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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V
Additional Tags: Arranged Marriage, Strangers to Lovers, Rich Jeon Jungkook, Rich Kim
Taehyung | V, Lawyer Kim Taehyung | V, Angst, Eventual Smut, Slow
Burn, Sexual Tension, dick stepping, Jealousy, Office Sex, Face-
Fucking, Hand Jobs, Road Head, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Family
Issues, Angst with a Happy Ending, Vibrators, Semi-Public Sex,
Exhibitionism, Minor Violence, Switch Jeon Jungkook, Switch Kim
Taehyung | V, mentions of gambling
Series: Part 1 of symbiosis
Stats: Published: 2020-03-02 Completed: 2020-08-14 Chapters: 18/18 Words:

by taecheeks


symbiosis- n. interaction between two different organisms living in close physical

association, typically to the advantage of both.

“So that means you’re okay with it?” Jungkook asks, his tone an odd mix of surprise and

Taehyung hums his affirmation, making Jungkook finally look at him. His eyes are
unreadable, even to him. They search over Taehyung’s face before Jungkook’s full body
turns and they’re a breath apart.


“It’s a good union,” Taehyung explains simply. “Good for my family and yours. For you
and I specifically.”


Hello! This is for Valentina! I hope you like it!!

The definition to this refers to biology and organisms but I couldn't resist in using it. Plus
some of the other definitions fit as well.
The tags will be updated as the story moves forward so please look to those!

Thank you for reading!

Chapter 1
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Do not embarrass me tonight, Jungkook. This is an important day.”

Jungkook grazes his eyes over the shiny tiled floor between his just as shiny shoes. They’re
uncomfortable, too tight around his toes.

Everything is too tight. The shirt he wears, the buttons over his chest straining in their attempts to
keep it closed. The suit that’s made from the finest wool from Italy or some shit Jungkook doesn’t
care about.

The tie around his throat as his father knots it and presses it to the base of Jungkook’s neck. He
keeps a firm grip on the tie, eyes expectant on Jungkook. It isn’t a threat so much as a demand of
attention, but Jungkook hates his hands on him either way.

“Alright,” Jungkook replies. He offers his father a lopsided grin as he cups his shoulder. “Though,
you chose this outfit, Abeoji. I already look like an embarrassment.”

His father rolls his eyes as he pats his chest. “You look handsome. Respectable. Filled with class.
As the son of a Deputy Prime Minister should look.”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose at the pride that radiates from his father. He knows it isn’t for him, but
his father’s new title or whatever. Jungkook hates politics as much as he hates suits, which stems
from the fact that his father loves them so much.

“If you try to switch the shoes out with those biker boots of yours, you’ll be put on punishment
again,” his father says, pointing a warning finger to Jungkook before he fixes his own tie. “Now go
do your hair. I have someone I want you to meet tonight.”

Jungkook immediately groans in his complaint, not hiding it. He isn’t as compliant as his older
brother Jihyun, who pretends to care about wool suits and has already followed in their father’s
footsteps down a path towards greatness or what the fuck ever.

Jihyun, who will be there with a dazzling smile on his lips beside his father tonight, joining in on
the conversations that are bound to make Jungkook regret agreeing to attend.

His brother would have bowed his head, waited for dismissal, and then left to bother Jungkook.
Jungkook, however, knows he’s a headache, and he’s happy to be one. “Who?”

His father doesn’t respond for a minute as he locks his jaw. The longer he goes on without
speaking, the more Jungkook wants to groan.

Jungkook’s apathy usually works in his favor. His father usually doesn’t even consider having
Jungkook attend functions like these, not wanting to risk being embarrassed as he states. When
Jungkook does have to attend though, it’s usually to meet someone that he could gain something
from. The president of the prestigious university his father wanted him to attend, head of
companies his father wanted him to work at.

But Jungkook’s graduated and has a fine job of his own. It could only be -
“Remember we spoke about you getting married? Well, your mother and I found someone that
would be a perfect match for you.”

The laugh that rips from Jungkook’s chest is loud. He crosses his arms over his chest, uncaring if
he rips the straining material around them. “You’re fucking kidding me.”

“Watch your mouth,” his father snaps, eyes narrowing. “It’ll be good for our families and for you.
He’s a lawyer. I know of your interest in crime.”

It’s mocking. Jungkook grits his teeth, wanting to spit but their maid had spent the better half of the
morning waxing the floor. “I doubt him and I have the same kind of interest in crime, Abeoji.”

His father sighs long and heavy, watching as Jungkook undoes his tie. “Jungkook. This will be
good for you. My name won’t always be able to get you out of trouble. An alliance with -“

“No way in hell,” Jungkook says firmly. He undoes his cuffs next to roll them his sleeves into his
elbows. He knows his father hates the sight of the ink on the inside of his arms, and it gives
Jungkook satisfaction when his father’s frown worsens as he notices Jungkook’s newest tattoo.
“I’m not going to the party either. See, Abeoji, I thought you were a politician not a matchmaker.”

He attempts to turn away, but his father’s fingers bite into his elbow. His father is a strong man,
effectively stopping Jungkook from moving.

“You will be going. Fix yourself. This is an event to celebrate my new position. My sons need to be

Jungkook’s leg shakes until he presses his toes into his shoe to will it to stop. Annoyance fills him
quickly, making his fingers flex. He may be careless with his mouth when it comes to his father,
but he’d never use his hands. Even if he wants to take his father’s hand and rip it off of him.

“And you will meet the man your mother picked out, by the way. She’s quite fond of him.”

Jungkook presses his tongue into the roof of his mouth, his frustration growing. Growing and
growing until it feels like he might just pop when his father continues with, “You owe her that
much for all the shit you’ve put her through this year. Your allowance is on the line.”

Whipping around, Jungkook steps into his father’s space. His father is a few inches taller than him,
and Jungkook hates when he tilts his head back to look down at him. A challenge there.

“What’s his name?” Jungkook grits out. He’ll meet the bastard, but he’ll find a way to get his
mother to get him out of this. Unlike his father, she has a soft spot for him. Accepts his desire to be
as far away from politics as possible, shows him patience in Jungkook’s inability to figure out what
he wants to do instead.

He hasn’t put her through any shit like his father claims. They’re just too worried about controlling
every possible aspect of his life.

A pleased smile takes over his father’s face. He thinks he’s won, and whatever, Jungkook will let
him think that. He won’t be smiling as much when Jungkook finds a way to embarrass him tonight.

“Kim Taehyung,” his father tells him as he pokes Jungkook in the chest. “Fix the tie.”

Begrudgingly Jungkook does, all while grumbling out Kim Taehyung’s name like a curse. He’s
heard of him through friends, but he couldn’t place a face to the name if he tried.
As soon as his father leaves with a strict instruction to come down before their guests are due to
arrive, Jungkook yanks his phone out to call the one person who is guaranteed to know everyone.

“Ayo, It’s Hob.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes, mood instantly lightening at the sound of his best friend’s voice. “Hyung,
what do you know of a Kim Taehyung?”

“Hyung is fine thank you for asking after not speaking to me in four days.”

Another eye roll, and Jungkook leans back against a piece of decorative furniture. If he sits, his
father will definitely notice the wrinkle in his clothes. He eyes the closest chair, considering it.

“It’s been two,” Jungkook corrects. “That’s what you get for making me that odd mix of alcohol
and keeping me dead for those two days.”

Hoseok snorts. Jungkook knows him well enough to know he looks smug, even if he can’t see him.
“What happened to the old Jungkook? Pass out drunk and hop up bright and early for class.”

Jungkook grins. He digs the tip of his toe into the ground, his grin growing when a wrinkle sticks
behind. “My earliest class was two p.m.”

“Yeah, yeah. Why you interested in Kim anyway?”

He isn’t interested really, Jungkook just wants to know what kind of headache is coming his way.
“You know him?”

It’s ridiculous really. He knew this day was coming, his parents don’t suggest things and simply
accept Jungkook’s refusal to comply with them. They never have. Jungkook just hadn’t expected
them to bring it up again so soon.

“You remember Kim Seokjin from college? Taehyung was his roommate freshman year.”

Jungkook doesn’t quite remember. He wracks his mind as he paces around the room, wishing his
father couldn’t so easily get beneath his skin.

His father is controlling, too focused on image and their wealth and status continuing on throughout
the generations. Jungkook wants to say he doesn’t give a shit, but the threat to his allowance is
always successful. The threat to his inheritance even more so, and Jungkook isn’t foolish enough to
think that won’t come up if he refuses.

“Was that the kid that Jin always complained wouldn’t party with him and would hide all the
charging cords when Jin came home drunk?”

Hoseok giggles. “The one. I’m pretty sure they’re past their grievances now that they work at the
same firm.”

Jungkook presses his tongue into his cheek. He hasn’t kept up with Jin since they’ve graduated,
only exchanging the occasional text message and liking each other’s statuses online. It would be
odd to text him now, and Jungkook really doesn’t have the time.

He glances at the clock. A little over an hour to go. He’s gotten out of things with less time than

“Wanna meet at the usual spot in about two hours?” Jungkook asks, changing the subject before
Hoseok can ask about his questions again. “Gonna sneak out of my father’s work party.”

As expected, Hoseok agrees without hesitation. “Sure thing, broheim. Yoongi‘s?”

Jungkook scoffs like that’s even a question. “Course.”

“This is my youngest, Jungkook. Graduated from SNU. Following in the footsteps of his mother.”

It’s routine. A speech his father has memorized at this point despite Jungkook’s constant absence
from these. Jungkook doesn’t respond to it, only acknowledges the man who’s name he doesn’t
pay attention to.

“He’ll be taking over her company one day. We are quite proud.” Like the politician he is,
Jungkook’s father is good at bullshitting. “Is your son here?”

“Somewhere,” the man says. He rocks back on his feet, a hand slipping into his pants. He looks
expensive Jungkook notes idly, eyes trailing over him before he lets them wander around the party

It’s stuffy in here despite the wide open space. Jungkook blames it on the people present.

“Taehyung’s in the middle of working on quite a time consuming case. He’s constantly pulled
away for work. I apologize.”

Jungkook hates that that catches his attention and brings it back to the man. He looks at him a little
more now, his vaguely familiar face. He’s seen him in the news before, he thinks, isn’t sure.

“Hard work is nothing to apologize for,” Jungkook’s father laughs. “I’m excited for our sons to
meet. I think they will hit it off well. Jungkook has a keen interest in the law, as I’ve told you.”

Jungkook grunts at that. He ignores the hand his father plants to his shoulder, fingers digging in
like a warning.

He tunes out the conversation then, not wanting to hear his father brag about things that aren’t true.
He doesn’t particularly care about the things Taehyung’s father says either, but his ears catch bits.

Taehyung sounds terribly boring.

“Excuse me, Minister Jeon, I am sorry to interrupt. There is a phone call for Jungkook-ssi that
sounds quite urgent.”

Jungkook whips his head around at that, finding one of their butlers bowing his head apologetically
to his father.

His father’s jaw tightens, those fingers digging in more. He won’t make a scene in front of people,
but he vibrates irritation.

“Who is it?” his fathers asks, his voice calmer than his tense body suggests.

Nerves grow on his butler’s face as he bows his head again. “Manager Go. He says it’s in regards
to Mr. Jungkook-ssi’s company.”
Jungkook hides his amusement, pressing his lips hard together and relaxing his face when his
father glances at him.

His father lets out a quiet laugh, patting Jungkook affectionately at the back of his head. “Seems
our sons being called off for work is something they have in common. Go, son. Tell Manager Go I
said hello.”

Jungkook nods, let’s out the expected ‘nice to meet you ’s and takes off.

The tie is stretched from his collar the moment he steps into the hallway. He is a little too eager,
feet skipping over the floor as the butler hands him his phone and turns away in privacy.

The fact he doesn’t leave completely makes Jungkook wonder if his father has instructed the staff
to keep an eye on him. It wouldn’t be the first time.

“‘Manager Go, is everything alright?”

“Did your father make that constipated face of his?” Hoseok asks. “I love when he does that.”

Jungkook furrows his brows worriedly, glancing around the butler before he lowers his voice.
“That serious, boss-nim? That could affect the entire Seoul branch. I’ll be right there.”

Alarm fills the butler’s eyes as he immediately takes a step towards Jungkook as if to stop him.

“Sir, you are not permitted to leave.”

Jungkook quickly hangs up and deposits the phone into his pocket before he can hear Hoseok’s
reply. “Shall I go back in there and get my mother instead then? I’m sure my parents would love
terrible news on such a celebratory night like this.”

The butler pales, looking conflicted. “What shall I tell your father, sir?”

“I have a situation I must handle. Keep it from Eomma. He’ll know.”

The butler bows. If there’s one person Jungkook’s father is soft for, it’s his mother. Complete
mush when it comes to her. His protectiveness of her, despite how strong of a woman she is, is one
thing Jungkook likes about him.

“Thank you,” Jungkook says, dismissive in tone before he turns towards the center staircase to jog
up to the second floor.

It’s empty, quiet on this floor. Just the hum of the classical music his mother had chosen for the
night. He walks quickly so he can leave before the butler brings the news to his father, who won’t
hesitate to try and question him as to what the matter is.

When he was twelve, he realized he could sneak out through the windows of his mother’s library.
It is a small stretch away from the railings of the balcony. All Jungkook had to do is grab the
railing, dangle his body, and let go. It wasn’t a far drop, though at the time it had seemed it.

But at the time, Jungkook had been so desperate to escape that he hadn’t cared about potentially
breaking his ankles.

He quickly undoes the buttons of his shirt as he weaves down the hallway. He keeps a spare outfit
tucked away in the shelves his mother has set assigned for him because this isn’t the first time he’s
snuck away during a horrific dinner party.
“No, you listen to me Song. Don’t fuck this up. This is a key witness. We need him, got it?”

Jungkook hesitates halfway through the library door, hands stilling over his navel and head poking
in a little further to see who’s in the way of his escape. He doesn’t recognize the man, though he
seems a bit young to be here. Maybe another politician’s son dragged here.

There is a glare in his eyes, brows furrowed. He talks quickly, firmly, a demand in his tone that
makes Jungkook feel a bit bad for whoever is on the receiving end of it. The man’s so concentrated
on the conversation that his eyes don’t dart to Jungkook when he moves in further.

Jungkook clears his throat, drawing the man’s attention to him. His eyes widen for a moment as he
holds up a finger, and Jungkook could scoff. This is his house.

“Call me back. I don’t care how late.”

The man pulls the phone away from his ear. “Can I help you?”

Jungkook licks over his teeth, crossing his arms. The man is quite pretty, even with the frown
forming on his face. He looks a bit messy compared to the rest of the polished respectable people
downstairs, hair curly and overgrown. Tie missing and his dress shirt unbuttoned down to his chest.
His suit jacket is in his hands rather around his shoulders like it should be.

He has heavy eyes. Drooping at the corners, yet intense in the way he stares expectantly at
Jungkook. His features are sharp, contrasting with how soft his mouth looks. Lips plumper from
how he pouts them in his frown, dark and red like he’s been sipping at Mrs. Jeon’s wine.

“Excuse me?” Jungkook says, head cocking to the side. “You’re in my house. You shouldn’t be in

The man crosses his arms over his chest, head tilting back to observe him in a way that reminds
Jungkook too much of his father. “I apologize. I had to take a private phone call. This door was the
first I found open. Is this your library?”

The man looks around as he uncrosses his arms and tucks his hands into his pockets. There’s a
look of ease on his face now, shoulders and overall posture relaxing. He cocks his head in question,
and for some reason, it annoys Jungkook.

He’s just annoyed tonight in general and this guy is getting in the way of his escape.


“Jihyun or Jungkook?” the man asks without a beat. His eyebrow quirks, Jungkook can just barely
see it through the strands of hair that curl over the man’s forehead.

“Who are you?” Jungkook asks. “Which one of those pricks downstairs is your father?”

The man giggles. It’s a nice sound, a deep hum. His lips stretch back, making his cheeks round like
apples. It makes him look even younger than a second ago. “How sexist of you to assume that it’s
my father that’s brought me here and not my mother.”

Jungkook hates the way his lips quirk up at that. “Well?”

The man’s chest broads when he breathes in, eyes glossing over with amusement. He looks
familiar as he wipes his bangs back, but Jungkook can’t figure out how. “Kim Daehee. Though, I’d
say he isn’t a prick. And my mother is quite influential as well. She just hates politicians.”
Kim Daehee. Jungkook’s mind works to remember how he knows that name. A friend of his
father’s, a name he’s seen in the news before.

Realization hits Jungkook, and he raises his eyebrows in surprise. “I’d say most people in this
country think he’s a prick.”

Another laugh from the man as he glances down at his toes. He’s wearing shiny shoes too, though
they have quite a heel on them. “There’s a saying my father enjoys. ‘People hate those who make
them feel their own inferiority.’”

Jungkook snorts. “Your father defended a man that most definitely killed his wife.”

“It was the jury that decided the verdict. My father only presented the evidence that led to it. If you
followed the case closely, you’d be less positive about whether he actually killed his wife or not.”

Jungkook doesn’t truly care one way or another. He had actually gotten tired of how often it was in
the news, how often people talked about it. Kim Daehee’s known for his high profile cases, and
he’s never lost one. “Are you on your way back to the party, son of Kim Daehee?”

The man laughs again. Jungkook really likes the sound. “And what is it that you’re doing? Escaped
a party to go to the library?”

Jungkook shakes his head as he moves through the room. “This kind of party isn’t my thing. Too
stuffy. Don’t care much for politics.”

“Me neither, but my father forced me to come,” the man says lightly, eyes trailing after him.
“What’s your kind of party?”

Jungkook’s clothes are still where they should be. He turns his back to the man, quickly removing
his dress shirt for one more casual. “Ragers. Loud music, moving bodies. Alcohol that doesn’t taste
like asscrack but people drink anyway because it’s expensive.”

When he turns to look over his shoulder, the man’s eyes are on his back. He doesn’t look away
even when caught, offering Jungkook a small smile when he covers his bare back.

“Can I go?” the man asks, rocking back on his heels, surprising him. Maybe he hates these things
as much as Jungkook does.

Jungkook hesitates, peering at him. “Won’t tell my father, will you?”

“Never told me which Jeon you were,” the man points out. He sucks at his bottom lip, and it
bounces when he lets it go.

“Guess,” Jungkook says as he walks past him to the window. It’s not cool tonight, the air warm
against his skin. He reaches out, hearing the man’s protest before he grabs the railing and jumps

He’s surprised to see the hand reaching out the window and hear the thump next to him a second
later. The man lands steadily on his feet, palms wiping down his chest as if he’s expecting the dust
to have fly up from his feet to shirt.

“Jungkook,” the man says, lifting his eyes to him. “Am I right?”

Jungkook hates when people know him, and it’s a given with the way tabloids work. He’s been in
them too often, much to his father’s dismay. But it’s his father’s fault for putting his family in the
spotlight, Jungkook constantly argues.

“What’s your name?” Jungkook asks instead of answering. “I’m not as into knowing wealthy
people’s sons as you seem to be.”

This time, the man’s laughter is even louder than before. His nose scrunches up towards the bridge,
his eyes turning into crescents as he slaps Jungkook in the chest.

Actually slaps him in the chest. Jungkook’s stunned by the fingers he can feel through the thin
material of his shirt.

“Taehyung,” the man says. He licks his lips again, bringing Jungkook’s attention to them. “Kim

That stunned feeling only continues as Taehyung steps forward like he knows where Jungkook’s
car is parked. The name rolls around Jungkook’s mind in waves, just like it has been all night
because he’s been dreading meeting the man attached to it.

He should have known with the lawyer talk. The age. Jungkook hadn’t seen anyone else around his
age group at the party, and he had been looking instead of listening to the other ministers speak
their congratulations to his father.

“Have you ever been to the Aqua?” Taehyung goes on, not looking back at him, and Jungkook’s
feet move on their own accord to keep up with him. “Funny little place a few blocks away. Can
take the train -”

“I have a car. I already have a place I’m going.”

Taehyung looks at him. He is really pretty. Jungkook understands why his mother is fond of him.
She’s always gone on about how Jungkook should marry a pretty woman, quickly switching it to
pretty man when Jungkook said he’ll never marry a woman. It’s the one thing he’ll refuse to do
even if his inheritance is on the line.

“Of course you do,” Taehyung says. “Look at this house, your clothes. You’re quite wealthy, aren’t

Jungkook snorts. He touches Taehyung’s elbow to guide him in the right direction. His mother has
a good eye for picking out pretty people. He wonders how often they’ve spoken, if there was
another reason she picked him for Jungkook.

He wonders if he should mention it. If Taehyung knows and that’s how he knew the names of Jeon
Jongho’s sons. If he’s against it or for it. If Jungkook should tell him now there’s no way in hell
they’re getting married.

“Says you. Kim Daehee is the richest man in Seoul,” Jungkook quips, pulling his touch away.
“Your mother takes the title of second place.”

Taehyung nods, pressing his lips together in a smile. He doesn’t look smug, just agreeing. “I don’t
have a car though.”

Jungkook laughs, relaxing some. “Let’s go for a ride, Kim Taehyung-ssi. Pull up the GPS.”

Taehyung knocks their elbows together as if he’s already comfortable with the lack of space
between them. Jungkook isn’t. He isn’t one for physical touch, and he carefully turns his body so
Taehyung can’t do it.
“Can I drive?” Taehyung says, wiggling his fingers at him. “Since you interrupted such an
important phone call to skip out on your father’s celebration dinner.”

Jungkook scoffs, but he’s pulling the keys from his pocket to hand them over. “Fuck you. You
were in my house.”

Taehyung just wiggles his eyebrows. Jungkook doesn’t know what that means, but he doesn’t ask
as he follows after Taehyung.


The office is a bit of a mess. Papers strewn everywhere, books opened on any surface available.
Post it notes litter the floor, and Taehyung makes a mental note to pick them up before he leaves so
housekeeping doesn’t have to.

Taehyung has a bit of a headache. One he can easily manage, but it’s still a nuisance. He rubs at his
temple as he kicks back in his office chair, highlighter in hand.

He is tugging the cap off with his teeth when the door opens. He only offers his father the briefest
of glances before he settles his eyes back on the papers.

This case is a bit of a tricky one. He knows his father assigned him to it to test his ability, and
Taehyung accepts the pressure as motivation.

“Taehyung-ah,” his father calls. “I need a moment.”

Taehyung sighs, giving his father his attention. It’s a tired sound because Taehyung is tired, but he
knows he shouldn’t show his father. He doesn’t want to give him anything that may make him
think he’s incapable when he’s not.

“I wanted to speak to you about our conversation the other day,” his father goes on as he settles in
the chair across from him. He frowns at the mess on the desk between them. “About Jeon

“I already told you what I feel about it,” Taehyung says lightly. “A union is good for the company.
I’ve looked into him like you requested. He has a good lawyer, but he could use a better one.”

Taehyung’s father laughs. “Separate your mind from work for one moment.”

“That’s not a Kim Daehee thing to say. Who are you?”

Another laugh and then a sigh as his father claps his hands to his knees. “Free your busy schedule
for me this Friday. I would like this union to happen as soon as possible. You’ll be meeting
Jungkook, and I would like you to use that persuasive charm of yours. His father says he’s a bit
resistant to marriage.”

Who wouldn’t be in this case, Taehyung thinks. Given what he’s read on the man and heard, he’s a
bit rebellious. Even if he was okay with the situation on a personal level, Taehyung suspects he’d
disagree with anything his father wants.

That’s what Jin said anyway. Taehyung is interested in hearing it from the man himself, though.
“I won’t force the man, Appa.”

His father smiles. “I’m not asking you to manipulate him into agreeing, son. Just appeal to him. No
work talk.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes, a smile on his lips so his father knows he isn’t being insubordinate and
just playful. “Work is ninety percent of my personality.”

His father stands then. “I know, and I am proud of you. But this kind of union requires intimacy,
family, shared interests.”

“I know what marriage is, Appa.”

“Go back to work. You’re snippy today.”

It’s also playful when his father sends him a wink before he disappears through the door.

Taehyung groans when it closes, rubbing his hands down his face. He stays like that for a moment
before he pulls himself together and gets back to work. Tries to at least, but he finds himself
pushing the papers aside to take out the folder his father had given him when they first spoke about

It’s presented like a case file because Taehyung is quite like his father, mind always in work mode.
There’s a picture of Jungkook in the top left corner. He’s extremely handsome. All sharp features
yet something about him that is soft. Taehyung can’t quite put his finger on it.

The information alongside the photo is the normal basics. Family info, work and school
achievements. His lawyer really isn’t the best because Taehyung’s still been able to access arrest
records. Petty, small incidents that never went through with an actual charge, but if it’s easy to find
it could be damaging one day.

There’s things one can’t easily find in databases that Taehyung has scribbled down. He thanks
social media and Jin for that, who had partied with Jungkook a few times back in their college
days. A few times Jin claims, but enough to know Jungkook’s hatred for his father and favorite
video games. Taehyung doesn’t mean to pry into too much detail, wants to learn it from Jungkook
himself, but enough for conversation starters.

Taehyung touches the photo, sighing once more. He tries not to make assumptions about people he
doesn’t know personally, but he’s worried Jungkook won’t be nice.

“Fix your hair.”

Taehyung wags his fingers through his bangs, making his curls even more disarray. “This is as
fixed as it gets.”

His mother doesn’t say anything in response. She drags her sharp nails through the hair at his nape,
tugging gently. “It could use a cut. Should have gone to the barber before tonight.”

“I like it,” Taehyung says as he adjusts the jacket of his suit and bows to the man opening the door
for them. “I look like a catch.”
His mother snorts. “You are beautiful, my boy. Win that Jeon’s heart over.”

Taehyung struggles not to roll his eyes. He hates the way his parents talk about it. It’s marriage,
not something he should force or persuade Jungkook into agreeing to based on falsehoods. Even
when his father talks about using his charm it’s like he wants Taehyung to do as they do in the
courtroom, present facts that only work in their favor and not in opposition.

He only nods though, pretends to be in agreement. He just wants to get to know the other man. It
will be good for business, and sooner is better, but he isn’t going to meet Jungkook and get married
the next day.

It’s only a few moments into entering the party room that Taehyung spots him, eyes so effortless
finding him. He’s even more attractive in person, the silky curls in the photo of him now gone and
his hair styled in a more professional parted way. His shirt stretches tight over him, making him
look strong and broad. The way his arm bends to guide a drink up to his lips only confirms this, his
suit straining around his bicep.

Physical attraction is good. A positive. Taehyung hopes he likes his personality. He’s going
through with the marriage either way, but it would work better for him if his partner was someone
who was at least semi enjoyable to be around.

It had worked well for his parents, who had only met once before their union. His father always
talks about how in love he felt the moment his eyes landed on her, while his mother said it took
some time to actually get comfortable enough around him to start falling in love.

And Taehyung has no prospect that it will be the same for them. He’s too busy to truly work on a
relationship, doesn’t have much interest in falling in love with anyone.

“We should meet the Minister,” his father suggests in his ear at the same time as Taehyung’s phone
vibrates in his pocket. His father’s frown immediately appears and worsens when Taehyung pulls it
out to see who it is.

“Taehyung,” his father starts, his tone warning but Taehyung is apologizing quickly as he excuses

None of this is as important as work. Especially since there are lives that are going to forever
altered no matter how it turns out in court.

Taehyung’s first impression of Jungkook is that he’s a bit of an asshole. At least in the way he
carries himself, the air of apathy around him, and his constantly accusing eyes.

He doesn’t seem to know who Taehyung is, but Taehyung can’t tell if he’s just pretending. His
face really is a blank mask, but it’s in the eyes. There’s ways to read even the most unreadable of
people. It’s in their body movements, ticks. Taehyung just has to learn Jungkook’s.

Leaving will piss his father off, but the purpose of Taehyung coming tonight was for his union with
Jungkook. There’s no point staying in here if Jungkook leaves, so he grabs the railing and jumps

The surprise in Jungkook’s eyes is worth it.

“Kim Taehyung,” Jungkook says as they make their way to his car, elbows brushing. He says the
name with a thoughtfulness in his voice, like he’s trying out the taste of it. “Not a smart thing to do,
getting in a car with a man you don’t know.”

Taehyung snorts, shoving his hands into his pockets. At ease. He really isn’t. He turned his phone
off to focus on Jungkook, but he’s already considering turning it back on. “I am a master of martial
arts. Makes me less afraid.”

Jungkook makes an amused sound, eyes openly taking him in. He turns his body towards Jungkook
so he can get a better look, hands turning into fists to tighten his biceps.

It makes Jungkook grin. A flicker of light hitting the eyes that have looked mostly annoyed since
Taehyung had met him.

“I have a hard time believing you and your noodle arms.”

Taehyung scoffs, though he is unbothered. He doesn’t have noodle arms, but he definitely couldn’t
take Jungkook in a fight. “You’re kind of rude, you know?”

“I’m teasing,” Jungkook says quickly, eyes wide. “Calling you out on your lie.”

“I know,” Taehyung replies. His thoughts turn back to marriage and communication, and he’s
never been one to think about marriage, care about it in anyway. But he has to think of it now, even
if it’s just for business purposes. “Where are we going?”

Jungkook grins, his pace picking up. “My hangout place.”

It’s all Jungkook offers, even when Taehyung gives him a questioning look.

“Why did you want to come?” Jungkook asks instead. It seems hesitant, he must know. The way he
only side eyes Taehyung as he waits for a response, tongue prodding into his cheek.

“I was interested,” Taehyung replies just as ominously as Jungkook.

Jungkook’s teeth dig into his plush bottom lip as he digs out a set of keys from his pocket. There’s
a handful of cars, and Taehyung searches for the one that comes to life.

“Well, I hope it’s worth pissing Daddy Dearest off.”

The car is expensive looking. Taehyung doesn’t know much about cars, but he can tell. The
interior seems so too, all leather and shining. It’s extremely clean, even the mats beneath
Taehyung’s feet. He’s a bit disappointed Jungkook jumped into the driver’s seat before Taehyung
could even near the car.

“He’ll be fine,” Taehyung comments, and Jungkook only glances at him before he takes off.

The secret hangout place is another expensive looking home. Jungkook doesn’t knock, strides right
in and leads Taehyung up a set of stairs.

The higher they get, Taehyung becomes aware of muffled music. It isn’t booming loud like a rager
would suggest, and it’s definitely not as crowded as a club could be.

It’s an outdoor balcony with maybe ten or twenty people sitting about. Taehyung shifts his eyes
over the minibar and tables, the lounge chairs. It’s quite high up, the view of the city looming over
the balcony railings.
“Ayo Jeon! Who’s the friend?”

It’s quick how a smile takes over Jungkook’s face, so big and bright. He slips his hands into his
pockets, shoulders hunching as he walks to the voice that’s called him.

It’s a man with blazing green hair, a vibrant shade that almost hurts to look at. It clashes with the
neon yellow button up the man wears and the oversized khakis beneath it. The man looks to him
and recognition fills his eyes.

“Taehyung?” the man says, looking between them in surprise. “Shit man, it’s been a long time.”

Taehyung offers his hand when the man holds his own out. “I’m sorry, how do I know you?”

The man doesn’t look offended. “We had an ethics class together in college. I remember because
you were constantly debating with that prick of a professor. I’m Jung Hoseok.”

Taehyung doesn’t remember the name, but he does remember the prick ethics professor. Hoseok
has a strong grip as he shakes his hand, letting it go suddenly to look at Jungkook.

“Why’d you?” Hoseok starts, but Jungkook is grunting loudly to quiet him. It’s obvious that’s the

Hoseok rolls his eyes and flops back onto a lounge chair. “Make yourself comfortable, T.”

“Is this your house?” Taehyung asks. Hoseok seems friendly, his smile big and bright. Body
relaxed unlike Jungkook who still seems a bit rigid.

“Nah. Yoongi’s. He’ll be here soon. I live down the road. Your Kim Daehee’s kid, right?”

Taehyung shuffles on his feet. He’s proud of his father, to be his son, but he’s learned to expect
people to say unkind things about him. “You’re Jung Seoyeon’s.”

Jungkook looks at him again, an eyebrow lifting. It was Taehyung’s guess. Everyone that lives in
this block is a child of someone with status. There are only two Jung families in the neighborhood.

And Taehyung doubts Hoseok is the son of the infamous fashion designer Jung. He could be
wrong, but it’s a rare thing for him to be.

“Whoa, how’d you know?” Hoseok gasps, that surprised look on his face again.

“He has a thing for rich kids,” Jungkook chides without looking away from Taehyung. It feels like
his eyes are burning into the side of his face.

But Taehyung looks to him, holds the gaze. Jungkook walks off then, and Taehyung can’t help but
follow. He goes through the motions of meeting people with Jungkook, all kids of rich people.
Some he knows his father has represented, some he knows have the same kind of record as
Jungkook hidden away.

“The city looks beautiful from here,” Taehyung says, trying to make conversation as Jungkook
turns his attention away from some girl he just introduced him to.

He needs to talk to him more, get to know him better. Jungkook only looks to the view though and
gives him a soft nod.

“All these people are your friends?” Taehyung tries again. He didn’t get where he is in life giving
up easily. He had a lot of help of course, privileged in a lot of ways, but his attitude is what helps
him win cases.

“No. Just Hoseokie and Yoongi,” Jungkook says, the corners of his lips turning down. He hasn’t
introduced him to a Yoongi yet.

“They’re all in your hangout spot,” Taehyung notes, curious as to why Jungkook’s favorite spot to
hide away in is filled with people he doesn’t consider friends.

“Want a drink?” Jungkook asks, changing the subject.

At this point, Taehyung needs one. He nods and lets Jungkook pick out a drink he doesn’t think
tastes like asscrack. Taehyung’s surprised to find it’s very sweet.

“Can I ask you something?” Taehyung says as he tuts his tongue a few times to deal with the
aftershock of the taste.

That hesitant look comes back. Taehyung’s gut is right, he knows it. He’s always been good at
reading people.

“Over here,” Jungkook says, cupping his elbow again. His touch is hot, burning through the thick
material of Taehyung’s dress shirt.

He guides him to the edge of the balcony, yards away from the clutter of people. Jungkook’s eyes
search over them before he settles them on the view of the neighborhood and sips at his drink.

“What is it?”

Taehyung eyes over Jungkook’s. He is really pretty. Soft plump lips, sharp cheekbones, piercing
eyes that are filled with an arrogance that is annoying in how it’s attractive.

Broad chest and strong looking hands. His sleeves rolled up so Taehyung can see the protruding
veins and a variety of different tattoos twisting up his forearms. His shirt thin enough to see what
looks to be another tattoo on his chest, and Taehyung wonders if Jungkook had rebelled against his
father to get them.

Jungkook ticks his jaw, makes a noise like he’s sucking on his tongue before he looks back to
Taehyung. Eyes calculating, unfriendly. Standoffish in a way that Taehyung just knows Jungkook

“You do know who I am?” Taehyung asks. It’s warm tonight, making his clothes feel stuffy.
“Don’t you?”

Jungkook spits over the railing. “No. Indulge me.”

Taehyung sips at his drink, hiding his smile behind it. Jungkook’s grunting is unnecessary. He
definitely knows.

“Our fathers want us to marry. I went to the party tonight to meet you.”

In a flash, Jungkook goes rigid. He doesn’t look to Taehyung, doesn’t say a word. His finger digs
into the glass so hard it goes white.

It seems to last ages before Jungkook dips his chin and says, “I know.”

“And what do you think about that?” Taehyung asks because that’s the most important thing he
wants to gain from tonight. He curves his body towards Jungkook, his chest merely an inch away
from his arm.

Jungkook swallows thickly, shrugs a shoulder and tosses back the rest of his drink. “Is that why
you asked to come with me?”

Avoidance, Taehyung accepts it for now because it’s not necessarily avoiding the entire
conversation. “Yes.”

“So that means you’re okay with it?” Jungkook asks, his tone an odd mix of surprise and sarcasm.

Taehyung hums his affirmation, making Jungkook finally look at him. His eyes are unreadable,
even to him. They search over Taehyung’s face before Jungkook’s full body turns and they’re a
breath apart.


“It’s a good union,” Taehyung explains simply. “Good for my family and yours. For you and I

Jungkook grins at that, but it isn’t amused or happy. He looks away, back at the lights that fill the
city. “And what makes you say it’s good for us?”

“My apartment’s big, empty,” Taehyung says, open and honest. He has been wanting to get a dog
or something, but he isn’t home enough. “You wouldn’t have to rely on your parent’s money.”

Jungkook whips his head around at that. Taehyung knew it. Someone apparently so rebellious
against their parents must have a reason still for doing as they say, as Taehyung’s assumed.
Jungkook majoring in the right field to take over his mother’s company, still living with them,
agreeing to a party just to sneak away.

Plus, his father may have already told him about the thousands of times Jeon Jongho’s complained
about his youngest trying so hard to be free from his family.

“I’m not dumb enough to believe you wouldn’t have me sign a prenup,” Jungkook quips easily.

Taehyung shrugs. “You wouldn’t need any of that inheritance or your paycheck. Save it in case of

Jungkook laughs, this time he sounds amused. His nose crunches up towards the bridge. “I’ll use
my own money, thanks.”

“So you’ll agree?”

Jungkook freezes up, eyes slowly widening. “No. I’m not going to. Not - I haven’t even had time to
think about anything other than the fact if I don’t do this, I’ll probably lose my inheritance.”

It comes out quick, through gritted teeth. Taehyung softens at the anger in Jungkook’s eyes.

“When did you find out?” Taehyung asks softly.

Jungkook huffs, fingers gripping tighter into the glass he holds. “Like two or three hours ago.

Oh . “Shit, sorry. I’ve known for weeks.”

Jungkook’s jaw tenses, eyes blazing. “What?”

Taehyung sips his own drink to give himself time to respond. “I’ve known for weeks and thought
about it. I think it’s a good idea, like I said. We don’t have to see each other much. Purely business.
If you want like, a mistress -“

“I’m gay .”

Taehyung snorts at the pure offense dripping from Jungkook’s tone. “Okay, lover . Whatever. We
can sort that all out. We’ll just be roommates who are legally married to each other.”

Jungkook rubs at his neck, a look of disbelief on his face. “What’s in it for you?”

Honesty, Taehyung thinks, blunt honesty is the best way to be with Jungkook. It’s just a guess, but
Taehyung’s succeeded well with his guessing tonight.

“A title,” Taehyung admits, chest broadening. No one likes to feel used for something, though he
personally doesn’t care if Jungkook only agrees for his family’s money. “I’m sure my father wants
something from yours, but I don’t care about politics.”

Jungkook peers his eyes at him. “A title.”

Taehyung nods. “And for my father to get off my ass about it.”

Something over Taehyung’s shoulder catches Jungkook’s eye and he shakes his head, lips pressing
together tightly. Taehyung’s sure it looks like they’re fighting to the others around them with how
annoyed Jungkook looks.

“You don’t know me, Taehyung. I could have terrible manners and horrible hygiene.”

Taehyung wants to laugh at Jungkook’s serious ass face when he says that. “Your hygiene looks
fine to me,” he says, tone full of implication as he glances down Jungkook’s body. He’s afraid his
eyes have trailed too often to it, that Jungkook has noticed. “And even if it wasn’t, you can have an
entire section of my apartment to yourself.”

Jungkook cocks his head from side to side. He brings his glass to his lips before he realizes he’s
already emptied it. “I need to think about it.”

“Of course,” Taehyung murmurs firmly, even nodding as to emphasize the seriousness of it. “We’ll
have to go over a lot of things before we sign. You have time.”

Silence follows, their eyes on each other before a voice pulls Jungkook’s away.

“Everything alright?”

It’s an unfamiliar man that Taehyung puts off as being Yoongi. His hair pale blue, face burnt from
the sun. His eyes narrow into Taehyung but soften when they slide to Jungkook.

“Just peachy, hyung,” Jungkook huffs sarcastically. “This is Taehyung. Him and I were just
discussing the fact we might get married.”

It’s a grand statement, one that sounds as ridiculous as the man’s face becomes after it. Jungkook
doesn’t even elaborate, taking a step forward and away before he’s gone.

The man looks to Taehyung, the surprise in his expression comical.

Taehyung sighs. “Kim Taehyung. Said possible husband to be.”

The man takes his hand, his expression remaining perplexed. “Min Yoongi. Potential best friend in
law, I guess.”


Jungkook stands still in the foyer, the muffled sound of screaming filling into the hallway.

He kind of feels a little bit of an asshole leaving Taehyung like that, but he’s overwhelmed.

Normally his father being angry at him doesn’t bother him. He knew it would piss his father off
once he found out about Jungkook’s reason for leaving being a lie. Jungkook kind of wanted to piss
the man off, but he had expected it to at least wait until tomorrow.

It’ll take a few minutes before his father is done, so Jungkook keeps the phone away from his ear
but high enough that Jungkook will hear when he finishes. It’s the same thing as always, something
Jungkook has memorized at this point.

I asked one thing of you Jungkook , he’s probably saying, though he’s asked much more than one
thing. I knew you would do this, probably follows after, and Jungkook’s stopped trying to prove to
his father that’s why he should stop asking him to do what he asks.

The sounds of footsteps drags Jungkook’s attention away from the wall he’s been staring at. He
heavies at the sight of Yoongi with Taehyung behind him.

He can’t make sense of Taehyung. He’s a little annoyed tonight. The conversation should have

The sound of his father’s yelling is distinct in the empty hallway. They’ve frequented this place so
often it feels comfortable to Jungkook, but Taehyung has never been and yet still struts down the
hallway like he has.

“Don’t,” Jungkook says as Taehyung steps in front of him and swiftly takes the phone from his

There’s a furrow to Taehyung’s brow as it brings it up to his ear, lips pouted and it’s kind of cute.
“Minister Jeon?”

The muffled sound stops immediately. Taehyung’s pout relieves into a smile as his dazzling bright
eyes meet Jungkook’s.

With his other free hand, Taehyung wraps his fingers around Jungkook’s wrist. He squeezes gently
as if meant to be reassuring and it only confuses Jungkook further.

“I’m so sorry for taking Jungkook-ssi away. I had an urgent thing to get to, and I caught him on his
way out,” Taehyung says, tone so full of apology that Jungkook wonders if a bullshitter can spot a
bullshitter. “He was very kind to offer me a ride to my office. I see you raised him well.”

Jungkook physically has to keep himself from snorting at that. He doesn’t like to be touched, but he
doesn’t seem to mind the way Taehyung’s thumb presses into the inside of his wrist. How close he
He is attractive and Jungkook does have perfect vision.

“I’ll bring him home soon as possible. Oh? Well that is very kind of you. Yes, thank you. Have a
good night, Abeonim .”

Jungkook narrows his eyes at that, teeth grinding together. Taehyung’s eyes search over his face,
drop down to his mouth, and his smile grows.

“Yes of course,” Taehyung says, and Jungkook wants to take the phone away and figure out what
Taehyung is agreeing to.

The smile slips away from Taehyung’s face as he presses the phone to Jungkook’s chest and lets
his wrist go. “I should clarify, I am quite sure your father wants something out of this union too.
Something I’m sure he’ll leave you alone in order to obtain.”

Jungkook pushes his lips into a pout as he takes his phone back. “What is it?”

Taehyung shrugs, weight shifting to one foot and they’re still so close. “Don’t know. But everyone
wants something. Politicians are kind of crooked, don’t you think?”

This time, Jungkook doesn’t hide his grin. “I’ll consider it.”

Taehyung’s smile is wide, taking over his face. “Good. Your father says no rush in getting home,
but I can’t avoid work all night. Is there a room I can use?”

Jungkook forgets Yoongi is there too until he clears his throat. He knows he’ll have to explain his
mini outburst, it’s evident in the bewildered expression Yoongi wears.

He’s a little bewildered himself. He looks at Taehyung curiously, wheels reeling in his mind.

His father never accepts Jungkook’s absence. He technically still has a curfew that he always
ignores. And on a night like this?

“Wanna tell me what the hell is going on?” Yoongi asks.

“In a sec,” Jungkook says as he guides Taehyung down to a room. “You can study in here. There’s
a computer. It’s uh, mine. I crash here sometimes.”

Taehyung lingers by the door, a smirk on his face. “It isn’t smart to let a stranger use a computer of
yours. Might search around and see what I can find.”

Jungkook bites the inside of his cheek. Taehyung is kind of frustratingly annoying, but Jungkook
won’t deny that his father seems to favor him in a way that could be beneficial to him.

“Search away,” Jungkook huffs. “I use it for gaming.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes as he slips into the room. “Not surprised. Thank you, Jungkook-ssi. Call
for me when you’re ready to go.”

Jungkook doesn’t like that Taehyung seems to know so much about him. It aggravates him to his
core, but he doesn’t say a thing about it, stepping away to confront Yoongi instead.

“You’re getting married?” Yoongi whispers as Jungkook stalks past him.

“Apparently,” Jungkook grunts, shaking a hand through his hair.

“He’s cute,” Yoongi replies, the smirk in his voice. “Kinda hot in the whole bend over the office
desk for him kind of thing.”

Jungkook glances over his shoulder, warmth spreading across his cheeks. Maybe he is, but
Jungkook won’t admit it. “Shut up, hyung. I need a drink.”

It’s later in the night, Jungkook’s not sure how much later, that Jungkook slips away from Yoongi
and Hoseok to find Taehyung again. His friends didn’t let the topic of marriage go, both of them
seemingly for it.

Jungkook was hoping they would agree with him that it’s a bad idea, but all three of them have
parents that have been matched together by their grandparents. All three have worked out, but that
means nothing to Jungkook.

The door to his room is open still when Jungkook reaches it. He clears his throat to announce
himself, but it’s unnecessary when he peeks his head in and finds Taehyung asleep.

He’s sitting on the ground, head tilted back against the edge of the bed. His legs sprawled out, the
computer between them. His phone is still gripped in his hand.

Jungkook allows himself a moment to look. Taehyung is soft like this, lips parted around quiet
breaths. Thick brows relaxed and still unlike they’ve been all night.

He has the strangest urge to wipe Taehyung’s bangs from his face, but he rolls his eyes at himself.

“Taehyung-ssi,” Jungkook calls quietly, not wanting to startle him.

Taehyung blinks immediately, tongue flicking out to wet his lips. Jungkook wonders how often
this happens, Taehyung falling asleep in strange places while working.

The memory of Taehyung adding his large apartment as one of their reasons he wants their union
comes to the forefront of Jungkook’s mind. He doesn’t quite know what it means, but he has a few

“Sorry,” Taehyung murmurs, voice deep and rough. His eyes stay closed for a moment before he
blinks them open and lurches from the edge of the bed.

He groans loudly, arms stretching. Fists come up to rub at his eyes before he taps the mouse button
on the computer to make the screen come back to life.

For a wild moment, Jungkook thinks Taehyung’s about to start working again. But he doesn’t,
instead exiting out of the pages he has up and doing something in the settings that looks as if he’s
deleting all of his history and cookies.

“Ready to go?” Jungkook asks, surprised by how soft his tone is.

Taehyung blinks up at him. His eyes are still heavy, seeming to droop more than before. “Yeah.
I’m driving this time.”

Jungkook snorts, takes a step back and waits for Taehyung to wake up fully to stand.
“No way in hell.”

Taehyung smirks, his shoulder pushing into Jungkook’s as he walks past him. “And why not?”

He doesn’t have an answer for that except he doesn’t like it, doesn’t like anyone driving his car.
Not even Yoongi and Hoseok.

“What were you working on?” he asks instead.

The look Taehyung sends him is incredulous as he grips the doorframe and waits for Jungkook to
follow. “It’s confidential, I’m sure you know.”

“Give me a hint,” Jungkook tries to persuade, using a voice that normally works on Yoongi when
he wants something.

Taehyung laughs as he walks off, shaking his head. For only being here once, he seems to
remember the way to the entrance.

It’s something Jungkook’s noticed. Taehyung seems to know a lot, or at least he can figure out
things often. He vaguely remembers Taehyung’s father bragging about his intelligent, quick witted

“Some rich kid trying to wipe away his public intoxication charges.”

Jungkook narrows his eyes at Taehyung’s back. “You’ve looked a little too into me.”

He comes up beside Taehyung, fingers sliding over his elbow for his attention. Taehyung doesn’t
look at him like he knows Jungkook wants him to, but he hums.

“I had to gather the information I needed to win the case,” Taehyung says, practically teases. He
tongues at the corner of his mouth, Jungkook’s eyes drop to it. “The case of getting Jeon Jungkook
to agree to marrying me.”

Jungkook is taken back by the honesty of it, or just Taehyung’s words in general. The laugh he lets
out sounds as surprised as he feels. “It’s that important to you?”

Without hesitation, Taehyung nods. He stops walking, turning to Jungkook. “You‘ll find I’m very
persuasive. Save me the work, yeah? I‘ve already got a lot on my plate.”

Jungkook doesn’t feel bad, but he thinks about Taehyung falling asleep again while working for
some annoying reason. “Where’s the fun in that?”

Taehyung’s face lights up. He touches Jungkook, Jungkook doesn’t see it coming, body tensing
when Taehyung’s palms land on his chest.

“You know, ideally my father would prefer for us to skip everything and tie the knot as soon as
possible. It was my idea for us to meet before we do,” Taehyung starts off, words slow and
contemplative. “I want to make sure you mean it when you agree. So meet me for breakfast in the
morning. I only have a short time before a meeting. You can pick me up in that fancy car of

Later, Jungkook will think too hard about why the words fall loosely from his lips. He’ll try to
figure out why he’s had no control over them, why Taehyung’s big wide, tired eyes seem to pull
them from him.
“I’ll do it.”

Taehyung raises both brows, making them disappear from view behind the curtain of his bangs. His
fingers dip into Jungkook’s chest before he pulls them away and stuffs them into his pant pockets.
“Breakfast or marriage?”

“Both,” Jungkook says, stepping away from Taehyung because he can’t take the proximity
anymore and doesn’t want Taehyung to see whatever his expression morphs into. “We can always
divorce if it doesn’t work out as well as you think it will.”

He doesn’t have a reason for why the words come out of him, not any that make sense to him at
least. He hopes Taehyung doesn’t asks, and Jungkook’s thankful when he doesn’t.

Taehyung just snorts in response, and Jungkook has an urge to turn back and see the expression
he’s making, but he doesn’t. “That’ll bring great shame to your family name.”

Jungkook licks at his lips and holds a hand out to gesture Taehyung to come with him. “As your
research should show, Taehyung-ssi, I don’t care about bringing shame to my family name.”

Chapter End Notes

Hi thank you so much for reading! Please let me know what you think!!

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Chapter 2
Chapter Notes

The first chapter had such a great response thank you so so much!! I hope you
continue to enjoy it.

I was asked a few times if I have an update schedule, and I do not. The easiest way to
be alerted for a new update is by bookmarking this (it'll email you!) but I also talk
about updates and post previews on my twitter @taehcheeks (with an h) if you'd rather
do that! You can also stop by my curiouscat to ask! I don't mind.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Jungkook can’t focus on the words in front of him. All the numbers, titles, mulling together until he
can’t make sense of them. He’s exhausted, doesn’t really have the mind for work right now. He
needs to though because today’s his last day in the office until he takes the next week off.

He sighs, leaning back in his desk chair. Tomorrow’s the day, and the realization of how close it is
hit Jungkook first thing in the morning and has stuck with him all day.

He’s getting married tomorrow.

Dragging a hand down his face, Jungkook tries to focus back on his paperwork. He can’t though as
Taehyung enters his mind. They’ve only seen each other twice since they first met, a brief meeting
over coffee, and a never ending one at Jungkook’s lawyer's office.

Jungkook’s marrying a man he’s spent less than an entire day with. But he agreed, and each time
they’ve seen each other, Taehyung has pulled him aside to make sure he’s still okay with it.
Jungkook doesn’t quite know what to make of Taehyung yet, what he’s gonna get out of this that’s
so beneficial that he’d research to persuade him, but there’s nothing Jungkook can lose.

It gets his parents off his ass, his allowance has increased since he informed them that he’s agreed.
The contracts signed between them protects Jungkook’s assets and bank account in case of divorce.
He just has to move, which is fine, he is too old to be living with his parents anyway.

It’s nothing, whatever. Jungkook ignores that part of him that’s panicking because the wedding is
tomorrow, and then he’s going to be forever tied to a man who’s favorite color he doesn’t even

“Mr. Jeon?”

Jungkook drags his eyes away from the papers he hasn’t been paying attention to. His thoughts are
so loud, he didn’t even hear the receptionist open his office door.

“If it’s the GM from Jinhae-gu, tell him I’ll call him back. I don’t have the patience to deal with
him and his broken boiler anymore.”

The receptionist grimaces. Jungkook doesn’t remember her name. They go through receptionists
like the Jinhae-gu property goes through boilers.
“Oh, no, Mr. Jeon, sir. You have a visitor. He’s not on your schedule for today, but he is very

Jungkook frowns, leaning back in his chair. “Who is it?”

“He said he’s your fiance, sir.”

Jungkook freezes, body tense. Fiance . It’s technically the right term, but Jungkook hadn’t really
associated Taehyung with that word at all. He feels a little flustered, the words sounding babbled
as he assures the receptionist she can let him in.

Jungkook pats down his shirt, ripping up to his feet. They’re supposed to meet today but not until
later. He’s thrown off guard, but he rests his butt on the edge of the desk to appear unbothered as
soon as the door opens.

Every time Jungkook has seen Taehyung, his first need to is to take in every inch of him. He does it
now, eyes trailing down from his face to the black turtle neck he wears, the sweater so soft yet
making his jaw seem sharper than usual. He looks expensive, important, with a black suit coat over
the sweater, leather gloves on his hands that he pulls off after dropping a briefcase to the floor.

It takes a moment as Taehyung thanks the receptionist for him to finally look at Jungkook. It gives
Jungkook longer to look over him, at the shiny watch and bulky rings that appear when Taehyung’s
removed his gloves.

“Jungkook-ssi,” Taehyung greets, pocketing the gloves. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything

Jungkook plants his hand to the desk behind him. He can’t quite tell Taehyung that he was having
a crisis about their union right before he came. “No. I’ve just been touching bases with the General
Managers from the properties I look over before I take my leave.”

They aren’t going on a honeymoon. Taehyung had thought the idea of it to be ridiculous when
Jungkook’s mother suggested it. He has court the morning after the wedding.

Jungkook doesn’t care either way, but he’ll take the excuse not to be at work. He needs to move
and pack and all that anyway.

“How many properties do you oversee?” Taehyung asks as he approaches.

“Seven.” Jungkook wants to know why Taehyung’s come by, why he looks around Jungkook’s
office with such curious eyes like it could tell him something about him. “Are we still on for dinner

Taehyung nods, though he doesn’t seem to be paying attention. He’s still looking, though nothing
in the office means anything to Jungkook. He didn’t choose the decoration, his shelves are stacked
with folders of information on each property that he’s supposed to be inputting into his computer
because they’re going paper free.

He doesn’t look to Jungkook until they’re a few inches away, and Taehyung’s shifting his weight
to one foot, slipping his hand into his pocket. It moves around like he’s playing with his leather

“I met with a client close to here, so I thought I’d stop by,” Taehyung finally says. He licks at his
bottom lip before he replaces it with his teeth, and Jungkook hates how easily his eyes fall to
watch. “I wanted to remind you that if you want to back out, you can. It’s not too late.”
Jungkook wrinkles his nose at that. “Would you like me to back out?”

Taehyung narrows his eyes. “No. But I don’t want you walking down that aisle with me unless
you’re very certain.”

Jungkook isn’t certain, won’t be, but he’s going through with it. “What is your favorite color?”

“Green,” Taehyung says without a beat. His lips tug down in a frown. “Why?”

“Mine’s black,” Jungkook offers without explaining. The way his eyes drag down Taehyung’s all
black attire feels a little suggestive, but he doesn’t mean it to be.

Taehyung snorts as he reaches out, pressing the tip of his finger beneath Jungkook’s chin. “Would
you like me to fill out a Taehyungie checklist for you? All the basics. Favorite foods, movies,

Jungkook smiles at the sarcasm in Taehyung’s tone. They probably should. He’s quite sure the fact
that they don’t know each other isn’t being disclosed to their family and friends, let alone the
public. They’re going to be perceived as lovers who have finally decided to tie the knot. Jungkook
should know some basics.

It’s another thing that has him nervous. He doesn’t quite give a shit what his family thinks, but he
doesn’t think he’s going to be able to fake being passionately in love. He’s good at making himself
blank, not emotional.

“What are your favorite movies? Documentaries?” Jungkook asks, teasing as he digs his tongue to
the corner of his mouth.

Taehyung’s laugh is a hum as he keeps his lips closed around it. He looks a bit smug as he leans
his head back, looking down at Jungkook in a way that Jungkook hates but he doesn’t make a
move to stand up. “Perhaps. What are yours? Dumb comedies that are more offensive than

No, Jungkook thinks, but he doesn’t correct him. He’s a little too focused on Taehyung’s mouth
and the fact that he’s going to have to kiss him in front of hundreds of people in less than twenty
four hours.

Taehyung’s lips quirk more, amusement filling his eyes. “Don’t tell me you’re a drama guy?
Cheesy het romance?”

Warmth fills Jungkook’s cheeks, and he rolls his eyes. That’s possibly the truth, but he also doesn’t
say so. “Is that why you came by? To make sure I’m still in agreement?”

The amusement slips away, and Taehyung looks back to business as he crosses his arms over his
chest. “Yes, and to inform you that I’ve had zero say in this, but my mother’s insisted that we
spend our wedding night at the Four Seasons. She bought us the honeymoon suite.”

Alarm fills Jungkook, and he knows it shows on his face because Taehyung is quick to assure him.

“I plan on getting my files together for court the next morning. Bring a gaming system or
something, don’t worry. The couches are just as comfortable as the beds. We can decide who gets

It makes Jungkook feel a little warmer, the suggestion of what one would normally do on a
wedding night. It’s not that sex is anything new to Jungkook, but he hasn’t considered it in context
with Taehyung. Not more than the thoughts of how attractive he is, and how Jungkook’s too
constantly aware of that fact.

“Your mother knows my family owns hotels in Seoul?” Jungkook says, trying to change the
subject. “But she wants me to spend my wedding night at one of our top competitors?”

Taehyung rolls his eyes and unlinks his arms from his chest. He adjusts the watch, and Jungkook’s
reminded again how attractive he is. It’s such a simple thing, the way his fingers look touching
something so expensive.

“It cannot be a gift that way,” Taehyung explains, taking a step closer. Another step would put him
between Jungkook’s legs. “Everything about this union is untraditional. We skipped most of the
steps that one takes when they’re getting married, forewent an engagement party, a proper meet the
in laws. Even the ceremony itself will be untraditional. I’m her only child, and I know she is
disappointed that we’ve skipped everything. I won’t deny her a thing.”

Jungkook looks down at his hands. He doesn’t actually give a shit what hotel his mother picked
out, just the fact that she did has his heart slamming against his sternum. It’s a little uncomfortable
thinking Taehyung’s parents are concerned with them being intimate.

“But once again, you can say no,” Taehyung says, head ticking to the side. “Though, there’s no
reason to. You can go undercover, see what the Four Seasons has that keeps your mother’s at
number two in Seoul.”

Jungkook snorts. He has the oddest urge to take Taehyung’s hand until he takes that one more step.
“Would you be surprised if I’ve told you I’m sure we already have?”

Taehyung laughs, his smile wide with it. “Not surprised, no. I should leave you to your work,
Jungkook-ssi. I’ll see you at dinner tonight?”

“Wait,” Jungkook blurts, arm flying out to curl his fingers around Taehyung’s wrist despite
Taehyung making no move to actually leave. “There is one concern I have.”

Quirking a brow at him is the only response Taehyung gives. He doesn’t even shake Jungkook’s
hand away when it lingers on him. “What is it?”

He feels a little ridiculous for being so hesitant about it. Jungkook mentally rolls his eyes at
himself. He’s kissed plenty of people in his life, has been confident about it. Talking about it,
however, feels a bit more awkward than actually doing it.

“We’re going to kiss in front of hundreds of people for the first time tomorrow.”

Surprise fills Taehyung’s face as his eyes widen and both eyebrows lift. It only lasts a moment
before he purses his lips and nods. “Yes, that is true.”

Jungkook lets his wrist go. “I think our first kiss should be shared privately.”

For only a moment does it look as if Taehyung’s lips have quirked at the corners. So quickly, that
Jungkook isn’t sure if he saw it correctly or not.

Taehyung takes a step forward, his hand slowly coming down to rest on Jungkook’s shoulder. “If
that will make you more comfortable.”

Jungkook nods, nibbling on the inside of his cheek. He doesn’t think it will make him fully
comfortable. It’s still a bit odd to have so many people watch that, but he guesses it goes unnoticed
by people who are actually in love and embracing each other.

“Come here,” Taehyung says, fingers brushing the corner of Jungkook’s jaw. It’s said just as soft
as his touch, and Jungkook’s stomach tumbles around as he does.

His eyes search over Taehyung’s face, to his dark eyes, his plump lips. The way they part as he
licks over them like a habit more than a conscious movement. Jungkook mimics it, breathes in
when Taehyung’s hand lays flat on his chest.

They’re closer than they have been before. When Jungkook inhales, his chest touches Taehyung’s.
They’re roughly the same height, though Jungkook hadn’t missed how tall Taehyung’s shoes are or
how it gives him an inch on Jungkook.

“Have you ever kissed a man, Jungkook-ssi?”

Jungkook rolls his eyes and plants his hand to Taehyung’s waist. The jacket he wears is thick
despite it not being cold outside, and Jungkook can’t quite feel the shape of him through it. “Of
course, I have.”

That amusement returns as Taehyung’s hand slips up Jungkook’s chest to the side of his neck,
fingers digging in just enough to attempt at urging him forward. “Then why do you look so

It’s whispered, a breath. Jungkook doesn’t give it an answer as he leans in and touches his mouth to

It’s hesitant, just their lips pressing against each other. Closed, until Taehyung’s part and slot
against his own. They don’t move, nose brushing, adding the pressure of their molding lips.

It lasts a second, feels like decades, before Taehyung pulls away and presses another to the corner
of his mouth.

“You look a bit stunned,” Taehyung snickers, rubbing a thumb at the corner of Jungkook’s mouth.
“You know you’re going to have to kiss me a lot more passionately than that for anyone to believe
you’re actually happy about our union.”

Jungkook flexes his fingers against Taehyung’s waist, pressing him closer into him. He likes how
Taehyung fits against him more than he’d like to admit. “I don’t think people tongue fight in front
of their closest family and friends.”

When Taehyung laughs, his body pushes into Jungkook’s more. His eyes squeeze closed, the
office filling with the sound. “No, no. Like this.”

Taehyung’s laugh is still escaping him when their lips press a second time. Taehyung’s body melts
into him as he hooks an arm around Jungkook’s neck, and Jungkook’s own winds around
Taehyung’s waist instinctively.

It’s a closed kiss again, a press of lips, but it sucks the breath out of Jungkook. The way
Taehyung’s fingers twist in his hair, the feel of his body, the way Taehyung parts his lips to breathe
against his mouth before they close down on him again.

Taehyung leans into him, and Jungkook bends him back with a press against his bottom spine. He
can’t breathe, doesn’t want to incase it comes out too harshly. Even though his heart is kind of
racing too much for Jungkook to hear anything but the thrum of it in his ears.
The hand not in Jungkook’s hair is gripping roughly at his bicep, and it’s such a simple touch, but
it has something sparking through Jungkook. Down to his toes. He makes note of the way
Taehyung touches him, his fingers strong enough that it feels like a demand for Jungkook to notice
every touch when he does.

“Like that,” Taehyung breathes out against his lips. He kisses Jungkook once more, and Jungkook
lingers, hands on him until he realizes he needs to let go.

There is a flush in Taehyung’s cheeks as he wipes the bangs from his forehead. “Are you more
comfortable now?”

Jungkook eases himself back to the edge of the desk. It’s a little corny that he feels fucked over by
a simple fucking kiss. “I am, thank you.”

Taehyung smirks as he pulls his gloves from his pocket and pulls them on. Jungkook watches the
movement, leather sliding over each long finger. “See you tonight, lover.”

They’re in their finest room. Jungkook can’t remember the last time he’s been in here. He’s not one
to usually have dinner with his parents as his father is always working, and Jungkook just generally
hates being around them.

Taehyung’s across from him, his eyes finding Jungkook’s here and there. Their mothers are beside
them, their fathers on each end of the table. Jihyun is there too, but Jungkook’s been purposefully
ignoring his presence.

So far the conversation has been focused on the wedding, the disappointing lack of honeymoon,
the possibility of having one in the future. But work keeps coming into it, much to Jungkook’s
mother’s annoyance.

“Taehyung, I hear you're representing in the DK case?”

Jungkook lifts his eyes to his father, who’s curious eyes land on Taehyung. Taehyung wipes at his
mouth slowly before planting the napkin back to the table. He’s in the same outfit as before, but his
suit jacket is now in the coat closet. Jungkook can see the shape of his body a little better as the
turtle neck clings tightly to him.

“I believe we’re here to talk about the wedding, not work,” Jungkook’s mother whispers, but her
voice carries.

His father clears his throat, apologizes. Taehyung immediately waves his hand in forgiveness, eyes
falling to Jungkook one more time.

Jungkook can’t read the look in his eyes as Taehyung quirks a brow and brings a piece of meat to
his mouth. It’s slow the way his teeth grip at it to pull into his mouth, and Taehyung doesn’t break
eye contact the entire time.

His face is hot, and he looks away when his father starts speaking again.

“It’s a private ceremony, but both Jungkook and Taehyung will be expected to speak out on it. The
sooner the better.”
“Maybe a few days. Give the newlyweds time to enjoy the start of their union in privacy.”

Taehyung’s mouth quirks again when Jungkook glances at him. There’s grease on his lips that he
licks at before bringing a bite of noodles to them.

It makes Jungkook’s ears hot watching his tongue flick out past his bottom lip to touch the noodles
before they go into his mouth. It’s unnecessary.

“Speaking of, an early consummation is best.”

Jungkook chokes on the wine he brings up to his lips, but he keeps the glass there because he
suddenly needs to down the contents inside.

“Honey,” Taehyung’s mother scolds, pressing a hand to her husband’s wrist. She looks
scandalized. “It isn’t the place for the conversation.”

Mr. Kim doesn’t look at all bothered, but he softens under his wife’s gaze. “From a legal
standpoint, I mean.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes, but he’s smiling. He looks much more at ease, always does. “No surprise
there, Appa. Jungkook-ssi and I have already discussed it.”

Jungkook’s face is on fire, but he refuses to let anything show. He doesn’t know what it means
when Taehyung’s foot comes down against his own, stepping on his toes with a light pressure.

They haven’t discussed it. But if Taehyung is as insistent as he is that he won’t marry Jungkook
unless he’s a hundred percent sure about it, Jungkook’s sure he’s the same way about sex.

Jungkook just doesn’t want to talk about it with his parents. He’d prefer to make underhand
comments about his scandalous sex life to piss his father off, not have a clinical business like
conversation about it in front of Taehyung.

“Good,” Mr. Kim says, a serious look in his eyes when he nods at his son. “We should discuss why
you’ve had the left half of your apartment fully refurnished?”

Taehyung visibly freezes. It only lasts for a second before his shoulders relax and his face falls
blank. “Jungkook and I have spent less than a handful of hours with each other. I would like to
offer him his own space for when he needs it.”

Tension fills the room suddenly, and Jihyun’s face is growing amused as his eyes run over their
parents. Taehyung holds his father’s gaze until he nods.

“When my husband and I married, we did the same,” Jungkook’s mother chimes in. “It is very
overwhelming to suddenly share a home with someone you don’t know well.”

Jungkook’s parents never talk about their relationship, or at least, Jungkook’s never asked them to.

“Yes,” Taehyung agrees. “I’d like my fiancé to be as comfortable as possible.”

The look Taehyung gives him is soft then, so incredibly different than the looks he’s been giving
Jungkook since they sat down. Jungkook diverts his eyes as he takes his spoon in hand to pretend
to be interested in the contents of his soup.

“If you’d excuse me,” Taehyung suddenly says, pushing his chair back to the screech of it against
the floor slices through the tension. “Jungkook-ssi, may you show me where the bathroom is?”
There’s a whisper of something that sounds amused from Jihyun that Jungkook pointedly ignores
as he slips out of his own seat.

There’s a bit of tension in Taehyung as he slips from the dining room and follows after Jungkook.
Jungkook wants to ask, nibbling on his bottom lip but Taehyung’s eyes are hard and pointed in
front of them.

“Tae,” Jungkook starts. “Taehyung.”

“I don’t actually need the bathroom,” Taehyung says, blinking at him. “Show me your room
instead. I’m interested in seeing if it’s as boring as I can imagine.”

Jungkook scoffs, the tension seeping away. “I think you’re the boring one out of the two of us,

Taehyung wiggles his brows, bumping their shoulders. It’s a bit too familiar for them. “Lead the
way, dear.”

“Dear?” Jungkook repeats, fitting his hand over Taehyung’s elbow.

“I’m trying it out,” Taehyung informs him, that ease around him again. “Tell me which you like.
Kind of not a big fan of honey since the food gives me a heat rash.”

Jungkook snorts. He makes a mental note of that. “I don’t like dear.”

Taehyung sighs, heavy and dragged out. “You look like you’d like baby .”

“What makes you say that?” Jungkook asks, feeling exposed. Taehyung always knows too much.

Taehyung turns before Jungkook can tell him which door leads to his bedroom. His bottom lip is
trapped between his teeth as he taps his finger beneath Jungkook’s chin. “It’s a gut feeling. I’m
good with those.”

He is, and Jungkook doesn’t tell him so. That baby is his favorite, and he kind of wants to hear it
come out of Taehyung’s mouth again. Instead, he points to his bedroom door and opens it.

Taehyung immediately looks around. Most of his things are packed already, but there wasn’t much
decoration to begin with. The most was a framed photo he had of him with Hoseok and Yoongi on
his nightstand.

“I apologize for my father bringing up something so intimate during dinner,” Taehyung says
suddenly, turning his eyes from the wall to where Jungkook is shutting the door behind him. “And
for not telling you it’s something I’ve discussed with him. I could tell it made you uncomfortable.”

Jungkook shrugs as he wracks a hand through his hair. “It’s cool.”

Taehyung sighs, and he looks tired again. He plays with the watch around his wrist, something
he’s been doing all night. “It isn’t ancient times, there will be no spectators on our honeymoon
night. But I still should ask your permission to lie. If you’re comfortable with me telling my father
that we’ve had sex.”

Jungkook clears his throat at the sudden tightness in it. He presses into the door, wondering when
he’s ever had a conversation about sex like it’s a business deal. In every aspect when it comes to
him and Taehyung, he reminds himself, is a business deal.
“I mean, I don’t care,” Jungkook assures. The tabloids have had worse articles about him and his
sexual escapades than having sex with his husband. “It’s fine.”

Taehyung offers him a small smile. It doesn’t reach his eyes, which are always dark and studious
like he’s constantly making note of everything Jungkook does. “Okay.”

For a moment, Jungkook lets his eyes linger again. Over Taehyung’s broad shoulders when he
turns around, the swell of his ass. He thinks about his fingers, his mouth, how he wouldn’t mind
too much having sex with him if they didn’t have to live with each other. That’d make it awkward.

It’s like rule number one to never have sex with your roommate, but what the rule is when your
roommate is your husband, Jungkook doesn’t know.

“I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to feel pressure to agree to that,” Taehyung explains,
speaking once again in a way that reminds Jungkook he’s a lawyer. Like Jungkook’s a client
receiving his first consultation. “That’s not something I’d try to persuade you to do. That’s only
done out of want from both parties.”

Jungkook bites his tongue. Taehyung talks about sex so technically, though he was eating meat
with his eyes on Jungkook just a few minutes ago in a way that was so sexual and suggestive that
Jungkook’s stomach erupts in butterflies at the mere thought of it.

He wants to know if Taehyung wants him, though it doesn’t mean anything. He’s just curious to
know if Taehyung finds him attractive, thinks about his hands the way Jungkook’s mind
sometimes reminds him of Taehyung’s.

Hell, Jungkook doesn’t even know Taehyung’s sexuality.

“Your room is boring,” Taehyung sighs like he’s disappointed, changing the topic before
Jungkook can even think of a reply. “Come here.”

Jungkook pushes off the door easily, feet shuffling over the ground. He isn’t offended. His room at
Yoongi’s is more his than this.

“We’ll need to make it look as if we share a room,” Taehyung says as he stuffs his hand back into
his pocket and uses the other to reach for Jungkook. “I have no doubt in my mind my parents will
unexpectedly stop by often.”

Jungkook hesitates when Taehyung’s hand curls around his forearm and guides him closer. He
isn’t used to touch, doesn’t like it, but he finds he doesn’t want to tell Taehyung that.

“You had your apartment refurnished for me?” Jungkook teases, head cocking to the side.

Taehyung rolls his eyes, hand sliding up Jungkook’s forearm to cup his elbow. “I had the den made
into a workout room for you. You said you like to work out. Your father says he usually finds you
in the gym you have here.”

His eyes drop from Jungkook’s face then, scanning over his chest without shame. Nothing betrays
in his eyes though, and it’s frustrating as much as it is annoying.

“And I had your section of the apartment designed as to what I think you’d like,” Taehyung goes
on, eyes trailing to Jungkook’s arm when his palm squeezes his bicep. “But you can change it if
you don’t.”

Jungkook breathes in through his nose. They’re just making conversation, but Jungkook’s back to
thinking about his lips. He’s watching them move when Taehyung speaks, even when Taehyung’s
eyes lift from Jungkook’s body to look at him.

“Also, I need a list of anything you’re allergic to,” Taehyung tells him, pulling his touch away to
run his hand through Jungkook’s hair. He drags his fingers through the strands a little roughly
around his ears. “I have a cook because I don’t have much time to make my own food. A maid
because I fucking hate cleaning.”

Jungkook finds he can’t speak as Taehyung uses both hands to tousle his hair at the back of his
head, around his ears. He even pinches Jungkook’s cheeks hard enough to have Jungkook yank

“There you go,” Taehyung whispers, mocking amusement in his eyes as he leans in like he might
kiss Jungkook, but he only feels their noses brush. His hands trail down Jungkook’s chest, fingers
twisting into his dress shirt at the sides. The sudden way Taehyung pulls him in startles him,
confuses him.

It makes their skin hotter, the way Taehyung’s hands feel against his body. Jungkook only gets a
glimpse of Taehyung’s face, his teeth screwing hard over his bottom lip before Taehyung drops his
gaze between their bodies.

He fists Jungkook’s shirt once more until it’s wrinkled and slightly pulled from the brim of his
pants on one side.

“Want my parents to think we can’t keep our hands off of each other,” Taehyung murmurs before
he pulls back and pinches his own cheeks and fucks up his own hair. He breathes out, nibbling on
his lips a few more times until they’re darkened and swollen before he walks back to the door.
“Coming back to dinner, baby?”

Jungkook flares his nostrils as he follows after him. Is that what Taehyung was doing? He tries to
keep his face neutral, but his thoughts are running back to the top brief of a moment Taehyung had
his hands so confidently on him.

It looks as if Taehyung’s plan worked when his parents gaze over them in surprise when they
return. Jungkook’s mother looks scandalized as she hides her mouth behind her napkin. Mr. Kim
looks pleased.

“Is there dessert?” Taehyung asks coolly as he takes in his empty place, eyes shifting to
Jungkook’s father as his foot shifts under the table to find Jungkook’s again.

“Remember, if you change your mind,” Taehyung starts, lingering by the opened car door. He
stands close to Jungkook’s body, and Jungkook wonders if it’s another thing for show. With both
of their parents still around if that’s why Taehyung leans in, fingers so gracefully slipping over
Jungkook’s shoulder again.

The way he speaks so softly, intimately between them so his voice doesn’t carry but his eyes blaze
with something else.

“I know,” Jungkook reminds him. He finds an urge to cup Taehyung’s waist, pull him in.

He doesn’t like people so close.

“Okay,” Taehyung murmurs. His lips quirk up into a grin, feels as if it’s teasing but Jungkook isn’t
in on the joke. “Sleep well tonight, lover.”

This time he speaks louder for the rest to hear. Jungkook bites the inside of his cheek, only
manages a nod as Taehyung squeezes Jungkook’s bicep once more.

Jungkook closes the door after Taehyung slips into the car, standing back enough to safely watch as
their chauffeur drives off.

He isn’t in the mood to face his parents. Not that he’s in a bad mood, but his nerves are still a
wreck, and he doesn’t want to talk about the wedding. Not with them.

“Come inside dear, don’t want to get a chill before the big day,” his mother calls.

Her fingers are as soft as her smile when she rubs his neck. Her eyes search over him
questioningly, glancing back at his father without saying a word.

It isn’t until his father is excusing himself to his den for a night cap that his mother speaks.

“You’re not sick are you?” she asks, pressing the back of her hand to his forehead. “You look as if
you’re overheating.”

Gently, Jungkook touches her wrist so she’ll take her hand away. He isn’t hot, doesn’t feel it at
least. “I’m okay, Eomma. I should go to bed.”

She worries her eyes over him, and Jungkook knows her well enough that he isn’t going anywhere
until she says whatever is on her mind.

“I didn’t want to marry your father.”

It takes Jungkook off guard for a moment, his eyes instinctively darting to the closed den door.

“He was a bit full of himself,” she explains though she smiles sweetly at the thought of it. “All he
talked about was politics and honestly at the time, I didn’t give a shit about it.”

Jungkook snorts. His mother doesn’t cuss often, only when she’s angry or lecturing.

“Your grandmother would say I was too resistant in opening my heart to him, and I look back now
and agree.” She sits on one of the couches, hands folding in her lap. “You’re not very open with
your heart, my son. Let yourself be with your husband.”

Jungkook holds back a complaint at that. He has no interest in falling in love with anyone. It’s one
of the reasons Jungkook agreed to this all. He isn’t that type, won’t miss the opportunity. He isn’t
interested in dating or finding someone. He’s tried before, and he’s usually found an easy way to
break it off with them after a short time.

They won’t be spending much time together, won’t be in a relationship in the most sense of it.
Taehyung’s made it clear he isn’t tied down in anyway, though Jungkook thinks they need to talk a
little more about Taehyung’s invitation for him to have a lover when infidelity is a breach of their

“Okay, Eomma.”

She sighs, that tired look in her eye she gets when she speaks to Jungkook. “You haven’t said what
you think about him.”
Jungkook perches his ass on the arm of the couch, arms crossing over his chest. He doesn’t know
what he thinks about Taehyung. He seems to be a bit of a know it all, cocky, all business, yet he’s
overwhelmingly firm in his stance on not pressuring Jungkook into anything.

“Why did you choose him?” Jungkook asks instead. He was never going to ask, didn’t care if the
answer was only because Taehyung is handsome. But now the opportunity presents itself, and he
finds he wants to know.

Her eyes widen in surprise. He supposes maybe his father wasn’t supposed to tell him that, or
maybe he lied just to get Jungkook to agree to meet Taehyung.

“I thought if you were married to a man who had more money than your father, your father would
no longer be able to manipulate your choices with threats to your allowance.”

It’s honest, surprising. Also one of the reasons Taehyung had given him.

Jungkook doesn’t react, just watches his mother play with the diamond bracelet around her wrist.
He isn’t quite sure he believes her, but he is too tired to try and pry an actual reason from her.

“Taehyung was warmer than the rest of your father’s considerations.”

Jungkook almost does react to that. He wouldn’t call Taehyung warm . “He’s a lawyer, Eomma. A
good one too. I’m sure he’s able to make you think whatever he wants.”

She side eyes him hard at that. “A mother always knows, Jungkook. Many wouldn’t call you warm
either, but I know you are.”

He isn’t, Jungkook wants to argue. Not at all. He hasn’t given her any reason to think that. But he
remains quiet, hands rubbing down his thighs before he stands and undoes the tie around his neck.

Jungkook’s sure she would say his father is warm too. Her judgment isn’t good on this.

“I should go to bed, Eomma. Big day tomorrow.”

She dismisses him, and he feels her eyes on him as he walks out of the sitting room.


Taehyung inhales as he fixes his bowtie. Fingers are working over his hair, his face. Taehyung
wants them all off, hates makeup, but it’s almost over. It’s for his mother, so he sits still and lets
people he doesn’t know prod at his face.

He’s a little nervous. The same way he felt before he took the exam to get his license, or the first
few times he presented in court. Nervous, but not enough to shake his confidence. Jungkook looks
more nervous than he does, has since yesterday.

Taehyung thinks about his lips, how soft they are. He flickers his eyes to where Jungkook is now,
resting against one of the vanities. He’s shirtless, dress pants hugging his hips. He has a nice,
strong body, smooth skin. His hair is already done, parted like the first night they met, and curling
over his forehead.

The woman currently doing his own hair had tried to cut it, but Taehyung only let her trim it so it
wasn’t as unruly. He likes the curls around his ears and forehead, isn’t ready to let them go yet.

Jungkook flicks his eyes to him, and Taehyung looks away. He doesn’t care if Jungkook catches
him staring at his body, he’s done it obviously before, but he doesn’t want to make Jungkook
anymore nervous.

If he thinks his blank face is good at hiding that emotion, he’s wrong. Jungkook fidgets with his
fingers, toes. His legs are too restless, and he’s had a crimson neck since they met this morning.

“Kim Taehyung! I have arrived.”

A smile finds its way to Taehyung’s lip at the sound of Jimin’s voice. He’s bursting into the room
a second later, clattering in because his arms are full.

One of the staff quickly rushes over to help him with the boxes in his hands. Jimin is smiling bright
as he meets Taehyung’s eyes, but they immediately darken when they land on Jungkook.

“This him?” Jimin grits out, nudging a head in Jungkook’s direction.

Amusement fills Taehyung alongside warmth as he nods.

Jimin turns those piercing eyes on Jungkook again, and Taehyung gives Jungkook credit, he sends
them right back. The same narrowed, threatening look.

“Park Jimin. Best friend,” Jimin announces, holding a hand out for Jungkook to shake. “You hurt
him, I kill you.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes as Jungkook snorts at that. He takes Jimin’s hand at least. “Jeon

With one last warning look at him, Jimin’s expression softens when he turns to Taehyung. “Having
to marry someone you don’t know kind of sucks, but at least he’s hot.”

Taehyung’s eyebrows shoot up towards his hairline at Jimin’s shamelessness. Jungkook looks to
him, a smug look on his face as he leans his body as if to show it off. It comes off smooth enough
not to be purposeful, but Taehyung has a feeling that it is.

“Can you go? We’re almost done, and you’re not supposed to be here,” Taehyung bites, but Jimin
knows he doesn’t mean it. He just coos, cupping Taehyung’s jaw to make him look at him.

“Heard that Appa of yours say you fell in love at first sight back in college. I’m hurt you never told

Taehyung swats Jimin’s thigh. It’s the cover story, one they’ve had to adjust here and there
because Jungkook’s been in the tabloids since he graduated about sleeping with certain people.
“Go before I get annoyed lines on my forehead. Eomma won’t like that.”

Jimin giggles, pinching his chin. “Ciao. Congratulations, babe. Nice to meet you, Jeon.”

Jungkook only grunts something as he waves at Jimin’s retreating form. Their eyes meet a second
later, and Taehyung breathes out his apology.

“It’s good to have someone like that on your side,” Jungkook says offhandedly as he slips his arms
through his dress shirt and to Taehyung’s disappointment, buttons it.

Jungkook can’t quite get married shirtless, but he could at least wait until they’re getting ready to
go to cover up.

When they’re finished getting ready, Taehyung’s arm hooks around Jungkook to venture out to the
main area where they are to greet their guests. It’s a long affair. Half of them seem related to
Jungkook, but in a way Jungkook whispers how he doesn’t know them the moment they’re gone.

It’s supposed to be a private affair, but Taehyung thinks there’s possibly five hundred people in
attendance. Private as in family, friends, and all the people Jeon Jongho wants to show off his
partnership with Kim Daehee to. People he wants to show off to Taehyung’s family as well.
Aristocrats, royalty, people who have given him the title Kim Daehee so desperately craves.

It’s all going through the motions. Easy enough. Taehyung’s good with his charm, at pretending,
though it doesn’t feel fake when he keeps his small smiles private to Jungkook when he whispers
to him. Gives off the look of two lovers speaking intimately, excitedly.

The nerves are loud in Jungkook’s eyes, but that doesn’t mean a thing to the audience. A lot of
people are nervous before their wedding. He tries to distract Jungkook between each guest, keep
his focus on him and not the people around them.

“You look good,” Taehyung whispers after he’s thanked some great aunt of his for coming.

Jungkook snorts, doesn’t make eye contact. He wears that smug look again. “I am expensive.”

“You're more expensive with me on you,” Taehyung replies easily, challenging Jungkook with as
smug of a tone.

Glancing at him out of the corner of his eye, the tip of Jungkook’s tongue seems permanently stuck
in his cheek. The teasing seems to relax him more than anything. “Do you flaunt your wealth to
make up for the things you lack?”

It amuses Taehyung, but he doesn’t get to respond as he greets another guest and waits for them to
walk on.

“I’ll tell you baby, I’m not lacking in anything,” Taehyung whispers, tilting into Jungkook to
whisper the words closer to his ear. “Though I do hear that about those who work out as often as
you do.”

Jungkook’s jaw ticks, but he keeps his expression light as he turns to face him. A breath away.
Taehyung wonders if they look believable. “Not lacking in anything there, baby .”

Taehyung smirks at that. He mimics Jungkook’s expression, jabbing his tongue into his cheek for
effect. “Defensive. You sure?”

Jungkook’s a little too easy to ruffle, but his body is no longer tense. His fingers even graze warmly
over Taehyung’s fingers, and their short time together, Taehyung’s noticed he isn’t one to initiate

Even if he did ask for them to kiss. Taehyung had been surprised by that.
“Shouldn’t really be talking about dick around so many respectable people,” Jungkook whispers as
he turns his face away again. A smile seems to fit easily over his lips.

“What? I wasn’t talking about dick?” Taehyung says, voice as innocent as possible.

Jungkook practically glares at him in response, cheeks burning as badly as his neck has.

It’s time. Taehyung’s no longer nervous, more so just wants to get to the reception afterwards. His
arm aches from how long he’d held onto Jungkook’s, but Jungkook had gripped onto him so hard
he hadn’t wanted to let go.

“Are you sure?” Taehyung whispers one last time, trailing his hand from his bicep to his hand,
slipping their fingers together.

Jungkook’s teeth grip into his bottom lip as he nods. “I’m sure.”

It’s going through the motions, the walking, the listening to the vows. Written by other people
instead of themselves. The easy way Taehyung’s “I do” falls from his lips.

The tense beat of a moment where Jungkook looks as if he isn’t going to do the same before he
does. His jaw locked, lips pressed together so tightly they look white like he’s caging in the words.

It’s breathless though when he lets it out. He even nods as if to enforce it. “I do.”

Technically even their kiss is going through the motions since they’ve practiced it. But it isn’t
anything like the way Jungkook had kissed him in his office.

Jungkook grabs him, his fingers gripping firmly into Taehyung’s jaw as their bodies press together.
Taehyung’s gasp muffled by the cheer of the crowd from how well Jungkook learned, surprising
the noise out of him as their lips mold together.

He’s even more surprised when his lips part to let the gasp out, and he feels the brush of
Jungkook’s tongue between his lips. So fast, Taehyung doesn’t have time to pull it into his mouth
before it’s gone.

Taehyung smiles big, breathless when Jungkook pulls away. A man in love, swooning, something.
He leans into Jungkook, taking his hand again into his own to guide him back down the aisle.

They’re married.

Just like that.

“Listen. I could go on for hours. Jungkook was a riot in college,” Yoongi says, his tie loosened
around his neck and cheeks starting to redden from his alcohol consumption. He rubs his belly,
which he had complained had swelled from how much he had eaten at the reception. “Which story
should we tell first?”
Jungkook groans, his own cheeks red and only worsening with every sip of champagne he takes.
Taehyung only had his sip during their toast because he has to wake early for court in the morning.

He kind of wishes he could take the week off with Jungkook as their mock honeymoon, get to
know the other man. But he has court every day. Meetings in between those.

“How about the one where he thought he was hitting on a guy at a party but it was just a statue,”
Hoseok says through his giggles, hand coming up to cover his exposed teeth. Taehyung finds he
likes Jungkook’s friends. “He kept going on about how he was about to bag the hottest bitch, and
when he brought Yoongi and I to introduce him, I’m pretty sure I pissed my pants.”

Jungkook looks miserable, anger in his eyes but it is too soft for Taehyung to believe he means it.
His suit jacket is gone, his sleeves pulled up to his elbows despite the warning Taehyung wasn’t
supposed to hear from his father to keep his tattoos covered.

“He was a hot statue,” Yoongi says, tipping his glass in Jungkook’s direction like this makes it

“Shut the hell up.”

Taehyung grins, leaning in a little closer to Jungkook. There’s still so many eyes on him, and he’s
tired from all the running about today. He doesn’t want to show it, so he keeps the smile on his
face as he slips his arm around Jungkook and plays with the hair over his nape.

Jungkook tenses for only a moment before he relaxes into it. They didn’t really talk about
boundaries much, but they did discuss and agree they had to seem like the stories say.

“Was that before or after the public indecency charge?” Taehyung murmurs, earning those
narrowed eyes on him. He leans in as Jungkook’s legs spread wider as he adjusts in his seat, and
they’re close enough that Taehyung has to pull back an inch.

“You shut up too,” Jungkook grunts, pinching Taehyung’s chin as a warning. “It was before.”

Taehyung pulls away but leaves his fingers in Jungkook’s hair. They need to leave soon as most of
the guests have left except for their immediate family and friends. Jimin’s discussing something
with Jungkook’s brother and Namjoon off by the bar, and Jungkook keeps glaring at them.

“That was a dare,” Hoseok explains, still giggling. “No one really thought you’d go streaking,

“Of course,” Jungkook says defensively. “You were talking shit. I had to prove myself.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes. He drops his eyes to Jungkook’s lap, the way his strong fingers look
rubbing over his thighs. The wedding band now around his ring finger.

His attention is pulled away by an arm circling around his neck, jostling him. He doesn’t need to
turn around to see who it is. Can tell it’s Jimin by the way he breathes, the scent of his cologne.

“Need a breather?” Jimin whispers just for him, voice soft and concerned. There’s no need for it,
but that’s how Jimin is.

Taehyung is enjoying himself though his mind is busy with last minute things he needs to do before
tomorrow. It won’t take long in court, but his client is a bit difficult to deal with. Forgets too much,
could potentially be the reason they lose.
“No. Who’s the cutie with the earring? Don’t you know it’s custom to hook your best friend up
with someone at your wedding?”

Taehyung could roll his eyes. Jimin could have easily identified Yoongi or Hoseok by their
strikingly different hair color but chose not to. He means either, or both. Taehyung doesn’t judge.

“Not my husband’s best friend,” Taehyung supplies, attempting to turn his head into Jimin. “That’s
a wreck waiting to happen.”

Jimin wrinkles his nose at him. It isn’t as gentle when he squeezes Taehyung’s cheek. “You’re no
fun. You’re supposed to be fun at your wedding.”

“I’m plenty fun,” Taehyung argues without effort. Jimin’s always saying this, whining about how
Taehyung works too much to spend time with him. It’s true. It’s why his two other friends aren’t
here, working for him so Taehyung can have a day to actually have said wedding.

“He isn’t,” Jimin says a little louder, straightening as he looks over Taehyung and directly at
Jungkook like the traitor he is. “Taehyung here is a bore fest. Trust me, I know. I’ve been trying to
put some life into him for the twenty odd years I’ve known him.”

It’s teasing, and Jimin rubs his fingers behind Taehyung’s ear like he needs the assurance. It isn’t.
It’s Jimin.

Jungkook’s eyes trail to Taehyung, heavier than they had been before this last glass of champagne.
“Haven’t known him as nearly that long, but I can tell.”

With Jungkook, it isn’t as easy to tell if he’s joking. They don’t even know each other well enough,
but the way Jungkook leans back into his touch reminds Taehyung of Jimin’s ear rub.

“I like him,” Jimin declares as he tugs Taehyung’s ear. “You need a drink, I’ll be right back.”

Taehyung doesn’t need or want one. He tries to say as much, but Jimin is taking off before he can.

“Who’s that?” Yoongi says, or maybe Hoseok as he’s the one whose eyes are on Jimin as he takes

“If you’d excuse me,” Taehyung blurts, interrupts the conversation before it can happen. If he’s not
here, he can’t be blamed for any of it. “I’d like to spend some alone time with my husband.”

Yoongi and Hoseok are the few who know the truth, that this is only the sixth time Taehyung and
Jungkook have been around each other. But Taehyung grins suggestively at them as he pulls
Jungkook from his chair.

Jungkook is good at pretending, his chest immediately stitching to Taehyung’s as he curls an arm
around his waist. His chin presses into Taehyung’s shoulder. At least, looks wise he’s good at it.
He’s tense against Taehyung, and his breath comes out like a shudder.

“Ready to go?” Taehyung asks, turning to him, and it’s a bad idea because Jungkook’s face is right

Jungkook hums, leaning in and surprising Taehyung. With how tense he feels, Taehyung is
surprised when their lips touch. Jungkook smiles into it, and Taehyung can taste the alcohol when
he breathes in. He warms over when their lips slot together, Jungkook’s tongue flicking out against
his mouth before it disappears.
Jungkook tastes sweet despite the champagne he’s consumed. He smells good too, like some
cologne Taehyung’s always liked but can never remember the name of. He is warm too, more
warm than usual.

“Let’s go.”

Jungkook slumps onto the couch the moment they’re inside the hotel. He immediately pulls off his
tie and removes the watch from his wrist.

Taehyung looks around the room. At the flowers waiting for them, the presents lined up on the
table that Taehyung is sure are from both of their parents. More champagne. It’s full service, but
Taehyung has no intention on using anything but the hotel’s wifi.

“Drink some water,” Taehyung instructs lightly as Jungkook’s eyes fall closed where he’s still
stretched out on the couch. His shirt now unbuttoned and pulled from where they were tucked into
his pants, Taehyung’s eyes linger.

“I will,” Jungkook says. He rubs his lips together before he sits up. “Tell me about the case you’re
working on.”

“I told you I can’t,” Taehyung says as he takes off his own tie. He knows there are a change of
clothes in the bedroom, but he’s kind of avoiding entering it.

“Well, things that the general population will know,” Jungkook argues, leaning over the couch as
Taehyung sits in one of the chairs. “I shouldn’t find out what my husband is doing from the news.”

Taehyung smirks. “I have a feeling that will be me who finds out about their husband’s
shenanigans via the news.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes, leans into the couch as he spreads his legs again. Wide and inviting, the
position making his pants cling even tighter to his thighs. “Tell me. I’m sure plenty of lawyers
share their work with their spouses.”

“No,” Taehyung immediately denies, though he kind of likes how stubborn Jungkook looks. “It’s
against code. Plus, society tends to think people lose their autonomy when they marry, nothing
more sacred than the marital bond between two people that they somehow think means one can’t
accidentally make a mess for the other. But they can.”

Jungkook rolls his head around the back of the couch, fingers slipping over his thighs and gripping
into them in a way that catches Taehyung’s attention more than it should. “You really are a bore,
aren’t you “

Taehyung narrows his eyes at him. “It’s high profile. The basics? There’s a massive entertainment
company that’s going on trial for a long list of crimes. I’m representing the entertainment

He isn’t specific in details, but if Jungkook reads the news, he’d have heard about it. It’s quite
difficult, a lot of people, a lot of situations, a lot of varieties. A lot of room for Taehyung to miss
something and lose the case.

“It’ll take quite a bit of time until it’s over,” Taehyung goes on, tapping away at his computer. He
can feel Jungkook’s eyes on him and wonders if it’s selfish of him to work on the night of their
wedding. It’s what Jungkook’s in for being married to him though, so he doesn’t suggest anything
different. “There’s a lot of people involved.”

“I heard of it,” Jungkook says, and Taehyung flicks his eyes over the laptop to take him in. He
wonders if he’s purposefully trying to look so inviting. It wouldn’t be surprising. Taehyung’s done
the same thing to him to see how he’d react.

Mostly to distract him from his discomfort around their parents, something that Jungkook’s
lingering looks suggested would work. And have. Jungkook’s discontempt towards his parents is
the most obvious thing about him. It even laces his words whenever they come up in conversation.

And mostly for the benefit of his father, whose eyes have been on them every time they’ve been
together. His father isn’t going to be just satisfied with a union, but one that lasts.

Unlike Jungkook, Kim Daehee cares about bringing shame to their family name. It’s why he wants
this union in the first place, to give their family an even better name.

“My father has a stock hold in that company.”

“I know,” Taehyung says, smirking. He knows all of the Jeon’s stocks. “I thought you didn’t care
for their assets.”

Jungkook gives him a look Taehyung supposes is meant to be annoyed, but his heavy eyes and
slack mouth soften it.

“I don’t, but I’m not ignorant,” Jungkook retorts. “I’ve yet to find a way to successfully tune my
father out one hundred percent of the time.”

Taehyung doesn’t comment on that. It isn’t his business. From what he sees, they seem like fine
parents and Jungkook a bit spoiled, but he also knows they aren’t going to empty their dirty laundry
before the union even happens. Probably not after, or anytime soon. Maybe never purposefully, but
Taehyung has a tendency to pry.

“Your father told mine that his accountant suggested he shouldn’t pull out. It seems to me your
accountant is just as shitty as your lawyer. You can change over to mine if you’d like.”

It’s Jimin, but Taehyung doesn’t say as much.

Jungkook quirks a brow at him, tongue lathering over his bottom lip. “Does that mean you think
you’ll lose?”

Taehyung presses his lips together. “No. It means this isn’t the first time this company has been
under fire. Their company has been at risk too many times to trust such a large share in them.”

Jungkook doesn’t say anything as he lifts up and presses his elbows into his knees. Taehyung isn’t
going to be able to work too much with the way Jungkook’s staring at him.

“There’s spare clothes in the bedroom if you want a shower,” Taehyung says, eyeing over him.
“Be careful though you don’t slip.”

Jungkook stands, body angling in the direction of the bedroom. “Show me?”

It’s highly unnecessary, but Taehyung finds himself agreeing as he pushes his laptop to the side.
The Four Seasons is his mother’s favorite hotel, though he’d never tell Jungkook that.
When he enters the bedroom, it’s as he thought it would be. There’s even more flowers in the
room, candles ready to be lit. The bottle of lube and box of condoms on the nightstand is an eye
sore and probably Jimin’s idea.

Jungkook snorts, catching Taehyung’s attention. He’s taking off his shirt fully now, a bit sloppy in
his movements. The heaviness in his eyes makes Taehyung wonder if he should do his work in the
bedroom in case Jungkook slips in the shower.

“Do you need me to show you how to turn on the shower too?” Taehyung teases as he opens the
suitcase on the ground that he prepared the night before. Beside it is one he doesn’t recognize,
must be Jungkook’s.

Jungkook doesn’t say anything as Taehyung opens it and mulls over the clothes inside. Soft sweats,
even softer shirts. They all smell like him.

“I should be good,” Jungkook grunts, and to Taehyung’s horror, he’s taking off his pants next. No
shame in the way he slides them down his legs and kicks them off until he’s just in briefs.

Taehyung lets his eyes take in every inch of him as Jungkook scratches at the back of his neck. It
feels purposeful the way Jungkook strips in front of him, but it could also just be because
Jungkook’s drunk.

But Taehyung looks anyway. From the bones in his feet up to his strong calves, stronger thighs.
The small of his waist, and the V that slips into his briefs. The ridges of his abdomen, his chest,
perked nipples. The tattoo over one that is in a language Taehyung doesn’t know.

To the flush in his neck, the way his eyes divert as he pads off to the bathroom.

The length of his spine, the dip at the bottom. The way his underwear clings to his ass.

He’s got a really nice fucking body, Taehyung thinks as he follows after him to hand off the clothes
before Jungkook can shut the door.

The water starts to run as Taehyung leans into the doorframe. He smirks at the sight of Jungkook
bending to turn it on, and lets Jungkook see that he was looking when Jungkook turns around to
grab the clothes.

Jungkook offers him a small smile, their eyes holding onto each other before Taehyung steps back
for him to close the door.

It takes a few minutes, but he ends up losing himself in his work. So much so, he isn’t aware of
Jungkook returning until he makes a noise.

Taehyung jumps at the sudden sight of him on the couch. The way his body stretches, eyes closed
and wet bangs clinging to his forehead.

It’s going to take time getting used to someone else in his apartment.

“Feel better?”

Jungkook hums as he pulls his legs onto the couch. “You can take the bed.”

Taehyung pulls his attention fully away from his laptop screen. “No need. I’ll be up awhile.”

“Not moving,” Jungkook says stubbornly.

“Well, don’t make a noise,” Taehyung tuts. “I’m almost done.”

Jungkook grumbles something as he curls onto the couch, arm propped beneath his head. “What if
I snore?”

“Do you?”

Jungkook shrugs. “Don’t know. I’m sleeping when it happens.”

Taehyung can’t help the grin that tugs at his lips. One thing that’s a benefit is Jungkook’s quite
funny, even if he doesn’t mean to be. “Well, try not to.”

It’s quiet for a short time, too short of a time. As drunk as Jungkook seems, he doesn’t fall asleep
easily. Not drunk enough to pass out, but tipsy enough to have loose lips and an inability to be
quiet. He doesn’t speak this way normally at least, but Taehyung considers he hasn’t been around a
normal, comfortable Jungkook yet.

“Taehyung, when’s your birthday?”

Taehyung hesitates, fingers stilling over the keyboard. “December 30th.”

“You already know mine,” Jungkook states. As much as Taehyung had admitted in researching,
knowing Jungkook’s birthday should be a given. “So why don’t you call me hyung?”

Amusement fills Taehyung as he glances at Jungkook’s furrowed brow. “I was born the year
before you.”

Jungkook sighs. Taehyung can’t believe he didn’t even look into him enough to find out his age .
Taehyung doesn’t look any older than he is, but what if he was? He says as much, but Jungkook
doesn’t respond.

He isn’t sleeping. On his back now, one hand laid over his stomach, fingers tracing shapes over his
shirt. He looks up at the ceiling, jaw working a mile a minute.

Taehyung sighs, depositing his laptop beside him. “Jungkook.”

“Hm?” Jungkook hums, brow lifting as he turns from the ceiling to face him.

“Go take the bed.”

Jungkook looks away and cocks a leg up, bare toes kneading into the couch cushion. He doesn’t
get up.

Stubborn, Taehyung thinks. He lifts off the chair to pad over to Jungkook, who pointedly doesn’t
look at him even when Taehyung sits beside him.

He perches himself next to Jungkook’s torso, looking down at him. He grazes his hand over
Jungkook’s stomach, a small demand for attention. It’s a light touch, one where Taehyung can feel
the heat of Jungkook’s body but not the way his stomach tenses.

Taehyung can see that. His white shirt clings to him like he hadn’t fully dried himself off before
pulling it on. It forms to the shape of his chest, abdomen.

He squeezes above Jungkook’s waist, the pressure of it the same as his touch. It makes Jungkook’s
eyes finally flicker to him.
“Tell me something,” Taehyung starts, though he’s unsure as to where to go with it. They need to
talk somewhat, grow more comfortable, even though they’re barely going to see each other over the
next few weeks. Probably longer than that. Taehyung’s only at the start of his career. It was one of
his bargaining chips with Jungkook anyway, but his incessant need to be here right now makes
Taehyung wonder if he wants to talk. “Something I wouldn’t be able to research.”

Jungkook’s arm bulges as he props his hand behind his head. “Like what?”

Taehyung shrugs, pulling his touch away. He adjusts the watch on his wrist to do something with
his hands. “Favorite food.”

“Anything spicy.”

Taehyung snorts. “Okay. Favorite animal.”

“Don’t have one,” Jungkook supplies. His tongue digs into the corner of his mouth as he peers at
Taehyung. “Gonna ask my first teacher’s name too? Hack into my accounts?”

Taehyung rolls his eyes. He wants to touch again. “I’d be able to do that without you giving me
your security question answers, lover.”

Jungkook’s chest expands when he breathes in, nipples straining against the fabric before he
relaxes. “I put my milk before my cereal.”

Jumping to his feet, Taehyung waves a dismissive hand at him. “I’ll have the divorce papers to you
by the morning.”

There’s fingers on his wrist before he can really move anywhere. It’s a hesitant touch that
Taehyung nearly shakes off before he lets Jungkook guide him back to the couch.

He wants to make Jungkook comfortable, it’s his duty as the one who has pressed for this so much.
But the more he spends time around Jungkook, the more he starts to think Jungkook isn’t so easy to

The way Jungkook turns his hand around let’s Taehyung see the ink on his forearm again. A bird
flying, clouds beneath it. He doesn’t know enough about birds to figure out what kind it is.

“I think green is a shitty favorite color.”

Taehyung scoffs. “I gave you a chance to call it off before the ceremony. Don’t try so hard to break
it off now. Next thing I know, you’ll tell me you wear socks to bed.”

Jungkook’s lips tug up. It’s one of the few times Taehyung’s seen any resemblance of a smile on
his face other than when he’s with his friends.

“Hell no. And I'm kidding,” Jungkook clarifies. He adjusts on the couch, letting Taehyung go.
“How did you know about the public indecency? My father had that buried.”

Not well enough, Taehyung thinks. Not well enough for someone with as many ties as Jeon
Jongho, at least. “Like I said, shitty lawyer. Luckily, your husband belongs to the best firm in the
country. Best lawyers around. You can do all kinds of rebellious shit, and I’ll get it buried for

The smile fades from Jungkook’s face as he digs his tongue harshly into his cheek. “Take the bed.
You’re the one with court in the morning. S’too soft for me.”
Taehyung nods, waits a beat before he gets up. This time, Jungkook doesn’t pull him back.

In the morning, Taehyung forgets where he is for a moment. He blinks around the unfamiliar room,
searching his hand over the bed to shut off his alarm before his memory catches up.

He’s a married man.

It’s habit the way he slowly shifts up because too often he falls asleep in the middle of working.
But the expected the laptop isn’t anywhere near him, but closed and set aside on the dresser.

Taehyung barely has time to figure out how it ended up there before his phone is blaring again.

“Kim Taehyung, go.”

“Are you on your way?”

Taehyung rubs the sleep from his eyes before he cracks his neck from side to side. He set his alarm
early enough to get ready and meet at his office way before the need to be at the courthouse. He
can’t do anything other than that as the courthouse doesn’t open to anyone until nine. Even as
someone as influential as himself. He’s tried.

“I am,” Taehyung lies. “Had a late night.”

“Spare me the details,” Namjoon says brusquely. He talks fast, breathless, like he’s already
storming through the city to get to the office. He probably is. “Congratulations by the way. I’m
sorry I couldn’t make it.”

Taehyung’s toes touch the cool tile floor. A shiver rushes up his spine. He never changed out of his
suit, and he considers keeping it on.

Inspecting it though, he finds it too wrinkled.

“I sent you across the country, Joon. It’s no big deal. Thank you for getting back in time for court

Namjoon scoffs something about how a wedding is a big deal, but Taehyung’s attention strays at
the smell of food. He keeps the phone pressed to his shoulder as he unbuttons his shirt, padding out
to the living area.

The couch is empty and at quick glance, Jungkook isn’t here. A cart and tray by the couch tells
Taehyung the source of the smell.

For being drunk and insisting Taehyung take the bed to wake up early, Jungkook seems to have
woken up quite a bit before him.

“Tae are you listening? I said I’m nervous that today won’t go well.”

Taehyung smiles at the food waiting for him as he lifts a metal lid to check the contents.

His smile grows even more as he takes in the quick scribbled note left on the cart.
See you tonight - J.

“Of course things will go well,” Taehyung scoffs as he takes the note into hand with gentle fingers.
“Do you not have faith in me, hyung?”

He slips the note onto his briefcase to remember to tuck it inside when he leaves before venturing
back into the bedroom. Taehyung takes the fact that Jungkook’s suitcase is still here as a sign he
plans on returning.

“You seem distracted.”

“Never that,” Taehyung replies, his tone too defensive for Namjoon. “It just seems my husband is a
bit of a talker. Might have to work at the office more than home.”

“It was the literal night of your wedding,” Namjoon says, the judgment loud in his tone. “Don’t tell
me you were trying to work.”

It’s ridiculous that Namjoon would suspect anything different. Taehyung says as much as the
sound of a door opening catches his attention and turns him around.

“Can’t even take one night off,” Namjoon says, judges.

Jungkook’s cheeks are red, hair whipped around his face. He shrugs off a thin looking jacket, only
glancing at the tray of food and then Taehyung quickly.

“All work no play, remember?” Taehyung chides, eying over Jungkook as he nears. He’s sweaty,
unbearably so. It’s somehow different than the way he looked after a shower the night before. Or
maybe it’s just because it’s sweat . “I’ll call you back. See you in twenty. You’re up early.”

It takes Jungkook a second to realize he’s not talking on the phone anymore as he looks up,

“Didn’t sleep,” Jungkook quips as he reaches into the mini fridge and grabs a bottle of water. “The
gym here opens early. I didn’t think you’d be here.”

Taehyung frowns as Jungkook pads over to him. He wonders how long it took his parents to get
comfortable in this. Jungkook’s rigid, even more so when his eyes trail down Taehyung’s bare skin
and he realizes he’s been caught.

“Jungkook,” Taehyung calls, wanting Jungkook closer. “I told you not to go through with this if
you weren’t sure.”

It’s almost petulant the way Jungkook rolls his eyes. “I told you I was sure,” he replies, leaning in
towards Taehyung to say it firmly. There’s tightness to his lips, a demand in his tone that suggests
he’s done with the topic.

“Fine,” Taehyung concedes. He knocks his head against the door frame, holding Jungkook’s gaze.
“I have to go. I hadn’t gotten the chance to get you a key to the apartment, but my butler will let
you in.”

Jungkook nods, seems to deflate his defensive stance. “Good luck in court today.”

Taehyung offers a grin, knowing it’s smug. “I don’t need luck, baby.”

Jungkook only snorts and offers no response in return. Taehyung lets his eyes linger a moment,
makes sure the tension leaves Jungkook’s body before he turns to get ready.

Chapter End Notes

Can't wait to hear your thoughts!

Chapter 3
Chapter Notes

Hello!! If you've noticed, I changed the chapter amount only because the story is
getting a little longer than intended though I do not think it'll go much over the original

Also, someone noticed a mistake in the last chapter that was my bad (Namjoon was
mentioned at the wedding when he wasn't). I'm sorry that I missed that.

Lastly, I hope you like this and I'm sorry for the large amount of sexual tension

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Taehyung is dead on his feet. The mattress in the hotel had been too soft for him too. His body
aches. He’s been standing all day. His clients give him nothing but headaches. His interns are
worse because they’re supposed to be in the know of what’s going on, yet everything that comes
out of their mouths is wrong or absurd.

“Sir, I have those files you requested.”

Moving his hand away from his face, Taehyung takes in the intern and waves her over. Jisoo, he
thinks. Maybe he’s wrong. He thinks there’s a Jisoo intern at least.

“Thank you. Can you tell Jin I need him please?”

She bows so low her face neatly plants into the floor before she takes off.

Taehyung tosses the files aside. His eyes feel too heavy to keep open, but his assistant should be
returning with his coffee hopefully sooner than later.

It’s been a busy, jam packed day. Week. Taehyung lets his eyes close as he waits for Jin and
doesn’t even fight off the images of a sweaty Jungkook stuck to his eyelids.

It’s been awhile since Taehyung’s been this attracted to someone, though he blames that on how
long it’s been since he’s even been intimate with someone. Not that he has a craving to, or some
built up sexual frustration that needs to be released. Taehyung doesn’t care too much for it as a
whole, doesn’t have the desire to do anything in his bed but sleep when he gets the chance to.

But with Jungkook, he has intrusive thoughts about his body, hands, voice. There’s that punch in
Taehyung’s gut when Jungkook gets close to him, when he thinks about Jungkook’s hands on him.
His mind strays to scenarios he hasn’t experienced with him, hands and mouths everywhere,
hearing Jungkook’s voice in a different kind of way.

Normally, Taehyung would see an attractive man and forget him the moment he left Taehyung’s
eyesight. The memory of a sweaty Jungkook however is just as stubborn as Jungkook himself, it
“Boss-nim. You rang?”

Taehyung narrows his eyes as Jin slips into the room, pushing away his thoughts of Jungkook.
Technically, Daehee is Jin’s boss, not Taehyung. Yet nepotism is in everyone’s mind, is true, and
Jin says it to mock him.

“You remember the favor I asked from you?” Taehyung asks, waving towards the seat for Jin to

Jin smiles as he does. He’s dressed to impress, gray pleated suit on black hair perfectly styled. Not
a strand out of place. “Yeah, I’m working on it. You know you should be home spending your first
day of marriage with your husband. Not here yelling at poor university students because they aren’t
Korea’s best upcoming lawyer like you. Yet .”

This time when Taehyung narrows his eyes, he means the daggers in them. None of his interns
have the potential to surpass him, though one, Choi Beomgyu, does have enough potential to take
Jin’s position in the law firm. “I have not yelled at a single person today.”

Jin rolls his eyes, legs kicking out beneath the desk as he leans into the chair. He’s comfortable
here. Sometimes Taehyung questions if he’s too comfortable with him. “You did. Snapped at the
Stanford girl for not knowing the specific details of Seojoon’s case from three years ago.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes. “It was a landmark case. I specifically instructed everyone to read over my
files on Park Seojoon. If she had, she would have known how he won the case on a technicality.”

Exhaustion fills him more, and Taehyung rubs at his face. He doesn’t think he’d be able to stop
working if he tried, it’s in his blood, but he thinks about Jungkook possibly being asleep at home
and is envious.

“God, don't take it out on the interns because you married a man who clearly doesn’t know how to
pleasure his husband enough that he’s still this grumpy the day after his wedding,” Jin snaps,
defensive as if he’s not the one that makes the interns go through mock court with him as the
judge. A ruthless judge at that.

Taehyung takes the pencil behind his ear and flings it across the table so Jin has to dodge to miss it.
He refuses to let him see the smile on his face. “I’ll have you know Jungkook looks like he knows
perfectly well how to pleasure someone. But you know it isn’t like that.”

Jin grimaces, nodding like he understands. “Right. So the problem today is blue balls.”

Taehyung considers using the fact that he’s the boss’s kid to his benefit and get Jin fired. Even if
he’s the one that convinced his father that Jin would be a good addition to their firm. “No. It’s
inadequacy. The inability to do a simple task when asked.”

Jin doesn’t comment, just sighs. Taehyung does too, rubbing a knuckle against his temple. He’ll
apologize to the Stanford girl, though he doesn’t even know which one she is. He’ll ask Beomgyu.

“Can you just update me please? How have you managed?”

The teasing look doesn’t leave Jin’s face. It never does. Even in court. Jin looks at the jury like
he’s amused by their face. It somehow works for him. It would piss Taehyung off if he were going
up against him in court.

“It’s on the internet, so you know - practically impossible to fully get rid of it. It is possible enough
to bury things like this deep enough that no one would waste the time to go looking for it or only
find it on websites that aren’t credible enough to use as fact.”

The internet has been a blessing for Taehyung but also a kick to the balls.

“I’ve gotten his record completely clean. Not even a parking ticket. Articles pulled from nearly
every major newspaper or tabloid that people will believe what they read from,” Jin goes on,
ticking off his fingers. “You search up Jeon Jungkook, the only negative thing you’re going to find
is criticism that he chose to follow after his mother instead of his father and the articles that
highlight his connections in the entertainment industry. Just like you asked.”

Taehyung nods, shoulders relaxing. It’s bothering him that Jongho hadn’t properly buried
Jungkook’s shit. “The wedding announcement goes out in three days. Just in time.”

Jin cocks his head to the side. Both him and Namjoon have yet to learn to keep their mouths shut
about anything. Taehyung imagines their house must smell horrible from all the shit talking they
do. “So? Where is this lover of yours?”

“Get out,” Taehyung says, leaning back in his chair to close his eyes, waving him off.

He likes the way Jungkook’s cheeks get red when Taehyung calls him lover, but he doesn’t like
the obnoxiously teasing tone of Jin’s voice when he says it.

Jin snickers. “Come on. You don’t tell me anything anymore.”

“I’ve never told you a thing. Do you even know my birthday?”

The smirk slips from Jin’s face as he glares at him instead. “Come on, tell me. I can just call him
and ask him if we can meet up. I’ll tell him all your dirt.”

There is no dirt, but Taehyung gives in. “There’s nothing to say. The wedding took forever. He was
nervous. The hotel was nice. He made it difficult to work because he likes to talk I guess. Possibly
an inconvenience for me, but I don’t foresee us being around each other often.”

Jin’s glare grows worse before he hangs his head back and stares up at the ceiling. “Honestly, am I
disappointed, yes. But surprised? No.”

Taehyung doesn’t wait for Jin to elaborate, doesn’t care to as he pulls the files he asked for closer
to him. He just wanted to know how Jin was doing on destroying anything harmful against
Jungkook, he can tune out the rest.

Or, normally he can. The moment silence hits, sweaty Jungkook is slipping back into his mind. The
heat of his body pressing against Taehyung’s where he had been standing against the doorframe to
the bedroom.

Jin’s words just make the thoughts glue themselves to Taehyung’s brain until he has no hope in
getting them out.

“You need to get laid, man. Joonie and I are hoping this isn’t just a flaw in your personality and
something that can be fixed with some dick.”

Jin fails to keep his face serious, a brightness in his eyes that Taehyung rolls his own at.

“There’s not some obligation to sleep with someone just because you’re married,” Taehyung
reminds him. “Nor should there be an expectation.”
“But you want to. Dude, I know your type.”

Taehyung licks his lips. Does he want to? He’s at least thought about it a dozen times. A dozen
times just this morning. That’s why he’s so aggravated today. He’s never been this out of focus.
“Of course I want to. He’s attractive.”


Taehyung might throw the entire desk at Jin. He has work to do. “This is a work relationship,
hyung. One I need to work out, and I don’t care enough about sex to ruin it over that, alright?”

There’s probably something reasonably messed up with thinking marriage so much in business and
law sense, but that’s how Taehyung thinks about everything. He’s already been told by plenty of
people his inability to be romantic and focus on things outside of work will leave him single for the
rest of his life, and it’s true. He doesn’t care.

“Alright. That doesn’t sound like the Taehyung nor the Jungkook I know, but don’t come crying to
me when all that sexual tension makes your dick fall off.”

Taehyung snorts, easing himself back into his seat. “I don’t cry so perhaps you’re thinking of a
different Taehyung here.”

Whatever Jin says next is too quiet for him to hear, but the mocking tone has Taehyung ripping his
eyes away from the file.

“Don’t you have work to do?” Taehyung asks, cocking a brow at him. “A victim of an assault case
that is relying on you to help them get justice?”

Jin’s face hardens and for a moment, Taehyung feels bad for snapping at him. They’re always
playfully bickering, Taehyung looks forward to it. He supposes he doesn’t come off as playful as
well as Jin does. “Yeah. You’re right.”

Taehyung sighs long and heavy when Jin leaves. He’ll buy him a fruit basket or something to mull
him over. Bring him those pastries from the cafe down the road before his hearing tomorrow. Take
some work off his load so he can go home early with Namjoon.

He pulls his briefcase on his desk to find the catering card he saves for moments like this, but he
gets distracted by the note he hastily threw in there this morning.

See you later - J

Taehyung closes the briefcase and gets back to work.

It’s late when Taehyung gets home. He’s in a better mood after consulting with his team on the
case and actually getting somewhere better than they were before.

Taehyung knows he can be a bit of an asshole when it comes to work, but they’re dealing with
hundreds and hundreds of people that could be affected by the verdict of this case. A business shut
down, thousands of people without jobs. It isn’t something to slack off on.

The opposing lawyer is also Park Seojoon, someone who Taehyung greatly admires from an
objective standpoint because he’s a good fucking lawyer. The only reason he wasn’t the top of his
class was because Taehyung beat him out of the spot. They’re friendly rivals, but rivals
nonetheless. Taehyung will not lose a case to him.

It’s halfway through the apartment that Taehyung remembers he might not be alone in it. He told
Jungkook that there was no need to bother each other when they’re both home, but he finds his feet
walking in the direction of Jungkook’s side of the apartment.

“Mr. Kim, are you listening? I need those files sent to me before the office opens in the morning.”

Taehyung adjusts the piece snug in his ear. “Got it, Choi. I’ll send them over now.”

“Alright. Take it easy though. You’ve had a vein popping out of your forehead all day.”

Taehyung presses his tongue to the roof of his mouth. “I thought you were my father’s assistant not
my doctor.”

The light floods into the hallway, and Taehyung leans onto the wall at the very edge of it. A smile
threatens to tug at his lips when he takes in the sight of Jungkook in his living room. It was once
designed to be something else, Taehyung has no idea, but he wanted Jungkook to have his own
living space if he didn’t want to share.

Not that Taehyung ever actually spends any time in the main living room. Can’t even remember
what the furnishing looks like.

“You’re just like that father of yours. He’s going to work himself into an early grave, but you’re
right. Not a doctor, just a friend that cares for your health. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Another apology needed, Taehyung thinks as he hangs up the call. At least, his father’s assistant
has been working for him since before Taehyung was born and is a veteran when it comes to
dealing with the Kims. He knows how to apologize to her. He makes another addition to his mental
to do list, and lets himself take in the sight of the man on his mind all day.

Jungkook isn’t doing anything spectacular, but he is shirtless. It’s a simple look, soft sweats
hanging low on his waist but it does something to Taehyung that could easily make Jin come up
with a thousand more jokes. There are stacks of movies lined up on the couches and coffee table,
and Jungkook stands in front of a shelf. His stance gives Taehyung the impression he’s judging it’s
placement, but he fully can’t make out Jungkook’s face.

To announce his presence, Taehyung clears his throat. His smirk grows more when Jungkook

“Oh hey,” Jungkook says, voice calm as if he didn’t just make a face of pure fear. He rubs his hand
over his chest as if to calm his heart, but Taehyung’s mind strays to how Jungkook looks touching
himself. “How was court?”

“It was court,” Taehyung replies simply as if Jungkook would understand. “What are you doing?”

Jungkook’s body twists subtly, angling towards Taehyung so he can see more of his front. “I have a
movie collection. Trying to find the right place to put the shelves for it.”

Taehyung is surprised Jungkook’s moving furniture by himself, that he has a movie collection, that
it’s nearly midnight and this is what he’s doing. It’s not what he expects.

“A movie collection?”
“Mhm.” Jungkook glances at the stacks of movies to indicate it. “Getting grounded a lot without a
phone or internet leaves you with a lot of free time until it’s possible to sneak off.”

Taehyung snorts as he pushes off the wall to walk towards him. “You could have read.”

“I read,” Jungkook says, annoyed as he reaches out and moves the shelf an inch to the left. “I like
movies more.”

Taehyung smiles as he steps up behind Jungkook, head cocking to the side to take in the placement
of the shelf. When Jungkook takes a step back to do the same, he presses into Taehyung.

It’s not something he’d easily admit, but he likes that Jungkook doesn’t move away.

“Right. Romances are your favorite?” Taehyung says lightly, cupping a hand to the covered part of
his hip.

Jungkook doesn’t respond, but Taehyung imagines him rolling his eyes. His body is hot to the
touch, and Taehyung only hesitates for a moment before reaching his thumb up high enough to rest
at the bare skin right above the band of his sweats.

“No,” Jungkook denies, but Taehyung has a feeling he’ll find a lot of those in the piles on the
furniture. “Anything really. Other than documentaries.”

Taehyung grins at that, has a weird urge to press it in the crook of Jungkook’s neck. His hand falls
away when Jungkook moves the bookshelf again. Another inch to the left.

Instead of looking to see if it’s right, Jungkook turns to face him. Taehyung doesn’t pretend not to
look, doesn’t try to stop himself from taking in the way Jungkook’s arms look when he crosses
them over his chest. A defensive stance, yet his tone isn’t.

“Your butler needs to learn personal space.”

“I instructed him to make himself available to you if you needed anything.”

Jungkook makes a face of disbelief. “Felt like you ordered him to stick himself up my ass.”

Taehyung mimics Jungkook’s stance. He wants to reach out again, keep the tension out of
Jungkook’s jaw. He’s sure it feels like he’s been given the short end of the stick here. Being the
last to know about the union, being the only one threatened into it, having to move into a place
where Taehyung’s already made himself home.

“I said no rules. Free to have a lover or lovers, I don’t care,” Taehyung starts, licking at his grin to
keep it at bay, “but I would like to ask you to please not sleep with my staff. He’s been working for
my family for some time, and I don’t want a Parasite incident to happen.”

Yeah, Taehyung’s seen a movie that isn’t a documentary. Possibly two.

Jungkook glares at him. He sounds like a child when he laughs mockingly. “You know what I

Taehyung takes a step, if it can be considered that when he feels like he’s being tugged forward.
There are a few teasing questions in his mind, and though he’s realizing he likes Jungkook’s
attention on him more so than he claims to use the remarks as a distraction tactic, he doesn’t want
to lead Jungkook on.
“I’ll tell him to back off. I’ll install a Nari in this half of the apartment if you’d prefer a less
intrusive helper.”

Jungkook’s eyes dart to his mouth when he speaks. “Nari?”

Taehyung nods, hands stuffing into his pockets to keep himself from feeling how warm Jungkook
is. “She’s a virtual assistant. She’s in every room in the rest of the house. Just call for her with her

There’s a teasing glint to Jungkook’s eyes when he speaks next. “I’ll take my chances. I wouldn’t
want to come between you two.”

Jeon Jungkook is a bit of a shit, Taehyung thinks. An amusing one. Taehyung lets it show on his

There is a tension between them, Taehyung likes it. But it’s a boundary that can’t be crossed.

“I’ll let you get back to it,” Taehyung says, glancing at the bookshelf behind him. He traps his
tongue between his teeth, keeping himself from saying more.

Like how he hates how big his apartment is and likes coming home to someone else there. That he
hates the only person he has to talk to here is Butler Park, who really does linger way too much.

“Taehyung-ssi,” Jungkook calls before Taehyung can fully leave. Taehyung only stops, turns his
face enough so Jungkook knows he’s listening.

But Jungkook doesn’t continue, and Taehyung turns fully. He looks hesitant, distracted, thumbs
hooking into the band of his pants to move them around like he just needs to fidget.

Moving them around gives Taehyung too much of a view, and he doesn’t keep the grin away when
it comes.

Jungkook narrows his eyes, hesitancy leaving. He pulls his sweatpants higher up his hips like he’s
Just realized how low they’ve gotten. “You keep pushing me to have a lover, yet emphasized that
it’s a breach of contract when we met with my lawyer. Got a trick up your sleeve there?”

It’s more curious than accusing. Taehyung returns to Jungkook, stepping up to him as he cocks his

“What do you mean by trick?” Taehyung asks, raising a brow.

Jungkook works his jaw for a moment, eyes hard. It’s unnecessarily defensive, and the suddenness
of it has Taehyung furrowing his brows.

“Breach of contract I lose everything.”

Inhaling, Taehyung touches Jungkook’s elbow and moves in close. “There is no push for you to
have anything.” Taehyung enunciates each word slowly, considering each with care. “Mention of a
lover is just an example. A reminder that we are only married in the most legal sense of it. That
you’re free to do as you want.”

Taehyung tuts his tongue and offers Jungkook a soft smile. He wants the tense edges of
Jungkook’s expression to soften too. He understands the distrust, but it is unneeded here. “The
emphasis on infidelity was for my father’s sake. It’s important to him.”
“And you?” Jungkook asks, chin jutting out to indicate him. He shakes his head a second later,
fixes his stance so it doesn’t fully come off as if Jungkook was preparing for a fight. “Do you have

It’s an absurd question. Taehyung snorts at it, fingers flexing to grip onto Jungkook before he lets
go. “Work is my main priority.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes. “I know. But I mean? I’m just wondering if.” Jungkook sucks on his
bottom lip, holds it in his mouth. It quirks when Taehyung drops his gaze to it. “If I should prepare
myself to walk in on you, you know, being intimate with someone.”

His face is unreadable. Taehyung doesn’t know why he’s trying to read it. He sighs, holding
Jungkook’s eyes for a moment in case he lets something drop as to why he would ask this.

Surely it’s a reasonable question. If Jungkook were to have a lover, they would have to discuss it.
Jungkook’s not very good at being discreet. If he were, Jin wouldn’t have spent the last few weeks
trying to rid all tabloid articles on him.

“You don’t seem like the type to dart around the word fucking ,” Taehyung replies, quite
shamelessly saying it in a low voice as he ducks his head forward. Jungkook watches his mouth
form the words, eyes narrowing even more.

“I’m a romantic,” Jungkook says, his tone so playfully teasing it surprises Taehyung. “I don’t like
to be so crude.”

It’s Taehyung that rolls his eyes this time. He has no doubt Jungkook probably has a filthy mouth,
but he doesn’t want to think too hard on it. “I wouldn’t have agreed to a union if there were anyone
else I was being intimate with, Jungkook.”

Jungkook’s expression does change then. Nothing too telling, just a softening of his features. He
keeps the playful look though, and Taehyung finds it’s just as attractive as his annoyed eyes. “No?
Not an assistant. Fucking in the office whenever you get a chance?”

Taehyung laughs louder than he means to. “My assistant is very lovely but not my type.”

“What’s your type?” Jungkook replies without hesitation, without a beat. Taehyung does hesitate,
licking over his lips before he slips his fingers over Jungkook’s bare torso.

It’s a light touch, one he wishes he could watch instead of hold Jungkook’s gaze. Just the tips
slipping over warm skin before his entire palm is connected to Jungkook. Taehyung is not ignorant
to the heavy tension he creates between them, he just likes Jungkook’s reactions to them too much.

The annoyed look fading away, the goosebumps erupting across his skin. The way he moves closer
like he feels tugged forward too.


Jungkook grins, just a small quirk of the lips before he turns his head and gives Taehyung his jaw.
“You’re an asshole.”

“So you’ve said,” Taehyung snorts, unbothered. Jungkook’s turned head gives him a chance to
look between their bodies, how well they would fit together in one of them actually closed the
remaining space between them.

His hand looks nice on Jungkook’s stomach, fingers spread. He’s thankful he has big hands, can
touch more of Jungkook at one time. Jungkook’s stomach muscles tense and release, the
goosebumps so visible when Taehyung slides his hand down to rest his hands at his waist.

When Taehyung looks up, Jungkook is watching too.

“I understand your hesitations, but you can trust me, Jungkook,” Taehyung goes on, whispers
because it’s late and this seems intimate enough to warrant a low voice. “There is no hidden
ulterior motive here. Just your comfort. Reassurances.”

He moves his hand from Jungkook’s waist to his neck, admiring how crimson and dark his skin
can get.

When Jungkook circles around Taehyung’s wrist to move it, he doesn’t let go even when their
hands fall between them. “It’s not really a chance I’m willing to take.”

Taehyung shrugs, unbothered once more. “I don’t really care what you do, Jungkook. If you’re
with someone else or all mine. Either way, it won’t be used against you.”

He says it purposefully low because maybe he likes teasing Jungkook for selfish reasons more than
he’d like to admit.

“Now, is that all? Or are there any other things you’d like to ask me?” Taehyung goes on before
Jungkook can respond. He doesn’t quite want to know what Jungkook would have to say to being
all his anyway.

From the way Jungkook looks at him, Taehyung knows whatever it is would make him second
guess his whole make sure it doesn’t go past teasing agenda.

“That’s all,” Jungkook says, eyes rolling again as he lets his hold on Taehyung go.

“Master Kim, I’ve prepared your breakfast and have already set your lunch to be delivered to the

Taehyung bows his head in his gratitude as he takes the bag from Butler Park. He’s an old man
whose hands are just starting to shake, but when Taehyung offered him retirement, he refused.
“Thank you, Butler Park. May I speak with you before I head out?”

It’s quite early. The sun is still rising. The house is quiet as it always is. Butler Park is waiting for
him by the front entrance like he always is. The same morning, every morning.

Except this morning, Taehyung woke up with a fucking hard on he couldn’t ignore. It made him
have to rush in getting ready, and he shouldn’t be making himself more late by talking with Butler
Park now, but it’s important for Jungkook’s comfort.

“I am grateful for your assistance in helping my husband get settled in,” Taehyung starts, eyeing
over his shoulder to make sure Jungkook isn’t up at the same time as him for once. “Making
yourself available for him. But I would like you to lessen your presence in his section ot he

Butler Park bows in apology immediately. It’s unnecessary, and Taehyung says as much.

“Thank you, sir. Forgive me if this is out of line, but Master Jeon isn’t a pleasant man to be

Taehyung hesitates as confusion fills him. He searches over his butler’s face, reaching out to up his

For as long as Taehyung can remember, Butler Park has tended to him. His parents worked and
worked when he was a kid, to the point it was Butler Park that was taking care of him as a parent
would. An unofficial nanny.

When Taehyung decided to leave home, Butler Park asked him to come along as if there were ever
anyway he could say no. Taehyung has too much of a soft spot for him, but he’s the type to be
passive enough that if Taehyung were cruel to him, he wouldn’t speak out against it.

“Why do you say that?” Taehyung asks, urges. He shifts on his feet. He thinks Jungkook is plenty
pleasant to be around other than his need to constantly talk. He’s usually only rude when it comes
to his family. “Speak freely.”

Butler Park’s eyes widen in alarm. “Forgive me, truly. He has an unkind face. He’s made it clear
that my presence has bothered him, though he has not said a word about it.”

Taehyung relaxes. He supposes Jungkook’s annoyed eyes aren’t as pulse racing to other people as
it is to Taehyung, seeing as those annoyed eyes usually come when Taehyung’s purposefully trying
to rile him up. “I do not know him well yet, Butler-nim. I’m unsure if he’s just uncomfortable
because everything is so new and sudden or just grumpy by nature. If he treats you unfairly, please
tell me.”

There is panic in Butler Park’s tone as he quickly denies Jungkook doing such a thing. Taehyung
wonders when his butler is finally going to be comfortable in his placement here, and hopes it
doesn’t take Jungkook as long as him.

Taehyung really doesn’t want to spend the next twenty years dancing awkwardly around each

“I’m glad to hear it,” Taehyung says, offering him a smile. “You know, many would say I have an
unkind face.”

Butler Park scoffs at that. “I’ve never met someone as kind as you, Master Kim.”

It’s kind of bullshit and subjective, Taehyung thinks, but he doesn’t say as much. He kind of likes
that someone finds him not to be harsh or uncaring, even if he doesn’t really care enough to make
other people think the same. “I thank you. Would you please have a Nari installed where
Jungkook-ssi wants it, and feel free to take the rest of the day off if he doesn’t need anything?”

Butler Park never takes days off. Taehyung has to beg him. When he agrees, Taehyung knows it’s
a lie.

He doesn’t comment though, he understands the desire and need to just work.

Taehyung ends up at work late as he suspects, much to his father’s dismay. He uses the excuse that
he couldn’t get out of bed for Jungkook reasons, and his father gives him a pass.

It confuses Taehyung, but he keeps his expression schooled. Work is the priority, it’s practically
Kim Daehee’s life motto. If he’s relaxing on that right now when Taehyung’s already moving
everything in his life to focus on work, Taehyung is thankful. Even if the reason is because his
father is a little too concerned with Taehyung’s marriage.
“I’m happy to see you and Jungkook have been getting along so well,” Daehee says, his smile
genuine. “Your mother would like the two of you over for dinner. I’ve scheduled it for Friday.”

Taehyung doesn’t keep his expression schooled then. “Abeoji, I have a packed schedule on Friday.
I wish to return home -”

Daehee holds up a finger, cutting him off. It’s habit. Years and years of this, Taehyung’s been
conditioned for his lips to close the moment Daehee’s hand lifts up. “It’s for your mother,
Taehyung-ah. You know she worries for you. Let her see your face and spend some time with you
so she can have more than just my word that you’re doing fine.”

There’s finality in his tone. Taehyung doesn’t argue, just nods. He hates when his father uses his
mother against him. “The wedding announcement comes out today.”

Raising a brow, Daehee just looks at him for a moment before he nods. “It does.”

Taehyung nods too. It feels necessary. “Will you tell me what Jeon Jongho wants out of this union

Daehee slips his hands into his pocket, still staring at him. “What does every politician care about,
Taehyung-ah? Money. Jeon Jongho got a healthy sum of money from us.”

One thing Taehyung has always prided himself on is his ability to remain composed in any
situation that’s handed towards him. Even unforeseen, abrupt ones. He finds it slips then, mouth
slacking as his eyes widen. He hates when his father sees him react, but he can’t help it.

“Excuse me?” Taehyung asks. He figured money, ties, the country’s best lawyer around to help
brush him and his sons’ shit under the carpet, but this? “You see this looks as if you’ve bought
Jungkook, right Abeoji?”

His father doesn’t look at all bothered by this. Him and Taehyung are a little too alike in their
ability to keep up a facade, though Taehyung supposes his father probably isn’t bothered by this.
Money is money. You use it when you want something. “I suppose it looks like that, yes.”

Taehyung doesn’t know why it bothers him so much, but it doesn’t sit well with him. A person
doesn’t have a price, and he doesn’t want to ask what price Jungkook’s father put on him. It
probably isn’t enough.

He teases Jungkook about being expensive, but it’s just that - teasing. Their net worth gives them
value and power in society, but things like this don’t have a price .

“Don’t look so bothered, Taehyung-ah,” Daehee says, tone soft. “It isn’t uncommon. Each year the
Jeon Jongho will receive a dowry. You knew the deal here was money for a title.”

Taehyung kicks his legs out under the desk where his father can’t see. “If you’ll excuse me, I have
a video conference with a client.”

He can feel his father’s eyes on him, but there’s not another word said before he hears the closing
of his office door.

When it reopens, Taehyung’s ready to bite off whoever’s head it is for not knocking, but he calms
himself at the sight of Beomgyu.

They dress similar, Taehyung’s always noticed. He thinks it’s on purpose as Beomgyu has a
tendency to eye Taehyung’s stances before mimicking them himself. He’s a bit of an ass kisser,
which Taehyung doesn’t mind. It’s flattering, but Beomgyu doesn’t only ass kiss to get his spot
next to Taehyung, he works really fucking hard for it.

“Mr. Kim, sir,” Beomgyu greets, bowing. “I finished my paper but Attorney Kim says he refuses to
take on another essay that you’ve assigned, and more than that but I don’t wish to repeat it.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes. He can guess what Namjoon has to say about him constantly asking
Namjoon to edit his intern’s papers. Papers he doesn’t need to assign, but he just likes to. “Leave it
on my desk, Beomgyu. I’ll read it over. Though, I only assigned this last night.”

Beomgyu nods enthusiastically, shifting on both feet after he places the paper down and clasps his
hand in front of himself. “I know, sir.”

Taehyung smiles as he touches the plastic folder with the paper inside to drag it closer to him. He
is quite fond of Beomgyu, and he hopes that he’s another person that would consider Taehyung

“You always impress me. I’ll return this to you with corrections in a few days.”

Another bow. “Thank you sir. And congratulations on your marriage. I’ve always been a huge fan
of Jeon Jungkook. If that is alright to say.”

Taehyung hesitates. The announcement must have already come out even if it’s still the early
morning hours. “A fan?”

Beomgyu nods again. “I follow him on Instagram, sir.”

He leaves at that, blushing furiously and rushing out of the office like he’s embarrassed by his
admittance. Taehyung stares after him, eyes lingering on the closed door before he pulls out his
phone without hesitation.

He doesn’t have the app. Doesn’t have any social media apps really, leaves most of that to his
assistant. He knows Jin is friends with Jungkook on them, but Taehyung had gone to Jin instead of
looking himself. It saved him time from having to scroll when he was doing his research on

But now his curiosity has peaked. It’s surprisingly easy to find Jungkook’s page. Just a search of
his name. It isn’t surprising however that he has such a large following. He’s famous in a lot of
sense of the word, even without a public account.

There is no profile description, just his initials. Taehyung presses on the profile picture, and rolls
his eyes. It isn’t Jungkook’s full face, his nose and down. On purpose, probably, as he isn’t
wearing a shirt and his bare chest is exposed.

There are a lot of pictures like that. Thirst traps that definitely do what they’re supposed to.
Taehyung bites his lips as he scrolls, sinking back in his chair as he takes in each picture of
Jungkook. There aren’t many pictures other than him, a few with Yoongi and Hoseok, and a
handful that are promoting products that Jungkook’s probably been paid to post on his account.

They could use it for promotion too is a thought that comes into Taehyung’s mind, but it so quickly
slips away when Taehyung enlarges a picture that’s a bit too obscene to be public.

He smirks at the way Jungkook hooks his thumb into his pants, tugging it down enough to be
enticing but not revealing. Taehyung thinks about the way he had adjusted his pants the night
before, showing too much, but quickly getting embarrassed when he realized. His chest is bare, not
yet inked, and his hair a peaches color that Taehyung wishes he still had. The way he tips his head
back and to the side emphasizes the shape of his jaw, the sharpness of his cheekbones. His eyes
have that same look in them whenever they watch Taehyung’s mouth.

He’s incredibly sexy, so much so that when Taehyung presses his fist beneath his jaw to support
his head, he finds his heart is pounding.

For the first time since Taehyung’s moved in, he sits in the living room by himself. A glass of wine
on the table waiting for him, a book in his lap. It’s an unfamiliar thing, but Taehyung only lets that
unsettling feeling linger within him for a moment before he settles in.

Butler Park actually took the day off like Taehyung’s asked, and he’s glad. He doesn’t have the
mindset that he’s too good to do mundane things like get himself a glass or fill it with wine, but he
feels Butler Park’s absence more when he does it himself.

The man finally takes a day off on a day Taehyung finds the house much too empty and quiet. The
first night in maybe a year Taehyung’s came home at a reasonable time. The sky still dark, yet
early enough that his staff would still be here.

But the house is empty.

Taehyung sighs, crossing his legs as he plants the book to his propped knee. He could use this time
to get ahead on his work, take a longer lunch break tomorrow, but he doesn’t.

Taehyung’s restless.

“Nari-yah, could you call my husband?” Taehyung calls, not looking for the glass cylinder that
lights up at the sound of her name. “Jeon Jungkook.”

The house is massive. It feels like his voice echoes.

“Master Kim, you do not have his phone registered in your contacts.”

Taehyung frowns, glaring behind his shoulder at the cylinder that flashes shades of greens and blue
that remind Taehyung of the ocean with each word. He glares at it as if Nari is a human that can
read his expression.

He’s sure one day there will be a voice assistant advanced enough to do so.

“Nari-yah, remind me to ask Jungkook for his phone number. And call Jimin.”

It takes a few minutes, the living room filling with the sound of a phone ringing before Jimin

“This is Jimin’s Love House, how may I help you?”

A grin tugs at Taehyung’s lips as he cocks his head over the edge of the couch. “Come over. I miss
“Who is this?” Jimin says, accusing. Taehyung flutters his eyes shut, the unsettling feeling leaving
him at the sound of Jimin’s voice. “Can’t be Taehyung. He hasn’t invited me over in years.”

“You always come here.”

Jimin scoffs. “Not because you invite me. And you’re rarely there when I do.”

The sound of a door opening interrupts Jimin, and Taehyung slowly pulls his head from the back of
the couch. He places the glass on the table, half empty, as his eyes meet with Jungkook’s.

“Now that you’re not alone, I don’t want to show up unannounced,” Jimin goes on. Jungkook’s
eyes flicker to the source of the sound as he kicks off his shoes, but fall back onto Taehyung.

Taehyung remains quiet as Jungkook shrugs off his bomber jacket next, laying it over the back of
an armchair that he plants himself into. Neither of them interrupt Jimin, who doesn’t seem to notice
their silence.

The silence really has no reason, but Taehyung doesn’t want to be the one that breaks it. The way
Jungkook looks over him, gaze unwavering, feels like a challenge that Taehyung doesn’t want to

A challenge that wouldn’t make any sense, but Taehyung’s heart thumps hard in his throat anyway.

“Don’t really want to walk in on you fucking Jungkook in the middle of the living room.”

Jungkook chokes, their gaze breaking. Taehyung hides his grin behind his hand, elbow resting
against the arm of the couch. He becomes red quickly, shooting up from his collarbones to the tip
of his ears. He glares at the Nari device like it’s Jimin himself.

“I’ll put a sock on the door,” Taehyung calls back, watching Jungkook’s hands rub over his thighs

Jimin makes a pleased noise. “I’ve been considering dropping you from best friend to acquaintance
since you haven’t said a word to me about him since the wedding. I’m a nosy bitch, Tae. You
know I need details.”

Taehyung traces the top of his upper lip, rubbing softly before he pulls his hand away. Jungkook’s
looking at him again, yet hasn’t said a word.

He’s in plain clothes. Black pants that seem baggy on him but are probably due to the big, heavy
looking pockets running up and down the sides. His is definitely baggy on him, but still manages to
cling to his chest in a way that catches Taehyung’s attention.

It reminds Taehyung of the Instagram stalking he did earlier. The way Jungkook took photos, the
way he looked at him now. Taehyung knows Jungkook’s aware of how attractive he is and isn’t
afraid to use it.

“There are no details to offer,” Taehyung replies, flicking a brow up at Jungkook in question.

Jimin makes a noise at that. It makes Jungkook’s lips quirk up. “Alright, sure. When you lost your
virginity, I got so much detail it felt like it was me fucking the foreign exchange student. Now, I
don’t even know a simple thing as who is getting fucked -”

Taehyung holds down the laugh in his chest as Jungkook’s cheeks burn. He’s very good at keeping
a blank face though, and Taehyung wishes he could push Jungkook enough to get him to express
something else.

“Jimin,” Taehyung says, “why you and Jin have such an obsession with my possible sex life is
beyond me. But I should inform you that Jungkook is listening to this.”

It’s immediate the way Jimin cusses. “Fuck acquantaince, you just became my enemy.”

Taehyung snickers as he stands from the couch to the flashing cylinder. “No, please keep going,

He sneaks a glance over his shoulder, finding Jungkook’s eyes on his ass before they lift and glare
at him.

“I apologize, Jungkook-ssi, but maybe you could give me some detail,” Jimin goes on, his tone
dropping into one that has Taehyung’s feet nearly tripping over the carpet to turn off the call. It’s
the voice he uses to persuade, charm, seduce, and Taehyung won’t have it used against his
husband. “Knowing too much about Taehyung’s life is the only thing that keeps me breathing.”

“That is not a thing you should be admitting” Taehyung says before he pushes up on his toes and
taps the button on the top of the cylinder. “Goodbye Jimin.”

The cylinder blinks once, a dark blue color, before Nari’s robotic voice follows. “Phone call

Taehyung shakes his head, turning back to Jungkook with a small smile on his face. He relaxes
back on his heels, hands slipping into the pockets of his pajamas. “I apologize. He just likes
teasing. That’s all it was.”

Jungkook just leans back, one arm pressing into the side of the chair he sits in. “You have designer

It isn’t anything Taehyung was expecting. He was hoping more Jungkook would comment on the
talk about who is getting fucked, but he’s learning never to expect anything fromJungkook.

He glances down at his pajamas as if he’s forgotten which one he’s put on before he nods. “Good

Jungkook rolls his. “They’re cute.”

Taehyung stops, head cocking to the side. He licks over his teeth, takes in Jungkook’s obvious
attempt to be casual in the way he sits. One leg crossing over the other, fingers rubbing aimlessly
through the strands of his hair.

“I look better with them off,” Taehyung replies, taking his seat back on the couch. “Is there
something I can help you with or did you sit here to compliment my attire?”

Jungkook picks at the ripped thread over his propped knee. His fingers are covered in rings that
scream expensive, his wedding band still amongst them. “Can I not sit with my husband?”

Taehyung laughs under his breath. “By all means go ahead. Grab a glass if you’d like.” He
indicates the bottle on the table that waits for another glass to be empty. “Though by how red your
ears are, I’m assuming you’ve had enough alcohol tonight.”

Jungkook makes a face at that. “I haven’t.”

He stands up then as if to prove a point, moving to the cart table set against the wall. He opens the
cabinet beneath it, extracting a glass. Taehyung pulls open the book again, but his ears tune into
the sound of Jungkook moving.

Returning, Jungkook sits on the couch this time instead. A few inches away from Taehyung, but he
sits with his legs wide enough for their knees to touch.

He’s silent. Taehyung is curious about his need to sit there, in this room. He isn’t doing anything,
doesn’t even have his phone out.

The house doesn’t seem as massive as it had before Jungkook came home.

“Jungkook,” Taehyung calls, planting the book aside. “Is there something you’d like to discuss?”

Jungkook hooks a leg over one, body turning until his knee is pressed into Taehyung’s thigh. “How
was your day?”

It’s a normal question, but Taehyung is still taken aback by it. He pushes through his hair,
readjusting himself to give Jungkook his attention. He searches Jungkook’s face, wonders if he’s
drunk. The red ears came after Jimin’s comments, but Jungkook has the week to himself, no
responsibility. He likes to party, it’d be understandable if he were out.

“It was fine. I just got in about an hour ago.”

Jungkook’s eyes are all over him, trailing down his face to the rest of his body. Taehyung turns
himself, angling around to give Jungkook as much to see as possible. He does look better naked,
plays with the thought of showing Jungkook, or teasing Jungkook that he could take his clothes off
if he wanted to see.

“And you?” Taehyung murmurs, smiling at the thought. It does something him, the sudden
intrusive thought about Jungkook’s hands on him, peeling off the clothes from his body. He lets
out a soft exhale, which makes Jungkook’s eyes rip up to his face.

“I went to Japan,” Jungkook says. The wine he sips stains his lips, and Taehyung finds he wants to
lick it away. “And a club.”

Taehyung checks his watch with a frown. Most people don’t even leave for the club for another
hour. “You’re home early then.”

“Tired,” Jungkook says.

Taehyung makes an incredulous sound at that. “Oh, I’m sure. Must be exhausting having the day

Jungkook’s eyes are blazing, slightly narrowed. “I haven’t slept.”

Taehyung fingers the bottom of his glass before bringing it to his lips. It isn’t said harshly, but
Taehyung softens. “Is the bed too soft?”

It makes Jungkook’s glare grow. “No, it’s perfect actually.”

He seems so displeased by this that Taehyung almost laughs again. “What is it then?”

“Nothing,” Jungkook replies. Taehyung doesn’t believe him. “Will you be getting home late
Taehyung hesitates. He should tell Jungkook about dinner with his parents, but he’s trying to find a
way to reschedule and push it off as much as he can. “Uh, I don’t know. Probably.”

Jungkook nods, downs the rest of his glass and stands up. “Goodnight, Taehyung.”

Taehyung sits in silence and confusion as he watches Jungkook walk off towards his part of the

The living room suddenly feels massive again.


It goes like that.

The week Jungkook has off seems to fly by and drag at the same time. He’s a little restless inside
the house, restless outside of it. He can’t pinpoint why.

He really doesn’t know why he waits up for Taehyung to come home, though he tells himself it
isn’t staying up. He’d be awake either way. Even the nights Taehyung comes home past midnight.

It feels a lot like he lives alone, even when Jungkook is in the part of the apartment they share. It’s
made it easier to adjust, to fall into a new routine and get comfortable in a new place.

Except Butler Park remains up his ass even when Jungkook insists he doesn’t need to be in the
same room as him. He half suspects Taehyung has him watched on purpose, doesn’t want
Jungkook snooping through his things.

But he thinks of the face Taehyung made when Jungkook implied he was tricking him into
breaching the contract and wonders how genuine of a response it had been. He has this ability to
look unbothered, a faceless mask on all times unless he’s amused.

But then he looked bothered.

Taehyung is hard to read, but Jungkook doesn’t think he’s the type to have him watched. If
Taehyung didn’t want him to snoop, he’d say so or keep the things he doesn’t want Jungkook to see
in his office.

And Jungkook doesn’t want to snoop, doesn’t want to know just how boring of a man he’s married
to, but he does the moment Butler Park leaves him be.

And gets caught.

“What are you doing?”

Jungkook yelps in pain when his head flies up from where it was beneath Taehyung’s bed and hits
into the bed frame. He rubs at the sore spot as he takes in the sight of Kim Seokjin.

Jin looks amused, eyebrow quirked in question as he rocks back on his heels. Jungkook glares at
him. It’s been a handful of years since Jungkook’s seen him, since Jin graduated a year before him.
He hasn’t aged at all.
“Hyung, long time no see,” Jungkook says, shrugging off the pain and looking as innocent as
possible as he stands. “You look good.”

“You look guilty,” Jin replies, hand thrusting out to shame Jungkook’s. “If you’re looking for dirt
on Taehyung, let me tell you, there isn’t any.”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose at that. If there was, he knows Taehyung could easily bury it. He’s
done his research. There’s not one remotely interesting article on Taehyung that he could find.

“And he probably keeps his sex stuff in his Red Room.”

Jungkook coughs, fist banging at his chest to release it. “Excuse me?”

The room fills with Jin’s laughs. “I’m kidding. Pretty sure that man is allergic to intimacy.
Speaking of Taehyung, he’s on his way here if you don’t want to be caught in his bedroom.”

Without hesitation, Jungkook leaves the room. He wipes his hands down his shirt as if there could
be evidence on him that he was in there. Jin laughs as he follows him out. Jungkook ignores it.

“How’d you get in?” Jungkook asks as he makes his way into the shared living room. The last time
he had seen Taehyung he was in here. It’s where he usually sees Taehyung, slipping into the
apartment quietly at a late hour, sitting on the couch with a mouth so red Jungkook had to fight off
the urge to kiss him.

“Have a key,” Jin replies, knocking their shoulders. “Taehyung had me drop everything to warn
you his father is on his way.”

Jungkook frowns at him. “Why warn?”

The answer doesn’t come as the bell sounds through the apartment. For the last week, there hasn’t
been anyone else here but staff and barely Taehyung. Jungkook stares at the door before he realizes
he has to be the one to open it.

It’s Taehyung’s father. Taehyung had said his parents would be stopping by often but the sight still
surprises Jungkook. He hasn’t seen his own parents since the wedding, has no desire to and can’t
imagine them visiting.

“Mr. Kim,” Jungkook greets, bowing his head. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

Daehee steps in like he owns the place. The way he looks around reminds Jungkook of the time
Taehyung had visited his office. Like he’s taking everything in.

Taehyung’s comments about being expensive are a little pretentious, but they are true. Both him
and his father radiate the fact they have money, power. Jungkook’s always been a little blinded by
distaste for his own parents to see it, thinks his brother just looks like a jackass, but it’s the only
thing he notices about Daehee.

It demands to be noticed on Taehyung. Even when he was only wearing his pajamas.

“I came to see if you’ve settled in,” Daehee says. Even the way he stands reminds Jungkook of
Taehyung, shoulders relaxed and hands tucked into his pockets. “And to see if you’ll be attending
dinner tonight.”

Jungkook schools his expression. He curses Taehyung for not mentioning it, leaving him here
without knowing what he’s supposed to say. Not that he’s even seen Taehyung enough for him to
tell him.

The door bangs open again, and Jungkook’s saved from responding when Daehee’s attention is
taken away by the appearance of his son.

“Appa,” Taehyung greets. He looks calm until he comes closer to Jungkook, but Jungkook can feel
the fast way he breathes.

He can feel it because Taehyung embraces him, hand squeezing at his hips as his lips come down
to brush over Junglook’s cheek. It lingers, hot and wet and only an inch away from the corner of
Jungkook’s mouth.

“Hey baby,” Taehyung murmurs loud enough for his father to hear. “Why aren’t you dressed?”

Jungkook struggles not to glare at him, teeth clenching as he bores his eyes into Taehyung.

Taehyung squeezes his hips again, eyes blazing.

“Lost track of time I guess,” Jungkook grits out. “I apologize, Abeonim. Not working has really
muddled my routine.”

Daehee sends a forgiving his way, and Jungkook attempts to turn, but Taehyung’s fingers are in his
shirt to tug him back.

To tug him in the direction of Taehyung’s closet.

Jungkook looks around as he enters it, making sure there’s no evidence of his snooping before he
turns on Taehyung.

“A heads up would have been nice.”

Taehyung sighs like he’s tired. He waves his fingers in the air, indicating nothing. “Jin was
supposed to warn you, but he apparently took his sweet time getting here. I realized I don’t have
your phone number.”

Jungkook crosses his arms. Understandable then, but still .

“I was trying to get out of it,” Taehyung explains as he walks past Jungkook and into the rows of
clothing. “I really don’t have the time for it, but my father is stubborn.”

It is unfamiliar the way Taehyung moves now, though Jungkook supposes any Taehyung isn’t
familiar yet. He moves quickly, not as composed, as he pulls clothes from the rack and tosses them
to Jungkook.

“Wear this.”

Jungkook glares at the shirt being thrusted into his hands like it’s offended him. “What?”

“You can’t go in that,” Taehyung whispers hurriedly, waving a hand at Jungkook’s attire. “No
matter how good you look in it.”

A grin takes over Jungkook’s lips as his head falls back. Taehyung rolls his eyes at him.

“Put the damn clothes on.”

It’s been a couple days since Jungkook’s seen Taehyung more than a brief second. He can’t deny
the effect Taehyung has on him, finds he doesn’t want to. Taehyung is attractive and every
interaction they’ve had, Taehyung has gone out of his way to make it tense in a way that makes
knots form in Jungkook’s gut.

In ways that Jungkook thinks about when he’s alone, though he’ll never admit that.

“Your clothes won’t fit me,” Jungkook says, but he yanks off the shirt he wears anyway. Taehyung
only spares him a glance over his shoulder before he moves to the shelves of pants.

“You’re not that much bigger than me,” Taehyung scoffs. “Our jackets for the wedding were the
same size.”

Jungkook pulls on the shirt he was given. The material is silky, soft. It is tight in some places, but
not to the point where it’s comfortable.

“Why haven’t you put your clothes in here yet?” Taehyung asks as he comes back with a pair of
black pants.

“I haven’t been home.”

“You’re here every night.”

Jungkook bites at his bottom lip. He hadn’t expected Taehyung to notice which is dumb on his part
because Taehyung notices everything . “You want me to change with you in here? With your father

The topic changes easily, and Taehyung makes a face at him. It’s one of confusion and alarm.
Jungkook thinks he likes him expressive more so than the usual look of taunting or indifference he

“We’re married, darling. I’m sure my father thinks we’ve seen a lot more of each other than flashes
of skin while we get changed.”

Taehyung starts working at his own buttons then, fingers quickly moving down his torso. He had
teased about how good he looks without clothes the other night, and Jungkook’s eyes linger
because he wants to know if it’s true.

“Have you - have you told him that?”

Taehyung rolls his eyes, but he turns his body when Jungkook’s hands go to his track pants to tug
them off. “No. I only asked you if it was okay to prepare if he did ask me. I wasn’t going to offer
the information up myself.”

It’s quiet for a moment as Jungkook lets himself watch the reveal of Taehyung’s skin. The indents
of his shoulder blades, stretching his smooth skin. The length of his spine, the long hair that tickles
his nape.

It’s quite curly, and Jungkook likes it. Looks soft, and Jungkook’s a bit envious of the longer
strands that get to caress Taehyung’s skin.

“Half the reason I wanted to cancel tonight is because I didn’t want him to bring up in front of
you,” Taehyung goes on, speaking to Jungkook with his back turned. The sound of his voice has
Jungkook moving again, pulling on the pants Taehyung offered him.

Jungkook doesn’t know what to make of the fact that Taehyung always seems to be concerned with
his comfort.

“Another because I just am not in the mood to sit through dinner,” Taehyung goes on, rambling. He
turns as Jungkook’s pulling the tight pants over his hips.

They really are similar in size, but Jungkook struggles to get the material over his thighs and
frowns when they sag over his ass.

“These don’t fit,” Jungkook tells him, moving to push them down but Taehyung swats at his hands.

It’s rough the way Taehyung pulls on the material, dragging Jungkook forward an inch. Taehyung
doesn’t look away from his face as he does it again.

They’re close. So close, Jungkook can feel his breath again. He curses at the hollow feeling in his
gut at how close Taehyung’s hands are to him, knuckles brushing beneath his belly as he gets the
pants buttoned.

“I’m sorry. I promise we won’t be there long,” Taehyung whispers, eyes searching over
Jungkook’s face. His eyes are dark, heavy.

Him zipping up Jungkook’s pants is highly unnecessary, but Jungkook doesn’t push him away
when he does. Even when Taehyung’s sudden rushed movements stop, and he inches the zipper up

Jungkook finds he wants to kiss him.

“Make it up to me,” Jungkook replies, head tilting to the side. Taehyung’s hands seem to linger
before he realizes the zipper can’t go up any further, and he lets go.

That taunting look reappears as Taehyung quirks a brow. He doesn’t move back. “And how would
you like me to do that?”

Jungkook licks his lips, hesitating. He wasn’t expecting Taehyung to reply with that. It seemed
more like Taehyung would point out that he clearly doesn’t want to do this dinner.

“Have dinner with me,” Jungkook says. “Just you and me.”

Taehyung peers his eyes at him, his cheek rounding to form the shape of the tongue pushing into it.
“Excuse me?” Amusement fills his eyes as he shakes his head. “Are you asking me out on a date,

In annoyance, Jungkook pushes Taehyung back with a hand against his shoulder. That amusement
on his face only grows. “It would be good to appear somewhere together,” Jungkook manages.
Bullshits. He doesn’t know what he’s thinking, doing, asking. “The newlyweds spotted out on a
romantic dinner date. First spotting since the news of their wedding broke.”

The article came out the day before. A simple thing that announced their union. Jungkook’s socials
have blown up with notifications since, but he hasn’t looked at any of them. He never does. People
have too many entitlement issues when it comes to their opinions about people in the public eye.

“Surprised you didn’t frame the article,” Jungkook teases, wagging a brow at him. “Since you
wanted it so much.”

Taehyung has a habit of licking his lips. Tongue rolling over the bottom, flicking up at the top,
rolling around in the corner. Well, Jungkook thinks it’s a habit at least. A frustrating one.
“I was considering it,” Taehyung teases, eyes playful as he pulls the lapels of Jungkook’s shirt
closed next. Jungkook wants to tell him he can dress himself just fine, but he remains silent.
“There’s also one more thing we should do. Speaking of frames. Photos. Instagram.”

Jungkook grunts lightly when Taehyung tugs on him again, pressing their bodies together. He’s hot
from rushing to get here, rushing to get dressed.

“Keep it unbuttoned,” Taehyung whispers before he’s digging through the clothes Jungkook had
just stripped off to get his phone.

In confusion, Jungkook unlocks his phone as requested before his phone is snatched away from
him. He eyes over the top of the screen to look at what Taehyung is doing, but Taehyung lifts the
phone higher and levels the back with Jungkook’s face so he can’t see it.

Jungkook doesn’t even let Yoongi nor Hoseok have his phone like this, though there isn’t really
anything he’s hiding. Nothing that he needs to hide at least.

“Come here,” Taehyung murmurs, stepping back to Jungkook. One hand slips around the back of
Jungkook’s neck as he holds out the phone with the other. A sideways glance, Jungkook sees the
camera pulled up. “Kiss me.”

“What?” Jungkook snaps, breathes, eyes flicking back to Taehyung’s face.

“We don’t have much time before Appa gets annoyed,” Taehyung says, eyes rolling. He licks his
lips. “It’s for the ‘gram baby.”

Amusement fills Jungkook as he cups Taehyung’s hip and moves them back together. “I’m
surprised you know what the ‘gram is, Taehyung-ssi.”

“Shut up, I’m not ancient,” Taehyung snips, but his tone is soft around the edges. “Are you okay
with this or do you want to take a regular selfie like the boring guy you are?”

Jungkook can’t tell if it’s goading. If Taehyung’s seen his Instagram, he knows he doesn’t take
regular boring selfies. At least his followers don’t think so. “Come on then. Put your hand around
my neck.”

Taehyung grins, an eyebrow quirking as Jungkook does what he wants and cups his neck, pulls
Taehyung in. Jungkook’s heart picks up the pace as they get closer and completely flat lines when
Taehyung’s tongue hits his lips first.

It’s just the tip, teasing at Jungkook’s parted lips before the sound of the camera shutter closing
fills the silence between them. Jungkook flexes his fingers, digs them into Taehyung’s hips,
wonders if it would be okay if he opened his mouth wider and sucked Taehyung’s tongue into his

Taehyung hums, pleased as he pulls his tongue back into his mouth and presses a kiss to
Jungkook’s lips. The shudder goes off again, but Jungkook’s moving, pulling Taehyung into his

Pushing for more the way Jungkook wants to feels like he’s losing at the game he and Taehyung
have started. An accidental game that maybe Taehyung isn’t actively playing in. It could just be
how the man is, enticing and alluring and Jungkook’s want for him makes it come off as if
Taehyung’s teasing the air around them at all times.

But either way, Jungkook wants to deepen the kiss, forget about the camera, but he doesn’t want to
give Taehyung the fucking upperhand.

Taehyung hums again, fingers rubbing over Jungkook’s nape when their lips part over each other.
After a third picture, Jungkook hopes Taehyung wants to take more just as an excuse to keep
kissing him.

But he doesn’t. Pulling away, Taehyung presses his back against Jungkook’s chest as he pulls up
the pictures they took. He leans into more like, letting Jungkook look over his shoulder at the

Jungkook trails his hand over Taehyung’s arm to cover Taehyung’s hand with his own, to have
them fit and touch as much as possible.

The first picture is a bit erotic. Taehyung’s tongue pointed and curved, connected with Jungkook’s
mouth. Jungkook’s hand around his throat, his wedding band out for all to see.

The second, Taehyung looks like he had kissed Jungkook while laughing. Even if it’s just his
profile and his proximity to Jungkook makes it hard to see, it’s in the quirk of his lips, the crinkles
around his eyes.

The third is hot again, their lips parted like they’re sharing a breath.

Taehyung pulls up Jungkook’s Instagram and uploads all three. Jungkook tenses for a moment, but
he finds he doesn’t want to stop Taehyung.

“Any ideas on what to caption this, lover?” Taehyung whispers, turning his head so his lips
practically brush Jungkook’s cheek. “You’re not very good with captions.”

“Photos speak for themselves,” Jungkook replies, tone haughty. Taehyung snorts out a laugh like
he had hoped for.

“Annoying,” Taehyung murmurs softly as he starts typing.

Finally married to this guy. How did I get so lucky? Can’t keep my hands off of him.

“ No ,” Jungkook whines, tightening his grip over Taehyung’s hand to pull the phone away but he
fails. “That doesn’t sound like me.”

“I’m sorry,” Taehyung amends. “How’s, can’t stop being romantic and intimate?”

Jungkook grunts, unable to fight off his smile as Taehyung finally lets the phone go. “Let me. You
didn’t even add a filter.”

He quickly searches for one before typing the date of their wedding and initials. Taehyung doesn’t
even look at the phone, but Jungkook while he posts.

“There,” Jungkook says, showing it off. “Now are you going to tell me what that’s about?”

“Went through your account the other day,” Taehyung says casually as he touches Jungkook’s
chest and buttons the last top buttons. “Thought it would be good promo. You post enough that it
would appear odd if you didn’t post about the man you’re madly in love with.”

Jungkook licks his lips, stares at Taehyung’s. “How long do we have to pretend we give a shit
about what the public thinks?”

Taehyung snorts. “I don’t know. Like a week before they get distracted by something else. Like
you posting another naked picture of yourself.”

Heat washes over Jungkook’s face. He hasn’t posted a naked picture, he doesn’t think. Has he?
He’s gonna have to go through his pictures again and see.

“Sexy,” Taehyung murmurs, hand planting down his chest. It’s purposefully slow, the way it had
been with his zipper, Taehyung’s eyes planted on his own hand as he takes it down Jungkook’s
chest. “Let’s not keep Appa waiting any longer.”

Jungkook clears his throat, breathes in when there’s space between them. “Don’t think I didn’t
notice you changing the topic away from dinner together.”

Taehyung walks out of the closet, doesn’t even turn around. He just waves a peace sign over his
head and leaves.

Taehyung’s parents home is quite similar to his own. Even the decoration and furniture. He listens
to Taehyung’s mother talk about his own, and it makes him wonder how long they’ve known each

He wonders if Taehyung’s mother thinks of him as a warm person the way his own mother does. If
she sees her son as warm as well.

She’s not warm, Jungkook thinks. Very stiff in her posture, lips constantly tight. Jungkook feels
like he’s having a tense business meeting with one of the general managers he manages instead of
his in laws.

It contrasts with the few things Taehyung has told him about her.

“Butler Park told me you took the private jet the other day,” Taehyung’s mother says, a spoon
hovering in her hand before she dips it in the bowl of her own. “Did you change your mind about
the honeymoon?”

Jungkook isn’t hungry. If Taehyung gave him a head’s up about this dinner, he wouldn’t have
eaten his body weight in noodles this afternoon. The tension in the dining room only adds to his
inability to eat.

Usually, Jungkook doesn’t care about these things. He’s already met Taehyung’s parents,but he’s
never dated anyone enough to meet their parents, and that’s what this feels like.

“No,” Jungkook replies when Taehyung doesn’t. “I flew to Japan with Yoongi. You met him at the

Daehee lifts his chin at that, attention turning to his plate to where Taehyung and Jungkook sit
beside each other between him and his wife. “The one with the blue hair?”

“Yes sir.”

“I represented his father in a case when Taehyung was just a baby,” Daehee says. He props his
elbows on the table and clasps his hands together. “It’s how I met your father.”

A hand slips over Jungkook’s thigh, startling him for a moment. Taehyung doesn’t look at him, his
hand just lingers. “Oh really?”
Daehee purses his lips, nodding. “Your father hired me to represent him. It was before Min’s
company started off, you see. I’m assuming that is how you know Yoongi? Friends from

Jungkook feels like he’s being interrogated, but he thinks that’s because of the way Daehee talks.
The same as Taehyung, though Jungkook likes Taehyung’s taunts and doesn’t really appreciate the
same look on his father’s face the same way. “Yes.”

Daehee nods, and for a moment, it feels as if Jungkook’s said something wrong. Taehyung’s hand
squeezes the flesh of Jungkook’s thigh before it moves over him. Jungkook’s thighs part without
his permission to give Taehyung the room to cup the inside of one. “Taehyung assures me you
weren’t romantically involved with anyone before this.”

Taehyung’s head snaps up then, eyes glaring at his father. Jungkook doesn’t react, finds the fingers
brushing over the seam of his pants to be comforting. “Abeoji.”

“It’s true,” Jungkook comments. Since the beginning, Taehyung hasn’t just wanted to fool the
public they’re passionately in love, but his father. It’s something that’s been extremely apparent,
though Jungkook doesn’t know the reason behind it. “I’ve never been involved with Yoongi, sir, if
that’s what you’re implying.”

Taehyung relaxes back in his chair. “Abeoji, I asked you for no questions tonight.”

Daehee holds his hands out, surrendering. “You’re right. I’m sorry, Taehyung-ah. Jungkook, how
is the food?”

The hand doesn’t leave Jungkook, though it doesn’t stay in place. Taehyung traces up to his knee,
holds it, comes back to the inner part of his thigh. Moves it high until Jungkook has to glance down
to make sure Taehyung’s hand isn’t actually between his legs. It makes him hot, the sweat starting
to grow at the back of his neck. His face swells with heat, and he has to bring the hot soup up to it
constantly to use that as an excuse.

Jungkook listens to the conversations more than joins them, really. He doesn’t want to pretend to
be interested in business, in companies or stocks. He wants to know why they’ve asked them here,
but he suspects this is things couples do.

Eat with their parents together.

“Isn’t that right, Jungkook-ah?”

Jungkook lifts a brow, ear angling towards Taehyung. He was counting the squares on the table
cloth beneath them.

Taehyung spreads his fingers, the side of his hand pressing in the junction between Jungkook’s
crotch and thigh. “I said you couldn’t stay for dessert.”

Jungkook looks to him then. Taehyung has some warmness in his face, in the tone, his eyes when
they’re not gazing at him like he might pounce. The softness around his mouth. His lips are soft,
Jungkook reminds himself. His body warm.

Cooing, Taehyung cups Jungkook’s face. He isn’t expecting it, but it’s there - like his thoughts
about Taehyung’s mouth have called them forward. Thank god Taehyung can’t read minds, though
he brings their lips together like he can.

For his parents to see, Jungkook thinks, but they can’t see beneath the table at the way Taehyung
touches him. Jungkook doesn’t know the purpose of that, but it’s a bit exciting, and Jungkook kind
of wants to stay for dessert to see how much Taehyung’s touch with stray to where he wants it.

“Cutie,” Taehyung murmurs before he stands. “I’ll be right back, Eomma, Appa.”

Jungkook thanks them for welcoming him into their home before Taehyung practically drags him

“Are we going to be doing this during every dinner?” Jungkook asks, smirking as Taehyung
practically rips him across the sparkling marble floor.

“Shut it. You could have at least pretended to be interested. You looked like you were spacing out
for half of the dinner,” Taehyung chides, but it’s gentle.

“I was,” Jungkook admits shamelessly, and Taehyung rolls his eyes at him. “Have a more exciting
conversation and maybe I’ll pay better attention.”

Taehyung pushes into him then, fingers releasing his wrist. “Thought touching you was exciting
enough to keep your attention.”

Jungkook isn’t expecting it to be acknowledged, but Taehyung doesn’t seem the type to hop around
a subject or avoid it. “I’m sure you don’t think touching me like that would make me suddenly
focus on talk about the stock market. Kind of made me think about other things.”

Taehyung bites at his grin, shameless in the way he lets it light up his face. He doesn’t even look
around to see if his parents have followed him out before he’s touching Jungkook again.

The breath gets stuck in Jungkook’s lungs as Taehyung’s hand ghosts down his belly, between his
legs, and rests against his thigh. “And what were you thinking about that is more exciting than

Jungkook feels like he’s being tested again, and he wonders how long this is going to last. “Why do
you always do this?”

Taehyung quirks a brow. “What?”

“This,” Jungkook says under his breath, waving his hand between them. “You know what you’re

Taehyung hesitates. “You relax when I touch you.” As if to show what he means, he runs his
knuckles over Jungkook’s hip. “You get so tense I’m sure your jaw is about to snap in half, but you
release it when I tease you.”

Jungkook’s jaw feels tense now, or maybe his entire body does. But he finds it isn’t when his lips
part for him to lick at his bottom lip.

“Had to get you through dinner,” Taehyung tells him again, voice low like he’s still trying to
seduce him. It’s getting a little ridiculous, and Jungkook’s been on the edge of getting hard all
dinner. “I promised you you wouldn’t stay long. You were on edge.”

There it is again, Taehyung’s concern for his comfort. “So you decided to put me on edge more.”

Taehyung’s nose wrinkles when he smiles. He touches Jungkook again, palm sliding over his hips
and resting at the bottom of his spine. He presses them into each other, and Jungkook swears it
can’t be a game. “Did I? Or are wherever your thoughts strayed to blame?”
Jungkook wrinkles his nose too, but not around a smile. “Both.”

Taehyung steps back then, letting him go. That annoying cocky look is back on his face, and
Jungkook wishes he hadn’t said a word. His tongue slipping over the corner of his boxy grin, his
eyebrows wagging. “Good. Don’t wait up for me, baby.”

It’s late again, later than before. Jungkook doesn’t even realize he’s there at first as he makes his
way to the kitchen, pressed against the wall by the door with his eyes closed. His tie is loose
around his throat, hands shoved into his pockets. His shoes are gone to one side like he kicked
them off.

Jungkook didn’t wait up. He kind of refused to touch himself to the thought of Taehyung, even if
Taehyung wouldn’t know. To give him that advantage in the game, so he’s been trying to distract
himself with anything else. Horror films, shitting books, violent video games.

“Do you sleep?”

Jungkook jumps at the sudden voice, finding Taehyung like that. His eyes open slowly when
Jungkook doesn’t respond and land on him heavily.

“Could ask you the same thing,” Jungkook retorts because Taehyung looked as if he was sleeping
standing up. It wouldn’t be surprising if Taehyung left his parents to work, or if he worked while

Taehyung’s lips quirk up as he pushes away from the wall. He undoes the rest of his tie, slipping it
off to toss over one of the living room chairs. “I’m about to now.”

It’s dark. Just the city lights from outside lighting Jungkook’s path to the kitchen. It casts shadows
across Taehyung’s face as he comes near.

“Just have a few emails to send.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes, doesn’t care if Taehyung sees or not. “You care a little too much about
work. Is that the real reason you kicked me out of your parents? To work.”

Taehyung’s eyes fall over him as he moves to his shirt buttons. Jungkook refuses to let his eyes
drop. “I get paid good money to do so. If you haven’t noticed.”

“As if you’d let me not be aware of it.”

Another quirk of the lips, and Taehyung is a few inches in front of him. He’s quiet as his hands slip
down the front of his own torso. “You get this petulant look on your face when I do. S’cute.”

Jungkook feels petulant when he rolls his eyes. Taehyung looks too confident in his taunting.
Always does. “Wouldn’t call myself cute, Taehyung.”

Taehyung quirks a brow. “No? What would you call yourself then?”

It’s a setup for more teasing, more tension that Taehyung seems to like to create and is good at
doing so. Even with bags beneath his eyes that the dark extenuates, it’s in the way he holds himself.
The look in his eyes, the tongue that never seems to stay in his mouth.
At least, during the handful of times they’ve actually spent time together, it’s been like this.

“Just as expensive as you.”

Taehyung’s exhale sounds amused as he tugs his shirt from where they’re trapped beneath his
pants. “It isn't a competition, baby. We share funds now, remember. We’re expensive together .”

Jungkook’s ears burn hot the way Taehyung says it. The way he’s stripping his shirt from his
shoulders as he does.

“Though if you want it to be a competition,” Taehyung starts. “I wouldn’t mind. Like I said. You
get cute.”

Jungkook juts his chin. It makes Taehyung laugh again.

“Don’t worry,” Taehyung breathes, and Jungkook doesn’t look, but the motion of Taehyung’s arms
and the sound of metal tells him he’s on his belt now. “Kinda sexy too.”

Jungkook parts his lips, licks them. Taehyung definitely knows he’s creating a tense atmosphere.
There’s no way he can be unaware of just how heavy his eyes get, the way his voice comes out a
rumble that does something to Jungkook he doesn’t want to admit to. Taehyung’s too aware of
everything to not see the way Jungkook reacts to it.

Jungkook just doesn’t know what game Taehyung is playing at. He doesn’t believe his bullshit
excuse that it eases Jungkook’s tension, because he’s home, alone, and not tense right now and it’s
happening again.

“I’ll admit it’s one of the reasons I agreed to marry you,” Taehyung says, tone a bit louder, less
intent in it. Brightness sparks in his eyes as he cocks his head to the side. “You were the best
looking one.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes at that. If Taehyung’s playing with him, he isn’t going to give into it. Even
if he has the urge to watch Taehyung undress himself or perhaps do it for him. “So that’s why you
had a gym installed?”

Taehyung’s shoulders lift towards his ears when he giggles. “Perhaps.”

“Way to sexualize me,” Jungkook challenges. He’s vaguely aware of the sound of the belt hitting
the ground. “I have other qualities, Taehyung.”

“I said one of the reasons,” Taehyung says with his own roll of his eyes. He reaches out then,
knuckles grazing Jungkook’s side. “Attraction is just a plus. Not a decision maker.”

Jungkook bites the tip of his tongue. Taehyung’s close enough that he can almost feel how warm
he is. “What was the decision maker?”

Taehyung sighs, chest rising and falling with it. He doesn’t answer as he reaches up and slips his
fingers around the collar of Jungkook’s shirt.

“How many times am I going to tell you it’s the title before you stop asking me?” Taehyung finally
replies, his tone more curious than biting.

“If you wanted a title to fall onto, you probably shouldn’t have married the Jeon brother known to
get in trouble.”
Taehyung smirks, tugging some. Jungkook wants to move closer, wants to move far away.
“Where’s the fun in that?”

Jungkook narrows his eyes, moves in the remaining inch between them. He isn’t a mouse on a
string for Taehyung to play with, though he kind of feels like it.

Especially the waiting around. Jungkook doesn’t do that, has no reason to. But for some god
forsaken reason he thinks about how Taehyung doesn’t want to sleep and wants to make sure that
he does.

“Fun?” Jungkook reiterates. “Here I am thinking you’re allergic to anything that’s fun.”

Taehyung turns his body, shoulder pressing into Jungkook’s chest before he takes a step away.
“Get to know me before you make assumptions, baby.”

And Jungkook doesn’t mean for it to slip out, doesn’t care. Doesn’t know why he does. “You’re
not home enough for me to.”

Taehyung visibly tenses. He’s shirtless so Jungkook can see the way his shoulders immediately
tense, body stilling.

Jungkook doesn’t give a shit if Taehyung is here or not, but he’s kind of trying to play along with
Taehyung’s game and it’s failing.

There’s nothing on Taehyung’s face when he turns over his shoulder to look at him. “I’m home

“You’re going to bed.”

It’s back, the look. This time Taehyung sucks in his bottom lip with it. “You could always join

It’s part of the game, maybe something fun for Taehyung. But it makes Jungkook’s body feel too
warm beneath his clothes.

“How enjoyable. Gonna read me emails until I fall asleep?”

Taehyung steps backwards, and Jungkook has the urge to follow. “Of course not. There’s a
confidentiality agreement.”

It’s harder than Jungkook expects to stifle his groan of complaint. “Do you ever talk about
anything other than work?”

He’s taking the step forward before he can stop himself. Being around Taehyung is a little
dangerous, feels like it at least. Normally, Jungkook would have just made a move, wouldn’t get
too worked up over the want inside of him. But this is different, so different.

“Come find out,” Taehyung whispers, reaching out to twist his fingers into Jungkook’s shirt to pull
him with him. “You want to get to know me, care to stay up a little later?”

Jungkook thinks he didn’t mean what he said, not in the way it normally means. Get to know
Taehyung more in the sense of how his body fits against his own, what he tastes like, how his
voice gets when he’s pleasured, what can help him sleep more. You know, things like that.

“I’d much prefer it if you sleep.”

Taehyung’s expression softens as he releases his hold on Jungkook just to wrap his fingers around
Jungkook’s instead. They’ve done it before, held hands, but Jungkook had been really too nervous
about the wedding to focus on it.

“You’re incredibly whiny,” Taehyung says, though he doesn’t say it like a complaint. He leads
Jungkook down the hallway, never turning around to see where he’s going. “Once you move up in
your mother’s company, you’re going to have sleepless nights too. You’ll understand then.”

“I’ll have my assistants do it for me.”

Taehyung’s laugh rings through the dark hallway. “If you want it done right you have to do it
yourself. Believe me.”

Jungkook hasn’t been in Taehyung’s room with him before. He pretends like it’s unfamiliar, that he
hasn’t snooped as Taehyung pushes his back into the door and tugs him inside.

It doesn’t look lived in is one thing Jungkook’s always noticed. Since his closet is in a different
room, there isn’t any clothing around. A bookshelf filled with books but nothing else. A tidy bed
with just a plain white bedding set on it like it’s one of the rooms from Jungkook’s hotels.

“I have six interns and only one of them is capable of doing anything,” Taehyung says, complains
as he strips his pants off. His briefs are white, plain. He doesn’t acknowledge Jungkook’s eyes on
him as he climbs into his bed. “Honestly. If I didn’t have their documents, I’d believe they forged
their credentials.”

Jungkook stands there unsure where to go. It isn’t until Taehyung is looking at him expectantly and
patting his bed for him to join that Jungkook finally moves.

“So many search engines exist. Type in a question, and bam, answer. Yet they can’t even tell me
who won Seojoon’s last case.” Taehyung snaps it out before he sighs heavily. His eyes follow
Jungkook kneeing onto his bed before he searches beneath the pillow for a remote. “Sorry. I know
you want to spend time together and not hear me bitch about college students.”

Tension fills Jungkook, making him hesitate on the bed. Spend time with Taehyung? How did
Taehyung know that? Did he say that? Possibly. Jungkook can’t really control his mouth often.
He’s been on edge all day.

It doesn’t help that Taehyung pulled him in here like a predator luring it’s prey into a trap, and then
climbs into bed like nothing.

The fact that he doesn’t even look bothered by the fact that Jungkook’s in his bed, and Taehyung’s
wearing nothing but his briefs.

“I said I want you to sleep,” Jungkook corrects.

Taehyung makes sure Jungkook sees his eye roll before he wiggles beneath the comforter and the
television flashes on. Another button on the remote makes darkness swallow them before the
television fights it off.

“Alright,” Taehyung says, kneading his head into one pillow. “Lay down then.”

Jungkook points at himself. Taehyung’s pulled him into his bed for a reason, but he suddenly
forgets what people do in one. “Me?”

“Mhm.” Taehyung blinks before he changes the channel to a music station that plays lullabies .
“Talk until I fall asleep.”

Jungkook hesitates. His mind has been filled with thoughts of Taehyung's hands on his body all
day, but the opportunity to have Taehyung sleep trumps them. He's been trying to get them out of
his head for the better part of the day, failed constantly, but Taehyung's blinking eyes seem to do
the trick. “Talk about what?”

Through the dim light, Jungkook can just make out the hard glare Taehyung sends his way. “I
don’t know, you’re the one that implied you wanted to get to know each other. Now lay down and
talk to me.”

Slowly, Jungkook kicks off his socks and makes his way beneath the heavy comforter. Taehyung’s
bed is massive, giving Jungkook plenty of space to lay without putting him too close to Taehyung.

He lets silence sit between them for a moment as Jungkook rubs his lips together. He doesn’t have
anything in mind to say, doesn’t know why he blurted out to Taehyung he’s never home. It’s
embarrassing. It sounds needy, and Jungkook is not . Never has been.

“Taehyung,” Jungkook finally says, turning his head on the pillow. Taehyung’s eyes are closed,
hands resting on his stomach. “What’s the name of the intern you like?”

Taehyung glances at him, eyebrows crunching together. “Choi Beomgyu.”

Jungkook hums that he heard him. “And who is Seojoon?”

Shifting around, Taehyung sighs before he rolls to his side and props his elbow into one of the
pillows. “The opposing lawyer in the case I’m working on. Any more questions?”

Jungkook mimics the movement, rolling to his side. He has an urge to reach over and pull
Taehyung close. “Why do you care so much about making sure I’m comfortable?”

Taehyung slumps a bit, eyes working over him. “Why do you say it like an accusation?”

His tone is so defensive it makes Jungkook smile. He’s expecting Taehyung to scoff and roll away,
but it’s Jungkook that does. He rests on his back and stares up at Taehyung’s ceiling.

There’s glow in the dark stars spotted around here and there. Tiny ones that Jungkook has to blink
and make sure he’s seeing right.

“You don’t have to, that’s all,” Jungkook tells him. “I’m capable of handling myself fine. I’m not
new to uncomfortable situations.”

Taehyung doesn’t reply for a minute, but Jungkook listens to him move around. “I pushed our
marriage on you. The most I can do is to make it so it’s comfortable for you.”

Jungkook pushes his lips into a pout. He mulls that over a few times, finds he agrees with
Taehyung. He had pushed it hard, but he also pushed the fact that Jungkook could back out at any
moment too.

“Just go to dinner with me instead,” Jungkook says. He’ll deal with how embarrassing he is later.
“Or have dinner with me every once and awhile.”

He wants to keep going, to explain how he knows Taehyung is busy but his house is massive and
Jungkook doesn’t want to spend every night alone in it. He doesn't linger too much on the why's of
that, of wanting to spend time with Taehyung, but just enough to give Taehyung a reason why they
should. Present facts and points that will get him to agree like Taehyung had the first time they

But when he turns to look at Taehyung and say as much, he's fast asleep.

Chapter End Notes

Please let me know what you think!! I get excited every time someone tells me hehe

Chapter 4
Chapter Notes

Hey friends! Since I'm posting this chapter so quickly after the last, the next one will
be posted the upcoming weekend, the beginning of next week.

This has got much more of a response than I ever imagined so I really hope you
continue to like it and I thank everyone who has commented kudo's messaged cc'd etc
etc it means the world

Take a peek at the new tags

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The light is bright. Taehyung groans as it hits his eyelids. He tries to bury his face into the pillow
to give himself a moment, but his pillow is too hard.

Much too hard. Taehyung blinks as he pulls his head up and stares at the bare chest beneath him.
The way it expands with slow inhales, the darkened skin from how warm the room is. The smell of
soap that doesn’t really have a scent, but Taehyung buries his nose back down to breathe it in.

He blames the heavy exhaustion holding onto him for the way he holds onto Jungkook. A hand
slipping over his stomach to feel the way it moves, his cheek moving further towards the center of
his chest to feel the thump of his heart.

One of the things Taehyung knew he would selfishly get out of a union was company. He had
hoped there would be some nights the house wasn’t empty, though he wasn’t expecting Jungkook
to be around as often as he is.

He also wasn’t expecting to like the fact that his bed isn’t empty either when he wakes up.

He should create space between them right now, but he lets himself linger for a moment. Only until
Jungkook shifts and needs the space to roll on his side.

Jungkook reaches out, hand slipping over Taehyung’s waist. He groans in his sleep, eyebrows
furrowing and lips pursing like he might wake. Being out of work, he doesn’t have to, and
Taehyung doesn’t want him to.

He gives himself a minute to watch Jungkook resting before he attempts to roll away, but
Jungkook’s fingers dig into him and stop him.

Taehyung chuckles lightly as he gently pries Jungkook’s fingers off just for Jungkook to hold onto
them instead.

“Jungkook-ah,” Taehyung calls softly, leaning down closer to his face. “I have to go.”

Jungkook’s still asleep, Taehyung suspects when he doesn’t respond. His hand falls to the mattress
when Taehyung wiggles away from his grip, and he rolls onto his stomach.
Taehyung pulls the blanket higher up his body before he crawls out of bed. The floor is cold on his
feet and he bounces out of the room to get ready for work.

When he peeks his head in on Jungkook before he leaves, Jungkook’s back on his side with a
pillow tucked against his chest.

Taehyung lingers again before he forces himself away to leave.

“Have I or have I not told you to be careful with what you say and who you say it to?”

The man stares back at him, his expression far from apologetic. The entire meeting has given
Taehyung a headache because his client refuses to stop making the situation worse for himself.

“I told you myself or Jin will be handling all public statements,” Taehyung continues, tapping his
pencil hard against his desk. “Since you can’t seem to stop digging a hole for yourself. Might as
well hold a press conference and give yourself in.”

The man, Park Dongmin, one of the heads of the company Taehyung is representing is a piece of
shit. In all honesty, it is difficult for Taehyung to keep him from saying as much, especially when
the man continues to try and prove it to the world.

“I did not come here to be scolded by a child,” Dongmin says, eyes narrowed.

If Taehyung’s father hadn’t insisted he take on this case, he’d have dropped out. He knows he’s
being tested, not just capability in winning but patience and professionalism, but he considers if
he’d truly lose his position at the firm if he failed at those things.

Nepotism has its perks for sure to give him such confidence, but with this case, Taehyung isn’t
positive his placement is as secure as he normally would. He doesn’t know why it’s so important to
his father, doesn’t really give a shit in all honesty. He just has to do it.

“If you wish to be represented by someone else, by all means go ahead,” Taehyung tells him,
unbothered by the comment about his age. The fact that he’s done so well so young is more a
compliment than anything. “Good luck finding someone that will continue to work with someone
as ignorant as you.”

Perhaps patience and professionalism has already gone down the drain. But Taehyung knows how
to work people, to adjust himself to appeal to them better. Dongmin needs to be shown he has a
hardass that takes no shit working for him.

Taehyung picks up his pen and starts to write meaningless things onto his notes as a dismissal.
Dongmin doesn’t move.

He isn’t the type of man to apologize, and Taehyung doesn’t expect him to.

“I came here,” Dongmin starts gruffly, “To see the security footage your firm secured.”

Taehyung leans back in his chair, tongue at the corner of his mouth. He hasn’t seen it himself, got
the news moments before Dongmin came in that Jin was able to weasel his way into getting it
before the police got their hands on it.
“If I remember correctly, Mr. Park, I specifically asked you if there were any videos that you might
have missed,” Taehyung replies, tone level. “Care to explain why you didn’t share this one?”

Dongmin looks uncomfortable now, it comes in the form of anger screwing his features together.

“Your partner informed us about it instead,” Taehyung goes on, pointing his own accusingly at the
man. “You are in this together, I would have expected a more united front. Turning on each other
in this time would be detrimental to this case. So now tell me why you’ve kept this from me.”

Dongmin glares at him. He bares his teeth for a moment, cracking his neck from side to side.

“Don’t tell me,” Taehyung says, standing from his chair. “Any loose strings need to be tied, but if
you are not concerned with saving your company -“

“Other people are involved,” Dongmin says. He juts out his jaw, stubborn about giving into a child
speaking so rudely to him, Taehyung suspects.

Taehyung hesitates before he sits on the edge of his desk, making it so Dongmin has to look up at
him. “And how big of a problem would that be for you?”

“It would be worse for me if I told you who,” Dongmin grunts. “But you’ll see for yourself.”

Annoyed, Taehyung clicks his tongue. “Tell me or get out of my office and find a new attorney.”

Dongmin stands up, face turning purple. “There’s one right across the hallway. Your father assured
me this case is top priority. He has more reason to let me go than you.”

It’s a bold statement. Taehyung walks forward slowly, hating that the man is now taller than him.
He steps up to him either way, refusing to back down. “I said get the hell out of my office.”

A bold statement that could be true, but Taehyung doesn’t even think about it as Dongmin storms
out. It is true that his father has pushed aside regular, loyal clients to put nearly the entire firm on
this one case. A high risk case with a douchebag client that damages his own reputation more than
the entire law firm could ever attempt to fix.

One he thinks could be more true than even Taehyung can imagine as his father bursts into his
office, anger radiating off of him.

“Call Park Dongmin now and apologize,” Daehee orders, voice low as he steps up to Taehyung. A
finger in the air, pushing into his chest. “We can not afford to lose him as a client.”

“He’s making his own messes, Abeoji,” Taehyung snaps back, firm in his stance. They can afford
it. There’s plenty of fat pocketed people who want them as their lawyers. “I won’t apologize for it.
I’m not risking my reputation to represent someone who can’t get out of their own way.”

Daehee spins on his heel, hand flying to his hip. “We will be representing him. You have no
choice. Now get him back in here and learn your place.”

Taehyung scoffs. He knows he’s pushing at his father’s buttons now. It’s on purpose. It is true that
he has more privilege than anyone else in the building. They would have been fired after just using
a firm tone with a priority client.

“Take me off the case then.”

His father licks his lips, jaw so tense it surely could shatter. “I can’t even if I wanted to. You signed
a contract.”

Taehyung’s resolve quickly falters. He tries not to show it, hates showing when he’s thrown off
guard. But he is. “Excuse me?”

Daehee looks at him hard in the eye. The silence is aggravating. Taehyung’s patience has been
worn thin today and this only stretches it further.

“Jeon Jihyun is involved with DK Entertainment,” Daehee finally says, tone softer like that might
lessen the blow. “I have buried any evidence that shows his involvement, but if Dongmin gets
another attorney, I don’t trust Dongmin or his partner not to turn on him. That’s the contract you
signed. Cover any Jeon’s tracks.”

Taehyung snaps his lips shut, fury rushing through him so quickly he struggles to maintain it. He
flares his nostrils, whipping around to turn his back to his father so he can’t see. “And you decided
not to tell me this why?”

“Call him,” Daehee says, finality in his tone but Taehyung isn’t having it.

“Appa,” Taehyung calls, pressing his fists to the small of his back to hide them. “An annual dowry,
dropping all clients to focus on such a risky case just to protect Jeon Jihyun from god knows what
and keeping it from me, the main attorney on the case. What aren’t you telling me?”

Without looking at him, Daehee steps out of his office.

Taehyung isn’t having it. He storms out after him, ignoring an intern he nearly runs into to do so. It
is rare for them to ever show any personal dispute in front of their coworkers, though Taehyung
and his father don’t ever really argue about much. They can be stubborn about things, but they
usually agree .

“What are you getting in return?” Taehyung demands, following his father into his own office, not
letting him escape this conversation. “A title? All that for a title ?”

For the first time, Taehyung understands why Jungkook doesn’t trust that’s all it is.

His father practically rolls his eyes at him when he turns around, but he doesn’t. He might as well
have with the look he gives him. “Are you done throwing a tantrum?”

Taehyung plants a hand to his hip. A tantrum . “Excuse me? Tell me now or I will file for divorce
in the morning.”

It works. The rage comes back, alarm in his father’s eyes because Taehyung says it seriously
enough that his father can’t tell he’s bluffing. A fool mistake, which means his father’s brain is
currently more preoccupied than he’d ever admit.

“You’re off for the day. Get the hell out.”

Taehyung stares down his father. He isn’t giving in. He refuses because now his curiosity is
peaked and he wants to know. He won’t step foot out of his office until he does, and Kim Daehee
isn’t a physical man, won’t force him out.

“You’re stubborn,” his father finally says, tone still tight but not as angry. He huffs out a laugh. “I
Guess you get that from me. The agreement between Jongho and I is between him and I. Do your
part and worry about nothing else. Now get out and go home.”
It’s something he gets from his father definitely, that stubbornness and unwillingness to back
down. But Taehyung sees he’s going to be standing here for the next few hours without getting his
father to say a word so he turns around and leaves without another one.

For what feels like the first time since Taehyung’s bought his house probably, he’s in it during the
day. It’s an exaggeration but it feels like it. It feels unfamiliar filled with the light from the sun
instead of the lamps, with the noisy sounds of outside instead of the quiet night ones.

His aggravation and annoyance is making him restless, unable to focus. He wants to be immature
and petty and not work, but he knows after today blows over, he’ll behind when he inevitably
keeps Dongmin as a client.

But he can’t focus. Taehyung grunts in even more annoyance at this. He flings his pen across the
room, uncaring where it lands before he shoved himself from his office chair.

Taehyung hates this. He’s calm and collected most of the time, prefers to be. He hates when he
isn’t. When something or someone affects him this way. He feels trapped in his office with the
feeling inside of him and can’t take it.

Surely, he can go somewhere. Do something to distract himself. He can call Jimin, but he doesn’t
want to take him out of work.

Pacing into the living room, Taehyung walks through it like his feet have a mind of their own.

He finds Jungkook easily enough, can hear him before he does. Not that he’s particularly loud, it’s
more the music and the sounds of machines.

Closer, it’s the grunts. Deep sounds from the chest that have Taehyung leaning into the doorway of
the workout room to hear more.

He’s on a padded bench, shirt soaked and clinging to his skin. His arms stretch above his head, fists
tight around two handles before he brings them down. Muscles bulging in his arms, Jungkook
bares his teeth and grunts again.

It takes Jungkook a moment to notice him, his expression strained before he slowly eases the
handles back up and cause the metal weights clang on either side of him.

“Tae,” Jungkook says as he sits up, eyebrows clenching together. Taehyung definitely wants to
hear him say his name that hoarse and breathless again. “Is that you? Never seen you in the

Taehyung grins as he folds his arms over his chest, a smile relaxing the tension that’s been in his
face since he spoke with his father. “Prettier like this, huh?”

“Mhm,” Jungkook hums. He smiles too before throwing his legs to the side of the padded bench.
“Seems a little impossible to be prettier, but yet.”

He doesn’t elaborate, just pads across the room until he’s in Taehyung’s space. He smells like
sweat and cologne and so much different than he had this morning. Doesn’t look as soft as he did
then either. There’s a serious look on his face as he pants, the sweat dripping down from his
hairline, coating his neck, pooling in the dip between his collarbones.
The veins in his arms stand out, trailing up his forearm and into his elbow, and Taehyung lets his
eyes linger on them for a moment.

“Everything okay?” Jungkook asks, head tilting to the side and taking Taehyung’s attention away
from his veins.

“Mhm,” Taehyung mimics, leaning in towards him. “Just thinking about how intelligent I am to
come up with the idea of putting a gym in here.”

Jungkook chuckles, eyes brightening as he pinches Taehyung’s hip. “Did you sleep okay last

A pinch of annoyance returns full force but it’s unfair to show it to Jungkook. Though why
Jungkook cares so much about him sleeping is beyond Taehyung because they barely know each
other, it isn’t wrong of someone to tell someone they should rest.

“Just perfect,” Taehyung says, and it isn’t a lie. “I’m sorry for falling asleep on you.”

Jungkook lifts his shoulder in a shrug. While Taehyung’s eyes haven’t stopped trailing over his
body, Jungkook’s haven’t left Taehyung’s face. It makes Taehyung aware of how close they are.
“It’s what I wanted.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes and pushes off the door frame to put space between them. He walks around
the gym like he’s deeply interested in the machinery. He’s impressed by how different it looks
from the original room, that it resembles an actual gym one pays a membership to go to.

“Was under the impression you wanted to get in my bed because you wanted me.”

It had been a guess. He’s not ignorant to the way Jungkook looks at him like he wants him. But
Taehyung’s expectations were wrong as Jungkook laid next to him to ask questions about his job.

He wished Jungkook had made a move, break growing tension between them. Taehyung can’t be
the one to do it, doesn’t want to accidentally make Jungkook think it’s something he has to agree

“But then you were chatting away. Trying to figure out which coworker I’m fucking? Since you
think I am.”

Jungkook frowns at him. “You’re in a shitty mood today. If all you do is work, I want at least
enough details to be able to talk with you about it.”

Taehyung falters in his steps. He is in a shitty mood, but he didn’t think he was making it obvious.
“I’m just teasing.”

“I can tell something is wrong.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes. “It’s none of your concern.”

“It is if you’re going to bite my head off for asking you questions.”

Breathing in as much as he can, Taehyung’s chest fills with oxygen until it hurts and he lets it go.
He doesn’t say sorry, ever. Tries the taste of it on his tongue and wrinkles his nose at it. “I’m sorry
if I came off that way. You’re right, I am in a shitty mood. But I really was just teasing. Ask me
whatever you want.”
Jungkook’s glaring eyes soften. His fingers grip at the bottom of his shirt before he wiggles so it no
longer sticks to his chest. It’s another horrible thing to add to Taehyung’s bad day. “What

The only reason Taehyung can think that his father won’t tell him about what Jihyun is up to is
because the eldest Jeon doesn’t want Jungkook to know. It’s not like he can be worried about
Taehyung judging . Taehyung doesn’t judge. They’ve done plenty of corrupt shit themselves for
their clients and have represented people and got them the not guilty verdict they didn’t deserve.

What Daehee is getting in return, Taehyung doesn’t even have a guess . There’s nothing other than
a title that Daehee can’t get without taking these kinds of measures. Nothing he couldn’t tell
Taehyung about.

“My client is an idiot,” Taehyung decides. He’ll try one more time before he asks Jungkook, who
as apathetic and hateful he is towards his family, probably doesn’t know. “And I kicked him out of
my office and my father sent me home for the day.”

Jungkook glares again. “They probably deserved it.”

Taehyung giggles at that. Not once, but continuously. He doesn’t know why it’s so funny, but it is .
His hand flies up to cover his mouth, eyes squeezing closed.

Somehow, even dripping sweat and looking like Taehyung’s worst kind of wet dream, Jungkook’s
adorable. Glaring and all.

Confusion fills Jungkook’s face, and he sounds it when he laughs too like he’s unsure why
Taehyung’s clutching his stomach and his eyes are watering.

“They did,” Taehyung chokes out, wiping a finger beneath his eyelid.

“How long has it been since you’ve been without work? An hour? Losing it already?”

Taehyung snorts as he comes near and gently punches Jungkook’s arm. “Shut up. You know
you’re kind of cute, Jeon.”

“Don’t call me that.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes as he slides his arm around Jungkook’s shoulders and pulls their chests
together. The amusement slips from Jungkook face. “Okay, sorry. I meant you know you’re kind of
cute, baby .”

Curling an arm around Taehyung’s waist seems like something done on instinct as Jungkook
dangles his head back and groans. “I meant cute.”

“Why?” Taehyung teases. He feels lighter, and he kind of wants to lean into Jungkook’s neck and
breathe in the scent of his skin again. “You are.”

“Thought you said I was sexy,” Jungkook challenges before he sucks his bottom lip into his

Taehyung presses his free hand to Jungkook’s chest before he trails it down, his eyes following
after the touch. He’s burning to the touch. “I do. You know people are multifaceted? Can be more
than one thing. Cute, adorable, sexy. Funny.”

Jungkook grunts, stomach tensing when the tips of Taehyung’s fingers brush lower than his belly
button before pulling away. “I have a praise kink, please go on.

Giggling again, Taehyung thinks for a foolish moment he should kiss him. “Why am I not

“Guess it fits my personality.”

Taehyung snorts, eyes falling onto Jungkook’s goofy smile. He rubs at Jungkook’s nape for a
moment before pulling away. There’s so much sweat on Jungkook that pressing against him has
material over Taehyung’s chest damp. “Should I anticipate you weaseling your way into my
bedroom again tonight?”

“Where are you going?” Jungkook asks instead of answering.

“My office. Can’t slack off.”

The sound Jungkook makes is one of pure misery. “You’re really the worst.”

Taehyung giggles again, backing up towards the exit. He wiggles his fingers in a wave but
Jungkook catches them, keeping him from leaving.

“Just for the record,” Jungkook says, brows furrowing again but this time it isn’t paired with a
glare. “I do want you.”

He lets his hand go, a soft smirk on his lips. Taehyung reaches up, touching his fingers beneath
Jungkook’s chin.

“I know. You want me, want me to sleep, want to take me to dinner. Make a list.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes but his smirk doesn’t falter. “I’m taking you to dinner, Kim.”

Taehyung turns, shaking his head lightly. The tension in him has seeped away, and he thinks he’s
calmed enough to focus. “Don’t call me that.”

He doesn’t look to see what expression Jungkook makes, though he wants to when Jungkook
mockingly says, “Alright, lover.”


The streets are busy. Jungkook’s annoyed by it. Not because he wasn’t expecting it but because he
can’t hear the voice in his ear.

It would be like Kim Taehyung to speak low enough for Jungkook not to hear. To get on his

“I’ll be back late tonight,” Taehyung says, Jungkook thinks. “Don’t wait up for me.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes. The only time he’s seen Taehyung since they slept together has been like it
always is,waiting up for him. “Are you at the office or court today?”
“Office. I have court Thursday.”

Jungkook jerks his body to the right, skipping over sidewalk cracks to get to the bus stop. “Call

Taehyung’s laugh is loud enough for Jungkook to hear. “You do know I work for my father right?”

The bus pulls up as Jungkook’s feet are landing in the right spot, barely enough time for him to
stand still before he’s leaping onto the bus steps.

Bag of food in his hand, messenger bag banging against his waist. He adjusts both before taking a

“Where’s the nepotism when you need it?” Jungkook sighs in dismay. Jungkook would rather lose
all his money than work for his father, but Taehyung and Daehee seem to be on good terms. “Let’s
do lunch then.”

He’s expecting a reason why Taehyung can’t. They haven’t known each other long, but this is so
routine that Jungkook knows when it’s coming.

“I can’t, I’m busy ,” Jungkook mocks, voice deep, before Taehyung can get a chance to reply. He
smiles against his phone, tucking his body close to the wall of the bus because curious eyes are on
him. It’s usually why he avoids public transportation. “You say you don’t do personal relationships
in the office, but I think you’re still getting fucked there.”

Another laugh. Jungkook’s on a roll today. He thinks about how hard Taehyung had laughed the
other day, and he wants to get Taehyung to laugh like that again. “You’re being a shit today.
What’s up?”

Jungkook sighs, watching the buildings pass by. “Just wanted to call you on my lunch break.”

It’s quieter on the bus. Jungkook can hear Taehyung’s silence loud and clear.

He rolls his eyes at it, picking at the seam of his dress pants. He told himself he would only push
the dinner agenda one more time, but he had to make his effort count.

Jungkook woke up with a new fire under his ass today. He’s either getting Taehyung to dinner or
getting Taehyung’s hands on him. He doesn’t care which one.

“You’ve only been back to work a handful of days,” Taehyung says, tone reminding Jungkook of
his father. “You should be using that time to catch up.”

“I was only out a week,” Jungkook reminds him as he flies up from his seat to get off the bus. It’s
been some time since he’s been to this part of the city, but he’s pretty sure it’s the right stop.
“Please stop talking to me like you’re my father, Taehyung.”

The noisy crowd is back. It drowns out Taehyung’s sigh.

“I’m not,” Taehyung vehemently denies. “I want the best for my partner. For him to work hard.”

Jungkook sees the right building and practically slams into a woman carrying her baby as he moves
towards it. “You told me not to make assumptions about you yet that’s all you have done with me.
Read a couple tabloids, Taehyung-ssi, and suddenly you know my work ethic?”

It’s quiet again. Jungkook looks at his phone to make sure Taehyung hadn’t hung up.
“You’re right. I apologize for that.”

Jungkook’s steps falter. “I was kidding.”

“But you weren’t wrong,” Taehyung says. “I have to get back, baby. I -“

“Wait,” Jungkook says, picking up the pace to push through the revolving doors of the building.

The glass reads Kim Attorneys at Law.

“What is it?” Taehyung asks, tone soft but words rushed. “Are you running?”

By the bows Jungkook immediately get from the first floor staff, Jungkook assumes they know
who he is. It’s confirmed when he steps into the elevator and the man inside bows and hits a floor
number without asking.

It would make sense. Jungkook avoided stores because of how many magazines had the
announcement of their wedding on the front page.

“Jungkook,” Taehyung says, warning in his tone. “Why are you running?”

It’d be really disappointing if Taehyung somehow managed to figure out why he was running with
nothing to go on, but it’d also be a very Taehyung thing of him to do.

It’s been on his mind, how shitty Taehyung looked the other day. Clearly bothered by his client.
Jungkook doesn’t know what he wants to do, but he’s hoping the client is there now so he can glare
at him or something threatening enough to warn him to back the fuck off. Taehyung can handle
himself, Jungkook’s more than sure of that, but Jungkook has always had a hard time keeping his
words to himself.

He also just wants to make sure Taehyung isn’t having another shitty day.

Plus, it isn’t even noon yet and Jungkook’s already gotten three calls from the General Manager in
Jinhae-gu about his damn boilers that were supposed to be fixed by now, and Jungkook needs to
get out of the office.

“I like to exercise,” Jungkook says, tone amused as the elevator doors pop open.

He hasn’t been here before, but it’s easy enough to figure out the right direction to go. There’s a
receptionist that he walks past, her eyes wide as she quickly stands when he approaches.

There’s a smile on Jungkook’s lips the moment he sees Taehyung. Darting from a room and eyes
immediately going towards the entrance hallway. Eyes that narrow when they find him.

Jungkook hangs up and slips his phone from his ear. There’s a series of desks and curious eyes on
them, and Jungkook makes sure there’s one specific set of eyes before he approaches and raises his
bag of food.

Taehyung’s constantly showing off the fake state of their relationship to his father, and it gave
Jungkook an idea.

That and Jungkook’s kind of been thinking about Taehyung’s mouth since the last time he’s had it
on his own. A fleeting moment that didn’t last long enough.

“Hey love,” Jungkook calls, waving the bag. “I thought I’d bring lunch to you.”
Taehyung’s eyes narrow slightly, lips pressed together but the corners are quirked. He keeps his
expression from changing too much in front of his coworkers. His father.

“You didn’t -“ Taehyung starts, but Jungkook cuts him off with a quick peck to his lips.

“Is that okay?” Jungkook asks innocently, forcing himself not to look around and see if Taehyung’s
father’s watching.

Taehyung licks over his teeth, knowing in his eyes. Jungkook’s aware Taehyung gets annoyed
when his work is interrupted, but he doesn’t look it now.

He looks amused.

“Jungkook, it’s nice of you to stop by. Taehyung-ah could use a break.”

Jungkook does try not to look smug at the sound of Kim Daehee’s voice, but he’s pretty sure he
fails. He holds the challenge in Taehyung’s gaze before he turns to his father in law.

For some reason unbeknownst to him, both Daehee and Jongho, who push work on their sons like
it’s the only thing in existence, seem to give it a pass when it comes to the two of them spending
time together. Jungkook intends to take full advantage of it.

“Thank you Abeonim. I was saying the same thing.”

The grip on Jungkook’s elbow is tight as he’s tugged into another room. An office.

It’s just as plain as his own though the certifications showing off Taehyung’s achievements cover
the wall behind his desk. The desk that is covered in paperwork, and Jungkook has the sudden
worry his attempt at getting Taehyung a break will cause him to work later into the night. He
hasn’t seen Taehyung’s office at home because it’s always locked, even when Taehyung’s in there.

“Sit then,” Taehyung says, letting him go to gesture to the chair. “I’m flattered you ran all the way

Jungkook ignores him to sit. He places the bag of food on the one free spot on the surface as
Taehyung slowly makes his way to the opposite seat.

“You missed dinner last night,” Jungkook says casually. He found the containers untouched in the
fridge this morning.

Taehyung moves the papers aside beside before he rests back in the chair and watches Jungkook
pull out the food. He remains silent, and Jungkook’s suddenly aware of every movement he

“You claim I sound like your father yet here you are sounding like my mother.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes as he passes a container of rice to Taehyung. “I want the best for my
partner,” he mimics. “Eating well.”

There’s a small smirk on Taehyung’s lips as he accepts the food. “Is that why you came all the way

Yes, Jungkook thinks. But more than that too, but he hasn’t figured that out enough yet to talk
about it. “You still haven’t agreed to dinner, so I figured we could do lunch.”

He stretches his legs, resting one foot against Taehyung’s. Taehyung claims to touch him often to
comfort him, but Jungkook has a feeling it’s for himself as well.

Jungkook doesn’t like to be touched, never needed it to be comforted. He likes when Taehyung
touches him, but he’s never given Taehyung a reason to think he needs it.

“You don’t seem like the type to be so concerned with going on dates.”

He never called it a date, but Jungkook doesn’t clarify. He focuses on opening containers as he
casually says, “you don’t seem like the type to dart around the fact you want to fuck me.”

So far, they’ve done exactly that. Jungkook’s been passive when it comes to Taehyung’s teasing,
and he’s hoping being a bit more bold will get a reaction from him. He even told Taehyung he
wanted him and still nothing but a bemused, cocky ass smirk in response.

It doesn’t work this time either. There’s nothing in Taehyung’s expression that says he even heard
him as he takes his chopsticks and drags a chunk of food into his mouth.

“I thought we were going to stop making assumptions about each other,” Taehyung finally replies,
eyes flicking up to Jungkook as he steps on Jungkook’s foot.

“Am I wrong?” Jungkook asks. He isn’t exactly hungry, but he brings food up to this mouth

Taehyung’s lips quirk up. His foot now rubs at Jungkook’s and it makes butterflies spark in his
stomach. “No. I’m not darting around it. I just don’t think it’s a good idea.”

Jungkook wasn’t expecting that. He cocks his head to the side to look at Taehyung. The pout of his
mouth as he chews, the casual way he rests back in his chair. “And why’s that?”

Taehyung makes a considerate noise as he plants a container down. He traces a knuckle across his
own jaw, and for the first time, Jungkook is jealous of a finger.

“I’m sure you know it’s not a good idea to mix business with pleasure.”

Jungkook laughs at that. He lifts his foot enough to toe over Taehyung’s ankle. He doesn’t have a
plan for this, just to use Taehyung’s own tools against him.

“Perhaps. Though I’m sure the rules are different in our situation.”

Taehyung’s eyes are heavy, unreadable. Jungkook wills his neck not to redden. “I suppose. What
are you trying to get at, Jungkook? Did you come here to get bent over my desk? Bend me over

Jungkook fails. Heat wraps around his throat, and he struggles to swallow down the bite he took. “I
mean, I wouldn’t necessarily object to either of those.”

Taehyung laughs quietly, lips stretching wide as he shakes his head. “You don’t need to use such
methods to persuade me into going to dinner with you, baby. I already freed my schedule for
Saturday, booked a reservation.”

It’s hard not to roll his eyes. Taehyung is annoying. “I wanted to take you out.”

The look on Taehyung’s Face is amused. “I’ll cancel the reservations then. Pick a place and tell me
a time.”

Jungkook dips his tongue into his cheek, his heart pulsing a beat before he lifts his foot higher.
He’s never been one to struggle with seduction, but he wants Taehyung to be the one to break the
tension between them first.

“Thank you, Taehyung-ssi.”

Taehyung taps his fingers against the desk, eyes still on Jungkook. Jungkook tries to ignore it, be
casual about the foot he’s pushing against Taehyung’s knee.

He tries, but he jerks in his seat when fingers wrap around his ankle and tug his leg up.

There’s nothing on Taehyung’s face that betrays the fact he’s holding onto Jungkook. He quirks a
brow, a challenge, and Jungkook pushes his foot forward.

He wishes he had taken his shoe off as it rubs over Taehyung’s thigh. He finally gets a reaction,
albeit small as Taehyung sucks his bottom lip into his mouth.

“What are you doing?” Taehyung asks, voice so rough that the butterflies in Jungkook’s stomach
take off in a hurry.

“Eating,” Jungkook replies as he pops meat into his mouth to demonstrate.

Taehyung huffs, a smirk teasing at his lips before he scoots his chair forward. His thighs clamp
around Jungkook’s foot before they release, and arousal pours down Jungkook’s spine at the
mental image of Taehyung’s legs spreading to accommodate him.

His fingers are gentle, rubbing over Jungkook’s ankle bone. Taehyung pushes his sock down as if
he wants to touch more of Jungkook’s bare skin.

“What’s gotten into you today?” Taehyung asks, posed but there’s a rough edge to his voice that
Jungkook wants to hear more of.

“Kind of tired of you darting around it I guess,” Jungkook says as he tips his toes forward.

Still no reaction, though Jungkook thinks Taehyung’s eyelids lower. He doesn’t want to push too
much, but Taehyung has a firm grip on him and could move his foot away if he wanted to.

“And I don’t believe you think it’s a bad idea,” Jungkook goes on. “Or at least, I think you want

Taehyung nods. “You’d be right.”

Jungkook parts his lips, but nothing comes out. This is what he wanted - for Taehyung to tell him
out right, but he didn’t actually plan how to respond to it. Jungkook’s never been the type to think
ahead, and he wishes he did.

He’s saved from having to respond at all as a knock sounds at Taehyung’s office door.

Taehyung tightens his grip around Jungkook’s ankle, keeping him from pulling back as he says,
“Come in.”

Jungkook holds Taehyung’s gaze, warmth spreading through him at the smirk on Taehyung’s face
as the door opens. Jungkook doesn’t look to see who it is, even when the boy comes into view to
deposit a file on Taehyung’s desk.

“I’m so sorry to interrupt, sir. A fax just came in for you, the one you were waiting for,” the boy
says, neck burning red as he bows in apology.
Taehyung’s fingers flex over Jungkook when he moves his foot, pushing further as Jungkook
brings an elbow to his desk to rub his fingers over his lips. Taehyung watches the movement, and
Jungkook wonders if he’d be jealous of a finger too. If he wants him as much as Jungkook does.

The boy is young, maybe early twenties. He wears an outfit that is almost exactly like the one
Taehyung had worn to work last week. He keeps his eyes diverted though it can’t be obvious that
Jungkook’s foot is settled against Taehyung’s crotch.

“It is fine, Beomgyu. Meet my husband, Jeon Jungkook. This is the intern I was telling you about,

Jungkook bites at his smile when Taehyung subtly moves and there’s a hard pressure against the
sole of his foot. He wants his shoe off more than ever as he feels Taehyung’s fingers push into the
material over his toes, guiding him down.

When Beomgyu looks to Jungkook to bow in greeting, Taehyung’s eyes flutter shut in a way that’s
so erotic Jungkook nearly kicks the kid out. It is only a second before Taehyung’s amused eyes and
smirk returns.

“Ah, it’s nice to finally meet you,” Jungkook says, eyes quicky diverting to the intern so he doesn’t
miss if Taehyung makes an expression like that again.

The intern’s ears are red now, eyes widened but they don’t stay on Jungkook for long. “It’s nice to
meet you too, Mr. Jeon. I am sorry again for interrupting.”

Taehyung slips his fingers up Jungkook’s calf, digging into the muscle there as he nods towards
Beomgyu. His face now casual, blank. “It is okay, Beomgyu. Thank you so much. Please take your
break and lock the door on your way out.”

Taehyung’s composed look slips away for a moment as the door shuts. It only lasts a small
moment, the tiniest reaction, but Jungkook fucking soars with it.

His lips part, his exhale harsh enough for Jungkook to hear as Jungkook rubs his foot forward. He
quirks a brow at Taehyung, his position starting to become uncomfortable but he refuses to give.

“Beomgyu has a bit of a crush,” Taehyung tells him, tongue slipping over his bottom lip. “He’s
how I discovered your Instagram account.”

Jungkook’s stomach tightens as he feels Taehyung shift his hips, adjusting closer to Jungkook’s

“Was that kiss photo to stake a claim then?” Jungkook teases, grinding his heel forward.

It elicits another shape exhale from Taehyung. His eyes are darker now, brows slightly furrowed.
The want radiates loud from him, and Jungkook feels victorious.

“Not quite,” Taehyung murmurs, the last word catching on another exhale. There’s a bit of color in
his cheeks now and it spurs Jungkook to move faster.

“Did you just want an excuse to kiss me then?” Jungkook asks, head tilting back to take Taehyung
in. “You don’t need an excuse to do so, lover .”

Taehyung narrows his eyes at him, lips pressing shut like he’s determined to keep them that way
even when Jungkook grinds his foot between his legs.
“And if I kissed you now?” Taehyung asks slowly, his eyebrow arching in question.

“Don’t really feel like moving,” Jungkook quips, grinning. “Kinda like this position.”

It’s annoying how controlled Taehyung’s voice is. Even his exhales are quiet, composed, but loud
enough to make Jungkook’s cock stiffen beneath his briefs.

Jungkook slowly trails his tongue between his lips, wanting Taehyung’s attention there. It’s
effective. Taehyung’s eyes darken as they fall to Jungkook’s mouth. Taehyung just watches for a
moment, as he shifts back against Jungkook’s foot and drags his eyes up to Jungkook’s.

“We should probably discuss your social media accounts,” Taehyung says conversationally like he
isn’t getting a footjob beneath the desk. Like his chest isn’t starting to rise and fall a little faster,
hips working back against him every now and then. “Your posts have gotten you in trouble before,
and while I have no qualms about helping you, I’d like to minimize any bad press as much as

Jungkook narrows his eyes, grinds his foot down harder. Taehyung immediately closes his lips
again, but it does little to muffle the groan rumbling in his throat.

“When I told you to pick a less reckless Jeon, you said it wouldn’t be as fun,” Jungkook says,
shrugging. He plants his fingers to the desk to keep them from slipping between his own legs.

Taehyung smiles. “I’m usually correct about these things. Can’t imagine the eldest Jeon working
his foot over my cock so desperately. Though, I’d imagine he’d be able to last a little longer than a
week before he broke down like this.”

It’s just a word, one Jungkook has used plenty of times, but it punches Jungkook in the gut and
makes his own twitch beneath its confines.

“It’s been more than a week,” Jungkook replies, unoffended by the attempted dig. “Fifteen days.”

Taehyung’s pretty when he smiles, even like this. His breath coming out harshly, eyes too heavy to
hold the brightness of a smile. “You’re right. Fifteen days. Excuse me.”

“Didn’t break down,” Jungkook goes on, ignoring him. “But that is confirmation you’ve been
playing with me.”

Taehyung leans his head back, eyes fluttering for a moment before he catches himself. His hips
push up against him, so subtly Jungkook almost doesn’t notice. But he does , and it has Jungkook’s
breath rushing out of him. “I haven’t been playing with you.”

“Didn’t think you to be a liar,” Jungkook murmurs, motivation filling him as Taehyung’s lips part
again. He’s already hard himself, and he didn’t have a plan here, but Jungkook’s always been the
type to just run with it. “You say the touching is to comfort me, but I’m sure you know how
uncomfortable tight pants are.”

He tries to pull his foot back then, but Taehyung digs his fingers into his shin. It makes Jungkook’s
pulse race, his own hips squirming back against the chair in response to how good it feels to be
touched by Taehyung so roughly.

He’s always composed. Jungkook kinda wants to break him down a bit. Make him squirm.

“Please go on,” Taehyung murmurs, amused. “Tell me how much I turn you on.”
Jungkook yanks his foot back, and Taehyung doesn’t try to prevent it. “Perhaps later. I don’t want
to take too much of your time away from work. See you at home?”

Taehyung’s jaw tenses, eyes narrowing before he attempts that composed look again. It takes him a
few seconds, nose flaring as he inhales and tries to catch his breath, and Jungkook feels smug.

“Let me walk you out.”

There’s a thump in Jungkook’s chest as he stands, knowing by doing so Taehyung will see exactly
how turned on he is. He remains casual about it anyway, seemingly unbothered.

Taehyung doesn’t look. Jungkook hates that he wanted him to. Instead Taehyung stands with a
napkin in hand, wiping over his fingers as he comes near.

Jungkook however, does look. The wrinkles in Taehyung’s pants, the tent in them. He smiles when
he meets Taehyung’s eyes.

“Thank you for lunch,” Taehyung murmurs, disposing of the napkin to touch Jungkook’s lower
back. It only lasts a moment before Taehyung pulls it away to open the door.

It’s not until then Jungkook realizes that though he knew he’d have to face Taehyung’s coworkers
with tight pants, he didn’t think about how he has to make the commute all the way back to work
with them too.

“And the treat,” Taehyung says. It comes off mocking, or teasing, Jungkook can’t tell.

“See you tonight?” Jungkook ignores that as he pushes unnecessarily close to Taehyung to walk
through the door.

Taehyung grins as he cups Jungkook’s hip, pulling him until they’re closer.

Until he can feel how hard Taehyung is against him.

There’s another subtle move of his hips, but Jungkook can feel it, feel the intent behind it.

“Don’t wait up,” Taehyung murmurs, eyes searching Jungkook’s face before he kisses him.

It’s shameless with the door open, for everyone to see. But that thought doesn’t linger when
Taehyung kisses him harder than he has before.

Possibly for show, but it isn’t faked this time. Not on Jungkook’s part, though he suspects it never
was. Taehyung’s lips part in time with his own, and Jungkook doesn’t have time to anticipate the
tongue slipping into his mouth before it’s there.

A groan threatens to escape Jungkook as Taehyung’s tongue curls and traces over the roof of his
mouth. Taehyung’s fingers dig harshly into his hips as Jungkook pulls him in, angles his head and
sucks hard.

Taehyung’s eyes are heavy lidded, mouth slick and red, when he pulls back and presses a much
more innocent kiss to his lips.

“See you,” Taehyung breathes, letting him go.

Those sitting at the desks in the main office quickly bury their faces into the work as Jungkook
turns to step out. Taehyung’s father is no longer about so Jungkook nods his head to the one intern
who’s eyes meet his before he walks out.
Jungkook doesn’t stay up. Or he tries to, but one moment he’s watching a fight scene in a new
release he just purchased and the next he’s blinking his eyes open to the credits.

The volume is off, and it takes Jungkook a moment to realize why he woke up so suddenly. He
clenches his eyes closed as he brings his fists up to rub at them, opening his eyes to a familiar face
leaning over the couch to look down at him.

Jungkook flutters his eyes closed at the soft way Taehyung trails a knuckle over his cheekbone. He
fights off the sleep, begs it off before yanking himself up so he can.

“I told you not to wait up,” Taehyung greets.

He must have just gotten in, Jungkook thinks as he watches Taehyung loosen his tie. Rain drops
scatter his chest and dampen a few strands of his hair, and it’s then Jungkook hears the thrum of
the rain.

“I didn’t. I was sleeping, wasn’t I?”

Taehyung grins as he perches himself on the arm of the couch. “You can tell me if you don’t like
the bed that was in your room when you moved in. I won’t be offended.”

Jungkook shakes his head, stretching. “The bed’s fine,” he says and curls back onto the couch.

With a tired sigh, Taehyung stands and holds a hand out. “Come on. I can’t let you sleep on the

“I’m going,” Jungkook says, blinking his eyes closed. “Just give me a minute.”

The laugh Taehyung lets out is quiet, barely louder than the rain. “I’ll go to sleep if you do.”

Jungkook peeks an eye open before he glances at the watch on his wrist. It’s two in the morning. “I
sure as hell hope so.”

Taehyung laughs louder. “Been dying to get in my bed ever since someone decided to be a little
shit today.”

Jungkook grins, shameless as he stands. He pads over to Taehyung, fingers snatching the tie that
hangs from his neck to pull it off. “If I remember correctly, you called it a treat.”

Humming, Taehyung nods. “I’ll clarify. I didn’t dislike it.”

Jungkook warms, the feeling coming to life in his chest and twisting through his limbs until the
tips of his fingers are suddenly.

“Taehyung-ssi, I meant it when I said you don’t need an excuse to kiss me,” Jungkook murmurs,
focusing on the fabric in his hands.

Later, he’ll blame the early hour and his own exhaustion for such an admittance. A too revealing
one. He’s just been thinking of Taehyung’s lips since he left his office. He doesn’t want to give
Taehyung that upper hand, to see his smug smile in response, but it falls from Jungkook’s lips
Taehyung steps forward, closing the space between them. They’re surrounded by the kind of
silence that only comes with this time of night, but Taehyung’s eyes are loud.

“Would that make you more comfortable,” Taehyung says, the words dripping off his tongue
slowly like he’s tasting each word. “Kissing me?”

Jungkook focuses on Taehyung’s mouth, doesn’t care if Taehyung sees. It’s a bit ridiculous to
crave someone else’s mouth, something he’s never experienced before. But he does.

“Probably wouldn’t help the whole uncomfortable tight pants thing,” Jungkook jokes.

Taehyung’s shoulders hunch up towards his ears when he laughs. “I’ll admit, it was hot seeing you
get so worked up but trying not to show it.”

Gripping his hip, Taehyung presses their bodies together. He rubs his fingers gently over
Jungkook’s pajama shirt, head tilting in just enough for Jungkook to feel his breath against his

“Got off in the bathroom like a horny teen thinking about you,” Taehyung whispers, lips parting
over his and Jungkook’s heart leaps when their noses brush. “Is that what you wanted?”

Jungkook nods, licking his lips. The usual tension between them is softened by the late night, but
it’s there.

“Like I said, you’re a shit,” Taehyung says but it sounds like a term of endearment. “But I still
don’t think it’s a good idea.”

Jungkook doesn’t let disappointment fill him. With how tightly Taehyung grips onto him, his push
against his body, Jungkook knows he wants him too. “Why not? Don’t really think we can keep
going on like this forever without it coming to a head.”

Taehyung pulls his head back some, lips rubbing over each other. He looks considerate for a
moment, head tilting before he nods. “Mm. Should probably avoid you then.”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose at that. He twists his fingers into Taehyung’s shirt, but Taehyung
doesn’t even attempt to move away. “Thought you had more control than to turn into a pup in heat
when you see me.”

Snickering, Taehyung cups Jungkook’s cheek with his free hand. “I do. S’not like that. I have a
desire to tease you, and it’s only fueled by how much you like it when I do. But you’re distracting
me, and I don’t like distractions. Couldn’t stop thinking about you after you left.”

God, Taehyung does know everything, Jungkook thinks. It’s frustrating. “I do like it. Almost as
much as I like that I distract you even when I’m not there.”

“Jungkook -“

“‘I’m a very busy, expensive, important man.’ Yeah, I know.”

The lights are dim above them, but Jungkook swears they catch in Taehyung’s eyes anyway to
make them twinkle.

“And I want you to kiss me right now,” Jungkook goes on. “Then I’ll go to bed.”

Taehyung’s eyes dart all over Jungkook’s face before he nods. “I’ll make you pinky promise.”
Jungkook only rolls his eyes before he tugs on Taehyung’s shirt and pulls him in.

For the first time, there’s no purpose for them to kiss. Not for practice, not for show. Taehyung’s
fingers dig into his face as their lips slot together, holding Jungkook where he wants him.

A rush of excitement fills Jungkook, awakening him more as Taehyung’s head tilts, lips parting.
Jungkook breathes him in, parting his own lips before securing them over Taehyung’s bottom.

Their chests push together as Jungkook releases his shirt to fit his hand around Taehyung’s waist.
He doesn’t mean to groan when Taehyung sucks hard on his top lip, but he does. It makes
Taehyung release his hip to plant his other hand to Jungkook’s jaw, tilting his head back before
there’s a wet glide over the seam of his mouth.

Jungkook takes it without hesitation, without any thought other than Taehyung . Jaw falling slack,
Jungkook curls his own tongue to meet Taehyung’s.

When they do, Taehyung groans deep and long. The sound shoots straight to Jungkook’s dick, and
maybe he’s the one that’s like a horny teen who can’t keep his hands to himself because he really
doesn’t care about consequence. He just wants Taehyung, wants to hear him groan like that again.

He doesn’t care if he comes off desperate for it, tilting his hips into Taehyung’s as he tugs his dress
shirt from the back of his pants. Taehyung returns in kind, leaning into him as he fists a hand in his
hair and tugs.

It doesn’t hurt, but Jungkook gasps. He bites Taehyung’s lip in retaliation, tugging on it just as

It gets him another groan, a harder kiss. Jungkook works Taehyung’s shirt free to move his hands
beneath it, craving the warmth of Taehyung’s bare skin beneath his palms.

“Jungkook-ah,” Taehyung whispers against his lips, breath labored, his fingers lax but still
threaded through Jungkook’s hair. “Go rest now.”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose. He swallows, trying to calm his own fast paced breathing. “Not done

Taehyung lingers for a minute, lips molding over Jungkook’s a few times before he pulls away.
Just his head, his body still tight against Jungkook’s.

His lips quirk up, but it doesn’t lighten his heavy eyes. He flicks his fingers beneath Jungkook’s
chin before rubbing a thumb over his slick mouth.

“Thought you wanted me to rest.”

“Changed my mind.”

Taehyung snickers, releasing Jungkook fully. “Buy a new mattress, love. Sleeping on that couch
isn’t good for your back.”

Jungkook is a bit reluctant to let Taehyung go, finds his willpower is a bit more lacking than
Taehyung’s is in this moment. “I’ll have to test a few out. Liked yours.”

For the first time, Jungkook gets a full reaction from Taehyung. His whole body stills, half turned
in his attempts at moving away. Even his hand freezes before he comes to and starts working on
the button of his shirt.
“Do you want to sleep in my bed?”

Jungkook settles his tongue on his bottom lip, already missing the pressure of Taehyung’s mouth.
“You fell asleep quickly when I was in bed with you.”

Taehyung looks amused before he drops his gaze and watches his hands as they undo his shirt.
“Right. For completely unselfish reasons, yeah?”

Jungkook crosses his fingers and holds them up for Taehyung to see.

“Who’s making up excuses now?” Taehyung asks. “Just ask to sleep with me, Jungkook.”

He doesn’t. Instead he comes back to Taehyung like he’s tugged forward. It’s quiet between them
as Jungkook reaches out to rest his palms over Taehyung’s bare collar. He hesitates for a moment,
eyes on Taehyung until Taehyung’s chin dips in a nod.

His skin is warm, soft. Jungkook slips his hands over his shoulders, slowly removing the dress shirt
that clings to them.

“I want you to sleep,” Jungkook says, knuckles slipping down Taehyung’s sides as he uses another
one of Taehyung’s tools against him.

Taehyung’s eyes darken when Jungkook’s hands curl around his belt and tug him forward.

“And I would like to sleep beside you, Taehyung.”

Taehyung stays still, quiet as Jungkook works his belt. Jungkook’s suddenly nervous again, hands
fumbling for a moment before he manages to get it off of him.

Tugging it through the belt loops brings Taehyung even closer. Jungkook exhales shakily as he
drags his thumb over Taehyung’s zipper, ghosting his touch over him just enough that Taehyung
will feel it.

“Sleep?” Taehyung asks lowly, head tilting to the side as Jungkook works over the buttons of
Taehyung’s pants.

Confident, though it feels a mix of the truth and a lie, Jungkook nods. “You need to sleep.”

Taehyung leans in then, head tilting as his breath caresses Jungkook’s jaw. Jungkook keeps up his
ministrations despite his inability to breathe, tugging his pants open.

“Then you should probably stop touching me,” Taehyung says lowly, lips brushing against the
shell of Jungkook’s ear.

“You can dream of me.” Jungkook grins, turning his head so he can slide it over Taehyung’s cheek.

Taehyung snorts. He rests his palm over Jungkook’s bicep and rubs it down to his elbow where his
fingers grip into the bone.

“I will.”

It comes out breathy as Jungkook spreads his fingers over Taehyung’s abdomen. He digs his teeth
into his lip, hesitating. “Can I?”

Taehyung’s lips trace over his cheek, and it tickles when he says, “Can you what?”
Jungkook slips his fingers lower as he angles his head in direction of Taehyung’s mouth. “Sleep
beside you.”

Taehyung chuckles lightly. “Mhm.”

Their lips meet, both parted over the other. Jungkook exhales sharply, tongue chasing after it as it
leaves his lips. Taehyung’s quick to catch it, pulling Jungkook’s tongue into his mouth to suck

It makes Jungkook moan, and he doesn’t try to keep the sound hidden away in his chest. He lets it
be heard, let’s Taehyung’s grip become bruising in response.

Jungkook does want Taehyung to sleep, but he wants this too. Maybe Taehyung’s dig early is more
true than anything, it’s only been a short time, and he already feels a little desperate to break the
tension between them.

Slipping his other arm around Jungkook’s waist, Taehyung pushes their bodies together, trapping
Jungkook’s hand between them. Jungkook moves anyway, squeezing his hand lower.

Taehyung releases the hold on his tongue, sighing before his tongue flicks against Jungkook’s.
Jungkook’s nerves spark the moment they touch, and it’s embarrassing how quickly another moan
builds inside of him again.

It doesn’t stay slow long. Taehyung’s hands are everywhere, over his arms, back, gripping at the
hem of Jungkook’s shirt to lift it. As much as Jungkook wants their bare skin to touch, he’s
reluctant to move back enough to allow the space to take it off.

He does, finding the slick, swollen look of Taehyung’s mouth worth it. His heavy lidded eyes, the
way his chest expands as Jungkook hesitates his hand between his legs.

Heavy lidded eyes with bags beneath them that are more noticeable now than they were before.

It feels like torture to tease his fingers over Taehyung’s crotch and fully pull away. Jungkook’s
heart is beating erratically, adrenaline pulling through his veins. He knows he won’t be able to fall
back to sleep so easily, but he still says, “Just let me get my pajamas on.”

It would be comical normally, the way Taehyung’s entire demeanor changes, but Jungkook’s
losing his resolve. It slips away the longer he stands there, so he turns on his heel and takes off.

Jungkook rubs a hand down his face, exhaling out sharply. He quickly changes into something
because he was already wearing clothes that could be considered pajamas.

When he comes back, Taehyung is already in his bedroom. His chest is bright red, still bare. He
lays across his bed with only pajamas on, on leg hooked over his knee.

“Who’s playing a game now?” Taehyung asks lowly, eyes following Jungkook as he makes his
way to the empty side of the bed.

“I said I like being a distraction,” Jungkook says as he slips beneath the covers Taehyung lays on
top of. “Want you to think about me at work tomorrow.”

Taehyung side eyes him before he stretches and rolls to his side. He props his head in his hand.
“You’re a brat.”

Jungkook exhales, hands spreading in front of himself in the shape of a square. “Imagine. Seoul’s
number one attorney at law fumbling over his work because he can’t stop thinking about his
husband taking his belt off.”

The sound Taehyung lets out is amused. “I can tell you my thoughts have already far surpassed the
undressing part.”

Jungkook grins as he rolls to his side. There’s a lot of space between them and his skin is still
thrumming, his fingertips to touch more. “Oh?”

Taehyung rolls his eyes before settling down. “Didn’t you want to sleep?”

“Taehyung,” Jungkook calls, quiet. “Do you really think it’s a bad idea?”

Silence follows before Taehyung hums softly. “But I want to play whatever game it is. I’m always
up for a challenge. ” He looks over to Jungkook, smiling softly. “And I want you.”

Jungkook exhales out sharply. He wants to tell Taehyung he can have him, now , but he refrains
when Taehyung yawns. “I want you too.”

Taehyung nods as his eyes close. “You’ve made that very apparent.”

God, he’s annoying .

I want you.

Jungkook wants to hear it again. Wants to hear it when the moment isn’t tense between them,
though it always is . Even when he wakes up early and gets tea beside Taehyung, Taehyung
watches him as if he’s doing a strip dance in the middle of the kitchen.

When he comes home late and convinces Jungkook to come to bed, Jungkook finds it hard not to
slip across the mattress and straddle Taehyung’s lap. When he sits on the couch with the laptop
there, Jungkook glares at it.

He kind of wants to curl Taehyung’s long hair behind his ear and twirl it between his fingers too,
but whatever.

“Does this say fuck me?”

Yoongi chokes on his soda, and Hoseok is quick to scurry behind him to pound the heel of his
hand against his back.

“Excuse the hell out of me?” Yoongi glares hard at him, eyes red and watery.

Unconcerned, Jungkook shifts his weight side to side to show off his outfit. “If I wasn’t me, would
you want to fuck me.”

Yoongi’s face twists with disgust as Hoseok’s disappears against his back to hide his laughter. “I’m
sorry Kook, but I can’t take the you out of this scenario.”

Jungkook’s lips tug down in a frown. “Can you just answer the question?”

Hoseok’s snickering grows louder as he pulls away from Yoongi and claps an encouraging hand to
the back of his neck. Yoongi looks like he’s dying.
“Cover your face then,” Yoongi insists, waving desperately at him.

Jungkook does, holding both hands over it until Yoongi groans.

“No, I still can’t do it. Hoseok, you put it on. That’ll help me decide.”

“Honey, you’d fuck me in anything I had on.”

Jungkook hangs his head bang, groaning loud as he removes his hands from his face. “You guys
are no help. I don’t know why I bothered.”

He huffs out, turning to face his mirror to be his own judgment. Out of the three of them, he’s the
only one with good taste anyway.

“I don’t know either,” Yoongi mumbles behind him.

“Why do you need help getting fucked?” Hoseok asks, cooing as he pops up over Jungkook’s
shoulders. He reaches around, tugging at the shirt Jungkook wears until more of his chest is
exposed. “Never had that problem before.”

Jungkook doesn’t reply. He has no idea what Taehyung’s type is. Not that he’s going to be
someone he’s not, but he’d at least like an idea.

He got a little nosy, searching around on the web, asking Jin. There’s not even one rumor of him
being with anyone than himself, and even Jin says he hasn’t dated in the years they’ve known each

The odd part is, Jungkook looked himself up too and found just as little. More than there was of
Taehyung, but barely anything compared to what Jungkook remembers from the times his father
has shoved a new headline in his face.

“Babes, you’re covered in leather and metal. Nothing says step on me with your big chunky boots
more than that.”

Jungkook grins at Hoseok. Maybe he has taste. He isn’t covered really, but his pants do have metal
chains hanging from the belt, and there are knobs and staples in his boots. His shirt is a simple
Henley, but it’s tight , shaping to every curve in his torso. He intends to pull the leather jacket on
over it before he leaves.

It’s a little ridiculous because he isn’t trying to get fucked by anyone at the club. It’s more like the
interest of the man currently sitting in the living room on a conference call.

The one night Taehyung actually comes home early, Jungkook has plans he can’t get out of. Or at
least, Yoongi and Hoseok have threatened the safety of his car so many times, Jungkook’s no
longer sure they won’t go through with it if he does cancel.

“I can always count on you, hyung.”

Hoseok coos as he pinches Jungkook’s cheek. “We’ve barely seen you since the wedding. I’ve
assumed you’d have fucked yourself out by now.”

“I went to Japan with Yoongi just a few weeks ago.”

It causes a small bout of arguing, Hoseok dramatically declaring the end of their friendship for not
inviting him along while Yoongi stares at him barely able to get a word in.
“You had work that day,” Yoongi weakly explains, looking to Jungkook for help.

Jungkook looks up as if he’s thinking. “Nah, I’m pretty sure Yoongi said not to invite you.”

He’s lying, and he knows Hoseok knows that by how red Yoongi’s face gets in response, but
Jungkook grins as he watches Hoseok turn on him.

It gets them off the topic of Jungkook’s fuckless weeks. But they all know each other too well, and
Jungkook’s globbing gel into hands when the silence comes and both Hoseok and Yoongi focus
their attention on him.


Jungkook ignores Hoseok to slip the gel through the waves in his hair. He clumps the ends in his
fist to give them a bit more of a curl.

“He told me they aren’t having sex, but you can tell he’s lying,” Yoongi whispers loudly. “Did you
see the way Taehyung looked at him when he came in? Felt like I was walking onto the set of a

It’s dramatic . Taehyung looked at him as he usually does.

“When’d he tell you that? On your anti-Hoseok Japan trip?” Hoseok snaps back.

“ Hobes ,” Yoongi groans, “I totally wanted you there instead of him.”

Jungkook glares into the mirror, taking in Yoongi’s pleading hands and the way Hoseok pretends
to ignore them before taking them into his own. “I can hear you.”

“Oh selective hearing has always been his problem,” Yoongi continues to whisper, even when
Jungkook turns around.

He gets attention back on him when he swats Yoongi in the chest. “Let’s just go before I regret
ever meeting you two.”

Hoseok hooks an arm around his neck, dragging him in roughly. Jungkook doesn’t miss the way
Yoongi glances at his hands like Hoseok letting them go was an act of betrayal. “Don’t be grumpy.
You haven’t been out with us in awhile. That’s very un-Jungkook of you.”

“I’ve been busy,” Jungkook grunts, though he relaxes beneath Hoseok’s arm. It is very unlike him.
He starts to form an apology, but stops when Hoseok shows he doesn’t deserve one.

“Busy getting dick,” Hoseok whispers to Yoongi over their shoulders.

Jungkook squirms his way out of Hoseok’s grip and takes off. He grabs his jacket, whipping it
behind him just in case Hoseok is trying to grab for him again.

He only slows once he’s at the end of the hallway connecting his half of the house and the main
living room. He jiggles his keys obnoxiously loud to announce his presence before slipping on his

Taehyung’s on the couch, glasses on his nose and laptop on his lap. He glances up at the sound, the
computer light reflecting in his glasses.

It’s a little annoying how attractive he is even in pajamas. His hair wet and hanging over his
forehead, face shiny from being washed and moisturized. Everything about him is soft when he
isn’t dressed for work or half naked staring Jungkook down like he’s about to ruin him.

“I’m going out. Don’t wait up,” Jungkook calls.

Amusement fills Taehyung’s eyes as he slides his laptop to the couch and crosses his legs. “I

Jungkook wrinkles his nose. The moment Hoseok and Yoongi catch up to him, he regrets inviting
them over. He tenses at the possible things they could say but relaxes when they say nothing more
than their greetings and farewells.

Maybe he’ll put the tab in his name tonight.

“Jungkook, a moment please.”

Jungkook glances to Hoseok and Yoongi and decides they can pay for their own damn drinks when
he finds them slipping out of the living room with Yoongi wagging his brows and Hoseok making
the loudest kissing noises he’s ever heard in his life.

The heat that immediately grows around his necklace is just as annoying as them.

“Uh, yeah?” Jungkook says, casual, as he tucks his arm to his side, pushing back his jacket to show
off his body. Casually.

Taehyung slips his glasses off as he stands. He’s never been one to hide the way he checks
Jungkook out, and he doesn’t now. Eyes trailing up the length of Jungkook’s body in the same
slow way a smile grows on his face.

“Remember what I said about media coverage.”

Annoyance fills Jungkook, and he quickly turns around to reach for the door. “Fuck off

“Wait,” Taehyung says, walking up to him quickly. He touches his ear, and it’s then that Jungkook
realizes Taehyung has his blue tooth in his ear. “That was to Namjoon, though I suppose it applies
to you too.”

Taehyung grips the brim of his jacket before Jungkook can turn again. He tugs gently, eyes latched
onto where his hand holds onto him.

“You married me, Taehyung. You didn’t adopt me.”

It’s then Jungkook remembers Taehyung’s comments about how his father didn’t do a good job at
burying his arrest records. Jungkook wonders if Taehyung had been just annoyed by the tabloid

Taehyung laughs quietly as he takes a step forward. “I’m just saying. You look like you’re out to
get in trouble.”

Jungkook leans his head back. “Are you stereotyping me based on how I dress?”

An alarmed look takes over Taehyung’s face. He shakes his head, letting Jungkook’s jacket go.
“No, that’s not what I meant. You look.” He licks his lips, and those damn butterflies Jungkook
hates come back. “Good.”

“Good.” Jungkook snorts. “Trying to look fuckable.”

Taehyung slips his hand into his pocket but Jungkook wants it back on him. “Yeah, that’s what I

Those butterflies worsen as Jungkook leans into him. “Is that how you think I look? Or just

Taehyung gives him a look that tells Jungkook he knows he’s playing with him. He reaches out,
hand gliding over Jungkook’s ribcage to grip onto his side and pull him in.

“You know how I think you look, love.”

“Remember what we agreed on about assumptions,” Jungkook quips as he slips his own hand over
Taehyung’s bicep.

“How long are you going to play for?” Taehyung asks, voice low. “Most people wouldn’t call me

Jungkook leans in without warning, teasing his grin against Taehyung’s lips but never making
contact. “That’s what I’m hoping for.”

When he parts his lips, Taehyung’s mimic the movement like an instinct. But Jungkook doesn’t
kiss him even if he wants to, he just teases before he pulls away.

Much to his dismay, Taehyung lets him go to glide the glasses back on his face.

“Like I said, don’t wait up,” Jungkook muses as he adjusts his jacket and takes a step back.

Taehyung grins, weight shifting from one foot to another. “Like I said, I won’t.”

Jungkook wags a brow. “Good. I’ll come home early then, so make sure you go to sleep before I

He slips out then, shutting the door and cutting off the sound of Taehyung’s laugh.

Taehyung doesn’t wait up. True to his word. But when Jungkook tip toes into the living room to
find him fast asleep, he doesn’t mind.

He doesn’t know why it bothers him so much, but Taehyung comes home late into the night and
leaves early in the morning. He barely sleeps. It isn’t often Jungkook’s seen any signs of
exhaustion in him, but there have been times where Taehyung’s come home with pale skin and
bruises beneath his eyes. Times where Taehyung’s tried to make his tea with his eyes closed before
forcing them wide open when he’s realized he was no longer alone.

Gently, Jungkook slips the glasses from Taehyung’s face and rests them on the table. Taking the
laptop from him reminds Jungkook of their wedding night, when he found Taehyung passed out
with his computer still on. Taehyung’s in the same position as them too, propped up with his head
leaning back and hands limp by his sides.

He wants to guide Taehyung to bed too, but he’s afraid that despite the late hour, Taehyung may
wake up and finish whatever he was working on.

So instead, quietly as possible, Jungkook strips off his leather jacket and boots and curls up on the
couch beside him.

Jungkook’s careful not to jostle or touch him too much. Not only does he want Taehyung to get
enough sleep possible in general, but especially tonight because their dinner is the next day.

A date, Taehyung calls it. Either way, Jungkook doesn’t hope to sleep much , and he doesn’t want
to make Taehyung more exhausted.

Even if Taehyung never actually seems tired. Humans aren’t indestructible, but he thinks Taehyung
may be the closest thing to it. He just doesn’t want Taehyung to work himself to the point he finds
out just how much he isn’t.

When Jungkook wakes up, the living room is filled with light. He twists around on the couch
groggily, rubbing at his eyes before he buries his head into the most heavenly pillow he’s ever laid

It occurs to him then he hadn’t gone to sleep with one, nor the blanket wrapped around him. He
sighs out, eyes searching around the room.

It seems much too late in the morning for Taehyung to still be home. The room is empty other than
himself and a note propped where Jungkook had put Taehyung’s glasses the night before.

See you tonight - T.

Chapter End Notes

!! Please let me know what you think!

here we go dinner date next chapter <3

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Chapter 5
Chapter Notes

helloooo I'm so excited to share this so I hope you like it!! I accidentally made it
almost 16k alkdjflad

Also please note: Distractions while driving are dangerous, do not try at home

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Jungkook skips out of the elevator, bringing his coffee to his lips as he greets the sign-in clerk with
a nod of his head. He turns when he passes her, a grin on his lips as he flashes the badge around
his neck even though it’s unneeded.

They know who he is. Jeon Jungkook, son of Bae Gaeul, heir to the throne. Or whatever. He can’t
wait for the day he works in this office instead of the one he’s currently in, a smaller office that
oversees about a hundred Bae properties throughout the country.

Honestly, he would take a job being his mother’s assistant who ran all of her errands for her rather
than deal with the General Managers of the properties Jungkook oversees himself. He quirks up a
brow at the idea, convincing his mother to let him step foot into the corporate offices, but he
decides against it.

He has a freedom now he hadn’t had before. His parents aren’t over his shoulder, can’t punish him
for staying out all night even if Jungkook hasn’t been lately. He’s still getting his allowance, but
Jungkook’s pretty sure if he fucks up as long as he’s still married to Taehyung, his parents will
give it to him.

“Mr. Jeon. It is good to see you again. Congratulations on the marriage.”

Jungkook wags his finger at a passing employee, who’s name he forgets. It goes like that a few
times, greetings and words of congrats to him as he makes his way to his mother’s office.

It’s been a few weeks, and it isn’t as odd as Jungkook would imagine. To suddenly be married. He
doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing with this whole convincing Taehyung to hang out with him
and waiting up for Taehyung to get home. But whatever. He’s gonna do it anyway.

He wants to get to know Taehyung, and he doesn’t want a Taehyung checklist to do so. It isn’t just
facts Jungkook wants to know anyway, but things like what makes Taehyung laugh or smile or
what habits he has.

Jungkook rolls his eyes at himself at the thought.

“Mr. Jeon! Heard you married Kim Taehyung?”

Jungkook slows as he enters the glass doors to his mother’s floor. He turns, finding a familiar face
close behind him. There is a questioning look in his eyes as he tilts his head and cups Jungkook’s
hip to keep him from moving further through the office.
“Mhm,” Jungkook says, looking over the man’s handsome face. A face he’s seen twist in pleasure
before. “You were invited to the wedding, Eunwoo-ssi. Were you not?”

He lifts his hand, flashing the wedding band amongst the other rings he has on today. Eunwoo only
glances at it before landing back on Jungkook’s face. He lets go of Jungkook’s hip, fingers tapping
against him before he slides that hand into his pocket where it belongs.

“I felt it inappropriate,” Eunwoo says, lips quirking up around his words. “Your mother said you
two have been together since college. We’ve been together since then.”

Jungkook takes a step back, glancing to see how far away the closest person is. He knew this was
going to come up eventually. “Taehyung and I have had a very up and down relationship.”
Jungkook squeezes Eunwoo’s bicep. “I’ve never been unfaithful.”

He turns then, but he can feel Eunwoo at his heels. Then beside him, where their arms brush.
“Well, you have my number if you ever have a down again.”

Jungkook ignores him at first, bringing his coffee to his lips. After a moment though he stops and
turns, reaching out to adjust Eunwoo’s tie. “I’ll keep that in mind, Eunwoo-ssi. Now are you
supposed to be on this level?”

It hadn’t crossed Jungkook’s mind, being with someone else. Even when Taehyung assured him it
was something their union wouldn’t get in the way of. He has no interest in having Eunwoo in his
bed again - he’s hoping to have Taehyung there.

Taehyung, who he has a date with tonight. He’s a little eager for it, hence the skipping through the
corporate offices like a boy with a lollipop in hand. He won’t deny it to himself, but he will if
anyone calls him out on it.

“Promoted,” Eunwoo says, flashing his own badge. “I’m now working for the head of HR, and she
loves having me jump from her office to your mother’s. And there’s no need to be so formal with
me, Jungkook-ah.”

Jungkook inspects over the badge. “Understandable. Eomma can be a hardass.” He holds his hand
out, gesturing towards the folder Eunwoo holds in the crook of one arm. He ignores the last thing
he said on purpose. “I’ll take it to her, Eunwoo-ssi.”

Eunwoo bows his head, but his fingers linger over Jungkook’s as he passes it over to him. “Thank
you, Mr. Jeon. And congratulations, by the way.”

A grin takes over Jungkook’s lips as he rolls his eyes and tugs the folder away. “Thank you. You
as well.”

The grin slips away as soon as Jungkook turns and heads through the rest of the office. It’s quite
spacious, parts sectioned off for different heads whose names Jungkook does remember because
they’ve been here since before Jungkook’s mother took over the company.

His mother’s office is half the floor, sectioned off by a massive glass wall. He can see in it, his
mother sitting at her desk, face blank as she speaks to someone Jungkook doesn’t recognize from
behind. She only glances his way when he opens the door, and Jungkook expects a scolding for not
waiting, but he doesn’t get one.

The woman she speaks to turns at the sound of his entrance, and Jungkook considers backing out
when he takes in the face of Taehyung’s mother.
“Excuse me,” Jungkook says, bowing in apology. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

For some reason, Jungkook may not care if his own parents think he’s rude, but he kind of wants
Taehyung’s mother to like him. It seemed impossible when they had dinner together. The way
Taehyung talked of her before makes Jungkook think of her as a loving mother, but she looked like
she hated his guts.

It could have to do with the fact that Taehyung was groping him beneath the table and it was
probably more obvious than they realized. Or maybe that was Taehyung’s intention because it
always seems to be.

“Right on time. He has a knack for knowing when people are talking about him,” Jungkook’s
mother says as she curls his fingers and waves him in. “I’m sorry to have called you out of the

Jungkook offers his mother a smile. He’s much too aware of Taehyung’s mother’s eyes on him, too
aware of every movement he makes in front of her. He straightens his back, hoping to come off as
professional sounding as possible. “Please, no need. I need a break from the boiler guy. Now he
needs a part for his pool, and I’m sure he just needs to fire his maintenance staff but he’s

Amusement fills his mother’s eyes. “That man will keep his employees on even if it’s at the cost of
his hotel. Loyalty is admirable. Now, sit down, love. I know you’ve been too busy to come

Sure, Jungkook thinks, but he nods as he pulls a chair back and sits beside Taehyung’s mother. So
close he can smell her perfume. “I’m sorry, Eomma.”

“Taehyung’s the same,” the woman beside him sighs. “Even when he still lived at home, there
were what felt like months that I wouldn’t see him. His intern told me he’s not staying at the office
as late anymore?”

Jungkook keeps his face blank as he glances at her. He expected his mother called him because of
the business, not to talk about Taehyung with his mother in law.

It also isn’t true. Most nights, Taehyung gets home late. Jungkook doesn’t know his regular
schedule, how abnormal or normal it is, or what’s considered not as late. Jungkook can’t imagine
ten at night being considered early .

He can’t imagine Taehyung doing anything between the office and coming home either. Doing
regular people things.

“Which intern?” Jungkook asks instead. He doesn’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing in
Taehyung’s parents mind that he’s supposedly leaving early. It’s one of the reasons Jungkook
wants to get to know him more, to learn about the relationship he has with his parents.

Taehyung’s mother hesitates a moment before she says, “Beomgyu.”

Jungkook smiles at that. Taehyung’s favorite. The intern that walked in on Taehyung humping his
shoe. He didn’t see what they were doing, but he wonders if he had, if Beomgyu would report that
too. “He reports back to you?”

She doesn’t react at all. Face just as hard, Jungkook’s mother’s matching. She sighs, reaching over
to pat Jungkook’s hand. “No. There are times when Taehyung is impossible to reach, and I need
some way to find out whether my son has dropped dead after not hearing from him for a few days.”
The words aren’t said harshly, but her eyes look it. Defensive. She’s lying.

“I understand,” Jungkook says, looking back to his own mother. “Is there a reason I’ve been called
here, Eomma?”

His mother claps her hands, smiling at him. “Yes, yes. You know we’ve had an increase in
investors since your marriage was announced. It’s been taken quite well.”

She slides away from her desk an inch, pulling open a drawer. Jungkook watches on quietly, fixing
his tie as it starts to feel too tight. His mother’s never one to get to the point, neither of his parents

“I need you to make sure it stays that way,” his mother continues as she pulls out a manila file and
hands it to him. “Not just for our company, but for your father as well.”

Taehyung’s mother straightens her back as he takes it in hand, confusion filling him before he
opens it.

It’s pictures of him and Yoongi. A paparazzi shot. By the clothing and place, he can recognize it’s
from when he went to Japan during the week of his not honeymoon.

“Because of your popularity and the announcement, there has been a closer eye on you. The people
are interested now, more so, so reporters are going to be everywhere,” Taehyung’s mother says.
They always are, but he doesn’t correct her. She sounds just like Taehyung that it annoys him.
“Taehyung said he’d discuss this with you, but clearly he hasn’t. It is important not to ruin his

Jungkook snorts. He doesn’t go through the photos, he knows what he had done in Japan. He had
shopped, gone to a party. Flew back home because he wanted to see if Taehyung was there, didn’t
want Yoongi to know that so he tried a club here in Seoul, and then he ended up leaving early

“I’m sorry that pictures of me having fun will ruin Taehyung’s stiff and boring reputation,”
Jungkook says with a sigh. He holds out a photo, showing off himself walking down a sidewalk
with shopping bags in his hands. “I didn’t realize Taehyung was an anti shopper and having a
husband who likes sportswear will make people respect him less.”

Jungkook knows his mother is glaring at him because of his sarcastic tone, but he doesn’t look. He
wanted to be on Taehyung’s mother’s good side, but this is a little too ridiculous. Jungkook’s tired
of people thinking he is that reckless based on what they read in their news that he can’t even do
the simplest of things anymore.

At least his own parents make judgments because they know how he is, have seen it with their own
eyes. They’re to blame for it, but Jungkook isn’t completely ignorant to the fact that he goes out of
his way to be disrespectful to them and doesn’t give a shit if his reputation ruins theirs.

“Jungkook-ssi,” Taehyung’s mother says gently. She presses a sharp nail to Yoongi’s face in the
picture. “Each time you were arrested, he was with you. I hope that you make it so you’re not
caught in public with him again.”

Jungkook laughs before he can stop himself. He’s fucking even more annoyed now. Yoongi and
Hoseok have both influenced some of the reckless shit he’s done, but he’s also to blame for
everything he’s done. Just himself. Every time Yoongi’s gotten so much as a ticket, it’s been
Jungkook’s fault.
Plus, like Taehyung said, his father should have buried those better. So much so that even
Taehyung and his family wouldn’t have been able to find it.

“I apologize, Eomeonim. I cannot do that,” Jungkook says, closing the file and tossing it onto the
desk without care. “Taehyung’s reputation won’t be ruined by my relationship with Yoongi, though
Taehyung did know what he was getting into when he agreed to marry me. He mentioned my
reputation quite often.”

Taehyung’s mother’s nostrils flare. “ His reputation has already taken a hit because of that damn
photo you posted!”

The sudden emotion in her face surprises Jungkook. He hesitates. He had wanted to see her without
a blank expression but not like this.

“Excuse me?” Jungkook asks, glancing at his own mother. She looks tired as she rubs at her

“My husband and my son both insisted on you being the right match for this, and I am afraid that I
can’t keep my mouth closed about disagreeing. I apologize Gaeul, it is nothing towards your
parenting,” Taehyung’s mother goes on, words rushed. “Their reasons make things like this seem
unimportant, but it has consequences. There are already colleagues of my husband’s who don’t
take Taehyung seriously because of his age, and you acting like a child with him will only give
them more reason to think that.”

Jungkook is quick to stand on his feet. He fixes his cuffs. She does hate him, whatever. He doesn’t
care now. “I’ve had enough of this conversation. One you should be having with Taehyung or have
had with him before our union as he seems to think you were very on board with this. Eomma, I’ll
be in touch.”

“Jungkook,” his mother calls, but Jungkook turns on his heel and heads for the door, missing the
way she stands abruptly as if she may chase after him. “Jungkook, at least don’t go weeks without

He ignores her and pushes through the glass doors. He’s annoyed. He isn’t a child. Surely, he has
done a lot to get the reputation he has. He’s a hedonist, sure. He’s apathetic, sure. Not a child.

Making out with his husband and going on fucking shopping trips isn’t irresponsible. He isn’t
going to go out and get caught sniffing lines of coke like most of the elite’s children or whatever
Taehyung’s mother thinks is going to happen. He’s never purposefully gotten stopped by the police
and has no desire to again.

Taehyung already works too hard. Jungkook doesn’t want to catch a charge and make him half to
work more to get it dismissed, buried.

Jungkook’s giddy mood is ruined. He wonders what Taehyung’s mother meant about Taehyung
and Daehee’s reasoning for the union. A title being more important than the risk of Taehyung’s
reputation doesn’t make sense to him.

But Taehyung insisted.

Jungkook sighs heavily, ignoring the front desk clerk and the man waiting by the elevator to stab
his own finger into the button.

When the doors are opening, Jungkook’s phone rings. It’s Taehyung.
“Jeon Jungkook speaking.”

Taehyung snorts. When he speaks, he sounds like he has his phone close to his mouth instead of his
bluetooth. “Hello Jeon Jungkook. I just got word our mothers are together and may possibly
ambush you.”

Jungkook leans into the wall, teeth grinding together. “Yeah. I just left them.”

It’s quiet, but Jungkook can still hear how annoyed Taehyung sounds when he cusses. “What did
they want?”

“Apparently me shopping and kissing you is bad for your reputation.”

Taehyung laughs. It sounds honestly amused, but Jungkook can’t return it. Even if he likes the
sound and it makes his chest warm. It makes him more annoyed because that’s how Taehyung
always sounds. Amused, mocking.

“Oh, I’m sorry lover. My mother is overprotective of me. She tried to ruin the reputation of a very
prestigious lawyer once who insulted my achievements because of my age. Said lawyer has made a
comment about our indecent photo. She called me about it this morning, but I figured she’d drop it
when I asked her to.”

Another laugh. Jungkook presses his lips together, frowning. An older person might think it’s
indecent, sure, but either way, it was Taehyung’s idea. It was Taehyung who posted it.

“Kind of want to take a different one to really offend him,” Taehyung murmurs lowly. “One that’s
actually indecent. You weren’t even naked in that one.”

Jungkook warms as his teeth slip over his bottom lip. “You should. If he gets that pressed over

Taehyung hums. “Tonight, take a picture of me kissing you somewhere else. You have my
permission to post it to your thousands of followers.”

It’s not warmth, but heat. Fire coursing through Jungkook at the suggestion. In his belly, across his
skin. He sighs out. “What?”

“Don’t pretend you aren’t taking me on a date to romance your way into my pants,” Taehyung says
so casually, his tone reminding Jungkook of the coworker that always lists off the daily reports to
him. “Really, the effort you’ve put into this is outstanding, baby. Could have had me the other
night. Didn’t need to do all this.”

Jungkook sinks into the wall, eyeing the people that flood in as the elevator stops on a lower floor.
He thinks about what Taehyung said, about flirting as a way to distract him. How it works on him,
and it’s frustrating.

“Not everything has impure intentions, Taehyung-ssi.”

Taehyung laughs under his breath. “Well, what are your intentions then?”

“I already told you,” Jungkook says, voice dropping as eyes flutter to him. He likes that everyone
knows him - bows to him, but he hates when they don’t mind their business because they know
who he is or want to speak to him.

“Don’t worry about my mother,” Taehyung says, changing course like he always does. “My father
and I have been fighting, and it stresses her out. I’m sure that’s why she brought up such a small

“You’ve been fighting?”

“Mhm,” Taehyung says. There’s a beat of silence before he says, “Don’t worry about that either.
You said you wish to make me distracted at work, so let me return the favor.”

Jungkook breathes in as the door to the first floor opens, and he quickly walks off not to miss what
Taehyung says with how low and deep his voice gets.

“Think about where you want me to kiss you. You can pick.”

Jungkook grins as he adjusts the phone against his ear. “I feel like I’d get more than a scolding if I
posted a picture of Kim Taehyung on his knees with a dick in his mouth. That lawyer with the hurt
ego might drop dead from a heart attack, and I don’t want that kind of charge.”

Taehyung sighs shakily. “Not that explicit. Though if you want a picture of that for yourself, we
can take one.”

The heat warms over Jungkook’s chest and down. He clutches the phone harder to his ear. He
doesn’t quite want to experience walking back to his building with a hard on again. “I want a
picture of you now, for your contact photo.”

Taehyung snorts loudly. “Okay, lover. I’ll let you go and send one.”

Jungkook smiles, tries to bite at it so it won’t grow too big but he fails. “I want to keep talking to

There’s a beat of silence before Taehyung says, “I have a couple minutes, but if you take too long,
I won’t be able to send you a photo.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes. “Can’t the great ol’ Kim Taehyung multitask?”

He gets a giggle in response. “Okay. Tell me then. Is that what you want? For me to give you

Jungkook nearly trips over a crack in the sidewalk. He shakes a hand at the alarmed look he gets
from a middle aged man walking past him. How Taehyung manages to ask that like they’re
discussing a business transaction is beyond him. “I mean, whatever. Yeah. I wouldn’t be opposed
to that.”

“I want you to tell me what you want,” Taehyung says, and Jungkook imagines him sitting back in
his chair, licking his lips. Jungkook wishes he had seen him before he left this morning to know
what he’s wearing. “And I want to make sure you’re not doing anything because you think you
have to. Me coming onto you is out of attraction to you, to play along with you. Not to make you
feel like you have to.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes again. He takes everything so seriously. It is a serious thing, but
Jungkook’s said it enough that Taehyung should know how much he wants him. “You made that
clear from the first day. Sex is only to happen out of want from both sides. It isn’t one sided is it?”

He has a feeling the wanting to spend time together in general is one sided, but Jungkook isn’t
offended. He doesn’t know what it’s like to be so dedicated to work. Jungkook’s doesn’t require
that much devotion. His place at the top is secured, and he had been under the impression
Taehyung’s is as well, but him being sent home the other day makes him wonder how true it is.

Taehyung’s mother suddenly panicking over their union while Taehyung fights with his father
makes Jungkook unsure how secure he is.

“It is not one sided,” Taehyung assures him. He pauses for a moment. “I very much want you,
Jungkook. I know you know that.”

Jungkook bites at his cheek. “Say it again.”

Taehyung chuckles lowly before he sighs, the sound wavering and the tone of it makes arousal coil
in Jungkook’s stomach. “I want you, and I want to make you feel good even if you’ve been a shit
and probably don’t deserve it. So tell me what you want.”

Jungkook’s chest expands as he tries to breathe in as deeply as he can. It’s odd how concerned
Taehyung is with his comfort, in everything. “You could punish me. I’m into spanking.”

The second sigh Taehyung lets out sounds makes Jungkook’s ears hot. “I am not surprised,”
Taehyung says. “It feels good, doesn’t it? Pain and pleasure together.”

Jungkook’s heart picks up the pace as he nods. He thinks about Taehyung’s hands, the way they
would look against him. “You’re into it too?”

“Mhm. Is that what you want, lover? To be spanked?”

Jungkook exhales. He can’t get to his office fast enough. “I don’t care what we do tonight,
Taehyung. I have no specifics. We don’t even have to fuck.”

Taehyung laughs again. “Jungkook, I’m trying to talk dirty with you. Please be a little more
helpful. If you want to continue, that is.”

Oh . Jungkook presses a hand to his face. He feels like an idiot. “Is that what you’re doing?”

“Mhm,” Taehyung says, the word coming out half amused and half like a groan. “Wanna be hard
for your photo.”

Fuck. Okay. Jungkook can do this. He’s fucking amazing at dirty talk. It’s only a thought in the
back of his mind that Taehyung’s doing that thing where he flirts with him to distract him from
things like their parents now. It’s a tactic that completely works.

“I want your hands on me,” Jungkook decides.

Taehyung makes a noise. “Yeah?”

Jungkook nods to himself. His own cock twitches at the idea of Taehyung just being aroused. Such
a small thing, but he wants to have that effect on Taehyung. “I like when you touch me.”

He leaves out the part that he doesn’t like when people touch him unless they’re Hoseok and
Yoongi, and he doesn’t know why that’s different for Taehyung. It just is, and he doesn’t want to
boost Taehyung’s ego more than he already has.

“And the idea of you on your knees to me is fucking hot,” Jungkook admits, closing his eyes to
imagine it for a moment. He opens them and side eyes a woman that walks by him as he presses his
lips closer to the phone. “I’ll be honest, Taehyung. I want to see you without that composure of
yours. Make your unbothered façade crack a bit. Fuck your throat until you gag, cry. Something
other than that cocky amused look you’re always wearing.”

Taehyung makes a pleased noise. A deep hum that teeters on the edge of being a groan. “Is that so?
See, I have a desire to make you beg for it. Get desperate, whiny. You’re cute when you

Jungkook bites his tongue hard. Relief fills him when he finally gets to his own office building. “I
don’t whine or beg.”

Taehyung tsks. “I’d bet my savings that’s not true.”

“Prepare to no longer be an expensive man then, lover,” Jungkook replies as he runs up the steps
instead of using the elevator so he can speak freely.

“Your confidence is cute,” Taehyung says, his voice breathless. Jungkook wants to know what
he’s doing, if he’s touching himself or considering it. If his cock is hard or starting to stiffen like
Jungkook’s own. “You have horrible patience, Jungkook-ssi. I know you’ll beg.”

Jungkook licks his lips, breathless from running up the stairs. He doesn’t even acknowledge his
assistant before pushing into his office and locking the door behind him. “I thought you wanted to
do whatever I wanted.”

Taehyung laughs. “I do. I’ll give you anything you want. You just have to beg for it.”

Cussing quietly, Jungkook falls into his desk chair. “You’re an asshole.”

He can imagine the smirk on Taehyung’s face. They’ve done this too often. “And you’re horrible
at dirty talk.”

Jungkook grunts in offense. “I was in public.”

“Makes it hotter, no?” Taehyung asks, still so casual. “Jeon Jungkook walking down the street
talking about how much he wants his lover to choke on his cock. God, what if a granny heard

Jungkook wrinkles his nose at Taehyung’s mocking. He thinks a granny had heard him. “Your
mother just informed me the reporters are on me more than before. I don’t really need to be on the
cover of some website with a hard on.”

It makes Taehyung giggle, the sound of it infectious. “Are you hard already? That’s cute.”

Jungkook spreads his legs, dick twitching. He is, kind of. “Don’t be an ass. I’m pretty sure you
moaned when I said you could spank me.”

He smiles when Taehyung laughs. “I didn’t. Can’t make a sound. Office isn’t that soundproof.”

Jungkook parts his lips to retort but quickly closes them when Taehyung contradicts his own words
and moans. It’s a hitched breath, a gasp, loud enough that Jungkook can hear it over the way his
heart throbs in his ears. It makes a groan build in his own chest, his thighs clenching together at the
swoop in his stomach.

The worst part is, Jungkook imagines Taehyung made that noise with a completely straight face. If
he didn’t, Jungkook wants to see. He meant it when he said he wants to shake Taehyung up a bit.
To see his face twist in pleasure the same way Jungkook always craves to make him laugh. He had
only gotten a glimpse of it before, just a second, and Jungkook had no idea if Taehyung made his
face like that because he actually felt good or because he’s a teasing asshole.

Taehyung does it again, and Jungkook cups between his legs, squeezing his cock just for relief. “
Fuck , Jungkook.”

Jungkook’s ears are on fire. He huffs out, finds it difficult to find the breath to do so. “Tae -”

“Who would want to hear that while they’re trying to work?” Taehyung says, cutting him off.

He’s maddening .

“Well, it wouldn’t bother me,” Jungkook tells him, tone smug. “Kind of my goal to hear you

Taehyung sighs in contemplation. “Perhaps I’d consider my no sleeping with a coworker if it were
you. I already think about fucking you on my desk too much without you here. Imagine if you
were? I’d get nothing done.”

Jungkook bites his bottom lip, the heel of his hand grinding down against him. “Are you alone
there at night?”

Taehyung hums. “Usually.”

“Kinda wanna fuck you in the middle of your office,” Jungkook whispers, licking his lips. “It has a
nice view of the city.”

He’s thinking about it, Taehyung pressed up against the windows. The glass fogged up from his
breathing, fingers digging into nothing. No one would be able to see anything with how high up it
is, with the windows at waist length, but there’s something so undeniably hot about it.

“The view in my father’s office is better,” Taehyung murmurs, tone suggestive.

The implication makes Jungkook’s head tilt back as he rubs over his cock through the material of
his dress pants. Light touches, tracing over the length, thumbing at the head. He wants to take his
cock out, but he doesn’t want to prove Taehyung right even if he wouldn’t know. Jungkook is

“I think that is taking the proving to your father how into each other we are a little far. Not really
into the idea of him walking on on us.”

Taehyung groans but it’s in complaint. “You just killed my boner, babe.”

Jungkook giggles. “Should I go back to the spanking part?”

Taehyung cusses quietly. In the background, there’s some jostling noises before Taehyung speaks
again. “Time’s up baby. I have a meeting in five. See you tonight?”

The suddenness of it has Jungkook annoyed. He’s done the same thing to Taehyung not too long
ago, and it feels like payback. Purposeful. “Like I said, asshole.”

He knows Taehyung is grinning, can hear it in his voice when he says, “Later baby.”

Jungkook throws his phone onto his desk in frustration. He sits there for a minute, contemplating
how bad it would be to get off in his office during work hours before his phone goes off and the
answer is chosen for him.
Fuck. It’s just Taehyung’s lap. His face isn’t in view. A hand rests limply on his thigh, wedding
band and the tendons winding up from his knuckles and past his wrist on display. His thumb is
stretched out to press against his crotch, like he had been idly touching himself. The shape of his
hard cock is defined, strained against his pants.

It sends something hot through Jungkook, and he taps his phone screen when it threatens to go
black. They barely talked about anything, but it affected Taehyung the same way it did Jungkook.

He moves to keep the screen from growing black again when another message comes through and
he quickly clicks on it.

And this one for your contact photo.

It’s Taehyung’s face. His chin is tilted, eyes dark and nearly hidden behind his curly bangs.
There’s a pink in his cheeks, and his lips are parted enough for Jungkook to see the tongue resting
over his teeth like he was about to lick his lips.

His tie is undone, giving him a disheveled look, and that’s what Jungkook wants. To make him a
mess. Like the first time he ever laid eyes on Taehyung and noticed he wasn’t prim and proper like
the other guests at his house. Tie gone, jacket gone, hair a mess.

Jungkook exhales out, thighs pressing together as he squeezes his eyes closed. He wants time to
jump forward because he really is so fucking impatient.

Resting his phone on his thigh, Jungkook pulls his shirt from his pants. Excitement courses
through him, adding to the pleasure he already feels. His chest moves quicker as Jungkook cups
himself, thumb stroking down the length of his cock as he steadies his phone back in his hand.

It’s nothing he hasn’t done before, quite modest to the ones he’s sent before, but his nerves spark
when he hits the camera button. He squeezes his hand around the base of his cock, making the
shape of it more obvious beneath his pants.

Jungkook moans under his breath as he takes another he’s more satisfied with. It worsens his need
to touch himself, he knows he will. In the bathroom like a desperate teen just like Taehyung had

He tosses the phone aside after he sends it, ignoring the missed calls from his mother as he thinks
back to Taehyung moaning in his ear. A gasp leaves his lips, and Jungkook’s fingers slip beneath
the band of his pants as he imagines calling Taehyung during his meeting so he can hear.

The vibration of his phone makes Jungkook jump, heart taking off in his chest. It tries to win
whatever race it’s running in as Jungkook takes in Taehyung’s name and quickly slides the
message open.

It’s just an emoji. The tongue emoji. Jungkook groans and turns the screen off without replying.


“Kim Mijung. Fifty two. Found with blood on her hands three streets away from the scene of the

Taehyung nods, hands patting down his silk shirt. He cocks his hip to the side, admiring the way
the material clings to his waist. “Go on.”

“No concrete alibi. Police report states she was dazed at the time of approach. She wouldn’t tell the
police where she was coming from, and an officer on scene stated that she seemed as if she didn’t
know the answer.”

He works his fingers over the top buttons, undoing them until his collarbone is exposed. He does
one lower just because. “That was in the news report.”

“Yes, which also emphasized the fact that she was a woman, small and frail compared to the
victim. Her attorney focused on strength and size as well.”

Taehyung glances at his watch as he hums his confirmation. He doesn’t have a lot of time today,
having to multitask - which is fine, but annoying. That’s why Beomgyu stands in his office reading
off his work while Taehyung tries to get ready.

He promised Jungkook a dinner, so he’ll give Jungkook dinner. Even if he has no idea why it’s so
important to Jungkook.

There’s a lot in general Taehyung doesn’t understand about Jungkook. From the excessive amount
of teasing lately, the sleeping on the couch until Taehyung gets home, to his cute ways in asking to
sleep in his bed. Why he’s continuing to sleep in Taehyung’s bed since.

“And how do we feel about that?” Taehyung asks as glances to Beomgyu through the mirror. He’s
tamed his hair some, not much. He hasn’t worn earrings in awhile and had been surprised when he
could get all three dangles in.

Turning his head from side to side, he smiles at the way they moved. He’s missed them. His father
doesn’t like them. He’s made Taehyung take them out so often at the office or in court that
Taehyung’s just stopped putting them in.

“Never underestimate a woman. The biases we have that were created by society affect the way the
jury sees evidence, affects the verdict they decide.”

Taehyung grins at Beomgyu. “Exactly that. Who was the key witness that led to the guilty

“The defendant’s sister. She stated the victim strongly resembled one of Kim Mijung’s abusers.”

It’s then Taehyung’s phone rings, and he smiles more at the sight of Jungkook’s name. He doesn’t
answer it, slipping it into his pocket instead. He’s been a tease all day, and Taehyung still can’t get
the thought of their conversation earlier out of his mind.

The way he sounded when he shamelessly told Taehyung he wanted him to choke on his cock,
spank him, fuck him in his office. The picture he sent showing how turned on he was, and
Taehyung kept looking at it while he was in his meeting.

Much to Dongmin’s annoyance, probably. But it’s minimal compared to how annoyed Taehyung is
with him and his inability to stop fucking up his own case. He was supposed to hand over all video
footage from his clubs and more keeps popping up. Taehyung thinks if he sees his brother in law in
one more he’s going to have an aneurysm.
“I have a paper on why that is significant and what kind of effect it had on the way people look at
mental illness in my filing cabinet if you’d like to reference it.”

Beomgyu bows his head. “Yes sir. May I ask what you’re getting ready for?”

Taehyung grins as he cups the back of his neck. “Got a date with Jungkook. How do I look?”

He holds his arms out, raising a brow. He hates that whatever Jungkook tried to do the other day
worked, Taehyung can’t get him out of his mind.

In his office, he thinks about the way Jungkook watched him as he lifted his foot between his legs.
How much he licked his lips, to the point where they were at risk of getting chafed. The wanton
look in his eyes, and the smirk on his lips when Taehyung humped his fucking foot in front of

Even going into his father’s office today had Jungkook slipping into his mind, the mentally image
of Jungkook bent over Kim Daehee’s always neat and organized desk.

“Lovely, sir. I didn’t mean to keep you.”

Taehyung waves his hand at that. “I asked you to do my filing so I could attend dinner tonight. The
least I could do is offer you help with your school work.”

Beomgyu smiles brightly. “Thank you sir.”

“I want you to take the weekend off and focus on it,” Taehyung goes on, pointing a firm finger at
him. “I don’t want you anywhere near this office so get what you need before you lock up.”

Taehyung’s phone vibrates again, and Taehyung excuses himself to answer it. If he doesn’t, he’s
sure Jungkook will continue calling him.

His expectations for how Jungkook would be as a husband are completely wrong, Taehyung
thinks. Maybe he too is blinded by stereotypes, missing the evidence that could have warned him
that Jungkook’s like this.

“Yes, lover?” Taehyung asks with a grin. Jungkook’s impatient, he doesn’t care what Jungkook has
to say about it.

“Just wanted to remind you about dinner tonight.”

Taehyung bites at his smile, turning his back to Beomgyu and glancing over his shoulder to see if
he’s paying attention. He’s pretending not to. “Did you think I forgot? You’ve only mentioned it
about a thousand times.”

“Eat my ass,” Jungkook says. “I just wanted to make sure you were still coming.”

Taehyung licks over his teeth. “You’re adding more and more to this list of things you want, lover.
I hope you have good stamina.”

Jungkook laughs, and Taehyung imagines the way his head tilts back when he does. “Quiet. You
know, there’s reporters here at the restaurant.”

The smile only grows on Taehyung’s face as he glances at the time. “You’re there quite early,
baby. Excited?”

“Yeah. I’ve been wanting to take you out. Told you a thousand times.”
Taehyung doesn’t really get it, but he’ll indulge Jungkook. It’s such a simple thing he asks for.
“Want to tease me again or whatever it is that you’ve been doing?”

There’s a beat of silence before Jungkook says, “Most likely.”

Taehyung snorts. “I figured. That’s why you’ve been on my mind all day.”

Jungkook has a tendency to slip into his mind when he least expects it. Not quite a distraction, but
enough that Taehyung’s mind isn’t fully in work mode. It’s not something he cares to admit, but if
that’s what Jungkook wants to hear.

He finds there’s a lot he’ll give Jungkook if he just asks. Even if he shouldn’t. Taehyung intended
to stay at the office later to get his work done each day, but Jungkook’s comment about him never
being home weighs on his mind when he does.

It wasn’t part of the agreement, but this is all new. Jungkook may only want him around to get
used to a big, empty unfamiliar house. The relationship he has with his brother seems like a rocky
one, but still - Jungkook’s grown up beside him, has always had someone else around the house.

“Have I?” Jungkook asks, too pleased sounding. “Want to tell me exactly what you’ve been
thinking? Anything to do with spanking me?”

Taehyung clicks his teeth. He’s going to need Jungkook to stop suggesting that so casually because
it does something terrible to him. “I’d prefer to show you.”

Jungkook exhales. “See you soon, Taehyung.”

The phone clicks then as Jungkook hangs up. Taehyung turns back to Beomgyu, keeping the smile
on his face. “I should get going. Don’t stay here too late. You need your rest.”

Beomgyu bows his head again. “Yes sir. Enjoy tonight,”

Taehyung clicks his fingers and points one at Beomgyu. “If my mother calls, tell her I’m with

Alarm fills Beomgyu’s face and a hint of annoyance touches Taehyung. He looks guilty, but
Taehyung isn’t going to ruin his first night out in forever so he closes Beomgyu in his office
without another word.

Taehyung spots Jungkook’s car the moment his chauffeur pulls onto the street. He’s impressed by
the choice of restaurant, a high end place that people only ever go to to show off their wealth. The
food is decent enough, but the place is definitely more for show than taste.

He glances over the others in the street, at the man with a camera hanging by his waist. Taehyung
taps his finger on his propped knee as the man looks around. He’s waiting for him, Taehyung
knows, because he leaked the information that they had a private date tonight.

Taehyung fixes the jacket to his suit before he steps out of the car, moving it around his waist to
show off the shirt he picked out, the way it clings to his body. It’s a bit more loose than the ones
he’d wear to work, the color a light gray and the pants snug higher up his hips.
A smile threatens to take over his lips when he raps his knuckles on Jungkook’s driver side
window. He steps back in the street to let Jungkook open the door, but it’s barely closed before
Taehyung’s ridding the space between them.

He wants to look Jungkook over, wants Jungkook to look at him, but he wraps his fingers around
Jungkook’s tie and tugs him forward so neither of them can.

“Hey there,” Taehyung murmurs as he uses his weight to lean Jungkook against his car. “Can I?”

He whispers against Jungkook’s lips to make it look more intimate as his hand finds Jungkook’s

“I was hoping you would,” Jungkook replies, tone just as low.

Taehyung lets that smile take over his lips before he presses them to Jungkook’s. He leans into
him, hand warming up his torso as he pushes his thigh between Jungkook’s legs.

The gasp he gets in return makes his cheeks warm. Over the last few weeks, the tension between
them has created a permanent tension in his body. One that explodes over simple things like
Jungkook gasping over a kiss.

Jungkook fists a hand in his hair, fingers wrapping around the long strands there as his mouth parts.
Taehyung likes that he doesn’t have to ask for it, doesn’t have to tease his tongue against
Jungkook’s mouth. Jungkook just offers .

It makes that tension inside of him worse, and when he hums the moment their tongues meet, it
comes out like a moan.

A simple thing, yet Jungkook’s hips press against his thigh like it’s affected him too.

When Taehyung’s sure the reporter is happy with their show, he pulls away. Slowly, because it
isn’t just for the reporter, but to tease Jungkook in return.

And he does, groaning again when his tongue traces over Jungkook’s bottom lip before Taehyung
pulls it back into his mouth.

“Hey there,” Taehyung repeats, squeezing Jungkook’s side as he steps back. He catches
Jungkook’s hand, not wanting to lose full contact. “Nice choice of restaurant.”

Jungkook’s neck is red again, eyes heavy lidded as he licks over his lips. Taehyung wonders if he
can still taste him, feel the pressure of his mouth.

He finally gets to look over him and grins at how expensive Jungkook looks. Thick bands around
his fingers, a black matte watch around his wrist. The chain around his neck that one normally
wouldn’t wear with a tie, but Taehyung doesn't think Jungkook’s one to follow rules. The designer
brand stamped over his chest for show.

Taehyung knows Jungkook would look good in anything, can fit anything to emphasize the
strength of his body. Hell, he looks sexy even in something that is big and hides it away. But
tonight everything is fitted, from the dress pants that scream for help around his thighs and the
dress shirt clinging to the curves of his chest.

“Wanted to show you you’re not the only expensive one.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes as he tugs Jungkook’s hand to follow. Everything seems to be a
competition with Jungkook, which is partly his fault. He knows. He just likes to tease and see how
fucking cute Jungkook gets over it.

“I’m sure you had to give them my name to get a reservation at the last minute,” Taehyung teases
as he stretches their clasped hands around his back to tug Jungkook into him.

“Fuck you. I used my own.”

Taehyung quirks a brow at him. “You or your father’s?”

Jungkook doesn’t reply as they walk through the glass doors, opened by two suited men inside. He
tilts his chin almost stubbornly as he walks up towards the hostess and boldly announces its name.

A giggle builds in Taehyung’s throat, but he swallows it down.

“Mr. Jeon. Right this way. Is this the husband you told me about?”

Jungkook glances at Taehyung, a smug look on his face. He loosens and flexes his fingers just to
tighten them more around Taehyung’s.

“Kim Taehyung,” Jungkook replies, eyes falling over Taehyung’s amused face. “If you’ve heard of

Taehyung digs his thumbnail into Jungkook’s knuckle. He really is a shit .

The hostess blinks a few times. “Of course. We are happy to have you, Mr. Kim. Let me take you
to your seats.”

Taehyung squeezes Jungkook’s hand as he presses his chest into his arm, leaning in to place a kiss
at the hinge of his jaw.

His lips linger before he parts his lips and sucks at the lobe of Jungkook’s ear. “Trying to get
spanked already?”

Jungkook falters in his step, and Taehyung pulls away to look at the concerned hostess like nothing

“What was that for?” Jungkook whispers tightly.

Taehyung doesn’t reply as he follows the hostess to their table.

It’s in a secluded area, sectioned odd from the rest. The table is already covered in porcelain and
glass dishes, a bottle of wine off to the side that's the same brand Jungkook and he had shared the
week before.

When Taehyung sits, he crosses his legs just in case Jungkook gets frisky again. Though he knows
they’ll part the moment Jungkook’s shoe comes close.

“No dick stepping this time,” Jungkook says as if he can read Taehyung’s mind. He has a menu in
his hands, eyes searching over it when he smiles. “Unless you want me to of course.”

Taehyung tongues at his cheek. “Maybe somewhere more private.”

Jungkook’s neck has been red since they got here, and Taehyung’s determined to keep it that way.

“You into that?” Jungkook asks casually as he closes the menu and places it aside. He barely
looked at it.

Taehyung shrugs as he places his elbow on the table and taps his fingers against his cheek. “Can’t
say I’ve ever done it before.”

Jungkook’s eyes find his then as his posture slackens and he leans back. Taehyung half expects to
feel him against his shin, but he doesn’t. “I imagine your sex life has been quite boring like the rest
of the things about you. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor? Vanilla?

It’s playful. Taehyung finds he likes it when Jungkook gets like this. He hasn’t had much of a sex
life in general, never had the time, but when he has it’s never been boring . “I must not be that
boring if you insist on waiting up for me every night.”

Jungkook’s eyes widen, lips parting slightly over what Taehyung assumes is going to be a denial,
but he interrupts it.

“And insisting on spending time with me like tonight.”

Jungkook clamps his lips shut. Taehyung’s intent on keeping his eyes on him, so much so he
misses the waiter that comes and pours them a drink silently.

“You want me to be comforted,” Jungkook says slowly like he’s considering each word. “I want
you to be rested. Live life a little.”

It isn’t what Taehyung expected Jungkook to say. He hesitates in search of his response, finds he
doesn’t have one. He pulls back, hand falling in his lap as he watches Jungkook divert his eyes
away from him. Almost like he’s embarrassed .

“Hm, rested, you say. Is that why you try to seduce me each night?”

Jungkook laughs. His nose wrinkles as his mouth falls open around it. It’s a nice sound, softens the
hard edges of his face. “No, that’s because I want you to fuck me.”

This is what Taehyung is used to with Jungkook. This is easier to respond to. “I thought you were a
romantic who didn’t fuck .”

Jungkook doesn’t bat an eyelash as he waves a hand around to indicate their set up. “This is plenty

“Mhm. Changing tactics then?”

The petulant Jungkook returns as he rolls his eyes. “No. I just think we should spend some time
together. It’s mutually beneficial. I’ll be comforted and you won’t be working.”

Taehyung snorts at the mischief in Jungkook’s eyes that makes him seem younger. As much
research as Taehyung’s done on Jungkook, all the expectations he’s had for him have been
completely wrong.

Taehyung is never wrong at reading people before he gets to know them. It would annoy him if he
didn’t find Jungkook enjoyable.

“I guess I’ll have to work after this. What’d you say about resting?”

Immediately, Jungkook narrows his eyes. “I had hoped you would come home with me.”

Taehyung wags a brow. That tension in him has already created a pit in his gut that’s kind of
ridiculous because just the implication of being intimate with Jungkook makes his dick twitch.
He’s been implying it all day that this is how the night will end.

“Why? To fuck?”

Jungkook shrugs, an embarrassed look passing over his face again as his eyes find the next waiter.
“Or we can watch a movie or something. I’ll let you choose a documentary, or whatever.”

As the waiter takes their order, Taehyung stays quiet and mulls over Jungkook’s words. He hasn’t
sat down and just watched a movie in god knows how long, and he doesn’t really have any desire
to. It’s mindless, a waste of time.

“A movie?” Taehyung laughs. “Part of the deal here, lover, was that we wouldn’t be seeing much
of each other.”

Jungkook’s brows furrow. “I don’t think hanging out once a week is considered seeing much of
your husband.”

Taehyung frowns, more stumped than he was a moment before.

“And it wasn’t a deal. Nothing in the contract and we didn’t shake on it. It’s just something you
said to get me to agree.”

Taehyung rubs his knuckle over his jaw. Jungkook speaks quickly, the playfulness gone from his
eyes. It is true , but Taehyung had expected that’s what Jungkook wanted. And it worked for his
benefit because of how busy he is.

He says as much, which only makes Jungkook’s eyebrows furrow more.

“Well, I would like to hang out with you,” Jungkook declares firmly. “Every now and then.”

Taehyung unfolds his legs, kicking one out until it comes in contact with Jungkook’s foot. He
smiles softly until the wrinkle between Jungkook’s eyebrows disappear. “I think baby is a fitting
term of endearment for you.”

Jungkook pushes his lips out and flicks him off. It’s so juvenile that a laugh bursts from Taehyung
before he can stop it.

“Is it not?” Taehyung asks through it.

“You’re an asshole.”

“You call me that too much, yet somehow sound fond when you do,” Taehyung murmurs as he
traces a fingernail across his bottom lip. “Is that your term of endearment for me?”

Jungkook chuckles, seemingly less embarrassed and more relaxed than he was a few minutes ago.

“If you’d like to call me baby instead, you can,” Taehyung offers, tilting his head to the side.
“Lover, darling, sir.”

Jungkook’s teeth dig into his lip as his body mimics Taehyung’s, shoulders straightening, head
tilting. “Why am I not surprised you like being called that?”

It’s just a joke, though Taehyung wouldn’t mind. He imagines it, Jungkook calling him sir in the
breathy voice he gets when Taehyung’s close. “Fits my personality, I guess.”
Jungkook has a nice smile. It makes his cheeks round, eyes crinkle. The scrunch of his nose makes
Taehyung’s chest feel a little too light, but he ignores it.

“Tell me something,” Jungkook says, shifting around before he brings his glass to his lips. “About

Taehyung’s eyebrows raise. He crosses his arms over his chest, toes tapping against Jungkook’s.
“Like what?”

Jungkook shrugs. “Anything.”

It’s a broad question with an endless amount of responses. Taehyung wishes Jungkook would just
ask him whatever he wants to know. He’s never been one for small talk.

“I can speak three languages,” Taehyung decides.

“Four.” Jungkook’s lips quirk up, every lit bulb on the chandelier above them shining in his eyes.
“What else?”

It goes like that, an endless push for more shit that doesn’t matter. Clubs Taehyung was a part of in
school. His favorite documentary, animal, sport. How long he’s known Jimin. If he likes the food
they’re sharing, the music. If he ever wanted a sibling. What he likes to do when he isn’t working.

“I can’t remember the last time I haven’t worked,” Taehyung replies. His stomach is full from
food, his tongue coated in the taste of sweet wine and spices. “But now I suppose my favorite thing
outside of work will be hanging out with you.”

Jungkook’s cheeks are red, his shirt loosened around the collar, tie even more so. Taehyung had
watched him reveal skin slowly throughout the night, something Jungkook did so seemingly
unconsciously. But Taehyung suspects it had been on purpose.

Hell, his own chest is out for Jungkook’s sake.

“I’ll make it worth your while.”

Taehyung glances at the band on his finger, rubbing it with his thumb. “Is that so?”

Jungkook nods confidently. He runs his hands through his hair, messing up the way it had been
perfectly styled. Taehyung wants to get him even more disheveled. “Do you want dessert or do you
want to go home?”

“Isn’t that the same thing?”

Jungkook lights up with amusement as he twists his head, eyebrow cocking. “Perhaps.”

When they stand to leave, Taehyung can’t help but connect his hand with Jungkook’s ass. To see
the way he jumps yet leans back when Taehyung’s hand linger. The way he presses back into him
when Taehyung squeezes firmly.

Taehyung presses his grin to the shell of Jungkook’s ear. “I want to drive.”

There is a quirk in Jungkook’s lips when he turns his head. “No way in hell.”

He gets another firm squeeze at that, but Taehyung doesn’t argue. He follows Jungkook out, the
anticipation inside of him growing.
It’s been awhile since he’s wanted someone like this. He blames Jungkook’s filthy mouth.

The reporter is outside again when they emerge, making himself more noticeable as he comes
close. Taehyung feels Jungkook tense as he comes up behind him and stitches their bodies

“I’m not worried about what some old shit has to say about my ability to do my job,” Taehyung
tells him. “He wanted the DK case and is angry that I’ve been appointed to it. A child.”

Jungkook relaxes against him. Taehyung wonders why Jungkook cares so much about his
reputation when he doesn’t care about his own.

“He’ll do anything to discredit me, and it pisses my Eomma off,” Taehyung goes on as he rubs his
hand over Jungkook’s stomach.

“Not like you haven’t said any different,” Jungkook huffs. “All that talk about not being in the

“I meant arrests, lovers,” Taehyung says lowly as Jungkook pulls his keys from his pocket and his
car comes to life. “Any lover but me.”

When Jungkook reaches out to open the car door, Taehyung doesn’t let him. He circles his fingers
around his wrist, tugging him so they are how they were before.

With Taehyung pushing Jungkook up against the side of the car.

“I think you like being in the news,” Jungkook says, amused. “Or being watched. The attention.
You’re doing a little too much to prove to everyone you want me.”

Taehyung laughs as he steps back. “I can open my own door, Jungkook.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes as he pushes off the car and brushes his body against Taehyung’s. “Not
going to deny it?”

“Get in the car before I take the driver’s seat,” Taehyung says, side stepping him to open the
passenger door.

Taehyung throws a wave towards the reporter before climbing in. He knows his mother is going to
call about this one, but he can’t be concerned with her sudden change of heart on this.

“Care to explain to me why you’re so possessive of your car?” Taehyung asks as Jungkook slips
into the driver’s seat and pulls his seat belt on. “If something happens to it, it’s not like you can’t
afford a new one.”

Jungkook side eyes him as the engine revs. If he’s showing off, Taehyung doesn’t actually care too
much for cars. “This is my baby.”

Taehyung snorts as he leans over the middle console. “I’m a good driver.”

“I doubt that,” Jungkook says as he pulls the car out from where it’s parked.

“I am,” Taehyung insists. He eyes over Jungkook’s profile as the night lights flash across his face.
The slight quirk to his lips, the way he sticks his tongue into his cheek.

Taehyung reaches over the console slowly, pressing his own lips together to keep his grin from
Whatever witty comment Jungkook is about to retort with looks to be swallowed down as
Taehyung slides his hand into his lap.

“And I’m good with stick shift,” Taehyung purrs.

Jungkook blurts out a laugh, eyes filled with a mix of amusement and judgment when he glances
briefly at him. “That’s the worst thing you’ve ever said.”

“Made you laugh,” Taehyung replies, fingers tapping over Jungkook’s thigh. “So how bad was it?”

“Horrible. My car isn’t even stick shift.” Jungkook presses his lips together, finger tightening over
the wheel for a moment before he relaxes further back in his seat.

“I was proud of it,” Taehyung says offhandedly before he slides his hand between Jungkook’s legs.

Jungkook doesn’t react other than lick his lips and fix his grip around the steering wheel.

“Hm?” Taehyung hums. He rubs his fingers over Jungkook lightly, just a gentle pressure and
smiles when Jungkook’s legs part.

“Are you going to admit you like attention?” Jungkook asks, that taunting sound in his voice. “My
focus is on the road but you need it on you too?”

It isn’t true, but Taehyung indulges him. “Perhaps.”

Jungkook’s grin grows. When he drops his arm to drive with one hand, Taehyung expects him to
touch, but he doesn’t. His arm just rests there, caging Taehyung’s arm between it and his thigh.

“And you say I’m the impatient one,” Jungkook chuckles. He even shakes his head, and it amuses
Taehyung. “Can’t even wait until we’re home.”

Taehyung cups his hand around the length of Jungkook’s soft cock, the heel of his palm grinding
down until Jungkook’s lips part. “Maybe I’ll just do as you’ve done and go to bed once we get

Jungkook glances at him again to show his narrowed eyes. Taehyung props his elbow to the
console, hand tucked between his chin as he keeps his eyes on him.

“Or are we done playing?” Taehyung pushes. It’s exhilarating feeling Jungkook grow hard beneath
his hand from small touches, from implication.

“Up to you,” Jungkook says. “Like I said, we can watch a movie.”

Taehyung clicks his tongue. “I don’t know. I was really looking forward to, what did you say? You
making me gag and cry.”

Jungkook parts his lips again, making the smallest sound as his chest expands. Taehyung thumbs
over the head of his cock, his fingers itching to tug Jungkook’s zipper down and feel him. “Have
you been thinking about it all day?”

Rolling his eyes, Taehyung trails his thumb beneath the strip of material covering Jungkook’s
zipper. He deserved the teasing photo Jungkook had sent him earlier after sending a lewd one of
his own, and he had almost - almost asked for more.

“Yeah. That’s what you wanted right? For me to be distracted thinking about you?”
Jungkook’s teeth dig into his bottom lip, fingers twitching as Taehyung moves his own to work at
the button of his dress pants. “Yes.”

It’s sighed out. Taehyung likes the sound of it, arousal dripping through him as he works
Jungkook’s fly open. He wants to hear more, and this time he isn’t going to hold back in asking for

He doesn’t realize the car has stopped until Jungkook’s knocking his hand away and doing it for
him. Red washes over them, coating Jungkook’s skin, and Taehyung’s excitement triples as
Jungkook tugs his zipper down.

“Want the same,” Taehyung murmurs as he slips his fingers through the opening of Jungkook’s
pants. “Are you distracted?”

“No,” Jungkook says, hands grabbing for the steering wheel as the car lights up green. “Not a bit.”

Taehyung snorts when Jungkook tilts his chin as if to prove it. He can try to remain looking
unbothered as Taehyung tugs his cock out, but he can’t stop the way his breathing picks up.

He’s heavy in his hand. Taehyung strokes over experimentally, pulling down the foreskin to thumb
over the slit. Jungkook exhales sharply, fingers tightening around the steering wheel.

“Shouldn’t want to distract me while I’m driving,” Jungkook says, his teasing tone gone now in
replace of something that goes straight to Taehyung’s dick.

“Didn’t you say something about wanting me to live life?” Taehyung murmurs, massaging two of
his knuckles around the crown.

Taehyung glances to Jungkook’s lap, taking in the dark head and the pool of precome collected at
the slit. It’s an awkward angle, but Taehyung strokes down Jungkook’s length and quickly repeats
the action.

“Want me to stop?” Taehyung breathes out, heart pounding a little in his chest when Jungkook
groans low.

“No.” Jungkook exhales out as he turns the steering wheel. “No, don’t.”

“Gonna beg for me not to?” Taehyung teases as he attempts to pull his hand away.

Jungkook lets go of the wheel suddenly, fingers grasping onto Taehyung’s arm. He exhales shakily,
and god - Taehyung really wants to see Jungkook desperate to be touched.

It lights something inside of him, his own pants now uncomfortable tight.

“No,” Jungkook says stubbornly as he lets Taehyung’s hand go. “Just - let me pull onto another

Taehyung spits into his hand as Jungkook turns onto another street. The lights dimmer, the road
more empty. The car slows in it’s speed, and Taehyung reaches his spit slicked hand back over
Jungkook’s cock.

Jungkook knocks his head back against the headrest when Taehyung strokes him again, eyes still
focused on the road ahead. The sigh he lets out is too quiet, not enough, because Jungkook’s
Even when the sounds fill the car, the slick sound of precome and spit, Jungkook doesn’t make a
noise. Taehyung frowns at him as he slows his movements to just teasing over him, pressing a
finger against the slit, around the crown. Ghosting his blunt nail lightly down the side.

“Tell me you were joking about going to bed when we get home,” Jungkook says, a bit of that
desperation coming through in his tone when he pulls onto their street.

“Well that is my goal,” Taehyung says as he pulls his hand away and undoes his own seatbelt.
Jungkook glances at him, face burning red more than when the stop lights were shining on him. “If
you want to join me.”

It’s an uncomfortable position and one that’s harder than he thought it would be to get into. He has
to shimmy around until he’s able to, but Taehyung manages as he pushes Jungkook’s arm and
leans his body over the console. Body sliding across the seat, a hand gripping down to give him

The realization of what he’s doing must hit Jungkook suddenly because he gasps out, a sharp fuck
leaving his lips as Taehyung lowers his head into his lap. Taehyung only hesitates for a moment,
finds a proper position, and circles his fingers back around Jungkook’s cock.

“God,” Jungkook grunts when Taehyung takes him into his mouth. So easily overwhelmed, it
makes Taehyung eager.

He only suckles at the head, tongue dragging over the tip to tease. It works, Jungkook’s hand
slipping over the back of his head, fingers threading through Taehyung’s hair to tug gently.

Taehyung moans before he relaxes his jaw and slides down Jungkook’s cock.

“Shit,” Jungkook grunts, his grip tightening as Taehyung takes him as deep as he can. Throat
relaxing, constricting when Jungkook hits the back of it.

He gags like Jungkook wants but doesn’t pull off. It’s uncomfortable, but Taehyung’s fucking
aching between his legs from having Jungkook like this. His harsh breathing mixing with his own,
the tight way he holds him, the taste on his tongue.

Taehyung pulls back, the sound obscene before he lowers himself once more. It’s been awhile
since he’s done this, but he takes Jungkook’s lewd moan as a sign he’s doing well.

Jungkook releases his hair, hand moving to rub over Taehyung’s back. The car is still moving, but
it’s so slow it feels like they’re just rolling.

“Ah, your mouth ,” Jungkook groans, fingers digging down Taehyung’s spine.

His hips jerk just slightly, a reaction, and Taehyung hollows his lips. He moans as he shakes
Jungkook’s cock slightly, the spit already collecting over his lips he’s sure it will drip onto
Jungkook’s pants.

Jungkook’s hand fists into the back of Taehyung’s shirt, and he tugs until Taehyung can feel cool
air touch his burning skin. Taehyung wants his hands on him again, all over him, and he gets it.

A hand pressing against his nape. It’s more a suggestion than a demand, but Taehyung follows and
sinks until Jungkook’s cock is sliding back down his throat.

Tears brim Taehyung’s eyes as he inhales through his nose, throat constricting. The moan
Jungkook lets out is loud , his hand keeping Taehyung there for a moment before Taehyung lifts
back up.

Jungkook’s hips jerk up as if to chase his mouth, and Taehyung grins before he spits. He swirls his
tongue around the head, hand gripped firm at the base.

It’s when he lowers his head to take him back in his mouth that Jungkook asks him to stop.

“Don’t - fuck, pull off. I do mean pull off.”

Taehyung does without hesitation, giving one last kittenish lick to the tip before he slips back into
his seat. It would be amusing usually, something Taehyung would tease about how disheveled
Jungkook looks. His cock red and swollen, sticking out between the flaps of his pants, but
Taehyung’s too turned on to joke.

He manages a harsh breath, mouth forming into a smirk. That cocky amused expression or
whatever Jungkook claimed he wanted to get rid of taking over his face.

“Gonna come already?” Taehyung breathes out, voice hoarse.

Jungkook looks at him, but if he’s trying to glare, he’s failing at it. “No, we’re home, and that
butler of yours likes to greet me every time I pull in.”

Taehyung looks around and sees the familiar driveway as Jungkook turns onto it. Taehyung snorts,
his hand falling to his thigh in the want to touch himself but he refuses to. He doesn’t want to give
Jungkook the satisfaction of knowing how hard it made him.

“And I said I want you on your knees,” Jungkook adds, the corner of his lips quirking.

The car stops before it’s halfway down the driveway, and Taehyung watches in amusement as
Jungkook’s hips lift so he can secure himself back in his pants. He keeps his hand on himself for a
moment before he starts driving again.

Butler Park is nowhere to be seen as the pull into the port, and Taehyung doesn’t inform Jungkook
that he’s given him the entire day off so they can be alone. He just jumps out of the car and waits
for Jungkook to follow.

“Who’s the impatient one now?” Taehyung muses as Jungkook immediately presses into him. A
hand cupping the side of his head, the other snaked to his lower back. Jungkook pulls him in, that
heavy look in his eyes.

Jungkook doesn’t reply, only thumbs over his hair and pulls him in for a kiss.

There’s no tenderness to it, no hesitation. It’s urgent, hungry. Jungkook’s tongue slips into his
mouth like a demand, and Taehyung lets it, gripping onto Jungkook’s arm so he won’t dare pull

It’s been weeks, and Taehyung’s body thrums with arousal and want. The want to have Jungkook
all over him, not just pressed against him, to have Jungkook back in his mouth, down his throat.

Taehyung wraps a fist around Jungkook’s tie, pulling on him to follow him inside. He doesn’t trust
Jungkook enough to guide him blindly, but he struggles to part their lips.

When he does, Jungkook’s mouth is swollen and slick. He watches as Jungkook sucks his bottom
lip into his mouth, eyes searching over his face as he tugs on Taehyung’s hair like he wants to kiss
“Inside,” Taehyung breathes against Jungkook’s lips as his fingers qork quickly over Jungkook’s
tie to take it off. “Take your cock out for me, baby.”

Jungkook releases him enough that Taehyung can pull away and skip the last few feet to the door.
He quickly unlocks it, takes the blackness awaiting them as the apartment truly being empty before
he reaches back and tugs Jungkook in.

He likes that it’s dark, that Jungkook doesn’t get what he wants. Doesn’t fully get to see how
Taehyung looks falling to his knees as he pushes Jungkook by the hip back against the door.

He slides his hands down Jungkook’s thighs, fingers curling around his pants to tug them down. He
grins at how well Jungkook listened, his pants undone again. Taehyung kisses Jungkook’s thigh,
thinking of the one downside of there being darkness is that he won’t be able to see the muscles in
them spasm when he comes.

“Hurry up,” Jungkook grunts as he tugs his cock out, fist working over himself quickly. “Don’t

“See? Impatient,” Taehyung mocks as he slides his hands back up Jungkook’s thighs to thumb at
his hip bones. “Don’t you want me to get up and turn on the lights?”

Jungkook huffs out. “Maybe I’m a little impatient.”

Taehyung laughs quietly, but it falters when Jungkook’s hand cups his jaw and his thumb searches
blindly for his mouth before he finds it.

He likes the way Jungkook moans, even the soft ones that are too quiet to fully hear. He likes when
Jungkook groans as Taehyung turns his head enough to suck Jungkook’s thumb into his mouth.

He likes when Jungkook puts his other hand on him, cupping both sides of his jaw, rubbing over
his lips, guiding him forward as Taehyung curls his fingers around the base of Jungkook’s cock.

And he likes it when Jungkook gasps out his name as he takes him back into his mouth.

This time, Taehyung doesn’t tease. He relaxes his throat and sinks down, lips stretched
uncomfortably but it arouses him. The pressure in his throat, the stretch of his lips. The way
Jungkook can focus his full attention on him and allow himself to lose the control of his hips.

He’s still gentle, only jerking forward. His fingers aren’t though, gripping so hard onto Taehyung’s
jaw he’s sure there will be bruises left behind. Jungkook’s thumb attempts to hook into the corner
of his mouth, and Taehyung wishes he could see how overwhelmed he looks.

Jungkook sounds it, his breathing growing more labored. Taehyung gets an actual moan when he
makes a mess, slurping loudly when he pulls off and choking when he sinks lower. It’s fucking hot,
and Taehyung can’t help the way he reaches down to undo his own pants.

“Tae,” Jungkook gasp when Taehyung pulls off to catch his breath. It feels like there’s drool all
over his mouth and he rubs his lips down Jungkook’s length to make it messier. “Fuck, I’m gonna
come. Just -”

“Beg for it,” Taehyung rasps as he curls his tongue and presses it beneath the head of Jungkook’s

He is gonna come soon, already leaking so much. His dick twitches hard, flicking back towards his
abdomen. Taehyung has to close his eyes from the force of arousal that fills him as he manages to
squeeze his hand into his pants.

“I won’t,” Jungkook grunts, desperately as he slides his hands to the back of Taehyung’s head.
Taehyung works his jaw, releasing the pressure left behind.

“Okay,” Taehyung murmurs, pretending to pull back but Jungkook doesn’t let him.

“Fuck, okay,” Jungkook grunts, annoyed sounding. Taehyung stifles a moan when he gets his hand
around himself and grinds forward. “Okay. Please make me come.”

Taehyung’s grin falters as pleasure spreads through him. He leans in to exhale over the tip of
Jungkook’s dick. “Again.”

Jungkook groans in complaint. “ Please , Taehyung.”

“Hmm,” Taehyung murmurs as his lips wrap around him and he laps at the precome dripping from
his cock before pulling back. Jungkook’s thighs spread, jerk out like he can’t help it. “Fuck my
face and you can.”

There’s a dull thud like Jungkook’s knocking his head back against the door before his hands tug at
Taehyung’s hair and pull him in.

If Jungkook wanted to make Taehyung gag, he gets it. Even with his hesitant thrusts, the noises it
creates are obscene enough to make Taehyung feel like he too could come. The ache in his throat,
jaw, the way Jungkook’s moans deep and whines high. Taehyung can feel his heart throbbing in
his face as he sloppily strokes his own cock in time with Jungkook’s staggered moans.

It’s sudden the way Jungkook lets him go when Taehyung pulls back to gasp for breath. The slick
sound of him stroking his cock fills the room, mixing in with the hitched breath Jungkook lets out
when he comes.

Taehyung presses his lips closed when Jungkook grasps at his head and he feels the come hit his
cheek, his nose. He tilts his head and moans when it lands on his neck.

“Are you.” Jungkook pants hard as he milks his cock, and beneath the palm Taehyung slides to his
thigh for balance, he’s shaking. “Touching yourself?”

Taehyung hums. He doesn’t trust himself to speak, isn’t sure he can.

“Stop, please,” Jungkook begs quietly as he releases his cock and practically slumps against the

Taehyung manages, though his hips twitch and tension fills him from stopping his chase to release
so abruptly. His thighs tense, and he plants his other hand to Jungkook’s thigh so he knows where
both hands are.

“Come here,” Jungkook requests, stroking Taehyung’s cheek. “Please.”

In honesty, Taehyung doesn’t trust his legs enough to stand. He manages though he ignores the
firm grip Jungkook has on his arms like he knows.

“It was easier to make you beg than I expected,” Taehyung rasps, his throat already sore as
Jungkook holds onto his arm to step out of his shoes and clothes.

Jungkook ignores him on purpose, and for a moment, Taehyung thinks he too is going to fall on his
knees. But Jungkook bends low and picks him up instead.

Taehyung’s stomach swoops as his world turns over, cock digging harshly into Jungkook’s
shoulder. Jungkook wobbles for a moment, securing Taehyung there with rough fingers before he

It only lasts a second before Taehyung’s on the couch, Jungkook crawling over him. Taehyung
imagines there’s a cocky grin on his face even if he can’t see it.

Jungkook settles on his lap, hand pushing Taehyung to the back of the couch. Taehyung wants to
see, feel, his hands warming up Jungkook’s bare thighs as he says, “Nari, turn the lights to dim.”

The lights burst on, hurting Taehyung’s eyes for a moment before they lower to something more
bearable. It’s almost comical the way Jungkook looks offended.

“I left you the user manual,” Taehyung murmurs as he slips his hand to Jungkook’s hip beneath his
shirt. “Wanna see you.”

Jungkook looks wrecked. Neck red, sweat making his bangs clump to his forehead. It ripples down
his throat, and Taehyung has an odd urge to lick it off.

“Tae,” Jungkook murmurs as he brushes a thumb over Taehyung’s cheek. His eyes are practically
glazed over as he wipes come from Taehyung’s skin. “You look good like this.”

Taehyung rocks his hips up impatiently, urging Jungkook on. He doesn’t like the way Jungkook’s
just staring at him, and he isn’t impatient but he kind of really fucking wants to come himself.

“Pretty,” Jungkook sighs as he trails his fingers down Taehyung’s chest and settles his hand in his

Taehyung thinks Jungkook is quite pretty too, and every synonym of the word. He just doesn’t find
the urge to up his ego any more than he already has, so he keeps quiet as he tilts his head back and
savors the way Jungkook’s hand feels around his cock.

For being so impatient, Jungkook works his hand over him slowly. He sighs out in pleasure like
he’s the one being touched, and Taehyung tightens his grip around his hip to urge him to speed up.
If he gets it, he ignores it.

Warmth spreads through Taehyung as his eyes flutter shut and his lips part. He shifts his hands
beneath Jungkook’s shirt, mapping out every inch of his bare torso. The bunched up muscles of his
stomach, the indents of between his ribs. Jungkook shudders when Taehyung rubs over his nipples,
hand picking up the pace over him.

Taehyung grins, thumbing around one nipple that earns him a soft gasp from Jungkook.

“Jungkook,” Taehyung calls, making Jungkook’s eyes snap up to his face. It comes out like a
moan, and it is. Pleasure washes through him like dull waves, and it’s frustrating. With Jungkook’s
weight on his lap, he can’t fuck his hips up into Jungkook’s fist like he wants to. “Faster.”

The corner of Jungkook’s mouth tilts up, mischief quickly filling his eyes, and Taehyung wants to
roll his own.

“Gonna beg for it?” Jungkook asks, arching a brow. He stops all together, fingers squeezing tightly
around the base.
Taehyung grunts as he slips his hands out of Jungkook’s shirt and pinches the inner part of
Jungkook’s thigh. It distracts Jungkook, making him glare at him instead of watch the way
Taehyung rolls his own palm over the head of his cock.

“Ass,” Jungkook grunts as he strokes his fist up and knocks his hand away. “I’d make you beg, but
I really want to see you come. And like you said, I’m impatient.”

Heat flares up inside of Taehyung, and he presses his lips tightly together to keep another moan
from sounding out. It becomes hard to do when Jungkook does exactly as he’s asked, stroking him
at a quick pace that makes Taehyung’s abdomen tense.

“Wanna hear you,” Jungkook says, brows scrunching together, and Taehyung almost laughs at the
fact that he says like he’s annoyed Taehyung’s quiet.

Taehyung moans instead, lets himself. He gives up on holding them back, eyes screwing shut so he
doesn’t have to look Jungkook in the eye when his orgasm hits.

It does when Jungkook leans in, lips securing over the skin beneath his jaw. He bites hard, sucking
Taehyung’s sensitive skin into his mouth as his hand works over him quickly. It’s too much, and
Taehyung grips Jungkook’s arm, nails biting into him as his hips attempt to work back into the

Jungkook doesn’t pull off when Taehyung seethes in sensitivity, continuing his ministrations
across his neck, over his cock. Taehyung soothes the crescent marks he surely left behind before he
reaches behind Jungkook to cup his nape.

“Jungkook,” Taehyung pants, pleasure rolling through him like waves as his thighs start to tremble.

Jungkook only hums before he licks Taehyung’s neck and kisses him.

It’s wet, loud. Jungkook moans into it, hand slipping from him and it’s sticky when it slides over
Taehyung’s neck to hold him there.

Moving closer, Jungkook kisses him deeper. Taehyung slides his hands up Jungkook’s spine,
pressing their chests closer together.

Usually during any of the flings Taehyung has had, he comes and rolls away. But it soothes the
static inside of him to kiss Jungkook like this, hungry like they’re at the start of sex instead of at
the end.

“Fuck,” Jungkook grunts. He peppers a kiss to Taehyung’s top lip then his bottom, the kiss slowing
in pace as their lips slot back together.

Exhaustion hits Taehyung like a truck when he pulls away, eyes closing. Jungkook presses one last
kiss to his chin, and Taehyung feels messy. Come drying on his face, his neck, spit slicked around
his mouth. His throat aches, but his body feels good - euphoric.

It’s been awhile since Taehyung’s been with someone. Hell, he hasn’t even had the time to touch
himself before the other day.

“You’re not too bad,” Jungkook mumbles, heavying against him.

Taehyung snorts, pinching his waist as he flicks one eye open. “You didn’t get your picture.”

Jungkook nibbles on his bottom lip before he untangles himself from him to slip off his lap. “Now
I have an excuse to do this again, I guess.”

Without replying, Taehyung watches Jungkook pad off to where his pants and underwear are
pooled on the ground. Taehyung still fully clothed beside his limp cock resting on the flap of his
dress pants.

With things like this they always happen again. Taehyung knows that, had considered it when he
decided it was okay to give into his desire for Jungkook. A quick but very good blow job and
handjob aren’t enough to make the attraction between them simmer.

Even a long, hard fuck can’t, Taehyung thinks as warmth spreads through him at the sight of
Jungkook’s bare ass showing when he bends over to get his pants. It remains even when Jungkook
turns and wags his brows playfully at him. He looks a little silly half naked with a wrinkled shirt
on, his tie gone and that gold chain now the only thing hanging from his neck.

“You gonna rest now?” Jungkook asks, holding a hand out for him. “I’m fucking tired.”

Taehyung is too. He nods, taking Jungkook’s hand but heavies his body to make it harder for
Jungkook to pull him up.

“Carry me again,” Taehyung insists, raising a brow at him.

Jungkook shakes his head but when he yanks Taehyung to his feet, Taehyung is over his shoulder a
moment later.

“Good boy,” Taehyung huffs as he reaches down and hits Jungkook hard on his bare ass. Hard
enough that the smack sounds loudly in the room.

He’s being playful, but Jungkook grunts shamelessly, and Taehyung is really too worn out to get
hard again, but his nerves do spark at the sound.

So he does it again.

“Taehyung,” Jungkook warns as he pushes open the door to Taehyung’s room and drops him to his
feet. He makes sure he’s secure on them before letting go.

“Thought you were lying about liking that,” Taehyung teases as he starts to undress. There’s no
point in being modest, though Taehyung reckons he never has been. He’s purposefully undressed
in front of Jungkook before because maybe yeah, he likes the attention on him.

Jungkook rolls his eyes and whips Taehyung’s thigh with the pants he holds. “Shut up and go to

Taehyung has a retort, but he doesn’t let it go as he watches Jungkook walk off to his bed and
slumps into it.

Hesitation makes Taehyung’s fingers fumble over his shirt. He didn’t think Jungkook would join
him in bed. He has been lately, but this is a little different. Not that Taehyung really knows why
Jungkook did it before. He jokes it’s to seduce him, but they never touch.

Taehyung changes into his pajamas slowly and washes his face, but Jungkook doesn’t leave. He
doesn’t interrupt the silence either though he’s awake.

He seems content, a hand on his stomach. He lays on top of the comforter, lower body still
completely uncovered. His breathing has calmed, and his eyes are closed, but Taehyung can tell
he’s awake by the way his feet rub over the comforter.

Like always, if it appeases Jungkook or comforts him, Taehyung will let him stay. Though when
he climbs into bed he makes sure to leave enough room between them that the incident from the
other day won’t happen again.

Cuddling .

“Don’t start working once I go to sleep,” Jungkook mumbles tiredly as Taehyung shifts beneath the
comforter himself.

Taehyung snorts. He couldn’t if he wanted to. “Goodnight lover. I’m going to get that rest you so
desperately want me to have.”

He can feel Jungkook move around, but his ‘good’ is so quiet that Taehyung misses it.


There is an ache in Jungkook’s back. He groans when he wakes up to it, body stretching to relieve

He turns his head, blurry eyes falling onto the face next to him. Taehyung sleeps with his mouth
open, resting straight on his back like he doesn’t move in his sleep.

God, he even sleeps boringly.

Jungkook grins at the thought as he stuffs his hands beneath the pillow he rests his cheek against.
His backside is cold enough that his skin is covered in goosebumps, but he doesn’t want to move
and wake Taehyung up.

Taking in the bright light shining in the room, Taehyung’s sleeping in.

It makes Jungkook happier than he’ll admit. So does the light bruises on his jaw and the darker one
against his throat.

Images from the night before flood Jungkook’s mind, of the way Taehyung sounded, looked. Face
contorted with pleasure and covered in come. Swollen, deep red lips, voice so fucking raspy after
he gave Jungkook head it made him want to get hard again.

How handsy he was. Jungkook hadn’t expected that, and he doesn’t ignore the fact that he liked it
way more than he should.

And god - in the car.

Jungkook groans, hiding his face into the pillow as nerves spark inside of him. He isn’t going to
embarrass himself by getting hard in case Taehyung wakes up and assumes Jungkook was affected
by him enough to wake up with a stiff dick.

He stays like that for a while before he fails to fall back asleep and becomes bored watching
Taehyung snore. As carefully as possible, he rolls off the bed and closes the curtains so Taehyung
won’t know what time it is when he wakes. He then grabs the underwear he had dropped on the
ground in case Butler Park is around.

Someone is in the kitchen, but it isn’t Park. Jungkook fills with annoyance at the sight of Kim
Daehee instead.

When Taehyung said he was sure his parents would pop by often, he didn’t expect this often.

Daehee glances at him over his mug when Jungkook appears. Jungkook is aware of the way
Daehee notices his state of undress, but he doesn’t care.

“Abeonim,” Jungkook greets as he makes his way to the coffee pot. “Is everything okay?”

Daehee nods. On the counter behind him is a briefcase, and Jungkook feels unsettled. If Daehee
and Taehyung have been fighting, Jungkook could have made it worse by not waking Taehyung up
for work.

Not that he gives a shit. Either as a boss or a father, Daehee shouldn’t be annoyed. Taehyung works
way too hard to ever be scolded for one time missing work.

“My son didn’t show up to the office, and he isn’t answering his phone,” Daehee explains. He
smiles softly as he places his mug to the counter. “I see why. I am sorry to intrude. It’s just unlike
him. I should have called you.”

Jungkook doesn’t even know where his phone is. He suspects it’s in his car where he left it before
his date with Taehyung. “It’s okay. He’s fine. Do you need me to wake him?”

He comes up with a quick lie as to why he can’t, but thankfully it isn’t needed.

Daehee waves him off. “No, no. Just make sure he wakes up before one. He can’t miss that

Jungkook nods, uncomfortable. This is his house technically, he doesn’t like other people making
him uncomfortable in his space. He’s also aggravated at the man for fighting with Taehyung, even
though he doesn’t know the reason.

“Jungkook-ah, one thing before I go.” Daehee presses his lips together, looking so much like
Taehyung it kind of throws him off. “I don’t know if your father has spoken to you about the
contract between him and I.”

Busying himself with the coffee maker, Jungkook doesn’t respond. He doesn’t know about any
contract between them, but he won’t let Daehee know that. He doesn’t care what his father is
getting out of this union, knows it’s just money, but he is interested in why Daehee and Taehyung
wanted him so much.

“If he has, I ask that you keep it from Taehyung. I’m willing to offer you the same amount your
father gives you in allowance, monthly, in order to do so.”

It isn’t annoyance that fills Jungkook but anger. He doesn’t really get why, but it pisses him off. He
grits his teeth, working his jaw for a moment before he finally looks back to Daehee.

“Are you bribing me to keep something from my husband, sir?”

Daehee’s expression doesn’t change, but it’s in the eyes. Annoyance. Jungkook’s seen it often
enough in Taehyung when he snaps at whoever he talks to on the phone.
“It is a tough position, but one you’ll find yourself in often. Sometimes, it’s better for your partner
not to tell them everything,” Daehee finally says, and it’s so fucking bullshit that Jungkook could

He hasn’t ever been in a relationship before, but he can tell this is something that one wouldn’t
keep from their partner.

“I’m willing to negotiate the price,” Daehee goes on. “Double what your father gives you.”

The anger in Jungkook only intensifies. “I think you should go before Taehyung wakes. In case he
decides to wander around the house indecent.”

Daehee’s jaw tenses, eyes narrowing before he nods and takes his briefcase. “We’ll be in touch.”

Jungkook doesn’t say a word, doesn’t move from where he is as Daehee lingers for a moment
before leaving. He waits until he hears the door close before he finally does.

He pulls his eyes from where he’s glaring at the exit and lands them on the counter. The briefcase
had been closed, but there’s papers laying where it had been.

Jungkook recognizes the cover of a shitty tabloid, and even more so the picture on the cover. From
the night before, Jungkook pressed up against his car while Taehyung embraced him.

The one beneath it is older and not on the cover of a magazine. It’s still a paparazzi shot, but it isn’t
one Jungkook has seen before because it never was published.

One of Jungkook being escorted into a police cruiser.

Jungkook crumples the papers and trashes them before he takes off towards the bedroom. He has a
feeling Taehyung doesn’t know what his father meant if Daehee is willing to bribe Jungkook, but
he has questions on his tongue he wants to spill out and fill the room with.

But he stops at the door as he watches Taehyung stretch, eyes blinking tiredly. There’s a soft smile
on his lips when he spots Jungkook before his eyes fall back closed.

Jungkook flares his nostrils. He finally got Taehyung to rest, and he doesn’t want to ruin it.
Taehyung doesn’t even seem to be alarmed that Jungkook’s awake before him, which could mean
he overslept.

“Morning,” Jungkook says, unsure if his voice is as sweet as he wants to be as he walks over to
Taehyung. He has an odd urge to kiss him and almost does when Taehyung curls a finger to beckon
him down.

A hand fists into the collar off Jungkook’s shirt, tugging him down until their lips almost meet.

“Come back to bed,” Taehyung murmurs huskily. “Wanna play with you.”

Taehyung is soft in the morning. Jungkook never gets to see him like this, and he wants to indulge
in it.

He knees onto the bed to crawl over Taehyung, lowering himself down enough that he can feel
Taehyung isn’t embarrassed like he had been to show he woke up hard.

He wants to indulge in Taehyung like this too, this want they have for each other. And he does,
aligning their bodies as he presses a kiss to Taehyung’s lips and plants a mental promise to himself
to ask Taehyung about it later.

Chapter End Notes

Let me know what you think ^_^

Chapter 6
Chapter Notes

Hiii I was going to add more plot to this chapter but it got so long, so please enjoy this
smutty thing

Also a brief warning for violence. It's real quick but see end notes if you want to know
what it is before you read it

See the end of the chapter for more notes

It’s late afternoon. The sun’s setting. Taehyung’s in his pajamas already. He can’t remember the
last time this has happened. Maybe college.

Jungkook’s having an odd effect on his routine.

They’re currently on either side of the couch, feet intertwined. Jungkook’s curled on his side
watching a documentary he put on, and Taehyung’s doing a horrible job at pretending like he’s
watching. His entire attention is on the laptop settled on his lap, because while he’ll give Jungkook
what he wants, they need to compromise.

Taehyung has to cross examine Seojoon’s witnesses in a few days, and while he is confident in the
argument he has and how it will contradict what they’ve stated previously, Dongmin and his
partner keep presenting him with evidence that contradict their side of the case. Taehyung doesn’t
like to be blindsided, hates it, and will probably punch Dongmin in front of the court if it happens.

And the most stressful, biggest blindside of all that’s been taking up his time, Jeon fucking Jihyun.

“The club has some of the highest quality security cameras I’ve ever seen, Tae.”

Taehyung glances over his laptop, eyeing the way Jungkook fidgets with the arm of the couch, his
entire focus on the television. He too has changed out of his work clothes, sporting a tracksuit
that’s annoying because it’s one of the reasons Jungkook is distracting.

After much insisting, Taehyung came home early enough to have dinner at a regular time with
Jungkook, who was trailing after the cook in the kitchen as he prepared it. It had been cute seeing
how Jungkook’s eyes got and how he smirked whenever the cook offered him a taste and flushed
from his compliments.

The empty dishes now sit on the coffee table next to their ignored glasses of wine. The
documentary has been playing for some time, and Taehyung’s surprised Jungkook hasn’t fallen

He lets his eyes linger for a moment before he drops them back to his laptop and the screen that
shows his shared document with Namjoon.

Files expand, and it is clear security footage. Which should be expected, the owners of the club are
loaded with money and strict on who they allow in. There’s no grain, no trouble whatsoever
identifying the man walking through the entrance.

Even to a jury who’s only seen him once, that’s how clear it is. They’d be able to identify him.
He’s a public figure for fuck’s sake, one that has quite a large standing behind him.

“That’s Jihyun,” Namjoon says as he zooms in and focuses on Jihyun’s face, though it’s unneeded
to clarify to Taehyung.

“It is,” Taehyung says, and it sounds like a swear. He’s got that same smug amused look on his
face that he had every time Taehyung’s been around him. Unlike Jungkook’s, who manages to
appear playful when he wears that expression, Jihyun’s makes him look like an asshole.

When Taehyung glances back up at Jungkook, Jungkook’s eyes are on him. They’re dazzling
bright as he quirks a brow and turns his body slightly. That expression is there on his face now, and
Taehyung rolls his eyes.

He keeps a grin on his face though when Jungkook nudges their toes, because though he doesn’t
feel like smiling right now, he insisted the work he had to do was so minimal and effortless that it
would be the same as resting, so he can’t have one stress line appear on his face. Thankfully,
Namjoon doesn’t mind staying late at the office so Taehyung can multitask in working and
hanging out with his husband, but Taehyung has no doubt in his mind Jungkook’s distraction
techniques will become extreme if Taehyung shows he’s stressed out.

“Tae,” Jungkook calls, his voice a little above a whisper, confirming Taehyung’s suspicions. He
traps one of Taehyung’s feet between his own. It becomes demanding when Taehyung doesn’t look
up, and Taehyung has to bite back a genuine smile as he continues to ignore him.

“Dongmin says he’s a high player,” Namjoon goes on as he zooms out. Jihyun looks different than
the few times Taehyung’s been around him. No perfect suit and tie, perfectly parted hair and shit
stained lips from how many asses he’s kissed. He’s more fitting of the scene, dressed in luxury,
chest revealed, diamonds in his ear.

He walks like Jungkook, like he owns the place so much so that the actual owners are probably
confused as to whether they still do. The video is clear enough that Taehyung can even make out
the insignia on one of his rings, the J standing out because clearly he’s a fucking idiot.

“There’s a bunch of footage of him at the tables,” Namjoon goes on as Jungkook calls him again,
and Taehyung spares him a glance.

There’s a shit eating grin on Jungkook’s lips when he rolls onto his back and teases up his hoodie.
His legs part some, feet still around Taehyung’s, as he exposes the length of his torso.

When his hand trails over himself, Taehyung flicks up a suggestive eyebrow. Jungkook’s a mix of
cute and seductive in the way he bites at his bottom lip, eyes so bright it makes it feel more like
daytime than dusk.

“He plays big,” Namjoon goes on as the screen changes to a second piece of footage. A different
day, a different outfit. Still obviously Jihyun, but Taehyung’s interest is piqued when he notices
him greet Dongmin.

“Our client denied having known him,” Taehyung reminds Namjoon, careful with his words
because Jungkook’s focus is on him now. He can feel Jungkook still watching him, wanting more
attention. Taehyung finds he really wants to give it to him, but he wants to see Jungkook’s
“Yeah, well Dongmin keeps forgetting he can’t hide shit from us,” Namjoon grumbles. “We just
have to figure out why he would hide this.”

“Because,” Taehyung says simply. Because who wants to piss off their lawyer by telling them their
brother in law illegally gambles in his free time, he wants to say.

“Tae, you’re not paying attention,” Jungkook whispers again as he lets go of his foot.

Taehyung glances at the television. He doesn’t even know what the documentary is on, and he
feels bad because Jungkook clearly picked it for him. He gives Jungkook an apologetic look, but
falters when he finds Jungkook kneeing over the couch to him.

“Namjoon, I can’t stay long, I’m with Jungkook,” Taehyung says as a warning as he pulls the
computer closer to him, up his chest. Jungkook has a playful grin on his lips as he pushes one of
Taehyung’s legs so it hangs off the edge of the couch and fits himself in the space left behind.

The footage disappears from the screen. “It’d be easier if you asked him about this,” Namjoon says
offhandedly, but Taehyung’s attention is pulled as Jungkook bends down and pushes himself
between Taehyung’s legs.

He’s a huge distraction, Taehyung’s career is probably going to plummet down the drain, but he
grins as he feels Jungkook’s hand slip suggestively over his bare thigh until his fingers are pushing
beneath the opening of his shorts.

“I can’t do that,” Taehyung says as Jungkook crawls closer, leaning over the laptop, and Taehyung
finds himself meeting him halfway to press their lips together. He’s careful not to close the laptop
too much as he cranes his neck to bite Jungkook’s bottom lip and tug it until Jungkook’s exhaling
sharply. “Client confidentiality.”

Jungkook grabs his shoulder as he leans in, lips brushing Taehyung’s free ear. “Wanna suck you

It feels like a punch to the gut, and Taehyung wants to groan himself as he nods his head.

“Jihyun’s not your client,” Namjoon replies. “Though, I guess technically. How close is Jungkook
to his brother?”

Jungkook teases a kiss to the lobe of his ear before he pulls away, and Taehyung hovers the laptop
in the air, keeping it close to his face as Jungkook dips his head between his legs. His hands
spreading up Taehyung’s thighs send a spark through him, and Taehyung already wishes he had
decided on wearing just briefs instead of leggings so he could feel Jungkook better.

“Not that close,” Taehyung says, voice steady, but even he’s aware of how it’s dropped an octave.
“Think Cain and Abel. From what I’m told, at least.”

There’s a moment where Namjoon’s quiet, but files move around the screen. Taehyung prides
himself on being organized, but Namjoon has a tendency to make a mess of their shared
documents. He keeps his hands on the laptop though, unable to stop the disorganization as it

“I don’t know how true that is,” Namjoon says, and there’s a hesitancy in his voice that makes
dread fill through him. “I have something you should see before I discard it.”

A gasp threatens to leave his lips as a pressure pushes against his crotch. Taehyung looks around
the laptop, at the sight of the back of Jungkook’s head, the way it moves as his mouth finds his soft
cock through his clothes.

“What is it?” Taehyung asks, making sure nothing is on the screen in case Jungkook looks up as he
rests it on the back of the couch and runs his fingers through Jungkook’s hair. He nudges his hips
up, showing a little bit of his impatience too.

“I’m just hesitant if Jungkook’s around,” Namjoon continues. It makes Taehyung frown as he pulls
his hand away from Jungkook’s hair and goes back to his computer.

“Show me, Jungkook’s a bit busy right now.”

Jungkook’s giggle is muffled as he mouths hotly over Taehyung’s quickly hardening length
through his leggings, probably dampening the material, but Taehyung can’t see. He wants to. He’s
torn between focusing on the computer and the way Jungkook’s mouth feels against him.

“Just one sec,” Namjoon says, and Taehyung stifles a gasp as he leans back against the couch,
giving Jungkook room when he tugs on his shirt. There’s kisses pressed to his belly next, wet
kisses that make his cock twitch beneath the palm Jungkook keeps between his legs. “I still can’t
believe you’re married.”

“Why?” Taehyung asks, the sound stuttering out as Jungkook grinds his hand hard between his
legs. It’s awkward to keep his computer in his arms, they’ll ache soon, but it’s worth it as pleasure
starts to ripple through him.

“Because you’re you,” Namjoon says like that’s the only explanation needed. “You’re kind of a
dick, man.”

Taehyung licks over his lips as he feels Jungkook fumble to get his hand into his pants. He widens
his thighs, his toes pressing into the carpet to assist. He ignores Namjoon for a minute to balance
the laptop on the back of the couch again so he can adjust his body beneath Jungkook.

He’s a sight to see, mischief in his bright eyes as he takes Taehyung’s cock out. The way he doesn’t
hesitate to stroke over as he spits down his length. Taehyung huffs out as Jungkook leans down
before he’s even fully hard and takes him into his mouth.

“Don’t fire me for that, you know I love you,” Namjoon says, laughing sheepishly. For a moment,
Taehyung forgot he was on the phone or that Taehyung even had his bluetooth in. “But you’re
really only kind to people you know.”

Taehyung brushes his fingers through Jungkook’s hair as Jungkook turns his head, resting against
his leg. It’s the softest blow job Taehyung’s ever had, Jungkook gently suckling at the head, taking
him deeper and fisting the base so slowly it doesn’t make a sound.

“Just show me what you need to,” Taehyung replies quickly, though he tries to keep his voice
level. He thinks he fails, and the way Jungkook’s lips quirk up confirm it.

“Okay, but I’m not saying anything is a fact here.”

It’s really hard to focus, but if Namjoon thinks it’s important, he has to. There’s a reason
Taehyung’s put Namjoon and Jin on this, trusted them with looking into Jihyun when it really
should only be him. He trusts them, and they’re intelligent. He constantly seeks them for their

But right now -

Taehyung bites back a moan as he settles the laptop on Jungkook’s shoulders, grip firm on the
edges so it won’t fall off. Not that Jungkook is jostling around too much. He pulls his head back to
mouth down his length, but he glides down so slowly he might as well not be moving at all.

It’s Taehyung that struggles not to knock the laptop off, thighs tensing when Jungkook takes him
down his throat and fucking gargles around him.

It’s loud, and Taehyung’s hand flies up to his ear as if to turn off the bluetooth, but Namjoon’s
speaking like he didn’t hear it.

“Okay, here. Don’t fire me if it pisses you off.”

Taehyung’s eyes flutter closed for a moment as Jungkook pulls off. He’s breathing heavily now,
they both are. Taehyung from how tense his body is becoming in his attempts at holding back from
fucking up into Jungkook’s mouth.

“Joon, I am not that much of an asshole,” Taehyung sighs. “You’re going to start hurting my

“You can be a bitch,” Namjoon says shamelessly, despite worrying about his job placement a
moment ago.

The file hovers in the middle of the screen before it fills it, and Taehyung forces his attention on it
as he balances the laptop in one hand and reaches down to cradle Jungkook’s face with the other.

He rests against his thigh, hand stroking over Taehyung gently. He’s already leaking, and when the
slick sound of a stroke seems loud, Taehyung shoves his thumb into Jungkook’s mouth as a

It doesn’t stop Jungkook’s strokes, but he slows them again. It makes Taehyung want to rock his
hips, but he keeps them still.

“I can be a bitch,” Taehyung agrees. “Never to you though, hyungie. What am I looking at here?”

“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Remember, it’s just a feeling, Tae. I don’t know for sure what we’re
looking at,” Namjoon says as Taehyung looks over the file, and Taehyung considers firing him for
building the anticipation of this and not just getting to the point.

It’s Jihyun again on his screen. This time in all red, but same club. He’s leaning against a gambling
table for only a second before he takes off, walking through other tables.

The footage changes, and Taehyung immediately knows what Namjoon was thinking. His heart
leaps up into his throat, both from the image and from the way Jungkook bobs his head sucking
Taehyung’s thumb like it’s his cock.

“Fuck,” Taehyung says, gasps as he pushes his thumb down to hook behind Jungkook’s teeth. He
glances at him in his lap, at the shit in his eyes as his tongue flicks out and a bit of drool slips from
the corner of his mouth.

“Yeah, that’s what I said,” Namjoon replies, and Taehyung could laugh, but he can’t open his
mouth again as Jungkook pries his thumb away to kiss it instead. “You think it could be him? It’s
from last fall.”

The man Jihyun greets is in all black. Despite the quality, it’s hard to tell. The bucket hat and mask
he wears over his lower face hide too much. But given the size in comparison to Jihyun and the
familiar outfit, a black bomber jacket over those heavy looking pants Jungkook likes to wear with
the thousands of pockets down the legs, it could be him.

It could be Jungkook meeting his brother at the club.

“Delete it,” Taehyung says, as he snaps his laptop shut and slips it onto the coffee table. Jungkook
takes that as a cue to move his body, hands pressing into Taehyung’s waist as he pushes up on his
knees. “Delete any one like it.”

Taehyung’s playfulness slips out of him as he grips his fingers beneath Jungkook’s chin and stops
him from sinking back down on his cock.

He highly doubts it’s Jungkook. All the clubs he frequents are legal, though Taehyung is sure
illegal substances get slipped in. Plus, Jungkook’s made it very clear he hates his family, brother

But it’s just something Taehyung really doesn’t fucking need right now. He can’t have Jungkook
anywhere near that place.

“Call me immediately if you find anything else,” Taehyung says before he hangs up the phone
without another word and pulls the bluetooth from his ear. He plants it to the back of the couch as
Jungkook crawls over him, a grin on his lips that Taehyung can’t return.

“What are you up to?” Taehyung asks, heart pounding a little because he doesn’t really want to
stop this and demand Jungkook tell him if he’s a member of an illegal gambling club. The way
Jungkook had reacted to his mother’s accusations made Taehyung realize he’s defensive, a bit
sensitive about being accused of doing shit he hasn’t done.

“Want you to stop working. You sounded stressed out,” Jungkook murmurs as he plants a hand
beside Taehyung’s head and leans down to hover his lips over his. “Figured I could help relieve it
if you were.”

Taehyung slips his hand over Jungkook’s chest to curl it around his shoulder and hold him close.
He kisses Jungkook to give him a minute to catch his bearings.

Namjoon will look into it further, Taehyung assures himself as he licks into Jungkook’s mouth. But
Taehyung’s not one to wait, he is impatient in this sense. When the possible answer is currently
rolling his hips down against his own.

“I have an idea,” Taehyung rasps as he slips his hands down to tug on the brim of Jungkook’s shirt
to pull it off. “For our next date.”

Jungkook lights up as he grabs the back of his hoodie and guides it over his head. “Hm? You want
to go on a date with me?”

There’s a shit eating grin on his face as he grabs the arm of the couch Taehyung rests against and
rolls his hips down on him firmly. Taehyung groans at the feeling, gripping hard to Jungkook’s
sweatpants to keep him down as he circles his hips back against him. He slips his hands further,
grabbing where the material has bunched beneath Jungkook’s ass and tugging.

“Yeah,” Taehyung breathes out. “That’s what you like to call these, right?”

Jungkook’s nostrils flare when he exhales sharply, his chest turning red as his hips stutter in their
motions. “Where? God, Taehyung.”
It’s rushed when Jungkook suddenly climbs off of him and holds his hand out for Taehyung to
follow. “Want to fuck, but I think your bed’s more comfortable,” Jungkook pants out.

That coil of arousal twists inside of Taehyung as Jungkook pulls him from the couch. His cock
fucking throbs, and he wonders if every time he’s with Jungkook, he’ll think he’s never been more

“So you don’t want to hear about my date idea?” Taehyung taunts as he walks back in the direction
of his room. He quirks a brow as he slides his hand down Jungkook’s tight stomach, fingers teasing
at the band of his pajamas.

“Tell me,” Jungkook says, eyes dark and heavy lidded. He says it like it’s apart of this, sex. Like
Taehyung’s going to tell him how badly he wants his mouth on him again, or his own mouth on
Jungkook. How he’s thought about fucking Jungkook more times than he’d like to admit, because
Jungkook’s a distraction and a smug shit about it.

“The casino,” Taehyung says as his back knocks into his bedroom door, and Jungkook pushes him
up against it. Knee pressing between Taehyung’s legs, he grinds it up against his crotch. It bursts
something inside of him, and Taehyung loses a bit of focus as he rolls his hips down, one arm
hooking around Jungkook’s neck as he runs the other up Jungkook’s side.

“Don’t gamble,” Jungkook says as he leans in, breathing hotly over Taehyung’s jaw. “Too risky. If
you’ve noticed, money’s my security.”

Relief fills Taehyung, but it isn’t enough. “No? Then there’s this one club. I can’t - fuck.”

Jungkook bites down beneath his jaw, moaning as he takes Taehyung’s skin into his mouth. The
other bruise is still there, not even close to being faded enough for him to cover it with makeup.

“Can’t remember the name. It’s in a basement, you know -” Taehyung rocks his hips into
Jungkook’s thigh, fingers gripping hard into his hair. “Beneath Sunshine Real Estate.”

Jungkook pulls back, his heavy breath warming over Taehyung’s mouth. Their noses touch as
Jungkook inhales. Tension fills Taehyung, and he wants to pull his head back, take in Jungkook’s

If he knows the club Taehyung’s talking about, Taehyung’s case is fucking screwed. He’s so
worried about the words that are going to leave Jungkook’s lips that when their mouths touch, he
can’t kiss back for a moment. He doesn’t care if he looks as if he’s losing his composure, letting
Jungkook see a fucked side of him because Taehyung feels fucked right now.

Just not in a pleasurable way.

“I don’t think I know it,” Jungkook says as he reaches behind him and opens the bedroom door, an
arm snaking around Taehyung’s waist to keep him from falling back. “How do you know about a
club that I don’t?”

Taehyung breathes out, his lungs on fire from holding onto an inhale. He isn’t naive, he knows
Jungkook could be lying, but Taehyung also realizes in this moment - he trusts Jungkook.

He has no reason to. They still barely know each other, only surface levels though Jungkook’s very
obviously been trying to dig deeper. Taehyung doesn’t know how loyal of a person he is, what he
does when he gets angry, how he acts when he’s upset.

But, Taehyung still finds he trusts the words coming out of Jungkook’s quirked lips. His eyes are
teasing, and Taehyung relaxes enough that he finds his playfulness coming back.

“You’re ‘I’m boring’ jokes are getting boring,” Taehyung chides, dragging Jungkook into his

“You’ve yet to prove to me you aren’t,” Jungkook teases back.

His damn smirk slips away though when Taehyung pushes into his chest and makes him fall back
against the bed. There’s no hesitation in the way Taehyung crawls after him and over him,
manhandling him down into the sheets.

“You’re the one that picked out that documentary on what? The farming industry?”

Jungkook laughs as he knees up and flops Taehyung back onto the mattress, wrestling him down
and it lights excitement inside of Taehyung, warmth. He doesn’t struggle back, accepts the way
Jungkook traps his body between the sheets and his own.

“On GMO’s,” Jungkook clarifies before he presses his hands into Taehyung’s chest to hold him
down and slips down his body to finish what he started.

There’s something comfortable about having another person in the house, though Taehyung finds
he isn’t sure the right protocol. He never thinks too much about this, how to act in his own home,
though Taehyung doesn’t really hook up with anyone else either. He’s sure any hooking up rules
are different in this situation anyway, or if hooking up is even the right word.

“Were you stressed?” Jungkook asks as he sprawls out across the bed, fingers tracing over the
length of Taehyung’s arm. It’s intimate, and Taehyung’s skin erupts in goosebumps from how soft
the touch is.

“A little,” Taehyung says, turning his head on the pillow to look over Jungkook’s face. Taehyung’s
sweatpants are still wrapped around the mid of his thighs so he uses that as an excuse to pull away
from Jungkook’s touch. “I have a stressful job, lover. If you tried to suck me off every time, I’d
never be able to get anything done and you’d probably get arthritis in your jaw or something.”

“Sounds like a nice life,” Jungkook jokes. He makes no move to get his own clothing where
Taehyung tossed it to the floor before getting his mouth on him. He doesn’t look like he has any
want to get out of bed at all as he shoves his hands beneath one of Taehyung’s pillows and nuzzles
his cheek into it.

Taehyung snorts as he crawls over the bed. Jungkook reaches for him immediately, pulling him
into for a kiss as he rolls onto his back.

It’s still in his mind, Jungkook possibly being at that club. They barely know each other, Taehyung
isn’t sure why he’s so bothered by the idea of Jungkook lying to him. Not that he does think that,
but it would piss him off if he had.

“I need to go call Namjoon back,” Taehyung says against Jungkook’s mouth. He presses a kiss to
Jungkook’s lower lip before Jungkook flicks out his tongue, and Taehyung pulls it into his mouth.

He groans as he kisses Jungkook, as Jungkook’s fingers twist into his hair and grip into his waist to
keep him there. The way Jungkook’s legs spread to fit him better, and Taehyung presses against
the swell of his ass like he wants to work himself up into getting hard again.

“You’re supposed to be spending the time with me,” Jungkook whispers, one leg hooking around
Taehyung’s waist to hold him down. “That was the deal.”

Taehyung huffs out a laugh as he grazes his grin over Jungkook’s mouth. “We made no deal, lover.
I just agreed to come home. Didn’t you tease me about needing attention? Seems like you’re the
needy one.”

Jungkook’s trembles when he laughs. He tilts his head back as Taehyung noses at his jaw, and
Taehyung doesn’t hesitate to kiss over his pulse, to leave a mark behind like Jungkook left on him.
“No. I just want to hang out with you.”

Guilt fills Taehyung, and he sighs against the wet spot of Jungkook’s neck before he pulls his head
up to look down at him. He brushes his fingers over Jungkook’s bangs, pushing them back and
they’re sweaty enough that they stay sticking up.

“Okay. Next time, no work,” Taehyung promises. “But this case is about to get really demanding.
Court every day kind of deal.”

Jungkook nods as he releases the hold on him. “Just make sure you’re eating.”

Taehyung coos softly as he brushes his nose against Jungkook’s. “Next time, play a movie you
want. I’ll pay attention.”

He presses a kiss to Jungkook’s lips before sitting up. He teases his hands down Jungkook’s chest,
nails scraping softly over his skin. “And I’ll be back after I talk to Namjoon.”

Jungkook fucking winks of all things, and it makes Taehyung’s chest warm as he laughs and
climbs off of him.

When he walks into the living room to look for his phone and bluetooth, he finds both placed on
the table where the plates and dishware once were. He takes his laptop as he secures the bluetooth
and asks for Nari to call Namjoon back.

“Joon, what’d you find?” Taehyung asks as he walks off towards his office and closes the door
behind him.

“A few more of Jihyun,” Namjoon explains. “I’ve deleted everything. There’s just no clear shot of
the guy in all black. I only saw Jungkook the one time he came to the office, it was Jin that pointed
out that it looked like him.”

Taehyung rests on his desk. He has an urge to nibble at his cuticles, something he hasn’t done since
he was thirteen and his mother started painting his nails with this polish that tasted like death. “Tell
Jin to have Jungkook’s private bank information sent to me,” Taehyung says. “I asked him, he said
he never heard of the club.”

“Could be lying,” Namjoon says almost immediately. “Does Jungkook have a ring like his

“No. It goes to the eldest. They’re traditional,” Taehyung murmurs as he nibbles on his bottom lip
instead. Well he could, Taehyung has no idea. He’s just read about it in articles about the eldest
Jeon brother, proudly showing off his family insignia ring at campaign events. Linking himself to
his father to increase his popularity with voters.
It’s why he’s so stupid to wear it at an underground, illegal fucking club with high tech ass security
cameras. No jury would believe it wasn’t him.

“Does the man with the bucket hat have any jewelry? I didn’t get a good look.”

“No,” Namjoon says, sighs. “Not that I can tell. Jin says you’ll have Jungkook’s account records in
the morning.”

Taehyung rubs a hand over his forehead, his irritation slowly trickling back into him. “If any of the
public gets wind of even my brother in law being a part of this case, let alone my fucking husband,
I lose all credibility.”

What the fuck was his father thinking? Taehyung is annoyed. It’s no problem for someone in his
firm to represent them over minor shit, pull some strings with the judge to overlook charges, drop
cases if need be. But with high profile, high crime cases? Daehee shouldn’t have assigned it to him
knowing Jihyun’s involved.

Especially not for a case that’s happening so soon after Taehyung’s union with Jungkook. It makes
it look like it’s exactly for that reason.

“I’ll be in first thing,” Taehyung finalizes. “Make sure you delete everything, hyung. I’ll
compensate you for your help.”

Taehyung stays in his office for some time after that, perched on the edge of his desk as he lets the
thoughts move around his brain until they’ve found a place to settle in.

He knows his father. Knows not only would Taehyung do everything to win a case he’s been
assigned to regardless of who is involved, but even more with this. They can hide all this evidence,
keep it from the public, but if they lose the case, Dongmin and his partner aren’t smart enough to
keep quiet. They’d have nothing more to lose.

But why Daehee didn’t tell him this to begin with, Taehyung has no fucking clue.

With a frustrated sigh, Taehyung leaves his office and pads back to his bedroom.


“Lover, I can only spare you a moment. What’s the emergency?”

Jungkook whips the steering wheel to the right, aggravation filling him. As much as he loves
driving, he hates it during the busy day. When the traffic barely moves, and Jungkook can’t hit the
pedal and speed through the streets like he wants to.

He hates it even more when his patience is lost on him.

“Court or office today?” Jungkook asks, trying to make sure his voice seems level and doesn’t
betray the fact that he is on his way to kill his husband’s father. It isn’t breaking the contract, but
Jungkook is sure Taehyung would still divorce him for it.
The laugh Taehyung let’s out is quiet. “I saw you just this morning, Jungkook. Miss me already?”

It manages to make Jungkook smile despite the feelings fueling inside of him. It isn’t often that he
gets to see Taehyung first thing in the morning with swollen eyes and the poutiest mouth
Jungkook’s ever seen in his life. “Just answer the question.”

Taehyung takes a minute to, and Jungkook seems to take hours to get down the rest of the street.
He should have just walked, but he was sure he would shove innocent workers jogging to their jobs
into the street if they got in his way.

Pissed isn’t even the right word to describe Jungkook’s mood. Infuriated. Raging. Murderous. He’s
one that doesn’t explode when angry, but it grows inside of him enough to make his fingers dig
into the steering wheel until his knuckles are white.

“I’m actually out meeting my client,” Taehyung says. “We’re getting food, so I apologize if you’re
on the way with something to eat.”

Relief fills Jungkook for a moment and when the road clears enough for him to hit on the pedal, he
does. He was hoping Taehyung was out of the office today. “Well, if you need a snack, call me.”

It isn’t easy to hear Taehyung’s response from how quietly he speaks, like he’s already with said
client and doesn’t want them to hear. “As long as that snack is you.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes. He doesn’t like how effortless it is for Taehyung to make him feel at ease.
Even when he doesn’t know there’s anything Jungkook needs ease from, unless he can tell.
Taehyung has the annoying ability to know everything.

“Perhaps. I’ll let you go,” Jungkook says, reaching out to hover his finger over the end call button
on his dashboard. “Make sure you eat a lot.”

He’s hanging up a second after Taehyung’s amused, “Yeah, yeah. I will.”

The parking garage is easy to get into due to the badge Taehyung had given him after Jungkook
had breathlessly ran to his office during his break last time. It isn’t as easy to know where to park,
but Jungkook doesn’t really care if he pisses off one of Taehyung’s employees by taking their spot.

Jungkook recognizes the receptionist from last time, though he had barely spared him a glance. He
does now because he doesn’t know where he’s going.

The man looks alarmed as he immediately jumps to his feet, head bowing. “Mr. Jeon. How can I
help you?”

“I’m looking for Attorney Kim.”

There’s a hand on his shoulder then, and Jungkook braces himself as not to let out his building rage
in the middle of the office. As much as he’d like to shove Daehee’s mouth full of his fist, he
doesn’t want to embarrass Taehyung in front of his colleagues, clients.

But he relaxes at the sight of Jin. There’s a curious expression on his face, eyes bright as he greets

“You’ll have to be more specific as to which Kim you’d like to see.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes. “My father in law.”

Raising a brow, Jin’s expression only grows more amused. “Ah, your Law Daddy. Though, I
suppose even saying that it still could be either father or son -”

Jungkook snorts as he slaps Jin’s arm playfully. It makes Jin snickers, and he looks pleased with
himself at the joke.

“I think the big boss is in a meeting right now. But he usually makes exceptions for family,” Jin
says, still laughing as he cups Jungkook’s elbow to guide him further into the office.

It’s desolate today compared to the last time Jungkook visited. There’s only one other person
amongst the rows of desks, a tall broad man with hair sticking out all around his head and ears. He
too looks alarmed at the sight of Jungkook, straightening and pushing up his glasses as he takes a
half step as if to stop them.

He doesn’t, and Jin only spares him a glance. “That’s Namjoon. I’m sure you’ll meet him at the
company dinner. If he isn’t working. I’m pretty sure him and Taehyung-ssi have teamed up to see
who can overwork themselves the most. Wait here.”

Jungkook does, though his nerves shoot up into his face as Jin knocks on the door labeled Attorney
Kim Daehee .

Not that he is nervous, more just steaming on the inside. He wants to shove open the door and lay
down his thoughts, uncaring as who is inside, but Taehyung’s name is like a mantra in his head.

Jungkook hasn’t spoken to his father in law since the morning Daehee was in his kitchen. He never
agreed to accept a bribe or threat from him, yet the money had been deposited into his account this
morning. He knows it’s from Daehee even if the bank account is unidentified. It’s exactly double
what he gets from his father, just like Daehee had said.

Jin’s a bit paler when he pulls back from the door. He grimaces slightly as he pushes open the door
and a woman steps out.

Daehee follows her out. There’s a smile on his face, but it doesn’t reach his eyes as they land on
Jungkook. He’s good at the unreadable mask, just like Taehyung. Following in the same career
path, Jungkook’s sure Taehyung learned a lot from him.

He wonders how alike they are.

“Jungkook-ah, come in. Jin-ssi, would you have Beomgyu help my client fill out her paperwork?”

Jin bows his head. “Beomgyu is out for the day. Taehyung-ssi told all the interns to go home.”

Daehee visibly stills, surprise on his face. It quickly falls away as he waves his hand at him. “Fine,
you help her.”

When the man turns around, Jin’s polite expression falls away and he moves his lips like he’s
mocking the man behind his back. It eases Jungkook enough, he thinks Daehee’s safe from losing
his teeth the moment they’re alone.

“Close the door,” Daehee says when Jungkook follows him into his office, but Jungkook’s already
doing so before he’s even fully into the room.

Taehyung had been right, Daehee’s office does have a better view of the city. It’s also much more
luxurious than even Taehyung’s office. There’s a makeshift living room on one side, with a leather
couch, coffee table, and even a liquor cart that Jungkook notes has half empty bottles.
“I don’t walk around topics. You’re here because of the money?” Daehee asks as he props himself
on the edge of his desk.

“Wasn’t here to talk about the weather,” Jungkook snips, crossing his arms over his chest. “Give
me your account information to send it back.”

Daehee’s lips press into a firm line. He glares at Jungkook before he sighs, legs stretching out in
front of him. “You’ve yet to tell him after over a month of being married. I don’t see why a little
incentive to keep it from him longer has seemed to offend you so much.”

Jungkook jabs his tongue into his cheek. He wants to keep up the front like he does know, see if
Daehee slips into actually telling him what the hell he’s willing to spend so much money to keep
from Taehyung.

For Jungkook to lie to Taehyung. Daehee had a lot of say in the contract of their marriage, and he
had been the one to stress infidelity as a breach of contract. Loyalty.

This feels like a test. Jungkook doesn’t mind playing games with Taehyung, but he isn’t going to
with his family. Not like this.

“How do you know I haven’t told him?” Jungkook asks, head cocking to the side.

When Daehee laughs, he looks genuinely amused. “My son isn’t one to keep quiet about things.
The words would barely be out of your mouth before he was breaking down my door.”

“You’re right,” Jungkook says as he stretches out his arms and shoves his hands into his pockets,
relaxing his pose. “I don’t think he’d be very quiet about knowing you’re trying to bribe or threaten
me into keeping something from him either.”

Daehee laughs again. It only adds to Jungkook’s aggravation, but he refuses to let the man see it. “I
don’t remember threatening you.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes. “Don’t insult my intelligence. I know it wasn’t a slip that a pap shot of me
getting arrested was left behind on my kitchen counter.”

When Daehee stands, Jungkook’s annoyance fills because he’s taller, and he knows that’s the
purpose for it. The way he straightens his shoulders, tilts his head to emphasize the fact that he has
to look down at Jungkook. Even if it’s just a few centimeters.

“It is not a threat, son,” Daehee says as he approaches. “It is a choice. I don’t wish to flaunt my
power, but I will remind you of it. No one has seen that picture, and it would be easy for me to put
it back into the media. A new arrest, a more harmful crime. One that people won’t forget even if

The rage fuels inside of Jungkook as he takes a step forward. He weighs the pros and cons of
punching Daehee in his face. While it’s in the contract that neither Taehyung nor Jungkook can
harm each other physically, it says nothing about their family members.

“You’re a lawyer, Abeonim. I’m sure you’re aware that’s breaking our agreement.”

Daehee’s smile grows. It’s exactly like Taehyung’s, boxy and stretching out to take over his whole
face. But Taehyung’s is bright and lights up his entire face. Daehee’s just makes him look like a
condescending asshole.

“I am. There are these things called loopholes, Jungkook,” Daehee says quietly as he reaches up
and claps Jungkook’s shoulder. Jungkook’s quick to shrug it off. “It’s also very easy for me to
erase my tracks.”

Jungkook grits his teeth as he pushes into Daehee’s space. “I don’t know what you’re getting out of
this,” he says lowly. He searches over Daehee’s face, as the condescending expression seems to
slip into one of relief. “But I will be mentioning this conversation to Taehyung. See if he -”

A choking noise leaves his lips as a hand comes up and grips tightly into Jungkook’s throat. It’s
tighter than Jungkook would imagine from the old man, but Jungkook’s still stronger.

He grabs Daehee’s forearm, ripping his touch away. It makes the rage inside of him double, triple.
He has the urge to shove him, but he is old. He does have power. Jungkook doesn’t want to
accidentally get him a real charge.

“You will keep this conversation to yourself,” Daehee seethes through his teeth as he points his
finger in Jungkook’s face. Jungkook has the urge to spit in Daehee’s. “Telling Taehyung will only
ruin his career, and I’m not going to let all those years of hard work go to waste. He’s gotten
himself sick getting to where he is now. It’ll crush him to lose it.”

Jungkook deflates a moment, but he doesn’t let Daehee see it. He glares hard, lips pressed tightly
together as he breathes through his nose, nostrils flaring. He doesn’t understand a fucking word
Daehee is saying, and while he normally wouldn’t care what either parties are getting out this, now
he wants to know.

“So you won’t say a word to him,” Daehee continues as he drops his hand and roughly turns
around. “Taehyung’s told me you’d like to see him at home more often, but I know you see how
passionate he is about his work. Don’t take that from him.”

Jungkook works his jaw. Has he been that transparent that Taehyung can be a thing that is used
against him? A thing that will work better than money or threats? He’s barely been around his
father in law enough for him to know that one of the reasons Jungkook doesn’t want to make
headlines anymore is because he doesn’t want it to get in the way of Taehyung’s career.

Because he knows how much it means to Taehyung. It looks stressful, and he often looks tired, but
he’s dedicated. Passionate.

“We’ll be in touch,” Jungkook says because he needs to clear his thoughts of the simmering anger.

He doesn’t wait for a response as he whips open the door and storms out of it.

Or tries to. There’s a body close to it that quickly jumps out of the way when Jungkook emerges.
The man before, Namjoon. His expression fills with embarrassment as he looks around and
pretends like he hadn’t been snooping.

Jungkook doesn’t care if he was. There was no shouting, nothing to be heard. He thinks about
mentioning it anyway, but his attention is pulled in another direction.

The only office Jungkook has been in before Daehee’s was Taehyung’s. He knows where it is,
watches as the door opens and a familiar face steps out of it. A face he isn’t expecting to see here.


Jungkook glares in confusion as Taehyung follows him out. Taehyung doesn’t look friendly, his
eyes narrowed and lips pressed so tightly they nearly disappear. The words they exchange can’t be
heard, but Jungkook recognizes Jihyun’s expression. The look in his eyes when he smirks and huffs
like Taehyung’s said something ridiculous.

It only adds to Jungkook’s bad mood. Taehyung said he was on his way to meet with a client out of
office, but Jungkook doubts he’s already ate and returned. It might have felt like it took Jungkook a
thousand years to get here, but it was only a handful of minutes.

“Aha, Mr. Jeon. I’m Kim Namjoon.”

Jungkook ignores him as he watches Jihyun walk out and Taehyung lean into his doorway. He’s
still glaring, even when his eyes shift away and fall on Jungkook and Namjoon. There’s no
surprise, no change in expression when he takes in Jungkook standing in the middle of his office
floor. Outside his father’s door.

“I’ve heard a lot about you,” Namjoon goes on, insistent in the way he holds out his hand until
Jungkook takes it.

As not to be rude, Jungkook takes his hand, but his attention is on the leisurely way Taehyung
makes his way to him.

Jungkook isn’t ready to see Taehyung yet, not when he’s more than ready to tell Taehyung about
his exchange with Daehee. But the unknown has him from doing so. Daehee could be really
concerned for his son and doesn’t know Jungkook enough to just trust his word. Powerful men do

The possibility that Jungkook’s hatred for fathers makes him only see bad intentions here. Or
because Daehee insulted him.

“Hey there,” Taehyung says, interrupting them with his eyes intent on Jungkook. There’s a curious
expression on his face as he reaches out, fingers grazing over Jungkook’s hip like he’s going to
bring him in for a kiss. “What are you doing here?”

Jungkook licks over his teeth. “I had to meet with your father.”

Taehyung peers his eyes as he steps in Jungkook’s space. Jungkook feels a little bad that
Namjoon’s subjected to their intimacy again, even if he wasn’t aware of it the first time. But when
he looks to Namjoon, all Jungkook sees is his retreating back.

“Why?” Taehyung asks quietly, head tilting to the side as their chests press together. “And why
were you making sure I was out of the office to do so?”

He makes his decision, at least for now. A few hours. He’ll call Hoseok and Yoongi and get their
opinion, their advice. Figure out what to do.

So Jungkook slides his arms around Taehyung’s waist, tilts his head and presses a soft kiss to his
lips. “It’s a surprise.”

It’s visible the way Taehyung relaxes. He gets one more kiss before Taehyung slips from
Jungkook’s embrace. “I hate surprises. Whatever you’re planning on doing, don’t. There’s no
reason to.”

Jungkook takes the hand Taehyung offers to him, instantly sliding their fingers together. He
ignores that before he digs himself into a hole and actually has to come up with a surprise for
Taehyung. One that’s good enough he would need Taehyung’s father’s help for. “Want to tell me
why my brother was in your office?”
The tension returns. It’s small. A tightening in the shoulders that Jungkook barely notices. But he
does. He’s starting to learn the tiny signs of reaction from Taehyung, the small slip ups before his
composure returns. “Your brother needed some legal advice.”

Jungkook doesn’t ask, doesn’t really care why his brother was here. What he really cares about is,
“So when you said you were going out to eat with a client, you meant you were going to eat with
my brother in your office?”

Taehyung turns then, eyes searching over him as he tugs Jungkook into said office.

When the door closes, Jungkook has dejavu from a few minutes ago in Daehee’s office.

“Lock it please,” Taehyung says as he walks around his desk to slip in his chair. There’s no food or
sign of food, just papers spread across the desk. “I didn’t want you to know I was meeting with
your brother, Jungkook.”

Jungkook hesitates before he locks the door. He takes a seat across from Taehyung, which is warm
from someone else in it. He kind of does actually hate that Jihyun was in here, but that had been
part of the agreement. Taehyung and his firm don’t only represent Jungkook, but his entire family.
“Why not? I don’t care.”

It’s quiet for a moment as Taehyung rubs his lips together, hands folding together on the desk. He’s
in a suit again today, his tie loosened past his chest. The crisp dress shirt is unbuttoned quite low,
revealing the width of his neck and the top of his chest. Jungkook watches the muscles in his neck
move when he tilts his head from side to side like he’s contemplating something.

“Why do you hate him?”

The question takes Jungkook by surprise. He’s really not in the mood to talk about Jihyun right
now. His nerves are still firing through him, and he kind of wants to get drunk or go home and fuck
out his frustration. Either one until he’s too exhausted to do anything but sleep.

This is what Jungkook wanted, for them to learn the ins and outs about each other. But right now
the last thing he wants to talk about are people who also aggravate him like Jihyun does.

“I never have,” Jungkook says gruffly. “It used to be just jealousy. But Jihyun’s a trash bag human
being who pretends he isn’t. I don’t like people making assumptions about me, but when they do
it’s not because I’m pretending to be what they think I am. He does that.”

The words spill out of his mouth, and Taehyung listens. Jungkook just doesn’t know if he’s only
speaking about Jihyun or the man that’s really pissed him off right now. But it’s an easier way to
vent about both.

“And he holds whatever he can over me. Thinks everyone is beneath him because of his status, his
ability to charm and lie. But like I told you, I don’t try to hide what I’ve done so I don’t care if it’s
used against me.”

Taehyung nods, quiet. There is an intense look in his eyes before he leans back in his chair and
slips his fingers over each other. He plays with the rings on them, drags Jungkook’s attention to

“Your brother is an asshole,” Taehyung finally says, his own eyes on his hands before they flick up
to meet Jungkook’s. There’s a small grin on his lips. “Very uncooperative. I’m not a violent
person, Jungkook, but I kind of had the urge to shove my fist into his mouth.”
It’s ironic they were both in the same place, wishing to punch the other’s family member, without
either of them knowing about it.

Jungkook huffs out a laugh as he nods. “Yeah, Jihyun has that effect. I have punched him in the
mouth a few times, and I’ll tell you. It felt as good as you think it does.”

The laugh Taehyung lets out is quiet, like a shaking breath. He taps his fingers a few times on the
desk, sucks his bottom lip into his mouth. Jungkook’s never seen him look so hesitant. “I have had
a shitty, tiring day. I’m glad you’re here.”

Jungkook’s chest expands, filling with warmth and the breath of surprise he takes in. He isn’t
expecting Taehyung to say something like that, especially in a way that seems genuine. Not used
amused, mocking, or anything but just genuine.

“Makes you and me both,” Jungkook says, licking over his lips as he glances at his watch. “It’s
barely halfway over.”

Taehyung shines when he smiles, though the way he does emphasizes just how tired he is. He rubs
at a brow, eyes closing for a minute.

It’s true, Jungkook wants Taehyung to rest. He desperately does, isn’t quite sure why it’s so
important to him but he’s stopped trying to figure that out. He just wants it. But he also knows that
Taehyung works hard for a reason, and he doesn’t want to compromise that.

He’s going to figure out what the hell it is that Daehee’s hiding first and decide himself if he
should tell Taehyung. Jungkook doesn’t trust Daehee fully, and he isn’t as good with gut feelings as
Taehyung, but his gut feeling tells him he can’t.

“You’re becoming a bad influence on me,” Taehyung grunts as he pushes back in his chair and
stands. It takes Jungkook a moment to realize he’s coming to him, and Taehyung waves his fingers
to indicate Jungkook should move his chair back further from the desk.

He does, and Taehyung props himself on the spot directly in front of him. He doesn’t even move
the papers aside as he kicks his feet out, hooking them beneath the arms of Jungkook’s chair to roll
him forward.

“Because I should get back to work,” Taehyung says quietly, eyes trailing from Jungkook’s face
down to the rest of his body. “But I’m pretty sure if I look at one more case file after today, I’ll
quit my job and become your full time sugar baby.”

Jungkook laughs at that, his hands coming up to slide over Taehyung’s knees. He’s trapped
between Taehyung’s spread legs, and he doesn’t know when they’ve become so casually
comfortable with each other, but he likes it. Likes that it relaxes a bit of the angry energy inside of

“Was it my brother?” Jungkook asks softly. “I’ll punch him in the mouth for you.”

Taehyung’s eyes are heavy on him, unmoving. He plants his hands beside each of his hips as he
looks down at Jungkook and just stares for a moment before replying. “He’s involved in one of my
cases, and I had not been aware that he was. He’s quite apathetic to the problems it’s causing me.”

It isn’t surprising. Jihyun is a rich politician, Jungkook’s sure he’s done many illegal things. “Just
threaten to tell Appa, and he’ll be more obedient.”

Taehyung doesn’t laugh at Jungkook’s attempt at a joke. He rolls his head to his shoulder, lips
pushing out thoughtfully.

It makes a heat spark in Jungkook, and he shifts his hands higher up Taehyung’s thighs.

“Don’t say a word to your father about it,” Taehyung says, blinking as his legs spread further the
higher Jungkook’s hands slide up them. “Promise me you won’t mention Jihyun was here.”

Jungkook hesitates as he searches over Taehyung’s face. “I don’t think you know how much I’d
love to even hint to my father that his perfect son isn’t as perfect as he thinks he is.”

It’s true. Jungkook doesn’t care about why his brother was here, what case he’s involved in. He
cares more that he gave Taehyung a hard time, that he could be creating more work for Taehyung.
That he’s the reason Taehyung looks so tired and had a shitty morning.

But god, if it was a real bad thing, Jungkook would enjoy seeing the horror on his father’s face
when he told him.

Taehyung’s eyes narrow before he takes Jungkook’s hands off of him to slip into his lap. The size
of the chair makes it so he can fit but his knees are probably squeezed tight around Jungkook’s
hips. He plants his hands to Jungkok’s shoulders, massaging over them.

“Telling you is breaking client confidentiality,” Taehyung whispers against his ear like he’s telling
him something dirty. “I could lose my license.”

Jungkook grips his hands into Taehyung’s thighs, leaning his head back. “Are you trying to seduce
me into silence, Mr. Kim?

Taehyung giggles. “Yes, actually. Is it working?”

He slides a hand up Jungkook’s chest then, fingers spreading over the base of his throat and higher.
Jungkook takes in a breath as Taehyung’s hand cups his neck and ever so gently eases his head to
tilt back.

Jungkook’s nerves go haywire, lighting up inside of him from the touch as he squeezes Taehyung’s

“Mhm,” Jungkook hums. “Though while I appreciate these efforts, all you have to do is ask.”

Taehyung tilts his head to the side, fingers shifting over the sides of Jungkook’s neck. “I take
confidentiality very seriously, Jungkook.”

“I know,” Jungkook promises, squeezing Taehyung’s hips to assure him. “And I wouldn’t ruin
your career for my own selfish needs.”

Taehyung’s hand slides up to grip beneath Jungkook’s jaw as he leans in. Jungkook’s heart lurches
up in his throat as his lips part, eyes falling closed the moment he feels Taehyung’s tongue against
his mouth.

Pressing up into the touch, Jungkook arches his head and flicks his own tongue out. Taehyung
groans low in response as they slide over each other, and Jungkook has a thought in his mind that
he needs to stop being so easily distracted, but this feels like another one of Taehyung’s games.

Taehyung pushes him back down, hand firm as he fucks his tongue into Jungkook’s mouth.
Jungkook groans around it, hands shifting up Taehyung’s back to hold him close. It’s messy, drool
quickly building at the sides of Jungkook’s mouth and threatening to spill out, some already
collecting beneath his bottom lip. It makes him hot, so easily turned on when it’s with Taehyung.

“Come to the office tonight,” Taehyung whispers raspily as he pulls back. His mouth is covered in
spit too, making his lips shine with it. “When no one’s here.”

“Tae,” Jungkook calls. He needs to wipe his mouth, but Taehyung kisses him again before he can
speak or move.

Taehyung presses a thumb against Jungkook’s bottom lip when he pulls back again, pushing down
to keep it parted. Jungkook licks over it, rolling his tongue over the digit until Taehyung grins in
response. “What would you do if I spit into your mouth right now?”

Jungkook squeezes his eyes closed, the coil in his stomach worsening ten fold at the suggestion.
“Why don’t you try it and find out?”

It’s been a little over a month, but Jungkook has learned one important thing about his husband.
Taehyung uses how attractive and enticing he is to his advantage. From switching out of
conversations he doesn’t want to participate in, to claiming he’s comforting Jungkook. He’s seen it.
How Taehyung manipulates his charm depending on who he’s speaking to. Getting Jungkook’s
father to back off, winning his mother over.

He wants to distract Jungkook from the mention of Jihyun being in a case, something Jungkook
shouldn’t know about. It isn’t like Taehyung to slip up, he must have told him for a purpose.

But right now, Jungkook doesn’t mind changing the subject. His body is thriving with Taehyung
on him like this, a distraction he very much welcomes after the shit morning he’s had.

Taehyung presses his fingers into Jungkook’s jaw as if it push it open, but Jungkook’s doing it on
his own accord. The eyes looking down on him are dark and heavy, Taehyung’s cheeks starting to
turn a shade of pink.

It’s visible the way Taehyung works his tongue in his mouth as if to gather the spit onto his tongue
before he sticks it out to show it off.

Arousal fills Jungkook, and he groans low at the sight. Taehyung curls the tip of his tongue as if
not to let it drip off before he brings it back into his mouth, the corners of it quirking at Jngkook’s

He doesn’t say anything as his fingers tighten on Jungkook’s face, holding him there a moment
before he spits directly into Jungkook’s mouth.

It’s a simple thing, but Jungkook’s cock fucking throbs. A groan rumbles from him as Taehyung’s
tongue follows it between his parted lips.

Jungkook had meant he would swallow it, but Taehyung doesn’t give him the chance to. He holds
Jungkook’s jaw as he kisses him, and Jungkook’s throat is working hard between each breath to
swallow the spit that keeps filling his mouth.

He breathes in deeply when Taehyung pulls away, wet lips trailing over his cheek. Jungkook slips
his hands over his ass, pulling him closer to his lap. “I’ll come back later, but I’d prefer it to be for
round two.”

Taehyung giggles softly before he flattens his tongue and drags it over the length of Jungkook’s
Knocking his head back, Jungkook closes his eyes to enjoy the feeling of Taehyung on him like
this. He doesn’t know if it’s the frustration he’s had all day or Taehyung, but he’s already fucking
hard and aching between his legs.

He knows Taehyung can tell as Jungkook grips at his ass and pulls him further into his lap. Knows
by the way Taehyung ever so subtly rolls his hips against him.

“Baby, baby,” Taehyung murmurs against his ear, voice hoarse and teasing. “What would my
colleagues think?”

Jungkook huffs as he slips his hands across Taehyung’s back to work his shirt from his trousers. “I
don’t care.”

Taehyung grins against his cheek, hands sliding down Jungkook’s chest before he pushes back to
sit up in his lap. His hips wiggle around in his adjusting, and it’s purposeful. “What do you have in

His hands slip down Jungkook’s chest and up before he grabs Jungkook’s collar and quickly
unworks the buttons of his dress shirt. At this point, Jungkok doesn’t care if Taehyung ripped it off
of him, sent the buttons flying.

“Wanna fuck me on your desk?”

Taehyung’s eyes flutter closed as he sucks on his bottom lip. His fingers grip his shirt a little
rougher. “I don’t have anything here.”

Jungkook slides his hands beneath Taehyung’s thighs as he lifts up and plants Taehyung back to
the desk. Taehyung doesn’t hesitate to wrap his legs around Jungkook’s so he doesn’t move away.

He had no intention to, only wanted the space to pull his wallet out of his pocket. “You’ll see, Tae,
I’m always prepared.”

It’s loud the way Taehyung laughs as he grips the band of Jungkook’s pants and pulls him in
further between his legs. “Why is that no surprise to me?”

Jungkook tugs out the packets of lube and condoms he has in the coin pocket. He shakes them as if
to show them off before smacking them gently against the tip of Taehyung’s nose.

“You should as well,” Jungkook murmurs as he leans down to press his hands onto the desk and
kiss Taehyung quick on the lips. “Seeing as you want to jump my bones whenever I enter the same
room as you.”

It’s rough the way Taehyung yanks at his pants, the way he bites Junkgook’s bottom lip. “Not

It is, and it’s hot. Jungkook hums as he licks into Taehyung’s mouth, teasing his tongue behind his
teeth before pulling back wetly. “No? Only if there’s reporters around then? Or your Appa? Want
me to go get him?”

Taehyung grits his teeth as he works Jungkook’s pants open and then tugs Jungkook’s shirt from
them. “Not sure what you’re into, baby, but I’m not really into talking about my parents when I’m
about to get my dick wet.”

Jungkook chuckles as he grips beneath Taehyung’s jaw and pulls him into another kiss.
It’s rushed. Taehyung’s hands urgent in the way they shove Jungkook’s pants past his hips, the
way they cup firmly around the tent in his briefs. The other reaches around to grip at one of
Jungkook’s asscheeks, guiding his hips to buck up into Taehyung’s touch.

It has to be quiet, but everything seems loud. The sounds of their mouths, the slap Taehyung lays
on Jungkook’s chest to push him back. The shuffle of papers that Taehyung struggles to pile
together when Jungkook blankets his back and shoves a hand beneath his belt.

It is loud when Taehyung moans out, head falling back against Jungkook’s shoulder as Jungkook
strokes his fist quickly over him. The other hand working to open Taehyung’s belt so his
movements won’t be so confined.

Jungkook mouths at the arch side of Taehyung’s neck, eyes gazing over the files in Taehyung’s
hands. The ones he doesn’t care about, has no interest in looking at, but he focuses on them
anyway when he sees his brother.

A Jihyun that doesn’t look like the Jihyun Jungkook’s used to. The picture taken from a high angle.
He only gets a glimpse of it as Taehyung’s hands work urgently to get them all together.

“Go bend over, arms braced on the desk,” Taehyung says, pushing his hips back against Jungkook.
He turns his face, half attempting to meet Jungkook’s over his shoulder. “Wanna see you waiting
for me, spread out.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes. “If you want me like that, make me.”

Taehyung’s eyes darken as his lips quirk up. His tongue slips over his bottom lip, and Jungkook
wants it back into his mouth, but when Taehyung turns around, he’s spinning their bodies and
pushing Jungkook in the chest until his legs hit the edge of the desk.

“Don’t have much time,” Taehyung says lowly. “Don’t waste it.”

“I can take as long of a break as I want,” Jungkook reminds him with a cheeky grin as he undoes
the buttons Taehyung didn’t get to. “Perks of being the boss’ son.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes, but he looks amused when he steps into Jungkook’s space. “Turn around,

Arousal sweeps into Jungkook, pulses inside of him, and he only gives Taehyung a moment to
think he’ll ignore him before he turns around.

There’s a hand on the back of his neck in a second. There’s little space between Taehyung and his
body, and Jungkook considers resisting it, but he let’s Taehyung push him down with ease.

Because it’s hot, and Jungkook’s more desperate than he was a second ago. The distraction worked,
pulled out all thoughts of punching his father in law so he only focuses on this. Taehyung’s hands,
tugging his pants further down, his hands spreading over Jungkook’s ass, shifting up Jungkook’s
back. Doing exactly as he said not to: wasting time.

“Taehyung,” Jungkook complains as Taehyung grips his ass, fingers spreading him through his
briefs. Jungkook rests against his forearms, hips curling and nudging back against Taehyung to tell
him to get a move on with it.

Maybe he’s more romantic than he’ll ever admit, because he has a brief thought of where they
should be having sex for the first time, and it isn’t on a cold desk that costs just as much as
Jungkook’s car.
But like this is good, fits them. Risky, desperate, teasing.

“Wanna split you open,” Taehyung breathes as he cups Jungkook’s hip, holding him still as his
own rock into him.

Jungkook grunts at the smack of Taehyung’s hips against his ass, his bulge pressed between his
cheeks each thrust. Teasing him at giving Jungkook what he said he wanted.

His hands spread over Jungkook’s back, holding him there as his hips smack against him once
more, and impatience settles inside of Jungkook. He knows that’s what Taehyung is going for, can
hear his quiet laugh when Jungkook grunts in annoyance. He just wants his briefs off, Taehyung’s
pants off, to relieve his aching dick.

“Should have put no lovers on the list,” Taehyung murmurs as he pulls back enough to slip
Jungkook’s brief’s down, revealing his bare skin. Taehyung’s fingers are softer than they have
been as he cup his cheeks to spread him. “That way I could fuck you raw.”

Jungkook arches his spine as Taehyung trails a thumb over the curve of his cheek, close to where
he wants to be touched. He can feel how hard Taehyung is when he presses into him to grab the
packets of lube, but he still has his damn pants on.

“You can,” Jungkook offers. “We were both tested before the wedding.”

Taehyung moans softly as he grips the flesh of Jungkook’s asscheek roughly and drags his hips
back against him. “That was a while ago, baby.”

“I haven’t been with anyone since we got engaged.”

It seems impossibly slow the way Taehyung finally opens the packet of lube and gets his fingers
wet, drips the rest against his hole as one hand keeps him spread. “I’m not taking the chance, love.”

It annoys Jungkook, the lack of trust. He gets the precaution, doesn’t give a shit if Taehyung uses a
condom or not, but he doesn’t like the implication that Taehyung thinks he could be lying.

It fuels the aggravated way he urges his hips back, the way he bites out, “Just get on with it.”

And Taehyung does, because he’s horrible at pretending like he isn’t impatient. It turns Jungkook
on thinking about how subtly Taehyung had moved his hips while trying to remain unbothered
while Jungkook sucked at his cock the other day. The way he eagerly hung up the phone when he
couldn’t pretend anymore.

Or their first intimate time together, how Taehyung held back from showing Jungkook how good
he felt before he couldn’t anymore. His moans going from forced down to being ripped out with
every stroke of his cock.

It drags a moan from his lips that has Jungkook burying his face into his arm when Taehyung’s
fingers press against his hole. It isn’t as eager or rough, a light pressure because Taehyung likes to
tease too much.

Worries about his comfort is the thought in the back of Jungkook’s head, but the thought in the
front is louder.

“Don’t need to be so gentle,” Jungkook grits out, but Taehyung remains silent and continues to be.
Circling the rim with the tip of his finger, dipping the tip into his hole and taking his touch away.
Taehyung groans, fingers squeezing into his ass as he touches him again. Practically pets him, and
Jungkook pushes up on his hands to rock his hips back.

It makes Taehyung chuckle, but Jungkook doesn’t bite back a remark on it when he finally pushes

Jungkook hadn’t lied, it has been awhile since he’s been fucked. He likes the feeling of it, the
pressure. His cock kicks back against his stomach as Taehyung let’s go of his ass to push between
his shoulder blades, guiding him back down.

He works his finger slowly inside of him, rubbing against his walls, curling and rubbing into him
as his thumb pushes into his perineum. Jungkook spreads his legs, presses his lips hard to keep any
noise in. Fails to do so when Taehyung pulls his finger out just to slam it back into him.

“Like that,” Jungkook demands, and Taehyung complies.

Jungkook likes how worked up Taehyung sounds like this, already breathing heavy and moaning
softly every time he fucks his finger deep. He wants to turn around and see Taehyung’s face,
considers it, but sags his head instead when Taehyung pushes a second finger in.

The desk is hard against his elbows, but he’ll take any soreness that comes from this. The squelch
of Taehyung’s fingers, the stretch, the pleasure that builds with each rough thrust. How Taehyung
grabs Jungkook’s hip to have him fuck back against them, and he does. Back curling as he fucks
his hips down.

He’ll take the bruises left by Taehyung’s grip too because it’s relentless, biting. It hurts when
Taehyung grabs his ass again and fucks his fingers into him, that pain and pleasure mix that has
Jungkook biting into his own arm to keep himself quiet.

“Fuck, Jungkook,” Taehyung exhales sharply, pulling his fingers out completely. He grips both of
Jungkook’s cheeks, spreading him as the tips of his thumbs pull at Jungkook’s hole.

There is no gentleness when Taehyung shoves three fingers into him without warning, the pinch of
pain making Jungkook’s body tense, tremble. It’s Taehyung’s other hand that’s soothing, rubbing
at his spine, from hip to hip, kneading at his ass until Jungkook adjusts.

It’s loud, and Jungkook only wonders briefly how thin the walls are. Remembers how loudly
Taehyung moaned on the phone for him like he didn’t care if his colleagues heard it. Jungkook
doesn’t care, just wants Taehyung to fuck him already.

He still tries to keep his lips pressed closed, but groans are punched out of him from how hard
Taehyung thrusts into him. His cock throbs where it hangs heavy between his legs, leaking, and the
thought about coming all over Taehyung’s desk is enough to make Jungkook feel like he might.

“I’m ready, just -”

Taehyung ignores him, fingers curling inside of him, and Jungkook wishes he had something to
grab onto as pleasure washes over inside of him in waves. He wants to make Taehyung feel good
too, wants him to hurry up and split him open or whatever he suggested already.

“ Taehyung .”

The laugh Taehyung lets out is rough, overwhelmed as he slows the movement of his hands and
gingerly slips out of him. Jungkook groans when his fingers slap against his hole, excitement
filling him. “Gonna beg again?”
Jungkook grunts as he holds his weight on one hand and searches for the condom. “Just hurry up.”

He doesn’t have to look to know Taehyung’s wearing that stupid smirk again, he can hear it in his
voice when he takes the condom. “Wanna make a bet if you will or not?”

Jungkook rolls his eyes as he adjusts on the desk. Taehyung gives him room, and when he glances
over his shoulder, his eyes find Taehyung’s hands working on the buttons of his pants. “Hurry up
or I’ll find a lover to fuck me instead.”

Taehyung grins, and Jungkook likes how fucked out he looks already. It’s in the eyes, the rest of
him is primp and neat. Even his normally messy hair today is styled and gelled so locks stay curled
behind his ears. “If your goal is to make me jealous with that, it won’t work.”

It wasn’t, but Jungkook thinks about it. If Taehyung would be if Jungkook really brought someone
else home, if he wants Taehyung to be. He does, he finds, wants Taehyung to want him for himself
the way he wants Taehyung.

The realization makes Jungkook look away.

He focuses on his breathing as he tries not to squirm, but Taehyung doesn’t take his time. It seems
like only seconds before he’s rolling the condom on and cupping Jungkook’s cheeks beneath his

Jungkook’s ears burn hot when he hears Taehyung spit a moment before the head of his cock
presses against him. His heart pounds into his chest and up into his face as Taehyung rubs over
him, and he wishes it would stop so he can hear the groan Taehyung lets out when his cock
breaches his hole.

It’s silent as Taehyung grips roughly into Jungkook’s ass as he slowly guides his cock forward,
just a soft hiss from Jungkook because Taehyung’s fingers are long but not as thick. It hurts a little,
but Jungkook savors it, exhaling in deeply and keeping himself from asking Taehyung to fucking
get on with it.

He doesn’t want another teasing remark about begging for it because Jungkook just might in order
to get Taehyung to hurry up. To treat him less gently.

He’s a moment from failing at that when Taehyung twists his hands into the back of his shirt and
thrusts his hips hard. The grunt is forced from Jungkook’s throat by the suddenness of it, his body
jerking forward before he shoves his hips back into Taehyung. He grinds back against him, urges
Taehyung to move.

And Taehyung does, pulling out slowly before he tugs on Jungkook and fucks into him hard. It’s
loud, the sound of skin slapping skin. The grunt Taehyung lets out when he does. But it’s a thought
in the wind as Taehyung does it again, pulling nearly all the way out before slamming in again.

It’s the frustration of a shitty day that molds into harsh thrusts and panting, both of them
demanding of more as they work against each other. Jungkook leans his chest closer to the desk to
fuck back against every thrust, pushing back against Taehyung’s hands that try to keep his hips

The smack against his ass sounds like it hurts, but it doesn’t. It makes Jungkook’s thighs shake, his
slippery from sweat hands gripping into the desk to fuck back against Taehyung with more

And Taehyung lets him, stilling behind him as he groans low and long. His palms rub over the
bruises his fingertips left behind as Jungkook fucks back on his cock, slip up to cup his waist
without demanding anything from him.

“Fuck, Jungkook,” Taehyung moans, thumbs rubbing against his skin. It’s such a sudden shift that
it has Jungkook curling his hips harder, wanting Taehyung rough again. “Oh, baby.”

Jungkook grunts. There’s an ache in his arms, but the exertion sends an euphoric feeling inside of
him. He wants to talk shit, but he keeps his lips buried into his arm as pleasure overwhelms him.

Taehyung’s louder than he imagines after the times they’ve been together, he holds back his moans
often. But he doesn’t now, hips rocking back against Jungkook as he fills the room with these
pleasured huffs that Jungkook could record and play on repeat until he dies.

“Kook,” Taehyung groans as he presses his hand hard into Jungkook’s back to push him down
against the desk. “Fuck, you take cock so well.”

Jungkook groans at the praise. He needs to get a hand around himself, making himself come
instead of teeter at the edge of it, but Taehyung’s hand is insistent, his hips setting a brutal pace. It
knocks his thighs into the edge of the desk, his hands slipping until he lays over it flat.

“Might just,” Taehyung breathes heavily as he slows his thrusts to grind into him, “Quit my job and
fuck you full time.”

Before this, Jungkook knew Taehyung had a foul mouth. He isn’t surprised, but he still wants to
shove his fingers into it and keep him quiet.

“God, I hope not,” Jungkook says, his breathless voice ruining his attempt at being disgruntled.
“Kind of bored.”

Taehyung chuckles at that as he slaps Jungkook’s ass again, just a light smack. “Turn over, baby.”

He pulls out suddenly, hands still gripping onto Jungkook’s ass. Jungkook doesn’t like the feeling,
it’s frustrating, and he makes a face at Taehyung as he forces himself to do as asked despite how
shaky his legs feel. His whole body feels.

It’s worth it though, to see the sweat drip down Taehyung’s face, his bangs clinging to his
forehead. To see how hard he is, his pants barely down his hips. Jungkook glares at him as he hops
onto the desk, legs spreading invitingly.

“Bored,” Taehyung repeats as he steps in between them. That cocky smirk is on his lips, and it’s
even hotter because he’s panting, chest falling and rising quickly. “Didn’t sound it.”

Jungkook tilts his chin when Taehyng’s lips part and his head dips. “Really? You were the one
moaning my name.”

Taehyung grips roughly at the back of his neck, and Jungkook only gets a glimpse of his dark eyes
before their lips meet. It’s just as rough, teeth clashing, tongues chasing the other with Taehyung’s
winning out because Jungkook’s a bit weak for the way Taehyung kisses him.

Demanding, urgent. Taehyung kisses the breath from him, until Jungkook’s gripping hard onto his
shirt without knowing if he wants to tug him closer or push him back so he can continue fucking

There’s a vibration against his calf from his phone ringing, and Jungkook presses his heels into the
ground to kick off his shoes and urge his clothes to slip down his legs.
They’re barely off before Taehyung’s hooking a hand over his thigh to curl it around his waist.
Their hips press together, and Jungkook shoves a hand into Taehyung’s chest to push him back.

“Try harder to make me come this time,” Jungkook challenges as he falls back to his forearms,
knees pulling up and spreading as far as they can go.

Taehyung grins as his hands hook under Jungkook’s thighs to tug him closer. “Harder?”

He quirks a brow, and Jungkook nods, grinning. He likes this position better, likes that he can see
the way Taehyung watches as he guides his cock back into him. The way his lips part around a
harsh breath as he slams back into him, chest heaving with it.

The way his fucking hand looks wrapping around Jungkook’s cock as his hips rock into him.

“Better?” Taehyung grunts, the sound obscene mixing in with the harsh sounds of his thrusts. “Still

Jungkook tilts his head back into the desk as he reaches out and grabs Taehyung’s swinging tie,
needing something to grip onto. He’s already on edge, a second away from being pushed over with
the way Taehyung strokes his cock and fucks into him at the same pace.

It’s slow, but hard. Jungkook feels the tears brimming his eyes when it becomes too much, his
thighs clenching closer around Taehyung’s body. He doesn’t want to come first, feels like it’s
losing in this game they play with each other.

But he does, body locking up as Taehyung continues his pace. Sweat now pouring down his neck,
staining the collar of his shirt. Jungkook’s arm flies over his head to grip at the edge of the desk,
needing something to hold onto and refusing for it to be Taehyung’s hand.

It’s Taehyung that groans the loudest when Jungkook’s orgasm hits, his hips stilling when he’s
fully inside of him, hand unforgiving over Jungkook’s cock. Jungkook arches into the desk, the
pleasure making his body tense so much it fucking hurts.

“Oh,” Taehyung moans, hips circling. “Oh fuck, still - still bored?”

Jungkook’s chuckle is a mix of a moan. He hates that he trembles, that Taehyung lets go of his
cock to hold his thigh as if he wants to keep it from shaking so much.

He hates it even more that Taehyung pulls out. He has the urge to dig his heels into Taehyung’s
back to urge him to fuck him again, despite how sensitive he already feels.

But he doesn’t when Taehyung rips off the condom, uncaring where it goes, and starts to stroke

Fuck . Taehyung looks like a dream. Pleasure making his features twist, his arm working at a quick
pace to bring him to his orgasm. The way his eyes squeeze closed, Jungkook’s name falling from
his lips as his fingers dig roughly into Jungkook’s thigh.

“Come on me, lover,” Jungkook breathes, spreading his legs further, and Taehyung’s eyes glare
into him as he does just that.

He grunts at the first spurt of come from the tip, landing across Jungkook’s softening cock.
Jungkook kind of wishes he painted so he could paint how Taehyung looks like this and put it up in
a museum.
Jungkook pushes up to knock Taehyung’s hand away to milk out the rest of his orgasm. Taehyung
groans low, fisting the hair at Jungkook’s nape as he brings him into for a biting kiss. It’s hard, but
Jungkook likes the way Taehyung’s soft moans taste, the way he jerks and trembles against him.

“Come on me, lover,” Taehyung repeats breathlessly as he trails his knuckles down Jungkook’s
arms. “What the fuck was that?”

Jungkook doesn’t reply as he uncurls his hand from Taehyung’s cock and brings it up to his lips.
Taehyung barely moves back, only enough to watch Jungkook lick the come from his fingers.

“Same thing as, ‘I want to split you open’, I guess,” Jungkook murmurs back, lips tugging into a
grin before he presses it to Taehyung’s.

Despite not needing to waste time, they do. Kissing each other softly until Jungkook’s body has
stopped trembling enough that he trusts that he can stand. He feels like a mess, sweaty and come
drying to his skin. His ass throbbing, pain in his elbows and thighs. It’s what he wanted, to fuck out
his frustration.

“Come back later?” Taehyung asks as he steps back to grab a box of tissues to clean them off.

Jungkook shrugs as he leans back on his hands to tell Taehyung to clean him off. “I’ll think about

Taehyung rolls his eyes. He does a shitty job at cleaning him up, and Jungkook knows it’s on
purpose. “What can I do to convince you?”

With a long sigh, Jungkook pretends to contemplate it. When he comes up with an answer, he
sends Taehyung a challenging look. “Beg for it.”

With a smack to his thigh, Taehyung leans over him and teases their mouths together. “No way in
hell, baby.”

Chapter End Notes

-- when jk's talking to daehee, daehee grabs his throat and jk shoves him off

Thanks so much for reading!!

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Chapter 7
Chapter Notes

Helloooo, I'm not sure if I said it before but I'm really really happy you guys are
enjoying it. And I'm sorry it's gone way over the expected length, but hopefully you're
still enjoying it so its okay ^_^

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Tell me something about you.”

It’s quiet except for the low volume of the television. Jungkook knows Taehyung probably likes
that fact, but he can’t help but disturb it.

Taehyung doesn’t pull his eyes away from the tablet in his hands, but he does cock his head in

They’re both still naked, though Taehyung’s drawn the sheets over his lower half and now wears
his glasses. Jungkook’s thankful Taehyung’s done as he asked, coming home earlier to spend time
with him even if they didn’t make it a quarter of the way through the shitty comedy Jungkook
selected before they were fucking.

At least Taehyung didn’t go to his office afterwards but decided to stay in bed with him.

“Like, the only thing you know about me is I’m reckless and I have a brother, basically,” Jungkook
goes on like he’s trying to explain himself or where he’s trying to go with this.

“I know how you take your coffee,” Taehyung says offhandedly as he types away at his tablet. The
curve of his neck is covered in bruises, larger ones from Jungkook’s mouth and small ones from
his fingers. Some faded, some new. “And that you suck cock like a fucking champ. What else is
there to know?”

His lips tilt up at that, and Jungkook grunts as he flops himself back onto the pillow to bury his
arms beneath it.

“I wanted to major in film,” Jungkook goes on, eyes trailing over Taehyung’s profile. His messy,
sweat dried hair. The way his chest expands as he breathes. “I lost my virginity when I was

Taehyung slowly takes off his glasses before placing them and his tablet to the nightstand.

“The first time I sucked dick I almost threw up and then fought with Yoongi because he was the
one that told me it was great,” Jungkook goes on, the words tumbling from his mouth the moment
they enter his brain. “I came out to my parents because they wanted me to marry a woman, and I

Taehyung turns his body to him, amusement in his eyes as he props himself on one elbow and
looks down at him. He doesn’t say a word but he lifts a brow as if to indicate Jungkook should
keep going.
“I had a cat named Tony when I was seven, but it ran away,” Jungkook goes on as he pulls his arm
out from under the pillow so Taehyung can see the thin scar on his forearm. “Fucker wasn’t nice
but I loved him.”

Taehyung’s lips quirk up, eyes brightening. He reaches out then, knuckles trailing down
Jungkook’s side. “Tony.”

“Yeah, had a skateboard phase,” Jungkook explains, the muscles in his back tensing when
Taehyung’s whole palm slides over his back. “My first job I worked at a bakery, which was more a
punishment from my parents than me just wanting to work. Got free treats though because I know
how to kiss old people’s asses better than you kiss your father’s.”

Taehyung’s hand stills where it’s rubbing lower down Jungkook’s back for a moment but nothing
changes on his face except his eyes leave Jungkook’s to follow his hand.

“I hate budget reviews and anything to do with data analysis,” Jungkook says because he has
Taehyung’s full attention now, and he wants to keep it. “But I actually don’t mind my job. I want to
be higher up, but that’s still years off. My mom’s kind of okay, but that’s because I always
compare her to my dad who is a shit bag.”

And so is yours.

“Are you going to say something?”

Taehyung glances at him but doesn’t say anything as he trails his fingers over the swell of
Jungkook’s ass. It’s so light it tickles over the sore patch of skin on one cheek that Jungkook’s sure
is a dark red by now.

“What is it that you want me to say?” Taehyung asks, distracted sounding.

God, he’s annoying, Jungkook thinks. So annoying he kind of wants to kiss him. “Tell me
something about you like that. Or respond to what I said. I don’t know. Conversate, man.”

Taehyung sighs as he slips his fingers beneath the curve of Jungkook’s ass to slide over the top of
his thigh. It feels like every inch of him has erupted in goosebumps. “I had a dog. Needy thing. I
would try to do my studies but he’d shove his body into my lap and didn’t care if he damaged my
homework. Pushed it right off my lap because that’s where he wanted to be.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes. “Right, sorry for interrupting you.”

He attempts to turn his body so he can roll off the bed, but Taehyung digs his fingers into his ass
cheek and stops him. “Don’t. I’m just teasing.”

Jungkook glares at him, but he can tell Taehyung’s being genuine. He’s seen Taehyung when he’s
really annoyed or aggravated, never seems to be one to pretend he isn’t. He doesn’t look that way
at all now, but soft and playful.

“I had a rebellious phase before I went to college,” Taehyung says, hand still firm on him. “Dyed
my hair red, pierced as much of my ears as possible.”

Jungkook relaxes against the mattress, and Taehyung releases the hold on him. That amusement is
back in Taehyung’s eyes as he talks softly, his voice deep and words coming out slow like he’s
thinking about each one.

“I was pissed off at my parents because all they did was fight,” Taehyung goes on, his hand back to
touching over him like he wants to distract Jungkook the way he distracts Taehyung. “So I’d steal
their car. Some fancy thing that my dad never drives but owns just because he can. I wouldn’t go
anywhere with it, really. I don’t even know what the point of doing that was. Teenagers are selfish,
you know?”

Jungkook doesn’t believe everyone is perfectly clean, is the perfect child all of the time, he’s still
surprised by this admission. He can’t really see it. It doesn’t fit with the ideas of Taehyung in his

Though, Jungkook guesses those aren’t quite correct anyway. He has seen Taehyung speak against
his father in a way that his own would see as disrespectful. But Daehee hadn’t seemed bothered by
it. Maybe he isn’t as much of an ass kisser as Jungkook assumes.

“Fucked for the first time in the backseat,” Taehyung whispers naughtily, head shaking from side
to side. “Made sure they knew about it too. Left a condom on the floor.”

Jungkook snorts, but his body is erupting in goosebumps from the way Taehyung touches him.
“Who was it?”

Taehyung shrugs, fingers sliding over Jungkook’s cheeks until it feels like his hand is touching
every inch of his ass. “Some guy I knew. I didn’t care at the time. Practically Eeny Meny Minie
Mo’d my contact list.”

“What’d your parents say?”

Taehyung chuckles. “I don’t remember. I felt bad for giving them a shit time when they were
clearly having one already, so I went and spent the remainder of the time before college started
with Jimin. Which, I guess was less to get out of their hair and more because I couldn’t be around
the fighting anymore.”

A sigh falls from Jungkook’s lips as Taehyung parts his cheeks. He wonders offhandedly if
Taehyung doesn’t like talking about personal things, if that’s why he doesn’t and tries to stop
Jungkook every time he tries, or if he really is just confused as to why Jungkook wants to know

It feels like it’s the former because it always goes like this, though this is the first time Taehyung’s
told him something that could be considered a heart to heart. But Taehyung doesn’t look bothered
when he speaks, and he touches Jungkook like he’s the distracted one.

Jungkook’s legs spread without his permission in reaction to it, and he doesn’t want to be so easily

But he can’t deny liking how it feels when Taehyung’s thumb dips between his cheeks to graze
over his stretched hole.

“Anything else you’d like to know?” Taehyung murmurs mockingly as he leans his head down
towards Jungkook’s.

Jungkook nods, refusing to give in even if arousal stirs inside of him. “Tell me more.”

Taehyung hums as his thumb pushes into Jungkook, and it’s hard not to press his hips back into it.
He can feel Taehyung’s breath on his lips as he tilts his head back, but Taehyung doesn’t kiss him.

He doesn’t say anything either, just teases his mouth over Jungkook’s before his teeth bite down at
his lower lip and tug.
“Tae,” Jungkook groans. Taehyung cuts him off from finishing his complaint, slotting their lips
together as his thumb moves deeper. It makes Jungkook’s stomach erupt in butterflies, cock
twitching where it’s trapped between his body and the bed.

“Hm?” Taehyung hums when he pulls back an inch. He pulls his thumb from Jungkook just to
press what feels like two fingers into him from the width of it.

Jungkook’s hips arch, mouth falling open around an exhale. He feels like burying his face into the
pillow because of the sensation stirring through him, but he’s stubborn. “Tae - I’m not done

Taehyung presses his forehead into Jungkook’s temple for a long moment before he pulls his hand
away from Jungkook’s ass and rolls back onto his back. The sheets are tented over his lap, but he
doesn’t acknowledge it. “Okay. What else?”

The suddenness of Taehyung pulling away makes Jungkook hesitate. “I don’t know. How about,
what was your favorite class?”

“I’ve always wanted to be a lawyer. From the start,” Taehyung explains to him as he shimmies his
body against the pillow to get comfortable. “I did enjoy literature classes as well. Writing a book is
on my bucket list. Next question.”

He plants his hands on his stomach, eyes on the television that’s still playing the movie. He turns
to Jungkook when he doesn’t reply, a question in his eyes.

Jungkook shifts against the sheets, lips quirking up. “Why’d you stop touching me?”

Taehyung’s eyes catch on the movement of Jungkook’s body immediately. He shines with
amusement. “I was hoping to fuck again but you seem insistent on talking, so we’ll talk.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes. “You can fuck and talk at the same time, Taehyung.”

When Taehyung turns on his side again to give Jungkook a curious look, Jungkook spreads his legs
like an invitation.

“Did talking about my rebellious stage get you horny?” Taehyung teases playfully, eyebrows

“Shut up,” Jungkook sneers. “It was the red hair.”

Taehyung laughs before he is on him again. Jungkook curves only slightly so he can kiss Taehyung
and still have Taehyung’s hand where he wants it.

“My parents forgave me for the car stealing,” Taehyung murmurs against his lips as he cups
Jungkook’s cheek to spread him again. “Knew I was acting out. But the clothes and hair?

Jungkook groans when Taehyung pushes his hips flat down, making him have to angle his neck
uncomfortably to kiss him again.

“I have some pictures if you want to see,” Taehyung replies as he presses his hand into Jungkook’s
back and leans over him. It’s unnecessary to do just to grab the bottle of lube they discarded earlier,
but Jungkook isn’t complaining. He likes to feel Taehyung’s body against his own. “How do you
feel about fishnets?”
Jungkook’s laugh twists off into an exaggerated pleased noise at the mental image of it. “Do you
still have them?”

“Somewhere,” Taehyung breathes out as he falls back to his side. He’s very meticulous in the way
he opens the bottle and coats his fingers. Clinical. He looks at his fingers when he rubs them
together like he’s analyzing the substance on them. “I think they went into storage when I cleaned
out my closet for you.”

A sigh falls from Jungkook’s lips as Taehyung presses his fingers against him. There’s no teasing,
he just slips his fingers into him until he finds that spot of nerves inside of Jungkook that has his
hips lifting off the bed.

“We can go through them,” Taehyung says conversationally, like he isn’t insistently rubbing down
on Jungkook’s prostate. “Dress up and go out somewhere.”

Jungkook screws his eyes shut as pleasure sparks through him. It’s overwhelming, he’s sensitive.
He grips into the sheets beneath the pillow, fighting the urge to push up on his knees.

“Somewhere fancy. Have a party on your mother’s yacht,” Taehyung goes on, talking over the
sharp moans Jungkook lets out. “Or if you want a more intimate setting.”

Jungkook grunts, glaring up at Taehyung.

“To ask me what my favorite childhood cartoon was or something.”

Annoyed, Jungkook pushes up on his knees. But Taehyung is quick to follow him, fingers barely
leaving him as he gets on his too and fucks his fingers hard enough into Jungkook to make him
almost fall forward, chest closer to the bed.

“You’re a dick,” Jungkook moans, thighs spreading as Taehyung settles behind him. He supports
his weight on his forearms, head hanging and a tremble starting up his spine before Taehyung even
touches him again. “Is it that bad I just want to talk to you?”

“No,” Taehyung murmurs, lowering over his body as he grinds his fingers back into him. “It’s
cute. Ask me anything, anytime.”

Another moan is pulled from Jungkook’s throat, and he can’t ask a thing. He can’t focus on
anything other than the stimulation against his prostate, the earthquake it creates in his body.

The way Taehyung kisses his spine and settles back on his calves to just watch Jungkook fall apart
around his fingers.

“It was Digimon,” Taehyung says, voice low. “By the way.”

Jungkook laughs hoarsely, head hanging. “Shut the fuck up and just fuck me already.”

“I thought you wanted to talk while I touched you?” Taehyung teases.

There’s a throbbing in Jungkook’s ears, his heart taking on a high speed chase as the feeling inside
of him builds and builds. It’s as frustrating as it is pleasuring, and he finds it impossible to keep his
body from squirming back against Taehyung’s fingers because of it. Knees slipping over the
sheets, hands pushing into them.

“Not anymore,” Jungkook gasps, stomach tightening. His cock leaks like a fucking faucet where it
dangles between his legs, twitching back against his stomach every time Taehyung rubs down.
“Shut up, please.”

Taehyung groans as he reaches between Jungkook’s legs to take his cock in hand. “What if I tell
you how good you look right now?”

Jungkook’s thighs tense as if to keep Taehyung’s hand from touching him. It’s unbearable, the
pleasure Jungkook feels. He cries out softly, mouth pressing into his wrist and leaving a trail of
drool behind.

“Just don’t stop.”

He gets a rough jab at that, Taehyung’s fist twisting over the head of Jungkook’s cock. Taehyung
chuckles lowly, and Jungkook feels the warm wet of his mouth against his sore ass cheek when he

“Anything for you, baby.”

There is a dull pounding in his skull, nothing that hurts enough to take his full attention, but enough
to be annoying. Jungkook blames it on how little he slept the night before, sleeping in too much to
grab a coffee before work, and fucking data analysis.

“Mr. Jeon, are you okay?”

Jungkook glances at his manager, nodding. “Yes, Manager Go. Didn’t sleep much.”

The man’s eyes search over his face for a moment before he turns his body and indicates the data
on the screen behind him. “Your hotel outside of Buan is down ten percent compared to last year.”
He indicates the number with a light he holds in his hand, the red dot dancing across the screen.

“Buan’s seasonal,” Jungkook defends gently, fingers rubbing over the edge of his computer. “The
profit we make in the spring, and foreigners prefer to stay in town. But even then, last month we
made more than we did last year.”

Manager Go holds his gaze for a moment before he nods. “Call the General Manager and discuss
budget cuts. Next, Mr. Wang -”

Jungkook sighs, wanting to sink in his seat. He doesn’t, because like always, eyes are on him.

The one downside to being the owner’s son is there’s a lot of ass kissing from people like if they
offer to file Jungkook’s paperwork into their new online system he’ll promote them or something.
Jungkook doesn’t care for it.

And there’s moments like right now, when he’s not feeling at his best, that he’d prefer not to have
attention on him. Like the eyes of his colleagues watching him when he wants to rest on his laptop
and take a nap.

Jungkook meets the eyes over his laptop, peering at them in warning before he focuses them on his
laptop. He pretends to focus on his manager and take notes, but Jungkook tunes out the moment he
speaks to someone else.

Pulling up his email, Jungkook quickly composes a new one. He bites back his grin, his heart
swelling a little in his chest. Taehyung’s yet to text him back this morning, but Jungkook knows he
checks his email religiously.


Mr. Kim,

This is Jeon Jungkook from Bae Hotels. I was wondering if I could request a consultation with you.
It’s regarding a contract I have with my husband and the possibility of an addendum.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Jeon Jungkook
Digimon Enthusiast

Jungkook snorts at himself when he sends it. Easily amused, perhaps, but even more so when
Taehyung’s response comes immediately.

And when he sees that Taehyung’s played along.


Mr. Jeon,

I apologize, but my schedule is quite busy at the moment. I would have a slot for you before dinner
tonight, but unfortunately my husband is quite whiny if I don’t come home until late.

I am open to discussing this addendum over the phone or I can reference you to another attorney at
our firm. I can assure you that you are in good hands with all of them.

Kim Taehyung
Attorney at Law & Devoted Husband

The chuckle Jungkook lets out captures the attention of the people around him again. He sends an
apologetic look to his manager, who only gazes at him briefly before turning back to the chart on
the board.

Mr. Kim,

Unfortunately, the only hands I want are yours. If you have an opening in your schedule, please
don’t hesitate to email me. I will make it worth your while. Please see the attached document for

Looking forward to your response,

Jeon Jungkook
District Manager & Whiny Husband

He quickly searches through his phone for the photo, emailing it to himself to attach it to
Taehyung’s. He doesn’t know if any of Taehyung’s assistants or colleagues have access to his
emails. With how private Taehyung is, he doubts it.

Jungkook also doesn’t really care if anyone sees him flirting with his husband. Hell, enough
articles have been posted of them groping each other that he thinks this is harmless in comparison.
He also doesn’t care if someone sees a semi indecent photo of him. It’s nothing any more revealing
than the ones he posts publicly to Instagram.

It takes a little longer for Jungkook to get a response this time. He clicks between a few different
emails waiting for it, jumping between replying to property managers and searching his own name
online because there’s been a lingering paranoia that Daehee will push something into the media
after their dispute the other day.

When the email finally comes from Taehyung, Jungkook ignores how quickly he clicks onto it.
There is no message, but an attachment.

Jungkook side eyes the coworker before he pulls his computer a little closer to his body and angles
it away from him.

It isn’t explicit. Jungkook grins at the sight of a younger Taehyung, hair a bright apple red. He has
a seductive look on his face, his pose even sexier where he leans back on the hood of a sports car.
His shirt barely covers anything past his chest, the jagged edges of the hem telling Jungkook it was

He definitely looks like the stereotypical parents’ worst nightmare. Jeans ripped and painted with
red English curse words. Fishnets poking out through the holes in his jeans, covering his belly
where Jungkook sees his fly is open.

from: m

Mr. Kim,

I would like to insist that we meet. I am interested in recreating this photo with a present time you.
I have a much more expensive car for you to lean on. I am sure your husband will understand and
appreciate this as well.

Most Sincerely,
Jeon Jungkook
Rebellious Taehyung Enthusiast

“Mr. Jeon. Do you agree?

Jungkook glances over his coworkers as he nods. “Seems like a good idea to me.”

Manager Go gives him a knowing look. “Is there something more interesting on your computer?”

With narrowing eyes, Jungkook rubs over his jaw before he speaks. “Yes. My mother has
instructed that I work on getting more investments in the company. I’m simply replying to an email
from a potential investor.”

Manager Go widens his eyes and quickly nods apologetically. “Yes, of course. But make it quick.”

Jungkook leans back in his chair to reply, but Taehyung hasn’t. He doesn’t either, forcing
Jungkook to actually have to pay attention to the meeting though he keeps checking his inbox.

Not needy, he reminds himself, but bummed he no longer has a distraction.

Or so he thinks until his assistant is slipping into the conference room with an apologetic bow.
“I’m so sorry to interrupt. Mr. Jeon has a visitor. I tried to tell him that Mr. Jeon was in an
important meeting, but they’ve threatened to call CEO Bae.”

Jungkook doesn’t even ask who it is before he closes his laptop and stands. There shouldn’t be
much more to the meeting anyway, but Jungkook’s been wanting to leave since it started.
“Manager Go, if you’ll excuse me. If there’s anything else of importance, just send the files to my

“We’re going paperless,” Manager Go sighs like he’s tired. It’s supposed to be a key part of their
meeting today, and Jungkook grimaces because he wasn’t listening. It wasn’t like Manager Go
wasn’t aware of this fact, though.

“Email then,” Jungkook says before he taps two fingers against his brow in salute.

It is a thought in the back of his mind, a possibility as to who could be waiting for him in his
office. Though, Jungkook thinks that’s more to do with him wanting to see Taehyung rather than
there being any reason for him to think it would be. He also can’t think of who else would stoop to
threatening to call his mother other than Taehyung.

But still, surprise fills him as he takes in Taehyung perched on the edge of his desk.

“Hey, lover.”

Jungkook grins as he walks to Taehyung, stepping between his legs and brushing their bodies
together as he deposits his things on his desk. “Mr. Kim. I thought you were a busy man. Suddenly
you have time to threaten receptionists?”

Taehyung only hums as he curls his fingers around Jungkook’s belt and tugs him forward an inch.
“I was meeting your brother down the road at the smoothie shop and thought I would drop by with

He turns his body some, showing off the two drinks that he has sitting on the desk behind him.

“I didn’t know what flavor you liked so I guessed,” Taehyung says through his soft smile. “And I
didn’t threaten. I simply told her that I would ask for your mother’s assistance in getting you if she

“Banana,” Jungkook murmurs as he leans down and glides his lips over Taehyung’s. He pulls away
without properly kissing him and ignores the way Taehyung glares at him in response. “Though,
it’s a nice gesture so anything is fine. But, you don’t have to threaten anyone just to bring me a
smoothie. I already got scolded for you interrupting me during my meeting.”

He pulls back until Taehyung lets his belt go, and he grabs the untouched drink. It is banana, and
Jungkook doesn’t know why he’s still surprised by Taehyung’s odd ability to be right all of the

“If I remember correctly, you emailed me first,” Taehyung reminds him, and Jungkook ignores it.

“Why were you meeting with my brother?” Jungkook asks as he settles into his seat. Taehyung
lingers on the edge for a minute before standing to his feet. He doesn’t sit at first, and Jungkook
wants to ask him to please stay.

“Confidental,” Taehyung says as he grabs the back of the chair and pulls it from the desk. He’s not
dressed up as much today, though he still looks professional. His sweater expensive and soft
looking, tucking into his jeans. Jungkook doesn’t think he’s ever seen him in jeans before now.
“Jungkook, since we were playing Q&A last night, I came up with some questions of my own.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes as he sips at his smoothie. “Alright.”

There’s a bit of hesitancy in Taehyung that makes the amusement inside of Jungkook fade. There’s
no more mention of their playful emails, which is why Jungkook had assumed Taehyung stopped
by if he was close.

Taehyung taps his fingers on the desk before he props his elbow to the arm of the chair and rubs
his finger over his jaw, eyes intense on him a moment before he speaks. “Have you ever done
anything illegal outside of the things I’ve already known about?”

Annoyance fills Jungkook so quickly his headache grows worse. He plants his smoothie down to
the table, not afraid to show Taehyung how annoyed it’s made him. “Public indecency.
Trespassing. Truancy. I smoke weed sometimes. Reckless driving. No grand theft auto, though.
Haven’t quite gotten to your level yet.”

Taehyung’s lips quirk up as he adjusts in the seat. “I’m not accusing you of anything. You don’t
need to be defensive.”

Jungkook could scoff at that. “Taehyung, I think we need to have a serious talk about you
constantly bringing up my past or things that I’ve done. Your lack of trust in me because of it
pisses me off.”

Silence. Taehyung is aggravatingly quiet as he looks at Jungkook in response. That’s all. Just stares
at him with those heavy intense eyes.

“I’m not asking you to stop either. I’m telling you to,” Jungkook goes on, demanding. “I know you
see me as irresponsible, but my parents are shitty, and I don’t care about what effect my actions
have on them. I do care about the effect they have on you. I’m not an irresponsible asshole that
doesn’t have any feelings.”

Taehyung tilts his head to the side, and Jungkook finds the way his curly bangs brush over his
eyebrows to be pretty. He wants to swipe them away even though he’s annoyed enough that he kind
of wants to shove Taehyung out of his office at the same time.

“Jungkook,” Taehyung finally says, sliding his hand over the desk and closer to him. “I’m simply
asking you. Not trusting you would mean I don’t believe your response or I think you’re lying.
Which isn't the case.”

Jungkook juts out his chin. “Then why are you asking me?”

Taehyung swallows thickly, fingers tapping, and Jungkook has an urge to clasp their hands
together. But he won’t. “I’ve done extensive background checks on your entire family when my
father put this marriage on the table. Your father’s done a good job at hiding things your brother
has done. Things I’m only finding out about now, and not from who I would prefer to learn it from

It makes Jungkook even more annoyed. Taehyung’s mentioned before how shitty of a job his
father’s done for him. He shouldn’t be surprised, though. Jihyun has always been his parents’ pride
and joy. The one that will make something out of himself, worthy enough to protect his past from
trying to ruin his future.

He doesn’t even give a shit what Jihyun’s done.

“I’m assuming it was your father,” Taehyung goes on as he turns his hand palm up, fingers curling
to beckon Jungkook’s hand forward. “Like I said, your brother isn’t that cooperative in handing
over information even if I’m his fucking lawyer. Things that I have stressed are necessary for me to

Jungkook gives in, sliding his hand over Taehyung’s. He regrets it the moment Taehyung grabs his
wrist and yanks his arm over the desk.

There’s a small grin on his face when he brings Jungkook’s hand up and kisses his knuckles.
“Forgive me if I came off as untrusting. This is simply my way of giving you a chance to tell me if
there are any crimes similar to the ones your brother has committed in your past. Things I could
potentially stumble upon if you don’t tell me now.”

“I’m not a princess. No need to kiss my hand,” Jungkook says as he yanks his hand back when
Taehyung looks as if he may kiss it again. “What has my brother done?”

Unbothered, again, Taehyung leans into the chair. “Can’t tell you.”

“Then I can’t tell you if there are,” Jungkook shoots back, crossing his arms defiantly over his

“If what you listed is all, then that answers my question,” Taehyung replies, head cocking to the
side. “Though, you did forget to list the disorderly conduct arrest.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes. “There’s nothing else.”

Taehyung’s shoulders relax, though Jungkook hadn’t noticed how tense they were until now. He
gives Jungkook a genuine smile as he leans on his elbows and rests his face in his hands. “Good.
No need to be defensive with me, baby. I trust you.”

A bit of guilt fills Jungkook because there is something he’s hiding from Taehyung. Something he
truly doesn’t know if Taehyung would be angry about if he somehow found out Jungkook was
keeping it a secret. It’s technically illegal, but on Daehee’s part more so than his own.
“I still want you to stop bringing it up,” Jungkook says, his tone slipping some even though he
wants to remain firm on this. He is firm on this, but he’s also not used to this. Telling someone
when they’ve bothered him and hoping they just change rather than fuck off.

Taehyung nods without hesitation. “Okay.” He stands then, coming across the desk to slip into his
lap. It reminds Jungkook of the last time they were in an office together, and his ears burn hot.
“Will you be home tonight?”

He is every night, Jungkook thinks. Doesn’t say it out loud because it’s embarrassing to admit. He
doesn’t want Taehyung to ever use that against him. “Undecided. Might go out with Hobi and

Taehyung slides a hand down his chest, humming. He has innocent eyes, but Jungkook knows
Taehyung better than that. Knows the implication when he slides a finger down Jungkook’s tie and
takes it into hand isn’t just him fidgeting.

“I was thinking about that yacht party. Wanted to plan,” Taehyung says quietly. “And to talk about
this addendum you want. One you want so badly you’re willing to send naughty pictures to your
innocent lawyer to get.”

Jungkook grins as he pushes up in his seat, grabbing the desk to keep his chair from rolling back
and so Taehyung can support his weight against it. “Innocent? That picture you sent wasn’t so

Taehyung’s grin grows, and it looks like he struggles not to laugh. “I’m a changed man. Now tell
me, what is this addendum you want?”

“I want to add a mandatory date night clause, and a no ignoring me policy.”

Taehyung chuckles, eyes rolling. “I already agreed to spend more time with you, lover. But I’m in
the middle of cross examining witnesses, and I can’t slack off. Plus, I keep getting shit handed to
me that I’m not expecting.”

He grits out the last part like he’s tired, and the guilt inside of him worsens.

“I was just playing with you because I was bored during my meeting,” Jungkook promises. “I
know you’re busy. Was hoping a little flirting would give your mind a break, even if it’s only for a
few minutes.”

Taehyung looks at him for a long moment. Silence hangs in the air, and Jungkook does feel bad.
He doesn’t mean to get in the way of Taehyung’s work or stress him out, but it’s also Taehyung
that came to his office today. Taehyung’s the one that’s not leaving.

Jungkook knows better than to think too much about it, but he’s going to anyway.

“When this case is over, the first weekend after it, I am entirely yours,” Taehyung promises as he
lets go of Jungkook’s tie and cups his throat instead. “Whatever you want to do. However you want
to do me.”

It makes Jungkook feel needy, and he isn’t. But he likes the idea of that more than he’ll admit.
“Hurry up and win the damn case then.”

Taehyung giggles. “I will. Think about what you want, and I’m planning that yacht party. If you
decide to go out tonight, just let me know so I won’t waste my time going home.”
Part of Jungkook wishes to see if Taehyung would care about coming home to an empty place, but
he has a feeling Taehyung hates that more than he lets on. “Will do.”

“And I’m sorry if I come off like I think what everyone else does about you,” Taehyung says
softly, eyes searching over Jungkook’s face. “I don’t. Now, can I kiss you again or would you like
an apologetic fruit basket instead?”

Jungkook grins big. “If you beg for it.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes and doesn’t do that. Instead he kisses Jungkook, and maybe Jungkook
wants to convince Taehyung his resolve can’t so easily be broken by intimacy, but he fails in this
moment as he kisses Taehyung back.

It lasts for a moment, and Jungkook wants to say he’s the one that’s pulling away first because he
wants to hold firm to what he’s said, but it isn’t true.

“Oh - I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you had company, Mr, Jeon.”

Taehyung’s mouth is still slicked, tugging into a grin. He barely pulls back, shameless in the way
he continues to sit on Jungkook’s lap despite company.

“Manager Go,” Jungkook says as he pinches Taehyung’s hip to tell him to get off. “I’m sorry. Meet
my husband.”

Proving he isn’t uncaring and apathetic is a little difficult like this, with Jungkook’s manager
catching him slacking off. He can’t fire him or even write him up, perks of being the owner’s son,
but still.

It’s slow the way Taehyung slips off Jungkook’s lap, and kind of hot how he pushes up onto the
desk to lift himself and winks at him.

Jungkook just hates how easily his neck gets hot.

Taehyung leans down with a hand under Jungkook’s chin. The kiss he leaves is lingering,
purposefully slow. Jungkook sighs when his tongue swipes over his teeth.

“Text me,” Taehyung whispers so only he can hear. “See you tonight. Manager Go, it’s nice to
finally meet you.”

Manager Go looks just as hot as Jungkook feels as he bows deeply. “Mr. Kim, please no need to

Taehyung waves a hand. “I don’t mean to keep Jungkook-ah from his duties. I apologize. He’s just
a bit irresistible.”

Jungkook snorts and unsuccessfully tries to hide it behind his hand.


“If you’re telling me what I think you’re telling me then shut the hell up.”

Rage fills Taehyung. It feels like panic, his heart beating too fast, his breath hard to catch up with.
He stares at the photo in Namjoon’s hand before he grabs it and tears it to shreds.

“Tae,” Namjoon starts, hesitant. He’s been pale since he came into the office, and maybe
Taehyung is a bit of a dick to his coworkers. He’ll admit it. He’s going to be an asshole right now
and doesn’t try to stop himself. “I don’t think it’s Jungkook.”

“You just told me he goes by J ,” Taehyung snaps as he kicks the garbage bin until the top flies
open. “There’s enough evidence here for the possibility to be quite high. Enough evidence to make
a good argument.”

It isn’t even just that, though the moment those words left Namjoon’s lips, Taehyung wanted to
shove them back in. It’s also the papers on his desk, print outs from Jungkook’s fucking shady ass
bank statements.

“Not enough evidence to ever convince a jury without a reasonable doubt,” Namjoon reminds him,
lowering his voice as he glances at Taehyung’s office door to make sure it’s shut. He’s sure anyone
close enough can at least make out the fact that Taehyung’s been yelling.

It’s been days, and he’s still getting teased because Jin overheard him and Jungkook fucking inside.
Taehyung will admit there were a few times he lost himself, forgetting they weren’t alone fully. He
couldn’t help it, not with how tight Jungkook was around him. How demanding his hips were
working back against him.

Taehyung nibbles on his bottom lip. Before, Taehyung was sure fucking could possibly complicate
things between them. He wasn’t anticipating this complicating things even further.

The fact that he could potentially be married to a man who gambles away his money at an illegal
club. A man who could be complicit in the crimes Taehyung is positive Dongmin is actually guilty
of committing.

“What did Jihyun say?” Namjoon goes on when Taehyung stews in angry silence instead of

“I’m not religious Joon, but I’m thanking every god in every belief system that I did not marry Jeon
Jihyun,” Taehyung grunts as he slumps onto his desk and rubs at his face. “He is possibly the
worst headache I’ve ever had to deal with. Talking to him makes me feel like I’m a detective and
he’s the prime suspect of my investigation.”

It took nearly his entire morning to get Jihyun to just tell him what the hell he’s doing at the club.
Asking him about the man with the bucket hat seemed to be impossible, and Taehyung doesn’t
know how returned Jihyun’s feelings are for Jungkook to know if Jihyun would go that far to
protect him. Taehyung would for his family, but he isn’t going to assume everyone is the same.

If Jihyun cares for Jungkook, he may not be willing to give up his involvement.

“The reason I need to know this shit,” Taehyung goes on as he hits one of the files on the desk
beside him until it splatters to the ground, “Is to protect his ass. Not lock him up. And don’t even
get me started on Dongmin. The bastard wired money to an account overseas after I very explicitly
told him that there’s too much attention on him right now.”

Taehyung rants until his throat hurts, and he’s knocked enough piles to the ground that it will be
annoying to pick up. Namjoon doesn’t interrupt him once, just listens as he grows paler and paler.
Taehyung only stops his tantrum when Namjoon flinches as his stapler goes flying to the ground.

“Sorry,” Taehyung grunts roughly, wanting to yank his hair out. “Don’t shoot the messenger, I

Namjoon slips his hands into his pockets, eyes trailing after him. “You should just ask him, Tae.”

It isn’t that easy. Jungkook’s sensitive to being accused of things, and if Taehyung’s wrong, then
he’s only going to offend Jungkook. Make him think he’s untrustworthy again. He just -

“How easy is it to ask your husband how and where he suddenly got a massive amount of money?”
Taehyung asks, grabbing the paper from his desk to show Namjoon his bank statements despite
how many times Namjoon’s already seen them. “He’s already told me he doesn’t gamble, he hasn’t
done anything illegal other than what we’ve already known about. I’m not going to keep accusing
him. Even if I simply ask him, he’s going to feel like I’m accusing him of it.”

But god, it’s driving Taehyung crazy. He sighs until he feels all of the oxygen leave his lungs. “I’m
sorry, Namjoon-ssi. Thank you for listening to me vent, and for doing this all for me. I won’t ask
you another favor any time soon.”

Namjoon grins. “So like, not until tomorrow?”

Taehyung rolls his eyes and pats Namjoon on the chest. It is a bit awkward because they’re not too
affectionate with each other, but he really wants to show how apologetic he is. Namjoon works
really hard for him, and even if Taehyung’s yelling about something else and not at him
specifically, he doesn’t have to always be subject to it.

“Go home for the day. I’m gonna talk to my father.”

Namjoon nods. “Just ask him, Tae.”

The door to Daehee’s office is opened, but Taehyung still raps his knuckles against it before
slipping into the room. His father is talking to someone on the phone, a smile filling his face as he
waves Taehyung in.

It’s a bright smile, one that emphasizes the wrinkles around his mouth and eyes. The one downside
to working this hard is how it ages you, and Taehyung reminds himself of this when he looks at the
wrinkled version of his own face every day. He splurges on face products and the best
dermatologist in the country because of it.

“Yes. For the week. I love you too.”

Taehyung falls into the chair across from his father. Out of all the things he could have told
Jungkook the other night, he’s not sure why he told him about his parents’ rough patch. It did have
a big toll on him emotionally, but the feeling hasn’t stuck with him at all. Only in small moments
when his parents embrace each other, and Taehyung sees how much they still love each other he
feels a little relief.

But now he understands more, the way people work. Why people get divorced or lose touch. He’s
an adult, and if his parents were to have a falling out, it wouldn’t be the end of the world. He’d
make sense of it, understand it has nothing to do with him.

It’ll just kind of break Taehyung’s heart.

“What is it?” Daehee says immediately, hand reaching out as his eyes land on the paper in
Taehyung’s hand. His smile lingers for a moment before he takes in Taehyung’s expression.

“Was that Eomma?”

Daehee hums. “I got called out of a town for a case next week. I was just letting her know. She
wants you and Jungkook over for dinner again. To apologize to him.”

Taehyung offers the paper then, though he feels his defenses rise before his father can even look at
it. He doesn’t know why. Maybe that’s him thinking Jungkook’s more innocent than he realizes,
ready to defend him if his father comes to the same suspicious conclusion that Taehyung has.

It upset Jungkook when his mother accused him of things, thought badly of him. Taehyung doesn’t
want it to happen again but he needs to talk to someone that’s always been on the same page as
him. Him and his father rarely think differently about things.

“I’ll ask him. What case?”

Daehee flicks his eyes between him and the print out of Jungkook’s bank account. His face is
unreadable, only his jaw ticking as he taps at it. “An old client of mine is seeking my counsel
again. I’ve rescheduled the company dinner for the week after.”

Taehyung didn’t want to go to the dinner anyway. Another thing he was trying to get out of.

“Taehyung, why are you showing me Jungkook’s bank records?”

Licking over his lips, Taehyung hesitates for a moment. He didn’t think of the right words to say
before he came in here, was confident enough that he didn’t need to. “I am looking in to seeing if
Jungkook has the same involvement in the DK case as his brother does.”

Daehee plants the paper to the table, still clenching it in his fist as he puts his entire focus on

“There are reasons for me to believe he’s been to the club,” Taehyung starts. “But nothing concrete
or even substantial. I have asked him, and he’s denied it. But I need your opinion, Abeoji. Do you
think I’m paranoid in thinking he could have gotten that money gambling?”

Taehyung gestures towards the paper as he tells him about the man with the bucket hat who goes
by J at the club. Jihyun’s refusal to tell him who he is. The one thing that really doesn’t add up is
Jungkook had been right, he does what he can to make sure his money is secure. Working for his
mother, marrying him. It wouldn’t make sense for him to gamble it away.

His father glances at it once more, silence ringing in the room before he sighs.

“Son, your husband is an elite,” Daehee says as he slides the paper back over the desk. “He is
surrounded by elites. That could be a pull from a savings account, earnings from an investment,
hell anything. Maybe he’s looking to surprise you with something. I think you need to rest and
think about this with a clearer head. If he’s denied having any involvement, you don’t wish to
accuse him by telling him you’ve gone snooping through his damn bank records.”

There’s a hint of annoyance in Daehee’s voice. It isn’t loud or angry, but Taehyung’s been on the
receiving end of his father’s discipline enough to recognize it even at a low level.

“This could ruin his trust for you as well,” Daehee says. “Going through his personal information
behind his back. He was the one to adamantly require that your funds remain separate when we
were coming up with the terms of your union.”

Taehyung rubs his hand down his face. He knows. Maybe he doesn’t trust Jungkook fully, or is
paranoid, or just tired with this case. “I have to tell him I’ve done it, Appa. I’m not going to hide it
from him.”
Daehee stands then, hands clasping behind his back. “Son, there will be times when the best option
is to keep something from your partner. For many reasons. This isn’t the case for everything,
honesty is a value that’s important in relationships. But in cases like this, it causes more harm than

Taehyung doesn’t know how much he agrees with that, but his father’s been married for almost
thirty five years and has avoided a divorce twice so he’ll at least consider it. “Thanks Appa. I think
I’m just working myself thin.”

There’s a gentle hand pressed to Taehyung’s cheek then, a soothing touch. “Working this hard will
pay off in the long run, you’ll see. But make sure you’re eating and sleeping when you do have the

It makes Taehyung grin thinking about how Jungkook’s goal is to get him to come home early and
rest, but he ends up exerting himself even more. Not that he’s complaining, he finds excitement in
getting to touch Jungkook. There’s times in the day he looks forward to it.

But this paranoid feeling he has is kind of getting in the way of it.

“Don’t worry. I’m sure Jungkook’s going to start putting drowsy medicine in my dinner so I’ll
sleep more,” Taehyung jokes as he stands.

“Your mother threatened to when we first married. Actually, many times after that as well.”
Daehee laughs as he gestures towards the door. “It’s a good thing. It means he cares about you.
Unless he actually does it, well then that’s illegal.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes. Every time he’s tried telling his father he doesn’t fall in love and has no
intention to, his father tells him that he’ll just see. One day their union will lead to that. Whatever.
He’ll pretend they’re love birds if it makes his parents happy.

“We’re taking Mrs. Bae’s yacht out this weekend,” Taehyung tells him as he pushes the door open.
“I’m not dealing with Dongmin. I’m going to relax and pretend he doesn’t exist. So if he calls you,
tell him to leave me the hell alone.”

Daehee presses his lips together, hands hitched to his hips. Before he can scold Taehyung,
Taehyung interrupts him.

“Not avoiding responsibilities here, Appa. It’s one night,” Taehyung assures him. He can’t believe
the effect Jungkook’s had on him, enough to make him say this for the first time ever in his life to
his father. “Call me only for emergencies. You emphasized that I need to prioritize my marriage,
and my husband has made it clear he’d like to do more things with me.”

Daehee smiles then. Taehyung doesn’t understand why it’s so important to his father, why it allows
Daehee to excuse him from the one thing he’s always stressed: work and work some more after

Maybe because his mother almost divorced him for putting work over their marriage.

“Fine, fine. I’ll deal with Dongmin,” Daehee agrees, hands up in surrender. “And Taehyung?
Remember what I said.”
When Taehyung gets home, it’s pitch black. So dark that he wonders if Jungkook is here or went
out like he had said he might.

“Nari, dim the lights.”

Taehyung pads through the hallway, working his sweater from his jeans that he can’t wait to get
off. He hates jeans normally, but he had to meet with his brother in law in a casual manner. He’s
sure it wouldn’t look suspicious for two grown men, especially of their status, to be in business
attire, but Jihyun had insisted.

Truly, Taehyung thinks the man was just playing with him to see if Taehyung would do anything
to meet him. He can’t tell. The man constantly has a look of amusement on his face that makes it
difficult to.

There’s only one Jeon that Taehyung wants to play with. The younger Jeon who is currently
slipping and sliding across his own living room floor.

He can hear the music before he steps into Jungkook’s living space, a smile tugging at his lips
before he even spots him.

When he does, Taehyung has to press a fist to his mouth to keep his laugh muffled.

Jungkook is practically wiggling his body, feet sliding over the tiles. The song playing is
something Taehyung’s sure he heard on the radio, not quite rock but enough to warrant the way
Jungkook moves his hands in front of himself like he’s playing air guitar.

Hoseok is with him. Laid over the couch and in charge of the drums. He’s good at it, passionate in
the way he bangs his hands over himself in time with the music. He makes faces with every hit,
legs kicking up when his hands speed up.

Taehyung watches them for a few moments. The way Jungkook bares his teeth and hangs his head
back as his hand flies furiously over the strings of his air guitar. His work shirt completely opened,
tie swinging hanging off his shoulders and twirling when Jungkook spins on his sock covered feet.

His pants are completely gone, leaving him in nothing but boxers.

When Jungkook twirls, his eyes open briefly. There’s no embarrassment in his expression as he
immediately comes to Taehyung, full speed sliding across the tiles in his socks to land into him.

“Hey lover,” Jungkook says as he tugs the tie off of his neck and hooks it behind Taehyung’s to
urge him forward. “Thought you were coming home early.”

Taehyung grins, amusement filling him as Jungkook continues to snake his head from side to side
in time of the music. His eyes are clear, and they’re close enough that Taehyung would be able to
smell alcohol on their breath, but he doesn’t.

“It is early,” Taehyung reminds him. “I see you got the guitar down. Hoseok, drums. Where does
that leave me?”

Jungkook’s face lights up when he snickers, nose pushing up so high like it’s trying to touch his
forehead. “You can be the cute groupie the lead singer fucks backstage.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes, lifting his fingers in a small wave when Jungkook drags him past the
couch Hoseok lays on. “I don’t know. Not much of a groupie, but I kind of had a thing for the lead
guitarist. Might be down to fuck him.”
It’s just a moment that Jungkook’s smile grows before he’s tugging on the tie and giving him what
Taehyung would consider a smack on the lips. The pressure hard and the sound of their smooch

“What’s the occasion?” Taehyung asks over the music as Jungkook takes his tie into one fist and
twists his body to press his back into Taehyung’s chest. The material digs into the back of his neck,
but he doesn’t mind the way Jungkook tugs him from over his shoulder.

It gives him the ability to button up Jungkook’s shirt to cover him up in front of company.

“Hoseokie hyung’s a personal trainer,” Jungkook says, head bopping as he walks Taehyung like
they’re on a fucking dance train around the living room, “And he just got hired by Korea’s biggest
entertainment company. He’s gonna be rich, baby!”

Hoseok cheers as he flies up to his feet and runs in place excitedly. “I’m gonna buy myself a
fucking sports car.”

“You’re already rich,” Taehyung reminds them, and Jungkook whips back around so he can see the
way he rolls his eyes. “But congratulations.”

Hoseok wiggles his pointer fingers at him. “Thanks best friend in law. Also, if you need us to turn
the music down, no worries.”

Taehyung waves a hand. “Not yet.”

Jungkook rubs up against him as his body moves, and he releases the tie around Taehyung’s neck
to stretch his arms out. Eyes dark, playful. Taehyung grins as he reaches up and continues to button
his shirt.

“Why are you naked?” Taehyung asks, holding tighter to the fabric when Jungkook tries to spin

The fake drumsticks come back as Jungkook pretends to bang them on Taehyung’s hands to get
him to stop. “If I could always be naked, I would.”

Taehyung grins at the truth in that. “We have company.”

Rolling his eyes, Jungkook looks to Hoseok. “Hobi, how many times have you seen my dick?”

Hoseok shrugs as he opens a bag of chips on the table, spilling some of them on the ground
because he won’t stop dancing. “Dunno. Maybe more than my own.”

“See,” Jungkook whispers as he presses his elbows into Taehyung’s shoulders and fusses with the
hair at the back of Taehyung’s head. His eyes widen though before he kisses them like Taehyung
thinks he’s going to, and Taehyung doesn’t like the look that fills them. “Or is my body only for
your eyes to see?”

Taehyung takes his time buttoning the bottom ones, fists hovering over Jungkook’s crotch. “I’m
not possessive or controlling, Jungkook. It’s common decency to not strip naked in front of

Jungkook looks considerate of this, humming. His hands warm down Taehyung’s back, and he’s no
longer dancing though the music keeps playing loudly.

It’s not until he feels cool air against his back that Taehyung realizes Jungkook’s yanking his
sweater off.

He yelps, attempting to keep the sweater on, but Jungkook gets his arms out with ease. When the
material presses into his chin, Taehyung gives up his attempts and accepts his fate.

He doesn’t even get the chance to grab it back when Jungkook bundles it into his arms and takes
off in a full speed run.

“Want some?” Hoseok asks, lifting up a bowl of what looks to be dipping sauce as if nothing’s
happened. “And don’t mind him. He talked to his father today, and this is him pretending he isn’t
about to go on a murder streak.”

Taehyung’s smile falters as he looks down the hallway. He’s talked to Jungkook a few times since
they’ve seen each other, and he never mentioned it.

“Excuse me, Hoseok,” Taehyung says as he takes off after Jungkook.

The door to Jungkook’s closet is open, and Taehyung steps into it first to search for him. He whips
his hand out to find the light switch, but there’s lips on his before he can.

They’re demanding. As is the body that pushes against him. Taehyung parts his lips and takes it,
groaning softly as he squeezes Jungkook’s bare hip and holds him close.

This is a new part of Jungkook that Taehyung hasn’t seen before. He’s never seen him react to his
father at all, and he worries what was said to upset him. Taehyung had planned on bringing up the
money in his bank account, but if Jungkook’s already in a shitty mood, he doesn’t want to make his
defenses rise.

“Taehyung,” Jungkook murmurs against his lips, “Kiss me better than that.”

Taehyung nods, wishing the lights were on as he slides his hands up to Jungkook’s neck and kisses
him better. Harder, bruising. He slips his tongue across Jungkook’s, earning a moan from
Jungkook that seems louder than the music that filters into the room from the cracked door.

“You’re this happy about Hoseok’s job?” Taehyung asks under his breath as he brushes his lips
across Jungkook’s cheek. Slipping his hands down Jungkook’s shoulders, Taehyung feels nothing
but bare skin. Soft, covered in goosebumps, bare skin.

“I’m sorry for being a dick earlier,” Jungkook says, ignoring him. “Being so defensive. I just really
hate that shit.”

“Don’t need to apologize,” Taehyung promises. Adjusting to the dark, he can make out Jungkook’s
face a little better but not as clearly as he’d like. He slips his hands over his chest, focusing on the
way his heart thumps before brushing a palm over each one of his nipples. “If I do shit that pisses
you off, tell me. I believe you, just in case you think I was saying that just to appease you.”

He can feel Jungkook’s breath against his lips. “You don’t seem like the type to say something just
to mull people over.”

Taehyung grins, dragging his hands down to where he can feel Jungkook’s ribs, his abdomen.
“You’re right. Unless it’s to get something I want. I’m a bit of a manipulator when I need to be, but
I haven’t been with you.”

“I know,” Jungkook says before he kisses him again.

Jungkook moves against him like he’s still dancing, but a dance that’s meant to be done in private.
Hands grazing down Taehyung’s body, hips working in small circles. It’s rude to leave Hoseok
alone, but Taehyung lets himself indulge in Jungkook for a few minutes. Just until he feels his cock
start to twitch as Jungkook’s thigh pushes between his leg to grind against him.

“Babe,” Taehyung calls quietly as he pulls his head back with a wet sound. He searches for the
light, fumbling a bit before the room brightens.

The dress shirt and stolen sweater are in a heap on the ground in the middle of the closet.
Jungkook’s bare except for his briefs and socks, his entire chest flushed a deep red. Taehyung
struggles with contemplating how rude it would be to leave Hoseok alone for a quickie, but there’s
a more important matter at hand.

“Hoseok told me you talked to your father today.”

Jungkook’s expression immediately changes. It hardens, eyes rolling as he grabs a shirt hanging.
“Hoseok’s a nosy bitch.”

Taehyung snorts, leaning back against the wall as Jungkook pulls on a black t-shirt aggressively
like it’s the thing that’s pissed him off. “What happened?”

“Nothing,” Jungkook says. The shirt barely covers him, and he doesn’t put any pants on. He pads
over to Taehyung, and Taehyung presses more into the wall when Jungkook leans his elbows
around his head and cages him between them. “If you’re asking just to see if I told him I know
Jihyun’s up to some shit, I already told you I won’t.”

“That’s not why,” Taehyung starts, grabbing the hem of Jungkook’s shirt as he starts to pull back.
“Gotta start trusting me too, lover.”

The giddy expression is gone from Jungkook’s face, eyes narrowed as they search over
Taehyung’s. He’s definitely not in the mood to bring up the bank deposit. “So you’re just being a
nosy bitch too?”

Taehyung chuckles, head shaking. “I’m just asking to see if you’re okay. Or like, if you want to
talk about it or whatever.”

Jungkook hesitates, but he nods. “I’m fine. I got Eomma to let us borrow the yacht. Appa just
wants us to rent it.”

He spits the words out before he pulls away from Taehyung and pads towards the door. Taehyung
watches him for a moment, annoyance filling him. He knew Jeon Jongho was greedy, but he didn’t
think he’d charge his son to use something he already’s paid for.

Questions fill Taehyung’s head, but he keeps them to himself. He lingers for a moment quietly
before following after Jungkook.

He watches as Jungkook grips the back of his couch and leaps over it, jostling Hoseok to the side.
He immediately grabs a bowl of chips to bring into his lap.

Without thinking about it, Taehyung leans over the back of the couch to grab beneath Jungkook’s
chin and tilt his head back. He does, as far as he can go and Taehyung leans further down to kiss

It’s a brief kiss but longer than a peck. Taehyung holds Jungkook’s lips with his own, unsure if it’s
even okay to do in front of Hoseok, but Jungkook doesn’t pull away.
Instead, he reaches up to hold the back of Taehyung’s head to press one more kiss to his lips.

“If you want to talk about it, I’ll be in my office,” Taehyung whispers, rubbing over his chin before
he pulls back.

When he leaves, the sound of Hoseok’s teasing follows him down the hallway before Jungkook’s
rough, “Bro, shut the fuck up. Can’t I kiss my husband in fucking peace?”

Chapter End Notes

I would really like to hear your thoughts on this chapter!! i get a little overwhelmed
because I wasn't anticipating so many comments, but please know that i read each one
and they all make me smile so much

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Chapter 8
Chapter Notes

Hello. If you've seen, I have a few things going on in my personal life that may get in
the way of writing. That being said, the next chapter of this is already completed and
will be posted within the next week, but the one after that may be delayed. Thanks for

(and wth this chapter makes this fic 100k there goes my "i'm not gonna write another
overly long fic" plan again lkdjfad)

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The water creates a breeze, but it’s gentle. Not too cold. The champagne Taehyung has drank so far
is enough to keep him warm.

As is the body that’s been attached to his all night. Taehyung’s comments about how he likes that
Jungkook looks expensive are jokes, but they’re also true.

Covered in silk and gold, the breeze from the river and the alcohol making his cheeks red. He’s
beautiful, the most handsome man on the yacht.

His attention is on Jin, but his fingers rub over Taehyung’s back like a reminder he knows he’s
there. Not a reminder that Taehyung needs, but he’s appreciative of it anyway.

Taehyung pulls his attention away as Jin keeps talking about court. For once, he doesn’t want to
think about work. His mind is exhausted from the week. From the case, to Jungkook and his
family, to his constant curiosity about his father’s interest in both.

His suspicions that Jeon Jongho’s need for a monthly dowry and money to rent the yacht is to
cover the money his son has lost gambling at the club. If it’s true, that’s a risky thing for his father
to involve them in. Which only further increases Taehyung’s curiosity about what exactly his father
is getting out of all of this.

“Isn’t that right, Taehyung?”

Taehyung pulls his eyes from where he’s watching Jimin embrace Hoseok back to Jin. Jin’s look of
amusement makes him want to walk away instead of hearing whatever he’s said.

How much redder Jungkook’s face is what makes him stay.

“I said, I’ve heard you and Jungkook here have gotten quite close?”

Taehyung snorts as he brings his glass of champagne up to his lips. He chose the drink specifically
in remembrance of the night he met Jungkook and he proclaimed his hatred towards expensive
alcohol that tastes like ass. “You’ve heard correctly.”

“And probably too much,” Jungkook says, though he sounds embarrassed. His own glass is filled
with a dark golden amber liquid that Taehyung is sure is just as expensive as his own ass flavored
drink. “What about you, hyung? Settling down anytime soon?”
Jin shrugs, and his eyes immediately search for the person that Taehyung knows he wants to settle
down with. The guy currently showing off his creative dance moves to a group of people he thinks
Jungkook invited.

“Hopefully sooner than later,” Jin says with a dramatic sigh, eyes lingering on Namjoon before he
pulls them away. “The owner of my precious heart is maybe even more intelligent than myself, but
when it comes to romance he is a bit blind.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes, though it’s true. He goes to say so, but Jungkook speaks before he can.

“So is Taehyung.”

Offense fills him, and he whips his head around to glare at Jungkook. Jungkook widens his eyes as
if to ask him if it isn’t true.

“What does that mean?”

Jungkook shrugs, and Jin makes a face and unsuccessfully tries to hide it behind his drink. “Am I

Is he? Taehyung doesn’t have an answer. He would never call himself romantic, but he isn’t blind
to it either. He just has no interest in it and never has.

“Was my banana smoothie not enough of a romantic gesture?” Taehyung huffs.

Jungkook glares at him. “Is that what it was?”

No, not really. Taehyung just needed an excuse to see Jungkook and try to figure out if he’s
gambling too. The deposit in his account is suspicious, but none of the outgoing money is. All
trackable purchases because Jungkook has a bit of a thing for online delivery and takeout.

One thing Taehyung did notice is that other than that, Jungkook is quite careful with his money.
For someone as wealthy as he is, he doesn’t spend money nearly as much as one would expect.

“Do I need to romance you?” Taehyung asks back, ignoring the question. “We’re already married.”

It’s confusing the way Jungkook’s jaw locks before he downs the rest of his drink and uses the
excuse of wanting a refill to go to the makeshift bar on the yacht.

Taehyung watches him, confused, as Jungkook leans across the bar. Whatever is between them is
purely physical. The way Taehyung reacts to the seductive curve of Jungkook’s body right now is
only proof of that. The instant thoughts of getting his hands on him, stripping him from his
expensive clothes. Pushing Jungkook back against the bar and getting to his knees for him because
there’s nothing prettier than the face Jungkook makes when he’s being pleasured.

Romance isn’t needed to fuck, but if Jungkook wants it, than Taehyung will figure out how he
defines it. He sighs to himself at the thought.

Marrying Jungkook turned out a lot differently than he had planned, but it doesn’t feel bothersome.
The things Jungkook asks for really aren’t much, but Taehyung had been under the impression he
had been doing them. Comments like this make him wonder what he’s missing.

“Oops,” Jin says, raising a brow at Taehyung. “Do I sense some trouble in paradise?”

Taehyung turns his glare to him. “No. Jungkook is just different than I expected.”
Jin sighs as he claps Taehyung’s shoulder. “Researching someone’s credentials doesn’t tell you
what kind of lover they are, Taehyung.”

And Taehyung knew that, of course. The kind of information he put together on Jungkook before
deciding which Jeon he would marry wasn’t enough to tell him what kind of person Jungkook is,
but he also consulted Jin for that exact reason.

He reminds Jin of that, a bit roughly, but Jin only laughs in response.

“Jungkook was never my lover,” Jin tells him with a shrug. “I never saw him date. People are
different as friends, sons, husbands.”

Taehyung waves him off. It isn’t important. He’s interested in knowing what Jungkook wants, he
just doesn’t get it. “Whatever. Go woo your future husband and leave me to figure out my current

There’s more comments made, under breath, but Taehyung ignores them as Jin takes his leave to
find Namjoon.

Usually, people are easy to figure out. What gets them to talk, what can be used against them, gets
them ruffled. What they're after, desire. Jungkook isn’t that easy, more challenging than a tricky

Maybe, Taehyung thinks, as he watches Jungkook look over his shoulder with a shit eating grin on
his lips when their eyes meet. Or maybe he isn’t that hard to figure out at all. His father’s always
told him to make sure not to overthink, not to look at something too closely to the point you miss
what’s clearly in front of you.

“Ayo, Taehyungie.”

Taehyung glances away from Jungkook to take in a red faced Yoongi. His hair is a darker blue
than it was the last time he’s seen him. He smells like alcohol as he curls his arms around
Taehyung’s shoulder and jostles him.

“Are you treating my Jungkook alright?” Yoongi asks as he taps their champagne glasses together.
“Because if you aren’t, I’ll throw you off the side of this boat.”

It makes Taehyung laugh. Especially how slurred Yoongi’s threat is, making it ineffective if he’s
going for scary. “I will ask the same about Jimin. He’s been quite MIA lately. I feel that has
something to do with you?”

Yoongi gives him a smug looking grin but he’s cocked enough that he looks more constipated than
anything. “I plead the fifth.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes and lands then back on Jungkook. How good he looks with the silk shirt
clinging to his body, black jeans glued to his legs. The way his hair falls as he laughs at something
the person he’s speaking to says.

How handsome the other person is. Tall, sharp features. The hand that he settles unnecessarily to
Jungkook’s waist.

“Who is that?” Taehyung asks Yoongi, tipping his glass in Jungkook’s direction and missing
whatever other threat Yoongi mumbles out.

Yoongi doesn’t let him go when he looks, but weighs his body onto him. “Ah! Cha Eunwoo-ssi.”
Taehyung watches Cha Eunwoo’s lingering touch before he downs the rest of his champagne. He
clearly is flirting, which gets on Taehyung’s nerves because they’re surrounded by people, and
Jungkook’s literally married. It’s obvious even if Cha Eunwoo is sheltered from seeing the media
reports. Jungkook speaks with his hand waving in front of him, the one with his wedding band.

“An old fling,” Yoongi says as he steps in front of him, blocking Taehyung’s view. He stumbles a
bit, and Taehyung secures a hand to his waist to help balance him. “Nothing to worry about.”

Taehyung lets go when he’s sure Yoongi won’t tip over. He isn’t worried about anything other
than letting his husband’s best friend face plant to the ground. “You need some water, and I need
another drink. Come with me.”

Surprisingly, Yoongi takes his hand. Taehyung doesn’t shake him off, even when he pushes
himself between Eunwoo and Jungkook to call for the bartender.

Jungkook doesn’t move back, remains pressed into him but at least Eunwoo gets the hint and does.

“A glass of water and another glass of champagne, please,” Taehyung requests as he slides the
empty one across the counter. He pointedly ignores Jungkook, though Yoongi lets his hand go to
embrace Jungkook instead.

“Jungkook-ah,” Yoongi whines, arms securing around Jungkook’s neck. “Gotta tell you a secret.”

It’s muffled, but Taehyung can still hear how loudly Yoongi whispers about killing him if he steps
out of line.

“Excuse me,” the man on the other side of him says. Cha Eunwoo has the nerve to sound like he’s

Taehyung doesn’t look at him as he accepts the bottle of water and says, “You’re excused.”

He turns his back to him then, facing Jungkook as he hands Yoongi his water. He cups Jungkook’s
face with his now free hand, slow in the way he trails his thumb over Jungkook’s bottom lip.

“Your hyung just threatened to throw me off the side of the boat,” Taehyung tells him, head
cocking to the side when Jungkook laughs. Yoongi shamelessly tries to deny it with an adamant
shake of his head, despite telling Jungkook the same thing not a moment before. “Do you have a
plan to collect my life insurance?”

“No, and you’re being rude,” Jungkook says as he cups Taehyung’s hip, though he looks pleased
by this. He looks around Taehyung as he apologizes, the words falling out of a mouth that
Taehyung wants to kiss the smug grin from. “Eunwoo, this is Taehyung.”

Forced to, Taehyung turns. But he keeps his eyes on Jungkook for a long moment, giving the
impression he couldn’t be bothered by the man behind him before he turns with his left hand out.
“Husband. And you are?”

The man grins as he shakes Taehyung’s hand. Up close, he’s as handsome as Taehyung thought he
was but also vaguely familiar. “I work for Jungkook’s mother at the corporate office. Cha

Taehyung tuts his tongue and tries to look apologetic. “I have a strict no work talk tonight rule in

Eunwoo grins. “We weren’t talking about work.”

Ignoring that, Taehyung says, “And if you’d excuse me, I have to steal my husband away. Urgent
matters. Thank you for joining us tonight, Eunwoo-ssi.”

He turns then to take Jungkook’s hand and slot their fingers, ignoring Jungkook’s amused eyes as
he shakes Yoongi off of him and instructs him to find Hoseok before he follows. “Come on, lover.
There’s someone I want you to meet.”

It’s a lie, but Taehyung refuses to admit it as his eyes search through the crowd of party goers.
Jungkook stitches himself to Taehyung’s back, one arm curling around his waist as he breathes
hotly over his ear.

“So we can talk about your job but not mine?”

Taehyung rolls his eyes as he makes a beeline for Namjoon. Has Jungkook met him? He has no
idea, but he’s going for it. Half of the people here are friends of Jungkook’s, or Yoongi and
Hoseok’s as Jungkook had insisted when they were sending out invites. The few people Taehyung
does know outside of his three friends are mere acquaintances that he knows through said friends.

“Your friend said you weren’t talking about work,” Taehyung reminds him.

“You’re always about manners and respect,” Jungkook starts so quietly his voice almost blends in
with the music around them. “Why so rude to my friend?”

Taehyung slips his hand over the one Jungkook has resting on his stomach, dipping his fingers into
the spaces between Jungkook’s. “Must I remind you we have an image to maintain?”

He can practically hear Jungkook’s eye roll. “Is that why you fucked me in your office for your
coworkers to hear?”

Whipping around, Taehyung curls his hands over Jungkook’s shoulders and holds him close. He
waits to speak, waits for the inevitable way Jungkook always glances at his mouth before he does.
“If I remember correctly, lover, I asked you to come back when everyone was gone. You were the
one who was too impatient to wait.”

Jungkook doesn’t back down, eyes challenging and focused on him. “Is that why it bothers you?
Eunwoo flirting with me possibly ruining our passionately in love image ?”

Taehyung searches over his face, nodding. “Why else?”

Jungkook’s tongue stabs into his cheek as he lets his arm fall from Taehyung. “Whatever,
Taehyung. I’ll flirt with who I want to.”

They both look defensive, which could ruin their image as well, so Taehyung releases the tension
in his face and shoulders. Jimin has eyes like a hawk and will no doubt notice any tension between
them, though Taehyung trusts Jimin not to flock to his father about it. “Go ahead.”

Jungkook holds his gaze as he nods, and Taehyung nods in response just because before he takes

It feels a little childish, but Taehyung doesn’t care. He’s a little drunk off of ass tasting champagne,
his mouth starting to become dry because of it. He will blame it on that more than anything else.
That and the fact there’s a constant game between him and Jungkook. He likes to rile Jungkook up,
he’ll admit it. It’s easy to do. As much as he can’t figure Jungkook out about some things, others
are obvious.

If Jungkook doesn’t think keeping the in love image up is important, Taehyung will concede his
push for it.

“So tell me, what’s it like being a doctor?”

Taehyung doesn’t remember the man’s name. He didn’t care to pay attention to it either, doesn’t
care about anything he says really. Just enough to keep the conversation going and reply enough to
seem half interested.

The man is extremely attractive and well built. Broad and strong, sharp features. Could possibly be
the most attractive person here if his husband wasn’t handsomely brooding from across the yacht.
He talks confidently, passionately about his job, and Taehyung respects that.

But he’s not interested, though he nods his head along to whatever the man says. He curves his
body towards him, wanting to look to see if Jungkook is where he had last spotted him but stops

“It must be a difficult job,” Taehyung says as he cups the man’s bicep. “But worth it, no?”

The man grins as he nods. “Definitely. I’ve always wanted to be a surgeon. I just never imagined I
would be the top surgeon in the city.”

Confidence or bragging, there’s a thin line between the two. If he’s trying to get laid, it’s probably
bragging. “Well, if I ever need surgery, I know who to request as my doctor.”

Taehyung misses what the man replies with as he gives in and lets his eyes wander through those
still on the yacht. He finds Jungkook with ease, perched on a chair in the middle of the deck. He’s
surrounded by people. Hoseok, Yoongi, Jimin, Jin, Namjoon, people Taehyung doesn’t know.
None of them are Cha Eunwoo.

They’re all talking and laughing, and Jungkook’s eyes are focused on him.

Taehyung likes it more than he’ll admit. He only catches Jungkook’s gaze for a second, enough to
acknowledge it before he turns back to the doctor.

“I’ve been following your case,” the man says with a short laugh. “It must be hard representing
someone the entire country hates.”

Taking a sip from his glass, something fruity and sweet this time, Taehyung shrugs. “If there was a
serial killer dying on your table, you’d still try your best to save him, no?”

The man laughs as he brushes the hair from his eyes. They are really pretty, but Taehyung’s still
only interested in the ones glaring at him from across the yacht. “Well, that’s a code of ethics. In
your case, it would be about money, no? Money, status, how many cases you win versus how
many you lose?”

Taehyung sucks air through his teeth as he taps his glass against the man’s bottle head. “You know
the one thing about people is, they’re unable to be objective about anything. Even if they think
they are. They take in what they see as facts and either believe them or don’t based on their own
He leans into the man, head tilting as he reaches up to tap beneath his chin. He rubs a circle against
his skin, feeling the stubble there. “They believe what they read, they don’t question it deep
enough. They ignore that every single situation they’ve experienced and every trait about their life
influences their perspective in some way. They make assumptions and claim them to be facts.”

It’s true. Dongmin’s a shit bag, but Taehyung isn’t representing him for the money. Hell, he’d take
anyone else’s case over his if he could. Even if it meant less pay. Taehyung doesn’t need the
money. He likes making his own, but his parents would easily support him if Taehyung needed it.
It’s why he’s the one in the office to take on any pro bono cases.

But most people who have anything to say about the people he represents or the cases his father
has won usually are as Taehyung’s just explained. It’s one of the most frustratingly annoying
things about people.

The man licks his lips as he considers it. Taehyung waits for his response, watches as his mouth
opens, but it instantly slams shut at the same time a hand glides over Taehyung’s throat.

A body fits against his, and he’s become familiar enough with it to recognize Jungkook without
turning his head. Recognizes his cologne because Taehyung falls asleep and wakes up to the same
scent every day.

The hand isn’t demanding, just a brush to alert him to his presence, to show off the ring on his
finger. It isn’t as smooth and subtle as Jungkook probably thinks it is.

“I’m sorry to interrupt,” Jungkook says politely. “But I need to speak with my husband about
something urgent.”

The doctor’s eyes widen before he instantly nods, face flushing from embarrassment.

Amusement fills Taehyung as Jungkook’s hand trails down his chest unnecessarily to grab his
hand. It’s cute the way Jungkook ignores Taehyung’s gaze as he tugs on their clasped hands.

There’s a lot of people on the boat still, clustered in small crowds. Jungkook guides him through it,
nodding here and there at people who greet them. He doesn’t stop until they’ve reached an empty
place, the railing around the boat’s dock.

People aren’t that far off, only a few yards, but Jungkook seems comfortable with the distance as
he turns on him and bites out his words.

“So I can’t flirt but you can?”

His stance is defensive though he tries to remain composed as he leans back against the railing. It’s
something Taehyung learned early on; Jungkook’s defensive. He’s quite good at offense, but this
side always comes out easier.

“Flirt all you want,” Taehyung says, waving a dismissive hand at him. “You’re right. Who cares if
people realize we’re not actually together?”

Jungkook glares at him, expression unforgiving. “I wasn’t flirting with Eunwoo, so if this is some
kind of payback -”

Taehyung scoffs loud enough to cut him off. He looks to the side, shaking his head. “Baby, I don’t
care if you flirt with anyone. Not enough for there to be ‘payback’ for anything.”

Raising a challenging brow, Jungkook takes a step forward but Taehyung doesn’t hesitate to press
right into him, guiding him back to the railing. Jungkook doesn’t falter. “Sure seems like you do.”

“I don’t. It’s more of an insult, a sign of disrespect that someone would flirt with you while I’m
right here.”

There’s a grin on Jungkook’s lips when he hooks his elbows on the railing to lean against it. It isn’t
amused. “Right. Disrespect. Image. You don’t think that guy you were talking to noticed the ring
on your finger?”

Taehyung leans his weight onto Jungkook, grabbing the railing next to where he holds onto it.
“Like I said, you convinced me. Who cares about image?”

Jungkook scoffs, turning his face so Taehyung is met with his cheek. The cheek he jabs his tongue
into so hard Taehyung kind of wants to grab his jaw and ask him to put it into his mouth.

Even more so when Jungkook look backs to him and says, “You say that, but I’m sure you would
fuck me right here in front of everyone just to maintain it.”

A laugh leaves Taehyung’s lips, quiet and unamused. He drops his gaze down to the space
between their bodies, which is quite minimal. He likes the way they look pressed together, and he
considers slotting a thigh between Jungkook’s but he doesn’t want Jungkook to use that in his

“ You say that, yet you’re the one that wanted to get fucked in my office where anyone could hear
you. Walking down the street telling me to punish you. Sucking my cock while I’m on the phone.
The list goes on, baby.”

Jungkook’s chest puffs out, pressing against his own. “Just admit you want me all to yourself, lover

The way he says it is sarcastic. Taehyung hesitates for a moment because does he? He doesn’t
think that way. He meant it when he said Jungkook can have a lover, that their relationship is
nothing more than a legal contract. That whatever makes Jungkook comfortable in this is
completely okay.

But he also kind of wants to rip the image of Eunwoo’s hand on him from his mind.

“Do whatever you want,” Taehyung starts to say, pulling back, but Jungkook takes his hand away
from the railing to grip the band of his pants to stop him. “I have a hot doctor to get back to.”

Jungkook tugs his belt so hard, Taehyung’s sure it could snap. “No need. I’m right here.”

Taehyung grins, grazing it over Jungkook’s cheek. “Sounds like you’re the one that wants me to
fuck you right here for all to see.”

With their bodies so close, Taehyung can feel the way Jungkook’s chest expands, the sharp breath
he lets out. “I’m not that shameless.”

“No?” Taehyung asks as he grazes his hand up Jungkook’s side, only stopping when he reaches his
chest. He pulls his head back enough to see Jungkook’s reaction when he rubs his thumb over his
nipple, only the thin silky shirt separating their skin. “I’d disagree.”

Jungkook licks over his lips, but that’s the only reaction Taehyung gets. That and the way
Jungkook’s nipple quickly hardens beneath his touch. “Ah, for once, the great Kim Taehyung
doesn’t know everything.”
The laugh Taehyung lets out is more like a puff of breath. He pinches Jungkook’s nipple through
his shirt, watching as Jungkook’s bottom lip jerks back into his mouth like he might suck on it
before he stops himself. “I don’t care if you fuck every person on this boat, Jungkook. Just wear a
condom and keep it discreet.”

Jungkook’s arm winds around his waist, trapping Taehyung against him though he had no intention
to move. The expression he makes is the cockiest he’s ever looked, and Taehyung kind of wants to
do whatever it takes to make it go away.

“You’re not actually that good of a liar,” Jungkook says, head tilting to the side. His words come
out breathless as Taehyung pinches him again. “Just admit it.”

There isn’t anything he’s lying about, Taehyung thinks as he rubs hopefully a soothing touch over
Jungkook before pulling away. He isn’t one to argue until someone agrees with him though.
Doesn’t care much to, though he would just to wipe the cocky look from Jungkook’s face.

“Think whatever you want baby boy.” Taehyung manages to slip from Jungkook’s arm, putting
space between them.

Jungkook grinds his teeth stubbornly, unmoving even when the space between them grows. He
doesn’t move at all, and Taehyung has the tiniest thought in the back of his head that he wants
Jungkook to follow after him.

He shakes it off as he spins on his toes and heads to where Jungkook had been earlier to plant
himself onto one of the couches Jimin currently resides on.

Just being around Jungkook arouses him, the tension between them easily getting him worked up.
He blames being tipsy on how turned on he feels, though he knows that Jungkook’s mouth always
so easily riles him up.

“Hey hot stuff,” Jimin greets immediately as he curls an arm around Taehyung’s shoulders.
“Things seem pretty tense there.”

Taehyung tries to shrug him off, but he doesn’t put much effort into it. Not until Jimin pushes his
fingers into Taehyung’s turtle neck and makes a face at the bruises left behind.

He doesn’t often care to hide them, but he kind of looks like he had been mauled and didn’t want to
raise concern.

“Or is this just foreplay?” Jimin snickers quietly before he releases him. “Kinky.”

“No,” Taehyung denies adamantly as he shakes out his shoulders and makes sure his neck is
covered. “I married a brat, that’s all.”

Jimin snorts loudly as he lounges back against the couch, hooking his ankle over one knee. “You’re
the biggest brat out there, babe. Isn’t that right, Jin hyung?”

Across from them, Jin raises his glass but his lack of a witty remark tells Taehyung he didn’t hear
any more than his name. It still makes Jimin laugh.

“Gonna talk about you two with me yet?” Jimin asks, a soft smile on his lips. “I was worried about
the back of your head with how hard Jungkook was drilling holes into it when you were talking to
Dr. Handsome.”

Taehyung rubs at his upper lip. Dr. Handsome is still at the bar, now moved onto another hopeful
hook up. “There’s nothing to talk about, Jimin-ah.”

He doesn’t miss the way Jimin mocks him, though it’s said under his breath. He goes to shove
Jimin’s leg in retaliation, but he’s held back by a firm hand against his shoulder before a heavy
body is dumped into his lap.

Jungkook doesn’t even look at him as he adjusts until he’s comfortable and leans back so he’s half
against Taehyung and half against the corner of the couch. It’s habit the way Taehyung grabs the
inside of his thigh as he adjusts, as if he’s keeping him from falling off when they both know that’s
not the case.

It’s silent as Jungkook pulls out his phone and starts scrolling. Taehyung can feel Jimin’s amused
eyes on them, but he watches as Jungkook opens up Instagram.

He’s expecting it, and there’s a grin on his lips before Jungkook turns slightly into him and holds
the phone out.

With his free hand, he grabs Taehyung’s chin and angles his head into a kiss that is awkward. But
Taehyung grins, mouth falling open when he feels Jungkook’s tongue. He sticks his own out, eyes
falling closed when Jungkook licks over it.

It’s barely a few seconds, and Taehyung tries to hold onto him, but Jungkook flies off his lap and
starts walking away as he types on his phone like nothing happened.

“Fucking weirdos,” Jimin chuckles from across the couch, leg kicking out to nudge Taehyung.

Taehyung bites his lips, considering whether he should follow after Jungkook the way he wanted
him to earlier. A game of cat and mouse that Taehyung wants to play, but Jungkook gets cocky
when he gets the upper hand.

“You guys are hot though,” Jimin says as he leans into him and shows off the picture Jungkook
just took. The caption is the same as the last one, their initials and wedding date.

Taehyung takes the phone to see if Jungkook’s posted anything else since their last one and takes
in the handful of selfies and the one mirror pic, though Jungkook’s fully clothed. “You follow

“Mhm,” Jimin hums. “Gotta keep an eye on him. Make sure he doesn’t get up to any funny

Taehyung laughs under his breath. “Don’t. There’s no need to do that. We’re not together.”

Jimin glares at him for a long moment, the silence dragging on before Jimin huffs out a noise that’s
probably supposed to be a laugh but it sounds like he’s choking. “Yeah, alright.”

Taehyung ignores that. He doesn’t need to have this talk with anyone or explain for the millionth
time to anyone that Jungkook and him aren’t together. He looks across for Jin to have a better
companion to talk and finds Jin already out of his seat and coming towards him with his phone.

“Your father’s trying to call you,” Jin says quietly against his ear as Taehyung reads the message
on the screen.

His phone is currently discarded somewhere with his jacket. He said no work, no one to bother him
tonight unless it was an emergency.
It’s an emergency he thinks as he takes in his father’s message.

Come down to the police station. JJ the eldest has been arrested.


Jungkook sinks into the hot water until it touches beneath his chin. He’s a little tipsy, just enough
that he can tune out the chatter around him until it’s background noise, a distant buzz.

The breeze is cool against his face, the rest of him sweating from hot the jacuzzi is.

He closes his eyes, revels in the sensation.

It’s a waiting game, one he knows he’ll win. He likes that he got under Taehyung’s skin enough to
make him act a little less like himself. Even if it wasn’t on purpose. He genuinely told Eunwoo to
back off, was also offended he thought he could hit on him when Taehyung was right there.
Jungkook flashed his wedding band as often as he could while he spoke so Eunwoo would get the

He wonders what it will take to get Taehyung to admit that it bothered him.

It’s a waiting game that doesn’t last even long enough for Jungkook to get unbearably hot in the
jacuzzi. He’s still comfortable, head tilting back to the edge a moment before he feels someone’s
face against his.

He’s at the point now where he can recognize Taehyung’s cologne. Maybe because Taehyung’s
bed smells like it or because they got ready together before the party.

Either way, he knows it’s him. Eyes blinking open to make sure a second before Taehyung leans
over and kisses him.

He must have his knees on the ground around Jungkook’s head. The angle of his neck is a little
uncomfortable, but he doesn’t mind when Taehyung cups his throat to keep him there. Or when his
hand slides down Jungkook’s wet chest. He can feel Taehyung grin when Jungkook traps his hand
against his stomach before he can move it any further.

“Enjoying yourself?” Taehyung murmurs against his mouth, and Jungkook fists his sweater to
keep him from pulling too far away.

“Join me?” Jungkook asks. “It’s warm.”

There’s some annoyance in him still. They were playing a game he thought, but there was a part
that didn’t feel like it. Like they were teetering close to an argument instead. Jungkook couldn’t
tell. Maybe because the talk about jealousy was just meant as part of the game, but Jungkook
would actually be annoyed if Taehyung slept with someone else.

Taehyung may have told him he could be with anyone, but Jungkook doesn’t believe him, and
Taehyung never asked Jungkook how he felt in return.

“I actually have to go,” Taehyung tells him. “One of my clients just got pulled in for questioning
and they need me.”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose at that but he lets Taehyung go so he can lift his head and turn his
body. “I thought tonight was work free.”

Taehyung rests back on his calves, knees spread before him. He’s dressed casually again, in dark
plaid pants and a soft looking turtleneck. Both damp in places from the water, his arm soaked from
touching him beneath it. “Duty calls. But before I go, I was wondering what that Instagram thing
was about.”

The water splashes when Jungkook grips onto the edge and lifts himself up with his arms so he can
lean in towards Taehyung. He’s aware of the way Taehyung’s gaze trails over his body before he
bites his bottom lip into his mouth. “You already work so hard. Wanted to make it easier to protect
that image of yours.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes so hard they look as if they get stuck in his head. It would be a shame if
they did, because they’re Jungkook’s favorite thing about him. “Jungkook -“

“I don’t care about image,” Jungkook goes on, not letting Taehyung’s flirtatious gazes or touching
distract him. “You’re right. But this isn’t an image, Taehyung. You and I are together.”

The words slip from his mouth before he can stop them. He pushes his knees onto the ground next,
shaking out his hair. He flashes his ring next before he pushes between Taehyung’s knees,
uncaring if he gets him any more wet.

“You just have to admit it,” Jungkook says as he holds Taehyung’s gaze.

His face is unreadable, unsurprisingly. He only stares at Jungkook for a moment before he leans
over and grabs a towel to toss at him.

“Come with me,” Taehyung says, and Jungkook’s annoyance rises at how often Taehyung just
changes the fucking subject. “The client is your brother. He’s been arrested.”

It isn’t what Jungkook is expecting. He does hesitate for a minute before he starts to dry himself
off, unbothered. “And why would I go with you?”

Taehyung stands too, eyes searching for Jungkook’s clothes but they’re inside one of the rooms
where Jungkook had kept his swim trunks. The room he used to hide himself in whenever his
parents forced him to come to an event on the yacht because it isn’t as easy to sneak off a boat as it
is to sneak out of his house.

“Just come,” Taehyung says as he grabs the towel around Jungkook’s shoulders and holds it
around his chest like it’s an excuse to move closer. “Please.”

Jungkook works his jaw for a moment. He doesn’t care, but at the same time, he knows there’s
some satisfaction he’ll get out of seeing his brother in handcuffs. “Alright. Let me just get

They don’t talk during the car ride. Taehyung’s on the phone with someone, growing more and
more irritated by the second. Jungkook really doesn’t get why he wants him to come, but he can’t
help grow concerned with how roughly Taehyung speaks.
“Yes. And he was with me, would you like to see the security cameras?” Taehyung snaps, fingers
tapping hard against the seat. “That exact day and time, I can assure you that.”

Taehyung glances at him when Jungkook slides his hand across the seat and fits it beneath his.

“I’ll swear it in front a goddamn judge if you see fit,” Taehyung goes on with a bit less bite.

Their fingers thread together, and Jungkook looks out the window to give Taehyung some sense of
privacy. It’d be impossible though Taehyung’s car is quite large, because Taehyung speaks so
loudly like for once he doesn’t care about confidentiality.

“Show me then,” Taehyung says, squeezing Jungkook’s fingers. “I’ll confirm it isn’t him, and then
if you keep up the harassment, I’ll have your entire department shut down.”

Jungkook reluctantly lets go when the car pulls to a stop a few buildings down from the police
station. He watches Taehyung hang up as he climbs out of the car, just to stand on the sidewalk and
look expectantly at Jungkook as if he wants him to come inside as well.

He does, hesitating but Taehyung walks quickly. He walks like a man pissed off, ready to storm
down the entire police force. Jungkook thinks he’s probably capable of doing so.

He only waves his hand at the receptionist who looks at them in alarm but lets them go by. It’s a
woman that Jungkook recognizes, and he makes a note to never reveal that fact to Taehyung.

“Where is he?” Taehyung demands as he steps into the station. “Jeon Jihyun.”

“With Detective Park, Attorney Kim,” one officer says, standing half out of his seat, and the words
are barely out of his lips before Taehyung’s making his way through the desks and down a hallway
Jungkook feels like they probably need clearance to be in.

“I’m gonna kill him,” Taehyung grunts, steps slowly as he looks from side to side. The hallway
seems to be filled with interrogation rooms from what Jungkook can see through the glass that lines
the walls.

Taehyung doesn’t knock when he finds the right room. He opens the door and steps in. Jungkook is
sure he can’t go in, but he lingers by the glass instead. No one turns to look at him, and he wonders
if it’s one way.

It’s definitely Jihyun inside. It’s an odd sight, but one that’s pleasing even if he isn’t handcuffed.
His hands sit free on the table, and the tick in his jaw tells Jungkook he’s pissed off.

“This is illegal,” Taehyung’s angry voice floats into the hallway as Jungkook watches him jab a
finger at the detective that slowly stands. “We already spoke about this, Park. We had an

The detective smirks as he steps up into Taehyung’s space. “I’m simply questioning him, Attorney
Kim. No arrests have been made.”

Taehyung grabs Jihyun by the ear. Jungkook fills with so much amusement he almost claps his
hands, but he’s shocked by the way Jihyun lets Taehyung yank him into standing like that.

“Without cause,” Taehyung snaps as he lets go of Jihyun and gives him a slight shove towards the
door. “They both have a stable alibi, and you weren’t to question him until I got here.”

Jihyun stumbles into the hallway but he’s quick to straighten and fix his jacket when he spots
Jungkook. Annoyance fills his face, and Jungkook can understand as he feels the same. It’s a
conditioned response at this point.

“What are you doing here, baby bro?”

Jungkook digs his tongue into his cheek, not willing to be baited in the middle of a police station.
Perhaps. “First time?”

Jihyun chuckles as he comes up to him and knocks their shoulders together purposefully rough so
Jungkook has to take a step to catch his balance. “Simple misunderstanding.”

Taehyung had told him he was arrested, but it doesn’t seem that way. He glances back at Taehyung
as the detective hands him over a piece of paper.

It’s subtle, but Jungkook can tell whatever it is pisses him off more. The tension that slowly creeps
into his body, the tick in his jaw. The way he hesitates a moment before he turns to the detective
with his final words.

“Seems so,” Jungkook says, turning away to face his brother. Jihyun wipes a thumb over his lower
lip, and it’s then Jungkook notices it’s swollen and cut. “You’ll have no problem getting Appa to
believe that, I’m sure.”

Jihyun narrows his eyes as he takes a step forward. “I’ve missed you, little Kookie. House is too
calm without you wreaking havoc and starting arguments. How’s married life treating you?”

Jungkook rolls his eyes, his defenses rising when his brother flicks his neck. He reaches up,
grabbing his hand in a warning. “Eomma’s having a hard time finding someone who’d willingly
marry a prick like you, isn’t she?”

Jihyun bares his teeth like he’s going to spit an insult out, but Taehyung’s stepping into the hallway
and interrupting him.

“Let’s go. Jihyun, where am I dropping you off?”

A gentle hand touches the back of Jungkook’s neck as Taehyung steps up to them. Taehyung’s just
as rigid, and Jungkook wonders if the touch is more to comfort himself than Jungkook.

“Home,” Jihyun grits out, slowly moving his eyes from Jungkook. “I’ll walk.”

“No,” Taehyung snaps, shoving the picture into his chest. “We need to discuss something. Let’s

Often, Jihyun’s taken every order from his parents willingly. He’s done as they’ve asked or
demanded without question, without hesitation. But it’s only ever been with them or people whose
asses Jihyun’s wanted to kiss.

With people their age, Jihyun’s always been a bully. Pushing kids around, taking no shit. Making
fun of Jungkook because he used to stutter, forcing him to speak in front of his older friends for a
laugh. One time he got into a fight because someone was talking shit to him, and Jungkook had
admired his older brother for it until he told their parents that Jungkook was the cause of his
swollen, bruised eye.

But with Taehyung, Jihyun’s almost exactly like he is with their parents. Other than the glaring
eyes, Jihyun nods in agreement and does exactly as Taehyung says. Or at least it seems so until
they get outside and it becomes aggressive.
“I’m not speaking in front of him,” Jihyun snaps, shoving into Taehyung.

It’s instant the way Jungkook moves to step between them, but Taehyung is faster, closer. He grips
the collar of Jihyun’s coat before he can touch him and shoves him against the wall lining the

“Don’t get pissy with me because you keep fucking up,” Taehyung snaps, shoving his hand to
Jihyun’s chest to keep him there. “I told you to stay out of the club, dammit. If you’re so adamant
about ruining your own career, so be it. But stop wasting my time.”

Jungkook nears, body ready in case Jihyun counter attacks like he expects him to, but he doesn’t.
He’s all words, just like any other politician.

“It was the last time,” Jihyun spits under his breath but his voice carries. “And unfortunately for
you, your father needs you to uphold your end of the deal here so you’re stuck with me.”

Jungkook tilts his head, angling his ear towards them as his curiosity is piqued even more. If this is
breaking confidentiality, he isn’t sure, but Taehyung seems to have forgotten he’s here as he leans
in towards Jihyun.

“I already made it so what your father is doing for mine is useless, so no, I don’t give a fuck about
the contract,” Taehyung seethes as he shoves Jihyun against the wall. “Stay the fuck in line, Jeon.
Walk yourself home.”

He moves back at that, wiping his hand against his pants like touching Jihyun has left grime on
them. Jihyun spits at Taehyung’s feet, and Jungkook forgets his moment of confusing thoughts as
he leaps forward.

It’s disrespectful, but Taehyung hooks an arm out before Jungkook can punish Jihyun for it.

“Get in the car, babe, we’re leaving.”

Jihyun gives him a twisted grin. “Yeah, go on. Mind your own fucking business, baby bro. Do as
hubby says. Hopefully you listen to someone for once.”

Taehyung’s elbow digs into Jungkook’s chest, forcing him back. “You’re fucking lucky you had
brains for once and wore a fucking mask,” Taehyung says in finality, pushing Jungkook’s body
back towards the car. “Since the police got their hands on this one before my team could. I’m not
going to have an easy time saving your ass if it happens again.”

Jihyun only glares at him in response, and Taehyung turns to practically manhandle Jungkook to
the car.

“We’re in front of a police station,” Taehyung reminds him, but Jungkook doesn’t let go of the
glare he throws at his brother over his shoulder.

“Didn’t stop you from shoving him,” Jungkook grits out when there’s enough distance between

Taehyung lets him go to open the car door. “I have immense pull there. They’d turn a blind eye
because I have enough shit on that department to get them permanently closed down.”

“Was kinda hot seeing you shove him around. Still wanna bash his face in for spitting on you.”

Taehyung shakes his head as he laughs and climbs into the car. “Not worth it. They may turn a
blind eye to me but they won’t for you.”

Always the reminders of Jungkook’s involvement with the police. They slip out so offhandedly,
that even if Taehyung didn’t mean it, it still annoys him.

He doesn’t say anything though, the adrenaline coursing through his veins strong enough that
Jungkook doesn’t trust himself to speak. He just slips in beside Taehyung and lets him press into
his side.

“This is my loophole,” Taehyung says slowly, hand coming up to play with one of the buttons of
Jungkook’s shirt. “They interrupted my night, I had no choice but to bring you with me. I can’t tell
you more, but now you can openly know about your brother’s getting into shit.”

Curiosity sparks inside of Jungkook. He wants to ask for more, knows Taehyung won’t give it to
him. “Thought it was another distraction tactic to get me to forget about how jealous you were

Taehyung rolls his eyes and drops the button he plays with. “My father lied about your brother
getting arrested because he knew just a questioning wouldn’t be enough to get me away from you

Jungkook warms. He hesitates at the admission, hates that he’s skeptical of it. He tries to fill in the
silence but doesn’t have to when Taehyung whispers in his ear.

“It was important I stayed. Wanted to make sure you didn’t go home with anyone but me.”

Jungkook grins as he turns his head so it’s an inch from Taehyung’s. “Is that so?”

“Mhm,” Taehyung hums, sucking his bottom lip into his mouth. “Also wanted you to see the pull I
have at the station.”

It’s quick how annoyance fills Jungkook. “If you’re about to finish that sentence with ‘in case I get
in trouble again’, don’t.”

Taehyung’s flirty expression falters. He frowns at him as he sighs. “Jungkook.”

“I’ve told you I had enough of that conversation,” Jungkook says, turning away to look out the

“That’s not what I meant,” Taehyung clarifies, hand sliding over Jungkook’s jaw as if he might
turn his head but he doesn’t.

Jungkook ignores him, watching the street blur by. He hates that he’s given Taehyung a thing that
upsets him. He usually hates when people know what gets under his skin because they can use it
against him. The only ones he can trust not to are Hoseok and Yoongi, who usually tease him in a
light manner but never about the shit that really gets to him.

“Jungkook,” Taehyung calls again, touching his leg for attention. “I really didn’t -”

“What is my father doing for yours?” Jungkook asks, turning back to Taehyung. “Can you tell me
that? It wouldn’t be client confidentiality.”

Taehyung looks confused for a moment before he sighs. “I don’t know. I was bluffing.”

Jungkook wants to sigh too. If Taehyung already knew it would be a lot easier to tell Taehyung
about his father. Even if it’s wrong, they could pretend to get Daehee’s money for a few months
just as revenge for pissing him off.

“It’s bothering me that I don’t know. My father’s not like this. This isn’t meant as an insult, but my
family has a lot more money than yours. Money like that goes just as far as a name. All the things
he’s giving to your father doesn’t make sense to only get a title in return.”

Jungkook isn’t offended. It’s true. But he’s confused. “When you first asked me to marry you, you
said our union would be beneficial for both our families and us.”

Taehyung shrugs but doesn’t look at him. “My father said it was. I didn’t ask him for details. Now
I want to know them. For me, it doesn’t seem like much in comparison, but I don’t like being in an
empty house. I wanted to get a dog, but I can’t take care of them. So -”

Scoffing loudly, Jungkook shakes his head. He’s happy they’re pulling into the driveway because
he can’t do this. “Whatever, Tae.”

“What?” Taehyung asks him though he’s smart enough to realize what he just said. There’s no way
he missed the fact that he compared marrying Jungkook to getting a pet dog.

“Nothing. I’m done talking for now,” Jungkook says, stubbornly, even if it causes tension as they
pull into the car park.

“Jungkook -”

Jungkook ignores him, undoing his seatbelt to shove the door open the moment the car starts to
park. “If you want me to sit around the house and wait for you to come home like a pet, you should
have told me that before we got married and put a collar on me instead of a ring.”

The door slam echoes, as does the hurried steps Taehyung takes before he grabs Jungkook’s arm.

“I didn’t mean it like that,” Taehyung snaps, yanking him around. “And you do that already, don’t
you? Waiting up for me to get home?”

Jungkook rips his arm away, laughing sarcastically. “Right. First I’m some reckless kid. I annoy
you because I want to get to know you as a person not just have sex, makes me come off needy. I
get it. I’m not your fucking pet, though.”

This time, Taehyung doesn’t chase him when he storms off.

It takes Jungkook about twenty minutes to calm his anger down into an annoyed simmering
feeling. He was a little unfair, but he thinks everything from today is playing with his head.

He’s annoyed with both himself and Taehyung. He didn’t really sign up to be what a husband is
supposed to be, and he’s annoyed with his want to be that. To date and hang out. To not be an
image of a couple.

But he’s even more annoyed that Taehyung seems so resistant to it, or that he just doesn’t get it.
He’s highly intelligent yet he acts like Jungkook’s doing some strange mating behavior by wanting
to get to know him.
He paces around his bedroom, which seems foreign to him. When he was living at home, his
bedroom was filled with personal things. Items he collected, posters on the walls. Maybe most
adult’s bedrooms seem impersonal because all they do is sleep in it, but he spent days and days on
end in his that he needed it to feel like his.

This doesn’t, and it’s his own fault. But also another reminder of his place here. Married but just a
roommate. The one that needs Taehyung enough to be his fucking pet.

The thought makes Jungkook’s anger return, as does the knock on his door.

Jungkook leans one elbow on the doorframe above his head, only opening it enough to show half
his body. “What do you want?”

Taehyung glares at him as he shoves something into his chest. He’s no longer in the same clothes,
but his pajamas. As much as Jungkook has wanted to strip Taehyung of his turtleneck tonight and
see the marks he’s left on his neck, he’s too aggravated to enjoy the sight of them now.

“I don’t think of you as my pet,” Taehyung starts firmly, “And I’m sorry that it came out that way.
It was stupid to say, but I was trying to explain that even if the only thing I’m getting out of this is
not to be alone, it’s just as important to me as you getting out from beneath your parents and me
covering your ass. Which, I get it. You aren’t like that, I believe you aren’t going to be what
everyone thinks you are. But guess what lover, everyone else still thinks that. So it’s been my job
to get them to stop.”

He pulls his hand away when Jungkook grabs onto the paper against his chest before it can fall.
Jungkook doesn’t look at it, gritting his teeth as he stares at Taehyung’s angry face. There’s
practically steam coming out of his ears, and he’s annoyed because Taehyung shouldn’t be the one
upset right now.

“Look at it, and tell me you understand why I asked you if you have done illegal things I don’t
know about,” Taehyung grits out, urging him on. “Because this is what that’s going back to isn’t it?
I told you I believed you but you don’t believe me.”

Jungkook rips the paper from his chest stubbornly, not wanting to give in but he stares down at it
and falters.

It’s a picture of two men exchanging something, taken from a high angle. Just like Taehyung had
of his brother before. Both of their faces are covered by masks and their hats, making it impossible
to tell who it is. But Jungkook knows who Taehyung thought it was.

“That’s your brother,” Taehyung says, pointing to one man. “And that man goes by J. Now tell me
that doesn’t look like you?”

Jungkook hangs his head back, cussing lightly. “I don’t even know what this is, Taehyung.”

“I’m not saying it’s you,” Taehyung argues, now sounding frustrated. “But that detective doesn’t
only suspect Jihyun is in the picture. I defend the guilty and non-guilty, Jungkook. People who
aren’t guilty of crimes are still charged with them and have to go to court. That’s my job as your
lawyer as well.”

Jungkook grinds his teeth together. He has no idea where the picture is even taken. He’s never seen
his brother dress so similarly to himself before, but Jungkook owns that exact outfit the other man
is wearing.

“Why the hell are you showing me this?” Jungkook asks, pushing the photo back to Taehyung.
Taehyung breathes through his nose as he takes it into hand. “Because you asked me to stop
thinking of you as a reckless kid, and I want you to stop thinking everything I say to you means that
I do think that. And this is me showing you I trust you. I couldn’t tell you because this is
confidential, but now you have it.”

“I don’t know what you’re showing me,” Jungkook says, his words less biting and more confused
as Taehyung crumbles the paper in hand like he’s aggravated still. “I don’t care what Jihyun is

Taehyung leans into him, chin tilted. “Do you understand now why I had to ask you?”

Jungkook nods. “You can’t see a face, but I have that outfit. Yeah, I get it. But if you actually got
to know me like I’ve been trying, you’d know I don’t ever see my brother outside of family
functions. We’re definitely not partners in crime.”

Taehyung’s face falls as he tries to straighten the picture out. “What do you mean you have this

Any other time, Jungkook would be annoyed that Taehyung once again is ignoring his comment
about getting to know each other, but Taehyung looks genuinely alarmed.

“It’s common clothes,” Jungkook says, shrugging. He’s worn it exactly like that before. Leather
jacket over his black and white plaid button up, bucket hat on. Ripped black jeans with metal
hanging down the sides. “But I get why you think it’s my style.”

Taehyung sighs as he slowly trails the tip of his finger down the bridge of his nose. “I don’t think
it’s you.”


Taehyung grabs his shirt, keeping him still. His eyes are intense. “I trust you. I need you to get that
through your head. This was taken only a few days ago, and I didn’t even ask before I told the
police it wasn’t you. I lied about having security footage of you here with me because that’s how
sure I am it isn’t you. Got it?”

The conversation Taehyung had in the car on the way to the police station rings in Jungkook’s
memory. How angry he sounded, though Jungkook had assumed he was talking about Jihyun.
“Okay, I got. I got it.”

“Also, I don’t think of you as a dog or someone to wait around for me,” Taehyung says, softer this
time. “You don’t have to. I just don’t get why you do. I was never expecting you to.”

Jungkook curls his lip. He isn’t going to explain it, make an embarrassment of himself. It’s obvious
enough. “Got it.”

It’s aggravated, the sound Taehyung lets out as he fists Jungkook’s shirt and keeps him from
moving back like he plans to. He breathes out for a moment, just staring at Jungkook.

“Though, if you wanted to try wearing a collar in bed -“

Jungkook rolls his eyes and pulls Taehyung’s hand off of him. “Not in the mood for you to use sex
to change the subject again tonight, Tae.”

Taehyung sighs as he leans into the door frame too. “Okay, I’m sorry. I do do that. It isn’t
intentional or preplanned, it just comes out.”
Part of Jungkook is feeling argumentative, stemmed from his annoyance, seeing his brother,
Taehyung’s offhand comments. His obliviousness. Part of it which feels like hurt most of all, but
Jungkook refuses to acknowledge that.

“I’ll go. I just wanted you to know those things. Clear the air and apologize.”

Jungkook reaches out for Taehyung before he can leave. “When you said you didn’t care about the
contract, did you mean ours or our fathers’?”

Surprise fills Taehyung’s face, and Jungkook hates the fact that he hates when he hesitates. Hates it
even more when a small smile touches Taehyung’s lips as he leans his chest against Jungkook’s.

The hand that trails up Jungkook’s arm to cup his neck is welcomed, and it annoys him even more
how Jungkook finds it comforting.

“Our fathers’,” Taehyung says, squeezing his neck. “And ours, in some sense. If either of us were
to break it, it could be used in terms of settlement if one of us were to file for divorce. I have no
intention on doing so even if you’ve done something to break it. Just because we break it doesn’t
mean automatic divorce, babe. I have a feeling you wouldn’t divorce me just because I stopped
representing your brother.”

That much is true. He nods in the clarification, ready to call it a night, but he’s unmoving because
of how close Taehyung is. How much closer he gets after their eyes hold onto each other for a

His breath touches Jungkook’s lips, hesitating. A childish part of him wants to refuse it, but the
selfish part of him still wants it. So he parts his lips, head cocking to the side as he leans his weight
on the arm above his head and closes the space between them.

It isn’t like a kiss they’ve shared before, one that doesn’t have any intent behind it to tease. Even
the kiss they shared on the altar Jungkook had teased Taehyung with it, flicking his tongue into his
mouth at the last second.

Now their tongues touch, but it’s only a swift glide as their lips move over each other. It makes
Jungkook warm, the soft slick sounds of them kissing. Taehyung digs his fingers into the side of
Jungkook’s neck, keeping him from breaking the kiss first.

There’s no point to it, just a kiss. But Jungkook’s mind works overtime because with Taehyung
there’s always a point. To tease, to distract, to comfort.

Jungkook hopes the intent behind this one is the last of the three.

“The only one,” Taehyung murmurs against his lips, kissing him between words, “To initiate a
divorce would be you.”

Jungkook shakes his head before his lips wrap around Taehyung’s bottom lip to suckle softly.
“Hate being alone that much?”

Taehyung doesn’t reply at first, only continues kissing him. His lips firm, but not demanding in the
way they usually are. He holds the back of Jungkook’s head, fingers rubbing over his scalp in a
way that sends goosebumps across Jungkook’s body. Maybe he’s still a little drunk, but he feels as
if kissing Taehyung like this is equivalent to taking another shot of the strongest kind of liquor.

When Taehyung breaks it, his lips linger at the corner of Jungkook’s mouth for a moment. He
sighs there, tongue flicking out to wet his bottom lip.
“I like that it’s you here with me, Jungkook. I’ll try better to show you that.”

There’s a twist in Jungkook’s chest from Taehyung’s words, a feeling he can’t quite identify and
kind of wants to roll his eyes at. He ignores it to grip Taehyung’s chin, and Taehyung moves like
they’ve already memorized this dance together.

And maybe they have. The way Taehyung’s tongue pokes out of his mouth and into Jungkook’s
isn’t new. The soft groan Taehyung let’s out when he traces over the roof of Jungkook’s mouth
isn’t new, but it feels it.

Maybe it’s because Jungkook’s somewhat drunk and his aggravation is making him think about
where it’s coming from. This need for Taehyung to understand him, trust him. His want for
Taehyung to want him and not just like this. Not just physically.

Jungkook forces himself to stop kissing Taehyung because he could all night, until his jawbone
broke from being overworked. “Okay.”

Taehyung nods, rubbing Jungkook’s neck before he lets go. His expression is a mix of serious and
soft when he pulls back, his breathing slightly labored. “Try not to be so defensive with me, okay,

Jungkook nods as he watches Taehyung take a few steps back. He lingers there as if he’s waiting
for Jungkook to speak or if he’s waiting for him to close the door first.

And he does, behind him as he steps out of the bedroom. “I hate that you have to defend me when I
haven’t done anything. My goal here is have you rest, not make you work more.”

Taehyung shakes his head as he holds his hand out for Jungkook to take. “I’m a bit of a workaholic
baby, if you haven’t noticed. I don’t mind, just - understand when I ask you things it’s just because
I have clients that withhold a lot of information for me and I’m someone that needs all the facts.
It’s only for confirmation not for accusation.”

Jungkook takes Taehyung’s hand. “You never mentioned it before.”

Taehyung holds out the crumpled piece of paper. “This was the first time. But you already told me
about it, so I’m only here to show you I trust you.”

He doesn’t know when it was taken, how true that Jungkook was with Taehyung or not. Even if it
were Jungkook, he thinks Taehyung would lie on his behalf anyway.

But it still makes him warm that Taehyung trusts him, and he has to accept that that warmth is
because he likes Taehyung.

“I know you’re not involved,” Taehyung says as he pulls Jungkook close. “There’s only one thing
you’re guilty of.”

His tone drops, eyes playful, but Jungkook still feels his defense rise again tonight. “And what’s

Taehyung tilts his head to the side, lips pulling up into a small grin. “Being jealous of that sexy

The laugh Jungkook lets out is rough as he wraps his body around Taehyung’s. He doesn’t mind
the distraction now, after the conflict’s been resolved. He especially needs it because he can’t get
his mind to shut up about the feelings inside of him.
“Ah, Mr. Kim, I believe it’s you that’s the jealous one.”

Chapter End Notes

Let me know what you think!! I'm excited to share this onee

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Chapter 9
Chapter Notes

Hey hey! I enjoyed writing this chapter so I hope you like it. Thank you again &
always for the support and love that has been sent. <3

See the end of the chapter for more notes

If you were going to tell past Jungkook that he would enjoy a work party of any sort, he’d assume
you were on drugs. Or at least, he’d have to be on drugs to do that.

But give it to Kim Taehyung to make that possible.

Which is past Jungkook also wouldn’t believe, but each day he’s learning that his husband isn’t as
boring as Jungkook had once thought he was.

“Thank you for coming with me tonight,” Taehyung says, as their eyes connect in the mirror.
Jungkook presses his chest to Taehyung’s back as he swats Taehyung’s hands away to do the
buttons of his shirt for him. Just to touch, for contact.

Another thing past Jungkook would deny a future him ever wanting.

“I tried my hardest to get out of it,” Taehyung explains quietly, head tilting to the side as Jungkook
trails his lips over the curve of his neck. Touching, contact. “But I guess I need to get used to it.
When the day comes that it’s I that runs the law firm, my attendance will be mandatory.”

Jungkook grins. Things have been good since their argument, though Taehyung is barely around.
When he is, tracking through the door in the middle of the night, he looks the most stressed that
Jungkook’s ever seen him.

He swears it hasn’t been because of Jihyun this week, but Jungkook still has a plan to go to his
family home and give his brother a reason to do whatever Taehyung says and to do it without

“And I the head of Bae Hotels,” Jungkook whispers as Taehyung reaches to thread his fingers
through his hair, sighing softly as Jungkook sucks gently over his pulse. “Korea’s power couple.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes, but a smirk appears on his lips. One he rolls his tongue over as he lets
Jungkook go. “I like the sound of that. Though it means a lot more events like this.”

When Jungkook’s halfway up his chest, he stops buttoning with a grin on his lips. Taehyung looks
at him knowingly, eyes rolling, but he doesn’t do them up as he takes his suit jacket and slips it on.

Jungkook doesn’t really want to go tonight, but he promised Taehyung he would. He’d much prefer
to stay home and kiss Taehyung some more, every inch of him. Or just chill and do nothing,
though they never seem to do that.

The intention is there. Jungkook really doesn’t mind the lazing about or having dinner with each
other and nothing else, sharing small facts that he’s put into a Taehyung notebook in his brain. But
it just never stays that way because Taehyung’s touchy, flirty, and seems to make it his mission to
rile Jungkook up as much as possible.

And it always works.

“I hate these kinds of events,” Jungkook reminds him as he pulls on his own over the black button
up he’s chosen to wear. “As you remember. We met when I was sneaking out of one.”

Taehyung’s expression is bright as he moves to the part of the closet that holds his jewelry. “You
say as if that was forever ago, lover. It hasn’t been that long. And I remember. You didn’t want to
marry, but look at you now.”

It feels like it’s been a lifetime since he’s married Taehyung, even longer since they first met. He
ignores that though as he takes Taehyung’s place in the mirror and fixes the hair falling over his
forehead. It’s gotten longer, and he’s been resisting cutting it because he likes how Taehyung’s
hands feel tugging through the longer strands.

“I have no idea what you mean,” Jungkook denies, though he’s right on that too. Jungkook was
adamant about not getting married, but he’s been the one that actually wants to be a married
couple. He just won’t admit it out loud, even if Taehyung constantly calls him out on it.

Taehyung snorts as he shoulders Jungkook out of the way to put his earrings in. “You know,
speaking of events like these. Since you’ve become an ambassador, we’re going to have to attend
things like this too for that.”

Jungkook nods as he holds out his hand so Taehyung can dump his earrings there. “I know. But I’m
not as busy as you. I thought it would be good to do something to fill in the time, you know, keep
me out of trouble.”

Maybe Jungkook holds grudges and can’t fully let it go, but Taehyung ignores his comment. He
has been better about not bringing things up, but because he’s never home, Jungkook can’t tell if it
would be that way if he were home.

He’s defensive, he can’t help it.

“I wasn’t expecting for you to want to work with a non-profit” Taehyung says, as he tilts his head
and pushes a second hoop into his ear. “Or make such a large donation.”

Jungkook rolls his shoulders, head cranking to the side. Daehee’s refused to take his money back,
and Jungkook wouldn’t accept it. He couldn’t, and he still feels guilty he hasn’t told Taehyung
about it. He just needed to get it away, though he did actually want to do something good with it.

“It’s an important program,” Jungkook says. “Not everyone is lucky like us not to be kicked out
after they come out to their parents. Or to live in a place where another family can afford to take
them in.”

Taehyung looks at him for a long moment before he takes another earring, and Jungkook can’t read
his expression. “You’re right. Mention it at the function tonight, I’m sure others will be interested
in donating as well. How do I look?”

Beautiful, glowing, handsome, extraordinary, are a few of the words that float through Jungkook’s
head as he takes in Taehyung’s finished look. “Fuckable.”

In truth, he’s probably also as equally to blame for why their lazing about together never stays as
Taehyung takes a step forward, head ticking to the side. He reaches out, patting down Jungkook’s
chest. “I hope so. Got a plan for tonight as a thank you for coming with me.”

“You don’t have to do that,” Jungkook says, but he can’t deny the way his stomach leaps as
Taehyung curls his fingers into the lapels of his jacket and tugs him forward. “I’m very supportive.
I don’t need anything in return to come with you tonight. Dutiful husband, you see.”

Taehyung laughs when Jungkook’s chest puffs proudly, lips pulling his grin into a full smile. “I
want it, though. I think you’ll like what I have in mind. I don’t particularly enjoy these kinds of
events either, babe.”

Jungkook’s interest is piqued. He arches a brow as if to ask Taehyung to explain, but Taehyung
shakes his head. “Want to tell you in front of everyone. I like seeing how red you get from public
displays of affection.”

Gently, Jungkook strokes down Taehyung’s back. His neck already feels hot, but he ignores it.
“Tell me.”

Taehyung shakes his head, tutting his tongue. “Be patient, lover.”

The drive to Taehyung’s building seems to take forever. Taehyung talks quietly about the banquet
hall on a lower level, about different coworkers, but Jungkook’s only half listening because
Taehyung’s purposefully trying to distract him with his hands.

And it’s working. As many times as it’s happened before, Jungkook would think he’d be a little
more immune to the way Taehyung touches over his thighs and between his legs like it’s a habit
more than thought out. But he’s not, and his cock is half hard by the time they get to the building.

The feeling of arousal though is quick to die the moment they enter the banquet hall and the first
ones to greet them are Taehyung’s parents.

“Eomma, how does it feel to be the most beautiful woman in the room?” Taehyung greets as he
takes his mother’s hand and kisses her cheek. “A feeling I’m sure you’re used to.”

She smiles softly, eyes rolling as she squeezes Taehyung’s cheek. “No need to charm me. What do
you want?”

“Nothing, I swear it,” Taehyung assures her as he slips his arm through Jungkook’s. “Just a
pleasant night.”

Jungkook wonders if Taehyung can tell how stiff he is. He hasn’t seen either of Taehyung’s parents
since he had a confrontation with them both, though Taehyung’s mentioned a few times how his
mother wants him over to apologize. He doesn’t quite care to hear it, doesn’t want an apology, and
he’s hoping she doesn’t try to give him one now.

Taehyung really loves and respects his parents, and while Jungkook isn’t going to let them talk to
him anyway they want to, he wants to avoid any possible confrontation.

“There’s no reason there shouldn’t be,” Daehee says as he claps Jungkook’s shoulder, and
Jungkook wants to rip his hand off when his fingers dig in. “How are you son?”
Jungkook licks over his teeth. He’s annoyed by how relaxed Daehee looks, like the last time they
spoke he hadn’t put his hands on him. “I’m doing fine.”

He keeps his hand there, lips tilting up some when Jungkook glares at him.

“Jungkook,” Taehyung’s mother starts, but Taehyung interrupts her.

“Not now,” Taehyung says casually, tugging Jungkook by the arm. “I’ll see you around, Eomma.

Taehyung’s mother looks as she may argue, but Taehyung’s practically yanking Jungkook away
before she can.

The banquet hall is covered in round tables with scarlet tablecloths, glistening sculptures in the
middle of each one. The tables set up around the edges for food are currently empty, but Jungkook
can smell it.

There’s a podium at one end of the hall, and displays up behind it. One with Daehee’s face on it,
and Jungkook knows he didn’t think out agreeing to come tonight well enough.

“I can handle your mother, Taehyung,” Jungkook says under his breath as he tries to keep up with

“I don’t doubt that,” Taehyung says through a smile and a head nod that he sends to someone they
pass by. “That was selfish. I’m the one that doesn’t want to deal with it. I know you’re not going to
accept her apology, and that’s fine. But she’ll get pissy, and I don’t want to deal with that tonight.”

Jungkook doesn’t reply as Taehyung guides him to what looks like the coat closet. He stops before
they can enter it though, turning to face him and putting little space between them.

There’s mischief gleaming from Taehyung’s eyes as he digs something out of his pocket and
presses it into Jungkook’s hand. He keeps his touch firm so Jungkook can’t lift it and see what it is.
It feels hard, small.

“I know how much you like to tease,” Taehyung whispers as he reaches up and behind Jungkook’s
head to play with the hair at his nape. “I thought you’d like this.”

Curiosity fills him as Taehyung lets go of his hand to see the object. He’s learned to never be
surprised by Taehyung, but he’s careful to keep his hand between them because knowing
Taehyung it could be anything. “What is it?”

It’s a small square with buttons on it. A tiny remote.

“Turn it on,” Taehyung murmurs, leaning in to brush the words across Jungkook’s cheek.

Jungkook hesitates, a mix of confusion and arousal filling him as his mind plays on what he thinks
it could be. He rubs his fingers over the buttons before turning it on.

It’s instant the way Taehyung’s body jerks, pressing into Jungkook’s further. The exhale he lets out
sounds more like a moan, and the way his fingers twist in Jungkook’s hair goes right to his groin.

“Turn it up.”

Jungkook licks his lips, eyeing around them as he presses a button with an arrow on it. Taehyung
tenses, mouth hot against Jungkook’s ear so he can hear the soft groan rumbling in his throat.
“I’m yours to play with,” Taehyung whispers, smoothing a hand down Jungkook’s chest and
around the hand that holds the remote. He doesn’t take it or turn it off, but guides Jungkook’s hand
into his pocket. “But don’t be too cruel.”

Jungkook’s brain is working overtime. Taehyung’s successfully blown his mind with the
unexpected, made him truly speechless for the first time. He licks his lips, feeling out of breath.
“Tae -”

Taehyung lets out another soft groan before he pulls back and disappears into the coat closet.

Hesitating, Jungkook fiddles with the remote in his pocket. Surely, Taehyung doesn’t want to fuck
around before the night has even started. In the coat closet nonetheless which is the farthest thing
from private as guests are still arriving and this will be the first place they stop.

But at this point, Jungkook wouldn’t put anything past Taehyung.

When he enters the closet, Taehyung is slipping his coat off and onto a hanger. It’s visible the way
his hands shake, and though it’s obvious, Jungkook can’t help but ask. He needs the confirmation.

“Tae,” Jungkook calls as he steps up behind him. He glances over his shoulder, making sure
they’re alone before he presses his hand over Taehyung’s ass. “Did you?”

Taehyung hangs his head back, resting against Jungkook’s shoulder. His bottom lip caught
between his teeth releases when Jungkook maneuvers his hands and presses between his cheeks
through material of his pants.

He can feel it, though barely. The slightest of vibrations.

“Yes,” Taehyung moans softly. “While you were in the shower. Thought you’d like it.”

Jungkook’s lips fall open. Taehyung’s truly sinful. He slips his hands down Taehyung’s cheeks,
and it’s subtle the way Taehyung spreads his legs to accommodate his touch to move even lower,
ghosting over his perineum and stopping when Jungkook presses his fingers down over his balls.

“Why?” Jungkook breathes, adrenaline coursing through him. He definitely likes it, his cock
twitching interest as his mind tries to process the fact that Taehyung has a vibrator in him right
now and has given Jungkook control over it.

Taehyung shivers against him when Jungkook drags his hand back up and pulls it away when
someone steps into the closet. He doesn’t move back though, fitting his crotch against Taehyung’s
ass instead because it looks innocent enough, even if Jungkook wants to grind down against him
until he’s fully hard.

“So we’re not bored,” Taehyung says as he turns and slips his hands into the lapels of Jungkook’s
jacket like he’s going to strip it off of him. “Thought we could play a game. Let me show you how
it works.”

Jungkook listens quietly as Taehyung instructs him on the different settings, guiding him through
each one until Jungkook has a grip on it. Just listening to Taehyung talk about it, even so
mechanically, makes him want to pull Taehyung out of the closet and somewhere more private.

“Okay, turn it off for now,” Taehyung says, words shaky.

Ignoring him, Jungkook presses the arrow button again, and Taehyung practically jumps. His eyes
narrow immediately, and it’s a bit rougher the way he takes off Jungkook’s jacket. Jungkook can’t
help but grin. “You sure you want to play with me?”

Taehyung glances at the other couple hanging their coats up as he laughs. “Probably a dumb idea,
but if you’re not too mean I have something else planned for you.”

Immediately, Jungkook lowers the setting down to the first and shuts it off. Taehyung makes a
sound of relief. “What is it?”

“Not telling you,” Taehyung asks with a look that says Jungkook should have known this. “And
don’t make me come. If I tell you to stop, stop, okay?”

Jungkook nods, promises. He kind of wants to do that, make Taehyung come in his expensive
pants, but he doesn’t want to embarrass Taehyung either. Not in front of those he’ll be in charge of
one day.

Not in front of Jin, who will probably go to his grave talking about it.

“Now come on. Let me introduce my baby to the workers of Kim Attorneys at Law.”

Jungkook quickly understands what kind of game Taehyung wants to play as he introduces him to
his employees. Some people he remembers somewhat from the wedding, people who are so about
work that they’re barely through introductions before they’re asking Taehyung something about a
case they’re working on.

Not that Jungkook cares to meet anyone that Taehyung never talks about. The ones he has,
Jungkook’s already met. Including Beomgyu, who keeps appearing beside Taehyung and watching
him expectantly as if he’s waiting to be spoken to.

He falters a little, grows embarrassed when Jungkook pulls his head back to spot him behind
Taehyung. He bows a few times and practically scurries off when Jungkook opens his lips to greet

“I called him out on spying on me,” Taehyung explains as he turns his head to watch Beomgyu run
off. “Seems to be doing it still, though for what purpose, I’m not sure. I’d tell Eomma anything
she’d ask.”

Taehyung presses a hand to Jungkook’s back. He seems so at ease with the idea of being spied on,
maybe because Beomgyu seems to be beneath the employ of his mother, someone he clearly trusts.

“This is the lawyer, I told you about,” Taehyung whispers against Jungkook’s ear before Jungkook
can try to figure out Beomgyu. “The old one. Attorney Baek Sangchal-nim. Please, let me
introduce you to Jungkook.”

The man doesn’t look that old, maybe only a few years older than his parents. He wears the same
expression that Jungkook’s used to getting from his father, one of distaste that he tries and fails at

“It’s a pleasure,” Sangchal says, holding his hand out. Jungkook ignores it, keeping his hands
firmly in his pocket.

And one pushing over the buttons on the remote.

There’s no reaction from Taehyung when Jungkook turns the toy back on. Not even the tiniest of
signs that Jungkook’s actually turned it on. Even when he ups the setting, Taehyung doesn’t falter.
Sangchal’s hand falls to his side, and the offense in his expression grows. “I’ve heard a lot about

Jungkook licks over his teeth, grinning in distaste at the implication. Taehyung pinches him as if to
warn him, but he ignores it. “I have heard a lot about you as well. Though, to be so offended by
public displays of affection, I did assume you would be older.”

The air quickly tenses. Jungkook cocks his head to the side, keeping his expression as curious.

From his peripheral, he can see the corner of Taehyung’s lips quirk up.

“Excuse me?” Sangchal asks, a bit of ice in his tone, and Jungkook wonders why he’s here if he’s
said harsh things about Taehyung. Why Daehee would allow him here. It annoys him.

“My mother mentioned your discomfort with the photos Jungkook and I post of ourselves,”
Taehyung quickly follows suit. He makes a face that looks like a grimace, one half of his mouth
tugging down as his shoulders shrug.

Sangchal’s neck turns red. “I found it to be inappropriate, yes. You have an image to maintain,

Taehyung sighs, eyes rolling dramatically as he shifts his hand up Jungkook’s back and cups his
nape. Jungkook wonders how he can remain so casual right now, because he still hasn’t turned the
vibrator off.

“I’m quite sure my reputation as the best lawyer in Seoul won’t be damaged because I like to kiss
my husband.” With a soft grin, Taehyung taps Jungkook’s bottom lip. “I’m sure many people
would like to.”

Jungkook feels his face heat up when Taehyung’s eyebrows wag at him before turning back to the
old man. “So if you’d excuse us, there’s more people I must meet with.”

It goes like that, Jungkook switching between the first two settings and off as he exchanges
pleasantries with people whose names he doesn’t care to remember without a reaction from
Taehyung. With no reaction from Taehyung other than small touches here and there, or him
leaning back into the hand Jungkook presses to his spine.

He wonders how they look together. Not for the sake of image, but if people see them as a couple.
Newly weds, still in the honeymoon stage with their incessant need to touch each other. Even if the
sexual tension didn’t exist between them at this moment, both of them holding a secret between
each other about the vibrator and the remote, it would be the same. It always is. Jungkook’s
somehow adapted Taehyung’s touchiness.

“Excuse me, baby, I need to speak to Namjoon privately,” Taehyung whispers at one point as he
presses a kiss to Jungkook’s cheek. Jungkook wants to shake his head, doesn’t want to be left alone
and have someone take that as an opportunity to speak with him, but Taehyung ignores it. “Starting
to have a hard time thinking straight without how hard I am.”

Arousal sparks inside of Jungkook, and he bites his bottom lip into his mouth as he side eyes the
people around them. “Mm, is that right?”

Taehyung sighs, rubbing at Jungkook’s nape. “You’ll see.”

Jungkook watches as Taehyung walks away and touches Namjoon’s elbow for his attention.
Jungkook snatches a glass of wine off a tray a waiter walks by with, trying to make his stance as
unapproachable as possible but he knows it won’t work.

There’s clusters of people around them. He lets his eyes dart around, hoping he blends in as he
finds Daehee again.

He’s darting through the crowd, phone pressed to his ear. And Jungkook tilts his head in curiosity
as he watches Beomgyu dart behind him, stilling and turning away from him whenever Daehee
glances over his shoulder. It makes Jungkook frown, amusement filling him at how obvious it is as
he makes a mental note to tell Taehyung about it.

“Excuse me? Jeon Jungkook-ssi?”

Jungkook mentally groans as he turns with a pleasant smile to greet another old man. This time one
much older than the last. He looks excited, shaking Jungkook’s hand with fervor.

“Your father is an astounding man. I was a part of his campaign when you were, well you were
probably still in your mother’s womb.”

Jungkook nods like he’s interested. The last thing he wants to talk about is his parents, though he
knows he shouldn’t be surprised someone finally has. He doesn’t care, busy glancing over the
man’s shoulder where Taehyung talks to Namjoon.

“Were you not interested in following his footsteps?” the man asks, genuinely curious as he cocks
his head to the side. “Down the path of politics?”

Jungkook waits until Taehyung’s bringing the glass up to his lips before he hits the arrow to the
third setting. All he gets is Taehyung stilling his movements, keeping the glass a few inches from
his lips for a moment before he brings it to his mouth.

“No. I’m much more interested in hospitality,” Jungkook explains, disappointed as he turns it
down again. “Politics is more my brother’s thing.”

“Ah yes, Jihyun,” the man says, and Jungkook wonders if he’ll be stuck in this conversation
forever or if he can excuse himself without coming off rude.

He doesn’t have to when a hand comes down onto his shoulder, but Jungkook doesn’t consider it
being saved. “Excuse me, sunbaenim. I need a word with my son-in-law.”

Jungkook grits his teeth at Daehee’s demanding hand, which doesn’t let go until Jungkook accepts
and walks with him. He wants to shrug it off, but doesn’t want to raise awareness to the tension
between them.

For one, Taehyung will ask why, and Jungkook’s still trying to find the way to tell him about the
bribe. And two, Taehyung seemed adamant this wasn’t the place for Jungkook to speak to his
mother, and he doesn’t want to make Taehyung’s night uncomfortable by fighting with his father

“I don’t have anything to say to you,” Jungkook says as Daehee guides him to the edge of the
dining tables, away from anyone. Taehyung still speaks with Namjoon like he hadn’t noticed him
being pulled away, purposefully ignoring him tonight probably in response to the pulse of
vibrations inside of him.

“Am I sending a second payment this month?” Daehee asks, ignoring him. His eyes narrow into
Jungkook threateningly, and it pisses Jungkook off that he has the audacity to talk to him. “Or have
you decided -”
“You can shove your money up your fucking ass,” Jungkook snaps. He glances over his shoulders,
looking for the pesky, nosy Beomgyu but doesn’t see him. “I told you I don’t know anything, and I
can’t be bought.”

Daehee grins as he rocks back on his heels. “No? Did Taehyung not buy you?”

Jungkook hesitates. He doesn’t look at it that way. He isn’t getting any money from Taehyung. He
had even been insistent and stubborn about using his own money and not taking a cent from
Taehyung. “Excuse me?”

Daehee gives him a look of mocked pity. “Your hand in marriage in exchange for a monthly dowry
sounds bought to me, son. Don’t let it hurt your pride. It’s not the point here.”

Taking his hand from where it’s been secured into his pocket all night, Jungkook forgets about the
game between him and Taehyung to press that hand against his father in law to urge him an inch
back. He knows Daehee is just trying to taunt him, and it’s working.

“No. I wasn’t bought,” Jungkook grits out. “And I’m not accepting any of your money either. Like
I said, shove it up your fucking ass.”

Daehee’s feathers aren’t fluttered. He sucks in through his teeth, shaking his head. “That’s a
mistake. It will be very easy for me to convince my son you’ve been lying about your involvement
in the club. You’d be surprised how easy it is to manipulate video footage.”

Jungkook isn’t supposed to know about the video footage. It feels like a set up. A paranoid part of
him wonders if Taehyung’s behind this, but he forces himself to remind himself of how genuine
Taehyung seemed when he promised he believed him.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Excuse me.” Both their heads turn to find Taehyung suddenly there, eyes like daggers on his
father but his body relaxed. “What are you saying to my husband, Appa?”

There’s a shake in Taehyung’s fingers before he slips them into his own pockets, and Jungkook
remembers the remote and quickly lowers the setting.

Taehyung’s shoulders relax even more, but it seems to take him a moment to school his breathing.

“Only complimenting him. One of his hotels was rated the highest in all of Seoul,” Daehee lies,

If it’s true, Jungkook has no idea. He doesn’t manage any hotels here in Seoul, they’re handled
directly by the corporate office. He’s pretty sure he’s told Taehyung that as well, but he doesn’t
call his father out on the lie.

Taehyung glances at Jungkook as if for confirmation, but he doesn’t look at him long enough to
give him one. “Well, I think it’s time we make toasts.”

Daehee excuses himself with a lingering glance towards Jungkook. Silence stays until he’s far
enough away, and Taehyung moves closer to Jungkook.

“Why did it look as if you were going to punch my father in the mouth?” Taehyung asks,
expression more concerned than accusing.

“Your father is a bit of a dickhead, Tae,” Jungkook starts. He has to tell him, but will Taehyung
believe him over his father? If the editing is good, believable, will Taehyung trust Jungkook’s
words over his eyes? He’s already suspected him with less hard facts than that.

Taehyung’s eyes search over his face. “Why?”

“Not now,” Jungkook tells him. He needs a minute to figure out what he’s going to do. “More
pressing matters. I’m sorry he distracted me.”

There’s implication in his words, and though Taehyung hesitates, he grins a moment later.

“You don’t know how on edge I am,” Taehyung whispers in his ear. “Wish you could touch me.”

Jungkook bites at his cheek as he cups Taehyung’s. He wonders if he can kiss Taehyung in front of
everyone, if the tension between them was as loud as the tension between him and Daehee.

In front of unimportant people, Taehyung likes public displays of affection. But in this scenario,
Jungkook isn’t sure. He thinks about the older lawyer that had fussed about them kissing, if
Taehyung would kiss him just to spite the man or hold back as not to cause any crude words from

“Yeah? Didn’t seem like you even felt it.”

Taehyung nods, sucking in his bottom lip slowly. “Gonna have to work a little harder to get me
react, baby. If you do, you can have your other surprise.”

They don’t kiss, and Taehyung pulls away without another word to follow after his father.

Jungkook finds his seat as Daehee taps on the microphone, planting himself next to Jin and the
empty chair meant for Taehyung. It’s close to the podium, giving Jungkook a clear view of the
both of them.

“I’ve never seen so much sexual tension in my life,” Jin giggles, making Jungkook’s neck hot but
he ignores it and pretends like he isn’t bothered as he leans back in his chair and spreads his legs.
“Have you guys not fucked that out yet?”

Jungkook presses a hand to his mouth to keep in his laugh as Daehee’s voice floats across the
banquet hall. “Have you told your heart to catch up yet?”

Jin glares at him for a moment, before he side eyes Namjoon. Jungkook had been wondering who
they were talking about, and it’s obvious now. “Quiet. What about you? Figure out that romance

Static fills Jungkook’s chest and his grin slips away from his face. He turns his gaze away from Jin
to Taehyung, who stands with his hands clasped behind his father. “Taehyung isn’t interested in
romance. Or being anything other than legally married.”

He turns on the toy, but Taehyung doesn’t do anything but smile out towards the people watching
them as his father speaks. Taehyung had been right. This is entertaining enough that Jungkook’s
enjoying himself for the first time at a work event.

“And you are?”

“I don’t remember you being so nosy,” Jungkook quips, hitting the button again.

Nothing. Not even Taehyung gripping his hands tighter. The hands that are hovering over his
crotch as if to cover it.

Jungkook grins in satisfaction. He knows if it were himself, he wouldn’t be able to last this long.

“Taehyung’s all work no play,” Jin explains even though Jungkook’s heard this a thousand times.
“It’s gonna take some work to get him interested in a relationship.”

Jungkook really doesn’t want to talk about it, or acknowledge the fact that he wants a relationship
with Taehyung because that involves him figuring out other things like feelings, and he doesn’t
want to think any more about it. “Thanks for the advice, hyung, but I didn’t ask.”

Jin clicks his tongue as Jungkook hesitates his thumb over the button again. “You will when you
fall in love with him.”

The comment startles Jungkook, so much so that instead of pressing the button once he double taps
it. They’ve only gone to the third setting all night, Jungkook had been waiting until his impatience
was too difficult to deal with to go further.

“I’m not going to,” Jungkook grunts, offended as Taehyung jolts up onto his toes. Everything’s
quick, his mouth falling open before flying shut. His knuckles turning white, the way his head
turns and glares at Jungkook. “That’s not what’s happening here.”

“Sure,” Jin whispers, amused but at least he leans away to say something to Namjoon.

Jungkook ignores the weird feeling in his chest and focuses on how turned on he becomes by
watching Taehyung struggle. His throat working over time to swallow, the flush creeping up into
his cheeks. The subtle way his clasped hands press against his crotch, and how his eyes narrow
even more when Jungkook rests his chin to his hand and sends him an innocent smile.

Taehyung’s chest starts to fall a bit faster, his foot stepping out as if to spread his legs. Taehyung’s
mouth stays open. Jungkook wonders if Taehyung is going to push himself, give him the warning
to stop when he’s a few seconds from coming. If he feels like that already. If he knows how he
looks, or if anyone else does. How sexy he looks turned on, pleasured.

“And now a word from my son.”

Taehyung looks to Jungkook, and it’s subtle the way he cuts his hand in the air. Jungkook quickly
turns the toy off, but Taehyung still seems to have to catch his breath before he speaks.

His hands never unclasp from in front of his crotch, not even to adjust the microphone that’s a bit
too tall for him.

“Thank you for coming tonight,” Taehyung says, breathless. Jungkook’s cock twitches at the
sound of it, and he’s glad he’s sitting because he’s so hard he knows it must be noticeable. “I
second what my father says. The dedication and hard work you’ve put into this company has been
astounding, and I am proud to work alongside a group of amazing lawyers as you all. Both past and

Taehyung licks his lips, eyes glancing nervously at Jungkook as if he thinks Jungkook’s going to
ignore his warning. Jungkook would consider it if Taehyung hadn’t told him to stop. There’s
something erotic about someone trying to speak steady and unwavering while they’re getting
brought closer and closer to the edge.

“My husband has recently become an ambassador for the LGBTQ crisis support center here in
Seoul,” Taehyung announces as he swallows, clearing his throat, and the light catches on the sweat
over his brow. “It’s a nonprofit charity that’s extremely important to the both of us, and their
current goal is to develop a long term shelter here in the city to assist homeless queer teens. Each
donation would be greatly appreciated, and if you’re interested, Jungkook will be able to provide
you with information on how you can help.”

Taehyung’s eyes find him again, and they hold onto him as he finishes his speech. It isn’t subtle
the way Taehyung hooks a finger into the collar of his dress shirt and pulls it open a little more as
if to cool himself off though Jungkook hasn’t turned the toy back on.

Jungkook has to try not to laugh when Namjoon mentions it.

“Taehyung never gets nervous with public speaking,” he hears Namjoon whisper to Jin, his
concern loud. “Is he ill? We can’t afford him to be sick this week. Dongmin goes on the stand

“Taehyung could be seconds from death and still find a way in court, Joonbug. Don’t worry.”

Taehyung bows his head before he hops off the stage. He makes a beeline for their table without
acknowledging any of the applause he gets, his hand beckoning for Jungkook before he even
reaches it “Come with me.”

Everyone at their table looks to them in alarm, but Taehyung doesn’t seem to care as he waves his
fingers impatiently at Jungkook.

“We’re about to eat,” Jungkook says, trying to hold back his amused grin, but he takes Taehyung’s

Taehyung makes a squeamish face. It actually looks like he’s in discomfort, and it’s so believable
that the grin slips from Jungkook’s face. “I just need some air. I don’t think I can eat. Please tell
my father I’ll only be gone shortly, Jin-ssi.”

Jin doesn’t look concerned as he nods, and Jungkook feels bad for a moment but it doesn’t last long
as Taehyung yanks him from the banquet hall and his look of discomfort disappears.

“Fuck,” Taehyung exhales the moment they’re out of it, though he remains quiet. Jungkook plants
himself to his back, pressing his grin against Taehung’s neck. “If I don’t come soon, I’m going to
go on a murder streak.”

Jungkook snorts at the dramatics as he kisses the side of Taehyung’s neck and reaches around him
to cup him between his legs. It makes them have to waddle, but Taehyung doesn’t falter in his
determined pace towards the elevators. “Want it bad enough to beg for it?”

“Maybe,” Taehyung sighs, smashing his finger into the elevator button as Jungkook rubs his hand
over him. Arousal pours through Jungkook at how hard he is, and he wants to know if he’s leaking.
Wants to hear how good he feels, but Taehyung presses his lips closed around his moan.

His body seizes up and leans into Jungkook as he reaches into his pocket and turns on the device

“Jungkook,” Taehyung moans softly, resting his head back against him and turning to mouth at his
jaw. “Don’t. Want to come with you inside me.”

Taehyung’s words shoot through him like a rocket, his mind spinning as his body reacts instantly.
Pressing into the curve of Taehyung’s ass, his hand squeezing between his legs. He groans softly
as he presses his lips to Taehyung’s.
“Yeah?” Jungkook asks, uncaring if his voice reveals how eager he is.

“Mhm,” Taehyung hums as the elevator door bings open. He pushes Jungkook’s hand away from
his crotch, a soft gasp leaving his lips. “Please, turn it off.”

Jungkook does, and Taehyung practically sags against the wall of the elevator before Jungkook
steps in.

Usually there’s an employee inside, and there isn’t now, but Taehyung doesn’t even seem to check
before he’s pressing into Jungkook’s body. His eyes are dark, hungry. His skin growing more
flushed by the second.

“That’s all the begging you get,” Taehyung breathes against his mouth, hands caging around
Jungkook’s head. Jungkook grabs one of his ass cheeks, pulling him in between his legs to grind
against him so he knows Jungkook’s just as turned on.

“Doubt that,” Jungkook challenges.

Taehyung doesn’t waste the opportunity to shove his tongue into Jungkook’s mouth when his lips
open. Jungkook groans loud and lewd, fingers digging harshly into Taehyung’s hips as they circle
down against his own. Taehyung’s already breathing heavily, staggered exhales raising in pitch
like he’s about to come.

“Fuck, tell me you want me,” Taehyung murmurs, reaching down for Jungkook’s pants before
they’ve even gotten to the top floor. He fumbles over Jungkook’s belt, his zipper, as his lips trail
down to suck over his pulse.

“‘Course I want you,” Jungkook gasps as Taehyung’s hand slips into the opening of his pants. He
only touches him for a second, hand gripping around the length of his cock through his underwear
when the door dings open. “Always want you.”

Taehyung hums out a pleased noise as he pulls his hand away and walks back through the elevator
door. “Come on, baby.”

Jungkook feels like his younger self, sneaking someone into his bedroom window to fuck around
without getting caught by his parents. It reminds him of that as Taehyung pulls him into his
father’s office, giggling softly before he shoves Jungkook into his father’s chair.

The last time he was here, Jungkook and Daehee argued. He kind of wants to fuck Taehyung on
every surface.

“Don’t have a lot of patience,” Taehyung says as he pushes the chair back with his hand on
Jungkook’s chest. “And make it quick, baby. I can’t be gone for too long.”

“This was your idea,” Jungkook reminds him, out of breath as Taehyung turns and Jungkook grabs
his pants to pull them down.

“I know,” Taehyung tells him as his legs wiggle out of them. Jungkook’s a bit stuck as he takes in
the thick bands framing Taehyung’s bare ass and the thin silicone looking strap that appears
between his cheeks. “S’your fault. I told you to be nice.”

Jungkook groans as Taehyung purposefully sits on his legs and bends down to take off his shoes
and pants from his ankles. Jungkook can’t resist touching him so he does, hands spreading over the
wide curve of his ass and planting to the bottom of his spine. His hips jerk, already hard to the
point that he ruts up into nothing. “You should have known I wouldn’t be.”
Taehyung snickers when he sits up and wags a small bottle of lube over his shoulder, and Jungkook
groans at the idea he’s been walking around with it in his pocket this whole time. “I know. I like it.
I’m already stretched, just need a little more.”

It’s overwhelming. Jungkook thinks about Taehyung fingering himself while he was in the shower.
It had been a quick one, and he imagines how desperately Taehyung must have done it. He
wonders if he came when he did, if he wanted to. If he wanted it to be Jungkook to stretch him

“Jungkook. Hurry up.”

Jungkook realizes he’s just been staring at the ass in front of him as Taehyung bends over and
presses one hand to his father’s desk to support him. He quickly lubes up his fingers, but he’s slow
in the way he pulls out the vibrator.

It’s a small bullet vibrator that matches the vibrant color of the remote. Jungkook’s used one
before, and he can’t quite process the fact that Taehyung even owns one of these let alone uses it.
Taehyung’s a kinky shit, but he also gives off the impression that masturbation isn’t something
he’s into.

“Did you lock the door?” Jungkook asks, hesitating as what to do with the vibrator before he drops
it onto where Taehyung’s pants are pooled on the ground.

“Of course I did,” Taehyung says roughly, leaning further down on his arms as his legs spread.
“Jin will distract Appa. It’s our code to get out of something, pretending to be sick.”

Jungkook grins as he slips his fingers between Taehyung’s cheeks until he’s glistening. “No
wonder when Namjoon expressed his concern for how ill you seemed, Jin was calm.”

The laugh Taehyung lets out starts off amused but it turns to a low moan as Jungkook spreads his
ass with one hand on his cheeks and presses his fingers in.

There’s little to no resistance. Taehyung swallows Jungkook’s two fingers with ease, his back
arching further. The sight of it makes Jungkook’s cock ache between his legs, still trapped in the
confines of his pants. He’s thankful Taehyung’s already stretched himself, because waiting to get
inside of him will feeling like torture.

“You can go faster,” Taehyung instructs, and Jungkook does as he says. The slick sound filling the
room, obscene as the sight of Taehyung’s hole stretching around him. The way it flutters as
Jungkook pulls out and pushes three fingers in.

A tremor racks up Taehyung’s back, and he pushes back against Jungkook’s touch. He lets out soft
moans with every thrust, like they’re pushed out of his throat.

“God,” Jungkook murmurs as he spreads his fingers and spits. “I want you so bad, Tae.”

“How bad?” Taehyung asks roughly as he pushes up on his hands and fucks his hips down.

Jungkook doesn’t respond as he grabs one of the bands beneath Taehyung’s ass and snaps it hard,
pulling a soft grunt from Taehyung’s lips. “Get the condom, Tae.”

Taehyung doesn’t move as he seems to catch his breath when Jungkook pulls his fingers from him
to get his own cock out. At this rate, Jungkook doesn’t care if he gets the lube on his pants where it
will be visible. He needs to touch his dick or he may surely die.
“You said you haven’t been with anyone,” Taehyung says, each worth leaving his lips harshly. “Is
that still true?”

With his pants half down his thighs, Jungkook stills. His heart races even more in his chest, and his
desperate need to touch himself worsens. “ Yes , it’s still true.”

Jungkook barely has his pants to his calves when Taehyung’s pressing back and sitting in his lap.
He wiggles around as Jungkook spreads his legs to fit him between, hands still secured on the desk.

“Then let’s not use one.”

Jungkook hangs his head back, as Taehyung looks over his shoulder questioningly. His eyes drop
from Jungkook’s face to where Jungkook wraps a hand around his aching cock, fingers loose as he
strokes himself once. “Fuck, okay.”

“Okay,” Taehyung breathes out, pushing back as he lifts his hips. He reaches behind him, and it’s
clumsy the way he smacks at Jungkook’s hand to stop touching himself. “Fuck, I’m already so
close, baby.”

Jungkook bites hard on his bottom lip at the feeling that fills him when Taehyung’s long fingers
wrap around him, the pleasure that builds inside of him as he guides the head of his cock between
his cheeks.

The sight of how easily Taehyung spreads around him, takes him in. The sigh that falls from
Taehyung’s lips matching his own as he slowly sinks down onto him.

The muscles of Taehyung’s back visibly tense and release as he bottoms out. Jungkook grips onto
the bad of his jock strap to hold him down so he can grind up into him.

Taehyung tightens around him, thighs clenching before he lifts his hips again. Despite being in a
hurry, Taehyung teases. Slowly pulling up like he wants to feel every inch of him, and lowering
back down the same way like he wants Jungkook to see every inch that disappears inside of him.
How much he can take, how well he can take it.

The slow pace just doesn’t last long as Jungkook moans out loud, and Taehyung arches his back
and pulls off just to slam back down against him as he grips onto the desk for leverage. It’s loud,
the way their skin smacks together, the rush of his heart sounding in his ears like it’s trying to
match the fast rhythm.

Jungkook holds onto Taehyung’s shirt to keep it from getting in the way of his view, as a need to
hold onto something as the arousal inside of him grows. He can’t stop the moans from leaving his
lips, thankful for once they’re alone so his coworkers can’t hear the way they bounce off his
father’s office walls.

Taehyung gasps, hips faltering as he reaches behind him and holds onto the arm of the chair. His
back bends back as he circles his hips down Jungkook’s length, his entire body trembling above

“Thought about,” Taehyung starts, each word sounding like it’s being punched out of him with
each harsh roll of his hips, “Fucking you awake this morning.”

Jungkook squeezes his eyes closed, legs jerking towards each other as he processes Taehyung’s
words. He runs a hand over Taehyung’s stomach, feeling the muscles there flutter before he slips
his hand lower.
Taehyung cries out as Jungkook curls a hand around his cock to stroke him once. Jungkook hasn’t
seen him like this, this sensitive and worked up before. He’s kind of in love with it.

“Wouldn’t you like that? Wake up with my cock in you?” Taehyung gasps out as he falls forward
again, rolling his hips down so hard Jungkook thinks they’re both going to bruise where their skin

“Don’t you like my cock in you now?” Jungkook asks, as he grips Taehyung’s hip to still him, the
other coming around to his stomach so he can stay with him to stand.

“Mhm,” Taehyung groans, quickly getting the hint as Jungkook pulls to his feet. “Just saying. Been
horny all day because of you. Since I woke up.”

Jungkook snaps his hips forward, grabbing the straps of Taehyung’s underwear before Taehyung
can even position himself on the desk. “Good.”

He gives Taehyung time to secure his arms to the desk before he pulls back and fucks him at a
brutal pace. He’s close, unable to do more than grunt and moan with every snap of his hips. He’s
spurred on by the thought of coming inside of Taehyung, of Taehyung having to sit through the
rest of dinner with a sore ass and Jungkook’s come drying in him.

It’s more overwhelming than seeing Taehyung have casual conversation with his coworkers with
the vibrator inside of him.

“Fuck me faster, Jungkook,” Taehyung grunts, fingers grazing over the desk. “Damn, just -”

The way Jungkook pulls on Taehyung’s underwear makes his hips push off the desk, and Jungkook
does as he asks. He pistons into Taehyung, sweat pouring down his back and making his shirt cling
to it. Heat covering every inch of skin and inside of him.

Taehyung comes with a choked noise, clenching so hard around Jungkook it feels impossible to
pull out. His legs tremble so much his knee buckles when his toes graze the floor. Jungkook’s eyes
whip up to where he’s watching himself fuck Taehyung to take in his expression, wishing he could
see more than just his profile.

It’s still beautiful, Taehyung’s swollen mouth falling open, sweaty curly hair clinging to his
forehead. Eyes squeezed closed in pleasure, the muscles of his back straining with how hard he
grabs onto the desk.

It’s the sight of his face, more so than the feeling around his cock, that makes Jungkook thrust into
Taehyung and come with a choked out moan.

It rocks through him, his nerves sparking through every inch of his body. His legs feel weak as he
thrusts in a few more times, stomach clenching so hard it hurts.

“Fuck,” Taehyung groans, stretching over the desk as Jungkook presses a hand to his ass to keep
him still so he can watch the way he slowly milks his cock, softly thrusting into Taehyung’s abused
hole. “Can I take a picture?”

Taehyung laughs, eyes flicking open. His hand searches over the desk blindly where he had placed
his phone before taking his pants off.

Jungkook’s hip jerk involuntarily as he cock spurts, and he fumbles to pull up Taehyung’s camera
But when he does, he moans at the sight, quickly snapping a picture as he pulls his cock from
Taehyung and watches his come dribble out after it. It’s obscene, and Jungkook groans as he
circles his fingers around the base of his cock to guide the head over Taehyung. Catching the drop
of come before fucking it back into him.

Taehyung gasps, the sound sensitive though Jungkook moves slowly. He pulls out again, his
thumb pressing beneath the crown to fit just the head of his cock snug past the rim.

“You look good like this,” Jungkook compliments as his cock starts to soften and he pulls out.
“Look good covered in come.”

Taehyung laughs shakily as he pushes himself up and sits on the edge of his father’s desk. He
grins, looking messy with his sweaty hair and flushed face. “Gonna call me your come dump?”

Jungkook narrows his eyes as he leans down and presses a kiss to Taehyung’s mouth because his
body is sensitive and shaking, and he hates not being close to him. “You into that?”

“Could be,” Taehyung murmurs against his mouth. “If I can call you my little cockwarmer?”

Heat rushes to Jungkook’s ears, and he doesn’t comment as he presses a firm kiss to Taehyung’s
mouth. He could do this for the rest of the night, wants to, but Taehyung’s pulling away to grab a
box of tissues from the edge of his father’s desk after only a few short minutes.

“Were you serious about wanting to wake me up that way?” Jungkook asks curiously as Taehyung
wipes at the tip of his cock and tosses the tissue into the trash beneath the desk. He doesn’t answer
right away as he steps into Jungkook’s space and grabs the pants and underwear around
Jungkook’s knees to cover him.

“Do you want me to?” Taehyung asks simply as he goes to the desk next, wiping away the come
splattered across the wood. He frowns, searching around before he opens up a drawer and pulls out
a packet of wet wipes.

“Yes,” Jungkook admits, and he feels even hotter at the suggestion. It’s just, he already likes
waking up beside Taehyung more than he’ll ever admit. And like this ? Jungkook thinks he’d come
before his eyes even fully opened.

Taehyung rips open a wet wipe and glides it over his father’s desk. Jungkook takes over when he
notices how badly Taehyung’s still shaking. “Okay. But you’re really whiny in the morning. So
don’t complain when I wake you up, you’re the one that asked for it.”

Jungkook grins shamelessly as he tosses the wipe into the trash and grabs Taehyung’s shoes and
pants to hand to him. He wraps a tissue around the vibrator, and the moment he takes it into his fist,
Taehyung is shoving him hard in the chest.

“In the closet,” Taehyung snaps under his breath, pushing him hard until a second later, Jungkook
is forced into a closet that barely fits them.

Confusion fills him as Taehyung shuts the door softly behind him. It really is small, Taehyung’s
body trapped between the wall and Jungkook’s, his pants and shoes tucked against his chest.

“Quiet,” Taehyung whispers, hand grazing down Jungkook’s side to hold him close. “Give me the

Jungkook’s confusion leaves him and alarm fills him at the sound of Kim Daehee’s voice slowly
growing louder. He kind of wants to laugh, finds it difficult not to. “I don’t have tissue.”
Taehyung sighs, but Jungkook can feel his grin against his mouth. “There’s come dripping out of
my ass, Jungkook.”

It’s ridiculous, and Jungkook has to press his lips together so hard it hurts not to laugh at that. It
actually makes his already sore body hurt from trying not to make a noise.

“I don’t know what you want me to tell you, I’m unable,” Daehee says, voice loud enough to now
be in his office. Jungkook’s heart races so hard his face throbs with it, though what would Daehee
do if they found them? Scold them? It’s nothing.

Taehyung doesn’t seem to think so either as he breathes over Jungkook’s mouth before kissing him
softly. Jungkook falls into it, instantly curling his tongue into Taehyung’s mouth before he falls

“Just think of it as an advance, hyung. Reduce the payments over the next few months.”

It’s another recognizable voice. Both Taehyung and Jungkook fall still, their kiss breaking as they
realize Jeon Jongho is also on the other side of the closet door.

Jungkook almost laughs again, but he’s too focused on his father’s words.

“Right. And have you come to me and interrupt me at work again to try and haggle your way into
getting more?” Daehee says, and he sounds pissed. “Not happening, Jongho. It’s not a part of the
agreement. Get your fucking son in line instead of trying to bail him out for everything he does.”

Jungkook cocks his head at that. They have to be talking about Jihyun. It was always Jungkook’s
mother who bailed him out when he was arrested. Her lawyer who got the charges dropped.

“Don’t tell me how to raise my child when I could scold your choices as a parent as well,” Jongho
snaps, sounding just as angry. “I’ve been trying. You would think with my experience having to
raise someone as fucked up as Jungkook -”

Taehyung squeezes Jungkook’s hip, but he isn’t bothered. He’s heard worse said directly to his
own face.

“As fucked up as Jungkook?” Daehee repeats, his words rising in pitch like it’s absurd. “Jungkook
has gotten simple misdemeanors, Jongho. And never the same ones, possibly, because he’s got half
a brain and has learned from his mistakes. Unlike Jihyun.”

Jungkook frowns at that, and Taehyung’s hand slips from his hand to the center of his back to rub
there. It’s really unneeded but Jungkook doesn’t want him to stop. He’s still sensitive from his
orgasm, his nerves at listening to their father’s conversation mixing in with it and making him
shaky. The touch is soothing.

“Jihyun can serve hard time, and he keeps going back and going back,” Daehee grits out. “I’m not
bailing him out this time. There’s a reason I convinced my son to marry your youngest. Your eldest
will fuck up his life.”

There’s silence for a moment. Jungkook feels like he’s breathing too loudly, and even more so
when Taehyung reaches up and presses a hand to his lips. With how close they are, he’s sure
Taehyung can feel his racing heart.

“You have to,” Jongho says, and there’s a sense of finality in his words. “It’s part of the contract. I
won’t hesitate to break my end of the deal if you don’t.”
More silence, the tension loud. When Daehee speaks again, they both tense from how close he
sounds. “It would not be breaking a deal. I gave you the amount we agreed on this month. I am
holding up my end of the bargain, and even more so. You’re not the only Jeon getting paid each

A chill sweeps down Jungkook’s spine, panic rushing through him. He’s trapped here, can’t move,
though he considers stumbling out of the closet. He would if Taehyung wasn’t naked, probably,
just to shut Daehee up.

“Why don’t you swallow up a bit of that pride, Jongho, and call your son and ask him for the
money I’ve paid him last month. He seems to be refusing to touch it.”

Son. Not specific. Jungkook still can’t stop the nerves inside of him though, especially when
Taehyung’s head turns to him at that, until his breath kisses his mouth again.

“I’m not asking my son for money,” Jongho grits out. Jungkook can’t imagine he ever would, can’t
even picture it in his head. His father asking him of all people for help. He can’t see it. “It’s in your
best interest to help me or I might let it slip -”

There’s the sound of a struggle. Taehyung misreads the way Jungkook’s body moves as him going
to burst out of the closet, but honestly, Jungkook doesn’t care if either one of them fuck each other
up. Taehyung grips hard onto Jungkook’s bicep, the closet too dark for them to see each other, but
he can feel the way Taehyung’s head shakes.

“No,” Taehyung says, the word barely louder than a breath.

“You continue that sentence, and I will ruin everything you’ve ever worked for,” Daehee seethes,
and Jungkook wishes he could see what was going on. “All the illegal transactions, the briberies,
the embezzlement. I’ll let it all out. Your discrepancies will ruin your entire career, mine won’t.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” Jongho spits, and the forced sound of his words makes Jungkook think of the
time Daehee tried to grab his throat.

“If Taehyung hears a word of it, our contract will be null anyway,” Daehee snaps, and there’s a
thud. “So tell even a mouse, and your career is over Jongho. Now get the fuck out of my office.”

Taehyung squeezes hard into Jungkook’s dress shirt, his breathing labored. It feels like forever
they stay like that, mind racing as they hear Daehee trash his office before leaving.


Taehyung’s loose, relaxed feeling from getting fucked as hard as he wanted lasts not even a quarter
of the time he had been hoping it would. He’s tense now, aggravated, mind busy once again.

Beside him, Jungkook seems just as tense. It’s obvious they hid away to fuck, because Jungkook’s
got lube on his pants and his shirt had been sticking to his back when they first returned to the
banquet hall. But the tension around them must be what’s keeping Jin or Namjoon from making a
comment about it.
His father is tense too, steaming where he sits at the head of the table, but his smile seems genuine
whenever anyone talks to him. Taehyung only sees it because he knows him well enough.

Whatever Daehee is getting from Jongho, he wants Taehyung not to hear it specifically. It
aggravates him, pisses him off, and he’s having a hard time not showing it.

Jungkook grips his thigh beneath the table, a gentle touch that Taehyung reciprocates by threading
their fingers together. There’s a sheepish smile on Jungkook’s face, tense around the corners, and
Taehyung wonders how long Jungkook will keep it from him.

If he’s even upset that Jungkook has.

Surely, his father must have meant he gave Jungkook money. He could have given it to Jihyun, but
that wouldn’t fit in the conversation with Jongho. It would also explain where the large deposit in
Jungkook’s bank account came from. Why his father insisted Taehyung not tell Jungkook about it
with some bullshit story about keeping things from your partner.

But why?

Is that why Daehee and Jungkook seemed to be having such a heated conversation earlier?

It’s driving Taehyung insane not having the answers, and he can barely touch his food. He’s not
someone that just sits and accepts things.

“Are you okay, son?”

Taehyung looks at his father’s soft smile. Everyone is lying to him lately, and he hates that. Sure,
he lies. He manipulates, but he never does with those close to him. He’d never lie to Jimin, not
purposefully. Not like this.

“I haven’t been feeling well,” Taehyung tells him, and it’s half a lie. He’s felt sick to his stomach
ever since Jungkook and him were trapped in his father’s closet. “Would it be alright if Jungkook
and I left early?”

“Of course,” his father says, concern filling his expression as he glances between Jungkook and
him. His mother sits beside him, looking just as concerned. Taehyung can’t look at her, hates the
thought that maybe she is keeping something from him too. “Have Butler Park make you some
soup. And drink lots of water.”

Taehyung nods in agreement, desperate to get out of the hall as sweat starts to build over his neck
and not in a welcomed way like it had been earlier. Jungkook follows after him, equally as
concerned, and Taehyung doesn’t care if anyone sees them rush out.

He breathes in the cool air, slowing his pace as he makes his way to the car. How can he bring it
up to Jungkook without coming off accusing? The last thing he wants to do is fight the way they
had, to get that frustrated right now. Jungkook’s the kind of defensive that makes Taehyung unsure
if he’s said the wrong thing or if Jungkook’s just taken it wrong.

“Taehyung,” Jungkook calls after him, jogging to catch up and falling into his pace.

“Not right now, Jungkook,” Taehyung says, brushing their arms together. Jungkook likes intimacy,
he can start that way. As long as he doesn’t come off as trying to seduce the answers out of him,
though that has worked on Jungkook before. It just feels wrong to do now, and Taehyung doesn’t
think he can.
He just needs a minute by himself to think.

“Babe,” Jungkook starts, his words higher in pitch. “I have -”

Taehyung holds out his hand, eyes closing, to stop Jungkook from speaking. “My father is hiding
something from me, Jungkook. I’m a little annoyed and pissed off about it. Please just give me a

Jungkook nods quickly, but he still stops Taehyung from yanking open the door to their car like he
wants to so he can just get home and figure this out.

“Your father was talking about me,” Jungkook says, the words rushing out of his mouth. “He gave
me money.”

Taehyung falls still, staring at him. He wasn’t expecting Jungkook to confirm it was him, not right
away. “What?”

“I didn’t want it,” Jungkook stresses, hands out in front of him. “I tried to send it back, but he
threatened me into keeping it. Said it was either that or he’ll manipulate a story about me in the
media. Even if you can bury it, people will still see it, and it will take weeks for them to forget
about it depending on just exactly what kind of story your father will create.”

It isn’t annoyance that fills Taehyung, but anger. It swallows him hole, suffocates him, and if it
weren’t for the gentle way Jungkook grabs his hand to hold onto it, he’d storm back into the
banquet hall and demand his father tell him just why the fuck he would do that.

He wants to do just that, doesn’t even care to hear more. That’s how angry he is, but Jungkook
holds onto him like he’s desperate for him to stay.

“He thinks I know something and was trying to pay me to be quiet,” Jungkook quickly explains.
“But I don’t know it. And I told him, even if I did, I wouldn’t keep it from you. And I truly mean

Taehyung’s nostrils flare and his words come out biting. “Know what?”

Jungkook shrugs a few times, looking around as confused noises leave his lips. “Whatever he’s
getting out of the deal. I don’t know what it is. And if I did, I would tell you.”

Taehyung can’t breathe. It makes his mind even busier trying to make sense that whatever it is, his
father would stoop to threatening Jungkook - one of the persons they’re contracted to protect, to
keep it from him. “So why didn’t you? Why are you only telling me now that I overheard it?”

Jungkook’s hand falls from his, but he refuses to get out of the way so Taehyung can get into the
car. He doesn’t want to be having this conversation in the middle of the street right outside of his
office building. He wants to storm back inside still, but he’s angry enough that a conversation isn’t
going to happen. He won’t be able to handle listening to his father deny anything.

“Because I was afraid he would go through with his threats,” Jungkook admits, and there’s
something on Jungkook’s face that Taehyung hasn’t seen before. Not soft or defensive but
vulnerable. “He said he would manipulate the video footage from the club, and I don’t believe you
would trust me over that kind of evidence.”

He’s right. Taehyung wouldn’t. Or at least, he’d really struggle with it. He knows evidence can be
tampered with, but he’s sure his father would be able to make it impossible to tell.
He feels bad admitting it, so he doesn’t. Even though he knows he’d really want to trust Jungkook’s
word and would probably battle with himself because Jungkook has genuinity shined before when
he insisted it wasn’t him.

“I’m sorry,” Jungkook rushes out, eyes wide in a way that hurts Taehyung’s chest. “I really wanted
to tell you, I was planning on it. I’m not there yet. Not at a level where I wholeheartedly believe
you trust me yet.”

Taehyung shakes his head as he rubs at his temples. He understands that. Jungkook doesn’t trust
easily. Taehyung still doesn’t know much about his family life, the ins and outs or anything other
than how much Jungkook just hates all of them, but he has a feeling that and his lack of trust go
hand in hand.

“I’m not angry at you, I just need to figure out what the hell my father is hiding from me,"
Taehyung tries to explain, full of frustration. He can’t clear his mind, can’t think straight.

It’s hesitant, but Jungkook reaches up and cups Taehyung’s forearm. “We’ll figure it out. I’m

“Don’t apologize again,” Taehyung snaps, waving his fingers at him. He really isn’t angry at him.
He knows how his father is, that he rarely ever threatens someone and doesn’t go through with it.
He’s a man of his word, and he always delivers. “Is that what you were talking about tonight?”

Jungkook nods, hand rubbing down Taehyung’s arm. “He said he was going to send me more, and
I told him to shove it up his fucking ass.”

Jungkook isn’t lying, Taehyung knows. He knows that the amount his father deposited into his
account is the same exact amount Jungkook donated to the non-profit. He can see it in Jungkook's
eyes, the intensity in them that isn't just because he wants Taehyung to understand, but that he feels
the same way Taehyung does. Pissed. “Tell your father you’ll give him that money if he tells you
what it is.”

Falling still, Jungkook just stares at him before disbelief takes over his face. His expression as if
Taehyung's suggested something outrageous. “I’m not doing that.”

Taehyung pushes into Jungkook’s chest. “Why not? Swallow your pride, baby. I need to know
what my father is up to. And your father seems a little desperate for money right now.”

Jungkook’s defenses flaring is always visible. As it is now. His chest broadens, jaw tightens. His
hands form into fists and release as he catches his breath before he replies. “And I’ll help, but I’m
not talking to my father. I’m not helping him bail out Jihyun for whatever the hell it is.”

Taehyung pushes Jungkook out of the way of the door so he can yank it open. “Then I am.”

Chapter End Notes


The charity mentioned in this chapter is inspired by this one

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Chapter 10
Chapter Notes

Howdy friends
please enjoy

See the end of the chapter for more notes

It’s sneaky. Jungkook insisted on coming with him, but for reasons that Taehyung doesn’t want to
make him feel bad about, he can’t have him here. He gets why Jungkook is snippy, but he also
can’t afford to mess this up. And Jungkook is the snippiest with his father.

Taehyung straightens out his tie as he waits for the door to be opened. When it is, it’s by the same
butler that had greeted him the first time he ever met Jungkook’s family.

“Hello, Mr. Kim. Minister Jeon is in his office.”

“I thank you kindly,” Taehyung says as he kicks off his shoes and slips on the slippers waiting by
the door.

He’s a little nervous, he won’t lie. Not because of Jongho, but because he has to approach this the
right way. He needs to appeal to Jongho, to offer him something better than what his father’s
giving him.

It’s hard to do when Taehyung has more assumptions than facts. Confidence is the key to bluffing,
but a politician should know that as well as a lawyer. He foresees it not being as easy as it usually

“Minister? It’s Taehyung.”

Jongho sits at his desk, and he seems surprised to see Taehyung though they arranged this meeting
earlier this morning. Taehyung had to call Jimin and ask him to ask Yoongi and Hoseok to distract
Jungkook for the afternoon so Jungkook wouldn’t catch onto what he was doing.

They came up with a plan together, but Jungkook’s under the impression they’re putting it into
action tomorrow. He’s made it very apparent that he wishes to have nothing to do with his father,
so Taehyung hopes he isn’t too upset that Taehyung’s come without him.

“Son! Come in. What was so urgent you wanted to speak to me about?”

Taehyung carefully closes the door behind him and locks it. Another hesitancy he has is he doesn’t
want to ruin the give he has with Jungkook’s father. He’s used it to his advantage for Jungkook’s
sake before, but this is more important.

“I can’t stay long. I just wanted to inform you face to face that I will be filing for divorce this
upcoming week.”

It’s instant the way the man’s face pales as he slowly sinks into his chair. He shakes his head, face
bewildered and eyes panicked . “I’m? Excuse me? Your father says you and Jungkook have been
very happy together.”
Taehyung nods as he looks down at his feet. He isn’t really good at pretending to be puppy eyed
and heartbroken, but he knows he can manage it. “Unfortunately, Jungkook broke terms and my
heart as well.”

Jongho sputters out a cuss word, growing red in the face. Annoyance quickly fills Taehyung at
how he seems like he expected this, doesn’t even question it. “That - I have done so much for him,
and he can’t manage this one thing? Tell me, what did he do?”

Sitting in the chair across from him, Taehyung stretches out his legs and makes himself
comfortable. “I’m not at liberty to say. Not until the divorce is finalized.”

Jongho rubs a hand down his face and just holds it there as he breathes in. His fingers tap restlessly
over the table. He looks visibly upset, just like Taehyung knew he would be.

It took a little convincing to get Jungkook to agree with this, to show him that it’s something that
would work on his father. One of the few tricks up their sleeves. Not just giving him reasons why,
or fucking Jungkook so hard in bed there were tears in his eyes, but also agreeing to another date as
Jungkook so adamantaly called it.

“Is there anything I can offer you to change your mind? To reconsider. This is still very new,
Jungkook just needs some time to settle. It took my wife and I some time to fall for each other.”

Taehyung cracks his head from side to side as he contemplates. “I don’t foresee me wanting to
spend my life with a man who can’t keep their word, their end of the deal. I’m sorry, Abeonim.”

It’s visible, the way panic grows in Jongho’s eyes though he tries to school his expression. His
head shakes slightly, and Taehyung peers at him and watches the wheels spinning in his head.

“Just a few more months, is all I ask. Just -”

“Do you need the money from my father to make up for your eldest son gambling all of his away?”
Taehyung interrupts, tone blunt.

Jongho stills, eyes wide for a moment. Why he and Jihyun are surprised that this is something he
needs to know is infuriating as the person supposed to cover their ass. “I - yes. How do you know

Taehyung makes a hum of understanding as he sits up and rests his elbows on Jongho’s desk. “I
have all the security footage in my possession. Over hundreds of images of Jihyun there. So I’m
sure you see where I’m going with this, no?”

It’s immediate, the way Jongho’s eyes narrow into him. His jaw ticks, and he looks like Jungkook
the night of their fight. Not as pretty, but the same kind of angered expression.

“Not only will my divorce stop your monthly dowry you so desperately need, but it takes away any
security you have that your eldest son will stay out of prison,” Taehyung lays out for him, voice
quiet. “Because he can’t seem to quit, can he? Seems to me your money would be better spent on
helping him with this problem then bailing him out of it.”

Jongho licks his lips, his body tense as he rests back in his chair and just stares at Taehyung. In his
eyes, it looks like he’s planning Taehyung’s death to be slow and painful.

After a few moments of Taehyung picking at his cuticles as if he doesn’t care about whatever
mental dilemma Jongho is going through, Jongho gives in. “What is that you want?”
“Smart man,” Taehyung says, kicking a foot up onto his desk. He waves a finger at him. “I want
one simple thing, and not only will I keep my union with Jungkook, I’ll even offer a little incentive.
Twenty million won. As a gift for your cooperation.”

Jongho cocks his head in interest at that. “I ask again. What is it that you want?”

Taehyung isn’t confident he has him yet. He doesn’t know how close him and his father are,
though he knows they go far back. “I want you to tell me what my father is getting out of the
contract between you two.”

The reaction he gets isn’t what he expected. He imagined amusement, confusion, confliction. But
Jeon Jongho looks pissed as he leans forward.

“You want me to break my contract just so you’ll keep yours?” Jongho seethes, upper lip curling
around his words.

Taehyung doesn’t falter, nodding along. He’s good at going with the flow, he has to be. “I won’t
tell anyone you broke the contract. You have my word.”

Jongho laughs sarcastically at that. “If you knew, you wouldn’t be able to keep it from your

It makes Taehyung’s curiosity grow tenfold. It was already extremely high, and now he feels
himself getting impatient. “You’ll see that I’m a man of my word. If we shake on it, it won’t
happen. If you wish to draw up another contract for your own security, we can. But I’m afraid
having too many will get messy.”

Jongho smacks his lips together. “Here, make it thirty million and put a hold on the divorce for at
least a month, and I’ll tell you.”

“I don’t haggle,” Taehyung replies. It’s easy enough of a request to fulfill, Taehyung just doesn’t
want to wait. He meant what he said to Jungkook, he has no desire to divorce at any time.

“Welcome to the real world son, everyone haggles. Do we have a deal or not?”

Taehyung studies him, the cocky expression he wears. He was wrong, Jungkook and his father look
nothing alike. “As you may understand, it isn’t wise to trust the word of a politician. I’ll give you
half now if you at least tell me what it’s about.”

Maybe he’s scrappling here. He considers that might be the thing that motivates Jeon Jongho,
seeing someone desperate. Taehyung’s a little too prideful to show him anymore, but a glimpse of

Jongho considers it, tapping his cheek. “Deal. But shake on it. Not a word to your father.”

Taehyung grins as he reaches over and takes his father in law’s hand into his own, firmly shaking
it. “Not a word to my father and fifteen million won to you right now.”

There’s a pleased look on Jongho’s face, and Taehyung hopes he isn’t close with his father because
that means he’s someone whose loyalty can be bought. Taehyung hates that.

“I know something about your father that he doesn’t want anyone to find out,” Jongho says. “The
monthly dowry is to buy my silence, and that’s it.”

It clicks. It makes sense. Wealth has just as much pull as a title does, but in exact situations like
this. Bribing, buying. Someone with less will use that against someone for much more minimal
things than what Jongho’s doing it for.

“I already knew that,” Taehyung lies. He knew his father wanted to keep it from him but not the
rest of the world. “Tell me what it’s about. This secret you must keep to yourself.”

Jongho hesitates, eyes darting over Taehyung’s features. He stalls, and Taehyung finds himself
grow impatient. “It’s about you.”

There was no plan to come here. When the chauffeur asked where to, the words fell from
Taehyung’s lips before he had time to think about it.

It feels a bit strange to walk into a house without knocking, but he does. He’s done it before, but it
still feels like trespassing. He thinks the owner of the house though will be a little understanding
since Taehyung’s only here in search of his husband.

It’s like a bachelor pad of sorts. The house big enough to house an entire family, but Taehyung
knows Yoongi lives here alone.

Taehyung follows the sound of the music, remembering the house layout though it doesn’t take
him to the roof like before. It takes him to a room on the second floor.

He slows his walking as he spots Jungkook’s body laid over the bed, his shirt pulled up and
revealing his stomach. Yoongi lays beside him in nothing but his sweatpants, and Taehyung can’t
tell what they’re doing other than staring at the ceiling.

When he clears his throat, Jungkook practically flies up from the bed. Yoongi moves slower, only
tilting his head to see who it is.

“Not safe to keep your door unlocked,” Taehyung says, breathing out the tension in him the
moment Jungkook steps up to him. He’s less angry and more confused than anything.

If it’s about him, he knows his father will never tell him. His only chance is waiting the month for
Jongho to, and Taehyung doesn’t want to. He doesn’t think he physically can.

Plus, working Jongho had been too easy. The man’s either desperate for his money or playing him.
Taehyung doesn’t trust him the slightest that he’ll actually tell him anything more, that what he
said today is the truth.

He could have simply said it to keep Taehyung’s interest, to keep him coming back with more
financial offers.

“Hey, you alright?” Jungkook asks as he fixes his shirt and slips his fingers down Taehyung’s

“No need to fix yourself for me. Rather you take it off,” Taehyung teases as he fits a hand beneath
Jungkook’s shirt to touch his stomach.

“Not here, please,” Yoongi yells, kicking both of his feet up towards the ceiling. He wiggles his
toes before letting his legs fall back to the bed.
Jungkook grins, but it’s soft. Even when Taehyung teases down towards his briefs that stick out
over the top of his track pants, which Jungkook eventually stops with a light touch to the back of
his hand.

“What is it?”

Taehyung pulls his hand away, sighing. “I went to see your father.”

In a moment, Jungkook’s soft expression hardens into something that isn’t angry but it could lead
there. “We agreed to go together.”

“No, you didn’t want to go at all,” Taehyung reminds him. “And like you said, you can handle my
parents just fine, and I can handle yours. I know you only agreed to go to protect me or whatever
the hell you thought I would need.”

Jungkook grits his teeth, the muscle of his jaw flexing as his eyebrows push together hard enough
to make his skin wrinkle. “I don’t want him to speak to you to the way he speaks to me.”

“I’m a big kid, baby,” Taehyung reminds him, pressing a hand to Jungkook’s chest. “He didn’t, and
even if he did, I wouldn’t care. I don’t have the same kind of attachment to him. It wouldn’t affect
me the same.”

Taehyung licks his lips, glancing into the room to find Yoongi blatantly watching him before he
realizes he’s caught and quickly tilts his head back again. It brings a smile to Taehyung’s lips.

“I understand that,” Jungkook says, though he seems unsure if he really does get it. “How’d it go?”

“I didn’t mean to interrupt your bro time,” Taehyung says, glancing back at Yoongi who tries to
get away with snooping again and looks annoyed when he sees Taehyung’s watching him before
he regrettably puts his head down again. “Just wanted to see you for a minute.”

Jungkook takes Taehyung’s elbow as he excuses them. Yoongi’s disappointment only seems to
grow, and Taehyung wouldn’t be surprised if he followed them to the bedroom Jungkook leads
him to.

It’s the one Jungkook called his own the first night they met. Taehyung hadn’t truly believed him
because it’s covered in anime posters and collectibles, sports gear thrown in one corner and more
video games than Taehyung’s ever even seen at a game store. It looks lived in and reminds him of
a teenager’s room more than a twenty six year old man’s.

But he knows now that thought comes off wrong.

He offhandedly wonders why Jungkook hasn’t felt comfortable enough at home to decorate it like

“What’s up?” Jungkook asks in concern, but Taehyung pushes him back onto the bed until he’s
lying on it.

“Just, give me a second,” Taehyung begs quietly as he crawls over Jungkook to put his mouth on

Jungkook doesn’t even hesitate to kiss him back, hands fitting around Taehyung’s waist as he falls
into the pace Taehyung’s lips set.

There’s something about it, kissing, or close human contact, or hell maybe just Jungkook, that
makes Taehyung feel a bit calmer. A distraction that’s needed until he can calm the static in his
mind enough to figure out his thoughts.

Jungkook’s hands rub up his back as Taehyung cages his arms around his head and kisses him
harder, deeper. It earns a soft moan from Jungkook because he’s always so receptive, sensitive.

But Taehyung doesn’t want anything just to kiss him until his mind clears.

“Couldn’t wait until I got home?” Jungkook teases breathlessly as Taehyung pulls back to kiss over
his jaw.

“Just wanted to see you,” Taehyung murmurs, nipping him his jaw and moving lower where
Jungkook’s skin feels like a furnace. “Your father agreed.”

Jungkook stills beneath him, hands lingering over Taehyung’s waist for a second before they fall to
the bed. He keeps his head tilted to the side though, let’s Taehyung kiss him as much as he wants

“Half the money now, half later,” Taehyung explains as he pushes up on the palm of his hands.
“My father is buying yours’ silence, that’s what he told me.”

Confusion fills Jungkook’s expression. “About what?”

Taehyung sighs as he sits on Jungkook’s lap. What in the hell could his father have to keep from
him that’s about him? If he did some shady stuff to get him into school or something like that, it’s
not something he’d have to hide from Taehyung of all people. He’d hate it, but he’d also be unable
to complain if it benefited him.

He already knows he had opportunities most don’t have to get where he is, but he also knows how
much work he’s put into it as not to take those opportunities for granted. To show that they aren’t
the only reason Taehyung’s making his way to the top. He’s determined to get to a place where it’s
his own name people respect him for, not his father’s.

“About me,” Taehung explains as Jungkook sits up and rests his palms back behind him. “What
about me? I don’t know. Your father agreed to tell me in a month as proof I can be a man of my
word and not divorce you because you shattered my heart into pieces.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes. “I would never.”

It isn’t said teasingly. Taehyung frowns at how soft and serious Jungkook says it. “I’m just
kidding. And I was right. Your father needs the money because Jihyun keeps losing all of his.”

Jungkook shakes his head as he sucks through his teeth, but his disappointment comes across
sarcastic. “Oh how sweet this is.”

Taehyung slaps him playfully in the shoulder. “You do realize that means your allowances are
gonna get cut? If he keeps fucking up.”

The playful shine slips from Jungkook’s face but he just shrugs. “I’ll still be fine. I don’t pay any
bills but for my car, and I make enough of my own salary to cover that.”

Taehyung traces the thick muscle down Jungkook’s neck distractedly. “If that happens, don’t let
your pride get in the way. I want to be the sugar baby here, but I don’t mind being daddy until you
get on your feet and can take over.”
Jungkook groans in complaint as he grabs Taehyung’s waist and flops him onto the bed. “Please
don’t call yourself that ever.”

Taehyung chuckles. This is what he wanted. Not just the comforting touch, but the playfulness and
silliness he experiences usually when they’re together. “Ah, is that more your thing?”

“No,” Jungkook laughs as he kisses Taehyung’s cheek. “I don’t want you to call me it either. And
you know me, my pride always wins. Do you really think it’ll get to that point?”

Taehyung fluffs the hair at the back of Jungkook’s head. “Stubborn ass. And I don’t know. Our
fathers have known each other for almost thirty years, and I don’t know how close they are, but
yours is willing to go against a legal contract with a man he’s known that long just for thirty
million won. A man that’s supposed to be chump change to.”

Jungkook licks his lips, and Taehyung can’t tell if he’s worried or not. He doesn’t show it. He has
no reason to be, but Taehyung so often teases about wealth and mentions how his family has more
that he gets why Jungkook wouldn’t rely on him. Why his pride won’t let him.

Hell, the contract between the two of them really is mostly about helping Jungkook more than it
has to do with Taehyung. The house is Taehyung’s, Taehyung’s father is the one that’s been trying
to manipulate him with money. He gets why Jungkook wouldn’t want to accept it.

But Taehyung’s only ever meant it teasingly because it had gotten Jungkook hot once. It doesn’t
put them on two different levels from each other, even if Jungkook didn’t have a cent to his name.

“I have a feeling you’re not going to wait,” Jungkook says after a moment of not responding and
looking like he didn’t want to.

“You bet your ass I’m not going to,” Taehyung says as he sits up and fists Jungkook’s shirt to kiss
him again. And again. “Don’t stay out late. Wanna have dinner together and discuss it some more.”

Jungkook snorts at that before he falls back to his back, watching as Taehyung climbs off the bed
and heads towards the door. “Oh the irony.”

Taehyung flicks him off, let’s his eyes linger at the way Jungkook stretches seductively over the
bed, the devil in his eyes. “Get take out. You’re paying... daddy .”

The mischief slips off of Jungkook’s face as he yanks a pillow from the bed and hauls it across the
room at him with all his might. It misses him, and Taehyung can’t help but to think it was on
purpose. “Come out with us. I promised Yoongi and Hoseok I would go to the club tonight. I think
Jimin will be there.”

It isn’t Taehyung’s scene. Plus, he thinks he isn’t going to be able to shut his brain off enough to
pretend to enjoy it. Even if he has fun with Jungkook enough to distract him for a short amount of
time, it won’t be enough.

“I can’t fourth wheel,” Jungkook says, a bit of a whine to his tone and Taehyung rolls his eyes at

“I can’t,” Taehyung says as he grabs the door frame. “But call me if you end up needing a ride

The music is pounding, the kind that flows through the veins and vibrates the floor. The kind that
makes bodies move and sweat just like Jungkook’s is.

It drips off of him, makes his shirt stick to his body. He wants to take it off, might later, but for
now he accepts the heat filling him, surrounding him.

He’s not even drunk, though he wants to be. He kind of wants to be fucked up right now, but he
knows he needs to stay clear minded for when he goes home. He doesn’t plan on staying out long,
but his friends have guilt tripped him into coming out.

And it’s not like Jungkook can tell them he wants to go home because he kind of has a crush on his
husband and they’re plotting an investigation against his father in law. So he’ll stay out until either
Hoseok and Yoongi distract themselves enough that he can slip away or get too drunk to care.

It’s difficult not to leave now though because even the pounding music isn’t enough to wash away
the thoughts in his brain. He’s done so much to secure his allowance, and his anger grows every
time he thinks about how Jihyun is going to fuck that up for him. That and his slight irritation that
Taehyung probably went to go see his father without him because he doesn’t believe Jungkook
wouldn’t fuck it up.

And the horrible gut feeling he has that whatever Daehee is keeping from Taehyung is something
that would really upset him.

There’s hands on him. Often. Jungkook slips away from them with ease. He has zero interest in
hooking up with anyone, shrugs off every attempt to touch him. He hates being touched unless
he’s initiating it first.

Thankfully, Hoseok has no qualms to act like a barrier between him and any grabby hands.
Dancing with him in a way that gives the image that they’re together, but it’s Hoseok . There’s
nothing sexual about the way they dance.

Like always, Taehyung slips in his mind as he dances and what’d it be like if he came out with
them. If Taehyung even dances. He can’t imagine it, at least not in a place like this. Ever since
Taehyung suggested they go to a club, Jungkook’s been kind of interested in seeing what he’d be
like in one.

Taehyung can move, can work his hips, Jungkook knows and there’s a heat in his belly at the
reminder of it. But in this scenario, he wants to see it.

“Gonna explain this,” Hoseok calls in his ear a moment before he pinches Jungkook’s sore neck.
His voice is loud with amusement. “Thought you and the hubby weren’t fucking.”

Jungkook grins as he takes Hoseok’s hand into his own so he won’t do it again. “Well, we weren’t
when I said that.”

Hoseok’s laugh is loud enough to be heard over the music. Holding their arms out between them,
Hoseok dances quickly on his feet. Sweat drips down his face, taking the new purple dye in his
hair with it. “Asshole. Why didn’t you tell me?”

When Hoseok pulls him in, Jungkook spins him. He’s missed having this kind of fun, though he
doesn’t think he’d trade waiting up for Taehyung to get home for it.
“You gonna tell me about yours?” Jungkook asks before he releases Hoseok from his hold.

Hoseok stutters over his feet, letting one hand go as he tugs Jungkook from the other. He’s stopped
dancing now, pulling Jungkook through the crowd of people instead.

Away from the dance floor, the music’s volume lessens the further they move. There’s a part of the
club that’s sectioned off for the bar, but it’s crowded enough that the rumble of talking mixes in
with the music so Hoseok still has to raise his voice.

“I was going to tell you tonight,” Hoseok says, grinning wide as he lets Jungkook’s hand go. “He’s
coming here. Though, I figured if you saw us at the yacht party, you would have already known.”

A bit of defense rises up in Jungkook as he tries to catch his breath from dancing. He doesn’t really
know the state of Hoseok’s and Yoongi’s relationship, but the flirting is loud enough for Jungkook
to be aware that something’s going on.

If the someone that’s leaving hickies on Hoseok’s neck isn’t Yoongi, it might worsen Jungkook’s
not so great mood.

“I don’t third wheel,” Jungkook says, nudging their shoulders.

“You always do,” Hoseok giggles, shoving back before he jogs up to the bar, two fingers raised in
the air because they come here enough for the bartender to know their drink of choice. “Literally
every time we hang out with Yoongi.”

Relief fills Jungkook, as he nudges his way through people to reach the bar. “You ever going to
talk about that?”

“No,” Hoseok says with a sleazy grin as he grabs his drive and turns towards him. “I’ll tell you
about Jimin though.”

Jungkook had seen them on the yacht, looking more like a couple than Taehyung and he even did.
But he had assumed they were drunk as Yoongi’s words slurred heavily every time they spoke.

He just stares at Hoseok’s amused face before Hoseok nudges his chin in a direction over
Jungkook’s shoulder.

Surely, it’s Taehyung’s best friend. He fits the club, dressed in all leather and mesh. There’s a big
grin on his face, but he isn’t looking their way. He’s looking at the man under his arm.

Min Yoongi, who was supposed to come here with them but at the last minute said there was
something he had to do. Apparently it was Jimin.

They spent all day together, and Yoongi never once mentioned him.

“No,” Jungkook says, turning back to Hoseok. “You can’t fuck my husband’s best friend, man.
They grew up together.”

Hoseok claps a firm hand to Jungkook’s chest. “Too late, broski.”

A groan fills Jungkook as Hoseok slips away to go after them. He plants a hand to his face,
wondering if Taehyung knows about this. Jungkook has a feeling he wouldn’t care. Not much
bothers him. Just his coworkers and his client.

“Are you down or up?”

Jungkook whips around at the familiar voice, taking in the familiar face. Eunwoo. He flings his
hand up to show his ring off, forgetting that he had taken all of his jewelry off before getting in the
shower and didn’t take the time to put it back on. It’s currently sitting on Yoongi’s bathroom sink.

Eunwoo’s lips quirk up as he steps into Jungkook’s space, hand curling around Jungkook’s. “I

“Not interested,” Jungkook says gently, shaking his hand away. “I told you that.”

Disappointment fills Eunwoo’s face, but he doesn’t move away. “Is he here?”

“Doesn’t matter,” Jungkook says. Eunwoo is a nice guy, but Jungkook’s just really not interested.
“I -”

The sudden way Eunwoo is jerked to the side makes Jungkook’s heart catapult, hands reaching out
like he’s about to catch him if he falls. But he’s only jostled by a strong arm around his neck.

“Eunwoo-ssi,” Jimin says as if he’s delighted, but his eyes are narrowed. “Long time no see. Wish
it was longer. You should go”

Surprise fills Eunwoo’s face. He tries to wiggle out of Jimin’s grip, but he doesn’t seem able to.
“We were just talking.”

“Ah,” Jimin says as he uses his free hand to squeeze Eunwoo’s cheeks. “That’s nice. Though, I’m
going to have to ask you kindly to get your hands off of him. It’s not cute trying to suck up to the
CEO of your company by fondling her son.”

Amusement fills Jungkook as Jimin plops a messy kiss to Eunwoo’s nose and let’s him go.
Eunwoo’s face is bright red.

“If you’d excuse me,” Eunwoo says, eyes narrowing. Eunwoo never touched him other than his
hand, but Jungkook doesn’t comment on it. He waves his fingers as Eunwoo squeezes away from
Jimin like his life depends on it.

“You,” Jimin says, stabbing a finger into Jungkook’s chest. “The hell are you doing?”

“Nice to see you too,” Jungkook says as if he’s in pain, grabbing for his chest where Jimin stabbed
in. “Hear you’re fucking my best friends.”

“And you better not be fucking anyone other than mine,” Jimin snaps, face unfriendly. The same
way he first looked at Jungkook the day of their wedding, but that time it had been playful. This
isn’t. “Yoongi made some comment about you hooking up tonight, but I don’t see Tae anywhere

Jungkook works his jaw. He never said he would do that, but Yoongi and Hoseok are so used to it
from him he understands why they’d assume it. He lifts his hand as if to use it while explaining
there’s nothing exclusive about him and Taehyung, but Jimin grabs it before he can. His bare
finger makes him glare worse.

“I’ll break your thumbs,” Jimin threatens, pressing onto Jungkook’s finger like he might actually
do that.

“Hey,” Yoongi interrupts, sliding between them to pat Jungkook on the chest enough to make
room between them. “Hey.”
Jimin let’s go of Jungkook’s hand, face softening when he looks to Yoongi. “I was just telling your
little one here that if he fucks with anyone tonight, I’ll break his fingers.”

Yoongi pales, eyes jumping between the three of them and resting on Hoseok the longest as if he’s
asking for help. “Aha, so a great start to the night. Bartender! I need something strong.”

Amusement fills Jungkook as he relaxes back against the bar. He isn’t going to argue with Jimin,
though he wants to tell him off for coming off so strongly out of nowhere. They don’t know each
other, and Jungkook can’t help suspect that sudden defensiveness is because Jimin’s read articles
on him too.

Or if Taehyung’s gone on to him about how they aren’t a couple and non-exclusive too, and
suddenly, Jungkook’s irritable.

When Taehyung visited him earlier, it made Jungkook’s heart flutter because he really did just
come to see him. For no reason than what felt like just to be next to him for a few minutes. It’s
messed with his head.

“The only thing we’re breaking tonight are backs,” Hoseok yells, eyebrows wagging as he presses
his body against Jimin’s. “Isn’t that, right?”

Jimin’s face breaks out into a smile, lighting up as he curls his arm around Hoseok’s neck and
brings him in for a quick kiss. “Yours or hyung’s?”

“Both,” Hoseok says, loud enough for Jungkook to hear and he has the sudden urge to gag so he
turns around, pushing his back to them.

His adrenaline has calmed some since he’s left the dance floor, but he still feels sweaty. His pants
sticking to his legs as he tries to tug his phone from his pocket.

Despite going out when he could have been hanging out with Taehyung, he finds the want to text
him. To see if he’s bothered Jungkook went out, he pretends is the reason he doesn’t stop himself
from asking Taehyung what he’s up to.

Working is the answer, of course, but Jungkook’s surprised when a message comes through almost

Heat warms Jungkook’s belly and amusement fills his chest. It’s a picture of Taehyung’s hand
across a keyboard because the fucker is figuring out how much Jungkook likes his hands.

He slides out his phone, turning on the camera option. He feels a little ridiculous, but he sticks his
tongue out of his mouth before he takes the picture of himself. The lights are bright enough to
show how sweaty he is, his shirt completely unbuttoned and showing off how the sweat drips
down his chest.

The answer comes back immediately.

What club.

Jungkook finds he kind of wants to go to the bathroom or outside where it’s quieter to call
Taehyung. He rolls his eyes at himself for it. He isn’t needy like Taehyung claims, and he doesn’t
need to give Taehyung any reason to think so.

Jungkook replies but slips the phone into his pocket so he won’t have the urge to text him again.
He doesn’t need Taehyung to think of him that way. His ego is already big enough to fill their
entire apartment, he doesn’t need to add to it.

“Sorry for being aggressive,” Jimin says when Jungkook turns back around to join them. “I will
just quite literally kill you if you ever hurt him.”

Jungkook grins as his thoughts change lanes, and he considers maybe Taehyung doesn’t lie to
Jimin about being jealous of the idea of Jungkook being with someone else. “You’ve made that
quite clear. I hope we can one day get to the point that you don’t have to remind me of it every
time we see each other.”

Amusement shines in Jimin’s eyes as he shrugs. “Don’t think that’ll ever happen.”

“Then I’ll say the same to you. About these two,” Jungkook says, tipping his beer side to side to
indicate both Yoongi and Hoseok.

Jimin snorts. “Oh, but Jungkook-ssi, your hyungs are into pain play.”

Jungkook gags this time, glaring at Jimin’s smirk before he pushes through them to return back to
the dance floor.

It’s almost midnight when Jungkook remembers he’s supposed to escape. He’s sweating even
more, more tipsy than he intended to be. He’s breathless, and there’s a body against his that was
Hoseok’s at one point but it feels larger.

Jungkook turns, pushing his hands against the man’s chest as his eyes dart across the crowd to
search for Hoseok’s bright purple hair. He finds it, slipping out of the edge of the crowd and
walking towards the man Jungkook hasn’t been able to get out of his head.

He blinks a few times. Taehyung really does stand out like a sore thumb here. He still walks
through the crowd as if he owns the place, unbothered by the bodies around him. There’s an
amused grin on his face as his eyes hold onto Jungkook’s before he’s close enough to actually hold
onto him.

“Hey there baby,” Taehyung says, forced close to Jungkook by the ones around them. He curls an
arm around his waist, hand splaying out across his sweaty back. “I came to see if you needed a ride

Jungkook licks his lips as he turns into Taehyung. He’s in a fricking turtleneck and a full length
overcoat, which looks as hot as it’s going to make him. But Taehyung doesn’t seem to mind the
heat as he arches a brow at Jungkook, waiting for an answer.

“Shouldn’t you be resting?” Jungkook yells over the music. He leans in close to Taehyung to angle
the words closer to his ear. It makes Taehyung’s touch become firmer on his back. “It’s midnight.”

Taehyung grabs Jungkook’s hand, lifting it as if they might ballroom dance but he only holds
Jungkook’s hand up, turning it around as his thumb brushes over Jungkook’s bare ring finger.

“Jimin told me you didn’t have it on,” Taehyung says against his ear, and a chill slips down
Jungkook’s back from how deep Taehyung’s voice can get. “Am I interrupting you trying to bring
someone home?”

Jungkook hesitates for a moment. “Perhaps.”

He can feel Taehyung’s grin against his cheek, lips tickling his skin before Taehyung’s breath is
cascading over his mouth. Jungkook immediately parts his own in anticipation, but a kiss never

“Since I’m here, maybe I should find someone too. Had a lot of ideas for tonight, kind of worked
myself up. Had a bad day, wouldn’t mind fucking it out of my system.”

Jungkook tenses, surprise filling him as he arches his head back to take in Taehyung’s expression.
It’s a challenge in his eyes, and amusement on his lips.

“Sounds like you should take advantage of those nice hands of yours,” Jungkook quips back.

Taehyung’s grin grows, but he moves his body an inch back as his eyes start to scan over the
crowd. “I don’t know. I saw a pretty guy by the bar.”

Jungkook grips into Taehyung’s jacket, pulling him back to him. “Why’d you come here?”

“Passing by,” Taehyung says, following with ease as Jungkook tugs him back. “You can’t drive, so
I figured I’d ask you if you wanted to ride with me.”

Jungkook watches Taehyung’s mouth as he speaks. He kind of hates the idea of Taehyung going
home with anyone else, even if he knows Taehyung’s just saying it to tease.

He hates that even more. That Taehyung catches onto things Jungkook doesn’t say out loud enough
to use them against him.

“But if not,” Taehyung says, licking at his lips as he pauses for effect. “I can see if someone else
wants to go for a ride.”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose. “That’s fine by me. I’m assuming if Jimin told you about the ring, he
told you I’ve already found someone to take home.”

Taehyung’s eyes narrow slightly as he steps in time with Jungkook. “I’m really not in the mood to
play games tonight, baby.”

“Why’d you come here?”

Reaching up, Taehyung cups Jungkook’s jaw. It’s gentle, as is the way he drags his thumb over the
corner of his mouth. “I wanted to spend the night with you, and I’m getting tired of waiting.”

It feels like the heat clinging to Jungkook’s skin absorbs into him, soaking his chest with it. “You
should have just said that.”

He succeeds in getting Taehyung where he wants them as his hot skin is suddenly met with cool
air. But he doesn’t stop moving, tugging on Taehyung in the direction of the bathroom hallway.

Taehyung looks over his face, tilting his head back some. “Jimin said you were with Eunwoo

The warm feeling slips away. As much as he’d like Taehyung to want him all to himself, he also
likes the idea of Taehyung just wanted to spend time with him more. “I wasn’t with him.”

Unbothered, Taehyung walks after him with a small smile on his face. “And what would your
mother think if she found out you were sleeping with one of her employees? Feels a bit quid pro
quo to me, lover.”
Jungkook glares at him, arms crossing over his chest. He stops walking, standing in the middle of
the pathway to the bathroom. “Thought you didn’t have a problem with me hooking up with
people, lover . Gonna start that again?”

“I don’t,” Taehyung says so simply it aggravates Jungkook more because, and it feels childish, he
wants Taehyung to have a problem with it. It could be a lie, but Jungkook can’t tell. “Just wouldn’t
be able to fuck me raw again.”

“Then how come you’ve run here to intercept before I do?” Jungkook asks, raising a questioning
brow. “Cute making up an excuse in wanting to drive me home.”

The corners of Taehyung’s mouth lift up. “Were you? Going to take someone home.”

Jungkook stares at Taehyung’s face for a minute. He wants to say yes and see if it makes Taehyung
jealous, but he shakes his head instead. “Just want you to admit you want me to only want you.”

It makes Taehyung step forward then, fingers circling Jungkook’s wrist to make him uncross his
arms. “Why would you want anyone else but me?”

Jungkook tilts his chin, holding Taehyung’s gaze for a moment. Taehyung’s close enough that if
Jungkook were to flick his tongue out, he’d be able to touch Taehyung’s mouth with it. He wants to
do just that, likes when Taehyung kisses him like that. “You’re full of yourself.”

Taehyung sighs as he tilts his head, his breath kissing Jungkook’s lips instead of Taehyung’s
mouth. “Come on, baby. Was tryna be full of you tonight but.”

A laugh rips from Jungkook before he can stop it, quickly breaking his resolve. “Your pick up
lines need some work.”

“You sure?” Taehyung asks, his arched eyebrow cocky. “Already got the guy, didn’t I?”

Jungkook grabs Taehyung’s hand then, tugging him opposite of the bathroom and towards the exit.
He should find Yoongi and Hoseok and tell him that he’s disappearing for the night, but Taehyung
assures him that he saw Hoseok already.

The night is cold, but Jungkook presses his back against Taehyung’s chest and attempts to pull the
lapels of Taehyung’s jacket around the both of them. It makes Taehyung laugh, which he presses
against the side of his throat as he wraps his arms around Jungkook instead.

“Why aren’t you wearing your ring?” Taehyung murmurs against his ear, his voice still teasing but
it’s lighter than before.

“Forgot it,” Jungkook says as Taehyung’s hand covers his own, and he can feel Taehyung’s ring on
his skin. “You’re good at pretending you’re not possessive, but I’m getting better at reading
through you.”

Taehyung chuckles again. “Is that so?”

Jungkook isn’t expecting the way Taehyung pulls back to gesture towards which car he’s been
driven here in and uses his free hand to smack Jungkook hard in the ass. It jostles him, dumps
arousal into him, makes him want to do what the fuck ever to get Taehyung to do it again.

“Be good. Don’t want my poor chauffeur to suffer,” Taehyung says with a grin as he opens the
door and slips inside first.
Jungkook greets the chauffeur kindly. In the back seat there’s Taehyung’s briefcase, and files
stacked in the middle seat that Jungkook moves to side so he can be closer to Taehyung.

Searching over his face as he adjusts in his seat, Taehyung reaches out as if wiping something
away from Jungkook’s cheek. It tickles when Taehyung runs his knuckles down his neck next, the
touch feather light. “I only want you to want me, Jungkook.”

Jungkook’s exhale sounds shakier than he’d like. Taehyung seems genuine when he says it, but he
also can’t tell if it’s another flirty game. He isn’t even wearing the cocky grin he normally does,
there’s no smile on his lips at all. “And I can say the same?”

“I have no interest in hooking up with anyone, Jungkook. I didn’t before we even met either.”

Relief fills Jungkook, and it’s annoying. He pretends he doesn’t feel it. “No? You didn’t hook up
or date at all?”

Sucking through his teeth, Taehyung jerks his head. If he notices Jungkook changing the topic just
like he hates Taehyung doing, he doesn’t mention it. “Nope. I had a small fling with someone in
college, but - and I’m sure this won’t surprise you - he broke up with me because I worked too

Jungkook can’t help the way he laughs. He doesn’t know if it’s a bad experience or one that
Taehyung thinks of in distaste, but he can’t help it. He flies a hand up to his mouth to cover it, but
Taehyung pries it away like he likes the way Jungkook’s face looks when he laughs.

“That does not surprise me at all,” Jungkook says as he leans in to press an apology kiss to
Taehyung’s lips for laughing. Taehyung tilts his head into it immediately, and Jungkook doesn’t
know when they’ve gone to kissing without a thought, but he likes it.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to laugh that someone hurt you,” Jungkook promises.

Taehyung makes a face at that. “Didn’t hurt me, baby. Just disappointed because he fucked me
like a dream.”

Jungkook snickers, feeling heavy as he plays with the earring dangling from Taehyung’s ear. “I’ll
fuck you better. Or, if you still want someone to fuck all your frustration out on, I’m down for that
as well.”

Twisting a hand into Jungkook’s collar, Taehyung tugs him forward into a kiss. A kiss that grows
as heated as Jungkook wants it to, but one that’s broken as the car lurches forward, and Jungkook
nearly falls off the seat.

“Sorry, Mr. Kim. The car in front of me stopped suddenly,” the chauffeur calls, eyes big and
worried in the rear view mirror. Jungkook glances at the road ahead, at the car stopped, relief
filling him that they didn’t hit it, before he turns to scoop the files up from the floor of the car.

The papers are filled with contract terms, bank statements, client profiles, and pictures. Jungkook
knows the way they were spilled will mix them all up, and he feels bad, but he doesn’t want to
invade Taehyung’s privacy so he just quickly shuffles them together.

He tries to at least, until he spots a paper with his own name. It sparks something hot into his chest
that feels a lot more like hurt than anything else.

It’s his bank statements. The first deposit from Daehee highlighted at the top.
Jungkook stares down at it for a moment before he shoves it into the pile and hands it all to

“It’s okay. Are you alright?”

“Yes, Mr. Kim.”

A hand on Jungkook’s back brings him up with the messy assortment of papers that he holds in his
hands. He tries to keep his expression neutral, unbothered, but he kind of wants to shove Taehyung
and demand to know why he has his statement.

Taehyung’s been really honest with him, gone out of his way to assure Jungkook he trusts him. But
this feels like the opposite of that, which could be Jungkook’s fault since he admitted to keeping
the money from him a secret to begin with.

“Find anything on your father yet?”

Taehyung sighs heavily, but he doesn’t seem bothered that Jungkook looked at his papers. “No,
everything so far is legit. Anything that could seem troublesome is minor compared to the things he
accused your father of.”

“Nothing that would explain why he’s trying to bribe me with twenty million won for?” Jungkook
pushes, tongue looser than usual. He gives up on trying to pretend like he didn’t see it, can’t calm
his frustration down enough to do so.

With just a glance at him, Taehyung nods. “Right.”

“You don’t seem surprised that’s the amount,” Jungkook jabs, putting an inch between them. “I
never told you how much it was.”

There’s no reaction from Taehyung. Nothing changes on his expression as he looks at Jungkook
fully now. He just stares at him, and it makes Jungkook more frustrated as he grabs the stack of
papers he had handed him.

Taehyung grips onto them tightly. “What is it?”

“I saw,” Jungkook says, poking his finger on them when Taehyung doesn’t give up his hold. “I saw
my bank statement in there.”

Still no reaction. Taehyung’s tongue digs into the top of his teeth, but that’s it. If he denies it,
Jungkook thinks he could punch him. The want to grows as the silence does.

Taehyung looks away for a moment, peering his eyes before he passes Jungkook the stack of
papers. “I retrieved that when I first saw the video image of someone that could be you. Before I
even asked you.”

It doesn’t make Jungkook feel better. It hurts actually, because he would have given it to Taehyung
if he just asked him.

“You have to understand Jungkook,” Taehyung starts off slowly, resting an elbow to the
windowsill to press his fist against his cheek, “It isn’t something I did to go behind your back. I felt
I couldn’t ask you directly about it, and that was my way of looking into it.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes as he shifts back an inch more. “Well you could have asked me.”
“I didn’t feel like I could at the time,” Taehyung replies in an instant, the start of emotion leaking
into his words. “It was a hasty decision on my part, and I’m sorry. It’s the only time I did it, and if
you want to ask Namjoon to confirm it, even before we talked about it, I still did not believe that
money could be from gambling.”

“I told you I don’t gamble, Taehyung,” Jungkook snaps.

“Yeah, well you didn’t tell me your father bribed you either, so I guess we’re even,” Taehyung
says, eyes narrowing slightly.

Jungkook doesn’t stop glaring at him. “I was threatened not to. Not the same thing.”

Taehyung sighs as he rubs his face into his fist. “You’re right. You’re more than right. But you
said it yourself, if my father manipulated a story or a video of you, you wouldn’t trust me to believe
your word. Because physical evidence holds more power over spoken word. It was a mistake, and I
won’t do it again. I trust your word, and I know this will make it so you don’t believe that. But I

Hesitating, Jungkook sinks into the chair as Taehyung continues to rub his face into his hand, not
looking at him.

Jungkook reminds himself of how little of time the two of them have known each other. How trust
doesn’t build automatically, that Taehyung really does seem genuine in his need for Jungkook to
trust him.

How Jungkook does for the most part.

He tosses the files at Taehyung, getting his attention back on him. “Don’t do it again. If you want
to see something of mine, just ask me. I don’t have anything to hide from you.”

Taehyung swallows thickly as he nods. “I know. I’m sorry. We’re a team, Jungkoook. The two of
us. We have to work on becoming a better one.”

It hits Jungkook in the chest. He didn’t expect Taehyung to look at them that way. He realizes he’s
suspicious of Taehyung’s intentions still, that he’s said it to mull Jungkook over. But he doesn’t
look it as he shuffles the paper together, says it like he really means it.

“No more hiding anything from each other,” Jungkook declares, holding his hand out. “Deal?”

Taehyung glances from Jungkook’s face to his hand before he takes it into his own without
hesitation. “Deal, partner.”

Jungkook hates the way that makes him grin. He rolls his eyes at himself for it. “I’ll forgive you,
but I ask for one thing.”

Amused, Taehyung raises a questioning eyebrow. He doesn’t let Jungkook’s hand go but plays
with his fingers in his lap. “And what’s that?”

Jungkook turns his head, looking over Taehyung. “Tell me you want me and only me.”

Taehyung’s mouth parts in surprise, his eyes still gleaming as he moves across the seat. Despite
telling Jungkook to be good in front of the chauffeur, Taehyung climbs over his lap and pushes him
back against the seat.

“I want you, and only you,” Taehyung tells him without pause. He leans in, kissing Jungkook’s
cheek. “And I’ll tell you a secret.”

Jungkook stills, heart lifting up into his throat as Taehyung nuzzles a kiss to his face. He hates that
he understands why Taehyung looked into his bank records, that he still desperately wants
Taehyung to trust him.

“What is it?”

“You were right about me being jealous,” Taehyung whispers, sliding a hand over the side of
Jungkook’s neck. “I do want you all to myself.”

Huffing, Jungkook can’t stop the way his heart expands at that though he wants to. He may trust
Taehyung, but he’s still suspicious of him. If he’s saying it just because he knows Jungkook wants
to hear it.

They have to work on this thing between the two of them. Learning each other, trusting each other,
stop thinking the worst of each other’s intentions. Jungkook defensive, Taehyung manipulating.

Jungkook’s just as guilty as not believing Taehyung’s word, though Taehyung has shown more
effort than he has to show him he trusts him, to do whatever is that Jungkook asks for. Maybe
because he still feels like he owes Jungkook for agreeing to their union, but part of Jungkook thinks
it’s just because he too wants to spend time with him.

“If you’re just saying that -”

Taehyung grabs his jaw, holding him gently as he presses a kiss to his mouth to quiet him. “I mean
it. You don’t trust me either.”

Jungkook sighs. “You know how to manipulate a situation into getting what you want, Tae.”

Sitting back on Jungkook’s legs, Taehyung stares at him. “That’s correct, I do. I’m not trying to
manipulate you. Those have never been my intentions. You wanted me to tell you I want you and
only you, so I’m just trying to show you how much.”

Mindlessly, Jungkook rubs his palms up and down Taehyung’s thighs. “Okay.”

Taehyung sighs heavily as he leans in to hook his elbows on the back of the seat around
Jungkook’s head. He nuzzles his nose against Jungkook’s cheek, his breath spanning over
Jungkook’s jaw.

“Let’s try this again. Square one,” Taehyung murmurs. “No more keeping things from each other.
No more assuming I kiss you for any purpose other than wanting to be intimate with you, close
with you. But if it’s ever an inappropriate time, just tell me.”

Jungkook inhales deeply as he pushes his hands up the back of Taehyung’s shirt, feeling how warm
his skin is. “It’s never an inappropriate time.”

Taehyung giggles, the sound tickling Jungkook’s cheek. “We’re gonna make this work and be the
best goddamn husbands out there. I don’t settle for anything less than the best.”

Finally, Taehyung’s mouth moves to linger against Jungkook’s. “And luckily for me, I married the

Warmth fills Jungkook’s cheeks, and he turns his head so Taehyung’s mouth has to graze over his
cheek instead. “Don’t try to flatter me. Kissing my ass won’t work on me.”
Taehyung doesn’t kiss him, but bites the apple of his cheek instead. It’s light, teasing. “No? I think
you’d like it, spread out for me. My tongue -”

Jungkook grunts as he brings his hand down against Taehyung’s ass in warning, cutting him off
from continuing. Arousal sparks inside of him at the mental image of it. So easily done with

He’s trying his best to believe Taehyung doesn’t bring up sex all the time with any bad intention
other than want for him. Maybe his mind is working too much, too often. He can’t tell lately.

“Not what I meant.”

Taehyung sighs, and there’s a soft smile on his face when he pulls back again. His fingers are
gentle as they brush the strands of hair behind Jungkook’s ear, scratching lightly. “I mean it. We
work well together. I’m happy it’s you, I married. I’m happy we can work on things, alright? Not
ass kissing. Just, offering assurances.”

Jungkook doesn’t need them, or he didn’t think he did. Not these kinds. He nods, squeezing
Taehyung’s hips. “Can’t say I feel the same. You’re a pain in my ass.”

When Taehyung’s mouth opens in offense, Jungkook doesn’t let him spew whatever he’s going to
say as he brings their lips together and guides Taehyung to lay across the backseat.

Forgetting about the chauffeur and anything else, Jungkook fits his body over Taehyung’s and
kisses him until they’re home.

They just kiss.

Even when they ready themselves for bed, and Taehyung watches Jungkook undress with a wanton
look in his eye, when Jungkook gets into bed, they just kiss.

Jungkook’s content to, though he doesn’t want to stop when Taehyung breaks it first to rest his
head against his shoulder. Even if he’s feeling tired, he’s okay with this too.

Curling his arm around Taehyung’s back as he curves his body further into him. Taehyung’s arm
laying over Jungkook’s middle. Their legs intertwined. Taehyung’s breath brushing over
Jungkook’s chest.

“I’m sorry if I come off a way I don’t mean,” Taehyung whispers, though Jungkook had thought he
had fallen asleep. “Everything between us is just very physical, and it always has been. I’m used to
that being our go to.”

Jungkook doesn’t respond at first as he traces his fingers down Taehyung’s spine through the silky
material of his pajamas. “I’ve always wanted more than that, Taehyung.”

Taehyung sighs, squeezing his arm tighter around him. “I know. You want to get to know me, and
it’s not that I don’t want to get to know you, I just wasn’t expecting it.”

The other night, Taehyung had claimed he’d have no interest in divorce. But Jungkook doesn’t
believe Taehyung’s okay with spending his indefinite future with a man he barely knows and
doesn’t try to.

But Jungkook also thinks he’s being a little impatient, ignoring the attempts Taehyung has made.
The changes and adjustments he’s done whenever Jungkook’s asked for him to spend more time
with him.
“I don’t want you to spend time with me just because I asked for it,” Jungkook tells him.

Taehyung pushes up, and it’s too dark to see his face. He can feel it though when Taehyung nudges
their lips together. “I want to spend time with you. I enjoy it. It isn’t a hassle for me. I just wasn’t
expecting you to want it, that’s all.”

It’s not even all Jungkook wants, but he leaves that for another day. He feels like it’s a pressure he
might accidentally put on Taehyung, because in the most sense of it, they’re already what he wants.

A couple.

They have the label, the intimacy. Jungkook doesn’t ever date, so he doesn’t know how much is to
it but he thinks sharing coffee cups and working on the things between them for better
communications is part of the list. Going on dates, cuddled on the couch watching movies
together. Fucking as much as they do.

They’re a couple in every sense of the way except Jungkook has no idea if Taehyung would say
the same thing.

And he kind of doesn’t want to pressure Taehyung into making him have to take that step too.

Even though Jungkook really wants it.

“And I feel bad that I can’t be around more,” Taehyung murmurs quietly, lips still moving against
his own as he slips a hand up Jungkook’s chest to cup the side of his face to hold him still. “And
that it’s going to be like this from time to time. Whenever I take on such a demanding case.”

Jungkook nods in understanding. He knows. “As long as I know you want to spend time with me.”

He can feel Taehyung smile against his mouth. “If that’s all I could do in life, be like this with you,
I’d do it, lover.”

It makes Jungkook overly warm. A furnace stuffed inside of his chest. “Cut the shit. You would
hate not working.”

“Mmm,” Taehyung hums as he nudges Jungkook’s top lip with his bottom until both of Jungkook’s

He kisses him firm, a soft sound rumbling in his throat.

“S’true, it’s all I usually want to do,” Taehyung whispers as he pulls back, mouth grazing over the
corner of Jungkook’s mouth. “But that was before I met you.”

Chapter End Notes

let me know what you think!

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Chapter 11
Chapter Notes

a lot happens in this chapter. i considered splitting it in half but felt it better to have as
one. also, i've been loving all the ideas people have sent my way!! some of them make
me want to change my plans lol.

there's violence - but it isn't described. it's more of the injuries that are mentioned, but
not written out in a lot of detail.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Some horror movie plays on the television. One filled with horror noises. Shrieking, hollering, that
high pitched background music that used to give Jungkook the creeps, murder. He’s lowered the
volume and it still seems quite loud, but he can’t turn it off because Taehyung insisted he wanted to
watch it up until he fell asleep.

It’s telling how tired Taehyung must be if he can sleep through it. Snoring softly where he uses
Jungkook’s stomach as a pillow, body between Jungkook’s legs. His arms wrapped around
Jungkook’s back, and it’s a little uncomfortable but Jungkook refuses to move a muscle. Even if
laying like this puts a kink in his neck as he tries to watch every character get slaughtered.

Tries as in for a few a seconds here and there he’ll actually watch it. But he’s content with listening
as he focuses his eyes on Taehyung and gently threads his fingers through his curls. Rubbing
behind his ear and down to the base of his head. It’s a little more messy than it usually is because
apparently court had gone to shit today, and Taehyung was not quiet in his dislike for it.

Jungkook hopes he doesn’t wake up any time soon because he was in the news for it, and it’s
something that should wait to be seen until tomorrow. Ruthless they call him, and Jungkook can’t
tell if it’s meant as a compliment or an insult. There were a few comments that referred to
Taehyung as spoiled, bratty, and perhaps Jungkook responded with his own brattiness to each
article that did so.

With his free hand, he grabs his phone and tries his best to open his camera without his dominant
hand. He refuses to stop petting Taehyung with it, though he freezes when Taehyung shifts and
rubs his cheek against his stomach.

He tilts his chin so Jungkook can almost make out the entirety of his face beneath his long bangs.
Lips rubbing together before they part over a soft exhale. Everything about him is soft, and it
makes Jungkook’s chest warm.

He snaps a picture before he switches hands and cups his other one over Taehyung’s cheek, gently
holding his face as his thumb rubs over his chin.

It makes Taehyung move again, arms squeezing around Jungkook as he shifts further up his body.
Just a few centimeters as he hums low in his throat, and Jungkook can’t pull away.

He dips the tip of his nail beneath Taehyung’s bottom lip, brushes the pad of it over the curve of
his cheekbone. He wipes his bangs back to see if Taehyung’s eyes are squeezed closed or if he’s
resting peacefully.

Jungkook hopes it’s the latter because with everything going on with their fathers, Taehyung’s been
working more than he already does. Digging through every inch of his father’s life like it’s the
highest paid case he’s ever had. Jungkook knows he’d rather be doing that than snuggling on the
couch watching a predictable horror movie, but he’s thankful Taehyung crawled onto him without
a fuss.

Storming out of the courtroom and threatening his opposing lawyer to strip them of their license in
his departure has Jungkook concerned that it’s getting a little too much for him. He’s seen
Taehyung frustrated to the point he snaps at someone, but this seems out of character for him.

“Stop staring at me.”

Jungkook freezes, hand hovering over Taehyung’s forehead to find his eyes are half open. They
flutter shut again, and Taehyung groans softly before he rubs his face into Jungkook’s cashmere

“Watching the movie,” Jungkook says as they both move, readjusting their positions like they
already know how to fit together. “Much nicer to look at than you. All the gore and cobwebs are
much more appealing.”

Taehyung laughs quietly, eyes still closed. “I’ve been watching. Really like the slaughtering part.”

Jungkook grins, chest swelling when Taehyung rubs a hand up it and lays it against the side of his
neck. “Thought you were sleeping.”

“M’good actor,” Taehyung murmurs, his lips tilting up as he slides up Jungkook’s body.

Eyes half closed and looking still somewhat out of it, Taehyung still manages to look like he’s
going to tease. He doesn’t get a chance to though as Jungkook threads his fingers through his hair
at the back of his neck again and pulls him in for a kiss.

Taehyung sighs into it instantly, head tilting to fit their lips better together. Jungkook could do this
for hours. Even though he’s content with Taehyung resting, wants it, he likes the slow way their
lips move together. The feeling of Taehyung against him, sharing a breath.

Humming, Taehyung rubs their lips together before he rests his cheek onto Jungkook’s shoulder.
He’s heavy against him, but Jungkook curls an arm across his back so he won’t move off of him.

“What time’s it?” Taehyung mumbles, his voice deep and raspy.

“Almost ten.”

He can feel Taehyung’s nose wrinkle against his neck. “Should work for an hour or so -”

“I’ll kill you if you move,” Jungkook threatens casually, squeezing his arm tighter around him to
emphasize that he wants him to stay.

Taehyung’s laughter tickles his skin before he bites him playfully. “I got my father’s files from his
accountant on my way home,” he explains, kissing Jungkook between each word.

Static fills Jungkook’s body, but it does little against the worry that’s already there. Even when
Taehyung sucks softly over his pulse and slips his fingers over Jungkook’s jaw to hold him close.
“Jimin’s mother. Jimin said I should take a look at them,” Taehyung breathes, shifting so he’s back
over Jungkook. “Sounded like he found something but wants my opinion before he tells me.”

Jungkook tries to keep his face casual. He understands in a sense why it’s so important to
Taehyung, that he’d do all this. But he has a bad gut feeling about it.

“Can we look together then?” Jungkook asks as he rubs his hands up Taehyung’s body, tugging his
shirt up towards his chest as Taehyung hooks his forearms on the couch behind Jungkook’s head.
“Get it done faster.”

There’s a smirk on Taehyung’s lips as he kisses Jungkook instead of responding. It’s just as gentle,
his bottom lip nudging against Jungkook’s top until his mouth parts.

“As much as I want to, I don’t want to move from here,” Taehyung whispers, mouthing at
Jungkook’s lips before his tongue slips between them.

Heat simmers through Jungkook, but it’s just a kiss. A lazy one that ends in Taehyung groaning in
complaint and exhaustion when he pulls back and onto his knees, fingers twisting in Jungkook’s
shirt to pull him with him.

“If everything goes to plan, this case should be over by the end of next week,” Taehyung tells him
tiredly as he stands and starts to tug Jungkook back towards his office.

He’s still yet to go in there, and it’s probably nothing special but the anticipation he feels is as if
he’s expecting the inside to be the passageway to Narnia or something.

“Does that mean you’ll finally tell me about it?” Jungkook asks as Taehyung presses back against
his office door and Jungkook crowds against him. Taehyung still looks sleepy, but his eyes are a bit
brighter now as he hooks an arm around Jungkook’s neck and spreads his legs to fit him between

“Well, it started with the heads of DK Entertainment breaching their contracts with idols.
Accusations of all kinds of mistreatment towards them. Then there was alleged evidence that the
company is used to launder illegal money. Made at clubs like the one your brother keeps going to.
Gambling, drugs, prostitution. My client allegedly has a hand in all of it.”

Jungkook likes the way Taehyung rubs his back almost absentmindedly. No intent in the touch, but
it’s soothing to feel it sliding up his spine and across his waist. Digging into his hips here and there
as Taehyung talks so quietly, it’s like he’s afraid someone else will overhear though it’s just the
two of them.

“And a whole bunch of other white collar crimes,” Taehyung goes on, head knocking back against
the door as his eyes roll. Jungkook uses it to his advantage to mouth at his neck like Taehyung had
done to him earlier, pressing opened mouth kisses down the length of it.

“They’re partners,” Taehyung sighs, rubbing his hand up to Jungkook’s neck to keep him there.
“Yet, they can’t keep their story or their loyalty towards each other. One of them constantly rats out
the other, and it’s made my life hell. If they’re found to be connected to the club, I don’t trust them
not to give up the names of the big players.”

“Like my brother,” Jungkook murmurs against Taehyung’s damp skin.

Taehyung tugs his hair, pulling him back. “Your brother started using his campaign money to
gamble. My clients have allegedly been laundering their money through his campaign funding as
Jungkook hesitates, and Taehyung looks apologetic. Even if he doesn’t have to be. Jungkook isn’t
upset, he’s just really fucking shocked. “How is that possible? Aren’t there policies in place for
that stuff?”

“It includes a long list of other crimes and other people,” Taehyung explains, no longer touching
over him as his hands rest still against his shoulders. “My gut instinct is your father or my father
has something to do with it. To save his ass, you know?”

Jungkook grunts at that, annoyance filling him. “Is that why you’re looking at his finances?”

Taehyung shrugs. “I don’t think that’s what my father is hiding from me. It wouldn’t make sense
since our father’s agreement only came because of our union.” He closes his eyes for a moment,
sighing as he lets go of Jungkook and reaches behind him and grabs the doorknob. “I’m so tired,
my brain feels like mush trying to figure it out.”

The office is almost identical to the one at the law firm except Taehyung’s desk is much larger and
this one has a couch to the side. The bookshelves are filled with binders and files and textbooks,
the wall behind the desk covered in plaques that show his accomplishments.

There’s pictures of him and his parents, too. A younger Taehyung, much younger than his
rebellious stage. Jungkook smiles at the sight of them, Taehyung’s big toothy grin, cheeks squished
between his parents’ heads.

“You should sleep then if you’re tired,” Jungkook says as he shoves his hands into his pockets to
resist the urge to touch little Taehyung’s face in the picture. He doesn’t understand the urge, but it’s

“Should exchange baby pictures one day,” Taehyung retorts as he drags himself into his chair.
Stubborn. Jungkook considers throwing him over his shoulder again and holding him hostage in
their bedroom until he sleeps.

He knows Taehyung would easily be able to convince him into setting him free.

“Still waiting to recreate the one with you on the car,” Jungkook shoots back, offering him a
cheeky grin as he pulls away from the shelves. “I’ll suck you off against it.”

Taehyung wags a brow. It’s playful. “Fuck me against it. Even better.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes as he falls into the chair opposite of him. He’s surprised Taehyung’s
actually letting him in here, allowing him to look at his father’s personal information. It’s a sign of
trust, Jungkook knows. Taehyung’s been very insistent about proving it to him.

The explanation on the case is another one, though Jungkook thinks Taehyung had been careful
with his words still. Which he understands. Jungkook doesn’t know how much will be revealed
even after the case is over. The articles he read today were very brief on the details.

“Want to tell me why court was a shit show?” Jungkook asks as Taehyung turns the desktop so
they can both see the screen. He rubs his hands over his thighs beneath the desk, wondering if he
should tell Taehyung about the articles or wait until the morning.

If Daehee is anything like Jungkook’s father, he’s sure he’ll be calling about them by then anyway.

“Do you know what ‘fruit of the poisonous tree’ is, lover?” Taehyung asks, tapping away. He’s
suddenly more alert than he was, like his computer lighting up is a shot of espresso for him. “It’s
basically when evidence is obtained illegally. Seojoon today presented something that’s really
damaging to my case, but I know for a fact that he acquired it illegally.”

Jungkook looks away from the screen as Taehyung clicks to sign into something, giving him some
form of privacy.

“And then he started overwhelming my witness with questions. Asking ambiguous questions and
twisting his words. The judge accepted my objections, but I said them so many times today I never
want to hear the word again.”

Jungkook grins as Taehyung rants, the annoyance in his tone growing with each word. When
Taehyung glances at him, and he sees his smile, he wrinkles his nose at him.

“It’s not amusing. Seojoon’s a good lawyer,” Taehyung grunts. “Pisses me off.”

Jungkook can’t hold back his laugh at that, letting it flow freely and it’s worth it when Taehyung’s
lips quirk up. “You’re not a sore loser, are you?”

“Absolutely,” Taehyung replies confidently, and there’s a spark in his eyes when he does.

“You’re gonna win though, hm?”

“Oh definitely,” Taehyung says, his smile growing as he adjusts the computer and shows off a list
of file names on the screen. “Seojoon’s good, but I’m better. I don’t do everything fair myself, but
at least I know better than to let that be known to the opposing lawyer.”

Jungkook watches Taehyung’s face, wondering what he means by that. He doesn’t know much
about the practice to even start to guess. He doesn’t ask though as Taehyung pulls up a form of

It looks like data analysis. Jungkook hates data analysis and almost regrets agreeing to help

“Taehyung, you and your father are close.” It’s a statement, but Taehyung still nods without
looking at him. Concentration on his face, eyebrows furrowed as he pulls out a notebook and starts
scribbling down onto it. Jungkook doesn’t know what they’re looking for, and he suddenly feels
uncomfortable snooping like this. “Don’t you think this is too far?”

Taehyung stills, hovering his pen over the notebook for a moment before he responds. “You said
he said this could ruin my career, yet he refuses to tell me what it is. I’m not letting it blindside me.
I need to know if I have to set up any safety nets.”

There’s dozens of things listed, but Jungkook thinks Taehyung already knows what he’s looking
for because he rolls through them quickly, only stopping here and there. “I know. Which means
keeping it in the dark is meant to protect you.”

Taehyung frowns even more at that. “If it’s meant to protect me then I should be told about it.
Who’s side are you on, baby?”

It’s said lightly, but Jungkook still rolls his eyes. “No, I think he should tell you. I just. Don’t
know. Am worried it would actually do as he claims. Hurt you.”

Taehyung nibbles on his bottom lip, features softening as he looks to him. “I have been stressing
my brain out for weeks trying to figure out what it could possibly be. I can’t come up with
anything. Not that would hurt my career.”
He pauses then, pointing his pen to a line before furiously scribbling it down and making a
thoughtful noise.

“And he’s a stubborn man. I know he won’t tell me. He’s made that clear.”

Jungkook shifts back. He doesn’t understand why he’s so worried now, but Taehyung’s job is his
passion. Even if it tires him out, Jungkook dreads him losing it. Or that whatever his father is
hiding will just hurt his heart.

“And what are you going to do when you find out?”

“Call him out on it,” Taehyung says as he presses his tongue between his teeth. “I think this is what
Jimin was talking about. This account is private, the owner’s name is blurred out in the documents.
There’s only two transactions made with it each month. Same date every month. Deposit and
immediate withdrawal. Which is really fucking suspicious.”

Taehyung frowns, rubbing at his chin as he pulls up a few different transactions and writes down
the location of withdrawal. All in Daegu.

“Calling him out on it won’t be pretty,” Jungkook says. He won’t admit that he fully doesn’t
understand why Taehyung seems so alarmed by this, though he does think it’s suspicious that
Daehee would have a private account for only one kind of transaction. Even more so that the name
on the account is blurred. “You remember what he said to my father, Tae. If you find out,
everything’s ruined.”

Taehyung ignores him, pulling out his cellphone from his pajama pants and holding up a finger to
excuse himself. Jungkook considers karate chopping it out of his hands just in case there’s already
a message waiting for him about the articles.

“Hyung, I need you to trace this address for me,” Taehyung says without any greeting. He reads it
off, and Jungkook thinks Taehyung’s going to age like his father. With how often he frowns, the
wrinkles around the edges of his mouth are going to be deep.

And Jungkook’s going to want to kiss him no matter how many there are.

“It’s from a private account I think is my father’s. A deposit and withdrawal of eight million won
each month,” Taehyung explains, peering at the computer again, bringing his face close because
his glasses are in the living room. “The account was open twenty eight years ago. Yeah, alright.
What are you doing with Beomgyu?”

Taehyung rolls his eyes, groaning low. “Don’t tell him any of this, got it? He reports back to my

There’s a pause, and worry fills Jungkook when Taehyung frowns hard. His lips dragging down so
far his mouth looks as if it may fall over his chin. He’s quiet for a while, just listening to whatever
Jin says and his eyes flick from staring off to Jungkook a few times.

“Call them and tell them I’ll be suing them for defamation if they don’t pull down the article,”
Taehyung says, his tone cold as he sinks back into his chair. “I haven’t used any of my connections
with the Board for help with this case. I’ve done it with our team only. I don’t want to talk about
this right now, hyung. Goodbye.”

Dread fills Jungkook as Taehyung hangs up and tosses the phone onto the desk. His eyes close for
a moment, his tongue jabbing into his cheek. “Ridiculous.”
It’s said quietly, annoyed. Jungkook isn’t sure if he should respond but Taehyung shakes his head
like he can read his mind.

“More important things,” Taehyung sighs, shaking his head as he whips up from his seat with his
notebook. He taps the pen on his bottom lip before he chews the bottom of it. Jungkook just
watches him quietly as Taehyung starts to pace, and he can practically feel the wheels turning in his
mind. “This bank account.”

“You turn twenty eight this year, Tae.”

At first, Taehyung doesn’t seem to hear him. But then he nods, taking the pen from his mouth and
tapping it against the notebook. “I know. I was born in Daegu. My father was raised there.”

This is something a husband should know, Jungkook thinks. He makes a mental note to remember
it, though he doesn’t think it will be a problem as his own mind fills with alarm at this fact.

“He came to Seoul when he was a teen. Taken in by one of his father’s childhood friends after his
parents died,” Taehyung starts ranting, spinning in a circle. Another important fact about
Taehyung. All this trying to hang out to learn each other, when Jungkook could have just tried to
help him solve a mystery to do so. “It’s the reason he could afford going to Oxford. How he met
my mother.”

Stressed, Taehyung runs his fingers through his hair harshly and Jungkook stands to walk over to
him. From behind, he wraps his arms around Taehyung’s shoulders and keeps him from moving.

It’s meant to be comforting the way he kisses Taehyung’s jaw. “There’s nothing you can do but
wait until you find the location. Don’t let it plague your mind.”

“Too late,” Taehyung groans, knocking his head back against Jungkook’s shoulder and gripping
onto his wrist. “It could be nothing. His parents died in a car crash, but they weren’t the only
family in it. Maybe he’s sending money to the girl whose parents also died. It would make sense.”

Jungkook presses his cheek to Taehyung’s temple, squeezing tightly. “How would that hurt your

It’s the wrong thing to say, and Jungkook regrets it the moment comes from his lips. Taehyung
groans in misery as he twists in Jungkook’s arm and face plants himself to Jungkook’s shoulder.

“Sorry, sorry,” Jungkook murmurs sheepishly, kissing his temple again. “Come on, let me take
your mind off of it. It’s late. No more thinking about parents’ secrets or shitty news articles.”

Taehyung perks his head up as Jungkook grips at his thighs, lifting him up until his legs are
wrapping around his waist.

“Using my muscle kink against me, huh?” Taehyung grunts as he digs his fingers into Jungkook’s
shoulders for leverage. “Possibly could work.”

Jungkook keeps his face serious as he secures one hand to Taehyung’s thigh and lifts his other arm
to flex it.

It’s dramatic the way Taehyung moans, way too over done before he grabs Jungkook’s bicep

“Forget about the day for right now,” Jungkook whispers as Taehyung leans down, mouth already
parted. “It was a bad one.”
Taehyung nods, the tips of their noses brushing. “Bad days aren’t so bad when I come home to you
at the end of them.”

Jungkook grins, presses it to Taehyung’s before he looks around him to make sure he doesn’t walk
Taehyung into a wall. It would really ruin the moment. “Please, tell me more about how much you
like me.”

Humming, Taehyung tugs Jungkook’s hair until his head bends back. His breath skates over
Jungkook’s mouth when he steps into the hallway, and he’s made the trip to Taehyung’s bedroom
so often that he doesn’t need to see.

Their bedroom, perhaps, as Jungkook’s slept in there nearly every night since he moved in. He’s
barely stepped into the room that’s supposed to be his more than a few times.

“You’re decent,” Taehyung whispers.

Jungkook snorts, pulling his head back as far away as he can. Which isn’t much, and Taehyung
follows suit with his tongue snaking out of his mouth.

“Nope, not going to work, Mr. Kim. Give me something better.”

There’s fondness in Taehyung’s eyes, Jungkook thinks. It tames the attempted annoyed look. “Jin
told me there’s a comment from a certain Jeon Jungkook on one of the articles about me. Some
very creative threats left in my honor.”

Jungkook pushes open the door to their bedroom and secures Taehyung higher up his body before
he takes off in a light jog to throw Taehyung gently on the bed.

He crawls between his legs, immediately pushing up his shirt to mouth at his stomach. “You’re
right. Less talking now.”

When Jungkook wakes up, he suspects that Taehyung will still be in bed. It’s early if the dim,
warm glow in the room is any indication. Technically, it’s his day off though Taehyung never
respects his own schedule.

But when he turns, he finds the other side of the bed empty.

Jungkook stretches beneath the heavy comforter, rubbing his face into the pillow before he gets the
courage to expose his bare body to the cool brisk morning.

It’s as bad as he suspects, and he rushes around the room to find his pajamas. He finds Taehyung’s
still on the ground, and he grins at the idea of Taehyung walking naked through his mansion.

“Taehyung?” Jungkook calls, skipping out into the hallway. He dances up on his toes at the cool
tile, regretting for a quick moment that kicks off his socks so he always loses them in their bed.

“In here.”
A smile touches Jungkook’s lips as he follows the voice into the living room. Though he kind of
wants to roll his eyes when he finds Taehyung sitting in nothing but his briefs and a shirt that hangs
open and half off his shoulders, glasses perched on his nose in front of a coffee table filled with

“It’s like seven in the morning,” Jungkook says as he leans over the back of the couch and kisses
Taehyung’s forehead. He trails his lips down the bridge of his nose, and speaks against his lips.
“You have a problem, Mr. Kim.”

Taehyung doesn’t laugh like Jungkook intended for him to. He only sighs and holds up his cup of
coffee for Jungkook to taste. “For your morning breath.”

Playfully, Jungkook flicks him in the curve of his ear. “Fuck you, I don’t have morning breath. I
see you brushed your teeth before your morning coffee you demon. Mm, delicious mint coffee.”

It finally makes Taehyung’s lips quirk up as Jungkook pushes himself in the small space between
Taehyung’s body and the arm of the couch. “Mint coffee is actually a thing, lover.”

“It shouldn’t be.”

Taehyung giggles, and he sounds tired. They went to bed past midnight, which means he hadn’t
slept much. “Jin found the information for me. The withdrawals are done at the bank in a different
district than I was born. I’m gonna pull some strings to get security footage. Find out the name on
the account.”

Jungkook grimaces at that, but he hides it behind the mug of coffee. Taehyung seems to be aware
of it anyway.

“It’s my gut instinct,” Taehyung tells him, pinching his knee. “Which is rarely ever wrong. I’m
following it.”

“If you need my help let me know.”

Taehyung coos as he cups Jungkook’s face and peppers a kiss to his mouth despite the alleged
morning breath. “Wanna take you out tonight. My pick this time, alright?”

Warmth fills Jungkook’s chest again. It’s been happening a lot lately. “Alright. Casual, dressed up?
Butt plug?”

Taehyung huffs at that, slapping Jungkook in the chest but his fingers tighten into Jungkook’s shirt
to guide him back. “You joke, but I know you liked it. You wouldn’t be able to hide it half as well
as me. Sensitive baby.”

Jungkook moves with him as he falls back, crawling over him to lower a kiss to his mouth. Since
they’ve talked, Jungkook’s mind hasn’t been so preoccupied with the thoughts of what Taehyung’s
intentions are every time they become physical. He lets himself embrace it.

The only problem is, if Jungkook had it his way, this is all he would do. He’d be perfectly fine not
doing so, but since Taehyung likes it just as much as he does, he’s pretty sure their lips are going to
fall off before they’re thirty.

They don’t get a chance to continue though as a voice clears behind them, and Taehyung
accidentally flings his knees up into Jungkook’s abdomen. His world turns upside down from
jumping up in alarm, and his side hits into the hard ground next to the couch.
“Eomma, excuse me.”

Heat burns through Jungkook’s face as he turns his body and spots Taehyung’s mother halfway
through the door. Despite the early time, and Jungkook wants to hang his head back and groan in

He wonders if this is something he and Taehyung can discuss about putting to an end. If they can
limit how many people have keys to their apartment and can just let themselves in at any time.
Seeing as they never actually let them know they’re coming beforehand.

Taehyung looks casual in the way he hops over the back of the couch, but there is a bit of a rush in
his steps as he takes off towards the bedroom and leaves Jungkook alone with his mother in law.

“Jungkook. It is good to see you again.”

Jungkook isn’t really embarrassed since she’s the one that entered his house without knocking.
He’s more so amused because of how Taehyung looked scurrying off in his skimpy ass briefs.
“Please, sit.”

He moves to leave then, to make coffee or breakfast or something just so he doesn’t have to be
around her but she calls after him. He could ignore it, he kind of wants to, but he thinks about
Taehyung’s picture beside her and turns around.

“I’m sorry for making assumptions about you,” she starts, clasping her wrinkled fingers in her lap.
Her expression seems genuine and filled with uncertainty. “While I do worry greatly for my son
and his goals, I’ve been told you make him extremely happy and that’s all that matters to me. I was
in agreement with this union beforehand, and I’m sorry that I expressed not being so afterwards.”

Jungkook can’t quite imagine Taehyung saying that to her. “Okay.”

“Beomgyu tells me he’s smiling often,” she sighs, and she sounds more sad about it than anything.
Jungkook feels awkward suddenly. He should have known it was Beomgyu who told Taehyung’s
mother and not Taehyung. “I love him more than anything in this world, so I’m sorry if I

Jungkook shifts around, mouth opening around nothing. He’s happy Taehyung doesn’t have a
rocky relationship with his parents, but he still doesn’t know what to say in a situation like this.
“It’s fine.”

“What’s fine?” Taehyung asks as he returns, suspicion in his voice. He clearly rushed to get clothes
on because his shirt is backwards and inside out, the tag sticking out beneath his throat. “Eomma,
not today. Please.”

She shakes her head, patting a hand on the couch for Taehyung to sit. Jungkook feels like it would
be inappropriate for him to leave right now, but he slowly starts to twist his body so he can.

“No, you called me this morning and because it was so early, I wanted to make sure you were
okay,” she explains, and Jungkook wonders what time Taehyung even woke up.

“Ah, Beomgyu stopped updating you?”

The sigh Taehyung’s mother lets out is tired. “I wanted to see you with my own eyes. You’re too
good of a liar over the phone. And he’s not spying on you, son. He simply let’s me know you
haven’t died in that office of yours.”
Jungkook decides not to run away as he walks back to the couch and sits beside Taehyung. He
often touches Jungkook claiming he’s comforting him or distracting him, but Jungkook has a gut
feeling that it’s Taehyung that finds comfort in it.

And he thinks he’s right as he touches over Taehyung’s back and watches as it relaxes. He doesn’t
quite like the way his mother watches him when she speaks to her son, but he ignores it to be
beside him.

“Anyway, I don’t want to argue,” his mother goes on, shaking her hand in front of herself. “I just
wanted to see you. I was worried about why you were asking about where you were born.”

Jungkook should have known Taehyung wouldn’t let himself stay off topic long. He probably
purposefully woke up after a few hours and called his mother before Jin even called him back
about the location of the bank. Jungkook wouldn’t be surprised if he’s called him all morning.

“I was just wondering why you decided there when you and Appa were already living here. What
you were doing there at the time?” Taehyung says casually. His curiosity sounds genuine.

“So much so you called me at five a.m.?” His mother gives him a pointed, knowing look, and
Taehyung tenses again.

“I knew you were up,” Taehyung says, leaning back against Jungkook’s touch. “I couldn’t sleep so
I knew you’d be there for me to talk to. Remember before I moved out, I would wake up a little
earlier so we could talk over breakfast before I went to work? I missed it.”

His mother’s face softens, and she looks touched. Jungkook thinks Taehyung is too good at
winning people over, and he tries not to smile at the bullshit spewing from his mouth. It could be
completely true, but Jungkook knows that’s not why Taehyung’s saying it.

“Every person in your father’s family was born at that hospital,” his mother replies, reaching out to
hold Taehyung’s hand. “So he wanted you to be born there too. He wanted you to meet his parents
once we were released even though I insisted it was much too cold out. Now why aren’t you

Jungkook wants to look at Taehyung’s face to see what he’s thinking about his mother’s response,
though he has no idea what Taehyung’s suspicions even are. Or if he’d be able to read Taehyung’s
expression enough yet to know.

“Case is a lot. The usual. Jungkookie here has been making sure I sleep.” It sounds annoyed, but
Jungkook grins when Taehyung pinches his knee to remind him it’s playful. “Nothing to worry

His mother doesn’t look any more relieved, the concern still loud in her eyes as her hands visibly
squeeze tighter around his. “Why don’t you come stay with me next week? Jungkook is welcome
as well. The house is so empty when your father leaves, and I can take care of you. It’ll be good for
both of us.”

Jungkook silently prays Taehyung says no to that. He wants to himself, but he feels it’s not his
place. He thinks Taehyung knows this enough already, and even if Taehyung wanted this, he’d
probably say no just so Jungkook wouldn’t feel forced to come.

“Where is Appa going?” Taehyung asks, the suspicion loud in his voice, and Jungkook squeezes
his hip to let him know.
“An old colleague of his needs consultation, so he’s going there. I asked why he couldn’t just do it
over the phone, but he said he would like to catch up with him. Plus, your father’s always loved
visiting Gwangju.”

Taehyung goes absolutely rigid, so much so that Jungkook is positive it must look obvious to his
mother. But she keeps talking, eyes focusing on their clasped hands.

“But don’t worry about that. It isn’t like before. Him and I are fine, I just would like to spend some
time with you. Make sure you sleep.”

“Which colleague?”

It’s a lot colder than Taehyung is usually with his mother. It surprises Jungkook actually, and by
the confusion on his mother’s face, he thinks it’s the same for her. “Minsook. I can’t remember his
family name. He’s the one that owns the farming business?”

Taehyung doesn’t relax any, and Jungkook becomes lost in the conversation. But he remains there,
listening to their interactions and how Taehyung continues to lose his inability to keep sweet
talking to his mother and hide his impatience.

He nearly kicks her out after a few minutes, though he does it with enough pleasantries that maybe
she doesn’t notice.

“Taehyung, you don’t want your father to know you’re looking into him. What are you doing
calling your mother at five a.m. with questions like that?” Jungkook asks, gently as Taehyung
closes the door behind her.

Taehyung stares around instead of responding, lost in his mind as he presses his back against the
door. Concern fills Jungkook at how pale Taehyung seems to become.

“What is it?” Jungkook asks, standing up just in case Taehyung’s going to pass out. He must have
missed something.

Taehyung shakes his head, and Jungkook doesn’t take a step forward again.

“I think my father’s having an affair.”

Jungkook widens his eyes, eyebrows lifting in surprise and question. “Excuse me?”

Taehyung starts to pace again, between the door and towards the table. He picks up a folder filled
with papers, his regular cool and calm exposure gone. He’s now a mix of frantic and angry.

“My father claimed he went to see Minsook a few weeks ago. Said the same thing,” Taehyung
says, breathing harshly as he flips through the papers. From upside down, they look like sheets of
travel information. “Where is it?”

Taehyung makes a noise when he finds it. He scans over the name before grabbing his phone from
the table and quickly typing.

“Okay, I honestly wasn’t going to look into it,” Taehyung admits regretfully. “My father traveled to
Busan that week. And aha, see? Minsook’s last listed address in his address book is in Gwangju
like Eomma said. He has a trip planned for Busan next week as well. Not Gwangju.”

Taehyung holds out his phone and shows off a list of contacts.
“Do you have your father’s personal documents?”

Taehyung gives him a look like he should have known this. “I have to go.”

“Taehyung, that’s a wild accusation,” Jungkook says, stepping in to grab him before he can leave.
He looks like he’s going to rush out even though his clothes are on incorrectly. “Think about it

Taehyung let’s Jungkook grab his hand before he can reach the front door. “Remember when I told
you my father and mother almost got a divorce? It was because my father was never home. They
fought mostly about two things. That he was either working too much, or as she accused him,
seeing another woman. A woman named Heesun.”

Jungkook hesitates, thumb running over Taehyung’s knuckles. He really doesn’t know what to say
to that. “Well was he?”

Lifting a shoulder in a shrug, Taehyung looks far from calm. He looks upset, genuinely, and
Jungkook hates it more than anything. “I have no clue. I figured since they stayed married, then

“Then think about it a little more, okay? You barely slept all week, and you’ve been fed a thousand
different pieces of information at once,” Jungkook says softly, running the tips of their fingers
together before he intertwines them. “Just think about it a little more.”

Taehyung nods, hand rubbing down his face. “You’re right. You’re right. I’m jumping to
conclusions because I’m going out of my fucking mind about this, and I don’t get why he’s lying
to my mother. If it turns out to be something stupid, I’ll quit my job to retaliate against my father
making me work so hard for nothing.”

“One, I doubt that,” Jungkook teases, pulling Taehyung into his arms. “And two, I’m pretty sure he
very much does not want you to work so hard on this.”

“I’m going to find out what it is,” Taehyung says firmly, stubbornly. The look in his eyes tells
Jungkook that he will. Jungkook has zero doubt about it. “One way or another.”


Taehyung’s mind is busy. He’s trying not to think about it, especially not now. He really just wants
this night to be about him and Jungkook, but he could barely pay attention during the movie.
Spacing out trying to connect all the pieces he has on his father.

“Fuck, Taehyung .”

It isn’t a good time to be thinking about his father, not with Jungkook bent over his lap. Sexy in the
way he’s spread over his cock, but sex is making him think about the possibility of his father
having an affair.

Taehyung rubs a hand over his face, forcing him to focus on the pleasure in his body as he grabs
the back of Jungkook’s shirt and grinds his hips up. He focuses on the harsh moans that Jungkook
struggles to hold back, the way his cock feels, looks being sucked in by him.

God, if his father is having an affair he doesn’t know what he’s going to do.

“Stop thinking,” Jungkook grunts, leaning forward to grab the back of the driver’s seat’s headrest.
“Just sit back and focus on me.”

Taehyung listens, leaning back and spreading his legs a little further. Their car is well hidden, but
this still should be quick just in case. He would have come already if he could shut his fucking
brain up, because Jungkook feels so good around him. Looks so good on him like this.

Especially when he sits up and slowly circles his hips around him. When he reaches back and
drops the lube back in Taehyung’s lap. “More. Add a finger.”

It feels like he’s been punched in the gut, and Taehyung focuses. He massages the tip of his finger
around where Jungkook’s rim hugs his cock, feeling enough give to nudge it in. Jungkook’s entire
body tenses, the gasp leaving his mouth making Taehyung’s blood run straight to his dick.

“Oh,” Jungkook gasps, knuckles turning white as his grip tightens. “Go on.”

It’s slow, but Taehyung works his finger to the second knuckle. He moans at the feeling, slapping
his hand down on Jungkook’s cheek before gripping in and tugging. He’s pretty sure the windows
of the car are going to start fogging up with how hot Taehyung feels.

When Jungkook asks him for more, Taehyung’s pretty sure he’s going to come on the spot.

“So fucking loose, baby,” Taehyung groans as Jungkook slowly grinds down against him as he
stretches him further. “You’d like that, hm? Taking more than one cock? Thinking about it. How
you’d look like that.”

Jungkook laughs breathily as he leans back, hand snagging harshly into Taehyung’s hair. “Only
want yours.”

Taehyung grunts, slipping his fingers out to grab Jungkook’s hip. “Say it.”

He wants to kiss him, but he also doesn’t want Jungkook off his lap. The back of the car is quite
small, leaving them limited on positions. But god does he want to kiss him.

“No,” Jungkook replies, sounding too amused.

With another grunt, Taehyung pushes his hips up. He presses Jungkook’s head against the back of
the seat, curls another around his stomach, and fucks him hard. Once, twice. The coil in his gut
tightens, and Taehyung’s words come out more like a plea than a demand. “Say it, baby. It’ll make
me come.”

Jungkook moans brokenly, quickly rolling his hips back hard against him. “Only want your cock,

Taehyung thrusts forward hard, the sound of his hips smacking into Jungkook’s ass loud in the
quiet car. Sweat quickly builds at the back of his neck as he comes inside of Jungkook, fingers
bruising into his skin to hold him there.

He falls back against the seat, trembling as Jungkook takes over and works over his cock quickly.
Back arching as he pulls up and smacks his hips back down, milking out Taehyung’s orgasm.
“Don’t,” Taehyung hisses as Jungkook goes to pull of, gripping tight into Jungkook’s shirt. “Wanna
feel you come around me.”

Jungkook huffs, leaning back against Taehyung’s chest. He breathes hard, his body like a furnace.
Taehyung kisses over the length of his neck, his own body trembling from sensitivity as Jungkook
clenches around him.

“Lift your shirt,” Taehyung murmurs, watching the precome dribble from the tip of Jungkook’s
cock. So swollen and red, his thighs tensing, and Taehyung knows it won’t be much until he
comes. “Kiss me.”

Jungkook turns his head, and it’s barely a kiss as Taehyung strokes over his cock quickly. A moan
against his lips, a stuttered breath. Jungkook presses a hand against the back of his head as
Taehyung slides his tongue into his mouth.

All thoughts but Jungkook gone. Nothing but him, mind empty save from how hard Jungkook
clenches around him when he comes, their mouths parting as his body arches off of his. The broken
sound he lets out. The way his legs jerk wider open before pressing closed.

Taehyung continues to work his palm over the head of Jungkook’s cock, even when he hisses in
sensitivity. He’s absolutely trembling, as is Taehyung. So much so, that Taehyung thinks they
could shake the car.

“Okay, okay,” Jungkook breathes out, tired sounding as Taehyung bites into the curve of his neck.
“Open your mouth.”

Taehyung hooks his chin over Jungkook’s shoulder as Jungkook wipes the come from his stomach
and shoves it into his mouth. Taehyung grins around his fingers, moaning as he licks them clean.

“Pull off.”

He takes his time, not wanting the old thoughts to come back. He only wants to think about
Jungkook for the rest of the night. Just Jungkook always, if he could.

Jungkook stands, but he has to bend his knees and his torso almost completely over to do so.
Taehyung spreads his cheeks, watching the come dribble from his hole before he secures his
mouth to it.

The surprised noise Jungkook lets out is close to a scream. His legs buckle, and Taehyung grips his
thighs to keep him up as he sucks at his swollen rim and fucks his tongue into him.

When he pulls back, Jungkook practically sags in front of him. “Come here, lover.”

Jungkook knees onto the seat around his legs, his expression fucked out. He’s dripping sweat and
burning red, his hand gripping hard into his shirt to keep it up. Taehyung rubs his thighs soothingly
as he leans in and cleans off his stomach.

“I’m so fucking hungry now,” Jungkook moans as he leans in and kisses him.

Laughter explodes inside of Taehyung, and it makes it difficult to kiss Jungkook back. He hugs
him hard, soothing the shake going through his entire body from his orgasm. “I have dinner
planned, next. Though we may have missed our reservations.”

“Fucking great,” Jungkook grumbles.

Taehyung snorts, rubbing their lips together. “You were the one who wouldn’t keep your hands to
yourself during the movie.”

Jungkook kisses him gently. “Wanted to get you out of whatever headspace you’re in.”

Sighing, Taehyung tucks his face into the curve of Jungkook’s neck. He can feel how hard
Jungkook’s heart is beating. “I’m sorry. I can’t shut up my brain.”

Jungkook gently coaxes his head back up and kisses the corner of his mouth. Then the other side.
His chin. “If you tell me you were thinking about your father with your cock in me, I’ll file for

It’s meant to be a joke, but Taehyung groans in complaint. “Don’t say it like that.”

Jungkook giggles, biting his cheek gently. “Whenever you start to think about it, just focus on me.
How handsome I am. How lucky you are to have me as a husband.”

It’s true, but Taehyung wrinkles his nose. “You mean how cocky you are.”

Jungkook ignores him, breathing over his cheekbone and whispering into his ear. “How hard I’m
going to fuck you in our bed tonight.”

Taehyung grips into Jungkook’s thighs, the words going straight to his gut. “Mr. Jeon. What a
filthy mouth you have.”

It tickles when Jungkook licks over his earlobe. “I’m going to use it to distract you all night.”

He says it like a threat, and Taehyung can’t help but laugh again. “I can’t push it off forever,

“You’ve worked on it all day. We’re back to the waiting game,” Jungkook reminds him. “You got
the clearance for security footage. Let yourself be distracted until you get them. Promise?”

Taehyung rolls his eyes, his heart rate starting to slow some, his body relaxing. His stomach
growling because he also is hungry as fuck. “Only if I can drive to the restaurant?”

Jungkook glares at him, leaning back. “No way.”

Tsking, Taehyung runs his hands up Jungkook’s thighs. “You’re shaking too much still, baby.
You’re in no condition to drive.”

There’s a small tilt in Jungkook’s lips but he quickly makes it disappear. “Be gentle with my baby,

Victory soars through Taehyung, and he curls his arms around Jungkook’s waist to press a kiss to
his chest. “Of course. I’m gentle with mine, aren’t I?”

Jungkook groans in complaint. “My body fucking aches right now, Taehyung. This does not make
me trust you to drive at all.”

Laughter fills the car as Taehyung lets Jungkook go so they can clean themselves off and redress.
“Who said you were my baby?”

Jungkook glares at him again, death in his eyes, and Taehyung laughs again. Once again, all
thoughts gone but Jungkook .
The restaurant is dark and dim. The tables metal and the seats made to look like barrels at the
bottom but Taehyung requested one of the round booths in the corner so he doesn’t have to be
seated so close to everyone. Taehyung doesn’t quite mind it, though. He is the one that picked out
the restaurant after all. And the noise is a distraction to his busy mind.

As is Jungkook who sits across from him. His face red from the heat he hovers over as he cooks
the meat between them. He picks a piece up, hand cradled beneath it as he blows over it.

He slides around the booth with it, guiding it to Taehyung’s mouth after he blows on it once more.

Taehyung barely chews it before Jungkook’s kissing him. Just a quick one like he can’t help it
before he goes back to where he was and starts cooking again.

He’s handsome, Taehyung thinks as he watches him quietly. He’s dressed casually, a black long
sleeve beneath a white t-shirt that just says Ballenciaga across it. The chain around his neck is
back, but this one is silver and matching the bangles around his wrist. His hair has gotten a bit
longer since they’ve gotten married, and now falls over his forehead and tickles down towards his
eyes. It’s messy from fucking around before they got here, and the bruises on his throat have
slowly been getting darker since they arrived.

They look so different together. With Taehyung in his knitted tan sweater tucked into his olive
green dress pants. All of his jewelry gone except for his wedding band.

He thinks they are quite different in general. In a multitude of ways. Taehyung work and Jungkook
the play. Their relationships with their parents. Their likes. Hell, even they drink coffee vastly

But they work really well together. Even if Jungkook’s still surprising him with things.

“So,” Jungkook says, voice tight from how hot the meat he just put in his mouth was. He makes a
face, and he looks a bit ridiculous. “I have a question.”

Fondly, Taehyung presses an elbow to the table and waits for him to speak. Jungkook’s right in the
sense that there’s moments where he needs to just focus on nothing. Do something that isn’t work,
because Taehyung really feels himself spiraling.

He did at court the other day. He’s not proud of himself, but he has to accept his actions. Storming
out of court and threatening to rip Seojoon of his license. He never allows himself to get that
frustrated during court, wanting to appeal to the jury as passionate but cool headed.

And if Jungkook didn’t stop him today, he most definitely would have gone straight to wherever
his father is and demand to explain why he’s lying to his mother of all people about where he’s

He just can’t sit still on this one. It’s driving him nuts. Why his father had the account’s name
blurred out. Why he’s sending the money. Who the fuck it is. Why he’s lying to his mother too.

The fact that Taehyung’s gut is just telling him his father is having an affair, though another part of
his brain reminds him of how much Daehee stressed that neither Taehyung nor Jungkook could be
with anyone else while they’re married.
“If you make fun of me, I’ll take the car and you can walk your ass home,” Jungkook says casually
as he turns off the heat and slides a little closer, but not all the way. The table is covered in food
around where they had been cooking it, but Jungkook still seems to find a spot to place their hands
when he takes Taehyung’s to hold it.

“Oh, I’m excited to hear this question,” Taehyung jokes. The way he holds his hand makes his arm
sit at a weird angle, but he ignores it as he uses his free one to eat the food Jungkook’s made.

“Shut up. Nevermind.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes, but he doesn’t let go of their hand.

Taehyung laughs. “Go on, lover.”

Jungkook huffs, mouth full of food. He still tries to speak for a minute, but then he swallows. “I
wanted to know if you wanted to date.”

Falling completely still is the wrong move when it comes to Jungkook. But Jungkook seems to
refuse to look at him as he brings more food to his mouth, his neck redder than ever.

“What do you mean?”

Jungkook shrugs a few times. “You know. Like dating.”

“Jungkook, we’re literally married and on a date as we speak. I even called it one.”

Glaring at him, Jungkook pulls his hand away to bring a bowl of broth to his mouth. He
successfully glares over it at him.

“No, I mean.” Jungkook huffs, and it’s kind of cute how he looks frustrated or annoyed when he’s
flustered. Taehyung would smile because of it, but he doesn’t want to offend him. “Like.”

Jungkook slides a few more inches away, and he ignores Taehyung when he follows after him.

“Like, I just wanted to know if this was still just a business partnership to you, or if like.” Jungkook
rolls his eyes again, so hard that Taehyung’s afraid he’ll never see those pretty browns again. “Or
wanted to be husbands that are boyfriends. There’s no way to explain it, Taehyung. You know
what I mean.”

Taehyung grins as Jungkook continues to move across the booth until he hits the edge. At this rate,
Taehyung’s considering he might hop off and sit on the other side just to escape him. “Do you
have a crush on me, lover?”

Jungkook makes a face, mocking him under his breath as he elbows Taehyung away. “I meant it
when I said you can walk home, Kim.”

“I’ll just call my chauffeur,” Taehyung says simply as he curls a finger beneath Jungkook’s chain
to keep him from moving. “At this rate, I feel like it’d be a little pointless to call it a business
partnership, Jungkook.”

When Taehyung tugs him by the necklace, Jungkook gives in easily. Moves closer to him without
a fight though his face is still hard, guarded.

“I thought I made that clear.”

“You definitely didn’t,” Jungkook shoots back. “I want you to see us as a couple, not business

Taehyung really doesn’t understand Jungkook, the determined look in his face. What he wants that
they don’t already have. It can’t get anymore coupley between them for god’s sake.

But he’s starting to understand that this is one thing Jungkook needs reassurance on. It’s still new,
it’ll take some time until he doesn’t need them anymore. It’s something Taehyung’s can completely
be patient with.

“Okay,” Taehyung says, blinking quickly. “I do.”

Jungkook’s defenses seem to completely drop then. He knows it’s going to take some time, they
only have just started discussing these things, but he hopes soon Jungkook will be completely
without his walls up when they talk.

“Then why are there cameras here?”

Confusion fills Taehyung as he follows Jungkook’s gaze to where Taehyung originally had been
sitting. To the windows looking outside and the crowd of reporters and cameras there. He never
leaked this to the press. If he had, fucking in their car would have been the dumbest idea.

“I don’t know,” Taehyung promises as he tugs out his phone to see if he’s missed anything.
Apparently he has, he thinks as he takes in the missed calls from Jin and Namjoon. “We’ve been
married too long for them to still give a shit about us going on a date.”

“Well you did recently make the news for being a brat.”

Taehyung huffs out a laugh, gripping Jungkook’s thigh tightly in retaliation but it only makes
Jungkook spread his legs invitingly. “You’re the brat here, babe. This date is just because I wanted
to spend time with you. Like a couple .”

Jungkook bites at his bottom lip, but he fails to hide his smile completely. “I will call your
chauffeur and tell him to leave you fucking stranded.”

Bringing the phone up to his ear, Taehyung ignores Jungkook to hold onto his necklace and hold
him in place for a kiss on the lips. He isn’t concerned, but he is annoyed if reporters are here. He
wants this night to be just Jungkook .

“Taehyung, I’ve been trying to call you.”

The alarm in Jin’s voice has Taehyung urging Jungkook from the seat immediately. He goes
without question, heading straight to payout as Taehyung grabs their things. “What is it?”

Jin sighs heavily into the receiver, his voice breaking. “Beomgyu’s been rushed to the hospital.”

The reporters don’t let up. Asking Taehyung questions he doesn’t know the answer to, about things
Jin didn’t fucking mention on the phone. He wants to shove them, knock them aside, but it’s
Jungkook that does.
He isn’t kind about it, shoving one back to make room for Taehyung to move to where he had
parked their car. “Get the fuck back.”

Taehyung hadn’t even told him anything. He’s still on the phone, but the questions being shoved
into his face make it hard to hear what Jin has to say.

“He was at the firm,” Jin is saying when Jungkook opens the front door for him and shoves
another reporter back so he can get in. “The place has been ransacked, Taehyung.”

Shit, shit, shit. Fuck. Taehyung cusses out loud he thinks. He’s not sure. His panic is too loud.
“What did they take?”

“I don’t know. The police are here now. I left Namjoon behind there so I could go with Beomgyu.
I found him. God Taehyung -”

Taehyung bites hard on his bottom lip before he tells Jungkook where to go. Jungkook hesitates,
alarm in his eyes before he grabs the steering wheel without word and pulls out of the parking

“I’m coming,” Taehyung says. “Do you want to explain why every reporter in fucking Seoul
seemed to know about this before me?”

“I couldn’t get a hold of you,” Jin snaps right back. “I called the police, and you know how those
reporters are. They hear sirens and come running. It doesn’t make sense that it leaked to the press
this quickly, but I shouldn’t put it past those guys.”

Taehyung presses his eyes closed and pushes a hand against his forehead as if he’s trying to keep it
together and from exploding. “Did you call my father?”

“Can’t get ahold of him either,” Jin says. “What were you doing that was so important you ignored
twenty seven calls?”

They’re both aggravated, clearly. Jin’s voice is filled with panic and frustration, and Taehyung
understands. He feels the same way. “I was on a date with my husband, Jin. I can’t be on call
twenty four seven.”

He always has been, though. Taehyung apologizes quietly, his throat tight from the pressure in his
chest. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Let me call my mother, alright? I’ll be there soon.”

Jungkook doesn’t ask when he hangs up, he remains silent though he continues to glance between
him and the road. He drives fast, and for once, Taehyung doesn’t care if he gets in trouble for it.

“Eomma,” Taehyung says, reaching over the seat to grab Jungkook’s leg because he just needs
something to hold onto. “Before you see it on the news. The firm’s been robbed.”

She’s quiet for a moment, but when she speaks, Taehyung knows she’s been crying. “I know. I’m
so happy you weren’t there. I’m on my way to the hospital right now.”

“Are you with Appa?”

Jungkook takes one of his hands off the steering wheel then, and Taehyung hadn’t realized how
upset he sounded until Jungkook starts squeezing and caressing the hand on his thigh.

“He’s coming,” she promises and relief fills him. “See you soon, and don’t worry sweetheart. It
will all be fine.”
It’s silent for a moment after he hangs up with her, as he just stares at the passing cars while
Jungkook pets the back of his hand.

“Firm’s been robbed,” Taehyung explains. “It’s Beomgyu in the hospital.”

Jungkook doesn’t say anything, and Taehyung’s thankful. That he knows he needs the silence
somehow and doesn’t want the same assurances his mother gave him again. He just jerks the car
down another road that will get them there faster.

When they do, Jungkook keeps up with his rushed pace to get to Jin. There are even more reporters
outside of the hospital, but thankfully security keeps them out, keeps Jungkook from assaulting
another though he looks like he wants to.

The sight of Jin isn’t one of relief, but one that makes Taehyung’s stomach yank. The blood on his
hands, smeared across his chest. It isn’t a lot, but it’s enough for Taehyung’s imagination to fill
with gruesome images.

“I think your office is fine. He wasn’t in there,” Jin says as soon as they’re close enough. “It was
mostly the main area. Your father’s office door was open, but I didn’t check. Namjoon’s going to
call -”

Taehyung shakes his head, waving his hand at him. “The firm is the least of my concern right now,

He can’t think about it right now and excuses himself to the boy that’s sitting a few rows away
from where Jin was.

“Beomgyu’s roommate, eh?” Taehyung says, sitting beside him. He feels Jungkook follow in the
seat next to him. “I’m his boss, Kim Taehyung.”

The boy’s eyes are swollen. Taehyung recognizes him from the few times he’s picked Beomgyu
up at his apartment before court and the picture of the two of them Beomgyu had put up the
moment Taehyung got him his own desk. “Kang Taehyun sir.”

Taehyung takes his hand into his own, but the boy barely gives him any eye contact. “I was
wondering if you could call Beomgyu’s parents and tell them I will pay for their trip here. And we
will stay with you until they get here.”

The boy looks at him fully then, head shaking immediately. “Oh, no that’s too much, sir.”

Taehyung silences him gently. “I’m going to do it. Healing works best around family.”

He isn’t one for false assurances, but he finds the words fall from his lips anyway. He doesn’t even
know how hurt Beomgyu is, but he feels he wants to tell the boy with certainty that he’s going to
be okay. He stops himself though, pulling away when he starts to look overwhelmed to find
someone he can speak with.

He’s stopped when his mother comes rushing in. Her eyes too are reddened, panicked. She
immediately goes to Taehyung, gripping onto his shirt. “Are they letting anyone see him?”

Taehyung doesn’t know how his mother and Beomgyu have made a connection, but he doesn’t
care at the moment. He wishes to give his mother the same assurances, to comfort her. But it’s hard
to look at her this upset, as he thinks about how all day he’s been thinking his father’s having an
affair. “I’m going to speak to a doctor now.”
She lets out a quiet sound. Taehyung’s never actually seen her this upset. She’s usually stone cold
just like himself. It hurts his heart worse out of anything. “Okay. Okay. I love you.”

They don’t get to see Beomgyu for a few hours. When he’s pulled from surgery and in stable
condition. Taehyung stays behind as his roommate goes first, but he gets an encouraging push from
Jungkook to follow.

It’s upsetting. Taehyung regrets it the moment he steps into the room. As hurt explodes in his chest
because Beomgyu is young, happy to please, hard working. A good kid overall, but he’s lying there
almost unrecognizable. He tries to keep his composure though, because Beomgyu’s roommate is
upset and all alone.

“Oh,” the roommate whispers out as he rushes to Beomgyu’s side. His hands jerk between
covering his mouth and wanting to hold Beomgyu’s bandaged hand before he finally very gently
touches his fingers. “Beomgyu.”

Beomgyu doesn’t respond. He couldn’t even if he was awake. The doctor told them his jaw had
been shattered, and it’s currently wrapped. As is his head. His face swollen and purpled, an array
of stitches covering it.

Beneath his scrubs, Taehyung knows there’s more bandages. Broken ribs, collarbone.

It’s horrific, and Taehyung feels so sick. He can keep his cool, but he can barely look at him right
now. The way his roommate speaks his name makes Taehyung’s chest hurt, the pain and fear so
loud in it.

“Beomgyu, it’s Taehyun. The doctor said you’ll be okay. Just. Just be okay quickly, alright?”

It’s not exactly what the doctor said. Taehyung isn’t the one to get his hopes up that the doctor’s
‘best outcome’ is what will happen when he so easily offered up a bad outcome. But he doesn’t say
so, understands why Taehyun needs to cling onto that hope.

Taehyung quietly exits the room without word. He shouldn’t have went in. There’s a pressure in
his face, and Taehyung isn’t one to cry but he feels so sick. Stomach twisting painfully, throat
closing. He’s angry and every other synonym of the word.

“You’re wrong. I can’t be in there. You’ll see I can’t actually handle everything.”

It isn’t surprising that Jungkook’s right outside the room when he steps out. Taehyung doesn’t push
him off when he cups Taehyung’s cheeks into his hands before pulling him into a hug.

“No one can easily handle these things,” Jungkook assures quietly.

Taehyung sighs, shaking his head. He wants to get the image of Beomgyu out of his head, more
desperate than he had been earlier to distract himself. “Any updates?”

“Namjoon said it doesn’t look like much had been taken,” Jungkook explains quietly, a hand firm
at the back of Taehyung’s head to hold onto him. “Three offices have been trashed, one his. He said
nothing was taken from it. Yours was untouched. He says that’s because no one can guess your
passcode to get in.”

It’s meant to lighten the mood, but Taehyung doesn’t feel it. “So they’re not that intelligent. All
they have to do is look up my husband’s birthday to know it.”

It doesn’t make sense. The amount of hurt Beomgyu is seems personal, not just a victim of a
robbery. He’s thankful it isn’t how most victims end up, stabbed or shot dead. But he can’t
understand why someone would just beat him up that badly trying to rob them. Someone like
Beomgyu who would pose no danger to anyone.

Why they would trash their place and not take anything, even if he’s thankful he didn’t.

Taehyung pulls away suddenly, and Jungkook looks alarmed but he doesn’t say anything even
when Taehyung storms off to put his phone up to his ear.

If it were anyone else, Taehyung would be annoyed with the lack of privacy, but he kind of needs
Jungkook close so he doesn’t mind when he follows him into an empty waiting room. He feels like
he’s a bomb about to explode, and maybe he should sit back and think more, but Taehyung’s too
angry and freaked out to do that.

“Lawyer Kim, I heard the news. Are you alright?”

“If this is a warning because I embarrassed you this week, I will ruin your career, Seojoon. I do not
say this lightly. It is not a threat. Do not fucking mess with me. My intern looks like he’s been
beaten to a bloody pulp, and he’s just a young boy. Still in college. Taking it way too fucking far.”

There’s a pause after he seethes out the words, not wanting to be overheard by the few people in
the waiting room. Hopefully they’re far enough away, and only looking at them because they’re
well known.

“Excuse me?” Seojoon asks, offense in his tone. “I had nothing to do with this. I enjoy the
challenge in the court with you, Taehyung. I’m not your enemy, and I wouldn’t stoop to doing
something like this just because I’m afraid of losing the case.”

Any other time, Taehyung would feel smug that Seojoon isn’t confident about him winning. He’d
love it, actually, but right now all he feels is rage.

“I know you’re upset, and I may cheat here and there, but only in the same way as you.”

Taehyung rubs his hand down his face. He doesn’t believe him, even though at the same time, he
truly doesn’t think Seojoon to be capable of this. They’re friends in a sense. Competitive, but
friends nonetheless.

He just can’t imagine who else would trash their firm in a way that just seems like a scare tactic.
It’s plaguing his mind. He can’t imagine Beomgyu to have enemies . All he does is fucking work,
and if he isn’t in school, he’s at the firm or with one of them.

He hangs up without responding and chucks his phone at the wall as hard as he can.

Beomgyu wakes in the late hours of the morning. He doesn’t speak, can’t open his mouth. The
look in his eyes is one of fear, and Taehyung can’t look at it either. He still makes it so he keeps
himself together, holds onto his hand and squeezes it reassuringly. He tries to stay there, but it
becomes too much when his mother comes in.

He sits in the waiting room, pain in his neck from sleeping with it propped against the wall. He
tries to get Jungkook to go home, but Jungkook pointedly ignores him and stays by his side the
entire time.

He does eat, but it makes him feel sick. He tries to sleep, but he dreams about Beomgyu and wakes
up quickly. He turns his phone off after he continuously gets calls from the press wanting a
statement from him. Wanting to make Beomgyu’s injuries their cover story.

His parents, Jin, and Namjoon constantly drop in to check up on him. They tell him to go home, but
he doesn’t.

He doesn’t until the police officer finds him in the waiting room, paper in his hand to show him the
security tapes.

The ones inside the building were all turned off or covered. It’s a bad sign. An inside job or
someone scanning the building, but camera footage from the building next to theirs picked up a
man outside around the time of the assault.

“It isn’t clear, but we’re going through all the footage on the block now. Your father just asked me
to see if you had even the tiniest of ideas who this could be.”

Rage fills him again, which is surprising as he’s so fucking tired he can barely see the picture. He
feels Jungkook tense where he’s pressed behind him, looking at it over his shoulder.

“I’m sorry officer. I can’t tell. But can I keep this?”

The officer nods, handing it over. Taehyung doesn’t miss the way he eyes Jungkook. It only serves
to aggravate him further. “Give us a call if you think of anything. We’ll keep in touch.”

Taehyung waits for them to leave, doesn’t say a word. Neither of them do, he just stares down at
the image of the man.

In a fucking bucket hat and leather jacket. Black face mask, black gloves.

Taehyung crumbles the paper in hand and storms off.

“Tae, wait,” Jungkook says as he runs after him, grabbing Taehyung’s elbow. “Where are you

“I’m going to talk to your brother,” Taehyung snaps.

Jungkook’s eyes narrow. “Doesn’t this seem a little too close to your father’s threat? Make it seem
like I’ve committed a crime? Make you believe I’m the one in the bucket hat? That could have
been code for making anyone see me as that guy. You saw the way the officer was looking at

Taehyung pulls his head back, glaring at his beautiful, tired looking husband. “Your brother knows
who this is, Jungkook.”

“Or it could just be another guy in a fucking bucket hat. I know you’re upset, but you need to stop
storming off with every thought or suspicion you get.”

It feels like the same guy. The same build, height, outfit. He could probably compare the pictures,
but he had them all destroyed. “Do you have a problem with me speaking to your brother?”

Jungkook makes a face of disbelief at that, gesturing wildly at himself. “Me? Absolutely not. I’ll
do it myself. I’m just saying Tae, your father was nowhere to be found last night.”
“Neither were we,” Taehyung points out, but Jungkook’s right. That officer was looking at him,
and it’s impossible he knows about the other pictures to make a connection. If that were so, Jihyun
would have already been arrested. His mind starts spinning trying to put it together, but there’s only
one way he can.

Talking to Jihyun.

“Yeah, but we didn’t take hours to get here.”

Taehyung knows his father’s a man of his word, that he’s more than capable of going through with
his threats towards Jungkook. Faked security footage, maybe even setting Jungkook up as the
blame for a robbery. But he doesn’t feel his father’s capable of letting someone get that badly hurt
because of it.

It’s impossible. There’s no way he could. It has to be someone from the club. Maybe a warning not
to lose the case. Something.

“I really don’t think he’d let Beomgyu get hurt just to warn you not to tell me something,”
Taehyung whispers, shaking his head. “If he’s worried about my career, it would be definitely
ruined if my husband went to prison for attempted murder, Jungkook.”

Jungkook sighs, nodding. “Okay. I just. It was on my mind. I thought it was strange no one knew
where he was, and he didn’t look worried or upset.”

“That’s his normal face,” Taehyung explains, nearly yells because he’s frustrated. His head
pounds. He should eat, but he’s determined. “Let’s go, alright. I won’t hurt your brother, but I need
him to tell me who this is. It’s probably someone from the club, and I need to know who so I can
fucking destroy their life for putting hands on Beomgyu.”

Jungkook steps past him, leading the way. “I’ve been looking for an excuse to hurt him, Tae.”

The Jeon mansion is empty except for Jihyun when they arrive. Which is both good and bad,
Taehyung thinks as Jungkook looks like he might actually hurt his own brother. Bad because
Taehyung doesn’t know just how much anger Jungkook has inside of him or how exactly he’ll let
that out. But good because Taehyung thinks if his parents were here, Jungkook would rage on them

Alarm fills Jihyun’s face when they find him in his father’s office. He slowly puts the papers he’s
holding down, and Taehyung sees the fear in his eyes for a moment before he cools it off to look
smug and like a shit stain next. A cocky grin to his lips, teasing in his eyes.

“Baby brother, what’s up?” Jihyun asks as he props himself on the desk and crosses his arm.
“Taehyung, I heard about the firm. I’m sorry.”

It’s sarcastic, which is ironic because if they had torn through Taehyung’s office, there’s files that
could compromise Jihyun. He reminds Jihyun of this, and watches fear spark in his eyes again. The
fact that he tries to hide it makes Taehyung think he didn’t have any involvement.

But if it’s someone from the club, they should have targeted his office. He’s the head attorney on
the case. The offices they targeted were random.
Taehyung shoves the crinkled paper at him. “I’m going to ask you again. Who’s the man from the

Jihyun jerks back when he gets close, eyes darting from Jungkook to the security footage. He
makes an annoyed sound as he pushes Taehyung’s hand away. “I told you. I’m not telling -”

He doesn’t finish before Jungkook’s fist is cracking into the side of the jaw. There’s no warning
for it, and even Taehyung isn’t expecting how sudden it is.

Surprise fills Taehyung, and he whips his head to Jungkook as Jihyun grabs for his face. He gives
him a warning look, but Jungkook ignores it.

“What the fuck was that for?” Jihyun moans in pain, and Taehyung quickly presses a hand into
Jungkook’s chest to keep him from doing it again. Jungkook could definitely overpower him, but
Taehyung rubs over his chest and he doesn’t.

“To show you how serious we are when we say you will tell us who it is,” Jungkook spits.

There’s blood on Jihyun’s mouth, and he wipes the back of his hand over his mouth. “I can’t.” It
seems like a plea. “But I can tell you that if that’s from last night, it isn’t the same guy. The leather
jacket’s different. The collar.”

Taehyung doesn’t even look to check. “And you expect me just to believe that? Remember, I’m the
one that has the images of you with this man. How do you think the police will like that? You
heard I was going to divorce your brother, break the contract, so you decided to have my protege
attack as a warning.”

Now, Jihyun no longer seems to hide his emotions with a smug grin. He looks pissed and mostly
afraid. Eyes wide and the terror in them loud. “That’s against our contract.”

“My employee is in the fucking hospital because of this man,” Taehyung sneers, thrusting the
image back at Jihyun. Shoving it into his face, and now Taehyung understands why Jungkook
didn’t fight back the urge to punch him. “The contract doesn’t fucking matter right now. Breaking
it, I lose nothing. You can’t use it against me. Tell me who it is, and I swear on everything that
neither your father or mine will be able to dig you out of the hole I’ll throw you in. Conspiracy to
commit murder , Jihyun. That’s what you’ll get charged with.”

Jihyun swallows thickly, flinching when either of them move. His eyes dart between the two of
them, conflict on his face. Like he’s contemplating how true Taehyung’s threats are. They are, or
at least they feel it. Taehyung thinks if Jihyun doesn’t tell him who it is he’ll do everything in his
power right now to destroy his life.

“No?” Taehyung pushes, and he feels the spit that comes out of his mouth with every word. But he
doesn’t care, he’s shaking with anger. “Daddy can bury anything, but no one is going to forget their
precious beloved Jeon Jihyun had their hand in trying to murder a young boy with a bright future.”

“It’s not him,” Jihyun blurts, voice weaker. “Not last night. The guy in the other pictures.”

“How -”

“I know,” Jihyun interrupts, and his voice breaks. It startles Taehyung for a moment, how terrified
he actually sounds. He was expecting him to put on a stronger front, for it to take more convincing
to get him to fold. “I know because he was here. Because the other person is.”

Jihyun struggles with it. Pressing his eyes closed. He shakes his head, lips pursed. “Please don’t
make me tell you.”

There’s a pleased grin on Jungkook’s lips, but his eyes are like daggers. Taehyung’s heart thrusts
up into his throat as it seems to take forever before Jihyun finally tells him. Says a name that really
had been in Taehyung’s mind but seems so hard to understand that even he thought it was absurd
that he thought so.

“He’ll kill me if I tell you.”

“Who?” Taehyung demands. “Because I’m pretty sure your brother would like to kill you right this
moment, and he’d be backed by the best goddamn attorney in South Korea so it wouldn’t be much
of a risk.”

He thinks about it. The way Jungkook had admitted to having the same outfit. When he moved all
of his things into their shared closet, Taehyung hadn’t seen it. None of the items the man in the
bucket hat alway wears.

“This isn’t him,” Jihyun whispers, begging now. “I can prove it, but please don’t tell him. It’s just -
the one in the other -”

Jihyun turns his face, hiding it. The fear comes off of him in waves, and it seems genuine. He
plays with the family ring on his finger, twisting it so harshly any other time Taehyung would
worry he’s trying to break his own finger.

“It’s Appa.”

Chapter End Notes


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Chapter 12
Chapter Notes

at this point i feel like his is going to be 34873 chapters long lkdjfldka

i created a tag on twitter to make it easier to find questions answered about this story &
previews/updates its #tksymbiosis

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“ It’s Appa. ”

Jungkook moves without thinking. He doesn’t actually register the words that leave his brother’s
mouth fully, he thinks, as he shoves his hand into Jihyun’s chest and fists into his collar.

“What the fuck do you mean it’s Appa?”

He’s never seen his brother like this. Scared. It doesn’t add up in his brain. Jihyun’s always been
the aggressor in his fights. Cocky about it too. He’s always pushed Jungkook around, and
Jungkook’s never fought back. Never gave him a reason to look at him the way he does now.

It probably has to do with the whole threat of being arrested as an accomplice for attempted
murder, which Taehyung had been so convincing that even Jungkook believed him. He has no idea
if it’s something Taehyung can pull something like that off, but if Jungkook were in Jihyun’s shoes
he’d be afraid too.

“I said,” Jungkook repeats, yanking Jihyun close so he slips from where he’s sitting on the desk.
“What the fuck do you mean it’s Appa?”

Taehyung presses a hand between them, but Jungkook ignores it. Can’t focus on anything than
trying to understand the words leaving his brother’s lips. It’s not even completely anger that’s
filling him, but something like a cocktail of different emotions that make exclamation points go off
in his mind.

“At the club,” Jihyun wheezes out, fingers digging into Jungkook’s wrist. Nails biting at his skin to
shove him off. “Okay? Please don’t say anything. I just - it wasn’t him that trashed the office. I
know it. Ask any of the staff here. He was here all night.”

It doesn’t make sense. Jungkook’s face twists in confusion just as much as his brain matter does.
“What the hell is he doing at that club?”

“Doesn’t fucking matter. I told you what you asked, now get out,” Jihyun grits out. The Jihyun
Jungkook knows coming out as his nails rip at Jungkook’s skin until it hurts, and he lets go. He
doesn’t shove Jungkook back though, and Jungkook makes it so there’s no room between them
except for the hand Taehyung’s rubbing over his chest.

“I think you’re bullshitting,” Taehyung says, sounding annoyed. “Your father wouldn’t kill you or
accept you going to this club. You’re his pride and joy. Tell us who it really is.”

“It is,” Jihyun spits, his neck and ears starting to become red. “You don’t know him. This side of

Taehyung’s hand slips up to Jungkook’s neck, just a soft pressure that guides him back, and it’s
like space makes Jihyun crack and crumble. Jungkook wonders if Taehyung knew that, could tell it
was coming because Jungkook for sure didn’t.

None of this. The fear, the way Jihyun easily folded to Taehyung’s threats. The way his eyes start
to fill with tears right now, and Jungkook has no sympathy for them because he knows they’re
being used just to gain it.

“He’s a selfish bastard, alright? He only cares about protecting his own pocket and career. He will
do anything to do that, including ruining me and mine. Which he will do if he knows you know,”
Jihyun rants, the words stumbling from his lips as quickly as the tears form in his eyes. “He’s the
one that makes me not wear a face mask when I go to the club despite him always wearing one.
He’s the one that made me go in the first place to save his ass.”

Jungkook walks away, pacing off a few feet as he rubs at the back of his neck. He’s so fucking
pissed and confused, and he wishes he punched Jihyun a little more before Taehyung stepped in.
Now if he does, he’s just an asshole. “I don’t believe you.”

“I don’t give a shit,” Jihyun snaps, and Taehyung raises his hands in front of him as if to block
them from seeing each other.

“You telling me he’ll do anything to save his career isn’t convincing me that he didn’t ruin my
office to do so,” Taehyung says as he grabs Jihyun’s jaw to make him look away from Jungkook
and at him. “Because if that is him in the photos, I’m the only one who has them in my possession.
In my office. That has been trashed. That can only be accessed by a password that is specific to
your brother, but something a father would know.”

It’s a lie. Taehyung’s office wasn’t touched, but Jungkook nods behind him when he sees where
Taehyung’s going with this.

And though his anger is consuming his brain, he still wonders how true the password part is. Feels
his heart flutter a little at the idea of it.

“It’s not,” Jihyun rasps out, pleads. He even grabs Taehyung’s shirt and looks a moment from
getting to his knees. “I can help you find out who, but I swear it isn’t Appa. We spent the entire
night going over campaign funds.”

Taehyung laughs quietly, releasing Jihyun and pushing his hands from where they’re wrapped into
his shirt. “Your father gambled all his way, didn’t he?”

Jungkook freezes in his pacing, focusing on Jihyun. The way he pales. The fear that grows even
more in his eyes. He shakes his head, but it’s clear he’s lying.

“That’s why you’re doing this,” Taehyung says, and there’s fire in his eyes when he turns around
and rubs at his chin. Jungkook wonders for a moment if this is how he looks in court or in his
office as he tries to plan out his cross examining. “Why your father is so desperate for money from
my family. He had to use his own to cover the money donated to him, didn’t he? After he lost it
all? And he keeps going back, makes you gamble instead. What? Trying to win it all back or

With every word Taehyung says, Jihyun shakes his head. Jungkook feels a little stumped as to how
Taehyung’s mind works. If he has a reason to think these things or if he’s just trying to stress
Jihyun into confessing more. The questions fly out of his mouth, not really giving Jihyun time to
answer one before another comes.

“What do you exchange in the photos, huh? Drugs? Is he selling them too to make up for lost
wages? Imagine how that would look,” Taehyung says, alarm in his tone as he whips around and
looks at Jihyun again. It’s mocking. “Gambling, drugs, and you telling us it’s him, we could make
a good case that it was him at my office -”

Jihyun snaps. He shoves his hands hard into Taehyung’s chest, makes him stumble back. But
Jungkook’s fast, one arm hooking behind Taehyung so he doesn’t fall completely, and the other
coming down the side of Jihyun’s face.

It stops Jihyun completely, as his knees bend and he falls to them. He holds the side of his head,
moaning softly in pain.

“Do you see where I’m going with this?” Taehyung spits out, and he sounds like he did before.

Jihyun doesn’t look up. “I never told him about the photos, okay? He doesn’t know they exist. He
didn’t break into your office, I swear, Taehyung. I was afraid how pissed he’d be if he knew about
them so I never had the courage to tell him.”

Jungkook stares down at him, at how he won’t look either one in the eye and seems to curl in on
himself. The sight bothers him, and he shouldn’t care. He hates his brother, but he doesn’t like it.

He touches a hand to Taehyung’s chest as if to guide him back this time, but Taehyung’s reaching
down to help Jihyun up. “Don’t ever put your hands on me, again. Now tell me everything. Right
now or I’m going to the police.”

The tears have slipped down Jihyun’s cheeks, his eyes swelling red. Taehyung makes a show of
sitting in one of the chairs, making himself comfortable as he waves a hand at Jihyun to go on.

“Not here. He’ll be home soon,” Jihyun says, rubbing at his eyes. “Do you have somewhere
private to go?”

Jungkook half expected Jihyun to dip out on their way home, but he sits awkwardly in the backseat
of Jungkook’s car. Jungkook watches him here and there through the rearview, his impatience
wanting to demand Jihyun get on with it.

It’s when they’re a few miles away from their childhood home that Jihyun speaks.

“He’s been gambling for years. Eomma cut him off,” Jihyun says, his voice thick. “To protect her
money. He’s gone through all his savings, donations. She doesn’t know it was that bad, and he
doesn’t want her to, so he’s using everything he can to keep paying our allowance so she doesn’t
catch on.”

Jihyun looks out the window as he speaks. Taehyung’s completely silent in the passenger seat
beside him, but he has his hand on Jungkook’s leg again, just laying there. It’s been there since
Jungkook first drove off.

“I’m good at it. Can read cards. He taught me. We had a good streak. He got cocky, had me
gamble the money donated to his organization. Lost all of it. Every cent. To Park Dongmin.”

Taehyung turns his head at that. He only half looks over his shoulder though, his lips pulling down
into a frown. “My client.”

Jihyun hums. “He co-owns the club. He took the money and put it in as an investment to his
company, a forced partnership between us. When he was arrested, Appa begged your father to take
him on as a client so he wouldn’t expose where the money came from.”

Jungkook can feel Taehyung’s eyes on him, but he doesn’t take his eyes off the road as he turns
down the street leading to their apartment. He doesn’t quite want Jihyun there, but he is in no state
to see their father. With a cut across his temple and tears slipping down his face.

This time, Jungkook wouldn’t care if Jihyun told his parents that it was him that created the wound
starting to bruise. Jungkook would admit it openly if he had to. It’s just, it’s never been him who let
them, and he’s always hated that his brother lied about it.

“Did he threaten to do that?” Taehyung asks, his hand fidgeting across Jungkook’s leg until
Jungkook lets go of the steering wheel and tangles their fingers together. “Dongmin.”

“Before, yes. I tried to quit the club, tried to beg Appa to, but Dongmin wants the money. He
threatened to expose us way before this, when I tried to tell him I was done,” Jihyun explains, his
voice wavering. “Appa didn’t want to take the risk of Dongmin giving out the names of his high
rollers to reduce his sentence because he would. I know he would. If not this time, when he gets in
trouble again. He’s an idiot.”

Taehyung nods like he agrees. He sighs, head knocking about the headrest and squeezes
Jungkook’s fingers. “And why would your father be upset about telling us this? I’m your lawyer,
Jihyun. If Dongmin were to give your name, it’d be me that represents you in court.”

It’s silent as Jungkook turns into their driveway. Jihyun doesn’t speak again until the car is parked,
engine off. Until Taehyung’s turning fully in his seat to glare at him into responding.

“Because he doesn’t want little bro to tell Eomma,” Jihyun says quietly, and when Jungkook looks
back in the rearview, he sees Jihyun staring down at the hands in his lap. “She’ll probably divorce
him if she finds out he’s lost all his savings and cut my inheritance if she knows I’ve been helping

Jungkook looks to Taehyung, but he’s climbing out of the car. He wouldn’t care if his parents
divorced, he’s actually hoped for it before, but he knows it’s a sore spot for Taehyung.

It leaves Jungkook and Jihyun alone in the car for a moment, and Jungkook’s been quiet since they
were in their father’s office because he doesn’t want to talk to his brother. He doesn’t want to look
at him, but he doesn’t get out of the car and Jungkook isn’t letting him stay in it. “Get out. I’ll
show you where the bathroom is so you can clean up.”

He waits until Jihyun’s out of the car until he gets out as well. He’s not sure how much he believes
the things his brother’s said, that he’s an innocent one in this.

“Think I’m the favorite now?” Jihyun says under his breath, his words gruff. There’s annoyance in
his eyes as he looks to Jungkook. “You’ll probably inherit everything of Eomma’s if she finds out.”

Jungkook laughs quietly and tries to resist the urge to shove Jihyun into the apartment. “Yeah, I do,
but I never cared about being a favorite. I love Taehyung, but I’d divorce him just so he’d have no
reason to represent you in court. So I could see you fucking rot. ”
Jihyun’s upper lip curls, a retort on his tongue but Jungkook keeps walking, ignoring him and
Taehyung, who sits on the edge of the couch waiting for them.

Heat wraps around Jungkook’s neck, and he knows Taehyung’s eyes are following him. He feels a
little flustered after he shows Jihyun the bathroom and has to return to Taehyung and potentially
deal with him commenting on his angry declaration of love that he hadn’t meant to say.

Because it’s not quite that yet, but Jungkook knows it’s going to be. He knows because even
though he’s pissed off right now, there’s a lightness in his chest when he spots Taehyung laying on
the couch now. Eyes closed and jaw finally unclenched, his fingers slowly winding through the
thick curls behind his ear.

He’s in loose slacks and a cream colored turtleneck today, and it makes him look soft. Warm.
Jungkook’s been looking forward to holding him all day, though he would prefer to strip him from
the clothes that make him look so soft.

“Get some wine,” Taehyung sighs, waving a hand over his head as if he heard Jungkook enter.
“Need a fucking drink, man.”

“Man,” Jungkook repeats, smiling softly as he makes his way to the rack of wine bottles and tugs
one out. “Here you go, dude.”

He knows love will be the word he associates with Taehyung one day because despite the shitty
fucking days they’ve had this week, the smile on Jungkook’s lips feels effortless. Brought on so
easily just by the way Taehyung smiles and sits up to pull him into a kiss before Jungkook can
even put the wine and glasses on the table.

“Thanks bro,” Taehyung whispers against his lips, his grip on him so tight that Jungkook thinks his
shirt would rip if he tried to pull back.

Jungkook slips his hand beneath Taehyung’s chin, keeping his head tilted up as he sucks on his
bottom lip. He hums in contentment. “Anytime buddy.”

He feels Taehyung smile against his, and it creates chaos in his chest. Beats up all the anger and
annoyance residing there until it feels easier to breathe.

“Sexy, sexy lad,” Taehyung breathes against his lips.

Jungkook huffs out a laugh, squeezing Taehyung’s jawline playfully. “Just stick to baby,

It’s a small distraction. Just a moment between them to focus on something else other than the
whirlwind around them. He can see how much it’s bothering Taehyung, and if Jungkook can give
him a few seconds to think about something light, he will. Something playful to ease the tension in
him too.

Taehyung’s eyes blink heavily up at him as his teeth rub over his bottom lip. He rubs his hands
over Jungkook’s chest, wagging an eyebrow. “Big fella.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes and presses his fingers into Taehyung’s cheeks, making his lips pucker so
Jungkook can peck a few more kisses against them. “Not a big fan of that one, chap.”

Curling back into the corner of the couch, Taehyung presses his toes into Jungkook’s thighs when
he sits beside him and watches as he pours them each a glass of wine. “I like it.”
“I know. You’ve made your appreciation for my body quite well known.”

The laugh Taehyung lets out is soft, tired sounding, but when Jungkook glances at him, he looks
fine. Eyes just focused on him and so warm. “You better not have been serious about divorcing me,
pretty boy. Not ready to let you go yet.”

Jungkook passes him a glass as he clears his throat. It’s an admission that Taehyung heard what he
said, but one that kind of darts around the topic of the L word. Which is fine. Jungkook’s okay with
darting until he figures it out.

“‘Course,” Jungkook promises, taking Taehyung’s foot and bringing it into his lap, rubbing his
thumb over the arch. “Promise.”

Taehyung arches his foot, a brow wiggling as he rolls his head to the side. “You know your
Eomma’s company is yours, right? All of it is in your name.”

Jungkook glances away from him to focus on the thumbs he digs into the arch of his foot.
Something funny happens in his chest, and he wants to roll his eyes at himself. “No, I didn’t know

“Mhm,” Taehyung hums. “Your brother’s getting money and a share in the company. Can sit on
the fucking board or whatever, but the company is yours. CEO Jeon.”

Jungkook grins when Taehyung groans in appreciation and pinches his ankle for it. “Makes you
hot, eh?”

Taehyung chuckles, foot yanking back when Jungkook tickles his fingers over it. “Yeah.
Expensive fella.”

“Whatever man,” Jungkook laughs, eyes rolling as he rubs over Taehyung’s bony ankles. “You
like me best naked, and I don’t look expensive then.”

The look on Taehyung’s face is still warm, lighter than it has been. Jungkook’s no longer worried
about his face falling off from how much tension has been clinging to it the last few days. “Sure
you do. Do you know how much that ring cost me?”

Jungkook blurts out a laugh and readies for a retort, but Jihyun joins them again. It feels a bit
awkward as he rubs at the back of his neck and looks around like he doesn’t know what to do with
himself before he sits in the armchair across from them.

The laughter leaves Jungkook, and he glances back at Taehyung to see his closed off expression
has returned.

“Anymore questions?” Jihyun asks, annoyed sounding. The bruise from the second punch isn’t as
bad as Jungkook expected it to be, but Jihyun’s also has a nasty bruise beneath his lip.

“Yes,” Taehyung says. He lifts his foot when Jungkook pulls his hands away, shaking it so
Jungkook will continue his ministrations. “You said you keep going back because Dongmin’s
making you, but it’s also because you’re trying to get the money you lost back right?”

Jihyun nods as he rubs at his jaw. “That was why, yes. Appa’s been in the talk with some tech
tycoon for me to marry his daughter for a dowry that’ll have his savings back within the next five

“Probably just to gamble it all away again,” Jungkook huffs, though this is all news to him. He has
no idea how long his father’s been doing this. It’s all been kept from him. “Right?”

Jihyun looks more annoyed when Jungkook speaks, but he nods. “Probably. He’s borrowed a lot of
money from people over the years and always uses paying them back as an excuse for ‘one more
time, son’ though he never does.”

Jungkook shakes his head in disbelief, a quiet laugh leaving his lips as he works Taehyung’s pant
leg up to his knee. Somehow, he’s adopted Taehyung’s need to touch for comfort because it’s the
only thing keeping him from kicking Jihyun out of his house. “If you weren’t an asshole, I’d feel
bad that he did this to you.”

The annoyed look slips from Jihyun’s face as he fidgets in the armchair. He opens his mouth, but
it’s Taehyung that speaks.

“My father doesn’t know, does he?” Taehyung asks. “That it’s your father and not you losing his

When they were in the closet, they had overheard Daehee and Jongho discussing something in
regards to this. That Jihyun constantly makes the same mistakes, mistakes worse than Jungkook.

Jihyun shrugs a shoulder. “I don’t know. I wouldn’t put it past Appa to put all the blame on me.”

Taehyung laughs quietly, sarcastically. “Your father has a lot of shit you did buried, Jihyun. Please
don’t insult my intelligence by making it seem like you’re some weak kid being forced to do what
their father says. You enjoyed it too. It backfired, now you regret it and want to stop. He won’t let

There must be something morally wrong in the fact that Jungkook thinks it’s hot when Taehyung
talks like this, knocking Jihyun down a notch. Or maybe it’s less about Taehyung and just Jihyun
finally getting someone who doesn’t put up with his shit. Someone Jihyun has to rely on. Their
parents, employers, voters, his lawyer.

“It’s not the point anyway. When I told you to stop, you should have told me why you couldn’t,”
Taehyung goes on before Jihyun can speak. “I could have stopped this awhile ago. Like I told you
before. I am very powerful. I have many connections. I’m -”


Taehyung snorts loudly as he slaps Jungkook playfully in the shoulder. “Yeah. I probably could
have even gotten your money back.”

Jihyun perks up at that. “You could?”

Taehyung sips at his drink, and tuts his tongue loudly. “Can. If you can tell me what my father’s
getting out of the deal with yours? And don’t say you don’t know, hyung-nim, I know you do.”

Jihyun rolls his eyes, that annoyed look returning. They look similar, Jungkook thinks. Jihyun has a
bit more of their father in him and is smaller in size, but there’s a lot Jungkook sees of himself in
his brother despite from how hard Jungkook’s tried to be nothing like his brother.

Fucking genetics.

“I don’t know much,” Jihyun finally says, and it feels like he purposefully dragged out the silence
just to fuck with them. It annoys Jungkook. “He constantly says to Appa that he could lose you and
his company. It seems like the only thing Appa is doing for him is keeping something quiet.”
Taehyung makes a noise of complaint, head rolling back. “We already know that. Tell me more,
and maybe I’ll believe that it wasn’t your father that trashed my office.”

Jungkook bites back a laugh at the offended look that takes over his brother’s face. Taehyung’s
quite obviously just saying it to push Jihyun’s buttons, and it’s working. Jihyun seems to realize it
too as he relaxes and narrows his eyes at Taehyung.

“Honestly, I don’t know anything else. All I know is Appa first approached your father when we
started to lose money. Used whatever it was against him to marry you to one of us.”

Discomfort fills Jungkook. He glances at Taehyung, but his face doesn’t change. He’s the one that
pushed for this marriage, one that he was okay with it just being a partnership, but Jungkook’s still
doesn’t like being associated with his father’s bribery.

Their marriage is a lot more than the things that made it come to be, but he finds he wants to assure
Taehyung these things even if Jungkook thinks he wouldn’t need to hear them.

“Thanks, by the way, for picking my brother,” Jihyun says, making a face. “Not really into dudes.”

Taehyung snorts as he takes another sip of wine. “Don’t thank me. I’ve always had a good instinct.
My father actually made it seem like I had a long list of choices, he just preferred the Jeon family.
Out of all of them, I still would have picked your brother. Really into this dude.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes when Taehyung bites his lip at him, but he can’t hide how red his neck
becomes. He didn’t have a choice in the matter, not about who , but he thinks he would have
picked Taehyung too.

Even if his allowance hadn’t been on the line, he thinks he still would have agreed to Taehyung’s
proposal. Maybe it’s his feelings now that’s clouding his hindsight, he doesn’t know. Doesn’t care.
He’s glad it happened.

“That gut instinct tells me I’m going to win the case,” Taehyung goes on, pulling his feet from
Jungkook’s lap to secure them to the ground. “And I’ll tell Dongmin that I asked you to stop going
back to the club. He’s going to need to keep a good relationship with me going forward. Like you,
I’m sure he’ll get in trouble again, and I’ll offer him a discount in fees if he lets you leave. Or I can
go with threats. There’s plenty I can find on Dongmin. He’s a bit messy.”

Jihyun’s eyes widen in surprise. Another person bailing Jihyun out, Jungkook thinks with slight
annoyance. An old habit, when he knows Taehyung is just doing this because it benefits the both of
them, and it’s confirmed when he speaks next.

“But there’s some things you need to do for us,” Taehyung says, indicating the two of them with
his wine glass. “No contract. Just a verbal agreement, alright? I’m fucking sick of contracts.”

Jihyun looks hesitant as he leans in and presses his elbows to his knees. Jungkook wonders how
much they look alike in the same pose, the same expressions on their face. “What is it?”

“Get a little nosy, alright? Eavesdrop on our fathers, ask your father in any way that works best for
you to see what he’s hiding. I know you know how to work him.” Taehyung pauses, eyeing
Jungkook for a second, and Jungkook tenses when he sees hesitation in his eyes. “Ask him who
robbed my firm.”

Jihyun makes a face at that, alarmed as he stands up. “I told you -”

“There’s a reason they were dressed like that. Your father wears the same exact outfit to the club
every time,” Taehyung says coolly, unbothered by how aggressive Jihyun comes off. “Whether the
person is trying to look like your father or look like my husband, I don’t know. I’m checking every
possible lead here. I just don’t find it coincidental.”

Jihyun sucks his bottom lip into his mouth, eyes glaring at where Taehyung slips his hand over
Jungkook’s thigh. “Your father gave mine the idea to wear Jungkook’s clothes. There’s an article
where Jungkook’s wearing that outfit, one that you ended up burying.”

Tension fills Jungkook, and Taehyung rubs his thigh a little more firmly. His jaw locks, and that
urge to shove Jihyun returns. To go to the law firm and punch Daehee in the mouth. Something.

He’s fucking pissed, and he knows Taehyung is too. No longer does he keep that blank, unbothered
expression. His tone less cool and more like ice.

“Excuse me?”

“For me to wear them,” Jihyun says, avoiding eye contact to glare at the wall instead. “But there’s
no point because everyone knows Jungkook. I tried using his name when I first enrolled, but
apparently the host’s a big fan or something.”

Before he can continue, Jungkook whips up to his feet despite the fingers Taehyung dig into his
thigh to keep him down.

“Get out,” Jungkook snaps. “Get out of my face right now. Out of my house.”

Jihyun scrambles to his feet as Taehyung tiredly asks Nari to call for his driver. “Don’t get pissy
just because you’ve given people a reason it’s more believable for you to be involved in this
instead of me.”

Jungkook moves to do as he’s wanted to, but Taehyung steps in and pushes Jihyun back to the
door. “Don’t pull that shit. The only reason people wouldn’t believe it’s you over him is because
all the shit you’ve done has been swept under the rug. I know it all, Jihyun. I’m sure someone who
was caught with a bottle full of rohypnol at a college party is a lot more suspicious than someone
who has a few reckless driving tickets.”

Rage fills Jihyun’s face, but Taehyung doesn’t stop pushing him back until he hits the door.
Jungkook just watches, confusion filling him because of Taehyung’s words.

“Oh, maybe we should discuss all the illegal use of campaign funds? Or perhaps the restraining
order your old campaign manager has on you? God, the things that I could list that you’ve done
and it’ll make Jungkook look like an angel .”

It’s said like a threat, low and quiet in Jihyun’s face as Taehyung grabs the door knob behind him
before yanking it open.

“I don’t mind covering them up, from helping you so people don’t know these things because I’m
legally obligated to,” Taehyung says as he grabs Jihyun’s shoulder roughly. “But between you and
me, you’re a piece of shit, and it’s about time you see it. I’ll be in touch.”

He slams the door on him then, chest heaving over an angry breath. When he turns, there’s a glare
in his eyes still, his ears red, and Jungkook can’t help the way he steps up to him and kisses him.

“What,” Taehyung grits out but Jungkook presses their lips harder together. “Jungkook.”

“Mhm,” Jungkook hums, gripping Taehyung’s jaw with both hands. “So sexy when you talk to him
like that.”

Taehyung huffs out a laugh, pushing Jungkook playfully in the chest. “I made him tell me
everything he’s done. Tell me about the club. He’s just trying to play innocent because he doesn’t
want his inheritances from your mother cut completely. I’m sure he thinks you’re going to tell her.”

Jungkook wraps his arms around Taehyung’s shoulders. He would love to tell his mother this. It’s
been on his mind since they started talking, how much he’d love to tell his mother everything. He
thinks it’s only right to, anyway. Especially about their father.

But he still has to find out how true it is before he gives her something that will hurt her.

“Do you believe it’s my father? From the club?”

Taehyung makes a considerate expression as he slides his hands up the back of Jungkook’s shirt.
“Yes. I do. I’m going to talk to mine about it. See what he knows.”

Jungkook knows it’s a sensitive subject, but he still doesn’t trust Daehee. There’s a growing
suspicion inside of him, and it’s roommates with dread. Not just because of what will come from it
but how it will affect Taehyung.

“Taehyung. I really think your father has something to do with Beomgyu.”

It’s immediate the way the soft look in Taehyung’s eyes disappear, and he unwraps himself from
Jungkook. At least he lets Jungkook grab his wrist and keep him from walking off, but his
expression remains closed off.

“Just keep an open mind, okay?” Jungkook says softly as he rubs over the veins in the inside of his

“My father’s office was trashed, lover,” Taehyung reminds him, annoyed again.

“And if it were me, I’d trash my office too to make it seem like it wasn’t me,” Jungkook shoots
back, ears burning. He doesn’t want to fight, that’s not what he meant, but he also can’t keep quiet
about it.

Taehyung jabs his tongue into his cheek but his shoulders relax. “I know. I thought of that, but
there’s no motive, baby. For anyone that works there to do that, and I really don’t think my father is
capable of doing that to Beomgyu.”

Jungkook nods as he cups his hands on both sides of Taehyung’s face and kisses his forehead. “As
you can see, family keeps a lot from people. You said my brother was caught with fucking roofies,
Tae. I’d never expect that.”

Taehyung tilts his head back, eyes fluttering closed when Jungkook moves his lips to his eyebrows
next. He fists his hands into Jungkook’s shirt at his hips. “He almost lost his scholarship for it. The
president is a friend of your father’s. Buried it.”

Before, Jungkook thought there was joy in knowing his brother isn’t the perfect person everyone
thinks he is. But he’s learning he’s actually more of a piece of shit than he’s ever realized, and it
only makes him angry. Makes him hate his brother more.

“I’m just saying. Keep an open mind. Your father married his only child off to someone from my
shit ass family. Would have married you to Jihyun despite thinking he’s losing all his money. You
don’t know what he’d do to keep this secret.”
The sigh Taehyung lets out is shaky, his grip tighter. Jungkook can hear him swallow before he
brushes his lips over Taehyung’s cheekbone. He doesn’t respond for a few minutes, and Jungkook
doesn’t push him too. He kisses over his face and lets Taehyung kiss over his until he’s ready to

Jungkook feels like his world’s been tipped to the side with this new information. He can’t imagine
how hard it would be for Taehyung to even consider it. He’s close with his father, looks up to him.

“I know, okay, okay,” Taehyung finally sighs, arms wrapping around Jungkook’s waist. “I’ll keep
an open mind. As much as I can try to. It’s so fucking busy right now.”

Jungkook nods in understanding as he places a last kiss to Taehyung’s mouth. “Let me distract you.
Call Jihyun and cuss him out again and - mmhm , loved that Taehyung, you have no idea.”

Taehyung snorts, eyes rolling as he shoves away from Jungkook. “I actually have to try and figure
out where my thoughts are going, Jungkook. You can rub my feet again, though.”

Jungkook makes a face. He kind of wants to tell Taehyung he loves him right now, even if he isn’t
there yet. Just kiss the words right into his mouth. “No fucking way, dude.”

Grabbing his hand, Taehyung leads him to his office. “Please, bro. Felt really good. Made me start
creating a list of reasons why I’m happy you’re my husband.”

Heat warms it’s way to Jungkook’s cheeks. He really doesn’t want to spend the night discussing
everything from their families to Beomgyu, but he knows Taehyung’s not going to sleep a wink if
he has to sit with it all night. He’s barely slept since Beomgyu was attacked.

“You should tell me about this list later. Some time,” Jungkook says, shrugging nonchalantly as
Taehyung presses in the code to his office. “Homie.”

Taehyung grins over his shoulder. “It’s just for me. Sorry broski.”

The door pushes open as Jungkook wraps around Taehyung’s back and kisses the side of his neck.
“Please. I’ll tell you mine.”

Taehyung hums as he squeezes Jungkook’s cheek. “I already know yours.”

“Cocky,” Jungkook grunts in mock annoyance. He let’s go to make his way to the seat he normally
sits in, but Taehyung tugs him over towards the small couch on the side of the room.

“That’s one of them,” Taehyung says, eyes shining. “Daddy.”

Jungkook grunts as he slaps Taehyung’s ass, following after him before he’s pulled down on the

“Speaking of fathers -”

Jungkook groans loudly, making a face of disgust at Taehyung. “See, this is why you should never
call me that again.”

Taehyung snickers as he curls his legs up to his chest and squeezes Jungkook’s face. “Focus,
Jungkook. We have to do a little investigative work. We’ll discuss the pros and cons of the daddy
thing later.”

“No we won’t,” Jungkook huffs, crossing his arms. “Now back to business.”
“About our fathers. D-”

Taehyung cackles out a laugh as Jungkook hits him in the knee and pretends to move like he’s
going to storm off. “I’m kidding. Come back, baby. My baby.”

Jungkook let’s himself get pulled back into Taehyung’s arms, and he squirms around until he’s
resting the back of his head to Taehyung’s chest. Taehyung rubs his hands down his and then rests
them against his stomach. “You are a baby.”

He doesn’t deny it, only hums as he reaches up and plays with Taehyung’s hands. “Yeah, yours.”


Taehyung schools his breath, relaxes the tension in his face. He fixes his suit jacket, pretends like
he’s checking it for wrinkles but he’s really just trying to calm himself before he walks through the

He ignores the warning look from Jin as he makes his way to his father’s office. Everything had
been cleaned up when Taehyung returned, but it’s still eerie to be here after the break in.
Beomgyu’s absence is so loud, like the office is suddenly too big without him here.

Between trying to do his own investigative work with Jungkook, he’s also gotten Beomgyu and his
roommate’s families here. He’s kept in touch with Beomgyu’s doctors and his progress. He’s going
to take a while to heal, to get better. But he will.

There’s a growing anxiety inside of Taehyung that makes him want time to speed up until
Beomgyu’s capable of speaking with the police about what happened that night.

When Taehyung enters his father’s office he’s on the phone, but he’s alone. He talks for quite
some time, consulting a potential client on whether or not they have the grounds to take their tenant
to court.

It makes Taehyung struggle a bit with keeping his resolve, but he fills with relief when his father
finally hangs up. “Shouldn’t you be preparing for your finishing statements?”

Taehyung ignores him, hands clasping together as he leans forward. “We need to discuss what
happened here the other night.”

Daehee raises a brow, a bit of surprise in his expression. As the two who run the fucking firm,
Taehyung would think it’s obvious they should be discussing what happened. They barely have.
Part of that is Taehyung’s fault, but they haven’t even met minds on the updates from the police.
“There’s nothing to discuss, son. Insurance covers any damage. Beomgyu will be fine. Nothing
was taken. Sometimes things just happen.”

Taehyung sinks back in his chair, head shaking. “There’s footage of a suspect. Our internal
cameras were all shut off. I don’t believe it was some random act of crime, Appa.”

When Daehee sighs, he seems tired. He slowly pulls his glasses from his face and places them on
the desk between them. “Where are you going with this?”

Taehyung takes the wrinkled footage from his pocket and tosses it at his father. He needs to get
more from the police because he’s damaged it so much in aggravation. He’s not supposed to know
about his father threatening Jungkook, they both agreed it’s something Taehyung should pretend
not to know at least until the month is up, but it’s been on his mind nonstop.

There’s something there, but the pieces just aren’t connecting completely. His father threatening to
manipulate footage of Jungkook being arrested, commenting on how the images from the club look
like him. Suggesting Jongho dress like his youngest son. These facts replay over Taehyung’s mind

He just has to take what Jihyun says with a grain of salt. Remember that it isn’t all fact and a lot is
going to be said because Jihyun and his father have saving their own asses in common.

“That’s the man from the club. With Jihyun.”

Daehee slips his glasses on again and looks from the paper to Taehyung. He makes a face and
shakes his head. “Just because he’s wearing a leather jacket? Taehyung, you know better than to
see that as a connection. Plus, there’d be no reason for someone from the club to attack our firm.
We’re protecting them.”

“Unless they wish for Dongmin to lose the case,” Taehyung argues gently. “He’s a scammer,
Appa. I’m sure there’s plenty of people that’d like to see him burn.”

Daehee just gives him a look like he’s being ridiculous. “I know it’s upsetting and even more so
when there’s no explanation for why something like this can happen, especially to someone like
Beomgyu, but it does happen, son. Don’t let it drive you crazy. Focus on your job, let the police do

Taehyung sighs. His father’s a tough read. He’s a lot calmer than he should be, but it could be for
the sake of the other employees. For Taehyung’s sake.

He also thinks he jumped over being open minded to being paranoid that Jungkook’s onto
something. He’s too close to this, to his father, too many emotions clogging his judgements. The
stress from everything eating away at him. He says as much, leaving out exactly why.

“I was wondering if once this case is over, if you and I can take a few days to go on a fishing trip.
You know, like when I was younger. You know. Get away, clear my head.”

There’s brightness and surprise in his father’s face. “It’s getting quite cold, Taehyung.”

“I won’t have the time later, I’m looking into representing a woman in her high profile divorce case
after this. It’s going to be a long one. Plus, I promised Jungkook he could take me on a honeymoon
once it gets a bit warmer.”

Daehee closes his hands over the other and leans back in his chair. “Well, okay. I’d love to do that.
Just let me know when-”

“Next week.”

The way he hesitates is quick, but not fast enough for Taehyung to miss it. It takes him off guard, it
seems, but he quickly collects himself. “I’m going out of town for the majority of next week. When
I get back, though, I would love to.”
“Where are you going? Maybe we can take a family trip then,” Taehyung suggests casually, even
though he’d like to keep his parents and Jungkook as far away from each other as possible.
Jungkook bites his tongue a lot more than Taehyung ever imagined he would, but that just sounds
like a tense nightmare.

“I’ll be working the entire time,” Daehee says, apologetically. “The Board’s called me down to
help with this year’s upcoming testing. I was going to push it after the attack, but I think if this was
purposeful, for whatever reason, it’s best to show them it doesn’t interrupt our business.”

A lie. His father’s remembered that he already used ‘helping his colleague’ as a lie with Taehyung,
but he’s still being sloppy. It’s unlike him. “Ah, that’s unfortunate. I’ll just have Jungkook take me
somewhere then.”

Daehee looks at him for a long, long moment. Silent before he peers his eyes just slightly, and for a
moment, Taehyung wonders if he’s seeing through his facade. “What is it that’s on your mind?
You haven’t asked me to take you fishing since you were twelve, and you hated it.”

Oops. Taehyung forgot that detail of their fishing outings. “Seeing the way my father in law treats
his sons makes me more appreciative of you, Appa. I know we work together, but we don’t see
each other often. After nearly losing Beomgyu, it makes me want to spend some time with those
who are close to me.”

Daehee smiles slightly, but his eyes don’t let up. They aren’t one for heart to hearts, though they
are extremely close. They show it in their own ways, but he still thinks his father wants to hear it.

And overall, Taehyung does mean it. Though he wouldn’t mind taking a day to go fishing with his
father if they could, they’d both just be floating on a boat while working. That’s how they’ve
bonded. Through work.

“Jongho is quite harsh on his sons,” Daehee says, nodding with his words. “Jungkook is a handful
but I believe he’s acted out for attention or in retaliation for the ways his father’s always treated
him. You know, I met him when he was, I don’t know, maybe nine or ten.”

Taehyung doesn’t miss the way his father changes the subject, moves on to something else as if
that will make it so Taehyung doesn’t think so hard about his lie.

“Jihyun had a black eye and your mother, you know how she is, questioned Jongho about it. He
said he had gotten into a fight with his brother, but you should have seen how upset Jungkook had
gotten. Insisting he didn’t with tears in his eyes and all. Jongho was more worried about him
embarrassing him in front of company and, I quote, ‘throwing a tantrum’ than how desperate his
son seemed to be that his parents believed him.”

Annoyance fills Taehyung even more. He digs his tongue into his teeth for a moment, not wanting
to show it, but this gives him an excuse to let himself openly be aggravated in front of his father.
Though it being because of Jungkook isn’t something he’s faking.

“I’m sure if you were raised with a sibling, there would be times I wouldn’t know who was telling
the truth,” Daehee goes on softly, and Taehyung wonders if he’s really on Jungkook’s side here or
just using his own tools against him. Tell him what he thinks Taehyung would want to hear. Make
him look like he likes Jungkook. “But with how he turned out, it feels like he’s saying ‘if you think
I’m bad, then I might as well be.’”

Taehyung glances away from his father, biting hard into his bottom lip. He can’t quite mention the
fact that he’s overheard Daehee telling Jongho that Jungkook is far from bad in comparison to
Jihyun. “He isn’t bad.”

“No, no, he isn’t,” Daehee quickly says. “Especially not in comparison to the things Jihyun has
gotten himself into. Jungkook’s record has been clean for over a year now. I was hoping you would
choose him over the eldest.”

Taehyung rubs at his bottom lip, silent for a moment. His heart paces a little in his chest, and he
hates this. He hates thinking his father is doing something that could hurt him and acts like he isn’t.
“How long have you known Jihyun’s been gambling?”

Daehee’s eyes roll up like he’s counting. “Jongho first came to me for help a little over a year ago.
He had to pay for Jungkook’s bail after the arrest, and Jihyun had lost millions of dollars in one

Even more annoyance fills Taehyung. He lets it until he feels as if it’s going to leak out of every
orifice of his body. “So you knew about this, yet you still gave me him as an option to marry over
Jungkook. Without telling me something that would have been a massive .” Taehyung spits the
word. “Decision maker.”

It’s clear he takes his father completely off guard. One lie he’s been caught in. The thing about lies
is they build up and build up over time, and they aren’t as easy to keep up with. Especially if
you’re lying to multiple people.

It’s why Taehyung tries his best to never lie, though there are times he twists the truths in court or
when he’s trying to get something from someone. Like with his mother, it is true that there are
times he wants to call her when he can’t sleep, but that hadn’t been the case the other day. It is true
that he wants to spend time with his father, but right now he’s only saying it to tug at the man’s
heart strings.

“Taehyung,” Daehee starts, and it’s the first time Taehyung’s ever seen him struggle to say

Taehyung stands up, not wanting to hear anymore. “I know you won’t tell me it is what you’re
getting out of this, but I can’t believe you would let me marry a man without telling me that. When
you knew I was open to sharing my bank account with my husband. He could have completely
depleted me out of every cent I own, Appa.”

“I would have told you if you chose him,” his father tries to argue, standing up from his desk, and
Taehyung has the worst urge to flick him off. He isn’t that disrespectful though.

“That’s something you should have told me before,” Taehyung reiterates. “I’m leaving. Good luck
on your trip. Forget about the fishing. I don’t feel like it anymore.”

He’s too close to this, he thinks again as he snatches the crumpled up photo from Daehee’s desk.
He’s unable to keep his emotions in check. “And you’re wrong, Appa. Someone did this to
Beomgyu on purpose, and I’m going to figure out who the hell it was.”

Taehyung taps his feet over the floor. When he realizes he’s doing it, he curls his toes to keep
himself from doing so. He isn’t usually an anxious or restless person, but hospitals make him

The sight of Beomgyu makes it even worse. But he figures if someone as young as Taehyun, who
has no one but Beomgyu right now, can sit by his side every moment possible, Taehyung can
manage too.

Plus, he really hasn’t calmed down since seeing his father. It hasn’t been that long since he stormed
out. After he did, he picked up Jungkook, tried to eat something at a street vendor Jungkook
suggested, before halfway finishing his food and dragging Jungkook along to the hospital with

For why, he isn’t sure. Beomgyu can’t speak, can’t answer any of his questions. But his parents
haven’t arrived yet, and he’s bothered thinking Beomgyu is alone. He was relieved to see his
roommate had been inside the hospital room when they first entered.

“You’ve done well by my side throughout this entire case,” Taehyung starts. He wants to glance
over his shoulder where he knows Jungkook is waiting on the other side of the window, but he
wants to be strong for Beomgyu too. “You should be by my side during the end of it.”

Beomgyu’s eyes aren’t as swollen anymore. He can see the pupils and whites of his eyes at least.
He nods. He’s casted up quite a bit, an arm slung across his chest from a broken collarbone, the
metal wires framing his face. Broken fingers on his other fingers. Ribs.

It’s sickening. Taehyung’s stomach lurches again as he thinks about it, and he considers once more
calling for Jungkook to enter the room. Just his presence makes him comfortable.

The day before when they approached Jihyun, Jungkook so effortlessly eased the tension from his
body. Just gave him a few minutes where he could breathe and right his head before he went at
Jihyun again.

Even if his mind was kind of busy because Jungkook definitely told his brother that he loved him,
and it completely blindsided Taehyung. He wasn’t expecting that word to ever leave Jungkook’s
mouth, especially after a couple of months.

He settled it to Jungkook just trying to make a point to his brother, but Jungkook had also seemed
very tense and awkward with him at first afterwards. Walking back into the room like Taehyung
was going to yell at him to explain why he’s throwing the L word around.

“Beomgyu,” Taehyung goes on because he can’t speak. He hesitates before he presses his fingers
into the center of his palm, hoping Beomgyu knows that it is him holding his hand. “I -”

Beomgyu’s eyes blink past him, lips twitching up, and Taehyung feels a hand rest at the back of his
neck a second later. The familiar scent of Jungkook’s cologne hitting his nose.

At this point, Taehyung wonders if Jungkook can just read minds. If he can, he’s definitely going
to start bringing Jungkook to court with him as a secret weapon.

“Hey kid,” Jungkook greets as he squeezes Taehyung’s neck. “Glad to see you’re awake.”

There’s a brightness in Beomgyu’s watery eyes as he blinks them. He nods again, and it looks for a
moment as if he may part his lips but stops himself. Habits. He hopes none of them are causing
Beomgyu pain.

“Yes. Recover soon, alright?” Taehyung says firmly, as if it’s a demand. “You know all those
other interns are half wits. You’ll have a full time, fully paid position available for you working
right beneath me. I know this won’t set you back from graduating, not with your drive, but if you
need any help with that as well, I’m here.”

Beomgyu traps Taehyung’s fingers down with his thumb. There isn’t much strength behind it, but
enough to get Taehyung from pulling it away. Concern fills Taehyung as Beomgyu’s eyes start to
water more, and there’s something in them that he can’t tell if it’s panic or being upset.

He tries to press his thumb down harder, and Taehyung leans in. “What is it? Don’t look like that.
That position was always going to be yours. It’s not offered out of pity or just because of this. You
deserve it because you work hard.”

Beomgyu shakes his head, blinking hard. His arms shakes when he lifts it, and he hisses when he
taps one of his finger with a stint against Taehyung’s hand next.

“Be easy,” Taehyung starts, but he searches over Beomgyu’s face and holds his palm out. “Don’t
strain yourself. If you don’t want to come back after this, I understand.”

Another head shake. Taehyung’s frustrated that he can’t speak, that he can’t understand Beomgyu’s
attempts to express himself.

“Do you wish to come back?” Taehyung asks. He gets a nod. “Are you trying to say something

Another nod. Taehyung glances up at Jungkook, who is chewing on the inside of his lip as he
watches them. Taehyung’s heart picks up a little bit. If Beomgyu could speak, he’d be able to tell
them what happened that night. If he remembers. He wonders if Beomgyu would confide in him
something like that.

He’d think so. Whatever lawyer represents whoever did this, Taehyung would tear their ass a new
one if they made it so whoever it is went for a plea. Taehyung wants them to rot in prison, is sure
Beomgyu would want it too, and Taehyung can promise he can make it happen.

“Is it about the break in?”

Another nod.

Taehyung leans in as he gently adjusts Beomgyu’s hand over his own. He’s careful not to jostle
him too much, not only his fingers but the rest of him in case there’s damage Taehyung doesn’t
know about.

“Do you remember it?”

Beomgyu tilts his head to the side, blinking before he nods. Taehyung takes that as maybe he
doesn’t remember everything or is unsure if he does. There’s definitely some form of uncertainty in
the way he hesitated before responding.

“Do you remember who did this to you?”

Another nod.

Something flares up inside of Taehyung, his heart picking up even more. He hyper focuses onto
Beomgyu’s, his desperation to figure this all out coming out of him. He almost accidentally
squeezes Beomgyu’s hand and catches himself at the last second. “Do you know them?”

Beomgyu shakes his head, and Taehyung finds his shoulders relax a little. Just a drop of relief
filling him, though in truth he knows it doesn’t mean anything. He’s just been imagining his father
putting his hands on Beomgyu since Jungkook mentioned it, and it’s been eating away at him.

He also wasn’t fully convinced it wasn’t Jungkook’s father in that picture, but he is quite sure
Beomgyu knows the minister.

“Was he older? Middle aged?”

Another head shake. Another drop of relief. He thinks Jungkook wouldn’t admit or wouldn’t let
himself be as bothered as he actually would be if his father tried to kill someone to cover up his
gambling problem.

It wouldn’t make the most logical sense. Taehyung’s office wasn’t touched, and the damage done
to Beomgyu isn’t usual for someone to be at the wrong place, wrong time during a burglary.

But Daehee’s office was trashed. It could have been a warning to him after their dispute at the
company dinner. A show of how far Jongho’s willing to go to get the money he needs.

“Did they want evidence? Files?” Taehyung whispers, trying to go for calm but it slips out

Beomgyu shakes his head again, the tears building up even more. He taps his finger against
Taehyung’s hand quickly.

“One of my clients?”

Head shake. What the fuck. Jungkook sits beside him, elbows resting to his knees, and Taehyung
can practically hear his face crumple together in concentration. “Did they try to get into
Taehyung’s office?”

Beomgyu’s eyes close, a tear slipping over them brim and down his cheeks. Taehyung leans back
some, hoping he hasn’t put pressure on Beomgyu or stressed him by any means. He’s about to
apologize in case, but then Beomgyu’s nodding his head again.

Taehyung’s mind races. The code to his office is Jungkook’s birthday. Either someone doesn’t
know him well enough to know he’s even married to search up Jungkook’s birthday, or someone
doesn’t know him well enough to think he would put his husband’s birthday.

He supposes it could be either. He thinks the only ones who would guess it is Jimin or his father.
He hasn’t even told Namjoon or Jin that Jungkook and him have progressed past married
roommates who fuck around with each other. But he’s never been the sentimental type, so he
doesn’t know if even they would guess it.

“But not for files?” Taehyung asks, rubbing at his chin as he watches Beomgyu shake his head
again. “Don’t strain yourself, alright? I’m going to figure it out. As soon as you can speak, you
know how to call right? At the police department?”

Beomgyu nods as Taehyung rubs over his palm with his finger again. He really wants to keep
asking questions, but he’s frustrated and he knows it’s going to come out like he’s frustrated with
Beomgyu. It won’t be his intention at all, but Beomgyu’s also easily flustered.

He stands, but Jungkook remains sitting for a minute before he reaches out and brushes his hand
over Beomgyu’s leg. “Can I ask one question?”

Beomgyu looks at him, the tears still slowly falling from his eyes. Taehyung does too, head
cocking curiously to the side. He hasn’t seen Jungkook look like this before, his expression hard
but it’s clear that he’s thinking over something in his mind. Something that he seems to struggle to
find the words to say.

Or he doesn’t want to. He looks a bit hesitant as he rubs at his thighs, glancing between Taehyung
and Beomgyu before he finally asks.

“Did they attack you because of Taehyung?”

Taehyung’s eyes fly to Beomgyu. It’s something he had considered, of course. With Seojoon,
someone against Dongmin. But it is something he has tried not to think of so specifically, not the
way Jungkook’s wording it.

Because it makes guilt swell up inside of him. He has tried to wrack his brain at who would
possibly have a vendetta against him, and other than that, all he’s come up with is the old ass
lawyer who hates that he kisses Jungkook publicly and is young. It’s not enough motive for this.

He’s won every case he’s been assigned. His clients are happy with him. But he’s also won not
guilty cases when he thinks his client really was guilty. He’s advised for plea bargains, which the
victims or families of victims of violent crimes never like.

But still. He struggles to deal with that this could be his fault, even if it’s something he’d never
allow to happen.

It feels tense, like it takes for Beomgyu to reply. Taehyung knows realistically that it’s just his
anticipation for a response that makes the brief second between Jungkook’s question and
Beomgyu’s response seem to drag.

He kind of wishes though Beomgyu would have dragged it out longer though, because he feels like
he’s been punched in the stomach and he isn’t prepared to school his reaction when Beomgyu nods
his head.

Chapter End Notes


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Chapter 13
Chapter Notes

Hello friends! Thank you so much for all the feedback and sending me your theories,
they've made me so happy!! If you message me on cc, I'm going to wait a few days to
respond as not to accidentally spoil it for people who have yet to read the chapter.

If you're looking for updates or previews, #tksymbiosis is the tag I use on twitter to
make it easier to find. If you wish to use the hashtag for any reactions, please feel free
to do so!

Also, I spent a week trying to study court proceedings and the verbatim used and, I'll
admit it was extremely confusing and very difficult to find so I am sorry if this isn't
exactly right. I hope it is enough that any mistake is very minor.


See the end of the chapter for more notes

The court is hectic. Jungkook is surprised by just how many people are here. Lawyers, citizens,
media. So many cameras around, and Jungkook wishes he was wearing a hat so he could hide his

He’s deflected quite a bit of them so far, but he internally groans whenever a news reporter’s eyes
look his way and they gleam in recognition.

“Jeon Jungkook-ssi, sir. Are you here in support of your husband?”

“Mr. Jeon! What do you have to say about your husband representing a man like Park Dongmin?”

“Jungkook, what do you have to say about the attack on your husband’s law firm? Were you close
with Choi Beomgyu?”

Jungkook pushes his tongue into the roof of his mouth at the last reporter, turning his eyes away
from the camera that gets into his face. He’s ready to tell them to fuck off before there’s a swarm
towards the front doors, and he doesn’t get the chance to.

The first person Jungkook sees is Taehyung, who walks through the reporters like he doesn’t even
see them. The night of Beomgyu’s attack, they had been like this, and it had pissed Jungkook off. It
still does, but Taehyung looks a lot more calmer now.

Jungkook pats down his tie as he makes his way to meet Taehyung halfway through. He’s speaking
to an older man beside him, whose eyes are wide and sweat pours down his face.

When Taehyung sees Jungkook, he does a double take. Jungkook grins at the surprise in his eyes
when he glances his way, looks back to his client, and whips his eyes back to where Jungkook is.

“I’ll join you in a second, Park,” Taehyung says, gesturing for the older man to enter the
courtroom while Taehyung stops in front of Jungkook. “What are you doing here?”
“You said court was open to the public today. And I figured you’d be anxious for the verdict,”
Jungkook says. He wants to rub the back of his neck because he can’t tell if Taehyung’s bothered
or not that he’s here. He just looks surprised.

Jungkook’s happy there’s nothing wearing down Taehyung’s expression, because it’s been so
heavy the last week that Jungkook was sure it would get stuck that way.

For once, Jungkook thinks it’s good work is consuming Taehyung’s time because since they visited
Beomgyu, he’s been so stressed about his father’s secret and the attacker that Jungkook’s wanted
to pull his own hair out.

“Oh,” Taehyung says, though he still looks surprised. The news reporters aren’t stopping, pushing
into their sides, but Taehyung holds a hand up in front of one camera before he leans in and kisses

It’s a small kiss, but it’s firm.

“Mr. Kim, do you have anything to say in response to Amy Kim revealing your client fired her for
no reason?”

Taehyung pulls his lips away as he twirls his fingers through Jungkook’s tie and presses his other
hand back against the reporter’s small notebook. “Dear, you forgot the word ‘allegedly’. I know
news work requires you to be picky with how many words you use, but you should also know one
word can change the entire meaning of one sentence. Come on, baby.”

The reporter looks shocked Taehyung even addressed her. Her eyes fly open, but before she can
ask a follow up question, Jungkook’s slipping his body between hers and Taehyung’s.

“I say he’s an asshole, between you and me,” Taehyung whispers to him once they’re in the clear
of the courtroom. It’s open to the public, but it’s mostly empty right now. Just Taehyung’s client
sitting at one table. Said asshole, Jungkook’s assuming. “Dongmin-ssi, were you aware one of your
ex-trainees was going around claiming you fired her for no reason?”

Dongmin glares up as Taehyung approaches. “It’s a lie. She continuously broke her contract.”

“Whatever. You keep screwing up, I get to keep working. Though, I’m sure my husband here
would argue that isn’t a good thing.”

Taehyung looks amused when he glances at him. He’s been in a light mood for the last day, which
is surprising. Jungkook thinks he’s maxed himself out to the point where he has to force himself to
be like this or he’ll burst.

“I would,” Jungkook confirms as he holds his hand out. “Jeon Jungkook.”

Dongmin quickly stands, and Jungkook keeps his expression blank. Taehyung has told him little
about what he’s on trial for, only how it affects the Jeon family, but Jungkook just knows he’s a
shit bag.

Jungkook’s having a hard time understanding how both his brother and father have gotten himself
involved in the club. While he thinks it’s their own fault, Jungkook can’t help but hate that
Dongmin’s blackmailed people to continue illegally gambling at his club.

“Ah, yes, I’ve heard a lot about you,” Dongmin says as he shakes Jungkook’s hand. “Park
Dongmin. Co-Founder of DK Entertainment.”
“Not from me,” Taehyung teases as he slides his folders across the table. “I keep my personal life

“Unfortunately,” a new voice says before a hand claps Jungkook’s back. Jin slips between him and
Dongmin, followed by another older man and Namjoon. “I would very much like to know a bit
more, but I suppose one can’t be picky. Just glad to see my young Taehyung-ah falling in love.”

There it is again. The L word. Jungkook doesn’t think that’s what Taehyung is doing, at least not
yet. Just like himself, though he does wonder if Taehyung ever will. He can’t tell.

Neither one of them have mentioned the fact that Taehyung definitely heard Jungkook say the L
word the other day. When he researched it, Jungkook found that it’s quite normal for someone to
proclaim love after only a few months, but Jungkook is uncomfortable just thinking about saying
them directly to Taehyung.

“No, one shouldn’t be picky,” Taehyung says, scolding. “Baby, you’ll have to sit back there. But
give me a good luck kiss.”

“Luck?” Jungkook teases as he fixes Taehyung’s collar beneath his peacoat.

Taehyung hums when Jungkook brushes his fingers through his hair because as always, it’s messy
and wind blown around his head. “You’re my good luck charm, no?”

“I changed my mind. Keep this private,” Jin calls, but they both ignore him when their lips touch

There’s a few more people filing into the courtroom when Jungkook slides in the pew behind
Taehyung. Jungkook thinks it’s a little annoying that Daehee isn’t here, that he left even though
Taehyung’s been working on this high profile case for months and months. But Jungkook’s also
thankful because he doesn’t want to quite sit next to him for however long this is going to take.

He doesn’t even want to see him really. The sight of him pisses Jungkook off, and he hasn’t been
able to stop his worry that he’s somehow involved with what happened to Beomgyu. Taehyung
said he barely seemed concerned about the law firm being broken into and trashed. Even if that
was the only thing that happened, without Beomgyu being hurt, Jungkook would have expected the
man to be pissed or determined to find who caused it.

“Kim Taehyung! We have reached an end.”

Jungkook glances at the man striding down the aisle towards the front of the courtroom. He’s a tall
man dressed in a suit, his hair cut like he returned from the military not too long ago. He has a
bright smile on his face, and the wrinkles around his eyes and mouth make Jungkook think he’s a
few years older than them.

He watches as the man wraps an arm around Taehyung and pats the back of his head. He can’t hear
what they exchange between them, but a second later, Taehyung’s gesturing towards him.

The man’s face brightens as he comes back to the pew and holds a hand out. He has an extremely
friendly face that usually doesn’t sit well with Jungook, but he stands and grabs the man’s hand.

“Park Seojoon,” the man says. “I’m a big fan. I’ve been following you for some time now.”

It’s weird when people call themselves a fan, Jungkook thinks, because he doesn’t do anything to
be famous. He’s a district manager for a hotel and sometimes posts raunchy or silly Instagram
posts and gets sponsors for products he actually never uses.
“Jeon Jungkook,” Jungkook says. He’s a little confused because Taehyung has only ever spoken
about him as if he’s annoyed by him, but he seemed fine with Seojoon hugging him. And
Taehyung isn’t the huggy type. “It’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“And I haven’t heard much about you,” Seojoon says accusingly. “Take care of Taehyung-ah. He’s
got quite the stick up his ass.”

“Please don’t speak about my ass with my husband,” Taehyung says as he comes up between them.
“He’s well acquainted with it already.”

Jungkook grins, but Taehyung just rolls his eyes at him.

“We should have dinner soon. You two, me and the wife. I’m taking her to my hometown for a few
days now that the case is over, but after?” Seojoon says, looking between them. “I promise I won’t
mention me winning the case.”

Taehyung quirks his brows at that, arms crossing over his chest. “You’d never shut up about it,
hyung. You’ve been wanting to beat me in a case since we were interns. Anyway, take a seat
before anyone sees us being friendly. I like that the public sees us as enemies.”

Seojoon rolls his eyes this time. He doesn’t mention the fact that Taehyung accused him of
breaking into his law firm, though Jungkook suspects it was pretty clear that Taehyung was in a fit
of panic at the time. He’s never seen someone lose their cool like that, though Jungkook gets it.

“We are enemies. I’ll be forever bitter that you got the job position over me,” Seojoon says, though
he’s smiling.

Taehyung grins smugly. “Did you really expect my father to give it to you over me?”

“Fucking nepotism,” Seojoon accuses, still smiling.

Taehyung quickly presses a kiss to Jungkook’s cheek before following after Seojoon. “And was it
nepotism that gave me the highest score on the law exam that the Board has ever seen?”

“Probably,” Seojoon says, waving his file at him.

Taehyung flicks him off. “Don’t worry, hyung. I made the Board show me the answers so I could
make sure it wasn’t that.”

They don’t bicker for long as a row of judges stride to the stand. Both of them quickly turn
serious. Seojoon’s brightness completely gone as he talks to the men on his side, Taehyung’s
expression hard when he talks with his team.

For some reason, Jungkook’s anxious. He rubs his hands down his shaking thighs. He wonders if
Taehyung is, if he should have asked him. He can imagine he must be because he’s been working
on this for so long, and there’s a lot hanging over him. More so than he knew before.

The fact that his in laws’ lives may be ruined if Dongmin goes to prison.

Jungkook should have told him he doesn’t care about his father or his brother, made sure he knows
it’s okay. That if their lives get ruined, it’s their own goddamn fault. Just in case Taehyung is
disappointed in a loss for his sake.

“Hey there hubby, scooch.”

Jungkook whips around at the sight of Jimin, who quickly pushes Jungkook to the side to sit at the
end of the pew. “My name is Jungkook.”

“Mhm,” Jimin hums, eyes immediately looking for Taehyung. “Glad to see you here. Taehyung’s a
nervous wreck.”

Maybe Jungkook doesn’t know Taehyung well enough yet or maybe Taehyung’s just that good at
hiding it, but Jungkook wouldn’t have guessed that he was nervous. He just assumed so based on
the fact that Taehyung works hard and likes to win.

“He always messes with his hair when he’s stressed,” Jimin sighs, shaking his head. “He’s lucky
he’s so good at what he does because a lot of people take appearance as a sign of being

It’s bullshit, Jungkook thinks. He’s often been looked at that way because of his tattoos, but he
doesn’t care what anyone thinks. There are other reasons for people to think he’s unprofessional,
and it has nothing to do with his tattoos. “His hair is always like that.”

Another hum. “Yeah. My poor baby. He’s always stressed. I can’t imagine how this week has been
for him. I’m happy you’re taking him on vacation.”

Jungkook wants to ask when the hell he’s doing that because they never discussed that, but he bites
his tongue as the judge calls for attention. He’s never been to court before. Thanks to his mother
and his attorney, Jungkook’s arrests have never gotten that far. Not that he’s done anything that
serious. Only things he’d probably take a guilty plea for to keep it from court, things that would
amount to community service not jail time.

He wishes he could have come to a different court session to see Taehyung in action, but this one is
simply a reading of the verdict. His anxiety rises when everyone stands, and Jungkook notices it
then. The way Taehyung tugs at his hair behind his ear before brushing his fingers through the top.
How he clasps his hands behind his back like he’s stopping himself from doing it.

“In the case of Cha Kyung-go, represented by Attorney Kim Namjoon and Attorney Kim Seokjin,
accused of misappropriation of funds, insider trading, extortion, falsified billings, breach of
contract, pleading not guilty -”

Taehyung shifts on his feet. Jungkook finds himself mimicking the action. He thinks whoever
came up with the proceedings of delivering a verdict is an asshole because the judge lists off a
bunch of things that everyone up front probably already knows. Like a summary before the
conclusion, which were always the hardest parts for Jungkook to write on essays because it was

“The court finds the accused not guilty on all counts.”

There’s a rumble of whispering after that. Namjoon pats the man that must be Kyung-go on the
back, squeezing his fingers in. Namjoon’s face is closed off though, lips pressed tightly together.

Taehyung doesn’t move or react at all. Dongmin behind him slumps his shoulders some, and he’s
sweating so much that Jungkook can see it from where he sits.

The judges wait for the court to settle for a moment before they shift papers across from them.

“In the case of Park Dongmin, represented by Attorney Kim Taehyung and Attorney Kim Seokjin,
accused of the misappropriation of funds, insider trading, extortion, falsified billings, breach of
contract -”
Taehyung’s fists squeeze behind his back. Jungkook wonders how appropriate it would be for him
to reach over the barrier between them and hold his hand. There’s lights flashing, so many cameras
surrounding them because they’re finally getting their chance at being on the inside. Such a high
profile case between two competing lawyers, the best in the country.

The media is still talking about the time Taehyung stormed out of the court, constantly mentioning
it even in regards to the break in at the law firm despite there being no correlation. Jungkook’s still
leaving rude comments on all of them.

He wonders if this is typical, to open a court during the verdict or if someone decided it. If so,
why. He kind of hates it because if Taehyung loses, it’ll go public in seconds.

“The court finds the accused not guilty on all counts.”

Seojoon flings his papers across the desk, jaw tense. He looks pissed, eyes narrowed as his lips
move around what Jungkook assumes to be a cuss. Taehyung doesn’t react at all. All he does is nod
at the judge.

He doesn’t even regard Dongmin at all like Namjoon had with the other man. He doesn’t
acknowledge the clap Seokjin plants to his lower back.

“That’s my boy,” Jimin whispers proudly, squeezing a fist in front of himself.

“My boy,” Jungkook corrects.

Jimin stares at the side of his face, laughing under his breath. “That’s the cutest thing you’ve ever
said, but don’t go there, I’ve got twenty seven years under my belt here.”

Despite the verdict being read, it takes forever for court to close. It’s a bit boring, but Jungkook
keeps himself from fidgeting as he talks quietly to Jimin and watches Taehyung.

When the court is dismissed, Jungkook wants to jump up to his feet and go back past the barrier,
but Taehyung’s taking his client off to the side.

He looks pissed as he whispers something to him. There’s still too many people around that will be
able to see it, still so much media, but it doesn’t stop Taehyung from pointing a finger into
Dongmin’s chest in a way that looks very threatening.

Namjoon intercepts Seojoon with a hand on the elbow, and Jungkook doesn’t wait any longer as
the judges leave and the audience starts to lessen.

“He’s a good lawyer and so are you,” Seojoon says, though he still looks annoyed as he shakes
Namjoon’s arm. “It was a good case. I can tell you’ve learned a lot from him the way you ruined
my witness.”

Namjoon smiles shyly. “You should have counseled your witness better.”

Seojoon rolls his eyes, tongue running over his teeth. “You got lucky, Kim. Getting my evidence
disregarded off a technicality.” He shakes his head, eyeing Jungkook. “Tell your husband I said
good job. I have too much pride to do it myself.”

Jungkook grins as he watches Seojoon leave without another word.

“They’re frenemies,” Namjoon explains, letting himself finally smile as he claps Jungkook’s arm.
“I know Taehyung said you guys are only going for a weekend, but keep him for a week. If he
snaps at me one time, I’m going to stop accepting his fucking fruit baskets as an apology and
demand a high raise.”

Jungkook grimaces. He had noticed Taehyung kept calling the market about fruit. “You probably
deserve one.”

“I sure as shit do,” Namjoon huffs.

Taehyung comes up to him then. Expression blank but he squeezes Jungkook’s hand.

“Is this something I say ‘good job baby’ for?” Jungkook asks teasingly. “Congratulations?”

Taehyung grins. “No, this is something you give me the best suck of my life for.”

Jungkook glances around them despite how quietly it’s said. “That can be arranged.”

With a soft laugh, Taehyung cups Jungkook’s cheek. “We’re going out for dinner tonight, with
Namjoon and Jin. If you’d like to join me?”

“‘Course,” Jungkook says, taking Taehyung’s hand and kissing his knuckles. “What’s this I hear
about us going on vacation?”

Taehyung groans quietly. “I know I said that when this is over, we can do whatever you want, but
I’m going to have to take a raincheck on that, lover. We’ll still be spending time together though, if
you’d like to come.”

Jungkook knows what he’s going to say before he says it. A gut feeling, something that doesn’t
surprise him at all.

“I got the video surveillance this morning. The detective helping me is going to run the images
through the database to identify them,” Taehyung says. “So I’m going to Daegu.”

Jungkook nods. It’s definitely not what he wanted to do with Taehyung, but he knows even if they
were to go on the weekend Jungkook had planned, Taehyung would be too distracted to have a
good time anyway. Maybe after they figure this out, Taehyung will be distressed enough to enjoy a

“And if that is where your father went this week?” Jungkook asks quietly.

“Then I’ll catch him in the act,” Taehyung says with a shrug, though Jungkook suspects he cares a
lot more than his expression suggests. “And tear him a new asshole.”

“It could be busi-”

“Because it’s a woman,” Taehyung goes on. “And if my father is there, I want to know why he’s
lying to my mother about being with a woman.”

If Taehyung is upset about his father possibly being with a woman, which Jungkook knows he
must be, he hides it completely. He’s lively during dinner, laughing and chatting with Namjoon
and Jin. He constantly includes Jungkook too, even when they talk about things Jungkook isn’t a
part of. Lawyer things that Jungkook tries to pay attention to, but there’s a lot of verbatim he
doesn’t know.

“I’ll need you to visit Beomgyu,” Taehyung says to Namjoon as he threads his fingers through
Jungkook’s and keeps their clasped hands on the table between them. “His parents arrived last
night, but still visit him. I told him to reach out to our detective friend as soon as he can speak.”

Namjoon nods. “You shouldn’t rush to get back, Taehyung. Your next court date isn’t for another
month, and you can afford to miss a bit of work.”

Taehyung squeezes Jungkook’s fingers as he leans back in his chair. “Please be quiet before
Jungkook hears you. He’d take me away for a month, probably. Isn’t that right baby?”

Jungkook nods to confirm this. “How long we talking? Wondering if we have enough time to take
the yacht or if we should borrow the jet.”

Taehyung lets go of his hand to pinch his leg, a warning look in his eyes. “Don’t get any ideas.”

“You’re the one that’s always going on about being my sugar baby,” Jungkook reminds him,
leaning his elbow on the table as he scoops a spoon into his dish. It’s something French he thinks
and extremely sweet. He guides the spoon to Taehyung’s mouth, wiggling his eyes when Taehyung
glares at him.

“You know when I said I want to know more about your private life, I meant things like feelings or
cute things you do for each other,” Jin says with a tired sigh. “Not this.”

Taehyung grins around the spoon. “Jungkook did this really cute thing with his mouth the other
day -”

Jungkook hurriedly takes another spoonful and shoves it back into Taehyung’s mouth before he
can finish.

It goes well. By the end of dinner, Jungkook’s almost forgotten about the fact that they’re going to
Daegu to possibly stalk his father in law and investigate whether he has a lover. Taehyung keeps up
his light mood until they get home.

“Mhm,” Taehyung groans in complaint as he falls back against the bed. “Undress me. Too tired.”

Jungkook snorts. “Maybe you should watch me undress.”

“Too tired,” Taehyung repeats, turning his head. “I’m sorry.”

Jungkook waves him off, unoffended. He holds out a hand to help Taehyung sit and starts undoing
his tie for him. “Are you happy about the case? You didn’t seem it.”

Taehyung closes his eyes, head tilting back as he cups Jungkook’s waist. “I’m happy it’s over, yes.
I wanted to win of course, I had to, but I wouldn’t have been devastated if I lost. Dongmin deserves
to be in prison, but after today, I’m secured as his lawyer for good.”

His upper lip curls that, but he doesn’t explain as Jungkook moves down to the buttons of his shirt
and Taehyung rubs his hands up to his stomach and starts to pull Jungkook’s shirt from his pants.

“I gave him until I get back to decide to let the hold over your brother go or lose me as a lawyer for
good,” Taehyung explains.
Despite being tired, he pushes Jungkook’s shirt up his stomach and plants a soft kiss beneath his
belly button. It ignites something hot inside of Jungkook that has him rubbing his hand down
Taehyung’s neck.

A sigh leaves his lips when Taehyung sucks another kiss over the brim of his pants, taking the skin
into his mouth for a moment before he pulls back.

“I promise after this, we can go on our honeymoon,” Taehyung says softly, surprising Jungkook.
He hesitates before Taehyung stands, and Jungkook continues to undo his shirt. “And I’ll be all
yours. Mind and body.”

He whispers it huskily as he slides his hand down his body and between Jungkook’s legs,
squeezing gently. “All yours.”

“Taehyung, you said you were too tired,” Jungkook reminds him. “And I am okay with that. You
don’t have to.”

Taehyung pulls his hand away. “I always want you, you know that?”

Jungkook rolls his eyes as he slides his hands over Taehyung’s shoulders so the dress shirt slips
down his arms. “I do. Us not fucking once isn’t going to make me think differently, Tae.”

For a moment, Taehyung doesn’t say anything as he undoes Jungkook’s tie. It’s not until he’s
removing Jungkook’s shirt while Jungkook takes off his belt that he finally speaks.

Jungkook worries he’s going to break up the topic of the L word when he hesitates.

“Thank you for coming today.”

“Mhm,” Jungkook hums. “I figured that’s what a good, supportive husband would do.”

Taehyung laughs under his breath. “You’re a really good husband, Jungkook.”

“Surprised?” Jungkook teases as he drops the belt and works on the button next.

“A little,” Taehyung admits. He doesn’t go for Jungkook’s pants next but rubs his hands softly
over Jungkook’s chest and stomach. It tickles, makes his skin erupt in goosebumps. “Didn’t expect
you to have a crush on me.”

Jungkook grunts at that, yanking on Taehyung’s pants a little harder than necessary. “Don’t let it
get to your head.”

“S’cute,” Taehyung promises as he hooks his arms over Jungkook’s shoulders and makes it
impossible for Jungkook to continue undressing him when he presses their bodies together. “I’ve
changed my mind on something. In regards to us. You can tell me if you disagree or not.”

Jungkook nods, though a bit of nerves fill him as he slides his hands up Taehyung’s sides to brush
his fingers against his ribs. There’s another spark inside of him when Taehyung knots his fingers
into the hair at his nape and hovers his mouth close to his.

“I want to stick to the infidelity clause. No lovers.”

There is no need to even question it, Jungkook thinks. He presses a kiss to Taehyung’s lips. “I told
you I didn’t want one.”

“I know but, I wanted to make it clear that anything between us stops if you do. If you have a
problem with this, I’ll understand.”

Jungkook cocks his head to the side. “Are you asking me to be exclusive with you?”

Taehyung rolls his eyes and shrugs. “You wanted to be husbands that were boyfriends, no?”

“Yeah, which means I thought that was already implied.”

With a groan, Taehyung kisses Jungkook and pulls away. “I know. I just can’t stop thinking about
my father possibly cheating on my mother, and then realized it would feel like you were cheating
on me if you were with someone else. So I just wanted to clarify.”

Jungkook watches as he falls back on the bed, arms out around him. He glares up at the ceiling,
and Jungkook wonders if Taehyung does fall in love with him, if he’ll look this grumpy when he
admits to it.

He kind of wants to tell Taehyung that that’s how he’s starting to feel now, a little like the L word,
to assure him even more that he doesn’t have to worry about Jungkook being unfaithful.

“Don’t think the worst,” Jungkook says instead as he finally takes Taehyung’s pants off and goes
to the small dresser across from the bed. “Like you said, it could be the other child from the

“Maybe. Unless the account opening around my birth is completely coincidental,” Taehyung
states. “The accident was when my father was a teenager. The account was open in his mid

“Thinking about it isn’t going to help you at all until you get the rest of the information, babe,”
Jungkook admits as he tosses his pajamas at him. “Get the woman’s name, give her a call. Just
don’t be an asshole to her because you’ve assumed she’s your father’s mistress.”

Taehyung keeps up the glare as he sits up. “I’m very charming with older women. They love me.”

It’s quite true, Jungkook thinks. He’s seen it. “You know, even if this woman’s a mistress, you
should be the angriest with your father.”

Taehyung sighs, shoulders slumping as he nods. “I know. I am. I’m pissed at my father for multiple

He discards the pajamas, climbing into bed in nothing but his briefs.

“The list goes on,” Taehyung says as he falls onto the pillows. “Whatever his secret is, he told you
and your father it will ruin my career, yet he’s willing to ruin my life to keep it. Have me marry a
man that could take all my money, threaten to have my husband arrested.”

Possibly having your intern brutally beaten, Jungkook adds to himself.

“He wants me to represent you and your family, but what happens when your father gets arrested
for extortion for bribing my father? I can’t represent him then,” Taehyung goes on as he turns and
pulls the blanket up as an invitation. “I can’t figure out what it could possibly be.”

Jungkook kicks off his pants and also enters the bed in just his briefs. Taehyung quickly moves
closer and tangles their legs together.

“Him having a mistress won’t ruin my career because I can start my own firm,” Taehyung
explains. “I already have people lining up that could work for me. God, I’d even start one with
Seojoon if he wanted.”

Jungkook pushes his fingers through Taehyung’s hair, revealing his forehead. “I thought you hated

“I do,” Taehyung says. “Because he’s my competitor. We were friends through law school, just
competitive with each other. He applied to take the open position at my father’s firm after our
internship with him, but I got it instead. The next year, we had our first case against each other, and
I had my father hire Jin next because at the time, I had a feeling Seojoon was going to win the

Jungkook grins. “How petty of you.”

“Yeah well,” Taehyung sighs with a shrug. “He’s done really well for himself anyway. And I’m
sure he’s more bearable when we aren’t going against each other in court.”

“He’s quite friendly.”

“Yeah, that’s why he’s annoying.”

Jungkook laughs as he cups Taehyung’s cheek and kisses the frown from his lips. “Your father
probably just said the career thing because he knows how important it is to you and how important
you are to me.”

It’s as much of a confession as Jungkook’s willing to give right now. Even if Daehee had been
going on assumptions with his threats, ones that Taehyung planted into his mind by feeding him
things that weren’t true at the time, he was right.

Taehyung being so tired worries Jungkook, but he also sees how passionate Taehyung is about his
profession. He knows how hard he’s worked, and protecting that is more important to Jungkook
than threatening anything else.

“Am I?” Taehyung asks, amusement in his eyes as he rolls flat on the bed and cups Jungkook’s
neck until he’s curling over him.

“Mhm,” Jungkook whispers as he presses a kiss below Taehyung’s bottom lip. “So don’t worry
about it. Your father’s desperate to keep it a secret, so you can’t trust everything. I mean from
threatening and putting his hands on me, to possibly arranging you with -”

The serious look on Taehyung’s face makes Jungkook stop mid sentence, as does the way he
pushes a hand into Jungkook’s chest to get him off.

“What the hell do you mean he put his hands on you?”

Jungkook hesitates. He thought he told Taehyung that. “When he first bribed me. I thought I told

Taehyung’s nostrils flare. “You sure as hell didn’t tell me that. Tell me exactly what he did.”

So Jungkook does, though he feels bad as he sees Taehyung get upset. He had been a moment
away from calming him down enough to just rest, and this has the opposite effect.

He grabs for Taehyung when Taehyung whips the blanket back in an attempt to climb out of bed.
“Taehyung, just get back in bed,” Jungkook says. “It’s late.”

“No,” Taehyung says, yanking his arm from hsi touch. “I’m going to give him a call and make him
tell me where he is so I can fuck him up.”

“Tae,” Jungkook deadpans. “You can’t fight your father.”

“Watch me,” Taehyung huffs as he pads off.

Jungkook catches up with him, throwing Taehyung over his shoulder despite the weak fists he
beats against his back to carry him back into the bedroom.

He tosses Taehyung onto the bed and quickly crawls over him, pinning his hands to the bed and
locking his thighs around his waist.

Taehyung glares at him when Jungkook laughs quietly. “I’m really not finding this amusing. I’m
actually really pissed.”

“I know,” Jungkook promises. “You’re just really cute. Storming off, threatening to beat up an old
man in my honor.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes. “I’d fuck up anyone for you.”

Jungkook presses a kiss to the corner of his mouth. “How romantic.”

Finally, a small grin touches Taehyung’s lips, but Jungkook doesn’t let his wrists go from where he
pins them down. “I’m not keeping quiet about it anymore, Jungkook. I’m telling him I know that
he bribed you, and I’m telling him how I feel about him putting his hands on you.”

Jungkook nods. The only reason they’ve kept it a secret from Daehee is in case Jungkook’s father
told him about his deal with Taehyung. But with Taehyung’s investigative work and how
determined and impatient he is, Jungkook thinks by the time the month is up, they won’t even need
Jongho’s deal anymore.

“And since I’m already pissed, I might even call up your father and tell him what a shitty dad he
is,” Taehyung goes, nostrils flaring.

A laugh leaves Jungkook’s lips but he muffles it when he kisses Taehyung’s pouting mouth. “Trust
me, it’s a waste of air. I’ve told him enough.”

Taehyung wrinkles his nose at that. “I don’t care. He’s getting a piece of my mind.”

Jungkook lets one of Taehyung’s wrists go to cup his neck. He presses a thumb to Taehyung’s chin
to make his head tilt back before he kisses his bottom lip. “Fine. But not now. You’re tired, so

Taehyung hums into the kiss, eyes fluttering closed as he uses his now free hand to rub Jungkook’s

Again, Jungkook wants to tell Taehyung. Say the words to him out right, but he hopes the message
still comes across in the way he kisses him instead.

Taehyung isn’t a big fan of the crowd. People squished all around him and knocking into him. It’s
why he tends to skip taking the subway, but he doesn’t mind it so much right now because
Jungkook seems to know his discomfort.

It seems purposeful the way Jungkook plants his body to his, surrounding him in the way he
presses Taehyung up against one of the poles. His hand wrapped around it above their heads, the
other constantly coming around him to bar a body from bumping into him. But it also seems like
second nature, as Jungkook does it without any reaction on his face, almost unconsciously.

It’s especially okay because their bodies are pressed together, and Jungkook smells good. They
don’t talk much on the subway as Taehyung’s been on his bluetooth the entire time, but he likes
when Jungkook peels his face mask down and randomly plants a kiss to his lips.

There’s a dumb grin on his lips when he does, though his eyes have been worried since they left
the hospital. Taehyung wants to tell him to stop looking at him like that, but earlier Jungkook
tugged down his bucket hat to hide his eyes and he’d rather see them no matter what’s in them.

“I’m only going to be gone a few days,” Taehyung says as he fits his hand beneath the black shirt
that clings to Jungkook’s body. He doesn’t care if anyone sees, he finds his husband’s warmth
comforting. “You can handle it without me, no?”

“Your father is gone too,” Jin reminds him as Jungkook shifts so Taehyung can feel his muscles
moving beneath his hand.

A bubble of anger grows inside of him. He’s mad that Jungkook didn’t let him call his father last
night. It’s almost as bad as his father keeping Jihyun’s gambling problem from him because
Daehee’s always been against physical punishment. No spankings, no slaps on the wrists.

Jungkook may not be his child, but he’s younger than Taehyung, and Daehee’s son in law.

“Blame Namjoon for putting this into Jungkook’s head. You may never see me again.”

Tilting his head back, Jungkook reveals his eyes are crescents from the smile beneath his mask.

“Well, I wasn’t expecting this,” Jin goes on. “Whatever. I’ll handle it. But if you don’t agree with
my decision, I don’t want you bitching about it when you come back.”

Taehyung rubs over Jungkook’s side when Jungkook presses harder against him and tucks his face
in the curve of his neck. So close he can feel Jungkook’s fingers moving as he pulls the mask down
to his chin again.

“I don’t bitch,” Taehyung argues. He pinches Jungkook when he snorts in time with Jin. “Anyway,
did you get any word on who’s working for the Board this week?”

A sigh falls from Taehyung’s lips when Jungkook kisses his neck. His lips parting wetly before he
softly sucks his skin into his mouth. There’s a static inside of Taehyung, and he knows Jungkook is
trying to keep his anxiety at bay.

“Yeah. I got the list.”

Jin lists off the names, and as Taehyung expected, his father’s isn’t on it. He has a feeling whoever
they’re going to see now is probably with his father. His travel information has him going to Busan,
but he could have easily taken the train from Busan to Daegu.
Or met the woman there.

Taehyung huffs in annoyance, and it’s confirmed Jungkook’s trying to distract him when he sucks
a harder kiss against his skin immediately.

It’s a close call, but Taehyung stops himself from tipping his head back into the pole he’s against
and moaning from the feel of it.

“I gotta go, hyung. You know I trust you, alright? You’ll make the right decision.”

Taehyung hangs up before Jin can finish his comment about Taehyung complimenting him. He
tilts his head to the side, allowing Jungkook more room as he rubs his hand to Jungkook’s back,
pushing it beneath the duffle bag strapped there. The other rests by their feet, and Taehyung knows
for sure that Jungkook has something planned for after Daegu.

“What are we going to do while we wait for your detective friend to call?” Jungkook asks hotly
against his ear, his tone implying what Jungkook wants to do.

Taehyung grins. “If you turn me on while I’m in the middle of a crowded train, I’ll divorce you.”

“Thought you were into that,” Jungkook whispers against his lips. “Public indecency.”

“That’s a crime,” Taehyung says, shaking his head as he slips his hand to the start of Jungkook’s
pants, knowing the duffle bag is low enough to hide it. “There’s already some heated conversations
about me for representing Dongmin and keeping him from prison, I’m sure me humping my
husband in public would be another rock for them to throw, lover.”

Jungkook grins against his lips. “I thought you didn’t care what people think.”

“I don’t,” Taehyung insists, digging his nails into the top of Jungkook’s butt. “Fine. Go ahead. You
don’t care? Take your cock out.”

A giggle rushes past Jungkook’s lips and he quickly shakes his head. “Babe, I’m just playing with

“Yeah, sure,” Taehyung exclaims as he hooks his other arm around Jungkook’s neck. “It’s over for
you when we get back to the hotel.”

Jungkook bites on his bottom lip. “Put your money where your mouth is, baby.”

“Rather have your dick there, to be honest,” Taehyung shoots back.

Before Jungkook can retort with something, there’s a throat clearing that catches his attention. His
neck instantly turns red, and he buries his face back into Taehyung’s to muffle his laughter.

It lets out his frustration, distracts him from counting down the minutes until he’s called back. He
loses himself in Jungkook for a few minutes. In the feel of his skin, the sound of his voice, how
Jungkook feels inside of him.
The sweat pouring down Taehyung’s skin. How bruised his ass feels from how hard Jungkook
grips onto it to tug Taehyung back on his cock.

How they look in the mirror across from the bed that Taehyung has a thousand different ideas to
make use of. If he wanted to stay in Daegu after this, which he doesn’t.

“Tae,” Jungkook groans, pressing a hand to the flat of his spine as he grinds forward. Taehyung
moans at the feeling of his orgasm, when he feels Jungkook tug his cock back to rub over his hole
before pushing back in.

Taehyung closes his eyes, legs spreading as he grinds his hips down against the mattress when he
feels his own orgasm building.

“Shit,” Jungkook grunts, leaning forward and fumbling around. “Please?”

Taehyung blinks his eyes open, looking in the mirror to find Jungkook with his phone in his hands.
His hips roll slowly, and Taehyung nods quickly. “Whatever, just hurry the fuck up. I want to

Jungkook groans, and he does not hurry up at all. Taehyung doesn’t really mind though, arching
his back when Jungkook pushes up his shirt to show off more of his skin before taking a picture.
Right before he grips the shirt and fucks into Taehyung hard.

When he does come, he throws a weak peace sign up over his head when Jungkook turns the
camera to the mirror.

“Mhm,” Jungkook grunts, slapping his hand down against Taehyung’s ass and jiggling it. “We
should make like, a porn account or something.”

Taehyung’s laugh is breathy as Jungkook slowly pulls out of him. “Isn’t that what your Instagram

Jungkook glares at him as he pads off and into the bathroom. “Me being shirtless isn’t porn, babe.”

“Turns me on all the same,” Taehyung says cheekily as Jungkook steps out of the bathroom with a
damp towel. He’s still on his phone, probably looking at every picture again.

“Shut up,” Jungkook grunts, but he’s grinning as he tosses the towel to Taehyung.

Both of them are still fully dressed because he had yanked Jungkook to the bed the moment they
stepped into the room. So it makes it difficult for him to fully spread his legs, but he does. “Take
another pic.”

Jungkook glances at him over the phone, pulling his lip into his mouth as he contemplates. “Lay

He steps between Taehyung’s legs, angling the phone as he reaches down. Arousal flits through
Taehyung despite how sensitive he is from his orgasm when Jungkook pushes his thumb between
his lips.

Taehyung tilts his head back, eyes falling closed. Jungkook’s breath hitches, and they really
shouldn’t keep playing around with each other because the detective should be calling any minute

“Don’t need the towel,” Taehyung whispers as he sits up. “Get on your knees and give me the

He wishes they did this earlier, but they always can again, he thinks as Jungkook does as he’s told.
He cups Taehyung’s thighs, spreading them until they ache before he leans in and licks the come
from his stomach.

Taehyung cradles his head as he snaps the photo. His cock hidden beneath Jungkook, only the sight
of Jungkook’s tongue touching the white drying on his stomach.

“Turn around,” Jungkook whispers, and Taehyung does. But Jungkook only gets a hand on his
waist before a phone ringing fills the room.

There’s a grunt of pain from Jungkook when Taehyung flies up from the bed and nearly trips
because of the pants around his thighs.

“Your butt just hit my face so hard,” Jungkook complains, cupping a hand over his nose but
Taehyung can only manage an apologetic smile before he’s grabbing his phone from the counter.

“Hey, Kim Taehyung here,” Taehyung greets, breathless, as he quickly pulls his pants up. The
detective may not be able to see, but he finds kind of odd standing here with his limp cock hanging
out. “Did you get me a name?”

His heart starts racing in his chest when the detective says he has. Jungkook rubs his nose a few
times before he too stands, grabbing the towel to wipe off his cock before he pulls his pants up.

“Yeah, and an address,” the detective says. Taehyung starts to pace, anticipation filling him
because the fucking detective pauses after that. “A Park Heesun. I’m typing the address now.”

Taehyung falls completely still. Frozen in place as the name works its way through his brain.
Jungkook’s face falls in concern as he closes the space between them, but Taehyung can only
shake his head.

It could be a coincidence, but Taehyung highly doubts it.

“Okay, thank you,” Taehyung says as he hangs up and tosses his phone at the bed. He rubs a hand
over his face, and Jungkook doesn’t ask, he just cups the back of his head and pulls him in. “Park
Heesun. Fuck, man.”

Taehyung has nothing else to throw so he grabs the towel and tosses it at the wall. He has such a
strong urge to call his father right now and demand him to explain. To call his mother and tell her
even if this is just assumptions. Both ridiculous things to do out of anger and frustration, but the
urge is there.

“One second,” Jungkook says as Taehyung grabs for the keys to their rental. Some expensive
sports car because Jungkook’s apparently got a thing for them. “Wait. Calm down first. You can’t
go there aggressive or accusing.”

“Fuck you, I can,” Taehyung says at first before he rubs another hand down his face. “My mother
accused my father of having an affair with a Heesun ten years ago, lover. This account was made
eighteen years before that. There’s no way she doesn’t know he’s married.”

His mind is filling with too much at once. The conversations he’s overheard, how many times his
father has traveled and wondering if he was telling the truth about his destination. So, so many
times he’d travel.
Taehyung can’t remember what his father said about Heesun, just denied having an affair when his
mother accused him.

“It could be a misunderstanding,” Jungkook says quickly, grabbing for the keys. He isn’t normally
the optimistic type, and Taehyung’s a little annoyed he’s choosing now to be. “Maybe she’s a past
lover and your mother assumed she was a mistress.”

“Why would he send her money every month then, Jungkook?” Taehyung asks, pinching his nose.

Taehyung knows Jungkook is right, he’s just frustrated. He breathes out slowly in hopes to clear
his mind or the frustration from him. It could be a misunderstanding, and even if it is what
Taehyung thinks, Jungkook’s still right.

“I’m sorry baby. I just.” Taehyung rubs his forehead. He wishes his thoughts would get in line and
come one at a time, because he wants to make sense of them right now. He desperately wants to
find any thought that will convince him it isn’t true, some reason to make him second think the fact
that his father’s having an affair.

She could be a past lover, but the money doesn’t make sense. Unless she too is holding something
over his father’s head. But it isn’t a lot of money, though it was for them at the time it started. But
now his father has money and power, and Taehung doubts he’d let this go on for so long.

Unless she’s not the thing Jongho is holding over his father, and they’re both holding the same
thing over him. It would make more sense if it was something that could have a trickle effect and
ruin his career.

It’s just, if it’s something bad enough for Daehee to cover up that much, it makes Taehyung
wonder if Jungkook was on the right track thinking he had something to do with Beomgyu.

God, Taehyung’s brain hurts as much as his ass does.

“Okay, I’m calm,” Taehyung declares. “Let’s go.”

“It’s been three seconds,” Jungkook says with a soft smile. “Plus, what are you going to do if your
father is there?”

“Kill him probably,” Taehyung says as he turns on his heel and storms into the bathroom. He
would storm out of the hotel completely, but he doesn’t want to confront his father’s mistress with
an ass full of come.

“Tae,” Jungkook says, following after him. “Come here for a second.”

Taehyung opens his lips to argue that he needs to hurry up and clean, but he stays quiet as
Jungkook pulls him into his arms and hugs him. Just squeezes him tight, and Taehyung gives in
and rests his cheek to Jungkook’s shoulder to hug him back.

When booking the hotel, Taehyung chose one close to the bank thinking the person would be
nearby. He had been wrong, and the address is on the other side of the city. As much as he usually
wants to drive, he lets Jungkook because his hands are shaking. From anger to nerves, it’s a mix of
It feels mostly like nerves when their GPS announces they’re close to their destination.

“I hope my father is there so I can see what expression he makes when he shits his pants,”
Taehyung grumbles, glaring at the apartment buildings passing by. It isn’t the nicest of areas, and
maybe his father gives her so little as a bribe because it seems like a lot to her.

“Tae,” Jungkook says like he’s scolding him, but it’s amused.

“You know, you’re making it so I really hate when you call me that.”

“Listen lover,” Jungkook says as the GPS dings they’re at their destination and Jungkook slows the
car to find a parking spot on the street. “Be careful, okay? You don’t know this woman.”

Taehyung peers his eyes at him. “Are you saying that because we’re in a poor area?”

Jungkook glances at him in alarm before he starts to parallel park. “What? No. I mean, if she is
holding something over your father’s head, she could use it against you. Or lie, I don’t know.”

Taehyung sinks into the chair. He thinks Jungkook is purposefully failing at parallel parking
because he’s taking forever. He might just jump and roll out of the car. He says as much, making
Jungkook fill the car with a laughter that eases him some.

“I just suck at it,” Jungkook tells him before he finally, finally parks. “Do you want me to come
with you? I’d like to.”

Without hesitating, Taehyung nods. He was hoping Jungkook would feel comfortable in doing so,
though it must be awkward for him. But part of him is worried that his father might go through
with his threats just because Jungkook is here.

He wouldn’t punish Taehyung, not seriously, but it’d be just as much punishment for him if he did
something to Jungkook in response.

Taehyung will make it clear to his father that he will ensure he fucking rots if he tries.

“Yes. You’re my good luck charm, remember? And will probably be the only one to stop me from

Jungkook wiggles a brow at him, trying to ease the tension that’s gripping Taehyung so hard he
feels like he might break from it.

“Probably. Let’s go.”

With the address comes the apartment number. It would have been easy enough to find either way
as the mailboxes have their names on it right by the door. Her’s is chipped away some, and
Taehyung wonders how long she’s lived here.

The elevator ride to her floor takes forever. Jungkook keeps a composed stance, resting back
against the wall with his arms crossed.

Usually, Taehyung’s good at pretending he’s composed. This is a little too personal for him, but he
forces himself to breathe it down until he too can pretend like there aren’t a thousand bees buzzing
inside of him.

When the door opens, Taehyung almost sends the elevator back down.

A few weeks ago, he had told Jungkook he’s too old now to worry about if his parents were to ever
divorce. But that isn’t fully true. It’ll still be upsetting to him. Not because Taehyung’s big on
romance or anything, but he really doesn’t want them to split. He also doesn’t want to be the one to
tell his mother about it, and he knows he’ll have to.

In no way would Taehyung call himself a coward but that’s something he’s afraid of. Something he
doesn’t think he’s actually capable of doing.

“Got this,” Taehyung whispers to himself as he strides down the hallway until he finds the number.
Jungkook keeps a hand on his back, encouraging him until he finally knocks.

It’s too quiet. Taehyung knocks more firmly, and maybe they should have waited because he
knows he won’t be able to handle it if his father is inside. He won’t be able to keep his reaction at
bay, or stop himself from yelling and demanding an explanation.

When the door doesn’t open, it’s Jungkook who knocks next. Impatient as he reaches over
Taehyung’s head and raps his fist firmly against the wood.

“Coming! Coming love!”

Taehyung seizes up. He actually didn’t plan out anything to say and the few things he did are as
Jungkook said, too aggressive and accusing.

The door whips open, and it’s the woman from the cameras definitely. She’s in her fifties, he’d
assume, though her hair is dyed so there’s no gray. She’s putting in earrings that look much too
expensive compared to the shabby apartment building.

She immediately falls still, straightening as alarm fills her eyes while she glances between the two
of them. “Oh. Um, can I help you?”

Taehyung stares at her. She’s extremely pretty, and a defensive thought rises up in him that his
mother is prettier. It’s an unfair thing to think, and a bit childish, but it hits Taehyung incredibly

“Uh, Park Heesun?” Taehyung finally says. “I’m Kim Taehyung. This is my husband, Jeon

The woman’s lips part a few times. She definitely recognizes them, he can tell. She looks much too
alarmed by the sight of them, and they’re both dressed very casually. Taehyung did it on purpose,
opting out of a suit so they didn’t come off as police or something.

“Yes, that’s me. How can I help you?”

Taehyung bites his cheek for a moment, hands tucking into his pockets. So she is going to pretend
like she doesn’t know them? “I’m looking for a man named Kim Daehee? About my height, your
age. Have you seen him? I’ve gotten word that he may be here.”

The alarm only grows on the woman’s face. Her fingers tighten around the door, and Taehyung
hopes he isn’t scaring her. As angry as he is, she is also an older, frail looking woman.

It also will be really inconvenient for him and his whole protecting Jungkook from being arrested
deal if she calls the police on them.

“Oh, I don’t know -”

“I’m sorry, I know this is sudden,” Taehyung apologizes, using the voice he uses with Jungkook’s
parents to woo them over. “It’s just, he disappeared and won’t answer my calls.”

Jungkook pinches his back in warning for the lie, but it does as Taehyung intended it to. There’s
worry in the woman’s eyes as she gives in.

“He was here this morning,” she tells him. “We - we are old friends, and we were just catching up.
I can give him a call for you? Taehyung, you said?”

Taehyung bites his tongue. If his father didn’t tell her about him, he’d be extremely pissed off but
there’d be no point in lying to the woman when just one search of his name brings his up to. When
the entire country knows who they are.

“I’m his son,” Taehyung says, annoyance in his tone. There was no reason for her to explain why
he was here. It makes her sound guilty of something. “He’s never mentioned you before, so I was
alarmed to find he came all the way here and disappeared.”

The woman looks flustered. Taehyung kind of feels bad as she rolls her hands in front of herself
and glances between them over and over again.

“Why don’t you come in?” she says finally. She smiles but it turns to be more of a grimace. “And
have some tea? Let me give your father a call.”

Taehyung is unsure if he wants to do that. Answering the door while putting on earrings, the nice
dress she’s wearing, gives him the impression she’s going somewhere.

“We don’t mean to interrupt.”

“No, no,” she says, waving them off. “Come, come in. Please sit. I’ll be just a moment.”

A press from Jungkook urges him forward. They can’t quite stand in the hallway anyway, but
Taehyung’s extremely uncomfortable.

The house is nice on the inside. Taehyung seats himself on a couch and Jungkook beside him, who
immediately rubs a hand over his thigh before clasping their hands together. The paintings on the
walls are ones Taehyung recognizes, expensive ones that also don’t fit with the area.

Nothing in the house seems to. Everything is name brand and expensive. Not that Taehyung thinks
anything is wrong with it, he’s just surprised.

“She seems sweet,” Jungkook whispers when she excuses herself to get her phone. “Nervous.”

Taehyung licks over his teeth. “Yeah, that’s just because we caught her getting ready to go on a
date with my father.”

“Tae,” Jungkook says, and Taehyung meant it when he said he’s hating when Jungkook calls him
that. “You don’t know that.”

“I do,” Taehyung insists. His suspicion that she is holding something over his father’s head doesn’t
seem to add up. But like he told Beomgyu, never underestimate someone who seems sweet or frail.
“I know it. I have a great gut instinct. It’s what I used to pick you.”

Jungkook snorts at that and makes some comment that Taehyung misses because his eyes catch on
the bookshelf to the left. The framed degree standing proudly on one shelf. The words are too
small for him to read, but the university’s name at the top is big and bold enough for him to.
It’s the same one he attended.

“Sorry,” Heesun says as she comes back in the room. “Water’s boiling. I told your father you were
looking for him.”

Jungkook’s hand tightens around his own. Taehyung figured she would, and he doesn’t care. Even
if his phone starts to vibrate then, he ignores it.

“I’ll be blunt,” Taehyung says as the woman sits down. “I lied about looking for my father. I
actually came here to know who you are and why my father is wiring money to you every month.”

The woman doesn’t look surprised but nervous. She squirms in her seat, and Taehyung’s surprised
to see her blinking a few times like her eyes are watering.

“I thought so,” she whispers. “I lied as well. I know who you are. I just wasn’t expecting to ever
see you again.”

Taehyung bites his lip, chewing it over. “Again?”

She rubs her hands up and down her thighs as she nods. “You were too young to remember. Much
too young. But Taehyung-ssi, I feel this is something that you should discuss with your father.”

Defenses rise in Taehyung. He’s glad Jungkook came because he can feel the start of his anger
growing again, and he focuses on their clasped hands to keep it at bay. “I”m sorry, but my father
has worked very hard to keep you a secret. I don’t think he’d tell me.”

She fidgets a lot. Hands coming up to play with the hair behind her ear as she looks away from
them. “Then he probably has for a reason.”

“A reason as in I’ll tell my mother he’s having an affair?”

Jungkook whispers his name under his breath, but Taehyung ignores it. He’s good at control, at
saying the right thing, but he doesn’t care about that right now. He wants the woman to see he’s

Even if the woman’s eyes water, he doesn’t care. She should know that Daehee is married. It’s an
easy thing to search. It must make sense because he’s never here. She can’t believe he doesn’t have
a family, especially if she knows about who Taehyung is.

Taehyung’s phone keeps vibrating, and he wants to throw it at the wall.

“No, no,” she quickly says, hands waving in front of her. “We aren’t. I understand why you think
that. We ended it many years ago.”

“I don’t believe it,” Taehyung argues. “He just visited you a few weeks ago. And now he’s back.”

The woman blinks her eyes closed, her nostrils flaring as she breathes in. “We are not - I really
think you should talk to your father, Taehyung.”

Taehyung scoffs at that. “How much money do you want? I’ll give it to you if you just tell me
what is going on here. That’ll work right? Since he’s been giving it to you for so long. To what?
Keep quiet?”

Offense immediately fills the woman’s eyes, but they also start to water even more. “I don’t want
your money. This isn’t how you should find out, either.”
She stands then, and Taehyung ignores the hand Jungkook grips tighter to as he follows after her.
“Find out what? Is there any proper way to find out that your father’s fucking another woman?”

She hits him. Smacks him straight in the chest. Surprise fills her watery eyes as she quickly brings
her hands up to her mouth, and Taehyung is frozen. Stunned. It didn’t hurt, but Taehyung’s

“I’m sorry, but that’s no way to talk to your elders,” she wheezes out. “Cussing at me and accusing
me is no way to speak to someone who has invited you into their home.”

She’s right, but Taehyung thinks he’s losing it. From the stress and the anger, it’s getting to him.
“I’m sorry, Mrs. Park. I really am. I’m -”

He presses a hand to his face as Jungkook grips the back of his neck to firmly rub his fingers there.
“It’s a lot,” he says, filling in for Taehyung. “And we’re just looking for the truth. It’s just a very
upsetting subject.”

“It is,” Heesun says as she wipes away the tear rolling down her wrinkled cheek. “For me as well.
I’m not having an affair with your father, Taehyung. I’ve told him I do not wish to be with a
married man over and over. Direct your anger towards him.”

She storms off again, and Taehyung just watches her disappear from the living room. His phone is
still vibrating, and he wants to thank Jungkook when Jungkook slips his hand into his pocket and
hangs up.

“Stay here,” Taehyung says before he walks off. She’s easy to find as the hallway leads into the
kitchen where she’s working over the counter, hands shaking as she prepares the tea. “I am sorry. I
didn’t mean to come off accusing or to be rude. I’ve been very upset, and that’s no excuse, but I
wish I knew how to properly ask you or convince you to tell me why my father has been wiring
you money for so long. My father won’t tell me. He even threatened and assaulted my husband
when he thought he knew.”

It could be about something else, but Taehyung’s gut is telling him she’s the secret. He knows it,
deep in his bones. Even if anyone is perfectly capable of bribery, he doesn’t think that’s what this

The tears, the shakiness could be an act, but he found her shaking in the kitchen before she noticed

She doesn’t look at him at first. She keeps quiet as she pours the hot water into three teacups. “I’m
sure he will be here soon. He was upset when I told him you were here.”

Taehyung nods as he leans into the entrance of the kitchen. “We’ll leave before he does. I don’t
wish to cause a fight in your home.”

She sighs before she presses a hand to her face. He watches as her shoulders hitch, can hear her
breath do so. When she pulls her hand away, she keeps her face hidden and her back to Taehyung.

“Your father and I were together for many years,” she finally says, her voice steady despite the
shaking hands. “He’s both a good man and a bad one. Good intentions, bad actions, I suppose. I do
know he loves you more than he’s ever loved anyone. Which had surprised me because your father
never wanted children. Actually abhorred the idea of it, but he was willing for your mother. He
also loves her a lot, Taehyung. Which is hard to believe when his actions say the opposite.”

She turns then, and there’s tears rolling down her cheeks. Taehyung’s just vaguely aware that
Jungkook’s come up behind him to place a hand on his back. Despite telling him to stay back,
Taehyung’s thankful he didn’t listen.

“I always told him secrets are always revealed, and I will tell you, but I wish one thing in return.”

Of course, Taehyung thinks, but he keeps quiet as not to accidentally offend her and have her
change her mind about telling him.

“I want you not to hate him for this,” she says quietly. “But if you wish to direct that hate towards
me, I’ll understand.”

Taehyung furrows his brows, shaking his head. Sure, he’s angry at her for being with a married
man, but it’s his father that’s at the most fault here. He’s the one that’s ruining his vows, who is a
hypocrite that forced infidelity as a breach of Taehyung and Jungkook’s contract so passionately
that Taehyung finds it difficult to believe he would do something like this.

This woman doesn’t know Taehyung, has no reason to care if her participation in this has any
effect on him. His father should though, and he’s more upset with him than anyone else.

“The first and last time I saw you,” Heesun starts slowly, her hands fumbling in front of herself
again, “Was the day you were born. So tiny and pink. I got to hold you in my arms for a few
minutes before your father took you away.”

Taehyung thinks she’s speaking even slower now, or maybe his mind is just failing at processing
her words fast enough. He stares off, head shaking a bit as if that can kick his brain into gear to
hurry it up.

“Women are made to believe their one goal in life, their biggest accomplishment, is to bear
children. Your mother felt great shame she was incapable of doing so to the point I think she’s
convinced herself she carried you in her womb,” Heesun goes on, and Taehyung can’t stop shaking
his head. Even when Jungkook grips into his shirt. “So much so she didn’t care to know who did.
Didn’t want to know the name of the woman that gave birth to you.”

Taehyung tilts his head, mouth parting. He shakes his head again, this time at the tightness in his
own chest. He wants it to go away as much as he wishes to leave. He finds the urge to storm out of
the apartment so strong that if Jungkook weren’t holding him right now, he might.

There have been a million different things going on in his mind since he found out her name, and
this was not one. It’s so hard to process that Taehyung doesn’t think he can.

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Park, I don’t understand.”

She nods, hands rubbing together before she comes up to him. He almost recoils when she touches
his cheek.

“I’m your birth mother, Taehyung.”

Chapter End Notes

yeah well there's that :O

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Chapter 14
Chapter Notes

hey! sorry for the long wait. because this chapter ends on a really big note / cliff
hanger, i'm gonna try my best not to put too much time between the next update. the
last couple months, i've been getting really ill from nerves before posting fics so I've
gone on a semi hiatus. But i finished this chapter, and I am excited for you to finally
know daehee's secrets, so please enjoy.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Jungkook doesn’t quite know what to make of Heesun. He’s not trusting enough to believe the
watery eyes, though it’s only his distrust that gives him a reason to believe they’re fake. He tries to
remain objective, take it all in from an unbiased way, because Taehyung’s the exact opposite of
that right now.

He gets it. As someone whose career is spent putting evidence together, Jungkook understands
why Taehyung is so convinced. But Jungkook’s also worried because he’s never seen Taehyung
like this.

Granted, he’s never seen anyone handed this kind of information or put in this kind of situation, so
he has no idea what the best way to handle it is. Jungkook suspects there is no right way.

“Stay here,” Taehyung tells him, and that’s the last thing Jungkook wants to do. He’s tense all over
and nervous, and Jungkook’s sure he’s only feeling a quarter of the kind of tension Taehyung is

He almost argues, but Taehyung’s taking off before he can.

Jungkook twists around on his feet, clutching the vibrating phone in his hand. He wants to answer
it and give Daehee a piece of his mind, but this is something he should stay out of. They don’t
actually know what this woman knows, and Taehyung had been right, Jungkook can’t figure out
how this would affect his career either.

Staying behind him makes him restless, so he paces. He has a feeling Daehee is going to show up
some time, and that’s only adding to the tension inside of Jungkook.

He doesn’t want to get another charge, but he would if Daehee gets aggressive with him again.
Taehyung can handle his father just fine, but Jungkook thinks his anger will make him lash out
first if Daehee even tries to scold Taehyung for coming here.

Abeoji: Taehyung. Answer the phone.

Abeoji: Son, let sleeping dogs lie. I told you not to -

Abeoji: Call me back. Now.

Abeoji: I told you not to stick your nose into other’s -

Jungkook squeezes the phone in his hand. He doesn’t swipe them open as not to invade Taehyung’s
privacy, but god does he want to.

“Oh fuck you, Kim Daehee,” Jungkook whispers to himself as he paces past the couch. “Let
sleeping dogs lie, my ass.”

There’s a stack of DVDs behind the television that maybe he can busy himself with so he can seem
calm and composed for Taehyung’s sake, or at least to distract himself enough to keep himself
from ignoring Taehyung’s request. But it doesn’t work.

They’re all documentaries. Jungkook hesitates as he runs his fingers over the titles and even
considers stealing one to make Taehyung feel better. He’ll return it.

He hesitates though as he touches over a box set and finds ‘KTH’ written in sharpie at the bottom.

Glancing over his shoulder, Jungkook makes sure they haven’t returned before he slips the set into
the inner pocket of his bomber jacket.

Impatience settles in then, and Jungkook gives up and follows after Taehyung. He moves slowly
though he doesn’t wish to eavesdrop, just doesn’t want to interrupt them.

He finds Taehyung’s back first, and Jungkook doesn’t try to hide the fact that he ignored
Taehyung’s request. He touches his back gently, trying to soothe how rigid he feels though he
knows a simple touch isn’t going to do the trick.

“I always told him secrets are always revealed, and I will tell you, but I wish one thing in return.”

Jungkook bites his cheek. He’s quite outspoken, and he wants to be, but he also doesn’t want to
derail this woman from going through with it. He keeps himself hidden by the wall, just close
enough so Taehyung can feel him there.

“I want you not to hate him for this. But if you wish to direct that hate towards me, I’ll

Annoyed, Jungkook curls his fingers into Taehyung’s shirt. He can’t really believe she has the
audacity to ask something like that, and he wants to reveal himself just so he can look at her face
and try to figure out how genuine she’s being.

It’s something Taehyung’s a lot better at than himself. He’s great at reading people, but Jungkook
thinks he wouldn’t be able to read her properly even if he had his reading glasses on.

“The first and last time I saw you,” Heesun starts again, and Jungkook makes himself shown. She
doesn’t even seem to notice him as he slides behind Taehyung’s back, covering it with his chest.
She looks even smaller than she did before, visibly shaking as her hands work over themselves
“Was the day you were born. So tiny and pink. I got to hold you in my arms for a few minutes
before your father took you away.”

Dread fills Jungkook as the thought hits him. Taehyung doesn’t move a muscle, doesn’t react at all.
He just presses back into Jungkook almost unconsciously, like he’s either stepping away from her
or seeking Jungkook.
“Women are made to believe their one goal in life, their biggest accomplishment, is to bear
children. Your mother felt great shame she was incapable of doing so to the point I think she’s
convinced herself she carried you in her womb,” Heesun goes on.

Taehyung starts shaking his head. Jungkook’s heart hurts by the reaction, and he grips onto him a
little tighter.

There are a little differences between Taehyung and him. Things that make them bash heads at
times, things that take adjusting a bit to fit together properly. One thing that is a huge difference is
Jungkook hates his parents and Taehyung’s always loved and respected his.

As much as Jungkook’s disliked Taehyung’s mother based on his interactions with her, he’s always
tried to bite his tongue because of how much Taehyung loves her and talks about her in a way that
shows how close they are.

He can’t even begin to imagine how Taehyung is feeling right now.

“So much so she didn’t care to know who did. Didn’t want to know the name of the woman that
gave birth to you.”

There’s barely a reaction from Taehyung as silence follows. His head brushes back some, still
shaking, and Jungkook rubs over his arm wishing he knew better how to comfort people. His heart
too is beating a mile a minute, and he’s thankful he didn’t stay in the car.

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Park, I don’t understand.”

Jungkook presses his lips to the back of Taehyung’s neck briefly. Just a brush that he isn’t even
sure Taehyung notices.

There’s something in his tone that Jungkook’s never heard from before. Maybe disbelief,
confusion, a hesitancy that doesn’t come with his normal confident demeanor. Jungkook kind of
hates it.

The woman comes close, and Taehyung recoils. Steps back into Jungkook again, and it’s odd to
see Taehyung like this. But Jungkook assures him he’s there with a firm squeeze of his hip.

“I’m your birth mother, Taehyung.”

It hangs in the air, and Jungkook bites his tongue to keep back the gasp in his throat. He knew that
was coming, he had a feeling, but it still feels like he’s been slapped.

He can’t imagine how it feels for Taehyung, and he can’t tell either. Taehyung takes another step
back, pushing Jungkook back as he tries to get away from the woman’s hand.

When he takes her hand away from his face, he’s gentle, but Jungkook doesn’t miss how badly his
fingers are shaking.

“No,” Taehyung says, tone firm. “No, you’re not. Whatever you’re getting out of this -”

The woman’s eyes widen in horror as she shakes her head quickly. “No, nothing. You weren’t ever
supposed to know -”

“Don’t touch me,” Taehyung says as she reaches up like she might.

Jungkook moves to the side, slipping a hand to Taehyung’s chest and rubbing gently. He looks like
he’s in shock, but there’s anger growing in his features.

“Your father and I were together once, long ago,” the woman explains frantically. “Before your
parents were married. He told me it was all a contract, that they were not together in any sense -”

An alarming sound leaves Taehyung’s throat as he turns around. Jungkook thinks it’s supposed to
be a laugh, but he can’t be sure.

“When I found out they were trying to start a family, that it was not a temporary thing, I broke it
off with your father,” the woman goes on, and Jungkook tries to step in her way as she goes to
reach for Taehyung again. “It was shortly before I found out I was pregnant with you.”

Taehyung whips around again, and there’s strain in his face. A vein throbbing over his temple, face
red as he stabs his finger in the air. “My parents were married years before I was born.”

“I know,” Heesun whispers, grimacing.

Jungkook truly believes there’s people who use tears for sympathy, but there’s something telling
him this woman isn’t faking hers.

“Please just listen to me for one second,” Heesun begs quietly, grabbing for Taehyung’s arm
despite the fact that he clearly doesn’t want to be touched. “Just let me say one thing.”

She lets go before he can shrug her off. Taehyung shakes his head again, tongue prodding roughly
into his cheek as he steps into the hallway like he’s going to storm out of the apartment.

“Taehyung,” Heesun calls, pushing past Jungkook to go after him.

No part of Jungkook thinks Taehyung would react violently in any way, but he wants to intercept
before she tries to touch him again. Mostly because he knows Taehyung doesn’t want her to touch

“Only your father can tell you these things,” Heesun goes on before Taehyung can leave. “I can’t
tell you what he thinks or why he did what he did, but you need to know we haven’t continued our
relationship since.”

Taehyung lets out that odd sound again, a twisted, sarcastic laugh as he reaches out and grabs
Jungkook by the lapel of his coat. “Right. You were clearly getting ready for a date just now -”

The woman arches her head back in offense when Taehyung waves to her appearance. “I know you
haven’t grown up with many women, Taehyung, but some women like wearing dresses for
themselves and not for a man.”

Taehyung makes a face at that. “You have no idea how I grew up.”

It hangs between them. Jungkook wonders the thought behind it. Taehyung doesn’t look as if he
believes her, but the comment makes Jungkook wonder if even a small part of him does.

“I know,” Heeseun whispers, bringing her hands back to her chest. There’s something in the way
she looks at Taehyung, like she’s afraid, that makes Jungkook think she’s being genuine. “I know.
Please - Taehyung, deciding to give you up for adoption was the hardest thing for me to do.”

Taehyung shakes his head, waving a hand at her as if to tell her to stop. He doesn’t even say
anything as he tugs on Jungkook’s jacket and yanks open the front door.
She calls after him, but Taehyung shakes his head again and keeps walking.

“Babe,” Jungkook whispers. Taehyung’s squeezing his jacket so hard he’s sure it’s going to rip.

“Not right now,” Taehyung whispers.

Jungkook nods, though Taehyung isn’t looking at him. He reaches up to untangle Taehyung’s grip,
but he ends up bumping into the back of Taehyung instead.

It surprises him that Taehyung’s completely stopped in the middle of the hallway, but he rips his
head up to find Daehee jogging their way from the direction of the elevators.

He slows at the same time Taehyung stops and anger rises up inside of Jungkook. Daehee’s face is
hard, and if anything right now, it should be gentle. He should be offering up some kind of
explanation, not looking at Taehyung like he’s about to scold him.

“Son -”

“Don’t,” Taehyung grits out. “I don’t want to talk to you.”

Daehee makes a face at him. Jungkook thinks maybe Heesun had been telling the truth that they
weren’t meeting up, because Daehee is in his pajamas like he had ran right from wherever he was
staying to get here. “Don’t be childish. I told you to stay out of it -”

“Stay out of it?” Taehyung grunts in disbelief.

Daehee wipes a hand over his forehead. He doesn’t look as composed as he’s probably trying to be.
“Yes. You had no right to follow me here, Taehyung. Let’s go back to my hotel and discuss this,

Jungkook glances over his shoulder, watches as Heesun takes a few steps out of her apartment. As
she looks to Daehee and brings her hands up to cover her mouth.

“I don’t want to. Childish, whatever. I’m pretty sure maturity has nothing to do with the fact that I
don’t want to talk about you cheating on my mother.”

Taehyung tries to walk past Daehee, but Daehee presses a firm hand onto Taehyung’s chest. His
fingers twist into the shirt, and the rage inside of Jungkook consumes him. He moves to rip the
hand off, but Taehyung presses a hand into his chest as well.

Jungkook really, really wants to ignore it, but he grits his teeth and takes a step back. Fists forming
in case Daehee does anything else.

Leaning close to his father, Taehyung ignores the grip on him. They’re almost the same height, but
Taehyung pushes up on his tip toes so their noses are completely level.

“I’m not cheating on your mother,” Daehee insists. “This is why you should stay out of it,
Taehyung. I always taught you never to act based off assumptions.”

Taehyung glares at his father, daggers in his eyes. “Tell me, is it true?”

Jungkook hesitates at the same time Daehee does. Taehyung speaks so quietly, his tone so soft and
vulnerable that it almost doesn’t fit on him. It doesn’t fit at all with the anger on his face.

Daehee parts his lips a few times, but Taehyung doesn’t give him a chance to respond.
“That I was born in Daegu because this woman is my mother?”

There’s pain in Daehee’s expression, fear in his wide eyes. He lets go of Taehyung completely as
he swallows and nods his head.

Taehyung doesn’t give him a second to say anything else before he’s storming off to the elevator.

“Let him go,” Jungkook grits out, pulling Daehee back when he turns to follow after him. “Give
him a bit, alright?”

Daehee’s nostrils flare, and Jungkook wishes he would put his hands on him just to give Jungkook
a reasonable excuse to punch him. He just glares at him until he knows Daehee is going to stay
back before he jogs off to catch up with Taehyung.

He does as the elevator doors are opening, and Taehyung only glances to make sure he’s there
before he jumps inside of them.

The moment the doors shut, Taehyung loses it.

“This is fucking bullshit,” Taehyung snaps, dragging his fingers through his hair so hard that a few
strands come out with his fingers. “They’re just digging a bigger hole with the lies, and they just
need to fucking - fucking tell me what’s going on. My mother - she -”

He’s pacing hard, and he resists for a second when Jungkook grabs him and wraps his arms around
him. It takes him a few seconds before he relaxes against him.

“That woman’s not my mother.”

Jungkook nods. He doesn’t know what to say in this situation or how to act or what to think. He’s
sure there’s an easy way to find out if it’s true, maybe hospital records or something. But he thinks
if Daehee’s done this much with covering it up, he wouldn’t make it that easy.

“And did you hear that bullshit about it just being a contract?” Taehyung grunts. “She basically
made it sound like my mother was the mistress here.”

That, Jungkook knows, he should not comment on. Not like this, when Taehyung is an emotional
mindspace instead of a rational one. If Jungkook had been in a relationship before his marriage, he
wouldn’t have gotten married. But if for some reason he had to, he thinks he’d keep the
relationship going based solely on the fact that Taehyung was first okay with it.

But he would have been honest with his partner. If what Heesun says is correct, it seems like she
was out of the loop on all ends.

“You should talk to your mother,” Jungkook suggests lightly.

Taehyung laughs, but it sounds more upset than amused. “I know. I know. Even if Heesun is
telling the truth about her and my father not having a relationship, she did say he was trying still.
He’s a piece of shit.”

Jungkook nods, rubbing the back of Taehyung’s neck as the elevator dings. He half expects Daehee
to be there, having run down the staircase or something to meet them, but he isn’t.

“Here, I took this,” Jungkook says as he follows Taehyung out of the elevator. He digs the dvd set
out of his jacket and hands it to him. “No lecture on petty theft, alright?”
He is hoping it will lighten the mood some, but it doesn’t. Taehyung stills in the center of the
apartment’s lobbyway and pops open the box.

Inside are a handful of DVDs, which look homemade. There’s something written in black marker
on all of them, and Taehyung’s breath hitches as he flicks through them.

“Fuck is this,” Taehyung murmurs as he stops at one and rubs his thumb over the words.
Taehyung’s first piano recital.

Jungkook just stares at Taehyung, who won’t look away from the DVD before he takes off towards
their car.

Jungkook doesn’t want to leave Taehyung alone, but he’s feeling restless. Taehyung wished to be
alone while talking to his mother, so Jungkook tries to make himself busy.

Part of him wants to ignore this request too, but he gets it. He wanders around the aisles of the
closest market, picking out random snacks and microwaveable meals. He realizes he has never
seen Taehyung eat a snack before, so he buys one of everything.

It doesn’t take him as long as he thought it would, and Taehyung hasn’t texted him back yet, so
Jungkook takes the bags and seats himself in the picnic area on one of the hotel balconies. It smells
like smoke, and Jungkook only eyes the ashtray before he finds a seat farther away and rips open
the first snack bag he pulls out.

There’s no one else out here, and Jungkook’s thankful. He wants to think in silence, though he
can’t really work out his thoughts well enough to do so. He’s mostly just a mix of different
emotions that make it difficult to.

He keeps checking his phone to see if Taehyung’s texted him despite having the ringer on. It’s
been almost an hour now, and he is sure that’s still a short time for this kind of conversation.
Unless it’s over, and Taehyung threw his phone and broke it.

Jungkook gets up with the intention of at least checking on Taehyung, but he stills when the doors
to the balcony slip open.

“You stalking us?”

“You’re the one that followed me to Daegu,” Daehee says as he strides onto the balcony. “I know
my son very well. He likes expensive things, and you manage the Bae Hotel in this area. Figured
you wouldn’t want to stay with your coworkers. It was easy to get a room number.”

Jungkook doesn’t respond but it’s true. He had been relieved when he saw Taehyung wasn’t using
his connections to Bae Hotels to book a room at one. This general manager isn’t as annoying as the
boiler one, but they’ve still gotten on Jungkook’s nerves.

“We didn’t follow you to Daegu,” Jungkook tells him. “Taehyung followed a lead here.”

Daehee shakes his head, a smile on his lips as he shoves his hands into his pockets and looks to the
ground. “Taehyung has always been a very determined boy. It’s both a good and bad quality to
Jungkook grinds his teeth together. He wants to walk off, but he also wants to stall Daehee. If he
knows their room number, he may go there and interrupt Taehyung’s conversation with his mother.

“I need you to do me a favor,” Daehee starts, and Jungkook laughs before he can finish.

“No way in Hell,” Jungkook huffs, still amused. “This is your mess. Fix it yourself.”

For a moment, Daehee only stares at him. Face blank, eyes only peering slightly at him. “It would
be in your best interest.”

“You’re not really in the place to threaten me again, Abeonim,” Jungkook says calmly as he tosses
another chip into his mouth.

Daehee holds up a hand, shaking his head. “It isn’t what I mean. It’s in regards to Taehyung’s
career and assets.”

The amusement slips away from Jungkook quickly, draining from him and making space for
nothing but that protective anger he gets when it comes to Taehyung. “Listen, if you’re threatening

“No,” Daehee interrupts, tone firm and demanding. It only pisses Jungkook off more. “I understand
your defensiveness, but let me finish. Taehyung won’t listen to me but he’ll listen to you. I have a
feeling he won’t talk to me for some time.”

Jungkook almost makes a sarcastic comment at that, but he crosses his arms and gives Daehee a
look to tell him he’s waiting instead.

Daehee sighs, rubbing at the back of his neck. He isn’t invited to sit next to Jungkook, but he does

“I married my wife for the same reason your father married you to my son. Finances. I needed the
money to start my firm, the connections her parents’ had to get my toe in as a high profile attorney.
Pro bono cases for those who couldn’t afford a good lawyer - which wasn’t a selfless act on my
part. I only chose the ones that would get my name recognized.”

Shifting some, Jungkook tries to put space between him and his father in law, but Daehee doesn’t
seem to notice. He’s staring at the space between them, eyes only every now and then looking up
to Jungkook.

Like this, Jungkook can look at Daehee and see how similar him and Taehyung look. There’s no
denying they’re related. The same shaped eyes, nose, mouth. Really the differences are so hard to
pick out other than the age.

“My wife knew about Heesun, and she asked me to end my relationship with her. I did not,”
Daehee goes on. “I had been with Heesun long before I met my wife. But we were in different
cities, and Heesun hated the idea of leaving Daegu and coming to Seoul. There were other reasons
as well, but I’m not trying to excuse myself right now.”

Jungkook doesn’t really give a shit, he thinks. He isn’t going to tell Taehyung any of this, but he
let’s Daehee talk so he won’t go searching for Taehyung.

“I have not had a relationship with Heesun since then,” Daehee goes on, eyes now on Taehyung.
“His mother suspects differently, she’s known to have me tailed whenever she thinks I’ve returned
to Heeseun, but I’m telling the truth. I didn’t even speak to Heesun for a majority of Taehyung’s
life, simply kept her updated on some things about him. There have been some concerns I’ve had
that Heesun was going to reach out to him, so that is why I’m here. To convince her not to. But -”

It’s too late, Jungkook thinks. “She said you kept pursuing a relationship with her. I’m inclined to
believe her.”

To Jungkook’s surprise, Daehee doesn’t deny it. He just nods, hands clasping and unclasping
between the knees he rests his forearms on. “I offered thinking that’s what she wanted out of telling
Taehyung. Not because I wanted to be with her, but because I was willing to do so for her to keep

Jungkook’s annoyed. He grabs his bag of snacks and jumps to his feet. He doesn’t care if Daehee
follows him back to the room, he’ll call security or something. “Whatever. I don’t see how keeping
this from Taehyung is as bad as all the shit you’ve done to prevent it.”

Daehee does follow after him, and he even has the audacity to grab Jungkook’s elbow to stop him
from going in. It isn’t rough, but Jungkook yanks his arm away. “I was so desperate for what the
marriage to my wife had to offer that I made stupid decisions. If my wife finds out that my
relationship with Heesun continued years after she asked me to stop it, that Taehyung’s our child
together, our divorce will lead to Taehyung losing everything. His inheritance, my assets, stocks,
the firm.”

Hesitantly, Jungkook looks over Daehee. He can’t tell if he’s telling the truth or not. He’s also
extremely manipulative, and it’s not just Jungkook’s general distrust this time that makes him think
so. “You’re lying.”

“No,” Daehee says firmly. “It’s why I’ve been trying so hard to keep it a secret.”

Truly, Jungkook doesn’t know enough about this stuff. But if Taehyung’s mother gets everything,
he highly doubts she would keep it from Taehyung. Even if they aren’t blood related, Taehyung’s
mother loves him a lot. He doesn’t think that will change or she will punish Taehyung for
something like this.

If she did, that’s just shitty on her part.

“How does my father know?”

Daehee raises both eyebrows like he’s surprised. “Well, Heesun came to Seoul during one of our
arguments. Came to my office where your father was waiting for me to ask me to represent Min
Yoongi’s father. He learned of our affair, and I - well, I don’t wish for you to tell Taehyung this,
but your father lent me the money for Taehyung’s adoption.”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose at that. He jerks his head back, glaring at Daehee. He has no idea how
adoption works either, and he doesn’t want to ask how much Heesun demanded to sell her kid
away to his own father.

“You should give Taehyung some space,” Jungkook says. “Honestly. If you don’t want to fuck it
up, give him space.”

Daehee nods. “I know. But I need you to tell him not to talk to his mother yet.”

Jungkook waves him off. “It’s too late. He already has.”

For a moment, Jungkook considers maybe Daehee has been telling the truth. As all the color leaves
his face and panic fills his eyes. It makes him somehow look ancient, and Jungkook wonders if
he’s sick or something and that’s why he’s so concerned with what happens to his inheritance.
“No, no,” Daehee mutters before he storms off.

Jungkook grabs for him, yanking him back. “I said leave Taehyung alone.”

“Get your hands off of me,” Daehee snaps, shoving Jungkook hard in the chest. “Taehyung’s
worked his goddamn ass off for that firm, and now he’s going to lose it all.”

Jungkook gapes after Daehee, at the stress waves that radiate off of him. He actually believes
Daehee’s concerned about that with just how upset he looks.

“I have to go.”

For a moment, Jungkook’s worried that he’s going to continue down the hallway to their room, but
instead he makes his way to the elevator.

Even from the back, storming around, he looks just like Taehyung.

Jungkook makes sure he actually leaves, his own heart racing as he jogs back to the hotel room. He
carefully opens the door as not to make a sound and disrupt Taehyung’s conversation.

He’s still on the phone, staring up at the ceiling. He isn’t saying anything, eyes closed as he nods to
whatever his mother is saying. Jungkook slowly puts the bags in the mini kitchen, mind racing
from his conversation with Daehee.

All of this is too much.


Jungkook peeks his head around the kitchen, where he’s been putting together a snack plate just to
busy himself. Taehyung hasn’t said a word at all since he entered, and he finds him now with the
phone off to the side of the bed.

“Hey, I’m here,” Jungkook calls, rushing the snack plate over.

Pushing up on his elbows, Taehyung glances at the plate judgmentally. “What is that?”

“Food,” Jungkook says with an awkward laugh as he sits on the bed. “Snacks.”

Taehyung’s lips quirk up some but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “Thank you, baby. I don’t feel like
eating though.”

Jungkook sure does, he thinks as he grabs a chocolate roll and shoves it into his mouth. “How’d it
go with your mom?”

Taehyung sighs, flopping back on the bed. “Well, I am adopted, and now my mother is back in her
home that she says is too empty without her husband there sobbing while said husband is being a
fucking shit bag here.”

Placing the snacks down, Jungkook leans over to cup Taehyung’s cheek. He isn’t so sure now he
should keep what Daehee said to himself, but it could be all bullshit. Plus, Taehyung just found out
his mother didn’t give birth to him like he thought, Jungkook doesn’t really want to throw the fact
that he could lose his firm into the pile of shit he’s already drowning in.

“Do you want to go home?”

Taehyung shrugs his shoulders as he reaches up to hold onto Jungkook’s arm to keep it in place. “I
have no idea. I think that woman was telling the truth. Eomma sounded like I told her I had twenty
four hours left to live when I asked her if Park Heesun was my birth mother. God, what the fuck.”

“You know, just because your mother didn’t give birth to you doesn’t mean she wasn’t any less
your mother,” Jungkook reminds him gently.

Closing his eyes, Taehyung doesn’t respond for a moment. When he does, it’s just a nod of his
head, which he turns to kiss Jungkook’s fingers.

It’s what Jungkook firmly believes in. Even if it’s annoyed him, Taehyung’s mother expressed her
discontent towards him because she was afraid of Taehyung’s reputation being damaged. Of
people not taking him seriously because of his age. Jungkook can’t imagine she would keep the
firm away from him.

“I think we were right about your father threatening your career. He just didn’t want to lose his

Taehyung blinks his eyes open, and Jungkook hesitates when Taehyung shakes his head.

The blank expression is back as Taehyung sits up. No longer looking as if he’s in shock or nervous,
but Jungkook thinks it’s more a numb feeling than him trying to look like he isn’t upset.

“She said she couldn’t afford another child, Jungkook,” Taehyung says quietly, his eyes downcast
as he plays with the watch on his wrist. One that Jungkook knows was given to him by his father.
“It implies that there was a child before me.”

Jungkook hesitates, mouth falling slack, and he’d be more careful not to react so alarmed but
Taehyung isn’t look at him.

When he does, there’s something in his eyes that reminds Jungkook a lot like worry.

“She was with my father for years, also according to her, so the likelihood that that other child
being his is quite high,” Taehyung explains.

Jungkook shakes his head, just like Taehyung had earlier. That’s absurd. Having an ongoing affair
for this long had been hard for him to wrap his head around, but so is Daehee having some long
lost child.

“Mhm,” Taehyung says, lips pressing tightly together. “If something happens to my father,
everything goes to my mother or his eldest son. Which was my mother’s choice, I’m sure, because
she had no fucking clue he had another child.”

With that, Taehyung stands and grabs a cookie from the snack plate before locking himself in the


Taehyung feels a bit like an asshole. Avoiding his mother. He isn’t upset with her for not telling
him. Heesun had been right, his mother felt great shame being unable to have children, and
Taehyung’s pro adoption. He wishes it were more accepted.

But he can’t face her. Not after listening to the horror in her voice when she asked him what he
meant by Park Heesun being his mother, not by how she sounded trying to keep it from Taehyung
that she was crying.

Most of his anger is channeled towards his father. Anger is an ugly emotion, but Taehyung let’s
that one consume him. It’s the easiest to handle right now. The worry that comes with his
suspicions about having a sibling will only drive him crazy.

He can’t worry about that. He’s already confident in the fact that he can build his own firm, and he
has the clients that will quickly help him build up to where he needs to be again. Even if he loses
income at first, Taehyung’s worked hard to prove himself as a good ass lawyer. He won’t lose his

“How is he?” Taehyung asks. He’s also avoiding Jungkook because he can’t quite handle the way
Jungkook is looking at him. He knows it isn’t pity, but it looks like it, and it’s bothering him.

So he’s been in the bathroom, avoiding. He soaks in the tub now, hoping the hot water will burn all
the stress inside of him.

“Good, doctors want to take the metal thing out of his mouth,” Namjoon explains. “Which means
he’ll be able to talk finally.”

Taehyung nods. He can focus on that. “Good. Hope whoever did this to him fucking rots.”

Namjoon hums. Taehyung rolls his eyes when he stutters out nervously. “Taehyung - I, well, the
detective showed Beomgyu a shot taken from CCTV, the man in the bucket hat. He nodded when
the detective asked if he was the culprit.”

With dread filling him, Taehyung sinks lower into the water, stopping only so the water doesn’t
touch his earbud. It would be icing on the cake this week if he accidentally electrocuted himself
through the ear.

“Are you sure -”

“If you ask me if that’s my husband, I will have you fired,” Taehyung warns, and right now he
means it. It’s bad timing, but Taehyung really is being stretched thinner and thinner every passing
minute today. “Friend or not.”

Namjoon sighs, but Taehyung doesn’t care. He’s sick of people asking him this.

“We were together that night, as you know. There’s photos of it, dozens of witnesses,” Taehyung
goes on. They all had to give statements about their whereabouts that night. Namjoon knows this.
“The entire day and night.”

There’s silence, and Taehyung fills with aggravation because of it.

“There’s a time lapse, though.”

Taehyung laughs, making the water ripple in front of his mouth. “Yes, I wasn’t going to exactly tell
a detective that I was out fucking my husband in an abandoned parking lot, Joon. Empty or not,
that’s still a crime. I’d be more than happy in giving you a detailed description so you can see just
how exactly it filled up that time slot.”
His voice must rise because a second later, there’s a knock at the bathroom door. “I’m just
checking on you, babe.”

Taehyung feels like a super asshole for just leaving Jungkook out there while he’s holed himself up
in here. He’s been amazing all day, and Taehyung doesn’t want him to think he’s shutting him out.

“No, actually, I’ll pass,” Namjoon says. “Listen, I’m sorry. I’m just -”

“You can come in,” Taehyung calls, interrupting Namjoon because he doesn’t want to hear it.
“Join me in the bath, lover.”

Namjoon lets out a noise of complaint, or scolding, Taehyung isn’t sure. “Taehyung -”

“Just telling you what we’re doing so you don’t go suspecting us of a crime,” Taehyung says,
maybe unfairly, as he presses the end button and tosses his bluetooth onto the shaggy carpet in
front of the bathroom sink.

Taehyung groans quietly, hands rubbing down his face. He shouldn’t have answered the phone at
all, but he thought talking about Beomgyu would distract him from his family problems enough to
calm him down so he could go back to it and figure out his thoughts. But it only added more shit to
his head, and Taehyung’s quite sure it’s going to explode.

“Hey,” Jungkook says as he peeks his head in. “I’m going to get us something to eat. Is there
anything you want?”

Taehyung would have never guessed Jungkook was the type to feed people in attempts to comfort
them. Even despite how many negative emotions are inside of him right now, fondness for
Jungkook forces its way through them. “Come here, please?”

Jungkook does so, padding over and falling to sit in front of the bath.

The water sloshes as Taehyung pulls up, and he hopes Jungkook doesn’t mind the water that drips
off his arms as he slides his fingers through his hair and presses a kiss to Jungkook’s mouth.

“I’m sorry -”

“Shut up,” Jungkook interrupts. “There’s nothing to apologize for. I can’t imagine how this feels,
and you’re dealing with it how you deal. If you need to be alone, that’s fine.”

Taehyung doesn’t know if he wants to be alone. The anger makes it so he easily snaps at people,
and that isn’t fair to Jungkook to be on the receiving end of it. Not when Jungkook’s been perfect
this entire time, but Taehyung feels like he can’t stop himself when his frustration gets the best of

“You’re good. So good,” Taehyung murmurs, rubbing his hand over Jungkook’s hair before
peppering kisses to his lips. “I have no idea what to think about any of this.”

Jungkook nods. Despite him wearing a long sleeve, he dips his hand into the water and runs his
fingers up Taehyung’s side. “It’s a lot at once.”

Taehyung nearly makes a sarcastic remark at that, but he bites his tongue. Not just the potential
sibling, a potential divorce, and a new mother, but also the fact that she has a whole DVD
collection about his accomplishments over the years.

It makes him confused. He doesn’t care that she gave him up for adoption, but he’s just - it’s a
stagnant feeling inside of him he can’t really make sense of right now. He doesn’t even know what
the feeling is there to describe it, but it’s there and it’s consuming him.

“I’m going to talk to her, I think,” Taehyung says as he rests his head against the arm he has laid
over the edge of the bathtub. “I feel like I need to talk to her before I leave.”

Jungkook nods as he leans down to mimic Taehyung’s position, though it must be comfortable
because he continues to run his fingers over Taehyung’s side. “I think you should, yeah. Only if
you’re ready.”

Taehyung reaches over to him, gently rubbing his wet fingers over Jungkook’s cheek. “God, what
if I actually have a brother? I’ve always been an only child. Am I supposed to talk to them? Or can
I pretend like they don’t exist?”

It would be ideal if Taehyung could take this new information and bury it so he doesn’t have to
pretend to care about family he doesn’t know. He says it like a joke though, because he wants to
loosen the tightness in his chest and because he feels like an asshole for wanting to go that route.

“Tae, do you think that they would know?” Jungkook asks, blinking a few times. “Who their father
was. I mean, I’ve always been jealous of how my brother’s treated so well when I haven’t been, but
can you imagine growing up in a place where the elevator shakes like a fucking earthquake and the
walls are peeling yet you have a father and a brother who are literally the richest family in Seoul? I
can’t imagine they’d be quiet about it.”

Taehyung taps his fingers against Jungkook’s face. “That would explain the money.”

Kind of, Taehyung thinks. If they’re older than Taehyung, the account would have been opened
earlier. Though if Daehee and Heesun were still together, there could have been a different

If it is a form of child support, there really isn’t a reason for Daehee to continue it still to this day.
Unless it’s a form of bribery to keep Heesun quiet.

If it is a form of child support, it makes Taehyung even more angry because that’s nothing. Maybe
at first it was a lot to Daehee, but since then, that’s barely a dent in his account.

Hell, he’s giving Jungkook more than that a month just to keep his mouth shut.

“They might not know,” Taehyung goes on. “To protect them from the shame of being the product
of an affair. Especially from such an influential man.”

Jungkook sighs as he sits up straight and presses his wet hand to the back of Taehyung’s head. It’s
gentle the way his lips tickle over his cheeks. “Your father was here. I spoke to him outside so he
would leave you alone.”

Taehyung thinks maybe one day he’s going to L word Jungkook so hard that he has to reach up and
kiss Jungkook before he can continue.

With a small grin, Jungkook kisses him once more before he continues. “He said he was with
Heesun before he married your mother, but when your mother asked him to break it off, he didn’t.
And she’ll divorce him for it.”

Taehyung nods. He thinks his mother just might. If it is true that Heesun and Daehee haven’t been
together since before he was born, it must have stuck with his mother for him to accuse him of it
between then.
“And he said that means you’ll lose everything,” Jungkook goes on as his hand curls around
Taehyung’s back. “At first, I thought that was kind of dumb because I didn’t think your mother
would ever take any of that from you, but if it goes to the eldest son -”

Taehyung groans, rolling back against the edge of the tub before he fully submerges himself into
the water.

When he pops his head back up, water gets into his eyes but there’s a soft towel being pressed to
his face. He takes it from Jungkook, burying his face into it as he leans over the edge of the tub.

“Where is my father now?” Taehyung asks as he stands. He doesn’t need to be tended to, but he
really doesn’t mind when Jungkook takes another towel and wraps it around his body, pulling it
tight in front of him. He thinks it comforts Jungkook as well.

Jungkook shrugs as Taehyung steps out of the tub. “I don’t know. Ran off when I told him you
were talking to your mother.”

Taehyung’s phone rings then, blaring in the small bathroom. Taehyung makes a face in it’s
direction. “That’s probably him. He can fuck off.”

A bit of what Taehyung feels is nerves. He chews on the cuticle of his thumb because of it, which
isn’t something he’s done since he was taking his exams for university.

He stares at the apartment building like it’s what has pissed him off. He knows he shouldn’t just sit
here in the car, but he’s still torn between pretending none of this is happening and going home or
actually entering the building and getting this over with.

The latter is the best bet, he knows. It’s what he’s supposed to do but maybe for once, Taehyung
wants to be childish and avoid his issues.

“Want me to go with you?” Jungkook asks, rubbing a hand over Taehyung’s thigh. “Or I can wait

Taehyung doesn’t know. He doesn’t even know what he wants by coming here, it just feels wrong
to leave without talking to her again. “You bring me a lot of comfort, you know that? Never looked
for someone to comfort me, but you do even when you’re not trying to.”

There’s a small smile on Jungkook’s lips as he takes Taehyung’s hand away from his mouth and
threads their fingers. His phone has been ringing nonstop all day, and Taehyung doesn’t even look
to see who it is. He can’t talk to anyone right now.

“Breaking you down bit by bit, huh, Kim Taehyung?” Jungkook teases gently.

Taehyung rolls his eyes, lips tugging up because yeah, Jungkook is. “You won’t mind staying out
here?” he asks, gazing over to Jungkook. “I just - don’t want to overwhelm her.”

Jungkook shakes his head. “No, just text me if you want me to come up.”

Taehyung nods as he leans over the car and presses a gentle kiss to Jungkook’s lips. Jungkook cups
the back of his head, holding him there to kiss him a little longer before Taehyung pulls away with
a long exhale.

“Okay, here I go.”

He’s more nervous than the day of his last case’s verdict reading. And that had kept him up all
night with a sick stomach. He doesn’t quite feel sick right now, but there is an odd feeling in his
hands. Like his fingers are hollow.

That feeling makes its way to his legs as soon as he steps into Heesun’s hallway. They don’t shake,
but he feels like he’s losing all the bones in his body and they’re being replaced with air.

Taehyung breathes out as he knocks on the door. He can do this. He’ll listen to her, and he’ll leave.
Hopefully whatever it is he feels he needs to do before he leaves will happen, and he won’t have to
come back.

She may not even want him here at all. It’s been twenty seven years, if she was that wanting to talk
to him, to explain it to him, or even see him, she would have already. Right? Taehyung has no

The door opens, and Heesun’s there. Her eyes are wide with surprise and nerves, which is to be
expected after their last encounter.

“Um, I’m sorry to show up unannounced,” Taehyung starts, but she interrupts him with a shake of
her head as she waves him inside.

“No, I’m happy you came back,” she insists, and Taehyung feels awkward inside of her home.
“Last time - that went quite horribly. I - I’ve imagined that day a million times, telling you, and I
wish I could have told you better.”

Taehyung bites down on his bottom lip, staring into the apartment like it’s a threat. It’s just a room,
he reminds himself before he steps in.

“I know what you must think of me -”

“I don’t think anything of you,” Taehyung answers honestly as he takes his shoes off by the door.
“I don’t know anything about your or this. I can’t quite make an opinion without any knowledge on
the subject.”

Heesun nibbles on her bottom lip as she ushers Taehyung to sit down on the couch again.
Taehyung can’t believe Jungkook stole from her and thinking about it is almost enough to bring a
smile to his lips.

Not that he encourages theft, but Jungkook is just cute.

“Would you like me to tell you?” Heesun asks hesitantly as she sits across from him and puts her
hands between her knees, body hunched in a vulnerable position.

There’s a lot of things Taehyung wants to know he realizes in that moment. He wants to know if he
has a brother. He wants to know if she’s lying about seeing his father. He wants to know why she
was with him so long after his parents had gotten married or why she’s getting money from his

But what leaves his lips is, “Why did you give me up for adoption?”

Heesun raises her eyebrows. It must be a question she should expect, but she looks momentarily
speechless. She clears his throat, straightening her shoulders just to hunch them a moment later.

“I couldn’t afford another child,” Heesun says, the same as last time, and Taehyung finds himself
searching around the living room for any signs of a first child. Maybe there’s even more than one.
Taehyung makes a face at the thought. “Not alone, and your father had chosen to stay with your

Taehyung wrinkles his nose at that, his anger rising, but he doesn’t comment. Heesun is timid,
meaning he needs to be gentler with his tone and words. Even if being upset right now is
something that should be expected.

“Your father actually was going to cut off all contact before I told him I was pregnant with you,”
Heesun says, laughing and it isn’t amused. It’s angry. “He had already broken my heart, and it hurt
worse knowing he was never willing to raise a child with me but wanted to for your mother.”

Taehyung watches as her legs shake, as she squeezes her knees around her hands. He feels that
anger again, directed towards his father, but there’s a kind of numbness inside of him directed at

Maybe he’s looking too much into it. Like searching for a connection to her, a tug towards her
because she was the woman who birthed him. But DNA or not, he doesn’t know her. Taehyung
only ever feels a tug like that towards someone he’s close to.

“And I knew it was to ensure his marriage with her. For his career because that’s all he ever cared
about” Heesun goes on as she wipes at her eyes though they aren’t watering yet. “They had been
trying for years and it was causing them to fight.”

It’s something Taehyung never knew. His parents talk about the start of their relationship as being
awkward at first, but they make it seem like they quickly fell in love and were happy for a long

Sure, there’s bumps in the road for happy couples, but the way Heesun speaks about it Taehyung
thinks calling them a happy couple would be incorrect.

“You - I - well.” Heesun clears her throat, and now her eyes are starting to water. “I know this
sounds awful, I really do, and I’m sorry to say it. But you want the truth, yes?”

Taehyung nods without hesitation, though he feels it swell up inside of him because he doesn’t
actually know if he wants to hear anymore.

“There was this lovely family in the States that was going to adopt you originally,” she says with a
wavering smile. “I didn’t want your father to have you because - well, I was angry and hurt and
didn’t think he would put his career over you.”

Taehyung rubs at his fingers and watches his hands instead of looking at her. It’s strange hearing
about just how different his life could have been, kind of off putting.

But Taehyung can understand why she would think that. When his parents nearly divorced, it had
been because Daehee was never home. Always at work. It is his main focus, Taehyung’s always
thought that about his father. It’s why he was so surprised that he pushed marriage so firmly when
Taehyung’s still in the middle of starting his career.

“But your father offered me a large sum of money,” Heesun says, grimacing to herself when
Taehyung whips his eyes to her. “And I really needed it.”
Taehyung stares at her. That feeling inside of him, the numb one, twists around collecting different
emotions until there’s a tornado in his chest.

It isn’t often that he’s speechless, but this woman is really good at making him that way.

“Excuse me?” Taehyung whispers.

The tears in Heesun’s eyes grow as she rubs her hands over her thighs. “I know that is awful. I
know, but please understand.”

Taehyung looks away from her, staring at the wall ahead of them. At the bookshelf with the
diploma from the same university as himself. A university Taehyung would suspect she couldn’t
afford, even with the monthly payments from his father. Unless that’s why she’s still in this
apartment building, having put some of it aside to save up for university all those years.

“You have another child,” Taehyung says as he stands up, uncaring if he’s rude as he makes his
way to the diploma. He doesn’t recognize the name, Park Yongkyu.

It hits him weird thinking he has a brother, that this nameless person is his brother . Another
person Taehyung should have some tug towards but doesn’t.

Taehyung traces his finger over the cursive print that reads the date of his graduation, confusion
and alarm filling him because it’s the same as his own.

“I do,” Heesun whispers, the tears in her voice now. “And when your father told me he was cutting
off all contact with me, he meant him too.”

Taehyung’s mind races as he gently plants the diploma back to the bookshelf. Anger fills him as he
tries to process that.

Based on what she said before about her heart hurting that Daehee wanted to raise a child with
someone else and not her, she wasn’t just talking about him. But the child she already had.

“Is he my father’s?”

Heesun smiles like she’s trying to push away her tears, but it makes her mouth look like a grimace
instead. She nods, wiping at her eye before the tear can fall. “He’s a couple years older than you.”

This feels harder to process than the fact that he has another mother. Taehyung tucks his hands into
his pockets, nodding to that because he has no idea how else to respond to that. He knew it could
be a possibility, everything pointed to it being very likely, but he’s still stunned.

Part of him wants to ask if he had been born after his parents’ union, and another part reminds
Taehyung that he’ll probably storm out if he gets the answer.

“You accepted the money to raise him,” Taehyung says, glancing at her.

He isn’t angry at that, though all he is filled with right now is anger. He actually kind of
understands. Almost sympathizes, but his hurt is making it too hard to get there yet.

“Yes. I have no interest in your father’s money, Taehyung.”

Taehyung nods, glancing back at the name. He was quite the loner back in university, really didn’t
care to interact with others much. Maybe Jungkook knows the name.

“Why is my father here?” Taehyung asks then, walking back over to her. “Please be honest with

She wipes at her tears again, but she misses one that’s fallen down her cheek. He has a weird urge
to wipe it away.

“I don’t wish to take anything from you either. Neither does my son,” she starts, her words firm as
she insists this. “But he does believe Daehee owes him more than he’s been given.”

Taehyung nods. There’s an itch in his fingers to call Jungkook, but he resists it.

“I think your father suspects he wants everything that is yours too,” Heesun goes on, letting out a
cracked sigh out of frustration. “I’ve heard your father has put in a lot of effort to hide the fact that
he has another child.”

Taehyung almost laughs at that. He shakes his head, but not to deny it. More out of disbelief
because he really can’t wrap his mind around any of it.

It’s worse than he imagined. His father hasn’t been hiding an affair, he’s been hiding a child from
his mother. Taehyung suspects it’s less true that his mother didn’t want to know who birthed him,
and more Daehee insisting that to Heesun. Warping his own story for whatever reason. It’s what
Daehee does.

He can’t shake the sound of his mother’s voice when he had asked her if it was Park Heesun. Like
it’s a thing that’s so out of the realm of possibility. Like even if his mother didn’t trust his father
enough not to accuse him of being with Heesun over the years, she trusted him enough to not do
something like that.

It’s so fucked up, and he hopes his mother takes every last cent from Daehee, even if he doesn’t see
any of it.

“He left us alone for a long time,” Heesun says with a sigh as she wracks her hands in front of
herself. “But a few years ago, my son met him. Your father didn’t even know who he was. And
then a few months ago, your father got wind of the fact that I spoke to one of his interns -”

“What?” Taehyung interrupts, narrowing his eyes at her.

She does get flustered easily. She quickly shakes her head, mouth opening a few times. “I didn’t
reach out to him. He called me asking questions about your father, but I hung up on him. I don’t
want anything to do with your father, Taehyung. ”

Taehyung glares at the door, mind spinning even faster now. He ignores the last part, he doesn’t
care if she wants to take everything from him right now, that’s how angry and confused he is.
“Who? What for?”

Heesun shrugs. “I don’t know. His name was Beomsoo - Beom -”

“Gyu,” Taehyung blurts before he stands. He pats down his pants, realizing he doesn’t even have
his phone. “I’m sorry. I have to go.”

She jumps to her feet, grabbing for him. “Taehyung, wait, please -”

“I’m sorry,” Taehyung says, stopping just enough to gently touch beneath her elbow. He’s
uncomfortable by the contact. “I’ll be back.”

“Is Beomgyu the boy in the hospital?” Heesun asks, worry in her eyes as she grips him a little

Taehyung stares down at her. Really looks at her for the first time as he’s constantly been avoiding
looking at her. At how familiar her face looks but he can’t seem to pinpoint anything that really
reminds him of himself. “You know about that?”

Heesun’s eyebrows pinch together like she’s confused by the question. “It was all over the news.”

As much as Taehyung’s manipulated the news to help build the reputation he was working hard
for, he hates the media. Hates that his mother’s entire company is focused around PR. That his
birth mother probably knows him based off of that.

“When my father suspected my husband knew his secret, he threatened to ruin him despite
Jungkook not knowing a thing,” Taehyung explains, his chest tightening so much he’s surprised he
can get any words out. “If Beomgyu knew enough to call you - I have to go, Mrs. Park.”

Heesun remains confused looking, but she finally lets him go. She doesn’t say another word though
she looks like she wants to, Taehyung just doesn’t give her a chance before he’s jogging down the


Jungkook rubs at his lips as he stares around the street. He’s restless again waiting for Taehyung,
though he really doesn’t mind doing so. He’s just nervous for him and worried about him.

With a sigh, Jungkook leans his head back against the headrest. It doesn’t help that Taehyung left
his phone in the car despite promising to text Jungkook if he needed him. He suspects it was an
accident from how distracted with his thoughts Taehyung was before he forced himself out of the

It keeps ringing too. Even with the ringer off, it still captures Jungkook’s attention every time it
lights up.

It isn’t just Daehee or Taehyung’s mother either, but Namjoon. Jin. Which Jungkook assumes
means it has to do with work, and that’s the last thing Taehyung should be focusing on right now,
Jungkook thinks.

When his own phone rings with a number he doesn’t recognize, he ignores it at first. But then the
call comes through again, and a third time.

“Hello?” Jungkook asks as he steps out of the car to get some air. He wants to go inside, but he
knows he shouldn’t. He just paces instead, rubbing at the back of his neck and hoping he doesn’t
look weird to any of the residents.

“It’s Namjoon. I’ve been trying to get a hold of Taehyung.”

Jungkook grimaces as he leans against the car and gazes at the building. At the entrance
specifically to wait for Taehyung to emerge.

He understands Taehyung is like their boss, but can’t they give him one day?

“Yeah, he’s kind of got a thing going on,” Jungkook says because he doesn’t know if Taehyung
told him anything about his birth mother. If Namjoon does, it makes him blowing up his phone a
little shittier.

Even if he doesn’t know, Namjoon still knows Taehyung is here because of his father. A family
matter. Maybe Jungkook’s being unfair or overly protective, he doesn’t know. So he bites his
tongue just in case.

“Okay, well we have something more important here,” Namjoon stresses. “Jeon -”

“I don’t think so,” Jungkook interrupts, his voice trailing off as he catches sight of someone
jogging up the pathway to the entrance.

“No, it’s serious, are you listening?”

Jungkook isn’t listening, straightening his body as he recognizes the man. As the man turns to say
something to the woman that jogs to catch up with him and Jungkook sees his face.

Oh shit, Jungkook thinks. There’s no way that’s a coincidence. He may not be able to piece things
together as quickly as Taehyung, but this one feels like the puzzle pieces are being yanked from
different parts of his brain in a hurry.

“Hey!” Jungkook calls, moving away from the car.

He’s vaguely aware of the fact that Namjoon’s making a stressed noise in his ear. “Jungkook,
listen to me. You guys need to get back to Seoul. Beomgyu told our officer who attacked him,
luckily it was him and no one else because -”

The man looks up, recognition in his eyes though he furrows his brows in confusion. Jungkook
knows he looks exactly the same. The man puts a hand over his eyes as if he’s making sure he sees
correctly, head tucking backwards in surprise.

“Hey. Jungkook, what are you doing here?”

Jungkook walks up to the man, staring at his face hard. There’s no way this is a coincidence, and if
it is, there’s no way Taehyung will think it is if he sees him.

“I could ask you the same thing, Seojoon,” Jungkook says, defense in his tone.

He vaguely remembers the day he met Park Seojoon. Seojoon mentioned taking his wife home to
see his family.

And here he is now with a woman who looks at Jungkook questioningly, outside the building
where Taehyung is with his birth mother. The birth mother Taehyung suspects has an older son. In
a city with over two million people, it doesn’t feel like a coincidence.

“This is my home?” Seojoon says, an edge in his tone as he adjusts on his feet and crosses his
arms. His eyes narrow, and it’s a lot different than how friendly he looked when they first met.

“Jungkook, listen to me,” Namjoon says, a demand in his tone, and Jungkook almost hangs up with
Should he stall Seojoon the way he had Daehee? If he’s wrong, it’ll just be awkward. But if he’s
right, Taehyung really can’t handle this right now.

Or maybe he can, but Jungkook knows he sure wouldn’t be able to.

They’re rivals. Friendly rivals, but still.

He doesn’t get a choice in the matter at all though when Seojoon cocks his head at him, eyes
expectant for Jungkook to answer him, and Jungkook’s attention is grabbed by the front entrance
opening as Taehyung strides out of it. There’s a look of alarm on his face, but he hesitates in his
rushed steps when he spots them.

“Hey, Joon, I have to -”

“Don’t fucking hang up,” Namjoon snaps, and alarm fills Jungkook even more so than it already is.
“Sorry, it’s - just - he identified his attacker as you, alright? So I need you two to haul your asses
back here and get Taehyung on the freaking phone, please.”

Chapter End Notes

Thanks for reading! I don't know how many but there are only a few chapters left. I
hope you like --
Chapter 15
Chapter Notes

Hello! So we're near the end. I did a poll to see if the last chapter should be one long
chapter or two shorter chapters, and I have a feeling two is going to win. Plus the
epilogue, so if that does happen - there's two chapters left plus an epilogue!!

I hope you enjoy, I'm excited to share this so!!! Once again, thank you all for the
feedback / thoughts / theories. They've meant the world, and I'm always so excited to
hear your thoughts!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

At first, Taehyung doesn’t recognize Seojoon. Or maybe his mind is too busy or Seojoon’s too out
of place to be here for Taehyung to recognize him. But when he does, confusion fills him.

More so than he has been all day. Especially because Jungkook’s paler than he’s ever seen him. He
actually looks sick and something stronger than he’s felt all day rises inside of Taehyung as he
storms up to them.

“What’s going on here?” Taehyung asks, fully registering the fact that it is indeed Park Seojoon
standing in front of him. What in the actual fuck is up with today, Taehyung wants to scream at the

“Hey, Tae,” Seojoon says, looking the same way Taehyung feels. “What are you -”

“We have to go,” Jungkook interrupts, and he looks pissed. Taehyung’s seen Jungkook angry
before, but he’s practically trembling with it. His knuckles are white as he rips a phone away from
his ear, and Taehyung’s instinct is to reach for it. To demand whoever is on the line tell him what’s
going on.

“What -”

“We have to go,” Jungkook says, twisting on his heel and practically springing back to the car
before Taehyung can do anything.

Taehyung turns back to Seojoon, looking at him accusingly. “What the hell happened? Why the
hell are you even here?”

“Asking you the same thing,” Seojoon says, arms crossing over his chest. There’s that hard look on
his face that Taehyung only ever seens in court. “What the hell are you doing here?”

There’s a beeping noise from the car, and Taehyung only shakes his head before he jogs to it.

He’s barely in the seat before Jungkook’s taking off and thrusting his phone at Taehyung.

“Jungkook, slow down,” Taehyung says, though he too is in a rush. To get to his phone though to
figure out where his father is staying, though Taehyung suspects he’s on his way back to Seoul by
It’s been a few hours since Taehyung’s talked to his mother. He’s sure she must have called
Daehee by now.

“Just talk to him,” Jungkook grits out, the anger radiating off of him so strongly that Taehyung
almost asks him to pull over.

Taehyung glances at the number, recognizing it as Namjoon’s office number before he puts it up to
his ear.

Namjoon is speaking, his words rushed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to tell you that way. I’m just so -
get Tae on the phone, would you?”

“I’m here,” Taehyung says as Jungkook cusses, the car slowing down as it pulls onto the main,
busy road. “What’s going on?”

Namjoon lets out a distressed noise. “Listen, Tae, Beomgyu identified Jungkook as his attacker.”

Maybe it’s the stress and confusion from the day that causes the laughter that blurts past
Taehyung’s mouth. Jungkook glares at him for it, but he can’t help it. It’s so ridiculous, the craziest
thing he’s heard all day.

“I’m serious, I have Detective Song keeping it quiet for now.”

Taehyung laughs again, but it sounds twisted leaving his lips. “What the fuck do you mean?
Beomgyu wouldn’t lie about that.”

“Tae -”

Though Namjoon can’t see him, Taehyung still shakes his head. People are getting too good at
making him speechless lately. “If you for one second tell me he isn’t lying, Joon, I’ll be pissed. We
talked about this.”

“I know, I know,” Namjoon says, apologetic. “He won’t talk to me or Jin though. I don’t know
why either.”

“No,” Taehyung blurts. “There’s no way. One, Jungkook was with me that day, and two, Beomgyu
saw Jungkook afterwards. And was fine. Someone who was attacked that badly would be afraid or
angry at least when they saw the person who did that to him again.”

Jungkook grips the steering wheel until his knuckles are white. Taehyung has no idea where he’s
taking them, and he wishes they were in Seoul right now so he can go straight to the hospital.

“Yeah well the problem isn’t if it’s true,” Namjoon argues. “There’s enough evidence to make it
seem true.”

“There’s no motive,” Taehyung snaps back. “What the hell would be Jungkook’s motive -”

“I didn’t,” Jungkook snaps, though he must know Taehyung knows that. They literally spent every
minute of that day together.

“I want a list of names of every person that’s visited Beomgyu since he’s been in the hospital,”
Taehyung says to Namjoon. “They were supposed to keep track, can you get that list for me?”

Namjoon hums, and Taehyung hangs up before he can get another word out. He presses his fingers
to his temples, wanting to scream. Every cell in his brain is fried.
“Beomgyu called my birth mother,” Taehyung says as he leans back against the seat and rubs his
forehead. “And my father knew about it.”

Jungkook doesn’t answer as he turns the steering wheel. It’s going to take some time to get back to
the hotel, and Taehyung thinks fuck their belongings, but he has things there he actually needs.

“And this happened right after I helped you figure out the thing he literally threatened this this
exact same thing with to keep from you,” Jungkook grits out, nostrils flaring. “Tae -”

“You’re not going to get charged with anything,” Taehyung says as he switches Jungkook’s phone
with his own. “Trust me, yeah?”

Jungkook is still pale. Taehyung wants to reach over and grab his hand, but he thinks he’d need
pliers to get them away from the steering wheel.

But Jungkook nods. “I do trust you. I’m just pissed.”

Taehyung shakes his head as he opens his phone book. “Me fucking too.”

He hesitates for a second, freezing as he thumbs over his first contact. His brain somehow working
enough to think, to connect pieces.

His intent was to call Officer Song, but instead he clicks on his father’s name.

“Son -”

“Listen to me,” Taehyung interrupts, that kind of anger that makes Jungkook tremble filling him
now. “You’re a piece of shit.”

Jungkook grabs his hand then, and Taehyung squeezes back to show his appreciation for it. He’s
fueling with rage, sparked on just by the sound of his father’s voice.

“For multiple reasons, and I keep finding out more each day,” Taehyung goes on. “But a lot of it is
things I’m willing to listen to and try to understand. But if you have anything to do with Beomgyu
or framing Jungkook, I will make sure you have the same relationship with me as your first son.

He hangs up before his father can say a word, and though Taehyung has a lot more to say, he
doesn’t want to give his father a chance to respond. He doesn’t want to hear his voice at all.

Jungkook squeezes his fingers again. “You did find out you had a brother?”

Taehyung grinds his teeth together. “Yes. I think his name is Yongkyu. But I don’t know. Heesun
said he was older by a small amount, but if it is Yongkyu we graduated from university the same

Rubbing at his forehead, Taehyung yells. It’s just a short, growled out shout, but it’s enough to get
some of the tension from his chest.

His eyes rip open then as he remembers the diploma. He stares straight ahead at the road, but he
isn’t taking anything in.

Taehyung’s vaguely aware of Jungkook saying something, but Taehyung’s mind is too
preoccupied. He shakes his head, turning to Jungkook who keeps glancing between him and the
“What the hell was Seojoon doing there?” Taehyung asks as he catches up with his mind..

Stopping the car at a light, Jungkook focuses on him for a longer time and shrugs. “I don’t know. I
thought. I don’t know, but do you think?”

Jungkook doesn’t finish his sentence, and he doesn’t have to for Taehyung to reply. “Yeah, I
fucking think so, lover.”

Taehyung stares out the window. Everything’s a blur from the speed of the train. It reminds him of
how his brain feels. Thoughts moving around so fast that he misses some. Too many probably.

Jungkook presses up against his side, their shoulders touching. He calls for Taehyung’s attention
by touching their hands together, by rubbing his thumb over the wedding band wrapped around
Taehyung’s ring finger.

“You know I didn’t do this right?” Jungkook asks him quietly, his voice barely louder than the
sounds of the train.

Taehyung makes a face at that. “Of course I know. I was with you.”

For a moment, Jungkook doesn’t look at him. He stares at Taehyung’s hand, watches himself play
idly with Taehyung’s wedding ring before he lifts his eyes up again. “I mean, you know I wouldn’t
do something like that? To anyone.”

Twisting his body, Taehyung reaches out to cup Jungkook’s cheek. He rubs his own thumb over
the corner of Jungkook’s mouth, wishing for it to release the frown it’s holding onto. “I know,

Jungkook sighs, eyes rolling at himself or the situation, Taehyung isn’t sure. “You know Beomgyu
well, why do you think he said it was me? Do you think Jihyun -”

“No,” Taehyung interrupts, dropping his hand to cover Jungkook’s with it. “When your brother
said it wasn’t your father, that he knew it because he was with him in the house, I looked into it.
They were both where Jihyun said they were.”

There’s security surrounding the Jeon household. Extensive security from guards to cameras.
When the police started their investigation, he asked Detective Song to look into it. The only Jeon
that Taehyung trusts their word is Jungkook.

Right now, Taehyung feels like the only person he trusts at all is Jungkook.

“The GPS on your car should show how far we were from the office at the time the CCTV footage
captured the culprit that Beomgyu identified as you,” Taehyung explains quietly.

Jungkook nods. “Just in case, I want to tell you -”

Taehyung laughs quietly, interrupting him. “Do you doubt me, love?”

Jungkook rolls his eyes, head shaking. “No, no. It’s just if I am arrested, I don’t want this to reflect
on you. Even if you know it’s not true, if you have to divorce -”
Leaning forward, Taehyung presses a hard kiss to Jungkook’s mouth to get him to shut up. Because
his lips are parted, it’s mostly teeth at first before Jungkook kisses him hesitantly back.

Taehyung pulls away, head shaking. “Not happening. You won’t be arrested, but if somehow you
are, I don’t give a shit if every person in this country looks at me badly for being married to you. I
know who you are, they don’t, but I will fight with everything in me to clear you of all charges.
They think I’m ruthless already, but that’s nothing compared to how I’ll be fighting for you.”

There’s a small smile on Jungkook’s lips as he nods. “Even if I’m acquitted, you may still lose

“I don’t care,” Taehyung tells him, though it is true. There’s hard proof that it couldn’t be
Jungkook who attacked Beomgyu, but a lot of people only see what they want to see.

Even if there are no charges made, the media can still grab this and run with it. People will create
opinions and judgments based off a headline and that’s -

Taehyung pulls away from Jungkook, and he must have changed his expression because
Jungkook’s eyebrows furrow together in concern as he moves with him.

“What is it?” Jungkook asks.

Taehyung shakes his head as he pulls his phone out. He’s had it tucked away as not to give into the
urge to answer his father’s phone calls and scream at him. “Gimme a sec.”

He keeps his hand on Jungkook’s, threading their fingers together as the phone starts to ring. It
rings so many times that Taehyung thinks it’s going to go to voicemail but doesn’t.

“Love,” his mother sighs into the phone. Her voice sounds hoarse.

“Eomma,” Taehyung murmurs, sinking back into his seat. “Beomgyu claims Jungkook is the man
who attacked him.”

There’s silence for a moment before his mother lets out a breathless, “What?”

“He didn’t,” Taehyung clarifies, glancing at Jungkook. “I’m worried it may leak into the press,
Eomma. Can you -”

“I won’t let it happen,” she rushes out, tone firm. “Taehyung love, there’s something I should tell

Taehyung glances at Jungkook, who watches him quietly. His eyebrow quickly jerks up when their
eyes meet. He knows one conversation with his mother isn’t enough, but he doesn’t want to talk to
the adoption again. Not right now.

His mother had worried he would hate her, be angry with her. He assured her he wasn’t, and she
knows she doesn’t fully believe him. Maybe it will change when Taehyung has time to really focus
on it, but right now, he does mean it.

There’s no room in his body to be angry at anyone. He’s already filled to the brim with it for his

“I am close friends with Beomgyu’s parents,” his mother explains, a nervous edge to her tone that
Taehyung’s not used to coming from her. “When you were young, I met them through a group for
adoptive parents. I helped Beomgyu come to university here, and I helped him get an internship at
your firm because it was his dream, and he reminded me so much of you. So intelligent,
passionate, hard working.”

Taehyung closes his eyes, head shaking. He understands if his mother didn’t want him to know he
was adopted, she wouldn’t have told him how they met, but she could have come up with
something. Given him a different reason for knowing them. He would have taken on Beomgyu at
any time because he’s filled with the potential to become an amazing attorney.

“I know you’ve expressed grievances with me checking up on you through him, and I meant what I
said, I don’t wish to spy on you. I do believe you won’t tell me if you’re overworking yourself and
Beomgyu will, but it isn’t meant to be a breach of privacy,” his mother explains more, her words
wobbling. He hears her inhale, and she must hold it in because it’s a handful of seconds before he
hears her exhale. “I had him spy on your father.”

Taehyung yanks his briefcase into his lap, hating that he has to let go of Jungkook’s hand to do so.
He unlocks it, uncaring if Jungkook sees his birthday as the code, before he pops it open.

“One second, Eomma.”

Yanking out his earbud case, Taehyung offers one to Jungkook. Jungkook looks confused for a
moment before he mimics Taehyung putting the other into his ear.

It takes a second before the bluetooth connects and beeps. When it does, Taehyung asks his mother
to explain.

“I’ve always suspected your father of returning to Heesun,” she says with a sigh. Jungkook’s eyes
widen as he leans closer to Taehyung. “I’ll be honest and admit that I do not know if your father
has given me a reason to or if I saw a reason because I was afraid of it.”

Jungkook links their fingers again, dragging Taehyung’s hand into his lap to hold between the both
of his. Later, Taehyung will think about how he doesn’t mind how much Jungkook likes to touch
despite claiming to hate physical contact.

“It was wrong for me to ask of Beomgyu, but because you so often trusted him in the office alone,
I took advantage of it,” his mother continues, her tone apologetic and worried. “Only a few times, I
had him snoop through your father’s office.”

Both of Jungkook’s eyebrows shoot up beneath the hair hanging over his forehead. He cocks his
head, giving Taehyung a look like he wants him to explain even though this is the first time
Taehyung is hearing this too.

“It was only meant to be once, but I discovered my fear was true. Your father’s been in contact with
Park Heesun again.”

The brain is truly an amazing thing, Taehyung thinks as his has been constantly pulled and tugged
and twisted at today yet can still take in more information.

“That’s what Beomgyu was doing in the office the night he was attacked,” his mother goes on.
“I’ve asked him not to tell you about it, and he hates it. It upsets him because he looks up to you,
admires you. If Beomgyu said it was Jungkook, he isn’t -”

Taehyung’s defenses rise as Jungkook’s eyes roll, so much so that his body lifts away from the seat
because of it.

“Doing it because he chose to,” his mother continues, and Taehyung relaxes. “He is a very sweet
boy, and he’s very acquiescent. You have every reason to be angry with him, but please be gentle
with him. There has to be a reason he would lie, and it wouldn’t be because he just wanted to cause
you and Jungkook harm..”

Taehyung bites his tongue. He knows he’s aggressive and cold when he’s angry. He’s sure
Beomgyu knows that even more so than his mother does, having witnessed Taehyung bite out
words when he’s frustrated.

“I’m a little offended by your need to tell me that,” Taehyung admits. “Beomgyu’s been in the
hospital after suffering a great ordeal, I’m not going to bite his head off, Eomma. I’m not that

His mother sighs. “I know love. Beomgyu is very timid and constantly speaks on how he wishes to
be more like you. I just am worried about him.”

“I know,” Taehyung replies, though his chest is still tight. “Me too.”

When they arrive back in Seoul, Taehyung knows he needs to go to Detective Song first. But he

There’s a risk that the detective isn’t the only officer to know about Beomgyu’s statement, that
Jungkook may be apprehended the moment they enter Beomgyu’s floor. Taehyung knows he’ll
raise hell if it happens, his nerves sparking the moment the elevator beeps.

But Jungkook insisted on coming with him. He’s immensely stubborn in his argument as why he
should, though he doesn’t add any points Taehyung actually agrees with. It’s the passion in which
he does that Taehyung decides to forgo his plan of finding a way to sneak there without him.

It goes smoothly. Taehyung flashes his identification card at the guard outside of Beomgyu’s
hospital room. Both Namjoon and Jin have been denied entrance per Beomgyu’s request, and relief
fills him when the guard steps aside and lets him in.

That relief disappears though when Beomgyu’s gaze catches on them and his eyes widen in fear.

“If it hurts to speak, don’t yet,” Taehyung says as he touches Jungkook’s chest as a quiet request to
stay back while he sits by Beomgyu’s side. “I know you told Detective Song that Jungkook was
the one who did this to you.”

Beomgyu opens his mouth but Taehyung puts a hand up to stop him from saying anything.

“I know it’s a lie. You know it’s a lie,” Taehyung says gently. “I also know that you wouldn’t lie
for no reason. Whoever made you do so, whatever they offered you, I will double it for you to take
back the statement and to tell me who.”

“Sir -”

“If they threatened you,” Taehyung interrupts as he clasps his hands between his legs, wanting to
come off as least intimidating as possible, “I will also double that. Not to you, but to them. You are
close to my heart, Beomgyu, and I’m giving you this chance now to explain to me. So be honest in
your reply.”

There’s still fear in Beomgyu’s eyes when he glances between the two of them. Taehyung’s mother
had called him timid, but Taehyung doesn’t think that to be true. He takes orders, he listens, and he
is eager to please. As an intern, part of that is his job, but he’s also quite often spoken up to
Taehyung when he was wrong about a case. He’s confidently given his ideas before despite how
nervous he used to be when he first started his internship.

“Here,” Taehyung says, holding his hands out when Beomgyu remains silent. Not stubbornly
refusing to speak, but because he looks too nervous to. “First start by who actually attacked you
and what they said to you.”

Beomgyu’s bruises have healed some, but he still looks wrecked. Sick, tired. Still wearing casts
and parts of his face still swollen where he’s gotten stitches. Taehyung hates the sight of it, hates
how upset he looks when he looks at Jungkook.

Because every time Taehyung’s visited him with Jungkook in tow, he’s never looked like that until

“I don’t know who the man was,” Beomgyu whispers as he struggles to get himself into a sitting
position. “They didn’t say a lot to me. But they told me it was because I worked for you. They -
they think I was snooping for you.”

Taehyung prods his tongue into his cheek as tension fills him. He doesn’t want Beomgyu to see it,
to take his annoyed look as directed towards him, but Taehyung is annoyed and can’t help but
show it.

“Snooping?” Taehyung asks as he crosses his arms and leans back in the chair to appear at ease.
“Why would they think that?”

There have been times Taehyung has asked Namjoon, Jin, and Beomgyu to get information for
him. On multiple clients. That could fully be what Beomgyu means, but Taehyung doesn’t think
so. And that thought only grows stronger when Beomgyu explains.

“Your father,” Beomgyu murmurs so quietly that Taehyung leans forward again to hear him.
“They accused me of accessing your father’s financial information.”

Taehyung bites his tongue so hard that he tastes blood. He has no idea if Beomgyu is going to
admit to working for his mother, but it had been Jin that had given him that information. Jimin
helped him as well. Not Beomgyu. “Why would they suspect that to be you? Because you work for

Beomgyu shrugs his shoulders. “I - I - it’s because your - well, sir -”

“I know you report to my mother,” Taehyung tells him. “She told me everything. I don’t care. Go

He does care, a little bit, but his hope is to assure Beomgyu he can speak freely.

It just doesn’t look like it works. Beomgyu still looks as if he’s expecting Jungkook to leap across
the room and beat him half to death.

“Your father has caught me snooping before, listening in on his conversations,” Beomgyu admits.
“Just once I did, and I swear I didn’t mean to overhear. But I did tell your mother about it. That he
had a secret contract with Minister Jeon and - and that he mentioned a woman named Park Heesun
to him. The day of the company dinner.”

Taehyung raises his eyebrows. “You know about that? The contract?”
“No,” Beomgyu insists like he’s worried Taehyung would be upset he knows. “I just know it
exists. I didn’t hear anything else about it or how Park Heesun is involved with it.”

Taehyung takes a moment to think, watching Beomgyu fumble with the sheets with the one hand
that isn’t trapped by a brace. Taehyung has to show Beomgyu he trusts him, but he’s hesitant about
offering him information if he’s someone that can be manipulated easily.

“Park Heesun is my birth mother,” Taehyung says because he knows Beomgyu knows, Beomgyu
just doesn’t know that. It sounds weird to say outloud to someone. “My father wishes to keep that a
secret, and Minister Jeon knows.”

It’s less Park Heesun that Daehee wants to keep hidden. The secret he’s trying to keep is probably
that Taehyung has an older brother who has all rights to everything Taehyung’s always seen as his.
Possibly Park Seojoon, who could take away the firm from him.

Before, Taehyung was confident in the fact that he’s built a reputation that will have clients keep
coming back to him. But there are clients that rely on him per his father’s suggestion or because
he’s his father’s son. Those clients could potentially seek out Seojoon instead. He’s a very good
lawyer, has built an amazing reputation himself. A reputation that, unlike Taehyung, doesn’t have
anything to do with who he is related to.

“My attacker said they wished to keep me permanently silent, incapable of being able to help you,”
Beomgyu admits as he tucks his chin down towards his chest. “The same person told me he would
do it again. Make it so I can’t recover the next time if I didn’t say Jungkook was the one who hurt

Rage fills Taehyung. He didn’t think there was anymore room inside of him for it. “Listen, I won’t
let that happen.”

“I know you would try,” Beomgyu says, his eyes filling with tears. “I’m sorry I was afraid, that I
did as they asked. But they also threatened you, sir. That they would do the same thing to you. And
I can’t - I won’t -”

Despite how afraid Beomgyu has seemed, Taehyung reaches for him. He does so tentatively in
case it will upset Beomgyu more, but he wraps his hand around Beomgyu’s free one when he
doesn’t pull back. “I need you to trust me on this one, B. You’ve seen how capable I am. You
know whoever did this will face a lot of prison time. There’s a lot of evidence to indict them, and
I’d be able to convince a judge with less.”

Beomgyu nods, squeezing Taehyung’s fingers. “I know. They know. They said even if you do,
another will come. And if you get that one, another will come after.”

Taehyung grinds his teeth together. “It won’t because I think I know who is behind this. I’m quite
positive, alright? So I need you to tell Detective Song that not only was it not Jungkook, but you
were threatened to say it was him.”

Making a face at this, Beomgyu shakes his head quickly. He pulls his hand away, tucking it in his
lap. “I’ll become less credible. I could get charged with obstruction.”

“You won’t,” Taehyung assures him. “Trust me, yeah? You are due to be discharged soon, and you
will come stay with me. You and your roommate.”

For a moment, Beomgyu doesn’t say anything. He just fidgets before he lets out a sigh and a short
nod. Taehyung tenses when Beomgyu looks over his shoulder at Jungkook.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Jeon,” Beomgyu whispers, and Taehyung isn’t sure it’s loud enough for Jungkook
to hear. “I will take back my statement. Please know I didn’t want to even make it.”

Jungkook comes up to them then, hand rubbing over the back of Taehyung’s neck as he holds the
other one out for Beomgyu. He keeps it hanging there, even when Beomgyu doesn’t immediately
reach for it.

“You know I told Taehyung that I would never be capable of doing what this person did to you, but
I change my mind,” Jungkook says as Beomgyu takes his hand. “I’d do this to anyone who tries to
do it to you again. So come stay with us, and I’ll stay with you. Assure no one lays a hand on you. I
promise, I understand why you did it.”

Taehyung has the strongest urge to press his head into Jungkook’s side, but he resists. A smile does
tug at his lips though, and he nods to confirm Jungkook’s words.

“Beomgyu, I need to apologize as well. It was me that was digging through my father’s financial
records,” Taehyung says as Jungkook let’s Beomgyu’s hand go. “I’m sorry you were in the middle
of it.”

Beomgyu shakes his head, dismissing Taehyung’s apology. “You couldn’t have known.”

“I should have,” Taehyung admits. “I constantly talk about how much you do for me. Your talents.
To my father. And I believe he’s the one that did this to you.”

Beomgyu freezes, though his eyes grow wide. “Sir?”

Taehyung stands and fixes his shirt. “And I’m gonna destroy him for this.”


Jungkook won’t lie, he’s nervous. He’s confident in Taehyung, but he’s still waiting for the
moment he’s apprehended. The sight of the officers makes him anxious, but he’s refusing to leave
Taehyung’s side.

When Detective Song comes in to take Beomgyu’s new statement, Jungkook locks up. Even with
Taehyung rubbing at his neck, he’s waiting for the detective to take him in anyway. He can handle
getting arrested, but it’s the thought of what kind of impact that will have on Taehyung if he does
that has his stomach tying in knots.

“I’m the only one that knows Beomgyu first identified your husband,” Detective Song says to
Taehyung. “I will take this statement now as his original one.”

Taehyung claps the man’s arm. “Thanks. I owe you.”

Detective Song nods, eyes glazing over Jungkook once more. It makes Taehyung take a step in
front of Jungkook, coming off subtle but Jungkook knows the intent behind it. Jungkook grips
Taehyung’s elbow to tell him it’s unnecessary, but Taehyung doesn’t stand back.

“There’s clearly someone that has it out for you, Mr. Jeon,” Detective Song says before Taehyung
can speak. “To just get on your nerves, I’m assuming as any of the evidence building up against
you isn’t ‘concrete’ and, I’m assuming you’d agree with me Attorney Kim, nothing that really
could hold up in court.”

Taehyung’s shoulders relax as he steps back to where he was, no longer between them. “You know
what they say about the media, people look without seeing, listen without hearing.”

Detective Song nods as he pockets his notebook. “Shortly after Beomgyu gave his statement, an
email was sent to me containing an article regarding a past arrest of Mr. Jeon’s. In it included a
photo of him being apprehended, and I believe the purpose was to make me suspicious based off of
the similarity between the attire he was wearing in the photo, the CCTV footage outside your
office, and the club.”

Jungkook stares at the officer. He can feel Taehyung’s anger like it’s mixing in with his own,
flaring up and creating a heat around them that’s different than the one that’s usually there.

He remembers then that he never told Taehyung about the day Daehee visited them in their home.
When he left behind an old article that had been buried and claimed it wasn’t meant to be a threat.

The article where Jungkook was wearing the exact same clothes as his own father wore while
visiting Jihyun in the club. The same clothes as the man who attacked Beomgyu. As if it were
some trademark look Jungkook has for whenever he commits crimes.

The Bucket Hat Offender.

“I’m having it traced,” Detective Song continues, eyes wide like he’s feeling sympathetic but
Jungkook thinks it’s less about his care for the situation and more because he has a partnership
with Taehyung that benefits him. “I’ll let you know as soon as I find anything.”

Taehyung doesn’t reply, and Jungkook’s mind is too busy to. Detective Song nods his head in
farewell before he leaves down the hallway leading up to Beomgyu’s room.

For a moment, there’s only silence. Jungkook licks over his teeth trying to quiet his rage because he
really doesn’t want to show it in the middle of a hospital, especially not outside the room of a boy
he had been accused of assaulting.

But Taehyung steps in front of him, their chests only a few inches apart as Taehyung turns his head
and watches Detective Song walk down the hallway. “I know what photo he is talking about, and I
personally had that one buried myself.”

Surprise fills Jungkook as he lifts his eyebrows. He had an inclination that Taehyung buried some
of the articles on him, but he never confirmed it. “Tae, your father has it. That article.”

Taehyung looks to him, and maybe before Jungkook would have thought his expression was blank,
closed off, but Jungkook realizes now he just hadn’t known how to read Taehyung. He missed
things like the intense look in his eyes, the tightness to his mouth, the way his nostrils are wider
when he’s pissed than normal.

“It’s how he backed up his threats,” Jungkook explains. “I know you don’t want to hear this, but -”

“You were right,” Taehyung says slowly, eyes searching over Jungkook’s face. And Jungkook
knows for sure he just hadn’t known how to read Taehyung before because it seems like his
expression doesn’t change, but it does. It softens so subtly, but to Jungkook it’s so noticeable. “You
were right to suspect my father had something to do with this, and I’m sorry I came off so resistant
to even considering it.”
Jungkook is taken aback. It isn’t something he thinks Taehyung needs to apologize for. If someone
had told him Yoongi or Hoseok had done something like this, he wouldn’t even try to understand
that person’s reasonings. To him it would just be false because they’re that close. Jungkook knows

Just like Taehyung and his father.

“I had very little to base that assumption on,” Jungkook reminds him. “Like you always say, not
enough to hold up in court but hell, probably not even enough to warrant a charge for court to
happen in the first place.”

Taehyung’s expression softens even more, but he crosses his arms over his chest. “If I wasn’t so
pissed off right now, I’d find it very sexy of you to talk to me that way.”

It’s a very small thing, just a moment that breaks through the tension and the stress and the anger.
But it seems like a big thing, how despite everything inside of Jungkook, his feelings for Taehyung
can break through them.

Jungkook looks at Taehyung, and he doesn’t really understand why it’s this moment out of every
other one. Maybe it’s because he’s finally noticing the way Taehyung looks at him, but he has the
strongest urge to tell Taehyung how he feels.

“After this, I’ll make sure to court talk your pants off,” Jungkook promises. “But seriously, don’t
apologize. There’s something more important that you need to do.”

Taehyung raises a brow at him in question, and even though Jungkook wants Daehee to be
confronted, wants him to pay if he really did do this to Beomgyu, he hesitates because that feeling
for Taehyung is growing so rapidly. Started off as a seed that’s sprouting roots that dig into his
chest in its attempts to wrap around Taehyung and keep him from harm or being upset.

“You need to talk to him,” Jungkook says. “About everything.”

The sigh Taehyung lets out seems to take his entire body to produce. Shoulders and chest rising,
head tilting back up to look at the ceiling. He nods, and for once, Taehyung looks like Jungkook
would suspect a son who’s close to his father that’s done something like this to look like right now.


“Right,” Taehyung agrees. “But I think we should talk to your father first.”

Confusion fills Jungkook as Taehyung lets go of his hand to walk down the hallway as well
without word. “Why? I know you don’t want to talk to your father, but you can’t avoid it.”

Taehyung only glances at him over his shoulder. “I’m not avoiding it. Not completely, at least. But,
we’re still running off assumptions. I need hard evidence, and I know your father has it.”

Despite what Taehyung says, Jungkook thinks he’s avoiding talking to his father. Taehyung isn’t
the avoidant type, but he thinks in these circumstances it may be different. There’s a lot of emotion
and history involved, and those can get in the way. Can muddle the mind.

“Hello, I’m here to see Minister Jeon?”

“I’m sorry, sir -”

“I’m not asking,” Taehyung interrupts, leaning on the receptionist’s desk. “Tell him his son and
son in law are here to see him.”

The man behind the desk looks taken aback. He doesn’t fold beneath Taehyung’s intimidating
glare, arms crossing over his chest as his chin tilts higher. “Well, as I was going to say, Minister
Jeon is in a meeting right now and specifically requested not to be disturbed.”

Taehyung sighs at that, like he’s disappointed. He says as much, and Jungkook glances at him
when he speaks and his tone comes out mocking. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to insist. I really
can’t imagine Minister Jeon would like it if his patrons knew that he refused to see his son in a time
of an emergency. With how much of a family man they claim him to be.”

Jungkook wrinkles his nose at that as he watches Taehyung slide his palms over the desk between
him and the man. The man still doesn’t back down, eyebrow raising in question.

“Sir, if that’s a threat against a government official -”

“Threat,” Taehyung replies, huffing the word out like a laugh. He shakes his head as he pulls his
hands away. “I understand you want to do well at your job, and you are.”

With that, Taehyung turns on his heel and walks off.

Right in the direction of Jongho’s office.

The moment the receptionist notices this, Jungkook steps in front of him. He presses his hands to
the man’s chest, keeping him back.

“I will call the police,” the receptionist threatens through his teeth.

“I don’t care,” Jungkook replies as if he truly doesn’t. “My father gets really testy about me getting
in trouble, and I kind of like pissing him off.”

The man glares as he throws his hands up. “I don’t get paid enough for this.”

Jungkook digs into his pocket. He pulls out his wallet and offers the man a thick wad of money.
When he doesn’t take it, Jungkook tosses it on the desk and turns around to follow after Taehyung.

He expects the receptionist to actually call the police now, so he picks up the pace and finds
Taehyung’s back through the windows to Jongho’s office.

But that pace slows when Jungkook sees that the person his father is in a meeting with is the one
man Taehyung came here to avoid speaking to.

“ - you barging into Jongho’s office like this,” Daehee is saying when Jungkook pushes the door
open. He only glances at him, the anger growing on his expression. “I understand you’re angry
with me, son, but you need to speak with me about that. Not going around to everyone else and
causing a scene.”

Taehyung laughs. It’s like the sound he made when Namjoon told him about Beomgyu’s
statement, which had really thrown Jungkook off. “Yes, I am angry with you, Appa. And since
we’re all here together, why don’t we just skip all the bullshit and finally have a little talk, hm? I
personally would like to discuss how you’ve been paying Jungkook’s father to keep quiet about
you having another son. And while we’re at it, we can also discuss how Minister Jeon here married
off his son because he lost all his family’s money.”

There’s silence. It’s so tense that Jungkook feels he can’t even take a step forward and walk
through it. Daehee only stares at Taehyung, but for once, there isn’t anger in his eyes. There’s

Jongho on the other hand, looks outraged. But he doesn’t look to Daehee nor Taehyung, but to

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Jongho insists, but neither Daehee nor Taehyung
take their eyes off of each other. Like they’re having a staredown. Daehee stunned while Taehyung
looks hurt and challenging.

“Oh I do,” Taehyung says, taking a step towards his father. “I know for a fact, Abeonim, that you
and your eldest son have been involved in an illegal club, gambling away all your money. I know
your wife cut you off from her funds so you won’t lose hers too. I know you’re blackmailing my
father to help save your ass, and I want to know exactly what you are using against him. Just as
much as I want to know how you, Appa, can do something like this to my mother.”

Standing toe to toe, Daehee and Taehyung seem identical. The only differences are Daehee stands
a few inches taller and aged. But they seem like reflections of each other. The same pain in
Taehyung’s eyes mirrored in Daehee’s.

“We can discuss this privately, Taehyung,” Daehee whispers, and it sounds like a plea.

“We’ll discuss it now,” Taehyung replies back, firmly. There’s a thickness to his words that when
mixing with the way he trembles, creates an ache in Jungkook’s chest. “Tell me now. Why you put
so much pressure on me to love Jungkook the way you love Eomma, when that’s just as big of a lie
as everything else you’ve said.”

Pressure. The words hit Jungkook hard, but he forces himself to shove them in the deepest part of
his brain and focus on the way Daehee takes a step towards Taehyung despite there being little
space between them to begin with.

“I do love your mother,” Daehee snaps. “You haven’t given me a chance to explain.”

Taehyung takes a step away from him, head shaking. His face contorts, and Jungkook glances at
the way Jongho is just staring at the two of them like he’s speechless.

For the first time, Jungkook relates to his father.

“There’s no good explanation,” Taehyung replies. “Both of you, all you’re trying to do is save your
own ass. You told Jungkook it was all for my career, but if it was for my career, you wouldn’t be
threatening my husband and having my intern beat to nearly an inch of his life. You wouldn’t have
been willing to marry me off to a man that would completely drain my bank account. You’re doing
it because you fucked up. You abandoned a son and hid it from your wife. You are the one who
didn’t tell her that the will should have said my name and not ‘eldest son.’”

With each word, Taehyung’s voice grows louder. To the point where Jungkook thinks it’s floating
down the hall for others to hear. It’s unsafe, but he doesn’t want to quiet Taehyung’s anger.
Taehyung needs to let it out.

Even if emotions and history get in the way of how people handle things, react in a way that isn’t
how they would or isn’t best, Jungkook knows what it feels like to have a bottle of anger inside of
you towards a parent and a need to release it.
“Not going to deny it?” Taehyung asks, chest rising fast. “Tell me to my face that you aren’t the
reason Beomgyu is in that hospital right now? That you aren’t the reason Jungkook was named as
the one who attacked him? That your little suggestion that Jongho dress exactly like Jungkook in a
photo you own of him wasn’t to set him up?”

Jungkook does step in then as his name is brought up, but Daehee only glares at him. Taehyung
seems to only be focused on his father until he looks at Jongho. “The funny thing is, even if you
told Jongho that was the reason, I’m sure he would still go along with it. Because both of you are
pieces of shit and only care about saving your own asses.”

Taehyung breathes heavily, nostrils flaring as Jungkook steps up beside him. He touches the small
of Taehyung’s back, and Taehyung only glances at him but it’s enough to see the pained look in his

“For your information, it was I that accessed your financial records,” Taehyung whispers, voice
shaking as he shoves his finger into his chest to indicate himself. “Beomgyu had no idea about it. I
hope that makes you feel like shit.”

Even if Daehee were to deny having involvement, it shows on his face. The way his eyes widen,
his mouth parting in surprise. His eyebrows crease together, and Jungkook glares at him when he
looks as if he may move closer again.

“You threatened my son?” Jongho asks as he stands up from behind his desk. Jungkook could
laugh at the ridiculousness of it.

“Don’t pretend to care, shut up,” Daehee snaps as he reaches for Taehyung’s elbow, just for
Taehyung to jerk it back. “Taehyung, it is my fault that these things happened, but I’m not doing so
to save my own ass. I am doing them so you aren’t affected by my actions.”

Taehyung twists then. He turns around and pinches the bridge of his nose. He stays like that even
when he starts speaking again. “Maybe so. I get why you would think that. You’d save my career
but you’re taking away everything else that makes me happy in order to do so. I don’t give a shit
about about money or inheriting the firm. I can still do my job without it. The only reason I ever
cared about reputation is because you put it in my head but I now realize that I don’t give a fuck
about it because I’d really like to expose you for everything you’ve done, and I don’t care if it
tarnishes my name.”

The last part, Taehyung whips around to seethe it at his father before he shoves past Jungkook to
storm out, leaving them in silence. Daehee moves immediately, but Jungkook gets in his way.

Normally, Jungkook would never put his hands on someone older than him. Not without reason,
and right now, there’s a thousand reasons he uses his strength to shove Daehee back. Taehyung’s
the loudest one in his mind.

“He’s no different than me. Career focused,” Daehee whispers, head shaking. “Just like me, that’s
the only reason he married you. Might want to keep that in mind every time you play guard dog.”

Jungkook pushes him a second time. “You’re despicable.”

Jongho tries to intervene then, but he keeps a distance like he thinks Jungkook may shove him back
too. At this point, Jungkook feels like he might because Daehee was right about one thing, his
father doesn’t truly care if Daehee threatens him. He just doesn’t want to look like a bad father.

“I would very much love to see you lose everything,” Jungkook grits out beneath his breath. “But I
can see it in your eyes that losing Taehyung is just as much of a punishment, and I hope it hurts like
hell, Daehee.”

Tentatively, Jongho pushes a hand between them. Jungkook’s surprised to find his father pressing
Daehee back instead of himself. Daehee ignores it, like he’s unaware of anything else in the room
but Jungkook.

There is hurt in his eyes. A lot of it. Jungkook doesn’t feel bad for him, but he is relieved by it. He
thinks it would have pissed him off more if Daehee continued to look blank or only angry after
how upset Taehyung had been.

“Losing my son will destroy me,” Daehee whispers, tone shaking. “But I will accept the
punishment for my actions. I will not, however, let Taehyung be punished for them.”

Jungkook shakes his head, a twisted laugh leaving his lips. “You’ve underestimated your son too
much. He doesn’t have the reputation and success he has only because he’s your son, because he’s
to take over the firm when you’ve retired. He has it because he’s a good goddamn lawyer so I’m a
little confused as to why you think doing all of this will protect a career that isn’t in danger.”

Jongho presses Daehee back harder when he moves, but he only runs his hand through his hair.
The hurt in his eyes grows worse, and Jungkook is thriving off of it. He really does want Daehee to
hurt the way Taehyung is.

“Or is this because your firm is going to a lawyer that for so long has been rivaling with Taehyung
for that top spot?”

Alarm fills Daehee’s eyes. They blow out wide, his mouth parting, and it’s enough to confirm
Jungkook’s suspicions. Jungkook knows nothing about Seojoon, doesn’t know what he would do if
the firm was given to him, but he suspects as they’re rivals, Seojoon might enjoy taking everything
from Taehyung.

Plus, Jungkook can’t stop thinking about the first time he met Seojoon and he talked about
Taehyung getting the internship at Daehee’s firm instead of him.

Daehee bares his teeth like he might snap at him, but Jongho is shifting so his body is almost
completely between them. Jungkook really doesn’t need it, can handle Daehee just fine, but he also
wouldn’t put it past Daehee to press charges against him even if he were to punch first.

“It has everything to do with that,” Daehee grits out, taking Jungkook by even more surprise that he
doesn’t deny it. He has no reason to at this point, everything is out. “All of the firm’s clients have a
contract that keeps them seeking out attorneys outside of us. My eldest son has often expressed the
resentment he feels that Taehyung has gotten everything. He’s worked his whole life to take it all
away from us.”

Jungkook presses his tongue up against the roof of his mouth. He doesn’t really have anything to
say to that, but a bit of understanding fills him. If he were in Seojoon’s shoes, he too would be
pissed at Taehyung even if none of it was Taehyung’s fault.

“So I’ve done everything in my power to make sure it doesn’t happen,” Daehee wheezes, his words
begging to be understood. “I’ve manipulated test scores, whispered in judges’ ears for my eldest to
lose court cases. If it comes out that he is my son, that will be held against me. A father betraying
his eldest. It will make Taehyung look as if none of his hard work mattered.”

Jungkook stares at Daehee, speechless. His anger blossoms inside of him, and he thinks it’s a bad
idea that Jongho chooses that moment to remove himself to the side of them.

Daehee shakes as he rubs a hand down his face again. Jungkook doesn’t look to his own father to
see how he’s reacting, because Jungkook can’t think of anything else but his desire to break
Daehee’s jaw.

“Taehyung made sure his test scores weren’t manipulated,” Jungkook tells him. “Because he knew
you could do something like that. And you can’t even say his name, can you? Your other son’s.
You’re not just a shit father to one, but to two.”

Turning, Daehee shakes his head. “I didn’t influence Taehyung’s scores. Those were what he
earned. But I did influence a few cases he won,” he says quietly.

He turns around again, looking at Jungkook hard. “And I did manipulate my other son’s tests. So I
could have a reason to give Taehyung the internship spot without making it look like nepotism, so
he would understand why it wasn’t going to him.”

Jungkook jerks his shoulder back when Jongho goes to touch him. He really doesn’t want to be
around his father at all right now. They’ve barely spoken in months. Jongho didn’t even call him
after Taehyung and him set up a deal.

“And I can say his name,” Daehee says, though it’s the least important part of the conversation.
“Though it is easier since he changed it thinking I wouldn’t know who he was. He’s just as
intelligent as Taehyung, Seojoon is, and he’s trying to take everything away from him. And he has
every legal right to.”

When Jungkook leaves their fathers in the office, he pulls out his phone to call Taehyung. He
suspects Taehyung is long gone by now. Jungkook wouldn’t have cared if he took his car to speed
off to wherever he needs to go to be alone, but his chest lightens when he finds Taehyung outside
of the building leaning against it.

They don’t say anything at first. Taehyung only looks to Jungkook before he walks around the car
for the driver’s door. All previous refusals to let Taehyung drive his car go out the window as
Jungkook tosses the keys over it and climbs into the passenger seat.

He’s a little nervous as Taehyung is upset and the car drives at a high speed, but Taehyung doesn’t
floor it like he suspects. He just drives, in silence, and Jungkook sits there and watches the
buildings pass by.

It’s not until they’ve reached the road they live on that Taehyung sighs and relaxes his body against
the seat, his hand reaching over the console to grab for Jungkook’s. He just holds it, a gentle
squeeze, as he drives the rest of the way home.

“I’m going to set up your half of the apartment for Beomgyu.”

Jungkook stretches across the bed, turning slightly to find Taehyung entering the bedroom. He had
taken so long in the shower that Jungkook had been a second away from going to check on him.
He’s dressed in his pajamas but it looks as if he barely dried off, hair still soaked and dripping
down his face, his dry clothes clinging to his wet body.

“That’s fine,” Jungkook tells him, his eyes watching as Taehyung makes his way through the
room. “As long as you don’t mind us sharing this room completely. It’s the only nice bedroom on
this side.”

It’s meant to be a joke, and it is effective in Taehyung’s lips lifting up slightly. “You already sleep
in this bedroom every night.”

Jungkook hums as he hooks his arm behind his head. He hasn’t gotten under the blankets yet
because he’s afraid he would fall asleep, and he wants to be awake if Taehyung finally decides he
wants to talk.

“And I would be terribly hurt if you didn’t,” Taehyung says offhandedly as he pulls back the
blanket and slides beneath it. “If we ever have a quarrel, I hope it’s something we can resolve
before one of us decides sleeping somewhere else is the best idea.”

Jungkook frowns at that, but Taehyung’s expression doesn’t change as he nuzzles his head back
against the pillow to get comfortable.

“Quarrel,” Jungkook repeats, gently teasing. “You sound old.”

Taehyung laughs lightly, but the sound changes into a groan as he wipes his hand down his face.
“God, I feel like an old man after today. Today was about a thousand years long.”

Jungkook knows the feeling. He rolls to his side to face Taehyung, stretching an arm out to offer
Taehyung himself if he needs him. “Do you want to talk about it?”

For a moment, Taehyung doesn’t respond. Instead he also faces Jungkook, closing the space
between them until it’s just a few inches. He reaches out to slide his palm over Jungkook’s nape.
“I’m known as the ruthless, vicious lawyer that never backs down. My interns look up to me
because I’m confident, I never back down, and I felt like the opposite of all of that facing my father

Jungkook curls his fingers around Taehyung’s forearm, though he doesn’t pull away as Jungkook
suspects. It’s a vulnerable thing to admit, something Taehyung tends to not do. “There’s nothing
wrong with that. You found out some really upsetting shit, all at once. No one is going to expect
you to act like you have your head on straight.”

Taehyung hums, nodding as his eyes flutter closed for a second. “I know, but I don’t like it.
Especially in front of my father. He’s always taught me to tuck away my emotions. To not let
frustration show or my opponent will know to attack harder. To not let it get in the way of thinking
because emotion distorts the brain.”

It’s bullshit really, and an unreasonable thing to expect of someone at all times. Especially with
something like this. Jungkook says as much, gently, and Taehyung sighs in response.

“I meant what I said about not caring about losing the firm,” Taehyung whispers, his fingers
digging into Jungkook’s nape. “And whether my brother is Seojoon or not, whoever it is, I would
understand if they wanted it. If they wanted everything from my father after never getting anything
from him. Not even recognition. I would want that too.”
Jungkook bites his bottom lip. He’s yet to tell Taehyung about the rest of his conversation with
Daehee because Taehyung’s seemed to cling onto silence like he needed it. “Your father confirmed
it was Seojoon.”

With another sigh, Taehyung turns his face like he wants to hide it but the way he lays makes it so
he can’t. “It’s even more understandable then. Seojoon always told me how much his family
struggled growing up. I can’t imagine how it must have felt to see how much I didn’t because of
our father.”

Taehyung makes a face as he laughs quietly, head shaking. “‘Our father.’ It sounds weird to say.”

Jungkook offers him a small smile to comfort him. He slides his hand down Taehyung’s arm and
rubs down his side to rest it at his hip. “Do you think he knows?”

“Oh definitely,” Taehyung replies as he lets go of Jungkook to roll onto his back. Jungkook moves
closer, hugging his arm over Taehyung’s waist and sliding a leg over Taehyung’s. “Heesun said as

“Fucked up,” Jungkook says because he doesn’t know how else to respond. Or how to think about
it really other than it’s just all really fucked up. “Your father also said he - I’m sorry, I don’t know
how to say it, but he said he also had influence on Seojoon’s test scores and court cases.”

There’s silence in response. Taehyung just stares up at the ceiling, even when Jungkook moves his
hand to cup the side of his neck. It stays like that for a few minutes, and Jungkook’s heart aches in
his chest thinking he’s given Taehyung another reason to be upset. Even if it’s something that he
can’t keep from Taehyung.

“Tae -”

“Don’t. I don’t need reassurances,” Taehyung whispers like he can read Jungkook’s mind. “I’ve
always teased Seojoon about coming in first place in school, about winning over him. But I always
knew that it never put me above him. We’ve always been on equal grounds when it comes to being
the best.”

Jungkook still wants to reassure him, but he doesn’t know how. He doesn’t know what the
outcome would have been if Daehee never influenced Seojoon’s scores or cases. Taehyung may
still have been able to win them, to be the best in their class. He still deserved internships and all

But Seojoon did too, Jungkook suspects.

“Are you going to talk to Seojoon?” Jungkook asks. “About all of this?”

Taehyung nods, glancing at him. “I have to. Tomorrow, I’m going to go see my mother, ready the
apartment for Beomgyu and his roommate. And then, after that, I will reach out to Seojoon.”

Jungkook squeezes against Taehyung a little firmer. “I’ll be right there beside you.”

With a small smile, Taehyung curls into him until their chests are touching. He presses a soft kiss
to Jungkook’s chin. “You know earlier, I said that my father put a lot of pressure on me to love you
the way married people love their spouses. Or, how they’re supposed to.”

Jungkook’s heart clenches in his chest and pushes up into his throat. He doesn’t want to talk about
it now, for Taehyung’s sake. He already has so much on his plate, Jungkook really doesn’t want to
add his feelings about Taehyung’s earlier comment onto it.
“And at the start, I was fine with acting as such to appease him,” Taehyung continues as he cups
Jungkook’s neck again to slip his hand into the hair at the back of Jungkook’s head. He gently rubs
his scalp, teases the ruffled strands of hair there. “Pretend there was more there than just physical
attraction. I’m worried my comment about feeling pressure to do so makes my actions from before
seem ingenuine. That me saying this now also does so.”

Jungkook’s instinct is to shake his head, to comfort Taehyung even if it’s a bit of a lie. But he
doesn’t want to lie either, so he simply remains quiet and waits for Taehyung to finish speaking.

“But in our private moments, I did not say the things I have for any reason other than to be honest,”
Taehyung admits quietly. “To you. That I’m happy to be married to you, and I wish to continue to
do so because I know we will be that couple we’re supposed to be. The parts of my parents love I
was mimicking at the time, but we’ll be better than them. I’ll be better to you than my father is to
my mother.”

Jungkook smiles softly, his chest relaxing though it doesn’t stop growing in size. It’s just for
another reason now.

Over the last few weeks, Jungkook’s been aware of the growing feelings in his chest. That they are
genuine. That they’ll be more than attraction and like, but the love two married people are
supposed to share. He hasn’t wanted to express that until he had gotten there, but in this moment,
Jungkook thinks maybe he already has.

“It did bother me that you said that,” Jungkook tells him, though a bit of nerves fill him that it’s the
wrong time to admit this. He feels that it’s right, but it’s new territory for him. He never tells
anyone this, not even his closest friends. “Though I always knew it was a partnership that was
based on business not love.”

Taehyung’s eyes widen slightly, and there looks to be a bit of regret in them before he nods.

“But it isn’t business anymore, not for me,” Jungkook tells him quietly. “It is the latter.”

Maybe he’s a chicken shit for the word getting stuck on his tongue, but Jungkook knows he’ll be
able to spit it out soon. He should now. He savors the word, rolls it around his mouth before he lets
it out.

“I love you Taehyung.”

Taehyung bites at his bottom lip as he clutches onto Jungkook until they’re pressed eight more
tightly together. He peppers a soft kiss to Jungkook’s cheek, than his bottom lip. It doesn’t ease
Jungkook’s nerves, the anticipation still building inside of him, but he relaxes his worry that it was
the wrong thing to say. That it was the wrong time to say it.

“I had a feeling.”

With an offended noise, Jungkook goes to push Taehyung off of him, but Taehyung’s laughing
quietly as he wraps his arms around Jungkook in a hug to keep him from moving away.

“I’m kidding,” Taehyung giggles as he hooks a leg around Jungkook’s waist as an extra measure to
keep him close, even though Jungkook’s really not trying hard to remove himself. “I’m falling in
love with you, and it’s a bit scary. Especially since my ideas of loving couples kind of went to the
trash the last few days.”

Jungkook can’t keep the smile off of his face as he presses a kiss to Taehyung’s lips. Despite all
the shit that’s happened over the last few weeks, in this moment, Jungkook feels none of it. And he
hopes Taehyung doesn’t either.

“Don’t be afraid because like you said, we’ll be better than them,” Jungkook tells him. “We
already are.”

Taehyung nods in acceptance. “We sure as hell are.”

It’s like Jungkook’s broken a floodgate as the words leave his lips again. The need to say them
strong when once he never had the urge to. He rolls over Taehyung, trapping him beneath him to
say them, to kiss the words to Taehyung’s mouth. Jungkook’s never quite enjoyed saying it as
much as he does now because it brings a smile to Taehyung’s lips that Jungkook wishes were
always there.

A smile that Jungkook mentally promises himself to always make Taehyung create.

“I love you.”

Chapter End Notes

i hope you are as soft mush as i was writing this! see you soon <3
Chapter 16
Chapter Notes

ayyyy friends peep the chapter count - there's one more chapter left and an epilogue! i
can't believe it

i hope you like this chapter - thank you to kait for helping me with it and giving me

if you've read the roughdrafts, scenes have been altered so you may want to re read!!

and lastly, updates and previews, snippets and other ideas of taekook in this verse can
be found under the #tksymbiosis tag on twt ! <3

See the end of the chapter for more notes

It’s so early that the sun still remains asleep. The hallway’s dark until the end, where a flickering
glow tries to slip around the corner. Jungkook tip toes until he reaches it, quietly curling around the
edge of the wall to peek into the living room.

When Jungkook had first woken up, he hadn’t thought twice about Taehyung not being in bed
beside him. So often he has woken up after Taehyung has left for the day, but then the thoughts of
the last few days came back to him.

And Jungkook looked at the clock. They were barely asleep a few hours.

The only thing he can see of Taehyung is the back of his head. Hair sticks up around it like a halo,
tilted slightly back like he’s using the back of the couch as a pillow. The flickering glow comes
from the television, and Jungkook imagines the way it lights up his face.

He’s torn between hoping Taehyung is asleep out here instead of being awake so early and being
worried that if he is sleeping on the couch, that it’s because just a few hours before Jungkook had
jumped the gun and blurted out the L word. But then the images on the television switch, and
Jungkook knows it isn’t anything to do with him that made Taehyung come out here.

On screen is a boy sitting at the head of a table, a large cake in front of him. Jungkook would guess
him to be five or six. His small hands clapping in front of him, his body nearly coming off the seat
in excitement as the candle on his cake is lit.

A smile touches Jungkook’s lips as he takes in those eyes he’s become so familiar with, the way
the candle reflects in them before the little boy blows out his candle.

Eomma, Taehyungie loves you! I wished-ed for you to be happy forever and ever.

Jungkook bites the inside of his cheek as the young Taehyung on screen giggles at the same time
the Taehyung in front of him sighs. He runs a hand through his hair, head leaning to the side.

Before Taehyung’s mother can respond in the video, it suddenly cuts to another. The same day,
Jungkook’s assuming by the similar shirt Taehyung’s wearing. This time, he’s with a much
younger Daehee. Standing between his legs, he’s mimicking whatever Daehee does with his hands
in front of him. His giggles grow wild before he leans back into his father.

It feels like Jungkook’s just consumed a bottle of poison when he watches the young Taehyung
lean back into his father, his head tilting back to look up at him with a bright smile and eyes. The
infectious laughter leaving him as Daehee hugs him tightly and presses a kiss to the top of his

It’s what causes Jungkook to reveal himself from his hiding spot. He didn’t want to disturb
Taehyung, and he walks heavily as not to surprise him, but Taehyung never looks his way.

“This is from my seventh birthday,” Taehyung says, voice soft and deep. “My mother has the same
video, but this one has been cut in places.”

Jungkook stops behind the couch. They’ve come so far but there’s still things they’re learning
about each other, growing and adapting to new situations and new pieces of each other. He doesn’t
know how much Taehyung needs right now, or what is even going on in Taehyung’s mind, but
Jungkook puts his hands on the back of the couch so Taehyung knows he’s there for whatever it is
that he needs.

“This is from the album you stole from Heesun,” Taehyung explains as he reaches behind him and
blindly searches for Jungkook’s hand on the couch. When he finds it, he wraps his own around
Jungkook’s fingers and squeezes lightly. “I’m sure my father had good intentions, but this probably
hurt her more than whatever he was trying to go for.”

On screen, Taehyung runs from Daehee to whoever is holding the camera. When the video
suddenly switches, Jungkook has a heavy gut feeling it’s Taehyung’s mother behind it.

“What the fuck is wrong with him?” Taehyung asks, but he sounds more tired than angry. “I don’t
know Heesun, and I could tell how hurt she was that my father wasn’t willing to raise a child with
her but was with my mother. And he’s sent her videos of him being a great father to me? While
she’s raising the one he abandoned alone?”

Jungkook leans down to slip a hand across Taehyung’s chest in a back hug. Taehyung immediately
leans into him, head resting in the crook of Jungkook’s neck and shoulder.

In regards to Taehyung, Jungkook thinks maybe Daehee’s actions started with good intentions, but
with this, Jungkook doesn’t know. He thinks it’s inconsiderate, cruel, and part of him wonders
what Heesun did for Daehee to think she deserved this.

“But I don’t know,” Taehyung says as he clicks the remote and fast forwards to the next part.
“Some of this, I think he was just trying to show her my life, and he was a huge part of it.”

The next video is just Taehyung. He’s a little older, though not much. He’s wearing a suit that’s
much too big for him, and it hurts even more because it’s clearly Daehee’s. He holds a piece of
paper in his hands, an excited smile in his face before he schools it and puffs out his chest.

I’m Kim Taehyung, and I’m going to be just like my Appa when I get big. I’m - I’m going to be the
best lawyer in the world and get lots of money. Oops, I mean I’m going to marry someone just as
pretty as you, Eomma.

Jungkook snorts as he wraps his other arm around Taehyung next, holding him even tighter. The
Taehyung on screen has wide eyes, trying to woo over his mother to forget his comment about
money. “Did you?”

Taehyung huffs out a quiet laugh. “Get lots of money? Sure did.”

Playfully, Jungkook bites Taehyung’s cheek. “Not what I meant.”

The next laugh Taehyung lets out is a soft hum as he nuzzles into Jungkook’s neck and nods. “That
praise kink of yours is always hungry, huh?”

Before Jungkook can pull away in fake offense, Taehyung grabs onto his forearms and keeps him
there like he knows Jungkook’s next move.

“Kidding,” Taehyung says. “I married the prettiest man in the country. Come sit with me.”

Jungkook circles around the couch. He nuzzles into the corner, body moving with Taehyung’s until
Taehyung’s wrapped around his middle, head on his chest. His face is lit up with the light from the
screen, but Jungkook thinks the light in his eyes is something different.

It’s hinted with something else that Jungkook’s still learning about Taehyung, and it’s confusing.
The small smile on Taehyung’s lips as he watches his younger self paired with something that
Jungkook thinks is sadness.

Appa says I’m going to be the best lawyer because - because I really made a case for myself about
why I should have more dessert the other night.

Jungkook smiles too as Taehyung laughs at how serious his younger self says that before he fast
forwards again. He keeps doing so, switching between scenes and more DVDs until it feels as if
they’ve sat on this couch for hours watching pieces of Taehyung’s childhood.

The light starts to peek through the curtains by the time the last video plays. Lighting up the room
as Jungkook watches Taehyung showing off his diploma to the camera with a wide, boxy smile on
his face. The smile growing as a familiar man wraps an arm around Taehyung’s shoulders.

Rivals, Seojoon and Taehyung are, but here they look as friends. Even when they exchange playful
banter about who is going to be more successful.

Carefully, Jungkook brushes Taehyung’s hair behind his ear as they both watch him and Seojoon
on the screen. He pushes his fingers down Taehyung’s nape and rubs over his shoulder, wondering
what’s going on in his mind when Daehee appears on the screen and cups the back of both boys’

Jungkook’s mind changes to Heesun then. He wonders what she felt when she watched this, if she
was there watching both of her sons graduate from a prestigious university. If she watched them
smile at each other like that.

If she watched this and hurt when Daehee lets go of Seojoon’s neck to turn to Taehyung to tell him
how proud he is. If she noticed the way the smile slips from Seojoon’s mouth before he presses his
lips tightly together and excuses himself.

Taehyung turns the video then and tosses the remote onto the table in front of them. He doesn’t say
anything at first, just stares at the black screen across the room.

“That’s all I wanted to be when I grew up,” Taehyung says, breaking the silence between them. “I
wanted to be like my Appa, and I am.”
Jungkook’s first instinct is to deny that though Taehyung’s tone is nothing more than thoughtful.
There’s nothing to suggest whether Taehyung means the father he’s always known or the parts of
his father he’s just discovered.

“So much so that I get why my father did the things he did to make sure his actions didn’t impact
me,” Taehyung goes on. “Our careers and having a comfortable life are the most important to the
both of us. But I guess we differ because while work is my life, I’m not willing to do half the things
he is to keep it.”

Taehyung threads their fingers together and holds their clasped hands on Jungkook’s stomach.
Warmth fills Jungkook as Taehyung rubs a thumb over his knuckles, another smile appearing on
his lips. Not because of the conversation but because Taehyung so absentmindedly touches him
like this.

The kind of touch Jungkook’s never really cared for until now. He’s thought about it here and
there, how he’s never been one for touch or intimacy, but he likes it with Taehyung. The one
person that at the start of this, Jungkook never expected to be one for it.

“If my mother divorces my father, he loses everything to her,” Taehyung tells him as he tilts his
head up to look at Jungkook. Jungkook isn’t even embarrassed to be caught staring. “Seojoon
won’t get any of it. I wonder if my father’s afraid Seojoon will do something if he finds out he
won’t get a cent.”

Jungkook nibbles on his cheek. A part of him understands if Seojoon feels entitled to inheriting
Daehee’s assets, but a louder part of Jungkook is too protective of Taehyung to let it into his mind.
He feels it wrong, biased maybe, but he can’t help it.

“I’m going to -”

Taehyung pops up from Jungkook’s chest when the doorbell sounds through the house. Jungkook
glances at the watch on his wrist, frowning when he sees that while it is a decent hour to be awake
now, it’s much too early for visitors.

When Taehyung gets up to answer it, Jungkook jumps up behind him. His first thought is it is
Daehee. He isn’t the type to stay away for long. Since Jungkook left him in his father’s office, he’s
been expecting him to show up at any minute.

His second thought is that it could be Taehyung’s mother. Taehyung has a plan to see her soon, but
she has had the habit of showing up in the early hours of the morning before.

The person Jungkook wouldn’t expect to be behind Taehyung’s door when he opens it is Seojoon.

That protective part of Jungkook grows as much as it would if it were Daehee standing before
them. Even if Seojoon has a sheepish look on his face as he rubs his palm over the top of his head.

Jungkook remembers how defensive and unfriendly Seojoon had been outside of Heesun’s
apartment building. Seojoon knows who Taehyung is, knows they’re brothers, and had probably
suspected Taehyung wasn’t just coincidentally there.

“Hey,” Seojoon starts as he tucks his hands into his pockets and rocks back on his heels. “I know
it’s early, but I just returned to the city and wanted to speak to you first.”

Taehyung doesn’t respond at first. He mirrors Seojoon’s stance, but he doesn’t appear as hesitant
as Seojoon does. His face is blank as he just looks at Seojoon in his doorway.
Jungkook wonders how strange it must be. To go your whole life being an only child only to find
out someone you know well is your brother. What it must be like for Taehyung to see Seojoon for
the first time after finding that out.

“Can I come in?” Seojoon asks, glancing at Jungkook before he nods his head towards the rest of
the apartment. Jungkook wants to say no, feels a bit childish about it, but he steps aside as soon as
Taehyung does.

Seojoon nods in gratitude, peering nervously around the apartment as he slips his shoes off. “I have
thought about this before, but I don’t actually - for once, I’m not really sure how to breach a

“No need to be cautious,” Taehyung responds as he guides Seojoon to the armchair to sit. “I don’t
prefer to tip toe around the subject.”

Tucking his hands between his legs, Seojoon nods. “I’m here on behalf of my mother.”

Taehyung visibly tenses, stilling in a half crouch before he fully sits on the couch. Jungkook sits
beside him, hooking his leg up so his knee presses into Taehyung’s thigh to tell him he’s right

“She didn’t ask me to come,” Seojoon clarifies with an awkward laugh. “She actually asked me not
to. I’m quite protective of her, and she feels I’ll be more inclined to defend her than to understand
why you are angry.”

Jungkook understands that. The rational part of him gets why Seojoon is here, the other part of him
wants to kick him out for Taehyung’s sake.

“By all means,” Taehyung says, gesturing towards Seojoon. “I was going to contact you anyway.”

Seojoon arches an eyebrow, surprise on his face as he leans back in the chair. He opens his lips to
respond, but Taehyung doesn’t give him the chance to.

“I want to know before we discuss anything if you knew,” Taehyung says, leaning his elbows onto
his knees. “Knew who my father is.”

The way Seojoon cocks his head to the side in thought reminds Jungkook of Taehyung. There’s
nothing similar about them in general. Seojoon shares a lot of features with his mother while
Taehyung is a clone copy of his father.

“I did,” Seojoon admits. “My mother told me when I was thirteen or so. I was told he never knew
about me, and I wasn’t going to tell him. I wanted the internship at his firm so I could get to know
him. To see him proud of me.”

Taehyung’s fingers dig into Jungkook’s knees, their eyes meeting for a moment but neither of them
interrupt. Seojoon no longer looks at them, his eyes latched onto the hands he rubs between his
spread legs.

“After you were given the internship instead, I met with your father to ask for him to reconsider. I
didn’t mean to ask for him to take it from you, but just to allow me to intern below him,” Seojoon
laughs awkwardly as he rubs over his head again. “I don’t know what I wanted at the time, but he
accused me of trying to take away what ‘you deserved.’ I didn’t want that, and I still don’t. My
mother told me your father suspects I have some agenda to seek revenge on him or to stake my
claim on inheritance or something. But that’s not the case, and I want you to know that. I only
wished to get to know him, to work for him, and now I don’t want either of those things.”
Taehyung lets go of Jungkook then to cross his arms. He remains silent, only taking in Seojoon like
he’s trying to figure out how genuine Seojoon is the same way Jungkook is. At least, that’s what
Jungkook is doing. Paying attention to the smallest of details because body language can be more
telling than words.

“I don’t care if you believe me or not,” Seojoon says, finally looking at them like he can read their
minds. “My mother asked me not to try and convince you on how you should feel about her, and I
won’t. But I did come here because I don’t want you to see her as some mistress. She doesn’t know
I know this, but she saved all the letters from your father he left after Daegu. Letters promising his
union with your mother wasn’t romantic, that your mother knew about her and was okay -”


Alarm fills Jungkook as Taehyung stands to his feet, hand waving in the air at Seojoon. Seoojon
does stop, his eyes following after Taehyung as he paces around the couch to stand behind
Jungkook like he needs to put something between them.

“He really broke her heart,” Seojoon says gently as Taehyung cups the back of Jungkook’s neck
like he still needs the touch. “Her nor I want nothing to do with him.”

“Explain the money then,” Taehyung says, and Jungkook wants to turn around and look at his face.
He’s not sure he can because the casual tone that Taehyung’s been keeping up is starting to slip. “If
she feels it’s owed to her, I would agree. But if you wish to convince me you don’t want anything
from my father, that makes it hard to believe.”

Seojoon shakes his head, eyebrows furrowing. “Like I said, I don’t care if you believe me on that.
She pays her bills with it and puts the rest into an account for me. She wants me to be able to open
up my own firm, but with my success, the money is unneeded. She keeps it there though in case we
need that money to fall back on.”

The hand on Jungkook’s neck relaxes, Taehyung’s fingers gently stroking over his skin. “You have
every right to demand what you’re owed.”

Seojoon’s eyes widen, surprise filling them before an annoyed look takes over his face. He shakes
his head, hands coming out with his fingers spread like he’s going to explain something carefully to
Taehyung. “I have no interest in your father’s money.”

“It’s money,” Taehyung says, and Jungkook imagines him shrugging as if money isn’t a big deal.
“I’m going to request my mother change the terms of her marital contract with my father before she
divorces him.”

The divorce is only a suspicion, but that thought is fleeting as Jungkook catches onto where
Taehyung is going with this.

Taehyung is not as similar to his father as he thinks he is.

“To include you. Equal share,” Taehyung goes on like they’re in the middle of a business deal. “If
you want the firm, you can have it. I wish to have no associations with my father going forward.”

Even more surprise fills Seojoon’s face, and Jungkook too when he sees it change to anger. “I
don’t care for a handout.”

“It’s not a handout,” Taehyung argues. “Don’t be prideful. Taking what is rightfully yours does not
mean you did not work hard to earn the things in life you have. It is still yours. I know you claim
not to seek revenge, but to be honest with you, I would like to see it. Take everything away from
my father, I don’t care.”

Seojoon shakes his head as he rubs his hand down his face next. “Tae -”

“I’ll hire you as my lawyer,” Taehyung goes on, and Jungkook finally gives in and looks at
Taehyung. His expression says he’s dead serious. “To separate my ties with the firm. I’ll pay you
exactly one half of my inheritance.”

The look on Seojoon’s face is one of pure offense as he too stands to his feet. His hands hanging on
his hips, he has the same look on his face as he does in court, as he did outside of his mother’s
apartment. “I don’t wish for your pity. That’s not why I came here. And if this is a bribe -“

“There’s no pity, nor is it a bribe.” Taehyung‘s words break off into a dry laugh. “I promise.
You’re owed it. I’m not greedy. We both get our share. Whatever you think I’m bribing you not to
do, I don’t care if you do it.”

Seojoon stares at him hard, and Jungkook suspects he’s trying to figure out how genuine Taehyung
is too.

Even if it’s hard to tell, Jungkook is getting better at knowing and reading Taehyung. He feels it in
his gut that Taehyung means it with how intensely he looks at Seojoon. If it were nothing, or pity,
or a bribe, Jungkook thinks he’d look bored or softer than he does now.

Which is another surprising thing. Jungkook didn’t think he’d be so willing to offer up his
inheritance just because it’s Seojoon’s by birthright.

“I think we should think about it for a few days,” Jungkook cuts in, hesitating because he doesn’t
want to overstep but he also thinks Taehyung is angry and that’s why he’s so carelessly giving
Seojoon permission to do whatever he wants and claiming he doesn’t care for his father.

Jungkook also suspects Taehyung probably is thinking something he can’t foresee, but just in case.

“I agree,” Seojoon says with a nod as he once again rubs the top of his head.

“My mind won’t change,” Taehyung argues. “The will -“

“I know how close you are to your father, Kim,” Seojoon interrupts gently. His face isn’t quite a
grimace, but it’s in his eyes. “Talking about me seeking revenge, taking the firm. That’s because
you’re angry.”

Taehyung abruptly stands then, his body twisting in direction of the hallway but he doesn’t go
there. “My mind won’t change about you deserving what you’re owed, but yeah you’re right, I’m
fucking pissed.”

Seojoon nods immediately, lips pressing together until they’re slightly pursed. He nods a few
times, a considerate look on his face. “I’m sure.”

Stepping so he’s a few feet away from Seojoon, Taehyung crosses his arms and mimics his stance.
Jungkook can’t tell if it’s intentional the way they mirror each other, but it stands out. The two
don’t quite look alike, but the way they hold themselves is the same.

It’s Seojoon who breaks the arms crossed over his chest stance first, his hands slipping into the
pockets of his sweatpants. He leans his weight to one foot, coming off casual but this time,
Taehyung doesn’t mimic it.
“I am too. About a lot of things,” Seojoon starts lowly. “Another reason I came here is so we can
talk about it. Not now or anytime soon if you don’t want to, but one day.”

Taehyung’s cheek bulges from the way his tongue prods at it and rubs over his teeth. He glances at
Jungkook, and the corner of Jungkook’s lip twitches up in encouragement. Encouragement of what,
Jungkook doesn’t know, but whatever Taehyung needs it for, he’s here regardless.

“Talk about it?” Taehyung repeats with a huff. “What being brothers?”

Seojoon’s unaffected by the brashness of Taehyung’s words, nodding again as his shoulders lift up.
“If you’d like.”

Taehyung shakes his head, eyes turning away from the both of them. “If you wanted to talk about
that, hyung , you could have over the last decade that we’ve known each other.”

“I know.” Seojoon doesn’t hesitate in his response, but Jungkook can’t quite tell how he feels about
Taehyung calling him out like that. “But I did think if I told you who I was, you’d tell your father,
and I wouldn’t get the chance to work beneath him like I wanted to.”

Taehyung snorts. His head jerks back from the force of it, and it comes out sarcastic. “You should
have gotten that internship Seojoon. As excited as I was that I got it, now I’m wishing I never did.”

There’s a soft smile on Seojoon’s lips as he stares down at his feet. He drags one across the carpet
as he shakes his head. “I’m glad I didn’t. Daehee fucking sucks, Tae.”

Finally, Taehyung releases the grip he has across his own chest. He returns back to mirroring
Seojoon’s stance, his shoulders more at ease. “Yeah, he does.” A small smile appears on
Taehyung’s lips, a tiny thing that’s not much more than the corner of his mouth quirking up.

It seems like there are more words that should be shared between them, that one of them is going to
speak again. But it goes quiet, the conversation hanging in the air between the three of them.
Taehyung sits back on the couch, his hand instantly rubbing over Junglook’s calf more like a habit
than done purposefully.

Seojoon doesn’t do anything to indicate he is staying or leaving. Jungkook doesn’t know which he
should do either. He wants to ask Taehyung, but when their eyes meet, he only offers him a small

“My mother loves filming,” Seojoon suddenly says. He indicates the television, which still plays
videos of a younger Taehyung. “She has thousands of home videos, I swear. I think the reason your
father is so paranoid is because she used to send them to him. Of me. I don’t know why, maybe to
make him want to be in my life or something. I don’t know. I think he’s paranoid. Thought she sent
them to him as a threat.”

Taehyung also focuses on the television, but Jungkook’s eyes are on him. On the tension in his
jaw, the twitch of his nose. The subtle way he roughs up his already messy hair over and over
again. One of his signs of stress that Jimin had pointed out to Jungkook in court.

The way he completely tenses when Seojoon continues.

Jungkook thinks it’s absurd he ever thought there was a time he thought Taehyung was hard to

“And your mother found one, a video of him playing baseball with me when I was so young I don’t
even remember but my mother said he used to come over and play with me. She sent that video to
remind him. I wasn’t aware of it at the time, but Daehee took it as my mother trying to ruin his
marriage and threatened to ruin her life because of it.”

What Seojoon says is alarming, and Jungkook knows he should pay more attention to it. Let his
anger free because of how shity Daehee is, but it’s only concern inside of Jungkook right now. As
much as they’ve found out about the kind of person Daehee is, what Seojoon tells them now isn’t
necessarily surprising, but Taehyung looks as if Seojoon just told him his father committed

Taehyung is frozen still, not even blinking. His hand has stopped moving across his calf. Jungkook
leans in, though he doesn’t want to draw attention to Taehyung’s reaction. He keeps himself
unreadable to others for a reason.

But this must be different because Taehyung doesn’t hide the emotion in his voice at all when he
says, “I think you should leave.”

Seojoon’s eyes widen as Jungkook feels his own grow. Taehyung finally moves, blinking and
sucking his bottom lip into his mouth. His fingers knot in the material of Jungkook’s pajama pants
tight enough that it digs into his skin.

“We can continue this another time.” Taehyung barely looks at Seojoon as he waves a dismissive
hand at him. “But right now, I need you to get out.”

It turns awkward for a moment. Jungkook’s confusion and unwillingness to move if Taehyung
needs to hold onto him keeping him from showing Seojoon out. Seojoon looks equally as confused,
glancing between them and the door.

But thankfully, Seojoon nods and mutters out his quiet farewells and leaves with another push to do
so. He must be aware that Taehyung looks as if he’s seconds away from getting up and forcing him

Jungkook doesn’t say anything. He rubs at his lips, waiting for Taehyung to speak. His mind runs
over a bunch of different things trying to understand Taehyung’s reaction and the look in his eyes
when Taehyung looks at him.

It’s as intense as Taehyung’s eyes always are when there’s emotion in them, but Jungkook can’t
quite tell what it is. He thinks it’s hurt.

“I’m going to call Jimin,” Taehyung says quietly as he releases Jungkook’s pants. “In the office.”

Jungkook nods, pulling his leg back to himself. “‘Course, yeah. I’ll be here.”

Taehyung nods jerkily. When he stands though, he doesn’t move towards the office. He just stands
there before sitting back down.

Without a word, he tugs Jungkook’s leg back and fits himself between them, head resting on
Jungkook’s hip. “Nari, call Jimin.”

Taehyung gets about halfway through filling Jimin in before Jimin’s threatening murder and his
words come out rushed and hard to understand in his haste to get dressed and come over.
He makes it in record time, and Jungkook’s surprised to see Hoseok and Yoongi tracking in behind
him. With everything going on, Jungkook’s barely spoken to them over the last week or so, and the
sudden sight of them undoes a knot Jungkook didn’t know was tied so tightly in his chest.

When Jimin flies through the living room, Taehyung doesn’t remove himself from between
Jungkook’s legs. He had stayed there the entire time he talked on the phone, switching between
squishing his cheek against Jungkook’s thigh and facing the ceiling. His eyes would flutter closed
when Jungkook reached down to pet his face or he’d hold onto Jungkook’s hand and keep it beside

Though Jungkook wishes this entire week never happened, the thoughts of being able to comfort
Taehyung or knowing Taehyung does find comfort in him, brings a small smile to Jungkook’s lips
that he isn’t ashamed of letting Taehyung see.

“C’mere baby,” Jimin coos as he sits on the edge of the couch. He makes a face when Jungkook
lifts his legs as if blocking him from reaching Taehyung.

Taehyung snorts and presses a hand to Jungkook’s knee to lower it so he can sit up.

“I’m fine,” Taehyung insists, even when Jimin wraps his arms around him and wiggles him
around. If Jungkook weren’t concerned, he’d be amused. “Just pissed off.”

Jimin hums in understanding. He shoves Jungkook’s leg back to get closer to Taehyung. “Did you
get a husband or a guard dog?”

For the first time today, a big smile takes over Taehyung’s face. Jungkook isn’t offended, nor is he
trying to act like a guard dog. It’s just Taehyung seems to find comfort in touching, and Jungkook
doesn’t know what to do other than be there for him.

Plus, Taehyung isn’t someone that likes to be coddled but Jungkook thinks Jimin is an exception.

“Saying you while just threatening to murder my father,” Taehyung comments lightly.

Jimin only shrugs. “I’d do it.”

“We’d help,” Hoseok adds as he comes over and rests on the arm of the couch behind Jungkook.
“We’d do anything for Kook, and he loves you so -“

Hoseok makes a strangled noise then, and Jungkook whips around to find Yoongi glaring at
Hoseok in warning a few inches away from him. Hoseok’s grabbing his elbow, his mouth wide
open in offense.

Warmth hugs Jungkook’s neck as he too glares at Hoseok for that and avoids looking at Taehyung.
Just the night before, he had told Taehyung that he loved him, but it’s still new territory for him. It
isn’t quite embarrassment he feels, but he’s never loved anyone and the casual mention of it sets
his skin on fire.

But when Jungkook looks back at Taehyung, his expression hasn’t changed any except the hurt
that was in his eyes earlier is gone.

Taehyung too had admitted he was falling in love with him. Jungkook reminds himself of that, but
it makes his chest feel like it’s been packed and loaded to its max capacity.

“No murder,” Taehyung says.

Jimin looks like he wants to argue this, but he just rolls his eyes and groans. “Fine, but I’m not
happy about it.”

It’s playful, making Taehyung’s lips quirk up again. He sighs through his teeth and leans back
against the couch to stare up at the ceiling. “I have to make a statement, but I should go see my
mother first.”

Jimin glances behind Jungkook’s head at Yoongi and Hoseok before rubbing Taehyung’s thigh
soothingly. “Want me to come with?”

Taehyung shakes his head without hesitation. He rubs a hand down his face, his chest growing
large before he lets out a harsh exhale. “No. I think this should just be the two of us. And I don’t
think she yet knows my father was behind Beom -”

He stops speaking, staring straight ahead. His expression is blank for a second before it hardens,
anger filling his eyes so quickly that Jungkook looks around as if he’s missed something.

“I have to go.” Taehyung lurches from the couch and sprints towards the front door. Jungkook
follows after him like they’re connected by string, Taehyung’s fast movements tugging him from
the couch. “My father - he’s done - he’s punished and threatened Jungkook. Beomgyu. He’s done
so much to protect these secrets, to prevent my mother from divorcing him. There’s no way he’s
just -”

“Taehyung,” Jungkook interrupts as he grabs for Taehyung’s elbow when his leg lifts to hurriedly
yank on his shoe. “Slow down.”

Taehyung’s foot falls to the ground as he straightens his body to look Jungkook in the eye. It’s
almost hard to do because Jungkook’s seen Taehyung livid before, but now it’s mixed with hurt.
“There’s no way my father’s going to stop doing those things now that I’ve found out. He’ll try and
find a way to keep me quiet.”

Jungkook’s face crumples together, fingers tightening around Taehyung’s elbow because it looks
like he might run off. His heart is picking up the pace because Taehyung’s right. “There’s no way
you know what he’s going to do. Where are you planning on going?”

“There’s two things my father claims he did this for.” Taehyung does manage to pull away from
Jungkook to grab his other shoe. He glances at the others around them, all who are staring in alarm.
“One is my career. Exposing him could ruin it. Two, he wanted to keep my mother from finding
out. Because a divorce means he loses everything. His money, the firm.”

Jungkook nods with each word. They’ve discussed this a dozen times, but he isn’t sure where
Taehyung’s going with it.

“I believe him when he says he wants it all to go to me. To keep Seojoon a secret so he won’t get
what my father thinks is mine. He’s done so much to make it so Seojoon did not best me. In school,
in court. That he doesn’t get his inheritance.” Taehyung grabs the next set of shoes and shoves
them into Jungkook’s chest. “What’s the best way to assure those things won’t happen?”

Jungkook is stuck for a second, confusion filling him as he puts on his own shoes. Taehyung
doesn’t wait for him to answer as he quickly apologizes to their friends about running out and
yanks open the door.

“Tae,” Jimin calls, jogging up to him. “Your father wouldn’t -”

“He nearly had Beomgyu killed,” Taehyung breathes out, head shaking. “I have every reason to
believe he’d do the same thing to my brother.”

It all clicks in Jungkook’s mind then, and he barely registers the realization before he’s side
stepping Taehyung to grab his car keys.

Seojoon looks perplexed when his front door opens. His eyes glaze over Taehyung and Jungkook
and then to someone inside the house. His wife, Jungkook presumes, though he doesn’t know if he
has any children.

“Hey,” Seojoon greets, his confusion laced in his tone. “I’m sorry if I overstepped earlier.”

Without waiting to be invited in, Taehyung walks into the house. Seojoon’s eyes fly open, but he
does move back to let Taehyung through.

“Taehyung -”

“You didn’t,” Taehyung says, hands out in front of him. It is just the woman inside of the
apartment, already half out of her seat at the sight of them. “I need to talk to you about something.”

Seojoon glances between his wife, who excuses herself to get them refreshments, and them before
he gestures towards the couch.

The place reminds Jungkook of Heesun’s, though it’s much nicer and newer. It’s warm and cozy.
There’s a picture of Seojoon and Heesun on the wall that Taehyung notices and looks at for a
moment before sitting down. His eyes keep glancing at it, and Jungkook sits beside him to get his
attention away from it.

“My father had my intern attacked because he was spying on him for my mother,” Taehyung blurts
out. “You know the severity of it.”

Seojoon clasps his hands between his legs and nods. He looks more tired now than when he came
over this morning, bags beneath his eyes and his skin paler than when they first met. “I heard he’s
doing better, though. That is a relief.”

Taehyung nods. As quick as Taehyung had ran here in a need to tell Seojoon that he thinks his
father may hurt him, he stalls now. Lips opening twice before he actually speaks.

“I’ve hired security detail to keep him safe,” Taehyung explains, words coming out slow like he’s
thinking over each one. That’s also different from the way he planned this in the car, ideas and
their possible consequences leaving his lips as fast as Jungkook had been driving. “And I would
like to do the same for you because I believe he’d do the same to you. If you’re not in the picture,
there’s no chance of you taking the firm, inheritance.”

At first, Seojoon looks startled by this, but his features slowly harden. Jaw setting, lips pursing
together. A fierce look on his face.

And hurt in his eyes.

“You think he would?” Seojoon swallows thickly and glances at his hands. It seems genuine, the
way he acts now, and Jungkook thinks he probably was this morning too. That he meant what he
said about his mother and not wanting anything from them.

“Yes.” Taehyund nods like he’s certain, though on the way here he had rambled on about how he
wasn’t sure how capable his father was of murdering someone. Murdering his own son. “But I’m
going to stop him. If you’re willing to help me.”

Seojoon looks over the two of them. “What do you need me to do?”

Taehyung jabs his tongue into his cheek, hesitating. Jungkook’s still unsure of his idea, or what he
plans on doing with the aftermath of it, but he trusts in Taehyung’s intelligence and the way he
knows how to work things to get the result he wants.

“I need you to talk to Daehee,” Taehyung finally says. “And tell him you want what you’re
rightfully owed.”

Jungkook expects the way Seojoon immediately refuses. He knows Taehyung does too. Even if he
is lying about not wanting the firm or money, whatever reason he has for doing so would make
him have to keep up the act of pretending like he doesn’t. But Jungkook believes Seojoon doesn’t.

“It can be a lie,” Taehyung informs him. He squeezes Jungkook’s thigh like Jungkook’s the one
talking to his long lost brother about taking down their shared parent. “But we need you to tell him
you know what’s he done to prevent you from obtaining your inheritance. There’s no way he’ll
admit to it to you, but I know he will threaten you. We need to get it on recording and release it as
publicly as possible.”

Understanding crosses Seojoon’s face. He hangs his head, quiet as he stares at his hands.

“Because if something happens to me, it will make him the primary suspect,” Seojoon nods his
heads a few times.

Taehyung nods as well, squeezing Jungkook’s thigh again. “And people will make their own
judgments based on that. People have already criticized my father for getting innocent verdicts for
clients that people were convinced were guilty. They’ll look at this the same way.”

The first time Jungkook had ever spoken to Taehyung, he mentioned this. How people never
looked at cases closely enough. That if Jungkook did, he wouldn’t be so certain if someone
deserved an innocent verdict or not. Over the last few months, Jungkook’s realized just how true
that is.

Since as long as Jungkook can remember, people have held opinions about the kind of person he is
based on articles written about him. They see him being arrested for minor crimes and
misdemeanors and use that to form an opinion on who he is.

If Beomgyu’s original statement and Daehee’s ‘proof’ that Jungkook was the one who hurt
Beomgyu spread through the news, it would ruin him too. Small things that would never hold up in
court, but there’d be people who that was enough for. Who would be convinced Jungkook had
done it.

“How are we doing that?” Seojoon asks, and he looks uncertain.

Taehyung grins as he pats Jungkook’s thigh. “We’re going live.”


Taehyung bites his tongue between his teeth. At this point, he’s so angry that he has no room for
the nerves he should be feeling right now. He knows they’ll set in. As much as he means it that he
doesn’t care if his reputation is tarnished because of his father, he’s still worried about it.

All his life, he’s worked really hard for this. He wants it, to continue to have a blossoming career
and make a name for himself. He wants the wealth and stability. To keep proving himself in court.
He loves the feeling of winning a case, of getting someone who is innocent that verdict they need
to be free. Even if they are truly guilty like his last client, Taehyung liked that the ruling showed
how good of a lawyer he is.

Growing up, he always knew he’d achieve it. Even if he didn’t achieve becoming one of the best
lawyers in the country, he’d still be one. He’d still have a career, clients who trusted him. His
father would have given him that internship regardless of whether or not he deserved it. He’d have
opportunities to advance and become who he wanted to be.

But now, there’s no stability. Taehyung doesn’t think he’ll lose everything, but the fact that it isn’t
for certain has been plaguing him.

“Do you keep me around for my good looks?” Jungkook asks as he unbuttons his shirt. It’s meant
to be a joke, Taehyung can tell by the playfulness in his eyes. He appreciates it. That Jungkook’s
been here by his side the entire time, given him silence when he needed it. Kept close because
Taehyung wouldn’t have asked him to even if he wanted it. That he’s still so determined to make
light comments to distract him and not being discouraged when it doesn’t always work.

“Mhm.” Taehyung hums as he gives Jungkook a once over. “Finally, this thirst trapping is coming
in handy.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes as he slips the shirt from his arms and tosses it aside. This had been his idea
because apparently the only reason he posts thirst traps is because he knows it will keep his
following around. Good for sponsorships or whatever.

“If you stumbled upon my page before we met, would it work on you?” Jungkook asks with that
shit eating grin on his lips.

For a moment, Taehyung eyes Jungkook as he strips his pants off next. Jin is waiting for them in
the living room to hook up Jungkook’s computer to his hacking one, but Taehyung’s stalling. He
knows he is, but he can’t help it.

He wants his father to get what he deserves, but the outcome is so unforeseeable. This is never how
Taehyung operates.

“I’d linger,” Taehyung replies. “Though, I’d buy those shampoos you sponsor because they smell
amazing. Not because you got a hot bod. You do realize the last time you posted about using it,
your hair wasn’t even in the picture?”

Jungkook grins and flexes both of his arms. Warmth fills Taehyung’s chest at how cute he is while
managing to also look incredibly sexy at the same time.

As light and playful as he’s been since they left Seojoon’s, he hasn’t been able to hide the concern
in his eyes. Taehyung’s too hyper aware of it, and though Jungkook says this is a good idea and
helped form it, he wonders how truthful he’s being. If his playfulness is for his own benefit too.

“Babe, no one follows me for the shampoo,” Jungkook laughs as he takes the laptop from him and
pecks a kiss to Taehyung’s lips. “Let’s go. Seojoon’s supposed to meet with Daehee any time

Taehyung glances at the clock on his nightstand. He wants to waste a few seconds kissing
Jungkook, so he does. Just a few pecked kisses to his lips because Taehyung needs the comfort it
gives him.

With everything going on in his head lately, Taehyung’s surprised any more thoughts can fit in
there. But his brain has managed to make space for his conversation with Jungkook the other night.
It keeps breaking through everything else, the memory of Jungkook dropping the L word.

How warm his expression had been, though nerves sparked in his eyes the moment before the
words fell out of his mouth. How he said it so surely that Taehyung felt how much he meant it
rather than just saying it like people do sometimes. Even people who mean it say it without feeling,
just a reminder, but with Jungkook, Taehyung felt it.

Taehyung wants him to say it again, even if he’s not there yet to say it himself.

“Come on,” Jungkook murmurs against his lips. “Whatever happens, we’ll get through it.”

And in truth, they haven’t been together long enough to be convinced that they’re undefeatable.
That they can weather every storm together, but Taehyung has a gut feeling they can.

And once again, Jungkook says it so surely that Taehyung can feel it.

The house has more people in it than it ever has at one time. It’s what makes Taehyung the most
comfortable, having everyone here. Just in case he’s wrong and his father tries to use someone else
to punish him for everything.

He feels a little bad for asking Seojoon to do this for him, but it’s for Seojoon’s safety as well. He
doesn’t know how Seojoon must feel or if he meant it when he said he didn’t come around to tell
Daehee who he was, but just to get to know him.

Taehyung has no interest in getting to know Heesun, and it’s something that’s been bothering him
too. The fact that the reason for that isn’t something she really deserves.

He’ll try and figure it out once his brain isn’t so full.

There’s a whistle as soon as they step out in the living room. Jimin and Jin are the only ones in it,
but based on the grin Jimin wears, Taehyung suspects him to be the culprit. It makes him smile
when Jimin holds up two thumbs and wags his eyebrows.

“Eyes off,” Taehyung chides as he brushes his hand against Jimin’s forehead, pretending to punish

Jungkook snorts as he sits on the empty couch because he’s supposed to be doing a solo livestream
that will be interrupted by the feed from the camera they attached to Seojoon.

Another reason Taehyung likes this idea is because if Daehee is trying to go after someone else,
it’s proof of where Jungkook is. So no one can suspect him. Even if there’s no way any charge
could ever hold, Taehyung wants people to stop using Jungkook’s past against him. Or reminding
him of it. Threatening him in general.
It pisses Taehyung off to no end.

Jungkook seems to be comfortable so bare around them, though his neck turns red when he puts the
laptop on the table and adjusts to make sure he’s in full view.

They start the video as soon as Seojoon texts that he’s at the firm. It’s midday, the building should
be packed with people. From clients to other lawyers. He has Namjoon there keeping watch too,
though he wished Namjoon were also here.

“Hey guys, this is J,” Jungkook greets, and Taehyung snorts quietly at the fuckboyness of it all.
How not so casually Jungkook threads his fingers through his hair to push it back, extending his
neck to show off his jaw. “Gotta be quiet because my husband is working. I want to surprise him.
He’s always so focused, let’s try to distract him.”

Taehyung quirks up a brow at that, arms crossing over his chest. He thinks this might have been a
bad idea because his intention was to focus on Jin’s computer to see Seojoon’s view, but he can’t
take his eyes off Jungkook.

“He’s coming now. Yep, nose buried in his laptop. Hope he doesn’t trip,” Jungkook whispers as he
presses a finger to his lips. He adjusts back on the couch and looks at Taehyung, thighs spreading
some. Taehyung narrows his eyes, wondering what Jungkook’s trying to do.

Jungkook glances at the computer and fucking winks at it. “Babe?”

Taehyung bites his bottom lip, eyes falling to Seojoon’s view of the elevator. The nerves appear
then, ripping through Taehyung like a tidal wave.

Jungkook pushes his tongue into his bottom lip, making it stick out as he adjusts his legs a little
more. His brows knit together when he pouts, going for a disappointed look but concern shines
instead. Taehyung worries what that may look like to the viewers who think Jungkook’s just trying
to get attention from him.

“I’m live,” Jungkook says, a grin tugging at his lips and doing little to hide the concern. “A lot of
people are witnessing you ignore me.”

A laugh falls from Taehyung’s lips. “Don’t be a brat. I’m just -“ He pauses like he just looked up
from his book and found Jungkook like this. “What are you up to lover?”

Jungkook rolls his head back against the couch, and Taehyung moves to him. Walking behind the
couch to lean over the back of it. He glances at the computer as he slips a hand down Jungkook’s
chest and belly before pressing a kiss to his cheek.

Millions of people are already watching him. Taehyung’s both proud and a little jealous. He’ll
never admit it, but the one time he’s seen Jungkook with someone else’s hands on him, it sparked
something inside of him that reminded Taehyung of how it feels dealing with useless interns that
don’t know how to do his research.

Jungkook circles his fingers around Taehyung’s arm as he angles his head as much as possible to
press their lips together. It’s amazing that despite all the weight crushing down on Taehyung, that
moments with Jungkook can still make him light.

“I think it’s time we told my followers our announcement,” Jungkook whispers. “Don’t you?”

For a moment, Taehyung’s confusion is genuine, but he quickly catches onto what Jungkook
Across from them, Jin nods and holds up a thumb. The sign that Daehee has been spotted by
Seojoon’s camera. Taehyung wants to go back there, but the viewer count is increasing rapidly.

Jimin on the side of them is pacing, eyes flicking between them and Jin. Taehyung’s thankful that
he’s here, that he insisted on being here.

Taehyung doesn’t like needing other people, but he’s happy he has them.

“Why don’t you go get it?” Jungkook mouths at Taehyung’s lips when he speaks, and if it were
any other time, Taehyung would be turned on by so many people seeing him kiss his husband like

Jin waves his fingers hurriedly, and Taehyung presses one last kiss to Jungkook’s lips and rubs his
chest to make it seem like he isn’t running off.

As soon as he’s out of view of the camera, he is.

On one half of Jin’s screen is Daehee standing in the middle of the main office area. It’s no
surprise he’s at work like nothing happened. That’s how he’s always been.

Daehee glances, and then does a double take at the sight of Seojoon. He looks like shit, Taehyung
thinks. Worse than he did during his hardest case.

On the other side is Jungkook still on the camera, mouth moving like he’s saying something but
Taehyung can’t hear him when he puts Jin’s headset on.

“Hey, Attorney Kim, can I speak with you?” Seojoon asks. “Privately.”

Daehee hesitates. It’s a strange thing to see coming from him. But he nods and gestures for Seojoon
to follow him into the office.

Taehyung may not be there, but he knows how tense it is. He wonders what’s going through his
father’s mind. If there’s any guilt or compassion inside of him when he looks at his eldest son.

If he’s afraid or knows it can’t be a coincidence that Seojoon is here wanting to speak to him
privately after Taehyung’s discovered who he is.

“What is this about?” Daehee asks, and Taehyung laughs at that. It makes Jungkook’s head jerk
up, but Jin starts to do something across the keyboard that makes Jungkook disappear from the
screen, replaced by Seojoon’s feed.

“I wanted to thank you for the opportunities you’ve given me,” Seojoon starts. Taehyung feels as if
he’s hanging on every word that leaves his lips. “Despite that I’ve been denied a position here at
your firm, you have had a hand in getting me to where I am now.”

Taehyung nibbles on his bottom lip, eyebrows furrowing. If Seojoon’s applied to work beneath
Daehee, it’s the first time he’s hearing about it. Seojoon has mentioned Taehyung getting the
internship over him a handful of times, but never this.

There isn’t a reason Seojoon should have been denied a position at his firm. He’s more than
qualified, they have the office space.

If Taehyung were in his shoes, he would have raised hell long before this.

On the screen, Daehee raises an eyebrow. The quality makes it difficult for Taehyung to read him
completely, to see if he’s tensed or relaxed. He looks composed for the most part, but that’s not
telling. Even when his father is angry or annoyed, he can hide it with ease.

“I have done nothing. I believe all the credit goes to you,” Daehee says with that smile he uses to
win people over. The same one Taehyung uses.

Seojoon’s laugh is dry. Even through the microphone, the lack of amusement in it can be heard. “I
believe paying my way through university is something that I should show gratitude for. That’s an
opportunity I do owe my career to.”

Daehee’s smile falters. His eyes narrow slightly as he leans back in his chair as if he’s assessing
every inch of Seojoon. “Excuse me?”

“Will you deny it?” The chuckle that follows sounds condescending. “That you paid my mother an
allowance for years and promised to get me through university to keep your little secret?”

Daehee’s nose twitches like his composure might fall, but he catches it. He’s glaring now, and
while Taehyung’s been disciplined and been on the receiving end of his father’s anger before,
Daehee never looked at him like that before.

“I’m afraid, I don’t -”

“Don’t deny it,” Seojoon interrupts harshly. “I know it. Taehyung knows it. Soon everyone will.”

Looking to the side, Daehee bares his teeth, fingers flexing as if he may make a fist with them
before he releases them. “Know what?”

Taehyung scoffs at that, head shaking. Surely, his father isn’t going to keep pretending when
Seojoon is so blatantly calling him out.

“That you’re my father,” Seojoon says without pause. He’s confident and ruthless in court, but
Taehyung wasn’t sure how he would act now. Taehyung’s surprised he didn’t beat around the
bush. “That you’ve been paying my mother off and many other people to keep quiet about it.”

Daehee just stares at him as he slowly threads his fingers together and rests his hands on the desk
between them. He cracks his head to each side, and Taehyung tenses with so much anticipation he
feels as if he could pull a muscle.

“I’ve been waiting for you to bring it up.” Daehee bares his teeth in a grimace. “I wasn’t sure if
you knew, and it’s not my place to tell you if it’s against your mother’s wishes.”

He completely darts around Seojoon’s second accusation, as if it was never said. Spitting more
bullshit if what Seojoon had said previously is true. That Heesun sent Daehee videos to him in
hopes he would want to be in Seojoon’s life.

“I tried to tell myself you might not realize it’s me,” Seojoon responds quietly, “As I’m going by
Park Seojoon now. I was hoping that’s why you’ve treated me as such. As a stranger, not your

Taehyung shoulders heavy. As much as he wants to expose his father, he hadn’t thought about the
fact that Seojoon is having his first conversation with Daehee about being his son while live
streaming it to the whole world.

If Seojoon was against it he would oppose it, Taehyung’s sure of it, but it doesn’t make him feel
better about him asking.
Maybe he is like his father, doing things for his own gain and not considering how others would
feel about it.

The thought makes Taehyung jerk away from the computer.

“What is that you want?” Taehyung hears the coldness in Daehee’s tone through the headset as he
paces behind Jin, unable to look at his father’s face. He’s aware of Jungkook and Jimin watching
him, he’s sure they are, but Taehyung doesn’t care to try and hide how he feels right now. He
doesn’t care what shows.

Usually, he likes to. But there’s only four people he’s comfortable doing so with, and three of them
are the only ones in the room.

Seojoon laughs again, the sound of it just as cold. Taehyung closes his eyes, imagining the way his
father will look when Seojoon asks for his inheritance.

But Seojoon doesn’t.

“If you wished to have a relationship, you would have brought this up long before now,” Daehee
goes on, and he sounds mocking. “Is it money? Your mother -”

“I want to know why you’d nearly have Beomgyu killed just to keep me a secret,” Seojoon
interrupts, a sneer in his tone. “I always wondered why you wanted nothing to do with me. What
made me so different from Taehyung? But I see that you are shitty to the both of us.”

Taehyung runs back to the computer, ignoring the way Jin looks up at him with wide eyes. He’s
only somewhat aware of a hand pressing against his back, but he doesn’t know who it belongs to.

There’s rage on Daehee’s face. Taehyung’s never seen him that angry before. Skin reddened, a
vein pulsing over his forehead. His upper lip keeps pulling up in a sneer or to speak, but Seojoon
doesn’t give him the chance to.

“I can’t tell which is worse, a son finding out the father he never has is a shit bag or a son finding
out the father he’s always idolized is a shit bag.”

This entire time, Taehyung’s been wondering what it will take for Daehee to lose that composure of
his with Seojoon. What will make him crack and slip up into threatening him like they need. If it
feels off putting that Jungkook was more sure that Daehee would snap easily than Taehyung was,
and even more so because Jungkook was right.

Daehee leaps up to his feet, fists slamming into the desk hard enough that it probably trembles.
“You will not speak to me that way! You wish to thank me for the opportunities I have given you,
yet you speak to me with such disrespect?”

The camera rises, and alarm fills Taehyung but when he glances down at Jin to text Namjoon, he
finds that he already is.

It’s back up, just in case. Taehyung is sure his father wouldn’t do something as stupid as hurt
someone in a place full of witnesses, but rage can cause people to react in a way they wouldn’t
normally if their mind was clear. There’s security in the building, though Seojoon assured him he
could handle himself just fine.

“Fuck you,” Seojoon seethes. “I feel really bad for Taehyung. Having a father that would try to kill
a boy he’s close to and try and frame his husband for it. I used to think, I wish I had a father too but
at least my little brother gets one. Now I wish it was the other way around so I could take the brunt
of your selfishness instead of him.”

Arms wrap around Taehyung’s waist, and he doesn’t have to look to see who it is. He knows it’s
Jungkook snuggled up against his back, pressing the sides of their faces together. Holding him so
tight and even though Taehyung never has wanted something like that, never needed it, he doesn’t
want Jungkook to let go.

Seojoon’s words throw him off, makes him pause. He wasn’t expecting something like that, nor
does he know how genuine it is. He could be saying it just to further provoke Daehee. That must be
what it is.

“I don’t know what gives you the right to accuse me of such outlandish things!” Daehee grunts
furiously. “Get the hell out of my office!”

When Seojoon takes a step back, it’s not to leave. But now Taehyung can see his father better. Can
see the anger radiating from him. His mouth glistening with spit from how he let his words out.

Yoongi and Hoseok run into the room, alarm on their faces and phones in their hands. A sign that
this is going viral like Taehyung intended it to.

“I’m not going anywhere until you tell me why.” Seojoon’s voice breaks then, his composure
slipping as well, apparent in the hitched breath he lets out. ”Tell me why you’d rather kill someone
than just acknowledge me as your son. Someone that means so much to the son that you do

Daehee’s nostrils flare as he rounds across the desk. They’re all too far away to do anything, but
Jin pops up from where he’s sitting and Jungkook tightens his arms around Taehyung like he may
try to fly through the computer and stop it.

Taehyung thinks he must be tense for Jungkook to respond that way when he’s the only one
listening in.

“I told you to get out,” Daehee whispers, the threat evident in his tone. He gets so close to Seojoon
that they can no longer see anything but his shirt. “You don’t know what you’re talking about, and
you will stop with these lies.”

There’s the sound of ruffling, and Seojoon speaks so quietly that Taehyung has to strain to hear

“There are no lies. I know what you’ve -”

“Sacrificed,” Daehee sneers under his breath before Seojoon can finish. “You don’t know what
I’ve sacrificed . The woman I loved. Your mother -”

Taehyung shakes his head, mentally telling Seojoon not to react to that. He has no idea if Daehee
loved Heesun genuinely at one point, but the likelihood he’s saying it just to get under Seojoon’s
skin is high.

“The things I had to do in order to assure that I would be able to financially support you and my
son. To give you two lives different than my own. What I’ve done to people who have threatened
that stability I was trying to gain for you.”

Taehyung holds his breath. He can feel it coming, the way his father’s words become more laced
with fury with each one.
“I married Taehyung to the son of a goddamn crook of a man in order to protect him. You do not
get to speak to me as if you know what I’ve done. You don’t know the people you’ll involve if you
go on with these accusations based on what you think you know.”

This time, Taehyung’s aware of how he tenses. He’s thankful that Jungkook can’t hear what is
being said, though he thinks Jungkook would agree. Taehyung didn’t expect Daehee to let more
out than he was being accused of, hinting at his contract with Jongho, but he thinks he
underestimated just how enraged his father would become.

So much so that he’s telling Seojoon something that Seojoon doesn’t even know.

“I never cared to have you in my life as a father. There is no need to pretend as if you’ve ever
considered me a son,” Seojoon bites back. “Leave me out of your bullshit excuses. After this, I’ll
be in the hospital just as quickly as that poor boy, won’t I?”

It feels as if there’s a pause in time. A standstill. Taehyung bites so hard on his lip he can taste

Closing his eyes to focus on the audio and not the rush of his friends around him makes Taehyung
feel like the words are being spoken to him. That creates the anger inside of him that reminds him
so much of his father, birthed by the pain Daehee’s words create.

Because Seojoon had been right. Taehyung has always idolized his father.

“If that’s what it takes,” Daehee whispers, his tone cooler than it had been a moment ago, “To
protect my son.”

It’s the wrong time for Jungkook to let go of him, but he does. Taehyung immediately steps back,
but Jungkook doesn’t move far. He only moves enough to grab the phone being shoved at him.

Jimin has it, his face set hard. On the screen there's dozen of missed calls and texts. From his
mother to close family friends, acquaintances, other lawyers.

The fucking media.

“What you’re doing isn’t protecting anyone,” Seojoon says, and Taehyung’s attention is torn
between the computer and phone.

Even more so when the camera jostled because Seojoon’s ripped it from his shirt.

“Especially not Taehyung,” Seojoon finishes as Daehee’s face comes into view. “I think he may
hate you more than I do.”

Daehee looks at the camera directly, and it feels like he’s looking at Taehyung. At first there’s just
rage and confusion on his face, but it’s obvious when he realizes what’s happening.

It’s not part of the plan, but Taehyung never had any intention to hide that he’s behind this. He just
wasn’t expecting the anger to leave his father’s face and be placed with a look of betrayal. Hurt.

Everything on the screen goes black. His father isn’t strong enough to break the camera with his
bare hand, but with the emotion inside of him, Taehyung wouldn’t be surprised if he suddenly did.

“Tae,” Jungkook says as he tugs the headset from his head. “Your mother keeps calling.”

Taehyung looks back at the phone like it’s a weapon being pointed at him.
He doesn’t feel as pleased as he thought he would after this. It isn’t regret or sympathy. He doesn’t
feel bad.

It’s just the same kind of hurt he saw on his father’s face.

“We got it,” Taehyung says as he grabs the phone. “The threat.”

Jungkook doesn’t look relieved either, his brows still furrowed in concern. He cups Taehyung’s
elbow, his thumb rubbing over his shirt.

This is something other people aren’t allowed to see. When people throw Taehyung off, upset him.
And Jungkook’s inches away, eyes glued to his face. He’ll see every and any twitch Taehyung

“He basically announced that our marriage is fake,” Taehyung blurts because for some reason, that
part is bothering him. There’s so much that should be the loudest, yet that part stands out. “Or
enough that people will suspect it is.”

The crease between Jungkook’s eyebrows deepen with his frown. “It isn’t. And I don’t care if
people think it is.”

He looks confused, and Taehyung is a little too. His exhaustion and the tension in his body from
earlier must be making his brain give up on him.

After months and months of Jungkook insisting he may collapse without proper sleep, Taehyung
thinks it’s finally happening.

“I have to go to Seojoon,” Taehyung announces instead of trying to figure out why this is bothering
him. “Make sure things didn’t escalate.”

Jungkook nods, and he doesn’t reach for him when he moves, though he does follow him towards
the door claiming he’ll drive them.

“Namjoon intervened, no one is hurt,” Jin calls before Taehyung can put on his shoes. “Seojoon
stormed out. But uh - I know you don’t care what people think, but this is blowing up.”

From a distance, Taehyung can’t see what Jin points to on his computer screen. Nor does he care to
move closer and find out. He knew this would expose his father to masses of people, that people
will react. He doesn’t care if they talk about him as well, assume his role in all this with no
evidence or even hints.

He knows there will be people who buy his bullshit of an excuse that he was doing his best to give
him a good life. The possibility of that being true is there, but Taehyung doesn’t believe it. Can’t
justify it.

One of the things he has in common with his father is that he’s selfish and focused more on his
own goals than others, that he’ll strive to do whatever he can to achieve them. That’s what feels
like the true possibility here, what his gut is telling him.

That Daehee’s pulling the ‘good father’ card to justify his actions when in truth, they’re just selfish.
It isn’t for him, but for Daehee’s own reputation and career. That’s the reason he married his
mother, why he gave her a child despite never wanting one. There is no reason he chose Taehyung
over Seojoon, Taehyung just happened to be a lucky chance for his father to avoid divorcing the
woman who provided him with the money he needed to achieve his goal.
It’s why he hid the fact that he had another child and bribed those to be quiet about it.

Why he put Beomgyu in the hospital knowing how close he was to Taehyung.

Why he was willing to marry him off to Jihyun, who could do the exact opposite of everything
Daehee claims to want for him.

Why he threatened to ruin Jungkook’s life even though that would have a negative impact on
Taehyung’s career.

Even his father marrying him to Jungkook was selfish and for his own benefit, though a large part
of Taehyung is grateful for it either way.

“Good,” Taehyung says with a jerky nod of his head. “He deserves whatever he gets.”

Jungkook squeezes his elbow, and Taehyung frowns at the quirk of his lips. “Kim Daehee found
guilty on all charges. Justice has been served.”

There’s a storm inside of Taehyung right now, one filled with emotions and thoughts that conflict
with each other. Lots of anger, hurt, other destructive things that he can’t quite name because he
hasn’t felt them before, but knows they have the potential to wreck up his insides if he doesn’t deal
with them properly.

But the storm stills for a second as something else he can’t quite name, or at least, doesn’t know
how to yet, breaks through for a few seconds.

Something that really feels a lot like -

“I love you,” Taehyung breathes out.

Jungkook’s head jerks back, the cheesy grin he’s wearing because of his comment faltering as he
seems to process Taehyung’s words.

Taehyung breathes in deep, fills his lungs with as much oxygen as he can. This is something he’d
prefer to say to Jungkook while in private, but right now this feeling inside of him is something he
wants to grab onto and hold as hard as he can.

And he wants Jungkook to hear it because the last few days, he’s been by his side nonstop and
exactly what Taehyung needs without him having to ask for it, and ‘thank you’ doesn’t feel good

“What?” Jungkook says, head cocking to the side like he doesn’t understand him. Usually,
Taehyung would think he’s teasing just to hear it again, he seems like the type, but he looks

With a small smile, Taehyung reaches up and flicks his fingers beneath Jungkook’s chin. “Are you
going to make me say it again?”

Jungkook furrows his brows and looks at him as if he’s said something highly offensive. “Of
course I am.”

That feeling grows and the words slip from Taehyung again without pause, like they’re something
that’s always been easy to say.

“I love you.”
Chapter End Notes


see you guys soon

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Chapter 17
Chapter Notes

Hello!! This is the final chapter, (just the epilogue next). I will write more then at the
end, but I wanted to say thank you so so much for all the feedback and love I've gotten
for this fic!! It's been overwhelming (in a very good way) bc I never anticipated for so
much of it. I truly appreciate it <3

Also thank you to Val for giving me the idea to start this fic & Kait for all the help,
suggestions, and edits to help make this story better <3 Ily both

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Mr. Jeon, sir -“

“I told you to call me hyung.”

“Right, hyung, I can carry my own things in.”

Jungkook glares over his shoulder at Beomgyu, who has been struggling just to drag a suitcase on
wheels behind him. “You were in the hospital for weeks, let me help you.”

Beside him is Beomgyu’s roommate, Taehyun. There’s a shit eating grin on his lips when he says,
“He’s just embarrassed because he thinks you’re hot and the way you lift things is really doing it
for him.”

Jungkook hesitates, growing embarrassed himself. He decides for both his own sake and
Beomgyu’s not to respond to that, though he becomes amused when he hears Beomgyu quietly tell
Taehyun off before he disappears down the hallway.

Since Jungkook first moved in, he’s barely spent any time in the section of the house that was
intended to be his. During his not honeymoon, he did, rearranging it and unpacking his things just
to slowly move and combine them all with Taehyung’s.

His movie collection is really the only thing this side of the house that made it feel like his, and
that’s been moved to their shared bedroom. As well as his television, because he argued with
Taehyung that it had better quality and had to stick with his stance even when he realized that
wasn’t true. At least it’s bigger.

The bed he’s barely used is the same as it had been, with Jungkook’s blankets and sheets from
home still on them. The first night he had moved here, he had switched the ones Taehyung’s maid
had put on the bed with them because he thought it would make being in a new house easier. He
spent so much time in his room growing up, laid across sheets that smelled like himself that he
finds comfort in them.

But now he doesn’t want them. The bed that’s most comforting to him doesn’t smell like just him

“I’m sorry to have to make you move, Mr. - hyung,” Beomgyu says as he enters the room behind
Jungkook. The suitcase trips over the threshold causing it to thump against the ground and the back
of Beomgyu’s ankle. Taehyun jumps behind him, concern written on his face as he grabs to steady
the suitcase.

It’s cute watching them interact. Between the constant teasing, there’s moments where Taehyun
looks at Beomgyu like he’s worried he’s going to drop at any time. Quiet moments shared between
them when Beomgyu notices and assures him he’s alright.

Jungkook feels like he’s intruding when they happen, but the moment Taehyun turned down his
offer to hire a moving company, Jungkook committed himself to helping them move.

Beomgyu might just be the best person to work alongside Taehyung. Only a short time with him,
and Jungkook’s already caught on to how similar they are. Despite being still pretty banged up,
Beomgyu is determined to move as many things as Taehyun and Jungkook.

In this case, Jungkook thinks Taehyung would just hire a moving company. A smile touches his
lips though at the thought that Taehyung might pass on the help just to watch Jungkook lift and
carry things too.

“You didn’t.” Jungkook waves a hand of dismissal at Beomgyu to assure him. “I never lived here.”

Beomgyu’s nose scrunches up and into the bridge, emphasizing the confusion in his eyes. He
attempts to throw the suitcase onto the bed, only to stare at it for a moment and seemingly decide
it’s fine on the ground.

“Oh no, sir, you don’t have to say that for my sake,” he argues. “I remember clearly. Taehyung was
really insistent I help him pick out what you would like before you moved in. I helped him put it

Warmth fills Jungkook, and he doesn’t try to hide his smile. Not just because Taehyung has always
been pretty insistent he’d be comfortable here, but because he’s also imagining him and Beomgyu
decorating together.

“I remembered because I didn’t understand why you would sleep at the opposite end of the house,”
Beomgyu goes on, reminding Jungkook that not many people know how their marriage came to be.
“He said you wore socks to bed, and he refused to go through that each night.”

Jungkook can’t imagine Taehyung saying that seriously, and it makes him laugh trying to. So
much so that there’s tears in his eyes by the time he recovers.

Beomgyu is just staring at him, a half smile on his face like he isn’t sure if he should laugh along.

“Nothing,” Jungkook starts, head shaking. He pauses, a smile stuck on his face as he remembers
the night of their wedding. When Taehyung jokingly said he’d file the divorce papers in the
morning after Jungkook lied about wearing socks to bed. “That’s why, yeah.”

“I thought he said it was because Jungkook-ssi snores louder than a foghorn?” Taehyun looks
confused as he asks, his words strained as he lifts something heavy onto the bed. He barely gets it
on before Beomgyu’s slicing his hand through the air and connecting it with his forearm with a
started look directed at Jungkook.

“Shh,” Beomgyu scolds. “He didn’t say that.”

How red he becomes tells Jungkook that Taehyung in fact did say that. Taehyun narrows his eyes,
glaring at Beomgyu as he rubs at where he had been hit. “Do you think your boss told you that so
you’d stop having a crush on him? Because it seems unlikely someone snores so loud that they
have to sleep on the opposite side of the house.”

If it’s meant to be whispered, it’s a complete failure. If it’s meant to tease Beomgyu, it’s successful.
Beomgyu becomes even more red, from his neck to the tip of his ears.

Jungkook feels the same way. He hesitates, suddenly unsure of what to do with himself. He holds
his hands out as if to grab something before remembering that there are actually more things to
move. Boxes in another location, away from Taehyun and Beomgyu.

He already knew it was going to be a bit weird having people in the house, especially with
someone as nervous and polite as Beomgyu. Taehyung would probably find Taehyun’s comments
amusing, but Jungkook thinks his own face is going to burn right off.

“I’ll go get the rest of your things,” Jungkook says as if he didn’t hear a thing. Beomgyu looks
grateful. “Be back in a sec.”

Instead of going straight to the moving van, Jungkook lingers in the hallway to dial Taehyung’s
number. It’s still quite early in the morning, but when he had woken up to the call that Beomgyu’s
release had been moved today, Taehyung was gone.

It’s the first morning since everything that’s happened that Taehyung hasn’t been here when he
woke up. There were quite a few times Jungkook has found him in the living room, watching his
home videos. Others, he’s found Taehyung half asleep in the kitchen, head hanging and eyes
closed as he waits for his coffee to be brewed.

Those mornings, Taehyung always has a folder in hand like he rolled out of bed and grabbed it
before he even opened his eyes. Jungkook’s yet to ask what’s in it, but he’s noticed that it’s
growing a bit thicker day by day.

“Love,” Taehyung greets after two rings. “I’m sorry I didn’t leave a note. I left without any
preplanning. Still got my pajamas on and all.”

Jungkook feels silly leaning up against the hallway wall and grinning down at the floor for no
other reason but the sound of Taehyung’s voice. But he’s going to let himself have this because
they skipped over the whole honeymoon stage relationships typically have.

“No need to,” Jungkook replies. “Everything okay?”

It seems like Taehyung hesitates before he says, “I’m about to visit my mother.”

Jungkook whips his head up at that and stares at the blank wall across from him. “Oh, I’m sorry. I
can call -“

“I‘ve just been sitting outside.”

And Jungkook doesn’t know what to say to that. Since they’ve returned from Daegu, Taehyung
keeps mentioning how he has to go to his mother but hasn’t. Sure, he’s been busy with the
aftermath of Daehee’s video, but Jungkook has noticed he’s seemed hesitant to go there.

Taehyung isn’t a hesitant person, and out of all the things that could make him so, Jungkook never
would have guessed it to be his mother.

“Is your father there?”

“No,” Taehyung huffs out like he’s relieved. “She’s staying with her sister. He can’t get in the
house, but she doesn’t want to see him. And I highly doubt he’s still at the precinct being
questioned. Who knows where he is. I don’t give a shit. Let him hide. He’ll show his face sooner
or later.”

Jungkook toes across the ground. The word that Daehee had been brought in for questioning came
just the day before. When Jungkook went to sleep last night, he was still there.

They’ve both been expecting him to appear at the house at any moment, but so far he hasn’t. They
too have had the locks changed for Beomgyu’s safety, new codes installed all around the house and
outside gate though Taehyung insists that his father wouldn’t strike after Beomgyu again. Not after
the media grabbed Seojoon’s public accusations and ran with them.

It’s been all over the news. Jungkook can’t go onto any of his profiles without seeing it, and the
fact that they haven’t heard hide nor hair of him since has made him uneasy. It seems unlike
Daehee to take a hit and stay lying on the ground.

He hasn’t let out a statement at all, let alone one denying the claims like one would after being
accused of something so horrific and damaging to their image and career.

“Well hopefully,” Jungkook tries. “So you don’t have to see him.”

“I’m not hiding from him,” Taehyung explains. “I’ll face him if he ever appears. How’s Beomgyu
managing? I didn’t mean to leave that on you.”

“I don’t mind. We’re bonding.” Jungkook grins to himself. He doesn’t point out Taehyung’s
change of subject, though he’s curious by it. “He’s telling me all your embarrassing secrets.”

Taehyung snorts so hard Jungkook can feel it in his own nose. “I know for a fact that isn’t true.”

No fun, Jungkook thinks though his smile only grows. “No? He just told me you were very
concerned about making your home nice for me.”

The only response Jungkook gets at first is silence, but then Taehyung hums thoughtfully. “I was.
Is that supposed to be embarrassing?”

“Thinking about Kim Taehyung, known to be ruthless and uncaring, stressing over what curtains
his groom to be will like.”

Taehyung laughs deep and loud, and that word makes home on the tip of Jungkook’s tongue. The
one he’s been wanting to say again. “Well, he seems to bring out a different side of me, doesn’t

It’s getting to the point where Jungkook’s cheeks hurt now, even as he tries his hardest not to keep
smiling like an idiot at the wall. He thinks people who claim Taehyung is ruthless and uncaring are
misjudging his character, or only see him as the Taehyung in lawyer mode.

Not the Taehyung that went out of his way and was insistent on Jungkook’s comfort when they
barely even knew each other. Or the Taehyung who is soft and cuddly when he’s tired.

The Taehyung who cares deeply and will tear down an entire hospital to see Beomgyu and to
figure out what happened to him might be ruthless, but it’s only because of how much he cares.

“Mm. I think he does,” Jungkook whispers. “You must care for him a lot.”

Taehyung chuckles under his breath, and Jungkook imagines him shaking his head fondly. “I do,
and I hope this doesn’t make it seem like I don’t, but I don’t even know what the curtains look

“Me neither,” Jungkook admits with a laugh. “Since it’s never really been my room.”

The second hum Taehyung let’s out is softer, a rumble. “I’m glad you decided to keep sleeping in
my - our bed.”

It’s surprising that Jungkook can smile so much at a time like this. When there’s high stress and
dread looming around them. But it always seems easy to despite that with Taehyung. “Me too.
Someone’s gotta make sure you sleep.”

“Tonight,” Taehyung says like a promise. “I’ll stay in bed until you wake up.”

It’s not something Jungkook’s ever said out loud, or really let himself think about much. He really
enjoys the mornings he wakes up and sees Taehyung first thing, though he isn’t necessarily upset
that most of the time, he can’t. He knows Taehyung wakes early and is too restless to lay there
doing nothing until he wakes up.

But the mornings Jungkook opens his eyes and sees Taehyung looking back at him? He remembers
each one.

“Maybe you can wake me up,” Jungkook suggests. He bites his bottom lip as he glances down the
hallway to make sure he’s still alone. “Any way you want.”

Taehyung sighs into the receiver. “Any way?”

“Mhm. I like surprises,” Jungkook tells him cheekily. “Though, we’ll have to be careful. Beomgyu
already seems to be embarrassed with everything I do. Can’t quite have him overhearing.”

Taehyung laughs again. “Babe, he heard us in my office that one time. He won’t admit it, but he
wouldn’t make eye contact with me for days afterwards. I caught him wiping down the desk with
disinfectant multiple times.”

Butterflies erupt in Jungkook’s stomach at the memory. “That’s probably why then. Taehyun’s
made it seem like he has a crush on me.”

“He does,” Taehyung says without pause. “We are very similar.”

Jungkook cocks his head back to smile up at the ceiling. “Oh? Do you have a crush on me, Mr.

“I’m going now.” Taehyung chuckles, and it’s soft. “Your ego is big enough without me adding to

“You like my big ego.”

“Mhm, I sure do. I should actually go though. I don’t want to think about your ego while I’m trying
to have a serious conversation with my mother.”

Amusement fills Jungkook’s chest. “Take your time. We’re good here.”

“Thank you for calling me right now.”

Taehyung pauses like he’s about to say more but doesn’t. Jungkook hangs up after he makes
Taehyung promise to call him when he’s done or if he needs him before he is. The smile lingers on
his face as the conversation replays over in his head. As he imagines what expressions or gestures
Taehyung made while speaking.

“Jeon Jungkook,” Jungkook whispers to himself as he skips outside to the rest of Beomgyu’s
things. “Look what you got yourself into, man.”

He pats himself on the shoulder, head shaking. When he first agreed to marry Taehyung, he didn’t
know why he was doing so. He blamed it on Taehyung’s charm, his persuasiveness, but he truly
didn’t know why.

But whatever the reason was, Jungkook’s glad as fuck he agreed.

By time they’ve gotten all of Beomgyu and Taehyun’s things inside, it’s nearing afternoon.
Jungkook’s body aches because he swears Beomgyu has more books than an entire library. He
definitely has more books than anything else and so many of them are textbooks. Not even
enjoyable things to read.

For some reason, it brings a fond smile to his face thinking how Taehyung has so many too.
Though it reminds Jungkook of Taehyung’s home videos, and how much Taehyung wanted to be
like his father.

They're opposites in that way. Jungkook purposefully did things to separate himself from his
family, getting more out of pissing them off than being just like them. Taehyung dedicates so much
of his time and life to be like his, to do the things they want. Work, getting married, putting on a
show that they’re what a married couple should be. Husbands that are boyfriends.

Jungkook stills when he slides the last box onto the desk and his eyes catch a stack of papers. There
are scribbles all over the top one, and it’s the ‘void a contract’ in Taehyung’s handwriting that
grabs his attention the most. It’s underlined multiple times, and Jungkook looks over his shoulder
to make sure Beomgyu and Taehyun aren’t there before he sneaks a peek inside.

Jungkook frowns. The jargon is heavy, a bit hard to understand. He rereads words over and over,
trying to make sense of them. So much so, that he doesn’t realize Beomgyu’s returned until the
paper is being ripped from him.

“I’m so sorry,” Beomgyu blurts like he had been the one snooping and not Jungkook. The blush on
his cheeks that seems to be permanent today darkens even more. “I shouldn’t have left that out.”

The flustered and alarmed way Beomgyu speaks makes Jungkook marrow his eyes in suspicion,
his heart thumping unevenly in his chest. “Did Taehyung give you homework while in the

The laugh Beomgyu lets out is overdone and nervous. “No. No. I’m just, uh, helping him look
through a contract to see how we can uh - get someone out of it. Like loopholes and things.”

Jungkook frowns at that, his heart thumping even more. He nibbles on his bottom lip, unsure as to
whether or not he wants Beomgyu to elaborate. But a thought crosses his mind and the words fall
out of his mouth without his permission.
“What contract?”

It’s how panicked Beomgyu gets that makes Jungkook feel like he’s being punched through the
chest. “It’s nothing, sir.”

There’s no reason for Jungkook to have the thought he does. For all he knows, it could be
something completely unrelated to the thing that pops into his head. But why does Beomgyu look
so nervous?

The contract between their fathers might as well be null and void now that Daehee’s secret is out.
Unless there’s something else Jungkook doesn’t know. He doesn’t think Taehyung would keep it
from him if there were, unless it perhaps to do with their own.

And there is no reason to worry about that, Jungkook knows. The one time him and Taehyung
really fought, it ended with Taehyung assuring that a breach of contract wouldn’t lead to divorce
unless Jungkook chose to initiate one.

“You’re sweating,” Jungkook points out with a flick of his fingers towards Beomgyu’s hairline.
“Must be something.”

Beomgyu instantly touches his forehead like he’s trying to see if Jungkook is telling the truth. “It’s
just that Attorney Kim isn’t allowed to be involved with it, okay? Conflict of interest. He asked me
not to tell anyone, and he’s always stressed the importance that confidentiality also includes people
I’m close to. I don’t mean offense, Mr. Jeon. Hyung -“

Jungkook relaxes. He feels a little silly. “No, it’s fine. I thought maybe it was our marital contract.”

Beomgyu makes a face at him, and Jungkook can’t tell if it’s confused or judgmental. “No. Why
would it be? I mean, I’m sorry - that’s none of my business.”

More stress seems to downpour on Beomgyu as he rubs at the back of his neck. He tenses when
Jungkook plants his hands to his shoulders to calm him down.

“It’s fine really. You know, I’m impressed you can understand contracts enough to find a loophole
in them. When Tae and I sat with our lawyers to go over ours, I could have signed my entire life
over and wouldn’t have realized.” Jungkook laughs in hopes to relieve Beomgyu’s stress, though it
is kind of true. Contracts should be written in layman's terms so people actually know what the
fuck they’re agreeing to.

Beomgyu doesn’t laugh. He looks too serious when he says, “Never. Taehyung and his father
argued quite a bit about that contract. Taehyung was insistent that your best interests were

That silly feeling returns to Jungkook when his heart rolls around in his chest like a dog wiggling
on it’s back, tail wagging at an intense speed. He really doesn’t know what to say to that, though
it’s something he’s already known. Taehyung had been persuasive in getting Jungkook to agree,
but right after he did, Taehyung had been so concerned about letting Jungkook know he could back
out at any time.

“He’s a good guy,” Jungkook says, though it feels like an understatement.

“People don’t think so. But he is. To me, at least. Helping me so much. Letting me stay here,”
Beomgyu murmurs, eyes dropping to his feet. “And I am sorry again, for -“

Jungkook knows he’s going to apologize for naming him as his assailant, the words to tell him not
to are at the tip of his tongue but swallows them down when Butler Park appears.

Taehyung doesn’t seem to be careful about what can be overheard when he’s around, but Jungkook
still is. He knows the man has worked for Taehyung’s family as long as Taehyung has been alive
and despite leaving his parents to work for Taehyung instead, he could still harbor some kind of
loyalty to Daehee.

But that could just be paranoia talking. Being on alert for Daehee to show up or call at any moment
has been tiring, even more so today with Beomgyu now in the house. It’s definitely made Jungkook
a bit paranoid. He’s checked the security cameras five times in the few hours Beomgyu’s been

“Excuse me, Mr. Jeon.” Butler Park bows his head. When he stands straight, there’s a strange look
in his eyes. Almost angry. “There’s an officer here asking to see you.”

There’s a knot in Jungkook’s stomach instantly. He keeps up a soft, unbothered smile though when
Beomgyu immediately looks at him with worried eyes. Jungkook has no idea if he saw the live, nor
if it has to do with that but he’d bet all of his inheritance that it does.

“Don’t speak without a lawyer present,” Beomgyu whispers, grabbing for his sleeve before he can
walk away. “If it gets to that point. Make sure to say you won’t.”

Jungkook nods. Beomgyu must know something, or maybe he too is paranoid. He is the one that
gave Jungkook’s name to the police. “Got it.”

Beomgyu doesn’t let him go. “Not until Taehyung gets there.”

“I got it,” Jungkook says firmly, not in irritation but as a promise. “Don’t call him.”

It looks as if Beomgyu might argue that, so he insists before he takes off.

The officer waits in front of the door, eyes darting around the living room. Jungkook cools his face
into something annoyed, relaxes his shoulders, gives off the air that he really doesn’t give a shit
why the police officer is here.

“Hello Officer.”

The officer doesn’t look friendly, eyes slightly narrowed. “Mr. Jeon, I was hoping you’d
accompany me down to the station. We have some questions in regards to the attack on Mr. Choi

Jungkook presses his lips together as irritation fills him. He’s been hesitant to trust that the
detective Beomgyu gave his name to would truly not speak of it, forget that it happened. “I’ve
already talked to the detective on the case. I was out to dinner with my husband when the incident

The officer grins in a way that makes him look like an asshole when he says, “Well some new
information has been given to us. I must insist you come with me.”

They saw it coming. Even Jungkook knew the likelihood of this happening was high.
“Mr. Jeon, can you identify the two men in this picture?”

Jungkook glances at the photo that’s slid across the table towards him. It isn’t one he’s seen before
but it’s similar enough for him to recognize. He still peers at it like he doesn’t know who is in it,
head twisting from side to side like he’s trying to figure it out.

When he looks back to the officer, there’s an expectant look on his face.

“I told you officer, I’m not speaking until my lawyer is present.”

The officer flares his nostrils and drags out another picture. Almost the same. Jihyun, and who
Jungkook has been told is his father, exchanging something in the alley of that underground club.

“You’re not under arrest, Mr. Jeon. I’m simply looking for information,” the officer lies. Taehyung
told him they would if this ever happened, but even then, Jungkook would know.

When he still refuses to respond, it adds to the man’s growing irritation. “We have information that
the man here is responsible for the attack on your husband’s employee, but your brother won’t

The officer jams a finger down against the picture, but Jungkook doesn’t look away from him to
see where he’s pointing.

And while Jeon Jongho has never been a physically violent man, his cruelty is enough for
Jungkook to not be surprised if it were indeed true that he was to blame for Beomgyu’s attack.
However, Jungkook doesn’t believe it to be.

It was unclear whether Jihyun had just been afraid of being found out or was telling the truth the
day he and Taehyung approached him about the attack. Not enough to be convinced, so Taehyung
took the next step in making sure his story was straight.

Jongho and Jihyun never left the house the night Beomgyu was attacked.

“That sounds like a you problem,” Jungkook comments.

He tries not to be obvious in the way he glances at the clock behind the officer. While he trusts
that this will lead to nothing, Taehyung’s ability to do so, he still is anxious being here. In an
interrogation room with a man who isn’t going to believe him regardless of what he has to say.

Because Jungkook knows the only reason he is here is because of Daehee. There’s no doubt in his
mind that the photos from the club leaked because of him.

Revenge. Punishment. Because Daehee never truly cared whether his son became successful and

This is what they’ve been waiting for. To Daehee to get up and strike back.

“Mr. Jeon,” the officer practically growls, but he doesn’t get the rest out as the door slams open.

Jungkook bites the inside of his cheek to keep himself from smiling at the way Taehyung casually
strolls in like his eyes don’t say he’s about to commit murder. He idles up next to Jungkook, hand
resting on his shoulder to squeeze encouragingly.

“Excuse me, Officer. I’m sorry I’m late. I’m sure you know I have some personal affairs that have
been consuming lately,” Taehyung greets before he sits down beside Jungkook and lays a folder
out between them. “Speaking of, how’s my Appa? He’s still here in holding, right?”

The officer jabs his tongue into his cheek but doesn’t respond. They all suspect Daehee isn’t. They
know that Daehee isn’t going to be charged with anything, that he’s going to put this onto someone

That’s exactly why both Jungkook and Taehyung saw this coming.

“No need to answer,” Taehyung goes on though it’s clear he wasn’t going to. “We have more
important matters to discuss anyway. Like how I told you that you are not allowed to speak to my
client without me present, yet I hear he’s been held for two hours now?”

Three, Jungkook thinks to himself, but he knows it isn’t Taehyung’s fault that he’s just arriving
now. Jungkook specifically called Namjoon instead because Taehyung was where he needed to be,
and if he finally managed to get out of the car and see his mother, Jungkook can wait a few hours
here until he does what he needs to.

Taehyung is earlier than Jungkook had expected. He assumed talking with his mother would take
much longer than a few hours, and Jungkook was prepared to be here and be as unhelpful as he can
be for most of the day.

“Is he a suspect?” Taehyung asks so casually it’s like he’s asking how the man’s day is. He flips
open the folder, glancing at the officer with a mocking arched brow. “Wait, don’t answer that. I’m
sure my father identified the man with the hat as Mr. Jeon, no?”

The officer’s upper lip curls as he leans back in his chair and crosses his arms. “You know I can’t
tell you that, Attorney Kim.”

Taehyung smiles softly. “Right. You don’t need to either. I already know. These photos came into
your possession because of him, that I know. I also know he named this man as Jeon Jihyun?
That’s why he’s currently being held just down the hallway? Which is surprising. We all know
what avid supporters this precinct is of Minister Jeon. He’s the reason your budget is so high for
the upcoming year, no?”

Jungkook bites his lip harder when he looks at Taehyung. So casual and composed seemingly. He
doesn’t even fidget or play with his hair, but it’s the tension in his jaw that tells Jungkook he
doesn’t feel as he makes himself come off.

They haven’t had much of a chance to sit down and talk just the two of them since Daehee’s threat
went live. Jungkook’s curious to know what Taehyung thinks, feels. Interested in finding out why
Taehyung looked more upset after exposing his father than victorious.

Just like in court. When he won the DK case. Taehyung didn’t look like a man who’s hard work
for months paid off. He accepted the verdict he’s been working so hard to obtain with a simple nod
of his head. Jungkook would have been more like Seojoon, flipping papers across the table in
victory and to show off to the opposing team, especially his rival, that he fucking won.

“Must be someone a bit more influential in your ear then,” Taehyung goes on as he pulls out
something Jungkook can’t see from how fast he whips it out and slides it across the table. “But we
all know this is a waste of time and money. You have plenty of information that corroborates
Jungkook’s statement of where he was the night Choi Beomgyu was attacked. As well as

The officer only glances at the stack of papers Taehyung has slid towards him. “Regardless,
Attorney Kim, involvement with this club -”

“I would suggest you look a little more closely at the file I’ve given to you before you finish that
sentence, Officer.”

Jungkook’s curiosity is piqued then, but the file is too far away for him to read. The officer glares
at Taehyung in annoyance and reluctantly pulls the file closer to him.

There’s a smug grin on Taehyung’s lips as the officer silently reads. Jungkook may not know what
is on it, but Taehyung’s reaction tells him it’s something that means he can finally get the hell out
of here. How he leans back in his chair, eyes taunting in response to the Officer’s unsure glance at

The way his hand slips beneath the table to rest against Jungkook’s thighs, fingers so
absentmindedly rubbing over the material of his joggers.

The officer’s eyes dart across the papers as they watch him in silence. His nose twitches in
annoyance here and there, his upper lip curling and getting stuck up near his nose when he turns
the page.

Taehyung hums when he squeezes Jungkook’s thigh and brings his hands back up to fold them
together on the table.

“In case you don’t understand,” he starts slowly, the words dripping from his mouth, “It appears
that my father has personally requested you investigate my husband and his family. And if you see
on page three, it states that ‘it would be to the Commissioner’s best interest to pursue charges
regardless of the evidence obtained.’” Taehyung tuts his teeth disapprovingly, head cocking to the
side. “My father must be desperate to send such a comment electronically knowing how accessible
all of his accounts are to me. Crime 101 teaches us to never leave a trace of evidence behind. And
well, I’m sure you can agree with me, this is just a sloppy clean up job.”

Jungkook presses his tongue hard against the roof of his mouth and purses his lips, but it does little
to prevent the same grin that Taehyung wears from appearing on his face. Even more so when it’s
evident on the officer’s that he’s screwed.

“I personally think you should be focusing more on finding out who actually attacked Choi
Beomgyu,” Taehyung finalizes as he stands. “But if you have any more questions about
Jungkook’s location that night, feel free to search it on the net. I find it interesting how many
strangers are invested in the dates my husband and I go on.”

The officer’s nostrils flare as he slams down the file onto the table. “Attorney Kim, there is a lapse
of time in both you and Mr. Jeon’s statements.”

Taehyung nods his head from side to side. “Both you and I know it wasn’t a large enough time
frame for us to get from the theatre to my firm, destroy it and beat a young man brutally, and to the
restaurant. There’s no way even a first year law student would use that in a case against Mr. Jeon.
But if you’re so keen on knowing, Officer, my husband and I were having sex. Would you like me
to give you a play by play for your reports? Down to the last minute?”

The man’s face turns as red, the anger growing in his eyes as Taehyung pulls back and crosses his
arms to wait for a response. Jungkook wants to push Taehyung out before he aggravates the officer
further because he feels it getting there.

The tension between them is enough to suffocate everyone in the room. Taehyung said he had
immense pull here, but Jungkook is sure there’s a limit to that.

Taehyung turns to Jungkook and arches a brow. “Maybe we should demonstrate.”

Jungkook suppresses the snort he wants to let out. He rubs at his eyebrow, head shaking in
amusement. “We should ask to borrow the handcuffs.”

Snapping his fingers and wiggling one at him, Taehyung looks impressed by the idea. “What do
you say, Officer? While you call up your Commissioner and tell him I’ll be forwarding that email
to every single person I know, you can ask him to join and watch too.”

The officer bares his teeth before jerking his head to the side. “Get the hell out.”

Taehyung winks an eye at him. “Thought so. Have a nice day.”

Without a word, Jungkook gets out of his seat and the officer doesn’t stop him though he wasn’t
clear if both of them should leave or just Taehyung. Taehyung does linger for a moment like he’s
waiting for him to, but he doesn’t give him more than a few seconds.

As soon as they’re out of the interrogation room, Taehyung interlocks their fingers. Out of the
precinct, Taehyung lets his body relax completely.

“Great idea with the handcuffs. Who’s wearing them?”

There’s a soft smile on Taehyung’s lips when he says it, and Jungkook is stumped how Taehyung
can go from threatening to playful so quickly.

“You,” Jungkook replies. “Jin hacked his email, didn’t he?”

Taehyung laughs, nodding. “Yeah. That’s what took me so long, love. My father is good at hiding
things, but he underestimates the ability of anyone who isn’t himself too much. I could have
guessed his code without Jin’s help, though to be fair, it would have taken me at least two tries.”

Jungkook squeezes Taehyung’s fingers. “I thought you were with your mother?”

It’s said carefully just in case Taehyung never got out of the car and went inside. Jungkook doesn’t
want to make him feel bad about it.

“I was,” Taehyung says, keeping the small smile on his face though it doesn’t fully reach his eyes.
Those just look tired. “We knew my father would do this. Detective Song called Namjoon as soon
as he found out my father dropped your name. They’ve been working all night to find something.”

Jungkook frowns at that, nearly stopping in his steps but their clasped hands keep him moving.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I didn’t know until he called about the emails. I left as soon as I did and came right here,”
Taehyung explains. “Apparently you aren’t the only one invested in my sleep schedule. They knew
I would stay up all night too.”

At that, Jungkook’s frown eases. “You should send them more than a fruit basket.”

Taehyung laughs again, nodding. “I know. I know. I have something planned.”

Jungkook gives him silence as a response because it feels like he needs it. He expects them to walk
together to the nearest bus stop, but they walk past it. And the next one.
They walk in silence mostly, though Jungkook grows curious as to where Taehyung is leading
them. Surely he doesn’t expect to walk all the way home? And though the firm is closer,
Taehyung’s already publicly announced that he’s leaving it.

“Where are we going?” Jungkook finally asks when he’s run through a dozen possible options as
to what their destination could be.

Taehyung grins and knocks their shoulders together. “If I remember correctly, you’re also invested
in us eating together.”

Since Daehee’s exposure, reporters have been on their ass worse than before. It’s to no one’s
surprise, but Jungkook can’t help stare daggers over Taehyung’s shoulders whenever he sees them

If it bothers Taehyung, he doesn’t act like it does. He makes light conversation over their meal,
only once asking to speak to the owner of the restaurant to assure that they can be placed
somewhere privately and not be disturbed.

“It will be unlikely your brother will get more than a slap on the wrist,” Taehyung says as he
shovels food onto Jungkook’s plate. “And it’s even more unlikely his involvement with the club
will get the light of day. They tend to cover these things up. The fact this isn’t in the news at all yet
only confirms it. This was all done to annoy us more than anything. Probably get a pap shot of you
walking into the precinct and try to do something with it before we sue their asses.”

Jungkook knows. As much as he detests his brother and father and wouldn’t care if they got the
full extent of consequences for their actions, Jungkook isn’t passionate about making sure it

And as annoyed as he is that once again, his past is used against him, Jungkook is just too tired to
care. He doesn’t give a fuck if rumors spread because some asshole caught him on camera walking
into the precinct.

“I feel a bit like my father,” Taehyung goes on, only side eyeing him. He brings food up to
Jungkook’s mouth as if to distract Jungkook from interrupting like he’s planned to. “It benefits me
if it doesn’t get exposed. As I know who runs it and have defended him. Won him a not guilty
verdict. And I would most likely be the one to defend him if he were to be arrested again.”

Jungkook let’s Taehyung feed him until his mouth’s full, a little too much. They both share grins as
Taehyung pushes a little more against Jungkook’s puffed out lips.

“I think though,” Taehyung starts, but he interrupts himself to press a kiss to Jungkook’s greasy
lips, “I don’t give a shit if that becomes a hot topic. Me doing my job and doing it well. There are
clients I have turned down because I was unwilling to help them win their case. But overall, I
defend the guilty because that’s where the money’s at. The rich and influential tend to be more
guilty than not, and more desperate to pay for a good enough lawyer to get them off.”

Jungkook chews quietly as he listens. While Taehyung isn’t speaking specifically, it’s still more
detailed than he usually speaks about his profession. Jungkook in no way wants Taehyung to
betray the oaths he’s made, but there’s something blooming in his chest that Taehyung trusts him
enough to even say a little.
Though that feeling doesn’t have time to grow too large as he realizes Taehyung’s comparing
himself to his father.

“Let me ask you something,” Jungkook starts when he finally swallows. He wrinkles his nose
when Taehyung snickers and tries to shove his mouth full again. He grabs Taehyung’s wrist to
keep him from doing so and guides it to his mouth instead. “If we had a child, would you destroy
their life for your own benefit?”

Taehyung bites his bottom lip, eyes darting across Jungkook’s face. “No, but even cruel and evil
people do things to others that they wouldn’t to their own family or people they care about in
general, lover. This is why we see so many, I don’t know, serial killer’s families claiming their
loved one couldn’t never do what they’re being accused of the things they’re actually guilty of

Okay, true. “Please don’t tell me in any way are you comparing your defending of a man who
allegedly is into money laundering and gambling to being a serial killer, Tae.”

Taehyung shakes his head as he sinks back into the seat, head hanging back. Heat erupts across
Jungkook’s neck when Taehyung bites his lips and groans loud enough for even their far away
neighboring table to hear. “Say allegedly again.”

Jungkook kicks him gently beneath the table. “Shut up. I’m serious.”

The amused look stays on Taehyung’s face. “No, I’m not. But, my client also treated his employees
like shit, love. They are struggling to get out of their contract with the company. He’s a shitty guy
and an annoying one at that.”

Taehyung looks petulant, arms crossing over his chest. Jungkook wants to kiss his pouted lips. “Is
that what you’ve been doing with that file you carry around? Looking for a way to get them out?”

For a moment, Taehyung scrunches his brows like he’s confused. “No. It’s a conflict of interest for
me to get involved,” he says with gleaming eyes that tells Jungkook he’s lying. “I’ve only
instructed Beomgyu what to look for. As I am technically not working, I have Beomgyu continuing
his internship with a colleague of mine. A colleague that just happens to have taken on this case.”

That must have been what Jungkook had found while helping Beomgyu move in. He’s a little more
relieved to hear it doesn’t have to do with their contract, though he hesitates because he thinks he
should mention that to Taehyung. The fact that he worried about it, even for a second.

Good communication or something.

“You’re not like your father, babe,” Jungkook says instead, because there’s this strong need inside
of him to get that thought out of Taehyung’s mind.

The smile slowly falters from Taehyung’s mouth, but it doesn’t turn into a frown. “Have I ever told
you when you talk like this it’s a huge turn on?”

Jungkook rolls his eyes, humored. He’s tempted to flick a piece of meat across the table at
Taehyung in retaliation, but he doesn’t. He just pushes his feet beneath the table until Taehyung’s
are hugged between them.

“You’re not the type to avoid a subject,” Jungkook comments lightly. He tries to come off casual,
but the way he shifts the plates between them around makes him feel like he’s coming off obvious.
“And you don’t have to with me.”
For a while, Taehyung doesn’t say anything. He picks at his food, offers some more to Jungkook.
He lets Jungkook feed him back in return, the look in his eyes intense when Jungkook cups a hand
beneath his chin and feeds the food into his mouth.

In no way does Jungkook want to push Taehyung into talking, he just wants Taehyung to know he
can. Even if it’s a length of time from now until he’s comfortable.

He also tells himself to take his own advice too.

“I’m fine with what happened. I don’t regret what I did, and I’m not empathetic that my father is
losing everything,” Taehyung says as he wipes his mouth. “But I wasn’t expecting me to feel, I
don’t know. Heavy isn’t the right word but it’s the one that comes to mind.”

He whips his hair from his face, which has grown longer. It hangs in front of his eyes if he doesn’t
push it back, and the longer it grows, the more Jungkook notices the habit Jimin pointed out.
Taehyung playing with his hair when he’s stressed.

“I think that’s less because of what’s happening to your father and more because you just learned
the things he did to deserve it,” Jungkook offers gently. He isn’t close to his father, he doesn’t get
the feeling as a whole, but enough to understand. “You didn’t lose your father, but in a way you
lost the one you knew.”

Taehyung sucks his bottom lip into his mouth and nods. He looks more tired when their eyes meet,
and Jungkook worries he’s pushed too much. “I agree. And since I’ve spent my whole life wanting
to be like him and proud that I was -“

“You’re not,” Jungkook interrupts. “At least, the parts in which you are like him are okay for you
to love him for. The bad ones? Didn’t even touch you.”

Taehyung rubs at the corner of his mouth like he’s trying to keep it from lifting just to fail at it
anyway. “Who knew you were good at this?”

Jungkook laughs under his breath. “Yeah, well, when you grow up with everyone making you feel
bad or telling you what’s wrong with you, you know the things you wish they would say instead.”
He swallows thickly as Taehyung’s expression softens. “Not that I’m just saying it to mull you
over. I mean it. The reasons I hate my father are the same ones I hate about yours. If you were
anything like them, I wouldn’t stick around.”

Taehyung cocks his head, eyes peering at him slightly. “And will you?”

“Hm?” Jungkook hums in confusion. It’s hard to look at Taehyung because of how intense his eyes
are, though Jungkook can’t exactly read what’s in them.

It reminds him of how Taehyung looked when he said he loved him.

“Stick around,” Taehyung clarifies.

Jungkook has a mind to roll his eyes at that because he swears it’s obvious. But he doesn’t. He
wants to say it, and he wants Taehyung to hear it.

“Of course,” Jungkook replies. “‘Til death do us part.”


Taehyung leaps up the steps towards the front door, which opens before he can reach it. He greets
the doorman with a bow of his head, noting that it isn’t the same one he grew up with.

He shouldn’t be surprised. Their last door man worked for them for many years. His mother
probably didn’t trust him not to let Daehee in. He considered doing the same, but the thought was
only with him for a moment before he realized he trusts Butler Park.

“Your mother has company, Mr. Kim. She asked not to be disturbed.”

Taehyung hesitates, a frown on his lips and the question as to whether or not it’s his father on the
tip of his tongue. He doubts it, but he can’t imagine who else it would be that would require even
him to have to wait for her.

“Excuse me,” Taehyung says, ignoring the man when he tries to step in his way. He wouldn’t push
him off, but he’s thankful a glare is enough to get him to back off. “Eomma!”

Though Taehyung had no idea who could be here other than his father, the woman he sees is the
last on the list of possibilities. He stills completely, knowing his face reveals how shocked he is.

Sitting in the den, across from his mother, is Park Heesun.

His mother leaps from her couch, her face mirroring his own. She rushes over to him, her hand
gentle when it grabs for his arm.

“Taehyung-ah, you said you and Jungkook wouldn’t be here until dinner.”

Taehyung can’t take his eyes away from Heesun. He’s tried his best over the last couple weeks to
not think about her. Not yet. He’s failed multiple times, but overall, he’s been successful.

She glances down to the cup of tea held between her two palms and doesn’t look back up.

What in the actual fuck.

“Eomma -“

“Taehyung. Please give us -“

“No.” Heesun stands up quickly but she’s careful when she places the cup to the table. “I should be
going. I’ve taken up enough of your time, Moonhee.”

God this is weird, Taehyung thinks. The last thing he’d ever think he’d see is his two mothers in
the same room as each other. Especially looking cordial, though at a closer look, his mother’s eyes
are swollen and bloodshot.

“No, no,” his mother insists as she pats Taehyung’s chest, “Please stay. We haven’t finished.”

Taehyung gives her a questioning look, which makes her sigh.

“I called Heesun here to speak with her,” she explains. “I think you should speak with her too.”

With everything going on right now, that’s the last thing Taehyung wants to do. Though maybe
Jungkook’s right to suspect him of hiding from confrontation, because he does feel he wants to
hide away from Heesun.

But the first time they interacted, Taehyung did regret the way he behaved. Regret isn’t something
he likes to feel, usually doesn’t, but he has with Heesun. The way he spoke to her, treated her,
thought about her. Things that made him feel unlike himself, childish. He hasn’t given himself
time to sort through those things.

“The only thing I have to say is I’m sorry for my harshness the first time we spoke,” Taehyung
says, looking to Heesun. “And I apologize that I’m not ready to speak more.”

Heesun folds her hands over her lap and nods. “It’s nothing to apologize for. Take your time.”

Taehyung wants to argue that, but he doesn’t. He can’t quite explain himself, and he finds he
doesn’t want to upset Heesun in his attempt to. He’s more curious as to why his mother has invited
her here, and he says as much.

“I felt it was time we finally meet,” his mother responds hesitantly. She offers him a warm smile as
she rubs up his forearm. To reassure him or soothe him, he isn’t sure. “And well, with the things
about your father and Beomgyu -“ She presses her lips together, the corners twitching up in a
pained expression more than a smile. “ - I am concerned about Seojoon. The threats your father
made to him.”

Her eyes water then, and Taehyung pulls her in a half embrace. He told her the reason they got it
live was to discourage him from ever actually doing so, but he understands the worry.

“Taehyung-ah,” his mother whispers as she cups her cheek. “I don’t want him to hurt you like

Taehyung glances at Heesun, whose eyes are diverted, before he cups his mother’s hand firmly
against his cheek. It might not be right of him to say, to assure his mother so confidently when
Jungkook was right once again, he doesn’t know Daehee as well as he thought to claim anything.
But he does, needing to. “He won’t, Eomma.”

At first, Taehyung doesn’t care if Heesun hears it, but he thinks about the home videos. How cruel
he thought his father to be. So he whispers it like a secret before he pulls it away.

Even if it’s unnecessary, Taehyung’s so determined to not be like his father he has to.

“I should go,” Taehyung murmurs. He places a kiss to his mother’s forehead. “I’ll be back for

He’s halfway out, skipping down the steps towards the front yard when he’s called back. He stills
in his steps, wasting time to turn around by readjusting the cuffs around his wrists.

When he finally does, he has that odd feeling inside of him again when he finds Heesun slowly
walking towards him. It’s a mix of too many things at once for him to properly identify what
exactly it is, but it causes his chest to feel as if there’s a boulder being lodged inside of it.

“I hope my presence here isn’t bothersome,” Heesun starts. She slips her hands underneath her
armpits, hugging herself. “Your mother asked me to come, and after harboring so much anger and
hurt towards her, I thought speaking with her would help rid that feeling inside of me.”

Taehyung nods. He isn’t sure what to say or if the pause she gives him is for him to respond. The
way she squeezes her arms around herself seems to say the pause is more for herself.
“I just.” She smiles softly, her eyes wet. “I meant it when I said to take your time, but I would like
to say one thing if I may. I regretted not saying it to you when we met last.”

That feeling worsens. Taehyung stuffs his hands into his pockets as he rocks back on his feet. He
has the urge to look down at his toes, but he keeps his eyes on her, waiting.

When she doesn’t, Taehyung gestures towards her to tell her it’s okay.

“When Seojoon found out about you, he asked me if there was a reason your father chose you over
him. I told him the truth. Your father never wanted a child, his wife did. A baby. But when he met
you and saw how close you and Daehee were, he asked me again. If there was a reason.”

Heesun drops her eyes to her feet, which she shuffles across the ground. She laughs under her
breath, unamused.

“Thinking about that has caused me to worry those same thoughts may cross your mind. And I just
wanted you to know that from the moment I knew I was with child, I have loved you. And I have
loved you as strongly as I love my Seojoon. Over the years, I have mourned the moments I did not
get to share with you. Your father would send me videos, and every night before bed, I would
watch them.”

Taehyung does look at his feet then. He too has watched the videos Jungkook had stolen nearly
every night since the first time. After Jungkook is in the kind of sleep when he doesn’t wake from
Taehyung’s movements.

Some nights, it’s only a few minutes, and some it’s the entirety of the collection.

The word she used, mourning, feels like the right word to describe the thing in his chest. When he
watches those videos, he’s mourning the boy who looked up to his father. He’s mourning the man
he thought that raised him.

“Seojoon would never elaborate on what he was feeling when he asked me those questions. But
I’ve worried that you may feel the things I’ve assumed he has. It may not mean a thing, and I don’t
wish to give you excuses so I simply want to say I have loved you with my entire being from the
beginning, and I will until the end.”

Staring at his feet, Taehyung doesn’t see Heesun coming until her fingers are brushing over his
arm. It’s barely even a touch it’s so light.

Taehyung extracts his hand from his pocket and remains quiet as she clasps it with her own and
squeezes firmly.

For a long time, Taehyung used to blame his habit to be touchy on Jimin. But throughout his
marriage, he’s realized there’s something comforting in it. Such a small thing like his cheek
pressed to Jungkook’s thigh, his fingers in his hair. It’s nothing in the moment that Taehyung
notices, but later as he thinks about it.

When he’s at work and simply just wants to touch his husband’s cheek. His hand.

And now it’s just as simple. But the little squeeze feels like a punch right through the boulder
occupying his chest.

And he doesn’t know why. He hasn’t busied his brain as to why Heesun gave him up, he knows
why. Money’s a fucking bitch.
But now, Taehyung thinks maybe there’s thoughts he should work on because this moment feels
like too much to claim it isn’t bothering him.

“Really, take your time,” Heesun whispers. “I’ll stay away if it’s what you want. And know my
door is always open for you.”

Taehyung runs his tongue over his teeth and squeezes her hand back. “I’m sorry for the things my
father has put you through.”

Surprise coats Heesun’s face. It’s ironic because she has no idea how bad Taehyung is with
apologies, and Taehyung’s said multiple times today.

“It’s not my responsibility to apologize for my father’s actions,” Taehyung continues. “But I think
it needs to be said to you.”

Heesun’s smile grows as she nods. “It isn’t anything for you to apologize for but thank you. He
may be a horrible man, but he did have a hand in raising you. And I can see you're a good man,

Taehyung bites his bottom lip. “I think that is to do more with my mother.”

He doesn’t clarify which because he doesn’t know which he means. The look in Heesun’s eyes
tells him maybe she knows more than he does.

Call it mother’s intuition, Taehyung thinks, because somehow she knows how badly he needs to
hear he’s good.

“Go now,” Heesun whispers, letting his hand go. “Tell that husband of yours to return the things
he’s stolen from me.”

Taehyung’s lips quirk up, another feeling breaking through the boulder. The one that always comes
when he’s around Jungkook or thinking about him. “I’m -”

“Don’t apologize again,” Heesun interrupts, tone firm. “I was kidding. Keep the tapes if you wish.
I’ve watched them so many times I can see each part vividly when I close my eyes.”

They’re supposed to meet before dinner, but Taehyung can’t wait. It isn’t even a conscious
decision, he just finds himself outside of the building.

He doesn’t care how it comes off that he’s bothering his husband at work on his first day back
after everything. Jungkook took time off to help Taehyung with his family problems, to be there
the day he announced he was leaving the firm, to help Beomgyu move in. He’s been there every
day since, and maybe it comes off a little needy, or people will think that’s what it is, but
Taehyung doesn’t give a shit.

He wants to see his husband, and he wants to see him now.

“Attorney Kim,” the receptionist greets. “Mr. Jeon is currently -“

Taehyung doesn’t wait for her to finish. The words barely hit his ears as he makes his way through
the familiar path to Jungkook’s office. The same one he took the first day they kissed, walking
down surprised and amused by how Jungkook so suddenly asked for them to. When he first
realized Jungkook may be a lot more than he anticipated.

Though, even if he knew that early on that for once, he couldn’t read someone well enough to
know what they would be like, old Taehyung would have never seen this coming. That Jungkook
would have him fast pacing through the streets of Seoul and bursting into a business with a
desperate need to see another person.

That feeling in his chest has turned to something tight, like a fist squeezed around his insides
yanking and yanking at him.

The door to Jungkook’s office is slightly ajar, and Taehyung raps once against it with his hand
before opening it. Inside, Jungkook’s sat behind his desk with Manager Go across from him.

“Excuse me,” Taehyung says with a quick bow of his head. “I need to speak to my husband.

He must come off alarmed because that’s what’s in Jungkook’s eyes when the words leave his

Manager Go hesitates, much to Taehyung’s annoyance, but thankfully he accepts Taehyung’s

interruption. Perks of being the head of the company’s son’s husband, he’s sure.

“What is it?” Jungkook asks, concern radiating off of him so loudly that it just makes that feeling
in Taehyung’s chest grow exponentially.

Before Manager Go is even fully out of the room, Taehyung strides across it. And before Jungkook
can even lift himself from his seat, Taehyung is cupping his hands beneath his jaw and securing
their lips together.

Jungkook’s fingers circle around his wrists, just holding as he slowly stands without breaking their
kiss. His breath brushes across Taehyung’s mouth, and Taehyung’s fingers dig into his cheeks as
he kisses him harder.

And harder. Until the coil in his chest releases. Until the urge to hold onto Jungkook so tightly he
could accidentally leave bruises behind relaxes.

“Tae,” Jungkook whispers against his mouth, but he doesn’t pull away. Taehyung ignores him to
kiss him once more. “Taehyung.”

A gasp rushes past Jungkook’s lips as Taehyung snakes an arm around his waist and presses their
bodies into each other.

They fit so perfectly together. And not just physically, though in the moment Taehyung can’t help
but appreciate how well Jungkook’s body fits with his own.

At the beginning, their opposite personalities were loud. But Jungkook’s knobs fit into his nooks
like they’re two differently shaped puzzle pieces meant to connect together.

Taehyung laughs thinking about it. His chuckle breezing over Jungkook’s lips. Their mouths
stretch wide, yet they still fit.

God, he never could have foreseen that Jungkook would have him like this. Love stricken. More
than just a person around because the house is too big and too quiet, but someone Taehyung wants
near him, next to him, touching him. Intimately and innocently. So close Taehyung can just bathe
in the heat that comes from his body.

“Let’s go on our honeymoon,” Taehyung says without thinking. He slips his fingers into
Jungkook’s hair, tugging gently as he molds their mouths back together before Jungkook can

“What?” Jungkook laughs and tries to pull back, but he only lasts a second before he too is
wrapping around Taehyung like he can’t stop kissing him either. Mouth opening, his breath mixing
in with his own. “How long?”

“Forever,” Taehyung mumbles offhandedly. He twists his body to sit himself against the edge of
the desk, and Jungkook wastes no time in fitting between his legs and planting his hands on either
side of where his butt is. “Let’s go now.”

Jungkook snorts. He tilts his head back completely, but it doesn’t deter Taehyung any. He ducks in
and leaves a path of soft kisses down the slope of his neck.

They’re meant to be innocent because he wants to keep kissing and Jungkook’s taken his mouth
away, but Jungkook sounds like Taehyung’s intentions are anything but when he gasps out a half
scolding, half overwhelmed, “ Taehyung .”

He grips Taehyung’s forearms, pressing his body closer to him. And Taehyung didn’t come here,
didn’t kiss Jungkook, to do anything more than just that. But the sound breathy way Jungkook says
his name when Taehyung kisses his neck makes him reconsider.

“Pick a place,” Taehyung goes on. Jungkook’s heart beats so quickly he can feel it beneath his
mouth when he presses it over his pulse. He bites gently, kneading the skin between his teeth until
he can feel Jungkook’s nails through his shirt. “Anywhere.”

Arousal sparks through him as Jungkook lets out a quiet grunt, his knees buckling some so he
drops an inch as Taehyung sucks harder. Bruising, leaving a mark against Jungkook’s skin he had
no intention to do until he was already started. There’s something pleasing about it being so high,
over his collar for all to see.

“Fuck, stop,” Jungkook moans. He pushes the heel of his hand into Taehyung’s shoulder, and
Taehyung lifts off with ease. “Can’t get hard.”

Taehyung snorts as he eyes the purpled skin. He didn’t come here to get Jungkook hard, but he still
says, “Why not?”

Jungkook rolls his eyes as he fixes his collar. Despite his words, he touches over Taehyung like he
wants to get him hard too. Hands slipping over his waist, down his thighs, up his stomach roughly
enough to yank his shirt a bit from his pants.

“It’s my first day back, I have to do a debriefing,” Jungkook explains, eyes dark and heavy when
they drop to Taehyung’s lips. “Did you come here to fuck or is it really about the honeymoon?”

Taehyung cocks his head to the side, taking in Jungkook’s expression. It doesn’t look anything but
aroused, but his tone sounds accusing. “I actually just came here because I wanted to kiss you, and
I don’t want to wait to do so. You’re the one that’s so sensitive you get turned on by a little

A soft smile touches Jungkook’s lips before he sucks his bottom lip into his mouth. He rubs his
hands down the desk, moving his head forward until their noses bump together. “What?”

“What?” Taehyung repeats, going cross eyed to try and look at Jungkook.

“Just to kiss me?” Jungkook taunts. He opens his mouth again, ghosting it over Taehyung’s.
Taehyung won’t fall for it though, doesn’t try to tilt his chin and kiss Jungkook knowing he’s going
to pull away. “Why?”

“Why?” Taehyung pulls his head back to look at him properly. “Is it strange that I want to kiss my

Jungkook immediately shakes his head. “No, no. It just - it seemed like something was wrong
when you bursted into my office. But then you - I don’t know, we don’t often casually kiss.
Especially not like that.”

Taehyung wants to laugh, but his shoulders fall with his eyes. He plants his hands to Jungkook’s
chest and stares at them. “I spoke to my mother. My birth mother.”

Slowly, Jungkook brings his hands up to grab Taehyung’s. He just holds them between them and
doesn’t say a word.

“And it made me feel things that I don’t really get.” Taehyung glances at Jungkook’s expression
quickly, and it’s kind of overwhelming the way Jungkook looks at him. “Or I don’t know how to
feel. With everything going on, the nonstop of it all, I find more peace when I’m with you, so I
came here.”

Taehyung sighs. He doesn’t ever shy away from the things he’s said, and he’s not going to now. It
just feels like a greater confession than anything, because Taehyung’s never needed peace from
anyone. He doesn’t need it from Jungkook, but he gets it anyway.

And he wants it.

“So I thought maybe you and I could get away for a little bit, since I promised you after the trial
was done we could anyway. And let’s start kissing casually too, all of the time.” Taehyung offers
Jungkook a soft smile but Jungkook’s just staring at him. “What?”

The corners of Jungkook’s mouth twitch up. “I’m your peace.”

“Oh shut up,” Taehyung grunts as he hooks his heels behind Jungkook’s knees to keep him there
though his words sound like he may shove him away.

“Sounds like you do have a crush on me, eh Mr. Kim?” Jungkook teases. He puckers his lips in
mock kisses as he brings their clasped hands up to rub his knuckles beneath Taehyung’s chin.
“Would you divorce me if I called you cute?”

Taehyung doesn’t hesitate. “Yes.”

Jungkook snorts before he leans in and rubs their lips together. “I don’t believe you.”

“Good,” Taehyung whispers. He doesn’t want to let Jungkook’s hand go but he does so he can
plant his hand to Jungkook’s nape and keep him from moving back. “If you divorce me, I’m
fucking suing for emotional damage.”

Jungkook tries to pull back then, but Taehyung keeps his hand firm on his neck so he can’t. Not
until he gets another kiss. A casual one. Lips molded firmly together without the heat that so easily
builds between the two of them.

Not that Taehyung minds that. He loves that, but he loves this too.

When he finally frees Jungkook, that overwhelming look is back on his face. “I love you, you

Taehyung gulps down the words in his throat and nods. It’s an opening for him to say it again, as
he’s been meaning to. He would have much rather liked to tell Jungkook that he loved him after a
little more time to process that that’s how he felt, and not to blurt it out in front of others. But he
thinks for them, it was probably right.

“I know,” Taehyung promises. “I love you too.”

Jungkook nods like Taehyung just told him something heavy that he has to accept. It brings a smile
to his face. “You know, when Beomgyu told me about how he was trying to figure out how to get
someone out of a contract, my first thought was you were trying to get out of ours.”

Taehyung stills, his face scrunching together in confusion. Today is just a day full of shit he isn’t

“Uh, which felt out of nowhere,” Jungkook goes on, and he does seem a bit shy about the
admission. “But this thing is new between us. Like, feelings and shit. And I think getting away and
spending some time together, just the two of us, can let us just focus on that.”

“Feelings and shit,” Taehyung repeats, amused.

Jungkook’s laugh comes out breathy. “Yeah. So I am down, but I just need to catch up on some
work here first.”

Taehyung moans softly and tightens his legs around Jungkook. “Keep talking like that and I’ll have
you over this desk in a second.”

With a roll of his eyes, Jungkook places one last kiss to Taehyung’s lips. “You can stay with me if
you want. Help me get it done a little faster. Or if you need the company.”

Warmth spreads through Taehyung at the offer. “I’d like that.”

He lets Jungkook go then, but Jungkook doesn’t move back right away. He lingers, hands rubbing
up Taehyung’s thighs. “I don’t know what it must feel like, the things you’re going through with
your parents. But whatever you need to help figure it out, whether it’s how you feel or what you
need to do, I’m here.”

Taehyung cocks his head to the side and runs a knuckle beneath Jungkook’s chin. He just rubs it
there, thumb jutting out to swipe over his jawline.

It’s another small touch, a small percentage of their skin making contact, but it has such a huge
impact on him. Rocks through him like an earthquake, shattering any boulders that have grown
inside of him over the last few weeks.

“I think there’s something more important I should do first,” Taehyung says quietly before he pulls
out his phone.

Jungkook watches in confusion as Taehyung pulls up his contact list and scrolls until he finds lover
. A smile touches his lips when he hits edit, and it grows even more when he removes the r from
the end.

When he looks up, Jungkook is smiling just as widely.


Jungkook stretches his body until it fits behind Taehyung’s. He hums as he presses his lips into the
back of Taehyung’s neck, nuzzling against him. It takes a few tries to adjust perfectly, but they do.
His arms wrapped around Taehyung’s front, their legs entangled.

Taehyung smells like his cologne and shampoo. The scent fresh on his skin from getting out of the
shower not too long ago, though his hair is already mostly dry. He still feels warm though, like the
heat from the water has latched onto his skin and refused to leave.

The television is muted, but the lights flash across the room. Jungkook wished they had turned it
off, he knows Taehyung’s reading the captions at the bottom. He is too, as much as he doesn’t
want to.

“You promised you’d sleep,” Jungkook whispers as he hugs Taehyung a little tighter. He brushes
his lips across Taehyung’s ear to say the words there.

Taehyung hums deep in his throat in response. “I cancelled an important meeting with a client I
need going forward to lay here with you. I’ll sleep when the news is over.”

For as much as they both hate the media, it’s mostly been the news that’s on when the television is.
Jungkook’s not too keen on listening or reading about anything to do with his trip to the precinct or
seeing Taehyung’s name mixed in with his father’s, but Taehyung wants to keep up with the talk
about Daehee. Like he’s getting something out of seeing his downfall.

Yet, he looks miserable when he watches them.

“This morning it was announced that your brother was being investigated for Beomgyu’s attack,.
Taehyung whispers, yawning halfway through his sentence. He reaches up, grabbing Jungkook’s
forearm and just holding onto it. “If it goes to trial, I’m not going to represent him.”

Jungkook doesn’t say anything. He just watches the images flash across the screen, every now and
then finding his brother’s name at the bottom as the anchor includes him in tonight’s list of

“It’s a breach of contract,” Taehyung goes on. “Ours. I’m supposed to represent your entire

“I don’t give a shit,” Jungkook reminds him. His brother’s face appears, and Jungkook doesn’t
bother to keep up with the fast paced captions. He knows his brother is going to get out of it. It’s
probably just another thing to make Jungkook look bad.

“I know.” Taehyung laughs quietly. “I just wanted to tell you.”

Jungkook doesn’t say anything to that. He knows it’s probably in response to his admission earlier,
about worrying Taehyung is trying to find a way out of their marital contract. It felt like a silly
thing to worry about, and he isn’t any longer, but he knows the attempt to assure him is

When it’s his brother’s story’s turn, Jungkook barely pays attention to it. The lack of response from
Taehyung has his focus.

Carefully, Jungkook lifts up to look over him. A smile touches his lips when he sees Taehyung
asleep. Eyebrows screwed together, mouth pouted. Jungkook wants to kiss him, but in fear of
disturbing him, he doesn’t.

He lays like that for some time trying to fall asleep himself. Listening to Taehyung’s soft snores
isn’t enough to lull him into it fully, and a bit of frustration fills him.

He pulls away from Taehyung when the urge to fidget hits. But when he rolls over, he freezes at
the sight of the door opening.

Mustering up his most annoyed glare, he gives it to a sheepish looking Butler Park as he whips his
finger up and presses it to his lips.

Butler Park nods in understanding, but he doesn’t leave. He gestures towards Jungkook and then
the hallway a few times before Jungkook gets out of bed to follow him out.

“Taehyung’s actually asleep early for the first time -“ Jungkook shrugs and gestures vaguely.
“Ever probably.”

“Yes, Mr. Kim has always seemed to have an allergy to sleep,” Butler Park says quickly.

Jungkook nearly face palms himself, but he resists. They’re going to have to start locking the door.
“We could have been, you know -“

“I would have walked out, sir.”

Jungkook does rub his forehead in more frustration then. They’re definitely locking the door.
“Anyway, what is it?”

A worried look takes over Butler Park’s face. “Well, Kim Daehee is here.”

It’s like a lightning bolt shoots through Jungkook’s torso and crash lands in his stomach. The
destruction inside of him is instant. A whirlwind of anger wrecking his stomach up until he’s
suddenly more awake than he had been a moment ago.

Daehee would fucking show up the first night Taehyung is actually sleeping.

“I’m sorry Butler Park, But Tae -”

“He asked to see you, sir. I’ve made him wait outside.”

The storm inside of Jungkook’s gut picks up. They knew Daehee would show his face sooner or
later, but Jungkook wasn’t expecting it to be him that he asks to see.

Unless it’s an apology for naming him in Beomgyu’s attack twice , there’s nothing Daehee should
have to say to him. If it’s anything to do with his relationship with Taehyung, he can fuck off.

But Jungkook doesn’t want to back down or give Daehee any reason to think he can show up at
any time, to think that Jungkook’s somehow afraid, so he nods and takes off.

He isn’t afraid, but his anger and nerves mix inside of him. He knows this isn’t the best way to go
into a highly tense situation, may distort his ability to speak the words in his head, but he can’t help

It’s not just because Daehee is a shit stain, but the feelings inside of him are birthed by this fierce
need to protect Taehyung and a lifetime of dealing with shitty ass parents. Just thinking about it
pisses him off and makes him want to call Daehee up and cuss him out.

Jungkook inhales through his nose and holds it in his chest for a beat before he walks outside. It
doesn’t take him long to spot Daehee waiting for him, standing a few yards down the pathway to
the front door.

Daehee perks up at the sight of him, and in the dark, his expression is unreadable. Jungkook hopes
his isn’t, that Daehee can see how unwelcomed he is here with just one look at him.

“What do you want?” Jungkook asks when there’s a few feet between them. He crosses his arms,
making himself come off as annoyed as possible.

For a moment, Daehee doesn’t respond. He eyes the ground and stuffs his hands into his pockets.

When he looks up, there’s a firm set to his mouth. He looks like shit up close. Hair a mess, bags
beneath his eyes. It could just be the shadows across his face, but he also looks as if he’s aged a
decade since Jungkook’s last seen him.

“I’m stepping down from my position at the firm,” Daehee announces.

Jungkook shrugs. “Okay? That’s probably a good idea since you’re being investigated for the
assault on one of your interns.”

Daehee sucks his bottom lip into his mouth, nodding down at his feet. “Tell me. Did you convince
my son to have a hand in that? The video that went viral?”

A sarcastic laugh leaves Jungkook’s lips. He doesn’t know if it’s his place to say, but Taehyung
has insisted that he isn’t going to deny or hide his involvement. “It was his idea, actually.”

Daehee’s nose twitches in irritation. “It isn’t only me that this will affect. You’ve brought light to
the agreement I had with your father. Now you don’t wish for his illicit affairs to be exposed, do
you? As the only reason you agreed to marry my son is to ensure that inheritance of yours. He goes
down, there goes your precious money.”

Another shrug. Jungkook doesn’t give a shit, and he says as much. “As I’ve come to find out, my
inheritance is in the form of my mother’s company, in which my father has no part in. All of my
mother’s assets are hers and hers alone. Won’t lose any sleep over my father getting as he deserves,
so you can save your threats if that’s why you’ve come here.”

Daehee’s top lip curls up towards his nose, teeth bared. “I did not come here to threaten you. I have
seen they have not worked.”

Jungkook grits his teeth, jaw tensing in anticipation for Daehee to explain why he is here. He may
be hard to read often, but right now, Jungkook has no problem telling he didn’t come here with
good intentions.

He just doesn’t expect it. The hand Daehee lifts confusing him a second before something hard
cracks into the side of his jaw. Jungkook barely registers the pain at first, just that his head is
twisting to the side from the impact.
There’s no time to recover before fingers are digging harshly into his neck, a body pressed to his
back. Jungkook isn’t a big fighter, though his presence has caused people at the clubs to try him
before. He likes to mediate when people get drunk and rowdy, pull people off of each other rather
than participate himself.

But he doesn’t hesitate to hook his elbow back. Panic rises inside of him at how hard the grip on
his throat becomes in response. Mixing in with the anger that consumes him because of the
devilish smile on Daehee lips.

As soon as Jungkook realizes what’s happening, the hand on his throat releases. He whips around,
fists coming up to defend himself.

He can’t tell who the man is, his face mostly covered by an oversized bucket hat. His fists lower
when he sees that the man didn’t let him go to fight, but because now he too has a restraint around
his neck in the form of an old, wrinkled arm.

“None of this,” Butler Park scolds, his tone lighter than the arm he squeezes around the man’s
neck. His fingers dig in below the man’s jaw, and Jungkook watches as the man’s eyes slowly start
to close as his struggle to get free weakens. “Now, Mr. Kim, I do remember you hired me because
of my training, not just my ability to take orders. I’m afraid your son has asked me to treat Mr. Jeon
here as I do him, which means I would put my life on the line for him as well. No matter how
standoffish he may be.”

Ignoring that last part, Jungkook turns to face Daehee, whose lips are pulled back in a snarl. His
fists curl up by his side, and Jungkook really doesn’t think he’d be the one to get his hands dirty
and strike, but he braces himself.

It doesn’t look as if Daehee could do any real damage with a punch, and Jungkook knows even if
it’s in full self defense, Daehee could easily twist it and make it seem like Jungkook assaulted him.
It’s something that Jungkook would really rather avoid, no matter how much he’d truly like to
connect his fist to Daehee’s shit filled mouth as hard as possible.

“I suggest you leave,” Butler Park continues as there’s a thump behind them from him dropping the
man, “We’ll take care of your guest for you. According to Taehyung, he’s been quite a nuisance.”

Jungkook flinches at the hand that touches him, elbows jerking up but it’s only Butler Park. The
old man stands in front of him and gestures to Daehee.

“Before your son wakes up,” Butler Park finishes.

Surprise fills Daehee’s eyes, and he looks to the door as if Taehyung is standing there. “Taehyung
is not here tonight. I made sure of it.”

Jungkook cusses under his breath. “He cancelled, and he’s inside. I agree. You should go. He
already hates you enough. It’s bad enough he’ll have to see this on the security cameras.

He twists on his heel in dismissal. There’s a tug in his chest to go straight to Taehyung, but also
Beomgyu. He doesn’t go to either, instead grabbing the man with the hat and dragging him to the

The man is unrecognizable, but he looks so much like himself that it makes Jungkook feel as if he
might be sick.

Daehee spits on the ground so loudly, Jungkook can hear it. “He won’t. I’ve had one of the maids
disable them.”
Jungkook lifts himself to face him again, but he stops himself when he spots Taehyung in the
doorway. His eyes are like daggers though his posture is casual, a shoulder leaning into the
doorframe with his arms crossed. How fluffy his hair does little to soften the anger radiating from

“No need,” Taehyung says, his voice thick from just waking up. “As much as I’d like to see you
arrested, I’m afraid I can’t actually watch it. My thought of you is ruined enough already. Please
leave before the police get here.”

Jungkook remains where he is, in the crossfire of the daggers in each man's eyes. Or he suspects
that’s the case, but when he turns around, he’s surprised to see the anger completely gone from
Daehee’s face.

“Taehyung -“

“Go,” Taehyung snaps. “You keep making things worse. You fuck up, and in your attempts at
making it right, you just fuck up ten times more.”

At the rough sound of Taehyung’s voice, Jungkook drops the man with the hat and goes to him. He
doesn’t reach for him, doesn’t think Taehyung would even notice him if he tried.

Rather, he curls his torso beside Taehyung’s side, his arm brushing over his chest. Taehyung does
look to him, meeting his eyes before his gaze drops down to his jaw.

The touch of Taehyung’s fingers is so gentle against him that Jungkook barely feels it over the
throb of pain there.

“You’ve turned against me, Taehyung,” Daehee says, pulling Taehyung’s attention back to him.
“Everything I’ve done for you, and you haven’t even tried to give me an ounce of understanding.
I’ve tried so hard to protect you from the things I’ve done in the past.”

Jungkook eyes over Taehyung’s profile. It’s unmoving as he stares at his father. Not even a twitch.

“I -“

“You were willing to ruin me to save yourself from what you’ve done,” Taehyung interrupts as he
takes a step back like he may go inside. “The thing that makes you a great lawyer is you know how
to twist the situation so people see it the way you need them to. To win. As you’re trying to do with
me. But as you know, I was raised by a great lawyer so it won’t work. Now go. I don’t want to hear
anymore of it.”

Taehyung grips into Jungkook’s shirt when he does step back inside the house, tugging him along.
He doesn’t say anything, let’s silence fall upon them once the door closes.

Jungkook is about to speak, to make sure Taehyung is okay, that Daehee is actually gone, but he
doesn’t get the chance to when Taehyung leans into him and buries his face into his shoulder.

For a moment, Jungkook doesn’t know what to do. But he wraps his arms around Taehyung and
holds him close.
The entire day is gloomy. Taehyung is quiet most of the time, though he’s snippy whenever he
answers the phone. Jungkook takes it away from him when he isn’t looking, hiding it away in their
nightstand with his and the multiple missed calls from his own parents on it.

Even if they’re not yet on their honeymoon, Jungkook thinks they both need a day away from
everything. No disturbances save for Beomgyu and Taehyun, though it’s rare as they seem to hole
themselves into their half of the apartment.

He swats the remote away from Taehyung when he goes to turn on the television, knowing
Taehyung will immediately go to the news. It clatters to the ground a moment before Taehyung
calls for Nari to turn it on.

Fucking advances in technology.

“I’m going to break her,” Jungkook threatens, but he doesn’t mean it. He reaches down to where
Taehyung is in his normal spot, fit between his legs and head half on his chest and half on his
stomach. He brushes the bangs from Taehyung’s forehead to get a better view of his face.

“Don’t, she’s -” Taehyung starts to speak, but when the television lights up the room, he falls
silent. He picks his head up an inch, and Jungkook still can’t see his face well enough to read his
expression before he falls back down to Jungkook’s stomach. “Nari, turn the volume up.”

Jungkook wants to protest this, but the words die too as he looks at the television screen and
recognizes the name in bold letters at the bottom.

“This just in. We just received an update on the brutal attack on twenty three year old Choi
Beomgyu, an intern at Kim & Kim Law. Choi’s boss, Attorney Kim Daehee has turned himself in.
Kim Daehee is known in Seoul for his high profile cases, including his most recent—”

A picture of Daehee joins the woman on screen, and it's slowly replaced by another featuring him
and Taehyung.

Jungkook cups Taehyung’s cheek with his palm, just holding it there to keep Taehyung pressed
close to him.

“No word yet from Kim’s son, Kim Taehyung. Who just recently announced he was stepping away
from this father’s firm. This follows a video that was aired live across the nation, showing Kim
Daehee and colleague Park Seojoon—”

It’s a video Daehee swarmed by a group of reporters outside of the firm. He’s dressed as if he went
to work that day, which Jungkook is surprised he’d have the audacity to go on with his everyday
life. Which he shouldn’t be given the things Daehee has done.

Taehyung shifts and rolls onto his stomach. There’s a hand nudging at Jungkook’s side, making
him lean forward to make space for Taehyung’s arm behind him until Taehyung is hugging him.
Jungkook rests his hand back to him, this time laying over his nape so he can play with his hair.

He doesn’t know if it’s the finger movements that relax Taehyung when he’s stressed or the actual
playing with his hair, but he hopes it’s somewhat comforting to him.

“Attorney Kim, do you have anything to say about your son’s separation from the firm?”

“Sir, sir, is it true that you are the father or Park Seojoon?”

“Mr. Kim, did you have anything to do with the attack on your intern?”
“Attorney Kim, is it true that your wife is filing for divorce?”

Daehee doesn’t interrupt the questions that are thrown at him. He just stands there, not even his
lips opening in an attempt to get a word in. The questions don’t die down until Daehee grabs one of
the microphones pointed at him and clears his throat into it.

“I’ve asked you here today to announce my retirement,” Daehee says slowly, his head cocking to
the side. “And to address the recent accusations made against me as well.”

Jungkook holds his breath, and he feels as if Taehyung is too. Nothing but silence around them, a
still in the air.

The anger inside of Jungkook never really left. Since before Daehee came the night before, it was
always there. But last night it grew and it glued itself to Jungkook’s insides. All day, he’s been hit
with the sudden burst of it, thinking about Daehee, about how Taehyung sounded when he told him
to leave.

It grows strong now, mixing in with a hatred like he’s never felt for anyone. Save for his own

“I do not wish to make my son suffer through months of investigation and court trials or suspicion
that he’s had any involvement in the things I’ve been accused of.” Daehee clears his throat again,
glancing at the camera directed to his face. “Throughout my career, I’ve been faced with evidence
presented by the opposing side that has seemed impossible to argue against. Sometimes, it has
been. As it is now. I cannot deny what you have witnessed with your own eyes and ears. Me
threatening harm upon Park Seojoon.”

Even on camera, the stress is noticeable. Daehee wiping a hand down his face, tugging at the lobe
of his ear. Small things that say a lot. Jungkook wonders what is going through Taehyung’s mind
as he watches it, if he’s thinking the same thing as he is. If Daehee’s stress signals are genuine or
for show.

If he’s only doing it because he’s been so fucking caught that there’s no way out of it other than to

“I am both deeply embarrassed and ashamed,” Daehee goes on, his voice thicker than it had been.
“There is a quote, ‘the sins of the father shall lay upon the children,’ and I find that it is often true.
The accusations against me, made by Attorney Park, could have a negative effect on Taehyung
regardless of how true they are or not. My rage in response was due to the knowledge that even a
whisper that I could be involved in the attack on Choi Beomgyu could ruin the things my son has
worked so hard for.”

There’s a fury of questions next, and Taehyung adjusts against him. He makes a sound of irritation,
a grumble of sorts as he squeezes Jungkook’s back so hard it almost hurts.

“While I don’t care about the slander against my name as of late, I am furious by the articles that
have discredited all that Taehyung’s done to be where he is due to my actions. That is why I would
like to speak to you today.”

Jungkook glances down to look at Taehyung, but he can’t see much. He’s staring intently at the
television, unmoving.

It seems as if Daehee does not go on for hours. Time moving slowly, the impatience setting in as
they watch him stare down at the ground on the television without a word.
When he does finally speak, his words come out shattered.

“Preventing this has been my motivator. My actions, however, have resulted in this happening. As
my son has told me, I’ve messed up and messed up worse in my attempts to rectify my mistakes. I
have brought great shame on my family, but my actions have been mine and mine alone. I have
done many cruel things in which an apology is not enough for.” Daehee straightens his body and
fixes his tie, hands rubbing down his front to adjust it. “Nor is an apology enough to give to Mr.
Choi, in which I have harmed -”

The reports go wild. The microphones and cameras jab at Daehee, their questions and comments
muting the words he speaks next. It feels as if time stills, but it moves too quickly. Even in the
quiet of their bedroom, it feels as if they too are surrounded by the crowd.

“Fuck,” Taehyung whispers, turning his face into Jungkook’s stomach so he can’t see the
television at all. Jungkook can feel his breath through his thin shirt, heavy and long, before
Taehyung turns back to watch.

“I am solely responsible,” Daehee repeats again, louder this time to be heard, “For the attack on
Mr. Choi, and I will be turning myself in after this conference.”

On the television, Daehee just stands there, blank faced as questions about motives are thrown at
him. He doesn’t flinch though harsh words are said, doesn’t react though the man beside him has to
move in front of him to prevent an incoming punch. As security guards from the firm run to his aid
to protect him from the angered crowd.

And Taehyung doesn’t react either. He just lays on Jungkook’s stomach and attempts to break
Jungkook’s torso with how tightly he hugs him.

“Taehyung,” Daehee says from behind one of the guards, eyes intent on the camera. His voice gets
worse, his stressed expression gets worse. The tears in Daehee’s eyes that Jungkook can barely see
piss him off more than anything else. “You were right. And I am sorry. I love you.”

The words are barely out of his mouth before Taehyung leaps up from Jungkook to grab the remote
and toss it as hard as he can at the television. Jungkook stills at the sound of the crack, the grunt
that leaves Taehyung’s lips. He doesn’t know what to do when Taehyung steps to his feet and
makes an angered noise that makes Jungkook feel like his heart is breaking in his chest.

“Fucking narcissistic - asshole,” Taehyung snaps. “Doesn’t have the fucking - guts to face me - yet
does this shit. For sympathy, most likely. A father that does the most despicable shit to protect their
kids. Fucking bullshit - the day after he literally tried to put you , the man I fucking love, in the
hospital just like he did to Beomgyu -”

Jungkook is stunned, watching Taehyung react like this. It’s the most emotion he’s ever seen come
out of him at one time. It is so strong it fills the entire room and makes Jungkook feel like he is
getting the shit beaten out of him, more so than the actual punch he took the day before. That’s
how badly it hurts to see Taehyung like this.

“ Fuck !” Taehyung shouts, fists clenched in front of him. Jungkook jumps up from the couch just
in case Taehyung tries to break the television more than he already has. “Fuck, fuck -”

“Hey,” Jungkook calls softly, grabbing Taehyung’s fists. He has no idea what to say, but he needs
Taehyung to look at him.

And he does, eyes blazing with anger, veins popping out of his forehead. He’s so red that Jungkook
cups his face next in hopes to cool them down.

Taehyung leans into the touch, eyes falling closed. “I hate him,” he declares, his words barely loud
enough to even be considered a whisper. “So much.”

Jungkook nods. “I know.”

“I do,” Taehyung says again like he’s trying to convince Jungkook or himself that he does. “I really
fucking do.”

“You have every right to.”

Taehyung nods and grabs Jungkook’s hands to move his face into one. He just stays there still, his
harsh breath tickling Jungkook’s palm.

When he pulls away, his eyes are glossy.

“God he’s such a prick,” Taehyung sighs out, head shaking. “I hope he goes down.” Taehyung’s
face twists like he’s in pain, and he presses even harder into Jungkook’s hand. He stays like that
for a moment before he whispers, words broken, “I just don’t want to see it.”

Jungkook inhales and holds it in his chest. “We won’t. There’s nothing more -”

“Take me somewhere else,” Taehyung interrupts as he presses his hands against his face. “Just for
a minute. Thinking about all the fucked up shit my father did to get me in a house like this makes
me want to get out of it. Please?”

It’s an unlike Taehyung thing to do. Jungkook doesn’t hesitate to grab for his hand and lead him to
his car keys, and then his car. When he walks up to it though, he quickly pushes Taehyung in the
direction of the driver’s seat.

Taehyung laughs under his breath. “Won’t let me drive normally, but will when I’m fucked up?”

Jungkook dangles the keys in front of him. “When I was finally old enough to drive, I’d escape my
room and just do that. Drive. Go nowhere.”

Taehyung sucks his bottom lip into his mouth as he eyes the keys a moment before snatching them
into hand. “Alright.”

Now, Jungkook has never seen Taehyung drive when he’s calm, but when he’s upset, he’s
terrifying. He tries his best not to grab for anything as Taehyung speeds through the streets out of
the city. He doesn’t ask where they’re going because he knows Taehyung has no destination in

When they stop, it’s seemingly nowhere. It’s quiet for a minute as Taehyung puts the car in park
and rests back against the seat.

Jungkook rubs his hands down his thighs and waits for him to speak. When he doesn’t, Jungkook
opens his mouth to.

But Taehyung, without looking at him, speaks first.

“I love your car.”

A small laugh leaves Jungkook’s lips. “Yeah, me too.”

Glancing at him, Taehyung gives him a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. “Thank you for letting
me drive.”

Jungkook shrugs it off like it’s no big deal, because right now, as protective as he is of his car, he
is more so of Taehyung. “Special circumstances.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes. “Thank you though, for being such a rock through all of this.”

“Always,” Jungkook promises. He leans his head to the headrest, curving his body to look at
Taehyung fully. “No need to thank me.”

“I should, and I want to. And I want to warn you that there could be a lot more,” Taehyung goes on
as he rubs his hands down his face. “My father potentially not giving up on his threats and revenge
. Intrusive reporters wanting you to speak on your family’s involvement, how our marriage came to
be. Bothersome is not even close to the right word of how they’ve been with their calling.
Questions about Seojoon, my father, mother. Us. They’ll only get worse.”

“If any of that happens...” Jungkook trails off as he reaches out, touching him gently for Taehyung
to look at him. He can’t help the small twitch in his lips when he looks at Taehyung because it’s
him , his husband, and the words he wants to say sound corny in his head. Out loud he knows they
will even more so. “We’ll deal with it. Together.”

Taehyung mimics his smile, though he brings his bottom lip into his mouth so all Jungkook sees is
his top row of teeth gripping down onto. He hums in the back of his throat, nodding, before he
releases it. “We will.”

Jungkook grabs Taehyung’s hand away from his lap, holding it tightly in his own. He arches an
eyebrow at him. “On one condition.”

Amusement fills Taehyung’s eyes. He rubs a finger against his smirk with his free hand, head
tilting back some to look Jungkook over. “And what’s that, lover?”

There’s a lot that could happen in the future. With this, their family, them. Jungkook has never
thought too much about a future outside of moving up in his company, though he never saw
marriage in it. Now, it’s on his mind.

More than just dealing with whatever they’re handed together, but the fact that they’ll be together.
Jungkook knows it, and it’s more than just a gut feeling.

Maybe everyone who gets married thinks that, Jungkook doesn’t know. But there’s an onslaught of
thoughts at the mention of it. Them growing as people, as a couple, together. Getting old. He
smiles at the thought of Taehyung wrinkled and white.

“Well, tell me,” Taehyung says with a small wave of his fingers.

Jungkook bites at his lip and looks away from him, pretending to contemplate it. When he takes too
long, Taehyung steps down on his toes and rolls his eyes at him.

“Tell me you love me again.”

It takes Taehyung by surprise if the way the tongue he’s rolling over his bottom lip freezes in the
middle, slightly poked out over the bottom. The amusement in his eyes grows, and he tries to hide
it as he wipes his hand over his face.

But when he pulls his hand away, his expression is nothing but warm like the feeling that’s made
itself home in Jungkook’s chest whenever he so much as thinks about Taehyung.

“I love you,” Taehyung says. He reaches over, holding out his hand.

When Jungkook grabs it to shake like they are actually doing some business deal, Taehyung uses
all of his strength to pull him over it. Right over the already small space between them, until their
faces are mere centimeters apart.

“Your turn,” Taehyung whispers against his lips.

Jungkook pretends again, though he’s sure by Taehyung’s smile he knows it’s more obvious than
anything. But it makes Taehyung laugh as he grips Jungkook’s chin to keep him from pulling.

It feels really corny, but Jungkook doesn’t care. He likes that despite all the shit they’ve gone
through already, they are currently, and they will in the future, the sound of Taehyung’s laughter
and erase all of the heaviness in his chest because of it.

“I love you more.”

Taehyung’s eyes turn into daggers, his head shaking disapprovingly. A giggle is shared in their
space between their mouths before Taehyung closes it with a gentle kiss. “You won’t win.”

“I already have,” Jungkook whispers. He reaches up, sliding his hand over Taehyung’s until he can
finger the wedding ring around his finger. “By marrying you.”

Chapter End Notes

Let me know what you think!! See you soon <3

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Chapter 18
Chapter Notes

Hello!! We are at the end, and I am sad about it

This chapter is mostly just a wrap up and moments between Taehyung & Jungkook
being in love bc they deserve it and it's my favorite thing to write and had some of
these planned for the story that didn't fit into other chapters, so please enjoy!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Come here often?”

Taehyung slowly drifts his eyes to the man leaning against the bar beside him. He makes it
obvious that he checks him out, his gaze falling down the length of him slowly. He lingers on his
strong chest, his slim hips. The thighs that Taehyung wants to fit himself between.

There’s a noticeable flex in the arm he leans with, muscles straining. The way the man arches his
body is purposeful, Taehyung knows. It humors him because there’s no need for it.

Taehyung already wants him.

“Is that your best line?” Taehyung asks with a quiet laugh like he’s uninterested. He holds up two
fingers, calling the bartender over, and barely giving the man another glance after the first
lingering one.

The man smirks at him. “I hope you know CPR -“

“Don’t finish that,” Taehyung interrupts, amusement bubbling up inside of him and threatening to
ruin the bored facade he’s trying to maintain. “I must inform you that I am married.”

There’s instantly a look of complaint on the man’s face, and the way he pouts is so cute that
Taehyung gives in and lets his smile free as he shows off his ring finger. His attempt at seeming
bored with their entire interaction going completely out the window.

“Taehyung, this is role play. I’m not faking having an affair.”

Taehyung chuckles. He doesn’t want to play, he wants to just kiss him already. A little impatient
about it because he’s been making eyes at him from across the bar for the last half hour.

With all the bullshit and headaches Taehyung deals with on a regular basis, who would have
known it was his inability to kiss his husband after such a short time of not doing so that would
really test his patience.

“In every scenario, I’m married to you.”

Jungkook gives him an annoyed look. “You agreed to pretend.”

Taehyung shrugs and turns in his seat. He grazes his knuckles down the curve of Jungkook’s waist
before squeezing his hip to ask him to come closer. “Why would I want to pretend to want anyone
but you?”

The annoyed look leaves Jungkook’s face, which softens as he does move forward. “You’re no fun
at all.”

Taehyung quirks a brow at him. He parts his lips to show off his tongue just enough that Jungkook
can see the way it slips slowly over his bottom lip. Jungkook’s eyes instantly drop to it, just like
Taehyung knew they would.

“Wanna play with you in a different way,” Taehyung whispers.

In the dim light of the bar, Jungkook’s eyes look darker than usual. His all black attire only adds to
it. Everything is tight, glued to his body. From the jeans that are trying their best not to rip apart to
the shirt that’s so thin that his nipples are visible through it.

He’s sexy, and the fact that Jungkook knows it, knows the effect he has on Taehyung, only makes
him more so.

“Later,” Jungkook haggles.

Taehyung nods as he leans in for a kiss just for Jungkook to jerk his head back, forcing him to wait
even longer for their lips to meet. Like he hasn’t been sitting here suffering long enough. “Fine,
fine! Please, continue with your cheesy lines.”

Offense immediately fills Jungkook’s face, and Taehyung can’t help but laugh loudly when
Jungkook whips around and taps on the shoulder of the man beside them.

He makes his body just as inviting as he had with Taehyung, and Taehyung can’t quite hear what
he says when the man looks to him, but he knows Jungkook’s using the same tone too.

“Love,” Taehyung chuckles quietly as he wraps himself around Jungkook’s back and brushes his
lips over his neck. He slowly trails his hand down Jungkook’s side and to his stomach.

At first, it seems like Jungkook ignores him as the man he talks to eyes jump between the two of
them. Taehyung gives him a pointed look, debating whether he should kiss Jungkook’s neck
properly when his eyes come back to him.

If Jungkook wants to play, they can play.

Taehyung slips his hand down an inch, stretching his pinky finger so it fits just beneath the band of
Jungkook’s pants. Jungkook relaxes into him but doesn’t turn around.

The man’s lips quirk up when his gaze drops to follow the movement, and Taehyung internally
rolls his eyes. Jungkook better not accidentally get them involved in a random threesome situation.

Because if someone else even thinks about getting a kiss before him, Taehyung will raise hell.

“Your boyfriend doesn’t seem to like your attention on me,” the man says, and Taehyung does
then bury his mouth against Jungkook’s neck.

But he does speak loud enough so his words aren’t muffled when he corrects him. “Husband.”

He can feel Jungkook chuckle. “Someone has to -“

Jungkook’s words are cut off when Taehyung sucks his skin into his mouth harshly. He tenses
against him, his hand flying back to grab the side of Taehyung’s thigh.
If it’s a warning, Taehyung ignores it and continues until Jungkook’s head tilts an inch to the side.

He focuses on the feel of Jungkook’s fingers, the skin in his mouth, the way Jungkook leans his
entire weight into him. He misses whatever the man says, if he says anything at all. But when
Jungkook turns around in his arms, the man is gone.

Taehyung thinks he’s finally going to get his kiss, but he only gets two fingers beneath his chins
and Jungkook’s mouth nowhere near his own. “Jealous.”

It’s a statement, not a question, but Taehyung shakes his head and denies it anyway. “Want a kiss.”

Jungkook’s bottom lip pokes out when he runs his tongue behind it. “Well, I’m sorry, sir. I don’t
even know your name.”

Oh god right. They’re role playing being strangers, or something Jungkook’s seen in porn. He says
that’s not where it’s from, but it sure does feel like it. “Name’s Taehyung.” He runs his hand up
Jungkook’s leg to fit it to his waist. “Kiss now.”

Jungkook seems to contemplate it, head ticking to the side as he nibbles on his bottom lip. “You’re
not going to ask my name?”

“Hm, no. You’re that sexy Instagram model I follow. I already know it,” Taehyung murmurs as Ju
ngkook’s fingers dig in like he’s finally going to guide him forward for a kiss. “The reason why I
have the shampoo I do.”

Another complaint escapes Jungkook’s mouth. Maybe Taehyung is bad at this, but he’s filled with
amusement and joy as he hugs his arms around Jungkook and brings him between his legs.

“Benefits of being married to him. Free shampoo.”

Jungkook yanks from his embrace but there’s a smile on his lips. He tries to hide it as he stalks off,
but Taehyung still gets a glimpse of it.

Not even a minute later, as Taehyung’s turned back to the bar, there’s another tap on his shoulder.

Jungkook leans against the bar beside him, giving him a once over. “Come here often?”

“Fu - fuck, Tae -“

A moan rumbles in Taehyung’s throat as he leans in and presses a kiss to Jungkook’s knee. He
hides his smile there for a moment before looking back down at the sight before him.

Jungkook arching off the bed, fingers gripping tightly into the blanket, his knuckles white. There’s
a sheet of sweat across his forehead, droplets easing down his crimson throat. His head tilts into
the bed, and there’s an overwhelmed laugh escaping his lips when Taehyung rubs his fingers a
little harder.

It’s something Taehyung could watch all day. Jungkook’s legs spread and trembling as he works
his fingers relentlessly into him, angling to hit his prostate with every thrust. The gasps Jungkook
lets out are loud, some more like sobs than moans. Cock hard and dark like his sun kissed skin, the
stream of precome leaving the tip growing thicker with each passing moment and pooling over his
lower belly.

There’s a strain in Taehyung’s wrist, but he pays it no mind as he circles down against that ball of
nerves. The ache is worth the way Jungkook’s face crumples together in pleasure, mouth hanging
open around nothing but silence.

When he opens his eyes, they’re glossy. Taehyung hums softly, but he pushes Jungkook a little
further. Like Jungkook asked.

In truth, Taehyung desperately wants to kiss him still, more , but his current position doesn’t allow
him to. He wants to taste every strangled moan, feel the vibration of it against his tongue. He’ll
have to wait, show his patience, unlike Jungkook.

“Tae - just.” Jungkook’s words are interrupted by a sharp sound as his hips rock off the bed. “Fuck
me already.”

God, does Taehyung want to. His own cock throbs between his legs, demanding to be touched. It
has been since he first stripped off his pants, when Jungkook wrapped a loose hand around him
when he asked for this in a tone that made Taehyung twitch against his palm.

“Want to,” Taehyung whispers, unsure if he can be heard over the slick sound of his fingers. “You
look so good right now, love. Desperate.”

And Jungkook being Jungkook, he tries his best to glare at Taehyung for that. Or at least, that’s
what Taehyung thinks he’s going for but his expression makes him look more fucked out than

“What? You are. Love when you beg. You’re practically in tears because of it.”

Jungkook presses his lips together and blinks hard a few times. It’s so stubborn that Taehyung
can’t help but laugh, fondness filling his chest and probably pouring out of him like the sun rays
that have clung to Jungkook’s skin the last few days.

“Not begging,” Jungkook grunts. His eyes squeeze closed, his chest hitching with another sound he
doesn’t let Taehyung hear.

Taehyung stops his movements completely, and it’s immediate the way Jungkook’s hand flies
forward to grab for his forearm. Eyes ripping open, the annoyance so loud in them that that word
sits heavy on the tip of Taehyung’s tongue again.

But he’s said it so often over the last few weeks that it falls off easily.

“ Love ,” Taehyung calls softly as he slips his fingers from Jungkook. Releasing his leg, Taehyung
adjusts himself in front of him to cover his balls with his sticky palm. “You’re trembling. Just beg
for it.”

Jungkook shakes his head. He struggles to prop himself onto his elbows, and to keep his eyes open
as Taehyung kneads his balls in his hand.

The flush in his neck has taken over the entirety of his chest now. Sweat pooling in the divots of
his collarbone, and Taehyung wants to lick it off. Wants to kiss every inch of Jungkook, and his
own patience is escaping him.

“One word,” Taehyung murmurs as he leans down between Jungkook’s legs. Jungkook’s upper lip
pulls back when Taehyung’s mouth opens to breathe hotly over his leaking dick. “Please.”
“Fuck you,” Jungkook says, but his breathless tone takes the bite out of it.

Taehyung cocks his head to the side, trailing his breath down the length. “Me? But I’ve already got
you so stretched and ready for me. Been looking forward to it. Being inside of you.” He gives
Jungkook’s cock an open mouth kiss, his tongue purposefully poking past his teeth to touch him
alongside his lips. “I know you like it. Want it. Just as much as you like my mouth, hm?”

Jungkook bites so hard on his bottom lip it’ll surely bruise more than it already has. His eyes dark
and wanting as he watches Taehyung’s tongue fall out of his mouth before he drags it up
Jungkook’s cock.

If he had any intention to fully be stubborn on the begging aspect, he completely fails the moment
Taehyung wraps his mouth around the head.

“Please,” Jungkook huffs, falling back to the bed. “Babe - please .”

Taehyung hums before suckling as loud and obscene as he can. He sways his head from side to
side, groaning at the taste that coats his tongue.

Jungkook reaches above his head with both arms, the muscles along them from how tightly he
grips onto the sheets there. His stomach rolls, muscles clenching like he’s struggling not to orgasm
too quickly.

Though it already feels like they’ve been going at this for hours. It seems like they were at the bar,
pretending not to know each other, an eternity ago. Years since he’s had Jungkook trapped in the
corner of the elevator because he couldn’t keep his hands to himself and there were people there.

The passion and desire between them grows, wraps around them, makes them reckless and
uncaring. They’ve spent their honeymoon so far exploring that, just each other. No matter how
many times Taehyung and Jungkook have been intimate together in the last few days, Taehyung
watches Jungkook like he’s witnessing it for the first time. A desperate need inside of him to
pleasure Jungkook like this is his only chance, and he needs to make it memorable.

Taehyung pulls off slowly, tongue curling out to break the string of saliva and precome between
the head and his bottom lip. He badly wants to touch himself, but he focuses on Jungkook.

“On your stomach,” Taehyung instructs softly, though he doesn’t give Jungkook a chance to. He
cups his hips, slowly running his hands up Jungkook’s quivering torso as he follows them.
Crawling over Jungkook until their lips are level.

Jungkook’s harsh pants coat Taehyung’s mouth. He closes the space between them, pressing a kiss
to Jungkook’s bottom lip then the top. He angles his head and flicks his tongue out, tracing the
shape of Jungkook’s mouth with the tip.

He groans when he slips it into Jungkook’s mouth and Jungkook immediately wraps his lips
around it. Arousal pulses through Taehyung, his hands turning into fists in response.

It’s surprising Jungkook has the strength to hook a leg around Taehyung’s waist, trapping their
bodies together. Taehyung tried to resist the urge to touch his cock, but he grinds it down then.
Moaning from the relief he feels, Taehyung grips Jungkook’s jaw and presses roughly at his chin
to get him to release his tongue.

He does with a gasp, head ducking forward for another kiss that he doesn’t get. Taehyung gives
him his thumb instead, pressing it between his lips and easing his head back down towards the bed.
“Do you know,” Taehyung starts, lips grazing over Jungkook’s cheek to his ear, “How badly I
want you?”

Heat radiates from Jungkook’s body, the kind that Taehyung wants to bask in like they have the
last few days. Lying on the beach together, on the dock of their boat rental. In bed together,
sunburnt and sweaty.

Jungkook says something, words muffled by the thumb in his mouth. Taehyung grins at his
attempt, releasing him to trail his fingers down to his throat.

“Hm?” Taehyung brushes a kiss across Jungkook’s pulse, down the mark left behind at the start of
this. He mouths over it, biting down and earning a sharp hiss from Jungkook. The swivel of his
hips against Jungkook is so he knows, can feel how hard Taehyung is for him.

But he stops when Jungkook meets his hips with his own and lets out a sound that reminds
Taehyung of how close to coming he seemed.

“Fuck - fuck me, or I’m leaving.” Jungkook grits his teeth with it, nostrils flaring. “I begged.”

Taehyung pushes up on his arms, laughing quietly as he looks down at Jungkook beneath him. “Oh
yeah? And where are you gonna go?”

Jungkook waves a hand lazily in the direction of their suitcases. “We brought dildos.”

With a fond shake of his head, Taehyung slips down Jungkook’s body. He peppers a kiss to his
stomach because it feels like a necessity to do so before pulling completely away.

“Roll over, lover.”

Jungkook chews on his bottom lip, staring heavily. He gives a curt nod, just a jut of his chin before
doing so.

A sigh rolls across Taehyung’s tongue. Jungkook knees into the bed, back bowing and arms
crossing beneath this head. Like this, he’s even more a sight. Ass arched, his glistening skin the
focus of Taehyung’s attention. He doesn’t waste any time in pressing two fingers between his
cheeks, rubbing at the sticky gloss that coats Jungkook’s hole.

Their hums of appreciation mix together as Jungkook flutters open as easily as his mouth has just to
clench when Taehyung runs a finger over him.

“Can I?” Taehyung teases, knowing it’s what Jungkook wants. He breaches the tip of his finger
past Jungkook’s rim to further play with him.

Knowing full well Jungkook could actually leave if he teases for too long, Taehyung fingers him
properly. Like he had before, nudging at that ball of nerves that makes Jungkook’s back bend
further, knees shifting across the sheets like he needs them wider .

“ Yes ,” Jungkook grits out. “I’m - unf - gonna come soon.”

The words send a shock through Taehyung’s system, his taunting comment leaving him. He
abruptly pushes to his knees, taking his fingers back once more to spread Jungkook’s cheeks with
his palms.

Despite the fact they’ve used so much lube it’s practically dripping from Jungkook, Taehyung
spits. The sound of it is dirty to his own ears, turning him on more as he adjusts himself behind

“Already?” Taehyung’s attempt to sound mocking fails because of how breathless he is. He circles
his fingers around himself, biting his tongue as he strokes his once before slapping the head down
against Jungkook’s hole.

Fuck - they’ve done this more times than Taehyung could ever count, but it still overwhelms him,
excites him. Anticipation building with each moment, Taehyung teasing himself more than
Jungkook. There’s tension in him that can be released by sinking into his husband, and he’s in
control of the moment it will happen, but he taunts himself. Slipping the head of his cock over
Jungkook’s hole until it catches on the rim, listening to Jungkook huff out every time like he’s
thinking finally .

“Already!” Jungkook grunts sarcastically. “It’s been like - Taehyung - ten hours.”

Taehyung chuckles at the dramatics. He lines himself up, bracing himself as he pushes in so only
the head is nestled past Jungkook’s rim. He thumbs at the red, abused skin, wishing for a moment
he had his mouth there instead.

“ Yeah ,” Jungkook breathes out, the word muffled as he buries his face into his arms. He says
something else, but Taehyung can’t hear what it is. He just knows Jungkook, how he gets when
Taehyung takes too long.

He starts to beg and will deny it ever happened.

Gripping down on both of Jungkook’s ass cheeks to keep him spread, Taehyung slowly eases
forward. His stomach tenses from the feel of it, Jungkook hot and tight around him. Patience isn’t
something Taehyung normally has, but he always seems to be a master at it when it comes to
Jungkook. When it comes to moments like these.

It’s a surprise that Taehyung doesn’t have the urge to quicken the pace, more so enjoying the slow
ease, watching every inch of his cock disappear into his husband. A handful of dirty things to say
in this moment fill his mind, ranging from soft to not so sweet, but Taehyung presses his tongue to
the roof of his mouth instead.

“Baby,” Jungkook moans, head twisting to the side but he doesn’t attempt to look back. His eyes
are closed, eyebrows scrunched together. “Don’t go so slow.”

“Ah,” Taehyung gasps, pressing a hand to the bottom of Jungkook’s spine when he bottoms out.
Maybe Jungkook was telling the truth about being close to the edge, because he’s already back to
trembling, back bending and straightening like he’s struggling to compose himself. “Been waiting
for this. I want to take my time.”

Taehyung says it like he’s gone years without sex though it’s only been a day since Jungkook had
him pressed against the railings of their suite’s balcony. Spewing shit from the mouth about how
everyone could see Taehyung despite how dark it was, how Taehyung likes to put on a show. Shit
that Taehyung won’t admit turned him on as much as it did.

“S’your fault,” Jungkook grumbles nonsensically as he pushes up on his elbows and grinds back
against him. He doesn’t stop, even when Taehyung swats the curve of his ass in response.

Only his profile is visible, but it’s enough to see the quirk of his lips and the way his mouth falls
open when Taehyung drags his hips back and slams them forward. Enough to lurch Jungkook back
onto his elbows, head lolling to the side as he blindly grabs for the pillow above him.
“Like that. Hard ,” Jungkook instructs, the words close enough to begging that Taehyung doesn’t
ask him to though he wants it again. He grabs the pillow from Jungkook to stuff beneath his hips,
that familiar impatience finally setting in.

“Didn’t you say something about -” Taehyung grips so hard into Jungkook’s ass the skin turns
white around his fingers as he thrusts into him, the sound of their hips smacking together louder
than the huffs of pleasure Jungkook lets out. “- Wanting a toy instead?”

Jungkook shakes his head, but doesn’t speak as his mouth is busy trying to keep in the moans
Taehyung’s desperately trying to fuck out of him. He slows as he leans over Jungkook to press a
hand between his shoulder blades, circling down against him in order to give him a pause to speak.

But Jungkook doesn’t. A stubborn shit as always.

Reaching behind himself, Jungkook’s hand waves around until it makes contact with Taehyung’s
arm. His fingers slip over his skin, but it’s enough to lead Taehyung forward. Until Taehyung’s laid
over his back, arms caging around his head. Taehyung presses a quick kiss to his lips as he falls
into a pace this position allows.

Hips slowly curling back just to ram forward, pushing a grunt from Jungkook’s lips. Taehyung
wants to taste them but he can’t, so he grabs Jungkook’s cheek to keep his head turned towards him
to mouth at his jaw instead.

“Tae,” Jungkook whispers, words broken. “Fuck - a little more -”

Taehyung bites Jungkook’s jaw. “A little more what?”

Jungkook groans deep and long, head falling forward as he attempts to fuck back against
Taehyung. “Fuck me better.”

Taehyung is too gone to laugh. He pushes up on one hand, grabbing Jungkook’s side with the other
as he does what Jungkook’s asked. Hips curling, smacking. Cock fucking deep with every thrust.
The bed banging against the wall a bit too loudly, and later Taehyung will call the front desk to pay
for their neighbor’s night in apology, but right now his mind is focused on one thing.

Make Jungkook come.

Like promised, it doesn’t take long. Sweat drips from Taehyung’s forehead and into his eyes
because of the heat inside of him and the brutal snap of his hips. But he wipes it away, not wanting
to miss the spasm in Jungkook’s muscles right before his body locks up. A broken cry filling the
room as he clenches so tightly around Taehyung he loses his rhythm.

He’ll apologize for the bruises, kiss the fingernail shaped marks he leaves behind when he comes
later, the tension in his arms and hands nearly painful from how forcefully his own orgasm rocks
through him.

“Fuck,” Taehyung gasps as he leans over Jungkook, humping weakly into him as he milks out his
orgasm. Sudden exhaustion makes him want to slump onto his husband and lie there forever, but he
only gives himself a moment. Lips rubbing at the back of Jungkook’s sweaty neck until the
shockwaves through his nerves relent.

He pulls out slowly with a firm kiss to Jungkook’s shoulder and rolls onto his back beside him.

The silence is only interrupted by the loud sound of their panting as they both try to catch their
breath. Taehyung closes his eyes, humming in content at the jittery feeling inside of him. He stays
there for a moment before the need to curl back against Jungkook hits, and he does.

An arm slipping beneath Jungkook’s chest, mouth pressed against his shoulders. He clings to
Jungkook, uncaring about the sticky, sweaty mess between the two of them. The sheets are crisp
and clean, changed while they were gone, and it’s the one thing Taehyung hates about hotels. Their
sheets don’t get a chance to smell like them.

He woke up this morning, confused at the smell of fabric freshener instead of Jungkook. The bed
so big that he had rolled away from Jungkook some time in the night, finding him farther away
than usual with an arm stretched out across the space between them like he was holding him.

“Tae,” Jungkook mumbles as he moves his body enough to clasp their hands and bring them to his
face. “At least there’s one benefit to our marriage.”

Pretending to be offended, Taehyung tries to roll away. He doesn’t make it that far, and somehow
Jungkook has the strength to chase after him despite how badly he still trembles.

“Kidding,” Jungkook clarifies. He hugs his body around him, maneuvering them until Taehyung
has returned on his back. “There’s at least two.”

All Taehyung sees is the big, dopey smile on Jungkook’s lips before he leans down for a kiss.

The heat simmers. The nerves jumping around in his body calming as they kiss lazily. Their
tongues roll over each other, but it’s more soothing than heated. Jungkook groans, the sound
rumbling in his throat, and Taehyung cups his neck in his want to feel the vibration of it against his

They kiss like that, with soft touches and soft sounds, until Taehyung feels it might be impossible
to open his eyes again.

When Jungkook pulls back, Taehyung reaches up to trace a knuckle over his cheek. His face is still
so red, bangs glued to his forehead. He too looks tired, but he glows.

(Well, he always does. But so much more now like this.)

“What’s the two?” Taehyung whispers, playing along. He gently pinches beneath Jungkook’s chin
and shakes it to warn him to be nice.

“Well, your dick and hands come to mind right now,” Jungkook teases. He stretches over him to
cross his arms beneath Taehyung’s head like they’re a pillow for him and shifts his body so he isn’t
resting his entire weight on him. “Really like those.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes. He smoothes a hand up and down Jungkook’s back, though he’s no longer

“Well, I like your brain too,” Jungkook goes on, looking away from him in contemplation. “And
your smile. Laugh. Kinda cute when you worry over me or B, and when you were stressing to find
a new bakery for Jin and Namjoon since their favorite closed.”

Jungkook’s eyes are just as warm as his body as he frees one of his arms to fluff the hair at the side
of Taehyung’s head. “I’ll never admit it but you’re kinda sexy when you go all lawyer mode.
Almost came in my pants when I watched you shred that guy on trial to pieces last week.”

Taehyung huffs out a laugh. “Oh yeah?”

Jungkook nods and hums. “Yeah, tore that asshole to pieces and then calmly looked at the judge
like nothing happened.” When he continues, he deepens his voice almost comically. “No further
objections, your honor.”

Taehyung bites his lip, pulling Jungkook closer. “We already fucked baby, no need to talk dirty to

Jungkook wags his eyebrows at him. “Yeah? Will the record reflect that the witness’ dick game is

The groan that leaves Taehyung’s lips is long and overdone. Jungkook grins so big because of it
that his eyes close. “Please continue.”

He does, but not until after he kisses Taehyung once more. “I like waking up next to you too. And
your habit of laying on my stomach.”

Warmth fills Taehyung’s chest. He meant the bad attempt at mimicking him, but he won’t correct
him. He likes this just as much. “I know we both share a hate for numbers, but I believe that’s
more than two.”

And Taehyung swears that the only reason it’s dark out right now is because Jungkook’s eyes stole
all the sunlight. His cheeks feel hot and tight like he’s being sunburned when Jungkook looks
down at him.

“Yeah, well, there’s a long list for why I love you, I guess.”

The air is hot. A little too much. Taehyung doesn’t quite understand why people enjoy this. Baking
in the sun. Sand and sweat cover every inch of him, which is completely Jungkook’s fault because
though Taehyung refused to go into the water, Jungkook picked him up and threw him in anyway.

Not that he really minded, though water did go straight up his nose and it just stopped burning.

But overall it’s alright. He can’t really complain about the view of the ocean before him, crystal
clear and glistening beneath the sun. It’s not too crowded, though it takes him a moment to locate
Jungkook running from the shore to their spot.

Jungkook waits until he’s kicking sand onto the blanket to shake his hair out, resulting in stray
droplets pelting Taehyung. Taehyung quickly stuffs his book beneath the safety of their towel bag
a moment before Jungkook drops to his knees.

Like they’re connected, Taehyung falls back as Jungkook crawls over him. Because of the water,
he’s cool against him, a breath of relief for his toasted skin.

“Join me,” Jungkook says as he pecks a kiss to Taehyung’s lips and completely shoves his sun hat
off of his head and onto the ground.

There’s no care for the others around as Taehyung kisses Jungkook’s salty lips. It’s just an
innocent kiss, but a mother a few feet away had glared the last time they did.

Since, Taehyung’s been determined to kiss Jungkook every time he comes near. He thinks
Jungkook has the same mindset, and that’s why he lays across him right now. Fitting his wet body
between his legs as he kisses him back.

It doesn’t last as long as Taehyung wishes it would before Jungkook is rolling to lay next to him.
He closes his eyes, chin tilting like he does enjoy being beneath the killer heat.

Taehyung pulls his hat back on as he sits up and stares down at Jungkook. The water drying across
his skin, his burnt shoulders. The hickies left behind that he wears so proudly and confidently that
Taehyung just craves to leave more. The ones on his own thighs can be seen when he lifts his legs,
and he wants to ask Jungkook to leave visible ones too.

Since they’re on vacation, there’s no reason for him not to.

As quietly as possible, Taehyung reaches for his phone to take a picture. He hovers his thumb over
the button to do so just as Jungkook squints one eye open and catches him.

Taehyung laughs quietly as Jungkook traps his bottom lip into his mouth and arches his neck back.

“I’m sending this to my mother,” Taehyung scolds with a gentle slap against Jungkook’s stomach.

Jungkook grins shamelessly before he tugs Taehyung down and steals the phone away from him.
“She’ll want to see you too.”

Hooking his arm around Taehyung’s neck, he traps him close to take a picture of the both of them.
A few. One of them smiling, one of Jungkook biting his cheek, and a third with Jungkook’s head
jerking back in surprise when Taehyung sticks out his tongue and pokes his mouth with it.

In retaliation, Jungkook discards the phone to grab Taehyung’s cheeks. Taehyung tries to wrestle
him off at the first swipe of Jungkook’s tongue against his chin, but it’s useless. For once,
Jungkook actually uses his strength against him.

“Stop,” Taehyung giggles as Jungkook gets his cheek next and nearly pokes him in the eye. He
kicks his knees up to hug them around Jungkook’s waist to flip them around.

Jungkook lands in the sand, but he doesn’t let Taehyung’s face go. A big smile is on his own when
he finally does.

“Disgusting,” Taehyung scolds as he sits up on Jungkook’s lap and wipes the sand on his hands
across Jungkook’s bare chest.

“You don’t mind when I lick you normally,” Jungkook mutters cheekily. He sits up too, hands
propped behind him. “Especially your cheeks.”

Taehyung glares at him. “I don’t have sunblock on my ass, Jungkook.”

Jungkook’s nose scrunches up towards the bridge when he giggles. “You clearly don’t have it on
your face, either. You’re sunburnt.” He swipes a thumb across Taehyung’s cheek. “You know I get
now why you like me so red.”

Taehyung snorts as he scooches off of him. He has a retort on his tongue, but it dies off as he opens
his message thread with his mother and sees the last one she sent.

The divorce was finalized today.

When Taehyung was young and worried that his parents’ fighting would lead to divorce, it upset
him greatly. That same feeling is inside of his chest at times when he thinks about it, and he hates
that. He can’t really explain it, and he thinks he hates that more. He’s always been good with
words, at getting his point across, but when he tries it with Jungkook or Jimin, he has a hard time.

But doing so has helped him a little bit. Pushed him to take the first few steps down the path of
understanding how he feels.

“What is it?” Jungkook asks, his expression soft.

The message came the other day. Taehyung had read it and tossed his phone aside, never
mentioning it to Jungkook.

Though the soft way Jungkook cuddled him and rubbed his back, talking about nothing but talking
nonstop, made Taehyung feel like his husband caught on to the fact that he needed the distraction.

He had done such a good job at it that Taehyung forgot he never responded.

“Oh, uh - my parents’ divorce was finalized,” Taehyung tells him. “Perfect timing. My father’s
sentencing is in a few days.”

Jungkook just looks at him as he stretches his legs across the sand, getting it onto their blanket, but
Taehyung doesn’t care. “Do you think he’s going to get what he deserves?”

Taehyung breathes out and shrugs. “Probably not. Lessened sentence for leaking information on
your brother’s illegal affairs. The police can say it wasn’t him as much as they want, but I know
it’s fucking bullshit.”

It’s annoying how smart of a move it was. Putting that pressure on Jihyun, who cracked too easily
with them and even easier when facing jail time. He gave up his father’s doings quite quickly.
Daehee once again, getting what he wants without having to do it himself.

And part of him gets it, understands his need for revenge. Jungkook’s father has been holding a
secret over Daehee’s head for decades, forcing him to give him money in order to keep it quiet.
Taehyung would be livid too, even if it was his own fault that secret even existed.

His brain has been a constant back and forth lately.

“Plus, him and the judge go way back,” Taehyung goes on. “I’m sure he’s one of the people my
father influenced to ensure I’ve won cases over my brother. That will definitely work in his favor.
My father knows what he’s doing.”

Distaste coats his tongue, and he can’t hide it. He’s been trying his best not to let anything disturb
their honeymoon. The vacation meant to focus just on the two of them. All law and hotel talk are
completely banned.

Which is Taehyung’s rule, not Jungkook’s, and he’s been determined to stick to it. That’s why he
hadn’t mentioned the text from his mother or the few from Jin and Namjoon to update him on the
new firm.

He has snuck a few work calls while Jungkook was showering, and he’s pretty sure Jungkook
caught on, but he hasn’t mentioned it. It still makes Taehyung feel guilty because he promised,
multiple times, that they would get time for just them.

But he reminds himself it isn’t often. And Taehyung plans to continue keeping his nights free as
much as possible so working so much doesn’t come between them. Going on dates each week or
just spending a day together at home. He’s never really been in a relationship before to know what
steps need to be taken to make it work completely, but he knows Jungkook’s in the same boat.
They’ll figure it out. Together.

“Whatever.” Taehyung tosses his phone to the side. “That woman over there -“

“Tae,” Jungkook interrupts gently. “We can talk about it.”

Taehyung stops and stares at Jungkook. Beautiful Jungkook, glowing beneath the bright sun.
Compassionate, understanding, Jungkook. Patient, gentle. Stubborn, defensive. Protective. Tender,
callous. A million different things, and each one, Taehyung’s in love with.

He rubs a hand up Jungkook’s leg and squeezes his knee. “This vacation is about us.”

Jungkook cocks his head to the side. “It is. This is about us.”

And that is incredibly true. It isn’t just Taehyung’s family wound up in this entire mess, but
Jungkook’s too. They’re losing their positions and followings because of Daehee. Jungkook’s
parents publicly announced their separation days before Minister Jeon was arrested for money
laundering and corruption. It’s not going to save his mother from being pulled into the scandal, or
the stress of being investigated too to see whether she’s involved.

She isn’t, and she’s sat down with the both of them to explain how she’s protected the company in
case this ever happens. But it’s still another stress, one that’s been on Jungkook’s shoulders just as
much as Taehyung’s. Worry about the company, the questions about his involvement, his family
name being tarnished.

“It’s ironic. My father wanted me to marry you for a title. The name.” Taehyung laughs at himself.
“Yet, he was the one that ruined that.”

Jungkook leans forward and reaches for him. “The title, the name, that was all my father. You’re
not married to him. But me. I have my own title. Shampoo endorser.”

Taehyung blurts out a laugh, his smile pushing up into his cheeks. “You endorse other things too.
And you are a district manager that will one day be the head of a very prestigious company.”

“Mhm.” Jungkook cups Taehyung’s nape and guides him forward. “Plus, you know the only thing
that matters? When it comes to our marriage?”

Taehyung arches a brow in question, though the way his heart stutters tells him what’s coming. As
does the soft way Jungkook speaks, the tone he only ever uses with him when he says this like

“Not the way it started,” Jungkook says. “Not what we benefit from it.”

Taehyung nods, eyes rolling but it’s fond. “That we love each other?”

Jungkook makes a face. “Mm… I was gonna say the sex.”

With a shove, Jungkook falls back but a giggle escapes his lips. He lurches forward, taking
Taehyung in his arms.

And fuck the lady glaring at them, and the thousands of people that have expressed their suspicions
that the romance they see between them is an act after Daehee’s video went live. Fuck all of them.

“That I have you, and you have me,” Jungkook rectifies.

Taehyung nudges their noses together. “Once again, you are right.”

He holds out a fist that Jungkook looks at in confusion before he touches it with his own. But it’s
not a fist bump, no, Jungkook pushes his fingers between Taehyung’s until he releases the fist.

Without a word, Jungkook clasps their hands together and drags Taehyung down until he’s pressed
to his now dry, sunburnt chest.

Only a few times has Taehyung seen Jungkook tipsy. The night of his wedding, once at a club
dancing with someone else , and on their yacht. Taehyung’s never seen Jungkook drunk.

Now he is. Taehyung is a little bit too. He’s surprised Jungkook seems worse off than him because
he’s a partier, used to drinking more than Taehyung, who usually never goes beyond a glass of
wine before bed.

Or maybe Taehyung’s too drunk to know how drunk he is.

“Hello, good sir! Merely making my way down yonder!” Jungkook hollers a bit too loudly,
causing Taehyung to flinch because his mouth is close to his ear.

Jungkook’s practically wrapped around his back, arms hanging heavily over his shoulders. The
weight is welcomed and probably the only thing keeping Taehyung from falling over.

The front desk clerk merely nods their way, and Taehyung doesn’t even know if that’s who
Jungkook is speaking to as he continues.

“We’re on our honeymoon!” Jungkook yells. “Sorry about the noise.”

Taehyung giggles because Jungkook gets louder as he goes on. But he tries to whisper when he
says, “My husband’s a bit of a screamer.”

He just fails at it.

“I think you’re a bit drunk, lover,” Taehyung laughs. They must look like a sight, waddling their
way towards the elevator in a hotel that Jungkook will one day own. The shirt he’s wearing is
pulled from his pants and half unbuttoned thanks to Jungkook. “You’re the loud one.”

Whatever Jungkook says comes out garbled as he hides his mouth against Taehyung’s neck and
nuzzles there. It tickles.

“Hm?” Taehyung hums as he reaches over and pets Jungkook’s hair. “Loud for the poor front desk
agent, but quiet for me?”

Jungkook smiles against his neck and pulls up to sigh against his ear. “Gotta whisper. Have a

Amusement fills Taehyung. He wants to turn around, but Jungkook holds onto him with a vice grip
so he can’t. “And what’s that?”

“Shh,” is all he gets in response.

Jungkook doesn’t give in to Taehyung’s pestering to know, nor his threats to wake him up at an
ungodly hour, or even his bribe to let Jungkook fuck his mouth like he asked for earlier in the
night. Nothing works to get Jungkook to spill his secret.

Even drunk, he’s fucking stubborn.

“I’m not helping you until you tell me,” Taehyung says as Jungkook fumbles to get his boots off
by their room’s door. “And you’ll fall.”

It’s a dead threat. He reaches out to cup Jungkook’s elbow to steady him as Jungkook grits his teeth
to tug the boot off. An extremely dead threat, he thinks when he falls to his knees to untie the other
one to make it easier to remove.

“Fucking finally,” Jungkook sighs, leaning against the door before Taehyung’s even finished. He
tugs his shirt off, almost in one go, but his arms fall when it gets stuck beneath his chin.

Jungkook looks down at him with a face full of misery. “Help.”

“Tell me the secret.” Taehyung tosses Jungkook’s boot aside and stands. “Or you’ll be stuck like
that forever.”

Jungkook’s upper lip curls, and Taehyung’s hands fly out when Jungkook grabs the shirt like he
may tear it off of himself. “Help me take it off or you’ll never be able to see me shirtless again.”

The shirt lays over his chest and shoulders mostly, and Taehyung rubs his hands up Jungkook’s
bare stomach and up to push the shirt so it’s hanging more over his back to show him he can see it
just fine. “Good. No more posting such lewd photos, baby.”

Jungkook grazes his teeth over his bottom lip. “ Lewd . You literally posted a picture - a picture of
us where my dick is in you.”

Taehyung laughs breathlessly and nods. “You can’t see anything in it. To the public eye, it’s just
two bros holding up peace signs and enjoying each other’s company.”

It’s still pretty obvious though, at least implying there is some fucking going on since Taehyung is
most literally bent over with his ass pressed right against Jungkook’s crotch, but he leaves that out.

With a groan of complaint, Jungkook tries to fight him off again. His attempts are extremely weak,
more shaking Taehyung’s hands than anything. “Can you just -”

“You’re a baby when you’re drunk,” Taehyung interrupts as he saves Jungkook’s expensive ass
shirt from being ruined.

“No baby yet,” Jungkook mumbles, eyes falling closed as Taehyung carefully undoes the buttons
of Jungkook’s collar so he can remove it. “No time for a baby. Later.”

He hesitates, eyeing over Jungkook’s peaceful looking face. He’s definitely too drunk for that
conversation, one he never thought Jungkook would bring up. One he has never considered to
bring up himself.

“Yeah, already have my hands full with one,” Taehyung jokes fondly. “Chin up, lover.”

Jungkook tilts his chin immediately. “No.”

“No what?” Taehyung snorts as he finally frees Jungkook’s head from it’s hostage situation.

“S’love,” Jungkook slurs, eyes flicking open lazily. “Call me love.”

The sun that clings to Jungkook seems to seep off of him and shove it’s way inside of Taehyung’s
chest. “See? Baby.”

“That’s fine too.”

Shaking his head, Taehyung helps Jungkook further into the dark hotel room. He drags his feet
before lurching forward and nearly knocking Taehyung to his ass as his weight hits against him.

Taehyung loops his arms beneath Jungkook’s to keep him up. It’s a miracle they both don’t fall to
the bedroom floor as Taehyung’s balance is pretty shaky too.

“Get in bed before you fall,” Taehyung instructs. He grunts as he tries to get Jungkook in, but he
keeps growing heavier and heavier somehow. “If you’ve fallen asleep already -“

“Won’t. Want to next to you.”

A smile touches Taehyung’s lips. When he finally manages to get Jungkook on the bed, Jungkook
lets him go and flings his arms out across the cloud-like comforter.

“Make room for me then,” Taehyung scolds, though he ignores the large space to Jungkook’s left
to crawl into the small space left for him on his right.

Jungkook doesn’t move over an inch but curls an arm beneath Taehyung to tug him against his
body. Taehyung should probably get out of his own clothes, but the moment he’s snuggled against
Jungkook, he doesn’t want to move.

Even when Jungkook rolls over and nearly suffocates him.

Taehyung adjusts so it’s easier to breathe, but keeps Jungkook half on top of him to rub his hands
up his bare back. It’s soothing to feel him breathe, the slow movement of his chest, the puffs of air
against Taehyung’s neck.

It’s what Taehyung thinks has been helping him sleep lately. Having Jungkook beside him. He
doesn’t know if that’s his heart making him think absurd things, but he’s pretty sure.

“Go to sleep,” Jungkook grumbles against him, startling Taehyung because he had been certain
Jungkook had fallen asleep.

He hugs Jungkook close and presses a kiss to his forehead. “Tell me your secret.”

For a moment, it’s silent and Taehyung thinks Jungkook has actually fallen asleep this time. But
then Jungkook sighs and adjusts.

“Don’t tell my husband.”

Taehyung’s eyes close from the force of his smile. “You have my word.”

Jungkook hums. “I’m gonna ask him to marry me.”

This time, Taehyung can’t hide his laughter. He does try , but it slips out before he can stop it. It
overtakes him, and Jungkook laying on him is the only thing stopping him from shaking with it.

Somehow, Jungkook has enough strength to lift himself to glower down at Taehyung. “Don’t
laugh. I love him.”

Taehyung reaches up and squishes Jungkook’s face between his hands. “I think he’s taken, love.”
With a look of misery, Jungkook slumps back down on Taehyung. “I know. I’m the one for him

Taehyung’s cheeks hurt, and he presses one into Jungkook’s forehead to soothe it. “You think he’ll
say yes? He’s pretty in love with that husband of his.”

Jungkook groans. “I hope so or my heart will be broken.”

He truly sounds miserable, so Taehyung rubs his back some more to soothe him.

When Taehyung’s sure he’s fallen asleep, he rubs his lips against his brow and whispers, “He’ll
say yes, I know it.”


“Eomma, can this wait until I return?” Jungkook asks, trying to hide the annoyance he feels.

She sighs. “I would like to start your transfer before then, dear.”

Jungkook sucks his teeth, eyes traveling from where they rest on his shaking foot and to his
husband. He’s out on the balcony, nothing but loose briefs hanging from his hips. The sun is
starting to set, the sky dark and making the ocean they can see from where they are glow beneath

They’re on their second stop of their honeymoon. Another country, another beach. Next they’ll go
to the country, and then a city. Jungkook wants to convince Taehyung that they can keep traveling
after that, but life awaits them.

“I thought I had to work under Manager Go before I could move up to the home office,” Jungkook
says. Not that he minds .

His mother is quiet for a moment. He can see the way she paces around in his head just like she
does whenever she takes an important phone call. “You’ve done very well there, Jungkook-ah. I’m
proud of you. I’ve never been good at saying it, but I would like to show you.”

As if sensing his gaze, Taehyung turns. There’s a soft smile on his face as he brings the glass he
holds up to it, his other hand sliding so slowly across the railing to brace himself against. Even
from far away, Jungkook knows there’s a teasing spark in his eye.

“You could say it now.”

Jungkook hesitates as Taehyung slides his hand a little further, angling his body seductively.
They’re waiting for night to fall for something Taehyung has planned. A something he won’t even
hint at.

The grin on Taehyung’s face slips away and into a small pout as he cocks his head to the side and
shifts away from the railing. Jungkook doesn’t think he’s showing anything he’s feeling, but when
Taehyung gets close, he can see the curious look on his face.
“I am incredibly proud of you, my son. I am sorry I haven’t said it until now.” His mother clears
her throat, her voice growing quieter. “I am sorry I have made it seem like the opposite.”

There’s a finger pressed to his chin, guiding his head up. Taehyung only looks him over before
letting him go to plop himself onto Jungkook’s lap. They easily adjust and get comfortable,
Jungkook leaning back and hooking Taehyung’s legs over the arm of the chair as Taehyung hugs
an arm around his neck.

He’s a heavy weight, but a welcome one. Warm too, from standing outside.

“My scoldings should have never been louder than my love,” she goes on. “But this is a
conversation we should have in person. When you return. I just want you to know it now.”

Taehyung threads his fingers through Jungkook’s hair and plays with the strands gently. He hums
quietly to himself, eyes focusing somewhere else like the cuddling and the touches have no
purpose behind them. Jungkook’s grateful for it.

“Now?” Jungkook repeats, the word bitter on his tongue. “Now that you’ve realized the family’s
pride and joy is worse than the family’s disappointment? Brought a lot more shame to the family
than I ever have.”

Taehyung’s eyes jerk to his then, but he doesn’t interrupt. His fingers move more firmly and he
presses even closer into Jungkook. He smells like a mix of cologne and sunblock, and Jungkook
wants to bury his nose against his skin.

“Jungkook!” his mother exclaims, sounding hurt. “Jungkook. I’m sorry I made you feel like we
thought of you that way.”

“It’s been said, exactly like that,” Jungkook informs her. He presses his tongue to the roof of his
mouth and cranes his head back. It was his father that said it, not her. He doesn’t know if it’s fair or
not for his anger to twist towards her direction.

It feels like it is because growing up, his anger had always been directed at the two of them. Her
disappointment and scoldings hadn’t been as loud as his father’s, but they had been often. She
never believed him either, was one of the reasons Jungkook spent so much time in his room.

But she also wanted the best for him. Wanting him to marry a husband that was kind, accepting
easily that he wanted a husband over a wife at all. Giving him the company when he’s so often
given her reason to believe he wouldn’t be fit for it. Taking over Jungkook’s allowances so his
money wouldn’t be taken if it was ever found out how his father was getting it.

Jungkook doesn’t really know what to think, but those things constantly play in his mind as he tries
to figure it out.

“I should move to the home office when you think I’m honestly ready for it, Eomma. Not as an
apology promotion. Plus I think.” He can’t believe he’s about to say this. “I think you should talk
to hyung. He only went to that club because Appa made him, and you know how he is. Willing to
do whatever you two ask of him. It ruined his life.”

There’s a wrinkle between Taehyung’s brow as he cups Jungkook’s cheek and turns his head until
their eyes meet.

“Jungkook -”

“When I’m home,” Jungkook says in finality, not waiting for her to respond. “We’ll talk more
about it.”

“Okay,” she whispers. “I love you.”

Jungkook nibbles on his bottom lip, eyes closing. Growing up, it was only his mother who ever
said that, and each time, it made Jungkook feel like all the storm dust in his chest was cleared
away. She just never said it as much as he needed to hear it. “I love you too, Eomma.”

When he hangs up, Taehyung curls into him so his knees press into his rib cage. He wraps both
arms around Jungkook’s neck, keeping him close.

“Eomma wants to speed up my transfer to the home office by three years,” Jungkook tells him.

Taehyung nods but doesn’t comment. It makes Jungkook arch an eyebrow in disbelief because that
seems very unlike him.

“Think I’m being dumb? It’s more pay, better benefits. Even with my current pay and allowance,
it’s better. With you still in the process of getting your firm up and running, it would be good
timing for me to get promoted.”

Taehyung shrugs and still remains quiet.

“You can tell me,” Jungkook assures him as he rubs a hand up the side of Taehyung’s thigh. “Or if
I’m being a brat because there were times I did purposefully do shit to piss them off.”

The corner of Taehyung’s mouth quirks up as he pets his thumb over Jungkook’s. “Your brother
was quick to throw your father under the bus, and you’ve said he’s had his mouth glued to their
asses for forever. So she could be doing this to mull you over. You’ve never expressed as much
loyalty to them as he has.”

Jungkook nods and leans his head into Taehyung’s touch, waiting because the way he trailed off
tells him there’s more he has to say.

“Or she could be completely genuine and realizing she only focused on the things you did wrong
and not the things you’ve succeeded at,” Taehyung goes on. “And she sees how hard you’ve
worked. You’ve already been there for quite a few years. She may think you’re ready now.”

There’s times Jungkook doesn’t feel like he works hard. When he slacks off or takes advantage of
the fact that he’ll one day be over all the people he’s currently under. But he did do well in school,
and he does try his best. He’s just never done it for his parents’ sake.

“I don’t know her well enough to know,” Taehyung finishes with another shrug. “Could be an
attempt to make amends with selfish intentions or genuine ones. I do think, however, you have the
time and deserve the time to decide. Finances wise, we are fine. Winning Park Dongmin’s case has
more people coming to me than leaving me because of my father.”

Jungkook tries to tug Taehyung closer to him but there’s already no space between them. He
squeezes his fingers into the thick of Taehyung’s thigh, just holding him.

The reason he has had his phone off the majority of the time here is because he knew his mother
would call soon. To discuss what the future holds for their family because her public
announcement that she was separating from his father was a complete surprise, but not to offer him
an early promotion.

And right now, Jungkook doesn’t know what to think about it but maybe Taehyung’s right, and it’s
okay not to know yet.

“And one more thing,” Taehyung says so softly that Jungkook swears the light breeze outside is
louder than him. “I’m proud of you.”

A sound of complaint escapes Jungkook’s lips, making Taehyung laugh quietly and grab both of
his cheeks so he can’t turn away.

“I’m serious,” Taehyung insists. “You’ve been dealing with that guy with the boiler since before
we even met. I would have killed him by now, and you said Manager Go praised you because all
your properties were up the last few months in revenue.”

Jungkook snorts, a grin tugging at his lips. He wouldn’t be able to handle the clients Taehyung has
told him about for more than a few minutes. “Think that has to do with the people on site, not me.”

“Take the fricking compliment,” Taehyung whines but his eyes are sparkling. “Or else.”

“Or else what?” Jungkook challenges with another squeeze to Taehyung’s thigh. “Everyone says
you’re pretty terrifying but you’re not.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes. “I don’t understand it, given my sunny disposition.”

Jungkook tries his best not to snort at that, but he completely fails. In response, Taehyung pinches
the skin beneath Jungkook’s chin and tugs. The glare only lasts a second, as does the pinch, before
Taehyung soothes his fingers over his skin and his expression softens.

“I know you’ll work hard to deserve that position,” Taehyung says. “CEO Jeon.”

There’s a teasing smile on Taehyung’s lips before he brushes them over Jungkook’s own. He twists
against Jungkook’s body until their chests touch, his arms tight around Jungkook’s nape as his
smile grows.

It comforts Jungkook. Having Taehyung near him, this close. Talking to him, which from the
beginning, is all Jungkook wanted to do. To get to know him mostly, but now it’s just because he
enjoys it. Hearing Taehyung’s voice, having Taehyung’s attentive eyes on him while he speaks.
Even if Taehyung seems to have a bit of a kissing addiction that he’ll probably never admit to.

“I like the sound of that,” Jungkook whispers against Taehyung’s mouth.

Taehyung hums and nods, making the tips of their noses rub together. “Me too. As soon as that
happens, I’m retiring early and becoming a full time sugar baby.”

Jungkook huffs out a laugh. “Oh, is that so?”

“Mhm.” Taehyung kisses his bottom lip and then the top. “We’ll discuss these terms of our
arrangements later, sir .” He pulls back an inch, eyes searching over Jungkook’s face. His hand is
warm when he cups his cheek. “I must remind you that I am terrifying, and I think you’ll know
what I’ll do to the people who make you feel like you do more wrong than good. That there’s
nothing you should be proud of. But if you wish, I’ll go into full detail.”

Jungkook licks his lips. He’s never craved reassurances, or at least, he’s never realized he did. But
it makes him feel a lot hearing them from Taehyung. “It’s unnecessary. How about you tell me
what you have planned for tonight?”

There’s a spark in Taehyung’s eyes as he shakes his eyebrows. Jungkook misses his warmth the
moment Taehyung slides from his lap.

“You’ll see.”

Jungkook can’t see anything. Taehyung blindfolded him the moment they stepped out of the house
they rented for their stay here. He stretches his arms out when Taehyung lets go of him, a storm of
confusion and excitement filling him.

“Lead me to the car,” Jungkook says in amusement. He takes a step forward to try and find it
himself, but suddenly there’s a hand on his chest preventing him from doing so.

So Taehyung is still close. Jungkook can’t for the life of him figure out what Taehyung has
planned. And he couldn’t try and guess based on clothing because Taehyung told him to wear
whatever and stepped out after getting ready in a coat that hid every inch of him despite how hot it
is tonight.

“Not taking the car,” Taehyung says, and he doesn’t sound close. There’s the sound of ruffling and
then silence.

Jungkook scratches the back of his neck, anticipation building inside of him. “We’re in the

Granted, it is a nice garage, but not quite Jungkook’s idea of a date place. Though, he’d hangout
anywhere with Taehyung. But he doesn’t really see the point when they have this huge house
attached to it that they have full access to.

Taehyung laughs quietly. “Mm, what could possibly be here?”

Jungkook has the urge just to rip the blindfold off, and he lifts his hands to do so before Taehyung
stops him.

“Not yet.”

With a wrinkled nose, Jungkook takes a step forward instead. And then another when Taehyung
doesn’t stop him. He has no idea if he’s walking in the right direction, but hopefully Taehyung will
stop him from running into a wall.

Something hard pushes into his stomach, halting his steps. Jungkook immediately lifts his hands to
figure it out when he realizes it’s a shoe.

A shoe on Taehyung’s foot.

“Love,” Jungkook says, though it comes out sounding more like a question. He slowly eases his
fingers up Taehyung’s ankle, trying to picture how Taehyung’s body is to have his leg angled this

It hits him then, when his fingers brush over netted fabric, and Jungkook nearly rips his blindfold
off in his attempt to get it off.

When he does, it falls to the side as his eyes land on Taehyung.

Half leaning on the front of a car that is not their rental but something else entirely. Shiny, sleep,
expensive . Elbows pressed into the hood, body laid over it. He has one foot on the ground and the
other in Jungkook’s hands.

“Impatient,” Taehyung scolds, but he says it with the voice he uses whenever they’re being
intimate. He nudges Jungkook’s hand to tease his foot lower, but Jungkook tightens his hold so he

It’s not just the seductive way Taehyung rests over the car, but his attire. It’s so far off from what
he normally wears that even if he’s seen a younger Taehyung in something quite similar it still
takes him a minute for his mind to really grasp that it’s Taehyung. His Taehyung.

His hair isn’t red like the photos, but he has similar earrings covering his ears. What looks to be a
snake hugging the shell of one and a chain on the other. He has on one of Jungkook’s shirts, a
striped red and black button up that isn’t . It’s completely opened to where it’s tucked into his
jeans, revealing the entirety of his chest and a path down his stomach.

His jeans are black, and the netted material that can be seen beneath each large, hand ripped hole,
is red.

Jungkook swallows thickly and runs his hand up to Taehyung’s calf as he takes another step
forward. When he does, Taehyung tilts his head back some, stretching his arms back so his body is
closer to the hood.

“Remember my rebel phase?” Taehyung whispers, cocking his head to the side. Like this, his neck
looks long and strong, the line of his jaw defined.

Eyes dark .

“By the way you’re looking at me, I think you like it.”

Jungkook nods, tongue pressing into the corner of his mouth. He walks forward until his hand is on
Taehyung’s thigh, giving it a squeeze before he drops it to the ground.

Taehyung sits up slowly, hands out to slip over Jungkook’s stomach. Just a small touch, but it
makes Jungkook feel hotter. The touch burning through the thin material of his shirt.

“I do,” Jungkook says like a promise as he does a double take, slowly letting his eyes trail down
Taehyung’s bare chest. He cups a hand behind Taehyung’s neck for support as he leans forward.
Knees pressing between Taehyung’s legs to spread them. “I like it a lot.”

He leans over Taehyung with one hand pressed to the hood. He wants to keep looking, wants to be
too close to be able to. Being pulled back and forth between the two, but having his body pressed
against Taehyung’s always seems to win.

“Yeah?” Taehyung’s voice is low, barely louder than a breath. He smooths his hands up
Jungkook’s sides, dragging his shirt up with them. “If you didn’t know me and saw me like this,
would I stay on your mind?”

Jungkook nods without hesitation. No matter what Taehyung wears or does, he would. It could be
influenced by how often Taehyung is already on his mind, but Jungkook thinks if they had met
earlier, even just passing by each other, Taehyung would have stayed on his mind enough that
Jungkook would go out of his way to find him again.

“And what would I do there?” Taehyung tilts his body into Jungkook’s, head back so Jungkook can
feel the breath he lets out when he speaks against his chin. “Hm? What would you be doing to

Guiding Taehyung up and closer to him, Jungkook drops his gaze to watch his hand disappear
beneath his shirt to feel over the warm, soft skin hugged tightly over his ribcage. “Well, I would
walk up to you.” His words trail thoughtfully from his mouth as he drags his hand up towards
Taehyung’s chest to thumb over one of his nipples. “And you’d probably tell me you’re married.”

The heavy look in Taehyung’s eyes suddenly disappears as a laugh blurts from his lips. He shoves
his hands into Jungkook, pushing him back. “Shut up.”

“What?” Jungkook asks defensively. “It seems to be a thing you have to constantly remind
everyone of.”

Taehyung shakes his head disapprovingly as he returns to his original position, arms propped
behind him. Just this time he keeps one leg spread. “Not true. You’re the one that captions all the
photos of me or of me and you with the date of our anniversary.”

Jungkook doesn’t deny it. He can’t. He’s pretty sure Taehyung has notifications set up for when he
posts because his comments come quite quickly. “‘Hello, I’m Attorney Kim Taehyung, and I’m
married. How are you? I’m married. What are you doing today? I’m not doing much, just being

Taehyung glares at him, nose wrinkling. He kicks up, but Jungkook catches his foot before it
makes contact with his body. “You’re exaggerating quite a bit, baby. And it’s pointless banter. I’m
supposed to be naked and in the backseat by now.”

Warmth fills Jungkook, though he knew where this was going to lead to. “Wait a second.”

Taehyung cocks his head to the side in question as Jungkook pulls his phone from his shorts.
Realization sets in quickly, and Taehyung adjusts and poses for him.

Jungkook takes a few before uploading one to his page with their anniversary date in the captions.

When a ding goes off, it’s confirmed that Taehyung has his notifications on.

“I bet you the caption-“ Taehyung starts as he moves to pull his phone out, but Jungkook stops him
and pins his hand to the hood.

“I have a better idea than going into the back,” Jungkook interrupts before he sinks to his knees in
front of Taehyung and the car because he can’t let Taehyung know he’s right. “I like you here, and
want the outfit to stay on.”

Taehyung’s legs spread like a habit. He watches on with heavy eyes as Jungkook rubs his hands up
his thighs and cups his waist to guide Taehyung lower so he can press a kiss to his exposed

“Can I?” Jungkook asks lowly, knowing the answer. He looks up at Taehyung through his
eyelashes, a jolt of arousal going through from the look on his face.

Lip trapped between his teeth, eyes wanting. No matter how many times Taehyung has looked at
him like this, it still affects Jungkook the same. Turns him on, just from a look.

“Can you what?” Taehyung murmurs, words dripping from his mouth as he reaches down and
threads his fingers through Jungkook’s hair.
Jungkook doesn’t respond with words, but runs his mouth down Taehyung’s zipper as he pops
open the button. The fingers tighten in his hair, and Jungkook’s eyes flutter shut as he takes the
zipper between his teeth.

It doesn’t go down as smoothly as it did in his head, but Taehyung’s laugh is breathless, aroused.

“Thought you wanted me to keep my clothes on?”

“Want to suck your cock more,” Jungkook tells him as he runs his hands up Taehyung’s waist to
pull his shirt up. It isn’t buttoned at all, and when released, it falls to his sides and exposes even
more of his torso. “So can I?”

Taehyung looks over his head as Jungkook works on his pants next, moving them down enough to
take his cock out. Taehyung lifts his hips to help, a grin appearing on his lips.

“There’s security cameras,” Taehyung says as Jungkook eyes the shape of his hardening cock
through his briefs. “I can’t tell if you’re in view.”

“Don’t care,” Jungkook assures him as he cups Taehyung’s length and squeezes.

Taehyung glances down at him, his tongue poking into his cheek as he soothes his fingers over
Jungkook’s scalp. He lets out a soft sigh as Jungkook thumbs over the head of his cock. “You say
it’s me, but I think you like being watched.”

Jungkook hums. “Like when you do.”

Taehyung scooches down an inch when Jungkook replaces his hand with his mouth, wetting the
fabric stretching over his cock with the flat of his tongue.

“Wanna take a video of you like this.” Taehyung’s voice grows deeper, heavier with each word.
“Show all those followers how good you look with a cock in your mouth.”

Jungkook groans against him and slips his fingers beneath the band. He’s causing himself to feel a
bit desperate to have just that. “Go ahead.”

Taehyung’s fingers still in his hair, and it isn’t until Jungkook’s pulling his cock out that he realizes
Taehyung isn’t responding.

When he looks up, Taehyung is just staring at him with intense looking eyes.

“What?” Jungkook asks innocently, his lips twitching up. He wraps his hands around the base of
Taehyung’s dick to tap the head against his bottom lip.

Taehyung’s tongue slowly traces over his top lip as Jungkook follows the movement and pokes his
tongue out to run over the slit. “Can I?”

“ Yes .”

Jungkook takes his phone out of his back pocket, giving it to Taehyung. He wraps his lips back
around the head, suckling softly as he watches Taehyung’s gaze dart between the phone and him.

Despite agreeing to it, Jungkook does want Taehyung’s eyes on him. He wastes no time in taking
him down his throat, mouth opening wide to do so.

A rumble of a groan sounds from Taehyung as Jungkook takes in as much of him as he can. He
hums around him, a hand presses into Taehyung’s thigh when it threatens to close around his head.
“Fuck,” Taehyung whispers. “Hold on.”

Jungkook ignores him. He moves his head from side to side before pulling up.

When he sinks back down again, Taehyung’s cupping a hand over his eyes.

Maybe Jungkook is into it, suddenly spurred on and noisy. Slurping over Taehyung’s cock and
gasping every time he pulls off. It echoes through the garage, making it seem even more obscene.

There’s spit building over his lips, and he can feel it spill down his chin. It only adds to how turned
on he feels, thinking about how the camera may catch it, the light above making it glisten.

Taehyung doesn’t say anything, but his soft gasps and grunts are enough. His fingers press down
when Jungkook tilts his head to the side to tongue down the side of his cock, and lower.

“Love,” Taehyung calls, desperate sounding as the hand suddenly rips from his eyes and snatched
into his hair. Tugging until Jungkook’s mouth is back at the tip of his cock. “Close.”

Jungkook’s lips quirk as his eyes lift and meet the phone above him. Taehyung isn’t even
watching, eyes squeezed closed and mouth parted in pleasure. He breathes heavily, chest moving
fast with it, but Jungkook wants to hear him moan .

Gripping Taehyung’s thighs, Jungkook sinks down on his cock. He gags loudly around him, tears
appearing in his eyes. Taehyung tries to keep his hips down, but they jerk as Jungkook swallows
and groans around him.

The attempt to film him stops as Taehyung’s hand falls to the side and his head throws back.
Watching him makes Jungkook so hard it hurts , almost as much as his scalp does from the way
Taehyung yanks on his hair when he comes.

Jungkook moans at the first pulse of Taehyung’s cock against his tongue. He pulls off, tongue
dropping out of his mouth to catch a streak of come. He works his hand over Taehyung to milk his
orgasm, and the urge to touch himself becomes unbearable.

“Good,” Taehyung mumbles roughly, releasing Jungkook’s hair though his hips stutter as he paints
Jungkook’s tongue white. “God - good boy.”

Jungkook moans at that. He gathers all the spit and come in his mouth as a shaky hand presses
back to his eyes.

Blindly, Jungkook spits the mix onto Taehyung’s cock and smears it down the length of him.

It’s messy, rubbing his lips over the head until they feel glossy. Rolling his tongue over him like he
craves to taste despite just being in his mouth.

Taehyung’s breathing is labored, his gasps overwhelmed and higher pitched than the deep, rough
way he talks. “Come here.”

Jungkook’s knees hurt too, but he stands. Taehyung grabs his jaw immediately, fingers rubbing
circles over the sides of it as he brings him down for a kiss.

Urgently, Jungkook grabs Taehyung’s thighs and wraps them around his waist to bring their
crotches together. Taehyung moans into his mouth because of it, the sound muffled as Jungkook
flicks his tongue past his teeth.
The car is much too low to be comfortable, but Jungkook doesn’t care. His mind too focused on the
pulsing need between his legs and the not so subtle way he grinds against Taehyung.

Taehyung kisses him messily and uncomposed, fingers wrecking through Jungkook’s hair and
wrinkling his shirt. Biting at his lips and sucking on his tongue like he likes the taste of himself.

When he pulls back enough to speak, he sounds wrecked. It strokes Jungkook’s pride because it’s
hard to get Taehyung like this.

“What do you want?” Taehyung whispers. His thighs tighten around Jungkook’s waist as he sits
straight, and Jungkook slips his hands beneath Taehyung’s barely covered ass to lift him. “Wanna
make you come, lover.”

The words strike through Jungkook, and he groans quietly. The security camera definitely catches
them now as Jungkook carries Taehyung through the length of the garage to go back into their
rented apartment.

He’s barely through the door before Taehyung’s wiggling to be let down.

“Tell me,” Taehyung demands softly, pressing Jungkook back against the door with a gentle hand
against his throat. He crowds into Jungkook’s space, aligning their bodies together.

At this point, Jungkook has no idea what he wants other than to come. He says as much, earning a
small smirk from Taehyung.

“Do you remember the last time we fucked around in a car?” Taehyung says under his breath as he
gently squeezes around Jungkook’s throat when he leans in for another kiss. “Brought me home
and fucked my mouth so hard my throat hurt for days.”

Jungkook licks his lips. Of course he remembers. There’s no way he could forget that. How hard it
was to drive with Taehyung sucking his cock while he tried to, how hot Taehyung looked on his
knees for him, eyes and cheeks wet.

“Did you like me on my knees for you?” Taehyung goes on as he leans in to say the words beside
Jungkook’s ear. His free hand slips down Jungkook’s torso teasingly slow before stopping at the
button of his shorts.

Jungkook exhales sharply, nodding because he doesn’t trust himself to speak. It’s dizzying how
quick Taehyung can go from frantically kissing him to playing with him.

“I’ll admit,” Taehyung starts as he pushes Jungkook’s clothes down past his hips, “I wanted to do
that from the moment I met you.”

A soft moan leaves Jungkook as Taehyung takes his cock into hand and slowly strokes him
between their bodies. “Yeah?”

“Mhm,” Taehyung hums. It’s so effortless the way he can guide Jungkook around, fingers digging
into his neck until Jungkook’s face turns so their mouths align. Both parted as Taehyung works his
hand over him and breathes harshly against his lips like it’s him that’s being touched. “Would have
that first night. Hidden upstairs in that library you snuck away to.”

It’s a lie, Jungkook knows because Taehyung’s told him how he wasn’t willing to make things
awkward between them with sex at first. Wasn’t willing to risk it. But it’s hot, and Jungkook moans
at the thought of it.
That, paired with the taste of Taehyung still on his tongue and the feeling and sound of Taehyung
stroking him off makes him feel like he won’t last long.

“Can’t keep quiet, you know,” Taehyung tells him just as Jungkook’s hips jerk up into his hand
and he groans loudly . “Everyone at the party would hear the Minister’s son getting pleasured.”

Jungkook lets out another laugh, the sound of it tainted with the pleasure he feels. “Fuck, he’d be
so angry.” It turns him on more, the idea of it. Being heard, the recklessness of it. Taehyung’s deep
voice saying it to him. “We should have done it.”

Taehyun hums in agreement. He angles his head to place his mouth in front of Jungkook’s, parting
it to match his. Their harsh breaths mingle together, and Jungkook tries to kiss him but the pleasure
inside of him makes it too difficult to try and hold back his moans.

Even when Taehyung slips his hand up higher to try and close his mouth, Jungkook only tilts his
head back and moans towards the ceiling.

There’s something indescribably hot about Taehyung’s hands on him. The way he holds him
around the neck, against the wall. Jungkook wishes he had more of them just so he could touch
every inch of him at one time.

“Are you gonna come?” Taehyung breathes out against his jaw, his thumb pressing hard into
Junkgook’s chin to keep his head tilted. “Want you to.”

Jungkook doesn’t care how shamelessly he fucks his hips up, if it comes off desperate. If
Taehyung asks him to beg again, he might. He’s so close, muscles seizing up almost painfully as
he edges towards release.

And he does, the moment Taehyung lets him go and falls to his knees.

Unlike Jungkook, he doesn’t try to get any in his mouth. He strokes Jungkook until ropes of white
are falling across his cheeks, his neck. He opens his mouth, and come collects on his bottom lip,
clings to his eyelashes.

Jungkook groans at the sight. Taehyung only touches his mouth to his cock when he’s milked his
orgasm completely, prodding his tongue at the slit and suckling around the head.

“Gonna die,” Jungkook mumbles, eyes falling closed as he tries to catch his breath.

Taehyung’s laugh is abrupt and confused. “What?”

“So good,” Jungkook sighs, shaking his head. “You’re so fuck - fucking hot, Tae.”

There’s an arrogant smirk on Taehyung’s lips when Jungkook opens his eyes and looks down at
him. It’s still overwhelming seeing him like that, on his knees and covered in come, and Jungkook
could probably get hard again just thinking about it.

Slowly, Taehyung stands and swipes a finger across his cheek. Jungkook’s eyes follow the
movement, the white clinging to his finger before he brings it to his mouth.

And the asshole groans when he does.

“Don’t do that,” Jungkook whispers. “I’m but a weak man.”

Taehyung snorts, eyes lighting up. He swats at Jungkook’s hip, and the L word seems to fall so
easily from his lips that Jungkook sticks to the door, replaying the moment in his head even when
Taehyung looks away.

With a glance over his shoulder, Taehyung smiles at him like he knows. “Gonna just stand there,

“What the hell are you wearing?”

Jungkook stops in his tracks, hand still braced around his wrist where he’s putting on a watch. He
looks to Taehyung in confusion, who sits waiting for him on the couch.

He slowly stands, looking at Jungkook like he’s in a clown costume.

“What?” Jungkook looks down at the clothes he had put on. “What’s wrong with them?”

“They’re mine,” Taehyung says as he comes over. He stops a few feet away from him, arms
crossed as he looks him over. Both his tone and pointed eyes are accusing.

“You’re wearing mine.” Jungkook waves to Taehyung’s attire, which is the same outfit he had on
earlier despite how wrinkled the shirt had become from Jungkook’s hands gripping at it.

“Yeah, but.” Taehyung furrows his brows and switches his weight from one foot to the other.
Jungkook hesitates, wondering if he misstepped in assuming it was okay. He had thrown on
Taehyung’s shirt this morning, and he hadn’t seemed to mind. “I like it.”

Jungkook relaxes and rolls his eyes. It’s just a pinstripe dress shirt he wears with the intention of
pulling one of his leather jackets over if it's cool enough outside. He semi matches Taehyung with
how low he has it unbuttoned, though his stomach is covered. “I like you.”

Taehyung grabs him by the shirt and closes the space between them. Jungkook grins when
Taehyung buttons another button and smooths his hands across his chest. “Not used to you wearing
white when you go out.”

Since they’ve been married, Jungkook hasn’t gone out as much. But he never really did wear
anything white or colorful. Just a splash here or there. He likes his black and leather and metal
because it screams rebellion.

And it just looks cool.

“It’s a sign of purity,” he says, matter of factly.

Taehyung snorts and flicks him in the sore spot beneath his jaw. “No one is more pure than you,

Jungkook kisses the corner of Taehyung’s mouth. “As pure as the come stain on your pants.”

With a jerk of his head, Taehyung glances down at his lap. Right next to the zipper is dried come.

Taehyung sighs in annoyance. “Be a little careful next time,” he says as he walks back towards the
Jungkook sends a look of offense to the back of his head. Careful ? Taehyung was definitely the
messier of the two of them. “It’s your come!”

“You’re the one that got it everywhere, you animal.”

He disappears then, leaving Jungkook waiting for him with a silly grin on his lips.

While he’s changing, Jungkook scrolls through the comments left on the photo he posted earlier.
He grins at the compliments on how attractive Taehyung is, the ones to himself about how lucky
he is ( he is ), and ignores the bullshit ones.

They're annoying, but not enough to dim the light in his chest because of Taehyung.

“What is it?” Taehyung asks as he reappears in a similar pair of jeans, just stain free. He touches
the corner of his mouth, causing Jungkook to realize the way he’s smiling at his phone.

“Nothing,” Jungkook says as he pockets it. “Just looking at your picture again.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes, but his lips mimic his own. “It’s a good look.”

“It is.” Jungkook nods in agreement. “Everyone is a fan. Apparently, you radiate big dick energy.”

Taehyung pats Jungkook’s chest a few times before rubbing his hands over it. “If only we could
actually post your video so they can see how true that is.”

Jungkook snorts. “I’m never speaking to you and your big ego again.”

Sidestepping around Jungkook in order to leave, Taehyung seems unbothered by Jungkook’s

threat. “You’ll last five minutes.”

Jungkook follows after him and hooks a finger in the loop of his jeans to keep him from going too
far without him. “Not true.”

“Very true,” Taehyung tells him. “You like to talk, it’s okay. I’ve grown to love it.”

Jungkook thought they were going to go back and forth talking shit, but Taehyung’s comment has
thrown him off. Even if comments like these are becoming more common, they still take Jungkook
by surprise.

And make his heart grow.

“Speechless now, hm?” Taehyung looks over his shoulder, lips quirked up.

“Shut up and get in the car already.”

Jungkook stalks off with a chuckling Taehyung following after him.

There’s not much talking at the club they end up at. The music too loud around them, even in the
sectioned off area Jungkook had gotten them into. The lights are dark yet colorful, making
Taehyung turn variations of purple and green.

In the VIP area, there’s less people around yet somehow many still come up to them anyway. More
people recognize them than Jungkook anticipated, since they’re in a country Jungkook’s never
even been to, but he doesn’t mind as much. He can barely hear them.

It’s been a long time since he’s gone out to a club and the first time with Taehyung. It was
Taehyung’s idea, which surprised him, and he knows it was on his behalf.

And it’s the first time he’s gone to one while he’s with someone. Officially. He doesn’t see
Taehyung as much of a dancer, but he eyes the crowd outside the VIP area in contemplation of
whether he should ask or not.

He’s surprised when Taehyung does for him. Standing up without a word and just a hand out that
he wants for Jungkook to take before he leads Jungkook onto the dance floor.

At first, Jungkook feels a little awkward. He’s danced with plenty of strangers before without a
thought, but his mind seems to think too much when it’s Taehyung. He’s good with his body, he
knows it, Taehyung knows it, but it’s a new form of physical they haven’t explored before yet.

But he forces those hesitations out and grabs Taehyung. Fitting a hand to the side of his neck, and
the other threaded through the hair at the back of his head, bringing their bodies close. There’s a
twinkle in Taehyung’s eye as he sucks his bottom lip into his mouth and looks down at the small
space between them.

They start slow at first, finding the rhythm and falling into one of their own. A heat grows inside of
Jungkook with each drag of Taehyung’s hands over his shoulders, each brush of their crotches.
Every time Taehyung leans in for a kiss just to pull away, leaving the ghost of one against
Jungkook’s mouth.

When Taehyung turns, he fits himself against Jungkook’s front. Jungkook doesn’t hesitate to run a
hand up his bare torso, stopping at his neck to pull him back against him. He can feel the vibration
of Taehyung’s laugh beneath his palm when Taehyung reaches up and holds his hand there.

He doesn’t care if people here know them, see the way he uses his free hand to trail his fingers up
and down Taehyung’s bare stomach as they dance. Or if they can see the want in his eyes when
Taehyung turns his head in search of a kiss. They won’t be able to see the way Jungkook tightens
his grip to keep Taehyung from leaning his head in when Jungkook does the same as he has and
only teases him with his mouth.

It’s in the farthest parts of Jungkook’s mind until he closes his eyes and the back of his eyelids
flicker red from a flash.

Taehyung pulls away first, practically ripping his lips away from Jungkook. Jungkook doesn’t let
him go because he knows Taehyung enough to know the way he tries to jerk forward isn’t the best
for them right now.

Without a word, Taehyung snatches the camera as the man tries to hide it. He smacks it against
Jungkook’s chest, telling him to take it and slips his hands into Jungkook’s back pocket to pull out
his wallet.

Silently, both Jungkook and the man watch as Taehyung pulls out a wad of won and slowly counts
it before handing it over.

“Do you speak Korean?” he asks in English.

The man looks like he’s going to piss himself when he nods.

“Are you married? Dating?”

Jungkook opens the camera, only finding two or three pictures of them. None of them are
interesting, just them sitting, except for the last. He’s a bit envious that he didn’t get to see the way
they looked together. How sinful Taehyung is against his front, how close their mouths are. His
hand on Taehyung’s neck.

They look really, really good together.

“Yes, sir,” the man squeaks out.

Taehyung sighs like this isn’t the answer that he wanted. “What did you do to celebrate it? Any
anniversary traditions?”

The man rubs at his neck. They both have to speak quite loudly in order to be heard, and the man
flinches whenever Taehyung leans in to speak. “My wife and I go to the restaurant where we met
every year for our anniversary.”

“Aw.” Taehyung coos, and Jungkook presses his lips to contain his smile. He can’t tell if Taehyung
genuinely means it or not, but either way it’s amusing. “When’s your anniversary? Which
restaurant? I’m afraid I’m going to insist that you tell me.”

The man lists off a date and some place Jungkook’s never heard of, assuming it’s here in this
country. Taehyung nods and looks at Jungkook. “Will you remember that?”

Confused, Jungkook just glances between the two of them and nods. No, he won’t, but he replays it
over in his head trying to figure out why Taehyung wants him to. It’s a bit invasive, and it’s telling
how intimidating Taehyung can be that the man offers the information upon request.

“See you then,” Taehyung says, clapping the man’s chest. “We’ll return the camera. Need it to take
photos you and your precious wife celebrating your wedding together while you’re completely
unaware that we’re doing so.”

Panic fills the man’s eyes, head shaking but Taehyung ignores him and turns as if he’s going to
guide Jungkook away.

“Love, you gave him nowhere near enough for a camera,” Jungkook says to him and shows off the
picture of him and Taehyung dancing together. “We look good.”

“I’m giving it back -” Taehyung stops and holds the camera in his hands. A small smile grows on
his lips before he whips around to the man, who is still there and trying to call Taehyung while
shaking his money at him to take it back “You can post this one. But any more, and I’m coming
after you, understand?”

He snatches the money back and curls his fingers beneath Jungkook’s belt to pull him out of the
dance floor.

“Why did you give him money?” Jungkook asks as he leans against the brick wall, slightly sweaty
because they continued dancing for hours after that.

It’s quite late in the night, and Jungkook’s shirt is completely open and hanging from his shoulders
in hopes that the night air will cool him down. Taehyung looks the same, hair sweaty and matted to
his forehead. His pants unbuttoned and sagging some around his hips.

There’s the smell of smoke touching Jungkook’s nose and making it wrinkle as other club goers
stand off smoking and waiting for their cab as well. Jungkook wants to grab Taehyung and bury his
face against his skin to smell him instead. Even if he’s sweaty. He likes it even more because he’s

“I was just scaring him,” Taehyung explains, glancing up from where he scrolls on his phone. “I
knew he’d immediately give it back to get his camera.”

Jungkook shakes his head at that. “And if he didn’t?”

“It wasn’t that much,” Taehyung says. “Plus, it was a power move.” He rolls his eyes hard at
himself, lips pressing together tightly. “He clearly knows who we are. I was trying to remind him
of how easily I could ruin his career. Not that I would, but just a statement so he’d leave us the fuck
alone. If he was at that club camera ready to see us, he knows we’re on our honeymoon. I bet it’s
not the first time he’s taken a photo of us here.”

Cocking his head to the side, Jungkook looks at Taehyung fondly. He’s only speaking
conversationally, and when he catches Jungkook glancing at him, he smiles too.

“He already posted.”

Taehyung flashes the picture of them dancing together and shows off the headline. Jeon Jungkook
and Kim Taehyung getting hot and steamy together on the dance floor.

Jungkook snorts. “Good thing he didn’t catch us in the bathrooms.”

Taehyung’s laugh travels through the night air. He closes the space between them and hooks an
arm around Jungkook’s neck to press that laugh to his lips.

Over the past few months, they’ve learned to fit together. Jungkook likes it, how his body moves
without him telling it to, accommodating Taehyung against him. But over the length of their
honeymoon, even more so. They seem to find each other with ease, even when asleep.

“Soon, no one will care. Once things blow over with our parents,” Taehyung whispers against his
mouth. “We’ll be left alone.”

Jungkook sighs. “I don’t know. You’re about to take on a very important case, Tae. It’ll be all over
the media.”

Taehyung’s eyebrows scrunch together, eyes darting over Jungkook’s face. “I’m not taking on any
cases until after the new firm is up and running.”

With a dramatic sigh, Jungkook pulls away from Taehyung like he’s dismayed. “Well, someone
stole my heart and justice needs to be served. You’re the only one I trust to get the job done.”

With a completely blank expression, Taehyung just stares at him. Mouth hanging open. Slowly, his
eyebrows scrunch together even more as he looks at Jungkook like he’s ridiculous.

He leaps forward and shoves Jungkook playfully in the shoulder. “You’re so corny.”

Before he can push him again, Jungkook wraps his arms around Taehyung’s waist and hugs him
close. “I told you at the beginning, I’m a romantic .”

“Yeah, yeah,” Taehyung mocks, eyes rolling but his smile is big. “I know you are. That’s why you
went on drunkenly explaining how you’re the one for me and you’re, what did you say? Going to
propose? Probably real lavishly.”
Jungkook’s mouth goes slack as embarrassment fills him. He’s thought about it before, doing a
proper proposal and a proper wedding, but he doesn’t think it’s needed. Even with all the bullshit,
Jungkook doesn’t mind the way they’ve come to be. He doesn’t want to erase the wedding they did
have because it was particular to them, it was a part of them.

“I was drunk,” Jungkook complains, and Taehyung doesn’t let him pull away. “You can’t listen to

“Ah,” Taehyung says slowly, eyebrows raising. “Well, you told me it would break your heart if I
said no.”

Jungkook hesitates. He must have really been drunk because he never considered Taehyung would
say no to him when he did go back and forth between proposing or not. “Uh, well it would.”

Taehyung grabs his hand and holds it between them, thumb rubbing over his ring. “Well, good
thing I told you that night I would say yes if you asked.”

“Yeah, good thing.” Jungkook rubs his lips together, wishing to kiss Taehyung. “I am kind of
looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you.”

The look in Taehyung’s eyes softens, but somehow grows more intense. More so than the look
Jungkook usually considers intense coming from Taehyung.

It makes him feel a lot, too much, and Jungkook wants that feeling for forever.

“Me too.”


Dragging his feet down the aisle feels like Taehyung’s running a twelve mile marathon. His back
hurts, he’s exhausted. They’ve just gone on a few weeks of vacation, yet he feels as tired as he does
after a really difficult case.

Jungkook looks just as tired. Eyes half closed as he lugs his suitcase behind him. The backpack he
wears is as large as him, and if Taehyung weren’t already carrying a lot, he’d tried to take it off of

There’s a cry of delight in his mouth though when they step out of the terminal and find their
friends waiting for them. More hands to carry things.

Taehyung says as much, earning a sharp jab from Jimin.

“Shut up. Tell me it’s nice to see me.”

“So nice,” Taehyung grunts as he hands over the heaviest suitcase. “You and your carrying able

Jimin rolls his eyes and lands them on Jungkook. “How are you, Jeon?”

Jungkook blinks one eye open, peeking at Jimin. How he managed to walk that far while
practically sleeping is amazing to Taehyung. His response is more of a grunt than a word.
Beside Jimin is Hoseok, who immediately wraps himself around Jungkook and attempts to shake
him awake. He grins big, whispering something that makes Jungkook tilt his head aside in
complaint and lazily try to shove him off.

“We’ve been keeping your house perfectly neat,” Hoseok says loudly, eyeing Jimin and telling
Taehyung that their house is probably trashed. “But we invited some people over tonight to
celebrate your return.”

A groan rolls past Taehyung’s tone. He has to go back to work tomorrow, barely time to catch up
on his sleep or adjust to the time zone. He doesn’t really want to entertain. And he’s not just easing
back to work, he’s going in full swing. Jin’s already set him up to take on a case despite his claim
that he wouldn’t until the firm is officially opened.

Not that Taehyung minds too much. He loves work, he wants to get back into it, but the last few
weeks have made him feel lazy.

“It’s just us,” Jimin says, patting Taehyung’s chest. “Yoongi, Jin, Namjoon. Beomgyu, Taehyun.”
He hesitates, head cocking to the side with a soft look in his eyes. “Seojoon.”

Taehyung doesn’t need the hesitancy. He and Seojoon have been talking on and off, it’s just weird.
Taehyung doesn’t want it to be, so he’s been trying his best not to let it. “Is he part of the group

Jimin shrugs. “Do you want him to be?”

“Might as well,” Taehyung says offhandedly. “Since we’ll be the heads of Brothers At Law. ”

Jungkook knocks their shoulders together, grinning big. “That’s not seriously what you’re naming
the firm is it? Not that original. Kind of boring, even for you.”

Taehyung curls his upper lip at him, but it doesn’t last long when Jungkook tickles his fingers
against his stomach to tell him he’s teasing. “We have a few options. We’re figuring it out.”

“Well,” Jimin says, grabbing Taehyung by the shoulders and tugging him away from Jungkook.
“You can name it Brothers and Boyfriends.”

Giving Jimin a questioning look, Taehyung follows where Jimin leads him. He doesn’t answer at
first, and that teasing smile on his face makes Taehyung suspect he’s going to have to pry it out of

But Taehyung barely gets the question out before Jimin’s blurting out the answer.

“Went to the new office to check it out and totally walked in on Jin and Namjoon making out on
your new desk.”

Taehyung yanks away from him, mouth curling in disgust. “My desk?”

The disgust is fake though. If it’s true, Taehyung’s thankful the two of them finally got it together.
Jimin nods enthusiastically, eyes gleaming.

But on his desk of all places? He hasn’t even gotten to sit at it yet and use it for non-work related
things himself.

“Oh yeah. They were all sweaty and red. It was so gross.”
Hoseok and Jungkook’s laughter follows after them as Taehyung pretends to yank out his phone
like he’s going to give them a piece of his mind.

He doesn’t though, only sends them a quick text in their group chat.

I’m happy for you. But not on my desk.

“Now they don’t have to awkwardly figure it out on that apology vacation you are sending them
on,” Jungkook says as he presses behind him. He buries his face against Taehyung’s nape, and
Taehyung feels the brush of a kiss across his skin.

It makes Taehyung smile, as does the text message he gets back from Jin.

I do what I want.

As soon as they step into their home, Taehyung feels a sense of relief. The honeymoon was great,
relaxing, but he was starting to miss his home. It was strange because he never felt connected to it,
too big and too empty, and the person inside of it that he liked coming home to was with him on

It isn’t empty when they return. Yoongi getting off the couch to take the bags Hoseok carries.
Namjoon sitting on the arm of it, red faced and eyes wide with embarrassment when they meet
Taehyung’s. Jin’s slightly narrowed but his lips are quirked where he sits in front of him.

Beomgyu is laying on the ground, his E-reader held above his head. Taehyun beside him, a video
game in his hands.

Taehyung hesitates a little when Seojoon emerges. He’s wearing cooking mitts and an apron
around his waist before he comes over and greets Taehyung with a pat on his neck. The mitts are
still warm like he’s just taken something out of the oven.

“Eomma says the best thing about coming home is the smell of food,” Seojoon explains softly.
“Welcome back, brother.”

There’s another hand on his nape replacing Seojoon’s when he walks off, and Taehyung doesn’t
have to look to know it’s Jungkook’s. He doesn’t say anything, but takes them all in for a moment
before he walks off to his bedroom with an excuse at putting his suitcases away.

When he enters it, he expects to hear the sound of Jungkook following him in and closing the door.
When he turns, he finds Jungkook leaning against the doorframe with a question in his eyes.

“Can I come in?”

Taehyung makes a face at him as he slumps on the bed and strips off his socks. “It’s your room

“Oh, I know.” Jungkook licks his lips but doesn’t come in any further. “Is it strange having
Seojoon here? Talking about your - Heesun?”

Taehyung raises his eyebrows and shrugs. A little. He can’t quite expect Seojoon and himself to
never talk about it, their parents. Plus, Taehyung asked Seojoon to run the firm with him knowing
that he’s the kind of kid that calls his mother every day. They’re that close. He’ll hear about her,
probably see her again. While he’s thankful both Heesun and Seojoon have respected the time he
needs to figure out his thoughts and wants, he also isn’t going to restrict Seojoon or make him walk
on eggshells around him.

And Taehyung thinks he’s getting to the point where he’s decided what he wants. Or at least, wants
to try. Talking to Heesun, maybe having dinner with her. Once or twice to try it out.

“Just new,” Taehyung admits. “Take some getting used to. You never have to ask to come in here.
Why are you?”

Jungkook nods and steps in, closing the door behind him. “I know. Even if it’s my room, if
sometimes we need to be alone, that’s okay.”

Taehyung offers him a small smile. “I don’t need to be alone.”

They’ve just spent the last few weeks beside each other constantly, spending more time with each
other than they have all together since they’ve gotten married. But still, Taehyung wants him here,
wants him close.

He knows there will be times that he wants to be alone, but it’s still comforting knowing
Jungkook’s there. Even if he’s in another room, or if he’s not there yet, he will be.

“Okay,” Jungkook says, leaning down to give him a kiss. Their lips barely touch before the door is
bursting open.

“Nuh uh,” Jimin calls with a grunt as he throws another suitcase in the room. “You two lovers just
spent weeks together. I miss my Taehyungie, back off Jeon.”

Jungkook snorts, but he pulls away. “He’s all yours.”

“Good,” Jimin says, giving him a wink. “I have to fill him in on all the things Yoongi and Hoseok
have told me about you. An imaginary friend -”

Taehyung watches in amusement as Jungkook pushes off on his foot and alarm fills Jimin’s face a
second before he takes off in a run with Jungkook following rapidly behind.

“Your friends are really great.”

Taehyung looks over at Seojoon beside him where they sit outside on the balcony. The air here is a
lot cooler than the places they’ve traveled. Soon it will be fall then winter, and Taehyung’s looking
forward to it. It’s one of his favorite seasons.

He already has a plan for Jungkook’s birthday. Seeing the way Jungkook reacted to him that day in
the garage has inspired him to take it a little farther, see what else Jungkook likes him in. Maybe
this time on a motorcycle.

“Thanks,” he says, looking inside where he can see them. Jungkook with a fedora on his head as he
tries to get an embarrassed looking Beomgyu to dance with him while Taehyun fails at hiding his
laughter. Yoongi and Jimin beside them. Hoseok harassing Namjoon and Jin. He doesn’t know
what he’s saying, but there’s a shit eating grin on his face and mortification on Namjoon’s.
The music plays quietly because Taehyung’s exhausted. So sleepy that he’s actually considering
telling Jin that he is going to come back to work a day later than he said.

“You know my door is always open to you and your wife,” Taehyung goes on, looking back to
Seojoon. He sees so much of Heesun in him, and lately, he thinks he’s been searching for Daehee
so much that it’s starting to stick out more.

Seojoon bends his head in gratitude. “As is ours. My mother told me about your last conversation,
and I -”

Taehyung glances at his lap where he fidgets with his wedding ring like a habit. Looking back up,
he finds Seojoon looking out across the balcony instead of at him.

“And if it makes you feel any more comfortable, know you can talk to me about her. Or what she’s
told me. I am completely biased when I say I wish that you can one day get to a point where you
want to be in her life,” Seojoon admits with a short laugh, “But I also won’t try to persuade you to
go one way or another.”

Taehyung snorts. It is either the exhaustion or progress that keeps him from being tense right now,
he can’t tell. Maybe he’s reached an acceptance stage or is close to it. “Not very lawyer-like of

Seojoon’s next laugh is louder, his eyes crinkling around the corner and his mouth falling open.
Taehyung doesn’t know how he’s never realized it, but it sounds exactly like his father’s. “It
means a lot to me that you did not turn me away when you found out I’ve known for some time
and never told you. The reason I didn’t was because I was battling between my own envy and
bitterness and my mother’s words. How you were probably in the dark, and if not, you still weren’t
to blame. How I had to be a hyung to you, even if I didn’t want to be. Because that’s what brothers
do. Even if they annoy you or make you angry, you can’t hurt them.”

Taehyung presses his tongue into the roof of his mouth. His eyes flicker to Jungkook again, who’s
bending back in his laugh with a smile so big it takes over his entire face. He thinks about the
things Jungkook has told him about Jihyun and how his hyung treated him. How it has stuck with
him, made him hateful towards him.

Yet, despite those things, Jungkook stood up for him. Jihyun didn’t deserve that, even if he was
influenced by his parents. For the club, maybe, but never the things he’s done to Jungkook.

How proud Taehyung was of him, and he doesn’t think Jungkook really understood how much he
meant it when he said it. Jungkook and Seojoon could probably understand each other better than
Taehyung could. That bitterness. That feeling that another child gets the praise, the attention, their
parents being proud of Jihyun and Taehyung and not Seojoon and Jungkook.

But in Jihyun’s case, he was a fucking asshole too.

“It depends what they’ve done to you,” Taehyung responds, earning a nod of agreement from
Seojoon. “I think, at least. I’m sure there are things I’ve done or said that didn’t help you feel any
less bitter.”

For a moment, Seojoon looks at him with a considerate look on his face. He eventually presses his
lips into a small frown and nods. “Yeah. But you didn’t know. I can’t really imagine what you’ve
been going through, seeing your father lose everything.”

Taehyung presses his lips hard together and shrugs. “I don’t feel bad for my father. He has to serve
a few years in prison while Beomgyu is going to deal with that trauma for many more than that.”
He looks down at his hands, moving his wedding ring to find the skin underneath paler than the
rest. “And well, even for his attempts to destroy what’s dear to me, I don’t care what he has to deal
with because of it.”

Seojoon looks to him and holds his gaze. He lifts up his bottle of soju and gently taps it against
Taehyung’s. “Me neither.”

For some reason, it makes Taehyung laugh. Hard. The kind that hurts his stomach and makes his
eyes water. He can’t remember the last time he laughed so hard with anyone else but Jungkook and

And it’s like a sledgehammer smashing apart the boulder in his chest that’s shrunk over the last
few weeks, shattering apart.

Seojoon chuckles too, but it’s a lot softer. “I am sorry you’ve lost a parent.”

Taehyung’s laughter dies slowly, but it doesn’t put chaos in his chest again. “I want to get to the
point where I gain another,” he says before he takes a long sip from his bottle. He’s never said it
out loud, not even to Jungkook yet. “And I gained a brother.”

It feels corny, and Seojoon looks at him like it’s corny. Taehyung thinks Jungkook’s rubbing off a
little too much on him, but he doesn’t mind.

“And a niece or nephew,” Seojoon adds with a soft smile. “In a few months.”

Taehyung slaps Seojoon on the shoulder gently and squeezes. “Congratulations.”

With a nervous laugh, Seojoon rubs his hand over the top of his head. “Yeah, thanks. We were
going to wait until the firm was up and running, but that didn’t go according to plan.”

Like a habit, Taehyung’s eyes drift to Jungkook. He’s brought back the air guitar, a fierce
expression on his face as he plays it. His back pressed to Hoseok’s as they put their all into it.

“Yeah, sometimes that can be a good thing.”

Seojoon hums. “What about you and Jungkook? Kids?”

Taehyung tilts his head to the side, breaking out in a smile as Jungkook gets in Jin’s face with his
vigorous strumming. “We haven’t talked about it. I’ve never really thought about it before. But he
mentioned the other day and -“

“Now you’re thinking about it,” Seojoon finishes.

Now, Jungkook practically lays on top of Jin while he plays, and Jin’s look of complaint is
completely fake, Taehyung knows. He always pulls that face with him, and it’s because he wants to
guilt trip Taehyung into buying him something from the bakery to thank him for working extra.

“Yeah. Now I am.”

Seojoon stands after tapping his bottle head against Taehyung’s. “Talk to him.”

Quietly, Taehyung watches as Seojoon joins the rest in the living room. He claps Jungkook’s
shoulder, saying something that instantly makes Jungkook’s eyebrows furrow.

Whatever it is has Hoseok throwing his body back in a laugh.

Half standing, Taehyung pauses as Seojoon takes a step back and proceeds to demonstrate his own
air guitar skills.

Maybe Taehyung’s biased, but they’re nowhere near as good.

“What’s this?” Taehyung asks as he too joins them.

With a big smile, Jungkook immediately takes the fedora off of his head and places it onto
Taehyungs. Right before he grabs Taehyung and swings him into dancing beside the others.

“It isn’t a concert without my favorite groupie,” Jungkook says over the soft playing music, arms
hugging around him.

Taehyung doesn’t respond. His heart doesn’t let him. It’s so big in his chest that it’s shoved it’s
way into his throat too. He just kisses Jungkook instead and knows Jungkook will get the message.

“Seven p.m. Don’t forget.”

Taehyung rolls his eyes and slowly puts his hands into his pockets. He keeps his head back, chin
tilted, though he wants to look down at Jungkook’s focused gaze.

Eyebrows knitted in concentration as his fingers work over Taehyung’s tie. It’s cute. He’s cute.

“I wouldn’t,” Taehyung promises. “If anything comes up, I’ll text you.”

Jungkook unknots the tie as Taehyung slips on his blazer. He tosses the tie aside and grabs another

Without protest, Taehyung lets Jungkook put on a second one that looks exactly like the last and
starts tying it again.

“Shouldn’t though,” Taehyung assures. He looks down to help Jungkook with his belt, but
Jungkook swats at him because it makes his chin get in his way. “I told everyone, Fridays are an
early day and I must not be interrupted once I leave. It’s date night.”

Jungkook noticeably tries to prevent the smile on his lips, but he fails. He pushes the tie up so it
touches Taehyung’s throat.

Right before he undoes it again.

“Love,” Taehyung calls, hooking his fingers through Jungkook’s dress pants and yanking him
close. “What’s wrong with the ties?”

“Nothing,” Jungkook lies as he grabs another similar one and slips it around Taehyung’s neck.
“Don’t be a shit about it.”

Taehyung presses his lips together and tilts his chin again. It’s quiet when Jungkook ties on the
third. He doesn’t tug this one off, though he does stare at it like he’s considering it.

“Will you stop by if you’re around?” Jungkook asks, turning away to grab his own tie now.
Taehyung swats his hands to do it for him too.
“‘Course. I have a meeting at that barbecue place by your building,” Taehyung lies. He always
does. He ends up bringing food or drinks or snacks to Jungkook’s job during his break rather than
just being in the area for a meeting. “I’ll pick you up something.”

Jungkook smiles and wags his eyebrows. “Just want you.”

Taehyung huffs out, head shaking disapprovingly. “Your mother is coming today, isn’t she? I don’t
suppose it would be appropriate -“

When Jungkook giggles and interrupts, his nose scrunches up towards the bridge. “No. I just mean
you don’t have to have an excuse to see me. I’m going to talk to her about the transfer today, which
means I’ll be even closer to your building. We can do lunch sometimes.”

Taehyung focuses on the tie and tightens it, tongue sticking out of his mouth in concentration. “I
don’t make up excuses. I’ll fully admit that me stopping by to see you if you do transfer is to tell
Eunwoo to back off.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Jungkook murmurs knowingly, eyes rolling. “Just admit you miss me during the day

Taehyung glances at the discarded ties, understanding. He had been surprised to wake up to
Jungkook making coffee, up much earlier than he usually is. He had been restless during the night,
and Taehyung suspects it has to do with his mother coming to visit his job today.

“Ah, I see. Well.” He takes off the last one Jungkook put on as slowly as possible and tosses it
aside. When he grabs a fourth one, he hands it to Jungkook. “I think I like this one better.”

Red creeps across Jungkook’s neck, but he doesn’t comment on it. Even if he wants to lean in and
kiss every inch of it until it’s cool again.

When Jungkook’s done, Taehyung grabs Jungkook’s and tugs him close to press a kiss to the
corner of his mouth. “Coming home to you is my favorite part of the day. And you’ve caught me
red handed, Mr. Jeon. I only come by your office to see you. I don’t care about the smoothie of the

Jungkook’s lips twitch up. “Let the record show that I feel the same.”

Taehyung smothers his giggle against Jungkook’s lips. “Is my tie alright now?”

With a hand pressed to Taehyung’s neck, Jungkook holds him there and kisses him properly. He
hums his affirmation into it. “Yes. And I meant what I said, but also bring a smoothie.”

Taehyung lets out an offended sound, ripping away. He can’t help but peck Jungkook on the cheek
again though before he separates. “See you tonight, love. Don’t you forget.”

Jungkook nods, winking at him. “I would never. Don’t work too hard.”

“I would never,” Taehyung repeats with a cheeky grin. He squeezes Jungkook’s hip, also wanting
to make up lame excuses to linger for a few seconds longer. It feels both good and silly because
they’ve been attacked at the hip for the last few weeks. “I’ve been asked to work on a case that’s
pretty complicated. A lot of people are involved.”

Taking a step forward, Jungkook brushes their chests together. “Well, I’m sure they asked you for
a reason.”
Taehyung grins. He isn’t saying it for assurances, but he likes how easily Jungkook gives them.
“Means I’ll be busy. More so than before.”

Jungkook jerks a shoulder. “Me too. When I transfer.”

Darting his eyes across Jungkook’s face, Taehyung takes in every one of his features. The small
things that make up the face Taehyung craves to see every day. “But we’re going to find a
balance.” He grabs Jungkook’s hand and rubs his thumb over his wedding band. “We can try on
twenty different ties each morning to spend time with each other.”

Jungkook snorts and flips his hand so Taehyung can trace the lines of his palms. “I would have
never guessed I’d like dressing you as much as I like undressing you.”

Taehyung laughs quietly. “Yeah, well, there’s a lot of things I’ve learned I love since we met.”

“Like?” Jungkook cocks his head to the side, eyes bright and knowing.

“If I start, I’ll never leave.” Taehyung leans in and brushes a kiss to Jungkook’s mouth. “Like you,
my list of things I love about my husband is quite extensive.”

Jungkook grabs his collar to keep him from pulling back so he can kiss him again, and again.
“Tonight. I expect to hear all of them.”

Gently, Taehyung flicks beneath Jungkook’s chin. “I’ll give you a little spoiler. Hm?”

Jungkook’s mouth falls open with his laugh, his lips stretching up even higher though his smile is
already quite big. “Alright. What is it?”

And there’s a thousand things in Taehyung’s mind rushing to the forefront. He wants to say them
all, but it would take all day. Maybe more.

“I love being married to you.”

Chapter End Notes

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A note for you all if you wish to read (you don't have to).

First of all, I wanted to say thank you so much to everyone. The response this story has
received was overwhelming (in a good way). I saw, compared to my most commented
fic, this one has like almost 600 more which!! I'm speechless honestly. I've read every
single one multiple times and they've all meant so much to me so thank you thank you.
And thank you to everyone who has reached out to me outside of ao3 too and just any
love this story has gotten, even if it's love I haven't seen, know I'm grateful for it.
Symbiosis was supposed to be around 30k (LMAO) so thank you for sticking with it
even when I was like lol ?? about what was happening or how long it was going to be.
I have a few ideas for drabbles, not that I can promise they'll for sure be written, but I'll
be using the #tksymbiosis tag on twt for them if I do write them!! I have two inbloom
fics that will be revealed in the next couple of weeks I think, and I've already started
on my next fic - which I hope you guys will enjoy as well.
I also want to thank Val for giving me this prompt and for trusting me with it and
letting me go wild with it. I truly, truly hope you enjoyed it. I love you lots and lots.

Please drop by the archive and comment to let the author know if you enjoyed their work!

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