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qeqr M+sroq
Patna University
Letter No. Acad I I L7O Dated >1 - lo -2o Zo
The Dean
Faculty of Sociol Sciences
i)atna University, Patna
Srib: Regarding Pir,D Registratior-r / admissiorr

I anr directed to infbmr yor-r that tl-re Post Graduate Research Council
(Facurlty o1'Social Sciences), Patna University at its meeting held on 07.10.2020
consiclered the applications duiy recorlrlended by the Deparln-renatal Council of
the respective departments under Faculty of Social Sciences after following the
procedure laid clorvn in Unifon-n Ordinance and Regr-rlations governing award of
Ph.D Degree by the Universities of Bihar approved vide letter no. BSU-
0512010-0512010-26841GS (f) dated 21.09.2011 and resolved to approve tl-re
applications of tlie candidates rvhich were referred bacl< in plevious meeting (i.e
oir 07.02.2020, 19.02.2020 &.27.02.2020) sr-rbilitted for Ph.D Registration as
lrer details mentioned in Annexure II with the following telms and cor-rditions:-
a. The Registration /Adnrissiori in Ph.D. prograrnrne is subject to the
condition that the Reserrzation rules of the State Governrlent on the vacant seats
declared at the tirle of the adn-iissior-r rrotice has been followed by the
Departnrerrt concerned rvhile recommending the proposals to the PGRC of the
cc'lncenred Facr-r lties.
b. 'fhe cancliclates ltrltll the eligibility criteria and have successfully
completed tire Cor-rrse Worl<.
c. Fee Structr-rre
i. 'lhe candidate will harue to deposit online Ph.D.Registration f-ee of Rs.
1000/- (Trvo thor-rsand) only ($ 100 for NRI and Foreigners) latest by 30''
l\ioyernber 2020 l'ailing u,hich he/she u,ill irave to apply afi'esh for Pir.D
rcg.istration tbr the next session.
ii. l-he Non-Resident Indians and Foreigners rvill have to pay annual fbe
(per year) $1500 for the corrrse.
iii. 'fhe candiclate ri,iil l.iarze to deposit Rs.5000/- (Five thousand) only ($1500
1i,.r Ni{l and Iroreigrrc'rs) at thr'time of sr-rbrrission of thesis.

-1 u
ph.D. onlir-re Registratior-r / admission fee, the
ct. Afier sr:b'rissio, o1, tl-ie
car-rdldate i1:,rigratecl fro,r other Uni,ersity
will have to subrnit rnigratior"r
Registration fee of Rs'230/-
certilicate uio,1"g*it1l tl-re onliue University
he / she ceased to be tl"ie
only latest by Janurary 3 1, 2021 failing *nith
str,rcleut o1' Patna Urliversity ancl
wili not be able to continue. his / her
may be able to get hin-rself / herself
Research actirrities. I-lou,ever, he / she
register.ecl afiei' paytlent of Rs.1000/-
peI year in addition to the
nivet"sity Regi stratior-r f-ee'
in clause 9'1 and 9'2 of
e. '['he Surper.,iro]'mlrst fulfil the cl'iteria laid down
governing arvard of Pir'D Degree by
ther [Jnifo,rri OrAi,"tance arlc] Regulatiotls
rlrc I Jrrivelsities ol'Bihar'
the scl-rolal sl-rall tlalce
{.. prior to tire submission of the dissertationithesis, be opell to all faculty
befbre tr-re Depar"tr-,entai cou,cil which shail
feedback ancl couments obtainecl
mcntbet's ancl olher reseat'ch scirolars' The
dissertatio,/thesis ir-r
trrerl ,.]ay be sr-ritabry irrcorporated ir-ito the clraft
consr-rltatiotr u'ith the Sr"rpen'isor'
shall have an
g,. while rutr,",-,ltting iol evaluatiotl, the dissertation/thesis
that there is no plagiarisn-r and
,nclertaki'g fi.or, the r.Jsearch scholar, certifying
thar trre r,r,orl<. has ,ot bee, sr:buritted 1or
the arvarcl of any other degree/diplor-na
oI the Siil11e lnstitutiorr rvhere lhe rvoLk u'as carriecl out' or to any other
rrstitr_rtio,. Certificate fl.orn the Research
supervisor attesting to the origi*ality
ol'tire r,r,ori< shall also be attached to the thesis'
'l'he open yiycr-yoce of- the research scholar to
defend the
crisserr.atio,/ti-resis sharl be co,cluctecr
orrly if the evaluation reports of both the
is/are satisfactory a,d i,ciude a
exte,.,rerl exar,irrers ou the clissertation/triesis
be courtecl fio.n the clate of
;. .fhe ,er.iocl of a carrdiclate,s str-idJrtship shall provicled ire/she has successfully
llri: l,' lee recei,t o1 the Ph.D. course *oiL
conrpletecl the Course u'orl< irr the first
i1 the Ph'D' programlxe sliall
.i. Cor-itinuauce o]' registlatiorr of cancliclate a1cl goocl conduct' The University
rleltencl o1t his/her satisl'actory ilrogress
regisi:ation of ,-,y candidate i, tl-re event of
r.eser.\,es t'e right to car-icel the
or hiding officts etc' ot-t
hcr co,dnct anJ pl'ogi'ess beirrg flo.,,',d ur-rsatisfactory
rlre,urercratior-r of the sr-rper.r,isor arcl
/ or Fiead I Deanl Deparlrler"rtal
ciise the progt'ess of the t'esc'arch scholar
is unsatisf-actory' the
!;. In
fbr tl"re salrle and suggest
i)!lllaft,let-]tal CoLrncil inutt recorcl tile reasolls corrective
e or.rectirre If'the
research scholar fails to i,pleu'rent tl-rese
rlrcLrsllres. the DRC 11.)av recollltrtetrd
to tire Faculty Deau with specific reasotls
on o l' the regi stratiou o l' the t'eseal'ch scl, olar'
il i. r..aI cel l ati
be required to pursute

i. ;\ canciidate regist.:r'ecl lor the Ph.D. Degreeof-shali the ljniversity r-r,der the
iris, i rrer r.esearcrr at the appro'ecl
sriitcLr,isop artcl olr the topic allllroyecl
continltottsll' 1o'' not less thau Three

\./,0/ "
"'a b
Years and zr tlaximuttrt o1'Six Yezrrs including Course Work duration of Orle
Semester (Six Months).
rlr. 'flte 'women candidates and Persons with Disability having more than
40% disability may be allowed a relaxation of two years for Ph.D. in the
nraxintunt duration.
r1. I1 aclciitiorr, tl-ie wot']1er-I canclidates lxay be provided Maternity Leave /
Chilcl Care Leave once in the entire dulation of Ph.D. for up to240 days witl-rir-r
the residency period.
o. l'he Vice-Chancellor, on the recolrrnendation of tl-re Supervisor, the Head
ot'tlie l)elterrtrlent, ancl the l)ean, grant pertuission to a candidate to reside
oLitsicle lbr the pLrrltose ot- collectiorr of research material for his/her thesis or
cloipg experir"nental research worl< lbr a total period of not more than one year
ltiovicled tliat sucfi exemption shall not be granted in the first six months atter
approval of the Ph.D. Synopsis.
I]. A cancliclate may be permitted to tninor changes ir-r the title of his/ her
thesis b),the PGRC olt recotllrrendations fi'ott-t tl"re Supervisor aud the
))eaprtpteltal Cor-urcil latest b), ri* rronths befbre tl"re subtlission of his/ her
thcsi s.
{J. lr-i case.of ntajor uroclif-rcations / topic change, the candidate shall be
li'eatecl as aflesh case ancl sha11 not be allowed to submit the thesis before Thirty
l:iis rrontlrs.
r.. In case, a cat-rclidate l'ails to subrrit his/ her thesis within six calendar
)/r--at's 1r'om the clate of Registration (Studer-rtship
period including course worl<),
ircislri: s[all cease to be regtrlctr str:dent of the University and shall not be
eirtitied to the rights and lacilities extended to a regulal student. Provided that
sLrch a cancliclate may, uncler sltecial circutrstattces be perllitted by the Vice-
Chalcelior, on collective recomrrer-rdations of the supervisor, the Head of
Dcpartnrent ancl the Dealr of the Faculty cot-icerned, to suburit his/ l-rer thesis
rvi'ririn a maximuru period oi' Eight years including the Six years period of
h i s/h c'r stLrclerrtship.
!:r. A calclidate sr:brnitting his/her thesis after the expiry of Six yeal's period
:rlrall lrave to palu adclitior-ial I'ee as decided by the Urliversity
t" '1-he registration o1' the carrdidate rviro does not submit his/ her thesis
u,ithir-r Eight yeal's fionr the date of his/ her studentship shall be deenred to be
c1r-rceileci ar-rton'raticaily. Ilorverzer', in case the str-rdet-rt urishes to coutinue the
i-,:scalclt. he/she u,illhave to appl1z to the Vice Chancellor for fresh registratiorl
throush the Sr-riten,isor/ I-lead/ Dean. In all such cases, the candidate has to
applr, 1br lL'esli Registration u,ithin the preceding Six nlouths oi'tl-re Eigitt Year
1r.i-iod. The thesis must be submitted rvithirl
orle year of fresh registratior-r. The
cancli<Jate ri,oulcl not be lirrthel given atry exteusion for subr-nission of tl-re thesis
rr nil e r u,iti-ttsoever cot-icliti cl tt,

ii. '['hi: research studetit shall publish at least One research paper I l',)
;.cii,.reed joLri.nal or in an1, o1'the.jouri-rals approved by the UGC and present al

,?rr t
in senlinars/ conferellces before the subrlissiolr of the
lcast 2 reseat'ch palters
thcsis 1or evaluation ancl ltloduce evidence fbr tl-re san'le ir-r the fortl-t of
acceptance letter/ reprir-rt and paper presentation certificate as tire case tnay be.
\/. Wher-r the thesis is reacly I'or submission, tl-re student shall inform the
ile1cl oI the Departnterrt thror-rgh Supervisor, regardir-rg cornpletion of the
r.csealch u,olk embocliecl ir-r tl"ie synopsis one trtot-tti-r before expected date of
\\'. The thesis should er"r-rbod1' original work, not published or submitted
ear'lier except in the folrtt of t'esearch pr-rblicatior-rs.
ij. l-he thesis rr-tr,rst con-r1tly u,itl-r the fbllou,ing conditions:-
l. It 1-rr,rst be a piece ol'research rvorl< characterized either by the discovery
ol'thctor t]-reory. [n either case it should ref]ect the candidate's capacity for
c;itical exatlination arrcl sound .ir-rdgment. The caudidate sl-rall colnmunicate,
hor,r, lhr the tl-iesis erlbodies the result of candidate's otvn observations and il-t
ri,hat re sllects l-ris irrvestigatior-is ma1, advance l<norvledge in tl-re subject.
ii. T'fie thesis shall be accompar-ried by two separate certificates as given
belou,and shor-rlcl be clur1y signed:
iii. Sell'cleclalation certif'lcate i'rotn the candidate and Certificate fion-r the
Sr,rpen,isor / Co-SLtpervisors (AnnexuI"e - A).
ir,. cet" {br tire successfll cor"r-rpletiot1 of course work by the Head of
llrt' Dclrrt'ttttetrt (Alrlrextrrc - Ii).
\/. irive copies of the thesis shall be submitted in courpact bound form alot-rg
ia,ith a soli copy (CD/ DVD). Along with tire thesis, 5 copies of the Sumrlary
sh6r-r1d also be submittecl.
'fhe rnedium of- expression in every thesis shall be
eit[er Iinglish or Hindi (rvritten in Devanagri Script) except in the case of
subject connectecl witl-r any of'the oriental langr-rages where the thesis can be
preserrted in that iar-rguage.
-l-he trnal tliesis shall be preseuted in accordance with the follorving
. paller used tbr printing shall be of good quality A-4 size paper.
i. Printing shall be in a standardized fonn on both the sides of the
paper artd in 1 .5 sPaciilg'
ii. A n-iargin o1'about 2.5 crl shall be on all sides excluding tl-re
n-iargin requrired for binding.
iii. I-l-re plel'erred lont of the thesis shall be Titnes New Rotnan of fbnt
size l2 pt in case of English. For l-lindi (u,ritten in Devanagri Script)
apcl in the case o1' sgb.iect copuected rvith any of the orier-rtal
Ianguages the tbrtt nray be diil-erent but comparable.
ir,. The fi'ont cover ar-rcl back covel' shor"rld be of caldboard of
leasonabi e tl-ri ckrtess.
v. 'fhe l'itle ol'the thesis, ltallle o1'the candidate, degree, Natne of the
SLrlten,isoi'. place of research rt,ith seal attd the tnor-rth and year of
sr-rbntission shall be ltrirlted or-r the Title page arld tl-re fror-rt cover.

,L. l'he candidates rvill have to sr-rburit copies of 'no dues' certificate issued
b), the Department concerr-red and tl-re Patna University Libraly, P.U. prior to
submission of Ph.D thesis.
ila. Ph.D pl'ogranlnle is a full time course. Candidates rvho are in
ertrltloynrent u,i1l harze to subr-nit 'No objection' ft'ottr his/her ernployer and will
from his off-ice for the reqr-rired period.
rcnrair-r orr leave
bb. 'lhe provisior-r ntentionecl in Unifonrr Ordinance and Regulations
goveming arvard of Ph.D Degree by the Universties of Bihar approved vide
letter no. BSU-05/2010-2684/GS (I) dated 21.09.2017 of the Governor's
Secretariat, Bil-rar slrall apply.

Yours faithfully,

Merno No. Acadl 1 Zzl Dated 21-lo *Lozb

('ppr, 1on,,;arclt-cl to (i) 'llrc IIead, Departnrent o1' Psychology, Geography" Political
licic.nce . PN4& IR. AIII& Arch.. ^ Patna Universig,. (ii)-fhe Supen,isor concemed. (iii)'l-he
Controller o1'llxantitrations. Patna LJniversityl/'fhe Lrchalge" PUCC. Patlta University lbr
Lrploatling irr Patna ljniversit), Website (v) The Section O1'frcer (Acacletrtic), Patr-ra Utliversit),
iinil (r,i) C'anclicliLte concented lbr inlbu-natiotr ancl necessary actiott.

..\;r;ri-o'erl b1. the FG[iC {socral U",";;,r"";;;.
statcmrcnt ol'the students applicd for aclmission / Ilegistr":rtiorr
in Fh.D p.ogram,ae:rfter being <.leclarecl successful
cotrrse lvori< helcl on NovemLrer 2019 and ref'errecl in
back to Departmentatr council by the p.G.R.c (Faculty
sciences) rrerd on 07.02-2020, 19.02.202 and 27.02.202,0 ' of social

Si.No Application lD Name of the proposed
Name of the Candidate Subject Topic Supervisor (two) with Terms
present designation

IAI{z\Dt-tr\NA.illA I --
Ilat N urrr]rer'-606"
13 loc[i- B. N,AVlN KLTN4AR
Kash,r,ap Suntirn l)alace. IIN4S ft-6x d g<rflrfr--n {l?ExT lDl
Plot-essor &

l .520180-5121 892
Colrtn1,. I(an kaharba-sit. patna. AIIi&Arch i sr s gfl 3rd.6{ ot
Department of i\ncieut Nov.2019
Bihar'. PIN ti00010. Mob: +rr<rq lnclian Flistor-y &
8210,500867 i\rchaeolo_9r,

? 5201 80-i08135 I
Aclclress not I'Lrntishecl. plN
qrfr{ tlr$t frnc aix Plofessor. Depai-ttreut
85 121 1.
Gilf{ pTovqrd of Ancient Lidian Nov"2019
I Iistory,. ct z\r.chaeolo-e1,.
lnaoNorp KLiMAn

ICIIAURASIYT\ q-flri fu-fl- mT giTf,rRqo lDr NAVIN I(UN4AR.

-) lProfessor
BI-IANDr\R. VILL+pO+pS- AIH&Arch stqqq ({fo.,a o-ra s} rzoo Depaftntent of Ancient Nor,',20i 9
BI{AI.II\4PUR. DIST- {o oo; Inclian Iliston,&
BUXAR.BItIz\R PIN-80: I ll Archaeologv

./ r,
tUNKii I(Li\,1,\iU
PNICll. I:l,lrcl ltlC s-rfrc ri{d d q'ft Vo
D iil'j.r\ I(l N,lENl-. P.O.- DR BAD.{R.,\R,,\"
4 -jl01 80,i291397 BANI(IPUR. P.S - AIFIctArch
o-ffi ol fa'f,RT-to Plof'essor. [)epaltmenr
PII{tIAFIORE. DIS-l -PA] Nr\. ffiffi GTsq-{i (fu?g o1'.,\nc i ent I r-rci ian

llll'lAR. PIN 80000.1- N,lob: sr& t Xk ol-d f,fi) l listorl &,,\rchaeology


SLlNll- Iiltt\42\lt DI NAVIN KI-IN,IAR.

V I L L-S IN4Ri RA N4OPI\I-,I.I srfr-m enl-dlq fleler qdR
Plof'essor'& l-leacl-
_i 520 r 8060.+0083 I)O/PS-SIVtRI DISTT.BUXAR. AII-lctArch
t}eo .1rr.{ d t2o6 do Deltartment of z\ncient Nov.2019
BII-IAR. PIN 802I35. lnclian History &
Mob: 6l() I()60905 Archaeolo-u1,
CAUTAM Tqrdc d eipm q{ 6lPft d DR BADAR ART\.
VILL-BABURA POST- {{rrf,fd-o VfiEIq+ or Plofessor. Departntent
6 5201 8051 00,s79 .r\lH&Arch
BAHARI\'NBND DIST- 3Ttrrq (tfur o-ra ri rzoo of Ancient Indian
GHAZIPUR. UP" PIN 275204. l-
Historl, & Archireology
S0 clchJ
Mob: 9455386635 -r

vrd frren 3rFIql-{ o-r frren Dr. Ilatan Kurtrar-
7 5201805090126
Geography W qleTFro if,{ q{ qqT.r : Prolbssor'. Dcptt. o1' Nov,2019
.IEI_IANABAD. PIN 8044 I 7. wilqrqr< fu"ar or ewq{ 1
(icoglaphr'. P LI.
NloLt: 1979776252

Xk''' .
!Z;lTnrli i'iqq +, :fnriO
t,lNI i. K LIN,lz\li PIi.,\l-ll lz\l(AI{

VI LI,-Bi.IL-LN4N. P.O.-
6tj{f, q.lrj qr+qrftqt
i2()i ii0,i 1r i009 A\\iR.,'\l YAN. P.S.-KIJDRA. I'N4lR. qi fi€1fr qe Eqsli ql Dr San-jaf i)ersn'alr
DISI.-I(AIN4LJR. PIN 82I 1OB. q6 31c4qn (uoto s zozo
NIob: [t5212-s5i84
r\ f -SIltS\\\j,\N l)O I I')S-
AGITICULl'IJITAL Dl Shalaci Pra*,al
9 -s201 80-i 101 320 DAIIOLINDI'Iz\ DIST.-SIWAN PN,IIR LAIIOURllltli OF SIWAN Nor,-2019
(lllFIAR). PIN 84121i. Ivlob:
9504486 I 6 I
2010 to 2020)
Dr. Shelali Ro-v.
Pragati Nagar'.luC Roirrl. Political Inrpact of Miglation:
Political Plofbssol ancl Heacl.
10 52018015081353 Sipala. PO - Dl.relrvan. l)S- A Stucll'o1'the State oi'Bihar' Nor,.2019
Science Departr.nent of Political
Bcur. Pi.rtn.l. l)lN 8000:0. since 1990
Science. P.U.

SU.IEET I(UMAR frflr of qii-fifr i frqeT

Vill- Bhavtil,a. I'O - Suhath.PS - Political 6] {tl-or : go Dr. Rakesh Ranian.
5201 805091 688 Nov-2019
Saru Bazal Dist- Sahalsa. PIN Science mqnTr.tq; 3larnm (2005 .Associatc PLol.. P.ll.
852221. N4ob: 8789659940 d zoro oo)

io' '
SI I,'\I,IIi I SI i I{i\I,,\S'],I\VA
\\i,/(l- li.\.i ir L \/ fi i i i\,tA Ii
RAN.IAN. PI(I\Gr\ fI VII i/\R :T.,r
- utr i{qaT i q-qro
C'OLONY. N E,,\R t] IRI-r\ Poiitical qq;qqq 1i;
qq r1i:rrq q;l [)r', Deepti Kr"rnrzrri.
I] :il()lfi()5()jll-1t) Nor,-2019
OPEN MIND SCHOOL. NE\\/ Scicirce ffiqq6qp 3Tsqq{ (2ooe .z\ssociate I)ro1.. I).tJ.
.lACr\itJ P lJ RA- P.z{IN z\. $
-:- 2019 no)
BII-Iz\R. PIN 800027. lV{ob:

S\\:f:.E-fY SINllz\ Dr. l\4eena FIoro.

DiO i]ACIICIIlJ PRASAD r\ssociate PLot'.. M.l\4.
Ce ntle State Relations u,ith College. P.U.
Sltecial Rel-ereuce to
NAGAI{" NEW Br\Zr\R Political
ti 520 1 805 1 0221 1
( arrcl
u,rtrpetitiYe Co- Nor,.2019
operatir,'e Fecleralisn: ,,\ Study ol'
Bihal li'orr 2014 to 19
PAl"Nr\. PIN 800012. N4ob

I{AN,\K PRI)'A hrclr:sive EclLrcatior.r: Role of the

Dr. Pushpalata Kunrari.
Sat1,a l(ishun Saclan. Nar,ratan Political State and Civil Society : A StLrdl,'
14 5201805081i42 Associzrte Piot.. IvI.N4. Nor,.2019
IIa1a. Pulnia. Bihar. PIN Science trl'tlre Right to Erlucation in
College P.U.
8-54i0 1. lVtob: 8826235i0 l Purnea- Bihar'

The Charigin-u Dinicnsions oI
AT-BISI-IUN BIGHA PO- Political Dr. Deepti I(r-rrtrari.
i-s 520 I 805090887 lsrael Itelations t'ont 1999
h.rclo- Nor,.20l9
TENGRA PS-BARUN. PIN Science Associate Pro1.. P.U.
ro 2019
8241 12. Mob: 797905003i

5201 80051 1 061 9 V,,\RSHr\ SIIEKIjr\R Political Apath,r, alltoug Literate Prof. Shaslii Sham.ra.
MOI-I- KAZIPUR NAYA \-ouths uith Spccial Rclererrce Prof.. I\4.N4. College
16 I-OI-A OPP BI lr\Rl'l ill,OCK to l)atna Towu P.U. Nor,.2019
N,1ob: 776i06694i

'r\ 0-'
,/ /'P
\ritt i K-ti\,t,,\lil }-
u1 -t ii -,r :-.
^; - r..1. gt.q.
.jj t( -- - [-lr'. Sec.rna Prasircl.
CiO- I)it. lt N
{{{frr-\T 75 l-q-evT qlrd
I AJ- i\
^ qr-] .r\ssociate Pro1.. P. Ll.
RANINz\(i I(l SIrC'l'OR-3.
I'olitrcal w gEqaTfr \
3{rqq;t: 2009
Nor .201c)
Sc i cncc
PIN 80002-5. \zlob: ti210904516 11 2019 n-fr

5201 80,s i014i9 S,\Ln TJDDIN;\NSr\lil ]TlqTfilo =qrq zD e{, q i)r'. N,leerra I-loro-
VI t- L-PO-S I S \\tr\ tlAZr\ ll.
Political ftEn d g{q!-fi qfi }tr}-.67 r\ssociate Plof.. M.M.
College. P.l i.
C I Ir\]\4PAI{AN. PI N,345422.
Scicrrcc (zoos u 2o1e f,-6) Nor,.2019

i\4ob: 9852-l9l-s96
-5201 80-5 t2137 5 ARCIJAN,\ KL]N4ARI i+-6ri q vqfi"ft-f, dTTqfi Dr'. PLrshpalala
Ilaclira I(rishna Niu'as" I-otr-rs
Political of qfu-Tf: fo
ffisllrcq-f, l(tunali(Associate
t9 ,Acadenrv Lane. Gola R6ad.
\\iest Baile)' Roacl. P.O.- Science GTrq-Tq (rsoo ri 2o2o irq') Prof-.. M.M.

Danapur'. Patna. PIN 801503.

520r805t31 190 PRIYANKA eqfltlT qsiilt d fd-orq Dr'. Seenta Prasacl.
D/O N4ahabali Singh - ,Ashi.r'ana qqlq qqrflqqt-E: llT{f, d Associate Prol'.. P.LI.
l0 nr()r'c . ncar aslrir rtna ntrrsirtg Political
honrc. east jaeariti r-ra-uel patna. Science
ITT-f d \'+, fr-{aqqrflo Nov'.2019
PIN 800014. N4ob: 9007026220 3{rqqq

52018051i0097 SUITYA PITAI(ASI-I Elo-itlt tiEl"T d +Dwner Dr. Binay Soren

o1 q{€ TF-oT oT (Associate Prof.. P.LI)
Kr\NNULAL ROAD Political
rlfrencqo 3TFr'{q 1 roor r\ Nov.2019
800001 . lVlob: 9 j086136-s I 2o2O d{)

/\l'lrllrutrir i,,,rntirt i
( io st iNIl. Kli SINIIi\ ttO.,\l)
\o t.t ll \hw ;\ ( ouclationrrl Stirrhi oI'
SpiritLral Intcliictnce. I)esonalitv
ll -i 2() I I (.).;r )70_l-+i l'svcho l,rgr.
taits ancl I{csilience altloitq
Dr l)i'i1'a Darshani
IIA.IENDIIA NAGU\R PATNA lrmplo-,-ecl anci Un cmplolccl
BII-iAIi. I'tN 8000 1 6. l\40b:
8002,s43 823

Svveta Kurnari ffiE qc aTfaqrGd

D/O ANtI- Kl]I\4AIT SINGI,I. 6-rrft-r$ qFdrcil s rrqq
]\4OI.] IT N.AR,AYAN S ING I.I Tdqq, 4rq-{ilfrfr dTlg,
li 520r 805r40528 LAN L,.WES1. LOI_]r\NI PU]t. Psychology ord clrieq6,,n qrqRro Dr Pri1,a Dalshani
KADAN4 i(UAN. PA'|NA Narain
{qr{.gJ qrl gilqliqo' 3Te{qq I
BIIi.,\R. PIN 800003. Mob:

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