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Blind chick played by same girl who plays Siena on Hannah Montana.

Brother who just got married played by same kid that was in Smart House.

Offhand comment in Family Guy:

Meg (to Connie D'Amico): Can I at least think about you in the tub later?
Connie: No. *walks away*
Meg: Well, I'm still gonna.

Must check who plays Parker on Leverage. Speculation that she may have also play
ed Anna on The O.C. Facial structure very similar. Frighteningly similar, quite

Megan's Law <- look up

Check who played Josie Marvin on Leverage - she looks familiar, possibly from Di
sney or Nickelodeon.

It genuinely irritates the fuck out of me when there's obvious chemistry between
two people...and they ignore it and nothing comes of it. If there's potential f
or something great, you should always, always go for it. Don't hesitate and don'
t hold back. Take a chance.

The Carpenters song "Need to Be in Love" is really my theme song. I crave love.
I crave the feeling of being in love. I crave the sensation of a beautiful woman
's hands on my neck as our bodies intertwine and our lips brush against each oth
er electrically...fuck my hopeless romanticism.

Discovered useful Minecraft bug: when using a tool that is one use away from bre
aking (discovered with stone pickaxe), pressing I to open the inventory just as
the block is destroyed will prevent the tool from being destroyed. Further testi
ng revealed that the effect is inconsistent, so do not rely on it, but feel free
to abuse it. I did.

I find it interesting that early 90's TV shows make me laugh more than 99.9% of
modern shows.

"My Paradise" music video.

Jessi Palmer scenes.

Check if Barszcz was hurt in an accident or something.

New T-Swizzle album - Speak Now or something like that. Need to DL. Especially f
or the song with the line "you made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter

Update MCEdit. Lapus lazuli blocks ridiculously scarce. Need to place some.

Suggestion: Make gold swords OHK against all mobs, but limited to the same usage
as wooden swords (33 hits, if I remember correctly). Encourages use against onl
y extremely threatening mobs in enclosed spaces. At least from my perspective.

Find Shrek OSTs. Williams' work. Gotta love that shit.

You know, the militaristic side and organization of the Royal Minecraft Militia
appeals to me, but it's too...formal. Even in the Marines, enlisted men, noncoms
, and officers will all address each other informally unless in a setting where
formality is necessary, such as formation, field exercises, etc. And even in the
field, it's not necessary to say "yes, sir" or "no, sir" to everything. The "si
r" is, again, a formality. Captains are sometimes called "cap", lieutenants "lou
", sergeants "sarge", and so on. The RMM is much more formal than the military,
and while I enjoyed my JROTC experience, I don't think I'd care for having to do
it in a game. Merely a knowledge of clan structure and ranks should suffice. Th
at's how it is in every other clan I've been in. We have administrators (general
), moderators (captains and lieutenants, maybe sergeants), and members (enlisted
). We know who's who and we treat them as such.
Hell, even in the informal setting of the forums, the members refer to their sup
eriors as "sir" instead of addressing them informally as friends. That's probabl
y what would get me kicked out...that and I don't just hand out my respect. I ne
ed to see someone in action for them to earn it.
Also, the organization is slightly off. It goes team-squad-platoon-company-batta
lion-brigade, not squad-battalion. Maybe you didn't intend to structure it after
the real military, but with the ranks within the RMM...
And those are the reasons why even though the RMM appeals to me, I'm not likely
to join.

Blunderbuss in Minegunner not reloading with gravel.

"Mine" music video - Taylor Swift.

Who played Brass's daughter on CSI?

New version of Redstone Sim.

OSTs to Cheetah Girls movies and High School Musical movies.

Who the fuck played Parker on Leverage? Seriously. Need to remember.

Watching "Beyond Scared Straight" and it's...not doing me any favors. It scares
me. These prisons are likely tougher than the one I might end up in, but nonethe scares the ever-loving shit out of me. But one thing did make me wonde
r: who's the bigger threat? Me or the guy who sees a 13-year-old kid and starts
screaming from his cell, telling the kid what he'll do to him?
I screwed up and I'm reminded daily of it. Something always reminds me. I'm afra
id of what the future holds for me and I'm afraid of what will happen to me if I
go to prison. Solitary, special confinement, whatever...I know what happens to
people that commit sexually-based offenses. I might end up dead or worse.
I don't feel like I deserve it. I'm not saying that because it's me; I'd say the
same thing for anyone in my position. The child molesters...not an indiscretion
. Rapists...not an indiscretion. The repeat child porn offenders...not an indisc
retion. I'd give the benefit of the doubt to any first offender for child porn,
especially someone who was 18 at the time and had less than 100 pictures.
I also say that because worse offenders get less time than I'm being offered. Th
is is a state case, as are the rest of the cases I've read about. And they get a
lot less for a lot more.

Seeing jail-based reality kinda makes me want to be a corrections off

icer in the future. Maybe I can help people.

That phrased it perfectly: I did one stupid thing and overnight, I turn into a f
elon. I must be the biggest fucking idiot in the history of fucking idiots. God.
..what did I do to my life...

I don't want it. I don't want that. I don't want that. I don't want my life to b
e screwed up because of the biggest fucking mistake I ever made. I don't want to
pay with the rest of my life for it. I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don'
t. I'm so fucking scared of the future, but I don't let on to anyone. No one can
know. I'd tell my lawyer and maybe he'd tell the prosecutor, but it wouldn't ma
ke a fucking difference at all. It wouldn't. It just wouldn't. It should, but it
wouldn't, because my lot in life is to get fucked over by the system at every t
I want to kill myself. For the first time, it's a selfish reason. I want to spar
e myself of the horrendous future waiting for me. I only have one fucking friend
who would miss me. One. I really am the biggest fucking idiot in the world...I
should never have told Candace what was going on. Maybe then I'd have 2.

I want to be a corrections officer. I want to be able to help people and get the
m off the wrong path. I don't want them to end up the way I'm probably going to.
I don't want anyone to end up like that. I hate myself every day. I don't want
anyone to feel like that because of stupidity.
I am an absolute fucking idiot.

What have I done to myself...what in the name of God have I done?

I don't know if watching "Beyond Scared Straight" was a mistake or a blessing or

what. now more scared than ever and want nothing more than for the prose
cution and the judge to realize that I am not what they think I am, and I do not
deserve to go to prison, because I am genuinely remorseful, repentant, and scar
ed straight.
Hm. Oddly appropriate.

Maybe not corrections, but definitely something to do with law enforcement. Mayb
e by the time I retire, I'll feel like I've paid my debt to society, something p
rison could never make me do.

I indirectly supported the abuse of one of my former best friends. How? Her fath
er sexually molested her for many years, and recorded it for posterity. By viewi
ng even a single child porn image, I supported that. And I hate myself for it.

Brenda Song's career started with Disney in "The Ultimate Christmas Present", in
a pure and innocent role. Then she took the role of London Tipton in the two Su
ite Life series as an airheaded heiress. There was also the role of Wendy Wu in
"Wendy Wu, Homecoming Warrior". All of these roles shared some degree of innocen
And then she pops up in "The Social Network", in a raw, sexual role I would NEVE
R have expected from her. Or anyone that started in post-Spears Disney.

Also: Who the fuck played Alice in "The Social Network"? - Malese Jow - <- Find

If "The Social Network" doesn't take poetic license on the stock part of the plo
t and stayed true to Saverin's drop from roughly 34% of the company to .03%, Mar
k Zuckerberg was a fucking genius, but a fucking douchebag asshole as well.

Maiara Walsh, Nicole Anderson, Meaghan Martin, Jennifer Stone...A movie full of
Disney support. Hm.
Jesus Christ, Jennifer Stone with her bra hanging out of a tank top. Gah.
This is an utterly shitty version of "Mean Girls"...utterly shitty.
And the role of Karen is filled by the role of Chastity...what a fucking joke.
Maiara Walsh does make a good bitch, though...a lot better than she did on "Cory
in the House".
And Meaghan Martin without pants! holy hell. Still can't see Disney supporters i
n risque shit.
Swear words coming from Meaghan Martin and Maiara Walsh...too weird.\
Okay, ridiculing someone for being a virgin? Fucking bullshit. I'd love to hamme
r EVERYONE at North Shore in the movie for that.
And Nicole Anderson swearing as well! Holy hell.
Maiara Walsh with puke on her boob. Ugh.
Jennifer Stone swears as well. What a treat, the Disney secondaries not being so
innocently perfect.

And it follows the original plot...girl decides to combat the Plastics and in th
e process becomes a Plastic and loses her friends and boyfriend. Some secret get
s out and destroys her completely. They really HAVE run out of plotlines. Bah.

I'll give the movies one thing, though...the teens in them act like real teens,
though maybe not to the extents of revenge.

Only beef I have: they ridicule virginity.

Last part of the movie where Jo and Tyler kiss at the dance...the way they hesit
ate is enough to chill me to the bone. I love that kind of kiss.

Secret Life doesn't come back until March 28...fuck. HOLY SHIT AMY PROPOSES TO R
ICKY AND BEN TO ADRIAN. What the fuck?
Oh, Make It or Break It doesn't come back until March either.
with me. Spare me of the fate I wish so desperately to avoid.

"What the H*ll" music video - Avril Lavigne. She still looks good...I'll give he
r that...and is she really that short?

Meaghan Martin has an odd...natural beauty, and the right makeup just enhances i
t tenfold.
But she's a fucking twig. And I really mean a twig. Assuming she's around 5'7",
she can't be more than a buck soaking wet.

Joel Osteen has one HELL of a congregation.

For being a preacher, he doesn't bring up God that much. His messages are more o
f self-respect and opening your heart to the blessings around you.

Don't live poor just to prove you're pious. Revel in prosperity, for it is a ble
ssing from God.

This guy is awesome. He more or less said "Haters gon' hate."

I wonder if his wife married him or his money.

Miley Cyrus is pitchy as hell without correction.

What the fuck is "disturbed child pornography"?

800.04(5)(b), (6)(b); 827.071(5), appropriate sentencing: 775.082(3)(a)(4).

That was incredibly creepy...I start singing the version of "Time of My Life" fr
om the Sandals commercial...then on comes the Sandals commercial.

I can't watch CSI:NY without thinking of Casey. Why? Melinda Kanakaredes looks a
hell of a lot like Casey...same fucking mannerisms. Could almost be sisters or
mother and daughter.

What's in the 8 PM Tuesday time slot for ABC currently? Kay Panabaker looks...go

Need to DL Mean Girls 2.

Offering: Gentleman's Gatsby, 2 melee weapons. Seeking: Attendant, Powerjack.

I want to hunt down and kill every last fucking gangbanger in this godforsaken h
ellhole of a country. They kill, rape, and maim without regard for those who the
y target.
I love stale, rubbery Oreos. Absolutely magical.
Every. Last. One.

Need to find a MOTHERFUCKING HAMMER TUTORIAL. Downloadable, preferably. I hate g

roping the fuck around in the dark.

Corbin Bleu's and Miley Cyrus's voices go oddly well together. Neither really ov
erpowers the other's.

In the ad for the Metalocalpyse Season 3 DVD set, there's a picture of a dude's
head outline with a skull in it. It looks like the Rasputin achivement's picture

Well, that commercial to remind me that I'm spending yet another
Valentine's Day without anyone to love. Fuck me running.

Lul. On Hawthorne, a nurse jerked a guy off because he was a soldier. Makes me l

Adam Sandler has a real vendetta against someone named O'Doyle. Most of his film
s past Billy Madison have a secondary or tertiary antagonist with the surname O'

Character in Click named Bill Herlihy. Reference to Herlihy Boy sketch(es) on SN


Need to find a VTF plugin for GIMP or Paint.NET.

Read up on "Skins" on MTV.

Suicide Shrubs. Lul.

Hell, I can always do online college.

Wonder how many girls have gotten pregnant just to be on Teen Moms.

I have a new Monday at 10 show...Skins on MTV...too, too good and too realistic.
To a degree.

Find Lexi Belle anal masturbation video. Last I remember, it was on PornHub.
Just saw a duck outside my door as I opened it...about jumped out of my skin. Fu
cking Minecraft.


..."teen partying" is a reason to rate a movie PG-13?

Who played Katelin in "Go Figure"?

Find more of Torrance from IYP.

Mr. Tipton was revealed. The series is on its last legs.

Cody and Bailey are back together. YAY! Took long enough. And we finally see the
passionate Cody-Bailey kiss. I couldn't help but pump my fists, smile, and chee
r. God help me. Heh.

I re-he-heaaaly cannot watch Teen Moms. It just pisses me off when the ex-boyfri
ends refer to the kids as THEIR kid. Not OUR kid. MY kid. Especially when your r
elationship ended. You more or less gave up your right to that kid. Seriously.

Oh, that's fucking marvelous. "You can keep living here as long as you don't dat

Funny. The one who had twins is the only one I've seen who really gives half a f
uck about her kids.

"Who You Are" music video - AJ Michalka. Didn't know she broke away. Makes me sa
d to see 78violet breaking up.

WHAT. THE. FUCK. I'm going back up my mine shaft when I see a fucking creeper co
ming down to me. Sometimes I hate this fucking game.

I still remember Aly Michalka in Phil of the Future. Now she's doing Maxim photo
shoots. It's weird to see her go from Keely Williams, who's blind to Phil's feel
ings for her, to Maxim magazine.
I still remember Selena Gomez in a bit role in the original Suite Life series. N
ow she's dating Justin Bieber and not wearing her purity ring. It's weird to see
her go from Gwen to 13-year-old Alex Russo to...woman.
It's...hard to accept that the Disney actresses are growing up, breaking free of
the shell Disney had them in for so long.
Need to get a hold of the kiss scene from The Suite Life: Twister. That was the
single most passionate kiss I've seen in any Disney series. Not saying much, sin
ce the most passionate thing was Bailey's hand on Cody's neck and his hand on he
r back...

Oh, and tell Hannah the good news. *squeeeee*

Ah, Bo Burnham is a fucking genius...his wordplay is incredible. Botox in the th

ird person. Think about it.
Need to find Sonnet 155 by Bo Burnham. Quite genius if it follows Shakespearean
sonnet structure.
Oh, God, his entire routine rhymes. I just realized it.
Hm. He reads Shakespeare well.
My Lord, if he did sermons, he'd have the entire youth of today following God.

...who the fuck plays Jenga on 9/11?

Jesus, Streamate is advertising on TV now. Wait...Lupe...can that be...did she g

o from her own site to Streamate? Talk about your downgrade. Gah.

Jesus H. Christ, not even Lisa Lampanelli's comedy can compare to the amount of
profanity in the first ten minutes of the South Park movie.

...okay, nudity on TV has crossed the line. Even CARTOON nudity. It's still over
ly obscene, even for late-night Comedy Central.

I need to download Dear John. Good Lord, I want to see the end.

I just had the weirdest thought...I almost want to find Brogan's address, then s
end her my good copy of "The Notebook" along with a note. "My feelings for you w
eren't as strong as I thought, but I still think of us sometimes. Some of my mem
ories of our time together are memories of the happiest times of my life.
I still remember coming home from symposium that one night and seeing the sky gl
owing red from the lights, thinking of how much I would have loved for you to ha
ve been there with me to see it.
I still remember eating eggs and toast for dinner while talking on the phone wit
h you.
I still remember the dates. October 9, we got together. November 21, we broke up
. November 26, Thanksgiving night, we got back together. December 14, we saw eac
h other for the first time in our relationship. December 21, we broke up.
No, I didn't love you. I'm not even sure I would have known if I did. But that d
oesn't mean I didn't care for you and put your own happiness above my own. If th
at's all love is, then maybe I was in love, but I don't think that's all love is
I got the closure I needed. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the

Huh. Casey once said that whatever woman I decided to marry would be worthy of h
er approval. Wonder if she still feels like that. God, I wish I could get her to
forgive me.

An Aly Michalka Playboy spread would make my life more than complete. Holy shit.
Speaking of which, I should get a hold of a couple back issues of Playboy.

...the sniper doesn't just pee in jars randomly. He does it so he can stay in on
e spot while waiting for a target. Then he saves them and tosses them at people
to humiliate them into taking minicrits.

Check for Sarah Chalke Playboy spread.

All the Saw movies (1-7). Sweet.

God, I want to be with Jordan...she's the only really attainable girl. I'd give
anything to be with her on her birthday and convince her to be mine.

Hugh Laurie doesn't like praise. Huh.

Hm. I really don't find Channing Tatum all that attractive. Although he kiiiinda
reminds me of Connor. So maybe that's why Hannah finds him so attractive.
I really hate it when movies take artistic license. Jurassic Park, Dear John, an
d a couple others might have been better if they kept to the books. The Notebook
is an exception.
I'll say Tatum does it right. Military always refers to civilians with terms of

It's a darn good thing I took classes on AutoCAD in high school and college, bec
ause it makes Hammer that much easier to work with.

Need to find how to add water in Hammer.

...why the hell am I watching Little House on the Prairie? And who played the ad
ult Laura Ingalls Wilder?
Did Melissa Gilbert and Melissa Sue Anderson play their parts all the way throug
h? And is the one who played Laura related to the girl who plays Maya on Suite L
ife on Deck?
And is Mrs. Oleson the same Nellie Oleson? Seems to have the same animosity. And
Willie Oleson...
Is Royal Dano related to Hutch Dano? It's be weird if the people in this series
fathered the 2000s' generation of Disney stars and starlets.

Make map a hybrid CTF? Two team flags and a central flag in the middle of the ma

Need the Dear John soundtrack.

I kind of prefer the way it works out in the movie. Now if only Fate would smile
on me like that.

One hell of a tearjerker, that movie. Makes me wish now more than ever that I co
uld make Jordan fall in love with me.

Yep. Royal Dano (from Little House) is the grandfather of Hutch Dano (from Disne
y crap). I want to see Drive Angry just for Amber Heard.

I torture myself by watching CSI:NY. Why is it self-torture? Melinda Kanakaredes

looks one HELL of a lot like Casey and has the same mannerisms. Might even swea
r Casey's adopted and she's actually Melinda Kanakaredes's abandoned child.

Happy birthday, Jordan. I wish I could give you the love you deserve and desire.
..but I can't love without reciprocation.

Katherine Bocher. She's attractive in a Melinda Clarke way.

They could've picked a better actress to play Savannah, but then they'd need a d
ifferent actor to play John, because Channing Tatum and Amanda Seyfried play so
well off one another. The screen oozes with chemistry.
Amanda Seyfried is attractive when she smiles. The rest of the time she looks li
ke a fucking fish.

I am John in that I love fast and hard and I don't let go easily. I am Randy in
that I am forever spurned for other men.

Bubble-brained Karen Smith versus erudite Southern belle Savannah Lynn Curtis...
I'll give Seyfriend one thing. She's versatile.
Capri Anderson. Find vids.

...Oh, my God, I am so embarrassed. It took seeing the words "unary" and "binary
" next to each other to realize that unary operators work on one number while bi
nary operators work on two.
Please kill me now.

I think I love the story because John is me. Fall fast and hard and never let go

Reading this fucker's chatlog kinda makes me want to work for Perverted Justice
someday and help bust these fuckers.
Ironic, isn't it? I looked at CP and I want to work for PJ. Get a psychologist t
o explain that one.
I also find it weird that instead of being solely angry at his perversion, I'm a
lso a little pissed at the fact that he calls himself a writer but his grammar s
ucks harder than Faye Valentine in The Gauntlet 3.
Our fleet_captain_jaime_wolfe also overuses ellipses. Oi.
And if this fucker was really in the "Military", he's a disgrace to the Armed Fo
I'd kill him for the fact that he uses the word "yeppers" excessively.
How I wish I knew where this guy was, that the pistol in my hand was real and no
t airsoft, and that the magazine was loaded with a nice complement of 9 mil roun
ds and not airsoft pellets.
I'm sensing that this...fleet_captain was inexperienced in the things he was try
ing to do, or that he had no other girls that were willing to go along with his
perversion. He had a long run of fantasies about making a young girl his sex sla
ve. Otherwise, he would not have put up with the "delays" in return for more "pu
nishments". He was desperate to live out his fantasy, so he put up with the dela
ys in hopes that one day, he would train that girl at his sex slave. No psych de
gree, but that doesn't stop me from psychoanalyzing a psycho.
...this shit makes me need to break something...
Just like I can always bring the conversation back around to me, this guy can al
ways bring the conversation back around to sex...if I give him one thing, it's t
hat. Damn.
I wonder if maybe he had to boot so often because he had a PJ trojan on his comp
uter to watch him.
Just...just wait a the fuck was this sicko released? HOW? He was go
ing to kidnap and torture a 13-year-old girl. What the everloving fuck is the ma
tter with Illinois?

----- >>>>> STORY <<<<< -----

I circled the pervert cuffed to the chair, a malicious gleam in my eye. Times ha
d changed. Child sex offenders were now subject to...alternate means of punishme
"Your fantasy was to have a young girl as your sex slave, Paul," I began. "My fa
ntasy is to devote my life to torturing fucks like you. I'm going to punish you
like you wanted to punish poor little Kristen. In case you didn't know, she didn
't exist, you dumb motherfucker. She was a Perverted Justice worker who baited y
ou like the stupidest fish in existence."
"Did I say you could talk?" I interrupted. "You wanted her to treat you like her
master. She couldn't talk or do anything without YOUR approval. Now, I'm puttin
g you in the same position. Every time you say so much as a syllable without my
approval, you're punished. Every time you move a muscle without my consent, you'
re punished." I cocked my head. "Questions?"
"Fuck you, asshole. You have no right to judge me for what I want to do, or who
I want to do it with."
"Hm. I guess you're right. Maybe that's the law's job."
"You're not the law."
I flashed my badge. "Wanna try that again? I am the law in here, you piece of s
hit. I'm head of torture for this prison, and when I heard you were finally caug
ht and convicted, I made sure that I'd be the one to dole out your punishments."
He stared at a blood spot on the wall silently, his body trembling.
"Yeah, you don't like being afraid, do you? Don't like being in a submissive pos
His lower lip began to quiver.
"Speak up, slave!" I yelled.
"You're goddamn right I don't," he mumbled. He tried to rip his hands free of th
e cuffs.
"Nice try, Paul. They're a new kind of steel reinforced with flexible rebar. You
're not breaking free unless you can phase out. Oh, and that was an unapproved u
se of muscles." I walked over to a button on the wall and pushed it. A panel sli
d back, revealing a tray of murderous-looking knives, hooks, and various other m
achines of torture. "Hm...what shall the first punishment be? I can't kill you l
ike I want to, because your sentence is five years of torture, followed by a slo
w, painful death..." I selected a Dremel with a sander tip and walked over to Pa
ul and stood behind him.
I turned the tool on next to his ear, letting it whir as he began to shake. An a
ssistant came up to him and held his head still, using his hair to stabilize him
. The tool moved slowly to his earlobe, before touching it and leaving a small,
ragged tear. The perver screamed in pain and tried to wrench his head away, but
the assistant pulled it back.
"That hurt, didn't it? Should I have trained you first like you wanted to train
Kristen? Or should I have done it like I did and done it without training becaus
e you deserved punishment?"
"I don't deserve punishment, fucker," he whispered. "I never touched her. She di
dn't even exist."
"Yeah, but what if she had? Would you have fucked her and abused her like her da
d did? Hm?"
He was silent. I walked over to the tray of instruments and switched the flat sa
nder head out for a cone, then returned to Paul and pulled up a sleeve. The Drem
el whirred in my hand as I jammed it roughly into his upper arm, eliciting anoth
er howl of pain.

----- >>>>> END STORY <<<<< -----

What the fuck problem do the Amish have with music? Got a problem with high fuck
ing spirits? I mean, I respect them and all, but the mroe I learn about their st
rictness, the more I want to drop a few Mk-84s on Amish communities across the U

Unf...katanas are so fucking beautiful when in proper condition...and Gary Sinis

e knows his way around them...note to self: Don't fuck with him.

I hate to admit it, but she really was my muse. My best writing was when I was p
ining for her. My worse writing has been..well, ever since.

Fishlike though she may look, Amanda Seyfried is still kind of beautiful. She pu
lls off sensuality in a crew neck T-shirt under a long-sleeve flannel.

Red cabbage has a horseradish undertone. Hm.

The phone ringing in Savannah's house makes me think of "The Call" by the Backst
reet Boys. I can hear the opening riff after that ring.

Wonder how many people caught that his shoulder boards are ass-backwards in one
scene, then the right way in the next.

I want to know that feeling. I need to know that feeling. I need to be deeply in
love. But alas, my life is free of interested girls and fraught with lack of op

Christmas earbud connectors too long for iPod. Apparently need new headphones.
Also want to find a USB headset.

I make weird blubbering noises when I finish. And I speak unintelligibly for a f
ew minutes after that.

I'll bet Hannah's going to see The Eagle because Channing Tatum's in it. Heh.
Thanks! This works perfectly! Those with some problems:
Crack = 622A-3TLB-XQAR-PUKT-M2RD
For those who find the screen sticking on the bridge, do the following:
*end the window with task manager
*open up the ISO of disc 1 (while it is mounted, click on 'my computer' to view
the disc as if it was real, then right click and select 'explore')
*open the 'Crack' folder
*copy the .exe in there (with ctrl+c )
*go to C:\Program Files\Maxis\SimCity 4 Deluxe\Apps\ and copy and replace the .e
xe there (with ctrl + v )
*open and play from the start menu!
I'll seed this forever!

Need to find "She Will Be Loved"...I miss that song...

They used the word "asshat" on Bones...God help us all.

A parent...not responsible...for her kid's decisions? What? You raised him to ma

ke those decisions. You're fucking responsible, you nigger whore.

Dammit, Family Guy...I need to find a Conway Twitty discography. "I See the 'Wan
t to' in Your Eyes" is a nice song. Mmm.

DL Never Back Down. God, Amber Heard is a piece of ass.

I'm impressed that Cold Case has been running long enough to have an episode whe
re the murder took place in late '08. I could swear I remember TV spots for that
way back when. CBS, I think.

You know, as much as I hate those people, it's funny to see 'em get caught. Espe
cially when they try to either deny or condemn their own actions when confronted
with proof. I respect them more when they own the hell up to it like I did. It'
s...almost sad how they can't think straight when confronted. And you just APOLO
GIZE? Hell of a lot of good that's going to do. Why don't you actually show some
damned remorse.
I also find it interesting that I'm being just as condemned for looking and savi
ng as someone would be for chatting and going. One involves direct action on a c
hild, one doesn't. Fucking subjectivity of the law.
They say they didn't do anything, but mere solicitation of a minor online is a c
rime. You DID do something. You didn't do anything directly sexual with a child,
but you suggested sexual activity with a child and showed up to go through with
it. Had you not been caught, you would have.
Actually, you showed up. That's a crime too. One count solicitation of a minor,
one count intent to commit a lewd act with a child or whatever it would be.
Funny how they all (me included) become somber when caught. Those who go on as r
epeat offenders are to be disrespected. Those who smarten the fuck up and feel g
enuine and deep remorse are to be respected.
I feel sorry for the repeat offenders. Being caught once should be enough for an
And you know what? It doesn't matter how the fuck many times you get away with i
t. It only takes being caught once, and all those times you got away with it wil
l either surface, be useless, or both.
"Why don't you guys ever bust women?" "IT'S NOT FOR LACK OF TRYING!" That makes
me laugh. I'm sure PJ has busted one or two women in years.
"Oh. There is a woman."
I love the cop takedowns.
The kids that get molested straight out are damaged from the time of molestation
. The kids that are groomed into thinking it's not that bad are damaged from the
time they learn that it's wrong. I'd wager that many of them are fearful that T
HEY did something wrong...which is why they don't come forward. Of course, just
because the kids are okay with it at the time doesn't make it right. At all.
Then, of course, there's the other side of it, the problems that happen when chi
ld shrinks "uncover" supposed "repressed memories" of abuse. By the time it come
s out that it couldn't have happened or didn't happen, the damage to the accused
is irreparable. Which is EXACTLY why I'm NEVER sending my fucking kids to a chi
ld shrink. Not. Ever.
Gotta love how simple possession of child porn brings with it as bad of a senten
ce as bad as that given for intent to commit a lewd act with a child and actual
commission of a lewd act with a child. It's ridiculous.
Traveling with the intent to have sex with a minor. That's what it is.
Oh, God, that one guy is as much of a drama queen as me. "I need you to just tak
e me to jail and execute me." Good Lord. No, he's actually even worse.

So...10-year sentence, 3 of which are prison and 7 of which are probation? Yeah.
..where the fuck is my shrink?

Wait, when the fuck was Oprah sexually abused? And she's right. Why DO they sit
down and talk to Hansen?

Ha...the Conan O'Brien sketch is fucking hilarious. And Andy Samberg and Jon Hed
er do good. HAAAAAAAAAAAAA the 30 Rock bit was great as well. A literal Predator ebaums sketch...this is great.

30 years for molestation and 30 years for creation and distribution of child por
n is too good for Kayla's dad. Now I'll admit, my feelings toward it are a bit s
tronger than toward the rest of the offenders (because I still care a lot about
her), but I still hate them. And myself. Actual pedophilia or not, the shit they
did was wrong and they have no remorse.\
GOD, I WANT TO FUCK AMBER HEARD SO BADLY. Like I would destroy that chick.
She's got nice tits.

"Grass grows, birds fly, sun shines, and brotha, I hurt people." - The Scout
"If you were from where I was from, you'd be fuckin' dead!" - The Scout
"Indeed, and now he's here to fuck us! So listen up, boy, or pornography starrin
g your mother will be the second worst thing that happens to you today." - The S

I should look up bongs on Wikipedia. I'm interested to know how they work. Those
and the other weird weed pipes.

Please explain to me who the fuck Roshon Fegan is to be singing about Black Hist
ory Month. He's white. At the VERY least, he's a Double-Stuf Oreo.

It's funny...fifty years ago, moving your hips was dirty and unheard of while da
ncing. Nowadays, NOT moving your hips is next to unheard of.

Who the hell played Neela in The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift? I used to kn
ow. But I can't remember for the life of me...looks like mixed Asian and Hispani
c descent.

The fuck, do they all carry Berettas in Japan?

Oh, yeah, lot of respect for someone that brings a gun to a knife fight. A knife
to a gun fight takes balls, but a gun to a knife fight is for pussies.
...A black guy nicknamed Twink. A twink is the gay equivalent of a lesbian femme
. Is he an actual twink?

...okay, who played Kasumi in DOA? I'm not necessarily into Asian girls, but she
is one hell of a piece of hot ass.
Oh, and the British chick. I'm a sucker for an accent.

OH GOD THAT'S WHERE I KNEW HIM FROM. He was on Disney way back when. Holy shit.\

Did Lady Antebellum REALLY do a Simlish verison of "Need You Now"?

Who played Rosie on Wizards?

Gotta love the Jurassic Park reference in Toy Story 2.

...possessing a semi-auto handgun is a FELONY somewhere? Sure you don't mean aut
omatic, good sir? Pretty much any handgun nowadays, revolver, Glock, Colt, whate
ver, is semi-auto, because semi-auto guns don't require you to pull back the sli
de or hammer...fucking morons.
Okay, they didn't say it was unlicensed...dumb fucks.

Dah...yep. Lady Antebellum did the Simlish version of "Need You Now" for TS3:A.

Reading about Pleasantview from TS2 makes me do two things:

1. It makes me want to watch Pleasantville, because
2. Pleasantview is an obvious reference to Pleasantville because of all the diff
erent Sims in Pleasantview with the same names as people in Pleasantville.

That was one hell of a sentence.

I love seeing Stabler in weird as a virgin sugar daddy. Oi.

Daniel Tosh is a fucking crackup.

Watching Felix Vicious do cosplay porn as some character I don't even recognize
is painful...if she would shut the fuck up, it would be tolerable. And when the
fuck did her nipples get so big? Oi.

That's weird...Tosh is wielding a sword that looks like the Claimdeamh Mor from

Moar Evanni Solei...MOOOOOAR!

I love how an SDS member wears an SS jacket.

As much as Lieutenant Dan resented Forrest for saving his life, he still...loved
Forrest like a son or a brother and became lifelong friends with him.

Boy, if only I had a life like in TS3...attractive wife who gets promoted rapidl
y, no fights, etc.

My theory on the Tragic Clown: the TS1 Tragic Clown was a ghostly version of the
Clown that was dead by TS3, a version stuck in limbo. He probably started as a
happy clown, but hardships in his life made him sadder and sadder until he kille
d himself. The Sim Gods, however, saw fit to leave him in a purgatory of sorts,
trapped in a portrait of himself.
It is possible that the painting was never intended for public dissemination, an
d when purchased as a decorative object, the Clown's spirit is released when som
eone is depressed. His past as a clown leads him to attempt to cheer up the fami
lies. these fucking idiots realize that the torrent sites rarely, if ever, host
the files in the torrents on their own servers? They merely track the torrents.
The copyright violators are the people who distribute the shit, not the people w
ho host the torrent files...fucking shittards.
Oh, okay, FACILITATING distribution...that's better terminology. Guess Apple has
better lawyers than Shitcrosoft.

This chubby looks...remarkably like Katie if she had smaller, nicer nipples and
a hairy pussy.

GOOD. GOD. I want Amber Heard SOOOOOOOOOOO badly. Oi.

I hate ninja updates...fucking Chrome.

Brooklyn likey...

"Core" ending credits song.

IDEA! Define an area in which people can destroy blocks with one click...then we
can have a real fucking Spleef arena.

I'd be the worst fucking Spleef player ever...well, most-hated anyway. I'd camp
like a sonofabitch.

...a porn star wearing a ironic.

If the Microsoft text in Pirates of Silicon Valley is right (at the part with th
e roller party), Microprose's logo may have been a callback to it.

Why do the series-based movies always look different than the movies? For Christ
's sake, film them on TV cameras instead of movie cameras. Continuity, idiots.
And must it delve into the supernatural and science fiction?

You're going to Disney World? Really? You sure about that? Did you really go to
Disney? Or were you bullshitting for the cameras?

The fuck is the Alexander Technique?

Go figure.
- Guy who voiced Eli Vance in the HL2 games also voiced Rafiki in the Lion King
- Lou Gosset Jr. voiced the Vortigaunts in the HL2 games.

Oh, my God, that made my night...Roseanne Barr getting smashed with a log. Fucki
ng winsauce.

Yeah...the 180 head turn will always fuckin' get me. Yikes.

Look for a HL2 Antlion in Spore.

My architectural design problem is that I can never bring myself to build a stru
cture that isn't symmetrical from at least one direction. Preferably most. Front
door dead center; equal number of windows equally spaced on each side; U-shaped
, T-shaped, or box-shaped buildings; that kind of crap.\

Up until Regan's first meeting with Father Karras, you're left in doubt. Maybe R
egan really is crazy and telekinetic. Maybe it really is a brain lesion.
But then comes "Will you help an old altar boy, Father?" This is when Karras and
the audience begin to realize, or at least suspect, that the possession is real

Oh, it is such a treat to see part of a level done in development textures. God, they did an "orange map process", using dev textures to separate game
play elements and art. Wow.

And when Karras enters the freezing-cold room and sees "help me" rising on Regan
's stomach with no apparent cause, he is close to convinced.

The fuck is she spitting? Looks like Roxy's Funk...or some kind of freaking ecto

Reminds me, I need to get a hold of The Exorcism. Kinda sucks without the profan

The damned 360 is even worse.

...I never noticed the angel before...but was it Lucifer or one of the archangel
s? Guess I'll never know.

Okay, who's the blonde in the new movie with Topher Grace (Take Me Home Tonight)
? She was also in The Sorceror's Apprentice and Bedtime Stories.

It doesn't look like Patrick Warburton, but it sounds like him once the dude goe
s all M&M Pretzel.
Aww, you just couldn't resist taking a man of God, could you? Fucking prick.

His skin and ear are hanging off the side of his head, and he's walking and push
ing it back up. "No, no, it's nothing, just a flesh wound."

Holy shit, a 6'11", 235 broad. THAT'S A BIG BITCH.

can Pie"

Need to find full version of "Mistletoe and Firelight"...preferably just with De

mi and Joe.

Nick Goldston has a very gentle, soft voice. It fits the part of Aladdin well in
"A Whole New World". Jenna Owens, on the other hand, has an overpowering voice
that doesn't quite fit Jasmine or the song. The voices should complement each ot
her, not have one overpower the other.

Kinda hard to take Dad seriously in the "Because I Back-Traced It" video when yo
u get a downblouse on his daughter.

I need to not watch the "Mine" video...just makes me want to be in love. I...cra
ve that feeling. Maybe that's my problem. Maybe my whole problem with life is th
at I just seem to be unable to find love. Every time I have a chance, something
gets in the way, whether it's my own stupidity or parental influence or whatever
It's just annoying. Sometimes, I just want to have my own shitty 1/1, a shitty o
ffice job, and a beautiful coworker that will actually look past my fat fucking
exterior, through to my core. Someone to...give me a chance. Someone to fall in
love with me.
Someone to spend my life with.

How My Crime Was Committed in an Unsophisticated Manner

> I did not actively search for child porn; I came across it while browsing 4cha
n's /b/ board.
> I made no active attempt to conceal the contents of the files or to obscure th
e file types (e.g. I didn't rename an image from screwingkids.jpg to writing.rtf
or something like that). The series of numbers that compose each filename may s
eem to be an attempt at concealment, but a quick check of /b/ and other boards r
eveals that all images uploaded to 4chan are assigned a number based on their up
load order.
> I made no active attempt to hide the files. They were merely sitting in a fold
er that, for all intents and purposes, anyone borrowing the computer and downloa
ding to that particular folder ([user]\Downloads) could have accessed.

I have to deal with less fucking salami because fucking Mother decides SHE wants
to eat it too. No, the fucking reason you started buying it every week was for
ME. Get your fucking own and stop limiting my fucking portions, you bitch. It is
the ONE thing I look forward to every week and every week, I get less and less.
Soon, I'm going to be down to a slice and the rest for you, then none for me at
all the next week. Bitch.

"Oh, by the way, thanks for the salami. Yeah, I know it must be so tough to give
me even a quarter of the package when the whole damned reason you started buyin
g it weekly was for me. And you know what? Eat the shit if you're going to label
it for yourself. I didn't see one lunch for you in the fridge last week, and yo
u have the nerve to set aside even MORE salami this week?"

...if I'm not mistaken, the heads of the Spy and Medic may be recycled from each
other. The shape of the Medic's head is very similar to that of the Spy's head,
as are the eyes and mouth. And the Spy-to-Medic transformation in the Meet the
Spy video didn't take much more than a removal of teh balaclava and the addition
of hair.

When singing "I Miss You" in that one episode, she was lip-syncing. Badly. Guess
she needed a bit of vocal training.

I want to know how the Minecraft Predator video was done. It is fucking incredib

So what if the flaming arrows don't set you on fire? It's the psychological effe
ct of a wall of fiery death flying at you that matters. And you're not likely to
escape if the trap activator is in the middle of the dispersal pattern. Chances
say you'll get hit by enough arrows to kill you.

What exactly is the Yogscast? Is it like making an MMORPG out of Minecraft? They
're awful actors, but it's funny.

Leave it to Ryan Reynolds to turn a vampire-hunting movie into a partial comedy.

The fuck is Animal Crossing?

Okay, my valuables chest was locked with ChestProtect, and all of a sudden, 8 ir
on ingots and 4 gold ingots are gone, along with a diamond. The fact that the ch
est was locked (and I checked; it was locked, only openable by me) indicates tha
t someone has been abusing mod powers.
Also, the block of cyan carpeting over the entrance to my secret stash (where my
valuables chest was) was missing. I always replace it before I leave. Also, sev
eral slices of cake (amounting to a full cake) were gone from my cake floor.
Somebody also took a very large portion of the snow from the area around my hous
e. I'm imagining it's darkveo or whoever the guy is that built on my land.
I find myself wishing it was Christmas again. I love the feeling of being carefr
ee.He also built in what I imagine is part of NewEra, as it was walled in. He sa
id don't kill it or you will die, the eye god will rule all, etc. Also spammed t
orches in the area.

They have good-looking decoys on To Catch a Predator. think they made Topanga eat a lot near the end of Boy Meets World so t
hat her gaining weight (because of Danielle Fishel gaining weight) would make se

Need to redownload The Strangerhood. Fucking idiot. Try RoosterTeeth's website;

I think it was there that I got it. And don't change the filenames...put them in
the The Strangerhood folder in Videos/Movies so as not to have to redo the VLC
playlist. RAGE.

Go to Motherless, redownload "Jailbait chick Anne Harlow". Missing part.

1. When and why the fuck did Debby Ryan dye her hair brown? It does't suit her.
What color suits her is her natural color. I am so fucking sick of girls dying t
heir hair. Their natural color is their beautiful color. NATURAL. EQUALS. BEAUTI
FUL. Accept and fucking deal with it.
2. When and how the fuck did Chelsea Staub become Chelsea Kane? Who'd she marry?
3. Frankie Jonas: WHO GIVES A FUCK?

Miley Cyrus is attractive when she has very little makeup on, her hair is tied u
p in a loose ponytail, and she's wearing jeans and a crappy top. She has a natur
al beauty that is far too easily masked by her stage and alternate personas.
Yeah. She's attractive when she's being sincere and not trying to be attractive.
I could easily fall for her if she hadn't gone down the wrong path.Disney corru
pted her, and I kind of hate them for it.

Start conversation on G4CD forums about what members think Lucifer looks like.
Personally, I don't think he's a horned, red devil with a pointed tail and a pit
chfork. He was once God's favorite and most beautiful angel, but was cast out al
ong with a third of the angels when he became prideful and sought to rise above
God. I think Lucifer is a beautiful angel, but a cold blue, being far from God.
Why blue and cold? God is light and warmth. To be away from God is dark and cold

Need to get Rocket Boys. For the severalth time. Ha. Severalth.

I might want to come home at 4:50 tomorrow so I can watch more SVU. Especially i
f Hilary Duff's going to be on. Been forever since I've seen her in anything hal
Oh, wait. There she is. And she cusses. Ooh. Me likey this Hilary Duff.
That's why she looks like a fucking horse. She's retarded. HURR DURR. *drool*
Research Williams Syndrome.


Nick Sparks book. Dog on the cover. Printed in hardback.

Ask Candace if she ever went to the gay bar for her 18th like she planned.

Ha. That song from the GE Ecomagination commercial is on the G4CD server.

Find statute of limitations on CP in Florida. Find a country without an extradit

ion treaty and go there.

Tell Candace to send me more TWD crap. Good way to get my mind off things.

And remind Candace that Uriel was the name of one of the archangels present at t
he birth of Christ. Wonder if she knew.
This is the first time I've seen pretrial diversion in any show. Law and Order S
VU in this case.

I think Candace is the best friend I have left. And I should tell her that.

In the darkness and stillness of the night, her voice calls to me on every breat
h of wind, and I hear her say, "I love you, Jason. I always have and I always wi
ll." The gentle breeze flows over my body and brings with it sensations of her t
ouch, her fingers caressing my face as her lips glide over mine. It is in these
moments that I begin to fall for her, in all the ways I don't want to. It is in
these moments that I most crave the warmth and comfort that I know her arms woul
d bring, and to whisper in her ear as we lie beside each other, "I love you, Han
nah. I am the luckiest being on the face of the planet to have you. I'll never l
eave you." <- Should read that to Hannah. It was written in late September. Mont
hs ago.

"As the rain fell in gray, opaque sheets outside and the thunder rolled, we were
lying on a plush blanket on a wood floor in front of her fireplace. We were dry
ing slowly in each others' arms after rushing inside after the start of the rain
. I looked at her and raised my hand, the back of my finger tracing a slow line
along her jaw. Her body scooted infinitesimally closer to me with every millimet
er my finger moved, until her body was against mine and her hand on my chest. In
a moment of boldness, I tucked a curled finger under her chin and pulled her fa
ce to mine, gently touching my lips to hers. Flames rivaling those in the roarin
g fireplace erupted in my soul as time stood still for a moment, the sparks from
the passion and love that had been contained for so long breaking free of their
When she pulled away and smiled, the few lights in the room went out, leaving on
ly the fire to flicker in her eyes. Every curve of her body was highlighted by t
he orange glow of the fireplace, and I placed my hand on her hip and began to sl
ide it up and under her shirt. Her skin was as smooth and as perfect as an airbr
ushed model's, and I paused for a moment to appreciate it.
Candace (3:00:34 AM): Who's that about? It's good. She placed her hand on mine
and guided me to her breast, kissing me slowly as she did. Her tongue slid into
my mouth as she rolled completely on top of me. I pulled my hand from under her
shirt and entangled it in her hair.
She pulled away again and smiled.
In that brief instant, I fell in love."

Ask Candace if she's accepted that she's either fallen in love with or is fallin
g in love with her PS.

"Sometimes, in the silent, dark hours of the late night, I lie awake with her he
ad on my chest and stroke her hair gently. I lean my head down and kiss her eyel
ids, wondering if it is me that she is seeing in her dreams. I think back to all
the times we had together. I remember the moonlight strolls on the beach and th
e walks in the pouring rain. I remember drying off in front of the fire in her a
rms and peeling off our clothes, then making love for hours until we are both co
ated in a thin, glistening layer of sweat and spent. I thank God every night for
the chance I got with her, and I treasure each and every moment with her. I pra
y that our deaths will come together, our gnarled fingers intertwined as we slum
ber peacefully together."
Her eyes like the ocean as it draws close to shore,
Her hair like that of maidens in mystical lore.
Her lips full and rosy, gentle and sweet,
Her simple creation, God's most marvelous feat.

Resurrect this little gem on the DT forums.

11:06 PM - Were The World Mine: I've been a bad little girl
11:06 PM - Were The World Mine: I need to be punished
11:07 PM - [DT] D34THROW: Um...
11:08 PM - Were The World Mine: *on my knees,pawwing at your legs liek a kitty.*
11:08 PM - [DT] D34THROW: *takes a leash off the hook and bends down to put it l
oosely around your neck*
11:09 PM - Were The World Mine: *smiles as you leash me,purring softly.*
11:09 PM - [DT] D34THROW: *leads you into the bedroom and makes you jump up onto
the bed*
11:10 PM - Were The World Mine: *comes to my senses and realizes what I was abou
t to do.* fuck you pervert...

Look for the BSB Advice for Justin Bieber video and download.

Is a suspsneded sentence an option if necessary?

Oh, dude who played Sack, again playing the asshole. How refreshing.
And then Doc Ock from Spiderman 2 as another potential asshole. Huh. Two movies,
two antagonists, one crime drama. Que interesante.

Look up ZBrush.

The fuck is the Alexander Technique?

Find Terminator 3 War of the Machines for PC if possible. Possibly too old.

Depending on which came first, the Combine dropship looks somewhat like the Skyn
et search ships from Terminator 3 (or the other way around).
You know what? The test pretty much said fantasize about it. So I did. Fantasizi
ng about's not something I ever do. And I feel like it was rigged, bec
ause most of the postpubescent women and men in the test were ugly, and I can't
get anything out of fantasizing about ugly people. And I answered 4 for most of
the kids and gave an arousal response for a hell of a lot more postpubescents th
an prepubescents. It obviously assigns a higher weight to arousal responses for
younger people and a lower weight to arousal responses for older people.

Ha. I replaced all stone in a level with TNT and Minecraft crashed before I coul
d even move half a chunk from my spawn point after loading.

The picture portion of the Abel tests weights responses differently. Arousal res
ponses, neutral responses, disgust responses to younger people are weighted more
, less, and less, respectively, while arousal responses, neutral responses, and
disgust responses to older people are weighted less, more, and more, respective
ly. So I get screwed for some philia that I don't consciously have.
And I swear that I remember answering arousal for far, FAR more older people tha
n younger, and registering neither arousal nor disgust for most younger people,
save for one or two of each gender.
The test is rigged. It's not objective. In order to be completely objective, it
should not weight answers.
Oh, and some of the older males and females? A lot of the females were ugly. I c
an't be aroused by someone that's ugly. A lot of the males were too hairy, ergo,
no arousal.
I also lingered a little longer at some of the kid pictures, because I couldn't
really imagine what the test wanted me to. Wonder if that could have affected it
It's just not fair. Or right.

Okay, Raiders of the Lost Ark turned into some weird shit.

Finding iron above sea level. Change in iron spawn code?

Things I'd like to see in Minecraft:

- Handheld torches. It's possible and would be damned useful.
MC Seeds to Try:
- 404
- Nether
- troll
- aweswome
- 2316
Need to find nudie Leah Pipes pics. Unf.

Need to find another Saw 6. Seems like this is a TS version. Sound and audio are
...The fake blood in Saw 7 is FAR too pink, at least in the first scene. FAR too
pink. I can already tell the production values will be pure shit.

Okay, that very much does NOT qualify as the LAST FUCKING CHAPTER. Not once you
identify Dr. Gordon as a fucking apprentice just like Hoffman and Amanda.
There will be another Saw movie coming out. There has to be. It would make no se
nse otherwise.

"She smells like angels oughta smell. The perfect woman. A goddess."'

Find a recording of "Scheherazade". Sounds like a really nice piece.

Yay, new Leverage in June! But will I be around...that's the question...

G - C - D - Am - Em - G

Check on uploads. Did they get rejected for some reason? Liz Vicious is legal, a
s is Jessi Palmer.

So here's my take on the situation.

1. Enalis hacked. I'm guessing most, if not all of us, had our suspicious at one
point or another. This was merely a confirmation.
2. There are those of us who joined simply for Enalis. These people will probabl
y leave.
3. There are those of us who were here from the very start. These people will pr
obably stay.
4. One of our clan members, a moderator no less, was involved in the production
of a bust video, and leaked information from the DT forums. There is no loyalty
5. Those of us who defended Enalis feel like assholes for doing so, myself inclu
ded. Does it mean I'm going to leave the clan? No.
6. There are those of us who were and are loyal to DarkTemplar and not to Enalis
. These people will probably stay.
7. Most, if not all of us, hate hackers, myself again included. Given, I don't k
now most of them. I've known Enalis for over a year, and while I'm disappointed
that he hacked, I'm neither surprised nor truly affected. I look at it as a mist
ake, as I do with most people I know that hacked. They probably didn't troll wit
h the hacks; rather they experimented with them as I myself considered doing a f
ew times.
8. There are those members who will leave so as not to be affiliated with a hack
er. Again, there is the loyalty issue. I have no respect for those who leave sim
ply for the flaming. To those who don't give a shit about being flamed, bravo.
To the members who are leaving: If you're leaving for the right reasons, so be i
t. Hopefully those who leave aren't among my better friends in the clan. If you'
re not leaving for the right reasons...well, I'll keep the flaming under wraps.
To the members who are staying: I commend you on your loyalty, be it to Enalis o
r to the clan or to the friends you've made. Hopefully those who stay are those
that I consider my friends. I lost friends in the GoN-DT split. I don't need to
lose them in the DT-whatever split.
My personal feelings on the matter are thus: Enalis hacked. So be it. It's nothi
ng we can change. Sure, a lot of us either lost or will lose respect for him bec
ause of it, but at least he had the balls to come forward and admit it. And that
makes up for a little of the respect lost.
Enalis and Al have both admitted to hacking. Sure, I don't condone it and I don'
t like it, but I consider them both friends, and both of them were probably ther
e to talk to at some point or another in the past when I had a problem.
I myself have considered hacking several times in the past. Once, it was because
I was bad and just wanted to hack on an alt...just to see what it's like to be
good. Once, I wanted to hack on an alt to troll the Gaggle Room or the DT room.
Mostly, it was always curiosity and wanting to see just what the fuck all the fu
ss was about.
I must say one thing, though: I'm curious as to why so many members admitted to
hacking in the past after Enalis admitted to it.
My final words: A lot of us lost trust in Enalis after this revelation. But trus
t can be re-earned once lost. I'm willing to give Enalis the chance to re-earn t
hat trust, and those of you who are not, I bid you farewell and good luck in the
P.S. - Those who leave because of this incident, expect to be removed from my St
eam and Facebook friends, as I will lose all respect for you despite your reason
s for leaving. does she not get that that's Bonasera backwards? Heh.

Stella's face in the hospital bothers me. It reminds me too much of Casey's face
when she's sad.


The antivirus solution installed on your system is cleaning... <- Legit?

And so begins my awareness of the Rift TV campaign...which again makes me think.

..who the fuck trades a severed Max head for ONE of the Rift weapons? Dumbasses.

...Wow. Dude who played Mike in Can of Worms later appeared on an episode of Law
and Order as a lawyer.

Wuthering Heights reference on Bones. Shoot me right the fuck now.

Vanessa Hudgens or not, Beastly looks pretty good.

Notes about The Guardian:

- That 4chan sob story about the vagrant echoes The Guardian's plot within its f
irst few paragraphs.
- Speculation: Maybe Jim's spirit is using the dog to watch over Julie.
...Traci Lords was in Zack and Miri Make a Porno? Who the fuck did she play? Wai
t, did she play Bubbles? Probably Bubbles, yeah. Fitting.
"I'm a guy; give me two Popsicle sticks and a rubber band, I'll find a way to fu
ck it. I'm like a filthy MacGyver." - Zack ("Zack and Miri Make a Porno")

"Sign this petition or I'm gonna follow you home and kill your dog." - Postal Du
de, Postal 2

Huh. You can put signs on glass now.

Oh, damn, now I want to see Breaking Dawn. Well, with an '08-'09-'10 release sch
edule for the first three, it should be out this year.

Perfect number - Its divisors add up to itself (i.e. 1+2+3=6)

Who played Hannah in Journey to the Center of the Earth?

The Twilight novels really are poorly written, or at least full of cliches and s
uperfluous superlatives.

Dear God, a Twilight graphic novel won the 2010 Best Manga of the Year award at
the Gem Awards.
And Emma Watson's a Twilight fan. Between that and her short hair, she's now an

Explain to me how the Twilight series is sexually explicit...or has a religious


Okay, a CSI/CSI:NY/CSI:M crossover...kind of fucking awesome to bring 3 series a

ll together like that...and it looks like they threw in a single character from
Las Vegas as well. Or maybe that was just coincidental.

I want so badly to help people as a career. Even fixing one's all wort
h it.

ML Orgy Guest List

> iBlonde
> Innoman
> randymandy
> canu
> Doll
> beexx
> Discipline
> Chaos
> Choke
> Skittle
> Buttons
> serial
> lucky
> assman
> blonde
> dar
> snail
> fizz
> Dewez
> bunny
> kitty

Who played Erin in that one movie with Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt?

I'm disturbingly turned on by Isabella Valentine's verbal abuse during the Anal
Slut Training MP3.

...autobanning someone outside a particular map area? Kind of fucking awesome fu


Look up who plays Jasper. I know him from somewhere, and he probably has Disney
titles to his name.

...okay, kinda wanna see the original auditions that put the 3 main characters o
f Hannah Montana in their roles. Who else might have ended up playing Hannah Mon


NBOY THAT'S why Alice looked vaguely familar. Played by Ashley Greene. Although
she honestly looks better with the Alice wig on.

Looks like the sex between Edward and Bella in the movie verison of Breaking Daw
n is going to be tastefully done.

...Carlisle was 23 when he was turned? Goddamn.

In 50 Cent's house, there are 52 rooms. Including 25 bathrooms and 21 bedrooms,

leaving only 6 other rooms. Including the foyer, dining room, and kitchen, that
leaves 3 other rooms. Dear God.


Christina got FAT.

...if Alice is played by Ashley Greene and Alice is supposed to be like 4'11", w
hat the hell does that make Bella? 4'7"?

Need to get AudioMod.

There's something to this sequence:


Two questions:
1. When was the MetLife tower built? Was it around in the very beginning of 1990
2. When were the Twin Towers built?

Get Love and Other Drugs. Looks good.

Find stuff about Sarah Paxton...I still want to see that whore nude.

I find it oddly appropriate that Julie Larson co-produced the film version of Re
nt...whether she was his wife or daughter or completely unrelated, it doesn't ma
tter. His name was attached to it. His legacy lives on through it.

Well, it makes sense that a Hollywood high school would do the original Broadway
production of Rent. Call me too conservative, but some parts of that wre just n
ot appropriate for a high school "Contact" or "This is weird--it's w
eird--very weird--fuckin' weird..."

Potential update for security of Baconian cipher:

Letter A represented by a letters A-L, letter B represented by letters M-Z. May
give illusion of substitution, Playfair, or other such cipher.

Download Gladiator.

I masturbate because I'm the only one whose standards are low enough to fuck me.

Ein's pack needs textures for colored wools...or was it intentional? I fucking u
se those in SSP, and every time I patch with the HD patcher, it resets my fuckin
g mods. Can we PLEASE get colored wool? I freaking use it.

Quoted from Wikipedia (with citations):

"Differing approaches to sexuality have been a source of controversy and conflic
t in furry fandom. Examples of sexual aspects within furry fandom include erotic
art and furry-themed cybersex. The term "yiff" is most commonly used to indicat
e sexual activity or sexual material within the fandom--this applies to sexual a
ctivity and interaction within the subculture whether online (in the form of cyb
ersex) or offline.
According to a study, 19-25% of the fandom members report homosexuality, 37-48%
bisexuality, 30-51% heterosexual, and 3-8% other forms of alternative sexual rel
ationships. In 2002 about 2% stated an interest in zoophilia, and less than 1% a
n interest in plushophilia. Initial figures were collected by David J. Rust in 1
997, but further research has been conducted to update these findings. Of the fu
rry fans that reported being in a relationship (approximately half of the survey
ed population), 76% were in a relationship with another member of furry fandom.
Furry characters are sometimes associated with paraphilias, with online communit
ies dedicated to art and stories featuring macrophilia, vorarephilia, infantilis
m, babyfurs and maiesiophilia, among others. Softpaw Magazine, an erotic "cub" f
an magazine, has been banned by furry conventions Eurofurence and Further Confus
ion due to fear of legal action.
In November 2006, the furry art website FurAffinity held a vote to decide if ero
tic cub art should be banned. The vote resulted that art of this kind should be
allowed. However, in February 2010 it banned art of "human and proto-human minor
s". In November 2010, it decided to ban all erotic cub art after it was given as
a reason by payment processor AlertPay to cancel their account, meaning that Fu
rAffinity would not have a host for donations, which are what keep the site runn
(References 52-62)
52. Bardzell, Jeffery, and Shaowen Bardzell. Sex-Interface-Aesthetics: The Docil
e Avatars and Embodied Pixels of Second Life BDSM. Indiana University, 2005.
53. Stuttaford, Thomas; Godson, Suzi (December 8, 2007). "I like dressing up as
a bear during sex". The Times (London). Retrieved 2007-12-11. (further details)
54. Meinzer, Melissa (June 29, 2006). "Animal Passions: The furries come to town
and our correspondent tails along". Pittsburgh City Paper. Retrieved 2007-05-25
55. Padva, Gilad. Dreamboys, Meatmen and Werewolves: Visualizing Erotic Identiti
es in All-Male Comic Strips. Sexualities 8:5 (2005). 587-99
56. David J. Rust (2000-2, based on data 1997-98). "The Sociology of Furry Fando
m". Retrieved 2006-8-26.
57. "Macrophile online community". Retrieved 2009-3-26.
58. "Pregfur online community". Retrieved 2009-03-26."Eka's Portal". Retrieved 2
59. "Eka's Portal". Retrieved 2009-3-26.
60. The Chained Wolf (December 18, 2008). "One Fur, One Vote: The Politics of th
e Fandom". Retrieved 2009-05-06.
61. "News:AAE bans Softpaw from Further Confusion 2008 over legal fears". WikiFu
r. 2008-01-21. Retrieved 2009-05-06.
62. Parry, Laurence (24 November 2010). "Fur Affinity loses AlertPay account, ba
ns cub porn". Flayrah. Retrieved 25 November 2010.
See [url=]here[/url] for links to t
he above cited references.

Katheryn Winnick

"I See the 'Want To' in Your Eyes" <- At least this song.

I'm beginning to suspect more and more that Aurora of Jiggly's Virgins 4 is the
girl in the Education Connection jingle commercial.
Things I Found Exploring the Underdark:
- KegThief's store, the lava tower dedicated to him.
- Zehb's house.
- Pauper's house.
- The old UAPS offices.
- Bendery/Notyetdone's house.
- The Void. Oh, my God, the Void.
- The Far Side...the fuck is the Far Side?

...God, I want an original copy of Ike's D-Day letter...

So because I spent a few more seconds on the pictures of the kids, I'm a fucking
pedophile. Somehow, I fucking KNEW not 20 minutes after we pulled out of that s
hrink's office that the left-hand-on-the-mouse thing was a red herring and that
TIME was what was measured.
Ever stop to fucking think that maybe I was scratching or stretching or somethin
g? Or maybe that I found it a little hard to think of myself in a sexual situati
on with those kids? I can figure out relatively quickly whether I'm aroused or d
isgusted by a particular adult or teenager, and let's face it, a lot of those ad
ults and teens were butterfaces, or just plain too hairy in the case of the guys

The Fairy Mod is bringing me FAR more pleasure than it should. I'm giggling like
a schoolgirl.

...why are there torches around that I don't remember placing?

You know, without the dumbass hair, Bieber doesn't look like such a faggot anymo

...if there's a way to have just it, SDK's grappling hook would be a hell of a s
iege tool...

Lul...Miley and Nick in a Jamster commercial. Hannah will kill them.

Minute 1: I really like swimming around here inside this big ball, and I just lo
ve it when you touch them daddy.
Minute 2: wow, why is your penis growing so fast?
Minute 3: Wow, you have fast hands daddy.
Minute 4: What is happening? why am I going up your penis? no! no! NO! NOOOOOOO!
Minute 4.5: I'm all alone.... I was shot out of my home, and I can't move.....
Minute 5: my strength is starting to fade... I can't... survive....
Minute 6: I... miss.... the..... balls.....

Month One: Mommy, I am only 8 inches long, but I have all my organs. I love the
sound of your voice. Every time I hear it, I wave my arms and legs. The sound of
your heart beat is my favorite lullaby.
Month Two: Mommy, today I learned how to suck my thumb. If you could see me, you
could definitely tell that I am a baby. I'm not big enough to survive outside m
y home though. It is so nice and warm in here.
Month Three: You know what Mommy, I'm a girl!! I hope that makes you happy. I al
ways want you to be happy. I don't like it when you cry. You sound so sad. It ma
kes me sad too, and I cry with you even though you can't hear me.
Month Four: Mommy, my hair is starting to grow. It is very short and fine, but I
will have a lot of it. I spend a lot of my time exercising. I can turn my head
and curl my fingers and toes, and stretch my arms and legs. I am becoming quite
good at it too.
Month Five: You went to the doctor today. Mommy, he lied to you. He said that I'
m not a baby. I am a baby Mommy, your baby. I think and feel. Mommy, what's abor
Month Six: I can hear that doctor again. I don't like him. He seems cold and hea
rtless. Something is intruding my home. The doctor called it a needle. Mommy wha
t is it? It burns! Please make him stop! I can't get away from it! Mommy!! HELP
me!! No...
Month Seven: Mommy, I am okay. I am in Jesus' arms. He is holding me. He told me
about abortion. Why didn't you want me Mommy? We would have been so happy toget

I think if a couple breaks up, they should wait a while before getting back toge
ther. I mean, if you get back together right away, it's a dependency thing in my
book. If you wait a while before getting together again, it's not dependency. Y
ou've had time to explore other options and live life away from each other, and
you're actually making the choice with the right mindset.

...Chris Brown nude pics?

Did Seth MacFarlane just subtly slam Obama? What?

Marlee Matlin is damn good looking.

...Peewee Herman on Broadway? That just can't be good.

Holy shit, Giraldo and Leary going after each other.

I respect Nick Swardson for not being afraid to cry on camera in the Greg Girald
o tribute.
Really need to find "Guest House Fun".

...was it James or Demitri that tracked and turned Alice?

I really do love how in Lawrence v. Texas, the dissenters (against sexual privac
y) were the Republicans. Way to champion personal liberties, guys.

Okay, why the hell do people bitch about Republicans being against gay marriage
when the Defense of Marriage Act was passed under a Democrat administration?

Wonder if there's any good Girls Gone Wild videos on Extratorrent.

Last three senior years? That must make London at least 20 >_>

I feel sorry for Ark Music. They produce shitty music videos with shitty singers
Oh, and in "Friday"..."Gotta have my BOWL, gotta have cereal." I smell a pothead
That part where she's sitting on the back of the car? That's what I call the ugg
o effect. Stuck her between two uggos to make her look better.

Split AirSplat wishlist into 3. See if there's any cheaper but same-quality vers
ions of some of the stuff, particularly the rifle case. Send to Ma, Cheri, and J
ohn as per Ma's idea.
* Take off MARPAT and change tactical vest to black if it's not already. Make it
more of a SWAT-ish outfit. If ever the need arises for camo, I can get it, but
in MOUT settings (preferred), I would really prefer to have dark clothing.
** And if the need arises, I'm going to need an OD helmet and an OD face guard.

The fuck is Santeria?

Team MCA - Martin County Airsoft.

Oh, God, AnnaSophia Robb in a bikini...Soul Surfer UNGH.

Check if there's any nudity in "Your Highness"...or if Natalie Portman has ever
bared it all.

May need to revise black tactical vest and helmet to OD to match BDUs.
Iliza Shlesinger. Unf.
And Amy Schumer.
As well as Natasha Leggero.
Rachel Feinstein.

Could use some camo paint, possibly a MARPAT cover for the helmet if available,
or some kind of cloth helmet cover.
And the whole point of getting both a sniper and an AR is so I can be multirole.
...though in all reality, it would make more sense to have a Dragunov seeing as
I'm getting an AKS-74U.
And it might not be a bad idea to get an extra battery for the AEG if the one wi
th my MP5 isn't compatible.

> Lifelong activity (or at least until I can't run anymore)
> Prolonged physical activity (can lose weight)
> Way to make friends and make connections (potential jobs)
> Gets me out of the house and interacting with people (isn't this what you've a
lways been after?)
Now, I have every intention of following through with playing airsoft at LEAST o
nce a month for as long as I can, and keeping the equipment I have as long as it
works. If, God forbid, I have to go to prison, the first thing I'm going to wan
t to do when I get out is play airsoft.
And hell, I'll work off the cost AND pay it back in cash once I get an actual jo

You know what? Sure, the Russians copied the AK-47 design from the Germans, but
think of the variations. The basic AK design has been incorporated into at least
one sniper rifle and about a dozen assault rifles overall. The Germans had one
assault rifle. The Russians have over a dozen weapons based on the StG44 design.

What the hell is the fourth hole?

My dream setup is full WWI German flecktarn camo with a gas G-43 with 4x40 scope
, an electric MP40, an electric StG44, a gas Kar98, and a C96 Mauser or similar
WWII-era German pistol.
A correlating setup is full WWII US paratrooper gear with a gas M1903 with 3-9x4
0 scope, an electric Thompson, an electric BAR, and a GBB M1911.
Another correlating setup is full WWII British paratrooper/glider trooper gear w
ith a gas Lee-Enfield with 4x40 scope, an electric Sten gun, and a GBB 1911.
I should see how much these cost in theory.
Look into dropping into the entry-level category for a lower-FPS gun. 380 is too
much for FA CQB.

Airsoft is all the thrill and exhilaration of being in a war zone with none of t
he possibility of a slow and painful death. (Not one airsoft-related injury has
ever been reported to result in death or serious injury.) I watch videos taken o
f games in woods, and in dense sections, I hear the chattering of AEGs echoing i
n the distance and see the smoke from smoke grenades drifting around, and I desi
re nothing more than to engage in that kind of game.
And oh, how I woudl love to pull off badass shots on running guys.

If there's one reason to get my gear before we know...what's happening in Orland

o, it's so that at least once, I can get a true escape from my problems in life.
Also get OD ski mask and MARPAT boonie from A/N Surplus.

Oh, that's great. Abel Assessment secret is given away on an episode of Law and
Order: SVU.

Love that I'm getting screwed because I zone out or take my right hand off the k
eyboard to scratch an itch at the wrong times.

Question for FA: If 2 players are in a standoff behind cover, and one player has
no chance at scoring anything more than a headshot, is it permissible to take i

Odd. Both Michael Ironside and the rebel leader from the brothel appeared in bot
h Total Recall and Starship Troopers. Wonder if that's where they got their star

Oh, look. AirsoftGI accepts PayPal.

Coupon Codes:
tim - 10% off
50ktv - 13% off
Couldn't hurt to bring a measuring tape next weekend and check how long that rif
le bag at Vic's is. Figure with the folding stock, the G36 would be down to abou
t 30 inches.

I'd love to know how SCRE4M turns out to be a comedic horror. That's just weird.

Might want to tape up the last 6 millimeters of the G36 flash hider and spray-pa
int the rest black. That orange sticks out like a sore friggin' thumb.


- OD MOLLE-compatible tactical vest with crossdraw holster
- Gas pistol with 2 or 3 spare mags
- Sniper rifle with 3-9x40 scope and bipod (preferably WELL MB03)
- Mid-power AEG (preferably G36E style) with C-mag as 3.5x-scoped support weapon
- MOLLE first-aid pouch for the vest
- MOLLE mag dump pouch
- MOLLE backpack for food
- CamelBak pouch

Should send Mike Fletcher the M7 loadout webisodes. Dude reminds me of him.

The hell is eBay Airsoft? Where the hell is that?

Who the hell are the Byrds?

Nothing, NOTHING can compare to the discomfort of standing outside in blazing ho

t sun in full Army class B for an hour and a half during formal inspection my fr
eshman year of high school. My feet felt like they were on fire and I was sweati
ng my nuts off in pure polyester...and none of the sweat went through the shirt
or pants. I think I can handle a little discomfort and heat with a balaclava :P
So the list right now consists of a JG MK36C, 5 spare mags, OD balaclava, OE che
st rig, the P Force goggles, and 5000 0.2s from AirsoftGI (about $260 with the f
ree shipping). I can go to the A/N store to get good-quality camo and a beanie.
Hell, if the P Force aren't full-seal, I've got an ANSI-rated pair of full-seal
work goggles my mother brought home that I can use in the interim.

Should get a BDU boonie too.

Should review equipment after I get it.

Should study FACS.

Need to take goggles out of shopping cart.

Check if the same guy that played Bubba in Forrest Gump played the Chief of Dete
ctives on CSI:NY. I swear to God they're the same guy.

Get all Celtic Thunder DVDs. Seriously. I forgot how good these guys are.

Print all warranty policies on ASGI gear.
Search Pro2 Silicone Spray
Search Pro2 Spray Silicone
Check safe materials to use on.
How the hell does ColorWonder shit work?

Found a brown sheep in MC beta 1.4. Hm. Wonder if cocoa beans got added. *confir
med, dungeon reward*

Check if there's a field fee at the Garrison.

Good God, Natalie Portman has a great ass.

Check other rules at the Garrison.

My cock is serving no purpose other than a flap to keep dust out of my ass crack
right now.

Patch DFBHD:TS and get the no-CD crack.

Bad Teacher looks good.

Should get Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, Juno, Good Luck Chuck, and Accept
And check who played Tris in NaNIP.

And the Sit on You video. Made meh raff.

And Nelly's Just a Dream.

Selena Gomez on Lopez Tonight <- YouTube

Who played Vanessa in Escape from Guantanamo Bay?

Lul. People use potato cannons with tennis balls at airsoft events.

Find your battery s voltage and mah number.

Find your charger s voltage and mah output.
Divide the battery s mah by the charger s mah.
Multiply that quotient by 1.4.
- CYMA MP5: 1.68 hours (1 hour, 41 minutes)
- JG MK36C:

The Mario 64 creepypasta is plausible up until the point where the game doesn't
shut off even after the console is unplugged...
I kinda wanna learn the ukelele's smaller than a guitar and I might be
able to get my fucking fingers on the strings.

Need to redownload BEN.wmv from shirtfag's YouTube. Crap.

Along with CHILDREN.wmv.
And Matt.wmv.

Should get Office Space. Haven't seen it in FOREVER. And the Child's Play movies

Fast Five...ANOTHER Fast and the Furious movie? Oi.

What's barbie.jpg? BarelyBreathing.exe?

The hell is The Shift?

"Her name was Amber and she was beautiful. Brown hair, athletic build, and her e
yes..........perfect green eyes." Dah...what color was Amber's hair on 14 FEB 20
10? And are her eyes green?

Dah...the hell is Hemisync?

Update Adobe Reader.

Check validity of System Volume Information on external, with contained file "tr

Hell, now I want to play Second Life again.

Who played Kendall on CSI:NY?

Need to get free.wmv again.

It makes me laugh when I see some kind of attack-canceler, then use Mega Kick. I
can almost see Charizard cocking his head, then winding up for the kick and let
ting the opponent have it right in the face.

Raiders of the Lost Ark was about the Ark of the Covenant. Last Crusade was abou
t the Holy Grail. Seems to be a Christian bend in 2 of the 4 Indiana Jones movie

Okay, I have to see RAW this Monday. The Rock versus John Cena? I'd have to be a
fool to miss that shit.

I'll try and take a pic of the internals some other time, but it is honestly the
most poorly-built toy gun I've ever seen, cap guns included.
First, the inner barrel...well, how do I put this? You ever seen those pipes sit
ting on the side of the road and how they're all bigger at one end than the othe
r to fit together? That was the inner barrel.
Second, the piston. It's probably good enough for the money, but it was plastic
and overlubed in my opinion. Even had a little leakage of air out the back.
Third, the firing assembly in general. Simple enough, pull back the charging han
dle, the piston locks back, pull trigger to fire. Shoddily built and entirely pl
astic, including the pins for the trigger assembly parts to rotate around.
Fourth, the weighting. It consisted of a metal rod in the pistol grip and a smal
l, plastic-wrapped chunk of...something (concrete maybe) in the forward part of
the weapon. I've never seen anything like it.
Fifth, the disassembly of the weapon. It went perfectly fine...until I tried to
pull the two halves of the gun apart at the front. They were glued to the flash
hider, so even if you wanted to upgrade it, you couldn't properly take it apart
to do so.
I bought this thing as a "DMR" for back when I wanted to do backyard airsoft wit
h a couple of friends.
I guess you get what you pay for.

Still need to download Easy A. Hell, anything with Aly Michalka in a sexy role.

Chloe Moretz...yum...But presenting at the Comedy Awards? Really?

Well, now that's ironic. In "I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry," Lance Bass si
ngs "Shining Star," a song that the Backstreet Boys did, albeit not the same ver
sion. But still.

iTunes doesn't support FLAC files?

The hell is wrong with me? I squealed and convulsed like a little girl when Cind
y approved of Ben marrying Adrian and I did it even worse when Adrian said yes.
God help me.'

Look up itching powder.

Look for books on the history of MySpace, Facebook, and social networking in gen

Still need to DL The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift.

JG MK36 Pros and Cons, based on a cursory examination:
-- PROS --
> Heavy for being a plastic gun, VERY heavy.
> Securely folding stock, no wobble when extended.
> Interchangeable flash hiders (black and orange) with an Allen key.
> Can feel the motor and gearbox working.
> Comes with a barrel cover.
> Chronoed around 400FPS at Airsoft GI before shipping.
-- CONS --
> Battery can be a pain to get in the handguard.
> Selector switch feels a tad bit loose.

The kid who played Dean on Wizards...on CSI:NY as a model student wearing a suit
and tie.

Why do I swear I saw Han in the spot for Fast Five? Isn't he dead as of Tokyo Dr

Sheet Music Backup Password - qlx974xji

Airsoft GI Reviews to Do:

- JG MK36C
- OE Tech Commando Chest Rig
- NC Star 1x42 Red Dot Scope
- King Arms MK36 5-Mag Box Set (98 rounds)
- ZAN Nylon Balaclava

[16:06:05] <D34THROW> Earlier you said you don't care if Skunk sees the vid...wh
y don't you care if your boyfriend sees a vid of you fucking another guy?
[16:06:14] <D34THROW> And did you mean what you said yesterday when you said Red
is the love of your life?
[16:06:58] <anemone> because im not that into skunk. hes fun and cute and we hav
e the same friends. but red has been my lover for years and skunk knows how we f
eel about eachother
[16:07:20] <D34THROW> Mind if I ask why you're with Skunk instead of Red if you
feel that way about Red?
[16:07:46] <D34THROW> I don't mean to pry, I'm just interested in how the minds
of people in our generation work.
[16:08:19] <anemone> a lot of stuff has happened between me and red cant be toge
ther openly until some things are straightened out. we needed some time and its
ok if we see other people
[16:08:42] <D34THROW> Do you think it'll work out in the future to where you're
[16:13:22] <anemone> yes, we plan on getting married one day
[16:13:38] <D34THROW> I hope it works out :) Thanks for being open with me.
[16:14:03] <anemone> np :)

Okay, I have the EXACT same keyboard that they used in Lemonade Mouth.

Need to pick up the Lemonade Mouth soundtrack. There are some really nice songs.
Should download Tron again. Maybe Tron Legacy as well.

Well. That honestly wasn't the worst thing I've ever seen. Pirates XXX wasn't an
awful was a bit overacted at parts, but overall, it had B production
value and watchability. The focus seemed to be as much on the story as on the p
orn, if not more so.
It was also...quite a treat seeing who played Marco, because he was also in the
porno featured in The Girl Next Door, which makes me think that was an actual po
rno they cut Elisha Cuthbert into.
Jesse Jane could have a decent career as an actor with a little work.
The guy who played the pirate hunter captain needs YEARS of acting lessons. Shat
ner's better than this guy.
What I could have done without was the thinly-veiled copy of the Pirates of the
Caribbean theme at the end, though.

Every night I torture myself,

Thinkin' of you, puttin' myself through hell.

Every night, I lie awake, and I'm torturin' myself,

Thinkin' of you, dyin' in this personal hell.
Readin' the words we wrote to each other,
Wonderin' where we went wrong,

HOLY FUCK. Ashley called the "Guide" out on being a girl. And it was Lianne. Tha
t was weird. I should tell her she was right and that it was my friend Lianne.

I kill myself a little bit every time I read a word Casey and I exchanged, and y
et I can't stop myself. I don't understand why I can't NOT read it. It makes my
heart clench and my stomach feel like it's filled with lead, but I can't stop my
Memories of the past are my drug, and I am addicted to them. I fear that it will
consume me, even when I have found a new love. I am afraid I will always wonder
"what if."

Find a way to work this in tomorrow on ML chat: I'm going to enjoy it when the f
ecal matter hits the oscillating blades.

Don't forget, need $5 for Saturday.

I don't know what we're afraid of,

Nothing would change if we made love

Portal 2 ad on Disney...pathetic.
SEED TO TRY: -1293644106920865080

The camgirls are here for their own entertainment. Demanding or requesting that
they do certain things is only more likely to make them leave and turn their cam
s off. Please let them enjoy themselves and what they do, and don't forget to ti

[17:31:22] <starrnicoletti> I can't see the main chat cause Im outside.

[17:31:22] <starrnicoletti> Lol
[17:31:28] <D34THROW> Bollocks xD
[17:31:34] <starrnicoletti> did you say something back to me?
[17:31:43] <starrnicoletti> bollocks?
[17:31:48] <D34THROW> I did not. I didn't even see that you had said something t
o me xD
[17:31:48] <starrnicoletti> whats that
[17:31:54] <starrnicoletti> Aha
[17:31:56] <D34THROW> Bollocks, i.e. bullshit, i.e. that sucks, etc.
[17:32:01] <starrnicoletti> Aha
[17:32:24] <starrnicoletti> I learn something new everyday
[17:32:30] <D34THROW> I have the same attitude :D
[17:32:34] <starrnicoletti> Aha
[17:32:36] <starrnicoletti> =]
[17:32:37] <starrnicoletti> Yay
[17:32:46] <D34THROW> Wonderful way to look at life.
[17:34:13] <starrnicoletti> Eh i don't look at life likethat
[17:34:15] <starrnicoletti> lol
[17:34:27] <starrnicoletti> brb
[17:40:33] <starrnicoletti> BACKKK
[17:41:13] <starrnicoletti> Ahhhhh
[17:41:27] <D34THROW> AHHHHH wat?
[17:41:42] <starrnicoletti> Jesse sooo sexy ahaha
[17:42:00] <starrnicoletti> thats the ahhh
[17:42:02] <starrnicoletti> lol
[17:42:09] <D34THROW> Jesse who? Your boobear?:
[17:42:16] <starrnicoletti> Yesss
[17:42:24] <starrnicoletti> Im staring athis picture
[17:42:42] <starrnicoletti> I can at that boy for hoursss
[17:43:00] <starrnicoletti> Lol
[17:43:04] <D34THROW> Lul.
[17:43:11] <D34THROW> I can stare at Selena Gomez and Naomi Scott for hours.
[17:43:22] <D34THROW> I could LISTEN to Naomi Scott for hours too...British acce
nts are my weakness.
[17:43:30] <starrnicoletti> Yesss
[17:43:45] <starrnicoletti> I love country accents they make me meltt
[17:44:00] <D34THROW> You sound like every girl in the history of girls.
[17:44:01] <D34THROW> xD
[17:44:06] <starrnicoletti> Aha
[17:44:07] <starrnicoletti> Nahh
[17:44:19] <D34THROW> Seriously, most of the girls I know are weak for Southern
[17:44:27] <D34THROW> Not because of the gentleman factor but because of the acc
[17:44:41] <D34THROW> Me...I'm weak for Irish, British, and Australian girls and
their accents.
[17:44:42] <starrnicoletti> Yess I know I lovethat
[17:44:53] <starrnicoletti> Ouu me to but with guys
[17:45:01] <starrnicoletti> where are you from?
[17:45:05] <D34THROW> Florida.
[17:45:15] <starrnicoletti> Awh no accent
[17:45:15] <starrnicoletti> Lol
[17:45:26] <D34THROW> lolnah
[17:45:47] <D34THROW> I USED to have a New England accent because of my parents,
but after speech therapy in elementary school, that went away.
[17:45:54] <D34THROW> Couple of the guys I play airsoft with thought I was from
New York.
[17:46:07] <D34THROW> I figure the New York thing comes from watching a shitton
of CSI:NY.
[17:46:10] <starrnicoletti> Awh that would be sexy if you sounded britsh
[17:46:14] <starrnicoletti> Aha
[17:46:19] <starrnicoletti> Thats sexy too
[17:46:35] <D34THROW> I went a week in middle school pretending I had a British
accent and then another pretending I had a Russian accent.
[17:46:37] <D34THROW> Lul.
[17:46:47] <starrnicoletti> Hot damnn
[17:46:49] <starrnicoletti> ahah
[17:47:24] <starrnicoletti> FOOOD<333
[17:47:31] <starrnicoletti> Lol
[17:47:32] <D34THROW> I'm hungry.
[17:47:38] <D34THROW> Funny you mention food now >_>
[17:47:38] <starrnicoletti> Me too
[17:47:39] <D34THROW> <_<
[17:47:45] <starrnicoletti> Aha
[17:47:47] <D34THROW> Water is supposed to make you LESS hungry.
[17:47:48] <starrnicoletti> sorry babyy
[17:47:50] <D34THROW> Just fills me up more.
[17:47:51] <starrnicoletti> Nahh
[17:47:55] <starrnicoletti> I know
[17:47:56] <D34THROW> Makes me hungrier*
[17:49:12] <starrnicoletti> Awh
[17:49:25] <starrnicoletti> I make you hungry?
[17:49:26] <starrnicoletti> Lol
[17:49:33] <D34THROW> Water makes me hungry.
[17:49:35] <D34THROW> You make me horny.
[17:49:36] <starrnicoletti> aHA
[17:49:37] D34THROW rimshot
[17:49:41] <starrnicoletti> Ahaha
[17:49:42] <D34THROW> Sorry, had to be done.
[17:49:43] <starrnicoletti> niceee
[17:49:47] <starrnicoletti> I know
[17:50:05] <starrnicoletti> Its kool
[17:50:21] <starrnicoletti> I apparently make alot of people horny
[17:50:22] <starrnicoletti> ahaha
[17:51:19] <starrnicoletti> Your just another to the list baby
[17:51:23] <starrnicoletti> lol
[17:51:33] <D34THROW> WHEE.
[17:52:27] <starrnicoletti> Aha
[17:52:41] <starrnicoletti> But Ill put you atthe top with the cutiesss
[17:52:49] <D34THROW> :D
[17:53:01] <starrnicoletti> And the ones that talk to me
[17:53:02] <starrnicoletti> aha
[17:53:40] <D34THROW> As opposed to the ones that just go YOU MAKE ME HORNY TAKE
[17:53:43] <D34THROW> *fapfapfapfapfap*
[17:53:48] <D34THROW> And then enver anotehr word.
[17:54:11] <starrnicoletti> Yess
[17:54:11] <starrnicoletti> ahaha
[17:54:19] <starrnicoletti> but you don't do that
[17:54:23] <starrnicoletti> Or do you?
[17:54:25] <starrnicoletti> 0.o
[17:54:27] <starrnicoletti> o.0
[17:54:32] <starrnicoletti> <.<
[17:54:44] <starrnicoletti> >.>
[17:54:59] <D34THROW> I don't.
[17:55:03] <starrnicoletti> GOOD
[17:55:05] <starrnicoletti> lol
[17:55:07] <D34THROW> I like to talk to girls before demanding they get naked fo
r me.
[17:55:10] <D34THROW> OH WAIT.
[17:55:13] <starrnicoletti> Ahaha
[17:55:13] <D34THROW> I don't demand nakedness.
[17:55:23] <starrnicoletti> I get nakie?
[17:55:25] <starrnicoletti> NEVER
[17:55:40] <D34THROW> That's what they ALLLLLLL say. Lul.
[17:55:48] <starrnicoletti> Aha
[17:55:51] <starrnicoletti> Okay okay
[17:56:03] <starrnicoletti> Ive shown my boobies a few timeees
[17:56:04] <starrnicoletti> ahaha
[17:56:46] <D34THROW> Sexy :D
[17:56:51] <starrnicoletti> aha
[17:56:53] <starrnicoletti> =]
[17:56:56] <starrnicoletti> i try
[17:57:39] <D34THROW> I really don't think you need to try ;)
[17:57:48] <D34THROW> Some girls are just naturally sexy with their confidence.
[17:57:58] <starrnicoletti> Aha I have non
[17:58:03] <starrnicoletti> none
[17:58:38] <D34THROW> Bullshit.
[17:58:45] <starrnicoletti> No
[17:58:45] <D34THROW> You seem to be confident o_O
[17:58:49] <starrnicoletti> Im not
[17:59:03] <starrnicoletti> far from it
[17:59:20] <starrnicoletti> I just agree when people call me sexy.
[17:59:32] <D34THROW> If you seem confident withotu being confident, I can't wai
t to see you when you ARE confident.
[17:59:32] <starrnicoletti> Cause its the internet
[17:59:37] <starrnicoletti> Aha
[17:59:39] <D34THROW> It would be like a confidence explosion and shit.
[17:59:48] <starrnicoletti> I guess
[18:00:06] <starrnicoletti> I have random times when I like damn Im sexy
[18:00:13] <starrnicoletti> But that rareee
[18:00:20] <D34THROW> And then you fap to yourself.
[18:00:22] <D34THROW> DON'T DENY IT!
[18:00:23] <D34THROW> I've done it.
[18:00:59] <starrnicoletti> Yes
[18:01:00] <starrnicoletti> ahaha
[18:01:11] <D34THROW> You have a great smile, by the way.
[18:01:33] <starrnicoletti> But most the time I just fap because some else is be
ing cute at me ahah
[18:01:35] <starrnicoletti> Thanks
[18:08:12] <starrnicoletti> DAR HATES ME
[18:08:15] <starrnicoletti> D=
[18:08:19] <D34THROW> BUT I DON'T!
[18:08:29] <D34THROW> We'll see if he hates me too.
[18:08:33] <starrnicoletti> ahaha
[18:08:49] <starrnicoletti> I think his p33ns out
[18:08:50] <starrnicoletti> lmfao
[18:08:56] <D34THROW> Yeah, he hates me.
[18:09:33] <starrnicoletti> Awh boo
[18:11:03] <starrnicoletti> You won't deny me will you?
[18:11:04] <starrnicoletti> aahha
[18:11:12] <D34THROW> How could I deny you?
[18:11:19] <starrnicoletti> Idk
[18:11:21] <starrnicoletti> ask dar
[18:11:30] <D34THROW> xD
[18:11:42] <D34THROW> You would be the third person on here to see my peen if I
showed the fap vid again.
[18:11:49] <D34THROW> I've been meaning to make a new one, actually.
[18:11:53] <D34THROW> Bless you.
[18:11:56] <starrnicoletti> Thanks
[18:11:57] <starrnicoletti> Lol
[18:12:10] <starrnicoletti> I WANNA SEEE
[18:12:12] <starrnicoletti> aha
[18:12:29] <D34THROW> Tomorrow...after I make a new fap vid...the other one isn'
t exactly flattering.
[18:12:31] <D34THROW> xD
[18:12:42] <starrnicoletti> Ahaha
[18:12:46] <starrnicoletti> Istill wanna see
[18:12:48] <starrnicoletti> lol
[18:12:59] <starrnicoletti> Its on here
[18:13:00] <D34THROW> Remind me tomorrow ;)
[18:13:02] <D34THROW> It's not on here, no.
[18:13:04] <starrnicoletti> Aha
[18:13:08] <D34THROW> I streamed it over webcam.
[18:13:08] <starrnicoletti> AWH BOO
[18:13:13] <D34THROW> In private.
[18:13:17] <D34THROW> For Kath and Cupcake.
[18:13:19] <starrnicoletti> BUT BUT BUT
[18:13:23] <starrnicoletti> BUT BUT BUT
[18:13:26] <starrnicoletti> i wanna see
[18:13:27] <starrnicoletti> lol
[18:13:40] <starrnicoletti> PWEASSS
[18:13:44] <D34THROW> Gimme a sec...
[18:13:47] <starrnicoletti> YAY
[18:13:50] <starrnicoletti> aha
[18:14:52] <D34THROW> You might be disappointed, though...
[18:15:02] <starrnicoletti> whys that?
[18:15:02] <D34THROW> 'Kay, my cam's up.
[18:15:09] <D34THROW> Because I'm a lardass.
[18:15:14] <starrnicoletti> Lol
[18:15:16] <starrnicoletti> Noo
[18:16:14] <starrnicoletti> Am I weird to say I like to see a guys face when the
y fap
[18:16:16] <starrnicoletti> lol
[18:16:25] <D34THROW> No, absolutely nothing wrong with that.
[18:16:29] <D34THROW> You'd love
[18:17:16] <starrnicoletti> whats on that site
[18:17:17] <D34THROW> starrnicoletti:
[18:17:21] <D34THROW> It's all faces.
[18:17:26] <D34THROW> It's all faces of people masturbating.
[18:17:35] <D34THROW> Sometimes you'll get a better vew in there, but it's mostl
y faces.
[18:17:40] <starrnicoletti> Aha
[18:18:11] <starrnicoletti> Im creepin on your cam ahahaha
[18:18:15] <D34THROW> It's almost done...
[18:18:30] <D34THROW> Hate my fucking O face.
[18:18:33] <D34THROW> HATE IT.
[18:18:35] <starrnicoletti> ahaha
[18:18:41] <starrnicoletti> Its fine
[18:18:46] <D34THROW> Fucking MagicJack commercial in the background -_-
[18:18:52] <D34THROW> No audio on the cam, but I'm hearing it.
[18:19:01] <starrnicoletti> Aha
[18:19:33] <starrnicoletti> Why no audio?
[18:19:35] <starrnicoletti> lol
[18:19:45] <starrnicoletti> I be pervinnn lmfao
[18:19:48] <D34THROW> Because Windows 7 doesn't get along with streaming audio f
rom a sound card.
[18:19:55] <starrnicoletti> GAY
[18:19:56] <starrnicoletti> ahaha
[18:20:04] <D34THROW> ikr
[18:20:21] <starrnicoletti> I like moans ahaha
[18:20:58] <D34THROW> I'd have to get a headphone jack splitter, then splice tog
ether two 3.5mm connectors, then stick my headphones into one side of the splitt
er, the spliced line into the other, and teh end of the spliced line into the mi
crophone jack.
[18:21:05] <D34THROW> If ever I upload a vid on here, I'm blacking out my face.
[18:21:15] <starrnicoletti> whyyy?
[18:21:23] <D34THROW> Because I don
[18:21:27] <D34THROW> FUCK
[18:21:32] <D34THROW> Because I don't know if someone I know is on here.
[18:21:32] <starrnicoletti> hmm?
[18:21:36] <D34THROW> >_>
[18:21:37] <starrnicoletti> Oh
[18:21:37] <D34THROW> <_<
[18:21:52] <D34THROW> I mean, I link to my FB from my ML and vice-versa.
[18:22:04] <D34THROW> 99.9% of the stuff I ever upload will be my own personal c
[18:22:07] <starrnicoletti> you have ML on your fb?
[18:22:14] <D34THROW> I have my profile link on there, yes.
[18:22:20] <D34THROW> Though I can always private the videos.
[18:22:28] <starrnicoletti> True
[18:22:48] <starrnicoletti> If you make another video I wanna see
[18:22:50] <starrnicoletti> lol
[18:22:57] <D34THROW> I probably will tonight ;)
[18:23:03] <starrnicoletti> nice.
[18:23:06] <D34THROW> Been meaning to for a couple of weeks.
[18:23:15] <D34THROW> This time I'm turning off the TV, though.
[18:23:17] <starrnicoletti> Well do itt
[18:23:21] <starrnicoletti> Ahha
[18:23:24] <D34THROW> No damn MagicJack commercial this time >:-O
[18:23:27] <starrnicoletti> the tv was on
[18:23:33] <starrnicoletti> ?
[18:23:35] <D34THROW> Yeah.
[18:23:41] <starrnicoletti> I didn't see it..
[18:23:48] <D34THROW> Yeah, because it's across from the foot of my bed.
[18:23:53] <starrnicoletti> Lol
[18:24:04] <starrnicoletti> you live on your own?
[18:24:09] <D34THROW> Nah, unfortunately.
[18:24:25] <D34THROW> Between money, lack of jobs in my area, and losing my scho
larships, I live with my parents >.<
[18:24:27] <starrnicoletti> Who do you live with?
[18:24:33] <starrnicoletti> Awh boo
[18:24:35] <starrnicoletti> Me too
[18:24:46] <D34THROW> But my room is set up weird.
[18:24:52] <starrnicoletti> How'd you loose your scholarship?
[18:24:55] <D34THROW> I have my bed, and next to that my computer on a boat tabl
[18:25:01] <D34THROW> I didn't go to class and therefore I failed said classes.
[18:25:10] <starrnicoletti> Lameee
[18:25:11] <D34THROW> Actually, I never went to my biochem class and I passed th
at with an A-.
[18:25:19] <starrnicoletti> Ahah
[18:25:20] <starrnicoletti> Niceee
[18:25:22] <D34THROW> Econ and chem I got a C without going.
[18:25:25] <D34THROW> Trig and calc I failed.
[18:25:38] <D34THROW> I don't know why the fuck I need trigofuckingnometry and f
ucking calc to work with computer hardware.
[18:25:45] <D34THROW> There is NO calculus involved in computer engineering.
[18:25:47] <D34THROW> None.
[18:25:50] <starrnicoletti> Im weird I want to see that video again =X
[18:26:05] <D34THROW> Lul.
[18:26:08] <starrnicoletti> Aha
[18:26:08] <D34THROW> let me restart WebcamMax.
[18:26:11] <starrnicoletti> Aha
[18:26:14] <starrnicoletti> okay.
[18:28:46] <starrnicoletti> I see nothing
[18:28:55] <starrnicoletti> lol
[18:28:58] <D34THROW> On my cam?
[18:29:01] <starrnicoletti> Yea
[18:29:02] <D34THROW> Try reloading it. Hmm.
[18:29:05] <starrnicoletti> Oh
[18:32:33] <starrnicoletti> Sorry Ive had the urge to say this since first saw t
he video last time
[18:32:40] <starrnicoletti> What what in the butt
[18:32:42] <starrnicoletti> lmfao
[18:32:42] <D34THROW> xD
[18:32:50] <D34THROW> I'm not going to use it this time around.
[18:32:59] <D34THROW> And I got it when I was curious. How you gonna go wrong fo
r 7 bucks?
[18:33:08] <starrnicoletti> What is it?
[18:33:18] <D34THROW> It's a 6.5-inch purple dildo.
[18:33:25] <starrnicoletti> Aha
[18:33:26] <starrnicoletti> Nice
[18:33:51] <starrnicoletti> I have a purple vibrator
[18:34:02] <starrnicoletti> But I think I broke it
[18:34:05] <D34THROW> DILDO BUDDIES!
[18:34:05] <starrnicoletti> D=
[18:34:09] <starrnicoletti> YESS!
[18:34:11] <starrnicoletti> ahah
[18:34:18] <D34THROW> Stupid question probably...but have you replaced the batte
[18:34:28] <starrnicoletti> Yes
[18:34:33] <starrnicoletti> Lol
[18:34:34] <D34THROW> How long ago did you get it?
[18:34:45] <D34THROW> If it's not too long, it might still be covered under warr
[18:35:18] <starrnicoletti> I did something with it that I probabl shouldn't of
and now the vibrate part doesn't work
[18:35:26] <starrnicoletti> Its like a year or 2 old
[18:35:39] <starrnicoletti> probably*
[18:35:53] <D34THROW> What'd you do with it?
[18:35:58] <D34THROW> Take it in the tub?
[18:36:02] <starrnicoletti> No
[18:36:17] <starrnicoletti> I got wet by sucking on it
[18:36:18] <starrnicoletti> aha
[18:36:34] <D34THROW> ...I don't see how that could have broken it.
[18:36:38] <starrnicoletti> and was doing that forr along time ahaha
[18:36:39] <D34THROW> And sucking things turns you on? o_O
[18:36:44] <starrnicoletti> Aha
[18:36:46] <starrnicoletti> Yea.
[18:36:47] <starrnicoletti> lmfao
[18:36:55] <D34THROW> Well, your pussy and your mouth are equally wet probably,
so it shouldn't...I don't know.
[18:37:00] <D34THROW> Maybe it was defective from the start.
[18:37:11] <starrnicoletti> I dropped it too
[18:37:12] <starrnicoletti> so
[18:37:13] <starrnicoletti> Idk
[18:37:18] <D34THROW> Maybe that did it.
[18:37:22] <D34THROW> Dislodged a connection.
[18:37:26] <D34THROW> They need adult toy repair shops.
[18:37:32] <starrnicoletti> LMFAO
[18:37:38] <D34THROW> You don't want to buy a Sybian or HItachi and then have it
break with no hope to repair.
[18:38:02] <starrnicoletti> I didn't buy it I made a friend buy it
[18:38:03] <starrnicoletti> lol
[18:38:16] <starrnicoletti> Im to scared to buy sex toys
[18:38:32] <D34THROW> Wai?
[18:38:37] <D34THROW> Do it on Amazon.
[18:38:40] <starrnicoletti> Aha
[18:38:47] <D34THROW> I want one of THESE for a sex toy:
[18:38:52] <starrnicoletti> So my parent open it
[18:39:09] <D34THROW> And I would probably get the removable shemale attachment.
[18:39:42] <starrnicoletti> Shemale? why?
[18:39:56] <D34THROW> Go look at my profile, then tell me :P
[18:40:01] <D34THROW> Specifically my uploads.
[18:40:23] <starrnicoletti> Idk how to find you
[18:40:35] <D34THROW> !profile D34THROW
[18:40:54] <D34THROW> GODDAMMIT
[18:41:02] <starrnicoletti> Do it in the lobby
[18:41:25] <D34THROW>
[18:43:51] <starrnicoletti> So you like girls with dicks?
[18:43:59] <D34THROW> They're a definite fetish of mine, yes :P
[18:44:34] <starrnicoletti> Thats different
[18:44:43] <D34THROW> Eh. It's more common than you'd think.
[18:45:01] <D34THROW> A lot of the guys that like traps and shemales mostly like
to top them.
[18:45:04] <D34THROW> And I'm one of them.
[18:45:09] <D34THROW> Not that I've ever been with one >><
[18:45:17] <starrnicoletti> Why not?
[18:45:27] <D34THROW> Eh.
[18:45:30] <D34THROW> Not a lot in my area.
[18:45:33] <D34THROW> And I don't trust Craigslist.
[18:46:04] <starrnicoletti> Good!
[18:46:58] <D34THROW> It's fun to go on and see what people want, but I wouldn't
hook up with someone from Craigslist.
[18:47:01] <starrnicoletti> Ive watch shemale videos just to see what it is
[18:47:11] <D34THROW> Actually, a good intro for fucking a trap would be fucking
a chick with a strapon.
[18:47:18] <D34THROW> Kind of a best-of-both-worlds thing o_O
[18:47:29] <D34THROW> I'M A GENIUS~!
[18:47:35] <starrnicoletti> Aha
[18:47:39] <starrnicoletti> True
[18:47:51] <starrnicoletti> that kinda sounds hot
[18:47:54] <D34THROW> Though she would have to be willing to do the anal thing.
[18:47:57] <starrnicoletti> In a weird way
[18:48:13] <D34THROW> I like you more and more by the minute, starr :P
[18:48:32] <D34THROW> When did you go private earlier o_O
[18:48:50] <starrnicoletti> ahaha
[18:48:54] <starrnicoletti> uhhhhh
[18:48:58] <starrnicoletti> no reason
[18:48:58] <starrnicoletti> lol
[18:49:11] <D34THROW> Bein' nice to Jesse? :P
[18:49:21] <starrnicoletti> Hes no on this shit
[18:49:28] <starrnicoletti> site*
[18:49:34] <D34THROW> Well, shit is accurate too.
[18:49:47] <starrnicoletti> Lol
[18:49:52] <D34THROW> I hope any girl I date/marry is willing to join ML with me
[18:49:57] <D34THROW> And do shit on cam with me and to me.
[18:50:04] <starrnicoletti> HOT!
[18:50:11] <starrnicoletti> I wanna watch ;D
[18:50:12] <D34THROW> Yes. Yes it is.
[18:50:26] <D34THROW> Kinda feels like I'll be forever alone at the moment thoug
h xD
[18:50:32] <starrnicoletti> awh
[18:50:38] <starrnicoletti> Id date ya ;D
[18:50:41] <D34THROW> Every attractive girl in my area is either underage or in
a relationship.
[18:50:42] <starrnicoletti> <33
[18:50:42] <D34THROW> :D
[18:50:47] <D34THROW> That makes me happy :)
[18:50:47] <starrnicoletti> Awh
[18:50:52] <starrnicoletti> yay!
[18:51:41] <D34THROW> Basically this: starrnicoletti
[18:52:14] <starrnicoletti> that behot
[18:52:24] <D34THROW> Wait until a few minutes in.
[18:52:26] <starrnicoletti> Even though Im super shit
[18:52:31] <D34THROW> Shy?
[18:52:33] <D34THROW> You mean?
[18:52:34] <starrnicoletti> Lol
[18:52:35] <starrnicoletti> Yea
[18:52:36] <starrnicoletti> ahaha
[18:52:37] <D34THROW> See.
[18:52:44] <D34THROW> This vid was recorded after another one.
[18:52:56] <D34THROW> Sunday before last, ane brought her friend over.
[18:52:58] <D34THROW> They fucked.
[18:53:03] <starrnicoletti> aha
[18:53:04] <D34THROW> Pepper capped and played on his cam after they were done.
[18:53:04] <starrnicoletti> Nice
[18:53:10] <starrnicoletti> I didn
[18:53:17] <D34THROW> They got horny because of that, which started this little
quickie I linked you to.
[18:53:19] <starrnicoletti> wasn't onthis site then
[18:53:24] <starrnicoletti> when not the chat
[18:54:07] <D34THROW> Damn, I can't find the original.
[18:54:45] <starrnicoletti> I need to not see porn or anything sexual right now
[18:54:47] <starrnicoletti> LMFAO
[18:54:57] <D34THROW> YOU ISH HORNEH
[18:55:06] <starrnicoletti> Yea
[18:55:08] <starrnicoletti> ahaha
[18:55:26] <D34THROW> And I've got to be goin', unfortunately. Don't have intern
et at home, so I'm sitting by the pool, and dinner's about to start, so I must l
eave until tomorrow.
[18:55:35] <D34THROW> I will see you later, beatiful!
Bieber on Lopez Tonight AGAIN?

Cannot help but laugh at Dancing Bear.

SEED: Quesadila -8 64 29
SEED: Outset Island 12 65 227

Suggest webcam for ML chat set up at the inno/innoman wedding.

Some Staham/Li movie.

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