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Juliana Al Kalaany ID: 202223646

Master II Architecture

Highly organized capable of multitasking and swiftly handling work pressure and challenging
environment. Determined and passionate, looking for a new challenge in my career path.
Course: DCSN300- Models for Decision Making, Dr. Victor Araman
+961 70 351254


Optimization Assignment-Problem 1 and 2

8/ October /2021,
1- Capital Budgeting R&D Project Selection:
- Decision Variables:
Xi = 1, if project is selected i=1,2…...,6
0, if project is not selected
- Objective function: Maximize the total NPV of the selected projects.
Max 141 X1+ 187 X2+121 X3+………….127 X20.
- Constraints:
1- All Xi must be binary.
2- Annual total cost must be ≤ annual budget as given.
(Annual total cost= sum product of the decision variables by Capital (in £000s) required in each

- Spreadsheet Model:
b- Additional Constraint:
Either select project #8 or #16
Which will add the constraint that the sum of the decision variables of project 8 and 16 must be ≤ 1

- Spreadsheet Model:
c- Carrying unused budget:
Supposing that the unused budget from a given year can be carried over to the next year, this will
increase the annual budget available so that any additional amount remaining from the annual buget that
is unused will be added to the budget of the next year.

- Spreadsheet Model:
Scheduling Problem:

The maintenance supervisor wants to determine the minimum number of employees to schedule that meets
the minimum staffing requirements.
The supervisor wants to minimize the number of scheduled employees, so the sum of all employees on all
shifts must be the minimum possible
If we consider the decision variables be:
X1= number of employees from 12 am to 4 am
X2= number of employees from 4am to 8am
X3= number of employees from 8a to 12 pm
X4= number of employees from 12pm to 4 pm
X5= number of employees from 4 pm to 8pm
X6= number of employees from 8pm to 12 pm

The supervisor needs a minimum number of employees 90 employees from 12 am to 4 am, so the minimum of
X1 and x6 together must be a minimum of 90 employees.
So the total number of employees work in the period between 12 am to 4 am will be the sum of employees
scheduled at 8 pm and 12 am.
Similarly, the total number of employees working from 4 am to 8am will be the sum of the employees working
from 12am to 4am and from 4am to 8am.
Similarly, the total number of employees working from 8 am to 12 pm will be the sum of the employees working
from 4am to 8am and from 8am to 12am.
Similarly, the total number of employees working from 12 pm to 4 pm will be the sum of the employees working
from 8am to 12pm and from 12pm to 4pm.
Similarly, the total number of employees working from 4pm to 8 pm will be the sum of the employees working
from 12pm to 4pm and from 4pm to 8pm.
And finally, the total number of employees working from 8pm to 12 am will be the sum of the employees
working from 4pm to 8pm and from 8pm to 12am.

These conditions will define our constraints.

Using 0 and 1 as coefficients to set these constraints, and meeting our objective of minimizing the number of
employees scheduled we will get the solution provided in the spread sheet.

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