Gre WL 08

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GRE Barrons WL-08

No. Word Root Meaning Word Meaning

1 canto cant sing division of long poem
2 canvass canabis hemp determine or seek opinions
3 capacious capere sieze spacious
4 capacity capere sieze mental or physical ability
5 capillary having a fine bore
6 capitulate capere sieze surrender
7 caprice caput head whim
8 capricious caput head unpredictable
9 caption caput head title
10 captious ------- ------- fault finding
11 carafe ------- ------- glass water bottle
12 carapace ------- ------- shell covering the back
13 carat ------- ------- unit of weight for precious stones
14 carcinogenic carc cancer causing cancer
15 cardinal cardin hinge chief
16 cardiologist cord heart a doctor specialising in treating the ailments of heart
17 careen ------- ------- sway from side to side
18 caricature ------- ------- distort
19 carillon ------- ------- a set of bells capable of being played
20 carnage carn flesh destruction of life
21 carnal carn flesh fleshy
22 carnivorous carn flesh meat eating
23 carousal ------- ------- drunken revel
24 carping ------- ------- petty criticism
25 carrion carn flesh rotting flesh of a dead body
26 cartographer carto map map maker
27 cascade cedere fall small waterfall
28 caste castus pure one of the hereditary classes in Hindu society
29 castigation castus pure punishment
30 casualty cedere fall serious or fatal accident
31 cataclysm cata down deluge
32 catalyst cata down agent that influences the pace of chemical reaction
33 catapult cata down hurling machine
34 cataract cata down great waterfall
35 catastrophe cata down calamity
36 catcall ------- ------- shout of disapproval
37 catechism cata down book for religious instruction
38 categorical agora market place without exceptions
39 catharsis katharos pure purging or cleansing of any passage of the body
40 cathartic katharos pure purgative
41 catholic universal religion universal
private meeting of members of a party to select officers or
42 caucus ------- ------- determine policy
43 caulk ------- ------- to make watertight
44 causal causa reason implying a cause-effect relationship
GRE Barrons WL-08

45 caustic caut burn burning

46 cauterize caut burn burn with hot iron
47 cavalcade caval horse procession
48 cavalier caval horse casual and offhand
49 cavil ------- ------- make frivolous objections
50 cede cedere fall yield
51 celerity celer speed speed
52 celestial celes stars heavenly
53 celibate ------- ------- abstaining from sexual intercourse
54 censor ------- ------- edit
55 censorious ------- ------- critical
56 censure ------- ------- blame
57 centaur Greek mythology mythical figure
58 centigrade centum hundred denoting a widely used temperature scale
59 centrifugal centrum center radiating
60 centrifuge centrum center a machine that seperates substances by whirling them
61 centripetal centrum center tending toward the center
62 centurion centum hundred roman army officer
63 cerebral cerbrum brain pertaining to the brain
64 cerebration cerbrum brain thought
65 certitude cert sure certainty
66 cessation cessare stop stoppage
67 cession cessare stop yielding
68 chafe calere warm warm by rubbing
69 chaff ------- ------- worthless products of an endeavor
70 chaffing ------- ------- joking
71 chagrin Shagreen (leather skin) vexation
72 chalice ------- ------- goblet
73 chameleon leon lion lizard that changes colour in different situatiions

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