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GRE Barons WL-7

No. Word Root Meaning Word Meaning

1 blunder ------- ------- error
2 blurt ------- ------- utter impulsively
3 bluster ------- ------- blow in heavy gusts
4 bode ------- ------- foreshadow
5 bogus ------- ------- counterfeit
6 bohemian ------- ------- unconventional
7 bolster ------- ------- support
8 bolt ------- ------- dash or dart off
9 bombardment imitaion of a sound attack
10 bombastic bombax cotton pompous
11 boon bon prayer blessing
12 boorish ------- ------- rude
13 bouillon ------- ------- clear beef soup
14 bountiful ------- ------- abundant
15 bourgeois ------- ------- middle class
16 bovine bovus cow cow like
17 bowlderize eponym (check website) expurgate
18 boycott eponym (check website) refrain from using or buying
19 brackish ------- ------- somewhat saline
20 braggadocio ------- ------- boasting
21 braggart ------- ------- boaster
22 brandish ------- ------- flourish
23 bravado ------- ------- assumed air of defiance
24 brawn ------- ------- muscular strength
25 brazen ------- ------- insolent
26 breach ------- ------- breaking of contract
27 breadth ------- ------- width
28 brevity brevis short conciseness
29 brindled ------- ------- grayish with spots
30 bristling ------- ------- rising like bristles
31 brittle ------- ------- easily broken
32 broach ------- ------- introduce
33 brocade ------- ------- rich,figured frabic
34 brochure ------- ------- pamphlet
35 brooch ------- ------- ornamental clasp
36 brook ------- ------- endure,tolerate
37 browbeat ------- ------- bully
38 browse ------- ------- graze
39 brunt ------- ------- shock
40 brusque ------- ------- abrupt
41 buccaneer ------- ------- pirate
42 bucolic bovus cow rustic
meal at which people support themselves
43 buffet ------- ------- /knock about
44 buffoonery imitaion of a sound clowning
45 bugaboo ------- ------- bugbear
GRE Barons WL-7

46 bullion bullus gold gold and silver in the form of bars

47 bulwark ------- ------- earthwork or other strong defence
48 bungle ------- ------- blunder
49 buoyant ------- ------- able to float
overregulated administrative system marked
50 bureaucracy bureau office by red tape
51 burgeon ------- ------- grow forth
52 burlesque ------- ------- give an imitation that ridicules
53 burnish ------- ------- polish
54 buttress ------- ------- support
55 buxom ------- ------- plump
small group of persons secretly united to
56 cabal ------- ------- promote their own interest
57 cache agere drive hiding place
58 cacophonous phonos sound discordant
59 cadaver cadere fall corpse
60 cadaverous cadere fall like a corpse
61 cadence cadere fall rhythmic rise and fall
62 cadge ------- ------- beg
63 cajole ------- ------- coax
64 calamity ------- ------- disaster
65 calculated ------- ------- deliberately planned
66 caldron calere warm large kettle
67 calligraphy graphein write beautiful writing
68 callous callum hard skin hardened
69 callow ------- ------- youthful
70 calorific calere warm heat producing
71 calumny ------- ------- malicious misrepresentation
72 camarderie camera chamber good fellowship
star's special appearance in a minor role in a
73 cameo ------- ------- film
74 camouflage ------- ------- conceal
75 canard from the bird canary false story
76 candor candere shine frankness
77 canine canus dog related to dogs
78 canker cancer crab any ulcerous sore
79 canny ------- ------- shrewd
80 canon ------- ------- collection or authoritative list of books
81 cant cant sing insincere expressions of piety
82 cantankerous cant sing irritable
83 cantata cant sing story set to music,to be sung by a chorus
84 canter cant sing slow gallop

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