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Objectives Resolution and the Rise of Pakistan

July 14, Z Khalid

When the foundation for Pakistan was solidified with the passing of the Lahore Resolution in 1940,
the Muslims in the Indian Subcontinent were (righteously) led to believe that Pakistan would be a
separate homeland where they could freely exercise Deen (Islam as a way of life).
Pakistan was seen as a homeland for all Muslims irrespective of their sectarian
denominations/schools of jurisprudence. What was common among them all was the belief in 5
pillars of Islam:
1. Shahadat (Oneness of Allah, that He is Alone, He has no partners/associates and belief in
Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him as the last and final Messenger of Allah)
2. Salaat (5 obligatory prayers)
3. Zakaat (giving money to the deserving and needy while ensuring their self-respect and dignity)
4. Sawm (fasting during the holy month of Ramzan)
5. Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah at least once in a lifetime)
Besides Muslims, several non-Muslims, prominent among them the Christian community, supported
the vision of Pakistan because they too were well cognizant of the Hindu Brahmin elite which
believes in the dreaded caste system and considers all others except itself as worthless ants. Parsis
(Zoroastrians), a few Hindu denominations and some Sikhs also opted for Pakistan. To say that
none of the non-Muslims were familiar with Pakistan’s vision and its intended goals (homeland for
Muslims) is a blatant lie oft repeated by historians who have a knack for bashing Islam and trying to
secularize Pakistan by quoting weak, mostly disputed sources of information.
Historical Context
When Pakistan came into geographical being on the eve of August 14, 1947 (27 Ramzan), the
Muslims chanted praise for Allah and expressed their uncontrollable happiness and excitement on
this blessed gift. Indeed, the State of Pakistan is a divine gift from The Almighty. But what Muslims
were unaware of was the heavy price they had to pay to earn this newfound freedom: almost
600,000 (six hundred thousand) men, women, children and elders were butchered at the hands of
radical Hindus and several misguided Sikhs.
Widespread violence and panic ensued, followed by sabotage of migrant trains, loot and plunder of
migrants’ wealth and property, destruction of historical relics and blasphemy of Islamic holy books
and other scriptures. The five rivers of Punjab (Ravi, Beas, Sutlet, Jhelum and Chenab) were flowing
red with blood, mutilated bodies were scattered across the vast expanse that now separated
Pakistan on the west and India on the east. Trains filled with migrants stuffed in cabins would pass
thousands of kilometres and reach their destination in the form of smoking coffins with burned
bodies; rarely one or two fortunate survivors made it alive by sheer luck. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad
Ali Jinnah showed exemplary strength, composure and courage in the midst of this horrendous
genocide at the hands of India’s Brahmin elite.
Delivering his first address to the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan on August 11, 1947, Quaid-e-
Azam made a statement which has to this day been grossly exploited and misinterpreted by
secularist intellectuals in Pakistan. The speech, which talks of equality and fraternity, is actually
made in light of equal rights as enshrined in the golden principles of Shariah exclusively for non-
Muslims. This was also a remark directed towards the Hindu Brahmin elite in India which did not
even consider all their Hindu associates with equality, adhering rigidly instead to the notorious caste
system. Analyst Riaz Haq beautifully compares the August 11 speech to the Meesaq-e-Madina
(Charter of Madina) presented by the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and
shows how both the Quaid-e-Azam’s speech and the spirit of the Meesaq-e-Madina actually
complement and reinforce each other, instead of being in conflict.
Quaid-e-Azam himself on several occasions had proclaimed Islam as the foundation of Pakistan’s
creation with The Quran and Sunnah as sources from which laws would be derived. He was
however, against theocracy because he was well aware of the dangers which a mullah-cracy would
pose not only to the state’s well-being, but to the average minds of Muslims as well.
Addressing a press conference on October 11, 1947 at Karachi, Quaid-e-Azam said that, “The
establishment of Pakistan for which we have been striving for the last ten years is, by the grace of
God, an established fact today; but the creation of a state of our own was means not the end in
itself. The idea was that we should have a state in which we could live and breathe as free men and
in which we could develop according to our own lights and culture and where principles of Islamic
social justice could find free play“. On one occasion, a Muslim man holding a copy of The Quran
asked him which laws would govern Pakistan; Quaid-e-Azam simply pointed towards it (The Quran)
and said that the laws (for the country) were given in the book in his hands.
The genesis of Quaid-e-Azam’s vision was based on Islam as the uniting factor against the curse of
ethnic rivalry, provincialism and factional differences. Echoing the thoughts propounded by Allama
Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, who envisioned the State of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam was of the view that it
was only Islam and its politico-socio-economic-legal system which can hold the nascent Pakistani
nation together and create a society in which religious minorities would be given complete freedom
to practice their beliefs and, unlike in India, they would be accorded special status. S.M. Burke, who
authored Oxford Press’ anthology on Quaid-e-Azam’s speeches, also remarked with regards to the
August 11 speech by saying, “it becomes quite clear that (Jinnah) was recommending generous
treatment to non-Muslims not as a commendable secular principle but as a mandatory Islamic
injunction” (Source: ‘The Jinnah Anthology’ by Liaquat H. Merchant, p. 17).
Objectives Resolution: Allahs’ Name Plate on Pakistan
The Objectives Resolution (called “Qaraardad-e-Maqaasid” in Urdu) was a landmark bill tabled in the
Constituent Assembly of Pakistan on March 7, 1949 by Liaquat Ali Khan, the first Prime Minister of
Pakistan. As the most critical legislation ever made in the history of the country, this resolution was
passed on March 12, 1949 and laid down objectives or the foundation/framework on which future
constitutions of Pakistan were to be formulated. It had the right amalgamation of Islam and selected
principles of modern Western democracy. It can rightfully be asserted that in a way, formulation of
the Objectives Resolution was the first (and so far only) ijtihad (interpretation of religion in the current
age) in Pakistan.
Notable clauses mentioned in the Objectives Resolution are presented below along with my
personal commentary for an in-depth understanding:
1. Sovereignty over the entire universe belongs to Almighty Allah alone; the authority which
He has delegated to the State of Pakistan, through its people for being exercise within the
limits prescribed by Him is a sacred trust;
Comment: This opening clause is derived from the spirit of Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 107 in The
Quran (translation by Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan): “Know you not that it is Allah to Whom belongs
the dominion of the heavens and the earth? And besides Allah you have neither any Wali (protector
or guardian) nor any helper“. Allah created Mankind (men and women) are
His khalifas (vicegerents). A vicegerent, naturally, has certain powers given to him by his/her ruler. In
the case of Muslims, Allah has granted them the authority to implement the Commandments of
Allah; it is interesting to note that this authority was delegated to the State of Pakistan through its
people i.e. through the tens and millions of men, women, children and elders who supported
Pakistan’s creation and migrated in Allah’s Name for His Law to be implemented in the land. The
use of words “within the limits prescribed by Him” point towards the hudood (limitations) mentioned
in The Quran and Sunnah (Shariah). The clause says this special authority is “a sacred trust” i.e. the
right to rule and practice divine limitations is a responsibility of massive proportions and
consequences upon whoever assumes charge as the leader of Pakistan at any given point in time.
2. Wherein the principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice as
enunciated by Islam shall be fully observed;
Comment: Note that this clause does not propose the system of democracy altogether, let alone
Western democracy as a whole. Instead, it says “principles” of democracy i.e. fraternity, liberty and
personal dignity which are the fundamental rights of every citizen of the state. The principles of
democracy, freedom, equality and tolerance and social justice (without discrimination between the
powerful and powerless, privileged and less privileged) will be observed which have been
“enunciated by Islam“. This can be further clarified that ‘Islam’ does not imply that bigoted mullahs
will be delegated to derive these laws; on the contrary, these will ideally be extracted by a committee
comprising of enlightened, peace-loving scholars of Islam from various sects who will use The Quran
as the ultimate criterion to differentiate the do’s and dont’s. Ijtihad will, once again, be the core
mechanism adopted by the committee.
3. Wherein the Muslims shall be enabled to order their lives in the individual and collective
spheres in accordance with the teachings and requirements of Islam as set out in the Holy
Quran and the Sunnah;
Comment: This is the primary reason why Muslims in India migrated to the newly-carved State of
Pakistan in the first place. They wanted to lead their lives in a congenial Islamic atmosphere without
fear of oppression or subjugation by British imperialists or the Brahmin elite. The clause says that
The Holy Quran and the Sunnah (two undisputed sources of Islamic law) will be consulted for
guidance, not books of fiqh (jurisprudence) which are interpretations by a select community (sect) of
4. Wherein adequate provision shall be made for the (religious) minorities to freely profess
and practice their religions and develop their cultures;
Comment: This is the gist of Quaid-e-Azam’s August 11, 1947 speech when viewed in the context
of the Meesaq-e-Madina; this clause reinforces the fact that Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Hindus,
Parsis, etc together form part of one nation i.e. Pakistan. Non-Muslims have been given the
complete freedom to profess (openly exclaim) and practice their religions and, most interestingly,
their cultures as well (for example, the Kalash are a minority with their own culture).
5. Wherein the territories now included in or in accession with Pakistan and such other
territories as may hereafter be included in or accede to Pakistan shall form a Federation
wherein the units will be autonomous with such boundaries and limitations on their powers
and authority as may be prescribed;
Comment: This clause empowers the Federation (then Karachi and presently Islamabad) as the
centre of government (focal point of authority) among the existing provinces (Punjab, KP, Sindh,
Balochistan) and territories in accession with Pakistan (Azad Kashmir, Gilgit-Baltistan). Interestingly,
the clause also makes mention of any future territories which may accede to Pakistan (such as
Hyderabad Deccan, occupied Jammu & Kashmir, etc). Autonomy will be given to these
provinces/units but it is also worth noting that complete provincial independence which would result
in friction with the Federation (as witnessed in the present times) has not been mandated. Rewind to
last year from the passing of this resolution i.e. 1948 during which, on several occasions, Quaid-e-
Azam had warned of the curse of provincialism.
6. Wherein shall be guaranteed fundamental rights including equality of status, of
opportunity and before law, social, economic and political justice, and freedom of thought,
expression, belief, faith, worship and association, subject to law and public morality;
Comment: The politico-socio-economic-legal rights and status of equality mentioned above will be
ensured, as mentioned in points (2) and (3) above i.e. in light of The Quran and Sunnah. Citizens of
the state will have the right to express their thoughts, beliefs and associations while being mindful of
the law and public morality i.e. freedom but with responsibility to maintain public order and stability.
7. Wherein adequate provisions shall be made to safeguard the legitimate interests of
minorities and backward and depressed classes;
Comment: This clause assures minorities’ religious and cultural freedom, which also includes social
freedom (family laws, etc) in accordance with their respective faith systems. The statement on
backward and depressed clauses warrants special attention as it pertains to Dalits in Pakistan and
also Ahmadis (who have controversial/questionable beliefs but which nonetheless do not permit any
individual to commit violence against them; only the State of Pakistan through the judiciary has the
right to look into alleged cases of blasphemy by members of this community). Backward and
depressed classes could refer to people in FATA (tribal areas) and Balochistan who have been
deprived of basic civil rights because of criminal negligence by the civilian apparatus.
Liaquat Ali Khan said that the Objectives Resolution was “the most important occasion in the life of
this country (Pakistan)“. Unfortunately, this landmark resolution which declares Allah as the one and
only Ruler of the Universe has been given secondary status in every succeeding constitution of
Pakistan. In an ideal and pragmatic situation keeping in view the vision of Pakistan’s forefathers and
the thousands of people who sacrificed their lives for it, Objectives Resolution should have been
declared supreme (superior to all other constitution preamables/clauses).
The hypocrisy exhibited by both civilian rulers and military dictators after Liaquat Ali Khan’s
unfortunate assassination is too much to be recounted in a single book, let alone an article. To
speak in a straightforward manner, we have placed Allah (Lord of the Universe) on the
backseat. Is this not collective blasphemy?
“Pakistan is a nation of jingoists and hypocrites who believe they are superior and infallible”, said an
elder to this author recently. “They are living in a fool’s paradise. This country will not prosper or rise
to new heights until and unless the Objectives Resolution is declared supreme. The only reason
Allah has spared us destruction is Allah’s Name Plate on our country and its ideology… the
Objectives Resolution is Allah’s Name Plate. We have written His Name and acknowledged His All-
Powerful, sole dominion over the Universe but not believed in it. We have not embedded this belief
fully in our hearts and minds”.

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