day,
Friday. Virgo sign is passed by Moon; it is
owned by Mercury; star is governed by
Moon, and according to the horary horos-
cope also these three planets are the
strongest siacificators and so your going to
foreign is certain. You will leave Delhi on
28th December, 1969, early morning. It will
be a Sunday and the star also Aslesha ruled
by Mercury in Moon sign. The lagna will
fall in Purvashada Nakshatra which
will be at the time of Sun rise. According to
transit, Sun will be in Kethu star Mercury
sub; Moon in Mercury star; and Kcthu
will be in Venus star Sun sign.
Thus the two numbers which you have
given, one for medical examination and the
other for stay in the overseas, promise suc-
The editor docs Abhishekha to Lord cess and fulfilment of desire. May God
Uchchishta Maha Gaoapathi bless us all 1
that time was ruling as the Dasa lord. It is
X 20.10 Rahu 13.48 13.54 tbe Marakasthanathipati by owning houses
XI 25.10 ximio 2 and 7 and it wits in Rahu sub who is to
IX 19 JO indicate the death by bums as Rahu is to
Vcntis Lag. 0.25 signify the houses 2, 6 and 7 counted from
4J1 1123.10 the 5th. Saturn is in the constellation of the
Sun lord of 5th (indicating children) was in the
2.13 - sub of Sun (Bhadhakasthanadhapathi to
Vm23JO Moon 5th) portending death. Mars is in the cons-
Mare 13-9 17.7 tellation of Moon and sub of Rahu. This is
Merc- 6.2 III 19.10 also evil; therefore, Mars Dasa Saturn
VII 0.25
Bhukti, the moment it started, caused the
V 25.10 aocjdent and the children died.
Sat. 15.46 VI2910 Ketbu IV 20.10
13,48 According to the transit, Saturn was very
close to radical Mars in Moon star, Rahu
The above is the horoscope of the unfor- sub. Mars was in Mercury star (who was
tunate father bom at3-30P.M. on 14-2-1930 deposited in the constellation of Bhadakas-
at 29° 42' North and 77° 43' East, He had thana Athipati at birth). Sun was in Rahu
four children born before 1962 and all the constellation and actually it was in conjunc-
four were charred and burnt alive as there tion with Kethu who indicates the 5th
was a fire, accident in his place of residence. house. Therefore, the incident coincides
This gives us material for 2 ev ents. with the transit and also Dasa Bhukti,
(1) Death of all children due to an acci- Anthra results.
dent on 1-11-1962 in foreign land (2-11-1962
to India) " Why fire Accident" may be the query.
(2) House damaged due to fire. The fire took place, the moment Saturn
Above accident took place on 1st Novem- sub period began. Saturn is in tbe constella-
ber 1962. ■ At that time he had started Mars tion of .Venus and sub of Sun. Mars, the
Dasa, Saturn Bhulcti. dasa lord was in the sub of Rahu which is
also in a fiery sign since the sub lord of
Mars and Saturn happened to be either a
Why should he lose Children ? fiery planet in Aries sign or in a fiery sign,
5th house indicates children and so we the accident was due to fire. How the end
have to find out the planets which are evil will come either to somebody or some
for the 5th house matters. 5th cusp falls in material is to be judged only from the sub
Libra and therefore it being a movable sign lord. This agrees in full, with the event that
the 11th counted from the 5th, will be the had happened.
Bhadakasthana (Leo) and the second and
the 7th houses counted from the 5th will Residence Reduced to ash :
be the Maraka-sthana. 11th sign is owned Accidents are generally read out from the
by Sun and the second and the 7th are 8th house. Query is about the residential
owned by Mars. Rahu represents Mars. quarters, which is indicated by the 4th
One dies during the period of the planet house. The 8th counted from the 4th is
which signifies the ascendant, only when the Aries and Mars is the lord of the sign and
sub lord is connected with death. Mars, at Rahu acts as an agent of Mats. Therefore,
'planets deposited in Rahu constellation or Rahu sub which is also aspected by Mars;
iRahu sub connected with the 4th house therefore, Rahu in the 8th house counted
, should necessarily cause danger just like we from the 4th, caused danger during Mars
' see f«r human beings. Here also we have to Dasa and Saturn Bhukti. Mars is for land
find out the Bhadaksthana and Marakas- and building, Saturn for land etc.
■ thana. Marasthana too is owned by Venus
and in its constellation we have Rahu-, Moon Saturn is in the constellation of lord of 2
and Satum. The 12th to the 4th indicates to the 4th and sub of 12 to 4. Mars is
loss of the 4th house matters, i.e. residence, in the sub of Rahu in 8 to 4. Therefore, the
car, mother, etc. It is owned by Sun and residence had to be reduced to ashes by fire
Sun's sub is occupied by Saturn. Mars is in accident.


Govt. Hospital, Matale, Ceylon.
The native was born at 7-45 P.M. on The seventh cusp is in Mars sign, Satum
30-10-1937 at 6° 56' North and 79° 52' East. star and Rahu sub.
The Horoscope is as follows :—
Is Marriage Promised? According to
XI 9® 53' | Lagua Krishnamurti Padhdhati, if the sub-lord of
Saturn XII II 11" 48' the 7th cusp happens to be a significatot
6D 17' of houses 7 or 2 or 11, marriage is promi-
sed. Rahu is the sub-lord of the 7th cusp
and is m the 7th house itself. Hence
X 7°58' III 19' 53' marriage is indicated.
Which houses are we to jndge? The
second house denotes ' Kutumba '—the
IX 9* 53' IV 7" 58' addition to the number of family members
[ due to the birth of children or by marriage.
Mars Mood Hence take the second house for conside-
28*, 2' Rahu Mercury 3" 39' ration.
Jup. 27t>50' 14* 26' 14°05'
Sun V 9° 5 3'
Vlll VII13° 48' 13" 50' Venus The next is the 7th house which rules
HMS' VI 13" 48' 20" 39' " contract " and shows the legal bondage
(At the time of birth. Sun Dasa balance 2 with another and the partner with whom
years, 10 months and 8 days) one is to lead a family hfe.
Planets Lord of the Cons- Lord of The eleventh house denotes the pleasure
tellation occupied sub as a result of permanent association or
Sun Rahu Mercury partnership in life.
Moon Sun Saturn So the houses 2,7 and 11 and Venus,
Mars Sun Moon the chief governor for marriage, are to be
Mercury Rahu referred.
Jupiter Sun Moon Significators: The second house is
Venus Moon Venus vacant. The second cusp is in Gemini.
Satum Saturn Mercury Its lord is Mercury whose constellations are
Ashlesha, Jyeshta and Revathi. No planet
Rahu Satum Rahu is situated in these stars. Hence Mercury
K.ethu Moon Jupiter alone is a significator of the second house
Seventh touse Is occupied by Rahu. the way and causes delay ' in this connec-
Aradhra, Swathi and Sathabisha are tion.
governed by Rahu. Sun and Mercury are in " Generally whenever Moon is opposed
the constellation of Rahu. Mars is lord of by Saturn, there will be some proposals and
7. No planet is posited in its stars, due to the cause indicated by Satum the
leleventh house is vacant. The 11th cusp matters gets delayed. Is your marriage being
falls in Pisces. Its lord is Jupiter. Punar- delayed because of your step-mother'! "
vasu, Visaka and P. P. Pada are owned by
Jupiter. No planet is in Jupiter star. He said " Yes ".
Hence Jupiter is a significator. I said that till Kethu sub-period is over
Therefore, Mercury, Rahu, Sun, Mars. the fructification . of the event will be
Jupiter and Venus are the significators. delayed as Kethu is only not a significator
Jupiter and Mars aspect the second house. but is in Moon's constellation and further
The- seventh is unaspected. The 11th aspected by Saturn by the third, aspect.
house is aspected by Venus, Mars and .. Besides, Kethu occupies the sub of a planet
Moon. in the 8th house (delay, danger, dejection,
agony, etc.).
Selection of the Significators : The sub
is. important. Reject those planets which " Your marriage will be celebratad during
are hot in the sub of the planets signifying Rahu Dasa Sukra Bhukti Sukra Anthra. It
2, 7 or 11, more especially those which not operates between 26-3-1969 and 26-9-1969.
only do not have any conhection with 2, 7 According to transit, Rahu will transit in
and 11. but signify houses 1, 6 and 10 the constellation of lord of 11 and sub of
which are in 12 to 2, 7, 11 and as such do Sukra; Saturn will be in the star and sub of
not contribute to affairs concerning marri- Sukra; lord of 7, Mars, will transit in the
age. Hence reject the planets in Kethu, 7th house itself in its own sign and sub of
Moon and Saturn subs. Then the planets Rahu, dasanatha; Venus (Sukra) will transit
left out are Rahu, Venus, Mercury and in the 2nd bhava; Mercury, lord of 2 tran-
Sun. Are they connected with the house 2 sits in the constellation of Sun and sub of
or 7 or 11 ? If so, select them as the fruit- ' Venus, both significators ; Sun will transit
ful significators for fructification of in Sukra's constellation; and Moon will
marriage. transit in the constellation of Mercury, lord
of 2. X am sure the marriage will take place
Who will stand in the way of fixing up in Mercury Anthra, towards the end of
the • marriage ? Delay and difficulty are August 1969. "
generally caused by Saturn whenever it
opposes either Moon or Venus. In this It was not a surprise to me, therefore,
chart Saturn opposes both Moon and Venus when m the first week of September 1969
and also Kethu. Therefore, that relative the consultant came to me and congratulat-
who is denoted by Saturn will be the cause ed me on my correctness. He said that his
of delay. Saturn is in the 10th house. It marriage was fixed and celebrated all on a
is also lord of 10. Ninth house represents sudden and the day was 30-8-1969, a Revathi
father. The second house to any house star day. He felt vety happy. I was indeed
represents the second wife to that relation. more happy as this was all due to ray
Hence the 10th house refers to the second Guruji's blessings. Long live Krishnamurti
wife of the father, i:e., step-mother. There- Padhdhati and its author, revered Prof.
fore, it is the step-mother who comes in Krishnamurti.

Shli A. SIVAPATHAM, Govt Hospital. Matalc, Ceylon.
This native, a lady, was bom at a significator of house 7 or 2 or 11, marriage
11-42 P.M. on 14-5-1943 at Colombo (6° 56' is promised. Rahu, the sub lord of the 7th
North ; 79° 58' East) and her chart is as cusp, is in the 7th house itself. Hence
. under:— marriage will take place.
Y 8-46 VI 5-46 Which houses are we to judge in this
IV 9-46 Sat, 19-52 Ven.
ni 7-46 Sun 10-38 connection ?
29-59 Mercury Jup. 27-53
CR) 12-|5 The second house denotes increase in the
number of members of the .family by
Mar .28-46 VII 2-52 birth of children or marriage. . Hence the
II 4 46 Rahu second house should enter into our recko-
ning. the next is the 7th house which
shows legal bondage with another and the
Ket. 27-16 VIII 4-46 partner with whom one is to lead family
Lagna Moon life.
2-52 26-10
The eleventh house refers to the pleasure
derived as a result of permanent tie of
XII XI 8-46 X 9-46 1X7-46 friendship and partnership in life. Thus
houses 2, 7,11 and Sukra, the chief governor
for marriage, are to be examined.
(Balance of Venus Dasa at the time of
birth was 9 months only.) How to find out Significators ?
Planets Lord ruling constel- Sub Lord The second house is occupied by Mars ;
lation occupied Mrigasira,. Chitra and Dhanishta are the
Sun Sun Rahu three constellations governed by Mars,
Moon Venus Kethu Kethu alone is in Danishta. Kethu also
Mars Jupiter Siih acts as Saturn's agent by occupying Makara
Mercury (Saturn is lord of 2). Hence, Kethu and
(Retrograde) Moon Rahu Mars signify the 2nd house matters.
Jupiter Jupiter Venus
Venus Rahu Saturn
Saturn Moon Kethu
Rahu Sun Sun
Kethu Mars Jupiter
The nodes having no sign of their own
first offer the results of the planets with
which they are conjoined and secondly of
the lord of the sign in which they ate placed.
Kethu, thus, is Sani's agent and Rahu
deputises for Moon.
The seventh cusp falls in Muon sign
Kataka, Jupiter star Punarvasu and Rahu's
Is Marriage Promised ?
According to Krishnamurti Padhdhati,
note the sub-lord of the 7th cusp. If it is Arcbana goes on
The seventh house is occupied by Rahu. delay in matters connected with marriage'
Arudhra, Swathi and Satbabisba are the as Saturn in 5 will aspect the 7th house by
three stars ruled by Rahu. Venus who is the third aspect, Uth bouse by the 7th
also kalathra karaka is in Arudhra; so aspect and the 2nd house by the 10th
Venus and Rahu offer the results ascribed aspect."
to the 7th house. " So what ? Will it deny marriage ? "
The eleventh house is vacant. The Uth "No. In your chart Mars aspects Moon.
cusp falls in Vrischika. It is owned by Besides, Saturn happens to be a benefic by
Mars ; Mrigasira, Chitra and Dhanishta are owning lagna and 2; it will delay but not
the constellations of which Mars is the lord. deny."
As stated before, Kethu alone is in Mars
constellation. "When will the marriage come off?"
Mars and Kethui thus, are significators "Your marriage should be celebrated
of the 11th house. ■ during Rahu Dasa, Rahu Bhukti, Mars
Now it is seen that Kethu, Rahu, Mars Anthra."
and Venus are the significators which have This period funs between 29-8-1969 and
to contribute for fructification of marriage. 26-10-1969.
Moon and Saturn aspect the 2nd house; the
. seventh is aspected by Sani. The eleventh Transits
bouse is aspected by Sani and Mercury (R).
Though Saturn is a significator being lord According to transit, in the end of
of the 2nd house and aspecting the 2nd, August, 1969 Sun will transit in Venus star
7th and 1 Uh houses, its results are appro- Poorvapalguni; Rahu the dasa and bhukti
priated by Kethu who is posited in one of lord transits in the 2nd house and con-
Saturn's signs; Makara. Saturn is therefore joins the natal position of Mars, a strong
significator. Rahu is also then in the sub
left out. of Venus, Saturn, lord of 2, transits in the
" Generally, whenever Moon is opposed star of Sukra, Barani, and, in sub of Sukra.
by Saturn, there will be some delay in the Majs, lord of 11 and anthranatba transits in
matter of marriage. Also whenever Saturn the 11th bhava in its own sign and sub of
is in 5 in any horoscope it causes undue Rahu; Venus transits in the 7th bhava in the
star of lord of 2 and sub of Kethu, a strong
significator. I predicted that the maifiage
will take place in the very end of August
or the very beginning of September.
Further, the day of marriage will be
governed by Saturn (as Rahu is aspected
by Saturn and Kethu is in Saturn's sign) or
In the first week of September, I received
a communication from this lady consultant
informing me that the marriage was celeb-
rated on 30-8-1969 and it was Saturday as
predicted. She was full of praise for the
accurate prediction and wanted rae to extend
her warm congratulations to my Gurujt
who is far away from me and this island
for his marvellous method. The success
was indeed really not mine but Krishnamurti
Haruthi Padhdhati's.

" Please come in," said I when a person The horoscope is as follows:
just peeped into my office.
A friend who had all along been consult- Uranus YIll 11-44
V 18-44 <R) 12-33 VII 11-39 Kethu
ing me about the health and span of life of VI 16-44 26-43
his mother bade goodbye and left the
stranger alone to discuss his problems with IV 16-44
me. Saoi(R) IX 13-44
" Can I do anything for you, please?" RASI
,"I am a regular reader of your-'magazine- Chun. 11-11
Sorya 2-61
I wanted to have your darshan and have my 111 13-44 x ie-44
Hep. I1-6
doubts cleared." Bftdha 27-23
STU (E) 27-58
" What is the matter 7" Rahu 11*Lagna Kuja 24-34
26-43 59' Gum XI18-44
" Today exactly one year has passed. 11 11-44 Fortuna
XII 16-44
I lost my wife last year on the 29th
September. She has left two children to
my care and passed away. , 1 want to know Kethu Dasa (according to Vimshottari
whether Twill marry again and if so when," Dasa)
/'When were you first married?" Ba!anco= 5 years, 6 months, 1 day.
" In 1962 on May 21st." " Surya Dasa Rahu Bhukti operated
between25-4-1962and 19-3-1963; Chandra.
" Have you brought your horoscope?" Dasa Rahu Bhukti operated between
"Yes, I have erected a chart according 1-8-1968 and 1-2-1970. Note that Rahu
to your instructions," gave you marriage in Surya Dasa and took
away'your wife during the Chandra Dasa."
" Which Ayaaamsa have you used ?" " How is it?"
" Only yours," "Rahu is situated in the second bhava ,
" Please let /me verify, after noting the (house). It is to represent Guru who is
time now," lord of 2 and 5. The 2nd house indicates
" Now it is 10-52 A.M., Sir." about family members. The Uth house
shows additions to the family ties. The
" So the lagna for this moment is 12 7th indicates marriage. Therefore the
degrees in Scorpio. It is Monday ; star significators are Rahu, Sani in Rahu con-
Bharani; Rasi Mesha. Hence Kuja (Mars), stellation, Kethu in the constellation of
Sani (Satum), Chandra (Mars) and Sukra Guru who is lord of 2, and similarly Kuja
(Venus) are the ruling planets. Let me see (Mars) and Guru in the constellation of
whether these agree with your chart." lord of 2. No planet occupies the 7th
He hands over the chart prepared by house. Stikra is its lord and no planet is
-him. posited in any of the three stars ruled by
Sukra. The 11th house is unoccupied.
" Look ! Actually your lagna is in the It is owned by Budha. Kethu, a node, is
same position. You are bom at 12-09 P.M. situated in Mithuna governed by Budha,
on 28-8-1935 at 20° 28' North Latitude and lord of 11. Only Sun and the Moon are
85° 54' East Longitude, in Kethu's constellation.
■" When Surya and Chandra are both in Hence, Moon connected with 11,8 (Kethu)
the same constellation, how is it that in and 12 (Sokra) gave death to wife."
' Surya Dasa I got married and in Mood The'rule is this. If a planet has to offer
(Chandra) Dasa I lost my wife ?" ■
a desirable as well as an undwtrable result,
" My friend, it is only Krishnamurti it will offer both. One result does not
■Padhdhati which can clearly explain such cancel the other. Both the results will
•an event. The •traditional methods of operate in due time. Rahu as the occupant
astrology have no answer. The constella- of the 2nd house has the power to offer
tion, Makha, is governed by Kethu which marriage, but aS'it is in the constellation of
indicates, among other things, 11 th house a planet owning house 1.0, it is also capable
results though occupying the other sign of. of doing harm to the 11th house matters.
Budha which ovras the Ilth house also. So Why? Because the 10th house is the
planets in Maka constellation have connec-' house of negation of the affairs influenced
tion with the 11th house aifairs. If the by the 11th house. The eleventh connotes
planet in Makha, lord of* which is permanent tie of friendship by marriage;
a significator of 11th house affairs, occupies the tenth shows breaking of this tie,
the'sub of a planet connected with 6 or 10
or 12, then separation or bereavement is A bhukti lord which has to give both
to be predicted; if it is in the sub of the beneficial and harmful results will confer
significator of 2; 7 or II, it indicates benefit in the dasa of a planet which is
wedding. Now, the Sun in your horoscope beneficially connected; it will cause . harm
was in the sub of Sani who is the significa- during the dasa of another planet which
tor of the second house (it occupies the has to bring about evil, The bhukti lord
constellation of Rahu in 2). The 2nd is a turncoat changing according to its
house, as already, stated, is one of the houses master, tfie dasa lord. Thus, Rahu
to be judged for marriage, and Sun in the co-opetating with the dasa lord, Surya,
sub of Sani. thus gave raarfiage. Moon, gave marriage,and in the dasa of Chandra
on the other hand, was in the sub of Sukta it caused yqu bereavement in tlie shape of
who is .lord of 12. Sukra is in the con- your wifefe,death.
stellation of a planet posited in 9 owning
the 10th and sub of another planet in 9.
Sukra, according to its lordship, can offer
the results of both the 7th and 12th houses.

Maothra Pushpam Editor does Japa

" Sir, Chandra Dasa is now running. It the 7th cusp; it is in Dhanus—a dual sign.
will go on for some years now. Does it Hence two marriages are indicated.
mean, then, that I would not get married Further, Rahu is in the 2nd house which
during Chandra Dasa ?" rules the second wife.
"No; it does not mean that. Chandra " All right. Sir, when will the second
is in the constellation of Kethu in a dual marriage come off?"
sign and can give both the results. Kethu,
as I said already, is an agent of Budha, "This should come'off in , the dasa of
a dual planet, and so both the effects Chandra which is in the constellation of
(8 and 11) will be there. Further, the Kethu acting as the agent of lord of 11 and
sub-lord iSukra also a significator of the sub of Sukra owning the 7 th house;
7th house by owning that house. Hence in in the bhukti of guru, lord of 2
another favourable bhukti the second occupying its own constellation and
marriage can come. „sub of Sani, a significator of 2nd
"Why do you say 'Can come' ? Will it house by occupying Rahu's constellation;
happen or not?" and in the anthra of Sani. It will be
between 5-4-1970 and 21-6-1970. As at
"Note the sub-lord of the 7th cusp. If the moment of judgment, Chandra is in
the lord of the sub or the lord of the Bharani star, when Siirya transits in
constellation in which the sub-lord is Bharani and sub of Chandra, i.e. around
situated is in a dual sign ot happens to be 1-5-1970 the second marriage will take
-a dual planet, then the second marriage is place. May you lead a happy and peaceful
promised. Rahu is the lord of the sub of life and may He bless you all."
(H oroscupy)
Shri A. S1VAPATHAM, Govt. Hospital, Matalc, Ceylon.
Native was born on 11th September, 1942 significators of the above houses. Hence
at 1-30 A.M. (C.S.T.) at Aluvihara (7N30 &. overseas travel is promised.
80E 37 ), Matale. Significators : Third house is occupied by
Venus, Rahu, Sun, Moon and Mats. Sun is
1 3° 28' inVenustar; Kethu in Rahu star; Moon
X 3° 28' XI 6* 28' Sat. 19° 23 Jupiler
XIIV 28' 26' i and Mars are in Sun star ; and Saturn and
■ Mercury are in Moon star. No planet is in
Kethu Mars star. ■ Hence the significators of 3rd
10° 26' II a* 28' house are Sun, Kethu, Moon, Mars, Saturn,
IX 2° 28' Mercury and Venus.
III 2° 28' Ninth house is occupied by Kethu only.
Veo.7° 28' Venus and Rahu arc in Kethu star. Hence
VH13° 28' Rahu 10*
Sun 24° 26' Venus, Rahu and Kethu are the signifi-
Moon ZB"31'40* cators.
Mars Twelfth house is occupied by Saturn only.
2® 43'
VII 3° 28' VIV 28' V 6° 28' Iv 3® 28' No planetis in Saturn star. Hence Saturn is a
Mercury significator of 12.
20® 26' ,
Now, the significators for travels are Sun,
Lagna : 3° 24' Mithuna. Kethu, Moon, Mars, Saturn, Mercury, Rahu
Ayanams'a used : 22° 57' (Rrishnamurti). and Venus.
Balance dasa at Birth : Sun Dasa 6 years. Selection of Significators: Let us find out
the powdfful significators to note the time of
To ascertain whether one will have the departure. 0
opportunity to go abroad or not, the houses
3, 9 and 12 have to be judged. It has been .Kethu is in the sign of Saturn whileRahu
notad that if the lord of 9th is in i2th or is is in the sign of Sun, -As such Kethu and
conjoined with the lord 12, or the planet in Rahu represent Saturn and Sun, respectively.
12 is situated in the' constellation ruled by Now, the significators arc Kethu, Rahu,
the lord of 9, it is a definite indication of Moon, Mars, Venus and Mercury.
a long journey and life in a foreign place. In the above, reject the planets that are
Further the cusp of the above houses are not related to houses 3, 9 and 12. Hence
to be judged to find out whether one is pro- the planets left over are Kethu, Rahu,
mised life in the foreign place. In the above Moon, Venus and Mars. In order to further
chart, the lord of 9 Saturn is in 12. eliminate consider the planets whose sub-
lords arc posited in houses 3, 9 and 12.
Secondly, the 3rd cusp is in Kethu star
and Sun sub. Kethu and Sun are placed in Rahu is in Kethu star and Saturn sub.
9th and 3id. Kethu is in Rahu star and Jupiter sub.
The 9th cusp is in Mars star and Kethu Moon is in Venus star and Kethu sub.
sub. Mars in 3rd while Kethu is in 9. Venus is in Kethu star and Rahu sub.
The 12th cusp is in Sun star and Kethu Mars is in Sun star and Jupiter sub.
sub. Sun is in 3rd and Kethu is in 9th, as Hence the fruitful significators are Rahu,
mentioned earlier. Venus and Moon. But the nodes are
The sub-lords Kethu and Sun besides be- powerful than other planets with which they
ing in the houses of travels are among the arc conjoined, and as Rahu and Venus are
posited in the same star (Kethu) and sign, He was surprised about these predictions ■
Rahu is more powerful. Hence the native as when he went to many other astrologers
should travel during the conjoined periods for correct predictions, he found that they
of Rahu and Moon. were all quacks as they were unable to pin-
point the past events perfectly. They would
So I predicted that he would have have achieved perfectness in their predic-
travelled in Moon Dasa Rahu Bukthi Rahu tions if they had followed " KRISHNA-
Anthra; His Rahu Anthra in Rahu Bukthi MURTI PADHDHATI
Moon dasa was running between 11th
February, 1950 and 2nd May, 1950. Rahu
Shookshma would be between llth
February, 1950 and 20th February, 1950.
So 1 said " You would have travelled
between 12-2-1950 and 20-2-195# and the day
of departure was a Monday or a Sunday."
He admitted the above and informed that
he left his residence on 13-2-1950 and left
the shores of Lanka on 14-2 1950. He had
gone en pilgrimage to South India in this
period with his parents.
Now you ate tunning Rahu Dasa Jupiter
Bukthi. Again you will travel abroad in
Rahu Dasa Moon Bukthi in Moon Anthra as
well as Rahu Anthra. Shriman Narayanan Samarpanam
The following is the horoscope of the Therefore it is clear that the child needs
child bom at 0 his. 15 mts on 13-10-1967 at much of R.B.C. The child should regularly
28° 40' N and 77° 12' Ei: take liver extract with Vitamin B to pick up
X 27-24
Sat. 14-57 Rahu 4-57 XI 1-24 XII 5-24

1X25-24 5 26
II 28-24
VIII 28-24 Jupiter
Moon 3-35
22 41 Venus
VII 5-26 12-38
III 25-24
Mars Mercury Sun
Vl 5-24 2M3 20-18 25-27
V 1-24 Kcthu
4-57 IV £7-24
(Moon Mahadasa Balance 0 year
5 months 25 days.)
A person's (health) is to be judged from
the sub lord of the Ascendant. As the lagna
has fallen in 5° 26' in Cancer, the lord of the
constellation and the sub are governed by
Saturn. Generally that planet which gives
the least vitality as well as minimum immu-
nity against infectious diseases is Saturn.
Hence the child will lack resistance.
Recuperation will take long time. The
nature of the disease also will be such that
the child will be having the ailment for a
long period. This is the natural characteris-
tic of Saturn.
Western System: As Saturn is forming
sesquiquadcate aspect with Mars and as it
opposes Sun the deficiency is lack of
Haemoglobin in the blood as Sun indicates EUuor addressed tbc audience. Gives out the
heart whereas Mars denotes iron, red bone Purana of Lord Uchchista Mahaganapathi;
marrow, erythrocytes, red blood carpuscles, explains to wfc«ra he can initiates how it
spleen etc. Jupiter and Venus are in quin- should be done. etc. He intiates the
cunx with Saturn. These are situated in Leo. mantra to all, as usual
Disease: This is judged from the 6th 11th. Hence it indicates the nature of the
: house; danger from the 8th and hospitalisa- disease and it itself will give the cure in its
t tion from the i2th house. period as it is in the constellation of Mer-
cury and sub of Saturn. ' Therefore one can
6th house is vacant as it extends from expect improvement from Mars Dasa,
5° 24' Sagittarius to 5° 26' Capricorn. No Jupiter Bhukri, Mercury Anthra onwards,
planet is found in this arc. The owner of i.e. from 30T2-1969. The pre-indication of
the 'sign in which the 6th cusp has fallen is progress will be slow. But blood count will
Jupiter. Therefore Jupiter is lord of 6. show steady progress. As the percentage
Punarvasu, Visaka and Poorvapadrapada of Haemoglobin' increases, the spleen also
are governed by Jupiter. Planet Mercury is will get toned up and slowly it will get
found in Jupiter's star. Hence it is Jupiter/ reduced in its size. Normal condition can
Mercury which causes the disease. Mercury v be reached when Venus Bhukti runs, i.e.
is conjoined with Kethu and Jupiter. It is in ^ March 1973.
the constellation of Kethu deposited in
Libra, whereas Jupiter is in I^eo, in the sub Ruling planets at the moment of judg-
. of Rahu. Rahu is in Aries, again a sign ment: 2-9-1969Thursday ; Mrigasira ;■
ruled by Mars. Therefore it is nothing but a Gemini sign; Ascendant is in Pisces 24°.'
disease referring to heart, blootj and spleen. Therefore Jupiter, Mars and Mercury are
Cure any! If so when ? ruling now. It is confirmed that their con-
joined period will start giving the cure.
11th' house indicates the cure: But one is Lord of 11 for this moment is direct'from
to see whether there will be cure at all; 4-1-1970.
then' only the lime of cure is to be judged.
Jlth house extends from 1" 34' Taurus to
5° 24' Gemini. No planet is found there.
Bhatani, Pootvapalguai and Poorvashada
are ruled by Venus. Ko planet is in any. of
the three stars. Hence Venus is to give the
cure. Find out whether there is any node in
its sign. There is Kethu in Libra ruled by
Venus. So Kethu is the representative of
Venus. Rahu, Jupiter and Venus are in the
constellation of Kethu. Rahu is the signifi-
cator of the house, 12 to 11. 12th to any
house is the negation of thehext one. Hence
10th house does not help the cure. But Rahu
is also the significator. of 5th showing no
further disease. Jupiter is conjoined with
lord of 11 and also deposited in the star of
Kethu who is to give the 11th house results.
Jupiter has the portfolio of 4, 11, 6 and 10. One Section oftho Students of the Astrological Course,
Jupiter can give the cure if the Dasa lord is 1969 August to November with their wives have their
connected with the 11th house. Mars rules initiation of Uchishta Maha Ganapathi Mantra on
the Dasa. It is in 5 [12 to 6] and aspects the 21-9 '69 at Bharatiya Vidhya Bbavan

The advocates of the traditional methods The relevant article is reproduced here.
of astrology scoff at new methods of predic- The chart is as under';
tion propounded on the basis of many
years of research and not a day passes with-
out such people decrying correct methods Rahu
and dismissing them as " new theories" 3-37 Mars 3-3i
Sat. 20-40
without making an attempt to understand-
Krishnamurti Padhdhati correctly. Here is a >
letter from a gentleman which nails the lie
that Krishnamurti Padhdhati is not a tested
method of prediction. 16-1—1912
38 G, 39 V.
" My dear Guruji, Sun 1-50
I trust you may remember me. I am
working as S.D.O. in M.E.S. in Delhi Jup. 14-48
Cantoment. Lagna Venus Kethu
22r4R 20-43 3-37
In 1965, when 1 understood that the Merc.{MS Moon
confidential report about me was adverse 25-9
just a few months before I attained the age
of 55 (in October 1966). I was naturally
depressed and greatly disappointed because (Mercury Dasa Balance 6 years, 1 month,
I would not be allowed to continue in , 8 days.).
service because of the adverse report about Now ycu arc running Mars Dasa Venus
me. Being the father of many children, Bhukti from 8-2-1966'. Service is shown by
I-was very much worried. A friend of mine houses 2, 6 and 10; Retirement is indicated
suggested to me to meet you and seek your by houses 9 and 12.
guidance then. You were very firm that I
should be in service till October 1969 and
that 1 would serve in the' same capacity and
get three' years' extension in spite of the
adverse confidential report due to misunder-
standing between me and my boss.
I am retiring on 10-11-1969 and 1 should
like to congratulate you formally for your
uncanny prediction. This prediction also
was published in our valuable and instruc-
tive magazine " ASTROLOGY AND
ATHRISHTA " in the issue of Janury 1967.
Your approach is straight, simple and lucid
and,' more than all, accurate.
May you live long, Guruji, and may your
Padhdhati guide us all for ever.
Yours truly,
(Signed) P. N. Kakkar " The other section of the Students
Houses 2 and 6 are unoccupied. Kethu is irvOctobcr 1969 you will retire. You will
in 10." Therefore, Rahu in Macs sign and get extension."
Mercury in Jupiter's sign are the strong
significators. Editor's Note:
Actually you entered into service in Venus An article can be, reproduced only when
Dasa Mercury Bhukti Moon Anthra as the prediction based on which the article
Venus is lord of 6. It is in the constellation was written comes correct, to impress on the
of lord of 10 and it is in the constellation readers that the method is universally appli-
of the node in 10 and sub of Jupiter who cable to one and ail. Except Krishnaraurti
aspects 6th house, Moon is in the constella- Padhdhati, no other method now available
tion uf lord of 10 and sub of Rahu. So, the in any part of this wide world is universally
lime of appointment is correct. applicable. The traditional methods of
Regarding retirement, planets connected astrology confuse us with so many alterna-
with houses 9 and 12 are to be judged. tives that they afford us shelter when we
Mars, the dasahatha is in the Saturn sub fail in predictions. Krlshnamurti Padhdhati
in the constellation of lord of 9. No doubt. alone satisfies the intellectual and lay mind
Mars shows retirement; but Saturn sub alike and applies the same rule to all.
denotes that you must serve. Hence, during Instances can be quoted of article contai-
Mars Dasa you will retire and you will be ning predictions which have utterly failed
reappointed.. Throughout Mars Dasa, you being published over and over again by
will serve. Rahu who denotes profession as astrological monthlies as though the
it is in Kethu's star is also in the sub of approach mentioned in such' articles is
Sun, lord of 9 ; so it will give you retirement correct. What purposes do suchi reprints of
during Rahu Dasa Rahu Bhukti. Hence, articles serve, except misleading the readers?
Mr. SARADA, Calcutta
The Chart is as follows: 11th house is unoccupied and owned by
Saturn who is posited in conjunction with
II 15-26 the 11th cusp. Kethu, Sun and Venus are
XII 4-26 ASC.
15-58 Moon 21-46
III 9-36 in Saturn's stars. Kethu and Sun, we have
already considered. Venus is in the sub of
Kethu. So take Venus. Saturn itself is in
4-27 P.M. I.S.T. IVKethu3-26 Mars star and Saturn sub. Thus Saturn is
22-—II—1934 11-31 also a strong significator.
28-01 N
73-19 E Rahu is conjoined with Saturn. Jupiter
Saturn Moon Dasa Balance and Mercury are in Rahu star Swathi.
29-17 at Birth V 0-26
Rahu 1 year 2 months Mars Mercury we have considered. Jupiter is in
11-31 3 days 27-15 the sub of Venus. So take Venus.
X 3-26 Thus we get Moon, Rahu, Kethu, Mer-
VIII Mercury
15-26 17-30 cury, Sun, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter as
IX 9-36 Venus Jupitor VI 4-26 strong significators.
7-30 16-20
Sun 6-38 VII 15-58 To fix up, let us consider the ruling
For gains without pains houses 2,6 and 11 planets. To-day at 9-15 P.M of 16-3-1969,
are to be considered. Any of the significators it is Sunday ruled by Sun, Constellation
should have connections with 5th house Sathabisha ruled by Rahu, Rasi Acquarius
also and the result is to come during the ruled by Saturn. The lagna is exactly
conjoined period of such significators. 20-56 Libra. Thus the lord of lagna is
Venus and the lord of lagna star is Jupiter.
In the chart, Saturn is in 10 and is lord Thus the ruling planets in the order of their
of unoccupied 11. Saturn is posited in strength are Jupiter, Venus, Rahu, Saturn
Mars star and Mars is in 5. Rahu is con- and Sun. '
joined with Saturn and Rahu is in the star The native at present is running Jupiter
of a planet in 2. Thus Rahu is to give the Dasa Venus Bhukti, and in Venus Bbukti
results of 2 and 5, besides other houses. fix Rahu Anthra and Saturn Sookshma.
Saturn is also a significator of both 11 and Rahu Anthra will start from 21-11-69 and
5 besides other houses. Thus, gains Saturn Sookshma between 31-12-69 and
through lottery is confirmed. 23-1-70. To pinpoint, consider the transit
Let us consider the houses and their of Sun. On 4-1-70, it is Sunday, the Sun
significators. xvill be in Jupiter sign Sagittarius Venus star
2nd house is occupied by Moon. Moon is Purvashada and Rahu sub. The other
exalted and thus is very strong. Moon and significators will be;
Rahu are in Moon star. Moon is in the "Venus — Jupiter sign Sagittarius, Venus
sub of Venus and Rahu is in the sub of star Purvashada and Venus sub.
Mats. Take both Moon and Rahu. Jupiter = Venus sign Libra, Rahu star
Moon sign Cancer is occupied by Kethu. Swathi and Jupiter sub,
No planet is Kethu star. Kethu is in the
sub of Moon in 2. Therefore Kethu is also Rahu = Saturn sign Acquarius, Jupiter
a very strong significator. So take Kethu. star Purvapadrapada and sub of
■6th house is unoccupied and owned by Jupiter.
Mercury. No planet in Mercury star. Saturn = Mars sign Aries, Kethu star,
Mercury is in the sub of Sun, owner of 5 and Aswini and Jupiter sub.
in 7. Sun is in the sub of Mercury. So both This is a Visakam star day. Thuj the
Sun and Mercury are strong significators. transit fully confirms.
ROAD TO SUCCESS—[Continued from November, 1969 Issue)
4. If the sub-lord of the ascendant is there retort and forget. But, Oh God 1 you
deposited in the constellation of the planet will be going on pinching like a wicked
situated in CANCER: mother-in-law. Hence read this and improve
yourself. God will grant you FORTUNE.
You have the tendency to imagine slights, 5. If the sub-lord of the ascendant is in
think over and over again about others the constellation - of a planet situated in
failure in showing courtesy or respect to LEO:—,
you. So you have your feelings and get
hurt easily. Ignore failures on others' part. Your thirst for personal glory is unquen-
As you ponder over again and again before chable. Even though you are absolutely
making any attempt you miss many an unfit to hold a very high responsible posi-
opportunity like the Gemini occupants. tion with authority, you are over-ambitious
Before you decide which state Lottery ticket and it is ridiculous. Can everybody expect
you can buy, that would have already been to marry a Princess? You will attack your
drawn. If you will think and think and at enemies when unguarded and that too from
last decide to buy a raincoat and the day behind. Even though such a tactics is good
you buy, the season will end. Hence the for a Military Officer, it is not good in civil
delay has not served you any purpose; life. You should not pose yourself like a
within yourself you will feel that your dela- lion and attack others. Cultivate to be
yed action ended in a waste. You are com- modest and polite. Some authors view that
pletely ruled by emotions and imagination. Lion is not a warrior but a fraud. You will
So it leads to a wandering and restless life. show favouritism to some. It means you
Rolling stone never gathers mass. A steno- deny the legitimate claim to the other. It is
grapher applied for a post, "fo prove his never honourable nor agreeable. You do
experience he had enclosed "certificates not consider both sides of the question.
received from the departments where he had You do, as you decide to do. Whenever you
served previously. The number of the are crossed you become controvert. Just
companies he had served was much more like SUN is always in direct motion and
than the number of years of his service, on never retrograde, so also you always go, on
the whole. You may be moody. So you and on, and never look back. You wrongly
waste your time,, energy and talent. You feel that those whom you had helped
always think of the future and worry about remain ungrateful before they could show
money matters. You become old prematu- their gratitude. You are generally over
rely because of such anxiety from youth. liberal. So you will be ever in want.
Take insurance policy and open recurring Cultivate to cut the coat according to the
deposit account in a bank. Avoid anxiety. cloth. You hate mean petty actions and
It is a pity that you are a constant prey to you expect others also to follow your foot-
sentimentalism, sensationalism and exagge- . steps. Your type is ever in the minority in
rated emotion. So for days, you shun your this world just like the lions among all
friends and relatives and again emerge out animals. You become bitter, suspicious
as usual. You have good memory. You and overcritical as you find that you had
never forget the past. You can tell how been deceived. Otherwise you are proud;
you lived in a very poverty-stricken condi- you presume much of self-importance and
tion in youth and how you built up by gradually become arrogant. Hence other
steady savings, etc. Again you will never reasonable people view this with contempt.
forget any harm done to you by anybody; You are over-ambitious; you have your
nor you have the mind to forgive. In the own fears whether you would be over-
case of SCORPIO occupants, they then and looked ; so, you forcibly make your pre-
sence felt. Vou try to develop the mind to you may relish. Do not waste your energy.
'love one and all, universally and judge Try to encash the same. No man in this
, things impartially. Avoid forcing conclu- world is perfect. So you congratulate your-
Isions at your own risk. Do not spend away self for your good qualities and note down
J all that you have and all that you get. your weaknesses. Correct yourself by
i Manage to maintain a comfortable-sized avoiding the undesirable qualities and your
■ bank position. Try to have an attractive lot will definitely improve.
"home. Then you are the KING, THE 7. If the sub-lord of the ascendant is in
UNCROWNED KING. the constellation of a planet in LIBRA:
6. If the sub-lord of the ascendant is in \YOU HAVE TO KEEP YOUR EMO-
. the constellation of a planet in VIRGO : TIONS IN CHECK. You should not
Your nature is to be chatty. You will be allow things to get out of your hands. You
analytical and during conversation, you" should not appoint persons of opposite sex
generally give disgoestingly lengthy descrip- as your private secretaries. You will be
tion, including all meticulous detail which wasting much of your time. You generally
will be boring to others. You keenly mix business and your pleasure. This will
observe others' faults and idiocyncrasies prove to be harmful in the long run. You
and you find pleasure in passing your have a fertile brain; many ideas will flash
remarks. You cannot be at rest till such in your mind and they spring up one after
time the criticism is passed by you. Mem- another quickly. Therefore, you should
bers of your family will never relish. You try to take quick decision then and there
should not have nervousness and self-doubt. and act. It is your habit to observe how
You are intelligent. You quickly perceive. others dress; also you note the mannerisms
Yet you need steadiness in going after what of others. You try to copy them and waste
you want. Remember, you can achieve a lot; it is advisable to know your ability
your goal only when you avoid change of and so to have a limit. You are generally
tactics, now and then whenever needed. unassuming land simple. Therefore, clever
Try to complete one work and then take up people will" take advantage of your inno-
the other. Your bad habit of consulting cence and try to fool you. So, you have to
everybody and confusing yourself should be considercarefu'ily and make the best choices
given up. • Therefore, you should consult of the associates. You should deal with
only one doctor, only one Astrologer and them carefully because you have broad
so on. Otherwise you will be confused. outlook and even when you find them to be
Develop true consistency of purpose. Forget wrong, you forgive and forget the faults of
and forgive others' faults. In married such people; they may act against your inter-
life, unless great care is taken to avoid . est ; you can come to knowofitandforgive-
the failings of your type, there is always the them; but don't forget their action. You
danger of matrimonial shipwreck. You should know what harm is done by a person
care more for money and hence you will be and how he had misbehaved, understand
absorbed in your business. You always that that individual cannot be relied upon.
think of it, work very hard and return You also believe that every new occasion
home very late and go next morning very demands a new dress and, therefore, you
early which creates an impression in your will spend much more than what you
wife's mind that you are indifferent; hence can afford on cosmetics and perfu-
your partner looks outside for sympathy mes. You should know that God has
and company. So if you continue to live a given you enough chqrm. A little of the
strongly personal life, it will lead to selfish- makeup may do but you do not require so
ness and at the same time another walk of much as you use. You waste money on that
life will get shattersd. You care more for i score. You have to be very careful with
smaller details, whereas you lose big items. the other sex as you are gentle, soft and
Do not neglect.hygiene. You need much , weak with the opposite sex; if you remain
relaxation. Prefer walking or swimming. for a long period unmarried and if you Ive
If not, keep the company of books which in a hostel or away from your home for
some length of time, then you will be of your medical attendant. Whenever you
tamed by an unscrupulous person of oppo- suffer from dysentry etc,, you generally take
site sex who has to desire to dominate hot stuff with much chilly, pickles etc. You
and possess you. In case of a woman' the must avoid. In your office, you must avoid
peril is graver. Therefore, try to avoid the mixing with people who advocate to go on
company of the other sex. You may have strike. If you take any part, in it then you
appendicitis or uterus trouble; kidney will lead them. Naturally, you will become
may be affected. To maintain good health a social lire-brand and a dangerous person
it is necessary for you to take rest and retire in the eyes of the community. When thorns
whenever yon feel like that; have balanced are removed, what is it that remains 7
diet; keep yourself cheerful; be happy ; Roses. So also, understand that if you
enjoy life by listening to light music. exercise some care and if you are polite, you
8. If the sub-lord of the ascendant is in can enjoy all the fruits of life in this world.
the constellation of a planet in SCORPIO : 9. If the sub-lord of the ascendant is in
You generally over-estimate yourself and the constellalion of the planet in SAGIT-
thereby invite trouble. You do not care TARIUS :
for others' opinion or how others would Generally you are inherently selfish and
receive your criticism. So better have a inconsiderate. You may lack loyalty and
control and do not pass any sarcastic sympathy. You easily forget the good done
remark. You wrongly expect that every- to you in the past by others. You may do
body should be as intelligent as you are. anything to please yourself which may be
And, therefore, there will be dissatisfaction undesirable and you do not care for your
and irritation. So do not expect all your prestige or honour, yet, the faults of your
subordinates to be either as clever or as hard- type are not serious. They are flimsy and
working as you are. Don't be over critical; hence easily pardonable. You will be
they will feel dejected,' So, whenever there excused; you do not forget and leave it.
„ are occasions for you to lose your temper, You continue to feel jealous and remain
try to overcome them. Whenevtr you move vindictive. You are absolutely incapable
with ladies be a little careful; try to avoid of uttering a lie cogently and coherently or
the secret enmity of the other sex. Don't cheat anybody successfully. You will have
• stoop to foul play or wrong accounting or no face to meet them again, since you will
any other unlawful action. Even if you be caught during your attempts. Otherwise,
have to lose, allow the loss; if you wait for whenever you talk, you go tangentially and
sometime you can regain, all that lost by also during the conversation introduce
you. For that purpose, do not adopt any needless extraneous matter which will bore
unfair means. Do not cultivate the habit others. Lack of purpose, shallowness, lack
of drinking, otherwise you would require a of ability to concentrate are your weaknes-
swimming pool of the intoxicating drinks. ses. You waste a lot not realising that it is
As you do everything with energy and a great sin. You ever waste your energy,
might, if you are bad, you are really very your money and also your materials. You
bad and there is no mistaking about it go round and round a circle without serving
Your courage never fails, your will is ever any purpose. You are very courageous
strong and your patience is many-fold and you act; you feel satisfied if the result
stronger than those, of others. Don't make follows your own boasting. If you are
shipwreck of your life, developing into that unable to fulfil, if there is opposition, you
of a reckless insatiable drinker or heartless lose your temper. You have vanity. You
profligate. If you are a doctor, generally do not accept failure. You do not enjoy
you give strong dose of medicine weakening that much which you can because of your
the patient's heart while dosing him for hasty actions. You may be Indifferent to
rheumatism and also you ruin his digestion. your family life. You do not attend upon
So always try to give the minimum dose to them properly. You create such an
your patients. Whenever your health fails, impression that you forget to do your duty.
you have to strictly follow the instructions It is also not uncommon to commit. a
sblunder while selecting a partner. You ate early days and ultimately you will find that
fin a baste while settling the marriage and your patience has paid you amply in the
'later in leisure and in solitude, you repent. end. You may become lazy, sluggish, due
fWhy? You could have gone slow, have to the poor results you have in earlier days;
ijsome persons in view, observe them before but cultivate activity. Never be worried
1 taking a decision and then select the best and by gloomy ; otherwise digestive system
J out of the lot which it is your lot. You will become weak and flatulence may be
: say "flanging and wiving go by caused. Your health is also so fragile and
destiny." Let it be; you try to improve weak that very easily you are upset by
i and make your honest attempts to avoid pulmonary affection also. It is also not
troubles in future. As regards health; you uncommon that people working with much
hav.e to take care of your pulmonary system. of anxiety and over-strain at last suffer from
Bronchitis is your common disease. Do 1
heart disease. None has gained anything
: not expose to severe cold. Do not give by merely worrying. Be active. Do not
much of over-activity to your mind any be selfish. You will have Grand Success in
body. There should be a limit in having your life.
exercise also. Read the above carefully. 11. If the sub-lord of the Ascefidant is
Correct yourself properly. Never be in a in the constellation of the planet in
hurry. Then no more worry. Be ever merry. AQUARIUS:
10. If the sub-lord of the ascendant is in You always prefer solitude; generally
the constellation of the planet in CAPRI- you do not relish to be in the midst of a
CORN; crowd nor work in the midst of a group of
You are overambitious both to make workers where there is much noise. You try
money and also to acquire power. You to be lonely but you should know that you
assert yourself in your work where you would become lazy and lethargic when you
serve and you always think of yourself are left alone. .You should cultivate activity
alone. You are not unaware of your worth and promptness especially when things do
and your capacity. You ate efficient but a not shape aa you expect. What is the use
realistic ; you are very selfish especially in of getting'worried or feeling gloomy. Do
search of power. You contemplate, dream not be a pessimist; but you have to repeat
and you make efforts entertaining hopes. the process with greater earnestness when
You live on hopes, you are mostly optimis- you will surely be successful. You should
tic. But you become desperate and broken- never lack in the push nor in the courage.
hearted, whenever .you meet with failure and Be alert, have confidence and work with
when there is undue delay in the realisation pleasure. You may not follow the tradition;
of your ambitions; so it leads you to over- you may act in a way which indicates that
work and exert too much. Your health will the laws are not intended for you. You will
not permit so much of strain. Further not hesitate to do any unusual and irregular
mentally also you always contemplate, things. Even in dress you are a peculiar
meditate and tax yourself very much. Due person. You have your own individuality
to overstrain you will feel fatigued. You and mannerism. You should know that we
should develop dignity and diplomacy and have to live in a world where we have to
avoid nervousness anddiscontent. You have keep up with certain standard and we have
an intense desire to influence others, to to be one in the society. On some occasions,
manage them, direct them and also per- you have the tendency to vacillate and
suade them. You meddle with others in one thereby take long time to do a thing since
way or the other. This causes irritation in you cannot come to a decision before judg-
your friends and also in your close relatives. ing the- advantage and disadvantages of
You must learn to understand and control anything that you have to undertake or do.
yourself. As regards the sex, you are You may have sluggish circulation of blood,
incorrigible. You should know that you will manifesting in cold hands and feet. The
have your best period between your age of best remedy would be to have fresh air and
56 and 70, therefore, you have to be good friendship. It is advisable to walk
working without much expectation in your amidst beautiful scenery with a pleasant
companion. Do not be contemplating and moody. So what is the use of worrying for
'planning over and over again; give rest to sometime and becoming normal again.
■the mind and to the body. Never belittle yourself nor be slow in your
action ; gather courage; have confidence;
Then pleasant life is promised. be pushful; be generous ; you need not be
over-liberal; don't entertain hopes on
: 12. If the sub-lord of the Ascendant is other's promises, as some of them may be
,in the constellation of the planet in fulfilled, whereas others may be found to
PISCES:— fake promises. DtSn't be building castles
in the air. You should also realise that it is
You have a very bad tendency of brood- really very difficult for yotir partner to
ing over things and becoming gloomy understand you and equally difficult to
whenever matters don't come up as you cope-up with you. Have a control upon
expect. All can't have artesian wells. You , your romantic life. Otherwise like a rudder-
have to exert yourself, pump and get water. less boat, you will be drifted on into the sea
You also mistake that to whomsoever you of sensual pleasures. Every wind which
have rendered help, they have not recipro- blows, will bring you new experiences to
cated to you properly in time. Therefore, spoil you more and more. You will be very
whatever you want to do for thepeople, doit sensitive to the influence of alcohol Your
without any thought of reward of gratitude. health will be weak, and muscular power
You are sensitive, timid and afraid of any deficient. Pay attention to cleanliness of
trouble. There is also another defect in your person, habitation and clothing. Try
you ; you approach friends, one after to have plenty of fresh air and sunshine.
anbther, for advice; but later, you do not These will react favourably on the emotional
make use of any of the ad vices offered to and mental plane. A simple vegetarian diet
you; you pay no attention to it. It is is often advisable. Include cereals and fruit.
really, very bad. You try to gain sympathy You may develop your psychic power. You
from others by narrating your scries of will enjoy your life with good health having
troubles. This ultimately weakens your large numbef of friends. Peace and pleasure
position. You are aware that you arc be unto yqp.



'NiraU'. Bisar. GAYA.
KRISHNAMURTI PACHDHATI is a sion is the RETIREMENT of a nativity,
MINE of Astrological wisdom. The deeper whose details ate furnished hereunder;
we go, the greater is our surprise at the dis-
covery of astrological gents. Prof. K. S. Birth Details:
Krishnamurti, who towers over his contem-
porary astrologers, has mirvellously used Bora on 4th September, 1910, Sunday.
STELLAR ASTROLOGY'. His discovery Place—Lat. 23s 36' N. Long. 80° 19' E.
and use of the ' SUB ' has made him unri- Time 4-6-23" P.M. I.S.T. = 4-29-39" P.M.
valled in his field. This article is designed to LMT.
throw some light on the roks of the Stellar
and SUB lords. The problem under discus- Ayanatnsa—22" 51' (Krishnamutti's).
The Nirayana Chart: The 12th house is the general of hous
seclusion and separation.
Saturn Let us take up these houses one by one.
13'52<(R) Rahu 0° 91 The 1st house is unoccupied by any
planet. Its lord is Saturn. There is no planet
in its constellation. Therefore, Saturn is a,
Venus strong significator.
Balance of Venus 27" 17' The 5th house is also unoccupied. Its '
0 yr. 0 m, 27 days Sun IS-'Sl' lord is Venus, Saturn, Sun, Mars and the :
Ascendant Mars Moon are in the stars of Venus. Mars and
17' 30' 26® 12' the Moon are in the sub of Kethu, which is
26' 37' as good as Mars, being in the sign of Mars
and also aspected by Mars. Sun is in
Kct. 0° 09' Mer-I5°5' conjunction with Mars, lord of 11. But
Jup. 23° 2' Saturn, which is in the constellation and sub
of Venus, is highly malefic, because its
maleficience is unrelieved by the 11th house
Cusps Sign Deg. Min influence. Therefore, of the planets in the
Ascendant Capricorn 17° 30' constellation of Venus, Saturn has to give
Ilnd Aquarius 25° the most adverse effects. Rahu deputising
lUrd Aries 1° for Venus, is also malefic. Jupiter, the lord
IVth Aries 29° 59' of 12th house, aspects Rahu. Therefore,
Vth Taurus 25° Rahu is connected with the houses 5, 9 and
Vlth Gemini 20° 12.
Sign Cusps The 9th house is also unoccupied. Venus
is its lord, and Rahu will give the effects of
Cancer VII th Venus, being in its sign. The arguments put
Leo VlHth forward as to the 5 th house fully apply to
Libra IXth the 9th house also.
Libra " Xth The 12th house is not tenanted by any
Scorpio Xlth planet. Its lord is Jupiter. Kethu is in Jupi-
Sagittarius XII th ter's constellation. Therefore, Kethu is
Sub stronger than Jupiter. Thus Kethu is
Planets Star obviously a strong significator.
Moon Venus Kethu The readers will be surprised to note that
Mercury Moon Jupiter the native's retirement from service, took
Venus Mercury Jupiter place on 30-9-1968, when he was running
Sun Venus Rahu Saturn Dasa Saturn Bhukti, Kethu Anthra
Mars Venus Kethu and Rahu Shookshma. The most intriguing
Jupiter Moon Sun thing is that on the day of retirement, the
Saturn Venus Venus Moon was in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter.
Rahu Sun Rahu Furthermore, the Moon was transitting in
Kethu Jupiter Moon the constellation of Venus, lord of the
houses 5 and 9.
Prof, K. S. Krishnamurti has said that What 1 want to derive at is that systematic
for judging "RETIREMENT FROM
SERVICEthe conjoined effects of the and uniform application of the Stellar prin-
houses 1, 5, 9 and 12, should be studied. ciples laid down by Prof. .K.S.K. will con-
.The first three houses are respectively the vince all open minded lovers of astrology,
negations of 2nd house (self-eaming), the that his method is most efficacious.
6th house (service), the 10th house (status). GOOD LUCK!


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