4 Clasa A Viia

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I. Identify and correct the mistakes. (10 points)

1. I’m taking lessons for improving my English.
2. Usually I go to school on foot.
3. It has been snowing since two days.
4. You are very tired, isn’t it?
5. I don’t understand nothing.

II. Write the comparative and superlative forms of the following adjectives.
(10 points)

Positive Comparative Superlative


III. Fill in the gaps with one suitable word. (10 points)

1. My car is as fast ..................... yours.

2. I think he is a ..................... nice person.
3. My brother is taller ..................... me.
4. This is ..................... most exciting movie I have ever seen.
5. She looks ..................... her mother when she was young.

IV. Complete the sentences with who or which. (10 points)

1. The story .................. she wrote was very detailed.

2. Mr. Brown, .................. used to be my neighbour, moved away last month.
3. The man .................. is talking with the teacher is Sam’s father.
4. The supermarket .................. they built last year opens next Monday.
5. The boy .................. is carrying my books is my desk mate.

V. Fill in since, for, just, already, yet. (10 points)

1. I haven’t had a vacation .................. last year.
2. You don’t have to pay the bill. I have .................. taken care of that.
3. Have the children had dinner ..................?
4. Ben hasn’t been to school .................. two days.
5. Here’s a glass of lemonade! I have .................. made it.

VI. Choose the correct verb form. (10 points)

1. I was reading when I heard / was hearing a strange noise outside.
2. What was she wearing / did she wear when you saw her?
3. She tripped because she didn’t look / wasn’t looking where she went / was going.
4. They ran / were running when the car came speeding and knocked them down.

VII. Circle the correct response. (10 points)

1. Do you want to go out tonight?
a. Sorry, I’m having dinner with my parents.
b. Sorry, I’ll have dinner with my parents.

2. I love that CD.

a. Great, I’ll play it again.
b. Great, I am playing it again.

3. I would really like a new sound system.

a. OK, I’m buying you one for your birthday.
b. OK, I’ll buy you one for your birthday.

4. We’ve got a Math test on Monday.

a. I’m afraid I’m not going to take a good grade.
b. I’m afraid I’m not taking a good grade.

5. Why is that boy looking at me?

a. I think he is going to invite you to dance.
b. I think he is inviting you to dance.

VIII. Multiple choice. (10 points)

1. If you heat ice, it ......
a. melts b. will melt c. is melting
2. If he misses football practice again, the coach ..... angry.
a. will be b. is c. won’t be
3. We’ll have the party outside unless it ......
a. will rain b. doesn’t rain c. rains
4. When you pinch her, she .....
a. will cry b. cries c. is crying
5. Don’t buy this camera .................. you really need it!
a. unless b. if c. when

IX. Are the sentences written in Active or Passive? (10 points)

1. They speak English in Australia.
a. active
b. passive

2. I was bitten by a dog.

a. active
b. passive

3. He found a wallet in the street.

a. active
b. passive

4. This poem wasn’t written by Mark.

a. active
b. passive

5. The new version of this game will be released in February.

a. active
b. passive

 Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu.

I. 1. I’m taking lessons to improve VI. 1. heard
my English. 2. was she wearing
2. I usually go to school on foot. 3. wasn’t looking
3. It has been snowing for two 4. was going
days. 5. were running
4. You are very tired, aren’t you?
5. I don’t understand anything.
VII. 1. a. Sorry, I’m having dinner with
II. 1. lazy-lazier-laziest my parents.
2. more important-the most 2. a. Great, I’ll play it again!
important 3. b. OK, I’ll buy you one for your
3. wet-wetter-the wettest birthday.
4. good – better – the best 4. a. I’m afraid I’m not going to
5. bad – worse – the worst take a good grade.
5. a. I think he is going to invite
III. 1. as you to dance.
2. very
3. than
4. the
VIII. 1. melts
5. like
2. will be
IV. 1. which 3. rains
2. who 4. cries
3. who 5. unless
4. which
5. who
IX. 1. active
V. 1. since 2. passive
2. already 3. active
3. yet 4. passive
4. for 5. passive
5. just

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