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Fuel 208 (2017) 329–336

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Life cycle assessment of biodiesel produced by the methylic-alkaline and

ethylic-enzymatic routes
Cristina Santos de Mello Marcia, Gomes D’Amato Villardi Hugo ⇑, Ferreira Young André,
Luiz Pellegrini Pessoa Fernando, Medeiros Salgado Andrea
Escola de Química, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Av. Athos da Silveira Ramos, 149, Ilha do Fundão, Rio de Janeiro 21941-909, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A comparative environmental impact analysis of the soybean biodiesel production by two different tech-
Received 8 April 2017 nologies was done in this study. The production routes evaluated were the alkali-catalyzed (catalyst:
Received in revised form 2 July 2017 sodium hydroxide) methylic transesterification and the enzyme-catalyzed (catalyst: lipase) ethylic trans-
Accepted 5 July 2017
esterification. In an early work, simulations of the biodiesel production processes with the software
Aspen HYSYS, from AspenTech Inc., were carried out. Now, a life cycle assessment (LCA) of the entire bio-
diesel production chain is done. The inventories related to each production subsystem were developed
based on the mass and energy balances obtained from the simulations and on literature information.
Life cycle assessment
The results clearly indicated the best environmental performance of ethanol over methanol and of the
Process simulation enzymatic technology over the traditional alkaline technology, but also demonstrated some bottlenecks
Alkaline catalysis that should be attacked in a seek for more sustainable solutions.
Enzymatic catalysis Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction have considered soy production in the life cycle assessments of

the biodiesel production chain [2,3,25].
Biodiesel is a biodegradable fuel consisting of a mixture of fatty Although the most used alcohol for biodiesel production is
acids alkyl esters, which can be produced from raw materials such methanol, due to its non-renewable origin, production with etha-
as vegetable oils, animal fats and residual oils [18]. Homogeneous nol appears as a particularly interesting alternative in an environ-
alkaline transesterification is the most common biodiesel produc- mental point of view. It is even more interesting to Brazil, which
tion process of industrial scale [34,35,37]. Reaction occurs between has one of the biggest and well established ethanol industries of
the oil and short chain alcohols, such as methanol and ethanol with the world [12]. The Brazilian ethanol industry has also great inter-
an alkaline catalyst, such as NaOH [9,11,10,19]. dependence with the industries of United States and Europe, the
However, in a search for more economical and sustainable solu- two major methylic biodiesel producers of the world [7]. An effi-
tions, there is an evident tendency in the scientific literature the cient integration of both industries is an interesting, if not essen-
study processes that use heterogeneous catalysts [8,16]. Specially, tial, path to the definitive establishment of a green fuels culture.
and already with industrial application, stands out the enzymatic Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is an environmental management
catalysis, where lipases are used as catalysts in transesterification tool used to analyze and evaluate the environmental impacts of a
[21,36]. This process seems to have certain economic [36] and product, along its entire life cycle, i.e., since its formation until
environmental [13] advantages over other emerging technologies, its complete disappearance in the nature [29,32]. This type of anal-
such as the supercritical route [17]. The greatest obstacle to the ysis is complex and generally limited by data availability and gen-
definitive implementation of the enzymatic technology at indus- eralizations [14,20]. In this context, it is necessary to understand
trial level is probably the high catalyst cost [36]. LCA as an evolution tool that measures potential environmental
In Brazil, about 75% of the feedstock’s used for biodiesel produc- impacts, not real impacts [4]. Thus, the objective of LCA is not to
tion is soybean. Soybean is also the most used feedstock for biodie- define solutions, but rather to provide the necessary basis for
sel production in the world and, because of that, many authors decision-making towards more sustainable scenarios [28,29,32].
The life cycle assessment carried out in this study was con-
ducted in accordance with ISO 14.040 and had the objective to
⇑ Corresponding author. compare the environmental performance of soybean biodiesel
E-mail address: (H. Gomes D’Amato Villardi). obtained by two different routes: the methylic-alkaline
0016-2361/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
330 M. Cristina Santos de Mello et al. / Fuel 208 (2017) 329–336

(traditional) production route, and the ethylic-enzymatic route. tricity generation; production of fertilizers, pesticides and
This work is a direct continuation of our paper ‘‘Biodiesel produc- limestone, necessary for the agricultural stages; and the transport
tion by the methylic-alkaline and ethylic-enzymatic routes: dis- subsystem, which includes the analysis of the environmental load
cussion of some environmental aspects” [5]. attributed to the transport stages between the production
In the former work, biodiesel synthesis was simulated in the subsystems.
software Aspen HYSYS, from AspenTech Inc., and a subsequent For big countries like Brazil, production decentralization is a
analysis was carried out in terms of the 12 Principles of Green very interesting strategy, since the reduction of the distances
Chemistry [1] and calculation of some sustainability metrics [31]. between producers and consumers would minimize transport
costs [15]. Therefore, in this work we considered that the biodiesel
production units could be installed in two different places: the
2. Methodology
States of Goiás (GO) and Rio Grande do Sul (RS). These places
require different distribution systems with different environmen-
In this work, biodiesel was considered as an energy source for
tal performances.
compression ignition (diesel cycle) engines. In order to quantify
the energy to be used, a reference flux was determined to indicate
the quantity of product needed to meet this objective based on the 2.2. Environmental impact evaluation
calorific value of soybean biodiesel (39.9 MJ/kg), since it does not
show significant variation as a function of the chosen alcohol. The environmental impact factors evaluated were non-
renewable energy usage (NEU), liquid effluents generation (LEG),
2.1. Definition of the production systems solid waste generation (SWG), the greenhouse effect potential
(GEP), the potential of ozone layer depletion (OLD), the potential
Biodiesel production was divided in four main subsystems: soy- of ozone photochemical formation (OPF) and the acidification
bean oil production (SOP), anhydrous ethanol production (ETP) or potential (ACP). It was also evaluated the CO2 balance and the pet-
methanol production (MEP), caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) pro- roleum, natural gas, coal and water consumption in each produc-
duction (CSP) and biodiesel synthesis (BIS). A scheme of the pro- tion system. Once all the factors have been calculated for each
duction system and its main subsystems can be viewed in Fig. 1. system, an overall impact indicator was calculated, as a way to
In this work, we consider a LCA approach of the type ‘‘cradle to quantitatively base the choice for the more sustainable technology
gate”, where impacts associated with biodiesel production are and place. The impact indicator was calculated as a sum of the
listed from resource extraction to the end of the production chain, products between each factor and its normalized relevance factor
with inclusion of the product distribution stage. [33,23]. The relevance factor is calculated as the ratio between
The life cycle assessment does not include the environmental the biggest value of the impact factor among the production sys-
loads related to lipases, since it is believed that the impacts of bio- tems and the annual value of the factor in Brazil.
logical catalysts are insignificant and because it is possible to reuse The criterion adopted by Vianna [33] and Marzullo [23] was
it for several cycles [13,24]. Plant and equipment construction used in the calculation of the LEG factor. The necessary amount
were also not considered in the analysis, since the useful life of of water added to the effluents was calculated to promote dilution
these assets is considerably large, resulting in low relevant envi- of these effluents until critical limits determined by the ‘‘Regula-
ronmental impacts when compared to daily environmental tion on requirements for the discharge of wastewater into surface
impacts of the production process. waters” (Abwasserverordnung – Abw) of 1997 adopted in the BASF
In addition to these main subsystems, there are intermediate method [27]. These are 75 mg/L for COD (chemical oxygen
subsystems, which provide the necessary support structure for demand) and 15 mg/L for BOD (biochemical oxygen demand).
production. These are: the production of diesel, which is used to The energy-mass ratios indicated in Table 1 were used to calcu-
transport materials and to generate thermal energy; the produc- late the required amount of non-renewable energy (NEU). These
tion of fuel oil, also used in the production of thermal energy; elec- can be directly obtained from the inventories of each subsystem,

Fig. 1. Main production subsystems.

M. Cristina Santos de Mello et al. / Fuel 208 (2017) 329–336 331

Table 1 which is equivalent to 8,433.33 kg of CO2 per hectare of planted

Energy-mass ratios for non-renewable energy sources. soy [23]. As it is necessary 0.347 hectare to produce 1 ton of soy,
Resource MJ/kg Reference there is a fixation of 2,926.37 kg of CO2 for each ton of produced
Oil 45.8 [28] soy, or 1.83 kg of CO2 per kg of dry matter. Table 4 shows the total
Natural gas 38.0 [26] CO2 balance involved in the biodiesel production in Goiás and Rio
Coal 19.1 [28] Grande do Sul, considering the two production routes under anal-
ysis in this work.
It is observed that in all analyzed routes the total CO2 balance is
available as Supporting Information. The calculation of the NEU negative because the quantities absorbed in the agricultural stages
factor was based on the amounts of coal, oil and natural gas used are greater than the sum of the quantities emitted in all subsys-
for energy production. For coal, all mass entry was considered a tems. Another observation that can be made is that the ethylic
source of energy, except in the production of agricultural defen- route, regardless of the location of the biodiesel plant, presents a
sives in the sugarcane production stage, where part of the coal more negative balance than the methylic route. This is due to the
would be directed as a non-energetic input in the production of agricultural origin of the alcohol chosen for this route, while the
herbicides and insecticides. Thus, with the exception of the ethanol methylic technology still has significant emissions attributed to
production subsystem, all the coal was used for energy purposes. the methanol production subsystem. It is worth mentioning that
Table 2 summarizes the formulas and definitions of each factor the significant CO2 emission in the methanol production subsys-
that cannot be obtained directly from the simulations. Table 3 tem refers to natural gas consumption, both for thermal energy
shows the values of the environmental impact factors associated generation and methanol synthesis.
with each of the atmospheric emissions evaluated in this work. In both methylic and ethylic routes, it is verified that the emis-
In all analyzed cases, it was assumed a production of 1000 kg of sions due to the transport and biodiesel synthesis subsystems have
biodiesel. little weight in comparison to the others.

3. Results 3.2. Fossil fuel consumption

3.1. CO2 balance The material demand analysis can adopt as reference any inflow
or outflow in the product inventories. Among the analyzed mate-
Biodiesel synthesis and energy production subsystems have a rial resources, there are oil, natural gas and coal, all of them non-
positive contribution to atmospheric carbon levels in the transport. renewable energy sources. These three fossil fuels are responsible
The agricultural stages (sugarcane and soy production) contribute for attend more than 50% of the Brazilian energy matrix and an
in the other direction, with chemical sequestration. Thus, the sug- even greater fraction of the world energy consumption [32]. These
arcane and soy production subsystems allow the capture of carbon resources contribute significantly to the emission of local pollu-
in the form of CO2, which will be considered as an input flow since tants, such as hydrocarbons and CO2, which act in the formation
it is a natural resource [30]. of tropospheric ozone or promote the greenhouse effect.
Sugarcane harvesting in the State of São Paulo (SP) (where great For calculation of natural gas consumption, it was considered
part of the ethanol production facilities are supposed to be located) the inclusion of raw natural gas, which had its quantity in m3 con-
in 2012/2013 was about 74.94 tons per hectare. It is estimated that verted to mass, and of natural gas used as energy source, which
about 16.20 tons per hectare of carbon are sequestered annually by had its quantity in MJ converted to mass. For these conversions,
the sugarcane. So, it can be inferred that 793 kg of CO2 is captured it was adopted the values of 0.74 kg/m3for density [6] and 38 MJ/
per ton of cane produced [22]. According to Sugawara [30], this kg for the calorific value [26].
value would be 653 kg of CO2 per ton of cane. So, we decided to Table 5 presents the fossil fuel consumption profile in each pro-
use the mean value of 723 kg to calculate the amount of CO2 duction system. According to this data, the most consumed fossil
absorbed in the inventories. For the production of 1000 kg of bio- fuel in themethylic-alkaline production system is natural gas,
diesel, 172.03 kg of ethanol are necessary, which means that which occurs due to the large amount of this input required for
1,711.52 kg of CO2 are swallowed in this stage. thermal energy production (96%) and as raw material for methanol
In the case of the calculation of carbon absorption inthe soy pro- production (4%). There is no significant difference in the amount of
duction, for each 4.6 tons of dry matter per hectare, there is a petroleum and coal consumed among the production systems,
reduction equivalent to 2.3 tons of carbon in the atmosphere, what makes the methylic technology more environmentally
expensive in this sense. Differences regarding localities influence
Table 2
only the transport subsystem and the transport stages inserted in
Impact factors: formulas and definitions. the other subsystems.
Fig. 2 shows an approximation of the distances covered by etha-
Factor Equation (units) Definition
nol transportation to the biodiesel plants and biodiesel distribution
GEP GEPi  ei ðkg eq CO2 Þ It measures the capability of infrared to the consumer sites.In the transport subsystem, distances cov-
radiation absorption of a certain substance
ered by biodiesel from plant to the distribution sites and caustic
in comparison to CO2.
P soda from its production plant to the biodiesel plants show small
OLD OLDi  ei ðkg eq CFCÞ It measures the potential of a certain
substance to favor the ozone layer depletion differences when comparing production systems located in Goiás
to CFCs. and Rio Grande do Sul. So, for the methylic route, there is no big
OPF OPF i  ei ðkg eq C 2 H4 Þ It measures the oxidation potential of a
economic or environmental difference between one or another
certain substance in the troposphere in
comparison to ethene.
place to install the production facilities. However, when analyzing
P the distances covered by ethanol from its production plants until
ACP ACP i  ei ðkg eq SO2 Þ It measures the propensity of a certain
substance to emit H+in comparison to sulfur the biodiesel production plants, differences become significant.
dioxide. Therefore, locality is important if biodiesel is supposed to be pro-
ei are the atmospheric emissions showed in Table 3 and GEPi, OLDi, OPFi, ACPi are duced with ethanol, because of the integration between the biodie-
the factors associated with each emission. sel and sugarcane industries.
332 M. Cristina Santos de Mello et al. / Fuel 208 (2017) 329–336

Table 3
Environmental impact factors associated with some atmospheric emissions.

Atmospheric Emissions Greenhouse Effect Potential (GEPi) Ozone Layer Depletion (OLDi) Ozone Photoche. Formation (OPFi) Acidification Potential (ACPi)
CO2 1.00 – – –
SO2 – – – 1.00
NOx – – – 0.70
CH4 21.00 – 0.01 –
Hydrocarbons – – 0.42 –
Halogenated 4000.00 1.00 – –
NH3 – – – 1.88
N2O 310.00 – – –
HCl – – – 0.88
HF – – – 1.20

Table 4
CO2 balance in the biodiesel production systems.

Subsystems Ethylic route (GO) Methylic route (GO) Ethylic route (RS) Methylic route (RS)
3 3 3
Soybean oil production 2.76  10 2.72  10 2.74  10 2.70  103
Ethanol production 1.68  103 – 1.68  103 –
Methanol production – 1.61  103 – 1.61  103
Soda production – 3.61  100 – 3.61  100
Transport 4.76  101 5.91  101 7.39  101 5.82  101
Biodiesel synthesis 6.12  101 8.57  101 6.12  101 8.57  101
Total balance 4.33  103 9.60  102 4.28  103 9.41  102

Table 5 for fertilizer production, the demand for this input by the methanol
Fossil fuel consumption profile by production system. production subsystem is much bigger, approximately 500 kg per
Rote Oil Natural gas Coal 1000 kg of biodiesel [26].
Methylic (GO) 23.2% 76.0% 0.8%
Methylic (RS) 24.1% 75.1% 0.8%
Ethylic (GO) 89.9% 7.0% 3.1% 3.3. Water consumption
Ethylic (RS) 90.6% 6.6% 2.8%
Another important aspect is the consumption of water, since it
is an essential resource for the maintenance of the economy and all
Specifically in relation to petroleum derivatives, there is a sectors of society. Given its importance, water management has
slightly higher consumption when the biodiesel facilities are become an emerging area of great importance for industry. There-
located in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. It occurs because in all fore, it is imperative to control water consumption in every stage of
the analyzed routes the main consumption of oil occurs in the soy- the biodiesel production chain.
bean oil production subsystem, which contemplates the agricul- Table 6 shows the water consumption in each production sys-
tural production of soy. This subsystem presents about 2.50 tem and subsystems. Water consumption was separated from the
times greater consumption of diesel (and, consecutively, petro- other subsystems in order to enable the verification of its contribu-
leum) in the transportation stages of fertilizer and limestones tion in details.
when the plant is installed in Rio Grande do Sul. The subsystem that most contributes to the total consumption
In addition, the consumption of petroleum derivatives in the of water in the biodiesel production is the soybean oil production
transport subsystem and in the biodiesel synthesis subsystem, subsystem. Additionally, it is verified that, although there is signif-
between 20 and 30 kg per 1000 kg of biodiesel, must be high- icant water consumption during soybean oil extraction, in the agri-
lighted. In the last one, this demand is related to the production cultural stage the demand for water resources is highly
of electricity and thermal energy. Petroleum derivatives are also preponderant, due to irrigation.
present in the production of pesticides, fertilizers, limestone, elec- It is observed that the biodiesel synthesis subsystem presents
tricity and diesel for the agricultural machinery, besides soybean higher consumption of water in the alkaline route, since in this
oil processing. case there is a greater demand for washing in order to reduce
Coal consumption occurs in small quantities and refers to the the sodium concentration and attend biodiesel specifications. It is
inputs involved in electricity generation and in the production of also possible to observe the influence of the caustic soda produc-
diesel from petroleum. The highlight is the consumption of elec- tion subsystem in the total water consumption.
tricity in the fertilizers production stage. It is also consumed in Comparing the alcohol production subsystems, ethanol produc-
small quantities in the methanol and caustic soda production tion requires a greater amount of water than the methanol produc-
subsystems. tion. Although the last one requires a reasonable consumption of
It can be verified that in the two studied routes and in the two water for electricity generation, ethanol production demands it
States, the soybean oil production subsystem presented the great- in significant quantities both for the ethanol production process
est consumption of the analyzed fossil materials, except for the itself and, mainly, for sugarcane cultivation.
natural gas consumed in the methylic route. Although the subsys- The ethylic route presents a higher demand for water than the
tems that involve agricultural stages, both for sugarcane produc- methylic route, as a function of the largest amount of soybean oil
tion and for soybean production, also consume natural gas in required for biodiesel production (1000 kg). This higher consump-
reasonable quantities (approximately 70 kg per 1000 kg of biodie- tion of oil implies a greater production of soybean and, conse-
sel), which is used in the production of energy and as raw material quently, the greater impact on water usage.
M. Cristina Santos de Mello et al. / Fuel 208 (2017) 329–336 333

Fig. 2. Approximated distances covered by ethanol transportation to the biodiesel plants and biodiesel distribution to the consumer sites.

Table 6
Water consumption per production system and subsystems (kg/1000 kg biodiesel).

Met. Route (GO) Met. Route (RS) Et. route (GO) Et. route (RS)
Soy Production 2.29  106 2.29  106 2.32  106 2.32  106
Soybean Oil Production 9.00  103 9.00  103 9.00  103 9.00  103
Ethanol/Methanol 4.32  103 4.32  103 1.05  104 1.05  104
Soda Production 6.60  103 6.60  103 – –
Transport 3.01  102 2.96  102 2.42  102 3.76  102
Biodiesel Synthesis 2.02  103 2.02  103 5.81  102 5.81  102
Total 2.31  106 2.31  106 2.34  106 2.34  106

3.4. Analysis of the environmental impact factors It is possible to observe that the methylic route presents values
greater or almost equal to those verified for the ethylic route in all
Table 7 shows the environmental impacts caused by each pro- the environmental impact categories analyzed, except for the
duction system based on the seven categories evaluated in this potential of ozone photochemical formation (OPF).
work.Fig. 3 shows the relative factors for each system in the envi- As no significant variation was observed between the impacts
ronmental impact categories. caused by the two proposed locations (GO and RS), either in the

Table 7
Environmental impact caused by each biodiesel production system as a function of technology and locality.

Impact categories Met. route (GO) Met. route (RS) Et. route (GO) Et. route (RS)
Non-renewable energy usage (MJ) 2.32  104 2.36  104 7.31  103 8.22  103
Liquid effluents generation (kg) 3.82  103 3.85  103 2.16  103 2.25  103
Solid waste generation (kg) 7.62  102 7.62  102 7.81  102 7.81  102
Greenhouse effect potential (kg CO2 eq.) 4.91  102 4.71  102 4.27  103 4.22  103
Potential of ozone layer depletion (kg CFC eq.) 1.79  104 1.79  104 0.00  100 0.00  100
Potential of ozone photochemical formation (kg C2H4 eq.) 2.62  100 2.63  100 5.55  100 5.59  100
Acidification potential (kg SO2 eq.) 6.18  100 6.36  100 4.74  100 5.19  100
334 M. Cristina Santos de Mello et al. / Fuel 208 (2017) 329–336

Fig. 3. Relative factors for each biodiesel production system and locality in the evaluated environmental impact categories.

ethylic or methylic route, by simplification, only one of these sites Analysis of the potential to cause greenhouse effect shows that,
was selected to carry out a more detailed comparison of the envi- due to the agricultural stages of both routes, the amount of seques-
ronmental impacts among the two different technologies. A contri- tered carbon is greater than the emitted amount, what is an excel-
bution analysis of each subsystem composing the evaluated lent result. The ethylic route presents a negative value related to
production routes is presented in Tables 8 and 9. carbon sequestration during two agricultural stages: soybean pro-
Regarding the use of non-renewable energy, it is observed that duction (included in SOP) and sugarcane production (included in
the major contribution in the ethylic route comes from the soybean ETP). On the other hand, the methylic route presents a significant
oil production subsystem. This observation was already mentioned positive contribution to the CO2 release from the MEP subsystem.
in the material consumption analysis, when the great consumption This difference makes the ethylic route ‘‘greener” than the
of fossil fuels in the soy production stage was verified. When ana- methylic route in this sense.
lyzing the relative value for the methylic route on this impact cat- In the MEP subsystem, CO2 emissions are present in all stages.
egory, it is observed that, in addition to the soybean oil production The more relevant are those from natural gas processing, for ther-
subsystem, the methanol production subsystem has a much more mal energy generation and methanol synthesis itself. The contribu-
significant character, due to natural gas consumption as thermal tion to the potential of ozone layer depletion was mainly due to the
energy source. presence of the halogenated hydrocarbon dichloromethane in the
The generation of liquid effluents and solid waste has also sig- process.
nificant contribution from the soybean oil production subsystem, The potential of ozone photochemical formation of the ethylic
where fertilizers account for a great part. Effluents in the form of route is greater than the potential of the methylic route. In the first
sodium chloride ions originate from potassium fertilizers produc- one, the main contribution to this factor is the agricultural stage of
tion, while dissolved solids, for example, are generated in the pro- the ethanol production subsystem, where incomplete burning of
duction of phosphate fertilizers. the straw results in hydrocarbon emissions. In the methylic route,
In the alkaline route, however, there is also a significant contri- the impact of this category is mainly due to the methanol produc-
bution to the liquid effluent generation from the biodiesel synthe- tion subsystem, where hydrocarbons are released during natural
sis subsystem. It happens because, in this route, it is necessary to gas processing. Both technologies present significant contribution
consume a large amount of water in the washing step in order to from the soybean oil production subsystem.
the final product to reach the specified limits for sodium foreseen Emissions related to soil acidification (NH3, NOx, SOx, HCl, HF,
by the regulatory agency [34,35]. Water here is released as a liquid SOx, SO2, H2S) are present in the soybean oil production subsystem
effluent, diluting the contaminants generated during the produc- and are generated in almost all steps. However, NH3, NOx and SOx
tion process. stand out as the major emissions. In the oil extraction stage, fuel oil
The generation of solid residues, both in the methylic and is burned, releasing great amounts of SOx. The agricultural stage is
ethylic routes, is almost completely due to the soybean oil produc- the main source of NH3 and NOx, in the production of fertilizers
tion subsystem. These residues come mainly from soybean produc- and in their application in the ground. Important emissions are
tion, as already explained. The slight difference presented in this also observed by diesel burning in the agricultural machinery
factor between the two routes occurs as a function of the reference and in the transport phases. In the ethylic route, these emission
flow. The ethylic-enzymatic route requires 1,054.37 kg of soybean, sources are present in the sugarcane cultivation, but the natural
whereas the methylic-alkaline route requires 1,040.29 kg of it. gas consumption for methanol production in the methylic route

Table 8
Contribution of the methylic-alkaline route (GO) subsystems by environmental impact category.

Impact categories/Subsystems SOP MEP CSP TRA BIS Total

Non-renewable energy usage (MJ) 4.61  103 1.57  104 6.51  101 1.18  103 1.74  103 2.32  104
Liquid effluents generation (kg) 1.75  103 2.75  102 3.27  100 1.12  102 1.67  103 3.82  103
Solid waste generation (kg) 7.61  102 3.98  101 6.09  101 3.30  102 4.96  102 7.62  102
Greenhouse effect potential (kg CO2 eq.) 2.70  103 2.05  103 4.62  100 6.28  101 8.76  101 4.91  102
Potential of ozone layer depletion (kg CFC eq.) 0.00 0.00 1.79  104 0.00 0.00 1.79  104
Potential of ozone photochemical formation (kg C2H4 eq.) 7.60  101 1.80  100 9.85  104 4.11  102 1.55  102 2.62  100
Acidification potential (kg SO2 eq.) 3.44  100 2.05  100 5.32  102 5.65  101 8.00  102 6.18  100
M. Cristina Santos de Mello et al. / Fuel 208 (2017) 329–336 335

Table 9
Contribution of the ethylic-enzymatic route (GO) subsystems by environmental impact category.

Impact categories/Subsystems SOP ETP CSP TRA BIS Total

3 2 2 3 3
Non-renewable energy usage (MJ) 4.68  10 4.35  10 9.49  10 1.24  10 7.31  10 4.68  103
Liquid effluents generation (kg) 1.78  103 5.06  101 8.99  101 2.41  102 2.16  103 1.78  103
Solid waste generation (kg) 7.71  102 9.50  100 2.65  102 3.58  102 7.81  102 7.71  102
Greenhouse effect potential (kg CO2 eq.) 2.73  103 1.65  103 5.05  101 6.26  101 4.27  103 2.73  103
Potential of ozone layer depletion (kg CFC eq.) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Potential of ozone photochemical formation (kg C2H4 eq.) 7.71  101 4.74  100 3.31  102 1.11  102 5.55  100 7.71  101
Acidification potential (kg SO2 eq.) 3.48  100 7.48  10-1 4.55  10-1 5.72  102 4.74  100 3.48  100

is also an important source. In fact, the proposed methylic-alkaline Goiás. All environmental aspects related to the production of caus-
route is considerably more harmful in this impact category. tic soda were excluded, as well as the contribution of diesel con-
Finally, the impact factors generated can be used in the calcula- sumption and generation of emissions related to the transport of
tion of an overall environmental impact indicator, which summa- the catalyst to the biodiesel synthesis plant.
rizes the discussions made in this paper in a quantitative way. It As a consequence, there is a reduction of 0.93% in oil consump-
is shown in Table 10. tion, 0.02% in natural gas consumption, 13.62% in coal consumption
The methylic-alkaline route, traditional biodiesel production and 0.29% in the consumption of water. The major part of the coal
technology, is more harmful to environment than the ethylic- reported in the inventory of the NaOH production is used for elec-
enzymatic technology. In fact, it obtained worse results in almost tricity generation. Regarding water, although the production of
all the impact factors analyzed in this paper, consequently obtain- soda shows a significant water consumption, in the order of
ing the worst overall indicators (0.74–0.75 against 0.46–0.48 of the 6.6 kg/1000 kg of biodiesel, this consumption is little relevant when
ethylic route). Is not only worse, but the difference is large, and it is compared to the soybean oil production subsystem. Thus, only a
due to methanol. As we show here, the renewable origin of ethanol small variation inthe water intake occurs when comparing the alka-
is responsible to a large increase in the CO2 absorption, decreasing line production with and without the influence of the catalyst data.
considerably the greenhouse effect potential of the production sys- Table 11 shows the differences in the seven environmental
tem. Without this factor, the performance of both technologies is impact categories. The OLD factor is the only one significantly
almost equal. affected by the CSP subsystem, because of the large amount of
The choice for ethanol generates a 100% green fuel and must be dichloromethane released as atmospheric emission. The reduction
encouraged, but it is not a perfect solution. In our quantitative of 1.22% in the GEP factor is related to gas emissions such as CO2,
analysis, its potential of ozone photochemical formation compen- CH4, N2O and dichloromethane, released during soda production
sates great part of the environmental impacts caused by the and transportation. Although CO2 is released in a greater quantity,
methylic-alkaline technology. Methanol usage is responsible for dichloromethane, even released in a small order (104), has a
an increase in non-renewable energy usage and in the emission 4000-fold effect, which makes it the second largest contributor to
of acid gases. The biggest quantity of water required for washing this environmental impact factor. For the acidification potential,
out the alkaline catalyst NaOH is the major responsible to the big- there is a reduction of 1.06%. It is also related to the consumption
gest generation of liquid effluents in the biodiesel synthesis. The of coal, since it has a significant sulfur and nitrogen content, which
production of this catalyst is responsible to increase the potential can be released in its oxides forms. Due to the insignificant contri-
of ozone layer depletion. bution of the caustic soda production subsystem, no significant
Finally, it can be verified that the differences regarding the two changes in the other impact categories and in the overall indicator
different locations did not have significant influence on the envi- were verified.
ronmental performances of the production systems. Therefore, Based on these results, we conclude that the CSP subsystem has
social or economic reasons should guide the decision for one or no relevant effect on the quantitative results of the LCA analysis.
the other site. However, a qualitative analysis indicates how this type of catalyst
can be harmful to the environment in comparison to biological cat-
3.5. Sensitivity to the CSP subsystem alysts, such as lipases.
The results indicated a better environmental performance for
Because the catalyst of the enzymatic route, due to the possibil- the enzymatic route in almost all the analyzed issues, what proved
ity of reuse, was not considered in LCA, the sensitivity of the alka- that this route is an excellent option for future industrial applica-
line route to the CSP subsystem was analyzed. The proposed tions, regarding safety and sustainability. All the analysis pro-
analysis was based on the exclusion of the caustic soda production ceeded here are based in the mass and energy balances of the
subsystem from the alkaline production system in the State of biodiesel synthesis stage simulations.

Table 10
Overall environmental impact indicator.

Impact Categories Met. Route (GO) Met. Route (RS) Et. Route (GO) Et. Route (RS) Relevance factor Normalized rel. factor
Non-renewable energy usage (MJ) 0.98 1.00 0.31 0.35 3.18  109 27.32%
Liquid effluents generation (kg) 0.99 1.00 0.56 0.58 2.31  1011 0.20%
Solid waste generation (kg) 0.98 0.98 1.00 1.00 3.32  109 28.53%
Potential to cause greenhouse effect (kg CO2 eq.) 1.04 1.00 9.07 8.96 3.77  1010 3.24%
Potential of ozone layer depletion (kg CFC eq.) 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.29  1011 0.11%
Potential of ozone photochemical formation 0.47 0.47 0.99 1.00 3.88  109 33.30%
(kg C2H4 eq.)
Acidification potential (kg SO2 eq.) 0.97 1.00 0.75 0.82 8.51  1010 7.31%
Overall impact indicator 0.74 0.75 0.46 0.48 1.16  108 –
336 M. Cristina Santos de Mello et al. / Fuel 208 (2017) 329–336

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