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Writing Part 2 (report) Task information ‘+ The report task tests your ability to give factual» The report may be fora teacher or school director, Information and make recommendations or for classmates, members of the same club ete. You suggestions therefore have to write in an appropriate style + The instructions include a description of @ * Organise your text into report format and use situation. You have to write a report of between, headings it needed. 140-190 words. ‘+ Write fll sentences and try to use correct, + Allow about 40 minutes fr this task, Including ‘grammar and punctuation, with a good range of time atthe end to check your work. language with accurate spelling Useful language: report Pout these expressions under the correct headings: Can you think of more to add under each heading? Twould recommend tat. Fewould appear tat Tn eorcsion, This repor looks et eis ft tat, ho purpose oF this reports to tei salto be Ines been suggested that... There would seem tobe “he alm of this report isto... To sum up. belive we shoulé woul suse | tong) recommend Tis report is intended to show that Introduction | Description and | Recommendations findings and suggestions: Understanding instructions 1 Study the exam inetruetions below and underline the key words. 1 What isthe situation? 2 Who must you write a report for? Should the style be formal, informal or neutral (ccither particularly formal nor informal? 3. What two things do the instructions say you must do? 4 What ese should you write, do you think? ‘Yeu have eta class discussion about sports and your teacher has acked you to suggest a ‘ort tat could be played at your college. Describe a spor that you have tied and say wry | youthirk would be popu with tudes. inte your reportin 140-190 words in an appropriate styl ‘2. The anewer below was writen by Tomasz. a Fist Cerificate cansidate, uichly rea his report and think of ate fort traduction states purpose | peimcftrepors to describe an acty Ihave talent ardaloo epi ay other stucercanoudaney Theactiiny ‘dear headings: | water pole whichis played ina swimming pool. To best the ather ‘eam you must score more goals inthe re allowed (). Goad things boule ‘hater oto equ scl and tain.) By playing nor ee ae patsnnanceante ompeting against eachother What wibe popular ‘some paragraphs. aie shore Studertoui have the chance to enay themsehes and thay wil ove a ‘Goncusion To sumup lstrondy recontmand water poi because ibis a dport that student can pay as team, score goals and enjoy Goed ending Themoeles aftr a tng ay 3 0 (8 nn ‘3. Study the nots next to Tomasz’ report. Then add sentences A-D in the correct gaps 4-4. [A I therefore suggest it should become a college spor. BB naddition, it would appear that there are no local waterpolo clubs. {C Although this s only 30 minutes forthe players it seems much longer, D Infact itis sid to be the most physically demanding ofall spor, 4 Reed the completed report. leit ether too short or too long for Writing Part 2? \sit wel organised? How many paragraphs does it have? Does It answer both parts of the question? In which paragraphs? leit written in an appropriate style? ‘Ace there ony language errors? |Which expressions from Useful language on page 47 does the writer use? Do you think this report would get full marks? Avoids repeating words in question ‘Recommendation with reasons 46 | Tost 4 Trang ‘wating Part 2 Pee esc nica Writing Part 2 (report) Action plan 1 Read the instructions. Do you know enough facts about the topic to write a report on it? 2 Decide who will read your report and what they will want to know. 3 Think about any knowledge andlor personal experience you could mention, and nate down some ideas. 4 Decide if you wil use headings, and think of ¢ good title that incetes the content ofthe report 5 Spend a few minutes making a plan based on all parts ofthe task, including recommendations or suggestions 6 Write your toxin a style that is appropriate for your readers. Ty to make it interesting f possible, ‘include come facte that may be new 29 them. | 7 Try to use expressions from Useful language on page 47 In each part of your report. 4d he exam task below, I tpt vette bs hsnheconat 1 ho eer rpat ot 2 Watton do you hae ot ‘You see this announcement ona callege notice boar Reports wanted This Colege is ways keen to make improvements to the fcitioe valle to students, staff and store. Tha Director therefor Invites you to wite a repent deserbing the currant candon of ana ot ‘he folowing, and suggesting ways it could be imeroved + tnelibrary + tne cafeteria, 2 Write your report in 140-190 words in an appropriate style. STE pareve en ince Yaadings you Wrteig Part 2 ‘ost 1 Bxam practice | 49

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